#theres enough sabine for all of us
fixations-101 · 6 months
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alex went on that mini rant about zapping Sabine and it just spoke to me
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heyclickadee · 3 months
Okay, to try to explain why the Bad Batch finale is driving me crazy
Imagine if Rebels ended at season three. (Thought experiment time!)
Not that it got cancelled; no one is saying it was cancelled, everyone is saying that this is where they wanted to end that chapter. And the entire season plays out exactly the same as it did in the real world*. Zero Hour, exactly as is, ends up being the series finale.
And the initial reaction is, “Great! They’re alive! They made it out, no one else besides Ahsoka died, we’re so relieved,” except—
What about Lothal? We built up to trying to save Lothal even in the third season—are we really just forgetting about it? What about Ezra becoming a Jedi? The whole sequence with the Bendu was really cool, but what about that foreshadowing line he gave to Thrawn in the end? Where is that supposed to go? Why did we waste a whole episode on space whales? Why didn’t Ezra’s talent for connecting with animals ever go anywhere? What about the side episodes about the Rebel Alliance? The episodes in the season were very good on their own-in fact, a few might be close to the best episodes in the show—but because there’s no payoff and nothing goes anywhere, it all sort of falls apart. Kallus’s redemption arc was fine, but what’s he going to do now, or is he just going to feel bad about what he did? I’m glad they’re all alive and all, but that’s it? Theres no real victory except survival? Why did we spend multiple episodes in the temple on Lothal if that wasn’t going to go anywhere besides getting Ahsoka killed?
Speaking of, Ahsoka really died, and we never dealt with it? Thirty seconds of Ezra crying, everyone looking sad, a sorrowful look from Rex, then we never discuss it, and the only time she comes up is when we’re discussing her job as Fulcrum? It was ambiguous enough to begin with, then we never really got confirmation or any processing on screen at all. We had a whole episode for Ezra to process learning that his parents died, and we never even really met those characters! But nothing for Ahsoka? She’s a fan favorite, and she means so much to a lot of people in the audience. She seemed like she was Dave’s favorite, even! It’s not like her death affected anyone either—all the character motivation was driven either by Kanan’s blindness, the fallout with Maul, or Ezra being tempted by the holocron. It was noble and tragic, sure, but narratively, they just killed her for shock value. If she’s even supposed to be dead! We don’t know for sure!
So you’re thinking through all of that, trying to figure out what the hell happened here and how a show that was otherwise very good only resolved two or three subplots, none of which was the main one, never really dealt with a main character’s death, and never fully 100% resolved anyone’s character arc, all while the showrunners refuse to say that this is the last time we’ll see these characters and insist on using the word “chapter” to refer to the end. So you’ve got a sneaking suspicion that the story isn’t actually over, that there’s something weird going on, but you don’t know for sure, and you can’t just let things lie because it’s not that it’s just a bad ending, it’s that it’s bad in a particularly insane way that would come back around to being incredible if there ended up being any follow through for a series that was somehow 99% set up and no payoff.
Anyway, this is where I’m at with The Bad Batch right now.
* For the purposes of this thought experiment, we can add a except that there’s a little epilogue at the end—not the epilogue we actually got at the end of season four of Rebels, but an epilogue where a fifteen-year-older Ezra has a conversation with Hera (no one else, and no Jacen around, no sign that Jacen even exists) about needing to go do something, and then hopping into a ship that looks a bit like the Phantom and has little mementos from various members of the ghost crew family around. Ezra mentions Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper, so we at least know they’re alive, but he doesn’t mention anyone else, and neither does Hera. Something with Ahsoka’s fulcrum symbol is sitting on Ezra’s dashboard. We learn nothing about what anyone does in the meantime. It’s completely open.
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therand0mwriter · 1 year
IDOL-Chapitre deux
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x Male!Idol!reader
When a young American idol and his band tours in France, every one in Adrien's class wants to go. Unfortunately for them, tickets sold out as soon as they were for sale. Fortunately for Adrien, his father was able to get him tickets, but with a cost. Even though theres an underlying reason on why he's going, Adrien decides to take his best friend Nino, and his other two close classmates/friends, Alya and Marinette.
When they all got to the concert and the idol started singing, it mesmerized Adrien, pulling him to the front of the stage. Seeing the idol perform made Adrien feel things he never felt before, and it didn't help when the idol lent down and kissed Adrien's hand. Now that caused quite the ruckus.
"𝐔𝐡, 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭?"
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[The song "Bad Habit" by Steve Lacy does not belong to me]
*Time Skip, 6 Months*
*Adrien's POV*
"Are you guys excited or what?!" Alya shouted, grinning from ear to ear. Marinette enthusiastically nodded her head, "Of course! And I already have all of our outfits ready!" "Great! I can't wait see them!" Alya cheered. "Thats amazing, Marinette. It'll be cool to see what you came up with this time." I smiled at the blue eyed girl. Her cheeks turned dark and a nervous smile made its way onto her face, "Y-Yeah, h-hopefully they look good!" I laugh and smile, "It's you, I'm sure they will!"
Marinette had offer to make me and Nino outfits for Ensnare's concert, but we politely turned her down, not wanting to cause her too much trouble. Speaking of Ensnare, their concert was tonight, and it was the last one for the France tour. From the videos we've seen online, it'll be an unforgettable experience...
*Time Skip*
*Y/N's POV*
"We got two hours until showtime! Chop chop people!" I could hear Sheena practically screaming over the hoard of workers, clapping her hands, all the way to our dressing room. "Can she be any louder?" Kylian mumbled to himself. "You know she can," I chuckled. "Yeah, don't tempt her, especially tonight." Jiraiya added, rubbing his temples. Kylian mocked Jiraiya in a tiny squeaky voice, causing the ravenette to throw his water bottle at the brunette.
Kylian shot up to his feet, shoulders squared and ready for a fight. Jiraiya didn't hesitate to rise to his feet either. "Hey!" I yelled, deepening my voice and making both males immediately paused in their steps and look towards me. "Knock it off." I gritted through my teeth, no room for argument in my tone. Both males glared at each other before sitting back into their previous spots.
"Ooo, papa Y/N does not play!" Kairo laughed from his seat in the make-up chair. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "That's enough out of you," He grinned mischievously but quieted down nonetheless.
*Time Skip, 1 hour*
*Adrien's POV*
Me and Nino were currently in Marinette's living room, waiting as she and Alya finished getting ready. Nino was dressed in a white t-shirt with a light brown button up shirt as a jacket, black jeans with a chain, black sneakers, a light brown flat cap, and his usual colorful bracelets he always wore.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Nino's outfit.]
I was dressed in a black t-shirt, a light blue button up as a jacket, black jeans, and white sneakers.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Adrien's outfit.]
"Would you boys like anything to drink?" Marinette's mom, Sabine Cheng, asked us from their kitchen. "No thank you, we're alright Mrs. Cheng." I answered with a smile, Nino nodding along. Just then, Marinette and Alya came downstairs. "Woah..." Nino breathlessly said as he saw his girlfriend. Alya was wearing a long sleeve, orange and brown dress that stopped at her mid thigh. The dress was almost a geometrical design, definitely making it an eye catcher. She wore brown boots and had a brown purse to match.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Alya's outfit.]
"I decided to go out of my comfort zone this time," Alya smiled, radiating confidence. "You look amazing, babe!" Nino cheered, going and hugging his girlfriend. He kissed her cheek as I added, "Yeah! You look great!" "It's all thanks to Marinette," Alya stepped to the side to show said girl (who was hiding). Marinette was wearing a soft pink sundress that stopped at her mid thigh, a red and white flower design along the dress. She had a white cardigan on, white flats and a matching white clutch purse.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Marinette's dress.]
"You look amazing, Marinette! Very cute!" I complimented her, making her face turn red. Marinette started to uncontrollably stutter, but Alya came to her side, "What she is trying to say, is thank you." I look back to Marinette and she rigidly nodded her head in agreement. "Alright! Let's go!" Alya cheered, grabbing Marinette's hand and pulling her along, me and Nino following behind.
*Time Skip, 30 Minutes*
*Y/N's POV*
We just finished our VIP meet and greet and got back to our dressing room, touching up our look and/or changing our outfits. Not long after, our manager came in, "Is everyone ready?" Sheena asked, looking around the room. "Yeah, Y/N just needs to get changed." Jiraiya said, motioning to me in the make-up chair. "Alright, everyone else, go get into your positions." Sheena said before quickly leaving the room, most likely to go check on multiple other things.
When the make-up artist was done, I stood up and called over my band mates, "Line up." Ever since our very first performance together, it's been tradition for them to line up and have me look them over. The twins were first, then Kylian and finally Jiraiya. The twins were wearing a white t-shirt, a tan jacket, dark green cargo pants, white sneakers and jewelry.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Kairo's and Loyal's outfit.]
I straightened out one of Loyal's pant legs, as one cuff was risen higher than the other, and gave him a nod of approval. I move onto Kairo and straightened out his shirt and jacket, giving him the nod of approval as well. I turn to Kylian to see him wearing a white sweater with the sleeves pushed up, gray skinny jeans with material missing at his knees, white sneakers and his jewelry.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Kylian's outfit.]
I straightened out his messy hair, getting a complaint from him. Once I was done I nodded in approval. When I finally turn to Jiraiya, he was waiting with a smile. I could tell he was nervous, so I smiled at him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, "Relax, you'll be great, you always are!" His shoulder relaxed but his face held... disappointment? Before I could ask what's wrong, he changed the subject, "Thanks, how do I look by the way?" I pulled away and took a look at his outfit. He was wearing a clean, white button up shirt, light blue ripped jeans, white sneakers and his jewelry. "Handsome," I simply said, nodding in approval.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Jiraiya's outfit.]
It looked like he blushed but quickly turned his head to our other band mates, "Okay, let's go. Get dressed and meet us out there." He started pushing the other three members out the door. "See you guys there!" I called out before they closed the door.
*3rd Person POV*
There was an awkward silence among the 4 band members that just left their leader. Kairo opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Jiraiya was trying hard to ignore their concerned glances, focusing on heading to their instruments. That is, until Kylian spoke up, "Y'know, he's not going to treat you any different unless you tell him how you feel."
Jiraiya made a sound of annoyance, "You don't think I know that?" Kylian rolled his eyes, "Oh my god, just tell him!" "I don't want to ruin what we have." Jiraiya said. "Well, your looks of longing and sadness towards our dear leader is making me uncomfortable. So tell him and stop with your moping!" Kylian said, exasperated. Jiraiya halted in his steps and got into Kylians face, "If I tell him how I feel and he rejects me, it's going to be extremely uncomfortable for all of us. Not just you." He pulled away and sped off towards his instrument, leaving the three boys behind.
Kylian stared off in the direction Jiraiya went with a glare, Kairo coughing uncomfortably and Loyal shifting from foot to foot. "That was awkward for us," Kairo mumble. Kylian 'tsk-ed', "Shut up."
*Time Skip*
*Adrien's POV*
After we made our way through a metal detector and the security guard scanned our tickets, we were handed some glow sticks. We cracked them as we made our way into the venue and placed them on our necks and wrists. We scanned the place and gawked, amazed at all the lights and decorations. There was a stand selling the bands merchandise and a couple stands that were selling snacks and drinks.
"Okay! Let's grab the merch now! That way we can leave immediately afterwards! The line isn't that long too!" Alya shouted over the noise of the crowd and background music. "Smart! That way we won't be late for our dinner!" I also shouted. All three of them looked at me, confused. "Uh, what do you mean: 'dinner', dude?!" Nino asked. "Um, our dinner with Ensnare? Did I not tell you we have Deluxe VIP tickets?!" I said, starting to get confused.
Everyone had blank looks on their faces before they screamed/shouted in excitement. "Why didn't you tell us we had Deluxe VIP tickets?!" Alya screamed, shaking my shoulders. "S-Sorry I-I f-forgot!" I tried to say while being violently shook. "This is so exciting! We get to meet them!" Marinette cheered, jumping in her spot, Alya joining her not long after.
"Oh, wait! Let's hurry up and get in line for the merch!" Alya paused, taking Marinette's hand and speed walking towards the line. Me and Nino looked at each other and chuckled, following after the girls.
*Time Skip*
*3rd Person POV*
The concert was about to begin, the four teens waiting with anticipation. Adrien looked down to his hands to see the shirt and magazine he bought at the merchandise stand. The shirt was a long sleeve crew neck and it was white, Ensnare's most recent album cover on the front. The magazine also had the bands album cover on the front, but when you opened it, it was pretty much a picture book. It was full of photos of the members, together and separate. Occasionally, there would be paragraphs explaining what was happening in the picture or why they were doing a that specific photo shoot.
Adrien was embarrassed to admit it, but the main reason he got the magazine was because of Y/N. The vendor for the stand had the magazine on display, and he had it opened to a picture of just Y/N. Y/N was dressed in an all red suit, his shirt slightly opened to reveal his chest a bit. The background for the picture was all red too, making Y/N's head and chest stand out the most, making him eye catching. Adrien convinced himself that he just wanted Y/N to sign the picture and that's why he got it, but deep down, he knew he just really liked that picture and wanted it in general.
Finally, a drum roll started. "It's time! The moment you've all been waiting for!" Once the announcer started, the entire venue erupted into a cheer. "Please welcome, Ensnare's favorite set of twins! Kairo and Loyal!" Said twins ran out onto stage, Kairo going to the edge and high fiving a few fans while Loyal sheepishly waved.
Once they made it to their assigned instruments, the announcer started up again, "Next, we have the bad boy, the heart breaker, Kylian!" The brunette ran out onto the stage, winking and blowing kisses to the female fans. "Second to last, we have the cool, collected, Jiraiya!" He calmly stepped out onto the stage, also waving and making his way to his instrument.
The drum roll sped up, "And finally... the leader and amazing vocalist... Y/N!" Time seemed to slow down for Adrien, the sounds of the crowd drowned out, only the sounds of his breathing, rapid heartbeat and the slow steps of Y/N walking onto the stage were present. But when Adrien saw Y/N... everything went silent, it was like he was deaf. The idol on stage was glowing, his silky hair shined, his eyes were vibrant, his skin clear and smooth... and not to mention his outfit. The male was wearing all black, except for his thin white belt. His dress shirt had the first few buttons undone and was tucked into his skinny jeans, dress shoes and silver jewelry completing his look.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for your (the reader) outfit.]
When Y/N made it to the microphone and greeted the crowd, it snapped Adrien out of his trance, "Bonsoir, everyone!" The blonde male realized how heavy his breathing was and how fast his heart rate was, his face felt hot and his palms sweaty. He wiped his forehead and started to control his breathing, 'What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like this?' Adrien thought, genuinely confused.
If Adrien wasn't so focused on his breathing, he would have connected that his 'problem' was right on the stage in front of him.
"Thank you all so much for coming to see us tonight! We really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the show tonight, and since it's our last one, we have something special planned for you all!" Y/N explained, a large smile on his face. The crowd screamed once again. "Now, let's get on with it!"
*Time Skip, 1 hour*
The band had just finished playing their final song off of their most recent album. The crowd was screaming, confetti was everywhere, balloons that the stage hand had threw out were bouncing around, it was a moment none of the teens would forget.
Ensnare was taking a break, wiping sweat of their foreheads and chugging water bottles. About half way through the concert the twins had taken off their jackets and Kylian had thrown his sweater into the crowd, a lucky female fan catching it. The male only had an undershirt on now, his bicep tattoo of his guitar with music notes showing.
Y/N took a deep breath before grabbing the microphone again, "Y'all enjoying the concert?!" He got excited screams in return. He laughed into the microphone, causing Adrien's heart rate to spike up once more. "Well, we have something special planned for you all. Since this is the last concert of our first out of country tour, we are going to play a couple of our most favored covers!" The venue erupted.
Y/N laughed once again, and turned to Jiraiya, nodding to start. Said male then started to strum an American pop tune. The band played two covers of songs, but before they played their third, Y/N spoke into the microphone again, "This is our last song for the night! We all really appreciate you coming out here to support us tonight... Y'know, when we started this band, we never thought we would be popular enough to tour across the world. We wouldn't be here without you! WE LOVE YOU, FRANCE!" The crowd went wild, a quarter of the fans even started crying.
Y/N looked to his bandmates and they nodded. He turned back to the microphone and took a deep breath.
"I wish I knew you wanted me." The band started playing and Y/N continued to sing. "I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. What you, ooh, uh, what you do? Made a move, coulda made a move. If I knew I'd be with you. Is it too late to pursue?"
Adrien didn't know what came over him. He mindlessly started to move through the crowd.
"I bite my tongue, it's a bad habit. Kinda mad that I didn't take a stab at it. Thought you were too good for me, my dear. Never gave me time of day, my dear. It's okay, things happen for, Reasons that I think are sure, yeah." Y/N continued to sing and dance. Whenever there was an opening, Adrien moved in, still moving forward.
"I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew (oh), I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew (yeah), I wish I knew you wanted me (oh). I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me." Adrien made it, he was at the front of the stage, so close to the siren known as Y/N.
Y/N saw something catch his eye, a mop of golden blond hair. He saw it belonged to a boy around his age, green starstruck eyes, tan skin with rosy cheeks... he was cute. The singer made his way to the boy, still singing. "Say to me (please just say to me), If this could wind up. I wish you wouldn't play with me. I wanna know (oh no),"
Y/N got right in front of Adrien and held out his hand. Adriens eyes were still wide with wonder as he placed his hand in Y/N's, still not fully processing the situation. No one knew what was going to happen next, except for Y/N. He lent down and kissed the back of Adriens hand, "Uh, can I bite your tongue like my bad habit?" Adriens face, ears and neck flushed red as Y/N winked and pulled away. The fans that were around them screamed in excitement, not ready for what just happened.
"Would you mind if I tried to make a pass at it? Were you not too good for me, my dear?Funny you come back to me, my dear. It's okay, things happen for, Reasons that I can't ignore, yeah. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew (wish I knew), I wish I knew you wanted me (oh)." Y/N continued to dance and sing, oblivious to the angry/pained look Jiraiya was giving him. The other three band members were just surprised about what happened, eyes wide.
Adrien snapped out of his trance when he felt his phone buzzing. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to see a couple missed calls from Nino and Alya and multiple texts asking where he was. Adrien quickly typed back that he was on his way and looked to the stage once more. He didn't want to leave, wanting to be as close to Y/N as possible, but he knew he needed to get back to his friends.
He turned to head back into the crowd, but finally left the stage after one more longing look towards Ensnare's singer. The song ended when the blond reunited with his friends. "Dude! Where did you go?!" Nino shouted over the noise of the crowd. "Uh, bathroom!" Adrien shouted back.
Ensnare waved goodbye to the crowd, Loyal tossing his drumsticks into the crowd and Kylian and Y/N high fiving a few fans. The band was finally off stage and Jiraiya immediately went to his changing room without a word. Y/N noted that he would have to talk to him about what's wrong later.
Sheena came up to the rest of them, "Amazing work once again, boys! Now, go take a shower and get changed, your dinner is in an hour." They all went off and did just that. Y/N was now wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans, white sneakers and a black jean jacket. Kylian was wearing a black sweatshirt, black sweatpants and white sneakers. The twins were wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, white sneakers and a dark green jacket. Jiraiya wore a white button up shirt with black birds as the design, black ripped skinny jeans, and white sneakers.
The five boys met up after showering and changing (and a touch up from the make-up artists). Y/N instantly went to Jiraiya's side and whispered, "Whats wrong?" Jiraiya brushed him off, "Nothing."
Loyal cheered, "Let's go get our grub on!" At the opportunity to escape, Jiraiya left Y/N and questioned Loyal, "What dishes are you looking forward to?" He smiled. Loyal got stars in his eyes before going on a rant about certain dishes and how to make them. Before becoming a drummer, Loyal's dream job was to be a chef.
Kylian muttered to Y/N, "At least we know if the band ever breaks up Loyal has a fall back." He ended with a chuckle, Y/N joining him.
They made it to the private dining room and opened the doors. None of the band members were ready to see the people waiting for them... more accurately a specific person. Y/N halted in his step and his breath caught in his throat. In front of him was the blonde that he kissed on the back of the hand. He still had those rosy cheeks.
Y/N lightly blushed in embarrassment, 'I never thought I would see him again! Otherwise, I wouldn't have kissed his hand!' But he cleared his throat, stepped forward, and held out his hand with a kind smile, "My name is Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you! What's your name?"
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I cant stop thinking about this idea:
So ghost crew (and maybe Kallus) capture Vader and they manage to get enough truth serum stuff to get vader to talk and after asking him his biggest regret and its turning to the dark side they look further into it/ask him more questions about it, and they find out his whole plan to win the war then leave the order, and how it changed to win the war, join the sith, learn what he need too, leave both orders, but then he got burnt and therefor trapped, so he ends up spilling his life story (somehow manages to keep his realashinship with Padme out of it) and Kallus is like, I did not know this, but one glance at the ghost crew, they did not know his, once glance, no, whiff of air from the other prisoners, they did not know nor expect this, and then he turns out to be KRIFFING ANAKIN SKYWALKER, and suddenly the puzzle you kind of knew about but really were just making in the back of your mind becomes clear, and all the pieces fit together; and then they all still hate him even if more understanding, but then Ezra/Kallus is like ‘wait hold on this guy is traumatised, on just so many levels, dosnt want to be here and quite frankly welcomes death, but he chooses to go through unimaginable pain everyday because he doesn’t want Sidious(who is the most evil guy, fullstop.) to hurt others the way Sidious hurt him and your like, ‘yep evil lets make him live in this or kill him’ when you could help him over throw the empire and get him put of this’ and then Sabine hears that and makes a point ‘yeah, you guys use the light side of the force(and I know theres a difference) but thats the most Jedi thing he could possibly do in that scenario’ and Kannans like ‘HES A LITERAL SITH’ and Ezras like but ‘yeah a sith who wants to die but continues to live in pain -which I could not withstand for a minute- because someone hurt his family and he doesn’t want anyone else to be hurt by Sidious’ and Kannans like ‘well hes still a sith, hes alive of hatred’ and Ezras like ‘yeah, a good sith’ theres a pause and then ‘we’ll as good as a siths gonna get’ and Kallus has to add ‘yes, in this case Vader +Anakin please+ is a good sith, besides hes proven while some sith are plain evil some are just broken’
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Literally can not stop talking about them.
Totally ignoring that Zeb told Ezra he was found on Lasan by Kanan after the T7's and telling you what I THINK happened instead hehe
So we know that Wookies and Lasat were- are super rare "treats" for the mining guild- as far as Zeb knew, he was the only Lasat left. So when the Wookies came and got him out, barely- they were attacked and taken. I don't know what happened to the Wookies, but for the next few months Zeb went through it, being sold and swapped around the galaxy and working until he collapses- or.. other kinds of work Zeb decides to take to the grave. Of course the guilt tricked him into thinking this was deserved, of course, and make no move to help himself out until one day the cargo ship he was on was attacked
Kanan refused any part, at first- he didn't care for the slaves like Hera did, all he wanted was supplies and they could bounce- so when she came back dragging a clearly beaten and abused massive Lasat onto their ship, he was a little upset. Hera absolutely refused argument, despite Kanan trying very hard to argue this, and kept pulling Zeb along onto the ship– Zeb didn't know where to look, to be honest.
Hera told Kanan Zeb was the only one left. The other slaves and prisoners were killed when Hera's presence was revealed- Zeb was lucky Hera turned the right corner. And now there he stood, being handed a bag of stuff and shown an empty room, and told this is where he was staying- "until they found a place to dump him" Kanan got a good smack for that snip- but Zeb just bowed and stayed in the room for three whole rotations. Hera caught him on several occasions cleaning up the ship/making up meals with what they had- Kanan was a little impressed but Hera stomped any ideas out of his head. Hera tried to gently discourage the behaviour by reminding Zeb he was free, but Zeb wasn't all that sure considering he was being "dropped off"
It was a long, honestly scary process- Kanan obviously wasn't sure what to think of their new... companion, barely seeing him unless Hera specifically requested Zeb come out of his room- a weird habit of his, but Hera was worried they wouldn't have enough rations for them all- and Chopper quickly(and, to be fair, accidentally) made them all very aware of Zebs relationship with electricity. It took almost a month for Hera to get Zeb comfortable enough to be around Chopper again, and even then it was only when Hera or Kanan were around too. Its- it's tough, but they make it work.
Then one day when they're out, Kanan gets cornered by troppers. Hera cant comm him, and blasters are trained on him with pressure on the trigger. Theres no way out- and Zeb shows up kicks the stormtroopers asses. Kanans totally floored- this is the same guy who barely said any more than three words to them and couldn't stand at first- he absolutely killed them. Zeb totally dropped after though- this was like his third supply run, he wasn't used to running around and fighting people, even if his form was close to perfect, still- Kanan caught and helped Zeb back to the supplies and Hera- who punched Kanan in the gut after being told what happened.
Hera took Zeb home to his room after noticing his hands tremble. And they don't drop him off.
Kanan comes around, he couldn't resist, with the way Hera was determined to keep Zeb- and with what had just happened. His bunk felt more homely, food supply was now regularly topped, and three spots at the table made the place.. feel more like home. Kanan likes it, he starts going on supply runs with just Zeb, they play Sabbac together and they're not just- people who happen to live together- Hera's overjoyed her two boys are getting along, already giving Zeb the title "Spectre 4" with his own comm
It's sweet, Zeb gets more comfortable, he gets better, and Hera, Kanan, Chopper and Zeb become a family. Things are good, bad- it's messy when Sabine and Ezra join in, with the Empire hammering down on them and Heras attention now being divided(but not unequal!), but Zeb adapts.
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sixtyeightdays · 4 years
you reap what you sow
prompt from @mialuvscats : i hope this meets your expectations ! im sorry this took so long, i tried uploading it from my phone but it glitched and i could only get my hands on the computer today 
i’d like to say that i think if sabine and mari are there, damian and talia willl be relatively looser and not as uptight . mari and sabine are cold but loving and sunshiney. they keep talia and damian in check, essentially. which is why i wrote them in to be loose and free but able to be openly happy when they want to be, even if they are only happy around each other.
with sabine here i also thinkt hat talia will be slightly easier on damian, which also ties to the fact that he will not be as cold and uptight.
talia will be a good mother in this fic bc i want her to be and itll be ooc but its okay its my fic anyway
and the timeline is kinda messed up and all over the place sorry
that aside, have fun reading and i hope you enjoy!
talia and sabine are best friends, and before most of the class joins francois, marinette ruled the school after coming to paris with sabine. mari and damian are betrothed and the two are best friends. they can be icy one minute and sunshiney the next, although the sunshiney part is more mari than damian.
maybe the waynes come to paris, bc if theyre in gotham the others wont really know if the queen is back, and theyre kinda unsure why marinette is being timid and very unlike her ice queen demeanor she sometimes uses. mari is closest to jason in terms of batfam because firstly maybe she cleanses jason of the lazarus pit after helping damian using tikki's creation magic to counteract plagg's destruction one. since the waynes are here theres no point in mari hiding her queen status anymore and queue lila reveal
Talia al Ghul and Sabine Cheng were an unlikely combination, but worked perfectly well.
The two women were extremely close. Sabine was almost as deadly as Talia, but she made up for it with her devious mindset. She was the one who steered Talia away from doing anything wrong --well more wrong than usual-- and the one who was assigned to dish out punishments to usurpers.
The two could read each other like open books, and hence, when both Talia and Sabine became pregnant, Talia one month before Sabine, the two knew immediately.
They had debated whether or not to have their kids be betrothed, and eventually decided to let their children make the final call when their kids were old enough to understand.
Nine months later, Marinette and Damian were born. In the League infirmary, an hour after the two were cleaned and left there to rest while their mothers did the same, the two had already grown rather close.
Their baby cribs were next to each other, and somehow they were staring at each other through the walls of the crib, and were making small grabby hands to the other.
When Talia and Sabine were sufficiently rested and came to pick up their children, they were slightly shocked, yet gratified by their children. Sabine smiled and draped an arm around Talia’s shoulder, smiling lazily.
“I guess they’ll be as close as their mothers, non?” 
Talia smirked, and the two walked forwards, lifting their respective children in their arms and walking to their quarters.
The two mothers did not regret it. Their kids were enamoured with each other, practically joined at the hip.
By the time Marinette and Damian were 5, they had a very extensive vocabulary, since they had learned to speak Arabic, French and English. They were also extremely smart and skilled with weapons. 
Marinette was extremely adept at using a yoyo. It seemed weird, I know. But when the League was stormed when she was 3, she had taken out 4 men with her yoyo alone. Since then, she had been teaching herself how to use the yoyo effectively.
Damian preferred to use a katana. He looked much scarier than Marinette, even if the two were the same age. He had found a natural talent in using blades, knives, katanas and daggers included.
Marinette was the Rain to Damian’s Fire. 
She was the only one who could calm Damian down when he was mad, mad.
But make no mistake, Marinette could switch personalities in a heartbeat. She was one of the League’s most skilled interrogators at the age of 5.
After all, who would suspect a pigtailed 5 year old in pink to be scary?
Damian much preferred his stoic and icy attitude. The only people he ever let loose around was Marinette, Sabine, and Talia.
Talia and Sabine loved the children to an almost deadly extent, and the four were extremely overprotective of each other.
Marinette had taken to magic as well. She had been trained by many people in the League about sensing magic. Damian did not have the patience for magic and rituals. 
Marinette knew Damian was more of a ‘attack first ask questions later’ type of fighter, a stark contrast to Marinette’s ‘i will curse you and you will suffer in agonising pain for the rest of your life’ preferred type of fighting.
She’d never really liked getting her hands dirty, hence the magic. Killing people with magic was so much cleaner.
Sabine and Marinette had to leave for Paris when she was 9. For what, she wasn’t sure, but regardless of the distance, she and Damian constantly traded calls and letters. They would never go even a day without contact.
They were staying with one of Sabine’s old friends. His name was Tom Dupain, and he was an old wrestler and had worked with the League before. He and Sabine pretended to be married and Marinette’s name had hence became Marinette Dupain Cheng.
Damian and Talia stayed at the League, although all of them knew that Damian was to meet his birth father when he turned 10.
Marinette adapted her icy demeanor in Paris, never wanting anyone to get as close as she was with Damian. 
A few hours in, walking around Paris, she had met an elderly man in a red Hawaiian shirt, emitting the aura of magic. She had confronted him, and eventually, he opened up to her about the Miraculous. Tikki, the Ladybug kwami, and Plagg, the Black Cat kwami had taken a liking to her.
Marinette was apparently something called a True User, a reincarnation of the first Ladybug miraculous wielder. Plagg just rather liked the aura of death and chaos she apparently gave off, from the League.
She and the other Kwamis also had a rather amicable relationship, and she’d go to the ends of the Earth for the tiny gods, and vice versa.
The elderly man, named Fu, had also started to train her into becoming the new Guardian of the Miraculous.
Before, Marinette had been planning on laying low and not drawing atention to herself, but once she had beaten up two upperclassmen for bullying her classmate and somewhat accquaintance Nino, she had been fiercely regarded by both the students and faculty. 
As a result, she eventually grew close to Nino, and his friends, Kim, Alix and Chloe. She only ever let down her icy demeanour around them, showing the bright and bubbly girl persona she kept hidden. She wasn’t as close to them as she was to Damian, but they were all still quite close friends. 
It wasn’t long after that Marinette became the queen of her school, at the tender age of 10, earning her title as the Ladybug. Or, as Chloe liked to put it, the Lady, because she was lucky enough to ‘get a friend like her’.
Marinette didn’t protest. She rather liked Ladybugs, and besides, it was ironic and it reminded her a little of Damian, who sometimes liked to call her his Maribug. Because she was sometimes a pest, he deadpanned. Marinette had whacked him with a pillow. 
Everyone in the school feared the Ladybug. No one knew anything of her past. She was a mystery, an enigma that no one could solve. When new students came in after Marinette turned 14, everyone was slightly shocked to see their Lady change.
She was much more bubbly and approachable. Word had spread around that Marinette, the Lady, was trying a clean slate for the new kids. After all, not everyone should fear her.
School eventually returned to what it was like before Marinette became the Lady, although she did still rule the school, she did it much more subtly, with more restraint and secrecy.
One of the new kids, Alya, had taken a liking to her. Marinette did not like her  very much, she was loud and clingy and drew a lot of unwanted attention. 
Marinette and her old crew, who had playfully called themselves her Consorts before the name stuck, had split up temporarily, to cover more ground and spread their branches.
Chloe was to pretend to be Marinette’s bully, Kim and Alix rivals, and Nino a shy recluse. They had had a good laugh about it beforehand, before watching Moana, because Kim wanted to compare the size of his muscles to Maui’s.
None of them had accounted for Adrien Agreste, who had tried to get the gum off Marinette’s seat like the naive, sheltered boy he was. Marinette had admittedly gotten mad at him for screwing up a perfectly good plan, before ramping up her ice persona to like, a 2/10, to get the newbies off her scent and scare Adrien away.
It hadn’t worked, because the boy was apparently as stubborn as he was naive. But besides that, Alya had been really grating on Marinette’s nerves, especially since she was convinced that Marinette had a crush on the model. It was not true, of course. 
Honestly, Marinette thought dryly, as Alya dragged her all over the place to.. somewhere, she wasn’t even sure anymore. But frankly, she didn’t particularly care. Honestly, the only boy she’d probably ever have a crush on would be Damian.
Not that she’d ever admit it.
When Marinette and Damian turned 10, she and Sabine had taken a plane to Gotham to meet up with Damian.
Damian had not been having a good time. He was very much unwanted here, that was clear. 
Grayson seemed to be the only one trying to interact with him. His father, had been trying his best to stay out of Damian’s way, which he reciprocated. Todd was flat out ignoring him and Drake just seemed to be busy all the time.
After all, who would want to interact with a grumpy 10 year old assassin?
He missed Marinette.
It was the day Todd finally tried to open up to Damian, that Marinette had arrived. No one had told him that she was finally meeting him again for the first time in a year. Sabine had left Marinette to figure out where Damian was on her own. She was more than capable of it.
With a quick scrying spell, she found him, and Kaalki opened a portal headed in the direction of Wayne Manor.
Meanwhile, Damian just appreciated the fact that Todd was finally extending an olive branch. He was lonely.
It hurt seeing his father care for everyone in the manor apart from him.
He had been walking along the gardens in the manor. Todd had joined him.
“Listen, I know it’s hard to feel accepted here. Sometimes, I do.” Jason gazed wistfully at the sky above him.
Damian was unsure of where the ex-Robin was getting at, so he just kept quiet. It wasn’t as if Damian didn’t know who Jason Todd was. Before he had come to the manor with Talia, he had read the Waynes’ files. In addition, Damian had known of Jason while he was affiliated with the League. They had never talked, or interacted, but he had known of the elder boy. 
“I just, uh, wanted you to know that if you ever need anything, you can come to me.” He finished lamely, running a hand in his hair.
Damian opened his mouth, then closed it, hesitating. “Thank you, Ja--Todd. I will.” He settled on saying dryly.
Jason visibly relaxed and cracked a miniscule smile. There was a sudden ‘swoosh’ sound, and both Jason and Damian turned around, bodies automatically going on the defensive.
Stumbling out of Alfred’s rose bushes, trodding on a few accidentally, was Marinette.
“Angel!” Damian exclaimed, moving forwards to help her forwards.
She brushed her shoulders off, looking around before freezing, staring at something behind him.
“Pixie?” He asked, sounding incredulous.
Marinette rushed forward and wrapped him in a tight embrace. Jason laughed and hugged her back, chuckling.
Damian quashed down the bubbling feeling of rage in the pit of his stomach and settled for casting a frosty glance in their direction. Not that they noticed, since they were too busy embracing each other, Damian thought scornfully.
The two pulled apart after too long in Damian’s opinion, laughing.
“Angel? How do you know Todd?” Damian asked coldly, ever so protective.
If Jason noticed the sudden reversion to his surname instead of his first, he didn’t say anything.
“Oh, he came to Paris with Lia once and I cleansed him of the Lazarus pit madness, like I did with you.” She replied.
“What are you doing here?” Jason asked. Damian had forgotten about that.
“Visiting, of course!” She winked. “Now, let’s give your old man a good scare.” She pecked Damian on the cheek before vanishing. (Thanks, Trixx.)
Jason and Damian looked to each other. “Did you know she could do that?” Jason questioned. Damian shook his head before pausing.
“Wait.. how did she get into the manor?” 
The only response was the faint echo of a laugh.
It was time for dinner anyway, and only Damian, Jason, and Alfred knew of Marinette’s presence. Marinette had voluntary evelaed herself to the elderly butler after noticing his aura. 
It was Miraculous tainted. If Marinette could guess, he had been either one of Duusu’s, Sass’s, or Nooroo’s.
When the butler had retired to the kitchen alone, Marinette had unraveled Trixx’s magic veiling her and waved at the butler.
To hi credit, he didn’t so much as bat an eye before his eyes widened as he took her in. Marinette cut to the chase.
“Who was your kwami?” Alfred had surveyed her for a second before seemingly trusting her.  
“Duusu.” He answered.
Marinette smiled. “I’m Tikki’s.” From her perch in Marinette’s left pigtail, the red Kwami pried open the folds of her hair, waving once at Alfred before sinking back into the recesses of the bluenette’s locks.
Alfred blinked. Once. Twice. “I’m presuming you’re staying for dinner?”
Marinette beamed. “I’m gonna scare the big bat.” Alfred nodded, accepting this. Marinette clapped her hands and she disappeared again. Alfred shook his head, smiling faintly.
Conveniently, it was one of the times where everyone was there. Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. Rare these days, what with Dick in Bludhaven, Tim at WE, and Jason off being Jason.
Bruce was currently on his way back from WE, although it would take around half an hour. He had told everyone to start eating first. Perfect. 
After Marinette’s encounter with Alfred, she had reappeared in Damian’s room, where she and Damian caught up. Just like old times.
She had disappeared again once she left the room, and Damian wasn’t entirely sure where she went.
Alfred set the the table as per normal, which Damian and Jason noticed right away. They looked to Alfred, who merely winked before stepping back into the kitchen and laying out the food.
There was a screech of a chair as Marinette, disguised as Bruce (Trixx in her right pigtail and Tikki in the left) sat down. Dick looked startled. 
“I thought you wouldn’t be back till later!” Dick exclaimed.
Mari-Bruce shrugged. “Faster than I’d expected.” She answered, securing the veil of Trixx’s magic around her vocal chords, making her voice sound exactly like Bruce’s.
Jason inched away slightly from Bruce, though she pretended not to notice.
Alfred nodded at her as he reentered the room.
Everyone dug in, occasionally talking. It had been about 25 minutes before the sound of the door opening could be heard. Damian and Jason’s head shot up, thinking it was Marinette.
Mari-Bruce smirked. Showtime.
Bruce entered the room, not noticing Mari at first. Until the batboys gaped at him. He looked confused. What--?
Mari-Bruce was a pretty great actress. “Who are you?” She thundered, internally laughing.
“Who are you? I’m Bruce Wayne.” He answered, looking befuddled and frustrated.
“Impostor.” Mari-Bruce accused. 
Bruce spluttered. “No! I’m the real Bruce!” 
Mari-Bruce scoffed. “That’s what an impostor would say.”
Damian and Jason seemed to figure it out, although they probably weren’t sure which Bruce was the real one yet.
Tim rubbed his eyes. “Am I seeing double, or?” 
Bruce said, “Ask me something the real Bruce would know.”
Dick looked torn, but did as requested. “Who murdered your parents?”
“Joe Chill.” They both said at the same time. Mari-Bruce and Bruce winced, selling the act.
“When’s my birthday?” Tim asked. 
“July 17th.” Both Bruces answered.
Tim looked surprised. “You actually know my birthday?”
“No shit, Tim.” Mari-Bruce said, rolling their eyes. She rather wanted to proceed to the next part of her plan. 
“Would I say that to you, Tim?” Bruce asked slightly desperately. 
Bruce facepalmed. In the confusion, Mari took the chance to slink into the shadows where she rewrapped Trixx’s invisible magic around her.
Only Damian noticed. He smirked. “Where did he go?” He asked, placing a hand on the hilt of his katana for emphasis. He didn’t see Marinette smile at him.
Everyone looked panicked. “Search the manor.” Bruce ordered.
Jason still looked slightly skeptical but did as he said. Damian drew his katanas and tilted it in the direction he was going.
Amongst everyone, Bruce was the most attacked. While Jason and Damian paired off, Tim and Dick did as well, ("Don’t go alone!” Was Bruce’s admonished cry), Bruce had gone alone. 
If she were being honest, Marinette had always had a grudge against the billionaire. He hadn’t saved his son, he had tried to kill his son, even though he had a no killing rule --which Marinette thought was plain stupid--, and he had left Damian to suffer at the hands of Ra’s Al Ghul.
Talia could only do so much to save her son.
Yes, Marinette was aware that Bruce hadn’t know Damian existed, but now he was still treating Damian as if he didn’t exist. Marinette knew how much Damian craved affection, even if he never admitted it.
Yes, maybe Bruce was getting better, but maybe she could.. spur the process.
So Marinette retaliated in one of the many ways she knew how.
Messing with them.
So when the Waynes regrouped in the dining room, Jason, Damian, Dick and Tim came back unharmed, and Jason had been filled in by Damian of his suspicions. But Bruce? 
He came back covered in honey and feathers, drenched with water and covered in pink slime. 
“Why is he going after me?” Bruce had questioned in that annoying voice of his, after looking over his spotless sons.
Jason shrugged. “Maybe he doesn’t like you. God knows he’s not the only one.” 
Bruce looked slightly hurt but Jason didn’t seem to care in the slightest.
“Maybe this person is infatuated with you and is vying for your attention.” Damian deadpanned dryly. Marinette had smacked him on the back of his head, still invisible.
But the damage had been done.
Bruce snapped his fingers and ‘aha!’-ed at Damian. “That must be it!” Bruce crowed.
“Are you that narcissistic, you arrogant plebeian?” Marinette’s normally cheery voice was dry and dripping with distaste as she unwrapped her magic.
Bruce, Dick and Tim immediately went on the defensive, shifting into a battle stance. Marinette only scoffed.
“If I wanted to harm you, I would have already done so.” Marinette waved a hand in their direction dismissively.
Dick looked confused. “You’re like, ten.” He pointed out.
Damian glared. “I am ten as well, Grayson.” 
Tim butted in. “Are we not going to acknowledge the fact that this tiny ten year old broke into the manor unnoticed?” 
That brought everyone to their senses.
They were suddenly surprised by Marinette running at Jason, full speed. They expected him to duck or whip out a weapon, but all he did was stand still as she flipped in midair to land on his shoulders.
To their utter shock, Jason grinned, even as she fisted her hands in his hair for a better grip.
Damian only smiled fondly at his Angel. She was as short as he remembered, Damian noted. 
He missed her. More than anything.
Marinette beamed, and slid off Jason’s shoulders.
“Why did you attack me?” Bruce asked.  “Isn’t it obvious, fool?” Marinette revamped her icy demeanor and glared at the civilian Batman. “I despise you.”
Bruce looked very affronted. But Mariinette ignored him, even as he continued talking and made her way over to Damian.
“Damibear!” Marinette sang, as if she hadn’t seen him less than an hour ago.
The Waynes looked as if they expected Damian to attack her just for calling him that. They were not expecting him to grin and say, “Angel.”
Mari jumped on his back, and Damian merely repositioned himself accordingly, used to this from all her previous piggybacks.
“Okay so Jason and Damian helped her get into the manor.” Tim deduced, only to notice Jason and Damian shaking their heads.
“All by herself.” Damian and Jason chorused. Marinette made bunny ears on top of Damian’s head.
She kissed Damian’s forehead lovingly, replying to his ‘i am older than you’ with a ‘yeah by like a week’, and looked to his family. 
She winked.
Then disappeared.
There was silence, and then, “Wait, we didn’t even get her name!” From Dick.
Damian and Jason were interrogated that night, and they refused to tell them anything related to Marinette.
Marinette smiled from where she had hidden in the shadows, and made her way back to Damian’s room. She curled up in Damian’s bed, drifting into sleep. She was almost asleep when Damian returned.
And when Damian pressed his lips to her forehead and whispered, “Goodnight, Angel”, a smile made her way onto her lips.
By the time Damian had slipped into bed with her, her head leaning comfortably on his chest, she had fallen asleep.
When the two turned 15, Talia and Sabine sat them down and told them about the betrothal. Damian had been visiting with Talia.
It had been almost two months since Lila had turned her classmates against her, not that she cared, of course. She still had her Consorts after all.
“Marinette, Damian, we’d like to tell you something. An offer? Of sorts. I’m relatively sure you will accept, however.” 
Talia smiled as Marinette dragged a grumpy Damian over to them by the head, beaming brightly.
“Oh come on, Mian! Don’t be such a grumpy banana.” Marinette reprimanded the older boy who was rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
The boy only smiled lazily, and ran another hand through his best friend’s hair, the girl making a small noise of protest. “Thats what you get for calling me a noodle, Angel.” (if you didn’t know miàn means noodle in chinese)
Sabine cleared her throat but looked at the two with amusement clear in her eyes.
They straightened. “Sorry, maman,” Mari muttered.
“Now, before you two were born, Sabine and I had an agreement. We are perfectly fine with this and the implications of it, so it is up to you to whether to accept or not.” Talia got straight to the point.
The two children looked to each other curiously before turning back to their parents. Damian nodded in acknowledgment and Sabine picked up where Talia left off.
“How do you feel about each other?” Sabine asked, watching the two closely for their reactions.
“If that’s your way of asking us if we’re okay to be siblings, since you and Lia are dating, Maman--” Marinette started but was quickly interrupted by a barely noticeably flushed Talia.
“No, not that, and we aren’t dating, Nette.” Talia aimed a playful glare at the girl, who grinned and blew a raspberry at her.
“How would you and Damian like to be betrothed?” Sabine asked, smiling at her friend and daughter fondly.
Marinette spluttered and Damian coughed. 
Talia and Sabine burst out into laughter.
After the adults got their laughter under control and after a few glares from their kids, Damian spoke up.
“Marinette is my best friend. If I had to be betrothed to anyone, I’m glad it’s her.” Damian looked away and Marinette coughed awkwardly into her elbow.
“You misunderstand us. You don’t have to be betrothed. The choice is yours.”
Damian felt slightly attacked. He really did like Marinette, and the betrothal was an easy excuse to ask her out (even if he was a 15 year old). He didn’t know if Marinette felt the same way, and he didn’t want to impose that on her, so he kept quiet.
Marinette, who was looking deep in thought, answered.
“Can I talk to Damian for a while, privately?”
Damian, despite his better judgement, winced. This was probably the first time in a really long time that Marinette called him by his full name. It was normally Dami, Damibear to annoy him, or some other weird nickname like Mr Grumpy Banana this morning.
Regardless, the bluenette hadn’t called him “Damian” for a very long time. Two years, maybe.
She walked out of the room, Damian trailing slightly behind, before stopping a few feet outside the room.
Marinette slid down onto the floor, her back pressed against it and head in her hands. Damian frowned. He didn’t want his best friend looking so.. dejected. He ignored the slight pang of hurt that the thought of being with him could get this kind of reaction out of her.
He sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder like he always did when any of them felt upset. He was happy to feel her lean into his side like she always did. 
She turned her head and buried it in Damian’s side, breathing in his comforting scent of paints and nature. He tightened his hold on her ever so slightly and she almost burst into tears.
It wasn’t that she was opposed to being in an engagement with Damian, it was just that she didn’t particularly want to be with anyone or love anyone, especially after her father died and Damian’s father abandoned him.
Her mother and aunt didn’t show it, but they were sad about their fathers. She had heard Talia interacting with her ‘beloved’ before, and it almost always ended up in tears or frustration. (Not that Mari blamed her, Bruce was kind of an asshole.)
She felt Damian’s chin press into her scalp and a hint of a smile grazed her lips. But this was Damian. Damian who was her best friend. Damian who supported her no matter what. Damian who comforted her and was there for her whenever she needed it.
Damian would never hurt her. And she was determined never to hurt him, ever, if she could help it.
She looked up and smiled at Damian. The smile he loved so much, the smile she always had on whenever she saw him, the smile that would unconsciously fly to her lips whenever she heard his voice.
Maybe it was then that Marinette should’ve known that she loved her best friend, but then again, she was only fifteen. She didn’t know what love was. But she would. Very soon.
“We accept.” Damian told Sabine and Talia when they reentered the room.
“We thought you would.” Talia replied.
When Marinette turned 16, her last year at Francois Dupont, six months since she’d made Lila’s time a living hell with her Ladybug (both in suit and in school), and fashion clients connections, the Waynes had visited.
Turns out, Damian and Jason got caught trying to sneak onto the Wayne private jet but instead of stopping them, they insisted they came along too, having pieced together that Damian and Jason were going to visit the mysterious tiny girl they couldn’t find the name of.
So they had no choice.
And os that leads to now, with the Waynes standing in the courtyard, elicting a growing crowd as they waited for Marinette, looking the part of scary rich people that can end your life without a problem.
Damian suddenly started running, and he hugged a girl. No one could see who the girl was because her head was buried in Damian’s chest and his body was shielding hers.
Not many people in the courtyard was surprised when they pulled away and standing there was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. After all, she was one of the most successful students in class that didn’t get fame from famous relatives. No, al her fame was hers alone.
In fact, the only people surprised were Marinette’s class, not-so-fondly referred to as the Akuma Class.  Her Consorts were the only one who knew of her betrothed, Damian. Other than that, Marinette had never been willing to share. 
When Marinette saw the other Waynes however, after hugging Jason, she rolled her eyes. Bruce, Dick and Tim stalked forwards, looking every inch the scary billionaires they were.
It was broken by Dick hugging the girl and gushing over how cool she was. Tim smiled at her and she had smiled back. Marinette flipped Bruce the bird.
“Why are you... so sunny? You definitely weren’t like that when you threatened us in Gotham. You were such an ice queen.” Tim mentioned, failing to keep the amusement out of his tone.
“What do you mean? Marinette’s always been like that, even if she is a bitch now. There’s no way she can be cold.” Alya remarked snidely.
Alix and Chloe stalked forward, raising thier fists threatningly. But Marinette only laughed coldly.
“You wanna see cold, Cesaire?” Marinette snarled, dropping all acts of being nice. 
The Lady was back. Publicly.
The silence was interrupted by Rose, who asked, "But Lila, don't you know the Waynes?"
Said Lila had been trying to slink away unnoticed, but when her name was mentioned, all attention diverted back to her, effectively keeping her in place. Her pale face and scared eyes were enough to tell that she had indeed been lying. 
Yells and screams broke out across the courtyard as the Akuma Class berated Lila for lying to them all this while. Until, Marinette interrupted, face set in a ice cold, stony position 
"Okay, blame her for lying." She started. "But why did you believe her?" 
The Akuma Class drew a blank and didn't respond. Partially because they didn't know what to say, and partially because Marinette's mere presence was overwhelmingly intimidating. Marinette sighed and pressed on. 
"Everything the Liar has said can be found faulty by a simple internet search." It was true, and the class knew it. When no one replied, Marinette shook her head sardonically. "You reap what you sow." 
She turned to her betrothed. In an instant, her icy mood was gone, replaced with the sunshiney-ness the Akuma Class had grown used to. 
"C'mon, Dami!" She gave him a quick peck on the lips, hoisting herself up on Damian's back. Damian grasped her legs tightly, as she continued to be piggybacked by him. 
"Onward!" She cried out dramatically, pointing to the school exit. 
Damian only rolled his eyes fondly at his beloved, steering themselves out, her Consorts and his family behind them. 
None of them looked back. 
If they did, they would've seen the expressions of disbelief and regret etched onto every one of her old classmates' faces. 
Not that they would care.
5k words yay
also uh yeah again, sorry this took so long, i kept hitting a mental block while writing this and it didnt manage to upload from my phone for no good reason :( 
but anyway its up now, i hope u find this acceptable! :)
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transmalewife · 2 years
💻 📥 🍰??
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
I do, but at the wrong moments. I've gone down many a wookiepedia rabbit holes to find out what a tatooinian rabbit would be called for an offhand line, but when it comes to writing mechanics or fighting i tend to just wing it. although, fun fact, I wrote sabine having an idea on how to make a spaceship work once, and I thought it was utterly ridiculous and unbelievable, until i found out months later the actual space shuttles used something very similar
last year when i was deeply depressed and writing constantly to escape my problems i was just constantly watching and rewatching the movies and relevant clone wars episodes as research, so that was a deep deep dive into a kiddie pool i suppose.
Oh also for the as yet unfinished sequel to my gomens fic I really really tried to learn more about slavic prechristian religion and witchcraft but unfortunately that culture has been thoughroughly erased by a thousand years of christianity and n*zis appropriating whatever was left. I'm being a touch dramatic there are books that have the information I want, but I just don't care enough about a two year old good omens wip to read them.
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
How to build a friend from scratch, hands down. That fic hovers around a 1:1 comment to kudos ratio whenever I actually update it which is incredible. Nearly no one has read it but the few people who did have started the most interesting discussions in the comments and it's always really entertaining to see how delighted people are with seeing a fic centered on sabine and vader. And I truly feel like i've stumbled on something really good with the premise and its definitely an untapped niche. theres still only 3 vader & sabine fics on ao3, just like when i started it, and two of them are mine. Getting comments on that feels like a private little thing, compared to other fics. Like we're all in on the joke.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
I don't read much fanfic these days, but anything black sails by vovelinthug is always guaranteed to captivate and destroy me emotionally. Idk if i mentioned that before but I have absolutely no wish to write bs fic, because I feel like the story is too good, too well rounded for anything I have to say to be worth addding. And the power that a writer has, who is able to perfectly slot their work into that kind of story, without it seeming disjointed, is incredible. before the last season came out, and even after, every time I rewatch the show, i immediately follow it with st. augustine is that way In my mind they are just one story.
I just remembered hands of clay by mhalachai being something very comforting, that I read over a period of years as it was posted. I lost interest in marvel at some point, or the fic just got too long for my patience, so I never finished it, but i definitely want to one of these days. one of the few modern, domestic aus of anything that i actually enjoyed.
If you're looking for star wars, then tano and kenobi by fireflyfish is very important to me, and has been for years. it definitely influenced my own writing a lot and i even have an unposted wip directly inspired by it in premise. although that's another one I just sort of drifted away from at some point. I'm mostly caught up, I think, but I apparently just don't have the attention span to stay loyal to a fic beyond 200k.
as always my ask game reading comprehension sucks, I was supposed to name one. but the thing is, most of what I read is not very comforting, and usually oneshots, so they don't really stick in my mind well enough to point to one specific one and say this one, this is my favorite, even though i like oneshots much more than multichapter fics.
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the-delta-42 · 4 years
Follow up of Revealed
Gabriel looked at the miraculouses in his hand, he could bring Emilie back. Gabriel suddenly shook his head, no, he already knew what he was going to do, and he wasn’t about to back out on it. The past is the past, and Ms. Dupain-Cheng deserved to have a life to live.
“Plagg, Tikki,” Said Gabriel, making the Kwami look up at him, “Unify.”
Both Kwami were sucked into their miraculouses, Gabriel felt the pure power coursing through him, he felt like a god.
“Gabriel Agreste.” Said an ancient voice, “You have combined creation and destruction into one, what is your wish?”
“There is a girl, a child, that had her life cut too short.” Said Gabriel, making the voice chuckle.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Creations chosen.” Said the voice, “Her life would’ve been long and prosperous.”
“I wish for you to bring her back.” Said Gabriel, eliciting another chuckle from the voice.
“This desire is borne of regret, compassion and humility.” Said the voice, “Had you wished for your wife, you’re world would’ve been destroyed. There is a consequence to this, the girl may live, but you will fall.”
“I maintain my stance.” Affirmed Gabriel, tensing himself.
“Gabriel Agreste,” Said the voice, “Your wish…is granted.”
Gabriel felt an intense burning in his hand and ears, before he tore the miraculouses off himself. He stood in the middle of his office, for a moment he was worried he’d taken them off too soon. Gabriel froze, he could smell burning toast, Adrien was still in his room and Nathalie and Adrien’s bodyguard weren’t the snacking type, so where was it coming from. Half of his face felt numb, he lifted his foot and came crashing down, knocking his computer off his desk as he fell. Where was he? Gabriel knew where he was but couldn’t recognise it. He attempted to stand up, only to find his arms and legs weren’t working together. Thing suddenly became blurry, where was he? How did he get here? Who was that screaming?
Arnold sighed at the sight of the girl on the slab, some days he really hated his job, children had so much to live for and for one to be taken by cancer was a great tragedy.
“Subject is a young female, approximately 15 to 16 years of age, Caucasian-Asian descent.” Said Arnold, after pressing record on the tape, “Doctor Arnold Halesworth performing autopsy.”
“I am making a y-incision in the subject’s abdominal region-” Arnold sword loudly, making a nurse outside the room knock on the door.
“Doctor, is everything alright?” Asked the Nurse, poking her head through.
“This ‘cadaver’,” Said Arnold, pressing down on the incision he made, “is still alive.”
The nurse froze, before running off to find some of her colleagues and a gurney.
Sabine woke up to her eyes itching, something that’d become common following Marinette’s death. The Bakery had been closed in the week following her death, the hospital, no doubt trying to cover itself, had decided to perform an autopsy on Marinette. Sabine jumped when the phone suddenly started ringing.
“Hello?” Asked Sabine, answering the phone, Tom standing in the doorway behind her.
“Hello, Mrs. Cheng?” Sabine recognised the voice of Dr. Bates, the Doctor who’s team had taken over the care of the cancer patients after the incident with the nurses came to light.
“Dr. Bates,” Said Sabine, her voice scratching, “can I ask why you’re calling?”
“It’s a bit difficult to explain,” Said Dr Bates, sounding nervous and confused, “Our mortician was performing the autopsy of your daughter, and, well, found that she was still alive.”
Sabine froze, the phone falling from her grip. Tom picked up the phone, listening to Dr Bates and, within an hour, Sabine found herself staring at Marinette’s prone body in an ICU bed.
“By all accounts, it doesn’t make sense,” Said Dr Bates, looking over the file, “Her heart and breathing ceased, and we were able to declare her brain dead.”
“Is that everything?” Asked Tom, making Dr Bates look at him.
“Actually, theres more,” Said Dr Bates, handing them a scan, “That is your daughter’s scan from two weeks ago,” She handed them another, “This is the scan from two hours ago.”
“But, the one from today doesn’t have anything on it.” Said Tom, as Dr Bates frowned.
“Precisely,” Confirmed Dr Bates, “It’s as if the cancer decided up and leave.”
“But she’s going to be okay?” Asked Sabine, taking her eyes of Marinette for the first time.
“As soon as we’re able to confirm her recovery, we’ll see that she’s discharged and placed in remission.” Said Dr Bates, just as a new patient was admitted.
“White male, mid-to-late forties, burns to his right hand and ears, suffered a stroke before an ambulance was called.” Said the EMT, as the gurney was rushed past Tom and Sabine.
The couple nearly blanched at the sight of Gabriel Agreste, looking as if he’d been tortured, was rushed past them. Tom spotted Adrien being guided to a waiting area by an orderly and went over to him.
“Can, can I go in and see her?” Asked Sabine, looking back at Marinette.
Dr Bates was silent for a second, “I don’t see why not.”
Dr Bates opened the door for Sabine, who went directly to her daughter’s bedside and grabbed her hand. Dr Bates watched Sabine sit in the chair, her eyes not leaving her daughter.
She was confused, where was she? What was she doing? Why is she in a coffin? Emilie climbed out of the tube, rubbing her eyes as she walked towards what she thought was the exit. Emilie froze, she’d been sick, Duusuu was broken. But she was awake. Emilie grinned, before running to her and Gabriel’s room, intent on finding out how he’d fixed the miraculous. She ran into Nathalie, almost knocking the woman over.
“Emilie?” Asked the woman, her jaw hanging open.
“Nathalie!” Grinned Emilie, looking behind her, “Where’s Gabriel and Adrien?”
“They, they’re at the hospital,” Said Nathalie, staring at Emilie, “H-how are you…?”
Emilie froze, “I thought Gabriel fixed the Miraculous.”
Nathalie nodded her head, “It wasn’t enough to bring you back, Gabriel was going after the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses.”
Emilie’s smile dropped, “Did Gabriel sacrifice my son, Nathalie?”
Nathalie shook her head, “No, Adrien had the Cat Miraculous, the Ladybug holder’s Miraculous caused her death.”
“And how did she die?” Demanded Emilie, her mind already going to the worst.
“Leukaemia.” Said Nathalie, swallowing, “After her death, Gabriel was given both Miraculouses by Adrien, with the hope of bringing her back.”
“Nathalie,” Said Emilie, slowly, “who is receiving treatment at the hospital?”
“Gabriel.” Was the one-word answer.
“Get Simon and get the car ready.” Said Emilie, reaching for her coat, “Where’s my coat?”
“Amalie took them.” Said Nathalie, getting a scowl from Emilie.
Sabine stroked Marinette’s knuckles with her thumb, the heart monitor steadily beeping. Sabine stiffened when Marinette’s grip tightened and then slacked.
“M-Marinette?” Asked Sabine, as she stood up.
Marinette’s face scrunched up, before she rolled over, pulled the tube out of mouth and threw up over the side of the bed. Marinette rolled and looked up at Sabine.
“Maman?” Asked Marinette, her voice weak.
Sabine let out a sob, before she pulled Marinette into her embrace. Tom stopped when he opened the door, Adrien standing behind him.
“Tom, Marinette’s awake!” Wept Sabine, the girl looking tired and confused.
“M-Maman, can you stop rocking me please, I’m gonna-” Marinette was cut off as she threw up, “Why does my stomach hurt?”
“They’d just started an autopsy when they realised you were alive.” Said Tom, as Marinette’s gaunt face looked up at him in horror.
“And if they didn’t do the autopsy?” Asked Marinette, as Dr Bates arrived.
“Then, there’s every chance you us accidentally burying you alive.” Said Tom, quietly.
“Oh.” Said Marinette, before she fainted.
“I’ll get the smelling salts.” Said an orderly, leaving the room.
Dr Bates looked at the puddle of vomit on the bed and the floor, “Well, at least we know the last thing she ate without cutting her open.”
Alya looked down at her phone screen. The class hadn’t hung out since Marinette died, now Adrien was calling her phone.
“Alright, Sunshine, this better be important.” Said Alya, before her eyes widened, and her phone fell from her hand.
Adrien looked at the doors as they swung open, expecting to see Alya and Nino, but instead saw his, presumed, dead mother stalking in, with Nathalie behind her.
“I’m looking for someone under the name Agreste.” Said His mother, not clocking Adrien.
The receptionist scowled, without looking up, and pointed towards Adrien, “Ask the kid with banana-shaped hair.”
His mother’s face went red, before Nathalie turned her head towards Adrien for her. Emilie froze when she saw her son. She slowly approached him, getting into arms reach of him. A second passed, before she grabbed him and practically smothered him.
“Maman?” Whispered Adrien, making Emilie look down at him.
“It’s me, sweetie.” Whispered Emilie, as Adrien seemingly broke in her arms.
Marinette looked up as Adrien entered the room, a blonde woman behind him. Marinette waved, not taking the straw in her mouth out of the drink. Adrien gave Marinette a small smile, before holding his hand out. Marinette reached out for it, only for Adrien to drop two small studs into her hand. Marinette froze, before putting her drink down and putting the studs in her ears. Tikki formed in front of her, the Kwami stared at her, before tears welled up in her eyes.
Tikki launched herself at Marinette’s face, gripping the girl’s cheek and she cried. Adrien had to admit, seeing Tikki hug Marinette’s face while the girl still had a straw in her mouth was kinda funny.
Marinette looked around her room, Dr Bates had given Marinette some antibiotics and some other medication to help her get her weight back up. Adrien had filled her in on what happened after her death. How Gabriel had united the Miraculouses and brought Marinette back, Tikki had explained that Emilie had been returned as a reward for Gabriel’s actions.
The resultant price, for Gabriel, however, was far more severe. After the Miraculouses had irreparably damaged his right hand and his hearing, then he had a stroke that took his legs and his ability to design from him. Gabriel had said that the Voice, Tikki called them Null, said that uniting the Miraculouses would cause Gabriel to fall.
Today was her first day back at school. Her first day at restarting her life.
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Marinette and Anxiety
First, lets count all the things Marinette has that Adrien doesn’t have:
She has a healthy and positive home environment
Both of her parents are living, active presences in her life
Tom and Sabine love Marinette unconditionally
On top of having loving parents she has extended relatives who care deeply for her
she is allowed to go out and have friends over
going to public school is treated as a necessity rather than a privilege
she has, to some degree, or at least more so than Adrien, knowledge of socializing and is able to perceive signals better
she is on good terms and has a history with almost all of her classmates
she is allowed to explore her hobbies
she is allowed to choose her own occupation 
she has the freedom to do whatever she wants with her schedule outside of school and curfew
I could go on but I trust my point is clear? Marinette is blessed with many of the things Adrien has been denied. Worse, everything listed above falls under the category of “normal” “common decency” or “necessity.”
Long post is long and I don’t like cuts because I’ve lost a few posts in the past using them. Please filter the tag “long post” i use it for walls of texts like this one.
But Mari’s life, despite being vastly different and more fulfilling than Adrien’s, isn’t perfect.
In order to understand Mari’s struggles we need to take a look at her history.
We see in Origins that Marinette has been the target of Chloe’s bullying for a long time—three years or perhaps even longer. As is the case with many victims of bullying she lacked the courage and confidence to stand up for himself and more or less suffered in silence until Alya encouraged her to fight back.
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Something to understand about bullying: it drastically warps someone’s perspective. Not only in how they view themselves but the people and environment around them. The end result? Some form of isolation and possibly PTSD. Bullying victims tend to be either physically/mentally withdrawn, or both.
Not a lot is known about Mari’s life before the Origins episode, but given that none of her classmates stood up to Chloe except Alya, we can infer that they have grown accustomed to Chloe’s treatment of Mari and are likely not especially close with her at this point in time. 
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In her “In defense of Chat Noir” video, Toon Ruins states that Adrien isn’t especially close with his classmates yet either, saying he is “that friend that your mutual friends invite along and is just kinda there.” Its not unreasonable to presume that Mari was in that spot before she became Ladybug, befriended Alya, and developed enough confidence to stand up for herself as well as others.
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It would also help explain why her friends were so quick to doubt her when Lila accused her in the Ladybug episode. Despite everything she’s done for them between Origins and Ladybug, they simply haven’t been close for very long and as Alya pointed out the evidence “was stacked against her.” Of course Alya and Adrien believed her because they are closer with Mari than practically any of her other classmates.
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Adrien glaring at Lila when Marinette calls out to him for help. I cannot~~~~
Of course there was another, more obvious reason they doubted her: her feelings for Adrien and how intense she is when acting on them, which as Alya puts it served as her supposed “motive” for “hurting Lila.”
Marinette has often been seen crossing lines that are better off left uncrossed when it comes to Adrien. Her friends, especially the girls, are even somewhat aware of how intense these feelings are. (i.e. Alex’s comment during Gigantitan “Marinette knows a lot about Adrien it’s kinda creepy”).
More often than not, Mari wants to go somewhere mainly for the sake of seeing Adrien. Examples of this are when she’s supposed to wait for Nadja to come pick up her cake and during Simon Says when she is grounded for valid reasons . Often times there is some obligation involved—her promise to show up at Alix and Kim’s challenge and her promise with Nino in Simon Says—but chances are if Adrien weren’t there she wouldn’t want to go so bad (until an akuma showed up that is).
Something to understand about this: Mari has little to no opportunity to see Adrien. Worse, her history of being bullied and her previous status as an “acquaintance” rather than a “close friend” gives her at least some modicum of understanding about his situation. She empathizes with Adrien and cares for him, and is aware of his loneliness. During her life before Ladybug she likely longed for someone who would comfort and console her, and yeah probably found some relief with her mom given how Sabine seems aware of Chloe’s treatment of her daughter.
 But Adrien has no one, and knowing that makes Mari all the more anxious when he doesn’t show up for their social gatherings as well as driving her desire to be the source of love and comfort he so desperately needs.
I won’t deny Mari literally breaking the law for Adrien isn’t okay. Sneaking into his home, stealing his phone, and kissing his statue (its a statue in an important museum. Chances are you’re not supposed to touch those, let alone kiss them) are simply NOT OKAY things to do. A lot of this behavior earns her some hate from the fandom and some well-deserved scolding from Tikki. But rather than making me hate her, or call her a stalker, I’m mostly concerned that she doesn’t understand how bad that is. 
But Chat Blanc was a game changer. Adrien would NEVER have seen Ladybug in his room if she hadn’t taken her sweet time inspecting his belongings, smelling his pillow, etc. Meaning Adrien could have had her present and not known about Ladybug (he may have been curious as to how Mari’s gift got past security though). 
However since Marinette WAS seen by Adrien, he was able to learn her secret identity which led to this:
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This is a scenario she never expected. And as she learns this was caused by her own poor judgement, she wastes no time in saving Chat Noir, erasing her name from her gift and allowing Adrien to believe it’s a gift from his Brazilian fan club instead of from her, Marinette.
Chat Blanc was one of the last episodes of s3. Safe to say she probably won’t be breaking into anything anytime soon (theres some debate over the chronological order of the episodes, but if I recall this one takes place either in the last four or five episodes on most lists). She nearly lost her kitty for good after all--that’s not a price she’s ever been willing to pay.
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This likely wouldn’t have happened at all except Mari’s life as ladybug has caused her to become accustomed to certain behavior in order to keep her secret. Yeah Mari stole Adrien’s phone right out of his locker—and no that wasn’t okay. But remember when she stole her textbook back from Alya? Taking it right out of her bag when Alya wasn’t looking? Just so you know, in the French version, Mari tells Tikki she wrote her name in that textbook. So her secret identity was in grave danger and she had to act quickly.
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You’re damn lucky Alya didn’t crack that book open the minute she got it, Mari.
Anyhoo the point is this: Mari is applying what she has come to know as “acceptable behavior i do to protect my secret identity” to her situation with Adrien and misinterpreting it as “acceptable behavior I do to keep Adrien from possibly rejecting me and crushing my soul.” And in her head, they’re similar even though the consequences of either secret coming out are vastly different.
Really think about the context of that voicemail she sent Adrien—if she had accidentally butt dialed Adrien while taking to Tikki about her life as Ladybug and then had to go steal his phone to keep him from learning the truth the fandom wouldn’t have had nearly as much beef with her over that as she wasn’t the one who created the “secret identities rule.”
The reason the two secrets are equally crucial in keeping, in Mari’s mind, is likely due to her overwhelming anxiety. Which even before she became the Guardian of Paris and then the Guardian of Miraculous she was still an anxious person.
She didn’t have much confidence or even a large support network. But in the span of one day she was entrusted with the safety and well being of every single person in Paris.
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She didn’t believe she was cut out for being Ladybug but was denied the option of refusing the position and told to just do her best.
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She knew going out she would likely screw up the job and given her task failure wasn’t really an option.
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Then her worst fears were realized when she failed to capture her first akuma and many citizens were turned into stone statues. The only way to turn them back was to allow Ivan to be akumatized so she could defeat him and take his akuma. The very knowledge of which crippled her and caused her to give up the ladybug earrings.
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She tried to go back to her normal life but couldn’t. Ivan was akumatized, Alya’s life was in danger and Chat Noir was struggling to the point he got captured and needed her help. So she took up being Ladybug again in order to help them.
What was she supposed to do? Watch?
From the very beginning she had no say in the matter. Her life as Marinette wasn’t and isnt easy—she has plenty of her own problems but she was given a Miraculous and basically condemned to being at war with Hawk Moth indefinitely.
Ever give a thought as to why the French government allow these two vigilante teenagers to handle the situation? Because ordinary people can’t. In other words if Mari thought only of herself she would give up the fight and ignore all the ensuing damage. But she can’t. And she won’t. She has a job to do. She could give up her miraculous but that would mean taking the pressure off her shoulders and dumping it all onto someone else just as it was dumped onto her. She cant bring herself to do that and even if she could—who would she possibly give it to?
Just imagining that kind of pressure makes me want hurl from nerves. And as of the S3 finale its gotten worse as she has lost Fu, the person who could give out Miraculouses to other people in case she never comes back one day.
Hawk Moth would win. Game over. That’s what it would mean.
Ladybug and Chat Noir know what Hawk Moth winning would mean better than anyone else does. Of course they won’t walk away from this fight. But that means they have to juggle their double lives until its over, and apparently have to do it again with a second hawk moth later on in the future.
And again, even before all of this Mari had a lot she suffered from. Chloe bullying her, feeling lonely, being clumsy. Clumsiness is mortifying--it truly means suffering. Being the class clutz is like being the class laughingstock. Mari seems to handle it fairly well.
 Until she’s around Adrien. I mean look at her!
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Poor girl can’t stand looking so uncool in front of her crush. Even though he seems to find her clumsiness endearing.
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Going off what was said in my “Debunking: Adrien is perfect” post, Marinette is hyper-sensitive to Adrien’s situation despite not really knowing the full extent of his suffering. 
Marinette doesn’t know Gabriel is Hawk Moth either, but she does understand Adrien is lonely, isolated and in need of a source of love and comfort. She also understands to some degree that his heart is delicate, so she constantly handles him with kid gloves and looks on him with a perfection filter. We see how Mari reacts to upsetting Adrien in Malediktator when she softly whispers an apology after Adrien expresses his sorrow over everyone celebrating Chloe’s departure. She seems pained and distraught over causing him to be upset. Thus the reason Marinette calls Adrien perfect isn’t that she never sees any of his flaws--she just cannot acknowledge or process them under these conditions. She’s too busy trying not to hurt him. 
Marinette can comprehend Adrien’s situation, couples that with her own past experiences of bullying/ loneliness/ being a clumsy laughingstock. That combined with her love for him and her anxiety-warped common sense, led to the behavior which has earned her some disapproval from the fandom at large.
 But really? Marinette’s not a terrible person. Anymore than Adrien is.
 Adrien’s sometimes-obnoxious-flirting is brought on by his desire to “not look lame” in front of Ladybug. Ergo, his own insecurities are amplified around her because he too lacks confidence.
 Likewise Marinette’s stammering and clumsiness are amplified around Adrien, as is her anxiety and her desire to be cool in front of him.
 They both feel they have to prove themselves to the other in some regard. And they both have past and present experiences that have left them hurting and/or warped their judgement in some ways. 
 This doesn’t make Mari’s irrational behavior any more acceptable than Adrien’s troubles make his leading Kagami on and lying to Ladybug acceptable. It’s not acceptable. But Mari is no more deserving of hate than Adrien is.
They’re just a couple of stressed out kids, folks
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Could you please do more headcanons for the Beetle and Tomcat au or it's variant Red Velvet and Tuxedo? Gabe with the earrings sounds like a trip. Also this could be an au with Régalien in it (what I've taken to calling Peacock!Adrien)
Okay! So! I can't find the original post, but I remember it was Tom vs. Gabriel with the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous. 
I think I prefer Red Velvet vs. Tuxedo just for Kwami shenanigans alone. Because Tikki living in a bakery is great. And Plagg would spend his free time fucking with Gabriel. 
So, plotwise here's how it starts: 
The Black Cat Miraculous is lost when the Peacock and Butterfly are. So Gabriel has all three. The Peacock is still broken, Emilie goes into her Magic Coma, and Gabriel becomes Tuxedo to lure out the Guardian and get the Ladybug Miraculous. 
Fu still tries to give the Ladybug to Marinette. However, Tom comes up to Mari's room and finds the box on her desk. Curious, he opens it and finds Tikki. After finding out that Mari is supposed to be a Hero, Tom's like "no she is a child i am not putting her in danger like that!!!" And decides to be a Hero himself, becoming Red Velvet. 
Despite the usual 'secret identities' rule, Tom does tell Sabine. Because you don't hide things from Sabine. Marinette does find out too. She does get a bit of a confidence boost from hearing that some mystical guardian guy had believed she was the right person for the job, even if her dad said no. 
Meanwhile, school drama is pretty similar. Though without the Lovesquare. Which means Mari and Adrien have mutual crushes and it doesn't take long for them to get together. 
As for the Peacock: while Peacock!Adrien could be fun…. I have a different idea for both the Peacock and the Butterfly. 
As I said, Plagg does whatever he can to fuck with Gabriel. This includes hiding the other Miraculous. Now, Plagg can't stray too far from Gabriel. But he can go anywhere in the mansion as long as Adrien and any staff don't see him. 
So if the other Miraculous happen to end up in Adrien's room, well, it's the last place Gabriel would look when he goes to look for them. 
Adrien finds the brooches and is a little confused. They don't look familiar, and this happens after his birthday so they're not gifts. Shrugging it off, he thinks the brooches arent really his style and decides to gift them. 
Which two girls are close enough to him for him to give gifts? Marinette, his crush, and Chloé, his childhood friend. 
Marinette gets the Peacock, Chloé gets the Butterfly. I'll focus on Chloé a little later. For now, Mari and the Peacock!
Marinette brings the brooch home, and Tikki immediately recognizes it. She also realizes it's damaged. As the Ladybug Miraculous is supposed to fix the others, they quickly fix it and talk to Duusu to ask her where she's been and if she knows who Tuxedo is or where the Butterfly is. 
Unfortunately, Duusu has no idea. Her Miraculous being broken affected her memory of that time. She remembers someone using her Miraculous, and that that person was hurt by it, but she can't remember who or even when that happened. 
They decide to try and work backwards. Marinette knows that Adrien gave her the brooch. Well, Adrien's obviously not Tuxedo. Even if the Miraculous could change his height and build like that, Tuxedo uses Cataclysm multiple times in battle and is therefore an adult. Next best suspect is Gabriel. 
Marinette gets up the courage to partner with Adrien on a school assignment so that she can snoop. She feels bad using him like that but this is important!!
Unfortunately, Gabriel is already working on faking his alibis, and Marinette is the perfect kind of person to be a witness. While Tuxedo shows up and is destroying stuff, Nathalie uses hologram!Gabriel to check on Adrien and Marinette, insisting that Marinette stay until the danger has past and ordering dinner for them. To Marinette, it looks like Gabriel is here while Tuxedo is in a fight, proving they're not the same person. 
Believing this to be a dead end, they assume that the missing Miraculous probably got separated over the years.
Marinette makes another decision. The Peacock is the second Miraculous to be gifted to her. Clearly the Universe wants her to be in this fight. Tom and Sabine say no, but she has an idea. 
Marinette uses the Peacock Miraculous and creates a Sentimonster of herself. As she's holding both the Peacock and the Amokized item, she can essentially astral-project and puppet the Sentimonster. Therefore, she can fight while also remaining safe. 
The catch is powers. On one hand, Marinette can make the Sentimonster have any power. But if she wants to have a different power she needs to remake the Sentimonster. She ends up basing the various powers on other Miraculous, changing the Sentimonster's costume to reflect that. So theres a Senti!Multimouse, a Senti!Fennette, a Senti!Bee, etc. 
Gabriel assumes that Red Velvet's "sidekick" is just using the other Miraculous, not that she's a Sentimonster. 
I want to give her a single name because the public would realize that it's the same girl and not "Red Velvet's 15 identical daughters". I'm thinking Mockingbird. A bird reference for the Peacock, and a reference to her imitating other Miraculous powers. 
Now for Chloé and the Butterfly Miraculous!
Chloé puts on the brooch at home and meets Nooroo. On one hand she would like to be a Hero, but she hesitates. This is early on when they don't know how dangerous Tuxedo is, and Cataclysm is kind of terrifying. 
Unlike Duusu, Nooroo does remember what happened before. Unfortunately, he's been forbidden from talking about it without being asked directly, and Chloé doesn't know enough background to ask. 
So Chloé plays it safe. Mostly just keeping Nooroo as a friend no one knows about. Sometimes though, Monarch wanders the rooftops at night. Occasionally stopping petty crime if she runs across it. She becomes a little bit of an urban legend. Paris's little Cryptid. 
As a civilian though…. Chloé's having an interesting time. 
Obviously she doesn't have the same relationship toward Red Velvet as she has toward Ladybug. Though she does gain a little bit of a hero crush on Mockingbird when she shows up. 
However, Chloé's feeling toward Red Velvet is more "oh? Is this what genuine parental affection is like?". Because yeah even though Tom and Mari know what Chloé is like, she's different with Red Velvet and Mockingbird. Also Tom just radiates dad energy. 
The biggest thing with Chloé though is that, because she's wearing the Butterfly Miraculous, she can feel everyone's emotions. 
This means that when she's mean to someone, she can feel what they're feeling. And honestly she doesn't like that. So she kinda… stops going out of her way to hurt them. 
Then it becomes 'okay, someone is upset and if you're upset I have to feel it so fuck you we're going to fix your problems!!' Which confuses the hell out of everyone else. 
This leads to her realizing that okay yeah making others feel happy is kinda nice? Even if it's from a selfish 'I don't want to feel your bad vibes' way. 
No one's really sure why she's doing this. The class comes to the agreement that Chloé probably reevaluated her priorities after a near-death experience with Tuxedo. 
The biggest nail in the coffin though is when Audrey comes back, and Chloé can physically feel the lack of love from her. Like, some small part of Chloé always knew Audrey might not truly love her. But just. There's no real way around it with Magic Empathy Powers. 
This is probably when Monarch becomes known to the people as more than 'local Cryptid'. Because she goes for a rooftop run during the day to avoid Audrey. And of course both sides are interested in a new Hero. 
Monarch bumps into Tuxedo first, but she runs because YIKES. Red Velvet and Mockingbird show up next. Red Velvet fights Tuxedo while Mockingbird chases down Monarch. 
Red Velvet and Mockingbird get to talk to Monarch after Tuxedo disappears. They ask her about her powers, and she admits that it's the Butterfly Miraculous, and she got it because a friend gave her a brooch that happened to be Magic. 
Monarch also kinda rambles about how she usually goes out at night because that's when she feels restless and sad, but she's out now because the Butterfly's Empathy powers let her know that her mother doesn't love her so you know how it be. 
Red Velvet and Mockingbird are like "okay you're family now we're adopting you!". They don’t want to let her in on the fight, and Monarch points out that technically she doesn’t have to be, she can just power them up when necessary. 
Meanwhile, Gabriel believes that Monarch has joined the Heroes, and decides "hey, let's give Nathalie the Butterfly because this is starting to get difficult". Except he can't find the Butterfly. Or the Peacock. He finds out that Plagg hid them months ago and 'doesn't remember where'. Gabriel goes through the mansion looking for them but can't find them. 
He doesn't immediately connect Mockingbird and Monarch to the Peacock and Butterfly. Partly because he doesn't think the Miraculous could leave the house. Partly because Monarch has yet to display her powers and Mockingbird has always been a different miraculous-themed sentimonster. 
Lets take a break to check in on other characters like the classmates and especially Adrien!
Alya still runs a blog dedicated to the Heroes, but after the earlier dangerous activity, Red Velvet sat her down and explained why her actions were dangerous. So she's less invasive. 
The class is doing fairly well since Chloé has decided to be nicer. I already said that they assume she decided to turn her life around after a near-death experience. 
A lot of their plots and drama are still the same, but altered since there are no Akumas to shake things up. They are better at talking things out though. Ironically, they're also better at voicing when they're upset because Chloé can always tell who's feeling bad, no matter how much they try and hide it. And after a few rounds of her deciding to fix things they know to speak up first. 
Adrien is blissfully unaware that everyone around him is a Hero or Villain. He has a mini hero crush on Mockingbird, but doesn't know it's technically Marinette. Doesn't know he gave away Magic jewelry. Doesn't know Gabriel is Tuxedo. Etc. 
Adrien does, however, think his house is haunted. Because even though Plagg has been banned from letting Adrien see him, he wasn’t banned from talking! So Adrien thinks that Plagg is a friendly-ish ghost hanging around. 
That’s what I have for now.
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new beginnings
the very, very beginning of my journey into wicca was quite embarrassing. 
i was fourteen, looking for a book to pass the time on a flight to poland, and came across p.c casts’ house of night series. (please, spare me your eye rolls) house of night is the story of a high school for vampires with links to pagan and wiccan beliefs. i loved the series, even passing it onto my best friend of the time. 
the protagonist of the book and her friends are invited to a group called the ‘dark daughters’ and wore a set of triple moon goddess pendants. one year and two more books later, myself and my best friend were proud owners of author-approved hand crafted dark daughters necklaces. and this, for me, is where it began.
now, i was still an ignorant teenager mind you. i did little bits of research on the goddess nyx (she features heavily in the series) and the representations of the triple moon, but didnt really see the traditions for what they were. the series provided a nice crash course on the pentagram and how it can protect, the elements and their varying powers and uses, so whilst my mind did open up a lot to these beliefs, mostly i was swept up in the sensationalised idea of being a vampire and controlling the elements and having a crescent moon painted on my forehead. 
i was a teenager, i dont actually feel that much embarrassment, in fact i look back on these memories fondly. unfortunately i dont wear my triple goddess necklace anymore because a, i havent read the series in years and missed out on the last few books, and b, im no longer friends with the girl who was a main part of the reason i wore it. that relationship didnt really end well and hurts still considering how close we were. i know theres the option of cleansing the necklace, but, some doors are best left closed i think. 
cut forward six years, and all of a sudden im surrounded by magical people. 
last year, i started working for lush. now, now, spare me the jokes about how kooky and over the top we all are (we are, okay) so of course i’d meet a witch whilst working here, but honestly? i didnt expect it. one day im learning the different between lavender oil and lavender infusion, the next im talking to one of the spa therapists about rituals, and how she hexed someone in her last job using tea. i was enthralled. 
this all came at a time when i started to ask myself the age old question; what am i doing with my life? before lush i was working somewhere i can only accurately describe as hell, so when i got the job full time i naively thought all my prayers were answered. but when my mental health started to creep back in and my performance at work suffered for it, well. my head was in spirals. 
i think its important to say though that i wasnt reaching for wicca to cure me. rather, it was something i’d always had a niggling interest for and finally decided to pursue. 
the road that led me here started with a colleague recommending wiccapedia to me, which after sitting down in a waterstones and reading for an hour, i decided to take home with me and do some more research online. funnily enough, the aforementioned spa therapist proclaimed that that book in particular was ‘a pile of crap’ after i told her i had started reading it. i was slightly discouraged, but she swiflty recommended scott cunningham to me and to take a look at hoodoo blends tea and let her know if i wanted to try any. so i was right back on my way. 
i bought scott cunninghams wicca: a guide for the solitary practitioner which sounded right up my alley; i didnt like the idea of going out and finding a coven straight off the bat. im a very secluded person, i like learning what i can alone and then reaching out. i also bought thea sabins wicca for beginners but ive yet to finish that one. 
the constant tone i picked up on throughout all my initial research was; this religion is an open one. which i love. 
i say initial because im still learning, which is where this blog comes in! i have a mirror book page where im going to try (try being the operative word here because i am quite lazy and have a full time job) writing daily entries about what ive learnt and tried that day, meditation, rituals, learning about oils and their uses and crystals and stuff! i have a grimoire which im constantly adding to, and a tarot page as ive really taken a liking to tarot! 
i spoke to yet another colleague the other day about wicca, she was really open and patient with me and we spoke for twenty minutes or so as i was having second thoughts about worshiping deities, but she gently reminded me how open wicca is (and explained the differences between wicca and paganism) and this prompted me to remember how fascinated i was by the triple moon goddess. and thus my research went into her, and we’ve come full circle if you will.
im excited! i have been ever since i jumped into wicca, and im planning (hopefully) my first ritual soon! and something for halloween. 
thanks for reading, and blessed be
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