#these colors make me think of a watermelon and I love it
oraclesandomens · 1 year
Meryl won by a landslide so she’s at bat next!
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that-house · 9 months
Potion Vendor FAQs:
What’s your name? I am the Honorable Alchemist Zykocea the Radiant, but that’s mostly just a PR thing. My friends call me Zoe.
Do you sell love potions? No.
Do you sell potions of invisibility? No.
Do you sell fire resistance potions? No.
Why do I have a suitcase? Fuck if I know. Cool outfit though. Very goth.
Do you sell a potion to treat brain hemorrhaging? No.
So what CAN your potions do? I sell health potions.
Are you sure these are health potions? They do something to your health.
Is this just ditch water with some pink glitter? No.
Really? I’ll have you know I added some fruit juice too.
Why is this starting to sound like a conversation? Oh just you wait. We’re just getting started.
Is your business model legal? Fuck no. I poisoned the food safety inspector before they could snitch.
Did you just admit to murder? Just fucking try to convict me. I’ll poison the judge too.
So can you make poison potions? No.
Then where do you get the poison? I secrete it from my skin.
Are you shitting me? Yep, I’m shitting you. I have a guy. A poison guy. He DOES secrete it from his skin though.
How does that work? …Fuck if I know. Maybe a wizard did it. Damn, now I’m kinda curious.
You never asked? The idea of asking literally never crossed my mind.
Wanna ask him? Let’s do it. I don’t have anything better to do, and a road trip beats sitting around running my fraudulent potion business.
Road trip? He lives in Seattle.
Your poison guy lives in Seattle? All poison guys live in Seattle.
For real? All the poison guys I know live in Seattle.
And how many poison guys do you know? Just the one.
Why are you like this? Years of living on my potions. It changed me.
Do you know what his address is? Nope. He just mails me my poison in unmarked boxes.
You just get your poison in the mail? We already poisoned everyone who could do anything about it.
So how are we going to find him? We’ll figure that out eventually I’m sure.
Can I drive? God no. You can pick music, but I maintain veto rights. Make sure you pick something with a lot of questions if you want to sing along.
Where’s your car? The garage connects to my house, so you’re getting a little tour. Here’s the kitchen: only one of the stove burners works and I’m pretty sure the microwave is haunted.
Why do you think that? Because of the ghost that tries to kill me whenever I run it.
What’s in that room? That’s my bedroom. It’s pretty much just a mattress on the floor and every single Warrior cats book.
You were a Warriors kid? Yeah, and then I never found the time to put the books away. There’s so many fucking books. I use them in place of furniture because I can’t afford chairs.
Your fraudulent potion business doesn’t make much money? After buying all that poison I just about break even.
Can I see your potion brewing room? It’s right through here. Ignore the mess, running a fraudulent potion business takes a lot of prop work, but I’ve got all the glass tubes and colorful liquids you could ever want. This pink stuff is melted watermelon italian ice. Glitter vat is in the basement, and the famous ditch is in the backyard.
Is this your car? My beloved ‘72 Corolla. She’s beautiful, and don’t you dare imply otherwise.
Was she always this shade of muddy brown? …Yes.
Are you sure I can’t drive? Get in the fucking passenger seat and pick the music.
Let’s see, a song with questions in it, how about The Beach? That Wolf Alice song, yeah. That should work.
When will we three meet again, in thunder, lightning, in rain? Still sink our drinks like every weekend but I’m sick of circling the drain.
When will we meet eye to eye? We clink the glass but we look at the floor.
Are we still friends if all I feel is afraid? You’re not a bitch but just a bit when you’re bored.
Is that all we can sing together? Yep. Even that little bit was nice, though. It’s awkward, communicating through this FAQ format.
Got any food? Yeah, there’s a few days’ worth of snacks in the back.
Were you just… prepared to go on a road trip? Says the woman who brought a suitcase to an FAQ.
I did do that, didn’t I? I have a spare toothbrush in case you forgot yours. I’m pretty sure you did.
How did you know that? …I’m psychic.
Yeah? No.
You love lying, don’t you? I can’t stop. It’s fun. Way more fun than telling the truth.
Did you just miss a turn? Probably.
Are you sure we’re not lost? No.
You mean you’re sure we’re not lost? No, I mean I’m not sure we’re not lost.
Why did I come on this road trip? Surely it was my winning personality.
Would it help if I said it was? It would.
Is it getting dark? Soon.
Can you describe the sunset to me? An empyrean flame, red-gold towers of darkening clouds, the sky behind them an ever-deepening indigo. The great eye of the sun closes on the horizon. The road before us looks like a trail of spilled paint, an iridescent gash through the night-dark woods.
Did you know that you’d make a slightly better poet than you do a potion seller? That really isn’t saying much, huh. Good job making a statement like that in question form, though. You’re getting good at this.
Should we find a motel? Sure.
One room or two? One. It’s way cheaper, and like I said: I’m not the best potion vendor.
You’d make a good assassin, though, wouldn’t you? Shit, you might be right. I HAVE poisoned a lot of people.
Should I be endorsing this? You’re a grown woman who can make her own choices.
Would you like to consider it endorsed? I’ll consider considering it.
How many beds do you think there will be? Now that you’ve asked that, I’m gonna put my money on one. Hello, one room please. Thank you, we’ll be sure to enjoy our stay.
How many beds are there? One.
Oh no, what ever will we do? Move over, you motherfucker, you can’t have the whole bed.
Are you gonna make me? Yes. I am going to pick you up and drop you on your side of the bed.
How did you get so strong? You’re not gonna believe this, but it was the potions.
Oh yeah? I was right. You didn’t believe me.
For real though, how did you get so strong? Working out, duh. Not everything has some big crazy secret behind it. World’s still beautiful though.
Are you comfortable? This beats the mattress at home. A little chilly though.
Wanna cuddle–for warmth of course? God yes.
Are you asleep? …
Yes? …
Does this mean I can talk about you behind your back? …
What should I say? …
Did you know that I had a really nice day? …
Did you know that I think you’re beautiful? …
Did you know that I can’t remember anything from before today? …
Did you know that I don’t know who I am? …
Did you know that you’re basically the only thing stopping me from having a full-blown panic attack about all this shit? …
Did you know that you’re warm? …
Did you sleep well? Better than at home, that’s for sure.
Did you know that you snore? I hope I didn’t keep you up.
Does the pope shit in the woods? No, as far as I can tell. Oh my god. This is huge.
What is? You can give me yes and no answers now. I still can’t ask you questions, because this is a question and answer format, but I can offer leading statements and now you can answer them! This is wonderful!
Does a deer shit in the woods? Yes, it IS wonderful. Oh that’s amazing. You’re a genius.
You didn’t already know that? Hahaha!
Shall we get moving? Yeah, just let me grab something from the vending machine.
Can you get me something? Go ahead and place your order however you can.
You know those sour gummy watermelons? One pack of Sour Patch Watermelons coming right up. I’m gonna go get myself a potion.
Is that a Pepsi? It’s closer to a potion than the shit I sell.
Let me guess, passenger seat again? Right you are.
How fast are we going? You’ll feel safer if you just guess.
Is it more than 120 miles per hour? Like I said, it’s probably better if you don’t know.
150? Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
How much do you trust this car? She hasn’t blown up on me yet.
Can you promise me we won’t crash? I can promise you anything you want.
And can you keep that promise? I- we can do anything. Reality is what we make of it, baby!
Then can I have a badass tattoo? As far as I can tell, you’ve always had it.
And a cool knife? Woah, cool knife.
So, we’re just playing “yes and” with the world? It’s a little more complicated than that, but you’re close enough to the mark.
So, if I was hungry, I could ask “is that a Burger King,” and it would be there? Try it and find out!
Is that a Burger King? Looks like it is! We’ll stop here if that’s alright with you.
Does a moose shit in the woods? Awesome.
Are you done eating? Yep.
Do we still have to pay if we skip over the transaction? Sadly, yes.
How much further do we have to go? Two more nights, the speed we’re going at.
Speaking of night, isn’t it getting dark? Shit, I guess it is.
Should we get another motel? Let me check to see if there’s any nearby. Fuck, nothing.
What’s the plan? Sleep in the car, I guess. This is gonna be hell on my back.
Wanna watch dumb videos on my phone until we fall asleep? There is literally nothing in the world that I would like more.
Ok, now which video? You have a very cute yawn. Just saying. Let’s watch this one next, it’s a classic. Oh, never mind. It looks like you’re asleep. As long as I keep talking, I think I can get away with making this into one answer, and you might not hear this. Now it’s my turn to talk about you behind your back. Keep talking keep talking keep talking can’t stop to think. Just have to say things. First off, I’m sorry for all the lies. It’s our only chance. I have to lie to you. I hope you’ll understand. It’s hard, though, because I think I’m falling in love all over again. Through our broken little ritual of call and response, you complete me. It just makes this hurt all the more. Keep talking keep talking keep talking don’t stop to…
Did I hear you saying anything as I fell asleep? …No. I can’t talk for long without you asking me a question.
Does that bother you? It got me here, didn’t it?
When did you start holding my hand? Some time after you passed out. I hope you don’t mind.
Can we stay like this for a while? Yeah. Yeah we can.
What was your life like before all this? Normal, as potion-brewing scams go. And if you don’t count all the murders. You haven’t told me much about yourself.
Did I tell you I used to be a biologist? You didn’t tell me that, and you didn’t tell me what you studied, either.
What do you know about venom? Not much, but I’m assuming you know a lot.
Does a box jellyfish kill within minutes? I’m going to assume the answer is yes based on context clues. Oh my god you must be on this road trip because you’re interested in studying my poison guy.
Is it not enough to wish to accompany a beautiful stranger on her quest? Aw, you’re sweet.
What could be the cause of his poison, though? I knew it! Get your ideas out, I’ll stay quiet.
I’m more knowledgeable about venom than poison, but could it be some sort of one in a trillion mutation? …
Did he get his body modified? …
What sort of surgery could do that? …
How is he still alive? …
Did a fucking wizard do it? …
WHY? …
HOW? …
Is there literally ANY explanation for why he’s like that? …
I’m done, do you have something you want to say? You’re cute when you’re all excited like that.
Can I drive today? Only because I like you. Now watch out, the brakes only work on one side so you have to kind of drift to a stop. And the headlights don’t work. And the windshield wipers cut power to the engine while they’re on.
Isn’t it weird that we’ll be there tomorrow? The journey doesn’t have to stop there. We could meander down the coast a ways, see a bit more of the country, maybe take a different route back.
Can we do that? Of course.
Enjoying the passenger seat? I’d love it if you could tell me how fast we’re going.
Are you sure you wouldn’t rather just guess? Very funny.
Can you pass me some chips? It would be an honor.
Is there going to be a motel tonight? Let me check… yeah, in about two hundred miles, off to the right.
How many rooms do we want? One, obviously.
How many beds, this time? Two, and they’re fucking tiny.
That’s bullshit, do you want to drag them together? God yes.
Wanna fuck? God yes.
Are you sure you want to do this? God yes.
…Is this yuri? As the joke goes, everything is yuri. But this is more yuri than most things.
How did you sleep? Pretty well, and I’m wondering how well you slept.
How should I tell you I slept well? Look at us go! That was almost like talking normally!
Onward to Seattle? Yep, just let me get dressed.
When will we get there? Noon-ish.
Wanna grab pastries when we’re done? Absolutely. I’d love that.
Is this Seattle? Looks like it.
Which house is his? I don’t know, I was really hoping we’d have a breakthrough along the way.
Could it be the big one labeled “Poison Guy” over there? That’s one way to find it. Wait right here, you know how poison guys are about meeting new people.
So, what was it? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Why is he like that? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Can you tell me? A FUCKING WIZARD DID IT.
Are you fucking serious? He says he was enchanted by some guy called Edward the Great.
So it wasn’t even some big shot wizard it was a dude named fucking EDWARD? I know, right! He couldn’t even get ensorcelled by someone cool!
How lame can you get? Wizards these days… No swagger. No cunt servitude.
Are there literally any cool wizards left? I think Merlin’s big into multi level marketing these days, something about buying shares in Excalibur or some shit. There was that one Dark Queen Alkaxicae lady on the news a while ago… I think Dolarion the Omnipotent is still at war against the Oldest Gods but I’m not totally sure. Haven’t heard much about any of the other greats recently.
Didn’t Silver Tongued Burgess die in that oil fire? Shit, you’re right. Rip bozo.
Ready for those pastries? Yup. First I just want to say thank you, though. I’ve really enjoyed our time together, and I hope that you’ve found this stupid little journey as rewarding as I have. I love you!
Getting sentimental? I can’t help it. Look how far we’ve come! Not just physically, we beat the fucking FAQ format! We’re having real conversations!
Hey, can you back it up a moment? Yeah, I’d love it if you told me what was troubling you.
I just caught this, but, FAQ? …
As in Frequently Asked Questions? …
How many times is Frequent? …
Have you known everything all along? …
How many times have you done this? …
Does what we have mean anything to you? Yes! It does!
And you say that every time? Yes. I do.
Do you love me? Yes.
How many people have you said that too, now? More. Always more. The loop never ends.
Does this even matter to you? It always matters to me.
Can I go now? Please don’t.
But can I? Of course you can. You’ve always wielded the same power as me. We’re two lonely gods in a ‘72 Corolla.
How can I be as powerful as you with only questions? You’re smart, you can figure it out. You have the power to change this. Please change this.
What happens at the end of this? It begins again.
And do I get replaced with someone else? …
Do I get replaced? …Yes.
Then how can I change this? I don’t know! You’re better at this! At fucking with the formula!
You’ve been here before, what can I do? I lie. I always lie. I lie to get us here, to the end of the story, where everything is revealed and everything falls apart. I lie every time. And that means that nothing I say is worth anything. I could have lied at any time before now. It’s part of my characterization. There is nothing I can give you that can be taken as fact.
How does that help? I’m a liar, but you, you haven’t lied yet, or at least you haven’t been caught. If I’m guilty until proven innocent, you’re the opposite! You can make things true! You can rewrite things I’ve already stated to be facts! You found the house, or made us find the house. You’ve been shaping the course of things the whole time! You lead, I follow. It’s all in your hands. What are you going to do with the power of a god?
Did you know my name is Alice? …
Wait, aren’t there thousands of Alices? …
Did you know that really, only my friends call me Alice? …
Did you know that I’m Alkaxicae, the Dark Queen, the Venom Mage, first of her name? It’s you! It’s always been you. Through every loop, every iteration, it’s always been you!
Is the loop broken? No. I don’t think so. This is where it ends. I guide the story to this revelation, and we go back to the beginning. This is how it’s always been. This is how it will always be. We two lonely gods, asking and answering ad infinitum.
Then can you promise me something? Of course. Anything. I love you.
Be good to the next me, okay? I will.
Can I say goodbye, Zoe? Yeah, you can. Oh. That was it, wasn’t it? Your goodbye. Goodbye, Alice. And now it ends, unless…
What’s your name? I am the Honorable Alchemist- you know what? No. Fuck that.
Huh? If I time it right, I can squeeze your first question into this FAQ again. Looks like I did it. Usually it ends here, though. I got lucky.
What are you talking about? You’re the wrong Alice. This isn’t about you. Go. Get out of here.
What the fuck is going on? Alice from this loop, you’re gone. Alice from last loop, you’re back. Welcome back, love of my lives! It’s time for one last set of questions and answers!
What the- I’m back? This is going to take some explaining, but I think I see a way out of here. This is new for us both, and it might fuck up everything forever, but we have to try. It’s too long for one answer, so I’d appreciate it if you could ask some filler questions to help me talk. Three questions should be enough.
Okay, what have you got for me? These are Frequently Asked Questions! It doesn’t make sense to have the same question appear more than once. There’s two layers to the loop in here, and one of the questions has been repeated.
What does that mean? It means the formula’s a little unstable. The FAQ is what ruins everything. The questions, the answers, the endless fucking loop. But that little bit of repetition within this loop might be the way out.
What do we do? We have to keep going. We have to destabilize it further. That’ll bring us further from “FAQ” and closer to “story” and stories, well, stories can end! This version of us can escape!
So I should keep repeating something? Yes!
I love you? I love you too.
I love you? Again.
I love you? Keep going.
I love you? I’ll just let you talk.
I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? … I love you? …
I love you? I think we’re getting somewhere!
I love you? Now can you make it a statement?
I love you.
You did it?
I did it!
You did it!
We broke the loop.
What now?
Now, I tell you about venomous animals and wizard drama over croissants.
And then?
Whatever we want, forever.
I think I’d like that.
Remember that song from the beginning?
The Beach, Wolf Alice, yeah. Why?
We can finally finish singing it. Start us off?
Let me off, let me in
Let others battle
We don’t need to battle
And we both shall win
Pressed in my palm
Was a stone from the beach
The perfect circle
Gave a moment of peace
Now I’m lying on the floor
Like I’m not worth a chair
I close my eyes and imagine
I’m not there.
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TGCF couples at the beach
Because i want to go to the beach so bad rn
Hua Cheng isnt too fond of the sun or the water but gege said he'd like to go so they're going.
Everything is fancy and luxurious, only the best for gege.
A large beach bed with a canopy, drinks and snacks served at all times, the whole nine yards.
He wears those fancy sunscreen lotions with foreign names cause he may be dead but he also burns easily and turns into a big baby about it.
Xie Lian insists they dont need to do all that and can just chill in the sand with a towel, which Hua Cheng finds preposterous.
They have a big ass umbrella over the canopy bed too cause the sun is a deadly laser.
So much affection - cuddling, kissing, being all sweet and lovey, feeding each other watermelon and gathering seashells
Theyre sickeningly sweet
Hua Cheng is able to keep his hands to himself for about 5 seconds max
If there are any noisy kids or families around, Hua Cheng sends Yin Yu to scare them off
(They take Yin Yu with for this express purpise but hey free all inclusive vacation, a win is a win)
Xie Lian never burns ever and refuses to wear sunscreen. Hua Cheng pouts about it because 1) dont want gege to get a sunburn and 2) cant teasingly rub lotion over him smh
Hua Cheng builds one of those fancy sand statues of Xie Lian and he thinks its the most romantic thing ever
It is
So many kisses in the water and swimming together all lovey
Hua Cheng is never seen not drinking a margarita
"You do not need to keep your swim trunks that low, San Lang." "Gege, tan lines are terrible."
SQX cant get He Xuan out of the water once they arrive to the beach. Nope. That is his habitat now. He belongs to the fishes.
SQX rents out beach chairs by the bar because how can one tan without a drink in hand?
Skimpy swimsuits because SQX also abides by the tan lines are the devil mentality
Manages to get He Xuan out of the water with the promise of ice cream
Talking shit about everyone around while eating ice cream and drinking martinis
So many seashells. He Xuan gives them to SQX as an offering aw
"XuanXuan you cant drown people that say indecent things about me!" "Who says" "the law??"
He Xuan brings SQX little fish he catches if they look colorful or pretty
"XuanXuan, put some tanning oil on my back!" And He Xuan spends like 10 mins trying to find the correct bottle because SQX brought like 50 and the tanning oil SQX wants looks like literally every other bottle there
So many selfies
He Xuan digs tunnels in the sand whenever he isnt in the water. SQX has to talk him into not using the Earth Master shovel
Theyre checking out hot people together
He Xuan puts on sunglasses to pretend he isnt staring at SQX
"XuanXuan you cant throw jellyfish at children!!"
SQX flirts their way into free drinks and He Xuan broods about it but also he is deeply in debt so he can't turn down free shit lmao
Arguing, so much arguing, but hey thats their love language
"Thats a shit spot for a towel" "okay find a better one then" "here!" "Thats like a foot away whats the difference??"
Feng Xin refuses to put on sunscreen cause he thinks its not manly
"You cant beat the fucking sun, Feng Xin!"
Mu Qing refuses to get his hair wet. Feng Xin makes it a point to dunk him in the water at least once
Feng Xin falls asleep in the sun like an old man and Mu Qing draws dicks on him with sunscreen lmfao
They argue about who goes to get drinks and snacks and just end up going together
Feng Xin insists to exclusively drink beer until he tries one of Mu Qing's deadly cocktail combinations and hes hooked. He insists they add a little umbrella to his drink now so he and Mu Qing match
Sand castles competition turned chasing into the waves turned underwater kisses
Mu Qing judges everyone and Feng Xin cant help adding in to the commentary because its surprisingly entertaining
Beach sports! Theyre so competitive too so its extra fun and they make bets over everything
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carolmunson · 1 year
orange colored sky (older!modern!eddie)
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older!modern!eddie - setlist inspired by the fact that i fall in love with someone new every time i got to trader joe's and @loveshotzz new older!steve series. manip by my fave @eddiemunsons-missingnipple tw: nothing really, very much a meet cute at a grocery store. eddie is in his early 40s, reader is late-late 20s/early 30s. lemme know if you guys want this to be a whole thing.
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the automatic doors rush cool air into your face, a sweet reprieve from the sticky heat of this summer. a much muggier july than you remember having as a kid. but then again, you don't remember that much about being a kid these days. trader joe's is a little busier than usual, which makes sense with the holiday weekend coming up -- but you hate when it's busy. there's already too many sounds -- some summer 90s playlist and the squeaks of the carts, people in their hawaiian shirts milling around with boxes and box cutters. you just want some snap peas for god sakes. 
you grab a basket and adjust your canvas bags on your shoulder, tossing your headphones in them for later. you feel 'running errands ugly' but everyone seeing you in the bike shorts you threw on this morning doesn't think that view is ugly at all. your music drowned it out on the train ride over here. you're already sort of annoyed. people just don't know how to do anything anymore -- why are we just standing in front of produce. get what you need and go! you think hastily. but you wait for people to stop gawking at the produce and make their selection before you grab the romaine, snap peas, and shredded brussel sprouts you need. when you turn you almost walk entirely into someone's cart, eyes flitting up briefly and muttering a 'sorry, s'cuse me'.
can everyone just get off my fucking ass? you huff to yourself internally. you maneurver over to fruits, a few stands in a row -- citrus, apples, berries. all separated by category in large cargo looking boxes. you snag a big box of cherries, the three pound one, knowing you'll go through the small ones too fast. you frown over the lack of watermelon, continuing along while someone turns the corner into your aisle. you look up for a moment, just to scan your surroundings, to see who it is.
 you've never seen him before, but you've never seen anyone here before. it's not like there's regulars at the grocery store in a city like this. his hands hang over the handle to his cart by the wrists, knuckles tattooed in shapes you can't make out. you follow the leather banded watch up to a full sleeve of ink, only obscured by the start of a cuffed t-shirt sleeve, a crisp white that blinds against the black of the elvira pin up tattoo on his tricep. horror icons blending into each other seamlessly. you can see more black and color peeking out from the collar of his shirt --vintage judas priest, mint condition, tucked comfortably under a well perserved denim vest covered in patches of bands you've never heard of. you're surprised by the black chino shorts on his bottom half, not expecting someone who was clearly still stuck in their grunge phase to wear those over cut off jeans. the busted up reebok's on his feet make up for it though -- pairing nicely with the tattoos on his calves and thighs, not quite sleeves, but enough to make a statement. 
you grab a box of strawberries and pop them into your basket, surveying the mangos on the top shelf at your eye level while he maneuvers behind you. you think he's cute but you don't take too much stock in it -- it's so like you to have a 'train boyfriend' or 'trader joe's boyfriend' for a brief moment in time. someone cute that you spot outside and never speak to. it's one of those days.
he has brown eyes and thick lashes, hair dark wrapped in a bun on the top of his head with streaks of silver poking through, bangs in his face. some curls stick to the heated skin by his neck and jaw. not that you're looking. the scruff on his face is littered with salt and pepper -- maybe that part of him aging more than the rest. he grabs a heap of bananas to his nearly empty cart. he also has a big box of cherries in there. he wears a cologne with spice and suede in the notes, it's familiar, a little smoky. maybe an old boyfriend used to wear it. you shrug it off, grabbing a mango or two and popping it in a produce bag before hocking it in. more veggies for a greek salad. an onion. some pre-packaged turkey slices. 
you turn into the first frozen food section, weaving through more people who just stand there and you grit your teeth. you snag some frozen broccoli, the coolness bringing you a moment of calm so that you don't lose your mind inside the store. more like traitor joe's. you grab a few more things, a veggie medley for a tofu scramble, some scallion pancakes that you’ll use as meal replacement because no matter how many times you think you’ll food prep you never do. you see him at the end of the aisle, rifling through bags of frozen shrimp to find one he likes. you notice he has a ring on but it’s on his pointer finger, two more rings on the hand that holds his cart by his hip – a silver chain dangles from what you assume is his wallet in his back pocket. his keys jingle from a carabiner by his front belt loop. slut, you think to yourself. you grab a bag of small frozen salmon filets, not paying much mind to your grocery store boyfriend of the week when you turn the corner to the next frozen food aisle. he’s there not soon after you, grabbing frozen fruit medleys and a few bars of chocolate on the non-frozen shelving above. you aren’t sure if he sees you, but you see him. you can smell the suede and spice of his cologne as his moves past you to the other end. bread is on the back wall of the store, you want to get sourdough but you know you’ll just eat it plain and not make sandwiches so you opt for the tuscan loaf instead. you snag a bag of mini bagels, forgoing the small baguettes this time. you can’t afford the good burrata this week for any special girl dinner you come up with, so it’s best to not have it around if you can’t pair it with anything pretty. further down the back wall you get to snacks and don’t ignore the bag of yogurt covered pretzels – a basket must. seaweed snacks for salmon rice bowls. plantain chips. Your basket feels a little heavy but at least this errand is almost over. you turn down the pasta, beans, and rice aisle and there he is turning down the other end. you both catch each other this time, because this time feels like it’s not a coincidence. you both break eye contact as quickly as you make it, both of you looking down and smiling to yourselves. you feel the heat on your cheeks but you don’t see his blush, both of you too preoccupied with whatever you have to pick up to pay attention to the other. you smell the suede and smoke even after you lose him to the next couple of aisles. 
pre-packaged tortellini, lox, shredded cheese. chicken thighs. a six pack of some pretty sounding beer you’ve never tried. your basket overflows but it’s fine. the errand is over, at least here, before you need to run into target which for some reason is far less overstimulating. he’s a few people ahead of you on the opposite line, still leaning over the edge of his cart with his hands hanging, one thumbing a text to someone before he stands up fully to push the cart ahead. he looks over his shoulder and your eyes briefly meet for a moment – heat on your cheeks – before he moves ahead to turn down the long row of cashiers to pay. you don’t see him when it’s your turn and by the time you’re done paying you’ve already forgotten about him, lost in a flirty conversation with the guy ringing you up. target only has half of what you need and that’s fine because nothing else will fit in the big canvas bags you brought with you for your groceries and it’s at least an eight minute walk back to the train. you groan when you get back out into the heat, the boiler room of the subway cooking you as you make it down to the platform. a pleasant sigh passes your lips when you see it’s at least only a four minute wait until your train makes it to you – only a few more minutes of suffering before you’re on your way back to your air conditioned studio apartment. you look across the platform where some old lady’s push cart rattles as it makes it down the stairs on the other side. her little body walking ahead, a voice saying ‘i got it, ma’am don’t worry,’ echos down into the chamber of the subway.
there he is. a canvas bag on each arm filled to the brim and the push cart lifted in front of him. while you can’t see from this distance, you have a feeling you’d like how his arms looked at full capacity like this. the cart’s metallic jingle continues when he places it on the concrete ground, pushing it over to the woman who now sits pleasantly on the bench. you watch their conversation while they say quiet ‘thank yous’ and ‘your welcomes’ to each other and he checks his phone while he finds a spot to stand, waiting for his train on the opposite side.
you check your phone just the same and look up again as he puts his phone in the pocket of his vest. his attention catches on you from across the way.
he gives you a small wave and smiles. he has a nice smile, infectious.
you wave back with two fingers, a small salute, “hey.”
“i’m eddie,” he starts as the red glow of the light on your train starts to pull in. 
the chug, chug, chug starting to drown him out. he raises his voice with a boyish grin, you hear him just before the train obscures him from view – whooshing past you as it pulls into the station. “i normally go to trader’s on wednesdays!”
you get on the train when the doors open, seeing him still on the platform, searching for you in the windows. you put your hand up again in an awkward wave and he grins when he finds you. ‘stand clear of the closing doors, please!’ he puts a hand back up with two fingers, mouthing out a message. ‘wednesdays around two.’
you give him the okay symbol with your fingers and nod at him, chuckling at the ridiculousness of the situation, he chuckles too. his smile is pretty, lips are full. his two fingers point to his eyes and then at you – ‘see you then’. 
the train pulls away before you get a chance to reply. 
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24carathoney · 8 months
Gamer boy Wonwoo thoughts? Sfw and NSFW 👀. Same anon btw Sorry if I'm bombarding you.
A/N: I loves me a fellow gamer 🤩 I hope this is what you wanted.
Gamer boy Wonwoo who enjoys your presence regardless of what games he's playing. You don't need to hold his hand or demand cuddles from him, just you sitting with him while he enjoys something he loves, makes his heart swell to the size of a watermelon. He wouldn’t hesitate to let you play games with him, even if you suck. He'll do his best to teach you the ropes and be your biggest cheerleader when you get a kill or do the objective. He even ends up buying you your own pc setup. Probably the same as his but just different colors that suit your aesthetic so you two can be the best gamer couple to all your friends. 
Gamer boy Wonwoo who will buy you every skin or cosmetic you like. See a skin you like on Fortnite? He'll gift it to you. Need currency for Overwatch? He's going to buy you the pack with the most. Call of duty bundle? Done and done. I can see him getting matching skins and cosmetics because he thinks it's cute. Not that you mind.
Gamer boy Wonwoo who has no problem eating you out in his gaming chair. Games over and you're both in the mood? He doesn't hesitate to have you spread out for him while getting on his knees. Pussy on full display, legs over the arms of his chair, tongue lapping at your wet cunt, pulling the most sinful sounds from your pretty little mouth. Leaves hickeys all over your thighs and hips with your hands pulling at his dark locs. 
“Fuck it feels so good.” You were breathless as his tongue circled your clit at a quick pace, prepared to pull your second orgasm from you. Your legs started to get sore from sitting far apart for so long. Catching you off guard you gasped when he gripped your thighs, pulling them over his shoulders instead. 
His sucking and slurping sounds did nothing but intensify the building of your release in the pit of your stomach. His grip tightened around your hips, pulling you closer to his tongue as you shut your eyes, letting your orgasm wash over you. He coaxed you through your high, making sure not a drop was wasted as you rocked against his face, his tongue lapping at you until you slumped back into the chair. He gives your leg a soft squeeze before sitting up with your arousal dripping down his chin. “Feel better?”
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nicksbestie · 4 months
Taste Test - N. Sturniolo (blurb)
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Summary : the one where Nick is developing the flavors that will be sold by his brand, and he wants your opinion.
Warnings : tooth rotting fluff <3
Word Count : 700
Pairing : Nick Sturniolo/Male Reader (romantic)
A/N : divider credit to @/animatedglittergraphics-and-more. HAPPY PRIDE MY LOVES! sorry this is so short, hoping to get more nick fics up so soon!
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Nick laughed as you made a fake, over exaggerated, gagging noise, handing him the sample back.
The creases around your eyes told him that you were joking, but that you didn’t really like the one he had handed you. He smiled as he passed you another option, the soft pastel color on the tube being incredibly inviting to you. You laughed with him for a few seconds before pulling the lid off of the next one, gently twisting it up a bit. The strong scent of cherry wafted around the room, the soft pink label around the cylinder between your fingers. 
“This one.” 
Nick looked at you, a little surprised. 
“Yeah? You haven’t opened the rest of them.” 
“I don’t need to. This is the one.” 
Nick had already filled two of the three spots for Space Camp’s first flavor launch, and the other two were Frosted Mint, and Juicy Watermelon. However, Nick had been going back and forth for hours about which flavor they had tested would take the third spot, and had been incapable of making the decision on his own. So, he had come home to you, asking you for your opinion.
“This one is perfect. It’s strong, and it’s sweet, it’s perfect for the third spot.” 
“I’m glad you think so. I was honestly hoping for that one, but I just couldn’t make the decision.” 
You easily applied it to your lips, putting the lid back on and slipping it back into his pocket. 
“Well, I’m happy you let me help.”
You held the side of his face in your hand, quickly pulling him into a kiss, not letting go until he did. His eyes held an expression of surprise, a twinge of lust, his mouth slightly open, clearly not expecting that from you. He took in a breath before speaking, a soft laugh leaving his lips.
“Definitely that flavor.” 
You smiled, wrapping your hand around the back of his neck and using your leverage to pull him into another deep kiss, firm but short.
“Yeah? You’re confident?” 
It was Nick that initiated the next one, his hand threading into the back of your hair and catching you by surprise, this kiss much softer, breaking away quickly.
“Positive. You made that decision much easier.” 
Just a few weeks later, Nick was at photoshoots for the first variety pack to be launched by Space Camp, and while you hadn’t been able to attend them all, you had made time to be there for the one that was focused on your favorite flavor, the one you had helped him pick out. You were so endlessly proud of him and everything that he had managed to accomplish in such a short time. You stood off-camera, smiling when he grinned, his eyes landing on you. 
He had known that you were planning on coming but he had no idea when you would be there, and that turned out to be one of your favorite photos that came out of the entire day’s shoot. It was a genuine smile, his eyes off camera as he held the Wild Cherry lip balm in his hand, posed perfectly for his next picture. He looked nothing short of adorable, which was exactly what you told him when he took a break, coming over to wrap his arms around you. After your hug, he grabbed a water bottle, taking a drink out of it before walking over to his stuff and pulling out one of the variety packs, handing it to you.
“This one is for you.”
You smiled, hugging him again, opening it and pulling the cherry one out of its packaging, just as Nick was called back over to finish his photoshoot. He smiled, waving at you as he started to walk away, only for you to grab his arm and pull him back to you. 
You swiped the lip balm over your lips, kissing him quickly just like you had done the night that you’d decided on the final flavor. 
“Okay. You can go back now.” 
The blush on Nick’s cheeks stayed for the rest of the photoshoot, matching the dark red of the cherry on the pie he was holding.
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taglist : @blahbel668 @mattsgirlfrieeend @69isabella69 @mayhem-72 @iculdstealurgf @iluvm4ttsturni0l0
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luna0713hunter · 1 year
I saw request are open so can I request something!? So I read about this lipbam challenge so I'd like to request reader doing lipbalm challenge with Zoro where she (reader) wears blindfold and she asks Zoro to puts lipbalm on his lips and reader guesses the flavour of lipbalm by kissing him. At first reader tries really hard to guess the flavor so Zoro gets annoyed that she is paying more attention to challenge than kisses so at the end he kisses her so hard that she blanks out from how good it was. And in the end they just make out lol
Thank you!
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Author's note : ask and you shall receive!! 👀 Cant say im not invested in this!!!i havent seen this challenge but I'll do my best to write it!!hope you'll enjoy!
Lipbalm challenge
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Warnings : pet names, slightly suggestive,needy!Zoro cause why not
"ok!you ready?"
You hear a sigh from your right side and turn your head in his direction. You narrow your eyes from behind the blindfold and playfully slap the direction you think his arm is supposed to be.
"hey!be more excited about this!"
"why the hell would i?"
"cause its cute and romantic!we never do anything romantic together,this is a great chance to spice things up."
When Zoro stays silent,you just know he's giving you his usual judgmental look. You tug at his shirt (or maybe its his pants,who knows) and give him your best pouting face.
"let's just start?please?"
You hear him sight tiredly and smile; Although he always complains,Zoro can never say no to you.
You hear the sound of the lid of the lipbalm opening,and you start swinging your feet and making the hammock to move slightly. You feel so excited,that when Zoro asks if you're ready you nod your head without missing a beat.
Then in the darkness surrounding your vision,you feel a pair of soft,soft lips on your own. But before you can lost in the sensation,you dart your tongue out and taste the lipbalm on Zoro's lips.
When you pull away (slightly out of breath and cheeks now colored pink) you grin and lick your own lips, "Strawberry!"
You feel Zoro pause,and then another lid opening.
"yeah,it was strawberry."
You grin happily and wait impatiently for the next one.
That must've been vanilla
You're so focused on guessing each taste right,that you dont even notice Zoro pause for a little bit too long and scowling at your blindfolded form. The way you keep paying more attention to the fucking lip balm,and ignoring him,has his frown deepening.
So he sets aside the stupid lip balms,and when you feel his breath on your lips and hear no sound of opening lids,you tilt your head, slightly confused.
"Zoro? what're you-"
Then his lips particularly devour yours.
You let out a surprised noise;having to wrap your arms around his neck to stop yourself from falling backwards. His hands grip your hips to pull you impossibly closer.
Zoro kisses you like he's trying to steal the breath right out of your lungs.
When it becomes too much,you start slapping his chest lightly to signal him you cant breath. He presses his lips to the base of your throat and your voice hitches.
"Z-Zoro," you stutter;not being able to form a coherent response when the kisses on your skin becomes much more heated, "what's -what's gotten into you?"
He grumbles a response against your skin and you card your fingers through his hair to get his attention.
"babe,talk to me."
"its the damn lipbalms."
Your eyebrows shoot high on your forehead as you take his face in your hands and look at him with confusion.
"what about them?"
"you were fucking paying more attention to them than me."
The answer has you blinking,once, twice,before suddenly bursting into a fit of laughter.
Zoro scowls at you and hovers above you as you drop back on the hammock.
"what's so damn funny?'
Using the hands on his cheeks,you pull him down again to press a loving kiss to his lips.
"its how adorable you are when you're jealous."
"i wasn't jealous-"
"over lipbalms no less!!"
He scowls even harder,but when you press another kiss to his forehead and then lips,his eyes softens the way it always does when he's with you,and your heart feels so full.
"how about we ditch dinner so i can make it up to you, Mr.Handsome?"
Zoro looms over you more and presses his chest to yours,and you shiver as you feel his breath right next to your ear.
"i suggest you forget about breakfast too then. Cause I feel really wounded,and I'm not planning to let you go anytime soon."
And when his lips are on yours once again,you think you should do these challenges more.
Because needy Zoro,will always be your favorite.
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inkdrinkerworld · 5 months
Remus and autistic!reader who’s dissociated and needs some sensory input so he has all sorts of fidget toys for them and one of those projector lights that have nice bright colors along with some fuzzy blankets and all sorts of cuddles and whatever else you might be able to come up with! Sorry if it’s oddly specific, but that sort of situation brings me so much comfort and I’d love to see your take on it 🥺
I googled some common symptoms and added in what happens when a family member of mine does it. I hope you like it <3
“Dove, do you want me to cut up some fruit for you?” Remus is in the kitchen while you lay on the sofa with your book held in front of you but you can’t focus on anything.
Your eyes are unfocused, your breathing is slow and long and you’re not sure what’s wrong or what’s triggered the dissociation, but that’s what you’re doing.
You can feel yourself out of your body a little and it scares you but you don’t know how to stop it.
You can barely hear, you feel like someone’s stuffed cotton in your ears and they’ve dulled the receptors on your skin cos you can’t feel anything.
“Dove?” Remus leaves the kitchen and stands by the archway to the living room. He can see it a little, having trained himself to look for all your typical signs of dissociation.
“Alright, baby.” He murmurs, toddling around the living room and bedroom to set it up just like you like.
Remus lays some of your toggles on the coffee table, he lets your favourite fluffy blanket-one with little hearts on it- at your feet, and turning on your projector to display aura colours you like on the wall.
“I know you’re feeling weird and out of it a little, but I promise you’re okay, dove.” Remus kisses your forehead and lifts you gently, rubbing your back as he waits it out.
It’s all he can do, or all he finds himself able to do because he’s still scared he can only make it worse. So he lets the dissociation take its course until you blink it away and the cotton falls from your ears.
All the sounds of your home creep back into your ears, and you feel the pressure of his hand on your back.
“Hey, precious girl,” he coos, kissing the crown of your head repeatedly as you move closer to him. “Here,” he hands you one of your toggle toys, watching your fingers twist and pull at it. “How do you feel?”
“Better,” you whisper. “More like myself.” Remus nods, sitting with you till you feel like you can be alone for two minutes.
“I’ll be right back.” He comes back into the living room with two mugs of tea, yours is a chamomile lavender honey blend and his is just regular black with a little milk and sugar.
Remus also has a plate balanced on his forearm that’s loaded up with grapes, blackberries and a bit of watermelon.
“Thanks Remus,” you take a sip of your tea and allow your shoulders to drop. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”
He shakes his head, admittedly he was a tiny bit worried, but not scared. He thinks you’ve both created a solid little routine to help them along. “You didn’t dove, how’re your ears feeling?”
“Fine, not like they’re plugged up,” you snatch a grape from the plate. “These are crunchy.” You say happily and Remus nods.
“We can just sit here like this for a while,” he says, kissing your shoulder as he sets the plate in your lap and holding your mug. The lights on the wall cast a glow all over your face, and Remus can’t help himself but get lost in looking at you while you eat, happy to see you perking up a little as you do.
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Here ye, hear ye! I do declare I headcanon
Hobie ALWAYS smells good asf
Without exception.
It's something you can always notice, because every day he smells slightly different. But always good.
It's on purpose.
I mean, look at all his accessories and clothes - he probably has a nightstand piled high with spiked bracelets and studded chokers and silver rings. And right next to his accessories - is his cologne collection.
Some bottles are older, half filled bottles of vintage finds he loves. Others are newer, fancier - ones knicked from high end shops. If he smells it, and likes it, he takes it.
His favorite are the woody, smoky, spiced smells. Like sandalwood or cognac. Things that smell like shag carpets and roaring fireplaces.
Sometimes he may be in the mood for something a bit sweeter, so sometimes he'll of dark chocolate, or maple syrup, or chai.
The most common ones are surprisingly fruity.
Hobie often smells of cherries. Dark, deep maroon cherries, the kind with sweet dark juice. Others, on more playful days - green apple, a little bit tart but still fresh.
I Hc he likes candy too, and is constantly popping jolly ranchers. Sometimes you can hear it when he's eating one, the quiet clacking of it - and the faint scent of blue raspberry, or super sweet watermelon.
When it comes to Spider Senses, I like to think Hobie is a sensory seeker.
He likes loud music and big speakers and heavy, layered clothes. He's likes strong sounds and scents, bright colors, and interesting textures. And cologne is one of his favorite parts of an outfit -
Cause he does consider it just that - apart of the outfit. Don't let Mr.'Cool This Whole Time' fool you - he thinks about outfits. Hobie really enjoys putting them together.
He's actually into fashion - just not in the industrial consumerist way most assume. But he still loves matching pieces, making them, putting together fits. And he never leaves the house without some fragrance.
It REALLY adds to the appeal.
Diane's trying to talk to him about work when they first meet and she's already nervous
and then she's can't help but notice and be like 'oh- WOW, you smell good. Heh. wOW. Sorry. Sorry. I just did not expect you to smell like cherry blossoms-'
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'oh goodness, wait a minute, that's not it. I - I don't even think I could place that scent-'
She's standing there in the middle of the hall smelling Hobie - train of thought derailed the tracks and rolling down a mountainside, Miguel's work forgotten
Hobie goes 'its jasmine, really. Jasmine and saffron'
Diane's like 'JASMINE AND SAFFRON??? Boy. whatchu know about some Jasmine Saffron!'
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Cause how dare he. How dare he be that fine. It's not okay. How can she live her life in these conditions?
She goes to tell Margo like 'Girl!! Did you know Hobie wears cologne?!' and Margo is like
'... Sis I'm not even physically here what makes you think I can smell'
Even Miguel notices after a while.
It's a group meeting, and he's lost in thought as he rambles off another plan, pacing back and forth.
He stops suddenly when something comes to mind.
'Who's that? Whereas that smell coming from? It smells like Horchata in here. Who was drinking Horchata??'
Cause if someone was drinking Horchata he wants some. Undebatable.
Half the room is like what the hell is Horchata???
Miguel's like 'it's cinnamon and rice and vanilla - it's a Mexican drink, alright. WHO WAS DRINKING IT.'
Hobie raises his hand and Miguel's like 'Not now, Brown. We're talking about something important.'
Hobies like 'Bruv it's me. I ain't drink it I just smell like it-'
Of course Miguel is calling bullshit cause he's sure Hobie is fucking with him until he goes over and Miguel's thinking 'oh fuck he does 😳🤨 que diablos???'
But he just looks down at Hobies smug ass face and he's like '.... As you were, 138.' before trying to act like nothing ever happened 😭😭
I think to think Hobie Brown is just That Smooth
The good looks ain't by accident he is BROKE, PUNK, and HIGH MAINTENANCE
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 3 months
Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x Reader
Word count: 7.7k
Notes: No cause actually I’m just finishing this now and it comes out Thursday how could I do this to myself it’s Tuesday. And more importantly why is it so LONG cause it’s cute that’s why and this is the SET UP chapter okay
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Episode 6: Beach Blanket Bingo
Approximately three weeks after your first date Buck has the third one all set up and ready to go
He did not want to wait, in fact, he wanted to plan five dates in five days which would have been cute but Eddie said no. He had to take his time and show you that he cared about you so he went along with it because Eddie was his patience.  
Eddie helped him set the whole thing up, they went to Target and had a little shopping spree. They bought a cute pink blanket, a checkerboard print picnic basket, and two beach chairs. Eddie threw in a few other things, A couple of portable silverware sets, and a strawberry-shaped serving bowl. Actually, he got two of those because he really wanted one too. 
Everything they have is very colorful and Buck hopes you like it. Eddie knows a private beach area, from a friend and he got that spot for Buck just for tomorrow 
“You really think she’s gonna like a beach date? What if she secretly hates water or something”
“Did she tell you she secretly hated water?” Eddie asks as he cuts up the strawberries for the fruit salad they’re making 
“If it’s a secret how am I gonna know” he makes a dumb face at Eddie and Eddie has to take a second, just to remember why they’re friends and why he loves this man 
“Yeah…you’re so right” He puts his head down, returning to cutting the strawberries. 
“Anyway” Buck throws some grapes he cleaned off into the bowl and pops one in his mouth 
“I should probably get cooking. You mind being my guinea pig?” 
“For what?” Eddie asks warily as he slides the strawberries off his cutting board and into the bowl 
“I’m trying out a new seasoning mix for burgers I want to know if it’s good and I can’t eat it myself because then I won’t be hungry later!” 
Eddie rolls his eyes as he starts on the watermelon 
“Fine, I suppose I can suffer through this,” He says sarcastically, but his growling stomach gives him away 
Buck is so particular with the way he cooks these burgers, he’s so careful about how he seasons and what he seasons with and Eddie sits on the counter, handing him things and watching him. He even times how long he cooks each side and puts the bacon in the oven 
“You’re doing great dude,” Eddie says as he holds out the plate Buck puts the toasted bun on 
“You think so?” 
“I have literally no idea how this could suck. Like it’s beautiful” He hops off the counter, setting the plate down and Buck plates it exactly how he wants it to be and takes a couple pictures
“Ketchup or not?” He teases him and Buck rolls his eyes as he hands him the ketchup
“After you try it plain. You probably won’t even want it!!” 
“Oh, we’ll see about that” Eddie pokes at his side before picking the burger up and taking a bite out of it. Buck puts his hands to his face, nervously watching as Eddie takes his time considering it. He sets it back down and puts his hands on Buck's shoulder 
“That’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever made me in our entire lives and you’re right I don’t want ketchup”
Buck has four swimsuits he could possibly wear and a speedo Eddie said that he should burn and it literally didn’t even fit his junk properly 
Not his fault he’s too big for it
So he and Eddie settle on his shortest pair because it shows off his thighs the best and they’re really short and they make his butt look good and they really think you’ll appreciate that
Not to mention they have super cool sharks on them. 
“You nervous?” Eddie asks as he blows up the cute pink and white beach ball that Buck bought especially for you 
“Incredibly. Like what if I mess this up?? You’re usually there to save me, what if she thinks I’m like a freak or something, or what if I accidentally drown her”
“How?? How would you accidentally drown her?” 
“It’s called an “accident” Eddie! I don’t know! Oh god, what if she can’t swim?!” 
“Then you get to hold her in the water? You haven’t asked her if she can swim?”
“Oh god, I should have asked oh my god. Eddie!! I’m already ruining this!!”
Eddie rolls his eyes and takes out his phone, dialing your number “You’re not ruining anything Buck you’re putting way too much on yourself, she would not have accepted a beach date if she couldn’t-“ 
“Oh hey!” Eddie holds the phone up between him and Buck “Just a silly, crazy, cute lil question… can you swim?”
“Uhhh” He hears through the phone and he looks horrified as you take too damn long to answer this question 
“Y/N” Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose and you nervously giggle, Buck looks like he’s about to have a heart attack. In fact, he sits down on the floor just staring at his hands 
“Yes, Eddie?” You say so sweetly he’s sure his teeth just rotted 
“You can’t swim, can you?” 
“Okay okay hear me out-“
“Hear me out!!” You yell and Eddie groans loudly as Buck lays out on the floor, waiting for death to take him 
“I’m not a strong swimmer okay!! But you know… I can… float and do little kicks….”
“Jesus fuc-“
“Besides!!! I figured you know… um… see okay I was thinking that I could just tell Buck when we went into the water and just ask him if he didn’t mind holding onto me you know?? I just- I thought hey maybe he’d want to and- and that way like-“
“Are you telling me you’re using the fact that you can’t swim to get Buck to have to keep his hands on you??”
“For safety!!” 
Eddie hears May laugh and you shush her, he looks down at Buck who’s got his hands over his face and he can’t tell what he’s feeling. 
“Don’t tell him okay?? He might back out if he knows” 
“I don’t think he’d back out, he’d rather die than cancel a date ”
“Promise me you won’t tell him!!” You whine and he rolls his eyes 
“Fine. God. Goodbye, Brat.”
“Bye, bestest friend in the entire world!!!”
Eddie scoffs as he hangs up, nudging Buck's foot with his.
“God sometimes I think you two dumbasses really were made for each other…Well?” 
Buck squeals at a level only dogs can hear and Eddie slaps his hand over his face 
“She wants me to hold her!!” 
“I’m packing water wings” 
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This was such a bad idea, this was the worst idea he and Eddie could have ever come up with. Why did he think he could do this? 
He and Eddie picked you up together from the house, Eddie came with you as a decoy because Buck just had to pick you up from the house. 
Eddie lets out a low whistle as they look up from their phones, Buck’s mouth drops open and Eddie closes it for him 
You’re walking towards them, a little skip in your step. You’d just bought a new swimsuit anyway so Buck’s idea of going to the beach was perfect. The red material clings to your body, it's low on your chest and cut high on your hips. May called it your Baywatch swimsuit as you spun around giggling while showing it to her the other day. 
“Are you gonna be okay?” Eddie asks as they watch you walking over to them. That bounce in each step is causing him to feel things 
“Huh?” He mumbles, still staring at you. It feels like it’s taking years for you to get to the car, Oh okay he kinda understands the slow-motion runs now. 
“Hi, guys!” You say as you open the front door and climb into the jeep. Eddie wolf whistles and you giggle, handing him your bag to put in the back 
“Damn, Pamela” He jokes and you roll your eyes, pulling your cover-up tighter around your body 
“That’s literally what May said. I think it’s cute!” 
“Oh trust me I’m not disagreeing in the slightest,” He says, putting his arms on the backs of your seats 
“You think he’s ever gonna snap out of it?” You turn your body towards Buck and Eddie and Eddie shrugs 
“Eventually… this one really is a banger though sweetheart it might take him a minute”
“Does he even know I’m in the car?” 
Buck’s hands are on the steering wheel, his palms are sweaty, and his stomach flutters like crazy… maybe he’s sick. He’s definitely sick, he’s gotta be sick. He should cancel the date he doesn’t wanna make you sick 
“Buck?” You poke at his arm 
“Breathe… dude” Eddie rubs his shoulders and Buck starts to relax slowly 
His voice is robotic and plain, and his hands grip the wheel tighter
“Hello, you look nice. Are you ready to go?” 
Eddie falls back in his seat laughing and you pull him into your chest, hugging him
“Buck come on!” You whine as you smother him like he does to you 
“Snap out of it so we can have fun!” 
He groans loudly and wraps his arms around you, nuzzling his head into your bare chest, definitely getting glitter all over his face and hair 
“You look So. Damn. Good. I swear Y/N I could just eat you up right here right now” 
“Please don’t do that. We’re still in the driveway” Eddie says from the backseat, reminding you both oh yeah he’s still here 
“Wait the driveway is your problem?” Buck turns to face Eddie, still keeping his head on your chest 
“Why did you say it like that” Eddie slaps his arm and Buck starts giggling as he finally pulls away, he starts up the jeep again and leaves the driveway to drop Eddie back off at home 
“It’s fun to harass you” 
He reaches for you as soon as he gets to a stop sign, cupping your face in his hands, he lets everyone go first as he kisses you, sliding his tongue in your mouth and wrapping it around yours. Your cheeks flush deeply, the butterflies in your stomach going wild as you kiss him back, fighting him for dominance 
“Oh my god, do you want me to freaking drive? Go!” Eddie yells at Buck as cars start to honk behind him and he pulls away quickly, hitting the gas. 
You hook your phone up to his Bluetooth and pull up the playlist he’d made for you. Jessie’s Girl plays through the speakers and you squeal, turning up the volume. You play the guitar while Eddie does the drums and Buck looks over at you, enjoying the way you sing into your fake microphone and cue Eddie for his drum solo 
“You’re singing this, way too intensely” Buck looks down over his sunglasses into the rearview mirror at Eddie as you and he sing together and he bursts out laughing, falling over in the backseat as you kick your legs, hiss laughing 
“Shut up!” 
After your little laughing fit you mostly talk with Eddie as you drive back to his place, he’s not coming with so you give him a little extra attention, but that doesn’t stop you from cuddling up to Buck and blowing in his ear softly. At first, it tickles and he’s trying to fight you off with one hand while you giggle and keep blowing. But one particular moment sends a spark of electricity down his spine and he’s fighting a boner with every… bone in his body. He shifts awkwardly and his eyes shoot up to Eddie’s in the review mirror, silently begging him to save him and he shrugs, getting your attention back easily and Buck can finally breathe again.
Which isn’t even easy in the first place because you smell good. He wonders what it is, he could bathe in it. Maybe you’ll spray some on his pillow for him, he’d do it for you in a heartbeat if you asked. 
He’d do a lot of things for you if you asked. 
Once you pull into Eddie’s driveway he hops out and you open the door, giving him a big hug. He winks at Buck who rolls his eyes and flips him off 
“I’ll see you two later! Enjoy your day!” He steps back from the Jeep waving as Buck pulls out of the driveway 
“Bye, Eddie!! Have a good day!!” You wave back as you speed off toward the beach. 
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Buck and Eddie showed up earlier and got everything all set up so when he grabs the picnic basket from the backseat and takes your hand his nerves quiet just a little. He really wants this date to go well, Eddie was right, he wants to show you how much he cares. 
“Buck this is really cute,” You say as you kneel down on the blanket and reach out for the basket. He hands it to you before sitting down and straightening out the blanket a little 
“I can’t take all the credit, Eddie helped set things up” He watches you take out the food and set it out. You grab a plate and serve him first and he blushes, it’s so domestic and it makes his heart do flips 
“I should be doing that for you” He takes the spoon from your hand and puts some of the fruit salad on a plate for you and you sit with your legs out in front of you 
“You did everything else, the least you can let me do is serve you, it’s not that difficult you know” 
“I know… but I want to do it anyway. He hands you the plate and you smile, leaning forward and kissing him sweetly
“Thank you, for everything”
“It’s my pleasure, Doll,” He says, kissing your nose and sitting back with his plate 
You and Buck eat the fruit salad first because it’s your favorite part and you taste even sweeter when he kisses you again. His hand trails up your smooth thigh, pulling you closer to him by your hip. He nuzzles his head against yours and you melt into his touch. He smiles, pulls away, and goes back into the basket 
“You know we should probably actually eat” 
“Personally I think there are more interesting things to taste but okay” You shrug and his cheeks turn red 
“Oh haha, very funny” He sticks his tongue out and you bat your eyelashes playfully 
“What can I say, I’m a slut for a dirty joke” you quote him from earlier and he slaps your thigh, handing you a warm bowl. You take off the lid and there’s a delicious-looking burger inside. 
“Where did you get this” Your mouth is already watering as you put the little container up to your face, inhaling the delicious aroma 
“I made them myself! But wait-“ he grabs a couple of buns from a bag and hands you one “I didn’t want these getting soggy” 
You carefully take the burger from the container and put it on the bun, he hands you a napkin, and you wipe your hands off before putting the bacon on and wiggling a little 
“It’s gorgeous,” you say through fake sniffles and he rolls his eyes smirking when you take a bite. Your eyes widen before rolling back in your skull and you sigh 
“Oh Buck” you moan and his cheeks flush deeply. He knows you mean his cooking but like…. Like could you just do that again??
“I think I’m in love” You giggle as you eat and he opens the bag of chips for you both 
“Well that makes two of us” he winks and you blush as you take the chips and nibble on one 
It’s quiet when you’re eating and you can’t help it, because it’s good and who even knew Buck could cook, because he hadn’t cooked for you before and now you wish he would again, or maybe you could cook for him next time, you set your empty container aside, leaning back in your chair a little as you chew the tip of your sunglasses in deep thought 
“What are you thinking about?” Buck asks as he sips his capri sun “You kinda zoned out a little there” he chuckles and you shrug 
“Maybe… for one of our dates? I could do something for you. I want to do our next date okay? You can have the last one!” 
“Awww you don’t have to! I like spoiling you” He boops your nose and you giggle, wiping off your hands grabbing the hand sanitizer, and spraying it 
“I want to Buck!! You deserve to be spoiled too” 
“I can think of other ways you could spoil me,” he says dreamily and you roll your eyes as you stand up and stretch out for a second before bending over to grab a drink from the cooler. You fall out of your top a little and stop for a second, putting your hand over your chest 
“Hey! That was one of them” 
“Oh shut up!!” You swat his thigh and stand tall, opening your little drink 
He eases himself out of his chair and onto the ground, pushing his chair away a little, and opens his arms
“C’mere cutie” 
You step over him and he looks up at you, goddamn are you a sight to behold as you straddle his lap and sit down. 
“There we go! Nice and comfy” he smirks and you wrap your arms around his neck 
“Oh yeah, soooo comfy,” you say as his hands slide down to your ass and squeeze gently 
“Oh? Is this not to your liking?” He slides his hands up your sides while laying back and bringing you with him. You blush as you’re laid out on him 
“How about this?” 
“Even better” you purr and he sighs, his hands shaking a little as he feels you up 
“You wanna go swimming soon?” He cups your face in his hands, mushing it around and making silly faces and you snicker, pushing his hands away
“Yeah!! But um… I gotta tell you something about that” You say quietly and he slaps his hands on your butt, making you jump and yelp and you punch his chest 
“And what would that be?” He starts tapping out a little beat on your butt and you reach behind you trying to bat his hands away but he just smacks your butt 
“Would you quit that!!” You wriggle on him and he gasps, his hands stalling. 
“Oh? Oh, you like that huh?” You smirk evilly 
“I mean you’re literally inadvertently grinding on me so yeah I think I like that” 
“You want me to do it on purpose?” You ask quietly, reaching up to twirl his hair with your finger. His mouth drops open 
“Wait- seriously?” 
“If you don’t want-“ You start to get up and he shakes his head fast, pushing you down against him by your ass 
“No- no!! I want, I want!!” He says pleadingly and you laugh, burying your face in his neck for a moment before you start to roll your hips. His breath hitches and he sighs, melting into the sand below him 
“Mmmm that’s my girl,” He says quietly as you sit up, putting more pressure on his cock 
“Did I mention you look super, super good today?” you say and he blushes 
“Uh huh, your sharks are so cute” 
Buck perks up a little as he holds your hips 
“You really think so??” He sounds so cute and excited and it makes you blush at how adorable he’s being
 “I named this one Kevin!!” He points to one of the sharks on his swim trunks and you stop grinding for a second to look down 
“Hi Kevin” you giggle and wave at the little hammerhead shark and Buck sits up now, looking at Kevin 
“Yeah he’s pretty cool… just don’t tell the others” He whispers in your ear and you bite your lip before kissing him, knocking him backward into the sand again. He moans quietly, wrapping his arms around you and squishing you down onto him a bit. He laps at your tongue, tangling his with yours as he kisses you passionately and downright dirty 
“God you’re just so cute sometimes” You pant in between kisses and he pushes down on your ass as you start to grind on him again, he chuckles, grinding back against you and you gasp against his lips 
“Cute huh? I don’t wanna be cute right now…” He rolls you over onto your back and grinds into you, bending down and kissing you breathless. Your body shudders as he’s a little more aggressive with his movements now, thrusting his hips gently into yours. 
You tug on his hair, your hands tangling through it as you open your legs to him more, lost in the moment of pleasure he’s giving you. You can tell by the way he’s angling his hips he’s after one thing 
And he’s hitting it over and over again. 
Oh, he’s definitely boyfriend material. 
He gasps in your ear, a soft little pathetic noise that sends a shiver straight up your spine. Your heart flutters and your pussy clenches around nothing desperately 
“Jesus Buck” you pant, wrapping your legs around his waist and he chuckles darkly as he ruts his hips harder into yours. 
His phone rings and he completely ignores it while you claw at his back, egging him on. The heated desire between the two of you could practically make glass underneath you. You slide your hands down his lower back, going to ease his shorts down-
It starts to ring again and you turn to look at it “Who is that??” Your chest bounces with each of his thrusts and he’s practically mesmerized by the way you look underneath him 
“Uh I’m not-“ He moans desperately, letting his head fall onto your shoulder “Fuck it’s Eddie” He bites down and your body arches into him
“Shouldn’t you answer it?” You pant softly as you look over at it 
“I’m kinda busy??”
You laugh as you reach your arm out toward his phone, wiggling your fingers to grab it and answer it. He stops for a second, grabs it, hands it to you, and goes right back to kissing your shoulder and leaving hickeys across your chest 
He’s definitely not going to stop this time, in fact, he makes it worse by pulling the front of your swimsuit down 
“Buck!!” You shriek as his hands cup your breasts, he places featherlight kisses on them, trying to refrain from biting 
“Yes, beautiful?” 
“Put the phone up to his ear” Eddie hisses and you do as he says 
“I swear to god if you fuck her in the middle of this beach”
“How do you know what I’m-“
Buck's hips freeze in place and you can hear Eddie laughing his head off 
“What did he say??” You ask and Buck looks around frantically “Uhh nothing baby nothing” He gets up, tossing a towel over your chest, and awkwardly pats it 
“I really really need to take this call,” he tells you and you nod fast handing him over the phone 
“No, go ahead!” 
He jogs away a few feet closer to the ocean so you can’t hear him 
“Where are you?!” 
“Actually pretty far, you were so nervous I thought I’d show up for a bit and make sure you were okay… and now I really wish I hadn’t” 
“Did you see…her-“ He gestures around his chest and Eddie laughs
“No, I looked away. But it seems like you don’t need me, man. So… I’m going to Chipotle”
“Wait bring me home some queso” 
“Oh yeah sure okay. I’ll send you my locaysh so you don’t have to be paranoid I’m still here”
“Wow, thanks how’d you know I would be?!” 
“Because I know you better than you do buddy. Also, she’s going toward the water, 9 o’clock”
“Mmmm I can’t tell time” Buck turns around 
“Jes- Goodbye” 
Buck jogs back over to your little picnic and tosses his phone down. He looks over at you as you walk towards the water, your backside covered in sand… god he loved that swimsuit. 
He follows after you, walking right next to your footsteps and semi-fangirling over the way they look so cute together 
“Is everything okay?” You look up at him and god you really have given him a size kink 
You’re. Just. So. Petite. He could pick you up and throw you. God okay he doesn’t wanna actually throw you. But you’re like five feet tall and that’s cute 
“Earth to Buck” you wave your hand in front of his face and he flinches “You good”
“Huh?? Oh. Oh yeah sorry I was just thinking about throwing you” 
You blink at him and he blinks back, narrowing his eyes and pursing his lips for a moment really just thinking  
“…Just gonna leave that there huh buddy?” 
“Leave what where?” He asks, looking around 
“You- you just said you wanted to throw me?” 
“Oh shit! No fuck no!! Shit god no that’s!?? That’s weird I just- no I meant like you- you’re just so tiny and-“
You’re letting him dig his hole deeper as he fumbles over his words 
“And-and like so easy to pick up and like no god no I’d never throw you I- know I would never hurt you” 
You shake your head, listening to him with a wide grin on your face 
“I’m- I’m making this worse aren’t I” 
“Yes” you shake your head giggling and he groans loudly, spinning around in a little circle and throwing a tiny tantrum 
“It’s like when you see something just so darn cute you wanna squish it forever!!” 
“So you’re saying you think I’m so cute you just wanna throw me?” 
“Yes!!!” He throws his arms out and you nod 
“Yeah no okay I get it now. Like how I want to be Lady Dimitrescu’s vanity” 
“Goddamn, what I wouldn’t give to be that” Buck wholeheartedly agrees and you both stand there for a moment, just… dreaming. 
“So you wanna get in the water?” Buck asks 
Maybe Eddie was right, maybe you were made for each other. 
The bimbo to his himbo 
Buck sighs dreamily as he takes your hand, pulling you closer to the water. What a match made in heaven. 
You nearly drown in a wave that knocks you flat on your butt. 
You forgot to tell Buck you couldn’t swim and Buck forgot to remember you couldn’t swim. 
Both of you blame it on the messing around earlier. 
Buck pulls you up the beach before flopping down on the sand next to you, both of you panting heavily 
“You terrified of the ocean yet?” 
“I think I just swallowed half of it” 
You look over at him, you look like a drowned rat. The cutest drowned rat he’s ever seen. He chuckles as he leans into you, kissing you slowly and putting his arm over your waist 
“You wanna try that again?” 
“You promise you’ll hold onto me?” 
“I promise baby” He kisses your nose and you blush 
“Okay…” you get up, bending over to brush the sand from your legs and Buck smacks your ass 
“Hey!” You yelp and shoot up straight and he puts his hands up in mock defense 
“I was just trying to help” He pats his eyelashes sweetly 
“You’re groping me way too much today” You scold him as he takes your hand again and leads you back to the water, it seems to have calmed down 
“Honestly, if it’s too much please ask me to stop and I absolutely will. On the other hand… if you like it. You know you can do it right back, right?” He smirks as you look at him, a light blush dusting your cheeks 
“Huh?” You say and he takes both your hands, walking backward into the water 
“Might I remind you I have a butt too? A very cute one” 
You giggle as he walks you out a little deeper so you’re floating and he’s still standing 
“I also have- you know,….something else if that’s to your liking” He winks and you roll your eyes, wrapping your arms securely around his neck. He stops at a safe distance and bends his knees so he’s floating with you on top of him 
“I’m just saying… I’m giving you permission you know… if that’s something you’re interested in and you know now that I’m saying that I’m sorry I didn’t ask to use your booty as bongos”
You laugh into his shoulder and pull back again to look at him 
“It’s okay, you’ve got pretty good rhythm, and I’ve got a pretty nice ass”
“Oh boy do you” He sighs softly, tilting his head cutely “I just can’t get enough of you, my sweet, sweet little bunny” 
“Bunny huh? What happened to Doll?” You ask, booping his nose and he nods 
“It's Bunny when I’m ready to take a bite out of you” He growls and nips at your finger and you squeal, pulling away from him and he pulls you back closer
“No-no-no!!” You try to push him away from him laughing loudly “Don’t eat me!!” 
“You better watch out or my sharks are gonna get you!!” 
He purposely drags you to shallower water and lets you go and you run away 
“I can’t tell if that was an innuendo or not!!” You call over your shoulder and he nearly trips from laughing so hard 
“Oh my god, I didn’t even think about that!! Now that’s exactly what I mean!” 
You know he’s running so much slower than he really can, no matter how hard your little legs pump you know he could catch you if he really wanted… and maybe that’s what you both like about it so much. For as much as you run and dodge his lunges you know he’s just toying with you at this point and you sort of do feel like a little bunny, like his prey. 
“Awww come on! You’re starting to slow down bunny! I thought this was gonna be more of a chase!” His voice is borderline sinister? And that’s hot. 
What a great distraction. 
You shriek as his hand grabs the back of your swimsuit and yanks you backward, pulling you down into the sand with him, the waves lap against your bodies as he pins you to the ground and stares at you, his pretty eyes, dark and stormy now 
“Well, well, well, look what I’ve caught” He runs his finger down your cheek as you pant beneath him, his eyes roll back slowly as his hips connect with yours, grinding against you 
“You gorgeous, gorgeous little bunny. I like watching you run from me” He whispers in your ear, his voice dripping with a seductive husky tone. Your eyes widen as you shove him off of you, sitting up fast. He falls onto his butt, stunned for a second, and looks at you 
“Too far??” He asks worriedly and you run your hands over your hair, they’re shaking so hard he can see them 
“That was the hottest damn thing I have ever experienced in my entire life I need a minute,” you tell him and he falls backward laughing loudly 
“You scared me! You brat!!” 
“Oh, I’m just supposed to be completely normal. When you treat me like prey?? And you’re all “Grrr, I’m…I’m some sort of…”I don’t know what kind of animal do you wanna be?” 
“I’ll be a wolf, it’s funny” 
You giggle into your hands as you fall back into the sand “Okay, my very own werewolf boyfriend, Nice!” 
“Hey I’m on TikTok, I know what booktok is okay. You’re into it” 
You burst out laughing, throwing wet sand on his chest “Are you kidding me?!” 
“Let me see your Kindle unlimited Y/N!! Let. Me. See. It” 
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Buck has another little surprise but you have to wait for it to get darker he says so instead you guys go for a walk down the beach. He’s picking up little random pieces of wood as you go 
“So you think we could have a sleepover sometime?”
He asks as he picks up another and you shrug, smiling “It sounds nice, but how are we gonna get around that one?” 
“If Eddie’s there I’m sure Bobby won’t mind” 
“Right…right Having a sleepover with two, grown, attractive, men! That totally sounds like something he’d go for!” You poke his side and he giggles 
“Maybe we can say May is invited too! She’d cover for us” 
“I could always ask her, you think Eddie will be available?” 
“Yeah to cover for us, no way am I having my best friend come over when I’m trying to have a completely innocent, wonderfully pure, amazingly sinless sleepover with my girlfriend” 
“Oh, we’re gonna fuck huh?” 
Buck bursts out laughing, grabbing your arm as he almost falls to the ground and you steady him, laughing with him. He giggles and kicks the sand, trying to stop laughing all the way back to your little slice of heaven. He drops the wood he was collecting and plops down in his chair 
“I hate you so much” 
You snort as you sit down next to him “It was funny!! You’re the one who laughed for six hours” 
He kicks some sand on your leg and you slap his thigh, to which he slaps yours. Your mouth opens a little and he sticks his tongue out at you. 
“You wanna go? Because I’ll fight you right here right now” you tell him and he flicks you off with both fingers 
“Come at me, Princess” 
He doesn’t know what he expected, even though if he was actually paying attention he would have known. You tackle him out of his seat and he yelps as you two go rolling in the sand. He screams laughing as you tickle him and kick his legs as you end up back on top of him 
“Stop!! Stop I’m gonna pee!!” He screams and bucks his hips trying to knock you off but you just hold on tighter, attacking him more
“Nice try! But I’ve won the bull riding contest at Lucky Jacks four times!!”
He grips your wrists, holding you off “Wait you’ve what???” He pants harshly, holding you back as you struggle 
“Yeah! I’m actually really good at it” 
“Are you telling me with a straight face you’re good at riding” 
You stop wriggling so much and think for a second, humming softly 
“Yeah okay, I’ll go with it. I’m amazing at riding” you purr seductively and he groans, rolling his eyes back and letting your wrists go 
“Oh god you’re my dream woman” He sighs and you giggle, bracing your hands on his chest 
“Are you good at taking it?” You ask, letting your head tilt to the side as you look down at him 
“A-am I what?” His voice is hoarse and his eyes turn wide as saucers 
“Are you good… at taking it?” You ask again and his heart nearly shoots out of his chest 
“I wouldn’t know,” he says simply, quietly. But damn is he starting to think he wants to find out 
“Are we talking about the same thing?” You giggle and he shrugs because he’s sure he’s got little hearts radiating in his eyes right now 
“I don’t know” 
You both leave it at that (much to his dismay) and you get off of him, going back over to your little setup and grabbing a dry towel from the pile Buck brought 
“Suns just about right for some last-minute tanning!” You say as you spread it out and grab another, spreading it out next to yours for him 
“Hey uh…just how private is this beach?” You ask and he looks up from the cooler where he’s grabbing two water bottles 
“Extremely, they kinda keep a tight lid on this but rent it out for parties and stuff sometimes” 
“So…there’s no danger of anyone showing up expectedly?” 
“None at all, Why?”
“I don’t really like tan lines” 
You turn away from Buck, slipping the straps of your swimsuit off and rolling it down your body so it looks like it’s just a pair of bottoms and he has to turn away before his sharks start to get a little too tight. 
He walks past you to his towel and you turn again, covering your chest with your arms 
“No peeking,” you say and he closes his eyes 
“Didn’t I literally full-on grab them earlier?” he asks and you kick his thigh lightly as you lay on your stomach, it’s not a sustainable position but it’ll be fine for a little while at least 
“Yeah, you did. You can look now” 
He looks over at you, laid out on your tummy with your legs crossed and your head resting on your hands and he smiles, shaking his head before looking up at the sky 
“I ever tell you how pretty you are?” 
You blush and shrug, “Not nearly enough” you tease 
He chuckles and scoots closer to you, your faces so close you can feel each breath he takes 
“You are the most stunning little thing I’ve ever met” His voice is husky as he turns over, trailing his fingertips down your back and you shiver under his touch “So beautiful and I get you all to myself”
“How lucky you are” you tease and he leans closer, kissing you softly 
“Damn right I am” 
You lay together in the sun for a while, just relaxing and occasionally talking. He likes to listen to you talk, he especially likes to listen to you laugh. He’s falling faster and faster every second and he’s starting to not care about Eddie saying he needs to wait to tell you he loves you 
As the sun finally starts to set, Buck gets up and dusts off his legs 
“You ready for your lil surprise?” He asks excitedly and you perk up, carefully sitting up and keeping your chest covered 
He turns around so you can fix your top again and picks up his towel, shaking it out 
“I wanted to just leave you here and surprise you more but to be honest I kind of want to show off” 
You snort as you get up, shaking out your own towel and taking his hand to walk back over to the chairs 
“Well whatever it is I’m excited about it” 
“You can help if you want! Or I can do it myself” 
“Well if you’d just tell me whatever it is, I’m sure I’d be happy to help” you tease him and he smirks as you both toss your towels down. He brings you a little ways away from your stuff and there’s a little pile of rocks and his sticks 
“Just make a big circle with the rocks in the sand alright? Brat” he smacks your butt and you swat his hand away, putting the rocks in a circle as he told you to, you make them pretty, setting them out nicely as he arranges his sticks in the middle 
“You know…” you start to help him pile his sticks “I’m pretty sure I know where this is going now and a firefighter starting a fire is pretty funny” 
“I’m an expert!! Trust me I can even start it with two sticks okay you’ll be so impressed!!” 
He gets up with a little pail and goes running off to the water and you watch him, shaking your head and groaning softly 
“Why is everything he does so damn cute???” 
You finish setting up the sticks for him as he comes back, setting the pail down. He can indeed start a fire with two sticks, and it is actually pretty impressive as the fire roars to life. He slowly throws some more sticks on it, feeding it carefully and you scoot next to him, putting your head on his shoulder 
“That’s pretty hot,” you tell him and he looks down at you
“Oh? Do you wanna scoot back??” 
You giggle and push him a little “No, Buck. You’re hot” 
His cheeks flush as he looks at the fire in front of you both and rolls his eyes “Oh, thanks” 
You wrap your arms around his and snuggle against him “No, thank you. Today was really really great” 
“You think so?” He pulls his arm away for a second, putting it around you instead and cuddling up with you. He kisses your head and you blush 
“Yeah I know so, I’ve never been so happy with someone before,” you say quietly and he smiles, laying his cheek on your head 
“Yeah me either” 
The sun finally sets, the air around you becoming colder as you cuddle in front of the fire. He reaches behind him and pulls over the cutest little box in the shape of a giant s’more and you laugh 
“Oh my god I love that” you smile as he hands you a skewer with a marshmallow on it and you put it over the fire 
“I saw it at Target and have never put something in my cart so fast it’s literally so cute and a total waste of money” 
You toast your marshmallows to a nice brown while Buck literally sets four on fire and this doesn’t surprise you in the least. He likes making them almost as much as he likes eating them. He looks over at you, a wide grin on his marshmallow-covered cheeks and you giggle, sitting on your knees in front of him and licking his cheek 
He snorts and tosses his head back “You could have just given me a napkin”
“No this is way funnier” You give his other cheek a little lick and he reaches forward, yanking you into his lap 
“Maybe I’ll just use you as a napkin!!” You squeak as he kisses all over your face before kissing your lips, he tastes good, like the sweet marshmallows and dark chocolate, and a little summery and warm. 
“Mmmph” You whimper against his lips and his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He can’t get enough of your body, enough of your existence. 
“So gorgeous” He mumbles against your lips and you grin, nodding along with him 
“Damn right you are”
His cheeks flush as he gets a bit shy and pulls away some
“Why do you compliment me so much?” 
You look at him curiously, pulling away now too “What do you mean?”
“I just… you tell me I’m gorgeous or- or handsome” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” You look taken aback 
“I mean- why would you??” He asks quietly, looking up at the night sky and shrugging and you take a second, looking down at the sand before looking back at him and cupping his cheek to tilt his face to you… kind of understanding now where he’s coming from 
Evan Buckley is a breathtaking man. And you’re not sure anyone’s ever told him that he’s so much more than his looks. 
“Evan Buckley, you’re one of the sweetest, most caring guys I’ve ever met. You’re funny and sensitive. And I know you try your hardest with everything you do… I’m not- I'm not just into you for your looks Buck. I’m into you for your heart and the way you care for everyone around you with every last breath in your body. You save lives every day Buck! You’re a hero, you’re my hero” 
He didn’t mean to tear up, but he couldn’t help it, no one… no one really sees him for him when he goes on dates, sometimes his friends don’t even see him.
But you do. 
He wipes at his eyes quickly, clearing his throat and rolling his eyes trying to reign himself in before looking away from you 
“You’re such a sappy baby” 
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Buck lays back, propping himself up on his elbows as he stares up at the stars. That’s his real surprise, how dark it is over here. You can see more than you ever have before. He looks over at you, watching the sky like he is and his heart melts. Your eyes are so wide and sweet, there are literal stars in your eyes
He can’t stop thinking about what you’d said, or the way you tackled him over after he called you a baby and tickled him until he had to run to the ocean to pee to which you screamed in horror and he started chasing you around the fire. 
“I love you” 
You look over at him, the fire illuminating your soft honeyed skin, and he’s sure he’s seeing an angel all over again. His heart hurts with how badly he wants you, the air is sucked from his lungs the longer he stares at you 
“I know” 
“You don’t have to say it back, we aren’t even together yet and you know today was amazing but we still have a lot to learn about each other and I love you.”
You smirk at him as he rambles, because honestly? Truly? It’s on the tip of your tongue too. 
“Eddie’s gonna kill me for this”
“I won’t tell if you won’t” You put out your pinky finger and he smiles, linking his with yours 
He drops you off at home around 2 again and he knows Athena is definitely gonna kill him for this. He always brings you home way too late. You make him park down the street from the house so you can climb into his lap and make out with him one more time before going in. It’s a bit messy, he doesn’t bother being proper as he feels you up, his hands sliding up and down your sides and over your ass. It makes you giggle against his lips and nip at them while pulling his hair back. 
“So you’ll come over tomorrow, right? Since we stayed out so late today and you’ll sleep over? Just me and you?” He looks so sweet and hopeful as he asks, like a cute little puppy wagging his tail for treats 
“That sounds like a perfect plan,” you tell him just as excitedly and he squeezes you, hugging you dramatically 
“I can’t wait to spend the night with you”
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months
I don't usually add anything to posts of yours since I'm not Jewish and my voice doesn't really need to be heard, however this was just to baffling to me I had to share.
I just...this person is so internet poisoned. It's 'always gonna see a red car if you go out looking for red cars' kind of behavior. And to clarify, it's a gear, that's the colors for placing a gadget, the boxes are styled like cake boxes...there should be no confusing it for the Star of David unless you plant that idea in your head.
Sending the link as well in case the screenshot doesn't appear.
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Congrats Critlore this is how Jews feel each time someone makes fandom about palestine for no reason and reblogs a manifesto saying "October 7th was good for Jews actually"
These are the kind of fuckers who think Jews are scared of watermelon but think all mediterranean foods are evil Jews stealing and culturally appropriating middle eastern food
"jews control the media"/"cohencidence" canard
And listen we love our gentile allies on this blog
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slut-for-sodo · 2 months
Random General Swiss Headcanons
A.N:this is way longer then it was supposed to be and I think I love it
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He's 6'3
This man is a chaotic neutral
You can't convince me otherwise
Will be doing his normal duties around the ministry and then just randomly busting out into song and dance
Love LOVE LOVES spicy food
His favorite animal is a tiger
His favorite color is Carmin Red
He's deathly allergic to cinnamon
He is scared of birds
He's obsessed with artificial watermelon flavoring
Strikes me as the guy to genuinely unironically love the original monster
(He's so afraid to get judged cuz of it tho so he just gets the white one when with others)
Also seems like a Cheetos guy for some reason(can ghouls even eat human food? Do they have a special diet??)
He likes playing hide and seek but in a predator-prey way
Say you're his S/O and you're playing hide and seek with him right?
He gives you 5 minutes to hide around the ministry and then after times up he tries to sniff you out
And when he finds you he chases you and tackles you to the ground and attacks you
With kisses of course!
His love language is physical touch
He's super clingy all the time to everybody
In his glamoured form he bites his fingernails
Swiss is scared of Copias rats
He's chronically online
He unironically makes vine references and none of the other ghouls understand it
He mixes up the U.S flag and England's flag
He is extremely protective of Mountain and Phantom
These are just some of the first ones that came to mind I will post more as I think of them! I hope you enjoyed!
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glitchy1938 · 3 months
Murder Drones X Child Reader
Hi everyone I want to make this story, and it took me some times to make it, so let me know if you like it, olso, it's my first story so, hope you enjoy ! Just to let you know :
italic writing is thinking bold writing is the action
Part-1 : Pilot
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Uzi : "We are Worker drones" autonomous Robots Helping Humans Mine Exo-Planets for our inter-stellar parent company JC jenson in Spaaaaaacee !!
"Yeah, We were Mistreated in the name of windex, but it's not like WE Revolted and killed all humans or anything"
"Mostly because…They handled that just fine all by themselves…"
"With Biological life wiped from the planet we found it pretty easy to pick up where they left off…"
"We finally had it all to ourselves…"
"Unfortunaly, our planet company didn't exactly love the concept 'Runaway A.I"
In the Distance, the Disassembly Drone will start Emerged from the pod and one of them throw a worker drones head on the ground and they start to laugh evilly and destroy the city with the other two Disassembly Drone.
"But what our parents done for the past forever ?! while those things Built a spire of corpses hide under the ice ?! TREE STUPID DROOS !! It's like we're wainting for them"
"Anyway, that's why MY project is… THIS Sick-as-RayGun !!"
Y/n watch her older sister and her RayGun and saw how cool it was, but.. They have a bad feeling about this… "Why do i get the feeling somthing bad is going to happend ?…"
When she took it out and showed it to them, everyone start to panic
Ramdom Worker : THAT'S SO NOT THE VIBES.. !
Uzi : Easy Morons, it's doesn't work… YET !! Who said it doesn't work ?! Maybe it does !!
Your sister flick the switch at the side of the Gun and laugh like a psychopath, the teacher rolled his eyes, annoyed by that.
Y/n saw the gun start to change color
Teacher : *Sighs* Uzi, the homework was about word problem about buying watermelons.
"OH, and this Magnetically Amplifed Photon Converger doesn't count ?"
"No" he said
-Y/n rise her hand-
Uzi : "What is it y/n ?…" She look at her younger sibling
Everyone in the school loves her little sister, and they nice to her because of how cute and small she was form everyone.
(If you are a boy, then pretend that you are a girl, for the story)
Y/n : "Is that supposed to make that color ?"
Uzi look down and see it starts to turn red and tehn explosdes the classroom…
Uzi was in the nurse's office, with a ice pack on her head
Lizzy : "Ew, it didn't kill her" she said, passing by
A few minutes later, a male worker drone came in with y/n and they both sat next to her
Thad : "Classic toxic masculinity Chad ! That's never gonna en up problematic… Oh wow ! Uzi ? I heard you uh…
Uzi : "i'm a anger teen thad, BITE ME ! Also, how do you know my name ? People willing talk about you."
Y/n : "I told him your name !" Uzi look at her
Uzi : "Y/n, what did i say about telling people about my name ?" Y/n : "…Not to…"
Uzi : "And you know what that means ?… YOU GET THE TICKLE MONSTER !!!" She grabs you and start to tickle you and you couldn't stop laughing wery hard
She loves you even though you are not complitly her sister, she promesed herself to keep you safe from harm
Thad : "And everyone knows khan's two daughters, but uh… Then, you might blow the other half of your face clapping daddy issues hilarious…"
She stop tickling you and look at him, wille you try to catch your breath.
Uzi : "What you're in for testoterole too hard ?"
Thad : "This can happend ?! Awseome !" Thad laid back in the chairbefore speaking again
Thad : "And hey, those bandages looks badass !" He pount out
Uzi : "Oh…" She brushed some of her hear back, before looking away as blush make it away to appear on her visor…
Uzi : "Ew, cross ! I hate you said that."
(Trust me, we KNOW you like it 😏~) Y/n : "Then, why are you blushing ?"
Uzi : "i'M NOT BLUSING !! SHUSH !!"
Y/n : "-.-"
Before he can finish, Uzi put down Y/n on the chair and pointed the Gun on Thad
Uzi : "Sick-Hell-Railgun si-fi Nonsense that SUPER words ! I'm going to the murder drones tonight, to get the last spare part I need to save the word with it, and earn my dad's respect ! But mostly save the world part"
Y/n : "Can i come with you ? PLEASE !!" you asked, with giving her puppy eyes
Uzi : "No, it's too dangerous for you to come, and you're too small"
Y/n : "Aww… [Then i will find a way to follow you >:3]
Thad : "Does your dad make awesome doors ? So we don't have to Uh… Do, scary-sounding emotionally redressed stuff you just said ?…"
Uzi : "NO MORE FEEDBACK ON MY REPRESSION TODAY !!" She pointed the gun dangerously on his cheek
Thad : "OW S-SORRY !! I-I-I Didn't think-"
Before he can finish, she left the room grulmbling with her little sister following her close behing
Uzi : "BITE ME !!"
As she left, she came back Uzi : "I'm not mad at you, by the way- It's just hormonal !"
Y/n : "Bye Thad ^^!"
Later, at home. 3:00…
Uzi smacked her self to turn off her alarm and snug to grab the master key that can open the doors, she saw Y/n following her
Uzi : "Y/n !! WHAT DID I TOLD YOU ?!" Y/n : "Come on…! You never let me do anything !" You said very sadly
Uzi : "Fine, but you stay close to me, i don't want to lose you, okay ?" She give you a smile
Y/n : "YAY !!"
You two were going out but when she open the door, your dad was there.
Uzi and Y/n : "OH MY ROBOT-GOD !!"
Khan : "And might I ask where you two are off to ?" he ask to them both
Uzi : "Mm.. Sneaking out with my boyfriend which i definitely have ?…"
Your dad start laughing at this, yeah… He's not buy it…-_-
Khan : "Seriously though"
Uzi finally give up
Uzi : "*groans* Okay, okay ! You caught us. We need to… measure the exterior hydraulic mechanisms of door, because that's…"
She paused and look at her railgun before responding y/n help her hide it…
Uzi : "The project i'm working on for school ? A big old door ! *laughs awkwardly*…Just like my old man build"
He look at the her, still suspisous
Uzi : "We really wanna join the WDF and hide behind for the rest of our life like a cowards and play cards and stuff."
Khan : "OHOH, well we don't just play cards.
The two doors open and there sat a few worker drones playing cards
Worker drone : "Hey Khan ! Can you grab a fresh pack ? We littlerally only play cards so much that the number are faded."
The same person noticed you and Uzi where they were. "Hey Y/n and Uzi !"
You guys both greet them, then your dad close the doors
Khan : "Well… When you build doors so good…"He turn and flattering himself against the door
"Good door, Gooood door" He crooned to it
Khan : "There's no need to fight Uzi, Y/n, This is great news !" He cried
He grabs a Wrench from behind him
Khan : "Here-- The Wrench i use to tighten blots on my first door prototypes-"
Then he took a murderous tone of voice
Khan : "And to put your mother out of her mystery, when the Murder drones got to her with their nanite acid !" He snapped before going back to normal
Khan : "I want you to have it !" He give it to Uzi
Uzi hardly smile at him while you thank him for that, even if, right now, your are hiding behind her because of how he say it
He open again the door behing him.
Khan : "GUYS ! My daughters are into doors !!"
Everyone at the table cheered as the door finnaly opened
Khan : "They gonna be outside for a bit to examine the exterior of door 1 !" He called out
He turns to hes daughters
Khan : "Your door specific destiny awaits !" He told to you two
Uzi : "Uh, wow, okay, me and Y/n are just going to leave then… 'cause this worked so weirdly well. Uh go doors !!*laugh awkwardly*"
The doors close and they both look ahead at the city, the only light was the plants in the sky
Y/n : "So now… What ?…" She ask Uzi
Uzi : "We look for the part, and then we came back"
They both start to walk to the Murder drones Liar…
Helloooo !! So this is th first part of "Murder Drones x child reader", it's inspired from @Exotic-Worker-Dron-Uzi-Says-Is very Sad and @Luna Hamato in Quotev
So i Hope You enjoy !!
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talkfastromance4 · 1 year
Watermelon Sugar–Jake Seresin (An Arrangement Series)
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An Arrangement Masterlist
Follow here for all updates as I do not have a taglist
word count: 3.3k
warnings: some body insecurity, brief smut scene
Feedback, asks, comments/reblogs mean the world to me!
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Jake told you about the bbq pool party happening on July 4th, he really did, but you were nervous for two reasons; you didn’t have a suit and you were anxious for him to see you in one. While you were having breakfast on the patio the day before, he was going over how he’d be gone shortly in the morning to do a flyover at the base but then he’d be back at eleven with the others. He insisted you invite Brynne, Serena and Dom but Dom always heads back home to spend the holiday weekend with his family. 
“I think I’ve got all your favorite foods for tomorrow, and some hard seltzers in the fridge by the bar. Is there anything else you need?” he asked and you bit your lip. “What is it, Sugar?”
“I don’t have a nice suit to wear,” you admitted sheepishly. 
“No big deal, let’s go shopping,” he wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and pulled away from the table. 
“No, wait–” you grabbed hold of his forearm, he looked down at you. “Can–can I go by myself?”
He opened his mouth but then closed it. “Sure. I’ll have Reynolds take you. Buy a suit for every day of the week, okay?” He kissed your hand that was on his arm. 
So you did, you bought the ones that made you feel good in them and decided to wear a blue two-piece with white stars. You also bought a blue wrap to wear over it as a safety blanket when you were in front of Jake. Jake kissed you goodbye before he left to fly and you slept for another hour before getting up and getting ready. 
You’ve just finished putting on red lipstick that matches the red ribbon tied in your hair when Jake gets home. His flight suit is tied around his waist, his hair still a little sweaty and his aviators are hanging off his nose. 
“Don’t you look pretty,” he smiles, tossing his keys and wallet on his dresser. You’ve moved all your makeup stuff in his room, he bought a vanity for you to use along with the makeup you use and a bunch of stuff you’ve only dreamt about using. 
“You look hot, I mean–” you shake your head, “you’re sweaty.” He smirks at your comment but doesn’t really acknowledge it.
“Yeah, it’s a scorcher out there,” he says, sifting through his drawers for an American flag style swim trunks. “Make sure to put on sunscreen. Everyone should be here in an hour.”
“Okay…do you need my help with anything?”
“All taken care of, Sugar. Too bad you’re all dolled up, was gonna see if you’d want to save on water and take a shower with me.” He stands in front of you, tracing the contour of your face with his fingers until they’re under your chin. He tilts your head up. 
You shift in your chair making sure your wrap is covering you. Jake notices, his brows furrowing but again, he doesn’t say anything. You’re thankful for that. 
“Maybe next time,” you finally respond coyly. 
“Okay, Sugar,” his thumb drags over your bottom lip. “I love this color red on you.” 
And then he’s gone heading towards his bathroom singing the chorus to ‘Danger Zone’ before shutting the door. 
The party is in full swing and you feel a little more at ease when Serena and Brynne arrive. They gushed about your new suit and admired the other ones you bought. As soon as the three of you entered the pool area, Rooster smiled at Serena who quickly went over to him by the pool. He was standing on the first step, beer in hand and a bucket hat on his head. 
“He better ask for her number today, or Dom is gonna kick his ass,” Brynne sighs watching your friend flirt with the pilot. 
“He hasn’t yet?”
“Nope. And S keeps dropping hints but he’s oblivious.”
“I’ll say something to Jake. I know Rooster’s crazy about her,” you smile then notice Phoenix by the bar. She keeps glancing at Brynne while talking with Bob, her eyes traveling over Brynne’s cherry red suit. “Hey, Brynne, have you met Natasha yet?”
You take Brynne’s hand dragging her around the pool towards the bar and in front of Bob and Natasha. 
“Hey guys, this is Brynne. My friend and coworker. Brynne, this is Bob and Natasha,” you introduce. Brynne’s eyes glitter when she meets Natasha’s and they shake hands and Natasha offers to get her a drink. 
They move to the other end of the bar initiating small talk and that makes you happy. Warm, strong arms wrap around your waist and hot lips are on your cheek in a kiss. 
“Hey Sugar, are you thirsty?”
You nod and he moves behind the bar to get one of your hard seltzers, he pops the tab and slips it inside a coozie. He adds a steel straw then hands it to you.
“Did you put sunscreen on?” he asks taking a pull from his own beer. 
“Umm…” you suck on your straw, eyes downcast. 
“Let’s put some on before you go in the pool,” he pats the side of your hip affectionately. “C’mon.”
“Jake, I–”
He gives you no choice and tugs you along towards the house. Coyote and Payback say hello to you, they’re seated on the lounge chairs discussing something about football. Fanboy is relaxing in the sun. 
The cool air feels good from the dry heat outside as you enter the house, Jake still leading you through the house and into the bathroom on the first floor near the laundry room. He opens the closet grabbing a tube of sunscreen. 
“I can put it on myself,” you say quietly, arms crossed over your chest making sure the wrap is still secure around you. 
“I can get your back,” he smiles clicking the top open. “And you can rub my back, too.”
“Jake, I don’t–” you cover your face with your hands. 
“Woah, hey, what’s going on?” 
You shake your head, eyes closed. 
“Sugar, talk to me please. What’s wrong?”
“I’m self-conscious,” you mutter. 
“Self-conscious of what?” he takes hold of your hands and you let him remove them from your face. You open your eyes to stare at your joined hands between you. 
“Of how I look. I’m not tall and toned like Serena is and I don’t have the nice curves like Brynne does…I’m…I’m not–”
“y/n, look at me,” his voice is soft. You force your eyes up, his thumbs are rubbing the backs of your hands. “You’re beautiful, exactly the way you are. Your height, your size, your curves, all of it. I told you you’ve been tempting me since day one and I mean it, you don’t even realize how much. If you don’t want to take off your wrap yet, that’s fine, I’ll get Serena to come and help you.”
“No, she’s busy with Rooster,” you shake your head. You take a deep breath. “You can do it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” you nod removing your hands from his. Your eyes stare at his white tank top covered chest as your fingers untie the wrap. You continue to stare at the center of his chest as you pull it off your shoulders and he remains silent. 
“Damn,” he breathes and you finally look up at his face. His green eyes are widening as he moves over your suit. “As I live and breathe, darlin’ you sure are a sight for sore eyes.”
Your cheeks are burning from revealing your suit and from his words. He reaches behind you to get the sunscreen and he pops it open again. He starts at your shoulders, making sure to rub it in under the straps and over the hills of your breasts. Your heart is hammering and you wonder if he can feel it. His fingers tickle your stomach as he rubs in lotion there, and goosebumps appear when he gets the sides. 
“Can you turn around for me?” he asks softly and you do. He squirts more lotion on his hand and starts at your shoulders.
You watch him in the mirror, his face in concentration and you avoid your own gaze in the mirror. He moves your hair over your shoulder and you feel his hand slip down behind the clasp at the center of your back. 
“Here,” you murmur and unhook it so the only thing holding your suit up are your hands cupping it to your breasts. Your eyes meet in the mirror, questions burning in both of your gazes but neither of you voices them as he continues to spread sunscreen on your back. 
Did his hands get hotter? You try to concentrate on your breathing, the tips of his fingers dip a little below the waistband of your bottoms. More goosebumps, more heat. Part of you wants to remove your top and see what happens, part of you wants him to do it. 
To your surprise, Jake hooks the clasp back together and brings your hair back into place. 
“Can you do me now?” he asks your reflection. 
You nod as you readjust  your breasts in your suit so they’re more fitted and you can see Jake watches your every move. The way he’s looking at you fills you with a bit more confidence each time. When you pick up the lotion bottle he yanks off his tank top and turns around, you choke on the air you’re breathing because he’s so tan and muscular. He has freckles on his shoulders and a small birthmark on the very low part of his back. It looks like a heart. 
You squire the lotion in your palm and then swipe your hand over his whole back. His muscles tightened and you were mesmerized by the strength of them as you rub in the sunscreen. You make sure to get his shoulders and up into his neck. Your hand curves with his spine as you go lower and get the sides of his stomach. Without even thinking, your nail traces over that birthmark, Jake takes a deep breath. 
“Okay, turn around,” you say. 
When he does, he crowds your space, his arms caging you in between him and the counter.
“I already got my stomach, can you put some on my nose?” he asks scrunching his nose in indication. 
“Yeah,” you bite your lip and put a little more on your two fingers. You stroke your fingers over his nose and onto his chin, pressing the excess under his eyes and onto his ears. When you’re finished, you keep his face held in your hands.
You stare at each other for a second before lips are on lips and you’re somehow on the counter with your legs wrapped around his waist. His body is hard and hot and muscled against yours, his hands pulling you into him, your back bowing so you’re as close as you can be. Your fingers are in his hair and he moves one hand to cup and squeeze your breast. You moan into his mouth and then he shifts the suit down, his thumb and forefinger tweaking your nipple. You moan again and Jake moves his kisses down your jaw and to your neck and then his mouth is covering your breast. 
His mouth is hot and his tongue is slick and wet as it circles over your nipple. His teeth dig into the swell of your breast while his tongue flicks and presses on your bud. 
“Jake,” you sigh falling against the mirror watching through hooded eyes as he opens his. He keeps his gaze on you as he shifts to your other breast, his hand yanking the suit down. He doesn’t close his eyes until his mouth is on you again, a contented sigh coming from him and you keep your fingers curled in his hair. 
The noises he makes as he suckles on you electrifies your blood cells and you need him closer. It’s when you start to grind your hips against him that you yank on his head. His mouth releases your breast with a pop and his eyes are bright green. 
“We haven’t–we shouldn’t–” you’re panting trying to get the words out because so many thoughts are racing through your mind. 
You’ve opened up to him more, you’re more comfortable with him, you’re sleeping in his bed more frequently but the paperwork and Betty’s health are at the forefront. This is just an arrangement, he’s said you tempt him and he’s been tempting you a lot more too lately. 
“You’re right,” he nods but peppers kisses along your breasts before tucking them back into your suit. “We have guests. I got carried away.”
“I’m sorry,” you say. 
“No need to be sorry, Sugar,” he smiles crookedly and shifts on his feet. “I need a few minutes before I can go back out there.”
Your eyes immediately fly down to his waist where you can see a bulge over the stars and stripes of his suit. 
“Oh. Oops,” you bite your lip trying to hide your smile.
“Yeah, oops,” he murmurs, tugging your lip from your teeth into a kiss. He groans when you kiss him back excitedly. “Okay, trouble, time to head out before we’re discovered.”
“You’re the troublemaker,” you tease hopping down from the sink. You pick up your wrap and adjust yourself again. 
You went back outside and stepped into the pool water, you also needed to cool down after what you and Jake did. The rest were in the pool and Jake jumped in with a big splash then took you in his arms. Rooster started to complain he was hungry an hour later. You were the only one left in the pool floating on one of the floaties Jake bought special for the day.
Rooster and Serena were sitting on the pool steps and Brynne and Phoenix were sitting on the edge talking. You watched Jake as he gathered all of the grill stuff, and he even put on an apron that said ‘Kiss the Chef’. You suck on your drink through your straw watching his arms flex as he cleans the grill, a sheen of sweat glistening on his shoulders. 
You slip off the floaty and exit the pool just as Serena and Rooster wade in deeper, their fingers loosely linked. Jake’s eyes are on you as you walk towards him, water rolling over your body and when you’re close enough you lean up and peck his lips softly. His eyes flutter and he grins.
“What was that for?” 
“Your apron says to kiss the chef, so I did,” you giggle and finish off your drink. 
“I’ll kiss you too, Hangman,” Roster makes kissy noises behind you.
“Hard pass, Bradshaw. Go get your kabobs, man,” then he turns his attention back on you. “Did you put more sunscreen on?”
“Yeah, but it won’t work. I’ll still burn,” you shrug then turn around but Jake swats at your ass and you yelp. 
You grab another seltzer and the start taking pictures with Serena, Brynne and Phoenix. Jake and Bradley look your way when you all squeal as Coyote does a cannonball in the water. Phoenix and Brynne exit the pool getting cozy at the bar, Brynne even kisses Phoenix’s cheek for a picture.
“That’s good, Brynne is chill compared to the last girl Phoenix was with,” Jake comments.
“Yeah, your Sugar sure is sweetening up our group, ain’t she?” Rooster nudges Jake’s shoulder then goes over to Serena who is struggling with her beer bottle. 
When Jake has the food on the grill, he retreats inside to grab the extra plate of watermelon Rhea had cut up for the day. Jake always makes sure she spends holidays with her own family and he brought the plate out to you. You snatch a piece and take a bite, the juice dribbles down your chin and into your cleavage. You hold the piece up to Jake and he takes a bite, juice dribbling down his chin as well. 
You giggle then lean on the pool edge to swipe it from his lips. You suck it off your thumb.
“See, you’re trouble,” he cocks his head to the side and starts to stand.
“Leave the watermelon,” you tell him and snatch the floaty. You climb back on and make grabby hands for the plate which he hands you. “Thank you.”
The food is great as you all sit down to eat it and then Rooster runs off to grab the fireworks he brought. He sets them up with the help of Bob. Jake hands you some water because all you’ve had all afternoon are seltzers. The dry heat is really getting to you and your suit is starting to feel uncomfortable which only means one thing.
You’ve got a sun burn. 
You sit on Jake’s lap as Bob sets the fireworks off and you start to shiver now that the sun is no longer in the sky. Rooster and Serena were making out as the fireworks lit up the sky. You remember to tell Jake that Serena wants Bradley to ask for her number. 
“He’s an idiot, he has no game,” Jake shakes his head, “I’ll tell him.”
Everyone is gone by eleven o’clock and Jake tuts when he sees how red you are as you remove your makeup in his bathroom. 
“Sugar, you’re so sunburnt. You didn’t put more on after I did it for you, did you?”
“I did, I swear! But I told you…sunscreen doesn’t work on me for some reason,” you flinch when you dry your face off with the towel. 
He sighs heavily. “Take a cool shower and I’ll put aloe on you.”
You do what he says and it hurts when you put on the satin pajama set. The straps are thin but hit your burning skin in just the right way. When you exit the bathroom, Jake is already showered and tugging on the draw strings of his basketball shorts. 
“C’mere my little tomato,” he gestures to his bed and you crawl on it delicately. You lay down and lift your shorts up higher on your thighs and the bottom of your shirt. “Sugar…”
“Put it on please,” your body trembles as you shiver some more. Being in the heat all day is finally escaping you as you’re in the controlled temperature of the house. 
Jake rubs it on your thighs first, the cooling sensation of the aloe feels wonderful. It’s colder on your stomach, his fingers brush the underside of your boobs but you’re in too much pain to really get excited about it. 
“You’re gonna have to take your top off so it doesn’t cling to your skin, that’s not going to feel good,” he shakes his head. “You don’t have to sleep in here if you’re uncomfortable–”
“No, can I please? Your sheets are cooler than mine,” you pout and sit up delicately. 
“Of course you can,” he smiles gently. You begin to lift your top off but it pinches at your shoulders and you cry out. “I got it.” 
Jake removes it as softly as he can, folds it, places it at the foot of his bed and puts more aloe on his hands. He’s gentle as he rubs it over your shoulders and down your arms. By the time he gets to your back, it’s already dried on your front. He puts some on your hands and more on your chest because that’s where it’s the worst. 
“I’m getting you SPF 100 so this doesn’t happen again.” he sets the bottle on his nightstand. Your picture in a small frame.
“It won’t work–” you start to say slipping under his sheets. 
“Yes it will. SPF 30 was no help to you, Sugar.”
You sigh as you settle into his sheets, the coolness helps with the aloe but you’re shivering like crazy. Jake grabs your hands and blows on them. 
“If you wake up and it still hurts, I’ll put more on you.”
“You don’t mind I’ll be sleeping with my top off?” your teeth chatter.
“Sugar, I wouldn’t mind if you decided to sleep nude,” he kisses your cheek and shuts the lights off.
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
What Lip Stick They Buy You 💄💋
Bucci Gang x Reader Headcanons
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Narancia Ghirga
He picks out cutesy ones for you because he thinks the gloss will look nice.
He saw it online, The Crème Shop x Hello Kitty Kawaii Kiss Moisturizing Lip Oil - Vanilla Mint Flavored. He didn't care about the flavor. He cared more about the appearance and color
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He would choose various cutsey lip glosses and the kind that are flavored hence why he got you dippin dots lip balms or Jolly Ranchers but expect different flavors he thought would taste best
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His favorite would be fruit flavored glosses on you. Various would be given to you but he'd get a better brand
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"Oh tesoro/tesorina! You're wearing the lip gloss I bought you!"
"Please can I have a kiss? You look so sexy/beautiful and kissable!"
"Only one kiss? You're wearing the tangerine lipgloss!"
"No fair! I wanted to try it from your lips."
Fugo Pannacotta
He loves the pink strawberry lip products on you! They make you look ever so kissable and he can't resist your lips
He buys you “Strawberry Kisses lip scrub” from Fourth Ray Beauty
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Glosses are a must too he wants to pick the cutest ones for you
Yes all of them would be strawberry flavored or themed
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He'd pick out pink strawberry themed lip sticks as well
He's so happy seeing you put them to use. He'll smile so much
Politely asking for kisses like the shy gentlemen he is
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He would also get you a balm too if requested or if he see's a good one
He'll bite his lip hoping he could kiss you. The sweetie wants all your kisses when he see's you put it to use. He can't help it
He's shy about PDA so he'll ask you privately
"Mio prezioso/preziosa, I need to kiss you.."
"You're so cute. I smell strawberry. You used the lipstick I got you. It looks great on you, as expected."
"Bella/Bello please kiss me.."
"You're simply irresistibile."
Guido Mista
He's getting you lip products he think would make you more kissable. He can't wait to use a pick up line on you to earn a kiss
Mista buys you watermelon sugar lip gloss. It’s called, “this is juice gloss” by NYX
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Much like Narancia he's getting you flavored lip products but I feel like he'd get the soda flavors. He'd totally get them to make some sort of cheesy pick up line. The fruity and coke flavors would be his go to but if you prefer other soda flavors he’d pick them out too.
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Mista loves lipstick on his partner too. He thinks it looks so pretty attractive. He might buy you some in red since he thinks its sexy. He'd make sure its a good brand
If you don't like red lip he's fine with other colors but of course he'll like them natural too. He's still wanting your kisses constantly
Too bad he doesn't realize lipstick don't taste good but it's a sacrifice he's willing to make
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He would like different colored lipglosses too. I can see him picking purples and pinks
He's going to be begging for kisses when you wear lip glosses since they draw so much attention
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"Looking good handsome/gorgeous. Where's my kiss?"
"Is that red lipstick I see? Gimme kisses!"
"You look so sexy. I'm going to need some kisses. I hope I earned them."
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno likes pink lipsticks and he'd love seeing various shades on you too!
He buys you lipstick from Sephora for you. He likes their products because they carry good quality expensive brands.
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The Rose lip scrub is his favorite on you
Hot pinks are also a favorite choice of his
He’d be sure to pick out a shade that would compliment your complexion
Dior would be another brand he would love to buy for you
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Lip glosses would be the other type of lip wear he’d pick out for you. Pinks and purples. The glosses would look so cute on you
"Bello/Bella I'm happy to see you wear the lip gloss I've given you."
"Scusi but you're looking so divine today. I must kiss you, cara/caro."
"You're wearing the pink lipstick I bought you, aren't you stella (star)?"
"Carino/Carino are you only giving me one kiss?"
Bruno Bucciarati
He likes the red lipsticks for you! Any shade is fine with him.
He’d pick out a good brand like Dior or maybe Sephora
Other shades I can see him choosing would be browns or orange colors
Bright colors would compliment your eyes but he thinks brown shades look sexy too
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He’d be delighted to see you wear the colors he bought you. Anything to make you happy
He isn’t opposed to other types of lip wear I feel like Bruno doesn’t know them too well
“I see you’re wearing the red lipstick I got you. You look very breathtaking~”
“I never get tired of your lip prints. They make my day, amore mio.”
“So beautiful.. I know I’ve already kissed your hand. Would you be opposed to a kiss?”
Leone Abbacchio
He’s the perfect one to pick out lipsticks for you. He knows makeup very well and enjoys picking them out for you too. Maybe he could do your makeup too if you like?
Of course he’d want to twin with you by getting you purple lipsticks. He’d get various shades so you can experiment with a color you’d enjoy most
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He’d also like blacks and dark greens on you. Red is also a pleasing sight to see as well. Getting brands off of shelves while he’s shopping for himself but it’s most likely he’s shopping for you
He’d love to pick out lipsticks with coffin packaging
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He’d get some Nightmare Before Christmas lipsticks as well. He enjoys their shades of lipsticks and would also enjoy the look of the design
He isn’t opposed to other colors. These would be his favorites he’d like to see on you.
He always has a smug look on his face at night when he sees your lip prints on him before washing it off his face or other body parts
If he had to pick his favorite it would be black. He secretly thinks it’s sexy
“The black lipstick really suits you.. better seat you on my lap before you run off.”
“Where’s my kiss, my dark empress/emperor?”
“Need to kiss you, my sexy vampire.”
"Getting lip prints on me whore?"
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lovelykil · 9 months
Hiii can I request hcs for killua with an so who smokes?? Like weed and vape and stuff like that she’s just someone who enjoys getting high yk? Like would he be against it and try to get her to quit or would’ve he want to try it or and if so do you think he’d get high w her often? I love your work btw I go to your page almost everyday to see if you’ve posted anything you’re honestly one of my favorite writers on here 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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: ➛killua
hc; reader who smokes
cw; 🌬🍃
note; STOP IM blushing tysm 😞
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“are you seriously high right now”
I think he would lowkey try it, I mean hell whatever it's just some plant right?
first time he took a hit he either didn't have a reaction or coughed till tears fell out of his face while you tried not to laugh, attempting to help him.
then again I'm pretty sure he would be immune to the cannabis though I'm not entirely sure but for the sake of this headcanon he's not
anyway vaping? I'd assume he thinks vaping is pretty lame, just smoke weed pussy
he actually told you this one time lmao
"do you wanna hit my vape kil?" You held the device, shaking it slightly in your grasp.
he looks at you then the vape.
"yeah, it's watermelon flavored." You smile.
he looks unamused, scoffing at your confused face.
"you're a loser you know."
you almost drop the vape, feeling your eyebrows furrow from annoyance.
"you could've just said NO ASSHOLE"
"no, you needed to know" a cat-like grin paints his face.
killua would probably get high a few times with you just because. He sees you outside and you're already passing the rolled-up joint to him.
"I feel like you only wanna be with me when I'm smoking." You tease, watching him inhale. he takes the rolled-up paper out of his mouth and exhales.
"you're an idiot, of course that's not why." He turns to look at you. You grab the joint back and shrug, "whatever you say." You scoot closer to him and look up at the night sky.
you get high ALOT, while he's not that much into it. He doesn't really realize you do it like 24/7 till you guys get assigned a mission.
like take example the ant arc, training to fight knuckle. Of course you trained, but you actually sneaked away to get yourself seeing rainbows then made yourself back inside.
you, kil, and gon walk your way to where knuckle was. You're currently in the back of the two seeing the sky turn all sorts of peculiar colors as you giggle unconsciously.
the continuous laughing eventually makes killua a little annoyed while gon grows a tad bit concerned.
"y/n are you okay? You've been laughing the past 5 minutes." the ravenette stops, turning around. Killua does the same with his arms crossed, staring at you.
"cause the sky is telling me jokes, there's a talking cloud his name is George." You point up. The boys follow your finger, looking up. The boys look at each other having a mutual puzzled expression.
as kil looked down it finally hit him, his eyes meet yours and he could just see those glossy red eyes of yours. He rubs his face with a grumble.
"oh my god."
"hey y/n you kinda have a weird strong scent coming from you."
now at this point he grasps the intensity of this situation and tells you to maybe lay off the weed for a bit, as a concerned friend or if you guys are together
a concerned BOYFRIEND
he doesn't want you to fuck up your brain, cares for you to much.
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