#… and perhaps loved 🤭
wawapiggy · 5 months
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four relaxing in the sun with some lil friends :D
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
TD World Tour AU, where Noah is Chris’s Assistant from the start of World Tour, instead of a contestant ... Alejandro tries to charm Noah, like Alejandro had charmed Chef, but Noah is immune to his charms... What if Assistant Noah still told Owen that Alejandro is like 'an eel dipped in grease' and Alejandro CAN'T get rid of Assistant Noah for saying that?... Would they have a weird frenemy relationship for the rest of the show?... With Alejandro sometimes teasingly flirting with Noah, like he does with Heather? 😘
In my take on an Assistant Noah AU, Noah would be entirely immune to Alejandro's charm, not because he's switched on to The Archvillain's true colours (which, he is, but I digress) but because Assistant Noah is The Saltiest Bitch.
Imagine with me, for a moment, that you've landed yourself a pretty sweet gig; you're the personal assistant of an A-list celebrity who's only real job at the moment is hosting and directing one (1) reality TV show. The pay is really good and the job itself comes with a tonne of benefits, plus it's the perfect position for you to develop networks within the business (Noah canonically mentions "working his way up this 'biz", implying he has a desire to continue in the field of showbusiness).
Now imagine with me that said celebrity is Chris McLean, renown sadist and all-around disaster of a man. This guy absolutely pawns off the majority of his work onto you, meaning it falls onto your shoulders to; corral the on-set interns into some semblance of competency, make sure that each challenge is properly set up and ready to go, make sure Chris himself is set up and ready to go, and put up with regular coffee run requests. That's a lot of work for one 16~17 year old, even if you are a certified genius.
You're overworked, sleep-deprived and two seconds away from snapping at the nearest intern at any given moment.
And then, during the filming of the latest season, the guy you hand picked to star in the non-existent "Total Drama Dirtbags" (mostly because he was better looking than his brother, who also applied) tries to charm and flirt his way into you giving him advantages in the competition- or at the very least, trick you into divulging information on their next challenge. It's as if he thinks you're somehow not aware of the fact that he's a total scumbag, despite knowing you work on the show and therefore have seen both his acts of sabotage and the confessions in which he plots them.
Suffice to say, you're kind of insulted. I mean, really? Flirting? You don't even have time for something as trivial as a relationship, or even a fling! There's challenges to set up, international negotiations to suffer through, and unpaid interns to boss around- your schedule's booked!
And yet he keeps flirting with you, even after you've snubbed him multiple times. At this point you're pretty sure it's become a point of wounded pride for him, instead of the game tactic it started as; after all, his charms have worked on pretty much everyone on the cast, what makes you so different?
Eventually, as the herd thins, you decide to warn your best friend (who's somehow miraculously remained in the competition, despite his 'team leader's' obvious dislike of him) about Alejandro's less-than-noble intentions. Owen misconstrues your selfless act of solidarity as a sign of jealousy, or god forbid 'denial of your feelings', towards Alejandro. Which, what? No, that's not it at all! The one time you try to be a good friend and this is how you're repaid?
Alejandro overhears this, unfortunately, and seems to take the fact that you're not fooled by his obviously fake mask as some sort of personal affront. Of course, as the person who's essentially running the show, there's not much he can do to you besides carry on being the nuisance he is- which is exactly what he does, but more.
Suddenly, his flirting from before seems like nothing, because now he's really trying to get under your skin with that same plastic charm; it's like he took the dial to his natural flirtatiousness and turned it to eleven. It's annoying. And worse, it's getting in the way of your work flow.
You'd love to stage his elimination, but you know the public outcry from his untimely departure from the show would outweigh the relief of being rid of him, so you resolve to do as you have been; ignoring Alejandro until he gets bored. (That's easier said than done- he's really good at getting under your skin, like the thorns on a rose bush.)
To make matters Even Worse, your elusive appearances on the show- as Chris' personal assistant it would be impossible to avoid the cameras entirely, but you'd bribed the editing team to cut as much of your unwitting footage from the final edit as they could- paired with your 'entertaining dynamic' with Alejandro has the viewers clambering for more, so now you're obligated to act as a de facto co-host alongside your boss.
So now you're stuck having to at least acknowledge Alejandro, if only to give the editors something to work with. Great.
At least, that's what my take on an Assistant Noah AU would entail.🤷‍♀️
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teaandduckss · 10 months
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They are very squished but boom ✨ the hallway of the ArchAngels in heaven :)
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superbbasementtragedy · 3 months
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I Drew my bestie’s ( @maryalezoo ) Uzi’s design
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luvuomi · 5 months
my job as a sub teacher often makes me brainrot scenarios of ‘zuha interacting with kids/being a teacher …
like he’s so kind hearted by nature that i can just imagine him being super patient and gentle with children and naturally, all the kids love him. if they see him in the hallways they’ll instantly run up to give him a hug, wave or call out his name🥹
the kind of teacher who plays with with his students during recess or does activities ( especially arts & crafts ) alongside them. he very much has an emotional connection with the kids which is why so many love him! including the parents !!
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izzyspussy · 3 days
my sister's mother said i was abusing her and that i was lucky she didn't hit me, for... raising my voice after having to repeat myself several times. after i calmed down and apologized. cool.
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actualnymph · 11 days
The older I get the more I realize I am extremely type a 😭 unfortunately everything needs to be a certain way and it drives me crazy. also I love information 🫶
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OH MY GOSH….Just finished The reappearance of Rachel Price and my life will never the same 😭😭 I saw your pip ficts the other day but I’m shy and didn’t want to bother you. But…since your thinking of writing for Annabel (bel) I have to just ask this. I really enjoyed Ash and Bel’s relationship, it was very cute!! But…did anyone else get vibes from Bel’s “bestie” Sam Blake?? I mean “nuzzling Bel’s cheek with her nose”….it seems kinda…🤭
Never be shy my sweet anon!! I promise I am just a soft girl who loves holly Jackson’s characters just as much as you!! I finished TRORP a few days ago and I too have no idea what to do with my life. It was such a good book!! Not to give any spoilers away but I see your point..🤭🤭 I did think that bel was a bit (very😭)fruity. She just gives of those vibes (I love her your honor) Ash and Bel were so cute! I admit!! But I am a sucker for the girl squads so bel and Sam definitely seemed to have some vibes from them. 🤭🫶(working on something for an anon request for bel and I think it’s going well) mama Rachel at the end with her “knowing eyes”…👀
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callmehide · 6 months
definitely not projecting or anything but i think wolfwood is a leo 🥰
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waloeders · 11 months
mfw i keep ending fights with zantetsuken :3
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batbabydamian · 3 months
Gonna need to see either brother Kon and Tim try to calm their little brothers down or perhaps even Lizzie getting a taste of her own medicine from a shrunken down Bat and Sups 🤭 (only if you want to though)
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i imagine if they play peek-a-boo, Damian makes this expression every time Tim uncovers his face
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januaryembrs · 6 months
YOU'RE TOO SWEET FOR ME | Spencer Reid x Sunshine!Reader
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Request: @avis-writeshq says -
HELLO HELLO jumping on your 2k celebration reqs because 2K OMG SO DESERVED ‼️🫶
may i perhaps request a spencer reid x fem!reader fic please 🥹 maybe him post prison w new reader and she follows him around everywhere because she’s just instantly enamoured to him 🤭
thank you so so much lovely and congrats again !!!
Description: thirteen years in the fbi and ten weeks in prison does a number on Spencer, only when he arrives back in the office he meets the sunshine rookie that seems rather taken with him.
word length: 2.6k (this really ran away from me)
warnings: post-prison Reid, slightest age gap, Spencer dealing with coming home from prison, gun shooting?
authors note: hozier’s new song 'Too Sweet' + post-prison reid is a need, not a want.
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He smelled her french vanilla perfume before he even knew she was there. But then again, it was all he could smell the minute she waltzed into the office with a tray of coffee, like someone had stuck a sweet dessert in the oven and baked it on full. 
“Good morning!” She chirped, winding an arm over his shoulder and setting down a take out cup and a little chocolate donut on his desk, “Pen said you like chocolate, and I mean who doesn’t like chocolate, right?” 
She was potent when she was so close to him, and in one single breath he caught a whiff of her shampoo, before she had flitted over to her side of the desk that sat opposite his, where Morgan once sat. Noticing his hesitance, mistaking it for discontent she paused, almost spilling her own beverage over the potted plant she kept by her keyboard, scrambling to set it on the surface.
“Y-you do like chocolate right? I mean they had strawberry too, I can switch yours with JJ’s, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind-” She splurged, and her face was much too worried considering it was a matter of a donut, particularly considering he was already eying up the way the thick chocolate was melting in the pastry bag.
“Chocolate is great, I love…” He held up the bag to read the label with squinting hazel hues, “Cocoa Caramel delight,”
He had never heard of it.
He had never even seen this brand, but he wanted to quell her nerves even in the slightest. The BAU didn’t have the funds for a new keyboard, let alone time to send her to the ER if she ended up spilling her coffee over her hand. 
She seemed convinced, and he offered her a small smile, not exactly his most enthusiastic, but then again he hadn’t been much of a morning person since he’d come out of prison. He liked quiet, he liked a moment to himself before Penelope called them into the round table for briefing. But she was sweet, too sweet perhaps for the dark nature of their job. 
He could already see it chewing up her perky disposition and spitting her right back out within a year. It happened to the best of them.
But she smiled back at him, a million watt grin that made him think maybe he was being a little cruel. She was still brand new, still trying to make friends and he remembered how hard he tried when it had been his first few weeks on the team. He turned his gaze away from her in shame, reading the way she’d written his name on the cup in a pink sharpie, framing it with two doodle hearts. 
She all but skipped away, sensing he didn’t feel like talking much anymore, and he heard Emily exclaiming she was ‘A caffeine angel sent from the heavens,’ as she handed her the drink. He watched her braided hair disappear down the hall as she bounced over to Penelope’s lair. 
He picked at the cocoa caramel delight with a kind of self loathing he was familiar with, the french vanilla still a saccharine sugar in his nose. 
She caught him again; though this time he felt her bristle past his arm, watching the bullets pierce the target paper with an accuracy that only came from fourteen years of practice. 
“Do you reckon you could teach me how to do that?” Her cadence was light and airy, and he had to stop himself from jumping, from slamming the butt of the gun into her nose on reaction, because he knew she meant well, even though she had no idea how damaged he was.
He was still out of sorts from having to look over his shoulder at every second of the day, and he was surprised he was holding it together so far. He supposed shooting the shit out of a target helped.
Because it was just her, looking at him with soft eyes and a smile that could start wars, and he knew she had no idea the effect she had on the walls he’d tried so hard to build in prison. 
She must have mistook his look for annoyance, because she was quick to fumble with her own loaded gun, taking a step back in retreat, worried that she crossed some line she didn’t know he’d drawn.
“Or I could get Luke to show me, I didn’t mean to bother you, I just am really a shit shot and I know that’s pretty useless in the field-” It wasn’t until he flicked the safety on and took a step to follow her did she look at him again hopefully. 
“No, I’d be more than happy to show you,” He cleared his throat, setting his pistol in its holster and stepping behind her as she lined herself up for the fake body meant to resemble an unsub, “We all have to start somewhere. Show me your form,” 
She raised her arms up in front of her, aiming for a few seconds for the spot in the centre of the chest cavity, her finger reaching up for the trigger. 
She shot once, her face hardened for the first time he’d ever seen, and they both watched the paper rip about half a foot down the unsub’s leg. 
“See, in my head it’s hitting dead centre and then by the time I shoot it’s wiggling all over the place,” She explained, scratching her neck and frowning at the paper body, “I don’t suppose unsubs are willing to stand still and wait while the rookie figures out her shot,”
“Your hips are perfect, wide stance means you get more stability against the ricochet,” She tried not to simper at his words, or the way he sidled up behind her, his hands coming up to her shoulders as if he’d known her for years, as if JJ hadn’t told her how much he hated other people’s germs, “It’s in your shoulders you’re losing balance, try relaxing a little,”
But she couldn’t not when he was breathing down her neck, rubbing those long fingers over her shoulder blades trying to get her to straighten out her posture, hoping he couldn’t feel the way her chest rattled with nerves. 
“Relax,” He reminded, trying not to chuckle when he felt her shake her arms out as a means of hiding the way her skin had warmed under his rough touch, “You know, my unit chief taught me how to shoot. I wasn’t at all good at it when I first started,”
“Oh really?” She asked, her breaths feather light as he reached around her and adjusted her grip on the gun, “H-he must have been a good teacher,”
“He was the best,” Spencer agreed, brushing off the fact she was all but putty beneath his hands, “Three steps for the perfect shot; front sight, trigger press, follow through. Always keep your head forward, always keep your dominant finger ready, and wait until you’ve shot to drop your stance,” 
She looked up at him in admiration, and her soft smile was back as his own musk of laundry detergent and chamomile soap encompassed her as his arms did. 
He brought one of those big hands to the back of her head, moving her with gentle ease to look back at the target, a slight chuckle in his voice as he spoke: “Focus, what’s step number one?”
“Front sight,” She echoed him, fixing her shoulders with determination as he dropped his hands and stepped away from her. Taking a deep breath, she murmured to herself under her breath the next step as her forefinger rested over the trigger. She pulled it after a moment of courage, and froze in spot as she watched it hit where the stomach would sit. 
Not a perfect shot, but certainly a lot better than she had been doing. 
Her eyes widened behind the thick protective glasses, and her hands became fists above her head as she squealed in delight. 
“Did you see that- did you see!” She yelled over the sound proof ear muffs they both wore, and he was quick to grab the gun out of her swinging arms, clicking the safety on for her before she could end up blowing a hole in the ceiling. 
“Very good, give it a few months you’ll be a natural,” He complimented with a smile as she clapped her hands in glee, buzzing on the spot as if she’d chugged five energy drinks or doubled up on her coffee for the day. 
He tried ignoring the way his chest warmed seeing her so happy because of him, especially when she looked at him like that. 
“You said you needed those files, Dr Reid,” She’d appeared again, like she always did, and he had barely enough time to glance up from the paper he was already inspecting before he was hit by the perfume again, and he looked up to see two bright eyes watching him hopefully. Her arms were piled high with easily a box full of folders he had asked Anderson to find for him, and he saw the way she strained slightly to keep them held tight. 
“Jesus! Let me help you,” She prayed he couldn’t feel the way her heart thumping against the manilla folders as he leaned over to take them out of her grasp, the way her eyes fell to his light smattering of facial hair as his lips were little more than a few inches from hers. Even when his hands brushed hers, and he seemed to realise she was staring, watching her scramble to look somewhere else other than his amused eyes, embarrassed he’d caught her, “Thankyou. And just call me Spencer,” 
“Thankyou,” She echoed, shaking her head with a girlish smile on her face, her cheeks warm with humiliation, “I mean you’re welcome, any time,” 
For the sake of her self preservation he waited until she turned around to smile to himself, pretending he didn’t see the way she muttered under her breath, or that she almost walked straight into the filing cabinet on her hasty exit out of the office. 
“Seems like you have a shadow,” Emily’s voice met him as he heard her heeled footsteps approach, and they both watched their newest team mate almost bump right into JJ as she kept her head down, stroking her hair nervously, “She was super excited to meet you when you were away, said she went to one of your guest lectures you did with Hotch a couple years ago,”
His brows shot into his hairline, something warm flourishing in his chest when he saw her peek back to see the two of them watching her, and she immediately darted for her seat for an excuse to turn her back to them. 
Spencer smiled again, running a hand through his curled locks as if he was trying to think of something else other than the joy that had over come his features. 
She certainly was charming, in an incredibly girlish way, and he wasn’t the only one who thought it. He hadn’t heard Penelope giggling so much since Morgan had left, nor did he miss the way Rossi and Emily watched her darting around in the field, chasing after her as if she needed one of those leashes people had for toddlers.
Or the way Luke had had to talk her out of bringing a stray cat back to the BAU just two days ago because ‘it looked sad and lonely’. 
She was only eight years his junior, and yet he felt like the job had made him too hard, too mature, too tough against a softness like hers.
Girls had never really been interested in him, at least not for him as Spencer Reid, not as SSA Dr Reid. He had the occasional fling, even Maeve in the grand scheme of things had been a budding romance at best, and just the thought of Cat Adams viper-like eyes had him shuddering. 
He barely wanted anything to do with women at the moment, at least that was what he’d told himself every night he’d been fighting for his damn life in prison. 
But it was almost too easy to feel this way about her, like he couldn’t drink in her sweet smell or even sweeter voice fast enough, or bathe in her gaze that melted like rich chocolate when he took a glance her way. 
He didn’t bring it up with her until they were the last few people filing out of the office. 
“I can drive you,” She chirped, almost dropping the contents of her bag everywhere as she rooted for her car keys, and before he could protest, because it was like all he could see now was how eager to be around him she was and he wasn’t too sure he could keep himself from opening pandora’s box, she jingled her keys, that of course had crochet bluebells hanging from them and all but danced past him into the elevator. “Come on, you can have shotgun,” 
“I’ll be the only passenger, doesn’t that mean I automatically have shotgun?” He asked, following behind her as she stood in the elevator with a beaming smile, her finger clicking the ground floor button a bunch of times even though it made no difference how fast the doors closed. 
“Well, yeah, but it’s going to be the best shotgun you’ve ever had. I’m talking you can be Miss Daisy and I’ll be your Morgan Freeman,” And as if her spirit was infectious, he shook his head with a hidden chuckle.
There was a minute of silence between the two as she played with a loose thread on her cardigan, and it was then he took the chance to ask her the question that had been burning on his lips all day. 
“You didn’t by any chance go to University of Pennsylvania, did you?” Spencer asked, noting the way her eyes fell to the floor and how she licked her lips nervously.
“Yeah,” She replied cautiously, fingers clenched tightly around her keyring, “I know it’s not Caltech, but it was pretty good-”
“Didn't you see my lecture with Hotch?” He asked, and his smile widened tenfold when her hands slapped over her cheeks that burned with horror, moving quickly up to cover her eyes, “Little birdy told me you were quite excited to meet me-”
“Oh, Emily,” She groaned, burying her face in her palms, avoiding his teasing expression like the plague, “I knew, I knew she was going to tell you, I’m surprised she didn’t tell JJ first, unless she did and our whole team know I was some crazy girl who liked the FBI agents so much she switched her major,” 
“You switched your major for me?” He asked incredulously and he only laughed harder, one of the first times since he’d come home, when she groaned louder, turning away from him entirely. 
“Shut up, I did not swap my major for you,” She bit back, and she finally met his gaze, her expression an embarrassed wince, “I just… liked the material. You were very compelling,”
“Did you have a poster of us?” Spencer wanted to stop teasing, knew he was being a little cruel, but how could he resist when she shrieked in between laughter, shoving his shoulder with mortification.
“Did you kiss Hotch’s picture before bed like an obsessive fangirl?” 
She gestured to him vulgarly as they left the elevator and headed for the car park, and it made a huge difference to the usual adoration she watched him with, but maybe, he thought, it made him like her even more. 
“No more shotgun for you, you’re going in the trunk like an old rug,” She snapped, though he could tell she was still horrified by the way she avoided his delighted hazelnut gaze. 
“Like an old rug?” He feigned hurt, but when they sat in her car, she finally looked over at him with something vulnerable and yet affectionate, like he’d seen her for all she was worth. He reached over the console to squeeze her hand gently, not missing the way her palm clammed beneath his and she struggled for words, so he continued for her, “That’s really no way to talk to your idol, you know,” 
Spencer swore his chest felt lighter than it had in months watching her laugh like that.
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lyekisses · 1 year
FINALLY HOME after like. over 12 hours of travel. AND EVERY HOUR WAS WORTH IT <3333
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norrisainz33 · 1 month
New Girl || GR63
☆ summary: george has got himself a new partner and fans are obsessed but can’t seem to find her on social media
☆ pairing: george russell x nonfamous!reader
☆ fc & warnings: none
☆ requested: yes!! thank you for taking the time to request 🤍
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
F1Gossip has made a post
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f1gossip: looks like george russell has been getting cozy with his new partner over summer break! here’s what we know so far about gr63’s new girl: 1) her name is y/n, 2) she’s not famous (that we can verify), and 3) she has no social media. if any of you have any information, let us know!
view all 453 comments
user1: so it IS possible to be a wag and not be a famous model. there is hope 😫
user2: when is it my turn ?!!?!?!!!
user3: how is it possible she has no socials
user4: i went through all of george’s followers and can’t find a single one that looks like her
user5: i have dug through every pocket of the internet and can’t find her either
user3: honestly if we can’t find her then she def isn’t on here bc y’all are like the fbi
user6: oh to be a normal girl AND be george russell’s partner
user8: she’s living my dream
user9: if she goes to zandvoort one of y’all BEST ask her some questions
user10: or at least get some photos 😭
user11: i’m like 90% sure she went to uni with my brother - he says he recognizes her from one of his classes. so she MAY have gone to [insert university]
user9: obsessed with these CRUMBS
user10: y/n if you see this we accept u with open arms
user12: maybe just maybe george will hard launch over break so we can get more crumbs
gerogerussell63 added to his private story
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alex_albon: georgie mate when am i going to meet this girl???
georgerussell63: she might be at zandvoort! we’re taking things a bit slow
alex_albon: says the man who has paparazzi photos of him and his girl sucking face
georgerussell63: alright alright fair point. y/n is just really shy and i don’t want to overwhelm her. maybe we do something low key together during break ?
alex_albon: i get it mate don’t worry!
landonorris: 👀
georgerussell63: 🤭
danielricciardo: oooo who is this?
georgerussell63: my girl ☝🏻
danielricciardo: thank you captain obvious 🧡
lilymhe: she’s so cute!! can’t wait to meet her 🤍
georgerussell63: you’re gonna love her. alex and i planned a double date for the 4 of us 😉
lilymhe has posted to her story
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user3: this is the first time anyone has posted georgey/n that is NOT a gossip account ,, this is a huge day for annoying ppl (me)
georgerussell63: it was so good to see you both!
lilymhe: likewise! y/n is so sweet. you should keep her
georgerussell63: trust me, i plan on it
user4: thanks for feeding us georgey/n crumbs
user5: lily imma need you to spill the beans! i won’t tell a soul i promise
user5: ok i lied i definitely will tell people
georgerussell63 has added to their story
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user8: she’s hot i see why you’ve been gatekeeping
user9: the hard launch we’ve all been waiting for
yourbff: ok this is so cute 🥹
georgerussell63: she is the cutest
landonorris: ohhhh she made the non private story i see things are getting serious
georgerussell63: perhaps 👀
landonorris: you better bring her by mclaren in zandvoort i wanna meet her
georgerussell63: only if you promise to be normal mate
landonorris: when am i not?
georgerussell63: 🙄
user11: george russell when i catch you
user12: quick drop her @
user14: wow george i thought we had something special!
georgerussell63 has made a post
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liked by yourbff, mercedesamgf1, alex_albon, f1gossip, landonorris, lewishamilton, and 567,347 others
georgerussell63: if only summer break lasted forever. off to the races we go! see you all in Zandvoort 💪🏻
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user8: still no tags tho she must really not be on socials
user9: and honestly,, good for her
user12: i wonder what it’s like to not be chronically online
user13: omg y/n!!!!!
mercedesamgf1: looking forward to seeing you back out on the track!
georgerussell63: can’t wait 😍
user33: summer break george you will always be famous
lilymhe: omg look it’s my new best friend
georgerussell63: wow i’m flattered
lilymhe: NOT talking about you
user45: he’s made it insta post official
user56: oh to be on a boat with the george russell
lewishamilton: ready for a strong second half of the season!
georgerussell63: 💪🏻
user27: y/n is the blueprint fr
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F1Gossip has made a post
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f1gossip: y/n attended her first grand prix! here are some photos of her from the weekend and an anonymous update from a fan who was at the gp: “y/n was one of the sweetest wags i’ve ever met. she was very shy and unsure of the all the attention but throughout all of the interactions with fans she was super kind and attentive in ways she definitely didn’t have to be. a few of us asked her some questions and this is what we got: she’s from [insert home country] which you can tell immediately by her accent, she doesn’t have any social media and her and george met while she was on vacation in barcelona ahead of the gp in spain.”
view all 324 comments
user22: oh my god shes so pretty wtf
user65: i’m so jealous of her,, she literally cracked the code
user99: i met her in zandvoort! she was so shy but literally so kind it was ridiculous. she told me she liked my george friendship bracelet so i gave it to her and you can see it in the first pic. she then proceeded to give me a bracelet she made 😭
user89: omg obsessed with her already
user77: wait this is so sweet?
user75: god i see what you have done for others
user47: brb booking tickets to monza and gonna walk around looking confused till i find myself a hot f1 boyfriend
user66: genuinely begging someone to get the story of how they met
georgerussell63: we were at a cafe in barcelona, i was in a rush and talking on the phone while grabbing a cup of tea (mistake) and i turned too quickly on my way out and ran directly into y/n making a complete and utter mess. she apologized to me for like 2 minutes straight even though i was the one who messed up and ruined her dress so i told her id buy her a new one after i realized i was talking to the prettiest girl i’d ever seen and the rest was history
user57: ohhhhhhh my god this is so cute
yourbff: can confirm it was really cute 🥹
user34: the meet cute to end all meet cutes wtf
user23: i also met her at zandvoort and i asked her how it felt to be living every tumblr blogs dream life and she laughed and said she knows she’s super lucky and won the lottery with meeting george 😫
user43: ok we stan tf out of her
user96: mother behavior
yourbff has made a post
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liked user1, user2, user3, user4, yourbff, user5, georgerussell63, user6 and 8,657 others
yourbff: now that my bestie is a niche internet micro celebrity, here’s some pics from the infamous barcelona trip (don’t worry, she as approved the post and says hi to you all)
view all 297 comments
user1: two pretty best friends
user2: now we’re talkin , this is the sorta content we needed
user3: oh my god!!! it’s y/n!!!!! hi y/n 👋🏻
user6: quick someone convince her to make an account
yourbff: i’m working on it 😫
georgerussell63: i 🤍 barcelona too
yourbff: aww george 🥹 -y/n
user14: i’m obsessed with this
user39: hi y/n!! welcome to the wonderful world of being a mercedes fan 🫣
user40: everyone say thank you yourbff for the y/n post!
user98: thank you 🤭
user27: thank you mother
user76: making sure we are fed fr
user45: 📝go to barcelona to find hot bf
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
a/n: thanks for reading!! likes and reblogs appreciated! still slowly working through requests
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
disclaimer: pictures are not mine and everything i write is fiction
© norrisainz33 || please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
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singsweetmelodies · 10 months
me, briony & tia: *post a fic where pierre and charles joke about who tops*
everyone in the comments: OK but can you write the bottom!pierre? please? please 🥺
and like.... listen, guys, i love you all, i really do. but please elaborate to me how THIS babygirl
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would top this man?
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snoopyracing · 2 months
wanna be yours 2.0 // ln4 social media au // part two
part one | part three
pairing: lando norris X american!reader / mclaren photographer!reader and slight pato o'ward X reader
warnings: swearing
summary: a remix of my fic wanna be yours in social media au form. or basically lando and the reader both being in love with each other but being too stubborn and scared to say anything so they suffer in silence until one finally crumbles.
contains: best friends to slight strangers to lovers, pining, angst, jealous!lando, asshole!lando, clueless!lando, and perhaps a little lando or pato? situation.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
may 21st, 2024
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y/n.jpg added to their story @4:19 p.m.
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patriciooward replied to your story
y/bsf replied to your story
↳  he picked you up from the airport and got you frozen yogurt.. girl 🤭🤭
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may 22nd, 2024
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may 23rd, 2024
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liked by patriciooward, y/bsf, logansargeant and 104,000 others
y/n.jpg: a perfect day
patriciooward: with the perfect girl ❤️ -liked by author
y/bsf: 😏😏
↳ y/n.jpg: do you to be want blocked?
patriciooward: wait my eyes are closed in the last pic… you're a photographer and couldn't get one with my eyes open??
↳ y/n.jpg: you wouldn't stop squinting 😣
logansargeant: gonna miss you this weekend. be sure to consume enough red 40 and ranch for the both of us.
↳ y/n.jpg: i may or may not have a couple bottles of ranch already in my suitcase to bring back...
↳ logansargeant: I LOVE YOU -liked by author
user2: oh this is practically a hard launch
user3: lando y/n truthers stay strong
landonorris: so this is why you can’t respond to my texts
↳ this comment has been deleted
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may 24th, 2024
y/n.jpg added to their story
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liked by patriciooward, y/bsf, landonorris and 120,000 others
y/n.jpg: carb day you are always so much fun. how do i convince the fia to create their own carb day?
↳ y/n.jpg: i told you to wear sunscreen
patriciooward: how did you sneak off to the snake pit??
↳ y/n.jpg: don't even act like you weren't there with me
↳ patriciooward: 🧍
martingarrix: i'll get the ball rolling by nominating myself to be the dj.
↳ y/n.jpg: well good because i only had you in mind.
user1: lando in the likes?!?! is my family done fighting?
user2: is this us finding out that y/n and martin know each other and that means lando introduced them and that they are close enough for him to comment on her stuff?? oh the y/n lando lore goes deeper than we thought.
user3: isn't it like 2 in the morning in monaco.. lando go to bed... she's mine.
user9: the way you guys talk about lando and y/n is ridiculous. he literally has a girlfriend or did everyone forget??
may 25th, 2024
Sky Sports F1 Post Qualifying Interview
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y/n.jpg added to their story at 7:10 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
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y/bsf replied to your story
↳ WHAT????!!!?! THE HELL????
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taglist: @coff33andb00ks @daisyfreecs @mel164 @hurtblossom @the-untamed-soul @ameliaalvarez06 @ahnneyong @landotd @spideylovin @wobblymug @vizzzashley @urfavsgf @lunamelona @sunflowervol18 @kiwi43-81 @horneybeach1 @czennieszn @dontworryboutitokie @weekendlusting @deamus-liv @lexiecamposv @nikki1dxx @eggingamazinglove
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