#they eat it to taste something sweet
bigfatbreak · 1 month
Hello I love your art!!! I was reading through your changeling au and Felix mentions that fae are creatures of mirth. They literally need attention to survive. But what kind of attention? I guess I'm wondering because Adrien has been in the public eye for a while now, but has been personally neglected for even longer. What does that mean for him? Is he starving? Is he in danger of dying? Does he even know it? (I assume not given he doesn't even know he's Fae).
If he is starving / in danger of starving who is the first to realize this?
it depends on the mirth, on the attention, on what it is they seek. Without making things too complicated - I don't like to define everything into neat little boxes after all, there's fun in nuance - Felix is just explaining from his experience, the Fae he was with tended to be "entertained" by certain aspects of their playing, which was the mirth that kept them relevant. Relevancy more than anything is really what keeps their wheels greased.
In Adrien's case though, the reason he's cloying for so many names and to have so many thralls and attendants is because he SHOULD be a more social creature and has been kept woefully alone. He is kinda starving in the way a fae starves - he's relevant, but only in an image his father constructs OF him, which means it isn't REALLY him - and he has no one to play with. No friends, no lovers, and no rivals, makes a very sad fae
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hindahoney · 10 months
Sometimes I forget to appreciate how wonderful judaism is and how beautiful we are as a people. It's easy to dread the work that comes with Shabbat or the high holidays, but don't forget what you're doing it for. You're engaging in a practice that Jews have for thousands of years, and in a way you're carrying on that memory. What a gift it is to be Jewish, to be able to find family in strangers.
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shmowder · 10 days
Just in! I absolutely hate apple pie
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dexnutslolz · 22 days
what the fuck is up with these random ass popcorn flavors i just downed a whole bag of some dill pickle flavor popcorn because i was like “won’t know if it’s ass if i don’t get a little taste” and my stomach is doing award winning type of olympic cartwheels i feel like i’m almost in hell but i’m being put on the waiting list until a spot opens
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
DID I MENTION THAT IT WAS CHOCOLATE MILK?? I hope I did cuz I can not be out here letting you think that I’m straight up drinking plain milk
i drink all three :(
strawberry, chocolate, and regular —
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Tell me you have gastroparesis without telling me you have gastroparesis: I am eating salted lime jelly while cooking my soup of the week. Semi-liquids ftw.
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aria0fgold · 2 months
Sitting here licking my bloodied lip and I think: I am sooo vampire coded.
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jestroer · 1 year
Just ate three oranges, haven't felt this kinda joy in a while
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quaranmine · 1 year
Dark chocolate is your favorite? Oh bless your heart.
you did NOT just hit me with the bless your heart, anon. i know what that means.
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samswound · 1 year
wait. if we're talking desserts and Not Actual Cannibalism. if he were this bite-sized little treat in front of u right now. what would sam winchester taste like. what delicacies or even appetizers is he giving. something to ponder.
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jujulebee · 2 years
i get not liking frosting but like
u would prob feel a bit better if u had a lil frosting tbh
enjoy life my guy
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shshshshshowrunner · 11 months
Wish I could taste without the, like, special ingredients.
I ran out of tags. Most of this post is in the tags and I ran out of tags. Apparently the limit is 30. Worst part is I wasn't done.
#saw a video where they deep fried some chocolate eggs and im losing my mind.#unwilling to wake anyone up right now alors je peut pas even voir mes amis le goût#mes dieux they look good.#im almost tempted to get up and cook. i mean. fight gnomes. for xigbar.#okay i am tempted.#but#no guarantee when he'll wake up and if what i make becomes cold and not good I will DIE i cannot kill the part of me#that dies of embarrassment if my cooking is subpar or my house is unclean. if xigbar doesnt like what i make i WILL be killing myself#goodnight world forever i made something contrary to his taste.#i need to work on that i know i do. but#hm#and he said he didnt really have a sweet tooth :( who am i going to feed these eggs to.#i would bother arme but she needs her space I know she does.#I can't imagine a simple desert like this appealing to the narrator.#so no xigbar arme or narrator. thats everyone in the arena#i dont want to bother MoM ive bothered him enough recently.#um. hm.#would Kayne like them? he seems to like sweet things. fundip is sweet right? he put some on his popcorn when I stayed over#he even let me eat some (though I couldn't taste)#hm.#then again i feel like that would fall under Bothering MoM. showing up in the woods under the treehouse yelling#'KAAAAAAYYYNNNEEEEE. DO YOU WANT A DEEPFRIED CADBURY CREAM EGG. OR SEVERAL. I MADE THEM JUST NOWWW'#yeah that would bother him#and also risk waking riri which i do NOT want to do i know how babies are.#fuck.#i cant go to the cabin to bother paph even if he Was awake#not sure if arthur would like these either. and i think hes asleep to. and we're not close enough for me to just hand him food I dont think#gods. kayne is really the best option here but i cant even. damn it.#and stanley and sora are both gone. gone SWEEPING 🧹🧹 THE BRACKET 🧹🧹 GET REKT EVERYONE ELSE#AS they deserve
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derpinette · 2 years
if i got a cutie mark tattoo i would get applejack's because i too am a fan of apples
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daydreamertrait · 2 years
i think im getting my sense of smell back but i still cant taste anything🧍🏻‍♀️
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miserye · 1 year
My father complaining about the pretzels I made and how they taste ambiguous (not salty or sweet) while completely ignoring the cinnamon sugar pretzels that are sitting next to the salted pretzels
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dashiellqvverty · 2 years
CW for talking about specific food aversions and eating habits related to sensory issues/sensitivities
something i’ve only very recently figured out abt my sensory issues w food/taste is that. i think i just do not like food unless it is primarily sweet or salty. this realization happened bc i was casually mentioning how even tho i am averse to so many kinds of sauces/seasonings/marinades, two of the only kinds of flavor i like on chicken (which i eat a lot of bc i dont like most meat) are teriyaki or bbq sauce and my friend was like......... well they both have sugar. and it blew my mind i was like that makes SO much sense. so i either need sweet food or plain food with salt and if it has another taste thats mild enough i can add salt.
but like its not just being averse to spice.. if a food is primarily savory it will never Taste Good to me like i dont like the taste of garlic i dont like various herbs i have never understood why people think of those tastes as “good” i have always thought of it as flavors being too “strong” for me but i think its just a taste that my brain doesn’t register as pleasing???
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