#they don’t care about music
golden-rolling-hills · 2 months
Darry Curtis can solve a rubik’s cube in under a minute. No one else in the gang had any idea of how to solve one and Darry refuses to help anyone because he likes to hold it over them that he’s the only one that can do it.
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doesephs · 1 month
first attempt at an animatic ! i have no clue what i’m doing please send help
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girlishwhimsies · 1 month
bpd dallas winston. send tweet.
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ra1ny-daze · 8 months
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first will wood of 2024 woaw! !
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forlix · 5 months
i don’t know what the fuck to think or feel. heart feeling so heavy
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stardust-sunset · 2 months
why are people so weird to the actors in the outsiders? like why are people commenting ‘marry me’ and ‘adopt me’ on peoples lives?(i get they’re probably 12 but why do 12 year olds have tiktok and instagram? 12 year olds honestly shouldn’t have social media but that’s another convo for another day) i just read something where someone said they were at broadwaycon and when jason walked on stage some lady screamed ‘take your clothes off’ at him. apparently stage door has been getting a lot more rude and disrespectful to the actors too like can we not? it’s so gross. just because they’re on broadway and happen to be uber kind doesn’t mean it’s okay to harass them! it’s so gross. i wish more people were more respectful of them.
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excelsior9173 · 7 months
with the news of sleep token signing with rca (its huge, super proud of the guys- really hoping rca doesn’t fuck them over)
i just want to say: free palestine. rca supports israel which is hella unfortunate. but i also want to say don’t conflate the label’s morals with the band. there are plenty of bands signed by rca that support palestine- bring me the horizon is a very notable example!
i also doubt we’ll get any statement from the band so do with that what you will. they haven’t spoken on anything like this before, i doubt they’ll start now.
so in closing, i leave you with this. click the button once a day to donate to palestine 🇵🇸
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pythoneon · 9 months
not to be annoying about VHS christmas carols against but i’m gonna be bc
i can’t stop thinking about something curt said in his interview with james about starkid and how you can see the seams of the production in each performance, and how it adds to the experience, and i think that’s why so many people love starkid. not only is it extremely accessible for people who can’t afford broadway tickets (which are ABSURDLY expensive without a doubt) and exposes people to the joy of performance in a palpable and fun way. its unpolished sometimes, and not every run goes PERFECTLY, but that only elevates the experience.
as a recovering theater kid who’s also a fairly new starkid & tin can bros fan, its imperfections are what drew me in. my first musical i watched (TGWDLM) is AMAZING and still my favorite, but its not perfect, and i wouldn’t have it any other way. imperfections are human, they’re fun stumbles that can be brought up later as something unique that happened at that showing and no other. it shows the seams and doesn’t take you out of it. you hear people improvise lines to make their costar laugh, you see actors try really hard not to break character, you watch someone cry ACTUAL TEARS during a solo, so engrossed that you’re drawn in with them. you become a part of this world for a moment because starkid is nothing but passion and love for their craft, and they show it through ingenuity, creativity, and craftiness.
just like curt said in that same interview, VHS christmas carols is the embodiment of all that. its a small and intimate stage (MY FAVORITES), so the line between actor and viewer is blurred. there’s parts in the digital ticket where you hear clark laugh at a few line readings, which i love so much. it’s simpler than a lot of their other stuff, band wise and set wise, but what they DO have is excellent. the VHS-shaped stage, the play button on the box lids, the CANDLES UGH. they’re all enjoying themselves, putting their entire heart and soul into each performance, and it shows. even the happy songs brought tears to my eyes. seeing that reminded me of how much i loved being in theater and the friends i made doing it.
VHS christmas carols is like a reminder that starkid isn’t just a production company making high quality musicals for us to watch, it’s also a group of dorky friends having the time of their lives on stage.
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goldensunset · 3 days
AGHHHH. the use of ‘embracing one’s duty’ again. SOOOOO good. this is n’s theme, to me- it’s him as a hero. in the first game maybe he was the misguided antagonist you had to stop but even so he fully believed he was doing something good. and this theme reflects that. now it’s used again and it’s fully him, having come into his own… there’s no better song they could’ve possibly picked for his triumphant return. plus it only played in one tiny area last time so now they’re doing it justice!!!!
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bookinit02 · 8 months
genuinely i think if i have to see taylor swift’s name one more time i’m going to start breaking things.
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eli-am-confused · 3 months
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Howard doesn’t want to admit what he’s reading so he tells Eddie a lie. Eddie does not believe him
Again could I have stopped here? I mean yeah but again I wrote so many words in my notes.
Words under the cut
Picture one
Howard: It’s a… uh… history or politics? I’m… studying to become… the president?
Picture two
Eddie: Really Howie? You? The president of the United States of America?
Picture three
Eddie: Next you’ll say that Bailey’s gonna be a cop, Gary’s gonna become the towns only lawyer,
Picture four
Eddie: little Ed’s gonna adopt a squirrel that fits in his ratty old hoodie pocket, and I’m gonna marry some rich guy I met in an underground fighting ring for kids with super powers.
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to-be-a-dreamer · 7 months
“Separate the art from the artist” is what you say when you still find joy in art that was created by a person who has done something harmful, but their art isn’t directly tied to their actions as a person, so you find ways to privately enjoy it without directly supporting them. It is not something you say to make yourself feel better about directly financially supporting a person who admitted to physical domestic abuse (which is an actual literal crime that people go to jail for, not some kind of petty internet discourse that a notes app apology can fix) just because you can’t stand to let go of your favorite mediocre white boy.
A streamer is not the kind of artist you can separate from the art. Music is another thing but if you’re able to listen to a man sing about being a toxic partner while knowing what he’s done you may need to spend some time unpacking that. And if you’re one of the people who found comfort in using his content as a form of escapism before you knew about all of this, I’m sorry and I know this must be hard to come to terms with but that’s something you need to deal with in private and it’s not an excuse to continue giving a platform to an abuser.
Always believe victims and go support Shelby! She’s been my favorite Minecraft content creator for years and she’s amazing at what she does! Her YouTube and streaming content is great and I’m also a big fan of her work on Kollok 1991 and The Unleashed, which are TTRPG shows if that’s something you’re into! Kollok is a lot more gritty and definitely not PG (think Stranger Things but with more of a horror element) and the Unleashed is like a comic-book super heroes series that’s a little more similar vibes to her usual content. (Featuring an all LGBTQ+ cast and GMed by Aabria Iyengar!) The Unleashed is pretty short for a TTRPG series and a great place to start if you’ve never seen that kind of thing before!
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003soy · 10 days
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Unrelated Frye Picture
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nicollekidman · 20 days
what are the current views on g aylor? idk what to think anymore....
i simply do not think about it ever, really. maybe when she puts out a good album or stops cosplaying as republican barbie i’ll be interested again but at this point it feels so far from relevancy idc unforch.
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batwynn · 3 months
Sometimes I agonize and wonder late at night if my asshole aunt ever told my cousin that the main reason I didn’t finish college (outside of illness) and moved back to Maine was because she asked me to drop everything to come take care of him while she ran off to Arizona to hang out with her long distance rando boyfriend.
So I did. I was so sick but I dropped everything and moved so we could take care of him.
I dropped out of college one semester away from graduating, and we moved back to Maine, and made plans on how to take care of him, and made sure he could reconnect with his local friends and school. But then she changed her mind at the last fucking minute and tossed the kid on a plane all on his own for his first flight ever and when we protested and questioned this she threatened to have us arrested for kidnapping. Or that part of the reason she left the fucking state was the number of abuse reports piling up on her.
So like. Yeah. Probably didn’t mention any of that to him over the years. Or that the reason we lost contact originally was because she kept fielding my calls and starting shit when I wanted to talk to him. Do you think he knows that we dropped everything for him? That we always loved him, even later when he visited and pissed everyone off by riffling through everyone’s stuff and stole shit? Because teenagers gonna teenager. We gave up friends and school and a guaranteed job and everything to take care of him and be there for him because we love him and wanted good things for him, and she was the one who constantly went out of her way to fuck it all up. Or that the reason I didn’t want to stay in contact later was because our precious grandmother started doing the same bullshit and then started demanding I give him stuff that I use for my job as an artist and my only source or income? Because they just do that. They fuck everything up and hurt everyone in the process.
Does he know any of this?
Probably not.
My aunt, the word class liar that she is, probably made up some shit to make him think we cut him off for whatever reason. That it was our fault. Or even his fault.
And I’ll never really be able to tell him this. I’ve got all the screen shots from my conversations with her, but honestly… it won’t help him. Yeah, he’ll know we always loved him. But then he’ll have to look at the shit she would say about him. And the neglect. And the abuse. And the way she isolated him from all of us. But showing him her real face would just hurt him, and at this point all it would do is make things harder for him. And I don’t think I can do that to him. He’s had enough shit.
So I lay in bed at night thinking about it and how nothing will ever be fixed. He won’t ever know. She’ll get away with everything, just like she always does.
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toldentops · 5 months
the things that drives me up the wall about tswift and that new album is that it’s just so nothingburger. It’s so boring. there’s nothing “messy and horny” about it. I’m not saying everyone’s music tastes have to be fun and interesting or whatever but I just think it’s so aggressively mediocre. I took a listen just to see what the buzz was about and the songs are all so indistinct and washed out feeling. I’m reading the lyrics and can’t fathom any of them sounding good when sung. There’s the whole discussion about how “art doesn’t have to be good, you can make art that’s a bit shit sometimes” but it’ not gonna apply here when you have critics describing it as “rap-like conversational verses”. What! It’s trying to be poetry in song and the poetry isn’t even good. It’s so unserious. You can’t expect me to believe there’s genuineness in there. Call me a snob or whatever but at least there’s songs out there with shitty lyrics that are unabashedly fun about it.
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