#so i’m just in the office by myself writing headcanons. like a normal person
erikahenningsen · 4 months
Some Cadina headcanons to kill time
Cady finds that she loves Disney movies, and once she’s done watching every iteration of The Lion King 8000 times Regina offers to watch all the other ones with her. Secretly, it’s because Regina refused to watch them once she started middle school because she thought they were too babyish, but she does love and miss them. Watching Cady get adorably excited watching the movies is just a bonus.
When Regina decides to join lacrosse, it becomes Cady’s new special interest. She doesn’t really care about watching lacrosse beyond watching Regina, but she gets really into learning every rule and the history of the game. Soon she knows even more than Regina does about lacrosse. On one occasion Janis has to hold Cady back when the ref cards Regina over a call Cady considers to be bullshit. She wears Regina’s lacrosse t-shirts to all her games.
Cady and Regina go to senior prom together. Cady is the one who asks Regina. She enlists Damian and some of the theater kids to serenade Regina (which she hates but also loves) and Janis to make a sign as a promposal. Regina acts like it’s cheesy and she’s above it but she cries a little. Cady doesn’t call her on it. They get coordinating dresses and ride to the dance in a limo with their friends and kiss on the dance floor. It’s the best night of Regina’s life.
Cady is the person Regina texts when she’s in pain, but she only starts doing it after Cady yells at her for ignoring her body’s warning signs when Cady finds her in a stairwell at school unable to get up or down the stairs. Cady will bring Regina her meds and a heating pad and will give her a massage, even if Regina doesn’t ask for it and sometimes even when Regina isn’t in pain. Sue her.
Regina single-handedly turns the mathletes competitions into a hot school event. She makes social media pages for the teams and convinces students to go (some would call it threatening, but Regina disagrees) and cheers loudly for Cady when she gets an answer right. She’s been escorted out from more than one competition for heckling.
Regina is still deeply insecure about her body and it took a long time for her to let Cady see her without clothes on (including when they went to the beach or hung out by Regina’s pool). Cady makes it a point to not only tell Regina how beautiful she is but to show her how much she loves her imperfections by kissing each scar and stretch mark. It’s healing not only for Regina but also for Cady, who feels responsible for Regina’s scars and the weight that Regina gained during junior year.
Shane imprints on Cady like a baby duck because Regina is Shane’s person and Cady is Regina’s person, so in a roundabout way Cady is his person, too. Cady is at first kind of overwhelmed by the intensity of his friendship but she quickly grows to love him. I’m not saying Shane runs a Cady/Regina anonymous Instagram account but if one DID exist it would be his. His math grade is improving, too.
Regina’s mom is overwhelmingly supportive. On one particularly scarring occasion she sits Cady and Regina down to talk about safe sex, complete with props. She has a series of TikToks about her lesbian daughter and her girlfriend that Regina secretly deletes (her mom’s phone password is 1234) and then acts like there’s some weird glitch in the app that does that. Regina is swimming in lesbian pride flag apparel and pins and flags that kind of makes her want to die but secretly makes her emotional. Regina really wishes her mom would stop referring to Cady’s mom as her sister-in-law though.
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i-like-eyes · 8 months
I would like to ask about the Ed Boys. I kinda like the idea that Peach Creek is just...this centerpiece of weirdness (thanks to the Eds) that no one really wants to go near until they're recruited by the TND.
I’m glad you asked because I have been thinking how the Ed’s fit into the AU.
EEnE very much Did Not Care about fitting in the "CN Brand" (from my understanding they weren't made to because it was developed out of the main office) so I worry they may not resemble themselves in the AU? I'm not one for brand loyalty mind you, it's just the other older cartoons mesh better because they were designed that way. The weird contrast between show's tone and style is also smth I worry about between the older and newer cartoons (of which the newest I'd bother with is TAWOG and even that is like. 2010's humor incarnate). However, the AU can be summed up as weird kids finding others like themselves, which is very EEnE. I also have a ton of EEnE headcanons I try not to get mixed up with the au. Example being in EEnE it's up to the viewer rather the weird stuff is in the kid's heads or it's real, and personally I think it's in their heads. So if i ever did get to writing a normal EEnE fic that's the direction I'd go. But in the context of the AU, we have kid superheroes and aliens and other planets with life forms lol. So in this universe everything is legit, and I have to remind myself to write the Eds differently from how I normally would. Point is they are much harder to write for hence why they've been on the mind.
As for the setting, it's kinda a mixture of both no one touching it because they think it's weird or, from a more surface level impression, they think it's boring lol. Peach Creek compared to other cities with constant monster attacks and superheroes is mundane by comparison. But once a character steps inside (who is trying to recruit the Eds I haven't decided) it becomes clear it's a much different vibe. Unlike the Townsville monsters the anomalies aren't really explained, and still have an aura of paranoia. And it being such a small town it's much more conservative and. Idk if reserved is the right word but not as much happens there, the kids have to make up their own fun.
And I think that would be what gets the Eds interested in KND/TND. It's a way to get out of their small town and find more open minded kids. I want to see Ed geek out over Ben's aliens and find other artsy people, Edd tinker with all the other nerdy ones, Eddy insert himself into plans with his input and weirdly becoming more of an older brother figure rather he wants to or not lmao. I want to compare and especially contrast with Fosters and throw them in a episode of Courage for fun. They are more daunting to write and draw but there is a ton to do with them.
In the meantime I need to come up with a name for this au lol
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fortunatelyfresco · 3 years
A Holistic Integration of Type 1 Narcolepsy into the Reading of Moist von Lipwig
Literary Interpretation, Disability, and Finding Yourself Between the Lines
As it goes, "I wrote this for me, but you can read it if you want." It might be a fun ride for anyone who is very interested in Moist von Lipwig, or narcolepsy, or both, and/or anyone who enjoys collecting small details from within a body of work and arranging them into threads that are supportable by the text, without being actually suggested by it.
Personally, I find it very interesting to read the meta behind different headcanons, and see how creators can unintentionally write a character who fits certain criteria. There are only so many traits, after all, and some of them tend to travel in groups! Humans are pattern seekers, etc etc.
The first step of reading Moist von Lipwig as narcoleptic is wanting to read Moist von Lipwig as narcoleptic. Being narcoleptic myself and relating heavily to Moist, this step was very easy. I invite you to take my hand and come along, at least briefly, if you were interested enough to click the readmore.
Once you have taken that step, things start falling into place. At least they do if you're intimately familiar with narcolepsy, or if you first learn about it in detail through, for instance, a Tumblr post with an agenda :)
I'll break this down symptom by symptom, citing only the ones I both have personal experience with and see textual support for.
I'll be using OverDrive's search function to catalogue "evidence" in (the American editions of) Going Postal, Making Money, and Raising Steam, so I might miss passages that don't use certain keywords.
Please take any statements along the lines of "being narcoleptic means X" with a huge grain of salt. Sometimes it's just more succinct. Narcolepsy can manifest in many different ways, and is still being actively studied. Don't base your entire understanding of it on a fandom essay I wrote to cope with the crushing pressures of capitalism. I have not even fully read the scientific studies linked here as sources.
Here we go! Spoilers abound.
I. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) and sleep attacks.
Being narcoleptic means (salt now, please) that your brain does not get adequate rest while you sleep, no matter how much you sleep. This is because of a disturbance in the order and length of REM and NREM sleep phases. This leads to constant exhaustion. Some sources describe narcoleptic EDS as "comparable to [the sleepiness] experienced by a healthy individual who has been sleep-deprived continuously for 48–72 hours."
Sleep attacks can come on gradually or suddenly. In my case, I become irritable and easily overwhelmed, and nothing matters except finding a place to lie down. A more severe attack, under the right circumstances, can put me to sleep while I'm actively trying to stay awake and engaged.
Moist refers to 6:45 am as "still nighttime." He is "allergic to the concept of two seven o'clocks in one day" and is "not good at early mornings," and the narration even cites this as "one of the advantages of a life of crime; you didn't have to get up until other people had got the streets aired."
In Going Postal, he repeatedly falls asleep at his desk. I can only find two instances, but the first one describes it as having happened "again," so it happens at least three times over the course of one week. Both of the times I found were after Mr. Pump cleared his apartment, giving him access to a bed, and I can't find any reference to the fire destroying it—just that his office is "missing the whole of one wall." His presumably wooden desk is still intact, even, just "charred."
There's also no build-up either time. No direct narration of the time right before he falls asleep, just retroactive accounting for it.
Which is primarily a function of stories not showing us every boring second, and secondarily one of the smaller ways we're shown Moist being overwhelmed and racing to keep up with himself, but tertiarily it's a great set dressing if you've already decided he's narcoleptic. Sometimes sleep is just a thing that happens, without any deliberate transition. Sometimes you sit down to catch your breath or get some paperwork done, and wake up several hours later.
I've found only one example in GP of Moist waking up in his actual bed at the post office: the morning after being possessed by all the undelivered letters. Presumably either they put him there, or Mr. Pump did.
There are two points in Making Money where Moist, in an effort to be a comforting and/or guiding hand, advises people to get some sleep. First Owlswick Jenkins, and then one of the clerks (Robert) who is worried about Mr. Bent.
I take the optimistic view that this is Moist genuinely caring about these people, not just trying to get them to do what he wants. He has always done some combination of those things (GP opens with him having befriended his jailers, after all), but there's definitely a thread of him learning to treat both himself and those around him more like real people. (See also.)
Looking at this thread through narcolepsy-colored lenses, you get Moist perhaps drawing from his own experiences in an effort to be helpful. In Owlswick or Robert's position, what is something he would want to hear from the man currently in charge of his fate, or at least his job? "Get some sleep."
If we accept this as a pattern, it culminates in Raising Steam, when Moist starts to worry about "Dick Simnel and his band of overworked engineers," fixating particularly on their lack of sleep.
What sleep they got was in sleeping bags, curled up on carriage seats, eating but not eating well, just driven by their watches and their desire to keep the train going.
"People are going to die if we push them any further," he said to Dick. "You lot would rather work than sleep!"
The young man swayed in front of him and Moist's tone became gentle. "And I see now that part of my job is to tell you that you need some rest. You've run out of steam, Dick. Look, we're well on the way to Uberwald now, and while it's daylight and we're out of the mountains it's going to be the least risky time to run with minimum crew. We're all going to need our wits about us when we get near the pass. Surely you can take some rest?"
Simnel blinked as if he'd not seen Moist the first time, and said, "Yes, you're right."
And Moist could hear the slurring in the young man's speech, caught him before he fell and dragged him into a sleeping compartment, put him to bed, and noted that the engineer didn't so much fall asleep as somehow flow into it.
Moist then recruits Vimes to help him talk the rest of the engineers into getting some rest. The two of them briefly commiserate about people not realizing how important it is.
"I have to teach that to young coppers. Treasure a night's rest, I always say. Take a nap whenever you can."
"Very good."
II. Insomnia.
This is a lesser-known but very common symptom of narcolepsy. Or a comorbidity, depending on how you look at it. It seems counterintuitive if narcolepsy has been presented to you as "sleeping all the time," but it makes sense once you know it's really a matter of disruption in the brain's ability to regulate sleep cycles.
The case for this symptom is flimsier, and I fully admit I'm just reading my own experience into it. But here are two excerpts from Going Postal that I find quite suitable for my sleepy agenda:
1. "A man of affairs such as he had to learn to sleep in all kinds of situations, often while mobs were looking for him a wall's thickness away."
I latched hard onto this detail the first time I read GP.
At my worst, I could not get more than a couple hours of sleep in my bed. I kept taking naps in the bath because it was one of the few places I could sleep. It seemed to fulfill some of the criteria (isolation, temperature control, etc) that my brain demanded in exchange for playing nice.
We're told over and over again, throughout Moist's books, that he functions best under pressure.
(Brief aside: This is often cited as a reason to interpret Moist as having ADHD, which I'm also fully on board with. Not coincidentally, narcolepsy and ADHD share a few symptoms, have a notable comorbidity rate, and are treated with some of the same medications. Source.)
So again, if you're already inclined to read Moist as narcoleptic, the following is an easy jump:
"Moist thinks he's good at sleeping in strange places under strange circumstances. This is because A) his basis for comparison is a disordered attempt to sleep in normal places under normal circumstances, B) something about danger satisfies his brain into running more smoothly, and C) he's a resourceful person who is 'not given to introspection,' and so is less likely to wonder why his body demands sleep at strange times and more likely to focus on finding a place for that sleep to happen, and chalk this up later as a skill."
And returning briefly to EDS: Why would someone like Moist waste time finding a safe place to sleep while people are actively trying to kill him? At the beginning of GP, he leaves Vetinari's office and immediately goes on the run. In multiple books, when he feels threatened, his brain instinctively launches into complex escape plans. We see him successfully blend into an Ankh-Morpork crowd at least once after becoming a public figure.
So why bother? After all, a safe place to sleep is also a safe place to change clothes, or at least remove whatever distinguishing features he's given himself. Why wouldn't he just become someone else and leave town immediately?
The obvious answer is that sometimes things just happen, and an author doesn't need to know or explain every single detail of a character's past.
I would suggest, though, that one of those things might be Moist reaching a point where sleep is just not optional. A point where he not only doesn't, but can't, care about anything else. Where he is too tired to think straight, too tired to talk his way out of trouble, too tired to even contemplate the long journey from one town to the next.
2. "Moist knew he ought to get some sleep, but he had to be there, too, alive and sparkling."
Sometimes (especially in combination with underlying mental health issues) narcoleptic sleep deprivation can bypass everything I've described so far, and lead straight into a manic state. You won't necessarily find that on Google, but it's been my experience.
That's obviously not what the text is implying. "Alive and sparkling" is just a very relatable description. And we do often see Moist getting away from himself, speaking without thinking, making absurd promises that he justifies immediately afterwards as Just Part Of Being Him, always raising the stakes.
And here are a couple of excerpts from Raising Steam that could be interpreted as Moist being a light sleeper, AKA struggling to get deep sleep:
1. "And slowly Moist shut down, although a part of him was always listening to the rhythm of the rails, listening in his sleep, like a sailor listening to the sounds of the sea."
2. "All Moist's life he'd managed to find a way of sleeping in just about every circumstance and, besides, the guard's van was somehow the hub of the train; and although he didn't know how he did it, he always managed to sleep with half of one ear open."
Moist is exactly the kind of opportunist to see that as a useful tool, isn't he?
III. Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Hallucinations.
These are hallucinations that come on as you're falling asleep or waking up. They can also happen during REM intrusions while you're awake. My most memorable ones include piano notes, someone calling my name, being trapped in the waves of a large body of water, and a huge truck going over a guard rail and tumbling down a hill. These are often, but not always, accompanied by sleep paralysis (and sleep paralysis is often, but not always, accompanied by hallucinations).
In GP, Moist casually cites his own hallucinations as proof that what is happening at the post office is not one.
"They're all alive! And angry! They talk! It was not a hallucination! I've had hallucinations and they don't hurt!"
Obviously that's not true for everyone, but it's true for Moist, and he has enough experience that he immediately recognizes the difference.
At one point while awake, Moist "[snaps] out of a dream of chandeliers" to realize someone has approached him to talk, while he was busy having visions of what the post office used to look like/could look like again.
Now, that's cheating, because we're probably supposed to assume it's a side effect of being possessed, but... I'm putting it here anyway.
There is also perhaps a case to be made for the tendency of Moist's internal monologue to lapse into extremely specific and prolonged hypotheticals. The lines between hallucinations, waking dreams, and "regular" daydreams have always been very blurry to me. I'm especially curious about the example at the end of Going Postal, which goes like this:
"Look, I know what I'm like," he said. "I'm not the person everyone thinks I am. I just wanted to prove to myself I'm not like Gilt. More than a hammer, you understand? But I'm still a fraud by trade. I thought you knew that. I can fake sincerity so well that even I can't tell. I mess with people's heads—"
"You're fooling no one but yourself," said Miss Dearheart, and reached for his hand.
Moist shook her off, and ran out of the building, out of the city, and back to his old life, or lives, always moving on, selling glass as diamond, but somehow it just didn't seem to work anymore, the flair wasn't there, the fun had dropped out of it, even the cards didn't seem to work for him, the money ran out, and one winter in some inn that was no more than a slum he turned his face to the wall—
And an angel appeared.
"What just happened?" said Miss Dearheart.
Perhaps you do get two...
"Only a passing thought," said Moist.
In-universe... what is Adora reacting to? What did just happen? The fact that these incidents are not isolated to Going Postal is a point against it being some sort of literal timeline divergence caused by The Spirit Of The Post.
So maybe Moist visibly zoned out. Maybe he had some kind of minor but noticeable cataplexy attack (more on those later) as part of a REM intrusion, brought on by the intense emotions he's currently struggling with.
IV. Vivid Dreams.
Again, at least some of this is probably supposed to be part of the possession, but I've been professionally projecting myself onto the surreal dreams of magically afflicted characters for years. Do try this at home.
1. "Moist dreamed of bottled wizards, all shouting his name. In the best tradition of awaking from a nightmare, the voices gradually became one voice, which turned out to be the voice of Mr. Pump, who was shaking him."
2. Moist is uneasy about the Smoking Gnu's plan, and then he has an extremely detailed dream about the Grand Trunk burning down.
This culminates in "Moist awoke, the Grand Trunk burning in his head," followed by a paragraph of him thinking things through and starting to form his own alternative plan, followed immediately by "Moist awoke. He was at his desk, and someone had put a pillow under his head."
So he fell asleep at his desk, woke up from a vivid nightmare, was awake just long enough for a coherent train of thought, and then passed back out. Which once again is not "proof" of anything, but fits the predetermined interpretation like a glove.
V. Cataplexy.
Cataplexy is a sudden loss of muscle control, usually triggered by strong emotions. This is thought to be a facet of REM intrusion—waking instances of the atonia that is meant to stop us from acting out our dreams.
The most well-known manifestation is laughter making your knees buckle, but it's not always that severe. My own attacks range from facial twitching, usually when I'm angry or otherwise extremely upset, to all-over weakness/immobilization and near-collapse when I laugh. My knees have fully buckled once or twice.
This is the biggest stretch. This is the one that is absolutely only there if you've already decided to read entire novels between the lines. It's also not even necessary for the broader headcanon; plenty of people have narcolepsy without cataplexy (or such mild cataplexy that it's never noticeable, or very delayed onset, etc).
However. I am doing this for fun. So I want him to have it. It's also become a major part of how I imagine Moist engaging with emotion, and I'd like to make a case for that.
There are a few scattered references to Moist's legs shaking, or being unsteady, or outright giving way, but there's usually an external physical reason, and/or enough psychological shock to justify it without a medical condition.
The most compelling example I've found so far comes from Moist and Adora's conversation about people expecting Moist to deliver letters to the gods.
"I never promised to—"
"You promised to when you sold them the stamps!"
Moist almost fell off his chair. She'd wielded the sentence like a fist.
"And it'll give them hope," she added, rather more quietly.
"False hope," said Moist, struggling upright.
"Almost fell off his chair" at first sounds like casual hyperbole, but then "struggling upright" implies it was a bit more literal. It's also an accurate description of me recovering from my more severe attacks, supporting myself on a wall or my spouse, or pushing myself up if I've fallen over in bed.
That happens to me multiple times per day, by the way. It doesn't bother me, and I didn't realize there was anything unusual about it for a long time. I barely think about it, except to fondly note that my spouse is good at making me laugh.
Which is to say, even severe cataplexy is not always noticeable or debilitating. Sometimes it absolutely is! It can be downright dangerous, depending on where you are, what you're doing, and whether you have any other conditions it might exacerbate. I don't want to undermine that.
I am just hell-bent on justifying the idea that this fictional character could have repeated attacks throughout the canonical narrative that are so routine they don't merit an explanation, or even a description. Especially for someone who is used to hiding his few distinguishing features behind false ones that are much more memorable. (See also.)
(That link goes to my own fanfic. Sorry.)
On the milder side, between Going Postal and Making Money, there are three instances of Moist's mouth "dropping open" when he's shocked, upset, confused, or some combination of the three. This is the kind of thing that shows up a lot in fiction, but rarely happens so literally in real life.
(There's technically a fourth instance, but I'm not counting it because it seems to be a deliberate choice on his part to convey surprise.)
And then there's laughter. Or rather, there isn't. I could be missing something, but I've searched all three books for instances of laughter and various synonyms (not counting spoken "Ha!"s), and what I've come up with is:
Moist laughs once in Going Postal, when he receives the assignment for the race to Genua.
Two packages were handed over. Moist undid his, and burst out laughing.
There's also an instance earlier in the book where Moist nearly "burst[s] out laughing."
I find the specifics here interesting, and, for our purposes, fortuitous. Cataplexy is complicated and presents differently for everyone. In my case, when laughter triggers an attack, one of the effects (which is sometimes also a cause) is that I laugh very hard, with little or no control. "Burst out laughing" is quite apt.
Let's move on to Making Money, and start with a quick tangent:
Mr. Bent explains that he has no sense of humor due to a medical condition, and that he isn't upset about this and doesn't understand why people feel sorry for him.
Moist immediately starts in with "Have you tried—" before getting cut off by the frustrated Bent.
Out-of-universe, "Have you tried" is such a well-known refrain to anyone with an incurable condition, I'm not at all surprised to find it in a book written by someone who had at least begun the process that would lead to a diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's. And Pratchett has certainly never shied away from portraying ignorance in his protagonists.
In-universe, it feels a little odd. Moist's tongue runs away from him all the time, but usually in the form of making ridiculous claims or impossible promises. Moist's entire stock-in-trade is People Skills, and it feels strange for him to make this kind of mistake immediately after being told Mr. Bent is not looking for solutions.
But if one were reading with, for instance, the idea in mind that Moist himself has an incurable condition related to laughter and is enthusiastic about, but still relatively new to, the practice of drawing on his own experiences to help people... it is easy to imagine the gears in his head turning the wrong way, superimposing those experiences over the tail end of Mr. Bent's explanation. Disabled people are not immune to these well-meaning pitfalls.
There is another Mr. Bent moment that I want to discuss, but we'll circle back around to it later.
I found two instances of Moist himself laughing in MM.
1. "He said it with a laugh, to lighten the mood a little."
This is deliberate laughter, employed as a social tactic. A polite chuckle, probably. Not the sort of thing that generally triggers cataplexy.
2. "Moist started to laugh, and stopped at the sight of her grave expression."
The first and only involuntary laugh in MM. It doesn't always trigger attacks...
Which brings us to Raising Steam. Compared to the first two books, Moist laughs a lot here. I count nine instances. Two of them are "burst out laughing"s, a couple include him as part of a group, some of it comes off as deliberate, and some of it doesn't.
I've always seen a lot of... rage in Raising Steam. Combing through it for laughter, I realized Moist's emotions in general are much closer to the surface here, and he's much less concerned about letting people see them. He laughs with friends and acquaintances, he cries in front of strangers, he shouts at Harry King, he has that entire conversation with Dick that boils down to "I'm very worried about you," etc.
Opinions vary wildly and sharply on Raising Steam. I have my own hangups with it, as I do with most books in the series. (Every time I make a new Discworld post, Tumblr passive-aggressively suggests the tag "my kingdom for a discworld character who is normal about women and other species.")
But I like this particular change in Moist, and I choose to see it as character development. He's trading in the professional detachment of a conman for the ability to grow into himself as a person and make meaningful connections.
So, what does that have to do with cataplexy? A lot.
I don't want to get too maudlin, so I'll just say I have plenty of personal experience with emotional repression masking cataplexy symptoms. And so, I believe, does the version of Moist we've put together over the course of this post.
Which brings us back to Making Money, and Mr. Bent. He says something about Moist that I find very interesting: "I do not trust those who laugh too easily."
Unless I've missed something, at that point in the book, Moist has never actually laughed in front of him. And Mr. Bent is a man who pays very close attention to details.
So, what is the in-universe explanation for this? I'd like to propose that Moist is very skilled at seeming to laugh, without actually laughing. He smiles, he's friendly, and he makes other people laugh, which is another thing Bent dislikes about him. He gives the impression of being someone who laughs a lot. (He certainly left that impression on me; I was very surprised by the lack of examples in the first two books.)
Even staying strictly within the bounds of canon, it's easy to imagine why this might have become part of Moist's camouflage in his previous life. He wasn't looking to get attached to anyone, and he didn't want anyone getting inside his head. Engaging with people genuinely enough to laugh at their jokes would run counter to both of those things, but some of his personas still needed to come off as friendly and sociable.
Still working within the canon, it makes sense to assume he's similarly distanced himself from emotion in general. He sits in a cell for several weeks without truly believing he's going to die. He's bewildered when Mr. Pump points out that his schemes have hurt innocent people. He has no idea what to do with his feelings for Adora. Etc.
Interpreting Moist as having cataplexy adds an extra element of danger. Moist thrives on danger, but there's a difference between the thrill of a con and the threat of sudden, uncontrollable displays of vulnerability. And so it becomes even easier to see him stifling his own emotional capacity.*
We meet Moist at a moment of great upheaval. He is forcibly removed from his cocoon of false identities, and pushed out into the world as himself. And we are shown and told throughout Going Postal that he does not know how to be himself. (See also.)
He is repeatedly stymied by his own emotions. He gets tongue-tied and confused around Adora, he snaps at Mr. Pump, he lashes out at Mr. Groat, he gets lost in school flashbacks when he meets Miss Maccalariat. This thread continues in Making Money, where the sudden reappearance of Cribbins immediately rattles him into making an uncharacteristic mistake.
I called him Cribbins! Just then! I called him Cribbins! Did he tell me his name? Did he notice? He must have noticed!
Later in the same book, Moist misses a crucial opportunity to run damage control on the bank's public image... because he's excited to see Adora.
The Moist of GP and MM is not used to feeling things so deeply. It throws him off his game. I'm not at all suggesting cataplexy is the only (or even primary) reason for that, but I do think there's room for it on both sides of the cause and effect equation.
With or without the cataplexy, I find Moist's relative emotional openness in Raising Steam... really nice. (It's a work in progress. He's still getting a handle on anger.)
Cataplexy just adds another dimension. A physical manifestation of emotional vulnerability, which would have been especially untenable for a teenager on the run. Just one more facet of the real, human, fallible Moist von Lipwig who spent years buried beneath Albert Spangler and all the rest.
Another piece of himself that Moist is growing to understand and accept, as he learns to more comfortably be himself.
The Moist of Going Postal runs into a burning building to save lives without fully understanding why he wants to, and justifies it on the fly as an essential part of the role he's trying to play.
The Moist of Raising Steam mindlessly throws himself under a train to save two children, and then blows up at Harry King about the lack of safety regulations. Freshly traumatized by the murder of several railway workers and his own violent, vengeful response to it, he still offers, in the face of Harry's own grief, to be the one to inform their families. On a long and dangerous journey with plenty of moving parts to think about, he worries about Dick Simnel and the other engineers, and pushes them to take better care of themselves.
He also meets a bunch of kids who nearly derailed a train as part of a childish scheme. His admonishment is startlingly vivid.
"Can you imagine a railway accident? The screaming of the rails and the people inside and the explosion that scythes the countryside around when the boiler bursts? And you, little girl, and your little friends, would have done all that. Killed a trainload of people."
"I'll square this with the engine driver, but if I was you I'd get my pencil and turn any clever ideas you have like this into a book or two. Those penny dreadfuls are all the rage in the railway bookshops."
Maybe what he is also saying, between the lines, is:
I left home at 14 and began a life of smoke and mirrors. I was empty inside, and I thought everyone else was, too. It was all fun and games, and then a man made of clay told me I was killing people. Nip it in the bud, child. Write books.
*There are studies suggesting that in addition to deliberately employed "tricks," people with cataplexy may experience physiological reactions in the brain meant to inhibit laughter. (Source 1, Source 2.)
Most of the information here is way over my head, but that second link also says "one region of the brain called the zona incerta (meaning 'zone of uncertainty') was only activated during laughter in people with narcolepsy, not in controls. Research on the zona incerta in animals suggests that it also helps to control fear-associated behavior."
The linked article about that (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-03581-6) is also over my head, but I would certainly describe Moist von Lipwig as having unusual fear responses.**
**Narcolepsy is a fun roller-coaster ride of constant scientific discoveries about exactly which parts of your brain are paying too much attention, not paying enough attention, or trying to eat each other.
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Hey, can I request a headcanon for when mc(while crying) confronts Lucifer and satan? (I felt really sad when they didnt react at all and I felt like they didn't really care) I mean when belphie killed mc I think Lucifer or satan didnt really show what they were feeling were they sad? angry? The game actually never talked about the aftermath with the other brothers too so I kept thinking how they would react. It's fine if you don't want to do it but if you decide to do it thank you 😊😊😊
MC Confronts Lucifer and Satan over the Belphie Issue
((Spoilers for lessons 15/16 and possibly 17?))
AN: Love the angst ;3 Mentions of injury and death. I’m sorry if you wanted all the brothers but this got pretty long when I was writing just Luci and Satan. If you want the others, I’m aiming to reopen requests again soon, so feel free to send them in then!!
I wrote these on two different days so I’m sorry if my writing style varies a tiny bit between them. When I’m in a good flow, like I was for Satan, it feels a lot smoother than when I’m making myself write ;u;
- Lucifer was definitely worried but reluctant to show it. He’d gotten over the whole thing very quickly and decided not to fawn over you like his other brothers. It was mostly because he didn’t want you to be overwhelmed, but also because the memories of Lilith hurt as much as they comforted him.
- He’d been annoyed at Belphie in the moment but got over it. After all, he was the one who locked Belphie up in the attic. It may have been to protect him but... it wasn’t worth it in the end up.
- He’s not one to visibly carry regrets so he pretends to let it go. Lucifer acts like he always has - a little cold, dedicated to Lord Diavolo and RAD. He was distant from you and from his brothers, and it was... frustrating, to say the least.
- He ends up snapping at you and that’s what breaks your last thread. You’d done poorly on a test about a week after everything happened, and instead of offering any comfort as per usual he calls you into his office and tells you he’s disappointed, your grades were better before.
- Lucifer is too wrapped up in his own pride to admit he’s concerned, and hasn’t spent enough time getting to know you to recognise that you might actually have reasons, and damn good ones. I mean, who can do well when they’ve got someone who killed them in cold blood a few days ago glued to their side constantly.
- You whirl on him, furious, and start yelling, let a few things slip out about the whole event. “My ribs still hurt when I look at him, how am I supposed to focus?” You’re too busy calling him out to notice he’s frozen in place, staring at you, still frowning but the veil over his concern was slipping steadily.
- “You... remember?” he asks, trying to regain his composure as he runs a hand through his hair. He levels you with a glare, brows twitching. You hadn’t told him anything about that. Why? “As far as we were aware, it was an alternate version of you that Belphie...” He sighs. “You’re angry at me for something I couldn’t have been aware of.”
- You pause, anger and guilt battling it out. He was right, you’d never told them, and there was cause for confusion with everything surrounding the event. At the same time, no one even asked or bothered to check up on you except for Belphie himself. Lucifer stays still, waiting for you to figure it out, and doesn’t chase after you when you walk out of the room. You take that as a sign - sure, you may not have done it in the best way, but you did open up and he chose to ignore it.
- He doesn’t react until he asks you and Belphie to go together to Lilith’s room, and when Belphie’s back is turned, you glance up at him. His expression is torn, he’s not looking at you but notices you’re watching him and doesn’t turn away from it, just pats your shoulder or back. He’s hurting too, but he’s going to try to be better for you after this. He watches your expression often when the two of you are together, and he might not ask you to talk about it, but he’ll hand you a cup of tea or ask you to go run a message for him so you can escape the uncomfortable situation and get some fresh air.
- Satan doesn’t react simply because he isn’t sure how to. He’s about to blow up when he sees you at the top of the stairs and it dissipates. He’s more curious than hurt or delighted about the whole thing - you’ve just come back from the dead, he saw you in Mammon’s arms and then you were somewhere else? He’s trying to figure it out because thinking about anything else - that it could’ve been permanent, that they could’ve lost you, that you’d been off with Belphie trying to help him all this time and were killed for it - hurts too much right now, so he turns it into a game, something he needs to figure out, something to play detective on.
- Personally I headcanon that Satan has a lot of Lucifer’s memories from when he was an angel, so his feelings about Lilith come from that connection, and he heard a lot of stories about her when he was developing as a person with the brothers. Lilith indirectly was a large part of his growth because of her influence on the other brothers, so he does feel similar to Lucifer when he hears you’re one of her descendants and share some of her memories and have even communicated with her.
- He does wonder if you had any memories from the incident or if it was an entirely different version from you, but doesn’t want to prod you in case you’re uncomfortable. Instead he waits, remains normal as much as he can because if he starts to ask you about it he probably won’t stop and he doesn’t want that.
- On top of that, his other brothers are clinging to you constantly. Even Lucifer is in your presence more often, and he’s worried you’re overwhelmed by all the attention and that it might feel dishonest because its your connection to Lilith that brought them closer rather than their own connections to you.
- He makes a joke some day when he passes you about it all, and that’s when you snap at him. He hadn’t read you right, hadn’t deducted that you were upset because he was forcing himself not to pay so much attention to you. It takes him by surprise and he almost gets angry until he sees your hands shaking and any rage shatters. His smile is almost sad when he looks at you again.
- Satan isn’t one to keep things to himself once he’s figured them out, so he tells you everything. That he didn’t meet Lilith personally, but remembers her through Lucifer so well that he feels like he did. That he didn’t want to overwhelm you, that he’d hoped you’d come to him if you felt he had something to offer you right now. That he was sorry, because maybe he should have reached out, but he wasn’t sure what he was doing just yet and he was unconsciously waiting for an outside force to kick him into action.
- Overall, Satan reacts pretty well, he’s just keeps it all to himself. He’ll reach out more in future, and keeps a closer eye on you. He learns your tells for emotions unreasonably fast and figures out ways to help when you’re upset or angry or lonely or bored. However you feel, he’s there for you, just make sure to reach out for him too - he can only get so far on his own.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Bank Shot Job
leverage 1.05
I decided I’m also going to start highlighting meta material in these posts for reference reasons (like for fics, headcanons, meta, etc)
I’m colorcoading by what character the meta pertains to btw
Clerk: Hello, Judge Roy.
Judge Roy: [slaps her ass] Hey, sweetheart.
Frank: Can I help you, your honor?
Judge Roy: Yes, Fred. Her phone number?
Frank: It's Frank. And she's 19, sir.
Judge Roy: That's too bad. She got a younger sister
- - - - -
Hardison: No. No more. We gotta talk to Nate. No more rip deals. They take too damn long.
Parker (ripping paper): That's why they're called "Rip Deals". You have to convince them they're getting a deal before you can rip them off.
Hardison: Two weeks. Two weeks sleeping in crappy hotels. Two weeks eating in crappy diners. Two weeks having my soul sucked dry. It's 107 degrees. Who lives where it's 107 degrees?
Parker: Juan's not so bad. I kinda like this town
I wanna see that domestic shit of them sharing hotel rooms and eating the continental breakfasts and dingy diners and everything about them living in rundown hotels for two weeks
- - - - -
Hardison: You know, I had to retask two satellites just to get a lousy internet connection. Took more than an hour to torrent the last episode of Doctor Who.
Parker: Hey! Illegal downloading's wrong. (lights paper on fire in trash can)
that’s it. that’s their relationship.
- - - - -
Hardison: How we coming on the breakdown?
Eliot (loading truck elsewhere): Fake addresses are shut down. Post office boxes are closed. The phones are cleared. Five more minutes, we never existed
bruh those props ??? I wish I had a screenshot but wtf where they DOING for the con ???
- - - - -
Hardison: Want me to call the Delgado family, tell them the news?
Eliot: Nah. Soon as I clear county line I want to do it. I just wish we could do more than bankrupt that corrupt son of a bitch
eliot is so good you guys im-
- - - - -
Nate: Get out. Now.
Hardison: Is he talking to us?
Parker: An unmarked van parked across the street from a bank that's being robbed? Yeah. I think he's talking to us.
Hardison: Yeah, well, five more feet and he would have been in the clear. What the hell was he thinking?
Parker: Don't be an idiot, Hardison.
Hardison: What?
Parker: Sophie was still in there
parker knows nate loves sophie and would never leave her behind because she may not always get people, but even she can see how much nate cares for sophie
- - - - -
Derrick: Everyone empty your pockets. Wallets, purses, watches, everything you've got, throw it over here.
(everyone throwing stuff to center of floor)
nate threw his fucking toothpick
- - - - -
Deputy Arnold: No, right here, right here, and we need ...
(Eliot crosses police line)
Deputy Arnold: Whoa, whoa, I need you to take a step back, sir.
Eliot: Tell me what's going on in there.
Deputy Arnold: I'm afraid I can't do that, this is an active crime scene, and you need to ...
Eliot: (to cop) I'm not talking to you. (to Nate) How many are there?
Nate: Yeah, you're right. Clearly amateurs, these two. Yeah. The younger one, looks like he's never handled a gun before.
Eliot: Is judge blow-hard next to you?
Nate: Yeah, uh-huh. Yeah, definitely amateurs, That's what makes them so dangerous.
Eliot: Alright, 2 guys, both armed, neither one a criminal mastermind. You want me in there?
Deputy Arnold: Sir, we can't have you going inside the bank ...
Nate: Probably, uh, a good idea just to sit tight, don't you think? You know, and see where these guys' heads are
at, you know?
Eliot (backing away): Alright, your call boss.
Deputy Arnold: Thank you
poor deputy arnold + eliot being done with local law enforcement
- - - - -
Sophie: Okay. So what is the plan, Stan
“what’s the plan, stan” adorable.
- - - - -
(Eliot leans against a building across the street and watches Hardison and Parker pull up in a sedan)
Eliot: Nice ride.
Parker (taking notebook and removing badges): It's embarrassing. Everyone knows you don't rob a bank without an exit strategy. These two deserve to get caught. 42 seconds. (tosses notebook back to Eliot)
Hardison: What?
Parker: To rob this bank. One security guard who has never fired his gun before, 2 closed-circiut cameras outside, 1 inside, and a Glen-Reader safe built in the 50's whose default combination is the birth date of the manager's wife! Get in, get out, 42 seconds.
Hardison: Seriously
parker was so angry that she chucked the binder at eliot and he was like ??? we good ???
- - - - -
Hardison: Seriously? (to Bill) I'm Agent Leonard. This is Agent Elmore. We'll be taking over this crime scene,
Sheriff ...
Bill: Bill Hastings. Nice to meet you. You guys sure are quick, just called this in 20 minutes ago.
Hardison: Well, we were coming back from a little border skirmish. Patrol unit came under attack from a pack of Chupacabras.
Bill: Chupacabras? I thought those things were urban legend.
Hardison: You're adorable
I love it when hardison fucks with people it’s hilarious
- - - - -
Hardison: Whoa, what's going on?
Bill: Cut power to the bank. Standard operating procedure.
Hardison: Standard ... it's standard op ... it's standard? Where do you getting that bull-hockey from son?
Bill: Deputy Arnold, he took a seminar in crisis management last year.
Deputy Arnold: It was an online seminar. We got certificates.
Hardison: Certificates? Magic kits come with certificates. Does that make it cool for kids to saw their parents in half?
Bill: We're just going by the book.
Hardison: The ... the book? The book got a good man killed. I can't ... my blood pressure.
Parker: Ex-partner. Probably shouldn't mention the book again. Or propellers.
parker is doing so well with grifting considering and I’m so proud of her
- - - - -
Sophie: They are not cops, I promise you, they're friends of mine, you can trust them.
Derrick: Why should I trust you? I don't know who you are.
Sophie: I am a thief.
Derrick: Okay, I'm not sure what to do with that.
that’s it guys. that’s the show.
- - - - -
Nate: I didn't say it was going to be easy. But nothing's impossible, especially when you have the world's greatest thief on your payroll. Parker, have you ever robbed a bank that's being robbed?
Parker: There's a first time for everything.
- - - - -
Parker: The bank was built before 1980, before computers. Means it's got a larger than normal night deposit chute.
Hardison: 'Cause business had to drop off ledgers with their daily hauls. What, you thought my genius was only limited to ones and zeroes?
Parker: I'm thinking the chute's my way in. Only problem is, it's in the alley on this side of the building
the way she looks at hardison like damn boy you know my stuff
- - - - -
Hardison: I can take care of that, but, we actually have bigger problems.
Eliot: What's that?
Hardison: Well, Sheriff Coltrane over here called the FBI, the real FBI. Now the closes office is in San Diego, so they should be here, in about, um, give it 45 minutes.
Nate: We can't worry about that now.
Hardison: When do we worry about it?
Nate: In about 45 minutes
hardison, internally: lord give me strength
- - - - -
Hardison: Hold on ... Excuse me. (answers phone) Agent Leonard. We will do whatever you need us to do, just please, don't hurt anybody. Okay. (hangs up) Guys ... Boys, boys, come on, gather 'round. Now boys, that was THE call. The call we were waiting for. Now look, they have a list of demands. First off, they want 12 large pizzas. One cheese, one Hawaiian, extra pineapple. Two pepperoni and black olives, two meat lover's, t ... Seriously? Nobody's writing this down? Seriously? One triple-shot half-caf vanilla latte, tall,
(Parker goes down alley and opens deposit drop box)
Hardison: …three of the latest copies of the Hall and Oates CD. I know, right? Exciting stuff I didn't know they were coming out with a new one either. We're gonna need steaks. Steaks and a grill. They're trying to tailgate. Okay, they need your overalls, I don't know why. They need some kibbles n' bits, we need an Etch-A-Sketch, somebody in there likes to squiggle okay ... Are we good? Let's go people. Everybody. I need you guys moving. Everybody get out. Go. (hardison points at an officer) You stay. We need to talk about Hall & Oates.
I fucking loved this monologue,,, hardison is VERY GOOD at improvising
- - - - -
(Derrick opens night deposit box)
Parker: Hi.
Derrick (hands her the briefcase): There's a lot of money in there.
Parker: Yeah, I know.
Derrick: My wife's life depends on that money getting where it needs to go.
Parker: I understand. Sometimes bad guys are the only good guys you get
parker’s face softened and you can see that she understood. parker didn’t get people in the beginning of the show, and sure her values and ideas aren’t typical, but she was ALWAYS a good person. she cared and understood what was at risk and she consoled him.
also, this is yet another piece of evidence that parker was the main character all along!!! I’m not gonna go super into it because there are already posts out there about it, but she had three (3) episodes dedicated to her character in season one alone AND had her say what is basically the mission statement of the show here in this scene
- - - - -
Sophie: Things could be worse.
Nate: Worse than me getting shot and you blowing our cover?
Sophie: No, no, you're not gonna lay that crap on me. We wouldn't even be in this mess if you'd just walked out with the cash when you had the chance. I would've been fine.
Nate: I know.
Sophie: Yeah, I can take care of myself. I've been doing it a long time. Since way before I met you. I'm just saying.
Nate: Yeah, you're right.
Sophie: Okay
nate knows sophie is a strong independent woman and that is one of the only things I stan about him lol
- - - - -
Sophie: We lost communication.
Nate: Yeah, we did.
Sophie: Hardison, Parker, and Eliot ...
Nate: That's right, they are on their own. Yup.
they ended up doing great on their own, but also, can we acknowledge what a glow up it was building up to the rundown job ???
- - - - -
(Mom gets out of truck and tries to run)
Meth #2: Where the hell you think you're going, old lady? (pulls mom back) Where the hell you think you're g ...
Eliot (catches Meth #2’s arm): Hey, what smells like crank and screams like a girl? (Takes his gun and breaks his knee)
Meth #2: AAHH!
Eliot (kicks car door closed before Meth #3 can get out, empties the bullets from gun): That's the right answer. (throws gun into car at #3, hits #1 as he approaches) Come on. (fights #1, kicks door shut, beats #1 more, kicks door again) Stay in the car. (beats the hell out of #3 and #1, kneels down near mom and removes her gag)
Mom: Who are you?
Eliot: Well ma'am, we'd be the cavalry.
this entire fight scene always has me ROLLING it’s so funny
also I’m not sure if this should go on the List Of Non-Weapon Objects Eliot Uses As Weapons but eliot DID use the car door in the fight
- - - - -
Sophie: Just let the paramedics take him. The rest of us will stay.
Judge Roy: And give up my leverage
*sophie and nate look at each other*
both, internally: tHATS OUR WORD
- - - - -
Nate: Hey, listen. She's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright
Derrick: Your people ... they're good?
Nate: Yeah. The best.
nate’s smile when he says that??? proud dad alert
- - - - -
Sophie (looking at replay of tape): You're still a geek.
Judge Roy: They're trying to ruin me.
Hardison: Geek power, baby. Stay strong!
in other words: age of the geek, baby
also- kudos to 2008 hardison editing video like that. I can’t do that shit with today’s tech lmao
- - - - -
Bill: Go home now. Bank robbers are in custody, hostages are safe. FBI's got the whole thing wrapped up.
Taggert: Do you have any idea what?
Mcsweeten: Just go with it.
Deputy Arnold: Mr. FBI guys, can you help me here?
Bill: My, my. Look at this. Our local drug boys, both with outstanding warrants. It's incredible.
Taggert: Damn, we're good!
mcsweeten and taggert stumbling onto the leverage crew’s cons and directly profiting off of them is iconic. they have no idea. too pure for this world
- - - - -
Sophie: Hey, thanks Parker.
Parker: Whatever.
Sophie: No. It was an excellent performance.
Parker: Yeah, I think I can act okay when I'm yelling at people and bossing them around.
Sophie: Well, it's a good start.
proud mom!sophie + grifting parker
Nate: Listen, we have to make sure we get the cash to the Delgado family. Ow!
Eliot (tending Nate’s wound): Oh! Settle down. You act like you've never been shot before.
Nate (glances at Sophie): So, uh, pizza boxes, huh?
Hardison: Yeah, I know, I know, You could have done better.
Nate: No, no, no. No I couldn't have.
eliot casually stitching up nate’s wound bc no hospitals but also can we talk about how much nate has to trust eliot to literally operate on him
nate giving praise to hardison ??? rare af I don’t know her
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Kissing George
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So, I got a request that just said: "Can I get one with headcanons leading up to their first kiss?" I don't know which character you meant, so I chose for you (lol). So the person I chose was George Weasley. I am actually in love with him so... Here we go!
~ ~ ~ ~ 
This is the leading up to kissing George Weasley:
~ ~ ~ ~ 
 You had become friends after your friend introduced you to the twins.
 It had been the day of your life as you went to Diagon Alley.
 At first, you only hung out with both of the twins.
 But after getting to know them you got a particular liking for George.
 When you started getting more comfortable with each other the laughs became authentic.
 After a while, he got very protective of you.
 If someone spat a nasty word at you, he would be there in a second to defend you.
 "I can take care of myself, George."
 "I know you can but I like to be there for you." 
 Pranks, pranks and pranks.
 You would help organize them and set them out.
 After some time, they became dependent on you to be there to help them out.
 You had noticed that your feelings towards George were different than those towards Fred. 
 It made you very confused.
 'When did this happen?'
 'How did it happen?'
 'I can't possibly like my best friend!'
 George saw no difference in you and acted the same way he had been for years.
 He kept on teasing you.
 "I do understand why you'd rather hand out with me than Fred, I am after all the better-looking one."
 "Need this handsome chap helping you, Y/N?"
 And you would return the teasing.
 "Oh come on Weasley, we all know you can resist me!"
 "Your hair is nothing compared to my natural glow."
 But just as friendly banter, Of course.
 When Umbridge had infested Hogwarts she had been very keen on Fred and George.
 But after you were found out and about after curfew, you had been sent to her office for detention the next day.
 You had been forced to write with her quill. 
 The day after your hand was red and sore.
 The words "I must not break curfew" were glowing like lava on your skin.
 You had tried to hide it from your friends but George spotted it.
 After trying to shake it off for almost thirty minutes you gave up.
 Tou told him what she had done and what you had experienced during that detention.
 "I swear I'm going to kill her." 
 And after that, he had stalked off to the Gryffindor common room.
 He had acted normal after the incident and not spoken of it.
 You were glad you didn't have to talk about it.
 One day a massive gathering was standing by the great hall.
 You had barely gotten to step inside before two redheads had stormed inside on their brooms and caused havoc.
 It was all fun until they had announced that they were going to leave Hogwarts.
 George had gone and found you afterwards.
 You were angry.
 "You're leaving?"
 "You're leaving now when that old cow is here and torturing people?"
 He had an apologetic look in his eyes.
 He had tried to hug.
 You shrugged him off.
 After a couple of months, you heard that Fred and George had succeeded in their dreams.
 They had opened a shop and it was thriving. 
 After many thoughts, you decided to pay a visit.
 It had been packed by many students looking for bizarre things.
 When you had been looking around at a shelf full of gross looking sweets you felt someone tap your shoulder.
 "Well, hello."
 George had not looked angry or upset.
 He had looked happy and thrilled.
 You had been embarrassed at first.
 But then he invited you into the back room.
 He had shown you unreleased objects and sweets.
 But as you looked around at the toys you could feel his eyes burning your back.
 "George I'm sorry I yelled at you."
 He had admitted to feeling sad that you were upset with him.
 But he didn't feel as though an apology from you was necessary.
You had missed his red hair and his fierce eyes.
 Before you knew that your body had moved you had crashed your lips upon his.
 At first, you thought he would retaliate.
 That he would push you away as you were only friends after all.
 You had always been only friends. 
 But you knew.
 You knew that now, you were no longer merely friends.
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thenovelartist · 5 years
Childhood Friends Headcanon -MLQC
I’m sorry to all the people who come to my blog for ML only to get bombarded by posts for MLQC. But I’m enjoying myself.
Premise: What if the boys and MC actually stayed together once they met?
(Note: Minor spoilers for chapters 7-13, particularly surrounding boys backstories.)
He’ll never forget that day in the rain meeting MC.
She knew about him—his reputation preceded him—and it was clear she was leery of him.
But with a little time, she came around.
So much so that she was sad that he graduated before her.
He was kinda sad, too, to be honest. He didn’t want to leave her.
But they never lost touch. Made sure to meet up as frequently as they could.
He didn’t attend his high school graduation—he both didn’t care and thought the everyone else would appreciate him not being present—but she did watch him with pride as he graduated his cop training program.
He almost cried over the fact that he actually had someone there to support him. He didn’t have familial support, but that didn’t really matter anymore when he had his own personal cheerleader.
He surprised her by showing up at her high school graduation.
Not really a “Surprise” but she was still wildly excited to see him, nonetheless.
Though they didn’t get to see each other often—Gavin busy with his demanding job and MC busy with college—they were instantly contacting the other when they had a moment of free time.
Gavin totally tried to coordinate his days off with hers.
They were that couple that claimed they were just friends but looked to the world like they were dating while also each wishing they were actually dating but both being too chicken to confess.
But Gavin finally gets the guts one day.
No surprise MC quickly followed up with a confession of her own.
How do you date?
They’d been so close and doing couple-y things for so long. Like, what was even a date compared to what they normally did?
They decided to do something they wouldn’t normally do and have a nice, truly ‘couple-y’ dinner.
Then they chuckled all the way home because that really wasn’t their style.
Still enjoyed it.
Gavin took her home, dropping her off at her door… and totally chickened out of kissing her goodnight.
They try the “date” thing again. This time, something more casual.
And that time, it did end with a kiss.
Gavin’s little mind went “boom”.
Already positive he’s gonna marry this girl.
Waits a little longer to propose, though. Just to make it seem like he’s not rushing it.
Courthouse wedding a few months later. Her father witnesses.
Then when her father passes shortly after, leaving her with the company, she’s constantly having to ask her coworkers for new copies of documents because she’s not used to signing her new last name quite yet. Especially when everyone still calls her by her maiden name. Or sometimes addresses her like they would her late father. (It’s a change for everyone.)
She’s got it down in a couple of days and likes her new signature better than her old one.
After marriage, Gavin also has a problem of his own. Particularly with the ring on his hand.
It’s his new nervous tick to play with it when he’s stressed on a scouting mission. And when he has to take it off for an undercover one, he’s a mess without it on.
Feels like he’s being unfaithful to the love of his life. MC has had to reassure him many times he’s not but secretly is touched that he feels that way.
These two have disastrous schedules, which is why when they both have time off they can spend together, phones go on silent. Someone can literally come to their house if it’s an emergency.
They make it out of the lab together.
Poor kids were terrified out of their mind, each only five. They never let go of each other’s hands during their escape.
And they don’t want to be separated afterwards.
These two kids are each other’s “emotional support person.”
Literally inseparable.
These kids’ guardians bend over backwards to accommodate them. MC has a killer set of puppy dog eyes, but Kiro’s pout is downright impossible to resist.
They end up in the same classes at school.
Play together on the playground at recess and spend lunches together.
They are the “class couple.” And do get teased for it.
They’re told to ignore it, but it still takes a toll on them.
Eventually, Kiro steps out of school to become home-schooled, thanks to his music career.
Oh, these two kids do not know how to handle themselves.
But they are growing up and they can be apart from each other, right?
They survive not being in class together, but the moment they’re each out of school, they are attached to their phones, texting or calling each other.
Get together to hang out as much as humanly possible.
Kiro has 1000% both snuck off sets to go see MC and snuck MC onto sets to have her around.
MC has also enabled Kiro’s snacking by sneaking him anything he desires.
Usually it’s chips. She’s his chip dealer. Which only leads to the nickname “Miss Chips”.
They were so close that this mutual crush thing was absolutely unavoidable and unsurprising to most people who watched them.
They were fifteen and each exploring their feelings for each other and what dating was like.
And by sixteen, these two were totally making out in closets.
Savin just deals. As long as it doesn’t get out to the public, he’s fine with it. They’re generally discrete, anyway.
Though, the poor guy has had to hunt Kiro’s hiding spot down more than once. Generally, he scopes out the building beforehand so he knows where to find Kiro and MC if the superstar disappears from set.
Kiro would totally get her a promise ring. “I can’t officially propose now, but… I don’t think I’m going to be letting my Miss Chips go anytime in the future.”
She’s in tears.
Kiro’s already planned out proposing to her as soon as they are eighteen and has scoped out the perfect wedding venue.
Though, Savin now has to do everything in his power to keep the whole thing under wraps. He thinks it’s best the public doesn’t know Kiro’s getting married so young. They’ll slowly break it later.
MC travels with him everywhere, attending school online for convenience sake.
But when her dad passes and she has to take over the company, Kiro does his best to settle down more in Loveland to be by her side and support her more.
He fights to film exclusively at her company.
They totally have a closet that they make out in there, too. One MC has the sole key to.
He doesn’t loose track of her during their escape from that hellhole disguised as a “lab”.
She saves him, and he manages to carry her to safety.
Refuses to be separated from her after that.
Victor soon becomes like her over-protective big brother.
If he’s with her, he’s got his eye on her. And he’s with her a lot.
He’s so soft with her. Yes, there’s name calling on occasion, but he’s always met with a giggle when he calls her ‘dummy.’
He doesn’t really mean it, anyways.
Totally helps her with her homework.
And she always helps him in the kitchen. Rather, she tries and just ends up being the dishwasher after an incident with the fire alarm.
But she’s just happy if pudding is involved.
And though Victor swears he’s not going to make pudding every single night… there’s pudding more nights than not.
She goes to all his graduations; high school and college.
And he’s there supporting her at hers, looking on like the proud big brother his is.
“Good job, dummy.”
He totally teaches her how to write reports and such. Makes her do them and redo them until up to his standards.
“If you can impress me, you’ll win over anyone in the business world.”
Also teaches her all the ins and outs about running a business and how to thrive in the business world.
She’s always ready to take advice he offers.
Everyone in LFG knows that unless Victor actually is in an important meeting, MC is allowed in his office any time.
Has always seen her as his little sister.
Until she takes over her father’s company.
Suddenly, there’s a warmth in his chest as he watches her handle everything with ease.
It no longer feels like he’s watching over his little sister but rather watching a strong, capable woman handle the high-intensity job of running a company with confidence and poise.
… okay, poise was too generous a word. But his point still stood.
Suddenly, he notices she’s actually on his schedule. And their meeting takes place with none of the familiarity that they’ve become accustomed to.
He won’t coddle her as the business owner. She assures him she expects that from him.
And when she leaves his office, Victor finds himself a little bit of a mess.
They slowly lose their brother/sister mentality and grow into business partners that are close enough to have dinner a couple times a week.
“Question,’ he asks her one night. “Can these be considered ‘dates’ or not?”
She drops her fork in surprise.
They date for a several months before Victor proposes. He wouldn’t have proposed so early to anyone else but MC has always been an exception.
They put the wedding together in eight months. It’s a good, large, proper wedding, and they honeymoon out of the country. Because of course they do. Victor wants to give MC the best and only the best.
Total power couple, and Victor takes pride in that.
This tree, or their tree, as Lucien likes to refer to it as, holds a very special place in his heart.
It started off as his sanctuary, the spot where he came out to draw.
But then it became the place that he got to bond with the girl who saved him.
After his parents were killed, everything went downhill for him at a rapid pace.
But she…
“It’s going to be okay.”
He still remembers the warmth of her hands when she held his and the tightness of her hugs she engulfed him in.
This girl’s smile lit up his dark world.
She’s the sole reason he escaped the pull of Black Swan.
Being four years apart as they were put a little gap between them growing up.
People looked at them in disdain so often that Lucien constantly lied about her being his sister.
He didn’t like that kind of attention from people, though he also logically knew why they received it.
Though he did his best to act respectfully and appropriately, he couldn’t help but feel all fluttery around MC. Every single time she came around, he had a physical reaction to her proximity.
Did his best to always act the gentleman. The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable.
For now, he focused on his studies, partly because he found them interesting, partly because he wanted to be the kind of man who could provide well for his family.
Because he had his heart set on making one with her.
It was irrational, if he thought of it logically, to be become romantically attached to someone simply because he was emotionally attached to. Yet he could not separate the pull of romantic notions from his emotional relationship to her.
He eventually surrendered his attempts at trying to separate the two and gave up entirely in his quest to understand it.
He was already on his track to a doctorate when she graduated high school. And suddenly, them both being adults made those four years that separated them growing up seem a little less of a hurdle.
That’s when he asked her out.
“I had to wait so long, but I think now’s finally an appropriate time.”
And that’s when she admitted she had feelings for him, too.
It warmed his cold little heart.
They did take things slowly.
But they were already discussing marriage by the time MC had to take over the company when her father suddenly passed.
Honestly, though it was a terrible tragedy, Lucien is glad he finally gets to return the favor of being there for her just as she was there for him all those years ago.
He also decides to hide the ring he’d bought in a drawer, only to open it again when things were stable.
Well… relatively. The life of a media company manager is never fully stable. Mostly, Lucien just got tired of waiting.
He takes her back to their tree to propose.
They get married there, too.
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onewfantaesy · 4 years
Yes! Give me all of the old goodies! I want the good, the bad, and the cringe.
u asked for it!!! it’s terrible and horrible but if literally anyone wants me to go more into it i’d be so down to just starting writing shit for it. i’m straight up just gonna copy and paste it from the message i sent like literally 4 years ago also it’s long as hell so it’s almost all going under a readmore there were no line breaks i had to go put in every line break omfg
okay so this is both a bandfic sort of idea but it's also a high school sort of idea so just bear with me pls 
 so like,,,u know how taemin and kai went to the same arts high school??? what if,,,,and this is a big fun fanficy what if 
 but what if okay so taemin and kai are in one class yes because same school year if i remember correctly, then sehun and krystal are in the year below them i'm like pretty sure so they're also both in the same class just for fics sake lmao 
and like,,,they're all just doing their school thing, and taemin and jongin sit sort of next to each other in their class, and by that i mean taemin sits in like the 3rd row by the window and jongin sits in the seat directly behind him so taemin's always turned around during breaks talking with him and playing like rock paper scissors and all that bullshit 
 and okay so lets just saaaaaay there was like an new reality-ish show, like that one show where taemin went to high school again with all those other idols and it was at an arts school, but like this show is for older idols to do other jobs and lmao this is why i don't wanna put it on tumblr or anything because it's so fanficy it's gross but it's so fun to imagine in my head and i wanna just headcanon it with someone who also likes the idea 
 but like so jaejoong ends up being taemin and kai's teacher for like a week or 2 for this show, and then fuck idk Rain is the teacher for sehun and krystal's class and when taemin finds out he's SO JEALOUS 
"and get stuck with jaejoong, fat fucking chance lee taemin go dance to rising sun or some bullshit why don't you" 
 and also just because why not add more fanficy shit with something that's already so ridiculously fanficy and let's say taemin used to be fairly close with jaejoong before the whole ~lawsuit~ thing happened, and he used to maybe see him and the other dbsk members like once a week because he was close with them and they helped him with dancing, singing, etc whatever cute bonding shit
 and then one day taemin went to go see them and jyj were just gone and taemin was so confused and changmin was upset and yunho was upset but just like "they left the band taemin they're gonna leave the company" and taemin's this lil freshly debuted kid and he just "but they didn't say goodbye?????" 
 and taemin's been so upset with jaejoong since that day because like he feels very hurt about them just leaving and not saying goodbye to him 
 so when jaejoong shows up as his teacher that morning, everyone in their class thought it was just a normal day, and there were cameras in the classroom but they also just assumed that it was something taemin or jongin related because idols in their class and all that so taemin's just turned around playing rock paper scissors with kai, and then the door opens and it's another camera and then a man walking in but it's right after the bell and no one's really looking so they just assume it's their teacher so everyone just "goodmorning teacher" in monotone voices because they have to, and jongin pushes taemin forward so he's facing forward and everyone just 
 "what's going on" 
"taemin what is this!" 
"jongin!! is this a new reality show??" 
 and taekai are just what the fuck because jaejoong is standing at the front of their class and that's definitely not their teacher where the hell is Mrs. Kim 
 and jaejoong explains that it's a new reality show, and he'll be their teacher for the next week or so, and everyone is kind of excited except for taemin and jongin who are like well SHIT because once their company gets a load of this, they're gonna be in a load of shit 
 and jongin just leans forward and whispers in taemin's ear "this is a load of barnacles" like that guy from spongebob, and taemin absolutely SNORTS so of course everyone and the cameras and jaejoong turn to him, and jongin immediately falls back into his seat and taemin tries to put on a straight face and jaejoong just 
 "taemin, jongin, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" 
 "no, nothing," taemin says, sending a very annoyed smile at jaejoong. 
 and then when jaejoong isn't looking (but a camera is still pointed at them), jongin leans back forward and just "we're good noodles" and taemin fucking SNORTS SO LOUDLY and slaps jongin away from him and jaejoong just 
"taemin. stay after class, won't you?" 
 everyone immediately just is like lmao u know how high school students are when someone gets in trouble lmao and taemin just huffs, and when jaejoong turns back around, taemin turns quickly to hit jongin on the shoulder and turn back around before jaejoong can see it 
 and like, taemin and jongin quickly become so annoyed with all the cameras, and like they're honestly just trying to do their work at one point and taemin is slumped over his desk trying to do the work with the person who sits next to him, and he just turns to the cameraman and just 
 "can u get that thing out of my face pls i'm not a cast member on this show"
 "but you're in the class!!!" 
 "i'm not the only one in this class!!" 
taemin is so exasperated like man i'm trying to learn i didn't sign up for this shit and then during a break someone like
 "oh u know those things we sign at the beginning of the year that say we can be on media and shit for the school?? this must file under that, we must be one of the classes where everyone's guardians signed yes" 
 and then at lunch, taemin and jongin go see if sehun and krystal have this same problem and they just walk up to the classroom because it's lunch time and usually the teachers all leave right away and taemin just pushes the door open so dramatically like
 "sehunnie!! you'll never believe who our teacher is this week holy shit!!" 
 and he just runs smack into Rain and just
 "oh my god" 
looks up at him with these wide ass eyes and he's having such a fanboy moment he loves rain so much omg and jongin has to like hold onto him to hold him up because rain just 
"oh, shinee. big fan" 
and walks away and taemin practically fucking FAINTS
 "he said shinee u dipshit"
 "who's your teacher though don't leave us hanging" 
 and the other three come over and taemin immediately sobers up and just "ugh that fuckhead jaejoong i can't fucking believe this you know who's gonna get in toruble for it?? US. un-fucking-believable" 
 "you know, you never had a mouth like that when i knew you. also, if i recall correctly, i asked you to stay after class" 
 and taemin turns and sees jaejoong and a camera and he just "shit" because dammit he hopes he didn't get caught cursing on camera and now he's gotta have some fake heart-to-heart with jaejoong and he's none too pleased and jaejoong pulls him aside but there's still a cameraman following them and taemin is so uncomfortable and just
 "please i'm serious get that thing out of my face" 
 "taemin it's just for a couple minutes." 
 "what do you want?"
 taemin is just so upset and like he's so on edge because at school he can be somewhat normal but no now he's got an idol teacher and cameras following him around and dammit he just wants to go eat his lunch 
 "i wanted to talk to you about what happened when i left"
 "no, sorry, i'm not doing this" 
taemin just cuts him off and walks away, but jaejoong follows him and just 
 "why not"
 "because!! that's a personal thing, and if you're only gonna talk about it because you're being filmed, then you really don't care at all and i don't wanna hear it. now can i go eat my lunch please, i'm hungry" 
 and jaejoong just sighs and looks at taemin, and taemin's just this sad kid right now looking at him with these big eyes and he looks so upset and jaejoong just 
"okay. go. but no more disturbing the class, got it?" 
 "that wasn't even my fault" taemin grumbles "jongin was the one saying shit not me" 
 "don't let it happen again" jaejoong warns him, but taemin just walks off and goes to look for his lil friends. 
 also!!! kwonho is his friend from school right?? that's the guy taemin sits next to in class lmao i just remembered that, and kwonho is part of their lil group and!!! probably also moonkyu!!! moonkyu can sit next to jongin lmao so that's like the general gist of it i'm sorry this is so long lmao but i've had this idea in my head for probably a year now and it flows a lot better in my head than in writing but yeah i just!!! really wanna talk about it
and also another part of this au deals with a manager and is like mm three or so days into jaejoong being their teacher and maybe fuck idk kang hodong is a lil first year class teacher who taekai barely realize is there until they hear him crashing down the hall on day 2 and everyone in the classrooms goes up against the windows to look outside and see what's going on only to find kang hodong leading a bunch of firsties down the hallway as some form of prank or lesson or no one really knows what's happening, but everyone wishes hodong was their teacher after that 
 and anyways a manager comes one day to pick taemin up for a schedule and taemin completely forgot about it so he's absorbed in the lesson that jaejoong is teaching, and so the manager has to go straight up to the classroom to collect taemin because he forgot to go down to the office to get picked up and the manager just knocks once and opens the door and just
"taemin, come on" because this happens rather often but then he sees who's teaching 
 and taemin "shit" and gathers up his things really quickly and just tries to get out of there without some sort of weird fight thing happening and just "sorry hyung sorry sorry i'm coming!!"
 "what is going on" 
 "why is HE in your classroom?? and cameras???" 
 "we're on a show hyung can we go please i'm gonna be late" 
 taemin's just got his backpack slung over his shoulder and he's so anxious to just leave because oh no this is the angry manager and he's getting that angry look and oh no "get in the hall"
 and he just grips taemin's arm and shoves him outside and FUCK it kind of hurts and fuck everyone saw and the cameras saw and just fuck 
 "jongin, get out"
 "what, i don't have a schedule today!" jongin is seriously like annoyed like no today is a day off until like 6 pm fuck that "jongin, NOW" and jongin is so freaked out and he just "sorry okay i'm coming" 
and he gets his things and he's hurrying outside and he just "how long has this been goig on??" 
 "how long have you two been on a show without telling anyone!!" he's getting so angry and taekai are so freaked out holy shit they didn't think it was that big of a deal
 "hey, do you have permission to take jongin out of class?" jaejoong is like worried like is this even legal 
 "you stay out of this" the manager Does Not like jaejoong. not one bit. and the manager like gets so angry and he's yelling at taekai in the hall and another teacher hears it and peaks out to see what's going on and he like grills them for not telling anyone that they were on a show and that jaejoong was their teacher and blahblah 
and he asks if sehun and krystal have been ont he show too and they both just "yeah" and he makes them go get them and so they hurry down the hall to their classroom and knock on the door and they're so nervous when rain looks at them like 
"excuse me what the fuck you're interrupting my lesson" 
 and taemin just "um, we have to, um, a manager is here and, we sort of, have to have sehun and krystal come with us right now, now, like right now"
 and he's so obviously extremely nervous and the other two immediately know which manager it is just by how nervous taemin is and they start packing their shit up and they all hear the manager yelling for them to hurry up, and rain just "you two stay in here. everyone stay in here, you two come with me, you're going back to class" 
 and taemin just pipes up as rain puts his arm around the two of them to guide them back to class and he just 
 "i actually have a schedule right now i'm actually supposed to be leaving" 
 "then kai will go back to class and you can call another manager"
 "um actually, rain, sir, i go by jongin when i'm at school"
 "then jongin will go back to class, and taemin can call another manager to come pick him up" 
 "yes sir, rain, sir, okay, yes" 
 and by now jaejoong and the manager are outside of the classroom arguing, and a cameraman is out recording the whole thing and then rain joins in like
"hey can we just let this one go back to class and let the other go to his schedule why do we have to fight and get the children involved"
 and then the bell rings but it never fucking stops and after a moment of confusion, taemin and jongin just look at each other like 
"holy shit holy SHIT is this real holy shit HOLY SHIT"
 and all the classroom doors close and lock and the blinds on the windows get shut and jaejoong, rain, the manager, and the cameraman have no idea what's going on but taemin and kai run up to their classroom and start banging on the door and just 
 but their classroom president just "sorry we can't open the door for anyone until the lockdown bell rings again or until the principal says over the intercom that lockdown is over" 
 "hey kids what's going on??" rain is so confused and the camera is going between the boys and the adults
 "i don't know???"
 taekai are just freaking out holy shit because if they're on lockdown that's like serious they never go on lockdown unless it's a drill and they go back to banging on the door begging for their classmates to let them back in but their classroom president keeps saying no despite the fact that many other people are saying they should let them in 
taemin just "THIS IS WHY I VOTED FOR [insert girl's name here] INSTEAD OF YOU" 
 and the girl just "wait taemin you really voted for me???" 
 and taemin and kai just scream a little bit out of frustration before kicking the door one last time but when they realize that the supposed adults in charge aren't doing anything they just 
 "fuck this we're hiding in the bathroom until this is over have fun ARGUING IN THE HALLWAY"
 and they run down the hall to go hide in the bathroom and lock the door and then over the intercom the principal just 
 "there is a man trying to take our student idols without authorization. the proper law enforcement officers have been notified, but do not let any of your student idols go with a man who says he is here to pick them up. this is not a drill. teachers, lock your doors, and keep your students away from the windows." blahblahblah 
 and taemin and kai are int he bathroom just laughing out of both frustration and a little bit out of disbelief that the school is actually calling the cops on their manager and then someone in shinee calls taemin, probably key, and taemin ends up facetiming with them and the other four see that taemin and kai are int he bathroom at school and just 
 "what the hell taemin you're so late for this recording where are you???" 
 "so long story short, manager hyung got the whole school put on lockdown and me and jongin had to hide in the bathroom because our stupid pansy fuck of a class president wouldn't open the door for us to go back inside of our class"
 "what the hell are you talking about" 
 so taemin and jongin explain the whole reality show thing with jaejoong being their teacher for a week and jinki probably just 
"you're saying jaejoong was your teacher all week and you didn't tell anyone" 
"basically yeah and then the manager u fucks sent to pick me up BLEW UP AT US and it was not pretty can you please tell the NOT ASSHOLE MANAGER that i'm going to be late because THE ASSHOLE MANAGER is probably in the process of being arrested ~~thank you~~ COME GET ME. I'M LITERALLY LOCKED IN A BATHROOM. THIS IS NOT FUN."
 and idk other people they were supposed to be on the show with that are just lingering about are giggling at the misfortunes of the young idols and lmao idk the asshole manager probably gets fired literally all our lil high school idols babies get in trouble for not telling anyone they were being filmed at school for a tv show and taemin makes up with jaejoong yay happy ending i just wanna talk about this so bad 
Tbh I mostly just enjoy the image of taemin and Kai being followed by a cameraman as they run through the halls in their school uniforms to the bathroom because their asshole class president won't let them in because of a technicality and just shouting "This is BULLSHIT" and scrambling to lock the door to the second floor boys bathroom
Also just taekai and their two other friends goofing off before class and forgetting a camera is there and they're talking about a new movie or something and taemin just
 "IT! WAS! SO! KICK! ASS" and alternating between fists to punch the air in front of him and they all like re-enact scenes they liked or whatever 
 And they're just being dumb boys u know and then the teacher and jaejoong come in and they all immediately scramble to sit down in their seats and just It's a really funny contrast to what they act like as Exo/shinee u know
And then Kai just "wait when did you go see that movie??" 
 "I went with kwonho on Sunday" 
 And moonkyu just "OR ME??" 
 "I'm sorry but you knew going into this 4-person relationship that I would have to split my time up between the three of you" 
 "Taemin fuck off" 
 Taemin is just unphased and continues "and that sometimes one might get more attention than the other" 
 "You are the worst" 
 "Thank you I'm taking that as a compliment" 
 And just uwu the four of them being smart asses together
And taemin just shakes his head and closes his eyes and shrugs like "I am a busy busy man" 
 And Kai just scoffs like "hey busy man, did you finish the math homework?" 
And he waves around the paper that has half of his homework done 
 And taemin just Pauses 
 "I am a busy busy man who forgot there was math homework" 
 And he leaps forward and takes a piece of paper of moonkyu and a pencil and just "lemme see lemme see lemme see!!" 
Because they have math first and fuck he totally forgot and there's only 5 minutes before class starts 
 And moonkyu lets them copy his homework and then the class president comes over and just "Excuse me IDOLS are you CHEATING?" 
 And taemin just makes a face at him and goes back to it, but before anyone can really say anything about, another classmate comes over and just "Oh shove off asshole, you copied my history homework at lunch yesterday" 
 And everyone just snorts, and he goes shuffling off to his desk 
Everyone hates the class president because right after he won he became a dick about it and everyone regretted voting for him 
 And the girl who ran against him just "I told you to vote for me" 
 And taemin turns to his friends and just "I told you to vote for her" 
 "Taemin shut up"
 "Never trust a man who only wears glasses in class!!!" 
 Kwonho just Shoves taemin closer to the window
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angelicbrokenburd-a · 3 years
Rules for Moblie: Under Read More because long.
I do not own the rights to Starscream, the Transformers franchise, it's characters or it's lore. The rights belong to the lovely people at Hasbro. However: My portayal, headcanons and the such are my own! I also create my own icons and graphics (banners for pages, post and such) and ask you to DO NOT steal and claim them for your own.
Other Notes (idk what to call this part lol)
This blog is Completely headcanon based being there is no offical Transformers Prime Shattered Glass continuity. I take some inspration from the oringal G1 Shattered Glass comics but everything else is my own! While this blog is mostly Prime/Aligned, I may add/take some elements from a few other continuies such as G1, IDW and Animated.
This is a side blog to @fatesyetunwritten, which plays as an OOC hub for the blogs connected to it. So obviously I cannot follow you with this blog but my main. Even though not necessary, I also recommend following my hub blog as well being that’s where most PSAs/OOC updates in regard to ALL my blogs will be posted. Personal blogs are free to follow, but I do ask you don’t comment/reblog/reply/etc to any IC threads or post. Same implies to post that say ”//DO NOT REBLOG” or -DO NOT REBLOG-” in the thread/tags. If any of these rules are broken I will block you! I won't even give you a second chance, you're out! If you are a personal and do have a sideblog, PLEASE contact me telling me so. I’m more than likely not going to know otherwise unless I followed you first and it’s noted. My IM/askbox is always open. If you need to contact me in anyway and (if we are mutuals) want to plot/scream about our muses/just talk/etc. Don’t feel shy to approach me. I love talking and meeting new friends.
I am selective and will only roleplay with mutuals. Just because you follow me doesn’t guarantee that I will back. I often look at the muse, content and mun beforehand before making up my decision in doing so. Do not force/guilt trip me into following you!! Putting aside it’s rude and selfish to do so, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT!! Muse doesn't equal Mun and vice versa. This should be obvious but sometimes people do confuse fantasy and reality. Please don't confuse the two. No Godmodding! This is standard fare I don’t think I have to elaborate more on that. If possible Please trim your post. I won’t get up on anyone's case about it if you don’t, but it’s considerute to do so. Keeps the dash clean. Also transfer ask to a new thread if you wish to contiune it. Same reasons as above: Keeps things clean and orgainzed. Don’t worry about formatting/using icons in your post! Just because I like to time to time doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. Write in whatever style that works for you. All I ask is that you use proper grammar and spelling, or at least enough for me to read your writing. I’m not perfect neither so don’t sweat it if you make a typo there and there.
Shipping and Relationships
Let’s get this out of the way:I’m a shameless shipping whore! I love shipping and building relationships. But I won't just jump onboard to a ship however Like most relationships, there needs to be Chemistry. If the two clash off each other well, we can discuss things further. Each ship (unless said otherwise) has it's own verse and not overlap with other ships... This doesn't just imply to romanatic ships! Friendships, kinships, hateships, YA name it!. As I said, I'm a ship whore. I’m also a fan of AUs! Give me some of those AUs bro!
Mature Content
Both me and my Muse are of age and won’t shy away from mature themes. All NSFW threads/ask/etc will be tagged as such, along with any triggers that need tagging. In worst cases, like a hard R (which is rare), I will put everything under a read more flither. Themes include, but not limited to: Violence, blood or/and gore, alcohol and drug use, depression/PTSD, abuse and (maybe?) sexual themes. I will also likely The only things I will not roleplay are anything to do with rape, sexual assault, pedophila and/or incest. I'm open to roleplaying smut but I will be extreamly selective on who I write with. I have to feel comfortable with the mun plus likely already have to have an establish ship going. I will, by no circumstance, roleplay sumt with minors!! NO ITS, NO BUTS! If I learn you are lying about your age, consider yourselfPermanently blocked with all threads deleted.
Who I’ll Interact With
Well, obviously I will roleplay with other Transformers characters, (Not limited to just Prime). I’ll roleplay with just about almost all fandoms. I am a bit more selective over fandoms I'm not too familiar with but that doesn't always mean my doors aren't closed to them neither. To put it simple: If a muse interests me, I'm more than likely on board. What is always the case however is that I will not, and I do mean WILL NOT roleplay with muses base off Youtube Let’s Players or any real life people WHAT SO EVER!! Sorry, I’m sure a good share of you are fantastic people, but it’s something I am simply against mortality. I’m open to roleplaying with OCs both fandom base and/or fandomless, but again, I’m still selective. I always check out the mun’s page before following and if I don’t see a bio for your OC, I will simply not follow. I can't interact with a character I know nothing about. Really, a good indication that I want to interact with you is if I follow you, either before or after you do.
The Mun
Name: Jessie/Sweets Birthdate:August 2nd, 1989 Hello loves~ So...about myself: I love to write if it wasn’t obvious yet, but some of my other hobbies include but not limited to: Drawing, video games, comics, animation. The general geek crap. I like to believe I'm a down to earth and chill person to hang with so don’t feel shy to start a conversation with me outside of our general roleplay affair. For OOC post, Doctor Nefarious from Ratchet and Clank and/or Wander from Wander Over Yonder as faceclaims but more incline to use the former. Things to keep note of: I am diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum. This can at times affect my abilities to socialize and communicate normality and at times even makes it hard to pick up cues if not direct enough. Miscommunication could happen and if I misinterpreted/stepped over the line/did something uncalled for that I’m unaware of; You shouldn’t fear about addressing the issue to me privately. I don’t do things on purpose. Most people don’t. And more than half the time, these problems can be addressed by talking it out. Communication and understanding is key to be a successful roleplay partner. The last thing I want is to make my friends unconformably and treat them with respect and I expect the same! I also suffer from depression and anxiety and can affect my mood, as well as my will to interact/socialize that day and may even not want to be bothered. This never has anything to do with the other Mun, this is me and Me alone! My mental health comes first after all and I’m sure you all can respect that and vice versa. Roleplaying is a hobby for me, not a job. I go at my own pace. With my mental health addressed; it can play into how active I am. Some days I can write replies/threads like no ones business, others I can be sluggish and not want to do anything. Do not pester me for replies! They’ll come when they come. Thankfully, I don’t have many triggers. Nothing that I can’t blacklist anyways. I always make sure to read the Mun’s rules but if there's anything you need me to tag that I may have glace over, don’t feel shy to speak up about it.
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septiembrre · 4 years
GG Headcannons
Tagged by @sothischickshe. Thanks, boo ;-) 
Ship: Beth x Rio -- in honor of our lovebirds day for GGWEEK2020
38. What is/are their love language(s)?
Haha, this has already made its way into one of my ficlets. I am also writing love languages into my next chapter of Better Be Mine. I can’t let it go!! I don’t actually care about them as tool for my irl relationship but it’s so easily identifiable for Brio. So my headcanons here... 
Rio’s love languages: 
Rio prefers to receive love through Quality Time. 
Rio shows love through Physical Touch. 
Beth’s love languages:
Beth prefers to receive love through Words of Affirmation.
Beth shows love through Acts of Service
49. Do they have differing political opinions?
Lol, @sothischickshe I can’t believe you tagged me in this!!!! Stop reading into the underlying vibes of Beth/Rio conversations in my fics! 
So the short version of my response is: yes. 
Now the absurdly long response:
I think about Rio & Beth a lot. I think about them talking about politicized issues quite a bit and imagine them in conversation with each other, teasing their beliefs apart. I like picturing these conversations instigated by hard parenting moments, things in the news, and things that come up as they finally start saying more words to each other. I think Rio could also just directly ask Beth about her political beliefs (I can’t necessarily picture the reverse yet).  
I think Beth is definitely more conservative than Rio -- and that’s an assumption I make because Rio’s a Latinx guy who probably came up with lack of access to wealth, and Beth as a white woman in the suburbs who formerly perceived herself/her family as wealthy. 
Beth’s characterization is complicated -- sometimes it really leans into Karen stereotypes/white woman privilege (lol, I cannot believe they literally had her show up at Gil’s workplace. I CRINGE!) and other times her beliefs and actions positively surprise me. Personally, in my fic writing, I love leaning into an idea that Beth grew up more working class/experienced neglect from her parents. I don’t want to romanticize these experiences but trauma around financial insecurity & complicated family relationships personally resonates with me. Ugh, I love writing about it, and it’s something that I read in her childhood that I like to lean into. That flashback in Season 2 really humanized Beth for me and it really made me love her. 
Okay, that was a major digression about class, but her life experience must lend itself to her political beliefs. She married into a wealthier family -- a family that owned it’s own business, was financially stable and just... a family perpetuating all the harmful effects of white heterosexuality and problematic gendered labor. And she conformed to it! Beth diminished herself to make herself fit there, to find safety and stability, to feel worth. So, I think her politics as an adult are also “safe” and probably echo the popular moderate trends in normative, toxic parent groups. Honestly, irl as a queer WOC who is anti-capitalist and been forced to be political for my own self-preservation and preservation of folks I love, I would not seek out PTA Beth’s friendship for multiple reasons, but I still have such a soft spot for Beth as a character?
That being said, Beth in the context of Annie & Ruby is obviously a different Beth. She loosens up in these spaces, she speaks her mind much more freely and in these scenes she comes as a normal, relatable human and she’s funny and prim and awkward. I think she comes across as somewhat liberal but not particularly educated on the issues/progressive (as is the way most characters are characterized on network TV). In this vein, she throws around a lot of white privilege and because some of it has gone un-interrogated in the context of the show... I’m not sure how intentional these vibes are or if it’s just par the course of it being white-owned network TV. Obviously characters are allowed to make mistakes and do shitty things, but I wish there was more on-screen acknowledgement of race in the show, and more intentional naming of things. In regards to Ruby + Beth in particular, I feel like an American white woman can’t have a life-long/multi-decade friendship with a Black woman and not be intentional about acknowledging racism/the specific misogynoir that Black women face. But the show hasn’t really acknowledged this aspect of Ruby + Beth’s friendship... 
*stares at the camera like I’m on The Office* 
It would be such a rich opportunity to discuss the challenges of interracial friendship if done well. Also, what an opportunity to delve into what it’s like to maintain friendships across the years (um, it’s hard!!! Even with people you love so much! Tell us more about Beth & Ruby’s ups and downs!). Beth and Ruby care about each other so much. When they and Annie get friendship beats -- I cry! Just make it make more sense! If the show filled in these blanks, it would be so great. Beth is obviously awakening~ definitely so in regards to her gender and her power and it could shift her political opinions? The show definitely poked a little fun at her crime “wokeness” by having her push back on cultural appropriation with those other PTA parents. Just by the exposure of her own relationships, Beth has experience with the lack of American safety net, our terrible, impoverishing health-care system, and inaccessibility of higher education. 
So, on one hand the show tries to do a thing where they equalize and don’t name race in the context of the three leads, “they’re three women”, but then they play on racial tropes with Beth and Rio’s relationship... I would like for their interracial relationship to be more overtly discussed/acknowledged outside of Rio’s somewhat performative call outs of Beth’s white lady fragility. 
So anyway -- Rio’s politics. We don’t know a ton about Rio so we don’t have too much textual evidence to go off of. But, we do know that Rio picks at Beth’s facade of white women fragility all the time -- sometimes with more hostility and other times simply teasing. When I write him, I give him my own experiences of having to become well-versed discussing politicized issues by the default of growing up experiencing racism and xenophobia. Rio, like any Mexican-reading man, has probably been told to “go back to his country” throughout his life -- and I can’t imagine it not politicizing him... Though, conservative Latinx exist and constantly shock me with their assimilationist audacity. *stares at the camera like I’m on the office again* But, idk, it’s something about their characterization of him of being so worldly~~ I imagine him being informed and up-to-date on the American news. I want him throwing around his power and $$$ by donating to local, progressive candidates of color. But, this is all projection~ :-) 
Ha, I feel like this was too critical of my forever otp (and on ship day to boot)!! And of Beth. The show has a habit of putting Beth through the physical and psychological wringer, and what I want instead is for our baby to be out of harm’s way, financially stable, divorced and independent, and also forced to interrogate the more harmful ways she deploys her whiteness. Lol, no one would watch my show. I know. 
I love Beth & Rio. They thrill me. And like many others in the fandom,  I often want to remove them from the GG canon and make them have harder/real/necessary conversations -- and generally converse about anything/everything because they barely do that on screen. I love the drama of their scenes, but my happy place is skipping a year ahead and building headcanons about what they could look like in actual relationship with each other... and one of these daydreams is Rio pushing Beth on her politics. I’m in an interracial relationship with a white woman myself -- and one of the things I love is endlessly discussing political issues and processing and growing together, and I like transplanting that to Brio in my fic perhaps too much, and it makes them OOC in my writing at times. 
Okay!!! This got long again. Thanks for tangling with this if you’ve gotten this far. There were a lot of assertions up there and I’m happy to unpack something further (but, thats at your own risk y’know. Clearly I don’t know when to stop when it comes to writing these ridiculously long posts).
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diminuel · 5 years
15x11 rewatch! Let’s go! It’s again, very long, so read below the cut!
My recap of last week to orient myself: We’ve seen Sam and Dean struggle with issues that they usually don’t have. Garth’s theory is that they are now faced with “normal people problems”, things a writer glosses over when it gets to their heroes because it slows down the story. However, they aren’t only faced with lactose intolerance but also suddenly find that they have trouble with all skills they used while hunting - they can’t open locks (at least not with make shift tools and when they’re stressed), they cannot fight against monsters (that are vastly overpowered while they just have human abilities), etc.
At the end of the episode Garth suggested a magical fix to their issues and we see them decide they would head to Alaska. Meanwhile, Cas is glaringly absent on a not further specified mission to Heaven. (*rolls eyes*)
Now, on twitter I said that if Sam and Dean went to Alaska to find a magic fix it for their issues without talking it through with Cas first they are “embarrassing dumbasses”. Spoiler alert: they are embarrassing dumbasses.
Now we start the reaction. I will bundle this sections since there are two plots that progress 98% independently of each other.
A: Misadventures in Alaska
- I know that Cas is absent, but I wish the Winchesters would have waited long enough to dicuss the issues with Cas. Sam does afterall talk it through with Eileen. And he must have talked to other people about it because he knows that it’s not in the lore and nobody else ever heard of it apart from Garth. But waiting for Cas to discuss with him was too much of a hassle...?
- Dean might not be able to digest cheese now, but he knows how to help himself. Like a normal person. (Well, I’m a normal person too but I just risk it and then suffer the dire consequences.)
- Okay, so they are in Alaska already. Don’t you have to cross through Canada to get to Alaska? If yes, how did they manage to cross the border with all the weapons in their trunk and without valid ID?
- I love Sam’s bewildered reply to when Dean claims that he was playing pool since before Sam was born. “What, between nap time and snack?”
- I was constantly worried that Dean was too cocky about his pool skills considering he had lost some other skills and that he would get into this game without even making sure that he still had the necessary skills for it. However, this episode isn’t the kind of silly overkill like last one was. Pool is a skill Dean and Sam developped over years and years, so of course they should be able to do it. (It’s not the same as lockpicking with a random nail)
- Dean “baiting” the other players wasn’t super elegant for someone who’s hustled pool for years *lol* But it was cute I guess?
- I like that Sam tries to talk to people and make them leave before it’s too late.
- Fortuna’s a dick, not winning any parent of the year awards...
- I like how Dean’s sure enough of himself to know that he’s much more complex than a “sexy but skimmable beach read”
- I think that usually the villains agree to Sam and Dean’s demands far too easily even though they have nothing to bargain with. So I assume Fortuna not agreeing to Sam’s terms falls under Sam and Dean no longer having their god given hero bonuses.
- I really appreciate the explanations we got on how Gods and all the other gods can exist at the same time. Humans/ human needs creating gods has always been my headcanon.
- Fortuna called Sam “little minx” *lol*
- Hero’s luck is a thing independently of Chuck then, but still granted by a divine being. But what makes a hero a hero is not their luck - but their choices and their attitude. Fortuna recognized that in them: bravery, the willingness to risk it all for others.
- I’m not sure yet what “don’t play his game, make him play yours” means. Though it’d be interesting if the same thing that happened to Metatron (who tried to play God) happens to God. God as “one of them”. Give him a soul and the weight of it, so he experiences the story and creation differently. I don’t know. I feel there aren’t enough episodes left for such a “remind God of the beauty and value of his creation” kind of plot.
B: Agent Lizzo
(I think this story line is more interesting than the monster of the week case and should have been given more screentime)
- “CASS”. Sam, that’s not how you spell his name. And why did you write a note instead of texting him? Also, they explained nothing. 
- Jack’s “Wanted by the FBI” picture is pretty cute. I wonder who took it.
- I like how Cas now frequently has a very visible reaction to things; he pulls the phone away from his hears, his expression changes, he has to breathe, before he manages to regain his composure. (Like the phone call he had with Dean while they were still seperated)
- Cas is so cute sitting at the desk with his laptop
- Why Jack. Why do you just sit down in the office to eat the heart?
- We usually saw Jack heal instantly; can’t he heal now or doesn’t he bother to heal his wounds?
- How many Grigori hearts did Jack eat...?
- Jack’s “dark” in ways he wasn’t before. The kind of dialogue he has comes across as very Winchester/ Cas like. I’m also trying to figure him out. He looks to the side at one point, before the Grigori takes his sword, which I assume means he saw Cas? His next expression is hard to describe; his nostrils flare, his calm expression drops. Is he shocked (I doubt it), is he angry (why would he?), is he trying to get out of the ropes to help or run? During the time it takes for Cas to defeat the Grigori, his expressions calms again and he lowers his head again. Maybe I’m just reading too much into it. I’m not very good at reading expressions anyway...
- The hug was nice but I really wish Cas and Jack would have actually spoken to each other. :/
TFW back together
- Dean and Sam are given the “little extra” that Dean wanted: Jack and Cas are back.
- I wish Sam had a bit of a more profound reaction. It’s the kind of welcome back reaction that would have been appropriate if Jack had just come back from a trip to the Swiss Alps where he tried to find himself among the cows and mountain spirits. Not when he came back from being killed by God.
- Dean’s reaction on the other hand was more impactful to me. Here we see that there’s tension there, some unspoken things. But still, he touches Jack the way that Bobby used to touch him. It’s a fierce look, but a gentle, parental touch. At the same time, this scene also addressed how much has changed (for the better!) between Dean and Cas. Dean seeks out Cas for conformation. I’m very soft about that exchange. (I think it also again presents Cas and Dean as an unit, especially when it gets to Jack.)
- I do hope Jack and Dean will hug eventually because the scene switch was a bit too fast for me. A bit more talk would have been better, or guiding them over into the next scene a bit gentler... Too many fanfic gaps here, even though the gaps are small!
- Sam and Dean acting like Jack ran away from them...? Sam: “You could have called.” Really, Sam...? When Jack says he couldn’t even though he wanted Dean says: “why not?” Why not, Dean? Do you really need to ask? And then Jack addressed nothing of what had happened and just brought up the current reason (staying hidden from god). Dude! You killed their mother, they wanted to trap you, then they wanted to kill you! I mean, come on.
- If Grigori hearts are the beginning, then what is next? Grigori are some of the “failed” creations of God that, according to Cas, should have been wiped out by the Flood. So maybe there are other things that God didn’t like for some reason or another that he wanted to get rid of. Grigori wiped out, Leviathan locked away, Nephilim forbidden... Hm. 
- From S11 we know that you can’t kill God. Killing God is not an option... (I also don’t really want it to happen. If the ending is literally creation being wiped out and there is nothing but a black screen at the end then I will have a panic attack.)
New things going forwards: 
Dean and Sam are heroes, no matter what Chuck says. Maybe they are no longer the heroes of his story (here I remember Metatron’s words again “you’re not the hero of this story, you are the villain”). But they’re still heroes. Fortuna rewards them for that alone with hero’s luck, which might give them back their bonuses to a certain degree. But the fact is that Sam and Dean are ordinary humans who become heroes because they are compassionate and brave and while they receive no reward for it, no “great recognition of their deeds”, they matter to the humans they saved. They matter in the smaller scheme of things, in the ways that Chuck disregards. Here I’m thinking of what Cas realized when he became human: that there is dignity in what he does, even if there is no divinity in it, even though it’s meaningless and “below him” even by Dean’s standards. But it mattered to Cas. He hurt, but it was meaningful and he wanted to live his life anyway. Chuck doesn’t see that. Chuck doesn’t see the dignity and meaning in the small things of human life. Because they are nuisances to him, they don’t make stories. Just like Sam and Dean doing the laundry all day don’t make stories for him - but they do for Becky.
So I think this episode reaffirmed what early SPN established: it’s the story of humans and how they save people, even if the odds are against them, and that makes them heroes. And not the other way around.
Some general comments: This is totally subjective but I feel there were some extra scenes that could have been cut (some pool hall stuff, the Grigori thing could have been slimmed down a bit) to give more space to things which I found more relevant like Cas/TFW’s reunion with Jack. I know that fanfic will fill the gaps eventually, but I wish we had to do a bit less work, you know? *lol* I mean, how did Cas and Jack’s conversation go, how was the drive back? How long where they in the Bunker by the time Sam and Dean came back from Alaska? What did they talk about? What conversations were exchanged in the scene break between TFW reuniting and them sitting at the map table? So many scenes to fill.
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angstmatsuscenarios · 5 years
Headcanon where Choromatsu is mourning for weeks because of his middle-aged friend who unfortunately passed away of heart disease.
Ooooh this one was so sad but I also liked writing this one, I really hope you enjoy it!
For a bit of background, I imagine this taking place in sort of a timeline where Choro starts working at an office, but still lives at home for the time being.
WARNING for heavy discussion of death under the cut:
Tanaka Jiro was only fifty years old when he passed away. 
His death had come as a shock to all of his coworkers, and understandably so--he was still young, and had always seemed so vibrant and healthy to those around him, always smiling and working hard. The cause had been determined rather quickly, and came as another shocking blow when it was revealed he had heart disease, his condition going largely untreated. He should’ve been taking it easy, but he hadn’t heeded his doctor’s suggestion. Work had been more important to him. 
The funeral had been held the weekend after his death. He had been very well-respected and well-loved, and so had been honored greatly. He would be remembered always. But as weeks passed, everyone in the company slowly returned to normal--it wasn’t that they no longer cared, but it was necessary to go back to work. Life had to continue, hard as it was.
And for some people, it was much harder than it was for others.
Choromatsu had only been working at the company for a few months, but he’d quickly become close friends with Tanaka. Their desks had been next to each other’s in the department, and Tanaka had gone out of his way to make sure Choromatsu felt welcome at the company and helped through the rocky transition of his first few days there. They had chatted, made jokes, and commiserated with each other through the day, which made the workload far more bearable. Most days they ate lunch together, sometimes with other people in the department and sometimes on their own, and some nights after work they’d go get drinks together.
In Choromatsu’s eyes, Tanaka was far wiser and more experienced than him, not only at work but in life. He was married, and he had a child, a son in high school--a family, one to call his own, something Choromatsu had often dreamed of having but never thought he could attain. But the closer they became, the more hope Tanaka instilled in Choromatsu about his own future. According to him, Tanaka had been much like Choromatsu when he was young, getting a later start in his career than his peers and not quite knowing where to begin. But he’d turned his life around, becoming a diligent worker as well as a dedicated husband and father. 
He was everything Choromatsu aspired to be, but more than that, he was a good friend--someone Choromatsu felt comfortable talking to about his hopes and dreams, his vents and his fears, or just sharing a beer and a good laugh after a long workday. Oftentimes, getting to talk to him was the best part of Choromatsu’s day, no matter how much work he had piled up or how tired he was, because at least they could watch out for each other. 
And now...he was gone.
      When Choromatsu had found out, he’d been devastated. It was as if his mind couldn’t process it had truly happened. He remembered going to the funeral, he remembered crying, he remembered listening to others sharing their stories about Tanaka...but it all felt surreal, as if he could’ve dreamed about it. When he went back to work, a hollow ache rose in his chest at the sight of Tanaka’s empty desk next to his. On the day that a new employee started at the company and took Tanaka’s old desk, Choromatsu had spent his lunch break hiding in a bathroom stall, feeling too ill to eat but too numb to cry.
Weeks passed. Choromatsu struggled. He went to work and ran practically on autopilot, robotically carrying out his tasks. He went back home and didn’t say much, letting his brothers dominate the conversation. He couldn’t figure out why it was so hard for him to start feeling normal again. No one else at work seemed to be having as hard a time as him, but then again, he’d barely spoken to anyone else at work. He simply wasn’t close enough to them to feel comfortable opening up.
One evening he was sitting on the back porch, watching the sun set. It was something he hadn’t done in awhile--lately when he got home from work, it was either after the sun had already gone down, or he was too swamped with work assignments he’d had to bring home in order to finish them all on time. He tried to enjoy it, but his mind wandered.
“Hi, dear.”
Choromatsu glanced up to find his mother standing on the porch now, gazing down at him. “Hi, Mom.”
“Mind if I join you?”
Choromatsu shrugged slightly. “Sure. Go ahead.”
Matsuyo settled down beside Choromatsu on the porch, and at first neither of them said anything as they watched the sun dip lower and lower in the distance, the sky darkening. Stars were beginning to emerge, little specks of silvery light far out of reach.
Matsuyo was the one to break the silence. “Dear...we’ve been worried about you. You haven’t seemed like yourself lately. You’ve been working so much, and not eating a lot either.”
Choromatsu kept his gaze forward, though he wasn’t really focusing on the sunset now. “I guess I haven’t really felt like myself lately,” he confided quietly.
“If you want to talk about it, I’m here,” Matsuyo said gently. “You don’t have to go through this all alone. You might feel better if you talked about it.”
Choromatsu knew she was right, but it was hard to sort out his emotions. “I just...I’m not really sure why it’s so hard to move on. No one else at work seems to be feeling this bad, so why is it hitting me so hard?”
“You don’t know that for sure, Choromatsu--everyone mourns differently, and don’t always show it. From what I’ve heard Tanaka was a wonderful person. I’m sure he had many friends at the company who miss him and wish he were still with them. They may just cope with the pain differently than you.”
“Yeah...I guess so.” Choromatsu inhaled and then exhaled slowly. “I didn’t even know him all that long, though--not as long as other people who worked there. I’ve only been there a few months.”
“True, but it doesn’t always take long to establish a strong connection with someone,” Matsuyo reminded him. “You became close friends with him quickly. Friends can mean just as much to a person as family--they can be like family, even--so when we lose them, it’s painful. What you’re feeling is natural.”
Choromatsu fell silent for a moment. What his mother said made sense, but it didn’t lessen that dull ache in his chest that had been present for the past few weeks.
“And maybe,” Matsuyo continued, “it’s possible that you’re a little scared now, too.”
Choromatsu glanced up at her, confused. “Scared…?” he repeated uncertainly. “What makes you say that?”
“There are a couple of reasons. For one thing, this is the first time you’ve ever truly been affected by the death of someone close to you, so it’s understandable it makes you think about mortality, how fleeting life can be. And another...you told me that you really looked up to Tanaka, that he was someone you aspire to be like, the reason you’ve been working so hard and dedicating yourself to the company. But now you’ve seen first-hand what overwork can do to a person. Maybe you’re a bit worried the same could happen to you.”
“I...I don’t know…” Choromatsu sighed, his breath wavering a little. “I guess…that sort of has been on my mind lately, too. It’s really scary to think how one day you could be talking to someone, same as always, making plans to get together later in the week, and then the next day he’s just…” His breath hitched in his throat, tearing welling up in his eyes as he croaked out the rest, “...g-gone. And it makes you think how one day...one day, it could be you. I don’t want that to be me, I don’t w-want to die suddenly one day because I didn’t take care of myself...and I w-wish Tanaka had taken care of himself, because maybe he’d still be h-here…”
At this point his voice was shaking and his tears were threatening to spill over. Matsuyo rested a hand comfortingly on his shoulder and waited as he struggled to compose himself, sniffling and rubbing at his eyes.
“You know,” Matsuyo began, after a moment, “I think it’s very admirable of you to want to be like Tanaka, to have goals for the future. I think that is a wonderful way to honor him. But you can change things--you can take care of yourself, know your limits. I think you would make Tanaka very proud.”
That nearly brought Choromatsu to tears again, but he managed to keep himself together. He knew he’d cry over this again, he knew it would take him time to heal—and that was normal. But somehow, hearing his mother voice his concerns and remind him he could do things differently made him feel just a little better.
“Thanks, Mom,” he finally said, his voice hoarse. It was hard to smile, but he managed to turn the corner of his mouth up just a little.
“You’re welcome, dear.” Matsuyo leaned in and wrapped her arm around his shoulders, and he rested his head against her. “Just remember, you’re not alone in this. Your family is here for you.” Choromatsu had known this all along, of course, but it was nice to be told again.
Together, the two of them watched the sun disappear from sight, the world blanketed in the almost comforting darkness of night. The stars shone, looking especially breathtaking, or maybe it just seemed that way to Choromatsu.
He knew he’d always miss Tanaka. He’d been a good friend, and a good influence. He knew many other people would miss him as well—maybe he should reach out to them, too, so they wouldn’t feel alone in this either.
And he hoped that maybe—just maybe—a small part of Tanaka would live on in him, for the rest of his days.
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eeveedel · 5 years
🔮 the demon au - a preview 🔮
Hello my friends! This was a very requested post, and I’m really happy I can share a bit of it with all of you! For those of you who don’t know, I wrote a short fic featuring demon!Harry almost a year ago, and for the last year I’ve been writing parts of this au mainly for myself, as well as endlessly harassing my group chats with headcanons from this verse. I really want to post some new content from this verse for you all soon, but I’m a perfectionist and thus I want to wait until I’m happy with what I’ve written and have a complete story to share with you all. For now, here is a lil preview of what I’ve been working on. This scene takes place about ten years after the first fic does, and features some mpreg teasing. No explicit content, just allusions to it. Enjoy and happy Sunday! 
It had been a very long day of work when Harry brought it up.
He had been with clients later than normal, shuttered up in his office with his papers and fountain pens, growing more annoyed by the second.
When he finally got to leave, he had sulked into the master bedroom slowly and eased himself heavily into his favorite armchair, their fireplace igniting with one glance of his eyes. A moment later, he had seen a flash of bright color out of the corner of his eye, followed by a luscious, flowery smell, and he had sighed deeply as he glanced over to where his husband was standing.
Louis was across the room, at their personal bar, pouring himself a glass of wine. He was in long, nearly sheer purple gown tonight, with high slits over his legs and an open neckline that left his shoulders bare. There were diamonds on his biceps and strewn across his forehead, a droplet of pearls hanging down between his brows.
The last few drops of his wine emptied into the glass, and slowly, Louis picked up the goblet and turned, smiling softly at where Harry had draped himself over the chair.
“Darling,” Harry sighed, holding out his arms, “Come here, please.”
Louis nodded and then floated over, his gown dragging on the carpet and his finger circling the rim of his glass. When he approached Harry’s chair, he easily tucked himself into the demon’s lap, his legs extending long and bare in front of him, an arm coming to slip around Harry’s neck. Harry hummed approvingly, and then lifted his chin, offering his mouth for Louis to kiss. His husband took the offer readily, leaning down, brushing his lips long and hard over Harry’s own mouth before finally giving in to a proper kiss.
He pulled back and blinked at Harry lazily, letting his thigh be rubbed as Harry pushed away the sheer material of his dress to access his skin.
“What is it, my love?” the human asked, his voice sleepy and syrupy slow, “What are you thinking?”
Harry smiled and lifted Louis’s limp hand, kissing it and then holding it against his own chest.
“I have a question for you.”
“Do you,” Louis smirked, curling his hand into Harry’s chest.
“Yes,” Harry said. He smiled, but still took a moment to settle himself, readying the next few words, “I have been thinking lately…about us having a child.”
Louis stopped smiling, his hand still on Harry’s chest, his mouth gone straight as he looked at him.
“A child?” he repeated.
“Yes,” Harry nodded.
“I thought you wanted to wait,” Louis said, the smile coming back to his mouth, “Another thirty-five more years, if I remember.”
“I know I said that. I’ve just been…revisiting the idea,” Harry groaned, shaking his head. He slipped his hand up higher, gripping Louis’s hip, and the other man didn’t protest, “I know I said we’d wait, but…it’s been fifteen years. A spectacular fifteen years. And I just…I think it’d be nice, to have a baby soon.”
“Mm,” Louis hummed, kicking his feet, “A baby.”
He smiled softly, and then lifted his hand off Harry’s chest and brought it to his hair, smoothing down his curls.
“I’d really like a baby,” Louis said, “I love children.”
“I remember,” Harry nodded, “You’d be a very good mother.”
Louis laughed at that, trailing his thumb over Harry’s cheek.
“Why am I the mother?”
“Because you’re going to carry the child,” Harry said bluntly.
Louis paused, still keeping his thumb flush to Harry’s cheek, but this time he just blinked at the other man.
“Oh,” Louis said, then chuckled a bit, “I had forgotten you could do that.”
“Do you not want to?”
“No, no, it’s not that,” Louis said, titling his head. He brought his hand away from Harry’s face and instead to his own belly, rubbing over the flat plane, “It’s just…a bit odd. Didn’t exactly think I’d ever be able to do that. Obviously.”
“We don’t have to,” Harry shifted his hand on Louis’s hip, “Demons have many ways of being born.”
Louis nodded, still looking at his hand pressed to his stomach.
“How else would we have a child?” he asked, “If I did not carry it?”
Harry frowned a bit, rubbing his husband’s leg once more.
“A few ways, I suppose,” he said, “I can make a child just appear. It takes some time, and they would not be as connected to us. Would see us as makers, not parents.”
“I don’t like that,” Louis said immediately, and Harry nodded.
“I understand,” he sighed, “Others – others will do that for their heirs. I would prefer to have a family, more than anything.”
That made Louis’s mouth twitch up a bit, and then he ducked his head.
“Go on,” he said, “How else?”
“Well, I could have a servant be a surrogate,” he said, “It would be our child, just – “
“No,” Louis spoke up firmly.
Harry just stared at him, a bit surprised by the strength of it.
“I don’t want a stranger carrying my baby,” Louis said, his voice firm and fierce, “It’s our baby.”
“It would still be ours,” Harry said, “Just carried in another host.”
Louis blinked at him, and then lifted a hand, stroking his chin. His eyes looked flat, like he wasn’t bothering to think about it at all.  
“No,” he repeated, his smile coming again, bright and sharp.
Harry looked at him for awhile longer, and then breathed out.
“Well,” he said, “I suppose…there are other ways, but…the simplest would be for you to carry.”
“Mm,” Louis hummed, and then lifted his wine, taking a sip. He kicked out one leg, swiveling his foot, his toes pointed. His nails were painted in the same dark, royal shade as his gown.
Finally, he pulled his lips away from the glass and then reached out, taking Harry’s hand and placing it over his stomach. Harry inhaled, feeling Louis breath, his stomach jumping under his palm.
“My body would be ruined,” Louis sighed, pressing his glass to his cheek.
“I’d fix it,” Harry murmured, rubbing over Louis’s belly.
“Interesting,” Louis said, “Would it hurt? Carrying? Giving birth?”
“Not if you didn’t want it to,” Harry said easily.
Louis nodded, and then sighed hard, laughing.
“So weird,” he murmured, bringing a hand down over Harry’s, “You’re going to make me weird and big and pregnant with your weird demon magic.”
“Yes,” Harry said absentmindedly, “If you want it.”
Louis didn’t reply at first. Instead, he just nuzzled into Harry’s neck and sighed.
“Can I think about it?”
“Of course,” Harry said, “I was just thinking.”
“You’ve been thinking about it all week, apparently,” Louis laughed lightly.
“Mm,” Harry hummed, closely his eyes. His fingers tightened around the fabric at Louis’s waist, and he exhaled.
He had known for a long time that one day, eventually, he would produce an heir, another in his line to continue the army of beings in this realm. Harry would never pass on his job, of course, not with eternity in the way. But it was about the lineage, the principle.
That, and the second Louis had appeared in his life, he had wanted a family. A real one, with a nursery and family dinners and happy photographs. And the urge to make that happen had snuck up on him faster than he had wanted.
And then there was the thought of Louis carrying. And that had dogged him for a long while.
His kind was drawn to growing babies. Something about it was so pure, uncorrupted, something other demons liked to dig their teeth into, ruin. Something so delicate and human. Harry was no different. He softened, maybe a bit too much, he learned that a client had a pregnant wife at home, enough to lessen their punishment.
But his fascination had never reached Louis before. And now they were joined, and it was a constant thought; in bed, at the dinner table, in the midst of monotonous work. His beautiful husband, his waist thickened, with a heavy, swollen chest and a belly big and tight like a drum, pinkened cheeks and great, gasping breaths, Harry’s powerful children wriggling inside him.  
Harry swallowed drily.
“It has crossed my mind, once or twice.”
“Mm,” Louis hummed and wriggled in his lap, running a hand over Harry’s chest, “You’re hard, darling.”
“No I’m not.”
Louis just tilted his head, smirking, and then shifted so he had his legs bracketing both of Harry’s thighs.
“You can’t lie to me,” Louis said, pulling on Harry’s shirt collar and rolling his hips forward, “I’m your husband.”
He pulled on Harry’s collar again, and brought his lips down, kissing Harry hard. The demon groaned and brought his hands up, raking over Louis’s back. He felt his nails lengthen and his claws slip out, pulling at the bare skin of Louis’s back. The human guise tended to slip after a long day, or when he was with Louis. He hit all his weak spots.
Louis pulled away from Harry long enough to yank on Harry’s collar again, his fingers slipping on the highest buttons. Harry smirked and leaned back, blinking his eyes, and his jacket and shirt evaporated. Louis would usually roll his eyes at that, but now, he just grinned and rubbed his hands over Harry’s chest.
“You want to put a baby in me so bad?” Louis asked, “Why don’t you take this dress off and show you how bad you want that, husband of mine?”
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teenytinyapprentice · 5 years
(same headcanons anon) honestly i'd die for that kind of long post sdhfbsjhgbjfd but how about the main cast? layton, luke, flora, and emmy (and perhaps others you'd consider as part of the main cast), i'd really love to hear your thoughts!
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GhKdjsfhds UH sure I’m not even sure how to go about organizing any of my thoughts so how about I just give you a whole bunch of random thoughts about the puzzle family + co  in jot note form (sorta)  and you can take from it what you will … disclaimer: Im sure some of these contradict canon and I’ll forget I even came up with them/said them in this and contradict myself but also I am just having fun here and don’t care sfdhkjfhskjglgf
Hershel has an unusually small appetite and prefers lighter dishes to anything heavy or too rich
Emmy and Desmond are both pretty artistic. Emmy mostly focuses on her photography but also enjoys drawing while Desmond actually enjoys painting (mostly water colour) although he’d loathe to let anyone but Raymond know about his hobby until he’s much older - Hershel on the other hand can’t draw For SHIT.
Desmond hair turns totally grey pretty much overnight when he hits his mid 60s while Hershel’s hair doesn’t turn white (slowly but surely) until he’s almost 80. It’s a sore spot.
Luke has his picture on walls of restaurants pretty much everywhere he goes from winning those “eat this giant meal and get it for free” competitions - he wins them on accident most of the time and has forgotten about a lot of them
The Puzzle family will spend at least one major holiday in Monte d’Or with Randall, Angela and Henry - it’s always a huge event and they all look forward to it
Emmy reunites with Layton and the rest of the puzzle family shortly after the events in Unwound Future having heard about the attack on London and realizing delaying seeing the Professor again might mean she just /never/ sees him again (considering his preoccupation for danger) - she just misses Luke leaving but does get to meet Flora and is a huge influence on her becoming more independent and standing up to the Professor
Desmond reunites with the Puzzle family partially on accident after Diabolical Box. He sort of planned to drop in on Hershel and give his little brother a heart attack but it ends up being less smooth and more awkward and difficult than expected… he drops in on occasion but doesn’t make a habit of sticking around too long until much later (influenced by rebuilding some kind of fragile relationship with Lucille and Roland)
Alfendi grew up in orphanages - he’s aware of his biological mother but has no relationship with her. He meets Layton and Flora as part of an investigation (no I haven’t put much thought into exactly what) - he and Flora strike up a funny friendship and when Layton hesitates to have Flora really join in on the investigation Alfendi and Flora do a mini-investigation of their own. They both end up proving to be formidable investigators, but mostly really befriend one another… which in turn strongly influences Hershel to ask Alfendi’s permission to foster and eventually adopt him
Flora does learn to cook later in life but excels more in baking - Katrielle helped her often in the kitchen growing up which is why she loves sweets so much
Flora has a growing interest in robotics that really kicks off when Gizmo (the robot dog from Curious Village) first breaks down when she’s home alone and she has to repair him - Desmond specifically encourages this and helps teach her, Hershel signs her up for a robotics camp upon her request realizing how much she enjoys it
Hershel thinks it’s HILARIOUS that Lucy calls Alfendi “Prof” and literally never stops giving him a hard time over it 
Flora and Alfendi learn to fence, Flora is the better of the two of them. Luke takes up karate inspired by Emmy’s fighting style (and is a terrible, terrible fencer. Just plain awful). Katrielle tried a variety of sports growing up (acrobatics, track and field teams, soccer, floor hockey, variety of dance classes etc.) but never really stuck to anything
Alfendi used to smoke but quit after Forbodium and was never able to get back into it
Emmy used to sneak Alfendi and Flora into horror movies against Hershel’s wishes before Flora was old enough to sneak Alfendi in herself
Flora hit a major growth spurt bout a year after UF and towers over Hershel (and most of the family) at 6”0 tall. Alfendi is a bastard and stole her thunder by matching her height by the time he was 15
Hershel and Flora are both autistic
Flora still visits St. Mystere on occasion - more so when Bruno passes to keep an eye on the residents of her hometown. Her and Lady Dahlia have a complicated but still loving relationship
Luke writes a LOT of letters when he first moves to America to keep up with his friends in England (and all over) - this dwindles down over time but he sends monthly letters to Hershel, Flora, Arianna and Crow until he eventually moves back
Alfendi used to dye his hair black as a teenager but had terrible upkeep and lots of roots showing so he grew out of it in a year or so
Alfendi suffers from chronic migraines and pain exacerbated by Forbodium, which is why he really hates leaving the house/office unless absolutely necessary (he also just isn’t a people person) 
The amount of people the Layton’s refer to as their aunt/uncle is confusing as hell. Lots of the Professor’s old friends get aunt/uncle status (for example Uncle Randall, Uncle Henry, Aunt Angela, Uncle Desmond, Aunt Emmy, Uncle Wright, Aunt Maya, Uncle Andrew, etc.) - specifically confusing around Luke who’s referred to as both brother and uncle
Raymond and Alfendi are actually very close
Luke moves back to London to officially work as Layton’s assistant after he graduates high school in America but also travels independently more often
Raymond has been Desmond’s primary caretaker since his pre-teens. He’s the closest thing he has to a father-figure but they’d never call it that, but it certainly a strong familial love and loyalty - and Des did end up adopting Raymond’s last name “Sycamore” and keeps it post canon when he officially hangs up his persona Descole for good
Flora works a variety of odd jobs before she follows through on her passion of robotics and electronic design
Hershel and Alfendi both have terrible fashion sense
Hershel eventually does tell all of his children (and Desmond, Emmy, Randall) about Claire. It doesn’t get much easier to talk about, but he’s always relieved when he says it
Hershel still has some kind of relationship with Dimitri and Clive. It’s… complicated. Real complicated. But present.
Emmy doesn’t have a relationship with Bronev after the events of AL - she does try but ends up needing to cut it off for her own sake
Luke writes stories inspired by his and the Professor’s adventures - but he tries to keep it a secret while he’s writing, too self-conscious to think of letting anyone let alone Layton read them just quite yet
Desmond actually really likes working with children, finds their presence refreshingly honest (even when they’re little shits) - and really only remembers this when he’s surrounded by Layton’s children in the future
Flora calls Hershel “Dad” or “Professor”, Luke alternates between “Professor” “Hershel” (occasionally “Dad”), Alfendi calls him “Father” or “Hershel” (occasionally “Dad” as well) while Katrielle almost exclusively calls him “Papa” 
Hershel actually once genuinely almost forgot his name was Hershel because of how many people in his day to day just call him “Professor” or “Layton” and its a little jarring hearing his first name sometimes 
Flora was homeschooled while Alfendi and Katrielle attended classes at public school - Alfendi and Katrielle were both notorious trouble makers but for very different reasons
All of the Puzzle kids (Luke, Flora, Alfendi and Katrielle) are trans and are like the perfect sliding scale of The Type of Name You Choose For Yourself When You’re Trans from exceedingly normal to obscure
Luke’s full name is Lucas but literally no one calls him that 
Alfendi’s two personalities go by “Al” and “Fendi” (the latter being the post-Forbodium personality) respectively, but will respond to “Alfendi” regardless of who’s fronting 
Hershel, Emmy and Katrielle have lovely singing voices. Alfendi cannot sing at all.
Luke and Flora both learn to drive while Alfendi and Katrielle never do - Luke learns to ride motorcycles but will still scream the whole time if Emmy takes the wheel of ANY vehicle
Luke in all sincerity owns hiking heels and its the worst thing he owns probably
AND OK. thats all I feel like writing right now but sure take that hopefully some of these are at least a bit funny or interesting to read fhdskjghsd
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ckret2 · 5 years
tumblr you need to stop deleting the question when i edit an ask:
What characters can you think of, that you like, fall under unhealthy obsessive romance?
Sit down we're gonna be here a while.
God is anyone gonna be surprised if I cite the yandere trope? Is anyone gonna cringe away if I say Gasai Yuno from Future Diary? No? We're all good? Okay.
Yandere characters are really hit or miss with me. Too often, I've seen yandere characters portrayed like their bloodlust, their willing to kidnap their beloved or kill potential romantic rivals, is working in tandem with their apparent sweet, affectionate, self-effacing devotion—rather than in contrast. Like a yandere character who's willing to draw blood is an exaggerated romantic ideal. I'm not about that. To me, a proper compelling yandere is a horror character disguised as a cute love interest.
Yuno pulls that off. Even as Yukki gets used to her and even begins to grow attracted to her, he still remains very reasonably terrified of what she might do—and his terror is validated by her actions. What really sells her for me, though, is the series's awareness of the arbitrary nature of her obsessive love. She flat-out tells Yukki, the target of her obsession, with shocking coldness and self-insight, that she doesn't love him because he's really that unique or special, but because he was there and she needed someone. When it feels like so many generic dull lead boys "win" the attentions of the cool interesting yandere for no obvious reason as a sort of wishfulfillment, Yuno's open acknowledgment of Yukki's plainness and the arbitrariness of her own affections would be a great deconstruction of common yandere tropes, if it wasn't for the fact that Yuno was basically the codifier of the modern yandere archetype.
Another character who hits all the right yandere notes is Tarantulas from the IDW Transformers comics. Mad scientist who makes wicked inventions for a high-ranked military officer who's rattled by the brutality they inflict together and terminates their professional relationship by attempting to terminate the scientist; scientist comes back from the apparent dead to kidnap the officer with the help of a gang of terrorists, blackmails him by threatening to reveal confidential information about the officer's army that could tear it apart from the inside and that the officer has gone to great lengths to keep hidden, reveals that he's invented a way to make enemy soldiers effectively invisible and untraceable, and shows off his secret lab powered by a devastatingly powerful superfuel that he's invented... and then reveal he doesn't want revenge, but for the officer to be his partner in crime again, and all these wonders will be used FOR him instead of AGAINST him. He calls the officer his "muse," and feels like he can't reach his peak scientific potential without the officer there, requesting new weapons and acting as his inspiration.
He's willing to burn down the universe if his muse wants it or burn down the universe if his muse scorns him, he kidnaps him just to beg him to be his partner, and he does all this despite the fact that the officer destroyed his life work and tried to kill him. It's fantastically messed up.
Moving away from the yandere archetype: Venom—comics Venom, from their intro through the 90s and then again once Mike Costa got hold of them—is a fantastic obsessive love story, about two people who reject everything that both of their societies defines as normal and acceptable in order to be with each other, and are incredibly tender and affectionate and mutually supportive; but like, they also validate each other's worst beliefs and tendencies in a way that lets them egg each other on into oblivious villainy, and even if "live with and for one and only one person, literally in 24/7 physical contact," is normal and psychologically healthy for the symbiote's species, it's not for a human being. Impressively, they're SO obsessively codependently in love with each other, that they each independently decide that they want to be the best possible versions of themselves for each other, and violently wrest their relationship from the jaws of toxicity in order to become an emotionally mature couple with a support system, outside friends, and the ability to communicate about their fears and insecurities, and it's a beautiful thing. It's too bad nobody's written anything with Venom since Mike Costa's run ended, but I'm sure someone will bring them back around eventually.
The knight-in-love-with-their-liege trope is one that appeals to me in theory, but in practice I basically never see it written as zealously as I'd like, so I usually have to headcanon it up myself. Pearl in Steven Universe is the only solid canon example I can think of that hits all the right notes for me.
Not strictly canon but: Drift from Transformers, who goes from grim street rat survivalist to bloodthirsty mass murderer to repentant ninja vigilante to faux-spiritual warrior with weird flashes of extreme violence while under the wing of four different mentor/leader figures, I like to interpret as a serial zealot whose repeatedly shifting morals and loyalties have nothing to do with his newest leader actually convincing him of the righteousness of their perspective, and everything to do with Drift's becoming smitten with their charisma and being willing to reinvent himself completely to conform with his new beloved leader's worldview. Drift's last writer even ship teased him pretty heavily with leader #4 (for any of y'all that don't read Transformers: not like "ship teased" in a queerbaity way, Drift eventually hooked up with a different dude), and he's shown to go out of his way to perform roles that he thinks will impress leader #4; so like, there's some canon basis to read him like that—even if my main reason is "because I want to."
I also like to slip in shades of knight-loves-leader in how I write Zim being shipped with a Tallest; the unhealthy, destructive obsession with them is definitely canon, even if the romance isn't.
"Characters that are otherwise emotionless for scifi/fantasy reasons except for ONE emotion and that emotion is love and therefore they get really obsessed with their love because it's the only thing in their void of a life, but it's not portrayed in a cutesy 'robot learns to feel' or 'demon is saved by love' way but rather in a 'this is almost as unbalanced and unhealthy as not feeling anything at all was' way" is like... a trope that I keep writing but don't think I've ever actually seen done EXACTLY like that in canon. The Nobodies in Kingdom Hearts are good for this—I've written them as having meaningless sex to try to counter the fact that they can't feel emotions, on the justification that sexual arousal is a physiological sensation rather than an actual emotion but is still close enough that they can almost feel a feeling, and end up getting extremely attached to their cooperative let's-pretend-we-can-feel sex partners. (i realize that physiology and emotions can't actually be disentangled like that but like, it's fantasy.) Axel, you can argue, latched onto Roxas in what can be (and often is) read in a romantic way, also arguably sheerly on the merit of the fact that Roxas makes him feel anything at all.
Shockwave in IDW I've also used to played around with this idea, although I haven't published the main work I've done that with. Yet.
And from what I’ve seen, it looks like the main character in Yandere Simulator is gonna have a backstory kind of like that? I’m looking forward to that game, haven’t played any of the demo versions yet but what I’ve seen from the dev’s videos looks fun.
Also: very frequently, unrequited love. Especially secret unrequited love. "Unrequited-to-requited love" doesn't fit the bill at all. It's gotta be perpetual pining. There's NO satisfaction. The longing just builds and builds eternally, until the internal pressure causes something to shatter. I can think of ships I like to imagine this way (Drift w/ any of his mentors, Starscream/Wheeljack, Hashirama/Madara, Ψiioniic/Sufferer), but off the top of my head no canon ones that reach those dizzying heights of eternally unfulfilled yearning. Sure, plenty of stories have unrequited love—but rarely the all-consumingly obsessive kind, and even more rarely is that portrayed as—oh! I got a couple canon ones, albeit more villainous/predatory ones: the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera and that dude with his mouth stitched shut in the Abarat books, I haven't read those in years. And some spins of Dracula and Mina, although it's no fun if she loves him back. You can also do this with Hades and Persephone, although for this to work it's imperative that Hades still feel like he doesn't actually "have" Persephone even if she's contractually obligated to live with him so long as she doesn't love him, and just sort of wistfully watches her from afar whenever she's in the underworld. (But to be honest I generally prefer "Persephone and Hades: Hypercompetent Goth Power Couple" to spins that lean on Persephone being an unwilling unhappy victim.)
The further I go down this list the more obscure and/or headcanony these examples are gonna get, so I think I'm gonna stop here. But feel free to send any follow-up questions if u wanna hear me ramble more about my extremely specific tastes in romance.
Shoutout to "The Maiden and the Minstrel Knight" by Blind Guardian for being a song that captures peak romanticized out-of-control love.
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quirkydahlias · 6 years
A Plus Ultra! Holiday (Christmas Special) (Everyone x Reader)
The plan was to make a good-hearted fic between class A and B but it’s beyond evident that nonromantic writing just doesn’t appeal too much. So, my gift to everyone is a large headcanon of the characters with the reader on Christmas!
Jesus, help me write this. It’s gonna be a long one.
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Akira Shiryoku
Christmas is that time of year for Akira
His chance to break out the cheesy and ugliest Christmas sweaters from his wardrobe and wear them with pride whether you want to or not
“Come on, it looks great!”
“Minty... I know you can’t see, but if you could see what this sweater looks like- let’s just say it’s something even you won’t wear...”
“Haw haw haw!
“It’s a ripped Santa with a red bag in his hand.”
“Ooo~! Go on~.”
“The bag is labeled 'Gains' and running shoes and dumbbells are all over this sweater.”
“...What are you talking about? It’s a masterpiece.”
He even gets you a matching pair too! Couples who look like fools together stay together after all
And if he can find one that fits, he’s certain to have Wan wear a sweater as well so he can join in on the fun
One of the best things about the Christmas season is how easy work is for him. There’s just something about the cold that heightens his senses, making the air smell even crisper- his fingertips ever so slightly more sensitive to any and every sensation.
Sure makes tracking the baddies a cakewalk.
Another great thing about the holidays is GIFTING
And boy does this man have fun gifting you and his friends
Of course, he’ll give his favorite people to pick on gag gifts, but he’s always certain to put something they’d actually like alongside his little prank gifts
Still doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suck getting a box of sea salt taffy labeled “Ear Wax Cubes”
One drawback of the winter season is the terrain
As much as he enjoys a nice walk with you and Wan, if he’s not careful he’ll probably end up slipping on some ice or snow and face planting or at the very least, tripping a little
“Uh, are you okay Minty?”
“Of course, never better!”
“Then why are you moving so slowly?”
“You said that the ground wasn’t salted. So I’m being... cautious.”
“I think you’re fine, want me to help?”
“Carry me~?”
“... You know what, I think I’ll just hang with you instead...nevermind the fact that I can’t lift you in the first place.”
Ejirou Kirishima
Kirishima loves the holiday season! Nothing warms his heart more than friends and family getting together and having fun before the mark of the New Year.
As a student at UA, he gets a nice week off starting Christmas day to spend time with his friends and loved ones, so of course, he tries to get everyone to stay in the dorms together for Christmas.
“Come on dude, it’s Christmas! How about spending it with (Y/N) and me?”
“Fuck off! Stop trying to get close to me you ass!”
“Aww, come on! It’ll be fun~.”
“My mom doesn’t want me back for Christmas, said something about traveling with my dad out of the country for the weekend.”
“Whoa, you got an answer that quickly? School ended like an hour ago-”
“Shut. It. I’m stuck with you, so cut it out.”
“Sweet! Let me go check if Mina or Sero are staying!”
A handful agreed to his plans- including you, seeing as either their home life wasn’t a very pleasant to return to or nonexistent in the case of Momo.
But for the rest, this was their chance to sign out for the week and spend some time with their parents and make up for lost time
Now, Ejirou had a family to return to as well
But this was the first time he could spend Christmas with his friends!
So naturally, his family pushed him to stay home at the dorms that year
Kirishima isn’t the type to be easily deterred, leading the charge in class 1-A’s celebration of the holidays
And amongst the chaos, he’s certain to drag his friends into helping him plan his gift for you, either by putting together a huge pillow fort in the living room just for the two of you
Or if Katsuki is there, to help him make a nice meal for the two of you to share 
As a pro hero, the holidays are much more hectic for him. Fresh out of high school and college, Kirishima has to patrol in order to catch those ready to steal potential gifts.
It’s for Christmas’ sake.
But family and friends still remain the most important thing to him, so the fledgling pro is certain to bend his schedule backward in order to take Christmas day off and host a nice Christmas party with you, inviting both his family and friends over for a nice time and meal
Fumikage Tokoyami
Darkness has no place during the Christmas season
So, to some extent, our bird boy has no place during the Christmas season
At least, that’s what he likes to think
Celebrating Christmas with him is a real hoot, as he manages to take his dark persona and apply it successfully to such a cheery holiday
For example, he’ll use skull shaped ornaments to decorate a small tree he’s placed in his dorms
Or a pure black or monotone colored Christmas sweater
Just imagine how the Addam’s family would decorate their home
That’s Tokoyami
As a bird hybrid, he picks up small traits that are endearing to any onlookers
So just like crows and ravens during the winter, it’s not too uncommon to see him bundled in a blanket and spending more time “roosting” or napping on or near you
And when caught, he often flushes in embarrassment, finding it to be immature to let those small urges take over
“Have a nice nap?”
“Damn it, I fell asleep again, didn’t I?”
“Yep, it’s kinda cute, to be honest. No need to be hard on yourself, Tokoyami.”
“(Y/N). The truest, loneliest moment in one’s life is at the hour they witness their world falleth apart, and all they can do is stareth- expressionless...”
“There, there...can you move your head off my lap though? I think I’m loosing feeling there.”
When Christmas day comes a-knocking, Tokoyami takes the initiative to make breakfast for you, as a small gesture of love and appreciation. 
His gift is usually either something for you to remember him by or something he knew you’d like- either from passing conversation or by knowing you well enough
And once the sun sets, he’s ready for his big surprise.
Preparing some popcorn and some hot chocolate (with a convenient straw for him), Fumikage is ready to introduce you to his annual Christmas tradition
Watching the Night Before Christmas
This guy is super busy
And the holidays are certainly no exception
But there’s just something about working during the cold, wintry seasons that really makes him warm on the inside, as odd as it may sound.
Maybe it’s the lovely views he can see from above and in the skies
Or perhaps its the cold air, the dense air allowing him to fly faster and with ease
Or it’s how cute you look bundled up from head to toe
“Nice look, (Y/N)~! You should keep up the look year round.”
“Ha. ha. You look ridiculous in your winter costume too, so don’t you give me that look Hawks~!”
“Ouch, my pride! And for your information, I definitely rock the extra feathers.”
“Uh huh. Sure.”
Living life on the fast lane, he’s confident that he can finish his patrols in time to spend a nice night with you on Christmas, probably ordering some fried chicken and browsing the TV for some sort of Christmas special to watch together.
However, should you be out and about too, either because of hero work or just because you happen to be when he’s finished with work, he makes a spontaneous decision to cancel all your Christmas plans for something much, much better
“Well hello to you too, baby~.”
“You can’t just p i c k me up off the ground out of nowhere!”
“Yeah, yeah. Hey, can one of you guys grab (Y/N)’s things and drop them off at the office on your way out? Thanks, seeya,haveaniceChristmas!”
“Oh my goodness-”
“Hey, hey. Calm down a little (Y/N), I stopped flying up. Although...I wasn’t even going at my full speed, you know~?”
“Speed doesn���t matter! We’re hundreds of feet in the air! Not to mention the fact that you just ditched your sidekicks with all my Christmas shopping too!”
“We were just wrapping up anyway and you just happened to be in the area, its fate if I do dare say so myself~.”
“This is kinda kidnapping if I do dare say so myself~.”
“Oooh, great comeback. It’s good to see your sense of humor alive and well~.”
“You’re just lucky you’re charming. Why am I up here anyway?”
“Well, I heard from a little bird that Disney was having the parade a few miles away. And nothing’s stopping us from giving it a flyby, what do you say?”
“...You could’ve just asked me if I wanted to go from the start. Like a normal person.”
“Yeah, I definitely could... but where’s the fun in that? You’re cute when you’re scared~.”
Himiko Toga
The truest Christmas tragedy is being a villain during the holiday season
Not only are heroes crawling all over the place, catching petty thieves and criminals left and right
But surveillance is super high!
Don’t get Toga started on all the long lines and waiting that one has to endure during this Christmas season.
Unlike her colleagues, she has the ability to go about in public as long as she’s wearing a person’s identity
So for this holiday, she finds a pretty girl to knockout and kidnap, draining her of a substantial amount of blood before locking the poor girl somewhere so she can drag you out for a night of fun and mayhem in the town
First on the list is some thief, to get your her Christmas shopping done!
There’s no way she’ll want to put you in danger, as the love of her life, but she’s certain to use you in other ways to get what she wants.
“Oh (Y/N)~! Could you pretty please distract the manager when we walk into the store? I want to snag that pretty watch!”
“For me or for you?”
“Either one works! Now go, go, go, go! It might get a little bloody in the back hehehe~!”
Another thing on her to-do list for Christmas is a romantic walk to admire all the lovely decorations and lights. Something that, thankfully, requires no crime or villainy.
At least it shouldn’t
But eventually, you’re forced to persuade her to not steal an innocent’s cat-themed decorations.
And the final docket on her Christmas list is to do something “nice” to ensure that she’s on Santa’s nice list this year although it’s highly doubtful that one good deed would cancel about all her wrongdoings.
Not to mention the fact that she legitimately believes in Santa, though that could easily be because everyone is a little fearful of breaking the bad news to her.
Her good deeds can range from freeing the poor girls she kidnaps or buying (with her own money), gifts for all her friends and of course- you!
“Merry Christmas!”
“Thanks, Himiko! Er...what is it?”
“You’ve gotta open it to find out, silly!”
“...It’s not a human heart again, right?”
“Gross, that’d be boring. Hurry, hurry! I want to see your reaction!”
“Alright, you can stop bouncing, haha.”
“It’s a nice jacket, fits me well too. But, isn’t this the same jacket that girl you kidnapped had on?”
“Maybeee? She didn’t seem to mind giving it to me when I asked nicely, I didn’t even have to pull out my little knife either!”
Hitoshi Shinsou
Hitoshi loves the winter season
It’s just a great excuse to sleep in for him or laze about like a cat
Unlike many others, already planning their holidays with loved ones and friends, he lacks one because of his relocation to the dorms and the other because of the stigma surrounding his quirk
Even after joining into the hero program, he feels iffy around his few found “friends”, wanting nothing more than to train nonstop through the holidays and ignore those who chose to remain behind during the winter break.
And as dead set as Shinsou is, wanting to do anything to rise to the top and become a great hero, you can easily see the burnout in his eyes
So Christmas is a yearly endeavor to rescue him from his own work ethic, coaxing the purple haired boy with cats and naps
“Hey, Shinsou?”
“Hmm? What is it (Y/N)?”
“You’ve been training with that punching bag for the past two hours, want to take a tiny break?”
“You know I’d love to-”
“...excuse me?”
“I got you a cat for Christmas. Mr. Aizawa said you could keep in your dorm.”
“Heh, either I’m too easy to read, or you know me better than I thought. You win, (Y/N).”
“Nothing out of the ordinary~! See you downstairs, Shinsou- got a cup of hot chocolate with your name on it.”
Another thing that he really enjoys is a nice bike ride to blow some steam
Granted, the streets are slippery and icy, but he has a pair of tires built for it
So Christmas night, you two sign out and take a long bike ride around the city, taking in the atmosphere and bright lights, Shinsou taking in far more than the sights
“Oh? What are you snickering about, Shinsou~?
“We passed some lady on her phone a few blocks back, apparently, she was just cheated on. Her boyfriend was caught going out with her cousin, of all people.”
“How scandalous~!”
“Right? The things people say when they don’t think others are listening...”
Hizashi Yamada
Christmas may be super busy for all heroes during this time of year
But he may have pulled one of the shortest sticks when it comes to working during the holidays
Without a doubt, he can expect to hear his station manager call in and request for him to do a Christmas show, which means that he’ll have to stay up all night for Christmas and thus, not with you
And it’s not like he can just say “no” to his fans! So he humbly apologizes to you each year, always reassuring to you that he’ll make it up in spades the next day
And like many popular musicians, Mic’s radio show releases a cover of some classic Christmas song- sung, of course, by yours truly~!
It’s amusing to many of his friends, to hear both Mic’s voice on the radio, and to receive a copy of his Christmas album for the holidays
That alone produces a multitude of amusing reactions from both friends and family, Aizawa calling you to ask you to stop Hizashi and Midnight calling, on the other hand, to encourage you to continue pushing him to do his thing
Midnight even tried to get the voice hero to sing a cover of Santa Baby so she can have a good laugh for Christmas
Needless to say, he refused.
As for you, it’s often your tradition to listen in on his radio show, lounging around the house and enjoying the holiday air.
Even if staying at home during the holidays isn’t your thing, he’s always certain to make sure that you’re listening in on his radio show as his number one fan and partner!
Not just to show your support, but for you to listen in on his side of your little Christmas tradition
“Alright, alright listeners! Sorry to interrupt the scheduled programming and don’t worry, we’ll get back to more Christmas cheer and chill music as soon as possible. But first, a small announcement to a special listener out there! Now I know I do this every year, but I just gotta send out some good vibes over to my lovely (Y/N)! Hope you’re enjoying the holidays, even if I’m not over there with ya! Wait on me, baby, I’m coming home soon!”
When he does return home, it’s past Christmas and around 2:00 AM.
By that point, if you’ve fallen asleep, he’s happy to turn in with you, carrying you to your shared room and plopping into bed with you 
But if you’ve managed to keep yourself awake, he has your gift in hand, ready to spend a few more hours with you before the two of you physically can’t continue maintaining consciousness.
Inasa Yoarashi
He is the living embodiment of a kid on Christmas during the holidays
He loves everything about the holidays!
The lovely, soft snow
The bright lights and festive cheer in the air during this time of year!
He goes all out too, even trying his hand at baking Christmas sugar cookies for you and all his friends, just because he feels like he’s gotta do his part and spread the cheer around for the holidays
And there’s just something about his passion and the holidays that makes him even more infectious than usual
I mean, can you really say no to someone as bright and polite as Inasa offering you a plate of cookies?
Determined to do it without help, he always tries his best to look for something you’d like on Christmas. It’s, at least to him, the best way for him to test how much he really knows you and your tastes and by proxy, how attentive he is a boyfriend
Should he succeed, he’ll be a-glow with pride and happiness for the rest of the evening
Should he fail, however, he slams his forehead into the ground bowing for your forgiveness, hoping that his gift didn’t offend you
Buying a gift for him, on the other hand, is the easiest thing to do in the world.
And that’s not an exaggeration in the slightest
Hell, you could buy him a pack of crayons and he’ll thank you with sincerity and earnest in his voice, spending the rest of the day coloring and drawing with you
Give it a week’s time before he’s showing you his pretty amazing artwork and thanking you for inspiring him to dabble in a new skill and hobby
What would really make his holiday is you showing your love for him in some way, as his love for passion extends to you as well.
“Merry Christmas, Inasa!”
“Whoa! What is this, (Y/N)?”
“I saw you browsing for this online a few months ago, but it was super expensive, so it took me a while to make the money to-”
“Haha, I’m super glad you’re excited, but you haven’t opened the box yet, Inasa!”
“That doesn’t matter, what matters is the hard work- the love, you put into getting me this gift! So please accept my humble thanks, (Y/N)! You truly are the best partner I could ever ask for!”
“Jeez, you’re gonna hurt yourself. Your welcome, now open it up! I want to see your reaction myself.”
Izuku Midoriya
Christmas for Izuku was usually spent with his mother, the green haired boy having a nice meal with his mother and receiving his gifts- usually the latest All Might merch before leaving to see the heroes work during the night, patrolling the streets and saying “hello” to fans as they conduct their patrols
But now, he’s attending UA
So Christmas for him is a little different.
As he is the subject of plenty of conflicts, either with his quirk or his involvement in many of the serious altercations throughout the year...
USJ attack, Training camp attack, Katsuki Bakugou’s rescue, etc, etc.
It was highly recommended that he stay on campus for the break
The school, however, was generous enough to bring his mother to him, giving her a visitor’s pass and allowing her to spend her holiday with her dear boy
This is also his first Christmas with you, so he’s excited to have two of the people he loves the most with him
Gifting for him is a no-brainer during the holidays, both Inko and you pairing together to get him a pricey piece of All Might merch
And boy, his face when he sees his gift 
P r i c e l e s s
There has never been a face more adorable than an Izuku Midoriya in awe
Being the dork that he is, his gifts for you are similar, in the sense that he appeals to what he knows you like.
Even with the perfect gift in hand, his presentation needs a little work
“Oh, hey Deku!”
“H-hey, (Y/N)! Um...here! I hope you like this gift I got you!”
“Ooo, what is it?”
“I know you love that character, I think it was from a movie we watched a few months ago? So I found some nice merch that I figured that you’d like. Um. You like it, right?”
“Of course! But um, Deku?”
“Did you wrap this yourself?”
“I did...it’s not that obvious, is it?”
“You used three pieces of tape to keep this flap down and the bow is a little crooked.”
“Oh jeez, it’s bad, isn’t it? I’m sorry, (Y/N)...”
“Oh no, it’s lovely Deku! I love it~. It’s very you~.”
“That can be taken to many places.”
“All positive, I swear. It’s cute~.”
Katsuki Bakugou
This guy is a little Scrooge during the holidays
Big surprise
But it’s not because he hates Christmas or the whole be nice and give presents to others bit of the holiday
He just dislikes the excessive noise
Even the slightest thing, if repeated over and over again can irritate this ash blonde. Usually, it applies to the chattering of his classmates or friends or Deku’s overbearing determination
But for the holidays? It’s all the noise that the city has to offer
From the increased traffic, both pedestrian and otherwise
To the fireworks and parades
As a guy who appreciates a good night’s rest, he is displeased.
So for Christmas, he spends it at UA to escape from the noise, happy to have some peace and quiet with the majority of the student body leaving for the holidays
And with you, it’s even better. The metaphorical icing on top of the cake
Speaking of food, this expert chef automatically puts himself in charge of any Christmas cooking. Not because he’s being nice, though that does play a part in it, but because he’s not gonna trust anyone with being able to make food efficiently for those remaining in the dorms.
“Come on Bakugou, you can just leave the slicing to me!”
“Why not, I wanna help a little, you can’t just do all the cooking!”
“Last time you wanted to help, you used your own hands to cut the fucking food. Go fuck off to the couch, shitty hair.”
“Oof, you won’t even say my name anymore, my feelings are kinda hurt, dude.”
“Fuck. Off.”
“Why do you let (Y/N) help? That’s unfair!”
“Because I trust they won’t do anything as unsanitary as cutting food with their bare hands. Unlike y o u.”
It was one time! And I swear, my hands were washed!”
When it comes to gift giving, Katsuki is surprisingly very good at it.
Even when it seems like he’s irritated and not listening to the words coming out of your mouth, the fact that he always picks up on your interests and dislikes well enough to pick you the perfect gift speaks volumes otherwise
As for gifting Katsuki anything, the blonde will behave in a rather tsundere manner, huffing and telling you that he doesn’t want anything every. Single. Damn. Year.
Honestly, just get him something practical, he can appreciate it much more than trying your chances with a random, generic gift.
But if you know him well enough, gifting him some mountain climbing gear is the key to his heart.
“Hey, Katuski.”
“Oh come on, wipe that frown off of your face. Merry Christmas~.”
“It’s a-”
“I know what it fucking is. It’s a Black Diamond Viper Ice Axe.”
“Ooo, you know your stuff~. I figured you’d like it.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing. Merry Christmas, (Y/N).”
Kyoka Jirou
Kyoka’s house is filled to the brim with music during the holidays
And it’s not those songs you’d hear on the radio or on TV specials
Oh no
Her family makes their own music
And with her bringing you over for the first time for the holidays
You get to make your own music
Her dad will be the first one to try and coax you into grabbing the mic and singing karaoke with you
Her mother will be the first one to see if you can play any instruments and provide the instrumental for a handful of Christmas songs
And Jirou will be the first one to want this entire holiday to be over from pure embarrassment at her overbearing parent’s behavior
But it’s a jovial time in the Jirou household
And if anything, you’ll leave the house knowing how to play two to three more instruments then when you entered. 
So that’s a plus.
Gifts in the Jirou family usually are music based, so you can easily expect your gifts to be the same
Jirou however, takes Christmas to be a little more sentimental with her gift, although she knows full well that doing so in her household will lead to another huge wave of embarrassment
But for you?
“Yo, (Y/N).”
“What is it, Kyoka?”
“Merry Christmas, I...got you something.”
“Is this an album? A weird cover. I don’t even see the band on it.”
“Oh, it’s probably just-”
“Hey, give it over here! We’ll play it and see if we can figure out the musican~. Kyoka’s father is very good at discerning these things, you know?”
“NO. MOM. We absolutely don’t need to-”
“...Hey, er.. Kyoka. Is that your voice.”
“Kill me now.”
Mirio Togata
Oh boy, does this guy love to play jokes during the holidays
Nothing ill-intentioned, of course, just harmless gag gifts and playful behavior from this little angel
For example, he’d throw a snowball, striking you directly in the back of your head and because of his quirk, there was no way you could hit him back.
That is- until he ends up hopping around trying to get his clothes back on in the middle of the frigid cold
Honestly, it’s one of the more amusing sights to behold when it comes to Mirio Togata
However, he doesn’t have his quirk forever.
Losing it was a huge blow to him, both physically and mentally.
But if given the change, he’d do it over and over again if that meant that he could save Eri from Chisaki
That doesn’t mean that he’s immune to the long-term effects, however, the snow and cheer bringing back memories that make his heartache
Depressing feelings pushed aside, Mirio is determined to make sure every holiday with you is as special and fun as it was when he had his quirk.
Sure, the playing field is even when you two have snowball fights
And sure, Mirio can’t playfully threaten to get some sneak peeks at this year’s presents
But in place of that, he gets to help Eri make her first Christmas- her first real Christmas a special one.
And he enlists you to help him do it.
“What do little girls like anyway (Y/N)?”
“How should I know?”
“Hmm, I don’t know if she’s had many toys. Maybe a doll?”
“That’s a good idea Mirio, but remember, you bought her one for her birthday a while ago. Doing it again would be a little...lazy.”
“You’re right... maybe a cute dress?”
“I think Mic and Aizawa said something about taking her out to pick out her winter clothes.”
“Darn. Hey, look at this. What do you think about it?”
“I like it, but I don’t think Eri would.”
“Well, let me buy it for you. Think of it as a thank you for helping me, and... as an apology. I know you were looking forward to spending some time together this year, (Y/N)”
“Mirio, you don’t have to apologize for anything, I’m happy to be here. Besides, I don’t know about you, but we’re kinda spending time together already.”
“Haha, alright. Let me just go to check out, keep on searching, alright (Y/N)?”
Momo Yaoyorozu
On occasion, her parents and Momo move out of the country to their winter home for winter break- somewhere warm and tropical, to escape the bitter cold.
However, those are rarities 
Most years, Christmas for her has always been a bit... empty
Not in a physical sense, however, as she was raised in a spacious home. So she’s comfortable with a large estate to roam around in.
What does bother her is her family
Both her parents are especially busy during the holidays and often leave her with a ton of presents and call it a day with a small voicemail when she wakes on Christmas day
And she’s forever thankful for their yearly generosity
Every time she looks on the television or takes a walk amongst the public, her eyes are drawn to the families holding hands and crossing the street.
Or the couples snuggling on a bench, warm drinks in hand.
Living at UA has changed all that for the better.
She’s surrounded by friends, some even staying with her for the break in the dormitory
And she has you. Someone who’s able to fill the void of the holidays, even if all her friends did leave for the break
Unable to ship her friends expensive gifts like a summer home up north or their own speedboat, Momo opts to keep her shopping small, visiting the mall and various department stores with you to pick out gifts for everyone.
And man, the moment she stepped into the mall, Momo was in awe.
“Oh my goodness! (Y/N)!”
“Hmm? What is it? Did you find something for Sato?”
“No, no, no. Look! This pretty dress is so cheap!
“Um, Momo, that’s 8,300 yen. Even with the discount.”
“I know, isn’t it amazing? I wonder how many other items offer in the shops here. Oh my, look at the clearance table!”
“Did you find a good deal?”
“I can’t believe these socks cost 100 yen. Could we please purchase a whole box of them?”
“For everyone?”
“Momo, what are you going to do with all those socks?”
“We grab a bundle, maybe pass a few packs to the other girls if they need any. Let’s move on, alright?”
“That sounds fair. I’m sorry for getting too excited.”
“It’s not a problem at all, it’s pretty amusing to see how excited you are holiday shopping~”
Naomasa Tsukauchi
Naomasa is astonished at how many villains try their luck every year, trying to commit crimes amongst the heightened police force, increased scrutiny against criminals, and increased hero presence in the streets.
And unsurprised at the amount who fail
He’s a little disappointed, wanting to spend his Christmas day with you and kicking back a little, but duty calls
However, he has a lifeline in his sister, entrusting Makoto to entertain you during the day with her company, though he knows that could easily go south with her rather strong will and penchant for trouble
Nevertheless, he knows you’ll be relatively amused around her for the time being while he files villain after villain into police custody
Once he does manage to escape the confines of work, he knows that he has to make it up with you somehow
And what better way than with food?
So he grabs some fried chicken and cakes and heads home
Entering the apartment the two of you share is always a gamble.
Either everything is just where it needs to be, meaning that his sister ruined something and the two of you spent time fixing the house
Or the place is overly decorated from the closet space to the bathroom in holiday decorations
Which meant that he had let her spend too much time in his house.
But regardless of the state of the house when he arrives, he’s always happy to see your face, wanting to give you your gift immediately 
However, he manages to resist the urge, opting to settle down first
But once he is settled and the three of you are sitting in the living room, his sister always wants to make a game out of his gifts and make you guess what’s inside before you open it.
“Okay, okay, you go (Y/N).
“Is it jewelry?”
“He’s telling the truth. Next question.”
“Is it clothing?”
“That’s a fat lie.”
“It’s not really clothing...”
“Oooo! Is it lingerie?”
“Makoto! NO. It’s not!”
“Booooo. Boring”
“Wait, then what is it, dear?”
“Accessories. I just thought you’d like them.”
“And while you’re opening that one, I’ll grab the next present!”
“Can we not play this game, sister dear?”
“...Nah. We’re definitely playing this game.”
Nejire Hadou
Neijre loves gift giving!
It doesn’t have to be the holidays, just the act of giving someone something and seeing their face light up fills her little heart with joy
And now she has a special someone to gift things for the holidays~
Another great thing about gifting people stuff is you can gauge their likes and dislikes from their reactions and for the sake of doing just that, she gifts you a ton of small gifts ranging from the normal to the obscure
“Merry Christmas!”
“Thanks, Hadou, but this is the 14th present you’ve...”
“Do you like it?”
“You bought me uranium ore.”
“I know! You’d be surprised to see what you can buy online these days.”
“What am I supposed to do with this??? Isn’t it, you know, radioactive???”
“Yep! Dangerously so! But the container says that it’s safe inside there and that there’s only a tiny amount.”
“Well, thank you? I guess?”
“It’s no problem, do you want me to get you it again for next year?”
“Please don’t. I love you. But please.”
“Wow, you really don’t like uranium. Do you have particular elements you like or are you just afraid of the radioactivity?”
“No and yes?”
“...interesting. Carry on!”
Weird gifts aside, she’s always jumping at the chance to drink her favorite tea and what better time than during the coldest months of the year? And with strawberry shortcake too!
These little tea parties of hers are an annual occurrence, a bit of a Christmas tradition between her and all her friends, and you by proxy
In fact, a lot of her friends will either bake their own goods or buy complimentary sweets, the entire group huddling together under a kotatsu to chatter amongst themselves about everything from everyone’s individual holiday plans to the latest occurrences in the hero world, be it new upcoming heroes or the latest line of support gear
Once her parties are over, however, there still leaves a ton of sweets and goods left over. So she naturally, drags them and you to the bed to snuggle and relax, taking in the latest specials on TV and watching the parades that go by.
Overall, it’s an uncharacteristically quiet end to such a cheery holiday and with one of the most cheery girls in the UA too.
But it’s a lovely one.
Nemuri Kayama
Romance and Christmas in Japan go hand in hand
So Midnight, of course, is excited to see the holiday season arrive in Japan
Although she has plenty of hero work lined up ahead for her in addition to whatever work she has as a teacher, she does her best to make time for you during the holidays because she would want you to do the same for her
Using her contacts, she manages to hook the two of you up with a reservation for two in a fancy restaurant, enjoying the entire process of dolling up for your little Christmas date
“Oooh, red or white?”
“Hmm, both look pretty nice on you, Nemuri.”
“Why thank you, darling~...But really, which one?”
“Red. It matches with the holiday.”
“Good choice~. Now to find the perfect jewelry to match the outfit.”
“Do I look okay?”
“Of course you do, (Y/N) could do no wrong~. Okay. I take it back. You need to change up your outfit. You have to match me.”
“Ha ha ha, alright. Is it because we’re a couple?”
“Is there any better reason~?”
When the two of you do go out, however, Nemuri enjoys teasing you along the way, pointing to the storefront of a boutique and asking your opinion on which lingerie set would suit her more
She’s also fond of embarrassing you, showing a little more PDA than ought to be shown just to see you blush in front of strangers
There’s just something about your embarrassment and flushed face that makes her heart flip~
But date aside, Nemuri is fond of dragging the two of you out to bother her coworkers during the holidays
Whether it's going out with Vlad and 13 for some bar food or dropping my Eraser and Mic’s place for drinks and good old fashioned fun, it’s bound to be a good time with Midnight around
Once Christmas ends, however, the exhaustion of traveling around, shopping, and visiting friends finally gets to Nemuri, the pro hero reluctantly beginning to feel her age as she prepares a nice cup of tea to lounge with
Honestly, it’s not an uncommon sight to see her passed out on the couch, booze, and food finally putting her to rest for the night.
Of course, she could always reserve herself and celebrate with moderation, but the two of you wouldn’t have your holidays any other way
Ochaco Uraraka
Cakes, sweets, and more
That’s what Christmas is about for Ochaco
Her family is by no means rich, so she’s learned to spend her money during the season on more practical items then on luxury goods.
For her father, she’ll buy some multivitamins that were on sale so he can continue to work hard without sacrificing his nutrition
And for her mother, she’ll snag a nice coat that was on sale, even if it doesn’t fit her mother exactly right in the hopes that she stays warm during the winter months
And for you, she’ll buy practical goods like shampoo and conditioner, choosing scents that she thinks would suit you the best
As frugal as she may be during the season, it’s not too hard to deviate her from her normal habits
All you need are sweets and cakes
Because Christmas is a holiday where cake is almost a requirement, many bakeries naturally put their goods on sale to attract more customers
Therefore, the lines are egregiously long (as if it could deter someone as persistent as Ochaco though from joining the rest of the masses in getting their cakes for the holidays)
She will not hesitate to go the extra mile and leave the house early on Christmas day to grab a cake for the both of you (mostly her) to enjoy.
Her love for sweets, if anything, makes her really easy to shop for.
Just beware, buying anything too pricey will without a doubt, backfire and make her feel really, really bad since she’ll compare her store-bought cake to whatever you’ve gotten her
Moving away from gifts and cakes entirely, the holidays are also a time for loved ones to get together
But for Ochaco, that was never the case
Her parents were busy people after all, and demand for workers only grew during the holiday season as more and more people took leave from the workforce 
Ochaco didn’t mind, however. She genuinely didn’t. To her, this was a good opportunity for her parents to make money
Besides, she had you
And her friends of course~! She could never forget about them
Inviting Deku, Iida, and the rest of her friends over to her house, Ochaco often moves to display all the cakes she bought with some tea for her annual flow of guests to enjoy with her, the sweets and company lighting up her small home
“Oh my, what a quaint home!” 
“Thanks, Momo! Sit down, (Y/N) helped me slice up all the cake for everyone. Strawberry or chocolate?”
“Strawberry, please. I heard you had cake so I was hoping that the tea I brought would be adequate.”
“...How expensive is this box?? (Y/N)! Look! It even has jewels on it!”
“It has been sitting in the kitchen cupboards for a while, so I figured that the two of you could ensure that the leaves aren’t put to waste.”
“We will! Oh, thanks (Y/N)! Here, take this slice, Momo. Merry Christmas~!”
Shouta Aizawa
The holidays just aren’t his thing
It was nice to get a break from work and to be away from his students for a while...but all he did was nap around the house. 
Doesn’t really make for an exciting holiday for you in all honesty
He’ll still get you gifts every year, so that’s a plus. But his gifts, for the most part, are all practical gifts, the man preferring to gift you something to help you with your career than something like accessories or fanciful gifts
He doesn’t mind if you don’t get him anything too, simply because he’s well aware of the fact that he’s a hard person to shop for. 
Honestly, get this man some fluffy blanket and he’ll be satisfied 
And as the Christmas day dies down, it’s his own little tradition to take a few gin and tonics and relax with you in the living room, just enjoying your presence in a blissful silence
And thus, ending your holidays on a quiet note
However, everything changes the year he adopted Eri
Well... the year the school adopted Eri
She had celebrated Christmas before, even receiving presents from a few of Chisaki’s goons
But with all the terrible memories surrounding her life under Overhaul's guardianship, she was in dire need of new, better Christmas memories
So naturally, Aizawa was placed with the task to oversee her safety and happiness for the holidays
Not wanting to involve you too much with his pro hero work like this, he tries to do everything himself
And for a person who doesn’t care too much for the holidays, he gets a surprising amount of progress done before eventually falling short and being forced to request your assistance
“What is that?”
“...a present.”
“Why didn’t you get the store to wrap it? It looks a little... tight.”
“What exactly is that supposed to mean, (Y/N)?”
“Honey. Sweetheart. Love. You tie people up for a living. I think that poor present is unrippable.”
“...Damn it. Can you hand me my knife? It’s my costume.”
“’Course, as long as you tell me what all this is for~.”
“Come on, Shou! I know you want to keep ‘home life separate from work life' but I’m i n v e s t e d now. Please?”
“...It’s for a little girl the school adopted, Eri.”
“The school? Or you?”
“Wait, is this the one from the Hassaikai Raid you told me about??”
“Yeah. I’m put in charge of making her Christmas...special.”
“Okay, I’m not taking no for an answer, I’m helping~.”
“Do what you want.”
And so began your involvement in Eri’s Christmas, Aizawa splitting up the work with you and leaving the wrapping to you for the most part
A couple of days before Christmas hits, he takes both of you out to shop for winter clothes for Eri, the little one taking an immediate shine to her adoptive father’s lover.
It was as if the three of you were like a real family
Once Christmas arrived, Eri was brought to your home, the little girl gawking at not only the presence of her friends and heroes, Mirio and Deku, but the numerous presents hidden underneath a beautifully decorated tree, the rest of the house decorated to perfection (Thanks to your help)
While she caught up with the two boys, Aizawa pulls you to the side to get some much-needed air on the balcony
“What is it, Aizawa? Is this a present?”
“Just open it.”
“...It’s... a necklace?
“Put it on.”
“Thank you, really. It’s lovely.”
“Eri suggested to me when we were shopping yesterday.”
“That’s...honestly the cutest thing in the world. But why would she suggest this, it’s pretty incomplete-”
“Shouta. Is this one of those split necklaces? For couples? Are you wearing the other half?”
“Yes...don’t look at me like that (Y/N), you know I can’t wear it to work. It’d be too dangerous.”
“I know, I know~. This is honestly the sweetest thing you’ve ever given me, thank you~.”
“It’s for helping me with all this.”
“Righttt. And that red face is just because of the cold. See you inside, Aizawa. Merry Christmas~.”
“Merry Christmas, (Y/N). Hey.”
“What happened to the cat decoration we put outside?”
Shouto Todoroki
Shouto has always favored the cold simply because it reminds him of his mother
The white snow reminding him of better times with his siblings, his sister keeping the boys from getting too rowdy and overzealous while he happily watched from the sidelines
But those days are long gone.
If anything, he still looks forward to the holidays because of the infamous busy schedule of many pro heroes- his father taken out of the picture on an annual basis
Nothing is set in stone, his sister’s insistence that he come home for the holidays already setting off alarms in his head
Was his father going to be home for Christmas?
Not wanting to deal with that mess, he politely declined his sister’s invitation to come home and remained at the dorm
It was nice, to be with you and his friends for the holidays
It was also a little surprising to see how many stayed behind during the holidays, didn’t they have families to visit this time of year?
Just musing about his friend’s family, however, brought back the thoughts of his own family
It was awfully cold out. Though his mother was more acclimated to the cold than most, he hoped she turned up the heat in her room and drank warm liquids to keep her healthy
“I’m sorry, I was just in thought.”
“Is it about your family again?”
“My mother.”
“You worried about her?”
“A little. I just hope she’s doing alright. The post is a little slow during the holiday season.”
“Maybe we could visit her? Ooo! We could buy her a nice gift!”
“...that’s a lovely idea, (Y/N). Let’s do it.”
And so the two of you set out one day during the break to go shopping for possible Christmas gifts 
That’s where the two of you were met with a dead end.
“So, what does she like?”
“...I’m not sure.”
“Really? What do you talk about when you’re with her?”
“Me, mostly. She always wants to hear about my progress in school and about my friends and you.”
“Darn it. Maybe a cake?”
“What flavor?”
“...ughhh. Shopping is the worst.”
“Don’t worry, we can figure something out.”
Eventually, the both of you decided that the gift should be of sentimental value. Something that helps her connect more to the ones she loves, her children.
But that meant that you’d have to brave his household.
Shouto’s family was accommodating enough, both of you skirting around Enji in order to search the house for something, anything to gift Rei
And that’s when you found it.
Up in the attic were pictures. Tons of them. All stuffed into a makeshift album, something Rei or Fuyumi must have kept. Everything ranging from Shouto’s first steps to Fuyumi’s first time at the train station was photographed and sealed away in the pages of the book.
After giving a rather informal goodbye to his sister, blatantly ignoring his father, Shouto walked right out the front door, Fuyumi knowing full well where he was headed with that old book shoved under his arm
“Hmm, it’s late... who’s there? Shouto?”
“Hello, mother. Merry Christmas...I hope you like it.”
Taishiro Toyomitsu
Ugh, being a hero sucks.
Especially when so much good food is on display and all you want is to ditch patrol and go grab something to eat
But Fat Gum takes his work seriously, so he forgoes the snacks and patrols the streets, a silent source of reassurance for the passing civilians going shopping
“Huh? Oh hey, (Y/N)! How are you doin’?
“Great! I figured you’d be hungry so I grabbed some dango for you- it was a two for one special~!”
“Whoa! That’s amazing! Thanks (Y/N), you’re the best~!”
“How long are you going to be on patrol for?”
“Eh, Tamaki said that he heard that I was off at 10 tonight.”
“Kid was too shy to ask my replacement or his sidekick about it”
“Well. Maybe I could grab you some food while you patrol?”
“Is this really how you wanna spend your holiday, (Y/N)? You could go home and get out of the cold.”
“I think I’d like to spend Christmas with the person I love the most. Besides, if any trouble happens, I’ll get out of line and out of sight, alright?”
“...fine. Just promise me one thing.”
“Sure, what’s that?”
“You’re gonna go home if you get too cold, I don’t think getting sick during the holidays is what you want this year, ha ha ha.”
“Reasonable. You have yourself a deal~.”
So for the majority of the Christmas day was spent with you accompanying him along with his patrols, Taishiro happy to cough up the yen for you to get yourself (and him) food and drinks as you two walked the streets
Once it did get late or once you had enough of the cold and left, Fat Gum was certain to bring home all the food his office got- thank you’s and gifts of appreciation from his fans, all edible.
“Whoa! how did you get all this food up the stairs?”
“Amajiki helped me, good kid. Gave him a cake and sent him home for the night.”
“I have some of your favorite specials recorded and some hot chocolate ready by the way. It’s on the counter.”
“You really are the best! Thanks (Y/N), Merry Christmas!”
“Come on, we can sort through the treats later. Grab a cake and meet you on the couch.”
“Roger that!”
Tamaki Amajiki
Oh jeez
Why are there so many people out and about during the holidays
Living in Musutafu, he figured that he’d be used to the hustle and bustle of the city, but it just isn’t the case for someone as shy and anxious as he is
His friend, Mirio, does his best every year to try and pull the introvert out of his shell a little, getting him to go out for lunch at a nearby cafe that was hosting a holiday special or to go catch a movie or two with him
But this year, Mirio was busy with Eri and his family, leaving the two of you to celebrate Christmas together instead
Wanting to try and be a good partner to you, he figured that he should do something for the holidays. Maybe a date or a nice present would suffice.
And as great as those ideas were, it was the execution that had him all flustered
Should it be food? Was food a good gift? Fruit maybe?
Or maybe you’re secretly allergic to something? What if he accidentally gives it to you!?
He’d love to take you out on a date, but most places are so packed, everything is reservation only
Which means that he’d have to talk to someone. A. Real. Person.
He’d have to talk to them over the phone and ahhh! It’s too much!
Deciding that celebrating the conventional way wasn’t going to work out very well, he opted to order everything he needed and have it delivered to his house, inviting you over for a small date
“Hey, Tamaki! You sounded a little panicked on the phone, are you alright?”
“I-I did? Oh...I was trying to ask you out on a date...”
“Haha, that part I understood. I didn’t get the rest though since you mumbled the rest as fast as possible before hanging on me.”
“Sorry, (Y/N). I’ll work on that. Do you want to, er, come in?”
“Sure, are we headed out for our date or is this an indoorsy one?”
“I wanted to stay in for the holidays, everywhere else is just too much.”
“Hey, it’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to leave the house! Please look at me, Tamaki. Aww, your cheeks are all red~.”
“(Y/N), you can stop teasing me now. I don’t know how much my heart can take...”
“Alright, alright. I’ll have mercy. Let’s go cuddle on the couch, I brought your gift over and I want to see what you think of it.”
Unsurprisingly, staying inside and out of the cold turned out to be a pretty good idea, Tamaki making mental note to do it more often when the winter months rolled around.
When it came time to give you your gift, he was certain to choose something he absolutely, 100% knew you liked or wanted.
That way, he decreased the likelihood of having that awkward situation where you’d reluctantly accept a person’s present just to be polite!
Seeing your positive reactions to his various presents just helps to build up his confidence year after year, eventually helping the hero voluntarily choose to spend the holiday with large groups of friends and even in crowded public areas
Tenya Iida
With his brother in a wheelchair and forced into early retirement, Tenya wants to forgo everything and everyone else in his life during the holidays to return home and be there for his older brother
But shutting out everything isn’t going to help him in the long run, it simply isn’t the answer
So unlike many other couples, making plans for the holidays and going out on dates, you show up uninvited and concerned for your boyfriend
He was certainly surprised to see you, but in the end, was far too polite to try and turn you away since you did give the extra effort to see him over the holidays
Upon seeing you in the doorway, his family turns into a tizzy, his brother wheeling himself over to greet you properly while his parents prepare another seat for the holidays
Figuring that you were here for his little brother, Tensei pulls back from his little brother, wanting him to spend less time worrying over his older sibling and more time actually celebrating the holidays. Even if Tenya is stubborn about it.
“B-But, brother! I can’t just leave you here to go shopping today! It wouldn’t be right!”
“Dude, just go have fun with (Y/N), school is going to come back sooner than you think. Enjoy your break while you can. I’ll be here with mom.”
“...Are you certain that this is really okay?”
“Yep. Thought about inviting a few of my friends over too so you two kids being occupied is fine with me.”
“Alright, I guess I did need some fresh air, did you need anything?”
“Eh, maybe an order of Hayashi rice? Mom keeps trying to feed me ‘healthy’ stuff for my recovery. And, it is Christmas. So a cheat day is in order.”
“Okay! I won’t return until (Y/N) and I have found the best possible Hayashi rice for you!”
“There’s a place a couple blocks down the-.... anddd he’s gone.”
During your little outing, Iida regrettably finds himself enjoying it a little more than he ought to have
His brother was still recovering for Christ’s sake! And what was he doing?
Enjoying a hot drink with you and shopping for presents for his family and loved ones, you specifically being included in the latter group
Even if he didn’t verbally voice it, his body language speaks volumes- the boy is an open book after all.
By the time you wrapped up all the needed last minute shopping, the sun was setting, marking the perfect time to sit Iida down and get him to loosen up.
“(Y/N), we really should be back home. The rice is getting cold-”
“Iida, Iida, Iida. Calm down a little, we just got the rice. Come sit with me.”
“...Alright, but we’re gonna head back in 5 minutes.”
“Hey, Iida, you know why I’m here, right?”
“You were worrying for me, weren’t you?”
“That’s the sharp hero I fell for~.”
“I really do appreciate you visiting, thank you, (Y/N). Truly.”
“Your whole family wants you to be happy, Iida. Why else would your older brother shoo you out the house?”
“For rice?”
“Ha. Ha. But really, the stress is in your face, Iida! We can’t have our class representative returning to school all down, can we?”
“Y-You’re right! The break is meant to keep the morale of the class high, and if I were to be the sole one to return to campus-”
“Yes! It’d be a travesty! We should make the most of the break while we can, (Y/N). To alleviate my family’s worries, for the eventual return to school, and ... for...myself.”
“Hey now, sit back down, Iida. You said we had 5 minutes! Just take a breather~. Besides, look around us.”
“The lights, they’re all being turned on, one by one. It’s pretty romantic, isn’t it?”
“Yeah...it is...it’s nice.”
“Look at you, relaxing~! Merry Christmas, Tenya~.”
“Merry Christmas, (Y/N). Thank you again, for coming for me.”
Tsuyu Asui
The holidays are extra stressful for Asui in particular
Her parents work late hours during the holiday, which she doesn’t mind since it’s nothing out of the usual for her
Her siblings, however, are another story entirely
They were manageable on a day to day basis
But during Christmas?
They were bouncing off the walls with excitement, always wanting to do something or go somewhere
Which, again, was something she was used to.
However, because of the cold, wintery weather, she often felt drowsy and keeping up with her sibling’s antics was a difficult challenge
Thank the skies above that the effects worked both ways, so her siblings could only be excited for short bursts of time.
Tsuyu invited you to her place for the break, figuring that you could visit and meet her family in the process
However, she was certain to accompany her invitation with a disclaimer, apologizing in advance for the rowdy kids and hectic home life she has during the break
Upon arrival at the Asui household, it’s buzzing with life, her father, Ganma, and mother, Beru already preparing to head out for work, leaving Tsuyu and you in charge of her two siblings, Satsuki and Samidare.
First on the docket for Christmas day was breakfast, Tsuyu cranking up the thermostat so she could stay awake and finish making everyone something to eat.
The next was the presents, Tsu slipping yours, something small to say “thanks” for joining her when you could easily spend your time with your own family
“I hope you like it, (Y/N).”
“Wait, how did you know I wanted this? I don’t think I told anyone...did I?”
“Nope, ribbit.”
“Tsu, how did you know? Or are you some mindreader~?”
“I just picked up on the fact that you wanted it by watching you. You’re a little obvious when you like something, (Y/N).”
“Well, thank you, Tsu! I hope you like my present for you~.”
“It’s very functional, hopefully, I can add it to my costume to keep warm during the winter. Wasn’t this in the latest Christmas catalogs?”
“Yep, took me quite a bit of yen to pre-order it, I really hope it’ll help.”
While she stays bundled whenever she leaves the house with you during the break, it’s a little cute watching her frog instincts kick in.
For example, the two of you could be sent out to fetch some cakes for Christmas, Tsu dosing off on your shoulder on the train ride to the mall.
Or another example would be her small yawns, trying to not show just how severely the cold was affecting her and the adorable warmth in her face when she’s caught and you hand her a warm drink you bought- priceless.
Yagi Toshinori
Every year, around Christmas, the latest support items are released to heroes across the nation, many pros treating themselves to a nice upgrade for the holidays
When he was still in his prime, All Might would always keep an eye on the various catalogs, wanting to stay sharp and ahead of the villains.
However, he’s far past that point in his life
So this year for Christmas, All Might wanted to spend some time with his closest friends and family.
But his master was gone, Gran Torino preferring to stay warm in his home during the holiday season.
And as for friends...
He didn’t really have many of those. At least not the ones that knew of both All Might and Yagi Toshinori.
Naomasa was busy with the villains during the break, so he couldn’t really contact him. And even if he wasn’t, Yagi knew that the detective cared for his sister and was probably with her over the break
Shield was across the seas, working on support items in the west, the very same ones that end up on every pro hero magazine and catalog in the country.
So all he really had was you.
For his co-workers, he’s certain to leave them all gifts before taking his leave for break, just out of the pure desire to build rapport with them and deepen their friendship
As for you, he doesn’t want to be too overbearing for the holidays, pushing you to go and be with your family for the holidays. It’s not often that everyone has free time on their hands like this after all
But please, dear God. Invite the poor man with you. He needs the company.
Graciously accepting your invite, he’s a bit nervous on what to bring his first time there. But if this isn’t his first time around the block, then he’s far more confident in his ability to pick an adequate gift for your folks.
In all honesty...
Never in his life did he ever think he’d make it here.
Being with someone he loved.
To meet and hang out with people he could hopefully call his own family
It was uplifting, extremely so.
And as the holiday ends, he’s certain to pull you aside for a final, quiet moment. Just the two of you.
“It’s very lively, isn’t it?”
“Of course it is, Yagi. My family and friends tend to be a little rowdier than usual this time of year. I think the season just does that to people.”
“It’s pleasant. Thank you for letting me in for the holidays, (Y/N).”
“It’s no problem at all, I love you. So, isn’t it natural that I’d want to spend my time with you during this holiday?”
“Haha, I guess you’re right! Still...you didn’t have to.”
“Are you alright, Toshi?”
“Perfectly fine. It’s just... so difficult to put my feelings into words.”
“Then don’t.”
“...that. Was very pleasant.”
“Kisses tend to be like that. Merry Christmas, Toshi~. Hey, you’re definitely coming over next year right?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, (Y/N)”
Yuga Aoyama
Christmas has always been a time for his family to stop working and huddle together, enjoying their time together before school and work pulled Yuga apart from his family
Memories of the bright, sparkly Christmas tree his parents always put up every year always flows into his mind around this time of year
The scent of sugar cookies and cinnamon always bring back the memories of the large meals his family would share when he was younger.
But then those memories are corrupted, replaced with the one time his quirk went out of control, blasting the tree he admired so much with his naval laser.
The scent of cinnamon and spices burning in his nose as he remembers accidentally blasting the chair opposite him when eating with his family, thankfully, an empty chair
With the mixed feelings brewing in him concerning the holidays, Yuga spends a bit of time every year browsing all the websites and catalogs he can, searching for the latest support items released for use of all pro heroes around the world.
Hoping that one day he could find something more efficient at containing his naval laser
And considering his faulty quirk- anything to improve his abilities, so he’s able to use his quirk for longer lengths of time or to improve the strength of the laser itself
Just watching him brood over the various magazines is enough to squeeze your heart
It eventually becomes an annual endeavor to cheer him up in time for Christmas, which is honestly not too hard to do.
After all, he’s been dealing with these issues for a majority of his life.
Taking him out on walks to see the lights being put up always puts a small smile on his face, being an avid admirer of all things lovely and shiny
He also finds it fun to bring you out shopping. No need to buy anything, Just the process of browsing and trying on clothing is enough to entertain him for hours on end.
But make no mistake, if he really likes something on you, he’ll buy it.
There’s just something about being with you that takes the edge off of the holidays, making the season more palpable and pleasant for him
It’s as if being with you paves over all those memories he has of the holidays, the beginning of his relationship with you truly marking a fresh start in his life
Besides, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he let his mood drag down the entirety of Christmas for you?
“Here, I figured you’d like it~.”
“Oh, shampoo and conditioner? Rose scented?”
“Something to remind you of me~.”
“I love it, Yuga~. You always do smell lovely.”
“I do? I MEAN- ahem, of course, I do, it’s only natural that someone as stunning as me smells just as stunning~!”
“Alright, alright. Open up my gift now. I want to see that ‘stunning’ smile of yours~.”
“Haha, as my (Y/N) commands-...Is this a support item?”
“I spotted it in a small catalog from America, it helps to focus light. And while it’s supposed to be for people with laser vision, I think we can make adjustments to make more out of your quirk~.”
“I love it. So, so much. Thank you, (Y/N)”
“Oof! Your hug is a little tight there, sweetie. But I am glad you liked it. Merry Christmas, Yuga.”
“Merry Christmas, (Y/N). I swear, I’ll make it up to you next year. I promise~.”
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