strymes49 · 7 months
His name is The Roid by the way.
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He is a character that was so hard to draw that his gimmick is that he must be facing the front at all times. This allows readers to get a truly good look at him.
Here's some examples!
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theroidalacrity · 7 months
m are you a um
beforus troll ?
(+)*um,, yes!! yes,, :3 am from beforus!!*(+)
Ooc translation: Um, yes! Yes, I am from beforus!
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variant-archive · 7 months
Habitan Types
Various types and origins of habitan I've coined. Flags will be posted once I'm able to provide IDs for them.
Scion: a habitan created directly by the metasoul.
Casus: a spontaneously formed habitan.
Deforis: a habitan originating from outside of the autocosm.
Morphid: a habitan that is a thoughtform (of any kind).
Affix: a former habitan that has become a headmate of a lunan.
Pneuma: either a former lunan who has become a habitan, or a parallel version of a current lunan that inhabits the soulscape.
Psypomp: a habitan that guides others through the soulscape. Possible functions include guiding a lunan to the soulscape after bodily death, guiding a current lunan to access the soulscape astrally, guiding habitans to lunen in order for them to become affixes, etc.
Envoy: a habitan that passes messages within the autocosm to help facilitate communication.
Tender: a habitan that helps with maintaining the soulscape.
Theroid: an animal (or morphologically animalistic) habitan. Can be sapient or not.
Acolyte: a habitan that worships or otherwise reveres the metasoul or the autocosm as a whole.
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canisbeasts-ooc · 6 months
#9 and #19 for the ask game for both ur guys prtty pls (theroid n choleric perhaps? either or neither works.)
- the meower
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
Both swear, Respit swears less than Sphinx does, but neither do it too heavily. Sphinx swears more online than in person and Respit swears more in person than online. Respit probably does not remember his first swear word but Sphinx remembers it vividly. It swore at their lusus after she got scared that they left for quite a while and feels bad about it to this day, even if fin did apologize.
19. What is their favorite number?
Hard to say, Respit’s is probably 2 or 3, he enjoys small numbers a lot. Sphinx probably likes the numbers 16 and 56 a lot.
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lovelylexis · 5 months
of, relating to, or resembling a beast
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lecoque · 2 years
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******* INFO POÉTIC *******
******* PHRANCOPHONÉC *******
******* B U T *******
------------------- LE CANCERE ----------------
------------ LE DOCTEUR EL AHRAS -----------
* recherche et analyse medical et medicenal
* medsaint amateur protection et prevention
- le concere des sains (theroid)
- le concere des fesses (prostate)
- le réchauffement du lait sperm (congelassion)
- l effet de sere du sperm lait (ventillesassion)
* vente prêt à portée sous-vêtement medical
* marque oreginal VIVA d article et axisoir
* pharmatie d objet medical et protez (delivre)
* agence pharmacetic délivrer inter continantal
* sex-shoop pharmacetic médication préventif x
Note : atention ni lien ni liesent avec la croix et croisson vert ni medsain sans frantiere ni o.m.santee ni o.m.commerce libre prive-privat
----------------- MAN CANCERE ------------------
--------- Elle et elle et elle et elle et elles ---------
Elle ne nous mantre rien puisque elle vend
Et elle vent quesque elle mantre que du vent
Mais se que on doit voir le fait voir que au con
Et complic la tâche il faut passer par ses amont
par un standar anonymos paye par des bicon
Meme sont live sur scène chez elle ou au bonc
EtcImposible d y est arever il nous barre le pant
imposible d axeder tout est coder 404 no fond
Et elle n offre rien directe ou indirect elle prend
Et elle ne donne rien ni bonus ni sold elle rend
Elle freconte rien elle isit ou elle évite elle mons
Elle nik avec personne ses porno star qui sont
Et Elle fornik avec personne ses proxo qui l on
Et elle est amie avec aucun fane ses du bonbon
elle est connu par aucun aucune s est mormon
Elle est l honbre on voie que du noir sans blanc
Et elle est sonbre toujour au tinebre du charbon
Et elle n est pas net ni inter net du la pub beton
Elle est ni sur ni certain fuit comme du somond
Elle se cache aux endroit ni fenêtres ni balcon
Et elle te lache tant q elle retrouve un bon client
Et elle est esclave sexuel des anglo juif saxon
Elle est la bordelic avec leur djanklman agent
Et Elle fait les passes avec leur clochar vagabon
Elle est put guars salop lache avec ses boufon
Elle fait des film porno zoo hard gong et clond
Elle prostetue vertuel sensoriel tv-x tele-temp
Elle se prostetue au web sexy chat des raton
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Elle se chate elle se mat au com tele com texon
elle se prostetue corporel charnel physicement
Elle est pauvre mesirablec ni noble ni exelent
Elle pleurniche ses larmes fant pitié qu au pigen
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Elle sere a rien le prix le nemuro desont foton
Elle mérite quesque il lui arive elle aime le bon
Elle est ivre de sex vice importence et l argent
Elle est une bonne serviteus des franc mason
Elle est ni orpheline ni abondonee batar salegon
Allor l affair est clos non victim complic macron
Et enlever moi ses intrus et sur plus ses torchon
Ni paternel parental ni famille ni lien ni liesent
Et tous van eter punie de se trafic de man non
Ni je suis de la grand bretagne ni d u.k ni baron
Le cisar empreur roi des deux noble un sultemp
******* D A V I C H I *******
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badjokesformods · 6 years
baldi is squidward 
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lecafenoirx · 6 years
2018 can go straight to hell. It's been one of the worst years of my life, no doubt about that.
Things that happened to me:
* finished my internship on Lanzarote, came back home, discovered I was absolutely useless there, then came back to Lanzarote where I've lived for six months now
* went to a psychiatrist to get pills, then discovered I have problems with my theroid and since I started taking meds for that my mood has improved a lot (still need therapy though!)
* I think I learnt Spanish and forgot how to speak Russian
* gained weight, then lost weight, and now I'm trying not to gain it again, I'm eating more healthy now
* spent my two-week holidays in hospital with my mom who is luckily getting better
* dyed my hair red then black and I'm currently trying to grow it back and go back to my natural colour
* fell in love with a person who doesn't love me back and who happens to be one of my best friends and I still haven't managed to stop feeling things
* stopped talking to a lot of toxic people and it feels great
* on Lanzarote, I lived with my bff and one crazy bitch in one flat but luckily in December me and the bff moved out to a BEAUTIFUL place
* I met @wednesdayangeline who is an absolutely beautiful, talented soul (your drawings!!!)
* spent very little time with my friends due to me living abroad (but we're still talking lots via net)
* started working in the same hotel I had my internship in and I don't like this job but a girl gotta make her money
* have been missing @samrull more than ever because of me living abroad and discovered yet again that she's my friend for life™
* got seriously scared when my mom had a stroke but then found out she's the strongest person I know and I love her the most and she's gonna be okay
* took many booty pics and nudes and I actually sent them to people wow
* got reunited with my friend whom I've known since we were thirteen after not talking to her for around two years or more
* went fishing with C. for the first time in my life
I hope whatever there is to come is better than 2018 because this year truly sucked and I haven't felt that bad in a long time.
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informationvine · 3 years
Pest Control in Bikaner
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In an effort to get rid of house flies and other small pests, the people in Bikaner are using Raids. Why? Because Raids are powerful and can kill large numbers of house flies and other pests. Why? Because Raids are a family tradition in Bikaner, and they think that they are worth the money that their parents give to the doctor. If you’re wondering why these people are doing this, here’s the answer: because Raids are successful and give them a benefit that they believe in. And, ultimately, it’s their decision what to do, because they want to try it out and see if it’s really such a bad idea after all.
The Benefits of Raids
Rads are powerful because they are the opioids. This means that they allow you to kill large numbers of house flies and other pests. That’s because Raids are successful and provide a benefit to these people – it’s a way to try it out and see if it’s really such a bad idea after all. It’s a unique experience for these people, and they believe that it’s worth the money that their parents give to the doctor. Ultimately, it’s their decision what to do, because they want to try it out and see if it’s really such a bad idea after all.
This is an important note to remember when trying to get rid of house flies and other small pests. Because Raids are powerful, they can kill large numbers of house fly problems. That’s because Raids are successful and provide a benefit to these people – it’s a way to try it out and see if it’s really such a bad idea after all.
The Importance of a Family Tradition
Raids are an important tradition in Bikaner because they think that it is worth the money that their parents give to the doctor. If you’re wondering why these people are doing this, here’s the answer: because Raids are successful and give them a benefit that they believe in. And, ultimately, it’s their decision what to do, because they want to try it out and see if it’s really such a bad idea after all.
How The Bikaner Raids Help the Development of The Family
The Bikaner Raids are a traditional practice in the town of Bikaner, in India. Theroid is a process of using Raids to get rid of house flies and other small Pest Control in Bikaner. The Raids are powerful and can kill large numbers of house flies and other pests. Your decision about whether to try out the Raid is important, because it helps the development of the family business. The Bikaner Raids are a traditional practice in the town of Bikaner, in India. Theroid is a process of using Raids to get rid of house flies and other small pests. The raiders use Raids to get rid of house flies and other small pests by using them and then writing with a brush-type tool on a large area. This allows the town to control them quickly and efficiently.
The Benefits for The Environment
If you’re thinking of using Raids for house flies and other pests, you should know that Raids are a powerful and cost-effective way to get rid of these creatures. Their use in Bikaner is a local tradition, and they think that they are worth the money that their parents give to the doctor. This is a good decision, because Raids are successful and give those people a benefit that they believe in. They don’t have to hope for the best and think that it’s really not a bad idea after all. Bikaner has some of the best things about it: diverse geography, easy access to sun, land, and water, all of which make it a great place to live. And, as mentioned before, Bikaner is also a great place to use when it comes to killing large numbers of house flies and other pests.
How The Bikaner Raids Help the Cost of Goods
The Bikaner Raids are a form of advertisement that is used to get people to try out a product or service. And, in order to make sure that they actually are trying it out and are spending money on the cost of the product, the Bikaner Raids are using. The Bikaner Raids are using traditional methods like Raids to get people to try out new products and services. By using digital marketing, these people can use that money to buy products or services from another company.
The Benefits for The Community
If you’re thinking of using Raids for your home fly problem, you might be wondering why the people in Bikaner are using them. Because Raids are powerful and can kill large numbers of house flies and other pests. Because they think that they are worth the money that their parents give to the doctor, these people are doing this for the benefits of the community. They believe that Raids are successful and give them a benefit that they believe in. And ultimately, it’s their decision what to do, because they want to try it out and see if it’s really such a bad idea after all.
How The Bikaner raids Help the Cost of Love
The Bikaner Raids are a type of Raid that is effective in getting rid of house flies and other pests. The cost of this service is that the doctor charges an extra fee, but the benefits are great. First, Raids kill large numbers of house flies and other pests. Second, they think that they are worth the money that their parents give to the doctor. Third, because Raids are successful and give them a benefit that they believe in, these people want to try it out and see if it’s really such a bad idea after all.
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0vertrill · 7 years
Hey man I've come over from AOTY, just wanted to say thank-you for having such a sick taste in music!!! I've been trying to get out of my comfort zone of rap/r'n'b as of late, and on a whim I went over to your review page and pretty much just went through most of your highly rated albums and just chose which ones appealed to me. So, thanks for introducing me to Have A Nice Life, Car Seat Headrest, GY!PE, and TWIABPAIANATD. Next on my list is AJJ. Thanks, theRoids/bDOTr.
holy shit man i'm so sorry i just saw this now, but thank you so much! means a lot that my review page can make the slightest impact on anyone, appreciate you
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ourdailylifestyle · 6 years
Aajkal humaare bigadte lifestyle ne Hume bahut si bimariyan bhi uphaar mei de di hai. Theroid, sugar ya fir PCOS. Aajkal ki jyadatar bimariyan body mei hormonal imbalance ke karan hoti hai.
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supersuharyanto · 4 years
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wooingwithwords · 10 years
theroid a. beastly, wild, savage
"Good grief, Héloïse! I had no idea that spanking would make you so theroid. I love it. Let’s do it again.”
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