#they are literally my fav dynamic you cant say that to me
lmk-vibes · 1 year
I don't call myself a physically violent person but someone said I didn't understand mac and mks dynamic/characters and I'm now fighting them to the death
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baby enemies to lovers stories? i loveeee them, dont know whats wrong with me bestie
nothing is wrong with you babe, you just have taste!
I'm a sucker for a good enemies to lovers story too so dkjhjshdf I'm so happy for this! Anyway let's begin!
My forever and always favorite enemies to lovers story is "404" by my beloved @freedomfireflies When I say I need 404!harry, I couldn't mean it more! I had a dream about him for real 😭 It's so well written and you can literally feel the tension between the two characters. 404!harry is my baby and I want to put him in my pocket and have him there forever. It's everything you could ask for in a story with that trope. 🙌 😍 (personal fav: a-mazing and jealous - I was on my knees)
Also please do yourself a favor and read @harrys-titties "Harry's a dick and Y/N hates him for it". It's really amazing! The way she built their relationship was precious 🥰 And I loved that Harry's best friend was Sarah, it was a beautiful touch. When you will start reading it, you will find yourself unable to put it down. (um also I have the "y/n and harry hate each other, until they don't" in my "to read list" and I'm sure it will be amazing)
Additionally "grumpy h" by my favorite @cupid-styles is *chef's kiss* seriously. I really liked how their dynamic began to change and they were so soft for each other 😇 so cute 🥰 Oh and I almost forgot it! "You're my last shot" is an enemies to lovers story too and believe me it's so sweet, I loved it. I was reading the blurbs until 3 AM in the morning hehe 😇
Of course it's not a proper rec list for enemies to lovers stories if I don't mention "aster" by @moonchildstyles ! It is really good! Like reallyyy good😍 It's the cutest thing ever hdshgjghshjg Now I'm thinking about it, I will reread it 😍 I was obsessed with this the first time I read it.
Also "Ballerina Y/N and Ballerina Harry" by @jawllines ! Oh my God, it's so good! Actually I can't express how good it is, words aren't enough! I just love it. I started rereading it actually the other day and I couldn't stop myself. I have a soft spot for it 😇 Their chemistry is everything! 😍 The characters are amazing and Y/N is a queen! Also Ballerina!Harry is exactly my type so 😇
@be-with-me-so-happily has a great enemies to lovers story too! "Not what we bargained for" is freaking good 😍 Had a great time reading it!
Oh and of course "Harry is Y/N's producer & she doesn't like him" and "Y/N & Harry kind of hate each other but have to walk together in their friends' wedding party" by @0nlythrowharrybeaux ! Her stories are so addictive 😍 Her writting has an incredible flow 😍
One last thing: it's not actually a story but @justlemmeadoreyou ' headcanons are crazy and I guarantee you that the mean!friends with benefits!harry headcanons are so f*cking hot 😱check them out 😍 (also she's making a series based on them, part 1 is out and I'm telling you it's so good! Cant' wait for the next part! - it may be a friends with benefits trope but they started as enemies, they didn't like each other much so yeah that's why I put it here)
I'm 100% sure I'm forgetting many other stories I would love to include in this but I can't think of anything else right now sorry 😭 If something else comes up to my mind, I will add it ❤️ Enjoy ❤️
P.S always grateful to the authors 😊
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hybbart · 1 year
Since jimmy boy is one of your favs (atleast im pretty sure he is) do you have any underrated pairings/duos with him that you really like? This doesnt have to be characters btw it can be whatever. My fav underrated pairing is jimmy and sneegsnag. I cant put into words why i like it so much they're just so silly and goofy i love it. Alternatively i also really like seeing jimmy and fwhip bickering its hilarious
Not really? Nothing underrated at least, i don't think. I like ranchers and I like his sibling dynamics with Lizzie, Grian, and Pearl. I like his friendship with Martyn cause Martyn seems to be the only one able to tease him and make it... tasteful isn't the right word but we'll go with it. Not-too-much about the jokes.
Him and Joel have a very bros type relationship that reminds me of my brother and his best friends when they're playing cs:go tbh. Scar and him also have a nice friendship, it's quite similar to Grian's dynamic with him but not quite as charmed, more so thinks he's cool. He... I know it seems almost too perfect to be true but he really does treat Scar like his older sibling's friend who's also his friend by extention in that weirdish sorta way siblings bffs are family friends, y'know? That's my take on it. Jimmy is very good at making himself everyone's little brother.
His weird relationship with Etho is also funny. It feels very much like Grian and/or Joel gave him a primer on Jimmy and his bullyableness before introducing him and he very easily fell into the role of teasing him. He just likes to sneak up on him and pull a prank or scare him and leave before they can have any deeper interaction.
Impulse kinda feels the opposite. He feels like he was taught to bully Jimmy by Grian but isn't very good at it. I imagine Jimmy activates the helpful dad in him, literally making games where Grian and Joel have to say nice things about Jimmy and giving him reedstone tutorials and going easy on him when the rest of the southlanders are teasing him. (And then inadvertently dealing the biggest blows when he doesn't mean to) I imagine if he teamed up with Gem, Pearl, and Grian the collective power of their sad puppydog eyes could get Impulse to do literally anything.
Him and Skizz are quite cute, fellow failures going easy on each other and supporting each other, in the few interactions they've had. (Which unsurprisingly leaves his approval at 3/3 for the Roaving Pack Of Dads Squad)
Thats really all the ones I can think of right now tbh.
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cinnamonest · 2 years
your xiao x teacher!darling post got the absolute degenerate part of me thinking and now my fav dynamic is xiao x therapist!darling. poor boy cant control himself when literally anyone shows a sliver of kindness at all. darlings naivety has lead her to brush off any signs of a crush as a coincidence until he eventually cant take it anymore and noncons her because he has no other way to communicate what he wants. <3
Yesssss he would fall in love with someone who shows him the slightest semblance of caring, this is accurate
He didn't want to go, but either someone (an employer noticing a lack of output or the like) essentially forced him into it. Therapy... he doesn't need something like that. He's perfectly fine. Is he the most social or upbeat person in the world? No, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with him. He's very begrudging about it at first, thinks that maybe after a session or two you'll realize he doesn't have anything wrong with him, and that there's no reason for him to keep coming.
Likewise, he doesn't really... open up very easily. At first, he gives a lot of one-word answers. Yes, no, maybe, etc. Occasionally "I don't know," which is an improvement, since it's three words. You have to work with him for a while to get him to open up about himself and his feelings. You do insist he should keep coming, this being at first much to his dismay, but after a while... he doesn't mind it as much. He keeps finding that he does feel better overall after each session for the rest of the day. Maybe it's not so bad after all, he thinks. It's probably just catharsis.
When he finally does really open up, though, it all sort of comes pouring out at once, like a bursting dam. He has a particularly bad day or something, and he just kind of breaks. It all comes spilling out -- how he has no motivation in life, no direction, his life feels devoid of anything that brings him pride or happiness, so on and so on. How he has no partner... no friends... no ambitions... he's just... very empty. He doesn't use the word lonely, but he does mention more than once that he has no real source of interaction.
Well, of course, you see that as a very fixable issue. Of course someone with no social support or resources would feel isolated and consequently depressive. He just needs, you know, a social network. Friends.
...Except therein lies the problem.
Do you ever go out to social venues?
Do you ever try talking to your peers?
Do you have any special interests that there might be events for?
You go down the line, but get the same answers. You find he work from home, never goes out for lunches or groceries, preferring to get it all delivered. The most social interaction he gets is you and the occasional email back and forth to his employer. No hobbies, except for games and collecting some niche things. Terrible eating and sleeping habits, he gets no nutrition, is addicted to caffeine, never gets any sunlight or fresh air, and his internal clock is completely in disarray from an irregular sleep schedule, no doubt contributing to his depressive issues.
And when you suggest he try to get out more and make acquaintances, he gets an uncomfortable look on his face. He mutters something about how he'll try, but he's not even really trying to hide that it's insincere.
On the bright side, he does seem to make some effort to fix his other habits, but you realize very quickly he has no intentions of actually trying to form relationships with others. You keep stressing that social interaction is essential to one's mood and mental health, but it's like talking to a brick wall. Eventually you lay off trying to get through to him on that end.
But he also gets much better about being very transparent, will openly talk about things that upset him or bother him. He ends up starting to take up the whole allotted half-hour as well, whereas he used to be so closed-off that after fifteen minutes or so you'd run out of anything to say and end things early.
In fact, after a while, he ends up switching his weekly session to a different day of the week so that he can come in for a full hour. He's still somewhat awkward about it all -- he never looks you in the eye, tends to do these sort of nervous habits like wringing his hands and bouncing his leg a lot, but the fact that he keeps coming back is a testament to the fact that he's obviously getting something beneficial out of your sessions.
...In truth, though, it's not really your advice or anything. Actually, he hasn't been following said advice at all -- he's still staying up late at night, hasn't changed any consumption habits, he just lied about having fixed both of those because he didn't want you to be disappointed.
But he is happier. He looks forward to coming to see you, it's the highlight of his week. He just enjoys your presence. You're so nice, your voice is so soothing, you smile when you see him and it makes him feel all warm and weird, but in a good way, an addictive way. No one has ever asked him about how he feels before. No one has ever given him empathy for his problems. And sure, he feels bad not fixing his habits and lying and all that, but the concern you show for his well-being makes him feel cared about, like he has significance to you. He's not lying when he says he feels a lot better these days.
He knows, of course, that you're doing all of this because you're getting paid. If he didn't have the money, he wouldn't be here. It's your job to care... or at least pretend to. Maybe there's a slight empathy there that's just part of human nature, but if he were to stop coming tomorrow, he would never cross your mind again, he's sure of that. Sometimes he lays there at night (well, morning, since he goes to bed around 3 a.m. or so), reflecting on the matter, sulking in bitterness about it. Yeah... it's just feigned concern. It's just your job.
...No, you're not pretending. Sure, you are getting paid, but you're a sweet person, you're so nice, surely you do care. Plenty of doctors and similar professions do genuinely care about their patients, and often get personally emotionally invested in their well-being, right? That's why they go into the profession in the first place! The same is true for you. You wouldn't be doing this if you didn't care.
So, then... you do genuinely care. You have to. Even if money is a transactional part of the matter, you do really care, even if it's just that you simply wish good for his well-being out of general empathy and benevolence. It is real in its own way. It's a blissful thought.
You've already noticed that these sessions are more conversations these days than anything. He keeps derailing the sessions by asking you about your life, what you do in your spare time, the kind of questions you might ask a client (even the more invasive questions). You entertain the questions briefly, since it's good for him to get some interaction, but you always follow up your answers with a 'well, let's get back to talking about you, okay?' And he's compliant... until asking another question about you a few minutes later. And back and forth it goes.
Until one day, he sort of crosses a line.
In his defense, you asked him first. You figured that he would probably be happier with a partner, most people are, but for someone like him, you know getting one might... present a challenge. Can't meet people if he never goes out, and you're pretty certain he'd be the type to avoid dating apps like the plague, so you don't even bring that option up. But you did figure it would be worth asking if he's ever had one. He went to school and college, right? Maybe had a high school sweetheart or a college relationship or something?
No. He just shakes his head. You can tell he's about to say something, you see his lips part just the slightest, so you stay quiet. But he takes a few moments to speak.
...What about you?
The question catches you a bit off-guard. You hesitate for a moment, and just sort of mumble. Oh, well, that's... that's not really relevant, haha. Anyway...
He just nods in response, but you can see the displeasure on his face. Maybe he's irked he didn't get an answer, or maybe he's formed his own conclusion based on the lack of an answer, and doesn't like that conclusion. Still, it doesn't feel quite as awkward as that time you got around to the standard 'are you sexually active' question and just got a blank stare and quick shaking of the head as a response, so at least it wasn't that bad.
Regardless, he doesn't stop trying. As time goes by, he keeps prying more and more, trying to get information out of you, always seemingly displeased when you abruptly cut him off. He might be a bit socially inept, and isn't always particularly perceptive, but he gets the message when you are clearly shutting him down from asking anything further. And he wouldn't want to upset you, so he obliges. Always walking a thin line.
But if he can't get answers out of you, he'll have to resort to other measures. It's compulsive, he has to do it, he's been losing sleep over the thoughts.
It's not too hard to find you online. Aside from a brief listing of you on the psychiatric group's website, he eventually tracks you down on social media, your family, your friends. You did say he needs to learn how to do social networking, right? This is sort of like that, minus any of him actually interacting with anyone. In fact, it's incredibly easy to find all sorts of things about you. He's able to find even more, the deeper he digs. Where you got your certification. Where you went to high school. Old pictures of you, thankfully some of your acquaintances have public social media profiles and an image with you in it here or there. He ends up spending hours and hours scrolling through page after page, only realizes how long he's been looking at it when he sees the sunrise through the window.
It almost makes him feel guilty and embarrassed the next time he sees you. How is he supposed to look you in the eye knowing he spent several days scouring the web for crumbs of your existence? What would you think if you knew about that? You'd be freaked out for sure.
You notice he's acting a bit off, but, well, he's a bit of a unique individual, slightly eccentric or unusual behaviors and mannerisms aren't uncommon for him. He fidgets and mumbles a lot and leaves a bit earlier than usual, kicking at the leaves on the sidewalk in frustration as he walks, all the way until he's home.
He's fully aware it's all unhealthy. He realizes it's a sign there's something wrong with him. But obviously there is something wrong, or he wouldn't be coming to you to begin with.
But that leads to a new train of thought. If he were to fix his problems, there wouldn't be a need to see you anymore. Or even if you saw him sometimes, you'd probably tell him he doesn't need to come in as often or for as long. That thought is unpleasant, as soon as it crosses his mind, he begins to worry. What if he runs out of problems to talk about? Or, more likely, what happens when you realize he's not making the changes you told him to? You'll reach an impasse, where there's nothing you can do and give up on him.
So if he fixes his problems and gets better, you'll be out of his life. But if he refuses, the same will be true. No matter what he does, he's at risk of losing you. There's no route he can take that works out in his favor! He ends up pacing around his room, running through his thoughts on the matter for hours. He was hoping to think of another way at first, but after a while he's forced to acknowledge there's really only one way to ensure he can continue to see you indefinitely: having to go out of his way to ask you to meet him outside of the sessions.
And, well, he quite simply cannot do that. Absolutely no way. The mere thought makes him feel sick. There's no way he can summon the gall to ask you that. You would surely say no, probably get creeped out if not worse. He probably wouldn't be able to see you at all after that.
But if he doesn't do something, one way or another, this can't last, and the knowledge that it can't last is going to eat him alive every waking second. It already keeps him awake at night.
He knows he's reaching the so-called point of no return when he finally gives into an urge he's been having for a while: waiting until your day ends and following you home, on a day that's not the day he comes to see you (if he planned it on that day, he'd surely act strange enough beforehand that you'd be wary). He knows that that is definitely something normal people do not do. Normal people occasionally internet-stalk, sure, but this? It's the kind of thing people get involuntarily committed for. Would you do that? Would you get him in actual trouble if you knew about it? He would like to think you would be okay with it, but the rational part of his brain says otherwise. He tries to prevent himself from doing it again, but once the impulse is given into once, it's harder to fight off in the future, and he ends up doing it again, and again.
If you really wanted to point a finger of blame to what pushes him over the edge, though, it would unfortunately be the internet. He has no one better to ask how to solve his problems, so why not a bunch of strangers behind screens?
He's frustrated with the answers he gets. Granted, it is the internet populace, but when he posts to an anonymous board about his problem, he's still irked that the answers are far from helpful. Sure, after posting it, he realizes that the way he worded the whole thing is really really creepy, and that he probably should not have included the details of having followed you home and stalked you online ("collecting data" was the term he used, though), but these replies are unnecessary. Mostly poking fun at him, replying with implications that he's a stalker and memes. One guy mockingly replies with "here try this" and a staged stock photo of someone tied up in the trunk of a car. Ugh. Should have known better than to trust these assholes to be of any help. He's not like that.
...Is he?
You know, a mentally sound person wouldn't even consider such a thing, or so he thinks to himself. Guess you were right to say he needed frequent sessions.
Admittedly, the thought does stick with him. Couldn't say exactly when it goes from a laughable, far-fetched idea to something that starts to seem feasible and practical. It's a gradual thing, perhaps. The thought just pops up in his head every now and then for a few minutes, and the more it occurs, the more desensitized to the concept he gets, the less it triggers that socially instilled sense of immediate avoidance and nervousness most people get at the thought of committing a serious crime.
Likewise, the more he thinks about it, the more justified it feels. Technically, you are there to help him get better. You were supposed to fix him. So, from a logical point of view, if he does something... abnormal, perhaps criminal, to you, that's technically your fault for not curing him, right? If you had done your job a bit better, he wouldn't be having these thoughts to begin with. Besides, when you chose this career path, you're knowingly acknowledging risks like this. Which means you were okay with taking the risk of this happening to you, which is basically a form of consent in and of itself, is it not? The more he repeats it to himself -- and he does, over and over, whenever he's sitting slouched over in his desk chair or laying in bed or taking a (rare) shower -- the more he gets used to the idea, envisions it in his head.
He cancels one week. Calls the front desk of the psychiatric facility (a big step for him, as much as he hates having to talk to strangers on the phone, so you're proud of that much), tells them he has to cancel over a schedule conflict. Which does strike you as odd -- since when does he have anything else going on in his life? Maybe he's finally listened to you and decided to go be social or something, or maybe it's just another type of appointment... you hope maybe it's the former.
In truth, he's worried things will go badly if you see him right now. He's not in a very good state of mind, it's all becoming too consuming, he's neglected sleep and work. He has to take that week to work himself back down, get rid of the jitteriness and bloodshot eyes that you would undoubtedly notice if you saw him in person. Just enough to see you again without you immediately getting freaked out.
You know something is a little off, still, when he does come in the following week. But that's normal, people often behave strangely when going through periods of change in their lives, so this is actually probably a good sign!
...Although it is rather unsettling. It's different from his usual brand of weird. Instead of the frustrated tone and grumbling and looking at the ground, his voice is very... flat. Empty. No trace of the usual demeanor, not even the coldness he can get when he's particularly irked.
But even more unnerving is that, rather than looking at the ground, at the wall, back and forth the way he always does, he looks right at you. Fixated on your face, eyes staring directly into yours, you haven't even seen him blink. His own expression is also completely blank, transfixed. It's incredibly unnerving, you find that you end up looking down at the ground for once. You did tell him once that he doesn't make eye contact enough for social appropriateness, so maybe he's trying a little too hard to rectify that or...?
You feel like somehow he's getting worse, and yet for some reason, when you ask him the standard opening question -- how have you been? -- he seems to perk up.
He nods, finally shows some emotion in the form of what appears to be a sort of resolution on his face. He says he's thought a lot about some of the things you've said. That you were right, that he can't keep living with no goals or direction, can't keep up the unhealthy lack of socialization. So, he's put a lot of consideration into it, and he's decided that very soon, he's going to be making some major changes to his life, for the better.
Well, if that's truly the case, you're very happy for him, you say. Granted, based on his history, you're not inclined to believe he's actually going to make any changes, but part of the job is always believing in your patients and all that. He seems more determined than usual, so, maybe he really is serious about it. You hope so. He seems like such a sweet boy at heart, you really do want to see him change for the better and be happy.
He knows that too. Says he's very serious about it this time. He's going to go through with what he's decided is the best course of action, and in the end, he will be perfectly content and happy. He'll probably be more productive, more energetic, more motivated, everything. It'll all get better.
And technically, you will be the cause. You'll see. He'll be sure to thank you for all your help, too, he's very grateful.
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hrghhhhhhhhh · 7 months
i was heavily into cryptage until the season 20 launch and tae liking elliott felt really natural to me. now im struggling hard even imagining it knowing that hes canonically in love and its not elliott. suddenly his annoyed behavior just feels annoyed, no longer flustered, and the relationship he has with elliott doesnt feel light-hearted anymore just sorta hostile idk the whole confirmation of his romantic interest in someone else erased my perception that was built on the s3 trailer and their (what i interpreted as) flirting. i cant seem to do anything about it, it's just gone it's all gone and respawn visibly disliking cryptage makes me feel guilty it feels like we're not supposed to ship it in the first place
tldr: i fully understand you, however, putting too much stock in canon / wishing your ship become canon causes a lot of stress. Canon is not the end all be all, and frankly i think canon kills my interest in ships the fastest. Using canon to make stuff you actually like will always be more fun and better for mental health!!! <3
OKay . so . i COMPLETELY understand where you're coming from, I think of all games with such a robust cast, this one has so many potentials. S3 trailer ignited my love for them, and the way they navigated each other (from Cryp0 bending Mirage's arm back in self defense, to then Crypto saving him by pulling him off the train) I am so blessed to have my expectations Very early on be set, knowing that the early writers had absolutely no intent to make Mirage and Crypto romantic.
From that trailer i took really important things about their character, but i felt like i KNEW the intent, and the intent Never felt flirty or even romantic to me. I knew i could spin it that way, i knew i loved their dynamic when viewed through that heart shaped lens! But I never ever assumed that's where their stories led. and because if that i was never let down. I have no idea how to heal from the canon vs not canon stuff, it can feel like a betrayal, and i totally get the guilt. BUT canon and your personal interpretation dont have to match. Like at all. As long as, you know, noones being a total asshole about it. On Crypto being annoyed:
My favorite thing about mirage. is that. he is in fact SO ANNOYING. hes is mouthy and so jokey, and cocky, and insecure. Meeting him in real life would be a cHALLENGE LMAO. So crypto's line sounding more and more annoyed is genuinely so real of him. He has a short fuse, and gets annoyed easily with EVERYONE (source: his impatient crafting lines, his getting into ring lines, etc.) Crypto is so particular about his time and personal space, i think his annoyance lines are TOP TIER with Mirage, even if they edge into mean territory ( I mean mirage literally calls him "paranoid weirdo", makes light of his mannerisms) . Because its just his character, hes not a people person, while mirage IS! The fanon becomes so fun when you start to imagine HOW they could make that work! On Making Lemonade:
Crypto getting a love interest i dont see as a negative at all, because matching canon is not interesting to me. I am in the minority here i know. Something i love about canon is that it tells you things about your fav character that you can go off of!!! Crypto and wattson having a rapport, even Mila hinting that she thinks Crypto has a crush on her- THIS IS GOLD, FOR YOUR FAVVY CHARACTERS. This tells me that YEAH even if he had a crush, even if its, like killing him inside - HE IS NOT THE FIRST CONFESSOR, He will NEver say a WORD. That is characteristic no. 1 you can put in your arsenal. Like that is so TASTEY. he'd rather go his whole life yearning than confess. SO GOOD, DELICIOUS. Point no 2. He still puts his mission to find and save Mila above things like romance. I think that's so interesting, like, he has this intense mental block to letting himself indulge!
NOW: how to use that info, is up to you! Think about crypto dying of Crush on Mirage, only for mirage to "turn the charm up to 11" for the cameras. Great anguish, Tae Joon. Alternatively, making crypto confess to mirage hints that he MUST have really been dYING. Its only added to my imagination of them ^^
THE BEST PART ABOUT MAKING FAN CONTENT. IS PLAYING WITH THE CHARACTERS LIKE BARBIES!!! The second best part is finding pieces of canon to support your barbie playdate. On Canon Writing:
I will say, i feel like i can sense that the writers are only human in regards to how crypto and mirage appear together lately; Their last interactions being mirage distraught that Crypto wasnt RSVP-ing to his party, only for Crypto to show up the second he knew about said party (AND ASK FOR SOME BUMPIN MUSIC, SO CUTE). They are obviously a dynamic they break out when they need some fun pair to play up (an appropriate) story.
But the writers are just human. When the fandom as a whole picks up a ship you never intended, misinterpreting their words; i can see purposefully writing them shallowly, taking away some dimension- because they have this other story to tell. I think its very regular-person of them to be like "Oh theyre looking at this wrong let me make it clear!". I will go on record saying i don think they "visibly dislike" cryptage, it feels more like there's a bit of railroading of their current plotline, and some side flavor of people interacting is lost lately. That does make me sad, i think- at the very least- they have a great rivals to friends dynamic. And in my eyes there's always room for romance somewhere in there (or a fwb situation :3d ) I'd love to see more of their interactions, however, they have A LOT to go off of. Between the s3 trailer, their lines, the mirage forgot about his party, the UGLY OVERTIME COMIC.
Theres soooo much i can say about this, and them in particular, but i want to just say, PLEASE don't dispair. Theres still so much about them that still stands! Make your own stuff, don't wallow in canon, and most of all (and i say this so respectfully) Try to distance your happiness from 'winning canon'. Its a losing battle. a ship should be more of a hobby than a career - it can alter your mental SO much unless you step back.
Damn i have never needed to shut the fuck up more! TY FOR THIS ASK!!!!
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reigenismyhusband · 4 months
hi (vibrating uncontrollably w happiness) mp100 is my fav manga i legit remember where i was when it ended (i cried) and reimob is literally one of the only ships in media ever i have ever liked. you're my friend now (politely)
may i get a reiace lore dump or acemob or just anything about your self-ship lore if you'd like to :333
OMG HIII this ask made me SO happy oh my god!!!!! mob psycho is SO good i love it so much and im so glad u are also a reimob connoisseur its so so good. its basically the dynamic i base reiace on shhh its a secret (its not a secret sorry mob)
LONGISH ramble under the cut about selfship lore thats kinda disjointed thoughts and feelings and tw for mentions of age gaps, grooming, sibling incest etc
RAHH okay so i have two main "timelines" if you will for ace: one where he just, completely replaces mob and is a kageyama. for the most part, this one follows the events of the show, except with ace lol. (sorry mob i love you i swear) ace is more liberal about using his powers than mob is, and hes not quite as powerful, but hes still powerful and trusts reigen so so much. i love to play around with how they got together, but i loove ace that looks up to reigen so much and has a huge crush on him and wants to be together so bad, and eventually reigen gives innn. ace's name is aoi kageyama, and hes transmasc. hes thankful that his given name is gender-neutral, and tries to be stealth as possible (as much as a 14 y/o can). hes stealth at school, and generally people dont know, but there are rumors of course and he gets bullied for this + his powers a lot. he doesnt like fighting back with his powers so he just kinda takes it. his parents in this are very supportive, but aren't around as much, and theyre not very financially well off. this leads to lots of time with just him and ritsu alone, and they have a pretty codependent relationship as hes kinda raised him even though theyre pretty close in age. especially because even though they dont say it, ace can sense that his parents prefer ritsu; hes smarter, hes more althetic, etc.
this is why he initially sought out spirits and such; a small, frail, 10 y/o ace shows up at reigens doorstep and asks him if hed hire him, hes really good at fighting ghosts he promises! reigen takes pity on him and takes him on as his apprentice, paying him a bit more than mob gets in the show lol. ace comes to be really handy for exorcisms, and early on reigen starts calling him "ace" because hes "the ace up his sleeve" when it comes to tricky jobs!! (this is where i get my ship tags from hehe) ace really likes this name and prefers it over his given name, although he doesnt hate it per se.
as time goes on, ace hangs around the office more and more, helping reigen in his various jobs. with his parents gone so much, they start to hang out more after work too; going to dinner together, spending time together, even sleeping over or going to overnight jobs to farther away onsens and inns. they grow close, much closer, and eventually they get together!! i like reigen getting touchier and touchier until they actually do stuff and whoops cant hide your feelings about this anymore!!
(this version of things doesnt always include mob, but im including him in this bc ive been loving thinking about reimobace lately <33) in the other one, ace's name is aoi hayashi. his parents died when he was young, leaving him and his sister to live by themselves. they inherited a house and money, and are doing okay, but with just eachother their relationship gets even more intimate than it was before. his older sister is a NEET and a hikikomori, doing nothing but staying in their house and mostly in her room. shes also an esper, though not a very powerful one. she drops out of school, but ace continues, where he is bullied a lot. one day when hes around 11, he gets trapped in an alleyway by some older bullies, and his powers almost go out of control - but who would be walking by than a 28 y/o mob? mob is able to control ace's powers, deal with the bullies, and take him back to spirits and such to treat his injuries. mob and reigen are together (and have been since mob was ~15 or so) and run spirits and such together, although reigen continues to be the face of the company. (honestly i havent thought about where serizawa and tome would fit into this…so pretend theyre not here for now lmao) mob helps out with the real spirits, of course, and him and reigen are sweeties together <33 mob tells ace that hes a powerful esper too, and if he wants, he can train under him to control his powers and do some good in the world. ace is thrilled, he hasnt had any nice older figures in his life like ever, and loves the attention and care he gets from mob and reigen. and since its just him and his sister (and she barely leaves her room to know where he is at any given time anyway) he spends a lot of time with mob and reigen after work; after a certain point, its almost like he lives at their place rather than his own.
they all get together at some point; the specifics vary depending on how fucked up i wanna make it lol. right now im thinking of them grooming him to be with them, esp considering hes already been groomed and has experience, they take advantage of that (since reigen groomed mob) and its totally normal and theyre sweet. i think mob would be pretty possessive of ace; he doesnt want him to get hurt in the way hes gotten hurt before, and he also hates how ace gets bullied so often. i like to think ace gets kidnapped a lot by people trying to get to mob (since hes the worlds most powerful psychic after all) and they have to come rescue him a lot <33 reigen loves both of his younger boyfriends and i Really like the idea of ace being able to give reigen his powers like mob does in the show and then two very powerful espers have their way with him <3333333 my fav ever.
BUT YEAJ SORRY THIS IS SO LONG IM JUST VERY EXCITED feel free to send me asks anytime or dm me to ask for my discord id love to chat ab mob psycho or anything really!!!!!!!! TYSM
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months
you know i gotta ask about my man gaius 🍭
hi evaaaa :)
How I feel about this character
dude i fucking killed this guy on my first awakening run 😭 but i didnt REALIZE i killed him until like. the gangrel chapter??? and i got so sad when i realized i did i reset the whole game to go back and get him. hes a fav i wouldnt have done that for just anyone! (i know this bc i also forgot kellam. didnt go back for him… i mean i got him when i reset but i didnt reset for him) so yeah i like him :) i dont have any complex thoughts on him but he makes me laugh when hes on screen so
All the people I ship romantically with this character
the first fire emblem ship i ever had that STUCK with me was asugi and caeldori in birthright (yes i had to pair their parents to get them but. i didnt like those ships very much 😭) so when i played awakening i saw the og asugi and caeldori and i was like HOOLYYY SHIT and well. so gaius/cordelia my fav forever :3 but i like gaius with like. half of the shepherds honestly. in no particular order i like him with chrom, robin, lissa, olivia, tharja, libra, lon’qu, stahl, panne, and maribelle :) hes got chemistry with everyone what can i say
Non-romantic OTP for this character
i rly like chromgai yaoi but i also love them just as besties forever. chrom needs a friend that will humble him and literally no one else seems to want to step up to the task!!!! get him gaius. also in terms of family dynamic i just… i REALLY love gaius!severa i think he works SOOO well as her dad. their future past convo is so cute and they just… GODDDD THAT IS HIS DAUGHTERRRR 😭
Unpopular opinion about this character
im not sure i have one? i guess i dont particularly like his hair on inigo, noire, or cynthia… those three seem to be popular kids for him but i just… i cant… theyre so… ugly….
One thing I wish happened
bigger story role at least in his join chapter. like i said i think chrom needs to be humbled more and who else to do it but gaius. granted its hard to make optional characters work in the main story but i think there was potential there to set up a contrast between him and frederick. they also couldve done that with robin but they gave up the fredrobin beef plotline pretty fast so… hey. what about this pretty ginger man chrom also lets in with zero hesitation… hmmm?????
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rebelcharmings · 1 year
hello gummy !!!!
🪞 which character is most like you and why?
oh this is a tough one right off the bat…. i’m probably gonna go with lizzie not Just bc she’s my fav character but actually there’s probably a good reason for that . i also kinda have a temper i try to control. and also my fav colour is red. yea see we’re practically the same person. also i like to be dramatic just for the lols
🫶 otp?
ohhh if you’ve seen enough of my posts u already know this . DIZZIE. AKA DARING AND LIZZIE. AKA THE ONE CANON SHIP THAT HAD SOO MUCH POTENTIAL BUT DIDNT GO ANYWHERE!!! if you’ve read the wonderlandiful world book you’ll especially understand where i’m coming from. literally even a snippet of it is in my header. it’s just sooo!!! idk!! i like the drama of everyone expecting daring to be with apple or at the very least a “Proper Princess”.. but here comes this wonderlandian princess who threatens to chop people’s heads off and there is just . Hearts in his eyes (pun intended). he’s completely smitten. and lizzie is just like Ugh this guy again but secretly finds him intriguing and likes the fact he likes Her for Her. my fav ship dynamic. obviously not biased but i think it’s the best out of the daring ships mainly bc i cant personally imagine cerise being attracted to men and i already told my thoughts on darabella.. i have many more thoughts on dizzie i should probably make a post on that.
this ship is just so criminally underrated there’s rlly not enough fics on this. i have soo many unfinished dizzie fics that will hopefully one day see the light.. who knows
💕 any other character dynamics you like (family, friends, ships)?
oh u already know what i’m gonna say. CHARMING SIBLINGS!!!! the books especially portray their dynamics so well. which is why i have a bone to pick with fics or interpretations where dexter or darling, specifically dexter, get rlly annoyed at their brother or daring is rlly condescending bc while dexter mayy be a little tired of being in his shadow they all still love each other!!! daring and dexter playfully wrestle, daring laughs as darling swings on his arm like a monkey bar, daring is proud of “dexter” suddenly improving in hero class and reassures him later that he knows this isn’t his thing but he isn’t going to hurt him while jousting…. i also find it entertaining to read about dexter and daring shooing off all of darling’s suitors, it’s nice to see how protective they r of her. and that one diary entry of darling remembering a memory of the three playing in the mud and then running away into the forest, making fun of their mother. it’s so cute . so good.
i reckon my love for this sibling dynamics and most sibling dynamics in media is bc of me being an only child and projecting bc i’ve always wanted siblings like this but anyways…..
📍 favourite eah location?
ooh interesting question . is it weird to say the castleteria LOL. i’ve always wanted to be in those american school type cafeterias and the different levels in the castleteria just seem even more fun. so that or the study lounge bc i’m a Nerd and like to study in environments like that.. i liked to study in my high school’s yr 12 study room especially when it was quiet, but it was also Just as fun to just chat about anything with friends and other classmates
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southie-dakotie · 1 month
warriors asks…! 📖, 🎥, 🤔, ☯️
📖 Fav comic page from any of the mangas and why
Literally this one from the skyclan/sol backstory one. Hes fucking meeping
Tumblr media
📽: fav warriors related youtuber?
ALWAYS flightfootwarrior/crowrosive. He was such a huge influence for my art style wtf. BUT ALSO giingersnaps has such big brain for designs and animator projects
🤔 Whats the biggest series plothole that bugs you?
Not so much plotholes but just like. The erins not proofreading their own shit. Loudbelly died somewhere in the first 2 books and yet hes mentioned again in the lake territories???? Girl he DIED YEARS AGO......... AND greystripe doing his little preamble when he retired saying hes so proud of his kids and cant believe his daughter is leader of riverclan...... THATS THE WRONG RIVERCLAN SHE CAT........ i would make an excellent editor please fucking hire me
☯️ What dynamic between two cats has got you up at night pacing for hours? (Romantic, platonic, familial, etc)
I was thinking last week about how brindleface and tigerstar were nursery friends. They practically grew up as siblings. She ACTIVELY LOOKED UP TO HIM when they were apprentices/young warriors. And then he killed her to lure the dogs closer to thunderclans camp. I have a feeling tiger didn't care in the slightest but brindle. :(
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aettuddae · 1 month
i think this my first time being late to an update omg…🕷️ anon washed
starting off with business matter first…would it be crazy if i said this was my fav update 😭😭 i loved chapter 92 specifically because it forces serim & rina to both face their feelings (& doubts), intimacy could only go so long as a form of communication b4 they both were left unsatisfied (more so serim) its rlly sad even now karina cant fully accept her feelings using ning as an excuse to let their bond go (not rlly an excuse but how she self sabotage b4 anything could rlly happen) it was such a good chapter and i just like angst (obvs by now)
im rlly worred about ningning in all this tho…whether serim & rina end up together or she ends up with serim (with the knowledge that she will never feel how she feels for jimin) its a lose lose situation for her…unless im reading too much into it and shes not taking her time with serim seriously/just having fun
them saying goodbye to eo was amazingly beautiful i dont even know what to say…bittersweet i guess
KYUIN GIRLFAILURE WE LOVE U ALREADY 🫶🫶 also adding another delulu jimin into my bag thank u 💋 i think i say this about all the friendgroups in ur stories but I LOVE novaHIVI DYNAMIC ALREADY THEY FAMILY (havent stopped thinking about this group either like u cooked so bad here)
the difference between how anthology!kazuha and hole in one!kazuha act dhsbshsnsn
minjeong n milf 👍👍
i just wanna say i liked minkwan…i probably didnt say anything tho cause my peasized brain zeros in on yuri 😕
SUCH A WASTE ON CHITTAPHON NOOOOO U SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I LEAVE, THE GAY BOYS NEED LOVE TOO 😭😭 (its also interactive too so the min i figure out how that works im getting my mean gay boy x loser gay girl both being down bad serve idc)
simon says is amazing…we just love father dem jointz over here and we thank god everyday sm passes him around like a groupie in that building
also so many anons are flirting with u now that means u made it…dont forget me when ur famous
- 🕷️
it's literally the end of the deal, it's so important, makes total sense !! and all of the events and circumstances make it more hard for them to be delusional about what they feel, serim couldn't hold it anymore. glad you enjoyed it, even if it was some sad episodes.
yeah, with the new update i just posted 😀 ningning's situation changes a little, since she's actually capable of trying and prioritizing her mental sanity, although it's probably gonna hurt for her in any scenario, she's more aware and ready than the other two
kyuin is a cutie that has barely learnt how to exist in society, we need to protect her 😭 i have already accepted i'm never writing a normal boring jimin, i always have to make her borderline schizophrenic 😔 so happy to hear you like novahivi's dynamic, you always focus on the things that matter to me 😅 i always prioritize the main character's friend groups a lot and i find particularly fun writing novahivi interacting with each other
shut up finally a kazuha that's not attempting to murder anyone (YET) (jokey joke)
minjeong and milf 🫴🏼
this blog is a woman's world i swear, readers don't even support gay men 😔 i will support any idea you have to get the gays thriving and vibing
father demjointz 😭 literally, i owe him so much, has given me my fav kpop songs
i will never forget you, spidey, you're literally my everything
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
aaaaa ty Sarah!! boy lets see what are some of my favs...
a matter of the heart is currently like. my top favourite thing at the moment. months went into 16k of Charleshawk, Charles and Hawkeye character study, gratuitous amounts of hurt/comfort... it is everything To Me (shamelessly gonna use a second to promote this one to anyone who hasn't read it yet PLEASE read my Charleshawk mania)
like a dog because its just so fucking funny. I would say "not to toot my own horn" but this game is about tooting your own horn so ill say it I wrote this one in such a way where I can literally picture it as a canon scene in my head. I reread it whenever im in a bad mood and it always cheers me up
leave your roles at the door I maintain is my most underrated fic. I love it a lot, I think Margaret and Radar's dynamic is criminally under explored both in canon and in fanfic, I do really need to write like a 10k fic about the dynamic I envision for them in my head their friendship could be sooooooo good
a welcome awakening is one I wrote for a request but I want to expand on it tbh. it as a scene works FANTASTICALLY imo I love it a lot I love the moment I captured but I love it so much I want to like, write a fully-fledged fic about the entire scenario + the aftermath. maybe when I get through a bit more of my insane WIP backlog
and miles to go before i sleep while there are parts of this fic I wouldnt mind revisiting at some point, I still love it very dearly for being my first multi-chapter work since I was a teenager. I still love my take on Hawkeye/BJ here, I really like the way I went about a getting together fic for them, so while I do at some point want to go back and do some edits, overall this fic still holds up as one of my favs
also hope we dont mind some honourable mentions here cause some just barely didnt make the cut-
a very important question listen this one didnt do as well as like a dog but it makes me laugh till I cant breathe
what do you do with a drunken major? my first Charleshawk fic and still a fav just cause it uses my fav canon Charleshawk thing which is Charles using Hawkeye as a teddy bear when he's drunk
and then a tricky one cause its still a WIP but I already know its a fav. here's a preview for an upcoming Houlihawk fic-
But when she turns to tell him all of that, the words stick hard in her throat. Because Hawkeye just meets her teary glare with a quiet, sympathetic frown. He doesn’t say a thing, and he doesn’t have to. Her resolve crumbles like sand and so does her glare, falling away as she presses her lips in a thin line in a last ditch effort to save face. She can’t throw him out. He knows, he understands. She needs that. Needs him. “Hawkeye…” She mumbles.  Hawkeye sets the flowers down on her bed. He opens his arms to her. “C’mere.” He invites. She’s not proud about how she throws herself into his arms. But she doesn’t care much about her pride right now. She’s not a Major right now. She just wants to be held. She just wants to cry. 
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
book recs pls? U have amazing taste
im gonna assume this is half in reference to the lilith vincent book i mentioned earlier so i'll give you some of my favorite romances 💞 i tried not to rec a book i've already suggested here before, so some of my very favorites ever are left out!
the authors I'll read like literally anything by are Tessa Bailey, Lily Gold, Ana Huang, J.T. Geissinger, Elsie Silver, Harley Laroux, Rina Kent... and probably someone I'm forgetting tbh but those are some of my favs
also i got a little out of hand and these are kinda all over the place lmao, but here we go! my standards for romance are very low btw so don't judge my taste
Darker romances:
Sticking with Lilith Vincent - I love her books Brutal Intentions and (to a lesser extent) Pageant. Brutal Intentions is a step-dad romance, Pageant (the first of two books, I think the second is wayyy better) is like... dark, mafia, reverse harem, kidnapping, a whole lot tbh. Look up trigger warnings!!! I think she lists them at the start of the book
I don't particularly like H.D. Carlton (I very much so disliked Haunting/Hunting Adeline) but I fucking LOVED her book Does It Hurt? If you want fucked up characters, toxic relationships, noncon, and a pretty well-written subplot for a self-published romance I would recommend this one! (tbh I'm half convinced it's ghostwritten, I cant fathom Haunting Adeline and Does It Hurt? being written by the same person)
Sinners Anonymous & it's sequels by Somme Sketcher. Mafia romance. Age-gap. Kinda trashy but very fun imo. Also read Danielle Lori's Made series if that sounds neat to you!
M.L. Marian's Claimed & Tamed series. Each book follows a different man in the same family where the tradition is that men kidnap their wives. My favorite is Caught <3
Romcoms/Lighter stuff:
I like most Mariana Zapata books, but my favorite is either Under Locke or Luna and the Lie. I've read 7 of her books and they're all basically the same structure with the same characters, so if you read one and like the dynamics you'll probably like her others
One Percent of You by Michelle Gross is my favorite single mom romance of all time. Tattoo artist who hates kids falls in love with his over-worked neighbor who's a single mother of two. SO cute and soft
Bittersweet by Morgan Elizabeth. tattoo artist x baker, this is one of my favorite romcoms ever.
Sunny Disposition by Deanna Gray. Amnesia, college, hockey, roommates to lovers, this is a very soft and fun read that I enjoyed as a bit of a palette cleanser. Iirc it was a little long, but a good time
When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare. I don't like historical romance much, but this doesn't really feel like one to me! A woman makes up a soldier to write letters to so she can avoid getting married, and years later he shows up on her doorstep ready for their wedding. This is so much fun
Transcendence by Shay Savage - two words for you: Caveman Romance. This is told entirely from the caveman's perspective and tells the story of him meeting a woman who's very odd (because she's from the future) and their life together. It drags a little bit at times, but I think it's so so fun and the end had me crying
King by TM Frazier goes a little off the rails, but I had fun with it. The main character is called 'Pup' for like 90% of the book and that was enough for me. Our FMC has amnesia and is taken in by a local gang leader and the plot goes from there
Under His Heel by Adara Wolf - ok before I say what this is about, I cannot overstate how dark and fucked up this book series is. They're disturbing. I loved them, I've read them all at least twice, but they are deeply upsetting. It takes place in space in the far distant future and follows our main character Alex as he becomes an indentured servant for a sociopath named Captain Tracht. These books are a weird mix of porn and plot, but if you want fucked up smut and fucked up relationship dynamics, this is the holy grail
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razzmothazz · 8 months
random yuno stuff to make up for the fact ive only been rambling abt makoto so far
yuno is a little MENACE /aff they love pulling little pranks, annoying people and inconveniencing them in little ways. she obviously never takes it far and because she can read people well, they know when someone is too annoyed/upset and makes sure to apologize and make it up to them when she gets carried away. she loves playful banter and their love laguage is definitely friendly bullying
doesnt have the best relationship with her dad and her mom is uhm . out of the picture you could say [this is a pun only i and perhaps pinna get but i will elaborate on it. someday] so they tend to sneak out a lot to stay with UNIT MEMBER THAT SHALL NOT BE MENTIONED UNTILL MY SISTER DECIDES TO FINALLY FLESH THEM OUT AND TELL ME ABOUT THEM. anyway yeah yuno doesnt like staying home unless its them locked up comfy in their room doing their own thing, so they go out a lot and spend most of their time out and about doing whatever they feel like doing
despite their cheery and energetic personality, their mindset is actually pretty nihilistic, believing nothing really matter and life has no set meaning. she believes people exist just to exist, same as everything else. youre born, you live, you die. however she doesnt see it as a bad thing, it motivates her to make life as fun as possible while it lasts and to not dwell on anything too long since its inconsequential in the long run, my girl just wants to have fun with it !!
very creative person !!! she cant stick to just one art medium for too long and instead does all kinds of stuff, their favourite form is watercolor painting tho! she thinks the soft look of the paints is very pretty, but besides that she also does sculptures, writing, other types of paintings, digital art, sewing, literally you name any form of artistic craft and they probably tried it at least once, its their main form of self expression since they dont talk about their feelings like. at all
related to the feelings thing, theyre VERY expressive, which is one reason why they never feel the need to talk about their feelings, its cause everyone can simply tell what they feel. she learned that if people cant read you they will ask too many questions and get overly concerned, so she started putting her feelings on full display, yet still doesnt like elaborating on them. shes the kind of person you can know for years and suddenly you realize that after all this time spent together, you dont know much about them at all. she doesnt feel the need to open up, believing some things arent important for others to know [mostly because of her life "philosophy" or whatev u wann call it]
their fav colours are yellow and pink!!! pretty obvious since they LOVE wearing them, most of their closet is actually made up of clothing in those exact colours :3 if you ask her to pick between those 2 colours she will go on a rant about how its impossible to choose and will make the speech overly emotional and theatrical for no reason other than to mess with you
speaking of theatrical shes a HUGE wxs fan !!! she randomly saw their show one day when hanging out at the phoenix wonderland and LOVED IT!!! again, she loves every form of art so this was to be expected. emu especially caught their eye with her silly childlike wonder vibes, not to mention the pink hair was an immediate attention grab for yuno lmao. when they learn more about the troupe they grew to not only admire and respect them as performers but also on a more personal level, especially tsukasa and his leadership and sheer stage presence. i feel like tsukasa would definitely end up treating yuno like another one of his siblings tbh dkdghdjdhbd they have a pretty silly dynamic in my head
basically she thrives in any social setting, not everyone enjoys their company but shes not bothered by that at all and continues to do her own thing and being their silly energetic self, its no fun otherwise for them
she enjoys learning and wants to learn so many random things.. they also often just study how other people act and have a very strong interest in psychology and social stuff, you can often catch her staring and looking around at others with an oddly determined and focused look. despite her love of learning they do NOT enjoy school, mostly using it as a social space and an excuse to not be home. their grades are fine, but she finds most classes boring and only wants to learn stuff that interests her.
one of her hobbies includes fixing random stuff no matter how difficult with no experience because shes convinced she can just "figure it out" and it always works. they cant explain how they did it exactly but she will fix pretty much anything up somehow. everyone finds it a little scary because you can find her messing with electrical objects to fix them with zero clue on what to actually do to fix them. but they will always be fixed.
their only issue that they cant seem to brush off and follows them around no matter what is their fear of abandonment, she feels the constant need to be around people and have as many close friends as possible, they cant stand being alone. its no fun living when you have no one. they want to do their thing and have fun, but sometimes the self doubt creeps in and she starts wishing she was more normal. its a constant struggle for them, but they still tend to try and brush it off with some excuse like "i can always find someone else", and immediately feel weird about thinking that because who would want to replace their friends like that? this runs rlly deep btw and i wanna expand on this more when i figure out her backstory properly
so yeah, they stay silly but at what cost... /j
basically yuno is like. the embodiment of "i was born to love my friends and have a silly fun time"
i had way more thoughts but this is all i remember rn soooo BYE
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jenoutof10 · 6 months
Thanks for answering my ask before. If you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask, who are your top 10 favorite characters (can be from books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......
HAHHA don't worry these asks are fun and i enjoy them so don't apologize for giving me a good time. i do apologise for taking such a long time w these asks, im actually horrible at articulating my thoughts (which is why i am not a writer HA) i think i might be forgetting some characters, or maybe i just dont have alot of faves
1. itoshi rin (blue lock)
i feel like he sticks out like a sore thumb here but he's very much no. 1... something about him being an antisocial introverted hater with abandonment issues, but also has skills to back up his arrogance and (besides all the hate he lets fester within him) actually has a pretty healthy lifestyle.
2. itadori yuuji (jujutsu kaisen)
everything about yuuji is so inherently GOOD and it both interests + pains me to see him being put through all these trials and tribulations of a dark shonen mc 😭
3. gojo satoru (jujutsu kaisen)
i think, like rin, what makes him so interesting is that he has this arrogant and disrespectful personality but then again he's literally the strongest so you cant do jack shit about it. but on the other hand he's this playful goofy (incapable) teacher who spoils his students. i also love OP (to the point it dont make sense) characters.
4. dazai osamu (bungo stray dogs)
i find his inability to be truly happy in any universe fascinating.
5. tachihara michizo (bungo stray dogs)
if i explained it would be major spoilers for s4 and s5 of bsd so i'll just say that his contribution to the plot in the recent seasons really did it for me. the jump from s1 to s4 was a KICK.
6. mikage reo (blue lock)
he's a sopping wet sock. i think this is what people call a gap moe... this perfect, highly capable and charming individual turns into the most pathetic instance of man when his best friend leaves him.
7. giorno giovanna (jojo's bizarre adventure: golden wind)
his birth origins are alr wild. his stand is wild. his battle strategies are wild. his ending is wild. he (alongside jotaro) is probably the least expressive but his personality is so unique lol. a lil rascal.
8. kita shinsuke (haikyuu!!)
its been a while since anyone has mentioned haikyuu for me but kita remains as one of my fav characters LOL i think he's just very refreshing since the cast is full of hungry teenage monsters eager to win and he's almost like a breeze of calm HAHA. the inarizaki team is also very dear to me bcs theyre packed w such cool and strong characters that interact dynamically lol
9. tsukumo yuki (jujutsu kaisen)
honestly, she was the most interesting female character in jujutsu kaisen (for me) until gege decided to trash her. her appearances from todo's flashbacks to her in shibuya were all so badass, plus shes a good example of a character type i really like that radiates strong-confident-fighter aura but isnt really the brooding/dark type... but fun! ykyk. (oot but i REALLY wanted yuki at #9 bcs of her name LOL, realistically she wouldve been at #7)
10. raiden ei (genshin impact) + raiden shogun
again, another insanely OP character that it doesn't even make sense. her lore is crazy. the second raiden quest was what got me hooked (best story quest ever lol), i honestly can't pinpoint what it is from that quest since its been a while but it changed my whole perspective on her and i've been a raiden fan since. a combination of design, personality, lore, and strength (and additionally the raiden ensemble)
honorable mentions:
kaedehara kazuha, zhongli (genshin)
higashikata josuke (jojo's bizarre adventure: diamond is unbreakable)
lelouch lamperouge (code geass)
oda sakunosuke (bungou stray dogs)
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yankstrash · 1 year
very bored rn so here are some g & m relationship dynamics:
“thanks for being patient with me” gf & “i literally love you” bf
gf with a pretty laugh & funny bf.
gf that takes pictures of the sky & bf who takes pictures of her taking pictures of the sky.
designated driver & passenger princess
brown eyed gf & green eyed bf
style icon gf & supportive bf
athlete (g) & #1 supporter (m)
hopeless romantic (g) & didn’t really believe in love until them (m)
plays hard to get (m) & loves the chase (g)
gossip girl & listener bf who agrees with everything she says
starbucks refresher gf & hot coffee bf
pt. 2???
i don't know who made this but it's the most perfect thing i've ever seen.
like i could go through every single one of these and write a whole fucking story in why they're all so fitting
i was about to tell you my favs but they're all my favs, THESE ARE ALL SO PERFECT I CANT
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churipu · 7 months
OKAY SHUT UP I LOVE THE 3 IDEAS TOO!!! Gojo is my fav but why does the sukuna idea interests me more. I honestly love hearing the ideas😫😫 AND HELP ONE SIDED ENEMIES YOU SAY (IM BARKING..IDK if u remember but I was the one who requested one sided enemies for the Ipinverse event🫣🫣🫣🤫) But NOW HE HATES ME?? INCHRESTING. AND BABY GUMI 🤧🤧🤧
Would you write anything for naoya lmao 😂
Actually let's play something..if you were to write a series for the mahito, gumi, toge, ino, yuuji, yuuta (HELP I CANT STOP LISTING) What dynamics/tropes would you assign them??
I LOVE INTERACTING WITH YOU 🤕🫶 like I said in the early days of ur page, I'll protect you!!! <3
I wanna eat ur page sometimes
i literally love you, so much. it makes me so happy to see you in my ask box, likeeee reallyyy happy. AND FOR THE GAME.
1. mahito -> enemies. LITERAL ENEMIES. nobody falls in love — it's just you and him fighting, and you end up killing him 😤
2. gumi -> active reader. active reader. active reader. who's such a free soul, gets happy at the smallest things and tells megumi about it all. the series is just entries of you telling him what makes you happy today and how megumi falls in love with you more and more everyday.
3. toge -> video game enemies, lovers in real life. you're too good. and he's not going to admit he sucks, he ends up being a hater bye (secretly screenshots every win you get).
4. ino -> where he meets you through nanami. i don't even — imagine one day, you're just there beside nanami and ino's all "???". ino's a bit skeptical with you so both you and him would end up fighting for nanami's attention, but ended up falling for each other. (and nanami commends you both, win win).
5. yuuji -> sunshine and sunshine. i mean, imagine. you and him being chaotic??? pranks and all. tiktok trends. silly pictures. (started off as "we're dating in everyone's eyes but our own").
6. yuuta -> reader who's like shoko, really good at reverse techniques. and yuuta who almost never gets hurt during missions but tries to at least get a bruise or two because he doesn't know how to approach you properly outside of your little medic entry.
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