#these memes nourish me
groovygrub · 2 months
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i hope you folks know that this is how i see myself when i post my silly little memes for y'all
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lightyaoigami · 11 months
top 5 novels / top 5 manga/anime? sry if you already answered these!
also a great question!!! i will probably be crucified for these answers. let my cancellation begin.
novels: great expectations, the secret history, catcher in the rye, jane eyre, the vegetarian
anime/manga: death note, evangelion, noragami, ouran, yuri on ice
top 5 anything
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yuelun · 1 year
I'm a week late with a stupidly cute icon for Guizhong because it's baby dust flake Guizhong and everyone needs to see her. But also yes, I'm late, I apologise, I like to think it's better late than never.
Tag drop #1: General
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Reader sending a picture of her not very balanced very snacky but yummy meal captioned “girl dinner!!” while Spencer is away on a case and it just turns into Spencer calling her in front of everyone to kindly lecture on how that isn’t an actual meal and how she needs to eat something real/he’ll order something for her LMAO
You're not expecting the immediate call from Spencer after you send him a picture of your meal, but you pick it up anyways with the crunch of a pretzel stick.
"Spence?" You speak through your mouthful, long-since over the illusion of perfection around him.
"Angel," He greets you, worry lacing his sweeet voice, "Is that really your dinner?"
"Yeah," You laugh, looking down at the collection of pretzel sticks and cheesy popcorn that adorn the plate around your bowl of macaroni and cheese, "I don't feel like anything else."
"Sweetheart," He hums, "That's not a very nourishing meal. You're probably going to feel gross afterwards, it's going to make you tired and you're not going to feel very energized tomorrow."
"Spence, I know," You chuckle, adjusting the phone against your ear, "It's girl dinner. It's supposed to be unhealthy and mismatched."
"Girl dinner," He grumbles, his brows probably furrowed adorably. "What-?"
In the background you hear assorted giggles, Prentiss's the most recognizable. You assume that others are JJ and Garcia, and you hope they're enjoying themselves.
"It's a meme," You explain, "An internet joke, Spencer. I'm in the mood for junk food, so instead of forcing myself to eat healthy all the time, sometimes you just have to give in and eat like shit for a night. Girl dinner."
"If you paired it with a vegetable, you'd at least be getting some nutrients," Spencer tries, but you cut him off while you stir your macaroni.
"No vegetables. This is girl dinner. I'm okay, Spence, I'll eat something really good for breakfast tomorrow."
"Okay," He's hesitant to agree, "But- but honey, if you're having trouble preparing yourself food, I can order in for you, okay? Just tell me what you want and I'll wake up early to have it sent over."
"Spencer!" You giggle, eager to get to your less-than-balanced meal, "Okay. This is just a one-time joke, okay? I thought it would be funny to send you. You don't have to worry."
"I worry about you all the time," He confesses, and you know it's meant to be flattering instead of insulting, "I'll have fresh fruit delivered for you tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay, Spencer." You finally concede, "Okay. I love you."
"I love you too," Now you hear the relaxed smile in his voice, "Enjoy your- uh, girl dinner."
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HE CAME IN 20 PULLS……………….. ……… ….. …. . … …. .. .. . . … . .. . .. . . . TRULY YASaSHii OF YOu, GOOD SiR 😭
***Crowley Groovy, chibi sprite, lesson lines, and vignette spoilers below the cut!***
Unfortunately, we do not get any more details on his profile. It’s the same as the profile he had before the update. Age and birthplace unknown, 185 cm tall, favorite food is wild game, and his hobby is vacationing.
SDFHEGYOGYFQEN;jkhaCWIDODB A LOT OF CROWLEY'S LINES ARE VERY CHILDISH OR GOOFY... Like he has one where he complains about Grim eating his snacks, tells on students who are sleeping in class, and gets distracted by shiny objects (which, I guess, is par for the course for a crow).
Crowley cannot attend Alchemy class and does not have Chats. His Buddies are Deuce, Vil, and Grim (with Grim being his Duo Magic partner). Deuce and Vil are interesting choices, I wonder why those two in particular... (Some friends and I were memeing earlier about how "all those characters have single parents so Crowley must be a single parent" and, "Vil is the Evil Queen and Meleanor is a princess of evil", etc.) Crowley can, however, attend the other lessons and it’s every bit as awkward as you think it is. (He has a pre-lesson line where he expresses surprise taht he has to do homework 🤡)
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THE CROWLEY DOPPLEGANGER ALLEGATIONS ARE TRUE 💀 He can just straight up run into a clone of himself during lessons… THE DEVS KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING, they even goofily have Crowley say, “Oh! Hello, me!” while the other Crowley is in class for the special lesson… THEY KNEW HOW DUMB THIS WOULD BE 😭 (The dialogue states the Crowley that barges into class is a magical projection…?)
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Here are some of his chibi sprites, as well as his Groovy candy. Crowley is not only very yasashii, but also very cute!!
He does, in fact, have vignettes but they are unvoiced. The first part is him running an assembly with the dorm leaders present. Crowley discusses the health of an adolescent apple tree in the school's courtyard, and no one seems to be interested in his speech. Malleus barges in late and, in a fit of anger at having not been invited, starts unleashing lightning. Wow, just like how Meleanor shoots lightning at Lilia... Like husband, like wife/j Everyone retires to their dorms, leaving Crowley to deal with an upset Malleus. The second part features Crowley having lunch with the other staff members (Sam included!). Each staff member is eating something different (Vargas is of course having eggs), and Crowley is revealed to have a great appetite in spite of his age. Crewel and Trein wonder how many decades old Crowley is, since he was apparently still headmaster when Crewel was a student and when Trein started teaching at NRC. Finally, Crowley is walking down main street and spots Yuu, Grim, and some mob students skipping class… so he uses his Lash of Love to discipline them! He binds everyone together and proceeds to drag them back to class. (It was surprising, we haven’t seen the Lash of Love since like… what, the prologue? I almost forgot about it.) Crowley alludes to the fact that even though the students joke about him, he is actually a very powerful mage that shouldn't be taken lightly, you know?? The vignettes end with Crowley referring to his students as "apple trees" that he is nourishing and watching over as they grow, which rounds us nicely back to the apple tree he mentioned in his first vignette.
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It’s so pretty AaAAaaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaAaaAHHHHH 🥺 His grotesquely detailed hand reaching out to the viewer, who appears to be awaking from within a coffin… and do I have to mention the parallel between Crowley here and the mysterious hand that is offered to us in the mirror at the very beginning of the game????? Which could imply that Crowley is beckoning/summoning us into another world... The dim room, light spilling onto the Mirror of Darkness… So atmospheric!! If Crowley knows how to do one thing well and consistently, it’s drama~ The Groovy totally reminds me a lot of the prologue when Crowley tells Yuu to go before the mirror to get sorted. Omg guys... He's posted like Masquerade Malleus/j
One detail I super appreciate in this illustration is that you can see the dorm leaders in the background! If you squint, you’ll realize that there are 5 of them posing exactly like how they are in the following promotional artwork:
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The one without a matching pose is Idia, who is present via his tablet. Though… I feel like we’re forgetting something 🤔 … Eh, I’m sure it’s nothing, nothing at allllllllll~
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Rant about Jedidiah Martin because I'm getting brain worms...
Jedidiah knows love from his upbringing, which is why his favorite game growing up was "playing house." Jedidiah practiced his mother's example of parenthood on his "children;" that being keeping them close by and admiring them, but neglecting them nonetheless. Sydney's comment about the fruit fly really captures this dynamic.
"It hadn't even occurred to him. He'd gotten up every morning and admired that starving animal, throwing itself against the walls of its container. Hadn't even thought to put a little piece of cantaloupe in there. And his beloved fly died hungry, empty, trapped, and alone."
Jedidiah is very dependent on his mother. He still lives with her, he relies on her protection to handle everything he cannot. Despite this, Lucille always keeps him at arms length and never any closer. She has this weirdly detached style of parenting, where she needs Jedidiah close in proximity, but not close emotionally. And Jedidiah mirrors this in his relationship with Sydney.
I think Jedidiah really does love Sydney, however, the only way he knows how to treat Sydney is the way his mother treated him.
He keeps Sydney close, essentially trapping him at the Camp, and admires him from afar. He does a lot to ensure Sydney's physical safety, sure, but this is done so with minimal interaction with him. Sydney is his fruit fly. He loves Sydney, and ultimately does not want Sydney to die, but he is doing nothing to nourish their relationship. I think he almost views Sydney's state of being "alive" as the physical act of living. He is breathing, his body is functioning. But being alive is much more than that. His clinical approach to their relationship is the reason why he doesn't seem to conceptualize how much he's hurt Sydney. And only when he starts to feel hurt by Lucille's treatment of him does he realize he's put Sydney in the same position.
It's almost as if Lucille and Jedidiah don't entirely view the subject of their "love" as a separate, autonomous human being.
It almost reminds me of the like "Teaching STEM without the humanities" memes. Jedidiah has no reference for an emotional connection with other people, so when he wants to be in a relationship with someone, it results in this dynamic we see between him and Sydney.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 11 months
You must water yourself and feed the tissues in your body with the light from your thoughts, perceptions, nutrition, to the things you watch, listen to, and read. This doesn't mean that you try to escape the tragedies of the external world. It does mean that you understand that your body responds to your own love and care more than anything else. Daily care and aftercare are essential during times of war and peace. As we sit with the paradox and nuance of being human and our predatory animal nature to take, pillage, and harm, we must show up for it all, including caring for our bodies. Your body responds to your daydreams, thoughts, and touch. When you touch your body, let your heart be as light as a feather...as much as possible. The light in your hands sculpt, shape, and heal your body. I told my friend the other day that my breasts sit up the way that they at 47 years old because of how much love I have given them over the last 15 years, how much I take time and care with my body, how often I lay back and just listen. So many of us with breasts carry burdens in our bodies year after year. God needs us to transmute all the shame, tension, anger, repression, embarrassment, and fear so that we can access more of our divine nature to help evolve this world by channeling raw and uncommon solutions.
Because if the voting and marching were working, we would be not be where we are in the world today. I still bow to my sisters and brothers who are on the front lines. But what I also know to be true is that we must take time to detox in order to recalibrate the hate, repression, shame, and war living in our epigenetic line that continue to create war in our bodies--the diabetes, cancer, chronic jealousy, womb aches, breasts ache, lack of sensation, and lack of full-body orgasms, and also the molestation and scarcity in the family line. These entities. We can't continue to "take in" and not let out.
Bringing More Love to Your body Changes the World Around You and Opens Up More Pathways to Love and Loving
When you live "spirituality" as a lifestyle, more of your DNA unlocks open. When there is high emotion in the collective, I transfer that energy into self-care--bathing, skin care, making good food, listening to good music, resting and caring for who and what is around me. I made a bone broth chicken soup and brought some to my massage therapist. I know what's happening in the world but I'm not constantly attuned to it in the 3D, meme after meme, news story after news story. I'm living life that around me and praying for those who are fighting for their actual lives. I do not take for granted what it means to have more freedom.
Shifting my focus in various ways over the years has kept my body more nourished and youthful than what it would have been otherwise. I priortise sweating often, lik in a dry Finnish sauna, wet sauna, or sweating while working out in high intensity classes. I have no goal to stay younger-looking. I love being grown AF. It is merely what naturally happens when we take care ourselves (our cells) and release, release, release. When we release, our tissues let go and bodies respond favorably. Our care creates the conditions that allow our bodies to flourish in ways in which we beautifully and radiantly age, but we don't age as quickly. -India Ame'ye, Author
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I've been trying to become closer to God lately! One of the things is... can I still have an identity outside of my Christian faith? I know Jesus calls us to love God with all our hearts, minds, and souls, and I genuinely would love to! However, my brain tends to take things to the extreme (I have OCD, so this is a common theme for me even outside of my faith). I guess I'm just scared that if I love God wholeheartedly, will I lose different aspects of my life other than faith? And if I do have other aspects of my life other than my life, does that mean I'm not actually loving God with all my being as Christ calls me to do?
Hi there, so sorry for the delay! This is an excellent question, and here is my answer (yes, in meme form lol, I couldn't resist):
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If a faith community or leader is telling you to let go of things that bring you joy, that nourish your God-gifted creativity and uniqueness, that help you connect to the larger world in your own distinct way...run, don't walk, to the nearest exit. That's not a faith community that is invested in Jesus's design for abundant life for all beings (John 10:10).
Loving God and following after Jesus doesn't mean relinquishing what makes us us — God makes us us, bestows unique gifts upon each of us, because God delights in diversity!
We can't have community without distinct parts that come together into the whole. We can't have relationships — with God, with other humans, with all Creation — without having a self out of which we relate to the other. So cultivate your identity — your true identity, liberated from a pressure to conform to capitalism and other evils; and seek ways to support others in achieving their truest selves.
Instead of seeing some parts of your life as "outside your Christian faith," learn to see even the most mundane elements of life as part of how you live out your love for God. Maybe you love making jewelry, or cute lil comics — take the time to feel gratitude towards the God who gifted you that creativity; or use your art to bring a smile to someone's face. Maybe there's a piece of fiction that you're really into — what lessons does it teach you about how to live in relationship with others, or how can you cultivate kindness in the fandom community? Maybe you have a really distinctive sense of humor; use it to cheer someone up who's having a bad day. And on and on.
I direct you to this post where I talk more about how we bring our individual identity into our relationship with God and God's community.
For instance, there's this quote from theologian Shirley Guthrie in Christian Doctrine:
In Christian Doctrine, Shirley Guthrie puts this idea of God’s plan for individuality within community very well:
“The doctrine of creation in the image of God preserves individuality just as strongly as it condemns individualism. A genuine relationship between ourselves and others is possible only when there is distinction between us in which we remain who we are and others remain who they are. To attempt to do away with our own or others’ unique individuality is to make a real relationship between us impossible, and just as inhuman as individualism.”
So be yourself, find others who delight in who you are, and seek to experience God in all things, not just the specific things that tend to get labeled "godly."
And know that there isn't One Right Way to love God and love neighbor — there are as many ways as there are living beings. You'll find your unique way organically, as you go. <3
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apricot-tarot · 2 years
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Click on the ‘KEEP READING’ to go to your pile.
I did a pastry-themed pick-a-card. Now, it’s time for me to do an Italian food one cause I am craving some. I don’t know if I am extremely inspired or extremely hungry.
DISCLAIMER- Tarot is not a substitution for medical, financial or legal advice.
Enjoy ✨
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Pile 1 - Bruschetta
The Sun, Ace of Swords, Ace of Wands
For this pile I got a short and simple answer. New beginnings!!! That would nourish your soul. You need something new and exciting that you know will bring you joy. An idea put to action. It is for sure something creative. Even if it is just a hobby, just do it. It will be good for you. You have it in looming in your mind so you probably know what it is. For others, who might not have an idea what it is just try to do stuff that end up giving you joy. This pile is all about trying new things. If you get excited with the idea of something, try it and put it action. Don’t just daydream. JUST DO IT!!!!! You know that meme lol. So, you just need to start somewhere. Baby steps. Take your time and nourish your soul.
I also wanted to add that if you had a passion before or maybe you are working in the field you have always been passionate about...this might be about finding that back. Rediscovering what brings you joy by taking a new and a fresh approach. Explore your spur of the moment ideas and bring life to them in a way or another. It doesn’t have to be big, just a little thing or aspect that you like or feel like doing. Since, this is a general reading, I had to add this paragraph. 
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Pile 2 - Tortellini
The Fool, Page of Pentacles, King of Pentacles (RX)
You want to literally be a fool, not think too much and just start a journey. The way you want to be a fool is by not worrying about money. I think everyone who does this PAC might pick this pile lol especially during these trying times. Anyway, you have this innate desire to just do stuff without worrying about all the outcome or all the circumstances. I think that most of the people who chose this pile are known to be responsible and reliable, and you want to just get out of that energy. You want to be reckless, whatever reckless means in your book. You want to go back to studying or you want to start some kind of business. Even something like changing your looks. It would be nourishing for you to try things and not worry about what it might mean in the grand scheme of things, or how they might turn out. To sum it up, just don’t want to care about all the consequences that your actions might have. It would also feel good to you if you were selfish. You want to be selfish. If you have found yourself to be a provider for others, this King of Pentacles (RX) is about being tired of that and wanting to be free of responsibility. Anyway, you want to start something new and fresh even though you don’t have it all figured out. It’s about the idea and the journey. 
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Pile 3 - Pizza Capriccioso 
First of all, I had to google how to spell this one lol
The High Priestess, 9 of Cups, 3 of Cups and Ace of Pentacles
This pile and pile 4 both got four cards, even though my intention was to pull three cards for each.
Anyway, onto the actual reading and interpretations. With the High Priestess being the first card to show, this is a ‘following your gut’ kind of theme. In a way, you need to follow your gut when it comes to what would be nourishing and fulfilling for you. Think of it like this. Try a little exercise lol and close your eyes after you read this pile and kind of meditate on what do you wish for. Where is your mind bringing you? You need to let your intuition tell what each scenario makes you feel fulfilled. Imagine them, envision as much as you can and remember the feeling they invoke in you. I think this would be very helpful to this pile.
From the cards that I got (especially three of cups and the ace of pentacles), most of you want to be part of a group and start some sort of business endeavor. Maybe you want this group to be made up of new people and some others might want their existing friend group. This depends. But, what would be nourishing to your soul is finding abundance with your people (whoever your people are) and sharing that abundance. Watching your dreams and wishes come true. You don’t express this to others, it’s almost dormant in you. But, most of the people that choose this pile were the type of kids that imagined their friends and themselves saving the city from the villain, kind of like Winx Club. You know the feeling of doing something with the people you care and just that bond. Deep down you have this desire to be part of a genuine and fruitful bond. 
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Pile 4 - Focaccia 
Ten of Swords, Knight of Cups, Knight of Swords, 3 of Swords
This is the romantic pile. A confession, someone who pursues you and offers their love to you. It would make you forget of painful endings. For this pile, I think you are tired of endings and heartbreaks but those ones weren’t the romantic kind. Or, for the few of you that it was, that relationship wasn’t even worth to suffer for. Which is why, the cards here are indicating a type of ‘suitor’ or ‘lover’ that is worth it. Even if it ends in a breakup, it would be damn worth it. A straightforward kind of love. Someone who is offering what you want and with very clear intentions. Also, something unexpected. Your soul also wants to be surprised by what love can offer. This is moving forward in life through love. If you were to experience a heartbreak, you would want one from love and one that is worth it. You aren’t particularly scared of romance or the pain that can come from it, you actually see it as something healing. Or, it’s like you think like you have gone through worse lol. Anyway, your soul would get nourished by moving on from bitter endings with the help of romance, even if it might bring pain eventually. Deep down you don’t fear that part.
For some others, this is also about craving to meet a partner that has gone through some type of pain and sorrow and you kind of meet in the middle. There is this mirroring. A healing journey together as a couple. Nonetheless, this is also about forgetting about what has been and closing that chapter of your life once and for all. Your soul craves other things now. 
If you chose this pile, I would be very curious to know what resonated. Don’t hesitate to tell me.
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond!: Rivals' Madness Song List
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DISCLAIMER: This is just the general structure of the concept, and will NOT be becoming a mod under any circumstances.
(Unless mentioned otherwise in the list, Benjamin is the playable character in a stated song. Anything in italics is a song idea original to this concept, and anything different to the originals will be linked.)
Prologue (Old Timeline)
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Pico (Middle Area)
Why Not Die (IHY Luigi)
Forbidden Star (Wario Apparition)
Seven Coins (GB)
Caution (MX)
Death Cipher (Victim #1)
Role in the Play (Comedy and Tragedy)
Failure (Pico alone) (Only available after beating Fruitless Stand)
Boyfriend (Top Area)
Fruitless Stand (Rotten Smoothie cover) (Ultra M and GX)
Existence Deal (Non-Existent)
Minus World (Bottom Area)
Minus (??? vs. Pico)
Story Mode
2Torial (Sonic the Hedgehog) (from Sonic Legacy/RodentRap)
Lazy Day (Grace vs. Benjamin)
Week 1: Mushroom Kingdom
It's-A Me (Super Horror Mario)
Starman Slaughter (Super Horror Mario, John Dick, Super Horror Peach and Yoshi.exe)
Week 2: Devil's Wasteland
Marble Heights (Flicky vs. Benjamin) (from Blood Moon)
Tombstone (Sonic.exe/Xenophanes vs. Benjamin) (from Blood Moon)
??? (Xenophanes vs. Grace)
Overworld Zone
(All map asset credits go to Askywalker from The Spriters' Resource)
All bold entries are the area's climax boss encounter. For the Sonic side, you only need to beat 3 foes tops in each area to reach the climax boss.
Cosmic Awareness (KiloByte) (secret anti-cheat boss)
Mario World 1 - Irregularity Isle (Mario Memes and Parodies)
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So Cool (Chris Pratt)
Lower Route
Mr. Alopecia (Mark)
SORETRO (Retro Mario)
Upper Route
Nourishing Blood (Grand Dad)
MARIO SING AND GAME RYTHM 9 (Somari vs. Pikafriend)
End Path
0-Star Run (Speedrunner Mario and the Speed Demon) (from FNF: Antiverse - VS Mario)
Secret Levels
Irregular Fighters (Somari vs. Grand Dad) (clear the Toad House)
??? (Water Daniel) (clear the Toad House)
Mario World 2 - Woodland of Lies (Mostly Legacy Creepypastas)
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Main Levels
A Former Conclusion
Alone (Beta Luigi)
Terrors in the Woods
Oh God No (IHY Luigi vs. IHY Mario)
Retaliation (IHY Luigi vs. IHY Mario) (at the same point as OGN)
I Hate You (IHY Luigi)
Repentance (Music Box Mario/Alice vs. Music Box Luigi) (from SMB: Refunked)
Last Course (Turmoil vs. Galoombafriend)
Victims of Pain
Your Hell ("Luigi" vs. Mario) (Mario World pre-remake)
Victimised (Endgame/Inferno's Victim #1) (from MMNM)
Dark Forest (Coronation Day Peach / Forest Demon)
Secret Levels
Move Dem Fingers (Scripulous Fingore) (clear the Toad House)
Apples of Sin (_____ vs. Peach, Yoshi and Luigi) (Super World post-remake) (move off the bridge leading to Dark Forest)
Mario World 3 - Content Cosmos (YouTube Plumbers)
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Main Songs
Left Route (Marios / dudes who are pricks)
Bad Bay (Super Bad Mario) / Ever-Complaining (Mad Mad Mario)
Bloopers (SMG4 Mario) (unlocks Ssenmodnar Square upon completion) / Building Bricks (Engineer)
Day Out (Day Out Mario vs. Boyfriend and Day Out Luigi) / Burger (Mario's Restaurant Luigi vs. MR Mario)
Right Route (Marios who are murderous)
Dictator (Secret History Mario)
Rampage (Berserk Mario) (from FNF: Antiverse - VS Mario)
Race Traitors (Racist Mario)
The Last Path
No Hope (Devil Mario)
Secret Songs
Top Secret (Laser Suit Mario) (Mario Mix) (clear the Toad House)
Mario World 3.3 - Lovely Levels (optional; Level UP)
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Main Songs
Entry Island
Summer-mation (Level UP)
Maze Mayhem (Pac-Man)
Basics (Baldi) (from Baldi's Basics in Funkin')
Arc Welding Island
Mario's Singing Challenge (Level UP Mario)
Friendly Heir (Princess Plum) (Bottom Path)
Vindicta (Mariocraft Magikoopa vs. Benjamin and Wolfie) (Middle Path)
Tumultuary (The Goomba Revolution) (Top Path)
Final Island
Nothing...? (Level UP Luigi / God Mode Luigi)
Planum Descendit (Level DOWN vs. Benjamin, Level UP, Wolfie and Princess Plum)
Secret Songs
Zombified (The Zombies vs. Benjamin, Mario and Toadette) (Move toward the lava pit)
Mario World 3.6 - Ssenmodnar Square (optional; SMG4)
N64 Castle Entrance
Spaghetti Humper (SMG4 Mario Rematch)
Paintings of Plight
Chomp's Out (The Chain Chomp vs. SMG4 and Mario)
Spaghettiria Bite (The FNaF Animatronics vs. Mario)
Fridge Milk (Jeeves vs. Mario, Luigi and Toad)
Trio's Trips (Mario vs. SMG4 vs. Toad) (encapsulates the three main "Trip" videos)
Two Funkin' Friends (X vs. FM)
Splatted Sunset (Meggy vs. Benjamin)
Running (Tari vs. Belle)
Saikosis (Saiko and Kaizo vs. Benjamin)
Arcs of Agony
Rejection Rampage (Waluigi vs. Benjamin, SMG4, Mario and Tari)
Anime Destiny (Meggy (inkling/human) vs. Desti (inkling/angel) vs. Francis)
Creative Control (Mr. Puzzles vs. Benjamin and the SMG4 Gang)
Genesis of Zero (Zero vs. Benjamin and the SMG4 Gang)
Final Revolution (Niles/Zero vs. Benjamin, SMG0 and Melony)
Mario World 4 - Classified Castle (SM64 CLASSIFIED)
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Promotion (Promo Mario / Stanley)
Abandoned (Classified Luigi) (Left Side)
Finished Role (Classified Yoshi) (Right Side)
The End (Costume)
Play Pretend (Promo Luigi vs. Promo Mario vs. Benjamin / Stanley vs. Jim)
Mario World 5 - Ravaged Road (other SM64 content)
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Normal Songs
Apparition (The Wario Apparition)
West Path (SimpleFlips ROM Hacking Competition Entries)
Watching (The Toad Circle from "Regular Pasta")
This Way (Eyeless Peach from "Please Come to the Castle")
Loneliness (King Bob-Omb from "The Picture of Bob-Omb Battlefield)
East Path (other foes and legends)
Near-Impact (Rashay from "SM64: Last Impact")
Better Off (M from "sm64.z64") (from FNF Classified)
Thalassophobia (L Is Real Luigi)
Your Copy (Personalised Mario) (from FNF: Classified)
Focused on Fun (Wario Apparition Rematch) (from SMB: Refunked) (Secret Climax Boss)
Secret Songs
Revolution (128 Marios) (from Super Funkin' Galaxy) (Clear the Toad House in Classified Castle and go bang in the middle of the level)
Mario World 6 - Hellish Heights (Modern-Day Mario Horrors)
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Normal Songs
Golden Land (GB)
West Path (Multi-Console Zone)
Blinked (Dais-eye) (from MMNM)
No Party (DJ Hallyboo)
Paranoia (Mr. Virtual)
East Path (NES/SNES Horrors Zone)
Verdant (Ink Bowser vs. Mario and Peach)
Relictus (Sophie (Left Behind) vs. Tankman)
Overdue (Mr. L vs. Pico and THE FORGIVEN)
North Path (The Power Star Archives; all from Petrifying Plumbers)
Version Control (Buggy Mario)
Overthrown (Peach_AI vs. Luigi_AI)
Lost Innocence Zone
Power Down (MX vs. Benjamin)
Demise (MX vs. Benjamin and Pico)
Final Reality (MX vs. Lucas)
Secret Songs
Systemized (X.nes vs. Pico) (move before the transition after Overdue)
Pasta Partners (Mr. L and X.nes vs. Pico) (beat Systemized)
Annihilation (Nekoamon) (beat Hellish Heights)
Unbeatable (The Commercial Gang) (beat the game)
Sonic Zone 1 - Dangerous Depths (Sonic CD secrets and official SEGA characters)
Secrets of Sonic CD
Endless (Majin Sonic) (Focus ability from Undying Phoenix is unlocked after this song)
Gotta Go (Batman Sonic)
Kickin' It (MC Sonic)
Alternate Hedgehogs
Waterfall (Ashura vs. Tails)
Chaos (Fleetway Super Sonic)
Phantasm (Fleetway Super Sonic vs. Fleetway Sonic)
Penumbra (Terios vs. Benjamin and Sonic)
Schoolhouse (Schoolhouse Sonic) (from Vs. Speed.GIF)
Revival (Extra Life vs. Fleetway Tails)
Peek-a-Boo (Possessed Amy Rose)
Bigger Threats
Barrel'd (The Annoying Barrel vs. Sonic and Tails) (from Vs. Sonic.EXE - Megadrive Mix)
Syndrome (Surge the Tenrec)
Cast into Doubt (Mimic the Octopus)
Memphis (Mephiles the Dark)
Who will ever feel the sunshine?
Sunshine (Tails Doll)
Soulless (Soulless DX version) (Slasher Tails Doll)
Sonic Zone 2 - Nostalgic Necropolis (Classic EXEs/Sonic Creepypastas)
Retro Pastas Zone
Time Attack (Sonic/Sonic.exe (Ordinary Sonic)) (from RERUN)
Freedom (The SONIC (Chinelin) entities vs. Sonic and Benjamin)
Inside the Walls (Sally Anderson vs. Grace)
Acceptance (Cyber/Genocide City Robotnik)
Last Chance (Zalgo (Sonic2.exe Trilogy) vs. Sonic and Tails)
Bitter Ending (Robotnik vs. Sonic (Sonic 2 Friendship) (This song has two endings depending on the miss count)
Deferment (Blue Pendrive Sonic vs. Skid and Pump) (intended for Legacy)
Retro Killers Zone
God's Will (Bratwurst Sonic.exe)
My New Plaything (Woody.exe / Respiro) (from Toys' Madness Friday)
Nightmare Beginning (Exetior) (from FNF.EXE Trilogy)
God Killer (Exeller (SoH)) (from FNF SoH Round 2)
Phantom Annihilation (Phaton and Talrareth (Shifted Reality))
Retribution (Exruby/Moiraio (The Destiny EXE) vs. Sonic and Benjamin)
Petrified (2017 X vs. "Cream")
Assurance (2017 X vs. Benjamin)
Toetality (2017 X vs. "Tails")
Sonic Zone 3 - Safety Savestate (Non-Hostile Characters)
A Zone That Is Fun
Milk (Sunky)
Cereal (Sunky and Silly)
Unusual Rivals
Substantial (X-Terion)
Funni (Sonk vs. Skid and Pump)
REROY (Reroy) (from RERUN)
A Raw Jam (Sonic.RAW)
Friendly Beings
Specialities (Roze)
Quiz'd n' Questioned (Monty the Monitor)
Hedge (Hog)
Warrior (Exester (The Glitch Chaos))
Cutting Room Floor (Unused (Nominal Dingus)) (from Blood Deal)
Make Haste (Hasty)
Sonic Zone 4 - Wacky Whirlwind (New Millennium+ Oddballs and Villains)
Memes and Classics
Personel (Coldsteel)
Too Fest (Sanic) (Executable Entourage version)
Shockwave (XS Sonic) (from Soulless DX: Milk & Cereal DLC)
Sonic Kills You And You Die (Google Maps Sonic.exe) (from RERUN)
Silly Parodies
I AM SEGA (Sonic vs. Tails (Sonic Shorts))
Odd Happenings (Oddshow Sonic)
Chilli Dogs (TerminalMontage Sonic / Chillidogs)
Think Fast (The Hues of Metal)
Adaptational Monsters
Twisted (Secret History Tails vs. Benjamin and SH!Sonic) (from RERUN)
Amnesia (Lost Memory Sonic)
Lost Hero (Miles vs. Sonic) (Where Was My Hero...?)
Unleashed (Nazo)
Strange Twists
Post-Mortem (NES Eggman vs. NES Sonic vs. Vinesauce Joel) (from RERUN UST)
Benjamin's Dilemma (BoomBusterBB Sonic.exe)
Sonic Zone 4.3 - Analog Alpine (Analog Horrors and non-EXE terrors)
Love Crafts Zone
Round-A-Bout (Needlem0use Sarah)
Twin Flames (Speedduo64 Sonics)
Lost Cartridge Zone (@jordangaming101)
Initiation (Goldman)
Ardenti Memorias (Sonath)
Ultima Spe (James/Metal Sonic)
The Grieving Zone
Uh Oh! (Demogri)
Haze (Griatos)
Sonic Zone 4.6 - Legacy Lake (other retro EXEs)
Bloodthirst (Exegod)
Illusion Fusion (Exrath)
Tarlike Screams (Corrupt)
Glitched Trap (Puroto)
(to be expanded)
Sonic Zone 5 - Bloody Base (Modern Terrors)
Normal Threats Zone
Melting (Melthog)
Fatality (Fatal Error)
No Peace (Crimtake)
Spreading Assimilation (The Shifter vs. Darnell) (from SØNIC (UNL))
Below the Depths (Sink)
2sday (Requital vs. Pico) (from Soulless DX: Goalpost DLC)
Impulse (NULL) (from Funkin' is (not) an Option: VS NULL)
Other Threats Zone
Stranger Danger (Stranger vs. Skid and Pump)
Hell Reaper (Outbreak Malware Threat vs. Martha Mearest)
Chromatic (Chromophobiac vs. Senpai)
Intermission (Villains X vs. Nene)
Other non-EXEs Zone
Third Party (Piracy Sonic)
Evergreen (End/Returnal/Green Mountain Sonics)
The False Altar
Blackened Sky (Faker / Black Sun) (Faker/Eclipse)
Deathrun (Eclipse)
Sonic Zone 6 - Harrowing "Home" (SonicPC / Soulless Sonic) (all songs from Lord X Wrath except "Vessel")
The Prelude
Vessel (Lord X vs. Alan)
Castle Exterior
Cycles (Lord X)
Broken (Lord X and Alice)
Torment (Lord X)
Desires v2 (Yokubo, the Guardian of Temptation)
Castle Interior
Gatekeepers (Lord X and the Guardians)
Fate (Lord X and Illusion Grace and Pico)
Trichael (Lord X)
Guardian Arena (bonus area following Lord X's defeat)
Devotion (Kito, Guardian of Prayer)
Resentful (Gekido, Guardian of Anger)
Desperation (Zetsubo, Guardian of Despair)
Joyous (Kofuku, Guardian of Happiness)
Haunting (Kyofu, Guardian of Fear)
Revulsion (Ken’o, Guardian of Disgust)
Sonic Zone 6.5 - Creation Citadel (pre-Sonic.exe horror takes)
Glitcher ("Cyborg" Sonic)
Dark Chains (Darkness Sonic / "2007 X")
Ichor Pilot (Sonic.HTF / "2009 X")
Ego Brawler (Haunted SSBB Sonic)
Countdown (Blue Pendrive Sonic (rematch) vs. Gonzalo)
Ill-Willed (Zodick the Hellhog)
The Grand Finale
Act I: Goalpost in Sight
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Ashes to Ashes (Xenophanes vs. Pico)
Like Old Times (?????.??? and Tails Doll vs. Benjamin) (from FNF.EXE Trilogy)
Multi Rounds (SonicClone, MD-X, GenesiX, Corrupthog and FileName0X vs. Grace)
The "Final" Battle
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All-Stars (Ultra M, Omega, LG, W4R, Y0SH, WA7X and TO4 vs. Benjamin, Grace and Pico)
fakebaby/RealAdult (No More Innocence vs. Daniel Dearest)
Act II: A Second Chance
(The songs here can be played in any order leading to the Final Egg; however, you MUST beat Blind Love and Facing Yourself at the bare minimum to get inside.)
Station Square
Carnage (King_Ruthless vs. Benjamin and Pico)
Vista (Chaotix vs. Benjamin and Pico) (from Illegal Instruction)
Deception (Requital (Rematch) vs. Benjamin and Pico)
Burning (Genesγs vs. Benjamin)
Mystic Ruins
Gamebreaker (DX vs. Pico) (from Breaker Bundle)
Recalcitrant (PDS!Curse vs. Benjamin)
Sinful Prayer (Hyper-Accurate vs. Benjamin and Pico) (from RERUN)
Lost World Pyramid (the only mandatory area pre-Final Egg)
Enemy Within (The Corruption vs. Benjamin)
Blind Love (Girl vs. Benjamin)
Facing Yourself/Silly Billy (Lookalike vs. Benjamin) (beat Blind Love to access)
Final Egg (you can skip straight here if you wish to after finishing Facing Yourself)
Farming Viper (Caffrin the Gamer Girl vs. Pico and Benjamin)
Her World (Luther vs. Benjamin vs. Sarah)
Act III: Benjamin WILL Pass
A Path to Deicide
Tetrabrachial (SL4SH vs. Fatal Error)
Placation (Requital vs. SL4SH and Fatal Error)
Apochronal (Majin Sonic vs. SL4SH and Fatal Error)
The Crystalline Deicide
Omnipresent (Tails Doll, Soul Tails, Exruby/Moiraio, Soul Knuckles, Xenophanes, Soul Eggman, Lord X and Eclipse vs. Benjamin and Pico)
Endgame (Xenophanes, EYX, Devil Tails Doll, Fearful X and Metal.exe vs. Benjamin and Pico (and Grace))
Deicide (Xenophanes and the souls vs. SL4SH, Fatal Error, Requital and Majin Sonic)
Deal... or No MORE Deals?
Cataclysm (Super Horror Mario, Lumpy Touch Mario and Infection Mario vs. Benjamin)
Lost Wonder (Ultra M/Victim #1/Madeline, Comedy, Tragedy and Dolor Luigi vs. Benjamin, Pico, Grace, Caffrin, Skid, Pump, Martha Mearest, Tankman, Darnell and Nene ft. IHY Mario and Beta Luigi)
Act IV: The Final Round
Tua Vera Fata (Xenophanes, IHY Luigi, Scorched and Emperor M vs. Madeline, IHY Mario, Hog and Boyfriend)
Triple Appear V2 (MX, Lord X and Mr. L vs. Benjamin, Grace and Pico)
Final Escape (Xenophanes vs. Benjamin, Madeline and the restored victims)
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katyspersonal · 6 months
11, 17, and 21 for Micolash!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
11) How did you “fall in love” with this character?
Although I liked him from the start, the "falling in love" did not happen instantly! Especially because my primal Bloodborne exposure was within an extremely small and secluded group, in which a snobbish near-Redditor friend would condemn "cringey Tumblr girls crushes" XD I was a little nervous upon realising that my attraction and curiosity to Micolash was only growing with every day, that I kept checking the same fanarts of him every day. I was not thrilled to feel judged so I was in denial and forged exclusively lorediggey interest. And then I just took my confidence back with this meme that started it all:
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Basically, there was no particular trigger, but instead, everything I've learned about this character became planted seeds, and yet they sprouted and kept growing. My own wild, unhinged imagination and daydreaming was the water, good fanart and headcanons were the sunlight. Ironically though, this same friend helped to nourish it; he is very good at making impressions of characters and I asked him to write as Micolash in my starvation for more dialogue. It was so in-character that it did feel like getting extra script of Mico's lines.
17) Have you ever felt physical pain over this character? (ex: physical heartache).
Yeah... I am a little ashamed of it, but ey. No need to beat myself up for how my brain is wired? I've had two times of unexplainable nausea (as it, I was not sick or poisoned) because of this man! Both times happened after a particularly striking dream revolving around him. I also sometimes got strong headaches because of him, when I was spiralling into thinking about him too much!
21) Are your feelings about this character platonic, romantic, or familial? All of these feelings at once maybe?
All of these in this order of development, and currently all of these at once. Like I said, I was instantly fascinated by him, then it grew into a strong crush.. And, strangely enough, whereas I instantly latched onto Rom, kinned her even, and shipped Romicolash, my brain involuntarily imagined an OC that I could project onto more than onto Rom, yet that'd be his sister. So, I had a chance to imagine myself being with him, and yet threw it away for familial relationship instead? This is a part of the many years long string of strange self-sabotages, in which whenever I fell hard for a fictional character I'd "ruin my chances" by making their sexuality exclude me, or inventing any other way why we could not be together even in my dreams. What scares me so? But hey, at least I had Rom, right? .....right?
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Wrong. Meet the description I've glossed over at first, but that changed everything when @val-of-the-north convinced me to really peer into it all like 'ohhhh whooo could they beeee?'. Given the context, the description could be referring to Micolash and Rom, and my lore brain instantly picked up 500+ canon-fitting clues and explanations for why it absolutely made sense. I was delighted by it. I was frustrated by it. I felt like a genius that deciprehered a mystery that fandom did not see for 6-7 years. I knew Romicolash shippers would shy away from me for that one and I felt lonely. I felt proud because on the other side I started a "trend" that ricocheted across the fandom so much that now headcanon of Rom and Micolash as siblings is the norm, not exception. I hated myself for sabotaging my only means to "be" with Micolash in my dreams.
But in the end, I just... accepted it? I've found peace in knowing that different parts of my identity feel differently towards this man, and I can't sacrifice either. And I was able to internalise the differences between my Rom, other people's Rom and Rom as 'general character concept'. So I can like teacher-student, I can like friendship, I can like familial, I can like ship, I can like them as enemies. But this applies to me-me too! It is easier to name what feelings I do not have towards him hahah;
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lightyaoigami · 1 year
2, 3, 16 for the choose violence ask game 🔥
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
i'm going to be a little spicy here and say that i simply don't subscribe to stringent "x is a top" or "y is a bottom" categorization. that being said if i were to suspend my disbelief i simply don't see L as being passive in any way? like remember how bb was like i've never been submissive, even to a traffic signal? that is L to me. however i will live and die by my belief that both L and light are vers lmao
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
i answered this one but i've got another: i once saw someone say that L couldn't be autistic because he's sexy (i'm paraphrasing obviously). what op failed to realize is that autistic people are the sexist beings on earth. sorry!!!! 2 hot 2 handle!!!!!!!!!
16. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
answered this too but guess what i am a fount of hot takes always. i cannot STAND soft and fluffy lawlight. it grates me so much. i actually don't think that either of them would be emotionally adept and therapized enough even in an au to say things like oh idk "what do you need? i want to support you" or "i feel safe when you hold me" you know like that therapy-speak that people do sometimes? i hate that shit get it the fuck away from me hsdhfjsjfd
choose violence
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grelleswife · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to ask your opinion on why you enjoy Kuroshitsuji if it isn’t too much to answer. Recently I have been feeling like I’m being ‘punished’ for enjoying Kuro because I always see people talking bad about it and Yana on twitter. 😅 I am well aware Kuro has a lot of issues but I really enjoy the characters and such but the opinions of people about the series kind of has been hurting me as a fan and thus I have been losing interest🥲 I was hoping I can talk to someone who is a fan of Kuro that can help give me some mindset or something. I have been drawing for Kuro for years so I’m quite passionate towards the series and Yana herself and but this has been bugging me. If you can’t answer this it is totally okay and you can delete this ask❣️
Hi, anon! That’s not too much at all! My apologies for the late response; I wanted to make sure I could sit down to properly get my thoughts in order before answering.
My love for Kuro was originally (and is to this day) rooted in the source material. The manga and anime introduced me to some of my most beloved fictional characters, including Miss Grelle—as attested to by my url! 😉 The story instantly had me hooked with its campy hijinks, tragic undertones, and forays into the dark corners of the human psyche. Even with the current lag in pacing, I’m excited to see where the Phantomfam’s adventures take us next! And, of course, I would be remiss without mentioning the artwork. In a visual medium like manga, aesthetics can make or break your enjoyment of a series, and Kuro’s Victorian steampunk flair is perfectly suited to my tastes, especially with the steady improvement in quality as Yana’s honed her craft over the years.
However, particularly during this dry season of short chapters and plodding plot progression, it’s the community that grew up around Kuro that nourishes my love for it the most. Naysayers condescendingly sneer that the fandom is dead, but the incredible art, funny memes, awesome animations, excellent fics (some of which outshine published novels I’ve read), insightful meta and more that I see across my dash and in the tags suggest otherwise. And when we come together (such as during past fandom weeks or @anewp0tat0 ‘s recent event to celebrate the 200th chapter) that display of talent burns even brighter. As a writer, building up lore in headcanons and fic or reading my mutual’s creative interpretations of Yana’s world is just as fun—if not more so—than engaging with the actual manga. That enrichment alone is enough to keep me invested in the Kuroverse for the foreseeable future.
The series also holds considerable sentimental value for me because it served as the catalyst for my queer awakening and brought friends and loved ones into my life who I would never have met otherwise. Even if the day comes when I put Kuroshitsuji on the shelf in favor of other stories, that positive impact will remain.
However, that doesn’t mean that the series or fandom are perfect. Yana’s sleazy past and irresponsible pandering to the gross side of the fandom are an unpleasant reality with which we must contend, as are the fujoshis, transphobes, and other creeps—some of whom proved to be a genuine danger to minors—who continue to give us a bad name. But those people who blindly label Kuro as wholesale trash and accuse all fans of condoning the problematic content merely betray their simplistic, black-and-white way of thinking. We cannot and should not sweep the objectionable aspects of the series under the rug, but we can interact with Kuro critically—recognizing and calling out the areas in need of improvement while also cherishing the best parts of this cursed butler manga. As long as you’re consuming media responsibly, and in a way that doesn’t actively harm others, then you have no reason to feel guilty. You sure as heck don’t deserve to be punished!
Ignore the haters as best you can, and try to focus on what first ignited your passion for Kuro; don’t let those jerks steal your joy. 😤 Alternatively, if you need to take a break from that onslaught of negativity and just rest for a bit, that’s fine, too! There’s no shame in stepping away to recharge, and you shouldn’t push yourself to participate in fandom if doing so is detrimental to your well-being.
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been having a tough time over on the bird app, but I hope my answer was helpful and that Kurohell can continue to be a happy, welcoming place for you! 🖤
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catgrassplantdad · 5 months
hi jessie <3 ask meme~ how about R?
hey deanna! 💚
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
this is so hard to answer because i feel like i'm influenced and draw inspiration from sooooo many places. every good thing that i read inspires me. but the first writers who came to mind were grayola and shamelessquestions. they're very different from one another but i admire both of them for their prose and their world building and the sense of immersion that i get to experience when i read their work. leah @whatwouldmickeydo also falls in that category, i think about THAOM a lot, how cinematic it is and how it plays out in my mind and how desperately i like, want it to be a movie. lmao. i can only aspire to write like that! also ray @whatthebodygraspsnot whose aus nourish my soul and whose porn is and always will be unmatched. i do think i'm pretty decent at writing sex but there's something about how ray's work makes me feel everything that i would love to be able to achieve in my own way.
fic writer ask game
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calico-heart · 10 months
Because I have no chill, also for the kiss meme: X'rhun and Lyrha with #30 "as comfort"
For the exact opposite reason of my last request.
Thank you for the request! :3 Hope you enjoy!
(Ask me for a kiss! Help me get all 50!)
There were not many old adventurers. For much the same reason there weren’t many old pirates, heroes, foot-soldiers, or smugglers.
Violence begat death, and age only brought wisdom to those who had nourished it from the outset.
Many died young. Others tired of the life, saw the black waiting beyond, and chose a path of lesser glory – or realized there was no glory to be found at all in the road they walked. The arrogant who persisted fell to foolishness. They made enemies, or grew so jaded as to forsake friends, which was as good as the same. Survival on the edge of a blade belonged to the ruthless and the clever.
It was why grey-haired travelers with steel at their hips and in eyes alike were to be respected, if not outright feared. Conquerors and generals, admirals and nunhs – even these were not entirely the same. They commanded from high up. Few could hope to challenge them from such a position of strength. Even if well-earned, it was no longer the perilous life of a salt-booted wanderer.
It was why Lyrha had taken so long to believe that X’rhun was all he claimed to be. 
Forty was not old for a layman. But it was very old for a Duelist, who had not had a home in twenty years. 
And she hadn’t understood. How could a man who’d seen so much of the world lack the ambition to rule, yet retain the courage to fight?
Blinking, she took in a slow, deep breath, and nuzzled closer to his familiar warmth. Linen bandages across his torso rose and fell in a steady rhythm. Though rough to the touch, beneath them his heart still beat strong. Slow. It’d been honed to martial prowess like the rest of him, and what wounds he’d sustained in their last caper would mend soon enough.
A nightmare had woken her, regardless. In the dream she’d laid beside silence and cold, and no amount of shouting would rouse either. Her hands had been covered in blood not her own, spilled recklessly.
Because unlike X’rhun, all Lyrha had was what she pretended to be. 
Tremors left over from the malignant dream ran through her, and her claws curled faintly against his wrappings. She purred, more to soothe herself than anything. Eventually scattered thoughts would settle, and sleep would return – her usual preference for fresh air was unthinkable now with his injury to look over. 
But her fidgeting disturbed him. Lyrha’s ears pinned at the change in breathing, the sudden thrum of his heart, and knew it before his eyes cracked open. 
“Your wounds–?” He asked through a waking fog, hand lifting to cover hers atop his chest.
Her wounds, as if his held no consequence. She glanced aside, resisting the urge to pull her hand back. “No. Jus… enjoyin’ t’view,” She lied automatically. And camouflaged it with a truth, “Didn’t mean t’wake ye.”
Pale blue eyes narrowed faintly, and he offered back a faint chuff – too quiet for most to hear, but not a Miqo’te. Then reached his other palm up to stroke behind her ear. Lyrha leaned into it, brow scrunching. His kindness nearly hurt worse than all the rest combined.
“I would suggest a diverrsion…” He started to chuckle, winced mutely. “But I fear that will have to be postponed till a later night, when we are better equipped for the task.”
Smiling lopsidedly, Lyrha squinted her eyes open and purred a little louder. “Well, we’rre not entirrely ‘elpless, arre we?” Propping herself up carefully, she leaned over him and pressed a kiss to his bandaged chest. Chaste. For her, anyway. 
“It might be prudent to remind you that complications, should any occur, would be rather difficult to explain discreetly. We were ordered to rest quite emphatically.”
She placed another kiss to his collarbone. 
X’rhun tilted to offer better access with a quiet, “Mmmm. I see your villainy will not be easily dissuaded.”
The next kiss went to his neck. And here her teeth scraped into a gentle pinch. “Ship surrgeon I used’ta know insisted men healed fasterr when they ‘ad access t’pussy.”
“What a romantic notion,” X’rhun grimaced. “Entirely bereft of personal bias on his part, I’m sure.”
“It couldn’t hurrt to trry.” She made her way to his jaw. Here he tilted his lips to meet hers, mouth parting to invite her in. A gentle arm tugged her close.
And for a few easy seconds, Lyrha felt entirely safe. 
X’rhun took a slow breath, head sinking back to the pillow. “It could, actually.” He purred. “As you know very well, Cielo.” 
Her tail gave a twist as she sighed, twisting her body closer against his, “Maybe that’s parrt of te fun, eh?”
“I hope I need not express how tempting you are, Dear. But I would be more gratified to see you well rested and mended come morn.” He countered, but as he was not entirely heartless, he took the opportunity to nip her ear.
Lyrha flicked it and snickered.
“And then, I will be happy to engage you in whatever form of stretching you are so inclined to. You need only wait out the night.”
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okamirayne · 11 months
Hi Rayne!
I’m a longtime fan (I read BtB when you were releasing OtC).
I just wanted to pop by as I’m doing my regular reread of the series, which is a habit I reserve for my most favourite books, and say hi and check in on you.
How are you? And (no pressure at all) how are you getting on with your original works? I look forward to the day I can read more of your wonderful writing. I’ve seen your updates on burnout and I don’t think this will help much but I want you to know you have a loyal fan in me who would enjoy and applaud anything that you write. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the year and festive season if you celebrate!
Hello, my dear Anon!💜
I’m a longtime fan (I read BtB when you were releasing OtC).
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Oh wow! That's just so awesome. Thank you so much for the love you've shown the series. I'm so ridiculously touched that you return to enjoy the BtB madness and that it ranks among the stories you revisit. So, so happy and insanely chuffed to hear this. 💜💜💜
[..] say hi and check in on you.
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How are you? And (no pressure at all) how are you getting on with your original works?
...there is a picture somewhere (a meme) of what looks like a hedgehog losing it's shit...*searches for it*
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This, presently, is me. I am this spiky little ball of hot ballistic head injury waiting to happen.
Slightly more realistic representation:
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Not sure whether that answers your question, my luv. 😅
My idiocy aside, it's so very sweet of you to check in. Thank you 🙏🏼 💗💜 I'm sadly still muscling my way through the shitshow that is creative burnout and trying to put out a few personal dumpster fires. My recent return to the BtB series has been an attempt to reconnect myself to my creativity...
I've been eyeing HHU for a few weeks now...
I’m considering flexing the atrophied muscle of my writer's brain by working a little on this BtB instalment, just to see if it gets the vital life-giving creative blood flowing again...
My original works remain preserved in a freeze-frame -- not abandoned, just locked behind a bloody glass wall (hence 'holding the wall and screaming'). My poor OCs are a collective entity, sitting with their chins in hand, eyeing me from beneath heavy lids, eyebrows cocked, waiting for me to come alive again.
And messages like yours?
They're a life-giving shot. Hugely nourishing to that deeply sad and starved part of me.
Thank you. 💕💜💕
Seriously. My earlier humour aside, your message has found me grasping another life-line of hope, and another reminder why I will not give this up - Screaming Hedgehog will prevail.
I’ve seen your updates on burnout and I don’t think this will help much [...]
Oh my dear, sweet, humble, beautifully kind, Anon -- how profoundly wrong you are about that, my friend. 🥹 You could not be further from the truth.
[...] but I want you to know you have a loyal fan in me who would enjoy and applaud anything that you write.
*hears her own heart break -- in the best way* 💔💔❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Anon...This message from you impacts me in ways that, as usual, I fail to be able to communicate in words. I might be able to choreograph it in some dynamic form of hug/glomp/undying-embrace, from which you might not be able to extricate yourself without a tasergun (or tea, I'll take the carrot over the stick). But please, PLEASE, know that by reaching out to leave me this message, what you've done does WAY more than help. It heals. It hits. Hard. Right in the heart. And I clearly need that.
🤔 I recognise that doesn't make much sense, but it helps to remember why it hurts so damned badly not to be writing, otherwise I numb out, and that's devastingly worse than feeling the bottomless sadness. Your message lets me access that, which then lets me access the deep joy, gratitude, and encouragement which comes from hearing that my particular strain of storytelling madness is still wanted, still desired, even after so much time has passed since I last wrote...
I never assume this.
Christ, it's a fear that haunts me at every turn, so to have some of that demonically painful terror exorcised by your beautiful message goes waaaaay WAAAAY beyond helpful. Please don't ever doubt the power your words have had or how deep they reach. I'm talking deep deep roots here. My appreciation is boundless.
Thank you. 💕💜💕
I wish you a generously blessed rest of the year, Anon, however you do your wintering, festive or not, I hope it's fun and fulfilling🌟. Thank you also for your warm wishes! Yes, I usually celebrate, though this year will be a more subdued time due to a personal loss; that said, I will embrace all good tidings for the season of giving -- starting with this beautiful message from you. 💕
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