#these bullet points are taking me back 🤧
fluffypotatey · 10 months
i haven’t seen a lot of mechanic!SWK au’s going around *sighs* have to do everything around here 😤
In Sun Wukong’s 500 year retirement he found many hobbies to occupy himself with
art and animation and game design were a huge hit to help get those brain juices flowing
however, they don’t do much help in actually silencing the racing thoughts in his head (and boy does he have a lot of them! not to mention that he can’t help but notice everything and everyone and yeah sure, being given the title of Bodhisattva is great and awesome but the omniscience part is a little taxing 😅)
anyway, enter cars
more specifically car engines, the machine behind the wheel, the things that actually make these automobiles move and function
those things
yeah so Wukong starts to pick up on a new hobby and it is……car mechanics!!!
Wukong being able to just open up the hood or roll under the car to observe whatever the problem is, to be able to examine and hone in on all the little details that go into making vehicles and it just silences that part of his racing mind
it’s a little similar to how fighting used to do it. where he didn’t need to think of much besides the person in front of him and how to take them down
it was similar. so similar
except, you know, no violence
also, instead of coming home covered in blood, it’s motor oil this time 👍
in this AU, Sun Wukong opens up a mechanic shop. it grows very popular for obvious reasons (or not bc maybe Wukong just disguised himself as a human to avoid suspicions and “yeah no, Monkey King Mechanics is in no way related to the Monkey King because….that guy is just sO cool he inspired this name….yeah”) and soon has franchises all over the city
and Wukong is having a grand old time, retirement is going well, until one day an old broken down kart is pulled into his shop and the driver is begging him to fix whatever is wrong and “just please don’t tell my boss! Dads-I mean, Pigsy will freak if he leans what Mei and I were doing—”
so he agrees to help out the kid (“I’m actually 23…?”), free of charge. however! only if he promises Wukong will get free noodles for a week
they shake on it
Wukong thinks nothing of this encounter until the end of the week (his last free bowl of noodles) and MK ashamedly admits that actually his friend Mei is also a mechanic but he denied her help this time because his boss/pseudo-dad has been able to pick up on her magical signature (because she has a knack for adding fun additional touches like a glider button for the steeper roads) and would find out very quickly that MK got himself into some mischief (again) and MK just didn’t want to be nagged again
which leads to Wukong offering to help teach MK on how to fix his own delivery kart bc 1) he’ll avoid another confrontation about responsibility from Dads- i mean, Pigsy 2) it was just good to know what goes on in your own vehicle “not to mention being able to sniff out the load of bs that some mechanics can give you, making everything overpriced!” and 3) MK was starting to rub off on the guy and Wukong would miss him (maybe. a little. a bit. a lot)
AND THUS brings us to our beloved sunburst duo hanging out as mentor and student once more!!!
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matchadobo · 4 months
Hi! Can i please request about kidd trying his veryy best at comforting his s/o after a bad day and a stressful day? Thank you!
KIDD; how he'll comfort you
warning/s: none, very sfw, gn reader
note: smaller font is a subtext of the previous bullet point
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* he isn't an emotionally intelligent person let alone an emotional person, so this is a challenge for him. seeing you not being your usual self and donning a pained front puts a bad taste in his mouth
* he wouldn't try to pry nor act differently, which would sometimes be mistaken as him not caring or acting indifferent. WHICH IS NOT THE CASE OK ✋he just planned something else to deal with it, something that only involves the two of u so no one else can try and talk about it (not that anyone would dare 😭)
* he'll definitely notice throughout the day that you're acting differently, forcing a smile amidst your dull eyes. he'll wait till dinner to tell you to meet him by the crow's nest
* once you reach the agreed place, you'd see kidd settled by the couch with his flesh arm resting by the top of the backrest where he left a space for you on the couch and cans of beer for the both of you. he was quiet and patient. such a rare sight for you
* once you sat down and have prepared to apologize for keeping him waiting, he had already pulled you in for a hug. his flesh arm that was previously rested by the backrest was now caressing the back of your head as he pressed it towards the crook of his neck
* "you think i haven't noticed you ain't yourself today? tell me what happened."
* as you gave him a play by play, he'd be an active listener! commenting and expressing so much emotions on your narratives
* "oh i'll beat them up, tell me where those bastards are!"
* "ah so someone's worse than me."
* "please tell me you kicked their asses. you did? hell yeah!"
* and soon enough, you'll forget about your problem because kidd will be on a mission on making you laugh. taking jokes from your narratives or teasing you and such
* even when it's approaching midnight, he'll take you out on a quick foodie date. then he'll take you to a pub to hear more about your day and ramble about his. really just to take your mind off of that shit you're carrying
* once you try and thank him randomly while walking home, he'll be very grumpy and turn all red 🤧 he's honestly just flustered and isn't expecting to hear those words. you'd even follow up with a kiss on a cheek which would give him even more butterflies and he'll go tsun tsun on you 😭🥰
* "w-what's with that a-all of a sudden?!" he'll say with a scowl and red cheeks as he avoids your gaze
* you'll say, "thank you for cheering me up, love. you act all tough but you're really a softie for me, aren't you?" while pinching his cheek
* "s-shut it! the alcohol's gettin' to you real fast, ain't it!"
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hi anon! 🌷thank you for the request i had fun making this <3 i first had a hard time thinking how this dumbass would comfort his s/o but here we are HEHEHE i hope u guys like it!
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amor-immortalem · 10 months
Hi hi. I'm in the mood for angst and I really enjoyed your brothers react to MC enforcing the pact on Mammon. So I was wondering if you could do a brothers react to Mammon getting hurt saving one of them and maybe is in a coma or has irreversible damage like losing a wing etc your creative choice. Like all of them react to the news or maybe they witness it. Mammon saving one specific bro from an assassination attempt or an explosion from the science lab type accident of your choice. I'd prefer if it was either Beel or Satan. It would be nice if it was more of the fic style version but I wouldn't mind the head cannon bullet point version. Your writing is really good especially the angst 🤧
A/N: hope this lives up to your expectations, anon. I tried to go with like a pre-nightbringer-esqe setting just because I feel like in the ‘modern’ times the brothers are pretty much tolerated so there would really be no reason for an assassination attempt on anyone and I couldn’t get behind a scenario of an accident at school either (trust me, I tried! that’s what drafts 1, 2, and 3 were all about…) also it’s written half-and-half, one part story format, the other part bullet list format.
Warnings: Not canon-compliant (cuz I just can’t be arsed to care about canon atp) personal headcanons used, potential ooc-ness description of injuries
I wrote most of this during the height one of my manic phases so sorry if this isn’t worded well.
It was supposed to be a normal day for the brothers- just a normal day where they continued to hide away in the castle while they awaited more permanent housing to finish being constructed but it just seemed to not be in the cards for the new demons.
There was a ball held by Diavolo to welcome the Devildom’s newest elite- war criminals who’d fled from the Celestial Realm after a failed rebellion to save one of their own.
Mammon notes how these nobles are all sizing him and his brothers up for any weaknesses among them- not too dissimilar from a pack of lionesses picking out the weakest gazelle in the herd. It makes him uneasy, wings pulling tight to his war-wounded body. The leathery texture makes the demon squirm. It wasn’t too long ago that those very same wings were once a pure white with feathers dyed crimson by the blood of his fallen former brothers and sisters- maybe just a couple of months ago at most.
“Here.” Beelzebub holds a plate out to his older brother, drawing Mammon from his thoughts. “You should eat something.”
It’s filled with a generous portion of gourmet foods that make second-born’s stomach queasy. He’s still not used to his food having such otherworldly colors and abominable textures to it. If Mammon’s being honest, he’d rather starve.
“Thanks, Beel,” he turns his eyes back to the crowd of demons in the ball room, “but I think I’m gonna pass this time.”
“You’ve been passing for the last week,” the sixth-born frowns, worried for the second. “Your wounds will never heal right if you don’t take care of your body inside and out.”
“Do you notice the way they’re looking at us?” Mammon changes the subject. “I don’t like it.”
“We’re safe, Mammon.” Beel insists, twilight-gradient eyes follow his brother's line of sight. “Lucifer’s here- he’ll protect us if any trouble arises. Let yourself relax for a moment.”
“Lucifer’s got his hands full with Satan at the moment.” The white-haired demon only sighs, watching his exhausted-looking older brother attempt to wrangle the demonic child in his arms. “That group over there’s been eyein’ the two of ‘em up ever since this whole shindig started. The one over there’s been watching Levi ‘n Asmo ‘n then you and I have our own dedicated group of spectators as well.”
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” Beel sets the plate down and takes a much closer look at the crowd surrounding them to find his brother is indeed right. “You noticed all that from just observing them?”
Mammon nods slowly blue-to-gold eyes still scanning around them in hyper-vigilance. Something has felt wrong ever since the ball began and the demon can’t quite put his finger on what it was.
And then everything goes to hell in a hand basket. Glass shatters, screams can be heard, a volley of arrows thunks into the ground one right after another.
The attendees panic- typical of nobles who’ve not once seen the hell of a battlefield- as Diavolo and his father begin attempting to calm them, so none are trampled in the hysteria.
The brothers group together as close as they can with their nearest sibling in all the chaos, all of them on high alert to whatever threat there is. They stand back-to-back in their own separate little groups to ensure nothing can creep up on them in all this as they begin to move to each other.
That’s when Mammon hears it, the whizzing of another set of arrows to his left. There’s not much time to react as the tanned demon uses all his strength to shove Beel forward, knocking his brother off kilter and straight onto his front.
Mammon doesn’t necessarily feel it at the moment of impact. All he knows is that he can’t breathe, and a warm liquid is flooding throughout his airway. His ears are ringing, and the sounds of his brothers’ voices are all muffled, almost mute and he can’t move his left and wing from his side.
Mammon starts to choke on the fluid backing-up in his airways as he coughs and gasps and he finally looks down to see the arrows piercing his throat and side, golden lines of celestial magic spiderwebbing out from the points of entry as his skin starts to crack and decay at an alarming rate. His vision is starting to go dark now, black spots dancing all around the white-haired demon’s eyesight from lack of oxygen.
The last thing he can remember is meeting Beel’s eyes and seeing the sheer horror in them as the six-born realizes that, yet again, he’s failed to protect one of his siblings.
The Reactions:
• Can not believe this is happening
• He thought they’d be safe here. How could he have been so careless?
• It almost feels like he’s reliving the war and that terrifies him. He can’t lose another sibling.
• The first to react, he’s across the room in a flash, doing everything in his limited power to help his favorite brother while the others stand around too shocked to do anything for the moment.
• The damage to his skin looks like it’ll take eons to repair on its own and his wing already looks unsalvageable.
• When he catches whoever did this, they’re going to wish they were never created.
• *cue internal screaming*
• He’s fine! He’ll be fine! We won’t lose another sibling like we lost Lilith!
• Mans was paralyzed by shock at the scene before him- some ex-General he is…
• After the whole ordeal he goes to visit his brother in the hospital despite all the demons there and how uncomfortable he is in settings like that.
• He leaves feeling even worse for not acting sooner after seeing the way Mammon’s wing is nearly mangled and the way his skin is chalky and cracked where the arrow heads pierced his body.
• The noise and promptly being dropped on his ass is what really catches Satan’s attention
• His tiny body is still filled with nothing but rage and contempt for the family he got stuck with at this point so he doesn’t exactly care that one of his brothers might die
• He doesn’t really expect Mammon to bite the big one though- I mean, this is the same brother Satan watched get his shit rocked by Lucifer not more than two nights ago for stealing something out of the royal vault. He’ll live.
• After Mammon comes home from the hospital though, Satan is a pest ™️
• After hearing the others talk about how dangerous Celestial Gold can be for demons and how it’s nothing short of a miracle that Mammon didn’t immediately combust in the areas where is body came into contact with it, Satan decides he’s going to study his brother like a bug.
• And Mammon’s a good sport about it… until it turns into a six-month ordeal before ultimately Satan decides there’s no more information left to glean from his observations…
• “Did that really just happen?”
• His jaw? On the floor- Beel’s such a big demon and Mammon just shoved him down like it was nothing!
• But now’s not the time to be admiring his older brother’s strength- this is an actual emergency!
• Does his best to help with what little medical knowledge he did have- in the war between angels and demons, he’d been conscripted to a legion responsible for healing other injured angels so at least he knows enough about what not to do.
• “No Beel, don’t pull the arrows out like that, you’ll injure him more!”
• After Mammon comes home from the hospital though, Asmo’s there to help him find ways to hide the scarring without the use of glamour magic.
• Also, like the king of boosting people’s self-esteem so like if Mammon’s ever feelin’ down ‘n out about the scarring, he’d always have something to say make him feel better like: “some people are into scars, you know?” Or “No, they don’t make you ugly, they add to your character.”
• This poor demon- he got to watch as his little sister died at the hands of these same arrows, now his older brother is meeting the same fate?
• Not on Beel’s watch.
• Tablecloths are being torn to shreds so he has enough material to pack and dress the wounds in makeshift bandages until they could get their brother properly treated.
• Afterwards, he blames himself every day for what happened even after Mammon comes home from the hospital.
• Thinks he should have been the one to get shot up by all those arrows.
• Always making some kind of meal for his brother- the quickest way to promote healing is to make sure one’s body is properly nourished after all.
• Didn’t see the initial incident because he skipped out 20 minutes before shit hit the fan to go take a fat nap. (Can you blame him though? The music was calming, the food filled him right up; it was only inevitable)
• When he wakes up, he initially doesn’t seem all that bothered because he’s good at hiding that shit
• But on the inside? Whoo boy, he’s sweating bullets. What if the worst comes to pass?
• “What do you mean the arrow heads were laced with Celestial Gold?? that shit’s lethal to demons.”
• Breathes the biggest mental sigh of relief once he finds out his brother’s gonna be okay.
• Crisis averted; he can go back to be the annoying baby brother now.
• Doesn’t draw too much attention to Mammon’s wounds- mostly so he can avoid thinking about the incident himself.
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leenaur143 · 1 year
Bad Lawyer & Crazy Dog, an unconventional love story
Okay this is your HUGE spoiler warning because I have so many thoughts and my love for this show knows no bounds but I don't wanna take away from the magic of living it through on your own so go watch it!!!
Overall episode rating: 9.5/10
Overall show rating: 10/10
I was so tempted to take away points for that SILLY GUITAR AND THE SINGING 😭🤣 but it's fine they can't help that they're in love dhhxhdj
So, currently writing this at midnight just after 2/9/2023 which was Tinn and Charn's wedding day!!!!!!! These two goofs have come so far and yeah, couldn't be happier for them 🫶
I took a pause in the middle of the episode to collate my thoughts and here was the list I made about the first half:
1. the mma boxing unconventional fight between tinn and nawin, it was giving 'youtube boxing: worst bits!' but it made me laugh so its fine 😭
2. thee having no one truly there for him except tan - his fellow bodyguards didn't even back him, meaning ever since he started working for tan's family he truly has known no one who cares and loves him deeply which 🥹😭 how did he manage to stay so kind through all that
3. thattep that psychopath.
4. nawin being the best character ever
5. how similar nawin and charn are (one just has a few dozen more braincells than the other
6. how charn planned that entire plot knowing the risks not only to his physical self but knowing he could be risking his entire career but he's ready to do that as we saw when thattep called him to prison 🤧👏
7. the one guy that said you dropped the soap in the prison showers 🥲
8. tan using his annoyingness to his advantage and celebrating being banned from an airline - the most tan thing to do tbh
9. thee and tinn link up AGAIN!!!
10. the wedding talk made me emosh.. the entire proposal (lets ignore the singing but even that wouldnt wipe the huge grin off my face as i was watching it) i love the storyline of the song though (hats off to that tumblr user who explained the story behind the song, this was perfect
11. emotional during the seeking of blessings from charn's mum
12. grandma is a gem 💯
13. maya and rose doing so much to help the people they love - they truly are the MVPs
14. tongkhao's dream living on 🥹 all she wanted on Tinn's birthday was for him to be happy and start a family with someone he loves, and he did it 🥹😭🤧
Also, completely ignore the fact that I skimmed over the whole exposing scene because it was decent but I knew, I just knew Charn wasn't gonna die today and a bullet wouldn't be the thing that ended him so IM GLAD I WAS RIGHT 😭
The wedding! OH THE WEDDING 🥹👏 It was beautiful, just everyone who loves them there and present in form or in spirit - seeing the dolls and knowing Tonkhao was there just 🥹 maybe I'm just an emotional wreck but this episode really got me in my feels
I did laugh my butt off when they were taking wedding photos because why so stiff 😭🤣 It served prom in a nice way WHICH IS FINE it was just looking a bit awkward and hence it was funny 🤭
Also I could write entire essays about Tan's storyline but the fact that he never held any resentment for his dad even after all of THAT is just astounding, and it highlighted how even though Thee and Tan are very different, down to their core values, they're the same which is why they're perfect for each other
Speaking of perfect for each other, seeing Rose and Maya get engaged!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH I WAS SO HAPPY FOR THEMM
When Tinn said 'one day' concerning the conversation about the legality of same sex marriage in Thailand, I got in my feels again as you can probably gather is a common theme here, and I realised how much good shows like this promote.. and yeah I won't waffle on too much about that but it was really powerful 🥹
All in all, if we learnt anything from Laws of Attraction, I'd comfortably say it would be... how to say doll in Thai 🤣 (WHAT? It sounds so amazing! tuktā (pronounced too-ka-ta), it's a much better word!)
No, but seriously, what a show, I'd definitely recommend watching it and I hope, whoever is still reading my midnight rambles, enjoys it as much as I did 🫰
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Idina Menzel: Take Me or Leave Me Tour
Idina Menzel is an absolute gem that must be cherished and protected at all costs. My love for her is infinite.
HER OUTFIT. It started as one big gown and then, one by one, each piece was stripped down to a basic, nightwear outfit.
The boots felt a little unnecessary just because of how high and wide they were, but I would not expect anything less from her.
The stripping of the gown was done so quickly yet effortlessly.
I was absolutely crying on the inside. 🥹🤧
Idina told us a story that correlated to the next song, and the way she transitioned into each song was done so smoothly. We love a good storyteller.
Idina talked a little bit about mental health. Just another thing to add on my long list of why I love her. The way she transitioned into the topic, though, was clever. As the band was playing the instrumental opening for "Twisted" (originally sung by Joni Mitchell), she discussed it, but she had a comedic approach. I, too, have anxiety, you beautiful human being.
Quote: "My mother's one, and my husband's one. So... I'm a little bit of a, uh, hot mess."
Idina and her never-ending love for cursing.
The story she told before she sang "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" was great. The moment she mentioned snowboarding, I knew what song was coming next. Basically, she tried snowboarding with her son and it did not end well for her.
Quote: "But the things I'll do, you know, to be a cool mom! [sigh] It's really hard."
Darling, you are a Tony winning, Broadway legend who portrayed the original Maureen Johnson and Elphaba Thropp as well as voice Queen Elsa from the global phenomenon animated Disney film Frozen. You are most definitely cool, and an absolute queen. 🤩🥰
Quote: I'm a real advocate of the 'Me Too' movement, but I also don't mind someone telling me my boobs look good in this dress and my ass looks good in these tights. It's just cause I'm over fifty and I just need to be complimented every once in a while! H.R. IS AWARE, so... if you have a problem with it..."
God love this beautiful, talented, hot mess.
As "Life of the Party" began to play, Idina talked about her 'raunchy' character, Kate, from her off-Broadway musical The Wild Party, which was "way before Elsa days", and then cracked herself up by admitting "I really miss her!"
I love when Idina makes herself laugh.
The next bullet is what Idina said was going through her head after John Travolta messed up her name:
Quote: "WHO THE FUCK'S ADELE DAZEEM?! WERE THE QUEUE CARDS SWITCHED?! This isn't helping, just let it go, bitch. Oh, shit! That's the song! Oh, come on, you're a pro. Just get ready, Adele. I mean IDINA!!"
*The way she just perfectly reenacted her reaction on that exact day (March 2, 2014) and easily transitioned into "Let It Go" was phenomenal. I actually don't recall watching the Academy Awards that year, so I didn't know this happened! However, the moment she said the date and then the audio of him introducing her began to play, I knew what song she was going to sing.*
She sang the (I think) off-Broadway version of "No One Mourns The Wicked" from Wicked and I had no idea what to think about it, but I love how she went hard with it to the point of headbanging.
I never saw If/Then but "You Learn to Live Without" is beautiful. I loved all of the slow, sentimental songs, especially her cover of "Why" by Annie Lennox.
Of all the songs on the setlist, my most favorite was "Everybody Knows". I enjoyed watching her sing all of them!
The only song I disliked, however, was "Buenos Aires". I love you, Dee, but why that song? She should have sang another song from her 2023 'Drama Queen' album! Which one? "Beast", because that is a bop, first of all, and so upbeat.
She sang two songs from her new musical, Redwood!
(She'll be back on Broadway next year, and the musical is being held at The Nederlander Theatre, which is where Rent took place!)
Finale: After she sang a cover of "No Day But Today", she said, in a monotone voice, “Goodnight, everyone, thank you.” with a straight face and then walked off. I was very confused and a little disappointed, because there was one specific song she didn't sing. As the audience kept cheering, I thought to myself, 'There is no way in hell she just did that. There is no absolute way she went through a whole concert without singing that song!' However, nobody was leaving, so that's when I realized "Defying Gravity" was the finale song. Oh.. so that's what an encore is.
My girl really wore her heart on her sleeve, and I could tell that she was enjoying herself. I just want her to be happy! I also love how interactive she was with the audience, such as, for example, having a few fans sing Joanne's part in "Take Me or Leave Me" with her. I cannot sing, first of all, but even if I could, if she asked me to sing with her...I would cry and then die. Overall, this was an incredible concert. It was intimate, humorous at times, powerful, upbeat, and just all around entertaining. Idina really knows how to put on a show!
🍂 September 5, 2024 🍂
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diodellet · 4 months
*slides in*
How about 3, 16, 17 and 29 for the fic writer asks?
omg i didnt think id ramble this much (thank u for enabling me ner 🤧💕💕)
3. how you feel about your current WIP
tbh i'm not super confident about my writing any time i come out from from a long long hiatus of not posting anything. also like… i'm not super confident writing other charas aside from jamil since i don't really think ab them as much… (sorry leona-natics* whenever this drabble gets posted, but like fingers crossed the sitch will hopefully be exciting enough)
*i think it might have to do with the fact that i kinda hc leona on the grayspec++have more vv specific hc characterizations i like of him, but ig i do see his appeal (one of m'oomfs is a leona-natic and well ahu her propaganda might've been subconsciously assimilated)
but ahaha i tend to write things that i'm very personally interested in so i'll find a way to have fun with it, i'll be gucci i just get too into my head, it's a vicious cycle as a writer.
16. favorite place to write
uhhh im a very sedentary person, probably a result from the pandemic, and being a thorough homebody even after that
hmm i would say id like a nice ambient public place with coffeeeee my blood my life force Some amount of people engrossed in their own work, but like in the ph, esp in a place populated by a lot of uni students, cafes end up being hella cold (im skin and bones the cold is Evil)++noisy (which i don't see as a big bad thing esp since i like socializing with my friends...at the cost of putting off my own writing oops HAHAHA)
17. talk about your writing and editing process
oh boy. here we go. one thing to note throughout all this: my only consistent practice as a writer is inconsistency. (and ig, if i try hard enough, i can usually put out a passable 200-300 words in one sitting)
sometimes i can outline a fic and take forever chipping away at it
^^(case in point: that sebek x vampire!reader x silver fic... i joked abt waiting until book 7 would drop on EN but it has been Stuck. i wanna write bi-disaster sebek so bad though 🤧🤧)
other times my actual writing veers waaaaay into a diff plotpoint instead of what i have plotted out
^^(there're these 2 now-removed bullet points in wcidfy's outline for ch 3 that went: "do i have the balls to write a fever scene… gaguhan anhirap nito pag walang ob [tl: fuck this is hard (to write) without overblots]" and "i also keep thinking of a scene in the (scarabia) gardens…and lying about bees…weird")
and sometimes i can just shit out 1k-ish words unprompted.
^^though this last example leads to my most rough writing++editing ('ily but leave me tf alone' and 'no id rather pretend'), i only look over for immediate errors, but keep iffy-phrasings and repeated words, but sometimes i still miss incomplete sentences that i jus quickly fix after posting ahahaha.
in terms of my more "polished" writing, i edit as i write (<- i do Not recommend this style. it's very unsustainable if ur planning to do more conventional writing/publishing and it's very easy to get trapped in your writer's block)
and after finishing 80% of it, i try to get a second pair of eyes on it (thanks @jessamine-rose mwaps) because validation of works in progress feels good it also helps to have a trusted outside person look at the work with fresher eyes. also smtimes we get into bouncing ideas back nd forth that we spawn new brainrot lmao like this👇
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i like to call my writing a "semi-polished first draft" partly out of self-defense and self-criticism. but really, i think i'd rather have "good enough" writing posted than "my best" because i could spend forever hoarding my wips. i think i'll always have regrets over not fleshing out certain beats/using certain phrasings and references, but i also enjoy looking back on my writing and seeing the incremental, microscopic progress. it makes the process more enjoyable than self-flagellating.
on a personal note, the writing workshop scene can be brutal. with some criticism being needlessly harsh, sure it produced some of my "best" writing but the process was Not Fun. while i get that being able to revise meaningfully is an important thing, i think the endgoal of feedback (from my short exp of betaing for friends) shud always be aimed towards uplifting the writer's aim to create/improving the writer's vision of what they wanna achieve, especially in a craft that is as solitary as writing. wait ill rb a post about making ur shitty pots, very in-line with making art in general
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
very hard. i hate thinking of titles, thats why i yoink lines from songs (who cares if the vibe doesnt fit im adding layers of interpretation or sumn🥴🥴). ACTUALLY wcidfy had like 3 other possible names (it was either *rolls out list* hairtie, nonequivalent exchange, or ben franklin effect* wcidfy was the most bearable one.) *i tried to look up how to distill the psychological phenomenon of someone probably liking u more after u do a small favor for them into 2-3 words, but it had to be a WHITE MAN'S NAME 🤢🤢NAW!!!!
for few other examples:
'say what you mean' was initially titled 'oh how the tables turn'
'roommates? more like roomfoes' was first titled 'pet peeves'
'hypothermia' was first titled 'frigid' but then i thought of paradoxical undressing nd stuff and da pseudo-warmth
i've also moved a bunch of other plot beats from wcidfy's main document into a file called "part 45678 of wcidfy"
as u can see i prioritize making myself laugh wid my wip titles. i wanna put the illusion that my writing's not that serious. unless it is? idk i'm not sure how to describe my writing in terms of its vibes.
(list of fic writer asks, ahaha bug me ab my wips)
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boysbeloving · 2 years
Ah okay so even I skipped and watched the movie because of the mafia theme i was intrigued (you know why 🥹🥹) and I can Totally SEE a Kinnporsche au being written on it!!!! Like Kajol and Srk they are the children of rival mafia gangs and leaders too because dad's are retired?? Taking it easy🤙🏻🤣🤣 and they try to kill each other but like fall in love first so one spares the other while the other saves her back too, and THEN later they finally want to get together, but one of their parents betrays the other 🥲 and frames it so they misunderstand, one of them shoots at the other, then they meet again when their brother and sister bonds (imagine chay and kim omfg) and they... Well misunderstandings clear and they are finally, finally getting together but someone sabotages it for some time. SOOOO that is a Kinnporsche potential au right there who will write it 🤧🥹
But the parallels are not really interesting so to say maybe it's just the Kp emotional investment that makes me so weak 😭
Here at 0.36 the kick srk does it the EXACT SAME that Porsche does when he first saves Kinn. And at 1:57 Kajol saves him just like Kinn did in epsiode 6 but it's very poetic because Kajol's character had always been. The one to point the gun at the other first throughout and had even shot him🤦🏻‍♀️, but this time she takes the bullet.
Anyway so it's not really anything much🥹. Also there is a scene where I could feel the Kinnporsche vibes so strongly I can't find a real clip so this is a bts one https://youtu.be/tbyXWyLB6eM
From 0.28 .. he is trying to convince her to meet him later. I immediately screamed that's so Kinnporsche the visuals and body language the smirk and shy no sense of personal space etcetera 🤌🏻
This got so unnecessarily long I'm so sorry😳
OMG this is so interesting!!!
KP definitely had the masala for a desi au 🙈
and these parallels fit!
thanks for sharing this.....and ya....i TOTALLY understand the KP emotional investment! har cheez mein KP dikhta hai!
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mors-venus · 3 years
BTS’ 8th Member — Dawn and the Members
updated a/n: this is severely outdated! i am in the process of updating it but i'm so sorry for any inconveniences and for the fact that it's taking me so long to finish it :(
a/n: IT’S HERE!!! omg i’m so sorry this took forever 😭 anyways, here’s where you’ll learn about dawn’s relationships with the boys! i was debating on whether or not to write this in paragraphs or in bullets, and i found bullet points easier :) hopefully you like it! i’ll probably be adding more to this as more ideas come to me, but i’d rather post this now than leave it in my drafts :’) i’m sorry this took so long to write, school has been v v stressful lately 🤧
Dawn’s Relationships With BTS
「 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸 」
joon obviously joined bighit the earliest, way back in 2010
then came yoongi, hobi, and jin, also in 2010
these 3 were already starting to build a friendship (or at least learning to tolerate each other) and then all of a sudden
bang pd came up to them one day at the start of 2011 and suggested that they might be getting a new member
and they all just went “!!!”
and so after lots of cleaning and making some room available (and long, heated chats about who it might be) the day came — february 14th
what a coincidence afdshnjksdj
they were all low-key kind of nervous because bang pd hadn’t given any details about who the person was or what their background was like
they were all attempting to relax before they heard a knock at the door and everyone just kind of stared at each other for a quick second before sprinting over to open it
and behold,,, the newest bts member—!!!
oh wait nvm it’s just bang pd
bang pd does the debby ryan
they all greeted each other before he stepped further inside the dorm, although he still stayed relatively close to the door frame
the ceo cleared his throat before speaking. “good afternoon, everyone. as you can imagine, i’ve brought some news about your possible new member. while i’m not entirely sure if they’ll be a permanent addition to your group or not, they’ll be staying here with the rest of you until i can figure something else out. in the meantime, please treat them with respect.”
everyone nodded but they were kind of confused because where??? was the kid??? what did he look like???
bang pd smiled slightly before stepping to the side and revealing the catalyst
everyone was just like “oh”
“hi, my name is xiao xiahui, and i’m excited to be here!”
after that, life was never the same.
「 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷 」
the leader and his littlest baby :’)
their height difference is hilarious, armys have made 7 minute long compilations just of them existing near each other
his first thoughts upon meeting her besides "what the fu—" were “must protect” and it’s still valid to this day
they’re always hyping each other up and being super protective of the other 🥺
“namjoon oppa! smile~ yay, your dimples are showing!”
“dawn, do your aegyo so that hobi doesn’t have to do his!”
cue hoseok screeching in the bg
doing convenience store runs together but then turning it into bookstore or han river dates 🥺
finding! baby!! crabs!!! at the beach !!!
going skating together :D
dawn helps him during english interviews!
when she can tell he’s overwhelmed she kind of takes over and he’s so grateful for that
subtly shutting down rude interviewers 😌
writing lyrics together and then panicking because they completely lost track of time
consoling in each other when they feel down or when they’re feeling philosophical
he wrote moonchild for her! :’)
stargazing together 🥺✨
nerding out over harry potter whenever someone makes a reference
”yer a wizard, harry”
”... i’m a wOT”
*incoherent giggling*
dawn trying to teach him how to make traditional taiwanese dishes
only succeeding half the time
they always laugh afterwards and she’ll make something yummy out of what’s left of it
because they’re the only ones fluent in multiple languages, when they get passionate about something they’ll speak in this massive frankenlanguage of korean, english, japanese, and mandarin
hobi once walked in on them ranting about voltron’s 8th season in their final form of polyglotism and was so scared that he just shut the door and left
... he then proceeded to warn everyone else to not go 5 feet near that room
kookie didn’t believe him and is now scared of the power they wield
ok so like they’re supposed to be super responsible but i can totally see them abusing this power for whatever reason and just inflicting pain on everybody else lmao
going for hikes or walks through nature together :]
during concerts they immediately notice if the other looks like they’re struggling and they try their best to help them out in any way possible
whenever he sees her cry he can feel his heart break :(
dad mode: activated! :)
lots of hugs, words of encouragement, and gently running fingers through hair
guaranteed to work 100% of the time :D
however, she doesn’t forget the fact that he’s their leader first and foremost
she’s always seeking some type of approval, especially from him, whether it’s showing him some lyrics she wrote or the beat of a new production project
she always stays with him if he needs help with dancing (*´꒳`*)
or if he’s overwhelmed, she’ll do little things in order to help lessen the load on him
he’s the responsible and mature type of older sibling to her and she‘s constantly thanking him for how much he’s helped her grow and for always looking out for her :’)
「 𝓼𝓮𝓸𝓴𝓳𝓲𝓷 」
the oldest and youngest!
jin was definitely the one that dawn latched onto the quickest when she first arrived
he reminded her the most of her brother back home :(
he tried his best to make sure she was comfortable because he could only imagine how difficult it was to leave everything behind and move to a new country, by yourself, at 10 years old
she fell in love with his cooking and complimented him about it all the time
insert flustered jinnie
these two love cooking, it’s how they first bonded and it’s how they spend most of their quality time together
that, or she’s destroying him at mario kart :D
ok ngl watching these 2 play mario kart can be more intense than watching someone fail tae’s vibe check
”xia i’m sorry but we are not leaving this spot until i’ve won at least 2 rounds”
he taught her well known korean dishes and then helped her surprise the rest of the boys by cooking their favorite meals 🥺
so cute 🥺🥺🥺
ok moving on from food because i’m starting to get hungry
these two joke a lot
she’s probably the only one who laughs at all of his jokes
maybe that’s why she’s his favorite
xiahui’s naturally funny, she’d probably make a casual comment about something but out of context it’d be hilarious and jin would start laughing so hard he’d almost choke on his food ☠️
cue more giggles
dawn loves playing with his sugar gliders :)))
half the time these two are together they‘re acting like a married couple
they’re always making sure the others are ok
it was kind of funny at first because dawn was the youngest by a long shot but she acted super motherly sometimes
in fact, it was pretty easy to forget just how young she was in comparison to everyone because she was always taking care of them
because jin is the oldest, he’s the one dawn will go to first if she has any type of problem
he always tries his best to help her out no matter what
these two would practice singing and dancing a lot together
just like jin, dawn didn’t really have any singing experience before she joined bighit, so they’d often help each other out with practicing their lines
reviewing dances together until it was muscle memory
working too hard and knowing it but continuing anyways because they felt like they were dragging the others down :(
being so tired when getting back to the dorm that they’d just fall asleep in whoever’s room was closest
jimin was gonna ask what movie they should watch but saw them cuddling while fast asleep and snapped a pic before leaving them be
xiajin woke up so confused but then panicked once they checked the time because they were out for 4 hours??? who’s gonna feed the children??? are they starving to death??? and rushing to the living room only to find everyone chilling and eating takeout
there was some food saved some for them so all was good :D
... minus the fact that joon was nervously checking the kitchen every 10 minutes to make sure they didn’t see the evidence of his failed attempt at baked sweet potatoes
these two are just so wholesome so please protect them :(
「 𝔂𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓲 」
if you asked these two about their first interaction, they’d probably laugh because you’d never be able to tell how different it once was
now we all know our boy yoongi is a tiny bit standoffish
but finding out a girl was being added to their group, out of nowhere, was a huge shock to him
he thought that this would ruin their chances of success as a hip hop group
boy was he wrong
he didn’t really speak to her all that much the first few weeks or so because he was so focused on all the uncertainty that was ahead of them
however, that all flew out the window when he quickly grew to realize just how passionate dawn was about music
she seemed to possess perfect pitch, just like him, and could somehow hear melodies and beats in the cacophonous symphony of everyday life
she always wanted to help, whether she was just observing them work, helping them write lyrics, or joining in the production process
but on top of all that, she was a really fast learner
whatever standards anyone had set for her, she completely broke them, and yoongi admired her for that
so when he found himself looking for xiahui one day to ask if she could listen to something new that he had produced, he realized that she had grown on him
he panicked a little because he was supposed to be the intimidating one and how could he possibly have a soft spot for her already, it's only been a month or so
nevertheless, after standing in front of a mirror for 5 minutes to make sure his poker face was perfect and that no, he wasn’t smiling, he asked her if she could help him in the studio for a little bit and her smile afterwards
poor yoongi thought his heart melted right about then
after that, chilling in the studio was Their Thing™
whether it was making beats or just taking a nap and hiding from everyone else, it was fun
yoongi asking dawn to record a demo and then she messes up on purpose to make him laugh :)))
they’re each other’s rock, they’re always making sure the other is fed and well rested because they’re the most prone to locking themselves in their studio for indefinite periods of time
heated conversations lasting for hours on end
taking naps literally anywhere
she brings out his sweet and goofy side, he’s completely relaxed whenever she’s around
the two of them holding hands whenever they’re next to each other out of instinct 🥺
back hugs during concerts!!! his gummy smile is guaranteed plus army loves them :)
dawn is probably the only one with the passcode to the genius lab
she’ll bring him brownies after a long day :]
or she’s playing hide and seek with the other maknaes and yoongi helps her cheat by letting her camp out in his studio
or it’s 4:12 am and he’s pretty exhausted but he’s almost done writing this song
if he could just come up with another minute’s worth of lyrics he’ll be happy... but why is his mind so blank
almost on cue, a sleepy dawn appears! ... swaddled in a blanket with prominent under eye bags :(
yoongi letting her climb onto his lap and snuggle against him for a bit while he threads his fingers through her hair and... yep, she’s asleep 🥺
him softly smiling and all of a sudden feeling a magical burst of inspiration and finishing the song in the next 10 minutes :D
both of them falling asleep on the couch a few feet away because they’re too tired
overall a very soft and pure sibling type relationship, seeing them together is always just so sweet
unless they’re rapping together on stage 👀
then y’all better watch out
「 𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓸𝓴 」
omg hobi time 🥺
this guy
when he saw dawn for the first time he was like “can we keep her???”
he just wanted to squish her cheeks and boop that little nose
absolutely adores her freckles!!! he likes to play connect the dots with them bc he knows it’ll make her laugh
very talkative, even with the language barrier at first
her dance teacher!!! not as strict with her like he was with the others
the guys complain about it all the time, saying it’s not fair, and he’s just like “if you keep attacking me like that i’m making you do the whole routine 5 more times”
dawn kind of struggled with some aspects of hip hop at first
while she was pretty good at popping, the other harsh movements? no thanks
he stayed with her all the time to make sure she wasn’t confused and walked her through everything :)
due to late night dance sessions they end(ed) up eating together like,,, a lot
he always insists on paying but jokes about how dawn owes him like $1000 in terms of food bills
introduced her to different dance styles that might be easier for her to get into, now she’s a waacking, shuffling, and tutting queen ✨
they make their own choreos together just for fun, but never plan on showing anybody else because they'd be too embarrassed or it’s literally just 3 minutes of crack (remember war of hormone?) lmao
dawn thanks him for being there for her all the time :)
... especially during interviews
”i probably would’ve died without hobi oppa here, he’s a lifesaver”
”dawnnnnnnn stop we’re on live tv, i don’t want millions of people seeing me shy”
”but it’s cuTE—“
he’ll try to laugh off his shyness but after it’s done he’ll give her a hug and thank her for being such a good member :(((
always tried his best to make sure she wasn’t too stressed because her smile was one of his favorite things in the whole world and everyone needs to have fun sometimes!
when he saw that she only had brought one small suitcase with her from taipei he flipped because she had packed like,,, one light jacket and that’s it ☠️
”you came to seoul in february with only t-shirts? guys this is bad she’s gonna die what do we do”
fashion hobi mode activated!!! :D
actually, scratch that, i’m pretty sure they were all broke in 2011 so they let her wear some of their stuff until it got warmer
if they’re playing just dance, evacuate the premises
ok but seriously tho, it’ll start off lighthearted and then all of a sudden they just,,, snap
”oh my god hobi stop bodyrolling, it’s distracting me plus it’s not even part of the dance—“
”i’m sorry but did you just say that you find my hips ✨distracting✨”
“nO that’s not what i said—”
“it better be because you’re 500 points ahead of me and i made a bet so i can’t let you win”
cue tae dying of laughter in the corner as kookie records everything
moving on 😃
so most people would expect that when they’re together, they’re loud
but it’s not really like that?
they’re actually just goofy and try their hardest to make everybody around them and each other laugh
or they’re just quietly chilling because they enjoy each other’s company :)
sunshine duo !!! dance duo !!! probably-your-bias-wrecker duo !!!
they’re always trying out new cafes that pop up and shopping at the most aesthetic stores they can find
Stage Presence™
no like seriously
if they weren’t your bias before a concert then they definitely were afterwards
they have an english and japanese study group with namjoon going on :)
she’s hixtape’s number one fan, her favorites are p.o.p, hope world, and baseline
she played them on repeat for a month after they released
they’d always dance to them together and laugh :)))
trivia: just dance was inspired by her :’)
ok i have to switch topics again this is making me too soft i’m sorry 🤧
at first dawn was terrified of rollercoasters and other extreme sport stuff because she had never tried them before?
but after trying them out she absolutely loves them
hobi on the other hand,,,
“xiahui get back here that thing has a 300 ft drop and as your older brother and one of your best friends i can’t let you go on there alone”
“aren’t you coming with me?”
”hell no i wanna live please and thank you”
he ended up going on it anyways and immediately regretted it
now whenever anyone mentions roller coasters his soul just leaves his body
very soft and touchy with each other 🥺🥺🥺
they love playing with each other’s hair omg it’s so cute :(((
she makes a habit of joining his vlives so that he won’t be lonely while doing them :)
super soft and cuddly all the time
when they were in their rookie days, he’d sing her to sleep if she asked because he found it so soft that she liked his singing voice
dawn is the number 1 hype man when he sings
he and tae constantly buy her expensive brands or more fashionable type of clothing for special occasions because she never buys them for herself and they insist that “you’re an angel, you deserve to dress like one”
getting each other little gifts they find cute 🥰
playing with mickey!
also nerding out over harry potter whenever someone makes a reference
the cute sibling/best friends type relationship!
「 𝓳𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓷 」
these two are the annoying best friends
when they first met, they were kind of shy around each other
that, and jimin was low-key kind of jealous about all the attention dawn usually got from the other boys
he hated himself for hating her in such a petty way, especially since it was so unlike him, but that changed shortly after he arrived
he came to the practice room early one day, hoping to have it all to himself for a little bit, but noticed dawn had beaten him to it
she looked like she had been here for awhile now, but something was off
it wasn’t until she turned to face him that jimin saw she had been crying :(
“hey, are— are you ok?”
and boom
friendship acquired! :D
they’ll be so cute and touchy and everything
but then they’ll turn around and have a high note battle at 2 am while everyone else is trying to sleep
but they get away with it because they’re cute ❤️
taking each other’s clothing and dressing each other up because they’re the closest in height and have relatively smaller/more delicate builds than the others
they both speak in tiny font 🥺
he wrote promise for her when she was going through a hard time :(
whenever she cries during concerts he’ll give her the biggest hug and help her finish her lines
hyping up each other’s solos and belting them at the top of their lungs whenever the moment arises
doing contemporary solos together or choreographing their own just for fun!
they’re always taking care of each other whenever they’re hurt, tired, or sick :)
always up to getting her anything whenever she needs it, and vice versa
jimin loooooves showing her off to his other friends
and during interviews
and during variety shows
he’s almost always on his phone in the middle of the night, so whenever dawn can’t sleep, they’ll spend a good few hours texting each other before one of them passes out
this has led to a crap ton of inside jokes, some of them are really stupid tbh
*the ot8 group chat* “hey jimin guess what”
yeah this happens like every other day
whether they’re at interviews, variety or award shows, concerts, restaurants, or just chilling in the dorm, all they have to do is make a weird face and all of a sudden they’re both dying of laughter :)
it’s super cute but other times nobody knows what’s going on
they have a minecraft world together!
correction: they have 50 minecraft worlds together
taekook aren’t allowed inside their servers because they always set everything on fire
minhui get their revenge by forcing them into survival mode and then nuking them with so much tnt their game crashes 😌
friendship am i right
ok but did i mention these 2 are touchy??? because they’re touchy
dawn could be reading a book on the couch and jimin comes out of nowhere to attack her with a hug
or he crashes her vlive just to give her tickles, poke her cheeks, and play with her hair before disappearing again for the next 2 hours
or them filming vlives in cafes and getting dessert frosting on each other’s face 🥺
when the guys use satoori dawn just kind of has this internal conflict of enjoying their deeper voices or telling them that she has no idea what they’re saying
the rest of bangtan found out that she has a hard time deciphering their dialect and now exaggerates it just to watch her suffer lmaooo
jimin using satoori in weird voices to make her laugh :)))
the staff zooming in on her face during run bc she looks like she entered the 5th dimension
someone save her omg
also jimin acting like the sweetest angel during award shows but then getting lowkey possessive when he sees any guy looking at her longer than 2 seconds
jimin: “i shall call her squishy and they shall be mine and they shall be my squishy”
they’ll always buy the things that they notice the other person wants but never speaks up about (i.e. clothing, shoes, a cute keychain, a photo book, a plushie, etc)
gifting things to each other are super common!
polaroid film
a social life
just a super duper wholesome friendship, 10/10 fluffy overload ❤️
「 𝓽𝓪𝓮𝓱𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓰 」
i’d say tae is like all of the ones above, but combined (minus yoongi’s)
he also was like “awwwwwwE” when they first met
pretty much instant friends
that, and he wouldn’t leave her alone
”hey xiahui, where do we go to practice this again?”
“xia, how did you survive living with all these guys for so long?”
”xiahui! what are you cooking? it smells good!”
”xia. xiahuiiiiiiiii. what city are you from? your accent is super adorable! i’m from daegu :D”
ofc he could come off as pretty direct sometimes but she knew he meant no harm
and his boxy smile :)))
he babied her 24/7 until she turned 16 and it was time for bs&t era
then he and jimin were like “aight time to teach you the ways of ✨seduction✨”
rm banned sleepovers for a week after that incident 😔
moving on <3
she was so surprised when she heard his singing voice for the first time like omg get this man his own opera lmao
them randomly bursting out into operatic versions of their songs during concert rehearsals
both were happy the other liked art 🥺
and were weebs
drawing together for hours on end :)
going to art museums!!!
if you tell them about the van gogh one you won’t be seeing them for,,, probably a couple years
yeontan likes dawn better and tae tries to not get jealous but fails
his face of disappointment has become an iconic meme 😔👌🏻
i’d say they both have different variations of a 4d personality so putting them together is guaranteed to be interesting
like tae might be seeing some weird stuff in the clouds but dawn is constantly sleep deprived enough to both agree with what he’s pointing out and to see it in colors???
”omg guys i think i see kermit up there”
”tae what the he—“
”no no he’s right, it’s impossible to miss that green”
whenever they have sleep overs they’re pigging out on takeout, ice cream, and binging anime or the latest kdrama
being super sleepy in the mornings 🥺
or just
not waking up until it’s at least 1 pm
we all know tae can’t fall asleep without hugging something so guess what they doooooo???
they always sit next to each other on airplanes for this reason :)
annoying the hyungs along with the other maknaes >:D
exploring each new place they visit and taking lots of aesthetic photos
taking pictures of the others
without their permission
using it as blackmail 👀
“dawn, look at this photo i got of jimin-hyung!”
“pfffft— he would totally kill us if we posted this”
“yeah, it’d be a shame if something were to happen”
. . .
“... did you just post it?”
cue jimin yelling in the distance
they swear they don’t know why but this is the exact reason why they get paired together so much during variety shows
one of them randomly acting out skits worthy of being in a kdrama and the other joining in without hesitation
”i’ll see you again... elizabeth“
”until death reunites us... smile for me”
”guys i don’t wanna ruin your moment but who the hell is elizabeth”
they match outfits a lot,,,
their scammy grammy outfits? they gonna make the recording academy regret mistreating them like that
concert moments!!!
bias wrecking everyone
the duality 😩👌🏻
harmonizing together!!!
giving each other hugs, holding hands while running back and forth, chasing each other with the smoke gun thingy
being best friends :)
always finding something new to do!
walking together everywhere
down the block
to the river
on hikes
through malls
through markets
even down to the convenience store that’s like 5 minutes away
they’re always making sure the other isn’t lonely :)
when doing vlives they’re just straight up vibing
tae, playing random keys on the piano while trying to make it sound like the truth untold: “chOLaHaE, i’m sO aFraiD“
dawn silently wheezing as she records
”ok now you go”
”it’s easy”
both of them bursting out in laughter at the very first syllable
deciding to stop playing the piano for a little bit and ending up shuffling their spotify playlist
guess which song played first
”but i stiLL wANt yOUUUUUU”
* silence as the chords ring out *
”... i’m hungry”
”can you eat my sadness and existential pain”
”i was going for more of a hotpot vibe but yes”
try and guess who said what
「 𝓳𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴 」
this is gonna be fun
when they first met there was limited interaction
not really talking much because they were too shy :(
it was always kind of awkward when they were together because they just didn’t know what to say or how to react to each other
until one day everyone was just kind of chilling and rm went “guys, we’re out of some stuff so i’m gonna do a convenience store run, kookie and xia, put some shoes on because you’re both coming with me”
yoongi offhandedly said, ”why do you need 3 people to go to the st—
ohhhhhhhhhHH i see”
joon asking them to get milk and immediately leaving them together as soon as they enter the store
they kind of looked at each other and kookie immediately went for some banana milk
”... have you never had it? it’s really good”
”well, what do you usually get”
”um... the hazelnut”
”ok, that actually sounds yummy, too”
”do you wanna get 2 of each? so that we both have one from each flavor?”
and that’s how joon found them sitting out front chatting animatedly while drinking milk
or at least, what was milk
”y’all each drank 2 bottles of milk?”
”where‘s the one i asked you to buy?”
they started panicking and almost cried bc they forgot but rm just started laughing and told them that they never actually needed to go to the store, everyone just wanted the two to interact lmao
and wow did that work
after that they were pretty much inseparable!
like they were completely different people
and everyone babied them sm for it lol
”omg guys look they’re drawing together”
”what? hold on let me get a camera this is precious”
pre-debut xiakook were just absolute bbys
huge doe eyes, confused looks, baby faces 🥺🥺🥺
they went to each other for everything and introduced each other to their hobbies :)
eating together, playing together, practicing together, walking together, they pretty much did everything together
they confide(d) in each other a lot
when he had to go to la for the dance academy thingy, dawn started crying :(
lowkey scaring each other with their vocal ability, but both were placed more into the dancing and rapping category at first
the bridges are Their Thing™ ok like they're the gods of delivering amazing bridges
they cling to each other a lot during interviews, especially in foreign ones
encouraging each other to speak even though neither one of them really wants to talk and tbh same bro
he taught her how to play overwatch and was really upset when she got good enough to beat him
like he would kind of take this deep shaky breath and dawn lowkey got scared
”kookie...? are you ok?”
”... no”
and then he immediately starts chasing her and trying to attack her with tickles or whatever
someone yelling at them to be quiet but then fondly smiling at their laugh :’)
they’re still bunny smiles and doe eyes tho
but like
fake love at the bbma’s was a thing
they make a very good team so when they get split up during variety shows one of them usually complains
usually kookie
the only one faster than jk is dawn... probably
they love playing tag and hide and seek together, so dawn has built up basic competitive jungkook survival skills lmao
the golden duo
they’re both all-rounders so if there was ever a subunit between them, they’d probably be doing the most varied stuff tbh
they love doing covers of popular songs together!
armies expect a new one every other month or so :)
jk has this habit of just randomly picking her up and carrying her somewhere lmao
sometime he forgets that she’s still on his shoulder afdhjwskjdsj
dumb gen-z culture
like someone would go “everything is under control”
and then immediately afterwards kookie is pushing dawn in a shopping cart and they’re both screaming
their v-lives are really chaotic because they could either be answering fan questions and singing along to random songs that pop up or you have xia trying to handle a drunk kookie while they’re both questioning life and existence
”i love korea, our food delivery service is so fast, i’m proud to be korean”
”kookie we were literally just talking about anime what the hell”
on that note, they love watching anime together!!!
their favorite is kimi no na wa (your name.)
they both cried when they saw it for the first time but jungkook won’t let her tell anyone or else 👀
nerding out over anything and everything!
drawing sessions all the time
painting together during in the soop :)
they can somehow telepathically communicate???
nobody really knows how they do it, they just do it
very passionate about their interests and their career, they’re both the type to put everything into their performance until some part of them breaks :(
but they’re both there for each other 24/7 when it happens :)
always making sure the other isn’t alone :)
v v soft and comfortable with each other, speaking in pout and in tiny when someone’s not giving them attention >:(
jk teases her about pretty much anything and everything
he calls her shortie and puts things she needs on the highest shelf on purpose just so he can watch her struggle
he gets jealous if she asks someone else to help her tho lmao
he might be a teasing little brat but it’s literally just for show
if dawn were to open or extend her arms for any reason whatsoever, jungkook just teleports to her location and pulls her into a hug
or he'll try and hide the small smile that forms on his face when she’s near
or he’ll tease her relentlessly when she’s there, but behind her back he’ll talk about her as if she raises the sun in the morning, the moon at night, and put the stars in the sky
he’ll write the most poetic stuff about her (your eyes tell) and then say “this was inspired by an anime i binged last night”
boy stop lying ✋🏻😃
probably the definition of soulmates, how can you not love them they’re just bbys 🥺✨
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jeonsweetpea · 4 years
Babeee I'm so SHOOK after dreading moonstruck 05!! 😳😳 Omg ok but let's start from the beginning. I'm happy that mc's gettin BOMB dick since she's seeing tae again... But I feel like he'd in wayyyy deeper than he leads her to believe. Kinda like when you're SO into someone but you don't wanna scare them away so you just say that casual is fine and secretly hoping that they catch feels as time goes on. And on the other hand!! I feel so bad for poor baby boy koo. Like at this point it's pretty
I’m gonna reply to sections at a time b/c I love you so much for noticing all the lil details. Ahdklfjdlkfdjlk. LOLOL. My thoughts will be in bullet points!
“getting BOMB dick” TRUER WORDS HAVE NEVER BEEN SPOKEN. 😂 Tae is good at hiding his emotions irl, so I wanted to depict that a bit but obviously... you’re so right that he’s in way too deep. He is pining for her love. Lolol.
Clear that he's got feelings for her, but he big-time babie AND the whole complexity of the sire bone is probably still messing with his mind and heart. The part where she accidentally kicks jk's seat while cuddling with Tae and jk sees 🥺 but then she comforts him as they pass the well and he admits to himself that he misses her 🥺🥺 and ok, I'm sorry for doubting the professors HHAHA I trust them more now after they launched their whole operation the second they had a lead on H.O.P.E. 
🥺🥺🥺 That’s me while reading your commentary. MY HEART. JK is suffering, poor baby. Lol. THE DOUBT FOR THE PROFESSORS HAD ME ROLLING. You weren’t the only one who thought that, trust me. Hehehe. 
My FAVORITE part tho... Has to be that bathroom scene where she's talking jk down from essentially eating that human boy hahaha when she softly calls his name and it breaks through his bloodlust for a second. "You can fight it. Come back to me." I LOVE that she's not using the sire bond against him cus she BELIEVES IN HIM!! But then his bratty ass goes "Come back to you? You moved on already. I'll do whatever the hell I want."🙄 & the way she allows him to feed from her and the sensual way he does It!! 
Ahdklfdkjfsdlk YAY, I’m touched that small scene was your favorite part. WOW. 😭💕 Yeah, JK might’ve killed the poor human. RIP. YESSS, she believes in him so much, I love OC 🤧 And of course, JK is true to his bratty nature. He can’t help himself, can he? Ahdklfdjkld. 
"He slowly lowered his face into the crook of your neck, nuzzling his nose into your soft skin... You hear him take in a huge whiff, visibly shuddering afterwards... How long as it been since he's been this close to you?" this totally makes me feel like jk enjoyed holding and touching her as much as he enjoyed the actual feeding. And the way they get PHYSICAL afterwards had me sweating!!! I forget, but does feeding from another supernatural being have a special significance??
Me: If any normal person did that, they’d be such a creep... but this is hybrid JK so it���s all fine. LOOOOL. 
At this point, JK wants to claim her but he’s being such a BABY and won’t admit it!!! So he’ll take his breadcrumbs ahsdklfdjlkflk. 
And I did some research on the show’s wiki before writing that scene but there’s not really a special significance(?). I mean, there are some vampires who feed on other vampires because they were forced to for sustenance and then became addicted to only vampire blood. 
Otherwise it’s just a really intimate act. Pretty rare. 
The part where tae put in so much money and effort into winning the wolf plushie has me SO ENDEARED!! and the fact that jk also won it for her?! He's so sweet (but on the inside) haha I feel like jk refusing to give the plushie to her after hoseok says "you can still give it to her. She can have two." is a reflection of the position jk is in with Tae and mc... Like she can only choose ONE of them. You do SUCH a great job at crafting two competing suitors... It truly is hard to pick between them
Fun fact: I wrote that based on the time Taehyung won Hobi a flamingo plushie b/c he said he’s never seen one IRL. 🥺 ISN’T HE JUST THE SWEETEST???
YUP! You got it!!! I’m not really good at symbolism, so I just write obvious ones. Ahdklfdjsklf LOOL. Thank you for noticing at how I craft the boys! I want to make it hard! B/c that’s how I live my life as a TaeKook stan... I suffer daily. Lolol. 
At this point I'm team mc!! I just want her to be happy!! I feel like the ending is gonna be bittersweet.... Like no matter who she chooses... Someone is gonna get hurt 🥺 I feel like some questions have been cleared up only to make room for MORE questions!! That ending tho! Hoseok's family started H.O.P.E?! Why, are they avenging hobi?? What happened to him... Who turned him?? And why are they trying to kill jk?? Wait was it jk that put dawon in a coma? Such an action packed chapter!! 
Excited To see what happens next!! Sending all my love, I hope you are well!!! 💜💜
AWWWWW, it brings me so much joy to hear you’re on OC’s side! Not many people would say that, but honestly... she deserves the WORLD. And hmm... do I have it in me to make it bittersweet? I’m a SUCKER for happy endings, but for this fic... it’s honestly hard to say. I have an idea, but I think it’ll be more sweet than bitter. Maybe. Lol. 😅
Oh yeah, I opened the gates and let in a flood of more questions. Lmfaooo. 
Lemme give you a lil hint: Hobi was abandoned by his parents. So the “son” that was referred to... isn’t Hobi. It was someone else. 🤭
And it was OC who put Dawon in a coma! One time Namjoon even said, “Let’s not forget the number you did on that one girl. Maybe they came back to get even.”
That’s why OC is so shocked. She had hurt Hobi’s sister, so it would lead her to believe Hobi was trying to get even by pretending to be nice. Seems like he was working with his parents in a scheme, sadly. Part 6 will explain more.
I can’t thank you enough, you have my entire heart!!! TaeKook will have to share me with you! LMFAO. 🥰😘
And thank you, I hope you are well too! Stay safe and healthy!
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on HSS: CA Book 3 Ch. 8
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- I. Loved. This. Chapter. Oh. My. God.
- Megs and Malcolm finding out more about their birth parents (omg British parents!!!)
* Skye telling off her parents (epic)
* The group sleepover (goofy cute)
* Skye telling off her parents
* SKYE TELLING OFF HER BLASTED PARENTS!!! Did I mention that??? Lemme scream it for the people in the back
- you bet your ass I did the diamond scene to tell them fools off, f** the funding for London! Not at the expense of Skye’s mental and emotional health?? Miss me with that bullshit.
- also, Rory and Megs trying to comfort her had me almost in tears. We’re in chapter 8 and so far the writers have delivered on this book exploring Skye’s home situation and shinning a light on the amazing, greatness and wonderfulness that is my goth princess 🖤
- Skye and MC’s friendship makes me cry so I can only imagine that dynamic if you’re romancing her 🤧
- I literally cannot wait until the day Skye is official independent because ppl like her parents and brother are nothing but trash. 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾
- okay moving on 🤣
- bruhh what is my sense of time?? How do we have 1 week left before Spotlite?!?!
- I’m wondering if they’re gonna do a fundraiser??? Or if...someone else will take over funding 👀 (yo Amber, donate a lil sum this way 😂)
- I need to give the birth parent letters their own bullet point
Faith and Allan 😫 excited almost parents who sounded cool and chill and sweet af and I just think about what the twins missed out on. Greg and Rita definitely enriched their lives and loved the twins like their own, and it’s bittersweet to see Megs and Malcolm discover this other part of themselves and this once unknown history. I’m excited and anxious for them honestly
- okie doke, that’s it’s for today!!
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