#they aren't prochoice
it's so telling that pro-israel folks have to misrepresent the pro-palestine movement. it's never pro palestine protest. it's pro hamas protest. it's antisemitic protest. like they HAVE to use a word that means a completely different thing, and that's so telling. their logic rests on such shaky ground that reality has to warp itself around it
imagine if a prolife protest was unironically called a women's oppression protest. or if a prochoice protest was called a pro death protest. like I'm sure there are some people who would like that, but imagine if it was just a mainstream view that those aren't political expressions and were just literal descriptions of what the other side believed in
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"may you have pregnancy complications"
more like may YOU get a mental evaluation...you probably wish physical assaults on pro-life women too, don't you?...
No. Of course not. But here's the thing. Forced birthers are forcing children to either flee the state for abortions or give birth. They are forcing people to sacrifice their health because forced birthers don't care how sick or injured people get from pregnancy. People have been forced to carry around dying fetuses because it has a heart beat and while the pregnant parent is in danger, they can't be said to be dying just at that moment. They are forcing rape victims to carry around their rapist's fetus.
Doctors and lawyers alike have pointed out the vagueness of exceptions and begged for the laws to be revised, but forced birthers refuse. They even refuse to add exceptions for children.
A federal judge ruled doctors aren't obligated to perform life-saving abortions after Ken Paxton sued Biden for trying to give doctors guidelines. The Idaho GOP is against life-of-pregnant person exceptions. And Tennesee has absolutely no exceptions to their abortion ban.
All of this forced birthers are fine and dandy with. They see nothing insane about this. Nothing sadistic. They don't even see how perverted and pedophilic it is to force a child to give birth. Even most criminals understand that hurting a child is wrong. If you research true crime, you realize pedophiles and child abusers don't do well in prison.
But you think that it is insane that I wish forced birthers experience what they are forcing on others? You can tolerate hurting children and prochoice people who can get pregnant, but you draw the line at the idea the people who hurt them should have the same thing happen to them? Should have to come up against the same laws?
No. I don't wish physcial assault on them. But there is nothing they could go through during pregnancy that would make me pity them. Just like I could never pity Casey Anthony or Ted Bundy.
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uncloseted · 1 year
could u talk me out of asking my casual friend why she follows brett cooper? i think its a bad idea bc shes pretty shy and sensitive plus based on what i know her (shes bi/ace and is prochoice and has colorful hair and frog tattoos) it seems random, i thnk she follows BC bc of her looks. plus shes part of a friend group that im kind of with so itll be awkward plus i wont like ppl asking why i follow someone i think this is a bad idea but my anxiety makes me want to do it help
the reason why im tempted is bc i was anxious all week about friend's morals and got the courage to ask 2 friends and an acquittance about their vieews and it went well. however for the acquittance i thought it was a horrible idea but it wasnt and she told me that she also ask ppl about their views. however i feeel like asking about the BC is an awful idea bc of the reasons listed.
I didn't know who Brett Cooper was until just now, so I had to look her up... and I think in all likelihood, the answer is that your friend things Brett is cute and doesn't know much about her politics. I scrolled on her Instagram for a bit, and it doesn't really have a lot of political content on it. It's mostly pictures of her with bland captions and a few videos of her making various dairy products. Unless you watch through the entirety of each video on her grid, you could plausibly not know what she's famous for. And even the videos that are on her grid (at least the ones that I've seen) don't seem all that incendiary, even though I think her takes are often wrong.
But I guess my real question is, if you ask your friend why she follows Brett Cooper, what are you planning on doing with the answer that you get? Does it really matter? Even if she's following Brett Cooper to hear what Brett has to say, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's important to engage with opinions that we disagree with sometimes. While there absolutely is something to be said for the radicalizing power of social media, bad takes aren't contagious. A person isn't going to suddenly become a right wing pundit because they're exposed to one. If your friend starts sharing her bad takes with you, I think that's the appropriate time to ask her (in a non-confrontational and non-judgemental way) why she believes that. But I don't think asking your friend about her Instagram choices is going to be a fruitful conversation for you or for your friendship with her.
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canwediscuss · 2 months
Here's a hot take: society isn't one cohesive anthill with one goal and one mind. Neither is any side of a political question. One person saying they think thin people are attractive and another saying thick people are attractive are not in cahoots to oppress you by making love unattainable.
Pro life and prochoice are not two united fronts that coordinate every piece of propaganda. There's a whole spectrum there from people who think miscarriages should be illegal (allegedly, I've never actually seen someone advocate for that) to people who define it as only killing live babies and want that to be illegal, to people who are terrified for women who have been raped or will die during pregnancy, to people who get off on the idea of abortion and get pregnant for the purpose of aborting it (yes I've seen the proof of that extreme.)
Antivaxxers and .. Provaxxers? I don't know if there's an actual name for them, are also a spectrum from "essential oils will cure anything" to "any medical procedure should be consented to only after research and vaccines aren't perfect just like any other medication out there" to "they're the best chance for everyone to live" to "vaccines are holy grails and will never, and have never had any adverse effects whatsoever."
LGBT rights are a spectrum, Race rights are a spectrum, right-left politics are a spectrum.
Why does this matter? Well, for one, you need to know who can be friends and who can have productive discussions. Anyone in the center can have a conversation. Anyone radical and median on one side can have a conversation. But I think it's important to note that radical vs. radical RARELY can have a productive conversation. They will never agree. The only real solution is separation or eradication.
Secondly, going back to societal standards, knowing that there is a million ranges of taste allows you to be the best you that you can be and feel confident in yourself. It also identifies the real problem as corporations and ultra wealthy people who profit off of self hate and social fractions. Nuance is a tool that you have to be aware of to be effective. You have to know when nuance is not helpful and not simply never use it.
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mina-van1104 · 2 months
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💕🐾😍🎉July 20th! Happy 8th birthday 🎂 to my Mini Husky Mix named Scooter & my Mini Australian Shepherd named Bella-Sky!!🐺🐶 They turn 8 years old today! Here’s Me & my dogs. Both were born on the exact same day but came home to me on different days 8 years ago. They were definitely meant to be mine 💕.I'll always love you guys forever. 😘 You'll always be my babies. 👊🏼July 20th. 😘
⁣I also love how my puppies are always both so overprotective of me. They’ll always be puppies to me. 💕🐾Those who teach us most about humanity, aren't always humans. When I needed a hand, I found your paws. Glad I get to spoil them extra today! Nevada born & raised family living in Nevada 45 (forty-five) years. Proud nurse, proud coach.
Song played on Instagram is "Birthday" by Katy Perry! ❤️
Always needing some prayers again.🙏 I, Mina Van 文风英 Woon Foong Yin (in Hakka Chinese).Nevada born & raised.Proud nurse, coach. Family living in Nevada for 45 (forty-five) years.Spread kindness.❤️
In the name of the Guan Yin, Ong Lee (meaning Buddha in Hakka Chinese langauge), Yay-Su (Jesus Christ), Ty-uh- ma (Mother Mary Virgin Mother Mary)
In the name of Jesus, Amen!🙏
Then my other successful blood-related family of doctors in my family,🇺🇸veterans,doctors,nurses,coaches,news reporter,lobbyist,good singers,dancers,good photographers, good writers,artists,a cop,a dentist,teachers, etc.Mixed family of Asians & white people.Spread Kindness.
Again, half of our family is Asian half our family is white. Even-though my parents look Asian we have some Chinese, Vietnamese, Native American, small portions of French, German descent, Ashkenazi Jewish descent DNA Ancestry
# PuppiesBirthdays ✞♡ # Selfie # Nurse # Coach # NativeNevadan # StopAsianHate # Biden2024💙 # JesusChrist 🦂 # Buddha # GuanYin # MotherMary # NevadaBornAndRaised # HakkaChineseRaised # ProChoice (though, in politics) # Equality # Justice # Healthcare # Running 🏃🏻‍♀️ # NevadaNative # athletic # HomeMeansNevada # Nevada # UNRnevadaAlumnaMay2016 # 3collegeDegrees # 3MedicalLicenses
•2019:OlderSisterCatherineVan&Adam Schwartz’sWedding&TheirWebsiteOn: https://www.theknot.com/us/catherine-van-and-adam-schwartz-aug-2019•ReminiscingMoreThan200PeopleCame.
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xxthefairywitchxx · 2 years
I'm gonna say this really slow for some people. Being proship is by default being anti harassment. This isn't "no true scottsman" it's literally on the tin. People can be for shipping problimatic things and still harass people, but those people are not proship because being proship means being anti harassment! If someone misuses a label that doesn't mean the label means something else. If I call a knife a spoon, that doesn't make the knife a spoon no matter how many times I say it. If someone says they're proship but they harass people, they are not proship, they just think they're an exception to having to be decent fucking people.
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faysgeekystuff · 2 years
In response to the news about Roe vs Wade being overturn I am just seeing so much hate. (I personally believe that it should NOT have been overturned because I know that so many women are going to dangerously do the abortions themselves at home)I feel like a lot of people don't know much about each side of the prolife vs Pro-choice debate. The main argument between the 2 sides is which is more important, the autonomy of a woman or the life of an unborn baby. An argument that's popular for the Pro-life side is that society considers single celled organisms to be alive but not our unborn children. A common argument for the Pro-choice side is that making an abortion illegal would mean that a woman has less bodily autonomy then a corpse.
Other arguments are that an unborn child is not alive and therefore a parasite. Another would be that we should protect the rights of human life regardless of development, intelligence, and disabilities.
These sides get so muddled up to the point of Pro-lifers believing that Pro-choicers are horrible human beings who think child murder is allowed and Pro-choicers believe that Pro-lifers should go to hell for sending womens rights back centuries. The debate turns into outright hate and each side believes the other side to be less than human.
Honestly I think there are merits and issues to both sides and one answer isn't possible. There is actually a lot of common ground between the two arguments. Both sides generally agree that abortion should be legal in the case of life endangerment, rape, or incest. Similarly most prolifers and pro choice agree that partial-birth abortions second-term abortions(although this one can be debatable because only a little over 50% of Pro-choicers believe this), third-trimester abortions should be illegal. In addition to this a large majority of both sides agree that written consent should be required for abortions to occur and that parental permission should be required for minors. Also, it's generally agreed that women should be informed about abortions before they decide to go through with it and that a 24 hours waiting period should be required.
Almost all prolifers and prochoicers believe that we should add more funds to sex education, foster care, and support for pregnant individuals.
The main arguments between the two sides is with these issues. Most Pro-choicers believe that abortion should be legal in the case of not having the monetary means to support a child, the mental health of the mother, legal abortion in the first trimester, and legal in the case of mental or physical disabilities of the baby. Pro choicers believe that ultrasounds should be required before abortions, that there should be no federal funds (although this is debatable as only a little over 50% of prolife supporters believe this), and that opt/out provision should be allowed at pharmacies.
None of these are 100% agreed on both side or just one side. There is so much variation between the two debates and beliefs of people it's kinda insane the amount of hate thrown out to one side or the other. Some people may hate me for posting this but I kinda hope that people see that boths sides have some commom views and that no one side is the devil-incarnate for their own moral beliefs.
Personally I feel like I'm in the middle of the two debates and generally agreed with all the common ground beliefs. The other issues I'm split upon and both agree and disagree with some of each sides veiwpoints. This is an extremely nuanced issue and it requires an extremely nuanced answer. Please don't despise one side or the other just for believing the one overarching debate over the other. We are all human and no one on either side has the right to decide that tens of millions of people of all genders, ages, races, and backgrounds, are horrible human beings.
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starksinthenorth · 4 years
seeing some hot takes on abortion on other socials and it’s just making me really mad
because if these people ACTUALLY WANTED us to have children, they should give a world that incentivizes it.* 
Like I do personally want more than one child. But childcare, food, housing, education, activities, etc. are all incredibly expensive nowadays and they aren’t getting cheaper. I’m only going to give birth to the children I can afford to raise. 
Right now, that’s barely one.
I know a lot of other people who think the same. We want more than one kid, but if you aren’t in the one percent, it’s going to be really hard to find a daycare, pay for extracurriculars, fix broken bones, or send that kid to college. 
I want healthcare and housing security and education reform for myself and my friends and age mates, sure. But give us a world where it isn’t a choice between the hospital bill for the pregnancy or dinner fro the kids people already have. Make a world where people feel safe having children. If you build that world, maybe you’ll see more kids being born. 
*(People should still be able to have access to abortions if that’s what they want, though. There will be ZERO abortion shaming on this blog).
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Health professionals that share other people's mental or physical health stories for clout or for some agenda shouldn't be Health professionals.
They should be fired and sued.
Those aren't their stories for sharing.
I seen tiktoks in that past that made me really upset what they were
1. Doctors telling when prolifers and prochoicers had to keep or give up their babies many of the stories had to do with r×pe or some sort of ab×se... So they were literally broadcasting another's trauma for their own agenda...
2. A doctor who thought a disabled patient was " pathetic " cause he wouldn't stop crying about losing the ability to use his legs... I don't need to explain why that's just horrid.
3. Doctors talking about the worst disabled kid that they dealt with and the worst messes made by disabled people many of these stories sounded rather humiliating for the disabled person..
I see this stuff all the time on tiktok and I can see why so many people specifically disabled people don't trust doctors.... Cause your just a story for their clout or agenda.
There is nothing professional about that sort of behavior.
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papirouge · 3 years
I'm struggling to accept pro life stance but I'm trying 😕...what scares me the most is the extreme versions we see out of Ecuador and el Salvador where women are raped, attacked and miscarry. The women are jailed for miscarriages but no pro lifer sounds the alarm because the country is deeply pro life and bans all abortions. The rapists walks free as expected - any man can simply walk away from pregnancy and nothing will come to him. But women are severely punished. Theres no safety anywhere
And how making abortion legal everywhere would stop women being raped exactly? 🤔
That's what confuses me the most about this kind of argument in favor of abortion ; it assumes aborting babies would remotely change anything in male violence🤔
But the thing is, abortion helps male violence in that men & pimps can rape and abuse women and have it covered up by abortion clinics and wipe off the evidence (= pregnancy) of their abuse. Rapist remain free even when abortion is legal. Male violence is the issue, not babies. All the "moral" objection pro abortion have against pro lifers are rooted in male violence (rape, miscarrying bc of violence, etc). Yet they shift the blame & punishment on unborn babies. Think about it whenever you're struggling to accept the pro life stance.
Also you're wrong with the "no pro lifer sound the alarm". I bet you didn't look into Ecuador or El Salvador prolife/family NGO to check if there aren't any helping women & mothers. Maybe if you don't see it it's because you're not out there? It's like when prochoicers where cussing against US prolifers allegedly doing nothing at the border when there were literally pro life NGO out there doing the job which pro choicers didn't know obviously because they weren't on the field themselves LOL
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
They aren't particularly religious but they immigrated from a different country that probably wasn't as progressive and diverse as US and faced hardships in the country so a lot of things they aren't that understanding of. My dad is a lot more open-minded, was a Bernie supporter both times, and prochoice. I asked him what he'll do if I was gay and he said he'll love me and go to my wedding and be polite to lgbt+ people, but he still believe being gay/trans is unnatural :/ my mom is complicated
I feel you, that's kind of my exact experience with my parents except reversed lol. I don't know what the best answer is and have just been working on making my relationship the best it can be with both of them which in my mom's case, has helped us to be better communicators, which has in turn changed her mind about a few things that are important to me. I think if people on both sides care about having a strong relationship it can only lead to good outcomes or at least outcomes you both can tolerate lol.
But good luck to you and everyone else out there who struggles with parent things, it's a hard, confusing grey area of life that I know I haven't figured out yet and maybe nobody ever has lol. All you can do is your best.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I disagree with your previous statement. A “influencer” is there to not only entertain but to provide influence, its in the title. You dont just get 100k+ people following you for nothing.
I believe a influencer or person who chooses to be a public figure, giving their two cents on a war that is actively happening in another country, or speaking of a natural disaster in another country is not comparable to a 50year old health right currently happening in one’s own country because this is a human right that we have the power to truly change unlike a foreign war. Anyone with a uterus or someone who is a partner to someone with a uterus and is pro choice should be talking about it. This isn’t about “you can google it yourself”, its about getting the word out to your 100k+ followers that if we do this we can be of great influence to our nation. Cant go out to protest?, protest via social media, here are links, here are pressures you can place on your state representative, here are ways to protect yourself from getting arrested and go undetected, here are ways YOU can contribute (sale your art). Here share this, donate to my stream which i will then donate to a prochoice health clinic. Simply saying “don’t expect it from them” or just “unfollow” isn’t the way, then why on earth do they have a massive platform (having that many followers just because is not normal) and are allowed to make an income off it if you are just going to stay quiet on an issue that can affect 90% of your audience perhaps not today but in a few years. If we tell these influencers “hey you have a big platform, can you talk about this and get the word out”, i see nothing wrong with that and if they dont then to me personally it means they dont give a fuck and or are pro-life.
Blm, asian hate, understandably some wont get involved because they don’t belong to that specific race, and sometimes even as an ally you may come off in a negative way while actively trying to understand the hurt from this specific group of people while advocating for them. However, this right here is talking about not only a women’s health issue but one of our biggest rights in this country, 50yrs of it being taken away that can lead to other things being taken away which should be a huge deal to everyone. Personally it feels like a slap in the face to ignore it and talk about something so baseless and materialistic and for the only options to be unfollow or look it up yourself.
i mean, they get called that, but i don't think it literally means they must influence those that follow them. i think it's more the other way around: that because they have a following, they have the ability to influence those that following them, whether or not that was something they wanted in the first place.
but no one signs up to be an influencer. it mostly just happens. they don't sign up to gain 100s and 1000s of ppl to follow them to tell them about what's going on in the world or in their country. there are some political and news commentators. but snc are not those. none of the ppl they are friends with are those. which is why i don't expect them to say anything. i would hope they would want to, but i also understand why they may not (whether that's bc maybe they have dealt with someone who has had an abortion and don't want to speak on it, maybe they don't know enough to say anything, maybe they don't know what to say, ect)
personally to me, i don't expect ppl to use their platforms. while i would love for some to at least speak out, as long as it doesn't seem like they side with the oppressors, than that's probably the best we're gonna get in some instances. and i've learned to accept that bc it's not worth the strength it takes to get angry at these ppl bc they aren't the problem. there is a bigger picture to focus on.
most influencers are entertainers. they are here to entertain us with their content. and to say they HAVE to educate their audience is not something i can agree with. it's not their job to tell their audience what's happening in the world. they are not new sources, they don't know everything that is going on, they don't have to be fact checked to say something off the walls or stupid. it is up to us individually to educate ourselves.
they got their following from the content they make, not the political stances they might have. i don't think remaining silent means they are pro-choice either. again, i think there is a bigger picture that needs to be looked at, and it doesn't include calling out influencers who make tiktoks lip-syncing and shaking ass. they aren't the problem. it's the old fucking white men in power that are the problem, and the overzealous religious crowd that just sees anyone that can have a child as a walking womb. those are the ppl that need to be targeted and yelled at. those are the ppl that need to be silenced and taken down a peg.
blm and stop asian hate is in the same ballpark as roe being overturned. it's intersectionality at it's finest. while some might not have felt comfortable speaking up or knowing what to say when all of that was happening online, it all lines up in the end. i agree, this effects everyone, way more than most realize. another anon, that i haven't answered yet, said that snc probably haven't said anything bc of their privilege, and i think that's 100% right. i don't think they realize how deep this runs. and while i would love for them to say something or to wake and see what's happening, again, i'm not gonna hold my breath. they aren't the ones that caused this to happen, they aren't gonna be where my anger goes towards.
if you want to be angry at influencers that don't use their platform to talk about this, that's fine. you have every right to. and you can go on and call them out for it too. i'm just not gonna be one of them. it's not a materialistic or baseless argument, but the fact of the matter is, you can't change who doesn't speak up. all you can do is speak as loud as you can, and hope someone hears that can ACTUALLY change things, like politicians or those that apparently still need to be persuaded.
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hotseok · 3 years
Anon, prolifers will have their right to opinions when they stop harassing women, stop trying to control their bodies, and when y'all actually care about, ya know, life.
Cause y'all aren't prolife. Y'all are probirth because as soon as the baby is born, y'all will stop caring. Especially when it comes to babies of color, poor babies, disabled babies, etc. You don't care for these babies, therefor we don't care about your opinions. Prochoice cares more about life than you bitches ever will. Shut the hell up.
they literally do not care about anything besides feeling morally superior and it's gross
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mina-van1104 · 1 year
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💕🐾😍🎉July 20th! Happy 7th birthday 🎂 to my Mini Husky Mix named Scooter & my Mini Australian Shepherd named Bella-Sky!!🐺🐶 They turn 7 years old today! Here’s Me & my dogs. Both were born on the exact same day but came home to me on different days 7 years ago. They were definitely meant to be mine 💕.I'll always love you guys forever. 😘 You'll always be my babies. 👊🏼July 20th. 😘
⁣I also love how my puppies are always both so overprotective of me. They’ll always be puppies to me. 💕🐾Those who teach us most about humanity, aren't always humans. When I needed a hand, I found your paws. Glad I get to spoil them extra today! Nevada born & raised family living in Nevada 44 (forty-four) years. Proud nurse, proud coach.
# PuppiesBirthday #dogsBirthday # blessed ✞♡ # Selfie # UNRnevadaAlumni # NativeNevadan # Nurse # Coach # Healthcare # StopAsianHate # JesusChrist ✝️🦂 # Buddha # GuanYin # MotherMary # ProChoice (though, in politics) # Running 🏃🏻‍♀️ # athletic # PositiveVibes # LoveDrivesOutFear # NevadaBornAndRaised # NevadaNative # athletic 🐾# HomeMeansNevada # Nevada # UNRnevadaAlumnaMay2016🎓 🐾 # PostUniversityGraduate 🎓# 3MedicalLicenses # 3collegeDegrees
•2019:Older sister Catherine Van&Adam Schwartz’s Wedding&their website on: https://www.theknot.com/us/catherine-van-and-adam-schwartz-aug-2019•Reminiscing more than 200 people came.
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itscoldinwonderland · 4 years
Genuine question why are you pro-life? I don't know if youre a centrist but you seem to be for things that are liberal but your prolife?
I am pretty much a liberal. Not sure why that matters.
Don't get confused, I'm prolife in the way the term would litterally mean. In that- I support the right to life,
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Abortion isn't always a person choosing to end a pregnancy, sometimes abortions are medically necessary and those cases shouldn't be illegal or banned or made hard to access. Being against medically necessary abortion could be seen as anti-life.
I'm against abortion in all other cases, however we live in a society where some pregnant people are made to feel like abortion is their only, or best, option. So it would be rather foolish to outright ban abortion when we aren't doing anything at all to help parents or children. And it doesn't seem like anyone cares to try and do anything, not so called prolifers or prochoicers. The problem with abortion isn't even abortion, it's a system that hates the poor, it's sexism, it's ableism, it's racism, it's the lack of parental rights, it's terrible sex education, it's bad access to healthcare, it's a broken foster system, it's abuse against children. There is a reason why other countries have low abortion rates.
It's really unfair that the argument has boiled down to "choice" and "life". What about the pregnant person's life or choice when they're so poor and can't afford to take care of themselves let alone a child? Why is the solution abortion and not helping the parent?
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petitegoose · 5 years
my reasons for being prochoice aren't because "a woman doesn't know she's pregnant until six weeks." i'm prochoice because it's MY body, and i don't want ANYBODY telling me what i can and cannot do with it. the fact that georgia and alabama have passed a law BANNING ABORTION isn't just abortion, it's about WOMEN'S BODIES, and how the government thinks it's okay to objectify and take away the AUTONOMY of women, and the right women have to their own bodies.
That’s where you’re wrong, IMO. They’re not deciding for just themselves. They are deciding for two, the baby doesn’t get a say in what’s happening to THEM? I think they should. If it’s considered double homicide to kill a pregnant woman, then it should not be legal. But I def agree to disagree. And would never try to tell you to change your mind or anything like that. And I’m NOT, despite what you think, supporting the oppression of women I’m just supporting the rights of those babies who would be aborted.
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