#they all have sharp teeth
brevmoment · 6 months
oh yeah while i'm here
every single robot master from wilys second line has sharp ass teeth
no exceptions
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wishfulsketching · 2 months
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More older Gotham Nygmobblepot
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l3irdl3rain · 23 days
Okay so ignorant questions here because I don't know anything about this. From your experience do cats feel upset when their kittens go to be adopted elsewhere? I know there is a time when mother cats start encouraging independence, but when are they okay parting? I end up thinking about in human ways, or "woah those kittens are so small how can they be okay without their parent in a big world with only humans!", which I don't think actually reflects the reality of cats. Do kittens miss their littermates if they're adopted separately or do they just bounce back? Unrelated question, do you know why lavender decided to stop nursing bug? I don't know how cats decide on when to stop nursing either.
Yeah this is definitely a case of applying too many human emotions to an animal. I will say though, kittens may miss their littermates if they go to a home with no other cats to play with. But in my experience it's more of a boredom thing than actually missing their specific siblings. Obviously cats can bond with each other and they can be sad or scared when they lose a friend. But it's rarely a serious concern, especially for confident cats.
In regard to why Lavender stopped nursing Bug, she's kind of a bad mom lol. She hardly wanted to take care of her own kittens. She improved a little after getting spayed. But there was a period where I was hand feeding one of her babies because he wasn't ready to be weaned and she didn't care. She's also probably running really low on milk, considering she stopped nursing her kittens weeks ago and she has been spayed. She does still want to carry Bug around the house like a little trophy.
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vulpeculaque · 1 year
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silly headcanon I have where shirahoshi has sharp teeth :3
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rhymesswith · 1 year
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Headcanon that daiyokai offspring spend the majority of their early life almost exclusively in their true form. It takes a while for them to build enough power to hold their own sealed form, so their parents have to maintain it for them. Baby Sess hates being in his human form as it's much less mobile, and he refuses to walk or talk for like his first 20 years in protest.
Liberties have been taken with their dog forms because it's boring that they all look the same and 100% Toga should have pointy ears.
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Would Bardaby (from the Fantasy Au) still do his affectionate biting as shown in the original WH or would it be different?
i'd say Yes Absolutely!
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he's gotta be more Careful about it tho... look at those chompers...
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do you think michael distortion, kevin wtnv, and elijah volkov would get along
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canisalbus · 9 months
Just a general world lore question; do the people/dogs? bite eachother when they get into physical fights? Is it considered cheating/dirty fighting?
Also makes me think about how it would work if bitesports were a thing in their universe
In some situations maybe! If they've got weapons within arm's reach they're going to opt for those, but if they're fighting someone barehanded (especially if it's an actual life or death situation and they're losing) biting someone is a very viable last ditch effort. Heck, people are known to bite each other if all else fails. In a brawl it would be considered a dirty and uncivilized tactic.
Unless I'm mistaken, a lot of a dog's bite force comes from their neck muscles, and since anthros have thinner humanlike necks their bite is nowhere near as strong as a real dog's. Canines also do that thing where they bite down and then shake their prey from side to side to quickly maximize the tissue damage, and I don't think anything with a bipedal humanoid posture can do that.
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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so it’s. it’s like. man this is so hard without my laptop.
alright so Crassus is a weird guy, existentially. There’s a tendency to speculate, assign, and insert him into whatever places are conspiratorial and shadowy because he fits into those narrative places with ease. My personal favorite (aside from all of it) is the idea that he may have pulled strings wrt to Sulla and Caesar’s conflict to help get Caesar out of it.
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The Defeat of Rome: Crassus, Carrhae and the Invasion of the East, Gareth C. Sampson
In the universe that exists in my head, he definitely had a hand in it, but he didn’t really intend for Caesar to figure out he played a part in it, but Caesar’s good at puzzles, and noticing someone goes both ways. Binding someone to yourself goes both ways.
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Crassus: The First Tycoon, Peter Stothard
This scene takes place sometime relatively soon after Sulla’s death. Crassus has complicated feelings about it, Caesar less so. Veni, vidi, vici, baby!
Here’s a bonus thing that I keep thinking about with them.
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The Roman Revolution, Ronald Syme
like, utang na loob. and it is DEEP between them.
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ahollowgrave · 6 months
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-- come play.
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perilegs · 11 months
I think Gortash's design is very interesting. Yeah sure even his coat's description mentions "a maddening attention to even the most minute details of the filigree," but what I really enjoy about is the sharpness of it all. Humans are all soft, rounded teeth, round ears, even sharp features are in reality, very soft. Gortash's coat's details are all sharp. You couldn't hug him without several pointy miniature horns poking at you. His right hand, has a metal claw on every finger. If you're not careful, even a handshake with Gortash could draw blood. On his left hand, only the ringfinger and pinky are clawed. A gentle touch from that hand could be followed with a sharp blade cutting skin.
His back however? Completely bare from any decoration. He doesn't think anyone will approach, or even see him from behind. His clothes are meant to be seen standing, in front of a crowd, maybe on a throne. Ruling over everyone. However, it's a strange choice to leave your back so bare from what protects you on all other sides. Maybe he thinks his god has his back. Maybe he knows there's no one there. Maybe his trust in himself and those under his rule is firm enough.
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jules-ln · 29 days
I Keep thinking about how Patroclus' grandmother was Aegina
Like there are some cool designs of Achilles out there that give him elf (Nereid?) ears and sharp teeth because he's half Sea Nymph, but I remembered that Patroclus is also part Nymph too because of his grandmother
So that got me thinking, Patroclus should have sharp teeth
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raikirikiri · 2 months
since the naruto timeline is so… you know… inconsistent, for a word, i think it’s really funny if obito and rin are older than kakashi by some years. because then obito is really just having beef with a toddler like kakashi is 6 and obito is 9 or 10 and he finds this little feral dog child to be a major threat to his psyche. meanwhile rin has to be his voice of reason, saying no you can not hurt our 6 year old teammate, look at him he’s just a baby. and kakashi is snarling, on his hands and knees, barking like a chihuahua at them. and minato who’s a very busy jounin asks rin and obito to look after kakashi because he’s very messed up and could use a friend or two. but obito takes it as minato wants him to babysit his ankle biter teammate whom he loathes. but of course rin agrees and obito begrudgingly goes with her. and he doesn’t know how to deal with kids, being one himself, so he tries to boss kakashi around but little selectively mute kakashi glares at him and snaps his teeth at him any time obito so much as breathes air wrong. rin who understood minato’s assignment and asks if kakashi needs help cooking dinner or washing the dishes and is just generally friendly rather than bossy. obito still not understanding and trying to inflict bath time on a dog boy who viciously does not like water and the only people who can actually get him to take a bath are his dead father, minato, and pakkun. kakashi who likes rin enough and lets her sit on his furniture and kakashi who does not trust obito as far as he can throw him and growls at him when he so much as walks into the room. obito who’s had enough and decides to teach the baby a lesson. kakashi and obito who end up having a brawl in the living room while rin watches cartoons because hagoromo otsutsuki she’s just a girl! and she does not have the patience to deal with her asshole baby teammate and her stupid best friend teammate. minato who shows as up eventually and separates kakashi and obito and thinks they’re finally getting along until kakashi lifts his leg and pisses on the ground to mark his territory. the rest of team minato who finally realize that kakashi is actually just a puppy in human form and he is not housebroken…
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edmunderson · 2 months
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well. i finally decided on an MC for reanimated heart
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wowieeitsisa · 2 months
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Spive identical twins shipkids base, cuz I wanted to figure out the few things that made them different, can you figure em out? >3<
Sweater color is def up to change, but I’ll keep it green for now, anyway check under read more for little notes I made regarding their appearance !
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
lucifer is like a cat bringing home dead things for sam because he thinks sam can't feed himself. it's love. actually. it just results in corpses.
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