#they changed all the rules to keep it that way
lustspren · 1 day
All Of The Lights ft Mina, Sana, Momo.
length: 27,1k words✦
Flashing Lights sequel.
Male reader, Male character x Mina, Sana, Momo.
genres: fivesome, anal, voyeur, hard sex, double/triple blowjob, creampie, double penetration, striptease, oral sex, facefuck, squirt, facial, bi, footjob, titjob, thighjob, butt play, daddy kink, sauna, sweaty sex ✧
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The stars had aligned. The opportunity had presented itself to you, once again. With a promotion of stratospheric proportions and a long, well-deserved vacation. You had every reason to aim high. Budapest. You had to go back to Budapest. Your body was begging you, the universe itself was begging you. It was an imperative need. That damn place seemed to attract you like an industrial magnet, and you had no intention of resisting that call.
Besides, you had a promise to keep. A promise you had made over a year ago to a gorgeous Japanese girl who managed to win your heart in just three days. You remembered her face every day, and not just hers, but also the girl who had stopped you from getting beaten up in the first place.
You needed them. In the UK you felt incomplete, counting the days and hours. Not living, just killing time. The only way was to go back.
And there you were, in front of that place again. You had to admit that during the flight to Budapest you had an irrational fear that for some reason the establishment no longer existed. But no, it was still there, standing tall, mysterious and elegant. You could also hear the loud music booming just a few meters below. It was still operational, thank God.
And still not a single damn security guard at the door. Who knows how many other poor bastards with less luck than you have already been beaten out.
Your stomach was in knots, but you went in anyway.
Inside everything was exactly the same as you remembered it, except that this time you didn't know what you were getting into, with a mixture of fear, uncertainty and curiosity. This time you knew exactly what you were doing, and as you went down those stairs you could do nothing but think about that girl. Was she still there? There was no reason to believe otherwise, but when you got downstairs you didn't see her anywhere.
Another girl, however, immediately caught your attention. Among all the dancers, waitresses and assistants, she gave off a very different aura and kind of beauty, standing on one of the small circular platforms for everyone to see her dancing to Dua Lipa's New Rules. Her light brown hair ran free, shiny and silky. Slim body, but full of perfect curves in every possible place, covered by a black lace outfit, under which she wore a black top and shorts. And damn, her face was downright a gift from the gods.
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The way she moved was hypnotic, mesmerizing, with the energy of a person who was confident of herself and her charms. And bloody hell... those facial expressions were everything. She had every single man's mouth watering. Many offered bills in exchange for touching her, but she only mocked them with an incredulous laugh and a haughty look. You had never seen anything like that before; you were stunned. She…
"You here again?" A male voice said from your left, snapping you out of your trance. “You’re a fucking pain, kid.”
You never thought you’d be glad to see the man you turned around to see.
“And you’re a fucking grouch, Takashi,” you said with a smirk, looking at the burly man who nearly killed you a year ago. He looked better this time, with a visibly more expensive suit and a decent haircut. “Still no security guards at the door?”
“Still not learning Japanese?”
A laugh escaped you.
“If you’re looking for the bosses, they’re not here right now,” he said, crossing his arms.
You frowned.
“The bosses?” you asked. “Plural?”
“Yeah, bosses. Miss Myoui now runs this club in conjunction with Miss Hirai.”
You knew a lot could change in a year, but that wasn't part of your assumptions. A pleasant surprise, indeed.
"And where are they? Momo was always here."
"It's none of your business, boy!" Takashi pointed at you with his finger. "Wait as long as it takes or fuck off!"
Takashi didn't let you finish, he just glared at you and went into the club to do his respective patrol. What a grumpy fucking lad.
With no other option but to wait, you went straight to the bar, this time without any Japanese bouncers to stop you. The girl was still dancing a few meters to the right, but all you could think about was refreshing your throat with something really cold.
There were a couple of not-so-friendly-looking men sitting at the bar, chatting between arrogant laughs. You took the stool as far away from them as possible, not because you were scared, but to avoid controversy over the fact that you were the only non-Asian there.
As soon as you sat down, a cute, slim girl in a sleeveless black dress, with her dark hair down, approached you. The bartender.
"Shitsurei itashimasu ga, go-chūmon wa nani ni nasaimasu ka?" she said, of course, in Japanese.
"Uh..." you scratched your eyebrow. "Do you know any English, dear?"
The girl stared at you with a frown, one elbow on the bar.
"English," you repeated more slowly.
"Oh, eigo!" she nodded quickly. "Little bit," she finally replied.
You sighed. Well, you'd have to be clear and concise.
"Uhm... whiskey?" you asked under her watchful gaze. "Scotch?"
"Scotch whiski?" she asked, and turned to the shelf of bottles to give it a quick glance. "Oh! That one?"
She pointed, thankfully, to a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label.
"Yes!" you nodded. "One, with tonic water, please."
The girl got to work, with frankly surprising speed. She had your drink ready in less than a minute, without a single hint of error. You didn't remember seeing her a year ago, but she most likely had quite a bit of experience already.
"Thank you very much, dear," you smiled at her once she handed you the drink.
She just smiled back, and after a small bow she went to serve the other customers. So you were left alone with your glass of whiskey, which like a good Brit you knew how to appreciate once the first sip went down your throat. It was just what you needed to relax your body.
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed someone sitting next to you. You only saw the shadow, so you didn't know if it was a man or a woman. You, minding your own business, decided not to turn around so as not to attract attention.
"Moka-chan!" the person said. A woman. "Osake wo ippai choudai, onegai. Tsukarechatta!"
She said that last word with a tired tone and a sigh. You frowned and turned your head just a little. This time you managed to see the silhouette, pale and darkly dressed. Was it...?
"Ah! Sana-chan!" said the bartender, who you deduced was called Moka, with a smile. "Sugu ni ne! Asoko de sugokatta yo!"
The girl next to you, Sana, let out a cute giggle.
"Arigato, arigato!"
Her voice was extremely sweet, like a sugary melody made for tired ears. You stared at your glass still full of whiskey, but curiosity had you by the neck, and in the end forced you to turn to look at her, as discreetly as you could.
She was, indeed, the girl you had seen dancing a few minutes ago, and if she looked beautiful from so many meters away, from this distance it was like seeing the love child between two angels. Her gaze was fixed straight ahead, attentive as Moka served her whatever she had ordered, her chin resting on her knuckles.
"Hai, douzo!" said Moka, handing Sana a small glass with a clear liquid that could well have been vodka, tequila, or who knows what. "Uchi no sutā ni ippai!"
Sana accepted the small glass with a nod of her head and a charming smirk. She then took it and, without even thinking twice, drank it all in one gulp before tapping the bar with the empty glass.
"Ah, oishii!" exclaimed Sana, visibly happier.
But what you didn't notice was that you had been staring at her for too long, so as soon as she turned her head slightly, she caught you. You quickly looked back at your glass, and tried to cover it up by taking a sip while looking in the opposite direction. With a bit of luck, she would forget about it and...
"Nee..." she said. "Nani miteru no?"
Shit. The implied question tone made it clear that she was talking to you. You couldn't just ignore her; that would be rude, but you also didn't know how to look at her after you'd been doing it in secret.
"Hm? Matte..." she paused, and you noticed how she leaned forward a little to get a better look at you. "You're not Japanese, are you?"
You sighed and looked at your whiskey, with no other option but to give up.
"You got me, I guess," you replied, and now you looked at her. Bad mistake. That only made you nervous, as she was too close and her beauty worked twice as effectively.
"You are aware of where you are, sweetheart?" she asked.
"Quite aware, yes," you nodded with a chuckle. "Do you speak English?"
"I do, and apparently you too..." she picked up her stool and moved it closer to yours. "Which leads me to think that you are definitely not Hungarian, you are a foreigner."
"What makes you think that I am not just a Hungarian who speaks very good English?" you asked, and took a sip of your whiskey with your gaze fixed straight ahead.
"No one here has that accent," Sana replied with a smirk. "But okay, let’s say you’re actually Hungarian. That doesn't answer the most important question of all..." she moved even closer, her face on the side of your shoulder. "What are you doing here?"
"Why, does my presence bother you?" you asked, glancing at her.
"Not at all, sweetheart," she said, shaking her head. "But I'm surprised you're still sitting here without Takashi-kun kicking your ass."
"Well..." you swirled the whiskey in your glass. "Let's just say I'm not an unfamiliar face to him. I've been here before."
"That doesn't answer my question, in fact it gives me a better one: what did you do that time to not get your ass kicked and why are you back?" she asked, tilting her head to meet your gaze. "You don't seem interested in us dancers... even though you should definitely be interested in me."
"To start off, darling, that's two questions and one self-centered statement," you replied, shoving your hands into the pockets of your windbreaker, then turning the stool around to face her. "That time your boss saved my ass."
Sana frowned and opened her mouth in surprise.
You nodded.
"Back then Miss Myoui was still a dancer," you said. "I'm waiting for them right now."
"Are you a business partner or something?" she asked.
"I don't remember at what point this turned into an interrogation," you picked up your glass of whiskey on your left and took a sip, looking at Sana. "Anyway, it's my turn to ask the questions now."
"And what if I don't want to answer them?" she asked, shifting her crossed legs.
"Oh, you'll want to answer this one," you said with a smile. "You said I should definitely be interested in you, why?"
"The answer to that question lies in how you were looking at me before I caught you red-handed," she subtly took the glass from your hand. "So you tell me," she then took a sip of your whiskey, her eyes fixed on you.
You looked into her eyes and then away to her now whiskey-wet, tantalizingly kissable lips.
"Because you're a delight. You look like the real thing..." you took the glass back from her and drank from the same side as her. "And I'm sure you must taste like the real thing."
Sana smiled.
"There's your answer. Still, I have one last question..." she took the glass from you, but this time she set it on the bar to stand up and between your legs, her hands on your thighs and her face inches from yours. "Do you want to taste me?"
Having her up close put all your senses on full spurt. Your heart began to beat faster, and her hands on your thighs caused the bulge in your pants to stir as you woke up. You were supposed to sit there waiting for the girls to come, but it was rare to see such tempting Japanese candy like that.
"Aren't you going to get in trouble?" you asked, taking the liberty of putting your hands on that small waist. "You seem pretty famous around here."
"Trouble?" She laughed out loud, as if the question offended her. "I'm the star of this club, I can do whatever I want..." She brought one of her hands to your bulge to give it a gentle squeeze. "Even fuck a cute foreign boy who's maybe too god damn lucky."
"Too lucky, indeed…”
Then she kissed you.
Sana only needed five seconds to prove that she was the hell of a good kisser. Your lips were wrapped in a sensual exchange of saliva, her hand constantly massaging your bulge until your cock was hard under your pants. She was smart; she did it knowing that from the other side of the bar no one could see what she was doing with her hand, so Moka couldn't stop you.
You put your arms around her in the middle of the kiss, delighted to be able to feel that sexy slim body under the tip of your fingers. When you lowered one of your hands to grab her ass she squeezed your cock harder, and as you began to massage one of her butt cheeks she let out a small moan against your lips.
"To give you an idea of ​​how lucky you are..." she said between kisses. "The last time a man tried to do what you're doing..." another hard squeeze to your now painfully hard cock. "He left with broken wrists."
"Ouch..." you said.
"Shall we go to the bathroom? To your place?" she asked.
"The bathroom suits my urge to bury my cock deep inside you better," you replied.
Sana let out a sly smile.
"You're a bold son of a bitch, have you been told that?"
"A couple of times," you admitted.
She let go of you to walk away from the bar, but not before looking over her shoulder at you, indicating for you to follow her. You did so, after taking a last sip of your whiskey.
"Oi, omae!" a female voice called out from behind you, as you were halfway to the bathroom.
You stood very still, staring at the floor. Sana had also stopped to turn around. You knew that voice, more than perfectly. You ended up turning around, very slowly.
Standing at the bottom of the stairs was she. Myoui Mina. As beautiful and graceful as ever. It was the first time you saw her dressed like that, in black shorts, a turtleneck sweater, and a black trench coat with beautiful silver engravings on it, a clear sign of her now well-deserved new status. Her countenance was stern, unyielding. Like that of a supreme empress who knew she could have a mountain moved for her with just one word.
But still, that countenance softened and transformed into something completely new the moment she recognized you.
Mina took slow steps towards you, and you towards her. Instantly she quickened her pace, and a smile formed on both her face and yours. The last few meters she shortened with long strides, until finally, you wrapped each other in a strong embrace.
"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" She squealed against your shoulder, her arms wrapped around your neck, and yours around her waist. “I knew you were coming back!”
“I had to, didn’t I?” you replied, and buried your face in her hair to breathe in her familiar scent. “A promise is a promise.”
A few feet ahead, just down the stairs, the woman who had made it all possible in the first place appeared. Hirai Momo looked as sexy and alluring as ever, dressed in a two-piece outfit that looked like a full-body dress, her body as delicious looking as you remembered, only now she had shorter hair.
Her expression was a bit different from Mina’s. Funny, to say the least. She looked like she had seen a ghost, but you still managed to notice small hints of a smile. She was pleased, but she couldn’t seem to believe it as she slowly walked towards you.
“One year and four months, you jerk…” she muttered, clinging to you like a koala to its branch. "You took too long."
"I know, sweetheart, I'm sorry..." you murmured back, rubbing her back with your hand. "But there wasn't a single day that I didn't think about you... and here I am."
Mina pulled away from you slightly, to look you in the eyes up close. She then cupped your face with her soft hands, and without warning, she kissed you. It wasn't something that bothered you at all, of course, but the surprise lay in where she was doing it, not caring what her employees or her customers thought. You didn't care either, that's why you gladly accepted the kiss.
The remorse of conscience, however, made you break the kiss a few seconds earlier than you would have liked. Meters behind you the cause must have still been standing, maybe confused, maybe angry, maybe disappointed, or a mix of all three. You really had no idea.
“Damn, you two can’t wait for a moment of privacy, can you?” Momo asked, standing behind Mina before shifting her gaze behind you. “Soko de nani shiteru no? Ojō-san. Nanika matteru no?”
That last bit was for Sana. You pulled away from Mina to turn and look at her. Sana had her arms crossed, a mischievous smile plastered on her face as she watched you and Mina. That ruled out your previous assumptions; she looked satisfied.
“Oh, nothing, boss,” Sana replied directly in English. She took a few steps towards the two of you, but kept her gaze locked on you. “Definitely not a business partner, huh?”
Mina furrowed her brow, and looked at you and Sana.
“I assume you two have met already.”
“Hai, at the bar,” Sana pointed at it with her chin, her hands behind her back. “Your cute boyfriend was waiting for you like a good boy.”
On your quest to find a place to look without looking suspicious, you met the knowing eyes of Momo, who was watching you with a small, sly smile. She nodded at Sana, which you interpreted as a yes or no question. You just shrugged and nodded, a yes.
“I see,” Mina crossed her arms. “But you two seemed to be going somewhere. May I know where?”
Sana gave you furtive glances.
“Well, he asked me very nicely to show him where the bathroom was,” she replied before fixing you with a look. “Right?”
“Ah yeah yeah,” you laughed. “That whiskey filled my bladder faster than I anticipated.”
That didn’t seem to convince Mina, who raised her eyebrows and nodded slowly to look at you.
"Lucky, huh? Thank goodness our Sana-chan is so kind," she stared at you without blinking, hoping to fluster you so you'd give yourself away.
You didn't know how to respond, so you gave Momo a quick glance to signal her to stop holding back her laughter and help you out.
"Oi, Mina-chan," she finally chimed in, standing next to the three of you. "I really need a seat and a drink, let's go inside."
"You're right, I'm thirsty too," Mina replied without taking her eyes off you. "Will you join us, sweetie?" she raised an eyebrow.
"What do you think?"
She smiled.
"Come on then."
Mina was the one who took the lead. You then looked at Sana, who winked at you once Mina's back was turned.
"Alright, you two," Momo said, standing very close to the two of you. She put one hand on your back and the other around Sana's waist. "I don't like being lied to. Who's going to tell me the truth first?"
"We were going to fuck in the bathroom until you two came along, boss," Sana replied, bluntly, without mincing words, unfazed.
You glared at her, and gave Mina a quick glance to see if she had heard; she didn't seem to have, she was watching you at the entrance to the hallway leading to the office, expectantly.
Momo couldn't help but laugh.
"You work fast, huh?" she looked at you. "At this rate you're going to fuck even Moka."
"Actually," Sana chimed in. "I was the one who seduced him and made him drool all over me. It wasn't his doing, boss."
"Oh my god..." you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. She was only making you look worse with every single thing she said.
"Did you see his cock already?" Momo asked, biting her own lip and looking at you.
"Actually no," Sana giggled and looked at you too. "But I did touch it... and I wanted it deep inside me right away."
"You're coming with us then?" Momo looked at Sana, and you noticed how she squeezed her waist. "You know... we'll drink something, chat, and maybe put on a great little show."
"A great little show?" Sana gasped in surprise. "I'll get to dance for my bosses?"
"With your bosses," Momo corrected, and looked at you. "The dance will be for our extra exclusive customer."
"I see..." Sana nodded slowly, before giving a quick glance to Mina, who was already getting impatient. "His girlfriend won't be upset?"
Momo let out a laugh.
"She's not even his damn girlfriend," she paused to think about it. "Well, not for now at least. But in the meantime he can do whatever he wants. He’s single."
Sana shrugged with her head cocked to the side, showing false innocence.
"Then I don't see why not, boss."
"Saikō!" Momo clapped her hands, grinning from ear to ear. "Follow me then."
You were about to complain about the hasty decision, but held back as you assumed there was nothing you disagreed with. You wanted that more than any of the three of them. The only drawback was Mina; you didn't know how she was going to take it, but you didn't think she was going to put up too many obstacles either. After all, you only had an emotional bond, nothing formal: she wasn't your girlfriend.
Yet. Who knows what was going to happen in those four days.
"Come on, sweetheart," Sana urged you as Momo walked towards the office. She leaned close to your ear. "I'm dying to taste that juicy cock."
Sana pulled away from you with a mischievous smirk, and winked at you before turning around and following Momo. You followed her as well.
To your surprise, the entire office had been remodeled, so nothing was in the place you remembered. The floor, now level and without steps, was made of elegant dark wood planks that made a soft creaking sound under your feet. The famous pole was no longer at the back of the room, it was now near the entrance, in front of the large semi-rectangular shaped couch, where Mina was now comfortably seated, cross-legged, while eating peanuts from a glass bowl.
The ceiling was still as high as before, made of a beautiful wooden facade with warm bulbs embedded in it. On each side of the room extended long, low chests of drawers, on which they displayed objects of all kinds, from books to small gadgets. The walls were decorated with paintings, the most notable one on the back wall. The corners, meanwhile, were adorned with tall plants and a majestic marble statue, representing a swan in full flight.
And of course, there were now two desks instead of one.
"I was going to ask what you were talking about without me, but I don't think I need to," Mina said, seeing Sana enter with you.
You took a few steps forward, carefully observing the entire space. The gold color was everywhere, especially in the details of the furniture and the ceiling. Even the pole seemed to be made of the precious metal. You doubted its authenticity, but with the amount of money Momo handled, you wouldn't be surprised if it was real.
"Sana-chan will be joining us to celebrate tonight, my dear," Momo announced, walking past the couch towards her desk, to set her handbag down.
Sana, still near the entrance, gave a small bow to Mina.
"It's an honor, Mina-sama," she said, her hands clasped together on her belly.
You sat down next to Mina, who immediately offered you peanuts. You grabbed a couple and ate them. The couch was considerably more comfortable than the old one, and the lilac velvet gave it the perfect touch. The only drawback was that the backrest was lower, making it difficult to fully support your back.
“Please call me Mina, sweetie,” she waved her hand casually, leaving the bowl of peanuts on the coffee table. “Come sit with us.”
“Hai!” Sana bowed again, and with slow steps went to sit right next to you.
“What are you celebrating for?” you looked at Mina. “Is that why you were out?”
“That’s right!” Momo appeared again, now with a bottle of chilled champagne in one hand and four glasses skillfully held in the other. “We bought an apartment!”
She set the bottle and glasses down on the coffee table around the bowl of peanuts, then walked past Sana, sitting on the right side of your lap to wrap her arms around your head and hug you. You hugged her back.
"Our dream apartment," Mina clarified, watching as Momo pressed your face into her big melons. "What better reason to celebrate than that? Besides, your return is a good reason too."
"Damn, you've been doing well, haven't you?" you managed to say against Momo's breasts, then turned your face to look at Mina with a smile. "That's great sweetie, congratulations."
Mina smiled back, looking at you with a cute sparkle in her eyes.
"Thanks baby," she leaned forward to look at Sana beside you. "Though you have to give our cute star dancer a lot of credit; she's a money-making machine."
Sana leaned over to look at Mina as well, a proud smile on her face. She took some peanuts from the bowl.
"Thank the horny brained men too, boss, they're pretty pathetic."
Mina and Momo laughed.
"You're certainly not wrong," Mina said. "But I've never been handed as much money as you."
Sana shrugged, munching on some peanuts.
"I'm really good at sweet-talking them, and they seem to have never had any female contact in their life. They drop like flies."
"Sana, cutie, could you pour the champagne?" Momo asked. "I'd do it myself, but I missed my big boy and want to hug him some more."
At this point you felt like you were going to get a crick in your neck at any moment, but anything was worth it to have Momo's gorgeous ass on your lap and her breasts in your face. You had to be grateful for the privileges you had.
"Hai!" Sana nodded, and picked up the bottle as she examined the table. "Where's the corkscrew?"
"Right there," Momo pointed to the drawer of the coffee table. "It's electric, so you won't have to leave your wrist."
Sana opened the drawer and took out the corkscrew, then put the bottle on the table and got to work.
"Honey, sorry for the question," you moved away from Momo's breasts so you could look at Mina comfortably. "But how did you come to run the business with Momo?"
"Well, it's an easy question actually," she looked at Momo. "Do you want to answer it yourself?"
Momo finally removed her arms from around your neck and rested both hands on your right shoulder.
"She's a real beast at negotiating; she's much better with people than I am," she paused to look at Sana as she poured the champagne into the glasses. "As soon as I noticed, I gave her a few tests, and she passed them all with flying colors."
As she finished pouring the champagne, Sana took each glass and handed it to you one by one. You and Momo nodded in thanks.
"Thank you, dear," Mina told her with a smirk, then looked at you. "Well, yeah, I basically went back to college for a day."
"But it was worth it, wasn't it?" Momo raised an eyebrow. "Look at us now, we've taken the club to a whole other level thanks to you joining."
Mina nodded proudly.
"It was totally worth it."
"Cheers to that, girls, I really couldn't be more proud of you," you raised your glass with a smile.
Momo grabbed your face and planted her lips on your cheek. Mina leaned over to you as well and planted hers on the other one.
"Thank you, sweetheart," Momo raised her glass to the center. "Kanpai!"
"Kanpai!" you, Mina, and Sana said in unison, raising your glasses before taking a sip of the champagne.
"Baby, as much as I love having you on my lap, I can't feel my leg anymore," you patted Momo's lower back, your thigh growing numb.
Momo giggled.
"Woopsies, I'm sorry," she stood up from your thigh with an innocent little smile and went to sit on Sana's right. "Blame my big ass."
Mina took another sip of her champagne glass, set it down on the coffee table, and turned to raise one knee on top of your thighs. She then crossed her arms, looking at Sana.
"So? How was your evening, darling?" She raised an eyebrow. "You're in a good mood."
Now the real fun began. You knew Mina wasn't going to sit back and take the answer she got from Sana a few minutes ago; she'd try to get the truth out of her. 
Sana raised her eyebrows for a moment. The question had caught her taking a sip of champagne.
"Really fun, boss," she set her glass down on the coffee table. You still had yours in your hand, as did Momo. "But I was hoping it would be a little more... spicy."
"You've got quite a spicy dance routine already, what do you mean?"
"I don't know," Sana shrugged, then clasped her hands on her knee to lean towards you. "Don't you sometimes feel like your night is missing something?"
Mina frowned.
"Every night since he's not here, why?"
You stared at Mina with a half smile. Apparently you weren't the only one who was feeling that way this whole time.
Sana let out a silly giggle.
"Aw, that's adorable! So you understand how I feel tonight."
"So that's how you found him then?"
"Oh, I didn't find him," Sana said, reaching for her champagne glass. "In fact, if it were up to me I would never have noticed his existence, you already know me. He gave himself away," she sipped from the glass.
The smile on your face faded. You sipped champagne to keep from saying anything. At that moment you met Momo's gaze. She was holding back her laughter again.
"He gave himself away?"
"Yeah!" Sana nodded. "I was minding my own business, ordering my usual sip of sake from Moka-chan, when I happened to notice this…" she leaned over to you and placed her hand on your chest. "cute gentleman gaze!"
You cleared your throat.
"I literally only looked at her for a second because she was sitting next to me and she happened to look back," you said, hoping to maybe clean up your image a bit.
Sana laughed out loud, as if you'd told a really good joke.
"For a second?" she raised her eyebrows. "You looked like you were about to pierce me with your eyes!"
You shrugged, skeptical.
"Your imagination, surely."
"So you met him purely by chance?" Mina asked.
"Hai! Although I must say, it seemed like he wanted us to meet," Sana replied, giving you sidelong glances. One of them went down; you knew exactly where.
Mina looked at you, and it seemed like she also looked where Sana had. She most likely already knew the truth at this point, but she seemed to be playing with you as if she were a cat and you were a mouse.
"Is that true?" she asked, and her knee tightened on your thighs.
You were between a rock and a hard place. You had to tell the truth, but the dilemma was how you were going to do it, whether to disguise it so as not to make yourself look so needy or to cut the crap and tell things as they were.
But fuck it. If you didn't get straight to the point, the only thing you would achieve was to delay the inevitable even further.
"Yeah, I saw her dancing when I got here and she left me stunned," you leaned back, propping yourself up with your elbows on the back of the couch to look at the two of them. "When she talked to me at the bar I jumped at the chance."
A small smile formed on Sana's face as she took another sip of her champagne. She looked only at you, eager for you to spill the beans.
"The chance for what?" Mina asked.
"To take my shots."
You watched Mina's reaction closely. You expected her to be upset by it, but you only managed to catch a tiny hint of a smile. She looked down, then back at Sana.
"You weren't showing him where the bathroom was, huh?"
"Nope," you shook your head, responding for Sana. "You know what we were going to do in there, sweetheart."
Mina didn't even look at you, she was still intent on Sana, arms crossed and unblinking.
"What do you have to say about that, Sana-chan?"
"That his shots hit the mark," Sana downed the last of the champagne in her glass in one gulp, then set it down on the coffee table. "We were headed straight for fucking until you came along, boss."
"Oh, do I have to apologize, then?" Mina raised an eyebrow.
Sana gently shook her head.
"Not at all. I don't think you could have known."
The office fell into a deep silence. Mina and Sana stared at each other without saying a word, and you could perfectly imagine the lightning bolts striking between their heads. However, you didn't notice an air of confrontation, but rather a defiant one.
"Go on, then," Mina broke the silence, after a few long seconds. "You must be eager to get back to it."
"Fuck, it was about time," you heard Momo say.
"Right now?" Sana laughed.
“Yeah,” Mina moved her knee off you and moved a small distance to the left, crossing her legs again. “But I’ll decide when you two stop.”
“Ahhh!” Sana whined, pouting. “How am I supposed to focus like that?”
“That’s your problem, sweetie, not mine. Come on.”
Sana looked at you and, after kicking off her heels, straddled your lap, her hands on your abdomen. She made to lean forward, but stopped to look at Mina.
“Can I at least ask for some music?”
“As you prefer,” Mina looked at Momo. “Would you?”
“I’d be happy to,” Momo nodded, and pulled her phone out of her handbag to connect to the office sound system, set up on four large speakers positioned at each corner of the ceiling. She put on Britney Spears’ Gimme More first.
Sana then turned to look at you again. She smiled and bit her lip, and began to move her hips ever so slowly to the music, grinding against your bulge. After a few short seconds she leaned into you, her hands now on your collarbone, and with her face inches from yours, she kissed you.
Between Sana’s sweet lips and the satisfying rumble of the music it wasn’t hard to enclose yourself with her in a bubble of passion and lust. You wrapped your arms around her small waist, pressing your bodies together as she moved her hips. She cradled your face in her hands, your tongues swirling together until she pulled away to attack the right side of your neck with wet kisses and licks.
Mina’s gaze met yours, and you held it as your hands left Sana’s waist to roam the rest of her body. You touched every corner you could reach, but ended up focused on her pretty ass, which you noticed was bigger and softer than it seemed at first glance. Mina followed each movement attentively to the next, probably eager to see more.
"Damn, they really wanted each other," you heard Momo say followed by a giggle, watching as Sana kissed your neck and face and you groped her ass.
Sana untied the zipper of your parka and opened it to the sides to put her hands under your sweater. She caressed your chest and abdomen with her fingers, then kissed you again and proceeded to take off your upper garments. With your torso already naked, she lowered the kisses to your pectorals and then to your abdomen, where she stayed for a few seconds in which she grabbed the hem of your sweatpants and your boxers and pulled them down together to release your hard cock.
“Oh god, I knew I wasn’t wrong…” Sana smiled, exhaling hot breath against the back of your cock. “This thing is massive.”
The song changed to 50 Cent’s Candy Shop, perfect timing as she climbed off the couch, kneeled between your legs and took your cock in one hand to press it against her lips as she peppered it with kisses; after spreading them all over your shaft, she moved on to licking your tip in slow swirls, until finally she took you into her warm mouth.
You gifted Sana with your first moan of the night. She sucked on your tip gently for the first few seconds, still using her tongue to lick around it. Then her eyes met yours as she slowly lowered her lips halfway down your cock, one hand at your base and the other kneading your balls.
Her head movements were gentle and calculated, soon accompanied by a small series of moans that Sana let out every few seconds that made your shaft vibrate. You looked straight into her eyes, amazed at how they could change so drastically from one moment to the next: first they looked like two cute bubbles, but now they seemed to be able to see through your soul.
She gave you a few more sucks and pulled you out of her mouth, her hand moving up and down your cock.
"You want me to take my clothes off huh?" she asked, caressing your thigh with her other hand. "You've wanted to since you saw me out there."
"Then you're going to help me with it."
Sana let go of your cock and stood up so she had her back to you. She had taken off her lace dress in a flash, and when she was left in her shorts and top, she leaned on your thighs and sat fully on top of your cock. The song changed to Sock It 2 ​​Me by Missy Elliott and she started moving her hips to the beat, then looked over her shoulder at you.
"Come on pretty boy, undress me," she said, looking at you with those stupidly sexy eyes.
You brought your hands to her waist and let her dance against your cock for a few seconds, but soon you lost patience and pulled down the zipper on the side of her shorts, which you then grabbed the hem to pull down and slowly reveal her ass cheeks. Sana lifted her hips for a moment, and finally you were able to slide her shorts down her legs. Her panties were also semi-transparent black lace, and made her ass look like a real treat. Next was her top, easier to remove than the bottoms. Underneath she was wearing absolutely nothing, but you couldn't see anything until she stood up and turned to kneel between your legs again. They were a pair of tits that were close to perfection: pretty, round and the size of an apple.
Sana took your cock and brought it back to her mouth, sucked it up and down a few times and pulled it out to jerk you off, her eyes on yours.
"Well?" She smiled, her hand moving in a steady rhythm over your throbbing cock. “Am I just like you pictured me naked in your head?”
“Even fucking better,” you gasped, still unable to stop staring at her tits.
She noticed your gaze and reached up to rub your cock against her tits, consequently smearing them with saliva.
“You like them?” Sana giggled.
“They’re so fucking pretty…” you leaned forward to cup and squeeze one of her breasts in your hand. “I want them in my mouth.”
“And I still want your cock in my mouth,” she rubbed your tip against her nipple. “Now what do we do?”
“After I taste your tits you can ride me however you want,” you moved your hand up to her neck and then up to her chin to slide a thumb into her mouth. She sucked on it, “Is that okay with you, darling?”
“Mmmmm,” she sucked on your finger for a few seconds until she pulled it out, “We have a deal, gorgeous.”
Sana stood up to straddle your lap, her crotch pressed against your cock. You straightened your back, and now with that pair of gorgeous breasts in front of your face, you brought your hands to her ass and plunged your mouth into one of them. She let out a cute moan and gently held onto your head, rocking her hips back and forth against your cock with her fingers tangled in your hair.
You spent the next long seconds sucking on her tits and groping her ass. Your hands moved from her ass cheeks to her legs, and back up to rub her lower back. All the while, you licked and kissed her nipples, using your free hand to massage the free breast that you didn’t have in your mouth at the moment. They were a delicious, fluffy pair of tits, and if Momo didn't exist, they would definitely be the best tits you'd ever suck on in your life.
"S-stop it..." Sana moaned against your cheek. "I want that cock inside me..."
"Then put those panties aside and ride me, you little slut," you said against one of her tits.
Sana wasted no time in lifting her hips and bringing one of her hands to her crotch. You felt her pull the panties to the side, your cock now rubbing against her wet folds. She then used her other hand to grab your shaft and straighten it out to align it with her pussy. When she lowered her hips...
"Alright, stop," Mina chimed in, standing up.
Damn woman.
"Ughhh! This has to be a joke!" you groaned, bringing your hands to your face. You had completely forgotten that neither you nor Sana were in charge of what was going on.
"Boss!" Sana shrieked, forced to release your cock. "Don't be so fucking cruel!"
Mina crossed her arms as she stood in front of you.
"I said I'd decide when you were going to stop," she said. "You should have remembered that. Now stand up, girl, we've got work to do."
Sana frowned and turned to look at her. Momo seemed to know what she was talking about, judging by her smile.
"Work to do?" Sana asked.
"Remember what I said about a great little show?" Momo said, and stood up as well. "I think it's time, sweetheart."
"But I wanted to get fucked!" Sana protested. "Couldn't you have picked a better time?"
"You'll get what you want, darling," Mina said. "But on our terms."
Sana climbed off your lap and adjusted her panties, then stood up to face Mina. The bolts between foreheads again.
"Boss, with all due respect, I didn't come in here because you asked me to," Sana said. "I just wanted to do it because I want to have fun. So, if you want me to do this on your terms, you'll have to grant me one wish."
You never thought you'd hear someone speak that way to Mina or Momo, so you immediately feared for Sana. But to your surprise, neither of them took it the wrong way. Mina just smiled and looked her straight in the eyes, steely.
"And what wish could that be, chibi kōrogi-chan?"
"Like I said, I came here to have fun," Sana replied, holding her gaze. "And what better fun than two cocks instead of one? That makes it up to me for taking one of them away the first time."
Both you and Mina were about to protest, but Momo held up her hand.
"We can fulfill that wish," she said. "But again, you're on our terms."
She looked at you and Mina.
"What rules do you want to set for our guest? Not for you, for the other idiot we're bringing."
"He won't be able to touch me. Or look at me," Mina replied, visibly angry. "And I'm being too damn generous because I'm in a good mood today, Hirai."
"Blindfolded eyes and hands tied behind his back, got it," Momo then looked at you. "Anything to add?"
You didn't want to share any of the three of them with some unknown bastard. But seeing as you would keep 90% of your privileges and there was no other option, you decided to give in.
"Condom always. Even for blowjobs."
Mina nodded in satisfaction, her rigid face now a little calmer.
Sana laughed in disbelief.
"You don't happen to want to cut off his balls too?" she asked. "He won't even be able to watch the show."
"You want him to fuck, not watch the show," Mina said. "Why do you care?"
"I don't care," Sana rebutted. "I'd be disgusted if an ordinary Japanese guy touched me."
Momo clapped her hands together in applause, just like a few minutes ago.
"Then there's nothing more to discuss!" she said. "You two go get ready. I'll send for the lucky bastard."
"And what about me?" you asked. "I just wait here with a hard-on with nothing else to do?"
"Hai!" Momo said with a smirk, then walked over to her desk.
"You'll have music, at least," Mina said, stepping out of the couch space to walk to the side of the office with Sana holding her hand. "Any requests?"
"How long will it take?"
"About fifteen minutes if we're being optimistic."
"Aight, give me Supersonic by Oasis, Jigsaw Falling Into Place by Radiohead and..." you thought for a moment. "I don't fucking know, Cemetry Gates by the Smiths. Yeah, that'll do."
"Fine. As long as you don't get drunk in the meantime."
Mina blew you a kiss, and turned with Sana to go through the door to the left of Momo's desk.
Momo, who you heard on the phone just a few seconds ago, came back to you.
"Takashi will bring the poor bastard over any minute," she said. "Don't worry, neither he nor Takashi will see your dick. One is blindfolded and the other has no interest."
Supersonic started playing at that moment. Mina had to have played it from inside.
"And what do I have to do?"
"Get him to undress and put the handcuffs on him that are in the second drawer of my desk," she pointed at it. "Don't ask why I have them."
"I'm not gonna touch that dude."
"You don't have to touch him, you just need to tell him two things: Fuku wo nuide," she held up a finger. "That means undress. And damatte," she held up the other finger. "Which basically means shut up. Can you pronounce them correctly?"
"I've watched enough anime, yeah."
"Alright, see you in a bit!"
She walked over to you, gave you a peck on the cheek and walked with quick steps to the door Mina and Sana were behind.
So you were left alone, listening to one of the best songs ever written, naked and with your arms crossed. There was no sign of Takashi or the other man until the second song you had requested was halfway through, when they both came storming in. Out of instinct you covered your crotch with a nearby pillow, but it was unnecessary, Takashi was facing the opposite direction and the man he was holding by the forearm was blindfolded.
You sighed and stood up.
"Thank you, Mr. Takashi," you said, walking towards them. "I'll take it from here."
Takashi let go of the man and stood with his back to you.
"Tell Miss Hirai that I'll leave what she ordered me to do on her doorstep," he said. "And that I'm expecting my raise tomorrow."
"Uh... okay."
With nothing else to do, Takashi walked out the door and closed it. That left you alone with the man. He wasn't taller than you; he was a bit shorter, but slightly stockier and older. The way he swayed was indicative of his disorientation.
"Hey, you, do you understand English?"
"U-uh... little bit," he made the same damn gesture with his fingers as Moka.
"Fucking wonderful," you said under your breath. "Walk forward mate."
He complied, taking fearful steps forward. You had to move out of his way as you watched.
"Keep going... keep going."
The man was approaching the couch area, but he was going to crash into the coffee table.
"Stop stop!" you took strides towards him and kept your hands near his back in case he actually fell. "Take two steps to the left and then forward again."
Luckily for you, the man understood your commands and managed to successfully reach the couch. Now it was time to show off your Japanese skills.
"Aight..." you took a deep breath. "What was it like? Ah yeah, uh... Fuku wo nuide."
"Eh? Nani? Nan no tame ni?" the man looked around.
"Don't make it harder, pal," you said with a sigh. "Just o-be-y."
With that said, you went and sat on the couch, facing forward, arms crossed. Cemetry Gates had already started. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that the man was already undressing. You avoided looking at him for now.
"What's your name, mate?" you asked, your gaze wandering between different decorations.
"R-Rizuri," the man replied, taking off his shoes and pants.
You stood up and walked over to Momo's desk.
"Alright, Rizuri," you said as you went through the second drawer, which had mostly papers, a stapler, and several pens. You found the handcuffs at the bottom; they looked perfect and of good quality, with well-polished stainless steel. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't protest."
Looking up, you saw that Rizuri had already sat down without you asking him to. What a fucking problem.
"Oh no no, stand up," you grabbed the handcuffs, closed the drawer, and walked back to him. He didn't understand you at first. "Stand-up!"
"U-uh hai!" he nodded, and then stood up.
As much as you hated to do it, you had to touch him. You grabbed his hands and put them behind his back, but he immediately freaked out and hesitated.
"Eh! Nani shiten no?!" He tried to break free from your grip, but you quickly locked the cuffs and threw the key onto the coffee table.
“Damatte!” you bellowed, and grabbed his arm tightly. “No one will hurt you, you bloody idiot. Consider yourself lucky instead.”
The song had ended a few seconds ago, and now the office was enveloped in silence. The only thing you could hear was the distant rumble of the club music on the other side of the walls.
However, the silence was suddenly interrupted when a song you hadn’t asked for, but that you knew marked the start of the show, began to play. Immediately, the ceiling lights went out, only to turn back on following the rhythm of the song that you soon recognized as Ariana Grande’s Bloodline. The pink, purple, and light blue hues alternated in dim flashes.
“Oh boy, now the fun begins,” you smiled, and pulled Rizuri back to sit on the couch. You did the same, considerably away from him.
Not even ten seconds into the song had passed when Mina appeared from your left. You were near that end of the couch, so she put her hand on your shoulder and gently slid it as she modeled the music to her position.
Your jaw nearly dropped to the floor at the sight of her dressed like that, yet another reminder of why you were so crazy about that woman. The most striking thing was her black top, adorned with shimmering purple straps, held up by three thin straps that revealed her completely bare back. She also wore high heeled boots that reached halfway up her thighs, and black denim shorts.
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She stared at you, as she performed the first steps of the choreography she had prepared for that song. Each move was designed to highlight two things primarily: her back and her ass, so they were mostly sequences where she turned her back to you and looked at you over her shoulder, a half smile on her face as she watched your cock awaken again thanks to her hip movements and her hypnotizing twerk.
When the song ended, things didn't end there; another one played immediately. Lights On by Normani, slower and with the vibes that the situation demanded the most. Mina's face changed completely; just a moment ago you noticed her spicy, playful. Now it was the opposite: her face exuded pure lust, and the desire for you to put your hands on her as soon as you had the chance.
She finally approached you when the beat of the song broke, with slow steps and her hands on her back. You didn't really know why she had them there until she stopped between your legs and her top fell to the floor. And after a year and three months, that pair of small, pretty tits were at your mercy.
You reached out to put your hand on her abdomen, but Mina grabbed your wrist to stop you. She then turned around and moved her ass slowly from side to side, lowering herself until she could lean on your knees and then coming back up with a sensual movement that made her ass pass inches from your face. You noticed how she put her hands on her shorts, which without turning around, and without stopping her subtle movement of her hips, she slowly pulled down her legs with her body bent forward. Now that delicious ass, round and perfect, was also uncovered in front of you, adorned by a cute light blue thong.
As if she were reading your mind, she went straight down to sit on top of your already hard cock, which was crushed between her two buttocks in such a sublime way that it made you moan. You noticed a small, hard bulge between her buttocks, but before you could ask, Mina had pulled back, wrapped an arm around your neck, and started grinding her ass to the beat of the music against your shaft.
She brought her face close to your ear. Her hot breath sent shivers down your spine. You brought your hands to her waist, then slowly moved up to her tits to rub her nipples with your fingers. Mina let out a small moan, and bit your earlobe.
"Yeah baby... touch me," she panted against your ear, now moving her ass in slow circles, kneading your cock between her buttocks. "Feel your girl... show how much you missed doing that."
Turning your face to look at her, you were met with her lips, which merged with yours in a heated kiss filled with moans from both sides. Your hands kneaded her tits for a second, then moved back down her belly to reach her thighs, which you caressed up and down to her knees and back up. Your right hand went to her pussy to rub it over the soft fabric, and your left arm wrapped around the front of her abdomen to press her against you.
Mina, not happy with feeling your fingers only over a piece of fabric, lifted her hips and desperately pulled her panties off. Perhaps she breaked the dynamic a bit, but you were grateful for it, as now you could not only feel her buttocks, but also a bit of her wet pussy every time she moved her hips in the right way.
This, on the other hand, also made you confirm your initial suspicions. The hard bulge you felt a second ago turned out to be nothing but a butt plug, you could feel the cold metal every few seconds. But you didn't say anything for now, focused on rubbing between Mina's soft wet folds, her little bush rubbing against your palm.
The moment was too fucking hot for you, and you were about to lift her hips and take your cock inside her until the song finally stopped. As a result, she stopped moving as well. She broke the kiss, and looked into your eyes between heavy panting breaths. Just then another song started playing, Womanizer by Britney Spears. You knew exactly who was next.
"The show isn't over, baby," she murmured against your lips. "You enjoy it and leave the rest to me."
"Oi! Nani ga okiterun da?! Nande ore wo koko ni tsurete kita n da?!" Rizuri shrieked to your right. You had forgotten about the poor bastard's presence.
"Damare!" Mina shrieked back, not too pleased with his presence. "Koko ni irareru dake demo kansha shiro. Mou sugu omae no nozomi ga kanau!"
You didn't know what the hell she had said to him, but judging by his silence, you assumed it was something convincing enough to keep his mouth shut.
But soon you didn't have to pay attention to him anymore. Sana appeared from the right, with quick steps that matched the rhythm of the song. It looked like something similar to the first part of Mina's performance: a sexy and playful choreography to highlight her beauty and features. But she didn't just highlight that, but also her magnificent dancing skills, which were downright impressive.
Of course she also had you salivating in a matter of seconds. Just like Mina, Sana had made a complete outfit change: she now sported an olive green outfit that consisted of a semi-transparent long-sleeved top, and a short, tight skirt low enough at the waist to show off that delicious belly. On the other hand, she was wearing high boots in a lighter shade of green, which highlighted her beautiful legs.
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Mina had gotten off you to sit at your left, her body pressed against your side and a thigh above yours, and while Sana left you stunned with those sequences full of sharp, fast and sexy movements, she spit on her hand and brought it straight to your cock to rub it slowly up and down. She also buried her face in your neck to fill it with kisses and subtle licks.
You moaned and put your arms on the low back of the couch, forcing yourself to focus your gaze on Sana, who was also staring at you while doing a sequence on the floor in which you could see under her skirt. She wasn't wearing anything underneath, so you had a quick glimpse of her pussy until she stood up again.
After a few seconds Sana pulled an astonishing movement out of her sleeve and took off one of the two tops she was wearing, the semi-transparent one, leaving her only in the tight one she was wearing underneath. When the song ended you thought she would go into the next part like that, but she then also took off that top, now being naked from the waist up.
In sequence came the next song: Let Me Love You, another Ariana Grande song. Sana followed Mina's trend and transformed into another whole person, but in her the change was more noticeable, especially in her gaze, now predatory and thirsty. Kinda scary if you had to be honest.
She walked slowly towards you, while Mina continued to move her hand steadily along your cock and rubbed your thighs together. When Sana was between your legs, the first thing she did was bring her fingers to your lips to rub them, the other hand on one of her breasts and her hips moving to the slow beat of the music. She put two of those fingers inside your mouth, and you gladly sucked them, reaching out one hand to place it on her waist. You put the other around Mina's body, to squeeze one of her buttocks and caress her waist.
Within seconds, Sana pulled her fingers out of your mouth and let you grope her tits with your hand as she grabbed the hem of her miniskirt and pulled it up very slowly. When you were about to see her pussy, she turned around, and finished pulling up her miniskirt with her back arched and her ass pushed towards you, so that you could see that magnificent piece of meat just inches away.
It didn't surprise you that she was also wearing a butt plug, a shiny purple one.
Opportunely, Mina moved her hand a little faster on your cock, now littering the side of your face with kisses. You reached between her buttocks with your hand and rubbed her pussy, your fingers now soaked by her wet folds. She moaned in your ear, and in one subtle movement she settled herself down with her legs spread out on the couch and the side of her upper body on top of your thigh. This way she could grab your cock, spit on it, and take it straight to her mouth.
You moaned as you felt Mina's warm mouth halfway down your shaft, and Sana turned over her shoulder to watch the scene with a lewd little smirk. She brought her hands to her own buttocks to squeeze them, urging you to grab them yourself. You didn't hesitate to do so, and then she took a couple of steps back, her ass now so close to your face that all you had to do was...
Sana buried your face in her ass, right between her buttocks. She had stolen your idea.
The anal plug blocked your access to her butt hole, but you didn't care; it wasn't your main objective. You squeezed both of her buttocks and separated them, to go down to her pussy and give her a long lick from bottom to top. Sana moaned, and remembering that she was supposed to be dancing, she ground her ass against your face, both hands gripping your head.
Mina on the other hand was in a completely different focus. She pumped her head up and down, slurping on your cock in a slow, sensual blowjob that had you moaning against Sana's pussy. You kept moving your fingers between her folds, but since you wanted to reward her for such a delicious head, you brought those two fingers inside her pussy, making her moan around your shaft.
The song ended without you realizing it, and Sana was forced to move her ass away from your face. When you looked up at her she had already turned around, to grab your face with both hands and crash her lips against yours. You kissed during those seconds of silence, with nothing but Mina's moans around your cock as you fingered her.
"You eat pussy so fucking well, you know that?" Sana murmured against your lips, biting the bottom one. “I see why Mina-sama fell in love with you.”
The lights went out for a second, and came back on a moment later as another song started. Call Out My Name by The Weeknd. It was the boss lady’s turn to take the stage.
Sana started to shower the right side of your face with kisses and sat down next to you, quickly taking off her boots, not an easy task given the amount of laces they had. But she was skilled at the task, and as soon as she could, she kicked off the boots and adopted the same position as Mina to grab that side of your cock, showering kisses on every area Mina didn't cover with her mouth.
Momo made her appearance a few seconds later, on the right side of the room. She looked stupidly hot in the outfit she was wearing, which consisted only of a short, strapless red dress and a pair of long red lace gloves. She walked straight to the pole in front of you, and as she watched Sana and Mina suck your cock, she let out a little smile and began her act.
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The first few seconds of the performance were on the floor, using the pole for every move. She was still as magnificent at it as you remembered, and even better. You didn't doubt that she had been practicing non-stop all this time, because the damn woman seemed to be one with that thing.
She stared into your eyes every moment, and you forced yourself to hold her gaze amidst the moans that Sana and Mina, who turned out to be a great duo, drew from you. Now it was Sana who had you inside her mouth, also with slow and sensual pumps, while Mina salivated on your balls and kissed your lower abdomen.
Sana seemed to be the only one who remembered Rizuri's existence; the poor man remained completely still and confused, not knowing what to do or say. Luckily for him, Sana's feet were quite close. She only had to spread her legs a little, to be able to reach Rizuri's cock and caress it with the sole of her foot. Rizuri was slightly startled, but calmed down and sighed as soon as Sana's feet began to do their work.
A little over halfway through the song, Momo stopped to step aside and put her hands behind her back. The cute red dress fell to the floor a second later. What was underneath—or rather, what wasn't—made you question all the sexy things you'd ever seen in your life. Her pair of melons were free, round and perfect. But underneath she was wearing a piece of red crotchless lingerie, which perfectly showed off her little bush.
Momo then resumed the show, but this time she finally got on the pole to begin her routine.
Getting to see her pole dance naked was something that only existed within your deepest fantasies, and boy was it exactly how you expected it to be. That pair of wonderful tits bouncing, hanging and squeezing against the pole felt like a hypnosis method that your mind was unable to resist. If that wasn't enough, the lingerie piece showed way too much from behind, so her round, toned ass was also exposed and free for your delight.
Sana and Mina each now took a side of your shaft to lick and suck, until they moved up and their tongues met at your tip. You pumped your fingers faster in and out of Mina's pussy, and with your other hand you soon reached Sana's as well to finger it. Mina let out a louder moan and took your cock down her throat, holding it there for a few seconds and pulling it out for Sana to continue sucking.
Rizuri's moans had joined yours. Sana had made him hard in a matter of seconds. Now her feet were moving up and down his cock, at the steadiest pace she could between her moans and her pumps.
The song ended, but no other followed. The office fell into partial silence, accompanied by the sounds of sucking, fingers going in and out of wet flesh, and moans. Momo got off the pole in one deft move, and you noticed in her eyes that she had enough of the show.
She walked with quick steps towards you and dropped to her knees on the floor between your legs. You held each other's gaze, as she brought her lace-covered hands to your knees to caress them up and down, passing over your thighs as well. Her eyes then dropped to your cock, which Mina and Sana were still having a juicy feast on.
"Enjoying yourself so far, darling?" she asked, and brought a hand to your balls to fondle them gently. You were unable to formulate a response. "I know you are... but now you must feed us."
Momo removed her hand from your balls and leaned forward, planting her tongue on the back of your cock and teaming up with Sana and Mina to slowly drive you down into complete madness. You couldn't do anything but close your eyes and let your head fall back, moving both of your wrists as fast as you could to get more and more moans out of Sana and Mina.
Mina exploded into moans and spasms a few seconds later, pushing her ass against your fingers, which left Momo and Sana with a clear path to have your cock for themselves. It was Momo who was quick-witted and took you inside her mouth, and unlike the other two, she was like a hungry monster and gave you a sloppy, messy blowjob for the entire time she had you.
Sana fell victim to your fingering not long after. Her orgasm, however, was more frenzied than Mina's, since she had been teased for a while longer and must have felt close to exploding for an hour. The only one affected by this was Rizuri. She couldn't concentrate on continuing to move her feet, so for a few long seconds he was left without receiving any kind of pleasure.
When Sana's orgasm had passed, the three of them were back on your cock. A hand—you didn't know whose it was—wrapped around you and moved quickly up and down, while the three tongues and pairs of lips swirled and kissed near your tip. Another hand also went to your balls to keep them tight.
Opening your eyes and looking down you found that the hand stroking you was Momo's, and the hand on your balls was Mina's. If you hadn't been looking at anything you might have lasted a few seconds longer, but the lewd image, coupled with the hot naked bodies of the three on stage, made you explode immediately.
You let out a loud moan as you felt your thick streams of cum shoot up and then spill out the sides of your cock. Momo, Sana, and Mina made sure to catch and swallow every drop possible from their respective sides, but several of those drops had splashed onto their faces, so all three had either smeared cheeks or noses.
When the cum stopped pouring out of your cock, the three of them finally separated so you could see their faces. Momo had a couple of drops running down her forehead; Sana had one from her upper lip, and Mina had one from her cheek. The three of them looked at each other, and in a stupidly hot act they began cleaning each other up, using only their tongues to do so.
Mina and Sana finally sat up. Sana hugged your side and planted a kiss on your neck.
"Your cock is fucking delicious... fuck," she gasped. "And on top of that your cum is thick and hot... don't you want to plant a load like that inside me?"
"I'm sorry to say you'll have to wait, darling," Mina said from your left. "If I don't get him first I'll kill you both."
"But I'm sure he'll want a little break, won't he?" Momo asked with a smirk. "He came too fucking much, and he's been staring at my tits this whole time."
"Because I need them in my mouth as soon as possible," you replied between gasps. "Come fucking here."
"Fuck yeah daddy," she said, and stood up to straddle you, her thighs pressed tightly on either side of your hips.
Now with Momo's tits in front of your face it was your turn to feast. You wrapped one arm around her waist, pressed her against you and took one of those juicy melons into your mouth, followed by a satisfied moan. Momo wrapped both hands around your head and let out a moan as well, but soon sought out Mina's lips, who had knelt up to grope her all over.
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed that Sana had gone to Rizuri. She was murmuring things to him in Japanese, one hand moving slowly up and down his cock. But it seemed the man wasn't in his strongest mental state, because judging by the way he squirmed, you deduced that he had cum way too early.
"Oh my god!" you heard her complain, annoyed. "He didn't even last a minute! Tsugi wa motto nagaku motasero yo, baka!"
You clearly didn't understand, but she didn't sound happy, so it was most likely a threat.
"H-Hai! Hai!" Rizuri replied, embarrassed. "Gomen, mou shinai!"
"You fucking better!" Sana turned to you. "Momo-sama! Where are the condoms?"
Momo didn't know. You were forced to pull her nipple out of your mouth to answer her.
"Takashi left them outside the door, go see," you replied, and continued to eat and massage Momo's perfect tits.
Mina's job had been to grope Momo's ass and rub her pussy, while their lips danced in a fiery, sloppy kiss. But after a minute she used her right hand to grab your cock and stroke it, with the other behind Momo, teasing with a finger inside her pussy.
Your cock came back to life within seconds inside her hand, and then you pulled away from Momo's tits to look at Mina.
"Ready to ride daddy's cock again, my love?" you asked, and leaned in to kiss her.
"Mmm yeah," she moaned against your lips, and pulled back to look at Momo. "Get out of the way right now, woman."
“Let’s go to the floor,” Momo panted, and gestured to the mat that covered the entire space. “I remind you that we no longer have the couch to ourselves.”
To your right Sana had already returned with Rizuri. She was lying on the couch, her feet close to you, giving the man a blowjob while lazily fingering her pussy. On the table was an open box of condoms; one was missing. The torn envelope was on the floor, and you quickly deduced that Rizuri was wearing it. Good.
You pushed Momo off you and stood up. The coffee table took up more space than you would have liked, so you took a moment to move it to the corner of the mat. There was now a large free space that you didn’t hesitate to lay down on, the soft velvet serving as a perfect bedspread.
Mina climbed off the couch and immediately went to straddle your abdomen. She leaned forward and cupped your face in her hands to kiss you. You wrapped your arms around her slim body, then brought your hands up to her ass to squeeze it hard. Her pussy was rubbing against your shaft, and you couldn't take another minute without being in there, so you grabbed your cock, rubbed it between her folds, and pressed it against her entrance to get her hips to lower.
"Mmmgh!" she moaned against your lips; she bit the bottom one a little harder than you expected. "Fuck yeah..."
Your cock pushed through her folds easily, due to how wet she already was and how slippery your cock was. You hadn't noticed it until now, but not being able to be inside her for all that time had given you severe withdrawal symptoms that were relieved when you were buried all the way in.
Mina began to move her hips up and down, slow and nice, her hands resting on your chest. Your cock slid smoothly, all the way in and out with each movement.
“God… I missed you so much, baby,” she moaned against your lips, and grabbed your face again to pepper it with kisses. “You’re as fucking big as I remember.”
“And you as tight, honey,” you panted, your hands on her waist.
She let out a moan against your cheek and moved down to your chin to bite it. Her hip movements became faster and more uncontrolled, until she simply planted her feet on the floor and began bouncing up and down on your cock.
“Hey, you two will have time to get intimate later,” you heard Momo say behind your head. “I want my piece of the pie too.”
Mina looked up at Momo and didn't protest, she just straightened her back and rested her hands on your lower abdomen to continue bouncing on your cock. But then your vision was obstructed by a beautiful wet pussy just inches above your face, which then lowered until it was pressed against your mouth. Momo had squatted down, her hands resting on your chest and her ass—which also had an anal plug embedded in it—choking you.
Now you didn't know where to put your hands, so you opted to leave one attached to Momo's thigh and the other on Mina's waist. You ate that piece of tender meat as if your life depended on it—and maybe it did, because that massive ass didn't allow you to breathe properly—with fast and hungry licks that had Momo's nails digging into your chest and trembling between moans.
Mina, on the other hand, was jumping so fast that you feared she might break her own tailbone from all the aggressive slamming against your pelvis. She also had her nails digging into your lower abdomen, but she was careful compared to Momo, whose nails you thought were going to pierce your fucking heart.
The first to cum after a little over a minute and a half was Mina, with a high-pitched scream and a downward thrust that made you moan against Momo's pussy. Mina lowered her knees and pressed her thighs on either side of your hips, slowly fucking herself against your cock through her orgasm.
Momo followed a few seconds later, and like Mina, she lowered her knees to sit completely on your face the moment her body exploded. Now you weren't breathing at all. You brought your hands to Momo's buttocks and squeezed them together before giving one a hard spank. She just ground herself against your face between moans, caring little if you were breathing or not.
A couple seconds later she finally got off your face, her orgasm having passed. You took a deep breath, your chest rising and falling violently. You were sure your face must be red.
“God, I’m sorry baby!” Momo gasped, and leaned over to give you pecks on the cheeks. “I couldn’t control myself.”
“I noticed,” you replied, regulating your breathing. “I’m not done with you two yet. Get on top of each other.”
Mina immediately got off your cock and laid down on her back beside you, legs spread wide. Momo climbed on top of her, thighs on either side of her waist and her melons pressed against Mina's small tits. You stood up to position yourself behind her, to delight in the hot sight of both of their pussies stacked on top of each other.
Momo looked over her shoulder at you with a mischievous little smile, subtly shaking your ass, and that alone was enough to make your choice clear. You put your hand on one of her buttocks, and with the other you took your cock and brought it to her pussy, to push your hips forward and slowly penetrate her.
"Oh fuck!" Momo squealed, and pursed her lips. "Slow, slow! I haven't had anything that big since the last time you were here, mmmgh."
“That flatters me, Hirai,” you smiled, and let out a groan as your cock was halfway inside. “This backshot is still immaculate, I must say.”
You dropped both hands on her waist and gave one last push to get the last few inches of your shaft in. Momo let out a moan and clung to Mina’s shoulders, who placed pecks on the side of her face.
“I’ve been working out,” she moaned, and bit her bottom lip as you began to slowly pump your hips. “Thanks for noticing, sweetheart.”
Momo then gave in to the pleasure and turned her head to meet Mina’s lips. Your slow pumps continued for the next few seconds, as you wanted to admire how your cock disappeared and reappeared from between that pair of pretty ass cheeks. But when your body demanded more you pursed your lips and dropped another hard spank on Momo’s ass. She squealed in the middle of the kiss with Mina, and you grabbed onto her ass to fuck her hard now.
After almost a minute Momo broke away from the kiss with Mina and buried her face in her neck, showering it with kisses and bites, a way to muffle her own moans. Mina's eyes then met yours. Her gaze was pleading, full of wanting you to fuck her that hard too, and you didn't want to make her wait too long, so you let Momo's ass jiggle for a little while until you pulled out of her pussy and moved on to Mina's.
Momo didn't complain. Instead, she cooperated with you and lowered her body a little to suck on Mina's tits, while you pumped rapidly in and out of her tight pussy. Mina became a quivering mess of moans and hugged Momo's head, urging her to continue kissing her tits. You, for your part, were holding onto Mina's thighs; you had them pressed back, so that they were almost intertwined with Momo's.
You fucked Mina for almost the same amount of time as Momo—maybe a little longer—and by the time you switched pussies again you were already completely feral; Momo was the only possible victim of this, as as soon as you were fucking her, you grabbed her hair in a fistful and pulled it back hard, giving her another spank with your free hand. The arch of Momo's back let her tits bounce constantly, and Mina, not wasting any opportunity, took them into her mouth and hugged Momo around the waist.
Half a minute later you returned to Mina's pussy, and fucked it with exactly the same fury and effort. This brought her to a sudden orgasm under Momo's body, who held her by the neck while kissing her. You waited for her orgasm to pass, not slowing down, before you returned inside Momo.
The spanking and hair pulling continued, as did the ass jiggles you constantly caused with your frantic pumping. She soon came too, in a violent whirlwind of spasms and screams through which you fucked her mercilessly.
Soon you felt yourself very close to your peak. You brought your hands to her waist, your fingers clenched there tightly. Momo remained still and relaxed-muscled, making herself look like a piece of meat made only for fucking. You groaned and gritted your teeth, when you then felt the tickle.
You quickly pulled out of Momo's pussy and masturbated as hard and fast as you could, until you exploded in thick jets of cum. The first few drops went down Momo's back, while the vast majority went between her buttocks, spilling between them to go around the butt plug, through her slit, and into Mina's pussy.
Behind you, you heard another loud squeal of pleasure. When you looked over your shoulder, you found that Sana had been watching you all this time with Rizuri's cock in her mouth, and had made herself cum with her own fingers. Her eyes were on you, and just like Mina's had been a moment ago, they were begging you to fuck her.
"Come clean up your bosses, cutie," you ordered between gasps.
Sana obeyed without a word. She pulled Rizuri's cock out of her mouth and climbed down from the couch to join you. She first knelt down beside Momo to lick your cum off her back, and then gently pushed you away to lick the rest of it, from Momo's buttocks to Mina's pussy, leaving every little corner completely clean.
Sana then hugged your arm and pressed her tits against it. She gave you a couple of kisses on the neck.
"It's my turn with you now, sweetheart," Sana murmured. "And don't you even dare refuse."
"I wasn't going to," you replied, and turned your head to kiss her. "But since I need a break, I'm going to eat that pretty pussy of yours first."
You grabbed Sana by the arm and pushed her. She fell onto her back, and you quickly laid face down with your face in front of her pussy. You grabbed her thighs and roughly pressed them back, then planted your mouth there to devour her. Sana squealed and brought a hand to your hair to tangle her fingers in it, arching her back.
“Aw, our poor guest looks helpless,” you heard Momo say. “He deserves some consideration.”
You didn’t see what happened next since you had your eyes closed, focused on devouring and tasting every inch of wet flesh and making those thighs tremble, but the next thing you heard was a moan from Rizuri followed by one from Momo.
When you considered your break over, you pulled away from Sana’s pussy and got on top of her to kiss her. She immediately brought a hand between your bodies and reached for your cock, which she brought back to life with gentle strokes and caresses of your balls. Her legs wrapped around your torso, and then she guided your cock inside herself.
"Mmmgh, fucking finally!" she sensually moaned against your lips, and arched her back as your cock was engulfed between her folds. "It feels so big... and so fucking thick, fuck... fuck!"
Sana's pussy was a fucking wonder; it was warm, almost as tight as Mina's and wet like no other. Your cock soon reached the bottom, and in between kisses and bites to her chin, you began to move your hips in a steady rhythm.
She held you close and dug her nails into your back, hers now straight so that you could kiss her and she could muffle moan after moan against your lips. Her legs clung tighter around your body as well, prompting you to grab her thighs and pump as fast as that position would let you now.
In that little flurry of moans and sweat you remembered Mina. You pulled away from Sana's lips and looked to your left. Mina was watching you two, propped up on one elbow and rubbing her pussy, her brow furrowed in pleasure and her lips parted.
"Go to the couch, sweetheart," you said between gasps. "We'll put Sana's pretty little mouth to work on that pussy of yours."
Mina nodded and stood up on shaky legs, walking over to the couch. You then turned your gaze to Sana and pecked her lips.
"Come on cutie," you forced her to let go of your torso and pulled out of her. "Let's go with Mina-chan; I think she wants some attention too."
You stood up and helped Sana onto all fours. Mina was already sitting on the couch, her legs spread wide near the edge; you positioned Sana with her face between them. Sana then spread her knees, lifted her ass and arched her back for you, before planting her mouth on Mina's pussy to eat it out.
Now you could finally see what was going on between Momo and Rizuri. She was on top of him, her back to him, her feet planted on the sides of his thighs as she rapidly rose and fell on his cock. She must have been in a very good mood, because a year ago you would have laughed your head off at the thought of her letting another man fuck her.
However your focus right now wasn't on that, but on Sana's pretty ass presented to you, her pussy ready for you to destroy.
You grabbed your cock and with one hand on Sana's lower back you went back inside her. She moaned against Mina's pussy, who had her hand on Sana's head, her fingers caressing and tangling in her brown strands. Sana held onto Mina's thighs, her moans increasing in volume as you moved on to hammering her pussy as hard as you could.
"That's it darling..." Mina moaned, watching Sana eat her pussy. The hold she had on her hair looked tight and painful. "Be a good girl and make your boss cum!"
Sana could only nod between uncontrolled moans, being roughly shaken by your frantic pumping in and out of her pussy. You couldn't pull her hair because that would interrupt Mina's pleasure, so you opted to simply squeeze her ass cheeks hard and treat her like a living fleshlight.
She came a few moments later, and with the vibrations of her moans Mina came as well. Both of them exploded into violent contractions, Mina with her thighs now around Sana's head, and Sana holding onto those thighs as the only possible point of grip as you fucked her through her orgasm.
To your left you heard Rizuri moan louder than usual. You turned to find Momo now riding him from the front, her arms around his head. Momo seemed glad that he had come, but she didn't look satisfied at all. You could tell she needed a lot more than that.
You pulled out of Sana's pussy a few seconds later, her thighs still shaking. Mina released her head from between her thighs, her breathing ragged as she looked at you and then at her.
"You sure know how to use that pretty little mouth huh?" Mina asked, brushing Sana's hair out of her face before caressing her cheek with her thumb.
"I like being a good girl and always doing my best," Sana replied, moving on to give Mina pecks on her thighs.
You sat back on your heels and rested your hands on your thighs. Shortly after, you saw Momo get up from the couch out of the corner of your eye. She stood behind you and grabbed your chin to tilt your head back and make you look up at her.
"Hey, pretty boy," she smiled, and caressed your cheek with her thumb. "You wanna fuck my ass? You must miss it."
"For sure I fucking do," you replied, and pointed at Rizuri with your finger. "You gonna put him to work?"
Momo looked at him, and when she looked back at you, she shrugged.
"I've always wanted to know what it feels like to have two cocks fucking me in two different holes, so why not?"
"Where do you keep the lube?"
"Not me; Mina," she looked at the desk. "Search in the top drawer."
You turned to look at Mina. Sana had climbed onto the couch with her, both of them resting snuggled up against each other. Who knew that up until an hour ago you thought they'd end up hating each other.
"Can I?" you asked.
"Why are you asking if you'll do it anyway?" she replied.
You shrugged and stood up.
"I feel like if I didn't you'd yell at me."
"I would never yell at you!" she yelled at you, as you walked to her desk. You couldn't help but laugh.
When you got to the desk you opened the drawer and the first thing you saw was the little black bottle, it wasn't completely full, and you smiled at the thought of Mina having her little moments of fun when she was alone in the office.
You grabbed the bottle, closed the drawer and went back to the center of the office. Momo was already lying on her side on the mat, Rizuri next to her with a new condom already on. He was on his knees, apparently ready for whatever was coming. The only missing piece was you.
You laid down next to Momo, who had her back to you. You stayed propped up on one elbow, and brought your hand between her buttocks to grab the anal plug.
"Ready?" you asked, and gave her a little kiss on the shoulder.
She turned her head to look at you.
"To take a big cock in my ass? Always."
You smiled and proceeded to pull the anal plug out carefully. Momo moaned, one hand on her own thigh. With the path now clear you grabbed the lube, opened it and poured it onto your two fingers and brought them straight inside her butthole, stretching it as much as possible. Within seconds you pulled them out.
“And now?” she asked, already panting.
“You ride me,” you replied, lying on your back as you poured lube now onto your cock. “In reverse so our little friend can get his share of the action.”
Momo complied and mounted you facing Rizuri, both feet planted on the sides of your hips and her hands on your thighs. Your cock was already lubed and ready, so you just grabbed it, rubbed it between her ass cheeks and lined it up with her butthole so she only had to lower her hips and slowly impale herself.
“Oh my fucking god…” she muttered, as your cock was engulfed inch by inch by her ass; when it was halfway in, it only took one smooth movement to get it all the way in. “Fuck!!”
With your cock already buried inside her, Momo dropped down to rest half her back on your chest and spread her legs, placing them behind yours. She gave a quick instruction to Rizuri in Japanese, and he moved over to position himself between your legs and hers. All Momo had to do was grab Rizuri’s cock and take it inside her pussy.
“Mmmgh fuck!” Momo squealed, supporting herself with her hands on the floor. “Fucking use me!”
You and Rizuri began pumping in and out. You weren't exactly being coordinated; Rizuri was going fast from the start, focused on his own pleasure. But you made sure Momo felt every single upward thrust with every fiber of her body. This ultimately resulted in her going crazy with pleasure in no time.
"Girls, come over here and serve the boss," you said to Sana and Mina, who you didn't have in your line of vision but you knew were waiting expectantly. "Do whatever you want with her."
You placed your hands on Momo's waist and slowly matched Rizuri's pace, hard thrusts making your pelvis bump against her big ass. Sana and Mina came within seconds, one on your left and one on your right, respectively. Mina immediately kissed Momo and groped one of her breasts, while Sana brought the other to her mouth, one hand caressing the inside of her thigh.
"Slap her tits," you panted to the girls. "I'm sure that'll drive her crazy."
"Oh yeah?" Sana asked, her tone seductive, then squeezed one of Momo's breasts and gave it a sharp slap. Momo squealed. "Does the boss like that?"
"Of course she does," Mina replied, and slapped the other breast harder. "The boss is a little slut who loves having her tits played with."
Mina and Sana each sank down on the side of Momo's neck to shower it with less than gentle kisses and bites. The slaps on her tits continued, getting more frequent and harder. Momo just squealed with each one, almost screaming.
"See?" Mina said against Momo's cheek. "I bet she loves that... doesn't she?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!!" Momo nodded between moans. Sana rewarded her with two quick, hard slaps to her breast. "I love how you fucking play with my big tits, keep going! Fuck!"
Mina smiled and took Momo's nipple between her index finger and thumb to pinch and flick it. She then gave her another slap, the hardest one yet, which made Momo scream. You and Rizuri were still focused on your task, you hammering her ass and him her pussy. Between all these pleasure inputs Momo was quick to explode.
"Mmmgh yeahhh!!" Momo dropped back against your chest, and you reached around her torso to slowly fuck her through her orgasm. "So good, fuck!!"
Mina and Sana apparently hadn't had enough fun, because while Momo was still writhing in pleasure on top of you, they kept pinching her nipples and giving her tits painful slaps. Rizuri had been considerate enough to slow down as well, until Momo's orgasm finally passed.
Momo put a hand on Rizuri's abdomen and pushed him out of her. She then raised her hips so you pulled out of her and dropped to your side. When you turned to look at her, you found that her tits looked like two tomatoes. 
God damn, Sana and Mina had been hard.
"Stay exactly where you are," Sana said, adopting the same position as Momo on top of you. You noticed that she had already removed the anal plug. "Because now it's my turn."
Neither of you objected. You repeated the same process as with Momo, and when Sana's ass was nice and lubed up and ready, you had her fully impale herself on your cock.
"Mmmgh fuck, that thing feels even better inside my ass," she moaned, fully lying on your chest and holding onto your head. "Momo-sama, would you put our guest's cock inside me?"
Momo was more dead than alive, but she somehow managed to gather the strength to sit up and take Rizuri's cock and guide it into Sana's pussy. By this point you weren't much more energized than Momo, but Sana's ass felt too fucking tight to come down on.
You and Rizuri began pumping fast and hard from the start, and Sana's squeals blossomed one after another. She turned her head to find your lips and kiss them, one hand tangled in your hair and the other on the floor. You gave her body a quick run with your hands until you found her legs, which you grabbed behind the knees to press them towards you.
This time you didn't have to give the order for Mina to get into action. She and Momo knew exactly what to do from the start. Mina leaned down to kiss her abdomen, one hand circling Sana's clit. Momo, meanwhile, returned the favor to Sana and began to suck on her tits.
But then you heard a slap; something dry hitting wet flesh, followed by a squeal that made Sana pull away from your lips.
"Mmm, what do we have here," you heard Momo say with a giggle. "The little whore likes her pussy slapped."
"I-I didn't..." another slap to her pussy, quick and dry, another squeal. "Mmmmgh!!"
You smiled at the discovery made by Momo, and pressed Sana's thighs hard against her own torso, now fucking her ass as fast and hard as you could. Rizuri matched your pace, quite impressive considering his hands were tied behind his back and his eyes were blindfolded; his pelvis was slamming into Sana's crotch as hard as yours was slamming into her ass.
Just like the slaps to Momo's tits, the slaps to Sana's pussy fell one after another like a meteor shower; each one made Sana shudder and squeal, and soon the moans turned into whimpers accompanied by tears of pleasure.
"Look at the little fucking slut..." Mina said, and let out an evil giggle. "So fucking slutty. You like that, whore?" she gave her a hard slap and then frantically rubbed her clit. "Huh?"
"Yes, Mina-sama!!" Sana squealed, her fingers clenching in your hair. "I fucking love it!"
"Who's our little whore? Huh?" Momo asked. "Who's our little sex doll?"
"Me! Me! I fucking am, me!!" she whimpered in response. "Ahhhh!!!"
Sana suddenly exploded, and the orgasm came with a little surprise, as while she writhed in pleasure like a cute rag doll, intense jets of squirt came out of her pussy, staining Rizuri's entire torso.
You heard Momo gasp in surprise.
"She even knows how to squirt!" she said. "You're quite the fucking treasure huh?"
Mina didn't say anything, she simply leaned down to put her face in front of Sana's pussy and lick it, collecting as many squirt jets as she could. Sana continued to writhe on top of you; her thighs trembled beneath your fingers.
“Kuso… hontōni sugoi,” Sana moaned under her breath, weak-eyed and sweat-stained. She turned kissed you again. “You’re fucking wonderful, honey.”
“Just like you…” you panted against her lips. “I truly am a very lucky bastard.”
“Don’t even mention it,” she smirked, and like Momo, made you both get out of her so she could climb down and lay down on your side. She looked at Mina. “Boss, there’s only you left.”
“Don’t even think about it,” she refused immediately. “My pussy is reserved solely and exclusively for him.”
“But not your ass huh?” Momo chimed in with a giggle. “Come on, Mina-chan, just this once.”
Mina frowned and glared at her.
"Hirai Momo, you owe me big time after all this," she threatened, with a finger in the air. "And it won't happen again!"
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, love," Momo nodded disinterestedly. "Now ride him and finish them off."
Mina huffed in annoyance and pulled out the light blue anal plug herself, then straddled you. In comparison to Momo and Sana, she was facing you, her back to Rizuri. Her thighs adjusted to your hips, and she placed her hands on your chest. Sana meanwhile was lubing up Rizuri's cock, then did the same to Mina's ass.
"You're gonna put that hot fucking load all the way inside my pussy, you understand me?" she asked you, giving you affectionate pecks on the lips. She then turned to look at Rizuri with a frown. "Eh! Omae mo ki wo tsukero, samonaito korosu zo!"
Another threat, surely. How fucking scary. If you were Rizuri you would be shitting yourself alive if Mina had spoken to you in that tone and in her language.
You grabbed your cock and took it straight into her pussy, Mina moaned and lowered her hips, impaling herself as deep as possible. Momo then helped Rizuri, taking his cock and guiding it into Mina's ass. It was a bit of a difficult process, as Mina kept insulting him in Japanese for not doing the job the way she wanted, but eventually both cocks were buried deep in both holes, and soon they were going in and out.
Even though Mina's pride weighed more than two cargo ships together, she was quick to let go and show that she was enjoying it as much as Momo or Sana. You wrapped your arms around her body, one arm around her lower waist and the other around her back. You held her tight against you, and she kissed you, as you pumped faster and faster.
Momo and Sana didn't have much to do; just one thing. A few seconds of moaning sounds and flesh crashing against flesh passed, until you heard flesh being spanked. Mina squealed and turned to see the two of them on their knees on either side of her ass, both peppering each butt cheek with kisses.
"What? Are you going to say you don't like that, boss?" Sana asked with a giggle, and gave her another spank that made her squirm.
"She's so haughty that she'll never admit that she loves it, but I can tell you she does," Momo replied, as you watched her bite one of her butt cheeks and then spank it.
Momo was right: Mina was enjoying every single second of it, you could see it in her eyes and the tone of her cheeks, and the way her nails dug into your chest as she moaned louder and louder. Her neck was accessible to you, and you didn't hesitate to kiss it while caressing her back and waist.
"Harder, fuck!!" Mina shrieked. "Don't be weak bitches and spank that ass properly!!"
Momo and Sana took it as a challenge, because the spanks started to fall one after another, each one harder and more violent than the last. The interval between spanks became shorter, until they sounded like a small round of applause. Mina couldn't find anything to hold on to to scream, so she opted for the easy way of cupping your face and kissing you to muffle the shrieks against your lips.
"That hard is fine, you arrogant fucking whore?" you heard Momo say.
"Yeah, just like that, you stupid fucking bitch!!" Mina yelled, clinging to your neck. "And you better not stop unless you want a punch in your stupid face!"
Again, fucking scary.
It wasn't surprising to you that Rizuri was the first to cum. The man gave his last few thrusts until with a loud moan he pushed in as he drained himself. After a few seconds he just pulled out of Mina and let himself fall back, the condom on his cock filled with cum.
That left you alone. But not entirely, because Sana made up for the lack of Rizuri's cock with her own fingers. You weren't sure you saw right, but you swore you saw her use three fingers. This brought Mina quickly to her orgasm, which came in a tidal wave of spasms and screams into the air.
Mina's pussy clenched hard around your cock, and you were close too, so you kept fucking her through her orgasm without slowing down. It wasn't long until you joined her and exploded with an upward thrust, unloading all your seed inside her warm pussy.
"Oh yes baby yes!!" Mina moaned sensually, and she went on to do the work, moving her hips up and down as you shot spurt after spurt inside her walls. "Fill me up, fuck... Fucking missed this feeling."
Your lips met again, this time in a kiss filled with passion and adorable little moans from her. Mina caressed your hair and cheeks, and you just held her between your arms.
"Fuck, they're being cheesy again," you heard Momo say.
"Do they like each other or...?" Sana said.
"Shut up both of you!" Mina snapped, then pointed at Rizuri, who was lying on his side on the floor. "Now get him out of here!"
While Sana and Momo were busy getting Rizuri to stand up and get dressed, you and Mina continued kissing until your cock came out of her pussy, so all your cum could come out. Neither Sana nor Momo bothered to clean it up since they were doing a harder job, so you two had to find a towel to clean up yourselves.
When you finished, Mina intertwined her hand with yours and led you to the couch. She made you lie down, so she could lie between you and the backrest, her body pressed against your side. You put your left arm around her, the other hand on your chest. You both watched as Momo and Sana took Rizuri out of the office with his hands now free.
"And there goes the poor bastard," Momo said with a smile, walking over to you. She sat down at your feet.
"He's not poor at all," Sana said, sitting on Momo's lap with complete confidence. Momo put her arms around her and looked at her with shining eyes. How curious. "He got to fuck the three hottest Japanese girls in the entire country."
"Yeah, but he didn't know," Mina laughed. "He only knows that he fucked three Japanese women; he doesn't know what kind."
"I don't think he cares either," you laughed as well. "He came out of here pretty drained."
"Hey, get some rest and get dressed," Momo said. "We're going to the apartment," she then looked at Sana, caressing her lower back. "Do you have something to do, sweetheart?"
"Not really, why?" she asked, and cocked her head. "Are you inviting me to spend the night with you, Momo-sama?"
Momo shrugged.
"If you want, of course."
"Of course I do," she smiled.
Sana then grabbed Momo by the chin and leaned over to give her a small kiss. She then stood up with a smirk and started to get her clothes. Momo stared at her, and you and Mina looked at each other with a frown. Suspicious to say the least.
After Sana, Momo was the next to stand up to go get her clothes and get dressed. Mina and you were in no hurry; you were exhausted, and she was more of the same. You spent at least another five minutes just lying there cuddled up against each other, feeling nothing but each other's breathing.
"Cuties, sorry to break the mood but it's getting late and I want to take a shower," Momo said, already dressed in her previous outfit, the one from before the show.
"I have to go get my stuff from the hotel and cancel the nights I already had paid for," you said, and after giving Mina a peck on the forehead, you stood up with a sigh.
"Do you want me to pay for the taxi?" Momo asked.
Sana appeared as well, dressed in part of her performance outfit and Mina's coat over her to cover herself.
"I'll do it," Mina said, also standing up. "I'll go with him and we'll meet you at the apartment."
"Honey, there's no need..." you tried to protest, but she raised a finger at you.
"I didn't ask you, it's mandatory."
You shrugged and gave in. You searched for your clothes, which were scattered around the carpet, and as you got dressed you made sure you had all your things in order. Mina had gone into the room to get dressed; she came out a few minutes later, wearing the outfit she was wearing when you met up earlier.
"Ready then?" Momo asked, fixing her hair.
"Yeah, let's get out of here," Mina nodded. "I'll tell Takashi-kun to close the club and send the girls home safely."
Mina got on the phone for a minute, and then she motioned for you to leave. You followed Momo and Sana, but waited for her under the door frame until she caught up to you and linked her arm with yours.
As you walked out of the club Momo walked hand in hand with Sana to a sedan parked on the side of the road. A black chrome Mazda 3. She unlocked the doors with the remote and opened the passenger door for Sana to get in.
"Come on, get in," Momo nodded at you. "I'll take you to the hotel and then I'll head to the apartment."
"Sounds good," you nodded, and went to open the back door for Mina to get in. You followed her.
Momo got you to the hotel in a matter of about ten minutes, and even though you tried to tell her that you didn't think it would take long and that she could wait for you, she ignored you and just drove off with Sana to the apartment. You and Mina agreed that those two were really into each other.
Mina walked you to your room and helped you gather your things to put in your suitcase, then went to the lobby to cancel the nights you had booked. For some reason the hotel didn't do refunds, and Mina nearly jumped over the counter to beat the hell out of the receptionist. But you just put your arm around her waist and pulled her out of the lobby amid Japanese insults.
Outside, Mina took charge of ordering the taxi, which arrived in less than five minutes ready to take you to your destination. After about ten minutes you finally arrived at the street of the building, near the parliament and also the Danube river, which was only a couple of blocks away.
It was a beautiful street, full of small shops and tall, thin trees, with small, sparse leaves that allowed you to see the windows and balconies. The buildings, all at least five stories high and built of light stone, stood imposing and elegant, with classic ornamental facades in the purest European style.
Mina led you inside one of them, which was exclusively residential. You climbed the stairs to the fourth floor, and walked through a wide hallway until you reached the last door. She first opened the outer gate, then the varnished wooden door that led you inside.
"Welcome to my new home, darling," Mina said behind you as she closed the door.
This apartment was a clear example of all the hard work the girls had put in over the past year or so. It was simply gorgeous, modern and cozy, very much the style of the two of them. The aesthetic was minimalist, yet sophisticated and elegant, with a shiny marble floor and white walls, which were complemented by the warm brown tones of the furniture.
You passed through the doorway on the left of the small lobby you were in, which led you to the wide open hallway with the dining table on the left wall; it was made of a shiny, polished wood, which reflected the dim light from the hanging lamps. Just to the right was the kitchen, perfectly integrated into the space thanks to the shiny wood finish of the cabinets, the long black countertop and the built-in appliances.
But after taking a few more steps you were in the main attraction of the apartment. The living room featured brown leather furniture: a large sofa at the back and two individual armchairs, arranged on a fluffy light gray rug. The ceiling was double-height, with a recessed lighting rectangle built in, and the large window at the back, covered by white curtains, completed a more than perfect, comfortable space.
"Honey, this is gorgeous," you said, hands clasped behind your back, admiring the abstract paintings on the walls. Then you turned to look at her. She was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, and looking at you with a smirk. "I'm proud of you, really."
Mina smiled from ear to ear and walked over to you to wrap her arms around your neck. She pecked you on the lips and looked into your eyes. You put your hands on her waist.
"Thanks, baby," she said in a cute tone of voice. "It was fucking hard to haggle with the owner, but it was worth it."
You laughed and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"I never thought you'd end up being Jordan Belfort."
She laughed, and you were dazzled by that beautiful gummy smile.
"But I don't launder money," she pointed out. "Huge difference."
Your reply was cut off by the sound of a door opening behind you. You turned to see Sana and Mina exiting what you could see was a bedroom. The comfortable outfits they got on consisted of shorts and a loose hoodie. That led you to deduce that they had already showered. Together, apparently.
“You two sure took a while, didn’t you?” Momo asked with a goofy little grin that she shared with Sana. Those two were up to something until you two arrived, you were sure.
“I got into a little argument with a damn bitch, but it’s okay,” Mina let go of you and walked over to them. “Can I use the bathroom? I could use a shower too.”
“Yeah, go,” Momo stepped away from the door to let Mina through. She then looked at you. "You can use the bathroom in my room if you want, sweetie.”
"And that's...?"
"Over there," she pointed down the hallway behind you. "The door at the very back."
"Got it," you nodded. "I assume this is Mina's room, then?"
"Perfect, I'll leave my suitcase here."
She rolled her eyes as you picked up your suitcase and walked past her into the room.
"Don't you dare deny that you're crazy about that woman, my god."
You left your suitcase inside the room and from inside you took out the clothes you would wear after your shower, listening to the sound of water falling behind the door to your left.
With your things in hand you walked out of the room to find Sana on top of Momo on the wide leather couch. They didn't mind your presence, so you simply ignored them and went where Momo had indicated.
You walked down the hall and into Momo's room, then into her bathroom. The shower you took was a bit intensive as you were exhausted and sticky, and you also needed to relax your muscles with some cold water. When you finished you felt like you were made of clouds, a completely new man.
You walked back into the living room, drying the inside of your ears with the towel, dressed but barefoot. Mina had already come out of the shower, she was sitting on the couch with Sana and Momo, who had moved to the far end so they could be comfortable.
You went to sit next to Mina, who clung to you with her arms and legs like a koala. Her pajamas were some small shorts and a loose black t-shirt. You snuggled her against you.
"What a day, huh?" you asked. "Bloody hell. I feel like an elephant ran over me."
"Tell me about it," Momo replied, now she was the one snuggled up against Sana's chest and arms. "Doing all the paperwork for this place was an ordeal."
"On top of that, the stinky man kept pestering us with cheap compliments and pathetic laughs," Mina added in a dismissive tone, as if she was disgusted by talking about him.
Sana suddenly yawned hilariously loudly. Momo raised her head to look at her with an amused smile.
"Sleepy, sweetie?" she asked.
Sana could only nod. Her face was that of a person who just wanted to hibernate like a marmot, her eyes weak and half-closed.
"Let's go to sleep then," Momo pulled away from her and nodded towards the hallway.
Sana nodded again and stood up, and as she walked towards the hallway she gave the two of you a lazy wave goodbye, too tired to speak.
You and Mina then stared at Momo. She looked back at you, and seeing your judging eyes made her smile fade.
"You like her?" Mina asked.
The question immediately made Momo nervous. She let out an awkward giggle.
"Sana? Nah. I'm just being nice."
"I don't know about you, but I don't just cuddle up in the arms of a person I'm just being nice to," Mina attacked again.
"Alright, this conversation is over," she stood up. "Goodnight, darlings."
You shared a smile with Mina, and waited for her to leave before continuing to talk.
"She likes her, right?" you asked.
"Yeah, it's been going on for months, it's just that today they had the chance to be together. And it seems that they have a thing for each other."
"They look cute together, you have to admit," you said, shrugging.
"Yeah, but I've told Momo many times not to get her hopes up too high."
"Because boss-employee relationships don't usually work out all that well most of the time," she then yawned as well. "But anyway, it's between the two of them."
"Time for cuddles in bed and sleep?"
"Fuck, yes please," she sighed.
You stood up and offered Mina your hand. She took it, and together you walked into her room. She was quick to turn on the air conditioning, while you got into bed and under the blanket, then joined you. You immediately pulled her into your arms, and she hugged your chest.
All the accumulated tiredness knocked you out in a matter of minutes.
The next morning felt like a lucid dream. You didn't know what had woken you up first, the rays of sunlight filtering through the white curtains or the pots clanking together and the sound of the sink opening and closing outside.
But none of that was relevant when you woke up with that angel by your side.
Mina was a gift from the gods, you confirmed it when you saw her face illuminated from the side by the morning light. She was an unmatched beauty, worthy of a princess from a fairy tale. Even her voice sounded like that (even when she was angry).
You couldn't find a better way to wake her than with kisses all over her face, as subtle and affectionate as you could. They worked a few seconds later, when she stirred and snuggled up against your chest. Mina then opened one eye, looked at you, and closed it again.
"Nice way to wake me up..." she murmured. "But I don't see why you should stop giving me kisses."
You smiled and gave her more and more kisses, several of them on the lips, until she finally opened both eyes and cupped your face in her hands to kiss you. After a few seconds you pulled away from her lips and pulled her up to your side, wrapping your arms around her.
"I could see that pretty face of yours every day when I wake up and never get tired of it, you know?" you gave her a peck on the nose.
"Oh yeah?" she caressed your cheek with her thumb, looking into your eyes from very close. "That could be arranged."
"Ask me. I know you want to."
She hesitated for a moment, and nibbled on her lower lip nervously.
"Honey, stay, please..." she cupped your face in her gentle hands. "Stay here with me and let's be happy. I..." she looked down. "God, it's been a year and three months where I couldn't get you out of my head, and I can't go through that again."
You thought for a moment about your answer, licking your lips before doing so.
"Honey... you know it's not easy," you said.
"I know it's not easy, fuck," she looked you in the eyes. "But you have us here. We have contacts; we can help you! Hell, you can even bring your parents if you want, I don't care."
"Baby, I need you to relax," you said, noticing that she was getting a little tense for no reason. "My parents aren't a problem."
"I do want to stay," you interrupted her, and that lit up her face like a beacon. "But it will take about a month to get all the paperwork done, and in the meantime you two have to help me with the residency and work permit. With the whole UK leaving the European Union thing, things got a bit screwed up."
Mina's only response was to let out an excited squeal and kiss you, kicking your feet so excitedly that they made the bed shake. You laughed and kissed back.
"Are you serious?" she asked. "Aren't you messing with me?"
"I'm serious. But you two have to put in a lot of effort too."
"No problem with that," she waved her hand. "We can employ you as a secretary first and move from there."
"Well, going from accounting director to secretary isn't something I was planning on but I'm in."
Mina's face changed. She frowned.
"Wait a minute, are you an accountant?"
"Uh... yes?"
"You'll be our accountant!" she announced, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "Holy crap... thank goodness."
"Wait, you didn't have an accountant?"
"No! Can you believe that? Momo and I are barely keeping track!"
"How the hell haven't you been fined? Or worse, how have you not gone bankrupt?"
She shrugged.
"I don't know, we make a lot of fucking money and we're not stupid either."
"Fuck..." you sighed. "Fine, I'll be your accountant. Have you thought about expanding the business?"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, make a more general bar, maybe, and less hidden," you said. "You're wasting Moka's talents on a bunch of stinky Japanese men."
"I mean... you're right. But right now we have to get back on our feet financially after buying the apartment."
"I can check your account book today, so you'll know where you stand exactly. Do you have an Excel file?"
"Yeah but..." she scratched her temple. "It's a bit messy."
"I'll fix it, no problem."
"God, thanks sweetie..." she sighed, and put her cheek against your chest. "Wait a minute..."
She lifted her head and stared at you with half-lidded eyes.
"Why don't I have your fucking phone number?"
You were absolute idiots. The two of you. Momo included. The most basic thing had slipped your mind a year and three fucking months ago.
"I..." you thought about it for a second, your gaze lost somewhere on the curtains. In the end you shrugged and shook your head.
"Fucking hell..." she snorted. "I forgot that this isn't the fucking 1960s. Let's go get breakfast before I start banging my head against the wall."
"Yeah, same."
You and Mina got out of bed feeling like a couple of retards. Neither of you brought it up again, you'd do it with Momo in a moment to see how stupid her face would be too.
Going outside and into the kitchen confirmed what you already suspected: Sana and Momo were already preparing something. One was at the counter whisking some eggs and the other near the sink, chopping vegetables.
Sana was the first to notice your presence.
"Ohayou!" she said with a smile, looking at you for a moment before looking back at the eggs she was whisking. "Did you sleep well?"
Momo turned around for a second and smiled too.
"Of course they slept well, look at those cute little faces in love."
Mina walked into the kitchen and walked over to the fridge. You stood leaning against the wall behind Sana.
“What are you two cooking?” she asked.
“Tamagoyaki and tsukemono,” Momo replied.
“Waa!” Mina grinned, pulling out a bottle of cold water from the fridge. “Oishii!”
Mina walked over to you, drank from the bottle, and offered it to you.
“What’s that supposed to be?” you asked, taking the bottle of water and then opening it and taking a long drink.
“Omelet and pickled vegetables,” Sana replied. “Nothing fancy, but it’s delicious.”
“Oh, by the way,” Momo set her knife aside and turned around to face you. “I have some errands to run, so I’ll be gone for the better part of the afternoon.”
“I have to get going, too,” Sana said, pouring the eggs into the pan. "I have a condo meeting and my landlord is coming to see the apartment."
"But you have the night off, right?" Momo asked.
"Uh..." Sana looked at her and tilted her head. "I have to go to the club, right?"
"Wrong. You're going out with us."
"You made plans without telling us?" Mina asked from beside you.
"I made them because I know you wouldn't say no," Momo turned around again to continue chopping vegetables. "We're going to a sauna. A nice, private one."
"Well, I certainly wasn't going to say no to that."
"You see? I always have everything under control. Now go set the table, please. This will be ready soon."
You and Mina got to work, and the table was ready in no time. Breakfast was ready just a couple of minutes later; Momo and Sana took care of serving it to everyone, accompanied by a delicious glass of soy milk. Everything was delicious: the omelet was kind of sweet and fluffy, and the vegetables tasted fresh.
After finishing breakfast, Sana and Momo got up from the table ready to go change and go out to do their errands. You and Mina stayed chatting at the table, while she showed you some files she had on her phone about the club's accounting. You couldn't do much with it, but it served to give you a first idea.
It was only when the girls left that you were free to discuss the matter more calmly. She took out her laptop, and accessed her Drive file to get all the files from there. You were fully expecting what you found in them: lack of control over income and expenses, lack of clear categorization, and problems with cash flow. It was a problem, but everything was perfectly reversible; it would take a few months to be solved.
With that matter sorted out for now, you and Mina were free to spend the afternoon spending quality time together.
Your favorite moment was the conversation you had while putting together a 500-piece puzzle, because the chemistry flowed like a calm river, and you couldn't have been more relieved. You both delved into each other's lives, slowly opening the doors to a growing mutual trust. This was easy, as Mina was open to answering every question without reservation, and you didn't hesitate to do the same. All of this led to a point where you felt that your relationship would only get stronger, on a horizon that looked fulfilling for both of you.
You even took a short nap on the couch, interrupted by the arrival of Momo, who gently shook you awake. You opened your eyes to find her standing beside you, handbag still in her hand. 
The sun had dipped considerably, and the room was now morose. It had to be close to 6 already. You and Mina had fallen asleep at 4.
"Wakey wakey," she told you. Mina woke up seconds later, rubbing her eyes. "Go get ready. We have to go."
"Already?" Mina asked in a small voice, followed by a yawn. She sat up.
"Our appointment is at 7, and it's going to be almost 6. So yeah, get moving."
Momo left you and walked down the hall, checking her phone. You and Mina hurried to stand up and go get dressed. It wasn't a formal occasion, and you weren't going to a crowded place either, so you didn't put too much effort into your outfit. Mina was kind of different, she always tried to look her best, no matter where she went, so you had to wait a couple more minutes for her.
By 6:30 the three of you were ready to go to the car. As you walked down the stairs Momo told you that you would pick up Sana at her apartment, and that's what you did. In no time you were all heading to the establishment where Momo had rented the sauna, which you arrived at just in time.
It was a place somewhat far from the city center, picturesque looking and full of beautiful cabins connected to small sheds on the side. Shortly after, you learned that those cabins were also part of the establishment, and that one of those sheds—specifically one of the furthest ones, almost touching the forest on top of a small hill—, was the space assigned to you.
Momo stayed talking to the receptionist while you admired the green landscape, and after a few small adjustments and details to clarify, you were assigned a worker who would accompany you to the cabin to explain how the sauna worked and what you would have to do if you wanted to adjust certain aspects such as the temperature, the lights or the music. It was a brief instruction, but effective enough to make everything easy for you.
Then the worker left, and left you alone in the cabin, which consisted of only one floor and an attic. The guy emphasized that you take a shower first to prepare your bodies for the heat. After doing so, you came out with the towels already rolled around your bodies to get into the cabin.
It was a relatively small space, perfect for four people to fit comfortably without being too crowded. Light wood walls surrounded everything, with a single decorative panel of textured concrete lit from behind. The ceiling was adorned with discs of cut wooden logs, giving the place a rustic feel. Soft, warm light emerged from hidden strips beneath the seats, arranged in three different tiered levels. In front of them, a circular stove loaded with rocks waited and was already lit. The heat immediately hit you.
“Fuck, how hot is it in here?” Sana asked, going to sit on the second level, where there was a bowl of water. The worker had explained that if you wanted to add a little steam you would just have to pour some on the rocks.
You reached for the touch panel in the booth to corroborate that information and adjust the lights in the process.
“70 degrees,” you read, dimming the lights a little and putting on a lo-fi playlist perfect for relaxing. "But with you three in that tiny towel, about 80."
The three of them laughed as they settled in. Momo sat on the top level, and Mina sat next to Sana, leaving a space between them that you sat in, hands braced at your sides. The dry heat took its toll quickly, and the four of you were practically covered in sweat within five minutes.
"So? What are your plans, sweetie?" Momo asked from behind you. She had her legs crossed just behind your head. "When are you leaving?"
You turned your head to look up at her. You'd be a liar if you didn't admit that you first saw that pair of toned legs and her cleavage on the towel before you saw her eyes.
"Day after tomorrow, 8 fucking morning," you replied.
"We can go out to lunch tomorrow then," she suggested. "And then go partying. I know a couple of good places."
"Yeah, that sounds cool. The nightlife is hella fun here."
"Hey, and you're not planning on staying?" Sana asked from beside you.
"Well, actually..." you gave a quick glance to Mina, who had a small smirk on her face. "I'll probably end up moving here. Sooner rather than later."
"Wait what?!" Momo squealed behind you, leaning forward to look at you, holding onto your shoulders. Her mouth was agape.
"I mean, you won't see me for a few months, but you'll be helping me with all the necessary paperwork," you replied with a smile, looking up at her. "Mina will fill you in on the details."
You and Mina spent the next few minutes explaining to Momo everything that needed to be done. You inevitably came up with the subject of the club's accounting, a topic she stared into space throughout your explanation of the things that were wrong and needed to be corrected.
"Damn, that's what I get for being stingy," she muttered, dismayed, but then her face changed to a smile. "But oh my god, I can't believe you're actually going to move here!"
She hugged your head from behind, you smiled and took her forearms. Sana seemed happy about it too.
"It's advantageous for everyone," she said. "Now Mina-sama won't have a sour face everywhere."
"I don't wear a sour face everywhere, you fucking-" Mina tried to go past you to pinch Sana's thigh, but you stopped her and pulled her back as Sana giggled.
A couple of minutes passed when Mina stood up and poured a little water on the stones, so that the steam emerged and covered the cabin. It was light, nothing too overwhelming. Your body certainly appreciated it.
"Fuck, it's already getting too hot," Sana said with a sigh, and then she unrolled her towel, which fell behind her and revealed her sexy, naked, sweaty body.
It was a move you were more than expecting, so it didn't surprise you. You did try to look at her as little as possible, though, so you wouldn't get an instant boner. It wasn't like they would care, but you thought that maybe it would just be an intimate moment without any lewdness involved.
How naive of you. Of course there was going to be lewdness involved; you were in a fucking sauna with three women you'd already fucked previously.
"Ah! Sana-chan's right," Momo said from behind you, and you didn't need to turn around and look at her to know she'd taken off her towel as well.
"I'm not that hot," Mina said from your left. "But it would be rude of me to still be covered up with you two naked."
Mina then took off her towel as well. You couldn't help but stare at her, and damn, her pale, shiny, sexy body looked like a fucking snack. Turning your head you were met with another stupidly hot piece of meat, but what stood out the most about Momo were those perfect pair of tits covered in sweat.
"What?" she asked, her gaze somewhere other than your eyes. "Aren't you going to take it off too? I think that thing wants to breathe."
You followed her gaze, to find that you were already harder than the wooden discs on the ceiling. Your cock was sticking out of the towel with slight throbbing, and screaming for release. It was clear that you two had already gotten into the little game, so you weren't going to bother playing dumb.
"Oh right, my bad," you nodded, and unrolled your towel to take it off, thereby freeing your cock.
All three pairs of eyes went straight to it. Sana giggled, and sat as close to you as possible, thigh to thigh. Mina imitated her.
"It hasn't even been a minute since the three of us got naked..." Sana said to your right, close to your ear, her finger scribbling on your shoulder. "That horny we make you, daddy?"
"How crazy you are about us, daddy?" Mina asked to your left, one hand caressing your thigh, quite close to your cock. "I hope not too much... that boner looks painfully hard."
Momo climbed down from the seats behind you and made a spot right behind your back. She knelt up and hugged you at pec level, her slick tits pressing against your back.
"I think he wants us to take care of it," she said in your ear, caressing your nipples and pecs. "Right daddy?"
"Oh I sure do," you replied with a gasp, and turned around to find Sana's face and parted lips inches away. Kissing her made everything go downhill.
The first thing Sana did was bring her hand to your cock, her fingers gripping tightly before slowly moving her wrist up and down, in the middle of a kiss that got heated from the start. Mina kissed your neck, her hand going from your abdomen to your balls. Momo, for her part, kissed your neck and shoulder blades, her hands still making circles on your pecs.
A couple of seconds later you moved on to kiss Mina. She added her hand to Sana's on your cock, and now you had both of them moving slowly up and down. Momo took care of your balls, extending an arm under yours to reach them and knead them carefully, purposely moving her tits up and down your back.
Sana was the first to give in to her desires and she settled back on the seat to take your cock straight into her mouth, with light suctions on the first few inches. Mina got into a similar position, to reach the side of your shaft and lick it in every way possible. Momo then came out from behind you and went to kneel between your legs to start sucking on your balls.
It was an act exactly like the one at the club last night, but this time you wanted to take a different tack.
"On your knees, all three of you," you ordered between gasps, hands on Sana and Mina's heads as they sucked your cock. "I'm gonna fuck your mouths."
"Mmm, yes daddy," Sana replied as she pulled you out of her mouth.
The three of them went to kneel on the floor, somewhat close to the stove with the stones. Mina on the left, Momo in the middle, and Sana on the right. You stood in front of Momo, who stuck her tongue out as soon as you grabbed her head to smack your cock against it several times, only to then take it inside her mouth.
You knew what they were capable of, so you weren't planning on being gentle. You shoved your cock into Momo's throat on the first thrust, and she took it like a champ, just gagging a few times before you started pumping in and out. Slow at first, fast and steady within a few seconds, not letting up until she started spilling her own saliva.
Next up was Mina, seeing as she was the one begging for it. You weren't gentle with her either, and you were fast from the start, one hand on the back of her neck and the other on her jaw. She was just as good as Momo, but every thrust you made into her throat made her gag and scrunch up her face.
With your cock now soaked to the base with a thick layer of Momo and Mina's combined saliva, you moved on to Sana. If with the previous two you had dispensed with any kind of gentleness, with Sana you went straight to being a fucking animal. She luckily took it all like an expert, with no signs of gagging even though you were destroying her mouth and making her salivate on your cock.
"Momo, make me fuck those tits, will you?" you asked, taking your cock out of Sana's mouth. "Let's take advantage of the natural lubrication."
"Mmm. of course," she nodded with a little smile. "Have a seat daddy."
You went to sit on the second step, and she went straight between your legs. Mina went to sit right behind you, wrapping her legs around your torso and pressing her slit against your lower back. Sana stayed on the floor, only to get on all fours so she could get level with Momo's ass to kiss and grope it.
Momo bit her lower lip and let out a small moan as she felt Sana's tongue between her buttocks, but she focused on what you had asked her for in the first place. She grabbed your cock, lifted her torso and placed it between her tits and then squeezed it between them.
She began to move up and down slowly, looking into your eyes between small moans that Sana elicited from her. Mina meanwhile kissed your back and neck, her hands roaming all over your sweaty body and her hips moving against your lower back so that you could feel how wet she was.
You brought your hand to Momo's chin and made her suck your thumb. She increased the speed, between louder moans since Sana was now on her knees, fingering her from behind, kissing and groping her buttocks.
Moans also escaped from you. Momo's tits had never felt this good, lubricated by a combination of saliva and sweat that in addition to their natural sponginess made your cock feel like it was inside two clouds.
"Do you want my feet or my thighs, daddy?" Mina asked in your ear with a small moan. "I'm completely yours to choose..."
"Give me your feet, baby," you replied between labored breaths. Momo was moving at her fastest pace yet. "Sana will give me her thighs and finish me off."
"Does that mean I have to stop daddy? Mmmgh," Momo moaned, her brow furrowed and her bottom lip bitten.
"For now," you added, and then she stopped to go and engage in a heated kiss with Sana, who continued to finger her as hard as her wrist would go.
Mina's feet instantly caught your cock. They moved up and down slowly at first, her toes caressing your balls and tip in circles as they went up.
"You chose my feet because you know they're magical, don't you daddy?" Mina asked in your ear, her arms wrapped around your torso, as she gave you a toe curling footjob.
"Of course I did sweetie," you managed to reply, your hips squirming slightly.
"And you like my nails?" she bit your neck and peppered it with kisses. "I got a pedicure a few days ago, so they're perfect for you."
"I can fucking feel it baby, oh my god," you moaned. Her feet were now moving rapidly up and down.
You let Mina continue to jerk you off with her feet for a few long seconds that felt like aligning all your fucking chakras. But you knew your body and you felt close, so it was time to take Sana's turn.
She and Momo were on the floor. Momo was lying down with her legs spread wide, while Sana was on the side, three fingers pumping in and out of her with one of her tits in her mouth.
"Sana, come here right now," you ordered as Mina slowed down the footjob. "Momo, baby, I'll fuck you first to make up for the interruption."
Sana gave Momo a sexy kiss and caressed her bottom lip with her thumb before standing up and going with you. Mina moved out from behind you, and knelt to your right. Momo, still agitated and visibly very horny, knelt on the opposite side. Sana meanwhile sat on her back on top of your cock, and you made her lift her hips to put your shaft between her slender, soft thighs.
"Come on baby, do the work and finish me off," you ordered, hands on her waist with kisses on her back.
"Yes daddy," she moaned, moving slowly up and down and then picking up the pace. "Is that good?" she asked between labored breaths. "You love that, daddy?"
You didn't love it, you were so fascinated that you couldn't do anything else but leave your mouth slightly ajar and lift your face to the ceiling with your eyes closed. Your fingers gripped her waist firmly, and then you moved your hands up to squeeze her tits as your cock went in and out of those perfect, slippery thighs.
As if that wasn't enough, Momo and Mina had gotten on their hands and knees, their faces just inches away from the action. They then stuck their tongues out and lingered above Sana's thighs, so that every time she went down and your tip was exposed, they would lick it.
That took you to another level of pleasure, and on top of that, Sana's ass bouncing against your pelvis felt amazing too. You couldn't help but explode a few seconds later.
"Mmmgh fuck, fuck!!" you groaned, feeling your cum jets being shot out one after another.
"Mmm yes! That's it daddy..." Sana moaned, twisting her body a little to wrap an arm around your head and kiss you. "You like how my pretty thighs drain you?"
You didn't manage to formulate a response, instead you wrapped your arms around Sana and pressed your forehead against her back between uncontrollable gasps. You could feel Mina and Momo's tongues already working, swirling around your tip and down your shaft.
When you opened your eyes and looked over Sana's shoulder you saw the mess you had made. Not only were her thighs covered in cum, but Mina and Momo's faces as well, who didn't bother to clean up until they made sure you had seen them.
Momo then grabbed Mina's face and used her tongue to clean it all over. Mina then returned the favor, but you didn't notice that either of them had swallowed what she collected. You got your answer when they knelt up, Momo grabbed Sana's chin and made her open her mouth and stick her tongue out. They both then opened their mouths and let all the cum that had accumulated inside them fall into Sana's mouth.
"Oh god..." you gasped, admiring the lewd scene up close.
Sana took every drop and swallowed it like a good girl, then scooped up what was left on her thighs with her fingers and shoved them into Mina and Momo's mouths.
"Play with each other, go on," you ordered. "I need a little break."
They happily obeyed. Sana climbed off your lap and picked up the other two to guide them to the floor. There they shared a three-way kiss, and the three pairs of hands roamed over each other's bodies. Sana touched Momo's pussy, who touched Mina's, who in turn touched Sana's.
After a few seconds they broke the kiss so that Sana and Mina focused on Momo's tits. Each took a breast into their mouths, sucking and licking. Mina brought a hand to Momo's clit, and together with Sana they began to touch her until she melted between moans. Momo didn't keep her hands still, she had both pairs of fingers now inside Sana and Mina's pussies, pumping them as fast as her own shaky, uncoordinated body would let her.
The lewd scene had you hard and ready to go within minutes. You felt bad for interrupting Momo again, but it would be worth it for her.
"Alright, come ride me, Hirai," you said, one hand on your slick cock, moving it up and down.
"Oh fuck!" she moaned, opening her eyes to look at your hard cock. "I'll gladly go, daddy."
She separated from the two of them and went with you. You made her climb with you to the last step, which was the highest and the one that had the most difference from the middle one. Momo turned her back to you and got between your legs, her ass hovering above your cock, which you took straight and rubbed between her buttocks until you found her pussy. She only had to lower her ass, and in a matter of seconds she was impaled on your shaft.
Momo moaned and clung to your knees, her wonderful round ass resting against your pelvis. Mina and Sana climbed up to the second step, where your feet were, just to continue pleasuring each other. Mina put Sana against the step and made her rest her head on it, then she climbed up to the step where you were sitting and sat on top of her face so Sana could eat her pussy.
You would have loved to see what was happening to your right, but Hirai Momo was bouncing like crazy on your cock, and you had a beautiful, privileged view of her ass bouncing and jiggling against your pelvis. Your hands went to her waist and held on there as hard as you could, but then you moved them around the front of her body and brought them to her heavy tits to squeeze them as they bounced.
After about a minute you decided to take control, given in to your carnal impulses. You stood up with Momo still impaled on your cock, and you made her climb onto the step with you to get her on all fours. She moaned and immediately arched her back, one hand resting on the floor and the other on the wall at the side of the cabin. Now you were the one moving your hips, fast and hard, filling the cabin with sounds of flesh slapping together.
"Mmmgh fuck yeah!" Momo squealed, looking over her shoulder at you, making her gleaming muscled back look even sexier. “Fuck me like that daddy! Fuck fuck fuck don’t stop!!”
You reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked it back hard, your other hand locked on her waist. Your violent thrusts had her moaning louder than either of you had yet, and drove her crazy with pleasure until she finally exploded.
“Oh fucking hell!” she growled, and you let go of her hair so she fell with her hands flat on the wood beneath her, her ass still perfectly raised as you slowly fucked her through her orgasm, which had her writhing.
Behind you, you heard Mina squeal as well. Looking over your shoulder, you found her grinding her hips against Sana’s face in the midst of an orgasm, her hands braced against the wall while Sana held her ass tightly. You then had decided who would get the next turn.
You pulled out of Momo's pussy and went to the bottom step to sit with your back against the one behind you. You wrapped an arm around Sana's waist and made her pressed against you, consequently leaving Mina's pussy. She looked at you somewhat disoriented, her chin and lips soaked with Mina's fluids.
"You still want to ride me, cutie?" you asked, licking from her chin up to taste Mina's fluids as well.
"You could ask me that any time of the day and I would run like crazy to do it, daddy," she replied, then climbed on top of you to grab your cock and take it inside her stiflingly tight pussy. "Mmmgh, and now your cute little girlfriend can't stop me, hehe."
Sana wrapped her arms around your neck and adjusted her thighs on either side of your hips before starting to move up and down. She let her head fall back, brow furrowed and mouth parted as moans began to flow out of her. You left your hands on her waist and then lowered them to her thighs, just admiring how absurdly sexy she was riding a cock.
It didn't take long for her to pick up speed and become a complete demon. Sana was an excellent dancer, you might even say prodigious, so you fully expected all that hip technique to be directly reflected in that moment. She certainly didn't disappoint, moving her hips so well and so fast that it left you paralyzed for a few seconds.
"Fuck... you really wanted to ride daddy's cock huh?" you teased, both hands on her ass as it moved on your cock. You gave her a small spank.
"I wanted it, I needed it!" she replied between moans, and lowered her head to kiss you.
With your lips dancing with each other and your tongues swirling you stopped her and stood up with her tightly wrapped around your waist with her legs. Then you walked down the couple of steps with her carried and leaned her legs wide open against the door of the cabin, now fucking her at full speed.
Sana squealed into the kiss and bit your bottom lip a little too hard, her arms now under yours and her hands on your back, nails scratching you mercilessly.
“Yes daddy yes! Fuck!!” she squealed. “Fuck my tight little pussy like the fucking little whore I am, mmmgh!!”
You moaned and buried your face in her neck to bite it, your hands gripping her thighs to both hold her against the wall and keep her legs spread wide. The constant hammering of her pussy took its toll a few short seconds later as Sana arched her back and dug her nails into your back as she came.
“Yes!! Oh god!!” she growled, hands now on your head to tangle her fingers in your hair. “Daddy makes my slutty pussy feel so good, fuck!”
You gave Sana the last few thrusts before pulling out of her and kissing her again, as you led her to one of the steps to rest. There you found Mina on top of Momo, in a sexy 69 where both of them were eating each other's pussy. Mina's ass was facing you, and you certainly weren't going to waste that opportunity.
Without warning her and without her noticing that you had gotten behind her, you knelt down and grabbed your cock to press it directly against her butthole. Mina startled and looked over her shoulder at you, and bit her lip when she noticed what you were doing.
"It's about time you came to fuck my cute ass, daddy," she said shaking it from side to side. "Come on, hard and deep, don't think about it."
You obeyed her command and slowly took your cock, still soaked in Sana's creamy fluids, into Mina's tight butthole. Momo was right below, so she caught one of your balls in her mouth as you sank deep into Mina's ass. When your cock had disappeared between that pair of bubble butt cheeks, you grabbed onto her waist and began pumping in and out.
As the seconds passed, you went straight to pumping with the sole intention of destroying her ass. That, along with Momo's mouth also on her pussy, brought her to a quick orgasm that wasn't a sign for you to stop. On the contrary, you went harder, between spankings and hair pulling that had her screaming.
But even though you loved fucking Mina from behind, you loved even more looking her straight in the eyes while you did it. So you grabbed her waist with both hands and made her get up from Momo's body to take her to the last step, where there was more room to maneuver. Up there you put her face up and with her legs wide open, to kneel in front of her and penetrate her ass again.
"You can't go five minutes without looking me in the eyes, right honey?" she asked in the middle of a moan while you fucked her hard and fast again. "Is that because you're obsessed with me?"
You put your hands on her fleshy thighs and pushed them back, pressing them against her body, to rest your hands on the wood on either side of her and lean forward.
"Obsessed is an understatement for what I am, Myoui Mina," you managed to answer between moans, your drops of sweat falling on her. "You have me fucking in love."
"Really?" Mina held eye contact with you, between squeals and labored breathing.
"I would never lie to you about that sweetie, you drive me fucking insane and I want you only" you replied, and then she closed her eyes, arched her back, and came again with screams of pleasure.
"Mmm fucking god!!" she growled. "I would scream for you to put a baby in me if only I wasn't on fucking birth control, ugh!!"
You didn't know if that was a bullet dodged or a real pity for you. Honestly, you didn't even know how to take it, so you just changed the subject.
"How about the three of you give me your pretty faces to paint?" you asked, loud enough for Momo and Sana to hear as well.
"Yeah, do that before I rip out my uterus and hand it to you on a silver platter," Mina said beneath you. If that was the start of a time where she was obsessively in love with you, you were completely down for it, tho.
You pulled out of Mina and helped her to the floor with Sana and Momo, who were already on their knees waiting for you. Mina knelt to the far right, and the three of them put their faces together under your cock with their tongues out. You just had to jerk yourself off as fast as you could, since you were also close, until you exploded in a maelstrom of moans and grunts.
The jets of thick cum shot out with force to fall directly on the sweaty faces of the three of them. You made sure to leave each face painted equally, from chin, to tongue and even forehead. Satisfactorily for you, your orgasm passed when those three beautiful faces resembled a messy canvas covered in white paint.
"God, how could you not want to stay here in Budapest..." Momo asked, still finding her breath. "Aren't we perfect, daddy?"
"You fucking are... fuck," you gasped.
"And just wait until we teach Moka-chan English," Sana said with a giggle.
You just narrowed your eyes and stared at her.
You were downright drained and exhausted, so you just went to the bottom step and sat there to rest. The girls joined you shortly after Momo had turned off the heater, also exhausted. It took about ten minutes until the heat had decreased considerably and all the steam had disappeared.
You then made sure to leave everything in there clean, and with nothing else to do, you walked out with your towels on as if nothing had happened and went into the cabin to take cold showers and get dressed again. Within a half hour you were on your way home again.
That night was the quietest night for the four of you. Sana had stayed with you, and this time you made popcorn and ordered food to watch a movie. However, you went to bed early, since you all felt like your bones were aching.
The next day was the most normal of all: you had a delicious, cute and fun breakfast, played a couple of board games and then went out to lunch at a beautiful establishment that Momo took you to. Later in the evening you went to a nightclub, and you came back home with a fun drunkenness that mainly affected Sana, who had a bit too much to drink and was acting more goofy than usual.
The next morning it was time for you to leave for the United Kingdom. But it wasn't as sad as the last time, both Mina and you knew perfectly well that you didn't have to be; you would be together again, very soon.
This time there would be no more goodbyes, no more long waits to hold each other in each other's arms.
And who knows, maybe you would even get married to give birth to a mini you or a mini her.
Only time was going to tell.
Spren Notes: Hehe. As always. Thanks for reading! MASTERLIST HERE!
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iamred-iamyellow · 1 day
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Dancing in the Courthouse
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♥ masterlist | request rules | part of my 1k event
♥ pairing: oscar piastri x fem!reader
♥ synopsis: In 2021 you and oscar decided to elope due to your unpredictable schedules. now that you have more stability in your life, you were able to throw a dream wedding with the man you loved most in the world.
♥ smau + written - as always none of the pictures are mine <3
♥ warnings: swearing !!!
♥ a/n: first fic apart of the 1k event!
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-Paris, 2021-
The streets of Paris were bustling as you took a seat in your Uber. You could hear a Taylor Swift song playing faintly on the car's radio as you pulled out your phone.
hey osc I'm on my way back
Oscar checked the notification and panicked a little internally. He slipped the device back into his dress pants and shook his hands.
"Relax, tout ira bien," Estie assured Oscar. (translation: everything will be fine)
He sighed and turned towards the two French men, "Are you sure?"
All Pierre did was laugh.
"Call me when it's over," Pierre said with a smirk and guided Esteban out the door, into an elevator.
You were in France on a girls night out with your best friend Kika, whom you met through Formula 1. Little did the two of you know that Pierre and Esteban snuck over to your hotel room in order to help Oscar set up a surprise.
You tapped your keycard on your hotel door and called out your boyfriend's name. You set your purse down on a small marble table and kicked off your heels, making your way through the main room.
A small trail of pink rose petals guided you to the terrace causing your heartbeat to pick up.
Was this really happening?
You opened the glass doors to find more rose petals surrounding the floor and a very handsome Oscar. You strode over to him in complete shock until he grabbed your hands in his.
"Y/n you have been my best friend for as long as I can remember," he said as his thumb drew circles on one of your fingers. "You have stood by me since the beginning of my career and I could never imagine a life without you. I know we don't get to spend as much time together as we'd like to, but that is why I wanted to do this today."
He slowly got down on one knee in front of you and pulled out a black velvet box to reveal a silver ring.
"Will you marry me?"
You squatted down to his height and mumbled, "Is that even a question?"
You cupped his face in your hands and kissed him gently, "Yes of course I will."
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
-July 4, 2024-
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, lilymhe, and 300,572 more
ynln london girl
📸 creds: @/oscarpiastri
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user1 lmao the oscar picture creds
oscarpiastri I risked my life for that first pic
ynln @/oscarpiastri you were on another balcony?
user3 if anyone risked their life for that picture it's Alex
user2 speaking of alex she looks SO pretty there
carlossainz55 red nails for ferrari
ynln anything for you carlitos 😽
iamrebeccad so so true and real
user4 pretties
user9 lets all manifest an oscar win for this weekend
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liked by oscarpiastri, nicolepiastri, hattiepiastri, and 1,481,583 more
ynpiastri oops I guess the cat is out of the bag huh! the rumors are in fact true, oscar and I are married. we have been trying to keep it a secret since our elope in 2021, but it seems as though I slipped up with a photo on my insta. at least it was the perfect timing for the reception we're throwing this summer 🥰
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nicolepiastri see you at the sequel wedding!!
ynpiastri <3
user1 ...sorry?
user8 PARDON
user7 her username change I am so endeared
mclaren how many of you knew...
logansargeant I did
alexandrasaintmleux I did
charles_leclerc I did
landonorris I DIDNT?!?!
landonorris @/oscarpiastri how come charles knew before me
charles_leclerc @/landonorris he's my son???
iamrebeccad I'm so happy for you!
ynpiastri tysm becks 🥹🫶
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
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liked by pierregasly, oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, and 123,740 more
wagupdates the girlies pulling up to the belgian paddock
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user1 the color scheme 🛐
user2 PLS did they plan this for y/n’s wedding?
wagupdates @/user2 we think so!!
oscarpiastri I guess I need to step up my fashion game
charles_leclerc @/oscarpiastri I can help 😁
ynpiastri @/charles_leclerc no you cannot
user7 I love them
user4 they're GORGEOUS
francolapinto 😘
user3 HAHAHA
charles_leclerc @/francocolapinto Te sugiero que elijas sabiamente tus próximas palabras (I suggest you choose your next words wisely)
francolapinto sorry sorry! its a joke its a joke 😅
user10 the threatening spanish 😭
carlossainz55 @/user10 I taught him that
fernandoalo_oficial @/carlossainz55 and I taught YOU that
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liked by pierregasly, ynpiastri, carmenmundt, and 563,885 more
francisca.cgomes rich bitch energy
tagged; @/ynpiastri @/alexandrasaintmleux
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user1 are you shopping for dresses
francisca.cgomes mayybbe
ynpiastri GORGEOUS
francisca.cgomes NO YOU 😚
aussiegrit @/nicolepiastri do i get to walk oscar down the aisle
nicolepiastri no 😐
charles_leclerc that’s right because i am
user2 the family seating is gonna go crazy lol
user5 so what’s the dog situation?
landonorris bark
ynpiastri @/landonorris NO 😭
ynpiastri @/user5 leo we know is definitely going to be there! 🥰
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
-Wedding Day-
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liked by alex_albon, maxverstappen1, carlossainz55, and 1,749,053 more
ynpiastri 💍
tagged; @/francisca.cgomes
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danielricciardo 🥹
pierregasly vous êtes tous les deux magnifiques (you both look gorgeous)
user6 the fact that kika is her maid of honor
user4 the venue is STUNNING
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
There was a salty ocean breeze on a cliff-side of Monaco, the place you and Oscar picked for the wedding.
There were dozens of familiar faces along with beautiful greenery and pastel flowers decorating the space.
You were sat at your table with your husband Oscar as the toast’s began to start.
“Hi,” someone said into the mic with a smile. “I’m Kika.”
There were a few soft laughs from the crowd. She pulled a piece of paper out of her gold-colored dress.
“When I found out you eloped without me that day in Paris my first thought was ‘fuck you’.” she said causing some more chuckles to come from the guests.
“It was only because I wouldn’t get the chance to give you the speech I had planned—but here we are today and I’m so glad I finally get to say it. Over these past couple years you have been my best friend, in and outside the paddock. I have so much love for you and I couldn’t be happier for your relationship with Oscar.”
You got up from your seat and hugged her, eliciting a few ‘aws’ from the room.
Lando stood up next with the mic, “Oscar was the guy on the grid no one could shut the up about,” Lando spoke into the mic and everyone laughed. “I didn’t get it at first, but then I met him, and I got it. And I felt the same when I met Y/n. You two are lucky to have each other. Congrats, mate.”
He raised his glass of champagne causing everyone to clink their glasses and cheer.
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liked by lewishamilton, aussiegrit, nicolepiastri, and 1,937,954 more
ynpiastri wifey
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user1 this is so cunty
wagupdates we heard that y/n’s heel broke and oscar had to carry her to the car (hence the last picture) 😭
user7 she is SO pretty
patriciooward great to see you again osc!
user6 I. LOVE. THEM.
user2 omg they’re so hot
user3 y/n’s outfits today >>>
lilymhe the reception was beautiful
ynpiastri <3
608 notes · View notes
lilacstro · 2 days
★ruler of 3rd through houses: your highschool years★
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long time no see!! I have recently started an instagram account, you can check it out if you please. I would post more exclusive things in the soon to be started group on Instagram :) lmk if you are sending a request since I do not want scammers or people with malicious intents on there :)
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Send post suggestions if you like !! I really do not know why have I not started with Vedic astrology series yet but the thing is, I find it soooo vast that putting it into readable posts becomes so hard idk and I can't come up with topics. I wanted to start with dasha systems and divisional charts but I could not fathom where to start honestly idk. Maybe I have gone more used to making posts through the tropical system.
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Paid readings open!!
Today we will see your highschool years through astrology and this may explain why you *were* or *are* a certain way. The planets in your 3rd do add an extra infulence without doubt, but to keep this post more inclusive I would not go over that. However, lmk if you want to see that and I may edit this post. PS: Though there can indicators of things like bullying and being bullied and all other that kinda stuff, I wont be mentioning that here :)) take it as a light post :) and if someone has incidents from school they would love to write, would love it too!!
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 1st: Ah very likely to be the "popular" kid, or someone I may say who was heavily involved and present in school. Maybe school was big on playing a major role to your personality development and you had some life altering events in school. You could have drawn attention to yourself as well, or maybe you wanted to be seen. Very easily could have taken the roles of monitors and club leaders etc.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 2nd: Very possible that you were the kind of person who was not very withdrawn yet not quite present. Maybe you were quite reserved in who you talked to during school, but not that you were a loner. You could very well be someone who people found talented in some specific area, especially in things like debate or arts and singing. People could have secretly wanted to befriend you. Very possible that you "seemed" rich or were focused on earning money and it showed in school. Often seen people could admire you from afar, or maybe even crush on you and all that stuff.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 3rd: School could have been an important for you again. Very possible that you and your siblings went to the same school. Apart from this, you again could be someone who is rather smart and studious or is considered smart at the very least. Could have been really outgoing and talkative. Now it is indeed 200% possible that you could be introverted, but as you could grow in comfort, you could become someone who would speak and get along with most people.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 4th: Could have been homeschooled or maybe even your mother taught at the same school, or maybe you did not change too many schools as such and even possible that you studied in a place where you were born or near your home. Now, the ruling planet here actually decides how you could have acted here, which is usually a mix of both extrovertedness and introvertedness. It is possible that school was either very comfortable to you, or maybe you never felt comfortable in school at all, no in between. Not a big friend group, but probably a few real friends that you could have connected to even after school.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 5th: Could be someone who was very involved in extra curriculars and stuff. Great possibility of having dated people in school or appearing attractive to others, them having crushes on you or maybe both honestly. You could actually be someone who very well flunked or I may say rather did not take their classes as seriously. Could be someone who people reminisce about when they look back to their time in high school. A good possibility of being popular or seemingly charming! You could have enjoyed your time in school.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 6th: You could very well be someone who probably faced some difficulties to attend school I feel. Apart from this, you could be someone who no matter what they really do, are hardworking and took school seriously. Hard working, reliable kind of person. It is possible that people in your school asked you for help or favors and stuff quite often. Very possible to have had a mundane school life for many many reasons, maybe nothing too "exciting" and maybe school really did not cater too much excitement, stories or spice in your life.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 7th: The kind of person who talks to everyone, or atleast "knows" everyone and vice versa. People could often come up to you, and you could strike conversations just like that. The kind of person who would always be found in some kind of friend group, and friends with everyone, a large friend group. Some of you could even have found your spouse from school!! No matter if you were extroverted or introverted, you could have had good social skills regardless. Your teachers could actually know you or like you.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 8th: Could be someone who saw breaks and interruptions and hardships to have continues their education. Aloof, introverted and maybe a desire to hide, and not really be seen. The people who are wise beyond their age in school and try to avoid people, especially the ones who do not align with them truly. To be honest, your flairs and attitude and experience in and towards school could see a lot of shifts, maybe you were extroverted and then you became introverted and then extroverted again. Maybe you were someone who had no friends but then had too many friends etc. The end time of school could be important. Not hanging out in big groups at being by yourself mostly.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 9th: Could be someone who attended high school abroad or exchange programs etc or desired to go to college abroad. Probably very aware and serious about moving to university after school. Good at studying and smart, even if you may not intentionally spend time studying, you could be very very good at acing your school comparatively. Someone who was wise, and friendly and had a pleasant time in school, and a good and happy learning experience overall. Friendly, and could have had different kind of friends I must say.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 10th: Ah, outgoing people. Someone who is seen and known by people in school, well liked by most. Even if you are introverted as such, which is unlikely, people could notice you and maybe heard about you or seen you atleast once sometime. Could be someone who hangs out in big groups. Someone whose presence is known by most and many people in school for whatever reasons that may be. Popular people. Teachers could be important, maybe they noticed you, or maybe you pay great attention to them or the relationship is sour all together. The kind of people who are assigned roles and leads in clubs and events, etc. despite of not being the responsible person for that job.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 11th: Friends were important and you made quite a few friends in school yourself. Even if you were not a social person, you still could have found friends, and friend groups. People could feel easy around you, someone who is non judgemental and is friends with everyone, even the seemingly new kids. Always busy with some kind of event or activity or hanging out with friends probably even after school. Someone who probably made others aware about the drama and tea going on, or discussing internet, controversies etc.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 12th: Very possible that you completed your education overseas or you were homeschooled or may be you did not attend school too much. Someone who probably is uncomfortable with attention on themselves, and likes to seemingly merge into the background somehow, even if they may desire to have a complete experience of their surroundings. Zoning out in school often, being aloof by nature or choice, in your own world. Probably despising school or waiting for it to end. On a good note, whatever relationships you formed in school or experiences you had, could have helped you evolve, and grow out of your comfort zone and the bubble you could have kept yourself in, for maybe reasons like "I can't fit in".
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take care, xoxo~
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dimonds456-art · 4 hours
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@year2000electronics ask and ye shall receive
Ramblings under the cut!
The general idea is that the AU follows a similar story structure to Cuphead, but the lore is similar to Gravity Falls. There's just one key difference: everyone can see and interact with Bill. He just can't really interact with our world. Yet.
Bill is a projection, brought forth by Gideon Gleeful. He would allow Bill free presence, and in return, Bill basically made him famous, AND his Earthen right-hand. So he takes the place of King Dice.
From there, the history is almost the same as GF. Ford came here to investigate anomalies, found Gravity Falls, met Bill, and started building a portal. The possession came with a different cost this time, though; Ford's soul. Bill promised he'd be in good hands and that it's just kinda part of the gig, but because of this, Bill's ability to possess him never left.
Once Ford got the metal plate installed, Bill was limited, sure, but he still had control of the soul contract, meaning he could basically just. Force Ford to do shit. The main limiting factor here is that he has to know where Ford is and has to be able to see him. If he can't see him, he can't control him. Once Ford is in the multiverse, this is the main reason Bill can't get him. He doesn't know where Ford is.
The main story is just everyone in Gravity Falls making really really stupid mistakes. The only person who has not fallen for Bill's games is Stan, who- like Elder Kettle- tried to warn the twins about making bad deals, but ultimately this fell through when they got curious and visited Gideon's tent, where Bill was also observing.
In my interpretation of this AU, Pacifica takes the place of Ms Chalice. She's hurt and alone, and her dad made a deal with Cipher that resulted in. this. I like to think it was a Monkey's Paw type scenario, but my brain is an egg so I'll figure that one out later. Basically Pacifica wants her body back (ghost rules the same as the DLC), so she decides to help Dipper and Mabel under the belief that they can assist her once Bill is defeated.
However, this falls through. However the deal worked, it persists, and Pacifica starts to wonder if she'll always be a ghost. But that's where Ford comes in.
Ford, taking the place of Saltbaker (kinda? kinda.), offers to try and help her restore her physical form. Call in the twins and let's be off let's go. He says he needs to build a machine that could potentially reverse the effects permanently, and he needs parts. So that's what the twins are doing. The cookie is replaced with an astro-physical restorative remote, but a really, really weak one, and it requires a host to work, keeping the idea that one of them will always be a ghost until the machine is done.
The only problem with this plan is that Ford's contract with Bill is not up, and was not destroyed by Dipper and Mabel, and Bill can see him now. So. In short, that ain't Ford.
The parts the kids were gathering were for the portal.
Once they figure that out, we get a Baking the Wondertart equivalent, Bill is defeated, and in doing so, Ford is freed of the contract as well, meaning Bill can't mess with him anymore.
Not sure if Bill lives all the way to the end of this story, but there is a good chance unless I figure out how to kill him, seeing as Weirdmageddon probably doesn't happen here.
Gotta think on it more, but that's the basic idea. First draft. All of this is subject to change hdfsdfjh
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daenysx · 2 days
hii i would like to make a request for the sleepover. Old money aemond and his gf talking bout their future children for the first time, like, they choosing their names and all that. So cute😭
i hope you enjoy <3333
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader
"oh, look at that! you were such a cute baby." you say, fondly, looking at your boyfriend's childhood pictures. alicent gave you the photo album after dinner, hoping to show you aemond's pics. you were more than eager, and now aemond watches you with a subtly happy look as you ask everything about him as a baby.
"he was so calm most of the time." alicent says, looking at baby aemond in his cradle. "except when he could not get enough sleep. he'd be so upset then, we had to go on long rides to keep him silent."
you are absolutely in love with the pictures. there's aemond next to a huge chess board. him and helaena, standing together in the garden. here he is, holding onto aegon, trying to stand up. you smile, lovesick all the way.
alicent excuses herself briefly to make a phone call and aemond sits on the empty spot next to you. "this is all so adorable." you say. "baby aemond. you were a gorgeous baby."
"i'm throughly flattered." aemond smirks. "and a little bit embarrassed."
"there's nothing to be embarrassed about." you shake your head. "this album is great. it literally has everything documented inside, such a wonderful idea to keep memories alive."
"we'll have the same type of album if we decide to have children, my love." he says, softly. "do you- would you want that?"
"if i'd want to have a baby, i'd want it to be with you." you answer. "and with genetics this cute, i've no doubt our babies would be adorable." you tease, showing him another picture of himself.
"is that so?" he flirts, boldly getting closer to you. "and if they look like you when they grow up, they'll be the prettiest this family has ever seen."
"there are many targaryen names we can pick from, right?" you ask him, changing the subject with a smile.
"yes, of course." he answers. "you know, we can choose something else, it's not a strict rule to name babies after our ancestors."
"i'd actually like that." you tell him. "i think it's a nice tradition. hard to decide, though, there are too many options."
aemond holds your hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. "yes, well, except aegon. there are many aegons, i imagine it would be hard to follow."
cinnamon girl sleepover ♡
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yandereunsolved · 3 days
Yandere Daryl Dixon w/ immune reader— 'we're all infected, why does it matter if you're the cure?'
Yandere Daryl saw your scraggly ass aimlessly wandering through the abandoned pharmacy he needed to raid. Walkers, five of em', and you fought them off bare fisted. Pretty badass, and fucking stupid, if Daryl has anything to say about it. You're bleeding from your neck more than any living person should.
A bite. You're bit.
No wonder you could care less if one of the rotting corpses bites on ya.
He wants to put you down like he should. He lines up his crossbow with your head, and like a deer caught in headlights, you flee.
Goddammit all.
Shouldn't matter anyway. You'll become another walker. At the most you got some gauze.
It had to be months again before he saw you on another run. There you are—banged up and just a lil more than skin n' bones, but there you are alive none the less.
Yandere Daryl admits to himself that it's the first time he's been intrigued by someone in a long while. Maybe that's why he's insisted on going on runs by himself these past few months. Maybe just maybe deep down he wanted to see you again.
It isn't hard to simply surprise you from behind and disarm you. He knocks you out and lowers you to the sidewalk. He doesn't see any walkers near, so he can check your wound out easy.
You still have gauze over it, but it has long since needed a change. It's drenched in fresh blood and covered in old. He unwraps it to see the damn bite. He can't tell if it looks better or worse now.
"Poor sap, what am I gonna do with you? Whats good a cure if there's no docs, only greedy men in this world." He tsks.
Yandere Daryl picks you up and carries you back to the group. He wraps a slightly torn shawl around your neck. It's one he found near the store you collapsed at. There's a reason you have been out here all these months.
You could'a just given up and died.
You could'a found a group.
Instead you found him again.
"Must've been fate, huh?" He chuckles humorlessly.
The way you looked at him. You're runnin' from somethin'. He just has to figure out what.
Yandere Daryl decides you're his to take care of. When he carries you into Alexandria, he doesn't let anyone else get their hands on you. He doesn't answer anyone's questions while he walks in and towards his house. He locks himself in and tells anyone that comes by to piss off.
Screw the rules and whatever the fuck.
You're a mystery that he has to solve.
So he grabs a change of clothes and some food for you. He plops them down on the table and sits in the opposite chair.
He doesn't mind waitin' for a while. It gives him plenty o' time to think. Somethin' in him is just stirrin'. He just can't decide what.
Yandere Daryl calms you down after you wake up. You can barely form words on those pretty lips and tongue of yours. Naturally, you question him and his motives. You're defensive and don't elaborate at first.
It takes just a handful of threats about exposing you and spreading around the fact there is an immune person to unravel your need for secrecy.
You only tell him that you're being hunted by a group you were once with.
"Mind elaborating, hun?" Daryl draws out while looking over your figure for what feels like the thousandth time.
"I'll tell you—but I swear to God if you use this against me I'll stab you through the head a dozen times over."
"Fair nuff."
"They would—If you get bit and are injected with... well, enough of my blood then it acts as a cure..."
They fuckin' what?
Yandere Daryl vouches for you, and you end up in Alexandria. You get no ifs, ands, or buts about it. They assign you to his house. Daryl definitely convinced Rick that since you're a newcomer and you trust him more, he could keep a watchful eye on you. It totally isn't because there's this strange all possessing feeling that keeps latching onto his heart when you're around.
He keeps your secret safe n' sound. He manages to steal enough makeup from rundown stores to keep your healing bite covered up. He makes sure you are eating and getting healthier. He checks up on you before and after he gets done with a run. Hell, he reminds you of shit he forgets about all the time.
This does extend to him killing people to keep you safe. They looked at you wrong. Maybe one of the residents feels suspicious about you. They may even have confronted Daryl and questioned him. Oh, well. Just another one pushed to the biters.
Daryl has never had a strict moral compass. So he doesn't feel bad about murdering people who he is supposed to consider his neighbors.
Of course, those who came with him to Alexandria get the privilege of questionin' you just a bit. He's quick to shut that shit down, though.
Carol is the only one who is close enough to knowing that you are immune. She knows that Daryl has something more than platonic towards you. She also knows that you were injured with something that looked suspiciously like a walker bite mark when Daryl first lugged you in. (She snuck in and looked through your scarf while Daryl wasn't aware.)
She just isn't looking for trouble. She doesn't want to believe it, as it doesn't seem plausible. There have been too many false hopes from the CDC to Eugene.
So she let's Daryl foster his feelings towards you while watching out for you both. If Daryl ever oversteps a boundary with you, Carol will be there to knock him up side the head, call him a stupid redneck, and threaten him in the most motherly way possible. 
Yandere Daryl never saw you have so much terror in the eyes as the day he mentioned The Saviors. It clicked in his mind immediately. He has only felt that rage one other time in his life: when he learned Meryl had been handcuffed to the roof and left for dead.
He didn't think, but he acted. He held you and refused to let go. It's just so fuckin' unfair. He loses everyone that has a semblance of importance to him. Not you. Not this time.
His only thought was that he was going to burn every one of those fuckers to the ground—innocent or not.
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cheolism · 9 hours
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✰ — teaching assistant & boyfriend!lee jihoon x f!reader ✷ — summary: when you both find out that your boyfriend, lee jihoon, will be the ta for your classic literature class, it is agreed your relationship will take a temporary pause . no public dates, no pda; and, most tragically, no sex. nothing that can give away the truth to your relationship. only, it really is easier said than done. or: four times you and jihoon totally didn't have sex plus one time you did. ✰ — wc is approx. 14.5k ✷ — genre: TA au, secret relationship au, forbidden relationship au, smut ✰ — warnings: spanking, pussy spanking. derogatory language (f receiving), pet names (baby (f receiving), hoonie). rough sex, unprotected sex. masturbation (f&m) and sex toys. penetrative sex. extreme levels of delusion as to what "qualifies" as sex or not; jihoon and reader bully one another. talk pertaining to the greek tragedy oedipus rex (self-blinding is mentioned as it pertains to oedpius but not discussed in detail). ✷ — rating: 18+ ✰ — note: this fic represents two delusional adults. they are both consenting to what is going on. this fic is not an accurate representation of what is and not considered sex. also the word count may be scary, but i promise it is pretty much all smut. this fic is part of @camandemstudios first ever collab, back to school with seventeen. please make sure to give the other works lots of love!
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“we have to set up rules,” jihoon announced a week before classes were to start. he closed the zoom tab, which he had preciously been using to talk to the classics professor he was ta-ing for this semester, kicking back from his desk. 
“rules,” you said, peeking over the top of your book. it was hotter than hell outside, the sort of heat that suffocated and made you feel as if you were being wrung like a wet towel. inside, however, you had a blanket tucked around your body and socks pulled up to your calves. 
jihoon wandered over to the thermostat. he frowned, reaching and dialing it down once again. if he was going to pay for air conditioning, he believed, he was going to be cold in the comfort of his own apartment. 
“it’s not fair to other students that you’re dating your ta,” he said. 
“if this is literally you breaking up with me –”
“don’t be dramatic,” jihoon chided, crossing the room to you. he picked up the edge of the blanket, slipping under and pressing his toes against your feet. “i didn’t say that. i just mean that we shouldn’t advertise our relationship to everyone.”
you closed your book, keeping your forefinger inside to mark your place. “just keep it a secret then. can’t be hard.”
“we can’t let anyone know,” he enunciated. “for real. the professor doesn’t even know. if he did, he’d reassign me.”
“then we just don’t say anything.”
“you shouldn’t stay the night.” jihoon laid his arm over the back of the couch, inviting you to cuddle into his side without him verbally giving invitation. you abided, shifting to rest your head on his thick bicep. “and no dates.”
you huffed. “jihoon, i don’t know if it’s really that serious.”
he scoffed back at you. black bangs hid his eyes. “they could accuse me of favoritism, accuse you of academic dishonesty. we need to treat this seriously.”
“maybe i should just request to change to a different section.”
“too much work.”
“oh,” you laughed, reaching over and pinching at his side. jihoon flinched, instinctively slapping at your hand. “and pretending we aren’t dating isn’t.”
“that’s why we need rules.” you kicked out the blanket, pulling it from jihoon; he grumbled, snatching it back. “don’t be a hog. anyways. we need rules so we can stick to a strict routine. that way we don’t lapse in judgment or anything.”
“so no sleepovers,” you recited, “no dates. what else? no walking to class? no kissing?”
jihoon leaned his head back against the couch, exposing the length of his pale neck. you let your eyes linger. “sleepovers, dates. no meeting in public unless in a group setting.” 
you let out a great sigh, pushing the blanket from you. snatching your bookmark, you stuffed it into the novel you had been reading. “so we’re strangers.”
“yes,” jihoon confirmed. “easy enough.”
you gasped, mouth dropping open. “easy!”
jihoon bit at his lip, and you could tell that he was already regretting his choice of words. but he wouldn’t back down – that wasn’t in his nature. “easy,” he said. 
“fine,” you hissed. you left the couch, retrieving your backpack. you brought out your notepad and pen pouch. “no sex, either.”
“what –”
“if it’s so easy,” you retorted sharply, walking back to the couch while ripping out an empty page of your notebook, “then no sex won’t be a problem for you, mr. lee. i mean – it needs to be believable, right? no getting caught.”
jihoon grimaced, moving to a sitting position on the couch. “yeah. believable.”
“we write it down,” you said, taking back your spot next to jihoon. you opened your pen pouch, letting the pens and markers spill out onto the coffee table. “we write it down and shake on it. it’s a contract.”
jihoon hesitated. “this is a little severe, don’t you think?”
you shook your head. “nope. can’t let anyone know, yeah? otherwise i’d be academically dishonest, wouldn’t i?”
jihoon grabbed your paper, creating a bullet point. “i really don’t think this is necessary.”
“but you do,” you shot back. “i mean. you were the one to bring it up all serious-like. no kissing, no sleepovers, no sex. the whole five yards, lee jihoon.”
“but a contract –”
“oh? so you’re wrong?”
jihoon huffed, pressing his lips into a firm line. “fine. no dates, no marks, no pda.”
“and no sex.”
“and no sex.”
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W E E K  O N E
your eyes immediately catch onto jihoon as soon as you walk into the classroom, and while you really should’ve guessed that he was going to play dirty – because as hard as he tries to maintain an indifferent air, jihoon is just as weak of a many as any – you didn’t realize he would be playing this dirty. 
he’s wearing black trousers that fit to his thighs and ass, cinched tightly at his waist by a thin leather belt. his white dress shirt is loose around his neck, the first button undone. your eyes, unwillingly, smooth over the silver chain that winks out from underneath his shirt, alongside the harsh lines of the white tank-top he wears underneath the dress shirt and you feel, horribly, a strike of want hitting you. 
jihoon turns to you. “hello,” he says, voice perfectly neutral. his eyes don’t stray from your face despite the fact you’ve worn his favorite jeans, the ones that cling at your own ass and show off flashes of skin underneath rips strategically placed; rips jihoon has made worse over the months of being together, slipping his fingers underneath the loose threads to touch your skin. 
“go ahead and take a seat,” jihoon instructs, gesturing about the room. the desks are all modern despite the discussion taking place in the historic – well – history buildings. the desk shifts underneath you as you try to slide in, bottom of your water bottle clanging against the hard surface, and wheels carting across the marble floor. 
you stretch out your legs, staring at jihoon unabashedly. it isn’t a sin for you, the student, to be attracted to the teaching assistant. and so you look him over, watching as he turns this way and that way, trousers showing off the plush of his ass and shirt showing the wide line of his shoulders. 
you are jerked from your admiration of your boyfriend-turned-teaching assistant by a large man hurrying to the desk next to you. he’s jihoon’s opposite in almost every way: he’s easily a foot taller, and his skin is a gorgeous dark bronze that seems to draw emphasize to the bulge of his muscles. 
the man slides into the desk. it’s comically small for him, his knees hitting the underside of the desk. the desk moves as he situates himself, prompting his backpack to fall over from where he had propped it. 
“shit,” he mumbles, reaching down with one long arm, biceps bulging rather nicely, to righten the backpack. “stay up, please.”
rather endearingly, to top it all off, he has a lisp. 
he glances at you, eyes apologetic beneath his curly bangs. “sorry. not my day today.”
you huff a laugh. “i don’t know if it’s anyone’s day, let alone week.”
“true,” the man says, grinning. his teeth are white, his canines more pronounced than most people’s. “hey. i’m mingyu.”
you introduce yourself. “are you a classics major, then?”
mingyu wrinkles his nose. “no offense to classics, but i’m doing something interesting.”
you let out a loud laugh, startling not only yourself but the people around you. mingyu grins triumphantly, tongue flicking out to run alongside his teeth. you hide your smile behind your hand, trying to quiet your laughter. jihoon, you notice, is frowning at the two of you. 
“so interesting!” you say. “definitely a major filled with the best.”
“the very best,” mingyu agrees. 
the two of you continue chatting, conversation flowing naturally. he’s charming, you think, charisma practically radiating off of him.  you don’t miss how your boyfriend watches the two of you more often than not, not engaging in conversation with any of the entering students who greet him so he could keep an ear open on your conversation. 
jihoon starts class as soon as the electronic clock on the classroom computer switches to three on the dot, the projection cast onto the board. 
“first thing’s first,” he says. he leans a hand against the table set at the front of the room, though it, too, is on wheels and skirts a little as he puts weight against it. “my syllabus, you’ll find, is stricter than professor burns’s. if you come in after the clock hits three, you’re tardy; you’ll contribute to all discussions in this class, and if you don’t you’ll forgo any participation points; if you miss three classes in a row, which translates to nearly a month of absences, your grade will automatically fall to a fail and you will have to take not only this discussion over, but professor’s burns’s lecture as well. 
“if,” jihoon continues to say, voice a rasp, “you find any of this in contradiction with professor burns’s syllabus, you are more than welcome to email the both of us and address it.”
the class is silent as jihoon grabs a piece of white chalk. naturally, despite the gleaming projectors and furniture on wheels in the building, nearly every classroom is a remnant of the late 19th century: chalkboards; coat hooks; door and window frames made of real wood. 
“remember to use proper emailing etiquette when contacting anyone in the college,” jihoon announces. he begins to write on the board, chalk tapping against the black surface as he decorates it with his chicken scratch. “and to address me as mr. lee. there is a pdf uploaded to our discussion course detailing how to address certain faculty members within the college for you to browse and keep.”
jihoon steps back from the blackboard. there he’s written the title of the course, ancient grecian dramas. 
he runs a hand through his black hair, pushing back strands. “we’ll begin properly next week, once professor burns assigns the first drama for reading. i recommend printing out the reading and annotating, practicing close reading. that way when you come to discussion we can go over your notes as a group and analyze the text further.
“now. we’ll begin today by doing a writing exercise. i want you to tell me what you think of when you think of ancient greek dramas. this will also be how i take attendance – so make sure to do it.”
you rifle through your bag, pulling out your notebook. next is your pen pouch, though the surface area of the desk is hardly large enough to fit your notebook. pouch, and water bottle. 
“you can email it,” jihoon clarifies after a moment of silence. “make sure you label it accordingly.”
hurriedly you pull out your laptop, pushing your pen pouch aside and setting it on top of your notebook. you shift in your seat as your laptop boots back up, and you can’t help but glance up at your teacher’s assistant.
jihoon, being a classics major and your boyfriend, has introduced you to ancient greek plays before. it’s not like you’re completely foreign to the subject; he’s dragged you to more than one play in order to get some assignment credit, notebook on his thigh as he jotted down notes in the dark of the theater. 
sometimes he takes to reading to you different passages – especially those that move him or he thinks are particularly ridiculous. he pours over the text religiously, like a priest would the gospel; analyzing every line, drawing meaning from the colors of robes to what isn’t being said at all. he looks at these little black words on white pages, words written thousands of years ago, and is simply transported into another lifetime. 
it’s endearing; it’s special. 
the first time you had noticed him, jihoon had been surrounded by pages of a poem. later you’d learn it was by some jeffrey guy from the medieval period and was about a group traveling for worship. whatever it was, didn’t matter. 
what had mattered was him. 
he was disheveled. the white printed-out pages of the poem were scattered along the table in the university library, the uniform black-and-white pages interrupted by annotations written in colors of the rainbow. the highlighters and pens were scattered themselves, abandoned by post-it notes stuck to every page. 
he had three empty energy drinks in front of him. the hood of his hoodie was pulled up over his hair, the black fabric matching the dark circles under his eyes that told you he had been at this for far too long. 
you had gone and got him a water; brought it back to him. listened to his theories about color, about how he thought it meant something; how this poet had chosen every word so carefully there’s no way that color didn’t mean something. 
you, a distinctly not literary fanatic, had not understood; you still don’t. 
but his eyes always light up and his voice begins to carry this urgency that betrays his adoration for the art, and you just can’t help but let yourself get caught in his orbit. 
so you open up an email and begin to write.
Mr. Lee, 
My boyfriend is a Classics Major, so when I think of Ancient Greek Dramas I think of him. He’s shown me quite a few, and we’ve attended more than a handful plays
you shift in your seat, thinking. as you move, however, your arm knocks against your pen pouch and sends it to the floor. 
the noise as it hits the floor isn’t as thunderous as it would have been if your water bottle had struck it, but it’s still loud enough for you to wince. it breaks the still of the room, your classmates shifting in their seats and throwing glances at you. 
before you could move from your seat, mingyu is. he’s quick to grab your pouch, smiling gently at you as he offers it. his hands are so big they span the length of the pouch, a beautiful golden tan that only seems to boost his natural beauty. 
“think you dropped this,” he says in a harsh whisper. 
you bite back a laugh, teeth digging into your lower lip as you smile. grabbing the pouch from mingyu, you whisper back a quick thanks. 
you glance up towards the front of the room as you settle back into your seat. jihoon is looking right at you, frowning, arms crossed over his chest. his white shirt isn’t fitted, and it struggles against his bulging biceps as he crosses his arms. 
for a moment you just look at him, taking in your boyfriend’s form; how the shirt clings to his arms, trousers to his thighs. 
there’s a dinging noise of an email landing in an inbox, and then jihoon is moving from the front of the room and around the table to his laptop. 
you return to your email. 
Mr. Lee, 
My boyfriend is a Classics Major, so when I think of Ancient Greek Dramas I think of him. He’s shown me quite a few, and we’ve attended more than a handful plays. A lot of them are different than what I’ve expected. Some of them seem like they came right from Ancient Greece; others are more modern. I have noticed Ancient Greek plays seem to be more twisted than what a modern author may come up with. 
Sometimes I don’t understand really what a play is about. It gets all muddled, especially when they don’t change the words for a modern audience. Still, my boyfriend is super sweet and helps me along. 
you hesitate for a moment, and then you sign your name. opening a new tab, you pull up a bookmark and add one last finishing touch beside your name. 
– °˖✧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚✧˖°
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you are more exhausted than usual. 
it’s as if all of the good vibes and rest you had managed to scrape together over the summer break were eradicated in one day. as soon as you managed to get to jihoon’s apartment you were discarding everything; shoes at the door; backpack next to the couch; bra onto the floor. 
his bed was perhaps the most comforting place you knew besides his arms, and so you slunk towards it. you made quick work of your pants, one knee pressing against the mattress as you shook your other leg, jeans flopping to the floor dramatically. 
you followed suit on jihoon’s bed. 
burrowing into his sheets, you couldn’t help but breathe him in. he was a hot sleeper, and so more likely to sweat during the night. his sheets smell like his sweat, though not the stinky sort he gains from his daily workout. instead, it's the natural musk of him that permeates your nose, deep and distinctly lee jihoon. 
you allow yourself to drift. nothing exists besides jihoon’s bed and you. 
then the door to his apartment is opening and closing, a voice with a slight rasp calling out to you. 
“here!” you call back, voice slightly muffled by the sheets. you press your face against them again, eyes fluttering shut. 
jihoon slowly makes his way across the apartment. he mutters something about your discarded clothes and backpack, but you pay it no mind. jihoon pauses when he enters his room, and you can practically feel his eyes on you; roaming the bare expanse of your back, the supple flesh of your thighs. 
“good day?” you kick out a leg, wiggling your toes. 
he makes a humming noise, and then he’s stepping further into the room. 
“long one,” he says. “forgot how fucking awkward everyone is on the first day.”
you shift, moving your face so you could watch him. jihoon crosses to his dresser, fingers messing with the cuffs of his white dress shirt. you can see the moment he gets the button, the fabric sagging around his wrists. 
sitting up on the bed, you watch as he begins to work on his other cuff. he peers out the window, chatting as he does. 
“professor burns is the usual,” jihoon announces. “hasn’t changed in the – what? five years i’ve been here? i swear she rambles like no one’s business. if it wasn’t my job to babysit the students and not her, i’d say something – but fuck, you know?”
once he’s undone the buttons on the cuffs of both of his sleeves, jihoon begins to work on the buttons falling down the middle of the shirt. his fingers are deft and quick as he presses them through their holes. 
you can’t help but think of his fingers on you. how nimble and skillful they are against your skin; how he dances them up and down your flesh as he presses kisses against your skin; how they seem to know just where to go and just what to do against your body, rubbing at your nipples and pinching at the undersides of your tits to get reactions from you. 
because fuck, jihoon’s fingers –
sometimes even watching him write you can’t help but get horny. how his fingers grip his pen, how he spins it around his fingers absentmindedly. how they alleviate pressure on the pen as he writes and stops. watching him write, sometimes you can’t help but think about his fingers at your clip, a harsh presence as they rub down on you once moment and gentle the next, fingers skimming your clit as they massage the gummy area around it. 
watching his clever fingers as they make quick work of the buttons on his shirt, you can’t help but yearn. your eyes see nothing but his fingers; ears hear nothing of his conversation. it’s just you and jihoon’s hands and the way your cunt clenches, pussy leaking into your panties. 
then jihoon’s pulling off his dress shirt, and he’s wearing a tank top underneath. 
you want to scream. 
not to say jihoon doesn’t look good in a tank top. because he does. fuck, he does. you always find yourself admiring jihoon’s shoulders and arms when he’s in a tank top no matter what sort of mood you’re in. 
(one instance in particular you had been full of energy, ranting about a coworker who didn’t know what she was doing and had been kept around for far too long. and then you had looked up at jihoon and let your eyes selfishly roam over the broadness of his back, the curves of his bulging arms as he cut up meat. all sense had abandoned you in that moment, and before you knew it you were grabbing at his shirt and pulling him to you, tongue running along his skin.
not exactly your proudest moment, but.)
maybe the combination of his trousers and tank top shouldn’t be as sexy as they are, you think hysterically. his tank top his tucked into his pants, and, torturously, his fingers reach down to pull the hem free. the hem of his tank top settles around his hips, showing off just a sliver of skin. 
jihoon raises a hand, running his fingers through his black hair as he continues to talk about something-or-other. 
and his white tank top rises up his stomach. 
you can see the hairs that lead from his belly button down, down, down. you can see the pale expanse of skin that you know is soft and smooth to the touch. you can imagine your hands pressing against his skin and sliding underneath his trousers; can imagine the restrictiveness of his trousers as you tuck your hands into his underwear, fingertips skimming alongside the base of his cock. 
you’ve never pretended to innocent when it came to lee jihoon; never pretended your mind didn’t run wild with salacious thoughts. 
and you weren’t going to pretend now, because – 
because in your mind your hands were rubbing at the base of his cock, mouth at his collar and licking along his collarbones. he was moaning in you ear, soft and breathy, and you were moving down onto your knees, your own fingers unbuttoning his trousers. 
jihoon reaches down, fingers swiftly pushing off his socks. “hey, by the way, i sent you an email response to your attendance discussion for today.”
you don’t speak, eyes roaming over the expanse of his back, still covered by fabric, like a starving man before a feast. 
jihoon peeks at you. “it was sweet.”
he doesn’t say anything else. jihoon’s eyebrows raise, silently prompting you. 
you let out a loud, horrible groan that tears at your throat. the insides of your thighs are warm as you move across the bed to grab your discarded phone, the wet fabric of your panties catching against your skin, cold and shocking. 
jihoon begins to chatter once more as you swipe on the email notification. he’s quiet in public but you can’t help but treasure how talkative he becomes afterwards; how all the little snide comments he’s kept to himself are let loose. 
you look at the email. 
you furrow your brows. you look over it again. 
I am glad to see at least one of the students in our discussion section will not be a complete novice to Greek theater. I hope after this semester you will be able to engage with your boyfriend in a more informed matter when it comes to his passions. 
However, despite how sweet your email was, I do have to remind you to please stick to proper email etiquette. Your use of – °˖✧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚✧˖° is highly unprofessional, and I urge you to not include such things when emailing any staff or faculty or teaching assistants. For this misconduct, you will be deducted a point from your discussion grade for today. Please keep this in mind for the future. 
Well wishes, 
Mr. Lee
your jaw drops open. 
“you fucking deducted me for my emoticon?!” 
“we agreed to be strangers,” jihoon reminds you. he removes his pants. you can’t even find it within yourself to be horny. the warmth of your cunt is overtaken by the red-hot anger that licks through your veins. “and it’s inappropriate to send your ta heart and sparkle emoticons.”
“it’s a fucking – oh my god,” you reach towards the top of the bed, fingers grabbing the corner of his pillow. you tug it to you. “it’s not that serious.”
jihoon steps out of his pants. his thighs are thick and pale, and when he turns towards his closest you can see how snug his black underwear is against the supple curve of his ass. fleetingly, because you are angry at his audacity, you allow your eyes to follow the curve of his asschecks and how the band of his underwear rests low on his hips. 
“teaching assistants and students aren’t to have any sexual relations,” jihoon recites. “it’s contract. if something happens, your little not-that-serious emoticon is evidence.”
you grab the pillow fully, swinging it around your body and at jihoon. it hits him in the middle. he lets out a soft noise of surprise. “you’re such an ass.”
jihoon shrugs. “we signed a contract, baby.” 
he tucks his thumbs underneath the waistband of his underwear, and then he’s pulling them down his legs. you don’t even have it in you to look away. you marvel at his naked lower half. his cock, thick and flaccid, hanging between his thighs. the dusky color of it; the dark hairs that travel from underneath the hem of his tank top to the base of his cock. 
jihoon pulls on a pair of grey joggers, concealing his cock and thighs from your eyes. “listen. i don’t want to be the bad guy. but we really can’t be risking anything.”
his cock is covered and he’s talking about something entirely different, but you’re still thinking about his dick. you’re still thinking about his dick as he walks from the bedroom, bare feet softly hitting the hardwood floors. 
you trail two of your fingers along your bare thigh. his dick, flaccid and thick in your hands. it feels like it’s been forever since you’ve had your hands or mouth or fucking cunt around his dick; forever since you last pressed your thumb against the slit of his cockhead, since his raspy, gentle groans were being pressed into your skin. 
you skim your nails along the soft insides of your thighs. 
it’s not like you’re sexually depraved. you and jihoon just had sex the other day. but there’s something about this, the situation, being strangers, that makes you feel as if you’re starving. 
your fingers move to your panties. you let your nails delicately linger alongside the lips of your cunt through the fabric, little sparks – little pieces of glitter, almost – making your toes curl. 
fuck lee jihoon, you think, and then you’re sliding your forefinger down between your pussy lips. you don’t move the fabric of your panties. leaning back against his bed, you let your finger drag down and push up, your wetness soaking your panties. 
his bed envelopes you as you lean back. tilting your hips up and bracing your feet against the mattress, you add another finger to the stimulation of your pussy. you let your fingers grow rougher, let them dig in slightly to the sensitive area around your clit. 
your fingers find your hole, stretching the fabric of your panties to reach in. 
your eyes flutter open – when did they shut? jihoon is standing at the entrance to his room. his long hair is pushed back from his face by a black headband. in one hand he holds a metal water bottle. 
his eyes are wide, his sweet lips parted as he stares at that spot between your thighs. 
jihoon shuffles further into the room, placing his water bottle on top of his set of drawers. you’ve begun absentmindedly petting your pussy, once again dragging your fingers over your clit lazily. 
jihoon presses his knees against the foot of his mattress. 
you hum, twisting your wrist. you press your thumb against the side of your clit, your fingers dipping once more to your hole. this morning you had chosen to wear a pair of pink panties. you don’t regret it now. you’re so soaking wet that you know jihoon can see the shape of your cunt through the fabric. 
your fingers begin to contract. you massage your pussy through the fabric leisurely, rhythmically. you drag your thumb down from your clit to meet your fingers, press your fingers down to barely sink into your hole. 
jihoon lets out a deep noise. he braces his hands against the mattress, makes a motion to crawl towards you. 
“no,” you say, words slightly slurred. “no. one point, remember?”
jihoon’s brow furrows. 
you reach down with your other hand, legs spreading wider. with your other hand you pull at the flesh of your pussy lips, offering your fingers more space to work with. you shift your hand, making sure to keep one lip in place. your other hand – the one with soaking fingertips – strokes up and down, up and down, up and down. 
jihoon’s hand settles on your ankle. you kick out. “no sex, yeah?”
jihoon lets out a strangled noise you’ve never heard from him. 
you let your eyes fall shut. you can feel the weight of his gaze on you. letting out a soft breath, your fingers begin to glide up and down your cunt more quickly. 
you begin to focus on your clit more. your hand that was holding your cunt lips moves up, focusing on baring the area around your clit. with your other hand you begin to stimulate the direct areas on either side of your clit. you are still working through your panties, but you’re so wet that the friction is almost nonexistent; your fingers just slide, massaging into the flesh. 
you begin to set a rhythm. you rock your forefinger and middle finger against the sensitive area around your clit. you rock once; twice; then you’re dipping your fingers down the length of your cunt, down to your hole; you drag them back up, and begin your elaborate play once more. 
it’s somewhat treacherous. it would be easier if it was jihoon. you would be able to fully relax back into the bed, just have to lay there and take it. 
but: no sex. 
so you slowly build up a climax, toes curling and chest arching up. it’s not sudden, not unexpected. it’s a slow climax that has your cunt tingling, head dropping back against the pillow. 
you continue to slip your fingers against your clit, dragging out your climax, continuing through it. 
eventually you come back to yourself. 
your wrist hurts; your fingers are cramping. discomfort takes over you more than lust, and so you relax your body back into the bed, hands moving from your pussy. 
and you look at jihoon. 
your boyfriend drags his gaze up from your pussy to your face. one of his hands is wrapped around his cock. he hasn’t taken it out of his joggers, just as you hadn’t taken off your drenched panties. you can see the thick outline of it through the grey fabric. the dusky head of it rises from the waistband of his pants. 
his hand disappears into his pants. you can see his knuckles as he drags his hand down the length of his cock. you pay special attention as his hand reappears, thumb bullying the fat head of his dick. 
you hum, stretching your arms above your head. you extend one of your legs, the other leisurely arching against the mattress. 
you let your hands wander along your chest. you aren’t doing it to stimulate yourself but to draw jihoon’s attention. to help him along, you suppose. 
his eyes follow the trailing of your fingers. one of your hands cradles a tit, the thumb of your other pinching a nipple against your forefinger. 
eventually jihoon lets out a groan, dropping his head. short spurts of cum pulses from his cock, soaking his hand. jihoon continues to fuck his fist through it, hissing and letting out breath moans. 
you feel sedated; satisfied. so does he. jihoon crawls up the length of the bed to plop next to you. he doesn’t cuddle against you. he just lays his body next to you, thick muscle of his arm against yours. 
“no sex,” he breathes out. 
“no sex.”
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W E E K  F I V E  
you are going to murder your teaching assistant. 
the halls of the history building are nearly vacant save for the lone straggler. lee jihoon has his office hours late enough in the day to where most classes are over. most everyone’s day is over. 
but you are far from being done. 
the ta offices are tucked back with the professor offices, closed off behind a heavy wood door that matches the old style of the rest of the building. you get to the door a few minutes before his office hours officially start, glaring down at the screenshot on your phone. 
While your writing response over Medea is sufficient, I am loath to remind you to use proper citations in the responses. Otherwise it will be considered plagiarism. As a warning, your letter grade for this assignment will fall a whole grade. 
again: you were going to murder him. 
why couldn’t he just let you off with a warning? why did he immediately jump to taking your grade for the assignment down? he was being completely unfair and you weren’t going to stand for it. 
the clock on your phone switched to a minute closer to his office hours. 
still five minutes away. 
you reach out for the door knob, twisting the cold metal in your hand. the door is heavy to open, but you jam your shoulder against it and swing it open. 
the teaching assistant office is a room with three desks pressed against the wall on each side. there’s hard, uncomfortable chairs; two sockets in the entire room. 
and lee jihoon, sitting in one of the chairs with his cock in his hand. 
immediately your boyfriend flinches, eyes wide as he looks towards you. once jihoon sees it is, in fact, you and not some poor student walking in to request help. 
then, like you weren’t even there, jihoon turns away and begins fucking into his hand once more. 
you hurry through the door, shoving it shut behind you and pushing in the lock. 
all the while you don’t look away from jihoon. 
his teeth sink into his lower lip, and his head tips back to reveal the long column of his pale throat. his black bangs fall around his face, not obscuring a single centimeter. 
jihoon’s hand works quickly, furiously, over his dick. precum drenches the head. when he drags his hand down he hisses, face wincing. 
you move across the room, shrugging your backpack onto the ground. 
the assignment and grade having left your mind entirely, you kneel before jihoon. he peers down at you, eyebrows raised wearily. “no sex,” he reminds you. 
“no sex,” you agree. 
you raise your hand to your face. it’s the easiest thing to spit into your palm, to replace jihoon’s hand with your own. as soon as you squeeze around his dick jihoon lets out a low, raspy noise. 
his cock is thick and perfect in your hand, the heavy weight of it tempting. you want it in your mouth; want him to be fucking his cock down your throat. 
instead you let him fuck your hand. you move your hand down. the slide is slightly rough, your spit and his precum not quite enough. jihoon likes it, though; you know he does. his breath is harsh and labored, his eyes squeezed shut. 
you twist your wrist as you move your hand towards the head of his cock. you press your thumb into the slit of his dock. 
“gonna cum,” he warns you. 
then you think back to your letter grade. 
meanly, perhaps even cruelly, you drop your hand to the base of his cock and squeeze, cutting off his orgasm. jihoon lets out a startled, irritated noise. 
“my assignment.”
“fuck,” he grumbles, one of his hands raising to push back his bangs. “are you serious?”
“let me off with a warning,” you say. you keep one hand around the base of his dick, tight and trapping. your other hand goes to his balls. you hold them, thumb gently swiping over the flesh. 
jihoon’s breath shutters in his throat. 
“a warning,” you demand. 
“fuck,” he says again. “fine. a warning.”
triumphant, you let a large smile take over your face. you begin to move your hand once again. 
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W E E K  N I N E 
“now that you’ve finished properly with oedipus rex,” jihoon begins, rounding the table at the front of the classroom, “let’s get some opinions. raise your hand if you enjoyed the play.”
more hands than not raise around the room, including mingyu’s. you shoot him a betrayed look. the past nine class weeks the two of you had been close, sitting next to one another during lecture and discussion. you traded conversation and thoughts more often than not, using one another to bounce ideas and theories. 
and for him to have enjoyed the play? 
jihoon moves to lean against the desk. he crosses his arms over his chest. this time he’s wearing all black. it seems to lengthen his figure, stretch him out, as well as broaden the line of his shoulders. 
he looks good. 
“let’s get some opinions on people who didn’t like the play.” immediately his eyes are on you, calling out your name. “you didn’t enjoy the play.”
you shift in your seat. “uh. no, not really.”
you were going to suffocate him in his sleep. 
“it’s rather –” you break off, searching for words. you weren’t the literary student; he was. “i don’t understand him, i guess.”
jihoon tilts his head. “him? sophocles? or oedipus?”
“oedipus,” you clarify. 
“can you explain a little further? what exactly don’t you understand?”
you bite down on your tongue for a moment, trying to gather yourself. the classroom is silent as you wait, unintentionally putting pressure on your shoulders as you realize they were all waiting for you to speak up. 
“he – oedipus – he’s sort of stupid, isn’t he?” someone chokes behind you. you ignore them, looking at jihoon. despite him putting you on the spot like an asshole, he’s still your boyfriend. his face isn’t harsh, isn’t judging as he watches you struggle for words. for a moment he isn’t your ta – he’s your boyfriend. he’s your boyfriend and you’re having a plain, casual discussion. “i mean. he knows the prophecy. but he just does whatever he wants anyways? he’s just – he’s got no common sense.”
jihoon hums, tapping his fingers along his forearms. “so his arrogance has made him entirely unlikable to you. are there any redeeming treats, do you think?”
you shake your head. “it makes him deserve his ending, i think. he thought he was above it all.”
jihoon nods. “i see. remember that argument for your paper. that’s a big question that needs answered: does oedipus deserve his ending? you could analyze that further and get a pretty solid base for your essay.”
he begins to question other students about whether they liked the story or not, leaving you alone. the remainder of class flows as such, ending with jihoon gently urging everyone to write down their thoughts to revisit for the essay. 
you gather your things and put them into your backpack. mingyu loiters next to you, hands stuffed into the pockets of his dark jeans. 
“what’re you doing after this?” he reaches down and grabs your backpack after you’ve zipped it up, slinging it onto his shoulder. “wanna hit the library? we could bounce some more ideas around.”
smiling, you begin to agree. 
jihoon calls your name, having gathered his own things and lodging his foot in the heavy wooden door, keeping it ajar. “do you mind coming with me to the office for a minute or two? i want to talk about what you’ve said during class.”
you swallow back a sigh, throwing jihoon a firm-lipped smile. mingyu swings your backpack back off his shoulder, handing it to you. “good luck.”
you make a face at him. mingyu doesn’t know the true nature of the relationship between you and jihoon, but he does know that you’ve visited jihoon during office hours more than once. not a week has gone by without you setting foot into the little ta office, setting your printed-out versions of whatever classic the class was working on. 
“print every story out,” jihoon had advised, voice carrying that air of superiority he always seemed to gain when the two of you were sat in the dark office. “mark it up. it’ll help you pay close attention to every line.”
jihoon leads you to the ta office, weaving through the throngs of students making their way through the marble halls. you sort of want to reach out and grab onto his shirt, just to ensure he stays visible. but you don’t. 
another ta is in the office, steadily working away at their own homework. she throws a smile at the two of you as you enter. “hey, jihoon.”
“hey.” he crosses into the room, setting his laptop in front of the chair that he had, only a few weeks ago, received a rather satisfactory hand-job from you in. “your office hours are over, aren’t they?”
the other ta nods. “yep. just working now. never seems to end.”
jihoon settles into the wooden chair, flipping up the screen to his laptop. he had to change it from the selfie the two of you had taken during a hike, matching dandelion flowers tucked into your ears. now a mountain range greets him. “we’re gonna be discussing oedipus rex.”
“won’t be a bother to me!”
you push over a chair close to jihoon, the feet of it scraping against the floor. 
“pull out your notes,” jihoon says. he pulls up his own version of the play on his computer; they’re scans of his own copy, scribbles and highlighted passages littering every single page. “we’ll go over what exactly prompted you to think this way about oedipus. it’ll help you get a real solid foundation for the essay.
“so,” he says once you have your notes spread out. “oedipus is a flawed character. there’s no doubt about it. the stage directions themselves reveal as much.”
as he talks, raspy voice droning on and words blending together in your mind, jihoon’s foot begins to slide across the floor. you can’t help but look at it, watch it. his black leather shoe moves from in front of him, slowly, silently, gliding across the floor to nudge against your own shoe. 
“he does whatever he wants, that’s what you said?”
you nod. 
“during discussion you mentioned that he knew the prophecy and ignored it,” jihoon says. his foot now fully rests against yours. it’s just one point of contact, and yet it seems to electrify you; warm you up. you can’t help but focus on it, like a cat watching a bird through the window. 
“but he doesn’t,” jihoon says. “he thoroughly believes his parents to be the king and queen of corinth. according to oedipus, and forgetting the context we ourselves know, he has escaped his fate.”
his words fade out. jihoon’s hands settle on his keyboard, a single finger absentmindedly tapping at a key. it’s not hard enough to do anything. it’s just a simple tap, a fumbling gesture. 
his shoe shifts. he presses his foot against yours from toe to heel. 
the other ta in the room begins to collect her things. you listen to her as she moves about, closing her laptop and shuffling papers. 
jihoon shifts in his chair. his knees spread out. his trousers strain, just slightly, against his thick thighs. the barest sliver of pale ankle slips out from beneath his trousers, his black socks hidden beneath the leather lip of his shoes. 
the ta opens the door; closes it behind her. 
“his character is one the citizens of greece would have identified with – at least the ones in athens,” jihoon says, and then he’s turning his face towards you. feeling rather caught, you meet his eyes. “so why do you think he deserves his ending?”
you furrow your brows. you’ve gone over this. “because he actively chooses it through his arrogance. he ignores the prophecy.”
jihoon sighs, lips pursing together. “you haven’t paid attention to a single word i’ve said.”
your mouth falls open a little. “i have!”
“haven’t,” he corrects. 
jihoon stands from the chair. you miss being able to see the skin of his ankle. he crosses the room, hand falling to the door knob. he locks it. “i think we need to work on your attention span, don’t you?”
your mouth goes dry. he begins to unbutton the cuffs of his black shirt as he moves back across the room. he pushes up his sleeves, shoving off his thick forearms. “jihoon?”
jihoon sits back in his wooden chair, legs automatically spreading out. one of his hands rests on the armrest of the chair, while he set his elbow on the other, using it to prop up his head. jihoon raises his brows at you. “well?”
he sighs, as if burdened. “take off your pants and underwear.”
you snap your head towards the door. after verifying no one had magically walked through, you look back at jihoon, hissing his name. “what are you going on about?”
“we need to work on your memory,” he explains matter-of-factly, voice taking on that arrogant lilt he so often gets when in this room. jihoon likes this, you think; likes being in a position of power over you. likes being able to boss you around; able to tell you what to do. 
with one last glance at the door, you stand from your wooden chair. jihoon watches unabashedly as you work your pants down over your ass. you leave both your jeans and underwear on the hard floor of the office. 
jihoon pats his thigh wordlessly. 
you feel heat rush towards your cheeks. you’ve sat on his thighs before, have ridden them before. but it felt so fucking different to be lowering yourself onto the thick muscle in a university office, your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself, the backs of your hands lightly brushing against the wood of his chair. 
you don’t do anything for a moment other than just sit on his thigh. the fabric of his pants is like silk against your skin, and you can’t help but slowly, hesitantly, rock your hips down onto him. 
jihoon’s hands go to your hips. he tilts his head back, the curls framing his temples brushing against the corners of his eyes. 
“now,” he says, “you think oedipus ignores his prophecy.”
you look down at your boyfriend, pouting at him. “you’re punishing me because i have a different opinion than you? about some old play?”
jihoon presses his lips together. then his hand is coming down sharply on your outer thigh, the sound acutely piercing your ears and reverberating in your head. he rubs roughly at the skin after, thumb swiping against the patch of skin as it turns violent with anger from his slap. 
“because you’re ignoring the text,” jihoon says. his hand slides from your thigh around to your ass. his fingers dig into your asscheek, contemplating the weight of it. “it’d be one thing if you had actual evidence that wasn’t in conflict with what sophocles was telling us.”
“if you’re trying to get me wet,” you say, thumbs tapping against his shoulders, “i’m not sure this is the way to go.”
jihoon moves the hand that was on your ass back to your hips. he squeezes the flesh beneath his hands, and then he’s slowly leading you into a rocking motion. it’s not much, but there’s enough connection between your cunt and his thigh to have a gentle swell of lust licking at your pussy. 
“don’t be smart,” he says. 
“you act smart all the time,” you snap back. you keep rocking your hips. “why can’t i?”
he scoffs a little, nails slightly digging into your skin. instead of any pain, they send a little spark of heat through you. “i’ve got degrees in this,” he explains. “i’m literally allowed to talk about this.”
“now,” he says, “oedipus never ignores his fate. he says as much. he believes polybus and merope to be his parents. when he becomes doubtful, he confronts them: ‘. . . i went to mother and father, questioned them closely . . . so as for my parents i was satisfied . . .’”
for a moment you’re speechless. and then you let out a loud laugh despite yourself. “you little fucking nerd, reciting oedipus rex to your girlfriend while she’s rubbing herself on her thigh.”
jihoon’s jaw tightens. he moves, hands on your hips pushing you up and off of him. once you’re standing, he joins you. as soon as jihoon is on his feet he’s pushing you around, moving so your bare ass is against his front. then he pushes further, pressing your body against the table in front of you. the edge of your table reaches your upper thigh, and so it’s easy for jihoon to place his hand against the middle of your back and press you until your front is firmly against the surface of the table. 
as soon as your chin is touching the cold table, jihoon is bringing his hand down sharply against your ass. you can’t help but let out a startled shout, body jerking from underneath him. 
“be good,” he murmurs, hand now gentle as he rubs at your skin in apology. “listen to your ta. trying to help, baby.”
“you’re being mean,” you say, toes curling against the frigid office floor as his hand travels to rest against the curve of your ass. 
“wouldn’t have to be if you’d be good,” he says. jihoon moves his hand down, the tip of his forefinger gliding against the area where your ass and thigh meet. “you gonna be good for me?”
you shift, moving one of your arms so you can rest your face against it. forehead pressing against your forearm, you nod. 
“good. now oedipus believed polybus and merope to be his true parents. he was still desperate to avoid the prophecy, so he abandoned his princely title and corinth. he wanted to be free of it, baby.”
his fingers tip inwards. your entire body tenses as his fingertips press alongside your folds. he doesn’t do anything further; doesn’t insert them. instead he just keeps them there, absentmindedly shifting his hand. 
“he is arrogant,” jihoon absconds, allowing you a single point. “we see that in the beginning. ‘. . . the world knows my fame: i am oedipus.’”
jihoon waits for a moment after quoting the play. when you don’t do anything other than let out a shaky breath, he rewards you. jihoon slowly moves his fingers against your cunt. he trails his fingers up and down your length. he maps out the full expanse of your pussy. his fingers slide up over your hole, which was now leaking and clenching properly. he brushes his digits over your clit almost clinically, giving it no more attention than the rest of you. 
“but he doesn’t ignore the prophecy. he believes he’s foiled it until he forces the shepherd to tell his story. he refuses to stop; refuses to listen to reason. he’s arrogant, yes, and hurtles straight towards the horrid truth of his parentage and marriage without a second thought.”
jihoon slowly, tortuously, slips a single finger into your cunt. his finger isn’t so thick to cause any discomfort. instead your pussy welcomes it, clenching around the digit. you can’t help but bare down on his finger, hips searching for more.
later you’ll remember to be mortified by the fact your boyfriend got you wet while talking about sophocles. 
but now you press your eyes shut, fingers lightly scraping against the surface of the desk. 
jihoon pushes his finger all the way inside of your pussy. you can feel it when it’s fully in, his knuckles scraping against your flesh. 
you cart your hips back, trying to get his finger to graze that special spongey place. 
“be good,” jihoon says, and then he’s retracting his finger from your cunt entirely. 
you let out a small gasp, brow furrowing. you turn your head to peer back at him. “hoonie….”
jihoon laughs at you, and then he’s lowering himself to press his chest along the line of your back. jihoon presses a kiss to the corner of your lips, one of his hands still holding tight to your hips. “you’re so cute when i’m fucking you,” he says, mouth moving against your cheek as he speaks. “you always get so cute. what is this?”
you pout at him. jihoon presses another kiss to your cheek, and then he’s standing. 
this time jihoon slides in two fingers. you frown, insistently pressing your forehead against your forearm as the stretch of his fingers slightly burns. it’s not unpleasant, of course. just a gentle burn that signals the walls of your pussy stretching to accommodate him. 
“there,” he says, satisfied. “now. where was i?”
he’s silent. you realize he’s waiting for you to speak, to prove you were listening. 
you let out a strangled groan, trying to think back. he had a single finger inside of you and it wasn’t enough. you try to think. you try to think of a single word to say that isn’t fuck or more; try to think despite the way jihoon is slowly angling his fingers towards your front, pressing them up. 
you can’t help but press your thighs together in anticipation. 
jihoon clicks his tongue, and then he’s pulling his fingers out. you let out a whine, trying to push yourself away from the desk. 
both of his hands go to your shoulders, keeping you firmly against the surface. “stay still,” he warns you. “i know you have a listening problem but i didn’t think it was this bad.”
there’s a rustle of clothing behind you. “don’t look,” jihoon says. “keep your face against the table.”
you can’t think of a reply, can’t think of anything to do other than what he says. you wonder if you should feel ashamed of how easily you become compliant for him. 
“oedipus doesn’t ignore the prophecy,” jihoon restates, and then he’s pressing his front against your ass. he’s taken off his pants and is just in his underwear. you can feel the shape of his thick cock against your ass, can feel it’s hard length along you. “he just believes polybus and merope when they say they are his true parents. there’s no harm in that. anyone would want to believe it when the people who raise them say they are their true parents.”
jihoon rocks his hips against you. his hands are holding your hips still as he, essentially, humps against your ass. 
“so in that regard your argument has a fallacy,” jihoon announces. 
a fallacy? 
you want to say something biting about how he’s able to even think about fallacies and arguments when he’s humping your ass, but then jihoon is returning two of his fingers to your pussy and you elect to keep silent. 
“he is arrogant, though,” jihoon says. he pushes two of his fingertips into your hole. you clench hungrily around them as if your pussy was trying to suck them in. you wonder if you’ve always been so – so whorish for him, or if it was a recent development from not having been properly fucked in nine weeks. 
“his pride is something that transcends time,” jihoon carries on. he doesn’t press his fingers any deeper inside of you. he rests the tip of his ring finger just barely against your clit. he doesn’t move it either; just rests it there, taunting. 
“everyone can think of a political leader who is too arrogant for their own good,” jihoon says. “it’s a tale as old as time. sophocles set the precedent with this story. a king on top of the world who listens to no one, only to be brought down to his knees by fate.”
jihoon begins to slide his fingers in. he does it leisurely, slowly, as if he has all the time in the world. 
“the evolution of his character is a fascinating one,” jihoon says, his ring finger leaving its place to instead rest against your hole. he doesn’t slide it in. you want to buck your hips back and force it inside. “arrogance to being humbled in every sense of the word. he is only wise until he can no longer see; only sees the truth once he is blinded
“do you remember,” jihoon says, “what he says after he blinds himself?”
you shake your head against your arm. his two fingers are nearly settled entirely inside of your pussy. you want them so deep inside of you that you can feel them in your throat. 
involuntarily you clench around his digits. 
jihoon clicks his tongue. his fingers stop moving in you. “what did i say? be good. none of this shit.”
you let out a little whine, your free hand curling into a fist. “sorry,” you say, unable to keep your voice from pitching up in desperation. “i’m sorry, hoonie.”
“say you won’t move,” jihoon instructs, voice seemingly detached. “say you’ll be a good girl for me and won’t move.”
your lower lip wobbles. you feel somewhat humiliated like this: your front pressing against the surface of a ta desk, shirt rucked up along your stomach and bare toes curling against the marble floors of the university history building. your boyfriend pressing all up against you, fingers stuffed into your cunt, telling you what to do as if you were some pathetic whore, desperate for a cock inside. 
but, because you are exactly that, you repeat his words, feeling wetness trickle from your pussy. “i’ll be good,” you whimper out. “i won’t move. i’ll be a good girl.”
jihoon lets out a quiet, nearly-silent huff of laughter. he retracts his fingers from your pussy, and immediately you’re feeling panic strike you. 
“be patient,” he chides you as you begin to press back against him. three of jihoon’s press against your hole. “be a good girl.”
jihoon pushes his three fingers into your pussy. you let out a high keening noise like a wounded animal, eyes squeezing shut and cunt eagerly drinking his fingers up. they’re nothing like his dick, aren’t as thick or delicious, but they’re something. 
the stretch burns and you wiggle absentmindedly, relishing in it. the burn is acute and hot and you yearn to press into it, to take more and more and more. 
“good,” he says once all three of his fingers are stuffed inside of you. “you look pretty like this, baby. you know that?”
you whine. you don’t move. 
jihoon’s three fingers press up, and when they bump against your bundle of nerves you can’t help but wiggle back, searching. 
“do you remember?” he repeats. “what’s the first thing oedipus says after he’s blinded?”
you shake your head. you don’t know how he expects you to think about anything. you feel as if you’ve been strung along, as if he’s been tugging at a chain and you’ve been stumbling behind him. 
“‘oh,” jihoon quotes, and then he’s lowering himself to press against you. his mouth it against your ear, his fingers shifting within your pussy due to his change of position. when he speaks again you can hear his voice as clear as day despite how he murmurs, and it’s as if he’s wrapped entirely around you; as if he’s consumed you. “‘oh, the agony! i am agony.’”
jihoon presses his fingers back into you so the tips of them were pressing against your pleasure spot once more. 
“he’s felt true agony now,” jihoon explains. he keeps his fingers still now. “he’s an icarus fallen to the earth. his wings of wax have melted. he’s a king with his word left in crumbles; with his queen dead and children made of sin. he’s nothing.”
jihoon’s nose presses against the shell of your ear. “his arrogance was his destruction. can you tell me more about it?”
you open your mouth to speak. you can’t. and even if you could, it isn’t as if your brain is working. there’s nothing inside of your mind. the lust, the desire, that takes over your body is so big it swallows up everything else and renders you dumb. 
jihoon huffs out a laugh, mean. “fine. at least do this to prove you’ve listened to me: tell me the first thing oedipus says after becoming blind.”
you feel as if he’s surrounding you. you can feel jihoon’s weight along your back, can feel his fingers inside of your cunt, stretching you out. you feel so keyed up, so ready for something. not something – him. you want jihoon. you want him carnally. you want his dick stuffed inside of your pussy. you want his mouth on your neck; want his hands on your tits. you want him pressing your face into the desk and drilling into your pussy. 
you open your mouth. an embarrassing noise comes out. 
“come on,” jihoon says. “you can do it.”
“‘oh,’” you breathe out, trying to remember the exact words. “oh, agony! i’m — i’m agony!”
jihoon must judge your vague quotation as good enough. he moves off of your back, and you can’t help but whine, wanting his weight settled against you once more. 
his hand shifts inside of you. 
he slides his fingers out. you can feel your cunt resisting the slide, pussy clenching down on his fingers. 
“hoonie,” you beg. 
“be good,” he chides you. “remember. no sex.”
and then jihoon is thrusting his fingers so forcefully into your pussy that you can feel the sting as his knuckles hit your ass. the sharp noise of skin hitting skin rings out. you can barely process it before he’s withdrawing his fingers and fucking them back in just as quickly. 
jihoon finger-fucks you harshly, as if it were his dick he was shoving inside. your ass jiggles with each thrust back in. you whine and cry, and you can feel your ass begin to smarten from the sting. but you still arch back and meet each thrust of his fingers eagerly, craving the pleasure-pain. 
it’s rough and you can feel the orgasm, that string he had been messing with for what seems to be hours, begin to tighten. 
“want,” you pant out, fingernails scraping against the desk. “want you, hoonie. please, please, please.”
“beg, baby.”
you let out a cry. there’s tears at the corners of your eyes. “please, hoonie. i want you. want you, want you. i want you, hoonie.”
your voice breaks off, tight with emotion. 
jihoon lets out a curse, and then he’s dropping behind you. jihoon shoves your leg up, and you follow suit, placing your knee on the able and giving him access to your pussy. jihoon shoves a hand against your thigh, keeping it in place on the table. 
his mouth licks a stripe from where his fingers plunge into your pussy to your clit, taking that aching muscle between his lips and suckling. 
when you orgasm it’s harsh and loud, fluids gushing from your pussy and soaking jihoon’s face. he takes you into his arms, pulling you to the floor with him and pressing kisses to your face. 
“good girl,” he murmurs, voice raspy and comforting. the office is drenched in the smell of pussy – of your pussy – and his nose shines with your release. he ignores it, his clean hand pushing back stray strands of hair from your face so he can press a sweet kiss to your nose. “good girl.”
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W E E K  T H I R T E E N
you think, fleetingly, that you’re not being fair. 
but then you remember that girl – girl, because she can’t be any older than eighteen, fresh out of high school and far too young to be sniffing around your boyfriend – and how she pressed close to jihoon as she showed him something on her computer, and you can’t help but think you’re not being harsh enough. 
with that in the forefront of your mind, you ease the hot pink dildo in your aching cunt. you can feel fluid gush from your pussy, a slick combination of your own desire and the generous amount of lube you had massaged onto the dildo. 
the stretch burns, stretching the walls of your pussy. it’s a stark, acute contrast to the three fingers you used to stretch yourself, and you couldn’t help but arch your back up off of jihoon’s couch, toes curling and mouth dropping open. 
you can feel the fluids leak down your pussy, sliding along the curve of your ass. 
good, you think. sink into the fabric of the couch so from now on, whenever he sits here, he has to smell your cunt. 
your hand stills once the base of the dildo is flush against your ass. you shift, hips tilting as you try to relieve some of the sting. 
you stretch out for your phone, glancing at the time. the dildo is pushed from your pussy by the movement. 
jihoon will be home any minute. your hand returns to the dildo, pushing it back into your pussy. your cunt sucks it in, eager and greedy. 
clenching down on the dildo, you can’t help the thrill of satisfaction that shoots through you. you feel so delightfully full, as if some part of you was a gaping hole that needed to be filled. 
well – 
you suppose that line of thought isn’t too wrong. 
you grab the dildo, fingernails digging slightly into the jelly-like texture. you slide the dildo from your cunt. despite how much lube you used, despite how wet your cunt is, the dildo still is slow to slide out, your pussy clamping down to try and keep it in place. 
you pull it out until just the tip of the dildo is pressed against your hole. your juices glint evilly on the dildo, a long, thick string along the side of it. 
slowly you ease it back inside. you tip your head back, foot pressing down on the cushion of the couch in an attempt to mentally steady yourself. it’s a dragging sensation that has impatience licking at your brain, trying to push its way to the forefront. 
you pump the dildo in and out, in and out, until you are satisfied that the burn from your pussy stretching to accommodate it is no more. 
you draw it out. 
and then you force it back in, sharp enough for the gelatin balls to slap against your ass in a poor mimicry of the real thing. 
your free hand goes to your tit, framing a pebbled nipple between two of your fingers. you massage it, pull it, as you harshly fuck the dildo in, soft pants escaping your mouth as your body begins to ignite with pleasure and the wanton desire for more. 
you can’t help but want. it’s as if the desire is written into your dna, lining the fabric of your entire being. you want to be fucked, want to be thrown onto your front and taken from behind; want jihoon fucking his fat cock into your pussy in one swift motion, forcing your pussy to stretch around him. 
you want jihoon. 
you could devour him, you think as you crook the dildo up towards the front of your body, searching for your g-spot. you would devour him whole. you would take and take from him until he’s entirely yours, body and soul. 
the lock to the door clicks. you hurriedly bring the fingers messing with your nipple up to your mouth, licking at them before taking the nub between them and rolling. 
the front door to jihoon’s apartment swings open, your boyfriend stepping through. his eyes immediately catch on you, naked and wanton. 
“what – fuck –” he shoves the door shut behind him, loud and firm. “what the fuck are you doing?!”
you slide the dildo from your pussy, slow and torturous, ensuring he’s watching. jihoon’s eyes, naturally, flick down to your pussy. the dildo is still slick with fluid, and you can where the more dense of your fluids stain the pink of the dick. 
“what are you doing,” he repeats, dropping his leather bag to the floor. 
“taking matters – ah,” you moan out, massaging your gummy g-spot with the head of the dick. “taking matters into my own hands, jihoon; what else?”
his hands go to his shirt. jihoon hurriedly pushes at the buttons of his white dress shirt, letting it fall to the floor after he’s done. his trousers follow suit, and he leaves them behind with his shoes and socks. 
“what are you doing?” you grin at jihoon toothily, echoing his words. “no sex, remember?”
jihoon moves towards you regardless. he had done his hair that morning, gelling it back. now a few stray strands frame his temples, giving him a perfectly disheveled look. his tank top does nothing to conceal his collar bones, the line of his shoulders proud and wide. 
his hands find your thighs. he separates your legs, baring your pussy entirely. 
you still your hand, just keeping the dildo snug inside of you, refusing to move it further. “what are you doing, jihoon?”
“looking,” he retorts, eyes dancing around your body as he takes you in. you think you look like some perverted creature, carnal desire and desperation written onto every centimeter of skin. 
“don’t touch,” you chide him, moving an leg from his grasp. jihoon tightens his hold on the other as you press your foot against his chest, lightly pressing in a piss-poor attempt to push him back. 
jihoon rolls his eyes at you, nose crinkling and mouth twisting into a sneer. 
“oh,” you breathe out, sheathing the dildo fully inside once more. his eyes meet yours. you let a grin take over, unable to help but tease him. “‘oh, the agony! i am agony!’ isn’t that right, hoonie?”
for a split second you can see shock take over jihoon’s features, catlike eyes widening. a strike of triumph hits you, feeling as if you are the cat that got the canary. 
but then jihoon is grabbing the dildo from your hand. he pulls it out, the slide making your mouth drop in a gasp and body arch up off of the couch. 
“h – hoonie –!”
“agony,” he hisses, and then jihoon is shoving his boxers down to his knees. 
his cock bounces from his underwear, slapping against the fabric of his tank-top. it’s thick and angry, and when he runs his hand along it, rubbing at the head, a thick marble of precum leaks from it. 
“no – no sex,” you say, voice hoarse as you subconsciously keep your eyes on his cock. you’ve been starving for jihoon’s dick for so long, and here it is, thick and pulsing in front of you. 
and like a starving woman in front of a table overflowing with food, you eagerly welcome jihoon’s dick when he presses the tip against your hole. you spread your legs, knees knocking against his hips as he presses against you. 
jihoon keeps his dick in hand, not entering you. he rubs his dick up between your folds, a soft curse escaping his lips at how wet you are. once he’s at your clit he stops, rubbing the head of his dick against you. 
“fuck –” your voice is taking on a whining tone, and you can’t help but fleetingly wonder what happened to you showing jihoon who’s boss, making him witness just what he’s missing. but that thought is gone from your mind as soon as it enters, and instead you’/re pleading with jihoon. “please, hoonie – please fuck me, please.”
he sighs, the tip of his cock pressing against your hole. still, he doesn’t enter you. “i thought we agreed on no sex,” he says. “no sex until the semester is over.”
you cry out, hips trying to shift upwards and force his dick inside. jihoon pulls back. “please – put it in. it won’t count – won’t count if you don’t cum in me, yeah? won’t count if i don’t cum around your dick.”
jihoon lets out a loud, shivering groan that seems to release from the depths of his soul. 
jihoon presses his dick into your cunt. the head pops past your entrance, and then he’s sliding home. 
your pussy takes jihoon eagerly, sufficiently prepared by your fingers and the dildo. his dick is just slightly thicker than the dildo, and so there is a pleasurable sting that burns at your core. it’s not horrible, and you let out a moan as you cant your hips up. 
jihoon doesn’t stop pressing into you until his balls are against your ass. his hands are on either of your legs, keeping you spread for him. jihoon uses his grip on you to push himself back, bringing his cock out of your cunt slowly. the drag of his dick is delicious, is everything you’ve been missing for months. 
you’re not sure if this is just because you haven’t been fucked appropriately since august and it’s in the middle of november, but you feel completely overwhelmed by jihoon. 
his cock feels so good inside of you. it’s thick and warm, and when he shifts his dick presses up towards your core. his blunt head presses against your g-spot, and you can’t help the little mewl of approval that escapes you. 
“feels good,” he breathes out. his eyes flutter, nails digging into your skin. “you feel so fucking good.”
jihoon pulls his hips back, leaving your pussy save for the tip of his dick. he lingers, the fat head of his dick keeping you plugged. 
when jihoon thrusts in, it’s rough and well-aimed for your g-spot. you let out a shrill noise, eyes rolling back. you don’t know if sex has ever felt like this before – if you’ve ever felt so overwhelmed just by a single thrust. 
your hands scramble, grabbing at the couch. “hoonie!”
he slides out; fucks back in. 
jihoon’s pace is rough, as if he’s making up for lost time. as if he’s determined to mold your pussy back into the shape of his dick. he uses your pussy, uses you. he uses your cunt in an almost detached way, as if you were some random fuck and not his treasured girlfriend. 
eventually jihoon is pulling from your cunt with a strangled moan. his dick is drenched with your fluids, thick strings decorating it like lewd jewelry. jihoon palms his dick, and then he’s thrusting into his hand once, twice, thrice before he cums onto your stomach. 
he lets out a moan, a gasp of your own joining. his cum is thick and hot. you want to shove it into your pussy. 
jihoon’s hands go back to your thighs, and then he’s dropping to his knees. 
“can’t wait to fuck you,” he groans, “can’t wait to fill you up. as soon as finals are over, you’re mine. got it? you’re mine.”
then his tongue is licking a stripe up from your cunt to your clit, and all other thoughts leave you. 
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W E E K  S I X T E E N
the lecture hall, just like most of the rest of campus, is nearly deserted. 
you had left your apartment as soon as the email about your final grade dinged your phone, delight and want immediately turning at your stomach. you had been looking forward to this day for months: the day you and jihoon were finally free to fuck (and publicly be in a relationship, but that wasn’t the most pressing matter at the moment). 
jihoon was at the front of the large room, talking to the last stragglers of the exam he had to oversee. you rush down the steps, unable to help the broad smile on your face. 
your boyfriend looks up as you thunder down the auditorium, and you catch the moment his own face breaks out into a wide grin. 
he calls out your name as you step off of the last step. 
the student he’s talking to waves goodbye, and you take the spot where he had been standing. 
“hey,” you say, unable to keep your smile tamed. “how’s it going?”
jihoon rolls his eyes at you, folding his arms over his chest. this close to him you could smell his cologne, the sharp smells of amber and vanilla. he was wearing his white dress shirt again, though this time it was dressed up with a simple black tie. 
“glad it’s over,” jihoon murmurs. 
you glance around the room. there’s two girls at the back, talking excitedly as one of them packs up their things. 
“took you forever to grade the exams.”
jihoon scoffs. “as if. you turned it in last night at midnight.”
you shrug. the girls begin to make their way out of the room, calling out good-byes to jihoon. 
“all things considered,” he says, raising a hand in acknowledgement towards the girls, “this semester wasn’t so bad.”
you laugh at him. “it’s been agony to me,” you say, knowing how loaded the word is for the both of you. 
the heavy wooden doors shut solemnly behind the girls. it’s as if a switch flicks off in jihoon’s mind. his eyes visibly soften before you, his smile taking on a gentler shape. 
“i missed you,” he says. he doesn’t say anything else; that isn’t jihoon’s way. he’d write a thousand poems for you and keep them locked away. he’ll say three words, i missed you, and his meaning will include a hundred other things: i love you; i adore you; i want you close to me always; you bewitch me. 
“i missed you, too,” you echo, hoping he feels the weight of your simple response. 
jihoon keeps his face passive as he opens his arms, and you go easily into his embrace. you burrow your face into his neck, breathing him in. he wraps his thick arms around you, pressing you close to his body. 
for a moment the two of you just exist in this little universe. 
jihoon is the first to pull away, though he doesn’t go far. as if magnetic, you tilt your lips towards him, meeting his mouth halfway. 
the kiss begins gentle and solemn. it’s the end of a sentence, finishing the semester, which had been filled with tension and desperation, with a sweet embrace and soft lips. 
you separate your mouth from his. you skim your lips along his chin, following the edge of his jaw. you trace the edges of his face with your mouth, trying to memorize the shape of him. 
“i missed you,” you say again. 
jihoon is silent. he sinks a hand into your hair, cradling the back of your head. he guides your face back to his, his lips pressing a long kiss to yours. 
this time when jihoon kisses you it’s firm. his mouth is insistent against yours, devouring you in a way that leaves you breathless. he presses you back, his tongue sliding past your lips. 
jihoon walks you backwards until your thighs are bumping against the table. he keeps your head still, tongue licking into your mouth and exploring. 
his free hand slides beneath your shirt, grabbing at the flesh of your hip. 
“hoonie,” you say, pulling back from his mouth. jihoon hums, pressing kisses to the corner of your mouth. “want you.”
“got me,” he returns. 
despite his gentle words, jihoon’s hands move quickly against you. he tosses your shirt and bra aside, mouth attaching to your neck as soon as you are bare. his hand slides down to the waistband of your pants, fingers dipping past it. jihoon presses open-mouthed kisses to your skin, eager to reefamiliarize himself with your body entirely. his nips at the curve of your tit, and then his mouth is suckling at a pebbled nippple. 
you whine against him. you run your hands overh im. you feel the curve of his own pecs, feel the flat plane of his stomach, still hidden by his shirt. you tug at his tie, and then you’re molding your hand against his straining erection. 
jihoon groans against you. “careful,” he says. 
“we shouldn’t get too carried away,” you return. your fingers find the button of his trousers nonetheless. it’s the easiest thing to pop it through the hole, loosening his pants. “we should go home. anyone could walk in.”
“‘oh, the agony,’” jihoon says, and then he’s turning you around and pressing you against the table. 
he’s quick to pull your pants and underwear to your ankles. jihoon helps you step out of them, leaving them in a discarded mess by the leg of the table. 
he smooths his hands over your legs and thighs as he stands, his tough heavy and warm. jihoon positions you; slides his hand along your leg and pushes it up onto the table, foot dangling over the edge. 
he slides two of his fingers inside of your pussy. you clench down on the intrusion, biting down on your lip. 
“don’t –” you sigh out, turning over your shoulder to look at him. “i’m ready.”
jihoon blinks at you for a moment, and then he’s cursing. “slut,” he says, though his lips twitch up into a grin. 
he doesn’t bother undressing all the way. you can feel the fabric of his pants bunch against your ass when his cock is buried deep inside. his cock stretches you so delightfully. you feel as if you’re finally whole after an eternity of missing something. 
maybe you really are a slut. 
jihoon slides his dick out slowly, making you feel every centimeter of his cock. the glide is nearly on the side of too-dry, but your eyes roll back nonetheless, nails scraping against the wood of the table. 
“fuck,” he breathes out, and then he’s punching his dick back into your pussy. 
you rock forward on the table, the edge of it digging into you. you don’t mind it. instead you push back, meeting his thrust. 
“missed you,” jihoon says. you wonder if he’s talking about your pussy. you wouldn’t blame him if he was: you missed his cock, afterall. 
you missed out his dick feels within you, heavy and stretching you out. you missed how he fucks into you, how his hips slap against your ass. you missed the sting of him fucking you, the sting of skin against skin coupled with the electric sparks of pleasure that shoot through you when the blunt head of his cock hits your g-spot. 
jihoon fucks you as if you were reuniting. which, you suppose, you are. he fucks you as if he’s treasuring each thrust, as if he’s making sure each rock of his hips is perfect to make up for lost time. 
you can feel the fabric of his shirt when jihoon presses his front against your back. his black tie dangles beside your face. he uses his weight to keep you against the table, his hips picking up pace. 
he practically jackrabbits into your pussy, hips frantic. 
“missed you,” he says, and then he’s grabbing your face to press another open-mouthed kiss to your lips. there’s no finesse: it’s just as messy as the way he fucks you. spit slides from mouth to mouth, tongues meeting and tangling. 
he’s devouring you, you realize. he’s gobbling you up, owning you inside and out. 
jihoon reaches down, his fingers finding your clit easily. he slips his fingers against your clit, the wetness of your pussy making the glide easy. his fingers against your clit are just as frantic as his hips fucking into you, and the combined sensation brings your orgasm crashing down around you more quickly than you would like. 
he slows his hips to a stop as you cum around his cock, whining high at the back of your throat. it’s overwhelming. you haven’t cum around his dick in months. his cock stretches you still, and every minute shift of your hips back against him has his dick pressing against all the sensitive places. 
“good?” his voice is raspy against your hair. 
you nod. 
jihoon pulls back, and you hiss at the feeling of his dick leaving your pussy. 
he doesn’t stay gone for long. jihoon maneuvers you onto your back. he grabs each of your thighs, holding them up and baring you to him. you can feel the juices of your release as they slide down your cunt. 
he thrusts back in. immediately you’re tossing your head back against the table, eyes rolling back. your toes curl. 
jihoon hooks your legs over the crook of each of his arms, and then he’s setting a harsh pace once again. his grunts are loud againsts the quiet of the room, the slapping of skin against skin sending heat rushing up towards your face. you feel too high strung, feel as if your neurons and electrons are buzzing around underneath your skin. you want to move away from his cock and how it tortures you, pressing against your g-spot as sensitivity rears its ugly head; you want to fuck down onto his dick until you’re unable to walk. 
when jihoon cums, it’s copious. it’s too much. you feel his dick throb within you as he spills, filling you with hot seed. it’s so much; you want more. 
jihoon pulls his dick from your pussy only once he’s finished. he isn’t done with you, though. 
he slaps his palm against your cunt, the sensation acute and electric. 
you want to cry. you don’t want him to ever stop. 
jihoon slaps your cunt again, and then he’s hooking three of his fingers inside of your pussy. he thrusts him inside in the same fashion he did his cock: harshly, roughly. the sting of his knuckles against your flesh isn’t unlike the sting of his hips. 
when you cum, it’s with a loud sob. he presses the fingers of his free hand against your clit, rubbing it once more while his fingers keep pressing up against your g-spot, relentless in his mission of wringing you dry. 
after it’s over, you hold out your arms. 
jihoon gathers you into his embrace easily, pressing a kiss to your forehead. you know you should hurry and dress, know that it’ll be a matter of time before someone wanders into the room. 
you don’t care. 
instead you just bask in the attention of your boyfriend, forehead pressing to his shoulder. 
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heartschampion · 2 days
we fell in love in october — masterlist
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PAIRING. ethan landry x fem!reader
SUMMARY. in which you make a bet with your boyfriend, ethan, the night before the start of october. thirty-one days of sex.
CONTENT. no ghostface!au, smut, this is for kinktober so every chapter has its own thing going on i GUESS?, established relationship, slightly experienced!ethan, inexperienced!reader, they basically learn their kinks and stuff throughout the story, fluff (surprise), no beta, not proofread.
STATUS. upcoming.
AN. chapters aren't set in stone so they could change. i'm like half dead while typing this so if there's a mistake pls tell me.
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an innocent night leads to a month of filth.
morning sex with ethan is always the best way to start off your day.
you and ethan decide to take a big step in your relationship and have unprotected sex for the first time.
after a long day of classes, a warm shower is all you need. and your boyfriend in there for some fun.
shopping with tara leads to buying a little gift as a surprise for both of your boyfriends.
ethan is out with chad for a 'boys night,' but you can't help but be desperate for his attention even miles away.
ethan pushes you to your limits.
an unexpected turn of events leads to discovering something new about your boyfriend.
sex couldn't get any better with a little extra help.
everyone needs a helping hand, or mouth.
you and ethan recreate a scene from a book, taking on the roles of the characters.
a college frat party isn't a likely place you'd find yourself having sex. especially not with the constant pounding on the door. ethan doesn't seem to care.
hearing tara rave about aphrodisiacs, you decide to give them a try.
you let ethan come in you for the first time.
ethan becomes obsessed with the idea of breeding you, and you're no better.
sometimes you just need a mouth to murmur sweet nothings into you to really lay back and relax.
you find yourself a little tied up.
ethan can't help but wrap his hands around your pretty little neck as he fucks you.
the phone starts ringing mid session. ethan urges you to answer.
ethan's partner for his econ project can't seem to keep her hands to herself. your jealousy gets the better of you and you decide to show who he belongs to.
the group is out for a night of fun, unaware of the game being held between you and ethan.
hopefully no one notices your hands down the pants of your boyfriend.
there's nothing more enticing than what you can't see.
you let ethan fuck you in your sleep after he comes home late.
watching each other get off turns out to be more intimate than you thought it would be. the only rule is no touching.
you and ethan get shit-faced drunk, unable to keep your hands to yourselves any longer.
after the other night, you want to know what it's like to be ethan's little pet.
cockwarming ethan as he tutors you.
he much as he gets off on giving you pleasure, he finds just as much amusement in denying it from you.
you finally let ethan fuck you from the back.
october is coming close to an end, so the two of you decide to make a little reminder of your time together.
the best thing about sex with ethan landry is the aftercare he gives afterwards.
you get a little more than you bargained for.
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hwnglx · 2 days
as requested by anon ღ
jungkook's thoughts about feminism
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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so.. jungkook seems conflicted. there's these two sides in him, that are clashing when it comes to feminism.
it's 1, his admiration for women. and 2, his ego.
one side of him thinks, that women essentially rule the world. like, we all basically wouldn't be here if it wasn't for women birthing us, keeping the impulse-driven men in check. i got the strength card, which is literally this strong and powerful woman taming the wild lion in a masterly manner. he believes women are much more capable of restraining themselves, remaining focused on what's important, looking after their responsibilities. women are the actual strong ones in this society, which wouldn't work the way it does without them.
i can sense him thinking there's a lot to be learned by women. i keep seeing him just watching how they function while being in awe. (imagery of the strength card representing a woman in power, the page of pents and page of swords -> young students are next to it looking at her) i'm not sure if he grew up around a lot of strong women, perhaps he had a very influential mother who taught him a lot about life. but there for sure is a genuine sense of respect and appreciation towards women in him, which seems to come from a sincere place.
on the other hand, however.. jungkook is still a korean man. i say this all the time, but many korean men are inclined to believe it's a given for them to be above women by default. many of them were raised with that belief in place, so it's like a natural thought-process most of them have. in that way, it's the standard mindset korean society continues to hold.
this traditional and conservative mindset the majority of society still has, displays a weight on jungkook's back. i can sense he can't always be as candid or outspoken in his admiration for women, because he still can't fully let go of his ego as a powerful man. i can sense there's these societal pressures, and the pressure that comes with being a korean man, which hold him back from further embracing his raw and unfiltered thoughts. they're moreso buried in his subconscious, not something he always lets out freely, might not even be entirely aware of; there's some resistance here. i do however believe, that these inner more progressive views do drive him to, e.g. feel drawn towards dominant and assertive women, or stand up for them at times.
i can also see he might be surrounded by a good amount of men who are still quite traditional in their beliefs, which can bury his own opinions further down.
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belle-rosse · 2 days
I think wayyyy too much about the scene in s1x07 where Vi and Cait try to save each other from Jinx’s attack, and maybe simple thoughts have turned into a meaningless analysis. I’ll share it anyway.
The way Vi and Caitlyn try to protect each other in this scene perfectly reflects how they were raised, and I think it even works as foreshadowing for the scene in the rain.
Let’s focus on Vi first. The core part of her identity since she was a child has been to protect, which we see from the way she shields Powder from the horrifying sight on the bridge in the very first minute of the first episode, up to this very moment. Vi has a specific way of carrying out this protection. Unlike when she's on her own, Vi doesn’t jump straight into a fight—she first moves the person she wants to protect away from danger, then faces the battle entirely alone. Here, she follows the same process: her first impulse is to shield Caitlyn by pushing her out of the weapon’s range, not caring about her own safety. She only takes cover after making sure that no one can hurt Cait. This is Vi’s impulsive nature at its peak, as well as her absolute loyalty.
Now, with Caitlyn, there’s more to discuss. Caitlyn has been protected her entire life, shielded behind her parents and her last name. This sense of security has made Caitlyn a rebel, someone who pushes the boundaries of that protection (while following certain rules), but it also makes her very naive. Caitlyn doesn’t truly know the dangers of the world. Even though she tries to project confidence, she had never stepped on the other side of the bridge before. That’s why I believe her decision to step in front of Vi as a shield while also trying to protect herself with her arm is a pure act but rooted in ignorance. Caitlyn jumps into danger to keep Vi safe, but even if she managed to avoid the impact of one bullet, there would be more. Most likely, if Vi hadn’t pushed her, they both would’ve ended up hurt. This is Caitlyn’s identity: unlike Vi, she protects others by getting close, giving all of herself to push the problem away rather than fighting it alone. What she doesn’t realize is that, even when she has meticulously structured plans, some problems can’t be solved with one-sided diplomacy. Caitlyn is pure and well-intentioned but lacks a survival instinct due to her upbringing.
Now, why do I say this works as foreshadowing for their breakup in the rain? Simple—except for the weapons and general violence, it’s essentially the same scene.
Vi and Caitlyn face a problem that involves both of them, and in order to protect the other, they resort to the same methods I mentioned before.
Vi assumes that she’s the problem, that her anger with the council and Piltover in general will cost Caitlyn her well-being. So, what does she do? She leaves her in the middle of the rain, saying words she wishes weren’t true, hurting herself in the process just to make sure Caitlyn won’t try to find her. Throughout this scene, Vi refuses to look at her, because if she sees her sadness, she’ll likely give in and end up putting her in danger. After pushing her away again, Vi decides to confront (though with Jayce this time, not entirely alone) Silco’s industry, once more jumping into the fight only after ensuring the safety of the one she loves.
But Caitlyn doesn’t know this. She sees Vi’s actions as an abrupt and ungrounded change. “Why is Vi leaving?” must be her only thought, and in response, she tries to offer solutions they can face together because she’s unaware of what they’re really up against. She tries to get close to Vi several times, both in her words and her body language. Everything in her is pleading for the Zaunite to stay, to explain what’s happening so they can work together and share the weight of the problems. In the end, it doesn’t work, and respecting Vi’s boundaries, she lets her go. Though it doesn’t stop her, and that’s how we get her scene in the shower, thinking of the alternatives to that encounter.
I warned y’all that this would be a meaningless analysis, but I love and miss Caitvi too much to stay silent about them. Also, I adore episode seven.
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elumish · 1 day
I talk about what writers should do a lot, so now I'm going to take a break and talk about some reforms that I think agents should make.
A caveat: I am not an agent! Unlike when I talk about writing, I am just talking about this as an author who happens to be in the midst of querying. If I have an followers who are agents who think I'm getting something wrong, please let me know!
That said, here I go:
Trad publishing is, fundamentally, about getting past a whole bunch of layers of gatekeepers, and agents are the first gatekeepers. With some very limited exceptions, you can't be trad published without having an agent. From what I can tell, being an agent is a bit of a thankless job--it's based on commission, so an agent only gets money if they are selling their clients' books. (Remember: the money flows towards the writer. If someone claiming to be an agent is telling you that you need to pay them to represent you, run.)
Because of this structure, agents have a massive amount of power over unagented authors, particularly because unagented authors simply do not have another option if they want to trad publish. It is my opinion that that power dynamic is part of the reason why querying actually sucks so unbelievably much for authors.
Now, part of why querying sucks is that it's a numbers game, which means that most of us will lose. Every writer is competing against a gazillion other writers, some of whom are better or writing things that are seen as more sellable or happen to be eariler or whatever. You are going to get a bunch of rejections, and that's not the fault of agents.
But here's the other problem:
There are, from what I can tell, no true industry standards and somewhat limited professional expectations for agents when it comes to how to deal with querying. Again, this is what it looks like from the outside--agents, if I'm getting this wrong, please let me know.
For example, many agencies and many agents will have different rules about what you can submit to them and how, and in many cases those rules are in somewhat arbitrary places, which means that querying authors have to hunt for them, and it's easy to run afoul of them even when you're trying. It's common for some agencies to say that you can't query two agents from the same agency at the same time, but some say that you can't query two agents from them ever--a rejection from one is a rejection from all.
But most agents' Twitter bios/MSWL pages/personal pages/etc. don't say that--which means that authors need to hunt through every individual agency's webpage and then cross-reference against every agent that they have ever queried previously, which can be arduous when many people are querying dozens or hundreds of agents. It also means needing to keep track of things like when agents switch agencies.
There are also no standard expectations for agents to actually respond to queries in any sort of time span, or at all, which complicates the above issue even more. But it also is just (imho) kind of unprofessional to ghost people who are seeking a professional relationship with you, when you have explicitly asked them to reach out to you seeking that professional relationship.
And to make that worse, many agents don't say whether or not they respond to all queries, meaning that authors are often left wondering if a 6-month or longer wait is a "no" or an "I haven't gotten to this yet but will definitely respond to you."
There are more issues that I could cite, but my overall point in this is that authors have no recourse here. There's not authors' union, no way to go on strike until agents change what they're doing.
And some agents are really awesome about this! But enough are not, and authors don't really know what they're going to get when they query someone.
So all of this is to say that, if you are an agent, here are some fairly easy changes I would love for you to make to your own behavior to make querying a little bit less of a nightmarish hellscape for authors (and thank you so much if you already do some or all of these):
Respond to every query that you receive
Tell people your general response times and be communicative if that changes. It's okay if it regularly takes you six months! Just tell us it regularly takes you six months, so we're not left wondering if we've been ghosted at four months
Outline all submission guidelines on Query Manager or where you accept queries, including things like a) rules about whether a rejection from one is a rejection from all, b) length expectations for things like synopses (I've seen a range), and c) any other expectations you have (e.g., you require trigger warnings). Don't make people hunt through 2-4 websites to find what you want
Stop asking or at least strongly rethink how you ask about Own Voices or why an author feels like they are qualified to write about a marginalized identity--I understand the impulse, but nobody should be expected to disclose medical or other personal information like that in a professional setting
Also, just to say (other than please don't reject my query because of this post), agents: authors really do appreciate the work you all do. I want someone to work with to get published, because I am very well aware that I am not the expert in this situation.
And again, please tell me if I got anything wrong or misrepresented anything.
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tiredsunrisesmeta · 3 days
Damen's Trauma, Akielos, & Cultural Community
I've been thinking about Damen's trauma & the ways he changes because of it and how it connects to his cultural identity: Damen's trauma & experiences in Vere under Laurent do come to strain & complicate his relationship with his past, his country, & his countrymen. His realization of Akielon violence on the border, his growing horror at slavery, his questioning of his father's rule, his acceptance of Kastor's duplicity, his anger at Jokaste's betrayal & his disagreeing with Nikandros's misguided exasperation & confusion at his choices in Kings Rising are some examples of this.
Another conflict ofc is the famous "a kingdom or this" conflict. His singular, unique love for Laurent clashes with his loyalty to his role as king, his country & its customs as particularly illustrated by Damen's actions at the Kingsmeet. An even earlier example, happens in Prince's Gambit after Damen kills an Akielon soldier to protect Laurent. He asks Laurent: "Don't try to use me against my own people." This conflict between his loyalty to Akielos & his loyalty to Laurent is already present relatively early in Damen & Laurent's association. Thankfully, Damen never truly has to choose because Laurent honors Damen's request. 
But despite these many conflicts, I believe Damen's trauma & its resulting emotional transformation ultimately brings him closer to Akielos, not farther from it. Because of his experiences in Vere, Damen is at the crossroads of his past & future self as well as at the crossroads of Akielos as he knew it & Akielos as it will become under his rule. Yet, despite this transformation into a new Damen & a new Akielos, Damen's past & the relationships he had, including their good & bad parts, aren't something he ever completely sheds or ever really needs to.
There's a framing of Damen's character arc that could focus on how Damen's trauma has so fundamentally changed him it puts some kind of uncrossable emotional distance between him and his past life including everyone he knew in Akielos. In this framing, his trauma reveals fundamental truths that he can no longer reconcile. Kastor is not a good brother (& never truly loved him), Theomedes is not someone worthy of Damen's hero worship (& never truly loved him), Jokaste chose herself over him (& never truly loved him), Nikandros no longer understands him (& maybe never did). 
There's a truth to all these observations. Though interpretations vary widely, of course. I, for example, disagree that any of those characters never truly loved Damen. I also think Nikandros understood the old Damen and is capable of eventually understanding the new Damen as well. Nevertheless, this framing of Damen's character arc & past relationships, at its harshest and most extreme, essentially isolates Damen from all his significant loved ones that are Akielon, and not literally (by death or literal distance like in canon) but spiritually.
In this framing, Damen's transformation essentially causes him to "outgrow" these past connections & both the personal & cultural significance they once carried for him. But I think the books refute that framing. While there is strain in Damen's relationship to Akielos & Akielons there is never an outright cutting or diminishing of these bonds & this identity. Many parts of Damen have changed but this does not cause an emotional gulf & disconnect that Damen does not at least try to bridge.
Until the very end, Damen desperately wants to forgive Kastor & keep him as his brother. Until the very end, he trusts Kastor when he should not. Damen, despite his very real wounded rage and new self protective hardness when it comes to Jokaste, nevertheless starts to understand Jokaste's motivations. Damen accepts he does not want to rule as his father did, but he still loves his father & cherishes his father's love for him, and he is not punished for this. Laurent comes to symbolize this by being the one to comfort Damen as he finally lets himself mourn his father. Despite all Theomedes did that ultimately caused the death of Auguste & the destruction of Laurent's life as he knew it, Laurent & the narrative do not punish or disapprove of Damen's grief for his father. Even Damen does not punish himself for it. Laurent also embodies this same empathy when he encourages Damen to bury Kastor in the royal crypt, accepting Damen's true personal wishes no matter how they might come across politically.
Now to Nikandros. It is true that Nikandros does not and can not understand so much of what has changed in Damen when they meet again in Kings Rising. Him & Damen clash on many things, including Laurent, plans & strategy, and bed slaves. Part of this is because Nikandros symbolizes Akielos as it was before Damen was taken from it. Akielos, as it would be if Damen had never left it. Like a rock left in a garden & returned to after many years. This symbolic connection between Nikandros & Akielos is illustrated in Nikandros's introduction in KR: "Damen took in Nikandros's familiar, classically Akielon features, his dark hair and brows, his olive face and straight Akielon nose." Nikandros is the quintessential Akielon. In many ways, he symbolizes home to Damen.
But the familiarity of Nikandros's Akielon face & demeanor are contrasted with Damen's thoughts of his own transformation after his traumatic experience in Vere. Damen thinks "The self that he had been striving to return to was gone." 
Nikandros is Akielos as Damen knew it before his father's death & subsequent enslavement & abuse. And Damen can no longer be in perfect harmony with the Akielos he once knew because he is no longer the Damen he once was. Yet this distance is not meant to be seen as insurmountable because Nikandros is not an unchanging rock, despite his relatively rigid ways. He accepts Damen's changes & decisions, befuddled, disapproving sometimes, exasperated, yes, but he accepts them nonetheless. So as Akielos will change under Damen's leadership, so too will Nikandros. Nikandros (the last remaining Akielon loved one still actively in Damen's life) will stay at Damen's (and Laurent's) side helping transform the new kingdom alongside him. 
So yes, Damen's trauma and experiences in these books has deeply changed him. Has made him more empathetic to the lives & struggles of the lowest castes of society, made him less jingoistic, more critical of his country's practices, made him more discerning of duplicity. It has also caused him shame and continued mental distress & suffering. It's caused him to repress his emotions even more than he already did (something Laurent tries to help him work through in the Summer Palace). It's caused him to harden himself in some ways. But his trauma has not made him incapable of deeply connecting to his past. The new Damen is not one made bereft of Akielon community, connection or identity because of his trauma. Nor is he someone who can only be made whole again by Laurent or Laurent's community.
It's not as if this is an interpretation people actually have of course. It's more that I think Damen completely disconnected from his roots is the natural endgame of the framing of Damen's trauma & transformation that I outlined above. Which is why Nikandros & his continuing friendship with Damen is absolutely integral to Damen & to Damen's story & character arc in Captive Prince. Nikandros embodies Akielos in many ways. All that it was, is & could & will be for Damen.
As an aside: I also find it interesting how this maintaining of the softer parts of Damen (despite his trauma), the parts that allow him to make & maintain connections, affects his relationships with the Veretians in his life. Not just Laurent, either. If Damen's trauma did manifest as insurmountable emotional disconnect or irreconcilable rage, what would his relationships with Jord, Paschal, Ancel, & Berenger look like (in canon & post-canon)? These characters either actively participated in his abuse or watched & did nothing to stop it. Yet, Damen's internal monologue affords them empathy, understanding, comradery, & even in some cases his own guilt at not being truthful about his identity with them. It offers them that when it could have offered them complete contempt or fraught disconnection. This is morally neutral. Damen's internal forgiveness is not necessarily an unquestionable good. It's just who Damen is.
There's a few fics that tackle the possible manifestations of Damen's trauma in relation to these characters, but it seems relatively less explored ground. But I think it's interesting to consider the similarities between Damen's reactions to the Veretians & Akielons in his life.
It's fascinating that Damen's capacity to forgive is mostly reserved for people that have hurt him & not others. (Kastor is one exception to this since Kastor has killed their father & killed most of the people in Damen's household. But, Damen's personal forgiveness is tempered with his understanding that Kastor can not go unpunished. Though I'd still argue house arrest in Ios is exceptionally generous and almost laughably lenient). He can be quite morally stringent about anyone who "hits someone who can't hit back" except if the person getting hit is himself 🤔. There's probably so much I could say, if I put my mind to it, about Damen's capacity to ignore and/or forgive violence done against him, starting all the way back to when Kastor stabs him at 13 to Laurent's abuse to Ancel's assault. But that's definitely for another time!
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hotmessmaxpress · 3 days
As a general rule, Marc tries not to listen to anything Valentino Rossi says in interviews or podcasts. It’s always bullshit, so much that it’s not even news when he says something rude. People have stopped sending Marc headlines and clips; it’s old news that Vale is still full of hate despite his retirement.
This time though, he’s gone too far.
Marc didn’t mean to see it and he definitely didn’t seek it out, but the clip embeds itself in Marc’s brain and distracts him for days.
How dare Vale?
The longer Marc spends thinking about it, the angrier he gets. Why does Vale spend so much time running his mouth? He has a daughter and a new career. He should be too busy to complain about Marc and accuse him of terrible things.
Marc waits until Alex is out of the house to start tearing it apart. He’s looking for his old cell phone— the one from years ago that has old phone numbers still stored in it. It’s a ridiculous idea, contacting Vale, but the anger and hurt is churning in Marc’s gut. He hates that Vale still has the power to make him feel like this.
Marc finds it in a drawer in the office he barely uses, and he plugs it in. He waits impatiently for it to charge enough to turn on, chewing his thumb nail and ruminating on what to say. He can’t decide if he should match Vale’s level of vitriol and go for the jugular or if he should be vague and passive aggressive.
The phone turns on.
Marc scrolls through the contacts and finds the one he wants, then types it into his current phone. He leaves the old one charging and starts typing his message.
You have a daughter. Is she not enough to hold your attention? Why do you have to keep accusing me of awful things? I’ve never hurt you on purpose but all you do is twist the knife. Grow up and focus on being a father, not trying to ruin my life.
He sends it without hesitation, then sets his phone down, oblivious to the way the message immediately changes to
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splashstar01 · 9 hours
MBTIs of BBC's Merlin & Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon (ISTJ)
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Introverted (I): Now I know many people see him as an extrovert. I argue he plays extroverted out of necessity. Although Arthur is often in the spotlight due to his royal position, he tends to process emotions and decisions internally. He’s reserved about personal feelings, often keeping a stoic exterior, particularly in moments of vulnerability. His introversion explains why in season 4 finale (the show only has 5 seasons), he told Merlin that Merlin was still his only friend, despite the fact that all the Knights of the Round had already been established! He clearly differentiates knights who would willingly give their lives from real friends. Arthur is so private that he doesn't even tell his wife things. In season 5, she casually said, "Arthur never tells me anything." Arthur only really lets Merlin in. (Because he loves Merlin, duh. lol)
Sensing (S): Arthur is pragmatic and focused on the present. He has a strong sense of duty and tradition, often valuing tangible results and sticking to established systems, like the chivalric code and the duties of being a king.
Thinking (T): He makes decisions based on logic and duty rather than emotions. Arthur strives to do what is right for Camelot and tends to focus on rationality when dealing with political and military matters, even if it means setting aside personal attachments.
Judging (J): Arthur values structure and order. He is disciplined, prefers routines, and is committed to fulfilling his responsibilities as a king. He can be strict, both with himself and others, expecting everyone to uphold the same level of duty.
Merlin (ENFP)
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Extraverted (E): I have heard some parts of fandom say Merlin is introverted.... But Merlin has to be the friendliest, most outgoing and open character on the show! Merlin effortlessly connects with others. He’s warm, often initiating interactions with various people across all social classes, and enjoys forming deep bonds with those around him. Basically, the complete opposite of Arthur. Arthur's top knights, Lancelot and Gwaine, became knights for Merlin, because of their friendship with him! Merlin at his best is a happy, bubbly dude!
Intuitive (N): Merlin looks beyond the surface and sees potential and possibilities. He is often focused on his vision for the future, specifically the destiny he believes Arthur must fulfill, and tends to think about the broader implications of events.
Feeling (F): Merlin makes decisions based on his emotions and values. He is compassionate and deeply cares about the people he loves, even risking his life to protect them. His empathy drives many of his actions, as he is guided by his heart rather than just logic.
Perceiving (P): Merlin is adaptable and flexible. He thrives in chaotic situations, often relying on his quick thinking to solve problems on the fly. Unlike Arthur, Merlin isn't tied to structure and routine, preferring to go with the flow and adjust his plans as circumstances change.
Even being complete opposites (they don't have a single common letter in their MBTI), Arthur and Merlin's personalities complement each other in a way that makes their relationship dynamic, powerful, and balanced. Despite their differences, these contrasts are what strengthen their bond, making them effective as partners and allowing them to grow as individuals.
How their MBTIs shaped their love story:
1. Arthur (ISTJ) – Duty vs. Love
Arthur’s ISTJ personality makes him deeply rooted in duty and tradition, which often conflicts with his personal feelings. As a king-in-waiting, he’s bound by the rules and expectations of Camelot. This sense of responsibility prevents him from openly expressing his affection for Merlin, a commoner and servant.
Suppressed feelings: Arthur’s introversion and thinking function push him to hide his emotions, especially his care and affection for Merlin. His loyalty to his role as prince often conflicts with his deeper, unspoken feelings for Merlin. Arthur’s rational side forces him to focus on the kingdom, keeping his emotions hidden beneath his duty to the crown.
Traditional values: As an ISTJ, Arthur’s sense of tradition keeps him from crossing the boundaries of class and status. His love for Merlin, if fully acknowledged, would defy these societal norms, and his reluctance to embrace that love fully reflects his fear of breaking those structures.
2. Merlin (ENFP) – Love as a Driving Force
Merlin’s ENFP personality is more openly emotional and driven by personal values. His feeling and perceiving traits allow him to express affection, even though it’s subtle and often masked in humor or banter. Merlin constantly shows his love and devotion to Arthur by risking his life to protect him and ensuring Arthur’s destiny as king.
Boundless loyalty: Merlin’s deep emotional attachment to Arthur is clear, as he constantly sacrifices his own desires, hiding his magic and risking his safety to ensure Arthur’s survival. His ENFP idealism drives his belief in Arthur as the Once and Future King, and this belief is tied deeply to Merlin’s personal love for him. The idealism of an ENFP is evident in how Merlin sees the bigger picture of Arthur’s destiny but is also fueled by his personal love and emotional bond.
Unconditional care: While Arthur struggles to show emotions, Merlin’s extraverted nature makes it easier for him to express affection through acts of service. He remains unwavering in his commitment to Arthur, which highlights the ENFP’s ability to love deeply and unconditionally, even when the other person may not fully reciprocate outwardly.
3. Their Banter – The ENFP vs. ISTJ Communication Style
The teasing and banter between Arthur and Merlin highlight their different communication styles. Merlin’s ENFP warmth and humor frequently bring out Arthur’s softer, more human side. Arthur’s ISTJ personality makes him reluctant to openly express affection, so their teasing and sarcastic exchanges become a way to communicate affection indirectly. The playful insults act as a cover for their deeper bond.
Arthur’s respect for Merlin grows over time, despite his reserved demeanor, and Merlin’s ability to challenge him emotionally helps Arthur soften. Their banter is more than comedic relief; it shows how they communicate their care for one another in a way that feels safe and acceptable.
4. Trust and Emotional Vulnerability
Arthur (ISTJ) is slow to trust others with his vulnerabilities, given his reliance on structure and duty. But over the course of the series, he opens up to Merlin more than anyone else, showing a side of himself that he hides from everyone, including his wife and family members (like Morgana and Uther). Merlin’s warmth and loyalty gradually create a space where Arthur can be emotionally vulnerable.
Merlin (ENFP), in contrast, is more expressive and emotionally open from the beginning. His challenge lies in getting Arthur to see past his role as a servant and accept him as an equal in friendship—and potentially in love. Merlin consistently puts Arthur first, and Arthur, in return, eventually trusts Merlin above all others, including knights and advisors.
5. Protectiveness and Sacrifice
Arthur’s ISTJ sense of duty makes him protective of those he cares about, even if he doesn’t vocalize it. His actions speak louder than words, as he consistently risks his life for Merlin. This protectiveness is a manifestation of his deep, unspoken love for Merlin. However, Arthur often couches these actions in the context of duty—saying he would do the same for anyone in Camelot—when, in reality, Merlin holds a special place in his heart. He was about to abort a mission, causing hundreds of deaths, all for Merlin. Also, in one scene, as they were fleeing from a monster, Merlin fell and Arthur went back for him, a mere "idiot" servant. In that same scene, a knight fell (knights are the bread & butter of Camelot), but Arthur just kept running with Merlin....
Merlin (ENFP), with his focus on emotions and the bigger picture, sacrifices everything for Arthur. His feeling-based decisions make his love for Arthur a central motivation for everything he does, even if it means hiding his magic and true self. This constant self-sacrifice for Arthur’s sake is a key expression of Merlin’s love, a classic ENFP trait—giving up his own needs for those of someone he cares deeply about.
6. Destiny and Fate – The ENFP Belief in Idealism
Merlin’s ENFP idealism sees Arthur as not just a king but the Once and Future King, destined to unite Albion. This belief in Arthur's potential drives Merlin’s unwavering devotion, and his love for Arthur is inseparable from his belief in their shared destiny. Merlin’s visions of a better future are rooted in his love for Arthur, and it’s his idealism that keeps him fighting for that future.
Arthur (ISTJ), being more grounded, is less concerned with abstract concepts like destiny and fate at first, but over time, Merlin’s unwavering belief in him helps Arthur grow into the king Merlin always knew he could be. Arthur begins to rely on Merlin’s intuition and instincts more and more, eventually embracing the destiny Merlin foresaw for him. Though Arthur may not openly express it, he comes to understand that Merlin’s faith in him is born out of deep love.
7. The Final Goodbye – An Emotional Climax
The emotional 'I love you': In the final episode, Arthur’s ISTJ stoicism breaks as he finally acknowledges the depth of his bond with Merlin. When Merlin reveals his magic, Arthur is hurt and betrayed at first (typical ISTJ reaction to broken trust), but eventually, he softens, realizing that Merlin has been protecting him all along. In his final moments, Arthur shows his vulnerability, thanking Merlin for everything—a rare moment of emotional openness for him. He simultaneously mouths 'I love you.'
Throughout the series, Arthur’s ISTJ sense of responsibility made it difficult for him to prioritize his personal feelings over his role as king. But as he faces death, duty and love become inseparable. His final act of trying to kiss Merlin shows that, even though he had been bound by the expectations of the crown, in his last moments, his love for Merlin overrides those constraints. His inability to express affection easily is part of his ISTJ personality, but in his final moments, he sheds that restraint, finally allowing himself to express what he’s likely felt for a long time. For Arthur to mouth 'I love you", even silently, is monumental. It’s a complete surrender of the emotional guard he’s maintained, signifying not just love but trust, vulnerability, and a breaking of the social norms and responsibilities that have constrained him. The fact that he chooses to say it at the very end shows that he always cared deeply for Merlin, but only now, when there’s nothing left to hold him back, can he express it.
Arthur, having always struggled to communicate his feelings, finally mouths the words "I love you" when it’s too late to make a difference. This is reflective of his ISTJ personality—he needed to be pushed to the very brink of death before he could allow himself to be emotionally vulnerable and express his love. The timing makes this moment all the more tragic because Arthur had to die before truly opening up.
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The almost-kiss: Arthur’s instinct to pull Merlin in for a kiss reflects the ISTJ desire to do things physically, practically, and decisively, even in the most emotional moments. It also shows how Arthur, who had been in control of so much of his life, wanted to take control of this final expression of love. Yet, his inability to complete the kiss mirrors his inability to fully express his love for Merlin throughout their time together—blocked by the weight of his responsibilities as king.
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For Arthur, to attempt to kiss Merlin in his final moments is a gesture of complete vulnerability. An ISTJ like Arthur rarely breaks emotional barriers, but in this moment, he lets go of everything—the crown, his duties, his stoic exterior—and reaches for the person who has always been there for him. It’s the ultimate sacrifice of his own emotional walls.
Arthur’s attempt to kiss Merlin shows that he is finally willing to defy the traditions and expectations that have held him back for so long. As a prince and then a king, he was expected to follow societal norms, but in his final moments, he’s free of those chains and can express his love for Merlin without fear of judgment or duty holding him back. The kiss is the ultimate acknowledgment of the love he had hidden behind his royal duties.
Throughout the series, Arthur has hidden his true feelings for Merlin behind duty, status, and responsibility. His inability to express affection easily is part of his ISTJ personality, but in his final moments, he sheds that restraint, finally allowing himself to express what he’s likely felt for a long time. As he faces death, duty and love become inseparable. His final act of trying to kiss Merlin shows that, even though he had been bound by the expectations of the crown, in his last moments, his love for Merlin overrides those constraints. Arthur, true to his ISTJ nature, often preferred action over verbal declarations of emotion. By attempting to physically pull Merlin in for a kiss, Arthur shows that his love for Merlin transcends words—it's something he feels deeply and wants to express through connection, even when he doesn't have the words to say it outright.
Merlin's internal turmoil: As an ENFP, Merlin had always worn his heart on his sleeve, even when his love for Arthur was expressed through loyalty, service, and protection. The fact that Arthur finally mouths "I love you" just as he's dying would shatter Merlin’s heart, as it represents the culmination of everything Merlin had been hoping for but never dared to fully expect. Merlin, the dreamer and idealist, had believed in Arthur’s greatness, and now, in this moment, Arthur’s love is revealed, only for it to be taken away immediately in the "bury (or kill) your gays" trope.
For Merlin, the attempted kiss is heartbreaking because it represents the closeness and intimacy they could have had if circumstances were different, as Merlin said, "I always thought if things had been different, we'd've been good friends." ENFPs, with their emotional expressiveness, seek connection and intimacy in their relationships, and Arthur’s attempt to kiss him in his final moments is a bittersweet acknowledgment of the love that Merlin had always known was there, but could never be fully realized. The fact that they were so close to expressing that love makes the loss all the more devastating for Merlin.
A Tragic Love Story Cut Short
The final scene where Arthur mouths "I love you" and attempts to kiss Merlin before dying is the ultimate expression of their hidden, unspoken love. Arthur’s ISTJ personality, which had kept his emotions guarded for so long, finally breaks, allowing him to express his true feelings. Meanwhile, Merlin’s ENFP nature, always driven by emotion and idealism, is left devastated by the cruel timing of this revelation.
Their MBTI types add layers to this tragic love story. Arthur’s love, expressed at the very end, shows how hard it was for him to balance duty and emotion, while Merlin’s eternal grief reflects the ENFP’s idealistic belief in love, crushed by the harsh reality that they were too late. Their love was always there, simmering beneath the surface, but in the end, fate allowed only a fleeting moment of acknowledgment before tearing them apart.
After Credits/The Once & Future King:
1. Merlin’s ENFP Hope and Eternal Longing
Driven by Idealism: Merlin’s ENFP personality is defined by hope and idealism, traits that keep him believing in Arthur’s eventual return. Even though Arthur died, Merlin’s unwavering belief in the prophecy—that Arthur will rise again—fuels his determination to keep waiting. For Merlin, his love for Arthur and his faith in the prophecy are intertwined, so he continues to hold onto the belief that their story isn’t over.
Endless Loyalty: ENFPs are known for their loyalty to people they care deeply about, and Merlin’s waiting for over 1,500 years is the ultimate expression of that loyalty. He never moves on, because his heart and soul remain connected to Arthur, and he believes that their bond transcends death and time itself.
Living in Grief and Hope: As a feeler, Merlin experiences the full emotional weight of Arthur’s loss, but his belief in Arthur’s return sustains him. The fact that he has to wait so long makes his grief even more intense, but the hope that Arthur will rise again keeps him going, even after centuries of loneliness. His ENFP nature ensures that his love for Arthur never fades, and he continues to hold onto the possibility of their reunion.
2. Arthur’s ISTJ Rest and Duty to Return
Waiting for the Right Moment: Arthur’s ISTJ personality means that, even in death, he is waiting until the precise moment when he is needed most. His sense of duty to Camelot and to Merlin persists, even after death, as he waits for the time when his kingdom—or Merlin—truly requires him. The prophecy reflects Arthur’s ISTJ nature, as he will return to fulfill his duty, not a moment too soon or too late.
Faith in Merlin: Even in the afterlife, Arthur’s deep trust in Merlin remains. Although he is resting, there is an unspoken understanding that when he rises, Merlin will be by his side, just as he always has been. Arthur’s loyalty and sense of responsibility mean that he trusts Merlin to carry on until the moment of his return.
The Final Act of Duty and Love: Arthur’s rise will be his final act of duty as king and as a friend and lover. His ISTJ sense of purpose and structure drives his eventual return, knowing that Merlin and the kingdom will need him again. When he does come back, it will be out of love for Merlin and a deep sense of responsibility to his people.
3. A Love That Survives Time
Merlin’s Endless Vigil: For over 1,500 years, Merlin has waited, watching the world change, but his love for Arthur remains constant. His ENFP personality clings to the belief that the prophecy will come true, and when Arthur finally returns, it will be the culmination of centuries of waiting. Merlin’s idealism, rooted in his deep emotional connection to Arthur, sustains him through time. He doesn’t seek out other connections because, in his heart, Arthur is the one he’s waiting for.
Arthur’s Timeless Love: Even though Arthur is resting, his love for Merlin isn’t diminished by time. When he returns, his ISTJ loyalty will kick in, and he will fulfill his promise—coming back to be with Merlin and to save the kingdom when it’s needed most. His return is not just a matter of destiny, but also a testament to the bond he shares with Merlin, one that surpasses life, death, and time itself.
4. The Ultimate Reunion
The Prophecy Fulfilled: When Merlin and Arthur finally reunite after over a millennium, the moment will be one of overwhelming emotional release for both. Merlin, with his ENFP emotions, will have spent centuries holding onto hope, and Arthur’s return will be the answer to his deepest longing. The reunion will allow Merlin to finally let go of the grief he’s carried for centuries, knowing that Arthur is back by his side, just as he always believed he would be.
Arthur’s ISTJ Return to Duty: Arthur’s return will be a moment of intense duty and purpose, but also of love. His ISTJ nature ensures that he will rise again when Merlin (the last remaining piece of Albion) needs him most. Their reunion will be both the fulfillment of a prophecy and the completion of their love story.
5. Symbolism of Eternal Love
Waiting as a Form of Love: Merlin’s long wait for Arthur shows that love isn’t confined to one lifetime. His waiting is a manifestation of his deep, undying love, and it reflects the ENFP’s capacity for emotional endurance. Even though he’s spent centuries alone, his heart remains tethered to Arthur, and when Arthur finally returns, it will be a moment of profound emotional catharsis.
Arthur’s Duty Transcends Time: Arthur’s ISTJ sense of duty extends beyond the grave, showing that his bond with Merlin is eternal. His return will not just be about fulfilling his destiny as king, but also about being reunited with Merlin, the person who has always been by his side. This reunion will be the ultimate proof that their love and duty to each other cannot be broken by death or time.
Conclusion: A Love That Defies Time
The prophecy of Arthur’s return turns their story into an eternal love saga. Merlin, driven by his ENFP idealism and emotional depth, waits for centuries, believing in the prophecy and holding onto the love he has for Arthur. Arthur, waiting in Avalon, as the prophecy foretold, remains loyal to his duty and his love for Merlin, waiting for the moment when he is needed most.
When they are finally reunited, it will be a moment of ultimate emotional release, where centuries of love, hope, and loyalty finally come together. Their story is one of timeless love, with their bond surviving beyond life and death, waiting to be fulfilled in a future where they can be together once again.
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gingernut1314 · 1 day
Someone to Shadow
Gojo x GN!Reader, Shoko x GN!Reader, implied Gojo x Geto
Summary: You and Saturo have been promised to be married ever since birth. You grew up together and have only ever had each others backs. You and Saturo find your way to Jujutsu High and slowly begin to meet the other first years. One in particular catches your eye and you can't help but feel drawn to her, while Satoru can't help but be intrigued by your final classmate.
Warnings: takes place before Gojo's Past Arc, arranged marriage, talk of engagement, pet names, childhood friends
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: Just a small idea I had in my head! First Jjk fic so it's my first time truly working with any of these characters and boy who knows how I did but I had fun writing this and I hope you enjoy!!
Taglist: @sordidmusings
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Your clan was an old one, as was the Gojo clan. Two old and powerful clans who had been allies since their fruition. Two clans that had produced powerful heirs who had been promised to each other since their birth. 
You and Satoru grew up side by side, your clan having all but given you to the Gojo clan so that their promise could be secured. You believed he enjoyed the company of someone who might possibly understand what having his power meant…or at least you never treated him how the older member of your clan or any other did. He was just another kid to you and you just another kid to him. 
Years went by and your family pulled you back home so that they might hone your skills before heading to Jujustiu High. You didn’t hear a word from Satoru and even if he had been able to send word your way, your family wouldn’t have let you see it. 
You trained and trained and trained until your body felt like it would break. All day, every day you were made to train. The only rest you got was at meal times and in the dead of the night. 
When you were finally sent off to Jujustiu High, you were ecstatic to be far away from your family, but as you had been walked to your room, your nerves grew because Satoru would be arriving soon. You hadn’t seen him in years. What if he had changed? What if you had changed into someone he disliked? 
But that night as you slowly began to unpack your things, your door had been swung open and in waltzed the boy you had foolishly been nervous to see again. 
“Honey, I’m home!” He said brightly, throwing his long arms out to the side as you rushed over and hopped into his arms. He was quick to grab a hold of you, lifting you off your feet as he placed a overly smooching kiss to your cheek you were grateful to receive. 
“Sunshine!” You beamed right back, pulling your face away so you could look over his smiling one. 
He was older, more handsome. His features were sharper and his piercing blue eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark, rounded glasses. Satoru Gojo had changed, matured, but you were very glad to find his erratically bubbly self was still intact. 
“What’s with the glasses?” You questioned, Satoru having yet to place you back on the ground. You rose a hand up to take his glasses between your fingers and pulled them down the bridge of his nose, finding his eyes in moments. Eyes that shone like a pair of light-filled gemstones.
“Hey,” He said yanking his head away as if to keep from you looking into his eyes. “They're cool. I’m cool. Makes me more mysterious.” He said, digging his fingers into your sides making you squirm in his grip. He only laughed as you hissed his name.
The two of you spent the rest of the night catching up and the next morning Satoru was right back at your side as you two went exploring the rest of the school. 
It was quiet and seemed as if you two were the only ones there…that is until you spotted her.
Another first year, it seemed since she was being walked in by your year's teacher. Jaw-length brown hair, downturned oak-colored eyes, and plump lips that held a lit cigarette between them. As you looked her over closer, you found a small birthmark at the bottom corner of her right eye. 
“You’re drooling.” Satoru purred in your ear right as your teacher waved you both over. Your heart kick-started in a painful flurry against your rips. Whipping around, you found him looking all too smug as he began making his way down the stone steps. 
“A-am not.” You flusteredly got out as you rushed after your friend, who shoved his hands into his pants pockets. 
“Are too.” He responded as if he was back to being a child. You rolled your eyes at him.
“We’re engaged. Why would I ever drool over anyone other than you?” 
“You’re right--” He gave a dramatic pout, wiping away an invisible tear from under his eye. “You’re breaking my heart. Breaking the sacred vow our parents made for us.” He gave a mock sniffle. “My life is ruined.” 
“Oh boo hoo.” You said, mocking his pout with your own. “Fuck you.” You huffed. Satoru’s smug smile only grew more so. Like some mischievous cursed spirit. 
“But you’re trying to fuck her not me.” He clutched at his school-issued top as if he was clutching his heart. “Oh gods above what did I do to deserve such treatment? I’ve been nothing but loyal to you and you haven’t touched me in years. What does she have that I don’t?” You were about to play along once more when you noticed how far down the stairs you had grown. Panic seized you around the throat. You were definitely within hearing range at this point. 
“Cut it out!” You stressed, shoving him the tiniest bit. This only sent him into a fit of cackling laughter that grew as you rushed ahead. 
Shoko Ieiri was her name. She was a reverse curse user and you couldn’t help but be utterly captivated by her calm and collected demeanor. And maybe you were being a bit delusional, but she seemed just as interested in you. 
As you all walked through the campus, showing her important places and such, you would catch her watching you here and there. When you did catch her, she would hold your gaze until you looked away.
You had to remind yourself you were engaged to Gojo, no matter how much you two joked about it. You two had talked much about this promise, one neither of you had made and you both agreed you would fight because it was unfair in both your eyes. There were millions of people in the world and what if your person was out there? Your true person? It was a thought you both thought of a great deal. 
But one day, he had stopped in the middle of a busy sidewalk in the city to take your hand in his and tell you, in a serious tone you had only ever heard a handful of times before, that he was okay with marrying you. That if he was forced to marry anyone, he was more then glad to have it be his best friend. He hadn’t let you respond before dragging you back through the city.
Two days later, as you two sat by the edge of the stream behind his home, you had told him you felt the same. That you were okay with marrying him because he was your best friend. 
And you had thought that way until now. Had been content with it till now. But now--now you weren’t so sure. 
Though…you had never truly met another person your age outside of family members and Gojo, so maybe you were just fawning over the first person you met who slightly peaked your interest.
So, to try and determined if what you were feeling was true, you followed Shoko around. She didn’t seem to mind. She seemed so at ease with you by her side, even going as far as calling you her shadow…though maybe you were being teased. Regardless you kept at it.
Shoko let you sit in her room as she unpacked and you two talked and talked until everything had been put away. It was so easy to talk to her. So easy and so enjoyable and you only felt your heart beat more and more for her. 
When she had finished unpacking, you had made to head back to your room but she had asked if you wanted to stay a bit longer. Maybe have a cigarette and drink some of the sake she had snuck here.
And you had maybe been too eager to agree, but she hadn’t seemed to mind.
Once you two had drunk your fill and sleep started to weigh heavy over your shoulders, she followed you to the door.
“Hey, shadow.” She called to you as you made it half way down the hall. You were quick to turn back, finding her oak colored eyes scanning you over as the corner of her lips tugged upward. “I like you.” You felt your heart begin to beat wildly in your chest again. 
“Uh--Like--like me as a friend? Yeah me--” Before you had been able to complete your thought, she chuckled. 
“No, cutie.” No? No, cutie. No, not as a friend but as--something more? Your heart was going to beat out of your damn chest. It felt like you were going to have a heart attack right then and there and a swarm of butterflies would fly out of your mouth. “I like you. You’re fun. I think we could get along well. We’ll see where it goes, yeah?” You shallowed the dryness building in your mouth. 
“Yeah--” You cleared your throat, trying to summon up your confidence which had been failing you ever since you first laid eyes on her. “Yeah. I’d like that. A lot.” Her lips only pulled higher.
“Good. I’ll see you in the morning, shadow.” 
Satoru had found you the next morning grinning like a fool as you waited for him to exist his room. 
“She likes me. She like likes me.” You said, grabbing hold of his arm as you two began to head outside. 
“Wait, wait--like--like like like?” You nodded proudly. 
“Like Like. Yep.” You said, popping the ‘p’. 
“And she told you this? When? Why?” You only grinned wider as you told him about the night before. How you had even clarified what she had ment. He smirked down at you, giving you a little nudge.
“Shit. Good for you.” You thought maybe he looked a little--disappointed? But it was hard to tell with those damn glasses covering his eyes. 
“Are you mad?” You asked, your grip tightening around his arm. 
“Why would I be mad?” 
“Because--you know. We’re en--” Satoru pressed a finger against your lips and gave you a long, overly loud shush. You tried to swat his hand away but he was quick to lightly shove your head backwards, an oof spilling from your lungs.
“You know I don’t give a crap about that. My clan can eat shit for all I care.” You said nothing as you watched him speak, because if you were seriously considering going along with your growing feelings for Shoko, then this conversation needed to happen. “I thought we agreed that if we find someone special, we would go for it? And if not then we’re both fine to go along with this engagement.” You nodded.
“I want us both to find someone special. Otherwise, I don’t think I can be truly happy. You’re my best friend.” Satoru shrugged.
“I’ll be fine. You know I’ll be fine. I have ladies all over the globe that would be more then happy to spend some one-on-one time with me.” You rolled your eyes at him only for him to flick you in the nose. 
You two met up with Shoko who was waiting just outside for you, a lit cigarette between her pink-tinted lips, which turned upward upon spotting you. You gave Satoru’s arm a tight squeeze before bouncing over to Shoko, who grabbed hold of your hand before you even had half a mind to do the same. 
“So, what do we know about the last guy in our year?” Shoko asked in that even tone of hers, a puff of smoke falling from her lips as she spoke. 
“I think he’s from the city. His name is uh--Geto. Suguru Geto.” You said, pulling a hum from Shoko who brush her thumb over the top of your hand, making your stomach flip flop all over again.
“All I know is he isn’t nearly as sexy as yours tru--” You three made it to the top of the stone steps and found your teacher had already climbed halfway up them. Just behind him walked a strikingly handsome man. Gauges just a little bigger then the tip of your thumb stretched his earlobes and a single strain of raven black hair hung over his forhead, the rest having been pulled up into a messy bun.
And his purple eyes were trained directly onto Gojo, who had gone uncharacteristic quiet beside you. 
You looked up at him and found his lips pulled closed, his blue eyes staring right back at the newcomer from behind his glasses. 
“You’re drooling.” You purred up to him, making your friend blink rapidly. He pulled his hands from out of his pockets and flicked your nose once more. You huffed, rubbing the small hurt away.
“He wishes.” He said in that egotistical way of his. Your smirked only grew as you watched him saunter down the steps to greet Geto head on. 
“I think Gojo’s found himself someone to shadow.” Shoko murmured to you, her oak eyes shining back at you. No one had ever looked at you like that before. No one, not even Gojo. It was a look that stole you breath and made you want to pull ever closer to her. 
Shoko lifted her free hand to brush her thumb over your nose, a warmth spreading through the sore as she used her ability on it. Such a useless thing to use her energy on but you didn’t complain, you only savored the feel of her skin on yours. 
“Hum? What do you think, shadow?” You grabbed for her wrist gently, rubbing your thumb against the soft skin there just as she had your hand. You watched as the lightest of pinks dusted over her cheeks.
“I think so too.” You smiled, looking over her face, wanting to memorize every detail as if you would never look at it again, before turning to watch Gojo interact enthusiastically with Geto who smiled warmly back at him.
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oc-challenges · 12 hours
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SMILE because it's time for the annual oc halloween challenge! We will see the evil, hear the evil, and speak the evil with these spooky challenges brought to you by @aliverse, @astarionbae, @endless-oc-creations, and @come-along-pond!
If this is your first time, here's the lowdown; This is an event that takes place over the 31 days of October and presents oc creators with Halloween-themed challenges to encourage creativity, foster community, and have fun! Some of these have guidelines/suggestions, but this is very much a free-for-all so you can ignore them if they don't fit with your interpretations.
DO NOT copy others edits.
If you are doing crossovers, PLEASE make sure that the creator of the other oc is okay with crossovers.
If you want your post to be reblogged onto this blog, it must contain the hashtag ohc2024.
Feel free to ask questions, I promise I’m more treat than trick.
Everything is up to the creators interpretation, although I have tried to include some examples for help!
Have fun!
Day One: Godly Parent
Whether Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, or any other; What "God" could have created your oc?
Day Two: Mystical Communication
There are tons of ways we think we can communicate with those beyond our realm such as Tarot Cards, Oujia Boards, Prayer, EMFs, or even through other people with otherworldly powers. Which method would your oc use? Or maybe they are the communication tool?
Day Three: Merch/Memorabilia
When we really love something, we want a piece of it with us. What merch would people buy of your ocs? Ex. Dolls (like funkos or Barbie crossovers), Clothes (like shirts or sweatshirts), Buttons/Patches, Dishware (like cups or plates), trading cards, posters, or even spin-off books of the show they star in.
Day Four: If They Were Canon AU
You could create an actor oc who plays your character or even make edits about how you think your ocs faceclaim would promote/interpret their character and get along with fellow cast members.
Day Five: Social Media AU
Within their canon, what would your ocs Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Tumblr, Snapchat, and/or YouTube look like?
Day Six: Role Swap AU
Give your oc a role in their story that is different than the one they already have. Whether this is making a hero a villain or vice versa, your victim a survivor or vice versa, or anything else you can think of.
Day Seven: Butterfly Effect
One choice could change the trajectory of our lives or any game we play. Show us the effects of your oc making the wrong choice when they originally made the right choice, befriending someone they originally hated, or even just missing their alarm.
Day Eight: Multiverse
Maybe you have multiple ocs with the same faceclaim, maybe you have a friend(s) who have ocs with the same faceclaim that you've wanted to do a crossover with, or maybe you want your oc to meet some of the actual characters their faceclaim has played. No matter what it is, it's time for your ocs to meet their multiverse counterparts!
Day Nine: Literature AU
Put your oc into an alternate universe based off a book you enjoy whether it be a classic or a newer one, no matter the genre.
Day Ten: Dungeons & Dragons AU
Have your ocs play DND, make an au based off a classic DND campaign, or just tell us the stats of your oc in DND terms.
Day Eleven: Ghost AU
Sometimes when we die, we don't leave. Tell us the unfinished business that keeps your ocs ghost on Earth, who your oc would haunt, how they would haunt, or anything else related to your oc being a ghost!
Day Twelve: Supernatural AU
Make your human oc a supernatural creature or your supernatural oc a different supernatural character.
Day Thirteen: Video Game AU
Show us some of what your story would look like as a video game or put your ocs into your favorite game.
Day Fourteen: Musical AU
The doctor said I couldn't talk, he didn't say I couldn't siiinnnggg! Put your oc into your favorite musical such as Hamilton or Mean Girls, or come up with some original lyrics to show what you think your story would look like if it were written as a musical.
Day Fifteen: Nostalgia
Take the books, shows, or movies you enjoyed as a child and put your oc into them! Or, show us what your oc enjoyed as a child.
Day Sixteen: Fairytale AU
One of the most classics of classics. Make your oc a character in your favorite fairytale, whether you prefer the Grimm or Disney version, or make up a fairytale about your oc!
Day Seventeen: Being is Believing
For day seventeen, think about superstitions, urban legends, or folklore and either make your oc a part of them, make your oc experience them, or tell us which ones your oc believes.
Day Eighteen: Beloved Pet or Object Turned Human
It's not unusual for someone to grow an emotional attatchment to an animal or an inanimate object. What would your ocs beloved pet or object say if they turned human and could speak your ocs langauge?
Day Nineteen: Genre Switch
Whatever the genre of your story is, swap it with another one. Maybe your romance story is now a horror story, your comedy is now a tragedy, or your historical realism story is now future sci-fi.
Day Twenty: Darkest After Dawn
Things can go so right for so long and then suddenly so wrong. Show us what happens when something rains on your ocs parade, when a perfect day turns into a horrible night, or a dream vacation turns into a nightmare trap.
Day Twenty-One: Apocalypse AU
Put your oc into an alternate universe that's been thrust into an apocalypse whether that be because of zombies, aliens, radiation, or the Earth trying to reclaim its land.
Day Twenty-Two: Time Problems
Let's play with time for this challenge. Picture your story as if it has always taken place in a different time, throw your oc into a time loop, or have them somehow travel through time.
Day Twenty-Three: Horrorify A Song
Take your favorite Halloween song and tell it's story, or even take a perfectly innocent song and give it a horrifying meaning! Both using your ocs, obviously.
Day Twenty-Four: What's Your Favorite Scary Movie?
It wouldn't be Halloween without some good scary movies. Put your ocs into one of your favorite scary movies!
Day Twenty-Five: Horror Location
This is an easier throwback to one of the week long challenges we've done for this event. Make something that tells a horror story of your oc at a certain location such as a Hospital/Asylum, Summer Camp, Place of Worship, Cemetery/Tomb, House/Apartment, Hotel/Cabin, or Farm/Ranch.
Day Twenty-Six: Horror Subgenres
Another throwback to a week long challenge we've done for this event. Make something that tells a horror story of your oc within a horror subgenre such as extraterrestrial, apocalypse, monster, time loop, isolation, time loop, cult, doppleganger, or anything else you can think of.
Day Twenty-Seven: Horror Archetypes
Which horror character tropes do your ocs embody? The Final Girl or The Killer? The Accomplice or The Harmless Antagonist? The Harbinger or The Nonbeliever? The Comedic Relief or The Hysteric Annoyance?
Day Twenty-Eight: Solo Costume
Show us what your oc would dress up as for Halloween! Would they dress sexy? Scary? Lazy? Practical?
Day Twenty-Nine: Couples Costume
Show us what matching costume your oc and their love interest would wear! Peanut Butter & Jelly? Morticia & Gomez? Bert & Ernie?
Day Thirty: Group Costume
Show us what costumes your oc and their friend group would coordinate. Are they the Scooby Gang? The Wiggles? Mario Party Characters?
Day Thirty-One: Here's A Treat!
The Halloween potluck isn't happening this year but we still want to encourage interaction and giving. So, choose someone to give a treat! This could be an ask, an edit, some writing, or even a playlist.
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