#there's just SOMETING about this potential dynamic
lmelodie · 4 months
The Four Seasons
Aka: Things About Jack and Mother Nature That I Totally Made Up But Drive Me Absolutely CRAZY BATSHIT INSANE. For Mother's Day!
Jack learned how to avalanche surf from her. He saw her surf down a massive rockslide once and went I WANNA DO THAT! SHOW ME NOW!!
The one and only ability that they share in its entirety is Wind Shifting (turning one's form into wind/air fronts). Mother Nature has a lot of variations of this ability, with leaves and petals and clouds and such, while Jack just has the snowy version.
And this is the first ability she ever taught him, out of necessity for fast travel when taking over seasonal duties.
They used to go for casual flights like this, and the whispering winds myth came about from these two talking while flying.
The other very small thing that they share is that Jack can actually hear Evergreens! In the same way that MN can hear all plants/flora, Jack has the same thing but only with evergreens, and very very faintly with mountains. But only if he sits up at a certain altitude where it snows, and only then it's more like a murmur.
Using the wind power thing, Jack has actually broken MN's wind speed record ONCE (1). He got real buck wild during the Blizzard of 1934 in Washington that year and capped out at 231 mph.
But he was such an ANNOYING SORE WINNER about it for actual DECADES that Mother Nature shut him right the hell up and beat THAT record with her own 253 mph winds in Australia and 1996. She still reigns supreme to this day.
Father Time sees a lot of similarities between the two and often regards both their intelligence and ambition as the most obvious to him.
Mother Nature got Jack into music/singing. There's a whole passage about how this came about reserved for the CC finale but it's my favorite thing.
They both cannot STAND the groundhog. He's a magical enigma and buts in with his own weather advice and annoy the both of them to no end.
When Jack was created Mother Nature's temperature regulation went kinda out of whack, so without any winter magic in her system she tends to run warm and is prone to heat flashes and overheats easier than before (Exacerbated by global warming).
She's the one that got him into music/singing when he was still very young, before he could permafrost. He got hooked on it as an art form/hobby from the beginning and I have a little passage about it right here! It's meant to show up somewhere in the CC finale but it's actually my favorite thing.
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She doesn't sing very much at all in public, not for an audience at any rate. It’s mostly reserved as a self-soothing habit she indulges in when alone. But the crowd tonight is amped, and they haven't heard her sing in centuries, in this instance it would be impossible to say no. The soft piano and building orchestrals cue her intro and the collective skins of all who were present ignited with goosebumps. Shivers up spines and a pang in their chests. The heavens open. The instrumental in the background gives way and makes room for her voice. Confidently ringing out to all corners of the tower with a powerful vibrato. But it also carries a sad current of sentimentality that softens the edge just a bit. Lucy and Charlie were just as enthralled as the rest of the public, not even daring to utter a noise during any of this. But Jack standing next to them was frozen in place, haunted looking.  A deep and ancient recognition lighting his eyes, a voice from his “youth” he never truly forgot but hasn't heard in a long time. Too long. Hearing every word as if it was the only noise in the room, forgetting where he actually was for just a moment. An instant, catapulted back in time. Shaking him to his severed core. He went looking for Mother Nature for a reason that has been lost to him for millennia, went searching for her in the meadows she frequents but he found Father Time instead. He was sitting on the ground with his back against a large birch tucked in the tree line, his eyes peacefully closed.  Jack was not afraid about ruining his moment and was going to ask where the council head had gone to but was promptly shushed by Father Time’s staff waving at him. He didn't say anything but put a single finger to his lips and mimed for him to listen. It took him a few attempts at starting a sentence before he finally kept quiet. And when he stopped, and strained, this was the voice he heard. Dulled by some innocuous distance away, but a voice like liquid gold that resonated with something intrinsic in his being that he could not explain. With only the birds and the breeze as her accompaniment.  A voice, a song that he couldn't forget if he tried. He remembers sitting with Father Time and just, listening to her sing. A habit that Mother Nature couldn't ever shake and a guilty pleasure that Father Time had developed. To sit and listen to her when she was harmlessly unaware.  Jack remembers that moment, that single instance of secretly listening to the woman sing, clear as still water. One never really forgets a moment such as that when their mother is the central pillar of their whole world. The awe of the moment crashes into him again in the present, causing his heart to skip a beat when the instruments fade back in. But the scariest thing was how unchanged she sounds. His memory of a time he used to wish long forgotten was still perfectly correct. She sounds incredible.
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daistea · 2 months
Okay, so you know how there's like, canon racism? (I'm not sure if that's the best word) between long lived and short lived species
Short-lived races are often infantalised, and theres even a canon lil manga panel they drew about how interspecies romance is viewed from both sides.
There's a manga panel where the canaries talk about what you should refer to short-lived races as with Mithrun saying they used to just refer to them as inferior back in his day (I love how offended the canaries look and how the fandom started using the "okay grandpa" meme for him after it.)
(I believe you've reposted both of them, so I'm assuming you already have thoughts™️ on this in that brilliant noggin of yours.)
How do you think this would tie with Mithrun either having feelings or being in a relationship with a human? Like, yes, he's just a product of his society, and he would probably try and change, but I feel like there's just a potential for such interesting dynamics and, like, thought disection.
Sorry for the long ramble, this got slightly out of hand
! Hehe
Disclaimer: My intent is to dissect Mithrun’s weird mindset and how the lack of desires affects his view of other races. Saying “it’s just how he was raised” is no excuse for irl people.
I think the whole ‘inferior species’ response is a learned belief for Mithrun. As you said, he’s a product of his culture, despite not caring to adhere to his culture’s expectations anymore.
But I also think he truly doesn’t care. Like it’s a fact to him, short lived races are inferior, he feels no particular way about it because that’s just how things are. He wouldn’t give any thought about those social issues unless it was presented to him, then he’d speak his beliefs emotionlessly because, to him, they’re undeniable facts and there’s no issue.
If he fell in love with someone short-lived, though, I think it would set him off kilter a bit. He wouldn’t care what it looks like, or what others or society thinks. However…. It��s a challenge to what he was raised to believe. I don’t think he’d hesitate in the least, but he would be a bit insensitive to your differences at first, without meaning to.
Like, as an elf he views time very differently. You have to remind him how much more quickly things move for you, that he can’t take years to tackle a problem because you don’t have those years to spare.
He would still consider all short lived races inferior, and he’ll openly say that. He’s not ardently racist for the fun of it, but he’d make comments like ‘huh. A lot of those types here’ and you’re like sweetheart what? If applicable to the conversation, he won’t hesitate to call them inferior. Then he’d look at you and say ‘except for you’ which actually just makes things worse. Feels a bit ingenuine.
You explain to him that he can’t say those things. Honestly, he doesn’t really care at first. He’s like ‘well it’s fact.’ But once you express that that sucks and it hurts and genuinely upsets you, he’s like okay. Okay. He doesn’t get it still, but he’ll watch what he says.
I think he’d make an effort, in his own way, to start understanding. He’d hang around your family and friends. He’d connect with them on personal levels. And remember, his beliefs don’t feel personal to him, so it’s not like he hates anyone. He just doesn’t care to sympathize. But he cares about you, and one of his few desires is to give you what you want. So, he’ll try to defy his cultural upbringing for you.
As for falling in love with someone of a short lived race, like I said it would throw him off a little. He’d not think too hard about it, but in the back of his mind he’s like ‘am I okay?’ LOL
But it’s you. You’re you. He wants you so he’s not going to let race stop him.
It’s only when you explain like ‘Mithrun my culture and race has built who I am as a person and you can’t choose to be blind to that just because you like me’ when he decides to try a bit.
There’s also the lifespan thing. That’s his biggest issue. Sometimes, he looks at you and thinks ‘they’re going to die in 50 years’ and he holds you a little tighter, but doesn’t bother explaining why. It is not good for him. He’s attached, and detaching is not an option. He has no idea what he’s going to do.
Poor old man
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oddballwriter · 2 years
I am ✨ill✨ but bein a good sport about it- Day three, and I’m no longer feeling too hot or too cold, the chills are gone! Progress! If this hasn’t gotten requested yet, could I request hcs with the EMH boys and the MH boys with a partner who’s sick?
Warnings: mentions of being sick, taking medicine, and being contagious 
Author’s Snip: I love these types of prompts. They feel so nice to read. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Marble Hornets
Jay will honestly just leave you be when you're sick
He will check up on you regularly to make sure you don't get worse
He's less of an actively taking are of you type of person but he still helps
He's more quiet so that you can take a nap to rest and regain energy, gets more soups and foods that help with being sick, lets you have some of his jackets or sweaters if you want one
He's very supporting but he will leave you do do what you need
That is unless you are absolutely bedridden
He's never had to take care of or deal with a sick person so he kinda has to try is best
For himself, he just takes some medicine and takes a nap to make it go away and just sits it out
But obviously he knows that not everyone can do that
He does his best in making sure that you have all the things that you need
He seems like the type to know about a million remedies for being sick
I talked in other posts that he likes taking care of you and sort of having a dynamic that he likes to have all the time
So he doesn't really say no, ever
He makes you all kinds of things. Soup, tea, all that
makes you rest and take it easy the whole time just so you don't waste your strength
If you want to cuddle with him, he won't exactly say no
Yes, he knows that he could catch it too but then again, you're cold, and he's very warm
Soooo... yeah he's willing to take that risk
And hey, if he gets sick, he know that you'll have his back too
He'll take care of you, but at a distance
He hates getting sick
He's not really an asshole about it
It's just that with being a film maker and all of that, being sick and be a pretty big set back
So he does make you soup and sets aside medicine for you
But he will let you handle some things on your own just to minimize the possibility of him catching it getting sick as well
When you're less contagious he's more open to interacting and getting rid of the distance
This man takes care of you
Regardless of how small your symptoms are
He makes sure that you don't get too hot or cold, makes food and soups that are helpful in getting you any nutrients that you might be losing, and taking medicine that helps get you better and relieve your symptoms
Checks up on you every so often
Tells you to stay in bed if you're full on sick and won't stop till you are completely better
He tells you not to worry about potentially getting him sick, I hc him as a person who hardly gets sick
So he has no worries himself while treating you
He also takes care of you very throughly when you're sick
The moment he hears you sniffle or cough he's on you're ass /pos
He pretty much does the same as Ev with making sure you take medicine and eat well along with tending to anything like your body temp
Jeff isn't really afraid of getting sick so he will hold you and give you a kiss on the forehead if you want that
He makes you rest a whole bunch since it's one of the best ways to pass a sickness and also get energy back
I'm not calling him a germaphobe or an asshole or anything
But he would not be around you at all when you're sick, even if you just have a small cold
Vin will check up on you every once in a while just to make sure you aren't dying over there
If it's really kicking your ass then he will help you out in taking medicine and having something to eat
He just sort of leaves you be and handle it on your own unless he thinks that you can't
You can ask him to help with something and he'll do it but he really won't do it unless you ask
He won't kiss you though, he doesn't want to get sick as well
Cause that will benefit no one
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
The other problem with 'my fave did nothing wrong' is that characters can do wrong in one sense and do the right thing in another.
If Cinder hadn't have gone after the Winter Maiden power, the direct consequence of that would've been Winter using the Maiden meat puppet machine that is obviously a terrible no-good bad thing, and Penny wouldn't have been the Winter Maiden. Cinder's a necessary agent to stop that, in a perverse way you might even say she's essentially part of righting the cycle of the Maiden powers. Actually - yes. I completely buy that, because she sets in motion the urgency of the Maiden power musical chairs game, and she is, in that messed up way of hers, responsible for Amber and everything that follows thereafter, but all of it is necessary pain and destruction to set the cycle of the Maiden powers becoming corrupted, right - which in turn represents the Ozlem wound at the heart of the story!
Which is obviously fabulous, because she's the one with a fucked up perception of them already. Realising the redemption of the power through her own perspective etc. is genius.
Even Fria's death (and demonstration of power) is not something that is framed as a purely negative event, in fact it's a natural good death - she lived her life fully through the triple-goddess cycle of Maiden, Mother, Crone - and isn't left in the Maiden meat puppet machine. So there is clearly some mixed sense of goodness and badness emerging here.
But it's 'wrong' in the sense that Cinder's own motivation for going after the power is misplaced, and it's 'wrong' in the sense she's not meant to have it, and it's 'wrong' in the sense that she's acting under the guise of villainy (in contrast to Ironwood's apparent heroism... Ironwood is a 'hero' doing moral badness - Cinder is a 'villain' doing moral goodness).
You can see how eliding an action in the story into either good or bad actually means you can't really talk about it in the sense that it's actually intended. But equally you've got that problem is that if a character claims to be good (verbally or is considered a hero) everything they do is good, and if they claim to be bad (verbally or is considered a villain) everything they do is bad, which is where I think this type of narrative complexity suffers, because a lot of people will decide to judge the moral actions based on their perceived characteristics and fitting their narrative actions to that. So it's not even just about stan culture but something underlying fitting a character trait to their actual narrative actions. To be totally fair - protagonist-centred morality is totally a thing, and in some cases it works and in a lot of cases it doesn't. That it's actively (and probably a little too obviously) explored with Ironwood is interesting to me.
But 'my fave did nothing wrong' is a natural response if you're on the defense about your fave and in addition to that if you're already uncomfortable with moral complexity but want to enjoy a naughty villain who's not too naughty it's easy to slide into. That's why there are such urgent boundaries drawn between Cinder and Emerald, Cinder and Winter, Cinder and Raven, etc., characters considered to be receiving redemption arcs but are a little too similar to Cinder in terms of narrative potential for redemption, and why comparing them is automatically made to be untouchable territory. That or it's just a case of unlikability, because they're not all the same emotional archetypes.
But to me moral complexity is most interesting, especially in characters who are set up for a redemption arc that recontextualise the moral dynamics and goals of the story - in Cinder's redemption arc, nonviolence, redemption, healing, forgiveness, are naturally embedded into it, and it sets up the final answers to the story, so finding where she is doing 'good' things that are considered 'bad' (especially if they embody Fall Maiden ideals of Choice) when later she will be a 'bad person' who transforms into something beyond good and bad, someone who will redeem herself, is very interesting to me. Which is why I don't want to play that game of saying she did nothing wrong.
Most importantly, a redemption arc happens as a consequence of badness; can't redeem someone if they were never bad.
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jabitha-endgame · 3 years
Hey! I'm a new Jabitha shipper and I wanted to say I really like your blog, Far by the best Jabitha blog in Tumblr. I really love the dynamic and chemistry of Jabitha and oh god, I'm so glad Jughead finally found someone who actually cares for him. Tabitha is far by the best character now and Jughead deserves her so much. But one thing didn't sit well with me. The fact that Tabitha asked him to move in with her at their very first date seemed very rushed if you tell me. Like, Riverdale's style has never been slow burn tbh but even for Riverdale's standards, I felt they moved this too fast. I just wished the writers had taken time to spin their story beautifully giving them all the love they deserve. Every couple has a different rhythm, sure, and Jabitha is definitely endgame, but moving in so quick, like first date quick, is just not a very smooth move in a relationship. Things could start getting awry and mess up although I certainly hope that's not the case for Jabitha. I think the whole fandom would agree on the fact that the writers are terrible and despite the fact that they finally chose the right couple, I wish they would have taken it slower, that makes the relationship much more beautiful. Your thoughts on this matter?
Thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoy my Jabitha craziness! 😊
putting my response under a read more because it got really long
I think that by Riverdale standards, the writers have done everything right with this couple. Now like you said, it's not perfect, and maybe moving in together is a little fast, but to me that just shows how serious they are about each other (after an entire season of development). To me, it seems like the writers' way of having them explicitly committed to each other, Jabitha is real and it isn't going anywhere, they are starting to plan a future together.
It's not like they are immediately moving in together after having no relationship to each other. God knows you shouldn't try to rationalize the timeline on this show, but Tabitha said her lease would be up in the fall, and I think Jughead said they've all been back a year at this point, so they'll have known each other for over a year. Plus, he's already met her parents 😆, her grandpa loves him (and vice versa), and she has already seen him at his worst and continued to care for him anyway.
I actually don't even feel that it's that "fast", given that we've had all of this development with them throughout the entire season. Their "first date" comes after all this other stuff that has happened between them, and their romantic relationship didn't just start with their makeup/redo dinner date. (I put "first date" in quotes because Jughead and Tabitha don't call it that, they just say they never got to "finish their date" - this is something the fandom has prescribed to that moment to make it seem like the relationship is rushed in an effort to invalidate their decision to move in together. For all we know, their first date could have been Cheryl's key party, or when they were playing darts in the Whyte Worm, or when they went to the Pussycats concert together.)
As far as worrying about things going awry, Jabitha is more than solid at this point, there are no chinks in their armor. I don't see moving in together as something that could potentially break them up. What would the reason be? They don't argue, they have beautiful communication, and they take care of each other - living together wouldn't make all of those things change.
Personally, I see having Jabitha moving in together as more of a narrative setup to have these characters come together more often and be in the same place. However, given that Jabitha is a romantic relationship, it definitely can be inferred that this also means they want to be close(r) to each other and I don't think that's a bad thing for them at this point in their relationship. Jughead won't just be moving into her place (like Varchie tried), Tabitha's lease is up - they are going to find something new together, it'll be something new for them to share.
And as we've seen this season, moving people in together allows for those characters to start being in more scenes together - it seems to be a much more plot oriented choice than saying something about those relationships. Britta moved into Cherly's house and suddenly Britta is playing chess with Cherly, and working for her in the mines, casting a spell with her, and coming with her to the town meeting. Toni moves in with Fangs and they start to share scenes in their place.
Also, no one thought it would be fast for Varchie to move in together despite them being apart for 7 years, not being in a romantic relationship with each other since highschool, and Veronica just getting out of a marriage where she had to kill her husband. We saw Veronica wanted to move in with Archie, but rather than commit to her and their relationship, Archie wanted Veronica to move in with him and his 3 roommates!! If we compare the two different responses between Varchie and Jabitha - two romantic couples- one was clearly being set up for failure while Tabitha and Jughead are making each other a priority in their lives.
Because the setup for s6 is that Jughead is now going to work at the school (and presumably no longer at Pop's), and Tabitha will continue to work at Pop's, having them move in together and share an apartment gives them a space where their interactions will happen (since Jabitha is being built to last) now that they both won't be at Pop's all the time.
Having a "Jabitha home base" gives them a narrative space all to themselves (like Pop's used to be). In all honesty, it could be more of a narrative decision just to have those two characters be somewhere together often, now that they are working in different places.
Long story short, I think it's mostly a narrative choice to put them in a place to share all their scenes, but also it's a perfectly acceptable next step in their relationship given what we have seen all season!
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Love Reading 🏳️‍⚧️- August 2022 - Sagittarius
Overall energy: 7 Swords
How you will meet: The World
How they will treat you: 3 Wands
Long-term Potential: 9 Cups
This person comes up as 7 Swords, clarified by 3 & 7 Cups. One of you are already with someone and this is definitely an online thing, and doubtfully you or they are the only one being talked to, there are others. Your person has “cannot handle reality”, which leads me more to gaming if you’re a gamer, or some kind of fantasy hobby, they’re probably involved in that. They live a long distance from you, it’s not right next door, so this is an extremely slow moving connection with Knight of Pentacles & The Hermit. You also may be friends, which poses an issue because your person may be more shy or avoidant and definitely doesn’t want to mess things up. You think they’re hot 😍 so hopefully they know that.
They’re waiting on you, they are not the personality to flirt a lot or rush in with passion, they are more avoidant and awkward, it’s why their cards are the way they are. They hope you’re that person, but you aren’t either. You two are cute. You aren’t messaging anything sexy and neither are they, though both want to, so I’m not quite sure HOW this is going anywhere, BUT: Future Potential: it’s possible it actually goes somewhere!
The messages are meh, they seem to describe the slow burn period, to give clarification most likely. The initial back and forth is frustrating, distance is frustrating, not speaketh-ing your feelings brah, is frustrating 😆, possible outside parties are too, it’s a lot & time is needed. Definitely not overnight, this is like a long nurtured connection with someone you’ll someday see in person, possibly during or after one of you has gone through something that hurts & is very difficult, the other one will come. I don’t see many of you having this story at all, maybe one person. But it’s actually a very sweet connection that’s worthwhile and ends in everything you want, victory & success ❤️
Messages -
Their side:
- I value our bond.
- Cannot Handle Reality 😵‍💫
Your side:
- You make me so HOT 🥵
- Blaming You 💯
- I need a break from this.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo & Sagittarius
Overall energy: The Fool
Current: Knight of Wands
Challenge: 2 Pentacles
Potential: 8 Wands rev
Travel seems to be the most important event this month, and it’s none too planned either. Something with this is very impulsive and rushed, but exciting. You spend a lot of time fantasizing about all of your options but never really…scheduling the thing, booking a hotel, whatever it may be. The challenge is you end up with way too much to do, Judgement calls out that this keeps happening and you’re not learning to do it differently, you keep just YOLO’ing or something. Could be your person too. Your challenge is a repeat of challenges you’ve had before and will continue having until it gets through to you in some way. For a small few of you, someone could be returning that’s caused issues and you’ve stopped interacting with before. They could be someone overly judgmental, could be family related. Being a challenge, it’s probably a repeat of the same dynamic it was before.
The potential is something not working out. So if you planned on traveling, the whole thing may have been rushed or things were forgotten, 8 Wands rev is no movement in that area, or no messages for the person coming back. Clarified by 3 Cups & The Sun, it could be a friend or family reunion you’re missing, some happy plans with those you’re close with. For the repeat person, you’re not messaging because you’re happy and don’t want to deal with it. Or it can be that whatever doesn’t work out is fine with you both and you guys are happy regardless 😊 Your card is moving out and moving on, it’s definitely more the moving on factor, whatever situation is coming back around you’re like no thanks, pass, and that’s the end of it. Or they are. IF this is work, or family, and you’re putting off doing something or canceling in order to have fun or party, you could be facing Judgement for that. Or your person is. If that’s the case and you’re playing hooky, then it’s been done before and others are onto this dynamic, just be mindful of that.
Messages -
Their side:
- I have to figure out what I want.
- I’ve never met anyone like you.
Your side:
- Moving Out & Moving On
- Best of Intentions
Oracles -
Their side: Be proud of the body you’re in. After all, the outside is not you.
Your side: You can have a partner you love, but don’t forget all the other loves, such as friends, family, pets, and so on.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio & Cancer
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comicteaparty · 5 years
July 22nd-July 28th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from July 22nd, 2019 to July 28th, 2019.  The chat focused on Tales of Midgard: The Age of Magic by Attila Polyák and Erzsébet Schlett.
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Featured Comment:
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Tales of Midgard: The Age of Magic by Attila Polyák and Erzsébet Schlett~! (https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/book-1-cover-page/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until July 28th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. Insofar, what are your theories on Anne’s past history? Why did she become a knight, and what do you think is the story with her parents? Additionally, what do you think happened to her as a mage that she hopes doesn’t happen to Amy?
My favorite scene in the comic thus far was the fight between Anne and Bernard (chapter 7, and a little bit of chapter 6). It's an incredible action setpiece, with cool techniques on both sides, and the way Bernard tries to sway Anne to his side makes him a really memorable villain.(edited)
Honorable mention to the ending of chapter 1. I love a good hook, and the reveal that Anne's armor was fake the whole time made me sit up sharply in my seat.
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. Why do you think Erik is still a B rank mage? Is he really satisfied taking on lower level missions, or is there something he isn’t telling Anne? How do you think he and Anne even became partners?
1) My favorite scene is probably the one where Erik is fighting on the...roof plateau area (whatever you want to call it) against two mages. While Anne has gotten plenty of action to be awesome, I felt until this point that we hadn't gotten to see Erik's true colors. Then whoosh, suddenly Erik is like "let me show you how amazing earth magic is" not to mention Erik got blinded and still whipped their butts. 2) In terms of Anne's past history, I get the impression for sure that she's an orphan. So probably not dissimilar to Amy where she went to learn magic partly out of not having anywhere else to go. I personally think she did something unexpected and bad with magic. Not enough that ppl were like "oh no monster" but enough that the academy place kicked her out. So then she left and became a knight because she was no longer welcome to become a mage at the academy at least.
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. How do you think Amy will continue to affect Anne as the story goes on? Do you think Anne will still be able to be a good mentor, or will it be damaged by the missions she takes? Additionally, is educational reform the only reason she was asked to mentor Amy?
3) My fave character at the moment is definitely Erik. Which I just relate to the whole "i could probably do this thing but that sounds like a lot of effort" attitude. Plus I like his sort of...air of mystery? Cause at the very least he's a lot less open compared to Anne so I'm really intrigued where he stands on everything. 4) I think Erik is still a lower ranked mage partly cause of the reason he said (ie lazy lack of ambition) and partly for reasons that he's not telling Anne. Though I don't have any theories on what he's not telling her. But I don't think its friendship ending, more like something Anne would be surprised to learn. In terms of how they became partners, I kind of feel like they probably got assigned to the same mission or something and just clicked. Since they both seem kind of radical in what they're willing to do so I imagine that gave them a bond. Since if I was an average mage I probably wouldn't necessary want to go on their crazy missions with them. XD
Attila Polyák
Erik gets a lot of love. Cool! Earth bending wins!
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What are your opinions of Anne’s theory about what Charr is up to? What does this have to do with the box that she and Erik had to retrieve twice? How does this tie into Bernard being found dead in an impossible place and Igor Björn being in Minas Fril?
5) my favorite illustration so far is probably the bottom panel on this page https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/ch7-p18/ I really love the use of the fire both in the background and foreground. It's used in a really nice way that frames the picture. I also like the little spark details flying off the fire. Gotta love them particle effects. 6) I think Amy is kind of gonna force Anne to mature and think more about her actions. Cause as I've said before I believe, Anne can be a bit reckless. Like gettng stabbed in the leg, for example.. And I think the desire to continue to help Amy will have Anne going "but if I do this thing I'll get hurt and that will hurt Amy." I do think the missions will damage her mentorship to a degree. but more in the what if sense where Amy will be fine but it had the potential to be more. I think for the most part Anne will be a good mentor though, cause she cares a lot. In terms of educational reform, I do think that's part of the reason. However, I also get the impression that there was something more in there. Like the mentorship is just as much to help Anne personally grow as it is for Amy.
7) Anne and Erik are the characters I like to see interact most. They have a really fantastic dynamic that comes with a good amount of well-intentioned jabs, cooperation, and balance of personality. Plus I think they both have the highest capacity to reveal each other's backstore more in terms of story. 8) To be honest, I thought Anne's theories were a bit convoluted, albeit definitely with some truth in them. I feel they're definitely missing some crucial information that will make the puzzle snap though. As for the box, I assume it contained information or something that would be so bad it'd help rally the people or something. I think the Bernard and Igor things are misdirects of trying to keep everyone thinking things are fine, nothing to see here. Though I think Igor is also trying to convince others to stay out of the war that may be happening soon. In subtle sneak ways of course.
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. How do you believe the Crimson Charr Reunification Army is faring, and how might they return to have a role in Anne’s personal story? Do you believe Bernard is actually dead? If so, what might have ominous final orders have been?
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. Why do you think that the negotiations in Minas Fril seem to have been complicated and going to take longer than Anne had anticipated? Do you think things will go in Dyr’s favor, or will something sour the event?
9) I really love all the details of the trees and leaves during the chapters where they're in the forest. I especially really like the shading and the use of different levels of background. It really brought a lot and made it feel very forest like. And it's nature so that definitely takes a lot of effort. 10) If I had to take a guess, I assume their boss' death really took them a few steps backwards. However, I do think they're gonna purposely seek at Anne, if only for revenge. Cause I don't think Anne is going to be forgiven. Which as that statement implies, I do think Bernard actually died. Especially after that foreshadowing where he was talking about the final orders. In terms of what the final orders were, it was probably a "do this one last thing that will spark the war" or someting. Cause don't need the reunification army when the goals are achieved. XD
11) I think the comic's strength is definitely character interactions. You got a lot of drama, a lot of endearing moments, a lot of intrigue. It's really just got everything you could want and its all balanced and logical. So the characters really are what drive the story and make the scenes interesting. 12) If Anne's theories are right, it's possible that people in Dyr aren't the only people who suspect the upcoming war or political intrigue going on at least. And from the description of Dyr's position, I imagine they are a vulnerable country where nothing is ever easy. Cause it'd be super easy to just prey on them and get whatever you want cause you know Dyr needs the support of your country. So I imagine no matter how smooth things are supposed to go, it's never that smooth. I do think something is going to sour the event while they're in Minas Fril and further complicate their position. Though I don't have any clues as to what atm.
One thing I really like about the art in this comic is the way magic looks. Everything is so sparkly and pretty and smooth all at once... it's really inviting.
I'm not sure if Bernard actually died or not... the newspaper article seemed pretty fishy to me. If he is dead, I think the reunification army lied about the location for... some strategic reason. Possibly relating to those last orders he was giving?
I agree with you Rebel, the comic's greatest strengths are the characters and their interactions. My favorite is Anne teaching Amy. Amy is really cute and determined, and you learn a lot about how Anne had to grow up through those interactions. Though I also love the banter you get between Anne and Erik - two close friends who do all their work together, despite being very different in some ways.(edited)
1) I have a soft spot for the first inn scene https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/ch2-p16/ It was a brief little breath of air where we get to see the more day-to-day details of these two partners. But most of all, between the atmosphere of the room and the beautiful little town (bottom panel in the page I linked) it felt so cozy! And what can be more comfortable than curling up in bed in some PJs after wearing big heavy armor all day? :'D I will also second that Eric's fight on top of the cave was pretty interesting. We're seeing a lot of impressive and new spells from all the parties involved, at play! 2) For Anne's history, I have to wonder if her parents had anything to do with the war, as she has strong feelings towards her home, Dyr, but that's a loose guess. As for whatever it was that happened with her mage training, I'm imagining some scenario where she accidentally "demonstrates" her skills in a way that causes a lot of property damage. Impressive, but destructive! 3) Mia! That lady comes off as those steely-eyed, strict military types that would be hard to approach, but the next moment as soon as her shift ends, she melts into romance mode and goes to bring her lover a cake. That contrast in her character was so charming. 4) Wouldn't put it past Eric to be hiding something, but as far as I know, maybe the guy just doesn't give others the opportunity to recognize his strength. 5) Oh man, there are so many backgrounds I've been wanting to gush about throughout the comic. The town scenes, the forests, the sunsets.... Every panel since they made it to Minas Fril was pure scenery eye-candy! @o@ Just look at this https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/ch16-p19/ And there's this really cool panel of Eric about to bust out some mad magics on those wolves. https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/ch15-p07/
6) Echoing RebelVampire's thoughts, I'm hoping Amy will help Anne mature and grow as a character. It gives her something serious to work for; something to protect. I do have an anxiety that something bad will happen between her and Amy once Anne gets back from her mission. Like, maybe Amy will have gone through a hardship that Anne wasn't there for her for... 7) Well, besides Mia's and Gjurd's relationship, I like seeing Mr. Mannfred's interactions with the others. This is a high profile dude with no apparent fighting skills, yet here he is LEADING the way into danger with Anne and Eric behind. From how he treats others, he gives off "good leader" vibes. I wonder what other surprises he has under his hat. 8) I'm not even sure if Bernard is really dead at all, or if they're using his death as a tool to rile up people for war. Whatever the reason, I think her theory of trying to keep the countries from forming alliances holds some water. 9) I'm going to gush about background details, again. I like the detail put in that gives you something to look at on every page, like the town-people in their colorful outfits interacting. Couldn't help but notice that Anne had some dead-flowers outside of her apartment! 10) They seem small and weak, as a whole, but methinks they've got the determination and brainpower to /make things happen/. 11) The comic definitely has some cute moments, but I think the world is what does it for me. You start out a little dazed and confused (as most long-running stories go), but a few chapters in and it seems like a very neat place to live with likable blends of magic and technology. 12) I'll give the Charr reunification army some credit and say they're probably having some success in complicating things, though I think it would hurt Ilial more than Dyr, if I'm understanding the situation?(edited)
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Why do you think Lucretia has taken an interest in Anne? What could this mean for Anne’s future? Ultimately, how do you think Lucretia’s role as an archmage might help or hurt Anne as the world events start to take a serious turn?
13) I'm actually hoping to see Erik and Amy interact in the future. Since Amy is an important part of Anne's life now, I'm interested to see how Erik adjusts to that and what good Erik can maybe do for Amy too or something. 14) Honestly I kind of...just think Lucretia thinks Anne is hot and bold. XD If I was in Lucretia's position, it'd probably also just be nice to know someone who isnt some political backstabber looking for any sign of weakness. I think Lucretia is going to help Anne by feeding her info and warnings that Anne probably wouldn't otherwise have access too. For what reason hard to say, but for now I don't think there'll be any hurt. Probably. Maybe.
Attila Polyák
Thank you all for reading and sharing your views on Tales of Midgard here! Hope you all had a good time while reading my work!
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Tales of Midgard: The Age of Magic this week! Please also give a special thank you to Attila Polyák and Erzsébet Schlett for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Tales of Midgard: The Age of Magic, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
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luluvonv · 7 years
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Day 30: Feel free to express your AoD feels, the sequels getting cancelled, anything you want about the game!
I want to say many things and still it would not express enough how much I love this game and what it means to me. Still, though I think I’ve ranted enough, I cannot be calm about AoD. I’ve never been so passionate about something for so many years. This year it’s going to be 14 years since its release and I feel the same way about AoD as if it was brand new. Maybe I am more in love with it and more angry about the stuff people babble about it. I would love to finish this challenge without any negative thoughts but I won’t be able to avoid it.
Tomb Raider was my first fandom ever and I have so many fond memories of it. I left it after AoD because I couldn’t take the shit spreading through it, (especially about AoD) and because Crystal Dynamics. People seem to be blind or totally ignorant, unable to look past the glitches and errors and see the potential of it. The soundtrack, the story, the characters, the voice cast… everything is amazing in this game. I miss the old times when people took a game as a whole and didn’t look only on the visual aspect. We got to the age when the storytelling is the necessary part but nobody cares if it’s shitty - when the game looks ‘’real and has great graphics’’, people will take no matter what’s served to them. AoD was all this. It was real, human - more than their moaning Laraboot - and had something more: a quality. 
Since the franchise belongs to Crystal Shitnamics, I stopped to be interested in what’s new. They just exploit a brand that once meant something. The original games in times of Core Design were fun, I loved the fact we got to explore so many places, fight for artifacts, solve puzzles, stuck at those puzzles. This all was packed in a great storytelling. It was a challenge to play TR games. What we get from Crystal is a boring search for parents or a shooting-every-minute moaning girl. Their reboot changed a complete picture of Lara/TR and nothing was left. Their character is NOT Lara. 
AoD was the only reboot that was needed. Core people and Murti brought something totally new and unexpected in both - storyline and character development. Yet they kept her personality intact. It was still the old Lara we knew, we loved. The potential of this game and its planned sequels were immense. It was a big plan, big project, original. Many elements of the trilogy became popular in later movies or games. The game itself looks fabulously and still the effort for it didn’t affect the act of storytelling. To this day, I still find new things about this game when playing it - there’s always someting new to discover. Nothing in this game is done in vain, every cutscene, every move, every word, every face expression has its meaning, has purpose. 
What saddens me the most is what became of this fandom. The fact we are so divided is a mess.Though I totally despise the direction it has taken, I have nothing against the new era of fans. I totally respect people like the new Crystal era. What I don’t like is the way people attack AoD without any knowledge or research and bash something they have no idea about. And it’s not only fans but journalists, too, who repeat the same old shit about the game, for example that there are no tombs. Oh please, it takes you like 10 seconds to google it and find that there ARE tombs in AoD and if Core had more time, there would have been more of them. If any game lacks tombs it’s reboot and Rise. A game that is called Tomb Raider having optional tombs?! Really??? Moreover, to see how Square and Crystal feed on this and their hypocritical behaviour just add fuel to the flame. Their sentences are so disrespectful of the classic Lara, TR and mainly Core Design, it makes me puke. They wouldn’t be here without them. So much for gratefulness.
I miss Lara so much. I miss Kurtis. I miss everything about Core Design. I am grateful I could grow up with these games and found many great people thanks to it. 
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