#they don’t like my phone so I gotta take pictures from afar
borbleee · 5 months
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Idk bird enjoy
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themostfangtastic · 1 month
y’all i had the craziest fucking dream. (dan and phil were there?!??!!) (this reads like a clickbait youtube title lmao)
ok so i was just minding my own business when my mom tells me “yo these two guys are coming over just ignore them they’ll be in the garage” and i’m like uhhhh okay. but i don’t listen to her i go out to the garage and see DAN AND PHIL ARE THERE FILMING A YOUTUBE VIDEO??????!!!!! but i’m too scared to talk to them so i go back inside. but then they come in to get water or something and i stare at them from afar hyperventilating. then they leave and i’m like damn that was crazy. so the next day they come back to film another youtube video and i’m like okay okay i’m gonna talk to them this time. so i go out and im like CAN I HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH I LOVE YOU. and dan for some reason isn’t in the room but phil talks to me and is like yeah bro that’s cool. so i run to get a piece of paper and phil gives me an autograph and then for some reason phil is like “do you want dan to sign your forehead”. and obviously i’m like hell yeah man that’s my dream. so dan comes back in and phil is like “yo can you sign this kids forehead” and he’s like “erm no”. so then i have to beg him like a fucking loser and then dan is like well okay i’ll do it. so then he signs my forehead. then they get ready to leave ig or at least dan does for some reason but phil tells me “oh wait i gotta take a phone call can i stay here for a sec it’s about my kid” and i’m like. um okay. and then i mentally process right and i’m like WAIT WHAT KID??? so i run over to him and he’s like “oh shoot i didn’t mean to tell you that” so he explains that him and dan adopted a child and apparently the babysitter called and couldn’t take care of it anymore. so the baby somehow ends up at my house yeah idk either. and it was a cute ass baby from what i remember. and then stuff happens i forgor so phil leaves and i sit there head in hands like wtf just happened. so i hop on discord and i’m like “GUYS WTF” but none of my friends believe me so i go to send a picture of my head with the autograph. but plot twist of the century. ITS GONE DUN DUN DUN… so like it’s implied i had a dream inside of the dream. idk bruh it was insane but 👍👍
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abeautylives · 2 years
Imperfect Moments - Chapter One
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a/n: This is my first intentional series, I hope you love it 🥹 I don’t have a posting schedule in mind but I do have several chapters already locked and loaded.
Series Masterlist
pairing: Jakexfemale!reader
word count: 1.4k this chapter
series summary: You’re in love with your best friend. His twin brother hates you. Or does he?
warnings: none this chapter aside from a little language
jake_gvf just posted a photo
The notification appears and you flick it away.
Jake’s updates are the rarest and yet they irritate you the most. Josh had convinced you to follow everyone in the band, to “keep up with us when we’re gone,” and you’d done it simply because he’d asked. On the off chance that he’s posted a picture including his twin, you decide to open the app.
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So pretentious. Bitch, you’re not a pirate.
You leave the comment, knowing he’ll never see it.
When your phone starts ringing in your hands, you can’t help but smile as your favorite picture of Josh’s face graces the screen.
“Joshua, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“You’ve really done it now, darling,” your heart rate picks up at the nickname, “Jake’s pissed.”
“Pissed about what?” You’re actually confused. You haven’t seen or even been in the same state as Jake in weeks. You rarely speak to him.
“Your little comment on his picture. Oh, he’s completely up in arms over it, throwing an actual tantrum! They call me the dramatic one.” Josh’s laughter is infectious and you join in happily, until what he’s saying sinks in.
“Wait, how did he even see that? He reads his own Instagram comments?” You didn’t think they took much control over that kind of thing, and you definitely didn’t think yours would stand out amongst the flood of fans drooling over him.
“Jacob takes his work on social media very seriously Y/N,” his tone is stern until a giggle comes over the line. He’s joking, but you’re chewing over your bottom lip, still concerned that your comment had even blipped on Jake’s radar.
“Y/N? You there?”
Shaken out of your contemplation, you fix a smile onto your lips that Josh can’t see. “Yeah! Sorry, sorry you have to deal with that. He’s so annoying.”
“No, this is great. I love it when you get under his skin, the entertainment is free. I do need to go though, just wanted to say thank you for making me laugh from afar.”
“Pleased to be of service,” you chuckle, proud of yourself for earning the praise of the older twin. “When do you get back?”
“Hmm, I think we’ll be home next week. Maybe Friday? I’ll let you know, we can go out!”
“Sounds good, I miss you already,” it slips out, but you mean it.
“We haven’t been gone that long! I’ve gotta go darling, talk soon!”
“Yeah, talk soon. Bye J-“
He’s already hung up.
You’re not sure why you’ve never clicked with Jake when it had been instant with his literal carbon copy, he’d immediately seemed to dislike you after your first meeting. You figure it’s probably because he’s too pretty for his own good and unfortunately, he knows it.
Josh is pretty like that too, unbelievably so, but it’s almost like he has no idea. You love that about him. You love everything about him. You might be in love with him.
He’s completely oblivious.
It’s hard to not develop a crush on Josh. You’re sure that anyone who’s ever interacted with him walks away a little bit in love, and you interact with him more than most but in over a year, he’s never given you the impression that he feels anything more than platonic affection for you.
Stupidly, that hasn’t stopped you from letting your world revolve around him.
Over a thousand miles away, reclined against the pillows of his claimed bed in the hotel room he’s currently sharing with his brother, Jake is staring at his phone. Fuming.
“What the fuck is her problem?”
“Who?” Josh can’t help but poke the bear.
“Your little friend, where does she get off calling me lame? Like she doesn’t know who the fuck I am.” Jake’s a humble guy, normally. Or at least he thinks he is.
“And who the fuck are you, Jake, hm? I quite enjoy that she doesn’t like you.”
“What you quite enjoy is that she only likes you. You love the attention, it’s sort of pathetic.” He doesn’t mean it, not really, but the friendship between you and his brother grates on his nerves in a way he won’t bother explaining. “You know she’s into you, right?”
“Y/N?! No, it’s not like that with us.”
“Josh, it’s not like that with you. She never leaves you alone. She likes you, it’s disturbingly obvious.”
“To who?” He seems genuinely surprised by this revelation, eyebrows raised high on his forehead.
“You’re an idiot,” Jake mutters it under his breath as he deletes your comment under his post and then promptly drops the conversation.
The following week, the guys got back into town on Friday, just as Josh had thought. And he had called you, just as he said he would. What he failed to do however, was tell you that all of his brothers would be joining you when he suggested you go out.
When you walked up to the table expecting to find Josh with his beaming smile and head full of curls, only to be met with three beaming smiles and one distinct sneer, the disappointment settled deep in your belly. Rather than allow it to show, you greeted them cheerily.
“Fancy seeing all of you here! How was Florida?”
They each stand to offer you a hug, Sam giving you a friendly kiss on the cheek before dragging Danny to the bar with him to order a round. When Josh wraps his arms around you, you return the gesture and hold onto him for longer than you should. You really did miss him, but your reunion is soured by the look of displeasure on Jake’s face. Unfortunately, it’s directed at you and your eyes have found his over Josh's shoulder. You maintain the eye contact as the embrace comes to an end.
“Well look at the two of you, it’s been thirty seconds and you haven’t cursed at or spit on each other yet!” Josh truly does find your distaste for one another entertaining, it’s puzzling to him but he enjoys trying to figure it out.
“The night is still young. I need a drink.” Jake finally stands and bumps your shoulder with his as he makes his way across the room where the others are waiting at the bar.
“I can’t believe you guys have the same DNA. He’s such an asshole,” you huff out as you rub the spot on your shoulder that Jake had touched. Josh simply laughs.
Most interactions you have with Jake end with you telling one of his brothers he’s an asshole. He’s never actually touched you though, not since the handshake you shared when you first met. His body’s contact with yours leaves you feeling off-balance and irritated, and you eventually call the night early after confirming with Josh that the two of you will get together soon.
Josh turns from you when you leave his side, sips his drink and keeps talking with Sam.
Jake watches your back until you’ve left the building.
The thing about Jake that no one knows, not even his twin, is that he’s jealous. Jealous of your easy friendship, envious of the attention you’re constantly showering his brother with.
When you’d been introduced he’d been pleased to finally meet you, but the sheer amount of time you spent with Josh quickly became excessive. While the world had literally shut down, he’d watched you cling to his brother in a time where contact with other people had become so limited.
The part that bothers him is that he envies what Josh refuses to realize is there. Josh doesn’t appreciate what you have to offer, and it makes him feel like he’s not allowed to. Not allowed to indulge in your presence, not allowed to admire you. So he’s gotten to know you from a distance, overhearing phone conversations and eavesdropping when you’re in their home. Occasionally he’ll join the two of you but keeps his communication with you scarce, or nonexistent.
Which is fine. He can handle that, except he’s seen what’s going on behind your eyes every time you let them linger on Josh’s face. He can feel it radiating from you if he gets too close. Somewhere along the way, you’d developed feelings for his brother.
And he wishes they had been for him.
Therefore, he acts like he can’t stand you. In turn, he knows you hate him because of it.
@lightmylove-gvf @spicedandicedtea @weneedsomehealing123 @milkgemini @why-ami-on-here
Please let me know if you’d like to be added ❤️
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justicerikai · 5 months
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #99 Xmas Present
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Let me know if I missed something!
TL note:
As pointed out in the replies of this post, Nakagami's 来ちゃった is a simple line meaning lit. "I came without meaning to". However, it's also something commonly deployed as a cliche line in the context of a girlfriend visiting their boyfriend on a whim. It, naturally, can be used in a regular, non-romance context too to indicate an aspect of playfulness (the context I was more familiar with, so the potential double meaning was lost on me). I had translated with the latter interpretation, so I corrected it with pulling it slightly into the other direction, but trying to keep both at play.
(The seven of them all having fun)
Iori: Whoosh~! Ahahaha!
Terra: Hahaha!
Amahiko: Hup, hahahaha!
Terra: Beauty!
Amahiko: Sexy!
Iori: Merryyyyy
Iori, Terra & Amahiko: Christmaaas!
Iori, Terra & Amahiko: Ahahahaha!
(Sarukawa zipzooming on the ice)
Rikai: Ah! Saru! Watch out! Be more mindful when skating!
Sarukawa: Haaah? Shuddup moron
Sarukawa: Eeh!? The fuck you wearing a helmet for!?
Rikai: You wear one too
Sarukawa: Hell no dude!
Rikai: Listen and put it on, come on!
Sarukawa: No way, I ain’t, I don’t need it
Rikai: It’ll be a huge problem if you fall over, you’ll hurt yourself!
Fumiya: Ohse, everyone’s pretty amazing
Ohse: Yes
Fumiya: If you fall you’ll hurt yourself, do they know what they’re doing
Ohse: Right
(Terra skating right in front of Ohse and Fumiya)
Terra: Hey, what's up with you two?
Fumiya: Don’t come here
Amahiko: We’ll escort you
Ohse: No need to fuss over a piece of shit
(Terra, Amahiko and Iori pulling them along)
(Ohse and Fumiya resisting)
(Fumiya pushed to skate by Terra & Iori)
Fumiya: Woah, ooaaaooaaa aaaa aaaaaa
Terra & Iori: Ahahaha!
(Ohse pushed to skate by Amahiko & Sarukawa)
Ohse: Wooaa! Wawawawa!
Amahiko & Sarukawa: Ahahaha!
(Fumiya and Ohse grappling on each other to keep their balance)
Fumiya: Oi, Ohse don’t shake, keep it steadya aaaa aaAaaa
The five of them: Watch out watch out! You two good there!?
Rikai: DAMNIT! I told you it’s dangerous!? What do you think will happen if you hurt…Oh, oh oh!
(Rikai falls on his ass)
Rikai: Gah!
Everyone except Ohse: Hahaha!!
Ohse: Rikai-san, are you okay!?
Rikai: My buttocks…!
The five of them: Ahahaha!!!
(Torahime trying to make a phone call)
Torahime:  ….
Torahime: (...Sensei’s not picking up)
Torahime: (No way he isn’t mad about me missing Kusanagi Rikai’s break, maybe)
Torahime: (But I didn’t expect it to happen at 6 am in the morning! That’s way too early! I was sleeping!)
Torahime: (...Either way, need to make sure I won’t let a break slip through my fingers ever again.)
Torahime: (If that happens, Sensei will dispose of me.)
Iori: WAAAA!!
Torahime: (!? A break!?)
(Sarukawa pushing Iori from behind as they skate)
Sarukawa: Hahahaha!
Iori: Saru-chan that’s dangerous! I’m good on my own! Seriously! ….!!
Torahime: (N-not it…)
Terra, Ohse & Rikai: GYAAAAH!!
Torahime: (!? A break!?)
(Amahiko being half-naked from the waist up)
Terra: Don’t strip, Amahiko!
Rikai: What are you doing!
Amahiko: Ahahaha, it’s cold
Fumiya: Hahaha
Torahime: (Geez! Stop misleading me!)
Torahime: (Tch, what is about these bunch of idiots that have Sensei’s… I don’t get it at all.)
(Everyone having fun)
(Torahime looking from afar)
Torahime: …..
Iori: Everyone here? I’ll take the picture now~
Iori: Say, self-sacrifice! Contribution?
Everyone: Free serviceeee!!
(Sound of camera snap)
Iori: Okay~!
Terra: Wait, can we do it again?
The six of them: Huh?
Terra: Terra-kun’s gotta like, be way more in front
The six of them: No no no
Terra: Yes, take it again~ Solipsism, vainglory, Terra-kuuun! Hey, did you take the pic yet?
(Torahime still trying to make a phone call, looking bitter)
Torahime: ………..
Rikai: The secret santa! Has started~!
The six of them: Woooo!!
Fumiya: Puff puff puff~~
Amahiko: Bang bang bang~
Ohse: Shing shing shing~
Amahiko: Bang bang~
Fumiya: Puff puff~
Ohse: Shing shing~
Amahiko: Bang bang bang~
Ohse: Shing shing shing~
Sarukawa: The hell we exchanging gifts for, fuckin’ lame
Terra: Ah! I forgot!
The five of them: ?
Terra: Didn’t we like, forget to tell Tora-san about the secret santa?
The five of them: Ah!
(Everyone apologizing individually)
Torahime: Eh? No no no! Please don’t mind me!
Torahime: I’m a mere freeloader! I totally, absolutely don’t mind!
Torahime: And I was the only one that wasn’t called to join the group’s photo from earlier too, so….
The six of them: ………
The six of them: We’re sorry! So sorry!!
Torahime: It’s okay! I don’t mind at all! I’m a freeloader! It’s presumptuous to think I’d be included!
Rikai: Tora-san, please come over here.
Amahiko: Let’s all enjoy Christmas together
Torahime: Ah, is that so
Iori: Tora-san
Torahime: ?
Iori: Express home delivery dropped by, it was addressed to you
Torahime: …Home delivery?
(A gigantic cardboard box was left behind)
Fumiya, Sarukawa, Terra, Iori, Ohse: …Huh… tch…
(Sarukawa and Fumiya kicking it)
Torahime: Ah, please stop. Don’t kick it, Sarukawa-san, Fumiya-san
(Sound of a violent kick)
Torahime: Hey now!
Amahiko: What happened?
Fumiya: Tora-san got a christmas present
Amahiko: From who?
Torahime: ….Prob… probably from… my girlfriend, I believe.
Amahiko: Eh!?
Torahime: I’m… I’m sorry
The seven of them: EEEH!? WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING?
Torahime: HUH!?
(The seven of them all pretending to note care)
Torahime: Uh… um.. No, it’s just…
Sarukawa: Actually if you got a girlfriend then go to her
The six of them: Yes! As he says! Why are you not going back home!
Torahime: Ah, um…
Fumiya: Hey, let’s go eat cake
(Everyone agreeing)
Sarukawa: Io, does Tora get a slice?
Iori: Nope
Terra: What a shame
Everyone: Hahahaha…!
(Ohse standing infront of Torahime and threatening him)
Ohse: Snarl!
Torahime: Eh?
(Ohse runs away)
Torahime: (....Seems that I probably stepped on an unexpected landmine.)
Torahime: (Can I even stay at this house anymore…. More importantly, what is this?)
Torahime: (The handwriting… It has to be from Sensei…!)
Torahime: (This Christmas present is probably camouflage of some kind, I wonder what’s inside…)
(Torahime gently opens the box and something makes a move inside)
Torahime: !?
(Something pops out of the box)
Torahime: !?!?
Nakagami: Guess fate brought me here
The two of them: …………….
Nakagami: (Charisma House infiltration: Complete)
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rodr1cks · 3 years
Hi! I don't know if your request are open, but I'd like to know if you could write a rodrick x reader where the reader is Rowley's sister and discovers her talking on the phone with a friend saying she's in love with Rodrick and tells Greg and he tells her that Rodrick has been in love with her for a long time and they try to put them together?
cw: none it’s pure fluff
word count: 1.8k
“I know! And he didn’t even apologize!” Greg ranted into the receiver.
“I’m sorry, Greg,” Rowley frowned, sympathetic nature as present as always. “Anyways, mom says dinner is ready, see you tonight?” Rowley’s tone lifted at the end of his sentence, excitement brewing as he thought about the sleepover he was meant to have with Greg later that evening.
You slid into the kitchen on your socks, just as Rowley was concluding his conversation with Greg.
Rowley sat anxiously through dinner, quickly consuming everything on his plate, including the vegetables. You observed him from across the table, cocking your head as your younger brother inhaled his peas like he hadn’t eaten in days.
He took his last bite before exclaiming, “I’m going to pack my stuff for Greg’s!”
Not without clearing his dishes first, of course.
You rolled your eyes at his charisma and headed into the living room. You slumped over on the couch, limbs splayed every which way as you called your friend, Marissa. You had been needing to gush to somebody about your newest crush, Rodrick Heffley.
You had only interacted with the messy haired boy in passing: family dinners, picking up Greg, dropping off Rowley, etc.
“I don’t know what it is, he’s just so- so- captivating. God, Mar, I swear I could watch him play drums for hours on end!”
Unbeknownst to you, Rowley had entered the room and was about to speak. You were too caught up in drooling over Rodrick to notice. “Hey, y/n-” He cut himself off quickly, curiosity getting the best of him.
“And did you see what he was wearing at Matt’s party? Those jeans? And that eyeliner? God I could just tear them-”
Rowley cleared his throat, unwilling to hear the rest. “Y/n can you take me to Greg’s, please?” He stood awkwardly with his lips pursed.
Your head whipped around faster than the speed of light. “Marissa, I gotta go.”
“Rowley, how much of that did you hear?”
He lied, something he wasn’t really good at, “Not much! I promise!”
“Rowley Jefferson you had better keep your mouth shut, or I swear I’ll-”
You stopped yourself, closing your eyes and drawing in a deep breath. “Just get in the car.” You breathed out in a scarily calm tone. Your red headed sibling nodded frantically out of fear and darted to the garage.
Usually, you would make him walk, but ever since your infatuation with Rodrick began, you were more eager to give him rides over there. The mere prospect of getting the slightest glance sending excitement throughout your entire being.
When you pulled up to the Heffley home, you gave him a final glare. “Say nothing.” He gave you the same shaky nod he gave you only moments ago. With that, he was bounding towards the front door. You made sure he got inside safely and drove off.
“Rowley? Everything okay?” Greg asked his friend, concerned with his behavior. Rowley couldn’t handle keeping secrets. His hands grew clammy and a slight sweat broke out on his forehead. Rowley had an uncomfortably fake smile plastered on his face as he tried to assure Greg that everything was just peachy.
All it took was one knowing look from Greg and Rowley broke.
“Alright, fine! I heard my sister talking to her friend about how hot Rodrick is and how she wants to-”
“Okay, okay! I get the picture!”
Greg took a moment to proceed, his brows furrowed as he brought a contemplative fist up to support his chin.
“Lemme get this straight. Your sister likes my brother?”
Rowley nodded slowly.
“Y/n likes Rodrick?”
Rowley nodded again, confirming Greg’s exclamations.
“But y/n is smart a-and hot!”
“Greg! Don’t say that!” Rowley groaned, rolling his head back in disgust. Greg threw both of his hands up in defense, “I’m just stating facts.”
“Wait, I have an idea.” A pit of dread grew in Rowley’s stomach, Greg’s ideas never turned out well.
“What if we set up y/n with Rodrick? Just hear me out, this could be good for him.”
Rowley mulled the idea over in his head, thinking that maybe dating you could make Rodrick more… agreeable? Maybe you could be a good influence on the intimidating teenager. A happier Rodrick would make sleepovers at Greg’s a lot more pleasant.
“I think that could work,” Rowley said apprehensively. “But how do we do it?”
Greg shrugged, “Simple, we just tell Rodrick there’s a really hot Girl interested in him.”
The boys proceeded to draw up a plan.
Phase one: The approach. Greg and Rowley nervously ascended the wooden steps that led to Rodrick’s room. Rodrick was laying on his back, spinning a drumstick between his nimble fingers.
He shot up immediately when he noticed the boys’ presence. “What are your dweebs doing up here?”
Phase two: Delivery. “Calm down Rodrick, we have some information you might wanna know,” Greg reasoned cooly, easing Rodrick’s anger from a roaring ten to a mild six.
Greg nodded over at Rowley, signaling him to start talking.
“W-well,” Rowley stuttered, “I uhm- heard my sister talking about you and she- she likes you and she was talking about your jeans?”
Rodrick blinked in confusion, processing this intel.
“Your sister likes me? Are you sure she meant me?”
“That’s what I said!” Greg exclaimed and Rodrick shot him a terrifying glare, silently telling Greg to can it.
Rodrick was honestly shocked. He always observed you from afar, deciding himself that a chick as cool as you would never go for him. This news was absolutely world shattering for the boy, he completely admired you.
Phase three: Action. “We have a plan.” Greg said, a conniving grin creeping onto his face. “Rowley calls y/n, tells her that he’s feeling sick and blames it on Mom’s pot roast or something. Then when she rushes over all worried, you greet her at the door. And then you work your Rodrick magic!” Greg smiled, abundant pride for his plan evident in his stature.
“It’s a go.” Rodrick declared, scrambling around his room to put on deodorant, a new t-shirt, and cologne before pointing at Rowley. “Make the call.”
“Hey, y/n,” Rowley groaned into the phone, sounding as sick as he possibly could. “I- I think I ate something bad and I really need you ro come get me.”
You sighed, telling him you’d be there in ten minutes and to have his things ready to go. You departed for the Heffley house for the second time that night.
When Rowley didn’t come out to your car, you trudged up to the red door to go retrieve the sickly boy.
You gave the door three lazy knocks, expecting Rowley’s face to be the one behind it when it swung open. “Hey kid, are you feeling okay?” You asked, not yet making eye contact with the figure leering in the doorframe.
Your eyes widened as you came to realize who it was.
“Funny seeing you here,” Rodrick drawled out, a smirk tugging at his lips. Your cheeks burned with the heat of one thousand suns, you were not expecting this tonight.
“Y-yeah,” you smiled awkwardly, staring at your feet. “Rowley called, he uhm, he’s not feeling well. So if you could just get him for me I can leave. Immediately.” You cursed yourself for your blubbering idiocy as you twiddled your fingers.
“Actually, Rowley is feeling much, much better.” Suspicion grew as you studied Rodrick’s devious expression. “What’s going on?” You asked, genuinely puzzled as nothing was making any sense.
“I don’t know, y/n. Why don’t you come in and tell me?” Rodrick was surprisingly smooth in this situation, despite his nerves being at an all time high.
“Rowley is just up here,” Rodrick said while guiding you up the stairs to his room. In the meantime, Greg and Rowley peered out from the hallway, watching you follow Rodrick upstairs and giggling to themselves.
The overhead lights in Rodrick’s room were turned on, the glow from his string lights illuminating the area instead. “Mood lighting,” as he had called it. Rodrick had already instructed the boys to stay far away once you had arrived.
You were still lost, Rowley nowhere in sight. “So? Where is he?” You asked expectantly.
“Here’s the thing y/n. You know Rowley can’t keep secrets, right? I mean you have to know that, he is your brother”
“That little shit stain! I’ll get him, I swear to god!” You turned to bound down the stairs, ready to tear the entire house apart in hunting for him. Rodrick grabbed your wrist before your foot could even reach the first step.
“Y/n, relax, relax!” His grip on your flesh made your breath hitch and stomach churn. “It’s okay, I feel the same way.” Rodrick’s cocky facade dissipated into nothing as he revealed his feelings.
You got a glimpse of a more vulnerable side of Rodrick that you were sure he didn’t typically share. “But girls like you don’t usually like stupid guys like me,” Rodrick was staring at the ground now, grasp on your arm softening.
You were too unsure of your words so you opted to move your free hand to hold his bicep, closing a considerable amount of distance between the two of you in the process.
“Rodrick, I’ve never liked anybody as much as I like you. And I don’t mean that in a weird or creepy way it’s just that-”
Now it was time for Rodrick’s own addition to the plan. Phase four: The kiss.
Your rambling was cut short by a pair of warm lips pressing against your own. He kissed you with just enough force to cause you to stumble back a bit, causing you to brace yourself against his torso.
He carded a gentle hand through your hair and tugged back on your soft locks. You moaned at the vibrations tendrilling at your scalp and kissed him with even more ferocity.
Somehow, you ended up on his bed, straddling him. The blankets strewn across his mattress melded against your knees and the fronts of your calves as you stabilized yourself on his lap.
He placed apprehensive hands on your hip bones, unsure of what was okay and what wasn’t. You placed your hand on top of his larger one, assuring him that you were comfortable. You even allowed a small whimper to leave your throat as he tightened his hold on you.
You only pulled away to catch your breath, looking into his eyes for the first time that night. You smiled warmly at him as you cupped his cheek. Suddenly, Rodrick’s signature smirk returned to his face.
“Now tell me what you were saying about my jeans.”
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the sinclairs as cats (and how to deal with them)
sorry if the formatting here is absolute garbage lol
- personally, i like to picture them as a trio of Norwegian Forest cats (the big long haired, majestic mfs)
- Bo and Vincent are obviously identical, both sharing the same dark chocolate fur with black stripes here and there. Bo has a scar on the back of his head from their separation, but his fur makes it easy to cover up. Vincent, much like his human counterpart, has facial scars covering half of his face, leaving him with only one eye.
- Lester shares the same fur pattern as the other two, but with different shades: like a gingerbread brown with sandy stripes. He was the runt of the litter, so he’s noticeably shorter than his brothers.
- they love each other!! there is no tension, no murder (of humans, at least), and no trauma -- they are CATS. ALL THEY KNOW IS MEOW.
- trudy and victor don’t exist lol sucks for them
alright, onto the three amigos:
A. Massive. Bitch.
this mf is LOUD. and TALKATIVE. he’s got this raspy meow so all you ever hear all day is “mreEEOWW MREOOWWWWW” 24/7 just “MREEEEOOWWW”
he sounds like the “imma put my cat on the mic” meme video thing
100% the kind of cat that wakes you up at ass o’clock in the morning for food. everyday you wake up to little slaps and “MREEOWW” in your ear.
can be a bit of a bully. to his brothers, to random critters passing by, to your neighbours’ pets, even to YOU.
nothing he loves more than challenging the giant human that provides for him.
oddly enough, he’s an absolute angel around strangers.
anytime you bring guests over, he does a complete 180 and cuddles up to them; giving them a warm welcome, rubbing against their legs, and purring up a storm. you gotta hand it to him, he’s great at first impressions.
but once your guests leave, or they become a frequent visitor, he goes back to being angry ol’ Bo (affectionate).
he is a not-so secret softie
he actually likes to help look after Vincent and Lester. grooming them, watching over them as they eat, hissing at anyone/anything that poses a threat. hell, he even likes to look after YOU.
at least once a day, he’ll attempt to lick your skin clean.
he’ll glare at you and his brothers, trying to convince you guys that he’s just doing y’all a favour. don’t let his narrow eyes fool you though, he adores his family.
he also loves cuddling with you, but only when there’s no one else present. 
sometimes you’ll awake in the middle of the night to this furball curled up at your side, snuggled against you and quietly purring.
whenever you pet him, he tries acting like he doesn’t notice or like it, but like... he’s clearly kneading the blanket.
scratch the back of his ear, he loves it
despite him being a prick sometimes, he’s a very good cat :)
SUCH a handsome and sweet cat omg
very shy and introverted. takes him a few weeks to warm up to any new presences. while Lester and Bo welcome your guests, he usually runs off, hides, and observes from afar.
he often hid from you the first few weeks after adopting them.
but once you get on his good side, this bitch is CLINGY.
accompanying you as you go about, curling up beside you when you’re chilling out (yooo that rhymed, i’m dr seuss up in this bitch), and his personal favourite: falling asleep with you.
you wake up to go use the restroom in the middle of the night, but Vincent’s all nice and comfy on your chest... what do you do? do you piss yourself or disturb your little baby’s slumber... what do you do?
it always pisses Bo off, that’s HIS human. HE should be the one cuddling you.
loves physical affection, but also enjoys just. idk staring at you.
you’ll be chilling on your laptop/phone, look up, and he’s just “👁️”
quite an elegant little guy too. he hops from furniture to furniture as if he weighs nothing. he seems to walk with grace too.
has a weird obsession with candles that you’ll never be able to figure out. kinda likes to rub himself against them when they’re unlit. does he like the feeling of wax? does he like the smell? who knows
rarely talks, but has the loudest purrs of the bunch. once you start petting him, it’s like you have a small motorbike in your lap :)
likes to bring home “gifts” for you (dead animals)
listen, no matter how gross you might think it is, just give him head pats anyway. please. he deserves it. it’s just his way of showing you he cares. he loves you bruh.
despite his thick fur, he gets cold pretty easily, hence why his favourite spots are your heater, your computer, and eventually your lap.
he also enjoys sitting by the window and observing the world outside. if you can, set up a little bed with a heating pad close by, this little man will be over the moon.
(especially if you sat nearby)
absolute ray of sunshine, holy shit
due to his smaller stature, he’s not as intimidating to other animals as his brothers. he’s also a primary target for Bo’s headassery (just brotherly love, don’t worry).
Vincent is his go-to nap buddy. As much as Vinnie enjoys alone time, he also loves his little bro.
Lester is a very talkative cat, much like Bo. however, he speaks in trills and “mrrps”. he likes having little conversations with you.
usually the one who greets you when you come home. he’ll try jumping into your arms and expects you to catch him (istg you better catch him...)
easily the favourite amongst your guests. Vincent is shy and Bo is an attention whore, but Lester genuinely wants to hang out and make new friends.
just an extroverted and friendly little guy. if you didn’t know any better, you would’ve assumed he was raised by puppies.
much more outdoorsy than his brothers; if it’s possible, try keeping a window open so he can come and go as he pleases, keep an ear out for his meows at the door, or just take him for frequent walks.
imagine kitty!lester sleeping amongst a flower bed :((
NOT a hunter, would much rather observe and befriend the little critters that pass through his property, even if they don’t always like him back.
one time he (somehow) successfully befriended an opossum and strutted back home, eager to show you his new friend.
you just sat there like “wtf aren’t cats supposed to be territorial? this mf acting like this is a disney movie”
but his welcoming nature is what makes him... well, Lester.
since he enjoys going outside, he gets dirty pretty often. usually a quick brush should be enough (along with self-grooming, and Bo’s help), but you definitely have to bathe him more often than the other two.
thankfully, he’s doesn’t have a huge aversion to water and is quite tolerable when it comes to baths.
he LOVES getting brushed, so he ends up having the fluffiest fur of the trio. fluffiest little gingerbread cookie you’ve ever seen.
i just want you to imagine Jonesy with these three cats who absolutely adore her.
Bo attempting to groom her fur as she sits like “:DD”
Vincent napping with her on the couch.
Her tagging along with Lester on his walks.
Just :((( <3
(this was fun! i might just have to write about these three losers more often)
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btssaysstudy · 3 years
Salvage - 2 || jjk/kth.
Summary: After your confession, it's safe to say that there was nothing left to salvage between you and Jungkook. However, things start to change when a new hurdler joins the team. Genre: college!au, track!jungkook, track!taehyung, track!reader, angst & fluff Pairing: jungkook x reader, taehyung x reader Warning(s) : unrequited love, alcohol (drinking) mentioned, swearing Chapter count: 4.5k
series masterlist || one ||
Jungkook may have stopped talking to you, but he never stopped noticing you. But Jungkook had been carrying his own guilt that stopped him from approaching you. Every time you greeted him, all he could remember was how he ignored your texts and left you in the dark.
He wanted to message you and tell you he missed you. He wanted to tell you that he never wants you to leave his side. But he couldn’t. Not when he was the one who pushed you away.
Just when Jungkook had gathered himself to approach you, he noticed you enjoying yourself more. He saw how you got closer to the other track members, and he didn’t want to disrupt your life.
He figured that things were going well for you and it was better that he stayed out of your life. As much as it pained him to not be by your side, he knew he had caused enough damage.
Despite hating it, he made the conscious choice to stay out of your life ever since. Jungkook had convinced himself that it was the right decision.
“Take a picture while you’re at it.” Hoseok’s teasing tone brought him out from his thoughts. Jungkook scoffed, “Wasn’t looking.”
“Definitely believe you. You know she still tells me that it’s her fault.”
“She does?” Jungkook’s eyes darted back to you. You were enjoying your lunch with your usual group but with a new addition - Taehyung.
He used to be that fourth member of the group.
“It’s not her fault, it’s mine…” Jungkook mindlessly uttered with a forlorn gaze as he watched you joke with your friends. Hoseok patted his friend’s back encouragingly, “Use your words on the right person. Those words are not mine to hear.”
“You know I can’t do that. She’s happy now and I hurt her too.”
Hoseok sighed, chugging his Sprite drink down. “I give up on you dude. Don’t be stupid. It’s not too late.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
He grinned at Jungkook, “You should.”
“Hoseok! Jungkook!” A deep cheerful voice disrupted their conversation.
“Hey, Tae! Yn!” Hoseok was the first to greet you and Taehyung. Jungkook greeted Taehyung and glanced at your direction to say hi but you seemed to be actively avoiding his gaze.
Confused and slightly taken aback, he bit back his greeting.
“I’ll text you guys the details later but just wanted to check if you guys are free this Friday night? I’m hosting a small birthday celebration.”
“Sure! I’m free!” Hoseok nudged Jungkook, “You’re free too, right?”
“Yea I’m free.”
Taehyung grinned, draping his arms over your shoulder. “Great! Well, we gotta head off for class now. I’ll text you guys the details later!”
“I’m beginning to think it’s too late, Hoseok.”
Even though Taehyung had said those words nonchalantly, they have been glued in your mind. It was hard to consciously stop trying to smile and greet Jungkook whenever you saw him. But you knew Taehyung was right.
You had been trying for so long to salvage your friendship but to no avail. Jungkook had clearly made it clear that he did not want you in his life.
“Yn! Got you your favourite drink on the way!”
You smiled, reaching out to accept the drink, “Thank you Tae! You didn’t have to!”
He gave a short cheeky giggle as he shrugged his shoulders, “I know but you had a long day today. Plus, you just had a good run.”
You tried to ignore the fluttering in your chest as you thanked him once more. Despite it only being a month since you met Taehyung, he had been around you almost every day. He didn’t attempt to hide his happiness when he found you were both classmates for your Wednesday class for the semester.
It was refreshing to have someone so expressive around you again. At times, it reminded you of Jungkook.
“Yn! Let me see your schedule!” Jungkook reached out for your phone only for you to pull back. “Why do you have to see my schedule?”
Jungkook pouted, slouching his shoulders, “Because I want to be classmates with you.”
You shook your head jokingly, “Someone’s being clingy.”
“I am! I love having classes with you.” Jungkook extended his hands out one more time for your phone, successfully grabbing it while you were caught off guard by his response.
“You do?”
Jungkook’s eyes looked up from your phone to meet yours with a bewildered expression. “Why do you sound so shocked? It’s not a secret I love spending time with you. You’re my best friend after all.”
“It’s all practice. You’ll get there too.” You took a big gulp to quench your thirst, “In fact, you’re a really good sprinter. I’m sure you’ll improve in no time.”
“Very kind words.” He teased, tossing a clean towel over your head, completely blocking your view.
Taehyung placed his arms around your sweaty shoulders, “Now it’s your turn to watch me die out there.”
You pulled the towel off your face and your eyes landed on Jungkook who had been looking at you from afar. Immediately, your eyes darted away, focusing back on Taehyung.
“Good luck on your run.” You playfully pushed Taehyung away and watched as he got to his position as the first runner.
Jungkook hated how comfortable you were Taehyung. That used to be you and him. The two of you used to be the inseparable duo. He used to be the one teasing you and handing you your bottle. Why wasn’t it him anymore?
Jungkook knew the answer and he hated it.
Something in him snapped when he started noticing you getting closer to Taehyung. He knew it could’ve been him instead, but he pushed you away unintentionally. Jungkook had screwed it up and he was now facing the consequences.
As he positioned himself as the final runner, all he could think about was how you used to cheer for his name at the top of your lungs.
But right then, he could distinctly hear your voice cheering another man’s name.
Unlike last time, Jungkook acknowledged the feeling in his heart. It was as if someone had punched him in the throat and momentarily made him lose his breath.
Surprisingly, ever since you had followed Taehyung’s advice, you have been feeling lighter and it was obvious in your actions and expressions.
“The last time I saw you was that huge birthday party which wasn’t long ago, but I feel like I’m talking to a different yn.”
“What do you mean?”
Hoseok tapped his pen to his chin several times, trying to find the proper words to describe it. You had booked one of the study rooms for the day since Namjoon was over at your place and you didn’t want to disturb them either.
“You just seem less burdened.”
“Less burdened?” You repeated, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. Hoseok nodded his head, as if he were agreeing with his thoughts.
“I didn’t want to bring it up, but Jungkook’s noticed that you have been avoiding him recently.”
You huffed, “I haven’t been avoiding him. I’ve just been appreciating those who are still by my side.”
He placed his pen down, letting out a long sigh, “Yn, you know that Jungkook still cares about you. I don’t get why you two can’t just talk it out—“
“You know why,” You said sharply, “I’ve given him space, reached out to him, always greeted him to get his attention. But what did I get in return? I get Jungkook trying to avoid bumping into me in every corridor.”
“Y-Yea… He hasn’t shown it in the best way but—“
“I’m tired Hobi, I’ve been trying for so long. I already feel guilty for screwing up our friendship because of some stupid crush. But at this point, I must be stupid for not reading the signs.”
Hoseok’s face showed it all. He felt bad for you. They all did. Every time Jungkook’s name was brought up, it always turned into a lecture of how you two should talk things out or how Jungkook misses you or how you should approach him one last time.
It got tiring at times, but you understood that Jungkook was their friend as well.
Maybe that was another reason why you liked hanging out with Taehyung. He didn’t know the full history between the two of you. Even if he didn’t, Taehyung never pressed to ask for more.
When you hung out with him, the topic was just you and him. It wasn’t about someone else or about any lecturing on life. It was just you enjoying life with Taehyung.
“It’s okay Hobi,” You glanced at your phone that lit up from a notification. Your tired expression instantly vanished when you saw his name. “He’s coming over right now!”
“Tae?” Hoseok’s pitiful expression morphed into something cheekier as he leaned back into his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Is this why your aura has changed? Is something going on with you and Taehyung?”
You scoffed, flicking your wrist to dismiss his accusation, “Please, we’re just friends. Good friends, that’s all.”
“Right…” He replied, unconvinced.
“You better not tease me when he arrives—“
“Hello!” The door to the study room busted wide open to reveal Taehyung with his arms outstretched in a welcoming greeting. “What’s for dinner?” He asked, dropping his bag on the floor, and plopping right next to you.
“It’s 2pm, Tae. Why are you thinking of dinner?”
“I need some motivation to look forward to.”
“Well…” Hoseok’s eyes glinted mischievously, and you flashed a warning look his way. Immediately, he changed his mind, “Instead of having dinner at the dining hall, shall we leave campus for some good meal?”
“Why not!” Taehyung smiled, “Sounds good to me.”
For the next 2 hours, you managed to study with complete focus on your tasks, the two surprisingly did the same. That was until Hoseok’s phone started ringing.
“Hello?” He answered, “Yea… I don’t know, I gotta ask them… Yn and Taehyung…”
Your ears picked up your name and your fingers stopped typing as you tried to listen in to his conversation on the phone.
Hoseok covered his phone’s speaker and whispered, “You guys okay with Jungkook crashing? Library’s packed.”
Taehyung noticed the way your body stiffened at the mention of his name. He figured that you didn’t tell him the whole story, but he didn’t want to pry.
“Are you cool with it?” Taehyung asked you in a low whisper. You didn’t expect Taehyung to direct the question to you and it was thoughtful that he had asked how you felt about it since you had briefly shared your history with Jungkook.
“Yea I’m fine.” You nodded your head, facing Hoseok as he informed Jungkook that he could join in.
Though you tried to make yourself look busy with your revision, your mind was far away from your syllabus. Having Jungkook over was not helping your new agenda on closing the chapter.
“Yn, have you covered this chapter?”
“Mm?” You peered over to Taehyung’s laptop, “Oh I’m revising that now actually.”
‘“Great! Should we go through it together?”
“Yea sure,” You were thankful to have Taehyung force you to focus on your work while waiting for the Jungkook to come over.
It didn’t take long for him to arrive, knocking on the door before entering as he greeted each of you. You willed yourself to make eye contact with Jungkook, casting a small smile as you said hi.
Jungkook was hoping that the seat next to yours was empty. However, he kept his expectations low knowing that Taehyung was present. It didn’t need a genius to notice that you had been spending lots of time with Taehyung. Jungkook always looked for you at the dining hall, though he would chicken out when you made eye contact with him.
So Jungkook immediately picked it up when he always found Taehyung next to you when he spotted you at the dining hall. It left a sour feeling seeing your group become a 4-member group again. It had been a while since your group was ‘complete’, of course, it was because of him.
“Jungkook, wanna join us for dinner?” Taehyung strikes a conversation with the fellow track member opposite him. You stayed out of it as you kept your eyes on your laptop screen, attempting to forget that Jungkook was in the same room as you.
Taehyung had completely given up on studying and he started conversing with Jungkook. As much as Jungkook didn’t like seeing you with Taehyung, he couldn’t help but admit that Taehyung was easy to talk with. He got along well with Taehyung which made him even feel worse that he always felt bitter seeing the two of you together.
As Jungkook’s eyes watched how your face lit up whenever Taehyung talked to you, a heavy feeling washed over him. Jungkook had made his mind that he had to talk to you.
He knew he had to reach out to you before it was too late.
He just had to figure out how.
“Happy advance birthday!” You and Miya cheered, raising both your arms to invite Taehyung in for a hug. His eyes lit up with joy, stretching out his arms to pull you both in for a hug.
“Thank you!”
Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head as Taehyung shimmied his shoulders, “Happy advance birthday Tae but I’ll pass on the hug – Alright, then!” Namjoon caved, chuckling as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung, giving a pat on his back.
“Come in!” Taehyung gestured energetically, “Let me show my house.”
It was a small gathering like Taehyung mentioned. He had only invited those that he was genuinely cool with, a few from table tennis and a few from track. Taehyung, being the welcoming host, gave a house tour, explaining how his parents had book a hotel for the night to let him fully enjoy this birthday celebration.
“This is the guest room, if the party ever gets too chaotic, feel free to use it.” Taehyung opened the door, allowing you three to peek into the room.
Right after the house tour, Taehyung led the way to kitchen, where all the food and drinks were. “We just ordered more pizza so don’t be shy, let’s not waste any food!”
“Yo, Tae! How do you set up this game console?” Someone hollered from the living area. Taehyung flashed a grin, “Make yourself at home! I’ll find you all later!”
“Sure, no worries!” Miya nodded, already filling up her paper plate. Taehyung glanced at you, reaching out to pat your arm, “See you later!” He mouthed before heading off to help with the game console.
After everyone grabbed their snacks for the late, you headed to the living area to find the birthday boy placing a racing game on the console.
“Yn!” Taehyung exclaimed while his eyes glued on the TV screen, “Sit beside me! Watch me beat the record.”
You chuckled, taking a sit next to the birthday boy. Miya and Namjoon followed suit, squeezing on the couch next to you.
“Yes!” Taehyung cheered, turning to you for a high-five which you quickly returned. His bright smile never failed to make the people around him happy. Being around him always felt light and peaceful.
“Hold up!” Namjoon pointed to the coffee table, “You have Just Dance too? Let’s play a match before Hoseok comes to wreck us.”
You and Miya laughed aloud, “Were you that affected?”
“Yes, yes I was. Let’s play around! You and Tae versus Miya and I.”
Taehyung glanced at you and shrugged with a playful grin on his face, “Sure!”
Sitting a couple meters away was Jungkook, downing his first cup of the night. His eyes torturing himself as he watched you partner Taehyung for one Just Dance round. The way your eyes lit up, your mouth upturned almost to your ears.
He knew you were happy. He used to see that look all the time.
After seeing it again, he knew he wanted to be the reason that you were smiling. But all he’s done the past year was made you feel guilty. Jungkook knew he had to change things before graduation.
“You okay?” A feminine voice brought him out from his thoughts.
Jungkook winced internally, momentarily forgetting that he had bumped into a friend at the birthday party.
“Y-Yea sorry, just a bit tired.”
“We could leave the party early if you’d like? I can help us tell Taehyung.”
Jungkook sighed, glancing at his empty cup, “Yea maybe—“ He stopped midway as he looked up to see you leaving your group to head to the kitchen alone, “I”ll get us a few snacks to energise.”
He placed his empty cup on the table, not looking back at his companion as he made his way over to the kitchen.
“Yn,” Jungkook’s voice sounded behind you, “We need to talk.”
Out of all things, you had not expected to hear Jungkook’s voice calling your name that night.
“Talk? We haven’t been talking for a year.” You let your words slip as you finished the remaining alcohol in your cup before refilling it with a non-alcoholic refresher.
Jungkook wasn’t sure if it was just the alcohol talking or if it was intentional. He shrugged it off and insisted once more, “Could we talk, please?”
You sighed, nodding your head as you swirled the drink in your cup. “Alright.” Looking up from your cup, Jungkook froze a moment, he noticed the drastic change in your eyes, from how your eyes lit up when you playing Just Dance, to how hurt they looked in front of him.
“I’m shocked that you actually approached me.”
“I mean seeing how you’ve managed to avoid me for the entire year since I confessed—“
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t know how to react to it.” He admitted, “I was stunned and shocked. You were my best friend and to hear those words from you left me speechless.”
“I understand it definitely shocked you and I gave you space but afterwards it just seemed like you didn’t want anything to do with me.”
Jungkook frantically shook his head, “No, no! You misunderstood, I never wanted that. I never wanted to push you away.”
“But it happened.”
He grimaced, knowing that he played a big part in driving a wedge between the two of you. “I know… And I’m really sorry.”
“Then…” You bit your lip as you contemplated your next few words, “Why have you always avoided me ever since?”
Jungkook’s shoulders slumped as he leaned against the counter. “I just didn’t know how to approach you after all this. And after awhile, you seemed to be settling down with a new group of friends and… I didn’t want to disrupt that.”
“So why’d you approach me tonight?”
Jungkook’s eyes darted to the hallway down to the living area before back to you. “I just… I just want to make things right.”
“Make things right?”
“I miss us,” He admits through a heavy breath, “I miss the times when it was you and me. I know I haven’t been the best friend you’ve needed for the past year, and I regret that. But,” Jungkook takes a deep inhale in before continuing, “But if you’re willing to give me a chance to make things right between us, I promise I won’t screw things up.”
As each word came out from his mouth, you felt a lump grow in your throat as you stopped yourself from breaking down into tears. You have been waiting so long to hear those words from Jungkook — to hear that he still wants you by your side.
“It’s been a year,” You choked, “I don’t get why is this suddenly coming up now—“
Jungkook nodded his head as he ran his hand through his hair as an attempt to calm himself down. You could his own emotions getting to him as he blinked repeatedly to stop himself from tearing up.
“After seeing you with Taehyung, it just reminded me of our times together. I never stopped looking out for you ever since. You were my best friend and the past year always felt like something’s missing.”
Just as if you were moving on to a new chapter without Jungkook in the picture, you found him trying to write himself in it.
“I hope I’m not too late, yn. I mean it when I say that I miss my best friend.”
Jungkook cautiously took a step forward towards you, “I’m not asking for an answer now, but, would you consider it?”
You collected yourself and looked him in the eye, thinking of how to phrase your response. You had almost completely given up on the thought of salvaging your friendship with Jungkook that you thought it was the alcohol making you hallucinate the conversation.
“I’ll think about it—“
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you! Here’s your new cup, got a good mix in there.” A well dressed stranger waltzed into the kitchen and approached Jungkook with a cup filled with whatever mixers Taehyung had at the party.
“Oh, hello, you are?”
She flashed a smile at you, “I’m Yuna, nice to meet you! Do you know Jungkook too?”
You glanced at him with his eyes begging you not to leave as your conversation with him was unfinished.
“Sort of. Sorry, I gotta look for my friends.” You tilted your head slightly towards the two to say goodbye, promptly turning on your heels to leave the scene.
You went straight up to the guest room, closing the door behind you to mute the loud pop music blasting in the living room.
Making your way over to the guest bed, you melted into the mattress, letting out long sigh as your palms covered your face.
Jungkook’s face planted in your memory as he reached out to you for the first time in a year.
A part of you wished he didn’t do it because you were just starting to make good progress moving on from that part in your life. You hated how much of an effect his words had on you.
As much as you hated to admit it, you never wanted to remove Jungkook from your life. Despite trying to give up, you always hoped that things would change.
Now with Jungkook being the one who approached you, maybe it was the right time to make that change.
The click of the doorknob startled you, jolting yourself up to see Taehyung enter the room.
“Had a feeling you’d be here.”
He shook his head, “No, actually Hoseok just saw you enter the room.”
You chuckled before letting your smile falter, eyes drifting to the wooden floor.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing Tae.” You looked back up to smile at him, “It’s your birthday party. You should be out there with the rest. I just need some time away from the loud music.”
Taehyung frowned, making his way over to sit next to you.
“They can entertain themselves. You wanna talk about it?”
“I never told you what actually happened with Jungkook.”
Taehyung knew you never told him the full story. He always had a feeling the story was missing information since the day you told him. Sensing that it was a sensitive topic, he never wanted to pry further. He simply nodded his head, staying silent to let you share on your own terms.
“I confessed to him a year ago. I made things awkward between us which is why we drifted. I tried to act normal and get things back to how it was, but I just made it too uncomfortable for him.”
His heart ached as your voice cracked at the end, sniffling to stop yourself from crying. “He approached me tonight, saying that he wants to make things right. You don’t know how badly I’ve been wanting to hear him say that. And to finally hear it,” You let out a bewildered chuckle, “Feels like maybe I had too many drinks.”
Taehyung pressed his lips into a thin line. A part of him had already suspected that something awkward had happened between the two of you. Even though he loved being right, he felt awful knowing that his suspicion was right.
“Shouldn’t you be happy then?”
“I should, shouldn’t I?”
“Are you not?”
“I am… But it’s just so unbelievable.”
Taehyung nodded his head, “The guest room is yours for the night to let it all sink in. That’s good news, yn. You should be happy! Show me that charming smile of yours.” He playfully nudged your sides, trying to get a laugh out of you.
You scoffed, slipping a small smile.
“There we go.” He clapped his hands together, “I’ll go get you water to hydrate and snacks so you can camp out here.”
“No, it’s your birthday party, I’ll come out—“
“My birthday wish is that you stay here and take the time you need to process whatever happened tonight. Could you grant me that?”
Taehyung gently took your hand in his, you nodded your head, “Alright, alright. Thanks Tae, I owe you one.”
“You don’t! You’re just granting my birthday wish!” He grinned before heading towards the door to prepare a special delivery for you.
Sitting alone in the guest room once again, your mind drifted back to Jungkook’s words.
Was there really a chance for both of you to return to how things were?
After that Friday night, he decided it was best to give you the weekend to think about what he said. Even though he decided to do that, he made him antsy. He knew he had to do something.
So when Jungkook spotted Miya alone at the dining hall, Jungkook had to approach Miya.
Miya looked up from her food to greet the person only to then look around her surrounding, “Are you looking for Namjoon?”
“No, I’m actually looking for you.”
Jungkook timidly nodded his head, Miya shrugged her shoulders and gestured to the empty seat opposite her.
“Thanks… I need your help,” Jungkook fidgeted with his fingers, “I want to make up for the lost time with yn. I miss being with her.”
Miya sighed, placing her utensils down, “Jungkook… You don’t need my help for that, I’m sure yn will be more than glad to—“
“We had a… Awkward and tense conversation during Taehyung’s birthday party.”
She chuckled, “So that’s why she was acting strange after the party.”
“She was?”
Miya looked back to Jungkook and shook her head, “Nothing. But, I really don’t think I can be of any help.”
She knew how close you were and Jungkook was also one of her first friends in college, so she wanted to help. She knew how much Jungkook meant to you, even just as friends, she knew how important your friendship with Jungkook was to you.
A part of her had always hoped that she would see you and Jungkook together again. Miya watched Jungkook’s expression, sensing nothing but a genuine determination to make things right.
She shrugged her shoulders, “Alright fine, I’ll help you out.” ~~
taglist: @joydowninmyheart @picturethosesmiles @ilovethewayyourheartbeats
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nameless-ken · 3 years
Bucky Barnes Imagine
Summary: Our mutual friend dropped out of this trip at the last minute, so hi I guess we're spending the next two weeks together.
Warnings: None
This is my first Bucky writing so please tell me what you think!
Part two
Requests are open!
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(Picture not mine, just to add a visual to the story)
Unexpected (working title)
“Nat, where are you? I just arrived at the cabin. Call me back when you get here.” You hang up and put your phone back in your bag. You sigh and grab your two suitcases before heading up the porch stairs of the cabin.
You and Nat along with two of her other friends rented out this cabin for the next two weeks. You’ve never met her other friends, only know what Nat has told you.
You walk inside and it’s quite which means you’re the first to arrive. Which also means the first pick of the bedrooms. You smile to yourself and carry your bags as you find your room. You place your bags on your chosen bed and start unpacking. It was a long drive to the cabin and you’re looking forward to a relaxing bath. You put your clothes away and decide to run a bath. As the water runs, you don’t hear another car drive up to the cabin. 
Bucky steps out of his car and pulls out his bag. He looks at the car next to his, but doesn’t recognize it. He checks his phone to see if Steve or Nat have texted him but there’s no notifications. He huffs and walks inside the cabin. 
He doesn’t see anyone but hears something from down the hall. He walks past your room to find his own. He collapses on his bed when his phone rings. He pulls it from his pocket and sees Steve’s name. He flips open his phone and answers. 
“Hey Steve. You almost here?”
“Actually, I have to cancel. Sorry bud. Needed to stay back for a new assignment.”
“What do you mean? This was your idea and now you’re bailing. Leaving me with two girls? One that I don’t even know.” Bucky sits up and runs his hand over his face in frustration. 
“Sorry Buck, You’ll be fine. Just take the next two weeks and relax. You need it. And you’ll like Y/N, she’s sweet. Be nice to her.” 
“Yeah whatever.” Bucky throws his phone on the bed beside him and gets up. He doesn’t know what to do with himself now. 
You peak your head up from the book you’re reading in the bath when you hear a door close in the cabin. You set it down next to the tub and get out, wrapping a towel around yourself. You walk back into your room to get clothes when a figure appears in your doorway. 
“Oh shit sorry.” You jump from the man’s voice. You grip the towel tighter against your body and the figure disappears from your doorway. You quickly grab your clothes and go back to the bathroom to get dressed. 
After that you walk out of your room toward the kitchen, feeling slightly embarrassed when you see the man leaning against the counter drinking from a water bottle. His head pops up when he hears you walk in. 
“Sorry about that.” He clears his throat. 
“It’s okay. My fault. Should’ve closed my door.” You walk over to the fridge to grab a water. You lean against the counter across from him. You look up at him and his eyes meet yours. You feel your heartbeat grow faster. His eyes are the most gorgeous blue you’ve ever seen. You realize you’ve been staring for too long and speak up. 
“I’m Y/N by the way.”
“Bucky.” He sets the water on the counter next to him. 
“Have you heard from Nat at all?” You ask him and pull out your phone to check it again. 
“No but Steve called me. He said he had to cancel last minute.” 
“I’m going to call Nat. She should have been here by now.” You click on Nat’s contact and wait for her to pick up. 
You walk out of the kitchen feeling Bucky’s eyes follow your steps. You walk out the front door and sit down on the first step of the porch. Nat doesn’t answer on the first try so you call her again. It rings a few times when she answers. 
“Hey, sorry I wasn’t near my phone.” Nat says. 
“It’s okay. Are you almost here? Bucky arrived but said that Steve isn’t coming now.” 
“About that,” Nat pauses. 
“Nat don’t tell me you’re canceling too.” 
“I’m sorry. There’s an important assignment that I can’t get out of.” 
“We’ve been planning this for a while. Now it’s just going to be me and Bucky, who, I barely know by the way.” You exclaim with a groan.
“You’ll be fine Y/N. Just take these couple weeks to relax. Bucky isn’t the most social person anyways so I’m sure he’ll keep to himself most of the time. Don’t worry about anything. Maybe just try to get to know each other so it isn’t so awkward.” 
“You owe me for this.” You mumble with a sigh. 
“Next time. Just have some fun for me. I gotta go. Talk later.” Nat responds. 
“Talk later. Stay safe.” You reply and hang up. 
You set your phone beside you on the step and rest your head in your hands with the realization sinking in. You’re stuck in a cabin in the middle of the woods with Bucky Barnes. But deep down you know the problem isn’t being stuck here, it’s knowing how big of a crush you’ve always had on him. You don’t even know him, just the stories that Nat has told you and what you’ve read about him. 
You turn your head to look through the living room window and see him sitting on the couch flipping through channels on the tv. You bite your lip and can’t help but admire him from afar. He’s brooding but soft at the same time. It’s always confused your attraction toward him. Your lost in your thoughts when he turns his head and catches you staring at him. You quickly move your head to face forward and feel heat rise on your cheeks. You shake your head of the overwhelming thoughts of him and sigh. 
Two weeks. That’s all you have to get through. You can do this. There’s nothing to worry about. Right?
- -
taglist: @vicmc624 @chouettedubois @cstan @celine-xox @mischief-siriusly-managed @ultrunning @bahama-mama-llama @multiplumes @jackiehollanderr @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul
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tulsa-trash · 3 years
Book Swap
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Request: could you do a modern!pony x reader imagine where you're both in 9th grade and meet at the library, and one day you finally have the guts to ask for his number, so you guys start texting and then you start crushing on him and then you have to figure out how to tell him, so u ask two-bit and johnny for advice
You sighed deeply as you began to reread the same sentence in your book for what felt like the twentieth time. It seemed as though you were reading but not even comprehending the words. To be fair, it was impossible to get lost in a book when a familiar cute boy was sitting a table over from you.
Ponyboy Curtis. How does one even begin to describe the amazing human you had the honor of being within five feet of? Unlike most guys in high school, Pony was something special. He was kind and very smart, you knew this because you have English with him. You've never seen someone so into a class before, he also appeared to have an interest in literature, like you. The both of you were nothing but mere acquaintances, and you secretly wished you could change that.
It didn't help that you found him absolutely dreamy. His brown hair was always a little messy, but it still managed to make him even cuter. You always feel your heart skip a beat whenever your eyes would meet his sparkling green ones in the hallways. You'd smile whenever you'd see him laughing with his friends, it showed off his dimples that sunk into his cheeks. Ponyboy Curtis was the boy of your dreams, and the young man was completely oblivious.
Your phone vibrated on the desk you were sitting at. Glancing up from your book, you seen that it was a text from one of your friends. After placing your bookmark in between the pages you unlocked your phone.
Evie: So? Did you talk to him yet?
You rolled your eyes after reading the message, your fingers quickly tapped at the screen as you typed your response.
Y/N: No obviously not. Now leave me alone.
Kathy: Girl go for it! He's a nice kid you said so yourself.
Y/N: Uh nope. Much rather stare at him from afar and not make a fool of myself attempting to talk to him.
Kathy: Well if you don't not only will I embarrass you in front of lover boy, everyone in this library will see me screaming at you and we'll both probably get kicked out.
Y/N: Wait what? How do you know I'm at the library?? Are you here right now???
Kathy: Look over at the fantasy section you nerd. You being you I obviously knew where YOU would be on a Saturday afternoon.
You looked up, eyes widening in shock as you saw your friend hiding behind a bookshelf watching you with a sly grin.
Kathy: Make a move now or I'm coming over there.
With already shaking hands you put your phone in your pocket and grabbed your book. You sent Kathy a pleading look, but all she did was shake her head and point towards Ponyboy violently. Taking in a deep breath, you got up. The chair scraped against the floor, creating a loud noise which made at least five people look up at you... including him.
"Oh god." You mumbled under your breath.
In your peripheral vision you could see Ponyboy's gaze return to his book, taking that as your cue to move you slowly crept to his table. You had made it to the chair directly across from him, he was so caught up in his book he didn't even notice your presence. You smiled softly, his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration while his eyes scanned the pages back and forth. You awkwardly cleared your throat, not too loud to disturb others but just enough for him to tear his attention from his book to notice you.
"Oh, hey." Ponyboy said, "Can I help you with somethin'?"
"Um..." Jesus this was going to be way harder than you thought. "W-Would you mind if I sat with ya?"
"Not at all. Go ahead." He sent you a friendly smile as he gestured to the chair you were at.
His smile. Your legs already feel like jello, you could've sworn you were going to collapse right then in there.
"Y/N, right?" He asked as you sat down.
"That's me. And you're Ponyboy."
"Yep, couldn't forget a name like that if you tried." He joked.
You giggled as you opened your book, Ponyboy returned to his. Curiosity got the better of you when you looked back up to see what he was reading.
"Gone With the Wind." You read aloud.
"Have you read it before?" He asked.
You shook your head, "I haven't, but I've heard only good things about it. I saw the movie about a year ago and thought it was great."
"The book is amazing!" He gushed, only to be shushed by the librarian walking by. "This is my fifth time reading it." He told you in a more hushed tone.
You snickered, "Must be really great."
"What ya got there?"
You lifted up your book from the table to reveal the cover to him, his bright eyes scanned the cover.
"The Boy in Striped Pajamas?"
"I know the title seems a bit odd, but trust me this is a good read." You told him, "This being my third time reading it."
"Well what's it about?" He asked.
You went on to tell him about your book, and he went on to tell you all about his. The both of you began to talk about anything and everything, you were beyond happy that things were going well. You were having so much fun you completely forgot about Kathy spying on you, before either of you could realize it two hours had gone by.
You peaked at your phone and cursed under your breath, the lock screen had a reminder that your shift at work was starting in less than thirty minutes.
"I really hate to end this... but I gotta go." You said.
"That sucks." He said disappointedly.
You couldn't help feeling a little giddy inside to see that he was upset you were leaving. While you got up and gathered your things, you remembered that you wanted to get his phone number badly. You just had to figure out a way to get it without making things awkward.
"Hey, Pone?"
He hummed in response.
"What do ya say we swap books... and numbers? Thats only if you want to. I just figured since we read them already and it was cool talk--"
"I'd like that." He stopped your rambling, only to send you a warm smile while doing so.
You blushed as the both of you swapped phones to put in each others information along with handing each other your books. With a final wave goodbye you left the library, your best friend of course followed after you. She interrogated you with thousands of questions and the both of you walked to work, you gladly answered them all in an almost dazed state. You felt as if you were walking on air for the rest of the day, and you couldn't wait to text him later on.
Two weeks had gone by, and let's just say those two weeks have been the best ones of your life. You and Ponyboy had been texting every single day. At first you just talked about each other's books, but then your conversations started evolve to anything and everything. You knew you had liked him before, but your feelings for him have grown drastically. It was beginning to get unbearable holding in how you truly felt, and you weren't sure if you wanted to tell him.
The fear of rejection was one of the main reasons why you've been thinking of just repressing your feelings. Sure, he seemed to like you, but it felt as though he only liked you simply as a friend. Another reason being you were afraid that it would ruin things between the both of you. You had finally become good friends, the last thing you wanted was for everything to end up being awkward all because of you and your silly crush.
After a lot of thinking you decided you needed some advice, and by advice you mean advice thats not only from Kathy. She keeps telling you to go for it, but she doesn't really know Ponyboy well. That's why you got the idea to ask one of his buddies on their opinion. Luckily Pony invited you to watch him and his friends play football. You ceased the opportunity, not only would you be able to watch the boy of your dreams get all sweaty and tuff looking, you could also get one of his friends alone to talk about how you felt.
It was a warm, Sunday morning in Tulsa. The sun was high in the sky and beat down harshly on the group of boys tackling each other in the giant field. You sat under a tree with a notebook in your lap, a cool breeze would rush by every now and then, cooling you off the slightest. You doodled randomness on the blank pages, sketching pictures and honing your writing skills. Every now and then you would glance up and watch the game for a few, sometimes cheering the boys on or laughing when they began to goof off and wrestle each other on the ground.
There was a particular drawing you found yourself enthralled in, as the pencil in your hand smoothly ran across the paper you found yourself sketching a picture of Ponyboy's face. You were so focused you didn't even notice someone come over and take a seat right beside you.
"Nice drawin' you got there." A quiet voice spoke.
You quickly slammed the notebook closed and snapped you head to the right, it was Ponyboy's best friend, Johnny. A tiny smirk was tugging at his lips as he looked at you with one eyebrow raised.
"T-Thanks." You stuttered nervously.
"You like him, huh?" He asked you.
You stood silent as you played with the grass below you, pulling it from the Earth and rubbing it between your fingers. Your gaze was straight ahead watching the game, you were afraid to meet Johnny's gaze that was burning holes into the side of your head.
"Yes..." You hesitated a bit, "I do."
"Does he know?"
"No!" You said hopelessly, "And I'm not sure if I even want him to know."
"Why not?"
"Because he probably doesn't feel the same..." You trailed off.
"Hey now, ya never know." Johnny said.
"What are you two kiddies doin' over here?" A loud voice bellowed.
It was none other than Two-Bit, he staggered over to the both of you before plopping down to your left. He was breathing heavily, sweat dripping down his forehead and trickling down his neck.
"You tryin' to make moves on Pony's girl or somethin', John?" Two asked playfully.
Your heart fluttered, 'Pony's girl.'
"No way, man. Trust me." Johnny chuckled.
"Pony's girl?" You repeated to him questioningly.
"Oh yeah! I see the way y'all look at each other I ain't blind."
You let Two's words sink in, was it that obvious that you liked him? He even said that Pony looks at you a certain way as well. Maybe there was a chance he shared your feelings after all.
"You think he likes me or somethin'?" You asked casually.
"Oh I don't think, I know."
You smiled softly, butterflies erupting in your stomach. In the back of your mind you worried that you were getting your hopes up a little too high, but you couldn't help it.
"I like him too." You admitted.
Two-Bit scoffed, "Tell me somethin' I don't know."
"Well... what should I do?"
"Tell him." Two replied.
"I agree." Johnny piped up.
Both nerves and excitement began to bubble up inside you as you got up and gathered your things.
"Where are you off to?" Johnny asked as you began to jog away from them.
"Gotta head home. Tell Ponyboy I'm sorry I had to leave but I'll text him later!"
"See ya later lover girl!" Two-Bit hollered after you while preceding to make kissing noises.
You laughed to yourself and shook your head, "Idiot."
Y/N: Whats up Pone-bone?
Ponyboy: Nothing much lil lady, and yourself?
Y/N: Same. Btw sorry for leaving so soon today, had some things to do.
Ponyboy: It's alright.
Hey what were you, Johnny and Two talking about? They didn't try to tease you or nothin right?
Y/N: Nooo ofc not they were just chattin
But thats actually what I wanted to talk to you about...
Ponyboy: Well... Go on then
Y/N: Okay I'm just gonna say it
I like you
like a lot
Ponyboy: As a friend or?
Y/N: No silly, like more than friends...
Ponyboy: Wait actually?
Y/N: Yes Pony
Ponyboy: Seriously??
... im sorry if it weirds you out
Ponyboy: NO! NO IT DOESN'T.
... Just wanted to make sure this isn't a prank or whatever.
But in all seriousness yes, I like you a whole lot.
Y/N: Are you sure?
Ponyboy: Positive doll
Do you wanna grab some milkshakes at the Dingo next weekend?
Y/N: Are you asking me out onna date Curtis?
Ponyboy: Yes, I am ;)
Y/N: Well I would love to :)
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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Magic in the Hamptons
a Mat Barzal song fic
a/n: this one has been a long while coming. very loosely based on the song Magic in the Hamptons by Social House (woo, Pittsburgh!) feat. Lil Yachty. obviously I don’t own any of this music/lyrics. mostly based on Matt Martin and Sydney Esiason’s wedding, which totally doesn’t make sense timing-wise since I mention the TikTok dance to this song, but we’re rolling with it!
summary: Mat Barzal and his girlfriend travel to the Hamptons for the Esiason/Martin wedding, where their relationship takes a big step, too.
warnings: alcohol. swearing. brief mentions of sex. cheesy singing and dancing. cotton candy fluff.
The New York state wedding of the year had finally arrived.
Matt Martin and Sydney Esiason, Mat’s teammate and his fiancé — who were both your close friends — were tying the knot at last, and you, Mat, and the boys were Southampton-bound to ring in the occasion. Mat had rented out a house for a group of you — Jordan and Lauren, Anders and Grace, and Tito, who had chosen to fly solo in hopes of wheeling a single girl at the reception. Other Islanders, both current and former, were staying either in their own Hamptons summer homes or in places they, too, had rented for the weekend, all within a short distance of each other, so the next few days were about to be quite the affair.
You and Mat had flown in on a red eye from Vancouver, and you were grateful that you’d actually caught a few hours of shuteye on the plane, because Mat was now absolutely buzzing with excitement about seeing so many of his past and present teammates in the middle of the summer, not to mention celebrating Marty and Sydney, who had taken the two of you under their wing, affectionately calling you “Baby Matt and Baby Syd.”
On the way from the airport to the property, Mat had stopped at a market to stock up on the essentials — namely, cases of beer, bottles of wine, handles of liquor, and, of course, plenty of champagne. Mat heaved it all into the SUV, and minutes later, the two of you were pulling into the driveway of the sprawling Cape Cod-style abode where you would be staying, the first portion of the crew to arrive.
The two of you unpacked the car, Mat insisting on carrying the majority of the load, and staked your claim on the master suite, which was sure to be something Mat’s older, married captain chirped him about later in the weekend. The two of you walked through each room of the house, soaking in the summer cottage vibes, before making your way back to the kitchen to set up shop.
After Mat poured two flutes of champagne and proposed a toast to Marty and Syd, the two of you sipped the bubbly and discussed plans for the rest of the day, including Mat accompanying Marty to pick up the wedding bands from the jeweler in town. 
Soon, Mat found his way into the living room and spotted the stereo.
“Time to turn up, babe,” he announced, truly a frat boy at heart, pulling his phone from his pocket. When he finally finished fiddling with the Bluetooth sound system, Mat theatrically spun your way as you stocked the fridge with your enormous alcohol order. You smirked at him when you heard the first few beats of the song.
“C’mon,” Mat coaxed, nodding his head toward the open concept living room floor. “You gotta come dance with me to this song right now!”
You tipped your head back with a chuckle, shaking your head as you watched your clown of a boyfriend, who always made time to sing and dance because he loved the way you lit up when he did. As you left the grocery bags on the island and sauntered his way, he started to perform.
“Spot a little hottie when I flipped up the shades,” he began, giving you his best sexy eyes, making you snort and immediately cover your mouth with one hand. “Lookin' like a red ‘Rari sittin' in a driveway…” Mat continued, taking your hands and dancing around the room as you took turns feeding the lyrics to one another animatedly.
“Me and you should get a room right now,” you sang to him, pushing your chest up against his and watching his eyebrows quirk in that endearing way that made butterflies erupt within you. You toyed with his ever-present chain as you delivered the next lyric: “’Cause if it's gold, I'll throw it away, you're worth more than every single chain…”
With that, Mat spun you around, pulling you back into him and situating his lips right above your forehead as he said, “Best drink I take is when I sippin' you…”
Automatically, the two of you broke apart and launched into the TikTok dance for the chorus, mirroring each other as you tried to focus on each move without bursting into hysterics watching one other.
After you danced through the next verse, Mat pulled your back to his chest, hands gripping yours tightly as he said into a low voice into your ear, “…next trip I take is just me and you.” You turned your face toward him and smiled warmly, then both repeated the moves to the chorus that you’d learned together from the cool young kids on social media.
Mat tore up Lil Yachty’s rap verse as you danced in front of him, giggling.
“This is how I feel about you when I’m away…” Mat spoke before switching back to his rap persona, jokingly getting in your face, arms thrown behind him in a playful confrontation. “I'm tired of looking at your pictures, wanna be up in your face.”
You shook your head at his antics, laughing as he continued, spinning you around again and again with one hand like a ballerina. “I wanna dance with you, I wanna laugh, I wanna sing. Take you on the road, have you rockin' all my bling. Don't know if you're the one but if you are, you'll get a ring…”
Mat smirked at you as he said that particular word, throwing a flirtatious wink your way and causing your heart to flutter. You rolled your eyes and tried to play off how excited that statement coming from Mat’s lips made you, even if it was just a line in a goofy song.
Unbeknownst to you two, Tito had just stepped through the front door and lifted his sunglasses to rest atop his head when Mat delivered the final line with an amusing passion.
“And you look so classy, come through with that magic. You know that I'm ‘bout to smash it, it's true.” With that, Mat grabbed a generous handful of your asscheek and bit at your earlobe, your hands finding his face as you squealed, trying and failing to pry him away from you and stop his mischief.
“TMI,” you heard from the entryway, causing you to jump in Mat’s arms as he laughed at his friend’s statement, eyebrows high on his forehead. Tito walked over with a smirk, shaking his head, and Mat wrapped his arms around your waist tenderly.
“Oh, you two,” Tito teased, kissing your cheek and dapping up Mat as the three of you made your way to the kitchen for your second of what would prove to be many rounds of drinks that afternoon.
Mat was content.
He sat beside you two days later in the breezy Southampton afternoon air, long arm wrapped easily around the back of your chair, fingers lightly caressing your shoulder as you listened to Matt and Sydney deliver their vows to one another. You’d been dabbing at the corners of your eyes with a handkerchief throughout the entire ceremony, Mat’s heart swelling at your evident love for Marty and Syd.
As you lifted the hankie once more to your face, Mat leaned in and delivered the most tender kiss to your temple, his eyes fluttering closed as he breathed in your scent and the pure sweetness of the moment. He felt you melt into his touch, your hand shifting from his thigh to grasp his hand tightly in your own, smoothing your thumb over his knuckles. That simplest of gestures intoxicated him, and despite the wedding going on before you, he couldn’t keep from telling you exactly what he was thinking.
“I love you,” he whispered into your ear, breath tickling your neck and sending goosebumps down your exposed arms. You hummed softly in appreciation, leaning further into his body, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I love you, Maty,” you whispered back, squeezing his hand.
As he looked down to your left hand, entwined with his as they lay in his lap, Mat smiled, thinking of the new addition that would soon adorn that one special finger.
And the best part?
You had no idea.
You were feeling yourself.
It could be the alcohol, or the blue satin dress you donned that suited you so well, or the intense way Mat had been staring at you all night, or a combination of all three. You didn’t know for sure, but either way, you were feeling the best you had in a long time.
Which is why you didn’t hesitate to follow along when, as you stood next to Mat at the bar, his arm slung around your waist and hand resting teasingly just above your backside, Tito hustled up to you as London Bridge by Fergie began to flood the room and grabbed your hands, pulling you away from your boyfriend as he looked on with a pout.
“He,” Tito started, pointing at Mat, “can get you a drink. We,” he motioned between himself and you, “are gonna dance to this right now.”
You threw your head back in a laugh, tossing Mat a look that told him you were only slightly sorry, which quickly faded when you and Tito joined everyone on the dance floor. A crowd naturally circled around the two of you, a pair of the most fun-loving of the entire group, who often kept the others entertained at such events, along with Mat, who was currently enjoying just soaking it all in from afar.
Mat couldn’t keep his eyes off you as you mimicked Fergie’s drop-it-low moves from the now-vintage music video, watching how your hair — not to mention your perky butt and breasts — bounced each time you moved. What made him smile, though, wasn’t how gorgeous your body looked — it was the radiant glow on your face, in your eyes, as you goofed off with many of your closest friends. His closest friends. Though Mat loved you just as much on a rainy morning on the Island, wrapped in his sweats and makeup smeared across your face, these were the moments that made you shine the brightest, your love of life bubbling over onto everyone around you.
As Mat admired your magnetizing charm, Marty approached, playfully rubbing Mat’s shoulders like he was a prizefighter in a ring. Mat reached a hand up, which Marty firmly smacked and squeezed before settling his elbows back against the bar, watching his own love on the dance floor, only feet away from you as the two of you laughed together.
“She get suspicious at all the other day?” Marty inquired with a smirk, nodding gratefully at the bartender who knowingly poured another whisky for him and a fresh vodka cranberry for his bride, after setting down Mat’s beer and your rum ginger in front of him.
Mat couldn’t keep the smile off his face. “Surprisingly, no,” he answered, chuckling. “She really bought it when I told her that Syd asked me to go to the jeweler with you to make sure you got the right rings.”
Marty threw a hand to his chest in mock offense. “Wow!” he exclaimed. “Your girl really must have no faith in me. Syd thought it was hilarious, honestly. And she’s so excited she can barely take it.” Mat nodded. “So... when you gonna do it?” Marty asked, nudging an elbow into Mat’s abdomen.
Mat looked down to his shoes bashfully, a flush spreading from beneath the collar of his dress shirt up to his cheeks.
“Soon,” he said firmly. “I’ve already talked to her parents, and I know her sister can barely keep it together, ever since she helped me design the ring,” Mat added with a grin. “Think I wanna plan a little getaway for just the two of us here in the next couple weeks or so. Do it then.”
Marty backhanded Mat’s bicep and let out an excited “whoop!”
“That’s awesome, buddy,” he told Mat. “I didn’t know you were popping the question so soon!”
Mat turned his gaze to you once more as he and Marty made their way back to the dance floor, drinks for themselves and their favorite women in hand. He smiled at Marty before making his final comment on the topic for the evening.
“Would’ve asked her day one if I had the guts.” Marty nodded in understanding and sent a wink Mat’s way before kissing Sydney’s cheek and handing off her drink, Syd squealing her thanks.
Mat did the same, and you were in a fit of giggles as you hooked one arm around his neck and accepted the glass with your other hand, the last strains of the song fading into another. Suddenly, your brows shot up as you gasped dramatically.
“Hot shit!” you exclaimed along with Nelly over the speakers. Mat laughed loudly at you, kissing you before you turned around, grinding against him slightly — had he told you today that you were pure evil, he wondered — and began dancing to the tune.
And there, swaying along with you to Country Grammar, Mat knew that he had chosen the right girl to dance with, tonight and for the rest of his life.
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sams-sass · 4 years
Same Song Different Show
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Hello!!! So this was written for @spnfanficpond​‘s unfic challenge. My prompt was “Africa” by toto. I don’t know what happened. I just started writing and couldn’t stop. 
Summary: This is basically changing channels, just with you and Sam instead of Sam and Dean. 
Parings: Sam x Reader 
Warnings: Fluff, language, just word length (she’s a wordy one).
You moved your shirt back a little to see the cut across your collarbone. Sighing from exhaustion and frustration, you licked your lips and raised the needle and dental floss to your skin.
"Fucking angels." You muttered under your breath as you moved the floss through your skin. There was a soft knock on the bathroom door, and you instantly knew it was Sam on the other side. Your stomach flipped in your abdomen, and your heart rate picked up. Tonight was weird. Really weird. The angels had come for you and Sam, talking about some divine plan that was laid out for the two of you by heaven itself. They refused to provide all the details, but it was something about the two of you being together…as in a couple. There was something they weren't telling you, and it was driving you insane. How could they drop a bomb like that on you so suddenly? You and Sam? I mean, you would be lying to say you never thought about it, dreamed about it, wished for it, but you never took your secret crush seriously. You saw how adamantly he had denied the possibility of you two. You saw the way he looked over at you like he had never even thought about you as anything other than a friend. Of course, things had gotten physical, and you ended up with a nasty cut. You held pressure on it the whole drive back; the silence in the car was deafening with unspoken words. You and Sam had shared awkward glances, and fleeting eye contact the entire time back to the motel. Neither one of you could say what was really on your mind. You couldn’t ask each other about it just yet. Soon though. Soon you would have to talk about it.
“Hey, Y/N, you doing okay in there?” His voice was soft and smooth, putting you at ease. You gulped and opened the door, finding him leaning against the doorframe. His right arm was over his head, holding his weight against the top of the door. While his left hand was placed on his hip, highlighting his trim waist. He was so close you could smell his shampoo. His beauty stopped you in your tracks, and you dropped the needle, leaving the dental floss handing from your torn flesh.
“Hey, Sam.” You said, letting your mouth turn up into a small smile that widened when he smiled back at you in the cramped space.
“Ya know, I could help with that. I don't think you are going to get a good stitch trying to do it yourself." He said, pointing to your cut. You looked down and sighed, feeling your shoulders relax slightly, and nodded at him before stepping out of the bathroom. He followed you to the bed where you sat on the edge. He grabbed a chair and sat down in front of you, taking the needle in between his fingers and beginning his work. You winced, and he stopped his movements, raising his eyes to look into yours deeply.
“You okay?” He asked, a worried expression on his face.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You said, giving him a small smile for reassurance. It was at that moment that you realized how close your faces were. Your breath hitched in your throat, and you made the mistake of glancing down at his lips for the smallest of seconds. He cleared his throat and licked his lips, tearing his eyes away from you and getting back to work. You didn't know what to do. A part of you didn't want to talk about it, just forget about it and never mention the craziness. Then there was another part of you that desperately wanted to talk about you and Sam together, to pull him towards you and taste his answer on his lips.
"So…tonight was weird." You said softly, casting your eyes towards the floor. His fingers stilled, and he took in a big breath. You licked your bottom lip and let it catch between your teeth, biting it as you nervously waited. He looked back up at you, and you saw his throat work as he swallowed.
"Yeah. Yeah, it was." He said. You could tell he was trying to keep his voice light.
"What do you think they want from us?" You asked, twisting your fingers together in your lap. Sam tied off the stitches and cut the floss, leaning back in the chair.
"Sounds like they want us to uh…well to be together." His voice was a matter of fact. Emotionless.
“Right, but why would heaven care if we were together or not?” You asked, pulling a leg up to your chest and tilting your head in confusion.
“I don’t know. Why do they want anything from humans?" He sounded tired—his voice heavy with sleep and something else you couldn’t place. You nodded your head and shrugged your shoulders, telling him that you agreed with his assessment.
“Well, I’m going to get cleaned up.” You said, standing up and awkwardly wiping your palms against your jeans. “Thank you for the stitch.” You pointed to your shoulder with a little smile.
“Of course.” He replied with a small smile of his own.
Sam watched you walk into the bathroom and waited for the door to close to exhale. This day had turned out different than he imagined, and he couldn't stop the feelings building inside him like a tidal wave. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes tightly. What did this mean? Being put together by heaven. For what? Sighing, he opened the door and stepped into the cool air of the night. Pulling his phone from his pocket and dialing Dean's familiar number.
"Yeah?" His brother's scruffy voice greeted him.
"Hey, Dean," Sam said, stuffing his unoccupied hand into his pocket nervously.
“How’s it going?” He asked, his mouth clearly full of food.
“Alright, how’s the ghost?” Sam asked.
"Dead," Dean answered quickly. "Did the angels tell you why they were there?" He questioned his brother further.
"Yeah…they uh were here for Y/N and me. Apparently, they set this whole thing up to get us alone." Sam said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“What? Why?” Dean sounded worried now.
"Well, according to them, we are supposed to be together…as in a couple," Sam said, waiting for his brother's disapproval. There was a long silence on the other end of the line. Sam thought his brother lost connection for a second, pulling the phone away from his face to check.
"I mean, Sammy, sometimes you just have to accept divine intervention," Dean said, and Sam thought he had stepped into an alternate reality for a moment. He furrowed his brow and shook his head slightly, his mouth comically agape.
“What? No, Dean, no.” Sam stumbled through his words, unable to come up with a real excuse. Dean sighed on the other end of the phone.
“Sam. I see the way you look at her, the way she looks at you too. Maybe this time, one of us should listen to those winged bastards.” Dean said, and Sam could hear the liquid sloshing in the bottle. His phone buzzed, and he sighed in relief.
“I gotta go. I’ll call you later.” Sam said hastily. He opened the text on his phone, his brow furrowing in confusion.
Cas: 1276 Millwood Drive
Sam shook his head and stepped back into the motel room, making his way over to the bathroom door.
“Y/N? Hey, I got a text from Cas to meet up.” He said after knocking. He heard an audible groan in frustration before you opened the door, a bloody cloth in your hand from where you were cleaning your cut.
“About what now?” You asked, placing your hands on your hips.
"I don't know; it was just an address." He said as he grabbed his jacket and made his way towards the door. You rolled your eyes dramatically and let your shoulders slump before following after him.
The address Cas sent was an abandoned old warehouse. Its rusted and worn metal roof creaked in the soft breeze. You made your way inside with flashlights in hand, looking around cautiously for your angel friend. The damp air was thick with the smell of stale mildew. There was an ominous dripping of water somewhere in the distance, and you felt as if eyes were watching you from afar. A chill ran down your spine, and you wrapped your arms around yourself.
"Where is he?" You whispered to Sam, who gave you a confused look, shrugging his shoulders and turning the corners of his lips down towards his chin. You stepped through large metal double doors at the same time and were suddenly greeted with a strange sight. You were suddenly in a living room; a beige couch and green rug were on hardwood floors. There was a mirror on the wall over a fireplace. Pictures of people you didn't know lined the sage green walls. You and Sam both looked around with confusion and fear in your expressions.
“What the hell?” Sam said. You looked over at him to give your agreement when you caught sight of him and stopped dead in your tracks. His hair was slicked back with a ridiculous amount of gel, and it looked like he was wearing bronzer. He had on grey dress pants with a flowy cream-colored shirt tucked into them with a black belt highlighting his hips. The shirt was unbuttoned down to his sternum, exposing his chest that you so often dreamt of but rarely got to see.
"Sam?" You asked with wide eyes. "What the hell are you wearing?" He turned to look at you, and his face fell slightly.
"I could ask you the same question." He said, pointing to your body. You tilted your head to the side and looked down at yourself to see what he was talking about. A silky black dress barely covered your body, clinging to your curves, and highlighting your assets. Your feet were decorated with high heels, your legs were bare, and the dress cut off at your upper thigh. You swallowed and ran your hands over yourself.
"What the fuck?" You said simply. You looked around the room again and caught your face in the mirror; your eyes widened at your reflection. Your hair was done into a glamourous updo that framed your face nicely; your makeup looked caked on and thick. Heavy and gaudy earrings sat in your ears, sticking out from your hair and almost touching your shoulders.
A loud bang made both of you jump and instinctively reach for your guns that had disappeared. You threw your arms up in frustration and turned towards the sound. A woman walked through the door that had slammed against the wall, her hips swinging as she strutted into the room. Music started from somewhere. Slow and melodramatic that reminded you of a show your grandma used to watch. You leaned your head back and stared at her. She walked directly up to you, invading your personal space. She smelt like hairspray and cheap perfume.
“You think you are so much better than me, don’t you!” She screamed in your face.
"What?" You asked, looking over at Sam, who was wearing the same look of shock as you.
“He was mine first!” She said with an over the top ugly crying face with no tears. She suddenly reached up and slapped you across the face, making you stumble slightly. You grabbed your cheek and looked at her with an open mouth and angry eyes.
“Oh. You’re in for it now.” You said, squaring up to her and rolling your neck to get the cracks out.
“And you!” She suddenly screamed at Sam. “You leave me for my sister right when I tell you about our baby?” Sam leaned his head forward and narrowed his eyes, opening his mouth to talk. She reached forward and slapped him across the face too.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?” You asked, taking a step towards Sam.
"Tell me, you don't love me!" She wailed at Sam. "Tell me that you love her more than me, and I'll leave you alone forever." She pointed at you as she spoke, her overlined lips pulling awkwardly over her teeth.
“Uh…yes?” Sam mumbled with a raise of his eyebrow. She threw herself at him, clutching his shirt in her balled fists. He leaned back and tried to get her to let go, pushing at her wrists.
"I will always love you." She whispered, her face coming dangerously close to Sam's, making him lean back even further. Whimpering pathetically, she released him and ran away with her head in her hands. The music changed suddenly, and you recognized the familiar drum beat.
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you.
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do.
I bless the rains down in Africa.
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had.
“What just happened?” He asked, his eyes scanning the room again in confusion. You opened your mouth to answer, but only a mumbled string of “um”s fell out while you stared blankly ahead. There was a sound like a record scratching, and then the music started again.
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you.
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do.
I bless the rains down in Africa.
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had.
"I don't know. It's like we're in a soap opera or something." You said, putting your weight on one hip and crossing your arms.
“A…a soap opera?” He raised his eyebrows.
"I know it sounds insane, but think about it for a second. The outfits, the crazy woman slapping us, the ridiculous plotline, the music, and the mood lighting. I'm not sure how or why, but it all fits." You spoke with your hands as you put the pieces together.
“Wait! Y/N, that’s it! We are in a soap opera!” He grabbed your biceps and looked deeply into your eyes with a new sense of understanding. “When Dean and I were trying to stop the apocalypse from happening two years ago, Gabriel put us in this endless loop of T.V shows.” He explained. You placed your hands on his forearms and furrowed your brow.
“Okay, so how do we get out?” You asked.
"Well, Dean and I had to find him; the only way we could move on was to 'play our roles.'" Sam said, taking his hands off your arms so he could use finger quotes.
"What does that mean? Play your roles?" You asked him using air quotes as he had. The record scratched. The song started playing annoyingly all over again, its tune filling the otherwise quiet room with the familiar beat. Sam looked nervous suddenly, his left hand coming up to rub the back of his neck.
"Well, we uh…we would do what the role required. Like we were in a hospital in one show, so we played doctors, and that's how we moved on." Sam explained.
“Okay…” You started as you began to pace back and forth, helping yourself think. “So, this is a soap opera where we just found out you chose me over my pregnant, with your baby, sister.” You paused and looked over at him. “I can’t believe I just said that.” You shook your head, feeling the large earrings swinging against your neck before resuming your pacing. “It sounds to me like this is…oh I see.” You connected the dots and stopped dead in your tracks, looking up at Sam like a deer in headlights.
"The part when we get together," Sam said with a nervous chuckle.
“Fucking angels.” You muttered again, closing your eyes and taking in a big breath. You were stuck in place as if someone had poured concrete around your feet. You wanted this, wanted him so badly. You felt a heat run over your skin as he took one step towards you, his face one of determination. Swallowing down your nerves, you reached out one hand and felt him take it between his fingers.
"May I?" He asked, his voice sounded rough. You didn't trust your voice, so you just nodded your head slowly, not breaking eye contact. He touched your shoulder and leaned forward. You tilted your head up and closed your eyes, rising onto your tippy toes. The song started again, the drums beating as his lips touched yours ever so softly. You kissed him back gently, not allowing yourself to get lost in the feeling of him like you so desperately wanted to. He pulled back and smiled down at you, his dimples on full display. You let out a shaky breath and smiled back at him, holding yourself back from throwing your arms around his neck and finally letting yourself show him how you feel.
"Let's try the door." He said. You realized that his hand was still holding yours as you made your way over to the door, and you couldn't stop the small smirk that made its way across your lips at the feeling. You pushed the door open, and suddenly you were on a street. The cobblestone street clicked underneath your heels, your long skirt dragging on the ground behind you soundlessly. Sam was wearing a suit and top hat. His jacket was cut at his waist in the front but falling longer in the back, a pocket watch chain hanging from the front. His bowtie was a solid black, making his green eyes stand out. He turned to look at you, and you didn't miss the way his eyes raked over your body. Making you look down in self-consciousness. You had on a corset that made you stand tall and straight. Its laces were pulling your body into a tight hourglass shape, perking up your breasts and flowing at the sinch of your waist. A frilly and tight maroon dress adorned your body. You swallowed and looked up at Sam, who licked his lips, causing your heart to skip a beat. Suddenly there were people everywhere as if they all appeared at once. The street was busy with the noise of voices and horse-drawn carriages.
“What do you think is going to be our moment in this one?” You asked, looking around at the street.
"I don't know; I think we should move, though," Sam said, walking along the street. He held out his elbow, and you placed your gloved hand into the crook as you strolled across the road. His body was so close to yours, and the feeling of warmth it was giving made you feel calmer in this unfamiliar and uncertain land. A market with tents and booths appeared, you and Sam walking under its shade together.
“A flower for the lady!” A man with a huge mustache and glasses called out to you loudly. His outstretched hand held a rose. You took it between your fingers and smiled at him.
“Thank you.” You said, bringing the flower up to your nose to inhale its scent.
"Doctor!" A voice called from afar. You and Sam both looked to see a man running towards you with papers in his hands. He stopped in front of you, his breath coming in fast and ragged.
"I am sorry to interrupt, I did not see you there, madam. I will leave you while you are courting your betrothed." He said quickly, bowing his head in respect.
“Betrothed?” You and Sam asked in unison.
"I mean, yes, of course." Sam corrected himself and stood a little taller.
“If I may suggest, the park is rather splendid this day. Maybe a spot of lunch.” He placed his hands behind his back and smiled warmly at you.
“A wise suggestion indeed. Thank you.” Sam said, clearly fumbling over his words. You walked away, still arm and arm, and made your way to the park.
“Okay, how do we move on?” You asked quietly, keeping your head low.
"I don't know. We need a door." He said, looking around. "There!" He said, pointing to a building on the corner.
"Let's go." You said. The two of you pushed the door open and were greeted by a sight you could only dream of—towers of books surrounded you on all sides. Shelves of literature were all around you, and you couldn't help but feel the amazement. Emerald, red, navy, and black book spines pointed towards you as you walked through the aisles. You found a door in the back of the library and faced Sam, nervously rubbing your hands together and waiting for the kiss. He took you by the arms and pulled you to him while the orchestra swelled in the background. There were no words this time, but it was the instrumental version of the song playing earlier. His lips touched yours with more authority this time; he left his lips on yours for a beat longer than you expected. Your body melted against him, and you could feel the restraint in his kiss. Did he want more? Did he like what you wanted? He released you, and you instinctively licked your lips, catching your bottom lip between your teeth. He cleared his throat, and you found the closest door, pushing it open.
Your eyes took a second to adjust to the bright light suddenly surrounding you in an overstimulating bedroom. There was color everywhere. The blue curtains clashed with the red and white rug. Green walls were lined with obscure and abstract paintings. Fabric hung from the ceiling fan, curtain rods, and full-length mirror next to a mannequin. You looked down at yourself and saw that you were pinned into a flowing red dress that was surprisingly tasteful given your surroundings.
“You might be my best work yet!” A voice said from behind you, making you jump slightly. You turned to see a cute girl with a measuring tape hanging around her neck and a pincushion on her wrist. She was examining you as if you were art in a museum.
"Where is Sam?" You asked; you frantically looked around the room for him and began to panic when you couldn't find him anywhere.
“He will be at the party! Waiting for you,” She paused, clasping her hands together and looking up into the distance with a blissful look on her face. “his true love.” She whispered.
"Um…what?" You asked with a furrowed brow. What the hell was going on? Who was this person? If you were here, where was Sam? The sound of a door opening interrupted your thoughts, and you leaned forward to see who it was. A girl practically skipped into the room and let out a high pitch squeal. Her curls bounced with her as she and the other girl did an in sync hip movement. You watched on with wide eyes and a confused expression.
“Oh my god! Y/N! You look ravishing!” The second girl shouted excitedly…too excitedly.
“Tha-tha-thank you.” You stuttered through your confusion. She reached up and made a claw with her fingers, roaring in your direction.
"What the fuck?" You mumbled under your breath. You looked around the room and at these women. The realization started to slowly sink in all at once—the over the top dialog, the one-dimensional friends, the bright colors. You were in a romantic comedy. The sound of a bottle of champagne popping confirmed it to you.
"Alright now. Let's get you ready for that party.” The girl who was clearly playing your “artsy” friend moved towards you with an awkward shoulder roll. She took the pins out and pushed you into a chair where your "bubbly" friend played with your hair and placed jewelry across your skin. A happy song played in the background as you all drank champagne and played with makeup. You sat awkwardly silent as they fell into hysterics about…nothing. Not a single thing was even remotely funny. Holy crap. You were in a montage. You placed your glass of champagne down and picked up the bottle, chugging the bubbly liquid down as fast as you could.
As if time didn't matter at all, you were suddenly standing at the top of a descending staircase. Sam stood at the bottom, looking as handsome as ever. His tux was fitted to him perfectly, highlighting his broad shoulders and slim waist. You swallowed and made your way down the staircase, eager to get to him as an orchestra started playing on cue. You felt eyes on you from every angle, as if everyone in the building was waiting for you to arrive. Finally making it to Sam, you breathed a sigh of relief when you felt the party resume behind you.
"You look beautiful," Sam said, almost as if he couldn't help himself. You let a shy smile cross your face before playfully nudging him in the chest with your shoulder.
“A romantic comedy. Can you believe it? Dean is going to be pissed he missed out.” You asked him, laughing and looking at all the doors for the best way out.
"I know where were you? I have been waiting here looking for you for like a half-hour." Sam asked.
“Ugh. Sorry. I had to get ready with tweedled dee and tweedled dumb over there.” You flicked your head in their direction. “They laughed about nothing. Absolutely nothing for like ten minutes.” You muttered, shaking your head of the memory. There was a squeak next to you, and your eyes closed in premature annoyance. You knew what was about to happen.
"Hey, guys!" Your bubbly friend said. You both turned and gave her a tight-lipped smile.
“The dance floor looks really nice.” Your artsy friend chimed in, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
“Yeah, you guys should go try it out.” Bubbles said, once again bouncing in place.
“What? Oh no, we are fine here.” You said, shaking your head and waving your hand in their faces.
"No! You have to!" Artsy said, shoving the two of you out onto the dance floor. You and Sam both stumbled onto the wooden floor, holding onto each other for support. A familiar tune started, and you both straightened at the song.
I hear the drums echoing tonight.
But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation.
She's coming in, 12:30 flight.
The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation.
I stopped an old man along the way.
Hoping to find some old forgotten words or ancient melodies
He turned to me as if to say, "Hurry boy, it's waiting there for you."
Suddenly everyone on the dance floor started moving along to the song in a choreographed routine. Swaying bodies and smiling faces were prancing around you in a blur of color and fake smiles.
"Oh, sweet Jesus. It's a dance scene." You said, watching as everyone got more involved with the approaching chorus.
“No, no, no. I am not doing a dance number.” Sam said, stiffening under his jacket.
“Okay, then kiss me.” You replied quickly, turning your face towards his.
“Y/N, are you sure?” He asked, ever the gentlemen.
“Sam.” You rolled your eyes and grabbed the back of his head, pulling him towards you and kissing him fully on the mouth as the chorus broke out behind you.
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you.
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do.
I bless the rains down in Africa.
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had
This kiss felt more emotional than the others had. It felt more passionate, real, and raw. His hand came up to cup your cheek. You wanted to let yourself have the moment. To fall into him and drink him in like water, but you had to get out of here, and you had to do it now. You broke away, letting him still hold you close to him as you took in a heavy breath. You released each other and ran away from the dance floor before your “friends” could find you to have another montage.
Charging through the double doors at the same time, you and Sam found yourselves suddenly in a black and white world. Your body was draped over a couch, a silk robe cloaking your skin. Pearls and jewels hung on your neck, leading to a nightdress that hung to your mid-calf. A glass with a dark liquid was perched in your right hand, balancing on your hip. A knock on the door made you get up and walk across the lavish room, opening the door to a maid. She bowed her head slightly and spoke in a soft voice.
"Excuse me, miss, but he wants to see you now."  She said, lifting her head to look into your eyes.
“Very well.” You played along, turning back into your bedroom to find clothing.
“Would you like my help, miss?” The maid asked, already taking a step into the room.
"What shall I wear?" You asked her, sitting back down onto the couch and crossing your legs. She made her way to a closet and began looking through hangers. You followed behind her and let yourself openly gawk at the number of dresses in front of you.
"If I were you, I would wear this, miss." She said, holding up a floor-length beaded gown. You nodded and took it from her hands, smiling at the opportunity to get so dressed up for once.
"I agree." You smiled at her, and she let out a breath, as if she had been holding it for quite some time, and smiled back at you happily. She helped you take off your jewelry and hung up your robe and nightgown for you as you changed into the dress. Her thin fingers zipped up the dress in the back, and she lightly ran her hands over the fabric to make sure it laid flat over your body. Then, as if time wasn't a thing, you were stepping out of a car—a hand coming to help you keep steady on your feet. Your face turned up towards the lively building in front of you, music and lights seeming to flow from it and into your soul. You walked through the doors and found Sam immediately, his tall frame towering over everyone else. He raised a hand and fixed his cufflink, sending a wink in your direction. Your blood ran hotter in your veins as you stepped towards him until you were face to face.
"Champagne, madam?" A waiter asked, holding out a tray with two flutes of the bubbly liquid balancing perfectly on it for the taking. You and Sam each took one, clinking your glasses together in cheers before taking a sip. You couldn't help but notice how his eyes didn't deviate from yours or how he seemed to have a new confidence. You smiled and looked around at the night club. Dim lighting and white table cloths filled your vision. The air was smokey and warm on a summer night. People bustled about, drinks in gloved hands—dresses and suits a blur in the festive atmosphere. The band played on in the back, filling the crowded space with a slow beat.
“This song is for the owner and his lovely date.” The singer spoke into the microphone, pointing directly at you and Sam.
"That's our cue," Sam said, taking the glass from his hand and placing it on a table with his own. He stretched his hand out to you and wrapped his fingers around your hand gently. You made your way onto the dance floor, and a slow rendition of what was quickly becoming a song you shared with Sam started.
I hear the drums echoing tonight.
But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation.
She’s coming in, 12:30 flight
The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation.
I stopped an old man along the way.
Hoping to find some old forgotten words or ancient melodies
He turned to me as if to say, “Hurry boy, it’s waiting there for you."
Sam wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you tightly against him, moving to the beat of the song. His large hand splayed over your back, the pads of his fingers pushing lightly against your ribcage. You tried to calm your heart, swallowing hard and telling yourself it was all for show.
“You seem different.” You said, looking up at him.
“I know. I just figured that maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if we played along a little bit.” He said, taking you completely by surprise. You cleared your throat and smiled. You could live with this, with the feeling of him against you tightly. With the way, he was looking at you right now. It was as if time stood still. As if nothing else mattered except you and Sam being together forever. Between the way, his body felt on yours, the champagne, and his hot breath on your face, you decided to be brave.
“Ya know, to get out of here, you have to kiss me.” You said, your voice breathy. He looked down at your lips and bent his neck to capture his lips in yours.
It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you.
There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa.
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had
This kiss was what you would consider the first kiss. His lips moved lightly against yours, opening ever so slightly. You kissed back, letting yourself explore the feeling of him no matter how fleeting the moment. He broke the kiss first, placing his forehead against yours gently. You glanced up at him again to smile, and the two of you took off to the nearest door.
The smell of beer was the first thing you noticed.
“Y/N! Sam!” A voice called out over the noisy crowd in the bar. You felt Sam's hand take yours, and you moved through the tables together.
“Took you guys long enough, finally expressing your undying love?” The man who had called your name asked, taking a sip of his beer. A laugh track sounded around you at the stupid joke. Awesome. A sitcom.
“What?” Sam asked him, leaning forward slightly.
"Come on, dude! Lighten up. I just want you to be together so I know I don't have a chance with Y/N, and I can move on." He said, and your face scrunched in confusion and disgust. Who talks like that? You wondered as the laugh track went off again.
"Um. Whatever." Sam said, taking your hand and moving through the bar. A girl ran up to you, squealing in excitement. Her hands were clapping together in front of her.
"Oh my, god! You guys are holding hands. Did it happen? Did it finally happen?! Tell me everything, and don't leave out a single detail!" She said, her voice high pitched and whiney. "Oh! Amber! Y/N and Sam are holding hands!" She yelled to another girl loudly. You opened your mouth to say something, but the other girl appeared out of nowhere.
“Cool.” She said with an emotionless face, cueing the laugh track once again.
“Sam.” You said out of the side of your mouth, leaning into him and making the laugh track go off once again.
"On it." He said, retaking your hand and moving until you found a back room for you to hide.
“We need to get out of here.” You said as soon as the door closed.
"Agreed," Sam said, the audience roaring with laughter.
"Hey, Sam." You said softly.
“Yeah?” He turned to face you.
“I..uh…well, I just can't stop thinking about how all these people want us to get together, it's like I don't know what to think anymore." You said, exposing your true feelings to him.
“I feel the same way.” He agreed, leaning against the wall and hunching his shoulders slightly. “I have been feeling different since we got here, T.V. land, I mean, like somehow this was the right thing. I don’t know what to think anymore.” He said, his fingers twisting together as he spoke. You felt your heart rate quicken in your chest at his words. Could he really want you as you wanted him? You had to know. Had to quiet the racing thoughts in your mind. You licked your lips and let out a puff of air.
"Can I try something?" You asked him, taking a step towards him, making the crowd make one long "ohhh." He nodded and swallowed. You stepped up to him, placing your hands on his chest and looking deeply into his eyes before leaning forward. His hands took your face within them, and he bent down to you, his thumbs moving along your cheeks. Your lips connected, and the crowd went wild, cheering, and hollering. The song started playing, but neither one of you pulled away. This time you opened your mouth to him, letting your tongue run over his lower lip. His fingers twisted into your hair, his tongue caught yours, moving into your mouth and pulling a small moan from you at the feeling. He wrapped his arms around you, arched your back into his chest, pressing yourself even harder against his body. He pulled away and looked at you, running his thumb over your bottom lip. You could see the change in his eyes, could feel it within your own heart. This was right. He was right. You were meant to be. Together, forever.
The rain was warm and hard against your skin. Your eyes took in your surroundings—grass and trees with a heavy moon perched high in a black sky. You were drenched, your hair and clothes sticking to your body. You looked for Sam, finding him walking towards you in the milky light of the moon. His white t-shirt was clinging onto his muscular torso, showing off his abs and biceps. You walked towards him across the field until you were face to face under the night sky. This time there were no words spoken. This time, his large hands wrapped around your thighs, and he lifted you against him, your legs wrapping around his waist. It was your turn to lean down and connect your lips to his without holding anything back, to let your feelings show through the kiss. His hands held you against him as you ran your fingers through his wet hair, feeling the strands slip between your fingers. His teeth took your bottom lip between them, and he bit ever so gently. Your tongue slid against his, tasting him, and the rain at once. He was perfect. This was perfect, everything you ever wanted and more. Your love-drenched brain finally put the dots together, and you broke away, holding his face between your hands.
“We never opened a door.” You said. He looked away for a moment before placing you down on the ground to reach into his back pocket. He pulled out his phone and gun from his waistband. You were back, back to reality.
“We’re back.” He said, echoing your own thoughts.
“We’re back!” You cheered, jumping into his arms once more and latching your lips to his, kissing him through smiles and laughter. The song started playing in the background, and your stomach dropped. Were you wrong? You pulled apart to see Gabe standing there with a boom box above his head. Africa was playing loudly from it.
“Gabriel?” You asked, squinting at him in the rain.
“Glad you guys finally did it! I was going to put you in a musical next.” He said with a sarcastic grin.
"Next time, can you just like talk to us? Or just let us do it on our own?" Sam said, his arms crossing over his chest in annoyance.
"On your own? I wanted you to get there before old age took me." He joked, placing the boom box on the ground. "Alright, alright, I'll take you back to the motel now. Dean has been going crazy for days now." 
“Gabe. Why Y/N and I?” Sam asked.
“Oh, right. Some things are just written in the stars. You were each other’s destiny and heaven was tired of waiting.” He reasoned, as if he was talking about the weather. He said, lifting his fingers.
“Wait!” You said quickly. “Why Africa?” You asked, tilting your head to the side.
“It’s a catchy song, had it stuck in my head for days.” He shrugged and didn’t wait for a reply before he snapped his fingers.
Tags: @spnfanficpond​ @watermelonlipstick​ @hot-mess-magee​ @calaofnoldor​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @doctorlilo​ @shelleyj​ @enderroyal​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @manawhaat​ @winchest09​
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This Christmas - A Harry Styles Christmas Series (Part 1)
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Two life long friends. Secretly in love. Home for the holidays. Will they risk everything by telling the other how they feel? Or will they spend another year loving from afar? 
Read the Prologue here 
You pulled into Anne’s driveway later the following day. You could already feel the difference of being home, it was almost like a weight had been lifted off your shoulder. Maybe this was exactly what you needed.
“Oh there she is!” Anne smiled, walking out to meet you as you got your bags.
“Hi,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around her. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too,” she smiled, hugging you tightly. “Come on, I’ve just finished dinner.”
“Good, I haven’t eaten since breakfast,” you laughed.
You followed Anne inside, leaving your bags in the living room, before heading to wash up and then meeting Anne in the dining room.
“Hm, this smells amazing,” you smiled.
“Thank you,” she smiled.
You took some onto your plate and started eating right away. “Hm, so good,” you groaned. “I’ve missed having food like this.”
“Oh, it’s simple to make,” she said.
“It’s been awhile since I’ve home cooked food,” you tell her. “When I’m trying to meet a deadline, I’m usually ordering takeaway.”
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that while you’re here,” she smiled.
“Thank you,” you smiled. “I really hope I can get some words down here… if I miss this deadline… I’m screwed.”
“I’m sure you will figure it out,” she said. “You always do.”
“In the past, I have,” you nodded. “But there’s just something about this book… that I’m struggling with. I love Christmas… and I love christmas movies and books… but for some reason I’m struggling to write my own.”
“Perhaps, that’s your problem?” She suggested. “You're focusing on everything you’ve seen or read before and trying to make them yours, when you should just take your love of Christmas… and make it yours.”
“Good point,” you nodded.
“Well, I don’t want to keep you much longer. I promised I would stay out of your way and give you space to write,” she smiled. “After dinner, I’ll walk you out to the guest house.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” you said.
“I can and I will,” she smirked.
You shook your head and finished eating dinner. Once you helped Anne clean up the kitchen, you grabbed your bags and followed her out to the backyard where the tiny guest house stood. You couldn’t help but smile when you saw how decorated it was for Christmas.
“It’s beautiful,” you smiled.
“Thank you,” she smiled. “I went a little extra this year, hoping it might get you into the spirit.”
“Thank you,” you nodded. “I hope so, too.”
Inside there was only a bed alongside the wall and a desk near the other side. There was a small counter with a Keurig and some water. And of course in the far corner was a christmas tree covered in small ornaments and lights.
“I know it isn’t much,” she said. “And you are more than welcome to stay in the house if you’d like, but I thought this might be better for you to not have any distractions.”
“Oh, no, yes, it’s perfect,” you nodded. “Not saying I won’t take you up on the offer to stay inside occasionally, but for now this is where I need to be.”
“Then I’ll leave you to it,” she smiled.
After she left, you sighed placing your things to the side. You took out your comfy, writing pajamas, and quickly changed out of your comfy traveling clothes. You grabbed your computer and your notebook, opening up the still blank page from the night before.
It was time to get writing.
Harry took in the fresh, crisp air as he drove with the window down. He was finally home after spending the last few months in California working on his newest project. He enjoyed his time in LA and the surrounding areas, but there was nothing that could beat being back in London. At least not until he arrived back home to visit his mother, which is exactly where he was headed currently.
It was late and he knew he probably wouldn’t see her until morning, but he couldn’t wait to get home any longer. She wasn’t expecting him until tomorrow evening, but he knew she wouldn’t mind his early… late arrival. It had been a long time since he had been back in his childhood town, the last time was a few days back over the summer. He always loved going back there because the people who lived there still saw him as just Harry, the annoying kid who used to work at the local bakery.
But more importantly, he loved going back because it reminded him of a simpler time. Of course, everyone probably feels that way, but for Harry, it was because there was always the off chance he would run into you. He missed you. He missed talking to you and how things used to be. There was once a time you two were inseparable, but now you two were separated and have been for years.
He blamed himself for what had happened. He let himself get carried away into the famous life and left you in the past. It wasn’t that he meant for it to happen or that he wanted it to, it’s just he was young, he was stupid, and he let too many text and phone calls go unanswered. He supposed people growing apart happened all the time, but he never thought it would happen to either of you.
But he was happy for you. He was proud of you and everything you had accomplished with your writing. He’s read every single one of your books and recommended them to all his friends. Even some of his fans, who have caught him holding a book or two of your’s in a photo. Whenever he felt lonely, he would open one of your books and read it because it felt like he was able to catch up with you.
It was weird, he knew that, but it also made him wonder what might have happened had the two of you stayed in touch. He wondered if he ever would have gotten the courage to tell you how he felt about you. Now, it’s not like he realized his feelings for you all those years ago, but recently during a drunken discussion with Jeff, he realized the one thing holding him back from having a relationship work out was… well you.
It happened after yet another relationship had gone to shit. It wasn’t very long and he didn’t really feel that heartbroken over it, which obviously was a sign that it was supposed to happen, but it still defeated him a bit.
“I don’t get it, Jeff,” Harry said, taking a sip of his drink. “I’m fucked up… I gotta be. Am I that terrible… and I’m gonna be the type of person who just dates around, falls in love, gets my heartbroken, and then repeats the same thing until I’m old?”
“You’re only in your twenties,” Jeff hiccuped. “You’ve still got plenty of time to find love and start a family one day.”
“But what if… what if I already have, but she’s already gone,” he whispered.
“What are you on about?” Jeff groaned.
“How did you know you love Glenne… that she was the one?” Harry asked.
Jeff sighed, “I don’t know… I just… knew… I feel it whenever I’m around her and when I’m not with her I want to be. I can’t picture my life without her… I know it sounds fucking cliche, but being love is very much a cliche thing to do. When you find who you’re supposed to be with, you’ll just know… I promise.”
“That’s what I was afraid of,” Harry whispered.
That person was, in fact, you. He knew it. Deep down he always knew it, but he never let himself admit it. He was afraid. He was stubborn. He was stupid. And now he was paying the price.
You sighed as you deleted yet another entire page worth of writing. Two hours had passed and you were still in the same exact spot you had been when you started. So, apparently, there wasn’t going to be some magical switch in your brain that would get you writing just by being in a different location. You were actually going to have to work it.
Instead of trying to write for another few hours, you decided to grab your shower things and head into the house for a shower and some time to think. First, you needed to relax your mind and your muscles from sitting in both a car and chair for far too long. Then, you could focus on the task at hand. When you got to the guest bathroom in the house, you turned on the water, deciding on taking a bath, hoping that would help.
There were some candles laying around, so you lit those, placing them around the bathroom. You pulled your hair on top of your head before undressing as the water continued filling up the tub. You grabbed your notebook, placing it on the little tray on the tub, along with your phone, before getting inside. You smiled, closing your eyes, taking in smells of the candles and sound of the soft music you were playing from your phone.
The warmth of the water soothed your muscles, releasing the tension they once held as you took some water in your hands pouring it over your chest and shoulders. You brought some up to your face, wiping any sleepiness from your eyes because you knew you wouldn’t be sleeping tonight until you came up with an idea.
Once you felt a bit relaxed, you dried off your hands, taking your notebook out and reading through your pages of notes. You had so many ideas written down, but they had been crossed out because you couldn’t get them to work. So, next you moved onto your phone where you kept your inspiration board. It was mostly an album on your phone with pictures.
You kept searching and searching until finally, you stopped at a photo of you and Harry. It was one of the last ones you took together before you stopped talking. Conveniently, it was one taken at Christmas, where you both were dressed in ugly christmas sweaters. His arms were wrapped around your shoulder and his head was placed on top of yours. You were both laughing at something, but there was something else you noticed.
You were the happiest you had been in a long time, even now. Your smile touched your eyes and there was a glow in your cheeks. There was something about the holidays that seemed to bring people together. Maybe it was part of the Christmas spirit, or because people finally got to take a break from their normal lives for a few weeks.
That’s when it clicked. The idea you had been longing for. You quickly grabbed your pen and started writing it down. Your hand moved swiftly across the paper as if you were afraid you would forget it. Once you felt like you had enough to go on for when you returned to your little hideaway.
You read over your idea.
Two life-long friends return home for the holidays. What will happen when they discover there’s more between them than just friendship.  But the love they’ve been searching for was there all along. 
You knew it was risky, but you also knew your chance to figure things out with Harry had passed years ago, and maybe writing this story was your way of getting closure. Because this way, you would be in control of the ending.
Here is PART 1 ! I hope you enjoyed it. I know it’s a little slow to start off, but it’ll pick up soon. 
Next Part will be posted Tuesday at Midnight CST :)
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kindness-bliss · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 10
Timothy Thatcher x OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
 Maya sighed as she sat in the and leaned her head back against the headrest “Why did you lean in to kiss me ?” she finally asked  
 “I just felt the moment was right, you held my hand on your own and I thought maybe it was a good idea. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I just did what I felt was right in the moment” he explained “I apologize, I really do. I would never wanna make you feel like it was forced”
  “Don’t do it again” she said softly “Now hurry up so you can drive me home and we can both change, you got your outfit ?”
  “Yeah, just um a black long sleeve button up and black pants, that okay ?” Marcel asked
“Perfect” she grins as they got out “Also feel free to loosen up tonight, I can handle my drinking”
He raised a brow as he pulled in and followed “Do I need to remind you about what happened in Berlin ?”
  Maya widened her eyes as she blushed and shot him a look “You said you’d never bring it up, so don’t start now”
  “Sorry but you causing world war 3 at a club at 2 in the morning that led to us running through the back door isn’t exactly a small thing” he laughed as he brought his bag in “I’m not even drunk ! I’m fine, let’s go dance !” he mocked in her voice “and then suddenly a fight about who knows what and bam we’re in a taxi. How you weren’t some kind of fighter in your life still shocks me”
  “I felt like it” she shrugged “she insinuated my Cartier bracelets were fake so I let her have it, period. Oh yeah and she hit on you right in front of me, she deserved it”
He laughed, shaking his head “how about none of that tonight ? Just fun, enjoy yourself with your friends and celebrate your cover”
“I invited Fabian” she blurted out, taking out her curling iron to touch up her hair “he said he’s coming, I gave security his name”
  Marcel nodded as she took off his t shirt and ironed his shirt “That’s cool, glad he can make it”
“If you two don’t say sorry and make up tonight I swear” she groaned. Yeah they had been friends for a little over half a year but that didn’t mean him and Fabian were back together. Those two were like a married couple and seeing him without Fabian made her sad, he wasn’t the same without him and it killed her inside
  “I can’t promise anything but if he’s there obviously he knows I’m going to be as well so who knows” Marcel admitted as he fixed his hair
  “Lay off the gel, you look you belong back in Germany in some grade school with this haircut” she laughed fixing her eye shadow “Plus it’s gonna be hot in there”
    “Then I’ll take my shirt off,” he smirked. “I think some girls there would  really like to see that, don't you think ?”
  Maya rolled her eyes, going into her closet and picking out a body con sequin dress, something to make her stand out from the others. She wanted to be absolutely sure she looked better than anyone else there, especially after what Tim had told her. Tim. As if that Dickies wearing, missing tooth asshole knew anything about fashion she shook her head. “No one cares Maya, he doesn’t matter at all” she repeated in her head turning and widening her eyes as she saw Marcel changing
   “Wow...wow” she muttered quietly as she hid behind her closet door and peaked, taking a look at his perfectly tan body and abs, watching him check himself out in the mirror while buttoning up his shirt. He had to me the most vain individual she had ever met yet there she was hiding so she could admire him from afar. Her, the actual model, hiding in a damn closet to stare at him of all people. She quickly snapped out of her own thoughts and changed, putting on her heels as she walked out
  “Alright all-” Marcel stopped speaking, practically stopping his breathing when he saw her
“Hey” Maya grinned softly as she saw his face
“Maya….I….” he took a moment to think clearly about what he wished to say, not wanting to make himself seem even dumber than he already did 
“I-wow” he chuckled out finally as he put his hands in his pockets 
“You...you look beautiful, stunning”
  “Marcel, you’ve seen me in dresses but thank you” she giggled 
 “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve seen, ever” he said sincerely “you look beautiful every single day but tonight is just wow”
She looked at him, trying her best to keep her look calm and friendly but part of her wanted to jump him right then and there. “Come on, let’s get going it’s late” she grinned as she went back out with him to the car and allowed him to take a picture of them to post ******
  “So now explain” Johnny said as he sat with Tim in the living room of his home “why exactly did you um...snap ?”
  “I did not snap” Tim responded calmly as he pet their dog Pawdme 
“I...words didn’t come out as well as I hoped okay, that’s all”
  “Um...you went to college right ? like graduated, correct ?” he asked
Tim nodded as he gave a confused look “uh yeah, I uh have a degree in Journalism, worked at a newspaper company for years. Actually” he chuckled “when we met in evolve I was stil- wait what does this have to do with anything ?”
    “So you’re telling me you’re college educated with a degree in JOURNALISM of all things, like as in good with words and writing yet you don't know how to speak to a woman !” Johnny exclaimed “You legit use big ass words and write pages yet when a girl clearly is giving the whole “take me in the back seat of your car now” eyes you insult and demean ?” “Johnny, enough” Candice spoke up “He gets the point, clearly he’s upset and mad”
“Thanks” Tim nodded, “and to answer all your questions, yes, I get it. I acted like a moron and well here I am trying to think of ways to apologize once again and convince her I want her with me”   
“Well we can all talk about this tomorrow, we got somewhere to go” Johnny stood up dressed in a button up and black jeans along with Candice in a black dress
  “A funeral ?” Tim asked confused as he looked at both of them “sorry for your loss, whomever it may be”
 Candice let out a soft sigh as he looked at Johnny and nodded towards Tim with her head “tell him…”
“Okay, first it’s “Johnny, shut up!” and now it’s “tell him” he mocked in her voice as he put his hands on his hips and looked up at Tim 
“We’re…..we’re going to Maya’s cover launch party, she invited us a month ago and well we RSVP’d and honestly I won’t lie, it looks like a lot of fun, man. She rented out the entire club. It's at EVE and I mean we don’t get to do shit like this, it’s the best club in the city and we’re on the list and I feel special alright ?”
  “Wait wait, what ?” Tim asked bewildered “You two are going ? Like actually going ? This isn’t some sick joke right because if it is I got pranked” he put his hands up “the act can stop now, I get it”
Johnny and Candice looked at each other as they both turned and gave him a sorry look as Candice’s phone buzzed “sorry Tim...we gotta go now, Oney’s waiting with Joanne”
 Tim scoffed as he nodded and opened the door, catching Oney about to knock  “I know, don’t even try to explain” he said as he shut him up before he could even speak
  “Well damn” Oney shot him a look “Guess that means, you don’t wanna be my plus one….”
“What ?” the other 3 asked in unison as they looked at him
“Joanne can’t make it, she has work so that leaves me with a plus one” he showed the message “Maya never said I couldn’t bring Tim” he gave a shrug
“Wait…. He can’t go like that” Candice emphasized “babe quick, go look for a bigger shirt and Oney, switch pants with Tim and Johnny will give you another pair…..NOW !” she raised her voice at the 3 of them as she watched them scurry and go to her bedroom
    “Wow, who knew you could clean up so nicely” Johnny smirked “let me do your hair now, you can’t go out looking nicely dressed with messy hair, oh and cologne, you gotta smell good in case ”
“You’re not serious ?” Tim asked
“You want her to see you looking good right ? So listen to me, if you look good and smell good she’ll like fall in love with you, she won’t even remember you insinuated her work was cheap, or that bikini models are whores or that-” Johnny gulped when he saw him glare at him “here just..just add a little gel and um see you downstairs, hurry up”
  Oney chuckled as he watched him get ready “If this doesn’t work, then I don’t know. Not gonna lie you look….nice. You really do, this is probably what she wanted to see”  
 “Whatever” Tim shrugged as he finished buttoning up the shirt “I just wanna talk to her that’s all, talk to her and get this settled and we’ll go from there” he nodded as he followed him back to Candice and Johnny’s Uber and sat down 
  “Wow” Candice grinned “look at you, I mean it. You clean up so nicely Tim, you really do”
“Thank you” Tim said softly as he gave her a small grin. “How the hell did I get myself into this ?” he thought to himself. None of this was him, he could feel the sweat start to build up in his arm pits as he moved around in his seat lifting his head up when Oney offered him a mini bottle of Patron
“A roadie, to loosen up before we get there. You could use it, need a chaser ?” he offered some seltzer water widening his eyes as he watched him chug it down in one gulp
  “Give me another, now” Tim nodded as he reached out his hand, taking the second bottle and downing it “there, much much better”. No not really all that better but at least it calmed his nerves slightly as he watched them pull up to the club. He looked through the crowd to see who he recognized, some were definitely other models but lots were from work. She really had invited everyone but him, not like he expected it anyways.
    “Remember, leave no later than 3” Candice said as they got out and reapplied her lipgloss “Jesus, she’s popular look at all these people”
  “You don’t say” Johnny looked around “And she invited US, that means she really does like us and thinks of us as friends. She’s SO nice”
“She is. She really is something” Tim whispered to himself as he stood with them ************
“I love seeing you two so happy and together !” Maya smiled a little tipsy already as she put her arms around Fabian and Marcel’s shoulders 
“The two besties are back together ! You can go back to taking your little sexy shirtless gym pictures now !”  
 Fabian chuckled “well thank you I think ? Thanks for inviting me again”
“Yeah yeah of course, anything to get you two back together” she sipped her martini, feeling slightly buzzed as she sat next to Marcel and put her hand on his thigh “oh my god, you look so cute tonight I can’t believe I didn’t tell you already” she pouted
  Marcel chuckled as he placed her hand back on her lap gently “Thank you, you’re telling me now and to me that’s all that matters”
“Maya maybe, maybe we can stop the martini’s for a bit” Fabian suggested as he motioned for the waitress to come over and order them waters with lemon
  “What a complete party pooper, I thought Italians were supposed to be fun. This is NOT how Jersey Shore made it seem” she rolled her eyes, pulling out her compact to look herself over as she watched Fabian just laugh at her
 “Hey... still very very pretty,” Marcel grinned as he closed it for her. “There’s no need to keep looking at yourself when you look perfect, now have some water so you can sober up a bit and enjoy your night. Everyone’s here for you”
  Maya stood up and fixed her dress when she saw Candice walk towards her “hey, oh my gosh you look beautiful !” She gave her a hug and smiled, tilting her head when she saw Johnny take a selfie with her custom cake “why...why is he ?”
  “Listen he’s telling everyone we know he’s at a celebrity party and how you’re his friend, he’s truly living it up” she admits with a chuckle
  “I just...I like how you guys came, you two are so kind and nice and to be honest I kinda like you guys here more than the others my agent made me invite” she smiled softly “Can I offer you a drink ?”
  “Oh yeah sure, I’d love one of those fruity ones you’re having” Candice grinned as she walked over to the bar with her “Listen before we enjoy the night, I have to tell you that Oney’s girlfriend couldn’t make it so...so he brought Tim”
    “What ?” she spat out her water “He’s here ? As in right now ? Candice what the hell ? After what happened earlier ?”
Candice sighed as she took her drink in one sitting and got up “Long story short he feels horrible and wants to talk to you, really talk to you. 100% serious this time, no insults nothing so when you’re ready you let me know and I”m getting you two together to talk even if it’s the last fucking thing I do” she nods
  “I just wanna enjoy my night and maybe when I’m a little more drunk so I can let his ass know everything I’ve been feeling” Maya nodded as she cheered her and took what she believed was her 15th shot of the night 
    “So are those real ?” Candice asked as she pointed to her revealing dress “because they look real but they also look way too perfect to be real”
Maya laughed as she touched her shoulder with her arm “They are, but did you drink before getting here ?”
  “May have had a couple roadies” she admits as they continued to drink together, getting rowdier once everyone else came to join
  “Let’s give it up for Maya !” Johnny yelled as he raised his champagne glass “MY friend is a model and she’s on an ACTUAL magazine and on a billboard !”
  “To me ! For being really fucking pretty and having an amazing body !” Maya exclaimed drunkenly as she leaned on Marcel
    “And with REAL boobs !” Candice added as they all cheered together and moved to the dance floor as the DJ played a playlist of mid 2000’s songs
Everything was great, perfect actually until Oney spotted Tim talking to a girl, a little too close for comfort in his eyes as he left and sat down keeping a close eye on him
  “So what brings you here, do you know Maya ?” the girl asked Tim as she grinned and sat too close to him at the bar
  “In a way yeah, you ?” he nodded trying his best to keep up straight as the alcohol from the car ride and the beers he had consumed were beginning to hit him
  “well she won this cover over me. Some thing about brunettes over blondes, Kara by the way” she reached her hand out “and you are ?”
“Tim” he responded as he turned around and faced her, looking her up and down as he raised a brow at the less than favorable red number she had on “drink ?”
    “Vodka soda” she smirked as she ordered “oh is this your friend ?”
“What ?” Tim asked confused as he turned and saw Oney with crossed arms standing behind him
  “You’re drunk, come with me”
“He’s fine with me” Kara smiled sweetly “Don’t worry, your friend is perfect with me here”
“I’m fine” Tim shrugged “You go and continue being stupid, I’m fine here with her”
Oney shook his head and sighed as he left him alone and went back as he sat down on a couch and watched
 Maya pulled Marcel close to her as she turned around against him, moving to the beat of the music as she felt him move with her, putting his hands on her hips both swaying to the old Ice Cube song that played loudly in the club. They had gone to multiple clubs in the past and danced to way too many songs but this time something was different and they both felt it  
  Marcel felt the jolts in his body as he touched her hips and felt her backside press right against his groin area. Gulping to get rid of what felt like a ball stuck in his throat he made sure to keep his hands there as they moved
  “You good ?” she asked not realizing what was even going on with him as she looked up
“All good, we can keep going” he nodded
He was positive his once black shirt was now soaking and see through with sweat as he tried his best to make sure he didn’t get hard as he squeezed her sides every so slightly. As he heard the song end and change to what he recalled was an old Lil Jon song, he groaned feeling her move quicker.  Part of him felt like it was best to just leave to the car and handle what he needed to do but the other part said he needed to be composed for her. All that went out the window the second he looked down and saw her dress slowly ride up as she moved lower and lower
  “I...I gotta go to the bathroom” he blurted out as he turned her around and saw her eyes, he knew better than anyone what that look meant
  “We….we should go to the bathroom” she whispered as she laced his fingers with hers and leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth gently
   Marcel shuddered as he looked around and noticed everyone too busy to even notice them gone, he quickly took her hand and rushed to the nearest bathroom with her as he pushed her against the wall and crashed his lips onto hers, moving his hands up and down her hips as he moved down to kiss her neck feeling one of her hands on the back of his neck and the other immediately trying to undo his belt
  “Not...not here” he whispered as he stopped her hands and held them in his as he kissed each of them “This...this is cheap, I don’t want it like this with you. You deserve more”
“My place” she kissed his lips again not wanting them away from hers any longer “You and me, my place. I want you, I need you Marcel” Marcel looked in her eyes trying to see any doubt , going with his gut as he nodded and walked with her, hitting a stall with his shoulder
“Busy” a female voice groaned “um really busy”
  “Sorry” Marcel apologized quickly, cursing as Maya tripped against him causing him to fall against the unlocked door, widening his eyes at the view in front of him
  “What’s going-” Maya stopped speaking immediately as she felt her heart drop to her stomach as she saw Tim entangled with a girl doing way more than kissing. She felt her legs turn into jelly as she watched him kiss and move her against him, at her party of all places.
   Tim heard her voice and immediately opened his eyes as he pushed Kara off and fixed his pants and shirt “Maya ! No…..No listen I-I” he stuttered struggling to form a cohesive thought as he reached his hand towards her earning a hard punch across the nose and kick in the groin “Fuck that hurt !” he grimaced in pain not sure if he needed to grab his balls or nose
  “Marcel, why is she crying ? what’s going on ?” Johnny asked concerned he watched Candice going after her “Did someone hurt her ? Tell me and I’ll knock them out !”
  “That, that’s what’s going on” Marcel said coldly as they both looked at Tim and Kara exit the bathroom both disheveled with Tim’s more than obvious broken bleeding nose
“I told him to stop” Oney spoke up “He didn’t listen, brushed me off. The second he saw me talk to Johnny is when he left”
  “It wasn’t your job to babysit” Johnny answered disappointed as he stared “Grown men can take care of themselves, or so we thought”
“You’re not getting a foot near her !” Oney exclaimed, fed up “How fucking dare you do this to her ? At her own fucking party ? Was this what you wanted all along ? To just come here and ruin her night ?”
Tim shook his head as he held his nose with his hand “I….I can’t….I can’t even talk, where is she ? I need to talk to her now” “You’re getting you and your little prost-.....friend the hell out of here NOW” Oney ordered
  Tim snarled as he felt her touch his hand “get the fuck away from me”, scaring her enough as he watched her walk away quickly and hurried out the door. He looked at the guys and pleaded with his eyes as he watched them walk away from him
Marcel clenched his fists in anger as he calmed himself down for a second before walking quickly to the parking lot of the club searching around space by space as he found Candice consoling Maya on the pavement and rushed over
  “Maya, Maya come on let’s get you home” he said softly as he kneeled in front of her and dabbed her face full of mascara tears with his sleeve. His own heart breaking as he saw how devastated she looked. Nothing mattered more to him than making sure he got her home and safe
  “Listen to Marcel, he’s gonna take you home sweetie” Candice whispered as she helped her stand up as Johnny, Fabian and Oney joined them with sorry looks on their faces “It’s brisk” Fabian said softly as he took off his suit jacket and put it over Maya’s shoulders to cover her up  “I’m gonna, I’m gonna take her home now, is that okay Maya ?” Marcel asked as he pet her head gently 
Maya simply gave a small nod as her eyes stayed glued to the floor, her whole night and heart done for.
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crystalstar8 · 4 years
Knights of the Night (ch 10)
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Chapter 10
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8, ch 9, ch 10
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 2,494
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j  @daechwitad-2​ @zobadak​​
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing…
          Jungkook and Catalina decided to keep the pictures to themselves for a while. It seemed like the den in the basement was part of a bigger organization than they thought, so they knew they’d have to be careful. Over the next few days, they debated whether to tell the police or to tell their friends. In the end, they decided to tell Namjoon. He was mad at them at first, but then told them to stay out of it. That he and Yoongi were already investigating and that it was way too dangerous for humans.
          As a way to distract them, or maybe just to give everyone a vacation, Namjoon booked a few nights for everyone at the ski lodge during the first week of snow. It was mid-week, so hopefully the lodge wouldn’t be busy.
          Catalina was excited. She had spent the day before the trip packing and daydreaming about what the lodge would be like. She’s never been a cold weather person, but Jungkook promised to teach her how to ski, and while skiing didn’t really do anything for her, Catalina was at the point where any time spent with Jungkook was a good time. He never brought up the kiss since it happened, but Catalina was unable to think about anything else. It was constantly on her mind, the way his body felt against hers, his hand in her hair, his soft lips… it was truly something she’s been losing sleep over.
          So when Catalina found out they’d all be staying in three connecting rooms, slumber party style, Catalina didn’t really know what to do with herself.
          The morning of the trip finally arrived and Catalina was ready. Her duffel bag was packed and she kept glancing at her phone, waiting for the text saying her ride was here. Last night, Hoseok had texted her that they rented a party bus to take them up the mountain.
          Finally, her phone buzzed, Hoseok’s name showing up on the screen.
          Hobi: we’re outside :D
          Catalina grabbed her bag and ran downstairs. The party bus was parked in front of her apartment building and the doors opened as she approached. Inside the bus, the four vampires sat on the bench seats on one side while Jin sat across from them.
          “Cat! Just throw your bag back there and have a seat!” said Hoseok. Catalina spotted the pile of bags in the back of the bus. She set hers down and took a seat by Jin. The doors of the bus closed and the bus started moving.
          “We just have a few more stops and then we’re on our way up the mountain!” Hoseok shouted. He was practically bouncing in his seat.
          “I’ve never been to a lodge before,” said Catalina. “I heard they have a hot tub up there.”
          “Oh yeah, they have a bunch of hot tubs, and a spa,” said Hoseok. “Are you gonna learn how to ski?”
          “I mean, Jungkook will probably make sure of it, but I don’t think that’s what I’ll be doing most of the time,” said Catalina.
          “I’m pretty good at skiing, if I do say so myself,” Jin said as the bus came to another stop. Jungkook hopped on and tossed his bag, skis and snowboard onto the pile in the back of the bus.
          “Is Jin talking about how good he is at skiing?” asked Jungkook, collapsing into the spot next to Catalina.
          “I was just about to tell them that I won a medal once-“ Jin started.
          “But his old bones don’t let do the things he used to in his youth,” said Jungkook. “So we might need to help him with the bigger slopes.”
          Jin launched himself past Catalina, attacking a giggling Jungkook.
          They stopped two more times, to pick up Jimin and Jimmy K, then they made their way up the mountain. Once the lodge came into view, Catalina understood why it was so popular. It was beautiful, all wood and logs and rocky landscaping. Snow dusted pine trees filled in every gap in and around the property. Ski lift wires ran back and forth behind the lodge, leading up even higher into the morning fog.
          “Oh wow! This place is fancy!” said Catalina. She was kneeling on the seat, looking out the window at the approaching property. The bus parked at the main entrance and everyone grabbed their bags and got off, heading into the building. Namjoon checked them all in and then led the way to their rooms.
          It turned out to be a huge, three room suite, so luxurious that Catalina once again wondered how wealthy these vampires were. The suite was rustic, all raw wood and furs, antlers above the hearth. There were two king sized beds in each room, plenty of space for everyone. Catalina wondered who she would share a bed with. She hoped it wasn’t Jungkook. Not that she didn’t want to be close to him, but she was afraid it would be too awkward and she wouldn’t end up getting any sleep. As it was, she already noticed herself avoiding him and staring at him from afar. She needed to snap out of it and act like an adult.
          Her behavior wasn’t as subtle as she thought though, because once everyone was settled, Jimin pulled her out into the hallway and asked, “What’s going on with you and Jungkook?”
          Catalina started at him with wide eyes. “What do you mean?”
          “Come on, don’t play dumb,” he said. “You guys are usually all over each other, joking and laughing at everything. What happened? Did you guys fight?”
          Catalina sighed and pulled Jimin further down the hall.
          “We kissed,” she said. Jimin’s eyes almost fell out of his head.
          “When?” he asked.
          “A while ago, we snuck into a vampire den and almost got caught, but to avoid suspicion, we acted like we were just making out in one of the rooms,” said Catalina. “It worked, they didn’t suspect us, they just kicked us out, but I’ve been thinking about it ever since.”
          “Have you talked about it with him?” asked Jimin. “I mean, do you like him?”
               “I…yeah, I think I actually do,” Catalina said, her face burning up. “And no, we haven’t talked about it.”
               “You don’t think he was just leading you on, do you?” asked Jimin. “I can be mean to him if you want me to.”
               “No,” Catalina laughed. “He wouldn’t do that. I don’t think he knows I like him and I don’t think he feels the same way about me.”
               “I can find out for you,” said Jimin.
               Catalina chuckled and said, “It’s okay, really. I just need to get over this awkwardness and figure out how to be normal around him again.”
               “Whatever you say, but I just want you to know that I can be an amazing wingman,” said Jimin.
               “Thank you,” said Catalina. “I’ll let you know.”
               A few hours later found Catalina at the top of a hill, struggling to get her feet into her rented skis. Jungkook skid over to her with a huge smile on his face.
               “Are you excited?” he asked.
               “I guess” said Catalina. “I’m more nervous than anything.”
               It was true. Before she started putting on her skis, she had looked down the slope and it looked incredibly intimidating.
               “Don’t worry, I’ll come get you if you crash,” he said.
               Catalina didn’t want to crash. But she finished putting on her skis and, with Jungkook’s help, got to her feet. Jimin was at the edge of the slope.
               “I’ll see you guys at the bottom!” he said before taking off.
               “Okay, so you gotta keep your knees bent,” said Jungkook. “Just keep them bent and use them to bounce. Gravity’s gonna do most of the work. Use these to steer and control your speed. You can kind of turn sideways to stop yourself. This one isn’t too steep so you should be okay.”
               “This isn’t steep?!” Catalina asked, shuffling to the edge.
               “Just go ahead when you’re ready,” he said.
               “Wait, I’m not going first!” she said.
               “Yes you are,” Jungkook laughed. “If you fall or hit something, I gotta be able to follow you down to help.”
               Catalina eyed the slope once more, took a deep breath, then pushed herself off. At first, she had to use the poles to get moving, but then, as Jungkook had said, gravity mostly took over. This isn’t too bad, Catalina thought. Actually, this is a lot of fun. But then her speed started to pick up. A lot. Her heart picked up as well. The first bump she hit barely got her off the ground, but it was enough to make her panic when she hit the ground again. She started to swerve towards the trees. She dodged the first tree as best as she could, but shoulder checked it hard. This knocked her off balance, but luckily, the next obstacle was a snowbank. It didn’t hurt, but she fully landed in the bank, sliding off the side to lay on the ground.
               She pulled her goggles off and let out a groan. It didn’t take long before she heard another set of skis slide to a halt beside her.
               “Are you okay?” Jungkook asked as he knelt beside her. “Are you hurt?”
               Catalina waved a hand. “I’m fine. My shoulder will probably bruise but it’s okay.”
               Jungkook helped her sit up and Catalina automatically scooted away a bit. He dropped his hands. A painfully awkward silence followed, before Jungkook spoke up.
               “Is it about the kiss?” he asked.
               “You’ve been kind of avoiding me ever since,” he said. “I mean, not completely ignoring me, but it’s been really awkward. And I wanted to say that I’m sorry if the kiss made you uncomfortable. I never wanted-“
               “Jungkook, it’s okay,” Catalina said with a laugh. Her mind raced to come up with something to say. She didn’t want to tell him that ever since the kiss, her heartrate speeds up every time she looks at him and she spends every waking moment wondering when he’ll kiss her again, or even mention it. So instead, she said, “Really, it’s okay. We can just forget it happened and go back to how we were. We don’t have to make a big deal about it.”
               Catalina watched with dread as his face fell. He couldn’t have been feeling the same way, could he? Did she just ruin things? Before she could think of a way to take back what she said, Jungkook stood up and held out a hand.
               “Let’s get you back up there,” he said.
               After dinner, which only the humans attended, everyone gathered in the rooms. Jungkook hadn’t attended dinner and he wasn’t in the rooms, which worried Catalina. She was already in her nightclothes, a short satin nightgown with a matching robe. She brought this on the trip with her hoping she could get somewhere with Jungkook, but messing everything up and making him avoid her was not in the plans. She needed to fix this.
               Jimin was laying in bed with a facemask on, Taehyung by his side. Their heads were together, watching Tiktoks on Jimin’s phone.
               “Do you guys know where Jungkook is?” asked Catalina.
               “He’s in the hot tub,” said Jimin. “He doesn’t want to see you though.”
               Catalina gaped at him. “Did he say that?”
               “No, but whatever you said earlier really hurt him, so, as his friend, I’m telling you he doesn’t want to see you,” Jimin said, not looking up from his phone. Catalina’s heart sank. Hurting Jungkook was the last thing she wanted to do. So, she ran from the room and began her hunt for the hot tub.
               It was an in-ground tub, partially hidden within the landscaping. The only reason Catalina spotted it was because of the steam rising from behind the snow-covered boulders. Catalina pushed open the glass sliding door and stepped outside onto the patio.
               He was sitting in the hot tub alone, his head tilted back and his eyes closed. He didn’t hear her coming, so when Catalina said, “Hey”, he startled.
               “Hey,” he said back.
               “Can we talk?” Catalina asked. He shrugged and looked away.
               “I guess.”
               Catalina sighed and sat on the edge of the tub, sticking her feet into the warm water.
               “I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” she said. “I was lying.”
               “What do you mean?” he asked.
               “I mean, I don’t want things to go back to the way they were,” said Catalina. She took a deep breath. “I was lying when I said the kiss wasn’t a big deal. It was. I couldn’t stop thinking about it ever since it happened and spent the entire time since then, even now, hoping it would happen again. And I guess I said the things I said because I didn’t think you’d feel the same way, so I wanted to just smooth things out with you-“
               “Cat, I’m the one who kissed you,” said Jungkook.
               “But it was for the mission,” said Catalina.
               “But I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t want to,” said Jungkook. A pause, then he cracked a tiny smile. “I bought you hash browns. Did that mean nothing to you?”
               Catalina laughed and tugged her robe tighter around herself.
               “Get over here,” said Jungkook. Catalina took her robe off and slid into the water, not caring for the fate of her nightgown anymore. She waded over to him and he held out a hand, pulling her close. She had to place her knees on either side of his thighs as his arms wound around her waist.
               “Can I kiss you?” he asked. “For real this time?”
               Catalina didn’t think she could speak, so she nodded. He pulled her flush against him and kissed her hard. She was incredibly aware of how bare his chest was; she could feel every inch of it through her paper-thin nightgown. Catalina threaded her fingers into his hair as they kissed. She gave it a tug and he let out a tiny gasp into her mouth. His hands gripped her waist tighter as he tilted his head for better access. At some point, they broke apart for air, Catalina chasing his lips for one last taste.
               “Mm…so glad I didn’t listen to Jimin,” Catalina mumbled against his lips. He chuckled.
               “He was mad at me for making you upset and told me not to talk to you,” said Catalina.
               “Well, I’m glad you didn’t listen to him too,” Jungkook said with a grin.
               “I’m sorry,” said Catalina, running her fingers through his hair. “I never wanted to hurt you.”
               He held her tighter and said, “I know. It’s okay. It turned out fantastic, so I have no complaints.”
               Catalina giggled and let her head fall against his shoulder.
               “Yeah… no complaints at all,” she said, dropping a kiss to his neck.
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jxsatlas · 3 years
𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐊 ⇢ hawks, ch. 1
hawks (keigo takami) x gn! reader
SYNOPSIS! in which you, a bounty hunter, take up a job to catch an elusive fugitive. but what will happen when things don't all go according to plan? what will happen when it turns out your bounty is innocent?
MATURE CONTENT! swearing, violence, gore, sex, graphic descriptions, gun violence, drugs and alcohol
"Please be careful, you don't know who–"
"Hizashi, I'm fine," you reassure for what could be the millionth time. You sigh. "I've dealt with people way worse than this guy."
"I know, but I can't help but worry," Hizashi says. You can picture him biting at his nails and pacing the room like a worried mother. "This man killed a bunch of people in broad daylight. Surely even you are a bit weary?"
"Not really," you shrug. "I've hunted down a bomb-making terrorist couple before. Some guy who killed people doesn't scare me."
Hizashi grumbles on the other end of the line. There's a voice in the background and Hizashi responds promptly. "Yeah, they– oh, and you're taking the phone–"
"Hey, kid," a familiar, exhausted voice speaks.
"Hey, Shota," you say, a smile tugging at your lips.
"I assumed you were done hearing Hizashi mother you," Shota says and you laugh.
"Yeah," you huff. "Mind telling him I can handle myself?"
"Sure thing," Shota agrees.
You smile and look up from the phone in your hands. You survey the bar entrance, watching for your bounty. So far you haven't seen him.
Although the intel you managed to gather, and totally not with illegal measures, pointed you here. He's supposedly meeting someone for a fake ID and passport, hoping to skip town and flee the country.
And you don't want that. You need the money.
"Any luck?" Shota asks.
You hum. "No, not yet. But tonight's the night I catch this bastard," you affirm.
"Elusive, eh?" Shota asks.
"Oh, you have no idea," you say. "This guy is a master at covering his tracks. He's gotten away from me three times now."
"And here I thought you were the best bounty hunter the commission had?" Shota teases.
"Shush," you snap. "This time I'm right on top of him and not behind. I won't have an issue."
Shota hums. "So you say."
"Why are you doubting–" you start to bark at him but you quickly shut up. Your bounty just showed up. "I gotta go, he's here."
"Alright, kid. Be safe, strike first," Shota says.
"You have such an endearing way of saying goodbye," you say. "Bye, love you."
"Love you too," Shota responds and you end the call.
You toss your phone onto the dash and grab your handgun from the passenger seat. You quickly check to see if it's loaded and jump out of the car. You tuck the gun into your belt and pull your shirt over it.
"Time to catch this sucker," you say and walk purposefully towards the bar.
You push open the door and let the booming music and excited, drunken chatter welcome you. You inhale deeply, anxious to finally get things started.
You wander into the crowd of tipsy, giddy people and irritatedly sober designated drivers. Slipping past the dancing bodies, you make your way to the bar. You might as well enjoy yourself a little bit while you're here.
"Just a whiskey on rocks, please," you say as you sit down on a barstool. When your drink comes to you, you grab it and spin around to face all the people. You take a sip, your eyes searching for your bounty.
Blond hair, gold eyes, standard good looks. Leather jacket, about 5'6...
...and there he is.
He talks with someone, smiling and acting as if he isn't a criminal on the run.
He places his hand on the person's shoulder, leading them to a table in the back corner.
Must be the guy he's meeting.
You hum. You need to come up with a plan. How the hell are you going to get this guy tied up in the backseat of your car?
You think for a moment before turning to the bartender. "Hey, hi," you say and smile sweetly at the woman. "Can you make a drink for the blonde guy at that back table? Say it's from me?" you ask.
"Ah, sure thing," the bartender nods, flashing you a knowing smirk. As she pours and mixes the drink, she continues talking. "That guy is actually a regular here, his friend too," she says.
"Really?" you quirk a brow.
"For the past two months," the bartender says. "And you aren't the only one who bought him a drink. Quite the ladies' man if you ask me."
You turn back around and look at your bounty. If this guy gets around, you might use that information to your advantage. Nothing like a good old seducing to catch a bounty.
And it's not like you've done it before.
"Oi, Julie!" the bartender barks and a cute little brunette lifts her head. "This is for your little friend Hawks, from this attractive person," she says with a wink.
Julie smiles and nods, taking the drink and sauntering off to your bounty.
You watch as she sets down the drink in the sexiest way you have ever seen, and points a pretty finger at you. Your bounty looks over and you lock eyes.
You turn on your acting skills and give a little provocative wave and smile.
He smirks and looks back at Julie, thanking her. And as she walks away, he excuses himself and makes his way to you. He doesn't take the drink with him.
"Well, hello there," he greets.
"Hello," you greet as well, tilting your chin up a bit and eyeing him. Now that he's up close, you notice he's a lot more attractive than in photos or from afar.
"That was a classic move, buying me a drink," he says, sitting down on the stool next to you.
"I wanted to get your attention," you say with faux innocence.
He chuckles. "Well, you've got it," he says, and suddenly leans in, speaking lowly and hush in your ear. "So now how about we skip the pleasantries and just head back to my hotel room?"
"That eager, huh?" you smirk and press your finger to his chest, pushing him and his sexy, intoxicating cologne away.
"Is that a bad thing?" he leans against the counter. He looks you up and down, biting his lip. "I mean, you are one cute little thing."
You force out a giggle and reach to your belt. You discreetly pull out your gun and hold it at your waist, aimed directly at your bounty's gut. You cock it. "This is the end of the line, Keigo Takami."
"So you're the bounty hunter..." Keigo says with a sigh.
"Mhm, and you'll be coming with me calmly unless you want to be filled with bullets," you threaten.
"That's actually a kink of mine," Keigo jokes. He doesn't seem scared. "I love being shot."
You roll your eyes. "Bloody hell, you are annoying."
"Aw, thank you," Keigo coos and places his hand on his chest.
Suddenly, your gun is ripped from your hands and a fist harshly connects with your nose. You grunt and fall backward off your stool.
As you pull yourself off the ground, Keigo makes a run for the exit.
"Oh, no you don't you bastard," you growl and jump to your feet, giving chase.
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-Bullet
For @lflores2008
Oscar was out for the night with homies and you decided what better way to occupy your time then going with Cesar to the Quinceañera tonight. You could use some good food, music, and company of other people-even if they were a bit younger than you. Which is why you were currently on the patio with some random freshman boy, you took pity on him when he was standing all alone. You didn’t want him to be the only person left out so you offered him a dance.
“Cesar!” You hear Ruby shout as you sway past him, everything after happening in what seemed like slow motion. One moment you were on your feet and the next you were on the ground, a blood curling scream wanting to escape your lips. However no sound coming out as your hands press tightly on your lower abdomen, not sure what happened.
“Y/N?! Shit. No, no, no.” You hear Cesar say as he slides right next your side, as do a bunch of other people. His shaky hands hover over you, unsure of what to do.
“It hurts.” You manage to get out,”What happened?” You ask, his face and voice being the only thing you could focus on,”Help me up, I want to get up.”
“No! You can’t, you have to stay still. You gotta keep your hands on your stomach.” He says urgently.
“My stomach?” You ask, your breathing growing heavier,”What happened?” You repeat, sliding your hands up so you can get a look at why they felt so wet,”Oh.” Is all you manage to get out, your body in shock.
“Y/N!” Cesar shouts and pulls off his jacket, taking over your stomach and applying pressure,”Just keep talking to me, alright? You gotta stay awake.”
“I guess I should have stayed home tonight.” You tell him, a small smile forming on your face. The pain drifting away as you feel your body starting to shut down,”Oscar would have been home soon. And I would have been in bed.” You choke, a bit of blood getting caught in your throat and coming out of the corner of your mouth,”He bought me this dress you know...can we go home and see him now?” You ask, your eyes fluttering shut and blackness being your new normal for a while.
You hear a slight beeping noise right in your ear and strong urge to drink water, your mouth felt so dry and your lips felt cracked. You open one eye at a time, fighting to keep them from closing again since you didn’t take too well to the dim lights above you.
“Hello?” You say with a shaky voice once you realize that you are in a hospital, the last thing you remember being when you asked a boy to dance at Olivia’s party,”Excuse me?” You ask a bit louder when you see a older lady walk by your room.
“Goodness! You’re awake.” She says shocked and uses the pager on her side to call for more people,”How do you feel?” She asks, rushing in and coming to your side,”Can you tell me your name?”
“Y/N.” You answer as she puts your bed into a sitting position
“That’s right.” She smiles and starts messing with your chart,body,Iv, and just everything around you. More staff joining her soon enough and doing the same.
“Can I please ask a question now?” You ask after a few minutes to everybody who stood in the tiny room.
“Sorry.” The gray haired doctor smiles sheepishly,”Of course you can.”
“Where’s my boyfriend? He should know I’m awake right?” You ask, understanding the fact that you were shot but still clueless as to what happened after that. Or if anybody you knew also got hurt or went out looking for revenge on your behalf. After all it had been a little over a month from what you were told, and a lot could happen in that time.
“Oh. Your boyfriend was already called sweetie, don’t worry I’m sure he will be here in no time. He was actually here just this morning.” A nurse informs you kindly,”He’s usually here at all hours but he rushed out of here so I’m sure it was something important that he had to go attend too.”
“Okay.” You smile in relief, the staff waisting no time in firing question after question once again and examining your body. When they are satisfied with your results they exit the room one by one, leaving you and your thoughts alone.
“Baby?” You hear Oscar as he rushes into the room.
“Hi.” You croak out, your eyes filling with tears as you take in his appearance. Oscar frozen as he stands in the doorway,”It’s okay. Come here.” You reassure him
He wipes his lower mouth, a sniffle coming from him as he blinks back tears, unable to respond as he slowly walks over. He kneels down next to the bed, being careful with all of the tubing and wires as he lays his head on your chest. Silence overcoming the room as you rest your hand on the back of his head, your fingers grazing his neck.
“I just need a minute. Please.” He says, his voice muffled since his face was pressed against you. You don’t reply and just continue on with stroking his neck soothingly until he speaks again,”I can’t believe your awake mami. It’s felt like a life time.” He says
“I wish I could say the same, I feel like all I did was blink and...poof. Here I am.” You laugh dryly,”How have you been papi, honestly. I already talked to much about myself with the doctors. I just want to hear you now.”
“It’s not anything good.” He admits, leaning over you know and looking down at your face. His hand gently stroking your cheek,”I missed those eyes. I missed you. This past month has been more lonely and dark than usual.”
“I’m sorry.” You tell him softly, leaning into his touch
“You don’t have nothing to be sorry for so don’t ever apologize for any of this. Cesar is the one who should be sorry and apologizing to you.” He says, his eyes going hard at the mention of his little brother.
“Cesar? What do you mean? What did he do?” You ask in confusion
“More like what he didn’t do.” He scowls,”He never handled that Prophet. He lied to us and let the guy run off.”
“Boy.” You correct,”He let that boy run off. Cesar isn’t like you papi, he shouldn’t even be holding a gun.” You defend, already piecing together what happened.
“Don’t defend him Y/N. He’s the reason you are laying here. Both of those ‘boys’ are.”
“I told Cesar not to do it.” You admit,”I gave him the idea of giving the prophet a chance to run. I’m the reason I’m here. Me.”
“What?” Oscar says with a shake of his head,”Why are you even getting involved in that shit?”
“Because when you talk about it in our house, it becomes my shit.” You sigh,”I obviously didn’t think any of this would happen. I thought I would be helping Cesar...where Is he?”
“Don’t know, do you think I would actually let him in my house after what happened?” He asks
“Oscar, he’s a teenager. And your brother, please call him. I want to see Cesar, now.”
“Y/N.” Oscar says in disapproval
“Now.” You say more forcefully, Oscar caving in and pulling his phone out and writing a lengthy message. Pulling up a chair and sitting next to you after he sends it and taking your hand in his,”You can’t be upset with him papi. Promise me you’re going to make up with him.”
“It’s not just me though and you know that. He’s a member now, he’s got to do his part. The homies are mad, that prophet could have took revenge on them. Or one of their loved ones. That’s why it’s important to keep your word when you say you’re going to do something.”
“Then make them un mad.” You say simply,”They will listen to whatever you tell them and if they don’t, you make them. I’m the one that got hit with that bullet, so I get to decided who to be pissed off at. Cesar is not it.”
“Aight.” He says kissing the back of your hand,”you’re right. I’m gonna talk with everybody.”
“Thank you. I just want to focus on getting better and getting out of here.” You tell him truthfully.
“I know you do, you’ll be home with me...us in no time.”
“Let’s hope.” You smile and change the subject,”they just showed me a few pictures of my stomach moments after the surgery. It’s honestly not as bad as I thought it would look.” You tell him,”It should be all good by now. Let’s look?”
“Are you sure?.” He says unsurely,”You think it’s a good idea?”
“I don’t know, but I want to.” You reply, Oscar nodding and pulling the hospital blanket off of you before rolling up your gown,”Do I look like a monster?” You joke
“Nah, never that. It’s actually kinda sexy.” He says wanting to make you feel better.
“Yeah? I look like a sexy bad ass?”
“Always.” He chuckles, letting you sneak a peek as well before covering you up again.
This is how you spend the next hour or so, talking about anything and everything. Small touches here and there. Just basking in each others presence until a knock pulls both of your guy’s attention to the door.
“Hi.” Cesar says, staying afar like Oscar had.
Oscar quickly gets up and walks towards him, nobody talking as he pulls him into a strong embrace. Saying something to him and Cesar nodding in response before they break apart. Tears spilling from the smaller Diaz’s eyes as he walks over to you and once again much like Oscar, buries his face into you.
“I’m so sorry Y/N. I never meant for you to get hurt.” He cries
“I’m fine Cesar. Look at me, you’re right here with me. We never know how things are going to work out, nobody could have predicted this. You know that better than anyone.” You soothe as you sit up higher and wrap your arms around him,”Don’t cry.” You whisper, Oscar coming around the other side and wrapping his arms around the both of you in comfort. Feeling content for the first time in a while as he holds the love of his life and little brother. Both of who he missed a great deal and was just glad to have you guy’s back. Knowing that soon enough you guys would all be home together.
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