#they have freaking combat ships work for them
haunted-planes · 5 months
As much as I love the second movie, it doesn’t make sense to me that ✨super rich✨ lemons have beef with sport cars. They could have simply bought the racers contracts and make them their bitches.
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the Sarek family is hilarious to me because you have so much drama in one place. there have got to be at least 3 like, holo-documentaries or whatever about them. how could you not?
you have Sarek, the patriarch: one of the UFP's top diplomats, who knocks up a Vulcan princess then goes “hrm I am ambassador to Earth therefore I should marry a human” and he does, upsetting all sorts of the worst kinds of people on his home planet and causing racist hate groups to try to blow him and his family up multiple times, and seems honestly more put out by his son joining Starfleet than his other son becoming Vulcan Moriarty
Amanda, the matriarch: an accomplished educator and quite possibly the only well-adjusted member of the family, but when her son Spock shows up on her doorstep after growing a beard, having a mental breakdown and apparently murdering several medical staff she still shrugs and hides him in the family mausoleum
Sybok: Amanda's stepson from the aforementioned princess fling, who becomes an antiestablishment criminal mastermind with an edgelord fake name, hooks up with a hot space pirate, finds religion, starts a cult, takes an entire colonial government hostage sparking a diplomatic incident involving three galactic superpowers, and hijacks a Starfleet ship to the galactic core to find the Vulcan Garden of Eden, where he dies fighting god in hand-to-hand combat
Michael, a traumatized human girl Sarek brings home from a work trip, who joins Starfleet, becomes their first-ever mutineer, goes to prison, saves the Federation from a war most people think is her fault and gets “killed” in a highly classified, very suspicious incident involving an experimental starship and a series of red lights that appeared across the galaxy like a divine omen (oh, and returns 900 years later to solve the dilithium crisis, kill the head of the Emerald Chain and save two entire star systems including her siblings' homeworld)
and last but not least Sarek & Amanda's one-of-a-kind hybrid baby. Spock, who gets accepted into the Vulcan Science Academy, tells them to go fuck themselves when they're racist about it, runs off to Starfleet instead, gets so famous his arranged marriage falls apart resulting in him publicly strangling his own captain to death except not really, steals the Federation flagship twice, invents time travel, saves the entire planet Earth, dies and comes back to life, goes into his dad's line of work and achieves peace with the freaking Klingons as his opening act, then after a long successful career suddenly dips to go do extremely dangerous underground activism on one of the most paranoid authoritarian worlds in the galaxy to unify the Romulans & Vulcans who've hated each other for over a thousand years — and he isn't around to see it but it eventually works. then he fucks off with the VSA's high-speed prototype ship full of the most dangerous substance known to science and gets sucked into a black hole of his own creation, never to be seen again. and this is just the stuff that's public knowledge!
then you dig into the novels where Sarek's ancestor basically makes out with Zefram Cochrane 5 seconds after meeting him and Amanda tells the press her husband has a huge cock
I love them
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unfair-water-plane · 3 months
So one thing that has always made me chuckle in ME2 is the fact that Kal’Reegar is a marine in a Quarian suit. And he fits in with Shepard easily, the same attitude and headspace and cadence (for mShep at least). And I’m sitting here at work and the thought just hit me.
What if that’s because he is a marine in a Quarian suit?
Hear me out. Kal is older than Tali, or at least gives off those vibes, and so he would have been on his pilgrimage a while ago. Like maybe right after first contact. And here are these brand new people who came out of nowhere and had apparently enough fire power and attitude to give the Turians a very brief pause. The whole galaxy wants to know more. And humanity has no idea who is out there, but surely they can’t all be like the creepy bird people?
Cue one very curious Quarian in Shanxi, just as curious an out humanity as humanity is about everything. Meeting with early alliance brass, giving them information common palace to any kid with an extranet feed but wholly new to humanity. He explains that the Quarian don’t have ground forces because they don’t have a ground, and is honest about the geth, and is like ‘so how did you make the Turian Hierarchy freak out?’
And somehow ends up observing basic training, and falls in love with it. To the point where he actively asks to go through marine boot camp in Hanshan, and is just earnest and endearing enough to be allowed. So he goes through it, puts in the work and the blood and sweat and tears and makes the kinds of friends that you sort of have on the Flotilla, but everyone also knows you are all going to separate ships eventually and getting attached is hard.
But the humans will pack bond with a robot vacuum without issue, and when they meet a Quarian who wants to learn and thinks it’s amazing that they stood up to the biggest military in the galaxy running on old fashioned rocketry and spite? The marines adopt him as one of their own. They are brothers, something most single child Quarians have no experience with, and Kal gives it back in spades. He talks like them, fights like them, jokes and learns and is like them.
And when it is over and they graduate, it’s hard to turn down the offer to stay. But humanity respects the loyalty to his people that takes him back to the fleet, and it almost brings him to tears when his graduating class passes a cap for his passage back to the fleet in more comfort than sitting on a box in a volus cargo ship.
It actually brings him to tears when his drill instructor informs him that while it might not be in great shape, Arcturus has authorized them to gift Kal’Reegar with a battered but space worthy corsair and an official greeting from the Systems Alliance to the Migrant Fleet.
The SSV Jarhead is perhaps the best gift anyone is his age range can give to a future captain, though his practical military experience is a gift to the whole fleet. It catapults him through the Quarian military, from for soldier to instructor to commander, and somewhere he hopes that his brothers and sisters are as proud of them as he is of every transmission that makes it back to him.
On Haestrom, that training keeps him alive long enough to watch his squad die, and that cuts like nothing else. But he can’t stop, because the principle is still depending on him, and until his suit gives out he has to fight to her.
But then the voice cuts through the chatter of his own mind, and he *knows it*. Knows the cadence and the phrasing, knows how a human mouth forms the phrases that he has spent years trying to teach. Commander Shepard might not be a marine, but they are a human combat specialist and the fraternity is there.
Maybe it’s just three more people who are going to die for this fools errand, but somehow Kal doesn’t think so. There are two bone deep beliefs that he will carry it’s him to either the home world or the afterlife, and it has always felt appropriate to him that they rhyme. That they sound similar, when he breathes them into the air.
Keelah Salai. Semper Fi.
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deaddovedecadence · 8 months
(Guess which fucker is suffering from his uterus again? ME! Bevcucase I am suffering you get to hear how I think each member of the batfam (sibs only cause im mad at bruce rn for something he did in another story)would deal with you aggressively swearing at the Universe)
*Transmasc Reader on their period headcanons*
Dick Grayson
“I am going to stab a motherfucker in the throat and sacrifice them to the sun god if means he’ll end my pain”
surprised af, looks at you like you’re crazy
mildy concerned that you’re muttering under your breath swearing vengeance at the universe for giving you a period (apparently the uterus thing is fine but the period thing isn’t?)
Eventually asks what’s wrong and when you tell him that everything hurts, he’s very much going ooh and calling up babs to ask for some help with managing your pain. Once that’s happened he takes you to his room because his mattress is heated and wraps himself around you for a nap
Jason Todd
“If one more person tests me I’m telling Damian that they pissed me off”
He’s surprised with the viciousness of your throat and then pissed when he realizes that you have his favorite hoodie
you have to give him all the puppy eyes in the world to convince him that you need it and it smells like him and that makes it safe.
He understands better then a lot of people because his working girls complain to him when they see him.
helps your make even more creative threats because it’s funny to watch the horror on dick’s face when he hears them.
Cassandra Cain
“I’m going to rip out my uterus and feed it to the ground”
Dies laughing to herself at the absolute violence you threaten yourself with too make the pain stop then scolds you for threatening to hurt yourself
you explain to her that you aren’t actually going to hurt yourself and that you’re just in pain and severely dysphoric.
To combat this, Cass calls you brother (well signs it aggressively) while she cuddles with you in Dick’s bed (it’s the best bed okay!)
Tim Drake
“I hate my everyone and everything”
Finds you crying, and swearing at your body in front of the mirror. Immediately goes into damage control mode, bundling you away from the mirror and calling bart, because Bart’’s also trans and ergo he might know how to help with your freak out.
Bart has to stop Tim from freaking out and very patiently explains to him that sometimes bouts of dysphoria happen and there is nothing that anyone can do about them. Tim ends up asking again if you want to start t and when you say no, he just sits with you on the ground while you come back to yourself
Duke Thomas
“Fuck these motherfucking cramps,”
As the only other trans person in the manor (though Duke is agender to your transmasc) you feel a special kind of bond with him. He makes you feel comfortable and safe when your skin is itchy and all you want to do is explode
Laughs at you swearing at your cramps, and offers you some aleve and a heat pad. The two of you watch an anime together and argue about ship wars. It’s great!
Damian Al-Ghul Wayne
“I am going to rip out the universe’s entrails and give them to damian as a gift”*
Thinks that it’s perfectly reasonable to be angry at your body for failing you.
Makes you spar to get all of the anger that lives inside of you out. It’s very funny to watch the two of you. scream in different languages as you attempt to beat dummies into a pulp
He of everyone understands that it’s hard to keep control of anger and keeps you start to notice when your hold on it is fraying
*(the line that inspired everything)
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lunar-and-ardent · 1 month
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The relationship of Tecna and Timmy is so romantic.
It may be not as visible, because the show has couples being romantic in a more classical way, but Timmy and Tecna actually have so many tender, gentle and vulnerable moments. They are so sweet together, and awkward, and then out of nowhere hit you with the deepest scenes imaginable. They are so Jane-Austen's-characters'-coded lol.
Like this short scene of a game from season 2 (first gif)??? This is so romantic and sensual, you wouldn't expect it from them.
Their conflict in the second season was that Tecna at first cared about rather performative bravery (literal fighting, close combat) + wanted something more than just talking about their hyperfixation. Timmy, on the other hand, thought in a more logical way: he knew his strengths, and that he's better at strategy and computers, and wasn't interested in posing as a hero just to feel good about himself (this scene where he realizes he isn't strong enough against Trix and so he gives away the Codex). He also wanted to get closer to Tecna, so it makes sense he tried to connect on their common hobby, at first not realizing that Tecna, with her emotional growth, started to want a little more than this. And you can understand them both, and both have good points.
And Timmy is a freaking badass. He always thinks logically (I'd argue that even more than Tecna, like this scene with Codex, where she called him a coward for not doing something that was doomed from the start), and so the scene in the third season hits so much. You know which one. All Winx cry and Riven tries to comfort Timmy (I really like the fact it's Riven who does that btw, but this is a material for another post), trying to bring reason to him, politely saying that there's no way Tecna is still alive, and Timmy says in a calm and sure way that he knows she is alive. If Timmy says something like that, you know he's right.
I guess the scene from the second season, when Winx go to fight Lord Darkar and specialists stay at the back, sums up their relationship in the best way: Timmy stays inside the ship, because it is his role to navigate it, and he and Tecna look at each other, just sighing each other's names (though they cannot hear it). Their love is so, so deep. And a relationship like the one they have wouldn't fit everyone, since both of them don't need to spend as much time together as others, nor do they have to say as much (but if they say how much they love each other, oh they say it), and they both share their hyperfixation/special interest, but all of this works perfectly for them. They're a match made in heaven. And come to think of that, we have this popular fanon that Tecna is on the spectrum of autism, but I wonder if there is any fanon like this for Timmy? I also feel like being demisexual or graysexual fits them both (maybe I just like the idea of Tecna, a character whose main arc is understanding and expressing emotions, feeling sexual desire only to someone who she has a strong connection with, I guess it feels kinda poetic to me).
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rescue bots headcanons !!!
chase has very strong opinions on pretty much everything. anything from the best multiple of 12 to how ants work (his opinions on these two are 60 and "they are very civilized creatures when they are not stealing food")
heatwave needs the most fuel out of everyone because he's a quadruple changer, and because synthesizing water from the air is surprisingly exhausting
blades watches the most mature television out of all of the original four. he's the only one who's watched anything rated higher than pg-13
boulder does volunteer work at soup kitchens and homeless shelters on his off days
none of the og's speak neocybex because of the whole stasis thing
blades' medical knowledge is super outdated (again, stasis--most of the major medical breakthroughs came after they left)
the first time heatwave met wheeljack he tried to deck him. they did not get along (this surprised optimus bc he thought they were very similar and would therefore get along)
quickshadow is jazz and prowl's kid
hightide and optimus used to on and off date (both ratchet and megatronus hated hightide)
boulder reads such a wide variety of books that he sometimes forgets what a normal frame of mind is. like, he reads books for toddlers to classic literature to those books of facts about ancient history. there are a lot of books in the bunker.
salvage dropped out of engineering school and then got a job loading up transport ships. always sort of regretted it, but kept his loader job up until stasis
blurr and heatwave were both trained as professional pilots. blurr had the transport ship he and salvage worked on, and heatwave was/is the main pilot of the sigma
quickshadow was one of elita-one's team members until the squad was disbanded
hightide is a cityspeaker and his suit was a gift from a titan
boulder has minor claustrophobia. it normally isn't too bad, but part of the reason he loves nature and the outdoors is because he feels free/not restricted
all the original four rescue bots were dorm mates during their academy years
heatwave didn't even want to be team leader it just kinda happened because of his natural talent for leadership. the others elected him as their leader and he just went with it.
chase is a night owl and usually does most of his tasks at night. he likes the quiet and also that means during the day he can focus completely on rescues
blades gets "grounded" ridiculously often by dani. like, "no tv for a week" type grounding not "no flying." blades thought it was the second one and was thrilled, and then devastated when he learned what she actually meant.
boulder is a clean freak. not a germaphobe, but he needs everything to be tidy
blades bet heatwave that he wouldn't make a "deez nuts" joke to optimus. he lost that bet but it was so worth it for the pained look on optimus' face when heatwave did it
hightide REEKS of salt. it's constant and everyone hates it.
blurr and salvage were both neutrals before they became rescue bots, which is why they've never done combat
all the official rescue bots (everyone but blurr and salvage since they were trained later and never went to the academy) have an outlier because forged rescue bots are built that way
also all the official rescue bots can easily bench press optimus. like, one handed. they're all ridiculously strong (again, rescue bots are just built that way. super strength is very important)
heatwave is ultra magnus's and hot rod's/rodimus's kid (he was raised by them)
rescue bots (official ones, not blurr and salvage) are exclusively cold constructs. they have to be manufactured to achieve the abilities necessary for their line of work (super strength+speed, outliers, olfactory sensors, different optic types, ability to scan extra alt modes, etc.)
after rid2015 the bee team was trained by the rescue bots to become rescuers (this is canon)
at some point before rba heatwave sorta became everyone's boss. pretty much every cybertronian of significant influence listens to him or works for him. this happened in a similar way as how he became his team's leader (on accident and because he just naturally takes charge)
the original four rescue bots are ambassadors to earth and technically all have government jobs but they just also do other stuff (teachers at the academy, rescuers, god knows what else)
game night, movie night and karaoke night are sacred traditions to the team and are taken extremely seriously. hightide refused to look at salvage for a month over a game of scrabble. optimus and bumblebee have both been forced to join in multiple times.
way more but that's where imma stop this post for now
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imperiuswrecked · 2 months
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Here lies Namor. Invader. Avenger. International Terrorist. - Namor (2024) #1
I am Namor. The Terrorist Propaganda says I have issues. Don't trust the Terrorist Propaganda. - Bucky Barnes: Winter Solider (2014) #1
You know what annoys me about Aaron's writing, where is Defender? Namor is part of and actually is the instigator in creating Marvel's The Defenders, the first trio called Titians Three consisted of him recruiting Hulk & Silver Surfer to aid him in stopping humans from hurting the Natural World in The Sub-Mariner (1968) #34. This would later spin out into Doctor Strange recruiting Namor, Silver Surfer, Hulk, and later joining them Valkyrie for the main and first wave of The Defenders. A team made up of outsiders who defended the world from supernatural threats. Namor is literally a founding member of (in my very strong opinion) the best modern team he's ever been on.
Yes, he's Namor the Avenging Son, but he was only ever called Terrorist by his enemies. Namor wouldn't think of himself in that way, he'd call himself a Defender, a Protector of his people, of the seas, his home. If Aaron means Invader as in he was part of the Invaders team then that also is a defense because he and the Invaders were fighting in WWll.
Namor knows the humans see him as a threat and for the most part he doesn't care if they label him as a monster because he's always had this strong belief of defending his home and people, he worked past his hatred of humans to help them all the way back in the golden age, but time and time again the humans do something that he has to respond to.
If you ask me for 2 panels to understand Namor in a nutshell then it would have to be;
The Defenders (1972) #53
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Sub-Mariner (2007) #4
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He's actually so easy to understand if people actually took the time to read his freaking comics. He's complex yeah, but that's what makes him so interesting as the first comic Anti-Hero!
Aaron focusing on Namor's outsider status isn't something new, it's been explored in his comics a lot of times. What really frustrated me was back in Avengers (2018) #9 Aaron had the chance to set up Namor to combat Captain America in terms of ideology of what is right and wrong, how is the defense of his homeland wrong? how is resistance against oil drillers, and poachers, and corporate greed, and polluters, and giant space robots falling and crushing his city and people wrong???
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Human Laws have always been in favor of Humans, not the Atlanteans, not the Sea. Instead of exploring the concept of Namor being a Defender of his home and his people, Aaron constantly labels Namor a Terrorist. The he makes Namor want to atone for the wrongs he's done (never specifying exactly which ones, just a general "crimes against surface humanity") while never addressing or exploring the wrongs done to him by the humans/surface world!
Even now Aaron sets up Namor for conflict under the sea, and states it's for the best interest of the human world that their shipping lines and cruises be uninterrupted by the "shrieking blue skinned warriors who've invaded their coasts". Basically it's "We humans don't care if the Atlanteans are suffering so long as they suffer in silence and don't bother us or disrupt our money & lives".
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Aaron writes in Avengers that Captain America offered aid to help the Atlanteans, but it's Namor who's rejected it, why would he accept help from the people who constantly hurt his people? Why would Namor ever trust them when they've broken his trust so many times in the past? Humans make promises and then break them all the time. Why should Namor ever accept the crumbs they deign to give him in return for obedience and silence so the humans can keep doing whatever they think is right? Why is the Surface World more moral and more right than the Undersea World? It's Namor's land, it's his home, they broke his laws, they broke his home, his people, his seas.
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I've always said the biggest obstacle and mistake writers often encounter when writing Namor is they come at him from a very surface world mindset, where the humans are right and Namor isn't. Namor was never meant to be a champion of humans, but of the Atlanteans, the Seas, and all it's creatures.
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I could not care less that you are breaking the Laws of Man. What you do here violates the Law of Namor. And thus you shall now endure Namor's Justice. - Defenders (2012) #1
Namor being seen as a Invader/Terrorist began back with his first fight against The Human Torch in Marvel Mystery Comics (1939) #8, Jim was championed as the Hero of Humanity, while Namor was labeled as Public Enemy No. 1. and even now 85+ years later Namor faces persecution for doing what he was raised to do all his life, be a king, be a protector of his people, take justice and vengeance for the wrongs done against his home and people.
Aaron wants to focus on Namor's outsider status of being born half human/half atlantean. He's already shown Namor being bullied and nearly killed as a child for being born different by his people, but that isn't anything new, that's been canon that Namor is an outsider among humans and atlanteans, it's canon that the Atlanteans are just as racist as the humans, but often they're framed as worse than the humans.
One comic reviewer questioned if Aaron is making statements about the current political climate but honestly anyone who reads Namor comics can see these themes, the tensions among atlanteans and humans, have always been there. What remains to be seen is if Aaron can actually deliver on some good writing.
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shittalkcornstalk · 11 months
“Take One For The Team”
Synopsis- After finding out your Captain has been giving you special treatment, your friends convince you to flirt your way into getting the crew some much needed time off.
Warnings- xfemreader! , Use of Y/n, 18+ minor dni, Eventual Smut, mild manipulation on your part, alcohol use, weapons mention, age gap mention, Buggy is kind of creepy just a little
Word Count 2.4k
Author’s Note - Hi! As you might notice this is my first post! It’s also my first time sharing something I’ve written before , but something about that clown awoken something in me :) Let me know if there’s anything I missed tags or warning wise! I have two more chapters done that I’ll release if everything works out.
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Chapter One “A Test Run”
You’d been sailing along Buggy’s crew for the last 6 months, helping in raids and preparing for the grandline. After some incidents with an up and comer Buggy had been much less inclined to leave anything up to chance. Now running the ship with the aid of Alvida and hiring on more freaks to service his mission, his goal of the one piece was set in motion, and very little was going to stop this determination.
At first you weren't a particularly skilled fighter, but you could do a bit of maintenance around the ship, and were willing to train at your weak points. When you first joined you were worried about your position as the only other woman on the crew besides Alvida Being surrounded by a considerable amount of dangerous men had you a bit on edge, but Cabaji had made arrangements for you in a small closet converted into private quarters within your first week on the ship. At least that's who you thought made that happen. Throughout these last months you found yourself rising in ranks rather quickly. You’d been gaining some talents in hand to hand combat thanks to training, but making good friends of Cabaji and Moji had you sitting with the upper ranks of the crew sooner than you’d anticipated. And with that you noticed an increase in the quality of life. It was small, but the bathing supplies you were allotted became higher quality, they softened your hair and gave it a warm sweet smell. The food had gotten better, with larger portions. You hadn’t a clue what was happening beyond maybe who’d you been associating with. You seemed to have some power in play but you didn't know why. Until on night while you were out drinking with friends.
It has been a rather torturous day for you and your crew. Buggy had started an aggressive training regiment that left all of you tired and sore. You saw him watch over all of you, barking orders and sneering at anyone who tried to wimp out. You caught his eyes following you as you lunged forward punching the air, practicing your swings. He smirked at you before shifting his gaze elsewhere.
“Train harder! If you ever want to see your captain become king of the pirates you must work till you bleed!” He laughed at the sight of everyone.
God, it sucked. Your arms were aching and you started to really dislike the guy for his cruelty. You grasp at the cold mug of beer in front of you, chugging it down to cool yourself after today's workout. Cabaji and Moji are also exhausted relishing in their own self pity and pain.
“He’s such a tight wad right now. God will he just let up this act for one second? He’s been working us to the bone-“
“Hey, at least you get special treatment, think about how the rest of us are suffering” Moji groans out
You take a second to process what he said. What special treatment? You’d assume at least Buggy’s two right hand men were also getting some benefits.
“What do you mean by special treatment?” You look at them confused.
Moji puffs and takes a swig of his drink. “The fancy smelling soaps, the private room, hell you get almost twice the meat either of us get at meal time- you think we're all getting that? Have you seen the rooms, have you smelt us? You know you've been given special attention this entire time right? We thought you knew?” He points to Cabaji who nods in agreement.
“Yeah and they way you just so happened to go from cannon fodder to the captain’s table in a matter of weeks? We’re friends, don’t get that wrong, but our friendship only got you so far y/n. There were other things getting you to the table that quickly…”
They were both insinuating something, dancing around the elephant in the room, and you wanted to know what it was.
“Why though?”
“Please, you’ve got to be blind to not notice it. He watches you train a little too attentively, his eyes follow you around while you work. He made sure you were right by him at meal times. You're in a private room for ‘your safekeeping’. You get nicer clothes, you get extra beauty sleep , you get extended bathing hours. The captain got it bad- and you’ve never even clocked it?”
You stammered, your brain gets fuzzy. Captain Buggy has been giving you special treatment because he's got a thing for you. You feel a weight in your stomach as you consider all the things lining up in your head. He does look at you funny, in fact he’s looked at you that way since day one of recruitment. Did he hire you for that alone? Did you like him? Not really… He was a good captain until recently but now all you can think about is how hard he's been working you all. As far as you're concerned, whatever Buggy had wanted from you, wasn't gonna happen.
“Oh my god, how did I not notice it- I feel so stupid…” You groan, chugging the rest of your beer. “This entire time, he only had me on the crew to woo me-“ You stick out your tongue and lay your head on the table in defeat.
“Well now that you know, Moji and I have been talking and we think we can use this information to our advantage. Lighten our work load a bit-“
“And what do you mean by that?” You ask imparitively.
“Well here’s the thing now that you know the captain is putty in your hands, let's use that, c'mon take one for the team-“
“Nothing crazy, but the captain has been in such a terrible mood lately and it's causing all of us to suffer- maybe if the girl he likes was a bit nicer, complimented him a bit more, played with her hair, other girly shit. He’d distracted enough to forget he's a total asshole.”
“yeah y/n its not like you have to sleep with him.” Moji motions with his hands in a comical way. “Just use some of that charm and get us a little more time off” he laughs into his drink. If you all hadn’t been so close and also a little drunk you’d punch both of them, you still kinda wanted to punch them…
“You guys are gross. That’ll never work. You are seriously overestimating this ‘feminine charm’ and crush shit, I’m sure captain would looooovvvee to hear how low you think of him right now-“
“No come on, give it a chance, tomorrow all you have to do is smile at him a little more, laugh at jokes-and and…” Cabaji thinks for a second…
“Touch his shoulder!” Moji finishes, “Then I bet he’ll let up! You’ll see! Just try it, our situation isn’t gonna get any worse if it doesn’t work…”
Moji and Cabaji jokingly give you puppy dog eyes and pout “Please for your best friends~”
“Ugh fine, but you owe me, both of you are taking over my chores for a week after tomorrow-“
“Deal!” They say in unison snickering to themselves.
The next day comes and it's time for you to embarrass yourself in front of everyone it seems. You take note to take a little extra time to get ready, nothing crazy , but looking disheveled isn't gonna help the plan. You make your way to the dock for training when you see Buggy, Cabaji, and Moji taking. Your two friends spot you first giving a wink and a smile and they say goodbye to the captain leaving you alone as you approach him. You take a deep breath and step forward.
“Good morning Captain Buggy~”
You try to be a little more melodic in the way you say his name, though it doesn't quite roll off your tongue that well. Buggy certainly didn’t notice that though cause he was already a little jumpy at your more aggressive approach. He blushes a bit and stifles a cough.
“G-Good morning Y/n, what brings you here this morning, shouldn’t you start training?” He's trying to keep cool, but now that you are well aware of his feelings you know he's bluffing. You can’t believe it but this might actually work.
“Is it so -bad- I wanted to greet my captain this morning?” God you are deluding yourself, but you do a tiny pout and the look on this man's face shifts. He's a mess and you have control.
“NOT AT ALL-“ He starts waving his hands. “I’m just not used to you being so…um…cordial-“ He giggles a bit to himself. Cordial was not the word he wanted to say and you knew it. You shift your eyes over to the two idiots watching the spectacle. They mock you with kissy faces, and like a lightbulb going off in one of their pea sized brains, they mimic the shoulder touch you agreed to. With a quick breath you look at Captain Buggy directly in the eye, batting your lashes, and curling your lips to talk.
“Captain Buggy?~” You let his name sit for a minute. He looks back at you, gulps, and waits.
You take your hand lightly touching his bicep and softly rubbing it up to his shoulder. He jolts ever so slightly under your touch.
“I was just wondering what today's regiment was? We’re all so tired from yesterday's workout, and while we…I want to make sure we can serve you to the best of our abilities. I was wondering when our next rest day was?”
He gulps again, heavier, as if this man had swallowed a rock. He coughs to alleviate some of the tension in the air. And though you don’t fully know it yet he thinks he’s found his in to sweeten you up to him a bit. After all a girl like you does deserve a break, but if he only gives you a day off he’ll expose himself to everyone. He's gotta play it cool, still fulfilling your wishes but make it seem like he's in control.
“Why you happened to ask me on the perfect day doll-“ A nickname he’d never confronted you with before, but with his ego inflated he thought he'd slip that in “I was just about to tell the entire crew that all training was going to be canceled today” He moved his body to the crew to announce it but keeps his eyes on you expectely. “Proceed with normal chores, but today will be light work for all-'' He smiled at how great this plan is. Surely you’d start seeing him in better lighting with this generous offer.
Cabaji and Moji are celebrating by themselves at their hiding spot. Hi fiving each other and shooting you thumbs up. You look back at your captain, fully unaware that you’d scemed this outcome. You were suprised it worked this well, but this outcome made it seem like this was a much easier feat than you were expecting. You’d be able to get a lot more with very little it seems. And now that Cabaji and Moji have taken up your chores for the week, no training and no chores meant a full day of rest and relaxation for you. You could really get used to this. You smile to yourself, but Buggy, who really hasn't kept his eyes off of you this entire time, takes it as a compliment.
“ Take some of that much needed rest y/n, you deserve for how hard you work. After all, it's like you said you need energy to serve your captain.”
You shudder in your head at the implications of that last statement before grinning past the grimace on your face and leaving with a sweet plasticy “Thank you Captain Buggy-“ He waves you off, and you can definitely see his gaze linger on your ass.
“Gross…” You think to yourself.
Later that night you and the two others relish in a successful mission.
“It fucking worked!” Cabaji yelled clinking glasses with yours.
“It fucking worked…” You stare blankly groanin to yourself in self deprecation.
“Aw c'mon think about it we’d probably get a whole week off if you just sucked his d-“
You smack him before he can even finish the thought. You weren’t gonna become some toy just to get a bit more vacation time. You wouldn’t mind having the weekends off though, especially when you were docked in new cities. You could go shopping more, maybe go to the markets, try the spas… You could embarrass yourself a little if it meant that maybe…
“Listen I’ll agree it worked better than expected but we can’t jump to conclusions and say this’ll work all the time. Chances are this was a one time thing. Captain Buggy may not be the epitome of self restraint and class, but he’s not stupid-“
He’s stupid. Sure every day didn’t immediately become a luxury cruise in paradise but you'll be damned if your little giggles and hair flips didn't lighten the load for everyone around you. The captain was happier, calmer, and now that he was convinced he started hooking you in, he didn't take out a lot of that repressed anger he’d built up on the crew. It was smooth sailing for the most part. You’d say hello to him in the mornings, goodnight to him before leaving for your own quarters. You’d refer to him with full title as Captain Buggy, enunciate the words in a way he found irresistible, and of course Mojis patent pending ‘shoulder touch’. He swears you need to bottle and sell it. He was putty off this little attention you gave him, and for how little it was, you'd oblige to give it to him. You wonder if anyone had picked up on it, but you probably would have been mocked to hell for it, if anyone actually knew. So in secrecy you kept up this little crush act for as long as it could run.
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What the hell is meryxon and how I even got here + mini character analysis
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Btw it's not me trying to pitch the ship or make everyone like it. I'm just explaining to ppl who have no idea wtf is going on.
P.S. English aint my first language so i'm sorry in advance.
Ok. Since I dedicated a whole blog to archiving my art of this two specifically, I think it's fun to explain how it even started and my insides on this ship of two characters FROM LOST MEDIA ROLE PLAY SESSIONS that NEVER MET eachother and only have 1 mention of one another. I'm pretty much playing of hoping that Jello will find it funny and just makes them interact in ee ONCE. I pretty much would happy to have that. This's a mess. Also I don't think that he's a type of author to go that mush on fandoms side but I resigned myself.
I think it might have started when I only started on writing HCD. An ee fangame "Epithet Erased hot crispy dazzling", you can find more abt in on my twt. I decided to replace the Warden's role with Meryl (not literally. She's in lockdown as a prison doctor after being demoted and acts as a boss in hcd) since I found liking to her and thought that her constantly panicking attitude but also an active position in combat (the fact that lamp rolled the biggest initiative led to her starting the combat and also her pulling out her gun when she started panicking) would be fun in prison break scenario. So, I was writing the hcd plot. We know. The ep 3 but in it turned into a freaking nonary game in the end (ep 2 of the game that I'll never make) and this tweet happened:
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I was making random ac ship tweets like that for a bit. I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY. And then I ended up putting Meryl vs Dixon in hcd, similar to what Ramsey had with Zora, from characters perspective, and with Percy, from morality perspective. So, I wrote hcd draft with all of that and found their dynamic funny. Like this short cop lady bickering with this huge prisoner dude, who has a family record of juveniles and somehow, she's still the one who's likely to harm people directly, even though It's out of fear or paranoia 🤣
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Since I won't commit to making separate character analysis, I'll list the things of those two that I found to be funny parallels or coincidences using comments fro original players: Oz and Lamp (source: Epithet Shrine (neocities.org)) Also yeah, we're talking the ac versions of characters since Jello probably would rewrite them in some way in the future: 1)both have anxiety problems and paranoia in some way.
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2)both got working not the jobs they initially wanted
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3) both keep shit in their hair for some reason 😅
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and now, I'm now even fucking joking, I've made 3 scenarios, in that they would possibly have met. 1) The hcd plot.
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They've met in prison and responsibilities of keeping Dixon alive got tossed on Meryl by Xerxes, who fucking gaslight them both that they've met in school. 2)that unfinished ee animation of ac ep 4.
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They meet in contact room, where Meryl was giving directions to Rick, Noah and Stan and last bliss ocean officer. Dixon refused to give any more tips until we let him participate, so he's here now too. So there 4 scenes with them taking the mic from eachother and giving directly opposite hints.
3) The delusional territory. The fun one.
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When they were in their 20's they used to date and Meryl was still in medical school at the time. But when she got too overwhelmed and dropped out and Dixon started to go nuts in conspiracy - they broke up. So their whole dynamic is the same but they're ex-s, so they use their memories of dating to moke eachother. Imagine having a crisis over if you're capable for your profession or not and your boyfriend goes fucking insane.
So, yeah. Here's the full dive into my hyperfixation that i got myself into after making a stupid joke abt a crack ship.
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ride-thedragon · 4 months
Why Rhaena does not have Nettles' Narrative.
First things first, the tweet to launch 1000 posts.
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Everyone was freaking out because
A. It's so close to the premiere
B. It's been around for a while.
This whole Nettles being replaced by Rhaena theory started during the airing of the first show. People really got into supporting Daemon and Rhaenyra as a couple, and rather than viewing Nettles as a full character realised, she was viewed as a hindering plot point towards our favourite incest ship. So the first person I remember saying it said something along the lines of "What if Rhaena replaced Nettles?".
That spiralled within that space and became almost a counterpart to Nettles being Daemon's bastard daughter. Both of these arguments are often used to deter the romantic narrative Daemon and Nettles have, not to benefit Nettles in any way.
Now I can't vouch for the original poster's validity, but I can point out flaws with what they say.
"Rhaena will claim a sheep eating dragon (Sheepstealer) in the Vale after tracking it for some time."
1. Rhaena has her dragon eggs.
In the books, Rhaneyra gives Rhaena dragon eggs to take to the Vale, hoping that it will hatch to her. We see them in the trailer. Similar to Dany's eggs, which, if you're interested, I have a post on Nettles, Rhaena, and Daenerys.
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2. Claiming Dragons.
This one almost works as well, but it has a few issues. The time frame, what seems to be occurring in the Vale, and the dragonseed plot.
A. 8 episodes for one season is not a lot of time, but we do have a timeline for what occurs, and the start of the sowing is in episode 7. There isn't enough time for Rhaena to both track Sheepstealer and follow him, seeing as her and Baela seem to be in the Vale before Rook's Rest.
B. What's going on in the Vale?
Rhaena and Baela seem to be both at the Vale before Rook's Rest, and then Baela flies into combat alongside Rhaenys. Then Baela stays on Dragonstone and Driftmark during the sowing as she's at the table. RHAENA IS NOT THERE. This is after the sowing because we see Ulf, Addam, and Hugh but not Rhaena or Nettles. All riders so far are accounted for.
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C. This ties into the Dragonseed plot.
If Rhaena isn't there to fight, she doesn't have a dragon. But she is a ward of Jeyne Arryn with her Dragon eggs, like in the book.
3. Tracking it for some time.
This doesn't make sense for two reasons.
A. Why would she try to claim a hungry dragon?
If Sheepstealer is hunting in the Vale, why would Rhaena try to claim a hungry dragon? Rhaena, unlike Nettles throughout the season, would have no precident to assume Sheepstealer wouldn't bend to her as a Targaryen. No one would've been killed in order to facilitate that thought for her at that point if Silver Denys is being killed in Episode 7. She also lives on Dragonstone. Why would she not try to claim him where he lives like a person with common sense?
B. Why is she tracking a wild Dragon?
She lives on Dragonstone, unironically.
The home of all the unclaimed dragons like Vermithor, Silverwing, and Seasmoke. Why would she seek out the wild dragons. Why would she, as he stepdaughter to the Queen, not get to claim all the tamed dragons?
Then, if she decides that she wants to try a wild dragon after all the tamed ones fail to bond with her, who around her would allow her to take that risk? Her stepmother, who just lost two children? Her grandmother who grants her dragonriding sister permission to stand at the council? Or the grandfather who just lost his heir?
I don’t think this is likely. What I think is happening is that she might try and fail at best to give her a narrative, which inspires Jace to send out the Dragonseed call. Are we not tired?
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4amfnaf · 3 months
FNAF 1 Kingdom AU Headcannons?
I guess? And they’re also humans idk
Idk whats come over me, might continue with this if people like it though…
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The King, duh
Good at his job, respected by his people, feared by his enemies.
May have certain mysterious magical powers
Charismatic, intelligent, an excellent leader with a sort of mysterious allure to him; almost always seems to know something you dont
Overall really awesome, yet somehow chronically bitchless
Bro CANNOT get laid, most girls end up thinking hes weird (no one knows the reason)
Citizens and other royal subjects genuinely fear he may never produce an heir 💀
Both of his parents are dead, and he doesnt even need to tell you, you can kind of tell just by looking at him
The Royal Advisor/personal assistant/acting Queen (since Freddy cant get a real one)
Has lived with the royal family her whole life, and was initially a servant until her friendship with Freddy led to her gradual promotion
Shes basically his second in command when it comes to the welfare of the people; she cares a lot about keeping them happy and healthy
Many wish she would actually marry Freddy and become the Queen, but shes really not interested (after knowing him his whole life, he is NOT her type)
She has a sweet and caring nature, and is loved by the community for it. Although, shes known to be a little too ambitious with her kindness, which has ended up biting her in the past
Also is known to spend a lot of her free time in the royal kitchen, baking, cooking, and maybe only a little annoying the head chef by butting in.
The Court Jester
Fuckin hates his job
Does he run around jingling and making a fool of himself regardless? Yes, but he does NOT enjoy it
Only remains employed because sometimes he gets to shred on the lute (and because Freddy insists hes “such a silly little guy” and wont release him)
Actually somewhat stoic and nihilistic by nature, dare one say cool, but certainly capable of mischief
Occasionally gets fed up while performing (because anything other than playing the lute drives him crazy), and loudly threatens to- ahem- ‘kill everyone in here and then himself,’ but no one takes it seriously because they think its part of the bit (this drives him even crazier)
Shockingly, is also a close advisor for Freddy. Given that he’s always around for entertainment, he ends up hearing everything anyways. Sometimes has good ideas, sometimes Freddy just laughs and says “what a silly little guy” when he suggests something (once again drives him crazy)
Known to flirt with any nearby maidens, and it would probably work if not for his goofy ass outfit. He curses Freddy’s name for making him dress like a freak.
Pirate turned Knight
Was a highly wanted criminal, as he was very good at being a pirate. When he was eventually caught, Freddy gave him the choice between life in prison, or becoming a knight, as he was skilled in combat.
He actually chose life in prison initially, something about a pirate’s honor or whatever, but Freddy said he could keep his ship if he became a knight, so he couldn’t refuse
Definitely relishes the glory and attention he receives being a knight, but if you ever asked him he’d vehemently deny it- he’ll always be a pirate at heart
He worked his way up the ranks and is now one of the head knights, being the fastest and most agile. He works closely with Freddy, as Freddy values Foxy’s less biased input (all the other nights and guards kiss his ass)
Fiery and a tad dramatic, has many pirate stories to tell (that no one can verify the truth of), and the people somewhat begrudgingly regard him as the strongest warrior in the kingdom other than maybe Freddy himself (if he were to fight that is). Hes capable of getting down to business when needed, but he tends to be a little more on the eccentric side.
However he is chronically clumsy around girls, therefore also subsequently bitchless
For some reason fnaf reverse harem kingdom AU shojo comedy is really speaking to me rn
Considering making a little fanfiction comic about this… idk should i do it? Be fr with me guys
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calciumcryptid · 1 year
I've been thinking about Pirate!Nolan Stormgate theory, so here are some head cannons.
Nolan Stormgate is a Pirate Headcanons
Stormgate is not Nolan's real surname. It is the name of his parents' ship, the Stormgate. At Ambrose's suggestion, he went by Stormgate in order to blend in with the other students.
Nolan was originally a Diviner (storm student), but he transferred into Myth. He keeps Storm as his secondary school though.
Nolan despises the storm shark spell. He was raised with Cutthroats and Storm Sharks as tangible threats, so he doesn't believe the sharks won't turn on you at a moment's notice.
Nolan has severe fish out of water syndrome, so he is viewed as that one weird asshole to everyone around him. He was raised in an environment where you need to be an ass in order to survive, so he carries it over into his interactions with the city residents.
Due to the physical labor that goes into working on a ship, Nolan is the most athletic student. In a similar vein, his built up stamina gives him the most mana among his peers.
Nolan has not been seen without his robes, because Ambrose told him he'd fit in better if he covered up his variety of scars, piercings, and tattoos. On the sea, these are badges of honor but in Ravenwood they are not.
Nolan was trained in melee combat, so he has an intense amount of muscle memory. An elder student tried to play a prank on him, only to end up with a broken nose.
In a similar vein, Nolan has been trained in a variety of different weapons. He can swordfight, he can use a bo-staff, he can swing around an axe or hammer, he can shoot a gun, etc.
Nolan's first instinct is to always fight with his staff as a melee weapon instead of casting a spell. The first magic duel he was in, he started to beat his opponent because that is what you do on the sea. That was the start of his weird asshole reputation.
Nolan can swordfight.
Nolan underage drinks, but he doesn't know he underage drinks. Nolan will drink yum, and his classmates will freak out because he is drinking liquor and will take offense to him offering them some. No one bothered to explain to him the issue, so now he keeps his yum to himself because he thinks the others find it gross.
Nolan has looting tendencies. During his classmates victory dance, he'll just stand over the defeated individual and shake them down for anything he can pawn off.
Nolan has the best haggling abilities.
None of his classmates have put together that he was raised as a pirate, because while pirates exist they don't impact Wizard City directly so they always seemed like a distant threat.
Despite that, the Ravenwood students all have theories on what Nolan's deal is.
The only student who figured out Nolan was raised by pirates is Penny Dreadful, because Marleybone has a navy that is vocal about the pirate problem. No one believes her though.
Nolan gravitates towards people who are mean, so he deeply admires Cyrus Drake and has a one-sided rivalry with Duncan Grimwater.
To everyone's horror, Nolan is the best adjusted emotionally because he was raised in an environment where everyone felt comfortable sharing their issues among the crew. He finds the isolationist lifestyle of wizards troubling.
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sea-owl · 11 days
So i love love LOVE the Portia x Violet Mermaid AU and it kept me thinking on the AU in general like how did the Bridgerton children meet Portia and they're all like 'wow this woman can slice us up with a look?? Amazing". Then later on meeting Portia's daughters which starts the Polin meet up. (I'm really crazy about Polin forgive me)
So anyway I can just imagine world traveler Colin drooling over hot mermaid Pen who thinks this tall man is also cute but is more focused on her duties (I'm imagining her as Portia's heir cause it just makes sense to me idk) and Violet is like yeesss making his wanderlust son finally settle down and having Penelope as her daughter-in-law in both ways ( marrying Portia and her marrying Colin)?? Ohh she's rubbing her hands and laughing gleefully as she's matchmaking like its the Olympics
So the Bridgerton children would have met Portia at the same time as Violet at the wedding. Portia had ruling mermaid queen shit to do and learn human culture, too, so she had some understanding of her future wife. But she does have a reputation of being cold and calculating, even on land. So at least they got a face to the reputation now.
Penelope is, in fact, her heir and is also the one who was pretty much the diplomat between her home and other kingdoms among the seas and the lands.
I honestly don't remember what I had for the sea's lore originally, but this is how I currently imagine it. The sea is a harsh place. If you are not smart or strong or both, then you will not survive. It's ruthless and treats its own children the same way. Civil war between the seas used to be constant until about Portia's generation. By that point, they were sick of war, and honestly, none of them could tell you why their parents were even fighting. They worked hard to find different ways to form alliances and treaties. Some of those were treaties by combat, but it got what they needed.
Portia herself won her crown by combat. Her father was the ruler of their territory and had two children. Her and her younger brother Finn. Her father would only accept the strongest between the two of them as heir, Portia won. This is also how Portia decided on her heir. She knew she needed her heir to not only be physically strong in combat but also cunning to win in the verbal and mental battles at court. Penelope far out paced her sisters in that regard, and to boot like all of Portia's children, she knew how to fight.
Sadly, the wanderlust doesn't stop, but Colin is somewhat starting to settle. Due to said wanderlust, Anthony made Colin their kingdom's diplomat, so at least he'll be putting his charm to work while wandering around the world. Now that Portia has an in among the human kingdoms, Penelope is going with to start making alliances among more human kingdoms as well. She also serves as kinda a protection when traveling the seas. If needed, Penelope has more resources when it comes to the sea, and sometimes, she will jump off the side of the ship to swim. Girl almost freaked out the whole crew the first trip she did that because someone forgot to mention that the pretty lady who sometimes forgets to wear a top is a mermaid.
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 2 months
ADA Member -> PM Deal Fic Poll
Please reblog for a larger sample size.
I already wrote about Tanizaki Port Mafia AU (where he decided to join on his own), so besides him, who should I write about? I'm talking about being selected for the transfer, not voluntarily joining. (Excluding Yosano, ofc as well as Kenji, and Kyouka b/c just nO!)
Might include ships, but might not depending on the person.
Here are some ways I think each member could be good in the PM:
no extra training required
knows Mori
is at least somewhat familiar with Yokohama's underground
canonically has bloodlust
and only stopped killing because he knew it was BaD
people would be AFRAID
Kunikida and/or Ranpo could take over the ADA
it’s really interesting b/c if he goes Ranpo might follow
and then where would the ADA be?
The fic would prob be tortured Fukumori
slowburn (idk how good I am at writing slow burn but we'll see . . .)
The rekindling of old failed toxic love that was killed before it could really get anywhere or see if it could bloom into something pure
now they have to figure it out in their new circumstances
and if it even can work
but first, they'll have to admit that there's still even the faintest hint of something there
and even then Mori will have to WORK for Fukuzawa's love (don't worry)
organised and efficient so he could easily manage trading operations domestically and overseas
smart even if we may not see a lot b/c of dazai and Ranpo
could probably pick up languages easily
I think he'd be great at undercover work since he's actually capable of being subtle
and he is used to being around *normal* people more and has better social skills
I also feel like he's the type who he can look totally different with a different hair style (or colour) or even if he just takes off his glasses or doesn't wear his little vest or something
and his ideals don't align exactly with the law, only what he thinks is right
he’s willing to do what is necessary to get the job done
if joining the pm and controlling Yokohama’s underworld means less crime and violence overall then he’ll do it
I still think he wouldn’t kill but
he'd prob be really good at interrogation and combat missions that didn't involve killing (like theft or kidnapping for information/money or something)
I don't think he'd be the perfect fit but if they warped or broke him enough he could be absolutely terrifying in the mafia
No ships
Kuni has way higher standards (58 criteria to be precise) and these FREAKS meet none of them
A fic with him would probably be hella angst.
I'm not sure I have a very good grasp of his character yet, so out of all the options, I'm least enthusiastic about writing for him.
Also, I'm already doing a Hunting Dogs AU for him.
obviously, his ability
it's the full deal: strength, speed, agility, regeneration
the perfect partner for sskk
the thing last Mori needs for his SKK 2.0
his combat skills are a little haphazard (relying on brute force mostly) 
but Kunikida has been tearing him in martial arts a little 
even though they have hardly any time with all the CHAOS
you're prob thinking "NO WAY! He literally says he needs to save people to live! That's like his whole thing!"
you're right
but if Mori or the other executives warped him, I think b/c he's so insecure, they could convince him
(kind of like they did Kyouka, only her will is stronger than Atsushi's)
that violence and destruction and killing are his purpose and what he was born for.
But, I doubt Mori would go the route of telling him it's all he's good for and that if he doesn't do it, he's good for nothing again.
He knows it didn't work the first time and it's too easy to reverse, especially since Atsushi has already been with the ADA.
I think Mori would set about convincing him that he deserves to let his anger out for all the world has done to him
that the world is his enemy and that he should punish it
that people deserve his wrath for allowing a society where he could be treated the way he has been to exist
Prob slow burn eventual SSKK
on this blog, we say Aku is just fine, perfectly okay, and doing well
They're still going to fight like angry cats
Aku will prob realise his feelings when he finds himself missing Atsushi's old personality
meanwhile, Atsushi is just drowning in the brainwashing
the "bliss" of anger and he's too unaware even to fight it
still, SSKK become partners
and knowing them, it's to the point where only they don't know they are together
them "not-dating" will prob be like their messed up therapy and break Atsushi's trance or smth
maybe they hide the fact that he's not mind-controlled or whatever form Mori
Atsushi might still decide to stay just to keep any other agency members from being transferred
and who knows he may even learn to like it
I haven't thought too far ahead yet
it's too late and I should be in bed but
ANYWAYS here you go!
I know I said I wouldn't do Junichirou
but if you're getting one, you're getting both
They’re a package deal
(Mori might take her just to get Junichirou because he knows they won't leave each other and then he'll end up using Naomi's skills as well)
and what's not to love
besides Jun's crazy killer skills
Noami is smart, savage and a little cruel (how she treats Jun when he's seasick) and unhinged
(thinking of the time she suggested Atsushi do sexual stuff for his entrance exam)
not to mention Dazai tutors her
If you can't have Dazai, why not have his student?
(I swear that's canon, correct me if I'm wrong though)
she has the potential to be heartless, sadistic, and terrifying
She also likes to see people (Junichirou, at least) squirm and be uncomfortable or suffer to some extent.
maybe that’s just their dYnAmIc though
(thinking again of how she treats him when he says no to her and is clearly uncomfortable. Also when she talks loudly and obviously about sexual stuff in front of others.
I’m not sure if it’s intentional or if she really is that insensitive or unaware of how it makes others feel
I suspect the former
this would be a DARK fic
she'd have her villain/corruption arc (YASS, slay Queen)
maybe if I focus on her story more it won't seem TOO repetitive from my Tachizaki mafia fic.
what the people want, the people get
but we just know sooo painful little about her (aside from her in relation to Jun since their *thing* is kind of her whole personality *cringe*)
unlike some I still like her
If I did there would be no ships
idk even know who to ship her with from the mafia
or maybe I’d be BOLD and go for the ewwie incest
if not then prob very background Tachizaki
Again, please reblog for a larger sample size.
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deejadabbles · 11 months
Introducing my OC, Mana
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(Pics made with this doll maker)
General info
Name: Mana Rhu
Race: Pantoran
Skills/Profession: Pilot and Mechanic (smuggler)
Era: Prequels/Clone Wars
Rogue with a heart of gold type. Sneaky and breaks laws constantly, but still cares deeply for people and has a moral code centered around the value of life.
Very scattered brained and chaotic. Her ship is in a constant state of disarray, she claims its part of her smuggling tactic (no one wants to sift through her mess right??) but we all know she's just chaos.
Has opinions for days and if she knows you're someone she can have a good conversation with she'll love having friendly debates. Just don't be one of those people that think basic rights are debatable, she's not about that and will speak her mind.
She can have her suave and flirtatious moments but most of her minimal charm revolves around being a freaking dork.
She was born on a remote colony on the very edges of the mid rim, meaning that while she technically grew up in the republic, she still didn't have a lot of the protections and security of the deeper core worlds. The colony had lots of problems with pirate attacks and raids. This resulted in her learning how to handle the worst sides of the galaxy in her formative years.
Thankfully she had a very close family that protected and cared for each other. Her father was a talented mechanic and her mother was an ace pilot who both taught their daughter everything they knew. In fact, in an effort to combat the pirates, they spent years learning how to refurbish ships and alter them for defense.
This would eventually lead to them custom building a ship with unique stealth capabilities, originally intended to smuggle supplies past pirate blockades so their planets resources weren't stolen at every turn.
Unfortunately, not long after she reached adulthood, her parents were killed when a pirate crew attacked their village, taking prisoners to be sold into slavery.
This set Mana on her new path. She took the smugglers ship that had become her family's pride and joy and set off to find the villagers who had been taken. This caused her to cross paths with a resistance group who have been working tirelessly to rescue enslaved people and she didn't hesitate to offer her skills and her ship to aid their mission.
She spent many years smuggling slaves off of hostile planets and relocating them to safer worlds to rebuild their lives. Unfortunately, this work doesn't pay the bills and she often times smuggles other things to keep herself fed and her ship fueled. She has a strict, personal moral code, but that doesn't mean she wont break the law, especially in a republic that fails to protect so many.
Then the war started and the galaxy's troubles seemed to quadruple over night. Someone within the Republic chain of command must have heard of her skills because she was soon contacted by the GAR with a job opportunity.
She was mainly hired to smuggle medical and other supplies to occupied worlds, but eventually she started taking on riskier jobs such as sneak covert teams behind enemy lines.
These undercover missions had her crossing paths with many troopers and formed friendships with quite a few of them, as tends to happen when going through life threatening situations together.
And yes, she does form an even deeper bond with one trooper in particular, but I'll save that for later <3
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bad268 · 2 years
Bottles (CC! Quackity X Reader)
Fandom: RPF
Requested: No
Warnings: Use of Quackity’s name (Alex)
Pronouns: you/your/they/them
Summary:  The story of how Alex and the Reader became a couple.
As always, my requests and ships are OPEN
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~~(^@/Alex’s Twitter/my profile pic)
On your first day in college, you ran into someone. The campus was huge, and you did not account for getting lost. And you certainly did not plan on running into someone. Looking up, you make eye contact with a guy sitting on the ground across from you who was wearing a black hoodie and red beanie. You anxiously began collecting your bag that fell off your shoulder and the few papers that flew out of it, “I’m so sorry! This campus is bigger than I expected, and I’m lost.”
“Hey, it’s not a problem. I’m Alex by the way,” he responded, helping you grab the papers, one of which being your schedule. “Oh, you’re heading to Justice Studies and Law with Weins?”
“I’m Y/n, and yeah, I’m studying law,” you responded, looking over to the sheet he was looking at. “I don’t even know where that building is!” “I do! It’s actually that way,” he pointed behind you as he stood up, holding a hand out for you. You took it and stood up, brushing dirt off of your pants. “I can go with you. I have that class too.”
“No way! That would be amazing. Thank you,” You expressed while turning to head toward the classroom.
“It’s not a problem, but we gotta hurry,” Alex rushed, “Class starts in 2 minutes.”
On your first group assignment, you were paired with Alex. You needed to do a presentation on a policy that could be implemented to reduce recidivism (the tendency of a criminal to reoffend). We needed to put together a research paper, outlining our methods, and we needed to make a slideshow to present to our professor. Today, we were meeting up at the library to start the project.
I was sitting at one of the tables with a couple of books on recidivism rates and possible methods to combat it. It was nearly 4 PM, and we agreed to meet at 3, yet Alex had not shown up yet. I decided I would just call him to see what was going on.
On Alex’s side, he completely forgot about the project. He was streaming Roblox with a couple of his friends when his phone started ringing. He laughed it off, telling chat it was probably his mom, before looking down to see your name on the screen. Chat immediately noticed how wide his eyes became and started spamming questioning remarks in the chat. Alex quickly answered the phone and muted his stream, “Hey, Y/n/n. What’s up?”
“Our project?” You responded. “The one that we agreed to meet at the library for?”
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry! I thought that was tomorrow!” He freaked out, moving to start ending the stream without addressing the chat. He sent a message to the group chat saying he had to leave urgently. He started shutting his monitors off, ran around his room, grabbing his school supplies, and ran out the front door to get to the library quickly. “I’m an asshole, I’m sorry!”
“No, don’t worry about it, Alex,” you reassured. “I got to get some good research in, and I think I have a few good ideas for our paper.”
“I still feel shitty that I made you wait,” Alex said, walking through the courtyard toward the library. “What can I do to make it up to you?”
“How about this,” you proposed, “You do the whole slideshow, and we work together on writing the paper?”
“Deal, but I still feel bad,” He admitted. He paused for a second as he walked into the library before spotting you at the table and hanging up the phone. He approached the table, and set his bag down before he got an idea, “how about I also take you to dinner tonight?”
“Like as a date?” You asked.
“Yeah, as a date,” Alex responded, but stopped for a second before adding, “Unless you’re uncomfortable with that, then it can just be as friends, or as partners, but not like relationship partners, but work partners-”
“Alex, chill,” you cut his rambling off, “I’d love to go on a date with you.”
On your first date, he took you to McDonalds and the beach. Being the broke college students you were, he took you to McDonalds, and instead of eating at the McDonalds, you walked to the beach where you would watch the sunset. You guys stopped off at the pop shop on the corner and got classic sodas since the McDonalds was out of Sprite.
Getting to the beach, you took off your shoes once you started walking on the sand, and Alex took the lead in finding a good spot to sit to see the sunset. He ended up finding a cement table that no one was at, so he made a beeline for it. Setting the bags of food down, he turned around to grab the bottles from your hand, so you could sit at the table. “Is this a good spot?” “It’s perfect, Alex,” you responded, setting your bag down beside you as you sat down facing the ocean. Alex sat next to me, and we started eating our food. “So tell me, what were you doing when I called you?”
“Honestly, I was playing a video game with my friends,” Alex admitted. Honestly, he did not want to flat-out say he was streaming, so he settled for saying what he was doing. “No way, what game?” You responded, enthusiastically. “I love video games!”
“Really? We were playing Roblox, but we usually play GMod or Minecraft,” He answered with a smile. You did not look like the type of person to enjoy video games, but he learned to never judge a book by its cover.
“I love those games! If you ever need an extra, I’d be down to play with you guys,” you offered, turning to look at the ocean. The sun had just started to go down, and instead of looking out with you, Alex was staring at you. He did not know what he did to meet you, get partnered with you, or even get to take you out on a date. He definitely thought that not showing up for the project would cause you to hate him, but on the contrary, it brought you two closer. Alex was caught off guard when you suddenly looked at him, “you want to know something funny?”
“Sure,” he laughed lightly without even knowing what was funny.
You leaned in closer to Alex before whispering, “I am actually deathly afraid of oceans, but I love beaches.” Upon seeing Alex’s confused face, you started giggling to yourself.
“What?” He laughed in disbelief. “What do you mean?”
“Like I hate how deadly oceans are, and how we don’t know what’s in them. I’m afraid of the unknown,” You explained. “However, I love the significance of beaches. It’s halfway between land and ocean, but my parent and I would always throw bottles with letters into the ocean during monumental moments.”
“That’s interesting,” Alex responded. “Did you do one for your first day of college?”
“No,” you paused before looking away with a sigh, “my parent passed away a year ago, so I didn’t think it would be right to do it myself, y’know?”
“Well, what if I started doing it with you?” Alex offered. Your head shot over to look at him in questioning, seeing if he was lying or making fun of you. “I think it sounds really cool, and if it means so much to you, I’ll do it with you.”
“Wow really?” You gasped in shock. He just nodded in response with a small smile. You threw your arms around him, and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, hugging you back. “Thank you, Alex. That would be awesome.”
“I guess we have some letters to write,” He said pulling out a notebook and two pens. He ripped out a page for you and a page for him. At this point, the sun was almost entirely set, and the streetlights were illuminating the table.
I don’t know how to start this…
Um, I guess I just started college and it’s been rough trying to balance school and streaming, but I’m getting there. My viewers have been growing recently so I’m thankful for that, but I also get so nervous because I think someone will recognize me in class. Hopefully, that doesn’t happen. Anyway, I also met Y/n, and holy shit, I want to be around them all the time. They’re just so interesting to be around, I might actually like them, but I’m not sure how they feel about me yet. We’ll see.
To whoever finds this,
I started college a couple of weeks ago, and it’s been insane. The workload has not been nearly as bad as I thought, and the classes are so interesting! I’m really liking the college life so far. I met this guy, Alex, and he’s really nice. Except for the fact that he made me wait an hour for our PLANNED meeting for a project we have. Other than that, pretty good. Anyways, thanks random person who finds this!
At some point, while writing your letter, you started shivering. The light jacket you brought to class was no match for the change of weather. Alex, however, noticed immediately and started moving closer to you; eventually, he moved to wrap his arm around your shoulder. Looking up from your letter, you smiled at him before leaning into him more as you rolled the paper up and put it in the now empty soda bottle. Alex already had his rolled up and put it inside the bottle, so once you got yours set, you both stood up and walked towards the shore.
“Throw it as far as you can, and hope it doesn't come back,” you laughed, chucking the bottle into the never-ending water. He laughed as well, throwing his toward the horizon.
On your third date, he asked you to be his significant other. The date was chill. He invited you over, you both cooked some steak, and then you watched a movie. You were currently sitting next to him, engrossed in the movie. It was one of Alex’s favorites, and afterward, you guys decided to watch your favorite movie. While you were focused on the TV, Alex was looking between you and the screen. He had his arm across the back of the couch, and he wanted to put it around your shoulder. He saw you shift slightly closer to him, so he took the chance and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You looked up at him before smiling and leaning deeper into his side as you looked back at the screen.
“You know, I really like you, Alex,” you said randomly as the credits rolled through.
“Like enough to level up?” He joked.
“Is that you asking me to be your significant other?” You laughed. He just smiled nervously with a pleading look in his eyes. “Of course!”
At some point during the second movie, you had fallen asleep. The original plan was to take you back to your apartment, but he did not have the heart to wake you up. Thus, he just picked you up, took you into his bedroom, and laid you on his mattress. He plugged in your phone and made sure your alarm was on since you had class in the morning. Instead of staying in there with you, he went back to the living room to sleep on the couch. He was not tired yet, but he remembered your first date when you told him that the bottle-throwing was for monumental moments. To him, this was a monumental moment.
Wow, I did it.
I asked Y/n to be my significant other, and they said yes! If someone finds this bottle but not the others, here's a little backstory: Y/n and I met on our first day of college, and I fell for them, literally. We went on our first date a couple of months ago, and I can’t remember what it was like without them. I think I may love them, but right now, I’m just glad they’re my significant other. Maybe next, I’ll tell them what I do for a living.
The next morning, you woke up in an unfamiliar room to your alarm. You sat up to look at it, and there was a note next to your phone.
Hey, had an early lecture. Feel free to stay as long as you want or eat anything in my fridge haha. I know you have a 12 o'clock lecture, so if you leave early or I’m not back, there’s a key on the kitchen counter. Take it with you <3 Alex
On the first day of your second semester, he asked you to move in. You were already over at his place every night since he lived closer to campus, and you were going out every other night. It seemed like the next step, and you were more than happy to move in. Your roommates were, quite literally, from hell and your lease was up at the end of the month.
When he asked you, you were sitting at the beach on New Year's Eve, watching the fireworks. Something about fireworks on the beach just seemed better than watching the ball drop on TV before lighting a few small fireworks in your driveway. Plus, you guys didn’t spend a dime on fireworks; it was a free show. The only things you did buy were some dinner and sodas from the bottle shop. You two had been sitting at the same table as your first date, and when you finished eating, Alex pulled you closer to his side with his arm around your shoulders. “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” You asked, leaning into him as the wind blew a little harder. “I want to go to the gym, but with my schedule this semester, I don’t know if I’ll manage that.”
“I want to do more in my job,” he said vaguely. He still hadn’t told you about streaming, but he did say he was a public figure. “I’d also like to spend the next year with you, mi vida.”
“Wait, actually?” You gasped in shock. He nodded and smiled, looking intently at you. “I would spend every minute of every day with you if I could. I love you, Alex.”
“I’m glad you love me, too. It makes this next question easier,” he trails off, pulling away to grab both of your hands. He lifted them up to place small kisses along your knuckles. He took a deep breath before asking, “Would you like to move in with me?”
“What? Are you serious, Alex?” You retorted with wide eyes. You could not believe he wanted you to move in with him already.
“I mean-” he stumbled. “We could stay in the same room, or you can have the guest room! Either works for me, but don’t feel pressured to say yes! I’d hate for you to only say yes to make me happy because it wont-I mean, I’ll be happy if you do but I won't be upset if you say no-”
“Alex, slow down,” You cut off his rambling. He took a deep breath before looking into your eyes. “I would love to live with you, Alex.”
“Oh, no way?” He responded in shock. In all honesty, he did not think you would say yes despite hoping you would. You nodded with a smile as you leaned up to kiss him. He laughed into the kiss as everyone around you started cheering. Confused, you both pulled away and noticed the increase of fireworks and people kissing; it was January 1st, 2020. “Happy New Year, Y/n/n.”
“Happy New Year, Alex.”
Happy New Year!
It’s the start of a new year and new beginnings! We are leveling up (Alex’s term, not mine!) our relationship and moving in together! We are also going into our next semester of uni, and we aren’t failing yet! I’ll take that as a win. Hopefully, nothing fucks up our plans haha
~Y/N and Alex
On your first month of living together, you walked into him editing a video. You thought he was working on an assignment, but you walked in and saw a video that he was editing on his screen. It was a Roblox video. At first, you thought he was watching a video, but when you noticed him n the facecam, you knew that was what he meant when he said he was a public figure.
“You make videos?” You asked, setting the plate of food that you made for him on his desk.
“Ah,” he screamed, not noticing you walk in. He flushed red with embarrassment, turning to face you. “Oh, um yeah?”
“So like youtube videos or do you stream as well?” You asked curiously as you moved to sit on his lap to look at the screen better. “I’m really interested to know more.”
“Yeah, youtube and twitch, and are you actually interested, or are you just saying that to not hurt my feelings?” His eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around your waist and turned to make you both face the screen.
“No, it's really cool!” You replied enthusiastically. “I have a lot of respect for content creators. Takes guts to be under that much pressure.”
“I did not think it was possible to love you any more than I already did, mi amor,” He laughed, turning your face to kiss your cheek. “Take a look at this, I’ve been working on this for weeks!”
“Oh so this is what you do instead of this ‘incredibly huge project’ I see,” You laughed.
“Shush and watch.”
Holy shit, he’s popular! I walked in on Alex editing a video, and he told me that he's been posting youtube videos for YEARS! AND THEY’RE GOOD?! I have never been so proud to call this guy mine <3
On your second month of living together, you got stuck in lockdown. COVID-19 was raging in your area. So much so that classes were converted online, and the government mandate everyone stay at home.
To many, this would be the end of the world. To the two of you, you saw this as an opportunity. A chance for you to spend time together, for Alex to stream more, and for you to work on your assignments. You took more credits than Alex because you wanted to graduate early, so instead of having 12 credits like Alex, you are managing 23 credits.
“What’re you streaming?” You whispered as you walked into his recording room to ask. He had been in there all day, and you knew he had an assignment due the next day that he had not started.
“Hey,” He muted himself to chat. He wanted you to keep your privacy for as long as possible since he did not know your position on being introduced to chat. “Minecraft.”
“Oh, you should teach me to play one day,” You thought aloud.
“Whatcha need, mi hermoso?” He replied, looking over at you slightly.
“You’ve been in here for three hours, and you have an assignment due tomorrow that I know you haven’t started,” You explained. “I just wanna make sure you complete it on time.”
“Aw, thank you, cariño,” He smiled, endearingly, turning his attention back to his chat. He sees comments flying by, asking who he is talking to, why he was smiling, and a load of people being banned. He unmuted himself, “Alright guys, Imma head out. I have an assignment I forgot about, but I’ll stream in a couple of days with Sapnap and Karl, so look out for that. Later guys!” With that, he ends the stream and gets up to leave the room, pulling you with him. “I’ll work on it if you cuddle with me while I do it.”
“As long as you let me up to make dinner tonight and we go on a beach walk tonight. I want to leave the house, but I’m also craving enchiladas,” You posed, leading him to the living room where you already had his laptop charged and set on the couch.
“Deal,” he laughed, pulling you into a kiss. “You make the best enchiladas. Also, I will definitely teach you Minecraft.”
Alex is gonna teach me Minecraft! I’ve never played before, so it will be interesting. From what I know, he builds and fights a lot, so it will be fun to learn both of them. Also, he needs to get better at remembering his assignments. If he can't remember assignment due dates, he might forget bigger dates like our anniversary. Hopefully not, but we’ll work on it haha
On your first stream, you pulled the biggest audience he’s ever had. Maybe that was because it was a Jackbox stream, maybe it was because 5/5 feral boys were there, maybe it was because of you, or maybe it was because Alex named the stream, “Jackbox with 5/5 and s/o.”
“Chat, chat, chat!” He started off. You could hear him in the room over, but you were in the discord call with his friends. They started talking about leaving the call or being silent when he joined.
“Hey, guys, that’s mean,” You reasoned. “He’s streaming!”
“I’m sorry, but who asked?”
“Who even are you?”
“Bro literally no one asked.”
“It’s funny.”
“It’s really not,” you said quietly. “He’s just trying to get content.”
“Well news flash,” the first guy said before shouting, “no one cares!”
“Karl what the fuck!” Alex yelled as he unmuted himself in the discord call. “Guys, this is Y/n, my s/o.”
“Oh shit,” Karl mumbled. “I’m sorry Y/n, it’s part of the joke.”
“Doesn’t sound like a joke to me,” You snapped with a small smile, remembering how one of Alex’s streams took 30 minutes to start because of this, “Sounds like bullying.”
“That’s just how we are. Get used to it,” the second guy said. In the call, the name ‘Sapnap’ lit up, so I knew it was one of Alex’s best friends.
“Ok you guys know who I am, so who are you?” You started as Alex began pulling up the game. “I know Sapnap and Karl, but who else is on this call?”
“I’m Dream,” the third guy responded. The profile picture that lit up was green, and you thought you remembered seeing a video for Dream on Alex’s recommended page.
“You should know who I am, Alex probably talks about me a lot,” a British guy boasts.
“You’d be surprised,” You admitted. “He talks a lot about Sap and Karl, but he never talks about a British guy.”
“Quackity, what is wrong with you!” He screams. “You don’t talk about me?”
“Jesus Christ, I do, but I never mentioned that you were British,” Alex explained with a laugh. “Y/n/n, that’s George.”
“Oh, Gogy!” You exclaimed with recognition. “Are we gonna get started or not?”
“Yeah, but no pandering or I swear to god-”
The first stream, the best stream? I mean it went well. I won a couple of games, but I learned very quickly that pandering toward Dream and George worked out almost 100 percent of the time in quiplash. I also DEMOLISHED Alex in madverse city. His autotune was no match for my roasts.
On your first anniversary, you streamed. You guys were still in lockdown, and you had been appearing in almost every stream since your first appearance. The chat loved you, and they loved the playful bickering between you and Alex. Today’s stream was a Spanish stream. Alex thought it would be funny to react to Spanish soap operas with you, and you did not have a problem with it.
“Oh my god, chat! She cheated on him!” You gasped into the microphone. “He’s never going to forgive her.”
“Hey, maybe he’ll give her the benefit of the doubt,” Alex countered. You two sat in silence for a few seconds, looking at each other, and challenging each other’s ideas, before breaking into laughter. You leaned back into him from your spot on his lap as he kissed your head. “Let’s just keep going. Chat, clip that.”
“Oh my god, chat no!” You shouted as Alex laughed and pressed play on the video. Turns out, the man was also cheating on the woman with her mom. Alex and I both gasped dramatically when this was revealed. Then, the woman, revealed that the man she was cheating on him with was his dad. We gasped again, but it got even worse. The scene faded to the man’s dad and the woman’s mom on a romantic dinner. That was the end of the season. “Jesus Christ, chat”
“Plot twist,” Alex signed with wide eyes. “What if the plot of the next season is that they’re siblings?’
“Ew, oh my god, Alex no!”
One year. Wow. That’s all I have to say. What did I do to deserve them?
On your second anniversary, Alex started thinking you were it for him. You did not care that he had, unintentionally and accidentally, agreed to be in Tommy’s lore stream, so he was in his office all day. When he finally came out at almost 10 PM, you were passed out on the couch as if you were waiting for him. He looked in the kitchen and found a plate of enchiladas in the microwave for him. He smiled to himself before going to lift you off the couch. You stirred a little but did not actually wake up, so he took you into your shared room to lay you on the bed. He did not want you to hurt your neck from the way you were laying, and he would be in there right after he ate. As he was about to leave, he heard the bed start moving, so he turned around to see your eyes opening.
“Alex, how was the stream?” You mumbled, sleepily.
“Great, it turned out better than expected, but you go back to sleep. I’m gonna go eat and I’ll be back in here,” He whispered, coming up to the side of the bed to push some hair away from your eyes.
“No,” you whined. Alex laughed at you as you lifted your arms for him to carry you. “I wanna stay with you.”
“I’m just going to eat, mi vida” he chuckled lightly, trying to tuck you into the bed. “Stay here.”
“No it’s our anniversary, and I wanna be with you,” you pleaded. “Are you gonna deny me what I want on our anniversary?”
He rolled his eyes, but he knew you would not let it go. Thus, he caved, “Fine, hold on.” He moved to pick you back up from the bed to take you to the kitchen with him. Despite knowing you would probably fall asleep again, he did not think you would be out cold by the time he made it to the kitchen. He still did not let you go, though.
He navigated the kitchen with one arm wrapped around you while still trying to eat. As he was finishing up, you started mumbling in your sleep, but he thought you were talking to him. “Hmm?”
“Alex,” you whispered. He waited for you to continue, but then he realized that your eyes were still closed. He chuckled before rubbing up and down your back for a couple of seconds before you said, “I do.”
His heart stopped. He was freaking out. Did you know that he was thinking of proposing? No. Simple. No one knows he was thinking of it. He has not told any of his friends or family that he had even started thinking about it. Now, he knew.
He was going to propose to you.
On your third anniversary, you and Alex had nothing planned. No streams and no assignments. Everything just seemed to work out for you to actually do something romantic for your anniversary However, you two had very different descriptions of romantic.
“Why are we at McDonalds?” You laughed from the passenger seat of Alex’s car as he pulled into the parking lot. “I thought we were going somewhere fancier.”
“I thought it would be cute to recreate our first date,” he explained as he shut the car off. Suddenly he looked super nervous, but you did not notice. “We could do something else if you want?”
“Oh no, that really cute actually,” you laughed, pulling off your seatbelt. Before you could open your door, Alex was on the other side, holding it open for you with his hand for you to take. “Oh gracias, mi hermoso.”
You both went inside and ordered the exact same things as on your first date. Coincidentally enough, they were still out of sprite, so you made your way to the pop shop after you got your orders as you walked down toward the beach. The same table was open, so once you guys made it to the sand, you made a beeline for the table.
“Huh, just like last time,” you laughed as you set everything down.
“What’re the odds?” Alex also laughed as he set his stuff down.
There was only one difference between your first date and this one: it was lightly earlier. When you arrived at the beach, the sun had not begun setting yet. When you finished eating was when the sky started changing colors to oranges and pinks.
Over time, Alex had been helping you get over your fear of the ocean by walking closer and closer to the water. Today was the day that he was determined to get you in the water, even if it was just your feet. “What do you say?” He asked after explaining everything. “I’ll be with you the whole time, and I won't leave your side.”
“Okay, you’re lucky I trust you,” You laughed, grabbing his hand as you both stood up from the table and started walking toward the waves. Unbeknownst to you, Alex had gotten a few of his friends to help take pictures and a bottle. He wanted to make it seem like a bottle came back from the shore and in it, he would ask you to marry him. Unbeknownst to Alex, that would not work out as he planned.
As you walked down to the water, you talked about random topics, but once you reached the cold sand, you froze. You looked scared towards Alex, and he looked at you encouragingly. He let go of your hand to run ahead into the water that was barely covering his feet, hoping that seeing the level of water would ease your mind. “I don’t know, Alex. It seemed like a better idea when I wasn’t right at it.”
“Trust me, it’s not deep, mi amor,” he soothed. “You’ll be fine-” He kept going but you became distracted by a shining object floating on an upcoming wave. “Y/n/n?”
“Ooo what’s that?” Completely forgetting about the water, you rushed to grab the object which turned out to be a bottle. “Oh my god, Alex! It’s a bottle with a note! Let’s read it.” You excitedly ripped the top off and pulled out the rolled paper. Alex thought that it was the one his friend planted, but as soon as he saw the date, he knew it was a different one.
I’m gonna do it. I am going to marry them. I love Y/n. I cannot deny that anymore. I love everything about them; their smile, their intelligence, their humor, their witty comebacks, their cooking, their personality, and most importantly, I just love them. They are the best person I could have ever met, and I cannot imagine my life without them. I know many will say that it’s too soon to know, but honestly, I feel like I’ve always known they were the one for me. I could never even fathom my life without them. That being said, mark my words random person reading this, I will marry Y/n.
“Alex?” You gasped in shock as you turned to him to find him on his knee with a ring in his hand.
“I think the note speaks for itself,” he laughed, looking up at you, nervously. “Will you marry me, Y/n?”
“Jesus Christ, of course, I will!”
On your wedding night, you streamed. What else were you going to do? Your flight to Bali was not until the morning, and you were both running on adrenaline. This time, you did an IRL Jackbox stream with your bridal parties. Alex had the feral boys, and you had your best friends, and you all competed against each other in a little not-so-friendly competition. Everyone was still in their outfits from the wedding, and chat was raving about it.
“Quackity, tell us how you proposed,” a text-to-speech bot voiced a donation as we started up the lobby.
“Let’s just say,” he started to build suspense, “it started and ended with a bottle.”
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