#they have MASSIVE feet I did not do them justice
tasminrat · 9 months
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quick doodle
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threepandas · 3 months
Your Biggest Fan: Villian/Yandere Izuku
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You Ruined His Plan.
No one was supposed to CARE. They NEVER care. NEVER ask questions. They look, at the red shoes, the note, then shrug it all off. Just another statistic. One more gone, of an already "dying breed".
The Quirkless had been a "dying breed" for a while now.
He bet they didn't even know where that phase came from. It was WAR propaganda. Quirkless population numbers were supposed to level out a decade ago, according to estimates. But noooo! They kept DROPPING!
Dropping, Dropping, DROPPING!
Like notebooks and little boys off roof tops.
No Heroes coming to save them. Smiles for everyone ELSE. Just burns and bad grades they didn't earn, ruined lunches and funeral flowers on desks. Kicking and kicking and PUNCHS until they break! Until they fight back. Until THEY are the problem. THEY are the monsters!
Dreams destroyed and online friends who go silent.
Funerals. Mothers who cry but don't protect you.
ANGER and where are the HEROES?
Here... apparently.
She is... she is standing HERE. Arms crossed. Mouth in a furious line as she listens to the principal spew his excuses. She does not look like she believes a single one. Does not look sympathetic or dismissive in the least.
The disgusting trash around her isn't used to it. Are slowly beginning to sweat. Panic. It is beginning to dawn on them... that there could be CONSEQUENCES for their actions. Their criminal neglect and cruel allowances.
She looks disgusted. Furious. And... when she glances at the supposed last words of Hanako-chan? Utterly heartbroken. She stands, feet planted, shoulders back, as she argues and pulls rank. Threatening to ARREST even the police officers THEMSELVES unless they DO THEIR JOBS.
As is her RIGHT. Because this is not JUSTICE. Nor Vengance. But can bring, at least, closure to the soul of a little girl wronged. Prevent others from harm. And she stands as a shield against that harm. It is her JOB, her DUTY, and so help her, if she must hunt each and every one of them down and HAND DELIVER them to a cell? She WILL.
She stands there, in the cold afternoon light, like...
Like A Hero!
He has to slap both his hands over his mouth. To stop his dreadful muttering habit from escaping again. He... he hasn't found anything INTERESTING enough to mutter about in so LONG. Gotten out of the habit of controlling it. His control is shot. And... and OH~!
Ever since Kacc-... Since All Mi... THEM. He hasn't... hasn't BELIEVED in Heros like he used too. He WANTED too! He did! But...? It was like it just... died inside him. Slowly. Painfully. Screaming.
It hurt so, so much. Everything was angry and grey and TERRIBLE. B...But? But! BUT NOW? It's like a giddy spark of light has struck a match inside the empty cavern inside him, lighting up the massive caves where his belief once lived. I..It's so small and fragile. So WARM.
He scrambles back. Hands pressed to his mouth, eyes shut tight, uncaring of the rough brick he's pressed too as he slides to the wet ground. It scrapes him up. But what's a few more scrapes amongst the rest? He's always hurt. It's his life. It's ALL their lives.
He breathes. Savors the fragile warmth in his chest.
"Hey, are you okay?" That voice. No, no it can't be... his eyes shoot open. Startled he looks up. Directly... into... a.. mask.. "You're looking pretty banged up. My Quirk doesn't have many medical uses, so unless you think you've cracked a bone or something, I hope you're good with band-aids. Fair warning though. All the Froppy one's are already gone. Kid's LOVE frogs."
It IS. His Hero. THE Hero. She must have finished up. Noticed him somehow. Sloppy...
Already kneeling, she gently takes his hand. Is already pulling out a medical kit from her thigh pouch. He spots "good job!" Stickers and a few lollipops. He... he has QUESTIONS. For the first time in YEARS. Who is she? What school did she go too? What Quirk does she have? Where does she work out off?
Why did she CARE?
Is it a one off? Would she care AGAIN? Her hands are firm but gentle. She keeps him "distracted". Asking him inane questions to take his mind off his pain. Kind. So KIND~! He manages to get her Hero name before she goes. Sends her off with a smile that hurts his face. Reminds him how many years it's BEEN since he's truely grinned.
He races home. Fingers flying on his phone. His lieutenant can deal with Hanako. Get her settled with her new family. He... he NEEDS too... TOO-!
He SLAMS his shoebox of an apartment open, ignoring the bellowed demands and insults of the filth that live around him. It's only muscle memory that has him locking the dozen locks behind him, to keep out the scum that would attempt to prey upon him.
He... he NEEDS-!
His "work" laptop. So bleeding edge I-island will be cursing their own bigotry for centuries. If only out of GREED. They don't know what they've lost by turning down those engineers and applicants. But Izuku does. He collects them ALL.
And now it pays off once again.
It take less then a moment. Easier then breathing. And he has EVERYTHING.
Her arrests records. Her case load. Her school records and medical files. Social media. Current audio book. Hero ranking, media presence, the chatter about Her online. EVERYTHING.
It's... it's beautiful.
A "troublemaker" who wouldn't shut up about the injustice she saw around her. Wouldn't stand for it. Got into fights to protect the weak and defenseless. Helped where she could. It put her on the wrong side of the narrative. When she wouldn't shut up about how everything WASN'T fine and what those in power were doing was WRONG.
She was a child, they were not. She HAD the option to shut up and pick her own future over the well being of those around her.
She chose to be a HERO instead.
Like... Like HIM. She was robbed of her DREAM. Of going to UA. The future she wanted, she fought for, needed like AIR.
But... but Aaah~♡ she was so COOL! Didn't give up! She sued. Made a RACKET. And when it got her record wiped but not her chance to enter any Japanese Hero school reinstated? She took the winnings from her lawsuit, her parents reluctant consent, and WENT ABROAD.
Came BACK with a hero license that the Japanese government had to recognize as per international accords. Let her take the final test HERE.
They BURIED her in the rankings. Must HATE her. A real hero, come to SHAME THEM for all they've become~♡ Or, well, HE thinks she will. How can she NOT? When she is so much BETTER?
He needs everything. Bedspread, pillows, posters, sweaters, slippers, MERCH! There's not enough. He should commission some. Where are his notebooks? Ah, no. He needs a NEW one! A better notebook! Oh! Oh! He could COMMISSION a notebook! Oh that's PERFECT!
He may have just met her today?
But he can already TELL~ He's gonna be her NUMBER 1 fan!
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dazed-and-confused23 · 5 months
I love your latest entries with Dusty the Deathclaw😄 So you think you could do something with Cooper where he and the reader are visiting GoodNeighbor again with a juvenile Deathclaw with them? And when John goes to welcome them back, he jumps back a bit and asking why the HELL does the reader have a Deathclaw.😂 Only for said reader to give their pet Deathclaw some affectionate horn scratches and reply
“My wasteland baby! Isn’t he adorable?”
Bonus if said Wasteland baby still has some flesh hanging from their mouth having eaten a raider not too long ago.
@odditycircus-2002 this was a fantastic Lil prompt to see after the angst I've been typing up. Thank you so much! ❤️ I hope I did this justice!
Dear Hearts and Gentle People 14
Warnings: blood and violence drug use too
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It's been a couple of years since you and Cooper had mosied up to the Commonwealth, and with Dusty now apart of the family, you thought it was high time that you introduce the juvenile to the stationary member of your group. The deathclaw stood taller than you now but was definitely still considered young by deathclaw standards. Plus, you'd been missing John lately, and it would be good to see him again.
The beast trotted behind you, his nose close to the ground as he cattalogged the new scents around him. Cooper followed just past Dusty, his rifle out, and ready for anything that might want to lose a fight. However, it turned out that very few people wanted to tangle with a ghoul of his reputation who had a deathclaw as a pet, young or not.
"I doubt Goodneighbor will be too happy with me if we come waltzing in with Dusty. Can you stay out here with him while I go get John?" You ask your ghoulish companion once the gate to Goodneighbor appeared around the corner. Someone must have recently cleared out the usual super mutants that hung around, for it was relatively safe in the city this evening.
Cooper sighs dramatically and rolled his eyes, though you could see a smirk pulling at his lips, "Don't make me wait too long, Sugar. Might go wonderin' off without you."
You scoff, "You wouldn't."
Cooper smirks right back and leans in, "Try me, smoothskin."
You search his golden gaze, and then your lips curl up in an amused, smug grin, "Dusty wouldn't let you."
The ghoul opens his mouth to protest, only to fall silent, lips tugging down into a small frown. Shit. He knows you're right about that one. Dusty would follow you to the ends of hell if you let the juvenile. He scoffs and breaks the staring contest, "Whatever, you win."
You smile in victory and then step in front of Dusty. The deathclaw coos and grunts at you, hunching down to rub the bottom of his jaw along your shoulder and cheek, "Awe. Yeah, I'll be right back, sweetie. Be good for Coop, okay?"
Dusty is smart enough to know what you're saying but whines all the same when you press a quick kiss to the tip of his nose and then disappear behind the red door. He swings his massive head around and eyes Cooper, who rolls his eyes at the baby's behavior.
"Don't look at me like that. You heard her."
The beast grunts and flops on the road, a displeased growl rumbling up and out of him. Dusty didn't like it when he couldn't scent you or feel you. His eyesight was terrible, so it left him to rely on his other, hightened scenses to track his human. A deeper, more vicious growl echos in the air when he sniffs deeply and catches the foul smell of the big lumbering mutants. They were close.
You darted through Goodneighbor, waving to Daisy and K-L-E-0, who waved back at you. As much as you wanted to stop and chat, you needed to hurry. You jank open the door to the old state house and lope up the stairs, stopping at the top floor and grinning when you catch sight of Hancock lounging on his couch, feet kicked up on the table and an inhaler of jet in his hand.
"Well, well. I come all this way, and this is the kinda welcome I get."
John jerks up on the couch, black eyes going wide as he turns and looks at you. He shoves himself off the couch and closes the distance, grabbing you by the jaw to swing you in for a kiss full of longing. You kiss the mayor back, holding tight to his red overcoat.
Your face is flushed by the time John breaks the kiss, resting his brow against your own as he takes in your lovely features. There are a couple more lines on your face and a new scar across your nose, but you're just as beautiful as the day he last saw you.
"If I'd known you were coming around, I would have had the whole town throw a party," Hancock quips with a dry laugh and then kisses you again, just cause he could, "Fuck. I missed you, Sunshine."
You hum and hold John tight, burring your face in his chest with a happy little grin, "Mhmm. I missed you too, Hancock."
The ghoul pulls away from you to take you in again. John needed to make sure that you weren't some kind of jet induced fever dream, but no. You were here in his house, with him. His hands trailed from your sides to cup your ass, and Hancock leaned down to press kisses to the collom of your throat.
"How about you show me how much you missed me then, Sunshine."
You selfishly enjoyed the attention for a moment before pulling away from him with a guilty smirk. John narrows his eyes down at you, curious.
"I need to show you something, and you've got to promise me you won't freak out," you say, and you're already tugging at his arm, leading him to the spiral staircase and out of the state house. You don't give Hancock time to process, you wanted this to he a surprise.
Outside the gate, Cooper sneers in disgust as he wipes the sole of his boot on the asphalt not stained in super mutant blood. A trio of them had attacked not a minute after you disappeared inside of Goodneighbor, leaving the ghoul and the half grown dealthclaw to defend themselves.
Not that it was a very hard fight, mind you. Cooper was well versed in violence, and Dusty wasn't a pushover either. He is shouldering his rifle when the door to the settlement opens up, and you and Hancock come waltzing out, all smiles.
"'Bout fuckin' time you showed up, smoothskin. Left me and Dusty here to clean up the big greenies," Cooper snarks at you and gives Hancock a mean grin, all teeth and hunger, "Nice to see you again, Mayor."
John hits the brake, stopping in his tracks and you with him. You grunt at the suddenness of it and turn around to look at him with a cocked brow. The ghoul stares at Dusty with a look of fear, his black eyes wide as he reaches for the shotgun he stupidity left behind in his room.
"Sunshine, that's a deathclaw," He spits, and back peddles, but you let go, allowing him to keep his distance from the golden scaled 6 foot tall deathclaw that feasts on the body of a downed super mutant. His face and entire front are soaked in gore, and the sounds he makes are enough to turn anyone's stomach as he enjoys his meal.
"Can't leave you alone for five minutes, can I?" You quip, and Dusty perks up at the sound of your voice. He raises his head, his horns are about halfway down his face now, around eye level. The deathclaw swings around and makes a soft cooing sound when he picks up your scent and sees the blurry outline of your figure. He lopes forward, dropping to his front claws, and you grab his jaws when he gets close enough, grinning down at him.
"You're such a good boy, Dusty. I'm glad you got a snack," you say and scratch the soft scales of his throat, "I've got someone I want you to meet."
He recognizes that phase. You have used it a couple of times before with other humans that we weren't allowed to eat. Dusty's focused on the red blob behind you. His human points to the figure, and he breathes it deeply, taking in the scent of acidic chems and warm radiation that the other ghoul carries. The deathclaw memorizes it and stores it into the cattalog of "do not eat."
Hancock is frozen the entire time, and Cooper laughs at the other ghoul, breaking the mayor out of his spell, "What's wrong, John? Scared?"
The mayor just tosses his arms at the frigging beast of death, all snuggled up to the smoothskin and snarked right back, "How about you tell me just what the hell's going on, Cowboy?"
Cooper does just that, explaining how you found him and John really begins think this is really a fever dream like he'd thought before, when there is a loud snuffle in front of him, and he is faced with the gruesome visage of the juvenile deathclaw.
You smile at him, "Trust me, John. It's fine, I promise," you murmur, and John must be crazy because he does. Hancock takes a trembling breath and faces the beast.
"Dusty, this is John Hancock. John, this is Dusty."
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goldennikko · 2 years
NO BOYS — le sserafim
summary : the girls keep the boys away from you, who are all making moves on you and trying to get your number.
pairing : le sserafim x 6th member!reader
tags : f!reader ; idol!au ; reader is '98 liner ; platonic!eunchae ; protective!le sserafim ; jealous!le sserafim
requested: ✔
word count : 4.8k
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your visuals in the kpop industry were no joke. everyone was aware of how stunning you were up close, and the pictures online and videos on television could not do you justice.
this sparked a massive uproar among netizens, particularly idols. many idols openly admitted they thought you were attractive and even expressed their admiration for you. while others remained silent, netizens still noticed how they stared at you at music shows.
of course, the girls heard about it. when they first met you, they all agreed you were stunning. the elegance you exuded and the bright, albeit slightly shy, smile you wore had them swooning.
they thought it was amusing to see the boys almost trip over their own feet while exchanging bows as they passed by you. at the time, sakura was seen smirking into her fist and the girls side eyeing the guy was caught on camera, and the video went viral.
you, on the other hand, were unaware. the girls didn't really tell you and you weren't very active on social media either, preferring to avoid it due to the possibility of encountering negative comments. you preferred to have your peace of mind, especially given the nature of your work.
it was amusing at first because you had no idea what was going on and all these men are trying to be lowkey despite their desire for your attention. however, it was beginning to grate on the girls' nerves because they were becoming too obvious.
this all happened at an award ceremony.
you were backstage trying to fix your earrings while ignoring the chaos around you. the staff were running around helping the girls with whatever problems they were having and some of them were holding cameras to film the behind-the-scenes.
"and here we have y/n unnie." you smiled at chaewon through the mirror, winking at the camera because your hands were too busy trying to lock the earrings. "i gave her that."
chaewon seemed pleased with herself; you weren't finished yet, but she thought it looked good on you as it accentuated your features because your hair was tied back, and you only smiled in agreement.
"chaewon-ie did a good job choosing this pair." you commented before huffing in frustration. you turned to face the short-haired girl, handing her the other earring you couldn't seem to lock. "help me?"
chaewon complied and handed the camera to a staff member, who accepted it and pointed it at you two to continue filming. chaewon stood in between your legs, taking your chin to tilt your head to the side, as you leaned against the vanity mirror to match her height. the leader remained silent as she struggled, but the click made you both sigh in relief.
you grinned at her and wrapped your arms around her waist. "thank you~"
chaewon wrapped her arms around your shoulders as you both stood there watching the other members get ready. eunchae, after finishing her hair and makeup, found herself in the middle of you two.
"i'm nervous." eunchae admitted quietly.
you exchanged a glance with chaewon and were quick to dispel the maknae's doubts, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. chaewon merely watched, knowing you had it under control.
"it'll be okay. you'll do well, okay?" you whispered.
"what if i make a mistake?" eunchae murmured and you could hear the fear in her tone.
you chuckled. "you won't. if you really did, that's fine. you know i'll fight off everyone for you, don't you? don't think about it too much and just have fun."
you poked her sides, making her squirm and laugh. "if things go wrong, i've got your back, okay?" you whispered and squeezed her gently.
you looked at chaewon and pointed to the other girls, catching sakura's soft gaze as she watched you three. "we have your back."
eunchae sighed, not because she was frustrated or worried, but because she was confident. as eunchae melted against your embrace, chaewon pinched the precious maknae's cheeks.
you started messing around with eunchae so that she would relax and chaewon joined in. the staff watching cooed and took a video because seeing the leader and eldest dote on the maknae was too cute to pass up.
because the other half of the room was occupied by you three, the other half near the door was the only one who heard the knock. sakura opened the door, their manager standing nearby, and was surprised to see juyeon from the boyz standing at their door.
despite her confusion, sakura returned the boy's 90 degree bow. "yes? what can i help you with?"
juyeon blushed, embarrassment creeping up on him. "is… is y/n-ssi here?"
sakura's face turned sour as she realized where this was going, and she turned around, jumping, when she saw kazuha standing right behind her. yunjin, the only one still at hair and makeup but close enough to hear the question despite the loud laughter on the other side of the room, was staring intently at the door.
sakura returned her gaze to juyeon, smiling apologetically at the boy. "she's kinda busy right now."
that wasn't technically a lie because you were really busy making the maknae smile, but it wasn't entirely accurate either. juyeon shook his head, relieved that he wouldn't have to embarrass himself in front of you and disappointed that he didn't get to see you right away.
"can you please hand this to her?" 
juyeon handed her the bouquet of flowers, which she accepted and handed to their manager. before running away, the boy bowed and thanked her. sakura shut the door and exchanged glances with yunjin and kazuha, their manager walking away to put the bouquet somewhere else.
"who was that?" yunjin asked.
sakura shrugged. "juyeon from the boyz."
"he likes unnie, too?" kazuha queried, glancing at your crouching form. they watched chaewon help eunchae onto your back and unconsciously smiled when you grinned at the maknae's excited giggle as you stood.
"everyone does." yunjin answered, thanking the makeup artist as she was finally let out of her seat.
sakura let out a sigh. "expect a lot of her admirers to approach her tonight."
yunjin groaned, complaining that they should leave you alone, while kazuha made a mental note to be more observant later. to the relief of the staff, you finally summoned them and they rushed to join you.
you were dressed differently than them because you were going to perform with an idol as the show's opening number later on. because you wanted to surprise them, you didn't tell them who it was. when yunjin was close enough, her hand fell to rest on your bare waist as she stood behind you.
"y/n unnie looks so pretty." she mouthed the english compliment to the camera, smiling when you leaned against her as you conversed with your japanese members.
time flew by and the girls were soon called to take their seats at their assigned table. you were going to be alone because the performance would begin after everyone had taken their seats and the girls didn't want to leave you on your own.
"i'll join you in a bit, girls." you laughed as you were engulfed in a hug by kazuha and eunchae.
you looked at chaewon as they whined in response. despite the fact that she did not want to leave you, chaewon stepped in to help you.
"come on now. you want to see y/n unnie perform, right?"
that prompted the maknaes to pull away, but it took them a long time. when they did, you pinched eunchae's cheek and rested your other palm on kazuha's palm.
"i'll join you in a bit, yeah?"
the girls nodded and you smiled as they wished you good luck.
the girls soon found themselves sitting on a table near the stairs leading up to the stage. it hadn't even begun yet, but loud screams could already be heard throughout the area. the girls tried to interact with the fans by waving at them and they were met with squeals and the blur sound of their names being yelled.
then screams erupted again as it was announced that the show would begin in a few minutes and the lights on stage were turned off. the girls scanned the stage quickly and eunchae pointed to your silhouette as you approached the center, followed by another idol. 
they could tell he was a guy by his build.
the area was quickly filled with music and the spotlight was on you. the girls couldn't hear the noise of the crowd, only the music you were sexily dancing to. your dancing skill were impressive, but your expressions, smirk, wink, lip bite, and everything else left the girls speechless.
they couldn't take their eyes off you because every move you made hypnotized them. you cast a quick glance down at your girls and were concerned to see their mouths open, fearing they'd catch a fly. but you didn't let that stop you, instead sending them a wink that made them smile. 
while the others were amazed by you, eunchae was clapping excitedly.
however, they weren't the only ones who were sent into spirality and succumbed to your hypnotic gaze, but they'd have to deal with that later.
"holy shit." yunjin murmured.
"holy shit indeed." chaewon replied.
"wow." kazuha was too speechless to say anything else.
"so that's why she kept it a secret." sakura commented, smiling proudly.
"wah~ unnie is so amazing!" eunchae grinned, eyes following you as you approached the waiting silhouette behind you.
when they realized who it was, their smiles faded.
choi yeonjun.
he was the first to admit that he thinks you're really pretty while also admitting that you're his crush.
as part of the dance, yeonjun placed his hands on your hip. they didn't even try to hide their sour faces and they knew they'd go viral, but they didn't care.
chaewon leaned back in her seat, arms crossed. sakura tried to keep her gaze on you, but whenever yeonjun touched you, her gaze would shift to his hand. yunjin was staring at you and kazuha's brow twitched every now and then as his face got too close to yours. finally, eunchae was simply enjoying your performance, happy to see her mother figure in the group dancing on stage.
after the performance, you blew a kiss to the camera, causing more squeals, before looking down at the girls. when you looked them in the eyes, they lit up, and you winked just as the lights went out.
as you changed, the girls waited for you. they tried to pay attention to the speaker and whoever was performing, but they wanted to see you. they stood up to give you an excited wave when you finally appeared at the side of the stage. you chuckled and waved back, but your focus was diverted when yeonjun turned to face you as you approached the stairs.
surprisingly, kazuha had predicted his next move and almost ran up to where you were, followed by yunjin, who was surprised that kazuha had realized as well. you were surprised to see the american and japanese ballerina extending their hands to you, but you accepted and let them help you down.
"so? how was that?" you asked your members, who gave you big hugs.
the girls immediately showered you with compliments, saying how sexy you were and how great you did on stage. they obviously left out the part where yeonjun did well because he had touched you too many times, which they thought was unfortunate. yunjin wrapped her arm around your shoulders while kazuha wrapped hers around your waist.
the night went on and you sat between chaewon and eunchae. the maknae leaned against you for comfort as the leader placed her hand on your knee.
"i'm hungry." you whined softly to chaewon, who giggled at you.
"didn't we eat earlier?" she whispered back.
you pouted. "not enough."
sakura, yunjin, and kazuha all looked over at you, smiling at your adorable pout. yunjin reached over to pinch your cheeks while lightly laughing.
"no, really. me, too." eunchae said, backing you up, causing you to give her a high five.
sakura chuckled. eunchae was exactly like you, albeit a cuter version of yourself because you were the eldest and thus more mature. you can, however, be as cute as eunchae when you want to be.
sakura looked around at some point during the conversation about food, but then noticed san from ateez staring at you with a small smile on his lips. 
must be because of your pout, sakura thought. 
so she subtly adjusted her seat to block his view of you, a satisfied smile on her lips. yunjin looked at her, covering her lips as she laughed at sakura's actions.
but yunjin knew she'd do the same thing.
your group was then announced as the winner of an award. you were taken aback because you had been preoccupied with food the entire time. sakura noticed and laughed, drawing your attention to her. you pouted at her before turning your gaze to the steps and holding eunchae's hand. the other members were standing behind you two, hands outstretched, ready to assist you.
chaewon was the first to speak into the microphone and you stood next to her, holding the award. chaewon's gaze would occasionally return to you and you'd both share a soft smile.
yunjin spoke next, the speech now in english, and you stared in awe. being the touchy person she is, she placed her hand on your arm, pulling you closer so that you could showcase the award. 
kazuha was the last to go. as she stood in front of the microphone, she cast a glance at you. you knew she was nervous, so you wrapped an arm around her waist. kazuha was able to get through it thanks to your comfort and support.
however, just as kazuha finished speaking, the camera panned towards you before a certain male idol was shown on the large screen, caught as he stared in a daze while murmuring the word 'pretty.'
loud screams ensued and he hid his face behind his hands, receiving teasing smacks from his members. you looked at the screen, perplexed, and saw haechan from nct dream. you shrugged, not knowing what had happened and not wanting to know, and led the girls backstage.
the girls, on the other hand, were aware of what was going on. they threw a glance at nct dream's table, not caring if they were their seniors, but they did try to hide it. you called them over and they quickly followed you as you went to prepare for your performance.
during the performance, you would shoot the maknae a funny look whenever you had the chance and eunchae would just smile, breaking character. well, technically, she wasn't because she was always smiling. 
after that, you nearly collapsed on the chair as the adrenaline left your body and was replaced by mild exhaustion. kazuha sat next to you, her head on your shoulders, watching the others settle into their seats around the room.
"i did well, right?" kazuha murmured, referring to her solo part at the end of the performance.
you hummed and reached up to pat her cheek. "you did so well, my zuha."
with that, kazuha closed her eyes for a brief moment. you brought up the subject of food again with the staff and eunchae was quick to back you up. yunjin joined in this time, but the rest of the girls mostly just watched you talk about how hungry you were (listened, in kazuha's case).
you cheered loudly when they said okay, which was a quick response from them, not even a beat later, which surprised kazuha. "oop. sorry, zuha."
you caressed her face, mumbling apologies and searching for any hurt area on her skin. there were none, but because kazuha liked the way you doted on her, she let you do your thing.
"wait. we'd have to leave eunchae now, right?" chaewon's question had you pulling away from kazuha, eyes wide in disbelief.
you were disappointed when the managers nodded and pointed to the clock. "fuck curfew." you muttered in english.
yunjin, who was walking by, burst out laughing. they looked at her, puzzled, but she only pointed at you, laughing again when you smiled at her. kazuha heard you as well because she was sitting next to you, but she said nothing and just chuckled.
then you rose to embrace the pouting maknae. "i promise we'll be back."
eunchae gave a nod. "be quick?"
you smiled. "if i could, baby gorl, i would. please wait here, okay?"
eunchae gave you another nod, and the girls waved her goodbye. you were the last to leave, but not before waving to the grinning maknae.
the night progressed and the group was called on stage for another award shortly after you returned from backstage. this time, it was just you to give a speech, and while you were doing so, the girls scanned the crowd of idols. 
they noticed that there were far too many of them smiling. it was small because they were trying to conceal it, but it was still a smile. yunjin moved in closer, wrapping an arm around your waist. you only gave her a passing glance before continuing your speech.
then you called out to eunchae, prompting the girls to do the same. "hong eunchae! we love you, baby. please wait a moment."
eunchae was smiling backstage, already missing her unnies. "i love you, too." she murmured the sentiment in english, causing the staff around her to coo.
and the awards ceremony was soon finally over. 
the sigh that left your mouth caused chaewon to laugh at you. "what? i'm just glad it's finally over." you whispered in her ear.
"idiot. come on."
you were on stage with your members and the other groups who came. as you walked with them, you wrapped your arms around sakura, keeping her close to you because you didn't want her to be swallowed up by the crowd.
"i want to eat japanese food." you told her.
"me, too. do you want me to cook tomorrow?" sakura asked.
you hummed, finding delight at the idea. "sure, kkura, but let me help."
the japanese chuckled. "i'm sure even if i told you otherwise, you'd still help."
you looked down at her and raised your brows in amusement. "not that you'd say no to me either."
sakura didn't respond, but the smile on her face said it all: she can't say no to your adorable face.
you both paused, however, when someone tripped in front of you. you widened your eyes and extended one hand to assist whoever it was. the guy accepted it and you recognized him as jay from enhypen, one of your labelmates.
he blushed when your eyes met because, goddamn, he'd seen you up close before and you never cease to amaze him with your beauty and kindness.
the girls kept an eye on him while bowing back to his members, who were on the verge of laughing and were also deeply embarrassed by his actions. you patted his shoulders and smiled goodbye before walking away, the girls trailing you like lost puppies.
and that concludes the evening's events.
or so the girls thought.
when you saw eunchae waiting for you outside, you pick up your pace. "manchae!" you called out affectionately.
the girls slowed down to allow you to spend time with the girl you claimed as your child and they ran over when you waved them over. you and eunchae were squished in the group hug and you laughed before calling for timeout.
"air, babes. we need air." you stated, causing them to pull away.
"sorry." they said in unison, chaewon fixing your hair and yunjin doing the same for eunchae.
"we missed you." sakura told the maknae, who beamed. "me, too."
"we're eating out, right?" you asked.
yunjin nodded. "yeah."
"where?" chaewon asked, causing yunjin to light up and point at you.
when you raised your brow at her unintentional suggestive action, yunjin quickly retracted her finger, explaining what she meant. "unnie, we discovered this restaurant last week!"
your mouth formed the letter 'o'. "that's right! we should give it a shot." you told the girls.
when you went to explain where it was, a voice from behind you interrupted you. "uhm, excuse me?"
when you turned around, hyunjin from stray kids greeted you with a bow, which you promptly returned because he was your senior. behind you, the girls stood guard, with kazuha reaching out to clutch the back of your outfit.
you gave a warm smile. "yes?"
hyunjin blushed at your attention and threw a sideward glance towards where the rest of his members stood, cheering him on. you were confused as to what was going on, but you waited for the boy to speak. he looked back at you and cleared his throat before handing you an envelope.
you accepted it and smiled. "what's this for?"
"i, uhm, like you and i was hoping to... maybe get your number?" the boy sounded hesitant, but he decided to shoot his shot.
he was attractive, and you were aware of his talent, but dating was not on your mind at the time. you opened your mouth to reject him as gently as you could, but chaewon cut you off.
"we're sorry, but we can't give out our phone numbers."
"ah, it's okay. i'm just happy i could tell you, y/n-ssi." hyunjin's face showed his disappointment, but he still smiled at her and you. 
meanwhile, your face dropped at your leader's interruption and you were side-eyeing chaewon, who quickly avoided your gaze. everyone got chills and did the same thing as chaewon, suddenly finding their shoes, hands, or the wall in front of them more interesting.
they recognized that look and knew that hell would await them once they entered that room.
although chaewon was the leader, you were the eldest. being the eldest and most mature, you took pride in it. when she interrupted, it stung your pride.
you smiled at hyunjin and decided to play along for the time being. "of course. sorry and thank you, i appreciate it."
you exchanged bows and watched the downcast guy walk back to his members, who comforted him with a pat on the back. you entered the room without looking anyone in the eyes. before following you, the girls gulped and exchanged nervous glances.
the staff knew they couldn't get involved, so they sat it out.
"what was that?"
the girls saw you taking off your accessories in front of the mirror. your face was emotionless, which scared eunchae because it reminded her of the time you got mad and she decided she didn't want to see you mad again.
"care to explain?" you threw them a brief glance, mostly at chaewon, and they were shaken up again by the intense look in your eyes.
the leader took a deep breath. "we just... didn't want you to give him your phone number."
"and you thought interrupting me was a good idea?" you asked, and chaewon went to speak, but you turned around to face them. "didn't you trust me enough to not do that?"
while the other girls panicked, chaewon quickly shook her head. sakura decided to intervene after noticing chaewon about to cry, which you had noticed, but you needed answers first.
"when i say i didn't want other people to get your attention, i think i speak for everyone." sakura said.
as you stared at sakura, you remained silent. your brows furrowed and the gears in your head were finally turning to bring you to realization.
the girls waited with baited breaths as yunjin drew chaewon closer to her, providing the comfort their poor leader required. kazuha was also behind her, rubbing her back. 
chaewon was grateful for them, but she needed yours.
your leader looked you in the eyes and watched you sigh and close your eyes.
"so, to cut a long story short, you were jealous?"
thinking you were still mad, they nodded.
"i see." you said, opening your arms now that your questions had been answered. they were hesitant to approach you at first, but you called out to your leader. "chaewon-ah."
your sweet tone caused chaewon to run to you, knocking the air out of your lungs, but you didn't care for the time being. you stroked her back with one hand while resting the other on her head. you knew she was trying hard not to cry when you heard her sniffle quietly against your shoulder.
the thing she despised the most was you getting angry at her.
it goes the same with the others.
"i'm sorry, my love." you said quietly and chaewon nodded. "i'm sorry, unnie."
you hummed and gave an apologetic smile to eunchae. "did i scare you?"
you waved her over after the maknae nodded. chaewon stepped back to let you hug eunchae, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. yunjin approached you and kissed the side of your head as she apologized. because eunchae wouldn't let go of you, kazuha went to cling to your sleeve instead.
"you're really scary when you're angry, unnie." kazuha said, tugging on your outfit as a way to ground herself after the fright you've instilled in them all.
you smiled, humming. "i'm sorry, my zuha, everyone."
everyone took a moment to calm down, and when eunchae pulled away, you apologized by briefly hugging sakura, yunjin, and kazuha before turning to chaewon, who remained silent. she'd calmed down, but she remained silent.
"call them in? let me just talk to chae real quick." you said quietly to sakura, who nodded.
you approached chaewon and hugged her, pushing her to the corner of the room, away from their gaze. chaewon wrapped her arms around your waist and buried her face in your neck.
"are you mad at me?" you asked.
chaewon shook her head. "no, why would i?"
"i'm sorry for acting that way." you murmured in her hair.
"it's not your fault, unnie." she reassured and pulled back to look in your eyes.
you wiped the stray tears from her cheek and planted a small kiss on her brow. "i love you, okay? you and the girls. you have my undivided attention at all times and in all places, hm?"
chaewon nodded and rested her forehead against your jaw. "i love you, too."
"good. trust me, okay?"
she nodded.
"and please do not interrupt me again."
chaewon knew you were no longer mad when your tone was laced with a playful sound and added by the playful raise of your brow. she laughed and nodded, knowing they'd all remember not to interrupt you again in their lives.
when you left the corner, you immediately got changed. and when you came out wearing your favorite sweatpants and hoodie, kazuha was the first to greet you. the japanese ballerina melted in your arms and you swayed her to the song yunjin was singing.
"don't get mad again. ever."
you laughed at that, squeezing her. "i'd try not to, my zuha."
you approached yunjin, who lit up when she saw you. still singing along to the song on her phone, she grabbed you by the hips and pulled you into her lap.
"hey, love~ you're not mad at us anymore, right?" yunjin asked. 
she sounded playful, but when she switched to english, you knew she was serious and just trying to clear the air between you two. you nodded and stroked her cheek with one finger.
"yes, jen. don't worry."
you leaned against the american for a moment, opening your arms for sakura. she plopped down on you without hesitation, ignoring yunjin's groan. the force surprised the american, who you knew was strong enough to support you two.
"you gave us quite the scare." sakura muttered.
"i know, i'm sorry." you murmured, planting a kiss on her shoulder.
you three remained silent after that. the staff were wary, but the way you slept on yunjin with sakura in your arms assured them that everything was fine. you awoke to sakura tapping your cheek and yunjin caressing the skin beneath your hoodie.
"time to go, y/n/n. come on."
you found yourself in between chaewon and eunchae, the two members you scared the most tonight. they were both leaning against your shoulders, playing with your fingers. you gave them a kiss on the head, and the way chaewon closed her eyes, a contented sigh leaving her lips, and eunchae burying herself in your embrace told you that everything would be fine.
the other girls smiled, relieved to see you weren't mad anymore and had made up with them.
"go sleep. i'll wake you up once when we get there." they complied and were knocked out like a light.
you looked out the window, your thoughts racing. you let out a sigh. that explains their behavior earlier tonight. you thought it was nothing, but it turns out it did mean something.
for the time being, it appears that you will not be dating anyone.
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nikko note: hi, everyone! many liked the first ot5 fic i made, so i decided to write another one. i might be busy until next week because of school shit, so wish me luck TT i hope you like this one! but i'll definitely be back with another fic because there are tons in my drafts, so see you!
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
The Talk
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Pairing - Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell x daughter!reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Mitchell!reader
Word count - 2,701
Warnings - mentions of sex, lil' splash of angst, fluff
Summary - you and Bradley near the next step in your relationship, however, you worry about it
Sequel to - 'Overprotective Aviators'
A/N - what is up y'all? I appear once more to offer y'all a fic that was a lovely anon request! I had so much fun writing this and I hope I did the idea justice! I won't ramble so as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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It had been almost one year since Bradley asked you out on a date and your relationship was still going strong. It took your dad a good week or so to actually process the fact you were dating his best friend’s son but after a long talk with Bradley which ended with Bradley ensuring he’d do his best by you and wouldn’t break your heart; your dad accepted it. Though it didn’t stop him from insisting you kept your PDA to a minimum when you were in his immediate vicinity.
The further into the relationship you got with Bradley, you started to get more intimate, lingering touches lasted longer than usual. You hadn’t had sex with Bradley, but your mind was screaming at you that you were getting clear signs you were nearing that step in your relationship. You were sure Bradley had much more relationship experience than you. He had girlfriends before he got with you, but Bradley was your first relationship. You had never been massively popular in high school so many boys didn’t look your way. Even if you did have boys throwing themselves at your feet, you were sure your dad would’ve chased them away sharpish.
Carole had quickly caught onto the changes that happened with you. She noticed how you and Bradley were more touchy than usual. How you often went off seeking privacy with him more often than not. She knew Maverick and Goose hadn’t picked up on the changes. She loved the two men dearly, but she knew there wasn’t a thought that occurred in their heads most of the time. She also knew that she should have a conversation with you, woman to woman.
One day, when Bradley was out with Maverick and Goose, working on repairs on the P-51 Mustang Maverick had found himself in possession of, Carole had headed over to your house, knocking on the door and greeting you with a smile.
“Hey, sweetie. Could we have a chat?” Carole asks as you invite her in, following you into the living room and sitting on the sofa as you nod.
“Of course. Is everything okay?” You reply, sitting down on the sofa, leaving a little gap between both you and her as your mind begins to race with worst-case scenarios.
“I just wanted to have a chat with you, woman to woman.” Carole says softly, taking one of your hands in hers and squeezing it softly. You remained silent, confused about what she was getting at.
“Now, sweetheart, I’ve noticed some changes with you and Bradley, and something is telling me you two are nearing that step where you are going to have sex for the first time.” Carole says, getting straight to the point as you feel your face get hot very suddenly.
“What? Carole, I don’t-”
“y/n, don’t bother denying it. I have eyes you know. It’s okay if you want to take that next step together.” Carole says, not letting you try and hide behind a lie. You remain silent for a moment, processing her words and thinking about your own doubts.
“I’m scared.” You admit quietly, dropping your head as Carole squeezes your hand softly, getting you to look at her.
“What are you scared of, sweetie?” Carole asks softly, her gaze never leaving you. She was all too aware that you didn’t have any kind of maternal figure in your life, so she always did her best to be a trusted woman in your life, especially since your dad had a tendency to sleep around and never get in a relationship.
“Bradley’s been in more relationships than me. He probably knows what to do and what not to do with things like that. I’m scared I’m not good enough for him.” You confess, blinking back the tears that threaten to spill past your defences as Carole coos quietly, bringing you into her arms as she rubs a hand up and down your back as she holds you tight.
“Oh y/n/n. You don’t need to worry about that. Bradley is most definitely head over heels for you. I know taking steps like this is scary, but communication is key in relationships, sweetie. Goose and I have to have conversations about things. Every couple needs communication, it’s what keeps relationships afloat. You don’t even need to have the conversation the next time you see him if it doesn’t feel right. Just make sure you do talk about it. I’m sure if you spoke to him, he’d understand. If he doesn’t then just know he’d have some hell to deal with because I did not raise him to be that way.” Carole says, pulling away and grinning when she notices the small smile creeping onto your face. You knew she was right, that relationships required communication and if you just spoke to Bradley, you were sure everything would be okay. Before you could say another word, you hear the front door unlock and Maverick announce his return with Goose and Bradley entering behind.
“Honey, what are you doing here?” Goose says the moment he sees Carole in the living room, immediately sweeping her up into his arms and pressing a delicate kiss upon her lips.
“Just wanted to keep y/n company while you men were gone.” Carole says, grinning up at her husband with loving eyes. Bradley then squeezes past his parents and sits alongside you, pulling you into a quick kiss.
“Hey, don’t push your luck, Bradshaw.” Maverick scolds as you and Bradley pull away from the kiss, smiling softly at each other.
“Dad.” You mutter, glancing over at Maverick who holds his hands up in mock surrender.
“Let’s go sit in the garden, the weather’s beautiful.” Bradley says, tugging you to your feet and leading you to the back door to head out into the garden as the adults watch with soft smiles. The second the two of you are out of sight, Carole turns to Maverick.
“Mav, we need to talk. Alone.”
“Wha- don’t you want to include me in this conversation too, honey?” Goose splutters, looking between Maverick and his wife.
“Nick, honey, I love you, but this is a Maverick thing. Besides, I know he’ll tell you the second the two of you are left alone.” Carole says, looking up at her husband and patting his cheek lovingly as he pouts lightly. Carole then grabs Maverick’s wrist, tugging him into the privacy of the kitchen and turning to face him the moment she hears Goose turning on the tv to occupy himself.
“What did you need to talk about, Carole?” Maverick says, leaning back against the kitchen counter with folded arms.
“You need to speak to your daughter.” Carole says bluntly looking at Maverick who blinks in shock.
“I literally spoke to her a minute ago.” Maverick starts, confused as to where Carole was going with this conversation.
“No. Your daughter is growing up Pete. And growing up means that when she gets into a serious relationship, she’s going to take that big step when she’s ready.” Carole says, watching as Maverick’s eyes narrow in confusion before widening in realisation.
“You don’t mean…” Maverick starts, knowing where Carole was going but hoping he was wrong.
“Sex? Yes, I do mean that.” Carole says as Maverick glances out the kitchen window, seeing you and Bradley curled up together in the hammock.
“I- are you- how did you find out?” Maverick manages to force out, looking back at Carole who bites back an amused grin at Maverick being rendered almost speechless for the first time in his life.
“I spoke to her, woman to woman. I gave her a little advice, but her dad needs to give her the rest.” Carole says, watching as Maverick’s shoulders slacken.
“You’ve given her some advice, why can’t you give her the rest? I’m not a woman.” Maverick says, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Pete, I may be a woman but you’re her father. You’re the only parent she has, and she needs her dad to talk to her about this whether you like it or not. She needs you to teach her how to be safe when it comes to sex. I know it's an awkward conversation, believe me, I know. How do you think Goose fared when we gave the talk to Bradley? He couldn’t get a full sentence out, I think he stopped functioning altogether. I know it’s tough when you realise your kid is growing up, but they still need our love and support regardless of their growing independence. Just talk to her Mav.” Carole says, resting a hand on Maverick’s upper arm as she gives him a soft smile. Maverick sighs lightly, but nods his head regardless, looking down at the tiled kitchen floor.
“I’ll talk to her.” Maverick says as he shifts his gaze to look back up at Carole who pats his arm.
“Good. Now, let’s get back to Goose, he might go insane if he’s alone any longer.” Carole laughs lightly, turning around and opening the kitchen door and heading into the living room while Maverick remains rooted in place for a moment, thinking over how to approach the conversation with you, re-joining Carole, and Goose once he had collected his thoughts.
That evening, after the Bradshaw’s had headed home for the night, Maverick was sitting alongside you on the sofa as you watched the tv. Carole’s words echoed around Maverick’s head as he glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. Without warning, Maverick grabbed the remote and muted the tv, ignoring your protests.
“y/n, we need to talk.” Maverick starts, and you immediately have a feeling that you know where this is going.
“Did you speak to Carole?” You ask, fiddling with your fingers as you look down at your hands.
“I’d say she cornered me into the kitchen and spoke to me. But yes, we spoke.” Maverick says after letting out a weak chuckle.
“Dad, I-”
“Squirt, you’re going to need to let me talk, okay?” Maverick politely interrupts, shuffling around to face you properly.
“Carole told me that you reckon that you and Bradley are nearing that next step in your relationship. I need to make sure you know how to be safe when you do make that step. You need to know you have the right to say no if you don’t want to have sex. Don’t let yourself feel pressured into saying yes if you don’t want to. As long as you’re safe and know you have the right to say ‘no’, you’ll be fine. I just want you to be safe.” Maverick says, making you look up at him before he offers you a soft smile before he reaches out, wraps an arm around your shoulders and tugs you into his side.
“Bradley won’t force me to do anything, will he?” You ask, looking up at your dad who softens.
“No, sweetheart. As much as I like to pretend that he annoys me because he’s dating you, I know he’s so in love with you and Goose and Carole raised him to be nothing but respectful. It’s just important that you know that you can say no if you don’t want to have sex.” Maverick assures, rubbing a hand up and down your back before pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you nod against his side.
“I really love Bradley. I’m scared I’m not good enough for him because I don’t have as much relationship experience as him.” You admit quietly, curling further into your dad’s arms like you were little again.
“Oh, y/n/n. Like I said, Bradley is hopelessly in love with you. He’s as in love with you as Goose is in love with Carole. You have nothing to worry about.” Maverick reassures, squeezing you lightly.
“Carole said a similar thing.” You say as you laugh lightly to yourself as you remember Carole’s words from earlier. Maverick didn’t reply, opting to stay silent and relish the feeling of you curled in his arms. He knew you were growing more independent by the day, and that you would reach a point where you wouldn’t want to find solace in your father’s arms anymore, so he relished any moment he got with you.
“I love you, dad.” You mumble, smiling to yourself when you feel your dad press another kiss to the top of your head.
“I love you too, y/n.” Maverick whispers as you return your attention to the muted television, planning on how to approach Bradley with the conversation.
The time for you to speak to Bradley came a couple of days later, Maverick and Goose were at Top Gun, teaching, and Carole was out visiting some friends, so you had gone around to Bradley’s house. The two of you were upstairs in his room and sat on his bed as you kissed each other passionately. As you pulled away, resting your foreheads against each other, Bradley’s hand brushed against your thigh as he moved to set it on your hip. You tensed up at the contact and Bradley noticed, immediately pulling away and looking at you worriedly.
“Are you okay?” Bradley asked, his eyes searching yours as you silently scold yourself for flinching at Bradley’s touch. You’d never flinched at his touch before, but you knew why you had done so. It was time to have the conversation you were most fearing.
“Bradley, I feel like we’re getting close to that step in our relationship where we… you know… have sex and I’m going to be honest; I’m terrified I’m not going to be good enough for you. You’ve been in relationships before, and I don’t know how well I measure up to old girlfriends you had.” You ramble, opening your mouth to speak more but being stopped by Bradley gently resting a finger on your lips to silence you.
“Honey, let me talk for a moment, okay? It’s okay if you don’t have much relationship experience, we all start somewhere. I don’t know everything about relationships. I love you, and there’s no rush about anything. We don’t have to have sex or anything unless we’re both ready. There’s no rush for anything. Yes, we’re getting a bit more intimate but that doesn’t mean we have to be leaping into anything if we’re not ready. We can take it slow, that’s more than okay.” Bradley says, his gentle smile never leaving his face as he speaks, his finger moving from your lip so he can cup your face gently, his smile widening as you leaned into his touch.
“I love you too Bradley. Sorry for blurting all that out, I’ve just been panicking for a couple of days.” You apologise, attempting to bury your face in his palm. Bradley carefully removes his hand so he can see you properly.
“There’s my beautiful girl. It’s okay. I’m glad we talked about this. My parents always tell me that communication is important. I also want to be sure you know you can always come to me to talk if you need to.” Bradley says softly, leaning in and pressing his forehead to yours as a smile breaks out across your face.
“And you can always talk to me if you need.” You say, quickly leaning closer to press a quick kiss to Bradley’s lips. Just as you pull away, Bradley grabs your waist and pulls you back in, kissing you again as you bite back a giggle at your boyfriend’s sudden movement.
“Is this okay?” Bradley asks as he pulls away, his eyes flicking down to his hands before looking back up at you.
“More than okay.” You confirm, kissing him once more until the need for air becomes too much.
“As much as I’d love to keep kissing you. I had a date idea. There’s that new mini-golf place that has just opened along the beach. I was thinking we could go there and test it out, a bit of fun and competition.” Bradley says after pulling away and a cheeky smile crosses his face.
“I hope you’re ready to lose Bradshaw.” You say, a smirk covering your face.
“In your dreams, Mitchell.”
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flowersandbigteeth · 9 months
Meeting your changeling BF: pt 8
General Plot: You arrive in Darkbell and meet the king
Word Count: 3.5K
Changeling (Clark) x f nymph reader
TW: yandere behavior, sfw fluff, magic
Previous parts and more nsfw monsters here
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The troubling thoughts were scrubbed from your mind when you reached the gates of Darkbell. They were massive, rising up several stories and made of some gleaming white metal. 
“Amazing, hm? The gates of Darkbell have never been breached. The citizens have lived safely inside for centuries.” Clark said, pulling your horse to the side where there was a smaller entrance with a night elf guard. 
“State your business,” he barked, not at all friendly. 
Clark opened his jacket and pulled out some document. 
“I’ve been sent by the Mage’s Chamber to answer your request,” he said. 
The night elf examined the document carefully, then looked at you, his glowing violet eyes skeptical. 
“What about her? Doesn’t say anything in here about a nymph,” he said. 
Clark sighed and rolled his eyes. 
“For Goddess’s sake,” he grumbled. “No one is trying to break into your bloody cave. She’s my wife! Why else do you think I’m carrying around a nymph?” 
He pulled out the two little booklets the administrator had given you to mark your marriage and showed them to the elf. The guard didn’t seem the least bit moved by Clark’s tirade, but handed his documents back and waved you through. 
“Proceed straight to the castle,” he said as you passed. 
Clark mocked him in silence when you were out of his view. 
“Be nice,” you said, smacking him lightly on his arm. 
“You are too sweet, my love,” he said, nuzzling your ear. 
You gasped at your first vision of Darkbell. Clark’s description did not do it justice. The city was stunning. The homes and businesses were cut directly into a shimmering blue stone, flecked with sparkles that looked like stars. Gravity defying aquaducts wound around the buildings delivering water in sparkling waterfalls to various ponds and wells tucked in walled gardens. The paths were lined with blocks of the same gleaming white metal as the gates. There weren’t just glowing mushrooms, there were bioluminescent vines and flowers climbing every vertical surface and clusters of gently pulsing fungus crowded the corners. 
Night elves moved elegantly through the neighborhoods, their skin a similar blue to the buildings but their eyes glowing a rainbow of colors– blue, green, pink, and violet. The cave was relatively dim, but you could still see quite well with tall illuminated fungus growing along the avenue like street lamps. 
At the far end of the massive expanse that was the city, a lovely sparkling castle sat at the top of hundreds of stairs. It appeared to be carved from blue and purple crystals that were hundreds of feet tall. Even more crystals arranged almost like stonehenge circled the main building. As you approached, your eyes followed two of the aquaducts emptying into a wide river that bisected the city. It was clear and still as glass with massive white fish with no eyes gracefully swirling their long fins below the smooth surface. 
“How pretty,” you breathed, your eyes eating it up like candy. 
“It is a little pretty,” he agreed, guiding your horse along the widest road towards the castle. 
You had to dismount in front of another surly guard at the base of the castle. 
“King Khelvan is expecting you,” he said, carefully examining all of our documents again. “Proceed.” 
“The king,” you whispered as Clark took your hand to lead you up the staircase. “I’ve never met a king before! What do I do?” 
He chuckled. 
“Just let me talk with him,” he assured you. “Be polite and bow when you approach, that’s all. Don’t be hurt if he’s a little rude, all these elves are cold to outsiders.” 
You were expecting an old King with lots of wrinkles and maybe a long beard, but that wasn’t who was sitting on the throne. The night elf was incredibly handsome and appeared to be close your your age with oddly familiar glowing green eyes. A sweep of long blue hair fell over wide, strong shoulders. He was dressed in a robe that looked to be woven from silver thread only accentuated his graceful features. A single silver circlet rested on his head. 
To either side of you, what must have been his court, peered at the two of you, whispering amongst themselves. 
“Greetings your Magesty,” Clark said with a practiced flourish as he bowed. 
The king’s eyes met yours for a moment and while Clark was looking down, he winked at you! The edge of his lip lifted just slightly as he looked you up and down. Your cheeks burned and since you were standing there staring, Clark grabbed your wrist and pulled you down with him. 
“Rise Mage and state your business,” the king said, his tone neutral though his voice was very smooth and deep. 
“I’m Clark Septos and this is my lovely wife (Y/N). We arrived to answer your request for an investigation,” Clark said. “You wrote there was a wraith haunting your halls, causing trouble. The Mage’s Chamber humbly offers my services to hopefully find some solution.” 
The king rose from his seat and glided down the set of stairs that separated the two of you from the throne. He circled the both of you, taking your measure. 
“A changeling and a nymph,” he hummed. “What an interesting match.” 
“I’m very fortunate,” Clark said, smiling at you warmly. “The goddess blessed me with a wife as sweet as she is beautiful.” 
“Hm,” he said, then turned and walked down a side hall. “Let’s discuss the matter in my library.” 
You stuck close to Clark as you followed him. The inside of the castle was just as beautiful as the outside. Everything from the chairs to the shelves was carved from faceted crystal. 
He led you into a smaller room with a massive, sparkling desk and took his seat behind it, gesturing for the two of you to take the ones on the opposite side. 
“As my request explained,” he started as soon as you were settled. “There’s a wraith on the loose. I’m not sure who conjured it or why, but it seems to have some vindictive mission. Things and people have gone missing, relics destroyed, and no matter what spells we cast they simply aren’t strong enough to excorcise the creature. I assure you, we would not have summoned you had we been able to handle the situation ourselves.” 
Clark pulled out a small notebook to write notes. 
“Does it speak or communicate?” he asked. 
King  Khelvan nodded. 
“It goes on about some betrayal that occurred,” he said. “I have no idea what injustice they refer to. I’ve searched the library and asked the elders, but no one can come up with anything.” 
“When and where does it tend to appear?” 
Khelvan thought for a moment. 
“It seems to like hanging around the Queen’s chambers. I, of course, have yet to choose a Queen so they are unoccupied, but maids and guards maintain the rooms. There are also many artifacts and heirlooms there that will become the property of the Queen when she is crowned,” he explained. “It’s her items that disappear. It took a scrying mirror, a painting, and a fan that has been passed through generations. There may have been other things I have yet to notice.” 
“What was the painting of?” Clark asked. 
“A princess,” he said. 
“What princess?” 
“No one of note.” 
“Hmm,” Clark hummed. “I’ll have to investigate the area to find out more.” 
“Yes, of course,” Khelvan responded with a tip of his head, then his glowing eyes flicked to you. “I can keep your wife company while you work. This wraith is much too dangerous for a fair nymph. My guards will escort you to the Queen’s halls.” 
Clark frowned deeply and seemed to be wrestling with the idea in his head, but finally caution won out. 
“Yes,” he admitted. “It would be unwise to risk (Y/N)’s safety with a wraith I’ve yet to see.” 
“But-” you started and he shook his head, shushing you. 
“You’ll be safe here,” he said. “I won’t be long.” 
You were nervous about him leaving, but he gave you a comforting kiss on the forehead before he joined the guards standing outside. 
“Would you like a glass of wine to ease your nerves?” Khelvan asked. 
You didn’t really drink, but you didn’t want to be rude, either so you nodded. 
He poured you some rich, red liquid from a decanter and placed the silver goblet in your hand. 
“How did you come to be the wife of a changeling mage?” he asked as he retook his seat. “Most nymphs stay in the old wood. I’ve only met one other that busied herself with our affairs.” 
“It’s kind of a complicated story,” you admitted. “But I adore Clark. He’s been my anchor and my protector through a very confusing time.” 
“I’m sure he would guard such a treasure fiercely,” he mused, smiling at you. 
You found yourself getting lost in his eyes. They were an intense chartreuse, like sun filtering through the leaves of summer trees. 
“Have we met before, you majesty?” you asked. 
You knew it was a silly question, you’d only been in this world a few days, but he seemed so familiar. 
He didn’t answer, likely because it was obviously foolish, taking a sip of his drink. 
“Does he treat you well, provide for you?” he asked, instead. 
“Oh yes, we have a pretty house in Leotolas and a garden. He’s given me some gold to buy what I need,” you said. “He’s an excellent provider.” 
“Leotolas is lovely,” he hummed. “But it can’t compare to Darkbell, can it?” 
You blushed. Darkbell was beautiful, but you wouldn’t compare the two. Of course, you’d never admit that as he was the king. 
“Darkbell is amazing,” you said. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” 
He smiled, revealing straight, white teeth framed by pointy canines. 
“I’m glad you think so,” he said. 
He stood, crossing the room and lifting your hand. 
“Has your mage taught you any magic?” he asked and you weren’t sure how to answer. 
“Well not him exactly,” you admitted, “but his boss taught me how to access my own magic.” 
He nodded, the corners of his eyes wrinkling with a smile. 
“Can I teach you a spell?” he asked. “It’s not that difficult.” 
“Oh yes! That’d be wonderful!” you gasped. “What kind of spell?” 
“This spell is very special. It let’s you glimpse a memory of the person you touch,” he explained. 
Suddenly you were standing in your old bedroom looking in the mirror. You were putting on earrings, singing some song, and dancing around as you dressed. You looked at your phone and there was a picture of a guy you used to know with the message. 
“Is this good for a date? I have no idea how to dress! Help!” 
“Looks good!” you typed. “You look handsome in anything you wear!”
You remembered this moment. It was right before you went on a date with your first boyfriend. Looking around, you found Khelvan standing next you. 
“Ah, so you are a traveler. Pretty outfit,” he said winking, then glanced around your room. “What an interesting world you lived in.” 
He looked at the phone in your hand. 
“What fascinating magic,” he hummed. 
You felt something like a rush of wind and you were back in his library. 
“How did you do that?” you gasped and he chuckled. 
“I’m going to teach you,” he said. “First you have to reach out to the goddess of time and ask for a trade. One memory of their’s for one of your own. That’s the reason you can’t use the spell too often, you’d lose lots of memories. It doesn’t have to be a special memory, just one you have a very clear vision of.
The goddess’s name is Edenta. Focus on her name and try to draw the memory you are willing to trade to your mind. Once you have them in your thoughts, touch your subject and ask for the memory you’d like to see. You have to be relatively specific or she will show you whatever is closest to what you asked for. You can experiment on me.” 
You blinked at him.
“You’re sure you’re okay with me digging around in your memories?” you asked and he laughed. 
“I can help you choose one if you like,” he offered. 
“Yes, I don’t want to see anything too private,” you admitted and he gave you a soft look. 
“So considerate and kind,” he murmured. “What about…? My first date, since I saw yours?”
Your eyes widened. 
“Kings date?” you asked, making him laugh harder. 
“It was arranged by my father, but yes,” he said. “Come on now, quit stalling. Close your eyes.” 
You took a deep breath and did as Khelvan had asked. The moment your mind formed the goddess’s name, it felt like the air got cooler and the glowing shape of a woman appeared in your mind’s eye. It was impossible to focus on her directly, she seemed to be shifting between forms before your eyes.
“Greetings nymph, why have you summoned me?” she asked, her voice many different voices all at once. 
“I wish to trade a memory for a memory,” you said, your words echoing in the space inside your head. 
“What have you to offer me?” she asked and you focused your thoughts on an unpleasant memory you’d rather forget. 
It was when that boyfriend dumped you for your friend. You felt Edenta’s derision. 
“You offer such a miserable memory,” she huffed, “but it will pay the price. What do you wish to see?” 
“Khelvan’s first date,” you said and the moment the words were expressed she disappeared. 
Khelvan had never put down your hand, so you didn’t have to do anything else. You were suddenly in the very court where you’d been introduced. Khelvan was much younger and an older man, who looked very similar was standing with his hand on his shoulder. 
“I don’t want to do this, father,” he grumbled, but his dad smacked the back of his head, causing him to stumble forward. 
“Don’t be rude to Tria, her family has traveled far to organize this match,” he snapped. 
You looked behind you to find the girl he was rejecting. She was a beautiful night elf, dressed in an elaborate gold gown. She looked no more pleased to be standing before him. 
“Fine,” he grumbled, taking a few steps forward to give Tria a stiff bow. “Greetings Tria of Anore.” 
She returned one just as stiff. 
“I’m in your hands, Khelvan of Darkbell,” she muttered. 
The moment was so awkward you wished to be anywhere else and blinked, finding yourself in the library again. You looked up at Khelvan, amazed it had worked. 
“Did I do it?” you asked and he nodded. 
“Yes, you completed the spell perfectly. Apologies my first date was not as pleasant as yours,” he said and you shook your head. 
“Things are very different for you, you’re a king,” you said, pulling your hand away. 
“They were,” he said, leaning against his desk. “But now that I am king, I can make my own choices as to who I make my Queen.” 
“Why haven’t you found one yet?” you asked, then your ears burned at your stupidity. “Oh…ah…I’m sorry, you’re majesty, that was rude of me. I shouldn’t question your decisions.” 
He shrugged and smiled at you. 
“Perhaps I have found her,” he said. “I only need to woo her. Hopefully, more successfully than Tria.” 
You offered him a genuine smile, at that. 
“That’s wonderful,” you said. “I wish for your happiness.”
“Come,” he said, rising and holding out his arm for you. “Let me show you the garden. There’s no reason to stay cooped up in this dusty library while your changeling does his work.” 
You were sure Clark wouldn’t like you hanging on another man’s elbow, but Khelvan was the king and you didn’t want to offend him. So, you looped your arm around his and followed him through the castle. 
The garden was stunning. There were crystal fountains with sculptures that looked like they were made from ice. Flowers and fruit trees filled the space with color and sang to you a sweet song. 
“It’s amazing flowers bloom in the darkness like this,” you commented, your hand hovering over a bloom. 
“You can touch it,” he said, but you shook your head, standing. 
“Trust me,” you laughed. “I’m still getting used to my magic. You don’t want to have to hack back the vines I create when I touch plants.” 
He chuckled, tipping his head in thanks for your honesty. 
“I’m very curious about your old world,” he said, waving you to a bench in front of a fountain shaped the like white fish you’d seen spitting water. 
You shrugged. 
“It was noisy, dirty, and generally…unpleasant,” you said. “There was not magic like here. There was science that made our conveniences, but every convenience had a cost.” 
He nodded, thoughtfully. 
“All magic has a cost, as well,” he commented.
You thought about this for a moment. 
“Yes,” you agreed. “Channeling the whisperer can be…painful, but I’m working on it.” 
While you sat in the garden, Khelvan spoke to you about the history of Darkbell and a few humorous stories about his childhood. 
An hour later, Clark returned with his escorts. When he saw you sitting together he frowned, tugging you away from Khelvan and giving you a kiss. 
“I missed you love, did you miss me?” he asked, trying to sound easy but you could tell he was annoyed. 
“Of course I missed you. I always miss you when you are away,” you beamed, “His majesty has been telling me about the history of Darkbell. It’s very interesting.” 
He made a noise in the back of his throat and glared at Khelvan. 
“What are your impressions?” Khelvan asked, unmoved by Clark’s hostility. “Did you find the wraith?” 
“Yes,” he said tightly. “From what I could garner your wraith is royalty. I tried to speak with it, using my methods to draw out its story. It has some vendetta, perhaps about the girl in the portrait. It’s bitter and vicious! Its presence is very concerning as I believe it will continue its activities as its goal is retribution for what it lost.” 
Khelvan frowned. 
“Can it be excorcised?” he asked. 
Clark frowned. 
“Possibly,” he said. “There is a method that we use for such creatures, but though it is well practiced it’s never a guarantee. Wraiths fueled by hate and revenge tend to be tricky. These feelings are strong and fuel dangerous magic.” 
“What materials would you require to try?” Khelvan asked. 
“A bottle imbued with magic,” he replied. “Wraiths like these cannot be killed, only contained. I will need to trap it and then the Mage’s Chamber will insist I return with it, as it can become a powerful weapon to the owner of the bottle.” 
The King frowned, but Clark continued. 
“You will have to trust the the Mage’s Chamber doesn’t use these creatures as weapons. They merely join our collection where they can be monitored. We don’t hoard weapons for nefarious purposes, as a practice we attempt to avoid political conflicts. We do a service to Ilirion, keeping them out of dangerous hands.” 
“Hm,” he hummed. “Would you be able to go through with the exorcism in the coming days?” 
Clark nodded. 
“Of course,” he said. “There is some preparation but it won’t take much time.” 
Khelvan nodded. 
“Then my guards will escort you…and your lovely wife to guest chambers,” he said. “Please ask them for anything you may need and they will procure it for you.” 
His eyes flicked to you. 
“Don’t forget what I taught you,” he said, his gaze intense. “You may find it useful.” 
Clark grimaced and pulled you under his arm as the guards led you to another part of the castle.
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alphajocklover · 4 months
Hey bro, I have a bit of a strange situation going on. You see, I’m a big nerd, like playing dnd, good at math, into card games nerds. And I never really questioned it. But recently, I’ve found myself wanting to be more active, I’ve been wanting to become something I am not, a big strong guy. And it all stared when I rediscovered the Xmen through the show and upcoming movie. Could you, I mean, would you mind helping me become like my ideal man, Wolverine?
I want to be the small hunky and hairy beats he is, oozing with libido and sex appeal.
It's a little strange, but I’ve been getting a lot of superhero requests recently! Not that I’m complaining, I love writing about superheros. They’re interesting characters who have long histories and decades of lore to use. Plus they’re usually hot as fuck. And Wolverine is one of the hottest. Muscular, with a thick layer of hair, and gruff as can be. He’s traditionally a loner, but he has a certain rough charm to him. There’s a reason he’s been a part of almost every superhero team at one time or another. People can’t get enough of the guy. It could be his inventive power set, his ability to change with the times and still remain interesting and relevant. Or it could be that he’s an incredibly manly hunk whose animalistic nature makes people weak in the knees. He’s everything you ever wanted to be, or at least everything you’ve wanted to be since you saw those new X-Men cartoons. When you watched them, something awakened in you. And now… you’re becoming just like him.
You’re not becoming him, if that’s what you’re thinking. Whatever is happening to you can’t give you claws like Wolverine or coat your skeleton in adamantium. I mean, in our world adamantium doesn’t really exist, and even though some transformation methods could turn you into a perfect replica of wolverine or add onto the periodic table, this one won’t do that. It’s more fun to be a stud without the responsibility of being a superhero anyways, especially since one of his main powers is to survive incredibly painful situations. Now you get all the pleasure, none of the pain, and an absolutely studly body.
One common fun fact that people like to bring up about Wolverine is the fact that he’s… while he’s short. Really short. Since Hugh Jackman is over 6 feet tall, people tend to forget that in the comics Wolverine is a complete shortstack, standing at 5’3”. So, I’m afraid to say that you’re going to shrink quite a bit. Luckily, being shorter just makes your new muscles look even bigger and better. Your biceps are enormous, your pecs are amazing, and your abs are almost inhuman. That, plus a heavy layer of manly, thick hair, and you look like you walked right off the pages of a comic book. Or out of a very suggestive movie. Of course you don’t want to just look like Wolverine. You want to be like Wolverine. Which means a few… adjustments to your personality.
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That might seem daunting or scary at first, the idea that your personality is going to change. But you won’t feel that way very long. Nothing is going to faze you anymore. Just like Wolverine You’re tough as nails and you act like it. Literally nothing throws you. You’re a certified badass. Yes, you have a sensitive side like the real Wolverine, but most people aren’t gonna see that. Most people, from your manly new friends to the girls you hook up with, are going to see the manly man, the strong warrior, the beast.
There are some small differences between you and Wolverine of course. The main one being that the guy in the comics doesn’t hook up with people very often. Too busy saving the world. And when he does get a love interest, the feelings between them are pretty serious. You don’t have the same patterns. You’re the type of guy who has a new girl every night and is constantly looking for more pussy. You can’t help it, with a massive cock and an even bigger libido. You’re the best at what you do, and what you do is fuck.
**Hey guys! Hope I did Wolverine justice. He’s a super hot character and I had a lot of fun writing a tf inspired by him. Hope you enjoyed!**
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jdeclerc · 1 year
meet my eye & vow to be true
pairing: cassian x reader
summary: what is sent through the bond is sacred, the most honest of all things - isn't it?
author's note: based on a request made by @horneybeach1, the first one i have ever received - i hope i did your request justice, and i apologize for the delay <3
warnings: brief description of injuries
word count: 2,789
As you pull your blade from the body in front of you, the nameless male falling to the ground, you see the end. The end of the carnage that has filled this camp for countless hours before the sun began its descent in the sky.
All that surrounds you now is the slow movements and utter quiet of the army that had defeated those laying at your feet. A combined Night and Autumn Court unit, formed for the destruction of one of the last of Hybern’s holdouts.
You instinctively begin searching for your family, scanning the area around you for some reassurance of their safety. You had seen Azriel and your mate hours before, both with their siphons ablaze, carving a path through your enemies.
In the time since, you had tugged at the bond, seeing to the safety of your mate. Cassian responded to each of your tugs with one of his own, conveying what you needed from him; he was safe and unharmed.
You had only caught glimpses of the other members of the Inner Circle and knew you would only settle once you had seen for yourself that they were safe.
It doesn’t take long for you to realize that none of them remained close, you had ended up on the far edge of the battle, one of the last areas to cease fighting. It is your name that pulls you from your forming list of possible locations of your family.
“Lady Y/N, what a relief! When you didn’t show up at the healers’ tent everyone became worried. The High Lord sent us in search of you.” It is one of Cassian’s captains approaching you. Thalien, a loyal male you had known for centuries.
“The healers’ tent?” You give him a puzzled look. “Why would you expect me to be there?”
“The entire Inner Circle is gathered ‘round it, no one knows any exact details about what happened to him.”
“Thalien, out with it. Who is so injured that it has the entire leadership of our court concerned?” The worry and anger replacing your curiosity leaks into your response and has the captain stumbling over his words.
“It’s…I thought you would have known…The General M’Lady, he was injured during the battle. No one knows how long it was before he was found.”
“Anything else?” Your words are grated, anger moving solely to the forefront of your emotions.
“That is all I know, I swear it.”
Although you know the captain is not at fault, you can’t help the look of contempt you throw his way as you take off past him without another word.
Nesta is the first you see as the healers’ tent comes into view. You can tell by the way she steps into your path and raises her hands that your emotions can be clearly read.
“Y/N…he needs calm. They’re doing everything they can for him. Wait out here with us, it’ll be better that way, I promise.”
“Nesta…please.” Your voice breaks as you say the words.
You can tell by the way she looks at you that she knows there is no stopping your entering of the tent. She exchanges glances with her sisters, Mor, and Amren, all remaining vigil with her outside of the tent. After a moment Nesta steps to the side, the two of you having always understood the stubbornness of the other.
You move past her and pass through the opening of the tent. As it closes behind you, your breath is stolen form you.
Cassian, the imposing force of a mate that he is, is laying unconscious on a table in the center of the tent. His wings having fallen slack on either side, resting on the dirt floor. Blood covers the floor surrounding the table and you trace it to a wound on his abdomen so massive it would have meant death for any one other than an Illyrian.
The upper half of his leathers has been removed. Madja and several other healers work in tandem in what could only be described as controlled chaos.
You feel a hand grip your elbow and you realize for the first time that Azriel and Rhysand stand inside the tent with you.
You meet both of their eyes and see your worry reflected back at you. Rhysand knows the question that lays in your eyes and moves to put his arm around your waist.
“He was found in the woods; it would appear he was going after a group of fae being held captive. From what we gathered the men holding them captive ambushed Cas…they’re weapons laced with faebane. We don’t know how long he had been out there before he was found.”
You gave him a silent nod, doing everything you could to keep your tears at bay.
“What of the captured fae?”
“Already on their way to Velaris, Eris has also offered them sanctuary should they choose it.”
Venom leaks into your voice with your next question.
“And the men?”
It is Azriel who answers as he comes to stand at your other side and brings his arm across your shoulders.
“They’re dead. Somehow Cas remained conscious long enough to tear them down, allowing the captured fae to escape.”
You expect no less from your mate. His heart had always been his greatest attribute, his role as protector outweighing all others he donned.
The three of you fall into a tense silence, clinging to each other as you watch the one male you never thought you would see fall fight for his life.
You aren’t sure how much time passes before Madja steps back and approaches the three of you.
“He is a fighter; he is only still with us because he willed it.” She meets your eyes and ensures you hear her words. “Your General will rise and fight another day. Give him time, he will wake.”
You can’t help the tears that fall with your next words.
“There are no words of thanks I can give you Madja that would repay what you’ve done today.”
“Your thanks would be wasted on me, my dear. You lot are more important to me than you could ever know…no matter how neglectful you all are in following my advice.” She pins the three of you with a glare but can’t help the small smile that crosses her face.
You return her smile, knowing that she is a vital part of the foundation on which your family stands.
A moment of silence falls between the four of you before you find the courage to ask her your small hope, grasping Madja’s hands in your own as you voice it.
“Can we…can we bring him home? He’ll want to be at home when he wakes.”
Madja glances behind her at your mate and you can see her considering her answer before she voices it.
“For you, my dear Y/N, I will make it so. Give us time to prepare him.”
Cassian can hear the questions Rhys is asking Madja about his recovery, can hear the shit Az is giving him about letting mere mortals get the best of him, but all he can focus on is his mate. His strong, fearsome, beautiful mate, standing at the edge of their bedroom like a stranger, as though she doesn’t belong right by his side.
He has been looking past his brothers and the healer since he awoke, hoping to catch your eye. Only when Madja ends her examination, and you offer to escort her out do you finally meet his gaze. What he sees in your eyes outweighs any physical pain he has ever experienced.
He watches the door as it closes behind you, feeling nothing as he reaches out to you through the bond.
“Cas, she’s –”
“Az, don’t. I’m the one that fucked up, she has every right to feel how she does.”
“And how exactly did you fuck up brother? By almost getting killed?”
“I lied…through the bond.”
Both males fell silent, waiting for Cassian to continue.
“We had been sending waves through the bond throughout the battle, making sure the other was safe. After…After what happened, happened, I may not have let her know the extent of my injuries.”
“You made her think everything was fine, didn’t you?” Cassian’s failure to respond was answer enough. “You absolute dickhead, how foolish can you be? I could kill you myself, I certainly wouldn’t blame Y/N if she did.”
Rhys let out a low whistle from where he stood, his eyebrows raising higher than Cassian has ever seen them do so before.
His expression hardened a moment later.
“Never have I seen Y/N so terrified Cassian. For three days she hasn’t left your side, no matter how often we begged her to eat, to sleep. You’re right, you fucked up. Fix this or injuries inflicted by mortals will be the least of your problems.” The room began to darken with each word spoken by the High Lord. “Do. You. Understand. Me?”
Cassian could do nothing but nod, words failing him.
The two males gave him a look of disdain and turn to leave.
“Will you two at least help me up so I can find her?”
It doesn’t take long for Cassian to find you.
The library at the House of Wind had always been the place you found solace. You found peace within the stacks of books.
He comes upon you in the furthest corner of the library, returning a book and undoubtedly searching for a new one.
Cassian knows by the whitening of your knuckles around the book you are holding that you hear him approach.
“Y/N/N, I know –”
“Cassian, don’t.” The anger in your voice is anchored by the tears he sees in your eyes as you look up at him. “There is nothing you could say that would excuse what you did. So please, do us both a favour and go back to bed. Then maybe you’ll actually be okay the next time you tell me you are.”
“Let me explain.”
“Explain what? How you used what connects us at our cores to deceive me? Or how you almost died, alone, in the woods because of your refusal to tell me the truth?” Cassian can’t help but recoil at your words, knowing each one is truer than the last. “There is no explanation you could give that is good enough. No reassurance you could give me that what you did was right. Leave, now, for both our sakes.”
As you turn away from him, he can’t help but reach for you, letting out a cry of pain as he does, having overextended his injuries.
Your hands are at his sides in an instant, helping him remain stable.
“You damn fool. You’ve likely undone Madja’s work, and you’ve only just woken up.”
Cassian can’t help but hold his breath as you begin to undo the buttons of his shirt; the two of you having been in this exact position under very different circumstances.
You both grow quiet as your hands skirt across his abdomen, checking the state of his bandages, refusing to meet his eye the entire time.
You let out a disapproving noise, “You’ve split your stitches. Our bathroom…now.”
You put his arm across your shoulder as you lead him out of the library and up the stairs.
Cassian settles on the bathroom vanity as you gather the first aid supplies you both decided long ago to keep close at hand.
You step between his legs as you bring a cloth to clean the blood from his wound. He can tell that even in your anger you are as gentle as you can be.
And it’s your quiet apologies as you fix the stitches he tore, that he realizes it’s not your anger he should concern himself with.
Cassian grabs your hands to halt your movements.
“Y/N, please. You can yell, scream, say whatever vulgar words I undoubtedly deserve, but please, my love, at least look at me.”
You don’t make any movement, Cassian takes your chin between his fingers and tilts your face upwards, so your eyes meet his. He finds no trace of anger, finds nothing but immense pain. His next words come out broken, barely above a whisper.
“Talk to me…please.”
Cassian watches as your eyes search his.
“I was so scared, I thought…I thought I’d lost you.” Your voice breaks and he can see you give yourself a moment before you continue. “The thought of losing you steals the breath form my lungs, turns my world black. You were okay, you told me you were okay, and then I see you on that table…”
You choke back a sob as Cassian’s hands come to settle on either side your neck, resting his forehead against yours.
“What do you feel Y/N?”
Your hands come to rest atop his.
“Your hands, the…the callouses from training.”
“Good, what do you smell?”
“You, my mate. The coolness of the winds coming off the Illyrian mountains, and the crackling embers of the fire inside the cabin.”
“And what do you feel?”
“Safety and love, my home.”
“I am here Y/N, I am real. I’m not going anywhere, not now and not any time soon if I have anything to do with it. I will fight the Mother, the Cauldron, anyone, or anything to stay by your side.” He pulls back enough to look directly into your eyes. “I will spend the rest of our days showing you how truly sorry I am. I swear to you, never gain will I use our bond to deceive you. Never.”
You both wince at the same time with the voicing of his vow. Cassian watches as the mark appears on his lower sternum, knowing the same is appearing on you.
“Cauldron boil me, that definitely could have waited until my other injuries healed.”
You both let out a small laugh at his words.
“This doesn’t mean I’m not angry, you have a lot of groveling ahead of you General.”
“Hmmm…trust me when I say I will be on my knees before you the first chance I get.”
Cassian leans forward and captures your lips with his, quickly deepening the kiss as he leans your head back.
You rest your hands on his thighs and press further into him. Cassian breaks the kiss with a hiss of pain.
You’re quick to check him over, worrying about causing him further pain. Cassian once again takes you hands in his and leans in to kiss you again, pulling away a few moments later.
“As much as I would enjoy continuing our current activity, I think Madja was right when she said I need rest. Lay with me?”
You look up at him though your lashes as you give him a nod. You keep a hand on his arm as he stands from the vanity, and you help him slowly make his way to your bed. Helping him settle against the headboard.
“You know, if I could, you would be on top of me, gripping the headboard…it’s oh so lonely here by myself.”
“You’ll just have to make it up to me some other time, now, won’t you?”
He makes sure the look he gives you shows that he means to live up to your challenge.
“Let me change and I’ll join you.”
He gives you a small smile as you enter your shared closet and can’t help but push love and adoration down the bond when you emerge in the red silk pajamas he had gifted you on your latest name day.
Cassian watches as you grab your book off your nightstand and settle into your side of the bed.
“Read to me?”
It isn’t the first time Cassian has asked this of you, and you know it won’t be the last. He had said once that your voice brought him comfort like nothing else. The wonder in which you fell into books being his favourite.
You motion for him to rest his head in your lap. He moves as slowly as possible, wincing only once as he settles his wings on either side of you.
You brush your hand through your mate’s hair and stare down at him, giving him the most loving of smiles, him giving you one of his own in response.
You lean down, ghosting your lips across his forehead and begin reading, watching as he quickly falls into a much-needed sleep.
You realize, in that moment, that your anger has dissipated, knowing nothing is as valuable as moments such as these with your mate.
 The General needn’t know of this realization though.
For he is oh, so good at earning your forgiveness.
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𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖓𝖊𝖜
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝔁
"𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘮 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥"
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彡 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 彡
✦ 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 ✦
𝕾𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞 : you've got what you wanted, why does it feel like it's all too late?
𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙 : it took this way too long again lol so I hope I did it justice
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 : 18+ Knight!Eddie Munson x Princess!FEM!reader, language, use of y/n, reader and Eddie are both (21), Henry is (30+), Jason being an asshole to literally anyone on this fic, age gap, vi0lence, manipulation, gaslight, unrequited feelings, attempted murder and homicide, physical and verbal abuse, harassment, this chapter will be GRAPHIC! you know what you're getting yourself into, mentions of corpses, MASSIVE REVELATIONS, I advice to bring tissues on this chapter because 🥹
𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙 : set in 17th century, upside down exists but think of it as an much older set up, ANGST IS BACK and FLUFF ON THE BEGINNING (I'm sorry), dark fantasy, romance, action, and drama
𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊 𝕿𝖔 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 : writing this chapter is a quite a lot to take in and I'm so pressured to capture everything from the last few chapters before! I just want to get it right, but I hope the long awaited return of me to write this is still loved! 🥺🫶🏻
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊 : next time when I'm writing for another series, I'll just focus on that and I'll be back for other fic ideas on my list because that's what happened to me like?!? and also my preparations for every other chapter I take it very seriously, so, my apologies once again! 😭
"Y/N, wait, waaaaait"
On the walk on the passageways of your castle, Gareth halt his tracks for the third time but you can't help but feel giddy as you giggled
All of you stopped the moment he blinks his eyes in disbelief
"She already explained to you a gazillion times!" Jeff makes a sour expression directing at his friend
Eddie is holding his huge fit of laughter to his friend losing his mind
"Easy for you to say! I can't process that information when we we're with him! not knowing that he's also a fucking royal!" Gareth punctuates his point as he makes a lot of gestures to Eddie
Gareth rambles at the three of you as you watch him having a meltdown
"Is he a simple royal?! A freaking knight as well for christ sakes!" The lantern makes a squeaks sound as he moves back in forth into the small space
"Now, I know why you're so good at swords fight" he adds but not without his eyes are open wide
Jeff does a side eye to Eddie as he watches him shrugged and he shifts onto his feet from where he's standing
"I mean- yeah, I get it, Gareth, I was shocked too"
You swore to yourself that you saw Gareth almost burst into smithereens to his unbelievable comment
"That was your reaction?!?"
"W-What am I supposed to do?!?"
"Guys!" You shout as your voice echoes into the dark space
Jeff and Gareth turned their heads at you as Eddie flashes amusement on his eyes
"Does that mean things will be changed?"
"What do you mean?" You question him but with a smile on your face
"Since, well, oh- fuck- don't act dumb" Gareth shakes his lantern so aggressively that Jeff steps aside a little bit as he saw the melted wax dripped
"He means since both of you are like royalties things will be different" Jeff replies instead rolls his eyes at his friend who keeps dilly dallying at his point
Gareth flicks his hand making a slight "bow" to his statement
Jeff is now reminding himself why is he friends with him
"Who said things will be changed?" Eddie snickers as he shakes his head at the both of them
"They'll stay the same, Gareth" Jeff tugs up a smile as he nudges his shoulder
"Nah, I doubt it, I think they're just playing dumb, just wait- til' the end one of us will end up in a goddamn public execution"
You and Eddie looked at each other as you both cracked up a booming laughter
Jeff grows a much more bigger smile than before as he watches the both of you dying and needing of air from the serotonin levels that you both had
Gareth made an deathly glare at the both of you
"Come on, guys, let's go, my arm is getting tired for raising this lantern, save that for later" Eddie jokes as he takes your hand in his
You giggle to Gareth's face as he begrudgingly follows Jeff
"but you both gotta have to say "no" if ever that happens, right?!" Gareth groans
"Is this two bodies isn't enough for the gate to open?" Jason carries the lifeless bodies into the pit as he grimaced at disgust
Henry wants to puke all of his wrongdoings and wishes he could start all over again
He wants to talk to you
He even wants to come over at your room to see you
He wonders what you're we're at doing last night
"No, I told you, it needs one more"
Jason huffs as he removes the residue from his hands in a cloth as he stands beside Henry
"Then who is it gonna be?"
"Why don't you try to kill that boy?"
"Eddie, If you saw him, snap his bones off in an instant"
"Why would I do that?!?"
"Because I fucking goddamn believe that he's the one who got out from the upside down"
"Jason, you put all of those people in there, anyone can come out that place"
"What do you mean, me? You're also involved in this you motherfucker!"
Henry clenches his jaw as he looks away from Jason
If he stares any longer, he might've been squashed him down real flat
"I could've been something else rather than this"
Jason scoffs "No, you're born to be evil, don't make yourself innocent"
"I love her!" Henry's outburst caused a huge knock off to every furniture in the room
Leaving Jason the only person in the room who isn't affected but he got startled to his actions
It was loud that the four of you heard the banging sound in the walls
You thought you were the only one who heard it when you look at all of them
Fear creeps into their faces
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Jason walks towards to heavily breathing Henry
He watches him as he making a fist out of anger and frustration
"Our plan is going well until that girl is making you soft when she isn't supposed to be an issue to this" Jason's voice is firm as looks sternly at him
"Ain't she supposed to die like all the other kingdoms that we've wiped out?!?
Henry swallows the lump on his throat as his eyes became glassy
It is true
You should've been died before he couldn't do it
Because why?
He developed feelings for you since the first time he saw you
The maid that you comfortably spoken to before overheard this as she accidentally dropped the basket of clean laundry as she tripped on to the floor
She was about to tell you what she heard
She could've gone far away from them
She could've get up and save herself
But no, something is making her stay in that place
Her mind is now playing tricks thinking that she is safe
When in reality, she is frozen on the same position that she was in before
Jason places his palm on the door as he pushes and there's the girl that you've grown close than any other people from your palace
He grins at the girl as she tries to call for help but she can't, her whole body feels numb
Tears run stream down on her face as she watches Jason squats to look at her
Henry appears in the doorframe as he looked at the girl sympathetically
"Looks like we got ourselves the last hurrah" he chuckles darkly
The four of you run in the halls of the dark passageways
"Here!" You pushed the familiar brick of walls that your father taught you in case of emergency
The rest of you keep pushing as you making your way inside, recognition flashes through your eyes, it's your father's beloved library
"You heard that, man?" Enzo spoke through his mouthful of bread, he dust off the crumbs from his hand as he picked up a weapon
Wayne looks over at Enzo's shoulder, witnessing the books falling off as the wall in the corner kept moving
When they both saw a figure coming out of it they both hide
They're about to attack whoever the person behind the secret door
They heard your voice
But you're not alone, you're with someone else
Enzo sighs of relief as he shoots a melancholy but wholesome look at Wayne who is already looking at him
Enzo nods slowly indicating that he'll meet-
"Enzo? Are you here?" You say as you make your way into the open space of the library
"Y/N!" Enzo speaks as you smile widely as you embrace him
As you hold him, you saw him
"Hello dear" he smiles just like his nephew
"Oh my god" you ran over to him giving him the hug for the first time in years
Your eyes went all over the place as your mind make flashbacks of what's become at the two of you before
You both got taken away and that left a mark on you that you'll never can't never erase
But now, he's here, getting the chance to hold him
It's like your father is here again
Wayne smiles down at you but suddenly he heard another voice, he knits his brows together
"I can't believe you've grown up so differently!"
"I think it's because of the hair"
He heard the chatter between Enzo and-
Your heart made lurch out of your throat from any minute as he slowly removes himself away from you
Your tears are forming and threatening to spill for what you're going to witness now
Eddie looked over at the elder man who is now approaching him
His heart is racing, his mind is running a lot of thoughts, he feels like he's about to burst into tears at his presence
Is this could be it?
Wayne stares at his nephew as he gasps in disbelief but not without the happiness making in it's way on his features
Eddie searches for your eyes and when he meets your tears swirling through your vision, his heartbeat starts faster as the man walks closer to him
"My, my dear boy" Wayne couldn't help himself as he pulled Eddie embracing him tightly like he was about to disappear
Both of the men broken down into tears and it's the very first time ever you saw his friends cried over this bittersweet moment
Enzo blinks the tears away as you heard his quiet sniffle
Eddie meets your eyes again as it soften through the tears pooling over his uncle shoulder as he nods slightly to you
"Thank you" he mouths to you as you smile at him wiping your tears from your cheeks
"Eddie couldn't even stand still while we're posing at that, he was getting tired of it" you say while chuckling as you look at the painting
Jeff and Gareth laughs at the distorted thing that Eddie holds at the painting of you and him back when you're both 14
Eddie eyes are fixated on you with glint of overflowing tears and happiness, a smile is sitting on his lips
"Here, I have a cup of coffee" Enzo mutters as he offers it to him
Eddie blinks as he snaps his head to Enzo in front of him, he murmurs a soft "thank you"
Wayne is sitting beside him, he can't take it off from his nephew
Enzo glances at his way with empathy on his eyes, I mean- who wouldn't blame him?
He thought he won't be able to see his nephew
He thought he wouldn't have the chance to savor this moment
He thought he lost him
He thought he lost everything he ever cared in the world
He doesn't even know where to begin
"How are you doing, kid?"
Eddie looks at him with a small smile but it's endearing "Uh, if you compare it to before I met you, I feel....complete now"
Wayne chuckles, "he inherited my humor, huh?" he thinks
Thank god, his nephew spills humor he doesn't want to break into tears again
Enzo told Wayne about how strange it is that his nephew didn't know everything about himself
"I-I wanted to ask you, how'd you didn't know?- It's okay if you don't want to talk-"
Eddie waves his hand at him as shifts on his seat as he takes a sip of his coffee, "that's the question that I think I won't ever find the answer, I somehow- I-I didn't know I can't seem to remember what happened to me"
He felt a huge rock just fell right through his chest as he saw the sad look on his nephew eyes
He could've been avoided it happen but he was helpless
Wayne nods as he slowly takes in every word he said "I'm sorry"
Eddie turns himself to him fully as he pulled his brows together at him
Wayne silently sniffles as Eddie sadly sighs
"I-I'm sorry that I didn't protected you enough- I am so sorry-"
"Wayne, don't- just don't ever blame yourself, it is never your fault, please, what matters that we found each other"
Wayne and Eddie laughs in tears once again as they both embraced each other
"I won't ever leave your side again"
"I know, you won't"
The rest of them you've invited them over at your sanctuary room
There are few more extra mattresses, Eddie checked himself out as he wants to be alone for a while, you nod him with an understanding
Eddie breathes at the air in your corridor as he walks at the garden, he smiles to himself
Everything is fine until he pulls back into reality, he was about to go back inside, he saw Jason, pulling a sandbag as he looks closely
He made a double look as he saw it moved
He hesitates for a second to follow him but then he remembers your words
"Don't you think that they're the reasons why so many people disappearing all of the sudden?"
So, he went as he hides as he continues to spy
"You can come out now, Henry"
Eddie glared at the mention of his name
He knew it
And you knew it
He isn't really to be trusted
"You sure there's no one around?"
"Just fucking do the job" Jason seethes as he clicks his tongue
Henry rolls his eyes as Eddie heard the rustles
"No!!!! Let me go!" The girl from the sandbag cries for help as Eddie flinches by the sound of it, it was cut off when Henry covers her mouth, the gut-wretching sobs can't be missed
It became muffled as Henry kept holding her still
He suddenly felt nervous and afraid for the life of the girl that they abducted
"This is the last one, I'm so ready for this" Jason sounds so calm like that gives another info to Eddie that they didn't done this for the first time
They've already done it a lot of times
Eddie gulps, he can feel his heart jumping inside
He watches intently but also the guilt feeling on his stomach is about to form as he already get the idea
They're about to kill this poor young girl
It takes everything for him to disrupt the scene until his eyes go furiously wide, his hands went clammy, he doesn't even noticed that he's shaking
He even had to suppressed his screams of fear and terror
He watches Henry as he lifts his hand directing at the young girl, he saw the eyes that are now turned white, the whole body levitate as he raises his hand higher, Eddie breathes heavily as he saw the nosebleed from Henry
Eddie takes a sharp gasp as he slammed his mouth against the palm of his hand as he saw the young girl eyes sucked out of her skull, it started bleeding everywhere, all of bones started to crunch and snap easily as Henry flick his hand naturally like it was nothing and the whole appearance of the girl changed like he pulled the life out of her
Now, he knows why you're so scared, he is witnessing what you've witnessed
No wonder why you flinched so badly the moment you've told him
Eddie jumped to where he was hiding the minute he heard the thud of the lifeless body onto the ground, the girl is now deformed laying in there
"That was so goddamn satisfying, man" Jason applauses
"Keep it low!" Henry whisper-shouts as he looked everywhere in the area, he's paranoid
Eddie shakes his head as he slowly runs away, he doesn't want to stay there any longer
You're resting on the couch as you wait for Eddie to come back
As soon as he arrived, you immediately light up and it slowly drops as you taken the horror from his expression
"E-Eddie, wait- you're trembling" you held him steady by his shoulders
Enzo and Wayne got unease from the situation as they stopped talking abruptly
He grabs your forearms tightly as he looks straight into your eyes "W-We h-ave to go right now" his voice shakes as he spoke as you looked at him in confusion
You look over your shoulder as you saw Jeff Gareth approaching behind your back as they also mirrored your same expression
You swallow as you nod but you couldn't shake off the fear inside of you "Okay" you replied softly
The preparation to flee into the night hour was fast but also quiet as all of you remained calm and quiet
But you also take chances to dart your eyes on Eddie who still has the "terrified" looks on his eyes, he just masks it with seriousness as he packs up
All of you are now in the hallways of your palace walking the way out
"Eddie, I-I need to get something from my room" you loosen your hold on his hand but he held it tightly making you stop
"I'll be fast as a bullet, I promise"
Eddie sighs nervously as he shook his head but he nods and he lets you go
You study his expressions and he really felt off ever since he took a walk outside
"Be quick, okay?" he whispers as you give him a tight nod
As you enter your room, you picked up your most valuable and also very sentimental dagger that you have
You're about to leave the room until the window from your room whooshes open as you saw Henry appeared right before your eyes, you're so shocked that you pinned yourself against the door automatically hiding your dagger behind your back
Henry walks slowly to you with a unrecognizable smile that he gives to you, you furrow your brows as you maintain your composure
"Hey, Y/N, how is it going?" He greets casually as if doesn't scare you from his actions
"I'm doing well, I'm fine, thank you"
"Uh- what we're you doing last night?"
I slept beside Eddie and I made love to him
"I went to bed because I was so tired from the dance right?" You lie
"I know it wasn't real but I hoped that you liked it somehow"
He wishes it to be real
"Yeah- it was okay" you shrug as you averted your eyes somewhere else
He takes a one step closer as he grazes his fingers onto your forearms shooting goosebumps through your skin as it leaves an unnerving sense of discomfort
The light of his eyes dies as he knits his brows together he takes a step back
He looks at you deeply as he takes you in
Your white blouse dress with corset as your long locks of curled hair waved through the cool night air as your aura became different
You've always looked undeniably and otherworldly beautiful but he can't pinpoint where it seems
Too different from him
"Y/N, something has changed in you" his tone become firm as his eyes goes all over your face
"Henry, I need to go now" you say but not turning back as you reached for the doorknob behind your back you unclick it but he lifts his hands as he closes it back with a force leaving you startled as you look at him
His blue piercing eyes never left your gaze as he walks in front of you as he blocks the door
The silver of light came back to his eyes as he hopes that you feel the same way as he does
"I've adored you, Y/N"
You're taken aback from his admission
As it finally it all came through you, now, you know why he is nice to you
Because he likes you
"Henry, I-"
"I love you, Y/N" he holds you by the shoulders and it looks like he's about to lean in forward but you dodged it leaving him with a deep sigh as you moved away from him
Jason's words are now replaying into his mind
"Don't do this to me!" He exclaims as he apologizes as you flinched on him once again
"I-I'm sorry, Henry" you're both walking backwards as kept pressing personal questions to you
"I've cared for you, I always put you first, you're the only one that I ever wanted to be safe, I never stopped thinking about you and this is all what I get?!?" He flick his hands again as all of the furniture crashes down breaking every piece inside of the room
You grip on your dagger behind your back as you take a deep breath to his sudden outburst
He remembers the name of the guy that Jason always tell him
"Tell me that you're not alone last night, are you?" He sobs angrily but not letting the tears spill
"Stop prying and being nosy onto my personal life, Henry!" You snap at him
He can't even bring himself to hurt you, no matter how evil he is, he has no power over you
And that alone might've been his weakness
He'll be history, if you ended him since his powerless over you
"Are you with him?"
You're on the ridges of your corridor as you hit your lower back on the rim
You're cornered by him
"I don't know-"
"Just tell me the truth, Y/N! if he isn't I'll spare his life"
You feel weightless, you knew this was coming but you can't help but feel slight of disappointment
"What do you mean spare his life?"
You thought your mind is playing tricks on you as you can see that his demeanor and the atmosphere changes as he finally drops his good guy act
"Oh, honey, I'm also going to kill him too"
"Look down"
Once you've followed him, you saw the body of the maid that you we're looking for a few days ago, you're about to bring her along with you
Now, you know why she is missing in action
You shrieked as you cried with ragged breaths as you gave him a deathly stare
"You're supposed to be my wife, you know, we could've been prevented this"
"I will never be your fucking wife!" You aimed for his neck stabbing him deeply as he croaks in pain
You watch him removed it like it didn't hurt him as your eyes go wide as you saw the true form of him
The flesh that he's wearing was all just a costume, it creeps you out more, you shudder
"Oh, you will be" he says as he throws your dagger away
"You can't"
"Yes, I can"
"What will you do?"
"I'll remove your memories, of course" he grins with a knowing look
He gave you a mere seconds to react as you finally figure it out what happened to Eddie
Before you know it, he lifts you up in the air as he flashes now his real eyes
You can't no longer defend yourself as you stayed frozen as you now stare into the blank space like you're in a trance
"She's taking so long" Eddie bops his knee up and down
"Eddie- We just can't" Gareth reasons with him as he is afraid of getting caught
"We can if I lose her i don't know who will I be without her"
Jeff nods "We'll cover you, Eddie" as he gives a tight lipped smile to Gareth who exhales as he scratches his head
Enzo and Wayne are already in the upside down
The plan was to go inside one by one and by groups as they couldn't give other soldiers ideas that leads to more suspicions
As Eddie enters your chambers he gasps horridly as he saw your body up in the air, Jeff and Gareth are also stunned as they saw Henry turned his head to Eddie with a unreadable wicked smile on his face and also noticed the change of his eyes
"Hey, demon face!" Gareth shouts as he throws him an axe right across from his face making drop on the ground with you as well
You're unconscious as Eddie worries terribly as he tries to wake you up and even slightly tapping your face but no to avail as he carries you while resting your legs on his arms as he grumbles at Henry who has now bleeding a big cut on his face
Also revealing the skin crawling true self of him
He was about to stop Eddie but Jeff shoots 6 arrows all at once at him as it completely injured him to make him move slow as all of you made your way to escape
But before Eddie leaves he gives a one last glare to Henry that left him for the first time a knowing disturbing look
Jason was right about him
He held you tightly as Jeff, Gareth keep running non-stop
You woke up screaming and crying as you started to wail, you're covered in your cold sweat as Eddie goes straight onto your side
The sound that you make waken up the others as they looked at you in concern
"She must've seen it" Enzo speaks as he looked in you sympathetically
"Seen what?" Wayne straightens himself up
"Y/N, You're okay, you're with me, you're safe"
You looked around you as you choked up in your own tears and you felt Eddie's hands intertwined with yours as you look at him in question
"Who are you?"
Jeff and Gareth looked at each other in confusion
What did Henry do to you?
"I-I'm Eddie, D-Don't you remember?" Eddie searches for your eyes as you repeat saying his name
"Yes, that's right"
You looked at everyone in the room again as you feel like in a some sort of vertigo as you begin to nosebleed, your eyes went backwards as you drop back down on the bed as you winced in pain and start to wail again
They have no idea what is going on
But why do they feel like something is heavy behind your eyes that'll explain everything
"She's bleeding!" Jeff exclaims, Wayne panicked as they all helped each other to give Eddie to aid for you
When Eddie is wiping the blood from your nose, you grab his wrists making everyone halt to what they're doing as the silence starts swirl around the area
Just by one look, Eddie saw the recognition in your eyes, you're back
You swallow first before you can muster to speak as you try to shake your head slightly
Now, you know what happened to your father
Since Henry used his powers to you, it left a glimpse to all of the horrible things that he did
How many? How many people? How many families and how many kingdoms that they've exterminated?
"He killed them all" you sob as you held him tightly as Eddie scoots closer to you
"W-What, Y/N? sweetheart, you're scaring me, what is going on?"
"Eddie, it's Henry- he's the one"
"The one?"
"Who erased your memories" you cried as you let the words fell from your lips
Eddie's lip twitches as it let the information sink down on him instead of reacting so badly he decides to embrace you
"That's so fucked up" Gareth runs his palms over his face in a stressful manner
"Y/N! your highness, please! I can be trusted!" Dmitri somehow managed to follow all of you as he slams the door open, shocking to every single one of you in the cabin
"What the fuck are you doing here? Go back to your master like a dog you are! Always obeying him" Wayne aims his sword on him so closely that one push is all it takes for him to end his life
Dmitri is desperate to explain himself, so, he searches for your eyes in the room
He walks forward but Jeff, Enzo and Gareth held him as Eddie darts his eyes to you and to him
"Listen, I am ashamed of it, I was never proud of betraying you and your father, your father helped a lot to improve my business, I'm grateful for everything but he threatens me if I don't follow him, he'll kill my family!" he begs as you listen to him carefully, you still feel a slight twinge of pain in your head
"I escaped from them! The guilt is eating me up, I can't no longer stay, I don't care, if it's risky, but I won't be able to forgive myself if I don't fight, I will be dishonorable if I don't show that I wasn't siding with them" the poor man is so miserable, you can see it in his eyes, you still feel hurt to his actions but what's the use to get mad at this hour?
When all you can do is help each other and win this fight
Enough with the grudges and heartaches
If you don't save this kingdom and who else will?
Who knows? What will Henry and Jason to other kingdoms next?
"Dmitri is okay, I understand" you stand up as Eddie assists you
"T-thank you, thank you" his voice crack between sobs as he shakes your hand
"Oh, Y/N!" Jason's voice, you overheard the people clamoring your name as a subject of treason
Gareth scoffs as he lightly grazes the tip of his axe to Dmitri's neck "Are you doing this on purpose by knowing that you got tailed by them?!?"
"N-No! I swear, I ran as fast as I could! I didn't know that they're following me!" Dmitri quickly saids
"Man, they knew we're we live" Eddie tuts him to put back down his axe
But Gareth gave him a look as he watches by the window
"I assume you know what happened to Eddie?" Jason runs his swords at the walls outside of the cabin making sounds as he walks around, taunting all of you
You frown but anger nestles in your face as the rest of you line to each other side by side with weapons
"I wonder who took him?" Jason feigns innocence as pretends to think
Eddie remembers the knowing teasing that he always throws at him and it all makes sense now
"It's him" Eddie mutters as he cracks his knuckles
"That little fucker!" Wayne is about to kick the door open but Enzo stopped him
"It's me!" Jason laughs evilly "Poor boy was crying for help and shouting his Uncle's name and Y/N"
You looked at Eddie who is now looking at you as you feel so sorry for him but he just nods as he gave your hand a squeeze
"Wait- this is the best part" Jason claps his hand together wickedly
All of you listened in anticipation
"I was also the one who framed and spread the fucking lies to everyone in town that the Munson's are who practiced black magic" Jason chuckles
The town went quiet to Jason's reveal that you swore everyone gasped that they're targeting the wrong person all this time
"What's wrong? Why all of you stopped? You all so fucking gullible little unfortunate people!" Jason stabbed one of the townspeople leaving the whole other people alarmed by his action
Jason runs his fingertips on his sword covered by blood "I guess this could say that yes we're the ones who took your loved ones away"
Everyone screeched and couldn't get away any further as all of them are guarded and cornered by soldiers
Enzo couldn't control Wayne any longer as he finally kicked down the door open
He attacks Jason as he nicked him on the side
"Touché" Jason grunts as he touched his side now his fingertips are smeared on his own crimson blood
"We we're living in peace and you spoiled it" Wayne punctuates his action using his sword
Hearing his voice cracks your own head
You're so petrified that a lot of expressions are mixing on your face
"Henry" you let out an incredulous laugh, you walk in circles slowly and also playfully
Eddie is keeping an eye out for you but also he's amused
Amused to your actions
"Don't let me hurt you" Henry softly speaks
"You already did" you smirk but not without fiery eyes directing at him
"We can stop this"
"We can?!? don't fucking play with me, Henry! you could've stopped in the first place if you really want to"
Your whole nation is watching and listening
You glanced at them as you think of a much better plan
If they didn't still won't believe you or any either of your allies
You will show it to them
"My dear people, he slaughtered every kingdom they've ever been in, taking everything they can, because why?, you ask?" you laugh in disbelief again as you shook your head sideways as you think "They wanted to be gods, isn't that right? Henry? you struggle to be somebody in the world but you didn't think first that isn't right to end someone else's life?!? just because other people can't accept you?!?"
"You maybe right on that, Y/N" Henry interrupts
His tone changed and it made you close your mouth to speak
Jason punches Wayne making him drop his sword as he got hold off by the palace guards
Wayne fumes deep into his soul as he looks at Jason
"Do you even think what happened to your mother?" Jason joins in as he spits the blood from his mouth
You freezed once again, Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, Enzo, Dmitri and even Wayne perked up at the mention of the late queen
You're too appalled, too appalled that you set that aside for Eddie's knowledge
No one really knows what happened or what is the true story behind it
Until now, no one has ever find out about it even your father
Your mother is just like you, kind, courageous, charm and sensibility, cares about the people than herself like no other
One day, on your 7th birthday, she vanquished with no explanation, never left a mark or even a trace to why she just disappeared
Your father never talked about it ever again but you know he misses her as much as you missed her
"She's our very first victim, by the way" Jason sniggered as if it didn't scarred you
"We don't like fighters and fighters are keep meddling with our plans like you're doing right now"
"it's so hard to track you down"
You look at Jason with the most questionable expression on your face
Henry chuckles evilly as you glare at him
"Your father, Jim, left every place that reminds him of your mother, he hides you from us"
"Didn't you taken a notice why your father is somehow knows what to do with all of this?!"
Yes, you did, you always wonder why your father prepared you with situations like this
You didn't ask him about it because you thought it's the only way to protect yourself and your loved ones
Now, you know, it's must've been so tough for your father to go through with all of this
At the moment, all you see is red, the sounds from the people around you are now drowned in your surface of boiling point
You straighten your shoulders and hold your sword properly
You can hear the branches next to you are crunching as Jason walks to your side as he continues to provoke you
"And then the next is her father" Jason chuckles
Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, Enzo and Wayne are mortified by the reveal
You met with Eddie's eyes with so much anguish but also feeling blue inside of it
Eddie can see that you're holding your tears as you make a move an uppercut hit on Jason, you can hear his jaw crackles a bit as he shouts in pain, blood is spilled as you push him back down
Your fight has become an inspiration to Wayne as he uses all of his power on his body to let go of the grip by the soldiers, he fought for them as he finally approached the bewildered Jason on the ground who is just about to process the man that is now standing in front of him, his eyes went bigger as Wayne put an end to his life
"Now, you'll shut the fuck up for the rest of your life" Wayne whispers angrily as he lets his sword got deeper and deeper into Jason's body, he hurls on his own blood as it squelches
Henry saw everything as Jason predicted
You attack him while he is distracted, you got him by his shoulder as he whimpers in pain and then onto his legs you aim for it
He starts to limping around as he goes closer to you
You raised your sword as you used it slanted position as you scrape of the half of his skin
Showing it to everyone what he really looks like
"Now, you've done it!" Henry held you by the neck as he raises you upward, leading everyone to gasp
"Y/N!" Eddie calls for you as you wave him to go back away
Dmitri saw your fallen dagger on the ground as he takes it
Henry is now tightening his grip onto your throat making you cough out of air as you watch Dmitri stab Henry by the neck, you drop onto your knees in the ground
"Traitor" Henry tuts as he flicks his hand lift him up in the air for anyone to see as he starts to squirm as you can hear the weeping sounds coming out from him
"Oh my god, no- no- No!" Eddie helps you get up as he yells
"I've seen this before" your heart cracks as you can see the fear on Eddie's eyes and Dmitri whimpers"
"That's what happened to your maid" Eddie's voice starts to waver as you went down to your knees in shock as soon as you heard the crunch and crumble from Dmitri's bones
Henry totally did a mark on you as you couldn't move so fast to save him but it's all coming too fast
You can feel your head is bleeding, your back is obviously now bruised and his real hands can be so sharp that it wounded you
Despite the excruciating pain that he's having, the last seconds that are left in him are ticking, you can hear it, you can feel in your heart
You slowly shaking your head as you cry as you watch him die
He nods his head carefully to you as he said his last words
"I am e-elated to be a p-part of your service, Princess Y/N, I served m-my purpose, my land, I am so thankful that I have someone l-like you and your father" Dimitri managed to give you a one last smile
Your lips are trembling as you nod in understanding "The honor is mine" you smile weakly
It was so terrible that you saw what Eddie saw and him seeing this for the second time is so wrecking your sanity
The eyes just got pull him out right through his body, he's not recognizable anymore, the face and the whole body is crumpled altogether
"No!" You wail as you throw yourself on Eddie's arms
"I know, sweetheart, I know" he caresses your head as held you tightly
You flinched just like Eddie flinched when it drops onto the ground like it was just an soulless being
He's an animal
You grab your sword as you remove yourself from Eddie, your adrenaline is rushing in, there's no one else to stop you by the moment he turns around, he sees you, appalled that you're Infront of him, not thinking twice for any longer as you stab him right through his chest
His mouth is agape as his eyes went down onto your sword and to you
Both of you went back down as the whole town exclaimed
You're still holding onto your sword as it pinned him down, his blood are now peeking through the ground
"We could've been something" he grins as the nerve to touch you again by your ankle but you move away fast, you scoff as you can't believe he still managed to be so damn cocky on his last breath, you pull out your sword making him gasp and winces in pain not giving him a moment to help him out with the pain that he's having
"In your dreams, Henry!" You angrily said as you his eyes went wide as he realizes what you're about to do
You slammed down your sword as you decapitated his head as it starts to roll around the ground
You used up every energy you have, you didn't noticed the people started to cheer
Jeff, Gareth, Enzo looked at each other as all of them are baffled
You end him just like that?!?
All of the soldiers are now free from the brainwashing, hypnotized and controlled by Henry and Jason
But Eddie and Wayne eyes softens as you start to walk away in a different path with a unsure expression on your face, you didn't even looked back at Eddie but he doesn't mind it
"Where is she going?" Gareth asks in confusion
"Let's leave her alone for a while, she needs time, she'll be okay" Eddie replies to him as Wayne rests his hand over his shoulder as he gave his nephew a reassuring smile
He sighs in contentment as finally everything is done
The clouds are now clearing up, the upside down is slowly starts to dwindle back to normal
Everything is okay now
Eddie's smile falters quite a bit as he thinks about you after all you've been fought through together
He knows this won't be easy for you
Will you be okay?
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A means to no end
I got a massive case of brain worms from this post by @pockettgcf so...behold, writing. Thank you for allowing me to write this wonderful idea! I hope I did it justice!
Never thought I'd see myself as a HuaYin shipper but I can never pass up a good opportunity for angst.
Enjoy <3
It's easy to forget that Yin Yu used to be a god - he knows it is.
(He wishes he could forget it too).
Godhood had always felt, to him, like too heavy of a cloak draped over too fragile of a body, the weight of solid gold to be withstood by thin porcelain encasing.
It was no wonder that he broke the way he did.
But shameful as that had been, it had given Yin Yu purpose. He no longer faded into the shadow of others' lights, no longer had to feel the sting of inadequacy and the humiliation of a defeat that was never even settled in battle.
Instead, by Hua Cheng's side, all Yin Yu had to do was be useful. Not shine, not inspire, not pretend away his bitterness and play by unwritten rules of a world he had never truly felt like he managed to become part of.
To be useful is a great honor, Yin Yu had come to realize.
But as much as he tries to rescind his past as a god, Yin Yu can never separate from it. The grandeur, the worship of godhood, difficult as it may have been, it had tasted sweetly - words of prayer, of gratitude, of praise, promises of devotion and offerings... shallow as that may have been, Yin Yu often missed them, the honeyed taste of worship and trust, of adoration.
The longing for that kind of thing had only increased as he had come to learn of Hua Cheng's boundless love for the fallen Crown Prince of Xianle. Xie Lian, twice ascended as a martial god and twice fallen into disgrace - and through every terrible tribulation, unknowingly carrying the faith of a man whose devotion transcended life, death and the limits of rationality.
It was absurd, nearly, to adore somebody the way Hua Cheng did, as both a god and a secret lover, from afar but so close to one's heart, holy and sinful all at once.
And Yin Yu wanted nothing more than to know what that could feel like.
How could it possibly feel like to be the object of such powerful affection that the one that worships you stubbornly clings to existence even after death, drags himself through trials of blood and despair to amass enough power to avenge the ridicule you've been put through - and even as the entire world turns its back on you, his unwavering belief never falters, and even saves you in the end?
Once again, Yin Yu sinks into the bitter, familiar well of envy.
With every word of love and worship he hears come from Hua Cheng's mouth, Yin Yu feels more and more desperate to hear those words for himself, to feel so wanted, so important... so seen.
He wants so desperately for Hua Cheng to see him - see him not as his servant, but as the god he used to be (the god he tries so hard to pretend he is not) and give him even a fraction of the faith he lays over and over across the altar of a god that may no longer even exist.
(Oh, how Yin Yu wishes that temple was his, that faith was in him, that love was for him!)
It is one late night in Qiandeng temple that Yin Yu decides lying to himself is far less painful than hatred born of bitterness.
And as the alcohol lowers Hua Cheng's defenses to the point that tears slide out of his one remaining obsidian eye, Yin Yu reaches to offer him comfort.
Gods, he used to believe, exist to offer comfort, solace to their believers.
Even if Hua Cheng doesn't believe in him.
"Will I ever find him? Is there any point to this?" Hua Cheng asks, voice barely above a whisper, every word suffocated into the stench of alcohol and despair.
His eyes look up at the carefully carved statue of his god, his gaze loving but desperate. "Where are you, Your Highness?"
Right here, Yin Yu wants to say but knows he cannot. It isn't his statue that Hua Cheng anguishes at the feet of.
If only it had been him.
(Why would it have been him?)
"Chengzhu, you've had enough to drink. Let me help you return home."
"Home? Don't be ridiculous, Yin Yu, I have no such thing!"
It stings when Yin Yu hears it, but he doesn't falter.
"Your house, then."
And he reaches to help the other man upright on his feet, only to find himself pulled into his arms instead.
It is sudden and unexpected, uncharacteristic and bold - and Yin Yu knows this is not something Hua Cheng would ever do if he was sober.
(Or maybe he would. Yin Yu traitorously hopes he would).
It sounds both like an order and a plea - and the loose hold Hua Cheng has on him is enough indication that he is allowed to escape if he wishes, if this crosses too many boundaries, if this is unwanted.
He does not.
Instead, Yin Yu gently allows his arms around the other's body and positions him to lay against his chest, cradling his shivering form.
"I'm here." Yin Yu says, soft and comforting and kind, and he tries not to imagine that Hua Cheng wishes the man holding him was somebody else instead. "I'm right here. I won't leave you."
Not like he did.
(Yin Yu knows that this is not what happened, he knows Xie Lian had never intended to abandon anyone, much less his most devoted believer he never even knew of. But he is bitter and resentful of this nebulous man that's been given this much of the kind of faith and love Yin Yu craves, and so Yin Yu will allow himself to think himself above him)
"Stay." Hua Cheng says, again, and Yin Yu smiles softly at him though the man cannot see him.
"I will always be here for you."
And he says it not like a servant or an aide, but like a god, like the god he wants to be - right now, in this temple, in this night.
"Have faith in me."
To be useful, Yin Yu had come to realize, is a great honor.
To be used, not so much.
Not even when he freely allowed it to happen.
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mostlyihyperfixate · 3 months
Okay. I gotta write 750 words a day to fill my quota, and I don't feel like journaling about my day today, so I'm going to do a quick-and-dirty discussion of my thoughts on "Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice" before I really get into the meat of the final case. I'll see if my thoughts change once I finish it.
I'm gonna be real honest: I don't think I like this game as much as the others. And I feel really bad about it! I didn't want to be the person that waltzed in and just was mad at everything because waaah it's not Phoenix. I went in here with the mindset that I was gonna like Apollo, and I was going to give him a fair shot.
Frankly, I think this game would be better if Phoenix was just, like, not in it. He could just be some legendary defense attorney who retired a while back and no one is quite sure he went (and it's certainly not to Europe to be with his husband or anything like that). Phoenix kind of weighs it down for me, because I am sad that he the way he is, and I'm mad that he's kind of being an asshole to Apollo who literally has done NOTHING WRONG, and I'm also mad that he doesn't really even seem to care much about Trucy. Maybe that's developed more in other games? I expected more out of that relationship. And so I am torn between wanting to know what Phoenix is up to, because I love him, and then being like, "Get out of here and quit being mean to Apollo with a smile on your face" every time Phoenix does show up.
And I like Apollo, but I feel he's…wanting. I don't feel like I know Apollo. Don't get me wrong; I know Phoenix was just kind of the generic every dude over his head in the first game. The most we really got out of him was one thing that happened to him when he was a kid. But he had enough of a personal connection or personal stakes in his cases (at the very least, his past relationship with Edgeworth was there because Edgeworth was the prosecutor) that I felt like I had SOMETHING to go off. And it's not like I need Apollo to have a tragic backstory or some deep reason to be an attorney. But I have zero! Zilp! Zilch!
He literally hasn't gotten to know a single one of his clients for one reason or another the entire game, so I don't feel like I have a grasp on them either! And Apollo doesn't even get the benefit of playing off the prosecutor like Phoenix did in every game. I don't dislike Klavier; his being a genuinely nice guy isn't bad. But he sure doesn't add anything to the story for me, and I don't think he adds much (if anything) to Apollo's character either.
And at the same time, I feel like this game is trying to be much deeper. It's trying to tell me something about the legal system, and corruption, and broken dreams. But at the same time, it's so much more cartoony than the previous entries. The first game was always the one that took itself the most seriously, I feel (and it's my favorite of the original trilogy), and I did say when I finished Trials and Tribulations that I felt it hit maximum soap opera in Bridge to Turnabout. I also said I loved it for that soapy-ness. But this isn't soapy. This is a cartoon. What's with all these characters suddenly changing appearances? What's with every single witness being an over-the-top weirdo? WHY is Spark Brushel????
Let's not even get into how much I loathed Turnabout Serenade. It gave me a much greater appreciation for Turnabout Big Top. I mean, sure, all those adult men were hitting on Regina, but at the very least I feel like Moe wasn't going to let anyone actually lay a finger on her afterward. She's in good hands. And Moe was self-aware that I wanted him to go to Clown Hell for all those massive penalties…
Now that I think about it, the tutorial case was probably my second favorite in the series, after the opening trial to Trials and Tribulations. But the other two…were not that interesting. I haven't been in a huge rush to finish this one. Which…I guess I started it two weeks ago, so it's not like I've been dragging my feet. But I'm perfectly capable of going a day or two without picking up my Switch Light to find out what happens next. I'm not staying up until, like, midnight to get to the next chapter.
I've tried hard to avoid spoilers, but I'm not sure I have any massive theories for how this is going to wrap up. I have been really suspicious of Trucy's uncle ever since he showed up. Now that he's in the flashback, I note that I have not, in fact, seen Trucy's uncle and Phoenix in the same place at the same time. So I wonder if he had something to do with…….something. And obviously Kristoph has something to do with….something. And Trucy's dad has the same first name as the guy that got killed in the first case, so clearly he came back to do…..something. I just don't know what those somethings are.
I will also say: No way did Phoenix ever have $100,000 to his name to pay someone to forge evidence for him, considering this (apparently???) happened two months after the end of the last game, and the only client that for sure ever paid him was probably Miles. Not sure if the game is going to try to red herring me on that or not. But I had a good chuckle at that.
Honestly, I'd love to see more of Apollo and Klavier (separately and together) because I think they COULD be interesting. So far, this game just has failed to develop them at all. Again, I think part of the issue is that Phoenix's presence casts such a long shadow. I understand the plan was not to include him in the game originally, and I'm a little torn because, again, I love him, and I want to see more of him…just not like this. And I think it's kind unfair to Apollo both in and out of universe that he has to share his debut game with Phoenix.
Someone reblogged my Klavier post to say that the last case in Apollo Justice was their favorite. I have read on other parts of the internet that it's generally considered the worst final case in the series. We'll see what happens.
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ilynpilled · 2 years
hits massive blunt: soo what if …- like listen what if jaime’s golden hand is his attempt to rebuild his past self in some way…. to fill that emptiness.. like an attempt to compromise with his ghosts and his current self.. his phantom fingers itch for violence.. when he wants revenge re hoat this phrase is present, it is present twice with lancel, neither revenge happens— his golden hand kills moonboy and smashes cersei’s teeth in a dream, like the mountain did to poor pia as he points out…. like goldenhand the just cannot exist tho. it is a golden lie. gold becomes the phantom. it doesnt work it is incompatible with what he wants to be. the glorious golden knight is a fictive ideal that is not real., he discovered this when he was 17. chivalry & glory & lannisterism has no place in where he wants to be. thats brutal & sickening violence covered in gold. this is why in his final dream he has no golden hand.., only a stump… “only one” he has to look at the “ugliness of his stump” cut that part off—he needs to let go of that past self right. right before he burns the letter and reaches the point of no return, and then changes direction in adwd—
His missing hand throbbed and burned and stank. When I reach King's Landing I'll have a new hand forged, a golden hand, and one day I'll use it to rip out Vargo Hoat's throat.
Jacelyn Bywater could wear an iron hand, he should have a gold one. Cersei might like that. A golden hand to stroke her golden hair, and hold her hard against me.
“Wear it, Jaime," urged Ser Kennos of Kayce. "Wave at the smallfolk and give them a tale to tell their children." "I think not." Jaime would not show the crowds a golden lie. Let them see the stump. Let them see the cripple. "But feel free to make up for my lack, Ser Kennos. Wave with both hands, and waggle your feet if it please you."
“The boy is dead.“ Jaime had drunk three cups of wine, and his golden hand seemed to be growing heavier and clumsier by the moment.
His golden fingers were curved enough to hook, but could not grasp, so his hold upon the shield was loose. "You were a knight once, ser,” Jaime said. “So was I. Let us see what we are now.”
When he descended for the feast that night, Jaime Lannister wore a doublet of red velvet slashed with cloth-of-gold, and a golden chain studded with black diamonds. He had strapped on his golden hand as well, polished to a fine bright sheen. This was no fit place to wear his whites. His duty awaited him at Riverrun; a darker need had brought him here.
The hand was wrought of gold, very lifelike, with inlaid nails of mother-of-pearl, its fingers and thumb half closed so as to slip around a goblet's stem. I cannot fight, but I can drink, Jaime reflected as the lad was tightening the straps that bound it to his stump. "Men shall name you Goldenhand from this day forth, my lord," the armorer had assured him the first time he'd fitted it onto Jaime's wrist. He was wrong. I shall be the Kingslayer till I die.
The golden hand was the occasion for much admiring comment over supper, at least until Jaime knocked over a goblet of wine. Then his temper got the best of him. "If you admire the bloody thing so much, lop off your own sword hand and you can have it," he told Flement Brax. After that there was no more talk about his hand, and he managed to drink some wine in peace.
One of them wore the ruins of a crimson cloak, but Jaime hanged him with the rest. It felt good. (It should not feel good you dumb fuck. You of all ppl is in no place to do this. im so sick of all the projection u keep doing in this damn book. be it ilyn be it outlaws be it cersei be it kettleblack) This was justice. Make a habit of it, Lannister, and one day men might call you Goldenhand after all. Goldenhand the Just. The world grew ever greyer as they drew near to Harrenhal.
“Radiant.“ Fickle. ”Golden.“ False as fool’s gold. Last night he dreamed he’d found her fucking Moon Boy. He’d killed the fool and smashed his sister’s teeth to splinters with his golden hand, just as Gregor Clegane had done to poor Pia. In his dreams Jaime always had two hands; one was made of gold, but it worked just like the other.
The weight of his golden hand had grown irksome. He fumbled at the straps that secured it to his wrist.
Well, what’s one more broken vow to the Kingslayer? Just more shit in the bucket. Jaime resolved to be the first man on the battlements. And with this golden hand of mine, most like the first to fall.
Around him he glimpsed the faces of men he’d done his best to kill in the Whispering Wood, where the Freys had fought beneath the direwolf banners of Robb Stark. His golden hand hung heavy at his side.
then the subconscious conclusion:
“Is it?” She smiled sadly. “Count your hands, child.”
One. One hand, clasped tight around the sword hilt. Only one. “In my dreams I always have two hands.” He raised his right arm and stared uncomprehending at the ugliness of his stump.
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cosmic-gemstone · 7 months
“Right this way, Lady Oracle.”
Qessyn slowly walked down the hall of the Hub, dressed in the heavy finery that Oracles were expected to wear. She was surrounded by guards and attendants.
It would seem the Emperor still held on to some of the old traditions.
Zarkon. Emperor of the Galra for the last ten-thousand deca-phoebs.
She never imagined she would meet him at all. Let alone under these circumstances.
Approaching the entrance to the throne room, Qessyn tried her best to steel her nerves. The massive doors slid open, and there he was upon his throne, ever-flanked by the witch, Haggar.
Curious. Why was it that her name sent such a chill down Qessyn’s spine, more so than even the Emperor?
Approaching slowly, Qessyn knelt with all the others, as a show of respect. “Your Excellency,” began one of the guards, “we bring you the Oracle of Daibazaal.”
She didn’t dare raise her head, but she could feel his gaze on her nonetheless. A grunt left him, and he spoke. “Rise, Oracle, and show me the mark.”
Qessyn didn’t need to be told twice. Getting to her feet, she reached up and brushed her bangs to the side, revealing the mark on her forehead, in the abstract shape of an eye.
It was silent for a moment, then came Zarkon’s dark chuckle. “After ten-thousand deca-phoebs…here you are. At last.”
Qessyn didn’t speak, only lowering her arm and dipping her head once more.
“And now that I look at you…small thing, aren’t you? Small…and weak. And…”
His brow quirked, and he rose from the throne, striding forward to examine her. Qessyn wanted to curl up on herself, but she remained steadfast. Oh, he was massive, far more so than she. She felt like she was staring down an angry xoc.
“…these scars…” he growled, instantly recognizing them as torture scars. Qessyn sensed that it was less out of concern for her welfare, and more that he could have potentially lost a useful tool. “Who did this?”
Qessyn’s ears lowered. No point in trying to lie. “Commander Trekhar of the 13th, Your Excellency.”
Another grunt. “I shall have to have words with him.”
Perhaps there would be some justice in this universe after all, however twisted.
“How much control do you have, girl?” he asked suddenly, “over your power. Can you see into the Rift?”
“Yes, Your Excellency,” Qessyn replied, “but it has been difficult. It causes great strain upon me, and I do not have as much control as I feel I should.”
Surprisingly, this didn’t seem to bother him. “This can be rectified,” he replied simply. “Come. Guards and attendants, you may remain with her. She seems…frail.”
Frail. The understatement of the century. Her entourage rose up, dipping their heads in respect, and they all followed him through the Hub.
He led her to a chamber filled with all manner of devices. Sentries stood guard, and technicians were busily working. They all stopped when Zarkon entered, kneeling.
One, the lead technician, spoke. “Emperor Zarkon. What is your wish?”
“We have found the next Oracle at long last. Activate her.”
“At once, Your Excellency!”
The technician activated a device, and a hologram of a Galran woman appeared. Qessyn’s eyes went wide.
“It’s…you…” she murmured, unable to stop herself.
The hologram of the woman looked down at her. There was no mistaking it; this was the woman who Qessyn had seen in her dreams. The one who tried to speak to her, but her voice never reached her.
The woman spoke. “Emperor Zarkon. Is this who I think it is?”
“Watch your tone, Vralti,” he growled. “It is. I have seen the mark. But verify it for yourself if you must.”
Vralti turned to Qessyn, with a far more gentle tone and expression. “Show me the mark, dear one.”
Qessyn nodded, brushing her bangs to the side. Vralti seemed to have a mixture of pride and sorrow on her face. “After all this time…you come at last.”
Zarkon interrupted the moment between the two. “I trust you know why I activated you?”
Vralti nodded solemnly. “She needs a teacher.”
“Don’t fail me.”
“I won’t…Your Excellency.”
Zarkon turned to Qessyn, who practically jumped out of her fur. “You will learn from this memory of the previous Oracle,” he spoke in a commanding tone, “your powers will grow, and you will use them to serve me.”
Qessyn swallowed hard, and dipped her head. “Y-Yes, Your Excellency.”
“I leave you to it. Do not disappoint me.”
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tarysu · 9 months
please eplas epelapslpslapalspasl PLEASE if you could write a fan x idol tachi (more like hunting dog tachi fan) ITY WOULD BE SO COOL. I'm going to kiss you so much if u do atp lets get married
babe who do you think I'm?! I SEE UR VISION AND I WILL WRITE IT ALL 4 U. You're like my 2nd request it's crazy cuz I'm working on my first one as well. AND MARRIAGE?? I CANT CHEAT ON MY POOKIE (jokes lets get married).. whoever u are anon I WILL FEED YOU THIS CONTENT!! (live laugh love TACHIHARA 2024). He's literally my spiritual animal so let me do some good work for you babe silly silly fluff one shot Tw: i cuss too much mb , super super DETAILED writing (i love this sm)
this has to be the longest fic I’ve written while thirsting on tachi 𝐅𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 || 𝐓𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 !!
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✦ ─ ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ ─ ✦ the hunting dogs command respect not only within the nation but also internationally. Their popularity is a natural consequence of their remarkable abilities, as they have become heroes known for capturing the most dangerous criminals worldwide. These super soldiers, strictly crafted into humanity's weapon by the government, are the labeled faces of justice across the country. However, the 5th hunting dog remained a figure that never made a public appearance. As crazy fans speculated about the appearance of the 5th hunting dog, some had already become devoted admirers of a figure who hadn't even shown their face to the public. Yet, you were among them. A dedicated hunting dog fan, you collected nearly all of their merchandise – and by "all," you meant every piece available. You weren't any different from the other hunting dog fans, you were just like them. Kicking your feet and squealing into your pillow, your whole family thought you'd gone a bit crazy. There's a little secret behind how you became such a devoted fan, and it all traced back with an encounter six months ago at your college entry. a massive terrorist attack unfolded on your way to your college entry. You were pulled into the chaos when one of the train carriages exploded right next to yours. At that moment, you genuinely believed it might be the end of everything. The harsh reality hit you hard – you had just secured acceptance into a prestigious college, a dream your parents had worked tirelessly for, and now you found yourself teetering on the edge, facing the possibility of being pulled into death. It was a gut-wrenching situation. Before you could grasp the situation, just as you were on the verge of falling off the train, someone swiftly pulled you out of the carriage. It was a heart-thumping moment, and as your heart raced, a sense of relief washed over you – you had been saved, and it was none other than the 5th hunting dog. His hands gripped onto his chest as he leapt with you to safety. The memory remains vivid, the sensation of his touch and the brisk breeze tousling your hair still etched in your mind. You find yourself among the luckiest fans, having witnessed Michizou Tachihara eye to eye during a rescue mission. In fact, you were one of the fortunate ones personally rescued by him. Before you knew it, everything became a blur and a daze. Tachihara had no time for idle chatter, he swiftly left you in the care of the medical staff. It was unfortunate, a bit of a bummer really, that you couldn't even express your gratitude to him. It might sound a bit exaggerated, but in your eyes, it was honestly like love at first sight. As soon as your worried relatives came over to pick you up, the first thing you did was excitedly gush about the 5th hunting dog and how utterly cool he was. Even after getting home, after dinner, and even after a long, warm shower, there you are – rolling in your bed, squealing and eagerly detailing the interaction with someone on the other end of your phone. For days, for weeks, for months, it became a continuous cycle of hyperfixating on the 5th hunting dog – his ginger spikes, his fresh scent, his amber eyes, and that sharp look. You could lose yourself for years thinking about someone like him, but the nagging doubt persisted – would he come and rescue once more? If you were to encounter him once again, you'd make sure to express your gratitude for him saving your life. Of course, that's assuming if you manage to encounter him once more.
. . . . . .
. . . . Well, that brings us to the present. It's a cold morning, the second term of college has begun, and you feel utterly exhausted. Lying sprawled in your bed, you can hardly muster the energy to get up, and your phone timer has been ringing for more than 30 minutes.
You were awake, and so was the entire household. The sound of your mother storming into your room reached your ears, and before you knew it, your whole blanket was flying off. You were now facing the wrath of a drill sergeant; your mother, fierce and easily annoyed by the smallest flaws.
You didn't bother to look up, instead burying your face in a pillow, your words muffled and barely audible.
"10 mwore mwinutes…" "20 mwore mwinutes.." "5 mwore minutes.." Your mother had reached her limit; flames were clearly visible in her eyes. With a firm grip on both your feet, she pulled you down to the ground with full force. "12 mwore mwi- FUCK!! OW!!" The thud was loud, and your siblings peeked from the door. They weren't concerned for you, but they were certainly worried about themselves. If they didn't get moving, they might receive the same forceful drag your mother just delivered to you. Your mother pulled her sleeves up.
"AIYAA! BREAKFAST IS ALREADY GETTIN' COLD!" She placed her hands on her hips, observing you, her daughter, rubbing your nose from the impact of the thud. With no other option, you had to get up and get ready. In the shower, massaging your scalp with bubbles, you found your mind drifting towards your assignments and the workload for your majors. you had missed quite a few important lectures. It wasn't a major concern, though, as your friends would always send over notes. The downside? Some had handwriting resembling cave drawings, making it a struggle to decipher. Others had the most unreadable handwriting on earth, with each letter barely legible. Yet, you had somehow managed to cope with these alien notes for the first few months of college. You weren't failing your studies, to be honest you were quite motivated. Why? Because you thought of your handsome saviour all the time. Every single moment of motivation seemed to be fuelled by thoughts of him. The impact he had on you was so significant that you ended up daydreaming the most foolishly romantic scenarios with him.
Even in your rush to eat breakfast, his amber gaze occupied your thoughts. As you pondered the interaction more deeply, you couldn't help but wonder: What would have happened if he never came to your rescue? How expensive would your funeral casket be? And who would attend your funeral? But those are just thoughts of what might have been if he never came around. Running down the streets of Yokohama, you accidentally bump into a thug. Both of you tumble over, and your bag drops, creating quite a scene. The thug, looking pretty livid, glares at you.
you are scared shitless. Before you could even form an apology, he spoke ahead.
"Watch where you're goin', asshole," he spat on the ground, unmannerly as it was. That set you ablaze, but beneath the rudeness, his fierce gaze sparked a sense of familiarity. It reminded you of someone softer, though it was hard to tell since he was pretty fucking rude. The thug left shortly, leaving you annoyed and in quite a foul mood. As you picked up your bag, you made your way to the train station. However, the streets were more crowded than usual, and you thought it would be better to find a shortcut. Yokohama wasn't unfamiliar territory, you had lived here your whole life and were practically born in the city.
Yet, an uneasy feeling crept in, maybe because you found yourself walking in the sketchiest alleyway, but it being marked as the quickest route on the map so you had to trust it. Being late was your own fault, but facing your mother's wrath at home was not an option. So, you opted for the quicker route to get to college.
Yet, it felt like someone was walking every step behind you. You didn't dare to look back. Was it a hallucination? Or just the sound of your heart pounding loudly? Before you could even react, turning around, some creepy ass man was darting his dagger toward you. Miraculously, it flew out of his hand and landed against a hard brick. You froze, breaking into a cold sweat. Seeing the blade fling, you knew you had to make a run for it. You had no plans of dying today, especially not at the hands of some creep.
"..THIS BITCH-" The creep's words were abruptly cut off by a loud thud. He got kicked so hard that the brick wall he landed against cracked. ouch.
Luckily, you hid behind a barrel, fortunate enough to witness the scene unfold. It was the thug. That face was far too familiar, even from afar. It was the 5th hunting dog you had adored completely for the past few months. Sure, that damn bandaid was barely a disguise to hide his features. You… giggled. Like the dumbass you were, you couldn't help it. Tachihara's skin shivered, and the first thing his eyes landed on was you, giggling and peeking out of your tiny hiding area. He was ready to ignore it and head off since he had just finished his job. Idly rubbing the bandaid over his nose, he was snapped back to reality by the feeling of someone behind him.
There you were, smiling and giggling like an idiot, seemingly eager for this moment to see him again.
"Oh… my god… YOU'RE THE 5TH HUNTIN' D-" Michizou had to cut you off quickly before his cover was blown. Michizou dragged you to a more secluded area, just the two of you. He sighed, relieved that your words didn't spill more before his cover could be blown. His hand covered your mouth, and you were pure red, all your focus on him.
After a moment, he took his hand off.
"Can you keep it down, will ya?" He spoke in a more polite manner now that he was discovered. The moment he took off his hand, he probably regretted it.
And he shut your mouth again.
"..Fuck, you talk a lot, don't ya?" He looked at you with a sour expression, a mix of bittersweet emotions. He appreciated the praise, but you were undeniably loud. And definitely quite the talker. You were melting on the spot, your hot breath against his palm. He could feel your breath condensing on his skin, and it was not exactly pleasant. Holy shit, he swore right in front of you. Strangely, you seemed to consider that hot as fuck.
Michizou decided to keep his hand on your mouth until you calmed down. After a few moments, he only had his eyes on you. Sure, he remembered you… oh, he really did. Only because you were that crazy bitch who argued back and forth with the register at the convenience store when he was doing some errands for Teruko. But of course, he also remembered your face when he saved you. "Will ya shut up if I take my hand off ya?"
The position was awkward and uncomfortable, your back against the brick wall, completely pinned by Tachihara with his hand covering your mouth. In response, you gave him a nod, showing compliance. He was a little worried you'd start talking a lot, but luckily you didn't. But sooner or later, you did start talking again. God, you also talk when you're super nervous.
"I'm so sorry! I just felt a little relieved and pretty fuckin' excited.. AH FUCK! Don't mind my profanity, I can't really go on about my day without cussin'!"
And he regretted it once more. Eventually, Tachihara grew sick and tired of the repetitive cycle of your talkative behavior. He bluntly told you to shut the fuck up, but your excitement made it impossible for you to take him seriously. Before he left, you offered a small token of gratitude for saving you not once, but twice—a letter. It had been tucked away in your pocket for some time, kept just in case you happened to bump into him. And that letter also had your number.
. . . . . .
. . . . You kept your guard up all the time, knowing that it takes a lot of effort to get a reaction from Tachihara. It's not that he was aloof, he just had a resting bitch face most of the time you interacted with him. Aware that he was in disguise as a mafioso and often walked in your area, you poked and doted on him, fuelled by the excitement of meeting him. Of course, you complied and were careful not to expose him most of the time. You were a harmless fan, driven by excitement. tachihara knew that he'd probably also feel the same way if he discovered his hero was around him all the time, you maintained boundaries. After all, you were aware that he was just a humble soldier doing his job. He got used to your presence, the constant doting, and even the times when you got on his nerves, albeit in a playful way. However, he couldn't be in Yokohama most of the time; as a hunting dog, there were periods when he would be away from his role as a mafioso. And that absence could last for a long time. That left you bored and devoid of excitement, but you still appreciated the fact that he listened to you. You learned that he had a busy schedule as a spy infiltrating the mafia, oblivious to the mafia part because, well, you were a bit dense in that regard. You had a special request for the 5th hunting dog, but you doubted he'd fulfill it. It was for your birthday, and considering he was a busy guy out there kicking ass in the world, you weren't too hopeful. Feeling careless and a bit stupid, you reminded yourself that you were just a fan, nothing more. As the clock arms neared 12 am, your birthday was nearly over, and what sucked even more was that your family was far too busy to celebrate the age you were turning. You were cooped up in your blanket, slumped on the bed frame. Closing the lamp, you were ready to head off to bed. The moment you laid your head on the cozy pillow, the window lock unlocked by itself. Frozen, sitting up, you saw Tachihara. Your heart lit up, his whole figure shining in the moonlight.
Dressed in his his military attire , clean and impeccable, complete with his cape and hat, he stood outside your window. His fingers adjusted the brim of his hat before he spoke; THE 5th hunting dog was right outside. It looked like he had indeed made time for your request.
Your fan date.
He sat on the edge of the window, and you were amazed that he had actually come, waiting for you. Considering the amount of excuses he probably had to give just to grant one request.
“Seriously? You didn’t even fuckin’ dress up? C’mon, we’re headin’ off somewhere.”
You felt a little embarrassed since you hadn’t actually expected him to come.
“Hey, I didn’t think you’d come at all, so I thought-“
“Not a word, get up and get movin’.”
He reached his hand out, but you were too busy being dazed in his amber gaze. Eventually, you stood up to hold his gloved hand.
He took you by the hand, and suddenly, you felt yourself falling. On the very top floor of your apartment, he held you close. You were screaming like an idiot as you both fell, the sensation akin to a roller coaster. It was surreal, and you couldn't quite believe it was happening.
He swiftly landed on the garden ground, your heart pounding out of your mouth.
“Y’know..you could’ve just knocked at my door..”
You smiled, enjoying the rhythm of the wind blowing against you both.
He turned his head to you.
“That’d be pretty fuckin’ lame,” he said in a cool tone.
“Wouldn’t wanna bore out the birthday princess, wasn’t my entrance up to your fuckin’ taste?”
You did have a thrill for action, but you couldn’t help but just laugh. You were nervous for this, but he was right. He really had a keen eye.
“Well-..uh, thank you for really makin’ an effort.”
Michizou really did make an effort. It wasn't something he'd normally do, but occasionally, for his number one fan, he would.
“Consider yourself a lucky fan.”
With one swift move, he leaped into the air, jumping on wire stands. Your stomach dropped, but it was amazing. He brought you to all kinds of stores, bought you meals because, well, he was a dirty rich guy anyways. And he even snuck you into the Ferris wheel, bypassing the lines with ease.
It truly felt like a date, holding hands and engaging in small talk – the kind of experience you never had during your youth. You had always wondered what teenage girlhood felt like, with crushes and holding hands with boys. But here you were, holding hands with none other than the finest hunting dog.
Treated like a client, yet strangely satisfied, you found yourself dozing off as Michizou took you home just before dawn. Planting a gentle kiss on your forehead, the finest hunting dog carefully laid you on your bed.
A soft snicker escaped him as he glanced at all the hunting dog posters adorning your walls, particularly amused by the one featuring Fukuchi's shirtless physique framed. In that moment, the boundary between fan and idol blurred.
you were already planning to enthusiastically recount the memorable date when you woke up—an unforgettable birthday etched in the pages of your fangirl heart.
the fifth hunting dogs number one.
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rollofleaf · 11 months
Owlcatober 29: Trickery
Sakura and Sosiel having a little conversation, inspired by this https://www.tumblr.com/iwoszareba/731967976355594240/owlcatober-7-exploration?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Sosiel frowned as he stared down his canvas, as though that would resolve his dilemma. The subject of his sketching had shifted from landscapes to the woman that stood across from him. His new Commander, -the- Knight Commander. She… Had not been what he expected. Some part of him had wished her to be a beautiful, kind, strong man, someone that would sweep him off his feet and deliver Mendev from this brutal war. He had brushed that vain fantasy off and chastised him, but she was still so different than he had expected. She was relaxed and jovial, joking with the soldiers and her other companions like equals rather than commanding them. Her power came from deftness and cunning rather than raw strength. She was almost brazen with her flirtations towards Galfrey, rather than respectful and deferential. And what made her most difficult to paint was that she was a kitsune. Which form should he sketch? Which form was her?
“Sosiel, right? You’re staring.” The kitsune had wandered up to him, she looking him up and down appraisingly. She had taken a human form for now, the only hints of her heritage being her snow-white hair and her sharp orange eyes. Sakura was still trying to figure out the young cleric. He looked naive and wet behind the ears, but she knew well how well that appearance worked when trying to hide one’s true nature.
Sosiel snapped out of his reverie, but he needed another moment to compose himself before he broached the question. “Ah, forgive me. I wanted to sketch you for practice, but I’m struggling with how to approach it.”
Playful mischief flickered in Sakura’s eyes. “Sketching me, hmm? Shall we go somewhere private where I can strip?” That evoked a faint blush, though not as much of one as she expected.
“Alas, I only mean to sketch your face. My meager skill wouldn’t do the full body justice, and I’d prefer my ‘muse’ to be a man.” She picked up his meaning quickly, nodding and smirking slightly. “When I try to recreate someone’s vision on canvas, I try my best to capture their true nature. I’m still unsure how to do that in yours.”
The flirtatious air about her dropped quickly as she realized he wasn’t interested, but her playful demeanor remained. There was something in her eyes, almost like that of a cat toying with a mouse. “Am I truly so mysterious? A multifaceted gem shimmering with myriad colors?” She chuckled softly before her expression grew more candid. “I understand what you mean. You want to know if you were fooled by a mask, which face is me and which is the disguise. If I lied to you.” The faintest hint of bitterness tinted the words.
Sosiel wouldn’t have chosen to phrase it that way, but he couldn’t deny there was truth in her words. He did not think she had lied, but it felt natural to assume only one form could be truly her. “If you do not wish to answer… I didn’t mean to offend.”
“You didn’t. But I can’t give you a simple explanation.” She sat down next to him. “I could say that the fox is our true form, but that would be as false as it is true. Bodies are such a personal thing, and I’m sure most every kitsune could and would write you a paper on this subject, all with different opinions.”
She fell silent. Sosiel didn’t wish to impose, but he was frustratingly curious about the subject now. “Would you mind sharing your feelings on it with me?”
She paused, considering her options. There was no harm in being honest about this. She closed her eyes and changed her shape. A massive bushy tail sprouted from her rear, her hair grew into a billowing snowdrift, her ears shifted to that of a fox. Her nails and teeth grew and sharpened, yet most of her body remained furless, most notably her face. “I myself feel most comfortable like this. Halfway between two worlds… But I think all of my faces are true. None of them are a lie, they’re just different expressions of me. They can’t be a lie, I didn’t choose them. I hope that helps.”
Sosiel raised an eyebrow. His curiosity was sated though, and he glanced between her and his sketchbook as he started to draw. “You didn’t choose? I always thought you chose the appearance of your human form…”
Sakura held still, posing for him. He wanted to draw her natural, so she did her best to look as she did at rest. “We have as much control over our human form as our fox form. The only thing we choose is when we change between them. And to what extent we blend them, for some like me.”
Sosiel nodded, then both fell silent as he sketched. She didn’t mind, it was nice to have time to watch the horizon and simply relax. After a while, Sosiel frowned. He had tried to include the holy symbol of Arshea around Sakura’s neck, but each time he tried to draw it his hand drew briars around it that weren’t there. At last, he set his pencil down in milf frustration. “May… May I please see your holy symbol?”
Sakura raised an eyebrow as her hand strayed to the symbol around her neck. While her form wasn’t a mask, her faith was. Arshea, the empyreal lord of passion and intimacy, was simply the most convenient deity for her to pretend to follow. She was unequivocally good and widely loved, but still obscure enough that she didn’t draw the same scrutiny that a follower of Shelyn might. And she did agree with many of Arshea’s tenants. Passion and sex were wonderful, beautiful, and sacred, and people should be free to be their truest selves. But her devotion was still false, a cloak to hide her love for the Green Mother, the fey goddess of seduction and intrigue. Crusaders, most civilized people, wouldn’t approve of a follower of the fey, much less an evil fey.
But why did he want to see it? Had he discerned something? No, his eyes were too plain, too honest. Still, to deny him would rouse suspicion. She nodded and slowly, reverently removed the necklace to hand it to Sosiel.
It was just a normal holy symbol. He turned it over in his hand. It was clearly handcarved from wood, and lovingly so. Yet as he tried to draw to again, still he added those briars. Looking at it more closely, though, they were there on the holy symbol, a disguised lace of briars weaving around the figure. “Strange… Sakura, did you make this yourself? There are briars hidden along it…”
Dread shot through Sakura, but she lied without skipping a beat. “Mm? Yes, I carved it myself from some sacred wood back in Tian Xia. I’ve a love of gardening, so I thought I’d add some plant motifs to the symbol. I’d hardly call them hidden, just subtle to preserve Arshea’s symbol.” Her genuine smile sealed the deception, and the naive boy took it at face value. In reality, the symbol had the Green Mother’s briar-wrapped lips delicately hidden so it could function as something usable for Sakura. She felt a twinge of guilt at lying to Sosiel, but she’d rather not see the rage of a man who had believed her to be a holy woman.
For Sosiel’s part, he suspected she was not telling the full truth, but he didn’t want to press it. Her faith was a private matter, and she had earned some trust. If she wanted to tell him the truth, she could in her own time. At last, he finished the sketch. The Knight Commander seemed jovial, relaxed, but there was a glimmer in her eyes, a hint of some malicious cunning. Sakura rather liked the sketch, even if Sosiel’s apparent ability to paint behind her mask was worrying. Still, she brushed it off, thanked him for his time, and got about her business.
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shadeslayer · 1 year
Would you be willing to talk about the inspiration for you sinti, shunti, kanunuk, & nunni designs? They're really cool!
absolutely !!! :D i usually have pretty explicit stuff that im referencing or am inspired by so im always happy to share <3
*ramble incoming*
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[the dr pepper cans are how you know im a real southern usa babe. earlier today there was 5 empty cans in a row until i put them in the recycle bin]
i take a Lot out of the book "sun circles and human hands: the southeastern indians - art and industry" (2001 edition, not the 1957 one) which i have a physical copy of and i have sticky notes tabbing out out and also annotated highlighting every mention of the chickasaw and of sites where i know the chickasaw [or our ancestors, like the chicaza and other early mississippian/SE ntv cultures] so i can reference stuff i know would be from us, but i also take inspiration from all the designs in it because we were all a part of an interconnected cultural network of art
if you are from a tribe that would be from mississippian culture or the southeastern ceremonial complex/southeastern cult as it used to be called, or you know your people wouldve come from places within that like spiro or moundville, and you want to bring more native styling into your art this is THEEE book i would recommend. it is insanely useful. i cant vouch 100% for the text of it, and the second half is mostly kinda grainy b&w scanned photos of pottery and other items lmao, but the first half has lineart depictions OF designs found, with the attribution for the site they were found at. it is a Massive wealth of symbols and style and has been the best thing for wanting to study and emulate SE ndn art. for real i lent a copy to my grandma and then couldnt find where it was and i had to just order a new copy bc i use it so damn much
like i would post pages of it, and before i bought it i survived off the pinterest pics of scanned pages, but i cannot say enough just buy the book and look through it bc its just perfect its so useful. just posting a few pages doesnt do any justice to the wealth of style and art in it. ive tried to make myself some mock style/symbol guides from it, but even those fail to capture the variety of stuff in there and its why i still have it on hand for reference bc every time i get stumped theres so many ideas in there
but ok . book rec rant over (partly.)
i had done sinti homma, the red snake earlier, and i wanted to do a little motley of other simple transparent animals to go with it. so i did! ive got a few different animals that i played with doing, but a lot of them ended up veering too much off of the more hardline ntv style i wanted to do, and the others didnt fit the guideline i had made - i wanted them all to have a pointed tail that pointed to some corner of the frame, and curl around in the square a bit to have more of a sense of motion. i was thinking deer, turtle, spider... but none of those really fit that. so i flipped thru SC&HH for some ideas and came up with some :3
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the bottom left one on the first pic there gave me a good idea of what to do with a rat tail, and on the bottom right of that same pic is the Fattest fucking fish and i lifted a lot of that design to use for my fish (and while we're here, the rattler tails on the top right of that pic were what i used for sinti hommas tail), and the bottom left on the second pic gave me the idea for the lizards legs/feet shape, and then i used the chickasaw vocab flashcards of animals to think of animal ideas and so i used the pinti from there to jump me off into doing a rat
theyre all named after the chickasaw words - sinti (snake), shunti (rat/rodent), kanunuk (lizard, specifically green striped lizard, which is why i made it green with stripes lol), nunni (fish) . i use the chickasaw dictionary webpage a lot these days though i should use my dictionary copies more bc they use the spelling style i dont prefer lol
i also want to do maybe a sort of pop art style big print of them, like repeated with different colors behind them? and/or them in a medicine wheel? but those are still wip so we shall see!
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