#there's sorta 3 main things you NEED to be thinking about with every one of those posts you se
There's a lot of reddit refugees/AI bot accounts here and on other websites that are spreading AITA posts around, but not sharing the required-reading post that's necessary if you want to engage with that content without becoming a goblin
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aphpuffinchild · 5 months
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since it's out i can finally post my piece for @hws-anthology as well as the timelapse for it. as is arguably all my hetalia work, it's a love letter to my friend @pyrrhocorax 's fic Sendlingur og Sandlóa - i'll ramble a bit about how much it means to me, as well as the symbolism i wormed into this piece below the read more :)
i originally had two pages planned for this piece, potentially more - the fic is a good 74k words long and certainly not light on scenes i could and wanted to pull from, but various things led into other various things and one page was all i could manage, so i tried to cram in what i could, so here's that (in a rough, somewhat arbitrary order of focal points)
the opening chapter! the car is a framing device for the piece as much as it is for the journey the characters will take following that first chapter, so i wanted to use the car window/shapes as a literal framing device in my drawing
joi, shaky at best in his sense of self, sees no reflection in the window, instead there's a silhouetted raven to signify the search he must go on to find it
while not perfectly transcribed by virtue of wonky (plus an extra) line(s), the notes coming from joi's headphones are the opening to the song sendlingur og sandlóa, the fic's namesake, which a loved one kindly transposed by ear for me for the purpose of this piece
in a similar vein, the stickers on joi's suitcase are of a purple sandpiper and a ringed plover, the birds after which the song is named - here they are as transparents and in their original colours
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i wanted to create a sliiight impression that joi is the one knocking over the chessboard, representing his repeated rejections of it (both physically, and the things it represents)
the chess pieces were also chosen specifically! originally i was going to use a black rook and a white pawn to match chapter 41, but for the sake of having alternating colours and the rest of my metaphors working (iirc) i swapped those colours around. that, and i wanted to match chapter 13's white king and black pawn - the black pawn stuck, the white king was colour swapped for colour cohesion reasons like the other's. (visual contrast was important to me, but the white queen blending slightly into the sky was okay for symbolism reasons) (there was also black king, white rook from chapter 3, so it all worked out anyway - there's a lot of chess in this story and i only had space for so many pieces and colours, basically)
speaking of which, the black pawn is for joi (chapter 13), the white queen is for halle (someone who, from joi's perspective, can go anywhere, vs joi's pawn, someone to be used -> see chapter 35 and perspective).
the king piece is falling (but hasn't quite fallen) between halle and henrik (chapter 3, 7, 13, though i most clearly thought of 19)
the person in the top right corner is eduard! i desperately wanted to include him because i think he's deserved it, and i considered a lot of ways of working him in, but i think an ambiguous silhouette that isn't Quite part of the main picture works better narratively
note also that he's separated from the other's through a red curtain, to represent the iron curtain (naturally) i wanted it to match ber + tino's part in some way, to sorta emphasise their similar foundations despite being split apart across places
the flowers at eduard's window are placed and chosen purposefully as well! orange/red zinnia's outside (for familial ties, steadfastness, friendship and remembrance) for what eduard puts out in to the world, then lily-of-the-valley for tino and cornflower for him inside to show what he wants to hold close :)
halle and joi are the only characters with their eyes open - halle looks towards the viewer/author/reader/joi, while joi looks away all together. if you've read the fic (which i assume you have because i can't imagine this is interested to read otherwise) you probably don't need me to explain why that reflects their roles in the story
similarly, every character apart from the brothers is turned towards another in some way (eduard does not count when his flowers do, and his role in the story is based around that disconnect partially anyway) tino towards ber and eduard (and hana, i guess), ber towards tino, henrik to halle, halle to henrik (though he looks away - his values are elsewhere even when they are together). joi, at best, looks at his own reflection in the window
the colour scheme, while arbitrarily picked from gradient maps based on what i felt "fit" has been approved by the author as being very "SoS core"
finally, the poem on the note, chapter 46
all that being said, i can and will now talk about my personal relationship with SoS, so unless that interests you i imagine the post is done now! thank you for reading :)
the first comment i posted on SoS is dated 2nd November 2016 - logging into my old account i can see i bookmarked it on the 31st August that same year, so i can safely assume i first read or at least found it then. a month after my first comment, i posted another on a different account, pouring a few bits of my heart out and the author responded! we went back and forth a bit and eventually talked (i think) via tumblr for a little, but the majority of our conversations were via skype for whatever reason (we didn't call, just texted). it was a lot of me looking for writing advice, insight to their work/process/skill, talking about The Brothers and talking about psychology/the brain on a general and personal level. i think if i read our conversations back now i'd cringe, given that i was an awkward, fumbling 16 year old, but i dont think anything else wouldve been fitting given the subject matter. eventually our conversations fizzled out and we stopped talking for years, but i'd go back to SoS routinely and cry.
in may of 2021, i posted another comment during what in hindsight was definitely another relatively minor mental health episode - i think it was half trying to emphasise how important the work was to me on the off chance pyrr saw it, and half a bid for connection since i had no idea if they even remembered us talking. i assumed nothing would come of it, and for about a year that was true - until pyrr responded after all in february of 2022 - i'm happy to say we've been talking consistently on discord since then. i feel a little weird speaking too intimately about our friendship as it is now since it's not just my story to tell (though pyrr, if you're reading this) (i'm sure you are at some point) (you're welcome to talk about it however, i just didn't want to without consulting you) but i can say with some certainty that it's at least a little bit my fault that we have a sequel now - cementing my place as official number #1 fan and validating the me from almost 8 years ago in a way i don't think either of us processes well.
it's here that i feel the need to talk about my other dear friend, @hws-lceland , who i'm grateful to have met through the zine's discord server. i'm sure they're reading this too, and a lot of what our relationship means to me is stuff that's probably a bit too vulnerable for either of us to speak publicly, but i *can* say that i love them very much, and i'm really grateful to have someone else to understand, and that he read SoS for me. i thought he needed it, and i hope i was right
sendlingur is...endlessly important to me. i'm aiming to not write an essay here (a goal i think i've already sorta shot in the foot) but i think it's important for me to talk about some of this a little loudly, all the same. my writing has changed because of the series - remeeting with pyrr and showing them some of my more recent work was interesting since it was apparent even to them the influences i'd taken (to be fair, in one section i explicitly asked and did borrow a format of theirs, but this goes beyond that). when i was 16 i asked my mum to read the fic in a desperate bid to be understood. i've cried reading the fic many, many times. i've signed off letters and poems with my switched around version of i'm sorry / thank you / i love you (i swap the first two around) many, many, many times, including in a close friend's wedding gift. SoS has very sincerely changed my definition of love. the name halle is a part of my abstract mindscape. id already considered changing my name to johannes anyway and this fic certainly didnt help. i've gained a friendship of 7 and a half years through it. i've gained another newer one now, too. i am not well. i wasn't well then, reading it, and it hasn't fixed me (i am worse, now, arguably), but it healed something, or at least made me feel understood. i could go on, and maybe sometime i will (there were so many things i wanted to include in my piece and pay homage to!), but for now i will thank anyone who took the time to read all this (again), and say that i look forward to experiencing the sequel
as always, i'm sorry, thank you, i love you
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nunalastor · 2 months
Dark found family
(3 am brainrot got to me please help)
we’ve established that Charlie kinda does figure out that this is wrong and stuff, and there’s a fairy tale quest with the overlords getting all the keys throughout hell. And the overlords get to the hotel and each and every one of the hotel gang (Angel Dust, Vaggie, Husk, Niffty) just gives up their key because they know that this is WRONG. What if Charlie does the same thing and that’s what gets the overlords to kinda sorta forgive her. (But then they did an entire quest for nothing! NOTHING!) cue song apology (this is actually a recap of all their (Charlie and Lucifer’s) war crimes) (I feel this would be cannon for Charlie) (maybe not) so yeah. They go to the DOOR™️ and instead of inserting all the keys together because that would take a while and time is of the essence, they do Charlie’s instead. Because the DOOR™️ was probably made by Lucifer, and he’s probably (most likely) want to know if it was being opened with a key. So he has this feature where the DOOR™️ tells him if it’s being open, and if so, who’s key? Well, he’d definitely gonna know if the overlords are there cause who else is gonna use 20 different keys to open the DOOR™️??? Not him or Charlie! SO ANYWAYS (I’m getting off track ;-;) they use Charlie’s key cause A) it’s faster B) “Charlie” (the rescue group) visiting alastor is most likely normal behavior for her so Lucifer wouldn’t really suspect it.
So they enter the room and I see like three options here:
A) Alastor isn’t there.
Lucifer figured it out somehow (I don’t know how yet) and took Alastor away, probably to the royal palace to the ROOM™️ of that one ask where Lucifer takes Alastor to a room without windows or doors and there was a pantry with all the food he needs and the ceiling of the ROOM™️ is a false sky. ANYWAYS main takeaways here is that Lucifer knows, took Alastor away, and there is big boss fight right here right now. I don’t think they would win, so either Charlie talks him out of his decision or she doesn’t. Either way, people get hurt, just a matter of whether Charlie can convince Lucifer to let them live. (He’s killing them all for the crime of trying to take away his Alastor) (gods that felt wrong to type) I don’t think Lucifer would kill Charlie though, she’s a part of his family (family in italics to show importance) he would kill the overlords and anyone else tho. (Didn’t I already kinda allude to that?)
B) Alastor is there.
They see Alastor and it’s really heart breaking how detached he is, he probably doesn’t even realize they’re there (I don’t know anything about severe mental catonia) (is that how you spell it???) ANYWAYS (I’m so off track) perhaps there is an arguement with Charlie because while they knew what was happening, (maybe they didn’t know the full extent, after all, they only know that Alastor hasn’t been out in a while, and whatever Vox can scrape up in that one ask where he calls an overlord meeting with a giant cork board with red yarn and ANYWAYS) it’s different seeing it up close. I think they might spend valuable time arguing (mainly just everyone going after Charlie and Charlie doesn’t really have anything to defend herself) until someone stops them. (probably Zestial or Carmilla, they are maybe most likely to keep a level head in this situation, but then again, they really cared about Alastor, and I think this would break them to see him this way) They stop the arguing (verbal attack) against Charlie because they don’t have a lot of time and they should be using it getting Alastor out of here. I think they (those who can) try to teleport out but they can’t because Lucifer knows that they are there by now (the arguing was so loud, and he’s not the type to leave his beloved alone for long (possessiveness)) and did some sort of magical magic spell. Cue fight. (Look up at A) Alastor is not there for details).
C). Alastor is dead.
they were too late in trying to get to him and they see his dead body just lying there.
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penguin--rat · 11 months
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my favourite game, mountains are for losers
this is a celeste x pafl au! :) im going to explain each character here
sanya replaces madeline. she wants to climb the mountain to prove.. something to sergei. maybe that she can do things on her own, maybe that she doesn't need him, maybe that she's cool and awesome and maybe that she's enough on her own. yea, she's a bit scared (though she'd never admit that to him), but she can't let that stop her. not when she's already ran away from home all the way here. like madeline, sanya can dash (unless i figure out a different ability to give her, though i propably won't). the mountain gave her this ability (i'll expand on this more later).
badya replaces badeline. she's much more aggressive than badeline, shouting at sanya the moment they first meet ('what do you think youre doing?! youll die out here!'). she shows worry for sanya. resembles sergei a bit, though unlike him, doesn't think twice about stopping sanya from climbing the mountain with her own two hands. unlike badeline, she doesn't want to climb the mountain not because sanya isn't a mountain climber, there's no use, but rather because of the danger it poses. what if she falls and breaks something?she could literally die out here, it'd be better if she just returned to the safety of their home.
yura replaces theo. theyre both self concious about what people think of them, and they're both friends with the protag - though yura and sanya havent met before the main events of this au, though. instead of having an instapix account, yura is liveblogging his ascension of the mountain to The Gang. he doesn't know why he wants to climb the mountain, really. it's a similar reason to theo though. he was just lost in life and wanted to have control over something, anything.
katya replaces mr oshiro. like him, she is a ghost that haunts the celeste hotel, but unlike him, she was just a guest at her time of death. how she died, you ask? well, to that i ask, why are are you asking so many questions? teehee, i jest... i think, maybe an avalanche happened and many of the guests staying at the hotel died. katya wasn't the only one to turn into a ghost. she is, however, the only one that hasn't moved on and still lingers. she doesn't want the hotel to feel lonely. and, she likes talking to the travellers:) no, she doesn't like being alone all the time... but helping out the ocassional mountain climber every five years is worth it. yea. don't worry, that's it, there's nothing more to it. nothing suspicious about this. katya isn't that developed yet in this au, so some of this info might change.
temnova replaces granny. she studies the traits of the mountain, intrigued by its whole deal. she's lived on this mountain for... well, maybe too long. dmitry a dog replaces the bird. 'how does it get around as easy as the bird? it doesnt have wings! itd have a much harder time following sanya around the mountain' i hear you, and to that i say, didnt i tell you to stop asking so many questions...
the zone merges with the mountain. sorta. gives sanya her dash, as a Bonus and Encouragement. gives temnova. uh . um . you know what don't worry about it
please feel free to ask me any questions about this au:3!! my askbox is open 👍
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jweekgoji · 2 years
Hi <3 are you taking requests? If so, could i request some headcanon/senarios of yandere!five x yandere!reader? I love the manipulative reader series you did and imagine this version to be alittle similar with a dynamic sorta similar to joe and love from the netflix show 'you'.
When five first meets reader she comes across nieve but sweet and he falls for her innocence and kindness towards him. Shes always looking out for him and supporting him and he cant help but wanna protect her. Hes so preoccupied with spending time with her, scaring off any looks from other men and taking advantage of her kindness that he doesnt relise that the waitress at the cafe they went to together last weekend who had written her number on the inside of the napkin she gave to five when giving him and you your coffee has mysteriously gone missing..
He wonders if your just too innocent to really understand what hes saying when he vaguely admits hes done terrible things and you respond with a flippant 'me too' with a smile, little does he know you understand completely.
so i had some researchers about those two from 'you' series and now I'm interested in it!! anon, thank you ~
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Five couldn't take his eyes off you.
For someone who is so good at controlling his emotions, he seems to have forgotten how he should behave in such situations.
Something about your pretty figure made him truly have an interest in you, forget about his job, about the obligation to be the hero in this story and spend another sleepless nights trying to save everyone.
And he definitely doesn't need to keep staring at you like that. Come on Number Five, you've got a lot to do and you're a very busy man, just turn away and start doing your work— Oh, fuck, now you noticed.
Five's heart beats faster when he sees your gaze directed right at him and his first reaction was to quickly look away and pretend that he was looking at the clock or just zoning out, while you, by a lucky chance, were just in front of him.
'Just a coincidence' , he justifies himself.
He grumbles, muttering something under his breath, until he finally turns away, trying to fully concentrate on his business and try to ignore that cute picture of your face in his head, your pleasant voice when you ask him to help you with something so simple, light touches on his shoulder when...
The sound of clicking pen is so loud that it's probably already getting on the nerves of his colleagues nearby, but he didn't care what they thought, when all he could think now was you.
You stand so close next to your work colleague that your hands can barely touch their body. You look happy, and Five genuinely enjoys the fact that you can stay in a good mood in any situation. That's why he works so hard for you. One of his main points is to keep watching the people he love are safe.
But could you step back for a couple of meters, please? The second, more jealous side of him is louder in his head and telling him not just to watch, but these are just simple work conversations during a break, right?
Five believes you, he is ready to trust you completely, but the people around you are not reliable and after all those years of his long, eventful life, he knows that every potential person that you meet can actually harm you.
Therefore, as your hero, he is obliged to intervene and protect you, the love of his heart, like a beautiful and not quite young prince, from a big and terrible villain.
You hear a noise behind you and a bright short flash of blue appears for a moment, which makes you smile slightly, already knowing what will happen.
You're holding a cup of coffee and you make an confused, surprised face as you turn around to look at Five, then give him your usual bright smile.
The person with who you just had conversation seems to be just as confused, but now for real, when they see Number Five in front of them, still as gloomy as usual.
Five comes closer to you, his hand resting on your interlocutor's shoulder and squeezing suspiciously tight, with a forced smile on his face that made the other person swallow nervously.
“Sorry friend, I hope you don’t mind if I steal them for a while?” 5 says, smugly grinning.
“Actually, we are—” the person starts, before Five interrupts them.
“Great,” he answers casually, focusing his attention at you instead, smile drops immediately as soon as he turns away from them.
Five is not even trying to listen to what they wanted to say, he quickly grabs your hand and blinks away, not bothered by what others will thought about this scene. Old man had enough of sharing you with everyone else today, now it's his time to be with you.
You almost stumble after this unexpected act of jealousy from Number Five, and his hand holds yours tighter, preventing you from falling.
A soft sighs comes from you when you notice that man's arms were held protectively around your waist.
“Please, warn me when you try something like that next time,” you lean closer to Five, trying to calm him down.
“I will,” he rolls his eyes. “If only you will promise me not to be all day around those idiots.”
You laugh at his words, appreciating his overprotective behavior towards you and only nod at him, which causes a soft satisfied purr from Five.
“Okay, okay,” you try to reassure him and give him a soft kiss on the corner of his lips. “ The same goes for you.”
Five just closes his eyes, resting his forehead against yours, enjoying the time he can spend with you and only you alone. He didn't think twice before giving his answer, just quietly mutters : “Deal”.
You love this old man so much, but sometimes you wonder if he does it on purpose?
Does he have to smile like that at every waitress in the cafe?
Should he call every woman he meets as 'dear?'
Does he have to stare at every woman named Delores? I thought you two go through this line a long time ago.
This might be just his politeness or the ghosts of his past, but it makes you clench your teeth in anger, every time you sit on your goddamn place trying to pick an order in this stupid shit hole.
You bite the inside of your cheek as you try to ignore the conversation around you, concentrating, or at least trying to focus your attention on the clock, counting seconds before your order arrives.
“How much longer do we have to wait?” you ask impatiently.
“Are you in a hurry, hun?” Five turns his gaze to you and smiles slightly.
You smile back at him and shake your head, resting your cheek on your hand as you look at him.
“I'm just so tired...” you say sweetly, sighing, to make your words more sounds like truth. “Can't we just take our order and go home instead?”
Five is silent for a moment, as if trying to see whether your words are true. But after a few seconds, he leans closer to you and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“If you really tired then let's go home.” he gets up from his seat to come and pick up your order.
You just nod and silently follow his every action with your eyes, watching from afar. You wanted to find any reason to leave as soon as possible, trying to exclude any attempts by that annoying waitress who is trying to get close to your lover.
And it was so fucking difficult to control yourself from grabbing that terribly hot coffee from her hands and just splashing it all over her face when you notice those obvious attempts to flirt with your Number Five.
You blink once, then again, interrupting your disturbing thoughts. No, you shouldn't have to think like that, you convince yourself. What will Five think if he saw you like this?
Your slight smile slowly fades from your face and you look rather bored, tilting your head slightly, deciding not to disturb this sweet conversation between the two.
You were glad to be able to spend a good night next to your lover. Every moment of peace and quiet with Five was very dear to you, especially if it meant that somehow you were able to put this poor guy to sleep.
His hands always holding tightly onto your body, as if afraid to let go and at one moment wake up without seeing you next to him. You were dozing, head pressed against Five's chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat. You was so close to fall asleep again until you felt his hand slowly rubbing circles on your back as if trying to calm his nerves.
Slowly lifting your head up, you look at him with half-open eyes, silently asking what made him so worried in the middle of the night. This was not new to you, it's easy to predict that he might have possible problems with his sleep, knowing how lonely and abandoned most of Five's life was.
“I didn't mean to wake you up,” he mumbles softly, trying to avoid talking to you. “Just go back to sleep, don't worry about me”.
You pout playfully at his words, wrapping your arms around his waist and closing your eyes, “Five,” you whisper. “You don’t have to hide everything from me. Please, tell me what's on your mind and it will get better, I promise”.
Five sighs tiredly and it makes you sure that he will try to open up to you tonight. You never forced it on him, expecting that eventually, someday, he would feel comfortable enough to share with you the things that catches his mind. Your attention was focused on what he might said while your eyes were still resting from a hard, long day.
“Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you after all the shit I've done,” he curses, frowning slightly. “I'm not sure you even understand me.”
“Many people have done bad things in their entire lives, besides, you had no other chance, Five,” you suddenly say, looking perfectly calm. “And me too, actually. We should just move on from that”.
Five pauses for a moment, his eyes concentrated on your relaxed figure next to him, enjoying the warmth between your bodies. It seems like you didn't really think about what you were saying because of how sleepy you were, Five thinks, so he don't have any idea about the significance of your words, deciding that you, as always, were just trying to support him.
Did you feel bad for what you did? Maybe, after all, you were the same living person, you tend to feel at least a drop of compassion. But right now, you don't care. The only thing that matters right now is to be with the person you care about. It seems that tomorrow morning you should remind Number Five not to go to your favorite cafe tomorrow.
“Yeah, of course,” he says, totally not taking your words seriously as he pulls you closer towards himself, finally closing his eyes and trying to rest, ending this conversation. “ Now let's get some sleep, love”.
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jellyvibes710 · 9 months
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@skylabrea Leo took it upon himself to learn Morse code while Donnie learned asl in case they ever needed it in battle, Donnie also knows Morse code and with this knowledge Leo learned Morse code VERY well from being an absolute menace to Donnie, donnie doesn't know it as well as leo because he just prefers ASL and everyone in the family knows it
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Leo knew he was dying, he could feel it in his body and him being the main medic of the team he knew he was getting worse, he knew more than anyone that he was dying so he decided to spend as much time as he had left just spending time with his family, he didn’t realize how fast he was dying though and by the Time he realized it was his last moments he only had enough strength to see one person so he went to his twin
Not only was Donnie the second closest to the medbay but Donnies lab just became his safe place when he struggled to sleep
Dee always had a backup chair for leo to sit next to him and listen to him rant about a project or a game he was interested in, eventually putting him to sleep. In turn Donnie would fall asleep shortly after listening to Leo's eepy chirps and churs, tuning his brain out enough to relax and get his own amount of sleep.
So it was a bit of both to wanting to see his brother and knowing that he was passing
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In part 3, Leo doesn't understand how mikey knew morse code though.. only Donnie and him know it.
My friend responds that worded it way better than I ever could :]
"This hits really hard when paired with the Mikey drawing, because you can tell Leo is sorta just thinking things over and trying to come to terms with his reality and how he's going to like. Minimize the damage of his death. Knowing full well he can't, really. He can only pray that everyone will just kind of see him as this strong, funny guy that they grew to love, thinking that he'd be showing weakness if he didn't at least pretend he was fine"
"It's almost scary how much hes convincing himself that his death won't actually be that bad, as long as he fakes it til he makes it, hoping that everyone will be in there so he can give them a lil speech and then just pass in his sleep so he doesn't have to see it. Cause Leo knows. He knows every layer to it"
Till next time
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urlsaremeaningless · 2 months
collection of funny things people I know have said
Feel free to change pronouns as needed <3 have fun! please reblog this if you enjoy it.
Take a chill pill, Shakespeare.
A thigh between your gaps
Let's get...creative?
Stereotypical emos
Bitch, your face is mean
Once upon a time, [name] killed me.
Starved by lack of microwave.
I need new kangaroo.
At least, I didn't break it in your room!
[Name], you precious baby--AH SHIT.
Unfortunately, [name] was feeling horny
I would start ship wars
I tried the force. Shit didn't work.
It's worse than shade. It's truth shade.
I fell in love with a fucking lesbian!
Hi, my name’s [name]. Back on my Bullshit like every day
Yeah, no, don’t worry I know the extension of that lawyer.
Then, I guess, he shoots himself in the head?
The EMT...No, not EMS.
I like Fiji better than smart water.... wait, is it cheaper?
I have a question…I forgot my question
Yes, but only because I think the knowledge of death would be a burden you couldn’t handle
That's why murder is the best solution
Passive aggressively calls u a gamer (derogatory)
it's part of the process before the eyes are eyes and the eyes are just skin
Horny outweighs ethics
[name] has been ratatouille'd into doing crime
what is a casket but tupperware for a body
she doesn't have a thing for murder, she has a thing for time management
What's the opposite of OwO-ifying?
dinos care not for ur turn-based combat
This is indeed a choice we have made.
I’m murdurable. I’m filled with murder potential
Not my circus, not my monkey
absolutely your monkey
my only ideas are crime
...why do you say these things to me?
everyone knows in our group I'm the muscle… the looks…and the brains….really you guys are extras and I'm the main act
I...I don't want to answer that. I...I plead the fifth?
All words are made up
I don't use 'b' for 'bitch,', I use 'bitch' for 'bitch
They let you out of the closet but you cannot rent a car
[Name] you're really killing me here, my life is being shortened by a minute every time you do that
Wow, these people don’t know how milkshakes work…. Idk how we’re gonna get the boys to the yard.
I expected you to have more knowledge about cannibalism but that's on me
that's just how my voice is. I sound like a liar
You are the glass half full to my glass is fucking empty
I like cults but in the ‘I absolutely hate them’ sorta way
I fucking hate you, you're one of my best friends, but I also fucking hate you
You have to give him some credit for not pulling out a ukulele
I wish I spoke another language. I don't wanna talk about this in English anymore, bro, what the fuck.
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soilanonlorelmao · 2 months
Rules These are not strictly enforced, but please be respectful.
1 -- No NSFW, I am a minor. (If you want to do that, use dms, yall have blogs)
2 -- No sensitive topics. This means nothing about sui--cide, SA, SH, or anthing of the sort. It makes people uncomfortable, if you're struggling with anything please find help, it would crush me if something happened to any of you.
3 -- Be kind. Self-explanatory, does not apply to rp.
4 -- About tags, There are.. wow, okay, there are a LOT of you.. I'm not going to be able to make that many tags for every post and am going to be tentative to making /new/ tags, please let me know if you want a tag if you're new here, otherwise I'm not making any more. (sorry<33)
5 -- If you feel like something you're doing is wrong.. Ask before doing it, it may not be as bad as you think.
6 -- Please try to keep it light-hearted. I know everyone likes drama (dude i LOVE angst) but please ask if you think you're going too far. (Refer to rule 2, please.)
7 -- Curfew i need my sleep,,, after 11:00 PM EST please dont send in asks!! I'll either be asleep or too tired to answer in an entertaining way. Please go take a look at the Anon's personal blogs if you want to ask more things.
Anons with blogs; Soil Anon, @i-heart-soil Flower Anon @flower-anon-blog Sand Anon @sand-anon Zombie Anon @bringeroftheapocolypse Tar Anon @tar-anon Goose Anon @goose-ann0n Sickly Anon @sicklyanon-blog Stoned Anon @unstoned-anon Spectre/Ghost Anon @scpectreanon Lava Anon @lava-anon
ANON MAGIC ; None currently.
Below the cut is a long and boring list of all the anons that have popped by, a link to my main account, and a list of 'canon' ships. This is a long message lol
[#soil anon lore]
okay so a list of all the anons that have passed by;
Soil Anon, Grass Anon, Sand Anon, Water Anon, Flower Anon, Radioactive Anon, Sickly Anon, Zombie Anon (#ZombieAnonApocalypse), Engineer Anon, Lava Anon, Bone Anon, Angel Anon, Concrete Anon, Candy Anon, Author Anon, Spectre Anon, Tar Anon, N/A Anon, Smoke Anon, Cloud Anon, Stoned Anon, Goose Anon, Stone Anon, Classic / Cannibal Anon, Curious Anon, Cat Anon, Doctor / Dr. Anon, Monster Anon, Executioner Anons (Execu and Tioner), Eepy Anon, AnonPET, Kazick Anon, Kokoleka (Chocolate) Anon, Party Anon, King Anon, MA Anon, Blob Anon, Electric Anon.
and then im Queen Anon + SAL!Bloom (shes DEADwomp womp)
(send me an ask if I'm missing someone LMAO)
(copied from my main blog, @bloomingbutterflies)
List of canon ships; like this is some sorta fandom..
Soil Anon x Flower Anon (Married) Author Anon x Flower Anon (One sided, Author likes Flower.) Spectre/Ghost Anon x Zombie Anon Cloud Anon x Smoke Anon Sickly Anon x Stoned Anon Execu Anon x Tioner Anon Tar Anon x Lava Anon Queen Anon x King Anon
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
can I hear about the mia and ollie similarities whenever you have time...
theyre blonde :( thats it :( okay but ACTUALLY LETS GET INTO IT
They're loud assholes to people who need to be yelled at, but theyre actually hella introverted.
Mia "i think fast i talk fast" Dearden will mouth off at villains and batman, and take the piss out of people she loves. BUT she wasn't exactly shown to have like a friend group at her school (she was shown to be popular. but we only see her specifically interact with one person), and was extremely nervous to join the titans, not because they intimidated her, but because she didnt really...want to be there. She'd rather be with people she knows. She spends most of her time practicing archery, even before she was speedy. The only time we ever saw her go out anywhere was on a date with Dodger. And I will be pretending for the sake of this post that all of this is bc of character stuff and not just bad writing!
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Similarly, Ollie "goateed loudmouth" Queen thrives when he's alone, he prefers it, he rarely spends time with people outside of his family or close close friends. He'll rant and rave at leaguers and cops and capitalists and villains all day long, but he's at his happiest and most content when he's alone, and often when on the move too, this man cannot sit still he is like a fucking shark he will die if he is in the same place too long but thats unrelated to this post.
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As is pretty much a requirement to be in the arrowfam. Neither of them are here to fight the big alien threats you take on while being in the league/titans. They're here to save the little guy and fuck up capitalists. They have both seen the worst of society on the very opposite ends of the spectrum, Ollie with the rich, Mia with those the rich forget or ignore. I don't think I really need to add an example of Ollie here considering thats like his main this if u know anything about him. But look heres mia thinking abt it in her first titans issue.
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Now with coping mechanisms they're a lil different, Mia tends to isolate and stay in one place. Ollie will isolate but fuck off somewhere. Accidentally walk to canada. That sorta thing.
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(pls ignore how terrifying bald ollie is)
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They also both mask their emotions and deflect with humour when around other people, they don't want others to have to deal with their shit, they don't want to burden them (hence the isolation, this also often leads to them imploding in on themselves). Heres my most favourite example of their similarities ever (yes I will continue to post and talk about this specific thing every 3 weeks and no one can stop me) I do owe Hester my life for this
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Now heres the best part. They both did this a lot right. And yknow what that led to? Learning and growing and being there for each other :] Now im going to be honest we dont really see this growth in vol 3 bc judd winick is incapable of writing character development but! Phil Hester is here for us once again with his story in the 80th special and this part specifically <3
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Also once again a whole arrowfam thing- neither of them give two shits about their secret id lmao. I choose to believe Mia is so flippant about hers bc she so easily realised Ollie was GA that she just went like. Yeah sure I won't give a fuck either, it's clearly working for him.
oh and they both like musical theatre, hate batman and are homophobic**. sad. **not actually thats just an in joke in fandom
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ineffablefool · 4 months
Any UKians want to help a denizen of the colonies with some details about your seaside holiday destination sorta town thingies? Not necessarily the ones within easy reach of the South Downs, although that'd be nic... I mean, nea... fin -- nrrrgh!! ... ... acceptable.
Note that this is kind of incredibly vaguely a spoiler for something I'm writing, and also that I do not need any more answers if you (yes, you! hello!) are seeing this post later than mid-March 2024. (I mean, maybe the post takes on a life of its own as a general resource or whatever, but if your goal is to help Jack N F Ibblefool specifically, then this is kind of a limited-time thing.)
I'm looking for broad general possibilities with these questions. Yeah, every destination is different, but is it feasible that an unnamed probably fictional town would have X or do Y? Or is it rare enough that that detail would likely just be distracting if I put it in a fic?
Also some people will say "yeah X is totally a thing" while others will say "I have never heard of a seaside vacation spot doing X in my entire life" and that is okay. You're both giving me parts of the whole picture!
Anyway. Questions! Exclamation point.
1. What's a likely kind of bird to be flying around town annoying people? I'd assume seagulls, but is it actually something else? Pigeons? Extremely lost penguins?
2. Is it the rule that all the restaurants and bakeries and curio shops shut down in the off season, or is it feasible that the people who actually live there would be sufficiently interested for at least most of it to stay open? (i.e. a "nah that crap's for tourists" mindset vs a "finally the tourists are gone and we can use our own stuff again" one)
3. Would it be feasible that souvenir places would take USD? Or, would it be feasible that especially rude visiting Americans would try to insist on paying with their Colony Cash even after being told that they can't?
4. Any rude tourist behavior (from anyone, foreign or not) that you'd really enjoy seeing get a bit of demonic comeuppance? Has to be something that's quick and clear enough that a casual observer from across the street could easily clock the rudeness without extended observation (so like "loudly yelling in the street" would work, but "ordering Very British And/Or Local Food at a restaurant and then getting pissy because it's different from food you eat at home" would not, because the observer would need to be close enough to know what was ordered and be paying attention enough to follow along with what led to the complaint).
5. Would groups of kids (locals or tourists) potentially be hanging around the main drag/business district unchaperoned? Think The Them, here (but I am not specifically talking about The Them).
6. Are you having a nice day? I hope you are having a nice day!!
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 8 months
(From @trainerlynda)
//IC Private message
So, I gotta preface this that I am pretty sure these guys are a "My world" thing, as every time I explain how they function, I get "That sounds like DID" which, I understand, but I have noted that people with and without DID can get them so- hh. I'll say what I know as they still confuse me.
I have beings attached to my soul that are called Shadows.
They are formed from trauma and tend to be made as a release of excess energy so the soul doesn't break completely. If the main person- also known as a Shadowcaster- becomes too overwhelmed or threatened, the Shadow takes over the body and handles what's going on.
I think people can have a max of 3, as I've mainly only found people with 1 or sometimes 2. I only know two people who have three and that is me and Silver.
They have physical forms in the Distortion World, it's where the energy mainly ends up, Blivie explained to me that it's likely because of the Distortion world being a sorta mirror to ours. Though at a point of flying off in there I notice that Shadows stop appearing so-...
I... I should likely let you respond. I heavily doubt this is the same thing that's happening at all, I just kinda wanted to... talk about it I guess...? Cuz sometimes I feel like I'm going mad?... I hope I'm not stepping over any lines or such.
saffron: shadows, huh. i wonder if they're related to our concept of shadows - they're a manifestation of the inner self that needs to be defeated or accepted in order to gain a persona. or something like that - personae are more common in japan than over here, so i don't know exactly how they work, but they sound similar enough at a first glance.
that sounds... similar, though, at least in formation. we split from den as a result of trauma, after all, and we aren't personae. and we had to be separated temporarily else she shattered further. my main wonder is how similar the 'takes over the body and handles' thing is. see - we all have influence on den when we're all together, and fuchsia and cerulean when they're spiralling can get out of control and basically... override den? presumably i can do that too, but i'm more stable than those two - and weaker. it sounds like when one of your shadows overrides it's good for you, whereas if one of us overrides it's bad and uncontrollable. though i do wonder if we can change that...
as for physical forms - i feel like if we had them they'd be in the amala labyrinth. and as such, lucifer would know about them. so the two likely options are: that we don't have them in the same sense, or that we do and lucifer didn't tell us. if the latter, i would presume that it's due to the knowledge being overwhelming, and that now den is consciously aware then when she's recovered we might be able to do something with that. it's unlikely, but something to keep in mind.
in conclusion - while i doubt it's the same thing, it is definitely similar enough to be relatable in some way. the feeling of going mad - that's something that den would relate to more than us, since this has just been. our existence. but - if it helps, i don't think you're mad. i think that if anything you're just dealing with a lot of things you don't understand, and that would naturally cause such feelings.
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blazing--comet · 7 months
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WE GETTIN OUTTA ART BLOCK SLOWLY !!!!!! I think I just needed to take a break from drawing Zim and Dib SPECIFICALLY they were ALL I DREW for um . Possibly the whole summer and start of school as a coping mech BUT I HAVE SO MANY OTHER IZ OCS/CHARACTERS TO FOCUS ON !!!!!! love zimmie and dibert douglas membrane but I hit an art stump BUT AFTER A FEW DAYS OF MOSTLY DOING OTHER CHARAS ILL BE ABLE TO RETURN BACK TO THEM . OH YEAH !!!!
The Irken is named Swyn (she her) !! She's Miyuki's clone in my au :3 (one of multiple ... But I'm still figuring out that concept SO‼️🗣️) She was made off planet using Miyuki's DNA after her death, and her creator (some random smeet scientist I haven't worked on) got caught(you aren't allowed to make Irken smeets without permission off planet or at ALL because Irk is stinky and full of poop head control brains BTW all Irkens are asexual so don't be weird) AND SWYN GOT ABANDONED ON ACCIDENT !! it's okay thougjt because..... INSERT DRUM EXCITABLD SOUJD HERE.... TENN FOUND HER !!! she adopted Swyn along with her gf Tak , and THEY ARE A HAPPY LITTLE FSMILY !!! Sizz Lorr is there too because he is Tak's adopted father 🫡 found family FOREVER .
The second alien in the comic is named Meer (she they) !!!! She's a Fluxative (IZ OC species), a species of REALLY GOOD shapeshifters . However , the Irken Empire killed most of them in an Invasion. My Irken scientist OC, Nova(not shown or mentioned in the comic) who is Zim, Tenn, and Skoodge's Unit Sibling finds Meer when Meer is a literal smeet baby thing and takes her in to take care of her, and when Nova is assigned to RESEARCH *NOT* invade Irk, she brings Meer with her caude Meer is like her daughger :333
When Swyn is like 16 (I am a believer in Irkens aging like humans just with longer lifespans and I can and will defend my point) she and every Irken that lives on Irk finds out she's Miyuki's clone, and of course she's not very upset, but now has the pressure of living up to Miyuki's legacy, which would be extra difficult, since Miyuki was the VERY BEST TALLEST in IRKEN HISTORY.
Tallest Sleedge ( she her , also the main Tallest at the time in my au) essentially peer pressured Swyn to become Tallest as well, due to Swyn being almost exactly like MIYUKI was in ALL WAYS . Miyuki was something the Empire needed again. But Swyn is very conflicted on it....... SO YEAH !!!! skipped over a lot of things but that's SORTA WHAT THJS COMIC IS ABOUT
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jayextee · 2 months
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
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(including Dragon's Curse/Adventure Island)
So, apart from the Brazilian release Turma da Mônica em: O Resgate, I believe I've played through every version of this game now. Spoilers, they're all 5/5 bangers.
In essence, one of the OG MetroidVania games before the genre was codified, in its year of release 1989 this was absolutely amazing and truly made me have no regrets growing up as a SEGA kid. I believe I've waxed lyrical in my review of the 2017 remake, so I won't gush too much. Heh. So instead, some notes about the three main versions before that.
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The original Master System version needs no introduction. It's a solid romp, probably the best game for the system. Looks great, sounds great (with PSG or FM sound!), and is a nice 2-3 hour distraction when I need it. No notes.
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The PC Engine version, known either as Dragon's Curse or Adventure Island (confusingly, given the series' spaghetti-ball of a lineage) is a fair enough game. Because it's the Master System version. Kinda. Apart from some changes to Lizard and Piranha Man, plus Lion Man being replaced with Tiger Man, you'd be hard-pressed to see any difference between the two outside maybe one or two recoloured skies. But I assure you, there's more shading on almost every visual element here.
This may sound like a diss, but despite it not really 'feeling' like PC Engine fare it's still good. It does run at a full 60fps though; double the other two versions here.
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My initial impressions of the Game Gear version were basically to the tune of 'oh dear, oh dear me'. I wasn't impressed. Rather than redraw a whole game's worth of assets to compensate for the smaller screen real-estate, the game is instead crunched to a tiny space with simplified layouts in places. Combat is tougher as a result of the reduced visibility, but it's nothing that can't be adapted to. Oh, but I'd have killed for a camera that looks ahead in the player's facing direction. Alas.
However, as I played further, stubbornly due to my want to play all the versions of this childhood favourite, I started to notice changes that really improved things on a fundamental level.
For starters, the 'charm point' system is gone (buy what you want, when you want! As long as you've got the rubies, uh, coins), as with the 2017 remake. Unlike that version, however, the charm stones have been replaced with teleportation gems that serve to return the player to the main village on use. And there's plenty of them; perhaps a quality-of-life measure with the Game Gear's poor battery life in mind? Either way, it's welcome -- even if the lack of 'home' doors post-boss was initially sorta confusing.
But. Also. Due to the game essentially having a small-scale redesign to accommodate the crunched screen, certain areas have a particular new 'flavour' to them. It's now impossible to accidentally stumble into the lava canyon area before you've access to Piranha Man's swimming now, for example. There are a few interesting screens in the final dungeon as well, and the pyramid's key is now in the sphinx at its far side. Et cetera, and so on, and so forth.
Actually that made this version totally worth playing through, and I think it remiss to not have paid homage to some of the changes in the 2017 version. Ah well. Had it a look-ahead camera I'd actually call this tiny handheld version the definitive one of the pre-remake versions. But it's not to be.
Either way, I told ya. Three absolute banger versions of a great game.
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I'm putting together the Skyrim info dump and something short but fluffy. Yeah, I do have to finish the Fallout one lol. But I want like every detail about the Lavender Lounge. E V E R Y T H I N G. From the most minor detail of the building itself to the location (I think I'm misremembering the actual location). If there's anything about the outside of the building that stands out and all you can tell me about the inside.
Oh dear okay it's been a minute since I talked about the Lounge. So it's original location was out near Morthal however once Uth ascended it became this sorta summonable tardis like thing. It is capable of moving as needed or requested magically, the inside a near infinite space to house its many many patrons. The interior is a low lit tavern when you first enter, tables, booths, all decorated with various flowers and soft pillows. The bar itself a well stocked wall of bottles, anything you want can be found and even things of Uthorims own design. Moving upstairs is where it's infinite space really shows itself, long hallways of endless doors all marked with various symbols. The room you've been assigned always finding its way to you as you reach out towards the handle. If you have no room however you must be careful not to get lost, the Lounge doesn't like intruders and one may become trapped wandering the halls. We'll if they don't open the wrong door first that is. The rooms come standard with a simple run of what you'd imagine comes in a hotel type room. Everything is of a higher quality however, most royalty have only seen the things Uthorim stocks the rooms with. Fancy furs, soft plush beds, etc. The longer one stays and trust is formed, the more one can customize their space. Some patrons even call the Lounge home given its vow to protect those who enter its doors. The outside of the Lounge itself makes it appear somewhat unassuming. It's main feature is the Lavender that it derives its name from that grows and roots itself throughout the outer walls helping keep the structure together.
(I'm sure there's more but brain is sick, feel free to ask specifics! <3)
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babiebom · 2 months
Ranking the relationships in my fics
A/N: I have so many requests right now and no time to do them and I’m kinda burnt out on the one I’m doing so here’s something easy for right now :) both platonic and romantic as long as it’s a main relationship also half of these Fics have been either deleted or never posted but might be in the future!! I will include links to those posted :)
Tw:some nsfw? Some cursing, some angst, mentions of murder and suicide mentions of abuse (physical mental verbal) lmk if I should tag anything else!!
Bc at least 4 for each pairing
Misc Masterlist
1) Denali x Naomi (Escape the Fog)
From a deleted fic that I am currently rewriting its a dead by daylight fic with two original main characters
The reason this is number one is because out of all of the relationships this is the one that is strictly platonic
Like yeah romantic relationships aren’t bad but
Out of all the relationships this one is the most demanding and pure
I mean not to spoil but Naomi is literally taken to the Entity’s realm and Denali is taken there simply because her need to find her friend is so strong!!!!
Like she doesn’t care that she’s being killed every single day
She’s just happy that she’s found her friend that went missing
And loves her friend so much that she’s willing to be permakilled to get her back home
2) Sebastian x Reader (When You Fall)
From When You Fall which is a Stardew Valley fanfiction
The least toxic out of the romantic relationships
And by least toxic I don’t think they’re toxic at all
Like even if there’s a little angst (there’s gonna be a little angst btw) they’re a strong couple
Actually makes each other better rather than making each other worse.
They love each other for who they are including all of their flaws and they would be number one if Denali and Naomi didn’t have a relationship that goes above and beyond.
Like what kind of person would help you through your depression?
A person that loves you that’s who.
Like 80 years from now the two will be old and grey and still acting as if they’re in the honeymoon phase
3) Eden x Eleventh Doctor (The Garden of Eden)
From an unpublished Doctor who fanfiction that I am in the process of writing
Here is where we’re getting into the ohhhh this relationship is kinda toxic really
And it’s a shame they’re number THREE on the list lmao what does that say about my writing?
They are constantly arguing (90 percent not in a serious way)
And Eden sort of sees the Doctor as a God due to how they met which puts him on a pedestal
BUT the relationship doesn’t start off romantic which I think is healthy for them
And they are both fiercely protective of one another due to how long she’s spent traveling with him
So while she does see him as a God it isn’t in a very obvious or serious way unless you can see inside of her head as she doesn’t treat him as such at all.
Also a very goofy relationship overall
4) Grace x Seth Clearwater (unnamed fic)
It’s an unwritten and unnamed Twilight Fic that I might post when I’m done with the whole thing lmao
The only reason they’re number four is that I think that him imprinting on her is taking away his choice
Like yes they would probably still end up together regardless of if he had the ability to imprint or not because they’re soulmates
But him having the trait does take away the ability to actually choose
Like it’s literally a one look and that’s it thing. It forces you to live someone platonically or not so he doesn’t have a say in the matter
BUT the two do genuinely love each other so so so much that after their angst is done they’re inseparable
Which again sorta toxic when it’s a codependent relationship but they actually RARELY argue
Seth is actually so sweet that again after the angst is done they might have an argument once every like 5 years.
5)Quinn x Spencer Reid (Baby Blue)
From my Criminal minds fic that is currently posted on ao3 that I am debating on posting here.
Actually they argue so often
If he hadn’t have gotten her pregnant in a one night stand they would have still met and would have a love hate relationship
Like without the baby they would be an enemies to lovers trope but instead he immediately and accidentally got her pregnant so now they’re stuck with each other
Do genuinely love each other and after they finally figure out that they have feelings for each other everything calms down
But with her being pregnant and them not being in a relationship and then the jealousy and miscommunication everything is just toxic
Like could they tell each other that they accidentally fell in love with the other and they wanna try to have a relationship?
Will they?
But again after the drama they’re actually a very affectionate couple that manages to keep their passion into their old age
6) Ashanti x Cárter Walsh-Kim (unnamed fic)
From my deleted twilight fic
While he isn’t a main main character he serves to be the Jacob of the plot but they actually date and he doesn’t force himself on her or fall in love with her future child :)
They’re a healthy college age couple?
Kinda boring but not toxic at all until Emmett enters the mix
They’re stable and comfortable and honestly would be endgame if it wasn’t for Emmett
She loved him and he loved her not much else to say. They’re low because they break up lmao
7) Ashanti x Emmett Cullen (unnamed fic)
From the same deleted fic as above I might rewrite and repost
toxic because they can’t figure out if they wanna be together or not
Like actually they have a really good relationship when they’re not arguing and he’s being a wannabe Edward with his angst
Like when they’re not fighting a great comedic duo
And he’s her biggest supporter and she’s his.
And while I know I just compared him to Edward they don’t have the whole turn me I don’t wanna turn you drama like it’s a very easy discussion and decision
He’s literally just hung up on Rosalie and that’s where the drama comes from
And the arguing kinda makes some of his old human traits reappear
8) Fawn x Johnny Slaughter (Accidental Prey)
A Texas chainsaw massacre fanfiction that isn’t finished
Would be lower because he’s actually a murder and is keeping her hostage????????????
Like he’s forcing her to live with his murderous cannibalistic family
And he kinda abusive
But he’s genuinely in love with her (more like obsessed)
And hes the only reason that she’s alive
I can’t spoil the end but dude LOVES her more than Johnny in my other fanfics loves their partner more than just being possessive and obsessive
9) Bucky Barnes x Reader (Mr.Right)
From a deleted marvel fic that I haven’t finished and probably won’t until I get the urge
These two just absolutely JUMPED into a relationship without thinking about it
And tbh idk if they’ll last or not but they do currently love each other
It’s super middle/high school vibes but they do have a good relationship
He’s an assassin though
And has gotten them almost killed
And has taught them how to murder people
And is actually kinda a fucked up guy AND relationship because they kinda lose their mind.
10) Evangeline x Danny Johnson (Between a Rock and a Hard Place)
My dead by daylight x Texas chainsaw massacre fic that only has like a single chapter posted
Is higher than Johnny because he isn’t physically abusive like Johnny is
But still low because he’s actually insane
Is a serial killer but isn’t a cannibal
Is obsessed with her and probably wouldn’t kill her
Loves her I guess if obsession counts lmao
Is willing to take care and love a child that isn’t his if she chooses him
11) Evangeline x Johnny Slaughter (Between a Rock and a Hard Place)
From the same fic as above
Physically, Emotionally, and Verbally abusive
And while you’re thinking IM HOW IS HE NOT LAST
He did leave his family to go find her and does somehow love her that he hasn’t murdered her yet
And even though he threatens to kill her he never actually would unless he has a breakdown and kills her and himself
12) Corinne x Johnny Slaughter (unnamed fic)
From an unnamed unfinished unpublished Texas chainsaw massacre fic that will be posted when I’m done with all three chapters
Actually one of the WORST relationships and probably should be last
But the reason why it isn’t is because Corinne is no longer stuck with him
He physically, verbally, and emotionally abused her
Forced her to kill their child because the police were close to catching them and a child would slow them down
Constantly cheated on her with victims after he kidnapped her and forced her to live with him and his family
He doesn’t really love her (he thinks he does) he really just sees her as a possession.
13) Peter Parker x Reader (the Beauty of You)
A marvel fanfic that I deleted that is a You AU so Peter is in the role of Joe lmao
While he isn’t abusive he is VERY manipulative which is mentally abusive
Has murdered people to get to Reader
Has threatened to kill them
They’re lower than Corinne because Reader is stuck with him like until they die
Isolates them from literally everyone and uses his powers to keep them isolated and needing him
Loves them I guess lmao
14) Rasmodius x Reader (the Wizard and I)
From the stardew valley oneshot
Reader is also stuck with him for life
And this relationship is kinda romantic but the reader is being held hostage as some sort of slave
Like dude doesn’t actually love her just wants to keep his place
Like they’re literally his pet and is stuck like this
And unlike the other bad guys he literally has the ability to make them immortal
Like there’s no love at all, Reader is just possessed/enchanted to be okay with this.
Like their choice was no but this is still how they ended up unfortunately
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sharksa-shivers · 9 months
What are...Shadowdemons?
I thinks ima do a new sorta thing where i explain an aspect of Kidnapped and whatnot in a post...So for our first one, we've got shadowdemons!! Shadowdemons are the main type of demon we see in series. They are the ones that are running the shadowcult and are doing...Alot of uhhh not good things... (NOTE TO BE AWARE OF: Not every single shadowdemon we see in series is bad...Shadowdemons as a species are neutral until proven good or bad. They are not inherently born hateful, they become so overtime...I wanna make this clear before i start going off about them because THIS IS INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT...Hell, some shadowdemons we even get to meet in show are actively fighting against the cult and their shit...It's just the cult is fucking HUGE and there's alot of shadowdemons in it...) Alrighty so ig i'll start with a bareass basic explanation...What are they exactly? (Old art incoming and whatnot lol...I have to use old stuff cuz i haven't done any newer stuff soooooo bare with me here...)
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(...This above might perhaps potentally be Bastard #2...Prince Collin...Perhaps...But ima actually officially introduce him later and give him a better design lol so uhhhh hold up for me yeah??
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(Rando one i drew lol) Shadowdemons are described as very very humanlike...By this, they behave similarly as well, being intellegent and whatnot. They tend to be pale-ish tones of white or grey, some being darker greys as well. They have black voids for a base eye and a more blurry/glowing light for a pupil. It's also known they have incredibly incredibly sharp features usually...They have razor sharp fingers, teeth, ect. All shadowdemons can fly but typically lower casted ones/more common ones have wings while very very high status ones (like...Collin lol) Have no wings and fly by levitation instead. High powered shadowdemons ALSO have the ability to steal magic from mers which...is a death sentence to a mer...A MER CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT THEIR MAGIC. IT IS A VITAL PART OF THEIR SYSTEM... Shadowdemons are...Known for not being easy at all to kill. Mostly because there's only one surefire 1000% kill method for them. Only ONE. And that's by burning them. They have to be burned to be fully destroyed (and even then, you have to FULLY FULLY burn them...You cannot halfass it otherwise they will regenerate.) Typically if you stab a shadowdemon or take their head off or whatever other death method you wanna use, they will simply be temp dead for a 5 to 15 minute period (depending on how bad the injury is) and then they will reform...They can literally reform their entire head and brain if you shot them like 30 times, you need fire to fully do one in... Shadowdemons do need food and rest to recoup and regain lost energy HOWEVER they will not die without these things and some shadowdemons forgo these things for years and years...Depends on the demon, each one has their preference... Shadowdemons are also known for being able to blend among people very well. They are known to have 3 forms: 1. Their typical shadowdemon form, the form we see the most usually. 2. A "human" form, basically a disguise form to fit in among people without raising flags... 3. Their shadowform, basically they can turn into a shadowcloud. We tend to not see this as often but it does and can happen. As a note as well; Mers and humans are about on par strengthwise (if you don't count magic) Shadowdemons however, are about 3 times stronger on average then humans and mers, they can SERIOUSLY do damage and fuck you up with raw demon strength if they're able to… Your average mer without magic is like a typical human...A shadowdemon, 1 shadowdemon alone, can give Sharky a run for his money in the strength department so yknowwwwww uhhhhh not good lol...They can take alottttttt of damage, regenerate and are very difficult to fight. Alot in the cult are bloodthirsty though some aren't and are simply...Just trapped in the cult unfortuntely for them... Another thing of mention in the shadowdemon toolkit is something known as 'body-hacking' ...........And yeah, it's exactly what you think it is; demon possession. If a shadowdemon can get inside you and they have bad intentions, it's pretty much curtains for you because there's...Not really a good way to exorcise them out of yourself...They can weaken you and weaken you and weaken you and the weaker you get, the more control they get of you...Andddddddd that's not really good for your ass now is it?? --- Shadowdemon reproduction (might as well since i am talking about them lol...) Shadowdemons-Shadowdemons reproduction is VERYYYY different from humans…For starters, asexual reproduction…Shadowdemons also do not need het coupling to reproduce either, any gender of shadowdemon can join in. Shadowdemons also can reproduce with more then 2 partners, up to 5 (past 5 demons, you usually start getting really bad genetic defects…)
In order to produce a shadowchild, a few steps are taken. (we will discuss this with a average couple of 2, insert whatever gender you'd like, but 2 parents…)
The shadowparents will dig a hole, about 4 or 5 feet deep, deep enough for the offspring to grow.
The shadowparents choose a base parent. A base parent is one that will temporarily sacrifice a limb that will be removed and placed into the hole. The limb removed is usually a arm, hand, foot, or leg. The usual method of limb removal will be through a sword, knife or machete and will be done fast, usually to try and help reduce pain. Once the limb is removed, it is placed into the hole…
The other shadowparent will then proceed to add some sort of dna, usually spit or blood to the limb (though other dna isn't unheard of.)
After this is done, the hole is very very very quickly covered back up and the base parent leaves as quickly as possible to avoid the limb reconnecting to the base parent. After this process is complete, the hole is left alone for a weekend to a full week…Shadowdemons are made very quickly compared to other creatures due to their regeneration aspects…After this timeframe, what's known as a shadowchild, will dig it's way free and into the world, "being born". Shadowdemons do not have a baby stage in life, instead being "born" as children right off the bat(albeit small children…) Shadowchildren are able to take human forms pretty much instantly and resemble 4-6 year old children…Shadowchildren are then either picked up by their shadowparents or move into society themselves and are given food and clothes upon moving into the area. Shadowdemons have areas where orphan shadowchildren can stay as they grow up.
Shadowdemon life cycle: Shadowchild-->Teenager-->Adult Shadowdemon It's noted/thought that the most powerful shadowdemons have some sort of direct connection to Demon Drop...Who was the first shadowdemon and seems to be somewhat different then other shadowdemons...In certain ways... Collin for example is incredibly incredibly strong and takes alot more to tempkill then your typical shadowdemon...This is because Collin is Demon Drop's son, directly apparently (and thus why he has the power he does in the cult...And why he's prince...And everythingggg else...) ------ Shadowdemon culture: There's the cult culture where...You do whatever you are told or face the fire/consiquences OR the shadowdemon outsider culture...Where alot of them try to hide and live their lives like normalass people, wanting absolutely nothing to do with the cult and their bloodshed. It very much depends... It's said too there's a demon fighting group known as 'The Rising Dusts' which is made entirely of ex cult demons and tries to fight against the cult as well as pulling shadowdemons from it...And stopping the whole uhhhh doomsday death thing the Shadowcult wants to spearhead at some point very soon...(Perhaps we'll even get to learn/see/encounter them in series despite them being quite elusive apparently...) The main shadowdemons we will see are from the cult though...And we'll see them in full action, killing mortals, trying to recruit outsider shadowdemons, trying to fuck with demon fighters, trying to bring Demon Drop back, the whole 9...So that'll be funnnnnnn... ------
......I think this is the bulk of info but i mayyyyy probably am missing something, idk, ig i can always do another later on if need be lol...
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