#they don't steal someone else's identity in my au
jesncin · 1 year
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J'onn and Ma'alefa'ak land on Earth and meet Dr. Saul Erdel and his daughter Melissa. While J'onn can quickly learn languages through telepathy, Ma'al learns english and ASL (+ BASL) from scratch. I like the idea of the martians' finding a home in the Black community, and having their reference point for humanity to come from a Black family. The brothers eventually move out to live in their own apartment, but they keep in touch with the Erdels :)
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basketballanonsblog · 7 months
Enchanted is the longest thing I have written so far in the Jihyo x angel!reader AU, so I'm gonna split it in two.
TW ⚠️ : mentions of blood, violence, and d***h (including a minor)
Enchanted (Pt.1)
You were shoved against the wall, and while most people would be intimidated, the tall aggressor, you were astonished. He was looking for money, and you scoffed.
Man's greed for any slither of riches never failed to surprise you.
He pressed a blade to your throat in a further attempt to scare you, but you just smirked. It amused you to see the anger in his eyes.
What you weren't expecting was a glass bottle to impact the back of his head, rendering him unconscious. You frowned and crouched to make sure he was still breathing. Damn, you were just starting to have some fun.
"Are you alright?" Her voice was captivating.
"That was reckless."
"Excuse me?"
"He had a weapon, and could've hurt you. I had the situation under control."
"Didn't look like it to me." She mumbled.
"Are you going to keep your hood up the entire time, or is my rescuer's identity going to remain a secret?"
She revealed herself, and for a moment, time stood still. She was beautiful.
"The name's y/n."
After that, when time and duty would allow, you would see her. It was refreshing, spending time with someone who wasn't your sibling. You enjoyed the friendship you shared, but you weren't naive.
Within two years, you, an angel, were falling in love with a human.
Jihyo was being chased, falsely accused of stealing. She tripped, but you landed before her, wings out and all before she got caught.
You carried her to a secluded area, where she stumbled out of your arms in shock and fear.
"Jihyo, please." You implored. "Don't be afraid, I'm still me."
"Yes, but with wings and the capability to fly."
You explained the truth of what you were, which calmed her down. She promised that this wouldn't cause a rift, lifting the weight off your shoulders.
She took it surprisingly well, but you broke a fundamental rule, something that she would soon learn.
It was dark when she saw the shape of wings. She called out your name, thinking it was you. Jihyo tensed when someone else stepped out of the shadows.
The stranger stared at first before speaking.
"What makes you so special?
"I'm sorry?"
"My sister knows we shouldn't reveal our nature to mortals. Yet, not only did she tell you, she showed you her wings."
"Remiel, what are you doing here?" You rushed there once you learned your sister had gone to earth.
"Nothing significant, I was curious."
She vanished after that, and you held her close.
"Did she hurt you Jihyo?"
"No." A sigh of relief escaped.
"But she told me something."
"She said you're not supposed to reveal what you are to humans."
"She's right."
"So why tell me?"
"Because you deserve the truth."  She rested against your shoulder.
"I didn't realise I meant that much to you."
Don't say it.
"Why is your heart suddenly beating out of control?"
Don't say it.
Say it.
"Jihyo, I love you." She snapped her head up. All she found was sincerity in your eyes. This was the first time you had shown vulnerability.
How astonishing, she thought. That a powerful being would reciprocate her feelings when you could have anyone you wanted. There was so much she wanted to say, but she struggled to begin.
The only option was to kiss you. Both of you affirmed your love, over and over again, well into the hours of the night.
It had been a while since Jihyo ran away from you. Any time outside of work was spent sulking in bed; and you certainly hadn't slept well since. That was obvious, based on the dark circles under your eyes.
"Heard anything?"
"No, Lucifer. I'm giving her space like she wanted."
"Oh, c'mon. The y/n I know would be irrepressible. Have you been keeping up with what the group is doing?" He began typing on his phone.
Lucifer took the lack of response as a no. He went wide-eyed for a split second, making you frown.
"We both know you don't lie, so whatever you saw, just spit it out." He showed an article. The top picture wasn't super clear, but you recognised her car, and the title made you freeze.
'Is Park Jihyo dating Kang Daniel?'
You faced the wall, curling into yourself and hiding under the covers.
"For once, Lucifer, would you please leave me alone."
He sighed with remorse, leaving you to your heartbreak.
"We're not dating. The article was exaggerating."
Her members kept asking her about the rumours every five minutes. It was tiring.
"Does y/n know that?"
"When was the last time you spoke to her?"
"Three months ago." A chorus of 'what?!' Made her flinch.
"Did you guys fight?" Sana asked.
"No, but it's complicated."
"But considering it's all over the internet, there's no way y/n hasn't heard about it."
Jihyo knew they were right, and that intensified the feeling of guilt.
"Just you?" She heard you murmur. "Like you aren't the reason my heart beats every day. As if I wouldn't move the heavens and earth for you."
If it wasn't for the situation, she would've asked if you meant what you whispered that night.
Damn it. Getting chocolate was a good idea at the time, but from the minutes you were in the store, the weather decided to do a 180. Of course, you didn't bring an umbrella.
Halfway home, you saw Jihyo. Sure, she was being discreet, but you would recognise that hoodie anywhere.
Her head turned, and your eyes locked.
"Jihyo!" He called out, and that was enough of a distraction, as she turned to him. You were gone when she looked your way again.
You sat on the roof of your apartment building. In your loneliness, the bitter rain became a friend; as always.
Finally, the tasks were completed. Cuddles with your girlfriend were your main source of motivation these days. It was usually Lucifer who would pester you, but today, it was someone else.
"Azrael? It's unusual to see you in this neck of the woods."
"Y/n, what's the name of your significant other?" Even the mention of her brought a smile to your face.
"Jihyo. Why?" The other angel's expression turned sombre.
"I'm sorry, y/n." It clicked after a second, and you got a chill down your spine.
"No. You stay away from her." You attempted to jump and stop them, but your sibling had already disappeared.
You travelled down to earth at breakneck speed, but it was too late. The knife had been pulled out.
"Jihyo!" Thunder and lightning danced along the sky, as you grabbed the man from behind, and threw him away. You'd deal with him later.
The blood wouldn't stop, regardless of what you did to lessen it.
"I'm here now, love. I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner. I'm going to get you help." You got ready to fly, but she weakly grasped your arm.
"I'm not going to make it, y/n."
"Don't say that. It's not too late." Your voice quivered, but she smiled at you.
"Shhh. It's okay, y/n. Our time together in this lifetime may have been cut short, but I know you'll find me again in the next."
Jihyo kissed you before wiping your tears as best she could.
"I love you, my angel."
"I love you."
She continued smiling as her eyes fluttered shut and she went limp.
You desperately sobbed, gently rocking her body.
"No, please, please. Please. Don't leave me."
The heavens opened, and the rain was unforgiving. You kept her dry with your wings as a shield.
Azrael approached, and you trembled.
"Please, not yet. Spare me this moment before you take her soul away.
"I'm sorry, y/n." Never in a million years did they think you would be on the receiving end of the angel of death's task.
Four days later, you were kneeling in front of her grave. You couldn't bear to touch the cold stone. There was a harsh finality if you were to do that.
Your heart was unprepared for this hellish reality. You bowed until your head was touching the ground and sobbed ceaselessly.
"I am so sorry, my love."
Jeongyeon, Sana, Dahyun, and Lucifer observed you in concern.
Lucifer would never turn down the chance for drinks, and the three members were the only ones available to accompany you.
You were already tipsy when they arrived and showed no signs of slowing down. They forced you to stay put after your several attempts of going around the bar singing.
In other circumstances, they would let you run free, but they knew you were hurting. You told your brother, who in turn told the others what you saw.
"Maybe it's time to stop, y/n."
"Since when did my brother, the night club owner, become the alcohol police?"
"Drinking isn't going to help you forget about Jihyo." You clasped your hand over his mouth.
"Let me stop you right there, bro. If she's happy with him, then I am happy for her. I'm not gonna lie and say it doesn't hurt, but you know, years from now if they decide to marry and have a family of their own, then I'll still be happy for them."
The longer you spoke, the more your tone dampened.
Sana wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Are you okay?"
"Totally." Even as a blubbering mess, you kept drinking. Lucifer snatched the glass away, making you angry.
"Hey, that's mine!" You took a swing at him but failed. Instead, it sent you falling into the chair and table.
The four of them dragged you outside after apologising on your behalf. You quickly passed out against Dahyun on the way home.
Your brother sighed, glancing at you through the rear view mirror.
"I'm worried about her. For the past week, she's been doing this. It's not healthy."
You kept flickering into a frown. Even in sleep, you were troubled.
"My sister loves her." No surprise for anyone in the car. "It's my fault y/n is like this. My intention wasn't malicious, but I forced her hand into telling Jihyo something personal."
You whimpered, and the idol trio knew what they had to do.
"Then it's time to fix it."
"The three of you are back early. Did you get bored?"
"Not exactly, but there's someone for you."
Lucifer peered around the corner, and his presence made Jihyo nervous yet disappointed. She hoped it would be you.
"I need to talk to you."
"I can't."
"Please, even for a few minutes."
They sat in the park opposite their residence. It might have looked odd, a man dressed in a suit sitting on swings next to an idol.
"I'm not going to hurt you if that makes you feel any better. Not like I could anyway, y/n would kill me."
His attempt to lighten the mood wasn't well received.
"I'm sorry, Jihyo, for what you saw that day. I forced my sister to tell you something she wasn't ready to say. Now look what happened."
"Is she okay?" Concern spiked inside.
"No. She hasn't been herself for the past few months. When she's not at work, then she's hiding in her room or at the bar. As of late, alcohol has been her friend, and I'm afraid she'll end up hurting herself. She misses you. "
"I miss her too. It's just a lot to process."
"I understand. But just so you know, she cares about you deeply. Everything she does is all for you. Just consider it, she's working tomorrow."
He left her alone then, leaving Jihyo a lot to think about.
You were in the nursery, checking over the newborns. It was an aspect of your job that you loved.
You wanted to protect their innocent hearts, especially from the cruelty of the world.
"For the hundredth time, Lucifer, you shouldn't be here."
"How -"
"I'm your older sister. Of course I know." Plus the overwhelming scent of aftershave. "Seriously, brother, they're vulnerable. I don't want you potentially infecting any of them."
"I'll go in a minute, but I want to talk about last night."
"I've thought about it, Lucifer. If she's happy with someone else, then I'll let her go."
"What?!" He accidentally startled one of the babies, making them cry. You took them in your arms and gently rocked them back to sleep while glaring at him.
"Sorry. But seriously, are you going to give up just like that? After everything you did so, Jihyo would be brought back?"
You turned sullen.
"A second chance didn't necessarily mean another chance with me. I asked Father to bring her back, and he did. I won't be selfish "
"You're trying to be righteous again. This is anything but selfish. Listen to me, I have never seen anyone love another person, the way you love Jihyo. So please, y/n choose your happiness too."
"But -"
"No, look." He turned you around, and you saw her. She heard everything.
She ran to you once you were a few feet away. Holding her felt right, like you were home.
"The article. It's not true." She muttered.
"Y/n I lo-"
A commotion from the waiting area caught your attention. You ran there, only to see a man waving around a gun. Jihyo stood behind, clutching your arm.
"Do you trust me, Jihyo?"
"Most assuredly." You smiled.
"Don't be scared." You stepped out of her hold, approaching him. He was carrying an infant.
"I need a doctor. My son isn't breathing!" You sprung into action.
"Can you explain what happened?"
"He wouldn't stop crying, and I just wanted him to be quiet."
You tried to find a pulse, but there was none.
"How long has he been unresponsive?"
"Two hours." Damn it.
"Sir, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. Your son has passed away." The man started crying, and your heart filled with pity. But that changed when you heard him mumbling about he didn't mean to press the pillow down so hard.
This was something you couldn't ignore.
You instructed Jihyo to call the police but he didn't like that.
"It was an accident!" He shouted.
"And due to the circumstances, I have an obligation to report it as what you have done is a crime."
"Then I'll bring her down with me." He pulled the trigger, with Jihyo being in the line of fire.
In your eyes, time slowed down. Before the bullets could reach their target, you jumped to shield her.
The excruciating pain made you collapse.
"Y/n!" Lucifer became furious. He easily crushed the gun, crimson eyes ablaze, frightening the man.
"Lucifer, she's hardly breathing!"
Your colleagues took you away and whisked you into the operating rooms.
The love of your life and brother could only look on helplessly.
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Let's continue practicing this angst muscle of yours:
Stealing your wicked stepmother's booty call
As for member? I have my obvious preference but I'll let you choose
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: smut, maybe a smidge of angst?, Pool Boy!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, reader is plotting against her stepmom, infidelity (not involving reader), mistaken identities, cherry-haired Jimin, implied smut, Jimin's nickname is pretty self-explanatory 💦🍆🥴
Word Count: 1.5K
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: You're tired of watching your evil stepmom waste your father's money. So you steal one of her toys.
A/N: Luce, I'm sorry this took so long! 💜 I hope you like what I dreamt up here. I still have a few more requests waiting for inspiration - y'all are so patient, I can't thank you enough 💕
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"YN, darling, pass me the suntan lotion, will you?"
Your lips instinctively curl themselves into a sneer as the sound of your stepmom's voice cuts into your poolside slumber. Opening your eyes beneath your oversized sunglasses, you tilt your head to find her lying in the chair next to you, hand extended expectantly.
You watch as she slowly applies the thick cream to her smooth skin, noting that you're not her only audience. Her movements have drawn the attention of the young man skimming the corner of the pool. His fingers tighten around the thin pole in his hands, eyes focused firmly on your stepmom's statuesque legs.
Interesting. Although Jimin was one of your classmates at university, you only knew him from his weekly visits to your father's house to clean the Olympic-sized pool where you were currently spending your summer break melding with the lounge chair. He never said more than the occasional hello and goodbye, was always polite and quiet. You thought he was incredibly cute, with his cherry red hair and gorgeous smile, but he kept to himself so you kept your distance.
So you're more than a little surprised to see such a hungry expression in his eyes as you observe him staring at your stepmom. Then he catches you looking, and quickly turns away.
You suppose you can't entirely blame him. Your stepmom is only a few years older than you and absolutely stunning. She's also a horrible, manipulative bitch who managed to sink her 30 mm stiletto fingernails directly into your father's heart and bank account.
For three years now, you've watched this woman slowly drain your inheritance away. Your father turns a blind eye to her exorbitant spending, probably because she's using her cunning wiles to keep a tight chokehold grip on his wallet. Among other things.
Your nap effectively ruined, you head into the house to grab a drink. There's a designer purse sitting on the kitchen island, your stepmom's latest purchase, and a brief rush of spite washes over you. Impetuously, you knock it over, spilling its contents all over the countertop. It's a very childish thing to do, but any chance you get to annoy the obnoxious gold digger, you take eagerly.
You wish there were something else you could do to show her just how much you hate her. Something more effective than simply knocking her things about. Like taking away one of her expensive toys. But it'd have to be something that wouldn't get you in trouble with your father. As much as you question his choices, you still love him dearly, and don't want to risk your relationship in the name of petty satisfaction.
There are some fresh cherries in the fridge, so you plop down on one of the couches in the open-concept living room to have a snack. It's not long before Jimin passes right by your perch as he heads home for the day. He doesn't seem to notice you, but it's easy to miss someone in this gigantic house if they're quiet. You just blend into the background.
He has his phone in hand and as he approaches the front door, his steps slow while his fingers fly over the screen. Then he finishes whatever he was doing and slips the phone back into his pocket before letting himself out.
From the messy pile on the kitchen island, your stepmom's phone buzzes.
You only pause for the smallest fraction of a second before leaping up to look at the phone. The screen is already dark, but you know your stepmom's code - her precious toy poodle's birthday - so you tap it in, and read the text messages waiting there:
You gotta stop teasing me when I'm working. I wanna rub you down like that
Can I come over later?
I need you tonight
There's just a nickname attached to the phone number, with a string of emojis - Super Soaker 💦🍆🥴 - but you're sure you know who is on the other end. And it's definitely not your father.
Your stepmom floats into the house. She spots your half-eaten bowl of cherries on the living room table. "YN, darling, please don't leave food just lying around like this! That's how you gets ants." She sighs heavily, as if her cushy life of doing nothing all day is exhausting. "I'm not your maid, you know? Or your mother."
"Believe me, I know," you mutter under your breath before nodding. "Okay."
"Thank you, darling. Oh, and before I forget, your father and I have plans with the Mins tonight, so we will be out very late! You'll be on your own for dinner."
"Okay," you repeat. "I'll just order something."
The look she gives you makes you grit your teeth. "Your father isn't made of money, YN." Unbelievable. How can she utter such phrases without a trace of irony? "I'm sure you can find something here to make for yourself for dinner. But please, try to keep the place clean! I don't want to come home to a messy house." And with a dismissive wave of her hand, she disappears towards the master bedroom.
That cheating brat. You want to take away her toys.
Your fingertips dance over her phone.
Be here at 8. I'll leave the door unlocked.
The response is immediate:
Can't wait, baby
You hear your stepmom's footsteps returning and quickly delete the messages before locking the phone and vanishing towards your room.
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At eight, you resume your spot on the couch. Only you've traded your swimsuit for a satin robe, wrapped tightly around your body as you wait.
You don't have to wait long. The front door opens and a moment later, Jimin appears. When he sees you, he freezes, eyes widening under raised brows. No poker face.
"Hey… YN," he speaks slowly. You can practically see the gears turning in his head as he tries to figure out what to say.
"Hi Jimin," you reply lightly. "I didn't hear you knock."
"Oh, uh, the door was open so I just… walked in…" he pauses, "I think I left my earbuds here so I came to… check."
"Jimin." You smile sweetly. Luring him in with honey. "It's ok. I know."
He feigns confusion. "You know what?"
You motion for him to join you on the couch. Jimin crosses the room carefully, like a wild animal waiting for a trap to spring. He sits next to you, running his palms over his tight jeans, wiping away the sweat. His tanned skin seems to glow against the white of his tank top, and as he fidgets, his biceps flex gently.
"Be here at 8. I'll leave the door unlocked," you say as an answer to his question.
His eyebrows rise again. "That was you?" He huffs out a breath. "Fuck."
"That was me. Listen - "
"Please don't tell your father!" Jimin interjects, panic twisting his features. "I - I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have… but she said… I mean… I really need this job! And if he - "
"Honestly, if my dad finds out…" you wind the silky belt of your robe around your fingers, shrugging. "I think the job will be the least of your worries."
Jimin looks like he might get sick all over your stepmom's pricey couch. "Oh god. What do I do?" He pauses as the reality of the situation sinks in. Then his eyes narrow as he tips his head towards you, considering. "You… if you wanted me to know that you know, you could've just told me. Why did you send me that message, pretending to be her?"
You smirk, shifting to curl your legs beneath you. Jimin's eyes travel over your frame as you move, drinking in the flimsy material that hugs your curves while leaving large swaths of your skin bare. He swallows audibly, and your smirk deepens.
"Why do you think, Jimin? I want something."
He frowns. "Look, I don't have a lot of money, but I can pay - "
"Keep your money." You gesture around you. "I don't need it."
He meets your gaze again, with darkened eyes. "Then what do you want, YN?"
A wave of heat rolls through you. The hunger you'd seen earlier is back in his expression. Again you shift, shuffling closer to him until your knees brush his thigh, the thick muscle twitching at the contact.
"I want you to stop seeing her. Stop answering her texts, stop meeting up with her. End it completely, or I tell my father." You smile, running your fingers over his forearm. "He'll believe me. I never lie to him."
Jimin stares at your hand for a moment before placing his own on top. His touch is so warm. "And is that… everything you want?" His eyes flicker to yours.
You bite your lip. "Do you know what she calls you? In her phone?"
Jimin laughs, glancing away. "Yeah. Super soaker." He rubs the back of his neck.
"Mmmhmm." You pull your hand away. Rising up on your knees, you let your robe fall open, revealing the lacy black bra and panties you're wearing beneath.
Jimin lets out a tiny exhale. "Shit."
"I want to know where that name comes from," you declare, robe slipping off your shoulders. "Will you show me?"
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© 2023 by minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 6 months
Okay just.. hearmeowt.
I have this insane idea for a Merlin fanfiction and I need y'all to tell me if you'd read it!
So basically it's a Modern merthur au + modern royalty. Imagine this.
Gwaine and Merlin are detectives of the FBI. One day they get a tip from their friends in the royal palace, Sir Elyan and Sir Leon, that the huge drug lord, that has been on the streets for weeks which Merlin and Gwaine have been busting their asses to find the identity of, is Uther Pendragon. Camalot's own king.
Now that they have a suspect they only need to find a way to prove it. They decided to go undercover. It won't be too hard for them to make up a backstory since Gwaine is technically nobility, but they do need some kind of entrance.
That's why they have Guinevere Blacksmith. Gwen worked with them in the force a couple of years beforehand, but she had to quit because someone was threatening her father so she had to go off the grid for a while, Gwen settled in Camalot with her younger brother Elyan, her dad and her best and oldest friend Leon. She became a servant and has been trying to keep a low profile ever since until she could make sure her family was safe.
Gwen introduced them to Sir Lancelot, Gwen's fiance who spent some time with the druids growing up and knows about;
1. Gwen's time in the FBI, 2. Merlin's magic. she said Merlin could go undercover as Lancelot's partner and get into the banquet Uther is throwing as his plus one.
The only problem? He has to be a woman for that.
They can't take anyone else, they decided, since Merlin and Gwaine know this case better than anyone else, and they don't want to risk Gwen in any way.
So Merlin turns himself into Mary - Sir Lancelot's 'girlfriend', the daughter of Sir Lot and Lady Morgan of Caerleon and Gwaine's 'sister'.
But what happens when Lancalot gets injured three nights before the banquet? They can't send Merlin alone without an explanation! It's too dangerous. And Gwaine is refusing to be around some 'stuck up noblemen'.
So Gwen offers her other best friend instead, since she can't offer Leon who has to stay behind and take care of Lancelot, another knight of camalot. Prince Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. Of course.
So.. let me know what you think! Btw it's my original idea and I hadn't seen anything like this before so PLEASE do not steal! If this sort of thing has been made before I am so sorry and please inform me!
Love y'all~ L
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twstjam · 1 year
Hey twsties, wanna do a charity drive to help Palestine?
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The Hello post
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🍵My name is: Call me Matcha! Full legal name Matchajam Twstjam the Silly but please only use it for emergencies.
🍵My pronouns are: my friends usually refer to me with "that loud thing in the trees that steals the food" but just she/her is acceptable!
🍵I am: a human (?) and I like to come up with silly little ideas sometimes. I write them sometimes too, as long as the Trials (school) allow me to. I came into existence 18 years ago
Don't worry about @/ineedjam that's just my secret identity (main blog)
📑 Tags/Guide 📑
Text Posts (#matcha nonsense)
All my writings (#matcha writes a bit)
🌌 Memory Lane 🌌
🌹>Part 1 🦁>Part 2 📖>Part 3 >Part 4 >Part 5 >Part 6 >Part 7 >Part 8 >Part 9 >Part 10
🐊Sebek x Yuu/Reader Fake Dating Trope and au ft. Besties!Malleyuu (ideas and short drabble)
🦇 General Vanrouge x Spy!Reader (short fic)
🐉🐊 Malleyuu + Sebek and Yuu friendship-focused one-shot
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🐲Ao3 link to all Malleyuu fics
🐉The steady hands on a twisting road (One-shot)
🐉Break in the Clouds (One-shot)
🐉Short httyd inspired one-shot
🐉This will be the death of me [Links to be added]
Part 1
🐉And if I were someone else (would this be easier?) [Links to be added]
Part 1
🐉Lost Invitation
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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i've been thinking of writing a stardew valley au of the magnus archives with martin as the farmer and jon as some misanthrope researcher living maybe on a flat above the library instead of gunther (perhaps he's researching the strange monsters that appear in the mines and you don't see nearly anywhere else in the world...)
if i were to write it, i think it would be fun to replace canon sdv characters with tma characters, wouldn't it? maybe sasha as maru, perhaps renting a room in the house in the mountains from robin (assuming i don't change her for, say, gertrude? eric and gerry could be there as well. perhaps the house is gertrude's but eric is her assistant– or her son and gerry her actual grandson– and has taken over some of the manual work with her aging, and gerry as sebastian?)
perhaps helen and michael could be there instead of emily and haley? trevor and daisy (julia is in a band now. good for her.) could run the adventurer's guild and daisy could be in shane's place (see: recovering from addiction/unhealthy habits as a parallel to the hunt) perhaps she'd be physically disabled in some way, that would be an explanation as to why the mines are not purged from monsters overnight (can you tell i love daisy)?? basira could be in marnie's place and helping daisy recover while she recovers herself? :)
tim and danny as sam and vincent, with danny as an older vincent but younger than canon danny, perhaps?? waiting for their father or mother or both to return from the war with the gotoro empire? (maybe he had always lived there, moved to a bigger city for a while and returned when the war started. maybe he, sasha and jon are working for the same long-term monster researching project. wouldn't it be nice if martin just came bumbling around one day and drastically started indirectly improving their research productivity with his sdv farmer endeavors?? the four of them engaging in shenanigans?? think about it.)
georgie could be kind of like sandy/visit from time to time from the city, make it a jon heart event first and then a melanie one. melanie could be an aggressive version of leah ("youtuber lives in charming yet spooky town in a cabin in the woods, has a successful channel and a podcast girlfriend. good for her.")
there would be different heart events suiting more the canon characters (maybe sasha's 8-heart could be her venting about how she moved to pelican town because someone tried to kill her and steal her identity, tim's about how a circus kidnapped his little brother as a kid like in that one statement, etc. and i'm vibrating like i'll break glass jusr by thinking of what to do with jon.)
at some point jon is sent by elias to the "my ex-husband took the furniture" quest and martin tags along for the fun of it.
i don't know what to do with harvey because he's my husband and i love him and i don't want him gone but i'll think about it. after all, i'm still missing caroline, pierre and abigail (although they could pretty well be mikaele salesa running the store with annabelle working and living there.) perhaps naomi herne should suit the harvey role?? she's peaceful enough to not make me angry for not getting to have my dearest harvey right there. she'd be a doctor, obviously, and perhaps michael could work with her as a part-time nurse? she's waiting for her husband to return from the war (evan herne was sent to the army by his family for abandoning the lukas jojamart family business and marrying naomi, but he'll come back, fear not.)
diego molina and agnes montague as pam and penny doesn't sound bad, and i'm seriously considering having elias be both lewis and the wizard. for the fun of it? perhaps everyone but jon (and later martin) wonders who the wizard is- he calls himself the wizard j. magnus because he's a pretentious bastard. (jon has been set in a position where if he reveals this he gets turned into a plant or something) and he's also the mayor of the town (his legal name is very much elias bouchard.) also, instead of the affair with marnie he has an affair with morris the jojamart guy (peter lukas.)
george, evelyn and alex could be replaced by julia and trevor– they could be softer, less hunt but still recovering from the same thing as daisy– and julia could have a petty feud with jon because, before she knew she was a lesbian, she fancied gerry and gerry used jon as an escape tactic. nothing came of it between gerry and jon but the incident stayed and it was very funny to everyone else.
jude perry could fit clint (and keep on her incel pining over agnes, have a petty feud with jon, because she burned his hand "accidentally" and also because jon is very good at creating petty feuds with people. martin and i both love that man), and krobus and the dwarf could stay like that, etc. and perhaps jas could be daisy's goddaughter that she's struggling to raise (it could be an event, her realising that she needs to pull herself together and stop letting basira raise her alone, just paying half the bills won't cut it– maybe they weren't even together before this and a year or two after her starting the path towards recovery they get together??)
perhaps for willy we could put oliver banks and mike crew there?? local lightning-scarred man is entranced by the vastness of the sea (+his goth not-yet-partner). local hot goth fisherman is so done with everything and just wants peace with the dead quiet of the sea (he rants about death to martin as a heart event, fight me). they should also be a little bit older, to balance the age range of people in town and also because yes.
also jojamart. i think it shoudl stay jojamart because i need someone to make a jmart pun somewhere.
if i should set elias as the wizard/lewis, peter lukas as morris jojamart, who could simon fairchild be?gus, maybe? god knows he's funny enough to be the owner of a saloon. it's funny to imagine his banter with helen while working busy nights there (helen i love you why does the fandom only care about michael.)
i don't know who else i could switch off but if anyone has any ideas both the comment section and my ask box are open :)
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noelle-holi-gay · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
heyyyy I was tagged by @snarky-wallflower for this thingy, and I don't typically do stuff like this but what the heck! This one looks fun, and I need a small break from finals.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Sixty-six! Nice round satanic number.
2. What’s your total word count?
Uhhh... 1,164,238. I think I broke a million back with Dream Come True. Wild stuff! Guess that's what happens when you do this nonstop for like four years.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Deltarune these days, obviously, but I also had a wonderful time in the Splatoon and DuckTales fandoms, as well as Miraculous Ladybug, My Little Pony, and a ton of smaller ones here and there.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Dare to Dream (Deltarune): A fun little Susie x Noelle romcom that takes place in a divergent chapter 2 timeline where Susie kisseed Noelle on the Ferris Wheel. Also the first fic in my mega-series Dream Come True, a 300,000 word epic that really kind of went off the rails. But don't worry about that! It's just a funny little romcom! Come closer!
F@#!, Marry, or Kill (Miraculous Ladybug): I am so mad that this is up here. This fic sucks. I wrote it when I was fourteen (hence my reluctance to say "fuck" in the title) and it's just the main characters of the show getting caught up in a game of Fuck-Marry-Kill that involves their own superhero identites, but nobody else knows that. It's a good way to leverage the dramatic irony of Miraculous Ladybug, I guess, but I hate that this was my most-kudoed fic for so long. I wrote it over SEVEN years ago. The only reason it got so popular is because back in 2016, the Miraculous Ladybug fandom was a sea of piranhas starved by the seemingly endless will-they won't-they of the show, ravenous for whatever scraps they could get their grimy little teeth on. Perfect example of why popularity doesn't always equate with quality.
People Write Fanfiction About Me? (Miraculous Ladybug): This one is actually good, even if it's also incredibly old. Basically, Marinette finds online RPF of her and her superhero partner that was obviously written by her superhero partner, and they get into a whole meta fanfiction war, and it gets worse from there. I like this one a lot even if it's in an outdated style: I think it's a good take on the identity reveal genre for the ML fandom.
Stealing Kisses (Deltarune): Not much to say on this one! It's a direct continuation of Dare to Dream, still part of the Dream Come True series, though it functions more as a drama than a straight romcom, which is only one of many tone shifts that this series eventually takes. It also contains Locker Biting Challenge (if you know you know), which I think is, to date, one of the funniest bits of situational comedy I've ever written, so it gets special notes for that.
Crossing the Streams (DuckTales): And this is my most popular DuckTales fic, to round out the set! It's a low-stakes / no-magic AU, where instead of going on daring adventures, the DuckTales kids stream FPS video games online, and are, like, famous streamers. I think its popularity was artificially boosted just a tad due to being in-progress when the series finale dropped, but I think it holds up! I had some good fun playing with identity, fame, and hidden relationships.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I--sometimes! Just not very often... Look, if someone asks me a question, or if I have something to actually say in response, or if the comment is particularly touching, I'll reply, but I'm just really bad at taking compliments! It feels very awkward to me to reply to every comment when I would basically just be going "Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it!" ten times in a row. That's the only reason (<-Definitely doesn't have anxiety)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't tend to do unhappy endings. Cold Case for sure, if it were finished, lmao. Although--I guess you could argue Stealing Kisses has a very angsty ending, though it isn't actually an ending since it's just a sequel-bait cliffhanger. But yeah, I'm going to cheat a little and say Cold Case. It should be finished soon, anyway! Hopefully!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's hard to say considering the amount of romcoms I've written, but I think I'd actually have to go with the final mainline entry in my Splatoon series, Operation 24, which was The Wedding. It ends on a really sweet and poignant rooftop scene that I think is particularly uplifting, even compared to the endings of my other long-form romance fics.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Very rarely. I've gotten my share of transphobic comments -- welcome to the Internet! -- but thankfully they've been few and far between. I just delete them when they show up.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, I have; no, you can't see it :p
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have written at least two crossover fics, so yes! I wouldn't exactly call it my genre, though. They're a little too niche and I like attention.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oh boy. Yes, twice; the first was my Fuck Marry Kill fic for miraculous ladybug, which was ripped off and horribly butchered into a terrible version of the story by someone who IMMEDIATELY abandoned it to Orphan Account. Which is wild to me.
But the real creme of the crop was some kid on WattPad who copied large portions of my Operation 24 series, and then changed small and seemingly arbitrary details throughout to be more...train-centric? Like, all the characters would have strange and OOC dialog about trains in the middle of the romance. And then after a few chapters of that it did a total left-hand veer into a Thomas the Tank Engine / Harry Potter crossover that was utterly wild to behold. This whole saga is probably one of the weirdest things that has ever happened to me in my life and I'm honestly more bewildered than mad about it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Wow, wouldn't that be cool! But no, along with getting a podfic this is one of those big fic-writer experiences that has elude me thusfar.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I don't really know how to co-write outside of RP, and I haven't ever really done RP. I'm not opposed to the concept of co-writing, but I think it's sort of difficult to make work with my writing style.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
While I'd love to give the PR-friendly answer of Suselle, I think it's gotta go to Miraculous Ladybug's Love Square. That show has haunted me for seven years and is showing no sign of stopping, and the fuckery it does with its main relationship is some utterly unrivaled Shakespearian nonsense. The way the fandom has built around the relationship is also very interesting, especially the way the fanfic scene has shifted as the show develops and its audience grows up.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
If I want to finish a WIP, I will finish that WIP. The only ones that don't get finished are the ones I don't want to finish. This is the power of believing in yourself!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialog for sure--always has been--and also just, like, grammar? I do words good, as they say. I like to think I have a pretty well-rounded writing skillset at this point, though.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely descriptive stuff like setting the scene. I have to really work to make sure my scenes are embodied in physical reality, and sometimes I just forget to describe new locations. It's just a fairly boring part of writing for me, so I don't like doing it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I took six years of Spanish and have forgotten all of it, so this is unlikely at best. Spanish also uses em dashes instead of quotation marks to denote speaker changes, and while that is very linguistically interesting, it is also very confusing to me, specifically.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Uhhh... the first fandom I published was Miraculous Ladybug, but I think the first fandom I wrote for was My Little Pony. My MLP stuff is on a different site, and also pretty freaking bad, but it was my first large-scale fic and it really helped me develop my skills and voice.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Easy: Dream Come True. That was a monumental journey to go on, and seeing my readerbase follow along as that story morphed and twisted and just kept going and going was such a unique and satisfying experience as a writer. It truly feels unreplicable.
I'm not going to tag anyone because I am a coward, and get horribly anxious at the prospect of @ing people. But if you see this and you wanna do it, use me as an excuse! Say I atted you! Live freely!
Okay good bye. I must return to my endless studies...
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saryasy · 1 year
tagged by @sambambucky <33 and tagging whoever'd like to go
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional
Age Gap: -9 not really my thing. if it's there in the background then maybe, but if it's tagged and an actual element of the story then no
Codependency: -1 only cos it's so easy to fuck up but when I'm in the right mood and it's done well I'm eating that shit up
Enemies to lovers: 0 doesn't really affect my choice either way
Enemies With Benefits: 2 I'm interested I'm hearing you out
Fake Dating/Relationship: 10 I LIVE in the fake dating tag. when i first started reading go I took camp in that tag for 10 days and nights. hits me perfectly every time more of it MOOOORE
Found Family: 0 eh. i understand the appeal but i mostly read for ships so that's my main focus. outside of fanfiction though it's always a banger
Friends To Lovers: 7 add childhood and im SEATED
Friends With Benefits: 8 gimme all the angst and pining
Hurt/Comfort: 3 i mean i wouldn't not click because of it. but on its own eh. I came to expect a level of hurt/comfort in most fics anyway lol
Love Triangle: -3 I could be talked into it
Mistaken/Hidden Identity: 0 don't care much either way
Monster Fu… Relationship: -5 not for me but if it's an author i like I can give it a go
Obsession, Possessiveness, etc: 7 if it's done right
Opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc): 5 and I'm stealing Jo's answer about it being much much better with nuance
Poly: -3 eh
Pregnancy: -10 the only reason this isn't a big fat no is because someone wrote a pregnancy fic i adored very much. wouldn't read it from anyone else though
Second Chance: 8 enticed and intrigued. though i will break something if they come back together too quickly and without working through their issues
Sex To Feelings: 0 not exactly sure what this refers to though. is it light friends with benefits falling in love? if so props a 7
Slowburn: 3 wouldn't click solely for it though
Soulmates: 7 i had a phase where i read many many soulmates aus. i love all the different lore and rules
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banthacakes · 2 years
fic recs
Here is a miscellany of fic I have enjoyed this fortnight
Black Panther
carry me slowly, my sunlight by autographs. uhmmmm imagine my JOY when the same day as I post a M'baku x Shuri looking at grief and what comes next, someone else ALSO posted about M'baku and Shuri considering grief and what comes next! !!! It is ALL I WANT. Phenomenal. Read it immediately.
Sauron x Galadriel
This one had me SCREAMING: No Chance Meeting by littlelost. When Galadriel leaves for the Grey Havens and then makes a different choice. Absolutely FROTHING. This was so thoughtful and lovely and beautiful.
In the Shadow of Your Heart by mzladybird. Galadriel tracks Sauron down. FILTHY.
A Stressed Tiding by Irony Rocks. Just filthy. A bargain struck ie having sex instead of being in the battle. PHENOMENAL. If hate sex is your jam. It is untagged for pregnancy.
The Greatest Slavery by Helholden. Look. LOOK. I would say that there is a greater than expected percentage of pregnancy fic in this fandom and I would also say that at least 50% of that is the fault of @liminal-zone and we are all just going to have to accept that. Anyway this is also a very fucking hot 'Sauron wants Galadriel to get pregnant' fic and nobody has any regrets okay?
The Fishbowl by Lord Luxury. This fic had me full out sobbing several times, so jot that down. This is a Dick POV, painful conversations and disfunctional batfam, bad parent Bruce Wayne (which usually I avoid but this one intrigued me enough) and so so much therapy. I loved it but I don't know if I would read it again because Emotions.
When the man comes around by thick sunsets. Alfred’s love is pressed shirts and warm food. And his love is a gleaming knife, too. ADSLKFJADSFJ if you have met me for ONE SECOND you KNOW i can't go past a line like that. FUCK.
prodigal by punkrockhades. i've probably read this fic twice in the last month, it's so good. Dick thinks he has a pretty good handle on being Damien's brother, but then Damien's other brother comes to town. Red Hood identity reveal kind of fic aaaah.
Our Flag Means Death: I don't read much of them but when I do I love the ones that make me laugh! Stealing Romance by skrifores. Fake dating!
Succession: working for the knife by the fudge. unexpected jess POV! i love jess very much, she deserves better and she does what she has to. the sense of dysfunction and resignation in this is so *chef's kiss*
Grisha trilogy: only you by The Good Butter. A Crimson Peak-ish AU of Alina and The Darkling (ilu bin bons)
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Not sure if anyone else had this thought, but I was just picturing Nooroo and Plagg chatting in the Public Knowledge AU whenever Adrien and Gabriel finally have a dinner together. After all, they don't have to hide their secret identities and Kwami companions at that point.
I also imagine that, early on, Gabriel as Hawkmoth says something about how he'll only try to win the Miraculous fairly instead of outright steal them when their civilians because of some code of honour and Mari and Adrien both go "okay, sure. I guess we'll do the same?"
I also just realized while typing that that the Collector Akuma wouldn't be for the same reason, since Gabriel wouldn't be hiding that he's Hawkmoth. Instead it'd probably be framed as "if you're going to get something sone right, best do it yourself."
Honestly yeah re: The Collector. Might as well try this shit!
But re: stealing the Miraculous:
So I acknowledge that 99% of Public Knowledge wouldn't /actually/ work in the long run. Like, just Gabriel being able to say 'hey my wife is in a magic coma in the basement, help her out please?' would cut out a lot of fuckery.
And yeah also the fact of just being able to just. Sneak in while someone's asleep and take the Miraculous.
Most of the time, we don't care. This AU is here for comedic scenarios, not a sensible plot. We acknowledge this
So one of the rules we added to this AU to at least mitigate the plot holes is that the Miraculous are stuck on the user. They can only be freely given, or won in combat.
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
Tumblr media
#johndoegame #GasStationRobbery #MyThoughts
I wonder what would happen if you agreed to date John Doe and you are a couple.
Like your Yousona is working at the gas station and someone tries to rob it while also threatens to harm You in front of Doe.
What would John Doe do?
Also why doesn't John Doe take a second job as a gas station worker?
They can get paid and get closer to You.
I mean have a different scenario for each Yousona that either likes Doe or is spooked of Doe.
Maybe be buddies and hangout.
I'm surprised there isn't any fanart of that.
I know the creator said Doe isn't very strong like everyone else in the uncanny valley.
My guess is the That Guy is John Doe's old love interest that either dumped them or is just dating a Yousona to get back at That Guy to make them jealous.
I mean John Doe has dating experience.
Similar to that Johnny Bravo dating a Antelope episode.
A Date with an Antelope | Johnny Bravo | Cartoon Network - YouTube
That Guy robs the gas station to either get Doe back or date your Yousona and call off the heist.
That's the reason why John Doe is so clingy and hates being alone while being overprotective.
That Guy Theory
I imagine the That Guy is a species is similar to Regular Guys but are just hoodlums not wanting to contribute to the Uncanny Valley society by looking more monster like but will sometimes keep up a more human look to trick people into a false sense of security.
Maybe rob people and like to be understimulated.
Kind of like a reverse Regular Guy like they also have a fake body but it's more durable.
Maybe have ears and normal amount of teeth with normal eyes but when threatened it changes.
Maybe this species likes to be left alone unless something catches their eye and gets their interest to check out what the person or place is in huge detail.
This is just my guess on what the That Guy species is.
I image them being very observant and cunning for John Doe to have as a dislike.
I just hope one day we get to see what the That Guy species is.
I image them looking like a missing or dead yousona and acting innocent while weak like a human then attack when the enemy's guard is down.
Sometimes using love as weapon to manipulate people or beings to get free food and shelter without loving back.
Also stealing stuff to survive.
I mean Doe's room when cleaned is always making trash.
I can see the novice That Guys having a more monstrous shadow while in a convincing fake human disguise.
While a experienced That Guy having a shadow similar to the human disguise and be more realistic than cartoony like Regular Guys.
(If this isn't canon then this is part of my Au for the species.)
I know the Au can never be with the canon but if it was.
I imagine John Doe being tricked by the That Guy as someone else.
Video not mine but link is there. (Language warning.)
Fool JonTron Once - YouTube
I can imagine the novice That Guys like being in dark areas like arcades and bowling alleys so their shadow cover won't tattletale on them.
But the experienced ones wouldn't care that much since they can perfectly hide.
I imagine some sounding monotone and the novice ones wear darker clothes to make their shadow more human shaped while hidden.
I can imagine the That Guys attacking with their shadow's since that is their true form.
Based my version of the That Guy species off of this when hidden as a Yousona like identity theft.
Thank You Mario GIF - Thank You Mario Princess - Discover & Share GIFs (tenor.com)
Trope Question
Is there a name for this trope?
Like a really scary monster appears and when you think it's going to make a scary noise it just sits down with you and chats it up with you.
You don't be scared of the monster anymore since it's just a chill person.
We need a name.
To me once a monster chats it up with you my fear level goes down unless the monster has a weapon or turns into a weapon then my fear goes back up again.
But once they talk then the monster is just a person with hopes and dreams.
Also my first guess is that the monster is sad and lonely.
The monster just want to hang out and show off their humanity even though it's a monster.
Image not mine but link is there.
Gas station robbery Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStock
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boyheros · 1 year
Ok I'm gonna dump a bunch of mvrck toh AU info i thought about over the past few days just so i can theoretically. Focus on my homework instead.
So Maverick & his mom live on some non-titan-corpse island somewhere in the boiling sea. I'm thinking of naming it "mirrors edge" or something equally dramatic. The island has a ton of really shiny stones on it, some of which are so reflective they look like mirrors, hence the name.
The island has a biped demon population of "changeling" type guys. Might call them something else i haven't decided yet. They can steal people's appearances and through that siphon our their magical powers or their life source or somethingggg.. like the first step is "getting mirrored" where if they see your face and try to mimic your appearance. Then, the more they learn about you (including non-physical things like your name, your hobbies, abilities, your past, etc) the more they can steal from you. Eventually they "change" you where you start to become one of them. Maybe. Idk if that's too off base for toh lore. Translating my oc lore into TV show lore is hard alright. Anyways. Changelings don't have reflections either so that's a way you can tell whether someone is the real deal. BUT people who are in the process of getting mirrored lose their reflection as well (bc it got stolen! Literally!) So that can cause some paranoia and mayhem or whatever. It's like among us.
The changelings on the island are magically bound to it (the mirror rocks specifically maybe? Idk if that's too like the collector-disk-prison though. That was done thru titan magic idk if normies could achieve it) by a group of witches who hope to keep them from running loose and. Draining and/or Turning everyone i guess. Eventually the population dwindled down to basically nothing because everyone was getting Taken and the remaining witches turned to creating grimwalkers in order to have ppl to continue the vigil
I was thinking of having the grimwalkers have a bonus 'ability' of like. Slowing down the "mirroring" and "changing" effects? Like because they're a clone and appear the same as someone else, it's harder to steal from them? Because they're not unique. That's kind of depressing but whatever. The same could also technically apply to identical twins.
So like. Bc Maverick and his mom are identical, and they're not the first grimwalkers with that face to get Turned, they last a lot longer when they eventually get seen and Mirrored. Maverick's mom ends up getting too affected and he's essentially left alone on the island, trying to keep up the binding spell.
Other people find the island at some point (i was thinking maybe some people fled during the events of toh? Like when Belos started getting too severe about wild magic, during the draining spell & subsequent collector takeover, etc) and Maverick is like uh oh. I have to make sure none of em get Seen... while also being oblivious about what's happening on the boiling isles LOL. Reo (& other relevant mvrck characters) would be in this refugee group and that's how they meet Maverick and become friends ❤️
After belos' defeat i figure the refugees would probably return home. Especially cuz mirrors edge is NOT SAFE for a different reason lol. Maverick would go along with them for funsies and also possibly to broaden his search for grimwalker ingredients. For his own replacement. He's aware he's a clone & desensitized to the implications so he wouldnt see anything wrong with that. This would be where oc & canon character interactions would probably happen. Especially with Hunter bc i think forcing them to meet would be hilarious and also bad for everyone's mental health.
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jadenightthewriter · 2 years
In their defence they may be stupid but marcellus is a) traumatised and b) a child. Idk what marcias excuse is tho 😔 in the esmerelda version she is also so so traumatised and has barely had time to recover from althers death before ending up with a baby for a second time except this time she can't dump it on someone else 😔😔😔 (the bit where she goes to the heaps in that version is So funny,, she shows up like um. Haha hi uhhh help. And she has a teenage boy with her and also a baby (identical to baby #1 silas got handed) and silas is like marcia wtf. Marcia why is there a baby who looks exactly the same as the one u gave me before. Marcia where r these babies coming from)
Honestly I think real au esmerelda probably had it better than canon esmerelda?? Like in canon everyone had caught on that etheldredda was killing her kids and tried to protect her, in this au etheldredda isn't even killing just the princesses she also killed her son who wasn't a threat at all and everyone is so on guard abt it. Esmerelda is never ever left alone w etheldredda not even once and all the palace staff r so careful abt it
YEAH <3333 septimus and marcellus get along So well here,,, septimus is having some kind of panic attack at one point and marcellus is like look i get it- and seps like LITERALLY NO U DON'T. And marcellus goes haha. Lmao. And then there r explanations (once sep is not actively crying on the floor) and septimus latches onto marcellus as his new favourite person (equal to marcia) and also septimus gets twice the amount of hugs and its all very sweet and nice <3 also I'm assigning marcias rooms another bedroom so marcellus can also stay there 😌 they may already have one?? I think it's mentioned in thm somewhere??? But. I'm putting it properly in the story this time <3 marcellus is staying in the tower while all his alchemy stuff is under construction and marcia HATES it bc he can spot when she's not sleeping and literally pick her up and put her into the bed and it's the WORST and sometimes he makes food and then she has to actually stop what she's doing to eat it and it's awful 😔😔 (<-she's doing better physically and mentally than canon marcia tho so). He's also very much a shoulder to cry on abt dn1 related stuff so literally this marcia is like canon marcia but 100% less. Lonely and sad.
Anyway I got off track,, yeah septimus and marcellus bond over being two guys with the same variety of trauma and both marcia and marcellus r able to help him more in this au than in canon bc they have. Experience. Does it help septimus that much?? Short term kind of long term definitely. Marcellus to septimus is like a kind of cool uncle/sort of dad figure,, they hang out when neither of them have smth else to be doing (sometimes when they do) and marcellus teaches him abt alchemy and marcias like wow marcellus :/ I can't believe you'd steal my apprentice :// that's so rude and mean 😔😔 and he's like lmao <3 and keeps teaching septimus stuff. Also marcellus does eventually tell more ppl abt his Actual backstory and jennas like WAIT WE'RE RELATED????? and decides he's cool actually now that she can bully sep abt how that's her great uncle 🥺 how could he steal him from her like this 🥺🥺🥺
This ask is so long abdhdbdjd rip and uhh. Well i have Plans for a fic but I think we all know what happens when I have a plan for a fic (<-it never ever gets written) so PLEASE write smth if u want to i will love it forever and ever and ever <3333
Consider: I would call them stupid even without the trauma, hence they have exactly 0 excuses sorry babies I love you but no
I bet Silas thinks Marcia did something stupid and kidnapped them all which is,,, aha not exactly wrong?? But it's not like she's going to admit that. (side note i feel like marcellus and silas probably get along shockingly well and marcia is Upset about this she's been betrayed how could you marcellus)
hmm.... that's a good point about esmerelda. I think mentally it might be harder for her though, because there might be lots of people who love her but i feel like there wouldn't be many who would try to get super close, because she's still royalty. i think septimus should accidentally trip and fall through one of marcellus's silly experiments and meet esmerelda and maybe be her friend for a bit.
ngl marcia sounds like a cat here i love this. do you think sep and marcellus (help i need to shorten his name i can't keep typing it T^T) scheme to like,, trick her into doing things they want. i bet they do like pspsps marcia look here. (i bet marcia and marcellus fight over how much alchemy and magyk stuff they're allowed to leave lying around. their rooms look pretty much exactly the same because they both hoard so many things except marcia's has like 2% more purple. relatedly i bet their horrible sense of fashion has infected the other.)
marcia and marcellus working together is probably the best possible thing to happen for sep it's like,,, someone understands almost all of what happened to him, there's always someone to talk to, there's someone to be responsible and someone to be irresponsible, he gets all the good things he deserves <3333
i think the jenna sep marcellus dynamic would be so funny idk how much an age difference they have (depending on AU version i would guess 10-15?) but they probably have the same sort of influence from marcia and all love to make fun of each other. they probably wear purple a lot and don't notice until silas points it out lmao and then make a point to see who can wear the most outlandish purple thing until marcia yells at them.
bestie same 😭😭 i can't promise anything (fuck you, school) but i have so many ideas i'm serious when i tell you this au is one of the best things i've learned of in months
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yandere-daze · 2 years
I just want to say that I love your imagine about self aware enstar and the one where we enter Ensemble stars was Terrifiying if you think about it. First there's language barrier issue where you don't understand Japanese sure they can speak English but the fact they can understand each other limit your changes to escape also the unit I feel will get the short stick will probably be Eden if we transport in their academy era. Best situation will probably if we meet Anzu first when we transport to their world,she let us stay in her apartment after some time because she doesn't want to stray too long from you she'll will invite us to ES pretending as her assistant or protégé. The characters gonna be confuse seeing Anzu so clingy with this new assistance until some of them find out our identity then all hell break lose. I think the one that probably gonna find out first is trikstars since they're close with her and since they're nice too they probably gonna help us escape, the second would be one of the eccentric five they're gonna be more selfish and probably try to steal us from anzu discreetly but not like anzu gonna let it happen. In the end Anzu is the one with you since the first time you install the game she surely help you when you ask her help to escape right?
Thank you so much so much for reading my works and I´m so happy that you like them!! Honestly, all of the support I´ve been getting for this Au is really nice and it motivates me to keep writing!
Since you had a lot of neat ideas in your ask I will try to expand on some of them below the cut!
Holy heck how did I almost write 2k words
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, possessiveness, imprisonment(?)
Language barriers, Eden,  meeting Anzu first, her “support” in trying to keep us hidden away from the others, and that eventually backfiring in the Yandere self-aware enstars Au!
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Alright, so first let´s start with the issue of languages. If the player can speak Japanese then they obviously have an advantage over those that cannot. While yes, the characters will try to speak a language you yourself speak so you can actually interact with them, some of them might try to hide certain things from you.
So if you´re someone that can´t speak Japanese and somehow got pulled into the world of Ensemble stars, you should definitely be a bit concerned. I don´t think all of them would try to take advantage of the language barrier as most of them are just happy to have you with them and don´t see any reason to try and deceive you ( Nazuna, Kaoru, Chiaki, Hiiro,...) Who are they to think they could treat you like that? They´re just happy that you even decided to grace them with your presence and that you can tolerate them long enough to have a conversation with them! ( Mika, Mayoi,....)
But some are more shrewd than others. Yes, they are obviously happy now that you are within their reach and they can talk to you and be close to you without that pesky screen between you and them, but they still aren´t completely content with their situation. They aren´t quite as close to you as they wish they could be and they see a serious problem in how the others cling to you so desperately, leaving them almost no chance to be alone with you, so they may try to talk to the others in Japanese to give them some sort of excuse as to why they have to be somewhere else right now, so they will leave you alone. It´s not hurting anyone if they can have you for themselves a bit, right? ( Natsume, Ritsu, Izumi, Anzu,..)
And then there´s also always the option that you might try to run away from them one day. While everyone else is happy, they´re carefully observing you and your every reaction, and they can see that you aren´t very happy about the current circumstances. So they´re trying to manipulate things behind the scenes to make sure that you aren´t going to leave anytime soon. They´re bribing security to not let you leave, they´re posting things you can´t understand on their social media, cheerfully declaring to their fans that you´ll be staying with them now and to expect to see you with them from now on.
They´re trying to put down all the groundwork to ensure that you won’t be able to flee without random fans on the street recognizing you and posting about your whereabouts online because they´re excited to meet someone affiliated with their favorite idols, which would then let them know where you went. They have to make sure they can find their darling again if you decide to run away, right? And you don´t need to know that they´re taking all of these precautions in secret. You won´t have to worry about it anyway if you just decide to stay with them willingly <3 ( Eichi, Ibara, Keito, Rei, Rinne but I feel like he might not try to hide it either)
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Putting a line here to try and separate the different ideas without putting a bunch of space there kjnflsfb moving on!
Now that you mention it, yeah, Eden would probably have a pretty bad time if you happened to get into the ensemble stars world during enstars! , the academy phase. Since you take over for Anzu while you´re playing the game, I feel like it´s very likely that the game itself will make it so that you will be attending Yumenosaki yourself because that´s where most of the idols are.
Poor Eden is in a completely different school and so for a while, they won´t even know that you´re here now. When they find out they´re obviously pretty distraught and disappointed that you didn´t join their school instead. Why should those other idols get to spend so much time with you? Eden was introduced pretty late into the main story so they got less time with you than the others anyway, which they were already upset about.
And now you´re telling them the others got to spend several weeks or months right by your side while they remained unaware? They gotta get over there asap. You better believe they´re even more excited for the upcoming live with Trickstar because it means they can finally get a glance of you, their lovely producer that was unfairly stolen from them.
They´re going to give Trickstar even worse of a time just because they´re jealous
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And last but not least, let´s get back to Anzu. I´m actually kind of happy that you guys want to read more about her because usually the player characters aren´t very well liked so I guess that means I must be doing something right after all ^^
I think the scenario you thought of is very likely to happen! If Anzu was the first person you met, you would probably be safe for a good while because she´s so glad to see you and wants you to be safe and sound so she would absolutely let you stay at her apartment! The thought of coming home to you after work is very domestic and it makes her swoon just thinking about it. And back there no one else is going to find out about you and try to steal you away from her! She knows well enough how crazy most of the other characters are about you so the moment they would find out about you, they wouldn´t leave your side, and then she couldn´t have you all for herself anymore.
So she holds out for a while and just lets you spend your days in her apartment. Anzu tells you over and over that you shouldn´t go outside because it would be troublesome and dangerous if someone happened to pass by and somehow recognized you. And you listen, of course, you´re so confused and scared by this whole situation of suddenly being in the world of a mobile game you loved to play, that you don´t dare to defy the one person that is looking out for you. So you stay and try to not let the boredom bother you too much. I honestly don´t think there´s a lot in Anzu´s room you could use for entertainment because she spends most of her time working and so her room is probably pretty barren.
This works fine for a few days but soon, both of you grow restless. You because you´re bored just staying inside doing nothing, Anzu because she can´t handle being away from you for so long. She keeps zoning out during work, her thoughts circling back to you, thinking about what you might be doing right now and if you´re safe while she´s gone. All she can think about is that she wants to go home already and have you in her arms, it´s so difficult to stay focused and it´s pretty noticeable honestly. Several people have commented on the fact that the producer seems to keep spacing out recently.
So despite knowing better, she asks you to tag along with her when she starts missing you too much. She tells everyone that comments on you, that you are her assistant and that you will be accompanying her for some time now. Of course, some people accept this more easily than others. Some just take it at face value while others highly question this. Why is it that Anzu suddenly has an assistant when she didn´t need one all this time or didn´t even mention you before? Ibara is the head of Cospro, why does he not know about this?? Things just don´t really add up and everyone starts wondering where you suddenly came from and why the producer seems to be so fond of you.
Anzu meanwhile knows that this is a huge risk but she can´t seem to care too much now that you´re with her all the time and she doesn´t have to be apart from you anymore. Her mood immediately brightens the first day she brings you along, positively beaming and with a spring in her step as she walks through ES. She´s always keeping you close, both to keep an eye on you to make sure you don´t wander off too far and just because she likes being close to you, her perfect darling.
She might throw herself into even more work though because she wants to impress you with how hard-working and reliable she is, please send help
Trickstar knows her best and so they will certainly notice the difference in her usual behavior. They´re stunned at first when they find out that the player they´ve been looking up to for so long is actually you and they´re really, really excited to have you with them!! But it doesn´t take long for them to find out that you might be in danger because they´ve seen how intensely some of the other idols feel for you.
Makoto shivers when he thinks about how Izumi has been talking about you nonstop, he knows what it´s like to be his target and he honestly fears for you.
Mao is struggling to keep this a secret from Ritsu, who can read him like a book and just knows that something is up.
Subaru is so excited that he almost spills the beans several times and is only stopped by Hokuto, who awkwardly tries to make up something on the spot to explain away what the other was about to say.
It´s not looking too good though and eventually, the secret is revealed and it´s like a shockwave goes through ES as everyone finds out.
You bet Eichi, Wataru and Ibara are some of the first ones to know, and honestly at that point all you can think about needing to escape.
Trickstar is panicking, they all really love you and wish you could be with them but they see just how obsessed everyone else is and just fear for your safety so they try to help you the best they can with your escape. It definitely won´t be easy though, it´s not like the four of them can just hold off 40+ idols on their own
So in the end, you beg Anzu for help, saying that you need to get away from all of your pursuers. Surely she will help you, she´s been with you for so long now!
And she will help with hiding you indeed. How about you move back into her apartment, permanently? She´ll find a way to make sure no one is going to bother you again. You trust her, don´t you? She´ll keep you nice and safe in the comforts of your shared home
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yasmindifference · 2 years
fake fic title: can't hold me down (can't get up)
Okay I've tried to figure out why my mind is going here, but I literally can't, I have zero explanation. SO don't ask me how I got here but:
Magic AU where everything is the same except most people have some flavor of magical creature heritage. For some people that manifests as physical characteristics; for others, it shows up as instincts.
Tim is in the former category; all his cat-sìth ancestry gave him was some very cute (and thankfully easily hidden) cat ears, although he's not above claiming to have the power to steal souls when someone's getting on his nerves.
Jason, on the other hand, is in the latter category. He's descended from dragons and the instinct to hoard hit him hard. As far as he's concerned, all of Gotham is his. Crime Alley, yes, but also the Diamond District and the docks and even Bristol. This is his city. And you know what else is his? Bruce. Bruce and Alfred. Bruce and Alfred and Dick and Batman and Robin and Nightwing. His hoard. His.
Because he's so very, very confident in their his-ness, he doesn't get caught up in revenge schemes like canon Jason--and he's certainly not spending any significant amount of time away from his city just to learn more skills he could easily pick up from Bruce! So he goes back to Gotham pretty quickly after waking up from his Lazarus Pit exposure, and he doesn't do it in disguise.
Obviously there are significant doubts in play when he shows up, but eventually he manages to convince Bruce that he's the real Jason, somehow alive again. There are hugs and tears and then Tim very graciously excuses himself.
The thing is, he hasn't been Robin for all that long. He's perfectly willing to hand the cape back to Jason; he only picked it up in the first place because Batman needed a Robin, and now here's Robin back from the dead! Clearly Tim's work here is done.
That said, he's grown to love the vigilante lifestyle, and just because he's giving up Robin doesn't mean he has to give up the life. So he leaves his uniform for Jason (a symbolic gesture; those latent draconic genes have really kicked in and Jason is huge now, no way would anything of Tim's fit him) and then heads out to San Francisco to brainstorm a new identity with his friends.
Only Jason does not, like Tim expected, just accept the old uniform and dismiss all thoughts of his temporary stand-in. Oh no. Tim was Robin and Robin is his and therefore Tim is his. He's an important part of the hoard and Jason needs to start getting to know him yesterday.
So where the hell is Jason's Tim?
Jason is very supremely unhappy to find out that Tim is on the other side of the country. Doesn't Tim know that he belongs to Jason? Doesn't he know that he needs to stay where Jason can protect him?
The only thing for it is for Jason to go fetch him and bring him back...and if he happens to kick a few Titans' asses in the process, well, that'll teach them to try to steal part of his hoard.
Tim is pretty sure he's being kidnapped. The Titans are positive he's being kidnapped. Embarrassing misunderstandings ensue.
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lilolilyr · 2 years
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(readmore cuts off here btw)
Sources + some other versions of my moodboards for the Bering&Wells meets S.H.I.E.L.D AU, plus a bit of background info! Made for the AU day of beringandwellsappreciationweek, thanks for the idea @galactic-pirates ! :D
I like the above one best because it's just aesthetically pleasing idk xD but it cuts through the w14 image in a kind of weird way because I used the long 1×3 pic on purpose for that so... Didn't turn out to be my final selection bc of that, but it gets the place of honour here!
A bit about the AU:
Honestly, I don't have any clear cut thoughts on this, just many ideas that even contradict each other in parts... Which is why I probably won't write an actual fic for this, but if someone else feels inspired by my idea, feel free to adopt it for yourself!
>>> I'm leaning towards it being a merge instead of a crossover, so warehouse personell in a Marvel-y world, not characters from both worlds. They're still Warehouse Agents, they just have the helicarrier instead of Univille! Or perhaps both, the 'carrier as a mobile unit and the Warehouse to store the masses of artefacts?
If we're vaguely replacing SHIELD characters with Warehouse ones, I think Artie would be the leader (Coulson), Claudia of course the hacker (Skye), Mrs F is Fury... that's where it stops making sense to replace anyone directly
Both Myka and HG work but don't really work as the the pilot and fighter (May), Helena because of Slightly Unhinged vibes, Myka because she could be reluctant to go back in the field after Sam dies on her watch, so she'd have that in common with May... H.G. of course works better as a scientist, but from characteristics she doesn't have a lot in common with the SHIELD ones
>>> On the other hand, a X-over would also be fun!
For starters, Mrs F and Fury and the Regents and the WSC just clashing adsfghjkl
Pete and Tony Stark either getting on great or absolutely despising each other!
Oh, and if we're rly making it Marvel/MCU with all the Avengers characters, Nat and Myka could exchange fighting tips, Clint would steal Helena's grappler to improve an arrow design...
Skye and Claudia would definitely take over the world via computer!
HG could meet Captain America, and bemoan the way they are lost in time together!
>>> Though that brings me to the question: are the Warehouse characters identical to canon, or do their backstories change? I don't want to take Helena's backstory away entirely, she wouldn't be herself if she was just a modern sci-fi woman without the jump forward in time. But maybe she is the equivalent of Captain America in this merge?
Also, I can't decide whether SHIELD should actually exist in some way, or just be replaced by the Warehouse... In canon, it more or less belongs to the FBI, so in this AU the Warehouse could be an even more secret division of the already super secret S.H.I.E.L.D. agency xD
>>> The helicarrier is also definitely problematic (not going into how MCU is problematic in so many ways anyway, bc then we'd still be here tomorrow lol), and I can see the Warehouse regents misusing that power, and that leading to conflict...
More moodboard variants:
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This one I also like, kind of more grunge, dark aesthetic... Looks less techy and more like a steampunk-y sci-fi world still in the dangers of an invasion imo
Also I hadn't turned Myka's image yet, and while the original with Maria Hill looks fine as is, somehow the manip just looks weird without tilting her more upright
Aaand a long one:
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Image sources:
Myka's body (Maria Hill) & background
Helena's background
W13 font
Helicarrier background image
Warehouse shelves
Warehouse logo
All edits by me :)
If you also want to use SHIELD!Myka and Helena on the Helicarrier, here are the full pics, just credit me/this post if you use them!
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I'm pretty sure I still don't have a W13 tag list? On the other hand I actually have a Bering and Wells sideblog @hgwellsmykabering , so if you follow that one you'll probably get all my content anyway :D if someone still wants to get tagged when I post new W13 things, just let me know!
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