#these girls cannot catch a BREAK goddamn
katerinu · 1 year
saw a piece of fanart that i thought was sesskagu and when i clicked it was tagged as rin and im like..... is this what rumiko intended when she made rin wear kagura's clothes lmao
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blujayonthewing · 7 months
justin, pulling some dice toward him: ALRIGHT, we're gonna generate a girl for elyss post-campaign. or a boy. random dnd commoner generator let's go justin: [rolls] [consults table] it's.... an elf me: alright, alright, off to a good start justin: [rolls] [checks] they're....... male me: hell yeah elf boyfriend let's go justin: he's... [rolls][checks] ........... missing, injured, or damaged, me: OH, OKAY,
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prodkeiji · 8 months
nvm i feel like shit again and its only monday omfg 😭😭😭
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Ok so tmi (on the tmi blog lol) but the first day of my Cycle I had a dream that I had just given birth and I was holding my baby and I was goddamn euphoric even though the logical part of me was like “???? I am 22 and broke i CANNOT have a baby rn” and I woke up crying and called my friends like I WANNA HAVE A BAAAAAABYYYYY I WANT A BAAAAAAABYYYYYYYY so basically. Imagine. Miguel catches you in a moment of weakness. And he NEVER. FUCKING. FORGETS IT.
Oh wow girlie those period hormones grabbed you by the uterus and absolutely REFUSED to let go
NO BUT FOR REAL don't look at me but I've been thinking of a concerning number of ideas where it's like, "Reader suddenly realizes they may want a baby and is actually putting serious thought into it and Miguel finds out (bet your ass Peter B tells him, i can see him as a "well intentioned" platonic guardian/mentor figure who sells you out to Miguel the second he thinks you're doing something risky or he thinks it's for your own good) and Miguel starts making all these plans and preparations behind your back to have a baby with you" and obviously I like the extra juicy option of "he found out you got extremely depressed and tied your tubes or something because you either see no point in you having a kid/think it's too late, OR, Miguel was the only person you were looking at as a potential father and you either decide it wouldn't work out or he does something to hurt you and you lose trust in him" so like, the double whammy combo of him being hit with the news you basically walled off your fertility that he's kinda fantasizing about AND you blame him for it
You see him chokeslam Miles on the train and having all these serious anger and stress issues and you're like "hmmmm don't like that" and basically make the tubal ligation appointment that week (but, you know, he'll either interfere before you can actually get it or even reverse it later on)
Like. Ugh I'm not sure if I should go super into detail bc I feel like I want to put this scene in the YouTwo fic or in a different idea i have thats more centered around motherhood, but, picture he catches you in his monitor room one day after you've lost your home dimension, you're having a little more than just a small identity crisis, and he catches you having Lyla show you the model for your life, or what the algorithm had predicted your life was supposed to be like before your universe just magically poofed away. You're just staring at these holograms with tears running down your face and he occasionally catches you starting to reach out like you want to touch what you see. He comes to stop you because he already knows all too well where this could lead, you can't become tempted to break canon and go somewhere else, but you beg him to let you watch just a little longer
"I was supposed to get MARRIED! I was supposed to have a BABY! I was supposed to have a family!! It's not fair!!"
And he's in total agreement with you because, who even fucking knows why your universe suddenly destabilized and vanished. He sees you as this person who has so much promise and potential who had their destiny and future literally snatched away from them and now you're lost and confused on what you're supposed to do, like really he totally understands why you feel so aimless. But watching these holograms is like torturing yourself, and he goes to stop you when you just keep crying because this is basically sending you into a critical mental health episode
"Someone was supposed to fall in love with me... we were supposed to have a baby... would I have been a good mom? Would I have had a boy or a girl? Cant you at least let me find out what my daughter's name would have been?"
And it's like NOOOO you can't hit him with the daughter card, don't you see what you've DONE!!! Gets him right in the heart. Now he's got this massive soft spot for you, bigger than it already was anyways, and he can tell over time you're just really starting to, grieve the future you were supposed to have, falling into a depression. Peter B is hanging around with Mayday like he usually does as both men can tell you're really staring at his baby today and he offers to teach you how to hold her. you're standing there misty eyed twirling one of her little curls around your finger as her dad starts volunteering information to you, "you know she's about XYZ months old now, they aren't really talking yet at this age but they're really curious about their surroundings and--"
Miguel watches as you start talking about children and suddenly get this really really tortured expression and just say "it's not meant to happen" and or some combination of "it's too late for me" and gives him his baby back a little too quickly in typical "I am clearly leaving the room to go cry" fashion. Meanwhile Peter B is like 38 wondering why you think you're out of time or it's not supposed to happen
Miguel's working one day and Peter is trying to shove his phone in his face, "you know I think this is one of the BEST photos of Mayday I've ever taken, she's looking so cute here, you just GOTTA see it" and Pete just won't let up and Miguel finally looks just to humor him because the man is being unusually annoying and, it's a photo of Mayday, duh, but being held by you, and you're clearly looking down at her with watering eyes and the smallest little smile that says "I'll die for you" and Peter is just all 😏 as Miguel is 'suddenly' interested in the photo. "That's a really good photo of MAYDAY, right? 😏 I figured you would like it, that photo of MAYDAY 😏" and Miguel is just grumbling and grouchy bc he sees what this guy is tryna do, but he's still like ".... send it to me later, I'm trying to work right now"
It's even worse if you're a member of his strike force because you're constantly around him, Peter B, and Jess. Miguel just, idly wondering where you are and deciding to walk around a little bit and eventually finds that you're having some sort of conversation with Peter B and Jess and he can tell you look really weepy as the other woman invites you to feel her baby kicking, like, you could not more obviously be developing baby fever, and you ARE around that age, and ESPECIALLY if you live in Nueva York because it's like, YEAH you're still a Spider and YEAH you help the Society with stuff but. Your home universe is gone, your canon is gone, you're kind of. Free as a bird really? But you're also scared because, if someone was destined to love you, does that mean it technically isn't meant to be to fall for anyone else? You can't exactly hook up with people at the Spider Society because of canon or them already having relationships, and you don't exactly have identifying documents if you wanted to try and adopt
I think it'd really reach a stressful breaking point if you and the strike force go to another universe to fight an anomaly and Miguel catches you staring out into the crowd of people you just saved and he sees what youre looking at instantly and his heart sinks. Another you, another normal you, never bitten by a Spider, is standing there with her husband and her little sputtering baby, and he has to all but drag you away as you cry "it's not fair, it's not fair, why does SHE get a normal life!!"
Sidebar for a moment, I think that's probably also one thing that would be so INFURIATING about the doppelganger stealing your life story because THEY have a home universe and YOU don't. They take your life, they take literally everything you have left, your friends, your sense of community, your literal purpose. I've already decided on YTs motivations but could you imagine you finding out YouTwo actually has a decent life and maybe even a husband and kid of their own and you're just furious because they're basically abandoning their duties back home not only as a Spider but as a parent/spouse to steal what YOU have? You can't kill them because it would break their canon and kill like countless people but Miguel and the others would def let you beat the shit out of your evil double and get some of your anger out. Like. Jesus could you imagine Miguel kicks you out thinking you're the fake and after you're gone, YouTwo breaks canon and that's what exposes them, or theyre exposed when they eventually take a trip back home and get caught. The Society's regret, the guilt, the anger, just marinate me with the drama
But anyways back to Being Sad and Babycrazy, you go missing one day and Miguel has to decide what to do when he finally tracks your bracelet and you're back in THAT dimension again. He has to physically track you down using your bracelet's signal because you refuse to answer his messages and you're, in the home of the other you while she takes a brief nap, in the nursery, holding her baby. Miguel quietly climbs through the window and you're in a rocking chair and you've got her hugged to your chest and your eyes are closed and you sense him and, obviously cry because you know you have to leave. Unlike with the holograms he doesn't give you any leeway on this, putting his foot down that this has to end here, this cant go on, this is already so dangerous. And, you're good for him and understand, leaving the baby back in its crib as you and Miguel warp away. You're heartbroken but ultimately understanding when he has to disable your watch's ability to visit that specific dimension again, and you're obviously extremely depressed for a while, having multiple Spiders coming to check in on you as word spreads around that you aren't doing well
I can just see Reader becoming kind of desperate because the only options for a baby you really have left is to either 1. get a serious relationship, which you're scared of because you have to trust that person and who can you even pick, you're nervous about breaking canon or something, or 2. Get some random person to impregnate you so you can run off with the baby
Miguel gets a call from Peter B that you went to a bar and you're EXTREMELY wasted as you try to pick someone, ANYONE up and like, you have admirers for sure but there's enough decent people around to keep the creeps in line, clearly you are in a vulnerable state of mind right now, and Miguel gets to tote your drunken ass back home as you drunkenly word vomit all your feelings to him because, unfortunately for you, he has your trust, and you need comfort right now, and you even ask him about what being a parent was like for him. You encouragingly tell him he shouldn't give up if he still wants kids, you trying to be genuinely nice and not trying to imply anything, blubbering about how he deserves to still be happy and he's still got time, and here's Miguel who's practically tracking your cycles at this point, TOTALLY not going to use anything you say to him while you're piss-drunk against you
Especially if you add ABO into the mix and you have a Miguel who's either Alpha/Omega and is already babycrazy af and he sees you literally fucking YEARNING for it, like. You've got a 6'9" Alpha basically looking at you, his poor lil Omega crush, with the big yandere goo goo eyes and how you need all this love and support and stability and how you're in need of a proper husband and of course he's all too willing to volunteer himself for the job. Even if he's too awkward to come right out to you and say it, he'll be thinking in his head and planning behind your back ways to take care of you, keep you away from any drugs/alcohol (no more smoking weed with metro boomin Spiderman, you've gotta detox your body to have a baby! Also, different concept but, Miguel basically keeping you in a bubble to control all your meals and recreational activities and all of that so he can make sure you're perfectly healthy for a baby)
Don't let this man catch you slipping up! Throw you to the Spider Society and you'll come back pregnant 😭 he sees you so depressed and wanting a baby and it's like well, if your life needs new meaning, he can help literally make one for you 😏 he's been feeling protective and nurturing of you anyways, so, it's an extra benefit for him to think of getting to have both you AND a little baby of your very own ❤️
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thewatcher-ofmedia · 5 months
(Can you tell that my portuguese teacher didn't come so I have 100 minutes without shit to do)
ANYWAYS, since I'm in the 4th episode I think it's a good time to see first impressions
I love him so much, like I was 10 minutes in and saying "I would die for you, I would kill for you, just ask and I'll do it"
Favourite character obviously
Wanna put him in a jar and protect him from everything bad in the world
He's brunette, has curls, is the sunshine character, has daddy issues and uses humour to cope so obviously he's also on the list of fictional crushes
Also something that I absolutely love about this show is that they pick this "stereotypical characters" and make them better.
Like, in this case the always happy character would have a ton of trauma but the show (or the characters, but that's a talk for another post) would not acknowledge this, they would show real depressed shit and then completely ignore it for the rest of the show.
Or just show it in the end of the series then kill him off.
But here they're letting people know from the beginning AND it's visible that the fact that he hides it is gonna be a major plot point in the show which makes me SO HAPPY
And in the loop scenes they made sure to focus on Charles face and reaction every. single. time.
Anways, I'm soo curious to learn more about his trauma and death and to see his character development
And he's so cute and trying so hard to make sure everyone likes him and lighten the mood and to not be a bother and to make everyone happy and I'm gonna cry
I also love him so goddamn much
He's also going in the jar, don't worry I'll protect you from everything
He's my baby (he was born more two hundred years before me and is my age BUT HE'S MY BABY)
Seriously someone needs to sit him down and say that everything is going to be ok (and get death the fuck away from him, my boy does not deserve hell, he deserves to be with his boyfriend best friend)
Also love this concept that everyone around him knows he's not straight, he knows that he's not straight but somehow he's still in the closet. Like, he never says he's straight, but he says to Niko that Mounty and him both boys, so one cannot be into the other and when Niko says that boys can like like each other he just turns the conversation around
I think they're writing that so well. It's subtle yet obvious, it's so good
Also, he's autistic, definitely in the spectrum. He obviously doesn't know because the first diagnosed case of autism was in 1943
And the dynamics that he has with everyone is SO GODDAMN GOOD
Someone give this girl an aspirin, a therapist and a bed
My girl cannot catch a break
One more in the protection jar, don't worry, I'll find your family for you, you need to rest
Overall great character, she's sassy, she's funny and she's the only emotional intelligent one
She's definitely gonna be the bridge for Edwin and Charles' romantically relationship
Like she's Miss "Edwin is acting weird because he's jeaulous of the sexual tension that we have, Charles" and Miss "Charles got stuck in the loop because he has strong feelings towards abusive fathers because he had one, Edwin"
Really love that we have someone to smack this idiots and say "You're in love with each other" because they are not gonna realise that by themselves
She's so cute, I wanna protect her from this cruel, cruel world
This means that I already have her in the jar, no one else is gonna get to her
At first I thought she was gonna be this really closed and introvert character that was gonna talk when absolutely necessary and was a bit emo. But like her hair her personality lightened up as soon as the parasites got out (she was sick it's normal that she was wuth a really depressed attutude but Bea's too focused on the story to remember how people act socially)
I really wanna hug her, I need to
Also love how eager she is to help and how she has nothing to do with the boys , she's a "cas closed" but even Edwin can't say no to her
I feel like her "almost dying" trauma is gonna be a bit underrated (although I see that they are not completely ignoring because of the 3rd episode where she felt like she couldn't deal with death since she almost met her the week before) but I want to believe the opposite because until now the show has not disappointed me in terms of traumas (or in other terms really)
I don't have much to say, I like her in the twisted "this is a fun villain" way
I'm really curious to know more about this Lilith and immortality thing
She did loose some points in my book with the whole torturing the crow thing
I am ✨️traumatised✨️
I'm so confused about his character
Like, he's a really fun character
And his outfits are great
But at the same time, get the fuck away from Edwin, in both the scenes with both of them I was so scared that he was going to the "no consent" zone
I do love that both the scenes where he's in he slays the outfit, tries to drag Edwin out the glass closet, fails, keeps him trapped so he can try to do this one more time and goes away
Like, he has one objective and one objective only and honestly, respect
My patient queen
I have not much more to say
She accidentally adopted two really weird teenagers and regrets that so much
I respect her so much
As an older sister, if she snaps, grabs a knife and kills them both out of annoyance I would support it
That's it 🫶
If you haven't understood yet I have way too many thoughts about this series
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vroomian · 7 months
Yrz hit the garden of the royal palace in hell in ablaze of agony and with a glitching form. Unfortunately Lucifer and Lilith are out at the moment and three year old Charlie is in the garden with a pair of imp minders.
Unfortunately those imps see a random angel in the palace garden and abandon baby Charlie without looking back.
Wait, Yrz thinks through the agony, is that a fucking baby????
Also, Yrz immediately flash backs to his disastrous arrival in heaven and how he fried four weak angels just from loosing control.
Unfortunately this baby is sitting well within frying distance. She is also cute as — hah — hell.
Nope! Yrz has never hurt a baby in any goddamn lifetime and he’s not starting now. His monstrous will rises from the depths and his self control snaps it’s jaw around the agony and swallows it whole. He yanks his power into form. It still fucking hurts but that is the least important part of this situation. His glitching form snaps into a body that’s broken but solid. His paper wings and one leg are angled wrong, and what passes for ribs are for sure broken. Inky blood leaks from a multitude of wounds, turning to gold ichor when it touches the ground.
the baby remains unfried.
It only feels like he’s dying. It’s just a body. Yrz can deal.
Yrz’s still working on human adjacent facial features so he settles on manifesting one sheet of paper with a smiley face on it. “Hey honey, where are your parents?”
The little girl grins — and those are little baby fangs. “Daddy go out!”
Babysitting it is.
This, Yrz thinks, really is hell.
“You got a name, you little demon?”
The girls eyes honest to god sparkle. Why. How. “Char-char!
Lucifer and Lilith, alerted to an intruder by their panicked staff, show up in full demon forms.
They find baby Charlie happily scribbling over some of yrzs paper wings and chattering happily to a long suffering Yrz.
All the grown ups pause, wary.
Charlie immediately shrieks and wobbles to her parents in delight. Her very dangerous parents. Yrz recognizes that face from the archives.
Lucifer Morningstar snatches up his daughter like she’s a treasure he thought lost forever. And if that’s Lucifer the woman must be Lilith.
Yrz cannot catch a break.
Yrz clears his throat — or what passes for it. It sounds like a Peice of paper being torn apart. He morphs his stupid smiley face sheet into an origami rose. Harder to read. “I come in peace?”
Lucifer glances at the crater where his garden used to be. He raised an eyebrow.
“I fell from heaven really, really fast in peace?” Yrz tries.
“Of course you did, And what do you do to be booted out of the pearly gates? Murder? Arson? Something — worse?” Lucifer sounded tired. He was still clutching Charlie to his chest which undermined the nonchalance in his voice.
Um. Yrz shrugs with his broken shoulders as much as he can. “Nothing really? I left.”
Yrz also trashed the place as he went, but that was more of a side effect than a cause. Besides, was a crime really committed if no one saw you do it?
“You — left.”
“You left paradise. The paradise created specifically for humans who lived virtuous lives. The paradise made specifically by God, the all knowing creator?”
“It was nice,” what Yrz had seen of it before he was locked in a golden cage for one hundred years. “But it was also kinda — boring.”
Lucifer stares. “Boring. My fathers crowning glory.”
“I’m sure God worked really hard on it?” Yrz half asked, getting a little annoyed with all the staring. “Look I don’t really know what you want me to say here. it’s not like I asked for eternal paradise okay. I literally just did my job to the best of my ability while I was alive! I don’t even worship any kind of god! I was ready for nothingness, without consciousness! Not hymns and sugar forever! No problems to solve at all!”
Yrz tried to keep himself entertained! But even all of the records of heaven couldn’t last forever for a being of pure information that Yrz had become, a thing that could just — absorb shit instantly,! make it a part of himself! He went through the whole archive in fifty years — and he never forgot anything anymore. Any longer in that cage and he would have chewed off his own wings. He would’ve broken his halo and used the pieces to see if suicide was still an option. He could feel himself slipping into that cold place where humanity meant less than nothing. The only thing that remained was the problem: a way out. By any means necessary.
Yrz was not a being made for stagnation.
Something was bound to break. So Yrz made sure it wasn’t him.
Sure heaven was a little bit… charred, but what prisoner felt bad for their jailers?
Not this one.
“What the fuck,” Lucifer said. His demon form vanished.
“Fuck!” Charlie said, cheerfully.
“Darling,” lilith said chidingly.
“Oh fuck — no I mean, darn! Sorry, dearest. Come on char-char, don’t say that, daddy didn’t mean to say a bad word!”
“Oh, this going to be like the s-word incident all over again huh? Why are children like this?”
Lilith and Yrz watched as the king of hell began to wander off, completely absorbed in his giggling daughter.
Finally Lilith broke the silence. “ you’re injured. Come and we shall see to your care.”
“And in return?” Yrz asked, wary.
He wouldn’t exchange one cage for another.
She smiled, a soft, sad little thing. “ while you recover, nothing. You shall be as an honored guest. Afterwards we shall negotiate.”
Lilith glanced after her husband and child. “I am no stranger to the marks left by those who are so convinced of their righteousness that they are blind to the grace of mercy. No one here is a friend to those golden cowards in their golden home.”
Yes. She would be. To be created and given to some man without choice — disgusting. Yrz would’ve rejected that commandment as well. He would belong to himself and those he chose.
“I can’t really move,” Yrz admitted sheepishly. “My — everything is broken.”
Lilith nearly smiled. “I am aware. The injures of a fall that long are also familiar. May I?” She knelt by him, careful of his wings. The scribbles from Charlie were very pink against their paleness.
Yrz blinked. Some sort of healing magic? “Sure — woah!”
Lilith picked Yrz up as if he weight nothing. He stifled a noise of agony and felt his form glitch again. He stilled with a grimness. No frying the queen of hell who’s trying to help you, asshole.
“Sorry,” he said because that had to sting.
“It is no matter,” Lilith said. “You are much more injured than I thought if your form is that unstable. “
“Well,” Yrz said. “There was a baby right there. I couldn’t just — my form is pretty difficult to withstand.”
Lilith paused and looked down to meet yrzs eyes would be, if he had any. “Thank you. She is dear beyond words to both of us. “
“I don’t need thanks for not hurting a kid,” Yrz said dryly. “Not lashing out when in pain is a basic adult skill.”
“And yet it is a rare talent.”
Yrz wished he had eyes so he could roll them. “It shouldn’t be.”
“Mama!” Charlie’s vice called out. “Come sing, sing! Fuck!”
Lilith laughed under her breath. She carried Yrz towards her home and family.
Hell, Yrz concluded, was beyond weird.
He felt better already.
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sunrisemill · 7 months
✮From the start✮ pt.3
Chris and y/n have always been inseparable, they’ve always relied on each other but what happens when one of them falls?
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.4 Finale
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Chris’ pov
(2 months ago)
I toss and turn in my bed but can’t shake off this horrible feeling. She's been acting weird and distant lately, I feel like I don't know her anymore…are we still friends? The other day we were watching a movie on my couch, and she looked so sleepy. I couldn't help myself, I put my arm around her and the only way I could describe the look on her was pure horror. Did I do something wrong? Did I go too far? Did I smell or something? I groan into my pillow as those thoughts flood my brain. I have to talk to her. I rip the blanket off of my body and slowly sit up “Alright Grandpa. Do you need help with that?” I feel my lips curl up into a small smile at the memory. She never did give me a break, god forbid I'd let out the TINIEST noise bending over “You okay Grandpa?.” “Do I need to take you to the nursing home already?” Her voice rings through my head as I stand up, I glance over at the alarm clock on my bedside table, 12:22 it reads. God, I hope she’s awake. I can't go on like this anymore.
“Y/n.” I whisper-shout as I stand below her window. I know she’s up cause she has her lamp on “I bet she’s blasting her music, that girl’s gonna go deaf.” I grumble to myself. I smirk as an idea comes to mind, I pick up a small pebble and throw it towards her window creating a small tap noise. “Oh, my precious Y/n. I cannot bear another second without your gracious company.” I say in the most dramatic tone I can come up with. Not long after that I hear the sound of a squeaky window being opened. “Now what the actual hell was that?” I grin as she pokes her head out of the window. God, she looks beautiful… “what? I thought you liked corny shit like that. You're always making me watch that cheesy ass rom-com, what was it now… 12 going on 22?” I ask in a teasing voice. Of course, I know it's 13 going on 30, how could I ever forget her favourite movie? I even watched it without her so I could memorize the wedding scene that she does not stop talking about. “Haha, Chris. You're so funny.” she replies with a PAINFULLY sarcastic tone. “Why are you here anyway?” I take in a deep breath. “I wanted to talk to you, could you maybe…come down here, my neck hurts.” I watch her let out a soft chuckle as she retreats her head back, she's gonna come outside and I'm gonna have to do one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. She can't hate me…can she? I mean, she could after this. Y/n hasn't always been the best at expressing her emotions or telling me how she feels, she just shuts down. My thoughts get interrupted by the sound of her back door sliding open. I don't know how she does it, she could be wearing a trash bag for all I care and she would still take my breath away. “Hey…” I whisper as my voice fails me. “Hi?” I watch as she hugs her body to shield herself from the cold. “I was just- I was wondering…are you okay?” Her body stiffens and I just think…oh shit. “I'm fine, Chris. Why wouldn't I be?” The coldness in her voice could send a chill down anyone’s spine “Y/n, I can tell when there’s something wrong. Why can’t you talk to me?  Im here for you.” I take a step toward her but she steps back. C'mon Y/n, don't do this to me. Let me in. Just talk to me. I silently plead to her as her face contorted into a look of annoyance. “I've told you a hundred times already. I am fine. Why can't you comprehend that I don't need a saviour. It's 1 am, go home and sleep like a normal person for once in your goddamn life.” My breath catches in my throat as her tone gets more and more cold as she speaks. What happened to the Y/n that I know? The one I fell in love with… “you know what…” I swallow as I feel tears brimming my eyes. “Im done dealing with this. I care about you but you couldn't give two shits even if you wanted to. Do you know what you are Y/n? A fucking coward! Oh, how dare somebody show even the littlest bit of concern for you. I bet you’ll just forget about me, You'll get a new best friend and fuck it up the same way cause you're too much of a pussy to confront your feelings. I tried helping you but you're hopeless.” I wipe away the tears that fell from my eyes and huff before storming off in a fit of rage. I slam the gate to her backyard behind me, leaving a shivering, startled Y/n behind. Even after all of that…I cant help but still love her.
(A/N: Omg this took so long to come out cause my laptop decided to break but I finally got it fixed YIPPEE!!!! I hope you'll like this cause I feel like I cooked with this. Don't ruin my confidence)
Tags: @guccifrog
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captaincrazycreative · 4 months
We're only 16 episodes into this podcast, and I'm just thinking about the fact that Alice cannot catch a fucking break.
Here's a breakdown of all the bad things that have happened to our main cast so far (keep in mind it's possible im missing something)
-Sam has gifted kid burnout and potential institute trauma
-Gwen's only concrete thing is the whole mr Blobby fiasco. Anything else is just speculation right now.
-Celia probably survived the fear apocolypse and arrived in another universe, but that's not for sure yet
-Colin is losing his mind over the 'puters somewhere right now
-Lena has CERTAINLY experienced plenty of horror in her day, but nothing concrete we know of yet.
Meanwhile Alice is speedrunning the tragedy with
-potential institute trauma
-a breakup we don't know the details of, but that she clearly still isn't over.
-unrequited love for an ex and all the angst that comes with that AS WELL AS that "ex moving on and dating another one of your coworkers and trying to set boundaries that you wanna respect, so you try to respect his decisions 'cause you wanna be supportive, so you put on an overly supportive attitude about it even though seeing him with someone else is eating you up inside" thing she's got goin on.
-whatever all is going on with all her loneliness and apathy
-dead parents
-stress from trying to care for your brother financially and emotionally after said parents' death.
-encounter with a woman in an alleyway who she tries to perform cpr on only to realize later the woman was already dead, and she is either losing it or getting sucked back into the horrors she was trying so hard to avoid, also the woman had a taperecorder which triggered Alice for reasons we have yet to learn.
-she watched someone die apperntly. A lot of people are assuming the last time she saw death was her parents, but we don't know for sure yet, SO FOR ALL WE KNOW this was a completely SEPARATE traumatic experience she went through.
In conclusion I don't know what Alice did to piss these writers off so much, but free my girl. I expect trauma in a magnus archives follow up, but GODDAMN at least try and spread it out a little! Give my girl a break she's being spread thin! Stop it she's already dead!
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needle-noggins · 4 months
Since you are oc pilled.. what can you tell us about Fanny? I'd love to hear all about them!
So. Frances Paine (Fanny Paine. pain in my fuckin' ass) is my beloved Trigun OC for a ttrpg I'm in. You have have seen me tag things as #gunsmoked; that's the game. Fanny is a thomas rancher by trade. She grew up in Hopeland. Her best friend, a girl from the orphanage named Nova, went away when they were 12. Nova got shipped off to the Eye of Michael and sent Fanny letters about how bad it was until the letters just... stopped. Fast forward 20 years. Fanny left Hopeland, starting ranching Thomases in a little town called Gunpoint. Killed her husband (backstory) when she found out he was trafficking kids for the Eye of Michael. I wrote a little thing for it.
Within the span of game.... well, Fanny has done some truly buckwild shit. First thing she did in the game was punch the mayor's boytoy so bad that the local gang burned her house down. She helped rescue another character's brother (it's amnesiac Millions fucking Knives) and in the process killed the mayor. Who ended up also being the gang leader. It was Brilliant Dynamites Neon.
Fanny in that moment became the town mayor and the leader of the Bad Lads gang. Like, okay!!?!? OKAY! After grappling with the extremely sudden new responsibility, she discovered that the neighboring town was a front for the EOM. She and her best friend, another sad cowboy named Charlie, went to fuck up the EOM base and quickly discovered they were outgunned and outmanned. It did not go well. Also, Fanny ran into her childhood friend Nova in there. Nova didn't recognize her. Come to find out Nova didn't remember her. At all. Cue Fanny panic. Fanny gets another character, a plant scientist named Aggie, to give Nova the old childhood letters. Aggie, love her dearly, decided to do this in the most unhinged way and just scatter letters around Nova's office for her to get jump-scared by emotions while doing her job. This also did not go well. I mean, it worked, but... Nova went apeshit. Murder mode angry.
Some fuckshit happens, the Eye takes over Gunpoint. Fanny and Charlie shenanigans continue (RIP Knife's beautiful tank), and they try to take back the town but Fanny gets a little too obsessed with making Nova remember her and she's on a suicide mission about it, actually. Because Nova is freaking out that she can't remember this person and is trying to kill Fanny. Fanny almost gets shot with a punisher laser just as Charlie shoots Nova, saving her life but putting Nova in grave danger. We discover Nova is part cyborg, now in a robo-coma, and it takes about a week in-game to find the parts to fix her. Fanny spends this entire time just losing her goddamn mind about it. She may be a little bit gay for Nova. Maybe. Perhaps. But absolutely obsessive.
Nova gets fixed and comes to, bounces, Fanny has a mental crisis about it but realizes she can't fix her childhood friend. Still wants to kiss her, though. But the party has got bigger plans, like saving the world, first. And she still has responsibilities to be, ya know, the town mayor and Bad Lads leader.
Fanny is an absolute idiot, chaotic as hell, with the second-highest known body count in the party (Tesla did July; hard to top that. Knife is a new man so his past crimes don't count. Wolfwood has not told us shit about himself). She wears some Orville Peck-esque Neon Cowboy shit. Her thomas is named Cash, after Johnny Cash. Her gun was her momma's and it's an ornate little thing. She thinks half of being a cowboy is about the drip (she's right). She's a coward, she can't hurt people she cares about - even when they're threatening to kill her. She means well, she's actually not half-bad at being a leader because she's compassionate, but she's impulsive and has no self-confidence. She cannot catch a fucking break. She's hopelessly in love with her childhood best friend, she blames herself for everything that happened to Nova, she thinks she failed her by not following her to the Eye at the age of 12. She's a small town girl who is finally realizing that the world is so much bigger than her small town drama, and other people have some much bigger problems. She's can be condescending and controlling, but she's also nurturing and wants to help. She's insulting and doesn't know how to comfort others, but she's loyal to the death. She just wants to save everyone. She cannot take her own damn advice. She is extremely accidentally Vash-coded. When I play her she and her goofy-ass southern accent just take over and I don't know half the shit I say. I adore her and the absolute disaster she is. She compels me SO much.
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sillygoofyqueer · 5 months
The Untamed review: episode two!!
Yes, Wei Wuxian, Little Apple IS a picky eater, because he deserves only the best and KNOWS IT
Bro's complaining about a donkey to a donkey, what a guy
"You're like MY master"
"Yo, there's a well!" Wei Wuxian immediately moves out of the way, what a gentleman
Wei Wuxian helplessly listening to them argue over his inventions is so funny to me
The way that Wei Wuxian just gives up and peaces out
Fighting with a donkey now
Take the fucking apple, you dumbass
How old is this woman? She looks about twenty five
Push her off, it'd be so funny and no one would know
Yo, what is Yan doing?? She's busting some moves
Does he just flick any random person?
Ohhhh, I see
Got killed by the mist, that's an embarrassing way to go
Bro is dead, goddamn. Poor lass has no soul
This woman has been through so much, she doesn't deserve it
Someone's catching humans, cannibals in every universe
JIN LING!!! <3
Laughing at the richness of people
"Naur, stay up there. See you later xoxo"
How is this woman here????
It's fine, he's wearing a mask that covers his eyes
"It's you?" Aw shit, the guy who was a baby when you were around is onto you
Joking, he knows Mo Xuanyu
Mock him and see how it ends up
Stop trying to get up, jesusss
Nice throw
He looks so done with people's shit
Oh, hey Jiang Cheng, you're baby girling quite hard today
No need to crush it
"break his legs? No, feed him to your dog, kiddo"
His boyfriend has come to rescue him
"I'm so unlucky today", on the contrary, I think you're very lucky, these characters are key to the plot and you didn't even have to go looking for them!!
I like the music that plays when the Lan Clan is around
Lan Jingyi stepping up for his father- teacher
Lan Sizhui, how do you know so much
He says it like a slur hahahaha
Lan Wangji is too busy mewing, don't break his streak!!
"If you don't get that spirit, don't come back to me!!" Jin Ling was never seen again 😔
He's like a grumpy toddler, I love him so
"Don't worry, we'll pay for the nets we broke!" "Nuh uh!!" Lan Sizhui, you're an angel, don't listen to him
Nice voice though
"I thought I saw my boyfriend 😔"
There are spirits in the lake, I wouldn't suggest drinking from it
Jiang Yanli 😭😭😭
Stop smiling, you're hallucinating
Slander my boy and sees what happens
Slap yourself, go on, like the books
Don't put the blame all on him!!!
Nice, like the books
Feel the shame
That cannot be comfortable, those are literal rocks
He's like they're little leader
That's a fast old man
Lan Jingyi's first instinct is to point a sword at an old man, lmaaoooo
"anything strange here?" "Duh"
Leaving him alone while he's trying to give important plot information, rude
Glowing grass, what the fuck
I think you should eat some
He just wants to clean, leave him alone
WEN QING!!!!!!
Flashbacks lmao
Where'd the old man go
No way is that naturally formed
Lan Jingyi, you're surprisingly knowledgeable..I didn't know you could read
Jin Ling and his group of people
"what's up baby girls"
Ugh, it's been moving for a while now
Maybe you should, I don't know, LISTEN TO THE GUY WHO KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING??
Also, y'all ditched him, minus points
"We're out" "fuck, y'all are gonna soooo be punished"
The look he gave, as if this isn't like, a sixteen seventeen year old. No, wait, he's probably eighteen...how old was he before Wei Wuxian's death? ANYWAY
Criticising the Lan education system while you're at it
"wait, you can't be crazy, because that makes sense!!" Lan Jingyi my beloved
Shit, my cover as a crazy person has been blown
Are they having a mewing contest or what?
Well done, Lan Jingyi
I swear it wasn't that big before
Y'all are doing a shit job at running from something this slow
Nice attack, it's still stone though
Dude, listen to Lan Sizhui
"Hey, my sword 🥺😔"
Considering this flute playing is supposed to be shit, it's not too bad
"ugh, you're playing the flute this bad? You must be crazy" Lan Jingyi, make up your mind
Nice kick, it's still stone though
WEN NING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They both look mildly terrified
Dude killed it so easy, well done. Naur, it's just an illusion.
"y'all, no need to be scared, the Yiling Patriarch ain't here" he's standing over there, wearing a mask
Luring him over with shitty flute playing
His robes are even blowing, just for you
Me leading my next snack away from the bag
Walk faster, goddamn
"hey bbg, it's been a while"
Listen guys, I know you're in love but there's a corpse there
He flew away, like Jesus
So...how is everyone surprised when they do turn out to be gay???
Uhh uh oh. Mom and dad are fighting again
Lan Wangji already looks so bored
The fucking GLARE I CAN'T
"Take off the mask!!!" "Nuh uh, I'm too handsome"
Lan Jingyi needs to stop being smart, it's scaring me
Stoooop, he didn't kill his brother
Okay, so he did, but he didn't want to!!!
He passed out, okay man
Answer the stupid call
They're so happy 😔
Give him what he wants, it's SYMBOLISM
Lecturing him better than Lan Qiren
You lost him already, not very good at this, ey?
Of course he will, it's Wei Wuxian
They're so happy :(
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bestygogirl · 9 months
Match 1
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
She’s a sweet little gal who can see duel spirits!!
luna/luka/ruka can see duel monsters spirits. she had a heavy burden placed on her when she was THREE YEARS OLD to protect the world of duel monsters spirits. as if that is enough to put on her shoulders, she's also sickly and oh yeah, they decided to also give a signer mark. she's three. she's on her death bed. she's expected to save two worlds. like this kid literally cannot catch a break. oh yeah, also her parents? they're never around. only person in her life is her twin brother, who is loud and that rubs against her autism in the wrong way. yes, she's autistic. do not argue with me. no i'm serious don't argue with me. lil miss luka has the failure to be diagnosed all weird little autistic girls are subjected. if she was a boy, y'all would see her autism for what it is but that's not the point of this rant. anyway her first time meeting yusei, she didn't care about his criminal mark because his duel monster friends said he's okay and that's good enough for her: the duel monsters said this criminal on her couch is a good guy! therefore acab. this is also the first time an adult has ever treated her like her thoughts and opinions matter, mostly because there was never an adult in her goddamn life in the first place (shout out to her parents for ABANDONING TWO TWELVE YEAR OLDS to their own fuckin devices). can't forget the fortune cup, where lua takes her place at first and LOSES IN THE FIRST ROUND, damaging her professional duel record (not like it matters because the writers decided it didn't matter what luka does after the series ANYWAY so who cares if her record is damaged :) ). she gets dragged in anyway and tortured by a child psychologist - classic weird autistic girl moment. during this she has a vision of the duel monster world and realizes oh yeah this is real, i'm supposed to protect this, and like. CANNOT. CATCH. A SINGLE. BREAK. aki takes an interest in luka because of her powers too! all while divine is a tool to her brother and she's forced to watch divine torture her brother :) awesome stuff. literally. cannot catch a fuckin break. next season her first duel is a loss against some weird kid from the future, and her second duel is against aporia where she literally dies (her brother brings her back to life). she is a character of untapped potential and deserves the world. vote for luka.
Anzu Mazaki
the original It Girl, very underrated anzu masaki is stubborn. she’s all about friendship and she believes in you soooo much. she’s the type to give you a lecture while picking you up because she’ll never leave you stranded but you should take better care of yourself. she has dreams of being a dancer and takes that risk in moving to whole different COUNTRY to follow her dreams. vote for anzu!!!
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its-monster-mash · 2 years
Alright so, there’s been a sleep between me and the House of Wax rewatch, so I’m going to TRY to organize my feelings by Chronological order of the movie. This is going to get long, so there will be a cut so I don’t take up too much dash-space for people who want to scroll past.
Basics of it: Bo Sinclair apologism and Let Vincent Have Agency over his own actions. Also people are DICKS to rural people for no reason, like seriously FUCK Wade. Wade Deserved It.
So RIGHT off the bat, with Bo’s first appearance in the woods with his truck—Bo did NOTHING wrong here. I live in a very rural area(I grew up in the middle of the woods, but now I live a ten minute walk from where I used to—there are so many cows). Where I’m from, if the landowner catches you in his woods you’re as likely to get SHOT AT as not. Showing up in a truck and staring at you is kind of a universal POLITE, gun free, warning—most people WILL scramble when someone shows up if they’re trespassing in the woods.
Now, what I think Bo was doing here was taking a headcount—deciding whether or not he wanted to deal with them, and I actually think he decided AGAINST killing them.
Despite the fact that they treated him aggressively and fucked up his truck, I feel like it cannot be stressed enough that BO DID GET THE FAN BELT.
Again, as a person from the middle of nowhere, it made ME fucking furious the way Wade came into town and just started breaking into places and LITERALLY breaking things. And, without prior knowledge that the church was full of wax victims, Wade was so impatient that he just couldn’t wait for Bo to FINISH UP AT THE FUNERAL, and decided to just let himself into Bo’s shop and take a fanbelt—leaving a “This is probably enough” amount of money. The entire time ripping on rural people and how they live(not to mention how he treated LESTER. Lester 100% acted like a normal guy around here. 10/10 girls I knew growing up would have LOVED to see his knife. That was an EXTREMELY normal interaction where I’m from.).
Bo straight up told them they could wait for him while he went ALONE to his house to get the part(also Wade questioning that a MECHANIC has some of his stock at home?? Fuck you man), and it was Wade that insisted on going along.
I do not think Bo intended for Vincent to go Snip Snip through the floorboards. (On top of that, Wade made the DUMBEST little noises after getting sliced—Bo getting changed upstairs probably 1000% thought “Jesus Christ the fucker is blowing up my goddamn bathroom”. He may not have even known yet that Vincent got him; depending on whether or not he noticed the signs of struggle in the already kind of messy house.
(On THAT note, I got pissed as hell the way Wade was judging the Sinclair Home—like bitch you are the reason moms in the early 2000s went berserk about the house needing to be spotless when guests come.)
Bo was genuinely surprised when Carly LOCKED HIM OUT OF HIS OWN TRUCK. I feel like THAT was the point where Bo decided “Fuck it.”
I think that, up until then, Bo WAS going to fix up their car and get them on their way, because he KNEW they had a whole lot of friends who were coming back for them—Bo may not be the brightest, but I feel like he was smart enough to know that that could have got them caught or hurt.
My best friend and I joked that we would have survived our trip to Ambrose because we simply would not have been assholes. (And we would been HUGE nerds in the Wax Museum, and well, NOT took a lighter to the pieces??? Vincent probably would NOT have shanked us. Tbh we would not have gone into the Sinclair home because when Bo said “You can wait here if you want” we would have simply said “Thank you.”. Well, we wouldn’t have broken into the Museum AT ALL, but given who we are we may have ASKED Bo if we could see it.)
Now, I’m not saying Bo ISN’T a bad guy, like, he very much definitely DID lock Carly in a basement and glue her mouth shut, but I didn’t really see a whole lot of like?? Gratuitous Sadism?? Is there more in a novelization or something?? Like, he threatened her to keep her quiet—but since he and his twin are literally serial killers I think that’s pretty standard?
The fact that Carly was able to so EASILY dismantle the chair makes me kind of feel like it wasn’t really used much? I mean, Bo is a mechanic, you’d think if that were a thing he made a habit of it would be in better repair. I didn’t really get the feeling that this was like, an average Tuesday Night for Bo or anything.
(On that note, I would have been the worst victim because the MINUTE he turned the music on I would have been like “Oh shit dude I like your taste” and he would just “???” Of course, I may have met a completely DIFFERENT fate because I simply would not have locked him out of his truck. There would have been no chase.)
I don’t get where the “Uwu Soft Boy” “Bo’s Victim” thing comes from unless people were just taking Carly’s late-movie assumptions at face value??
Like, Vincent DID very much get in a truck and go into the woods just to hunt Blake and Paige. Like, he had no reason to do that, and Bo was straight up mad about it until he settled down and told Vincent he did good and they’d fit the set. Like, Bo is the one who imprisoned Carly, but Vincent VERY MUCH WAS THE ONE WHO DID THE KILLINGS. Bo did not tell him to do any of that. It kind of makes me mad because it feels like Vincent’s agency is downplayed a lot in the fandom and that it’s just because of Bo snapping on him One(1) Time, and Carly’s assumption in the final chase.
And as far as Bo snapping on him goes!!
Bo had AN ARROW IN HIS CHEST AT THE TIME(Also Bo, I love you, but FUCK WHY DID YOU PULL THE FINS OF THE ARROW THROUGH YOUR ARM??? He should have just?? Cut the arrowhead off and pulled the SMOOTH part through?? This man). I think most people are prone to snapping when they’re in severe pain(and I think the way Vincent IMMEDIATELY rushed in to survey Bo’s wounds shows a lot about how they DO care about each other, like very clearly Vincent is not AFRIAD of Bo—considering even after he snapped Vincent was just like “Whatever, go ahead and bleed, I’m going back to fixing up my mask.”). The sibling of mine I actually KNOW is significantly younger than me, so we didn’t have any kind of antagonism with each other—largely because I was a Parentified Sibling—but every close in age pair of siblings I know can be pretty mean to each other, but always in an “ONLY I CAN PICK ON MY SIBLING” kind of way. Bo calling Vincent a “Freak” and then IMMEDIATELY taking on a softer voice and telling him how great his art is had HUGE “I’m sorry, you can hit me back, don’t tell Mom.” Energy. I really don’t think Bo abuses Vincent.
I mean, he said “You’re not supposed to go anywhere WITHOUT ME”, which implies that they DO go places together; and given how easily Vincent killed everyone he killed in the movie, it makes a LOT of sense that Bo wouldn’t want him going out alone. Especially if(and this is my own speculation) Bo is used to always being around to “Protect” Vincent from people who would make fun of him.
>Inserting this here because I forgot to mention it: I genuinely think all the killing started while Trudy was still alive, because Bo talks about how he and Vincent can “Finish what she started”. Additionally, in the beginning of the movie, Lester gives that little speech about how people can “get used to a lot”. That makes me feel like the brothers were probably RAISED to do the things that they do(supported by the fact that the fucked up machinery Vincent puts his victims in looks OLD, so it’s not unlikely that Trudy used it first). That doesn’t absolve Bo and Vincent, of course, but it does make them ALSO victims.
Moving on to Carly’s speculation at the end—she CLEARLY pissed Vincent off. I mean, she just BEAT HIS BROTHER TO DEATH and then called BO a freak and suggested that BO was behind everything. Not only did she kill HIS twin(and she and Nick would know better than anyone how much pain Vincent must have been feeling in that moment) but she called BO a Freak too. Given the amount of abuse Vincent watched his parents hurl at Bo, that was probably a rehashing of how he felt when his parents would bind and beat Bo and yell horrible things at him. (Also like, FUCK, the fact that Bo’s high chair STILL has fucking blood on it??? Like their father was a DOCTOR, and he just made Bo sit and eat with his Rotting Old Blood right there??? FUCK.)
And finally, Lester sitting on the back of his truck at the end of the movie, Jonesy sitting with him—he was probably waiting around for some sign of what happened to his brothers, and THAT breaks my goddamn heart.
But like, bottom line, I don’t think Bo was the “Evil Twin” much in the same way that Nick wasn’t actually that bad of a guy. The Sinclairs are obviously the result of a very fucked up upbringing, but aside from the whole wax thing and the locking Carly in the basement, Bo actually feels like a pretty normal dude??? By slasher standards??? I definitely don’t get any kind of a “Bo is the mastermind” vibes from the movie—it feels very much more like this is just the life that’s been NORMAL to Bo and Vincent for so long.
Yeah, they should have just left Ambrose and NOT kept killing, but Bo is CLEARLY still trying to get his mother’s love, and I don’t think Vincent even WANTS to stop. I don’t think Bo would have ever left Vincent even if HE wanted to stop.
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'You look lonely, I can fix that' - [NatashaxReader]
You use the “You look lonely, I can fix that” line on Natasha Romanoff.
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The tower is in full party mode, and everyone is mingling. Just one person is not. You always notice Natasha when you’re in the same room. How could you not? Tonight, however, she looks extra hot. Her red hair always makes you legs wobbly. What is even more noticeable, though, is the fact that she is sitting all by herself. On a bar stool, staring into her drink. You saw Cap trying to talk to her earlier, but he quickly gave up.
You manage to keep up small talk with other guests for some time. Eventually, you cannot stand it anymore and walk over to her.
Your eyes wander over her back that is covered by a black, silk blouse as you lean against the bar. She acknowledges you by just slightly turning her head towards you, not taking her eyes off her drink. You drag your gaze over the side of her neck and down to her cleavage. The view of her partially exposed boobs makes you nervous. You knock back your own drink and put the empty glass down. Natasha sees it but still doesn’t say anything.
So, you do: “You look lonely.” After a pause you add, murmuring: “I can fix that.”
Finally, her head shoots up and she looks you in the eyes. Your knees almost buckle, and you have to hold on to the countertop of the bar a little tighter.
“What did you just say?” She asks you with a rough voice.
A smile tugs on the corners of your mouth: “I think you heard me just fine.”
Natasha fully turns towards you, and you can hear your own pulse in your ears. Fuck, she is intimidating. But that’s such a goddamn turn on for you.
Suddenly, she snakes her leg around yours and presses her heel into the back of you knee. You topple over, right into her arms.
She catches you, one hand on your shoulder, one hand on the side of your face. Wide-eyed, you find yourself right in front of her face. You can smell her perfume and the shampoo she always uses. You feel her palm on your cheek and lean into it.
Her eyes dart to you lips and back to your eyes. You give her the smallest nod and she finally kisses you. Your hands fly up to rest on her back, arms around her. You feel the smooth fabric of her blouse brush against your fingertips.
Her lips are plush and warm and taste of liquor. You sigh in relieve and step even closer, until her chest is pressed against yours.
You tilt your head to deepen the kiss. Then you gently bite her bottom lip. It makes Natasha break the kiss and playfully slap your cheek. Your mouth falls open.
“That’s what naughty girl get.” She quietly tells you with a voice so teasing, it is about to make you lose your mind. Before you can reply anything, though, she gets up from her chair and corners you between her and the counter.
She puts one hand on your waist, causing you to get even wetter.After pressing another heated kiss to your lips, she whispers into your ear: “You’re lucky we’re in public. Otherwise, I already had you beg for mercy.”
You gulp and lean back to look at her face. Then you look around the room. Tony is observing you, a bright grin on his face.
“Maybe we should go somewhere a bit more private then?” You propose.
Natasha takes your hand and replies: “I know a place.”
“Is it your bed?” You chuckle.
She simply winks at you before basically dragging you out of the room.
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elgaravel · 1 year
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was tagged by @katsigian and @swanfey to do this outfit and uquiz for some ocs >:) thank you guys!!!
the tragic hero: you are the good guy who just cannot catch a break. your life just fucking sucks, frankly. one day, you have friends, family, hobbies you enjoy, maybe even a dog. and then, something happens that sets off this never-ending chain reaction of bullshit and it all gets swept away from you in a heartbeat. all your friends are dead now and you might be alive but god at what cost.
(yeahhhhhh this tracks. my precious little guy who can't catch a break 😭. this would most certainly be her role in a horror movie)
the final girl: congrats, you’re the one who makes it to the end. your instincts, paranoia, and/or pure fucking stubbornness guide you every bloody step of the way. when the dawn finally breaks, you’re the last one left standing. sure, it cost you friends and loved ones and you’re going to have one hell of a therapy bill, but at least you’re alive.
(gray is nothing if not a goddamn cockroach FJKDSLF always the last one left alive so yeah this definitely fits them!)
tagging: @numbaoneflaya @time-is-a-lake @aartyom @celticwoman @nuclearstorms @lucien-lachance @mrs-theirin @morvaris @opaleyedprince @terendelev @swordcoasts and anyone else who'd like to join in!!
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vwritesaus · 5 months
meet sasha and kiyoshi, disaster duo
going off this poll, i've decided to share a snippet of my original work ft. the main protagonist and her boyfriend :> more under the cut!!
      Sasha sucks in a deep breath and steps in front of the couch. Immediately, her boyfriend’s eyes flick up from his phone screen to her face.
      ‘Yes, Sash?’
      With as much will as she can muster, Sasha says, ‘I need your help with something. Something only you can help me with.’
      ‘Sure!’ Kiyoshi declares, and his enthusiasm is enough to cause a small smile to tug at Sasha’s lips. ‘What is it?’
      That small smile quickly falls apart and dread fills every crevice of Sasha’s being. But she needs to do this. She has to. It’s the only way. It’s the worst idea she’s ever had.
      ‘I can’t believe I’m saying this, but…’ She shakes her head, wincing at the words that come out of her mouth. ‘D’you wanna go to the gym… together?’
      The following silence is devastating. Sasha wants to dig a hole into the floor and crawl into it.
      Kiyoshi blinks at her, his mouth agape. ‘Huh?’
      Groaning into her palms, Sasha bites, ‘Please don’t make this more painful than it already is. Just say yes or no, dammit!’
      ‘Sasha…’ Peeking through her fingers, she sees Kiyoshi dump his phone onto the cushion next to him and hold his hands out to her, palms up. ‘As much as going to the gym together would make me very happy, I also know you.’
      There is no malice in his voice, just pure fact. He does know her, and she knows herself. Kiyoshi’s the sporty one, the gym rat, the muscle pig. Sasha is… not.
      ‘Which is exactly why I need you to motivate me to go. Who knows what can happen in the future?’
      ‘The future?’ Alarm is rife in his expression. ‘Babe, where are you going with this?’
      Sasha drops her hands from her face, her voice turning dry as she shoots Kiyoshi a weary look. ‘Well, y’know how it goes. All those YA novels. The trope is always the same: the protagonist didn’t know they were magic, and then all of a sudden they need to save the fucking world and they are very conveniently armed with MMA knowledge and are super fit and have amazing stamina and know how to hold their own in a spontaneous fight with otherworldly creatures. As you know, I am the complete opposite, so I better start training in case one of my future goddamn visions ends up being a plot to destroy the world and I’m somehow the only fucking person who can stop it.’
      Gasping for air, Sasha tries to catch her breath and curses her lungs for not being to do their job properly. It just hammers the truth of the matter right down to its core. Kiyoshi is frowning, deep in thought, but there’s something in his expression that flickers ever-so-slightly. She knows what’s up. He’s trying to keep his face neutral, and if her nerves weren’t so shot, she’d be doing the same.
      ‘Tell me I’m wrong,’ she says to him instead.
      ‘Sasha. My love.’
      It’s inevitable and Sasha cannot blame him for it. No longer able to keep his face straight, Kiyoshi crumbles and peals with laughter. Never mind that Sasha glares at him.
      ‘My love, I adore you, but you are thinking way too hard about this.’
      ‘I gotta be prepared, Kiyoshi!’ Sasha argues.
      ‘You are prepared!’ he counters. When all Sasha does is stare at him, question marks flying around her head, Kiyoshi puffs out his chest and states with confidence, ‘You have me! Ya think I’m gonna let ya fight alone should one break out? Girl, please. I’ll always have your back. Just say the word and I’ll come and one-two punch the living shit out of whoever tries to mess with you!’
      The whole scenario is emphasised with Kiyoshi’s signature grin, the one Sasha’s seen flashed at the opposing team during his volleyball matches, and with him flexing his biceps. The whole thing is hilarious, and Sasha would laugh if not for the overwhelming fondness that blooms across her whole chest. God, she got lucky with this guy.
      But there’s just one small problem with his proposal.
      She says gravely, ‘That’s sweet of you, darl, but I hate to break it to you... you don’t have MMA skills either.’
      Kiyoshi blinks. Sasha blinks back.
      ‘Guess we’re fucked then,’ he says.
      ‘Guess we are,’ she echoes.
      ‘Better go train then.’
      ‘Better go train.’
      Tapping a finger to his chin, Kiyoshi’s voice suddenly becomes pensive. ‘Say, wanna place a bet?’
      Not one to back down from a challenge, Sasha asks, ‘What kind of bet?’
      Dark eyes sparkle and Sasha’s hooked.
      ‘If you can survive two consecutive days training at the gym with whatever regime I throw at you to “prepare for the end of the world,’ Kiyoshi pitches, ‘I’ll do whatever you want for a week.’
      ‘A month,’ Sasha rebuts, smiling when Kiyoshi nods his head in agreement. Then she pauses. ‘And if I can’t?’
      She regrets the question the second it passes her lips for an evil-looking grin splits Kiyoshi’s cheeks.
      ‘If you can’t,’ he says, ‘you have to eat my famous stir-fry.’
      Horrified, Sasha splutters, ‘Kiyoshi—’
      ‘Broccoli and all. Every. Last. Bite.’
      ‘You fucking arsehole!’ she shouts. Seeing no other alternative that won’t end up with this conversation being a waste, Sasha throws her hands up in defeat. ‘Fine! Just you wait. I’ll fucking do it.’
Two days later
      She storms out of the living room, not wanting to give her boyfriend the satisfaction, but his delighted laughter follows her. It’s contagious, and she laughs quietly to herself. But her determination is stronger.
      ‘I gotta say, Sash. I’m very surprised,’ he says in awe.
Watching Sasha drop the weights on the floor with a deep groan, Kiyoshi’s mouth turns down at the corners.
      With her hands on her knees, huffing and puffing and wishing for a long, long shower, Sasha peers up at him through her eyelashes. Her hair is stuck to her forehead, disgustingly damp with sweat, and her arms are screaming at her, but she manages a smug grin.
      ‘What can I say?’ she wheezes. ‘I’d rather kill my arms and legs, hack a lung out and feel like death than put Satan in my mouth.’
      Kiyoshi laughs and smiles hugely at her. ‘I can see that! I’m super proud of you though.’
      He makes a heart with his hands to exemplify this, and Sasha barely manages to make one as well.
idk who else specifically is interested, but i'm tagging @alastairstom since you wanted to read ajksdas ♡
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Prompt: Bookends
Pairings: YasMoon, Hawkmetri
Friendships: Moon & Demetri & Yasmine & Eli
This is a 5-parter--500 words total!
Suffice to say, Yasmine’s 18th birthday is going much better than “sweet 16.”
For one thing, the people who crashed are now actually invited. That eliminates that potential humiliation. For another, she’s openly with her girlfriend this time, and said girlfriend has (so far) not been distracted by any blue-haired weirdos.
The only downside’s the late burrito truck. Yasmine should ask about that.
“Demetri, do you know where—”
Ah. He’s by the campfire, making out with…a blue-haired weirdo. As is customary for everyone who dates Yasmine, apparently.
“My god, Hawk! Stop scoring my sloppy seconds!”
Hawk flips her off.
“The Hawk? All alone?”
Demetri slides onto the log beside Eli, looking intrigued.
“This racket gives me headaches.”
“Eli Moskowitz not wanting to be the party’s loudest? Whatever happened to feeling energy and living in moments and whatnot?”
Eli narrows his eyes. “This seems familiar.”
“What, having campfire heart-to-hearts with my punk-rock blue-haired best friend and hoping he catches my signals?”
Demetri hesitates.
“There’s…no girl around this time, Eli.”
Then Eli gets it.
Why else would Demetri bring up something as illogical as Vibes? And living the moment?
Eli does what he should’ve done years ago.
Demetri kisses back.
At Yasmine’s voice, Demetri peels away from Eli, grinning.
“It’s the birthday lady!”
“Made Aisha promise not to wedgie you this time,” Eli chips in.
She sighs. “Either of you gay idiots know where the goddamn caterers are?”
“Says the gay idiot who apparently lost track of them,” Demetri shoots back.
“At least I don’t have a boyfriend with Sonic the Hedgehog hair.”
Demetri scoffs. “Who said he’s my boyfriend?”
He feels Eli bristle.
Smug satisfaction consumes him. Getting perturbed over the idea of not having me to yourself, are you?
Yasmine, meanwhile, is unfazed.
“Said everyone who has eyes.”
The burrito truck’s 2 hours late. One second more, and Yasmine would’ve sent her alarmingly wide karate friend circle (bizarre thing for her to have, by the way) to give the caterers a…very stern talking-to.
Moon insists it isn’t a big deal. Yasmine glares at the cook preparing Moon’s quesadilla too slowly.
“It is. You’ve been staring into space with big sad eyes, all mopey and starving. I won’t allow it.”
After Moon went through so much shit thanks to the Old Yasmine…
She’ll spend the rest of her life making it up to her girlfriend if she has to.
When they need a break from dancing, Yasmine knows just the place.
She planned on taking Moon to the secluded, palm-lined cove after her 16th. That…didn’t happen.
Now they arrive, giggling and drunk, to find the spot occupied.
Demetri and Hawk look up, equally wasted and equally horny. Yasmine’s glare could light both on fire.
“Saw you dancing, Yas.” Demetri’s usual damage control. “Y’got moves.”
“How’d you see anything?” Yasmine waves her arms, incredulous. “You’ve been sucking Hawk’s face all night!”
“Consider me...an admirer from afar.”
She groans.
“I cannot believe you remember that. I cannot believe I encouraged you.”
Written partially because I've been thinking a lot about this S1 AU lately. I just think Demetri and Eli should finally get to kiss at a bonfire!!! As a treat!!!
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