#they both think he’s a stupid idiot
sherbetyy · 4 months
key man and the coffin should be friends for having to be around duck and absolutely hating him
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weaponizedducks · 5 months
zutara is my very favourite dynamic because they're just judgy bitch besties together. stupid shenanigans duo. impulsive yelling duo. sokka is like 90 percent of their impulse control so when he's gone they go haywire. this is even canon sokka leaves them alone for one minute and suddenly they're off to kill a guy. good for them. let them be crazy besties together, striking fear into the hearts of sexist twats
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herebecritters · 10 months
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Go with the flow kinda bros
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alexiethymia · 5 months
I don’t go here in the sense that I haven’t finished the series yet. Like honestly, the cameo in Queen of Tears was what made me finally buckle down and watch it.
But I do know from spoilers the general gist of where they end up in the end. So the cameo has some pretty great implications - that in three years Chae rin managed to transform Jipuragi into such a big-shot law firm that even the Queen of Department Stores is their client, that Vincenzo possibly gives up his high-stakes mafioso life to take the bar in Korea so he can practice law there, that he would have obviously done so to start working at Jipuragi, that he didn’t pull his punches in that settlement because obviously he still has strong views about marriage, and it wouldn’t be far-fetched to think that Hae-in reminded him of another Hong in his life, and not knowing the full story, he’d definitely do his best to help Hae-in because he’s always been an ally of unapologetically strong women.
(In other words, nope, no will not take any other interpretation, he gives up all his wealth and power just so he can come home and work for his wife and fulfill his domestic office marriage dream.)
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crimeronan · 1 year
there's ALSO hilarity potential in the princess luz AU w amity being like "okay. so he's your cousin on a technicality but like barely acts like your cousin and is basically your brother but you don't call him your brother and you guys are a lot weirder and clingier than i've ever been with my siblings but you're also definitely not lovers so what..... what DO you call him" and luz being like "he's just hunter :) he's my special little guy :)" while hunter, who's been listening to and watching this entire exchange bc he's around luz All The Fucking Time, is like [inb4 amity can say it herself] "i'm her pet dog. woof."
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edgelordtozier · 1 year
the steddie fics where steve is embarrassingly air-headed and has no clue what bisexuality is even though his best friend is a lesbian are so funny to me (in a bad way). it’s like what’s another way that we can mercilessly infantilize him and make eddie munson (pathetic clueless loser) guide him and navigate the relationship as if steve hasn’t been in many relationships himself?
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The Fremen about Paul: He's our messiah! The Aiel about Rand: He's our messiah?
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hananono · 4 months
every time somebody reduces the serirei dynamic to "silly one x serious one" an angel loses its wings
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inspired by this:
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also, here's the fake thumbnails seen very briefly at the end if anyone wants to see wtf moke's up to on his nonexistent yt channel:
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innytoes · 1 year
Omg imagine a bdsm au or an a/b/o au where everyone has to have a registered alpha/dominant/whatever once they turn sixteen. And Reggie's family sucks so Luke or Alex volunteer to be it for him. Cue the moments at school of them signing his permission slips, calming down a panic attack, and defending him to the principal 😍
Okay but like I have so many feels about this. Like, the boys know Reggie is super scared about this, because if you don't HAVE someone to register to, you get ASSIGNED and even though there are probably like 50 million books and teen movies about meet cutes that way in reality it is a HORROR SHOW. Like in some states at least you get paired with someone your age but you know there's creepy ones out there being like 'of course pairing this sixteen year old to a thirty year old will work out totally fine'.
So of course they reassure him that they got him, don't even worry about it. But Reggie doesn't really want to see them either rock-paper-scissorsing over who has to be his Register, or seeing them half-heartedly thumb wrestling over who 'gets' to be it but both not really wanting to win.
But on the day of, Luke challenges Alex to a goddamn sword fight for Reggie's hand, and Alex is just like, doing Alpha Posturing like: you think you can take me?
And they're causing a ruckus, duelling with Alex' drum sticks, and Reggie is nearly falling over laughing because his friends are idiots who would make a fool of themselves in public to cheer him up. But also they're both really trying to win which makes him feel a lot better.
And Bobby just sidles up like: you seriously want to be registered to either of those idiots? I can sign, too.
And Reggie nearly falls over like: wtf Bobby, we all thought you were a Beta. But shrugs and is like: yeah actually that makes sense, let's go sign up.
The shouts of betrayal when Bobby waves the little paper at the other two is eventually what gets them all detention.
So he ends up signed under Bobby until a few years later when he happily starts dating Luke and Alex. And they're able to start a relationship without the pressure of being someone's Register, and Bobby happily signs over the paperwork when Reggie feels like he's ready AND THEY ALL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
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mes-que-un-juego · 1 month
urgh the guy i like is bragging to me about the girl he asked out and it isn't me 😭
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
hiii im in the middle of watching voy for the first time (i just finished watching 6x6 riddles actually) and ive always recognized you as That person who Loves tuvok and i wanted to know your thoughts on neelix and tuvok's relationship? its my favorite aspect of voy personally but im interested in hearing how a massive tuvok fan like you feels about them
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Tuvok & Neelix Thoughts (Fractured): Man who grows flowers for food loves a man who grows them purely for beauty, Annoying4Annoying, Comedy routines, Intricate rituals and the playing up of roles, Aliens amongst humans - to assimilate or remain stubborn?, Bringer of water/Bringer of life, Seeing an angel through the mist, Two people who have difficulty communicating and come off as off-putting to those around them, Unrequited love, Love is stored in the food + kitchen, Family men left without any family, People from impossible moons, Jokes that go too far, Horrific loneliness being masked by something else, I won't leave you alone (pos&neg), Cracks in the facade, People pretending and pretending and pretending, Leolaroot I Can't Help It I'm A Moth To The Flame Required Viewing, I can only admit I like you when no one else is around - when the situation's as bleak as can be - when we're seconds from death - only then will I admit that it's been fun. Apologies in the form of sliced apples instead of words vs Apologies in the form of long and tearful contrition. LET ME IN!!! LET ME IN!!!! Locked door you keep bruising your hand banging against. People who love too much so they: keep knocking, keep their ear against the door.
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My thoughts are that Neelix is a silly goofy little tragic clown of a man and Tuvok thinks he's so much better than him but in actuality whatever they're up to makes them both look stupid <3 /affectionate Neelix having a crush on Tuvok is canon to me - what Tuvok's response to or level of knowledge of that is changes by the day.
#I was halfway through typing all those fractured thoughts when it hit me 'perhaps this user did not mean in a romantic sense'#but I already typed half of that and made that picture thing SOOO#In regards to pure friendship I still love them and think they're very funny together <3#I think Tuvok's feelings towards Neelix are complicated and alien#and Neelix's are more straightforward internally but complicated in that Tuvok usually is making fun of him v_v#I headcanon them both as being poor at communicating honestly with others but they cover this up and proceed in different ways#Neelix is overly friendly and attentive and ignores ppl's comments about him (but he KNOWS)#meanwhile Tuvok is reclusive and doesn't often let comments pass without a comment of his own to counter it#Neelix worries about that bc it means Tuvok won't be as well liked meanwhile Tuvok finds Neelix's persistent friendliness to be exhausting#Neelix is a guy who uses friendliness in some ways as a means of survival and I also headcanon he feels somewhat protective of Tuvok#and indeed everyone on Voyager in a strange way...like 'oh these guys are such idiots...they don't know shit about survival they've lived#such cozy little lives!!' <- eventually said with much more affection than shock/scorn#Tuvok & Neelix: (about one another) You are SO annoying and stupid...godbless.....#Q&A#I h ope this answers your question#waspstar#Tuvok/Neelix#Tuvok#Neelix#I 'm IMMEASURABLY pleased to be The Tuvok Loving Guy HEHEHE <3#star trek relationship aesthetic
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If I had a dollar for every time a shitty parent said their kid didn't know what they were doing bc they're autistic I'd have a fuckton of dollars. He's 15, your son is old enough to know not to pull a knife and threaten someone at a cash register
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astro-b-o-y-d · 1 year
Bill is so interesting, because he will put SO MUCH time and care into crafting out a proper plan, one that he will happily spend a billion years putting into action...
...only to jump the gun and somehow not notice that 'Stan' Pines suddenly has six fingers when he's promised the equation to destroying the barrier. Or immediately jump to gloating when Ford confronts him about his lies, rather than just...lie some more.
He is so ridiculously impulsive and short-sighted (heh) at times, it's hilarious. This is the guy who managed to manipulate Ford for so long. The guy who is always pointed at when we talk about villains who are such masterful manipulators. This guy.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
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Sorry for being negative, I’m just a bit disappointed that after looking through the Earthspark Optimus tags on and off on different occasions weeks apart, it seems like the only thing the fandom has to say about ES Optimus is finger snaps and dad jokes. :/ (And also a handful of people already trying to frame him as a bad person lmao)
Watch for it, when more episodes of Earthspark come out and a conflict with GHOST inevitably arises, people are going to be raging at Optimus for being “stupid” or “self-righteous” or “blind” for working with GHOST and start calling Megatron and/or the Decepticons right about everything because they spent so long focusing on “haha funny dad Optimus” that they forgot about the other parts of Optimus’ character like... idk, not wanting to colonize planets? Not wanting to start wars with entire species that didn’t want to be involved in the war in the first place? Being willing to make compromises even at risk to himself and his own because he wants to treat everyone fairly?
Idk I guess I’m just a bit salty because it genuinely seems like all this fandom wants is “funny dad Optimus” and nothing else. Like you will give them funny dad Optimus who’s ALSO complex and morally gray but people will only ever talk about the former part. And then when Optimus inevitably makes a mistake and bad things happen, people are probably going to treat him as if he’s stupid or an asshole when he ends up not being the Perfect Unproblematic Fave that people seemingly want him to be.
#negativity#the tf fandom has protagonist centered morality really badly#like yes we all joke/think that humans are the most boring part of transformers#but there's a difference between that as like a narrative preference in a story#versus literally acting like humans don't matter#and a lot of takes i see in earthspark and other continuities#seem to completely ignore the fact that cybertronians securing their future on earth and eliminating the people who want to do them wrong#would literally mean stealing resources from humans and killing them aka COLONIZING THEM#so i see people calling OP a bad leader or stupid or overly trusting for working with GHOST when he's literally no such thing#he explicitly says 'we are guests on this planet' and acknowledges that he sees GHOST merely as his best option and doesn't fully trust them#but ppl in this fandom have a really infantile perspective of optimus#where they want him to be Good All The Time or they just see him as an idiot for some reason#so they see OP making compromises to not hurt humans (people who didn't even want to get involved with cybertron's war)#and theyre like durr hurr he's stupid! he's ignorant! he's an asshole to the decepticons!#no he's not he's literally just trying to not hurt innocent people? and he has to balance both human lives and cybertronian lives#and that's fucking hard and there are no perfect options and there are no outcomes where no one will get hurt#and the existence of those bad choices doesn't make optimus stupid or malicious#it makes him a FUCKING PERSON#trying to navigate a HARD SITUATION and do the right thing#but we can't have optimus being an actual character who behaves like a human being#he has to be perfect daddy prime that does nothing wrong ever and if he does he's a STUPID ASSHOLE ugh
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deadn30n · 8 months
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it's sunday and in the spirit of this raunchy little day i must inform you all that yone is a virgin by default in almost every verse because he's married to his duties/work and never had much time to even consider romance. i don't believe he's ever actually even really fallen in love with someone ( i headcanon him more on the same spectrum as myself; mostly aroace ( there are very rare exceptions ); where he experiences very little romantic/sexual attraction ) so when he finally does get together with someone, it's like a whirlwind kind of romance. where he falls hard and he falls deep because it's such a rare and unprecedented thing for him and leaves him incredibly vulnerable to having his heart severely broken if it doesn't work out. he does prefer to take things slow and can literally take years if he's unsure of his own feelings / unsure of whether the other party likes him too. so unless he's slapped directly in the face and told how you feel about him, he's probably just gonna slow burn the fuck outta it
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