#these two might be my favourites so far I'm ngl to you all
catboy-cyrus · 2 years
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good news: catboy marriage is now legal
bad news: so is catboy divorce
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elvenbeard · 2 months
WIP Wednesday (actually on Wednesday!)
I was tagged by @therealnightcity @chevvy-yates a while ago and @pinkyjulien indirectly >:D
So I'm gonna do a small dump of all the (too many) things I'm doing at the moment!
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Modding: I've started NPVince, finally!! That screenshot is from two weeks ago but I didnt make much progress yet cause being ill and cosplay things got in the way xD But on a basic level he is done and I'm really looking forward to start customizing him (not so much cleaning up the files and custompathing xD but I'll get there!)
Cosplay Stuff: ngl, this vest might be one of the nicest pieces of clothing I've ever done so far uwu I'm really proud but also already know several things I'd like to redo about it when I make a 2.0 version xD I also want to redo some details on this, technically still gotta add sleeves, and also so many badges and the samurai patch and bullets and aaahhhh! But I love it a lot already uwu other than that what's missing of my 2023!Kerry outfits still are the pants, and I've never done pants as complex before, but I'm really looking forward to tackling that :D
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Art: Next up are some commissions first, but inbetween I'm working on several smaller illustrations all at once. One I cant post on tumblr in full xD this one is hopefully gonna be the start of a series of my favourite in-game scenes visualised like movie still-frames :3
Writing: I'm also slowly working away on my longfic, chapter 16 is almost done! But I also have brainworms atm about an alternative ending ficlet with max 5-8 chapters for the PL ending 👀 we shall see when and if I get to that xD
I'm not tagging anyone in particular, but if you see this, consider yourself tagged and pls tag me so I can peek at the cool things you're all working on!!
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Rhythm posting any writing: enjoy! :)
Me: ah shit here we go again *rereads the whole work from the beginning with all the additional scenes*
I love your writing style sooooo much, it feels like a mug of hot tea on a cold autumn evening while sitting in your favourite armchair, blanket on, petting your purring cat. Such warmth and comfort just from the words on the screen!
I always wonder, how do you choose what story to continue? You have some unfinished stories, do you just go with whatever you feel like writing or choose the one that you decided you need to update before writing something else? Do you have any rituals before writing, like making tea in a special cup? A playlist? What does your writing process look like? I'm so curious about it! ~🖤
hahahahhaha ngl, that first comment made me chuckle. and then i almost cried with that second paragraph. makes me really happy that you perceive my writing that way.
i wish i had a system that helped me tackle my long list of wips, but honestly i just go with whatever my goblin brain desires. which is, unfortunately, not very efficient lol.
the way my creative process had "worked" so far is that i hyperfixate on a concept/scene and that just gave me enough energy/brainpower to keep me working on something. that method isn't working anymore, and i'm struggling heavily with executive dysfunction (which has been affecting other parts of my life besides my beloved hobbies, but that's a different matter).
technically i do have like a priority list (recently, i try to not have more than three WIPs in that list. everything else is put on pause) and i jump from one work to the other depending on what the little lizard that controls my brain wants to work on. i've been writing, just very little on different projects at a time, so it's sloooowwww, but at least it's something!
i def would like to find something that could help me keep the habit, but at the same time i kinda feel like i can't really force it, so idk 🤷‍♀️
also, i don't think i've got any rituals 🤔 i prefer to write in silence as that allows me to immerse in the scene i might be working on, but sometimes if my thoughts are too chaotic, i do play some background music. i can't listen to people speak/sing and write at the same time, so usually when i do that i go for videogame osts that either fit the vibe of the fic or that are my comfort games (catch me listening to the entire twilight princess soundtrack while trying to write something just because it calms me down lol).
something that has kinda worked for me and has allowed me to write those few words i've written these past few months, it's having two separate documents for the same work.
one of the docs just has ideas, outlines, detached scenes, scenes out of order, and it's just overall a chaotic mess. then there's the "clean" doc, where the story is being written in order and more "polished". i used to just have everything in a single doc, but the chaos was messing up with my head, so i found that having that clean version helped me keep the flow. i work with a dual window set-up, with the messy doc on the left and the clean one on the right. dunno why, it just gives me a bit more peace lol
lately, i've kinda wondered if i should take my laptop somewhere that isn't my home and try to write, or if i should find a new place to sit specifically to write, but i haven't really done anything tbh. i'm always just on the sofa, keeping that pristine shrimp posture and hoping for the best lol (don't be like me. i'm in pain constantly because i just can't sit normally)
this is probably unnecessarily long, but i already typed it, so it's staying 🤭🤭🤭
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charlotterhea · 12 days
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Last part of my Summer Fic Reading Challenge journey and ngl, it's extremely satisfying seeing the whole card ticked off. XD
19. Parallel universe
At first, I wasn't even sure what was meant by 'parallel universe', wondering whether not every AU story is technically a parallel universe. XD But then I searched for the tag and stumbled upon "The Unforeseen Possibility of Universes" by MsRosemaryPrince and finally, it clicked. We're talking about 'parallel universes' in the physical sense... 😏 Yes, sometimes I'm a bit slow. Didn't stop me from enjoying the story, though! The thought of Hermione and Severus finding each other in every universe just makes my shipper's heart sing, so I devoured this one and might keep my eyes open to find more stories with this tag. ^^
11. Mythical creature AU
Although creatures are a huge topic in HP, I've only read a few fics centering around creatures so far. I'm not that drawn to that topic personally, I guess. But digging through the archive for this prompt made me stumble upon "just a mannequin with nothing left to hold" by eatgodbemoss and I have to admit, if they are all like that I should probably read more creature fics... 😆 I thoroughly enjoyed Severus being possessed by an incubus and I enjoyed even more how our favourite idiots beat around the bush. Go read it if you're in the mood. ^^
24. Canon compliant
Guys, I hit the jackpot with this one! So, canon compliant is hard to do with Hermione and Severus but I still gave it a shot. You never know, right? And not only did I find a cute story about an encounter with them at the end of year one, but it also is about CHESS! 😍 You cannot imagine how much I love stories about chess! I don't even play chess! I don't know a single chess rule! I can't even envision the moves! And yet I have the time of my life reading them. 😂 Anyway, the story is "Pawn to Eighth Square" by scratchyquill and it's a quick but adorable read. Didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. Go read it!
12. Space AU
For this prompt, I chose a longer story to read, "Sagittaria" by multilingualism. It had everything I love, Snamione, bits and pieces from the book woven into the plot to discover, moments to grin about, and a twist at the end I didn't see coming despite the hints that have been there! I'm hooked for part 2 of the series!
Free Space
Honestly, I don't know if I'm supposed to read a story for this one as well but since I had a one-shot I wanted to read anyway I chose to use it for this. So, "Call me Severus" by kidansong. What a cute story is this? It just ticks all my boxes. Virgin!Severus and explicit consent? Hell, yes! I really love the softness of this story and the fact that it still manages to be hot as fuck. I mean, how could it not? Explicit consent is hot as fuck... 😆
This story really was the perfect one to complete this challenge and I'm really happy I made it despite being doubtful a couple of weeks ago. I had so much fun reading all those wonderful stories and am very grateful both for the authors that they've written them and for the mods of the challenge to offer bingo cards. I had a great summer full of reading and chatting with a writer or two in the comments. 💚
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bookhighlightss · 2 months
King of Sins series review
★ King of Wrath (Book#1)
1. So I read this book after book 2, 3 and 4 and wow this might be my second favourite book in the series.
3. I love the character development. Something about ana Huang writing broody cold men just hits different. She just KNOWS how to perfect it.
4. THE ASIAN HOUSEHOLD TRAUMA yesssss. As an asian who has to deal with ALL OF THAT it felt so good to read what you feel on paper goddamn.
5. The first book of a series is usually not my favourite but this one was. It was amazing and I read it in one sitting. To say I was absorbed into the book would be an understatement.
★King of Pride (Book#2)
1. I love how their story starts off in king of wrath and then into this. It was hilarious.
2. This book was funny ngl. Also love Isabella's snake. Like yesss she slays.
4. I gotta say he was the only guy in this series who didn't disrespect his woman unlike the other king of sin men which is such a green flag>>>>
5. I gotta say this book isn't my absolute favourite bcs I just didn't FULLY love the vibe of it but yea it's a hundred percent amazing. I mean it's Ana Huang she outdid herself.
★King of Greed (Book#3)
1. Omg omg omg I think this has to be my most favourite this far. I was hooked from the first page. This was my first second chance trope book and it definitely served.
2. I love how Alessandra stood her ground and tbh her pov in the first chapters were kinda sad. Like girl I was pissed for her???? I was like don't u dare forgive him????
3. Love how Dominic got his shit together and actually realised his mistake. Like yesss I'm here for the grovelling.
4. The way I was absolutely obsessed with them is crazy. I don't wanna give anything away about this book because everything feels like a spoiler but I genuinely love how both of them worked out their flaws and actually worked to be together.
5. I love their love story and reading this book was crazy because I didn't know a side to pick??? Like both of their reasons were understandable???? So far my most most most most favourite couple. I've been trying to find books as good as this one with the same tropes. Also the way it's lowkey (super lowkey) kinda similar to the k drama queen of tears?? Idk just me idk but these two couples have my heart.
★King of Sloth (Book#4)
1. Okay I love a girl boss and sloane is one.
2. I love how obsessed Xavier is with her and knows little details about her that he gathered over the years by observing her.
3. Ummm without giving away any spoilers I just hope that the shoe was clean and new hehe ( I put the book down for 10 mins when I read it )
4. The grovelling was amazing and I absolutely love how he actually used his talents to do something and reach his potential.
5. The mommy and daddy issues were issuing.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 3 months
4, 13, 20, 22, 29 and 40 for the fic writer asks, if you don't mind answering all those :)
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
God knows! Coming up with an initial idea is the hardest part for me. As soon as someone gives me a starting point i can do something, but if I'm left completely adrift it's truly just static. That's why I love prompts, but alas, most people like to give really broad prompts and I work best with a really granular, specific thing, the more random, the better. Sometimes a random idea strikes and grows into something, but except for my two big multichapters all my favourite fics started as a prompt from a fic exchange or a prompt list!
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
If you're stuck, the problem is never with the last sentence. And, when in doubt, less is always more. You can usually afford to lose a sentence or a paragraph or a whole scene more than you need to add another (although that may not work for other writing styles - I find mine works best when it's kind of reduced and destilled).
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I remember running the first half of TWTaS through a linguistic corpus software for funsies once, and the top repeated things as far as i remember were "small smile" and "coffee", which frankly - yeah, muted emotional expression and themes of tiredness and coffee are in there for sure. Loneliness and loss are also pretty common themes as well as trust and, on the brighter side, there's usually at least one very close long-term friendship or sibling relationship in every story of mine. I seem to tend to set things in cities, probably because that lends itself to the themes of loneliness and lacking connection and homesickness, and I LOVE settings that allow for quiet, intimate but nonsexual one-on-one conversations, like late-night phone conversations or long car rides. Also set mostly in the US or UK, I want to say due to the origin of the original material but who knows really, I've got so used to it at this point...
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
There's a lot of things I'd have a hard time with, but might challenge myself to write them precisely because of that; 2nd person narration or a very pronounced omniscient narrator are things that come to mind. Writing genres like straight action or horror would definitely not be my instinct but it could be fun to try! I do have some tropes that I'm iffy on and would probably never write about, like I'm really not about unwanted/unexpected pregnancy stories or really pregnancy stories in general, and I really don't like body swap stories for some reason. I also don't really see myself writing about love triangles, I just don't find them at all interesting.
29. What’s your revision or editing process like?
Honestly, I'll just try to reread after stepping away for at least a day and see if I can reduce or clarify anything or if there are things doubled (there usually are...). I don't really have a process? I probably should, it would probably be a huge step forward. If anyone has tips, I'd love them!
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
This might surprise people, but my dream fanart is for fic I'm definitely not known for - my lighter more comedic pieces! I mean I'm honoured and delighted by any fanart, and people have been so creative and wonderful about TWTaS and Fluent in Silence especially, and I still go back for those pieces a lot. But I'm secretly hoping someone will do another piece for The Running Kind (@doptimous kindly made a manip and i love it a lot). Also ngl, if someone drew Bodhi with Charlie the Lobster from The Gales of November Remembered I would love them forever.
Other scenes I think would make cool fanart and would buy my very biased affection instantly: the first kiss from TWTaS from chapter 15 (that's like the one chapter of that fic where I feel like I got striking visuals); ANY scene from my Food Travel AU entry In den Herzen ist's warm because my thing I wrote + my favourite place in the entire world; and two scenes that don't exist yet: the final scene of TWTaS (which, alas, has been finished for years but I just can't get the scenes before it right) and Jyn at the Leipzig Demonstration on 9th October '89 in Spiel ohne Grenzen (Lord knows if I'll ever get to that point in the fic but that visual would kill me dead if someone made art ngl)
Send a fic writer ask!
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay-adjacent Visuals: Jack's Lament
Can you feel me practically vibrating out of my skin???
On one hand, I'm a little sad because this is the last video I'll probably be making a post about for a while (though by the time you see this, Geoff might have uploaded a new video that I can actually talk about the visuals for (EDIT from future me: he did!), and if so, you'll be seeing a post for that one tomorrow), but on the other hand, this is my third (though in no particular order/ranking) favourite Geoff video on his channel so far, and I am so excited to finally be able to make a post for it!
Geoff's cover of Jack's Lament debuted on the 8th of October, 2023, though I didn't see it pop up in my YouTube recommended until the 29th (if you remember from my Hellfire post, I wasn't initially subscribed to Geoff or Voiceplay, and both channels somehow ended up dropping off my radar for a while. Jack's Lament was the first from either channel that I had seen in at least a year, and as soon as I saw that thumbnail, I knew it was going to be amazing, but oh my GOD it was even better (and with me stumbling upon Hellfire the very next day, well let's just say I was pulled even deeper down the Geoff/Voiceplay rabbithole than I had been the first time around 😅).
Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll hit image limit on this one, or how much actual commentary I may have, but regardless, let's freaking go!
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One hell of an opening shot, not gonna lie. Geoff's very-skeletal-looking hands playing the piano (in a beautiful way, might I add), immediately sets a very spooky/eerie vibe!
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And this is one hell of an establishing shot! I mean goddamn there is a lot to take in here! Though one thing I will point out (that I actually only just noticed myself ^^;) is the Haunted Mansion headstone on the left, memorialising Madame Leota!
(Also shoutout to Pattycake Production Studios where this was filmed!)
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I of course have to give a MASSIVE shoutout and kudos to Rick Underwood for the makeup job in this one, like holy christ he really outdid himself here! (and I can't thank him enough)
Ngl, if I don't come up with any other ideas between now and October, then I kinda wanna dress as "Jack Skellington Geoff" (Geoff Caskellington? 🤔), makeup and all (or just attempt the face makeup at least)
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And seriously take a look at his hands! If it weren't for the super-high-definition closeup of his hands on the piano at the start, you'd be forgiven for thinking those are just really well-fitting gloves, but nope! An amazing airbrush job from Mr Underwood!
Also, if you look at his neck and chest in both this image and the previous one, you'll notice that he's got airbrushing going on there too, highlighting (or more accurately, shading) his ribs and other bones!
Finally, on the subject of the body paint job, if you've been paying attention to some of my other Geoff posts (and some of my Voiceplay posts), you might notice what's missing...
No necklace, and no rings! Had to remove them for costume/makeup/character purposes, rip. Must have felt a bit weird without them, but all that paint must have felt weird too, so maybe the weird feelings cancelled each other out? 😅
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(His acting in this is of course 10/10 👌)
This video is one that I do actually know involved Geoff deliberately colouring his hair to make it grey, and it still looks as lovely as ever!
(Also this picture is a better one to check out the airbrushed detailing on his chest! (if you're gonna leave a couple of shirt buttons undone and your chest exposed, might as well take advantage of it! 😁))
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The "moon" in this video is apparently just some big spotlight with a moon cover on it or something? Apparently you can fairly easily find them online or something, and you can in fact see the pole it's attached to underneath in this image here, but you likely wouldn't notice the pole if you weren't looking for it, and the usage of the moon is 100% perfect! (I've seen/heard one or two people wishing the moon was yellow like in the movie, but eh, it probably wouldn't have fitted the overall colour scheme of the video as much)
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I had to include the "jumpscare" of course I had to! 😁
Also I can't get any good screencaps of it, but the way Geoff shifts from sombre on "a longing that I've never known," to more theatric/dramatic on "I'm a master of fright, and a demon of light" is so good, and the acting/choreography is absolute chefs kiss
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(For those of you not familiar with the original, the line "and I'm know throughout England and France" is part of the original song, but the "bonjour!" bit is not 😆)
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A Geoff head not connected to the body! It's happened again! 😂
Also it's cool the way Geoff is quickly jumping/flashing from one point to another, reminds me of his Headless Horseman video
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"No animal, nor man, can SCREAM like I can!"
What can I say, it's a very cool effect! Really ups the "oomph" factor of the little belt moment!
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Tiny pumpkins/jack-o-lanterns in his eyes!!
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"But who here, would ever understand..."
(I'm not even at half the maximum image limit yet, so I'm 100% just throwing in an extra screencap (or two) just because 😁)
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Geoff pats the side of his leg to call for Zero the ghost dog, just in in the scene in the movie! (Also shoutout to Kathy, who I believe helped with puppeteering for this bit?)
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"...that the pumpkin king, with the skeleton grin,"
(Freaking obsessed with this video, I tell ya!)
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"The fame and praise, come year after year, does nothing for these empty tears"
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This is the last shot before we see the gramophone logo (a very gorgeous shot btw), but there's a little bit of a bonus bit for those who stick around for the Patron credits!!
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It starts to snow! Like at the end of the movie! It's a sign of hope and good things to come! <3
The original song is good for the movie, sure, but Geoff's cover feels like it has so much more depth (in more ways than one!) and emotion! And his vocal range is ugh god absolutely stunning and mindblowing! I cannot get enough, can never get enough!
But anyway, I hope you've been enjoying my Voiceplay/Voiceplay-adjacent posts! If there are any videos I've skipped over that you actually would like me to make a post on, please let me know! (And don't worry, I am planning to do all the 2017-onwards Christmas videos for both channels eventually - maybe as a Christmas In July thing?) I'm typing this on the 22nd of February, and if Voiceplay uploads a video in March that I wanna make a post on (nope), well you reading this will have already seen that post, and if Geoff uploads something in March that I wanna talk about (he did), then you'll see that post tomorrow (you will!). But otherwise, thanks for reading!
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writingmeraki · 1 year
tag games 🎉
rules : write a favorite among your works, your least favorite work, and one you think deserves more hype. Then, also post a screenshot of your recently saved on Pinterest.
aight let's get this bread!!!!
tagged by : @tranquilpetrichor ( thank u for the tag mwuahhh 🫂)
tagging moots ( no pressure to do this but I'd love to see your responses too hehe ) :
@kpdlvr2 ; @bambikisss ; @misoxhappy ; @enluv ; @weoris ; @redm4ri ; @hsgwrld ; @strxwberry-skiess ; @hqrana ; @invuwrld ; @seungiepup ; @byuqi 💗
also u can join if u want to !!
[ favourite works ]
angel kisses
I don't even think I need to explain this tbh, it's pretty simple but ah just the idea of it is so so cute to me :( I find moles so beautiful and when I learnt they are also called angel kisses, this idea was born lol, gotta be one of my fave drabbles definitely
[ 11 : 37 ]
lol this one was v v random ??? but like it was so fun to write too...yeah I just like the cuteness of it ^^
you're no good for me
now this one was my biggest oneshot so far and man I hit some points of hating it but in the end I was pretty happy with it ^^ I'm glad many liked this as well :)
all my hcs !
lmao I only have like two rn but idk I find hcs fun to write kinda like a mini short stories with the writer inserting their own notes in between dialogues....or at least that's how I write mine 💀
[ least favourite works ]
fools of love
HEAR ME OUT hear me out before you end me for this but BUT this is one of my first works on here, I wrote this in a damn hospital 😭 KDJSKAKKW it was wild ngl. but like the first chapter is alright, I feel like the problem comes in at the second because if I'm being honest my ass did NOT plan it out well, I just...went with the flow?!#?#?? it got random and I felt it could have been done way way better !
worth it ?
dang another guesung one....dont k word me for this pls I beg............it was rushed and um yeah that's probably one of the main reasons its my least fave...but good news I might just re do the whole blind date plot...someday....sometime.
[ works that deserve more hype ]
hey stupid, I love you !
its actually not a problem of people not hyping it but mostly cause the sk nt community/fanbase here is pretty small...no one's fault but I hope more people get into them cause they deserve it !
blood red strings
hear me out I love this oneshot, I love the idea of it but maybe I didn't portray it well enough which I hope to redeem by making it into a proper fic sometime.
[ screenshot of last saved on pinterest]
( u will ignore the fact that they are hyung line enha pics more and not because I need them for something....)
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um yeah that's basically about it ! I can't really think of anything more rn, still thank u fro reading all the way till here hehe <3
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lesbianlotties · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for tagging me @lilolilyr !! ily <33
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
120 works!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
oh i didn't want to be outed on this but... 1,262,993
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i have written for 18 fandoms! currently i'm only writing for yellowjackets. but i might write more for ronance, i could update the warrior nun fic. and who knows, maybe a new season/movie will get me writing wednesday and the old guard again!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Aftermath Kudos: 3,605 - aka "holy shit a lot of people were reading wednesday fanfic huh??"
make my menace into someone you'd adore Kudos: 2,179 - ronance coworkers enemies to lovers my beloved!
through the grief can't fight the feeling of relief Kudos: 1,381 - very soft warrior nun fic
five times Deena and Sam met in secret (and one time they didn’t)  Kudos: 1,154 - ngl i didn't think fear street fics got these many kudos but this was a lovely time!
Elvis cloned by aliens (you never know...) Kudos: 912 - it's literally insane to me that a one shot got this many kudos! (let's get it to 1k? 👀)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!! i think like 99% of the time. i just love it so much. i love saying thank u because i'm genuinely SO thankful for every comment. and i have a feeling if i reply it might inspire people to leave more comments. and also sometimes it's a chance to just talk more about the fic! which i love doing, there's nothing like getting to talk about it
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm i don't love writing angsty endings, as you'll see by the fact that i wrote these two super angsty endings and then i went and wrote a sequel/alternate ending for both ghsjfdghkdfjg but anyway there's:
I'm sorry (it should've been me) - nancy tells robin she loves her but she's too late (in the rain)
If I could hold you for a minute (darling, I'd go through it again) - laura lee reincarnated as the bear and you know what happened to it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh most of them lmao hmm i think i’m going to go for these “everyone survived post canon and they move in together to be happy and heal as a family” Extremely Uneventful Subject for tog and Who would I be without you, without them? for yellowjackets
8. Do you get hate on fic?
hmmm no i think that’s never happened! the closest thing might have been someone suggesting i always killed certain character when it’s the entire opposite. or the funny alternative, when someone literally only mentioned the men in the background of the story in every single comment they left lol but even those were mostly nice comments!
9. Do you write smut?
i do yes! not much and i only yielded and started writing it recently but i’ve loved it so far lol four of my most popular yj fics are smut, one of them is one of my favorites ever, and there’s that one ronance fic i posted on anon first… iykyk
10. Do you write crossovers?
i’ve done two! Immortals and Librarians for tog and gunpowder milkshake and (Red) Room For 8 for ocean’s 8 and hill house
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of!! hopefuly not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! 【翻译】Being with you (Makes the flame burn good) by R_H_Felidae_Athena
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have tried but they haven’t been posted/finished yet :(
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
okay so that’s a Tough question. judging by amount of fic written it’s robin and nancy, my current favorite is lottie and laura lee, but i also just rewatched bly manor and let me tell you, there’s no one at the level of dani and jamie <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
there’s too many 😭 going as far back as the ocean’s 8 days there's the haunted house one, then fear street enemies to lovers, my warrior nun fic, yellowjackets coffee shop au, and all the ideas i haven’t even started ghsjfdghjf
16. What are your writing strengths?
oh don't do this to me. i literally never know what to reply to this. i... well i'd like to think i'm good at characterization and maybe dialogue!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hmm i think i have a serious lack of discipline that means i only write when the mood is right and i will never stick to a schedule or plan or routine lol and okay i'll admit it, i might be too lazy to do the research necessary to write certain things/stories so i just avoid them 😭 but in my defense it's because too much research for academic reasons made me allergic to it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
hm. i did this somewhat regularly with the old guard and in one ronance fic but looking back i don’t love it very much, it’s just okay i guess. this is just for me personally!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
ocean’s 8 hgsjdfghjf closely followed by the haunting of hill house
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
VERY very tough question!! they’re all my babies and i couldn’t possibly pick any fav- actually i have a few! but i’ll keep it to 3 special ones that funnily enough are far from being my most popular ones (pls read them i worked so so hard on them)
God's very simple and love shouldn't burn - aka my lottielee manifesto! 
If you rewrite your life, may I still play a part? - stranger things, nancy wheeler choose your own adventure fic!
my heart (is like a haunted house) - tog, andy falls in love with quynh’s ghost
tagging: @natscatorrcio @dufrau @eskawrites @scorchedhearth @sapphicscience @yee-hawlw @reesesfastbreak (if you want to! no pressure!) and pls pls anyone that sees this and wants to share say i tagged u!
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borealopelta · 1 year
🌿💝💋💘💫 for the fic asks!!
🌿how does creating make you feel?
all sorts of ways ngl. i write for very different reasons, all of my fics i could probably point out why i wrote them and they would all be very different. but when i'm done i usually feel AWFUL about it. so then i'll take a break and come back to reread half an hour later, fix two things, and then i'm really happy. creating something new is a GREAT feeling but the moment i'm done my first instinct is to hate it because what i remember is the struggle and not the great solutions i came up with and ended up writing down.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
my first ofmd fic, i was something made for god etc got a LOT of love and still does to this day. people LOVE this fic so much it's insane to me. it's my most viewed fic by far and i love looking at my stats on it, brings me joy. i wrote it more than a year ago, when steddyhands was at less than 100 fics and stizzy just barely hit 50, and it took OFF. it's a cute little fic and one of my favourite Signature Style Showcase Fics (i enjoy the writing style ok) but i never dared to dream it would get so much attention :)
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
ABSOLUTELY. i'm yelling my thoughts out into the void, sometimes i have questions, sometimes i'll just say things that might elicit a response, even if it's just a "glad you liked that bit" or "good catch!" or something. either way i love knowing what the writer thinks about what i think :)
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
yeah! my epic large mchuge (5k words.) gloryhammer sick fic between light and shadows really deserves a makeover. i reread it recently and i LOVE IT SO MUCH it's some of my best writing where things actually happen, but it has a bunch of repeating phrasings/sentence structures that i want to get rid of, and the dialogue can be a tiny bit confusing at times (as in who's talking) so. if i had to do one i'd do that but despite my little unhappy thoughts i do treasure that fic. it took a lot of effort to write and it holds up VERY well despite its age and my own developing style.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
i LOVE it when people quote lines/paragraphs at me and tell me how it made them feel or what they thought about that bit specifically. like yes PLEASE go through the details with a fine comb i want to know what you think of even the smallest little details.
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If you've been folllowing my blog for more than 10 minutes you'll know my ships as I frequently interact with them on here! Robin has two ships that encompass all of his verses: ― Khada Jhin @curtain-cxll in his league verse and various skinlines ― Danny Johnson aka The Ghost Face @bells-of-black-sunday for his modern verse, his alternate legaue verse (Locum Tenes) and other private verses.
Haruko has 1 ship and that is with Tarhos Kovács or "The Knight" @bells-of-black-sunday for all of their verses.
Haru and Tarhos have a 12 year age gap, and Jhin and Robin have about 8-9 years so... I'm very loose about it, as long as everyone is an adult, consenting, and mature enough to be with one another I'm pretty alright with anything.
I'm actually quite shy with writing NSFW but my writings with Spuk have really helped me realize that I don't have to be guilty about those topics. Howevever I still am very quick to put "Read More" on the post if I think it might even lead to something spicier. Usually this occurs when kissing starts getting more intense and hands are placed on one another; it isn't so much that I consider it NSFW, but I like to tag what is going on just so people can decide for themselves if they'd like to read it!
I have absolutely no issue with saying that I'm very picky when it comes to shipping any of my characters, I can generally pretty quickly pick up when characters have chemistry together but it takes time for me to be invested and keep interest. Robin has a lot of complexities that tend to not work well in shipping situations and Haru is....an experience. So I tend to be very selective with shipping, there's only a few exceptions to this like how me and Spuk have a lil Frank/Haru thing going on despite Haru being shipped with Tarhos, its a one-off and fun and since most of my ships are with Spuk anyway well...I feel comfortable to explore that with him without worrying about "Ohhh but Tarhos!"
quiet cough nightbringer yasuo and whatever-bringer robin are pretty fruity ngl
Haru gets along really well with Durkos, Sander, and Alejandro! While I don't view them as romantically involved with eachother (thats a convo I'd have to have simply bc I never considered it) I do know that they deeply care for eachother and have had some sexual encounters.
I generally like to confirm with my shipping partner that they feel the same way - just because I can see something doesn't mean they do, or vice verse and that's completely fine. While chemistry is, mostly, extremely obvious in a lot of cases, I still just prefer to confirm it.
To be completely honest I'm so horrible with shipping that I didn't even realize people really shipped things within the game; particularly since Riot isn't the best with making new champion interactions. I enjoy my mutuals ships, frankly, but I don't know if they would ever be something I would have thought of without them. Although a ship I DO love and absolutely delight in is GaloLio from Promare!
I realize I probably sounded super professional but IN ACTUALITY if theres chemistry please feel free to reach out! If you're enthusiastic about it and the chemistry is there then I'll feel comfortable! I love talking dynamics even past romantic shipping, so if you want to do a friendship or familal bond I'm down for talking about that too!
tagged by: @agonizedembrace @misstantabismuses @saviourofzaun ((thank you!)) tagging: I'm REALLY late with this but @bells-of-black-sunday ♥ and @sxlemnity @piltover-sharpshooter @arkyn-iceborn-vindication @the-flame-blade @thegoldentigress @noxfortid @magicshadowkitten
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emilythezeldafan · 2 years
Hello Puppets Headcanons
A/N: This is what happened when I'm bored with access to Tumblr. Did them for Nick Nack, Riley Ruckus [they're the two I ended up with interps of because I highkey related] and my OCs Bella and Ashley. This is for post-game human versions.
@graceandtheidiotsquad this is probably annoying by now but here
Nick Nack:
If you say his show was bad he'll cry. ...He might also cry if you say it's good, ngl-
He's the youngest.
He gets a little nervous if someone uses his full first name because he thinks they're pissed off at him. [Coughing, well done, Mortimer]
He still wears makeup. And kills it. He taught Ashley how to cover her scars, actually.
I'm thinking bi or pan? All I know is he is DEFINITEEETTTTLLLYY Not straight.
Him and Riley still bicker. They usually don't get into physical fights because Bella is around to stop them actually beating each other up.
He still shares a room with Bella because I was nice and gave both of them abandonment issues and separation anxiety.
This bitch will take any excuse to put on a show and drag everyone he can into it.
He annoys Riley for fun sometimes.
Despite being the youngest he's still protective even if he's scared of Riley when she's mad. /lh
He has an 'art mode'. If he's drawing you're not going to get his attention unless you throw something at him.
Riley Ruckus:
If she ever 'met' Handiunit [yes, the computer from Sister Location], she would break it.
Oldest aside from Mortimer. And since Mortimer got his shit wrecked [he dead] she pretty much takes his place as the oldest of the group now.
Her science experiments all keep turning into various degrees of jackass stunt. It's worse when Ashley helps her, somehow.
I don't care that it's canon she hates Scout, I say that they should commit accidentally destructive chaos acts together. [Looking right at your interp, Grace. /lh]
She has threatened to beat Nick up when he annoyed her "at work" before, but so far has not acted on it. She's secretly the protective kind of "Only I'm allowed to beat up the annoying fucker" sister.
If someone asks her about science, she will ramble. She's probably some form of neurodivergent and she kinda shuts herself up because Mortimer used to snap at her to shut up a lot.
She is very attached to Rosco. [Thankfully not LITERALLY like she was in the first game]
She has scars on her mouth, which she still uses her creepy smile mask to cover a lot of the time.
She's an absolute nerd. She may or may not know lord of the rings is a work of fiction now, but she's still a fan.
She stresses herself out a lot. Like, usually not that bad, but sometimes to the point where she Can't Function.
She doesn't sleep, honestly. Most of the time she just "sleeps" where she passed out the night before. She knows two things, coffee and spite.
She's the opposite of Nick. Emotionally constipated as hell, probably because she's used to having her emotions exploited by Mortimer.
Easily irritated. Still has anger issues.
Bella The Ballerina [OC]:
She still dances, surprisingly she's still a natural dancer even though she can't walk more than 5 steps without falling over something.
She's the "middle child", she was created before Nick but after Riley.
On the show "Mortimer's Handeemen" she acted as the supportive sister figure, she is still this now.
Mortimer, seeing no point to her as she had no need to possess a host and therefore refused, and she refused to play his "games", deems her as weak and useless. He had no problem with calling her this.
Her eyes, like Riley's, are mismatched - however, rather than "natural" heterochromia, one of her eyes is blue while the other brown because she got into a physical altercation with Mortimer over his abuse towards the others and he straight up ripped one out and it needed to be replaced.
She sings more than she used to, as she isn't as self-conscious about her voice. This and This are her favourite songs to sing, aswell as Ballora's Song from Sister Location.
She has scars all over her human body - which are from various cracks and scrapes she got from Mortimer when she was a marionette.
She once got tangled in her own stage curtain and accidentally ripped it down. She's never living it down.
She's pretty much the mediator between Nick and Riley.
Still quiet, but she talks more to her family and Michael [Another of Grace's horror interps]
Distrustful of people she doesn't know
Ashley Anderson/Host [OC]:
Player character from the original hello puppets. Two words: Jackass Energy.
She originally was scared absolutely shitless of the puppets, now she's adopted them all and wants to throw Mortimer out of a window.
She has scars - on her mouth/lips and one on her wrist where Scout was previously stitched to her arm. She uses makeup [thanks to Nick] and bracelets to cover them, but most of the time she's fine with showing them now.
She acts like an idiot, but she's not so much stupid as she doesn't think things through before she acts.
She has parental trauma. Not sure what type but I know they weren't good - she doesn't talk about it.
She uses her wrench for a lot of things: building, tinkering, making gaps she can't fit through wider, threatening to shove up asses, and hitting people she doesn't like.
She has the energies of all of Jackass, Markiplier, Jay Merrick, Ash Williams, Wanda Maximoff but specifically in WandaVision in mom mode, and this streamer, all at once.
Honestly, I think her and Scout probably have one of those dumbass-slightly-less-of-a-dumbass friendships [Looking at Grace's interp and pointing /lh /aff]
She's a huge fan of the Boris Shuster novels
She's also a gamer. You know I had to do this to her at some point. /lh [She ended up introducing the *former* puppets to video games and...it didn't go well because everyone got introduced to a little thing called Riley having gamer rage.]
She has NO filter. None. She thinks something? She will say it. Doesn't matter if it's inappropriate, stupid or full of swear words, it's comin' out.
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braxiatel · 2 years
Ok so I had most of an ask written out, but the tumblr decided to delete all of it. So here's what I can remember!
Ngl I read most of 'Til our compass stands still at 3 am, so. most of my thoughts are incomprehensible. But that was so good??
I had a huge httyd phase a while back, so the dragon riding was very nostalgic to me... I love this concept so much<3 and the way you brought it to life?? Amazing.
From the beginning, you can feel there's a deep sense of sadness and loss tied into everything scar and mumbo do. (while continuing to carve out a new existence in a new place, just the two of them.) Getting a look at the life they've been living, secrets and lies and sorrow... Relationship/life dynamics go brrrr
The bit on the bakery?? Scar goes to far this is too important and. Just seeing how he deals with maybes and what ifs... Then the lovely 'stranger' (loved that reveal) and them giving more questions than answers... The botched sneak in to the presses... The realization?? All of it??? AUGH. What a rollercoaster for him (and us, but in a very good way)
I can't imagine what it would be like to not only lose a partner, but to blame yourself too. For a really long time. And now? Suddenly you have a second chance. Maybe this time you can save him. Maybe this time you'll be there. And for Mumbo?? Who's ALSO been living with the guilt? Not just about grian but about scar as well?? I'm laying face down in a dark room/pos
The plan... The limited knowledge... The ticking clock... Scar thinking he'll have to leave, to be alone- mumbo overhearing?? I AM AFFECTIONATELY SHAKING YOU
Then the actual thing. The tension in the ballroom during scars dance with Feldran... I could feel it. The way you describe things brings me so much joy:D (and scar beloved. You can't sweet talk your way out of every situation. Even if it works like 70?% of the time.) Dragon bone sword I will hunt this mf down myself
MAGIC AND LORE ARE MY FAVOURITE THINGS<33 And this world has so much of both!! All the details are beautifully crafted, and just. Face planting a keyboard (The different smells attached to different magic... The way scars powers work... ahsbdjdhndjdb)
Prison break :DDD gotta say, for a high-stress-near-death-minimal-planning event, the whole affair went quite well. I'm in denial can you tell._.
AND THEN THE REUNION- holding them close<3 or holding something above their heads to stop the caving dirt. Both is good.
High stress escape scene... Mumbo with the guards, their confessions in the rain... I could go on about this for ages. Seriously. This- yeah this
The gaurds, being surrounded, no way out... Then bam, get roasted idiots! Dragon/horse car chase through the woods, SUPER OVERPOWERED BADASS SCAR MOMENT as he bleeds to death on the forest floor. Sounds about right.
Imagine me on the couch at 3 am, happy hand flapping while i read this:)
Scar waking up and thinking everyone is dead- hugs. Lots of hugs. (Grian and mumbo provide)
Then Grains "about that..." Before mumbo comes in? What does that mean?? Is her highness not dead👀 THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS. IN MULTITUDE. /pos
...may have gone a little overboard- point is, I loved it:D No proper thoughts, just happy yelling. (I might go into may more detail in another ask later if I have time, this is all very small chunks and. I have lots more to say! but this ask is getting very long ajhdjfkfj)
Don’t mind me, 🍂 anon, just having some emotions over the fact that you would write such a detailed ask about my fic twice over <3
I am really glad you thought so! I had to get a lot of information into the intro, so it’s good to hear the limbo-like stage of grief Mumbo and Scar were experiencing came across alongside all the essential world building I couldn’t fit in anywhere else haha. They are very deeply in love, but being in love is hard when both of you are also mourning. Their whole world was ripped away from them - their home, their family, their husband - and all they have left is each other. They’re terrified of losing that as well, and it leads to some,,,, questionable choices. 
This is where I reveal to you all that most of this fic was made up as I wrote it. I only had time for a vague outline and some basic world building, and that was what I had when I set out to write what I assumed would be a 5-8k oneshot. That’s to say, the moment Martyn walked into Scar’s view is the moment I realised he was going to even be in the fic. But I am so glad he did. He opened my eyes to an entire corner of dragon lore I hadn’t even considered, by needing to be someone affiliated with the Hermits without actually being one.
Good, 🍂 anon, because so am I! I may have been the one to subject them to the horrors, but I have had Many emotions about it. 
I am going to be entirely honest here. The reason everything went wrong in the heist is that I too was working with a time limit akjhdkakjsdhs. Planning a complex heist would have been so much fun, but I just didn’t have time. Instead, I embraced the fact that Scar and Mumbo were working with very little information, and made the decision that every bit of Mumbo and Scar’s original plan would have to fail. No going halfway either way, as I wrote the planning section I knew that I absolutely could not do any of what they had talked about. 
Ah, the ballroom scene. That took me completely by surprise, to be honest. Originally Feldran was not supposed to have a big role in the story at all, but she decided that she wanted a dance and a personality, and who was I to deny her? 
Fun fact about the dragon bone sword: I recycled the concept from a DnD campaign I used to run, and it has been a delight to tell the players that more people share their hatred of a dragonbone-sword-wielding OCs of mine. 
I am very pleased to hear you liked the magic system! I had a lot of fun developing the rules of dragonriding + magic. I may even get back to it someday, there’s a lot of stuff I didn’t get to include, as well as things I am yet to work out and want answers to myself. I also only know what types of dragons some of the hermits are bonded to, but if people are interested I may sit down and try to work out what dragon types everyone is bonded to👀 
*sigh* The dirt cave. I naively thought that section would take a few hours to write. Instead, the full section (which was shortened a lot in the final draft) took up four days of my life. It was fun to write, of course, but I did celebrate in the Vault’s writing channel when I they finally escaped.
The confession in the rain was definitely the most pivotal scene in the writing process. Up until that point, I had a very vague outline of where the rest of the fic was going, but once I put them in that situation I realised exactly what scenes I had left to write and how they would turn out. 
When I started writing the fic, three scenes were clear in my mind: Scar leaving the potion shop to go to the market, Grian’s arm around Scar’s waist as they rode through the forest on Jellie’s back, and Scar’s badass magic moment. (Well there was a fourth, but that didn’t actually make it. It did happen, but Scar was unconscious at the time). That’s to say: I am incredibly happy to hear that scene felt as epic to you as it was to me. I had been imagining it for about two months when I finally got to write it, and I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out in the end. 
This is a fun coincidence, it was also 3 AM when I wrote most of that section while half the Vault were threatening violence upon my knees if I didn’t go to bed. I am very glad to hear you enjoyed it! I hope to tell at least one more story set in the same universe post-beach scene, but I certainly have thoughts for many more. 
So someone noticed the ‘about that…’! All I will say is, did you actually see Feldran die? or did you see her very injured and humiliated in a way that might make her likely to hold a grudge against Scar should she survive? Food for thought, hmm? 
Please, 🍂 anon, I need you to know I kept this in my inbox for a few days just so I could reread it. Your happy yelling is not only welcome, it was in fact a really lovely boost to my mood the past few days.
Thank you for taking the time to write this lovely message not just once, but twice. Any and all future thoughts you may have are always welcome <3
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wheeboo · 10 months
ate ranini <3 imu sm huhu.
i recently showed a friend of mine on discord the cat naps series!! mainly bc we made an au of a college au for our ocs, which was similar but with dogs. i didn't realize 'til i reread cat naps (with you),,,, i love the ocs' relationship and i love mc and wonunu's relationship :( both make me sad in a positive way
also! for no reason whatsoever, here are two questions: (1) what's your favorite flower, and its symbolism? (2) if you know undertale, you probably know SOUL colors and their traits. among the seven canon ones, which one would u be?
(for #2, in case you dont know, here!!)
wahhh i hope your math test (or was it final,,) goes well!! and i hope good things come ur way this december and the coming years ^^
; 🌂
weiwei !! i miss you too i hope you've been well :(( <33
omg pls that's so cool you also made a kinda similar au too!! i'm so honoured you love their relationship ?? but like i can also agree i love them sm :(( prob my favourite couple i've written so far out of all my fics ngl. thank you for loving the series n showing your friend i hope they liked it <3
hmmm uhh i rlly like skeleton flowers and there's a lot of symbolisms for it but my personal fav is probably that it means healing! i also like hydrangeas and idk rlly know the symbolism that well but i think it can mean elegance ... ? (correct me if i'm wrong lmao). do you have a fav flower as well ?? :)
i don't know undertale that well but if i were to pick one of the soul colours i'd probably pick green!! (second option is cyan)
and thank you so much pls it's my last final for this sem i just have to get through it 💪 and i might treat myself after i finish it hehe (maybe some boba? 🤭)
i hope you have a lovely december and new year and upcoming years as well^^ i'll def come by and check you more often on disc n such hehe. wishing both of us a lot of love and stability <33 🫂
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sookayheresthething · 2 years
a comprehensive list of what numbers are good, from 1 to 100
good; it's One.
good; it's Two.
good; it's Three. heads up, basically all the single-digit numbers are valid, for similar obvious reasons
very good
fantastic. exceptional, even
not ideal. should be either 12 or 10. smacks of indecision. also prime, which is bad
almost as good as 10
hmm. I'm not superstitious but a lot of people don't like this one. avoid it so you don't make people uncomfortable
it's okay but it's overshadowed by 15. also has bad connotations
fantastic. almost as good as 12
A+. no notes
bad. be 20
very good
not a fan of this one but I accept criticism
positives: multiple of 11. nice symmetry. negatives: overall mediocre in tone. too close to 23, which is bad. final score: ehh
all the coolness of being double 12 is far outweighed by being overshadowed by 25. I guess it's hours in a day, which is alright
sexiest number on this list by far
not good. number of letters? try again loser
it's 3 cubed which is cool I guess? meh. skip it
bad, unless you're doing months
good! very good. not as good as 20 but better than 40
32 my beloved. how do I count the ways. me and 32 frolic in the meadows with flowers in our hair and the shimmer of laughter in our breath
much better than 22 but idk if I'd call it "good"
the first real pervert number. shame
pretty good
damn, that's a lot of nines! 36 keeps showing up where I least expect it. pretty cool I guess
bad but a little hot. naughty even
not as good as 30 but it's okay. try for 50 if you can
the answer to life, the universe, and everything. overplayed. gauche
really really bad. really bad. bad. really really bad
about the same as 33 tbh
good! great, even. very kind number
boldly going where no man has gone before. kiss me, 47
it's the same as 45 but a little sexier and no I won't explain. iykyk
honestly not sure I've ever seen this one before. when did we get this one? have we always had this one? huh.
fantastic. great. marvellous. solid number. you could moor your goddamn ship to this number. wise and strong. so good that it completely overshadows everything in its decade (see the following)
pretty good
really bad
not great but alright. maybe a little better than 40
this one strikes me as pretty cool for some reason. I don't vibe with it but I'm happy to sit back and watch it do whatever it does
oh. huh. hmm. I'm not sure about this one. it's a little scary
dude, FUCK yeah. after me and 32 frolic in the meadows we sit down for tea with 64 and comb each other's hair in the shade of a great oak tree
less than ideal but it's doing its best. honestly rating 65 immediately after 64 feels unfair.
slap another 6 on this bad boy and you get an S-tier number. as it is, feels a little rushed and incomplete
everyone's favourite two-thirds approximation! functional if clunky
nice. second real pervert number. shame
COMICALLY overshadowed by 69
no thanks <3
pretty good
I feel an odd dark kinship with this number..... it worries me
good number. fantastic. not as sexy as 25 and not as sturdy as 50 but is still wise, strong, and kind. I'd trust an impressionable child to be raised by this number
it's okay but it's no 75
wow! 77!
honestly undecided about this one
good! I like 80. has a nice shape to it. it's round in both texture and personality
baaad? kinda??
very very bad
dude, stop trying to be 64
it's pretty good if you can't get 80
isn't this a food service number? I don't like that
hmmm. this one raises some good questions
this is the nazi number. FUCK this number.
reminds me of 88. fuck it
pretty solid number! about the same as 80 but might be a little better or worse depending on context
this one's kinda sexy ngl 👀 95 got me acting unwise
I'd rather not thanks
ooooOOOooh I like this one
dude this one is GREAT
99 is a beautiful number and I love it, it's musical and enchanting and a little sensual
I have extremely complicated feelings about 100, but overall, I'm leaning towards "very good, but lacks variety"
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ok, ok, I'm back. I don't find that mbti type relevant enough and I despise tags, maybe because I have multiple personalities 🤣 instead, I will give you a quick description. Oh, and I choose Haikyuu as the fandom.
Adult girl, short, brunette, skinny with a big ass👀 I am very understanding and kind until someone really steps on my nerves. I have quite enough patience, however I multitask a lot and freak out when some things don't go according to plan.
I'm bi, if it matters, dom with women but totally sub with men (tbh, just my bf, but you get the point).
As of interests, I am a writer (started off with porn, but now I write mostly angst). I am also a photographer. I like to read, swim, watch series and well.. write. I do that way too much, never enough.
I like all animals besides birds 🙃 but my favourites are dogs and horses. I tolerate spicy food, but don't expect me not to cry while eating it. Oh, and speaking of crying, I cry SO EASILY when something touches me (be it a positive or a negative thing.)
If there's anything you need to ask, go ahead and dm me 😌
Fandom: Haikyuu
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: Nsfw content cuz you're VIP
Word Count: 0.K
A/n: tysm bestie :D Here you go
Tumblr media
I match you with...
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Hajime Iwaizumi!
Ok tbh I always imagine Iwaizumi every time you talk about your boyfriend lol idkw
Oof I see a relationship between two understanding people. Iwaizumi has a HIGH common sense, and he has a high tolerance too, despite what people think of him.
He's not one to freak out (thankfully lol) so he would be there to calm you down by talking to you or helping you with your tasks. In the end you feel relieved cause the results are far better than expected, due to the help of your supportive boyfriend.
Lmao you a sub with men? That's nice cause I definitely see him as a top and let me tell you, he's a pro in bed🚶🏻‍♀️takes care of you like no one has ever had, and might be a little mean but it's just a teeny tiny bit and ngl it turns you on but you didn't hear this from me lol🚶🏻‍♀️
YEAH so overalls, a really fine man in bed :D I see him as the type of guy who would want to make his s/o faint from pleasure. He loves the expression you make when he drives you crazy with his cock so I contact is a must for him, which is why I think missionary is his fav position cause he gets to hit that sweet spot inside you and watch you roll your eyes back as you moan his name.
Did I mention that he's supportive? Like, A LOT. Would encourage you to do anything you want to as long as it's not harmful lmao. If it's kinda dangerous and you still insist on doing it then he's coming along, you cannot stop him.
MAN HAS THE MANLIEST VOICE EVER. Imagine him reading one of your favorite books before going to bed. He would have your head on his chest, holding the book with one hand and caressing your cheeks with the other one. If you're in for it then his hand might go to other places too🚶🏻‍♀️But it's rare cuz he just loves how you stick it to him and he gets to watch you drift to dreamland. He will slowly plant a kiss on your forehead, adoring how pretty you look when you're asleep.
He would always how his arm on your waist when you're out in public cuz mf is POSESSIVE as hell but is really good at hiding it. If anyone dares to flirt with you, he will give them a death stare and also a peace of his mind if they don't stop.
Treats his s/o like a princess. Anyone will forget about their problems once theyre out with him, and you are no exception. Would hold you and comfort you when your crying and will remain quiet, if you need him to be.
So yeah he's a gentle man, so you better not lose him🚶🏻‍♀️
Tysm for participating biscuit, and I hope you like this! :D
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