#they like. crawl into my room down from the attic or something so im used to it but! im also afraid of bees and bee like insects soooo
orionangeline · 1 year
A wasp was in my room and now I can't find it
I haven't been this paranoid since *checks notes*... The last time this happened (last month, maybe)
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samncolbyjj · 2 months
𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙪𝙢 𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩
Warnings: creppy stuff (description of creppy stuff)
Sam and Colby found out i had seen some creepy stuff all my live and asked me about it. I told them that neither i knew what i was, i could be a medium or have an attachment.
They asked why i hadn't told them and i said that i didn't because i wanted to know what was happening to me first. They wanted my to film a video telling everything i see and staying up the night and describing everything i saw.
I said i would do that, they also asked for permission to post and share with people that can later find out what is happening to me.
It was currently 22:00 i started to get the camera ready and my best friend was there with me to help me record everything. I started recording and my hands were shaking a bit because i was nervous.
"Hello there guys... Huh, so sam and Colby asked me to film a video telling stuff that happened to me and describing what i see during the night." I say as i look around, the lights still on. " Today f/n is here with me because i don't wanna freak out, I don't like doing this alone...* She appeared in the camera view ans and said a big "hiii" to the camera.
After telling why i was doing this, i sat in the bed and started talking about everything that happened to me.
"So let's start from when i was 2-4 years old, i do not remember this because i was still a little baby but my family told me a story..." I let out a sigh and start talking again.
"They say that one day i stopped playing with my toys and started to look up at the corner of the ceiling, they asked me what was i looking at and all i did was look down and say 'oh... It fell...' everyone was scared. Now i have a imagine in my memory of the thing, it can be just how i imagine that thing or something like a flashback, i really hope its my head but in the image it is a big shadow that crawls like a spider you know?" I stopped a bit and decided to grab the camera and show my house a bit.
I went back to my bed and started talking again about other incidents. "My family was always a bit... Apart from eachother so i have many stories from each house, but now im gonna talk about one house when i was like 9 years old."
"In that house we didn't have enough rooms for everyone and since i was living with my grandparents i would only go there at the weekends. So my room was in the attic, and the attic was big, it had like a living room and more 2 rooms and a bathroom, i slept in one of those rooms."
So i was still very scared of the dark so i had live a little light with me. So i used to always see a big shadow looking at me in the middle of the room, and there was that one day..." I stopped to remember how it was and started talking again.
"There was a rocking chair in that house and it was in my vision, like in the middle of the living room and i was sleeping with my cousin, well suddenly we heard rocking and when we looked that shit was rocking back and forth. It was slow but creppy asf."
"In other houses i always saw that dark figure looking at me, and some hand prints that no one had put in the mirrors... But that was it, no wait there was one day that the dark figure started walking towards the bed that i was layed on. It sat beside the bed and i started hitting it but when my hands touched it, it disappeared"
My best friend that was only listening jumped on the camera "now let's take a look around the house and tell some stories?" (A/n: im putting the image of my own house to describe the places)
I grabbed the camera and pointed in front of me. "Let's start with my closet."
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"Some nights i look at that closet and there is a shadow figure looking at me and if it isn't looking from the closet it is at the door peaking inside, it is like 7ft tall and its very creppy.." We moved outside the room and went to a small 'hole' next to the bathroom
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"This hole leads to the right side of my bedroom, and its pretty dark inside. Now some nights i hear like bangs and footsteps coming from there. Like if it was hitting the wall like 'BANG BANG BANG' you know?"
We walked out of there and went downstairs. "This one is creepy..." My best friend said bringing the camera downstairs.
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"See those windows? Every time we want to go downstairs to i don't know... Grab something to eat in the middle of the night you can see a woman running past it, its so creepy omg..." We went back upstairs and it was 23:37.
We turned the lights off and layed down on the bed. "Now im gonna tell you guys everything i see and let's hope there are some noises so b/n can hear it too and prove I'm not lying" i chuckled after that and we started waiting for something to happen.
Nothing happened. We kept recording but nothing was showing itself it was now midnight and still nothing. Until it hit 1Am.
I started looking at the closet like i was paralysed and my best friend asked what i was seeing. "Its the shadow... The tall one.. its looking at us.. at me."
She looked there and pointed the camera at the closet but there was nothing. She pointed the camera back at me and i was looking terrified. "Im gonna ignore it. It usually goes away when i stop looking at it"
So me and my friend kept talking until we hear the bangs. "See? The bangs are loud!" It banged again. "Girl how did you live all those years seeing and hearing stuff without going crazy?" I laughed.
"I guess im used" some more minutes passed and it was now 2Am almost 3. "Now its gonna get messy." I said and f/n started to get scared. We heard footsteps coming from the right.. where the bangs came from.
"No way im sleeping here again." She said and started hugging me while grabbing the camera.
The next hours it was just me seeing the shadow figure, and the noises becoming louder.
"Okay guys 5Am and we are not dead yet!" F/n said and i let out a 'WOHHOOOO' not loud though.
"Yeah guys so f/n went to the bathroom and im here in the bed alone, I don't think anythi- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" I heard breathing. Coming from the right side, like someone was sleeping next to me, but f/n was in the bathroom and nothing was there.
When i looked to the side it stopped but then it started again. "F/N COME FUCKING HERE I-... WTF" she quickly got out of the bathroom and i told her and the camera what happened.
"Y/n let's stop recording and try to sleep i think the boys have enough." I nodded and said goodbye to the camera, then layed down and fell asleep.
I sent the video to colby and went to his house. As i got there and knocked at his door, sam opened it and i stepped inside. We started talking in the living room.
"Guys you really need to go there, please. Something was breathing so close to me, i swear its was the first time this happened to me."
Colby was sitting next to me. He hugged me as i talked. "Look were gonna set a day to go investigate there okay? Now do you wanna stay the night here with us?"
"Well it won't help much since i see that stuff everywhere but knowing im not alone makes it better... Yeah ill stay thank you."
A/n: first of all every single paranormal thing that happened here is true, except the fact that i wasn't filming and was alone, the breathing happened this night 💀. Second i know this is a Colby imagine and he isn't really in the story but ill make a part two where he goes to Y/n's house with sam to investigate and he comforts her.
Questions: -Did you ever have a paranormal encounter? What's it? -Do you think im medium or attached? -Whats your favourite drink?
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Well, what about the reader starting to date Belphegor after they dated Satan? Like that one you wrote with Lucifer and Satan
Every Moon Sets (Belphegor x GN!Reader ft. Satan)
A/N : Been gone for 2 days because I’m a cry baby bitch who can’t handle my period cramps at all, and I think I’m coming down with something so ugh... anyway, here’s this! Also i posted this from my phone, so the format is janky and im gonna have to fix it when i get back on my computer.... Also, the title is another Brothertiger song... <.<
Word Count : 1.7k
Warnings : angst ; Satan being a genuine asshole ;
“Oh please, do you really think I care what you do? You humans are always saying you’re leaving, but you’re so good at crawling back. Do you want me to leave the door open for you so you won’t have to reach up for the knob while you’re on your knees?” That was the thing… that was the problem right there. He didn’t care, he never cared. Every single thing you did seemed to be a burden to him, even just talking to him seemed like it drove him nuts. That’s why you had told him that you were leaving in the first place, and his reaction only made you that much more sure that you were making the right decision.
“I hate you so much…” You mumbled, turning to walk out the door. You only heard him scoff from behind you. As much as he hated Lucifer, he was so much like him, it would make him sick, but, lo and behold, the only person that he made sick was you. You slammed the door behind you, walking down the stairs to go to the kitchen, spotting Beel rummaging through the fridge and Belphie sitting on the counter as he waited for his twin. You quickly wiped your tears, not wanting them to question what was going on, you knew how close the brothers were, especially Satan and Belphie due to their hatred of Lucifer, and you didn’t want to cause a rift.
The youngest smiled to you as you walked in and you faked a smile back to him, moving quickly to grab a cup from one of the cabinets and fill it with water. You weren’t planning on sticking around long, and you didn’t want to talk, you just wanted to go to your room. “Hey, Y/N. What’s up? You can’t say hi?” Belphie teased as he slid off the counter, walking over to you. “Are you coming to the meeting tonight? I know Satan has one planned, and… you know, I don’t even know why I’m asking. You’re always there.”
“No, I’m not going to be there.” You muttered, quickly filling your cup and gulping all of the water down as Belphie stared at you, waiting for you to explain, but you didn’t really want to. There was nothing to explain. Satan was just a… well.. He was a demon, and that shouldn’t shock any of the brothers, it wouldn’t come as a surprise, so there was no need to elaborate any further. “Have fun though.”
You placed the cup in the sink and turned to walk away, but Belphie quickly moved to stand in front of you, looking over your face to try to figure out as much as he could without you having to explain. “You two broke up, didn’t you?” It was a rhetorical question, and the way you grimaced and tried to turn away only proved that he was right. “What did he do?” He asked softly, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to read your eyes.
You shook your head, taking a deep breath as you tried to move around him. You didn’t want to talk about it, and you really wished that he would understand that. You weren’t even sure when the two of you had gotten so close, maybe it was the fact that you were always at the meetings and he just felt that way. You didn’t mind it, but you didn’t want to come between the brothers. “It’s nothing, just… Have fun at your meeting, alright? I’ll see you later.”
He sighed loudly, stepping to the side to let you move past him, his eyes never leaving your back as you walked away. “Screw the damn meeting…” He mumbled, patting Beel on the back to let him know he was leaving as he made his way up to the attic, grabbing his pillows and his blankets and carrying them back down to your room. He didn’t bother to knock, walking in and dropping all of his things on the floor next to your bed before laying down on them, propping his head up on his hand and looking up at you. “You know, I’m not a total asshole. I can see when you’re upset, and… I’m not going to just let you walk away like that.”
No one had expected the two of you to be together, hell, the two of you didn’t even expect that you’d end up together, but you did. What had started as just a friend comforting you through your breakup had turned into so much more. He had gone from sitting in the middle of your bedroom floor or the both of you sitting on opposite ends of the attic bed to him climbing into your bed with you or laying his head across your lap as you absentmindedly played with his hair.
It started off small, casually flirting with each other or cuddling up to each other as you napped together. Small things, things that you never thought would turn to anything more serious. It had gone on like that for months, and maybe he had let it go so long because he assumed that you’d go back to Satan, or maybe because he assumed that he wasn’t good enough to have you for himself, but he was at least a good enough friend to keep you company while you were hurting.
You didn’t think he’d ever do anything, and you truly didn’t even believe that he had any feelings for you besides being your friend until one morning at breakfast, with all of his brothers sitting around the table waiting for him and you to join them. Satan had mumbled something shitty and snide under his breath, and while you hadn’t even been paying attention enough to even notice, Belphie had caught it. He shot Satan a glare before grabbing your hand and pulling you back towards him, and before you even realized what was going on, his lips were pressed against yours. He didn’t pull back immediately, it was like months of built up emotions were let out in that one kiss, and you grew weak in his arms, letting your body fall against his.
The sound of Satan’s fists being slammed against the table and his chair falling back as he pushed himself back with too much force caught both of your attentions, Belphie’s arm staying wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. “Are you kidding me right now?! You’re a traitor. You chose a stupid human over your own brother! I thought we were close!” Satan practically screeched as he leaned across the table, but you could feel Belphie’s chest vibrating with his laughter as he watched Satan’s tantrum.
“We were, until I realized that you’re more like Lucifer than I thought any one of us could ever be. You disgust me.” Anyone would have been able to hear Satan's growl from a mile away, his fingers gripping around his cup and his knuckles turning ghostly pale before he picked it up and launched it across the room, shattering it against the cabinets right above yours and Belphie’s heads.
He shielded you from the shards that ricocheted, bouncing off his back and clattering to the floor as Satan rounded the table. “I’m not one to use worn out phrases, but in regards to an already used up human, I guess it won’t matter much.” He sighed softly, walking over to where you and Belphie stood, slapping his back roughly while letting out a dry chuckle. “Enjoy my seconds. That’s what you’re good at, surely you’d never be anyone’s first choice.” His shoes crushed the glass even further as he walked away, definitely doing it on purpose, maybe it made him feel stronger, or maybe he just enjoyed the thought that someone might miss a shard and step on it.
“I want this cleaned up by the time I come back downstairs from handling Satan. And you, Belphie…” Lucifer groaned, rolling his eyes as he shook his head. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t use me in the form of an insult. At least not when I’m sitting right there.”
Things had gone on like that ever since it happened, but yours and Belphie’s relationship only blossomed. Satan made it his life’s mission to sabotage your relationship, finally giving Lucifer a much needed break from the constant pranks that he and Belphie used to pull on him. It’s not even that Satan wanted you back, he just didn’t want anyone else to have you. There was no satisfaction in not having you crawl back to him like you usually would, and now that Belphie had you wrapped around his finger, he’d surely never have that satisfaction.
“Just give up, Satan. We’ve been together for months… you’re only embarrassing yourself.” He groaned, rolling his eyes as he walked out of his room, his arm slung over your shoulder. Satan had been standing outside the door, clearly planning something else that would only annoy you and Belphie in the end.
Satan let out a loud laugh, purposely going overboard with the volume just to piss you and Belphie off. “I’m embarrassing myself ? Says the one who decided to take what belonged to me. How embarrassing that you can’t find someone for yourself so you have to take what’s rightfully mine.” Belphie growled quietly which only had Satan assume he was getting somewhere. Maybe Belphie would give up, he’d become tired of hearing Satan’s nonsensical ramblings. “Oh, what’s wrong Belph? Is the truth really that hard to handle?” He smirked, reaching out to pat Belphie’s shoulder, but he quickly shrugged Satan’s hand off.
“Leave us alone, Satan. They don’t want you anymore. You never deserved Y/N, and you definitely don’t deserve them now. Face it, you fucked up… deal with it.” Belphie took a deep breath as he pulled you away, leaving Satan alone in the middle of the hallway.
He’d never stop though. Maybe he did want you back, maybe it took losing you to realize that you were the greatest he could’ve ever had. That thought is what would keep him going, and he doesn’t care what Belphie says, does, or thinks. You were his first.
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pillowbelphs · 4 years
Cuddling the Demons~
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Let me know if you want the side characters!
feel free to request!
xoxo moon
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- will not ask to cuddle. Hell will freeze over before he fully sets his pride aside and admits that he misses your touch and wants to hold you
- if he really misses you, though, he will stop working early (and by early, I mean he won’t be working until 3 am) to come cuddle you
- most nights, you are already asleep by the time he finally crawls into bed
- you always try to stay up, but never manage to do so, and you may not see it, but he always smiles when he sees your sleeping form in his bed after he’s done working
- he’s so large, it’s comforting to you, and to him too; if you’re in his arms, he knows you’re ‪safe, and you know he’d protect you if anything happened
- likes it when you cuddle into his side, so he can leave soft kisses on your forehead while you sleep
- if he feels that your arms are cold, he’ll rub them softly
-  feels less scared to be vulnerable when you’re sleepy, so he often turns into a big mush, especially if he can tell you’re struggling to stay up
- will coo at you if you are
- “my dear, are you tired? you should rest then~”
- if you’re up, he likes to ask about your day during these cuddle sessions, as he’s busy throughout the day most days, so he likes to have this private time where he gets to hold you and hear about what happened that day
- if you say that you missed him, he’d probably squeeze you a bit closer to him
- he won’t say that he missed you too, but he would definitely do things to show it
- once he starts talking about his day, though, you’ll be out like a light
- his voice is just so calming
- yet again, you may not see it, but when he feels your breath becoming more steady, and you stop responding, he’ll smile to himself, leaving more kisses on your forehead and saying goodnight even though he knows you’re asleep
- very needy. it’s one of the most endearing things about him
- he always wants you to be in his arms, so cuddles aren’t just a bedtime thing
- if you’re in the common room, he’ll pull you into his side and cuddle you, even especially if the other boys are around
- if he wants to be more intimate while cuddling, he will throw you over his shoulder to take you to his room to have a bit of privacy
- he likes when he can see your face when you cuddle; he thinks you’re the prettiest thing to exist, so of course he wants to look at you and be able to touch your cheek and stuff like that
- will that stop him from blushing when you smile at him? of course not
- has a habit of tracing little shapes into your skin, especially if you tell him it’s comforting to you
- “oh, you like it when i do that? noted”
- likes to make you feel as comfortable as possible when you cuddle, so you never feel like you have to leave his arms
- the type to make you laugh while you cuddle because he loves seeing you happy
- if you have to get up, he will whine about it. he does not like it when you leave him! he wants to spend as much time with you as possible!
- “no, you can’t leave! i was just getting comfy! come back quick, okay?”
- gets all pouty, like a puppy. if you giggle at him, he’ll to be a little tsundere and grab a pillow or something
- “yeah, who needs you! i can fall asleep just fine with this pillow!”
- will get worried if you don’t come back within five minutes because in reality, he does need you to fall asleep even if he doesn’t want to admit it
- smiles when you come back and pulls you into him again
- “alright, that’s it! no more leaving for the rest of the night!”
- gets really blushy when you ask him to cuddle
- his bathtub is a snug fit, but so is his lap when he plays video games, so he doesn’t mind either way
- if you ask while he’s at his desk, he’ll start stuttering, wondering why (no matter how long you have been dating)
- “y-you want to cuddle? do you mind if im playing?  no no, you’ll get too uncomfortable in the chair with me, i don’t want you to be uncomfortable”
- but looking at you will make his heart soften, so he’ll push his chair away from his desk to allow you to sit in his lap
- his heart would be racing for the first fifteen minutes, making it hard for him to concentrate on his game
- if he knows you can hear it, it makes him more nervous so lay your head on his chest often, it’s cute
-  will get distracted even more because he wants to look down at you
- because you, the most beautiful person in the world, wants to sit here with him and hold him while he plays video games? of course he wants to see you do it!
- will smile very softly at you before going back to his game he is literally whipped 
- whenever you decide to snuggle your face into his neck, he’ll pull out his earphone jack from his computer so the wire of his headphones isn’t in your way
- is the experience of the game a tad less immersive? maybe
- is his baby comfy? yes
- so it’s worth it to him
- once he’s finished with his game, will carry you into his bathtub
- again, a snug fit, but he doesn’t mind
- he just has to hold you super close, both arms are always around you in a really tight hug
- won’t admit it, but will not let you go even if you tried, he’s so attached to you that he just wants you in his arms always
- his room is usually messy with books, so cuddling in the common room is a common occurrence between you two
- not that he minds. the common room is always warm and the couch is comfy
- usually starts off with your head in his lap while he’s reading a book or drinking tea
- unlike lucifer, satan will definitely admit that he wants to hold you or be touching you
- you’re like his personal teddy bear! he loves to hold you, it gives him comfort
- he likes to play with your hair as well, especially if he sees that you like it
- if you ask, he’ll read what he’s reading out loud to you, it will most likely make you fall asleep because he gets really into reading the story which is kind of sexy ngl
- he finds it really cute when you fall asleep on him, he’ll often stop reading to give you some quiet, but will continue petting your head until he’s done
- once he’s done reading, he’ll very gently lift up your head off of his lap and snuggle behind you
- i see satan as someone who really likes spooning you, being the big spoon in particular 
- he likes to feel like he’s protecting you, so he likes to have both of his arms wrapped fully around you
- the type to leave kisses on the nape of your neck or your shoulder in a very sweet way or another way.... ;)
- rubs your tummy if you’re comfortable with that type of thing
- will most likely end up falling asleep with you in his arms as well :3
- another boy who is not afraid to admit he wants to cuddle; in fact, he tells you very often that he wants to cuddle!
- “(y/n), can we please cuddle? i’m cold, I want to hold you”
- you always end up with your limbs all tangled
- he likes to be pet. he really, really likes to be pet
- he likes to be appreciated, but likes appreciating you as well!
- you want music on while you’re cuddling? boom, a cute cuddle playlist
- still cold? boom, he finds a nice fluffy blanket
- is always talking to you about his day when he cuddles, asking for your opinions on things
- really values this alone time with you. he doesn’t like sharing, so as much as he likes to cuddle everywhere all the time, he prefers to be alone with you in his room with nice candles lit
- often runs his hands along your back, and giggles if you jump at his touch
- “did i scare you? you’re so cute, you can come closer to me if you want”
- kisses you a lot when you cuddle; your lips are right there, and so are his, so he never misses an opportunity to give you a quick peck or two
-he likes making you feel flustered, which is very easy when you two are so close together, so he often does little things like pinching your butt, kissing the side of your mouth, saying really flirtatious things that make you blush, all so he could tease you about it later
- would give him a solid 9/10 on the cuddling
- he is very blunt about wanting to hold you, even if the other boys are around
- “Can we go hang out in my room? I want to cuddle”
- If you’re busy, he’ll wait until you’re done. he may be impatient, but if he waits for you to finish it means that he gets more time with you! - prefers when you lay on top of him, rather than beside him; he doesn’t want to hurt you by falling asleep and perhaps rolling on top of you, so he likes having you secure and on top of his chest
-  like satan, he likes to play with your hair, especially if he knows it calms you
- often nuzzles his nose into your hair
- “did you change shampoo?”
- “yeah, how did you know?”
- “this one smells fruity.”
- loves to play guessing games on what scented shampoo/conditioner/body wash you used!
- if he needs to get up to grab a snack, he will literally take you with him
- and by take, i mean he’ll hold your legs around his waist and carry you around like a koala
- “......what’s going on” - a confused mammon
“ i’m getting some pudding” - beel, not realizing that seeing him walking around with you like you’re a baby in a baby carrier may look weird to others
- he doesn’t care though, because he’s the one you’re holding, so who is the real winner here? beel
- another who won’t openly admit to wanting to cuddle, but will most definitely give you hints that he’s needy and wants your attention as soon as possible
- he’ll sigh, say he’s tired, maybe even pull on your sleeve, until you get the hint and follow him to the attic 
- he likes holding you like he holds his pillow, but i see him being the type to enjoy spooning too, especially if you’re the big spoon, although he’ll never admit it
- the type to slide his hands underneath your shirt (consensually) just to feel your soft skin
- a personal little heater, he is so warm
- another boy who really likes to be pet, in fact, it’ll put him to sleep in seconds
- holding you and being in your company in general is comforting enough to make him fall asleep fairly quickly, but when you pet him, he hums such a content sigh before passing out
- will most definitely not let you leave, even if he’s sleeping
- if he feels you get up, he’ll pull on you and hold you even tighter, not letting you get up no matter what the circumstances
- “that’s what you get for trying to leave me, now let’s go back to sleep”
- likes discussing his dreams with you when you both wake up from your naps, especially if they include you
- he knows you like to know that he thinks of you, even in his dreams, so he’ll make sure to tell you those dreams so he can see you smile
- if you’re spooning him, he kisses your hands often, he really likes to hold them and play with your fingers
- if you’re facing each other, he’ll give you really soft kisses on your eyelids when they’re closed, regardless if you’re asleep or not
- a total tsundere, so if you’re awake and you open your eyes when he does this, he’ll roll his eyes
- “you had something on them”
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hadriatica · 3 years
Ive been struggling with hauntings lately. Usually I dont call my house haunted-- I am used to spirits coming and going, feeling presences, ghosts sitting on the end of my bed or appearing in doorways. As a witch I have my spiritual "wards" set up like a spiderweb around my house-- a vibration of sorts comes ringing across the whole web when something bad gets stuck and denied entry. Its a nice way of ensuring that while my house isnt ghost free (lets be real, I dont think any of us can stop that really), the worst of the worst stay out. Lately tho any activity in the house has felt malicious, the kind of paranormal that is scary and truly uninvited. Bout a month ago I began having the feeling of being watched whenever I was in the house. I was familiar with this kind of ghostly activity, as my childhood home had a few nasty spirits who would stare at you in certain parts of the house. Keep in mind our current appartment is the attic of someones house and is very small-- a living room, kitchen/front entrance, small bathroom and a bedroom. This watched feeling followed me everywhere, but intensified in the small hallway where the little rooms meet. This watched feeling gets worse whenever Im home alone. The feeling is intense, goosebump and hair raising kind of staring going on. It is not the kind of watched that makes you feel cared for, but on edge, as if you were being followed through an alley or watched on the bus by someone creepy. Theres also the chasing feeling. Whenever I pass through this hallway I feel someone chasing or following close behind me. It feels like someone is grabbing at my ankles from the floor, though at times I also feel someone abruptly breathing down my neck.
Theres shadow figures behind doors now, or watching me through mirrors and around corners. There is however two entities which are causing me the most distress...
Ill start with the one that's chasing me. Ive seen her physically twice, but now knowing what she looks like, whenever I have that feeling of being chased/followed I know its her. Both times I saw her it was in the middle of the night when I got up to use the bathroom or feed my cat. Each time, when I felt the "chased/watched" feeling and turned around to make sure no one was there I saw her crouched on the floor about 3 meters away. She starts crouching but quickly swoops even further down until her long hair and pale face are touching the floor. She crawls along the floor towards me, long fingers outstretched to grab my ankles. Its at this point that I can see her face and know it is a wicked thing with inhuman teeth, deep sockets, and an insidious grin. Both times I saw her I ran into the room and shut the door behind me, quickly climbing into bed next to my spouse and tucking in my feet REAL tight under the blankets. So far she has never followed me out of that hallway, or entered the bedroom, but I am terrified one day she will.
The second spirit I first saw in a dream. This happens often to me, I find spirits tend to show themselves to me in my dreams bc my wards are weakest there. When spirits do appear in dreams through my wards they are often the bad ones-- but a swift banishment or command to leave expells them from my dreamspace and home. The night this spirit appeared I awoke in the dream around daybreak to see something floating next to my side of the bed. If I had to pick one thing he looked like more than anything, it would be a Gargoyle. He is a tall spirit, about seven feet, though this could be attributed to how he hovers quite a few inches above the floor. He has a slightly hunched posture and two arms he holds in close to his body, the limbs too long for him to hold them comfortably without his knuckles dragging on the floor. His two wrists are always limp and hands wrap around an object. He has two long elvish ears jutting out horizontally from his face, and while he is humanoid he is strictly non-human, much like the first entity in the hallway. During the dream where I first saw him, I watched him hover in place and stare over a bulbous nose with a small uncomfortable smile on his face. Interestingly enough he never stares at me, but from his height of 7ft he stares straight ahead towards the large window and bookshelf on the opposite side of our bed. I woke up shortly after and he was gone, but now on occasion he appears in the same way in the bedroom, always right next to me on the bed and staring. Unfortunately his appearances are no longer just limited to daybreak and he has started appearing at night as well. I dislike him very much. Last night he appeared in my dream again, holding a long pair of sharp sewing scissors that gleamed in the dim light coming from the window. I watched as he held the scissors with a growing sense of foreboding and fell back "asleep" in the dream. When I "awoke" next the scissors were placed dangerously over my heart along with some pocket lint, dust and dead moths. The spirit was gone but I wailed for hours in my dream in my distress, until i woke up for real this morning.
In that dream one of the altars to my deities had been smashed as well (Aphrodite's). im curious as to why it was just hers, as all my gods altars are on the top of the same dresser, and hers is in the middle so it shouldnt have been the only one to be knocked off. Thats dream logic for you I guess.
It anyone is interested in hearing other ghost stories hmu, I got plenty. Thanks for anyone who read, its been affirming to write this out.
I hope they go away soon. I need to redo my house blessings it seems.
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lettersnorth · 3 years
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It'd be nice to catch the breeze! It'd be fun! That's what Cravendy had thought on a whim. But now that she was up here, after crawling through several spaces far too cramped for any normal-sized person to fit through, she determined the effort to get here far outweighed any benefit. And eventually, she'd have to find a way down. Cravs puts that off for later and looks over the Lilly Hills.
After the meeting with Momori, Aislinn comes across a note left on the desk of her study. A request from Cravendy for Aislinn to engineer an undetectable tracking device. Questionable at best, downright shady at worst but also surprising, coming from Cravendy. She knows the clock is ticking on her own issues but before returning to her business in Ishgard, she goes in search of the oddly absent Seawolf to find out exactly why she would need such a device.
With a bit of searching Aislinn finally finds the woman out on the widow's walk on the very top of the Company House. What was it with the people in her life and high altitudes? She clambers out onto the high walk, with a puff of exertion after squeezing herself through the small attic crawlspace. "Nymeia's breath." she mutters under her breath as she appears and then, "Here you are." louder now, for the Seawolf to hear as she dusts herself off.
Cravendy waits in fearful anticipation as something is shoving its way through the crawlspace. When Lin finally emerges, Cravs doesn't know whether to laugh or cry from surprise. "What the 'ell?! Lin? What brings ye up 'ere?" "Ye look like yer 'alf dust bunny." Cravs, having been 'trapped' out here for quite some time, has had ample time to brush herself off.
Aislinn takes a moment to peer over the edge. The view up here was rather nice. She might even make use of this walk herself sometime when she needed some quiet. She made a mental note of it as she stepped back. "You." she replies, her voice as matter-of-fact as ever. "I came across the note you left on my --" she pauses, noting a bit of dusty cobweb still clinging to the edge of her spectacle frame. She sputters and swiftly brushes at it with a wave of her hand. Clearing her throat, she continues, "..my desk. What's this business about an 'undetectable tracking device'?"
Cravendy stifles a giggle as Lin struggles with the spiderwebs caught in her hair. "If ye've got 'alf a mind to come up 'ere again, we should bring in a team of professional cleaners. It was 'ard for me too, and 'arder still with bugs and splinters every ilm."
"But, ah. Mm." Cravs scratches the back of her head and turns away. This was something she had shared with Riylli and Rising - would Lin respond in the same way? Normally, Cravs would brush off the request, switch the topic. But with two out of two on her side, maybe...just maybe Lin would be receptive as well.
"To put it shortly, I need it to incriminate someone of bein' an arse."
"We should." Aislinn agrees, momentarily pulling the glasses from her face and inspecting them with a frown to be sure they were clean. "I'd wager no one's set foot in the attic in an age." Fitting the frames brusquely back on her face, she passes Cravendy a skeptical look. "Not saying there's not a time or place for that but that might be putting it a little too short for me. Is there a longer version?"
Cravendy grimaces, reacting as if Lin is suggesting she needs a tooth pulled. "Shit...the longer version? Uh, the full version? Ye really got time for that? Not that it's anythin' big." She wheezes. "I mean, relatively, it's small, in the grand scheme of Eorzea burnin'."
The more Cravendy hems and haws, the more Aislinn's concern grows. "I'm not asking for the -full- story if you've not the inclination. But you've got to admit that if you're asking me to hand you a device like that, I need to know at least a little bit as to why. Not only for the obvious reasons as to whether we're wandering into a gray area with a -tracker- but to inform the parameters of this project. What sort of range, for how long, and so on."  she explains.
"There's a loanshark that's botherin' someone I want to 'elp. I figure if I can bring 'em down, they won't be able to pester 'im anymore," Cravs eventually admits, arms crossed. "But on the surface, their record is clean. So I...I may 'ave broken a law or two in order to find some dirt."
"I need the tracker to prove the loanshark's up to no good. Evidence that'll be 'arder to trace back to my own lawbreakin'."
Aislinn expels a troubled breath. It wasn't the lawbreaking that bothered her. Far be it from her to lecture anyone about something like that. She stares out at the vista over Cravendy's shoulder with a considering tilt of her head. In the end, she couldn't hold it against Cravendy if she decided to hold information back. It wasn't like Aislinn herself was as forthright as she could be with her either. "A normal tracker would just tell you where a person's been. A trail on a map. Is that going to be enough?"
"As long as this tracker can't be sensed by Limsa's best, can lead me to wherever she's storin' 'er illegal goods, then it'll be more than enough." Cravs puts a finger over her lips. "....Oh. And if it can somehow be 'idden in a vat of toad ooze."
"I'm 'opin' to bait 'er with it, ask a favor from Dirtpatch, 'ave everythin' legally look....bad, tear down 'er reputation. Maybe even toss her into gaol." Cravs nods, satisfied. "A sound plan, eh?"
Aislinn shoots a glance over to Cravendy, a small measure of amusement sparking there despite her misgivings. "A vat of toad ooze." she echoes. She inhales and tries to think it through like it was a reasonable problem set and not at all the odd request it was. "Acidic? That depends. Corrosion could be a problem if you needed it to last longer than a few bells. And what makes you think she'd drag toad ooze to wherever you're hoping she goes?"
Cravendy frets by tugging on her braid. She didn't think about that, and after harvesting all that ooze, her hands did feel a bit itchy. "Uh, maybe? Is this somethin' ye can test? It's safe for me to dunk my 'and in for a while. It's sittin' in a barrel in my room if ye want to look at it."
"She's a spice trader, both the dust ye put on food and the, er, 'strong' stuff. I 'eard toad ooze is used by pixies for psychedelic effects, and it sure as 'ell ain't easy to come by. She won't resist tradin' for a vat for it, I think."
"Not just a loanshark, then." Aislinn notes. A bit of fire flickers through her eyes. The drug trading detail seems to have drawn the woman's ire. "I can test it." she affirms. "Once I know what I'm dealing with I can decide on a case of some sort. A shell that would protect the device. But that might limit my options, if it still needs to let an encrypted signal through. Maybe something with a delayed activation? She wouldn't detect it at first if she were looking. But then it'd wake itself up somewhere down the line not too long after she took the bait." Aislinn is clearly thinking out loud now, hooked by the challenge set before her.
"Then it'd be a matter of knowin' when to activate it. It could take a couple of suns for it to make it to 'er," Cravs ponders. "So when it activates, ye think she could sense it then? If that's the case, the moment it goes off, I better be ready to jump into action."
"'ow are ye gonna make a delayed shell like that? I've 'eard of slow actin' medicine, but a slow actin' tracker....and an undetectable one at that. Think that's in the realm of possibility?"
The planning and sketching going on in Aislinn's mind is halted by Cravendy's question like a pen scratching wildly off the boundaries of a page. "What do you mean, could she sense it? I thought she might, at best, scan the vat of toad ooze with her own equipment. How would anyone sense a ping of a device going online? Does she have something I don't know about?"
"That's the thing." Cravs snaps her fingers. "I 'ave no clue. If someone was storin' illegal goods, what sort of security measures would they take? I'm imaginin' an empty barn, maybe 'idden by some trees, but...eh. I dunno. What do ye reckown?"
"Depends on how sophisticated an operation you're dealing with." Aislinn answers with a half shrug. "Is this just a side job for her, something to make a little extra gil or is this her livelihood she has to protect? Is she an arrogant person who thinks she'll never get caught or is she paranoid? How long has she been at this?" Aislinn waves a hand through the air as if to say 'and so on and so forth'. "Let's plan as though it's the worst case scenario. She's wily, she's paranoid and she's been at this for years. If so, hiding something in the product might not be the best way to outsmart her." Lin drummed her fingers against her arm in thought. "Who's meeting her to make the trade?"
Cravendy considers this, is relieved to have asked Lin about such matters. "'ow do I put this...what I'm 'opin' to incriminate 'er of wasn't illegal until the Admiral got in charge of Limsa. So at the least, she's been hidin' her stuff for five years. But I would lean on longer, since hidin' from the law is one thing, hidin' from a rats nest of pirates is another."
"As for who's makin' the trade...a couple of old friends of mine. Nostalgically inclined friends."
"You're trying to catch a pirate." Aislinn said with a dawning realization. A conflicted look flitted across Aislinn's face for the briefest of moments. She had recently found reason to feel differently about certain pirates than most. But Cravendy was speaking of a drug trading, loanshark pirate, she reminds herself and stays the course. In every business there was the good, the bad and the downright ugly. "Do you think money will change hands? Or a drink of some sort. I could work with something like that." she shakes her head. "Either way just give me some time to think and I'm sure I can come up with something. When are your friends meeting her?"
"I wouldn't call 'er a pirate. Too old...or...." Cravs looks into the distance. Mindred might have been a pirate in her heyday, and that explained a lot. She blinks. "Ahem, anyway, when everythin' 'appens is up to me. When everythin's ready I can tell my friends what they need to know."
"Back when I 'ung out with 'em,  exchanges were drink free, actually. Everyone 'ad appearances to keep up, and no one wanted a deal to go sour cause Bob can't keep their 'ands off the bottle. But money, aye. Money was exchanged."
Aislinn nods. "Alright, then. As I said, give me some time. I'll come up with something." she hesitates, knowing time wasn't exactly something she had in spades at the moment. "Sooner rather than later, you can be sure."
"No rush. I expect we'll 'ave our 'ands busy with Momori's bullshite anyway. Cheeky lil' red eyed bugger." Cravs shrugs. "It ain't as pressin', is what I'm sayin'."
Relief seems to relax her upon hearing that Cravendy didn't need this device right away. "She says this is all about saving the star. But I still don't trust her an ilm. She isn’t the altruistic sort." Lin turns for the door, preparing to scoot herself back through. "Just...be careful with this drug deal business, alright? Generally, they aren't the best people to be messing around with, you know?"
"There's some other angle she's playin' at, I'm sure of it. Either that, or she's just plain bad at actin' normal." Cravs laughs - she's heard stories about Momori's attempts to smile. "Aye, don't worry. I've dealt with 'er kind afore. Not against 'em, but eh. Same difference."
With the details ironed out, the only thing left now was to figure out how to get down. The passageway through the attic beckoned to the two, promising hair full of webs and dust up the nose. Cravs groans.
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oboevallis · 4 years
Hey! Wondering if u could write something related to this season with Amelink, the baby, Maggie, the kids, idk or maybe link goes to work and all the kids give Amelia hell and drive her crazy and the baby cries a lot
week 1
thank you so much for the prompt! im considering maybe doing a mini series on this, because im really living for domestic amelin, and i also didn’t do everything in the prompt also part 2 to baby blues will be out soon
"Auntie Amelia when is mommy going to be home?" Bailey asked as his aunt tucked him in.
"We talked about this the other day remember? Your mom has to help people at the hospital, but she can't come home because she may get us sick. So she's going to stay at a hotel. I promise first thing tomorrow you can FaceTime her."
"Okay, but why can't she come home to see us. I won't get sick."
"There's something called a pandemic going on right now, and basically that's a sickness that spreads really really quickly. And since your moms at the hospital all the time working with people who have the sickness it isn't safe for her to see us." Amelia wanted to cry when she saw the tears welling up in her nephews eyes.
"You don't do anything right though. You don't tuck me in right, and you don't make sandwiches right, and you don't play cars right either. Actually you don't play with me at all like you used to." Bailey ranted before he took his covers and pulled them over his head. Amelia tried to reach out to him only for him to turn away from her. She wasn't sure how she was going to handle this, it had barely been a week since lockdown begun.
"Good night Bailey, I love you." Amelia reassured as she closed the door behind her. She walked down the attic stairs to find Link putting the covers over Ellis while she laid on Merediths bed, for the past couple of nights she's refused to sleep unless it was in her mothers bed. She was pulled out of her moment of serenity from her baby's cries, she sighed and made her way to Maggie's room. They put his crib in there for the time being as it was the closest to their room.
"What's the matter my sweet boy?" Amelia picked up the crying baby from his crib. She sat down on Maggie's bed and cradled her son, resulting in her sons cries to subside. "Someone just wanted their mommy huh?"
"Auntie Amelia?" Zola's voice startled her aunt causing her to gasp. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay ZoZo, everything okay?" The girl just nodded and crawled into the bed next to her aunt.
"Is Scout okay?"
"Yeah, he's just fine. I think he just wanted some attention."
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" The question took Amelia aback, she expected it from her younger niece and nephew but not from Zola. She sometimes forgot she was still a kid and not a teenager. She'd always acted mature for her age.
"Sure ZoZo. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just miss my mom. When I'm scared I always sleep with her."
"Why are you scared ZoZo?" Amelia knew it was a dumb question, she was scared herself. But it broke her heart her niece was as well.
"This sickness must be really bad if we can't go to school, or see friends, or see auntie Maggie and mommy."
"We're taking precautions, we wear out masks if we were to go out, we're quarantining. At the hospital your mom and aunt Maggie wear something called PPE, and they social distance and they constantly are washing their hands."
"So they won't get it?" Zola worriedly asked. Amelia didn't want to lie but she also didn't want her niece to be constantly worried.
"They're taking precautions ZoZo."
"Will you and Link be going to the hospital?"
"Well, not right now we're on something called maternity leave. That's when you have time off of work after you have a baby. So we'll be home for awhile and then we'll see what we should do. Don't be worried about this though, ZoZo. How about you go change into your pjs and brush your teeth, then you can go into my room and get to sleep that sound good?"
"That sounds good." Zola softly smiled as she jumped off the bed. Amelia sighed once her niece left the room, and turned her attrition to her baby.
"You are very adorable, but you need to sleep. You don't seem to like sleep very much though." She whispered as she placed the drowsy baby into his crib.
"Auntie Amelia your phones ringing." Zola yelled from the living room the next morning.
"Who is it?" Amelia asked, she was in the side room trying to help Bailey log onto a zoom meeting.
"Someone named Addison."
"Can you try to help Bailey log on? And bring my phone in here please." Zola skipped into the room and handed her aunt her phone, and took her seat at the computer. Amelia ran up the stairs and shut the bathroom door behind her, before Ellis realized she was up here. She sat in the bathtub and swiped the call on.
"Oh wow you look terrible." Addison commented, as her screen popped up with the face of her exhausted friend.
"Why thank you."
"Sorry, how are you holding up?"
"I'm alright, how are you doing?"
"I'm okay, I just have never lost this many patients before."
"I can't even imagine, I hear it's really bad."
"Yeah it really is. So have you decided if your going back to work after your maternity leave?"
"I have no idea, I mean they desperately need doctors. But what happens to Scout and the kids. We can't leave them with a babysitter, because of quarantine. I don't know, I'm just kind of taking it a day at a time."
"That's okay, that's all we can really do. Take it a day at a time. How's the baby doing?"
"Oh he's really good." Amelia lit up at the mention of her baby. "I'm basically with him all the time, so Link is stuck with the other kids so I can't really complain."
"Link must be having the time of his life." Addison sarcastically laughed.
"Yea, he's never really dealt with kids before. At least not to this extent, the most he'd interact with a child before is if he had to do surgery on one." Knocking on the bathroom door took her out of her moment of serenity talk to her friend.
"Auntie Amelia, we still can't get Bailey into his zoom." Zola's voice came from the outside of the door.
"Crap, I've got to go Addie. Stay safe."
"You too." Amelia set her phone down on the edge of the tub, and hoisted herself up.
"You still can't get in?" Amelia asked once she opened the door.
"Nope, I tried everything."
"Alright I'll try and take a look at it." Amelia sighed, and went down the stairs to the room they've now dedicated to school. "Still can't get it?"
"No, so does that mean I don't have to do it?" Bailey hopefully asked.
"No your still going to have to do it. You know what I'll email your teacher, and tell her what's going on."
"Alright, I'm gonna go play." Bailey said quickly while running my out of the room.
"No, Bailey get back here." She called after her nephew, only for him to ignore her. She sighed and held her head in her hands. "Okay, ZoZo did you finish your school work yet?"
"Okay, go play with Bailey then." She opened up Meredith's email, so she could contact Baileys teacher about the issue with the video call. Once she composed the email and sent it, she scrolled through the other emails. She noticed one from Zola's teacher and opened.  Zola had 8 missing assignments, Amelia felt like crying and screaming. She already knew they were going to be up all night trying to catch her up, she wanted to be mad but she couldn't. This was nothing like her niece, she was obviously struggling with the quarantine.
"Hey the kids are done with school already?" Link asked as he came into the room.
"No, Bailey can't log on. And Zola's been lying to my face about completing her homework. I also have no idea what Ellis is supposed to be doing." Amelia choked out before she started crying.
"Oh, don't cry." Link walked further into the room and spun Amelia around in the spiny chair before wrapping his arms around her. “It's going to be okay. We'll figure it out. How about we sit everyone down, and come up with a game plan. We haven't sat down and organized how this is going to be."
"Okay." Amelia smiled slightly wiping away her tears. She spun around in the chair to face back towards the computer. She was going to write down all the children's assignments and figure the times that the teachers held their video calls.
"Okay do your Aunt Amelia and I wanted to talk to you guys." Link said as he placed down the kids plates in front of them.
"About what?" Zola asked curiously.
"Well we know that right now, everything's all messed up and kind of scary. But we still have to have a routine and make sure our school works getting done." Amelia said as she adjusted her shirt so her son could eat.
"So what does that mean." Zola asked before she messily slurped up her spaghetti.
"Well for starters we're gonna go to bed on time, and we'll wake up around 7 so we can get ready for the day before we start school." Link stated once he sat down at the kitchen table with everyone.
"So Bailey and Ellis you have two zoom calls everyday. At 8 and at 10, so Bailey you'll be in the side room and Ellis we'll set you up in the living room. Zola you have four calls so you'll be in the kitchen-"Zola interrupted before Amelia could finish her statement.
"Wait why do I have more calls then them, thats not really fair."
"Since your older you have more classes than they do. Back to what I was saying, we'll all have lunch together and then we can play for a little bit but then back to school. After everyone's done you can play or watch a movie then we'll have dinner and go to sleep. How does that sound?" Amelia asked, the couple realistically knew that this plan would probably never happen but they wanted to try to let the kids have a predictable routine everyday.
"Sounds fair." Bailey said and the two girls nodded in agreement. "Soooooo, can we watch a movie tonight?"
"Not tonight bud." Link said, causing sighs from all three children. After everyone was done with dinner Zola helped Link clear the table while Amelia put the baby to bed. "So you've got some missing assignments."
"Oh." Zola felt embarrassed. "I didn't know you knew about that."
"I do. Tonight me and your Aunt Amelia are going to help you with it, so you don't get further behind. Is that alright?"
"I guess so." Zola sighed. "It's just confusing, I like it better when it's on paper not the computer."
"Okay, so we'll sit down and figure it out. It's going to be okay."
"Thanks Link." Zola smiled kindly. "Sorry I lied, to Auntie Amelia about completing my work."
"Just don't do it again, next time just ask for help. Nothing gets better if you don't ask fo help." Link smiled.
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akechicrimes · 5 years
Prompt 37? Futaba and Akechi platonic/Futago siblings?
37. “Follow me. It’s okay, just hold my hand.”
after akira leaves tokyo, futaba does just fine without her key item, except for when she doesnt.
(one of them AUs were goro survives the engine room and rejoins the phantom thieves. no i will not explain. persona 5 canon AND persona 5 royal do not interact. for reference in this universe futaba and akechi are half siblings but only akechi knows that)
“Next time you see me, I’ll be a whole new person,” Futaba tells Akira excitedly on his second-to-last day in Tokyo. “I’m going back to school, I’m out and about by myself—oh! Oh! Did I tell you I said yes to Kosei? I told Kosei I wanted to go to Shujin and they offered me scholarship! And I went to the subway station by myself yesterday!”
They’re crammed into Akira’s Leblanc attic, sitting around a cake that literally none of them were capable of baking themselves, so they’d bought the thing from a bakery and decorated it with little black and red hearts. Ryuji is passing around his gross soda, while Ann is recounting some story that doesn’t matter with incredible enthusiasm. Makoto looks like she’s determined to enjoy herself and will hear no argument.
The whole thing is incredibly morbid, if you ask Futaba. It feels less like they’re waiting for Akira to leave Tokyo and more like they’re attending Akira’s funeral. Akechi in particular looks like he’s regretting attending, which honestly tickles Futaba more than it should, that the most dishonest Phantom Thief seems to be the only one looking as honestly put-off by the entire affair as everyone else is determined not to be.
That’s everyone else’s problem. Futaba might not be happy Akira has to leave, but she’s proud. She’s sad that Akira has to leave, but also she promised Akira that by the time that he had to leave, she’d be able to get around on her own, without clinging to him for support. And she is able. She kept her promise.
Tomorrow might be the day that Akira has to go, but today is the day that Futaba is Officially Recovered.
Akira does that annoying thing he does where he puts his hand on her head and messes up all her hair, like he’s a human cat showing affection by pissing everyone off. Futaba yelps. “Look at you. You don’t need me at all.”
“I told you that I’d be ready to say goodbye by the time you had to go back to your hometown,” says Futaba. “I haven’t broken my promises yet, have I?”
There’s a burst of laughter from Haru over something Yusuke said, who looks rather surprised to discover that he said anything funny. Both Makoto and Akechi snicker at him, and then stop immediately to glare at each other the second they realize they’ve accidentally wound up sharing an opinion.
Akira ignores them. “Well, you can still text me if you need me. Or call.”
“I’m trying to tell you I’m getting better and I don’t need you,” Futaba grumbles. “Also, what kind of psychopath do you think I am to call someone on the phone?”
“That’s what phones are for.”
“Calling people is scary.”
“I thought you were getting better?” Akira teases.
“I am!” she says, pointing a finger at him. “I am! Just you watch, Akira. I’m getting better every day.”
Six months after joining Kosei, Futaba locks herself in her room and does not reemerge for seven days straight.
She tells Sojiro that she’s sick. Sojiro tells the school that Futaba told him that she’s sick. She definitely fakes a hell of a good cough, and the school lets Yusuke send her her all the homework that she was supposed to be doing in the first place, but Futaba already knows it’s only a matter of time before Sojiro rats on her, and she won’t even blame him because it’ll be for her own good.
In the meantime, she has stashes of crackers and peanut butter from back when she was a full-time hermit. She hates the taste of peanut butter within three days. Her bed is a relief, soft like a home she never left, up until it isn’t anymore. It’s too soft. No matter how she lies on it, no matter how soft it is, a mattress just isn’t comfortable when you’ve been lying on it for seventy-four hours. It’s hot. Smothering. She feels like she’s going to drown in the blankets and they’ll have to fish her moldy, sweaty corpse out of the bottomless quicksand pit of her too-soft mattress.
The thing about being a shut-in is that you don’t actually like your room very much. It’s not a relief, or an oasis, or even a place you enjoy. You’re just terrified of everywhere else more.
She plays a lot of video games that she doesn’t even like. She watches a lot of Twitch streamers she doesn’t even like. She doesn’t do her homework. She ignores Sojiro. She pretends she’s alright to everyone who texts. She wakes up and goes to sleep and thinks about going outside and goes to sleep and wakes up and wonders if the whole last year and her cautious baby steps back into the world outside was all just a hazy dream.
There aren’t a lot of Thieves left in Tokyo, weirdly. Haru and Makoto both graduated, off doing business and law junk that honestly makes Futaba’s brains want to crawl out her ears, but all the numbers check out and Haru’s not in the red yet, and Futaba’s looked at enough people’s dirty laundry to appreciate Haru’s clean ledger. Akira’s back in his dinky hicktown, where there’s barely anything electronic connected to Wifi worth breaking into for surveillance, which is really boring.
Ann’s been doing so many modeling gigs that she might as well not be attending Shujin anymore. She’s practically surrounded by electronics, and all of them are connected to the internet. On any given day, Futaba can snoop through the internet trail of electronic file cabinets full of images of her face, emails about her face, paychecks for her face. Futaba sends Ann more than one email about creepy old dudes making gross comments about her, along with a bunch of other illegal shit they’ve done, plus their offshore accounts full of cash if Ann wants Futaba to sic a lawyer on them.
Ann looks like she’s having fun. Ann looks different on the other side of the computer screen, like she’s less real. Like she’s not someone Futaba really knows. Like Ann’s not someone Futaba’s literally cried on at one point in her life.
Ryuji is definitely attending Shujin, but between physical therapy, catching up on a whole year of track, athletic scholarship hunting, and studying for college admissions tests, Ryuji seems to have been swallowed whole by Shujin, really. Out of boredom, one day, Futaba went down that rabbit hole of researching what it takes to get recruited for track in college, and holy shit–apparently Ryuji’s coach was supposed to be helping him with that whole process, but of course Ryuji barely has a proper coach ever since Kamoshida left Shujin’s track program in pieces. The amount of networking he’s doing is insane, especially for one teenaged boy who barely remembers his homework every night.
Sometimes, when Ryuji’s forgotten to check his email in a while and there’s a message from a coach sitting in his inbox, Futaba will send him a text to make him check it. And then it’s all, What were you doing looking at my emails, Futaba and Which of my other passwords do you know, Futaba, as if Ryuji doesn’t just use the same password over and over and has literally nobody but himself to blame.
So it’s really just Futaba, Yusuke, and–weirdly–Akechi, who’s off doing his gap year and said he was going to go abroad, but then he never did. Not to be a huge snoop, but Futaba went digging through his junk for about five seconds and then she never did it again, because she felt really weird about finding out that the guy that killed her mom is looking into social work, volunteerism, and reforming the justice system.
Like. The man who killed the Thieves’ leader is now literally out there saving orphans. It’s wild.
She might’ve been the one to tell Akechi that he can start over again and do better, but she reserves the right to at least feel weird about it.
She does not call Akira. She talks to Yusuke at school, but she refuses to ask him to accompany her on the subway. She should be recovered by now, shouldn’t she? She was supposed to have gotten over all that when Akira left Tokyo. She’s doing fine. She’s just looking out for her friends. Her, living vicariously through her friends, who’re growing up and growing away, flourishing into young adults? Never.
Everything is the same.
Didn’t she help kill a god last year?
Didn’t she work so hard to get out of her room, to make friends, to reconnect with Kana-chan?
Didn’t she work so hard to change herself?
Didn’t she help change the world?
Everything is the same.
Tuesday, 1:43 PM
YUSUKE: Futaba?
FUTABA: yo inari
FUTABA: u got more homework for me or what
YUSUKE: Ah, no.
YUSUKE: I think your teacher finds it suspicious that I’m sending you homework when I’m not in your grade, as it is.
FUTABA: oh no
FUTABA: what a shame that we didn’t have an entire year of experience with getting away with wildly illegal magic brain crimes without raising any suspicion
FUTABA: truly emailing me like four pieces of paper a day is far too difficult
YUSUKE: Well, I can’t get your homework from your teacher, but I can give you more homework if you’d like.
FUTABA: ok bucko that wasn’t a challenge
YUSUKE: There’s a math problem set that’s been incredibly dull to get through when I have more important pieces I could be working on…
FUTABA: inari im sorry to say but
FUTABA: me literally doing your homework for you is about a thousand times more illegal than you giving me my homework when ur not in my grade
YUSUKE: Oh, is it?
FUTABA: are y
FUTABA: what do you mean OH IS IT
FUTABA: did you not KNOW ur not allowed to have other ppl do ur hw????
FUTABA: inari have u been making other people do ur hw for u so u can have more time to do art?????????
FUTABA: no shut up i dont want to know
FUTABA: i will not be ur accomplice
FUTABA: i see ur little speech bubble thingamajig yusuke i said stop typing forever and ever
YUSUKE: I can’t invite you to the art gallery tomorrow if I can’t type.
YUSUKE: It also seems impractical for you to outlaw me from texting forever.
FUTABA: i literally did not say that
YUSUKE: You said, and I quote,
YUSUKE: “Yusuke, I said stop typing forever and ever.”
FUTABA: ok i know it looks like i said that but please im begging u it’s literally just an exaggeration
YUSUKE: As Makoto would say, it’s hardly an enforceable law.
FUTABA: u literally texted my sick and crusty ass just to give me a hard time
YUSUKE: Are you about recovered from your cold?
FUTABA: and now u have the nerve to ask me to go to ur art show thing
YUSUKE: I didn’t say that.
FUTABA: oh really
FUTABA: what were u gonna ask me about then
YUSUKE: The art show, naturally.
YUSUKE: But you could have done me the courtesy of letting me ask.
FUTABA: all that on the day of my daughter’s wedding and now u want me to do u a solid
FUTABA: well i have news for u
FUTABA: the answer
FUTABA: is yeah
FUTABA: sure why not
YUSUKE: Oh, excellent.
YUSUKE: I thought that you might decline on account of your illness.
FUTABA: i’m not a punk bitch
FUTABA: i’m going
FUTABA: u were only working all those paintings for like two months i wanna see their oily faces in person
YUSUKE: Just because they were made with oil paints does not mean that they are oily.
FUTABA: cant wait to see my oily boys
YUSUKE: Unfortunately, I have to set up the event beforehand, so I will not be able to accompany you on the way here.
YUSUKE: Will you be alright by yourself?
FUTABA: how oily are these boys in case i need to call a rain check
YUSUKE: Perhaps someone else can go with you.
YUSUKE: Let me see if I can find someone.
FUTABA: what like one of ur art friends
FUTABA: i’m not going with anyone i dont know sry
YUSUKE: I’ll keep it in mind.
Tuesday, 1:59 PM
YUSUKE: Unfortunately, Ann and Ryuji were not available. Both of them will be coming late to the art show.
YUSUKE: Fortunately, Goro is.
FUTABA: whomst
YUSUKE: Goro Akechi?
YUSUKE: Crow, in case you know multiple Goro Akechis.
FUTABA: no like why u callin him goro
YUSUKE: I asked him if I could and he said yes.
YUSUKE: There’s not many people left in Tokyo who were part of the Thieves.
YUSUKE: I’m not exactly popular at school myself, so I thought it prudent to hold onto the connections I already had.
FUTABA: hhhhhhhhhhhhh
FUTABA: but why him……………………………………….
YUSUKE: Has he done something wrong?
YUSUKE: Besides the obvious.
YUSUKE: Last I heard, you were quite vocally supportive of Goro making a change for the better,but have you prehaps reconsidered?
FUTABA: i mean he’s always been nice to me
FUTABA: like even before he was on the team as crow
FUTABA: and then later after he like lost his shit and tried to kill us
FUTABA: he was also like weirdly nice
FUTABA: even if he was dressed as a tokusatsu villain
FUTABA: ok this is gonna sound really weird but like
FUTABA: you know how i said that the person to take me to the art show has to be someone that i know
FUTABA: even though akechi was one of the thieves at the end
FUTABA: i feel like i dont really know him
FUTABA: he like had that whole breakdown where he spilled all his kylo ren sadstuck junk and then he peeled his dumb ass up off the floor and then we beat up his dad in a dark alley
FUTABA: and then i guess akira likes him a bunch and hangs out with him and i guess probably talked to him about all that stuff that happened
FUTABA: and also i think ann talks to him
FUTABA: and also haru i think for some reason……………………..
FUTABA: but like i feel like. we as a group. never really uhhhhhhh
FUTABA: got to know him very well i guess
FUTABA: because he spent like the whole year being a fake ass bitch
FUTABA: and then by the time he wasnt, the thieves were busy literally fighting god, and it was all business business business
FUTABA: ughghfhg i guess this is just a really long way of saying that like yeah ok i guess i do know him but i dont think i really do
FUTABA: even when he was off the shits in the engine room it was like
FUTABA: somehow that was not……………………………….. really him
FUTABA: idk maybe this is just my Thoughts but like
FUTABA: idk some people are like “your true self is who you are at your worst” and
FUTABA: yeah maybe you are some PART of urself when youre at your worst but like
FUTABA: also not???
FUTABA: that can’t be it
FUTABA: that’s not ALL of you
FUTABA: so all i ever saw was him when he was being a fake ass barbie prince and then when he was like actively losing his shit
FUTABA: and both of those were like. two types of fake ass barbie prince
FUTABA: except obviously the one where he started screamin about murder and trying to kill joker was like, fake ass serial killer barbie prince
FUTABA: anyway i dont buy it for a second that seeing akechi at his worst means that i know the first thing about his “”“”“”“”“true self”“”“”“”“”“”“
FUTABA: like i know that i technically met him but also at the same time i dont think ive ever really actually met this dude
FUTABA: uh tldr what’s the truth crowboy
FUTABA: second tldr do you got anyone else i can go to the art show with because im not unpackin all that junk in the trunk while also trying to fend off a panic attack in the subway
YUSUKE: Well, to speak to "what’s the truth, crowboy,” I’d say he’s actually really funny.
YUSUKE: Yes, actually.
YUSUKE: As everyone knows, I don’t have a sense of humor.
YUSUKE: But if I did, that might not be inaccurate to say.
YUSUKE: Either way, we could ask Boss if he’ll take you to school.
FUTABA: im not makin him shut down leblanc for the day just cause i cant get my shit together
FUTABA: and i go to school by myself all the time now i dont need to be walked there by my dad like a four yr old
FUTABA: r u sure u dont have anyone else who can take me
YUSUKE: You said it had to be someone you know.
YUSUKE: I can take you.
YUSUKE: But I’ll be getting to Kosei early to prepare.
FUTABA: how early is early
YUSUKE: Four in the morning.
YUSUKE: The people you know is a quite limited pool, Futaba.
FUTABA: shut the hell ur face i dont need u tellin me to make kosei friends too
FUTABA: i get my butt to school every day i’m already a hero
FUTABA: ok alright
FUTABA: crow-san it is
FUTABA: no shut up stop typing i’m fine
FUTABA: i already saw his dumb ass get inflicted with Horny from Yaldy God Himself i ain’t afraid of no crows
FUTABA: actually now that i remember that that was pretty funny mwehehehehehehe
FUTABA: OKAY send me the who what when where why
YUSUKE: There’s a PDF flier. I’ll send it to you.
YUSUKE: But I will have to type the email to send it to you.
FUTABA: oh my GOD inari
FUTABA: i swear to god ur not actually this dense and youre just pretending u dont know what an exaggeration is just to drive me up the wall
YUSUKE: Oh, that is a possibility, isn’t it?
YUSUKE: Ah, last period is starting. I’ll have to talk to you later.
Tuesday, 2:53 PM
In Futaba’s opinion, there’s an infinite amount of more embarrassing reasons to pull yourself out of your depression pit than “I needed to yell at my friend for being a snotty bastard,“ and there’s worse escorts to have than the weird guy who went from being a professional murderer to their weird awkward friend. Firstly, if there’s anything that can motivate Futaba Sakura, it’s the primal urge to dunk on her friends for spite and memes. Secondly, there’s no chance in hell Futaba’s going to have a breakdown in front of Akechi.
She can do this. She got herself out of this grave once; she can do it again. Even if Akira isn’t here. She’s getting better. She promised him.
On the eighth day of her almost-return to hermithood, Akechi texts her:
AKECHI: I’m here.
AKECHI: Are you ready to go?
Futaba is wearing only an old shirt, no bra, sweats, and vaguely greasy hair from all the showers she’s skipped.
FUTABA: i’m SO ready
FUTABA: the readiest
FUTABA: ultra mega super ready
FUTABA: featherman ranger code name Ready
AKECHI: Alright.
Hell yes alright. Time for Futaba to save her own life from her gravesite of a room.
With… Goro Akechi. Wow, life is weird, huh?
She drags on her Kosei uniform like a skin discarded long ago. It feels stiff. Maybe because it feels wrong to wear school clothes like a functioning human; maybe because she just hasn’t washed it in a week. The very idea of explaining herself to Sojiro stresses her out, so she doesn’t do it. The idea of not explaining herself to Sojiro, when he deserves an explanation and also would probably have a heart attack if he realized that she’d disappeared from her room without his knowing, also stresses her out, so she still doesn’t explain herself to Sojiro.
I told Akira I’m better now. I can do this. I did this for more than six months. I was out of my room in the real world, I went to the school festival, I changed my own heart…
She creeps down the stairs like a thief in her own house and pokes her head out the door. Goro Akechi is fiddling with his phone in the sun outside her house, looking like he, too, has only just managed to pull on his Human Suit and look like a guy who didn’t make shadows beg for mercy for fun, so it looks like this whole expedition is going to be a lot of fun.
"Futaba-chan?” says Akechi, only just noticing her lurking in her own doorway. “It’s been a while since we last saw each other. How are you?”
Futaba opens her mouth. No noise comes out.
Akechi’s eyebrows slowly begin to knit together.
“I’m good,” she says squeakily. Clears her throat. Holy shit, she’s not afraid of Akechi after all that junk they went through in the Metaverse. She saw him as a rat. She saw him visibly want to break his father’s face when Shido tried to apologize to him on live TV. Once, Makoto and Akechi got into an unironic, passionate, hour-long argument about whether or not it’s beneficial to color code your notes.
“I’m alright!” Futaba announces louder, maybe a little loudly, considering the way he looks only more concerned. “L-Let’s hurry up and get this sidequest over with!”
She pulls her hoodie over her head and jams her hands into the pockets and makes herself as small as possible and inches out of the doorway. “If you… say so,” says Akechi, and eventually matches her incredibly slow pace as she shuffles her way towards the main street.
When the noise of Yongen-Jaya’s street hits her, her heart rate (already high as hell) spikes even higher like the first day she’d come out of her room, but the old coping mechanisms come back like second nature: Breathe slower, avoid eye contact, remember her mission, stick to the sides of the streets. Breathe slower. She’s still got it. It’s still hard, but she’s got a whole arsenal of ways to deal. She can do this. She will kick Yusuke’s ass for being a dick, if only out of sheer spite.
If Akira were here, I could hide behind him and…
No, shut up, shut up. All she has is her hoodie and Goro Akechi. Akira’s not here. She can do this by herself.
Akechi makes precisely two attempts at small talk (“How has Kosei been?” “Have you seen the pieces Yusuke submitted to the art show before?”) before he realizes that Futaba isn’t going to respond by virtue of barely holding onto her shit by her fingernails. He shuts up and sticks close by. Futaba makes her way down the streets towards the subway like walking on a tightrope. The subway station isn’t busy, but she puts every step in front of her like she’s going to fall. Getting on the subway might as well be a highwire. Futaba and Akechi wait for the train in mutual silence to the sound of other commuters murmuring amongst themselves, like a toothless echo of Mementos’s depths.
When they get on the train, people around her are quiet, thank god, but all of a sudden she’s convinced that she smells because she hasn’t taken a shower in literal days, and she tries to pack herself into her seat as tightly as possible. The guy in front of her is scrolling through something at a ferocious pace and his thumbnail keeps hitting the screen with this incessant clack, clack, clack noise. The subway voice announces their next station as the doors begin to close, and a girl suddenly sits bolt upright, having realized that this is her station after all, and bangs Futaba’s knees hard as she passes. Futaba wants to curl her legs to her chest, but she’s wearing Kosei’s uniform skirt and it’d just make everyone stare at her if she did that on the subway. She curls her fingers into the skirt hem. She stares down at her knees and lets her hair drape around her like a curtain. She can do this. She can do this. Breathe slower. Even slower. I did this for more than six months, I told Akira I’m better now, I changed my own heart…
Akechi pulls out his phone. Futaba’s phone buzzes.
AKECHI: Are you alright?
FUTABA: i said i was ready dude
Akechi types and retypes an answer, which technically Futaba could just look over his arm and read, but instead Futaba flips through apps on her phone and pulls up a shitty mobile dungeon crawler. She dies four times before Akechi puts his phone away without sending anything.
They pass multiple stations like that. Futaba sure as hell hopes that Akechi’s watching which station they’re on, because she isn’t. After the millionth time she dies, Futaba just closes the app altogether. Concentration’s shot. Can’t focus on anything. Heartbeat’s too loud. Breathing’s too loud. The guy next to her is breathing too loud. Everything is too loud.
New text:
AKECHI: Yusuke said you’d recovered from your cold, but you still look a little unwell.
Futaba doesn’t respond to that. She doesn’t need Negative Nancy over here telling her she’s gonna crack. Because she isn’t gonna. The subway starts to slow, and the voice announces the station for Yusuke’s school. She’s literally almost there, she’s right there, she might die in three seconds because her heart is going to pound of her chest but at least she’s going to make it, she promised Akira that she was alright—
The subway doors open. Passengers stand to get off. Akechi stands up. Futaba drops like a rock.
“I can’t,” Futaba’s voice says. She sounds like she’s crying. “I can’t, I can’t do it, I—”
“I’m can’t do it, I—”
She buries her face in her knees on the dirty subway floor. Oh, she really is crying. “I’m sorry,” she says, “I’m so sorry, I couldn’t…”
Around her, people’s feet stop moving. They’re staring at her. She’s crying on the subway and everyone is staring at her. “Shh,” says Akechi, like Futaba doesn’t know she’s being a loud and irritating pest, but then he takes off his winter coat and covers her with it. Suddenly everything goes dark. It’s a huge coat, too; it wraps around her whole torso with enough room to spare to cover her entire head. Inside, it’s like she’s back in her room, only listening to the sounds of real life somewhere on the other side of a computer monitor, where it can’t hurt her. It’s so surprising she hiccups to a stop. Two hands pull her up by the shoulders and guide her to stand. “Up. Let’s go.”
“Is she okay?” says a voice.
Futaba’s entire body seizes with fear. She ducks into her own knees, trying to disappear.
“Hey, little girl, are you alright?”
“She’ll be fine,” says Akechi’s friendly, super fake ass barbie prince voice. “My sister just had a hard day. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”
“A hard day?” Now the stranger’s voice is accusatory.
“For your information, our dog was recently brutally run over in front of her eyes.”
“Young man, are you serious right now?”
“Oh, yes. There was blood everywhere. Its intestines squelched horribly under the tires less than six feet away from her,” Akechi goes on. Futaba chokes, and then hiccups in what she realizes is almost a laugh. “Please excuse her. Thank you.” And before the literal complete stranger can follow up on that awful statement, Akechi takes her hand and pulls her up.
Futaba stumbles to her feet. If she has to take the coat off right now, she will actually die.
“It’s okay. Just hold my hand and follow me.”
Blindly, she lets him lead her out of the subway, weaving through people with only minimal contact with other people’s shoulders. There’s a whole awkward period where Akechi has to walk her up the stairs out of the subway station while she can’t see anything, but eventually the noise and bustle of other people around her seems to die away, and the air grows cooler in the way it does in the shadows between city buildings. Then they stop walking altogether. When Akechi lets go of her hand, she almost tries to grab it back before she catches herself.
“Okay. There’s nobody else around, now. It’s safe.”
Futaba doesn’t come out of the jacket. In the dark, her eyes dart back and forth, trying to see even as she blinds herself.
“Sorry for grabbing you so suddenly like that,” Akechi’s voice goes on after it becomes obvious she’s not going to come out.
Futaba wipes snottily at her own face. Oh, this is so gross, she’s got snot and tears on top of five days worth of grime and body juice because she hadn’t taken a shower. She’s disgusting. She really actually wants to die right now. She can’t show her face like this.
“Er,” says Akechi. “Do you want…. water, or…?”
Futaba folds up right there on the city pavement, probably dragging Akechi’s nice coat all over a dirty alleyway. She tucks her face into her knees, where she feels safest, and pulls the coat flaps even tighter. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be.”
“I’m sorry for not being okay,” she mumbles.
There’s a short silence. “You really don’t have to be.”
“I do,” Futaba says. She feels like she’s nine years old again, a petulant kid who needs to hold people’s hands and be escorted around Tokyo. “This is—it’s stupid, and I can’t believe I-I’m still doing this, a-and even a-after everything that h-happened last year, I’m still just a… I’m still…”
“It’s fine,” says Akechi. Even he sounds overwhelmed, and at the first sound of weakness, she pulls the coat off her head and glares at him furiously, red-faced and covered in tears and snot and gross depression juice crust and all.
“I’m not supposed to be this way anymore!” she says miserably. “I’m supposed to be better! Moved on! Doing literally a-anything else but crying over t-taking a subway! It’s stupid and nobody else is like this and I just want to be over this already and I just want to be better already and—!“
She covers her face with her hands again. God, even when she says that, it sounds pathetic.
After a moment or two, she hears Akechi moving again. She peeks at him. He’s crouching in almost the exact same pose as her, looking like he’s resigning himself to neither getting his coat back, nor moving from this spot any time soon, nor getting to Yusuke’s art show on time, but also looking archly and entirely unperturbed about it. Actually, it looks like he’s writing a work email on his phone.
Futaba was right about being in an alleyway, but it’s so cold because they’re shielded by a trio of vending machines selling canned coffee and wrapped sandwiches. "Our dog was recently run over?” she says.
“People can mind their own damn business,” says Akechi in his Pleasant Boy Voice, without looking up from his email.
“He was just trying to help.”
“Oh, yes, let’s help the crying girl by crowding her and suffocating her in a crush of public transit.”
Futaba snorts. “That was really mean of you.”
“Oh, absolutely,” says Akechi.
Futaba sucks a truly disgusting gob of snot into her nose. “Ugh. I wish I could’ve seen the guy’s face when you told him that.”
“It was like I’d spat on his shoes. I should’ve kept going. Or had a camera.”
“Futaba giggles wetly into her forearms. "Like one of those—those prank videos online… Get Yusuke to film it.”
“Yusuke, as the cameraman? I’m not trying to make a documentary.” Akechi flips to a different screen on his phone. “I already texted Yusuke about our poor dead dog, by the way, so don’t worry about it.”
Suddenly Futaba feels like literal garbage again. “Why are you always so nice to me?” she mumbles.
Akechi makes a weird face, like he’s trying to do his old Pleasant Boy shtick while having swallowed a lemon whole. “You say that like me being nice is somehow unusual.”
“Uh, yeah. Because it is. You literally were just being a huge asshole to a guy you’d never met over a fictional dog.”
Akechi has this increasingly disgruntled look on his face like he kind of wants to punt Futaba down some stairs, which, frankly, is the best sort of reward, in Futaba’s opinion. “I’m working on it,” he says grumpily.
“How’s that been?” says Futaba.
“Which part?”
Futaba has one whole moment of self reflection on this idea as maybe not a good course of action before she barrels on anyway: “The part where you’re turning your life around. Starting over. Trying again.”
“It sucks dick,” says Akechi.
“Oh, right on,” says Futaba, and then before she can stop herself: “Wait, I thought you liked dick?”
Akechi makes a noise like a strangled cat.
Futaba cackles. “Dude, incognito mode when you’re browsing for porn does not save you from people like me.”
“Have you been spying on me?”
“Uh, yes? Obviously?”
“You know you could get arrested for that sort of breach in privacy.”
“Oh, boo hoo, so sorry I know all about your weird orphan-saving night job and your smutty Featherman doujinshi collection. You’re not gonna narc on me.” Futaba stops. “Are you?”
“Stop looking at my internet history.”
“No. You better not narc on me.”
“Then stop looking at my internet history.”
“You had to google how to change a SIM card last week, crow-boy; you couldn’t stop me if you tried.”
“I will narc on you.”
“No you won’t. You’re the one trying to not be an asshole.”
Akechi makes a face like a cat being slowly submerged in cold water. Futaba laughs in his face.
“If you’re quite done,” says Akechi grouchily.
“No, never. You’re made for being made fun of,” says Futaba. “I’m gonna be making fun of you for years and years, crow-boy; you’re never going to get rid of me.”
“Gonna be creeping on your weird orphan-saving night job until the day you die.”
“Wonderful,” says Akechi without inflection whatsoever.
“If you’re quite done.”
“I will take a well-deserved break from my endless duty to troll you both on and offline,” says Futaba. “Because I really really really wanna go to the art show.”
Akechi has the nerve to look relieved that he no longer has to squat in a dirty alleyway listening to a high school freshman bully him. “Then let’s go.”
Futaba hugs her knees tight. “But I wanna keep your coat.”
“Aren’t you wearing your own coat?” says Akechi, trying to look like he isn’t shivering. “Aren’t you getting hot?”
“I’m keeping it.”
“It’s my coat.”
“I’m keeping it.”
“Fine, then. Keep it. It’s dry clean only.”
“Oh, ew. No, take it back, gross, gross,” and Futaba peels the snotty, tear-stained, dirty winter coat off and dumps it back in Akechi’s arms, who looks at it with the expression of someone long-suffering and without hope of escape.
“And,” says Futaba, “I wanna see it if you tell anyone else that our dog got run over.”
Akechi smirks. “You’ll have to film it, then.”
“Oh my god, like I wouldn’t.”
Futaba scrubs her face one last time. She still feels like she’s covered in a grimy layer of slime, but maybe she can wash her face at Kosei. When she gets there. Because she’s gonna get there.
“Uh, one more thing,” says Futaba.
“Not like you’ve bullied me into doing literally everything else you’ve wanted,” says Akechi.
“You can’t laugh at me.”
“Good thing I don’t have a sense of humor,” says Akechi, which horrifyingly confirms to Futaba that Akechi and Yusuke, of all people, really do share a sense of humor.
Futaba hesitates. “Please, um… please don’t tell Akira about this.”
“Why would I tell Akira?“
"Nice. Good answer.” She smooths her hair down, trying to make herself presentable, or just have something to do with her hands. “I… told him I was gonna be okay without him and all that, so… I don’t wanna let him down, you know?”
Slowly, almost shyly, Akechi smiles. “Oh, yes. I know.”
“Our secret. Secret-keepers.”
“Secret-keepers. Are you ready?”
Futaba takes another deep breath. Pushes herself up, brushes herself off, and sighs. “Absolutely not. This is gonna suck so much dick,” says Futaba. “Let’s go anyway.”
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Home - Part 15
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A/N: So here’s the next part, reading everyones reactions to the last chapter made me wanna finish this part sooner for you all. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my crazy ramblings! ILY 💕
Warnings: Some violence and swearing! Nothing too graphic.
"I traced the call and it came from within the house!!"
"W..what???...." i asked shakily, my heart racing so fast hearing those words from Sam.
"Y/N, Jack is in there somewhere, you need to get out now! Im on my way to you but I'm at least 10 minutes out. Stay on the line with me sweetheart okay"
"Okay....." i said quietly, as i went to grab my car keys from my purse i heard a loud thump from upstairs "shit Sam his upstairs!!" I grabbed my purse and made a run for the front door, i punched in the alarm code and flipped the lock open, i had the door halfway open when i felt the force of a body slam into me, i hit the door face first making the door close again as my phone dropped to the floor. I let out a scream as i struggled to escape Jacks grasp, he covered my mouth with his hand to shut me up before i drew any unwanted attention.
"Sshhhhh" he mumbled in my ear with a sinister grin on his face, tears were rolling down my face as i continued to struggle "stop fighting me your just gonna hurt yourself" he cooed lovingly like he wasn't currently attacking me!
I managed to bite down hard on his fingers that covered my mouth, he yelled and let go of me for a split second but it was long enough that i could slip away from him. I ran back towards the living room knowing that i needed to get to the kitchen to try and escape out the backdoor.... or at least get a knife from the kitchen. But i didn't get far, he dived at me knocking me into the side table next to the sofa, a table lamp and some mail scattering to the floor. In the struggle i ended up landing hard on the floor with Jack climbing on top of me trying to restrain me, he hit me hard in the face stunning me for a few seconds.... my hand blindly reached out for anything i could use to hurt him, just long enough for me to escape. My hand found the fallen lamp and i wrapped my fingers around the base picking it up and bringing it down hard over his head. The ceramic base exploded into bits on impact, Jacks eyes rolled back in his head slightly as his body went sluggish and limp on top of me, i shoved him away hard and crawled out from under him making a run to the kitchen.
"Y/N!!" He yelled loudly and i could hear his stomping footsteps coming towards me again "your making this so much harder than it needs to be baby"
I managed to get the back door open and bolted across the yard, just before i got to gate he tackled me to the floor. He straddled my hips with one hand holding my arms in place above my head while the other wrapped around my throat. I kicked my legs and tried to flip him off but it was no use, he was overpowering me, barely moving from my efforts to get away from him.
"This is where you belong baby.... with me. We can be happy again...."
"Fuck you, you psycho!" I said through gritted teeth.
"Oh we can play that game if you want baby.... i have missed being inside you"
He smiled as his hand from my throat started to trail downwards "have you missed me too? Bet your new guy ain't half as good as i am"
"His more than you will ever be! His twice the man you could even dream to be Jack"
"You'll never see him again" his snapped as his hand wrapped around my throat again, squeezing, cutting off my airways. Just as everything started to go black Jack's weight was gone and i was gasping for air. My head lulled to one side and all i saw was Bucky punching Jack over and over and over.
"Buck! Stop.... your going to kill him!" I tried to say panicking that Bucky would end up going to jail for killing my piece of shit ex husband.
"Y/N!!!...." i heard Steve and Sams yells coming from the house before they came running outside. Sam was quick to pull Bucky away while Steve was at my side pulling me into his arms.
"Your okay sweetheart, we got you" he was saying as he held me close.
"Y/N.... baby are you okay?" Bucky was suddenly pulling me from Steve and into his arms. I nodded and cried as i clung to Bucky "Bucky i was so scared...."
"I know doll but i got you now, dont you worry"
"She needs to go to the hospital and get checked out, that head wound looks pretty nasty" Sam said in police officer mode, i heard a muffled groan from Jack and sighed in relief that he wasn't dead! Sam stood up and gave him a snide kick to the ribs "shut the hell up" he groaned looking down at Jack shaking his head "you brought this on yourself".
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After being checked over by the doctor and having some tests done i was given the all clear, most of my injuries were scrapes from falling into the table and struggling against Jack and bruises to my throat as well as a swollen eye and a split lip. Nothing was broken so they released me on the condition that Bucky stayed with me for 48 hours incase i had a concussion.
"Im not leaving her side dont worry" he had said gripping my hand tight.
Sam had asked that we meet him at the house and give a statement, he wanted to know exactly what had happened. There was no way Jack was getting away with it.
I walked them through everything that happened from the moment Sam called me warning me Jack was in the house.
"When you were on the phone to me you said he was upstairs?"
"Yeah, i heard a loud thump like he dropped something pretty heavy" i nodded, i had actually forgotten about that until Sam mentioned it.
"Can we go upstairs and you can see if anything looks outta place?"
"You can stay down here doll, i can go look" Bucky said stroking his hand up and down my arm.
"No its okay, lets go".
Surprisingly everything looked untouched there was nothing out of place. From where i had heard the thump above the living room meant it was in the bedroom so we spent longer in there checking everything.
"I dont understand what could have made that noise...." i started to say but then my eyes fell on the closet door that was open slightly, we always made sure to keep it closed after Rosie got herself stuck in there a couple weeks ago. I walked over and pushed open the door fully, it was then i noticed an open loft hatch in the ceiling..... i hadn't even known it was there!!
"Son of a bitch!" Bucky mumbled stepping closer and looking up at the open hatch "his been in the attic??"
"Jesus christ...." Sam grumbled snapping photos on his phone "how the hell did he even get up there??"
"The main hatch in the hallway has a ladder, we've never even used the attic"
"Lets go take a look".
I followed Bucky and Sam into the attic, i needed to see for myself. We walked over to where the open hatch in the bedroom was and found a sleeping bag and empty food cartons laying around.
"Oh my god Buck, how long has he been up here??" I asked covering my mouth with my hand.
"Too fucking long!..... what the...." Bucky trailed off as he knelt down next to the sleeping bag and started prodding around on the floor.
"What is it?" Sam asked joining him.
"His been watching us"
"What?!! What do you mean his been watching us Bucky!!"
"There's a hole here that overlooks the bed" he shook his head disgust clear on his face "that sick fuck".
Thats when it made sense, when Jack called the other night and said i looked tired.... he had been watching me!!
"I think i'm gonna be sick" i mumbled before rushing for the ladder. I just made it in time to the bathroom before emptying my stomach.
"Doll are you okay?" Bucky asked walking in as i stood at the sink gargling some mouth wash.
"Far from it Buck, how did we not see it? What has he seen?!!"
"He was clever about it, the hole was on the edge of the light fitting so we wouldn't have noticed. We found one in the bathroom too"
"I cant stay here anymore Bucky I'm sorry..... can we go to the farm house. Please?" I begged him throwing my arms around his shoulders "just get me away from here, i feel like his eyes are on me"
"Sure, let me grab some clothes real quick. Steve has got the girls at his place for the night so we dont need to worry about their things just yet. Lets just get you out of here".
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Home taglist: @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @lumar014
@bbmommy0902 @past-perfect-future-tense @heathens-takeitsl0w @captainchrisstan @ladymelissastark @93generation @sebastianstansqueen @oceansxpurple @Imjstaghoststory @rainbowkisses31 @superavengerpotterstar @cap-just-said-language @booktease21 @ms-betsy-fangirl @wildest-dream- @michelehansel @thummbelina @abbylizy @sweetlittlegingy @lorabem @barnesandrogersworld @dumblani @broco8 @xxloki81xx @keithseabrook27 @jesseswartzwelder @saiyanprincessswanie
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littlebitoffanfic · 4 years
Fandom: Wrong Turn 4 Relationship: Sawtooth, One Eye, Three Finger Request: I haven’t done this before but I was wondering if you could right a one shot for the hilliker brothers from wrong turn. I would like it to take place during wrong turn 4 but if that’s not something you can/want to do then you can choose. I’m not picky. I really love your blog btw and you’re such a talented writer and I just can’t wait for what you have planned next. I wish you the best of luck!
A/n: I wasn’t sure if you meant it to take place during the actual movie. Then I started thinking about having the reader around during the plot and my mind ran away with the idea. I took some creative liberties with the plot. Hope you don’t mind 😊 also, if this isn’t what you were after, just let me know. Im always happy to revisit these guys haha.
  You were fuming. Absolutely livid as you paced back and forth by the doors, your arms crossed across your chest as you waited for them to get back. It was bad enough they had left while you were mid argument but then to be this late back? It was dark out, and they knew you hated the dark in the hospital. Part of you wondered if they were doing it to teach you something. That you couldn’t be there without them. You shook off the thought as best you could. But it still lingered. None of you would make it in the outside world, and you could easily survive without them. You could hunt and defend yourself, plus you didn’t have the… physical differences which would make it easier for you to blend into normality. Not that you ever wanted to. And you were sure they would survive if you walked away. But you all stayed together because you loved them dearly, and they loved you. They never said so, they couldn’t speak properly, but they showed it. And on the rare occasions you fought with the brothers, they were the first to apologies.  Today, Sawtooth, One Eye and Three Finger had been unhappy with you because you had went out after someone on your own. You hadn’t been hurt, but you knew that if he had been the slightest bit brighter or stronger, he could have given you a run for your money. But instead of congratulating you for a good kill, Sawtooth got protective, as did the brothers. 
“I can protect myself. I don’t need you hovering over me all the time!” You ended up shouting at them, out of pure annoyance. Sawtooth raised an eyebrow before straightening up and walking out, his brothers in tow. They glanced back at you, but they agreed with Sawtooth and that meant they would follow him. They had all left in the truck 7 hours ago, driving off into the snow. You knew they had been planning on setting up wire around the grounds so if someone was running, they would get caught, so it wasn’t like they had just stormed off. There had been a job to do. But then the hours rolled on and the sun began to set and you felt the fear set in. the building was old, and creaked under the awful weather that only seemed to get worse. To make everything just that little more worse, the powerlines were down and while you could start the generator yourself, you hated going down into the basement to do it. One Eye always did it. Just as you were about to go up and try go to sleep, you heard the sound of engines. Not car ones, but more like motorbikes. Frowning, you looked out one of the top windows and your heart dropped. 4 snowmobiles pulled up outside the hospital. Each had 2 people riding on them. Shit shit shit. One, two or maybe three people you could deal with, but this many? No, you couldn’t cope. You felt panic begin to set in as you tried to think of what to do. The brothers were gone and you had no idea when they’d get back. They had taken their truck and, if they were stuck out in the snow, they were more than happy to bunker down wherever. The best thing you could think to do was keep a close eye on the new comers. Find out whos connected to who, whos weakest, easier to scare, smartest etc. It was all you could. You quietly ran through the hospital, a skill you learned from your many chases with Three Finger. The sounds echoed off the long, deserted halls as you tried to pinpoint where they were, not wanting to run right into them. As the echoes died down, it told you they had entered a room with furnishings. Your knowledge of the building told you it was the lounge area, which the large fire place, some old couches and wheelchairs. You would sit in the large windows in the summer, the warm sun providing a lovely warmth while you read. But in the winter, the room got an awful draft so you and the boys basically abandoned it. You abandoned most the rooms during winter. The main ones that kept being used were the kitchen, the ‘bedroom’ in the attic and a couple of the rooms on the upper floor. Heat rises, after all. As you approached the room, you knew you were right. Slipping into a little janitors closet that had a chip lock so you could lock it from the inside, you knew there was a vent that lead directly between the two. No, you wouldn’t risk crawling inside, but it did allow you to listen. The closet itself was bigger than a standard closet, and mainly empty apart from a bucket, 3 tiered unit that came up to your hips and unit with shelves built into it which was about 5 foot tall and right next to the vent. So you jumped up on the first unit then sat on the second, now able to touch the roof if you reached up just above your head. You heard a girl asking for someone to find stuff to burn. There were footsteps leaving the room before they started talking about someone called Porter. You wondered if the guy you had killed earlier was called Porter, but then you remembered he had had ID that named him David Smith. there was some more talk about phone service, then the others came back and, from the sounds of it, they light a fire. You almost bash your head back on the wall out of boredom. For people who talk so much, they talk about the most dull shit in the world. then they spoke about looking around. Despite wanting to stay in your den, you followed the bigger group as they explored, keeping as close as you could. They went through the files, and you felt a rage build in your chest as they mocked the people who used to be trapped up in here. Just like the guards had. The guards didn’t have so much to say when there wasn’t bars separating them from the people they taunted. You happened to glance out the window when you saw three figures approaching the building. Sawtooth, One Eye and Three Finger. They were focused on what ever they were dragging back, so hadn’t seen the snowmobiles out front. You wondered where the truck was, but then realized it must have gotten stuck somewhere due to the storm. You paused for a moment, frowning. They had trekked back through the storm on foot? They could have bunkered down in the truck for the night, so why fight against the storm? You were happy they were home, but you still felt a rush of anger at the situation. You needed to see them, so you quickly and silently made your way to them. Your pondering meant they had already been through the halls and to the kitchen. When you ran in the room, you noticed how One Eye flinched when he walked in and saw you storming towards them. Three Finger refused to meet your eyes as they filed into the room. But Sawtooth wasn’t with them. “Where have you been?!” You hiss, your voice breaking. Three Finger held up some barbed wire then tossed it to the side when he saw you were still just as angry. Just then, a large figure entered the room, dragging something behind. Something about Sawtooths presence made you feel uneasy. Mainly because you two were still angry at each other. But before anything could be said, he threw the body on the floor between you and the brothers. If this were any other time, you’d have smiled, making a joke about it being a sacrifice to please you. But something niggled at the back of your head. approaching the body, you fell to your knees beside it and started rummaging through the pockets. Until you found a wallet. Opening it up, you found a driving licence. With the name Porter. “Well, that’s one less loose end.” You threw the wallet down. You huffed, about to cuss when suddenly, all the lights flickered on and the sound of loud laugher and cheering echoed through the corridors. Immediately, you saw the three of them go ridged. You rose to your feet, not looking the brothers in the eyes. Turning on your heel, you left the room but they followed. Dragging behind you, you all went towards the noise, slipping into an observatory room with two way glass, you crossed your arms and glared at the group as the brothers looked through the glass. You were now not only angry at the brothers, but at the people as well. They had been the doctors office, had seen some of the files there, they KNEW of the suffering people had endured in these halls and they were dancing around like fucking morons. You saw Three Finger flinch, backing away from the glass a little as they realized why you were so on edge. Why you were now so angry. One Eye looked at you, the guilt obvious in his eyes as he reached out, prepared to comfort you. But you backed away from him, refusing to look at them as you shook your head. Fresh tears pooled in your eyes. They hadn’t been here when you really needed them because they were mad at you. And although they didn’t know of the people coming, you couldn’t just ignore the ache in your chest. You walked through the brothers, who parted to let you through until Sawtooth grabbed your arm. You jumped, not expecting it as you looked up at him. In all honestly, you didn’t know what he wanted. Perhaps it was instinct and he didn’t want you to leave upset. Or perhaps it was because he didn’t want you wondering off when there was a new threat within the building. But you wanted to prove a point, so you yanked your arm back but just as you were about to leave the room, the group of people started using the old wheelchairs as toys and rolled around like morons before making their way to the auditorium. you creeped behind them, with the boys behind you.   you were about to creep to the door when One Eye caught your hand. As with his brother, you were about to yank away when he nodded to the stairs which lead to the upper floor. As if to show you, he pulled you up the stairs and towards the balcony where the group now sat speaking below. One Eye waited by your side, eager for praise from you, but you were too distracted as they managed to play something that made your insides twist painfully. It was the recording of One Eye during an electrotherapy session. You watched as he wrestled against the restrains then his whole body writhed in pain. ‘session’ actually meant ‘punishment’. And One Eye normally ended up in these ‘sessions’ because of you. If he thought the guards were too rough or cruel to you, he would act out. He had attacked god knows how many people because of how they treated you. And he would be punished every time. You remembered crying against the bars as they threw his limp body into the cell with his brothers. Turning, you saw One Eye had noticed the film playing. He had shrank into himself, his gaze on the floor and you noticed his hands were shaking slightly. Stepping closer, you ducked your head under his own and pressed your lips against his in a few chase kisses before nuzzling your cheek against his own as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He responded to your affections, his arms snaking around your waist as he buried his face in your neck. He held you so tight that it hurt, but you didn’t care. You saw something move out the corner of your eyes, your head snapping to see Three Finger and Sawtooth. Three Finger snarled when he noticed the film, obviously defensive of his brother. Sawtooth’s fists clenched by his sides, his face stoic. One Eye pulled back when he noticed his brothers, but didn’t dare let go of you. “We’re in this together, right?” You looked to Sawtooth, who nodded in agreement. “Okay, then this is just like any other prey.” All three nodded in agreement.
 The group of intruders had settle down in the old rooms used for those who could be kept in normal rooms, rather than cells. The brothers were now hard at work, making sure everything was in place for tomorrow. Which included setting up the normal kind of traps. You were about to go back up into your bedroom when you noticed one of the men had went wondering. Right to where Sawtooth had set up the body of Porter. Running, you grabbed Sawtooth by the sleeve and pulled him towards the nurses station.  Apparently, you didn’t need to say a word as he understood. The man started to try square up to the body, threatening him until he seemed to recognise the clothes. You and Sawtooth waited in the shadows until the man touched the body and saw the blood. He turned, but Sawtooth was quick and blocked his path. Using a long metal spike, he jammed it up, through the mans nose and out the other side of the head, killing him. You went to help with the body but Sawtooth pushed you back with a grunt. He gestured towards the kitchen, where the other brothers were preparing some weapons. You tried to follow him again but he dropped the body and stood at his full height, a deep growl leaving his chest. You knew better than to push him further, so you backed off.  He dragged the body towards a half open door, using his foot to kick it further open and you watched before disappearing to find the others.   There was a silence between you both, still some kind of argument going on. You found the others in the back office of the kitchen. The chiefs office, which had a couch that you on, pondering everything that’s happened.
---------------time skip --------------
You don’t know when you passed out, sitting on the floor while One Eye and Three Finger worked on some weapons. When you woke the next morning, Three Finger had moved to sit in front of you and you had a blanket over you. He didn’t appear to be doing anything. Just guarding you as you slept. Reaching out, you ran your finger across his shoulder to let him know you were awake. He turned with a smile, instantly kneeling up beside you and nuzzling into your neck. You couldn’t help but giggle at the affection. One Eye came into the room, chucking something on top of a pre-existing pile crap that you recognised as some of the things the group had left in the lounge. You noticed some cables, spark plug wires from the snowmobiles. He beamed when he noticed you were awake. The morning did feel a lot better, and you were actually excited for the thrill of the chase now.   “Wheres Sawtooth?” You asked, sitting up as Three Finger leaned back. He gestured vaguely towards the door, but you understood. Keeping an eye on the others. As if summoned by your words, Sawtooth walked past the room with a body flung over his shoulders. Three Finger got to his feet and left after him, gurgling to himself. One Eye came and sat by your feet as, fiddling with his fingers in an awkward and shy way. You smiled and crawled to his side, cuddling into him. A sigh of relief left his throat as he pulled you close, apparently afraid you might wake up still annoyed. Three Finger ran back into the room, followed by Sawtooth, now holding a small bundle. A soft grunt told you all that it was time. They were exploring and about to find some unsavoury things. Just as you were about to stay, a grunt drew your attention and the thing Sawtooth was holding was tossed at you. It was wrapped in Porters jacket and you could feel it was the head of someone. Porter or the man who found him, you didn’t know yet. But you felt a swell of pride. Whatever Sawtooth had planned, you were apparently getting a role to play. Disappearing out, you all follow quickly and you started to hear running. The group was split up and agitated. Sawtooth lead you to the auditorium, signalling for his brothers to go up stairs and you to hide behind the black curtains that hid the sides of the stage while the screen was down before he followed his brothers. You managed to hide just in time as they started to funnel in. From what you could gather, they knew one guy was missing, they had seen the blood, they knew you were around somewhere and they needed to get out. Just then, one girl ran in screaming “Theyre gonna kill us all.” The drama queen inside you told you now was the perfect time. You threw the jacket covered object out onto the floor in front of them. “That looks like Porters jacket.” One said. “That is Porters jacket.” The other replied. You peaked around the corner, seeing the black haired girl was approaching it with fear. As she unwrapped the package, you noticed the metal, barbed wire noose that was lowering down from the balcony, a blonde haired girl backing closer to it. Looking up, you saw the brothers had made a pully system. Screams of terror filled the room and during the hysteria, the brothers managed to loop the metal around the girls neck and haul her up. The guy she was with tried to stop her, to help her, but he only made it worse. He grabbed her feet and pulled her down, allowing the metal to saw through her neck with ease at the tension. The rest of the group simply screamed, tried to get out the side doors which were locked. The man lost his grip and slipped back into the puddle of blood, screaming just before she was fully decapitated, her body falling either side of him as the group ran for the main exit. He screamed again before tried to get up but slipped on to the blood again and again before running for the exit after his friends. That was entertaining.   Once clear, you left your hiding spot just as the boys came down. You walked to the edge of the stage, in no real hurry as Sawtooth came up. He came up and gently lifted you down, making you giggle and press a kiss to his cheek. You didn’t want this feud to drive a wedge between you both. But you had no idea if he accepted your little ‘truce’. The four of you went back to the kitchen. The group couldn’t go anywhere anyway. They would either freeze to death outside, or come back in and barricade themselves in one of the offices near the front door. You ended up sitting on the counter while Three Finger carved up the headless body. There was a new sense of peace in the group and you felt whatever tension between you and Sawtooth had mostly disappeared. The boys squabbled as always as Sawtooth tried to take a little more than a snack and Three Finger wasn’t having it. If there was something Three Finger prided himself on, it was being able to strip flesh from bone in a clean way, and it didn’t look clean if Sawtooth kept picking at it. You smiled, but never ate anything raw. You didn’t like it, but the brothers did. Suddenly, you heard running, heading for the lower levels. But you saw Three Finger had heard it too. He threw his cleaver into the meat and ran to follow, scooping up an axe on the way. You considered going with him, till One Eye appeared and took the moment to step in front of where you were sitting and kiss you. But he too left, heading towards where the group must have bunkered down. Probably to torment them a little more. Sawtooth walked in as you had just jumped down, feeling a little lonely. He walked up to the body, about to take another piece but you slapped him hand away with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. He knew you were playing, and simply picked you up and moved you away to grab a bite. You huffed indignantly but he carried you into the chiefs office and sat you down with a strict “stay” gesture before he disappeared too. -------------------
You didn’t hear anything again from the boys until screaming filled the kitchen. You felt a surge of dread while disappeared when you looked out and saw they were tying down one of the guys to the table. You felt a shiver run through your spin because you knew what they were going to do. You didn’t like when they stripped flesh off of someone whos alive. You didn’t like the way they screamed during it, but you help nevertheless. You didn’t let anyone cut the potatoes or onion because you were convinced they would chop off their fingers one day. Three Finger heated up the oil and you brought the cutting board with veg over to the group. Placing it down, you felt One Eye grab your hand, silently asking you to stay, but you shook your head, kissing his cheek to show you didn’t have any issues with them though. You disappeared into the chiefs office, content with reading through the recipe books. You sat for a while, flipping through the books while the screams slowly died down. When they finally seemed to stop, you ventured out, smiling as you entered the kitchen with the boys. One Eye went to smile back at you, but apparently was in the middle of biting down and started to choke. You didn’t noticed straight away as you cleared away a couple of things but then you noticed Three Finger and Sawtooth hitting his back. You were about to panic, when one of Three Fingers knocks made him cough up the chunk and it flew across the table into the oil. Three Finger and One Eye started to cackle just as you were about to laugh when suddenly, someone smashed something red across the back of Sawtooths head. The man then went for one Eye but Sawtooth pushed him passed the table as Three Finger managed to back the man off a bit. Until screaming filled the room. It all happened so quickly. The group ran into the room, screaming and brandishing weapons. In all truth, you didn’t originally move. It was Sawtooth who grabbed you and pushed you to move and run. You didn’t get a chance to think as you raced through the hallway only to have one way blocked off with fire. Down into the cells you were all chased before, somehow, you ended falling into a cell at the dead end. not just any cell, though. The Hillikers original cell. The group slammed the door shut, locking you in. Sawtooth stood with his arms held out in front of his brothers, Three Finger to his left and One Eye to hid right. You were positioned directly behind the three of them. “Lets kill them.” Someone walked up the corridor, the girl who had caused the fire. “yeah, Jenna, lets do it.” The shorter girl with black hair agreed. “wait, wait. We cant just kill them.” The taller girl shook her head, looking confused. “Why the fuck not?” The man snapped. “They killed our friends and theyre gonna kill us then fucking eat us.” “Yeah we’re not them.” The tall black haired girl gestured towards the cell. “Fuck that!” The man turned to the cell, shining the torch in. “look at me. Look. At. Me. Fuck you, you mother fuckers. Im gonna cut your heart out, you mother fuckers. You understand that?” “I didn’t know there was a girl.” The girl with the curly black hair spoke, eyeing you up just before Three Finger stepped in front of you, snapping his jaws at them. “Shes fucking them.” The guy suddenly realised, his eyes darting to the brothers who instantly became more protective of you. “What, is she your sister? Freaks!” “No, she doesn’t look like them.” Another said. “I saw her file. Well, Daniel showed me. She was just dump here by her parents. They, they bonded or something. I dunno. But the file said never leave them all together.” “We aren’t opening that cell again, Sara!” The girl who was with ‘Sara’ shook her head, backing away from the cell. “No, youre right, Bridget.” The man gritted his teeth, turning to the girl with the yellow top. “Go get the other kerosene lantern. We’re gonna roast these fuckers alive.” You felt a new wave of fear run through your veins as the girl took off running. The girl who had spoke out against the idea looked deeply troubled as the man, who was still covered in his girlfriends blood, glared into the cell. One Eye glanced to you, and you could see he was worried. You all were. When she came back, the man started to dump the oil from the lantern through the cell door and onto the floor. All three backed away and you ended up pressed against the furthest wall, Three finger stepping closest to you. he finished and then pulled out a lighter. “Time for a barbecue, fuckers.” He growled at you all. You noticed Sara closed her eyes, seeming as if she was against this idea as well. “Kyle. Don’t do this.” The girl, whos name you think is Kenia, says. “They deserve it.” Kyle turns to the group, apparently sensing that it wasn’t a universal agreement. “Yeah they do, but you don’t.” She steps closer. “Don’t do this to yourself. Give me that lighter. Give me the lighter.” After a tense moment, one which you were sure he would throw the lighter down and set the floor on fire, he flicked it close and shoved the lighter back in his pocket. “Well, what are we gonna do now?” Bridget threw her hands up in the air in annoyance. “We find the spark plug wires, and we leave in the morning. Storm or no storm.” Kenia said before turning to the cell and talking to the four of you. “Where are the spark plug wires?” The wires. Theyre in the chiefs office. You had closed over the door, but would they think to look int here? You didn’t know. No one answered her, One Eye flitting to the other side of the cell. “Basards cant even talk.” Kyle rolls his eyes. “Fine, then we search. Room by room.” Kenia thinks quickly. “Okay but somebody has to watch them.” Jenna nods to you. “I will.” Kyle volunteers and you instantly raise an eye brow. It appeared from Kenias expression, she had the same thoughts as yours because he turned to her. “I wont touch a fucking hair on their head. Okay?” “Okay.” “Just go look for the wires. Send someone back in a couple of hours to relieve me. We’ll take shifts throughout the night.” He rattles off his plan, and apparently everyone silently agrees as thye file out of the room, leaving him. “Hey, you?” Kyle spoke directly to One Eye who was circling back to you, but was curious and paused. “Are you hungry?” You felt sick, knowing this was going to be some sick joke. But One Eye was the most trusting of the three brothers as the man offered him something from a packet. Before you could stop him, One Eye went to the bars but the man hit his hand.
“Fuck you, motherfuckers. You thought I was actually gonna feed you?” Three finger let out a cackle as One Eye back away to you. You instantly looked at his hand, making sure of no damage. Sawtooth growled lowly. “You know im actually gonna kill all four of you, don’t you? I will. Im gonna say I forgot something, then im gonna come back and im gonna kill each and every one of you freaks.” “Piss off.” You hissed, looking up at him. “You- you speak.” He shines the touch at you, so you smirk at him. “Right, you speak. Motherfucker. So, why’d you do it? Huh?” “You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” You walk up to the bars, placing your forehead against the cool metal. “Wheres the sparkplug wires?” He raised the flashlight and shone it into your face. You smiled, and with a half-hearted shrug of the shoulders, you retreated from the cell door. “Just sleep tight.” Kyle snaps at you through the bars. All three of the brothers quickly moved in front of you, making you smile softly at them. You felt dread building in your chest as you struggled to think of something. You walked into the corner off the cell, struggling to breath as you felt the walls closing in on you. You needed to hide the panic you felt from the group. But you hadn’t been down this area since the breakout, and for good reason. Closing your eyes, you tried to calm yourself so you could think straight. Someone rubbed your arms reassuringly and you opened your eyes to see Three Finger standing in front of you. You immediately stepped close to him, resting your forehead on his shoulder as you sought intimacy. He offered you it, almost purring when you cuddle into him and his arms wrapped around you. For a while, he stood with you, calming you down. In truth, Three Finger was the best when you were like this. One Eye would get too worked up and start to panic while Sawtooth was the complete opposite and offered you no sympathy for fear of showing weakness. But Three Finger knew to keep you close and even nuzzled against you. You felt the panic in your chest start to ease, and you were able to think straight. Looking up, you smiled gratefully, but despite his own dorky smile back, you could see he was concerned, and probably scared. Pulling back, you were also grateful that he had manged to position himself to stand directly between you and the bars. He blocked your view of the guy who was now guarding you all, so you glanced past him as saw the man had passed out on the floor. If you could only get out. Looking back to Three Finger, you could see the worry in his eyes, and both One Eye and Sawtooth watched on in concern. In a few hours, you would be burned to death, and they were more worried about you having a stupid panic attack. They had always cared for you more than themselves, even back in the old days, before you all escaped. An idea shot into your mind like lightening. the pin! Suddenly, you grabbed Three Finger and yanked him over to the basin. after they had escaped and freed you, you had found the pin on the ground and decided that it needed to stay down in their old cell, just in case the orderlies managed to get everyone back under control. So you had hidden it. Getting down on your hands and knees, you reached under the pipes, your hands just fitting as you felt the cold metal of the pin. Pulling it out, you turned back and offered the pin to Three Finger. You saw his eyes light up at the sight of it, the very tool which had offered you your freedom all those years ago. his eyes trailed up to you, and he grinned wickedly. You felt your stomach backflip as you smiled, your fears long forgotten as he taken the pin from your hands. Sawtooth and One Eye hadn’t seen the exchange, or what you had given Three Finger, so they watched as Three Finger crept to the bars of the cell. You followed but One Eye reached an arm across you. They wanted to keep you to the back to protect you. taking his hand, you watched anxiously as Three Finger reached through the bars and started to pick the lock. Every little creak made your heart skip a beat as you waited for the man to wake up. But then you heard a ping, and held your breath as Three Finger started to slowly pull the cell door open again. Sawtooth was first out, taking long purposely strides to the sleeping man. He grabbed him by the throat, pushing him against the wall as he dragged him up to eye height. The fear in the mans eyes was undeniable as he realised how badly he had fucked up. Sawtooth raised his fist and with one sharp jab, the man was knocked out. Three Finger cackled menacingly as Sawtooth picked him back and threw him over his shoulder, leading the way out. You all followed, knowing there was no point hanging around here in case they did find the plug and came back to get their friend. Up, through the corridors you went till you came to the kitchen. Three Finger quickly checked around while you made sure the spark plugs were still where one eye had left them. They were. That was lucky. You came out and saw the had laid the guy on one of the tables, about to kill him. “Wait.” You grabbed Three Fingers hand, stopping him from killing the man. “Cut his tongue out.” The boys looked at you, utterly perplexed. You were normally the more docile of the four, wanting someone to have a quick death rather than long and drawn out. “Cut out his tongue and swap your clothes with him.” You looked pointed at Three Finger as you took the knife and made quick work of the last two fingers on the mans hand. Three Finger, not wanting to upset you again, followed your instructions, swapping his clothes as One Eye cut out the mans tongue. you grabbed a bag and cut eye holes in it before pulled it over his head, tying it there just as Three Finger strapped his gloves on the man. Once he was ready, you got them to help you get the man up to the floor with the girls. Leaning him against the wall, you shook him until you felt him start to move of his own accord. Giving him a rough shove in the direction of the room the girls were held up in, you let him stagger to his feet and he quickly began to stumble away, dazed, confused and in pain. the brothers went to go after him but you held out a hand, stopping them. You watched the man turn right at the end of the hall way. You kept your arm up, and they didn’t cross you. You didn’t need to wait long. You heard the girl battle cry’s as he hobble just into sight before he was bought to the ground by the girls. They had mistaken their friend for Three Finger and now, they were screaming as they stabbed him mercilessly in the back. Poor bastard. you felt Sawtooth push against you, asking to go after them, but you refused. They needed to know what they had done. You needed to break them. Three Finger let out a shrill cackle and their attention snapped up to you. With a smirk, you dropped your arm, and the three brothers stepped forward. The girls scrambled to their feet and fled back to their safe place. You expected the boys to go after them, but Sawtooth stopped, looking back to you. You felt a wave of excitement, knowing what this meant. You were coming along. racing to his side, you beamed at him. You expected him to continue and lead his brothers as he always did, but instead he surprised you. Ducking down, he kissed you. You were taken aback. Sawtooth didn’t kiss. he let you kiss him, but it didn’t seem to mean as much as it did to the others. A kiss was a form of affection he wasn’t fond of, mainly because he could easily tear up your lips if he wasn’t carful. He learned that when you were both young and exploring each other. And yet, he kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, locking him in place as you quickly returned the kiss hungrily. Strong arms lifted you up off the ground as if you were as light as a doll. You felt him wrap and arm around your lower back and the other about mid-thigh, holding you tight against his body. Sniggering brought you both out of the moment as his brothers fought to keep their laughter back. Not out of cruelty, but they enjoyed that despite the stone faced brothers approached, he was as much under your spell as they were. He was as much yours as you were his. Giggling, you jumped up slightly to press a kiss to his cheek while the other two headed down the corridor. Something caught his eye in the next room. Before you could ask, Sawtooth went inside and came out with an ice drill. Three Finger cackled, jumping up and down at the new toy. You smirked at Sawtooth, knowing full well that at least one of the girls will meet a painful end at the hands of such a weapon. You stepped aside, bowing comically as you let Sawtooth walk past you and his brothers to lead the next attack. Rounding a corner, Sawtooth heard the running footsteps and the ice drill roared to life, followed by screaming as the girls skidded to run in the opposite direction. they ran for the front door, which had been chained shut during the day. More shrieks as they realised and had to double back on themselves. Suddenly, Sawtooth stopped. He turned to you, giving a single nod towards where the girls were. You understood. Follow them. Darting in front, you ran with silent feet and sensitive hearing. They were heading upstairs, to the attic. You followed them as they ended up stumbling into the room the guys slept in. Your bedroom was in a hidden door off to the side which was locked. And you were thankful. You didn’t want them rummaging through your stuff. The girls found some of the older clothes, pulling them on to keep warm if/when they got outside. This changed the game again. Because now you couldn’t rely on them freezing to death in the current climate. You had to get them before they left the grounds. You kept to the shadows as the girls ran back out the room, through the attic and back down the stairs, towards the east wing. You didn’t follow them the whole way, instead following the drill sound to find the guys. “They went upstairs and found jackets. They’re prepared for going outside.” You ran up, tell the brothers the new information. Sawtooth huffed as you noticed they had pulled on some of their own thick jackets. The ones they had been wearing the night before, so had probably left somewhere in the kitchen area when they came back. One Eye held out your own, which you had kept by the back entrance. Grinning, you kissed his cheek before pulling it on and guided them towards the west wing. One Eye ran ahead to open a door with his shoulder, but it didn’t budge. He rattled the release handle a few times with little avail. “They’ve blocked it.” You mumble, running forward and looking through the window. You couldn’t see anything in the way of the door, so you looked through the small crack between the two door. You saw a thick object connecting the doors. “They’ve jammed something through the handle.” You call over your shoulder to the others. Suddenly, you heard running and just manage to jump out the way as Three Finger’s body collides with the door, falling to the ground. You press your lips together in a harsh line to stop yourself from laughing as you and One Eye look at each other. His amusement did nothing to help your attempts, so you had to raise your hands over your mouth before hearing grunting from Sawtooth. This wasn’t the time for jokes, even if his eyes did betray that he found it rather comical as well. One Eye tried the same body slam, but managed to catch himself without falling. Nothing seemed to budge the door. There was little point in you trying, so you stood to the side as some kind of strange cheerleader. That was, until, Sawtooth walked up to the door. He looked through the window, before walking back and passing the drill to One Eye. He gave himself much more of a run up to the door, and as his mass collided with the door, your noticed it gave a lot more that the previous attempts. And there was a cracking sound. “Its working.” You run up, pushing on the door and seeing it was now moving if only by an inch or so. You stepped back, looking to Sawtooth as he lined himself up again. A second, and third time but it was the fourth that he broke through the door. Three Finger let out a triumphant cackle as the brothers raced through the door, followed by you. Sawtooth took the drill back as they looked in each room, only to find one girl half was out through a burrow in the snow. She ended up crawling back, wiping snow off her face. She didn’t even notice Sawtooth coming up behind her. She didn’t know until the drill was protruding through her stomach as he mangled her insides. The blood sprayed out, only for you to notice one of the girls had climbed back down to try help her. She was pulled back up in a heartbeat before anything could be done. The drill was turned off and the body fell to the floor, lifeless. The brothers, their eyes fixed on the hole, knew where the girls had gone. Three Finger nudged Sawtooth, making a fist with his right hand and mimicking the revving of a motorbike. Sawtooth smirked and nodded as he left the room, you all in tow. “Ill go get the spark plug wires.” You call out, running past the others, knowing it was quicker you going to get them. You ran and grabbed the sparkplug wires before meeting the boys at the door. They now had more weapons, each holding one. Following them outside to the snowmobiles, you handed each of them a plug for each machine except one. You didn’t know how to even begin to wire one up or even drive one. They boys seemed to have a knack at this kind of stuff. “Once this is over, you have to show me how to drive one of these.” You nod to the dormant snowmobile, looking to Sawtooth, who paused for a moment before giving a single nod. Smiling widely, you watched three Finger as he worked. They wired up the machines before revving them to life. Stepping back, you were reluctant to go back inside when you heard Three Finger cackle. You looked at him and he nodded his head to the back of his. you paused, your heart skipping a beat as you prayed you understood him. Glancing to Sawtooth, he gave a single nod and revved the engine, an indicator to hurry up. Smiling, you ran over and swung your leg over the back of Three Fingers snowmobile, locking your arms around his torso. He glanced back at you, making sure you were ready before the other speed off. You cuddled into his back, grinning as the adrenaline from the ride set in. you loved how fast these things could go. They would be a great addition for the days of boredom. Sawtooth followed the girls tracks in the snow, and it didn’t take long to catch up. They circled the girls, getting them worked up. They screamed and cried out, but then Sawtooth signalled for the other to back off. Retreating back, you stood up on the back of the snowmobile to watch what would happen with the shadows in the distance. They couldn’t see you guys, but because they were in the open, you could just make out them. “Theyre splitting up.” You call out, knowing it was best to attack now. Going in for another attack, Three Finger managed to swing and injure one of the girls while Sawtooth grabbed another. You looked up, seeing the girl was struggling too much and started jabbing something into Sawtooths arm. He dropped her, but neglected to notice the incoming low branch. It knocked him right off his snowmobile. One Eye was right behind him, capturing the girl. You and Three Finger went to check on Sawtooth, who stumbled up with a grumble. He fobbed off your calls of concern, rubbing his head before trekking to get his snowmobile. You knew better than to try fuss over him like this. He would just push you away anyways. You would make sure to check him over once his ego isn’t as bruised. Hearing screaming, you look up and see One Eye had got the girl. Getting off Three fingers, you raced over to see what One Eye was doing. Three Finger sped off, in search of another victim. You saw the blood coming out the end of the bike as he looked up at you, waiting for something. “Well done. That’s really inventive.” You smile as the girls scream become weaker then stop entirely when the snowmobile dropped. One Eye beams at you before looking away shyly. Walking through the snow, you reach up and guide his face towards your own before kissing him, deeply. He melt against your kiss, whining slightly as he reached up, cupping your cheek. You were interrupted when you heard a female voice crying out. Heads snapping to the side, you saw one girl running through the snow. One Eye cut a rope on the back before scooped you up and put you on the back of his snowmobile, revving it and racing away. You wrapped your arms around his torso, holding on tightly.
 ------------time skip -------------
 You awoke, well rested and refreshed. Trudging through the hallways, you couldn’t help but feel happy and content. Three Finger appeared, grinning as he grabbed your hand and started to drag you to the front door, where you saw the truck was now out front. Along with a sulking One Eye. Frowning, you notice the bruising starting to appear on his left eye. Racing out the front door, without a jacket, you were in front of him before he knew it, cupping his cheek and looking at the injury. One Eye smiled, ducking his head a little out of embarrassment. He must have gotten hurt chasing the girls when you and Three Finger had come home last night, after you had rode for a bit with Sawtooth of course. Speaking of which, Sawtooth grunted, signalling to the truck as he climbed on the back with the crane part. One Eye stole a quick kiss before you all headed to the truck.  You took pride of place in the front beside Three Finger, which was already nice and warm. You didn’t know where you were driving to, but Three Finger apparently did as, after about 10 minutes, he pulled up beside a bank of snow. Looking out, you saw two bodies, decapitated. They hadn’t got away. Stepping out the truck, you climbed up on the rear wheel to see the brothers in the back of the truck while Three Finger retrieved the heads of the bodies. They didn’t even see the two snowballs you had in your hand until Three Finger had thrown the heads and bodies in the back and got back into the cab. You took the opportunity to hurl the snow at both One Eye and Sawtooth before diving back into the cab and locked the doors. Three Finger cackled as Sawtooth banged on the rear window. You smiled innocently at him, but you felt the sudden dread that you would soon have to get out the cab. “I don’t think I’ll be getting those lessons today.” You giggled as you glanced out the rear window. Three Finger cackled before driving away. You slipped closer to him, cuddling into his side as he drove.
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dissonancedance · 4 years
Chapter 96
Her barriers were thinning dangerously, sweat starting to slick her palms and douse the nape of her neck, but she had to play this through.
Content warning: Graphic descriptions of violence, references to sexual violence, medical horror, incest, cults, and forced captivity.
Read below the cut
Closing the Distance
Chapter 96
Simone’s words died on the breath that shock had stolen from her as Vidar crushed the breath from Maier. Black lines marred the concrete floor with each scrape of Maier’s shoes as he kicked in inept attempts at traction, his white skin shifting red to blue in a smear of pain. Unable to look away from the pale-knuckled grip around Maier’s neck, she watched her uncle strangle a man with the same quiet placidity as when he lied in a drug-induced delirium. The strength in those long fingers echoed memories of terror and helplessness around her own neck, but the terror and helplessness she felt now was wrapped in defeat.
After all the horror, secrecy, and guilt of turning to these experiments and participating in the irrevocable destruction of the person her uncle once was, they still couldn’t carve the monster out of the man.
“Vidar,” she said, watching his clamping hands grow still at the sound of her voice. “Off.”
Like the loyal doll she’d reduced him to, he backed away from the battered, coughing Maier and turned to her with the same eerie calm that never left him. Before, she could fool herself into thinking that placid lack of expression was peacefulness, maybe even contentment, but what remained behind his blue eye was just as empty as the hollow socket next to it. Having that empty eye trained on her now, alone but for the hacking lunatic on the floor, reminded her too well of the monster still clinging to the cavity of his mind.
The long, puckered scar curled up Maier’s cheek as he laughed between heaving coughs, "Tha-... he-heh, that could have gone better."
“Sick son of a fuck…” Simone muttered, helplessness and frustration transmuting fluidly into rage at the slick drone of that voice. Maier’s shirt ripped when she yanked him up by his collar and snarled into his gasping face, “You stay the hell away from us! If I see you around here again, I'll fucking peel the rest of your face off!"
The corners of his mutilated mouth twitched and writhed into a smile.
“Pretty promises, but not the one I want,” he grinned, the injury to his throat breaking his monotone up into a more human sound. “The deal I had made with you, Ms. Valstad, was to experience the glory of Leif Valstad’s specialty firsthand after helping to free him.”
“You lost that deal when you sold my family out to Aguiyi,” she hissed.
A sharp agony shot up from her wrists as Maier’s hands grasped them, shocking her into losing her grip, and he yanked her down in a swirl of motion. Her rage made her sloppy, gave him the split second of advantage to slam her under him. Her vision flashed white from the force of her skull slapping the concrete. There would be no help coming; Maier’s methodical nature alone had assured her that he had cut off the security cameras before ever entering the lab to indulge his desires in private.
Below the ringing that muffled her hearing, Maier's words came through distant and flat, “The deal still stands, but I have since concluded that this institution is not what he needs to be freed of. The factor that has been preventing Leif Valstad from achieving his full potential is you, Ms. Valstad. We need to discuss your role in the family.”
The fuzzy stirrings of a concussion made her tongue thick, her words slurring as she ground out, “Yeah, well, last time I took your advice, I got fucked in the ass.”
“I would wager that has also occurred since you stopped taking my advice, therefore the consequence is no fault of mine,” he responded in that flat, emotionless drone that enraged her more than the spitefulness of his meaning.
Simone twisted to drag Maier’s grasp to the side and destabilize him enough to shove her hip up and roll him. The maneuver she'd recited a hundred times under her father's training paid off, only for her to be wrenched back before she could clamber away. His grip on her dress stopped her short, the expensive muslin finally tearing loudly when she jerked free from his grabbing hands. The cold, sterile air of the lab plastered itself to her sweat-slicked skin as she rushed to put as much distance and obstacles between herself and the man crawling after her.
“The path Bjørn had left for Leif Valstad did not contend with the possibility that he might reject it,” Maier said, ragged with the effort of dragging his lower half. “So long as you remain alive, his attachment to you will prevent him from embracing his destiny.”
The medical tools laid out on a tray near the sensory deprivation tank caught Simone’s eye as she registered the threat Maier had made. In his state, it would not be difficult to pin him down and drive a scalpel along his arteries until his broken body finally quit. No, not difficult, but it would be risky. She’d underestimated him once before to know that he would not be deterred from his task by mere pain. Her move had to be precise.
"Aside from that being none of your fucking business,” she frowned, trying to hide the wooziness that wobbled her gait as she started towards the tray, "you should know better than to think that killing me would make Leif more cooperative."
“And you should know better than to come into this lab alone. Vidar Valstad is an unstable patient, after all. You see now how the seed of violence still germinates within him.”
She snatched up the scalpel as she circled the back of the lab to stay out of his path, distancing herself from him as well as keeping him far from Vidar. Her uncle’s vacant stare followed her, unaware or unalarmed at what was happening around him, and she shuddered at what was so obvious to both her and Maier. Dangerous or not, she couldn't leave her uncle with this snake. She couldn't surrender to fear again.
“Even if you framed Vidar for my murder, Leif would blame Ouroboros for putting him close enough to get to me,” she said. The scalpel was light in her hand as she held it out of his line of sight and stepped slow enough to goad him into maintaining his pursuit. "He’d rather burn in the fire he lights under Ouroboros’s ass than have vengeance go unfulfilled.”
“Like father, like daughter.”
The exit was past Maier, no safe route out of that room without leaving her uncle there with him. All her weaving and maneuvering hadn't tricked him into giving her an opening to grab Vidar and escape. He had her backed up into an ultimatum: kill or be killed. Even without full use of his legs and caught off guard, Maier had still forced her to play by his rules. More than the fear of what consequences awaited her for killing Aguiyi's right hand man, more than the risk of injury or death in the tussle, it was the bitterness of being forced into this standoff that made her pause.
Simone rubbed the smooth handle of the scalpel restlessly, letting a decision weigh against her hesitation before carefully saying, "There's an unfinished remodel in an attic space that some of the men climb through to get to the roof. It's out of view from the rest of the building, with a clear jump into the trees on the street outside. Someone should seal that off before Leif finds out and gets any ideas of leaving with me."
The length of Maier's silence told her enough for her to confidently lower her scalpel, but his knife did not falter.
"You won't leave without Vidar Valstad," he said, more as a statement of fact than calling her bluff.
Simone looked past him to her uncle, meeting his remaining eye directly before turning her attention back to Maier.
"I won't leave him," she admitted, keeping his focus on her as she laid the scalpel on the edge of the sensory deprivation tank. "Vidar is safe here. We all are. Everyone here acts on behalf of the interests of Ouroboros, and we are Ouroboros."
He didn't detect Vidar coming up behind him with steps as slow and quiet as a phantom's. Simone kept her eyes locked with Maier's as her uncle's shadow loomed over him.
"Everyone except my father, Aguiyi… and you, Maier," she said as Vidar's open hands reached for him.
Simone leaned against the wall as she watched Liu, the nearest member with crime scene forensic experience, assess the smears and splatters on the floor. She was careful not to let her gaze linger in any one place for too long as Aguiyi shifted his attention between them. The smooth concrete obscured the stains in darker shades of gray, but the reek of what they were wrinkled her nose with a horrible familiarity. The good ventilation in the labs had granted these cramped corridors a false sense of openness and had blunted much of the sharpness of the solutions used to keep them sterile, but she could still smell the blood oxidizing steadily into rot. Her uncle’s blood, and not a drop of anyone else’s. She had been careful to assure that. Her frantic scrubbing had eaten through the nitrile gloves she’d used, the cleaning solution stinging the blisters from her father’s training.
“The patterns from the lab to the hall clearly indicate a struggle,” Liu said, mostly to herself while she photographed the mess, although the halted lilt to her tone suggested she only spoke in English for their benefit. Simone moved closer to show she was still listening despite the fatigue and nervousness that weighed her steps into a shuffle. “I only see one set of footprints, so he was maybe carrying something... something that threw off his balance.”
“Couldn’t’ve had much balance,” Dr. Wallis muttered rapidly. He shrunk a little more into himself when they looked his way, but continued, “... kept ‘im sedated near constantly for over two months. Wouldn’t’ve been able to walk straight, haul things about.”
“Never underestimate a Valstad,” Aguiyi warned.
Dr. Wallis choked back a whimper as he nodded, cowering even further into his hunch under the attention of the old man. Simone looked away from him; that would likely be the limit of what he could say for the next few hours at least and it hurt to see what had become of the once-confident, witty neuropsychologist. It was a cold reminder of what she risked in this subterfuge. Aguiyi had allowed her to be punished for running from him before; she could not imagine what penalty might await her for taking Vidar away from him.
“Maybe he had a weird reaction to the drugs?” she suggested.
“A severe reaction from sedation explains it until we reach here,” Liu said as she gestured with her camera to where the bloody path ended in the middle of the hall. “It also doesn’t explain how or why the video feed was interrupted and the lab was unsecured.”
Simone pursed her lips against the urge to frown. “So someone cut the cameras and opened the door for my uncle to slip out like a loose housecat… and then simply vanished?”
“Any ideas, Liu?” Aguiyi asked.
The expert shook her head. “All my ideas are in the evidence. How many others knew Vidar Valstad was down here?”
“No one I wouldn’t trust.”
“Apparently at least one you shouldn’t,” Simone muttered.
A resounding silence brought her to look around. Aguiyi’s wrinkles deepened into a gnarl of a scowl, Dr. Wallis’ pallor turned a sickly shade of buttermilk, and Liu watched her with curious surprise. She wasn’t aware she’d said that out loud until Aguiyi announced, “There are none within these walls who do not live to serve our shared cause.”
The shadow of a scold in his tone raised Simone’s suspicion enough for her to follow where that statement had stung him, chasing that hunch with, “Not everyone here is sharing the same cause, doc. You made Leif their leader, don’t act surprised when they follow his will.”
“You know too little of how Ouroboros operates to be making those kinds of assessments, Little Scratch.”
The ire that fueled his defensiveness spilled over the deepening furrow of his brow and infected her with a corrosive, unyielding frustration. Or maybe it was her own frustration rising to meet his. Her barriers were thinning dangerously, sweat starting to slick her palms and douse the nape of her neck, but she had to play this through.
“Don’t give me that bullshit,” she sneered. “Maybe someone left the door unlocked. Maybe he hurt himself stumbling out of here. Maybe the cameras glitched. Any of these alone are generous assumptions, but all of that together is quite a fucking coincidence.”
“We don’t yet know what happened and neither do you.”
“I know my father wants his corpse displayed in the yard. I know that’s a lot of my uncle’s blood on the floor for anyone who could care to keep him alive to have spilled. Why isn’t anyone asking Leif?”
“Leif doesn’t know about this project.”
“He doesn’t need to know, what he needs is Vidar’s head delivered to him. And all you care about are your fucking projects. Is twenty years all it takes for you to-” Simone snapped, her teeth clicking shut to bite off the rest of what had slipped between the cracks of her composure.
If she didn’t have Aguiyi’s attention before, she clearly had it now. Those broad, sagging, leonine features turned fully to her, eyes now alight with a deadly intent behind thick cataracts as he waited for her to continue. Somewhere on the boundaries of her focus, she knew Dr. Wallis was curling into himself in an attempt to disappear and Liu was watching with wide-eyed wary interest, but all she could see were the decades carved into that face falling away. The cataracts sank back until fiery brown irises glared at her from a face nearly unrecognizable yet too familiar for her to not know.
“All it takes for me to… what?” he prompted, slick with venom.
Simone swallowed the self-consciousness that stalled her tongue before doing her best not to spit out, “Forget your word to Bjørn.”
The fire in his glare receded to a smoulder, but his tone was no less hard as he responded, “We’ll find Vidar Valstad. He’ll need you when we do.”
She held his clouded stare until the buzzing, burning sensation of direct eye contact frothed just below her tolerance and she let her sight drop to his cheek. That roving anger seeped out of her, all the bluster it had garnered departing with it in a sigh that left her feeling deflated, tired, but good.
They hadn't suspected her involvement in Vidar’s disappearance, hadn’t kept her there to watch her sweat and squirm despite her not needing to be there at all. Aguiyi had summoned her to the scene to include her and the gratitude that gesture had implanted in her was inescapable. She was among the first to be alerted to the disappearance of her uncle. She was also brought because Aguiyi correctly guessed how important it would be to her to be included. It was almost easy to believe that he did all of this out of respect and courtesy to her.
Aguiyi reached out to give her shoulder a firm, fraternal squeeze. She did not try to dodge it and the lack of revulsion at his touch burned her all the worse. Such grand gestures of courtesy and respect still felt odd despite the annoying compulsion to appreciate it.
“We’ve got everyone on the lookout, Scratch,” he said, warm and assuring, welcoming her trust with the patience and wisdom of a leader steeped in experience. “You have my word on that, too. If you think disclosing this project to Leif is necessary to help find your uncle, then I won't hold you back.”
The tug of a bond she did not want and was not hers to begin with grated against what she had set into motion. She could see why Bjørn had saddled Aguiyi with his legacy. Bjørn may have been insane, but he could see the inner workings of people as clearly as the movements in his skeleton watch. Through the same pale gray eyes as his, Simone could see Aguiyi as she imagined Bjørn may have seen him: a man with a knack for leadership and devotion that ran so deep it pulled those around him under his wing. It would have been easy to fall into where Aguiyi had attempted to manipulate her if she had let him.
The watch ticked steadily at her wrist as she clasped her hand over his and said, “I'm counting on you, doc.”
“Never thought a French summer would be so warm. Do you want a shorter taper?”
Leif glanced over the document in his hands, considered the clippers the barber held, and answered, "No, let's keep it a scissor cut. Can't go changing my image without consulting the committee first."
The barber let out a chuckle as he traded the clippers for shears. "I thought being on top would give a guy more freedom, Scratch. Doesn't seem all bad, though. Least you got the best barber in the complex to keep your image sharp."
Leif smiled at his easy humor. Only a few months ago, this same man could barely hold a comb steady in his presence. Leif was pleased that his penchant for violence against his fellow Ouroboros members hadn't affected the reproitoir he'd built with the barber.
"You're the best of the best, Athanasios."
Leif turned his attention back to the stack of reports, eager to assess the situation on the Mozambique Channel, but both his and Athanasios's attention turned to the sound of shouting outside the makeshift barbershop.
"What the hell-"
"Stay here," Leif commanded as he pulled the sheet off his shoulders and rushed out of the makeshift barbershop.
Casual though their reproitoir might be, Athanasios obeyed orders as well as anyone among their ranks. Or, at least as well as most. The guards assigned to ensure that Leif was where he was supposed to be were not where they were supposed to be. Instead, the hallway was only filled with the sounds of shouting and scuffling echoing from around the corner.
There were few opportunities that afforded Leif a moment outside of constant supervision. He could use this moment to run, hide among the estate's many forgotten passages, find a way to get him and his daughter out somehow. This was ahead of his plan, but he didn't know when a moment like this would present itself again. Before hesitation let this opportunity slip by, he turned in the opposite direction of the clamour only to be stopped by a woman's voice among the shouting. Leif was rushing towards it before he fully recognized it as his daughter's, his heart hammering and throat tight in a single-minded panic to reach her.
"Simone!" he cried, his voice lost among the many as he rounded the corner and pushed into the tight crowd of men.
A path cleared quickly as they realized who was now among them, but not quick enough as he shoved his way through the throng. His mind raced with a thousand fears only to be confronted with one of the worst when at last he pushed his way to the clearing at the center of the crowd. There, his daughter stood before a man with a knife gripped in both of his hands, her blood oozing around the tip of the blade held against her chest. The urge to rush in and kill this man had him lunging forward, but the grasping hands of those around him held him back in time for him to assess the situation. The blind panic in the man's eyes was zeroed in on Simone's grim stare, the knife seemingly frozen in time. Any interference could kill her.
"What's happening here?" Leif demanded of the men next to him.
"Apologies, sir," the man to his right spoke up above the din. "It's Deleon. He was sparring and started to panic, pulled a knife on his partner. Little Scratch intervened, stopped him from killing."
Leif whipped around and snarled, "And you let her?"
The thin stream of red blooming under the fabric of her bodice made him jerk against the hands holding him back. He had to deescalate this situation somehow; going in hotheaded and half-cocked could easily get her killed. His mind raced with a dozen useless ideas leaping out of the panic that gripped him while he forced himself to watch and wait as Simone slowly reached up to the Deleon's shaking hands.
Leif couldn't hear what she said, only see her lips form the words, "Don't be afraid. You're safe. You're with family now. Understand? You're with family."
Deleon, a man three times her size, trembled and muttered rapidly as her tiny hands slowly pushed the knife away. Leif stood frozen, his breath burning in his chest while she continued to hold Deleon's wild stare as she loosened his trembling hold on the handle. Then, bafflingly, she wiped the blood off on her dress and slid it in the sheath at his thigh.
"We take care of each other," she said, placing her hands on Deleon's slumped shoulders. "That's what family does. No matter what, we take care of each other."
Sensing the threat was low, Leif jerked again to be released to run to her only for those hands to hold fast. He turned to the men to order them, the order dying on his tongue when he saw how they watched his Simone. He knew that look, that stalwart stillness and attentive stare. They looked to Simone and saw a leader.
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abloomntime · 3 years
A Bloom In Time Ch8 Discovery P2
(Warning: Death Scene ahead. The third floor is the same cut third floor in the video here and all the things described are here as well. Only behind the door is something different for the story. And Snatcher's dialogue came from the video of the cut content as well. )
The guards marched the poor woman now panicking in their grip flailing about, trying to get out of their grip like a fly in a cold spiderweb to no avail. The two giant guards marched noisily towards somewhere unknown as the third floor rooms and hallways passed them as they marched with seemingly no regard for the woman yelling and pulling between them. Eventually marching down one hallways in particular with a double door room at the end of it, heavy and thick with chains and locks fit for a dungeon instead of a bed room. The two guards went right up to it and before Poppy could even yell out peck again- She was tossed in rather hard. She landed with a giant thud sound and yelped out as her body landed with the freezing cold floor. And it only began to get colder and COLDER!! Poppy groaned from the pain but those blue eyes snapped open at the sudden noise of doors slamming behind her. Panic and adrenaline pumping through her veins and she stumbled to her feet as fast as she could. The rattling of chains and clicking of heavy locks made her fear spike worse and she went to it as fast as she could grabbing the door knob and pushing.
"HEY!! WHAT THE PECK!? LET ME OUT!!" The heavy doors creaked from her pushing and pulling and desperately turning the knob. The floor shaking lightly with the heavy footsteps of the guards walking away. The realization of them walking away made her more desperate to get out, and she now went to banging on the door. "H-HEY!! DO YOU LUGNUTS HEAR ME?! I SAID I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING OK?! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID BUT IM SORRY OK!! PLEASE!! LET ME GO!! I SWEAR TO YOU I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THAT CRAZY SHADOW LADY SAID!!"
She got no reply and could hear them getting and farther away, panicking she tore herself away from the door. Heart hammering in her ears and eyes scrambling around the dark room for any signs of escape to no avail. No windows. No other doors. Nothing. The coldness was starting to creep in now and the shadows of the room got closer....and closer...... Her panting became faster and in a moment of desperation, she backed all the way to the other side of the empty room and looked at the door. Bracing herself, she ran as fast as she could across the room and rammed her shoulder as hard as she could into the heavy duty door. A thud rang out but there wasn't even a dent in the thick would. Leaving her only falling to the ground and reaching up to rub her sore shoulder from the ramming. The cold slowly creeped closer and closer and the shadows swallowed her whole until her world fell into a black slumber for a thousand years. ....... ............. ................................
Until her awakening years later.
The silence of the frost was an almost empty numb feeling until that jolt of energy shot through, and their was a gasp of air sucked into those newly awakened lungs that coughed and sucked in breaths. Like she had been under water for such a long time. It was dark. And it was cold. And she was scared. But the energy.....It was so big. And so bright light energy. It seemed to chase the darkness away. The sore, numb, stiff limbs moved in what seemed like forever. It was so hard and she shivered from the cold she still felt. Where was she?.....What happened?.....What was that bright light?
Poppy weakly managed to move her sore, cold body into pushing her front half up and looking around the room....She was...She was still in this prison? What happened? All she remembered was a crazy snow storm, and guards, and the last thing she remembered just being thrown inside here. In the dark her slow blinking eyes could vaguely make out the door. She...She must've knocked herself out from ramming into the door. Gotta admit not her most proudest moment or best idea. How long was she even out?...Didn't matter. All she knew was that she was still stuck in that room and needed to get out before that crazy shadow lady or guards decided to come back. And get away from this frozen wasteland as fast as possible. Willing herself onto her hands and knees, and crawled to the door and began weakly pushing and banging on it. Maybe someone would come and hear her out about her story.
And someone came.
Out of all the parts of the mansion she'd been in, the third floor was by fair the most creepy and she REALLY doubted anyone other than her and Snatcher had ever gotten this far up in the manor before and escaped Vanessa's wrath. The mafia men. Snatcher's subjects. Those Explorer guys. Rough Patch. That weird....ghost thing?? That one image made her shiver, but at least they were far away from this place now. But still. This place was creepy with a capital C. She was SURE she'd rather fight a hundred Snatcher's with an army of ghost behind him rather than explore one room of this third floor. Her ghostly friend wasn't kidding when he said Vanessa went off her deep end. The entire third floor was just COVERED wall to wall in literal newspapers. Very, VERY old timey newspapers where each one had to be hand written with an ink and pen, and copy machines weren't even a thought. She tried reading one before but found she couldn't make anything out other than maybe one or two old faded words. Some had old pictures but those were too faded to be made out too. But what she could read was Vanessa's crazy black paint scribbles painted throughout the entire place. Most were 'PRINCE', 'PRINCESS', 'QUEEN', 'KINGDOM', and VERY scarily 'HAPPILY EVER AFTER'. Along with multiple drawings of a crown here and there. But those weren't the only writings on the walls. She guessed Vanessa had at least a bit of sanity left before she lost it all because she found some full blown sentences and pictures around the place when she first explored it too. Some very weird things. In one room with a clawed chair she found a blue and green picture of a moon she guessed with an annoyed red face and a yellow crown on it's head. Not too sure what that was all about. Then there was another drawing of the moon phases over a curved line and under it looked like two eyes and a monicule similar to Moonjumper's but she didn't wanna think about that. Then there was the spooky eye and solor system diagram. And then there was the weird mural thing, looked like someone just spray painted a basic green land, blue sky, and bright sun or moon in the same colors used to draw that weird frowning moon picture. Vanessa must've been REALLY off her rocker, but what spooked her the most weren't the pictures or newspapers, but the very strange three fancy cursive writing sentences she found among them all. She still remembered them.
"The Prince loves the moon so much MAYBE HE SHOULD MARRY IT THEN MAYBE HE CAN GIVE ME MORE ATTENTION!!" She remembered Snatcher and Moonjumper saying he loved to watch the moon and stars when he was alive. So she guessed Vanessa was jealous of him loving the moon and stars as a hobby just as much as when she was Jealous over bacon. "My prince Im sorry what happened to your home I just didn't like to see you go It's alright now you can't miss it and neither will I." Hattie felt even MORE sorry for the two ghosts when she read that. They never had a chance. "I know it was weird how I said it! I just didn't want you to get unbound. All I want was for you to never leave this house." YEP!! REALLY WEIRD AND VERY OBSESSIVE!!!
She still crept forward keeping her umbrella handy and looking left and right throughout the dark. Yeah, Vanessa was still unconscious, human, and trapped inside a bathroom with no escape, but that still didn't help Hattie feel better. I mean any second she was expecting to see or her stupid, scary ghost self pop up around a corner or coming out of one of the rooms. THAT LADY WAS NUTS!!! The small creaking sounds of banging continued up ahead and the child pointed the umbrella forward, ready to blast anything at a moment's notice. She wondered for a moment if Snatcher had been right, and there really was no one up there, that it was all just the wind. Though she never heard anything like that before, she also never saw anyone frozen so maybe he was right....But that didn't sound like wind. As she tiptoed by she saw an old camera and remembered Snatcher's interference with her trying to get the time piece from the attic. Who knew he could shapeshift to look just herself. She still remembered it like it was yesterday, a camera flash then came the noodle she knew and loved to mess with. He didn't like her winning too much.
"Hey, hey now! No reason to throw a fist at your old buddy! Ha ha ha ha! What are you doing up here?" Then he appeared in the light from the camera "Don't you know she'll go mental if she catches you?" NNnnnooo. Really? She would've thought Vanessa was just chasing her to come and eat cookies like she said, not definitely turn her into an ice statue. So she asked him what he was doing there interfering with the contract they had. "What me? Im just looking for some dirt on my old friend the Moonjumper. Poor fellow. Doesn't even know he used to live here." She SEVERELY doubted that. When she first met Moonjumper he seemed super aware of the fact Vanessa was his ex lover and Hattie suspected that Snatcher was just mocking him which confirmed her suspicions with the next sentence. "Eeeeevery time I bring him something from this place he almost wets his bed in fear. Ha ha ha ha!" YEP! Moonjumper def knew who Vanessa was. "Subcon Forest isn't big enough for the two of us you know. And now you, a little girl, is trying to enter the fight for the forest as well? My, my. That won't do. You need to go or else she'll come up here and find you, right? I guess it would be a terrible misfortune if the key disappeared. Ha ha ha ha!" Oh yes. The good mindset he had that everyone was trying to take his forest and admitted at first he thought she was trying t invade his forest since he heard a lot about alien invasions. Then she had to go around chasing him while dodging Vanessa when he stole the key to the attic from her. "Ha Ha! It's mine! What are you gonna do?Don't you know you can't hurt a shadow?" .....Yeah. She got it back, but he was a sore loser as always. "You want the key? Take it! It's yours! I don't need it anyway and you won't be needing it either when she catches you! Ha ha ha!!" Jokes on him! She never will and he always lost to her!
But right now she'd give anything to hear that loud mouth yell at her, or the sweet voice of Moonjumper. But instead she heard nothing but the sounds of the smaller banging like the wind hitting the roof over and over again, but it didn't come from above. It came from right in front of her. She crept forward ever so slowly, the lightning lighting up the room every few moments as the child tip toed her way down the hall and towards the noise until it lead her face to face down a long stretch of hallway. It was dark and lead all the way down to that weird heavily locked door she had scene when she first got here. At first she thought it was the attic but the key Snatcher stole from her way back when didn't fit, so she just assumed it was more of Vanessa's crazy stuff. But the noises.....they were coming from the inside of the door. The chains were swaying lightly with each small bang from what she could see from the lightning. The rusty chains and locks shone in the light as well as the giant signs painted on it that read "STAY OUT" and "NEVER OPEN" and "TURN AROUND". Since when did she listen to signs, she slowly inched forward and brandished her umbrella in front of her just in case. But now this begged the questions. Why was the door making the weird noise? Was someone locked inside the room? How did they get in there? Were they a bad guy? The floor bourds creaked with her footsteps as she approached and after a second the noises completely stopped-.......Which confused the child into raising an eyebrow and walking over to the door. Gazing across the many things holding it shut before gaining up the courage to ask a question.
There was silence for a good long moment. Tho Hattie couldn't see it, the woman on the other side of the door felt like she was about to cry from relief and happily answered back after another few short seconds.
Hattie obviously jumped at the sudden raspy woman's voice coming from the other side of the door, but after a brief moment she realized with relief it wasn't Vanessa's voice. Then who was it? Another prisoner? She stood on her tip toes ad if trying to peer through the key hole under the doorknob. "Who are you?"
Her. THROAT. WAS. DRIER THAN A SANDSTORM!! It felt like she hadn't drank any water in a hundred years, but she was SO happy someone was even talking to her. This might be the hope she was looking for. The other's voice was clearly female and Poppy wondered old she was. She sounded quite young. "M-My name is Poppy. P-Please let me out *cough cough* I swear I d-d-didn't do anything wrong!"
"How did you get in there? Did Vanessa freeze you too?"
Vanessa? Who's Vanessa? The only Vanessa she knew was the Queen, but despite the Queen's strange behaviors and laws, from the few times she'd seen her in the village she seemed like a lovely lady and the children loved her so much. "I-I d-don't know who Vanessa y-you're referring to, but some crazy *cough* shadow lady made two iron giants kidnapped me and locked me in here. I-I think I've been in here for a couple hours, b-but I assure you I NEVER committed treason against the Queen."
So Vanessa locked her up and froze her too? That sounded like something the crazy old coot would do after all. "Don't worry! Im going to get you out like everyone else!"
Poppy felt her face smile for the first time in hours since she got there. "T-Thank you! B-But hurry! Im not sure when the guards or that shadow lady's going to come back!"
Hattie looked up and around at the old locks and chains all keeping it together. Ok. She didn't have the key and didn't know where it was, probably only Vanessa knew and she wasn't about to go asking the crazy lady for a key, and she probably wasn't physically strong enough to pull them from the door even if they were old and rusty. Snatcher was definitely no use, he'd just flop over like a helpless teddy bear.......But there was one way she could think of.
"Can you walk?"
Poppy blinked at the question. "What?"
"Can you walk? You need to back off the door!"
"Because Im going to blast it open."
Blast it?! Did this child have dynamite?! Or a canon?! Or did she know some magic? Either way she was not about to get caught in the crossfires of this, so willing her sore and numb body, she dragged herself away from the door to the opposite wall. Her lower half felt like a bowling ball. it hurt. It was like pins and needles on steroids and her legs were really sore and she barely got out of the way before a loud BOOM! was set off behind her that knocked her down face first onto the floor and on instinct her hands slammed down on her head to protect her from the flying splinters of wood and metal that shot out into the room. The blast seemed to have shaken the entire third floor and their was probably no doubt anyone in the entire manor could've heard the blast. Hattie stared at the remains of the doors that remained on the hinges and hummed. Maybe she should've tried picking the lock first just oh well. She just hoped that blast didn't wake up ms goldie crazy locks downstairs. Still brandishing the umbrella, she crept forward towards the door and peeked inside the room once she got close enough hearing movement inside. Inside was a.....woman? A lady with long braided red hair and a face of matching freckles was sitting on her knees staring back at the little girl. Her hands in a position that made Hattie think she must've been dusting debris from the blast off of her and the two stared at each other for a moment before Hattie finally spoke.
"Who are you?"
Poppy stared at her for a moment before blinking and replying. "I could ask you the same thing. .....But to answer your question. My name is Poppy. Poppy Rose Bloomington. What's yours, little girl?"
She blinked. "Hattie." She finally lowered her umbrella a little bit and watched as Poppy struggled to her feet leaning against the wall. She certainly didn't look very threatening, and she didn't get any dangerous vibes off her. Her vibes were more like DJ Grooves only less fun. So she decided to repeat her question to her once she saw Poppy's wobbling legs. "Can you walk?"
Poppy nodded leaning against the wall, her legs felt heavy and like jello, but she HAD to get outta there. "I have no choice! We have to get the peck outta here before someone comes and does something worse than lock us inside a room." She gave another look around at the mess. "....But it looks like you can take care of yourself fine, Little witch."
Hattie smiled. "Im not a witch. I just used the magic badge thingy on my umbrella." She swayed her umbrella and followed as Poppy made her way towards the door. "But maybe I am. That could be why Snatcher used to call me a little witch. Can you be a space travelling witch?"
Poppy barely paid attention to the little girl but absolutely froze at the sight of the horrifying ruined third floor walls, and the darkness covering them all. ........This wasn- Lightning struck outside the windows and lit up the whole third floor for a minute, revealing the faded papers and words painted all over them. Wha-...What HAPPENED HEAR!? It didn't look like this when she was dragged up here a couple hours ago. There was still snow and the chilly freeze she surely remembered, but the horror tale was new.
"W-What happened here?"
Hattie bounded up next to her confused. "What are you talking about? It's always been this creepy. At least that's what Snatcher told me. He used to steal things and scare Uncle Moon with them." She gave the still frozen older lady a look over.....Did she..look familiar somehow? Nah. But that begs the question. What was she going to do now that she found her? Snatcher already told one of his helpers to take everyone to his tree house, and she didn't know any long ways around. Plus judging by Poppy's current state, she didn't think she'd be able to jump over the bridge. She'd just fall into the ravene. ........Well, it seemed like there was only one way to quickly get her out safely before she put the time piece back together was to take her back to her ship, at least until she cleaned up Snatcher's mess. Then she'll take her to Mafia town or something. Hattie grabbed the woman's hand, who flinched at her touch and started pulling her along down the hallway, but stopped when she felt Poppy stumble and almost fall over. "...Are you ok?"
Poppy Nodded. "Uh..Yeah. B-But maybe don't move so fast ok?"
Hattie nodded and eagerly began pulling her along down the wall and again Poppy began to glance around in horror around her. ....It surely wasn't this dark when she was first taken up here. How could so much change have happened within just a few hours of her knocking herself out ramming into the door? Things only got worse when the child slowly lead her down the stairs towards the second floor. Poppy vaugly remembering it as she was brought up and thrown in there, but she didn't expect there to be so many claw marks lining the walls, it was much better looking than the third floor for sure and at least with this floor there was candles lit so she could see but that still didn't calm her nerves. Who made these marks? The crazy shadow lady or something else? The creaking of their footsteps echoing throughout the halls, she hoped no one heard them-
The loud voices made Poppy jump and release herself from the child's grip as she snapped her head wide eyed towards the direction of the voices she had just heard. One sorta distorted and raspy and the other like a proper city gentlemen yelling. The child however just smiled and began bounding her way over to an open door near the front of the hallway and stuck her head in. When Hattie looked inside she saw the two ghosts stuck together already looking in her direction, Snatcher making them scowl at her. She noticed the two had somehow taken the red blanket off the bed and threw it over their shoulders while she was gone. Messing up the bed but at least having something to keep them warm in the meantime. The book opened to page '23'. Snatcher was always a fast reader.
"Hi! Yeah, it was me."
"What the absolute PECK were you doing?! Trying to set the building to the ground?!," Snatcher demanded of her. Both Moonboy and himself had noticed the loud BAM noise from somewhere above them. It sounded like a cannon was shot through the side of the building above them shaking the whole house and if it weren't for their current state, Snatcher would've immediately ran up there and seen what had happened for himself, but unfortunately he couldn't without falling flat on their face and had to wait for approaching footsteps to know she was alright. But now she might be in trouble by the ghost. "Are you TRYING to wake the crazy pecker up?! I'd rather NOT have any crazy women screaming their head off about 'her prince' until Im back to normal!...What the PECK even happened?!"
"I found a lady!"
He rose a brow. "You found a what?"
Hattie jabbed a thumb behind her at the still frozen and confused Poppy. "I found a lady locked in that room upstairs. The one with all those scary locks, she's wearing a funny apron."
Snatcher was silent for a moment processing what he had just heard. A woman was inside the locked room upstairs? Who? Moonjumper thought of a possible solution really quick. "An apron you say?" Hattie nodded. "Hm. Sounds like one of the old cleaning maids." "Heh. Vanessa would be crazy enough to lock away a cleaning lady in a room with a ton of locks. But what was that noise?"
The child held up her umbrella. "The locks wouldn't unlock. So I blasted it to bits!"
"You blasted down doors to free a cleaning lady?"
''Hey! I said everyone gets to be free! And It's not like Vanessa can sue me. She's more empty headed than those no-headed statues outside."
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" That got a round of laughter from Snatcher that made Poppy flinch outside. From her spot she couldn't see anything inside the room. Not that she wanted too, but now they were smiling. "That's the truest thing you've ever said, Kid!"
"Uh huh! Also, Ill be right back! I gotta take her to my ship!"
"What? You're leaving me again?!" "Us you creton. But you're leaving after just coming back?"
"Im just gonna take her to my ship so she's not turned back into another human-ice statue. And I won't really go back myself." She waved her umbrella at them. "Ill just use this to take her back outside, and come right back! Promise."
They stared at her for a moment, before she heard Snatcher grumble and turn back around down to their book. "Make. It. VERY. QUICK!! Ok? We can't just keep delaying this, Kid. I want OUT of this thing as soon as possible!! And that means NOW!!"
"It won't take long! Promise." She turned back away from the door smiling and ran back up to Poppy. The woman blinked and looked down at the little girl that grabbed her hand and started tugging her along again. "Come on! Don't step on any glass on the floor. I still have to fix it!"
Poppy didn't say anything but she allowed herself to still be dragged away by the child. Hattie lead her around the glass pieces and down to the next flight of stairs waiting to take them to the first floor, footsteps echoing around them. Poppy blinked and couldn't help but look over to the open door as they passed, Snatcher had already turned back to the book with a sour expression and didn't see who Hattie was dragging past the door, though Poppy had see someone wrapped in a blanket and a bit of brown hair sticking out of the blanket. Blinking she turned back to the small child still dragging her away and soon they decended down the second flight of stairs.
"Who w-was that exactly?"
"Oh! That's Snatcher. He's my dad. Don't worry about him being scary, he's just a big soon-da-rey." She giggled a little bit confusing the woman a little more. She had no idea what a soon-da-rey was.
The first floor wasn't as better from the first. Still cold. Still spooky looking. Still had random claw marks everywhere and she was still looking around in fright. Was that shadow monster going to pop out any moment? Where were the guards? In fact, where was everyone? She hadn't seen a single servant, guard, or even the Queen since she was broken out. Oh she hoped they were ok, she'd hate to know what would've happened if worse case scenario. And on that note of questions, who was this child? How did she and her father get in without getting hurt? Was she a little witch? She sure seemed like it with the blast she just performed. And where was she taking her? Outside hopefully, she'd rather be outside than inside this creepy prison. She glanced down as they passed by the painting Snatcher smashed and winced, Poppy did NOT want to stick around long enough for whoever did all this to come out. SO she rather take her chances with a little witch than a crazy shadow ghost. Hattie didn't stop even as she lead Poppy past the doors which made her turn in their direction and point.
"Where are we going? The front doors are right over there."
"I know but they're blocked up by this use snow pile and there's this headless statues that are REALLY creepy and they try to grab you. And I don't think Snatcher would like it if I blasted another door. We have to go this way!" She pointed ahead of them to yet ANOTHER flight of stairs that looked like it lead into the basement.
It gave Poppy an off feeling but she still didn't stop the child from pulling her towards it with their footsteps echoing behind them until they decended into the darkness of the stairs. It was overwhelming dark for a moment, before there was a splash and her whole foot suddenly felt wet and cold. One or two candles along the wall lit up the broken down walls and to Poppy's shock, there was water EVERYWHERE on the ground, must've been at least five or six inches deep because as she still allowed her shocked self to be lead through. Her Shoes and ankles getting absolutely cold and soaked, she hoped she wouldn't get sick from the cold. The cold stung herself and she looked around, their watery footsteps echoing around the home and she shivered at a pair of chains lightly clacking against the walls from the breeze coming from yet ANOTHER pair of stairs up ahead and they could see light at the end of the tunnel. As Poppy was lead up the stairs she blinked back away from the sudden cold that blasted her face and crept through her simple dress. As they reached the top of that stairway, blinding white caused her to blink and reach her hands up away from Hattie's grip to rub at her eyes. The storm and cold winds were still blowing, and as Hattie looked around she hummed. No foot prints left by the others, so she had no idea where they went and she'd have to stick to the original 'take lady to my ship' plan, luckily the dome's top let in the moonlight and a surefire way to let them get there. She'd get back by having Snatcher teleport her or using the time piece to teleport her back there, right now she had to hurry and get back to fix said time piece.
"This way quick!" Poppy stumbled as the child regrabbed her hand and pulled her forward almost making her fall flat on her face into the snow. The cold winds made their hair blow around with the snowflakes and the cold felt worse, especially on her wet feet and legs as they trudged through the snow at the insistence of the child until they were a couple yards away from one of the icy dome walls and far from the back of the manor. Hattie seemed pleased as she turned around and smiled at Poppy. Taking the hand she was holding and forcing the umbrella she was holding into it.Poppy blinked confused at the little girl making her hold the umbrella as she lifted it up to inspect it....before looking back to her.
"Sugarcube, I don't think this little thing is gonna be enough shelter from the wind."
"It's not for the snow! It's to take you to my ship! Here" She reached up and grabbed the umbrella, fiddling with something Poppy couldn't see because of the wind whipping her hand and snowflakes around herself before she released the umbrella again. "There! Now hold on tight and point it at the moon."
"Please just do it!"
Poppy sighed and looked up towards the moon through the snow and wind. Well, if this little girl really was a witch and trying to help her, maybe this was some kind of teleporting spell? If so she wasn't complaining about escaping the cold, so holding up a shivering arm, she pointed the umbrella up towards the mo- In a flash of blue-white light, Poppy vanished. In her place, a beam of that light shot up towards the sky and Hattie nodded. The umbrella successfully connected with one of the telescopes and she would be safe abourd her ship while she fixed this mess, which is what she seemed to do best around here anyways. Quickly turning back around, she sprinted back towards the manor. She had fixing to do. Poppy meanwhile was experiencing a whole new term to sea sickness, if she was really being teleported to a ship that is. The light and speed made her slam her eyes shut and her stomach sick. She felt like her whole body was being contricted into a thing twig and her knuckles turned white from gripping the handle so hard. She wished this would STOP- And it did. With a giant thud sound she was sent crashlanding to the carpeted floor of a child's bedroom where Bow was reading, worriedly waiting for her friend to come back but jumped and dropped the book at the sudden sight of a red headed lady suddenly crashlanding in their bedroom. The landy tumbled head over feet a few times before landing face first into the mountain of pillows the umbrella landing beside her feet. A few pillows were scattered with her collison and after a couple moments of silence......The woman groaned and weakly reached over to flip her onto her back. .....OK!! That was the LAST and ONLY time she was going to let herself be teleported by a little witch. Still laying on her back she slowly blinked her eyes open and was met with the face of another child with black curly hair. The two stared at each other for a moment before Bow spoke.
"Are you ok?...Who are you?"
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts.Week 41
[Full Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist] [Tag yourself here]
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester. Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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           Oct 8st - 14th
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Kim Seokjin - curious
Jin never thought he would ever get dirty, that he would ever go somewhere so foreign to him. But here he was in the ridiculous yellow suit and hat provided to him by the staff and producers. The others looked cool in their outfits and colours and he just looked like a banana. The others teased him and he tried to force the redness from his face, neck and ears.
They started the safari, walking around when something dropped on his shoulder. Seokjin froze and the monkey crawled around his body sniffing and looking for the snacks Seokjin had in his pockets to feed said monkeys when they reached the enclosure.
“That’s our monkey George he loves the colour yellow, we named him after curious George” 
“That’s who you look like!” The boys all cheered, making Jin’s ears turn red once more.
Min Yoongi - party
Yoongi didn’t like parties, he didn’t like the volume, the capacity he didn’t like dressing up and dancing and yet he was always trying to please his friends and go to the parties anyway. Today he couldn’t take it, he thought about somewhere to hide and thought perhaps a room, but people would wonder why he is sitting around and he would have to awkwardly explain himself.
He could hide in a closet but people would most likely think the room is empty and then if they found him they would think he was waiting to peep on others. He looked around a room about to leave when he heard a giggle from out the window. Ducking his head out he didn’t see anyone but he heard another giggle this time from above. He turned his head up to see two feet dangling off the edge of the roof.
Climbing over the edge he saw you lying there looking at your phone and giggling. “Hey are you okay?”
“Yeah, just uh… escaping,” You smiled “I don’t like parties, too loud and awkward”
Jung Hoseok - old
“Harabeoji” A small voice shouted and footsteps patted across the front porch, where you and your husband were sitting softly on an outdoor bench swing. “Harabeoji look what I drew at school today?”
“What did you draw my son?”
“I drew our family, look mum dad and then there is you and Halmeoni?” You looked over at the picture and laughed.
“What are these lines?” Hoseok asked, pointing at the picture.
“Wrinkles because you are old?” Your grandson laughed
“It’s okay my love, you may be old. But I still love you?” You chuckled “We have been together for sixty years now, and you are still my hope”
Kim Namjoon - farmers
He knew nothing about farms but his grandfather gave one to him in his will, he could inherit all the money as long as he lasted one whole year living on the farm. He thought it would be easy. He was wrong. 
What started as a dream holiday became a nightmare in moments, no electricity, no hot water, no internet. But this little farm has something the city didn’t. It had you. 
Park Jimin - lace
The fans were going off thanking you, the head stylist for Jimin's latest outfit. You smiled, they thought you were doing it for them, the fans when really you also wanted to see them wear these things. But you couldn’t just start putting them in risky outfits all the time or they would suspect so you saved them for special occasions. 
You were planning the next outfit sketching it out and sighed the boys in crop tops and some in skirts. It was a fantasy come true. You knew you couldn’t, but you set about making the outfits anyway. 
A week later the boys were going to a gala and you grabbed the bags with their names on it and handed the items to them. Each one got changed and stepped out for you to help them with their suits before heading off to the hair makeup artists. 
“Ah Noona, I think you gave me the wrong outfit”
Jimin stepped out blushing, he was in a lace crop top and a skirt and you felt heat in your face. It was so hot Jimin shouted “Noona your bleeding”
Kim Taehyung - skeptic
Taehyung was your business partner, and the two of you were pretty famous on youtube. You were a ghost hunting duo called the ‘Spooky times’. Where the two of you would travel around the world to some of the most haunted locations and try to find evidence of ghosts and other paranormal creatures.
“Hey rollerghosters welcome back to another BOO-tiful location, today we are at the LaLaurie Mansion in New Orleans which is one of the most famous haunted locations. And we are going to find ourselves a ghost” Taehyung smiled into the camera and you laughed from the corner of the screen you were dressed especially cute today. 
Everyone within the fan base knew you were not afraid of anything, you would also encourage Taehyung when he found something. Talking up every whisper and creak that it could in fact be a ghost. Taehyung wasn’t scared either, finding everything rather amusing and wanting to speak to a spirit was his ultimate goal.
The cameraman Hoseok and the Sound guy Yoongi were two of the jumpiest in the group. The two crew members were fan favourites, Jhope was known for his extreme reactions, once or twice throwing the camera and running out of the building. Yoongi was rarely ever seen but often heard his slow drawl when he complained about having to take eight flights of stairs in an old hotel because someone had been complaining about walking in the attic. 
There were many compilations of the cast and crew on youtube . Some of your favorites include Yoongi, trying to fist fight ghosts and Hoseok’s collection of funny noises. Of course you and your co-star had your fair share, most were shipping videos but there were one or two of Taehyung being adorable, funny or sexy and some of you staring and talking to ghosts.
The fans believed you could see them, and they weren’t wrong. What they didn’t know was that you were a high ranked demon, old and powerful. As you stepped into haunted buildings you could see other ghosts and entities within and glared down any who got too close to your friends.
This had resulted in a few clips of you talking to nothing, but you just made the same excuse that you were documenting your surroundings and noting the architecture of the building. They would never know.
Jeon Jungkook - intergalactic
You were the only humans on the ship among a few species of aliens, well aliens from your perspective you assumed as to them you were the aliens. You were sitting next to an Alzothian named Daa, he was bigger and had more advanced optical nerves. All round the Alzothians had amazing eyesight, it had freaked you out at first as they could see, xray, infrared, ultraviolet light and more things that you hadn’t the science to comprehend.
“You are blue eart’ling, what ‘as caused you to feel the emotion you ‘oomans call sad” The deep voice spoke the vocal cords and lung capacity of the Alzothian were minimal. It meant the H sound was tiresome so they skipped it when they could, preferring to speak further back in their throats to prevent the unnecessary exhaling.
“I am just feeling lonely,” You sighed, “I get like this sometimes, when I miss human contact, do not worry”
“You are not alone, I am ‘ere” Daa gestured to himself and you gave a short laugh. “And your eart’ling friend mister goo as you call ‘im, is on the ship to, I will call your ‘ooman companion”
“Hey, what is going on?” Jungkook appeared with another Alzothian; this one was Crolyt who was learning about human anatomy and biology and the bodies limits.
“The female Eart’ling is feeling the emotion sad and needs ‘ooman contact.” Daa spoke
“Do you need a hug?” Jungkook asked you and you blushed but nodded wrapping your hands around his waist and pressing your face against his chest. Jungkook hugged back his arms around your shoulders gently rubbing your back.
“Success you are no longer blue” Daa smiled
“Daa we should leave from what I ‘ave gathered this seems to be the beginnings of their mating ritual” Your cheeks went bright red and when you looked up you saw Jungkook’s ears also crimson kissed by embarrasment.
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kazytka · 6 years
Affection in Affliction . Selapiel/No name
No name pointed a finger at the house upon a hill. Two stories tall not counting the attic. Brittle aged brick covered by  nearly tree thick branches of ivy . Like snakes they  warped around wooden ornaments, swallowed windows. And throttled the chimney . And jet there was a biter sweet to it all, as you came from the mist you cud hear the  green wall sing whit the sound of thousand of  bird voices. Crickets hummed and an occasional  orange butterfly  flirted thru the air. -This place seams...nice- Selapiel remarked looking a round, he walked hand in hand whit  no names  rigid un amused figure.  And just as he was a bout to take a step forward  and on to the house steps, a streak of  ivory white  flew past his face and splatted on to the ground whit a fleshy thud and a crack of bone. Warped in linens there lied a warp body of a new borne. -Indeed it is. Remarked no name politely. -what in fathers name is this?! Poor thing! -He bend down ans swiped the  limp human conglomeration into their arms , read tears  brimming, lips quivering reedy to give last rights. - It was to young to deserve this .- He remarked, and whit that as if on command the flesh warped and twisted in his hands like a particularity big maggot, joints and bones snapping together, until a healthy infant  gazed up at there hairy faces whit a gleeful  miaul, outstretching its hands. -its a millrace! - Selapiel moaned hugging the child that hugged back in an instant,  seemingly unfazed  by it’s  previous demise. No name coked his dear like head to the side observing it keenly.-its a lovely package but I wouldn't  call the content a miracle. -that's just the dipper smell. Children are the most innocent of all creatures. -the baby giggled at the compliment and subsequent  poking of its  fat belly. Then a voice wafted thru the air ‘my baby, my baby, oh where are you my baby!’ in a melodious voice. It came from the second floor,  from within the  only visible window in this whole house, open and gaping whit darkness. -is..is that the mom? - the baby  reached its hands to the window, and after a moment it gave clear singes it wishes to be put down. -Seams to be. Put the  beast down, perhaps it will  decide where to go.-  Reluctantly they did and the child that should all but flop on its chubby belly to young to even comprehend crawling on all fours. Took to a hardy crawl  bypassing  rocks, climbing up the initial steeps to the house and  waddling inside, the white  shroud  stained whit blood trailing behind him. -This is not safe. I’m going to follow him. 
-I was bout to suggest you do -no name nodded his head politely taking out  a pipe and some wed  from his coat pocket. -ill wait here. 
 -how so? 
- well unless you can convince the lady of the house to let me in, rules be rules. - doesn't sound that hard. They steeped on to the .threshold  
-Im positive shes a responsible individual trapped in a tragic  loop of events, ill talk her down  and  send them both in to  fathers waiting arms...so don’t get  to comfortable whit that  smelly thing - they pointed out as  no name took a comfy seat at an overgrown  bench  near the wall. -ill take it in to consideration, love - the deer mouthed whit a glint of Irish accent. Selapiels tail swished  the air as they rolled there ayes. The house must haw been quite well of in the day. As  faded rotten paintings in peeling gold frames  decorated the walls.Silver candelabra bloomed like tees whit  crowns of  silky cobwebs. And faded  flowers  whit heads hung low in shame  filled every precious porcelain vase in sight.  The  ground floor held no singes of life. Even do Selapiel took their time to asses the surrounding the baby made it merely half way up the stairs, fallowing a well worn patch on the  dirty  rug.  The song sounded again’ oh where is my baby, where is my baby, baby my dearest little angel  where are you?’  whit a soft smile Selapiel stepped forward, scoped the child in its arms and  proceeded  up the stairs and to where the  song led him. Tearing his way thru cobwebs and dust  they found themselves  next to a room whit a door cracked open. Inside sat a woman in a Victorian dress, fluffy and white like a weeding gown, cheeks unnaturally pink, contrasting whit her thin  long face and brownish blond hair.  this was the only place not doted by dust nor wear and tear in the house. Every inch or  secession art was glimmering and dripping whit lace, silk and  gold. Soft pinks and cream whites  decorated the room. One would think this is as close as  mortals would get to simulating  clouds and heaven . The woman danced round the room looking under covers, and behind stacks of toys piled up in the corners singing for her baby to come out. Oblivious to her new guest. Selapiel sighed and  banded down to allow the infant to just crawl out of its grasp and towards the woman.The moment it got a few steeps away  his mother seamed to spot it. There was a glimmer of something in her ayes , like a smile in a predators gaze  when they spot a bunny  leaving  the brush for an open field. Snatching the infant up  they laughed and coooed  dancing whit it  across the room, making sweeping gestures and  high leaps. The baby wobbled in her grasp depressingly  throwing its small head back. A few times even the woman knocked it  in to a decorative  poster of her bead. Selapiels fur bristle at the sight, but she was happy so perhaps...she was just inept? Needed to calm down , that's all. - my child..pleas ...-they started ‘oh my baby, oh my baby, your here, my baby boy, my angel ‘ The woman proceeded to dance. ‘my we little cherub, are you prepared to fly?’ she sung to the baby  dancing merrily and whit out a care, and as she sung the last tune  she flung the child whit full speed and clear intent  out the  open window. ‘Fly!’ she chanted as the body initially rose up it quickly fell . And so did the woman's face witch turned to horror. And whit a cry of despair and a hand to her brow, she fell on to the  soft plush  carpet and began to wail. - Fairies stole my baby boy!  My poor baby boy, somebody bring me back my baby boy!’ There were dark shadows looming over her as she vailled. Selapiel  ran to the window and looked outside. No name was smoking his pipe and a bloody  pulp on the pavement beloved close to him was already  twisting and forming a new and  right before his ayes he watch the infant form and start to crawl back up following its mothers voice.
-Why would you do that?! 
-Fairies stole my child, it wasn't me...oh where is my baby?! 
 -Why would you  say that!? -The woman gazed at the shadows. -I know my baby, my little angel. I birth and angel… -She looked at Selapiel for a brief second and that predatory gleam was back- So shouldn't it fly? 
 -How many angel did you haw? -They asked  horrified. 
-Enough to fill a choir. -she answered spreading her arms whit pride , before standing up and  singing ‘where is my baby, where is my baby, baby my dearies little angel  where are you?’ Selapiel tough  this is madness, and perhaps he wasn't that far off. They turned back and ran down the stairs garbing the crawling infant  on the way, wails and cries by dame it was not going back. As they sat on a bend outside whit the fussing red  yelling infant  in there lap they snatched the pipe from the  black paws of no name and took a hardy intake. -father up above you better haw a good reason to show me this... No name leaned forward and twisted his head to look at the  former angel 
 - whether a reason is good  or not is a point of debate. 
- I honestly think your trying to torture me at this point, gallivanting me  far and  near across this awful world just so I can talk whit ghosts and  mourning  spirits all day long. You surround me in misery I cant do thinning a bout.- They his teetering on a line of a sob you haw me smile and  lay to rests there worries so they can move on but  it never changes the tragedy...there tragedy, my tragedy. No mater what I do this child in my arms is and will be as cold as a lump of  soil on a rainy day. Why !?
 - Yes you made that complaint to me before. - No name  nodes his head 
 -...says a bunch a bout you and even more a bout me.
 -True, but this isn't a simple task like dealing whit somebody that had to maul over there grieves mistakes for a few  centuries. She is not a ghost. -Then what?  A manifestation of madness?
 -Nothing quite so crude, if she was an elemental showing her to you would haw no merit beyond watching a baboon throw his own excrement's , personally I can think of more pleasant things to do  than that. No, where you are now is the Mind of a currently living  woman, going mad.
 -...Wait what?
 -You heard me, this small stint you see here..this is a manifestation of an ailing mind fixated on infanticide. Fascinating no? -Selapiel just stared at them. No name grumbled and caught, expecting a more appreciative stance to what he considered a quiet thoughtful gift.-Point being, you wanted agency and a chance to change  bad faith. Consider this a token of my affections, in lieu  of a  rose a mind of madness you can do as you pleas whit. Perhaps  what you do whit this gift will tell you all you need to know bout  what you were and are. At this point its all I cant think to give...that isn't redundant that is. -He answers taking his pipe back from Selapiel and placing it in its mouth whit reverence. Sele just stared at him, then on the baby and the  green facade of the house. -What of this house? Are other  spirits attached to it?-I would think so...other spirits other minds, just like elements affect  a home , people and  events  effect us  botch on the outside levels and inside. If you chose to help, you will need to contend whit tows forces. And while nature is mostly uninterested in the state of a home...mortals more often than not are, especially when there is profit to be made.
 -So somebody wants her that way. Anything else you can tell me? 
-And spoil my gift? I think not. Talk to the woman. Jog that derelict brain of hers out of that place she decided to sequester herself in. Take pleasure  in unraveling the human mind and roads of free will in this , the most intimed of ways. Feel it, crack it open like an egg and indulge in it.
 -You make it sound unseemly. 
-Nobody goes mad from  innocents my dear. But enough talk...as is, its my  gift to give, and your choice what to do whit it. -Before he cud finish a screaming infant was placed tenderly in his care.- If I can prevent tragedy from happening than by god grace I will try. But I wont stand for  this conversation to be interrupted by the constant  throwing of an infant . I am nipping this decision of hers in the bud.- They announced, voice soft, silent but firm. Odd and unsuitable of a gift as this was it made them feel light inside. No name had offer them a wavered prayer and for a brief moment it was easy to forget the claws, the slithering tail and horns. They had a calling to attend to, and  it came whit a bit of selfish glee they accepted to be  an angel for a mad woman.  Berger’s cannot be choosers, even when there gifted whit mockery. And not even for a moment did it cross there mind they might be crossing   the grand plan in any way. 
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hypoetics · 3 years
Some spoops ^~^
Ive always been sensitive to the paranormal
I was really young when i had my first experience
My grandmothers house was built by her dad from the ground up and she's lived in it all her life
Im sure she plans to die there aswell
But before katrina came and wiped a lot of this stuff away
The house was full of old stuff
Crawl spaces with old canned food and paint cans
An attic of her families old stuff
You could smell it
And i like to think that it always smelled like that
Grannies house was awesome as a kid
Watching bubbles like theyd float on forever into the sky
Playing on the swing hanging from the old pecan tree in the backyard
Picking them to make praline
We even had a few easter egg hunts back there
But there was always this weird feeling upstairs
Even when i was a kid it was eerie
Ive only felt the same energy on maybe 2 other instances
But my spine is at full attention if that makes sense
And my ears are almost ringing when it happens
I never knew what to say about it
Id be sitting on the floor of my grandmas pink bathroom playing my green gameboy color because i would take the batteries to the remote and hide away.
And i just be feeling this...stimulation
I was never alone up there at night
We'd all hang out in grannies room until she stopped snoring and told us to go to sleep
And then we'd goof around and play ladder with our feet until she yelled at us
One night though, my cousin was over so all the girls slept in the attic room
Which left me totally alone staring down the hall into my grandmas room.
I had gotten up to use the rest room at some point
It was silent
And my ears were on fire
But thats grannies house right?
As i was laying down staring down the hall trying to get back to sleep
My eyes catch something
It was playing around with my grandma dresser
As if she was getting ready for something
It wasnt clear
But when i say this was a ghost....
Human figuer
Partially see through
She was wearing something...it was the most defined part of the figuer
I was totally frozen with fear
Couldnt close my eyes
Couldnt even think
I just stared at this figuer staring into my grandmas dresser mirror
I like to think she was getting ready for church
But after a few minutes of being petrified
I get up and tip toe to the attic room where my sister were
And they were to involved with themselves to understand that i was pissing my pants in fear of what i was just looking at
Didnt believe me
Didnt wanna check
Didnt let me get into bed with them
I ended up falling asleep on the stairs to the attic that night...
There was no way i was going back to that room
And when i asked my grandma in the morning
She immediatly answered "oh thats mama"
My little kid brain just couldnt
I just derped out and accepted that this was okay
But even after Katrina when we had to renovate the entire thing
Finding old roller skates in the walls...
That feeling has never gone away.
She's still up there to this day i feel
Living out the rest of her days watching over her daughter
0 notes
Something New
it was a cold December night a couple of days after Christmas I wanted to sort out through our family’s cobweb covered old belongings that rested in the attic maybe find an old interesting item or at least sell old trash in a garage sale or something to get a little extra cash boxes were stacked chaotically behind old furniture I started sorting through old boxes most contained old toys that the family used to own, others junk my dad had from his college years and one very neatly and oddly clean cardboard box was packaged in old holidays gift wrapping paper the box itself had perhaps over thirty tapes and I found that rather odd They simply had dates scribbled on them in horrible handwriting intrigued by such a discovery I brought the old box down with me to my room I suppose sorting through my old things could wait for a bit I fished my drawers for the Pressman I had as a present and decided I wanted to play the first tape  26th of December 1986 it didn’t really take long to figure out That tape belonged to me, it was probably a stupid joke my siblings pulled maybe they heard my first diary entry and they made ones of their own... such assholes clicking play I heard a little bit of muffling before a barely audible “Hello” I furrowed my brows, it sounded rather odd to begin with “This is my first diary entry, my handwriting sucks and I don’t think I could really commit to writing every day so maybe just writing about my day will be fun...” I stopped the recording, yup definitely mine “Those stupid bastards” I mumbled I pulled out a tape dated “27th of December 1986″ “Eventful day” pressing play I heard a sigh “I found my siblings pulling a stupid joke, Sarah I know it’s you... you stupid twat, anyways, so...” and the tape played on, entailing details, today’s details... I started shivering subconsciously what the hell.. there were several other few tapes with the same date,only differences were them being titled according to their order clicking play I could only hear someone breathing quite heavily not just anyone, that someone is me “I don’t understand what’s going on... I just listened to myself complaining about my siblings-” there was a pause of sobs, I followed suite “What’s happening to me?” and the tape just stopped  The other tape consisted of only me saying “This isn’t real, This isn’t real, This isn’t happening.” for a good couple of minutes I threw away the tapes in utter horror the rest of the night I only played the rest of the tapes some were of me sobbing, some were of me merely mumbling incoherent sentences one was titled “Fair Warning.” “This is it, I’m going to hear them all.” abruptly cutting to “DON’T I DON’T KNOW WHAT THIS IS WHATEVER THIS IS I JUST AM TELLING ME-YOU WHATEVER JUST DON’T PLAY THE REST OF THE TAPES, I WONT LET MYSELF GO THROUGH THIS, I CANT THROW AWAY THE TAPES, I CAN’T BREAK THEM BUT I’M TELLING YOU NOW DON’T” the rest of the tapes all laid there I was shivering hard and I didn’t know exactly what to do. my curiosity was getting the best of me the first tape that had a different date was one titled 29th of December “Black Ice” I pressed play “It feels almost wrong that I haven’t recorded yesterday, but I had run out of tapes to record, for whatever reason, it snowed a little yesterday and mom didn’t let me go out to buy any-” this one seemed rather normal but of course there were several other holding that same date other tapes holding the same date The last one however held the date 22nd of February “This is it” There was an uncomfortable couple of minutes of silence before I heard sniffling “Why did I do this to myself? why did I not listen to what I had to say? I should have dropped those tapes when I had the chance, I should have tried breaking them when I had the chance but I didn’t I heard them all, they taunt me every single night and I don’t understand what they all mean all I know is that this date has me killing myself, or at least the couple that I’ve heard so far... I don’t know how many times I killed myself, but it’s taking over my life a therapist didn’t work, I can’t make these tapes leave the house they just always mysteriously come back to where they belong, and they belong in my house. I suppose the first time I killed myself it had made sense in that chain of events... but now it seems like I’m being resurrected because maybe somehow some version of myself will fix it, one version of me will alter it... but right now all I know is that this version’s not it... good luck, to me... maybe this time will make it right.” the tape cuts to nothingness and then a gun shot... I crawled to the corner of my room do I listen to all the tapes that I skipped? does it matter? should I not record again? I just couldn’t comprehend what to do so I crawled up to my bed hid myself in the sheets, sobbed in silence my yellow Pressman stayed where it was on the floor taunting me next to the box I stayed in bed for the next three days not moving, not doing anything just trying to do as little as possible what kind of cruel reality was this? and on the fourth day I picked up my Pressman played the last tape for what felt like hours on end This was all real, I wasn’t making this all up in my head, this was real. I pressed the small record button “Warning don’t play these tapes.. agh this is useless.” I pressed stop and let the tape fall into the box  It was stupid knowing me I will probably listen to them regardless the rest of the days seemed only to turn gray these tapes became my ultimate obsession, I listened to them I memorized them practically by heart at this point I knew when things were to happen but they inevitably happen they were often times things I could not change my mother falling into a coma my father deciding to distract himself with work my siblings living a gloomy life, avoiding me since I’ve only been avoiding them my oldest brother deciding to “Live a little” overdosing my mother never waking up from the coma ultimately leading my father into the slippery slope of alcohol addiction that being said I was left on my own almost my Father got abusive and I didn’t blame him I knew why I’ve heard it all before and it was the morning of that fateful day This really was it for me, this version of me failed, no wonder there’s only three tapes of it, who’d want to record themselves dying I shut my eyes, and wished for the next version of me to get it right I could hear it but it sounded like the most sweetest of sounds it was signaling the end for me and god knows I could hardly wait for it to end already ___________________________________________ it was a cold December night a couple of days after Christmas I wanted to sort out through our family’s cobweb covered old belongings that rested in the attic maybe find an old interesting item or at least sell old trash in a garage sale or something to get a little extra cash when I stumbled upon a wrapped out-of-place box..
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