#how do i put this another way... anyone in the crowd have adhd? or the tisms? you know hyperfixations
bigfatbreak · 4 months
Hello I love your art!!! I was reading through your changeling au and Felix mentions that fae are creatures of mirth. They literally need attention to survive. But what kind of attention? I guess I'm wondering because Adrien has been in the public eye for a while now, but has been personally neglected for even longer. What does that mean for him? Is he starving? Is he in danger of dying? Does he even know it? (I assume not given he doesn't even know he's Fae).
If he is starving / in danger of starving who is the first to realize this?
it depends on the mirth, on the attention, on what it is they seek. Without making things too complicated - I don't like to define everything into neat little boxes after all, there's fun in nuance - Felix is just explaining from his experience, the Fae he was with tended to be "entertained" by certain aspects of their playing, which was the mirth that kept them relevant. Relevancy more than anything is really what keeps their wheels greased.
In Adrien's case though, the reason he's cloying for so many names and to have so many thralls and attendants is because he SHOULD be a more social creature and has been kept woefully alone. He is kinda starving in the way a fae starves - he's relevant, but only in an image his father constructs OF him, which means it isn't REALLY him - and he has no one to play with. No friends, no lovers, and no rivals, makes a very sad fae
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adornesibley · 6 months
NAME GOES HERE: a Newsletter
Reading: Old Gods of Appalachia TTRPG by Monte Cook Games, Starter Villain by John Scalzi, The Secrets We Keep by Shirley Patton
Finished Reading: Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, The Future by Naomi Alderman
Podcast: Unwell
Playing: God Hand (PS2(on PS3(Thank God Hand for PS2 Classics)))
Making: Zines and Doom Levels
Writing: Project E
Word Count: 168317
TLDR: EfanGamez needs food help badly! CHEAP TTRPG BUNDLE! Working on working titles. The, frankly, crowded writing scene and AI intruders. ADHD and unfinished proj… Wingspan is so cute and so fun~ We’re Here because We’re Here because… Mekborg and Steel Psalm want YOU!
An indie TTRPG designer needs help badly! EfanGamez has put all of their paid TTRPGs and supplements together into a tidy little bundle and is currently offering it for $25USD on their itch.io page! This sale is on for another 19 days as of the posting of this newsletter and I HIGHLY encourage anyone interested in trying out TTRPGs that are out of the norm to take advantage of this deal. Grim and Mourn are two first-person-shooter-inspired TTRPGs that I can recommend in particular.
I have been working on Project E, the working title, of which she’s had many. Just recently, I decided it was necessary to completely rewrite every bit of dialogue for the main villain, allowing him a more gradual, consistent descent into madness. It’s going well, and progress is happening. I want to touch on something in the first sentence of this paragraph. It’s FASCINATING to me how some stories get their names with minimal teeth-pulling. Hell, I’ve had stories who received their names BEFORE I wrote a word of them. But Project E has gone through so many iterations of names that I’ve sort of decided to keep this working title until I’m done and maybe even after Beta Readers have had their turn. I know the name will come when it’s meant to. Part of my problem is the book is about a very specific theme, its plot has some consistent elements, and its setting is vivid… but to wrap up enough of these separate elements together in a title is proving… troublesome.
Trying to get your work out into the world as an author (in ways where people will actually see it that is) is SO freakin difficult. The market is saturated now more than ever. We, as writers, not only have to “contend” with our fellow writers but now with AI as there is an influx of AI-generated content being submitted to journals and magazines around the world. I am glad I am not in the publishing industry right now. But, nevertheless, I have submitted to two anthologies this past month. One bigger name bi-monthly and one niche market which was INSANELY fun to write. Hopefully, something will come of them. But if not, what do you do? We, as writers, continue on. We heed the call in our hearts and minds, we sling that ink and continue forward, one lie at a time.
Speaking of which, I have so many unfinished works XD I tend to post about something I’m working on then distraction occurs and all of a sudden it has been a month and I have totally forgotten about the project I had been working on. I have no doubt picked up something new or something old and once-forgotten. ADHD brains often feel like a quagmire, hard to pull thoughts through, sometimes you lose them altogether to the deep dark, sometimes they resurface, grimy and forgotten… what was I talking about again?
Last month, my little TTRPG group didn’t meet as several folks were unavailable… so instead we got the remaining few of us together and I got to play Wingspan for the first time! What a blast~ It was certainly complicated starting off but the rules become pretty easy to grasp after about two rounds of play. After that, when you’re about one round from the end is when it becomes clear how you’re supposed to plan for the ending if you’re intent on winning. Or of course, you could just enjoy all the beautiful birds, the weird facts, and the wonderful time shared with your friends.
I am a long-term Nerdfighter. 2012 era. If you are unsure of what this means, I’ll briefly explain. John and Hank Green are two authors/ YouTubers /philanthropists/ podcasters/ educators/ nerds/ TBFighters (I could go on… these guys are PROLIFIC) and they have been vlogging since 2007 and around that vlog (originally meant to bring them closer as brothers which I think is/was/whatever a resounding success) has grown a community called Nerdfighteria, among many other things. They have recently started a “good news” newsletter called We’re Here. “A nice little email for people from Earth.” I highly recommend signing up. These humans have continued to make the world less sucky by their presence and their actions. It’s beautiful how these massively powerful, famous, and influential creators are using their network to support folks in their extended community and using their community and influence to make so much good change in the world. Please go check out We’re Here and Vlogbrothers.
Speaking of community and supporting one another, DMDave is starting a Kickstarter for two books! Mekborg, which seems to be Warhammer 40k grimdark meets Battletech, is/was/whatever designed by John K Webb who has a LOT of design credits for the magazines Broadsword and Sidequest. As well, there’s Steel Psalm, designed by Dave himself, which from the name I’d presume is the same setting, but using wargaming rules similar to Forbidden Psalm (Also big recommendation). The Kickstarter is launching April 16th and the best part? When it’s done, the digital copies will go out immediately and by June or July the books will be shipped out (depending on how long printing takes) as the books are already finished! I’ll fully admit DMDave probably doesn’t “need” help to get the project funded, but the more support there is, the more likely projects like this will be created in the future!
Support weird. Support indie.
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
This feels like a bit of a stupid question (though that’s probably just my head), but I read the latest chapter of authenticity (which I absolute love), and I was curious, can non-autistic people have non-verbal episodes too?
Hello anon thank you for the question!! It’s not stupid at all!!!
The short answer is yes. I’ll put my explanation below the cut bc it got really long 😂😄
Edit 5/06/23: all uses of the term nonverbal have been changed to verbal shutdown. Non-speaking autistic people have asked speaking autistic people to stop using that term and use more accurate ones like verbal shutdown!
It’s possible for anyone to have a verbal shutdown episode if they get overwhelmed enough hypothetically, but most people’s brains don’t react to being overwhelmed that way. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re autistic if you have verbal shutdown episodes, but most people who are autistic experience this to some degree because of the way autistic brains process stimuli. And I think all the Links tend towards being quieter and not speaking.
Verbal shutdown episodes are also common in other neurodivergencies, and I headcannon Wind as having ADHD so that plays a role here. Also, Wind grew up on a isolated island so he isn’t used to being around huge crowds like in other people’s Castle Towns. He’s also still a kid, and kids are more likely to have verbal shutdowns because their brains haven’t developed fully and they don’t always have the tools (physical tools like stim toys or metaphorical tools in their brains) to help when they get overstimulated.
Most (NOT ALL!!) of the traits associated with autism can also be found in allistic (non-autistic) people. Autism is the combination of all the traits and also the severity of the traits when combined. For example, anyone can get overstimulated if there is enough stimuli, but autistic people get overstimulated MUCH more easily than allistic people because of how autistic brains process that stimuli. The same goes for being verbal shutdowns. However, most allistic people don’t have verbal shutdown episodes. Their brains don’t generally respond to being overwhelmed that way. THAT DOES NOT MEAN EVERYONE IS “A LITTLE AUTISTIC!”
Not every autistic person has verbal shutdown episodes, either. It’s a spectrum ☺️
I hope this helps and isn’t a confusing answer!!! If anything I said didn’t make sense please feel free to send another ask for clarification about something!!!!
Also, disclaimer, I am just one person, and I am not in any way an expert, so I can’t speak for the experiences of every single autistic person. I try really hard to diversify my viewing in other social medias and do research on anything I don’t understand so that I can have a deeper understanding of autism, but a lot of what I know is based on my own individual experiences :):):):)
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Smug Pt. 2
Rating: T
Pairing: Mitch Marner/Reader
Words: 2540
Warnings: Alcohol
Summary:  You meet Mitch Marner at a birthday party and, well, you’re not quite sure if he’s an asshole or not.
Me? Posting two things in quick succession? It’s almost like I finally got put back on ADHD meds. Anyway, thank you to anyone who’s actually waited for me to continue this one. If you haven’t read part one, it’s right here.
You’re not surprised at how crowded the bar is, but that doesn’t mean you have to like it. There’s not a single bar in the city that isn’t packed on the night of a Leaf’s game, so you’d just picked Nathalie’s favorite. She decided that even though she’d had a party at the rink with her entire family, she wanted to do a night out with the girls for her birthday as well. Work had been more stressful than usual lately, so you weren’t opposed to a night out drinking and dancing. Getting ready at Nathalie’s place with her four other closest friends had been chaotic, which seemed to be an omen for the night.
The first bar had been “boring”, mostly just people sitting at tables eating and drinking and calmly watching the game. Part of you wishes you’d just stayed there and had a calmer night. At least you don’t have work tomorrow, so you don’t have to worry about the headache tonight and inevitable hangover tomorrow. The current bar is much rowdier, with people getting too drunk and shouting passionately at the TVs. Nathalie is well on her way to drunk, and you’re right behind her, with the shots she’s been making you take. Jameson always makes your hangover worse, but green tea shots are her favorite, and you don’t know how to say no. Besides, she keeps buying you all rounds, and you’re not about to reject a free drink from a friend.
Your friends are switching between cheering for the game and talking to each other, which you think is a pretty good combination. You really do love hockey, whether you like certain players or not. There’s something about the fast pace, the skill, the physicality that draws you in every time. The game ends eventually, and the group of you turn away from the post-game broadcast to continue chatting. Nathalie has the attention span of a particularly excitable golden retriever, so you hop to another bar to do exactly the same thing you were doing at the second one.
It’s only at the fourth and final bar that something both exciting and nerve wracking happens. The group of you have been at the bar for maybe fifteen minutes before a deafening cheer goes up. Everyone seems to be facing the front door across from your table. You have to twist around to see from your position, but yup, that’s your luck.
Everyone else is probably thinking this is great luck, to be at the bar the Leafs decided to go to after a win. Except the third person in the line of players is Mitch, and your stomach drops. He looks good. You’re definitely going to embarrass yourself. It’s weird to be entirely cognizant of that, while knowing that you’re too drunk to stop yourself. Hopefully they just won’t notice you guys.
Nathalie jumps up and waves for their attention. Nice.
Mitch notices her first, nudging Nylander to point at all of you. They’re the two that came to Nathalie’s party, so they clearly recognize her. Their little gang follows as they move through the crowd like fish swimming upstream. Nylander introduces Nathalie and “her friends”, and all six of them shake all six of your hands. You’re more excited than you probably should be to shake Campbell’s hand, but you can’t help it, he’s your favorite player. After the pleasantries, everyone but him and Mitch depart for their apparently special table, inviting all of you to stop by any time. You’re not sure if this place has bottle service, but they’d probably make an exception for the Leafs either way. Must be nice.
Campbell immediately starts an involved conversation with your friend Diane, both of them forgetting about the rest of you. Pretty privilege. Good for her, though.
Mitch spends the next ten or so minutes entertaining the other five of you, mostly answering questions about the game. He must get tired of that, right? Talking about hockey is nice, especially when it’s your passion, but it must be annoying to have it be the only thing anyone ever wants to talk about. Nylander comes back over, and you expect him to take Mitch and Campbell back to the group. Or at least Mitch, considering how engrossed Campbell is in his conversation. Surprisingly, he asks Nathalie if she wants to dance. You’re not sure if the two shots he’d downed beforehand had anything to do with it, but you’re willing to bet that they do.
Nathalie says yes, of course, and gets led to the dancefloor by a hand in hers. You know your friends are hot, but you’re still a bit shocked at how well they’re pulling. You’ve been more focused on the fact that this whole outing is for her birthday, already having refused a drink from a guy at the second bar. Now that she’s off to have a great night herself, you consider trying to find someone to take home. You’re really not in the mindset for it, though. Not like you’ve seen anyone here that you’d be interested in anyway.
The remaining three of your friends seem to decide that dancing is a good idea, giggling their way to the floor. It’s a bit disappointing that they didn’t even ask you if you’d like to join, but you just accept it and settle back into your cocktail at the table. Like a good friend, you ignore Diane’s conversation happening three feet away from you. Scrolling your phone and drinking essentially alone doesn’t actually seem that bad. You like a little time to yourself.
Except Mitch is still here. He hadn’t stolen one of your friends, hadn’t joined them to dance, and hadn’t gone back to his table with his own group. He can probably tell how confused you are as he sits down next to you, considering you lose all control over your facial expressions when you’ve been drinking.
“How have you been?” he asks, after flagging down a waiter to order a drink. He’d been so sweet with the guy, and it helps ease your anxiety. For the moment, at least.
“I’ve been alright; same old same old,” you reply, “How about you?”
“Not bad,” he says, “Same old same old.” There’s an awkward stretch of silence after that, as if he’s just as unsure of what to talk about. The waiter comes back with the drink, and Mitch slips him a couple dollars. The guy had probably run back to the bar as fast as he could to bring it that quickly. It helps break the silence, though, and luckily you’re able to come up with a question to get you both talking. He’s a good conversationalist, Mitch is, but you can tell when someone is in work mode. His responses seem bottled, like you’re a reporter interviewing him rather than a random girl at a bar. That simply won’t do.
“If you were a kitchen utensil, what would you be?” you ask, a complete non sequitur. You’re expecting hesitation, or shock, or anything but a quick, confident answer.
“Spatula,” he says. You ask why. “You can make anything with a spatula.” It’s a good answer, you’re not going to lie. Most people think that question is weird, so it can be a great way to break someone out of their shell. You use it at work, actually, to throw people off enough that they end up showing their true colors. Also, it’s just a fun little thing to know about someone.
“How about you?” he asks in return. You have enough experience with the question to know your answer already.
“Ladle,” you respond confidently. He asks why. “Does everything a spatula can’t.” The reasoning isn’t your usual, but it works out nicely with his own. A smile grows across his face and his shoulders visibly relax. Success.
It’s easier from there, the both of you quipping back and forth between genuine inquiries and statements. It takes you a while to realize his demeanor isn’t what you had expected. From your previous interaction, you’d thought he would be overconfident, even arrogant. But he just seems… normal? Like he’s acting like he’s just some guy. Which he is, really, but he’s also “some guy” with more fame and money than you care to fathom. You’ll take this version of him over the smug one any day.
While hockey players seem a bit dim, for the most part, Mitch has thoughtful responses and insight that’s more impressive than you’d like to admit. Playing any sport at a high level involves a lot of observational skills, but you hadn’t foreseen him being able to deduce how you feel about your coworker Josh from one sentence. Guy was a dickhead, yeah, but you’re usually pretty good at hiding that opinion. All jobs require their own specialized skills. Like pretending your bitch of a contemporary isn’t the bane of your existence.
What you haven’t mentioned, however, is that your boring job is at Scotiabank Arena. Working in the sound booth during games.
You did other events too, obviously. Pretty much anything that takes place in a venue that big needs a sound crew. So you work for the arena and not the team, which is why you’ve yet to meet any of the players. Any of the players on any team, really. You’d met Yuta Watanabe from the Raptors once, but that was about it. That’s why it had been kind of funny when Mitch told you to come to a game some time– you were at almost all the games, all the time. He doesn’t need to know that, though.
For a time– you’re not sure how long– you manage to avoid embarrassing yourself. You’re actually distracted enough by talking that you’re getting more sober even with a drink in your hand. It’s only after a guy in a Tavares jersey comes over to the table to congratulate Mitch and Campbell that you manage to put your foot in your mouth. The guy squeezes some questions in during his couple minutes with the guys, giving them some unoriginal advice as they sign his jersey. He’s maybe three steps away when you catch Mitch’s eye.
“Do you ever get tired of talking about hockey?” you ask. You’re pretty sure of the answer, and you want to slap yourself for asking. Hey, do you ever get tired of your job? Of course he does! Everyone does! But it’s probably kind of rude to ask it outright like this. It’s only the genuine laugh you startle out of him that makes you think he may not mind.
“Yeah, sometimes,” he says, that blinding smile plastered on his face again, “When I’m trying to have a conversation with a pretty girl.” Instinctively, you roll your eyes. It’s not the first time a guy has said something along those lines, and it’s corny every time. It’s kind of nice to be called pretty by him, though.
Your response doesn’t seem to deflate him any, and he even smiles wider. Maybe he’s one of those guys who likes it when women are mean to him. You’re very good at being mean. Anyway, he holds your gaze for a long moment before looking down at his hand curled around his drink, flexes the hand, clears his throat. When he turns his focus back to your face, his smile seems more wry than anything.
“It sucks when people ask me the same question a million times, or give me stupid advice,” he says, “Like I don’t know what I’m doing, or something.” His honesty hits you right in the heart. He doesn’t have to be telling you this. In fact, it’s probably in his better interest not to tell you. You know that you’d never spread it around, but he doesn’t. He barely knows you; you could be some attention-seeking asshole who’ll run to the media with the first thing he says that you could spin to be negative. There’s a level of trust here that you’re not sure you’ve earned.
“Just,” he continues, “I hate it when people treat me like an idiot. I know that’s not what they’re trying to do, but it feels that way anyway.” You don’t think he’s an idiot. Maybe you’d had some doubt about his intelligence before this conversation, but you know better than that now. But if you hadn’t had this time to get to know him, would you still assume that he’s not that bright? Just because of the stereotype of hockey players? You think again of Josh, who tries to overtake everything you do, like you somehow got this job without knowing anything about it. Yeah, that’s irritating. You can’t imagine an entire swath of the population treating you in the same way.
“On another topic,” he continues, changing the subject after being met with your stunned silence. He launches into an anecdote about his family up in Markham, and it’s genuinely funny. It would be funnier if you weren’t overwhelmed with the urge to hug him and tell him he’s worth more. At least you can do part of it.
“You’re not stupid, you know,” you say after both of your laughter has died down, “And you deserve to be treated better than that.” He looks at you like he’s never been told that before. If he hasn’t, you’re glad he at least gets to hear it now. He reaches out, brushing his knuckles against yours where your hand rests on the table.
“Thanks,” he says. You let the moment sit, make sure it sinks in for him. He had dipped back into his work persona when he told the story, like he was protecting himself. Luckily, he hadn’t fully retreated, so it’s not difficult to get him back into his natural state. You’re growing to like this version of him. The one that’s open and doesn’t feel the need to constantly fill the silence and is somehow both extroverted and easygoing at once.
All good things must come to and end, unfortunately. It’s not until the waiter tells you guys that it’s last call that you realize the bar is nearly empty. What time is it? Where did your friends go? Rebecca was supposed to drive you home. Now you have to pay for a Saturday-night-Leafs-game Lyft. The prices at this time are insane. Fuck.
“Do you want a ride home?” Mitch asks, as if he can read your mind. It’s more likely that he can read the worry on your face, and knows that you got left behind. Normally, you’d be pretty pissed if your friends left without you. This time, you’re almost grateful they did. You prefer this time with Mitch over saving some money on a rideshare.
“You don’t have to,” you reply, even though you really want to just come out with it and say yes. Yeah, you don’t want to burden him by making him drive you around, but you also don’t want to leave the warmth of his company.
“I know,” is all he says, taking your hand as he stands. With your free hand, you grab your bag before following him out the door. Neither of you let go.
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mellometal · 3 years
Is it time to tear ANOTHER Dhar Mann video to shreds? YOU BET.
I've been sitting on this one for a bit because I wanted to make sure I talk about this tactfully. The subject of parents abandoning their disabled children is a very touchy one.
Parents abandoning their disabled children simply for being disabled is way too common. Like, I understand that not everyone has the resources to care for a disabled child (which is why you reach out for help, and why people like me, who work with disabled people, exist), but it doesn't mean you just walk out of their life. There are exceptions, like if you truly didn't want children or something like that, but just flat-out walking out of your kid's life BECAUSE they're disabled is fucked up.
I know someone personally whose biological mother abandoned her when she was born. Why? Because she's disabled. Physically, and mentally, to a point. I work with this woman on a daily basis. I don't really know WHY exactly her biological mother abandoned her, but I do know that her being disabled was part of it. It's sad. It doesn't affect her, thankfully. I'm happy that she's got her biological dad, her brother, and another maternal figure in her life, at least.
ANYWAYS. Before we get to the topic at hand, I need to put an obligatory trigger warning, like I do with EVERY Dhar Mann post:
This post will be talking about parents abandoning their disabled children simply for being disabled, treating disabilities like they're tragedies (in this case, we're talking about autism...again), divorce, and some SPICY ableist bullshit from an allistic (nonautistic) PIECE OF SHIT.
If any of this triggers you or makes you uncomfortable in any way, you don't have to read this post. This isn't worth putting yourself in a bad state mentally. I would never ask for any of you to put yourselves in that position all for a post. Put your mental health and well-being first. Consume media that sparks joy for you.
As far as my response goes, it's definitely more calm than normal. Funny....since this video is about autism spectrum disorder again. (Third time's the charm, huh, Dhar Mann? NOT.)
The video starts off with these two parents (Gwen and Allen) in a psychologist's office. The psychologist tells the parents that their son (Chance) is autistic, and she tries to explain what autism is to the parents, but Allen cuts her off. Why? Because he teaches at a prestigious university, so he AUTOMATICALLY knows what autism is from that fact alone.
Um, excuse me? Just because you're a teacher at a prestigious university, it doesn't mean you're an expert in everything. It doesn't make you an expert in ASD or anything like that. Unless you SPECIALIZE in that area. Even then, shut the fuck up. The people who know about being autistic are AUTISTIC PEOPLE THEMSELVES! SHOCKER.
Hey, Dhar Mann! QUIT WITH THE VIDEOS ABOUT AUTISTIC LITTLE WHITE BOYS AND YOUNG WHITE AUTISTIC CISHET MEN! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF IT. It's annoying, ignorant, and it feels like you're doing this on purpose at this point to piss people off. If you're so uninformed about autism in women and girls, FUCKING ASK AUTISTIC WOMEN AND GIRLS! DO BETTER RESEARCH THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE AUTISM SPEAKS. The Autism Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) and the Autistic Women and Nonbinary People Network (AWN) are great organizations to go to for any kind of research on ASD in women and girls. STOP GOING OFF OF THE BRAINS OF AUTISTIC WHITE BOYS AND AUTISTIC WHITE MEN.
I don't feel I need to go too deep into the fact that autistic women, autistic girls, autistic nonbinary people, autistic BIPOC, autistic AAPI, autistic LGBT people, autistic teenagers, and autistic adults exist. Y'all already know.
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Gwen asks the psychologist if that means Chance isn't healthy. (I understand not knowing about autism, but don't treat it like it's a terminal illness. Please.) The psychologist tells her that Chance is fine, but he just learns differently and might need more support compared to his peers.
Yeah, autism can affect how you learn about certain things (limited and repetitive patterns), but there are other disabilities that can affect learning as well. Like how dyslexia can affect your ability to read, dyspraxia can affect your ability to do math, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can affect your ability to focus or on impulse control. Autism affects how your brain is developed, it affects you socially, behaviorally, and how you communicate.
Allen is upset, says that he can't have a son "with a learning disability" (ASD is a neurological disability, not necessarily a learning disability), and treats Chance like he's stupid for being autistic. Gwen tells her husband that autism doesn't make you any less intelligent, WHICH IS SO FUCKING TRUE. ABSOLUTE FACTS. I was totally with her until she began that little monologue with "Just because a person HAS autism". SAY "JUST BECAUSE A PERSON'S AUTISTIC" INSTEAD! IT'S NOT HARD. PERSON FIRST LANGUAGE ISN'T WHAT EVERY DISABLED PERSON PREFERS. Allen says that "they could have another kid" and "put Chance up for adoption". Gwen obviously wasn't down with that. Allen gives his wife an ultimatum that it's either HIM or their son Chance. Gwen says that she can't choose between the two, but she will stand by her autistic son. Allen gets up and leaves the office, saying he wants a divorce.
Years pass by, Gwen is single and taking care of her autistic son Chance, and Allen has a new life with a ✨perfect son✨ (Samuel). He never mentions the son HE abandoned (Chance). He's completely forgotten about Gwen and Chance. (YOU OWE SO MUCH CHILD SUPPORT, ALLEN.)
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Hey, Allen, how much do you wanna bet that your ✨perfect son✨ Samuel is autistic too?
There's the SATs, they're announcing a winner, and guess who it is? IT'S OBVIOUSLY CHANCE, OF COURSE. He's got the highest score in the country, with Samuel in second place. Allen is PISSED.
Chance gives a speech about how his mom really helped him, he struggled with autism, how Allen LITERALLY ABANDONED HIM, and THE CROWD GOES FUCKING WILD. Samuel, instead of being a sore loser, APPLAUDS FOR CHANCE. Stay humble, Sam.
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My thoughts on the video? If you cannot tell by my tone throughout this post, IT WAS DOG SHIT. This video was insensitive to the true reality of parents abandoning their disabled children just because they're disabled. What do I expect from Dhar Mann at this point?
Here's my response to his video below. Don't worry, I will fully type out my response soon for anyone who cannot read the screenshots easily. It's a lot easier for me to do that on the desktop site than it is for me to do it on my phone.
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For anyone who can’t read my response, I’m typing it out for you. Like I said, it’s easier for me to type it out on the desktop site than it is for me to type it out on my phone. It’s a real royal pain in the ass. But because I’m trying to make my posts easier to read for people, I’m doing this anyway. /lighthearted
First, second, and third screenshots (broken up into paragraphs):
Hey, listen, I appreciate the message you’re trying to go for, but can you please stop putting autistic people into a box? Can you stop treating being autistic like it’s a tragedy? Not every single autistic person is a little white boy in elementary school who’s considered “wild and unruly” or “super quiet and makes no friends”, nor are they a young white cishet man who’s a super genius or is how Chris Chan was before she came out as trans. (For anyone who doesn’t know about Chris Chan, there are many documentaries people have made on YouTube, and I highly recommend Geno Samuel’s docuseries, if you’re really interested in learning about Chris Chan.)
Autistic women, girls, nonbinary people, BIPOC, APPI, LGBT people, teenagers, and adults all exist too. 
It’s very apparent now that you get your resources from Autism $peaks, a hate group that spends the vast majority of their money on funding eugenics instead of helping autistic people like they claim, claims that only little white boys and young white cishet men are autistic and ignores all other autistic people who don’t fit that description, have no autistic people on their leader board or on any board for that matter, have members who have actually fantasized about k1lling their autistic children, treat autism like it’s a tragedy or a disease someone can catch (completely false), act like autism should be cured (there is no cure, and ABA therapy is a total shit show in itself), and treats autistic people like they’re broken and need to be fixed. Also, not every autistic person is a Super Genius(tm). That’s so demeaning to autistic people who aren’t seen as intelligent in any way. I’m autistic and seen as smart; however, there are subjects I’m stronger in than others.
If you can’t handle the possibility of having autistic children, or just disabled children in general, DON’T HAVE CHILDREN. If you can’t handle working with or alongside disabled people, including autistic people, maybe find a different profession. Even if you do that, you’ll never get away from disabled people. Disabled people aren’t a disease. We’re human beings just like neurotypical and able-bodied people.
Fourth and fifth screenshots (broken up into paragraphs): 
I would highly suggest getting resources from reputable organizations for ASD, such as the Autism Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) and the Autistic Women and Nonbinary People Network (AWN). Talk to any autistic person who isn’t a little white boy or a young white cishet man. 
Instead of using the puzzle piece, which is a symbol that many autistic people, myself included, are offended by (because of Autism $peaks and other organizations before them using it, plus it symbolizes that only autistic children exist and that we’re “missing a piece” like we’re broken), use the rainbow infinity sign (for all neurodivergent people) or the red and gold infinity sign (just for autistic people). Instead of “lighting it up blue”, light it up red or gold. Do both if you want. 
I’m actually really sick and tired of seeing just autistic little white boys and young autistic white cishet men being represented in the media, and y’all manage to fuck that up too. 
Before anyone mentions Sia’s movie “Music”, that’s also very poor representation of autistic girls. Besides, the actress who played the autistic girl isn’t even autistic. She MOCKED autistic people. I know she’s a kid, but that’s still super fucked up. I hope she’s able to turn that around. 
If anyone would like to discuss this topic with me or ask any questions, feel free to. I’ll answer as best as I can. Thank you and have a good night.
Before I get attacked for mentioning Chris Chan in my response, I bring up Chris Chan because allistic people think that every autistic person is like her (especially before she came out as trans). That person is part of why I wasn't open about being autistic or talking about my diagnosis until this year. I didn't want to be grouped up with Chris Chan because I do have very similar interests to her, I've been seen as cringey for having said interests, and just the way Chris treated autistic people who were formerly diagnosed with A$p3rg3r$ $yndr0m3 (like I was) really made me feel even more alienated.
Also, S1a supports A$ (Autism $p3aks). She's not a very good person to support. Some of her music is good, but her as a person....no. Her movie "Music" was gross, from what I've read about it and seen pictures of.
If you've read this far, thank you so much!
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barbarianprncess · 3 years
can we just stay like this forever prompt for sentence starters please!
i get to love you 
(it’s the best thing that i'll ever do)
thank you for the prompt! (i wrote this today and i wasn’t really sure where to go with it so i hope this is alright!)
read on ao3
The end of summer bonfire at Camp Half-Blood is always a bittersweet affair. The bittersweetness of the night, Percy realizes, is really the only thing you could consider ordinary about the summer.
The crowd is thinner this year, and he tries not to think about how many troops they lost this summer.
(He wonders when he started thinking of campers as troops. They're campers. Children. They are not the pawn they were made to be. He makes a promise never to refer to any kid that walks through the camp's border as anything other than exactly that. A kid.)
He and Annabeth are far behind the actual camp circle, so he has a wider view of all the participants singing along softly with Kayla and Will strums at a beat up guitar. Even the crackle of the fire is lazy, reflecting the peaceful energy of camp.
Percy is leaning against what was previously Thalia’s tree, and Annabeth is sitting between his legs lying back on his chest. He has his arms around her waist, and he finds that his hands patterns on her thigh without thinking. This is becoming a more common occurrence, reaching out for Annabeth unconsciously. It’s as if kissing her in that lake flipped a switch in his brain and his hand felt empty when they weren't touching her. When his ADHD acted up at meetings, instead of playing with a pencil, he’d reach over and play with Annabeth's fingers under the table. In between activities, he’d beeline to wherever she was to tug at one of her curls. He found his hand aching several times a day to hold hers. It’s funny, Grover had warned him going from friends to dating would be an adjustment, but in these moments with her showing her affection is natural. Maybe it’s because he loves Annabeth so completely, he can’t really process anything else.
Percy wishes he could freeze this moment, where there are no friends to be found, training to be done, or wars to be fought. This moment where his family is safe, his friends are content, and Annabeth is here.
“Can we just stay like this forever?” He isn’t sure he said it outloud until Annabeth stiffens. She smiles nervously up at him, and her eyes are vulnerable. It reminds him of how she looked at him in the back of that zoo truck.
“Forever is a long time.” She whispers.  
Percy laughs softly and nudges her hair with his nose, “Yeah, that’s like the whole point.”
Annabeth laughs but he knows her, so he can tell that it’s insincere. “What?” Annabeth shakes her head.
Percy asks and lifts a hand to knock at the side of her head. “What’s goin’ on in there?”
Annabeth sighs. “It’s sweet Percy, but people say stuff like that, and life happens and things change and then one day, they stop meaning it.”
The statement itself breaks his heart, but the way she says it like it's an unchangeable fact of life makes him want to hug her and never let go, and grab Riptide and have choice words with anyone who ever made her feel like she was unloveable.
He knows she has a hard time talking about her past even to him. He knows more about her than anyone, but there are things she doesn’t feel like she can talk about. He knows some of it is just too difficult for her to put into words, some of it she’s still learning how to share with another person. But he also knows that some of it is his fault. He never handled Luke as a subject well with Annabeth, always letting out his protective streak instead of being there for her which he realizes in hindsight is more what she needed. He decides to table the ‘should’ve’ thought process for another time, and holds Annabeth closer.
“You’re right. I don’t know what's gonna happen in the future. But I also know that I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. You saved me in every way a person can be saved. Thank you.”
He kisses her temple.
“I love you. No matter what happens, or what changes, the person you saved is always gonna mean it.”
Annabeths eyes well up, so he brings his arms up to hold her across her chest, and presses kisses her hair.
“Okay.” She whispers.
She relaxes her head back into his shoulder. “That whole staying here forever thing. I’m saying okay.”
He smiles and he can’t see her face from this angle but he knows she’s beautiful. “That’s alright with you?”
“Yeah. That's alright with me.”
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andromedaspark · 2 years
Yes I'm posting about my autism. Fuck you.
I can't get diagnosed in my state (South Carolina)
Period. I just can't. There are no clinical psychologists who do autism testing for anyone who isn't like 5 or under.
Not even expensive ones. There's just None.
If I were to get diagnosed it would have to be in North Carolina or Georgia.
Since I'm not a toddler it's going to 10 times more difficult for me to get a diagnosis.
Since I'm AFAB it's going to be 50 times harder to get a diagnosis.
Since I also have ADHD it's going to be 100 times harder to get a diagnosis.
I want a service dog for my autism because
They can help with crowd control (they circle around you to push others back)
They can help with my skin picking disorder
They can help alert others or my guardian if I start to have a panic attack or meltdown.
They can help with mobility
They can preform active coping mechanisms
They can help encourage me to leave the house more
See, a service dog would be ideal. But my family can't afford a diagnosis for autism much less a service dog for said autism.
Service Animals with training are work.
The average autism service dog costs between $30,000 and $50,000 to be fully trained before joining their forever family. (Source)
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I have autism, depression, panic attacks, C-PTSD, social anxiety, and am HOH. That's just with this one list.
I only got diagnosed with (at the time) Severe Chronic Depression, GAD, and (technically, at the time) ADD very recently, in around 2018-19. I was almost hospitalized. I was severely chronically su*c*dal and was actively engaging in SH (in my own 'unique' way).
My mom figured I had autism when I was like 4. She never told me.
That lead to social isolation, social anxiety, a good part of my depression and Daily Burnout + Meltdowns.
Luckily I'm past most of that now (after years of therapy, after 5 therapists and a psychologist, years of adjusting medication, DBT, CBT, PCT, Gestalt Therapy, bits of ERP, and even Somatic therapy)
Anyway back to the Diagnosis
Autism testing can cost between $3000 and $5000. (Source)
So why does a Slip of Paper from a psychologist in another state have to cost more than 5 new phones?
Fuck if I know. I'm not enough of an idiot to figure that one out.
But it pisses me off
Because it would cost about 4k for a diagnosis, then 40k for a service dog. And my family barely had 300 dollars spare to just throw at shit.
$44,000 for a dog and a piece of paper telling me what I already know.
And I just want accessibility. But they put prices on it that make me feel like my suffering is worth it because at least I'm not drowning in debt.
And I already have 4 dogs, but pets and service dogs are Very different.
I can't have anything good. And it sucks.
So next time anyone says they don't believe I'm autistic I want 4k cash in my hand by the end of the week or I'm going to go apeshit.
For legal reasons that is a joke
In all honesty I don't expect anyone to read this. This is purely just a jumbled up rant of all my tired autistic brain screaming.
I'm on the highest dosages of my Depression+Anxiety medication and my ADHD medication. If I want to go up I have to get a different medication.
And that scares me.
Even more so now that we have a new doctor that thinks my ADHD medication is a joke and doesn't think I should be on it at all even though I've been on it for a year now and it's done amazing work. It's just not where I want to be.
Anyway if she takes my meds from I'm just gonna bite the bullet and start taking weed.
I mean what's she gonna do? Arrest me? Maybe. Weeds illegal here. But fuck yall you made my medication inaccessible so I'm doing it my damn self.
My neighbors are smokers and they aren't shy about it, and my moms friend is like A Weed Veteran with how long she's been taking it and making stuff with it.
She started making cookie edibles and I swear to god. They have the weed ground down into powder and used with the flour in a half substitute ratio. They look so fucking good. I want the Calm Down Cookies. They're sugar cookies too which are like my fucking favorite thing on the planet.
And my mom wants me to start with the gummies but I Fucking Hate Gummy shit. I'd rather rot in hell than get gummy stuck in my teeth. But it's a small price to pay to work up to weed cookie.
And I genuinely thought about the Ecig THC because those are things and they taste good (supposedly) and it's 'not as bad' as unfiltered blunts. And the aesthetic of smoking is neat to me. But I decided against it because it would be more of a hassle than it's worth. It's risking my already shitty lungs and my sensory issues along with overall health and future complications. Edibles you get a snack And a good time And your lungs get to live another day.
Anyway I've done way too much research on weed and let me just say. They make up the wildest names. I can see a strain called "Fuck bitches get money" and it's good for like making you hungry and tired. There's like "cactus fetus" and it calms you down and is good for sleep. Like Bitch.
Anyway do you think in California they can UberEats you weed now?
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asmolemmeeatyouout · 4 years
The Boys With an Autistic MC HC !! (SFW !)
(aka I’m projecting bc sad) (I also have adhd so there will be adhd moments)
This boy has so much work yet he still find the time to help you put together a routine
WILL make sure you stick to it
He will rearrange the entire school if it will help you
If any demon and I mean ANY demon is even the slightest bit mean to you they go mysteriously missing the next day
Sometimes he infantilises you but he doesn’t mean to, tell him to cut it out and the shame will rip through him
In line with that you will probably find him cutting the crusts off your sandwiches and rearranging your stuffies, up to you if you want him to stop that (I hate crusts and my teddies deserve to be comfortable too)
Makes sure you’re accommodated everywhere in the devildom not just rad and and the hol
One day you realise his suit jacket? Perfect fabric for stimming
He starts dressing according to the fabrics you like
Let’s you hold his sleeve arm when talking bc it’s a good stim
Will put his jacket on you when you’re overwhelmed and need some familiarity
You start to associate his smell with safety
Pretends he doesn’t care
Treats you the most normal out of all the brothers
Has actually memorised your routine and knows your stressors/meltdown/shutdown triggers
White knights you very subtly
You think demons are very accepting in the devildom but in reality mammon does the same as luci but his approach is much more ‘stop it before it starts’
Buys you stimmies bc he loves the way you look when you’re happy stimming (yes BUYS not steals)
Too embarrassed to give you them so they just appear in your room
He’s just coincidentally in the hallway when you come rushing out to show people
You eventually realise it’s gotta be him bc he’s always there when you find em so you just start running directly to him
Loves it if you have echolalia
Tries to get you to repeat ‘the great mammon’ as much as possible
If he finds you repeating words/beeping at the microwave he will engage and do the same until you happy stim (then he will try get you to repeat ‘mc’s first man the great mammon’
If you start calling him that ?! The boy will melt. (I get intense echolalia with ‘mammonie’ and i think he would straight up die hearing mc go ‘mammonie mammonie mammonie’
After all it makes sense that the great mammon is constantly on your mind
Another nerd ?! Heck yeah!! !
Very glad you aren’t a normie
Perhaps relates the most to your experience against the allistics as ppl don’t like him bc he’s a ‘yucky okatu’
Loves when you talk about a special interest (SI) because you’re just as obsessive as he is
Will try and get you obsessed with anime and manga if you aren’t already
Is a shut in so he gets that people are overwhelming and scary at times
Is uncharacteristically vulnerable and open with you bc he feels like you understand his existence at a deeper level
If you like squishes (and show him first) he will start asking for the deep pressure hugs when he feels he needs them
But ofc bc you’re both you, the method for asking is just repeating the word squish over and over while you hug
Eye contact !? Oh hell no
Most of your conversations are done facing away from each other
Same clothes? Comfort items? No no no no no you gotta look beautiful like you are!
Does not entirely get it at first, how can anyone want to wear something more than once?
Once you explain it he will drag you shopping (to high end shops, using avoiding crowds as an excuse to pamper you) to find a signature, beautiful, comfortable and easy to put on outfit for you to wear
He will then buy 30 of them just in case you lose anything
He WILL give you presents randomly after you told him you like to wear clothing with emotional significance
Bonding time includes decorating your ear defenders and sunglasses
If your SI is anything to do with fashion or beauty or just asmo things in general this boy will NEVER leave your side. You become the only person he wants to talk to
If you excited stim by bouncing, hand flapping or squealing he is right there with you creating a feedback loop of excited stimming
When he finds out you like routine he will check you’re doing the beauty routine he made for you every night
If you’re too tired he will do it for you (or even if you just ask he loves being close to you)
If you’re touch repulsed he will ask every time before he even gets close to you (EVERY DAMN TIME ! This man understands consent and the fact that some days touch is too much others it’s not)
Acts like lucifer visa the routine n rad but with no infantilising
Reads every study ever done on autism and neurodivergence ever
ANGOR at human world autism studies bc they’re dumb and there’s so much more interesting things to investigate to do with being autistic
He does go to the human world and he does stab a$$ and those involved
If you let him he will study you
Tracks your sleep, eating habits, and mood regulation (after he asks ofc)
Meltdowns? No that’s a regular day in Satan’s head
He lets you use his rage room (he definitely has a room exclusively for smashing stuff) if you feel even a little stressed
Likes talking about your SI’s with you bc it’s rare he finds someone so knowledgeable on a subject
The kindest most patient boy
Helps you find foods that don’t mess with your texture issues
Checks to make sure you’ve eaten in case you’ve been distracted and not realised you’re hungry
Doesn’t understand AFRID because food is good?? But is willing to help you with it (see previous points)
Stims with you because it makes you happy
Will let you info dump for hours even if he doesn’t get it
Is generally very warm so he makes the perfect person for squishes
Perfectly happy to just sit in silence and not talk or make eye contact
Definitely understands the exhaustion that comes with being disabled
If you even look overstimulated he will kidnap you for a nap (whether than be physically or if you’re touch repulsed he will fake an emergency (the emergency is you being over stim Ed) just to get u out, it’s the only thing he puts effort into)
Shares his secret super soft blanket stash bc you are the only one who can appreciate how freaking soft the texture is
Best person to look after you in a shutdown bc he kinda gets it
Gets his own ear defenders and sunglasses so he can sleep in class (claims it’s solidarity with you)
Just enjoys your company like his bro so ditto on the silence thing
(There’s more I can think of but this is already really long, comment if u want part 2)
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Caught In The Storm" *Part 9*
So....did y'all like that cliffhanger?
No, but actually...it was the original ending, but the original ending ended up being REALLY short. So, I wrote an ALTERNATE ending, that actually I really would prefer being the ACTUAL ending, but it had to go a different direction BEFORE the cliffhanger, so....you see my dilemma.
Here's what we're gonna do:
I'm going to put the ORIGINAL ending first, and then space it out, and put the ALTERNATE [better tbh] ending.
That way, you can have both. And I don't have to backtrack to undo my mistake due to my ADHD brain changing things 24/7.
Kay? Cool.
Also no neither of these are the ACTUAL ending, I refuse to have an odd number of chapters. REFUSE. So chapter 10 will be like an epilogue. Don't look at me like that.
Tag List
Part 10 (Epilogue is here!)
(This Gif is For the FIRST ending, there's a 2nd GIF that would be SPOILERS.)
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Short Simple Ending #1
Raphael sat in his loft drinking scotch, for which he had done most of the day. He wasn't dressed, he hadn’t showered, he was a mess. He didn't know if he could ever come out of this. He sat there wallowing in his regret and sorrow, going over every interaction you two had ever had in your entire lives of knowing each other pinpointing everything he could have done differently. What he should have done differently, and the fact that if he had, you'd be there with him right now instead of getting married to someone you didn't love. He's just in the middle of chastising himself again when he heard a knock at the door.
“Liv, I told you I don't need your help; You can't help me right now!” he yelled to the door
“It's not Liv…”your voice came softly through the door.
His eyes lit up, he raced to the door and threw it open. Revealing you and your wedding dress, sopping wet.
“Well I hope you're happy!” you stomped into his apartment angrily.
“...What would I be happy about? Where is your husband? He asked half jokingly.
“I Don't HAVE a husband,” you spat.
“Really now?” He was enjoying this too much.
“No, I don't. And you just made me humiliate a poor, generous, loving, caring, amazing man. And I just dumped him in front of all of his friends and family, and in front of a million fans on a live stream and now everyone knows and I'm probably laughing stock right now!!!” you screamed angrily, pacing the apartment.
“I did all that?” He smirked.
“Yes, you did!” you crossed your arms as you walked back to him.
“And how did I do that?” He took both of your hands and pulled you closer, still smiling like a Cheshire cat.
“By telling me you love me!!!” you kept your angry face stoic. “How could I marry Nathan when I knew that I was supposed to be with someone else?”
“You couldn't,” He smiled.
“I couldn't…” You whispered as he pulled you even closer and took you in his arms.
“I love you Rafael,” you looked right into his big green eyes. It was the first time you had actually said it to him in those exact words, with all the love and emotion you had always meant it to be.
He stared at you for a moment, running through the words in his mind. He had yelled them so angrily and upset at you last night, not the way you needed. Not the way you deserved.
“I love you too, Y/N,” He smiled, cradling your face before pulling you into another mind blowing kiss; it had only been the second time you had ever kissed in your lives but it felt like you had done it a million times, like it was supposed to be this way. Like it was always supposed to be this way.
You were so glad you stayed through the storm.
Actual" Really Long, Detailed, Funny Ending #2
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"But you don't love him,'' Rafael pointed out.
"You don't know that!" You snapped.
"Yes I do!" He shot back.
“How could you possibly know that?”
"Because you have never looked at him the way you look at me!" He exclaimed.
Your face went from upset and sad, to absolute rage after hearing him say that.
"You arrogant, selfish, son of a bitch…" you growled.
"How DARE you say that to me?! How DARE you use my own feelings and how much I loved you against me? Get out," You grabbed his arm and dragged him to the door.
"No look I'm sorry Y/N, but it's true. You don't love him and you're only marrying him to spite me!" He continued to dig himself a hole.
"So what?!” You said without thinking, making you both go wide eyed and silent.
“Are-- Are you serious?” He stammered.
“What if I was?” You now had an idea reeling.
“Wha...why would you…?” His eyes narrowed.
“Let’s say that I don’t believe you right now, which I don’t. And I kick you out of here, and I go through with my wedding in the morning? After ALL of this?” You gestured between the two of you.
"You're drunk, aren't you?" Rafael asked as he eyed the two empty bottles of champagne.
"Don't even-- Maybe," You stood in front of the view of the bottles. You waved it off, trying to focus.
“What if I told you that the ONLY way that I will believe that you are completely serious and NOT just drunk, is if you try and stop my wedding?” You smirked.
“You’re not--” Rafael started to laugh, but you kept a serious face on. “Seriously?”
“I don’t know Rafael, I guess we’ll see tomorrow who’s ‘serious’ and who’s not!” You slammed the door in his face, leaving him dumbfounded.
The next day you were in the bridal room getting ready; It was pouring rain outside, it seemed appropriate.
Amanda, Kelsey and Olivia were helping you polish your tiara, ironing your dress, fixing your makeup and all that jazz. Hundreds of fans lined outside the church since someone had leaked where you were getting married. Everything came down to this moment. It was supposed to be the biggest day of your life, and you were terrified. But not for the reasons normal brides would be worried about. For one you were hungover, and for two you had made the most idiotic ultimatum to Rafael last night. Why would you DO that?! Why did he bring out the absolute snarkiest, competitive side of you?
“You're shaking,” Amanda noticed.
“It's just nerves, you need some champagne'' Kelsey grabbed a champagne flute and shoved it in your hand; you downed it.
“You're doing the right thing,” Kelsey assured you, as if she knew what you were thinking. You looked at Olivia and Amanda.
“And what do you say?” You genuinely asked them both.
“I think that whatever you want to do is the right thing,'' Olivia replied, squeezing her hand. You smiled thankfully, glancing at the door.
He hadn’t come yet, maybe he was just drunk. Maybe he was lying in his bed hungover, wondering why he went and made an ass out of himself for no reason. Then again, maybe he was waiting for a big crowd for a huge display of affection, God WHY did you do this...
When it was time, you walked up to Finn who was waiting at the doors of the chapel. He was dressed in a tuxedo with a baby blue tie.
“You look beautiful, baby girl,” he smiled. “Are you ready to do this?”
“Now or never,” You smiled, still glancing at the exits. You noted the cameras that were set up to livestream this to millions of people; you had totally forgotten about that. Oh god, now if there was a “public display” it wouldn’t just go to the guests, it would be broadcast around the world!
The Wedding March began to play as the chapel doors opened. You proceeded to walk down the aisle and looked at everyone watching you. All of your past and present family from the SVU squad was there. Grandpa Kragen and Grandpa Munch, Uncle Brian, Uncle Tucker, etc.
Then you looked at Nathan's family, a bunch of white rich stuffy but welcoming people. You noticed all of the crowds lining outside the windows of the church cheering you on, some crying, some holding signs. Then you looked at Nathan waiting for you at the end of the aisle smiling proudly. He really did love you.
You reached the end of the aisle and took Nathan's hands.
“Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today…”
The Preacher went on through the normal wedding exchanges until he got to “the” line..
“If anyone here has any reason that these two should not be wed, please speak now or forever hold your peace,” The preacher announced as you held your breath.
You anxiously looked around the chapel, looking for any sign of Rafael. Maybe he had snuck in the back, or was hiding behind a lady with a hat. He was going to come, wasn’t he? Maybe you were right, maybe you were right along.
….Nothing. He wasn’t there. He didn’t come…
You felt your heart shatter, you were officially dead inside. And now the husk of you was being married off to this poor man.
“Do you Nathan Lee Price, take YN to be your lovely wedded wife, now and forever, through richer and poorer, sickness and health, before and after you both shall live?
“I do,”
“Y/N, do you take Nathan Lee Price to be your lovely wedded husband, now and forever, through richer and poorer, sickness and health, before and after you both shall live?”
You looked to Nathan, then you looked to your side of the wedding, then you looked to his side, you looked to the fans outside again, you looked to the sky, looked to the ground and then you looked back at Nathan.
The chapel doors swung open revealing Rafael dressed in a tuxedo. The entire room gasped in horror, and you tried your best not to run to him right then and there. He ran down the aisle until he reached the altar.
“I’m sorry sir, we’ve already past the--” The preacher started to talk but Rafael put a hand in front of his face.
“I don’t care, padre,” He chortled.
"Cutting it a little close there, counselor," You muttered.
"You're the one who chose to get married during rush hour in New York City, carino," He winked.
“Man, are you serious? Really? You’ve had all this time, and you decide NOW that you want my fiancé?” Nathan asked him in a hushed voice, trying to be discreet.
Rafael however, was NOT trying to be discreet.
“This woman told me last night, if I really loved her, that I would come and stop this wedding,” He was addressing the crowd. “That I would stop her from making the biggest mistake of her life,” He turned to you and Nathan. “Marrying someone she does not love,”
The room gasped again, Nathan’s family looked horrified. Camera phones began filming, fans outside were going NUTS.
“...Is that true, Y/N?” Nathan asked you with the most pitiful look.
“I mean I--” You looked from him to Rafael, who had a huge grin on his face. Well, you DID ask for this.
“I didn’t use those exact words,” You shrugged apologetically. The pastor closed the Bible, the guests were chattering like mad, cameras flashed, the mob outside began to force themselves inside to see the drama.
“I..I can’t believe this, I can’t believe you…” Nathan shook his head in disbelief.
“Nathan I’m really sorry, I just--” You looked at Rafael again; his grin wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. “I had to be sure that he really loved me,”
“So he had to PROVE his love to you, when I have shown it to you EVERY SINGLE DAY?” Nathan started to yell, forgetting about appearances.
“I mean, no-- it’s a whole thing, you wouldn’t understand--” You started to laugh unintentionally, thinking of how you and Rafael had your own twisted sick sense of humor.
“You’re goddamn right I don’t understand!” He continued to yell.
“...She’s a flair for the dramatic Nate, what can I say?” Rafael smirked as he stepped up on the stair you were standing on and wrapped an arm around you. You really hated that you were enjoying this at Nate’s expense but-- Rafael was right. You wanted him to publicly admit it, and he delivered. And you were ecstatic.
“Yeah well, I hope you’re both happy in dramatic HELL,” Nathan spewed before stomping off out of the chapel with his groomsmen quickly tailing him. His side of the wedding began exiting the chapel furiously grumbling and yelling profanities at you.
You glanced at your side of the room, the entire NYPD. They all surprisingly looked very pleased, although some people like Kragen were skeptical about this suave ADA coming in here and sweeping you off your feet. They shook their heads and a few applauded, especially your current family.
“Oh we’re not done folks,” Rafael announced as he grabbed the preacher before he could leave.
“Wha...what now?” You were confused but growing more excited by the second.
“You wanted me to be sure that this is what I wanted,” Rafael took both of your hands. “And I want you to KNOW that this,” He gestured between the two of you. “This is all I will ever want, for the rest of my life. And I want to prove it to you,” He smiled at you and pulled something from his jacket pocket.
“Oh, Rafa you really don’t--” You started to say that stopping this wedding was proof enough for you, but he was already down on his knees.
“Y/N….Will you marry me?” He asked. “....Right now?” He added, gesturing to the preacher. Now it was your side’s turn to gasp loudly again, as you stared at the huge diamond ring Rafael was holding out to you.
Where did he get that? WHEN did he get that? Had he been planning on proposing to you before? A zillion questions ran through your brain but you did your best to quiet them all so you could focus on the ONE question that mattered right now.
“....DUH!” You finally slapped him over the head playfully and grabbed the ring from him. He laughed and slipped it on your finger before pulling you into a beautiful, perfect kiss. Everyone on your side laughed and cheered, happy their baby girl was getting her happy ending.
“Well alright then, I guess let’s start this thing over!” The preacher laughed, opening his Bible once again.
“Rafael Barba, do you take Y/N to be your lovely wedded wife, now and forever, through richer and poorer, sickness and health, before and after you both shall live?” He asked Rafael.
“I do,” Rafael beamed at you.
“Do you--” .
“WAIT,” You put up a hand to stop him, making everyone start to mumble curiously again. Rafael’s face fell.
“...Are you serious? You’re changing your mind?” He muttered anxiously.
“No!” You shook your head. “No I…” You looked at the floor. “God this is so stupid…” You laughed to yourself nervously, not really believing you were actually going to admit this.
“....What?” Rafael raised an eyebrow.
“I um…” You bit your lip. “Oh God…” You turned to the preacher. “Sorry!” He brushed it off.
“Baby what are you--” Rafael was seriously starting to worry.
“Please, please don’t freak out,” You begged him. His eyes remained confused, but soft and understanding.
“Okay…” He gave you a look.
“I um,” You took a deep breath. “I may or may not have learned this...just in case,”
You took another deep breath, and recited the words you had practiced in front of your mirror for MONTHS after you had first met Rafael.
“Yo, Y/N, te tomo a ti, Rafael Barba, como mi esposo,”
Rafael immediately broke into the biggest smile you may have ever seen on him, tears instantly wet his eyes as you spoke.
“Prometo serte fiel en lo próspero y en lo adverso,” You continued, vowing you were NOT going to break down crying.
“en la salud y en la enfermedad, Amarte y respetarte todos los días de mi vida.,” You finished successfully without shedding a tear, unlike Rafael who was a full on hot mess of tears in front of you.
“Baby I…” He shook his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you did that,” He whispered, tears still catching in his throat.
“I told you,” You bit your lip. “I have always been in love with you,”
“And I am so in love with you,” He grinned, pulling your face into his for “the” kiss.
“Well I guess you can kiss the bride!” The preacher laughed sarcastically as everyone broke into cheers.
You glanced up at the cameras as you walked down the aisle with your new husband. God you hoped that hadn’t blown up in your face, but if it did-- you had your Rafa to hold you through the storm.
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that-nd-infp · 3 years
A Lesson In Dating As Someone With ADHD:
“Stop staring off like that, it makes you look rude and disinterested.”
That’s what my ex told me any time that would happen. The one time it stood out in particular was a day that we were at an unfamiliar, crowded restaurant, with a large group of people (most of which I didn’t know and was not comfortable with), after a stressful day full of activity and social interaction. There were so many sounds everywhere: people talking, ice clinking in the glasses, forks scraping the plates.
When that happens, my brain can’t process all of that input at once and some functions stop working. Usually it’s my sight. I end up staring off into the distance at nothing in particular and I essentially stop taking all visuals in. Everything blurs together and stops registering. People have told me before that I look like I’m in a trance. The more overwhelmed/overstimulated I am, the longer it lasts and the more often I do it. I can’t control it very well.
My ex was aware that I had social anxiety and that I was easily overwhelmed. He said that he understood and that he would support me. But when my social anxiety would affect the quality of our time spent together, or it would make him look bad, he would get frustrated. Suddenly it wasn’t okay anymore.
Often, I would also use my phone as a crutch in uncomfortable social situations. He told me it was rude to do, that it made him feel like I didn’t want to be with him or his family. So I would put my phone away and try to ignore my rapidly rising anxiety levels.
Despite taking away my coping mechanisms, he did nothing to help fill that gap. He still continued to pressure me into anxiety-inducing interactions and situations. He still put me on the spot constantly and stole so much more of my mental energy than I had to give. Then he would complain that it wasn’t enough.
No matter how many times I felt I explained that I couldn’t interact as often or intensively as he wanted me to, he still complained that I wasn’t calling him or texting him or getting together with him enough. Every free moment I had away from work I ended up giving to him, not out of want but out of guilt. Because of his own mental illness and emotional turmoil, I felt like it was selfish of me to withhold that from him. So I gave him so much more of myself than I had to spare and it left me feeling drained and exhausted and numb.
It took me months to process exactly what I was feeling and why. Why I was burned out. Why I was depressed. Why I was avoiding him. And why exactly I was so scared to confront those thoughts. He promised he listened to me even though he only heard what he wanted to hear. He told me he cared how I felt even though he disregarded that in favor of what he wanted.
I thought I was crazy, that I was just perceiving things wrong. I second-guessed myself until I didn’t know what was real anymore and I doubted all my memories. When I finally did sort through my thoughts enough and gained the courage to tell him I wanted to end the relationship, it didn’t go how I planned.
He told me he didn’t understand. He told me I never communicated any of those problems to him, and that I misinterpreted his words and actions. I second guessed myself again. He told me I didn’t know what I wanted. He told me it wasn’t fair of me to end things without giving him a chance, that he deserved another chance.
I had never felt so lost and confused in my life. I didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t. Maybe he was right, maybe my memories were wrong. Maybe I forgot things. Maybe I misinterpreted things.
From everything I just described, my ex sounds like a bad guy. His actions were certainly harmful and unhealthy and did a lot of damage to me. There are details I’ve chosen to omit for the time being. But he’s not actually a bad person, and I’m going to explain why.
After years of analyzing all of that and trying to understand, I realize now that part of what he said was correct. While to me, I did communicate things, to him I didn’t. I’ve always struggled with direct communication, especially with regards to my own feelings. I sugarcoat everything; I fail to assert myself. I put it gently and indirectly. Making my needs clear felt selfish and I avoided it if I thought I could handle it, which was often. And that was when I would attempt to communicate. A lot of times I didn’t address problems because I didn’t know they were there. I had no idea I was depressed. I had no idea I was overwhelmed and burned out.
He was the kind of person that needed direct and blunt honesty. He needed things repeated. At the same time, he was too fragile for that. He took things personally and would spiral into a depression, so I felt even more scared of being direct. He didn’t understand his own emotions or how to express them in a stable or healthy way. He lacked social awareness. He was an impulsive and selfish and obsessive person. I enabled those behaviors with my own lack of communication in order to avoid what I assumed would be conflict because I didn’t want to hurt him. I felt that taking time for myself or responding to my own needs was selfish.
We were not compatible. Neither of us were aware of our own needs to the extent we each thought we were. Those needs conflicted. He needed way more attention and interaction than I was capable of giving. I needed way more space and alone time to process than he could give. I know in relationships sometimes both parties have to make sacrifices for each other, but your mental and emotional needs are not something you can sacrifice. I know that now. If we had each know ourselves better, this wouldn’t have happened. But we didn’t, and the relationship dragged on and on way past when it should have with me being miserable and him thinking anything was fine and having false hope. In the end we both got so much more hurt because of that.
My reason for sharing this story is to help others with ADHD/anything else understand this:
You need to make learning about yourself your priority. Understand yourself before you date anyone. Learn your strengths and weaknesses, your triggers and your limits, your needs, your coping mechanisms, your habits and behaviors. Learn all of them. Set boundaries in place to protect these things. Then learn how to express them to other people. Those around you cannot read your mind, they won’t know your needs unless you make them clear. If a person isn’t willing to learn those things and respect them for you, DO NOT DATE THEM.
Understand your needs and limitations and make them clear to those around you.
Do not date people who refuse to respect your mental and emotional boundaries.
Learn from my mistakes.
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shrimpmandan · 4 years
I’ve been reflecting some on my views lately.
I wanted to give my thoughts on the MOGAI community and my perspective on it as a neurodivergent trans person, and just kind of reflect on my stance on and understanding of it. This is really rambly because it's 3 AM and I'm tired, but this is just my own perspective on the MOGAI community and its relation to transmeds. I think the issue I have with MOGAI is mainly its conflation with being transgender, and how these terms are labeled with -gender at all.
To preface for anyone who doesn’t follow me and is just scrolling through tags, I'm autistic + ADHD, and to my knowledge a binary trans man. I consider myself a transmedicalist and anti-MOGAI, just on the basis that I don't think MOGAI genders can be, well, genders. From what I understand, gender is your neurological sex. I know there's been critiques of the brain sex theory, but it's the one that makes the most sense to me. In essence, your brain can't be pupgender because pupgender isn't a sex. I'm very science-oriented and I'm not inclined to support something as a label if it does not describe a real, proven occurrence. 
Though, I understand why people, particularly people with autism, use these labels. Some of them appeal to synesthesia, a complicated experience often comorbid with autism. I understand how an autistic person with synesthesia would 'feel' their gender. Hell, I know I do. I always described my gender as a feeling. Now, gender is more complicated than just 'a feeling', but my point stands. An autistic person may think their gender is foggy due to synesthesia, though I don't think there are any existing studies discussing such a correlation yet. Other labels, such as "autigender", are simply descriptors. It's not "my gender is autism", but rather "my gender is affected by my autism". This is where I have another issue. MOGAI labels are made for neurodivergent people, so why are they named in such a way that makes it really easy to misinterpret them literally? Even neurotypicals I've met see "autigender" and infer that it means "my gender is autism". Additionally, when getting into neopronouns, a lot of neurodivergent people have difficulties using or remembering neopronouns and how to conjugate them. I literally can't use nounself pronouns because it fucks with my language processing issues so much. But again, I can understand why they're used. Some neurodivergent people have difficulties using singular they/them. I read a post about someone having standard pronouns (he/she/they) be misophonia triggers, so they use neopronouns that don't trigger such a response. My only issue there is just how many there are. Thon/thons existed as a singular neutral pronoun at one point, and I think we should bring that pronoun back for folks who can't use standard pronouns comfortably, without having this laundry list of them.
In my opinion, MOGAI would be basically harmless if MOGAI genders weren't conflated with being transgender. Simply put, most transgender people can't relate to the MOGAI crowd. And by extension, what is MOGAI fighting for? How would their activism fit into ours? I know that many people who use MOGAI labels are also transgender, but some of 'em aren't. Some MOGAI users are cis neurodivergent people who have varying difficulties understanding or describing their gender. Now, I never experienced that, so I can't relate, but I can see it. I can see why a cis ND person would think "my gender feels kinda fuzzy" and then be like "fuck it, guess I'm fuzzgender." But, that doesn't make them trans. This weird conflation between MOGAI and being trans is extremely harmful and what a lot of people in transmed/anti-MOGAI circles take issue with. A lot of us don't relate to MOGAI and feel like our issues are being trivialized by this narrative that gender is just a fun way to express yourself, which is sadly not a reality for a lot of trans people, especially the teens who are pre-transition (the ones who are typically transmeds). It feels extremely invalidating for many. 
I think this is just down to the way MOGAI is presented. MOGAI was originally coined to be a more inclusive term for LGBT after all, and MOGAI genders are branded as, well, genders. I think that MOGAI should be rebranded and adjusted to be more cohesive (so that there aren’t a billion labels that are unused or just repeats of each other) as well as better described so that they don’t necessarily conflate with being trans. I've seen some people propose calling xenogenders "xenoidentities" instead, for example. "Xenodescriptors" could also work, possibly. I'm the type of person who tries to look for compromise. While I do put labels on my stances, my opinions on issues tend to be more complex than the label lets on. There's definitely a way to make both communities happy and healthy and fulfill their intended purposes. It's just difficult to get anything done when most of the online discourse is spent shitting on each other and harassing each other. I frequently see both transmeds and tucutes be doxxed, harassed, suicide baited, et cetera et cetera. That doesn't accomplish anything. That's just bullying. Name-calling and harassment is just bullying. If we could just facilitate a respectful, meaningful discussion and work together as communities to understand each other better and come to an agreement, then this discourse wouldn't need to go on any longer. Nothing is black and white. Both sides have their reasons for feeling the way they do. This applies to literally every other major LGBT discourse going on as well, from bi vs pan to acecourse to whatever the hell else. We need to make an effort to understand each other. This post is absolutely open for discussion if it doesn't get buried. I think I covered both sides pretty well but obviously the experiences of people who actually use MOGAI labels are much more important than my views from the outside. I’m cross-tagging this since I don’t want this to just be flooded with one side. I am actively welcoming interaction from either side on this post. Please just ignore this post/block me if you don’t wanna see it. This isn’t cross-tagged with malicious intent. I simply wish to gain more perspective on why people may use MOGAI labels, and also why other transmeds dislike them so. I obviously could be missing a few things.
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lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia Ch 13
Waking up late was so not the plan for today.
What was supposed to be a nice lovely day is slowly turning into your personal hell. Racing around the kitchen trying to keep an eye on your potatoes as you cut up the other veggies for the pie. So you can shove it into the oven then get ready.
Christ why hadn't you thought to prep your ingredients earlier?
Thankfully the cobbler was super simple tossing the sugar and flour into the bowl followed by the a cup of lemonade. Perfect cobbler base. After the batter was creamy you threw in the freshly washed blackberries. They bled a deep red into the batter around them. You had high hopes as you topped it with butter and threw it into the oven.
Both dishes had very quick bake times so you weren't too worried or stressed about them taking forever. In all honesty the only reason you were frantically running around your kitchen was prepping the inside of the forager's pie. And giving the mashed potatoes an essence of rosemary and garlic as if you were a chef on par with Gordon Ramsey.
Should you do dishes?
No, there's no time to worry about that.
Soon the cobbler is out of the oven and you have replaced it with the two pans of forager's pie. You don't give the cobbler any time to cool as you place the aluminum lid to the pan so the heat stays.
With that taken care of you speed off to your room and grab your outfit. The mini pencil skirt you'd purchased yesterday paired with some shorts so you didn't have to be careful with your movements all day. A plain block colored shirt in a cute primary palette. Finishing with yellow converses.
Changing doesn't take long but you do take some extra time on your hair choosing to style it a bit different today. As you're debating on if you should put the time into a fun makeup look your neck snaps harshly to the right.
There is no crack but it did hurt like hell.
As if that had been a sign from God you opt for your normal look. There will be other events and times for you to do fun looks, but not today.
The oven beeps as the timer goes off letting you know the pies are ready. Just a sprinkle of cheese on top before you cover them with the lid and you are all set to go.
Checking the time you see it's nine-o-two, and while the picnic was scheduled for ten thirty you are a committee member and should be there early to help set up. So without anymore hesitation you are flying out of the house and into your car.
You rush back from placing the food in the backseat to make sure your door is locked.
It is and you are free to enjoy the day...you hope.
Speeding would be the biggest understatement of the year. You were practically at the lodge in fifteen minutes and bustling up to the door. Opening it you rush in ignoring anyone you pass by in your mad dash to the kitchen.
“Hello to you too.” Barclays voice carries from the stove as you whisk past him to place two of your pans on the counter.
“Hi, Tim?” you say out of breath from your one person marathon. Practically vibrating in place unwilling to loose your momentum despite your need for a second wind.
Barclay just points to the den and you're out of the kitchen just as fast as you had entered. Most patrons in the den don't spare you a second glance used to your whirlwind mannerisms when your trying to follow a deadline. As self appointed as it may be.
There is one trio however giving you a mix of concerned and amused looks. Which quickly turn into concerned and interest when you make a bee line straight for them.
“Hi,” you say to Toby and Brian before looking at Tim and pushing the cobbler at him, “Thanks again  for last night.”
Tim can't even get a word out because as soon as he grabs the pan you're already back off to the kitchen. Determined to help Barclay with something before everyone starts moving to the Archway. You hear the chorus of chuckles coming from everyone as you leave a confused Tim, who now has to answer to the questioning glances of his friends, in your wake.
Barclay needed no help as you guessed but he was however open to you covering the food and stacking certain items together before helping to load everything into crates for easier transport. It wasn't long before the others start to make their way into the kitchen to get briefed on the plan.
You notice the trio being motioned in by Jake who holds the door open for them to make their way in too. Brian politely takes the door from Jake as Tim steps in place in front of him and Toby. The jerky movements of Toby's eyes as he scans the room is really hard to ignore. But it doesn't seem like he's looking for anything just taking note of who is in the kitchen and where they are.
“Ok, first thank you all for helping set up the picnic today. I really appreciate it.” Barclay's baritone voice says jostling you out of your thoughts to focus in on him.
“Second, we really don't have much to do for set up since most guests already have their baskets with them. We do have a few spares to lay down though. We'll be splitting off into three teams.” Barclay then points at you, Hollis, Jake, and Kirby.
“Team A is in charge of setting up the spare baskets.”
After getting your group's approval he continues down the line.
Team B consists of Brian, Tim, Toby, and Indrid. Their group is to bring out and set the tables that'll hold the food. Team C is Barclay, Aubrey, Dani, and Madeline. Team C will bring the main courses along with the heaters to keep everything warm.
With teams set and in place you all take to your positions and get a move on before the public arrives. You vaguely wonder why the Hornets aren't here yet but remember most had decorated and cleared out the Archway over the past couple of days. Pushing the thoughts away you grab two baskets and follow after your team. Thankfully there were only a few left over baskets, eight if you include Jake and Hollis' and then your own. Each member of your team carried two baskets through the thicket of trees until you reached the clearing of the archway.
It looked amazing, you'd only been out here one other time back when Bambi was still around. She took you out at night and the two of you just talked about anything and everything, including theories about the giant archway that towered over the clearing and just how it may have come to be.  Back then it had been a field of long grass and purple wildflowers. The grass was so thick the two of you used sticks to move it and insure there'd be no snakes harmed in your late night hike. Now though the grass had been cut save for aesthetically calculated patches of wildflowers and clovers here and there. The field was absolutely perfect for the event, and with the gorgeous blue skies partially clouded the scenery really seemed to pop out.
Especially the small lake glittering just past the archway. You'd never noticed it before but then again you came here in the dead of night.
Getting back to work you set out on placing the spare baskets a reasonable distance from the others. Close enough  to other blankets to feel included but far enough away to have their own space if that was their thing. When you had finished you take your own basket and join Hollis and Jake who finished placing their four baskets down faster with two people. They'd been setting up their own blanket on the outer rim of the perimeter, closer to the treeline than to the Archway. As if they were going to overlook the even and keep an eye out. Which they probably would be, just to ensure that everyone had fun and stayed safe.
Seeing you standing just a few feet away from the blanket Jake gives you his patented superstar smile.
“C'mon, join the party YN.”
With the easy going invitation you fix your blanket beside theirs. This way at one point or another you'd see a majority of your friends today as you knew for a fact they'd come over or be dragged over into seeing the couple beside you.
Kirby joins you three after lazily placing his baskets side by side closer to the archway. With the hustle and fuss of your prep work being done you can take a moment to take everything in.
“I love the shirt.” you say looking at Kirby's 'I'm not Allo but 20$ is 20$' shirt.
He gives a grin before presenting a folded up shirt out of his messenger bag.
“Thought you might...don't wear it now though. Don't want you copying my style, that'd be sad.” he jokes.
“Pfft, please everyone would know it's you who copied me.”
Jake and Hollis watch as the two of you continue your playful banter. Occasionally voicing whose side they were on, Hollis took Kirby's while Jake took yours. It was a fun way to pass the time as the other groups finished setting up.
Especially since you had Mr. Cool Guy himself on your side. How could you possibly not be the trend setter sibling with his vote.
Before long the other groups were also setting up their own baskets, which had been brought out by Barclay and Indrid a few hours earlier. And some Hornets started showing up not too long after that. Either rushing around trying to set up their baskets or sit down with friends after placing their food away. Though the event hadn't really started yet you could hear Aubrey starting up her music a few blankets away. She'd already gathered a small crowd that was chittering away.
Taking it all in you notice a certain trio looking incredibly awkward and out of place. You get up and make your way over to the men ready to invite them to sit with you. After all it's an eight person blanket it'd be a shame to sit all by yourself next to another full blanket.
Toby's dark eyes lock on to you first, you really suspect this boy has ADHD with his quick reflexes and spacial hyper awareness. He actually seems to deflate a bit, like the tension in his shoulders started to disappear the closer you got. You apparently weren't the only one to notice the subtle change in the brunette as Tim focused in on Toby. Meanwhile Brian clocked you just before you were within ten feet of their little group.
“Hey I have an empty blanket if you guys wanted to join.”
Just getting straight to the point was your thing. Most see your bluntness as rudeness but you just don't see a point in dancing around your message.
“Yea, that'd be nice.” Toby spoke before the other two could.
Smiling at him you hold a hand out for him to grab. You aren't really sure what possessed you to do that, but figure you must be in a rare tactile mood. Unlike when you're touched if you initiate the contact it doesn't hurt or squick you out. He grabs your hand and you can feel the scratch of his callouses. You remember Hollis said something about him being a mechanic, that would explain the tough hands.
You lead the trio over to your blanket where only Kirby sits, seems like didn't bring his basket and was going to share with you. Not that you mind at all, in fact this was the perfect time to introduce one friend to another.
“Kirby time to make a good impression.” you call out gaining his attention.
He takes a moment before taking note of the group you're guiding over. Kirby stands up to greet you all.
“Kirby this is my friend Tobias, and his roommates Tim and Brian.” you motion to the other two with your unoccupied hand.
Noticing for the first time that they have their hands interlocked. Not holding like you and Toby are but a more intimate hand hold.
'These bitches gay...good for them. Good for them.' is just playing on repeat as background noise in your head. Ignoring the loop in your brain you continue the introduction.
“This is Kirby, my brother or whatever.” Kirby snorts at your short introduction.
“I'll take it, 's a step up from gremlin.” he turns to the trio hand extended, “Nice to meet you guys.”
After the weird neurotypical ritual is over the five of you sit down and talk while you wait for the festivities to begin. Tim and Kirby dragging Brian along for the deep dive of god awful horror movies.
“You didn't mention a brother.” Toby says fiddling with your hand, someone really needs to get this guy a fidget toy.
“Huh? Oh no. No, not like that Kirby's more like a brother than my biological brother.” you pause while thinking how to explain this more articulately.
“We're just really similar and people thought we were dating, I guess, before we started calling each other 'sibling'.” it's really weird that that was even an issue. At least to you but Allos tend to be weird about mixed gender relationships.
For instance Brian and Tim can get written off as the best of best friends. But you and Kirby decide to sit next to each other for one Saturday Night Dead and the town is already waiting for wedding invites. Maybe this is a small town thing...you'll still blame the Allos.
Toby nods along, whether he actually understands or is trying to move from the topic you can't quite tell. You look down at his hand that's bending your fingers into your palm. His nail beds look better than last week you hope it means he wasn't picking at his skin. It's really not a great coping mechanism.
You let out a small sigh as you get lost in the feeling of Toby playing with your fingers. You're trying to think of something to talk about but the motions are kind of drowning out your thoughts. You can see why this might've been helpful the for Toby last week in the forest.
“...We're friends?” you aren't really sure if that was a question or a statement.
“Yea! Well at least I'd like to be. It's fine if you don't want to though.”
Toby gives a small smile to that, and releases your hand. It seems his anxiety has gone away for the most part. Maybe having the reassurance of another friend is all he needed. Just a little more moral support to get him out of his shell.
You smile back at him as he leans back on his hands. It's nice that you both can enjoy the day without your masks, even if you do feel a bit naked without yours. You wonder how Toby's been holding up wearing only the bandage over his scar. But you know you probably aren't at the friendship level needed to question him about it. No matter how nonchalant he'd been about eating in front of you that first day.
“How're the repairs coming?”
Toby rolls his eyes and lets out a frustrated groan, and for a moment you're concerned you upset him.
“It's a fah-fah-cuck...king rust bucket. Like Jesus fucking Christ first the AC blows out so I check the compressor...” he pauses and squints his eyes at you, “do you know cars?”
“Dad's a mechanic so I know enough. But you're talking about an RV unit and not a regular cabin AC might get a little lost but I can at least lend an ear. Like a rubber duck.”
The right side of Toby's mouth pulls a confused sneer, but his attention is soon turned to Brian who's chuckling having heard what you said.
“'s a coding thing Toby.”
“Uh...okay?” Toby just resigns himself to not understanding this particular topic and continues on.
“Yea so sorta the same basis, I guess. The units still pull air from outside into the vents and use a refrigerant liquid to cool the air it pushes out.” he pauses to make sure you're still following.
After you nod he continues to explain how it runs so the fans and circuits seem to be in order. There isn't a leak in the coils and the liquid's been replenished but it still isn't running cold. You nod while giving him a patient smile as you let him tear through his rant about the “piece of shit unit” because it seems this has been building in him for the past few days.  When he comes to the end of his rant the only thing you can really think to say is.
“That sounds rough.”
Not the most eloquent thing but Toby seems to come down from his vent high, after a few deep breaths.
“Yea it mrrow was. Well is.” he cuts his eyes back to the trio across from you noticing how they all seem invested in their own conversation now.
“Why'd you give Tim a cobbler?” looks like you two will be playing twenty questions today.
“He scared off the creep for me last night.” you shrug causing your neck to jerk to the side.
“'the' creep? Wait! The one that drugged you?” Toby is so lucky he can't feel pain because even you felt that crack that ripped through his neck as he whipped his head towards you.
And honestly you're kinda surprised it didn't draw anyone's attention to you two.
“First I don't think I was drugged, he might've just sent me into a panic attack.”
“Oh sorry the creep that sent you into a panic attack.” you really hate when people interrupt you like that he's really lucky you understand he's actually just paying attention to you rather than talking over you. You'd punch him if it wasn't the case. Punch him right in his cute snarky face.
“Bitch.” You do punch him, in his arm, he lets out a monotone 'ow'. You decide against punching him again for that, it was a hard choice though.
“Anyway, second yea same one. I just really don't like the guy and last night he'd been bothering Ronnie when I stopped by the gas station. She'd apparently forgotten Tim had gone on break and when I tried bluffing that he was there well...”
You took some time to explain the situation last night to Toby. Leaving out the parts where Not Tim showed up. After thinking on that you figure there was a possibility of Tim having an alter that he may or may not know about. And you aren't sure what the etiquette is for this sort of thing, like if Tim did know were you suppose to let him tell you or should you let him know you'd technically met his alter. Judging from Toby's face, the guy really wears his heart on his sleeve, he seems confused about something.
Maybe Tim  didn't remember last night and Toby was asking for him. That does put a bit more weight on your alter theory. And it seems to have more traction as something seems to click in Toby's head. He doesn't share whatever is making him nod. So you leave it be.
Before you know it an hour has past the field nearly full of town residents and Barclay, with his mighty megaphone, start calling people over for food so you all grab a plate from the basket.
“I want purple.” Kirby tells you.
“I could literally hand you any of these and you'd tell me 'thanks'.”
“That's pretty fucking ablest YN.”
You pause and look at the other three on the blanket.
“Is being colorblind a disability?”
A “Yes” from Brian followed by Tim and Toby's deadpan expressions and “No”s.
“Three against two, not ablest just honest...this is purple.” you had half a mind to hand him indigo.
Your group goes and gets food, debating the legitimacy of colorblindness being a disability, before heading back to your blanket. No sooner had you sat down are you body slammed into the ground. The familiar weight of an overexcited eleven year old smothering you.
“Hi can I sit with you?” before you can reply the rest of the Cowell family finds their way over.
“Josephine Cowell, I'm so sorry YN she's just been so excited all weekend. Josephine get off of YN you know they aren't very tactile.” Dia called.
Unlike her husband's hulking form Dia was a petite frail woman, you honestly wouldn't be surprised if Jo towered over her mother in a few years. And though she was small she had a fierceness to her that normally kept both the Jos in line.
“It's not a problem Dia. Jo I think you should eat with your parents first, we have all day to hang out.” Her eyes seem to sparkle with excitement and you can see her mother's apologetic expression just past her.
Understandably Dia is concerned with Jo taking up your personal time. The young girl sees you as an older sibling and wants to spend any second she can with you, but you aren't family. You're a young adult who has their own life to live. The last thing you need is to be babysitting the tween while you tried to relax with your friends today. Dia would do her best to have Jo give you some space.
“Hey you guys can just drop your blanket over here, we don't mind.” Janette, local mean lesbian, calls from Hollis and Jake's blanket.
Jo looks ecstatic at the thought and rushes to her father to pull him over to the area so they can place the blanket down. Booping her nose occasionally in her excitement.
“Hey Dia, Marnie's coming in an hour or so, soccer game got rescheduled. Jo will have someone her age to bug.”
“Marnie's coming?” leave it to a tween to finish setting up and get a plate of food all in under five minutes.
She's not even trying to be on her family's blanket as she plops down next to you. Taking notice of you staring she gives a wide grin practically buzzing with excitement. A bit too much excitement as she starts rapidly blinking, triggering your own as well. At least you have practice eating like this, unlike Jo who only just developed this tic.
After your tics subside Jo eats with you and just goes on into her usual tween drama stories. She's got to keep you up to date after all. It's like a soap opera just less adult topics and no evil clones. Kirby and Nate catch up and somehow rope Tim and Brian into their conversation as well. Toby just sits quietly eating and giving you amused looks every time you lock eyes.
You can't help but feel you're forgetting to do something every time you lock eyes with the brunette. The issue seems to resolve itself when a 'mrrow' slips from Toby as he takes a drink, causing him to cough from swallowing wrong.
An unconscious effort on your part, you lean and rub small circles into his back. Trying to calm his coughs. A mistake as the tween in front of you zeros in on the man as if she's just noticed he existed.
“Hi! Who are you?” if her eyes could turn into stars they would.
“uh...” Toby looks to you for help, as if the child talking to him was an alien species. “Toby...” he says uncertainly after receiving no input from you.
“Are you YN's boyfriend?” Toby wishes he had an excuse to cough now.
His face flushes at the question and before he can sputter out any tongue tied response another 'mrrow' rips through him and his head harshly tilts back. Jo's eyes widen at the tic, she excitedly looks between the two of you. And you aren't sure what's going through her mind at the moment.
“OMG Do you have tourette's? Does he have tourette's or is he like you?” she's practically vibrating as she bounces between questioning both of you.
“umm...touretter's?” you say in Toby's place as the man beside you can't function a sentence right now.
Jo literally squeaks in excitement at the new development.
“I'm Jo Cowell, YN's self appointed sibling. I have tourette's too, I've had it since I was five. How long have you had tourette's?”
It felt like Jo's never ending barrage of questions was just that never ending. Toby took everything in stride, aside from the awkward dating questions. And for how worried she was about her daughter bugging you today every time you tried to catch Dia's eye she was somehow wrapped up in another conversation or her husband. Your saving grace came in a four foot two package wearing a dirty soccer uniform and sporting a fresh black eye followed closely by her frazzled step mother.
“Yikes, ball to the face or fight with the other team?” Janette asked her daughter as she walked towards the blankets.
“Fell off the bleachers.” fucking how? “Jo want to run some drills with me?” Marnie asked with a grin missing her front tooth, and before you know it your blanket was down an occupant and Toby was free of the never ending hell he'd been placed in.
“Do...do you want to take a walk? Get away for a minute.” you asked looking at the positively ruffled man next to you.
He nods numbly and follows after you into the tree line. You both just walk for a bit until Toby's complexion looses any rosiness. When he's back to his normal greyish cool tones you stop to rest. Leaning against a tree Toby follows your lead but slides down the base resting his arms on his knees as his head hits the tree behind him.
“Sorry about her, Jo can be excitable.” you'd remembered as soon as her tirade began that you should have warned him she'd lock on to his tics.
That was a near replica of your first encounter with the tween. Too late to change that now.
“I didn't mind,” he gives a boxy grin up at you “'s just how siblings are.”
There's a fond tone in his voice as he says that. And the gleam in his eyes tell a story of experience with that sort of thing.
“You've got siblings?”
“Yea, an older sister.” he sighs and looks down and the grin falls into a neutral look.
There's a story there, but you aren't one to pry. If he wants to indulge you or even himself he will in his own time. However, a joke should be able to disturb the tension that threatens to darken your moment.
“Oh I bet you were an absolute menace to her.” giving a good natured chuckle, one Toby returns as the fond look in his eyes came back.
“For your information I was a delight as a child.”
“Pfft yea I bet. And just how many times did you break an arm falling out of a tree?”
Toby looks stunned for a moment. Was that something weird to say? You remember the summer nearly everyone in your grade broke their arms falling out of a tree. Hell you would've too if you hadn't landed in a bush, all you got were some gnarly bruises and a few thorns stuck in you. Then you swore a vow to only climb thick limbed trees.
“Like twice...but..how did, how did you know?”
“It wasn't a universal thing? I just figured since we were both from Virginia like your class would've also had like sixteen kids break their arm or something over the summer.”
“Well I was home schooled so I wouldn't know.”
“Wait, like home schooled home schooled, or church home schooled. There's a difference.” giving you a sneer he just shrugs.
“Fucking home schooled home schooled. Don't see how that makes a difference.”  he pops his knuckles. Jerkiness of the motion indicating his tic rather than his choice.
“One you're supposedly taught science and the other you're told Jesus loves you.” you deadpan as you slide down the tree mirroring Toby's position.
“I had two friends, they were twins, who were church home schooled until high school. Nice girls but only so many times I can pretend to know what the hell a veggie tale is.”
Toby snorts and shakes his head. This is probably all you'll get from him about his early life. But he's not dancing around the questions as much as he was a few weeks ago. The quiet is nice and you could honestly just spend the rest of the day in the forest. A cool breeze blows through the trees and you catch the smells from the picnic. For some reason it seems to make you queezy, you'll probably stay here a while longer. You might be getting overstimulated.
“What...what was public school like?”
The question sort of shocks you breaking the moment. And you just stared at Toby for a while before you actually thought of an answer. The answer you wanted to say was “hell, it was straight hell”. You don't think he's talking about the institution itself and more the experience. So you tell him.
You start to weave together a picture spanning twelve long years for Toby. Telling him of pranks or jokes learned, older siblings bugged, holidays celebrated, tearful goodbyes, joyous reunions. Paint pictures of gossiping friends, Jane Austin worthy rumors, unified students banding together to change outdated rules, snowball fights in the courtyard, Snapchat stories shared through the school. The distance that gets put into place the second you aren't legally required to spend all your time with people. The feeling of emptiness as you try to navigate a world you were never prepared for...and doing that alone.
You tried to condense it but you went off into a lot of stories and probably gave him way too much context for everything. But Toby sat there and absorbed everything you had to say. When your mood dropped as you finished he only had one thing to say.
“Sounds like it sucked.”
Looking at him you could see the worried brow and small half smile on his lips. It was reassuring in a sense.
“Yea, yea it did.”
The two of you sat and stared at each other for a bit. A sort of connection being formed from a not so similar but not quite unsimilar schooling maybe. Or the acceptance that someone didn't have to be just like you to get you.
There isn't really a lot of time to dwell on that as a pop is heard followed shortly there after by a crack and sizzle. Soon Toby's face was bathed in a blue glow, as was the surrounding area. Another pop came and the crack and sizzle followed after. Bathing the forest in a neon green hue. Looking up in time to see a third and fourth flare go up and watching them expand in a firey orange and yellow burst. Fizzling out as they made their way down.
“I didn't know there'd be fire...fireworks.” he's tense at his tree as he swallowed the lump that you clearly heard in his throat.
“Yea I...I didn't either.” looking back to Toby you hold out a hand, “Wanna head back to the lodge?”
He pulls his dark eyes away from the sky to look at you and your outstretched hand. Not a moment later he has grabbed your hand and is yanking you into a standing position with him. Leading the way to the lodge as if he were a bat flying out of Hell. His ability to lead you both deftly through the dimly lit forest with barely any sunlight was pretty impressive. At least it would've been had you bee able to focus on it rather than cringing from the noise.
When you get to the lodge Toby doesn't say anything, nor does he let go of your hand. You feel like he's completely forgotten about you even though you're literally joined together. Toby pushes through the doors and makes his way up the stairs. Without a word you let him lead you to where ever it is he's going.
Based on his behavior you have a pretty good guess. When Toby pulls out his room key with his other hand you know you're correct. And that waiting inside would be a very good boy.
“Connor pressure.” are the only words out of Toby's mouth as he flings open the door and falls back onto the ground.
Thankfully he'd let go of your hand. Since he all but dragged you here you figure he could use the company. Closing his door you go over and sit beside his prone form. Not saying a word to each other, just waiting for the others to get back from the festivities.
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Excerpt#1 of my Gerry Keay/OC Magical/Mythical CollegeAU
CN/TW: Social Anxiety, discussion of mental illness, discussion of past trauma, awkward coming-out, miscommunication, misunderstanding, it/its pronouns for Michael Shelley, he/they pronouns for Gerry, they/them pronouns for OC, narrative mention of Mary Keay, mention of alcohol, mythical people living in a parallel society and amongst humans, original character talking German (two sentences; extrapolable from context)
“But sure, you're seeming nice so no problem.” Heaving a relieved sigh, Gerry followed them into the room. The two taking seats in the lower rows of the auditorium, seeing as Gerry’s companion wore glasses. Unpacking their notepads, pencil cases, and Gerry setting up his laptop. There was still time until the lecture was set to begin, so Gerry turned to his table neighbour,
“Your look sends very mixed signals, if I’m being honest.” They grinned, propping their chin up on the back of their hand,
“All the right ones, apparently”, demonstratively looking Gerry up and down. Making them look away, clearing his throat. They laughed,
“Not flirting, don’t worry. I’m Yanis.” He tried masking his relieved sigh best they could,
They did pay attention to the lecture, still, Gerry found out a bit more about his dyed ginger saviour. Yanis was in the same semester and some of the same courses has he was. Though they didn’t study for the same engineering degree, there was a decent overlap. Some courses Gerry needed for his software engineering degree much the same as Yanis needed for mechanical engineering. They easily offered they could study together. Yanis having been at the campus since they started their degree and knowing the ins and outs of it.
Having easily found common ground in their discipline of study, as well as their taste in music, Gerry had no qualms following Yanis to the canteen for a late breakfast. They kept chatting, switching back and forth between languages.
“So what if you’re 31?”, Yanis shrugged,
“I also had to take care of my health first. Plus we’re both neurodivergent so starting a college degree at all is more stressful to us. It’s not like anyone is rushing you.” Gerry rolled their eyes,
“Still. Being autist and depressed doesn’t exactly help my case here. That’s ignoring the ADHD and trauma.” A painted-black nail flicked his nose,
“Nope. None of that, you’re not demanded to keep pace with anyone and if your personal reasons bared you from even looking into college education until you were 25, then that’s how it is. Besides, it’s eight years between us. Don’t be dramatic.” Gerry tried to glare but they simply raised a brow in challenge, shutting him right up. While they weren’t in the same major, they compared their course schedules some more and found they were in the same philosophy and ethics courses for their minor. Gerry having decided to not put that on hold and taking the according courses in his semester in Germany as well.
By the end of the day, Gerry felt they had a better handle on his new college-everyday and possibly even made a friend. Which raised a few problems all of its own.
While Gerry had no problem with Yanis finding out what concretely had delayed his life so much, they had another problem. Gerry wasn’t human. And neither was their best friend Michael, for the matter, it being a changeling and his nature chaotic to a fault. Gerry themself was, depending on what one believed, involuntarily threatening to humans.
His mother having been a hulder, a mythical being almost looking like a human. The feature most telling of their mythical nature, though, the fact that they look hollow if seen in the right light, from the right angle. Akin to forest spirits, hulders were drawn by their nature to lure townspeople into forests. Not inherently malicious, of course, their blonde hair and fair skin drawing mostly men in.
With an established mythical society existing in parallel to the non-magical human society, there were laws and proper paperwork surrounding magical and mythical people’s “otherness” and characteristics.
Characteristics which were the life-long obsession of his mother. Her trying to create offspring of her own that would be inherently dangerous to humans and as malicious as she had been. Gerry hated thinking about his father almost more than he hated his mother. But matter of fact was, being half-hulder, and his father having been a river-nix, Gerry was… alluring. Drawing people in without them realising as much if he acted the wrong kind of way towards them. Gerry forced to be constantly mindful of their nature, as to not accidentally harm someone.
Which was why they usually didn’t make friends. Having to make sure the person wasn’t human as to not endanger them.
And yet, they got stuck with Yanis. Gerry was glad it was autumn, the chance of light hitting him in just the wrong way dwindling. But he couldn’t help their worried unease, recognising Yanis and them grew closer.
It wasn’t that Gerry was set out to avoid Yanis, having taken them up on an invitation to lunch and even to revise notes and study together. But Gerry had a bad feeling about it, especially when he grew to see them as a friend. They did try bringing some more distance between them, an attempt so he didn’t need to outright evade Yanis. Declining their invitations more often than not, excusing themself and finding reasons to convince himself it was the right thing to do.
Having forced himself to take a step back, Gerry caught themself looking for them. It had started so he could more easily get around them, trying to deter Yanis from inviting him in the first place so they didn’t have to turn them down as often.
Gerry wasn’t oblivious to their whole demeanour getting muted once it had clicked that he was trying to push distance between them. But seeing Yanis less cheery and energetic made Gerry realise some things about them.
Yanis wasn’t much smaller than him, a few inches at most. But they carried themself in a way that made them stand out. Gerry had learned Yanis had chronic pain, making it hard on them to be on their feet the entire day. Rarely, they wore leg braces, limiting their range of motion further than their chronic pain already did. Still, Yanis was confident and most days glossing over their frequent aches with relative ease. It had been more apparent when they hadn’t been upset but the way Yanis walked was… with purpose. Every step seeming deliberate and not to be questioned. While that cocksure confident way to carry oneself wasn’t all that remarkable, it stood out in Yanis.
And Gerry needed a good long while to figure out why.
Michael had badgered them to get out and socialise. It was the last week before winter break and there was a social happening of the engineering faculty. Gerry had put on a nice button shirt and proper slacks before touching up their black nail polish and putting on a hint of eyeliner.
Yes, he was cautious not to accidentally draw humans in but that didn’t mean he wasn’t allowed to tart themself up. Gerry hadn’t even really planned to talk to anyone, if they were being honest. Just mingling among people and feeling alone in the crowd instead of feeling alone by himself.
That was, until aquamarine and black varnished fingers held a bottle in his field of vision. Gerry couldn’t fight down his smile before closing their eyes. Shaking his head, they just let it happen. Let that gentle affection wash over him for just a moment.
“Thought you might be here tonight”, Yanis held out the drink,
“The crown cap is still sealed.” Gerry pulled a face as to not smile despite themself. He sighed,
“You’re quite persistent.” Yanis raised a rather expressive brow at him,
“If you honestly wanted me gone, you would have told me. So I dare say you don’t want me completely gone. It’s nice having someone who can keep up with my ADHD jumping through topics, plus being able to overlook what allistics call me weird for.” When he finally took the bottle, their smile turned from friendly to bright. He bit his lip, trying to hide it behind the bottle. Yanis offered them their bottle opener.
“Got me there. And yes, having a neurodivergent friend is quite unwinding”, he admitted. Opening the drink, Gerry took them in. A proper once-over. They weren’t primped either but certainly had put thought into their casual suit not clashing with their once-again stark-red hair. Gerry having seen Yanis cycling through vibrant red washing out to ginger, before they went back to dyed poppy-red.
Gerry felt admittedly awkward standing together with them. Very much aware of how they had avoided them after all. Nursing their drinks, they kept quiet. Even though Gerry noticed Yanis also taking in his appearance. After some time he sighed,
“I’m sorry. It’s…”, they broke off, shaking his head.
“Complicated?”, Yanis offered with a huff,
“That’s one way to put it, I suppose.” Gerry raised a brow at them. Before he could ask what they were referring to, though, Yanis turned to him properly.
“Did you notice there’s a dance floor?” They blinked in surprise,
“Uh… yea, I did.” Yanis snorted, taking his empty bottle from them and depositing the glass on a nearby tray for used tableware.
“So, can you dance?”, Yanis’ smile inviting and warm,
“And would you dance with me?” Gerry froze, biting his lip and looking away. He knew they shouldn’t. They were very much aware that Yanis needed to keep their distance from him. He swallowed thickly,
“I can dance but…” Yanis hummed expectantly.
“We shouldn’t, okay? I don’t want to elaborate on that.” Yanis’ face cleared as they gave a soft ‘oh’ of understanding.
When Gerry looked back at them, Yanis was looking at them. The expression in their eyes making him pause. A glint of intent, resolve. But their overall demeanour had changed as well. That deliberate way they carried themself was back, not in a way that intimidated. But even standing next to Gerry, he could see they were moving with an intent, with a conscious focus on the way they moved to get there.
Yanis licked their lip,
“I will respect your turndown. But I would like you to know that I know.” Gerry froze. Raising a brow, Yanis’ tone turned gentler still,
“And I really don’t want to push you towards anything. Or put you up to anything.” Gerry felt his amusement bubbling up when Yanis said as much. The idea of someone human inciting a mythical or magical person to anything at all seemed a bit laughable.
“I’m aromantic myself”, they shrugged,
“And asexual.” Their smile turning into a bit of a smirk, cheeky just around the edges. Gerry’s face cleared in surprise, his jaw dropping a bit. His amusement freezing over with a faint ‘oh’ of their own. Before he grimaced,
“I am aromantic, yes, but that’s not it. I’m sorry, you’re a really nice person. You have been nothing but friendly and a reliable friend at that. It’s…”
Yanis closed their eyes, brows raised, before they snorted.
“Let me stop you right there. I know you have been avoiding me, I have respected that you were avoiding me”, they looked him in the eye,
“If you want me gone, I won’t bother you again. I’ll be out of your hair and we don’t have to even talk again.” Gerry felt his face fall, nervously biting his lip once more. Yanis wasn’t done just yet,
“But if you would like to, I want to get to know you”, a short jerk of their head,
“Properly get to know you. I think both our first gut feeling about the other was that we could become pretty great friends. And that’s all I’m suggesting.” Gerry needed a moment to process that. To let sink in that Yanis was really just curious about his friendship. Something they had so far always had to be wary around. At least until Gerry knew whether the person in question was human. Yanis huffed,
“While you process whether to give us a try, I’ll get us new drinks.” Gerry blinked, then nodded when they realised Yanis was waiting on his okay. Another one of those bright friendly smiles before they turned away. Gerry didn’t know what it was but they followed Yanis with his eyes. Their red hair easy to make out even in the crowd.
Just as he was about to turn away, he noticed something. Yanis was a very body-aware person, conscious and deliberate to a point it might seem standoffish. They had explained how it related to their chronic back and joint pain. But as Gerry watched them move through the crowd, he realised just how easily they moved around people. Almost light-footed, turning out of others’ ways with ease.
Despite them being almost as tall as him, and dressed in dark clothes, something about Yanis’ way through the crowd seemed almost airy.
It didn’t fit. It should have clashed immensely.
As they moved back towards him, Gerry realised what had been so weird about Yanis’ bodily confidence. They didn’t seem to make way for themself. Not at all. While that sureness was clear as day, written all over their most minute movements.
The way Yanis moved was the harsh opposite. Gerry was tempted to call it floaty. He knew they could make a way for themself through people, had witnessed as much a few times in the bustle of the campus. But how Yanis moved around people seemed just as natural.
Not even the slightest touch between them and the people around, as if some shimmer was keeping Yanis from being touchable. Kept up their airy strut, as if they weren’t turning and stepping around people.
The contrast did not make sense. And seeing as Gerry’s best friend was a changeling, well, if things didn’t make sense, it was likely some faerie or other was involved.
Which, on the one hand, would mean Yanis was safe from his own magic. But on the other hand it would raise so many more questions around them. About them.
Gerry couldn’t help his sceptical look when Yanis returned. Frowning at them, unsure whether to trust what they had seen.
“You're looking at me like that again”, Yanis raised a brow at him. Gerry gnawed his bottom lip,
“You’re a bit of a mystery, if I’m being honest.” But took the offered bottle none the less. Yanis’ warm smile returned,
“Well, I suppose it’s on you whether you care to figure me out, then.” An easy shrug as they raised a brow at him.
Gerry didn’t reply. They had not clue what to reply to that. And what they wanted to reply in the first place. Yanis didn’t push him. Much to Gerry’s relief. They fell back into companionable silence, emptying their drinks. When the bottles were empty, Yanis looked at him for a long moment. Searching their face. Yanis’ expression fell a bit, their smile not reaching their eyes anymore. Still, they only grimaced a little before sighing,
“So… have a good night, then.” Taking his empty bottle to take it away with their own, Yanis turned to go. Looking back over their shoulder,
“I guess I’ll see you around.” And with a final shrug and smile, they were gone in the crowd. Gerry stared after them before he closed their eyes and sighed. Silently cursing themself, he turned away from the crowd as well. One hand coming up to cover his mouth. Yanis had been right, if Gerry really had wanted them gone, he could have told them as much anytime. If they had wanted Yanis gone, he could have told them as much when they literally offered to leave him alone.
But Gerry didn’t. Because Gerry hadn’t and still didn’t want them gone.
They spent another few minutes turning things over in his head. What he had to consider if they really tried building a genuine friendship with Yanis.
Once he started looking around for them, Gerry regretted their delay. Not able to make out the red shock of hair, Gerry pulled out his phone. If he couldn’t find Yanis, he might at least tell Michael about his hunch. They had been friends for forever but Gerry still wasn’t all that confident to make out people that were connected to faerie. It was his best idea at the moment but he might just as well be off. Asking Michael for his opinion was a solid thing, also maybe it could distract Gerry if they really didn’t find Yanis again. Which meant Gerry would have to approach them around their next shared lecture.
Pocketing their phone, he looked up and around once more.
And huffed in amusement, Yanis standing almost directly in his line of vision. Albeit turned from them and leaning with their chin propped up over a bar table. Despite having avoided them, Gerry knew their usual posture well enough to see Yanis had to adjust to their pain at the moment. Holding their weight cautiously and reducing tension in their back and legs. Coincidentally, Yanis was looking at their own phone when Gerry came closer. And if he wasn’t mistaken, they were looking at the recent chat chronic between the two of them. The small frown pulling down the corner of Yanis’ lips gave Gerry a weird boost of confidence.
As he stepped up to the table, Yanis looked up.
“Du schon wieder”, they raised a brow but their frown had vanished. The quip good natured and accompanied by a small smile. Gerry couldn’t help smiling themself. With a slight head-tilt, he shrugged,
“Well, I can admit that I went looking for you.” Feeling a blush creep up on him, they tried fighting down his smile. Yanis turned to them fully, still with one elbow leaning on the table, they raised a brow. Giving Gerry a once-over. A short jerk of their head,
“Okay, und?” Gerry took a deep breath,
“You wanted to dance with me”, he shrugged,
“How about that invitation?” Yanis’ smile brightened a bit, stepping away from the table and coming closer. They offered him a hand,
“Your lead or mine?”
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wickxdangels · 4 years
Travis Stoll Imagine; Dream Girl
Hello!! We are back this Monday with a Percy Jackson Imagine! I started reading the series last week and i’m currently on the third book which is so exciting! I love the Stoll brothers so making this imagine was so fun! i hope you guys like it! :) As always, I apologize if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know! And also, thank you everyone for the support and the cute comments i’ve been getting on my other stories! I love you all xx (also, sorry i couldn’t find a better pic to place)
Pairing; Travis Stoll x Reader
Warnings; None
Request; Would write a Travis Stoll x reader who is daughter of Ares who’s Clarisse’s second in command/best friend even though they’re opposite personalities and Connor is so sick of Travis’ pining for her that he decides to get them together?
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It was a bright, hot and sunny day in Camp Half-Blood; the satyrs were running in the woods playing hide and seek with the dryads, who turned into trees whenever they tried to steal a kiss from them. Young demigods runnings through the camp wearing those bright-eye-cramping orange shirts, some of the kids from the Hermes Cabin were picking up the locks from the Camp Gift Shop. It was pretty much a normal summer day like any other.
Y/n was sitting down on top of a wooden-table, cleaning and filing her sword, it was something she found relaxing and it helped to calm down her ADHD for a bit. Mid-cleaning, she felt a pair of eyes staring into her. This has probably been the fifth time she has felt it in this week alone. She quickly looked up, not finding anyone on reach staring at her, it was infuriating not knowing who those stares belonged to but she brushed it off, it was stupid to get mad at something childish like that.
“Attention, attention, campers.” The voice of Mr. D, the camp director, said as he walked close by to the campers. Lots of them stop what they were doing to look at the news he was about to say. “Today we will be playing Capture The Flag, in about two hours or so, you all know what to do, gear up and blah blah..” That earned the cheers of lots of campers, and Mr. D with a quick a wave of his hand he dismissed them as he kept walking towards the Big House, to play some pinocle perhaps, as he complained how teenagers were always so loud.
Y/n then kept filing her sword as a blonde haired and all girl walked towards her, Clarisse La Rue, her half-sister. “Did you hear that? We’ll finally get to have another reason to beat up some kids and get back our flag from the Blue team!” The girl exclaimed with a sinister smile on her lips.
Y/n simply chuckled at her words and nodded. “Indeed, sis. It’s been too long since the last time we played, that flag needs to be back on Ares’s Team.” she said as she blew on her sword, grinning at her sister as she nodded.
“C’mon, let’s go get something to eat before the game, my stomach is killing me.” Clarisse said as Y/n tagged alone.
Y/n and Clarisse were both daughters of Ares, god of war. They belonged to Cabin 5, where lots of her other half-brothers lived year-round just like both of them. Ares kids shared lots of physical attributes, like their muscular bodies and tall height, meaning all of them looked big and scary, a good pro when it came to war or simple games like the one they were about to play. But when it came to personality, both girls couldn’t be more different.
Clarisse was the designated Camp Half-Blood bully, she was the one that messed with the new campers, just like she did with Percy Jackson. She would find the tiniest of reasons to start a riot and just set the world on fire if she could, just like their father.
Y/n on the other hand, was a bit more calm. Or well, as calm as a daughter of Ares could get. She enjoyed battles, she enjoyed kicking butt from here and there but sometimes she would just get tired of the same old. She wouldn’t pick fights as much as Clarisse did, well, not now anyways. But whenever her sister needed a fighting partner she would be there without a doubt, not giving a damn who started the fight, simply being there to put up a good show.
Some feet away, behind a tree was Travis Stoll, whose favorite hobby has radically changed from picking-up locks or throwing the best pranks in camp with his brother, to spying on Y/n behind trees…or behind anything really. He saw as the girl of his dreams walked away with his most-hated-camper, who was no one else but her sister, Clarisse.
“I really can’t believe you’re still secretly pinning over her, Travis! It’s been what? Four, five years? Don’t you think it’s time to act like a big boy and tell her for once and for all?” His younger brother’s voice made him jump from his hiding spot as he turned around to face him.
“Connor! Do you have to be that loud all the time?” He cried out, grabbing his brothers shoulder as they walked out of the forests and towards their cabin. “And you know I cannot do that, she’s literally my archenemy’s sister! And best friend! Also, not to forget about her dozen of brothers with anger-issues!” Travis complained, sighing as he kicked a little rock that was in his way. “I don’t know why life has to be so hard!”
“Travis, shut up. Jeez, you’re always complaining, it’s been five years! Five of which I had to hear you whining about Clarisse and how she would maim you if you were ever to confess your feelings for Y/n…can’t we get over that? I mean, the day will come when she’ll maim you regardless of your confession or not..” His brother shrugged, placing a comforting arm around him. “Also, I have a bet going on with Pollux.. and for me to earn the money means that you’ll have to confess your feelings for her today…” Connor confessed with a grin on his lips, highlighting his elvish features who looked so much like his brother’s.
Travis stopped mid-way as he stared at his brother, a deadly stare to be exact.
“YOU DID WHAT?” He sort-of yelled at him, making his younger brother grimace a bit. “How much did you bet, though?” He slowly asked, bit interested after all, money was money.
“Around twenty drachmas and some hundred bucks..” Connor shrugged as he scratched the back of his neck. “Is that an ‘okay brother, I’ll make you win the bet’?” He curiously asked with a sheepish smile.
“Ugh, you’re so gonna share that with me. And you’re gonna do my laundry for a month! After all, I don’t know.. I might end up missing a limb..”
“You always love to exaggerate, Travis. Chill, things might turn good.” He shrugged at his older brother as he raised both of his eyebrows in a funny manner.
Two hours later, after getting something to eat and putting on their armors, the Ares cabin walked towards the centre of the camp, there the rest of their allies, Cabins Four, Nine, Ten and Twelve were already in position and armed with their respective weapons of choice.
The blue team stood on their left side, she could’ve sworn she felt the usual stare again and she just knew it came from the blue team. At least she was a bit closer to knowing who her stalker is.
“Attention Campers, let’s get this over with.” Mr. D’s voice resounded through the crowd, besides him stood Chiron, who acted as the referee and was there in case anyone needed medical help. “For tonight’s game of Capture The flag, the blue team is lead by Annabeth and Percy, who have allied with Cabins Seven and Eleven.” He rolled his eyes as he then proceeded. “And Team Red is led by Clarisse and Y/n, who are joined by the remaining cabins.” He was too lazy to mention all of the cabins but it was no surprise coming from him. “You all know the rules by now, the creek is the boundary line, and the entire forest is fair game. Magic items are permitted, killing and maiming—much to my regret—are not.” He sighed as he tiredly placed his hands on his waist.
“I’ll be close by in case anyone is in need of my assistance.” Chiron commented as he looked at the campers in front of him.
“I believe Travis will be needing your assistance later on, Chiron!” Connor joked, making some of their teammates chuckle as Travis could only blush at the statement, he looked towards Y/n, hoping she wasn’t staring at him now, but much to his luck, she was chuckling along with Clarisse who had a deadly stare at him, making him shriver.
“Yeah, yeah. Well kids, off you go now! Shoo!” Mr. D said as he waved his hands, both of the teams were now running towards the forest and the hills.
The Ares cabin took the lead of the rest of the cabins as they ran towards their different positions, some of them were on border patrol duty as other were hiding behind bushes or trees, waiting for the other campers to come by so they could jump on them.
“Y/n, guard our flag! I’ll try to steal theirs!” Clarisse grinned as she ran off towards the lake, Y/n could only chuckle as she grabbed tightly on her sword and ran towards their red flag, ready to fight anyone who came in sight.
As she ran towards the forest, she could see her brothers fighting with the other campers, or well, the enemies. Her battle reflexes came in handy when someone was about to jump on her but she swiftly avoided her, bringing her sword up as she fought a blonde-haired girl from the Athena cabin, quickly disarming her before sending her flying backwards towards a tree with a hard kick on the chest. She’ll definitely be needing some ambrosia after this, she thought.
She chuckled as she kept running, she had missed the feeling of the air hitting in her face as she ran, the way her instincts would work whenever someone was attacking her, the balanced weight of her favorite sword in her hand.
One of the guys from the Apollo cabin came after her, making her chuckle when she easily avoided one of their arrows as it landed on a tree. “That wasn’t very smart, was it?” She asked with a smirk as she then ran towards him and before he could take another arrow, she kicked the bow out of his hands. “Bad choice.” She said before bringing the sword up, the kid was quick to avoid a hit before he tripped backwards on a branch, she was about to keep fighting as one of her brothers came to her.
“I’ve got this punk! Go protect the flag!” Her brother said before she nodded and smirked at the kid.
“Well, you’re just in luck!” She winked at him before running through the forest once again, making sure to avoid any distractions on the way.
Her feet were fast as she ran, ducking whenever she saw an arrow being shot at her and jumping whenever she would meet with a camper passed out on the floor, not many minutes later and the flag was already in her sight, she came closer to it, checking her surroundings for any enemy in sight.
Not many seconds had passed when she heard some steps coming on her way, she quickly jumped on top of a tree branch hiding, she saw as a guy came close to the flag but did not grab it, instead he looked around as if searching for someone.
She then took the advantage and jumped on top of him, making him land with his back on the floor as she had him trapped between her legs. “Huh, a son of Hermes. I thought it would be one of Athena’s kid the one who would come for the flag.” She said as she brought her sword up to his face, he looked just like every other Hermes’s kid, elvish features, curly hair, tall and kind of cute.
“No! Wait! I’m not here for the flag..” He confessed, having her so close to his body made him shriver, luckily his face was already red from the game if not he would be blushing madly.
“You are aware that we are playing Capture The Flag, don’t you?” She chuckled as she stared at him, her eyes looking directly into his blue ones as he felt the shiest he has ever felt in his life.
“Y-yes, yes! What I meant it’s that, I’ve been meaning to confess you something..” He said as she stood up, holding a hand out for him as he slowly grabbed it, she pulled and helped him stand up.
“Okay, now you’re kind of creeping me out, Travis.. What is it?”
“How.. how do you know who I am?” He asked, kind of surprised she didn’t mistake him for his brother, which happened quite a lot.
“We were friends, remember? When I first got here, you were one of that befriended me. I stayed in your cabin for some weeks before Ares claimed me. We used to play pranks on the Aphrodite kids so much that you thought I was one of Hermes kid’s as well.” She said chuckling as he nodded, he remember those times. That was the time when he started to develop his current huge crush on her.
“I.. I didn’t know you remembered that.” He gave her a bright smile as he scratched the back of his neck in a shy manner, something she thought she had never seen before on any kid of Hermes.
“Of course, I do! Now, what were you going to tell me?”
“Oh! That! Well, you see—” sadly he was too slow and too immersed on their chat that he did not see Clarisse flying at him, knocking him off his feet as they rolled down on the floor.
“It was you!” Clarisse yelled as she threw some punches at him, he luckily evaded some but not all of them, so he groaned when she had delivered a square punch to his right eye.
Now that’s gonna leave a nasty bruise, he thought.
“Clarisse! What are you doing? He was gonna say something to me!” Y/n said as she ran towards them, trying to pull her sister off of him.
“It’s him, y/n! He’s the one who’s been lurking behind trees and staring at you!” Clarisse said with disgust as she stood up from top of him, delivering nasty glances at Travis.
“Oh.. so you’re my little stalker, huh?” Y/n said with a smirk on her lips as she looked at Travis, helping him stand as he slowly nodded, grabbing onto his side as he looked embarrassed.
“Okay, I’ll have to say that that wasn’t the smartest thing to do.. but yeah. It was me.” He confessed to her, giving her a little smile as she stared at him. “And besides that, what I wanted to say it’s that… I like you, like, a lot.” he said. “A crazy amount probably, and I know you may not like me back! Knowing that I’m your sister’s most hated person in this camp besides my brother.. and Percy..” he explained
“This is disgusting! Completely disgusting!” Clarisse gagged at the scene in front of her, she has always disliked the Stoll brothers even more after the little prank they pulled on her few years ago.
“I.. I’m quite shocked, actually.” she confessed, her cheeks tinting a light red but when she was about to actually reply to him, she saw how another figure behind Clarisse and Travis took the chance of the flag being unprotected and quickly snatched it.
In the background, all could hear a horn being played in signal that the game has finished.
The result? Blue team were the winners, once again.
It turns out that, Travis’s younger brother Connor, knowing that he was going to confess his feelings towards Y/n, seized the opportunity of us being entertained by his brother’s confession to grab the flag, it was all part of his plan.
Which helped to ignite even more, the hatred Clarisse had towards the Stoll brothers.
The whole game ended up quite quickly after that, with the campers of the blue team cheering for their new victory and the red team growling at them and cursing them out.
Y/n never had the chance to talk to Travis in that moment, seeing how Chiron with other campers, took the injured ones towards the infirmary to help with the wounds.
That’s when Y/n knew it was now or never. She escaped from the celebrations of the night, walking towards the infirmary to check on the wounded Stoll brother. She walked through it, looking at some of the demigods sleeping on the beds and other being taken care by Argus and some dryads. Once he saw the familiar curly hair, she walked towards it, grabbing a pack of ice a girl was carrying towards him. “I can take it from here.” she explained to the girl as she just nodded and left.
She then walked to his bed, sitting down at the edge of it and softly pressing the ice pack on his already-bruised eye. “Who knew.. that purple eye really suits you.” she softly spoke, waking up the prankster from his nap.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” he asked as he quickly sat up, groaning from the pain as he realized it wasn’t a good idea after all with his bruised ribs.
“Clarisse really did a number on you, didn’t she?” the girl said as she softly helped him to lay down once again, slowly. “I’m sorry about that, she can be easily carried away by her emotions.”
“I really can’t believe you two are sisters, you two are nothing alike.” he said, wincing as he laid down. “You’re gentle and understanding, meanwhile Clarisse would throw a punch at literally anyone who crosses her path.”
“Well, that’s because I have never really fought with you, you know? When we are in battle, that’s when we are scary alike.” she chuckled, holding the ice pack on his eye as they talked. “So.. I never really replied to what you said to me back there.”
“You don’t really have to. I know it must’ve been silly, I just couldn’t really hold it in anymore, you know? You’re so beautiful and so strong! And you love pulling pranks on people, which is so hot! And whenever you’re fighting you’ve got this beautiful frown that—”
“Could you shut up for a second?” she said quickly before a smirk appeared on her lips. “I know I’m hot and all of that, but I just really wanted to say that… I think you’re really cute.” her smirk turned into a smile at him as she looked at him, he could’ve sworn his insides were on fire, which could’ve been due to the punches he’d got but he knew it was because of her smile. “And I would like to see where this could go..”
“Wait! You’re serious, right? This is not a prank, right? Cause that wouldn’t be so hot..” He explained making her giggle. “It’s not a prank, you dummy!” she interrupted him. “I like you, like, a lot.” she smiled, saying the exact words he had said to her back in the forest.
“Oh! Wow! I— I really, don’t know what to say! Jeez, I think I’m blushing again!” Travis confessed with his cheeks flaming red as he looked at her.
“Shh, don’t talk.. Less words and more…actions.” she smirked before laying the ice pack on the bed and slowly leaning her face against his, until their lips were touched; she was careful to grab his cheek, not wanting to hurt his purple eye as he returned the soft kiss she laid on his lips.
It was all he ever dreamed, kissing her felt like drinking ambrosia, her lips tasted so sweet. His stomach felt like the excitement he would get before pulling any prank, multiplied by a hundred. He just knew that this was it. This was all he ever wished for. This was the girl of his dreams.
That was it, until a wave or realization fell over him as she softly pulled away from him. “Oh, gods! now Clarisse is so going to murder me!”
That only made her laugh even more. “Leave her to me, she’s really not that scary, I promise.” she assured him. “Now, what did I say about talking?” she asked.
“Oh! Yes, yes. Less words, more actions, got it!” he smiled mischievously as he then pressed his lips against hers once again.
“Oh, I forgot to ask. What’s the bet Connor has goin on with Pollux about?” she asked, looking at his eyes for a bit before raising his brow.
“Oh, now you shut up. I’ll explain later, I’m badly injured and I demand more kisses.” he said with the cutest little pout she has ever seen, she rolled her eyes. “It’s just some bruised ribs.. and a bruised eye.” she joked before wrapping her arms around him and kissing him again.
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just-a-cheese-stick · 4 years
Naeleon week day 6 first encounter
(non despair au)
Hooooo boy this is late but I have been doing school things :>
High school parties were always... memorable... to say the least.
Yeah, it’s always fun to chat with friends, eat food, dance, make friends, hear really loud music as everyone shouts with no chill, the whole shebang.
They’re a lot of fun! A lot of fun for people who don’t suffer from sensory processing disorder, ADHD, anxiety or ASD, at least.
One Friday, Ibuki decided to host a huge party at her place while her parents were out of town for the weekend. The entire class was invited, and most of it attended.
Leon was among them. He really enjoyed parties, or at least that’s what he told everyone.
Frankly, they were a little loud for his liking, but that wasn’t something people needed to know about.
But he went.
Leon spent most of the party chatting with ibuki, mondo, and souda.
Eventually, his little group had dispersed to doing other things, and Leon was left alone in a crowd of loud people, many of which likely drunk and/or high.
Too many people bumping into him and yelling and—
Oh god it’s too loud.
He excused himself to one of the guest rooms that was left unlocked and sat himself down behind the bed.
That was close.
Just 5 minutes. He should be fine by then.
But just then he could hear someone whimpering. They sounded anxious.
He didn’t want anyone to know he was in there hiding, but at the same time, he felt sympathetic towards that person.
That sympathy got the better of him and he stood up to investigate the source of the crying.
Leon noticed a short brunette boy who appeared to be close to his age crouched down behind a dresser with his knees pressed to his chest.
That was the source of the crying.
Leon slowly approached him.
“Hey, you ok?” He asked, softening his voice .
The boy looked up at him and replied.
“I-It’s really loud. The party is really loud,” he sniffled. “Everyone’s yelling and bumping each other and screaming and—“
“Hey hey hey calm down. Deep breaths. You’re ok,” Leon said, placing his hand on the other person’s shoulder. “You’re hyperventilating. Would you like some water?”
The boy nodded.
“Alright. Don’t go anywhere, ok?”
The boy nodded.
Leon got back up and walked out the room and to the beverage table.
He grabbed a water from the ice chest and swiftly returned to the anxious stranger in the guest room.
“Got your water,” Leon said walking back into the room.
The boy from earlier glanced up, loosening his grip on his sleeves.
He sat back down next to the boy and handed him the cold water, and sat there awkwardly.
The brunette stranger opened the water bottle, or, tried to. His hands were shaking, causing him to struggle.
“Need help with that?” Leon offered, holding out his hand.
The boy nodded and handed him the water bottle, which Leon opened without much struggle.
“There you are,” he said handing the bottle back to the other boy.
“Thanks,” he replied, taking a large sip of the water.
“Thirsty?” Leon asked, almost impressed at how quickly the other person was chugging the water down.
The brunette boy stopped and separated the bottle from his lips, fallowed by a sharp exhale. “Yeah. Thanks.”
“‘Course, man,” Leon replied. “Soo you got a name or something?”
The stranger chuckled. “Of course I have a name, silly. My names Makoto,” the boy, Makoto, replied.
“Makoto, huh?” Leon asked.
“So, how ya feelin, Makoto?” Leon asked.
“Still,,, kinda anxious,, if I’m being honest,” Makoto replied.
“Whose your ride? Ya got a ride?” Leon asked.
“Usually my parents come pick me up, but they don’t get off work until ten,” Makoto replied.
“What time is it?” Leon mumbled under his breath, looking at the time on his phone. 8:39 PM. “So they won’t be back for another 2 hours. How do you usually home with on Fridays?” He asked.
“Usually I get a ride from Hiro, but he already went home,” Makoto said, fidgeting with something on the ground anxiously.
“Gotcha. Well, how far is your house?” Leon asked.
“It’s about 2 miles or so from here, so I could walk home. Just get nervous when doing so,” Makoto said.
“You shouldn’t have to walk that far after an anxiety attack, dude. Trust me, I’ve tried. Isn’t fun,” Leon commented.
“Doesn’t sound that fun,” Makoto said in response.
“You know, I could walk you home if ya want,” Leon offered.
“You’d do that?” Makoto asked, looking up at him.
“Yeah. This party’s lame anyways. C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up and get ya home,” Leon said getting up.
“Real quick, could you tell me your name?” Makoto asked, getting up as well.
“Names Leon.”
“Nice to meet you Leon,” Makoto said with a slight smile.
“You too man,” he replied.
“Probably wanna cover your ears,” Leon said putting his hand on the doorknob.
Makoto complied, cupping both of his hands over his ears. The door opened, and within seconds, loud music, laughter, talking and bass could be heard flooding the room. That small quiet haven loud again like the majority of the house.
The two walked together out of the house and to the front yard, which still echoed the loud bass from the music inside.
Makoto took a large sigh of relief. The feeling of being away from all the noise was a huge weight of anxiety suddenly dropped.
“Alright, lemme just notify my friends I’m going home early, and we’ll be on our way, a’ight?” Leon said taking out his phone and typing something in.
The “sent” noise played, and he placed the device back in his pocket.
“Parents get home at 10?” Leon asked.
“Yeah,” Makoto replied, remembering to message his mom that he was able to get a ride back home.
“So we got about an hour or so to spare, so would ya like to grab something to eat?” Leon offered. “I got some extra money on me, so I could cover ya.”
“Sure! Anything you have in mind?” Makoto asked.
“There’s a boba place a block from here, if that sounds any good.”
“Sounds good,”
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screamxqueenx94 · 3 years
Hey ! Could I request a Teen Wolf ship please? Bi and ace, she/her. I'm an INFP, my enneagram is 4w3, and I'm a Pisces sun & moon and Sagittarius rising - I'm also a Hufflepuff ! Although when I was younger I was definitely such a Slytherin, I've changed and grew as a person over the years - although not quite physically ! I'm 4'11, and I have straight, chest length, deep plum coloured hair with layers, blue eyes, and far too many freckles. According to friends, upon first appearance I seem quite aloof, but once a conversation is struck, I just don't know how to shut up. I'm very bubbly and sociable, but I also get overwhelmed by spending too much time with other people (it could be due to me being an introvert, or the anxiety, or the ADHD - I'm not entirely sure which, if any, is responsible) and need to distance myself from people quite often to recharge my social battery. Wine aunt friend with terrible dad jokes. I'm currently studying Arts & Humanities, and I hope to become a journalist upon graduation, but if that doesn't work out I'd love to be a drama teacher. I wish I was more spontaneous and outgoing, but I'm such a homebody - my hobbies include reading, writing, and playing an unhealthy amount of the sims. In high school, I was head of the journalism club, as well as editor of our yearbook - I was also involved in debate. I've also been involved in theatre my whole life outside of school. My style is a little bit all over the place - I love to dress smart, but sometimes that means glam to lectures and other times that means like dressing like somebody's grandfather to a fancy meal. This also goes for music, too, and I'll listen to most genres and most decades (except classical, put some of that on and I'll be out like a light !).
Random fun fact speed run time ! I'm from the UK (Liverpool !) and my accent is annoyingly strong. I suffer with sensory issues and can't eat certain foods or touch certain fabrics (like cheese, or scratchy wool). I had my ears pierced but they closed up - I won't get them redone because the gun got caught on my ears last time (thick lobes, apparently) and I'm scared of needles. Which is also why I'd never get a tattoo, but when I was younger all I ever wanted was to be covered in tattoos and have a bunch of piercings, but that wasn't to be. I ramble a LOT (clearly !). I've never been in a relationship before. I like pubs but clubs are a no-go, I've got really bad crowd anxiety. My favourite scent is actually this off brand body spray I got in a Boots christmas set (bergamot, cedarwood and amber) and I wear it all the time.
I'm sorry, that was a lot of information ! Thank you so much 💛
Hi love! You're fine, I didn't mind cuz I ramble sometimes too lol! Okay, so immediately once I started reading this, I knew exactly who I was shipping you with. Might shock you, but stay with me okay? Lol (I also thought Kira, but this one seemed to fit a little more in my opinion)
I ship you with Scott McCall
Tumblr media
You seem like a sweetheart, so why not pair with another known sweetheart?
Scott is kinda aloof too, but your guys' conversations can get so deep and last for hours
It gets to the point where you two know everything about each other
Maybe even a little more than what Stiles knows
I personally think Scott is a mix of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and Hufflepuffs get along with just about anyone so you two would definitely be like two peas in a bod
With Scott being the second shortest guy in the pack (apart from Liam) you being 4'11" will make him feel so tall and boost his confidence a little bit
Because we know he's not always confident in himself (and that's okay)
Now with being ace; Scott is a horny boy, let's just be honest
However, he also drinks his respect women juice on a daily and would never do anything that would make you uncomfortable and wouldn't ever make you feel like you had to do anything
He respects you and what you feel
He could find other nonsexual ways to be intimate with you very well
And as for being bi as well; doesn't bother him in the slightest
He's fully supportive
He probably put a sticker saying "I got a bi 'wife'" on his motorcycle along with an LGBT alley sticker lol
Your eyes and freckles are probably his most favorite things about your physical self
He loves to count your freckles while you two are counting, which will more than likely lead into a tickle fight
He usually wins, but will give you sweet little kisses after
He also thinks your hair is totally badass
He thinks it gives you an edge and refers to you as a badass as well
When you start feeling overwhelmed socially, he's quick to remove you from the social situation without it being awkward and gets you home
And if you were to tell him that that included him, he'd completely understand and probably go hang out with Stiles or even Deaton
He loves your dad jokes, even the really bad ones
He says "they're only funny when you tell them" and he genuinely means that
As for the wine aunt friend of your group, that's fine cuz he's the mom friend so he's got this
You sit back and relax and he'll make sure things go smoothly
He's your biggest supporter of your dreams
He also knows that no matter what you put your mind to, you'll get it done due to your 4w3 ennegram (I had to research it lol)
There's no shame in being a homebody
And he tells you that
But he'll occasionally be spontaneous and take you on a random adventure to just to add a little excitement to life
Like taking a ride on his bike along the coast on a Tuesday
Or to like band at a pub on a Thursday
Or anything random that would definitely be fun and just out of nowhere
I think Scott would probably try to tell you how unhealthy the amount of time you play the Sims is, but he won't force you to stop
"at least take a break to stretch your body and drink some water" he'd insist
Because he cares lol
He'd also be super interested in what you're reading or writing and could listen to you talk about it for hours
I also fully believe he'd love your accent; like wholeheartedly believe that
He loves your style because he never knows what to expect
He almost makes it into game
"Hmmm, what is y/n gonna show up in today?" Is what he calls it
Not that he actually cares, because he always thinks you're beautiful
But it's a fun guessing game lol
I feel like he's very eclectic with music too
Both of you listening to the most random music on your playlists together and sharing music the other may not have heard
He loves it and hopes you do too
He does his best to accommodate to your sensory issues
It does make it hard to surprise you with gifts or cook for you sometimes, but I'm the end, he knows well enough what bothers you and what doesn't and when you love it, he's such a proud pup
If you chose to get your ears repierced, he'd take you to get them professionally done, and would hold your hand and talk to you the whole time because he knows and understands that you're scared of needles
If you decided not to, he'd make sure to find some cool clip on or magnetic earrings so you can still have the luxury of earrings without all the pain of piercing them
Same with the tattoos, if you wanted them, he'd go with you, hold your hand and keep you distracted from the needles
And if decided not to, no problem!
He might order you some cool fake tats online for you when you're thinking about it and just wanna test it out first or if you just feel like having one for the day lol
Either way, this little bean is super supportive and understanding
He doesn't mind your rambling
He'd listen to it all day if he could lol
He'd feel honored to be your first relationship
He's not the most patient at times, but he is understanding and really wants you be happy in this relationship
Because lowkey, he also is kinda hoping it's your last 💍*hint hint
Whatever is your favorite scent to wear, he wouldn't care where he had to go to find it, or how much it cost, he'd make sure you had it
Also, he'd love to take a trip to your hometown with you and can show him all your favorite spots and all the cool things that you really enjoy there
He'd love them because you do and is all about keeping you happy
He'd even move there if that's what you wanted
That's all I got! Thank you so much for sending it in babes! Sorry it took me so long, life's been busy, but I'm hoping to be able to do more of these! I really hope you liked it!
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