#mechanic!swk au
fluffypotatey · 10 months
i haven’t seen a lot of mechanic!SWK au’s going around *sighs* have to do everything around here 😤
In Sun Wukong’s 500 year retirement he found many hobbies to occupy himself with
art and animation and game design were a huge hit to help get those brain juices flowing
however, they don’t do much help in actually silencing the racing thoughts in his head (and boy does he have a lot of them! not to mention that he can’t help but notice everything and everyone and yeah sure, being given the title of Bodhisattva is great and awesome but the omniscience part is a little taxing 😅)
anyway, enter cars
more specifically car engines, the machine behind the wheel, the things that actually make these automobiles move and function
those things
yeah so Wukong starts to pick up on a new hobby and it is……car mechanics!!!
Wukong being able to just open up the hood or roll under the car to observe whatever the problem is, to be able to examine and hone in on all the little details that go into making vehicles and it just silences that part of his racing mind
it’s a little similar to how fighting used to do it. where he didn’t need to think of much besides the person in front of him and how to take them down
it was similar. so similar
except, you know, no violence
also, instead of coming home covered in blood, it’s motor oil this time 👍
in this AU, Sun Wukong opens up a mechanic shop. it grows very popular for obvious reasons (or not bc maybe Wukong just disguised himself as a human to avoid suspicions and “yeah no, Monkey King Mechanics is in no way related to the Monkey King because….that guy is just sO cool he inspired this name….yeah”) and soon has franchises all over the city
and Wukong is having a grand old time, retirement is going well, until one day an old broken down kart is pulled into his shop and the driver is begging him to fix whatever is wrong and “just please don’t tell my boss! Dads-I mean, Pigsy will freak if he leans what Mei and I were doing—”
so he agrees to help out the kid (“I’m actually 23…?”), free of charge. however! only if he promises Wukong will get free noodles for a week
they shake on it
Wukong thinks nothing of this encounter until the end of the week (his last free bowl of noodles) and MK ashamedly admits that actually his friend Mei is also a mechanic but he denied her help this time because his boss/pseudo-dad has been able to pick up on her magical signature (because she has a knack for adding fun additional touches like a glider button for the steeper roads) and would find out very quickly that MK got himself into some mischief (again) and MK just didn’t want to be nagged again
which leads to Wukong offering to help teach MK on how to fix his own delivery kart bc 1) he’ll avoid another confrontation about responsibility from Dads- i mean, Pigsy 2) it was just good to know what goes on in your own vehicle “not to mention being able to sniff out the load of bs that some mechanics can give you, making everything overpriced!” and 3) MK was starting to rub off on the guy and Wukong would miss him (maybe. a little. a bit. a lot)
AND THUS brings us to our beloved sunburst duo hanging out as mentor and student once more!!!
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smallpwbbles · 4 months
Wukong being a mechanic in your MK world AU is so funny to me cause I can imagine after all is said and done and our boy gets the therapy he needs wukong just being sooooo incensed, like him going "a mechanic??? A MECHANIC??? I could have been a movie star kid wth????"
MK wrote down some jobs on paper and put them in a bowl and picked at random a thing for SWK to do
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
As a nod to season 5, I can imagine in Wukongverse Old Li is the more favorable in Nezhaverse's opinion(I hc him as someone who was like Yunxiang in youth and paid the price hence his personality.)
If he was still alive I can imagine old Li calling out AU Li Jing despite the power difference.
I love the idea of all the Wukongverse wondering who's the worst/best of Nezha's fathers and begin comparing. Nezha (2019) Li Jing barely makes the "OK" ranking for trying to take Nezha's place when the Heavens did the ban hammer on him and Ao Bing - still not a great father. HiB Zhu Bajie is likely pretending to be the Pagoda King for clout so he's disqualified (never refers to himself as Li Jing or as Nezha's dad).
Soon the many Li Jings are compared and graded against one another - only for Ace (NewGods!SWK) to comment;
Ace: "What about you, tudi? Your dad seems cool." Li Yunxiang: "My dad isn't Li Jing though..." LMK!Nezha: "Rule is best or worst "Nezha's Dad". You're our reincarnation. Your dad counts." Whole Room: (*agreeable mummuring*) Peach: "Ok, it is official. Li Yunxiang has the best Nezha's Dad." Li Yunxiang: "Thanks...?"
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Old Li I feel can be a bit of hardass on his sons, mainly out of fear/worry. They are living in a drought and economic depression, and he doesn't want either of them going down dark paths. Since the NewGods films take place roughly in the 1920s/Republic-era; I wouldn't be surprised if Old Li experienced the horrors of the first world war and was very much like Yunxiang at his age. And unlike the other "Nezha's Dads"; Old Li isn't a lord or a god, he's a mortal mechanic trying his best to raise his sons + his adoptive daughter.
I bet if Old Li was in a room with all the Li Jings (wukongverse shennangians) and saw how they treat their kids, he'd scold them without a second thought.
Old Li: "A god you call yourself, and yet you cannot even soothe your child's worries when he's made a mistake. I worry for you when he becomes a teenager."
May or not proceed to brag about his kids and how proud he is of them despite all the "god nonsense" his youngest has gotten himself tied up in.
The Li Jings are aghast and furious at the gal of this mortal, and ask him who is he to pass judgement on the Pagoda King?
Ace: "He's the father of my tudi, Li Yunxiang. The reincarnated Nezha."
The Li Jings all suddenly pause and stare. This frail, elderly mortal managed to fully raise his Nezha?! To adulthood!? How is he alive!?! How has he managed to control a demon child that brought gods to his knees and nearly kill them times over?!
Old Li, copying a slang he heard from the modern universes: "Skill issue."
Some of the younger Nezhas actually even prefer Old Li to their fathers. He's a bit tough sure, but he's a good man who's willing to make compromises with his kids.
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acoraxia · 1 year
I'm still thinking about your fic that had the yaoguai Undercity. Are you ever gonna do anything with that again? Because it was genuinely so cool. :D And I'm still wondering about MK's POV for that first visit, he probably had so many revelations about Wukong in such a short time. xD
Sorry for the messy ramble i just woke up and it’s 4am haha
The Undercity is still a concept I want to utilize in my AUs and writings! I actually thought about writing a “bible” fanfic detailing the structure of the area and how it essentially works in the LMK universe.
I always pictured it to be a mini realm created to house and inhabit yaoguai, yaomo and yaojing of any kind and keep them away from Heaven’s eyes; as in it wasn’t there for a long time until someone (coughs, two pilgrims, cough) came along and designed it. I actually thought it would’ve been interesting if SWK didn’t create it alone and I know I can’t use the Seven Sages/Kings anymore because LMK wrote them out so I can’t have him say “the snob-nosed monkey spirit king helped me make this” so I had to improvise and decided Ao Lie could’ve helped him.
I imagine it’s—well, Xiaotian shows signs of being able to manipulate mechanical transportations and even create mecha from rock, and then SWK is able to do it, too, so I figured Ao Lie could be a savvy with creating things just like Xiaojiao is with her vehicles. But like… buildings.
And I imagine it’s called an Undercity but it’s essentially this big realm to be able to house so many yaoguai… and those who need different environments too! Demon dragons and sea-based creatures would need a big water area to thrive in so they made an underwater structured area for them, etc.
The reason why Yaoguai fear and love SWK is because they know if they mess up SWK will attack them but they also know if they’re wronged SWK will protect them. It’s quite interesting tbh.
I think I’ll try to write it up in my free time—should be around 4k if anything—and title it “Your demon’s guide to creating an underground city with your best friend (no not that one)” for fun. For SWK to have the magic to create realms or realm-like environments—I can definitely see that and I am shocked people don’t play with that concept more often because I am 100% he could do it if he set his mind to it.
But, yeah! Thank you for the question actually it really made me happy someone was interested in the Undercity haha
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cryptic-underground · 2 years
Red Son - Sitcom AU
Finally able to think about someone other than Sun Wukong or Macaque in this au, props to me!
Humor aside- I've been thinking of nothing but Red boyo so y'all get spur of the moment things about him for sitcom, though I can't promise it to be angst free- enjoy!
Is either high honors or principal's list in terms of grades (somewhere between 85-95 is his average)
He is so stressed all the time, my guy needs to chill
Gives himself his more homework in hopes of becoming better
Puts most of his self worth into getting good grades similarly to how he does in the show with schemes
Rich boy/girl, not necessarily the spoiled kind but definitely was a little entitled at the beginning
Has a curfew
Parents are the type to blow up her phone when their even just a few minutes late to coming home
Mk and Mei add him instantly to a group chat when they first meet
Says it's to communicate about their project without needing to be in first but it's mostly used to send memes, much to Reds dismay
They grow to find comfort in the group chat when she's having trouble with his parents
Gender fluid because ofc
Has a lot of books comprising of many different genres
Textbooks through the years, books they got to use for projects, a lot of ones on mechanics and engineering as well as just general science stuff
Is a big science nerd!
Mostly a big fan of chemistry and physics
Swk is still his uncle like in jttw but the ties between the bull family and wukong are complicated (talk about it in another post since it isn't red related)
Pif and dbk are still not good parents in this(at least until what would s3 of the au), I don't want to completely rewrite them since I want this to be close to lmk canon
I'm just going to have them be a tiny bit different
They are very strict to red and belittles him when he gets even a bit lower grade than expected
Red is very uncomfortable being touched by them like in the show
Mac is also kinda his uncle but they only briefly met when she was really young
Sucks at most art things, when they have to do an art project they tend to do something with mechanics
After she started hanging out with Mei and mk more frequently, and not just for school projects, he would try to find ways to show they were worthy of being their friend
Doing a lot of favors whenever they needed help with something, asking if they needed something fixed, using his allowance to buy them gifts or food as a way to convince em to let her stay
Is a stickler for rules and regulations
Will call someone out if they cheat at monopoly, will have them restart an entire game because someone broke a rule
Comes over to mks house whenever they hang out, the trio rarely go to red's or meis house
Mei and him confide in each other about their strict parents
Is one of the few people in the group to have a fashion sense
They got the pretty genes your honor
Gets acne breakouts from being overly stressed
Has multiple pairs of glasses in her bag incase they forget their usual pair at home
Is the type to go to sleep at seven or eight at night and wake up at like five in the morning
Is solely a tea drinker and refuses to drink coffee
Believed for the longest time that coffee stunts your growth
Has a full skin care routine
Puts hot sauce or something spicy in pretty much everything
Hates most cold foods
Literally heater
High pain tolerance
Very picky and tends to stays to a lot of their safe foods
Has MK and Mei's favorite and least favorite food memorized
Has said foods ready at her house when they're planned to visit
Will comment on how childish a show is, watches ironically to make fun of it in more detail, them finds them self hyper fixating on the show
The one that brings the shopping list to the store
Once mac gets redeemed, is thankful to have another person with a brain cell to converse with
Tutors mk sometimes
Struggles with basic money math but is able to do complex calculus in her sleep
Has given their two friends a scare because they went on a book reading binge and was too hyperfocused to answer their texts for a week
Phone background and home screen remains whatever the default was when he got the phone, doesn't see the importance of changing it
Until Mei stole their phone and changed everything, it was something he liked but still
Has one thing from every hyper fixation she's had in a box in their closet
Even though he's a heater, puts on thicker/warmer clothes at the briefest sign of fall or winter
She needs to set an example for the rest
Sandy's pets love them in the colder months, especially the cats
Owns both the girl's and boy's uniform for his school
Somehow extremely hated and liked at the school
Is far sighted(can see things that are far away) and has astigmatism
Can only sleep when their body is a plank and doesn't move in her sleep
Can cook since he gets left alone at home quite a bit
Is oldest out of the trio
Tw for the next few///
Hits self when frustrated or really angry
Picks at skin until they bleed
Has forgotten to eat or sleep for days because they were trying to perfect a project
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junsei-draws-rotasu · 2 years
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ROTMNT: Leo being Macaque makes so much sense considering how alike they are. And as much tempting that is, I’ll still go for Mikey because I literally just want Wukong to be so freaking confused on why Macaque is acting this way, why is his successor this way? Did the admiration he’d been watching from the boy be different? MK never have any signs of resistance on magic/mystical stuff. Buddha, his master didn’t teach him for this type of situation.
TMNT 12: Leo being LBD is such a cool concept! That’ll be fun to write. That or I can make him the hostess for LBD(Trans Fem Leo fr). Because I really don’t want to change LBD since I can’t figure out how to snap or bring Leo’s memories, so why not Bai He. I could’ve gone with Raph since the whole being controlled situation, but you saying Leo makes me fee obsessed with it
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TMNT 12: Another cool concept. Macaque and SWK being reincarnations of Leo and Raph? Something I would love to see, but fitting much in the same AU is a no-no since it’ll change the Timeline and that’ll be a pain to deal with.
But in another AU and if I somehow figure out milk the angsty relationship between the two monkeys with the turtles, like—Since there’s two sets of memories, obviously things would be different, meaning whoever is SWK(tbh either of the two could be), they won’t challenge the Celestials… Although they’re likely to steal some things… and breaking and entering the place too
Donnie could fit Red Son with the engineering RS has done, but Donnie is a biologist than a mechanic in 2012 version. Like I said, I’ll just get characters or a new egg for the brothers. When I finally catch up to S4 of LMK, who knows what kind of sad or crack idea I’ll get
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scover-va · 2 years
* slams hands on table* do you have any swk hc for ww au?
*slams hands on table with you* Yes I do. Theyre below the cut bc, like always, it got a bit long
Half blind due to radiation, hence the darkened eye. It LOOKS like he stabbed his eye out, but no. He's faking for cool points. He wants to sound badass. It just kinda melted out (which is probably more cool sounding to some people, but. WK is stupid)
Said 'close confidant' mentioned in his description would be Mr. Shrewd, obviously, except Mr. Shrewd's a regular human guy in this
And also the old gay men are still married in this au <3
Well. Were. Mr. Shrewd's dead. So.
WK met the married couple post-radiated transmutation, so he was already sentient
Mr. Shrewd let WK tag along, bc WK was like,,,the equivalent of a 12 year old
Very happy family dynamic. As happy as you can be in the middle of an apocalypse, anyway
Mr. Shrewd died when WK was ~16-17, and it happened in the middle of the night, and Mr. Squarrel and WK cant really. Come to an agreement on how Mr. Shrewd died
Mr. Squarrel insists it was health issues, WK is convinced that 'No, he woulda told me, you're lying and hiding something!'
WK stayed for around 2 or so weeks before running away in the middle of an argument. Neither of them have been able to locate the other since
Semi-immune to radiation. Not in the way that it wouldnt badly affect him if he got radiation poisoning again, but at least it wouldnt hurt again
Any ego he has in this is PURELY him faking it as a coping/defence mechanism, theres no popularity boost that would influence this behaviour. Hes just an angry and grieving teenager (17)
He ends up being pretty good friends with Rocky!! Theyre around the same age (Rocky's ~16), and everyone else is an adult. So.
WK is fairly good at keeping Rocky entertained while Rust's busy, given the fact that; A) Same age group, and B) WK knows several games to play that Mr. Shrewd taught him once
And on the flip side. WK doesn't like Rust
Not because of anything Rust himself has done, WK just. Looks at Rust and gets reminded of what he used to have. A part of him knows this is kinda stupid and selfish but the other part is, again, an angry grieving child who's going through a lot
Also doesn't like Chandrelle but that's just how the dynamic is in any au tbh
Really just wants to be safe again
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
So we've seen how entanglement swk and maq's relationship is super great
What about the others?
Mean nezha and swk and Mk and meis relationship is a no brainer. But what about nezha with the trio or redson with Mei and mk? Was he not at all annoyed about being kinda kidnapped?
one of the fun things about this au is that space is so big and theres so much happening all the time that most of the small points i make would probably be several episode plotlines if it was a show. when they 'kidnapped' red (thats what he calls it when hes annoyed) it was more like he and mk were both hiding from guards and ended up running in the same direction.
red had been at a conference with his parents but he left to go mess about in the engines of the space ship bc hes interested in the mechanics of it.
when he was down there he met mk who was dressed up like an engineer, and red starts asking mk questions about the specifics of the engine, both of them desperately tying to pretend theyre allowed in there. when an actual guard showed up both of them skeedadled and it escalated to them being shot at very quickly.
they end up overhearing part of a conversation on the way out, uncovering a plan the guards had to kill red son so obviously they agree it isnt safe for red to return until theyve worked out what the fuck is happening and stopped their plan. this means mk and meis online persona are extremely wanted for a little while, but even after its sorted, dbk and iron fan are pretty miffed
as for the question on how they get along, i put some bullet points under a cut
(all platonic):
mk + mei: gets on amazing, we know this
mk + red: theres definitely fights but theyre almost always red taking something too seriously, and they work very well together
mk + nezha: nezha thought mk was kind of annoying at first, but he grew on him real fast
red + mei: when red first got on the ship, he thought the fact that mei talks to herself constantly was the most annoying thing, but now hearing her background chattering makes him feel safe
red + nezha: these two fight the most bc theyre the most serious and both misread tone sometimes. they work together well though, and nezha really helped red figure out some finer points of his fire powers
mei + nezha: both sort of disliked the other to start off with but then bonded heavily over a love of coding and knitting
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unseelie-robynx · 2 years
Even more Tethered AU from discord so Mac and SWK are fighting about... something, but the tether gets brought up and Mac, knowing how on edge SWK is about it, is like, 'Fine, I'll just go tell your kid that the only reason I'm here is because you're forcing me to be' or something like that, lashing out at SWK's whole abandonment issues and his guilt over everything and SWK panics and is like NO, and reaches out and chains Macaque down in place but then a NEW one comes up and wraps around Macaque's throat and now he's physically incapable of talking about the chains without SWK's permission. And SWK is freaking out because he somehow made this worse but also he doesn't want Macaque telling the others so he's not actually willing to try and undo it and he feels awful that he's not trying but he that doesn't change his actions.and Macaque is actually scared for the first time in all of this and actually wants to start doing something about the tether for the first time but it's too late and he cant And now there's the added effect that SWK can accidentally cut of Macaques ability to speak at all if he's not careful. Like, instead of just subconsciously setting limits on how far away Mac can go, he's also able to like, pull the one on his throat tight and shut him up if Mac gets too annoying so in addition to learning SWK's moods and how much proximity he needs to be in, Mac also now has the trauma response of figuring out if he's even allowed to say anything in a given situation or if it's better to keep his mouth shut so as to not have the pain of his windpipe getting crushed and just like how he usually stays close just to be safe, he ends up not talking a lot anymore, just in case some angsty fall out of that, since Macaque is a lot quieter nowadays, but also seems happier. because despite how messed up things are, they're still better than where he was and he just... gets used to this added level of whatever and tries to move on and focus on the good things and the others start to think that the loud snarkyness was like, a coping mechanism, and his real self is more quiet and introspective or somethings. Which... isn't wrong but not to this extent and just them thinking that somehow Macaque's latest trauma response/ avoidance mechanism is a good thing is fun and painful
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fluffypotatey · 10 months
I thought mk mentioning mechanic Mei would end up with Mei being wukong student/being given a job. Any chance of that?
well, Mei’s already a master of her craft 💅✨ she already knows how to handle any vehicle placed in front of her as well as to how to make it even cooler and more badass. most of the time she’ll just work on her own bike, maybe help tinker some stuff with Sandy or annoy tf out of Red Son (who is more particular about his craft and like to give themself a set of rules to follow or even design the rules herself!)
if Mei were to interact about Wukong with cars, it would be to share her insights or hear his and what either would do in their shop/garage (or come to each other if stumped by a specific project)
also, Wukong’s methods on how he fixes cars is…..something….we’ll call it self-taught, but though Mei does trust Sun Wukong being capable of fixing and fine-tuning any automobile placed in front of him, she just cannot find it in herself to trust him with her babies
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fluffypotatey · 10 months
Normal Macky or graffiti artist macky
graffiti macky, obviously
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
hey y'all, just spit-balling, what if i combined my lmk human au and mechanic!swk au
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months
[The Egg/MK's magic signature is weak enough in the early months that Erlang takes a look at Wukong and Macaque together with a baby on the way like; "FINALLY! They did it!"]
Hey, now,...
My OCS would definitely be laughing at the story, even Jiyu, who still has trauma regarding the celestials..(Hua Jiao and Xci Nicco too I guess but they don't remember their trauma—[not disregarding their trauma tho, trauma is trauma, even if they repressed it])
Akino would BUST down laughing, literally on her knees, struggling to breathe. Carmela would try to be respectful but her wife is just DYING in the corner just absolutely (MA)CACKLING (I'm so sorry, I needed to take the chance for a joke—)
referencing how Erlang found out about MK in the TMKATI au.
Erlang's eye sees all, but not with full context. He legit thought SWK was so bummed about "The Harbinger"-incident that he went and secretly started a family as a coping mechanism. He's not dense, just happy for his old sparring buddy - and ofc the "Congrats on the Sex" cake was a gift from him and the Plum Hill boys.
I feel like Wukong tells that story just to see his friends and/or in-laws crack up at the bluntness of the celestial general. Probably has a photograph of the incident; Macaque staring daggers into Erlang as he's handed the cake, while Wukong smiles awkwardly (Tang took the photo). Cake was half-eaten by Xiaotian Quan when it "accidentally" fell on the floor (Mac wanted to check if it was poison).
DBK bellows with laughter everytime he hears the story.
MK only hears the story for the first time when he's a teenager (and long before shadowpeach admit he was a magic comet-baby).
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