#they sent everyone home from work early because it’s nice out but i’m not going home 😭
erikahenningsen · 1 month
Some Cadina headcanons to kill time
Cady finds that she loves Disney movies, and once she’s done watching every iteration of The Lion King 8000 times Regina offers to watch all the other ones with her. Secretly, it’s because Regina refused to watch them once she started middle school because she thought they were too babyish, but she does love and miss them. Watching Cady get adorably excited watching the movies is just a bonus.
When Regina decides to join lacrosse, it becomes Cady’s new special interest. She doesn’t really care about watching lacrosse beyond watching Regina, but she gets really into learning every rule and the history of the game. Soon she knows even more than Regina does about lacrosse. On one occasion Janis has to hold Cady back when the ref cards Regina over a call Cady considers to be bullshit. She wears Regina’s lacrosse t-shirts to all her games.
Cady and Regina go to senior prom together. Cady is the one who asks Regina. She enlists Damian and some of the theater kids to serenade Regina (which she hates but also loves) and Janis to make a sign as a promposal. Regina acts like it’s cheesy and she’s above it but she cries a little. Cady doesn’t call her on it. They get coordinating dresses and ride to the dance in a limo with their friends and kiss on the dance floor. It’s the best night of Regina’s life.
Cady is the person Regina texts when she’s in pain, but she only starts doing it after Cady yells at her for ignoring her body’s warning signs when Cady finds her in a stairwell at school unable to get up or down the stairs. Cady will bring Regina her meds and a heating pad and will give her a massage, even if Regina doesn’t ask for it and sometimes even when Regina isn’t in pain. Sue her.
Regina single-handedly turns the mathletes competitions into a hot school event. She makes social media pages for the teams and convinces students to go (some would call it threatening, but Regina disagrees) and cheers loudly for Cady when she gets an answer right. She’s been escorted out from more than one competition for heckling.
Regina is still deeply insecure about her body and it took a long time for her to let Cady see her without clothes on (including when they went to the beach or hung out by Regina’s pool). Cady makes it a point to not only tell Regina how beautiful she is but to show her how much she loves her imperfections by kissing each scar and stretch mark. It’s healing not only for Regina but also for Cady, who feels responsible for Regina’s scars and the weight that Regina gained during junior year.
Shane imprints on Cady like a baby duck because Regina is Shane’s person and Cady is Regina’s person, so in a roundabout way Cady is his person, too. Cady is at first kind of overwhelmed by the intensity of his friendship but she quickly grows to love him. I’m not saying Shane runs a Cady/Regina anonymous Instagram account but if one DID exist it would be his. His math grade is improving, too.
Regina’s mom is overwhelmingly supportive. On one particularly scarring occasion she sits Cady and Regina down to talk about safe sex, complete with props. She has a series of TikToks about her lesbian daughter and her girlfriend that Regina secretly deletes (her mom’s phone password is 1234) and then acts like there’s some weird glitch in the app that does that. Regina is swimming in lesbian pride flag apparel and pins and flags that kind of makes her want to die but secretly makes her emotional. Regina really wishes her mom would stop referring to Cady’s mom as her sister-in-law though.
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soulc-hilde · 20 days
Game Shakers / Ch. 03
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from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸 READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
Pairing: Eminem x OFC!
Warning(s): Cursing, Drug Abuse, Racial Discrimination, Sexual Assault, more may be on the way as the story progresses
Summary: 2000s is quite the highlight between the fashion and rise of pop culture. Seemingly the new faces of shock value, rapper Marshall Mathers and rockstar King Woods finds a common ground amongst the unnecessary bullshit.
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“When I say that Marshall is a charmin’ son’f a bitch, I fucking mean it,” King laughs, shaking her head.
“Why is that?”
“So, after the VMAs, there was an after party, right?” She rhetorically asks. “I hate those damn things with my soul, but we had to stick it out until we were allowed to go home.”
A huge smile begins to grow across her face, “Matteo had made a deal with me that day and it was, if I could stay there for like… half an hour, I could leave early and Marshall walks into the party…”
Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, N*SYNC, and whoever the fuck else crowded surrounded the venue on top of the heaping bodies of their plus ones and management teams, maybe even sneaky fan and paparazzi here and there.
Sitting in a section on the 2nd, per King’s request, the sixtet drank and made jokes about… well, they made not so nice jokes. They people watched from the balcony, amused at how such televised royalties could act so trashy under the influence. It was so stupid. This entire shit-tick was stupid.
Nursing her beer, she added the occasional hums into the conversation as her friends actively talked. “Fuck, work,” Matteo smiled, “we can talk about it later. Iris, Tink, how’s your lovers?”
The two laughed, shaking their heads at the mocking sounds of kissing. Tink spoke first, “Carson’s doing fine. I’m sure he lost his mind when we won our awards and performed. He’s like our #1 fan, he just needs the fucking styrofoam finger.”
They laughed, picturing the 6’7” sized man jumping with that damn finger on his hand - that is, if there was one big enough for his hands. Irish then chimed in, “Terrance is good, too. We’ve been hustling about, getting our shit in order for the wedding.”
“Speaking of which,” Maliyah trailed, “did you guys speak on making your relationship public or keeping it private?” Iris nodded, “we want to go public, but we’re thinking about doing it after the wedding.”
Everyone nodded before continuing. King glanced over the balcony to meet a pair of cerulean eyes staring up at her. Paired with such beautiful features was bleach blond hair and slightly chapped lips that sat in a natural pout. A small smile stretched across her face and before she could stop herself, she waved him up.
With a small smile of his own, he sent a nod her way and made his way to the stairs with Dre and Proof following behind. He weaved around the crowd, never leaving her own. Just footsteps away from her table, he nearly started speed walking to sit beside her.
“Uh, hey,” he greeted softly, chubby cheeks pulled back to reveal a small smile and hidden dimple.
Charmed, King leaned against the booth, smiling. “Howdy,” she laughed, sipping her drink. "How'd you like your first award show?" He shrugs, eyes bouncing around the venue to avoid her dark ones.
"It's a'ight," he answered, "it's crowded and the whole carpet thing is stupid as hell." King snorted, "you ain't say nothin' but a word. At our first event, journalists were calling me a bitch all because I couldn't be bothered to play stupid."
The two shared a laugh. Marshall fumbled with a loose thread on his button up, debating on his next move when he suddenly blurted: "Just like how that reporter tried to get you slandering my name, huh?"
Instantly, the two perk up, waiting for the other to make their move. King made her's first, setting her drink down with a sigh. "I'm guessing she then snitched away? If there's one thing not alot are warned when signing their life away, these industry folks are snakes."
"From your colleagues in the business down to the reporters," she continued, shaking her head, "you never know who's willing to switch up at the drop of dime."
He added on, "but you and the others didn't. Y'all could've written me off as every name in the headlines and walked off, stirring shit just to stir shit, but you didn't. Why?"
King bit her lip, memories of her own encounters with the phonies of Hollywood came flooding in. "I've had my fair share of sellouts and backstabbers. I mean, look at the genre I mainly partake in... it's a field of white men projecting their lies and deceit onto us because we're women who aren't afraid to strum a guitar."
"I 'ppreciate it," he hummed, "truly. Speaking of you strummin' a guitar, how'd you even get into all of this anyways? Not to sound like those who wish on my downfall, but wouldn't rock be considered a 'white genre'?" His fingers quoted around the ridiculous phrase.
King smirked, "not really. the genre was created off of blues and jazz, much like country. Hearing us on the radio was far better than Chuck Berry or Little Richard on stage all because they were black and then Elvis came along. Now, flash forward to right now."
Marshall nodded, smirking, "don't tell me you're a country girl. I could handle the whole rock look, you look fine as hell, but country? Like, yeehaw? Oh, nah." King fell into a guffaw, her head falling back against the booth as he watched with satisfaction.
"You're goofy as hell, man," she wiped her eyes. "First off, your yeehaw was off. Secondly, so what if I'm a country girl? Don't tell me that a little accen' can easily push ye' away."
He bit his lip, eyeing her down with a charming side grin. "Mhm," he nodded, "never mind." She raised an eyebrow, "wha'chu mean? I already got'chu thinkin', huh?" She laughed, "regardless, I'm not a country girl, I was raised more in the city than the countryside unlike my parents."
"What'a'bout you? I know, fo'so you're a city boy," she giggled. Marshall playfully smacked his lips, "shut up. I'm from, uh, Detroit. I lived in the trailer park, mostly." King nods, listening closely.
He shrugged, "I mean, I have family in the south. They're from Missouri, I've lived back and forth, but spent most of my time in Detroit." She raised an eyebrow, leaning back, "Missouri roots? I've never been with a Missouri boy before."
"Oh?" Marshall playfully leaned back, his hand laying flat on his heart. "So, I'm takin' you want'a piece of me?" King snickered, bitting the inside of her cheek as a desperate measure to hide her smile. "Never said that. You're just new to me."
He raised an eyebrow now, "oh, so white boys being nice to you is new? Tell me more." King silently side-eyes the younger man, cheesing. Breaking their staredown, Matteo nodded his head at King with a soft smile. "30 minutes is up, King, you can head for the hotel, if you want to."
She nodded, sending him a silent thanks. "What does that mean?" Marshall asked. "Is that an escape plan or somethin'?" She laughed, "yeah. Somethin' like that. Matteo and I usually agree that I stick around this bullshit for 30 minutes and then I can head home."
"You're really not a fan of these things, are you?" He acknowledged her truth. She shaked her head, "if I could hate people, I would. If you want, we can hang out somewhere else. I don't have to go back to the hotel."
Marshall sent a small smile her way, "I'm not gonna bother you or anything like that?" King smiled back, "you couldn't, even if you tried." He nodded, "lead the way, then. I'm not picky." The two leave, sending quick waves while ignoring the joking catcalls.
He couldn't believe it, women was a sore topic for him as he tended to lay all the trauma from his mother and the inherited toxicity of Kim onto every other woman in the world, but King gifted him a different perspective. There was an obvious edge to her, it was like some puzzled code, but she didn't allow it to live life through her.
"I don't publicly speak on much when it comes to King and I, and for a reason," Marshall sighs, speaking with every thought. "But, that night was probably the best night of my life back then."
"Since your overdose, you've stated before that there's a number of things from the past you just can't remember. Would say that it's the same for all of your memories with King?"
Marshall nods, "every moment I had with her in the start, I remember. From our good moments to our bad ones, I can think of them and smile. That may be because I always associated her with happiness and relief, or uh, a sense of comfort. I've never had that as a child and I never felt that with Kim."
"Would you say that night, is the night that you fell in love with her?'
"Surprisingly," he pauses, "no. No, that wasn't the night that I fell in love with her."
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Taglist: @slytherinroyalty16
Series Masterlist
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takecareluv · 2 years
Hi!! I was wondering if you could write an imagine where the reader is dating Vinnie and is super positive and nice to everyone, but people tend to take advantage of her so Vinnie and her friends get protective of her when people try to take advantage of her kindness. My friends are really protective of me and thought that would be so cute! Thank you so much!! 💕
a.n. hi!! i’m sorry this took me so long to get out. i had started this before i left for vacation but never had the chance to finish it. i hope you like what i came up with! i loved this concept, thank you for sending it in <3 this is something i relate to so much, so writing it and having someone like vinnie be so protective over the reader is just 🥺🥺 i want that, please universe. i’m begging
sweetheart || vinnie hacker x reader
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it was a known fact that you were an extremely positive person, and nine times out of ten, the kindest person in the room.
vinnie and the rest of your friends absolutely adored you for it. you were the sunshine they needed when times were tough. aiding them with a shoulder to cry on when need be, and the best advice anyone could ever give. 
vinnie always swore you were an angel sent from heaven above.
while your friends never took your love and kindness for granted, there were a lot of others that did. people could clock your sweetness from a mile away, and in a place like l.a., they became greedy using you for it.
you didn't notice it as much, always wanting to see the best in people. but those closest to you, especially vinnie for that matter, would immediately detect when someone was taking advantage of your kindhearted ways and get super protective.
being in the influencer space, everyone and their mothers was searching for the next best clickbait to use on their upcoming posts. whether it was a person, scandal, or simply just a trendy product, nothing was off the table. you watched a lot of people lose their morals when given an ounce of fame.
with you and vinnie deemed the internet’s favorite couple, you had been receiving quite a bit of attention that other creators either envied, or saw as money signs. everyone knew a glimpse of you in their newest tiktok or vlog would gain them millions of views and a few extra bucks.
you didn’t like filming with those outside of your inner circle because of how shy and overwhelmed you got around new faces. but, being the people pleaser you were, you couldn’t say no when more and more creators coincidentally started asking you to collab.
you didn’t mind at first, it actually wasn’t as scary as you thought it would be and the people were nice enough.
you didn’t take notice to how much of a toll these collabs were taking on your mental health, thinking you were just tired due to the long filming hours you weren’t well acquainted with. but vinnie noticed. he saw how mentally drained you were each and every night coming home from filming with yet another “friend”. he clocked how little energy you had to do anything other than sleep. he had never seen you so unlike yourself, and he knew the exact reason behind it.
* ࣪. ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪ ♡ ࣪.* ࣪ ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.*
the following morning, he heard you moving around the room earlier than ever before. the sun was barely up, where could you possibly have to go? he thought to himself.
“baby, what are you doing up so early? come back to bed.” he grumbled, making grabby hands towards you.
“i can’t vin. i have to go meet (influencer name). she has a bunch of stuff to do today so this was the only time she could film.”
ah of course, yet another person making you form to their schedule, not even bothering to ask how that worked for you. not that it mattered, you were to sweet to ever mutter the word “no” to anyone.
he could hear the grogginess in your voice, you were exhausted. not to mention the bags under your eyes that not even layers of concealer could hide. he hated what you were doing to yourself. no, he hated what your so called friends were making you do this to yourself, clearly taking advantage of your kindness, although you would never see it that way.
he made his way out of your shared bed, quickly throwing on a pair of pants and a hoodie that had been previously discarded on the floor the night before.
you watched him confused. “vin what are you doing? go back to sleep, it’s early and you look tired.”
he dismissed your request, grabbing his keys and wallet from the bedside table before heading towards the door. “i’m coming with you.”
“what? vin you don’t have to do that. it’ll be boring,” you paused before continuing, “i mean don’t get me wrong, i would love for you to come but you should stay here and sleep. i don’t want you to be tired for stream later.” you attempted to counter, but vinnie already had his mind made up and nothing you could say would change that.
“it’s fine, baby. if i go, i can help anywhere you need and then we can come home sooner and both get some rest.” plus he could stand up for you against whatever entitled youtuber you would be filming beside today, but he of course wouldn’t admit that part out loud.
* ࣪. ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪ ♡ ࣪.* ࣪ ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.*
an hour later vinnie was sat quietly fuming while he watched you be bossed around by a girl he didn’t even bother to remember’s name.
“ugh, i forgot to grab the mic. can you go get it for me y/n? it’s in the other room.”
“i think the camera is too close. can you move it back for me?” “…a little closer than that.”
“wait this isn’t my good side, switch with me?”
the demands went on and on, you obliging to every last one of them.
vinnie was trying hard to hold back from screaming at this girl for taking advantage of you. he knew the cameras were rolling and the last thing he needed was for this girl to edit the footage, making vinnie look like the bad guy and ultimately getting more clickbait and money off the couple, just like she was desperate for.
so he remained quiet, hoping things would cool off once you began filming. however, that ended up being far from the truth.
every last question the girl asked you for the video was about your relationship with vinnie, some of which were very much intruding and personal. vinnie could tell you were growing more and more uncomfortable by the minute.
he knew how insecure you felt about people only ever caring about you for your relationship and connection to tiktok’s favorite boy, never bothering to ask about you or your own career.
he couldn’t watch this any longer.
abruptly standing up, which caught the attention of both you and the bitch girl sitting next to you, he grabbed your hand, pulling you up and out of the room to leave immediately.
“what the hell? where are you going?” the girl yelled.
vinnie switched the camera off before responding. “i’ve been sitting here all morning watching you boss around my girlfriend like you don’t have perfectly capable arms and legs to do shit for yourself if you just got off your lazy ass for once. and i’m sorry but i am not going to let that fly. y/n doesn’t owe you anything. in fact she did this as a favor to you considering you were the one begging for a collab. so i don’t know who you think you are treating her like she’s your fucking slave or something. and if you had any decency, you would realize everything you were asking her was clearly making her uncomfortable. you do know she is her own person right? there is so much more to her than our relationship. and if you can’t realize that, then you don’t get to use her for your own “clout” or whatever it is your after.”
the silence following vinnie’s rant was so loud, you could hear a pin drop.
the girl in front of you looked shocked, almost like she was on the verge of tears. clearly she was used to always getting her way and no one ever speaking to her in such a tone, no matter how many times she probably deserved it.
you stared at vinnie in awe. deep down you knew everything he said was true and you appreciated how he instantly came to your defense, saying everything you were too nice to even think, not caring who’s feelings he hurt as long as his girl was protected.
you could tell his mind was running a million miles per minute so you hastily dragged him out of there before he absolutely lost his shit on the girl, knowing it was soon coming.
once you made it out of the apartment and to vinnie’s car, you paused, pulling him to stand in front of you, seeing the anger still present on his face. 
you tilted your head up to face him, moving your hands to stroke his cheeks, feeling him visibly relax at your touch. “breathe, baby, i need you to breathe for me. everything’s okay. i’m okay, i promise. i just need you to relax.” you spoke softly, trying to further calm him.
he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. “i’m sorry i yelled, i know how much you hate that. it’s just, it made me so angry seeing the way she was treating you, baby. you don’t deserve that. is this how it always is when you film with these people?” he questioned, worried that this was something you had to go through on the daily and he was only just now doing something about it.
you only nodded in response, tears flooding from your eyes, embarrassed that you constantly let everyone walk all over you. ashamed that you could never speak up for yourself, and most likely never would have if vinnie didn’t do it for you.
“fuck. i’m so sorry, baby. you shouldn’t of had to go through all that. i saw how drained you were, i should have been there sooner, said something sooner.”
“it’s not your fault, vin. you have no reason to apologize. i should have spoken up for myself. i don’t know why i can’t do it, i had ever reason to say something, but every time i would get too scared. like i would hurt their feelings, but instead i just let them hurt mine. i’m embarrassed that you even had to see that. god, i’m such a wimp.”
“hey, hey, hey. don’t get down on yourself for that. it only means that your a better, kinder person than they could ever be, okay? you are by far the sweetest person i have ever met and that is one of the reasons i love you. don’t ever think of that as a fault. the fact that you can stay this sweet amongst all the evil of this city and this industry is an amazing thing. never forget that, darling.” vinnie reassured you.
he looked down at you with so much love in his eyes, you knew everything he was saying was honest. and you fell deeper in love with him for it.
“thank you, vin. i love you so much.”
“not as much as i love you, sweetheart.”
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autisticlenaluthor · 8 months
'When all you wanted was to be wanted, wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now'
Kara arrives fifteen minutes early. 
She gets dropped off in front of the school by Eliza, and promises her she’ll be okay on her own. Once she’s alone, she crosses the quad by herself.
Earbud strings dangle across Kara’s body as she walks, head down, focused on the leaves and how they crunch beneath her boots. Taylor Swift’s Fearless echos through the tiny speakers and Kara can’t help but drum her fingers against her thigh to the beat.
The air is salty and damp with the smell of fallen leaves. It feels almost like she’s stepped into a painting, with the castle-like brick building in the foreground. It’s surrounded by trimmed hedges and trees with orange branches. Alex has always said private school kids are a different breed. But god, is their world fascinating. 
She finds the meeting spot with relative ease. It’s a round concrete picnic table just off the main path, near the massive lion statue Lena described in her email. Kara sits and plops her backpack beside her, quieting the music on her iPod so she can focus as she takes out her pens and spiral notebook. 
It’s supposed to be a simple project.
Sophomores from Metropolis Tech work with sophomores from the all-girls private school, Spence to clean up parks in the city. The whole thing is worth five extra credit points on her Earth Science final. Five extra credit points Kara desperately needs- because what kind of cruel joke is it to put an alien in Earth Science when they’ve only been on the planet for a year? 
She gets her stuff organized and looks up, freezing when she sees the girl she’s been paired up with standing across the table. For someone with super hearing– spatial awareness does not seem to be a skill Kara possesses. 
“You’re– are you Lena?” She stammers. 
The girl nods. She has raven hair and pale skin like the vampires in the movies Alex forces her to watch. For a second, Kara selfishly wonders if she might be an alien too. She just looks so unlike the other people Kara knows. But Eliza says it’s rude to make assumptions, so Kara quickly tries to suppress those thoughts. Lena would likely perceive being asked about her home planet as a targeted insult. 
“I’m Kara, it’s nice to meet you,” Kara says after a moment. “I like your outfit– you look so professional!”
Lenas brow furrows as she looks down at herself. She’s wearing a grey sweater vest with a blue crest over a white button-down and blue plaid skirt. 
“It’s a uniform,” she says. “We all wear this.” 
Kara scans the campus- for the first time noticing all the girls in identical get-ups, all paired with knee-socks and Mary Jane shoes. A few of them wear dresses instead of skirts, one or two with school-branded sweatpants beneath them. Where had they all been five minutes ago, before she’d made a complete fool of herself? 
“So… I was thinking we could go to Glacier Park,” Lena says, breaking the silence. “Most girls go to Central because it’s bigger. But Central is a tourist trap– Glacier Park hardly gets the same environmental attention.” 
She’s quiet, keeping her eyes fixated on her hands as she speaks. But even so, she seems so sure of herself. 
Maybe it’s a private school thing, Kara thinks. The students here are so smart, they don’t need to follow the social rules everyone else seems to abide by. 
“Unless you were thinking something different?” 
“Uh… I guess I hadn’t really thought about it,” Kara admits with a nervous laugh. “My classes and everything have been kinda crazy.” 
Lena nods but doesn’t respond. Kara can’t tell if she’s judging her or if she just doesn’t have anything to say. 
“You know… midterms week. Can you believe they do this every year?” 
She isn’t sure why she keeps talking. In the emails they’ve sent, Lena only ever mentions the project. She doesn’t seem to be the chatty type– the type to care that Kara’s had four exams this week alone and that that’s why she can’t bring herself to be as invested in this whole thing as she should be.
It’s just that Lena is right there and maybe the reason she reminds Kara of aliens is that she may just be the prettiest girl she’s ever met– on Krypton or on Earth. And sure she isn’t talkative but that doesn’t mean Kara can help it either. 
“Yeah,” Lena says, expression blank. 
For a second, Kara freezes. She isn’t sure what she’s supposed to do with that. 
“We um, we should start on the report too,” Lena restarts, as if nothing happened at all. “I brought some articles on pollution levels in the city. I thought it might be easier to get the reading portion out of the way today, so we can focus on the actual cleanup later.”  
“Oh… okay, yeah, that sounds good.” 
They go with Lena’s suggestion and meet at the entrance of Glacier Park.  
Kara gives it her best attempt to look nice for her. Alex says it’s silly– they’re going to be cleaning up garbage all day, so why does she need to look good? But Kara can’t help it.
Lena is clean and elegant and weirdly perfect. And for whatever reason, she seems to know so much more than Kara does. There’s a gap between them and even though they’re strangers, even though they don’t have to be friends (Kara isn’t even sure if she wants to be friends) Kara hates it. She hates how isolating it feels. 
So she does her hair in two braids, and puts on her favorite jeans with the black long-sleeved v-neck that reminds her of Rory Gilmore. It isn’t much but it feels good– feels like she’ll surpass whatever expectation Lena has of her. 
When Kara finds the entrance, Lena is already there waiting for her. She’s standing under the big iron archway, carrying her backpack and the trash grabbers she’s borrowed from the school. 
Kara smiles and waves over at her. 
Lena gives a slight smile in return and nods in acknowledgment. 
“You look nice,” she says. She hands a trash pick to Kara who mentally pumps her fist and kicks a leg with excitement. 
“Thank you.” Kara smiles. “So do you.” 
Everything after that feels easy.
They pick up trash in relative silence. Lena stays in the grassy section while Kara cleans the pathway. It’s quiet and simple until it isn’t. 
“Lena Luthor?”
Lena lifts her head and Kara drops the trash bag she’s been holding. Standing a few feet away are two girls around their age. One wears a Spence School Phys ED t-shirt. Lena must know them, Kara figures. 
“How nice of you to help your brother with his community service,” says the one not wearing the Spence shirt. She has a high ponytail and blue Converse sneakers. She reminds Kara of the girls in Bring it On.
“But I don’t think it’s gonna make a real difference, didn’t he get like… what, twenty-five years?” she adds. Her friend– Spence shirt, laughs. 
A crinkle forms between Kara’s eyes and she waits for Lena to react. She’s seen fights like this go down at her own school– groups of bullies ganging up on lower-classmen in the girl’s bathroom or staircase. They always seem to have the upper hand until they push too far. 
But Lena doesn’t do anything. Her face doesn’t change. She just looks straight past them, the same way she does when she speaks to Kara, and says nothing. 
“Hey, be careful with her,” Spence shirt jokes. “She might snap like he did.”
Lena looks down. Her face is red. She grips her trash pick so tight her palms grow sweaty and knuckles turn white, but still, she’s silent. 
So Kara says something. 
She can’t help it– she knows she shouldn’t. But the words slip out, and before she knows it, she’s asking-
“What are you talking about?”
Converse sneakers looks at her like she’s crazy. 
“Lex Luthor,” she says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Ya know– that psycho who’s obsessed with Superman and killed all those people?” 
Kara nods.
“That’s her brother.” 
Kara swallows. 
It feels like being punched in the gut– knocks the wind right out of her. 
And suddenly, she’s back in the living room, watching the TV with the volume off at three in the morning because she couldn’t miss the live reports on her cousin’s condition. Because she needed to know if he was dead or alive. Because she couldn’t cope with losing one more person, and if he died, that meant she had to go to. 
She’s in her closet the night after the attack after hearing a crash in the backyard. It’s raining out. Pouring, thunderous flurries. Eliza said the noise was just branches hitting the window in the storm. But Kara couldn’t believe her. She couldn’t get his face out of her head, trailing the worry that now, he was after her too. 
By the time she finds herself back in reality, the girls are gone and Lena is still looking at her shoes. 
“You can go home,” she says through a forced, wavering smile. “I’ll finish cleaning and write the report. You’ll still get the extra credit.”
This time, it’s Kara’s turn to go quiet. 
This stranger, this girl who she found so pretty and alluring, who she dressed up for, who she emailed with for weeks, is the sister of the very person who wants all of her kind dead. Maybe they don’t have a friendship, but to be acquaintances is still too much. To know her at all is to feel every ounce of hurt and damage her family has inflicted. 
Kara isn’t aware of how tight her jaw has been clenched until she starts to taste blood spouting from the sides of her cheeks. 
She isn't going to put up with this. She isn't going to be around her.
So she does as Lena says-- drops her trash bag, and walks away.
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cosmicpearlz · 2 years
lover boy
summary: the 3 times he realized he was smitten with her and the one time he finally confessed.
pairing: percy hynes white x actress!reader
a/n: this is my first time writing in a while, so pls be nice lol. all jokes aside, i hope you guys enjoy and send me some requests! (i got this idea after seeing @dilfxfinder post about wanting percy content!)
~the first time~
it’s been a couple of months since everyone had gotten completely comfortable with each other. you’d say that working on wednesday with a cast full of people your age was one of the many highlights.
jenna decided to host a game night at the apartment she was renting. especially since everyone had the weekend off. percy and emma wanted to be co-hosts with her and helped set up.
“is it weird that i’m kinda nervous?”
“percy, nervous for game night?” emma stopped putting the chips into a bowl to look at the boy. to be honest, he wasn’t sure why he was nervous. it’s not like he’s meeting everyone for the first time again or having to do the first table reading.
“emma, you know he can’t be around y/n without almost passing out,” jenna smirked while emma let out a small chuckle.
“oh yeah! i forgot how smitten you are with her.”
percy felt the heat reaching his cheeks but before he could respond back, there was a knock on the door. wordlessly the boy opened the door and seen the very person they were talking about.
“we brought the drinks!” you said with a smile as you, joy and hunter walked in. jenna and emma share a knowing look before focusing on the task at hand.
“welcome to game night! you guys are a little early. do you mind helping set up?” jenna looked at the three of you.
“of course not, what do you need us to do?” asked hunter. this sent an imaginary floating lightbulb over emma’s head.
“how about we pair up, yeah? joy, you could helped jenna with the decorations. hunter, you could help me with the snacks and drinks. y/n and percy can work on the playlist!”
with that being said, everyone was off to their task. percy was freaking out because how was he supposed to be this close to you without freezing or doing something dumb?
you took him out of his thoughts by wrapping your arms around his waist in greeting. percy immediately wraps his arms around your shoulders. he liked this. having you in his arms.
“so what music are we thinking?” you look up at him with a small smile, still being in his embrace.
in just a couple of months of knowing you and hangout with you, you’ve managed to catch his heart. that small yet adorable smile made his stomach flutter.
oh man was he absolutely gone for you.
~the second time~
the last day of filming was overwhelming for everyone. spending time with people you’ve grown to love and then having to leave was hard. percy wasn’t ready to go home. he wasn’t ready to leave you. he wasn’t ready to leave anyone really but you, he couldn’t even stomach the thought of not seeing you until the press junkets started.
“ugh i don’t even know why i’m crying right now. i know we’re going to see each other in a couple of weeks but i don’t want to leave,” you looked around the group with tears in your eyes.
joy and oliver pull you into a group hug while you quietly sobbed. “it’s okay y/n! we’re going to see each other again,” joy softly kissed your forehead.
“yeah, don’t think of it as a goodbye but as a see you later,” oliver squeezed you one last time before being the first to let go.
“i guess you’re right.”
you made your rounds hugging everyone and somehow crying even more. you finally made your way to percy who was standing off to the side by himself.
“you know, i’m really gonna miss you perc.”
percy looked up from the ground to see you standing before him. even with your red puffy eyes and quivering lip, he still thought you were the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. he closes the distance between you guys and tightly embraced you. you don’t waste a second and wrapped your arms around him too.
“i’m gonna miss you so fucking much y/n. don’t even understand.” you nestle into his chest letting out more stray tears. the both of you ended up swaying back and forth still wrapped around each other.
“promise me you won’t forget me?” you joked pulling away a little to look up at him. percy chuckled and shakes his head.
“never. how could i ever forget you?” he brings a hand to caress your cheek wiping away some of the tears.
“you think they’re ever going to confess to one another?” georgie whispered to emma who was also witnessing this moment between you guys.
“i hope they do it soon. preferably before we have to lock them in a room together.”
you and percy finally let go of each other however still close enough to bump arms while walking.
“come on lovebirds! we’re going out to eat,” jenna yelled out to you guys. instantly, percy felt that same type of warmth growing on his cheeks.
“c’mon percy, last one there is a rotten egg?”
“you are totally on,” with that you both sprinted to the where the others were waiting. obviously percy gets there before you because of his long legs.
“ha, i win!”
“no fair perc. you have freakishly long legs,” you pouted at him with your arms crossed.
“guess you gotta get longer legs sweetheart,” percy laughs and kisses your head.
you intertwine your hand with his pulling him with you. “yeah whatever. i’m still salty but also very hungry.”
he’s never gonna get over this feeling.
~the third time~
press junkets started and you were a little stressed. this was your first time doing a bunch of interviews and it was mind-boggling.
“percy, i’m freaking out. how do you do this?” your nervously chewed on your finger nail staring at him with wide eyes.
“relax, i’m gonna be right here with you. you’re not alone, okay?” he walks up to you and slowly took your hand that you were currently chewing on.
“i know i know. but what if i don’t answer a question the right way or say something dum-“
percy shakes his head and firmly squeezed your hand, making sure not to hurt you but to get the point across.
“i promise you, you are gonna do just fine. i know this is nerve racking for you but you are not alone. you never will be alone. you got emma, joy, jenna, hunter, and me. we’re gonna be with you the whole day.”
“you’re right. perc you always know the right things to say,” you lean on your toes to place a kiss upon his cheek.
“what can i say? i’m an expert at making people feel better.” you laughed at his joke before lightly pushing him away.
“you sure are cocky but it’s okay i like that about you. at least sometimes,” you nudged his arm with a grin. he grins right back at you.
you were gonna be the death of him and you didn’t even know it.
~he finally tells you~
percy was pacing back and forth in the hotel room. there was only 10 minutes left before everyone had to leave for the la premiere red carpet. but all he could think about is you. you’ve been plaguing his mind since day one. each small yet meaningful moment alone with you was something he’d never take for granted.
“percy you’re going to walk a hole into the floor if you keep pacing like that.” georgie had been sitting with the frantic boy since he called him.
“it’s been almost a year and i still can’t get her out of my mind. there isn’t a minute where i don’t think about her beautiful smile or the sweet smell of her vanilla perfume.”
“i think you should tell her,��� georgie stops to look down at his phone. “we have a couple minutes left.”
that’s all it took before percy rushes out of the room. he doesn’t look back either, eyes set on getting to your hotel room. when he makes it to your door which was just down the hallway, he knocks desperately.
“percy! you look good. what’s up?” you opened the door with that smile he loves so much. he takes one second to look at you dressed in a black gown that had a rhinestone top and a tulle like bottom.
“perc? are you okay?”
percy doesn’t think while leaning down and gently grabbing your face to pull you into a kiss. you were shocked but quickly began to kiss him back. the kiss is rough however soft and desperate. he let every single feeling he felt for you pour into that kiss.
when you finally pulled away to get air, the only thing that was heard was the heavy breathing. keeping his hand on your cheek, he bent his head down to rest against your forehead.
“what i’m trying to say is i love you.”
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despicablebisexual · 9 months
Out of Touch by Hall & Oates
part 1, part 2, part 3
Jotaro Kujo x Ex-wife!Reader
You and Jotaro meet for the first time in six years. When you try to dodge the encounter, he convinces you to sit and drink, and have a nice talk.
warnings: alcoholic consumption
Spring of 2003, Tampa, Florida
You turned on your side, hoping for another five minutes of sleep.
You ignored Jolyne for another second or two. The girl quieted down for a second and you thought your prayers had been answered and she had retreated from your room. Just as you approached the edge of unconsciousness, a heavy form jumped onto your stomach and woke you.
“There you are mom!” Jolyne, your strong willed eleven-year-old said.
“Hi, Jojo,” you smiled weakly, a bit winded from her jumping on top of you.
“I’m hungry,” she declared. 
You looked over at your bedside table where the clock laid. 7:14 am. So much for sleeping in on a Sunday. 
“Okay,” you took a second to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “I’m up, I’m up.”
You shooed her off you so you could climb out of bed and make your way to the kitchen, her quickly running past you.
“Can we have pancakes? Ooo what about waffles though! Can we have both?!”
You laughed at her indecisiveness. “How about something a little healthier?”
“But mom,” she groaned.
“Hey! We gotta keep those muscles strong! You can’t do your best if you don’t eat well,” you reminded her.
When she was eight, Jolyne had come home from elementary school whining about how all the other girls in her class played softball and she wanted to too. You were hesitant at first, telling her that just because everyone else is doing something, doesn’t mean she has to do it. After a few weeks insisting she should be allowed to play, you finally agreed. Jolyne had always been a rambunctious and active kid, so you reasoned that sports would be a good outlet for her to let out that energy. After she had a few recurring disciplinary incidents, softball was sounding even better. 
To your satisfaction though, after most of the girls quit, Jolyne kept going. After one season, you became a full fledged softball mom, wanting to constantly show up to support Jolyne. She was currently in her third season on her travel team.
The only gripe you had about softball was that it never dwindled her energy, in fact, she seemed more lively. Considering she was up this early the day after she had an all day tournament, you could only sigh. At least she wasn’t getting into as much trouble.
A knock pulled you from your thoughts. “Jojo, can you go get the door?”
“On it mom!” she yelled over her shoulder. A few seconds later and you heard the familiar squeal Jolyne let out whenever your current boyfriend, Anthony, arrived. He liked to stop by in the mornings often.
“Oh shit,” you muttered, hurrying to grab the leftover wine bottle and glass you left out from last night. You did a quick breath test and attempted to fix your flyaways as Anthony came into the kitchen.
“Hey pretty lady,” he said, swooping in to steal a kiss.
You laughed at Jolyne’s antics. “I was just getting ready to start breakfast, you hungry?”
“I would love to but I’ve got to get to the firehouse, lots of paperwork to do. I just wanted to stop by and say hi.”
You hummed as Anthony turned around to start play fighting with Jolyne. You turned back to contemplate what to cook. The longer you looked at the contents of the fridge and pantry, the better pancakes sounded. Looking over at Jolyne’s bright smile, you gave in and reached for the pancake mix. While you prepared the batter, you sent Jolyne and Anthony to run outside and retrieve yesterday’s mail. Anthony carried her outside on his back.
Alone, your thoughts wandered over your two year relationship. Anthony was a very attractive man: tall, dark, and extremely handsome. He worked as a fireman, which matched his heart of gold he seemed to have. You two had met when you and Jolyne moved from northern Florida to Tampa, him introducing himself at the bar your new neighbors had offered to take you to. After just sitting around and getting to know the local gossip, you had gotten up to order a drink from the bar. When some asshole bumped into you and spilled your drink all over the counter, Anthony, who had been friends with the culprit, offered to buy you a new one. 
Although back then it had been four years since you and Jolyne’s father, Jotaro, divorced, you were hesitant to accept Anthony’s invite to go out for coffee. After your close neighbor had incessantly annoyed you about it, she eventually convinced you to go out with him and the rest was history. Completely ignorant to the world of stands and evil, he was a nice place to take sanctuary in.
“Mom! You got an important letter from your job!”
You turned back from pouring the batter into the pan to see Jolyne handing you a letter while still hanging from Anthony’s back. The letter was addressed to Y/n L/n from the Speedwagon Foundation. Worried about the contents, you tore it open and began reading.
“Well, what does it say?” Anthony asked.
You sighed a breath of relief. “They’re giving me an award for my recent research publication.”
“Woah, no way! Congrats babe!”
Anthony kissed your temple while you let the growing anxiety fade away. You honestly had been expecting it to be a letter detailing a new stand user issue. While you did work in the Speedwagon Foundation’s research sector, they also had you hunt down concerning stand users. Having been doing so since you were seventeen and went on the 50 day journey to Egypt.
“When are they giving it to you?”
“This Saturday, 7pm.”
“It’s a date then!”
“Thank you so much for watching her. It’s not often I get invited to 21+ venues.”
“It’s no problem, y/n, really! We love Jolyne like one of our own.”
Your neighbors, the Williams’, bless their hearts, were about the only family that you had ever trusted to watch Jolyne. Being a stand user as well as working in a dangerous research field, you had a penchant for attracting all sorts of evil. When you gave birth to Jolyne, there had been complications with the delivery and you ended up having to be rushed to a nearby emergency room instead of going to the Speedwagon Foundation like you planned. Everything was going well until Jotaro ended up facing off with a stand user impersonating a night shift nurse. He ended up nearly beating the woman to death, and ever since that day, you had been living life constantly looking over your shoulder for Jolyne’s sake.
After divorcing and moving to a new area, you were hesitant to let then five year old Jolyne play with other children or go to their houses. After thoroughly observing and testing your neighbors by running background checks and consistently bringing out your stand at random intervals to see who would look, you concluded that the Williams’ were not stand users and that their daughter did just want to be friends with Jolyne. It worked out in your case because you soon had friends to rely on, and could find a babysitter with ease.
Now getting ready for the banquet tonight, you stood in front of the mirror doing your makeup just how you liked it. While adding finishing touches, your cell started ringing and Anthony’s contact ID popped up.
“Hey babe.”
“Hey, y/n! How are you beautiful?”
“I’m good, just getting ready for the ceremony.”
“That’s great… Hey listen babe, I don’t have much time to talk but I can’t come tonight. I’m sorry for the late notice but one of the guys’ wife is having their kid and he needed someone to take his shift. It’s gonna be overnight so I won’t get off until about 8am.”
You frowned as you looked down at your nails. You already didn’t want to be heading out anyway for a silly award, but now that Anthony wasn’t coming, the desire to stay home was sounding really appealing.
“Hey sorry, spaced out.”
“Are you mad?”
“No, no. Don’t even worry about it. I’m just gonna go, get the award, and come home. I’m not feeling staying out tonight.”
“Alright, well stay safe. Have fun and call a cab if you drink anything.”
“Okay, dad,” you teased him.
He laughed. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” 
The phone beeped when you hung up.
“Right here is fine, thank you.”
You handed the cab driver some money before shouldering your purse. The foundation had rented a banquet hall for the ceremony. Along with you and your research team, a few other people were also receiving awards tonight. Consequently, the crowd was extremely large as people from all over the company (lots non-affiliated with the stand research division) were gathered for the big event. Dinner would be served at commencement, then some words from the current CEO, awards next, and finally happy hour. You planned to slink away immediately after you got your award.
You turned to look for the source of the voice and found a few of your colleagues from your research team standing around a table right up front and center waving at you. It seems like you all were the big honorees of the evening. 
“Hello, congratulations everyone.”
Lucas, a fellow from the team, came up with a waiter following him with a tray of champagne flutes. The drinks were quickly dished out. 
“Congratulations to you, our fearless leader, who without you, we would have never got the funding.”
You snorted. “Well it’s easy to bust balls when I know all the higher ups. That’s one thanks I can give to my ex-husband.”
A few chuckles could be heard before the emcee asked people to take their seats. You turned around to quickly down the champagne before sending a silent plea to the waiter for another. The drinks could at least help with your nervousness. 
“Wow, no one told me I’d have to speak!” you nervously chuckled.
“Um, I’d like to thank my team. Everyone here did so much investigation, tests, wrote up reports. They seriously put in the overtime.”
Your eyes scanned over the large crowd watching you. Your team was the last to be awarded, so everyone was patiently waiting for you to wrap up so cocktail hour could start.
“I’d also like to thank my daughter, Jolyne. I can’t tell you how many times she made me coffee in the dead of night while I stayed up working.” That remark earned you a chuckle from the audience. You felt a little looser knowing you made them laugh. As you looked around, your eyes landed on a familiar pair of blue ones way in the back of the hall leaned against the wall, staring you down intently. You swallowed thickly, not believing it to be the last person you’d ever see here.
“Uh, thank you for the award.”
You briskly walked off stage and back to your table, already grabbing your purse and other belongings. The emcee got back up to announce the bar was once again open, and cocktail hour had begun.
“Y/n, wait!”
Lucas reached out a hand to stop you from rushing off. With a small amount of shame, you turned back to see your team staring at you rather quizzically. 
“Why don’t you enjoy a couple drinks with us?”
You silently prayed for whatever entity resides above to strike you down right there. While you really wanted a drink right now, you’d rather do it alone in your house where you could wallow in the silence between sips.
“I really need to-”
“Come on, one won’t hurt!”
Lucas and the rest of the team flagged down the waiter for a round of a stronger drink this time. By some sick and twisted fate, your evening was just beginning.
“You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re not even drunk yet?”
You smiled at Melina, another girl from the team, as you nursed your beer. A few rounds of shots had been dealt and the rest of the team was pretty drunk. You on the other hand, better at pacing yourself than them, were just beginning to feel the buzz. The alcohol had done well to soothe your anxiety, but the nagging feeling of being watched remained.
“I’m going to grab another drink,” you announced.
Making your way through the throngs of people, you arrived at the bar and flagged the bartender down.
“I’ll take a shot of tequila, thanks.”
“Wanna start a tab?”
“I’m paying for her,” a booming voice said as a debit card was slapped down.
The bartender quickly disappeared to run the card, and you contemplated running when you realized who was standing beside you. 
Swallowing your anxiety, you refused to make eye contact with him. “You didn’t need to do that.”
“Call it a gift for your award.”
“The only gift I want from you is to leave me alone.”
Jotaro sighed next to you, leaning on the bar so he could stare down at you. You still refused to look at him.
“Don’t make this difficult, y/n.”
You snorted. “Where have I heard that line before?”
Distantly, you recalled the night he placed the divorce papers on the table and announced he would be staying at a hotel while things finalized. He had told you the exact same phrase while you ugly cried and interrogated him. The whole night was underscored by Jolyne sobbing away in her room.
The bartender arrived with the shot and set it down. You quickly picked it up and slammed it, setting the glass back down.
“Thanks. See you around.”
You set off to leave, but a strong arm pulled you back. 
“Jotaro,” you warned.
Jotaro dropped your arm before sighing. He took off his signature hat to run his hand through his hair. “Can we just talk?”
You stared at him in surprise. On the outside, he looked like the exact same Jotaro you once knew. Donned in his signature flashy style with a face that could kill. But his eyes held an emotion that wasn’t the normal fire in his soul. For a second, when he asked you to talk, he almost looked mournful, like he was trying to save something. In all the years you had known Jotaro, he was never once concerned with matters of the heart. If anything, he would rather get pummeled over and over again than admit he had feelings. You glared at him before sitting down on the barstool. 
“One drink. You have the time it takes me to drink one drink.”
“What’s that supposed to be?”
“Tch. Don’t play dumb y/n.”
You looked down at the small black box Jotaro had placed in your hands. Never one for lots of words, Jotaro had just explained he had a gift for you before putting the case in your hands, a small engagement ring looking back at you.
“I’m asking you to marry me?” he said, his hands shoved in his pockets and eyes casted to the side.
“Why?” you blurted out.
Jotaro sighed and took his hat off. In a rare moment of vulnerability, he kneeled down in front of you while you sat on the bench in the park you two were at.
“Because you’re the only person in this fucked up world I could ever love; I could ever trust. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Jojo…” you started as you teared up.
He caught you as you practically fell into his arms while repeating yes. 
What was supposed to be one drink, quickly turned into one drink and a shot. Then Jotaro ordered another shot for the two of you, then one more for good measure. You weren’t stupid, it was easy to tell when someone was building up liquid courage.
The conversation first began with him asking how you and Jolyne had been. You rolled your eyes and told him ‘fine,’ stating that she was making friends and a star on her softball team. Jotaro remained amicable in spite of your passive-aggressiveness. The more he got you talking about your daughter, the more you began to open up to him. It was nice to know he still wanted to know about her, even if it was the bare minimum. As the night went on, he somehow convinced you to show him a few pictures of her from your phone and you two quickly began reminiscing on the days when she was just a toddler and barely walking around. Eventually the conversation shifted to his life and search for the stand arrows. He told you about his uncle he discovered and you gasped at the revelation that Mr. Joestar had cheated on Suzi Q, the woman who became like another grandmother to you when you and Jotaro were married. When you two came home from your first semester away at college and announced you had gotten eloped, Suzi Q and Jotaro’s mother were the only people to support you initially. It hurt to know she had been emotionally backstabbed.
“He’s lucky he’s an old man now, or else I’d seriously kick his ass for doing that to her.”
For the first time in a long time, most definitely due to the fact that he had been drinking all night with you, Jotaro laughed. And when he laughed, the whole room shook with him. It was the first time you had heard it in years and it put a loopy smile on your face while you laughed with him. When he realized how loud he was, catching the eyes of a few others, he quickly quieted down, a twinge of embarrassment and anger easily seen on his face. Upset he stopped laughing and worried he might cause an uproar (being the hothead he is), you reached over and placed a hand on his. He looked at you with surprise, before turning up his hand and offering you his palm. He smiled as you giggled at the action. 
As the conversation progressed, it was clear that you were both exuberantly drunk, but it didn’t stop you from ordering one last drink.
“You sure can put them away now. You used to puke after two shots back in college.”
You snorted. “I’m well practiced now.”
You looked down at the time on your phone, not realizing it was soon approaching 11:45pm. Looking up and around, you noticed how the hall had seriously cleared out, most of the initial crowd gone.
“Shit, it’s late.”
You stood up and looked at him, a bit sad this night was coming to an end. The alcohol had opened up all the scars on your heart and reminded you of how much you missed him, but the small-voiced rational part of your brain was reminding you that things couldn’t stay like this.
“I’ve got to go. It was nice catching up, Jojo.”
Wanting to leave on a positive note, the drunken devil on your shoulder convinced you to lean in and give him a chaste kiss on the cheek. Completely normal, right? 
“Y/n, wait.” 
Jotaro grabbed your waist and pulled you further into him, your chests colliding. He was still sat on the barstool, so you were somewhat even in height for once, meaning your breaths mixed in the air. It was a familiar position that had both of your hearts pounding rapidly.
“I’ve missed you calling me that.”
His hand was heavy on your waist. Not wanting to lose balance in your stupor, your arm landed on his shoulder. 
“You used to tell me you hated being called Jojo,” you whispered teasingly.
He huffed and looked down. “I was lying.”
He looked back up to you with eyes as deep as oceans. “I don’t want to be anything except your Jojo.”
You softly gasped and he took it as his chance to pull you in for a soft kiss. Your lips barely moved against each other, just savoring the fact that they were once again reunited. 
Once upon a time, Jotaro would have handed you the world on a silver platter. It wasn’t by coincidence that you got married so young. You two were passionate, devoted, in love, but seasons change and people do as well, and Jotaro could no longer fill the superman-esque job he had been born into. At this point, it had been six years since you two divorced. Both twenty-six then and thirty-two now, he felt more like a stranger than someone you used to love. After having had so long to contemplate your relationship, you wondered how much of it would have happened if you two had never went on that journey. Seeing so much horror at seventeen scarred you two, and you definitely had a relationship built upon a trauma bond. You questioned often if it was ever love, or just comfort in shared pain. 
Now though, so many years later, with your lips pressed together, there was no mistaking the spark between you two. All the misery you’d experienced in the world of stand users was flushed away at his hot touch. Even if it was just momentary, you knew he could love you the same way again.
“Let me take you home,” he breathed over your lips.
One look into his pleading blue eyes and you knew without a doubt there was no coming back from this.
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babygirllinds · 1 year
WIP Masterlist
kitten - Icemav
Mav wears the collar Ice bought him to get what he wants in order to cure the feeling of emptiness he woke up with.
Very smutty (remember that self-indulgent fic I said I was writing a couple weeks back? Yeah, this is it)
Includes: dom/sub, cockwarming, slight daddy kink (I might indulge in this one more, but idk yet), dumbification/degradation, and I guess you could say petplay because Mav wears a collar and Ice calls him kitten/kitty, but Mav does not act like a cat
cowboy like me - Icemav
Song/lyric fic. Ice tries really hard to ignore the temptation of danger that is Maverick. He worked really hard to get where he was and his feelings for Mav could crumble that in seconds. Maverick is just in love and wants Ice to see that loving him might be worth the risk.
Smut/angst fic
This fic deals with Ice’s internalized homophobia and how he’s trying hard to ignore his feelings because it feels wrong, but also so, so right.
you’re my favorite secret - Icemav
Rear Admiral Tom Kazansky spent his whole life fighting to get to where he was. He’s the best of the best; entirely focused on his career and climbing through the ranks. That is until he meets a young lieutenant by the name of Pete Mitchell. He risks everything just to get a taste of life with Maverick in it.
Smut fic
Power imbalance relationship with a higher ranking military official. Obvious older man/younger man relationship with an age difference of 20 years (Ice will be in his 40s & Mav in his 20s)
stay in my arms - Icemav
Ice and Mav’s leave time lines up after months of not seeing each other and Mav invites Ice on a last minute road trip to go see Carole and Bradley. No matter how aloof Ice acts, he’s excited to be spending his time off with the man he’s in love with.
Smut fic that will most likely be turnt into a multi-chapter
Includes lots of mutual pining and only one bed trope!!!
words aren’t enough - Icemav
Sarah brings by a box of letters Ice had accumulated over the years, all addressed to one Pete Mitchell. Never sent and never seen, but holding all of the words he wasn’t brave enough to say. Maverick mourns a new loss in his life after already mourning the physical loss of Ice.
This is not smut! Surprise! I’d say it’s more T rated because of cussing and descriptions of homophobia, but it’s relatively tame for the most part, but lots of angst!!!
Descriptions of anxiety attacks and Maverick’s own internalized homophobia. Mentions of Ice’s death and how Maverick is navigating it.
the babysitter - Icemav
Pete is babysitting for the perfect family for extra money while in college. He adores the kids and the parents are absolutely gorgeous. He can’t help his budding feelings for the dad when he starts working from home rather than being out all the time for his job. He doesn’t plan on doing anything about his feelings, but then Tom Kazansky makes things difficult when he makes the first move.
Smut fic
Another power imbalance fic bc why not??? Obvious age gap relationship, but everyone is of age (Maverick is in his early 20s and Ice is in his late 30s)!!! Ice has a wife and kids in this one, folks, so cheating will happen
smooth operator - Icemav
Pete is straight… or so he thinks. He can’t stop thinking about Tom Kazansky — asshole extraordinare. He calls a phone sex line to help find where he stands on his sexuality. He asks for a man and winds up with someone named Ice. Ice is nice and comforting and he makes him feel good. He soon finds out that his true identity is someone he knows all too well…
Smut fic (I’m planning on making this a two-parter from both of their perspectives, but I only have some of Mav’s pov written at the moment)
AU!!! Frenemies to lovers type beat. Baby gay Mav trying to navigate his feelings for men (specifically Ice)
Let me Teach you a Lesson or Two - Icemav
Chapter 7: Tom decides it’s time to address his missing book but also rewards Pete for taking his pills consistently along with getting good marks on his recent exam.
Smut fic
Slips further into dom/sub relationship dynamics & soft dom!Tom really comes out to play (Pete finds out the wonders of being a rope bunny)
I saw him first - Slicemav
Chapter 2: Slider finds an opening when he catches Maverick alone in the locker room. Ice stumbles upon the two of them while looking for his RIO. The door ends up locked and Maverick finds himself being propositioned by both men. He’s shocked to say the least, but he’s not entirely opposed to the situation at hand.
Smut fic
Locker room sex because why not?
obey the motto - Slimav
Slider lives by the motto: flying comes first, loyalty comes second, and short pretty brunettes come last. Slider loves the feeling of being in the air, so he ensures he’ll do whatever it takes to keep that. Enter Iceman who becomes his pilot and makes sure they stay at the top by the way he flies. Then comes Maverick, the prettiest short brunet he’s met in a while. Then he witnesses the way Ice stares at Maverick and suddenly he’s reminded of his loyalty because without it, he’s not in the air being the best of the best.
Smut/angst fic
Lots of pining and unrequited love in here (between literally everybody). There will be lots of angst for Ice because Slimav is endgame in this
sweet on you - Slimav
Slider’s public distaste for Maverick to others is far from the truth. He finds himself with a soft spot for Maverick and enjoys the way they interact. It’s never-ending taunts and jokes that Maverick matches head on and makes Slider feel like he can be himself. Now he can’t stop picturing him in his bed and seeing how sweet on him he really was.
Smut fic
Friends to lovers and lots of pining
could this be more? - Slimav
Maverick keeps finding himself in someone else’s bed and then sneaking out in the middle of the night, but this time he finds himself sneaking out of bed with someone he knows personally. Slider proposes a solution.
Smut fic, possibly a multi-chapter fic
Friends with benefits to lovers!!! I’ve never done a FWB fic before so this is new, but I absolutely love the idea with Slimav
hungry for you - Slimav
Slider is face to face with temptation. Temptation’s name just so happens to be Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. Slider takes the leap and Maverick pulls him in further instead of pushing him away, much to Slider’s surprise.
Smut fic
Based on this post
you’ll always be taken care of - Goosemav/Icemav
Goose had always taken care of Mav — loved him with his whole heart. Then he dies. Goose watches Mav fall into a deep depression without being able to help. He aches to find a way to make Mav feel better again, but he can’t hear or see him. He then enlists the help of the one person who happens to hear him — Ice.
Starting out as an angst/fluff fic, but will most likely diverge into smut later on (if I decide to make this a multi-chapter)
Includes notes of depression & mentions of Goose’s death
shoulder to cry on - Icemav/Slimav
Slider is there for Maverick through his grief over losing Ice. Slider is hurting just as much at losing his best friend, but right now he’s just worried about making sure Ice’s husband is taken care of per his final request. Maverick knew that Ice was his soulmate, but somewhere along the way, Slider carves a spot into his heart.
Angst fic that will most likely diverge into a smut fic bc I can’t help myself
Everyone is hurting, then some pining happens
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lieblingspulli · 1 year
Need Something? - SKZ
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W.C: 2.3k
Seungmin x Reader
Summary: Two days converge into one as you and Seungmin unwind for the day!
SKZ Masterlist
Note: Hey! It’s been a while but I got inspired by my extreme procrastination of my schoolwork to make something. I’ve been just itching to write about super mundane things tbh, I’ve been just so busy, I’m appreciating the mundane much more lately. Hope you all like it <3
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Seungmin was extremely relaxed after his daily coffee run. If there was anything to start his morning peacefully, it was nicely flavored americano and an empty cafe. Today would be a good day, Seungmin resolved to himself. He would get his choreo memorized, sing some demos for Chan today and maybe even go live for a lunchtime mukbang session. Today would be a great day in fact. He felt so at peace that he felt he could do anything today, even the laundry that had been sitting in the corner of his room for like a week at home. Today would be good. 
You personally felt victimized today. Nothing like sleeping through the most important meeting of the quarter to start your morning. You spent all of last night typing out your important charts and notes, Seungmin couldn’t even lure you into bed with warm cuddles and extra attention.
Despite this, Seungmin had kissed you to sleep endlessly when you did join him at an early 3 in the morning. You felt so bad for keeping him awake, but Seungmin didn’t have an important quarterly report to type, you did. Resigning to a stern lecture from your coworkers, you let the morning do its thing. You used the last of the coffee pods that Seungmin left you and fed your tiny, old dog before hurrying out the door. Let’s get this day over with, you thought. 
Right before you left work for the day, you sent Seungmin a text.
Just getting out of work. When do u get home?🥲-Y
Almost immediately Seungmin answered. 
Maybe around 7. :( Srry bby -S
Can you squeeze out an early send off from chris??? Tell him I broke my finger -Y
You’re funny. Let me work my magic ;) -S
Lmk how that goes, if not just tell my chrissy I said hi and he still owes me some nachos from when he ate mine -Y 
Some time went by as you waited for a reply. You watched the fall colors of the trees pass you by as the bus took you to your homestop. Something about fall calmed your nerves. Luckily, the quarterly meeting had been postponed because the division manager had a cold, which totally saved your butt. You sighed and felt a vibration from your phone. 
Chan$$ venmoed you 10 usd 
You grinned and sighed. Opening up your messages with Seungmin, you shook your head and laughed. 
Why did chan send me 10 dollars in usd 🤔 -Y
bro???? -Y
He said because you keep pestering him for an american dish -S
Tell him I’ll enjoy it very much thxxx  -Y
He also said you have to share with him when you get them -S
Why dont you just text him urself omg -S
You just sent him an emoji with your tongue sticking out. 
Oh hey did he let you out tho? -Y
No -S
We have a weird schedule today bc of the morning show tm -S
Srry bb -S
Its OK. have fun xoxo -Y
You pulled the bus signal and gathered your stuff. The time on your phone read 4:26. Technically speaking, you should be at work, but was let out early due to the manager being gone and the meeting had everyone done with work. Maybe you would cook some lasagna according to your mom’s recipe. Or take Luna (your fossilized age dog) out on a walk. You didn’t really seem to know what to do because of this peculiar on-edge feeling. 
It was peaceful around you as you hopped off the bus. An ajumma was reading her book on the bus stop bench. A 16 year old student and his friend were arguing over a bag of chips. A business man was walking presumably home from work. 
You pulled your coat a little tighter around you as you started to walk in the direction of yours and Seungmin’s place. The cold air had picked up in a bit of a breeze as you passed the corner store which was next to the salon that was owned by your neighbor down the hallway. Eventually you made it to your building and walked into the warm main hallway. 
Seungmin’s schedule was unexpectedly busy today. Despite his peaceful start, the choreographer made some changes to the new dance they were learning for a unit video with Leeknow and Jeongin. Leeknow, being the particular dancer he always was, made the choreo hour seem like 3. Afterwards, Chan said his demo tracks still weren’t ready but he could send one of them over for a listen. This left Seungmin a bit of freetime before lunch, so he decided to walk to the new chocolate store that opened down the street and buy you some mocha and espresso choco bites. With his goodies in hand, Seungmin proceeded to go about his day as normal, except for the fact that Jisung was freaking out when he met with Seungmin for lunch over how his recording session went terribly and he needed to reschedule soon because the tracks needed to be edited soon. All of Jisung’s stress made its way to Seungmin and started to give him an icky feeling. The best he could do was offer some comfort to Han by offering to help him on the vocals when he had a chance. This seemed to help him a bit. Not soon after, You texted Seungmin and this put him at ease. Running off after lunch, Seungmin found Chan in his studio working on the aforementioned demos. Trying to guilt trip his most loyal leader, Seungmin found himself getting an apologetic “Sorry min but the schedule is packed after 3:30. It's best to stay the day I think” from Chan. Welp. 
From here on, it was utter chaos. When Seungmin got to the group meeting room for a debrief on the morning schedule, no one but the manager was there. Everyone was late, Hyunjin didn’t have anything but a coffee and his phone because he forgot his laptop at home, Jeongin was sniffing because he was recovering from a cold, Leeknow was late because of a dance practice, Chris and Changbin were late because of the demo fixing, Jisung walked in with a second lunch, and Felix just lost track of time. Who knows what happened after that.  
In between song rehearsals, Seungmin replied to your text and apologized for the continuing schedule. He sensed your day hadn’t gone according to plan but he really couldn’t do much at the moment. Jisung was pestering him to help him with some vocals and he reluctantly agreed to a bit of help after the rehearsal. So much for going home early. 
After he grabbed his bag to head to Jisung’s studio room, he texted you again to make sure you were okay. 
Are you bored without me yet -S
Seungmin swung the door open and started slowly heading down the dimly lit hallway to let Jisung catch up. 
No Luna decided to spit up her lunch. Also the coffee machine broke -Y
My beloved coffee machine 🙁 -S
Seungmin got startled when he felt some hands on his shoulder. Jisung had caught up. 
“What did you think about that rehearsal huh?” Jisung chuckled and readjusted his hoodie over his head. “Personally, I don’t know if I’ll survive tomorrow.” He shook his head and grimaced. 
“Ah, it's fine. It’s strange because everyone was late but tomorrow won’t be that bad. I need a vacation after though.” Seungmin chuckled and stuffed his phone in his back pocket before heading into the elevator after Jisung. 
“Bro I’ve got so many tracks to finish and turn in, it’s insane.” 
“Tell me about it, I’ve got a bunch of people asking me for help.” Seungmin laughed and nudged at Jisung teasingly. Jisung got a bit embarrassed and slapped his arm playfully.
“I’m looking forward to the weekend.” Jisung sighed. 
“Me too.” Seungmin agreed wholeheartedly and followed his companion into the studio hallway.
Finally, 7pm hit the clock. You quickly set the table and hopped in the shower. All the unease in your stomach had made you do odd chores around the house to get your mind off of the feeling. You made your homemade lasagna, did 2 loads of laundry, vacuumed the whole house, and cleaned out the fridge. Still, you felt unfinished. The whole day at work, people had been asking for your assistance on different tasks and now that you did jobs for yourself, it didn’t feel satisfying enough. Additionally, you tried making your favorite caramel latte but the machine broke. You sighed as you washed your hair. After you got out and was on step 3 of your skincare routine, you heard the front door open and close, signaling the return of your boyfriend. 
Seungmin took the choco bites out of his bag before setting it on its designated hook in the hallway. Luna ran up to Seungmin and excitedly pawed at his shoes for pets. Suengmin smiled and crouched down to pet her before talking sweet nonsense despite her being a dog. 
You walked out from the bedroom, careful not to startle Seungmin and snickered a bit. 
“And here I thought I was the one going to get extra attention.” You teased. 
Seungmin stood up and waddled over to you with arms open wide. 
“Babyyyyyyyy. I missed you so” He said in his best baby voice. You adored Minnie. “Don’t strangle me Min.” You pouted. 
“I’m sorry, I just had a weird day.” You could hear his visible pout and you rubbed his back.
“Did you need something then? A kiss? Some food?” Seungmin held you out at arm’s length and got suddenly very serious.
“That is the first time someone has asked me that all day.” You giggled at his distraught face, knowing he was pouting about not getting enough attention. 
“Aw, my poor baby boy didn’t get enough love from his friends did he?” You smiled teasingly. He dramatically nodded yes and then seemed to have an epiphany. 
“Oh! I have something for you!” He ran over to the table and picked up a fancy yellow pastry box before opening them and stretching them out to you. 
“Aw, baby, you didn’t have to.” You picked up a chocolate cookie looking thing and bit into it. You expected a cruncy texture, but got more of a caramel bite of brownie spongieness. You sighed in pleasure and closed your eyes to savor the taste. 
“Mmmm! This is so good. Where did you get these from?” You opened your eyes. 
“There’s a new pastry shop by the JYP building! I thought you could use a pick me up today.” He stared at you excitingly, happy that you were happy. He happily walked back to the table and set down the box before sauntering to the kitchen. 
“Thanks Min, I really appreciate it. I needed the surprise.” He looked back at you and curiously asked what was wrong. 
“Ah, I just had a bad start to the morning. My meeting got delayed and I’ve been feeling weird all day.” You walked to the counter and began to plate some lasagna. “I did make my favorite dish for dinner though.” You felt arms wrap around you waist and a chin prop on your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more, baby. Do you need something from me? Sometimes you just need someone to take care of you to feel better.” Suengmin said sweetly. You leaned your head back against him. 
“You’re too nice to me you know that right?” You sighed and got back to serving the food.
“No, I’m so serious right now. I feel like everyone asks so much of us that we don’t just get to take care of eachother.” He helped you carry the dishes to the table as he maintained the conversation. 
“So many people asked me for favors today. I realized how much I just wanted to go home and listen to someone ask about my day. I feel like that would make you feel better. So, I’ll do just that!” He happily exclaimed this last point and pulled out your chair for you to sit down in. You smiled and puckered your lips for a kiss. He happily obliged. You sweetly kissed him and said, “Min, all I want from you is your attention and your cuddles.” You giggled. He smiled and quickly grabbed some juice from the fridge before running to the table to sit down like a child. 
“Okay, tell me about your day. I want to know everything. I also want to know what I can do to make you feel better. Think of it as a master plan. Plan Y/N: Make Y/N feel loved and appreciated for all they do for everyone.” He motioned with his hands across the space in front of him. 
You shook your head and began from the very beginning. Seungmin listened the whole time and attentively ate while making agreeable sounds. Watching you be so animated about a normal day was so attractive to him, he thought to himself that he would spend all his days like today if he could return to you and listen to you speak. As dinner winded down, he held your hand across the table and spoke about his schedule that day. Although he was being pestered all day with favors, he felt that this one task that was given to him by you would never be an annoying one. He would gladly ask if you needed something from him if it meant giving you extra love and attention.
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romeo and...cullen? | part 21.
Summary: Y/N Cullen, youngest in both actual age and last to be turned in the Cullen clan. Her world is turned upside down when Bella Swan enters her family’s life, because Bella doesn’t bring just herself but drags some of her friends into the Cullen’s life as well.
Warnings for the Series: light violence, light angst, light smut
Pairing: Jacob Black x reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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It took three days for both you and Bella to recover and five for Jacob to spill the beans to Charlie so your family wouldn’t have to leave. Of course, Charlie doesn’t know about the whole vampire thing. Just the fact that your boyfriend could turn into a giant animal. Jacob watched as you moved a little slower than usual in the Cullens’ kitchen while getting ready.
“I just had to recover just in time for the first day of school.”
“Senior year, babe.”
“You know this is pointless, I passed all the credit requirements last year. I’m basically going in to fill out a bunch of paperwork for the next like three weeks to get my diploma early. I should be able to do this online, not have to come in. So ridiculous.”
Edward came into the house with Renesmee. Your niece reached out for you. You bounced Renesmee on your hip and sung quietly as you poured out the smoothie you made into a glass. The baby giggled happily. Renesmee stuck a hand on your face and sent you images in your mind to let you know she liked your voice.
“Yeah? You want another song?”
“You’re good with kids.”
“Was a camp counselor at a daycare in my human life.” You handed off Renesmee to Jacob so you could finish packing and eating your breakfast.
Edward smiled from the couch. You and Jacob would actually make good parents. They way you two watched over Renesmee, he was sure of it. Bella came back with the rest of the family from hunting.
“Just in time, I was about to leave. Happy birthday, Bells.” You gave your friend a hug.
“I stopped aging three days ago.”
“Still your birthday, and the family’s got a surprise for you. Catch you all later, be back in like two hours.”
You walked out the door a little bummed you were gonna miss Bella’s birthday surprise, knowing Emmett spent literally all night working on the little cottage for Bella, Edward, and Renesmee.
The house was a bit quieter that night without Edward and Bella but with a child everyone agreed it’d be nice for them to have their own space. Aside from the two hours you were filling out forms at school, Jacob hadn’t left your side. You were in bed, resting and watching television.
“You know, I’ve been thinking about what you asked in San Francisco,” you said rubbing up and down Jacob’s arms.
“What we’re gonna do with our lives. How we want to spend our future together… how much time I have with you…”
“As long as a wolf keeps phasing, he doesn’t age. You have as much time with me as you want,” Jacob answered.
You felt better knowing that. You knew it was a long time away but it still had made you anxious.
“I want forever with you.”
“Then forever you’ll have.” Jacob kissed you.
“Do we have to stay in Forks forever? Because of the pack?”
“What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“I wanna get married, I want us to have a family and enjoy life. Maybe move at some point.”
“Sam can hold down the fort here without me. You want to go back to San Francisco?”
“Maine?” Jacob questioned.
“We have a family home there,” you explained.  “Practically an estate. Deed’s in my name, no more relatives. It’s probably a bit run down but it’s ours.”
“So we get married and move to Maine.”
“We renovate the house so the pack and my family have a place to visit anytime.”
“But we come back to Forks and visit frequently.”
“Of course, we shouldn’t make them come to us all the time. Plus we need to see Charlie and Sue.”
“And my old man would miss us a lot.”
“The old man’s coming with us.”
“Grandpa Billy needs to be close to the children.”
“Children? More than one?”
“What… did you only want one?”
“No, no, I like multiple. I just thought you’d only want one.”
“Well one would be easier to get through school. Tuition can be expensive.”
“Tuition? Private school?”
“My cousins went to one of the best in the state. My brother too, they had a boarding program. Top education, they’ve even got cute uniforms.”
“Could we afford that?”
“Well I have all my inheritance plus I’d get a job. I’m thinking of running a shop. Fashion design. Custom clothing and tailoring such.”
“You know how to design?”
“Second degree I got. Trained under Dolce and Gabbana.”
“Impressive. Can’t let you do all the work though, I’d run my own mechanic shop.”
“You should name it The Garage.”
“I like that. Nice ring to it.”
You and Jacob paused before looking each other in the eye and laughing.
“Not even on step one of marriage and we’ve already planned our whole lives,” Jacob said.
“Not even moved out of my bedroom.”
Jacob pulled you over so you were laying completely on top of him. The two of you had just calmed down from laughing.
“Should we make a dream board with our plans?” Jacob chuckled.
“I’ll get started on it tomorrow… I love you, Jake.”
“I love you, too.”
Jacob sat up so he could kiss you better. His hands roamed under the big t-shirt you were wearing. The lack of any clothes but his shirt made it easier for him to touch you. And his lack of shirt made it easier for you to run your hands up and down his body. You tried to push him down on the bed but Jacob didn’t budge. He brushed his hand against your cheek.
“I want to satisfy you, (Y/N).”
“Jacob, you do.”
“I want to make love to you. No needing to do more because I need it.”
“I thought we got past the bruises, babe.”
Jacob let out a short laugh. “Not the bruises. I know you want me to let go. You do that for me now let me do this for you.”
Jacob’s hands were once again under your shirt. He kissed a trail starting from your forehead to your neck. He slowly moved your hips in a circle as he nipped at your ear.
“Jake,” you half whispered half moaned.
Jacob kissed your lips gently but full of passion. “Let me take care of you babe.”
Edward was very hesitant when you and Jacob suggested bringing Renesmee to see the pack, and very relieved when none of them imprinted. He might have a truce with the wolves for your sake but if one of them had imprinted on Renesmee he wasn’t sure what he’d do. With formalities out of the way, the pack was able to freely come and go in the Cullen house once again. Not that they all did too much. Everyone got along for you and Jake’s sake, but few had become like family to one another.
You parked your car in the garage and stumbled into the house knowing everyone would be there.
“Guess who’s graduated?!” you yelled into the house. “And they said I don’t have to walk if I don’t want to. Senior year, even easier the fifth time around.”
You joked as you came up the stairs from the garage only to find no one in the living room. Not even a scent left behind from anyone could be sensed when you dropped your shield. Not the Cullens, not the pack, not even Jacob. The only creature to greet you was Koda as she came down the stairs, licking your hand and demanding scratches.
“Really? Everyone ditched me?” you muttered as you made your way into the kitchen.
“I hope whatever you ditched me for was fucking worth it,” you yelled to no one but an empty house.
Jacob came bounding into the house as you yelled that, laughing.
“That would be my fault. Told them I was taking you out on a date tonight, everyone decided there was no point in staying.”
“Should I dress nice?” You looked at Jacob who was not too fancy but definitely a little more than casual, swapping out his normal t-shirt for a rolled-up button down shirt.
Jacob held up the pizza box he had behind his back. “You decide.”
Since it was pizza, you opted to match Jacob’s state of dress— not too fancy but not too casual either. Jacob pulled up to the ‘Welcome to Forks’ sign. You got out of the car and sat on the front hood.
“You know, I think this might have been my favorite dates we did,” you said as you ate pizza.
“Really? What about our vacation? This one was really your favorite?”
“Yeah, it was when everything was simpler. No supernatural bullshit. Just (Y/N) and Jake.” You looked over at Jake. “And your hair was longer.”
“You liked my long hair?” Jacob grinned as he ate a slice.
“Loved it.”
Jacob walked back around the car and brought out a Tupperware container of cake.
“Sue’s strawberry?” you asked hopeful.
“Right on the money, babe.”
It had been forever since you had any of Sue’s baking. Jacob was standing in front of you, both hands on your waist. Before he had a chance to grab your fork, you took a forkful of cake and fed it to him.
“You know we still have to pick a new date for Hawaii,” Jacob said after swallowing the bite of cake.
“Mmm? Maybe after Christmas. Everyone’s gonna want to spend Christmas together especially with Renesmee so maybe a few days after. I’m thinking New Year’s there must be fun.”
“Hey, (Y/N).”
“Yeah, Jake?”
“I wanna try something.”
You smiled, knowing exactly where this was going. You watched confused as Jacob didn’t lean in to kiss you but started to go down instead. Jacob fished in his back pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. He opened it to reveal a ring inside.
“Jacob, are you for real?” you asked barely above a whisper.
“(Y/N). I can honestly say I love you. Even before I knew it, you were my world the moment you entered my life and I don’t want you to leave it. It’s not just the imprint, I would’ve fallen for you regardless and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”
“Jacob Black, of course I will marry you.”
Jacob slipped the ring on your finger before getting up and kissing you. You pulled back slightly to look him in the eye, not really believing what was happening. You smiled wider and kissed him again.
(Part 22)...
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emo-sonic · 18 days
Here,take the first episode/pilot of The Phantom AU because I’m nice
(The full story and 5 more books are available to read on Wattpad and are bing uploaded to my AO3, links will be in bio soon)
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"We made it back" Tails sighed as he unlocked the door that hadn't been unlocked in a very long time, opening the creaky door to house on Angel Island.
Otherwise known as the home of Sonic and Tails. The two best friends, the latter being a world-known hero.
Sonic, however, said nothing, simply sitting on the couch. Rather different to his usual character.
Tails sighed again, "You're safe now. No one's going to get you here," but Sonic knew he was just saying that to comfort himself, so he just smiled slightly, before laying down, going to sleep.
Tails smiled again in assurance that his brother was finally going to get some proper rest.
He scanned over him, looking at all the scars that were still fresh, all of the bandages over his limbs, the two leg braces, along with some patches where fur had only just grown back.
Tails checks his wrists and ankles. All four still had big black and purple bruises from where he'd been restrained.
It was no secret that Sonic the Hedgehog had been put through intense torture, barely making it out with his life.
For six months they'd been at war, before Rouge the Bat had found Sonic alive, the war ending soon afterwards. They'd stayed at the HQ for about a two months, helping to clean up Sunset City.
But they was easy targets to rogue Eggman robots, and Sonic wasn't one to sit still and watch, so he'd fought. And got himself more hurt in the process.
That was when they decided to take him back to his home, for his safety.
Tails checked his phone, seeing a message from Rouge herself.
The bat had been very active with Sonic's recovery, and had been the only one he'd opened up to, much to Tails' annoyance.
Found Sonic a private doctor
just on the outskirts of
Station Square. Figured
he'd benefit better from that,
he's also specialized in
Möbian anatomy.
Tails opened the file she'd sent along. Seemed like a nice clinic. Definitely out of the way, and the least likely to draw attention. Of course, everyone had been very hush-hush about Sonic's status, again, not to draw attention to the wrong people.
The cub, also tired, decided that it would be best if he too went to bed. So, leaving his friend sprawled out on the couch, he went upstairs to sleep.
Sonic slept for a full eight hours, something he hadn't done since before being ambushed.
Waking up, he looked around the room for reassurance that he was home, and that it wasn't just another dream.
One part of him screamed to just stay on this couch forever, and never face the world again.
The other knew that he couldn't. Physically or mentally.
So he got up, limping to the kitchen where he got to work making a coffee.
Sonic had never been one to have a steady hand, and now that his wrists where in the condition they were, it was at least 10x harder.
Luckily, Tails came down the stairs finding Sonic tried to hold the coffee jug, Tails rushing over.
"Oh, Sonic!" He panicked, taking it of him gently, much to Sonic's annoyance.
"I can do it myself.." The blue muttered, clearly unhappy.
Tails ignored his remarks, continuing to make his brother's coffee, before handing it back over.
"Oh, Rouge has made you an appointment at a clinic just on the outskirts," Tails informed.
"Cool," Sonic simply responded, drinking the coffee that was surely still too hot. But yet, he didn't even flinch.
"We'd better get ready" Tails walked off, leaving Sonic stood in the kitchen alone
The medical clinic was like nothing the two had ever seen. A family house with the small clinic attached to it. Tails had heard that it was a family business, but he didn't think it would actually be at their home.
To get to the clinic, they had to walk through a garden, which, even though it was early December, was still beautiful to look at.
Walking inside, they was greeted a tall woman with freckles and long ginger hair.
"Good morning, I'm Jennifer, and welcome to the clinic. Ben should be ready to see you know, if you'd just follow me."
Something about how she spoke to him made Sonic feel good inside. It was nice to be talked to like an ordinary person, instead of a celebrity.
Jennifer led them into a bright room, with who Sonic assumed was Ben inside, along with an assistant.
Ben wasted no time, beginning a general check up.
"Well, you're still a little underweight," Ben typed on his computer, "but still gaining more from the records Rouge sent me"
He then examined the healing wounds, cleaned some of them as well as doing X-rays on his legs, beaming at the results.
"Well, some good news, looks like the bones have made a full recovery." Ben smiled, before going to touch Sonic's arm to check his bruising.
Sonic flinched hard, pulling away.
"Oh, no touching? Ok. Not a problem." He wrote something down.
"Can you at least show us?"
Sonic hesitated a little, before showing his wrists and ankles, Ben and the assistant looking at each other in concern.
That is what happens when someone is held in chains for 6 months on end. The doctor thought to himself.
"Okay. Try ice-packs to help with swelling. And rest" Ben confirmed, taking about ten minutes to write some instructions down, before handing the paper to Sonic.
"It's been lovely to meet you Sonic. And I wish you the best of luck for your recovery." Ben smiled, the blue nodding as he left, sighing as the two left the building.
"You see? That wasn't too bad now was is?" Tails laughed a little, a slight smile appearing on Sonic's face
"No. No it wasn't"
For once, someone has asked before they touched. No one had seemed to understand his pain generally, never mind when people where prodding and poking at his deep bruises. Or when people grabbed them, causing him to fall into another flashback.
But Ben understood. He understood his pain, his discomfort. How hard it is to just 'heal' from something so traumatic and life-changing.
It was no secret that Sonic the Hedgehog had been put through intense torture, barely making it out with his life.
Though something people regarded as a simple story. Perhaps something that was even purely fictional
This is the story of Sonic the Hedgehog. Not a story of a hero, or an inspiration, or a role model. But the story of someone going through healing, self- discovery, and family.
This is the story of a survivor
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natescoloringbook · 4 months
🎉26 Birthday
I’m like very overdue on this but things have been real awful lately! Like actually hellish, and flipped on the top of its head in the span of a day. Literally went from feeling like the best thing in my life was going to happen, to exactly the worst thing in my life happening. And I cannot talk about it! So enjoy the vagueness because I am sad, and dying, and very surprised I am still alive and surviving right now. Lot’s of big good things were happening but then the big bad happening just sent everything crumbling down. I’ve only just now worked up the energy to finish up making my birthday post ( and now I can look back on happy Birthday times and cry for my unknowing self as to what was about to go down a few weeks later lol ).
Our plan for my birthday this year was to head into Edinburgh on the Saturday to go to Camera Obscura & spend the night, go to the Littles Lock In on Sunday, and then my friend Leo would be coming over to stay with us on Sunday & Monday night.
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Ready and packed on Friday!
We were headed into Edinburgh in the late afternoon so there was no rush. I had a bath in the morning and came out to a surprise…
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A new backpack ( and a plush Big Bird keychain to go on it ). I couldn’t believe it!! I discovered these bags from Pottery Barn earlier in the month and absolutely fell in love with them, the only problems being that they’re expensive, hard to find in the UK, and the ones that are on the Pottery Barn UK website aren’t to my tastes. I cried when I seen this haha. One of the biggest reasons I wanted a backpack in this style is that the buckle straps in the front are perfect for carrying a teddy around. And after using this backpack for a week now I can safely say I recommend the brand 100%. It is much larger than my “adult” sized backpacks, can hold my water bottle ( too big to fit into others ) and is also waterproof!
Then we got ready and were on our way to start the birthday celebrations.
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On our way to Camera Obscura we passed by a giftshop that sold Jellycats. And I picked up a birthday present from my Mom here…
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GIANT Nessie in the shop window.
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Meet Mini Egg! He is a huge lavendar dragon by Jellycat and I love him so much
We met up with my friend Leo and went inside Camera Obscura. This was my first time going there and it was a lot of fun!
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View of Edinburgh Castle from the top of Camera Obscura
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Leo and I made a big dragon pile while we were waiting for dinner
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Making friends in the hotel room
🌈 Sunday
Today was the Littles Lock In so I have no pictures! But it was a really fun time as always. I can’t wait for the next one : D
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My special birthday outfit
🌈 Monday
We had no special plans for today! Leo and I went to have a look around some shops while Eli stayed home because he wasn’t feeling well.
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Picked this wooden dinosaur up
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Leo got this guy! I wanna get someone from this brand one day too
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I need to draw my fursona like this
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We had Tim Hortons kids meals for lunch! I always wanted to try these and it was nice, I’ll for sure have it again
When we came home there was a surprise birthday party happening!! I also had some more gifts.
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Minions pyjamas from Eli
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Weighted Grogu plush from our friend Beth
🌈 Tuesday
My actual birthday for real! Leo headed home early in the morning while Eli and I stayed in Glasgow for a surprise. Which ended up being pottery painting : D
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Mine is on the top, Eli’s is on the bottom
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We had pizza for lunch
I had an amazing birthday this year ( and it will take me all year to remember to change my age everywhere haha ). Thankyou to everyone who took the time to send good wishes my way! ❤
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russilton · 2 years
I’m curious about how you and Kimy met each other & got together, and who started shipping 4463 first? Just interested in hearing this kinda story and you can totally ignore me if you don’t want to answer. Hope you both have a nice weekend 😁
God no I love answering this question!
(Edit: while answering this question you caused me irreparable damage as I realised for the first time that abu dahbi 21 was the direct cause of me and kimy being on the call where I realised she liked me, and then I asked her out. I will never recover.)
Kimy (aka @thatsmemate ) and I met in 2017, technically twice, first in a shared discord server where we didn’t even realise we’d talked till years later, and the second time via tumblr
We both used to ship a fairly popular marvel ship (and still do, just less actively) that will go unnamed for the sake of plausible deniability, but anyone who wants to try hard enough can probably find my other blog lmao. I started making art for said ship in early 2017, and Kimy, without fail, left the BEST tags on my posts.
Not kidding, that’s genuinely how first connected, she used to leave the sweetest, kindest tags for me, that always made me feel like I was actually posting good work. And because they were always so good, I’d look forward to seeing her name in my notifs. Eventually I followed her back, because despite me being awkward as hell, it seemed like everyone I followed knew her (she will deny this, but it’s what I remember thinking, so it’s true), and thus, I wanted to know her. Eventually we started talking, then DMing, I wrote my first ever fic right into her tumblr DMs and by the end of that year we we’re insufferably inseparable.
We didn’t get together till December 2021 though, because in a fanfiction style twist, she ended been pining for 3 of those 5 years, and thought I knew. Anon, I did not know, because I am thick skulled and cannot read social hints.
Why December 21? Well Kimy decided to finally let me show her the hit Netflix documentary tiger king. Yes, THAT tiger king. Why? I shit you not I think it was genuinely because I was angry and upset about AD 21 happening THE DAY PRIOR and she was comforting me. A fact I had genuinely blocked out until writing this LMAO.
A combination of the trauma of AD combined with the best thing in my life happening means I assume my brain decided to separate the two. Anyway, she was pining, and I wasn’t. Not because I didn’t like her, but because I had no idea that was an option. My brain functioned under the assumption she couldn’t like me. Sky is blue, 1+1=2, she could never be attracted to me. At least it did until I made a STUPID joke about the first husband in tiger king. The one that got gay married for meth.
It went something along the lines of “my meth would be a partner who let me be a stay at home dad because I want to provide home care for my family” I know I’m so smart. She replied with saying she wouldn’t mind something like that because she hated having to do things after she got home and actually enjoyed work. I say “hahah maybe you should marry me for a green card, it might actually work out”.
I know. She was pining sadly, but the dusty cogs in my brain finally started working. And flirting. For the rest of the call I kept making jokes about soulmates and “that’s why you should marry me” as we discussed what we want out of our partners.
Call ends, she pines, I FINALLY go “oh shit, I think that was a Jk unless hint…” then spent a night thinking on it, before asking her out the following day. She said yes ❤️.
As you can tell from that story, I was very invested in F1 long before we got together, but I wasn’t shipping 4463 at that point yet. I was the one to pick it up first though. I even found 4463 works THROUGH a conversation with her! I caught a massive throbbing man crush on George (I had one on Lewis already but the George one was a lot less awe and a lot more nsfw) told her about it, and she kept encouraging me. Then after Spain I sent her a gif of Bono and Lewis looking gay, it lead to a convo about fanfiction, and I, long used to ao3, went looking…
I spent a few weeks getting neck deep in gewis, and I slowly started sending her things, because there’s not a thing on this earth I DONT share with her —She could blackmail me very effectively— and because she is the best person to ever live she got right into it with me, even after watching me have an angry betrayed ranting fit about certain fics that won’t be named BUT KNOW WHO THEY ARE.
By austria we started watching quali together on our date nights as she let me explain f1 to her. That’s why her favourite drivers are my favourite drivers, because I am a dreadful biased influence. Its the best thing on earth to share this with her. Because she is the best thing on my earth.
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silverstream39 · 1 year
mkae a story of mafuyu turning into a cat and her fruends go nuts 😊🤗
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Featuring: Meowfuyu, Kanade, Ena, Mizuki, Miku
I NORMALLY do HCS like I said but I’ll make an exception for my first request! added a self insert (gn) of reader being part of nightcord because that’s all I really do, plus you didn’t seem to mind
“(Nickname)” = Online nickname
ALSO!!! BEFORE YOU READ!!! I wrote reader’s dialogue a bit boring so you could make your own dialogue in your head!
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Catrocity Ensemble
• when it comes to Meowfuyu’s appearance, she would have purple fur and fluffy fur with a small body
• ALWAYS grooms her fur
• Mafuyu as a cat would probably not even want anything to do with you, Ena, and Mizuki tbh, as most cats already do
• Ena still wouldn’t even be able to process what is happening the next day, literally just staring in disbelief while Akito is wondering what the hell she’s yelling about
• even after the incident Mizuki would still call her the nickname “meowfuyu” at times even though Mafuyu would never understand it
• Kanade is shocked (still believes her either way)
• she’d probably be a little frustrated with not being able to do school work or write songs properly, with that she doesn’t even know how to tell her mom, nor make up a good excuse for being “away” from home all day
• When you meet up in sekai, Ena tries not to believe it’s actually her but can’t deny it anymore as she literally sees a purple cat right in front of her while Mizuki is just amazed
• If nightcord ever met up during this time, mafuyu would just sit by and watch the group work while she obviously can’t write with her paws
•she probably tried a few times
• in the main story she didn’t mind disappearing so I don’t think she’ll mind being a cat that much, it would be like having a small break from reality
• as much as Mizuki would like to see her play with cat toys, she wouldn’t be interested at all and just ignore Mizuki whenever they would throw toys around or use a fishing rod around her
• Mizuki always tries to dress her in small things while Mafuyu suffers in silence
• just ignores all the other cats on the block whenever she encounters them
•honestly the nickname “Meowfuyu” did make her feel a bit warm even though she never understood the reason why, she didn’t really mind it though
It was nearly 25:00 as you tapped your desk and waited for everyone to join the call. Sitting in silence, familiar users going by “K” and “Amia” appeared on (Name)’s computer screen. “Yahoo! Is anyone here?” Mizuki joyfully exclaimed, as usual. “Oh, Mizuki and (Nickname). Where’s Enanan and Yuki?” Kanade asked, she usually speaks about Mafuyu when she doesn’t come so early, Ena always comes after Mizuki, and Mafuyu just does school work before joining.
“Enanan usually comes after me..but I’m sure Mafuyu will come later” Right as Mizuki said, “Enanan” joined the call
“I’m here, I was busy working on the thumbnail I forgot to join, did I miss anything?” “Oh! Enanan! We haven’t worked on anything yet, so you didn’t miss anything so far.” Ena and Mizuki spent their time talking about the newest song coming up, while Kanade quietly worked. “Hey (Nickname), do you think you can check this out? I want to know if it’s alright.” Kanade sent the file to the chat while you opened the file.
Without hesitation, you listened to the draft Kanade asked you to check out. As usual, you could just say how nice you thought the composition was. “I think it sounds great, but Enanan and Amia might have something to say about it” “Alright. Thanks, (Nickname.)”
Kanade then went off to ask Ena and Mizuki for any suggestions or things she could fix after asking (Name), but in a matter of time your focus went on about when Mafuyu was going to join the call. Mafuyu wasn’t always this late, so perhaps something got in the way? The only way to find out would be to actually talk to her through her and your DM. The talking between the three continued as you scrolled through Nightcord and opened up your DM between you and Mafuyu. “<Hey Yuki, are you busy? K has already asked when you’d join.>” While typing your message, you noticed Mafuyu was online at the moment and waited for her response.
“<Oh, (*Misspelled* Nickname) I womt bw abke tp joim todsy.>” Seeing Mafuyu’s misspelled words made you laugh a little, but it made you confused at the same time. Something seriously had to be wrong if she could mess up that bad in typing a message. “<Yuki, is everything alright?” You replied, waiting for an answer. Her first message only took a matter of seconds, but this one was taking longer so there was a feeling she wasn’t gonna respond anytime soon.
Waiting a few minutes, a notification from the call broke the silence. You switched your tab back to the call between the 4 of you and noticed “Yuki” had joined. “I’m here.” “Oh, Yuki.” Even though you hoped she’d join today, you were still confused as to why she said she wouldn’t. Ena and Mizuki were still muted and working on the illustration and MV, and Kanade was going over what was said while Mafuyu wasn’t here.
“K, Amia, Enanan, (Nickname). Can we meet in SEKAI for a few minutes?” Right as Mafuyu spoke, everyone in the call unmuted. “Huh? Why right now?” “It’s a little late.. but I think I can go if it’s just a few minutes.” “This late? I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to go though if it’s that important”
So along with everyone else, you left the call after everyone left. Still confused on what was going on, you opened your phone and opened to a song that was named “untitled” and played it. It was only a few seconds before you saw familiar patterns surround and lead you into the empty SEKAI from before. Standing in front of you was three people, Ena, Kanade, and Mizuki.“Hey.. so where’s mafuyu? I thought she was coming.” Ena spoke, a little annoyed since Mafuyu requested to meet in SEKAI this late. “Ena.. don’t sound so annoyed, we just came!” After Mizuki started speaking, the two started to argue (as usual)
“If Mafuyus near us, then we should look for her.” You could see that Ena obviously wasn’t up for Kanade’s idea, especially with her being tired. “I messaged Mafuyu, she said she wasn’t coming but joined the call a few minutes later” The group of three turned their attention to you, probably expecting you to speak more. There wasn’t much to say due to Mafuyu not having much to say at all. Suddenly foot steps started to come closer and closer to where the group was standing. “Kanade? Why are you four here?” The person standing there was Miku, not showing any expression. “Oh, Miku. Mafuyu asked us to meet in SEKAI, we were just about to start looking for her.” “Hey—“ just as soon as Ena was about to protest, she was interrupted by a familiar voice.
“I’m here.” The group including Miku all turned their heads just to see a small purple cat with a fluffy tail and fluffy fur, weirdly talking. No one spoke a word, there was just complete silence as no one could even process what the hell is going on. “what.” was the only word Ena could speak out as her face was in shock, standing as still as a statue. “Mafuyu!? Is that you!?” Mizuki yelled, waving their arms around in pure entertainment. Going back to Kanade, she couldn’t even say anything. “Mafuyu?” There was almost never an expression on Miku either, but her eyes went wide as soon as she saw Mafuyu.
“No, That can’t be Mafuyu.. please tell me I’m dreaming..” “Hey, I can pinch you if you want to test it out!” The two then chased each other around, the only thing you wanted to do was just escape the entire chaos that was going on right now. “Mafuyu, when did this happen??” You questioned, Kanade was about to speak as if she was about to ask the same thing. “I don’t know. All I can remember is falling asleep during my homework. When I woke up, I was Iike this.” You suddenly remembered all of the funny misspellings and figured that was the reason why. “So that’s the reason to all of those misspellings..”
“Mafuyu..Is that really is that really you? Maybe I should sleep more often if I’m seeing things..” “Yes, this is me.” Mafuyu replied, not seeing at all bothered by her current state. “Well if your gonna stay like this forever, we’ll have to come up with some name! Hmm… what about Meow fuyu!?” “Well ‘Meowfuyu’ isn’t going to escape from her lyric writing anytime soon, so we need a way to make her turn back or something.” Even though Mizuki had already seemed to get used to it, Ena was still pretty blunt about “Meowfuyu”
“Yeah, Im not sure how she’ll be able to do anything with her current state” you laughed, the entire situation was just horrible. Mizuki then crouched down to pet Meowfuyu, amazed by how soft her fur was. “Meowfuyu’s fur is really soft!! I wonder how many times she had to clean herself to get it this soft!” Ena was clearly really annoyed by Meowfuyu and Mizuki. “Hey, don’t get so ahead of yourself Mizuki, she’s not an actual animal.” “Don’t be so blunt, Ena! (Name), Kanade, you should come feel her fur while she’s still here!” Walking towards Meowfuyu, you reached down to glide your hand across her light purple fur. “Mizukis right, But I don’t think she feels very comfortable right now because we’ve been here for barely any minutes.”
“Now that Mafuyus a cat, this makes me really want a cat now..cat owners are so lucky!” “Great..now all of those online cat photos, and now out of all things, Mafuyu turns into a cat!” “Ena! Don’t be so jealous, I’m sure your photos will get more likes someday.” The only thing you could do was just watch Ena and Mizuki argue about online cat photos topping Enas selfies while Kanade watched tiredly. “Even after this, I’ll still need to convince myself this entire thing wasn’t a dream..” “Come on Meowfuyu! You should spend the night at my house, I can imagine all the stuff I could dress you in!” “(Name), please help me before they get to anything” “As much as I would, I don’t think there’s stopping Mizuki anytime soon.” Even though Ena was clearly annoyed, she still laughed about it with everyone else when Mafuyu was just confused about the nickname and what was going on.
My tumblr is really laggy, also Ena for sure woke up the next morning with no sleep and in a bad mood (I love writing until 4:38 AM)
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thenightling · 2 years
Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula
I realize I’ve been posting a lot about vampires lately.  This is partly because of how much I disliked the new Interview with the vampire AMC+ series (Though the actors and acting are good. It’s the writing and showrunning I dislike).   And partly because I genuinely loved The Invitation as the best new Dracula movie I’ve seen in years.
In a comment in my Sandman Facebook group someone mentioned the book An Old Friend of The Family and did not seem aware that this was actually the third book of an on-going book series.   
As everyone has been talking about Anne Rice lately I would like to draw attention to an underrated vampire book series.   This is a book series that comes very close to being my favorite book series.   It might even be my favorite book series.  It’s nearly tied with Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.
Fantasy author Fred Saberhagen passed away in 2007.  My favorite books of his are a book series sometimes called “The New Dracula” or “The Dracula Sequence.”  Mostly today they’re just called Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula books.  And I love them.  I frankly think of them as the best vampire book series I’ve ever read.
1,   The Dracula Tape - The first book in the series was published BEFORE Interview with the vampire and features Dracula telling his side of the novel Dracula into a tape recorder.  It’s interesting and has some funny moments.  If you pay attention you can tell you’re dealing with an unreliable narrator.
 2.  The Holmes-Dracula File.  This was a Sherlock Holmes story that was supposed to have a surprise reveal about half-way through that the “Old man” character was actually Dracula however Fred Saberhagen’s publisher insisted on the title that gave away this plot twist.
3.   An Old Friend of the family.  The Southerlands (Direct descendants of Mina Harker) are in trouble.  After a murder and kidnapping the family is forced to use a magical invocation to call upon someone for help.  Someone that calls himself “An old friend of the family.”  Think of it as being like Taken but with Count Dracula as Liam Neeson.  This is my favorite of the series.  When I met Fred Saberhagen’s widow online she sent me a rare signed copy of this book which I use as the banner at the top of my Facebook page.  
4.   Thorn.  This one is not so great.  It’s one of those stories (like in The Sandman) to reveal that Dracula isn’t always nice and, in fact, was even abusive to one of his wives (He had two wives in his mortal life).  It’s partly set in the fifteenth century and partly set in the “present” (late seventies / early 80s).  You can skip it if you want.
5.  Dominion.  This one is one of the two in the series I do not like.  The only interesting thing about it is the interaction between Dracula and a homeless man that turns out to be THE Merlin from Arthurian legend.  Merlin doesn’t like him and that makes things a little fun.
6.  A Matter of Taste.  This is a return to form as it is has the same good qualities of An Old Friend of the Family.  This one is one of my favorites.  Johnny Southerland (who was rescued in An Old Friend of The Family) is getting married. And he feels his fiancé has the right to know that his family is protected / stalked by Count Dracula.  “Uncle Matt” (Drac) quips “Why? I’m not marrying her.”   Someone tricks Dracula into drinking poisoned blood. It won’t kill him but it will temporarily incapacitate him. So Johnny and the Southerlands must now protect their old friend from his enemies. There are two things I really like about this one.  1. Dracula’s work-around about not casting a reflection in mirrors. He won’t cast a reflection in a mirror but he DOES show up on camera so he replaced his home’s mirrors with flat screen televisions (this was 1990 so the technology was very new) and a hidden camera so he essentially invented what we today call Smart Mirrors. (Again, this was 1990.) 
I also really liked the origin Dracula is given in this novel. It’s sort of a non-origin.  As the historic Vlad the Impaler he was assassinated and his head was delivered to the Ottoman Sultan.  Well, in this version it was a look-a-like’s head given to the Sultan and loyalists took Dracula’s head and body for burial.  While preparing him the candles kept going out and the head appeared to be re-attaching to the neck as the wounds healed. This spooked the loyalists so they hastily buried him at a crossroads where he woke as a vampire some time later.  Dracula calls it a transition of will that he refused to die but in reality he doesn’t know how he became a vampire.  Most vampires in these books are made via a blood exchange. He is NOT the first vampire but he does eventually proclaim himself king of the vampires and (mostly) everyone just goes along with it.  
7.  A question of time. This is the only book in the series I actually hate.  Dracula is barely in it. It deals with time travel and the grand canyon and it effects nothing if you skip it.
8.  Séance for a vampire. We go back to the Victorian era for another Dracula / Sherlock crossover. Watson is forced to call on Dracula for help. He doesn’t like or trust Dracula. There’s a daring rescue from a carriage and some other great scenes.
9.  A Sharpness on the neck.  There are a few minor homophobic overtones in this one but I chock it up to the fact that Dracula is really an old man from the fifteenth century and this was written by an old man.  A headcanon excuse I have for it is Dracula hasn’t come to terms with his own sexuality.  If you read the earlier books he got REALLY attached to Joe Keogh, who married into the Southerland family.  And Drac stalks him in very much the same way he does the women of the family.  Yeah, I think he’s bi.
Anyway, in this book Dracula’s mortal-life brother Radu (also now a vampire) is holding a grudge against a family dating back to the French Revolution.  So Dracula (dragging the Southerland family along) uses this couple as bait to lure out his brother.
10.  A Coldness in the Blood.  This one is set in 2003.  Tensions are high between Dracula and The Southerlands who seem a little annoyed at all the chaos he’s brought into their lives.  In example- one of the younger members of the family was setting up “Uncle Matt’s” computer for The Internet when he may or may not have been psychically attacked by an Egyptian Crocodile God.   How do you get used to things like that?
There’s actually sweet reveal near the end where a very young member of the family reveals his middle name is “Vlad.”  (Aww, they do love him). There are also three short stories which can be found in the Saberhagen Vampire tales collection available on Amazon.  I wrote the introduction for it in 2019 but the link on the site credits the wrong Amanda Pike. Oh, well.
The stories entail  Box Number 50 - My personal favorite short story.  It deals with two orphan children who protect Dracula during the events of the original Dracula novel and how he repays them for the favor. From the Tree of Time - This is another Sherlock crossover. A drop of something special in the blood - About Bram Stoker encountering actual vampires. 
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if you don't mind me asking... how did you start liking radiohead so much? what is it about them that puts you on a chokehold. random question i know but whenever i see someone who's deeply moved by an artist i always wonder how that love came to be :)
bwbwbwbwbwbwwb i love you i love you this is such a nice question to ask and makes me so happy :)
<3 i’d heard creep years ago on a television show and didn’t think of it for a long time, i think once when i was 12 my dad played kid a and wasn’t really listening to it but i told him to turn it off because it was bumming me out? LOL anyways flash forward to age 15 in late october 2020 and i’m playing rockband 2 with my family, and recognize one of the songs that’s on there: creep. i remember how the verse goes a little bit so we try it… i’m no good at singing it because i haven’t heard it in years and years, but i think “damn that was a bummer. good song though!”
that night i decided to look up the music video on youtube so that i can familiarize myself more with the song to sing it, and wtf, they have a song called weird fishes! i have a pet fish i like fish! i listen to it and WHAT THE FUCK. it's like nothing i've EVER heard before, so vivid and rich and what the FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. immediately obsessed with weird fishes. see jigsaw falling into place in my recommended, think lol thats a funny name, listen to it and go WHAT THE FUCK again. feel something shift inside me. after a 24hour weird fishes LOCKDOWN i go to the radiohead wikipedia page and recognize "oh ive heard of ok computer, dont know much about it other than everyone loves it," decide to listen to paranoid android first & then the full album. What the Fuck again. What the shit. Whag the hell.
i don't remember which album i listened to next, i want to say the bends? either way, by late november i was BIG into radiohead. hadn't finished all the albums yet, but the shift inside me furthered until i could hear a little "click" somewhere in my brain or my chest. ask for a radiohead shirt for christmas. get the DAEHOIDAR shirt from the website as a gift :-). radiohead is my 2nd favorite band. start watching interviews and learning bits and pieces about the guys. watch live performances. giggle and send everyone i know the winter wonderland cover. become clinically depressed. get through the rest of the albums. go inpatient. be half-awake one morning before the insanely early breakfast time, unable to move and DESPERATELY trying to remember the lyrics to faust arp. i fucking KNOW THIS. it was tearing me apart, i was so distressed....when i finally Woke up it all came flooding back and i was so relieved. i just think that memory is so funny. go back home and listen to more radiohead. cry to scatterbrain more times than i can count. that becomes My Song. start explaining who thom yorke is in casual conversation. get sent a lot of creep memes. radiohead has long since taken over as my favorite band ever and very soon my streaming stats reflect that. work the shittiest most miserable job imaginable at an extremely poorly-managed dog daycare and mumble the entirety of each radiohead album to myself to keep me occupied and pass the time as i very illegally was not allowed to sit down or take a break for 8 full hours. friends start knowing me for my radiohead obsession. therapist interrogates me over whether my obsession with my favorite band causes problems in my life. get a lot of merch and a lot of cds. watch THE SMILE's second livestream in january '22....
this is insane why am i going into so many pointless details. very sorry i got carried away....long story short i am the biggest radiohead fan in the world i regularly train myself in case someone stops me on the street and asks me to list every single song in their discography in chronological order and/or recite the lyrics to all of them and my parents know a lot about each member of the band and don't really like it when i involve radiohead trivia in every single conversation. i had a catastrophic level 5 radiohead moment at work a few months ago where a customer bought the suspiria soundtrack WHICH I DIDNT EVEN KNOW WE HAD and my vision got blurry and i couldnt type and could barely say anything coherent to him. my manager was unimpressed. a little embarrassing looking back but kinda funny.
why i love radiohead? perhaps because theyre the greatest band of all time. perhaps because im a greep. perhaps because he has to squeak and mewl while singing
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solariswrites · 7 days
You’re My Daydream
Qian knew he should be behaving but why did he need to? It wasn’t like he was alone or with San Pang. His Xiao Yuan had come for him once the man had realized that he’d gone with San Pang and their new client for drinking. He hadn’t even needed to call because he knew Wei Zhiyuan would come for him. The younger man hadn’t even gotten the chance to remove his tie or vest. Yuan looked so good that Qian had been tempted to make out with him in the elevator. But he’d been nice then, following Yuan’s instruction to get into the car and put his seatbelt on.
“Ge, I’m driving.” Yuan warned in that authoritative tone that made Qian want to do the exact opposite. So he did by sliding his hand further up Yuan’s trouser covered thigh. Qian couldn’t help but smirk at hearing the sharp intake from his lover. A pleasing warmth settled in his chest that also felt like pride.
“So keep driving. We’re almost home anyways.” Qian sassed.
“Behave. We are almost home then you can do whatever you want.” Yuan responded with a tone more firm than before. He spared a look at Qian and to his frustration the older man was already looking at him with that heady gaze. Those dark eyes flicking down to his lips before dragging his tongue against his own soft lips had a switch flipping in Yuan.
Qian grinned as Yuan suddenly pulled over. He was about to teasingly chide his boyfriend when Yuan’s hand gripped his chin pulling him into a passionate kiss. Heaven’s above he loved kissing Yuan; the way Yuan knew just how to make everything else go away so that it was just them.
“Now,” Yuan nipped Qian’s bottom lip as he parted their kiss for much needed air, “will you-”
“No.” Qian cut him off, hand reaching out to take hold of that red tie around Yuan’s neck. It was so soft and the perfect tool to get Yuan’s lips back on his. The click of Yuan’s seatbelt was quickly followed by him being pressed back into his door while being kissed so deeply he knew the feeling would be burned into his brain. His hands making their way blissfully into Yuan’s soft black hair just as Yuan’s other hand moved to cup his throa….
“Wei Qian?” A voice that wasn’t Yuan’s interrupted his very lovely daydream about their car ride home from work the other night. Rude really. That’s when he realized he never took his gaze off of Yuan. Who was wearing the same red tie today but with his vest suit set. He couldn’t wait till later to peel it off him.
Yuan tilted his head and shifted his gaze to the laptop in front of Qian. Like usual Yuan was taking care of him by sending him a message that Tay had asked which summer special magical girl character that Qian liked.
“Tulip.” Qian answered, trying to keep the sigh from coming out. His gaze shifted back to a smiling Yuan and he decided he didn’t have to wait to get home. In fact it was the perfect time to let his hard working staff take a good long lunch.
Send everyone a message to take a long lunch and you can take me to the Goldfinch. He sent Yuan and the level of smugness he felt when Yuan’s ears started to flush pink.
Ge. Yuan mouthed before catching himself. His heart beating fast he tried to will the rest of his body to not show how surprised and thrilled he was to have Qian send that message.
Yuan did as instructed, earning himself some rather cheerful responses. He also took it upon himself to set up the reservation at the Goldfinch. The last time they’d enjoyed every second of their stay. His memories of that visit flashing through his mind’s eye. He was careful not to meet Qian’s gaze throughout the rest of the meeting. What he didn’t need to do was ruin their good fortune by dragging Qian away to lunch early.
“Oh good! So we are in agreement she is the first to come out and a new one each week.” Tay beamed, a wonderful designer brought on from Yuan’s team.
“Good, we can meet again at the same time next week about the next design.” Qian stated before closing his laptop, “great job everyone.” He toothily grinned at Yuan before heading to his office to drop off his laptop.
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