#these are actually all picked off the sprite sheet
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Dancing Buzz Blobs from A Link to the Past (x)
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maxladcomics · 1 year
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First image: Dark Red Second image: Dark Red removed
TO CLARIFY: I'm well aware this is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, maybe an error, and at most, his scarf through his mouth, and at the worst, a tongue (Maybe his). I looked this up strictly for my own entertainment and I'm sharing also for my own amusement.
After finding out about the dark red in Papyrus's mouth I went through several stages of research (checking every texture in Undertale for anything that matched, only the lamp does), then figuring out which sprites were made in which order because the sprite sheet I had was too suspicious and without appropriate information I had nothing to work off of anyway.
I went into the Undertale game files and dug up the page item numbers, and put them in order. Obviously this doesn't mean this was the order the sprites were made- it was simply the order they were placed into the texture files, BUT I AM ENTERTAINING MYSELF, so those details can be ignored.
Anyway, looking at the sprites with the dark red removed, the pixels of Papyrus's mouth actually forms some interesting shapes, that almost look like letters. Specifically, the first 4 look like it says "eegg", but it's in lower case, and Papyrus wouldn't do that. The next 4 sprites look like it says "WWDD", and obviously for the Papyrus is Gaster fans, this is all the evidence needed-
On a serious note, this was a lot of fun to dig around about, I'm sure it's nothing, but the hunt was fun and it's really fun to pretend it could be some insane tier foreshadowing. But it's most likely an error, the dark red is so close to black it's barely noticeable, and I only saw it because I accidentally selected Papyrus's lineart in his sprites. Overall, it's a really neat coincidence!
My best guess on how it happened: The lamp was done first, using Frisk as a base and picking a darker shade of the lineart (intentionally?) then doing Papyrus's talking sprites afterwards.
How I'm going to take this information: Papyrus placed the conveniently shaped lamp there, it could be another painted rock formation
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rainspicestudios · 2 months
Hello fellas! An update is long overdue. The good news is that I graduated! I now have a Master's degree in audiovisual translation and more free time to work on video games.
As you may have already seen, Stardust★ Arcadis is out! Making this game was a long journey with a lot of bumps along the road, but it's done.
Thank you to everyone who has already viewed the page, bought the game, left a review, or left a comment. It means a lot to me!
"But what about the future of RainSpice Studios?"
I have a lot of projects planned including two games in active development:
"Project Eternity" (dating sim) has no release date, even for a demo. I ave everything planned and some sprites and backgrounds drawn, and I have bought the music. I will reveal this project and its main characters some time in late 2024.
"Project Maselosia Morphlings" (puzzle game) is my game for Phantasia Jam. I have learned, since I've released St★Ar, how to make puzzle games and point-and-clicks, and right now I'm figuring out puzzle mechanics. The characters are designed and the world is built, but as it is for a game jam, I will not work on the actual game until it starts.
From now to AUG 1st: I'm taking a week off of active game development. Then I'm working on Project Eternity.
From AUG 1st to OCT 31st: Phantasia Jam / work on and release a part of Project Maselosia Morphlings.
NOV 1st and onwards: Active development for Project Eternity, secondary development for Project Maselosia Morphlings, background development for the rest of my game projects and more.
I also need to learn how itch.io works. I’m not too versed in forum-based social media/media sharing platforms.
On another note what would you like to see here ? Please use the poll to answer. If you want more than one, please pick one and tell me what else in the comments! I also accept suggestions and requests and asks.
Thank you for reading all of this and I hope you all have the loveliest of days. ★
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clover-creations · 1 year
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there are a LOT of guys on here, including redesigns! i'm done with half of these guys's sprites, and ill post the other half once im done with all of them :)
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first off we have luscangel, this one is a redesign. you can see the original design for it here. im a lot happier with these designs, and i feel like they have more character, and i can visualize how they move beyond just being a snail.
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these guys are called airlioon, and im really happy with them! if you scroll through the blog long enough you can find the first draft versions of them, but it's really low quality lol. i love how they turned out, and i think theyre already some of my favorite designs.
they probably go around picking up other monsters and things. their bodies have the rubber texture of balloons, and they have a bad habit of flying too high up without thinking about how far they'll have to go down
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next up is swinedle! the tail was hardest to do for me. they were made purely for the pun. i imagine the first stage hiding in people's purses to eat their gold while looking cute. these guys have two bellies, one for actually digesting food, and one where all their metals go.
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this is heorate! a golden hog that can conduct electricity very well! they do not get along with swindles. they're known for having great noses and being able to find treasure or people
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these are ilyêupod, the first to be designed on this sheet. theyre love bug isopods. im not sure if im completely happy with these designs, but i think theyre good enough :,D
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this is lendibag! little punching bag of a ladybug. you can squish it like a stress toy and it'd be fine with it! silly little guy
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parker-d-bloodrose · 1 year
 Before I go to bed, I want to talk about something. Some of y’all may’ve noticed that I’ve been posting more art over the past week. And like, it’s honestly because of some things that have happened over the past year. Firstly; I’ve gotten back into collecting comics and manga. It was a pursuit I stopped at the behest of my ex-spouse back in... oh I wanna say 2017? “You aren’t even reading them anymore.” Which is kind of correct, because I had shifted my focus from being a reader to being a collector. I’m back to being a reader because I’m being more narrow minded in my focus of what I’m buying. Primarily whatever funky shit catches my attention. Anyway point is. I started getting back into comics and surrounding myself with beautiful art. I’ll be putting the rest of this under the cut.
I’ve also watched many of my illustration friends work and post work and thought it was extremely cool. I even picked up some art books from artists whose work I admire, like Gerald Brom and Yoshitaka Amano. While their art styles are both extremely technical and detailed, and at a level beyond the scope that I personally want to achieve, I still admire and find their work inspirational. Amano’s work in particular, because when I have the time and mental energy I adore playing Final Fantasy 6. It’s just so gorgeous, even though it’s rendered in smooth pixel form.
I’ve also been working on pixel art in general as a way to destress after work, as well as producing my own tokens to sorta fill out my monday game where the art provided for the adventure path just doesn’t have the unique creature I need. It isn’t something I wanted to do beyond pursuing my own hobby interests. I find it extremely relaxing and calming to draw pixel art, much like how other people build mini figs for their TTRPG games. About a week or so ago, I saw an absolutely gorgeous pixel art picture of a woman coming out of a pond and I was just... stunned by what the artist did. I don’t know the resolution or anything but it was, like many other great pixel art pieces I’ve seen, a gorgeous fucking thing to behold. And it struck a chord with me. I realized that pixel art isn’t just about sprites. Sprites are certainly a cool part of it. But the medium can do more than I was allowing myself to do with it. And for awhile I was like “eh it’s fine. I don’t... have to do anything amazing. This is just a hobby.” And then I watched the video “Sekiro’s Parry and Other Pursuits of Perfection.” by Jacob Geller. In it, Geller discusses how playing Sekiro and mastering it led him to wanting to pick up piano playing again, even though he wasn’t intending on composing his own music. He just wanted to get that feeling of playing a perfect note again. I thought it was kind of cheesy but also lowkey? Despite Geller making fun of himself by pointing out how it was typical of a video essayist to veer off track of the original point to talk about a personal anecdote, it was also kind of impactful on me.  As y’all may’ve noticed, I’ve also been playing Sekiro too and while his enjoyment comes largely from knowing what to do next and executing it perfectly like sheet music, my take away from this game is actually different. I enjoy this extremely punishing video game not because I know the timing or whatever, but because I enjoy the challenge of learning something new. I’ve been toying off and on for... quite frankly about as long as I’ve been writing with doing traditional art. I have never considered myself a good illustrator. But, that’s okay. I don’t need to be. I can accept that I am an amateur artist. But I do find that I crave learning a new skill and mastering it. I was going to get better at pixel art. So, with all of these things happening, I made a resolution - I was going to produce a 64 x 64 pixel image myself by the end of the year, one of the largest canvases I’ve ever been comfortable doing shit on. Then I dove into a pixel art tutorial and ended up doing a 100 x 64 pixel image following the steps. But.... a lot of it didn’t look right. I found myself frustrated by my inability to get the landscape to look the way I wanted it to. The mountains were... mountain-shaped and passable. But the image I was referencing had clouds with rim lighting and I did not understand how it was working. My brain couldn’t grok it, so I removed it. There was also a person in the foreground who was sillouhetted. I ended up removing that person and instead focusing on the little wizard tower. Which came out.... mostly fine, except for again the lighting. I very quickly realized that my rudimentary understanding of lighting and shapes needed to be honed. I can’t afford a tablet right now, because I’m actually between jobs (Hello I quit my job and my last day is tomorrow!) and I also don’t really want one because I work more comfortably using a mouse with the kind of art I do. But I can afford a sketchbook, pens, and paper. So, I think what I’m going to do is fill these 100 sheets with sketches. And I’m going to have fun doing it. And I’m going to learn shit. So that maybe by the end of the year I’ll produce an original 64 by 64 pixel image. It’s also been relaxing to have an additional creative outlet aside from writing, because right now I’m kind of suffering from an extremely bad case of writer’s block and I’m having a hard time breaking it. Anyway, it’s late and I actually have work in the morning and this already took me about forty minutes to write so I’m going to bed. I hope y’all enjoyed this personal essay. 
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Assignment 2 Progress & Final Design
Welcome to my Assignment 2 blog. I have decided to make a blog to document my assignment 2 process as well as the final design of my assignment 2. To those who don't know, for assignment 2 I was tasked to design a one-sheet as well as a one-page for the game of my choosing. An one-sheet is am A4 sized pitch document designed to help other people understand the vision of your game and achieve buy-in, while an one-page is an A3 sized GDD that a team can use as a reference of what the game they need to develop.
When choosing the game I wanted to based my one-sheet and one-page off, I have decided to go with Miami 1987, my racing game, as my game since I already establish a 80s vibe for the game and I am a sucker for this kind of vibe, especially have it mixed with Synthwave aesthetics. At the end that's what I decided to go with for my design.
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Image source: (Pixabay, 2023)
With the aesthetic and mood setup, I decided to first design my one-page since its more straightforward and I just have to make it look aesthetically pleasing. I first created a logo for my game that took inspiration from the Hotline Miami's logo. I fired up Canva and browse through the colors and font until I have one that I am satisfied with.
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Next I created my one-page backdrop by combining several Canva Synthwave assets together and looked something like this:
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I also picked a font that fits the aesthetic and started to insert several lines of text that gives the viewer a better understanding of my game including a X-statement, elevator pitch inspired game description, unique selling points, as well as details like platform, player count and genre. Last but not least, I also added a tiny line at the right bottom corner displaying my contact details. I then showed the text to my lecturer which gave me suggestion to change my X-statement as well as my unique selling points.
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Next, I added a screenshot of my game to the middle of the one-page so viewer will have an understanding of what the game would look like. Last but not least, I added a couple of car graphic depicting the player car facing incoming traffic and running away from the police using Canvas assets. With that, I have my final one-page design.
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Moving on to my one-sheet, the aesthetic portion can be skipped as they are establish on the one-page and I just need to reuse whatever is on it. With that out of the way, I created several rectangles within the one-sheet to put in description and details regarding the game's system. For the biggest rectangle I put in the screenshot of my game so I can add in boxes to describe each item on screen and their purpose within the game later down the line.
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The first series of text I added into my one-sheet would be the game logo, description, version and date. The description is basically all the text I had for my one-page but rearranged into one long paragraph. As a side note I also added my email on the bottom left corner as a way for developer's to contact me.
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Afterwards, I started working on the game capture but adding boxes with description to each element of my game. One secret I would share would be that the screenshot was not from the actual game itself, but the scene with assets dragged into it. This way I will have full control of all the elements within the screenshot. I added description boxes to the following elements:
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After some thinking, I decided for one of the bottom squares I would put the explanation of different traffic type as I have plans to add different properties to the incoming traffic to create variety for it. I planned out four different traffic types, being a Sedan, a Sports Car, a Pickup and a Truck. I then drag in all the different sprites for the different traffic type as well as giving them a basic description of how it's different to other types of traffic. I ended up with this box of information:
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For the second square, at first I have a hard time thinking what I should put in it. After some careful consideration, I decided to put in the wanted levels and how it changes the game into it as it's a crucial part to my completed game. There is not much visual representation that I can provide for this box so I decided to have text detailing what will happen to each wanted level.
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And with that, my one-sheet is officially complete. Although it isn't as well arranged with some part being very cluttered and some other places being to empty. I believe it gets the job done for conveying to the developers what need to be created. This blog post is a bit shorter as it's the smallest assignment among the three assignment I have to do for IGB220. Starting with my next blog post I will have a series of blog post documenting my process of making my assignment 3, so Stay Tuned!
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How to make F/GO sprite comics
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Saw in one of the tags someone wondering about how we make these, so here ya go! A tutorial on how we personally make these things! We'll try to keep it simple for ya dw.
First thing's first, the most important part: the actual dialogue box.
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We keep this on roughly 80% opacity, but you could go a bit lower if you wanted I think.
Then, if you want a dialogue option, here's this bit too, just for good measure:
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That's probably among the hardest to get your hands on, but also this is assuming tumblr doesn't fuck up the transparency. If it does, I'll point out where you can crop 'em yourself later.
Next up: the font! It uses something like FOT-SkipStd-B, which you may or may not already have installed on your computer, so double check before downloading anything ofc.
Now, we just kind of eyeballed the exact placement and font size, but we use 19pt font and 125% line spacing and it looks pretty alright.
But, just leaving the text as-is will still look super flat and jarring, so you gotta add a bit of a gradient effect to it as well.
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It might go by a different name in your program, but in Krita, all our gradient bars are set to inherit alpha (transparency) from the layers below it in its group, meaning the "Gradients" layer folder will only be visible over anything solid from the Nameplate, dialogue option, and Text Box layers here (aka, it'll only show up over any text itself).
And that should cover most everything for the text! Next up, the expression sheets!
You can usually find most any character's expression sheet from the images section of the fgo wiki, where you can then slap it down, do some select/cut/pasting of each expression off the sheet, and line it up with the original sprite itself like so:
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We find that numbering them and giving a short description of what expression it is helps a lot when digging for the exact face you want. Turns out, at least the first 4-6 expressions off most everyone's sheet are gonna be the same general emotions too, btw! Some have duplicates though for simplifying coding things across ascensions, so be aware of that as well.
And finally, the backgrounds. This one's kind of spread all over the place, so I'll drop a bunch of links and you can take your pick.
First is the Kyuburu user blog off the fgo wiki that has a lot of the Part II onward story/events in a pretty well organized fashion that's easy to look through and find what you need. Only problem is it doesn't seem to have much of the earlier stuff, so you'll need to look somewhere else for that.
Second is this asset dump that I don't remember where I grabbed it from, but has a lot of stuff that's pretty well organized, but only up to LB 1 I think. When I said earlier about if tumblr fucked up the transparency, file 3 under User Interface has the raw asset sheet it's from, so you can scrap it together if need be.
This asset dump from this thread seems to be more up-to-date though (through LB 6.3 I think?) so you'll probably have more luck with this one for your general needs.
And finally, if you're looking for something harder to find (like the more recent JP content), you can go digging around the Atlas Academy Database and look for the cutscene scripts of what scene you're wanting, and it should have links to the BG and the expression sheet of whatever's there at that moment. It might be a little messier to dig through though, so give the other stuff a look first before resorting to this.
And that should be mostly it! The most difficult part is just getting things initially set up, and each expression sheet takes a hot minute to get sorted out, but I just do all my work in the same file so you can just re-use everything you pull together and you'll be set.
It's pretty fun and easy once you get the hang of it, so best of luck and have fun!
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Wolfie’s Fic Recs | The Grand Library of Kink 1/2
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THE GRAND LIBRARY OF KINK - Allow me to give you a list of treats to quench the unbearable thirst between your thighs. 
>> Looking for part 2 of this list? <<
🖐WARNING: NSFW - SMUT below the cut 🖐
Author’s note: Let’s be honest. You probably are prowling the Tumblr grounds for the same reasons I am: there’s some darn good porn fics out here. And in the year I’ve been in the Cavillry, I’ve gathered a most wondrous collection of soft to extremely kinky fics. Time..to make a more comprehensible list of my favourites thusfar! (💦It’s long, so you better have some fresh panties at the ready💦)
In this library you’ll find:
Part 1:
Self-help 101  
Cherry Popping Goodness 
Vanilla With A Sprinkling Of Sex Toys 
Vanilla - Toybox Special 
Henry’s Hands Special
The Hook-up
Part 2:
Sensory Delights
The Triple Threat  
Fuck - The Geralt Special
Take It Like A Pussy - The Napoleon Special 
Hammer-time - The Walker Special 
Cpt. Cunnilingus - The Syverson Special
Thighs And Canes - The Sherlock Special 
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Self-help 101
[This one’s all about the act of self love - solo masturbation]
Toys are for boys. Unless it’s in the bedroom..right? Almost The Same by @lunedelorient  [Henry x Reader]
Mike can’t help himself as his gaze falls upon your lipstick stains on a beer bottle. Where else would he like those stains to be? Lipstick by @emyearns [Mike / reader]
A toy arrives to sweeten the lonely nights when Henry is away. There’s only one minor detail as the package is being unwrapped; she isn’t alone yet. Flying Solo by me [OFC x Henry Cavill]
I love fics written in Henry’s point of view. In this one Henry can’t take it no more. He simply needs to let off some steam; I Need A Woman by @chamomilebottom [Henry Cavill x reader]
This man gets caught..a lot, doesn’t he? You give Henry a helping hand as you catch him in the shower in Welcome Home by @rosethornsanddaisies [Henry Cavill x reader]
I wasn’t sure whether I should put this in the self-help section. So consider yourself warned: watch out..you’re in for a solo-lovin’ surprise in On Display by @ladyreapermc [August Walker x Reader]
Cherry Popping Goodness
[There’s a first time for each flower to bloom - loss of vaginal/anal virginity]
The bookstore meet-cute, the skipping heartbeats, and the fluster of cheeks as she just read a steamy passage of her book aloud. It’s the perfect recipe for romance...though there is one tiny, tiny... Her Minor Thing by @ladyreapermc [Henry Cavill x erotica novelist!OFC]
For one night only, gigolo August Walker will make all your fantasies come true. His specialty? Sweet, innocent little flowers. Velvet Chains by @littlefreya [August Walker x reader]
The morning after the cherry popping, a bud starts to bloom. White Honey by @littlefreya [Henry Cavill x reader]
This fic! This. Fic. I hadn’t seen I Capture The Castle when I read this fic, but it made me fall for Stephen so freakin’ hard that I kind of watched the movie straight after. It’s sweet, blushing-cheeks worthy and utterly cinematic. Bluebells by @yespolkadotkitty [Stephen x reader]
August Walker, a virgin? Well..there’s a First Time For Everything by @hope-to-hell [August Walker x reader]
Theseus didn’t mean it to go this way. But he was so thirsty - and now for more then just a drink of water. To Die of Thirst by @hope-to-hell. [Theseus x reader]
It’s Geralt’s first time and isn’t a Witcher body just a fascinating thing..hmm... Anatomy Lessons by @princess-of-riviaa [Geralt x experienced!reader] 
I didn’t know bullet point lists could be this sensual and H.O.T. - First Time w/ Henry by @henchry [Henry Cavill x reader]
GOODNESS ME. Can first times be like this for everyone, please and thank you?! My Flower gives you squirt-inducing, sweet talkin’ Henry making the most out of this special little moment. By @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
Wait till marriage with August? Highly unlikely....right? Uncharted Territory by @chamomilebottom [August Walker x reader]
Now onto some other sanctuaries to plunder. (Anal that is) Poker Night @foodieforthoughts [Syverson x OFC]
Lets @littlefreya’s words entice you into a new world as you and Henry finally pick the Forbidden Fruit (yep, anal again) [Henry Cavill x OFC]
And now we’re on the anal train, I do notice that men barely ever get any backdoor lovin’ from their partners. And I know, I know: most men are really apprehensive about it. But goodness can it be good! Sy has learned of it’s sweetness and reminisces that first time in Sy And The Sex Tape by @hope-to-hell [Syverson x reader]
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Vanilla With A Sprinkling Of Sex Toys
[Couple’s sex with just a touch of kink] 
Let’s start with a game. Written in the language of love (French that is), this enticing bit of foreplay gets the blood streaming alright. Invisible Touch by @emelinelovesjc [Henry Cavill x reader]
Is it time for my favourite poetic foreplay fic?! YES it IS! Ode by @wolvesandhoundshowltogether just does something for me and I can simply not explain - just go ahead and read it and see for yourself! [Henry Cavill x reader] 
The key to good sex, is foreplay. And teasing during an event? You bet your  sweet ass you can get Henry riled up. Tease by @captainbigdy [Henry Cavill x reader]
Ready for some myrrh mountain-esque, super indulgent eroticism? Read Confessions by @captainbigdy [Henry Cavill x reader]
Birthday sex
What do you give a man who has it all, for his birthday? A little boudoir, a little make-out on the couch and...Happy Birthday by @rosethornsanddaisies [Henry Cavill x reader]
Apparently boudoir pictures for Henry’s birthday is on y’alls mind! A Picture’s Worth by @sunflowersstan gives you a belated birthday present - but that definitely should not spoil the fun. [Henry Cavill x reader]
Home (coming)
For once, Henry is forgiven for his ungodly early alarm clock: it’s beach time! And Kal will be there too. Home by @chamomilebottom [Henry Cavill x reader]
Henry, unfortunately, isn’t always home. In fact, he’s away quite a lot. Meaning it’s all the important to make up for lost time: Welcome Home by @geralt-of-baevia [Henry Cavill x reader]
And what’d you do if he finally comes home, but an impromptu surprise party is organised by his friends? Better Keep Quiet, baby. By @toomanystoriessolittletime [Henry Cavill x reader]
Does that come with side effects? When a 200 pound beast tackles you after coming home, you just might feel it in the next few days. Lust Worthy by @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
Home is also domestic goodness ( “Can I, baby?” He whispers against your cheek, placing a soft kiss to it, his eyes searching to meet yours. >> I mean..YES YOU CAN!! DO WHATEVER YOU MUST YOU HUNK OF A BEAR 😩) in this sweet ficseries chap by @lovelycavills: The Night [Henry Cavill x reader]
Tropes to lovers 
Friends to lovers trope, anyone? Of Fck It by @tillthelandslide gives you beers on the couch, friendly banter and then WOOPSIEDOODLIEDOO. [Henry Cavill x reader]
More friends to lovers with one accidental wet dream while lounging on the couch with Henry. Dreaming by @yoursecretsmutblog [Henry Cavill x reader]
Or perhaps PA/boss to lovers? Thunder by @toomanystoriessolittletime gives you Henry in full Geralt gear and rain..lots and lots of rain - meaning it’s time for a ..😏break. [Henry Cavill x OFC]
One more PA story to get the storm in your pussy settled. Years after working for Henry, you send a drunk text and he Answers. In the flesh. By @toomanystoriessolittletime [Henry Cavill x reader]
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Audio porn
Another thing I got quite attached to while I learned all about my kinks here on Tumblr, is audio porn. And what better than to have Henry do some audio recording for us thirsty women? Erotic Audios Present... By @thetaoofzoe [Henry Cavill x OFC]
More audioporn!Henry? @toomanystoriessolittletime has got you covered with Talk Dirty To Me, starring photographer Henry who has had.. a bit of a past - and doesn’t his voice sound terribly familiar? 🧐[au!Henry Cavill x reader]
Smutty fics practically always skip the “So what do you actually like”-part. Well. This fic covers it - and then some. The Interview by @peachyvulpixie. [Henry Cavill x OFC]
And communication is very - very important. Especially when moving stuff around, right Henry? A Little Bit To The Left by @lunedelorient [Henry Cavill x OFC] 
Communication is also key when you want to decide on sub/dom dynamics. Switch has daddy vibes, but in a domestic, confidential, well-established relationship. By @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader] 
Or, you may just want to tell sweet Henry that it’s definitely okay to get a little louder between the sheets. Express Yourself by @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
A thrilling ride
Want to “chose your own adventure” in smutty style? @sciapod’s got just the thing you’re looking for with BD Morning Energy  [Henry Cavill x reader]
Sometimes it’s rough, sometimes it’s sweet, but ever and ever; it’s truly Henry. Read about various types of horny Henry in Shapeshifter by @wanderinglunarnights [Henry Cavill x reader]
Body/orgasm insecurity
This was a very personal piece to write. I have difficulty reaching orgasms, especially with a partner, so for all fellow ladies with the same little problem: Henry is here to give you some Riding Lessons between the sheets. [Henry Cavill x OFC]
And I’m so, so glad that there’s at least a few of you here on Tumblr who can also get a little worried and even impatient between the sheets. Thankfully Henry is the posterboy of Patience, ready to unravel you piece...by.. delicious..piece. By @captainbigdy [Henry Cavill x OFC] 
Nipple love
Female nips get all the lovin’. But male nipples? Not often. Tease by @the-soot-sprite will make sure that is taken well taken care off. [Henry Cavill x reader]
Alright, and now for a little female nip-nip action, let’s dive right into the action. Rough lovin’, shovin’ Cavill is showing you how terribly fucked out he can get you in In My Thoughts by @jolly-polly [Henry Cavill x reader]
Horizontal vs. vertical sex 
Shower sex is such a delectable topic to read about (even though in real life it’s usually awkward and impractical). Let your dreams bring you..after workout Showers with Henry by @darklydeliciousdesires [Henry Cavill x reader]
Or perhaps honeymoon shower sessions? Mirror by @tillthelandslide [Henry Cavill x OFC]
Did someone say honeymoon? Marshall remembers having to climb through that darn window the night before he married you and it makes for a super sweet, domestic fluffy smutty sex scene. And did I mention there was family right at the other side of the door? 👀 Locked by @fourmarkdove [Marshall x reader]
After all that working out it’s time for some food. But what would Henry prefer: ragu or you? What’s Cooking by @writingforhenry [Henry Cavill x reader]
Netflix and Chill
Netflix and chill, anyone? This Movie Night becomes a little steamy 💦 by @writingforhenry [Henry Cavill x reader]
It’s really difficult to watch tv with Henry around, and Freya gets a little frustrated with his incessant teasing; can a woman not just watch some Mindhunter in peace, damnit?! The Refund by @wolvesandhoundshowltogether [Henry Cavill x OFC]
From game play to girlfriend play during an extremely boring day in lockdown. Confined by @darklydeliciousdesires [Henry Cavill x reader]
More game chair smuttiness? It’s Game on! Mic on! - And ..Eh.. wait..what?! By @thecavillchronicles [Henry Cavill x reader]
Is tickle-play a thing? After a long day where everything seems to have gone wrong, you just need a good shag and Mike will make sure you can Sleep soundly tonight. @emyearns [Mikey x reader]
Alright, it’s a thing. Here’s some more tickle play with Marshall. Laughing During Sex by @promptandpros [Marshall x reader]
Hereby I declare that hairplay is also a thing. And with curls like Henry’s..I mean..come on. Love So Soft gives you dry-humping like horny teenagers after a bad day - and yes..hairplay. By @princess-of-riviaa [Henry Cavill x reader]
Needy Henry
Sad sky eyes are in dire need of some medicine, but Rose doesn’t realise until she’s getting some action for herself that the best medicine for Henry’s malady, is probably not watery soup. In Morbus Et Salus by @fanficsrusz [Henry Cavill x OFC]
Drunk Henry is in need of a midnight snack. And it’s a good thing there just happens to be one in his bed. Drunk In Love by @angrythingstarlight [Henry Cavill x reader]
And the next morning he might just be a really, really needy bear. (My boyfriend, for one, is always EXTRA horny when he is hungover 😂) Five More Minutes by @angrythingstarlight [Henry Cavill x reader]
A few more
And five minutes is probably all you get when you have kids. But it just makes these little mommy and daddy moments all the more sacred. Close To You by @the-soot-sprite [Henry Cavill x reader]
There’s also not a lot of time when you’re in a limo, trying to get your groove on. 🎶Driver roll up the Partition pleaseee 🎶by @fanficsrusz [Henry Cavill x reader]
Now to finish off this vanilla segment: vanilla kisses! Lick Me Till Icecream by @the-soot-sprite [Henry Cavill x reader]
Vanilla - Toybox Special 
[A special toy segment for you vanilla(ish) lovers] 
When it’s play time - long work day or no - Henry better be prepared for some frisky business. On Purpose by @wanna-do-bad-things (also hell yes for including some toys!) [Henry Cavill x one very frustrated OFC]
More toys? MORE TOYS! Command And Obey brings you dom!Henry being a terrible teasing ass, but alas..it still gets you all kinds of wet *shrugs* By @wanna-do-bad-things [Henry Cavill x reader]
Perhaps need some dom!Clark instead? With toys? We’ve got you covered. By @poledancingdinos [Clark x OFC]
Now, let’s not forget about Henry’s favourite toy of them all. His bike. In Good Vibrations by @deathonyourtongue [Henry Cavill x reader]
You find Henry pleasing himself with something you didn’t even know he owned; a fleshlight. Henry’s Toy by @viking-raider [Henry Cavill x reader]
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Henry’s Hands Special 
[I can’t be the only one who has the hots for hands]
Having a bad day? Talented fingers belonging to one caring man of a Henry are here to let off your steam. Burn The Couch by @meowpurrbooks [Henry Cavill x reader]
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a complete and utter obsession with male hands. This fic is amazing in every way. It’s got suspense, hands AND Henry; Idle Hands by @thelastsock [Henry Cavill x Reader]
More handsy stuff is offered in this private drawing session. Draw Me With Your Fingers by @emelinelovesjc [Henry Cavill x OFC!author]
This fic? ..it’s hands-on work. I must give a disclaimer: I’m hard to please when it comes to daddy!fics, but this one I truly enjoyed. It perfectly rides (hehe) the fine balance between rough throat fucking, choking and usage of the endearing nickname ‘little fawn’. Hands by @twhstuckylover [Henry Cavill x reader]
Henry’s hands are here to warm you up on a cold day in Finger Work by @yoursecretsmutblog [Henry Cavill x reader]
The Hook-up
[A little less established, a little more messy. But definitely h-o-t-h-o-t-h-o-t]
Changing rooms may just hide a Dirty Secret (and crotchless pantyhoses) by @foodieforthoughts [Henry Cavill x OFC]
Being toyed around, Henry can’t stand it any longer - and goodness where did he leave that darn bowtie?! Caught In The Storm by @thelastsock [Henry Cavill x Reader]
Syverson is also not one who likes to be toyed around with, especially when you’re in the same bar wearing that deliciously short dress and his favourite high heels. Mine by @yoursecretsmutblog [Syverson x reader]
Dancefloor delights and popping buttons (is this a good time to admit I have ripped some shirts like that? *woops* 😅) - this quite exhibitionistic fic is an utter delight and I’m Glad You Came  by @foodieforthoughts [Henry Cavill x reader]
Since this is steady-hook-up I wasn’t sure whether to post it in this segment or the Vanilla segment, but ..yea..it definitely deserves a read! Rules Of Engagement has Em and Henry coming to the realisation that a friendly hook-up isn’t all that easy. Especially not when one foul IUD throws baby dust in their busy lives. By @ladyreapermc​ [Henry Cavill x OFC] 
Marshall specials 
An old friend/lover shows up just when you find yourself with the predicament of a broken down car. Before you know it you’re having car sex with one curly haired police officer in..yea..a police car. A Perfect Shitty Day by @toomanystoriessolittletime [Marshall x reader]
OOPH you girls are in it for the Walter hook-ups. Forget That Asshole follows up after you had one particularly disappointing blind date. And thankfully a blue eyed sweater-bear-man is there to provide you some much needed consolation.  By @penwieldingdreamer [Marshall x reader]
Sex on set
On set things might just get a little steamy, so might as well take ..*clip scene* ACTION! Touch Me Tease Me by @deathonyourtongue [Henry Cavill x OFC]  
More on-set delights? Perhaps with a touch of embarrassing nerves? Directed By La Petite Mort by @wolvesandhoundshowltogether [Henry Cavill x reader]
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>> Looking for part 2 of this list? <<
Artworks/edits are mine ❤️And as always: if you have more fic recs to add, share them in your reblogs/comments! 
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anthemxix · 3 years
got any sick Wars head canon?
ok i had headcanons on this but then @nitroish made this post and changed my mind XD i hadn’t considered how wartime affects disease and this take is just. Very Good :3 i love the idea of him being worried about getting the others sick.
anyway i wrote a short thing because the world needs more warriors sickfics and more leg and wars content
After ages on the brink, Legend was finally tipping into the blissful oblivion of sleep when he heard the other mattress squeak. His breath paused as he listened, drowsily attentive.
Silence. Good.
Legend was about to release the last vestiges of his consciousness when the other mattress complained again, a noise he was happy to disregard until his roommate called out, "Vet? You awake?"
"No, gods willing," Legend mumbled, tugging his blanket over his head. Sweet Nayru, what had he done to deserve the punishment of all-night babysitting duty?
"Go back to sleep, Cap."
"I need the bathroom."
Legend scoffed. "How is that my problem? I’m not helping you piss."
"No, I’m... I think I’m sick."
"No shit, buddy."
"No, I mean. I’m going to get sick."
Groaning dramatically, Legend shoved his blankets off, all hope of sleep dashed. Why couldn’t Time deal with this? Or Wind? Or literally anyone else? “You’re a goddess-damned adult. You can handle it yourself.”
Despite his gripes, Legend stood, tired bones creaking, rubbing at one eye with the heel of his hand. Warriors, decorated with stripes of silvery moonlight, was sitting up, sweaty blankets pooled around his hips, and staring dazedly at his hands in his lap.
"Come on then," Legend goaded. "Get up."
"...I think I’m okay actually."
Legend swore his eye twitched. “You’re not going to get sick?”
Warriors turned to him.
"When you feel better, remind me to kill you."
Distant expression not changing, Warriors dropped his gaze back to his lap. "Sorry."
Legend was about to make another quip—"You’re apologizing? You really are sick."—but held back as he shrugged off his remaining scraps of fatigue to actually look at his friend. Even with only the moonlight illuminating the Captain’s face, Legend could see the angry flush of fever on his cheeks, the fine sweat slicking his forehead. His hair was wrecked from restless tossing, and, come to think of it, Legend hadn’t seen the Captain preening it at all today. In fact, Warriors had foregone all of his usual appearance-based pretenses, allowing illness to whittle away his effortlessly perfect image.
Now he was just disheveled and vulnerable and pathetic, stripped to his core.
Legend suddenly felt uncomfortable, like he was invading on a private moment. He went to fiddle with his rings, but he'd taken them off to sleep.
"Sorry," Warriors repeated. He spoke in a slow, dreary drawl. "I should have let Sprite—I mean, the Old Man—room with me. You have trouble sleeping anyway, without me bothering you."
Well, great, now Legend had to feel guilty on top of everything else, and his discomfort was only growing as this conversation edged away from the safety of their typical bickering and into more open, uncertain territory. "It's fine. Not your fault you're sick."
"No, but I told the Old Man I wanted to bunk with you. It was selfish."
"I... You what? Why would you do that?"
Legend internally winced at how accusatory he sounded, but he preferred that over acknowledging the weird, squirmy feelings in his chest, the terrifying sensations of shared affection.
Warriors looked like he was about to say something but decided against it, opting instead to huddle back under his blankets, which were no doubt sticky with feverish sweat.
"G'night, Vet."
For a moment, Legend lingered, unsure, and then he eased back into his own bed. He stared at the ceiling, picking at the hem of his sheet, worrying his lip before he finally blurted, "Don't be stupid. You're not bothering me."
When there was no immediate answer, Legend thought the Captain must have fallen back asleep. Then Warriors droned, "I know. You couldn't live without me."
"I beg your pardon?"
The mattress squeaked again as Warriors shifted. Still speaking in a slow, tired manner, he said, "You adore me. Don't deny it."
Cheeks heating up, Legend rolled onto his side, his back to Warriors. "...Fuck it. I'm not waiting 'til you're better. I'm killing you right now."
Warriors only laughed.
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chiwhorei · 4 years
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pairing: k. sugawara x fem!reader x t. kageyama
genre: smut, 18+ minors dni
word count: 1.5k
warnings: oral, a little degradation, hair pulling, dom!suga, threesome
a/n: hey! i’m here with some more very late content because i have never been able to follow a schedule successfully in my life. kinktober was set out to be a challenge for me to stretch my writing and practice on characters i haven’t yet explored, but it started becoming hard to even think about my own writing. anyway, i’m exhausted and didn’t add the taglist because i really need to go to bed.
hymn: doves in the wind (ft. kendrick lamar) by sza
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kinktober 2020 - threesome (m/f/m)
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Sugawara Koushi loves to find joy in the simple things. A crisp autumn morning, and the smell of freshly washed bed sheets. He appreciates the first scoop of vanilla bean ice cream, and the sound of your yoga mat rolled out onto the hardwood floor in the morning with the sweet, domestic promise of another day together.
Your boyfriend always ensures he keeps a spritely, positive attitude no matter his surroundings, even with one hand wrapped into your hair and tugging down. Your eyes meet his above you, Suga’s blown wide in a certain sadistic gleam.
“Well, my dear Tobio-chan,” Suga shifts to his junior, the tall brunette sweating bullets next to him, “is she all you’ve ever dreamed of?”
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Your knees protest at the hardwood below you but you remain still, waiting for the next instruction from Koushi as he pets at your hair with care. The pair stand at the foot of yours and Suga’s bed, looking down at your form. The pretty blue dress Koushi picked out for you is bunched up dangerously high on your thighs. Your eyes are glossy, pupils blown wide and reading anticipatory desire for what your boyfriend has planned.
Nervous isn’t nearly a strong enough word to use right now. Kageyama finds a certain buzzing joy from nerves before a big game, synapsis soaked in eagerness when he throws up his first serve. Kageyama isn’t nervous, he’s been dipped in terror and rolled in a thick layer of lust like he’s never felt before.
He has no idea how the night's events led him to the apartment of his old volleyball club teammate and manager. There were whispers shared between you and Suga, purposefully just out of earshot so that Kageyama could only hear every few words or an occasional sentence.
“I think it’s an offer he couldn’t refuse. He’s been pining for you since his first year of High School.” Kageyama’s ears burn red hot with the knowledge you are talking about him. Your giggle bounces past his ears like a siren, looking at your boyfriend with less shock than would be assumed given the context.
“I don’t know Kou, if you think he can handle it..”
“Did you hear what she said, Tobio?” Sugawara’s voice brings him back to his current predicament, looking down to see your face positioned right in front of his hard, clothed cock. You wear a beautiful smile, one Kageyama has kept filed in the recesses of his mind for the last 6 years, never fully able to let the image of you fall away. “It was just a stupid crush.” He would say to himself like a penance, while stroking his cock to the memory of you bending over to pick up a stray volleyball or helping him wrap up a busted finger. The way you lightly kissed his bandage for “luck” miraculously always made him need to get patched up more often.
“I want to see your pretty cock, Tobio-kun.” The tone of your voice makes his knees weak, sin seeping off of the last syllable, He’s pictured you in this position a million times before, but actually seeing your lips lightly ghosting over his zipper is not something he thought would actually happen to him in this lifetime. Your hot breath fans over his crotch, shiny lip gloss threatening to stain his dress slacks.
His mind is working faster than his hands, causing an impatient groan from Sugawara. Your boyfriend places a slender hand on the taller man’s shoulder, urging him into action. Kageyama unbuttons his pants with shaky hands, pulling out his length and he can almost feel your bottom lip touch him. Your mouth turns up at the corners again at the sight. You were right, his cock is long and pleasantly thick with a throbbing pink tip.
“So pretty.”
“Go on, doll, show Tobio what your dirty little mouth can do.” Suga’s hand is pulling the back of your hair again, meeting your awaiting mouth to Kageyama’s weeping head. Your tongue shoots out to swirl around his tip, the hot muscle stealing a low grunt from the stoic pro athlete. Deciding that Kageyama has dealt with enough teasing, you take him into your mouth with care, placing your hands on his thighs to keep balance. A resounding fuck echoes off of the apartment walls when your nose brushes his pelvis. You’re gagging around his impressive length, the ache in your throat is dizzying with your boyfriend keeping you pressed to the hilt.
“What an obedient girl you are, y/n. You’ve always been such a people pleaser.” Sugawara muses at you, his praise making your throat relax to accommodate the obstruction. As you begin to bob your head, Kageyama’s hands shoot behind him for purchase on the bed frame. His teeth are grinding down painfully as you work his cock. Your moans reverberate around him, his head wants to fall back but Kageyama wills himself to keep his eyes on you, lest he misses a second of his most debauched fantasies coming to life.
“Her mouth is down right sinful,” Sugawara pulls you off of Kageyama’s dick with a salacious, wet pop, “but her tight little cunt is even better.” The sentence is suspended in the air momentarily before hitting the brunette like a truck. You’re lifted to your feet by Suga’s hand still wrapped in your hair, you scramble to steady yourself with weak hands fisting the front of your boyfriend's shirt. He holds you for a moment, pulling you into a messy kiss that has you melting into his embrace. Koushi holds a cloying charm with each peck to your pre-stained lips, but quickly spins you around to shove you towards Kageyama again. He grabs your elbows to keep you upright, peering down at your dazed expression with curiosity.
You lurch forward, pulling Kageyama down to meet your lips for the first time by his dark brown locks. His mouth is frozen for a moment before opening up to your welcoming tongue. He could get lost in your peach flavored kiss, hands finding your hips and gripping tightly. Suga’s laugh throws him out of the intoxicating reverie as the older man pulls you to press against his chest. Deft fingers pull down the zipper of your tight dress before brushing off the thin straps to expose your bare breasts and lace panties.
Suga traces his thin fingers across the curve of your tits, down your hips to find a home hooked in the last semblance of modesty you have left. The silver-haired man puts his chin on your shoulder and smiles brightly.
“You’ve always been sweet on my y/n, Tobio-chan. You used to follow her around like a lost little puppy, it was so cute.” Suga pushes his hand down the front of your panites, shoving two fingers into your dripping pussy without warning, your head rolls back into the juncture of his neck as he begins to stretch you out. “Sometimes, I have her put on that cute uniform skirt and walk around with my cum leaking out of her tight little cunny.” The sound of your perversely sweet lover talking about you like you aren’t there ignites a new wave of desire in your abdomen. He continues pumping his digits into you harshly, eliciting a depraved squelching from your pussy.
“She’s drooling all over my fingers Tobio, I bet you want to feel how she’s clenching, don’t you?” Suga’s sadistic side is not something surprising to you, but shocks Kageyama to the core, barely able to nod dumbly in response. Sugawara tsks him, clicking his tongue with gleaming humor. “I want to hear you say it. Tell me how you want my sweet girlfriend bouncing on your cock.”
Kageyama’s words catch in his throat, but tumble out as your whimpering intensifies. “Please, I- let me fuck your girlfriend, Suga.” His plea is timid and almost robotic, but pleases Suga enough for him to rip the soaking underwear down your shaky legs. You’re now completely naked in front of both mostly clothed men. Your boyfriend has always enjoyed a nuanced power imbalance.
Kageyama sits down on the edge of your bed, stroking his cock slowly as you’re dragged towards him. You shuffle onto his lap with little grace, grabbing at Kageyama’s strong bicep so that you don’t tip over. He feels your hot cunt inches away from where he’s always wanted you. The culmination of years of helpless pining for the one thing he could never get is dissolving around him. Suga wraps his hand around your neck from behind, craning it up so that you meet his eyes. “You’re my good girl, right?” You nod furiously, desperate to gain permission to lower yourself onto the thick cock in front of you. Your eyes glaze over in lust as Suga’s thumb rubs your cheek.
“Put on a good show for me, doll.” You hear your sweet, unassuming boyfriend’s voice like dripping syrup. Koushi always finds pleasure in the most interesting places, one of them being the shared look of bliss as your velvety pussy hugs tightly onto his former underclassman.
No one would guess, but Sugawara Koushi is anything but vanilla.
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all writing is dymphnasprose’s original content, please do not repost or modify. do no read my content as asmr.©️
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wocfics · 4 years
My Only Sunshine
Part 3
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Arranged Marriage Series
JHS x Poc Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Word Count: 4k
There was no doubt that Hobi was stressed, Y/N could see if, even if he didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. You knew the next couple of months would start to take a toll on him, especially since their tour was cancelled due to the current pandemic situation but they still had to make videos and be careful at the same time. Y/N had been in the studio as well, since being a dance instructor had no breaks, but it was okay since it gave you something to do. For the first few months, they were spent indoors with Hoseok and since they could spend more time than usual with each other, there wasn’t a day that went by that didn’t involve them tangled up in the bed sheets. The honeymoon stage was far from over.
After stepping out of the shower, Y/N got dressed in something more comfortable, grey sweatpants and a tank top. You had already taken Mickey out for his nightly walk around town and he was now curled up in the living room on the couch. Walking out of the bedroom after pulling on some warm fuzzy socks, you made her way into the kitchen to cook something. Being in quarantine really made you have more of an appetite. Y/N snacked a lot but Hobi never said anything about it as long as you were happy. Yeah, you did gain a few pounds but then again who didn’t, right?
Opening the fridge, you twirled the ruby ring Hoseok gifted you on your left ring finger months ago, trying to figure out what to cook up before Hobi came home. Deciding on some soft tofu stew, you grabbed the ingredients from around the kitchen to get started. There were a few times this month that Y/N wasn’t feeling too good, so you did get some blood work done and got a checkup just to make sure everything was okay. They were supposed to email you any day now with her results but it was most likely low blood sugar.
Halfway through cooking, your phone buzzed on the counter right when you were adding the veggies to the boiling pot. Wiping your hands on a towel, you checked your phone while the front door passcode was being punched in. Reading over her email, she looked up to see Hobi, taking off his shoes and dropping his bag down by the front door. Uh-oh. From the look on his face, you could tell he wasn’t having the best of days. 
“Food will be done soon, how were rehearsals?” You asked, watching him make his way into the kitchen and kiss her forehead. You already knew the answer but you wanted to make sure he was okay, since he was gone for practice more than usual due to the new schedule. “It was fine. I showered there so I’m just going to change and come back for dinner.” He spoke quietly. You kissed his cheek and stared up at him. “Only five more minutes, okay? You alright?” You asked, tilting her head a little bit. He shrugged and deeply sighed, not wanting to get into right now. You rubbed his back reassuringly, watching him leave from out of the kitchen and turned back to your email to finish reading the rest of your results.
A message you were hoping wasn’t real but it was. “...your results show a 4-5 week pregnancy and would like to advise you to come in some time next week for a follow up appointment with the ob/gyn…” You continued reading before glancing up to make sure Hobi wasn’t coming out yet. “...two fetuses have been located in the uterus which can run as high risk in your career field…” Oh shit. “Fuck…” You breathed out and turned off the stove once everything was finished. Pregnant? Twins?! This was not happening. You knew how it happened but, you were only a year into your marriage, this couldn’t be happening now. It was too early and what would Hobi think? He wasn’t in the best of moods tonight, how were you going to tell him? It did explain the heavy eating and weight gain, and the migraines. Tapping your fingers against the counter, you quickly pulled out two bowls to place the stew in just as Hobi walked back into the kitchen. Setting the bowls down at the table, you grabbed him a Sprite and yourself some water. Sitting down across from him, Y/N watched him take a few bites of food before digging into your own.
You made sure to put some away for his lunch tomorrow and cleaned the kitchen while he grabbed his things from the living room and put dirty clothes into the hamper. You had to tell him, he was your husband and the sooner you told him, the better it would be for both of them to prepare for it. You took her time walking into the room, just to get into the right headspace for this conversation. From the way he was sprawled out on the bed, he was obviously waiting for you to join him. He removed his shirt but still kept his sweatpants on while he laid on his back and stared up at the ceiling. Climbing into bed after closing the room door, Y/N laid down on your back and waited for Hobi to rest his head on your chest and wrap an arm and leg around you.
He sighed into the cleavage of your tank top and rubbed your side, which made you freeze for a second. You leaned down and kissed his forehead, brushing his dark hair from his forehead. “Tough day?” You asked. He hummed in response. “I’ve been working on this mixtape, I feel like I’m missing something from it and it’s been stressing me out is all.” He confessed. You grinned, rubbing her hand up and down his shirtless back. “You’ll find it, you always do.” “Yeah, plus I’m just nervous about this new album you know? We made it during such a difficult time, I just hope the fans love it.” He pulled you closer to him. “Hobi, they love it. I’ve been seeing so many positive responses. It’s exactly what they needed during a time like this. You and the guys are doing fantastic, especially given the circumstances. I’m proud of you and ARMY is proud of you.” He moved his head to look up at you and brought you down to press a kiss against your lips.
Humming against his lips, you sighed as his hands traveled up your back under your shirt as the kiss became heated. He moved on top of you, pushing his tongue past your lips. You moaned and pulled away before looking up at him. “I have to tell you something..” You breathed out, although that didn’t stop him from kissing and sucking on your neck. “Can it wait? I really want you right now, baby.” There it was. The bedroom voice. His menstruations continued, kissing and leaving marks on your neck as you closed her eyes. “Hobi...I’m pregnant.” You whispered. 
His movements stopped, he leaned up and looked into your eyes. “What?” He asked before sitting up completely. Oh God, was he mad? You couldn’t tell. “I-I-I’m pregnant...I was just told today.” You said quietly. His face went blank, almost like his brain was processing what you had just said. “Pregnant? Like with a baby? Really?” He asked. You raised a brow and stared at him. “Um, yes? Like you know, we’ve had sex a million times the past few months-” “Y/N, I know that, it was mind blowing.” He chuckled and looked down at your stomach, sliding your tank top up and pulling off your sweatpants. “A baby huh?” He asked, scratching his head. “Actually...it’s uh, there’s twins…” You chewed on your bottom lip while staring up at him. He blinked a few times. “Aish! Twins?! How are we supposed to raise twins? What if one gets lost or we can’t tell them apart? We’ll never get any sleep, baby! Oh my God, what about sex? Can you even have sex when you’re pregnant?” He climbed off the bed and started pacing the room. You rolled your eyes and watched him. 
At least he wasn’t upset right? Being pregnant was one thing but having two babies? At once? How was that going to work with your schedules already picking back up? You didn’t have any family in Korea. Yeah, Hoseok’s family was the best and very supportive and they loved you but, what would they think? Would they be excited? How would this work with him going on tour next year?
Sitting up and kicking your pants off the rest of the way, you stood up and grabbed his wrist as he walked past you, stopping and turning towards you. “I’m going back to the doctors next week, we’ll figure it out. Can you please lay back down?” You pulled him towards the bed, sitting down until he stood between your legs and brushed his hands over your curls. 
You leaned back, bringing him down with you until you were back in your previous positions. He moved his head down and kissed your stomach. “I can’t believe this is happening. I always thought I wouldn’t have kids but now I’m getting two.” His cheek pressed against your abdomen for a few seconds before you pulled him back up to kiss him.
“I love you.” He pecked your lips a few times before moving down to kiss your neck again. “I love you too, Hobi.” Biting your lip and closing your eyes, you raked your fingers through his hair, wrapping your legs around his waist. You could feel his hands traveling down your sides until they reached your thighs, where he grabbed at the flesh and gently slapped.
“You’ve gotta be up in seven hours, you sure?” You hummed into his mouth when he kissed you. He moved his hips until they were grinding into you, pulling a moan from you. “Does that answer your question?” He sat up, grabbing the edge of your panties and sliding them off before doing the same with his pants. He never wore boxers underneath when he was home. He leaned down, capturing your nipple and began sucking on it, doing the same to the other as his fingers rubbed and pinched at the other. 
Licking your lips, another moan slipped past your lips as your back arched into his mouth, your fingers locked into his hair. His lips moved back up your chest until they were connected with yours once again. No matter how many times you’ve had sex with this man in the past couple of months, you never got tired of feeling him inside of you. 
You discovered so many different ways to please each other, what worked and what didn’t and what you both were comfortable with. It was shocking with how much Hoseok was open to, sexually but it only made your sex lives even more pleasurable. He was very handsy, always groping some part of your body which you realized was mostly your thighs and ass. That wasn’t surprising at all since the first time you two ever had sex, he had you on all fours just so he could grab at everything easily; he explained this to you one night.
Tonight, he wanted to look into your eyes. You spread your legs a little wider for him as he positioned his already hard member at your entrance and slid inside of you. You whimpered a little, allowing his tongue to once again tangle with your own as he slowly began to rock his hips back and forth, groaning into your mouth. One elbow holding him up while the other one kept your leg on his hip as he thrust into you at a moderate pace. 
You could already feel the knot forming inside of you, begging to snap but another part of you wanted to hold out a little longer for his sake. Burying his face into your neck, his hips picked up pace as he huffed and moaned into the crook of your neck. “Why do you always feel so good huh? Still tight after fucking you everyday.” He nipped at your ear and looked down at you, pressing his forehead against yours.
You couldn’t respond back, your brain too busy registering all of the pleasure he was giving you. You only stared up at him, moaning and holding onto his shoulders as if you’d slip away somehow. Only curses left your lips before latched onto them once again, pressing his body flush against yours and thrust faster, the sound of your skin slapping against each other increasing. 
“Hobi…” You whined, just as your orgasm rushed through your body causing your back to arch into his chest. When he slowed his hips down, you tightened your legs around him and shook his head. “Keep going, please...you’re not finished.” Your words came out slightly slurred, a chuckle coming from him. “I don’t wanna hurt-” “I’m fine, keep going.” You kissed him and closed your eyes as he resumed his speed. 
Legs quivering as they spread apart once again, your moans became louder. When you heard his grunts and moans, you sucked your middle finger into your mouth while looking up at him with half opened eyes, while your other hand reached for something on the nightstand nearby. Opening the cap and biting your lip while grinning up at him. Squeezing the lube out onto your fingers, you tossed the bottle on the bed and moved your hand down to his ass, sliding between his cheek and rubbing at his hole. 
He hissed, biting the side of your neck and groaning as you slowly eased your finger into him and began pumping in and out. “Oh fuck...I’m coming...shit!” He moaned into your ear as you continued twisting and thrusting your finger inside of his ass. Turning your head to the side where he was, you kissed his cheek as his thrusts became sloppy and you felt warmth within you from him emptying his load inside of you. You slowed your movements once he stopped and removed them when he gripped at your waist. 
Once he caught his breath, he sat up and looked down at you, pressing a few kisses to your lips before sitting up and pulling you up with him. “You surprised me with that.” he climbed off the bed, grabbing your legs and pulling you towards the edge before lifting you up and carrying you into the bathroom. Holding onto him, you giggled and kissed the side of his head. “You loved it.” You replied as he set you on your feet in the bathroom. 
He couldn’t lie, the first time you did it he wasn’t sure if he’d like the thought of your finger in his ass just before he came but afterwards? It gave him a natural buzz afterwards, which was much needed after the day he had today. 
Smirking at you, he grabbed a cloth and soaked it with warm water before reaching between your legs to clean you up and then after, himself. You both cleaned up and brushed your teeth before walking back into the bedroom to put everything away and change the sheets. You looked at the clock and gasped. “You sure you’re gonna be okay tomorrow? You won’t be getting much sleep-” “Y/N, I’ll be fine. We’re just doing wardrobe fittings tomorrow anyways. We have a few performances to do in a couple of weeks.” He turned off the light and waited for you to climb under the blanket before slotting himself in behind you and pulling you until your back was against his chest. 
“And...there they are. Baby A is there and Baby B is right there.” 
The doctor pointed at the screen while holding the wand on your gel covered abdomen. Hoseok sat beside you, smiling wide at the screen as a few tears rolled down his face. You were grateful that he was able to take the day off to come with you to your ultrasound appointment, and he informed the boys after they got some news from one of the other members themselves that same day. At least you knew you weren’t the only two getting busy. 
The tech took a few screenshots of the small fetuses before turning off the monitor and cleaning off your small belly. Hoseok managed to quickly wipe his eyes before kissing the back of your hand. “So, you are definitely 5 weeks along. So during your first trimester, which is different for everyone, you’ll experience some changes in appetite, nausea along with some vomiting, hopefully not…” She laughed to lighten the mood while you sat up and fixed your shirt and put your sweater back on.
It was starting to get extremely cold out and the rain was non-stop for the past week so you didn’t want to risk getting a cold. As the doctor continued to tell you the symptoms, some of which you already experienced, Hoseok helped you into your coat. “I’d say to come back in another month so we can see if we can determine the genders of the babies. Your ultrasound photos should be ready out front, congratulations once again.” She bowed as you did the same, thanking her as you both exited the room and out to the front desk. Hoseok took care of the appointment dates and photos while you stood by the door and waited.
Once you two got into the back of the car, you rested your head on his shoulder and yawned. “Tired?” He asked. You nodded and snuggled closer to him. “I’ve been tired a lot lately, all I wanna do is sleep.” You mumbled. “Hungry? We can stop and get you something to eat?” He suggested but you were already sound asleep and lightly snoring. “Cute.” He whispered and kissed the top of your head.
“Hey! Am I late?” It had been two months since your doctor's visit. With your new schedule and finding a replacement for your job until you could come back (which Hoseok implied that you didn’t need to work anymore now that you were pregnant and were going to have kids, in which you told him you needed to return after they were a few months old), you barely had time to even catch up with the girls. 
Tae’s wife put together a monthly gathering of just the wives to her art studio so that they could bond better and catch up on their lives as well as order takeout and do some painting. 
“Not at all, we were just ordering some takeout. Anything you want? I know your cravings are different.” Joon’s wife spoke while tapping away at her phone. You glanced over her fingers to still see, no ring on her finger. Eyeing the other girls, they all had the same look on their faces when you met their eyes before clearing your throat. “Bulgogi and japchae. Food has just been making me sick lately but those seem to be the only things I can keep down for now.” 
Taking off your jacket and hanging up on the coat rack near the door, you took off your shoes as well and walked further inside, looking at the new artwork that was put up in place of the ones sold. 
“Wow, look at that belly! Already?” Jimin’s wife smiled, nodding towards your protruding belly. One thing about having twins was that your stomach was going to grow twice as big as a regular pregnant belly. “Yeah, I know. It’s because of the twins so now it’s twice as big.” You rubbed your hand over your cream colored sweater. Yoongi’s wife grinned from where she sat, at her canvas painting an abstract photo. “Did you find out the genders yet?” She asked and you shook your head. “Next week. Hobi’s hoping for two boys.” You laughed while Tae’s wife brought you a cup of hot tea. You thanked her and sat on the couch in the painting room. 
“I hope it’s two girls.” Jin’s wife spoke up, typing her curly hair up into a bun and pulling out a few strands. “Jin said when he comes back and we start having kids he wants all boys too, I hope we all have girls. Well, YoungMi is already here..” She pointed towards Joon’s wife. “But having all girls and having them be daddy’s princess? So cute!” She exclaimed which made you laugh as you took a sip of your tea and hummed.
Having two girls would be nice, but whatever the outcome, you hope they’re healthy and growing as they should. 
“Let’s see...Baby A...is a girl! Now let’s see Baby B…” The doctor moved the wand around to get a look at the second baby. “This one is being secretive, come on baby...there they are...oh a girl!” She laughed. You wanted to burst out laughing when you saw Hoseok with his jaw practically on the floor. “You owe me those pancakes for a week straight.” You reminded him. He looked at you and kissed your hand. “I was going to make them anyway. As long as they’re healthy I don’t care what we have.” He whispered so only you could hear. 
You continued watching the monitor. The doctor doing the same to get in a few observations. “They are right on top of your bladder, have you been using the bathroom more than usual?” She asked and you nodded. “Way more than usual. About a few times during the night.” You confessed. She nodded. “That’s normal. Try drinking some peppermint tea, they might move around. Other than that you have two healthy girls, they’re growing just the way they should. Of course with you carrying twins, you have to be careful so no heavy lifting or anything that can cause strain on your body. There are some beneficial body butters to use on your tummy while it grows since it’ll stretch a bit more than usual. I’ll see you next month, take care!” She made sure to get a few extra photos of the ultrasound since you realized Hobi liked having them in his wallet and in his bags.
Once you were cleaned off and had your coat back on, you made sure to take care of everything and just wanted to get home to rest. You grabbed food on the way home and once inside you kicked off your shoes and scurried to the bathroom. Hoseok set your food down in the kitchen and took everything out of the bag. Once you finished up in the bathroom and walked back out with your coat in your hand and hung it up, you walked into the kitchen and sat down at the island. 
Hoseok stood behind you and rubbed your shoulders while you ate your food. “My parents called, wanted to know how everything goes when we get back from the appointment. I’m gonna give them some ultrasound photos.” He rubbed the back of your neck, gently massaging it while you ate. You closed your eyes for a moment before nodding. “Definitely. We should do a gender reveal for them and everyone else. It would be fun.” You tilted your head up at him and let him kiss you before turning back to your food.
“You think I’ll be a good mom? What if I mess this up?” You asked. Hobi walked around until he was in front of you and cupped your face in his hands, pressing another kiss to your lips. “Everyone messes up, we’ll be okay. I promise. We’ve got each other and we have help from everyone else so even if we do mess up, they’ll be there to help okay? Don’t beat yourself up.” He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and hugged you, you doing the same, burying your face in his chest. 
You didn’t have the best relationship with your own mother growing up. Even now, when you told her about the news of your pregnancy, she didn’t seem too thrilled. Replying with an “awesome” and a thumbs up emoji. You cried a lot that night but Hoseok reassured you that she just needed some time to accept it. 
You were going to due your best with your babies and give them everything you didn’t have as a child, especially with Hoseok there with you and the new family you formed here.
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sansxfuckyou · 3 years
in a twisted version of their world, a solid ten to fifteen percent of humans are either born with animalistic traits or develop them later on in life, more often then not left to die if they have them. although a few places out their are considered safe havens for them, id say at least three in canada, one smaller one in america, five in japan, and an undetermined amount across the rest of the world, hybrids flocking to the safe zones before their sacrificed or worse. sadly only one in ten actually make it to the safe haven before they can be killed or trapped for pelts, teeth, talons, horns and so much more. by all means necessary they where definitively higher up in the food chain, but didnt even try to dominate, they just tried to coexist with them whenever they had to leave the safe haven for supplies they couldnt forage or create themselves.
"hey! listen!" the sprite like creature shouted into picos ear, the hybrid slapping away the sprite knowing she could handle a little bit of a slap against a wall.
"shut up navi... let me sleep..." pico groaned flipping the pillow over his head which was adorned with horns, his talons tearing the pillow a little bit.
"but theirs a normie in the town!" navi exclaimed floating back over to pico, who whipped his head up tail throwing off the blanket, his boosted stature nearly hitting the relatively short roof, curved horns hitting it with ease and his claws shredding the sheets due to quick movements.
"great! now i have to go back out their to get more sheets!" pico exclaimed as he pulled himself off the bed and pulling a blanket over his partially scaled shoulders, the orange scales heating up rapidly compared to the cold atmosphere of his home.
"but pico! a real human, that isnt like anyone else here!" navi exclaimed in her defense, pico slowly and carefully pulling over his green jacket over his head, forcing his scaled wings through the holes he had cut in them.
"fine, i'll go check it out, just let me put on some pants first." pico answered with before pulling on his beige pants, that only reached down his knees now that he underwent the transformation.
"perfect!" the light blue sprite said before resting herself on top of picos left horn, the fairy being less than a foot tall, pico picking her up and placing her on his shoulder instead.
"this is gonna be a waste of time, just like everything else since it happened to me." pico sighed as he walked out the open door frame, having been partially busted due to the fact his stature had boosted to around seven feet, his wing span at five feet across each, a solid three and a half feet.
"no it wont! their really is a normal human out their near the center of the town!" navi exclaimed, crossing her arms with a huff.
"sure their is..." pico said with a sigh as he dragged himself across the town, the rest of them looking at him in shame, it wasnt his fault he was assigned so many hits on hybrids, sure he did go through with it but he needed the money in his pockets, and now he was one of them constantly being shunned for his past actions.
"pico! get over here! theirs a real human!" a velociraptor hybrid shouted out over the crowd, before rushing over to pico to try and drag over the dragon hybrid.
"alright fine." pico said as he slowly walked over, a lot of the hybrids who had fear instilled into them long ago fleeing dragging others with them.
"their he is." the velociraptor hybrid said before taking a turn away.
"yay... socializing..." pico groaned as he continued to walk forward noticing the human rather fast, but not recognizing him at all.
"hi!" the human said with a bright smile on his face putting out a hand to shake, the hybrid taking it with a clawed and scaled hand feeling awkward at the moment.
"hi... why did you come here?" pico asked, pressing his wings back up against his back in an attempt to hide them.
"searching for a someone i miss a lot, i heard he turned out as a dragon type hybrid from someone recently." the human said rubbing the back of his neck somewhat nervously.
"yeah, im sure that hes at one of these havens, hope that you find him soon." pico said with a silent sigh navi deciding to take her leave.
"ive searched nearly all of them, this is the last one that i know of." the human said greatly disheartened at the thought.
"then he has to be dead, or in hiding." pico explained, placing a hand on the humans shoulder before pulling him into a tight hug to comfort the human.
"i dont want him to be dead though... i still want him to be alive." the human sighed reciprocating the hug.
"yeah, i understand that feeling completely..." pico said running a hand through the humans messy blue hair that felt almost like straw but still soft. "i also lost someone when it happened to me." pico said with a sigh before taking a seat on the edge of the water fountain the human joining the hybrid.
"who did you lose?" the human asked a few tears gathering at the corner of his eyes.
"my boyfriend, i miss him, a lot... i hope hes found someone better than me." pico said as he sighed a little bit thinking back on the happy memories they didnt even feel like he was their anymore due to how much he had changed.
"what was his name?" the human asked leaning against the hybrid.
"i think his name mightve been ken, or something like that." pico explained as he ran a hand across his tail that was most likely just barely larger than he was.
"nice name." the human said before standing up and inspecting the horns on picos head, running a hand along them, ridges that werent visible clearly their on the orange horns with crimson tips sharper than knives, before sitting back down.
"what about you?" pico asked cautiously understanding all to well he was walking on thin ice that could shatter and drop him into the icy drink at any given moment if he miss stepped.
"his... his name was pico, he was a hitman, one of the best out their. somehow i managed to deal with the fact he was almost never home and when he was he was beat and could just barely stay standing, coated in blood and bruises, i still loved him though." the human said with a light smile at the memories that felt bitter. "i dont know why he left, i still wouldve loved him no matter how much he changed, that im sure of, we had a pledge, an oath if you will, to never leave each others side no matter what." the human said with a light sniffle still smiling, gently gripping the white fabric of his T-shirt the darkened in splotches as tears hit it.
"hey, its fine, im here for you now... everything will be fine..." pico said pulling the human into a tight somewhat comforting hug, in hopes of calming him, and it kind of worked.
"you kind of smell like him... except with a hint of brimstone..." the human said with a forced chuckle before burying himself into the large green jacket once more, enjoying the comforting scent.
"thanks...?" pico said unsure of whether it was a compliment or not, pieces still not clicking for him despite having just enough for them to click if he really forced it.
"i never did catch your name, what is it?" the human asked pulling away a little bit, picos tail instinctively wrapped around the small human which he retracted sheepishly with a light sorry.
"my name would be pic... oh..." pico said pieces finally falling in place as his wings drooped as the realization of just how much of an idiot he is settled in. "im such an idiot! has it really been so long i cant even remember his face! god! im such a fucking idiot!" pico exclaimed as he got up throwing his hands in the air for emphasise before pacing around scolding himself.
"uh, are you ok?" the human asked.
"ah, sorry like i was saying my name is pico, and your name must be keith right?" pico asked having collected himself.
"yes that would be my name..." keith said as the pieces started to click for him as well and his eyes widened.
the two stayed silent like that for a good two and a half minutes before someone broke the silence.
"no way..." was all keith could say after letting everything settle in.
"guess so, nice to see you again." pico said unsure of how to act or what to say in this moment.
"wow, so fucking massive..." keith said in awe at the sheer size of picos stature, especially the tail and wings.
"growth spurts happen, want to stay the night out here? it might be a little bit cold though." pico asked as he fiddled with his fingers.
"we can stay at my place, i have a back porch with a sliding door so you dont break the door frame." keith explained with a light smie on his face before latching onto the swaying tail behind pico who flinched at the touch, keith taking note.
"that sounds nice." pico said before picking up keith who was small in comparison to the dragon hybrid.
"so long as i get some 'attention' in the bed later on tonight." keith answered with noticing picos demeanor change greatly.
"ha... maybe on the couch so i dont break the bed... it very damn well could happen..." pico answered with sheepishly before placing the smaller on his back and spreading his massive wings before taking off raising off the ground at least ten feet in a singular flap that whisked up the surrounding leaves on the ground before flying them off to keiths house.
part 2 if ten reblogs
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nitannichionne · 4 years
If He Was YOUR Fan Chapter 24: Night & Day (A Henry Cavill Fan Fic)
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Your eyes are closed, but you feel him:
One hand is under and around you, cupping, squeezing and thumbing your breast, paying attention to your nipple and then lightly raking your neck to do it all over again. His other hand runs from our shoulder to elbow, then dances over your hip, gently gripping your thigh and kneading it as he moves back up, his fingertips caressing your between your legs. He gently fondles your mound and outer lips, his middle finger pushing and stoking between but not entering.
You have never been awakened like this.
He breathes gently, inhaling deeply and appreciating your scent, then exhaling gently on the shell of your ear, his lips brushing it lightly. Your breath catches as if he ignited paths of fire over your skin in the form of gooseflesh, the trails all coming alive.
Your head falls back; you have never been awakened like this. Finally you open your eyes. It’s still night, and you don’t want to know what time it is. It doesn’t matter anyway. You slightly turn and he is right there, kissing your neck, first with his lips, then with those tongue-teeth-lip kisses that sends your senses in a tailspin. You exhale heavily as he gently holds your arm, kissing your shoulder and once again moves his hand down to the apex of your legs, this time using his fingers to rub back and forth to your inner lips.
You open your legs for him and the air is cool because you are so wet already. You suck a breath at the feeling then moan softly as he places his fingers inside you. You arch, closing almost any distance between your hips and his. He works you gently as he breathes on your neck and then your ear, and you grab his thigh, raking it, your other hand loosely around his wrist.
He bends you forward slightly and you feel him surge slowly into you halfway, inch by inch at first, but then drives in you to the hilt, a sighed high pitch moan warming and tickling your ear. His hold becomes tight around your body, his fingers curled around your shoulder, and his other arm around your waist. Your eyes close, and your other senses sharpen: Your skin tingles as you hear him inhale deeply, exhale in a deep purr that vibrates against your back, the hairs of his hard chest tickling your back. You feel hard thighs with soft hair against your smooth toned ones. You feel strong arms holding you tenderly but firmly in pace. His cock is buried deep, his leg is over yours, and you realize the only thing you might be able to move are your hips. Then he thrusts hard, and you cry out softly, breathlessly. The hand around your waist goes to your hip and now he is moving you up and down on him.
Oh, God…
Your body relaxes as he takes control, allowing him to rock you back and forth. At first, it’s slow and deep, and your body stretches to accommodate, your body gushes and pulses around him. Then he quickens, and the thrusts are almost brutal, but they do not hurt-they make you gasp and pant at how powerful and gentle he can be-you crave the dominance, you revel in surrender. His scent surrounds you and you flood each other, but keep moving, instinctively wanting more. Your moans and cries grow louder as you move together roughly, grasping each other tightly, letting instincts completely take over until you both primitively rasp in unison, riding out waves together and then sending them back and forth in pulses and throbs.
Henry curses under his breath, his breath still quick on your neck. He hugs you from behind and kisses your shoulder. You take his hand from your hip and kiss his palm, then his fingers, cradling your face against it. Tears spring to your eyes and your throat tightens with the admission your heart whispers. He is so…everything…
You both awaken sometime later to the sound of birds singing. Truthfully you didn’t get enough sleep, but that’s what naps are for. It then dawns on you the rain has stopped sometime during the night. You look at him and you sigh.
His hair is disheveled, but his face is unbelievable when he sleeps. Dark expressive eyebrows over deep set eyes thickly dusted with long eyelashes. A straight nose that has seen a fight or two, but only adds to character, sweeping gently out to cheekbones and a strong chin that cradles kissable lips. You feel like kissing that chin, the strong jawline, but you didn’t want to wake him.
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                          You try to ease out of bed and he catches your hand, making your breath hitch.
“Hey.” He isn’t even fully awake!
“Hey,” you whisper.
“Where are you goin’?” he asks sleepily, dragging you back into bed.
“I was thinking of going to the bakery—”
“That hungry?”
“Yes,” you admit. “Coffee and rolls sound heavenly.”
“Check the bread box, love?” he asks.
You blink.
“Yes, I thought of everything,” he smiles. “You are on lockdown.”
“I’m a prisoner?”
“A captive,” he corrects. “Prisoners are usually criminals or enemies. You’re neither.” He looks at your body, and smiles, dragging you against him. You snuggle against him, the morning chill starting to settle in. He drags a sheet over you, and after letting his body heat warm you under it, rises from bed nude. “I’ll start coffee—hey!”
“What?” You ask, trying to find something to put on.
He wags a finger. “No clothes for you.”
You let your gaze rove his body. “None for you either.”
He smiles at that. “Fair enough, but later we must dress, I’m afraid. I have a surprise for you.”
You sit up straight. “A surprise?!”
“Yes,” his look becomes aloof. “If you’re good, that is.”
You frown. “When?”
“I have to check outside first.”
Now he’s really ignited your curiosity.
He gives a wink and disappears. He returns with a tray.
“Nobody is cooking this weekend?” you ask.
“Not if I can help it,” Henry chuckles. “This weekend, everybody gets a break.”
You smell the coffee brewing. “Mmmmh, yes.”
You finish about half of the tray together, and you finally go to the shower.
You lather him up and he does the same for you. “Not a clue?”
“Not yet.”
You rake his scalp and he emits a moan of pleasure. “Not one little clue?”
“Ah—no.” He is smiling ear to ear with his eyes closed.
“Not one itty bitty clue?” you massage his scalp.
“Hey, you’re the captive, here!”
Seeing the last of the shampoo rinse off and down the drain you smile up at his face. “Uh-huh” You lower yourself to your knees, and suck his meatus into your mouth.
“Uh!” His cry is breathless. “that’s dirty.”
“Actually—” you take him in as far as you can, stroking the rest with your hand and then let him go. “It’s very clean.”
His deep chuckle sounds like the bass line in the melody of the shower. “Are you—trying to stage an uprising?”
“Trying?” you run your tongue along his length, hearing him hiss as you cup him gently. “Not trying.”
He leans back against the shower wall, his head falling back as his hand caresses you hair. You work him gently at first, giving him a tongue bath. “Wait-no, no, wait—” You ignore him. “Uhhhnnn!” He picks you up before he reaches the point of no return, spins you around. “I said—” he rams your sex from behind. “you are the captive.”
You scream over and over, tasting him on your tongue, feeling him surge and pulse within you. Even as you lose your ability to stand from his intensity, he brings you to the floor of the tub, and he grips your hips, pounding into you hard and fast, and making you hold onto the tub to try to stabilize yourself. He smacks your backside to keep your back arched. By the time he is done, you are limp and exhausted again. He gets a couple of bath sheets and wraps you both in them, taking you back to bed.
“We’ll go out when I say, and not before,” he murmurs in your ear, stroking your hair as he dries it. “Nice try, though. I thoroughly enjoyed it.”
“Uh-uh, nap for now.”
You open your arms and he gathers you close, chuckling down at you. You snuggle close, closing your eyes and realize it’s just Saturday. From the looks of things, he seems intent on wearing you out. 
Thanks to my followers and tagmates: @mistress-of-ward  @nuggsmum  @messyinsomniacbookgirl  @jencanbeyouryengeralt  @sweetdreamsofgelato  @maryann84  @omgkatinka  @the-soot-sprite  @viking-raider  @keanureevesisbae  @henryobsessed  @summersong69 @kinbhot4henners  @sunshine96love  @michelehansel  @radofrivia  @thelastsock  @michelehansel  @tumblnewby @henryobsessed @defffcc  @tenaciousneckpartypainter  @rn7rocksn @mrskikkirazz  @daydreamin83  @ruthoakenshield  @musicartmayheminmyheart  @michelehansel  @tumblnewby  @henryobsessed  @defffcc @tenaciousneckpartypainter @rn7rocksn  @mrskikkirazz  @daydreamin83 @ruthoakenshield  @musicartmayheminmyheart  @mis-lil-red @kaatelyynn  @forallthebrokenheartedthings  @alphacancrii @liquorlaughslove @designerewriterchic  @sofiebstar​
Please let me know if you wish to be tagged, or please look on my page for the Master List of this story. I welcome new friends and comments! 
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doubleddenden · 4 years
I may have spent the last 5 hours researching Beta Pokemon and pre release demos or leaks from gen 1 to gen 8
Here's some shit I've noticed
The further back you go, the more you're gonna find. There's far more confirmed available beta or cut material available for gens 1 through 4 than 5 through 8.
Game Freak is a bunch of bitches for cutting these pokemon
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I mean come on. Skeleton monster. Flying fish. Warwolf. Actually terrifying wolf that could be the original legendary leader of the Johto beasts. A STORK POKEMON FROM GEN 2, THE GEN WHERE BABIES WERE MADE.
Granted some of these have been reworked into some later pokemon but still. I'd wager there's enough leftover from gen 1 and 2 to make at least half a dex.
There could've been huge domino effects that would impact the current games if certain things remained the same from the gen 2 betas.
Blue was Oak's assistant, Silver was your childhood friend like Blue or Barry, and Oak RELOCATED his lab to Silent Hill so he could study the new pokemon. What this could've meant was that instead of new professors, it could've been Oak just relocating, at least in MY theory.
Space World Beta starts out remarkably similar to RBY. Gold tries to leave through the grass, BLUE stops him, Gold and Silver pick a pokemon, both battle in the lab. That's about all I could find with game play and translations at the moment
However, Misty and Giovanni could e been in the E4. So much story could have changed if Giovanni was part of the Elite 4, because TR wouldn't necessarily need the radio tower to find him.
There are also sprites for an Oak IMPOSTER and data was supposedly found to say that Oak ran away (I have yet to find that myself but I have seen the sprites)
Something else to note is that all of this was before the big shift to the GBC style we know GSC to be in, using Yellow type graphics. It's highly possible from a guessing point that some or most of it had to be scrapped to make more up to date stuff.
Taking a step back to gen 1, Brock was almost the second gym leader. Wouldn't you know it, the Viridian Gym could've been the first gym, a flying one at that lead by a kid.
Red had a whip. Dunno how to feel about that
At some point instead of centers, the players would most likely stay at inns. There's a huge Sprite sheet showing towns with a few inns here and there and a remarkably different Kanto. Celadon was surrounded by water once!
Gen 3 is mostly stuff I already knew, like 28 planned islands for the Sevii Islands and the cave that was affected by mystery gift, but there are rumors of another pre release demo out there with more beta stuff. The only real thing of note I learned was that there were at least sprites made for The Johto Beasts, which make it likely that they could have been planned as stationary encounters at one point.
Also from gens 4 and 5, Masuda or whoever leaves little Do Re Me Fa So La Te Do using the in game instruments, presumably to test it.
I've yet to confirm the legitimacy of it since the sprites are so hard to come by, but its possible that gender differences were planned for ALL pokemon for gen 4 and onwards. Pikachu had floppier ears as a girl, Charizard had one horn, incidentally there were roughly 60 something done, none involving gen 4 as far as I know. However the legitimacy is questionable since the person responsible removed the sprites after some bullshit on 4chan. Also the sprite style is a bit... off, to me anyway.
Speaking of gen 4: there's a possibility that Jubilife City could've had a gym or a condo challenge of some kind
Oh, this bounced back to gen 2 but also involves 4 by remakes.
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Notice a pattern? In the gen 2 early sprites, Gold was gonna have a thing on his hat, but someone scrapped that. In HGSS, the idea mustve been tried again, only to ALSO be scrapped. My friend speculated it to be so they wouldn't have to worry about adding that detail to smaller OW sprites.
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Also just look at the original. That's such a 90's hairstyle.
Back to gen 4: technically something I already knew and am STILL salty at Masuda for cutting, but the Azure Flute has more significance to it than I initially thought. For those that don't know, the Azure Flute would let you go to Spear Pillar, play it, and battle Arceus at level 80. Don't believe me? Grab an action replay or google it. The item is still in the coding but the item wasn't legally distributed because Masuda sucks and hasn't heard of Google or instructions.
Anyway, the significance of this is bigger than expected because the beginning note of the Azure Flute is the SAME as the sound byte that plays for the GF Logo. In addition, the Hall of Origin Music is nearly identical to the Press Start Screen.
Do you have any idea why that's so damn significant? From the moment you put the cartridge into your DS, you were foreshadowed a fight with GOD. Just... good lord that's amazing to me that I never made the connection. Its amazing just because, how creepy and is it that you know the music as it plays? From before your journey? For a fight with a location and music that screams ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE??? WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO FIGHT GOD? DO YOU WANT TO DIE???
Gen 5. Not too much here of note as of the moment, but something interesting: there's apparently a line of text that reads something along the lines of "the mission to save yourself has started." This comes from the Entree. Creepy as hell. I love it.
Hilda and Hilbert were planned at least at some point to be fightable in the PWT. They have lines that match each other and everything. Why was this cut? It's such a shame.
There was an unused theater house, my guess is most likely for musicals or possibly more movies like BW2
Gen 6: not a lot I don't already know tbh, but there's a difference in happy birthday music in the pokemon center in japan and international because of that one asshole company that had or has copyright to Happy fuckin Birthday.
Gen 7: here's some juicy shit: according to Ohmori, trials weren't really considered until the game had entered Debugging phase. There's even a cybernetic looking gym room. Going from this it is quite possible that Trials were added last minute and gyms were originally the initial go to. Tbh I'm kinda glad they did it, I'm not a fan of railroading but I do appreciate something different to break the 20 year monotony.
Gen 8: not a lot tbh. There's data for all pokemon in LGPE but trying to load them brings out Marowaks, and every pokemon has an ability, but it's sort of turned off.
There's unused music for Eternatus
Apparently Silvally could learn Grass Pledge, but not the other two.
Theres 2 unused trainer classes
That about wraps it up. The juicier shit comes from gen 2 imo simply because of the possibilities.
GF, please, add skeleton monster and pants hippo to a future game.
Btw most of my info comes from The Cutting Room Floor, which has a lot of info on this stuff. Some comes from googling and some from poketubers. Its interesting to look at.
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bnha-scenarios · 4 years
Okay, so, first thing first. The second half of September and the whole October has been a wild ride.
Apparently this game blew up on TikTok (and probably some other platform or something?), and now I could see that there are tons of you who downloaded the game. That's just... so... unreal, at least to me. I didn't think this project would get so much attention. Even now, I’m still waiting to wake up from this dream 🙃
Anyway, if you’re new here: welcome! Sit back and relax, ‘cause this is gonna be a long ride!
I want to take this opportunity to say that due to the amount of comments, especially on itch.io page and my Tumblr, I won’t be always replying personally one by one to everyone anymore. I'll still try my best to answer questions and all, but I think by now everyone's common questions should already be answered in the FAQ page. So, moving forward, questions I have already answered inside that page will be ignored.
Still, I want you to know that I do read and treasure every single one of your comments. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, support, and suggestions! I'm sorry I can’t reply to those writing in languages other than English and Indonesian. While I can throw simple comments into Google Translate, every now and then the translator butchers long sentences and gives me garbled translation which I can't understand 😥
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  ☕️ Special Thanks ☕️ 
I'd like to also take this chance to say, many, many thanks for the coffee, you all amazing, generous people:
M.L. | Dominique | Genki | Sara | 1 Anon
Even in this hard time, you’re all so kind. Again, I can’t really do much, but as my way of thanking you, your names will be put under Special Thanks in the game ♡ 
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Alright, now, to the real essence of this post: progress update.
My work had been pretty demanding nearing the end of this month, and it made me get really sick of doing coding in general. Still, there is some progress on the game, and that’s good enough for me!
More details below ↓
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Character Sheet: You / Player / Main Character
Before I get to anything else, let’s talk about ‘you’ first, shall we?
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Although the main character's name is changeable, if you don’t wish to pick a name for them, ‘Suzuki Kaede’ is set as the default name.
Why Suzuki? I figured I would just take from one of the most common Japanese surnames.
Why Kaede? I chose it because I wanted a common Japanese unisex name, because the main character themselves is supposed to be gender neutral. So, the name came up as one of the results in Google, it has a somewhat nice and neutral meaning (maple), and I find that it sounds pretty nice, I decided to use it.
To reiterate, throughout the game, I try my best to not mention any physical characteristics and avoid elements which leans heavily to a specific gender in the story. All the characters in the game will also call you with your last name, and only neutral suffix (-san) is used at first. But you could get an event where you would be able to pick how the love interest will call the player, starting from that point in the story (on top of neutral options, there will be choices with gender-specific suffixes which you could pick if you want to). Other than that, all characters will always refer to the MC as ‘they/them’.
Now, moving on to the thing which people has asked about -- the player's Quirk. Here's a text version in case you couldn't see it in the image above for some reason:
What happens when a woman with Enhanced Learning quirk and a man with Camera Vision procreates? A child with exemplary learning ability and a pair of exceptionally observant eyes, apparently! The hereditary Vision you got from your father enables you to focus or scan an object or landscapes. With all the cues and information from your eyes, it seems that you're able to analyze and 'see' particular details of your object of interest in the form of numerical data. Due to the mainly passive nature of your quirk, you have to rely on the traditional weapons for offense, which might not be useful at all depending on your opponent's quirk. It's a plain and nonoffensive ability which isn’t so suited for a hero according to most people, but whatever - you’ll show those noobs the power of a gamer!
In other words, the information in 'Stats',  ' Weapon Proficiency', 'Special Moves', and even the 'Affection' meter, are actually part of the MC's Quirk. This also means, the more you hone your Quirk, the more it could affect your gameplay. I'll talk about that on the Gameplay section below.
There is one thing that’s kind of related to the MC's Quirk and I wanted to clarify. Bakugou did call you this in the demo, and yep, you might have guessed it: “crosshair eyes”. Reticle, crosshair, whatever you want to call it -- it’s that symbol you usually see in the center of your screen whenever you play FPS games. This is the only physical feature of the player's character that I specified (and yes, canonically, Hatsume has a pair of similar looking eyes in the original work). In relation to this, the icon for ‘activating’ your Quirk matches the same symbol.
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Introducing: Stats, Special Moves, and Video Games!
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There are 5 basic Stats for all of the characters in the game (brownie points if you recognize where they're taken from!): Speed, Technique, Power, Intelligence, Cooperativeness.
Your own Stats start off low, but you will be able to increase it by doing various activities, such as studying, playing games, winning on Heroics lessons, going to certain places, etc. Different activities raises different Stat, and you're free to choose which particular Stat you want to develop.
What are Stats being used for?
Certain Stat will increase a certain character’s affection, though it won’t be as much as if you hang out with that character.
There are certain places which you can only unlock when a specific Stat reaches a certain point. I’ll talk about hang out places and characters’ schedules in another post.
Weekly one-on-one training matches in Heroics lessons will test a specific Stat or Special Moves each time. Depending on who you chose to become your opponent, that specific Stat will determine the outcome of that match. On one hand, winning these matches can increase your Stat, but on the other hand, there are also special events you could possibly unlock when you lose. Again, I’ll probably talk more in detail about this in another post, since I still don't have the coding part down, so things might change.
Special Moves
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Every hero has a Special Move in this universe, and so does the player’s character! While they might not be as flashy as All Might’s iconic United States of Smash, some of your Special Moves will have a direct effect on the gameplay. For example, a certain Special Move could unlock more answer choices for certain scenarios. Another Special Move could be activated to give you hints on how many affection points will be added to a character for the available choices.
You have a total of 5 unlockable Special Moves, and it will be up to you to use this feature: do you spend your time trying to unlock all of it in hope to make your gameplay easier, or ignore them completely in favor of balancing your Stats while pursuing the affection of your chosen love interest? It’s your choice!
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(More brownie points for you if you got the reference in that picture lol)
Another use for Special Moves would be in the Heroics lessons, seeing as it might test how your Special Move fares against the opponent you picked.
Video Games
I would say that this particular element plays quite a big role in this game, since the MC learns and develops themselves by playing games. While you do have a set of games which you’ve owned, you’re able to purchase new games from the Video Game store. I would recommend doing this, as there are some neat ones which will help you greatly in your playthrough. But if you're not interested to explore them, that's fine too!
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Each video game has a different effect, and it’s up to you to discover them! Or, perhaps, you could unlock a Special Move that allows you to know what effect each of the game has? 😉
What are Video Games being used for?
Most games will only increase specific Stat(s), but there are also others that can unlock Special Moves.
There is one game which helps you to unlock Stats or Special Moves of your classmates, which you can use in the Heroics lesson to pick a suitable opponent based on your current Stats.
In addition to all that, there are 2P games which require more than one person to play, and you could play them with your romance target when they’re available. On top of building your Cooperativeness, choosing the right answers during the gaming session will increase that character's affection.
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The basic functions behind some activities like studying, buying video games, and playing video games are done. I will probably move on to code the functions handling the Heroics lesson’s battles and the behind-the-scenes of when the player chooses to go to certain places.
I've also finished the two main custom screens, which is the Quirk and Games page. If I have time and the motivation, I'm guessing I'll be adding the two other additional screens I had thought of doing. We'll see.
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This part is my nightmare, because I’m a perfectionist who’s far too picky when gathering resources…
But no assets = no game, so I did find several assets which I did like. This includes backgrounds, audios, background musics, and some sprites I was planning to use for developing the phone call function. I’m not going to list down all the things I found here, because I don’t think any of you would be interested in a long-ass list, but here’s an amazing background picture which I stumbled upon searching the dark abyss that is the internet:
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Full credits to the artist: https://arsenixc.artstation.com/
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I would have to say there isn't too much progress on this side yet, but I did decide on some story elements I want to insert into the game and scripted in a few scenes for the first day. I also managed to code in the dialogs for some common activities / places, like the video game store and a small part of school lunch time.
Honestly, I should probably create a sheet to identify how many scenes I would have to write? So all of us know the progress for this part of the development? ..... Let's see how it goes when my OCD flares up...
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All assets included in the devlogs are not mine, and credits to the asset owners / websites will be included in the game! My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia ⓒ Horikoshi Kouhei
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pogueshomecoming · 4 years
I brought soup - Kiara Carrera
requested? yes: “hello! maybe a request with kie where you’re together and then you get hurt or something and she gets all worried but takes care of you” AND “hi something with kie where she takes care of a hurt or sick reader”
description: you try to hide at John B’s while you’re sick but Kie finds you and insists on taking care of you.
fill out this survey to join my taglist(s), here’s my masterlist, and requests are open
warnings: mentions of sickness but not really? fluff.
word count: 1044
When you tested positive for strep and the flu, you hid out at the chateau. You didn't want your clingy parents fussing over you, and John B agreed that you could hole up in the spare bedroom until you weren't contagious anymore.
However, you also have an overprotective girlfriend, and despite John B's efforts, you were only able to hide from Kie for two days.
John B hasn't ever been scared of Kie until she showed up at his house. Steam was practically coming from her ears. "Are you kidding me, JB? You let her hide here without telling me? She needs someone to take care of her, not leave her in a room to puke her guts out alone!"
You could hear her yelling outside, even being in the spare room with the door shut.
"Hey, I've been keeping her company through the door. Giving her food and snacks and all the good things. Y/N is taken care of."
He wasn't lying. You two had played Go Fish under the door just last night.
"I don't consider you, my best friend anymore." Kie huffs, and you hear her enter the house. You know she's teasing him, but you're fully prepared for her to go off on you too.
"Shot me right in the heart!" John B calls after her.
You're bracing yourself for impact when you hear the doorknob start to turn, but as soon as Kie sees you, her facial expression softens.
"Oh, angel. I can tell you don't feel good. I brought soup and heating pads, and ice packs are freezing in the kitchen." Kie swings her bag off of her shoulder and starts to unpack everything she brought. She shows you everything: containers of your favorite soup made special by her mom at the Wreck, crackers, water, sprite, a thermometer, and so much more.
"Have you showered since you've been here? Why don't you do that while I clean up in here? I'll change the sheets and everything so you'll feel cleaner." She pats your leg, signaling it's time to get up. You feel weak, and you're probably dehydrated, but you do what she says anyway.
The water runs over you until you're pruning, but you were avoiding the effort of getting dressed. When you step out of the shower, you find your favorite one of Kie's oversized sweatshirts waiting for you.
Back in the spare bedroom, she's laid out your medicine as well as a plate of food. "I'm too exhausted to eat."
You groan, collapsing onto the bed. She crosses her arms and watches you crawl back to the hole you made in the mattress from not moving for two days.
"Babe, you have to eat. I can already tell you're dehydrated. You can't wither away to nothing on me." Kie sits on the edge of the bed.
"If I drink a bottle of water, can I take a nap? I'll eat later, I promise."
Kiara weighs her options. You're stubborn as a bull, so she's going to pick her battles and be happy that you offered to do that much. Plus, you happen to look very cute laying there with a pitiful look on your face.
"Fine, but you're eating when you wake up. No exceptions, got it?"
You smile, nodding. "One more thing?"
"What is it?"
"Will you let me lay in your lap? I know you don't want to get sick, but I miss you."
Kie's heart melts on the spot. She's suddenly not worried about getting sick anymore.
"Of course." She moves to the top of the bed, getting comfortable in between the pillows so you can use one of her thighs as a headrest. Kie slowly runs her fingers through your hair, occasionally scraping your scalp lightly with her nails, and it puts you to sleep faster than she can tell you she loves you.
Kie braids your hair while you're asleep. Multiple times actually, trying new things each time. When she finally finds her favorite one, she lifts your head a little bit to tie it off at the end and accidentally wakes you up.
"Sorry, my love, but it was good timing. If you don't stay awake for a little while, you're not going to sleep all night. Besides, it's time for you to eat something. I'll go heat up the soup, okay?" Kie leans down to kiss your forehead, feeling for temperature at the same time.
"Okay. Thank you." You snuggle into the pillow after she's gotten up.
After Kie heats up the soup, she leaves it simmering on the stove and pops her head into John B's room. She's surprised to find JJ also. "There's soup in the kitchen if you want any. If not, turn the stove off soon cause it'll burn."
"How's Y/N?" JJ sits up from where he was sprawled across the end of the bed.
"I don't know. I haven't seen any improvement, I don't think her fever has broken yet. I'm working on it, though." She turns so they can see the ice packs she stuck in her back pocket.
"Here you go. And ice packs." Kie hands you your bowl of soup with a kiss to your cheek.
You joke about Kie offering to spoon feed you, and then she feels like she should, just to keep you laughing. Kie loves seeing your smile. Despite feeling like shit, you're so happy Kie is here to take care of you and make you feel better.
After both bowls of soup are empty, and you've settled back into her lap, you look up at her with a soft smile.
"Thank you. I love you for taking care of me."
Kie reaches for a water bottle and takes a big drink. Your eyes widen when you realize it's yours.
"Wait, have you been drinking out of that one? That one's mine!" You sit up immediately, looking to the nightstand.
Sure enough, there is another one that looks just like yours.
"Oh my god. Why didn't we mark them?" Kie groans.
"I did! Mine has a black dot here." You take the bottle from her hands and show her the marker.
And poor John B, he spent the next four days looking after the both of you.
thank you for reading! don’t forget to reblog if you liked it or send me feedback :)
kiara carrera taglist: @jjfuckr, @newsiestrash123 , @millie-753 , @thatsonobx , @jjtheangel , @katherine097 , @obxkie, @ohbx , @babysbestlife , @psychicforest ,
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