#theres probably more I could add and I will when I remember
autistichanseo · 1 year
What If Gaus Electronics was a daydream Jang Hanseo made up to deal with the abuse he was going through? Hear me out:
Okay to start off: I don’t actually think the show was made with the intention of well, being an escapism Jang Hanseo made to deal with everything so I won’t call it a theory or anything.
But head canon that maybe, maybe Hanseo made up a world where he was the main character just, living a normal office job. Living a boring, normal ordinary life far away from his current position as puppet CEO.
The structure of Gaus Electronics is similar to a cartoon. When Sangsik gets hurt (e.g. when he lost a tooth in the first episode) he magically regains it later on. It’s all silly and lighthearted and nothing truly devastating happens in the show, the only injuries that stay longer then a few scenes are needed to progress the plot (e.g Narae’s arms being in casts so Sangsik and Aziz have to look after her.)
Sangsik makes a potentially catastrophic mistake in the first episode for the company he works at, but this mistakes ends up helping the company. It means Marketing Team 3 gain a lot more respect than they had before.
He makes a mistake and it doesn’t hurt him or lead to awful consequences, which we know for a fact isn’t the case for Hanseo. Even the smallest mistake leads Hanseok to hurt Hanseo or could be fatal for the company. He has to deal with the weight of always having to please his brother (whose impulsive, erratic and mood can switch drastically at the drop of a pen) while also making sure he doesn’t mess up anything as the fake CEO of babel.
Thats a lot of pressure, constantly on his shoulders.
But in this universe he doesn’t have either of those things.
Why not make a world where he could imagine what it’s like to just make mistakes like every other human being and not get hurt for it? To be allowed to grow from them and learn rather than live in fear of what would happen to him for doing so?
Moreover, it wasn’t even Sangsik who uploaded the video in the first place publicly!! It was Mr. Cho the invisible dude (I think that’s his name) which is a great metaphor of how Hanseo has to take the fall for all of Hanseok’s mistakes publicly.
Things that weren’t even his fault he had to apologise for! To the public! He had to endure the hate and backlash for all of it!
Maybe Hanseo in his head makes up this entire universe. He’s the main character, he works for some random office in this world in the lowest Marketing Team. He was never allowed to suggest ideas to Hanseok, but now its his job! It’s his job to come up with ways to market the company he works at!
Hanseo has lived in riches his whole life and it’s all he knows (e.g. how he reacted to the Jipuragi office) so maybe what Matan thought living a normal life was like is what Hanseo thought it was like.
Maybe Hanseo projected onto Matan, and that’s why Sangsik wanted to become Matan’s older brother so badly.
He wanted to be the older brother to him he never got.
And maybe if he also plays the older brother, he could make sure he wouldn’t be hurt again.
Anyone who “hates” Sangsik in the show comes to love him (Narae) or secretly do love him even if they pretend they don’t (Mr. Baek). He has people who care for him and love him even if he’s “stupid” and messes up. Something Hanseo desperately wanted.
He wanted a family. And that’s exactly what Marketing Team 3 could be for him. Even if they were fake. Even if they were made up.
He could at least imagine what it felt like to be happy if he wasn’t allowed to be so.
(@seerya @dongyeonsimp since I’ve converted you guys to this hc 🫶🏼)
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moongoopy · 1 month
a sweetener amongst death
cont: at the end of the day, two criminals remember they can always come back home to their sweet, oblivious roommate.
c/w: violence, pervy charecters, groping
c: geto x reader x gojo
a/n: i hope for comments and interaction, pls enjoy! (hoping its not too simple and rushed.)
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"May my soul rest-!" were the last words of the cult member. Gojo scraped his shoe across the face of the dead and yawned. He lazily walked to the coach in the middle of the church and laid back at a job well done.
A scoff from his best friend made him giggle, he hung his head back to see geto place down another cult member on the ground.
"This place reeks of sex." "Dont they all?"
Geto ushered Gojo to scoot over on the coach, shutting away his spread legs to let his friend sit next to him. The brunette scanned the papers if they missed anything in the church. the ones who hired them just wanted this cult to fall apart and even that, it was at such a low price too.
The blue-eyed man yawned again to strike a nerve into his best friend before leaning forward,
"Why would you take this, its at the bottom of the list and theres just so many unnecessary things to do.."
Geto got up from the seat, fully ignoring his friend, and pulled the beads that the cult hung up on the wall and into the fire that was still lit. The countless papers that marked the existence of this cult were also thrown in. He chuckled dryly, uttering a few regrets about taking this bounty which Gojo agreed to.
He turned his head to him and lightly smiled.
"Satoru, remember the man that hovered over [Name] when you came back from the bathroom?" A spark was lit in Gojo's eyes as Geto pointed a gun at the doors that opened. A neat man who was dressed heavily entered and he dropped like a fly so quickly that Gojo let out a sharp chuckle. It was sad, the duo was the last thing that he saw before his own cult members but fret not, the leader always joins his cult at the end of the day.
"That's him."
Geto felt your fingers curl around his wrist when a supposed priest got near. There was nothing wrong with him other than the obvious signs of him persuading to join a cult along with a flyer of cult members smiling on the front page. Such positive advertising. He was about to politely reject the man, nodding to his repeated utterance of the Lord when he realized what made you so tense.
The priest's hand was wrapped around your waist so snugly and it made you squirm, he thought you were feeling a bit shy to such a persuasive man but you were uncomfortable. Geto steps infront of the priest, thanking him for such an oppurtunity to see them both in his church although the priest's eyes lingered more to you. Oh, the brunette couldn't have that, successfully peeling of the priest's hand off your waist with not much force.
"We'll make sure to come to and my pretty friend of mine is willing to seek such knowledge" This made the stranger delighted, bowing before distributing other flyers not before his eyes lingering hard enough on the person he wanted in his church.
"Hah, who was that?"
Satoru came back with pastries, he sidetracked but atleast he's back, stuffing a pastry into your mouth and not realising the murderous look on Geto's face.
"Stop! In the name of the Lord-!" The duo then kicked him around after Geto shot him around his vitals and watched the pervert bleed. Gojo was all ears to Geto's narrative, a horrified look on the bloody man.
"Oh really, Suguru? Tell me more-" Laughter spilled from his lips as he kicked with such force, his friend snarkily adds just how priests just can't keep anything in their pants. The sole of his shoe stomped down on the man's crotch with the other's foot joining in. The priest could probably see hell with how close to death he was, his eyes rolled to the back of his head with a choked scream.
Both of their faces harden but one was more gleeful, watching both their boots knock the life out of the body that dared touched their roommate's.
"We should've let you stay on your knees so you can get the true definition of repentance."
The white haired man then took Geto's gun and shot the priest in the throat. He squatted down over his body and slapped him twice in the face. He tossed the gun back to its owner and gave a double thumbs up. They can finally go home now.
The duo left the church through the back door and trudged to a river.
Geto crouched down near the bankside and took out his weapons and put them to the side to clean.
"Don't you need to clean up?" He washed his hands in the running water, washing his face that was stained with blood that wasn't his. The blue-eyed man stuck his tongue cheekily, confident that he left no traces and crossed his arms. Gojo had a wet cloth thrown at him much to his dismay, he was then forced to clean himself up by the strict orders of his friend.
After a moment, Gojo sighed.
"You could've just told me that pervert went and touched [Name], I thought you went senile for picking such a boring bounty.." Geto smiled, putting his weapons back in his pockets and used the path to walk their way back home.
"But it was worth a suprise, wouldn't you agree?" That made him smile, punching his friend's arm playfully. They both just know what the other likes.
After some thinking about what to have for dinner, you then texted in the group chat that you've made it and to come before it gets cold. The two grinned at each other and raced home.
The door to their apartment swung open and immediately they were engulfed in a hug by you, well if akwardly bent on the knees because its quite hard hugging two people at once.
Gojo leaned into your neck and took a deep whiff in, you smell like heaven; the shampoo that you always used was his favourite. Geto on the other hand held your hand and kissed the side of your neck, you were just so cute he could eat you up. Suddenly, you pulled back with a panicked look.
You stepped away and rushed to the laundry room and locked the door. The duo stood there and immediately Geto pulled at Gojo to smell him.
"Hey, what's your deal! I'm clean!" Geto squished his friend's shoulder in his hand, feeling irked.
"Yeah? But did you clean enough? I smell blood on you." He deadpanned and looked towards the laundry room. You had run off in such a hurry so did you know what they really were? They thought of this scenario many times but they didnt know they could fuck up, only because of a certain someone..
"We did bought ropes already so should we like.. I dont know corner them?" That made Gojo receive a punch from the man next to him, originally yes that was the plan but maybe he just wasn't up to it today. He wasn't hoping you would find out so quickly, this little game of cat and mouse was suprisingly fun for him. That he can admit as the duo's eyes gleamed with anticipation,
Geto walked to the direction of the laundry room, knocking on the door.
"[Name]? What are you doing in there?" He said cooly, his hand in his pocket; fingers idly tracing the steel of the knife.
There was silence and a bit of shuffling from the other room and he took out his makeshift key, after all that's how he gets into the houses of his victims. The door clicked and he slowly pushed it open then kicked it with his foot. He grabbed the door before it slammed against the wall to see that you haven't gone anywhere but simply crouched near the washing machine.
There was a bit of guilt on your face and he comes to, crouching to your level. He reached out to cup your face and he was so so close to feeling your lips underneath his thumb before you tilt your head to the side.
"My period came and.. I bled on your sheets by accident. I've been trying to clean it off but yknow.." He softly kisses your forehead, noting the faint blotches of red on the sheets even if the thing went through the wringer twice. He pats your shoulders and gently smiled.
"It was out of your control, sweetheart. It's okay, why dont we enjoy the dinner you made?" The slow signs of you lighting up made his heart full and he guided you out the laundry room with an arm around your waist. He swatted at Gojo who didnt even try to hide the ropes that he carried and turned your head the other way, if you weren't that adamant on looking at Gojo; he'd most likely kick the blue eyed beauty into the washing machine. Atleast, you just remembered the blood on the bedsheets and not the stench from Gojo. Now that Gojo actually took a sniff at himself, there was blood splatters on his dark tank top.
But no worries, atleast it was another day where you'd stay in the dark on who they really were.
After dinner, you sat on the couch squished between them. The news had been dilligently reporting about the cases around the neighbourhood and Gojo tried to hide his satisfaction.
While you, a shiver ran deep through you. These cases were near the apartment complex where all three of you is living in and it scared you. The two noticed, holding you against them.
They coo and brushed comforting hands onto your body, hoping it would calm you.
"Me and Suguru can chase the baddies away!" Gojo joked, squeezing you in his embrace and you nodded vigirously; eyes closed in joy. You didn"t want to say it but their touch was driving you crazy especially since it started from the laundry room. The way Geto held your face sent heat through your body and his thumb.. you had to pull away if not, who knows what would you do instead of feeling guilty on messing up his bedsheets.
And their bodies, their physique. You could feel their chests rub against your body, it took everything not to scream right now. It was like you didn't have to worry about the killers anymore when your raging hormones was speaking for you.
You couldn't help but gulp and stay stiff, their breath against your neck was another thing too, you feel like you were gonna explode from the tension.
And they didnt stop there, Gojo placed his hands inside your shirt since he does that a lot when his fingers get cold and he hooked them under the clasp of your bra. His lips played with your ear and with your nape. Geto switched to something less scary on television and rested his arm around your waist.
"So how was your day, [Name]?"
They silently smirk, loving how you shrink and freeze under their touch. As long as it made you forget about the dangers that you fear that was currently residing in your house, they can continue savouring the feeling of your skin.
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wisheslost · 7 months
A most delightful first day.
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Wherein you, a new nurse for the Fortress of Meropide, have quite the interesting meeting with the flirtatious Duke and Prison Warden, Wriothesley, only you find out much later he's the duke, and the interesting meeting unravels quickly into much more.
cws : fastburn? like the opposite of slowburn basically bc im impatient. violence, not described in detail but wriothesley gets injured pretty bad . if you find i should add more warnings please tell me
a/n : not beta read im sorry i abandoned this in the middle of writing then had the urge to come back. please tell me if theres any mistakes
wc : 3.2k
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Now that all the trivial paperwork was out of the way and you were finally recognized as a nurse affiliated with the Fortress of Meropide, it was just the meeting with the Duke that was left. roaming around searching for him wasn't the best option— hell, it was probably the worst out of all of them. but what else were you supposed to do? ask someone? ...surely the Duke would send for you if you lingered here long enough no? but then again, you don't know what the duke was like, maybe he'd reprimand you for arriving late instead, so you thought to not take any risks, and simply ask the next person you see. it's your first day of work anyway, so it wouldn't be too bad to engage with people you'll be seeing on the daily now either.
Not soon after spotting a young man who seemed to have quite the height, a somewhat tan skin tone and seemed to be in possession of woah? a vision? in a place like this, was kind of a surprise to you. Nevertheless, you approached that man to ask of the duke's office, only for him to be the one to start conversation.
"Hey, you must be the new nurse, right? It's a pleasure to have you, I'm Wriothesley, D-"
"Could you please take me to the Duke 's office, wriothesley?" you didn't realise until it was too late that he was going to say something after,but since he didn't seem to mention it either, how about just move on?
A little chuckle managed to escape his lips, followed by a "Sure I can." to your question. On the way there to his office, he asked you an array of questions, like why you were here, what made you work here, yada yada, but most importantly, he said, "The Duke's honestly a menace. I wouldn't get too close to him if I were you." now, you won't lie to yourself, that did make you much more interested in that duke than you previously were.
And in no time did you reach the Duke's office. Wriothesley lead the way up the stairs of what seemed to be the most grand part of the fortress, asking if you want to have tea with him later after you're done talking to the duke, which you politely declined, not because you didn't like the man—he was quite fun, yes, but tea? that awfully bitter liquid isn't entering your body anytime soon. not with wriothesley, not even with the duke.
now here we are, up the stairs and finally near the, what you assumed to be, the Duke's desk. But the duke isn't there. on the desk nor anywhere near. up until Wriothesley sits down on his chair and speaks,
"Here is the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide,Wriothesley. Though i prefer if you called me 'Your Grace' instead, people here usually refer to me as such. Please, feel free to ask any questions you have, I have already asked mine."
Oh, OH—
"Oh sir i- Your Grace i am so very sorry!! Really i- That time.. I shouldn't have cut you off.. Again, im really sorry!"
While you're worried sick, Mister Wriothesley here, or rather His Grace, is laughing his ass off. Does he find joy seeing you like this? well, whatever. When his laughing fit finally ends, and he sighs "Oh dear", and hes now looking at you, waiting earnestly for you to speak and break the silence. Unfortunately for him.. you're far too indulged staring at that pretty face of his, not remembering you were just asked if you had any inquiries by him. and so his voice beams once more,
"So....? Any questions?"
"Oh. Sorry, I got distracted, wri- Your grace, I don't." you knew it was best to call him by what everyone else calls him by, but 'Wriothesley', though you spoke for very little time, just came out easier.
"Really? well, okay" his answer was quite non chalant, because obviously, why would he want to be asked questions anyway, but it didn't seem like him— "I'm honestly surprised you have nothing to ask about." and there it is.
"No really, I don't want to bother you anymore. I shall take my leave, Please, Have a good day your grace." you excused yourself out that awkward situation somehow, and soon after heard a faint "You're not a bother y'know!~" from his side.
Cut to 2 a.m. in the morning next day, and you're in the infirmary cleaning glass jars, while the Head Nurse is probably sleeping her time away in the overworld. Not that you were jealous, but really, no soul here gets injured that seriously *ever*,yet this one garde told you you still need to stay awake the whole night. However odd that was, it was definitely not odder than— you stopped thinking the instant you felt a pair of hands creeping up to your waist, scaring you into dropping that poor glass jar and shrieking for your life, only for the owner of those hands to shut you up with one of the very hands that was on your waist just a moment ago.
"Oh c'mon.. You're in a prison of all places. Should you not be the least bit aware of your surroundings? who knows what might happen any moment... I wouldn't like to lose my new nurse so quick." and detaching his hand from your mouth, not that that could garner a response from you... what did he mean by "his nurse" anyway ? was this an attempt at flirting ? whatever it was, it was not much of your concern right now, it was the fact his voice wasn't like the one you heard before on your way to the Duke's office, or even in there, instead now it had a fatigued intonation to it, a voice that practically screamed "i want to sleep.", almost... sultry in a way.
And so he sat down on one of the beds, taking you by the waist to sit down as well on the same while he made himself more comfortable and laid almost completely down, and spoke, "First day on the job and you're already breaking things and screaming in the middle of the night.. are you really fit for a prison?"
Obviously, you were not fully capable, definitely not as capable as Sigewinne, but still,having someone say something like that directly is quite discouraging. and so you retorted, "Your Grace, it is actually my 2nd day on the job. And also, i feel anyone, prison premise or not, would be scared to be suddenly caressed by cold hands at 2 in the night. Though mayhaps that's just my opinion."
"Ahh dear, you're so smart .. it's a shame i was merely joking, I know the fortress is not such a prison-ly place anyway, and most if not everyone is just trying to get by and make it to the end of their sentence peacefully. I was merely testing you." to which you only nodded, and spoke "Sure. Well.. why are you in here at such a late time anyway? From the looks of it you're not sick, and i dont see any injuries..."
"You want me sick and injured? aw c'mooon, dear, im not even that bad of a duke, am i?"
"Your grace, please don't be silly. Are you here because you feel sick or just to bother me?"
"Ha! after i said you weren't a bother! how disheartening... I was just curious why you were awake this time of the night, though. What's keeping you up so late? or should i say Who?"
"Am i not supposed to be?"
"Of course not dear, did someone tell you you do?"
"Ah.. uhm. Not really, just a mistake on my part.."
"Hm? One of the gardes didn't tell you your duty requires you to stay up all night?"
How he came to know about that was none of your concern right now, what he'd do about it mattered more. You didn't want some helpless garde to be scolded off by The Duke because you were stupid enough to believe him. Surely that's not going to make the people of meropide have a good impression of you? Amidst your train of thought, his voice interrupted—
"What? Don't want a garde scolded off because you believe it'll harm that reputation of yours? awh dear, how cute. just like your face." this nuisance of a man and his attempt at flirting was somehow worse than his constant teasing, and the fact he accurately guessed what you were thinking was completely overshadowed by that "dear" and "cute" he threw in in his sentence.
"Too flattered?" was his response to your speechlessness. Being honest, you were too flattered. I doubt even archons know why this man was so coyly talking to you, did he do this to everyone?
"I... am not sure how to respond to that." was all you could manage to put together in your flustered, confused, but flustered state.
"I can stop it, y'know. If you're not feeling comfortable, just tell me. Whether that be with my way of talking, or someone else's."
"No it's fine.. really- I don't have any problems."
"Oh? So you're enjoying this? Haha, didn't know i had such charm." saying this, he rose up he was laying on, to come face to face with you, still sitting on the bed, but now, his face a bit too close to yours.
"I'll stop bothering you now. Go to sleep, you're gonna need to stay awake tomorrow."
You didn't make much of that statement, and you simply bid him sweet dreams as he went off to, what you presume, to be his office. That is, until, tomorrow actually came by, and near evening, you were greeted by none other than The Duke himself leaning on the doorframe of the infirmary, who, instead of his usual state, was now in a much more... uh, ragged? state. His vest not even present, and half his shirt ripped away, with his fresh wounds on display along with his old scars. Ah.... and you thought the Pankration Ring didn't allow such incidents to take place. So that's why he told you you need to stay awake.
"Dear, I'm here again to bother you." came in his voice from the door, and you stood up in concern. As far as you were aware of, Pankration ring fights were not supposed to get this serious. So it was either outside of the ring, or maybe the duke was allowed to get more serious in the Pankration ring? That became less of your concern as you saw a drop of blood drip down his cheek from a fresh wound. Gods, he was in such a pathetic state, blood everywhere, vest barely intact.. "Hey, its not appropriate to stare at someone in this state, is it?" he said, making you suddenly aware to what you should be doing. You're a nurse here, you should be patching him up, not staring into his soul while he's standing there in pain. "Your grace- I- Please, come with me to the bed. Do you want help walking? Oh lord why am i asking- Forgive me, I'm so sorry-" and a chain of sorries followed as you wrapped your arm around his waist in your best attempt to provide support to his frame, as you walked over to the nearest bed in the infirmary with Wriothesley's arm on your shoulder, grabbing it for support, though maybe a bit too hard, you were sure, this would at the least leave a bruise.
Arriving to the bed, you sat him down and knelt down to take a few things out from a nearby drawer, bandage, antiseptic disinfectant and a pair of scissors. And Wriothesley had his eyes set on your figure the entire time, not that you had noticed.
When you came back to him, you had to get him to undress in order for you to wash away his wounds, and before you could think to form an appropriate sentence regarding that- your tongue had already mumbled out "Please undress." to that poor duke. Oh lord, this was going to be a long, looong day.
A smirk crept up Wriothesley's face as he looked up at you, "Dear, I'm not sure I can... 'tleast not in this state. Would you help me?" and so his sly little smile shifted to a more puppy eyed face, glancing at you oh so sweetly. "Yes, Your grace." and you started by first taking his tie off, "I'm being honest here, I'm not sure why i said that earlier. I apologise. It was definitely very.. stupid of me." were the words you spoke as you were unbuttoning his shirt— the last piece of clothing left. His vest was mostly torn apart, so you didn't need to unbutton it or even put much effort in taking it off. Wriothesley didn't respond to that. You knew, it was because you were right, he didn't say anything because it would make you feel worse, but silently, surely, he agreed. Or atleast that's what you thought. Now here he sat, his upper body completely rid of any clothing, the cold air hitting his wounds.
"I'll wash your wounds now." as you went back and forth between the infirmary's bathroom to get water, the process was a bit slower than should be.
"Shouldn't you take me to the bathroom? Would be faster, no?"
"It would, yes. But it would mean you would have to go there, you wouldn't like sitting on that tiny ass- I mean, very small stool in the bathroom, trust me. Would just be uncomfortable."
"Awh. Didn't know my nurse was so, so nice. Thank you dear."
You finally washed what seemed to be the last wound, and god was it big. On your way back to him from the bathroom, you thought you would finally ask, "By the way, Your grace... I've been meaning to ask— What's with the 'my nurse' ? I'm not only your nurse, you know. I am to tend to any person in this fortress." was the best you could express your curiosity as you applied antiseptic on his wounds, recieving a little wince from him along with the answer to your question, "Well- I said that only because you were taking care of me at that moment, so you'd be my nurse then, no?"
"That is true, yes, but then what about before that? Last night? And also, the use of 'dear', to my knowledge, you don't seem to use that language or rather i should say- that word for anyone around here. Unless of course I'd be wrong and would stand corrected."
"Oh you... I'll stop, if you wish. You could have told me before‐"
"No, no. I don't mind it at all. Just want to know. Do those words hold any weight to you or are you simply throwing them around?" you said as you took the bandage out it's paper packaging, rolling it around his wound, making him wince once more, this time squeezing your right thigh out of the urge to hold on to something.
"Fuck, Sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" was all he could manage to put together, and when you took his hand in yours to put it back on your right thigh, Lord, his expression was something to see. The way he looked at you so surprised yet so... lovingly? surely, not loving. But whatever it was, it was nice, to see him so in awe. You continued dressing his wounds as he stared at your face the whole time, and, from time to time, squeezed your thigh a bit. Not sure if it was from the pain, or just because he wanted to and could.
Done with dressing the last wound on his cheek, you got up and headed to a cabinet on the opposite side of the room. "That's all. I'll get you some pain relief medication for the internal bruising, just wait a bit. it's.. it's in here somewhere.." as you searched around the cabinet. "Ah! Here!"
You took the medication to Wriothesley, who was currently sitting upright on the bed, carrying along a glass of water. As you had poured the water in the glass, you heard him say something along the lines of "Don't break it again." with a light chuckle.
As you gave him his medicine and he swallowed it down, that was the last of your duties for now. "Anything else you want me to do?"
"Sit. Here" he said, patting on the space near him as he laid down on the bed. And so you sat, who were you to deny such a simple request?
It was pin drop silence for a while after that. Just you and him looking at each other. Well, up until he averted his gaze to your thigh, where you noticed his hand hovering over it. "May i .....?" and so you took his hand in yours, and it rested on your thigh.
Then you realized, he was on his side to face you, though he shouldn't be, one of his injuries was there, quite the big one at that, and it probably hurt like hell. "I don't think you should lie on your side. Your wound.. is it not paining?" He got up then, sitting upright, though now, your faces were a bit too close, and your noses touching slightly."Then, dear, do you want me to sit like this?" You were too flustered to manage a response for that. Both of your faces were so close– too close, actually that you could feel his warm breath, that, by the way, smelled of Earl Grey Tea, and that scent seemed to mix with the antiseptic's.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" You somehow couldn't reply to that either, and only stared into his eyes, and occasionally catch a glance at his lips.
"Can't speak already huh? I haven't even kissed you yet."
"K-kiss me??"
"Sure." and so he leans in, planting in a peck on your lips and caressing your chin with, what was currently, his good hand, as in it had way less injuries than the other.
"Satisfactory?" was all he asked, that smirk back on his face, and "Not.. really" in a low voice was all you could manage after that.
"Then show me what would be more satisfactory."
"This." and what followed was by far the boldest you had ever been in your life, and good lord, it was infront of- not even infront of, to your new, and well, the only boss you've had.
But damn did his lips on yours feel so good, and his slight biting, his hand tugging at your nape made you feel like you were dreaming. Unfortunately though, even dreams come to end.
When your lips separated, he was a exhilarated but exhausted mess, his chest heaving as his fought to breathe, and so were you, and all you both could do was stare at each other, until he leaned in once again to kiss you. This time, in a satisfactory way.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, for you two, this was about to escalate much further than just that satisfaction.
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doorp · 8 months
What started out as theories abt when the main cast died but got silly
Annabel + Lenore ✨
This one is pretty straightforward, there’s these Barbie movie redraws flynn did that shows Annabel and Lenore being caught by “NMPD nevermore police department” , with the year 1901 in the corner, implying that’s when they died and got sent to nevermore
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This little 1901 in the corner is interesting on like a meta level to me bc 1. in the original Barbie meme theres no date on the slate thingies, so flynn decided to add that piece of info on her own, and 2. this was just after episode 67 came out (on fp I think) and uh little tidbit, before that episode there was a theory that Theo died in like the 1860s or something based on the logo in the newspaper abt his death, the ny daily tribune, and after episode 67 came out and ira mentioned a ship that wasn’t available for public use until 1899 on the discord we were trying to do mental gymnastics to make the 2 dates work but then red came on like “please we accidentally grabbed the wrong logo it’s meant to read new York tribune not New York daily tribune its fixed now we fixed it please” and then a few days later they streamed doing this piece
Anyway, ira talks about the oceanic, which was “the finest ocean liner in the world” the *largest ocean liner in the world* until 1901
The RMS oceanic had its maiden voyage in September of 1899, at the beginning of fall. Annabel says she arrived in New York a fortnight before meeting Lenore, presumably during the spring. Annabel arrives at lenores house in april/may of 1900, spends six months there, and then leaves around the fall, probably somewhere around September or October. Lenore then spends a few months doing her thing and then arrives at her family’s home in either December 1900 or January 1901, during the winter. HERES where it gets interesting. We can assume that Annabel died in the cold, from her spectres chilling atmosphere and all together appearance of corpse in a freezer. She even has frostbite on her fingers and toes, as well as snowflake like glitter in her veil. We can also assume she died on her wedding day, the way she wears her rings on different hands and her wedding dress in spectre form. So if she died in the cold and on her wedding day, then when was her wedding, and how could it be in winter?
heres my 2 theories
1. Lenore beats Annabel at chess just for funsies fairly quickly after arriving, then they try to elope and get caught by their dads
2. Lenore courts Annabel, wins her hand, and they get engaged. Since engagements usually lasted around 6 months to 2 years, their engagement could have been anywhere from however long it takes Lenore to win at chess to December 1901. If their wedding day was in November/December, that means Lenore got away with pretending to be a man for a whole YEAR and they spent that year just being gay and shit/doing schemes.
I personally like option 2 more bc its just sadder that they did get away w it for a while then ultimately got caught - it would also explain why Annabel is just SO into Lenore, if all she remembers is that year they spent being all sneaky and gay and shit, it would explain how she’s just used to flirting and holding onto Lenore in secret. It would also explain why Annabel assumes Lenore is up to scheming at nevermore. if they eloped a few weeks after they reunited it would still be like yeah that makes sense they are such u haul lesbians, but them becoming sneaky codependent gays ripped from each other on their wedding day just hurts more and makes more sense time/character wise
Duke - 1912, maybe even 1912 specifically, idk
Duke has a coin that’s dated to 1912, and Eulalie says it looks brand new. There’s been arguments about wether or not the coin is actually newly minted, but I don’t think we can say for sure. It might not matter either way- I have a theory that the suit cases the students carry aren’t actually random personal items of interest, but a suitcase they packed right before a pivotal event in their lives. Perhaps Duke does have newly minted coins in his suitcase, but he didn’t actually die in 1912. Also! Duke is implied to be a Houdini like figure, so I imagine he’s not later than the 20s.
Pluto - 1914 ish
Plutos spectre wears a British ww1 military uniform, its debated wether or not the jacket was his dads or his, but regardless he couldn’t have died earlier than 1914. Pluto is named after the cat in the short story called The Black Cat by Edgar Allan poe. In the story a cat named Pluto gets its eye slashed out by its drunken owner, eventually getting hung from a tree by the man. Theres obvious references to the story in Plutos design and shit overall, when he manifests a belt snaps around his neck implying he died from strangulation, his spectre has like, a pluming collar/leash of smoke around its neck, his spectre looks like it’s made of ash kinda (someone described him as a burnt rabbit to me once) which is probably a reference to the part in the story where the man’s house burns down, only 1 wall remaining erect, with the image of a black cat scorched into it. Plutos eye is covered by his hair, he walks into a door frame, he’s got spectre abilities called “blink” and “evil eye” so w Pluto until we get more info it’s no earlier than 1914 if you subscribe to the Pluto went to war theory or no earlier than like, say the 20s? if you subscribe to the Plutos dad was a vet theory
Berenice - 1920s
Shes a flapper, cmon. shes from the 1920s. Look at her. We already know she was run over by a cop car after running from some guy, and I tried to look into where the cop car was from but i didn’t have much luck. mostly just confirmed the era, when I searched cop cars of the 1920s pretty similar images to the one that killed bee show up. A few others I think have looked into it more? but im not completely sure. There’s been a lot of theories about where Berenice is from, I’ve seen Louisiana, Chicago, Harlem (Harlem renaissance specifically) but there’s not a lot of conclusive info about Berenice. we know her pearls were real, in the way they scattered, so she had so have some means of affording them. Pearls are held together on a string, but only real pearls have pieces of metal between the pearls to keep them from rubbing against each other. Bees pearls scatter in long strings, not completely all over the place like fake pearls without that structure would.
Eulalie - 1935
The song Eula sings in her death flashback is a Japanese lullaby that was rediscovered in 1935. Its a popular theory that Eulalies death was a hate crime, a fire started because of hate towards Japanese Americans during ww2. She probably died in the forties in america, I don’t think she died in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, the fire that killed her isnt how atomic bombs would have killed her. The kid she sings to asks if someone started the fire on purpose, so imo it was likely a hate crime.
Morella - 1950s - 70s??
Okay so, Morella. we know the least about her. with will we can guess that he was lower class and stuff, but all we know abt Morella is that she’s Irish. Shepards pie and Guinness is pretty timeless. The reason I say 50s to 70s is bc according to Remigoesinsane the clasp to her locket started to be used around that time! that’s all I have on her tbh, a theory of mine is that she died in a factory accident trying to save someone when the machinery went crazy, but that’s mostly it.
Ada - 1930s
Ada’s clothes in her death flashback match those worn by maids in the 1930s, and the lingerie she wears in the manor also matches lingerie worn in the 30s. It would also make sense for Ada’s character to be from the 30s. That decade was called the “somber thirties” bc of how fucked up the economy was after the stock market crash. It was a major time of economic disparity, and Ada’s obsession with trying to seem upper class elite could stem from not having much when she died. She probably sees nevermore as a blank slate, a place where people will see her as more than just “the help” would also make sense that the man that killed her was a rich guy using his power to take advantage of her and get away with the crime. Especially since the poem, Tamerlane, was from the pov of a rich guy lamenting a relationship he had with a lower class girl named Ada.
Prospero ✨
PROSPERO! prospero drinks espresso with his chosen last meal, which was invented in 1901. I think he died from tuberculosis. For a long time a major cause of death has been tuberculosis. So much so that Victorians made it a beauty standard. A major inspiration of Poe himself was tuberculosis, in the masque of red death, along with the grief he was left with after his wife died from it. It rots your lungs, makes you cough up your bloodied respiratory system until you suffocate in it. In the maze, prospero says he felt queasy, like something was crawling under his skin when he died. When prospero cuts his hand, he says he’s going to be sick, and tells Annabel that he’s afraid of blood. (Probably specifically his own blood bc u know he was feeding people to rats like minutes before that) This, coupled with the imagery of blood pouring out from his plague mask when he says the “queasy, like something was crawling under my skin” line, makes me think his death involved a lot of blood! And as I said before tuberculosis was like really gross and bloody and gory. Furthermore, this quote from the writer is SO interesting
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In the poem prosperos namesake is in, the masque of red death, the prince prospero, hiding and ignoring a sickness ravaging his country, decides to host a huge party! Everyone’s having a grand old time, the festivities only pausing when the clock strikes, leaving everyone in a dread filled silence, the party picking up almost immediately after and brushing it off. Eventually the plague does get in though and kill them all because they ignored the feeling of dread.
The prince and the party goers die because the prince is blissfully and willfully ignorant of the disease. Bc their hubris didn’t allow them to see the threat of it. Nevermores prospero, however, is obsessed with staying healthy/hygienic as possible. He wears his gloves even when he eats, hates being touched, almost throws up when he cuts his hand. He hallucinates a thousand dirty hands grabbing him and trying to perform an operation on him with disgusting germy tools. He sees the hand he cut amputated, imagining that the wound got so infected that it had to be removed. He stares in horror at his hand before Ada even makes eye contact with him. My theory is Prospero grew up hearing terrible stories of people dying from infection, disease. He heard of people slowly drowning in their own blood. He decided to take every precaution, he simply wouldn’t allow that to be his fate. After Ada attacks him he tells Annabel “you must think me neurotic” for being so upset over the blood on his hand. This feels, so specific and intentional to me. Not just because Annabel dealt with her anxiety and her dad treating her panic attacks like he did, and this is a whole “omg look they’re bonding” moment, but bc, immediately after he tries to assure her that “im not, you know, im perfectly sane” like shit like this has happened before, where ppl called him neurotic for being that sick at the sight of his own blood, or that obsessed with hygiene. The irony being that, he spent his life obsessing over staying healthy, so much so that people called him neurotic, only to die that slow gory death anyway.
That whole, prospero dying from tb tangent aside tho, how it correlates to the time of his death. He probably died in the early 1900s, the earliest being 1901-1906ish, bc again, that’s when espresso started gaining popularity. My guess is he died around the 20s, ik the tb vaccine came out around the 20s, but people still died of it after and are still dying/contracting it today, and in the 20s there were a lot of Italians emigrating to America, and prospero is so aggressively Italian American (eating espresso and cannoli with chocolate chips for his last meal) that it’d make sense. So woo!
Monty - 1910s
Monty is a cowwwwboyyyyyy. The Wild West pretty much tapered out around the early 1900s. He can’t be that recent. He also mentions calamity Jane so that definitely puts him past the 1800s. He seemed to have a pretty wild life, kicked in the head by a horse, tooth knocked out by a human, tied to train tracks and left for dead after calling the pastors daughter loose. crazy guy crazy time
Will ???
Will is so plain i cannot get a read on where hes from im sorry
obligatory thank you for making it to the end, I barely made it myself, this was sitting in my drafts for weeks before I decided to just get it over with. <<333
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itgomyway · 9 months
(you)r sp and you ♡
i have already made a post about how you should love yourself and your sp will love you almost as much (bc they actually are you!) but lets go into more detail
a lot of you guys, including me, wanted to get into a relationship. and with that, youve discovered the law of assumption. the basics start off with whatever you assume will be. but after months of arguing, harassment, and bullying on twitter, you’re probably confused and too scared to ask.
FUCK THAT. let me be the one to tell you that none of it matters. you very much can and WILL manifest your sp. others false opinions (false because theyre not real) mean nothing. this isnt a loass post though im talking about non dualism (which is not the same).
“but wait… i want my sp and non dualism isnt about getting so why would i-“ because your sp shouldnt be someone that brings you happiness. they should be someone who adds to your quality of life. why does that sound like loass vs non dualism? because it is.
people use the law of assumption to manifest desires for their physical world. theres nothing wrong with that! that is how i manifested my current relationship. however, when we speak about non dualism, it goes beyond trying to get anything. youre just being. and “getting” into a relationship can very much help or make your false sense of self feel better. you as consciousness know relationships themselves dont exist because it is you but your ego, the false sense of self doesnt know that. it wants to experience love as part of the human condition. but youre still not getting anything. lemme explain.
you were trying to “get” something that was never outside of you TO make you happy. that doesnt make sense when not only are they you, but they are apart of you. everything your awareness is on “reflects” how you feel about yourself because all there is is you.
lets go back to non dualism’s basics. everything is consciousness = you creation is brought on by your awareness = you. “but back when x happened-“ the past and the future do not exist. the only thing that exist is now. you cant “apply” this way of thinking to something that doesnt exist. that makes no sense. youre just going to confuse yourself. i am telling you RIGHT NOW the only truly real thing is YOU. that is all there is and will ever be. you can control your awareness through observations meaning youre in total control. read that again.
so when it comes to your sp, romantic or not, they are never not yours. they were never not you or not a part of you. every thought, feeling, affirmation, or word you wrote down, they have received. because its you. think about it. are you ever aware of anything youre unaware of? (no). because things only exist the moment youre aware of them!
and remember, if something can come to our awareness like a relationship and leave our awareness it is not real. but you, as consciousness are infinite and are always here and always consciousness. so you are real!
after discovering non dualism i have thought about the feelings my boyfriend has presented to me and how they currently match the feelings i have for myself. i have always loved myself and will always love myself. if i didnt, how could i expect my creation, which is a projection of my own self image, to have different feelings than me? your sp isnt a separate person. Your relationships will always show how you feel about yourself, romantic or platonic. they’re not real because they come and go through your awareness but your ego as the false self believes they are. and thats okay. thats its job. let it be and observe them as consciousness.
nothing can happen outside of your awareness because the moment you are aware/conscious of something, it exist instantly. so if your sp is treating you the way you dont want to be treated then reflect on your own feelings about yourself. this DOES NOT necessarily mean work on your self concept. ask yourself if “you” think youre worthy of what it is your ego desires. a lot of my blockage came from that. i had to fall in love with myself so my ego could comprehend how i could be loved. because its still me.
lets talk about “free will”.
“free will” doesn’t exist. lemme tell you why. the idea of free will is a person outside of you having a say in their own life. the basic principle of non dualism means theres only one being, consciousness (you). so tell me how can “another person” “outside” of you have a say in their “own lives” when none of that exist in the first place?
your sp having or not having free will shouldn’t effect how you feel about them unless you see them as a separate entity outside of you. they’re not an “object” you control theyre your creation and another form of consciousness so of course you have control over your creations you have control over EVERYTHING.
your sp feels the same way you feel about yourself. always. if you dont feel good about yourself then i do suggest working on your self concept. not to “get” anything but for YOURSELF! why not love yourself? why cart that responsibility off to your creation?
at the end of the day, itll just be you surrounded by your creations. you can pick and choose what they are specifically BUT THE ONLY REAL THING IS YOU
© itgomyway
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toffeebrew · 1 month
eughhh sleepiness is taking over must write about inky boy. ink sans is by @/comyet
i think upon reanalyzing some asks and the FAQ i have begun to understand how inks err emotions work a little better. a bunch of this is me kinda theorizing sooo yeah. it's not as uhh clear as my other rants are
His emotions aren't really "fake". at least my definition of fake. He still feels.
Instead, their main struggle is to balance and understand his emotions. Like in this ask:
So, he can definitely have quote on quote "normal relationships" with other people
One day you may ask him and he'll be like yeah i care about them alot and the next he doesn't feel very attached at all. As i interpreted "not making sense" as to not understanding why or how he even cares for these people. It seems really dependent on his internal emotional balance. The pretending comes in to play where he may exaggerate or lie about his emotions. Perhaps because he himself wants to have these attachments. Or because he wants to spare others feelings.
more yappage under the cut
According to his FAQ, he realizes his soullessness is an advantage (and theres not any realistic/non morally dubious means to obtain one) and wouldn't change that. However, i don't believe he is completely content with some of the drawbacks. He feels the need to hide his soullessness, as indicated in his design notes. But it "shows through". He feels the need to "pretend to have a soul" -from his backstory comic. This may be because he feels insecure in some way. believing his own emotions are less than others. Or his feelings are invalid or fake because he doesn't have a soul. Or at the very least not as real as others. Because he doesn't feel emotions the way others do, it must be wrong. Because hes chaotic neutral, i don't think these are things others contributed to his line of thought. Rather, something hes internalized himself. not that he would ever tell anyone that.
He may also hide this fact not the freak people out. Man does enjoy a bit of mischief, but it probably be kinda hard to work with other people if you have a large chance they may be scared of/don't trust you. I also think he doesn't actually want to like...petrify people. Which i would imagine many monsters would struggle, if they knew. given what people may assume of him. Or at least that's what he thinks ig shsksh.
Given he fears loneliness i think both of these reasons may contribute. He doesn't want people to abandon him. abandonment issues caused by trauma he can't remember.
But he can definitely feel extremes as well. being "overexcited" so much so he forgets consequences. He vomits up ink when shocked or overly passionate. I didn't expand on this as much because i feel like others have explained better than i ever could.
as his FAQ indicates his emotions can be separate from his morality. so its not necessarily contradictory for him to have these big emotions but still have uhh ig a more neutral way of looking at things. ig
btw this post was inspired from this analysis!! i tried to add my own spin on my commentary
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't know you didn't write for f!reader.
So, could I request headcanons of Isagi, Bachira, Rin, Reo, and Sae with a Gn! Reader who's a cheerleader?
🍁˖࿐ Cheerleader! S/O - Isagi, Bachira, Rin, Reo, Sae
╰┈➤Hcs of them with a Cheerleader! s/o! (not the stereotype i think? im guessing u meant the sport since i heard its hard) Genre: Fluff and crack? Gn!reader or Any gender Warnings: Swearing obviously, kinda short so theres that, not proof read Waiter's Notes: Hello lovely!! its alright dear :)) just make sure to read the req page/rules next time ^^ Kinda short since im forgetful, the only cheerleading movie ive watched was like over a year ago and too lazy to do research
Masterlists Req Page/Rules
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He has ALOT of respect for you in general but this? it just tenfolded bro
Tries to come to all your competitions!! and vise versa, unless your competition times overlap :'D
Comes to your practices too <3
Always makes sure to bring snacks and drinks for you
Keeps track of your diet if you have one, but ALWAYS makes sure that you arent pushing yourself too much
Coming to his games with your team/friends to cheer!
He would be SOOOOOOOOO flustered but cmon, he looks ADORABLE when he is <3333
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He stops by your practice and tries to do your routine, it ends up in a mess and your coach is scolding you both LMAO
But he only had good intentions!
He wanted to take your mind off things like the competition since he knows it makes you nervous, and nervous you is well- not the best you 😭😭
again, he BRAGS to anyone and EVERYONE. about you and how youre so cool doing all those tricks and things ykyk!!
He probably drags isagi to watch your competitions tbh
When you come to watch his matches and cheer, he has the BIGGEST smile ever!! 🥹🥹
Its basically like shoving 5kg of sugar into his mouth, hes so energetic and motivated now <3
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guys theres literally a reason why i didnt add him on the artist hcs and its bcs i genuinely think that he wont give a fuck 🧍
Like, you do cheerleading? okay cool👍
But for the sake of this hc then imma put all my brain juice into this one
Might come to your practices whenever he has spare time/he remembers and gives you either those nice energy drinks or some suspicious green fruit-vegetable shake 💀💀
But thats pretty rare
most of the time, you two meet up and do yoga/cool down together, maybe get icecream after bcs SCREW YOUR DIETS FOR ONCE ‼️‼️
If you come to his matches to cheer, then he would mostly be surprised because from the manga and light novel, no one really watched his matches
So he feels warmth blooming in his chest and subconciously works harder to score a goal
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Its hard to find out which one of you two is the cheerleader tbh
deadass cheers MORE than you when it comes to your competitions no SHIT
also, your outift fees? covered. transportation fees? no need, get on his limousine. Props being too expensive? Honey no, 'Expensive' doesnt exist anymore remember?
He basically covers for everything you spend 🧍🧍
Im gonna bet on everything that you have this room in the mikage corp thats specifically for your private practices, like the one reo used to practice soccer
Pays his teammates to go with him to cheer you on your competitions 😭😭😭😭
Come to his matches to cheer and this guy will MELT
his teammates tease him for giving you the googly eyes LMAOOO
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Unlike rin, this guy actually cares
well, more than rin, thats for sure <3
He's a busy guy so he mostly watches you on his phone
speaking of that, he has this album on his gallery thats just pics and vids and clips of you 😭
Hes dedicated so atleast theres that 🤷😭
When you come to his matches, he might not see you at first bcs theres literally tens of thousands of people but when he does?
He performs a small gesture with his arm/s from a small routine you both came up with <33
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(599 words)
im sorry dis is short, i literally dont know wat else to write 😭😭😭
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hanasnx · 1 year
So I have some thoughts….
*There is just inches in-between us, I want you to give in audio playing in the background*
I imagine you and Anakin being in sort of the same kind of bodyguard situation like him and Padme in the movies. Anakin has been assigned to you for some of time and even though he sure wasn’t supposed to, he couldn’t help but fall for you, despite the guard he put up. Anakin tries to act cold and distant knowing that he can’t let himself get too close to you, but at the same time wanting to rebel against the ways of the jedi. His words and orders ending up sounding more harsh than he want them to, in an attempt to distance him you from him. Anakin would do everything in his power to keep you safe, still, he has the strong urge to make sure you know how to defend yourself and fight back, should the need for it arise, even though he desperately hope that it won’t. What Anakin hadn’t considered however, was that being this close to you, sweat gleaming on your skin, soft pants leaving your lips as he pushes you to train harder, is nothing short of torture to him.
“Have you not listened to anything I’ve told you for the last hour? Your stance is all wrong and when you throw the punch, your thumb needs to be on the outside of your fist, or else it could break.” Anakin huffs, looking down at you with a cold gaze and knitted eyebrows, hands behind his back as he shakes his head.
“I’m sorry, there’s just a lot to remember. I’ll try again,” you mutter, correcting the position of your feet on the cold floor. Anakin’s broody demeanor and huge frame has intimated you since the day he was assigned as your jedi bodyguard. He was undeniably beautiful and you desperately wanted to discover more about him, not that you probably ever would, you thought. The attraction you felt towards him, definitely made it more difficult to focus on the words leaving his lips during your training sessions. “And you also need to rotate your body simultaneously, like this” you let out a nearly inaudible gasp as his rough hands finds your hips, the thumb of his warm hand slightly grazing the skin where the fabric of your tights end. You look up at him stunned, the closeness of your bodies, affecting you more than you’d care to admit. However as your eyes finds his though, he is already looking right at you, jaw clenched and theres something in his eyes that you can’t quite decipher…
And then… you know 👀 stuff happens
squid first of all ,, the hell are you doing in my inbox writing a piece when u could be writing a piece on your blog fam?? do it , you’ve already got the premise down. add some dialogue, fill in the blanks, and boom. you’ve got a one shot
i love the song u chose i love the tiktoks of anidala i see to it; sounding too harsh than he meant is so anakin; him coaching you on self defense is a fantasy of mine 💕💕; grabbing your hips & directing you >>
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lightamp · 8 months
let's rate red hood costumes
if i forgot smth lo siento. just let me know, there are so many of these and i am one creature
this is just for fun btw. nothing serious here! <3
now these are all comic canon red hoods (except maybe two? we'll get to them). no alt universes. maybe one day.
now on to the costumes
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Hush Jason. Maybe not technically Red Hood but like. c'mon. close enough
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i'm giving the rating 6/10
I know the trench coat was probably more for mr. hush himself, but i enjoy it. i'm also a filthy pouch lover so they do get points. also in red! cute. the boots are also neat. the negatives are that ugly robin dress/tunic thing. kinda silly. still it was good for giving bruce a spook.
2. the classic. the og. red hood utrh version!
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9/10, easy. the casual outfit paired with the sleek red helmet. *mwuah* wonderful! nothing bad to say. it's recognizable. comfortable. stylish. great job all around
3. titans tower. ah.
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-10/10. i would give props for running around in the scalies BUT THE UGLY ASS YELLOW TIGHTS. disgusting. bare his legs to the world you cowards. i'm mad. this could get at least 7/10 for sheer moxy if it weren't for those hideous target brand pantyhose
4. brothers in blood.
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he's literally just copying dick, but being unhinged as hell about it.
5.5/10. he looks good. who doesn't in nightwing's fit? though he is copying, he does get points for obsessive weirdness of it all.
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???/10 i don't know how i feel. i've never known how i feel about this.
5. final crisis
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i think he had a helmet in this arc and it broke but dont quote me!!!! pay me to read final crisis again if you have an issue.
he spends most of his time in jeans + leather jacket + just the domino
this is probably the most boring but i give it a 10/10 my boring ass loves it. no dressups just a guy in a shitty little mask. clapping. bravo. there's something ~thematic~ bout it
6. final crisis pt 2
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1/10 i hate the red robin suit i hate it i hate it. we finally got tim out of the damn thing even though it came at too high a cost (he's trapped in robin purgatory). it does look okay in wfa, but usually in dc reg comics it looks like ass.
regardless jason looks bad in it too. very sweet of murdery bruce to give it to him but ugh. at least could've given him some ears on that mask. then it couldve been bumped a point
7. batman
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the first time jason decided to wear a muzzle. hm.
6/10. there's nothing wrong with it. it's just a bit generically 'what would gun batman look like'. the face part is my favorite, with the weird grater muzzle, pointy ears, and red glowing eyes. it's fun
8. batman&robin
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i need to get my first thought out. the little symbol on his chest reminds me of homestuck. i can't really unsee it. i know like theres no connection. but it looks like it could belong on a homestuck human
anyway. 3.5/10. he was willing to try something totally new, so i'm giving points. i enjoy the white. is the red hood goofy af? yes. yes it is. iconic, though? sometimes the upper black part is drawn lower, i've noticed. it doesn't change much for me.
i like the thigh highs going on here. the red guns are sexy!. he looks bad but there are good things here!!!
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there is this version, which ditches the thigh highs, gives back the classic helmet, removes the cape for a jacket, and adds belts.
6/10 i think it fixes a lot about the prev costume, though it's really just like they threw utrh's costume and his previous batman&robin costume in the blender lmfao
wow flashpoint. father todd is not a red hood, so we progress.
9. nu52
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an update on the og look. i do like the contrasting brown jacket, the prominant thigh straps. sometimes his helmet is drawn suctioned to his face so -2 for any of that cause it's so weird
8/10 not a bad update to the classic.
10. red hood/arsenal
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i dont remember when he changed into this actually. in my head it's rh/a but i could be wrong.
i see no one talking about this abomination. his new fit? yah. this one? no?
4/10 the bottom of this is fine. i HATE the jacket. sorry it's just. ugly. his arm bands are also clunky. the matching between arsenal and red hood is nice though. so it didnt get too low. roy pulls it off better :(
11. wingman
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hm. i didnt read this. this makes me not want too akdsfhsl
0/10. ugly. looks like a villain in some scifi thing in the 90s. like power rangers. sentai villain looking ass. boring grey, ugly lines and shapes, the goofiest helmet on earth......
ig willis is burdened with this curse now
12. 3 jokers (dubiously canon. i dont consider it so but since dc left it in the air we add it)
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he has a helmet for a bit. this one is interesting bc i could actually see it as a futhering of his costume had he lived. sans helmet ofc. it's hard bc i don't not like this, i just feel it doesnt fit his aesthetic in the present day. 5/10. if jason had lived and not become red hood id rank it higher but then we wouldnt be here, would we?
13. batman's gift
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i debated putting this, but it's different enough from the nu52 vers
very fun. body armor all over. i like the red arm guards here unlike w/ the prev one that had these (less bulky ?). i like the leg stripes.
it doesn't really do much to change his look, but there are differences
14. task force z
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it's like the above but more just body-armored. really all he's done is remove the jacket and get shoulder pads. 6/10. the negative point is for the lost jacket :(
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7/10 i did say if he ditched the tights i'd rank it higher (twas all a dream through lmao)
15. current
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controversial of me, but i think. i think it's fine.
now i do agree his little hoodie is.........well it's not that great. my least favorite part tbh.
the new brown pants nicely contrast, though i have seen this costume with grey pants too?
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here we are. The red bandages are fun, i think if they were white i'd hate 'em but the red is interesting. i also like when bits of them are sticking out. idk. cute detail.
i like the muzzle mask as well. that with the hood has given us delightful in shadow!jason where only his eyes glow out. i also like when artists put his white hair tuft out. adorable. probably not what he's going for but that's what the creature no face look is for
really the hoodie is the one thing i'm ??? on. it looks silly in a bad way. there are ways to keep a red hood while giving a better jacket/vest. future state's was much nicer.
this wasn't in the ratings but i do prefer any weapon beyond the crowbar sigh. it starts showing up through a lot of them so i decided to just not do anything about the score.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
When people add Stolkholm Syndrome into the Yandere/Darling conversation, I feel like it's always the, "My free will has been beaten into submission and my mind has been broken" sort of coersion.
Like the yandere is big and scary and violent, and eventually just for the sake of survival, you begin to kowtow to their whims until eventually Survival Mode becomes normal, and you lose who you were before.
But as we know, not all Yanderes are big and scary and violent.
I like to imagine the confidant yanderes. The ones who manipulate you until you really believe of your "own will" that they made your life better by kidnapping you. "Isn't this so much better than working a 9 to 5?" "You hated your coworkers anyway." "You can have anything you want. Isn't that worth your freedom?" Until all a Darling remembers about their old life is suffering and turmoil, and they find genuine comfort in their Yandere's arms. Their savior, their knight in shining armor, their prince, etc.
Then I like to imagine the pitiful yanderes. The puppies and kitties who can't live without you. They may have kidnapped you successfully, but their lives are falling apart. They bring you tv dinners, because they don't know how to cook for themselves. Their home is a mess while your room is spotless cuz taking care of you is the only thing they have the energy for. And you grow to know them, you can't stop your heart from growing feelings from them. You want to guide them, to mother them, to protect them. Until eventually you wind up as a caretaker to the person who vowed to take care of you. But it was a choice of your own, and even if you could escape, how could you leave them like this?
And finally I like to think of the sympathetic yanderes. The ones whose lives on the outside may be perfect, but they're empty. The only thing that brings them joy is you. And in them you see a reflection of yourself as your darkest time. Who hasn't lost a friend or a loved one? Who hasn't wracked their brain thinking of ways it could've gone differently? Who hasn't had the idea of wanting someone all to themselves, so that they could never leave you or grow tired of you...? These yanderes pull on your heartstrings until you understand them, and you yearn for their certified brand of twisted, obsessive love. Because it will never leave you. A constant, unending love... Who in their right mind would cast that aside? Then again, at this point, coudl you really claim to be in your right mind?
Idk, food for thought. :3c
oh... oh this is toxic..... i love it
yanderes who arent big. they arent physically intimidating. they dont work out, they cant lift a fucking car over their head, they dont have a death glare, nothing. they look so sweet, even their fake smile looks real. and really, these are the scariest because how the fuck could you live with yourself leaving someone who you know cant live without you? truly live without you! not just mentally but they would probably die if you left. they dont threaten it but you feel it. you know they wont survive without you. they rely on you emotionally, so much so that you go to bed bone deep exhausted every day.
and its not like a highschooler or groomer trying to get you to send nudes, no, theres no life threats, no death threats, no nothing. no threats of any kind... not verbally, at least. because thats too easy. you know how to spot that. its easy to detach yourself when theres a whiny, annoying, sad and pathetic voice whining about hurting themselves over the phone because you didnt wanna go into the bathroom for a quick nude (too niche?) but when you see it? see the way you talking to other people makes them feel worthless? see the way they pull away and detach themselves? see them crying more and more often? their romantic gestures slowly stop, they stop asking for kisses, theres barely any touching and you need them. you need them and you know youre using them too but at some point, you stop caring because it just feels so so good to be loved in such an unhealthy, obsessive way. it fills you to the brim, like tar, slow and thick and its warm. you know that if you leave now, you will never get this love again.
(remember kids! dont fuckin do that)
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dilucsfav · 2 years
CEO itto hcs and scenarios!!
HI LOVESSNSS<333 im super sorry for not really being active :( ive been super busy with schoolwork and midterms are soon sobbing n shitting fr LNMFOAPDKJSKJL- i have something a lil different to write about today!! what if... itto headcanons. BUT,,, theres a twist. CEO itto. SCREAMING AT JUST THE THOUGHT OF IT TBH.
this isnt a request or anything but i thought about it all day so why not write about it? i need to tame my sexual fantasies over this big boobed man somehow so hopefully you guys wont complain,,, PLEASE DONT PUNCH ME I PROMISE I'LL DO THE REST OF THE REQUESTS. have a great day !! dont forget to drink a big glass of water and play some good music and have a snack <33.
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warning(s): not really fluff,, mainly just how i think he'd be as a ceo!!,,,, also nsfw. yw.
homeboy would be the funniest boss, and guy, you'd ever have. he'd be so clueless with stuff going on in the company n shit, dont even know how hes a ceo. bro probably hacked life or something
literally has a secret handshake with each of his workers (goes for his friends, partner, etc too!!)
^^ high key the handshakes could be super long and he'd remember EVERY DAMN ONE. and which person he made the handshake with
i couldnt see him drinking coffee in the morning... he probably starts his day off with a medium rare steak for breakfast and a red bull. maybe two red bulls if he stayed up too late on a gaming match.
even if you didnt work at the company, he probably enjoys for you to come in the office with him sometimes and watch him work. a lot of the times when you do, its quiet because he has a lot of things to do. but sometimes, he'll rant to you about his work throughout the day and let you do little tasks for him!
^^^ just imagine you sitting next to him at his desk. his back pressed against the chair and his eyes glued to his paperwork/project, his eyebrows tinted together.
with a huge role in the company comes lots of stress. as long as you hold him tighter when you two sleep together, rub his hair and allow him to rest peacefully, he's happy :)
he'd try sticking to his daily routine. but hes just so so disorganized its difficult :((.
^^^ omg but on good days he'd wake up early, eat a big breakfast, workout, shower, go to work, come home, eat dinner with you, do more work (or do onikabuto fights with you), and then go to sleep with you!! very busy man :(((
would walk around the place with a button or two too undone. come on now im right.
would be such a sweetheart though if you were super stressed about work and weren't having a good day!! he would calmly talk to you and allow you to take day(s) off to calm down and detress. your health matters to him!
hes very stressed ykwim and he'd like a way to relieve that... so instead of doing onikabuto fights, he does you
office sex?? yeah that wouldnt really happen that often BECAUSE ITTO IS SO FUCKING VOCAL. but when it does?? put your big boy panties on bc this man would keep you on his desk (or lap) and it would be so sososooso so so so so so SOOO....
hes fast. dont try to argue with me and say he doesnt go fast
BIG DICK ENERGY. absolutely massive
^^ fifteen meter women defeater tbh
oh but he'd talk so so dirty to you it's making me act up rn
he whines. and grunts.
you already know that daddy has big boy bucks. he'd fuck you so sweetly in his big ass rich man home.
fucking on his pool table? yeah. on the balcony? already did before. in the kitchen, living room floor, the bathroom shower floor and counter, the backseat of his fancy car, in the backyard (and many more places)? done.
when he comes home late he tries to sneak into bed, as to not wake you, but you're awake already sometimes because you've been waiting for him for oh so long
^^ how could he resist your request when he wants you too??
^^ to add more onto that, imagine him sliding off his belt while staring at you omg-
-and then tying you up with your ass in the air as youre just begging for him
"you want it, too? oh, (Y/N), please let me fuck you."
seeing stars tbh
kinda a whiny dom,, but in a submissive way? like extremely dom but? sometimes in a submissive way? PLEASEEE
kinda nsfw hc, not really, but he's a great kisser.
and ass. he loves asses.
(maybe thats why his favorite position is doggystyle)
lots of sex with him is intimate, some of it is eager, sometimes its super quick, it really just depends!
if you love itto and you also love demon slayer, you love rengoku. sorry i dont make the rules here.
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neverchecking · 11 months
hello! im the anon from the twilight ask!
The let-down reflex is what makes breastmilk flow smoothly. When babies suck at the breast, nerves are stimulated which causes the hormones prolactin and oxytocin to be produced. Theres a known psychological reflex with letdown, that those who can, will sometimes start lactating when they hear or see babies crying. its also known to happen when breasts are particularly full of milk or when something makes the body think that breastfeeding has happened, activating the“letdown reflex”
which is why i present to you this information with twilight.
the first time it happens takes both him and his partner by surprise, who new this could happen? so as the loving mate, he takes care of it all not without having a taste
i have this not very thought out idea that he slowly learns what does and doesn't trigger the reflex, but only using this knowledge when he knows youre both alone, or so he can whisk you away to somewhere private. as we've seen hes extremely protective/private, this bleeds into his partner. His darling is his and his alone. This is amplified x10 if theyre pregnant and producing milk. why should anyone else reap the rewards of what's rightfully his?
the thought of twilight absolutely ruining them, his mouth sucking at their nipples while doing so... mix that in with some slight manhandling and his accent....
drinking from his partner would also be really intimate for him too. i remember reading he likes to take things *usually* more slow for intimacy so i do enjoy the idea of twilight just laying on top of reader/whomever with his face in their chest. it could aftercare endeavor, after all he deserves a reward for all his hard work.
these are badly written out as i have no clue how to write my thoughts out but twilight has a chokehold on my brain!!
OH SO thats why moms who hear babies cry at the store start to leak- Okay thank you!
So. the first time probably happens in Ordon. It's a village that's thriving so there's always a baby. Maybe Twilight and his own lover are outside, sitting with their pup (TWILIGHT CALLS HIS BABY PUP SUE ME), when a baby's cry reaches them. At first they don't think anything of it. Maybe Twilight is gently holding his kid up and making faces at them while Reader lays on his shoulder. To say he's startled in the least when they suddenly jump back is an understatement. His ears pin back and he's on the defense with his pup curled against his chest. It's only when he turns to his love he realizes there's no real danger. No instead he's smirking and debating if whatever just awoken in side of him was something he needed to worry about.
His darling is there, slightly scandalized as their chest soaks through their shirt. Their burning a bright red but Twilight just laughs. He probably makes some joke about their pup having just been fed and Reader probably smacks him for that one.
But he's hyperfixated on this now.
After the pup is put down for the night he's taking the opportunity to really explore this new reflex. Afterall, their pup can't eat everything his love is producing and it's causing them so much pain. It's duty as a lover and father and protector to relieve them of that. It's whats right afterall.
Man the thought of Twilight just loosing his ever loving mind over his beloved and making them feel so good. Pining them in their place with strong hands on their hips all while singing their praises about how 'Good ye' taste, darlin'.' or how 'Yer' tits 're so fuckin' perfect. '
And it's such an intimate thing too. Sex with Twilight is intimate to begin with, but add in the fact that there's now a family involved? At this point your married, I don't make the rules.
THIS BEING AFTERCARE IS SUCH A SMART IDEA fofntfn Twilight just suckin on tits to bring him back down to Earth is such a funny idea to me.
This wasn't badly written at all and this is such a hit to my brain rot rn- fnofnf
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psychedelicsees · 5 months
Sweet potato & chickpea savoury pancakes
Also known as "some shit i just made up cause i wanted to make falafels but the first recipe i found insisted i dont use canned chickpeas but thats all i had"
Both names are too long.
1 can of chickpeas
1 small sweet potato
Like 5 cloves of garlic. Maybe more
1-2 cups of flour? Idk i wasnt paying attention
Olive ouil
Salt, pepper, paprika, cumin, i think i put something else in but i dont remember. Oh yeah baking soda?
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Cause of the whole ass can of chickpeas (large) this makes quite a lot so get ready to flipp
Drain most of the can goop and then blend chickpeas with little bit of water. Add more water if its not blending well
I also blended in some olive oil and salt here but that can probably wait till later lol
Get your sweet potato and wash it then stab it with whatever.
Microwave it until soft, took mine about 3 minutes, turning it every once and awhile (be careful will be hot)
Crush up your garlic with the side of your knife or a big rock you painted on when you were 12 that your mother keeps in the kitchen for some reason, while you wait for your potato.
Run some cool water and skin the mushy sweet potato with your bare hands like a beast (you probably shouldn't do anything i write this is dangerous you could burn yourself)
Moving the chickpea mush to a large bowl, blend the sweet potato and your garlic with some water.
Put that shit in the same bowl and mix with the spices, baking sota, and enough flour to get it to look like this
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Not quite a dough but not NOT a dough.
Really sticky and not rollable.
Let sit in fridge for an hour maybe? Thats what the falafel recipe said but mine only sat for like 45 minutes cause i got impatient
In a non stick pan (i think i dont actually know where this pan came from) put enough oil in. Ideally i think that it would be enough to cover the entire thing but i didnt wanna waste that much oil and it absorbs quickly so idk.
I have a glass-top stove and those cycle how hot they get so i kept a close eye on it and flipped between medium to medium-low whenever i felt it was getting too hot
I used a 1/4 cup to scoop it, but i only used like a third of it. 1/4 a cup is way too much. Do a single test one to make sure its at a good temp
Each side takes like 30 sec to a minute idk i have adhd times not real. Should be a nice deep brown colour.
Theres raw flour in there so get a lid for your pan and keep it covered so the insides cook a bit. It will still be mushy inside.
Get a plate with some paper towel set up close by to put them on once theyre done.
My pan could handle frying 4 or 5 at a time, make sure youve got some extra room as theyre gonna be really tall and not very wide when you first dump em in and then youre gonna want to squish em once theyre fried on one side.
Ok you probably shouldnt follow this recipe i just thought id write it down for myself cause they turned out way better tasting than i thought they would. If you hurt yourslef its not my fault goodbye
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hiemalstar · 1 year
my opinion on niragi and his controversy with chishiya/dynamics between them
wssup tumblr, welcome to my opinionated and probably overthought rant. todays rant is on niragi suguru and chishiya shuntarou from the hit series alice in borderland - based off the netflix vers. why? cause my ass has not gotten the manga yet; so all i can scrap is scenes from netflix and knowledge on character creation. 
so dont come at me if this is not accurate to the aib manga, i can assure that i will probably update this post or make a new one once i have bought and read the manga. time to start
opinions on niragi ; character, backstory, actions and final opinion 
we all know niragi is a narcissistic, self absorbed and of course, proclaimed psychopath by aib fans. hes confirmed a sex offender at the least, and he views everyone he believes to be below him as an object he can do anything to. this is proven in both season one and season two; he attempted to rape usagi not one but two times throughout both seasons- niragi assures he gets what he wants through violence and threats. 
narcissism - character  this narcissism and desire to get what he wants really shows near the end of season one, where hatter is announced dead. niragi uses his weapon as a tool to threaten people into voting aguni as the new leader of the beach, as he also pairs up with last boss. this provides some solid evidence of his narcissistic element, not to mention his cruelty towards everyone else. for example, in season two, when he crosses paths with someone who had failed their suicide, he acts as if he is going to put them out of their misery. however, he grabs the gun just to walk away, saying how they can suffer. 
psychopath - character this brings me to his psychopathic side. if you do your research, youd know nirgai lines up with the symptoms of being a psychopath. if you didnt know; - narcissism [rightfully proven] - lack of guilt : he does not feel any remorse for what he has done to other people, no matter how many innocent lives he ends or what pain he causes. he does not care as long as it benefits him.  - aggressive and reckless behaviour : this follows up with the explanation on his narcissism and lack of guilt.  these are just some symptoms, but theyre definitely some major ones of his.
backstory lets talk about his backstory. from a flashback on the top of the roof during witch-hunt / 10 of hearts in season one, we can see he was not treated fairly at all. he was used as a target by his peers, being forced to stay still against a wall while students [assuming they are the same age as him] threw baseballs at him. said classmates counted 'points’ depending on where on his body they striked him. to add onto this already fucked up situation, he had been told if he didnt stand still he'd be forced to eat rice with piss in it. this is just one scene, but who knows how many other things had happened to this man before borderland.   he says he doesnt know if he became twisted because they hated him, or if they hated him because he was twisted. if niragi had been twisted during that time, he probably would've fought back, but this cant be confirmed for sure considering his persona between borderland and the little we know about him in the real world cant be compared and contrasted as well as it could be with more evidence. 
actions now, im not saying his backstory excuses his actions. his past is no reason for him to attempt to rape [and he probably has successfully done this before to other characters] usagi and the amount of other fucked up things he had done. lets think about this for a moment; putting the rape aside and moving to the crimes he had committed involving murder, just put it into perspective. theyre in a world with no laws. theres obviously more people out there like him killing people just for the fun of it, or even to eliminate them from getting in the way. similar to how in solitary confinement, the girl with the blue dress (i cannot remember her name) plays queen bee and manipulates the group into lying to other players to kill them. for players like her and niragi, borderland is just another word for doing whatever the hell you want, especially murder. we see it everywhere in alice in borderland, even in the rest of the militia. the only action left would be his rape, which cannot be justified. 
final opinion here are my final thoughts on niragi as a character; hes not the best person ever, but its also not his fault hes such a horrible person. the way he was treated for probably most of his life probably really changed his personality and morals. once again guys, i dont justify him assaulting and/or raping people. i say hes a complex character and deserves more recognition and attention rather than always been viewed as this extremely evil guy from the inside out. even when at the end of season two, he was found in the hospital bed next to chishiya, he actually seemed like a normal and decent human being. however, this is obviously my opinion. tell me what you guys think! at the end of the day though, hes probably just an insecure, scared little boy always trying to validate himself and prove himself as a villain. he seeks the validation of being known above others, being able to feel better about himself through this. he has a huge superiority complex.
edit: another point about him being with chishiya in the hospital- when chishiya says he is going to turn his life around, niragi asks something along the lines of “you were a piece of shit too, huh?” he acknowledges his actions, and he knows what he did. 
dynamic with chishiya- controversy around their relationship 
and time for the most controversial part of this entire rant; niragi and chishiya. whats with their dynamic, and what can i say about it based on my speculations on niragi? taking into consideration what type of character chishiya is, it would and wouldnt work if they were dating. 
they definitely had some sexual tension [obv referring to the netflix series, if they had anything in the mangas lmk], and it was even confirmed by the actors. i believe the translation was that they had kissed in an unreleased part of the show, but they took out the scene. shocker. even if the kiss had been a mistranslated, the sexual tension still gives us enough of an idea. the reunition of chishiya and niragi but not chishiya and kuina also might say something about their relationship, or whether they knew eachother in the real world or not.  we know they dont have any memory of borderland, as proven from arisu and usagi meeting again, so what was the purpose of that? 
i dont really have much to say about the idea of them having a relationship; im cool with it, and it's gotten me interested with their personality dynamic. what do you guys think? this concludes my rant. thank you all for listening!! if theres anything else you would like to see me cover in the aib series, lmk. until next time. <3
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spinaroos-47 · 2 years
The behaviour about powerlessness in the Boiling Isles from public behaviour to systemic prejudice about it makes me pretty sure that the other grimwalkers also didn't have magic, and that Belos was in part guilty of that
I am pretty sure this prejudice could exist in some form even if Belos didn't rise to power, but the extent that it is makes me think that he intentionally did at least the systemic part. (And some of the social aspect too)
Because like, you cant advance a certain point in school without knowing at least two spells without an aid, because glyphs aren't something known by anyone except Belos until Luz comes into the picture + i don't think that palismen being their own source of magic is a commonly known fact. That's an analysis for another day. You cant get a good paying job, so you have to do dangerous jobs (and likely jobs frowned upon) to try to get by. You probably cant even join a coven, which would give a better chance at a better job, since most joined one after graduating and magic is most probably a requirement there.
And on top of that, a lot of the magic considered wild seems to be something that does magic without relying on a bile sac. I actually don't remember if glyphs are considered wild magic but they likely are since Hunter mentioned theyre similar to elemental magic (we never really got a continuation of that which is a horrible loss for me), which is considered wild magic. That and Belos' claim to Hunter about palismen being made of wild magic, when they do have their own magic source. Those are the two examples off the top of my head, there might be more.
With those two things, you can see that Belos might have done that intentionally (or at least as a second benefit, like the "cant find a good job without a coven" being a pressure to join a coven too) to have the grimwalkers not have an easy way out of his grip, because even if they manage to run away, they wouldn't have an easy time. And likely also feed into the feeling of obligation towards helping Belos since he's giving them a chance at a decent life
Which adds another layer of vile on this situation. It already is horrible since its already really shitty to powerless witches (Im sure that theres powerless witches that aren't grimwalkers), witches who are late bloomers, demons who dont have bile sacs (bug demons dont have bile sacs but they still have magic but that must still impact them in a way), and more.
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cestacruz · 1 month
i've seen some FATE genderbend tierlists. and i've heard it explained as that S-tier and not genderbend are nearly interchangeable. BTW no neither okita nor Nagao are S-tier, they're usually B-tier, but ibaraki is usually in the S-tier. blah blah blah. personally my favorite genderbends are the 1s that could work, or're really nifty
I like most of them tbh, AND ALSO, there aren't as many as one would think
Like fate is "known" for this trope of making historical men into women but like, compared to the overall number of figures who kept their historical gender(?) , its not that many?
Putting a read more because i just start going into the ones i remember and sht, ALSO ITS MESSY AS HELL BECAUSE IM TYPING AS I REMEMBER and i make a lot of clarifications because i like to overexplain myself!
And ANOTHER clarifications are
1. This is all written from what i personally remember and interpreted from the source materials
2. Me saying this isn't stopping anyone from continuing to Headcanon something different
Some of them are like "yeah i was a woman all along who enjoyed the privileges of a man's life while still being a woman but ig people didnt like that so they recorded me in history as a man" (iirc francis drake is this one, so is yoshitsune)
The "i was a woman but i faked being a man my entire life to be allowed to be (a king or a samurai)" (okita** and arturia, one of those two had way more issues with that than the other. And its actually important to the way the lore was written and focused that Arturia was born female lmao because uther rejected her at birth because she was a girl and merlin was the one who convinced him "hey we can still put the dragon blood on her and just raise her as a man yknow" and then uther accepted but then died because his daughter was a daughter (that last part was a joke but theres so many men like that in modern time irl too so :/ the whole plot overall is very genderqueer still i wont deny it) (and then theres Okita who also kinda needed to do it but it feels like it was way less like, necessary for hee to do that, so its easy for people to hc okita as trans (i dont personally but that hc has some Great fics))
** I ALSO HAVE TO SAY THAT i dont remember if they actually ALSO retconned that and okita was just Trested as a man because of gender roles but never Actually bothered or cared to say "im a girl actually" even Now, she gets refered to as "okita-kun" or "okita-san" which are (kun specifically?) more masculine honorifics
Saito gets called with the "-chan" honorific sometimes, iirc
These two existing might confuse people on "wait if ushi was allowed to be a woman and do all the things why wasnt okita" and that's probably because misogyny strikes at any time in history yknow? Probably by ushi's time, they didn't care that much or because it was incredibly war time, they could Afford to care. Meanwhile, okita would have had a harder time because it was less violent times so roles were starting to set into more "men have the violent jobs and women stay inside"
Or "i was in fact a man but i always identified more as nonbinary or as a woman" (iirc nero?? At Least at the start of her lore it was like that. Idk if they retconned it to being similar as the first tho. And ofc trans icon leonardo da vinci)
Im not mentioning all of them because im too lazy rn (or am i... i mostly dont remember)
Jing Ke iirc was also interesting, but i CANNOT for the life of me remember what was her deal
And then there's Sugitani Zenjūbō who was a man but then (Kashin Koji???) Turned them into a woman literally just for fun ??
Actually will add im not sure if Kashin Koji and Sen no Rikyu are or not genderbends
Bringing it back to Arthuriana for this but its funny Gareth was Also a woman the whole time but she Had to fake it if she wanted ti be accepted as a knight UNTIL she participated in that joust and thats when she revealed "ACTUALLY im a GIRL I WAS FAKING THE WHOLE TIME" and King Arthur who is also faking to be a man starts sweating profusely but accepts her and declares her a knight still even tho she was a woman because at least she can do that. The king wasn't allowed to be a woman still, tho, unfortunately."
Jacques, who we know was a man, but the eldritch god transitioned her good for her she refuses to talk about it, tho
Oda Nobunaga, who either was 1. Always a woman and history recorded her as a man because she enjoyed the privileges of a man's life (which is also similar to Yoshitsune/Ushiwakamaru's case), or 2. Literally from a different parallel universe where she was always a woman and the worlds are so similar that she never realized
Musashi we know is from an alternate universe as well
Raikou is also verily implied to be a trans woman in some dialogues but in others is the "i had to be pretend to be a man to enjoy the things i wanted to enjoy" (which also just sounds trans but still, you know what i mean) (i love the hc of Raikou being trans and you will take it from me only when i am Dead, and even Then)
Frankenstein's Monster, who was just built as a woman iirc
Xu Fu literally just a woman now, no changes in the lore to try and explain or anything at all, incredibly gay woman at that too. Love that they make it explicit that she is in Love with Yu Mei Ren and yes it IS romantic. Im gonna go cry again btw
Pollux who funnily enough is just (probably accidental Or Probably not) implied to be trans because she and Castor are identical twins and we know identical twins cannot be different sexes (that OR Castor is the trans one)
Quetzalcoatl who is a genderless god (usually regarded as male) who chose a vessel that happened to be a woman and is living her best life
Kukulkan i Assume is the same case as Quetz
Kiichi Hougen is treated as a woman rn because their current body is female, BUT when they met yoshitsune, they were using a male form. They are agender, tho, btw, not a woman.
Some people might wonder why arent there any genderbends of Female historical figures Into Men in Fate and to that i will point to hundreds of years of history that bury female and queer accomplishments and history by pretending they were all men becsuse "no way a woman could do this"
JUST like Fate plays into with some of the genderbends (like i said, Francis Drake or Ushiwakamaru)
So if they did that it would just, be normal misogynistic history ? Good old "no way women are as competent as a man"
Thats all
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