ask-thenetherlands · 4 years
(Hello! My apologies if you've already answered this, but how are w's pronounced in Dutch in the Netherlands? I've been trying to research the answer but found all different responses. Some say like an English "w" as in "water," some say like an English "v" as in "velocity," and some say like something in-between or entirely different. When I listen to Youtube videos from Netherland speakers, it seems like most pronounce it like an English "v"... what are your thoughts?)
((Hello to you too!
No apologies needed, I’ve not answered this before I think and it’s not as though it’s offensive to ask, so don’t worry!
The Dutch W is indeed a bit of a tricky consonant, because it’s not entirely captured in either English or German. The English W is further off than the V, but the V also isn’t the same. Our V is the same as the English V, and we do have a difference between V and W in our language ;)
Our W is a much shorter pronounced consonant than the V, that’s for sure. If you know how to pronounce the V, with the bottom lip a little against your front teeth, then you can also figure out our W!
It takes this same principle, except that the part of our lip that touches it, is higher than when you’d pronounce the V. Some people even use the outside part of their lip to do it with! With this, you don’t make the sound by letting air go through it as you would with a V, but rather kind of tapping it? It’s very subtle and it’s done really quickly, but you can definitely put much more strength in your bottom lip for it than you would be able to do for example for a V or F, because you don’t really let the air go through it.
I want to let you also know that in Flemish and in Surinam Dutch, the W is pronounced more like the W in English, so this might also have confused you.
I hope this was helpful in some way and thank you for asking!))
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blazing-spectre · 5 years
Hi! :) if you feel like doing requests, maybe anything tim stoker (maybe timjon friendship)? no worries at all if not tho!
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Friends who get wormed together kayak together
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graysongraysoff · 4 years
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@thewickedandthehufflepuff ajzjdkdkd that's a hate crime????!!!!!!!
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raviposting · 4 years
i platonically ship yennefer and jaskier so. them for the brotp ask meme? :D
Hey, me too, nice :D Edit: Did not mean to make this into a geraskefer ask but I somehow did whoops 
who steals french fries off the other’s plate So they both do this honestly. Jaskier will be talking to Yen and just start eating her fries and she’s just, staring at him as he keeps taking fry after fry off her plate. Yen does it to Jaskier out of spite and he’ll either a) Not notice because he’s rambling about something or composing a new song for Geralt or b) Go, “Hey, get your own food, the nerve of some people,” while Yen looks into a metaphorical camera 
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple This is entirely contingent on if Geralt is there or not. If Geralt is there, Jaskier and Yen turn into an overacting duo and Yen usually just exaggerates leaning in for a kiss for Jaskier. If Geralt is not there, they kind of have a mutual, “mmm...gross, we’re not dating each other.” 
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail asdfjkl okay I know, I KNOW I keep cheating on these answers but again....this really depends, and it depends on who’s with Geralt. If it’s Jaskier? Yenn is busting them out of jail with a spell, if it’s Yenn? Jaskier gives them a 5 minute lecture  about how he’s used his hard-earned money from his songs to bail them out while Yenn and Geralt stare into the void and wonder if spending 50 years in jail will be worth it instead 
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues Jaskier FREELY gives Yenn both, even when she very clearly did not ask for it lmao. She does appreciate the comfort though, it took her a while to get used to it because they’re so used to back and forth banter but one time Jaskier was comforting her after a particularly bad breakup and then he said that he knew she doesn’t care for a lot of speeches, so he could just be quiet and she could rest her head on his shoulder or sit there in silence, whatever she wanted. Yenn went with laying her head on his shoulder and she felt weird about it but it was also comforting and sweet and she secretly does not mind when he’s being comforting :’) 
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes lmao Jaskier!!!! Yennefer hates it but he claims he needs an advantage because Yenn has magic and therefore can win pretty quickly
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk JASKIER. Yenn takes the top bunk anyway. 
who starts and who wins the pillow fights Jaskier starts them, Yenn 1000% wins them 
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush Oh man again I’m cheating but.....they have both said this to Geralt on each other’s behalf....
Send me a BROTP!
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
I wonder a lot about languages in relation to The Old Guard -- because people can learn a lot in a normal lifetime, if they have the time to study them and the chance to practice. Makes me think that the older characters, like Andy, Joe, and Nicky, have KNOWN a lot of languages, but probably have to let some slide as they go out of use in the world/the group moves out of the geographic area where it's spoken? I wonder how many they still know know :O
I mean, you have UN-interpreter types who can supposedly learn like... up to 30 languages in one human lifetime (witchcraft? WITCHCRAFT!!), so if they put their mind to it, they could probably learn a vast majority, and certainly enough to be able to communicate, more or less, anywhere they go in the world. That would be easier with technology and industrialization, since that replaces tons and tons of local/regional dialects with larger standardized versions, and global lingua francas (such as English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Hindi, Arabic, etc, with which you can communicate in some way to almost everyone). But yeah, I’m sure they have (EASILY) forgotten far more languages than almost anyone ever learns.
I know we all have a Need for Nicky speaking Arabic to Joe in the sequel, which is a Need I also have as well, but since I’m obviously a Ho for multilingual characters: let them do this more in general. For reasons.
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phantomqueen · 4 years
c2 with any of ur ocs/oc pairings?
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when ur vampire queen gf is so cool and amazing and pretty and u Have to tell her that / when ur immortal witch gf who hates everyone thinks ur so cool
{smooch meme}
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gerrydelano · 5 years
will u talk more about............... sagittarius tim
i am SO sorry for leaving this hanging for so long, i am MORE than happy to talk about this and in fact have whipped up a whole ass star chart for him just because you asked! this post contains some screaming but mostly just highlighting some relevant traits.
okay, so. the original basis for this was just that he’s got massive fire sign energy in general: passionate, honest, blunt, impulsive, reckless, prone to spinning out of control and burning everything down with them, larger than life, strong sense of justice, all that good stuff.
i could have maybe seen him as a leo but sagittarius fits TOO well and also monty @/themlet said it to me in DM when we were talking about this so i no longer had a reason to pretend it wasn’t blatantly obvious.
it’s so obvious! it hurts!
so, i went through each day in the sagittarius cluster to see if any precise ones stuck out as Correct and i settled on december 9th. here are some key bits of the analysis from that site but i’ll find some more after this.
As a Sagittarius born on December 9th, your assertiveness and openness are amongst your most well known qualities. You are forceful and confident in all your dealings, which helps you get the very best out of life. You are very clear when there is something you want or desire and you are not afraid to let others know your true feelings. This open, honest nature is one of your greatest assets, although your family and friends may not always appreciate your frank way of communicating.
[…] You are bold and fearless when you find something that sparks your interest. In love, you show the same assertive and honest way of handling things. As you have no appreciation for mind games, it is important to surround yourself who share in your value of honesty.
A December 9 Sagittarius are very observant, they find their identity through group involvement. These high-energy people enjoy being challenged and seem to have a knack for starting conflicts with authority. Loaded with a self-confidence that would seem like conceit in others, they’re unwilling to acknowledge the possibility of failure. They possess an edgy attitude that often draws them into controversy.
this stuck out pretty far. especially finding identity through group involvement, starting conflicts with authority, the honesty, the frankness.
DECEMBER 9 birthday horoscope predicts that you can be aggressive, but most definitely you are not afraid.
The December 9 zodiac birthday people could be somewhat isolated individuals. On the same note, you could be dominating and closed-minded. These things can stifle your potential to grow. Develop your personality fully no matter what age. Otherwise, you are an awesome person who is concerned about others.
important to note the negative traits of the signs, too, like. they obviously don’t apply to everyone the same way/nothing is set in stone but the negatives listed usually come down to “how is this person at their very worst” not like, how they are always.
the “somewhat isolated” part kind of fits in terms of what tim is like at his worst - he alienates himself bigtime, he does have a propensity to shut people out very stubbornly (and tbh that’s very gemini moon of him if you ask me but we’ll get there) and it’s! very detrimental unless he’s in a situation where he can come back from that.
i sort of believe that after danny’s death, he was a little more in the Bad Zone and actually, over the course of the time he spent in research, grew back into the tim we meet at season 1. he’d have been in a very bad way, this isn’t the first time that he’s retreated into that kind of mindset i don’t think. but the good shines through so loudly and with so much fire! the man’s a sagittarius!
As a Sagittarius, you have a big heart. You will likely go the extra mile to help someone. It’s typical that you would have a lot of friends. It’s easy to approach you when you are not your arrogant self. You do have a way of getting what you want from people.
tim, seducing a cop: epic sagittarius moments
also as a sagittarius myself sadly there’s a bit of arrogance there it’s unfortunate but usually Fun arrogance and 100% BDE jokes and the like. i swear. totally justified. also very timcore. yes i’m a doctor.
anyway! so! time to just go HAM i guess because this knocked out some of my teeth tbh.
i plugged december 9th 1984 (rough estimate) into cafeastrology, decided he was probably a Morning Baby, and out popped this star chart.
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needless to say i saw his moon sign and screamed!
because THIS is actually a HUGE part of why i like sagittarius tim! sagittarians get along famously with geminis in my experience; they’re complimentary signs, which means they’re across from each other on the wheel and actually have, like. incredible compatibility ratings. look at this shit. those percentages are unreal. unreal.
i’m also a firm believer in gemini sasha (beyond the shitpost variety jgvhbkn) so obviously this brings me great delight. and also, fun fact. in road to damascus, ren planned to have tim visit danny’s grave because it was his birthday recently and we just realized today that according to the timeline that would land his birthday smack in the middle of gemini season? oops! looks like tim just really gets along with and adores geminis!
obviously that means he’s a sagittarius. obviously. and so him having a gemini moon actually just fucking slaughtered me on the spot like really? okay! because i didn’t do that on PURPOSE it just happened and i Yelled. i could go HAM on the gemini moon bit but i wanna keep this contained to his sun sign jgvhbnm.
this is all jokes, obviously just a nifty headcanon that i’m too invested in but it’s FUN to think about and it does make sense to me when you think about it!
also aquarius venus explains a lot of things about how the events of this went. no i cannot elaborate on that because ren and i haven’t published it yet just. it makes sense. i’m reeling.
bonus just because it’s fun:
People born on December 9 are relaxed and composed most times and appear to be confident and although they really are, there is also a lot of work behind the scenes from their part to appear this way. They are motivated by a lot of personal things and can be very hard working when they want to. They enjoy being involved in a lot of things at once as they avoid routine at all costs. They feel at ease when spending time outdoors or in special social gatherings.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Generous and thoughtful, often surprising those around them with their consideration, even at times when this is not expected of them. They might appear to always follow their goals but they can also show themselves warm hearted when something touches them. At the same time they have a strong sense of justice and don’t disappoint anyone although their frankness sometimes offends others.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Sagittarius needs to learn to accept that even the best of people can go wrong and let others down, it’s just, if and how they try to repair their mistakes, that matters. Those born on this day are impulsive and devious and this may destroy relationships based on confidence they worked hard to establish. They sometimes completely lack reason and are restless in their demands.
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mizzdestiny · 4 years
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screencap meme @thewickedandthehufflepuff asked for avatar the last air bender + the space
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helen-richardson · 5 years
during their marriages. who filed the taxes. elias bc he Loves Bureaucracy. or peter bc he loves the irs since its much-loathed status makes it one of the loneliest institutions in the world. or did they just use turbotax
peter is too rich and has never paid taxes in his life. elias uses his bureaucracy for evil and finds extremely convoluted methods of funneling all money through the magnus institute, making it look like he has no income, and also pays no taxes
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gayleontologists · 4 years
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@thewickedandthehufflepuff OH THAT’S CUTE. yes immediately adding that to the list as an option and asking my collaborator!!
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
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Secret Symbol, Show Me The Forbidden Headcanons | Selectively Accepting!
Finnegan didn’t actually have a first name for the first several months of his inception. Because he’s based on a canon character who is given no first name in the final edit of the film, I knew I”d have to come up with one on my own. I tried a bunch privately. I resolved never to give Finnegan a first name.
And then I found the original script for “Victor Frankenstein” (2015) online. 
In it, Max Landis does give Finnegan a first name - Michael. I slapped it on his bio and moved on without realizing there’s, like, a Wiggles song called “Michael Finnegan”. Like, the one time I encountered that song IRL, I was babysitting and it was in one of those books where you push the button and it plays music and it was broken so it sounded like a funeral march, all slow and garbled. I had completely forgotten about this song until @professor-of-predators pointed it out to me after I’d given Finnegan a first name. At that point, I was trying to be canon (now, I can take or leave the 2015 film where my dude is concerned; I’ve made him something more) so I “had” to stick with “Michael”. Now, I contemplate changing it but haven’t because my friends get a good laugh out of it and it gives me an excuse for Finnegan to hate his first name enough to opt for going by his surname. 
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0tterp0p · 4 years
she-ra, for the tv meme? :)
Ooooooo!!! I was not expecting this one and I am DELIGHTED! DELIGHTED!!! Caveat that I have NOT actually watched the last season yet because I’m saving it as a binge and a treat, BUT:
favorite male character: haha. Sea Hawk. I know.
favorite female character: --CATRA. IT’S CATRA. I loved her from day 1. Bless my prickly, angry daughter.
least favorite character: Unfortunately, it’s the horse. Swift Wind. I know he’s majestic and all, I can’t deny his Majesty, but if I had to choose..........
prettiest character: Oh god they are all pretty but I’ve seen those Gifs. You know. Of She-Ra in her final form. *sweats nervously*
funniest character: I.. Sea Hawk makes me laugh. I’m love him.
favorite season: Again, I think I’mma love the last season, once I watch it, but of the ones I’ve seen--I have enjoyed each season progressively more and more
favorite episode: Ugh that one where Catra crashes the princess ball. 
favorite romantic ship: My heart cannot deny that I have always shipped catradora
favorite family ship: Glimmer + Bow + Adora + literally everyone
favorite friend ship: Glimmer/Adora
worst ship: I honestly have no problems here. 
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dathen · 5 years
daisy BUT w/ an expansion/change -- instead of just the locations from the statements themselves, anywhere that REMINDS you of them >:D (i figure that expands it more beyond mainly england lol)
Daisy - What locations remind you of the statements?
Okay I’m gonna go wild with this one because for a lot of the statements that creeped me out the most, I can remember the exact place I was so vividly that I associate that statement with that place and will often be reminded of it when I go there. This is includes:
 - Local recycling center when listening to Squirm for the first time. I procrastinated on my next recycling trip for so long because my brain just associated it with gross creepy worms so strongly it didn’t feel safe??
- I was on the way to get vegan chili for lunch while listening to Meat (TMA 130). Now whenever I drive to that place I think of that episode, which luckily wasn’t that gross and I mainly remember it because of how beautiful the statement-giver’s voice was, but I guess it’s convenient that it only pops in my head when I’m getting vegan chili :P
- The walk up to my sister’s house reminds me of the Bone Turner’s Tale so I always get a little spooked out until I get to her door??
- I was listening to The Man Upstairs in a certain snowy mountain area of Breath of the Wild and have avoided it ever since because it has Spooky Associations in my head now.
Anyway why is my brain like this
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graysongraysoff · 4 years
so it's funny cuz i started rewatching "zone blanche" and i was wondering "hmm i wonder what nounours' dating history was like pre-paul," including, like, if he was out or not? but there's a scene in 1x01 when leïla says something along the lines of "you're so tense, lemme find you a guy," very casually& openly, which pleasantly surprised me. anyway, i knew i wanted to ask if u have any nournours dating headcanons? u think paul was his first major bf or has he been around the block a few times?
HM i haven’t given it much thought but allow me to do so here!
since that v casual line of leïla’s i’ve had the feeling that nounours has been out for a p long time, probably since like late high school? i feel like the way his pretty chill personality has combined with living in a small town where everybody knows everybody’s business is that he just accepted very early in his life that you really have to like decide what’s worth the monumental amount of energy it takes to hide something about yourself in a town like villefranche, and hiding the fact that he was gay just didn’t seem worth the energy, you know? especially since he can like obviously kick the ass of anyone who would consider giving him shit about it, lol. like, he doesn’t go around broadcasting it, necessarily, but i don’t think he’s ever made any real effort to conceal it, either.
all that being said, i get the feeling that he’s probably dated around a bit with varying levels of seriousness, but has never gotten as far as the “should we move in together?” conversation with anyone before paul. i don’t have any like meta to support that lol that’s just my gut feeling haha.
what are your thoughts?
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raviposting · 4 years
@thewickedandthehufflepuff asked:  don't get you started on a trope you hate and never wanna see again
At first I was like, “Oh, I don’t really know that I have one,” but then Glee entered my mind and I went, Oh yeah, I know what it is. 
If there’s a trope I hate, it’s the “homophobic bully is secretly gay” trope. I with all my heart and soul, haaaaate that trope. I’m not saying that it can never be done correctly, or that this doesn’t exist in real life - yeah, there are gay people who were homophobic due to their internalized homophobia, it’s for sure a true thing, but the trope of seeing a homophobic (often physically violent one as well) character later turn out to be gay is just a very.....cold take. It puts homophobia back on queer folks because surprise, we’re the ones perpetuating the hate against us because homophobes are secretly all gay! I’m just very...tired of that trope and I think people intend for nuanced takes but it comes off as very flat and one dimensional and I don’t think actually really helps for anything.
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2, 14, 15, 69 :D
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.
When I was in my teens, Final Fantasy 7 and 8 were my obsessions. Lots of sketches of my faves and short stories that weren’t *quite* fanfic, but were pretty obviously inspired by the games.
In more recent years: Doki Doki Literature Club made me think about unreliable narrators, fourth wall breaks, and subverting genre tropes. Horizon Zero Dawn inspired a whole lot of matriarchal fantasy shorts for a looong minute. And Spider-Man (PS4) was an amazing example of how to tell an old story in a new and interesting way, which stuck with me well after I finished the main storyline (and inspired me to try my hand at a few retellings of my own). 
14. Favorite game music?
The Tony Hawk series was (and is) god-tier when it comes to gaming soundtracks. So many good songs in one place.
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?
I would probably do something small and cute, like Sora and Kairi’s cave drawing with the paopu fruit. I also really want an Alice in Wonderland tattoo, so I could do something from American McGee’s Alice to fit the gaming requirement.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made?  
Can’t go wrong with the classic perfection of Tetris, imo.
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