#they made me laugh to look at them tho!!!
in1-nutshell · 3 days
Hello, hope you’re doing well!!
I actually sent this in the last time you opened your inbox but I’m guessing it got drowned out by the other requests lol(it’s okay tho dw about it) so hopefully this stray request can make it even tho it’s a little late😓
I have a request with a cybertronian reader (Gender neutral) + swerve
Little info about reader, they were a performer but more specifically a singer who performed in bars.
Reader and swerve met at a bar when they were performing and he immediately was smitten, so after they were done swerve approached reader to tell them how amazing they were but he was a nervous WRECK. Not only did they have an amazing voice but they were drop dead gorgeous(Basically whatever the cybertronian equivalent for a model is).
Both joined the lost light and when swerve opened his bar, the reader would help him run it, sometimes even perform on the occasion.
Eventually some bots become curious about readers and swerves relationship since they looked very close, the reader always listening to swerves rambles, never shutting him up and sometimes seeing them crack a smile or even laugh at his jokes. Only ever really showing him any type of affection/emotion since they come of aloof and stoic when talking to others. So they ask the question to him (or reader)and he breaks the bombshell that they are conjuxes and the bots go crazy💀💀
No one would’ve expect swerve to be able to bag a baddie like reader but it happened
The whole dynamic is basically just Jessica rabbit and Roger rabbit, the bots in question can be of any of your choosing!
Remember to take breaks when needed and take care of yourself!!
Hi! Sorry to here about the request. Some request do get lost (thanks for understanding!)
Now I can finally get this written!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the singer and being Swerve's Conjunx
SFW, Platonic, Romance, Cybertronain reader
The Lost Light had many duos and partners on board.
Some that made sense like Rewind and Chromedome.
Another duo’s that came as a pleasant surprise like Tailgate and Cyclonus.
But one of the more unlikely duos on the ship was Buddy and Swerve.
Swerve had told the patrons many times about the story of how they met.
Many are still trying to figure out how truthful the story really is.
They would ask Buddy… but they kind of intimidate many of the patrons at the bar.
According to the bartender, Swerve had been looking around the local bars for ideas on how to design his own bar.
It was one night he decided to stick around one of the bars for the entertainment section.
That’s when he saw them.
Swerve nursing a cube of engex.
“Hey, what’s for the entertainment tonight? Trivia? Drunk lobbing?”--Swerve
“Nah, Buddy’s singing tonight.”—Random Mech
The bot sighs.
“Trust me, you don’t wanna miss this. Their performance… well you’ll see.”—Random Mech
Swerve shrugs it off but starts to notice the bar quiet down significantly and many bots looking at the stage with a look he could only describe as lovestruck.
“Please welcome once again to the stage, our wonderful singer, Buddy.”—Random Mech
Buddy’s tall frame walks slowly out of the curtains.
Their frame lighting up with the spotlight as the other lights had dimmed.
Swerve could defiantly see why everyone was excited.
They had a frame of a super model!
And that voice!
Swerve was certain that he too had a lovestruck look on his faceplate when the first verse spilled from their lips.
Swerve tells the patrons that he had admired Buddy’s talent and ended up asking them their com line, so when he did have his own bar, he would contact them.
Not many are convinced that this is true, or at least the whole truth.
Thanks to a certain minibot with a camera bolted to his helm, he had the story on what happened after the show.
Swerve had been a nervous wreck the entire performance.
Buddy had noticed him in the crowd looking like he was going to short circuit at any moment.
Honestly, if they could, they would have stopped singing to go check up on the minibot.
After their performance they personally went to the minibot to see if he was okay.
Swerve stumbling out of the bar only to bump into someone’s leg.
“Oh! Sorry about that! Didn’t watch where I was going and—”--Swerve
His voice stops as he looks up at the beauty that was on stage a mere second ago.
“Are you okay? You looked like you needed help back there.”--Buddy
“N-nope! I mean Nah, I’m good. I’m fine! Everything’s fine!”--Swerve
Buddy smiles at him.
“I’m Buddy. What’s your name?”--Buddy
“Well Swerve, I’ve been singing at this bar for a while now to know most of the regulars, yet, I’ve never seen you around.”--Buddy
“Yeah, Kind of looking around seeing how bars go and all. I wanna make a place of my own one day with a friend of mine and, well, I wanted to see what gets the bots coming back, besides the engex of course.”--Swerve
Buddy chuckles a bit looking at the flustered minibot.
They look over at the slightly less crowded booth at one corner of the bar.
“There’s an empty booth over there and I sure could go for a drink… do you mind accompanying me? Maybe talk a bit more about that bar of yours.”--Buddy
Swerve thinks for a second before agreeing to the drink.
He did end up giving them his private comline that night and Buddy ended up having a nice night with a cute minibot.
The rest was history.
No one had yet figured out how Buddy could stand to be with Swerve and his rambling.
They were quiet and had a neutral look on their faceplate when they weren’t performing. Yet here they were listening to Swerve’s chatter before and after their performances without any complaint.
If anything, few bots have seen smiles, chuckles and bits of laughter from the taller bot.
“What’s between you and Buddy anyways?”--Brainstorm
“Well it all started—”--Swerve
“Yes, I get that part, but what are you two exactly? Surely, Amica Endura or maybe you haven’t worked up to that point yet.”
Swerve gives the bot a confused look.
“They’re my Conjunx?”—Swerve
Brainstorm feels his optic twitch.
“They’re my—”--Swerve
“I heard that! But how?! Your you and Buddy is… Just how?!”--Brainstorm
Swerve shrugs as Buddy takes the stage.
Brainstorm walks back to his table with Chromedome and Rewind pouting.
“I still don’t believe what he said.”—Brainstorm
Chromedome looks up from his engex.
“What did Swerve say?”--Chromedome
“He said he and Buddy are Conjunx Endura.”—Brainstorm
Chromedome nearly spits out his drink.
Rewind seems unfazed by this news.
“Knew it.”—Rewind
Both bots look at the minibot curiously.
“And how did you know?”--Chromedome
Rewind points to the stage.
“Watch the optics.”--Rewind
The group looks at Buddy’s optics.
They are firmly planted at the bartender pouring their voice into the love song in the mic.
“… Maybe he’s right…”--Brainstorm
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That's them!
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s-rosie · 2 days
hiiii!!! i hope everyone is doing wonderful and taking care if themselves, with that said, i hope you like these!
jameson can rub avery’s stomach in just the right way, it gets rid of her period cramps
they make each other those aesthetic, cute, and meaningful gifts when the other is feeling shitty
they tried that “you need a hug” trend when the boyfriend jumps on the girlfriend’s back, and avery fell over and hit her nose (jameson then felt so bad, he gave her so many cuddles and kisses)
they have onesies that are stitch for jameson and angel for ave
they sing musicals together and assign each other characters to play
i hc that ave has hormone problems, so jamie will help her by holding her hair when she throws up, holding her when she gets dizzy, and giving her cuddles (not me projecting again 💀)
in their room, they have a whole corner filled with cute stuffier
they take long drives sometimes and just talk about life and scream sing their fav songs
jameson once pulled ave into a closet (😏) and oren was going crazy trying to find her because he thought she was kidnapped again (they then had to sit through a 20 minute lecture)
everyone online calls them “america’s favorite couple”
jamie loves going shopping with her and he has good fashion taste, so he will help her find outfits
one time nash told them to get a room, so jameson was like “fine maybe i will” and avery was like “fine by me” as a joke (not really) and nash was mortified
xander once dared them to play 7 minutes in heaven, and it got a bit heated
they went on a trip to nyc, and jameson taught avery how to ice skate at rockefeller rink because i hc he plays hockey
i hc ave is allergic to metal, so jamie covers all of his rings and jewelry with a clear coat so she can hold his hand, and he always makes sure to gets her hypoallergenic jewelry
they are both obsessed with combat boots, especially doc martens
they have spa dates before big events to make sure they look ✨fabulous✨
jamie and avery are the best at just dance, like if they team up against you you know its over for you
after “activities” (😏) jamie will carry her wherever she needs to go until she can walk
ave always takes the blankets and makes herself a burrito in the blankets (jamie acts annoyed but he obviously finds it adorable)
jameson loves olives, but ave hates them (the olive theory)
one time at the beginning of their relationship, she got overwhelmed by jameson touching her so she pulled away, and he felt like he did something wrong. she assured him it was ok and she just got overwhelmed so they made a secret tap that ave can do on jamie’s arm so he knoes to let go and give her space (though, she uses the tap less and less now)
at their wedding, jamie cried seeing avery walk down the isle, causing her to start crying and they met at the alter a bawling mess
they always hype each other up and stand up for each other no matter what
since i think it is pretty much cannon that jameson does nascar at this point, before his races, ave gets really scared that he will get hurt, so she will tell him things like “don’t die” and “if you die, ill kill you” and he just laughs and tells her he will be ok
at any event that either of them do, the other always brings them a gift pertaining to that event
ave is SUPER tickle ish, and jamie will tickle her sometimes until she cant breath (she pretends she hates it, but jamie kbows she loves it)
thank you so muchhhh! i hope you like these as much as i enjoyed making them. please give me some recommendations as to what yo make next. i will be busy for a while, so if i post few and far between, just know that i will be back (tho i will post more then that) so if i dont get to your request right away, just know i will eventually. thank you 😊
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look at my ancient sketchdump boy
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'arthur what if i were a sorceror' 'in THAT outfit??? i don't think so'
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thor and mrs thor from thor
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rando ocs with forgotten names and backstories, pretty sure at least two of them are trans but i don't actually remember
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local elves harass thorin oakenshield, more at 11
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guess who watched the guy ritchie sherlock holmes adaptation????? (it me)
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aragorn and legolas attempting to blend in with ppl in modern times. failure is imminent 😔
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a selkie!!!!! after she takes off her sealskin to party hard on oidhche feill i guess!!!
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history??? more like HERstory 👏👏👏 #gottem #feminism
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where the fuck is frodo
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xx-k1tsun3-k1d-xx · 2 months
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selfies dedicated to the random little shit that just decided to go up to a complete random, bother them for their snap then go ‘oh. its a tranny!!’ after hearing me speak then look disgusted and his shitty little friends <3 sorry you couldn’t deal with my scemo femboy swag i hope you get better soon im not gonna stop existing <3
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mattodore · 5 months
Seven Sins Challenge: Which of your OCs fits pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. Then pass it on...
feel like i’m shamecubing matthias here but 🤷
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mightybeaujester · 1 year
Idk how I never noticed them but
Tim’s background vocals in Frankenstein???
The voice itself but then also the sad little laugh on “dreamt”, the betrayal in it Turning “something’s” into “something is not right” and the emphasis on the confusion and trust it had in Frankenstein The deep, repeated “learning and growing” through the narrated part, showing how the AI is always working in the background
I will never be normal about this guy
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hailsatanacab · 2 years
so good to see cetbwa back! here are some fun little memes to celebrate your return!
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thanks for the chapter!! love to see it
and i did not forget it was september i was not surprised by an update no sirree
Welcome back everyone, it's angst time!! 🎉🥳
for chapter 11 of cetbwa, thank you!!
#danny phantom#dpxdc#batman#danny phantom crossover#close enough to be whole again#cetbwa#tellmeabtspinos#hey look i actually remembered to tag you without doing anything rambly tags first!!!#this will never happen again haha#HEY HI HELLO TO YOU#i must admit it was very hard for me to sleep last night because i was too excited to see what you'd do with the chapter#and i woke up stupidly early - had to keep turning over and being like 'no get some sleep! you cant check yet!'#hey just a quick aside did you know that the comma to split up tags counts in the character limit???? isnt that fucked?#back on my bullshit with stupidly long tags haha#ANYWAY SIR YOUR MEMMEEESSSS LOOK AT THEM#my absolute favourite#that made me laugh so fucking loudly#was the pingu one (is it pingu or just a penguin? idk its funny tho)#i tell you the show is so stupid and childish on the surface level but if you actually think about what they go through#its all so fucked up#guess thats why the phandom loves it so much haha#the tom cat one - it was all going so well! there was so much laughter! and just like normal vlad comes along to ruin it haha#and the 'this is fine!' one!!!! would you believe me if i said that in the original version of this chapter (and version 2 as well!)#it was a way happier ending and everything was actually fine??? danny leaves the dining room filled with hope#and the certainty that he's going to tell damian because damian doesnt know about ghosts and danny can control the narrative you know?#like he was almost giddy with that happiness - knowing that he has a chance to be part of the family here#why would they hate ghosts?? they could accept him as he is they really could!!!#he's almost like excited to finally get it out in the open - and he plans to tell dami first and then bruce and then play a few pranks#on everyone else#oh gdi tag limit shit fuck THANK YOU FOR THE MEMES ILYSM I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER THANK YOU THANK YOU TYSM ILY
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yuyokunoshishi · 9 months
i watched the 2007 rgg movie tonight just to see what its like and i have a lot to say about it but for now i just doodled my favorite scene bc i could not handle it
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there’s something so sacred about sharing what you love with others: whether it be a song or food or clothes, a show or a movie or pictures. it's just... such a deep and personal thing, you know? having someone carve out a little part of their heart and gift it to you with an abundance of joy and excitement and passion... yeah.
#i lowkey had an awful day today lol#and it was my first day taking over as teacher so that's a great way to start it#there are people in seventh period who literally despise me and maybe that's an exaggeration but i looked over their creative writing for#the day and one of those kids literally wrote about how he was having a good day but then it turned into a bad day when i started the#creative writing with them so that was great and other stuff happened idk and one of my tics was really... uh... present today and i was so#aware of it and i feel like everyone was laughing at me because of it even tho ik that was just me being self-conscious but God i wanted to#cry and i shared a piece of my heart with them today for the creative writing exercise and so many of them just. told me how awful it was#like someone straight up started with 'this song is terrible' and then proceeded to write a paragraph about how bad it was#idk. it made me feel like a young kid again - sitting by myself on the playground and reading books. like i was in middle school and#everyone was telling me that the things that i loved were stupid. like i was a kid getting teased just lowkey enough that the teachers#couldn't tell because it wasn't necessarily outright bullying but they were making fun of what i loved which Hurts and then i was in high#school having to defend what i love and then in college hearing 'you ruined this for me because you liked it too much' and it just. idk.#it hurts. i find sharing passions and what i love with others so sacred and important and it Hurts when they just tear it and you down and#ik they're juniors and ik there will always be people like that but it was constant and idk. i'm just sad lol#so anyways even if someone shares something with you that you don't like there is literally No reason to be rude about it. you're allowed#to say you dislike it but it's not okay to just tell them straight up it's stupid or awful or you'd rather get hit by a car than hear the#song again. hm. ig i have some unresolved trauma lol#sorry for the rant y'all i just. needed to rant ig idk
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airenyah · 5 months
ok so today i had my first thai class after a really long christmas break and somehow andreas gabalier (an austrian folk singer) and his music came up. and i don't remember what exactly my teacher said but he made a comment along the lines of "andreas gabalier is considered a standard good looking dude here in austria, right?" (my teacher is from thailand, so he wasn't sure about austrian people's preferences)
and his question was met with complete silence, because the thing is... our class consists of 3 middle aged guys plus one more guy in his early 30s. and then there's me. the only girl
and since no one answered the question about andreas gabalier's looks, our teacher then addressed me directly and following conversation ensued:
teacher: "[airenyah]?" me: (feeling slightly shy and embarrassed) ".....i don't know what andreas gabalier looks like 🙈" everyone: (breaks out in laughter) middle-aged classmate: (highly amused) "i suspect he's not your type..." (me: "oh 🙈") "you're not missing out on anything :D"
i really like my teacher but god, let me live. don't put me on the spot like that 😩😩😩
#i hate when people ask me my opinion on somebody's looks#esp if that somebody in question is an older dude (as in significantly older than me. doesn't have to be ''old'' in reality)#idk!!! the person looks normal to me!!! person-shaped!!! idk‚ what do you want from me!!! i'm too asexual for this conversation!!!#we're not super close in this class (it's online which doesn't help with that either) so no one actually knows shit about my sexuality#and idk if my teacher put me on the spot for heteronormative reasons bc i'm the only girl in class#or bc he trusts my opinion (technically i could be considered an expert in austrian culture‚ i have a BA for that now lol)#but somehow my classmate's comment felt really reassuring to me somehow#i have no idea what made him think that that singer wouldn't be my type (maybe the age difference??) but like#so true man. so true. you don't even know#what even IS my type#airenyah plappert#stories from my thai class#also yeah everyone was laughing but it wasn't mean-spirited like. they weren't laughing AT me#i think my comment was just funny to them bc they probably weren't expecting it and so maybe they were surprised#or maybe bc i'm also the youngest in the group so maybe in their heads they were going ''aw she's too young to know andreas gabalier''#(i mean i WAS very much aware of him‚ i just never cared about him and his music and so i didn't care to know about his appearance)#the guys were laughing very amusedly while i was just sitting there like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lmao (i too was amused when they laughed tho)#anyway i have since looked up andreas gabalier's face and he is literally just some dude to me#i do hate his hairstyle tho. it looks greasy with gel ewww#but yeah apart from that my opinion on his looks is that he looks like an ordinary human being idk#nothing good and nothing bad about it#(except yeah. the hair gel maybe. maybe that IS bad actually)
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caromari · 7 months
just finished watching all of ash coyote’s furry documentaries and ive never wanted to wear a fursuit more in my life than in this moment 👉👈
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demadogs · 2 years
reread all the vegas chapters from the goldfinch and listen…. ive always thought the movie was pretty good. just the sheer fact that they didnt straight up change any of the plot earns them a solid B, but man theres so many amazing scenes i wouldve loved to see.
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vimbry · 2 years
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don't even need to say it
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bylertruther · 2 years
not to be a bitch but it's so funny how most henry stans just like. totally ignore everything to do with will as if this show doesn't exist all because henry went after him and refused to let him go. as if will is not his perfect character foil. as if it's not all leading to what happened in the upside down and how the only stories left to learn are those of will and henry. like... . .. ok. this is me, ur resident gatekeeper, officially snatching away their stanning licenses until they pass their necessary continuing education courses aka rewatch the show 🤨
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mychemikuromance · 11 months
you know what having anxiety and having intrusive thoughts AND having a vivid imagination really does just cause me to torture myself with dumb shit
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mechawolfie · 1 year
WAAAA I wish I talked more during the trans gathering there were so many ppl I wanted to talk to.... curse u social anxiety!!!!
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