#they really hammer in the idea that L and Light were like equals with them being undeniably friends in some capacity
b0n3m33l · 2 years
finished episode 9 of the death note drama who’s bathroom can I weep in
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spice-chan · 3 years
Legally Incapsulated
yandere!Bakugou Katsuki x darling!reader
In a different, dystopian world, yanderes are allowed to run rampant and they make up 15 percent of the population. It gets a little interesting when Bakugou, a protective yandere falls for you, a taken darling. 
warnings: dystopian society (ig?), yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, reader has a bit of an early stockholm syndrome kinda thing, blood and near death, captivity. 
also hi, i came back from the undead with an update. 
Bakugou laid on the ground, bleeding profusely, cold and alone. The red liquid soaked through his clothes, painting him as an ugly manifestation of destruction and death. However, he did not welcome the latter yet, clinging to-hanging tooth and nail to the threads of life.
What cruel irony. To be dumped somewhere so public, yet at a time when no one would bother to come. To have the Hero hanging onto the hope that someone would visit the park at three in the fucking morning. 
A brutal fight between him and a particularly vicious villain ended in Katsuki suffering not only the humiliation of defeat but injuries that will do him in soon enough from blood loss. All alone, with no back-up, Katsuki suffered possibly the worst defeat of his life, for it might cost him that very same thing. Fucker attacked him after he finished his night shift too when no reporters or anyone would be around, knocking Katsuki out and dumping him in a public park just for the mockery of it. 
His head felt light and doozy, and he was starting to succumb to the feeling sucking him in when he heard a gasp amidst the fog. 
With what little stamina he has left, he turned around, sharp red eyes spotting a petite woman heading towards him. 
You quickly got to his spot beneath a tree, crouching down and inspecting him, your warm eyes becoming horrified at the blood pool. 
“Oh no, what happened here?! No matter. I’m going to call an ambulance. You’re going to be ok.” You reassured, or tried to, for the words coming out of your mouth could only be taken as self-assurance when one notices the dampness of your eyes. He tried to concentrate on what you were doing, but the next time he was aware of what was happening around him was when you clutched his hand tight with tears streaming down your cheeks.
“You’re gonna be ok.” 
He sure hopes he will be now. 
“What’s your name?” 
Despite the haze covering, his red eyes zeroed on you, calmly taking you in despite the battered state he was in. You froze. 
You stammered, heart hammering as you finally had another person's attention for once. It should’ve made you really ecstatic, but it just made you feel like you were naked on live TV. 
“It’s um-“ you nibbled on your lip as if unused to your name, Katsuki just got lost in the dainty, delicate sound of your voice. 
And when you said your name, as if testing foreign words on your tongue for the first time, he couldn’t help but think it suited you. 
So pretty. 
Honestly, if the sight of you is the only thing he’ll see before dying, he’ll be content. Your hand remained in hold his, your warmth travelling to his frigid hand and warming his very soul. 
But the sound of ambulance sirens broke him out of his trance, and you too, it seems. For you broke away from him in fright, he had to hold back from grabbing you and keeping you close. He would, had he not been injured. 
“Whe-where are you going?” He asked brokenly, desperate to keep the angel that saved him close. You shook your head, frightened and frantic. Looking at the time, and seemingly getting further and further. 
“I’m sorry-I—I’ve got to go. I’m gonna late, I’ll get punished if I’m late.” 
His heart sunk with every syllable you uttered, feeling a pain he had never felt before, something not tangible enough to be compared to injuries and not comprehensible enough for a man like Katsuki to express. 
You’re a darling. 
You’re someone’s darling.
By the time the ambulance rolled in and took him, you were long gone…
But not for long. 
Katsuki Bakugo: Yandere. 
Classification: Protective
Darling: Unregistered 
In a world where yanderes are allowed to go rampant with their love, an ordinary citizen doesn’t know when they’ll become trapped by a person who claims to ‘love them unconditionally’. Thus making them a darling. And from the moment that label is put on them, the law ceases to help them and they become entirely at their yandere's mercy. 
Yanderes are often separated into their schools and housed in their specified yandere classification ranging from obsessive, possessive and protective, and if a person overlaps two during their classification test they get reign into which house to go to. At UA, the houses are split between those three types and are equally split. 
Katsuki, who scored rather high in both protective and obsessive traits, chose to go with the protective unit where he met Kirishima, who’s currently blabbering on about nothing in Katsuki’s hospital room. 
“You barely made it man, I still can’t believe it. One can never be too careful these days.” He said, for the hundredth time. Katsuki was topless, the nurse having just finished bandaging his wounds. The stark white stood out against his chiseled, muscular front, it had every nurse swooning but he only had one thing on his mind. 
Where were you? Who were you? Did you really have a yandere? How can he take you away now? 
No, he doesn’t like you. He’s just curious. 
He’s survived this long without a darling. He doesn’t need one, contrary to popular societal belief. 
When babies are three, they undergo tests and scans to see whether they have OLD, obsessive love disorder, which is something about 15 percent of the population suffers from. 
They go to their own schools and such, but their identity as yanderes won’t be revealed to the general public, making it easy for yanderes to take their darlings by surprise when the grand reveal comes. 
Katsuki himself attended a yandere oriented hero school, but what the public doesn’t know is that the acceptance rate is so low because only yanderes are accepted. Yanderes rarely, but not never, go for other yanderes so it poses as less of a distraction. 
And so, the talented in the 15 percent of Japanese yandere are carefully picked and honed. 
And the separation only proves something. That darlings are a distraction. He won’t be like other wanderers, he’ll get a hold of himself. 
Y/N L/N: Darling
Under yandere of classification: Obsessive
Yandere name: Nagisa Mura
Katsuki ground his teeth, red orbs staring viciously at his computer screen. Hypothesizing and being faced with the fact that you do belong to someone else. The distraction, unneeded angel who fell from heaven just to save him. 
Poor you, he bets that piece of shit doesn’t treat you as good as he could. 
After looking further into you, he found several allegations of sexual assault made towards Mura that got completely dropped after he captured you. 
A flash of searing pain made Katsuki jerk back, narrowly missing scorching his screen to smithereens. 
He...he hurt you. The fucker hurt his angel, his princess...he hurt you, he hurt you, he hurt you. 
He thought of your pretty, kissable lips, making unsure, clumsy movements as you tried to vocalise your name. 
No, Katsuki has to have you. He needs to save you. It’s the only way for both of you to be happy at this point. 
And this, spurred on a thorough check at your yandere, and Katsuki delved so deep that when he found what he wanted, he couldn’t help but break out into a lopsided, sinister grin. 
Nagisa burrowed his face in your neck, breathing in your scent while you sat still and rigid, not wanting to move away and risk his sanity flying away. 
“Did you enjoy it?” He asked softly, suddenly attentively look at you with his cat-like, loving, sick eyes. Your heart palpitated in fear for a second before you nodded. 
“Oh, where did you go? You...didn’t talk to anyone right?” Your heart erratically hammered, thinking that he might’ve somehow found out you did, and even told him your name. You shook your head at the speed of a sewing machine, then thought that might’ve perhaps been too aggressive to be convincing. 
“I didn’t. I walked to the park and came back home.” 
He sighed in satisfaction at that, moving his dark bangs back to stare at you with his green hues. 
“I knew night time was a better idea. There would be no one around at this time that you can’t deal with with pepper spray. Fewer people to talk to, fewer people who see you” he was smiling, not breaking eye contact once, and with each syllable, his soft voice seemed to get more sinister and sinister. 
You only nodded, pliant as a lamb in his grip as he twisted you however he wished. He buried his nose in your hair, inhaling the scent of you as if smelling a rare fragrant flower. 
“We’ve gotten so far since the days in the orphanage when you refused to share your dolls with me when we were five.” 
Memories. Something that should fill one with nostalgia, only filled you with an unbearable sense longing to a freer, more easy time. When you only had to worry about Nagisa bothering you during breakfast, lunchtime, movie time, sometimes worship time and wash time. 
Desperate for a sense of normalcy, you hugged him back, feeling icy cold in his embrace. 
“Nagi, what are we having for dinner?” A twinge of regret pierced you as you lowered your guard for a second. His hold became stiff, and he didn’t bother to swipe back his bangs as he flashed you a blank face. 
“You’re thinking about dinner while we hug?” 
But you knew how to deal with him better by now, deflecting his anger and turning it into something more malleable. 
“Oh no, it’s just that I feel a little dizzy. I don’t think I ate or drank well those past few days.” You paired the lie with a yawn for extra measure, and the ice of his face melted to reveal a familiar worried expression pouted lips and widened greeny eyes. 
He carefully put you down, bundling you in a blanket before he rushed to the kitchen to prepare you some food. 
The worry he harboured for your well being should’ve filled you with warmth, but instead, you were left twiddling your thumbs and rocking yourself back and forth, an unexplainable feeling of doom filled you. 
The feeling of a hand touching you caused you to spring out of your reverie in fright, but the sight of the green hues staring back at you only calmed you a fraction. He put the food in front of you, which he brought back with some vitamins because he can’t have you getting sick. 
“Thank you…” you murmured, feeling incredibly stupid and useless. 
He insisted he feed you and that you go to bed early. 
But as you laid in bed, thoughts of strange red irises and their bewitching beholder swarmed your thoughts along with the fatigue. You hope he’s alright… 
You wanted to check on him, but if you asked or even implied to Nagisa that you met someone, let alone a man albeit injured or not, that he will opt to not let you out for a year again, or possibly longer this time. 
Even in his injured form, there was something undeniably feral about him, as if ready to pounce any second and gamble his chances at life if the situation called for it. It frightened you. 
You shook your head, willing comfort to return to you through the soft duvet and sheets enveloping your body. You better sleep before Nagisa comes to bed and finds you awake…
Finally, Bakugou has the best reason to get that fuck arrested. And you? Poor you, you’re going to have your yandere taken away, and you can’t *just* be let free. You didn’t earn it after all. Well, you would have, had there not being a perfectly suitable yandere for you to be rehomed with. 
Heh, to think of it, you might hate him a little for this...but he’ll show you that he can treat you better, in no time, you’ll be wrapped around his finger like he’s shamefully wrapped around yours. 
Bakugou’s thoughts come to an abrupt halt when the L-word is mentioned, not noticing when his thoughts spiralled to that degree. His deranged obsession with you had been planted the moment you saved him, but Katsuki didn’t notice when he lost the wheel of his rationality to his heart. 
Yeah, sure, he did background checks on you, felt a twinge of pain when he realised you grew up in an orphanage, felt a tornado of anger when he saw the assault charges that went nowhere after that obsessive fuck captured you. Yeah, ok, he felt proud when he saw that you were the valedictorian. But… where did the stone hearted Katsuki go? Where did the one who was afraid of getting close to anyone in case his true nature shows and distracts him from his dream go? 
But then, he remembered your glassy eyes, staring at him in worry that no one ever showed towards him before, fumbling with his phone to dial the ambulance while holding his hand. Telling him he’ll be ok. 
The moment Bakugo looked in the mirror, he knew he lost. 
His cheeks were flaming hot. 
Whatever, he better start preparing your room. 
It felt like preparing the room of a newborn baby, Katsuki bought enough stuffed animals and plushies to make it resemble a fluffy asylum, along with pastel pink sheets. Your name was also put on the wall, with cursive pink letters that had butterflies surrounding them.
Not to forget a dresser filled with all kinds of things you could ever desire. But his favourite was filling the closet. 
Besides adding some of his own shirts, he stuffed it with all kinds of pretty dresser and cute clothes that he can’t wait to see you wear. 
Bakugo dusted his hands, taking a sigh and looking at the finished guestroom, previously a spare but now your own room, it looked as if a sparkly fairy vomited all over it. Hopefully you’ll like it… 
He wishes you were here to see it… 
An unfamiliar sense of isolation invaded his heart, perhaps it was the realisation that he just finished a room to a person who doesn’t even live with him *yet*, or knowing what he’s missing out on with you, but he knew he desperately wanted you here. 
He wanted to protect you from the bastard who has you in his clutches
A day later
You sat on the sofa, munching on some popcorn while you sat on Nagisa’s lap, watching anime. 
A rough knock sounded out, the sound so aggressive is sounded as if the wood itself was gonna break under the aggressive force. Nagisa tensed up, he wasn’t expecting any guests, in fact, he rarely invites anyone over. He disassociated the both of you from any acquaintances from the orphanage, and you weren’t allowed to mingle with anyone. 
He saw your curious look, even without any verbal question, but he opted to simply kiss your forehead and put you on the sofa. 
He quickly went to answer the door, but not without grabbing a dagger and hiding it somewhere discreet. 
He turned the knob, feeling his chest tighten painfully, as if sensing a near, imminent loss. 
Three aggressive, toned cops welcomed his sight as soon as the door was open. They forced their way inside, cuffing him and telling him things, words that were spoken too fast and went over his head as the only thought that went through his head aas you. 
He turned around to where he left you, but you were suddenly standing besides one of the officers, not allowed near him. No…
“According to our database, you are a yandere who has a darling. This means that she will be permanently taken away from you and handed to an eligible yandere as part of your punishment.” 
He swallowed, his gaze, which always seemed morbid to you, now looked panicked and morose, gaze moving like a boomerang between you and the officers, as if not processing what’s happening. 
“Nagisa, what have you done?” He couldn’t answer you, he couldn’t speak a word. You were leaving him, and there’s nothing that he can do. 
“Eligible yandere? But as far as I know, there’s no one after her besides me.” The thought comforted him. Maybe he’ll recapture you after he serves whatever sentence he has, even though he’ll have to do it on the down low now. It’s illegal for a yandere who had their darling taken away to go after them again. 
“Well you thought wrong. Scum” 
Bakugou felt like the star of the show, coming in to rescue his damsel and finish his quest, with you as the prize. 
Your mouth was agape, the little hope that simmered in you that you might possibly be free is now crushed, confusion coming full force in place of it. His face was all too familiar, it was the face of the man you found on death's door only a few days ago. 
Nagisa’s face blanked, turning to you with bloody accusations in his eyes, which made your vision narrow to only focus on him, afraid to make eye contact yet afraid not to. You almost felt the bile rise up your stomach as goosebumps covered your entire body at his familiar, haunting stare. 
“(Y/n)...how does he know you?” 
“I-“ you swallowed, unable to answer. Who is he? 
The dots were starting to connect in Nagisa’s head, however, instead of his chilling rage, all you got was a sad, nostalgic smile. 
“Very well (y/n), it’s ok.” You couldn’t feel relieved from his ambiguous tone. Your very gut screaming at you that something was wrong. 
And your gut was right. 
“It’s ok, I know you didn’t mean for any of this to happen, I’m sure of it but I’m sorry because if I can’t have you then nobody can.” In the blink of an eye, Nagisa charged at you with a dagger, with speed you didn’t know he possessed, while you were frozen in place in fear. 
However, before he could reach you, the blond, brawny man moved like the wind, catching the hand that threatened you, firing an explosion at the wrist in a show of wrath, probably giving Nagisa third degree burns, then twisting his arms behind his back and pushing him harshly into the floor. The level of strength between them was visibly imbalanced to the blondes' favour, Nagisa was by no means fit or sturdy, not at all when compared to the wall of strength in front of you. 
The officers, novices who should have expected this turn of events by all means, have proven to be useless until the very end of this spectacle, thanking the blond the blond profusely while handcuffing the hysterical Nagisa, who was taken kicking and screaming by one of the officers while one stayed behind. 
“Miss (y/n), I believe? Sorry we couldn’t prevent this unsavoury turn of events, that criminal will be locked for good, you don’t have to worry about him.” The officer tried to reassure the frightened lady in front of him, disappointed that a yandere would try to kill the person he loves. That was one of the most prohibited laws, though what can he expect from a criminal? 
“You don’t have to worry about your safety though, as it turns out, you will be rehomed with Mr Dynamight. This will serve as both a punishment for the offending yandere and a way for darlings who haven’t earned their freedom to stay with their next eligible caretaker.” 
You nodded shily, overwhelmed by the influx of information directed at you. It didn’t help that you barely spoke to anyone besides Nagisa in years. 
The officer took your agreeableness in stride, scramming quickly as he physically felt the burn of Bakugou’s stare. 
Now it was just him and you. 
“You ok?” He managed to mutter, not sure how to start a conversation with you now that he had you. 
You nodded, not facing him. Are you ok? 
You felt the moisture gathering in your eyes, making your eyes seem like gleaming crystals. 
Of course you weren’t ok. 
You just had the person who, for years, claimed they loved you, stole you against your will and forced you to adapt to a lifestyle that suited them try to kill you. You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry but apparently your body did as it broke into a sob. 
Your shoulders shook in failing effort to try to hide yourself from him-Mr Dynamight or something, but he felt his heart clench when he heard you sniffle. 
You heard him kiss his teeth, and you had a half mind to apologise, having unfond memories of the sound, but he instead, to your surprise, brought his beefy arms around you and embraced you warmly. 
Your crying halted, head turning up to fave him with a ‘deer caught in the headlights’ look in your eyes, making him blush and turn away from you with another kiss of his teeth. 
“Stop crying.” 
Why did his simple gesture stop your tears? Why are you not trying to make a run for it? 
Most importantly, why do you feel something warm blooming in your chest instead of hate? 
You looked at him, trying to channel all the hate you harbored for Nagisa for this newfound captor of yours, but all you could think about is when he saved you from Nagisa’s sharp blade— how strong and capable he was, really, shouldn’t you be thankful? 
At that moment, you experienced something that never happened to you in your years of being with Nagisa. 
You blushed. 
 You stepped through Bakugou’s house, already having an idea of what kind of lavish place it is from the exterior, but you were nevertheless impressed. 
The place is something out of a movie, extremely different to the small and cozy apartment you lived in. Everything seemed up to date and costly. 
You didn’t notice Bakugou preening in pride at the impressed look on your face. He tried to appear nonchalant, but he was seconds away from grabbing your hand in excitement as he tours you around the place. 
Still, he wanted some form of contact with you, so he opted to put a hand behind your back, excusing it as you being too slow when you turned to him with a quizzical look. 
His hand felt warm on your back. 
“This is the bathroom nearest to your room, but there’s one in your room as well.” 
Your room. It felt strangely delighting to have something be your own, when previously everything was ours with Nagisa. Everything was happening so quickly, you didn’t know whether you should try to pause to catch your breath or pick up your pace. 
“And uh, this is your room.” This time you did notice Bakugou’s redness, it was quite hard not to when his entire face was red. Of course it would be. 
The room looked like it was something out of a barbie house. Soft, pastel rugs paired with baby pink curtains. Plush, stuffed dolls littered the place, some small and some big enough to engulf you. You slowly stepped inside, unsure how to feel about this interior, until you felt your bed. It was also a gentle pink, but the catch was how featherlight soft it was, it felt silky, and the mattress reminded you of when you’d dream of sleeping on a cloud. 
“Like it?” He asked, not taking his eyes off your blessed face. That’s the first he’s seen this expression on you. He feels almost cheated, like he would have seen way more of you and learnt way more than he already knows if that piece of shit let you out. 
You hummed to him in response. 
“Good, ‘cuz it’s your nap time now.” 
“Huh?” You straightened your back, looking at him in protest. 
“But, I still have things to ask you! Plus, I don’t need a freaking nap-“ 
“Sleep now, questions later.” 
The sun was starting to dip, giving the room a warm, orange glow which did make you feel somewhat lethargic. Bakugou closed the curtains, and shut the door, but surprisingly didn’t leave your room. He pulled the covers back, gesturing for you to slip under. You were afraid for a moment that he was gonna slither his way inside as well, uninvited. But he merely sat besides your supine form. 
“I’m gonna stay here ‘till you fall asleep.” You nodded mutely, not finding a point to objecting anymore. You never have a say anyways. But, this wasn’t so bad. He put his large hand on your head, caressing it and admiring its texture, and how amazing it feels beneath his fingers. You felt his touch to be invasive at first. Who does he think he is, touching you when you don’t even know him?
But you don’t speak. You instead relax and let the stress you built up melt away, and you welcome sleep. 
Your eyes slowly fluttered open to the feeling of someone lately shaking you. You were disoriented, glancing around the fluffy place in confusion, your eyes looking adorably lost and confused. 
“C’mon dumbass. It’s time for dinner.” 
Oh, right, you were living with him now. 
“I put the clothes you’re gonna wear on your bed, and here are your slippers.” You glanced on the bed, seeing a comfy looking white, silky pyjama dress slippers at the foot of your bed. 
“Ok.” You nodded, “I got it.” 
He gave you one final final intense look leaving your bedroom. 
In the dining room, Bakugou had already set everything up. He made your favourite food, lit up some candles and sat down, anxious glancing at the door and waiting for you to appear. Will you like it? Will you ask him questions? Do you enjoy living with him so far? 
If the answer to some of those questions is no, he doesn’t know what he’ll do. He does know that you aren’t going anywhere though. 
You quietly walked in, feeling the tension increase with each step you took. 
You spied the contents on the table, salivating at the smell of your favourite food like a starved ogre, not even bothering to grimace at the memory of Nagisa’s poor attempt at making it. 
Bakugou was salivating as well, but for different reasons. He couldn’t look away from your exposed skin, staring creepily as if he’s never seen a leg before. 
The meal was consumed with awkwardness, neither party breaking the ice. You were afraid of confrontation, of asking too many questions and receiving nothing but anger and resentment in return. He seems so much nicer than Nagisa, you didn’t want him to hate you. 
The silence reigned, and the dishes were cleared away and being washed by Bakugou, who insisted you stay near him but also insisted you stay unoccupied. 
Every moment that passed felt like a moment lost, and you kept summoning your courage, but the words just wouldn’t leave your mouth. Maybe you should build up to what you really wanted to ask instead of jumping straight to it. 
You saw his red eyes sneakily glancing at you, rapidly leaving your form when you noticed him, causing his ears and face to flush. 
“So um, what do you do?” he quirked an eyebrow, looking at you strangely while his movements didn’t pause. 
“You-you don’t know?!” he exploded, looking at you in disbelief. You just shook your head like a deer caught in headlights. 
Oh, that shit must’ve not let you watch TV much. 
“I’m a pro hero.” 
Your eyes widened in wonder, the decadence of the place suddenly making sense. 
“Cool! What’s your quirk?” he ditched the dishes, excitedly showing you his quirk and explaining how it works, delighted at your cute smile and interest in him. The air felt charged and lively, and maybe that’s what led you to ask the questions that have being nagging at you. 
“So um, how did you-uh, how did you even find out anything about me?” 
Your heart dropped when you saw the excitement on his face disappear, his usual scowl in place of it. 
“You told me your name, that’s all I needed to know. I never stopped thinking about you ever since I saw you, I tried but I couldn’t. If even someone as strong as me can end up on death's door, then what would happen to you? I couldn’t just leave you.” At this point, he was caressing your face, looking at you with love stricken eyes. You were reminded of who you were talking to, you were talking to a Protective yandere, who took you. 
You didn’t have to ask anything else really, pandora’s box opened, and everything you weren’t previously privy to is now made obvious to you. 
“It sickened me though, knowing you actually fucking belonged to someone else. So how could I leave you? I had to save you like you saved me.” he had both of his huge hands on your face, looking at you with pure insanity, love, adoration and bloodthirst swirling and mixing in his irises. He was a yandere, he was the person every ordinary person should fear, he has you in his clutches, you should be trying to escape and regain your freedom, you saw first hand how easily capable of hurting you he could be if he wanted… So why weren’t you scared?
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sams-sass · 4 years
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Hi! It was really rainy here today and I thought of this. Hope you guys like it. Thanks for all the love and support! 
Summary: You and Sam find each other. 
Pairings: Sam x Soulmate!Reader 
Warnings: Fluff
The air was thick with moisture that night. The black clouds were rolling in from the mountains with their heavy and ominous presence. It was strange because there was no call for rain that day. No weather station could find this massive storm that had descended upon an unsuspecting town. All day had been clear skies and warm breezes. Then suddenly the temperature dropped about ten degrees in a matter of seconds and the storm came. Sam looked out the motel room window, checking the weather once again. It had just started to drizzle, the droplets staining the asphalt in the parking lot. A flash of lightning illuminated the sky, followed by a loud clash of thunder. Sam smiled to himself, he had always enjoyed rain, especially thunderstorms. There was something about the way nature could create something so violent yet cleansing at the same time that fascinated him. He was beginning to feel the hole in his chest again. In times of peace he felt more alone than ever. When he would wake to an empty space in the bed next to him, it sent chills up his spine. He knew he needed something that he didn’t have, that he had never had. He knew that something out there was calling for him. He could hear it in the wind. See it in the dancing shadows of the moonlight. He could feel the earth trying to lead him to something. Only, he had no idea what.  
He saw the lightning through the window, the charge of it lighting up the whole room. He looked outside and that’s when he saw you. You were standing in the parking lot, just staring it him. You were completely soaked, your wet clothes sticking to you as you continued to stare directly at Sam.  
Sam knew. He knew within his heart that you were there for him.  
You were standing in your living room, feeling the silence around you. In times when the world was calm and the stillness echoed in your mind, you felt it. You felt the pull towards something else. There was a chronic ache that you felt, like you were meant for so much more than the life you were leading. In the darkness of night, when all others were resting in deep slumber was when your mind awakened. You could hear the moon whisper your name and the moon seemed to howl back to you. You felt out of place in your own life. You knew the world could offer you so much more, but you didn’t know how to stand up and grab it. You often felt frozen and stuck in your life, repeating the same thing over and over again. You placed a hand against the window and continued to stare into your yard. Your heart rate suddenly picked up and your breathing became labored.  
Walk. A voice inside your head echoed.  
Go. Your feet seemed to move on their own accord. You walked out of your house, not even sure if you closed your door. The air changed around you, growing thick and heavy. You licked your lips and pressed on.
Right. The voice said when you came to a corner. You turned and continued walking. Everything in your overactive mind said this was wrong, but you couldn’t stop. You knew deep in your gut that this was what needed to happen. You had to find your destination, whatever you were walking towards became the only thing you cared about. Your legs took you there without your mind even becoming accustomed to your surroundings.  
Here. It said to you. You looked up and saw you were at the old motel outside town, you had walked about 5 miles. A tingle ran down your spine and you knew everything you ever needed was inside that motel. You stepped into the parking lot and the rain started. Falling in heavy and large droplets, hitting the crown of your head first. The thunder and lightning cracked around you, opening the sky and illuminating everything around you. You looked in one of the windows and saw him. He was tall with long brown hair. His hazel eyes looked around for a moment before they landed on you. Right then and there, in the middle of the parking lot, you fell. You fell hard and fast. You didn’t know him, but you loved him. You needed him. The instant his eyes connected with yours, everything in the world made sense. You had found everything you could ever want or need in this complete stranger.
“What are you looking at?” Dean asked from behind Sam. “Man, it’s getting crazy out there.”  
Sam didn’t answer, he just kept staring at you. You were slowing moving forward, the rain continuing to hammer around you.  
“Who is that? She’s hot.” Dean’s mouth turned up, looking you over. 
Go. A voice inside his head whispered. Sam moved and walked out the door and into the pouring rain. You looked at him with wide and searching eyes.  
“Sam.” He said, raindrops falling off his pink lips. It was perfect for him. The name seemed to complete him, like you had already known it before he even said it.
“Y/N.” You said, your heart was racing. Your skin was begging you to touch him. Almost as if he read your mind, he held his hand up to you. Your fingertips traced his palm, electric shocks shooting through you. The storm worsened around you, lightning shooting off in different directions. The thunder was so loud it was almost deafening. His other hand came up to cup your cheek, pulling you to him. His lips touched yours and everything you knew fell into shambles around you. This was all you would ever know now; his love would be everything you could ever ask for. For the first time in your life you felt completely full. Satisfied. As his tongue explored your mouth, you felt the warmth spread throughout you. A fire started in your chest, the flames licking throughout your whole body. The wind whipped around you dramatically. You had found him and he you. This was it. In that moment you found everything you had ever been missing. Your whole life had led you up to this point, to meet him. To feel him. To surround yourself in everything that was Sam.
Sam couldn’t get enough of you. The way you tasted like honey. The way your skin felt against his, wet and hot. The feeling of your breath filling his lungs just as it was yours. You were perfect and Sam couldn’t stop, not now. The moment he touched you he had felt everything he had ever needed. You were his saving grace, his missing piece.  
You were standing next to Sam, Dean on the other side of you. Your fingers were nervously fidgeting with the hem on your jacket. Cas said the enochian words and you all silently waited. The sound of wings fluttered around you and then he was there. He was completely naked and had a wide smile across his face.  
“Hello!” He greeted the four of you, stepping forward with his arms stretched wide. All of your eyes widened and you shook your heads violently. He grabbed Cas first, picking him up into his embrace. Then he moved to Dean and you stifled a laugh against your better judgement. Your smile fell almost immediately when he came for you next.  
“No. No. No.” You mumbled, backing away slowly.  
“Yes.” He said, wrapping you into his arms. Your face pressed against his body and you internally cringed from the feel of him. You could feel the waves of anger coming off of Sam, he was furious. You wiggled against the cupid and felt him release you, allowing you to take a breath into your lungs. He stretched his arms out, keeping his hands on your shoulders.  
“Oh, Y/N, you are even more beautiful than the scriptures said.”  
“The scriptures?” You asked, your face scrunching in confusion. He only smiled at you and let his arms fall back to his sides. He then moved to Sam, his arms lifting the giant off his feet. He put Sam down and turned to face all of you again. 
“Why did you summon me, brother?” He asked Cas.  
“Have you marked Sam and Y/N?” Cas asked, his eyebrows together on his forehead.  
“What? No, I don’t need to mark them. They have already been marked.” He was gleeful in his response.  
“What does that mean?” Sam asked, stepping forward.  
“You and Y/N have been marked since the beginning of mankind. You were always meant to find each other, you’re the deepest and oldest level of soul mates.” He explained, a confused look on his face as if he thought you would already know this. You looked at Sam and he looked at you. Although this sounded absolutely insane, there was something deep inside you telling you it was true.  
“Why?” You said, your voice small.  
“The good you will bring to the world is necessary. You were hand selected to be together, the two of you will bring peace to earth.” Your eyebrows knitted together on your forehead.  
“What now?” Dean asked next to you, his eyebrows shot up to his hairline.  
“Me? And this guy?” You pointed to yourself and then to Sam, looking over at him. He was staring at you with the same confused expression.  
“How?” Sam asked, his shoulders squaring.  
“Oh, not even I know that.” Cupid laughed. “The message is clear; peace will be restored by Sam Winchester and Y/N Y/L/N.”  
“Why did I not know about this? Why did no one know about this?” Cas asked.  
“God demanded that it remain between the cherub angels.” Cupid insisted, nodding his head dramatically.  
How could this be? You knew you needed Sam in your life. You knew that he meant more to you and that you loved him more than you had ever loved anything, but this? Soulmates that would bring about peace on earth?  
You were sitting on your motel room bed, your legs crossed underneath you. Sam was next to you, his hands wrapped around a book of scriptures. He shook his head, his shaggy hair falling into his eyes.  
“I can't believe it. It says it right here.” He mumbled, turning the book so you could see too.  
And in the days of new the soulmates will arise. She will be of unspeakable and unattainable beauty equally on the inside as well as the out. He will be of unmeasurable strength within his heart of hearts. They will restore peace to humanity through their undying love. Their souls will be together in the kingdom of heaven until the end of time. People will rejoice in their name; their names will be sung around the world. The bringers of harmony and love.  
“Wow, and men say women are dramatic.” You giggled against Sam’s shoulder. He chuckled and turned his head to kiss your forehead.  
“I wonder why God kept it a secret.” Sam thought out loud.  
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “How do you think we do it?” You asked him sitting up slightly and looking him directly in the eyes.  
“I wish I knew, I guess when the time comes it will just happen.” His hand covered yours.  
“You can’t fight fate.” You leaned forward.  
“Why would I want to? It brought me you.” His fingers touched your temple and then made their way into your hair. He pulled you to him and soon enough you were once again completely lost in him.  
The years ticked by and the words that cupid had spoken that night rang true more than once. You and Sam conquered more than your fair share of cases. The two of you defeated the leviathan, figured out how to kill them. You took on the trials and almost completed them. You helped Dean through the mark of Cain and helped cure him from being a demon. None of it compared to your greatest accomplishment. None of it mattered once you two took on God and won. You were the ones who brought peace to the world. God had demanded that your love remain a secret from everyone because he knew he would be your finally. He knew that you and Sam would be the bringers of peace, he just didn’t know how. If he had known that by killing him you would inevitably save the world, he probably wouldn’t have let it happen. Your entire lives lead you to the point of fulfilling your destiny. The destiny written for you by God himself.  
It was the two of you through everything. The love between you never died, you were his and he was yours. Completely. You were home in his arms and he found his safety in yours. Even when father time came for the both of you, there was still the never-ending symphony of your love. The melody sang your story, all the good you gave the world. Your song never died. It was heard around the world. The two of you lived immortally through your story.  
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Burned Out
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
warning: cursing, alcohol mention, angst
word count: 1,981
a/n: this is for an anon and for @monst, enjoy!
Fairytales were supposed to have happy ends, at least that’s what you had always been told.
The prince and the princess would meet and fall in love, but they would be distanced by some big bad and evil force. Thankfully the prince would defeat the evil, the princess would rejoice and their love saved, and they would live happily ever after. That was something that remained true through every story, in every tale love prospered. So was it cocky of you to think that your fairytale would end just the same?
You met Bakugou Katsuki in high school, and while he was no prince, nor was it love at first sight, the two of you did eventually fall for each other. Your feelings had been confessed in your second year of school and surprisingly, he had confessed his own feelings as well. The two of you remained in silent bliss about your new relationship for three days before things collapsed. 
Villains overthrew Japan and the two of you were separated.
By no means were you some damsel in distress, but in the end, Bakugou was among one of the heroes who defeated the big bad evil. You can still remember throwing yourself into his bloodied and weak arms as he stood there victorious. Blood stained nearly every area of his body, but his eyes were strong and emotional as he stared at you with a smile.
“I t-told you, heroes don’t l-lose,” he stammered through his pain as he kissed you.
That was the end of your fairytale, the next step was to move on with life and live happily ever after!
It wasn’t the case here.
How you craved it was the case.
But something changed one day with Bakugou.
He just stopped... caring.
It had started three years into your relationship. He began to start skipping days at work for no sensible reason, at least there was no actual explanation he could give you when someone came and reached out to you about it.
“Where’s Ground Zero?” His sidekick asked you one day as you were patrolling down the same street.
Your eyebrows scrunched as you laughed a bit confused, “Isn’t that what I should be asking you?”
“He hasn’t shown up at all this week,” the sidekick spoke slowly as if he was admitting some deep and dark secret. “I thought you knew?”
You didn’t.
Your hand slammed to the back of your neck as you scratched it, trying your best to disguise your uncertainty. “I’m sure he’s home?”
That night you had gotten home, Bakugou wasn’t there. Your frown deepened when he showed up hours later, his body bruised and battered as if he had been patrolling today as if he was trying to convince you he was working.
“Hi, love,” Bakugou murmured as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. “It was a long day at work.”
That was the first lie you had experienced come from Bakugou Katsuki.
When had he ever lied to you?
“Was it really?” You decided to play along as you watched him prepare the plate of food you had prepared for dinner.
“Mhm, shitty villains still under Shigaraki’s influence are still out there,” Bakugou sighs as he slides into the seat beside you.
“Why haven’t you shown up to work in a week?” You ask quickly, your heartrate hammering as your eyes widened at the sight of Bakugou freezing at your question.
“It’s a long story.”
“I have time.”
“I don’t want to talk about it, sorry.”
“O-Oh, okay.”
After that, he stopped caring about the special days of your relationship. Of how you two always took the third weekend of the month to yourselves, to get out, to be a couple! It was a wonderful thing the two of you did, personal days were important and getting to destress with each other was even better in your opinion.
“That sounds like it will be fun for you boys!” You call as you lay under the blankets of your bed.
You hear Bakugou spit into the sink, the water running seconds after as clattering sounds ring from the bathroom.
“It should be, as long as those idiots don’t screw anything up,” Bakugou responds as you watch him walking out of the bathroom in nothing but sleeping pants. Your lips quirk into a small smile as you watch him turn off the lights and climb into bed with you. You snuggle immediately into his side as he holds you, the minty freshness of his breath soothing you.
“When are you guys going?”
“Next weekend.”
Next weekend… but that was…
“I thought next weekend was our monthly getaway?” You asked as you pushed away from Bakugou, your eyes confused as millions of emotions ran through his eyes.
He had forgotten.
“Fuck, baby, I forgot… shit, I’ll text them and--”
“No!” You interrupt, your head shaking as you refused to let you get in the way of his bro bonding days. “It’s just this one time, it’s fine, ‘suki! We have more weekend getaways, plus we have so many under our belt I can make do without one.”
Even in the darkness, you could see his cheeks tinting red as he pressed an apologetic kiss to your mouth.
“I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you.”
“I’m sure you will, lover boy.”
But he never did make it up to you, and it wasn’t the last time he double booked on your weekend getaways.
It started piling up, slowly and surely.
Date nights became once a week thing until they vanished until once a month thing. Even getting him to take you out once, getting him to join you somewhere was a verbal battle. He forgot your anniversary, instead choosing to go out with his friends and came back blackout drunk. You convinced yourself it wasn’t that big a deal as it was your fourth year anniversary, you could handle not celebrating this one, right? 
But there was fighting, so much fucking fighting.
The bitter, revolting, and disturbingly toxic verbal fights that left both of you crying for each other. Fights that created chipped walls between the two of you, fights that were only being resolved with angry and bitter sex. It was exhausting and you were desperate for improvement.
But it was too late for improvement, not when there was a picture of a drunk Ground Zero on the cover of a tabloid with a girl in his arms. There wasn’t anything flirty between them, the newspaper confirming that there was nothing for you to be offended about, but this was taken on the night that the both of you had promised to talk. The night that you believed change was finally going to happen for the better. But he never showed up until long after you had passed out while waiting for you.
Eerily as it happened months ago Bakugou opened the front door of his apartment, his voice ringing out about his bad day at work.
His eyes locked on your figure which was closed off, distant, and cold.
“You okay, y/n?” He asks, his tone tired and his body looking exhausted as he drops his bag onto the ground.
Your eyes drop to the ground as he steps towards you, his finger brushing your hair out of your face as he chuckles, “Is something wrong? You look pretty sad-- where are your blankets?”
There was no need to look where Bakugou held his attention right now, honestly, you had no idea how to feel about the fact that he had noticed so quickly. Happy because he noticed? Sad because why was his attention already dividing away from you after he had just stepped through the door?
“I didn’t want to leave you a note because I respect and love you too much to do that,” you whisper as you think about the boxes of your belongs that had been transported to your office. “I’m breaking up with you.”
Your eyes finally lock on his own, and you’re not surprised to see that his eyes are emotionless.
“One year, ten months, and seventeen days,” your voice cracks as you smile, yet the warmth that typically joins it was missing entirely. “That’s the last time you told me you loved me.”
“There’s no wa--”
“It is,” you laugh as you shake your head. “And it was through a text message too. It’s not the reason why I’m breaking up with you though… I know you aren’t a verbal person when it comes to expressing your love, but regardless.”
“Then why are you breaking up with me,” Bakugou asks, his voice a near echo as if he was merely a reflection of himself.
“Because I need more!” You cry as your hand’s fist at your side. “I shouldn’t have to be a person you interact with only when you’re drunk! I was your goddamn girlfriend yet I didn’t even feel like your fucking friend, Bakugou! I was a second thought at best! I saw that you were out getting drunk even though you promised we would stay and talk about our issues... We fight constantly, you get drunk weekly, your agency hasn’t seen you in days! I’m supposed to be your lover, not your goddamn babysitter! I can’t do this anymore! Not when I’m trying to be loved, because goddamnit I deserve to be loved by someone who goddamn wants me!”
Fat tears well down your face as you glare at your feet, refusing to look up at Bakugou, “It’s not even that I don’t love you, because I really do. I prayed you were the one for me, I thought that you were the one I was meant to be with forever, but I see that I was wrong. We are meant for other people and that’s okay, it’s just… I love you too much and I need to get out before I can’t anymore…”
Your words are strong but you want nothing more than to crumble into the floor and never move again.
“I really did lose everything, didn’t I? Including you.”
Your eyes snapped up at your ex-boyfriend’s face and you fell frozen at the sight of equally large tears rolling down his face. His face is full of bitter amusement and just pure tragedy.
“I’ve been failing at everything recently… I just feel so burned out from everything, and I didn’t know how to fix anything. My agency basically kicked me out, I’ve been working with Kirishima’s agency for months now… my friends hate me when I’m drunk and it’s bleed into their behavior when I’m sober. I’m not trying to excuse my dumbass actions, I put all that in front of you when I shouldn’t have ever… I’m sorry, y/n. I know I told you, heroes, always win but… this is an evil in me that has been kicking my ass for ages now. I really am sorry, I do love you too, so fucking much but I don’t deserve you. If you’ve felt I haven’t loved you in nearly two years, I-- I don’t deserve you.”
You’re speechless as Bakugou presses a wet kiss to your forehead, “I’m sure whoever it is out there meant to be yours, they’re one lucky bastard. I’m so sorry.”
Without anything else to say, Bakugou walked past you, his eyes dark and shoulders stiff as he entered the bedroom. The door clicked softly behind him and your heart hammered in your ears as muffled sobs seemed to scream in your ears.
Despite the tears streaming down your own face, despite the fact that you wanted to storm into that room and beat him silly until your angry punches became desperate and forgiving kisses, you walked out of the apartment.
Fairytales had a big bad evil… was your assumed evil always wrong?
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missksj · 4 years
choose your hero!nct127
ミ☆ genre: punch inspired!au, video game au!, superhero au!
ミ☆ word count: 7k
ミ☆ warnings: mentions of greatest fears and nightmares, fighting, death, light smut but nothing too vivid, and sm ceo and dispatch make an appearance ew i know
ミ☆ author’s note: ah my first nct 127 headcanon and second creation on this site! yes i know it’s been a long time coming since punch dropped but ever since i saw the music video, this idea popped into my head. i heard of other nctzens talking about this aesthetic when mentioning the mv, but hopefully you like my take on it! please enjoy and look forward to more writing from me in the future! thank you so much! ps this is not proof read yikes sorry
Velvet clouds of psychedelic purple with the scattered rays of sunset hues made an unnatural background for the logo’s electric lettering with lightning strokes cracking the static screen in your stuffy apartment. Outside was a different matter. A thunderstorm jolted the placid crimson sky to a violet that only nature could create, although the graphic designers of PUNCH: NCT 127 came close. It was rather befitting for the stark opposition of the hurricane raging outside to the retro sparking aesthetic that you’ve witnessed for the ninth time, and it was the most pivotal. It was as if the thunder was the applause, the lightning rallying behind you, the pelting of the raindrops reverberating the hammering of your heart. Almost victorious in a way, the non-player hero that lurked in the background of the other eight paths taken would finally be the alternate hero to your player. He was a prize in the reverie that you constructed solely from his brief bio to the artificial mannerisms and quotes that he generated in the story lines which enabled you to project your fantasy on mundane men. The comparison was cruel, fictional characters were even crueler. Nimble fingers and darting eyes fell into a comfortable routine, familiar with the introduction story, it was a race between the controller’s buttons and the spiteful lightning that would sever the power.
[NAME]...F/N L/N
[ID #]...07201607
Welcome to the NCT 127 Division, Agent L/N. I am Lee Soo-Man, the Director of the SM Agency and your guide for your latest mission: THE FINAL ROUND. On behalf of the whole SM community, we apologize for the abrupt summoning, but your presence and skills are crucial if we are going to defeat the DISPATCH terrorist. For too long, the person that cowers behind the mask that claims itself DISPATCH has tormented South Korea for too long, and only you can stop them. It cannot be done alone though, if you so choose to take on this responsibility, I will assign one of the nine superheroes of your picking to share this task. Do you accept it?
I am pleased that you have accepted the assignment. For the duration of the mission, the NEO ZONE will be the location of the base for you and your partner. Intel, equipment, and training will be at both of your disposals. Now that you have been briefed on all inner workings of the mission and the NEO ZONE, there is one last obstacle until you defeat the enemy. The selection of your partner is based on compatibility and trust, I implore you to consider wisely until you make a final decision. The designated superhero of your liking will be under one of two teams, FUTURE OR DREAMER. Both equally beneficial, but the bonds of loyalty run deep between the members, you have to determine which one of their morals you value more. Heed my warning though, with the right set of skills and talent,  you and your partner will be unstoppable but tread lightly your connection with him. After all, you are his only weakness. Which team and hero will you choose?
You now have the option to choose your hero.
Before your perplexed mind could comprehend the change of dialogue, a streak of lightning had pierced the stillness of the undisturbed bedroom and released the tempest that was once contained to reality. With the abundance of consuming darkness, shards of glass pricking your paling skin, and tree branches pounding for entry--your white knuckles and twitching eyes fathomed the only connection you had with actuality; a plastic controller and the flickering avatar of your destined hero you chose only seconds before. Your heart had been thumping, not from the anticipation of a new adventure, no, it was pure fear that jolted your numbed muscles to sprint to sanctuary. The thunderstorm mocked your failed attempt at fleeing as another surge of electricity enveloped the room in white and sparks rippled at your ankles as you ran away but the tethering currents from the screen wrenched you back.
Team Future
Power: Pyrokinesis
A very vocal opponent when he’s on the battlefield, you might be on the other side of the area but you can always figure out where he is located by listening to his strange grunt/growl combos, enemies usually have to process the inhuman sound that came out of a small man but you just roll your eyes and toothy grin grows as you run to him for back up
Says “let’s get it!” any chance he gets, always attempts to make it your team chant before going on a mission but everyone votes no, even you
Loves to wear long sleeves as a staple piece of clothing despite his already burning temperature, he claims it eases him as if it were security blanket, and he enjoys when you tell him he looks adorable with his sleeved paws
During winter though, he always has to stock up on sweaters because you are always stealing them, whether it’s the feeling of his residual heat ghosting over your skin or look of complete adoration glazing over his eyes as he devours that look of yours, it’s a great excuse to wear one
If you had to assign ‘roles’ in the relationship, you would so be a top, he’s the most chill boy out there as you throw tantrums or squeal out of pure joy when you are finally promoted, it’s either purring hums out of his mouth or a silly smile as he gazes at you 
Physical affection is minimal between you two unless you initiate it, but it’s mostly wrapping his arm around you, it’s in no way conveying that he doesn’t love you, but rather love to him is experiencing moments with you, making memories while watching a funny movie or dancing horribly to a playlist he created
An exception is when you end up falling asleep on the couch as you two watch a movie, he secretly loves to carry you back to bed as he tucks you in and truly soaks in what you mean to him
His hair gradually transitioned to its current red as his powers grew throughout the years and he would always dye it but his genes overpowered any artificial color, not until you said you liked his hair like that, he decided to keep it
King of making you smile especially when you are down, he can’t stand seeing you sad so he insists on becoming a goofball until your sides hurt from laughing so hard
Takes training way too seriously, you always start off competing but by like the 100th crunch you are wiped but he’s still going 
Becomes sulky when his Disney Hades costume doesn’t come out as planned because his fire is red and not blue, but it was the best decision ever when you suggested Ghost Rider for the Halloween party, Taeil never looked better with just a leather jacket covering his bare skin
You finally convinced the clothing department to give you a fireproof uniform because Taeil has really bad aim, and your clothes are rags after a mission
Figured out you had a crush on Zuko when you were younger, so he would rewatch it with you and definitely cosplay Zuko, perhaps even role play with it if it’s something you were into
Having sex with Taeil was searing pain shooting through your thighs, tender love handles, heaving chests and lactic acid seeping through your muscles as he cheered you onto the last lap--it was a workout in itself with a sweltering room that reflected his aroused emotions
Both of you are constantly battling, whether it’s a rap battle or a cooking battle, Taeil is in love with the passionate side of you
Breakfast in bed is a tradition held during the weekends, he says he loves to spoil you but he just loves tasting his own food while you give him compliments on how delicious it is
Taeil is usually saved as a last resort for dangerous group missions, you’ve heard stories of his past battles as if he were legend already, but you’ve only witnessed his true power once by scorching down the enemy in one go, flames clawing his body as the inner glow within him exploded like he was a supernova--someone had to drag you out before the building collapsed on itself from the stifling heat and the roaring fire
You pinch his bouncy cheeks as often as possible just to see him roll his eyes while he fights off the widening smirk that makes his doe eyes curve into crescents, but it’s the blooming crimson of his cheeks that you indulge in, lightly sizzling your fingertips until you can’t take the pain any longer and yelp slips out, but Taeil swiftly swoops in and kisses your fingertips in an apology, it was a good pain though
It’s a normal night for both of you, 2 AM and your blabbering about everything and nothing, and Taeil always ends up the saying the same line to you as he coaxes you to sleep because he knows how grumpy you become in the morning, “I’m grateful we’re together, who would make you a fire if you were stranded on a deserted island? You definitely can’t, so, hmm, I guess it has to be me”
Power: Lycanthropy
You’d suspect him to be bear when he morphed with his build and height, but he’s a hulking chestnut brown wolf with gentle eyes
Basically a puppy on steroids always expects a treat and good belly rub after eviscerating all his targets
Has the ability to shift at will, so during winter nights you can find him nestled around you for added warmth
During the colder months, he usually wears knitted sweaters and oversized coats in his human form because it reminds him of his fur, and he claims he likes to keep you warm while he holds you in any form
Creates video tutorials of both of you sparring with each other, lots of constructive criticism and compliments on your ‘form’
Begs you to ride him into a mission just for the sake of it, he can so see you as a badass warrior on their monstrous steed
Johnny’s favorite time of day is during the end when you wind down with him and you tell him every detail of your day despite you two being joined at the hip as partners
Always asks questions out of plain curiosity and simply in love with the sound of your voice, it’s the equivalent of you petting his sweet spot on the back of his ear
Without a doubt, he howls in bed while having sex, he’s always teetering the edge of shifting and even though you repeatedly tell him it’s fine to let go, the splintered wood of the headboard and floating feathers of a slashed pillow is evidence of how much concentration he puts in to keep you safe
Manicures and pedicures on a regular basis in the Suh household got to keep those claws clean
Adamant about not getting a pet dog with you, his excuse is he would get too jealous of another canine but his stance is weakening with your improved puppy dog eyes
Multiple jokes about ‘starting a pack’ with you
While in his wolf form, he can understand human language but he doesn’t have the ability to communicate, so both of you rely on subtle gestures
Naturally has a small smile, always nudges you with his snout, and whenever you make a joke to him, he bears his canines that are frightening to most but to you it’s comforting
Johnny’s greatest fear is if you two are ever in an argument and his anger blinds him to the point of him unconsciously shifting and accidentally harming you
Even clumsier in his wolf form, he doesn’t realize actually how massive he is which makes him a hazard to normal-sized beings
Gets most of his stances and moves from the wolves from the twilight series, he won’t admit but he’s certainly inspired by them
Sexual appetite is at a peak when the full moon comes out, growl central!!
The most treasured item you two have is a portrait of wolf-Johnny on his hind legs, attacking your face with slobbering kisses and you grinning brightly because nothing can compare to the bliss of that snapshot
Power: Superhuman Speed
After every assignment, Taeyong’s personal mission is to dote on you, this usually happens by using a covering or his own jacket and slinging it over your shoulders, if there is grime or blood on it, he lets out soft ‘sorry’ even though you always tell him not to
He knows it’s his job, he understands the need, but that doesn’t mean he is comfortable with the bloody side of it, and so he loves talking to you after incidents, your voice is soothing and it helps him process all the trauma, he says it’s for your sake but you know in these moments you are his crutch and you gladly accept the job
Naturally, a faster walker than you so he always manages to be a few feet ahead of you, but when he sees you fall behind, he holds your hand and  tugs lightly while matching your pace
After enhancing his speed,  he always has flushed cheeks and a glossy sheen across his forehead, so you make it a habit to kiss his forehead, cheeks, and lips to cool him down
It doesn’t work, his heart his pulsating harder than ever and does that exasperated airy laugh as an attempt to stabilize his heightened emotions while walking away so you don’t witness his even redder face
You give him piggyback rides after missions, his energy is basically depleted by then, so a jacket for a piggyback ride seems like a fair deal even though he fights you the whole way but you know he adores being cared for
You were the one to convince him to dye his hair pink in an effort to have an easier time spotting him during assignments and now he’s pink blur racing off to defeat villains
When he lightly peppers kisses on your face, the smacks get louder until he finally lands on your lips and it’s the most exaggerated sloppy sound he can make while he squeezes your cheeks
Weekdays for him are for cooking dinner, and you occasionally join to help him but mostly it’s him feeding you bits asking if everything is seasoned well and by the end, he is cursing because half the dinner is already gone
Type of boyfriend to remember you mentioning something you like and a few days later, he buys it for you or he randomly buys you things that remind him of you and leaves it for you as a surprise
Always doodling on you or leaving you notes with drawings so he can remind you that he loves you or to hydrate
After stressful missions, he just plops on top of you, his nose inhaling your scent as he forces his heart to match your rhythm, it lasts for about twenty minutes or until he can finally recharge
Taeyong’s gym locker in the NeoZone is plastered with couple photos of you two and photos of you modeling or candid while he directed you with his camera
The only way you can convince him to give you ten more pushups or five more pullups is if you bribe him with kisses and it always works
Very sacrificial, it’s one of his main flaws, he’ll get super flustered and annoyed when he sees you in the line of fire, so he’ll ultimately take all the heat and scold you after to put yourself first
His face usually has a cold blank stare to it as he observes his surroundings but once you collide into him and coil your arm around his, he grows this massive grin that only you can create
Never takes advantage of his speed with you, his surroundings are always in a constant race and he’s always anticipating the next move, but with you, your a serene presence washing over him; calming him, grounding him to capture every moment of you so it isn’t a blur but a vivid mural
Definitely tender and sensual in bed, once tried to spice things up by using his speed but he almost broke you, so now he only changes his pace if you request it
With your head on his chest every night, the last thing you hear before you fall asleep is the rapid thumping of his heart; it’s the only lullaby you’ll ever need
Power: Supernatural Swordsmanship
Cut his hair with his kodachi and you most definitely needed to clean up the edges
Villains dread combating with Yuta, not just because he’s insane with a sword but he only talks about you and your relationship while fighting as if the opponent will answer his question of whether he should give you a cookie or ice cream cake for your birthday or even both 
Rather than making you feel better when you feel down, he would be your soundboard, a shoulder to cry one, a great pair of ears; patience and multiple ‘mhms’ as you unravel your worries while his fingers swirl on your thigh and he kisses your temple
You two could be on opposite sides of the room but his eyes would always gravitate to you and he would wait until you notice so he could meet your gaze and he would do the dorkiest faces, especially his famous lion rawr aegyo, it makes you realize how good of a father he would be
Goes wild when he sees your body tremble beneath him as the cold metal of the kodachi glides along your skin
The only thing rivaling his love for you is his love for his katana, it’s bond that can never be severed and  it’s a trust that only develops between soulmates, you could never understand but you accept and allow it to be the third partner in the relationship
It shouldn’t be possible for Yuta to look like a prince walking out of an otome game right after a battle, but there he is, glistening skin with swept hair and twinkling eyes as he sheathes his katana across his back as if he’s going to ride his horse in the Sengoku period
It’s usual occurrence to catch him absentmindedly talking to his katana, you wouldn’t be surprised if it could talk back, he can summon it by hand already, that sword and he shares one brain cell but he usually uses it as a mirror
You’re a killer couple, not only with looks and fashion but it’s quite a sight to experience as you shoot a bullet to his katana so it can ricochet at a target eighty feet away
Manages a rigorous training session before you wake up and when he’s done, he ends up collapsing on top with his sticky body as you screech at him to get off
The training facility in the NeoZone is rarely used because Yuta is a big believer in fresh air and beautiful scenery will motivate you more, so your sparring on the edge of cliffs and sprinting along the seaside
Alternates between reading books with you outside in your backyard with a makeshift picnic or both of you cuddled in bed with the open windows and the only source of light is the sun
If you have missions abroad, he convinces the agency to always give both of you one day free so you can act like tourists, nobody can say no to his dashing good looks and he knows it
One year for Christmas, you got him custom made tiny katana earrings and it’s literally the one pair he uses now, at least on his lobe
Yuta isn’t the overbearing type when it comes to jealousy, he shouldn’t have a say in what gender your friends are but when he sees a certain person obviously flirting with you it just takes slight glint of his katana to blind the intruder and they are already scurrying off 
Gets a kick out of playing real-life fruit ninja
Decided to shave a slit in his eyebrow with his katana one spontaneous night, he got out of the bathroom with a huge grin and asked, “does this make me look more badass?”
Your hands always end up somewhere around his stomach, gliding across the lean muscles, squeezing around his hips, twiddling his piercing, you name it, you can’t keep your hands off him
Nakamoto Yuta is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, the pang of fear thrills you as you witness his lack of mercy and fiery anger at injustice as he slaughters anyone that stands before him, but that wicked glint in his eye softens just for you and then you see the scrawling of your name engraved on the hilt of the katana, and you know you are the only one that knows the true Yuta and you feel so blessed
Power: Precognition 
You beg him every possible waking minute for him to allow you to do his makeup if only to contour his insanely sharp cheekbones, he finally relents but he has a scowl on his face the whole time
You’ve become quite a baker with Doyoung but he always has to guide you so his arms snake around your waist as an excuse yet he acts completely innocent when he knows it makes you distracted
Playlist for every occasion, especially when he’s having sex with you, the house ends up feeling hollow whenever he’s away without his angelic voice but to your surprise, Doyoung leaves you secret audio files lulling you in a trance
His mouth becomes a cherished part for you, especially the way the corners of his lips curl up naturally, the small smirk instantly widening when in front of food, or the blinding white teeth as he’s gritting them when approaching an orgasm or laughing at you, not with you
It takes about five minutes for Doyoung to arrange his plushies in the right position so you both don’t ruin them as you cuddle
One arm draped over a plush and the other wrapped around your back, or him in a fetal position with his plush embraced into his chest as you act as the big spoon
Hand holding is strictly for the bedroom with him, but he knows you admire his hands often, so he’ll have him some type of connection with you when out in public; whether it’s his pinkies wrapped around yours, curved into the loop of your pants, or his delicate veiny hand wrapping around your sleeve
End up catching him more than once, gushing over the phone with his brother about how in love he is with you and you may not lurk in the background for a few minutes until you interrupt the conversation by saying hi to Donghyun
Downtime for you two is building a puzzle, coloring some pages, playing board games and him smug with his victory, watching some documentaries or kdramas, and if you two bought some new furniture for your renovating house, he would most definitely want to do it by himself as you laugh while handing him pieces
Manages to still be shy when you both kiss, it’s you who initiates the subtle peck on his pouting lips, but soon the soft curve of his lips invites you more while your hands cup his warming cheeks--he’s a contradiction of being timid but with all the confidence as he nibbles your lips as if you were a delicacy
Training for you two equals nap time, his power allows him to rely on his mind rather than his body, so when you ultimately force yourself to exercise, Doyoung is laying on the couch, lazily cheering you on
Always giving you little compliments in your earpiece as he guides you around for a recon mission, and still holds his breath when he tells you about the unforeseen event that you need to be prepared for even though he knows you can handle it with ease
Studies multitudes of intel before a mission because he can never be too prepared, and it eases his nerves knowing that he can take every precaution in ensuring your safety
Would dedicate a photo album of himself on your phone, and even send you his recent selfies, telling you to choose one of them as an updated contact photo
You clown him 24/7 but he clowns you right back, it’s always a constant playful banter between you two, his eyebrows would furrow when you called him cute, the trembling of lips broke his facade, and when he does it to you, you essentially become his baby as he bites your cheeks but tell no one or he would deny it
From the moment you two wake up until you both arrive at headquarters, he has sullen look across his features, he would brush his lips across your temple and a hoarse good morning would escape his mouth in a notion to acknowledge you, but until he gets coffee in his system his energy hasn’t been restored yet, but your use to it as you tug him to the break room with his lidded eyes
Alone time is a must for you two, it could be both of you in the same room doing your own thing without communication or different parts of the house or mostly you would leave to run errands and Doyoung stuck in his room, but at the end of the day he crawls to you and says a small ‘hey’ as if his day just started from the moment he set eyes on you
Doyoung was always on alert, aware of incoming predictions that he had no say in but easily accepted, it’s a strain on his mental being, a reason why he needs to center himself by being alone, but then you come
Your blank, just like him, you’re unpredictable and foreign to him, but it’s not until you two kiss for the first time, that a hazy premonition reveals itself in a form of two children that share your hair but his feline eyes, it’s fragile though and uncharted, he knows that he needs to do right by you to get to the last level that seemed like paradise to him
Team Dreamer
Power/Being: Android
During his exoskeleton stage, Jaehyun requested that the scientists create dimples during his living tissue transplant because he heard “they’re to die for”
Definitely thought it was a weapon utilized to kill his enemies
You make a habit to poke at his dimples until you feel the exoskeleton underneath, an oddly comforting sensation that makes you realize that Jaehyun doesn’t have a heart but his actions say otherwise 
Literally the personification of steam coming out of ears in cartoons with scalding red tips, this only happens when you’re in danger or when he sees you in what he perceives as provocative
It took five hours to draw an array of tattoos on him for a disguise on a reconnaissance mission, and a certain neck tattoo was going to make you abandon the mission and your sanity
Sadly, he had to erase them because the “the bad boy” persona was an official disguise in his hardware and couldn’t be revealed to the public
Jaehyun kept one design, however, a soft beauty mark on the apple of his left cheek, he claims it’s your signature as his owner but you like the word partner better
Programs all your training sessions and signature moves to his hard drive because he believes there is no better instructor than you  (except Bruce Lee)
The first time you helped him clean his internal munition unit, you couldn’t decipher any of the weapons so you gave them your own personal nicknames, he kept correcting you but he got tired so he now calls them “wholly fist” and “boom boom pow by the BEP”
You joke around with him that because he was created on valentine’s day, he should be credited as a sexbot but he always frowned at that comment until he figured out he could turn the tables on you by saying “I could be your sexbot”
Whenever he sees another person eyeing you in what he perceives is attraction, he activates his instant kill function with laser red eyes and declaring “target locked”
Suave and intimidating when you two first meet but truly transformed into a ‘soft boy’ after downloading your Pinterest board 
Whenever both of you are out in public, eyes ogle him and mouths gawk, but Jaehyun is oblivious to it all until he turns to someone and starts up the most wholesome conversation about something mundane and you know that person melts with ease because Jaehyun was built to reflect human nature, but he was doing better than most in your opinion
Lots of arcade dates with him, he quickly figured out the algorithm of each game just so he can overflow you with gifts and so he can show off his basketballs skills because he knows you love eyeing his arms in action
When he’s with you though, he’d rather listen and absorb every action and word that you produce, he wants to immerse himself in you because he truly believes that you are all that is good about humankind
Archives every single detail that you speak, and replays it for you when you forget something or to prove you wrong, there is no in-between
Robot sex!!!! That drilling option though...oof
The moment he realizes the blaring internal alarm warning him of his elevated temperature and the shorted circuits whenever you are near, he correlates it to what humans label  “love” so he downloads files on expressing these so-called feelings
Instead of saying “I love you”, he says “I dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin you” when he first confesses, and you assume there is a chemical imbalance within him so you rush him to the infirmary but for the first time, Jaehyun stalls and his eyes are clouded with retrieved information glowing neon green until he settles on “I love...I love...I love you” (yes, he stole it from Mr. Darcy, so sue him, he’s a fracking android)
Jaehyun sometimes doubts his ability to love you and even you sometimes question if you can love a piece of metal, but then you observe him before he joins you in bed that he triples check his instant kill function is disabled and he gushes about the new song he discovered and you are so sure that he was made for you
Power: Lightning Bolt Projection
Gets easily flustered with the most pouty lip ever when you call him ‘Zeus’, it was his failed superhero name when he was trainee, but to you, he is much better than that jerk of a Greek god
Dressed up as the actual Zeus once for the office Halloween party and the year after that as a lightning bolt and you a storm cloud
Whenever Jungwoo craves attention but you’re occupied with another task, he repeatedly zaps you, not enough to harm, but until you cave in yet when you want to be annoyed with him, his owlish eyes and trembling lips easily subdue you
Your shoulder is a sacred space for him, it's the perfect fit for his head to settle in with a toothy grin and the warmest ‘mhms’ as he listens to you speak
Jungwoo was never much of a fighter, his powers were swift enough to eradicate enemies with not much mobility, but training sessions with you were more than enough of an excuse to spend time with you
Lately, your skin has been electrifying, not only the amorous glow you were emitting, but everyone you came in contact with felt a slight spark
Hair treatments are a must, the frizz is wild with Jungwoo, you really need to ask about his hair products because his hair so fluffy despite the amplitude of currents running through him
While brushing your teeth with him, he always shoots out finger hearts to you and winks through the mirror, it’s a great way to start the day
Never felt more grateful for his power until you were attacked on an assignment and your heart failed, it took four shocks to revive you with streams of tears and muttering to any God to hear his prayer
He’s most himself in the rain, umbrellas have never been on your shopping list
Definitely shoots bolts out of his finger guns and then blows on them afterward, if he’s feeling flirty, an added wink explodes your heart
Your biggest cheerleader when you are kicking ass during a mission
It’s a tradition for him to rake his fingers over your back with slight ripples of electricity while you cuddle in bed, it does wonders to relax your muscles
It’s been months of practice to improve his bolt voltage and range, but he finally managed to write ‘I love you y/n” in the sky, he couldn’t help it, he’s bursting at the seams with adoration for you
Both of you in the kitchen is a sight to see, you season but he cooks the food, his specialty is slightly charred chicken
Packs both of your lunches so you can eat together on break
Gets scared easily and as a result will discharge a lightning bolt as a defense, so pranks are off-limits between the team members
Literal sparks when you kiss, numbing and exhilarating as currents pass through your molding bodies to create goosebumps and raising hairs
When he thinks of home, his first instinct is to be cradled in your arms, watching trashy movies as a thunderstorm quakes the earth
Power: Compulsion
Mark might excel in whispering but when you turn the tables on him, with your sultry murmurs, he can’t help becoming a puddle of blushing mush
Never once used actual compulsion on you, the only exception is when you figured out the surprise birthday party he was planning for you, he redirected your attention to grocery shopping
His favorite part of you is your right ear because it’s where you naturally tuck your hair at and he just loves to twirl a strand of it in his finger while he mutters sweet nothings to you
You’re his bodyguard during missions, he can’t possibly get that close to targets while they attack if you aren’t watching his back
Even when he is supposed to be acting intimidating during an assignment, he can’t help but stutter and repeat ‘uh’ a thousand times, but he gets the job done eventually
Your literally breaking sweat, contorting your body so four targets don’t reach Mark, and he’s over there oversharing with another target
“The love of my life is about to kick your ass and you aren’t going to do a single thing about it, booby head” or “make the password ‘mark and y/n forever’ or else”
Naturally whispers in his sleep with his stinky breath in your ear, and you try to push him off but he just clings onto you like a koala 
In the morning though, the slight breakage in his voice from pitched to croaky as he says good morning to you is on repeat in your head for the whole day
Mark’s give away when he is about to use compulsion is him licking his thin lips, and almost makes you get knocked out by the enemy because your already under his spell
Does a tiny dance for any occasion, from doing the laundry, stripping naked, or when you two had your first kiss
It’s the strained grunts, the heavy breathing, and the showering of hushed compliments in your ears that makes you reach your peak in bed, Mark always sounded better when he was being pleasured
To him, your voice is the loveliest sound across the universe and your adorably awkward cackle that you so desperately try to hide as he reenacts vines to you is what happiness is to him
Ice cream dates consist of him bringing a tub of ice cream to a yogurt shop because he knows you prefer it
Coughed over his first fart with you but now he loves to fart on you as you pretend you are suffocating and gagging
Has a folder in his photos dedicated to you where it ranges from blurry to candids and in during most of them he was either hyping you up or teasing you
Greets you with a ‘yo!’ whenever he enters the room
Will always buy you any lip product associated with watermelon and you’ll always buy him baseball caps for him to wear
Despite being loud for 90% of your relationship, he is most vulnerable with when he whispers his greatest fears, future goals, and nightmares to you because your the only one he can trust
With the many decibels that Mark Lee varies in, your favorite by far has to be the ascending chortle from the low HAs to the high HEEs with clapping hands and a scrunched nose that puffs out his cheeks-- it’s pure bliss to you
Power: Light Manipulation 
Haechan is utterly in love with your cheeks, instead of biting them or pinching them, he opts to kiss them whenever he has a chance, it’s rushing heat of your blush and the swelling of your smile that he lives for
The little spoon in bed, just so he can wrap his leg around you and nestle his head in the crook of your neck just like a koala
Literally always a brat to you, it’s the many ways he shows you affections
You asked him once to paint your nails, and now he does it every Friday ever since he discovered the ‘my hands look like this so hers can look like this’ meme even though his hands just have bitten nails
A man of action, Haechan shows you love through his movements with a heart framed by his fingers or blowing a kiss
Needs to always be physically attached to you, whether it’s hugging you from behind, leaning his head on your shoulder, or falling into you when he’s in a fit of giggles, he needs you to know that he will never let you go
Snarky remarks and cheesy jokes define your relationship with Haechan
Manages to always wake up before you on those lazy mornings with you burrowed deep into his side, and he can’t help but be memorized by your presence but soon feels selfish when he moves a ray of sunlight to your eyes so he can just peek at the explosion of colors in your eyes when you flutter them open--ah yes, this is his favorite part of the day
Loves to play video games with you into the late hours of the night, especially overwatch, but your always the first one to pass out, so he makes sure to tuck you in and dim the light of the screen so it doesn’t bother you
Most nights the both of you are wide awake so you end up playing ‘what the light?’, a game where Haechan creates 3D objects out of light and you have to guess what they are before he finishes them
Oh, and shadow puppets! He’s become quite the expert with them, he creates the most ridiculous stories with them but you join him by voicing the characters
In addition to ‘I love you’ as a goodbye, you have a secret intricate handshake with him, his excuse was that if you two ever question’s one identity if ever an enemy swapped bodies, you two would know the truth with the handshake but in reality, he just loves that extra time with you before you two part 
It’s either Haechan teasing and making fun of you or he’s doting on you, there is no in-between because after all, you are his idiot
If he’s in the mood, he’ll solidify light photons into the shape of a sword and call it ‘sunflower’, he just loves to tell the tale that he took out fifteen assassins with a sunflower, but usually, he blinds them or burns them
Goes the extra mile for you to create a spotlight on you when you are giving a mission brief at headquarters, that’s the love of his life right there and he’ll make damn sure everyone notices them
Recreates Edward’s sparkling in the sun scene just so he can see you beam with laughter 
Master of mood lighting during sex, and don’t even mention when he hits his climax, bulbs flickers and lamps explode
It might be a trick of the light, but Haechan’s eyes are vividly bright and he’s drowned in golden hues of sunlight, it makes you wonder if he was plucked from the star itself
Yet, as your lips quiver and your glassy eyes blink the last remnants of tears in Haechan’s cupped hands, there is an inner glow from them as you bask in their warmth, he can’t help but proclaim that you are the sun of his world, you are the light of his life even when it feels like his is diminishing
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marvelstheavengers · 5 years
Peter’s Party Problems Part 2/3
Here is the much anticipated (at least for me) Part Two! I hit the text limit so it ends at a weird spot, but the links to part one (if you haven’t read it) and part three (please read it) are below. Hope you all enjoy, and as always, let me know what you think! Requests are also open. Thanks!
Warning: descriptions of vomiting.
“I d’nt know… I don’t know if I should,” the boy mumbled, words barely coherent. Tony felt a seed of victory implanting in his stomach.
“And why’s that, Peter?”
A pause.
“‘Cuz….umm, I’m scared of sharks?”
Tony was going to scream.
Sam, however, beat Tony to any reaction, instantly bursting into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Steve, noticing the unadulterated rage in the billionaire’s gaze, lowered his head, grabbed Sam by the arm, and forcibly dragged him out.
“Mist’r Stark… I don’t… I don’t…feel...” Peter stumbled forward, grabbing for Tony. The man whipped towards him.
All traces of fury dissipated, turning into pure worry as Tony rushed towards the teenager. He grabbed Peter just as the boy tipped over, leaning over the man to violently retch. With tolerance the billionaire never thought he had, he pulled Peter into his lap, rubbing the boy’s back and murmuring kind words as he vomited. Paralyzing fear bubbled in Tony’s chest. Should he call an ambulance? Was Peter really just drunk, or was this alcohol poisoning? Shit, there was so much he didn’t know. After years of self neglect, he couldn’t exactly normalize anything correctly.
“I need to know you’re ok, buddy. Can you hear me?”
Peter nodded, but stayed bent over Tony’s side. The genius wanted to gasp in relief.
“Let’s get a medic up here just in case, what do you say, FRIDAY?”
“On it boss.”
Tony’s thanks was stifled as Peter threw himself over his side to retch.
“Make that at least three medics, FRIDAY.”
The teen groaned, pressing his clammy forehead into Tony’s chest after leaving a sizable pool of vomit next to, and thankfully not on, the man.
“I’m s’ry, Mis’er Stark.”
“Shh, it’s ok,” Tony whispered softly, his maternal instincts dominating. “You’re ok. You know I’m here for you no matter what, Underoos. But you’ve got to tell me what’s wrong or I can’t help you.”
Peter looked up at Tony, big brown eyes wide with guilt. He took a deep breath and flickered his gaze to the floor.
“I’m drunk. I’m sooo drunk Mis’er Stark. Like plast’red. Soooo plast’red. Like wayyy plast’red. Or pissed. Sooo pissed. Whatev’r the lingo is.”
Tony would’ve laughed if he wasn’t so fucking torn. He didn’t know whether to be proud for Peter’s honesty, no matter how long it took, outraged for the boy’s actions, or relieved that he was ok. He supposed that was parenthood in a nutshell: a whole hell of a lot of feelings and no idea what to do with them.
“What am I going to do with you, kid?” Tony mumbled, pressing his forehead to Peter’s. The boy leaned into the touch, his ragged breathing slowly decelerating.
Had the two deviated from their positions in the slightest, they would’ve noticed the team behind them slowly disbanding in respect. As it was, however, they just sat there, Tony attempting to tame Peter’s drunken energy, and Peter attempting to not vomit all over his mentor.
It took a few minutes of silence before Peter began to lapse into sleep, eyelids drooping as a second, much more exhausting wave of drunkenness hit him.
“Wait just a minute now, Spiderling,” Tony whispered, poking the boy, “We’ve got to wait for the medics to check you out.”
Peter shook his head groggily.
“They’re professhonals- proff’ssionals. They’ll know I’m not dead. I d’nt stop breathing when I sleep, you know.”
Tony chuckled.
“I think you’ll be impressed- I did know that. I also happen to know that you have to be conscious for them to do their tests.”
Peter groaned.
“I knew there was a reason I hated tests.”
Just as Tony was about to give Peter a hard jab to keep him awake, three medical technicians rushed in with emergency bags.
“Hi I’m Sarah, how can I help?” the closest woman asked breathlessly, pulling out basic equipment.
Tony waved. “Sixteen-year-old male. Appears drunk, scratch that, most certainly drunk, and exhibiting symptoms characteristic of potential alcohol poisoning. He has an enhanced metabolism, which means he would’ve had to consume a lot of alcohol in a short period of time.”
The leading technician, a woman with slicked-back blonde hair, looked impressed. Tony shrugged.
“I watch a lot of Grey’s Anatomy.”
At that, she pulled her lips up into a smile.
“Peter, can you hear me?” one of the techs queried.
The boy grumbled, “Go away.”
“Peter,” Tony lectured, “be nice.”
“Well don’t get so drunk next time.”
All he got was a rumble of disagreement in response.
“He seems fairly coherent, we’ll just run a few tests,” Sarah assessed. Tony nodded.
“Take as long as you need.”
As it turned out, they didn’t need that long. After a few tests, including a breathalyzer revealing an absolutely terrifying blood alcohol content of .15, the staff was wrapping up.
“We started him an IV drip, which may not have been necessary, but with his enhancements we didn’t want to risk anything. Get him to bed, and make sure he has plenty of painkillers, food, and fluids in the morning,” Sarah instructed as she packed her bags.
“Thank you for your help, Sarah.”
The woman smiled a “you’re welcome” at him, and Tony resigned to make sure she would always have a place at Stark Industries.
“Alright, buddy. What do you say we get you to bed?” Tony murmured, pulling Peter to his feet. When the boy began to drift off before his feet even completely touched the ground, Tony sighed and scooped him up. Peter easily grasped on to Tony, wrapping himself around the man and sticking with his spider-like webbed grip. Tony couldn’t help but laugh, grateful that Peter’s enhancements made him roughly as light as a golden retriever. Grabbing the portable IV in one hand and supporting Peter in the other, the man slowly made his way to Peter’s room, careful not to bump or startle his passenger, who had already fallen into a deep sleep.
Arriving at the foot of his bed an impressive six minutes and thirty-seven seconds later, Tony attempted to coax Peter into releasing his sticky fingers. Pulling and prodding was no help, so Tony tried massaging the teen’s joints, whispering encouragement for him to release his clingy digits, but all to no avail. Sighing, Peter’s mentor rolled the IV near his bed and cautiously sat down, shifting so he laid side by side with the boy, quite literally attached to him.
Tony had every intention of staying awake all night to watch over Peter, even if he was stuck to him, but after a mere hour of stroking the boy’s hair and listening to him whisper in his deep slumber, Tony drifted into the lull of sleep.
Nearly twelve hours later, Peter Parker blinked back into consciousness. He let out a moan as sleep wore off and nausea settled in. Everything hurt. Places where Peter didn’t even know it was possible to hurt, hurt. And what was in his arm? Was that an IV? Peter reached to yank it out, but stopped short as a flood of memories washed over him. Clint. Party. Drunk. Tony. Avengers. Medics.
Peter groaned. He was going to be in so much trouble.
Choosing to ignore the facts for as long as possible, the teenager stretched instinctively. He rolled over, nearly screaming when he noticed the figure sleeping next to him.
“Mister Stark?” Peter mumbled, instantly regretting speaking when his voice pounded into his skull like a hammer. He winced, resigning not to talk.
Taking a closer look at the man, Peter couldn’t help but think how peaceful he looked. Tony’s arm was propped under his head, the other casually curled over his stomach. All the lines in his face were relaxed, and with each breath the piece of hair hanging over his forehead gently blew upwards. Peter couldn’t help but smile. At that moment he decided to stay as still as possible so not to disturb the man.
Of course, that was before a sudden jolt to his stomach sent him running to the bathroom, IV flying behind.
Peter barely made it to the toilet before vomiting up a foul, acrid substance that burned his throat and mouth. He moaned, laying a cheek on the cold toilet seat. He wanted to die. Stupid, stupid alcohol.
“Peter?” a voice asked softly, interrupting his thoughts. Peter responded with something between a grunt and a groan.
“Hey, buddy,” Tony Stark murmured, entering the bathroom cautiously.
It took great effort for Peter to look up at the man. Tony met his gaze with concerned eyes.
“Well, at least you managed to drag the IV with you. How are you feel-”Tony was was cut off as the boy began throwing up again. He kneeled down next to Peter, pushing his hair back from the teen’s forehead and running a gentle hand in circles over his back. “Not so great then?”
Peter moaned.
“Can we stop talking?” he pleaded, bringing a hand up to cover his ringing ears.
Tony nodded, using his fingertips to outline the word “S-U-R-E” on Peter’s arm. The boy smiled weakly.
“T-A-L-K L-8-R. H-O-W U F-E-E-L?” Tony traced the words slowly, making sure Peter had plenty of time to interpret the long sentence.
He wrote back two words.
“S-P-I-D-E-Y S-E-N-S-E-S.”
Tony looked at the teenager with equal worry and pity. He’d been wasted enough in his life to know how sensitive his body was to light and sound the next morning, but in an enhanced teenager with ultra-sensitive sense? He had to be in living hell.
There was a pause as Peter peeled himself from the toilet, falling back into Tony’s arms. He sought comfort from the man, burying his head in Tony’s leg in an attempt to mute all the sounds of daily life.
“FRIDAY, dim the lights to 15%, and mute all noise,” Tony whispered to the AI, covering Peter’s ears to leave him undisturbed. Immediately, FRIDAY followed his instructions, and a hiss of approval and gratitude escaped Peter’s lips.
Tony waited as the boy shifted again, blinking more comfortably with the lessened burden on his senses. When it appeared he was comfortable, Tony tried to engage in nonverbal communication once more.
“R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R?” he traced, looking at Peter with a cocked head. The teen buried his head into his arm.
“U-N-F-O-R-T-U-N-A-T-E-L-Y,” he wrote back on Tony’s arm. The man stifled a chuckle.
A pause, then a flicker of doubt on Peter’s face.
“T-R-O-U-B-L-E?” he outlined. Tony looked at him dubiously.
“T-A-L-K L-8-R. B-A-C-K 2 B-E-D?”
Peter nodded, shakily attempting to stand. Tony rolled his eyes, scooping Peter up, much to the boy’s surprise. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around the man’s shoulders. His chin came to rest on Tony’s shoulder, and Peter could feel the billionaire relax against him. As embarrassed as he was by the childish position, he couldn’t help but think he could get used to it.
Tony carried Peter carefully, hand clasped on the back of his neck protectively. Each step he took was carefully crafted to prevent the teen from moving or shifting too much.
When he finally got Peter back to his bedroom at the tower, Tony gently laid him down, maternally tucking the blanket over him.
“R-E-S-T,” the man wrote out, motioning that he was going to go grab Peter a glass of water. The boy nodded heavily, head already drooping back into his pillow as Tony took his leave.
By the time Tony returned, no more than five minutes after leaving, Peter’s eyes were lidded, gentle snores radiating from his nose. His mentor chuckled, setting a glass of water, painkillers, and a piece of toast on the bedside table. Then, he laid back into the corner chair, and began to read as he waited for Peter Parker to wake.
Peter was asleep another three hours before finally waking up for the last time.
“Mr. Stark?” Peter mumbled sleepily, reaching out at the empty bed.
“Over here, kid.”
Peter flopped over, squinting at the chair in the corner where Tony appeared to be reading.
“Feeling better?” the man asked, giving Peter a once over.
“My head doesn’t hurt as much, but my throat’s really dry.”
Tony nodded, laying his book down to head over to Peter. He handed the boy a glass of water, which he graciously took.
“You’ve got to eat something, too. The toast is cold by now, but-”
Before Tony was even finished speaking, Peter made a grab for the bread, woofing it down.
“Right… well I’ll grab you some more food. But we’ve got some things to do first.”
Peter stared at the ground pointedly.
“Like take my IV out?”
Tony smirked.
“That wasn’t exactly what I was thinking, but we can do that, too.”
“Good,” Peter said, reaching around his arm and yanking the needle out. Tony’s eyes went wide and he let out a small gasp.
“PETER! I meant I’d call a medic!” Tony rushed to grab the boy’s arm, examining the tiny hole as it bled. “Now I’ve definitely got to call one!”
“No you don’t, Mr. Stark. The bleeding will stop in a second. It always does.”
Tony narrowed his eyes.
“What do you mean ‘always’?”
“Errr…” Peter stuttered, doing a very poor job of hiding his guilt.
“Ok, how many things have you done that I’d disapprove of?”
A pause.
“You know what, I don’t even want to know. But you better get comfortable, Spiderman, because we’re about to have a reallll long talk about safety, common sense, and communication.”
IT IS NOT OVER! Totally weird spot to end, but I hit the text block limit, so there is a part three. It’s totally worth it, I promise. Link below.
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