#these two absolutely had something going on in TAS
reduxulousoctopus · 2 months
"there didn't seem to be a wolverine/morph fandom before X-Men 97 came out, surely that means there wasn't any romantic subtext in TAS, I'm good to start writing a pre-relationship fic set during 97 before I've finished my rewatch," I said
you know, like an idiot
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Soo, I have an idea, bear with me, it‘s pretty specific (and slightly self-indulgent) but I think it could be nice
Basically, reader has been with Lando for a while already. She played piano as a child but for whatever reason stopped but when Charles releases his piano songs it inspires her to get back to it and Charles ends up helping her practise and they become really good friends (but honestly purely platonic, maybe even siblings vibes) over it. Cue a little bit of angst when Lando gets worried about his girl spending so much time with another guy. But ta-dah, happy end, it turns out that Charles helped her write a song for Lando as a birthday or anniversary present
I absolutely understand if you don‘t want to write this, I just had a little daydream about it and thought you‘d be the perfect person to write it!
Lots of love for you and your works <3
I made the reader Jules Bianchi's little sister
F1 Masterlist
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Ever since Jules' tragic passing, Charles had felt a certain sense of protectiveness over his little sister. Everybody thought they were going to start dating, that Y/N Bianchi and Charles Leclerc were destined to be together.
Just like her brother, her life was motorsport. She wasn't a driver, that had never been her desire, but she knew everything there was to know about Formula One. She followed Charles around the world like she wanted to with her brother, supporting him like she would have Jules.
She found love at the race track, but not with Charles.
It was 2019, his rookie season when they met. She had been walking through the paddock, making her way to the Ferrari garage, when she bumped into him. In his McLaren shirt and orange hat, nineteen year old Lando Norris was adorable. It took maybe two years before he finally asked her out. They had been happy together ever since.
Something that most people forget when talking about Y/N Bianchi was her love for music. She had been playing since she was a child and it was something she had used to get through her brothers passing.
She could play several different instruments. While Jules was karting, she was practicing violin, piano, and more. But piano was her favourite of them all.
She still practiced regularly, but it was at the back of her mind as life went on.
But then lockdown happened. She and Lando had just started dating, so she was stuck at home in France, left to call him regularly. She called Charles, too, since he was like an older brother to her. As they talked he walked her around his apartment, setting her up against different surfaces as he did something.
"Charles, is that a piano?" She asked as she looked past him.
He took her closer to it, showing her the new piano he had bought over lockdown.
That was what sparked her playing again.
They didn't have much of a chance to practice together after the season started up again. They still showed each other videos they had taken of themselves playing, but they never played together.
Not until just before Lando's 24th birthday.
Actually, it was the summer break, several months before. But she liked being prepared. Lando had been so fucking excited to spend summer break with her, but she had to blow him off, told him to have fun without her.
Instead she was in Monaco with Charles. They were spending a few weeks in his apartment, writing together until they had a song. Charles had booked a studio, where they recorded together.
On the day of Lando's birthday he was woken up with a kiss, breakfast, and a good ol' shag.
"I got you something really special this year," she said as she walked in from the bathroom, using a towel to dry her hair. "Do you remember over summer break, when I stayed in Monaco with Charles?"
Lando's expression darkened. "Yeah, I remember," he grumbled. He knew the nature of her relationship with Charles, but he'd also seen what had been said about the two of them.
Sitting beside him, Y/N ran her hands through his hair. "C'mon, Lan, what's up?" She asked, pouting at him.
Lando threw his head back, exposing his throat as he groaned. "I get sent the articles of you and Charles back from before we started dating at least three times a week. And then you spent summer with him in Monaco and-"
Suddenly she put her hand over his mouth, and Lando softly bit her palm. "I was putting together your birthday present in Monaco. That's why I spent the entire summer with him," she said and pulled up her phone.
Lando sat patiently as she pulled out the song she had written for him. He listened to the piano notes she had put together, to the lyrics she had written. It was, to put it simply, beautiful. He could listen to it on repeat for the rest of his life.
"I... holy shit," he said when the song finished. "I fucking love you," He said. "That was incredible."
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tim-shii · 4 months
a blessing in disguise.
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a/n: dad!sae and husband!sae in one post? more likely than you think. timmy being down bad for sae for the nth time, what's new? i didnt know where this story was heading while i was writing it halfway but the idea is dad!sae and husband!sae. also this is cute i love this work i will cry over this for months.
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“sometimes, i’m pretty sure you’re only with me out of pity. how dare you? my love for you is sincere–”
“what are you babbling about now?” sae let out an exasperated sigh. you two are lounging in the living room. him, watching a soccer game of the rivaling team they’re going up against next week, and you, laying down on the couch with your feet on his lap, just blankly staring at the ceiling.
“…like i would even lay down in front of a moving train for you. or! i would, without a doubt, drink a poison that’s specifically for you. if you ever get in a coma, i would stab myself, juliet style, absolutely no hesitation. you don’t understand the lengths i would go through for you–”
“oh my god,” sae drags his palm down his face quite dramatically. “is this because i forgot to say ���i love you’ this morning?”
“see? this is exactly my point. do you even like me?” you nudge his side with a sock clad foot.
he grabs a hold of your ankle and settled in back on his lap. “we’ve been married for five years. our son is literally five meters away playing with his sister.” sae replied with a pointed glare, visibly done with your antics. someone give him a break, he’s experiencing this exact predicament for the past seven years. he’s annoyed, yes, but it’s one of the reason he’s highly and deeply infatuated– in love with you.
you were about to retaliate but rushed footsteps and a sudden weight on your chest prevented you. “mommy!” speak of the little devil and he shall appear. kio, your 4-year-old son. behind him is kiho, your 1-year-old daughter, crawling as hard as she can trying to reach her older brother. immediately, you sat up on the sofa, pulling kio to your lap. “what– baby, are you crying? what’s going on?” you coo as you wipe the tears off his chubby cheeks.
“kiho bit me! we were just playing and then she suddenly–” while you were occupied with kio, sae abandoned his spot from the couch and opted to slide down to the floor instead. his eyes were focused on the adorable infant who is now crawling towards her beloved father. as soon as she’s only a foot away from him, sae scooped her up in his arms and retreated back to your side on the settee, “you bit your brother, kiho?” to which the infant just babbled incoherent with a wide grin.
sae smiles back at her before furrowing his brows. and it seems like you had the same thought as him when you looked at him with a confused frown.
“bit you?” you asked kio.
“yes, she did! it hurts! i think her bite left a mark!” he showed you his left forearm and there you see. the mark of a small baby tooth.
“she’s teething!” you exclaimed happily after kissing your son’s forearm. (“kisses make the pain go away.” you once told him when he tripped and scraped his knee at the park.) sae gently lift up kiho’s lips to peek at her gums, and ta-da! a cute tooth peeking back at him.
“she’s growing up too fast.” sae hummed, kissing kiho’s head, making her giggle.
“mommy, why did she bite me?” kio patted your cheek to get your attention back on him. “did i do something wrong? i thought she was having fun when we were playing together.” your heart felt stabbed, squeezed and stepped on ten times as kio looks at you with tears in his eyes.
“she was just showing affection, ki. she must’ve felt overjoyed with you but she didn’t know how to express it. she is a baby after all.”
“did i bite when i was a baby, too?”
“oh, absolutely. you bit your dad mostly.” you laughed at the memory of sae wincing in pain as his son decided to sink his growing teeth onto his father’s shoulder as he carried him.
“now. kiho, baby. say sorry to your brother.” sae held her in the middle of you two like a cat, his hands supporting his torso under her arms. however, instead of a garbled apology, kiho blew a raspberry to kio.
“hey, that wasn’t nice,” the little boy frowned.
“mom, don’t laugh– dad, stop laughing, too!” kiho followed the two of you and let out a gleeful squeal. all the while kio rubs the saliva off his face with your shirt.
“kio!” sae laughs even harder. kiho, too.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated! masterlist
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marksmelodies · 6 months
how nct dream would react during arguments
warnings: jenos part mentions sex
i feel like mark is the type to need space during a heated argument, he needs to think about what to say before he says it, he needs to calm himself down before the starts saying things that he doesn’t mean, it would take a lot to get mark REALLY angry, he seems like a pretty easy going boyfriend, he doesn’t get angry easily he’s very patient, so fights are not very common between the two of you, when the tension dies down and you’ve both had time to reflect he would approach you in a calm manner apologizing for his actions, mark would come up with ways to avoid arguing like this again in the future
i feel like renjun is petty, all maturity goes out the window when you two fight, lots of cussing and slamming doors, saying “ i hate yous” even though you both never actually mean it. i feel like he could also be the type to give you the silent treatment, even when you are done being angry and ready to make up, renjun on the other hand is not, i feel like he could hold a grudge, but eventually he would come around and realize that he messed up, renjun doesn’t have a problem with apologizing first, it may take him longer than you to realize that he’s in the wrong but when he does he makes sure to give you a proper apology
it goes one of two ways. either he gets MAD or he sulks, there’s no in between, it depends on the topic of argument really, jeno can be jealous and possessive so when it comes to those tendencies or something else along those lines he gets really angry, he raises his voice and but never gets physically angry, if the argument is less serious he’ll get all sulky and frown at you, unlike renjun arguments with him are very short lasting, he’s very quick to realize when he’s in the wrong and instantly apologizes, his apologies usually end with you two having sex
he gets more annoyed than mad, there’s not a ton of times he gets angry with you, usually he’ll sulk or complain but he doesn’t get visibly angry, the few times he did he absolutely hated it, he hates the look on your face when he gets angry at you, he hates raising his voice at you, he hates seeing you cry, if theres a issue haechan uses communication instead of getting quick to anger he’ll sit down and talk to you about it, although he is the funny goofy member, haechan seems extremely mature when it comes to emotions and is able to handle altercations in a calm manner, he will apologize as he cuddles you and plays with your hair
jaemin is a very understanding boyfriend, hes gentle and sweet, but there are times that jaemin gets angry just like everyone else. arguments aren’t a usual occurrence in your relationship but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen, jaemin will distance himself when he’s angry, he has trouble opening up about it his feelings, he bottles up them up and eventually breaks, he doesn’t yell often usually he keeps a more quiet and stern tone while he’s angry, maybe some tears are shed due to frustration, but at the end of it, it always ends in a big hug and apologizing to eachother with endless “ i love yous”
like renjun i feel like chenle is petty, chenle is stubborn so talking to him when he’s mad is like talking to a wall. he has a short fuse, it doesn’t take a lot to make him angry, i feel like he would give the silent treatment until you bother him enough that he snaps. chenle is infamous for scoffing during your arguments, chenle is loud so naturally he raises his voice, he would get frustrated easily, chenle is the type to follow you as you try to distance yourself from the conversation
“where are you going huh? we’re not done here”
chenle has a hard time apologizing first, eventually he’ll push his stubbornness aside and apologize, sometimes it’s a half ass apology that leads to another fight but chenle will try his hardest to make it up to you
jisung completely shuts down during arguments, he stops talking, he just stares off into the distance as your voice echoes through the room,
“ i know im an awful boyfriend, im the worst, you deserve someone better than me”
jisung doesn’t try to fight back or share his side, he just lets it happen which makes the situation worse, it feels as if he doesn’t care enough to put any effort into solving problems within your relationship, he snaps out of it when he hears your sniffles along with the tears streaming down your face, he walks over to you and embraces you into a hug, he apologizes quickly sometimes he’ll apologize for things that aren’t his fault and that’s something he needs to work on, when you calm down jisung will eventually talk it out with you instead of shutting everything down, your arguments always end with his head on your chest as you rub his back forgetting about what the argument was even about
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charlesslut16 · 7 months
-Ugly christmas sweaters-
summary : lando and you go to a christmas party, which had the theme 'ugly christmas sweaters' but lando does not like his sweater....
PAIRING : lando norris x fem!reader
note : i hope you like this imagines! Request some more, as we have not every day in the dezember masterlist!
december masterlist ; masterlist 
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One week before your friend's Christmas party, you bought Christmas sweaters, ugly ones, as the theme had been 'ugly Christmas sweaters'. You knew that Lando didn't like the theme, but for you and your friends' sake, he would do it.
So two days before the party, you confronted and showed Lando the Christmas sweaters. Obviously you knew that Lando wouldn't be as happy, but if you were being honest, you could not care less.
“You’re telling me that we—no, I am going to be wearing that?” Lando softly lifted one of the sweaters, holding it as if it was a bag of 2 weeks old garbage. As if he was going to be infected with something dangerous.
“For our friend’s Christmas party?”
The splash of colors and patterns really confused him; it seems like the designer operated on a whim. Every thing looked out of order and nothing fit together. Like someone had destroyed it and then.
"Come on, it’s not even that bad! The theme was ugly Christmas sweaters, and I picked out the best ones the market had on the hanger, I think they're cute," you stated, defending the sweaters you had bought a week ago.
"This is far from cute! It is horrendous. Your taste in fashion must be very questionable," he scoffed, nonchalantly returning the sweaters to their initial resting place on the chair, so that he did not have to look at them anymore.
"I've practically styled your entire wardrobe, and you've received so many compliments because of me!" you argued back. Now he had gone too far, to question your fashion taste, although you had styled most of his clothes combinations.
"Alright, but your sweater choices are still terrible!" Lando countered.
Ignoring his protests, you insistently hold the sweater in front of him, trying to picture the look despite his puzzled expression. You knew that even if they did not look so good, Lando could pull them off nonetheless.
“Not in a million years will you catch me wearing that. In will never live this outfit down.” Lando declared, hands up in protest.
But, you didn’t care whatsoever, as your determination knew no bounds.
“Stop moving, you're making this harder.”
“What—” he started, but you were already on a mission, determined to make him at least consider the sweater. Even if Lando was a grown man, you needed to put it on him, so that he could see how it looked on him.
“It does suit you.”
“Thanks for the compliment, but you can't just say that by imagining how I'd look in it!”
“Why don't you try it on?” You extended your hand, catching him off guard. His reaction was too slow, and you ended up tossing it at him.
“I'll wait for you.”
Lando sighed loudly, unfolding the sweater and eyeing it with skepticism. He wasn't convinced, but just trying it on wouldn't bee that bad.
“Fine, but don't get your hopes up. It still looks absolutely horrendous.”
As he struggled to put it on, you couldn't help but laugh at the sight. The vibrant colors clashed with his usual style, making it even more amusing. The orange colour he normally would was bright and colourful but this. Absolutely vibrant.
“Ta-da! Happy now?” Lando struck a pose, a mockingly exaggerated smile on his face. You knew that he hated every second of it. Like when he drove and became second and not first, or when his brother hated the last donut that he wanted.
You chuckled, "Look! It doesn't even look that bad! You can totally pull it off. I mean, you can totally pull off everything that somebody gives."
Rolling his eyes, Lando played along with your answers and exclamations.
"Sure, sure. It looks fantastic on me. Just a bunch of silly trees and tiny elves on this sweater with squiggly lines—seriously, what were you thinking when you added this to the cart? It ruined everything good on me."
You shrugged lightly, unfazed by his words. Lando often exaggerated things, and you were accustomed to it. It was nothing unusual for Lando to overreact and overdramatic, things as they were or had been.
“I expect you to stick with this—we've got just two days until the party.”
“But can we not switch—”
In the middle of his sentence, you stood up and walked away into the kitchen to make you a hot cocoa and to go back to your shared bedroom, so you stopped hearing his complaints and overdramatic nature.
Two days later, the day of the Christmas party, you had the exact same conversation, but you knew that Lando could do nothing about it, as he knew that he would do almost everything for you in a heartbeat.
His complaining tone faded as you rushed down the stairs with the matching sweater in your hand. Quickly draping it over your white shirt and white skirt, you settled on the couch in the living room. As you scrolled on your phone to pass the time, you later heard shuffling in the background.
“Ready to go, my handsome man?” you looked up, seeing your boyfriend in the sweater you bought—he hadn’t changed it. You gave him a big smile, rising from your seat, as you wanted to hug him and tell him how good he looked.
“Looking good there, Norris.”
“Keep it up, and I’ll run up the stairs to change,” he teased, soon linking arms with you as you headed towards the door. But you knew that he was just teasing, he would not change as the time was at a limit.
“Honestly, though, I don’t think I look too shabby in this,” he asserted, eliciting a giggle from you.
“What can I say? I have an eye for what works.”
“Maybe you're onto something.”
"Maybe I need to trust you more, with clothes."
"You should."
He opened the door, so he could let you both out and locked the door after you both, but before you could walk to the car, he pulled you into his chest and gave you a romantic long kiss and then pulled away to look into your eyes.
"I love you, angel"
"I love you, handsome."
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— Wee' bit of haggis in Sc0tLaNd
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here we are with the request of readers' time in scotland, hope it lives up to expectations.
thank you massively to @alotofpockets as always for helping me come up with the ideas needed for chaos fc.
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pairings: vivianne miedema x reader, kaylan marckese x reader
summary: readers joins viv, kaylan and myle in scotland during the international break, and of course shes' her usual self.
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"Are we there yet?" Your not much of a fan of the journey, so to find out of the plan for a road trip, you weren't exactly thrilled.
"No," Viv replies bluntly from where shes' sat in the drivers seat of the camper van she'd hired for the trip.
Your literally hanging upside down of the sofa in the van even if that's not remotely safe to do, "How much longer? I'm so bored!" You can't help but complain regardless.
"Well, its' a road trip so considering the fact that we're on the road not there yet, it will be a while." Kaylan remarks, chuckling at you in amusement.
"Y/N, I've already told you before to sit up and put your seatbelt on. I'm driving and that's not safe at all!" Viv lightly scolds, catching you in the rear-view mirror of the van.
You huff and begrudingly do as your told, sitting up and buckling yourself into a seat, "Yeah, but how much longer is a while?" You question.
"How longs' a piece of string?" Kaylan chips in.
"I... I don't know-- Are we there yet?" You question for the tenth time in the past hour.
"For the love of god, Y/N," Viv exclaims, slamming her hands on the steering wheel, "We'll get there when we do, just be patient!" She states.
The Dutch womens' shouting is enough to shut you up.
Well, at least for like 5 minutes.
"Yeah, but like, when will that be?" You murmer, wearily glancing between the two older girls.
"Y/N!" Viv shouts aloud.
You hold your hands up in mock surrender, "Alright, alright. Sheesh-- You ask one little question and you get it in the neck." You mumble, innocently smiling at both Viv and Kaylan when they look at you in disbelief.
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"Y/N, don't touch that," You hear Viv scold you for what felt like the hundreth time when she caught you going to press a mysterious button in the van.
It's not your fault that you're bored though, is it?
"Why not? It looks fun to press!" You protest; If someone tells you to do something then you're going to want to do it more, right?
"Because I said so," Viv states as you move to reach out and touch it again, "Don't touch it, Y/N!"
"What'd happen if I do?" You really were intreguied to find out what would happen if you press the button like you so desperately want to do.
"Nothing because you're going to touch it!" The Dutch women ultimately ruins your fun.
What an absolute party pooper.
"But Vivi, thats' borin'!" You can't help but whine in protest, being stuck in a moving vehicle isn't all that fun at all, "I only want to see what happens!"
"No, don't!" Viv leans forward and swats your hand away from being inches away from pressing it, "How an earth did I end up with you joining us on this trip?" She grumbles under her breath.
"Well that's simple, Vivi cos' Leah doesn't trust me to stay home alone and Kimmy refuses to deal with me, so ta-da, you're stuck with me!" You exclaim, waving your hands in a jazz like gesutre, "We're going to have a blast!"
"Fabulous," Viv mutters, trying to keep her eyes' focused on the road ahead.
You shrug your shoulders and smirk, "Blame them, not me! I don't see why I couldn't just stay home, I had so many things to do--" Your completely distracted by spotting the sheep out of the window and literally moving to press your face up against the glass, "Oh, oh, look, there's sheep! I can see them... I want to pet them!" You exclaim in complete awe of them.
You like sheep, you were a big fan of them. Nobody judge, okay?
"Uh, is she... Is she normal?" Kaylan glances at Viv, skeptically.
Viv snorts in response, "That depends what you mean by normal. I don't think shes' been tested for insanity." She remarks.
You whip your head around to look at the two older girls, "I'm not crazy, its' not proven but I'm not... I'm just havin' fun!" Your quick to defend.
You weren't crazy, sometimes the thoughts inside your head were just a bit wild though but that's what makes things better, nobody likes people who are boring!
"Oh yeah, tryng to give us both a nervous breakdown, heh. That's not exactly my idea of fun," Viv states, shaking her head.
You huff and go back to staring out the window at the sheep, "When we get out, can we please go and pet the sheep, please Vivi?" You all but beg her; They look so fluffy, you want to go and pet them so badly.
Kim wouldn't let you pet the dogs at the airport, you got the pet all the animals in Melbourne at the zoo, but you still want to pet sheep.
That'd be cool!
"No, Y/N," Viv disagrees, spoiling your fun.
Damn it.
"I'll be super careful though!" You continue to whine, wanting to get your way with things, "They don't even bite!"
Viv shakes her head in disagreement, "Yes they do and no you're not petting them," She still wasn't going to change her mind on this one, "I don't want to be the one to explain to Leah what happened when I drop you back off to her."
"Booooo!" You grumble in protest, sulking and crossing your arms, "This trips meant to be fun." You murmer, still not liking the fact of being told no.
Even though you were always told it, you thought you would get away with it this time around.
Apparently not.
"No, this trip is meant to be peaceful-- Y/N, don't touch that!" Viv exclaims, quickly moving to swat your hand away again before you attempt to touch the mysterious button once again. "I swear I'm babysittin' a literal child." She mutters.
"This weeks going to be a lot, isn't it?" Kaylan questions.
Viv exhales a sigh in response, "I can already feel the impending headache." She states.
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"Look! Look! Fluffy cows!" You gasp in excitement, gesturing over to the field where you can see seem, "Moo! Do you think they can understand me?" You wonder, curiously.
You also have the need to pet them, so thats' exactly where you're heading off to now.
"Insanity... Not proven," Kaylan snorts in amusement, "Oh, there she goes!" She jokes, watching you rush in the direction of a gate to get near to the cows.
Viv exhales a sigh and shakes her head, "Y/N, come back 'ere!" She shouts, not in the mood to chase after you.
"I'm goin' to pet the fluffy cows!" You exclaim, getting to the metal gate and attempting to climb on it; You don't see the big deal about that.
"Y/N!" Viv continues to shout, grumbling under her breath before she hands Myle off to Kaylan, "I'd better go get her before she hurts herself."
"They weren't kidding when they said she bolts' at any chance she gets," Kaylan adds in, trying to stifle her laughter while she watches Viv try and catch up to you, while she trails behind.
"Y/N, get down before you hurt yourself!" Vivs' panicking that you're going to slip and break your leg, meanwhile you're non the wiser while you just try and get closer to the fluffy cows.
You rest on of your hands on the gate while you turn to look at the frantic Dutch, "Why? C'mon Vivi, its' not even that high. I'm fine!" You insist.
"Shes' definitely going to get hurt," Kaylan chimes in, catching up with the both of you finally.
Viv pinches the bridge of her nose, "Give me strength." She mutters to herself.
"Hey, guys! Look, this is so cool! I... I'm so close to this fluffy cow-- Do you have a name? I feel like you need a name," You start yapping on directly to the animal in front of you as you lean forward to try and stick your hand out, "C'mere cow who doesn't have a name!" You try to get there attention.
"Shes' literally talking to a cow," Kaylan mumbles, dumbfound.
"Y/N, that's enough. Get down before you hurt yourself!" Vivs' on high alert in case you fall.
All you want to do is pet the fluffy cow, who you're deciding on calling Derek.
Yeah, he definitely looks like a Derek.
"It's fine, it's not that deep," You can't help but roll your eyes in protest before you try and reach more towards the animal, "C'mere, Derek! C'mere!"
"Who the hell is Derek?" Kaylan questions, confused.
"The fluffy cow, duh!" You exclaim, gesturing to the cow in the field.
"Get down, Y/N!" Viv repeats.
"It's fine, its' not that deep," You mumble in repsonse.
You were so close to reaching the cow until you weren't; Slipping on the gate due to the wetness of it previously raining, means you fall back and land right smack in the middle of a puddle, which smells partically foul.
Cow poop.
"Arghhh!" You scream in absolute horror at what's happened, "EW! EW! EWWWW!"
"It was only a matter of time," Kaylan remarks before she cracks up laughing.
"Ew! Ew!" You immediately whine in digsust, "Vivi, help me up. Help me up!" You plead, trying to hold your hands out for her to pull you up out of the cow muck.
Viv can't help but snicker in amusement, "I feel like this is considered karma now, Y/N." She states.
"Its' not funny, this is gross!" You continue to whine about it, "Help me up, please!" You all but plead.
"Sure, but let me just get a photo for Kim first," The Dutch agrees, sliding her phone out of her pocket, "Say cheese, Y/N!"
Kaylan also takes an opportunity to snap a photo, "This is hilarious-- This could only happen to you, Y/N." She teases you.
"Definitely one for the groupchat," Viv chimes in, grinning at the photo.
You kindly give them both the finger while being stuck in the mud, "Somebody help me up-- This is gross!" You complain, finding the situation to be absolutely horrifying.
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"Hi, I wanted to call in and check in," Beths' face pops up on the screen when Viv answers, "See how you're doin'?" She wonders.
"Well, we got to Scotland, finally," Viv breathes a sigh of relief, "The drive was tedious to say the least." She admits.
Beth chuckles slightly, "And hows' Y/N doing?"
"Y/N is well, Y/N," Viv remarks.
"Is she behaving herself?" The blonde questions.
"Don't even get me started," The brunette mutters, shaking her head, "I'm wondering how Kim coped with her for as long as she did!" She states, throwing her hands up in the air.
Beth winces slightly, "Sounds like its' been rough then."
"Y/N has already tried to torment the sheep, and the cows as well," Viv explains to her girlfriend, "I do however have a great photo to send into the groupchat of when she fell in the cow much."
"Really?" Beth breaks out into laughter, "I can't wait to see that!" She exclaims.
Viv chuckles slightly, "I'll make sure to send it over in a bit. I'm definitely gonna need another holiday after this." She admits, rubbing her temples.
"It's a good job we have Greece lined up after this then," Beth chips in.
"Oooh! Greece? I want to go to Greece?" You can't help but overhear the conversation between the two of them, "Hi Beffy!" You pop your head in the view of Vivs' phone.
"No, that's definitely not happening!" Viv states, firmly.
"Hi, Y/N. I hope you're not giving Viv and Kaylan too much grief?" Beth chuckles, waving at you.
"Oh, please. I've been on my best behaviour!" You flash the blonde an innocent smile, "So, can I come to Greece with you both? Pretty please!" You plead.
"No!" Viv exclaims in protest.
"Well it sounds like you've got your hands full there. I'll let you go and I'll pass it along to Leah that her kids' still alive," Beth jokes, sensing Vivs' frustration having to deal with you, "Not long now, just remember that." She adds.
"Counting the days as we speak," Viv grumbles, followed by a quick end to the conversation and getting back to dealing with you and your chaos.
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"Y/N, are you coming to eat?" Kaylan calls out to you to get your attention from whatever TikTok you're watching while hanging upside down on the sofa in the camper van.
"Ew, no thanks," Straight away, you scrunch your nose up in disgust at the slight of whatever is on both of their plates, "I'm not eatin' that, cos' it looks horribleeeeee!" You tell them, emphasising the word to get your point across.
"Its' haggis, you haven't ever tried it," Viv looks over to you and shakes her head, "Come and at least try it before you turn your nose up at it." She adds.
"I don't need to try nor do I want too when I can see it and it looks awful!" You exclaim, still scrunching your face up absolutely ditest.
"You don't know what you're missin' here, Y/N," Kaylan chimes in.
"Oh, I definitely do. Keep that stuff away from me! That be lookin' a little nasty!" Your not sure what accent you're trying to pull off, but your damn sure you aren't trying that at all.
"Your going to get headache if you continue to sit like that," Viv mentions to the way you're sitting upside down, "And you need to eat still." She adds.
You shuffle round so your sat up on the sofa properly once the blood starts to rush to your head, "I'll eat, just not that. Where can I get a pizza round 'ere?" You wonder.
"Its' reallly not that bad Y/N," Kaylan chuckles, thinking your making a huge deal out of nothing.
"Nope, ah, ah, definitely not!" You state adamantly, shaking your head quickly, "I'll stick with what I like, thanks."
"Leahs' fussy food habits are rubbing off on you," Kaylan chuckles, poking fun at the blondes' choice of food.
"I'm all for adventurous food, but just not... that," You wrinkle your nose up in disgust at the sight of it, "You won't ever get me to try it."
"You can't judge it until you try it, Y/N." Viv states, shaking her head, "Why don't you trust a bit of mine?" She offers.
"Nope, uh uh. No way!" You reluctant to agree, bolting up from your spot on the sofa, "I'm off to go get pizza. C'mon Myle, walkies!" You call over to the snoozin' pup sat in her bed near where Viv is sat, while you move to shove your Nike Air Forces on.
"Wait, Y/N. You don't know where you're going round here," The Dutch states, dumbfound.
"I'm sure I'll be able to find my way round here," You shrug your shoulders carelessly and pick up Myles' leash, "C'mon girl, lets' go and explore!"
"I... I don't think that's a good idea," Viv frowns, shaking her head.
"That sounds like a bad idea," Kaylan remarks.
"C'mon, what's the worst that can happen?" You don't see the big deal, you're eager to explore Scotland without supervision and you really do want pizza right now.
"I-- Fine, okay but keep your phone on you and let me know how long you're gonna be!" Viv shouts in response, feeling like one of them overprotective parents; At least with you, she could hand you back after this week.
"And don't fall in anymore cow muck," Kaylan chips in, laughing at your own expense.
"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, it'll be fine-- Byeeee!" You wave her off before you head out the door with Myle by your side on the hunt for pizza.
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"It's so peaceful round here," You think aloud, glancing down to the small pup whos' obediently stuck beside you the whole time, "We should probably head back, huh girl?"
Who are you kidding, are you really expecting her to answer you back?
The walk to find pizza ended up with you both finding the beach, just sitting there and listening to waves, its' a great tranquility to be around.
"I'd love to be able to speak to animals," You speak your thoughts aloud, sliding your phone out of your pocket to be bombarded by several notifications.
You guess you must've been out longer than you thought given the several missed calls and frantic texts, but it's not your fault that your phone was on silent though.
"Y/N, where the hell are you?" You wince and pull your phone away from your ear as you immediately hear Viv yell down the phone, "You've been gone for over 2 hours-- Why haven't you been answering any of our texts or calls!?"
"Whoa, chill out, Vivi. I got distracted..." You admit bashfully, trying to make a joke out of it, "We'll head back now-- We're at the beach!"
"The beach!? That's over an hour away! How far did you walk!?" Viv exclaims in disbelief, "You only went to find pizza! Just hurry back, now!"
"Yeah, yeah, alright, sure," You huff in protest, not liking the fact you had to leave the peaceful beach, "We're heading back now." You add, before you end the call.
You didn't see much of the big deal about being gone for so long, its' not like you were lost in the woods or something.
"C'mon girl, we'd better go back. Your mums' loosin' her mind over us being gone," You speak to the pup, who looks at you like she understands every single word you're yapping on about and even barks.
Clipping Myles' leash on her, you start to walk back to the camper van where no doubt you're going to get a wonderful lecture about your disappearance for the several hours.
The beach was definitely worth it though, and the pizza as well.
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Walking back, there's a sudden distraction when you feel the faint buzzing of your phone in your pocket, "Ello'?" You answer without even seeing whos' on the other end of the call.
"Finally, you answer!" The familiar voice of the blonde skipper speaks on the other side, "I've been ringing your phone-- Where the hell are you?" She questions.
"I went for a walk," You respond, shrugging your shoulders as you walk back to the camper van, "But Viv knows that already and I've spoke to her." You add in.
"Yeah, she knows you went for a walk, but she also told you to let her know how long you're gonna be!" Leah lectures you just like usual; You swear its' all she ever does, "You didn't do that!"
"Right, well, I got distracted!" You admit, shrugging your shoulders again even though she couldn't see your body actions being on the phone.
"For 2 hours? You've had everyone going out of their minds, Y/F/N!" The blonde still scolds you in a firm tone of voice.
You can't help but roll your eyes, "It's minor, I'm on me way back now anyways."
"Good, right, well hurry back before it gets dark--" You huff and cut the blonde off.
"Did you only phone to lecture me?" You can't help but wonder, since that's all Leah regulary seems to do.
"Yes, and well I also got sent a crackin' photo of you fallin' in the cow muck," Leah snickers on the other side of the phone, "It makes a lovely background photo." She adds.
"Wha-- That's not even funny. It proper stunk!" You whine in complaint.
You still hear Leah laughing on the other end of the phone, "How'd that even happen?" She wonders.
"I wanted to pet Derek," You mumble, letting out a small huff.
"Derek?" Leah repeats, bewildered.
"The fluffy cow," You tell the blonde, continuing to walk in the direction of the camper van, "I slipped on the gate and fell back-- It's not funny, Le!" You whine, hearing her cracking up laughing on the other end of the call.
"Oh, thats' hilarious!" Leah exclaims in amusement, "Only you kid, only you." She states as a matter of fact.
"Seriously? Alright, if you're only gonna tease me then I'm hanging up on yer!" You grumble, more than willing to end the call with the blonde.
"Wait, wait, no. I didn't just phone to tease you!" Leah protests, hoping you hadn't ended the call already, "I wanted to see how you were actually doin' other than causing trouble!"
"Yeah, fine, I got pizza-- Hey! Did you know Beth and Viv are going to Greece? No fair I wanna go!" You whine in protest, that sounds like the perfect holiday destination right now.
Leah hums in agreement, "Oh yeah, I heard about that. I don't think them pair would be able to deal with you." She jokes in a teasing tone.
"I'm not that bad!" You exclaim, earning a few looks from nearby people as you walk past them.
"Really? Cos' it sounds like you've had quite the adventure in Scotland, kid," Leah remarks, you can already tell shes' shaking her head in disappointment right now.
"I'm just havin' fun!" You insist, pouting.
"Course you are," Leah lets' out a small laugh, "Cheer up, grumps. I'm taking you somewhere much better anyways!" She tells you.
"Where?" You wonder, curiously.
"Nashville," The blonde replies.
You let out an excited squeal, "Hell yeah, I'm gonna be in my cowgirl era!" You say, trying to contain your excitement.
Leahs' still laughing on the other side of the phone, "Yeah, I thought you'd be excited about that. You need to stay out of trouble until then though!" She states, firmly, "Or no Nashville."
"Yeehaw! Ya got it, partner!" You put on the accent, grinning from ear to ear, "Nashville baby, lets' go!"
Nashville, here you come!
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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milksuu · 8 months
❀. │GIRL DINNER (O1)│. ❀
❥ prompt: You're hungry. You want food. You want a snack. You just want SOMETHING. You send your HEARTSTEEL boyfriend(s) on a food-run adventure. Let's see what each boy brings back. ❥ content/warnings: sexually suggestive themes, profanity, fluff ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel (aphelios,kayn,ezreal) / f!reader
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sour patch kids and ariZona tea
Aphelios sneaks behind you, and presses the cold can against your neck. He can't help but enjoy how much you pout and whine about it.
He also can't help enjoying every expression you make: the first satisfied sip of your tea, the excitement of opening up the candy bag, and your mouth pursing from the sour taste. Then smiling once the sweetness settles.
But what Aphelios can't help most, is pulling down his mask, and tasting the sugar sparkling your lips. Smiling to himself when you're lost for words, cheeks stained pink, and nervously drawing cute circles against his chest.
It's enough to make him come back for seconds. And when he does, you taste even sweeter than the first. He was planning for a third but...he can wait till later.
Most likely past midnight underneath his sheets. When everyone's asleep but you two. And only he can hear the even sweeter noises you make—just for him. Only for him. Like an exclusive confectionary shop, and he's the only one allowed inside.
Until then, he’ll just savor the moment of watching you enjoy your snacks.
Aphelios likes his sweets. Even though he'll never admit it to anyone. But you're the only exception.
flamin' hot fries and cherry coke
Kayn devoted his precocious time to get you something you could obviously get yourself, because he tolerates 'likes' you. (Whatever that means.)
He tosses the chip bag and drink in your lap, and plops down next to you. Pretending not to care whether or not you like his choices. Not his problem if you don't like it. He did you a favor, after all.
But all of that's a lie. He cares, like a lot. More than he wants to admit it. Because he values your opinion. And wants your validation. He scuffs to himself. Like he would ever beg or ask for it. He probably would.
You pause, staring at the snacks without a word. The anticipation is driving him damn near crazy.  And if you had to be honest with him…the combo is your total favorite!
You show your appreciation with showering praise, a hug around his neck, and love pats to his hair. He hates it. He fucking loves it.
Kayn doesn't easily show his joy. His happiness at your reaction starts off with a simple smile. Not so commonplace for someone like him. But then it curls into that all infamous smirk of his that only spells trouble.
Kayn was hungry himself. This whole time, didn't you know? Silly (and naive) of you not to have noticed. His gaze devours you till you find yourself caught by his lips. The nips and bites tell you the poor boy is starving. And he deepens the kiss till....
Well, guess your snacks can wait.
happy meal and sprite
Ezreal is excited to give you this happy meal. Why? Well, that's a surprise! And he loves surprising you.
He first covers your eyes and asks you to guess who it is. He does this all the time. You giggle at how silly it is. But you wouldn't want it any other way.
He then presents the box with the famous 'Ta-Da!' reveal.
You absolutely LOVE the happy meal from PoroKing! Not only is the food good, but the box art is always a cute treat to see.
Oh, but that wasn't the best part about it. The surprise was still inside. When you open the box, the toy inside is what makes you absolutely go crazy. It's the limited edition PoroKing keychain!
It's the only one you don't have in the entire collection, and somehow, Ezreal managed to get it for you.
You can't help yourself. You bounce onto his lap, and press your body and lips against his. He really wasn't expecting this much of a reaction! Afraid you might bounce away from how giddy you are, he takes your hips and presses you closer. Closer to the point where…
Looks like there's more than one surprise happening tonight.
708 notes · View notes
slasherscream · 5 months
I don't normally like make requests from people if it's obvious I'm sorry for my awkwardness.
Anyway you were saying how you were really into Jordan li recently so am I and I've read every single fanfiction or every rant there is about them and I crave more. I have been in a angst/fluff mood and I haven't seen anyone do this idea either. I was thinking thinking maybe Jordan and reader gets into an argument (not really picky about what) and the argument gets really heated (you know how jordan shifts into their male form to Intimidate or get their point across) Jordan shifts into their male form which scares reader (I'm thinking reader doesn't have a good past with angry men) and reader backs away from them in fear Jordan notices and tries to comfort them but reader flinched when Jordan touches them. Reader then asks them to leave so they do but Jordan spends like a week trying to make the situation better.
(I would also like to put reader isn't scared of Jordan more so the action of the blatant Intimidation tactic they tried to use against reader. Reader is angry that jordan would try to scare them even if it wasn't on purpose it still hurt)
Jordan sorta just spends a week following reader around Like a lost puppy trying to treat reader like a absolute queen even if reader won't really acknowledge them until Jordan has an breakdown while drunk coming to readers dorm begging for forgiveness.
Again if its obvious I don't know how to make requests I'm sorry this has just been on my mind for so long.
A/N: this request is absolutely perfect, and exactly to my tastes. thank you for sending it, doll!
WORD COUNT: 4k+ under cut | hurt/comfort and angst/fluff
It’s hard sometimes, knowing when to push and when to just let Jordan be. Not at all a skill you learned over night. You’d gotten good at the push and pull of bringing them out of their shell back when the two of you had just been friends. Better at it than anyone else, at least. It was a slow process, but every second was worth it.
Now on the good days you don’t have to push at all. A hand on their arm. A coaxing smile or two. Any act of connection, no matter how small, enough to make them tell you what’s on their mind. Even if they scowl the entire time they let it out. It’s the letting it out at all that counts. Progress!
Today you miscalculated. It’s been a bad week. Jordan hadn’t dropped in the rankings, but their points took a small dip. They hadn’t been very active on their socials, busy doing work as Brink’s TA. But the point gap between where Jordan sits at #2 in the rankings, and where Andre sits at #3 is still a wide open chasm. 
It’d take something truly disastrous to knock Jordan from the spot they’ve held for three years now. But the rankings are more important than anything to Jordan. No matter how gently you try to bring logic into the situation, Jordan gets irritated quickly, accusing you of not taking it seriously. You often wonder how that could be, considering you’re in the top eight yourself, but you bite your tongue and don’t bring it up.
The group had tried to go out for lunch. It was okay at first, everyone making an effort to ignore the storm cloud Jordan cast over the table as they picked at their food. Then Andre had made some type of stupid joke. Not even about the rankings, but enough to make Jordan snap at him. The situation escalated so quickly that Cate had threatened to take off her glove and make everyone shut up. You paid your portion of the bill and dragged Jordan out before anyone could start up again. 
And now you’re here, somehow also on the shit list for not being supportive enough. As if being supportive isn't everything you do. Day in and day out.
“I can’t believe you’re taking his side. You don’t honestly think it was an innocent comment, do you?” Jordan snaps, standing up from your couch to pace the length of your dorm room. 
“You know how Andre is. He gets sarcastic when he’s hungover, and he was packing a double whammy. He did coke and got drunk last night. He was just a little off. He wasn’t making a real dig at you.” You defend your friend, knowing Jordan will regret what she said at lunch once she’s calmed down. 
“Oh, so we’re all just supposed to tiptoe around his highness? If he was gonna be a dick during the entire thing he should have just skipped coming out with us.” Jordan’s eyes narrow in on your expression, the sudden pursing to your lips and looking away. “What?” She snaps.
You take a deep breath at the tone, “Well, Jordie, if you want me to be honest Andre wasn’t the only one who wasn’t on their best behavior today.” 
A beat of silence.
You look up and there goes Jordan rolling her shoulders back, eyebrows practically in her hairline and you sigh. You definitely should have brought up her attitude later. 
“You really are taking his side!” She scoffs in disbelief. 
“Nope. No, I am not, there are no sides. We’re all friends. Friends fight. I’m just trying to remind you that you actually are friends. You can’t just…” You trail off, uncertain. 
“I can’t just what?” She throws up her hands, volume raising. 
“You can’t act like this every time the rankings do something that isn’t spectacular for you. I know they mean a lot to you but you can’t take the numbers out on the people who care about you.”
“You just don’t get it-”
“But I do get it! We talk about it all the time. Your feelings are completely valid, the way you react to them isn’t. You’ve been giving Andre looks that could kill all week and he didn’t even do anything. If he was a little snappy at lunch, maybe he’s upset that his friend has been treating him like shit over something he barely cares about.” 
“Well if I’m so-” Jordan shifts, pitch of his voice deepening, on the verge of yelling, “-fucking awful why don’t you go run to Andre and cry about it together?” 
He only takes two steps towards the couch before you use your powers. It’s instinct, the way the forcefield bubbles up around you. 
Whatever Jordan was going to say next shrivels up and dies on his tongue. The only sounds in the room are the quiet hum your powers make when you use them, and the scared, panicked gasp you make from inside the forcefield you put up to protect yourself from him.
There’s a second where the two of you just stare at each other. Both in shock. 
“Baby-” Jordan tries taking another step forward, a small, barely there shuffle of his foot. His face falls when the forcefield gets a little louder, glows a little brighter. 
Jordan looks close to tears. It’s that expression that pulls you out of the animal state of fear you’d fallen into. You look away from them. Take a few heaving breaths. Do your best to not mix up faces of the past with your present and future.
Your forcefield flickers out slowly. A concentrated effort. 
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to- I would never ever-'' Jordan shifts again. She rushes too fast into your space to kneel on the ground in front of you, her hands reaching for yours, desperate and clumsy.
When you flinch away, moving so you’re perched on the armrest of the couch, still trying to calm yourself down, she’s left with her hands grasping at air. “Baby, look at me. Please? Look at me, I’m sorry I yelled. I’m sorry that I… I’m sorry. I would never hurt you. I fucking swear I wasn’t-”
“I know, Jordan.” You shake your head, trying to stay calm. “Could you please….leave? I… I can’t calm down right now. I’m trying. I know you didn’t mean to… to scare me, but I need you to go.” 
“Baby, wait, fuck. Fuck, wait! I’m sorry. Let’s just talk. I can’t leave you alone like this. I’m sorry.” She’s panicking now, throat feeling like it’s closing up. 
She doesn’t try to reach for you again, but her hands feel like they’re burning from the effort it takes to keep them away from you. It’s instinct to hold you, to make it better, to pull you closer. She’s always been the place you run to when you’re scared, the shield you step behind when you need to feel safe. She doesn’t know what to do when you don’t even want to be near her.
“We’ll talk later. I’ll… I’ll have Cate come over so I’m not alone. Just.. leave.” Your voice breaks on a sob, and you’re begging her to leave, and that’s what makes Jordan head to the door, legs shaking. She’s never made you cry before. 
She’s glued to her phone the rest of the day, waiting for you to call. You don’t. 
You’ve been best friends since you were freshman. You haven’t gone longer than two days without talking in all that time since. No matter how busy you are. No matter how shitty either of you feels. Jordan doesn’t know what to do with the hours of the day that you usually fill. 
She breaks on the second day when you show up to class and move to sit by Luke on the other side of the room instead of with her. You don’t even look at her as you walk by. 
Class doesn’t start for another five minutes. The teacher isn’t even here yet, and she’s always late. Jordan moves to get up, already feeling like she’s choking on all the words she needs to say to you to fix this, but is stopped by a firm grip around her wrist. She’s about to snap when she realizes it’s Cate, taking up your usual spot in the seat that isn’t up for grabs because it’s Your Seat. 
“Don’t make the situation worse. She just wants to go to class. Don’t hound her, Jordan.”
“Hound her?” Jordan’s voice raises, incredulous. “She’s my girlfriend. I need to talk to her.” 
“You need to apologize.” Cate bites. “Dick.” 
“That’s what I was trying to do before you stopped me.” Jordan speaks through gritted teeth.
“How about you try apologizing after she’s done all her classes? That way, when you inevitably upset her, she doesn’t hole herself up in her room all day crying. And feel bad about missing class on top of it. You know… the way she spent all of yesterday?” 
“She cried all day?” Jordan’s shoulders sag, voice getting smaller. 
Cate softens, patting Jordan’s hand.  “It’s not just about you, and you know that. Triggers like this really fuck with people. And she’s also pissed that she’s triggered in the first place. Let her cool off.”
He makes it a few hours before he’s trailing after you. 
He can tell by the tension in the line of your spine that you know he’s there. But you don’t outright tell him to get lost, so Jordan can’t stop himself from following you around. Even if you don’t want him there. 
He sits across from you as you study in the library. Makes puppy dog eyes at you the entire time. He can’t be bothered to unpack his bag. It’d be useless to pretend he’ll do anything besides watching you.  
Two hours in, he gets up and leaves, hating the way your shoulders relax as he turns to go. 
He comes back twenty minutes later with your favorite foods and drink from the best local coffee shop. You don’t reach for any of it. He’s always loved how stubborn you are, how you stick to your ideas. Your principles. How steadfastly you make up your mind. Right now he’s just a little terrified of that same stubbornness. Remembers when you’d only been friends, that first year of peeling one another open, feeling each other out. 
(“I’ll never do it, Jordan.” You’d whispered vehemently, drunk and mad and beautiful. 
“Do what?” 
“Be with anyone who tries to fucking cow me into submission. It’s fucked. I won’t do it. I’ve had enough of it.” 
You’d passed the bottle you’d just had pressed to your lips and Jordan had tried not to think too hard about it, even when he tasted the remnants of your sticky, sweet lip gloss beneath the vodka.) 
He doesn’t get up to leave again until you do. 
Jordan walks you to your dorm, but trails a few steps behind you. He tried walking directly beside you at first, but your hands brushed together and the look you gave him was cold enough to freeze blood. 
-behind it is. 
Jordan doesn’t get the chance to say goodnight before you slam the door in his face as loudly as possible.
Jordan doesn’t push her luck by trying to walk you to your classes the next morning. She does wake up extra early to buy you the biggest bouquet of your favorite flowers she could find. She leaves them outside your door and goes to class, hoping you’ll at least acknowledge her, the next time you see her.
During your first shared class of the day you walk in holding the bouquet of flowers. Jordan perks up in her seat, holding her breath. You do finally look at her. You make direct eye contact as you throw the flowers into the trash can at the teacher’s desk.
Jordan does not break her pen in half when Andre whispers “yikes” under his breath.
Two more days and Jordan feels like he’s going insane. He knows you feel worse. One glance at the carefully nonchalant expression you’ve worn all week tells him that. Putting on a mask is nothing for you. That look is the first thing you learned how to do in the top ten. 
You’d never hidden the way you felt around him before. Not like this. His skin keeps buzzing with the urge to corner you. Jordan needs the two of you to talk about what happened. But he’s already walking the world’s thinnest line. 
And he knows he can’t force you, if you’re not ready. 
Another thing he knows: when you’re this upset you don’t clean. Simultaneously, when your room gets messy your depression gets worse. He skips one of your mutual classes of the day and lets himself into your dorm with the key you gave him during first year. 
Jordan looks around, wincing at the chaos. You never let it get this bad. Not even during your most soul crushing finals. He starts by throwing away the trash. The tissues you wiped your tears with. The takeout containers. Pages of your notebooks you ripped out, carelessly thrown around the room. You take awful notes in class when you’re distracted. He hates that he’s distracting you.
He wipes down every surface with your favorite scented cleaner. Dusts your books. Sweeps and mops. Changes your sheets and grabs the brightest, happiest color comforter you have stashed in your closet to put on the bed. As he adjusts the pillows he thinks about how often you spend the night at each other’s dorms. Jordan wonders if you’ve been struggling to sleep like he has. 
He hesitates, but goes to his room down the hall to grab his cologne. He spritzes it lightly over the bed and hopes you still find the way he smells comforting. 
Next is your laundry. He starts up a few loads, irons and puts away the clothes that were sitting in a wrinkled heap on your couch. You’ve always hated doing your laundry. 
He’s heading back to your room, a full laundry basket of clean clothes under each arm when you run into each other.
“Are those my clothes?” You ask, forgetting that you aren’t exactly speaking to him in your moment of confusion. 
“Yeah… I’m… I was cleaning my room. Doing some stuff. Figured I’d do a few of your loads too, while I’m already at it.” He shoots for casualness, knows he fails miserably.
“You didn’t have to do that.” You say, words stiff and uncomfortable. 
“I know I just…” Jordan shrugs, relieved to be standing within a few feet of you after days of silence, and feeling pathetic over how happy something so small makes him. “Why don’t you go get something to eat with Cate while I finish up here?” 
“Finish up what?” You ask.
“I still gotta put these away.” 
You sigh, wanting the conversation to end, “You don’t have to put my clothes away, Jordan. Or wash them. I’m quite capable of doing it myself.”
Jordan takes a step back when you make a reach for one of the baskets under his arms. “I know that! Just let me do it. Doing your laundry always pisses you off. I’ve got it.” 
A battle of wills ignited. You, staring him down. Jordan, trying not to squirm. He wants to try apologizing again but doesn’t know if he’ll only make it worse.
“Please, baby? Go somewhere nice with Cate. My treat.” He puts down a laundry basket (behind him, so you can’t take it) to grab his phone from his pocket, and does something you can’t see. 
When you hear the particular chime your banking app makes when you get a Zelle deposit you roll your eyes. You don’t bother checking your phone and seeing how much he sent. You know it’s too much. But if you say anything he’ll just say you and Cate have expensive tastes (which…true.)
“Maybe you can catch a movie too? I still gotta finish up with your bathroom.” 
“Just,” Jordan shifts, putting down the other laundry basket and slowly reaching out to grab your hand with hers. She could almost cry when you let her touch you. “I know you’re fucking pissed at me. And I know you’re still too upset to talk about it. But…. fuck, please just let me take care of you. Please. I have to do something. I can’t just sit around, after I made you feel like this. It’s driving me nuts. I’m supposed to-” 
You stop her, putting a hand on her cheek and sighing, “Okay, Jordan. I’ll go hang out with Cate while you finish.” 
“Don’t ‘hang out’, go get dinner. You haven’t eaten all day.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I know you.” She says, sullen and staring up at you, playing with your fingers while you’re still letting her touch you, the first time in days. 
“I’ll head to Cate’s.” 
“Nah, head to Luke’s. They’re studying together right now.” Jordan takes a risk, stepping into your space slowly, giving you the time to move away. She leans in and kisses your cheek, gentle. When you don’t move away she can’t help herself, kisses the edge of your lips too. 
You don’t kiss her back, but you give her hand a squeeze as you pull away. You stop halfway down the hall before you turn back to look at Jordan. “Call Cate and tell her she better not be fucking Luke by the time I get to his dorm.” 
Jordan laughs. Your face is a little more relaxed as you turn away this time.
On Friday the group goes out to the club. They chose one of your favorite haunts, hoping it would entice you enough to join. You still declined the invitation. Everyone knew you would. They still wanted to try. 
You claimed you had a lot of work to catch up on. 
“She hates me. She fucking hates me.” Jordan groans into his hands, already three drinks and two shots in. 
“Well, let’s not panic.” Luke says. 
“Or be dramatic.” Andre snorts, taking a shot of his own. “You two are obsessed with each other. Relax.” 
“Relax?!” Jordan tenses, “My girl won’t fucking talk to me. How am I supposed to relax?” 
“She talked to you yesterday.” Andre drawls. 
“That wasn’t anything. We usually-”
“-Spend every free second of the day together? We know.” Luke teases. When Jordan doesn’t even smile he winces and slides him another shot. 
“She’s not even that mad. She’s more upset than anything.” Cate says, cuddling into Luke’s side. 
Jordan’s eyes follow the movement and he swallows at the distinct lack of your own weight leaning into him. You always get touchy when you’re tipsy. Climbing on top of him, clinging to him like glue. It’s his favorite part of nights out together. That and the playful booing you guys get from the group. 
Andre cuts back in, “I’m serious, dude. Relax! You guys have been together for how long now-”
“Three years.”
“-yeah, exactly. Since the fucking building of the pyramids. You two will be fine. She knows you didn’t mean anything by it. One fight won’t kill you.” 
“This wasn’t a fight, though. I fucked up! You didn’t see the look on her face. When she used her powers… I mean, fuck! You know? She was scared of me.”
“You know that’s not true, Jordan.” Luke protests. 
Jordan runs his hands through his hair, ruining the carefully slicked back style.
“Let’s just get you another drink. Come on, dude.” Andre wraps an arm around Jordan, hauling him to his feet and pulling him towards the bar. 
You get woken up by the sound of knocking on your door. Loud knocking. You keep your eyes closed, hoping whoever it is will go away. You don’t even want to be awake. Let alone socializing. 
The knocking gets louder. Exhausted, you drag yourself out of bed. You glance at your phone on the bedside table as you get up. It’s three in the morning. Now you’re exhausted and pissed. 
You stomp over to the door, wrenching it open, prepared to cuss someone out. You deflate when you see who it is. “Oh, hey.”
Jordan is leaning heavily on the door frame, staring at you with watery, red eyes. She looks like the walking dead. “Baby. Fuck, did I wake you up? I thought you’d still be awake. You said you were pulling an all-nighter.”
“I was tired. Just wanted to sleep.” You shrug. “Where’s everyone else?”
“Still at the club, took an uber back. Too fucked up for anything else.” She mutters.
“That’s good, Jordan.” You say. 
“You haven’t called me Jordan since freshman year. What happened to Jordie?” She sighs. 
Your face softens. “Baby…”
“No, wait, just let me…” Jordan leans her forehead against the door-frame, closing her eyes tight. “I’m sorry. I fucked up big time. I’m sorry that when I get pissed I take it out on everyone around me. I’m sorry that I don’t fucking listen when you’re just trying to make me feel better. I’m sorry I yelled… I’m sorry I shift-”
“Whoa, hey.” You cut her off, shocked. “You shifting isn’t the problem, Jordan. Fuck, come inside, honey.” You say, taking her hand and pulling her inside. 
You sit the two of you on the couch, clicking on the light so you can see each other. You move so you’re facing each other, pulling her hands into your lap. “First off let’s set one thing straight. You shifting is never the problem, okay?” 
“You got so fucking scared.” Jordan looks away, hair falling into her face.
“Not of you.. Just the fucking… optics of it! I don’t ever want you to be something you’re not. And you’ve got the incredible gift of being able to be whatever you feel like being any time you want to.” You reach out and touch her cheek, guiding her to look at you, “I don’t want you to not do that. I wouldn’t ever want you not to do that, okay?”
“Okay.” She says. There’s a moment of silence, then Jordan shifts. He looks for any sign of fear or hesitation, holding his breath. When he doesn’t see any he relaxes. “But I scared you so bad you used your powers.” 
“Yeah, that did happen.” You nod, caressing his cheek with your thumb, “Maybe it’s just a little scary when someone bigger and stronger than me starts yelling like that. Also, invulnerable. Let’s not forget that. Food for thought.” 
He closes his eyes, “I’m an idiot.” 
“For yelling at me? Yeah, just a little. Don’t yell at me like that no matter what form you’re in. That's always scary. Couples talk. They don’t yell. Most of the time. We can’t be the couple that does that.”
“I’ll never yell like that again. Either form. I promise.” Jordan says, “Can I hold you? It’s been a fucking week. I’m losing my mind.” 
You laugh, climbing into his lap and Jordan sighs, wrapping his arms around you as tightly as he can. He tucks your head into his neck. “I missed you like fucking crazy.” 
“Missed you too.” You sigh, “Stay the night?” 
“You’re not leaving my sight for the next two months.” He laughs, pulling you closer.
“Only two months? That’s fucked up, I thought you missed me.” You tease. 
“Shut up.” He scoffs, kissing the side of your head. 
You snuggle closer, letting the tension of the week drift away.
“You yell at me like that again and your only hope is being invulnerable, actually. I’ll put you through a wall.” You kiss his shoulder cheerfully. 
“I’d do it before you got the chance.”
You burst into laughter and he pulls your head away from his shoulder so he can see you the way you’re supposed to look around him. Happy. Content. He can’t stop himself from kissing you. You can’t stop yourself from kissing back. 
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asuyaka · 5 months
Worst Gen. trio (+ Ace) with a transmasc reader!
★ - Absolutely frothin at the mouth ab Corazon n Law guys,,
☆ - Trafalgar D. Water Law, Eustass "Captain" Kidd, Monkey D. Luffy, and Portgas D. Ace x TM! Reader.
♡ - Reader has space-manipulation devil fruit powers! (❁´◡`❁) (only brought up like,, twice... oopsie!!)
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Law is a doctor, so of course he knows what to do when it comes to his boyfriend!
Always reminds you ta take off your binder if he notices that you've had it on for too long, and makes sure you take your T-shots on time!
If you've already had top surgery, your scars are somethin he's absolutely smitten over.
Genuinely, when you two getting ready for bed he always prefers you with your shirt off because something about your scars (or your body in general) s'so attractive ta him ??
Bein a doctor, he's always available ta do any surgery you want him to, as long as he knows the safest way to do it so you don't get hurt!
Law sat at his desk, a cup of coffee next to a pile of books with a lamp close by to illuminate what he was reading. He grumbles slightly, rubbing his eyes and taking a sip of his coffee.
You walk out of the bathroom with one of Law's button-ups and shorts, lazily rubbing your eyes and walking up to where your boyfriend is.
"You're a doctor and still won't go to sleep early?" You mumble into his neck as your arms wrap around his shoulder. He takes a deep sigh and lets his book down, bringing his hands up to rub against your arms.
Before you know it you've switched places with the book he was reading, now on his desk with a slightly confused expression, slowly turning into one of worry when you're finally able to see your boyfriend's face.
His eye bags have gotten worse and his posture makes him look like he's a shrimp. "Law..." You mumble worrily. He interrupts you with a hug, burying his head right underneath your surgery scars (that he did for you).
With a sigh, you pull him closer and rub his hair gently, feeling all the stress leaving his body. Law has always been one to overwork himself and not know when to stop, especially before letting go of his ties to Doflamingo.
"Do you want me to ask the others to get you tea?" You ask tentatively, keeping your voice soft just in case he's close to falling asleep.
He just grumbles and squeezes you closer, his tattooed fingers drawing air images on your pecs. "...warm..."
Giggling at Law's words, you press a kiss on his head and wrap your legs around his torso. The two of you stay together in comfortable silence until you feel his hands slowly fall from your chest and his breathing even out.
With a tiny smile, you use your devil fruit abilities to gently move the two of you onto the bed, situating yourselves so you don't wake Law up.
As you place the blankets over your bodies, you hear Law mumble something about a person named 'Corazon' and how the person was meeting his boyfriend—you— for the first time.
You place a soft kiss on his forehead, letting out a small giggle as he instantly squeezes you closer and buries his face in your chest.
No one would've thought the 'Surgeon of Death' Trafalgar D. Law was a cuddle bug at night.
Except you, of course.
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— EUSTASS "CAPTAIN" KIDD. | DISCLAIMER: mentions of periods/mainly about gettin your period unexpectedly 'round Kidd, might be triggers f'some transmascs !! ヾ(@⌒︶⌒@)ノ
He genuinely doesn't care/didn't know that you're trans,,?
Tha first time he saw you with a binder on/saw your top surgery scars he didn't think much of it, genuinely thought they were battle scars.
It was only when he told Killer about them that his first mate told him in the most deadpanned and serious tone that they weren't battle scars.
n'he's so confused like ??? what are they then ???
After Killer explains what those scars mean he just,, doesn't care ?? All he came up with was that they're still battle scars, just not the same kind of battle.
His view of you doesn't change in the slightest, in his eyes you're still his boyfriend just with added customizations.
"Bath's fuckin hot," Eustass grumbled behind you, his metal arm wrapped around your waist as the scent of marshmallows wafted through the bathroom.
You relax into Eustass' boobs chest with a content sigh, letting all the tension in your body wash away with the bath. Through your daze, you hear Eustass grumble about how he forgot to bring his nail polish close so he could do his nails while resting.
With small movements of your finger, the bottle drops on your boyfriend's head, causing him to wince. "Fuck you." He mutters under his breath as he splashes some water in your direction, narrowly avoiding your face. "Love you too, captain."
You're sure Eustass rolls his eyes at that, mumbling something about how insufferable you were as he no doubt made a metal structure to help paint his nails as his other hand was occupied with holding his boyfriend.
Either you blacked out or took a small nap because before you knew what was happening, Eustass was shaking you awake with slight anger in his eyes, though you can easily make it it's all a facade because that's how he looks when you're hurt during missions. "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt? You're fuckin bleeding everywhere."
Not all the way there yet, you look around trying to find the spot you're bleeding from because you don't remember getting any injuries that could cause bleeding to worry Eustass. He's gotten and seen his fair share of wounds anyway.
That's when you notice the blood is coming from between your legs, staining your previously relaxing shower with red. Embarrassment floods your mind as you shift away from him so the blood doesn't get everywhere.
""[Name]? You alright? If it hurts that bad I could call Killer or somethin—"
"No!" You say instinctively as your mind wracks to figure out a way to sort this out. "I'm okay, can you just... leave me alone for a few minutes?"
Eustass stares at you as if you've got two heads. "While you're bleedin' out? Just tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help, yanno?"
Your lips stay shut as more wetness flows down your thigh. You've dated Eustass for a while now, it's just the first time you've openly had your period around him—which shouldn't have happened in the first place since it's two days early.
Kidd is a naturally perceptive person around you. He likes knowing what things to avoid and never bring up, and what things you could talk about for hours, so he's made sort of a guess as to what's happening, but he doesn't want to bring it up in case you were uncomfortable.
Either way, though, you looked as if you were going to explode even if he left, so he decided to take the gamble anyway. "Is it that thing where you're like,, shedding?"
You turn to stare at Eustass with a blank face. "...Shedding?"
"You know! Like the thing where like you're ready to get pregnant and shit— I don't fuckin know what it's called!" The man grumbles, trying his best to push aside his embarrassment to make sure you're okay. "Still, don't you gotta get cleaned up and shit? Not sure it's healthy to stay in a bath of your own blood."
"All the more reason you should leave, Eustass." You mumble under your breath, yelping slightly when he lifts you up and lets all the water drain out, turning on the shower to help you get clean. "Naw, think I'm good here. Wouldn't be a very good boyfriend if I left, would I?"
Realizing nothing you'd do or say was going to let him leave, you let him do whatever it was he needed to do that made him a 'good boyfriend'.
He took a shower with you, practically not letting you move a muscle until he was sure all the blood was off you. When you two were done, he tossed an extra big towel on your head before leaving to go get a few things from the kitchen.
You quickly got situated, putting on your clothes and other needed accessories before landing on Eustass' bed, hands over your tummy as pain surged from your lower half.
You hoped that sleep would get its grubby hands on you quickly so you wouldn't have to deal with it alone. As if it was mocking you, a harsher tingle worked its way up your body, eliciting a small whimper out of you.
A few minutes later, Eustass walks in with a cup of hot tea and other snacks. "Dunno what you wanted so I grabbed anythin'. You alright?"
You nod, even though you know you aren't; and by the look on your captain's face, he knows you're lying too. He doesn't pry though, only sets your body between his legs and your head on his chest, handing you the cup. "Careful, s'hot."
"Killer said I'm supposed to make sure you're well hydrated and shit, so you don't die."
You sip down the tea gingerly, stifling a giggle. "I'm not sure I'll die from cramps, Kidd."
"It's what he said! I don't know how this shit works." Eustass rolls his eyes and pulls you closer, using all the metal in his room to make a miniature version of himself and you for entertainment.
With a small content smile, you relax against your boyfriend, holding the arm he had on the lower half of your stomach. "I think whatever it is you're doing is working just fine, Kidd. Thank you."
His cheeks turn as red as his signature lipstick, rolling his eyes and trying to play it off. "Whatever, it's the least I could do for you. Even if you're annoying."
"Mhmm, I love you too Eustass."
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Almost like Eustass, but 10x worse.
If you wear a binder and he sees it, he's like "why do you have two shirts on ????"
And if you have surgery scars, he thinks it's the best thing ever that you two have matching (not really) torso scars!
When he asks Chopper why you suddenly get sick every month, the doctor looks at him with wide eyes,, he doesn't know ???
Chopper, just tells him to ask Robin, who tells him with a kind face to ask someone else.
Ends up asking the entire crew as his frown slowly gets deeper because why is everyone keeping a secret about you—his husband (you two aren't engaged at all)— from him ?!?!?
Demands Sanji to tell him after running around the Sunny for the tenth time, and he's just like... "Ohhhhh! Wait, why was everyone hiding that from me?????"
He just realizes you're like Yamato but the only difference s'that you two are dating!
The place smelled like a hospital, your brain foggy as you try to feel your surroundings.
Your eyes slowly open as you try to sit up—a stinging pain from your chest sending electricity through your body. "Oh, you're awake! Has everything settled down yet?" A voice asks from a chair nearby, though all you can make out from the shape is a comically large blue hat and a pair of antlers, right beside another comically large hat with black spots dotted around it.
Groggily, your eyes trail down to look at yourself, trying to find the source of the pain flowing through your body. That's when you see the bandages around your chest with tubes underneath them.
The realization hits you like a brick. Your surgery, the days spent stressing as the date got closer, the surgery. "Chopper? Is it— did the surgery go okay?"
The reindeer smiles and it feels contagious. Law stands up with a huff, throwing a mask in the bin and using his devil fruit to replace himself with Luffy.
Luffy looks a bit disoriented for a bit, relaxing when he realizes where he is. Then, he locks eyes with you and you think he cracked the biggest smile you've ever seen on his face. "[Name]!"
Before he gets the chance to throw his body at you, Chopper switches to Human Point to punch him in the head, quickly reverting back to look at you with serious eyes. "Yes, the surgery went well, but there are some things you can't do for a while."
You nod your head feverishly, gripping the sheets as you try not to squeal from excitement.
Chopper explains how you should avoid doing any strenuous activity, like fighting and training. Making an extra point to tell you not to let Luffy drag you into dangerous situations. He says that you still have to do mild exercising, i.e moving around and maybe going on slight jogs but nothing too over the top like Zoro's training.
Finally, he gives you and Luffy time alone; excusing himself to go talk with Law about some doctor-thing you couldn't give two shits about.
When the door clicks shut, Luffy sits in front of you— his expression blank but his eyes focused on the bandages around your chest. "This means you don't have to do the binding thing anymore, right?"
You nod.
"And, you're happy about it?"
You nod again.
Luffy stares at it for a bit longer, raising up a finger to poke it slightly. A small wince forces its way out of your mouth. The wounds were still fresh after all, it hurt like a bitch. Luffy apologizes with a small peck as his usual happy-go-lucky expression forms on his face. "Wanna know what I just thought of?"
You can't help the grin that forms on your face, cocking your head playfully. "What did you think of, Luffy?"
"We have matching scars now! Shishishishi!" Luffy smiles even wider (if that's possible) and grabs your hands to hold it against his. You notice that he isn't as hyper as he is normally, and in the back of your mind, a fondness spreads through you when you realize it's because of Chopper's warnings.
"You're still so pretty, you know?" Luffy whispers, as he cautiously climbs on top of your body, stating himself so he stays clear of your chest, as much as he wants to lie down and rest his head there.
A warm flush spreads across your face as your fingers comb through Luffy's hair. He shifts up and presses a quick peck on your lips, giggling as he does it again but on your cheek. "My husband is soo handsome!"
"Lu.." You trail on, giggling as you rest your hands on top of his. "We aren't even married—"
"Yet!" He interrupts sharply. "We aren't married yet! And when we do, we'll have a big wedding and invite everyone! Oh, oh, and we'll have Sanji cook meat! With a meat cake, and meat wedding rings, and meat desserts, and meat—"
You interrupt him with a kiss, running your hand through the back of his head as your fingers slightly brush against the straws of his hat. You pull away with a dopey grin on your face and Luffy stares back at you with one equally as dorky. "Just promise you'll marry me soon, okay, Luffy?"
"Shishishi, of course, I will!"
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—PORTGAS D. ACE. | DISCLAIMER: mentions of period cramps and [NAME] thinking that period cramps doesn't make him a man anymore ! (>'-'&lt;)
He's surprisingly quick to figure it out!
From the random getting "sick" moments every month, to the refusal to let him hug you from behind, he pieced everything together easily.
After all, he grew up around Izo and a very supporting crew!
The first person he asked about it was his pops. He didn't know if he was supposed ta tell you up front or let you tell him yourself!
Dunno what he thought was gunna happen, Whitebeard jus sent him off to Marco or fuckin Blackbeard. Whitebeard might be good at a buncha things, but anything romantic was not his strong suit.
After a bunch of nothing from Marco, and actual advice from Izo, he figured out how he'd do it.
Ace had his hat resting on his nape, yawning as he walked into the room he shared with his boyfriend. "Love? Are you in here?"
He notices the top of your head from under the covers but you're hunched up, curled into the sheets, and cuddling a pillow for dear life. Worrily, he climbs into the bed with you and holds your shoulder. "Love? Are you sick again?"
Meekly, you nod. Trying to keep your discomfort under wraps. Ace already had things to deal with trying to become 2nd Division Commander, he didn't need his boyfriend annoying him about cramps.
Not that Ace knew you were trans—or at least you hoped he didn't know. You don't even know if he would accept you. After all, men don't get period cramps.
You sniffle, trying to keep those thoughts out of your head, but you can't help it. What if Ace finds out and decides you're too disgusting to be near him? What if he doesn't think you're a real man? Would he be angry that you deceived him? That you made him live a lie for the past three years?
The thoughts don't feel like they're stopping now—it's already gone out of hand. What if he told Whitebeard and he decided to throw you overboard for making a lie out of his son?
Not that Whitebeard would ever call you that, you aren't even sure if you are a man.
"...Love, love can you look at me? You're hyperventilating right now, do I need to call Marco?"
You quickly shake your head, trying to stop the tears from flowing but everything feels like it's too much, or like you're overstimulated. The cramps hurt and your mind won't shut up about lying to Ace about three years, three years of hurt, love, and everything in between, wasted because you couldn't tell him something with your chest.
"I'm sorry— I'm sorry Ace!" You sob, instinctively curling into his warm chest and trying to stop being a crybaby. Ace has dealt with more serious things, having been the son of Gol D. Roger and struggling to find out if he deserves to live.
You being whiny over something that was entirely your fault wasn't something you wanted to bother him with, but it doesn't look like you have much of a choice. "What is it? C'mon love, deep breaths okay? Breathe with me, inhale..."
Your lungs expand as you take a deep breath in, following Ace's instructions. You try to focus on something else, the warmth of his body, how his hands are slightly dry from his devil fruit, the soft waves hitting the ship in a soft ambiance, anything to stop thinking of those unsavory thoughts.
When Ace notices you've calmed down, he places you in the middle of his legs, his hands resting on the lower half of your tummy as he rubs gently; the heat adds an extra layer of comfort, even if he wasn't aware of it. "Do you wanna talk about it, Love? We can just go to sleep and cuddle, if you want."
Ace is worried, obviously so. You rarely have breakdowns like that and a part of him thinks it's his fault. "I'm not a man..." He hears you coarsely whisper as your bloodshot eyes stare into the bedsheets.
"What do you mean, love?"
He watches you sniffle, trying to recollect yourself before you start speaking again. "I was, born a woman. And as much as I tell myself, real men don't get periods, they don't have breasts and they don't have—"
"But... you think of yourself as a man, do you not?" The man behind you asks softly as he spreads his fingers against your tummy.
A nod.
"Then that's what you are. No more of this 'real man' shit, if you say you're a man, then that's who you are. Izo's a man, and he had periods before... well, before doing whatever it was Marco did to him, but no one out and started calling him a girl anytime he did get them, right?"
You feel your chest start to tighten again, but you nod. Albeit shakily.
Ace intertwines one of your hands together, lifting you up so you're resting in his lap and pressing his cheek against yours. "Then why would I not love you, even if you were trans? I fell in love with you, because you're you. For fucks sake, you could be a cat and I'd still love you; but then I'd have to be a cat too so we could be cat boyfriends... Yeah, we'd definitely be boyfriends in every universe— imagine it!" He says excitedly as stars practically shine in his eyes.
"We could be um... birds, cats, dogs, the sun, and the moon! Ooo, we could be food too! Like salt and pepper, or—"
"You'd still... love me? No matter what I was?" You ask shyly, craning your neck so you could look him in the eyes.
He cocks his head. "Did you not just hear me say I'd love you even if you were a pepper shaker? Dummy, you've gotta get your hearing checked!" He presses a plethora of kisses on your cheek, only pulling away when you've been turned into a blushing and giggling mess.
"Yes, I'd love you no matter what you were. You'll be my boyfriend forever, you know? Never gettin' rid of me, love!"
You giggle, letting Ace continue his kiss attack on your face. "Like anyone could get rid of the infamous 'fire-fist Ace'."
He grins, one so bright it makes you remember why you fell in love with him in the first place. "Got that right! Now c'mon, let's cuddle and think about each other as cat boyfriends in our dreams, I've gotta fight Marco tomorrow to decide who's the better fire user!"
You shake your head. "Ace, love of my life, Marco is a phoenix, not a fire user."
"Ah, tomato, tomatoe, who cares!" He blows a raspberry, taking off his hat and placing it on the bedside table, not letting go of his hold on you once. He shifts the position so he's spooning you, his warm hand still on the spot your cramps hurt the most.
He presses a kiss to the back of your head. "Night, Love."
And before you can say goodnight back, Ace is already snoring asleep beside you.
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firstkanaphans · 4 months
I know this post is only for like two people, but I’m going to make it anyway. So, my obsession with Dead Friend Forever finally reached critical levels and I resorted to binge-watching The Hidden Character just to get more content. For those that don’t know, The Hidden Character (which they literally call “THC”) was the reality show Be On Cloud used to cast DFF. It is bad. Like really bad. And not in a it’s-so-bad-it’s-good-type way. It’s one of the most exploitative pieces of media I have ever watched. I walked into it with a favorable view of BOC, Mile, Apo, and Pond (the CEO), and walked out of it hating all of them.
A small collection of things that happened over the 11-episode run:
Everyone was told that they had to share every single aspect of their life with the viewers or they would be eliminated. And, in fact, the first person eliminated was told that it was because he wasn’t being open enough with the audience. They filmed these boys—one of whom was only seventeen at the time—talking explicitly about their sex lives. Which is, of course, fine to talk about. It’s not fine to air it on television! Even some of the games themselves contained sexually suggestive content (i.e. Which do you prefer "eating" with—your hands or your mouth? If you were to cheat on your significant other, would it be just sex or a full-blown affair?)
During the first part of the show, everyone had a secret that the other players were supposed to guess. One of the player’s secret was that he used to be homophobic. (Questionable casting for a company that only hires men, but I digress). He was praised for having changed his mind. In contrast, JJay’s secret was that he was raised in an abusive household and had once hit his father. Pond crucified the poor guy for this. He made him sit there in front of the whole cast sobbing and apologize for hitting his dad who was an abusive asshole.
After the first half of the show—which served absolutely no purpose at all—we finally move onto the acting portion. This is, after all, supposed to be a talent competition. The judges were so mean. Especially Apo. He was like the Simon Cowell of BOC. There was no constructive component to their criticism. The fact that any of these people are still acting is honestly unbelievable. I would have gone home and cried myself to sleep and then never stepped foot on a stage again.
At one point, each of the groups was assigned a scene from KinnPorsche to act out (because BOC very clearly owns no other IP). One of the pairs was given the scene where Porsche gives Kinn a handjob in the bathroom. I wish I was kidding. 
The judges constantly told the contestants to make their scenes feel new and different but any time the actors actually tried to change anything, they complained it was “too” different and the original script was already perfect so who were they to think they could create something better. Once again, Apo and Mile, the original actors of these scenes, are the ones judging them! Like of course they like their version better. What is even happening??
And finally, the whole fucking thing was rigged for Ta to win. Like don’t get me wrong, I love Ta and I think he did a great job, but he was the only one who came into that competition with a built-in fanbase and the winner was chosen by popular vote.
It was all just…baffling. Especially from a company that claims to be trying to change the industry. Like if you want the industry to stop being so exploitative to its actors, maybe start with yourself? It also makes those condescending “how dare you watch our shows just for the NC scenes” press releases they do every week even more annoying.
I have no clue what the reaction to this show was while it was airing but god I hope they never do it again. It literally makes me feel so weird watching DFF now. I feel like those poor kids are being held hostage. Maybe CEO Pond’s been the one under the mask the whole time 🔪
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onlylovingstrangers · 2 years
This was not how you'd pictured your vacation.
You stormed ruefully down the marble steps. Your footsteps echoed, and so did the sob that tore out of you as you whirled around, facing the man who so urgently shadowed you.
"I can explain," his eyes were wild, coiffed hair desperately messy, hands gesturing wildly. "Please. Please, I beg. Just— let me explain, okay baby? I'll get on my knees. Just hear me out, okay baby?"
Atsumu sure knows how to put on an act, you realized.
All this time, you'd known he was theatrical. You just hadn't expected his performance to be so good.
"You, you beg me?" The fresh wave of tears surging stung your skin, sensitive from the millions of tears you had already shed. "That might just be the most ridiculous thing you've said tonight."
You'd thought you were playing the role of a lover. You see now you've been given the role of a fool.
Three months ago, when Atsumu showed you the reservation he'd made — a five star resort, the most luxurious spa package available, private pool access, a whole suite for the two of you — you thought he was bringing you here to propose to you.
It had all checked out. You've been living together for a couple of years, he loved your family and they loved him, and — perhaps the most soul-baring of them all — you had just told him your deepest, darkest secret. I used to be cyber bullied, you told him, blushing because you didn't want him to think that something was wrong with you, like that anonymous bastard did.
I was bullied really badly.
So badly that you had stopped going to school for the rest of the year. So badly that for the rest of high school, you took online classes for a graduation certificate instead. So badly that you'd suffered so many violent panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and nightmares that you contemplated ending things.
The next day, Atsumu had surprised you with a large envelope in his hands.
So yeah, you thought he was about to propose. Not in a million years did you think Atsumu was bringing you here to confess all these years later that he had been the bully. The one who sent all things demeaning and hateful to your inbox, the one who humiliated you for the whole school to like and comment and retweet and reblog.
"No," you spit. "You don't get to talk to me."
Your mother had cried on your behalf. Your father had gotten on his knees at the police station so they would pursue the case seriously.
"I just one thing to say," Atsumu says breathlessly. "I know I'm an absolute piece of shit. The worst. I can't even begin ta explain or make amends, ever. I know,..."
You'd prayed for revenge. And here, finally, the opportunity presented itself.
Fate took weird twists and turns, but in the end, you came out on top.
Because you knew his vulnerable spot. You knew Atsumu had a violent fear of being abandoned.
His mother had left when he was in junior high, leaving him and his brother to fend for themselves. His father was emotionally distant for most of his life. His brother had deserted their dream of pro-volleyball to become a chef, and though Atsumu spoke heartily of Miya Onigiri, you knew that deep down, the betrayal still stung.
You used to think that Atsumu's suffering was precocious, that his terror of being left behind was a sign of his humility. Now you thought it was simply a by product of being so wholly self-obsessed, of being dangerously self-entrenched.
"...just wanta let ya know. I love you. I can't undo the past—"
"That's right," you said coldly. "You can't undo the past, but I can fill in the future. I don't want to see you ever again."
Suddenly the air tore, sounding like a paper ripping in half.
Where the hell was this sound coming from? Atsumu felt like he couldn't breathe. He sunk to his knees, clutching his throat.
He looked up at you with wide eyes, clutching his throat. How could you be so composed when he was dying?
You stood still, wiping the last of your tears coolly. "Oh, you're fine," you told him. "You're only having a little panic attack. And you know what? You deserve it." You turned on your heel to leave.
"Wait!" Atsumu managed to rasp. "Wait!" He was crying, he realized. Salty tears dropped from the tip of his nose, leapt from the edge of his jawline. "Ya can be mad at me, ya can hate me, ya can want to kill me, but ya can't leave me! Ya can't not need me anymore! Ya can't go," his voice cracked.
You became a silhouette, then a speck, and then part of the horizon.
"She'll come back," he whispered to himself as a mantra. "She'll come back. She'll come back. She'll come back. She'll —" something was digging sharply into his backside. The pain managed to somewhat snap him out of his trance.
Atsumu pulled out a velvet box from his back pocket.
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acidnhuskerdust · 5 months
A bit of something to rattle on your brain: Angel makes it into heaven, but freaks out and demands/begs to send a message to heaven because he knows what had to happen to get there
"No, no no fuck no! Husk! I have to get a message to Husk, tell him okay." ;x;
This is a good one, because even though getting into heaven is supposed to be a good thing, I feel like Angel would be absolutely devastated to be there without Husk.
Instead of Sir Pentious getting into heaven, Angel does.
i need him (Husk x Angel)
That's all Angel could perceive, an all-consuming blackness so deep he couldn't even discern his own form. It left him wondering if his eyes were truly open. The sensation was more than unsettling; it was downright terrifying.
The final imaged seared into his memory was that of Husk, with tears glistening in those golden eyes, begging for him to stay.
"Don't go, I need you. I lov-"
He clung onto those unfinished word as if they were his life line. He knew what he was going to say, and fuck would he do anything to say it back.
As his mind races with too many thoughts, he closes his eyes tight. Maybe, just maybe, if he let himself fall asleep, he could escape this torment. He yearned for never ending unconsciousness, he didn't want to face these thoughts, didn't want to acknowledge this existence. He should be dead, more so then he already was.
But just as he willed his eyes to seal shut, a piercing light sliced through the darkness, searing through his closed eyelids. With a sharp intake of breath, his eyes snapped open, instantly surrounded by hues of blue and gold. His gaze darted around frantically, is this some corner of Hell he's never seen before? Was he safe?
Then, his eyes locked onto two pairs of eyes staring back at him, one radiating sheer excitement while the other wore an expression of what could only be described as disgusted surprise.
"What... What the fuck?" Angel stammers, instinctively taking a step back. "Where am I?"
One of the angels clasp her hands together, her entire being seeming to shimmer with excitement. Her eyes, wide and filled with wonder, locked onto Angel's "You're in Heaven!"
Angel recoils, taking another retreating step, his pulse thundering in his ears. "H-Heaven..." The word felt foreign, surreal as he echoed it. His gaze sweeps across the room again, a frown settling on his lips. "Is this... Some sorta joke?"
The taller angel, exuding a more composed aura, shook her head. "I'm afraid not, it appears Charlie was correct..."
Angel falls silent, his eyes flitted from one corner of the room to another, unable to settle on one thing. He should have felt a wave of relief wash over him, he was safe, in Heaven no less! But instead, a deep seated ache throbbed in his heart, and a weight seemed to press down on his chest.
"No..." The word slipped from Angel's lips, a mere whisper laced with dread.
"No?" The elder angel echoed, a hint of confusion lacing her tone.
Angel runs a hand through his hair, his breaths coming in short, rapid gasps. "N-no! I need ta get back, right now!" His voice grows more desperate, more insistent.
This wasn't his home, this wasn't his friends, his... Family. He doesn't want to be here, he never really wanted to in the first place, not since Husk and him grew closer...
The smaller angel rises from her seat, a gentle look etched on face as she approaches Angel. "I understand that you're shocked, we are too, but-"
"Ya don't understand," Angel cuts in, his voice strained. His hand clutches at his hair, "I gotta see him, I need him." His plea was raw and real, he didn't care for anything else besides Husk.
"You can't." The elder angel asserted with a voice that brooked no argument, rising up from her seat.
"What do ya mean I can't?!" Angel's voice spiked with desperation. "Ya guys come down to slaughter us, and now ya tell me ya can't ferry me back?!"
She raises her hand, a silent request for quiet. Angel drew in a deep, ragged breath. "You can't right now. We need... To understand how you are here in the first place." She explains.
"Ta hell with that! Ya can't just hold me captive, please, you're not getting it." His voice was laced with rising panic. He shouldn't be here, he can't be here, Husk wasn't here. What was the point of being in Heaven if he was kept from the one he loved most?
He was scared. So fucking scared.
The smaller angel bridged the gap between them, her hand reaching out to tenderly grasp his own. As he gazed down at her through a veil of tears, his breath hitched, a sob wrenching free from the depths of his being.
"It's going to be okay," She murmurs in a soothing tone, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "I promise you'll be able to see whoever you want, just give us some time, okay?"
Angel clenched his eyes tight, his tears carving warm, damp trails down the fur of his cheeks. He fought for the need to plead, to go back, because in the end he should count his blessing he was here.
Finally, he nods his head. "O-okay." He wipes away his tears with the back of his fist. "Can.. Can we at least send him a message? Let him know... Let him know I'm okay?"
"We sure can." The younger one smiles up at him. "My name is Emily."
"A fitting name for where you are now, huh?" She lets out a soft giggle, filling the space between them. "Come on, let's go and get you a room. You can stay here for as long as you'd like."
Angel feels his breath steady as the seconds pass, Emily's presence provided him a comfort that he needed so very badly. He can be patient, he can wait, he will see him again.
He will tell him how much he loves him.
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Rose Recaps 2023 - Korea
I started with Japan because this year it gave me everything I could possibly want. Korea gave me some very nice surprises. Let's go.
The one that had me question if watching it was good for my mental health.
The Eighth Sense
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Much like what I said about Tokyo in April is... it was not a good decision on my part to watch this one live. I related way too much to Jae Won and I wasn't in a specially good place at the time. However, I love it so much. I have rewatched it since then and it's such an incredible journey.
I think they used the time very efficiently and they didn't try to skip too many steps to make it a happy ending. I would be okay without any redemption for those two but on the plus side the other friends were brilliant.
Favourite Moment
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The one that came out of nowhere
Sing My Crush
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This show came out all at once and I had no idea it was coming. But I'm so glad it did. There were I think 4 kbls that came out all at once this year. And with the exception of this one, they were all worse because of it. First of all I fell in love with the song instantly and Han Tae immediately after. He's so cute and in love and it takes him way too long to realise it, but his devotion to Ba Ram is unquestionable from the beginning.
Favourite Moment:
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The one that was a sequel but not really
Love Class 2
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The first couple of episodes I wasn't sure about this one. The first couple of episodes were kinda of confusing, starting with such a dark scene on the roof, and so many different types of relationships to keep track of.
Joo Hyuk was my instant favourite from the beginning. The way he was instantly smitten and committed from the first moment he saw the TA was delightful.
It took me longer to warm up to Min Woo and Maru. But I love their arc. Even the jealousy experiment didn't bother me, Maru needed a push. Much like Lee Hyun said, it was so obvious.
Lee Hyun and Kim An were the last ones to reach me. I think the whole backstory around Kim An muddied the waters a bit and I'm not sure it was necessary to have so much of it, but I did love that when Kim An gave in, he did so with no reservations.
Favourite Moments:
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The one that had me considering moving to a farm
Love Tractor
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Ok. Not really, But look how pretty. Funny story, I actually rewatched part of this show in an orchard not that much different from the one here. I was on holiday in the countryside and just thought it would be incredibly amusing.
Anyway. I love Ye Chan an unreasonable amount. He's so dramatic and so earnest. And honestly if I ever had to move to a place like this I think I would pretty much have the same reaction as Seon Yul. I just want my peace and quiet.
But I really like their dynamic all throughout and considering the time restraints I thought that the development of Yul's feelings was done quite well.
Favourite Moment:
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The other one with Love in the title
Love Mate
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There was absolutely no reason for me to like this show has much as I did. Ha Ram should've bothered me. This whole concept should've annoyed me. The whole separation bit should've made me angry. Why didn't it? I have no clue. But I loved it. I've watched it more than once and love it every time.
Favourite Moment
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The one with coffee and pottery
Unintentional Love Story
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I adore this show. Pick an episode, any episode, I love it. Was it perfect? No. Was the kissing the thing that made it not perfect? Perhaps. I love it nonetheless.
[Confession time. Is there one thing about this show that bothers me no matter how many times I rewatch it? Yes. Is it the kissing? No. Is it something absolutely and stupidly tiny that only I could possibly be that bothered by it? Yes. What is it? " Let me at least do this." It's such a great moment. But why did whoever was in charge of the editing felt the need to show us the scene that we saw 17 minutes before? (it's really 17 minutes and 40 seconds, I checked because I'm nowhere near sane). Did they thing we forgot about it in that time? It lessens the moment and it insults the audience. I hate it an unreasonable amount. ]
There are so many moments in this show that I love. The four mains are amazing, the confession scene by HoTae in the coffee shop floored me, the writing in the sand moment was delightful and the soundtrack is my favourite of the year.
Favourite Moment:
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The one that was perfect
Our Dating Sim
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What's there to say. There's nothing wrong here. They are delightful, I had a great time with the video game format at the end of the episodes, their chemistry was amazing, and Ki Tae is my favourite boy. Also, my second favourite soundtrack this year.
Favourite Moment
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See you next time with Thailand I think.
Thanks for reading💜
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eelnoise · 7 months
For the lyric prompt, 'i have my sentence now, at last i know just how you felt, i dig my fingers in, expecting more than just the skin' with Zoro? I don’t have anything specific in mind for this one, so feel free to wing it 😅
anon your brain has sent me into a frenzy. this fic is absolutely getting another part or 2 at some point because i have some thoughtssssss!!! anyway, hope you enjoy! zoro x gn!reader c/w: fluff!! zoro is injured but what else is new :)
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With the most wounded of the crew still out of commission for the time being, the reality is that, for now at least, everyone is okay. They’d come out stronger from worse many times before now, and the reprieve of that alone should be enough for any one soul to rest. 
Though as soon as your tiny frets and forceful bouts of self-reassurance had qualmed enough for you to drift, taking the gentle hand of sleep’s guide and luring you off into an almost peaceful slumber does a swift series of rough knuckles rapping at the door to the tiny room you’d been given and a rumble of your name beyond it.
Your jaw tenses, the ever familiar tone of probably the single worst person to be up and about, and with haste you don’t expect, are you opening the door and looking right up at Roronoa Zoro. “What are you doing?” you lip sluggishly, brows furrowed in a strange expression that lies between annoyance and concern. “You know you need to be resting.”
“Feel fine,” he replies, pushing past you and just… allowing himself into the room. “Just tired.”
You click your teeth, but you just huff and close the door behind him. “At least sit, Zoro.” 
He doesn’t just sit, but lays flat on the bed with a harshness you’re not sure he should be exerting, and you can’t help but to sigh and smile weakly. Zoro looks at peace, both eyes shut as he stretches out his limbs, all but covering the mattress. It’s not often he looks so relaxed
Kneeling next to him, you begin to lovingly run your fingers through his hair, and a warmth floods your chest when he emits a very pleased hum in reply. “How’d you even know which room I was in? You’ve been knocked out cold for the past week.” It isn’t an attack, nor is your tone aggressive at all. If anything, it’s soft. 
He turns his head towards you, gaze locking onto yours as he feels the sensation of your fingers through his hair. There’s something in his eyes, something that speaks volumes about how much he appreciates this moment of intimacy - despite the fact that he usually wouldn’t show such vulnerability. Because even if he wouldn’t admit it, he is anything but ‘fine’.The extent of his wounds were enough to knock a fully grown elephant out for a week, let alone a human man. But what is Zoro if not durable? “Robin,” he answers, a short reply but one that makes sense the more you think about it. 
“Fair,” you concede, leaning your head on the edge of the mattress. “But you didn’t think to ask where your room was instead?” 
“Wanted ta see ya,” Zoro says casually, as if he hadn’t been on the brink of death mere days ago.
The admission hangs in the air between you two, and there’s a hint of guilt in his voice - guilt that he might have caused trouble by simply showing up unannounced like this. But then again, he never did follow social norms too closely in the first place.
He wanted to see you? He wakes up, aching and bruised, serrated with gashes and the first thing he means to do is to see you?
You feel your face flush, and you’re sure it's enough that even the incredibly oblivious swordsman would notice if his eyes were open. 
Zoro lifts his hand and reaches out, grabbing onto yours, holding it tightly as if afraid that if he lets go, you’ll vanish before his very eyes. He leans closer, his breath hot against your ear as he whispers, “Needed somethin’ real bad.”
There’s no shame or embarrassment in his voice; only raw honesty and desperation. And it’s clear that he meant every word he said - because despite how tough he pretends to be, deep down inside lies someone who craves nothing more than a little bit of affection and care.
"Anything," you reply, eyes fixated upon the man beneath the touch of your fingers. "Anything you need, Zo.”
He takes a deep breath, the grip on your hand easing. "Just... didn’t feel right waking up without ya." It's a simple explanation, but it carries so much weight behind it. Despite being surrounded by people he considers friends and family, there was something missing that only you could fill. And in that moment, as he opens his eye and gazes at you longingly, it becomes clear that Zoro sees you as something more than just another crewmate or ally - you're someone who has the power to make him feel whole once again.
You smile, and when you lean in to press a kiss to his forehead you feel yourself being pulled onto the bed alongside him. The surprise makes you gasp, though once you feel his arms around you and your back against his chest do you hum into him, enjoying the warmth he provides. "Just be careful, okay?" you murmur, snuggling into him carefully. "Don't want you to rip yourself open or anything on my bed."
Zoro chuckles softly, pulling you even closer and wrapping his arms around you tighter. "Trust me," he says with a confident smirk, "I won't rip myself apart."
His body is still recovering from the injuries he sustained while fighting, but he seems determined to push through any pain or discomfort for the sake of being close to you. And as he holds you tightly, it becomes apparent that Zoro sees this moment as a rare opportunity to showcase how much he values your presence in his life - something that goes beyond the usual camaraderie shared among pirates.
In this intimate moment, there's a depth of emotion that transcends words, leaving both of you lost in a sea of feelings and care.
It's soothing, being in his arms. You hadn't realized just how much you missed this. Your relationship with Zoro had become something soft like this, him joining you for rests, naps, and just wanting to be around you. It was something you had to get used to through his emotional misguidance, but when things had become normal you learned just how to be affectionate with him, and now it's something you cherish and love. And though it never went further and mutual sought comfort, and even if you do consider the idea at times, you’re more than happy to lie here with him like this.
Zoro's arms tighten around you, pulling you even closer as he feels the warmth radiating from your body. For a moment, he forgets about everything else - the pain in his side, the lingering exhaustion, even the fact that he's currently lying on top of your bed. All that matters is being near you, feeling your heartbeat against his chest and breathing in the scent of your hair.
As he holds you, memories flash through his mind - moments spent together over the years, from teasing banter to intense battles to quiet moments of respite like these. 
Zoro smiles, and even if you can’t see it, you can feel it. It’s in his very presence around you, his joy, his comfort, his you.
"I missed you," you quietly admit into his arm, and as the words leave you his grip tightens around your waist. And, god, does it feel like home.
"Missed ya too," Zoro replies, his voice barely above a whisper. "Feels good to be back with ya."
He doesn't say anything more, but the sincerity in his tone speaks volumes. Even after everything they've been through together - the fights, the arguments, the misunderstandings - Zoro still finds solace in your presence, and he cherishes each moment he gets to spend with you.
And as you lay there together, wrapped in each other's arms, it becomes clear that your relationship has evolved into something far deeper than either of you ever expected. While neither of you may have explicitly admitted your feelings for the other, there's an undeniable connection that runs through every touch and every word exchanged between you two - a leash upon your hearts that defies definition yet remains stronger than steel.
Zoro closes his eyes, letting the warmth of your body envelop him as he slips into a peaceful slumber. His mind is filled with images of you - your smile, your laugh, your gentle touch. In this moment of relaxation, all thoughts of pain and exhaustion fade away, replaced instead by a sense of contentment and satisfaction.  
For a brief instant, he feels like he's found what he's been searching for - a true sense of belonging and purpose within the chaos of the world. And even as sleep claims him, he clings tightly to the memory of your embrace, knowing that it will serve as a source of strength and motivation as he continues on his journey towards becoming the world's greatest swordsman.
You both drift off, falling deep into the exact respite that you had sought prior to his inclusion.
And it’s perfect. 
You wake up slowly and twist around with care, taking in the sight of Zoro's face as he sleeps beside you. His features look so calm and peaceful, and you can't help but wonder if he's having pleasant dreams. Reaching out, you brush some strands of hair away from his face, stirring him from his slumber. "Did you sleep well, Zo? Good dreams?” you query as his tired gaze meets yours.
Zoro's eye flutters open, and he smiles weakly upon seeing you sitting up. "Yeah," he replies, his voice still slightly groggy. "You were in them."
The admission catches you off guard, but you can see genuine sincerity in his expression - a reflection of the depth of feelings he harbors for you despite not expressing them outright. "Thanks for bein’ here," he adds, offering a small nod of gratitude. "Makes everythin’ seem better."
You feel your face flush, his admission not just flattering you but truly moving you. Was it due to his most recent near-death experience that makes him fawn over you so? Whatever it may be, you smile and lean down to kiss his forehead - but you're taken by surprise when you're maneuvered downward until his lips press into yours in a bit of a forceful, inexperienced kiss, but one you reciprocate in earnest.
The kiss takes you both by surprise, but as it deepens, you can feel the passion and intensity that lies beneath Zoro's inexperience. He's always been fiercely protective of you, but now it seems like he wants to claim you in a way that goes beyond mere protection - to show everyone that you belong to him and only him.
Despite your initial shock, you find yourself responding to his kiss with equal fervor, your fingers tangling in his hair and pulling him closer as your hearts race and your bodies heat up. This unexpected moment of heightened  intimacy feels both thrilling and terrifying, like stepping off a cliff into the unknown.
Zoro's kiss is messy, but it's full of meaning. Words he cannot say aloud are spoken though each smack of your lips and hums of joy, and as his hand finds its way to your neck to press you closer to him, you find yourself melting into his palm.
Zoro's emotions spill out through his actions - the desperate need to hold onto you, the desire to mark you as his own, the raw passion that burns within him. It's a declaration of sorts, one that speaks volumes about how deeply he feels for you even without using words.
Despite the intensity of the moment, there's also a vulnerability to it that reveals just how much Zoro craves your affection and approval. He wants nothing more than to make you happy, to know that you feel the same way about him, and as he breaks away from the kiss with a ragged breath, he looks at you with a pleading expression that seems to say, "Was that okay?”
You nod, eyes heavy lidded and lips glossed with saliva and puffy with love. And it seems as if that’s all it takes for him to continue, as at once is Zoro upon you again, this time with a little more ease. You sigh into him when his hands reach your hips, it feels so right and so good, like a long awaited tether tying you both into a knot. You want to kiss away his pain and discomfort, to hold him to you until he's healed and whole. To be his anchor and his safe haven. To just be his.
Zoro's hands grip onto your hips tightly, holding onto you like a lifeline as he pulls himself closer, seeking comfort in the warmth and safety of your embrace. He feels like he can finally let go of all the pent-up emotions and anxieties that have been weighing him down since the battle - and in that moment of release, he feels a profound sense of relief wash over him.
As he leans against you, he closes his eyes once again, savoring the feeling of being held so closely by someone who means so much to him. It's a moment of pure bliss, one that makes all the hardships and struggles worthwhile, and he knows that he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
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solaris-amethyst · 5 days
💫Like we were kids again💫
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✨Pairing: non idol!Wooyoung x gn!reader ✨Prompt: Playing with sidewalk chalk like they're kids again ✨Word count: 765 words ✨Genre: fluff ☀️Authors note: This is my first piece written here, do let me know if you enjoyed it or any thoughts about it in general❣️ Also was it too short? or was it a good length for a one shot like this one?
The sun was shining through the window giving you the perfect natural light to read the book you had finally picked up from the library. You had heard a lot of good things about this book but unfortunately so far the book had been a rather big disappointment. The author was not doing a good job of creating the story and the characters were beyond infuriating with their constant whining and the way they kept complaining about everything every other page. You took a sip from your cup of tea whilst looking outside the window, that is when you noticed your friend and partner Wooyoung rushing to the door of your apartment complex holding some sort of bucket with a big grin.
You shrugged as you put your cup down and picked up the book again ready to try and finish the book, just so no one could complain when you said you did not like it by saying "you did not even read the entire book!". You did not get far in your reading before the door slammed open and Wooyoung ran inside with a big smile.
"(y/n) you won't be able to guess what I got!!"
You put your book down and looked up at him with curious eyes, his eyes were shining with excitement and his smile was infectious causing yours to grow.
"Hmmmm perhaps you got a bucket of paint?" you guessed truly not knowing what he had brought home.
"Close! I brought something even better! Sidewalk chalk!!" He beamed as he showed the bucket more clearly. Inside it were a bunch of colorful chalk in both normal colors and pastels. They looked exactly like the ones the kids down the block used to play with during the weekends when the weather was nice.
"Sidewalk chalk?"
"Yes!! Now put that pesky book away! We're going painting!" He motioned for the door with his head. He truly didn't need to convince you twice as you stood up glad to have an excuse to abandon the book for a while.
"Sure! That sounds like loads of fun actually!" You told him as he took your hand dragging you towards the door, only stopping to put on some shoes before walking out of the door, locking it and dragging you down the stairs.
"I'll show you how good of an artist I can be!" Wooyoung said as you two got to the empty sidewalk.
"Not if I show you first how good I can be!!" you challenged causing him to look at you mischievously.
"Is that a challenge?"
"Maybe" the sly smile you gave him made his own smile widen.
"I'll show you my amazing drawing skills. You'll be amazed!" he boasted as he sat down taking out a purple chalk to draw with. He was very adamant that you were not allowed to see until he was done. So you focused on your own drawing, taking some of the yellow chalk to draw a cute little sun with a little smiley face on it. Wooyoung was humming as he was drawing and just when you reached for the orange chalk he very proudly turned around to you.
"Ta-daaaa! what do you think??"
"Is... Is that supposed to be a rabbit??" you questioned and he gasped and gave your shoulder a nudge.
"It's a cat!! can't you see that?!"
"Ohhhhhh... Yeah absolutely i see a cat." you tried to hold in your laughter, the cat did look more like a rabbit the way Wooyoung had drawn it and he shoved you again with a pout.
"Don't laugh at my cat! what did you draw then?!"
"Oh just a sun." he peered over to your chalk painting and he gave it a little appreciative nod.
"Its cute... But not as cute as my cat!"
"Hey!!" this time you shoved him back and he let out a loud cackle as he fell to his butt again.
"I'll show you! I'll draw an even cuter cat than your cat!" you said as you grabbed a new color to draw with determined to win over Wooyoung.
"Not if I draw an even cuter cuter cat than the one I've already drawn!!"
The two of you were sitting for many hours drawing, laughing, competing and shoving each other while playing around with the chalk and in the end you ended up collaborating on drawing a unicorn together while bickering about which colors to use for the mane.
It truly couldn't be any better spending time with your partner playing around in the sun and enjoying each other's company.
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h0nology · 1 year
Boy, you’re an alien. Your touch so foreign, it’s supernatural..
ughhhh this was originally for human reader but it literally wouldn’t be logical so the reader is navi! enjoy :)
warnings: smut 18+ minors dni, reader and lo’ak are aged up, cussing
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You're so hypnotizing. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel?
Growing up, you had always been close with the Sully family. Your mom being great friends with Neytiri and all, so it was bound for you to become friends with all the Sully kids. And though you got along with all of them, Lo’ak was your favorite. You two were basically attached to the hip ever since you were born, doing any and everything together.
As you two had gotten older, you could say you developed a huge crush on the troublemaker. And so did he. Everybody saw it coming, except for the two of you. Oblivious to how you two would look at each other, and go out your way for one another.
You kept your crush under wraps for years, figuring Lo’ak would only look at you as his best friend—his family even. Plus, he had every girl in the clan swooning over him or wrapped around his finger. Why would he want you?
That was until that one day. The one special day where he said those very words you’d thought you’d never hear.
“Nobody else matters when there is you, syulang. I want you, and only you. I do not need anybody else.”
Your touch, magnetizing. Feels like I am floating. Leaves my body glowing.
Your favorite thing about Lo’ak was his hands, oh how you loved his hands. How huge they were compared to yours, the way they touched and caressed your skin, how one would wrap around your neck as the fingers on the other one pumped in and out of you. And how one would hold a fistful of your hair as you sucked on his cock.
Or how they would cuff your face so that he could stare at you. How they would hold your smaller hand as you two walked through the forest together. How they’d lift you up by your waist at ease, and how they’d craft things for you.
His hands were your biggest weakness, and he never understood why. Why you liked such a random, generic part of his body like that. Something that was so regular to him, but so different for you in your eyes.
Kiss me, ki-kiss me. Infect me with your lovin'. Fill me with your poison, take me, ta-take me. Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction.
Lo’ak’s mouth was intoxicating. The way he’d lock his lips on yours, and shove his tongue in your mouth as he roughly thrusted into you. Or how it would absolutely destroy your pussy with just his tongue. How his tongue would flick of your sensitive nipples. He loved using his mouth on you, listening to the pretty noises that left your mouth as you become completely undone just by his tongue.
“Lo’ak, please. I need it, I need you.” You pleaded underneath the boy as he sucked and bit on your neck, marking you as his.
“Use your words, baby. What do you want?”
You hated when he did this. Making you use such vulgar language (which he had taught you) when he knew exactly what you wanted from him.
“Lo’ak…” You whined, your hand trailing down his chest, stopping right at his waist.
“Cmon syulang, I want to hear you say it.” He looks you in your eyes, then down to your lips, slightly pulling his bottom lip in between his teeth.
“I want to feel you inside of me, Lo’ak. Need your cock, please."
It didn’t take long for the boy to remove his loincloth, smirking at you as he dragged his cock which was leaking with pre cum over your slit. Without a warning, he pushed himself into you. All of him. He stretched you out so well, your walls clenching around him as he began to slowly thrust in and out of you.
“Good girl, you take me so well, baby.” He grunts as he sinks back into you, going deeper than before if that was even possible.
All you could do was moan in response, mind going completely blank as his thrust became faster. You squeeze your eyes shut as you felt your climax slowly creeping up on you, him hitting your sweet spot repeatedly was driving you crazy.
“I-I am close.” You moaned.
“I know, baby. Fuck. I know.” He pants, “Open your eyes, look at me.” Lo’ak roughly grips on your face, squeezing your cheeks so that your mouth would open.
You peeled your eyes open and the sight of him was enough to make you come right there. His hooded, glowing eyes looking down at you in admiration as he fucked your brains out.
“So pretty baby, you going to come for me?” He asks and you moan, “Yeah? Let go, baby—oh shit, come for me.” His thrust becoming sloppy as you came all over his cock.
“Lo’ak!” You screamed out, legs shaking uncontrollably underneath him, “I don’t–I don’t know how much longer I can last.” He moans in your ear.
“Give it to me.” You leaned up and gave him a quick kiss, “I want all of it.”
“Oh–oh fuck, oh fuck.” His warm seed shoots up inside of you, “Fuckk!”
Boy, you're an alien. Your touch, so foreign. It's supernatural. Extraterrestrial.
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