#these b!tches gay
v-createz · 1 year
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Bro who did this
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rayandgay · 2 months
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Are you sulking?
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bitchface24-7 · 2 months
I love the dichotomy between Sam and Dean where they see each other in opposite lights. (lowkey a character analysis below)
We’ve seen how Dean views himself. He thinks he’s worthless, weak, stupid, and unloveable. He “hates what he sees in the mirror.”
Sam thinks Dean is amazing. He’s a phenomenal hunter and an even better brother. He stepped up to take care of him when dad fucked off. Dean took care of Sammy in ways most people would never understand. Dean is strong, kind, funny, witty, and undeniably gorgeous. Sam loves Dean with all his heart. No one will ever replace him. No one. Sam cannot live without Dean. If Dean leaves him, he’ll just be surviving.
Sam on the other hand thinks he’s a weirdo, a freak, an abomination. Something to put out of its misery since how could something so disgusting be alive in this world?
Dean thinks Sammy is brilliant. A keen eye and a knack for researching into unknown lore the brothers didn’t even know existed. He’s snarky, snooty, sarcastic, and sweet. Sammy knows the power of both his bitch stare and puppy-dog eyes. Sammy must know he has Dean wrapped around his pinky finger? There isn’t a goddamn thing in this world that tops Sam in Dean’s eyes. Sam is perfect. He’s both beautiful on the inside and out. Sammy is Dean’s priority, his main focus, his baby brother. Eventually it just switches to “mine. mine. mine.” in Deans head. Dean cannot live without Sammy, he’ll k*ll himself before he lives in a world without his baby brother.
Like??? HELLO?!?! I love them so much it isn’t even funny
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Close enough, welcome back, ladies.
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Since they got the color schemes, partial look asthetics, and half a name and everything... it's them, your honor.
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chain-draws-stuff · 10 months
Hello hello! It's 19 days before Christmas! And you know what that means! Yup! Another chapter of EndKing!Steve and this time...I will give you guys a lil surprise ship in the end :D and I'm still accepting asks before this so hope you enjoy this FLUFF chapter!
Let's get going shall we?
Is this...love?
Narrator pov:
the noise was heard coming from Chris laboratory.
Arnetta:did you hear that?...
Chris: yeah...
They both slowly approached the trapped door down to the lab only to see it wide open...they went inside the lab to witness broken glass shards red slimy liquid dripping down from the ceiling and purple stains painted on the walls. They both looked at it in horror seeing words painted by the purple stains on the wall. Chris was in shock 'what happened? Who could have done this? I couldn't be Austin, then who?' He asks himself leaving himself to think of a while...as for Arnetta, she was trying to calm down Chris who was staring at the stained wall of quite a while...after that Chris said that they should shrug off the feeling as of it was all a prank, which happens in a daily basis.
Chris and Arnetta were cleaning the laboratory picking up the empty bottles and the glass shards, Chris was in relief that none of his potions were taken...or so he thought...Chris went to his potion collection (which I hink he has...) and started checking if none of it was stolen. All were still there, he then checked the rest of the closets filled with potions (the safe ones) then went to the more dangerous ones luckily none were taken so far...once Chris got to the last closet (which where he puts like cures or some very important potions inside) he opens the closet and...there was nothing inside. He got a little furious and a little worried, Arnetta was heading back up to the entrance of the laboratory followed by Chris.
When they got back up they head inside to see Austin and g.u.i.d.o sitting down at the couch watching TV. Chris just went upstairs to continue the talk with Arnetta and there problems.
Arnetta: so...
Chris:...(sigh) let's just forget that happened...
Arnetta raised an eyebrow towards Chris
Chris: what?
Arnetta: we can't just ignore that that happened Chris! We need to inform Shaw about this immediately!
Chris: and what are we going to tell him!? 'Oh hey Shaw! Chis lab is being haunted by a ghost?!'....
Chris frowned at the action he made
Arnetta: Chris...look I know you're upset and uhh I know that you've lost some of your important stuff in your closet so just calm down-
Chris: all of it...
Chris cuts Arnetta off
Chris shouts still not being heard by Austin and g.u.i.d.o who are watching TV downstairs
Arnetta:ok that might be bad...
Chris: it's really bad Arnetta...all of the things i need for tomorrow were in that closet...
Arnetta: wait where are you you going Tomorrow?
Arnetta asks
After that lil conversation
After that little talk they were still talking about stuff and on how to get Chris important stuff back...not taking notice of someone watching them from behind...Arnetta asks Chris if she could stay in there place for a while and as any good friend would do Chris agreed as long as she doesn't touch anything important <3
Night had fallen and everyone was asleep well...accept for Chris...he was still feeling guilty about the end portal incident...he could never forgive himself for what he did back there...he never wanted to go back there, he still loved Steve even if he was evil he would still love him...no matter what. His eyes felt heavy but before his eyes completely shut he sees a figure standing beside him he sees soft brown hair, red clothing and some blue shirt on top of some baby blue colored sleeves. He felt a soft kiss  placed on his forehead, hearing a soft voice coming from the humanoid figure saying...
???: good night...Chris...
then he slowly drifted away from reality...letting his body rest form all of his problems form the day
Steve pov:
'I kissed Chris...oh God what was i thinking?!' I thought to myself as I watched him sleep peacefully on his bed my face was painted pink (dayum, simp) I was flustered (bottom b¡tch) I didn't even know what I was doing! 'Oh God...what am I even doing?! He's my enemy! I can't fall for him!' I screamed in my mind as I flew away using my elytra and headed back to the end portal...as I was on my way there...I began to feel that I have butterflies in my stomach as i ask myself the same question 'am I realy in love with Chris? Is this how it feels to be in love?'....
End of chapter 10
First chapter/previous/next
WHOOOOOOOO I hope you enjoy this Enemies to Lovers thing Im not good at writing romance stuff but I do hope you guys loves this GAY chapter I've written and I hope you guys have a wonderful day! Night? Noon? Whatever your time is >:] and i did rush this soo...was it worth it? Yes, Yes it was. Maby? Maby not? Idk what do you guys think? And your welcome Steve x Chris shippers
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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cuz you're a thieving scumbag
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I love how much Michinaga is getting on Mary's a$$ about this
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lmao really taking a page out of Ace's book here
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can’t tell me otherwise
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in case ya wanna use it
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inaflashimagine · 1 year
just replayed life is strange after 7 years and to see that the proportion of people who chose to sacrifice Arcadia bay is now the minority had me shook !
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roseswitheraway · 2 years
Some of the most homophobic of the responses to the Lil Nas X bisexuality Tweet
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i just realized since my bf and i became a thing during homecoming THAT MEANS I FELL IN LOVE IN OCTOBER 😭😭😭😭
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answithvanzz · 21 days
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marumenkai · 7 months
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❤️💛Happy Valentino Day❤️💛
I've had Yakuza on the brain and AGAGRHRO I feel so normal about this game and and- I love Zhao and Ichiban's interactions so much. Love how we can agree as a community(?) that watching them interact was a very "Dam... These b*tches gay. Good for them" moment.
📷 Would also like to mention I did use a reference to draw this! Got it off of Pexels (a good website for good references!). Original photo used is by Anna Shvets 📷
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darkwitchingflower · 2 months
I've lost count but here's another "Sht my friends say as pjo characters" pt like 7???: Also side note sorry if I'm repeating these idr the last one i did lol:
Jason: I opened my glasses case and started panicking because I couldn't find my glasses... I'm literally wearing them
Leo: if I ever have a son ill take every chance to laugh at him
Reyna: Thalia the love magnet. She got b*tches (romantic) when all she wanted was b*tches (platonic) (Gojolover69, see last quotes post by @wraith--2)
Leo: so you're a ho*n't (same person above)
Piper: Stole scientific equipment and everything and we found out the smallest thing in the galaxy is the size of our patience because we gave up the search and stole a gazillion dollar dildo ( @wraith--2 )
Reyna: You're a calculator
Leo: are you calling me smart?
Reyna: no I'm calling you a tool
(I'm Leo and @thatonelazyghost is Reyna here)
Piper: Coach keeps going on about ppl who aren't in and he's like and then there's Annabeth who's broken her ankle ( @wraith--2 )
Will: I'm gay, I have the spidey sense for rainbow things ( @indecisivenb)
Nico: it's not gay if it's from behind
Nico: I'm ready to leave now
Nico: like I'm done
Nico: too peopley
Nico: nvm coach gave me a maulteaser
(Me on my last day of college)
Annabeth: You absolute bean of a human
Piper: Hi its me, Percy, a twink! ( @thatonelazyghost)
Leo: I put Frank down because he's lactose intolerant (me)
Leo: dismember my body and stick me in a lightning McQueen coffin ( @wraith--2 )
Nico: what's your sexuality
Ghost swings it back and forth*
Nico writing down bi: Ah you swing both ways ( @wraith--2 )
Reyna about Leo: DAM bros balls didn't drop
Leo: ...and the tip was empty
Nico: is anyone gonna pay attention to the fact Leo's dead?
Nico: You're dead shut up
(Nico is @thatonelazyghost and I'm Leo here)
Luke: I'm no p*ssy ill skin my victims infront of the lifeguard ( @wraith--2 )
Leo: like do you moan daddy, mammy or parental???
Playing stardew valley*
Nico: I love Willy
Everyone dies*
Percy: I love cream in my mouth! (Ider the context for this I just know the sake friend said the quote above this one too so it may be smth to do with that idr)
Leo: I don't need a psychiatrist I- ( @duckbakery)
Piper: you need God (Gojolover69)
Playing DnD*
Leo: I also successfully charmed a woman at the bar, then Nico ( @duckbakery ) goes
"The woman leads you away"
Everyone else: "ohh wait hold on ooo whats going on, dayum"
Nico: "you come back 2 minutes later"
Everyone dying laughing
Nico: "you went into a private room but couldn't stop talking about pirate ships so she gave up"
Alex Fiero (I think that's their name? I haven't read Magnus yet): Oh so YOU'RE the gender goblin ( @thatonelazyghost )
Mr D: I'm literally the god of gender identity, furries and monsters
Piper: I want someone to yippee on my body ( @thatonelazyghost )
Leo: Leo you should know better its because of your feminism you f*cking freak
Annabeth: Freaky feminists have got to be my favourite breed of gender (she was totally talking about Thalia here) ( @wraith--2 )
Calypso: Leo always finishes early
Leo: ye I do- WAIT WHAT?! ? ( @duckbakery )
Playing stardew*
(Me about another friend)
(Pic of character at end of post)
Nico: do you have any food?
Hades: Nope ( @duckbakery )
Nico: guess I'll die then
Thalia: I have a dead cat in my shed
Thalia: Read that again
(I was Hazel here)
Rachel: I do other stuff than being ginger ( @duckbakery )
Percy: If you don't sleep rn im gonna call you tickle tipsin
Annabeth: ... what ( @duckbakery )
Nico: call me what now (me)
Percy: it's from the "it's been a year daddy" video you freaky f*cks
Nico: it's a beautiful day outside... f*ck- (GojoLover69)
Playing stardew valley*
Piper: annabeth ya know he likes pickles right?
Me: ya
Hazel: who like pickles?
Piper: Harvey
Hazel: divorse him!
Piper: ye he clearly likes men
(I'm annabeth and @duckbakery is piper here)
(The text was sent too early)
Percy: sorry I'm late I got blown
Percy: into smithereens
( @duckbakery )
Percy: This is more zesty than Piper and that's saying something ( @wraith--2 )
Leo to Jason: F*cking senile b*tch
Jason: I'm older and wiser except I'm not smart ( @duckbakery)
Piper: forget the fact I split a gay man in half in the gc ( @wraith--2 )
Coach Hedge to frank: why did you feel the need to @everyone about percy and annabeth getting 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 ( @thatonelazyghost )
Annabeth: oooh eloquent 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 ( @wraith--2 )
Reyna: Perchance you can suck my d*ck ( @wraith--2 )
Leo: Perchance you can commit tax fraud with me (Gojolover69)
Piper: Perchance we can stab ppl together ( @wraith--2 )
Percy: Perchance. Get on the f*cking boat and let's hunt 😈 (Gojolover69)
Rachel: perchance 7 half bloods shall answer the call to storm or fire the world perchance must fall with an oath to keep with a final breath perchance as foes bear arms to the doors of death perchnace (me)
Nico to will: Perchance you and me should fall into tartarus ( @wraith--2 )
Thalia: perchance we should all hug and kiss in a platonic way ( @thatonelazyghost )
Reyna: Perchance that is an excellent suggestion (Gojolover69)
Reyna: Perchance I shall kiss Thalia completely platonically ( @wraith--2 )
Percy: perchance that platonically is bs (me)
Reyna: Lies I'm off at sea and don't see Thalia every morning ( @wraith--2 )
Percy: i know for sure you've found a way regardless ( @thatonelazyghost )
Reyna: I feel like this is bullying ( @wraith--2 )
Leo: guys we need to do among us in real life ( @duckbakery )
Annabeth: That's already a game Leo, it's called mafia ( @thatonelazyghost )
Percy: I see you've grown a brain can you share (friend from work)
Thalia: the need to refer to eachother as "love", "dear" and "pookie" is strong but the aro is stronger ( @thatonelazyghost )
Piper: this whole group is secretly but not very secretly a big polyamorous relationship ( @thatonelazyghost )
Reyna: So glad the sex aversion in me is strong cause imagine the stds going round this place my God ( @wraith--2 )
Annabeth: i'm iconic i'm quotable and i'm autistic ( @thatonelazyghost )
Leo: Are you a heinz baked beans, extra rich tomato sauce-sexual? (Gojolover69)
Percy: So my mam booked me and my sister a swimming lane for tmr morning, and I'm like oh dear God mother, u do know I'm currently blasting liquid magma from my a*s, which travels at super sonic speeds, do you reckon this is safe for public health? (Gojolover69)
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cruxbatface · 2 years
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My god!!! These b*tches gay!!! Good for them
(2021 piece)
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lizaluvsthis · 7 months
A Chamber of Burning Souls
Fanfic Written and Illustrated by @lizaluvsthis
Idea of creation by @itsajjanea
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First off- I'd like to thank @itsajjanea for the main fic idea I feel so tempted on making the fic cause I really don't want to attend prom rn and I dont even have no partner. Anyways- consider this as a valentines meal for yall-
I know how much everyone has been wanting a valentines fic for our gay boys :))
Oh- just a reminder that me and AJ are making an AU dedicated with the Movie we both watched and gave us the gay fairy boys some ideas of it so :D
Summary: It's Prom and everyone is invited to celebrate at Square Plaza, having no partners left to find. SMG4 and SMG3 both paired together.
With Four having no experience of what Prom is at all, he happens to find himself binded with his ex rival filled with complicated thoughts.
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Sun and Moon, fluff, romance, drama, hurt/comfort, angst, gay fruits are real, LOVE IS IN THE AIR YALLL
Mario & Meggy Spletzer
Meggy & SMG4
Mario & SMG4
Mario & SMG3
Bob & Mario
Chapter: Prologue- The golds in strangles
SMG4 gets a knock on the doors step as he opens it with no one at the presence. His eyes phased down to spot an envelope. "Huh- that's weird-"
SMG4 picked it up and brought it to the living room where Bob and Mario are currently playing games, Meggy cheered Mario up. "Come on Mario! You can do it! Beat his ass!"
Mario trying so hard as he spam clicks the buttons from the controller, with another set of limb to eat his spaghetti trying to focus. "I'm trying here!" Mario grunts in frustration as he gets almost beaten by Bob.
"OH YEAH!? YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER? WELL TRY ME B-TCH CUZ THIS BOB NEVER RES-" almost filling up Bob's sentences, he gets knocked over to the ground as SMG4 pops into the couch.
"Yo guys! Check this out! We have got a letter!" Meggy and Mario looked at each other, then back to him. "Ooh a letter? What does it say?" Tari spoke right beside Meggy as she pets her rubber duck.
Four carefully opens the envelope and took out the paper, he makes a small joke before opening it's last fold. "Hope it's not our loans for the castle-" in an immediate took by his suprise, the shining of the font reflected to his eyes.
The text is filled out of gold ink in a fancy choice for the font's italic words. The scent of the paper is dried oatmeal, with a mixture of red roses that can be smelled.
The crew found it astounding to take the envelope a bit too serious now as SMG4 carefully read out the words.
"Good afternoon to everyone, I hope you all are having an amazing day. This letter that we provide you all, is about an upcoming event that will be held at the Square Plaza near the Mushroom Kingdom, you are all invited to join in.
The main event is a party themed for Prom, just to remind everyone it's almost close to valentines day and make sure to bring yourself a partner.
We'll be glad to meet your attendancies at the party."
After SMG4 had read the letter, the bubbles of the air filled in and popped with his crew's early celebration.
"LETS GO BABY I'M GONNA GET MY OWN B-TCHES FOR TONIGHT!" Bob excitingly said, picking out something from his pocket and shot up a launcher through the roof as he called a helicopter to take him away.
"I'm so excited! I've never been on a prom sadly, last time I remembered were other of the inklings I know were the ones to beg for me to be their partner. I didn't know how prom works so I went alone and got kicked out- like thats a big sucker-" Meggy gazed up waving her hand away to think about the past and brushing it off as a cold plain memory.
"Mario's got-ta have thems spaghettis for free!" He 'Oooh'd' rubbing his stomach craving for more spaghettis than he'd eber order in a silver platter.
He day dreamed sitting on a fancy table holding a fork to his right as he asked the waitress for more pasta, sit up straight confidently pointing up his hand.
As a result of Meggy breaking through his 'imaginable-barrier' with the paper ripped on to the spaghetti. "Mario, we're supposed to bring our partners not just enjoy food." He threw out the paper snapping back to reality.
"Atleast foods can be your love match when it comes to terms of 'love' like my sweet spaghetta pasta rolli" he accordingly pulls another set of pasta out of nowhere patting the 'sauce' on top.
Meggy pinched the bridge of her nose fuming out frustration, guess it's always assumable that Mario will always be Mario.
"Mario, you do know foods aren't real beings right?"
The orange haired girl turned to look at SMG4, but to all she could see is a Meme Guardian whos pondering deep from his thoughts.
It was such a very hard decision, he wasn't even sure if he'll attend. "What about you SMG4?" The man in white and blue didn't respond, but instead. Turned the letter to look at the back.
Location held in: Square Plaza
Time in: 5-6 pm
Time ends: 11 pm
Note- Required to attend and bring a special guest/partner
Gazing through the golden text double checking, it made his eyes felt life threatening from the word's mouth. He squints his eyes. "I don't know Meggy, you guys seemed to have an experience when it comes to prom but I... well-"
Mario scoots closer to be in the side view "Assuming, you've never had a partner to dance with in your days?" Out of curiousness, SMG4 breaks everyone out by telling a word.
"I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT OR HOW PROMS ARE SUPPOSED TO WORK!" throwing the letter and the envelope at the same time to the sky.
"Aww don't worry SMG4! If it makes you feel any better, I don't know how proms are when it comes to occassions like this! I only watch it on animes with my waifu hatsune miku!"
Boopkins filled out enlightment with a soft pull from the sheets is a body pillow of miku hatsune where it gets hugged tightly by boopkins.
"But that isn't the same in reality, I've never had a partner- or even went to prom- neither!" "I thought you said people loved you and your contents before?" Mario urged in gibberish.
"They do... But- I'm not that as funny as a kind guy I am. I'm not one of those rich wealthy dudes, I don't have experience-" "well you're about to have it now!" Meggy cracked her knuckles.
"No- I don't think you understand-"
"we're pulling you in for your first ever prom experience!"
"Mario's gonn to help you find some chicks!"
The M&M duo spoke in different answers.
The dried inkling added a death stare to Mario's soul, giving him the creeps making him change back the sentence. "I mean- uh- help you with prom." Mario thought to himself with both eyes turning on opposite directions away from each other and his mustache growing bigger.
SMG4 gave them an awkward look, and finally decided. (If Three were to come then... I'll be there...) He didn't want to miss out all of the fun stuffs that will happen during the event.
"I guess- whats worse that could happen during prom?" He brought up a wide smile to the team as everyone Wooh'd in excitement.
Leaving then, pointing on view to SMG3's cafe where a letter is left the side of the doorstep the same placement back at the blue's castle.
*ding-dong* a doorbell rang. Where Three opened the door to check.
What could've been a result to happen when you didn't come?
"What is this... A letter?"
End of Prologue...
Next Chapter- Night Bring Out... [COMPLETED]
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