#they seem rather interested in Raphael
teaandduckss · 10 months
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They are very squished but boom ✨ the hallway of the ArchAngels in heaven :)
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eneablack · 1 month
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shifted again. stayed for years.
to sum it up, it was like those magical ancient movies, like maleficent or similar.
i’ll use google to translate my notes.
🧺🍃🍵 the shift -
I wanted to do the alice in wonderland method because lately I've been attracted by that and then it was recommended to me in a slide on tt ("your month of birth = your shifting method") so I put on alunir's guided meditation. at the beginning I still felt a little detached as if I was visualizing from the outside, but then I remembered "you are already in barbados" so I applied living in the end remembering that I am the creator. when the meditation was making me visualize being under a tree and feeling the grass under myself, I started to feel it quickly, usually it takes me longer but this time it happened instantly, and it didn't take long before I started feeling the wind on my face and the grass under my fingers. it was quick and I found myself there. it wasn't in my ideal reality because the meditation hadn't yet made me choose the doctor, but I found myself in the visualized place.
I didn't get up right away because I felt great down there at that moment. I was lying under a large willow tree with my head resting on a root full of moss. the ground was strangely not too hard because there was a lot of grass, and there were also some flowers nearby. the wind was blowing hard but the sun was high so the heat passed through the leaves, it was really nice. at a certain time I sat down and noticed that I was wearing a light white dress, and that my knees were dirty. in front of me there was a pond with some animals around it, I could hear ducks and I saw two squirrels, and then I also saw some animals that seemed magical, but then I also started hearing voices in the distance, and also some music. I put my feet in the water and tried to play with a small blue animal, which didn't seem to be afraid of me. the music got louder but I still wasn't curious to go and see what was happening over there, but at that moment I turned slightly towards the woods and saw a figure watching me and then immediately hiding. at first it scared me (I almost shat myself) but then I managed to see that it was just a guy, probably my age, and I noticed the clothes from another era. then I approached him but he apologized and told me to stay away, but obviously I was too curious so I went around the tree and we met (even if it was difficult initially because he was shy). when I said goodbye to the boy I followed the noises and found myself at the wedding party of my mother, apparently the queen.
I was there for about some decades, and I had a very chill time initially, but then things got complicated with the kingdom and I decided to come back here, I didn't want to find myself traumatized by another war. the most interesting thing about this shift was the nature part and its magic (I didn't have powers though), and the relationship I had with that guy, Raphael.
I'm still tired, but if you have any questions or curiosities I'll take the time to answer them, also because I really liked that reality, even if it was simple and not adventurous. I took some notes about what happened before I forget due to memory suppression.
(i just realised i said i stayed three years?? it was definitely not 3 but rather more than 13 what the hell sorry i just woke up)
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imababblekat · 16 days
Bayverse TmnT X Reader; Jealousy HC's
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Anon Request, "Hello, I'm your fan, how are you? Can I ask what the Tmnt's reaction would be to seeing that the girl they like is the best friend of one of their brothers? and see that they have a lot of fun together. How would you handle jealousy and insecurity? Could you talk to her about how you feel about it? (PS: the girl is also in love with him). 💙❤💜🧡Greetings from Buenos Aires! I am writing to you with the translator. Notice in case I have any spelling errors.🥲🥲🥲"
A/N: Oh! Well hello! Thank you very much; I hope you enjoy the request ^-^
-Regardless of which brother has a crush on their friend, they all truly appreciate that the person of their interest gets along well with their brother/s.
-Which makes their feelings of jealousy and/or insecurity very conflicting, and each handle it differently.
-that being said. . .
Leo’s probably the most relieved that his crush gets on with his family, their safety always his top priority, but at the same time he can’t help but feel that he’s lacking something with how close they seem to be versus with him
Such as he wishes that he could be more of a social butterfly like Mikey, scientifically wise in the way Donnie is, or even more of a fun risk taker like Raph
Leonardo thinks that his role as leader makes him come off as some sort of serious kill joy to his interest, and it truly does bum him out, wishing that he could step out of his introverted shell and not be so stiff around them
It would take a deep talk with Master Splinter for Leo to take the chance to talk things out with his crush, his father’s statement replaying out in his mind that he sees the whole story from his point of view rather than a few sentences on the page his son is so tunnel versioned on
Raph won’t ever say it aloud but he appreciates the bond his crush and brother/s have; till he realizes he’s caught feelings for them
Absolutely the most conflicted about the situation and is also the one who comes off as the most jealous, though everyone thinks he’s just being more of an ass than usual
In reality he’s masking over his deep rooted insecurities
He sure as hell isn’t wise and all mystic like Leo, or a magnet of hospitality like Mikey, and there’s a reason he’s the brawns of the team while Donnie is the brains
Raphael hates the notion that he’s intimidating to his interest; he already felt like a freak to begin with, but to feel like the non desirable one amongst his brothers is a new low he didn’t know was possible
Takes a miracle and a half to get him to speak his mind to his crush, meanwhile everyone around them is dying because of the obvious pinning from both idiots in love
Donnie finds comfort in the fact that the groups friend gets along so well with his brother/s, which is why it’s so frustrating to him that he also somehow really hates it
It was never an issue before and he quickly comes to the conclusion that its because he’s formed a crush on the groups friend
Tries to reason with himself that the feeling will pass but when it doesn’t is when it really starts to become a problem
Just because Donnie is the most intellectual member of the group, doesn’t mean he’s immune to in-depth emotions and is very quickly drowned in envious insecurities
Things like why can’t he be cool and collected like Leo, or as whimsy as Mikey, or as impressively strong like Raphael
He only ever even thinks about saying something to his crush after Leo has a talk with him on why he shut himself in his lab for a week while unintentionally giving his crush the cold shoulder; Leo’s statement that they were very concerned they did something wrong being what pushes Donnie because despite his overwhelming emotions he can’t sleep with the fact he made them feel so hurt
Mikey absolute adores that closeness of his brother/s and crush! Mans just keeps collecting a bigger family!
Which is why he doesn’t particularly hold anything against his bother/s for the attention they get from his crush, but more so gets too deep in his head about himself
Mikey knows he can be a lot, that he can be annoying and loud and forget others personal space
With his brothers, he’s used to it, knowing they never truly mean anything negative they say to him, and while his crush hasn’t ever said anything horrid to him, there must be some reason they spend all their time with his brother/s versus with him
Turns out it is because he’s lot, but not in the way he thinks!
It’s Raph who talks some sense into Mikey, the former being the first to notice something really bothering the youngest, and despite making a promise to their friend not to say anything, Raph admits to Mikey the reason behind his crushes apparent avoidance
It’s because they actually have the biggest crush on him as well, but unlike Mikey in all of his excitable nature, they’re much more shy and reserved
The news absolutely breaks Mikey in the best of ways, dude is on cloud nine and trying his hardest to resist running out into the lair to grab his crush into twirling hug
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dark-and-kawaii · 3 months
I imagine Gortash to be a pantie stealer, but who else do you think will be a pantie stealer as well? 🩲
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Sober Gale would never do such a thing, but Drunk Gale would steal your panties with the biggest blush spread across his face and the cheesiest of smiles. Once back in his tent/bedroll he holds them against his chest, imagining you next to him… it’s enough to rile him up. Good thing he has your panties to help his imagination further. The next morning he awakens to his hand sticky with dried white crust upon his palm and your stained panties covering his cock… He’s a bit mortified at his actions and he does wash them and hand them back to you with the biggest apology ready… and he starts with , “It would seem-“
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Astarion does it to be petty/funny at first, but once the camp has died down he can’t help but to hold them up and take a moment to appreciate them. Your scent lingers on them, and the color is rather beautiful, he can’t help but to wonder what you’d look like with them on lying beneath him. Definitely becomes aroused and takes his frustration out on your panties.
Does not return them. At night he keeps them close, his eyes soft each time he looks at them- his slender finger tracing the patters of them before having his fun with them.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Halsin steals them the night of the tiefling party. He’s beyond infatuated with you and knows he shouldn’t act rash with you quite yet, so your panties will have to do for now. Slowly makes his way to the forest where he can be secluded, your panties in hand. The large grizzly man ruts into them- using your panties as a cocksleeve until he’s fully satisfied. Definitely loses control and turns into a bear.
Can’t return them because they are destroyed, oops.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Zevlor, oh Zevlor… Like Gale, sober Zevlor wouldn’t attempt to steal your panties- definitely thought about having them in his hands, but would never follow through with it. But drunk Zevlor at the tiefling party, well he definitely would if the opportunity presented itself. The older tiefling found himself enjoying glass after glass with you sitting next to him, and as the night continued the more you both started to get lost in one another’s presence. Your panties came off and his top came off but that’s as far as it got due to him falling asleep and you as well. He wakes up still drunk seeing your panties tossed aside. Smiles to himself while still holding you to his chest and reaches over to grab them. His pants never came off so he tucks your panties into his pocket for later.
Once on the road he notices something unfamiliar in his pockets only to reveal your laced panties… “Hells…” shaking his head, Zevlor can’t believe he took them… feels incredibly bad.
Tilly notices him holding something, “what’s that?”
“N-nothing! Come, let’s continue moving forward before nightfall.”
Shoves them back in his pocket- he’ll have to return these to you somehow.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Haarlep steals/keeps your panties for Raphael. The incubus knows how found his master is of you, his little mouse. This would be a great opportunity for him to poke fun at the Cambion and use it to his own advantage, definitely holds them over Raphael’s head. Haarlep also keeps them for his own personal interest, you were so soft, so warm, the way your hips rocked with his- it stirred something within the incubus. Yes, Haarlep has the ability to take your shape, buts not actually you- these panties however are yours, with your juices and scent still clinging to them. The creature secretly wishes to have you in his embrace again, but these will do- for now.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Raphael finds your panties in his bed after your little fun with his incubus. Places the thin fabric in his pocket until later when he’s alone. Imagining you while stroking himself as his other hands holds your panties to his face, ah what true bliss and such a grand orgasm for him. He hopes you bring him the crown soon so he can slip these back onto you only for him to rip them off.
Doesn’t ever return them even if you bring him the crown. This is a new treasure of his, one he wishes to keep all to himself without anyone else knowing. -Haarlep knows-
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Dammon steals your panties during the tielfing party. He was obsessed with the way you smelled the moment he met you and as you danced around the fire forcing Rolan to dance with you- well now was the perfect moment to slip in your tent and steal your panties for himself. The road to Baldurs Gate would be long, and Dammon knows he has needs- needs he’ll have to keep satisfied. Your panties will be a lovely sight and toy for him during his travels. He can’t wait to daydream about you begging for him on your knees.
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bitethedevil · 4 months
Okay, you know the idea of tieflings having the "fuck me tail"? Well, what if Raphael did that in front of Tav without realizing it at the time and someone like Korrilla and/or Haarlep alerts the cambion that he had essentially been sporting a boner during the whole conversation with his favorite misadventure (if Raphael is unsure if Tav is aware of what the lifted tail meant, then even better)?
(AN: I get a LOT of asks about bathing and Raphael's reaction to seeing Tav naked, so I added those things into this one as well. Tav is Raphael's warlock. Loved this prompt btw anon. Thank you <3)
Tails (Raphael x Warlock!Tav)
Slight NSFW
“Do you care to explain why you are bleeding on my expensive Halruaan carpet when all I asked of you were to speak to Lord Caldwell?” Raphael said with a sneer as he studied her bloodied body. “If you are this incompetent at following orders, you will go back to dealing with clients in the Lower City again.”
“I can explain,” she wheezed. “And I did get him to sign, by the way.”
She was barely standing. Her clothes were bloodied, and she was holding a hand over a rather large gash on her stomach.
She handed him the contract. There were a few bloodspots on it, but it had the signature of Lord Caldwell as he had requested. He looked it over and it seemed to calm some of his anger, though he still seemed annoyed that she had not followed his orders.
Raphael groaned and started walking. He beckoned her to follow.
He led her to the boudoir. Haarlep was lounging on some of the pillows that laid on the floor near the pool, smoking from a hookah. They looked up at her with a sinful smile and lazily waved at her.
Raphael tugged on Tav's shirt before passing her.
“Strip,” he commanded.
Haarlep’s eyes lit up and looked hungrily at her before adjusting themself amongst the pillows to enjoy the show. Raphael kicked Haarlep’s leg in passing and gestured towards the other end of the room where the bed was.
“Leave us,” he said to Haarlep.
“Oh, she doesn’t mind if I stay and watch,” Haarlep said and looked from Raphael to her with an exaggerated pout. “Do you, mouse?”
Tav looked at the both of them with a confused expression, as she clung to one of the pillars around the restoration pool to not fall over.
“I’m not taking off my clothes,” Tav said.
“Your clothes are in tatters, and you look as if you are on the verge of fainting,” Raphael said and gestured to the water of the pool. “You will get in or I will throw you in.”
“Can’t I just keep my clothes on?” Tav whined. “I don’t want to get naked in front of you.”
“Oh please,” he said with annoyance in his voice. “The novelty of seeing a naked body somewhat fades after you have been alive for thousands of years. I could not be less interested in what you keep under there. Get in.”
She sighed and started taking off her clothes. Haarlep was quiet and hoped that Raphael had forgotten about them. They devoured her with their eyes while she took off her clothes.
Tav slipped into the pool and the water's restorative powers quickly worked its magic on her. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the pools edge for a moment as all the pain finally left her body.
Haarlep discreetly let one of their legs drop into to the water and started slipping their harness off. Before they could even make the move to slip out of the little clothes they were wearing to join her in the pool, Raphael’s hand was around their neck. Haarlep made a slight choked yelp as they were lifted to their feet and given a push towards the other end of the room.
“I said leave,” Raphael growled at them before turning his attention back to Tav. “A report, if you would be so kind, mouse.”
Tav opened her eyes again and sat up more. She noticed that Haarlep had not left them, but had instead simply taken a seat behind Raphael where they were out of view from her annoyed patron.
“Right,” she said and began washing off all the dirt and blood off her naked body with a sponge.
She began explaining herself to him: How Lord Caldwell had gotten pissed at her after she had not reciprocated his flirtatious advances after he had signed, as he apparently must have thought that him signing meant that he was free to feel her up and do as he please. How Lord Caldwell had called on his guards after she had, accidentally, of course, punched him in the face. How she had barely escaped with her life.
She wasn’t looking at Raphael as she was explaining. She kept her eyes down and kept focusing on washing herself, avoiding the wrath that would no doubt be in her patron’s eyes as she told him how she had escalated the situation by using violence.
She had only dared to look up at him briefly every now and again. She saw that he was leaning up against a pillar close to the pool, watching her as she explained.
Surprisingly, he did not have much to say other than a few sounds of affirmation that he had heard what she was saying, which made her even more nervous.
Suddenly she heard an odd noise. A high-pitched muffled sound that made her look up for a moment. It came from Haarlep. It looked as if they were near pissing themselves with laughter as they kept a hand over their mouth to contain the sounds. It wasn’t directed at her though, but rather something going on behind Raphael it seemed.
“So yeah…that’s…that’s it,” she looked up at Raphael, fully expecting to see him pissed off.
He quickly averted his gaze from her body and back up to her eyes, as it looked like he had been staring. He cleared his throat and made a sharp turn with his body. She could have sworn she saw a bulge in his pants before he did so. When he turned, she noticed that his tail was in a weird, almost heart-shaped position as well, which made her raise an eyebrow.
“Good,” Raphael said quickly. “Dismissed.”
Raphael snapped his fingers once and she was out of the pool, fully dressed. Another snap and she was sent back to where she was before she was whisked away to his house.
Haarlep started audibly laughing now that she had left.
“The novelty of seeing a naked body somewhat fades after you have been alive for thousands of years,” Haarlep mocked in Raphael’s voice and with his mannerisms.
Raphael glared at Haarlep.
“Oh, what a gift,” Haarlep said with tears in their eyes. “She really is something, your little mouse. To make you wag with both tails like that.”
Haarlep burst out into another laughing fit. Raphael’s eyes widened at their words, and he instantly became hyperaware of the position of his tail.
No, Raphael thought with horror, and a frown fell over his face at the embarrassing realization. It was a loss of control, and it was completely unlike him to forget himself like that. What was he? A hormonal boy who had barely grown into their immortality?
His eyes narrowed at Haarlep who was still filling the room with their high-pitched laughter. He was still painfully hard despite their taunting, and he had just the thing for shutting them up.
“Yes, please Haarlep, laugh while you still have vocal cords and a tongue to do so,” he threatened and pointed on the floor in front of his feet before undoing his pants. “On your knees, now.”
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devildomwriter · 10 months
A Christmas Song They Absolutely Hate
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A request by an anon
Lucifer (That damn chipmunk song)
Enough said, he cannot tolerate it at all, the second he hears those squeaky voices he’ll react somewhat violently. Whatever he needs to do to get that music to stop the fastest, he will do, even launching Mammon into the speaker.
Mammon (Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer)
He hates the song. He’s not so big an idiot that he doesn’t realize everyone only suddenly likes Rudolph because they think he’s useful, he thinks it’s a bad song and the reindeer are big jerks.
Leviathan (Baby, it’s cold outside)
“Those fucking normies. They’re just all over each other, go to hell.”
Satan (God rest ye merry gentlemen.)
They literally diss him in the song, like what’d he do to those guys personally, it makes him very angry to hear carolers singing it especially.
Innocent Carolers: “To save us all from Satan’s power—“
Satan: *yelling from across the street* “I didn’t do anything to you!”
Asmodeus (That damn chipmunk song)
Like normally squeaky or soft voices are kinda cute but nuh-uh, not this one. It feels like nails on a chalkboard to him.
Beelzebub (Believe)
He doesn’t really care but the song Believe makes him kinda sad.
It’s a great song with a bittersweet message and it makes him tear up a little when he hears it so he’s come to not like it much.
Belphegor (Anything hard to fall asleep to)
It doesn’t matter the song, if it’s too uppitty he can’t fall asleep. Even Christmas gospel can send him to sleep but not something like All I Want For Christmas is You.
Solomon (That damn chipmunk song)
It needs no introduction. It’s a song he’d hoped would die out soon after its release but it’s been well over a decade and occasionally he hears it playing and sighs deeply at how disappointing human musical taste has become.
Thirteen (That damn chipmunk song)
She hates it and will only occasionally tolerate it by playing it whenever Solomon is nearby in hopes of seeing his face fall.
Simeon (Santa baby)
The song really drives him nuts, he doesn’t have a real reason he just really dislikes it. Maybe it’s the greed at Christmas time which isn’t even about gifts, but it just really irks him.
He loves them all, except super romantic ones because that’s not what Christmas is about!
Raphael (All I want for Christmas is you)
That’s not the point of Christmas at all and the song mentions nothing about the true meaning of Christmas everything about some random romantic interest really irritates him. He’s not above spearing the sound system if the song isn’t changed.
Michael (12 days of Christmas)
It's just so long and repetitive.
He’d rather listen to shorter songs than one that just doesn’t seem to end, like get to the next song already, turtledoves aren’t even an existing species anymore—don’t remind him of such a tragedy.
Mephistopheles (Basically all of them)
Mephistopheles isn’t a Christmas demon, he only tolerates it for Diavolo’s sake but he’ll be damned if a song plays around him and Diavolo isn’t there. He’ll contact whoever he needs to to change the music immediately.
Barbatos (Dominic the donkey)
He hates it because he believes it’s rather stupid but also because it cracks Diavolo up so Diavolo plays it a few times a day to amuse himself and Barb is really sick of hearing it.
He loves all of them, even the damn chipmunk song. Even the Christmas gospel doesn’t really bother him but he doesn’t pay as much attention to it as he does humming along to the other songs. He does laugh when he hears Satan’s name in God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, so he actually likes that one.
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cambion-companion · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to know, how do you imagine the interactions betwen Tav and Raphael would have gone like, if they had been Tav’s fiend patron? (as in, they already start the game with the contract (we were robbed)) 
Oh, it would be such an interesting dynamic. And Raphael is ready as ever to adapt to a new situation and manipulate it to his own ends.
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The last few days had been an utter whirlwind of madness. Relief at not falling to your death from the Nautiloid contrasting sharply with the dread of having an Illithid parasite in your brain. A ticking time bomb.
You had wondered how long it would be before Raphael came to collect you. As it turned out, you didn't have long to wait before you sensed your fiendish patron's presence. The back of your neck prickled, a shower of sparks cascading from an opening portal caught your eye.
"I had wondered where you'd fluttered off to." Raphael's cadence sounded familiar and almost comforting to your ears, maybe he could help you. "And you've gained such illustrious companions along the way." Mildly sardonic as his brown eyes landed on Karlach who'd frozen in place while stuffing her face with dinner.
"Raphael." You greeted, breathless from the surprise visit. "It's..." You hesitated on the rushed words. "...good to see you." Despite the nature of the devil, you felt relieved at seeing a familiar face.
Raphael bestowed an arch look upon you, the corner of his narrow mouth tilting up. "I always keep close watch over my most prized possessions. When you disappeared from even my purview, I must admit to experiencing my own form of concern." He approached and took your chin between his fingers, tilting your face up for inspection. "You look a little worse for wear. Has my favorite client suffered a chance of ill-fate?" He moved your head to the side, you half thought he would open your mouth to inspect your teeth. "You have a little visitor inside that lovely head, it seems." He snaked a hand around the back of your neck, a little possessive as his gaze sharpened on something you couldn't discern. "A rather unwelcome one, on all fronts." You could intuit those last words were not meant for you or your companions.
"Can you help?" You asked, the urgency of your situation thrumming cold in your veins.
Raphael chuckled, his gaze still narrowed on your wan face. "Does the sun rise in the east and set in the west? Can a young sapling be felled by an ax?" Raphael gave the nape of your neck a squeeze. "I live to help those in need, and perhaps this...little problem squirming in your brain offers just the opportunity I've been seeking."
"Seeking? How so?"
"As ever, you delight me with your inquisitive mind, however naive to think I'd offer you such information so readily." Raphael looked down at you, your noses almost touching. "Come, it's time to go home and have a more private chat."
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livebeginning · 4 months
I went through some of the official material to find sources that might be useful when writing Raphael and Haarlep (may also be helpful when writing Mizora and Mephistopheles). Here's a collection of what I found, with some notes.
Cambion and succubus stat blocks
More stat blocks
Devil contracts
Magic in Avernus
Map of Avernus
Blood War
Soul coin
Infernal Cambions
Devil Cults
From the Monster Manual:
Cambion stat block
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BG3 only players might not be familiar with these spells, so I'm linking them here: Alter Self - Detect Magic - Plane Shift
Note that this version for Plane Shift only works on the cambion themself, whereas the spell normally works on up to eight willing creatures, or one unwilling creature. Raphael might have used a variant of the spell to unwillingly transport the player and companions to the House of Hope and back.
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"Telepathic Bond" is an interesting ability that Haarlep doesn't have in BG3.
There is a spell called Shapechange but it seems to work very differently from Shapechanger.
Also, the whole "taking your form and you can feel when it's being use" thing isn't mentioned here, it might be something unique to Haarlep or something they learned, rather than an inherent ability.
From the Monster Manual Expanded:
More stat blocks
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From Descent into Avernus:
Devil Contracts
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I feel that in the Infernal Hierarchy, Raphael falls into the "Duke" category, which is probably unusual for a cambion. (He is not an archduke, as archdukes are the rulers of the hells. He wants to be one, but isn't yet.)
The contract forms we see him use in the game are close to "Infernal Scroll" (the contract the player can sign) and "Song of the devil" (the contract he made with Yurgir).
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"Pieces of cities stolen from other planes" might also be the case with the HoH, though Raphael probably added the devil statues later on.
Magic in Avernus
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Good to keep in mind when writing a wizard character!
Map of Avernus
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Blood War
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I don't think Raphael works directly for Zariel. He still has to follow her laws though, as we can see in the HoH, where the archivist is expecting a visit from Zariel's High Inquistor.
I think Raphael might be paying the hell equivalent of taxes to Zariel for living and operating out of Avernus. He may also occasionally sell useful items or souls to Zariel's forces, to profit from the Blood War. He does mention one of his goals is to end (win) the blood war, so he is at least on Zariel's side, if not fighting with her directly.
Soul coin
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That's about 13 cm and 150 grams.
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Some dishes one might be served in the hells. Raphael also mentions "Cocktails and Canapés" when talking to Yurgir, so that's something that exists in this world!
From Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes:
Infernal Cambions
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This could be the reason why many of Raphael's attacks create Hellfire, which is something Mephistopheles invented.
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Like I said above, I think Raphael has the title of Duke, which would put him at rank 12, but I think rank 11 would also be realistic.
Devil Cults
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I don't think Raphael would worship Mephisto, but you could easily argue he has inherited his affinity for fire magic through genetics.
Also note that unlike most other devils, Raphael is not trapped in the Nine Hells. As a cambion he can plane shift once per day and can easily access the Material Plane. He might still want a cult worshipping him for other reasons though.
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beebopboom · 3 months
Archangel Raphael
Is it Crowley? Is it Aziraphale?
What if I said he is the both of them?
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I know a little out there thing to say but it’s a theory i’ve had hanging around in the back of my head for a while now because the thing is,
Crowley seems to have held the rank Raphael has but Aziraphale shows more of his actions.
These two theories have been around for a while and at no point am I trying to take away from what people have put together. This is just for fun and silly purposes. and I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ve had this theory for a while and just didn’t know how to put it in words so it might not be the best.
But let’s just start with who is Archangel Raphael
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The Angelic Prince of Healing
Well let’s start at the beginning, or well before the beginning.
According to the Midrash Konen, before he was Raphael he was the angel Libbiel.
In this God gathers all their angels before Adam is created and hears their opinions. While some angels praised God for their creation others spoke out against it. The Angel of Love and the Angel of Justice were both in favor while the Angel of Truth and the Angel of Peace both objected.
For this the Angel of Truth is cast out Heaven by God. God then summoned a band of angels under Michael, Gabriel, and Libbiel. Both of the bands under Michael and Gabriel scornfully called out against the creation of man and were too cast out. Libbiel seeing what happened to those bands warned his own to call out in favor of creation of man and thus was rewarded with the new name, Raphael, for his efforts.
Raphael, the rescuer, Angelic prince of Healing.
This is just one story of Raphael, if we take a step outside religion but still the very important book, Paradise Lost by John Milton, we can find Raphael there as well.
He is the angel that comes to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to warn them against temptation. Through him we hear about the rebellion and war in Heaven. He eats with Adam and Eve and doesn’t just directly quote God but rather shares his own views and opinions.
An interesting and very important take on Raphael but let’s just jump back into the religious stuff.
In the First Book of Enoch he is the angel over the spirits of men and set over all diseases and wounds. He was instructed to bind Azazel and heal the Earth that has been corrupted by the Watchers.
In the bible Raphael was one of the three angels that appeared to Abraham in the oak grove of Mamre. His task was the heal Abraham and save Lot. (Genesis)
Though not identified with name he is credited to be the angel who periodically stirred the pool of Bethesda (John)
His main story though comes from the Book of Tobit. He acts as a guide on Tobias’s journey to Sarah disguised as a human peasant. On this journey they gut a fish that they then end up later using to expel the demon, Asmodus, and heal his father, Tobit. This is the story where most of his depictions come from including the one above.
In Jewish text, under the name Israfil, he is depicted as the angel who stands eternally with a trumpet on his lips waiting and ready to announce the day of judgement.
Wooh that was a quick run down. (pls correct me if any of this was wrong) But moving on for now.
Title Sequence
Disclaimer: Not main supporting evidence. Secondary at best. Really just something interesting that didn’t fit anywhere else.
Now before we get into how this all connects in the show I wanted to make stop to point out something from the s1 TS that I have never been able to explain away.
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Both of them getting sucked up into the spaceship and then it burst into fish.
Fish huh? Interesting…
Gabriel’s Trial
This is the part that gives us some of the biggest pieces of evidence for a Very Highranking AngelCrowley.
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Before we even get to the trial we have Crowley able to get into the file that only a throne, dominion, or above could access.
Then we have Gabriel saying he is “the only first order archangel in the room, or yknow the universe” with the immediate cut to Crowley. Visually this is a very obvious signal that this is something to pay attention to, foreshadowing that something is not right with this statement.
The clip above also gives us that this being would have been considered a Prince of Heaven.
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and the last three kinda vary. But we are just going to focus on these four anyway since that seems to be the number the show likes.
The only one missing from those four is Raphael and it seems that the Metatron still holds quite the grudge and memory of this being….*cut to Metatron glaring at Crowley*
But there is also something else we learn in this Trial.
That the name Gabriel is tied to his angelic status, a name he was about to lose along with his memories. A name he does end up losing while he doesn’t have his memories, getting replaced with Jim.
But one thing I did want to mention in this section before leaving, even if it didn’t happen during Crowley’s trip to Heaven, was when Michael says “there is always a Supreme Archangel.”
All of this has some very interesting implications of what happened in the past, and let’s not forget that Aziraphale was battling demons while all this was happening.
Now though that this has all been laid out let’s get into the meat of this.
Aziraphale and Crowley
yknow for this being about them I haven’t talked about them a lot lol. But let’s start at the beginning of them, the time one became two.
Originally they were written as one character, a fallen angel, until it was eventually changed into the two characters we know and love, Aziraphale and Crowley.
Now I’m not claiming to know what was going on in their heads during the creation process, just that the absence of a single prominent archangel when they were originally a single character is…interesting.
but that’s what got me thinking.
In Before the Beginning there doesn’t really seem to be a rank system more along the lines of groups that have certain jobs in the creation process of the universe. Not saying there wasn’t a ranking system but I doubt it was as large and complex as it is in present day.
However there is no denying the parallels that Gabriel and Crowley play to each other, particularly with their Angelic Ranking.
So what I’m proposing is that yes, Crowley was a very high ranking angel, perhaps on the same level as Gabriel - an angel named Raphael.
But he Fell, his name taken away from him in the process and he became Crawley.
With this though it left a space open, a Raphael shaped space up in Heaven and History. The Job of who Raphael was supposed to be.
A job that another certain angel seems to take up through his actions, Aziraphale.
Aziraphale’s name quite literally means “helper of Raphael” which technically he did do when he helped start up the star factory.
but even in that moment it was the two of them doing a job that was supposed to be only meant for one.
It’s a theme they continue throughout their years together, they cancel each other out, they take to doing each others jobs that never tip off the other side. They are the most powerful when they are working together, helping to stop Armageddon and the 25 Lazarii miracle they perform together. Two sides of the same, single coin.
The spot for Raphael was only meant to be held by one, the place Crowley held before the Fall. The place Aziraphale took up in the aftermath. There is always a Raphael.
However one does not just lose the power of being a first order archangel hence why Crowley is still so powerful.
The only one to realize this - The Metatron and well probably God too. Hence the need for at least Aziraphale back up in Heaven, as well as just keeping an eye on him.
and this really all just makes me want to point out that after Armageddon was diverted and they were out there on the bench and Crowley asks if God,
“Planned it all like this, very beginning.”
and I can’t help but say, yes. Two angels designed for the same role, one fallen and one not. Together they are complete and bound through history. Together they are the most powerful. 
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captain039 · 1 year
Devil in me
Raphael x reader
Warnings: pure smut, first time, devil things, devil form, sensitive wings, tav instert, oral f and m receiving, light dom/sub, gagging
I just need Raphael smut and I can’t find any. Please send some my way lmao.
Devil in me…. Heh get it? Kill me ty 😂
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Being transported to a feast in a mansion was not what you were expecting. Tav was speaking with Raphael having met him just moments ago on the way across a bridge in the middle of no where. You were confused as were the rest of your companions, he was offering a solution to the tadpoles in your companions minds.
“You however, why are you travelling around with this lovely party of parasite holders, hm?” The devil Raphael gave you his attention making you freeze. He was handsome for a devil, gods what the hell was wrong with you.
“Uh-“ you gulped feeling small under his gaze.
“She’s a friend” Tav suddenly defended with a huff and cross of their arms.
“A friend hm? Does this friend have a name?” Raphael grinned.
“Friend” Tav said gaze going stern as they protected you.
“Oo protective, I enjoy a good mystery” the devil chuckled giving you one last up and down look which made you flush.
After being teleported back to where you were you sighed in relief sitting on a rock nearby.
“Shop around he says” Astarion sassed making you smile lightly.
“Don’t trust him he’s a devil” The vampire scoffed.
“Obviously” Tav sighed at the vampires statements.
“Though he was rather interested in you” Astarion said sitting by you on the rock with a grin.
“Gods sake, Astarion” you huffed making him laugh.
“Just a friend though Tav? You seem rather protective” Astarion piped up.
“We have a lot of history” you said glancing to them and they gave a small smile. It’s true you practically grew up together, they your constant protector against bully’s in the street to bandits. You felt useless at times your magic not strong like others in the group. You never got a chance to tame it, to learn how to use it, after the fire you caused that killed your parents you hid from it, even if it hummed in your veins.
You didn’t see the devil for a while, thinking you were finally rid of him till you hit the shadow cursed lands. At the last light inn there he was playing with Mol a young teifling from the grove. While Tav interacted with them you found yourself wandering the last light inn, it was still standing even with the shadow curse.
“There you are” you jumped a bit turning to the devil who had a smirk on his face.
“Raphael” you greeted a little skeptical as to why he was talking to you.
“You’re a curious thing” he said suddenly circling you.
“How?” You said with a raised eyebrow.
“That potent magic flowing through those veins of yours” you froze at the voice by your ear suddenly and the small chuckle that followed it.
“Come” he said suddenly snapping his fingers. You flinched suddenly in that house again, house of hopes if you remember.
“Take me back!” You snapped as he huffed.
“Always so attached to Tav, honestly” he huffed with an eye roll.
“They don’t know everything though do they?” He grinned as he came into your personal space again.
“Your tragic past, tragic magic flooding your body” he said humming.
“Poetic” he grinned stepping back and you huffed.
“What do you want devil?” You said.
“No, what do you want?” he said turning the question back making you frown.
“To go back to where I was!” You huffed at him.
“The inn? Or that night?” He said and you froze, how did he know about that.
“The inn, I’m not playing your games” you said crossing your arms in defence.
“No games darling, just simple transactions” he said shrugging.
“Then get to the point!” You huffed at him annoyed at his handsome grin.
“You have powerful magic in you, more than you realise, you only need tame it, but you shut it out, I can help” he said.
“What do you want?” You asked knowing none of this would be free.
“A night” he said grinning and you frowned.
“I can’t give you a night what even is a night you want the night, lemme just take natural order” You scoffed.
“Let me rephrase, a night with you and that lovely body” he gestured to you with a finger and you froze body going hot.
“You can control your magic just like that” he snapped his fingers a small flame coming from them and disappearing. You froze feeling something surge through you, you looked to your hands seeing the light glow.
“Let me give you a taste” he whispered suddenly by your ear. The room changed and you were in a battlefield looking area, small flying devils around.
“Go on” he said by your ear his arms raising your hands, his body close to yours.
“Try it” he said breath against your cheeks your body shuddering. You felt magic course through you as you sent out a chain lightening the four flying devils falling instantly in a cry as the disintegrated. You frowned at the control you held as you glanced slightly to the devil behind you, he was in his devil form a grin on his face as he snapped his fingers and more of those flying devils appeared.
“Again” he said as you conjured ice in your hand sending it out in a flurry of ice like blades stabbing each devil multiple times. The power felt amazing and free flowing, you’d be helpful on the quest finally, reality set back in though as you thought back to your parents and shrank a bit. You saw his wings shielding your sides slightly as the devil frowned.
“Take me back to the inn now!” You said hand on your dagger.
“Very well” Raphael said snapping his fingers. You sighed in relief feeling the cold air on the last light inn and no devil behind you.
“Where were you?” Tav called rushing up the stairs as you glanced around seeing Raphael truely gone.
“I was here, just viewing the ever gloomy horizon” you lied and they frowned glancing out the balcony before nodding slowly. You sighed following the group again. Isobel had blessed you before a man named Marcus came, he sought to take Isobel. You held your dagger when you felt magic course through your body. You saw Isobel surrounded, you muttered a spell raining down radiant fire on each creature around her. They cried and turned to ash, she gave you her thanks and you nodded as you felt eyes on you. You glanced to Tav seeing confusion on their face as the continued to fight Marcus. You avoided Tav knowing they’d have questions, you stayed in one of the half ruined rooms, looking to your hands, Raphael hadn’t taken the magic control away. You had fallen asleep on the bed you laid on to clear your mind. You awoke in a different bed though, a much comfortable one. You frowned lifting your top half seeing Raphael staring at the fire with a drink in his hand. The bed was large with red sheets. You thought if you just went back to sleep you’d go back to the inn.
“Ah you’re awake” too slow. Raphael looked to you with a fanged grin.
“Why didn’t you take it away?” You asked feeling the magic.
“Seeing you disintegrate things is rather entertaining” he said taking a sip from his goblet.
“I didn’t agree to the contract!” You said not feeling any effort to move from the comfortable bed.
“Oh I don’t need you too” he smirked placing his goblet down on the bedside table before climbing in the bed. You froze as he climbed over you and you shrank down to your elbows seeing him smirk and his tail swish behind him.
“Not agreeing” you said barely above a whisper feeling your body excite and nerves thrill in your stomach.
“Let me give you another gift then” he said voice low and teasing and you found yourself nodding. He grinned as he pressed a hand to the middle of your chest to push you to lie down. You went down easily head hitting the pillows easily, feeling him shuffle down your body. You covered your eyes with your arms biting the inner of your cheek. He snapped his fingers your pants disappearing suddenly, the warmth of the fire hitting them more. His hands were hot as he lifted your legs, you suddenly realised he snapped your underwear off too. Your hands instantly went to covering yourself and sitting up, his eyes snapped to yours through hooded lids.
“What’s the matter?” He grinned lifting his body up and crawling up your body again. You flushed looking away as hot lips pressed against your jaw. You felt like shrinking into the bed till you disappeared the embarrassment filling you full.
“This is-“ you began to mumbled before cutting off as he stopped nibbling at your jaw. He pulled back and laughed deeply making you shrink.
“Oh my, an unflowered delicacy” he said voice smooth.
“Not even self pleasure?” He asked and you shook your head quickly trying to ignore his grinning face.
“How even more delightful” he whispered and you finally looked to him, a smirk plastered on his face.
“This is much more than I asked for, how exciting, how would you like to indulge yourself with a devil?” He grinned as your heart pounded, you thought back to your group, your quest. Tav had indulged themselves in pleasures with more than one companion, why couldn’t you? Raphael wasn’t exactly a companion, he was a devil, one providing information about Astarions scars for a price, offering a deal with the tadpoles, he seemed exclusive to your group.
“I can assure you, you will be most satisfied” his tone whispered in your ears floating around your head as you nodded again. His lips pressed to yours, a seal being made.
“Excellent” he said going back down your body, lifting your legs up onto his shoulders.
“Move those hands, Darling” he grinned and you did slowly returning them to your face to cover your eyes. You heard him chuckle his warm breath fanning you. You jolted a bit in surprise before a forked tongue licked a hot stripe through your folds. Your back arched and you held your breath pressing your palms to your eyes. You struggled to breathe as his tongue teased along your entrance and clit, you gripped the pillow behind your head other hand fisting on your stomach. You felt your hand slipping to hold his hair only to grab a horn by accident. He growled and you moved your hand away gripping your shirt instead. He continued slowly coyly a smirk on his lips as he only teased with his tongue. You were squirming partly wondering if you should knock him off and run away, partly wondering if he would truely have you. He stood suddenly and your heart sank quickly all the while he smirked snapping his clothes off. Your room changed too to somewhere different, same bed though. He sat down on a chair by the wall smirking as he beckoned with his finger. You found yourself naked fully also and flushed covering yourself grabbing the sheet.
“I don’t like asking twice, dove” he said eyes going stern as you gulped but stood and walked to him trying to hide your body.
“Kneel” he ordered pointing to the spot between his legs. You did as you were told earning a satisfied hum, the devil leant forward holding your chin a little roughly.
“You’re going to suck my cock like a good little dove till I’m satisfied” he ordered and you tensed lightly. His thumb pressed against your bottom lip his claw gently tracing along with it. You felt your mouth open with a soft gasp, his thumb going in your mouth as you gently sucked, the devil smirked removing his hand and leaning back motioning to his hard cock. You took a small breath unsure of what to do entirely, sure books can only help so much. You simply followed a scene in your head from a scene in book you remembered, you held his cock gently before beginning licking the underside of him. Raphael hummed watching you intently head resting in his hand as you slowly licked around the tip.
“Use your whole mouth dove” he said and you nodded slightly sucking the head flattening your tongue against the underside. He groaned approvingly and you felt confidence fill you as you slowly sucked around the head continuing what you were doing.
“For someone who hasn’t even touched themselves you seem rather good at this” he said and you felt yourself eating the praise up as you took more of him in your mouth. His fingers tangled in your hair his claws scraping your scalp lightly as he held you against his cock. You tried not to gag as he pushed your head down more, tears stung your eyes as you let out a small noise.
“Relax your throat” he said and you whined, but tried your best as slowly bobbed your head up and down his cock a small groan leaving his lips again. You glanced to him seeing him looking at you with a smirk you hoped he take some pity on you as tears slowly rolled down your face. It only spurred him on though as his hips slowly thrusted upwards making you gag. He continued though even with your whines of protest his head leaning back slightly as he sighed. He finally took pity as he allowed you to catch your breath. You coughed swallowing harshly at the pain in your throat, going to wipe your eyes till hands caught your wrist. Raphael tugged you into his lap your knees by his hips as he wiped your eyes warm hand going around your throat. You held your breath as he hummed a small warmth filling your throat and the pain was gone. You frowned slightly swallowing again feeling no pain. He wiped your eyes and you found it strangely comforting that he maybe cared in this situation.
“Better?” He asked removing his hand and you nodded feeling embarrassed.
“You’ll learn” he whispered in your ear with a smirk and you flushed feeling yourself tense. His hand went to your hip while he held his head in the other looking at you. His gaze went down your body like he was mapping, you squirmed a bit in his intense stare.
“Are you ready?” He said and you frowned slightly before you realised and found yourself nodding a little too eagerly which made him laugh.
“Eager little dove, lift your hips” he ordered and you did sitting more on your knees. He lined himself up hand still on your hip as he pushed down slightly for you to move. You felt him enter slowly, you had held your breath before you panted feeling the stretch and pain. You whimpered as he guided you with his hands till your ass was on his thighs. You made a small noise resting your head on his forehead. You hadn’t meant to, it was just the closets. Your breath was frantic as you felt his cock fully. His hand snaked up your back, gripping your hair and tugging your head back harshly making you gasp and look to him.
“Ride” he ordered and you made a small pout, pressing your hands to his chest as you slowly lifted your hips. You closed your eyes slowly beginning to set a pace, his hand still holding your head back. His lips went to your neck sending hot kisses along your neck, teeth scraping at your throat as he began to buck into you while you moved. You moaned brokenly bracing against his shoulders as he tugged up into quicker than you could bounce. Your legs burned and you couldn’t move very quick.
“Did I say stop?” He snarled against your throat giving a rather harsh bite.
“Hurts” you whined and he laughed making you whimper softly.
“Always doing everything myself” he tsked, but you were suddenly on the bed, Raphael on top of you setting a hard pace that knocked the air out of your lungs. You gripped his arms as he snarled softly in your ear his tail swishing behind him every now and then. His wings stuttered with his movements and for some reason you found yourself reaching for them. You ran your hand over the leather skin and felt him shudder above you and stop. You froze thinking you did something wrong as he panted in your ear. You raised your eyebrows slightly before you began stroking down the wing and his body shuddered in response, his wings fluttering slightly, it felt good to him. His hips continued their hard pace from before and you moaned arching your back as you continued touching his wings, his harsh pants filling your ears. You suddenly felt an invisible force against your clit though and you let out a strangled moan at the sudden pleasure coursing through you. Your stomach tightened and you gripped the sheets under you as he chuckled in your ear softly.
“Come on pretty dove, come” he snarled softly and you cried out as you did, your body twitched with shocks and pleasure. His hips moved more desperate as he groaned quietly. You reached your hands up again touching his wings again his hips stuttering and stopping as he shuddered and came growling softly. Your hands fell back to the mattress as you panted as he pulled out and moved off you lying on his stomach beside you.
“Quite the show” you screamed at the sudden voice as you saw a figure in the darkness. Raphael growled as you saw another devil with similar looks.
“Fuck off Haarlep! Know when you’re needed!” Raphael snapped nothing like his dignified self, his wing going over you, covering you from the other devils eyes.
“So boring” the devil pouted and disappeared making you stare at the spot he was just at, how long was he there.
“He just arrived he didn’t see anything I made sure of it” he said grumbling. You glanced to the devil, not his usual self almost his wing leaving your body. You rolled over hand hesitating as you reached out to touch his wings again, they fascinated you. His body shuddered as his head snapped to yours and you held your hand back.
“I like them” you said embarrassed as he frowned slightly glancing back to them before smirking.
“I’ll have to keep you my little dove” he said and you frowned.
“This was transactional” you said tugging at the sheets a little, what a way to loose your virginity.
“Who doesn’t mix pleasure and business” he grinned coming to lean over you again.
“Besides-“ he began kissing you with hot lips and you moaned.
“Our journey has only began” he smirked and snapped his fingers. You found yourself back in the run down room, clothes on like nothing had happened, time hadn’t moved, you were in the devils clutches.
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sky-kiss · 8 months
A/n: I got nothing. I don't know. This is nothing. This is like. Minor lactation kink and some conversation lol. Everything is going under the cut. Here. Have his smug face as my penance.
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R/D!Urge: Drink
“Your son was not hungry.” 
There’s an archness to her tone that causes Raphael to lift his head. The duchess lingers near the edge of his vision, a conspicuous distance kept between them. Vanity has kept her from his bed and out of his company; he does not miss the excess fabric draped across her form, designed to hide the extra weight and the heaviness of her breasts. 
The body did not feel like her own, she’d admitted once, head held high. Daring him to argue, perhaps hoping he might. He had no interest in the conversation one way or another.
“This is of interest to me?” 
Joi frowns, gaze dropping. He will not say she is diminished, but there is somehow…a shift---in her bearing, in her essence. She was much the same in the months following their daughter’s birth. Discomforted and robbed of her self-possession, hormones and exhaustion forming some wretched amalgamation. He sees the ragged seams of her fraying control, places where he might hook his fingers and pull. And worse, he thinks she could not muster the energy to stop him. She hugs his stolen robe more tightly about herself. “Please, Raphael. For once, no games.” 
“No games, no whimsy…how tiresome.” He leans back in his seat, folding his hands over his stomach. “Come.” 
The duchess crosses to him, and it occurs to him again how little he likes her like this---this dour little thing. She settles across his lap, wincing as she adjusts herself. The boy…the prince, he amends, had not come into the world as delicately as his sister. It’d taken days to clear the stench of blood from the boudoir. 
His sorceress leans her head against his chin, grumbling and drawing his arms around her. Raphael plucks at the robe’s tie. “Why have you come, pet?” 
She huffs, “Am I no longer welcome in your boudoir, my duke?” 
“You seemed happy enough to keep your own company.” 
Joi pinched the back of his hand. “Your son, your heir, needed me.” 
“The princess is my heir. The boy…” 
“Raphael.” Her tone is softer than he expects, not the righteous fury he hopes to elicit. Too tired, no games, no sport. “Please.” She leads his hand to her breast, heat radiating from the milk-swollen flesh. He pushes the robe apart. The nipple is badly chafed, reddened, and oversensitive. “As I said…your son would not drink.” 
“Haarlep would leap at the chance to relieve you.” 
“Haarlep,” his duchess purrs, fingers stroking back through his hair, scraping across his scalp. “Is no king. My body bore princes and princesses…should it nourish him?”
The devil chuckles, lifting her from his lap and onto his desk. “Oh, wicked thing. A fair point.”
She winces when he spreads her legs. He shifts to his human form in a fit of deference, holding her knees tight to his side. Raphael acts with uncharacteristic care, bowing her back. The devil presses a kiss to her sternum, cupping her right breast to relieve the pressure before suckling.
Her hand moves to the back of his neck, holding him in place. Joi’s sigh borders on rapturous relief rather than pleasure. He finds himself cataloging these noises, each one fascinating: a scrape of teeth and she hisses; more direct pressure and she’ll squeeze her legs around him. It’s best to press the flat of his tongue to her skin, open-mouthed and indirect, and then she makes such pretty noises. So sweet. 
He presses his hand between her shoulder blades, exaggerating the bow of her back. He sucks a bruise into the rise of her breast before shifting his attention to the left, repeating the process. She’s slackened in his arms, relaxing into his touch now that the worst of her discomfort has passed. 
Raphael swallows, pulling back to admire his work. He wipes a stray bead of milk with his thumb, bringing it to his lips to lick it clean. His duchess shivers, staring at him with wide, hungry eyes, mouth still partially slack. 
He kisses her, letting her taste herself on his tongue, slow and languid. 
And when all is said and done, Joi presses him back into his seat. His duchess sinks to her knees with neither comment nor complaint, only a delicious look of self-satisfaction, hunger she longs to satiate. 
Far be it from him to deny her. 
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Wheel Request: The Attention of a Crush (Fluff?/Cracky?)
1987!Raphael x reader x 1987!Michelangelo
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A/N: I SPUN THE WHEELS! Wheel one said 1987! Second wheel said Raphael! Third wheel said “+ one more turtle”, so I went back to the second wheel and it said Michelangelo! And then the third wheel said fluff! Hope you’ll enjoy!❤️🧡
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Warnings: None❤️🧡
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At this point, Raph and Mikey was in a constant fight for your attention, whenever you were around. You, one of the turtles’ best friends, had become a point of interest for the two brothers, especially your personal attention - which the two brothers wanted all for themselves.
When exactly Raph and Mikey developed a crush on you, no one knew. But seemingly everyone knew, with the exception of you, that the two brothers were hopelessly enamored by you, with comical large hearts in their eyes whenever they saw you. How you didn’t notice was a mystery on its own. But it did prove to be good entertainment for everybody watching.
Whenever you were around, Raph and Mikey would make an attempt to sabotage the other’s attempt to woo you over. Had one gotten totally out of character and brought you chocolate and flowers, the other would steal it before they had the chance to give them to you. There was even a time where Mikey, for some mysterious reason, thought it would be an amazing idea to ask if you wanted him to train you in martial arts. However Raph was quick to take him down, “proving” that Mikey wasn’t fit to train you. But when Raph then insisted that he sound train you, Mikey was quick to kick his legs out underneath him. You ended up asking Leo and Donnie for lessons, as Raph and Mikey’s strange attempts to fight over you, had driven you to believe that neither of them were able to train you. Both Donnie and Leo had found that quite amusing.
But by far, the most amusing thing for Leo and Donnie with this whole situation, was to watch Mikey and Raph’s silent fights over who got to sit next to you. Whether it was a seat next to you on the couch or by the kitchen table, Raph and Mikey would push and pull each other, until one was able to seat their butt firmly next to you. There had been times where Donnie, Leo, April and Master Splinter would just stand by the side line and watch the two fight, all without you noticing a thing. The best thing was when one of them then decided to take the seat next to you, shouldn’t either Mikey or Raph have gotten to it first. The comical looks of betrayal on their faces was always worth it.
There were times when Raph and Mikey wondered if you would ever notice anything. If you would ever notice how one of them kept looking at you, hoping that you would see how they pretty much floated through the air when they followed you, and how you would hopefully one day, give one of them a chance.
But for the time being, you were totally oblivious to any of their attempts of romantic gestures towards you, or how they kept a close eye on each other whenever you were around. The only thing you seemed to notice was two of your best friends, wanting to hang out with you more and more often, and you believed that it was for simple platonic reasons.
And though both Raph and Mikey wished you would look at one of them differently, neither of them could deny how happy they were to have you in their lives. They would much rather just have you as a friend instead of not at all. So if you one day decided to choose one over the other, they wouldn’t get mad at you. You were their best friend, and in the end they would always love you, no matter what… even if you chose their other brothers to train you.
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val3ntina-she · 3 months
How did you meet them
Based on: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo
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• You just wanted to spend the night in silence and you didn't think that a storm and a downpour would start to anger you. You could say that you hated this weather over the last dozen or so days
• The weather was getting on your nerves and you couldn't work on any project in peace and that was what pissed you off the most. But one day you met him at the top of the roof
• He was fighting something or someone and you couldn't take your eyes off him. However, your eyes met and you, being a terrified person, hid from him. However, Leonardo was also terrified, realizing that he had been caught and he was because of you
• Over time, you made friends because he seemed like a calmer person with whom you could talk normally rather than your own parents, who often argue about who knows what
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• Once, Raphael had an argument with his older brother and ran out of the lair to cool down. He cursed under his breath, kicking at random things that were on the roof [ if they were even there ]. However, he didn't think that he would meet the same person who also had such problems and that person was you
• At first he was cursing himself that he had been caught and was probably dead and you would start calling him monsters or weirdos. But he didn't think you'd be mad at him for hitting you in the head with something
• Over time, you became friends because you had the same interests and you fit together like two peas in a pod [ as friends ]
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• This shy boy accidentally bumped into you while you were working on a device in your room
• He fell straight onto your balcony and you were shocked to hear a crash outside, so you looked in that direction. Just then, Donatello got over his shock as he stood up, but then your eyes met. However, the gum you were chewing in your mouth fell straight onto the floor
• Donatello was simply terrified of being discovered and began to fear the worst. What he didn't think was that you didn't scream at all, you just had a shocked expression on your face and didn't think anything of it
• You just gave him a smile, so he did the same, because what was he supposed to do in this situation, right? You can't blame him for that
• Over the course of a few days of conversation, you became friends with each other. For all you knew, you had the same interests as him
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• This boy loved parties and pizza and you were just as much of a party animal as he was
• Defying his older brothers' orders, he jumped into a parade in New York. That's when his eyes and yours met. You loved his costume, but then you realized it wasn't a costume
• However you liked him very much and wanted to meet him again. You tried every way to see him again. But you were too stupid and didn't know about such things
• After a few days, you saw him again and you wanted to immediately become friends with him, even though you had only seen him for a few minutes at first. At first he was shocked by your enthusiasm, but he loved what you had inside you and over time you and him became friends. Yet sometimes you act like idiots, talking about parties, pizza and skateboards
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atrueneutral · 4 months
Look who slid into your inbox 😇 What would a dryad scene between Raphael and your Tav look like? (Not strictly a prompt)
BUT IT BECAME A PROMPT. Because the idea wouldn't leave my head. ---
He was becoming soft - malleable. He’d have to ruminate on when exactly he became putty in her hands, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to tell her ‘no’ whenever she came to him with the whim of an idea to enjoy each other’s company in public.
‘Dates’, she called them.
As a devil, he was used to courting people. There was usually a designated place and time to meet and discuss matters, and when his 'date' arrived, he’d cater to their desires with a charming smile before serving his deal on a silver platter. There was aught else to it aside from the perfect delivery of his lines and the signing of a contract. There was never any hand holding and soft touches, no staying close to each other and being drawn in for an impromptu kiss just because one felt like it.
And there were never any abhorrent creatures such as clowns, djinns, mummies, and-
“Shit, walk faster and don’t make eye-contact…” Tav urged from where she was posed on his arm.
He did not know what or who she was talking about, and thinking that they might be at risk of an attack (which seemed entirely plausible based on his beloved’s rather lively recounting of the last time she’d visited the Circus of the Last Days), Raphael made the mistake of looking around, leading him to make eye-contact with-
“You’re in love, are you not?” called out a lilting, feminine voice. It only took a split moment for him to recognize what the woman was; her nature was made apparent by the glowing markings that curled around her pale green body, the twigs in her red hair and the leaves that composed her scant outfit.
The question the dryad posed caused him to tense.
He should not have made eye-contact.
“I can see it in your eyes, stira. Your journey of-”
“Zethino!” Tav shouted, leaving him and moving in for the dryad. “You are Zethino, correct? The real Zethino?”
“I am, yes,” came the tree-spirit’s breathy reply. “I can see that you, too, are basking in love - a radiant love that you have never before experienced. There has been great suffering, and yet it has built the foundations of impenetrable devotion. Do you admit to this truth?”
“I do, but we’re not interested in-” 
“For one hundred gold, I will look into your hearts and see if your love is eternal, or doomed eternally.”
“No, thank you, Zethino,” Tav said, and she turned to give him an apologetic smile.
But… the dryad’s offer… possible confirmation that She would love him eternally…
Tav looked mildly nervous when she noticed him reaching into his pocket for his coin purse, and Raphael began to wonder why she so ardently wished to decline the offer.
Doubt began to creep in that she did not want to expose that her devotion to him was more penetrable than the dryad seemed to think.
Coin transferred hands, and the dryad magically pocketed the payment.
With a sigh and a shrug, Tav returned to standing beside him.
“Close your eyes. Be still as stone to earth, and remember to breathe…” the dryad requested.
His lip began to curl at the notion, and he heard a brief chuckle from the mouse at his side. Giving Tav a sidelong glance, he could read ‘don’t say I didn’t warn you’ in her humored eyes before she closed them.
He felt like a ripe fool - to close his eyes in the middle of a circus where lowlifes and vagabonds freely traipsed around… He was used to thieves and their mischief, and he’d be opening himself to the opportunity that they might be-
Her hand found his, and his heart lurched.
It (he) needed to know if Her love was eternal!
Raphael closed his eyes, became still as stone, and breathed.
Somehow he was transported to the middle of a forest. Lush plants and flowers filled the spaces between large rocks, pleasant chirping reached his ears and cool mist from the nearby roaring waterfall felt refreshing against his heated skin. He was now positioned at the end of a fallen tree trunk that made up a bridge, and standing at the opposite end was his little mouse.
“I see you. I see the bond between you. So tender. But do you see it for yourselves?” The dryad said, reading her lines off to the side of him. “Raphael: you are in constant war with yourself and with your heart. The heart is fraught, so let us begin with the joyous. When is he happiest?”
Yes, he regretted making eye-contact!
This corniness was made to expose him! Not Her!
And in front of this creature!
“When he’s won a new soul,” Tav said without needing time to consider.
She was placating him! Placating the fiendish side of himself when she surely knew that he is happiest… when he is…
(With her.)
He did not know what he was supposed to do, but Raphael did know he did not want to partake in the farce he paid one hundred gold for any longer. 
He glared at the dryad.
“Is she correct?” the tree-spirit softly inquired. “If so, she will step forward onto the bridge, and should the remaining two questions be answered true, you will go meet her at the center.”
When he faced Tav, he gave her a terse nod.
A flicker of a smile ghosted her lips as she stepped forward.
“Hear how your bond thrums with pleasure. Strong. Vital. Pulsing with affection,” the dryad continued. “Many things delight the heart, but only one makes it sing. Tell me, what does he desire more than anything.”
“To be the Archdevil Supreme,” Tav answered.
Yes, yes!
(Her love and affection.)
An embarrassing admittance for a devil to reveal!
End this sideshow of a spectacle!
Raphael crossed his arms and sharply nodded once more, prompting Tav to again step forward until she landed at the center of the bridge.
“The sweetest loves dance lightly on the tongue. But now, we must dig deeper into the most painful reaches of the spirit. Fear sits in the soul of all - to tame it, we must name it. Raphael - what is his deepest fear?” asked the dryad.
“To be consumed,” Tav stated.
How right she was - the deeply ingrained and horrifying fear that he would one day be consumed and have his existence end at the hand and mouth of his father should he fail…
(Was second to his fear of losing Her.)
Ready to be done, there was purpose in his stride as Raphael moved to meet his beloved.
“Hey, I tried warning you,” Tav laughed. “I knew you would hate thi-”
He pulled her to him, cut her off with a kiss, raised his other hand and…
They were back at the Circus, standing side by side.
“Ah, thank you, Zethino,” Tav said, her face flushed. She turned and tugged on the hand she still held. “We’ll be going now.”
The dryad smiled. “A bond and love eternal you two have.”
As they started to walk away, his dearest little mouse threw a response over her shoulder, “Yes, and unlike him, I didn’t need to waste one hundred gold to know that.”
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bitethedevil · 2 months
Raphael going to a noble party of some kind, disguised as a human, in order to find and schmooze with current and potential clients. While engaging with one such individual who seems particularly taken with him, from across the room he spots Tav, for once not dressed in adventurer's gear but decorated with finery. The Hero of Baldur's Gate is so radiant that, at a glance, one could be forgiven for mistaking the mortal as an angel in disguise. However, like the cambion, Tav also has noble-born partygoers vying for their attention, asking (and more often than not being granted) a dance with the hero, and perhaps gossip of nobles approaching the hero with dowry proposals and attempts at wooing this illustrious guest begin to reach the fiend's ears.
Thank you for the prompt! <3 Super interesting. This is just Raphael being Raphael pretty much. It's not super edited so bear with me.
And to others who have also sent me prompts: I have gotten so many of them! I'm very grateful and I'll try my best to get to as many of them as I can, though I have already warned that I am pretty slow.
Revenge (SFW)
Viola Gist, an elderly member of the Gist family who had run the trade of dyes in Baldur’s Gate, was talking Raphael’s ear off in the corner of the grand ball room. Nobles from all over the city had gathered in High Hall for one of the city’s annual balls.
Raphael was dressed in his best as always and managed to fit in so well that no one ever bothered to question if he actually belonged to the nobility of Baldur’s Gate. It was an art he had perfected many centuries ago. He rarely needed an invitation to go anywhere.
It was even easier when he happened to know quite a few people there. There was not a family in the Gate that he had not dealt with at some point. The ones who knew what he was kept wonderfully quiet, for no noble wanted to confess that they had asked for the help of a devil to keep their place far above heads of the smallfolk.
In fact, Lady Gist’s late husband himself had been a client of his and his soul was currently stashed away in his House of Hope. It seemed that his wife had moved on rather quickly, with the way she was dressed and the looks she was giving Raphael.
He indulged her, of course, with his smiles and charming comments. Her soul was not worth much, but what could he say? He was a collector, and he did love the idea of having the full set. Was their son and heir as gullible as his parents, he could be tempted to swing by to get him too in a couple of years.
Viola Gist kept blathering on while he tried his best to look intensely interested in what she said. He already had her. He was sure that all she needed was the tiniest push to convince her to sign his contract. Lady Gist was interrupted by some commotion behind her. Raphael raised an eyebrow and looked to where people seemed to be gathering around something or someone.
“Oh, it’s her,” the elderly lady said with a sneer after looking over her shoulder. “Can you imagine that? She was barely even raised in the city and now that she has returned, everyone is fawning over her for her hand in marriage. Between you and me, she might have the Sashenstar name, but she is truly only a distant relative to the main family.”
“Indeed? What a shame,” Raphael said and smiled at her. “The men of Baldur’s Gate surely must have terrible taste to hunt for anything new and shiny when there is such a magnificent jewel such as yourself right in front of them.”
His flirtations worked like a charm. Lady Gist blushed and giggled like a woman at least 40 years younger than what she actually was.
“It’s kind of you to say,” she said with that shrill giggle of hers. “Furthermore, I have been raised like a lady. You would not see me traversing through the wilderness with strangers, killing creatures of any sort like some brute.”
An odd description, Raphael thought.
“A brute, you say?” he asked. “What is the lady’s name?”
Lady Gist looked like she was trying to remember.
“Oh, it’s some dreadfully simple name,” she said and looked at the floor as she was thinking. “I don’t recall. It’s that girl that saved the city, or so they say. Mav? Tav?”
Raphael’s eyes widened slightly.
“Tav?” he asked slowly. “Tav…Sashenstar?”
“Yes, her,” Lady Gist said and waved her hand in a dismissive gesture.
That was news to him. He had done so much careful digging on the adventurers back then, but the fact that the little mouse who had snubbed him of his crown was a noble had not come up.
He looked through the crowd over the Lady’s shoulder. There she was, being almost smothered by suitors, wearing a dress, looking…presentable. Raphael might not have recognized her had he not been told she was there. Her smile was strained but polite as she greeted the people around her. She was rather pretty when she was not dressed in shabby armor and her hair did not look like a rat’s nest, he thought.
He had not seen her for so long. He had of course heard about their success with defeating the Netherbrain and everything that had happened after. He also knew who the Crown of Karsus had been given to and how that had ended. Perhaps there was an opportunity here…
Tav looked over the crowd and her eyes fell on Raphael. Her eyes widened completely and the smile on her lips fell when she saw him. She immediately averted her eyes from him, acting like she never saw him. Raphael smiled widely.
“We will talk again later, Viola,” he said and kissed Lady Gist’s hand. “There is an old associate that I simply must talk to.”
Tav had almost forgotten about him amongst all the noise and all the people, particularly young men, who wanted to speak and dance with her. She was dancing with a young man who was her age. He seemed nice, but like all the others, he was dreadfully boring, and it was so painfully clear that he was trying to sell himself to her. She hated it. She hated all of it.
The music finally stopped, and she was freed from him. She smiled politely to him before curtsying. When she turned around, someone grasped around her waist and caught her hand as the next song started. She looked up and panicked. She tried to move away but Raphael’s grip on her waist was firm.
“Ah-ah, dear,” he said and began to lead the dance. “No reason to cause a scene.”
She was still staring at him with wide eyes and dug her nails into his shoulder as he lead the dance with complete ease.
“Why are you here?” she asked hurriedly with a frown while trying not to fall over her own feet.
“I am working,” he answered with a smile. “I would ask why you are here, but word travels quickly in these circles. It’s been a while, hasn’t it, dear? Does the noble life suit you?”
“I don’t need anything, and you are not getting my soul.”
Raphael chuckled deeply.
“You wound me, dear,” he said and spun her around. “Is it truly such an impossible thought that I simply wanted to hear how you were faring?”
“Yes,” she quickly answered. “I’m fine. I’m doing wonderful.”
“Splendid,” he purred with a smile. “Although…I am terribly sorry to hear about your little sweetheart. The God of Ambition, was it? At least it must be to some relief to you that one of you got what you wanted.”
She stepped down hard on Raphael’s foot. He groaned and tightened his grip on her.
“Whoops,” she said and smiled spitefully at him. “I’m still getting the hang of this dancing thing, I’m afraid.”
“Mm, yes. How clumsy of you,” he grumbled and then continued talking. “And now you are to be married to one of these fine men in here. Has anyone caught your eye?”
“You know I could just tell everyone in here what you are,” she warned.
“So no,” Raphael sighed. “Marriage…Such a dull concept, isn’t it? You have seen horrors beyond most mortal’s comprehension, beaten terrible odds, saved the world, and now you are soon to be a noble lady. Sitting pretty beside some fat patriar. Is that truly what you want?”
She looked at him with anger in her eyes. He knew the answer to his question, of course, but she was all too easy to rile up.
“I wanted him,” she confessed quietly with a frown. “That’s all I wanted.”
“And all he wanted was the crown,” Raphael said with feigned sympathy. “Now Gale Dekarios is a god of the Heavens. He got everything he wanted, and yet you lost the man you loved, and I the crown I craved for centuries. Poor us. Fate is cruel, my dear.”
She sneered at him. The song finally came to an end and Raphael let her go. He smirked at her and bowed. She headed straight for the balcony, grabbing a glass of champagne on her way. Raphael followed. She was not going to escape him so easily.
“You look stunning tonight, by the way,” she heard Raphael’s voice from behind her. “Any of these poor fools would be lucky to have you.”
She looked over her shoulder and glared at him.
“Piss off, devil,” she grumbled and took a sip of her champagne.
“I see that your dancing is not the only thing you will have to work on,” he said with a chuckle and leaned against the balcony railing beside her. “Those manners of yours are horrendous as ever. Hardly befitting of a noble lady.”
She leaned her back against the railing and looked at him with her arms crossed and a furious frown on her face.
“I know what you are doing, you know.”
“Oh? What am I doing, my dear?” Raphael asked with a wide smile at her.
“You are trying to lure me into something,” she said. “Trying to remind me of my past, what I lost, but oh you can ‘help’, isn’t that right? You can make it all go away and make me happy again, if only I sign my name on one of your contracts. So, I reiterate: Piss off.”
Someone was on their way out to the balcony. One of her suitors from the look of recognition in the young man’s eyes. Raphael snapped and made the door close and lock in his face without even looking over his shoulder.
“You have me all figured out, haven’t you?” Raphael purred. “No, Tav. I simply stumbled upon an old client who seems miserable with the way that everything has turned out. No matter how much you smile in there, you cannot convince me that this life is something you want.”
“It’s none of your concern,” she said firmly.
“Oh, but it pains me to see people like yourself drenched in so much misery,” he cooed with feigned sympathy. “And it is miserable, isn’t it? To be so close to greatness just to have it snatched away again and be forced to face the same old dreadful sense of normalcy in one’s life.”
It bothered her to no end to have him compare losing the Crown of Karsus to her losing the love of her life. She knew that a part of him was just taunting her for not making the choice of giving the Crown of Karsus to him, because things would have been different if she did. Gale would never have ascended if she had.
“We are not the same,” she said. “And I really do not need your shoulder to cry on.”
“Perish the thought. I am not pitying you. I am simply saying that we are not so different after all. We are simply…” he waved a hand as he looked for the right word. “Talking…Bonding. Isn’t that what your sort calls it?”
“Bonding?” she said and wrinkled her nose at the absurdity of his words. “Spare me your annoying sales tactics and get to the point. What do you want?”
“You,” he said casually and carefully caught her hand with his. “Not your hand in marriage, you understand, though I am sure the two of us could have an awful lot of fun together, and ambitious men do seem to be your type…”
When she did not remove her hand, Raphael smiled and snaked his other hand around her waist. He had her right where he wanted her, and his little theory had been correct: she was lonely, and she was desperate. He was almost salivating at the thought.
“I am proposing a partnership of a different sort entirely,” he purred and wrapped both of his arms around her waist. “One that can reignite that spark in your eyes and take you far away from this dull new life of yours. You won’t even have to give me your soul. You simply have to answer one little question…”
She was looking up at him with expectant eyes. She was interested and there was no doubt about it.
“What?” she asked.
“Your lover left you to pursue greater things,” Raphael stated and ran his hand slowly up and down her back. “You tried to convince him not to, but he didn’t listen to you. He left you here, all alone, forced to go back to a life you never wanted in the first place because you did not share his ambition. My question is this: do you still only want him, or is it something else you crave now? Is it love…or is it revenge you are after?”
Her breathing got slightly heavier as she thought, as if caught up in conflicting emotions.
“Revenge,” she admitted in a quiet voice after a while.
“Good,” Raphael purred with a wicked smile. “Then it is settled, is it not? I want the crown and you want revenge. You are possibly the only person he would ever let into the Heavens. We can both get what we want and let me assure you, I never forget those who helped me to power like your dear Gale did.”
“I’m not sure,” she said quietly as she looked up at him. “Gale is a god now. He might be watching over me. That could be a hindrance in your little plan.”
They were standing so close now and the way her eyes ever so briefly went to his lips did not go past him. He could easily give her a taste of that revenge she so desperately wanted, just to draw her in further.
“Indeed. He might be,” Raphael purred and smiled. “Should we give him a show then?”
Raphael pushed her further back against the railing with his body. One of his hands went to the back of her neck as he pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed him back eagerly. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pulled him in further. It was a hungry kiss.
Raphael was no fool. He knew that it was all simply to anger her old flame, but that did not mean that he didn’t thoroughly enjoy her enthusiasm. They stopped when they heard a knock on the door to the balcony. They both looked and saw a group of nobles looking at them through the glass window.
Tav was blushing when Raphael looked back at her. He smiled and snapped his fingers to take them away to the House of Hope to further discuss their plans, away from the nobles and gods who might have been listening.
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
Hi! This is my first time asking for anything. Also, I love this blog, it saves me so much time browsing!!
I'm looking for some works to read where Crowley is reinstated as an angel (bonus points if he's Raphael but I'm not super picky).
Hello! You'll be interested in our #risen demon crowley, #angel crowley, and #crowley was raphael tags, so take a look at those. Here are some more fics in which Crowley rises...
Memories are lost both ways by IveUsedAO3AsAGuestFor3Years (T)
Raphael slammed his foot on the brakes and whipped his head to the side to stare at Aziraphale. “That’s it!” He exclaimed. “Why do you hate me?!” Aziraphale looked confused. “I don’t hate you.” (Crowley rises. Welcome, Raphael.)
Choking on Air by revise (T)
It wasn’t a literal fall… it happened slowly, almost as if he could stop it, reverse it if he’d tried hard enough. But apparently he wasn’t smart enough to stop asking questions. Wasn’t willing to stop conversing with other fallen angels who had more in common with him than he wanted to admit. or... Crowley falls, Crowley rises. It seems he has no choice in the matter.
there’s an angel and they’re shaped like you by spinner_of_yarns (G)
“Demon!” a by-standing angel shrieked. Crowley looked up at them and then down on themself, patting their chest inquisitively. “Um, actually, I don’t think I am, anymore. Huh.” * Crowley rises and decides to make it everyone’s problem.
A Rising Love by CruelBeauty (T)
“What in Satan’s name.” Crowley gasps and leans forward towards the mirror. His eyes are well, different. The bright yellow of his eyes has become more golden and the snake pupil has rounded out. They look positively normal. Which is positively not normal.
To Fall, To Rise by kittygirl2210 (T)
Two short one-shots, based on two drawings I did. The first: The Metatron forces Aziraphale to Fall after he tries to prevent the Second Coming. Crowley comforts him. The second: Aziraphale, as Supreme Archangel, summons Crowley to Heaven, Rising him back to the status of an Archangel. Crowley is unhappy and, even though he's back to Angelic status again, being Risen does not let a former demon forget their past transgressions (basically, Crowley is Risen but his eyes are unchanged)
Once Upon a Miracle by Mizmak (G)
Crowley makes a drunken declaration to God, which leads to a rather astonishing change.
- Mod D
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