#they were like old navy or similar quality
bulldog-butch · 7 months
i got my sister a robe for christmas well over a decade ago back when i was a kid and who knows if i even used my own money. but every time we facetime and i see her still wearing it my heart warms a little
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al-mightys-blog · 5 months
In this trying times I've decided that I'm cringe but free, so I can post as well my Power Point presentation about OFMD for my English classes I made a year ago 😌🫴🏻
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Watch OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH
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1. It's about pirates
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1717. The Golden Age of Piracy.
Wealthy landowner Stede Bonnet set out to find adventure and renown on the high seas. And he met a famous legend – the dread pirate Blackbeard. We watch their adventures, exchange of experience and confrontation with the Navy. This is the moment when you begin to remember notorious works inspired by pirate culture. For example "Treasure Island", 'Pirates of the Caribbean" , "Assassin's Creed". And you think... haven't we had enough? Haven’t we seen and known everything about pirates? Enough is enough. Come up with something new, folks
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2. It's a comedy
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When you think about comedies, I believe your head is filling up with moments from your favorite movies and shows. The good and old quality content that went through fire and water and made you laugh so many times. They don' t make anything like this nowadays. And we are used to an empty and similar shell of comedies. So you need to ask yourself: do you really want to laugh out loud until your belly hurts, because that is what you will get if you start to watch “Our Flag Means Death”. The perfect timing and delivery, the combination of the old setting and new realities, the general idiocy of situations will bring you to the edge of tears. Do you really need this? Is it really worth it? Yeah, I thought so.
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3. It has a brilliant cast
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You won't find a show with such an ethnically diverse cast anywhere else. Yes, this is a show about pirates who spread fear on the shores of the West Indies and were persecuted by the British Navy, but your fellow aristocrat from Barbados speaks with a New Zealand accent. The scariest pirate in history not only also speaks with a New Zealand accent, he is also Māori. Your ordinary pirate crew has a cannibal, a weirdo with a cleaver, a killing machine and a scribe among others. You'll just be constantly distracted by thinking how well the actors nailed their roles.
4. It makes you believe in love again
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You think you're watching a silly little comedy about pirates, but then you start realizing that you believe in love again. How could that happen?
The two main characters met when they needed each other the most. The terrible pirate Blackbeard - a living legend - has lost the will to live. Wealthy landowner Stede Bonnet escaped from the trap of aristocratic life. The spark that ran between them, in a favorable, open and trusting space, turned into deep feelings. One didn't realize their power, the other didn't realize them at all, but both were willing to sacrifice everything for each other. Do you really need to believe in love again? In this economy?
5. It's an ongoing series
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The first season was realized last year. The second season is expected this spring. The plot can take any turn. This is not a safe watching of an already ended show. For example the real pirates in the real world, aka Stede No-Middle-Name Bonnet and Edward Teach Or Thatch, parted and both died in 1718. Literally a year after the events described in the first season. No one wants to watch a show where the main characters who are in love with each other die in the end.
These are five reasons why you shouldn't watch this show if you don't want to constantly think about pirates.
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gowns · 11 months
Someone recommended Quince to me for linen clothes. Is that a brand you’re familiar with, and/or would you recommend them?
quince is giving greenwashing. i have seen comments that their linen is fine but very thin. (prob similar to parachute, which has crazy good marketing. i bought their linen sheets and they were very thin which i thought was nice because it's a sort of "broken in" feeling but then they got holes in them (and i see that in a lot of their product reviews))... so like, why bother with that kind of quality? esp when quince has no certifications or a detailed production process
for the best bang for your buck i would recommend notperfectlinen which offers a lot of customization. like, you can talk directly to the people making your clothes with your measurements. and everything is made, cut, sewn, packaged, in one location. that's much better. for the quality that they offer, NPL is A+. you can join the BST facebook group for even more discounted prices.
another brand i can personally recommend is phaedra, which is one person in the UK. she sources really lovely linen and has nice designs. you have to sign up for her newsletter for releases.
if you're on a super tight budget, just search poshmark for linen -- there's a lot of secondhand linen out there, a lot of it from marshall's or old navy or what have you. but you can also very easily find brands like flax, NPL, linenfox, etc, on poshmark. or an in-person thrift store if you're savvy. just check the tags to see where it was made, if it's a blend, etc etc.
all of this is linked and mentioned on the top lines of my spreadsheet!
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sjsmith56 · 25 days
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Flash Forward - Part 1, Chapter 29 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: Set in the future, Tom brings his college girlfriend home for Thanksgiving. She’s worried about whether she’s enough to fit into the family of the famous Avenger Bucky Barnes and author, L.C. Chapman.
Length: 5.9 K
Characters: Tom Barnes, Raina (his girlfriend), Lacey Barnes, Bucky Barnes, Laura Barnes (daughter), Steve Barnes (son).
Warnings: Mostly feelings of inadequacy on Raina’s part, some frank talk about sexuality.
Author’s notes: Yes, it’s happy Bucky, settled into his home with his wife and family. If you haven't already and have a Wattpad account, please read His Blue Eyes, written as L.C. Chapman, her fictional account of her love affair with Bucky then losing him and finding love again. I worked hard on it as part of this story and her character. My username there is SJSmith56.
<<Chapter 28
🐐 🍁 💍
10 years later, Thanksgiving 2036
Putting the duvet on and fluffing the pillows up on the bed was the last thing Lacey needed to do to prepare Tom's room for him and his girlfriend, Raina. When he made his weekly video call several weeks before to say that she was coming for Thanksgiving weekend and that he planned to propose he also asked Lacey to redo his room into something more adult. Gone were the motorcycle posters, model airplanes and cars, and the skin magazines that she found still in the bottom drawer of his night stand. He never did find a new place for them after she first found them when he was a teenager. All he asked was that it show he was a grown up, stable, and ready for commitment.
"Are you sure she's the one you want to commit to?" Bucky had asked during that same call. "Twenty-one is awfully young. I was definitely not looking for marriage when I was that age."
"Dad, I don't even look at anyone else," replied Tom. "They don't interest me. When I was playing the field, and you know I was as soon as I got to college, most were interested in me because of my package. Raina and I talked all night about so many different things when we first met at the junior year mixer. We didn't even sleep together until our fifth date."
Bucky recalled a similar video call the previous year when Tom had told them about meeting this amazing girl. This conversation sounded even more sure than that one.
"That's when you told her you're a super soldier?"
"Yeah, on the fifth date," smiled Tom. "I jumped off a three story building to prove it, scared the shit out of her, and then we had incredible sex. Best I ever had. If that doesn't say she's the one ... then what does?"
Lacey looked at Bucky in her pragmatic way. "He's got a point," she said. "Didn't Bruce say the serum locks in on the mate when it recognizes the best emotional, physical, and sexual fit?"
"Okay, I'll repaint your room," said Bucky. "What colours are you looking at?"
"Masculine, like navy blue and light grey trim. But something that will appeal to a woman. Make it look grown up. I just want her to believe that I'm ready to commit because I am."
Since Tom's very first time telling them about Raina, they talked with her on subsequent video calls. She recognized Lacey on the first call, turning to Tom and asking why he hadn't told her that his mother was L.C. Chapman. He handled it well, saying that he kept much of his home life hidden, wanting people to like him for his own qualities. When she squeezed his hand in response Lacey smiled at the gesture. Raina was the oldest of three daughters and her father, Edward Harrison, was a huge Howling Commandos fan. At the time she told them Bucky had inwardly groaned. Some of those fans were over the top with their fascination with the minutiae of the various missions. It must have shown on Bucky's face because she assured him her dad wasn't like that. As a veteran himself he knew that Bucky just did his duty. He was a fan of those old missions in the same way other veterans were fans of D-Day, or the Battle of the Bulge. As she rolled off the names of other campaigns, he grasped Lacey's hand and turned to her with a brief smile. Raina knew her history.
Lacey looked at the time and double checked the bathroom, making sure it was stocked with soap, shampoo and assorted bath products. Quickly she checked the nightstand to make sure there was a box of condoms in there. She wondered if the couple would be brave enough to have sex under their roof but she was sure once Tom told her about the soundproofing it wouldn't be an issue.
It was the soundproofing that prevented her from hearing the couple arrive. She only heard them when she came out of the bedroom and heard Sarge bark. She went to the top of the stairs and listened first, to hear how her other children, Laura and Steve, handled meeting their brother's girlfriend. Steve, a blond like Lacey, ran up and jumped into Tom's arms, followed by barks from their black Labrador dog, Sarge, a gift from the enlisted men at the Avengers compound on Bucky's 115th birthday, four years previously.
"It's about time, jerk," said the boy. "What took you so long?"
Tom laughed. "This is my brother Steve," he said to Lacey. "As you can see, he has good manners."
"Sorry," replied the younger boy. "I'm Steve and I'm ten and a half years old. Don't arm wrestle with me because I'm a super soldier and can break your arm because I still don't know my own strength. Better?"
"Better," replied Tom. "This is Raina, my girlfriend. This nice dog here is Sarge."
There was a loud kissing sound and Lacey just knew it was Laura, who had walked up to the couple. "Cut it out," said Tom with a hint of annoyance. "Raina, this is Laura, almost twelve years old, another super soldier, and ready to inflict herself onto the world when she becomes a teenager."
"Hi," said Raina, to both siblings. "Are there any more?"
"No," said Lacey loudly as she came down the stairs with her hand outstretched. "Hi Raina, I'm Lacey, Tom's mother. It's nice to finally meet you in person. After Steve, I thought the world had enough Barnes children to deal with. Tommy was easy to raise because he was the only super soldier baby for ten years, then I had these two in a year and a half and they were a handful. I didn't publish a single thing during that time. Come on, and I'll show you to your room. You two can freshen up."
Tom put Steve down, following his mother and Raina up the stairs with their bags in hand. Lacey told her about the farmhouse and the renovations they had done on it since moving in 12 years before.
"We're having roast beef for dinner, Raina," she said as they walked down the hallway. "Are you okay with eating meat? Super soldiers need animal protein. Vegetarian protein just doesn't do it for them."
"Yeah, I eat meat," she replied. "We don't have it often, but I enjoy it when we do."
At the far end of the hallway Lacey opened a door and Raina gasped at the room. A large queen sized bed with plush looking bedding covering it was against the far wall, with a nightstand on each side. A fireplace was on the side wall, with two armchairs framing it. Lacey opened the door to the ensuite, pointing out the bathtub could fit both of them easily. She smiled at Raina's blush then kissed Tom on the cheek. He looked at his mother mouthing a big "Thank you." She left the couple there alone.
"She's okay with us sharing the room?" asked Raina. "She doesn't mind if we have sex?"
"Yeah, she's cool, so's my dad," replied Tom.
"You never said anything when my parents put you in the spare room."
"It was no big deal," said Tom. "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable doing while we're here but if you are up for it the rooms are soundproofed. My parents can be loud."
"How is it I know so little about you?" asked Raina, putting her arms around Tom.
"I'm not one to tell stories," he said, kissing her firmly. "That's my mom's thing. I'm sure she'll bring something up when you have some alone time."
After putting their things away, they both walked back downstairs to the family room where Steve and Laura were playing a video game. The siblings looked very good at it and Raina reminded herself not to challenge them to a match. From there they went to the kitchen where Lacey was checking a very large roast. Lacey wasn't kidding about the meat thing. Raina had never seen a roast that big. Lacey noticed the look.
"We're having other company for the weekend and the first family is arriving before dinner," she said. "Sam, Maria and the kids."
"Nice," said Tom. "You'll like them. Sam is my Dad's best friend and Captain America. Maria was with SHIELD for many years then the Avengers when they reformed."
Raina smiled at him then turned to Lacey. "Can I help you with anything?" she asked. "I'm not much of a cook but I can do simple stuff."
Lacey pushed a head of lettuce over to Raina to break apart, then slid a salad bowl close by. "So Raina, what do you do for fun?
"Not much," she replied. "Really, I'm just a big computer nerd. I read a lot. I loved your book His Blue Eyes and your non-fiction book on human trafficking was an eye opener."
"So was being trafficked," stated Lacey. "Did you see the movie His Blue Eyes?"
"Yeah, it was okay, could have been better," she said. "I thought they focussed too much on the first part of the book and they didn't even include much of the pregnancy in the movie, which took a lot of the drama away. They could have done a better job of capturing the sense of loneliness and longing that was between the two characters, although I liked the casting of their friends and how their initial meeting changed everyone's lives. Plus they totally downplayed the second part of the book. I liked that love story as much as the one in the first part of the book."
Lacey looked at the young woman with a big smile. "Thank you for being honest. I felt much the same about it. My intent was to go for the same feeling as in Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen when Marianne is jilted by Willoughby. I wanted a similar sense of loss after Lauren learned what happened to John. But you just knew Marianne would fall in love with Colonel Brandon because he was the one who would help heal her broken heart and treat her right."
"Jane Austen is one of my favourite writers," exclaimed Raina excitedly. "She could capture a moment in just a word or a look between characters. I wish I could write like that." She pulled the lettuce apart with her fingers. "I like being transported to other worlds, but I don't know how to create them."
"Fair enough," said Lacey, smiling. "I wish I could write as well as her myself." She looked at Tom for a moment and he shrugged, indicating it was her choice to say more. "You know, His Blue Eyes is semi-autobiographical, at least the first part is although Jack also has aspects of Bucky in him. I had just started writing it when Bucky became one of the decimated. Thought he was gone forever. I changed much of it and all of the names but it became my fictional story of meeting him, spending the night with him, then I debated about whether to add being on my own with a baby. I'm glad I did because TJ is Tom and he was my whole life for almost ten years. The rest of the second part is pretty much all fiction because what's the point of writing a love story if the heroine doesn't find love again?"
Raina looked at her with something approaching awe. "Wow, I never would have thought that," she said finally. "It's a great story on its own." She thought for a moment. "So, you're saying Nash has a counterpart in real life? And Sawyer? Who is a made-up character?"
"Jack is made up but he's also kind of a different looking version of John Boyd, because I couldn't see Lauren falling in love with someone that didn't have the same qualities as John," replied Lacey. "The Greeks are all made up, as are two of John's sisters, but pretty much everyone else has a counterpart in real life, although I changed the back stories of many of them, to fit the character."
Before Raina could respond the front door opened and Bucky walked in. He put his briefcase and jacket on a chair, pet Sarge, kissed Lacey affectionately, and hugged Tom, who had come around the kitchen island, then kissed him on the cheek. Raina almost fell over with how handsome he was in person. Tom took after him, especially in the eyes, although his colouring was lighter but Bucky was next level, movie star handsome. She wondered if Tom would be that handsome in twenty years.
"Dad, this is Raina," he said. "This is my dad, Bucky Barnes."
"Welcome, Raina," said Bucky, extending his right hand. "It's nice to finally meet you in person. Thank you for spending Thanksgiving with us. I hope your parents are okay with it?"
"Yeah, it was no problem," she replied.
"Has Tom shown you around yet?"
"No, do we have time to go for a walk before dinner?" he asked his mother, who looked at the clock, nodding.
Tom ran up to get their jackets and helped Raina on with hers then took her outside. Sarge went with them. Bucky looked at Lacey.
"Well?" he asked. "Does she measure up?"
"I think so," she replied. "I get the feeling Tom hasn't told her a lot about us, except for you. She's a reader, so that's good. She loves the book. I had just told her about it being about us before you came in."
"He's pretty sure about her based on his calls," said Bucky, picking up and eating a piece of green pepper that Lacey was chopping for the salad. He put his arms around her, and this time gave her a proper kiss, with a full embrace that included some intimate caressing. "Everything ready for everyone?"
She nodded. "Sam, Maria and the kids will be here in time for dinner, Clint, Laura, and Nathaniel, late tomorrow morning, Terry, Sarah and the boys on Friday," she stated. "Nancy sends her regrets, again. Did you ask Bruce?"
Bucky nodded then shook his head. "He declined, said he had some important experiments he wanted to work on. I worry about him. He's too isolated sometimes which I understand but it really is better to be with people. I'll call again tomorrow and see if he'll come for dinner, at least."
Lacey squeezed her husband around the waist. Even though there was no give due to his minimal body fat she knew he liked it, as it comforted him. They both looked out the window as Tom and Raina appeared in the yard, hand in hand at first, heading towards the lake on their property. Tom threw a stick for Sarge to chase as they watched.
"They have 200 acres here," said Tom, petting Sarge every time he brought the stick back. "There's a lake, where we're headed now, and a woodlands that is uncut, except for deadfall that we pull out for firewood. No hunters allowed. A few years ago a couple of guys snuck into the woodlands and began firing at some deer there. My Dad ran there in minutes, grabbed their guns and broke them, right in front of them. They threatened to sue him until he took his left glove off and they realized who he was. They took off running and Dad threw the pieces of their guns at them, almost hitting their trucks from a mile away."
"Wait, your dad doesn't have guns here?" she asked.
"No, they're kept at the armoury on the compound," replied Tom. "To him, they're just tools, meant for a mission or to kill and he doesn't kill. When I was learning to shoot he took me to the compound, to the shooting range there. Talk about tough. He took me through the entire firearms training course. The way he explained it was that owning a gun was a responsibility and that it should be used in the line of duty first, to hunt second, and to protect your family third. Since we're super soldiers he reasoned that we didn't need them to protect our family and he doesn't hunt."
As he spoke, they approached the lake and Raina gasped at how beautiful it was. Tom threw the stick into the mirrored surface of the lake and Sarge jumped in to get it, swimming back with it in his mouth. Before he could shake off the water Tom threw the stick again and pulled Raina away to higher ground.
"You should see it in September and October when the sugar maples are red," said Tom. "It's just glorious. I love this place, truly love it. In the spring my parents tap the maples for the sap and make their own maple syrup. There's a little sugar shack on the other side of the lake. It's good stuff."
She looked up at Tom, seeing the tenderness on his face as he looked out over the lake. "Do you think you'll move back here after graduation?" she asked.
"I want to," he said, turning to her. "That's partly why I brought you here so I could ask you something." He faced her and took her hands in his. "We've been dating for a year and I'm so in love with you. I've never made it a secret that I want to be an Avenger after graduation. We can live anywhere in the country but we're on call 24/7. It would be hard leaving you in another city when I'm called in. If we lived here, it wouldn't be easy sometimes, but I think you're strong enough to be at my side if we got married. I was thinking of asking my parents if they would subdivide the property, so we have our own bit of land to build a house on. It could be at the other end, so we have privacy. It will be close to the compound so I would be home most days except when I'm on a mission. With your computer skills there's lots of jobs within driving distance as several technology companies have their headquarters close by. You might even be able to get a technology job at the compound if you want. Shit, I meant to kneel at this point."
Sarge came up to him with the stick and he threw it in another direction then told the dog to go home. He got down on one knee and pulled a ring box out of his jacket pocket, opening it to her.
"Marry me, Raina," he said softly. "You are the love of my life and I don't want to be apart from you. Be my wife, please."
She looked at the ring then at Tom's bright blue eyes. His dark brown hair with golden highlights was lighter than his father's and he wasn't as muscular, but Tom said he would bulk up once he began training seriously, which he would do as an Avenger. The super soldier serum naturally running through him had already made him stronger, faster, and healthier than other men. Seeing how his father looked at his mother she believed that he would be faithful just to her.
She was surprised when they met at the junior mixer the previous year at how much of a gentleman he was considering his reputation. He had bedded a lot of women, and a few guys, according to the rumours. He didn't brag about it either as it was always those he slept with that talked about him. He didn't even try to seduce her that first time. Considering what she heard about how sexually active he was she was surprised when they went on a second, third, and fourth date without him going past kissing and some mild grinding over the clothes. On the fifth date he told her about being the son of super soldier Bucky Barnes, and that he had inherited his father's abilities. At first she didn't believe it, even though he did resemble the famous Avenger, especially in the eyes. Then he climbed up on the outside of the three story library, one of several on campus, and stood at the top before leaping off and landing cleanly on the ground, his bent legs taking the force of the landing before standing up. She screamed when he jumped then he straightened up and walked to just in front of her taking her face in his hands, kissing her fiercely. She knew then he was the one for her. They went straight to his apartment where the other rumours of his endowment were confirmed. They had mind blowing sex, both coming so many times that she lost count. He wore a condom for each encounter, explaining he wanted her to trust his integrity. They stayed in bed the whole following day, having food, lots of food, delivered so they could just eat, talk, laugh, kiss, and make more love. It was the most incredible night and day of her life. In the year they had been dating since she never caught him even looking at anyone else. All of that played through her mind in the short moment before she smiled, leaned over, and kissed Tom lovingly on the lips.
"Yes, I'll marry you."
She placed the ring on her finger and Tom picked her up in his arms, easily lifting her above his head, before lowering her gently and kissing her again. On the way back to the farmhouse he was almost giddy with excitement and she had to admit she liked seeing this side of him. They stopped at the barn where Sarge was sniffing around and he opened up one of the doors to the bleating of several goats, and the neighing of a few horses. She looked at him with a smile.
"You have farm animals as well?" she asked.
"My Dad is also a goat farmer," said Tom. "He learned how to raise them when he lived in Wakanda for a time. He makes goat cheese and sells it at the local farmer's markets. The people that buy it don't know it's his product but it's in demand. The horses are for us to ride, and to drag the deadfall out from the woodlands so we can cut it for firewood. We can go for a ride out there tomorrow or Friday and explore it. We have chickens as well; always need fresh eggs."
They left the barn, calling the dog, and went up the steps to the deck. A large dog towel was on the deck and Tom roughly dried Sarge with it, bringing a huge smile to the dog's face. Then he opened the door, letting all of them in. Lacey and Bucky were still in the kitchen, preparing dinner and they looked at the young couple, expectantly.
"She said yes," announced Tom and the older couple came out from behind the large kitchen island, hugging their son and Raina.
Even Steve and Laura came from the family room, offering their congratulations. As they held hands, taking in the congratulations Raina couldn't help but feel she was part of something good.
"I better call my parents," she said, then she looked at Tom. "Did you talk to them already?"
He coloured. "I might have said something about my plans," he replied. "Let's go make that call."
"Raina, tell your parents to expect an invite soon," said Bucky, interrupting them before they went up. "We'd love to have them visit us here."
"I will," she replied, then ran up the stairs with Tom to their room.
Sam Wilson and Maria Hill-Wilson arrived about twenty minutes later, bringing their two, Paul and Darlene. Just like Tom, they knocked then walked right in, knowing they were family to the inhabitants. Tom and Raina finished talking with Raina's parents and he led her downstairs to meet Captain America. Sam opened his arms to the young man.
"There he is," he boomed. "The next Captain America if I have anything to say about it."
Tom blushed but Raina looked at him in an entirely new light. She was learning all sorts of things about her now fiancé.
"We'll see," replied Tom. "Sam, Maria, this is my fiancée, Raina. I just asked her about an hour ago and she said yes."
The couple both hugged Tom enthusiastically and hugged Raina as well. "He's a fine man," said Maria to Raina, looking fondly at him. "I know you'll both be very happy."
Lacey told the couple which bedroom they were assigned. All the kids were being bunked in the media room, camp out style. It had become a tradition no matter which house they stayed at.
"That comes from our wedding," said Lacey to Raina, as she cut the last of the roast into slices and put them on the serving plate. "We got married on a farm and had RVs and glamping tents set up for the guests. The kids took over one of the tents and had a blast. Ever since, they all do it, once they're old enough, of course."
Bucky delegated himself, Sam and Tom to set the table, and sent the kids out to get firewood for the fireplace. Lacey and Maria bustled around getting the food ready to serve. Raina offered to help but Lacey wouldn't hear of it.
"You're our guest, this time," she said. "Next time, we'll make you work."
Within minutes everything was set out and everyone picked out a seat at the large table which was obviously custom made. Tom noticed Raina looking at it.
"Dad and I made that a couple of years ago," he said. "We had a thunderstorm and one of the taller maple trees was hit so we cut it down and took it to a private sawmill to get it sawn into boards and sanded. He likes to keep busy and I guess it kind of rubbed off on me."
Raina became slightly overwhelmed, excused herself, and left the table, going out onto the deck. Tom followed her and stood next to her in front of the railing. He didn't say anything, instead letting her come up with her thoughts on her own.
"Why do you love me?" she asked, looking out over the landscape. "It looks like you're all such super achievers, building your own furniture, raising goats, making cheese, cutting your own wood, being an author, being an Avenger.... How do I fit in to this family? I have no hobbies, no skills except with computers."
"It's not a competition," replied Tom gently. "Dad grew up in the Depression, working the docks to help his family make ends meet, then to raise his own funds for college which was interrupted by World War II. Mom moved to a farm when she was pregnant with me and learned all about farming because she felt obligated to contribute to the family that took her in. They're both just hard workers that like the feeling they get when they do something with their hands. Marrying me is marrying my family, and the Avengers because they really are family, and that means they'll love all of you because you're you. You're important to me because you make me feel ... special, and wanted, and like I matter, the me inside. I don't want a perfect Stepford wife. I want a wife that will grow with me, that will make mistakes just like I will but will learn from them, that will be an equal partner for the rest of our lives and I believe that woman is you."
He leaned forward on his elbows, resting them on the top of the railing then he turned his face to her.
"You're also great in bed."
"So are you, dammit."
He kissed her passionately and ran his hands through her hair before hugging her again and turning her back to the house with his arm around her. No one said anything but Bucky looked at Tom, giving him a subtle raised eyebrow. Tom just smiled and nodded. Nothing was said during dinner or afterwards about the moment.
The following morning Sam, Tom, and Bucky went for a run so Lacey asked Raina and Maria if they wanted to get eggs from the chickens. Lacey opened the barn up, letting the goats out into their large enclosure, then the horses into their bigger paddock, putting feed out for all of them. They watched the baby goats for a while, laughing at their antics then went to the large chicken coop, followed by Sarge but he had to stay outside as he tended to chase the chickens. As the kids scattered feed over the ground the women went inside the henhouse and Lacey told Raina that although most of the chickens laid eggs in the nesting boxes they still had to look underneath the boxes in case any were laid there. Sure enough she found several. All told they had about 20 eggs.
"Bucky eats three eggs every day," said Lacey, as they watched the baby goats again, "and bacon, sausages, and hash browns. You've probably already noticed Tommy has a big appetite. Super soldiers need about 10,000 calories a day. There is a supplement they can take on missions, but Bucky really doesn't like it."
"It doesn't affect his cholesterol or anything?" asked Raina.
"Nope," replied Lacey. "Bucky has about 10% body fat, and the heart of a 25-year-old, the last time he was checked. He doesn't get colds or the flu. It's disgusting really. I still have to watch my weight, but he says he likes that I have extra curves for making love. They're always horny, I'm warning you right now. You have slept together before coming here, right?" She asked even though she already knew they had.
Lacey blushed. She hadn't even had this conversation with her own mother. "Um, yeah," she replied in a hushed voice.
"We're open about sexuality in this house," said Lacey. "Tommy inherited certain attributes from his father, which I'm sure you've noticed. It was difficult for him at first, when he reached puberty. He felt like a freak for a while. Bucky talked to him a lot about not being ashamed of his body. When he got older he talked to Tommy about how to please a woman. I hope that you've been satisfied."
Raina smiled shyly, then nodded, and Lacey patted her shoulder, satisfied with the response. Maria said nothing but she did smile, having heard it all before. They came away from the chicken coop and walked to the house with their bounty. Both older women began making bacon and sausages for everyone, laying them out on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Lacey quickly peeled and parboiled some potatoes. The three men returned, Sam wheezing a little, while Bucky and Tom looked fresh. Quickly running up to their rooms they all showered and were back in minutes to help make breakfast. Bucky diced the parboiled potatoes, onions, and peppers for the hash brown potatoes; the knife work was so fast that Raina couldn't keep up. He heated up some oil in a large frying pan and threw everything in, distributing it evenly on low heat. Tom handled the toast, while Sam handled the eggs, starting with scrambled. Raina watched, fascinated as the two couples and Tom worked around each other as if they had always done it.
"Barton going to make it for breakfast?" asked Sam.
"No, for lunch," replied Lacey. She noticed Raina watching them. "We've done this so often that it's like we're all short order cooks in a diner. Wait until you taste Sam's jambalaya. It's perfection."
He smiled broadly. "Do you cook?" he asked Raina. "Food is very important for an Avenger, all Avengers, not just these calorie gobbling super soldiers."
"I've helped my mom at Thanksgiving and Christmas but I have to admit I haven't done much in the kitchen," she replied. "My Mom's kind of particular about who she allows in her kitchen."
He looked at her shocked. "That's terrible," he said. "I was helping my Titi when I was 5 or 6, cooking for the family by the time I was ten. I'm going to have to show you some things. Come here, girl."
Raina walked to his side and he looked at her. "Now, these are going to be scrambled eggs," he said, to her droll face. "Okay, I'm being condescending on purpose but all you have to do to get the perfect scrambled egg is to whisk 4 eggs at a time with some milk." He handed her the whisk and watched as she incorporated some air into them. "Set the pan on medium low heat, with about two tablespoons of butter. Don't use margarine and don't worry about using the butter. It's more natural, being churned cream, with a bit of salt, right? Let the butter melt completely. Now pour the eggs into the pan and let them sit there for a couple of minutes so that they start cooking."
He got a silicone spatula from a drawer, tentatively inserting it into the mixture.
"Now, when it starts to cook, you're going to draw in the cooked parts from the side to the middle and lift the edge of the pan so that the uncooked egg moves into that spot," he said, handing the spatula to her. Watching her intently, he gave her encouragement. "This is how you make an omelet as well, but the difference between the two is that when you don't have any more uncooked egg you start breaking up the cooked egg into clumps. That makes it scrambled. With an omelet you add the filling then fold it over on itself and slide it out of the pan." Raina did as he told her. "You see how they are soft but there's no uncooked egg anymore? That's when you plate it as they will continue to cook a little on the plate." He watched as she transferred the eggs into a large serving dish, scraping them all out. "Outstanding! You've just had your first cooking lesson."
She looked at Sam, beaming and saw Tom watching her softly. "Thank you," she said. "You'll have to teach me some more before this weekend is over. You made it seem easy."
Sitting back at her spot on the other side of the island she smiled at Tom and could see what he meant. It wasn't just his family she would be marrying into, it would be the Avengers family. If they were anything like Sam, she felt good about her prospects of fitting in.
Chapter 30>>
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wanderlustmagician · 5 months
Some more Modern AU things;
Figuring out how and where to do a Hyrule-esque name change for the technology and other things is a fun challenge. Since some are easy, like Pictogram for Instagram or calling a GPS a Navi Nav-system.
Others are a little harder. Especially since there may be no need to change them, like Facebook remaining the same. I debated on having it be something Mask based, but it felt forced and ill fitting… so I left it. Others were more fun, like the name of the AI for the speaker in Wild’s kitchen or what the nav system in War’s car (Navi) is called.
So Proxxi is the name of the AI for Guardian Tech, a web search engine turned electronics conglomerate (aka it’s like Hyrule Google).
Then I have Purah and Robbie having created and running Slate, Inc. The AI is called Cherry. They also have a series of computers called the Purah Pad. (Aka they run Hyrule’s Apple Inc LOL)
Wild drives a Master Cycle, but it’s not a motorcycle… it’s a Vespa Scooter. Some things that would have been obvious translations (the Master Cycle being a motorcycle), I made small changes to for the fun of it. Others I left as is, Epona is a horse. She lives on Lon Lon Ranch. Wolfie isn’t a wolf but he is the Hyrule version of a Siberian Husky (a Hebra Husky) which is pretty close to
I also wanted to include the other fairies that are seen in Majora’s Mask, Tatl and Tael, but didn’t want all the fairies to end up as tech. So they’re a pair of rescued pups that live on Lon Lon.
Other things may end up incorporated as locations as things move on. Like the Gate of Souls being a large archway built centuries ago and sitting in the Hebra region’s shining city, Tabantha, and it’s also home to the Temple of Souls. Meant to have similar vibes to Paris, France with the Arc de Triomphe and all.
Or the Mirror of Twilight being salt flats out in the Gerudo Desert that are very reflective, sort of like the Uyuni Salt Flats.
Others will be obviously direct references to locations in the games as is like the Lost Forest/Sacred Grove or the Forest of Time.
That said I’ve made it obvious that some of the boys have tech but some fun quirks;
Time refuses to get any sort of smart watch, Bluetooth headphones. He likes his old school watch and earbuds with the cord, k thanks bye.
Wars has a smart watch, its Guardian tech brand, and he has Guardian tech wireless earbuds. He’s partial to the brand because he knows the people who designed the AI.
Wind and his sister Aryll each have Purah Pad laptops for their school work. Wind’s phone is Guardian tech because of Warriors though. He complains, unseriously, that he can’t connect his phone and computer and that it’s weird to text Wars since the bubble is green. He likes making Warriors eye twitch.
Twilight and Four both have the same brand of Bluetooth headphones. They’re a Twili based brand, Fused Shadows, and they claim to prefer the sound quality. It’s the only piece of tech other than the Proxxi speaker that Twilight owns that isn’t Slate brand.
In addition to his headphones which are over the ear, Twi has a smart watch, smart phone, and laptop- Slate brand that Wild gave him.
Four on the other hand has just a smart phone, also Slate brand. He doesn’t care for any other tech since the forge’s heat tends destroy most tech. His headphones are earbuds.
Wild somehow gets free, top of line, not even released yet Slate brand items. He hasn’t figured out that Purah totally found where he’s living now and is sending it to him. When he gets to buy it for himself, he doesn’t really care.
Hyrule, like Time, has a regular watch but his also has a compass. He also has a Guardian tech phone. Other than his camera, he doesn’t really carry much tech with him on the go. He has a laptop at Wild and Twi’s that he uses for editing.
Legend has everything. It’s all Slate brand now but it used to be a bunch of different ones. Robbie reached out to him after it was realized he was friends with Wild and popular online. He does some advertising on his blog for their products.
Sky, currently, only has his phone. It’s Slate, Inc so he can easily FaceTime with Twi. He will start brand wars between the others purposely, just to watch them bicker.
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11th of June, 1940
The dorm was dark and crowded, teams of men (refugees, his mind said, and the word tasted bitter on his tongue) squished in together like sardines.
The British officials had offered him better accommodation when he had first arrived, pity in their voices abundant and Poland had barely managed to still his tongue, to remind himself to be polite.
“I’ll stay with my men,” he had said in heavily accented English, hoping it was understandable. English had never been a particular priority of his, before this. “I hope you understand?”
“Of course,” they had said, assuring looks and derisive thoughts all too apparent. Poland’s body throbbed in pain as he walked away. He was always in pain these days.
He was lucky to be here, he chided himself stiffly, thoughts of the French Vichy prevalent in his mind, but it didn’t feel particularly lucky as his skin tore and bled, and Poland knew his people were suffering under foreign hands.
Lucky, he repeated to himself, laying curled up on a lumpy mattress, aching for home, for his wide fields and jagged mountains.
It was there, in that cramped room filled with dirty men that echoed at night with the sounds of soft sobs cried into pillows that England found him.
“Poland,” he said, ducking around bunkbeds and the morning clamor of people putting on their clothes. He had come with the dawn. “We’ve managed to figure something out.”
Poland looked up. His usually spotless blonde hair was tangled, he was wearing yesterday’s clothes, and he probably smelled something terrible. 
His expression was one of brutal determination, a longing for action, to do something, anything, that England knew all too well, a similar desire reflected in his own face.
“Oh, so you’ve finally given me a job other then “Sit tight, and don’t worry about it?” Poland’s tone was a strange mix of bitterness and lightness, a joke masking his worry and annoyance at his own helplessness.
Before England could respond he pressed on, a strange sort of intensity settled in his voice as he sat up straighter.
“What is it?”
England sighed, giving him a reproachful look before throwing a piece of clothing at him.
Poland caught it, blinking in the light of the weak sun beaming from dirtied windows. “This is...” His heart beat faster. “A uniform cap?”
“Yes,” England gave a rare, wane smile. “Welcome to the independent Polish Air Force. I’m assuming you’ll join company No. 302 of the fighter squadrons. It’s the first one.” England shifted, his green uniform as neat as ever, but with the marks of a garment that had been worn continually, day in and out.
Poland sucked in a breath, his fingers crushing the navy blue fabric of the cap in his hands. “What changed your mind?”
England shrugged and looked away, a glimmer of pain on his face flashing across his face. “My boys are good, but more and more of them have gone out and haven’t come back. And you’ve always made it abundantly clear if I ever need any help with this sort of thing, I need only to ask.”
There was a dry sort of quality in his voice, but Poland ignored him, looking down at the familiar symbol of the white eagle fastened to the cap’s middle.
A symbol of his people, of him.
He breathed out, and the pain of his people was still there, a patchwork of festering wounds that would not close. It would always be there, for as long as this war took, but he hoped that maybe this would help.
Even if not, it was a good start.
Poland looked up, and before England could even think to evade or block, threw his hands around the other nation, hooking him in and feeling first hand the effects this war had had on him as well. Or maybe that was just British food in general.
“Thank you,” he breathed, and there was a smirk on his face as he pulled back, familiar and as old as the polish people themselves. “I always thought you were like, kind of a stick in the mud. But this?”
Poland shook his head. “Just, thank you.”
England flushed, and smoothed down his uniform almost absentmindedly. “Yes, well, don’t thank me just yet. The hard part is still to come.”
Poland grinned, body aching but spirit aflame. He thought about his people, about Germany’s violence's and the bloodshed and pain they had suffered because of it. 
“You won’t regret this.” He said, and it was a promise.
Historical Notes:
1. 11th of June 1940 - This was when the first of two Anglo-Polish Agreements were signed, and the RAF's attitude towards the PAF became more accommodating.
2. “Derisive thoughts” - The German propaganda of the Polish ineptitude was pretty strong, and created many doubts about the flying abilities of Polish pilots. As Flight Lieutenant John A Kent who flew in the Battle of Britain said:
“All I knew about the Polish Air Force was that it had only lasted about three days against the Luftwaffe, and I had no reason to suppose that they would shine any more brightly operating from England'.
3. “No. 302″ - So technically this fighter squadron was only formed in July, but the first agreement was signed in June so shhh. No. 302 was one of the first Polish Fighter Squadron’s to exist in Britain along with No. 303.
 4. “My boys are good, but...” - Over the summer of 1940, many experienced British pilots were killed or wounded. There were not enough trained pilots and there was insufficient time to train those available for combat. The Poles were experienced and enthusiastic to fight, so.
5. “White Eagle” - Ok, so this is literally just the polish crest. It symbolizes the sovereignty and unity of the state. And yes, I googled that. Please, if anyone else has any more specific info feel free to comment! I’d love to know more.
6. “You won’t regret this.” - He sure won’t! The legacy of the Polish pilots in the Battle of Britain (in particular, though not just that) is awe inspiring, and deserves much respect. Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding (who once doubted letting the Poles fly) summed it up like this:
'Had it not been for the magnificent work of the Polish squadrons and their unsurpassed gallantry, I hesitate to say that the outcome of battle would have been the same'.
Also, here’s a link to the PAF uniform (and cap!) I reference:
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towfiqur · 5 months
The Best Gear for Travel
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Traveling well is a fine balance between finding inspiration in the unknown while being grounded in something,” said Wirecutter founder Brian Lam. “Sometimes that is a memory of home, a family, a significant other, friends, etc. Sometimes it’s just the familiar, reliable stuff in your bag.”
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A well-packed bag is one that contains less than you think you need but everything you actually need. If possible, fitting everything into one carry-on and personal item will give you more freedom compared to checking a bag or two. You’ll be glad you did if (and when) things don’t go according to plan.
 Consider this example from OneBag’s Doug Dyment: “I’ve been in situations where I’ve landed in Chicago on my way to New York and everything was snowed in, no flights were flying anywhere, but I was able to rent a car or take a train whereas everyone whose bags were being held hostage by the airlines were simply stuck.”
While carry-on-only isn’t feasible (or advisable) for every trip—especially extended business trips or weddings where you need multiple outfits to maintain appearances—if in doubt, it’s better to cut.
The Cotopaxi Allpa 35L features an easy-to-pack clamshell design and highly adjustable straps that make it a great all-around bag for any traveler who’s dedicated to packing light travel accessories, or for a smaller person who wants less to carry. Handles on all four sides of this bag make it easy to grab no matter where you’ve stowed it, and the Allpa’s straps are contoured to comfortably fit people who have large or small chests. It’s not a specifically gendered design, but our female tester noticed the improvement right away.
The bag is protected by a full lifetime warranty and has the build quality to back that up. Its front panel is made of a waterproof, TPU-coated 1,000-denier polyester (a strong fabric covered in a flexible plastic coating), which means you can lay it on its back in a wet field or in gravel without worrying about moisture soaking through or jagged edges ripping the fabric. The rest of the paneling is made with 1,680-denier ballistic nylon, which feels similar to a strong canvas but with a more prominent weave. After four years of testing, this single backpack (plus a personal item to store under the seat) has replaced nearly every travel  accessories bag or piece of luggage that Kit Dillon, Wirecutter’s senior staff writer who covers luggage, uses.
Compression sacks
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Originally designed for reducing the bulk of lofty sleeping bags, compression sacks are stuff sacks modified with additional nylon end caps that can be pulled together by strings or straps to remove air and create a smaller, denser package that’s easier to pack. Most travelers use compression sacks to condense socks, underwear, and other stuff you don’t mind getting wrinkled into a package with half as much overall volume. For example, an 8- to 12-liter sack can compress a fleece jacket and a long-weekend’s worth of socks and underwear into something that fits in one hand. They also make a decent pillow in a pinch.Most compression sacks require you to empty out the stuff at the top to get to the stuff below it, but the side-zipper design on the Osprey StraightJacket allows access to the entire contents of the bag at once. The compression straps attach sideways, and are less likely to get tangled and twisted like on most compression sacks with lengthwise straps. It can also sit up on its own, and the handle design lets you break it out as a last minute carry-on to avoid an overweight-baggage fee. However, it doesn’t compress down as compactly as the traditional designs we tested so it’s not the best option if compression is your top priority.
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A good pair of travel accessories flip-flops should be lightweight, cheap, and flat. That way they’re easy to take wherever and it won’t matter if you lose them. After testing the super popular Havaianas, Ipanemas, Crocs, and Old Navy flip-flops, our pick is the Havaiana Top (for men and women). These high-density PVC Brazilian classics are world-renowned for their durability, affordability, and reliable traction, even when wet. They weigh just 150 g, compared to the 220 g Ipanemas. They pack down to almost nothing, unlike the big and boaty Crocs. And while other cheap flip flops can get squeaky when wet, the Havaianas stay mostly silent, which is why they’re so popular in beach towns all over the world. Ultimately, this is what earned them the pick over our previous pick from Old Navy.
Neck pillow
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The uniquely angled back on the Travel accessories Ultimate sets it apart from other travel pillows we tested because it can lay flat against the seat back. Most other pillows have a rounded back, which pushes your head away from the headrest. The Travelrest also has rubber grip dots to prevent slipping while sleeping. This pillow’s spongy memory foam cushions the entire circumference of your neck, preventing your head from leaning far in any direction, and its adjustable Velcro strap ensures it can fit most necks. The pillow’s cozy velour exterior is removable and machine-washable. Although it doesn’t pack flat, the Travel accessories weighs less than a pound and compresses to a quarter of its size when rolled into its Velcro-strapped carrying case. Our only complaint is that the Travelrest’s high walls, though supportive, can push over-ear headphones off of the ears of people with shorter necks.
Noise-cancelling headphones
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The Bose Noise Canceling Headphones 700 over-ear set has the most versatile active noise cancellation we’ve ever tested. With 10 levels of noise reduction to choose from, everyone should be able to find a setting that meets this travel accessories. We also enjoyed the lightweight and comfortable design and the easy-to-use controls. What distinguishes the Bose 700’s ANC is the amount of adjustability it gives you: Most noise-canceling headphones offer controls for only on/off or maybe high/low/off, but with the Bose 700 pair you can set the ANC level from 0 to 10, so you have more flexibility to dial in the ideal setting for your comfort. The 20-hour battery life, while not the best we’ve seen, is more than sufficient to get you to most destinations. We have additional options—including earbuds and surprisingly good budget options for over-ear headphones and earbuds—in our full guide to noise-canceling headphones.
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rayyan-talha · 11 months
Reflection - Television: Black Sails
Black Sails was a 4 season historical fiction TV series focused on the pirate era in the caribbean. The series highlighted some important themes such as colonialism, tribalism, sexuality, and race relations. Many characters shown are historical figures, but the fictional characters also share important messages. One character in particular is Max, a biracial lesbian woman who was brought as a slave and forced to work as a prostitute in a "whorehouse". She clawed for power throughout the series and eventually went from being a prostitute to being a feared businesswoman by the end of the series. After she came out as lesbian, many other characters came out as gay or bisexual, possibly alluding to the strength she projects. This is extremely significant as at that time, this was definitely looked down upon by society, yet, we now know through historical records that the lgbt community was always active, just not highlighted.
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Just to highlight the historical time period, most of the big European powers such as the Spanish, French, and English were in the region attempting to project military strength in order to ensure a sense of law and order and maximize on crop profits. The majority of this series is based on the port of Nassau, and even follows historically accurate events like when the republic of pirates took over Nassau from the British navy and created a free trading post.
Another very well known character is Long John Silver. He began as a cook and worked his way to the top of the crew, often serving as the captain's second in command. Unlike majority of the characters, Silver is the most open minded of them all as he looks at new cultures and uses the most useful qualities of them in his adventures. There is a few episodes where the crew was on the run from some British bounty hunters, so they crashed aboard what seemed like an uninhabited island, just to find a booming secret society of runaway slaves. This highlights how no matter how hard anyone tries, the innate human feeling of freedom will never falter. Just like how we have learned about African Americans right after slavery, this series shows an awkard time, where people from a plethora of backgrounds were shown to band together under a captain and his ship. Many slaves helped pirates at the time as "piracy has no color". Blacks in the Carribean would often welcome pirates with open arms. The racial dynamics seen in the show are also quite complex, as slavery was banned in Portugal by the mid 1700s, however, all other nations still had slavery legally justified. Many minorities (especially blacks) were seen flocking toward Portuguese ships as an attempt to be taken to Europe and freed. Another major theme seen here was the lack of care for the native populous, as many were seen in the show to die from diseases immune to populations from the old world. The biggest and most powerful theme of all was the showing of rebellion. Although there is no main character, the captain has by far the hardest role in the story. Captain Flint was a former Naval officer of the British Navy, but when his well known family was disgraced in the House of Lords in England and his lover killed by the governor of Nassau, he turned to violent rage and began the uprising that essentially kicked the English out of the Bahamas. After his lover was killed, he turned gay, especially after seeing Max's public revelation.
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Everyone on his crew and in the piracy business comes from a background of racial discrimination, slavery, defeat, and a history of sorrows directly caused by the colonial powers. Towards the end of the show in season 4, the theme of tribalism is seen running rampant as all the former rival crews band together in one last attempt to destroy the British navy's presence in the carribean. These pirates have a very cult-like brotherhood pact, similar in what we see today in various workplaces such as police officers protecting one another and organizations such as worker unions and the armed forces. In all honesty, what fascinated me the most was the diverse and multicultural pact of brotherhood (and sisterhood) all banded together within the pirates under the banner of freedom. Even back in the 1700's and 1800's, people from different parts of the world could be seen living side by side equally, often acknowledging and blending their cultures together.
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brojiangles · 1 year
Black and Decker - Week 1
When reading this case, I could not help but evaluate my own perceptions on the Black and Decker brand. As someone who falls into the Consumer category (I liked to do a lot of house projects - enough so where I feel like a 'higher' quality power tool is justified), I remember making own selections for a power tool set. I knew that I wanted a a set from the same manufacturer so that I could maximize the compatibility between battery packs, but I had no idea about a lot of the brands in the market. After some initial research, I had generally grouped the power tools manufacturers into these general categories: High end (DeWalt, Makita, Milwaukee) and Consumer (Black and Decker and Ryobi). These categories were developed after some basic research, so it's amazing to see how brand effects can have such a strong propagation years (decades) down the road.
I recognize that the strategy that Joseph Galli ended up using was to move the B&D name out of the Professional - Tradesman market and leverage the DeWalt brand due to its brand image as a reliable manufacturer (albeit in a different trade). This is almost a reflection on societal preferences and capitalistic advantage - that tools designed for a specific audience are 'specialized' and thus can demand a higher premium (DeWalt). Broader, consumer tools (B&D) that are more commonplace end up not being suitable from a brand standpoint for a more professional environment. I see similar things in Old Navy, The Gap, and Banana Republic's branding strategy where these brands target specific markets.
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costellos · 3 years
❥ ┋ ❝ nanami & how he responds to flirting!
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anonymous said: tease + nanami 💕
a/n: hhhh okay so this was supposed to be something quick and easy to write and... lordt. I played myself. again. enjoy flirting with Nanamin and his flirting with you back (because I have no self control!!!). also, for context, you and Nanami are not dating yet in this scenario.
tw: none.
ask game: 💌 15 valentine’s day questions (closed!)
disclaimer: I’m anime-only outside of the prequel, so apologies if my character interpretations aren’t accurate.
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level 1 flirting: compliments.
he would’ve expected the bad pick up lines praise to come from Gojo, not you. but it’s not to say he’s not flattered. he is, or at least he will be, depending on your tone.
so for the sake of this imagine, let’s say you’re being serious. you compliment his tie. it’s a new one, bought from the men’s formal wear store in Ginza. you’d seen him eying it the last time you partnered together on a mission there. it’s a knit tie, navy blue and polished, paired with a grey button-down shirt. “it pulls your whole outfit together,” you say. “I like it.”
Nanami narrows his eyes. it’s an innocent enough observation. he knows not to get ahead of himself — surely you just meant it as a passing comment — though his heart does feel a little lighter. so he sighs, and while he doesn’t notice it, he subconsciously touches the accessory around his neck. you like it. he wasn’t trying to impress you but... he’ll take it. ↳ “thank you. frankly, it cost more than I was expecting, but the quality is nice.”
level 2 flirting: compliments & physical touch & acts of service.
it’s later in the day and his blazer finds itself tossed on a desk chair. his sleeves are rolled up — partly from the heat, partly because he’s so frustrated at how impossible this mission is. all of his leads are dead ends. nothing seems to be connecting.
you pop into the classroom Principal Yaga was so kind to lend him. “you look like you needed some,” you say, placing a cup of coffee in front of him. “also- totally unrelated, but you should pair your new tie with the rolled sleeves from now on. it suits you.”
then you touch the sleeve. it’s to make your point. it has to be. he’s not sure why else you would do it.
again, it’s an innocent observation. you’re just pointing out a way to improve himself. he doesn’t personally agree with it, but he appreciates your comment. and that’s all it is: a comment.
so then why does his breathing hitch when your fingertips brush against his arm? why does he have to cough to compose himself and figure out his train of throat? ↳ “...I’ll make note of it.”
level 3 flirting: explicit interest.
he brings you on this mission with him. although he finally has a decent lead, it’s becoming apparent how much more dangerous the task is turning out to be.
it has you both following a car salesman around Roppongi. the lead might be more than just some old man with a bad haircut and a worse attitude. hence, you’re watching as he walks through Tokyo’s nightlife, attention unfocused and head low. it comes to a point when he sneaks into an alley and knocks on a faded, red door. palm against the door, then with his fist twice, then palm again, and finally with his knuckles.
or at least that’s what you’re arguing.
Nanami completely disagrees. it’s palm, fist, palm, palm, knuckles, obviously.
you won’t give in. palm, fist, fist, palm, knuckles.
hm. alright. he can feel his patience thinning with every hushed protest you make against him. maybe it would’ve been better to go on this mission alone.
you’re about to make your point by going up to the door directly. although Nanami urges you to come back to him, you’re stubborn. too damn stubborn. he approaches you as you hold your palm out to the door, ready to give it a good slap and make your point. but then—
the door opens.
of course it opens.
and before either of you can think, you grab Nanami by his brand new, blue, knit tie and bring your lips to his.
admittedly, this isn’t how he wanted his first kiss with you to go. he imagined it’d be at your doorstep, romantic and typical, with your face in his hand. the temperature would be brisk enough where you’d want to come closer to him. maybe the bakery by your apartment would be wrapping up for the night, the smell of the day’s bread wafting as the owners lock the front doors.
instead, it’s hot, humid, and this alley reeks of piss.
you pull him against your figure, your back resting on the wall behind you. a quiet whimper escapes your lips, and he’s not sure if it’s because he’s kissing you so deeply — the way he’d thought of so many times before — or if you’re doing it to play the part. his hand is resting on the wall behind you, boxing in your figure from the stares of the passerbys.
Nanami is following your lead. his frame presses against you, and he can feel the softness of your body against his. it’s as soft as your lips. even with layers of clothes separating you from him, he can tell.
and jesus, is this what he’s been missing out on all this time? your lips against his, fingers tangled in his hair, another moan on your tongue? it’s intoxicating. he presses further into you.
this is... horribly unprofessional. but it helps that it’s to sell a scene.
speaking of which, it’s enough to fool the people exiting from the red door. they shake their heads, mumbling some choice words before walking away. being in Roppongi, Tokyo’s club hot spot, makes you two look like a couple of lovebirds escaping the bright lights for some much needed privacy. better that than a pair of idiots who almost had their covers blown.
they’re almost at the end of the alley when you pull away from Nanami. he’s already mentally clicking his tongue. done so soon? for as... unideal as the situation is, he wishes it had lasted just a second longer. for a brief moment, you were there. you were his.
he’s not going to let the moment slip past. oh no, it isn’t something you’re both going to conveniently forget.
so he doesn’t. he’s still boxing you in, his figure looming of yours. you’re so close. so damn close. and he tells you, in a voice that’s just above a whisper, gravelly and low: ↳ “we’re not done with this.”
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joontier · 3 years
Parallel Palpitations | V1; report i
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pairings: dr. park jimin x female reader 
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: romance, slice of life, humor
warnings: none to note
word count: 2k
g/n: this is just an intro basically ksjdfksjdf but i’d also like to inform yalls this coincides with the Subliminal in Scrubs universe (jk’s installment of TWA) 
Parallel Palpitations (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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Closing his locker with his foot, Jimin tries to carefully balance his books placed precariously on top of each other in his arms as he walks back to the dean’s office where he’s also arranging most of his stuff to take home. It’s already been a week since he’d officially graduated medicine from Busan National University, and he had only kept going back to school to gather all his belongings so he could start reviewing. 
“Jimin, is that you?” The question almost knocks clumsy Jimin off his feet, surprised at how there was still any other person in the office besides  Kyungjo who was also collecting his stuff to take home. Jimin sets all of his books down first on a desk and turns, only to come face to face with none other than Jeon Jungmin himself, associate professor and chairman of the Jeon Medical Center. 
“Professor Jeon! Good evening Sir...It’s already late, professor?” 
Jeon Jungmin laughs, patting Jimin on the back, “I was going to say the same to you kid. You should go home.” Jimin flashes the older man a small smile, “Ah...yes, Professor. I’m just grabbing the last of my stuff then I’ll be on my way. This won’t take long.” 
“It’s fine, Jimin. The staff know you well anyways,” Jungmin sighs, then rests his weight on a pillar as he puts his hands in his pockets. “You know, Jimin...you’re a very bright student...I think even one of the best in Korea if I do say so myself.” 
The young man momentarily pauses with what he’s doing, taking in the professor’s words, “Oh, I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration, Sir.” 
Jungmin chuckles as he shakes his head. “It’s true - you’re driven and you’re smart. It’s a fixed formula for someone who achieves great success in life later on. Your parents must be very proud. I would be too, if you were my son too.” 
“Thank you, Professor. Everything I do, I do for my parents.” 
The older man lets out a deep exhale and gives Jimin another pat on the back. “Just wanted to let you know that you’re going to be a fine doctor Jimin - and the Jeon Medical Center would definitely need fine doctors like you. I realized I shouldn’t be telling you this, but I really hope you will choose JMC for your post-graduate internship. We have a good program here,” Jungmin’s voice goes down to a whisper, “If you wish to, just let me know…” 
Someone enters the office and bows to the both of them and recognizes the same man as the professor’s driver. The man collects the professor’s briefcase and coat with one nod of Jungmin. “Well, I’ll head off first, Jimin. I can give you a ride home if you’re done with those.” 
Jimin shakes his head quickly, declining the one and only Jeon Jungmin’s generous offer. He’s unsure about the other offer though, but if he lets himself get a car ride home with the chairman himself, the latter might take it as a favorable answer to his proposal to which Jimin is still undecided. “No thank you Sir. I’ll be alright. This might still take a while after all,” Jimin says with an awkward laugh, tapping the top of the stack which was rivaling Jimin’s height. 
“Alright Jimin. Get back home safely. And I...hope to see you again very soon.” 
Jimin gives him a curt nod. “Good night, Professor.” 
He continues on with his remaining tasks, wanting to finish quickly so he could finally go home and rest. “Is he gone?” Kyungjo’s voice startles Jimin, the book in his hands nearly causing the tower of books to collapse. “My god! Stop doing that!” Jimin scolds his friend as it wasn’t the first time Kyungjo’s sleuthing had given Jimin a fright. 
“Yeah, he left already. You done with your stuff?” 
“Uh-huh. All set and ready to step into the real world,” Kyungjo replies, waving his hands in the air. Jimin narrows his eyes at the other boy, judging him silently. Kyungjo has a particular inclination towards alcohol and Jimin wonders if today was one of the days where his friend indulges himself yet once again. 
“Have you heard about his actual son? What was the kid’s name again...uh…” Kyungjo snaps his fingers in mid-air as Jimin asks what was the issue with the chairman’s son, likewise reminding Kyungjo it wasn’t best to talk about it in the dean’s office. “Ah! Yes, Jeon Jungkook. Heard that their relationship got so bad that Jungkook completely cut himself off from the family once he graduated high school and went to Yonsei instead of BNU because of his daddy issues.”
Jimin, unsure how to handle and process that kind of information, simply shakes his head at Kyungjo. “It’s wrong to gossip about other people's lives like that.” When Jimin looks over at his friend, Kyungjo is no longer listening, fumbling with the remote as he turns up the volume of the office television. 
“In other news today, two thousand five hundred sixty one students of Seoul National University graduated this afternoon 25th of February, 2023. The ceremony was held at COEX Convention Center in Samsung-dong, Seoul to accommodate the number of graduates this year. With a yearly average of at least two thousand three hundred graduates, this year’s commencement ceremony records the highest number of graduates in the history of the national university. 
“Not only did they record the highest number of alumni, but this year also marks the first year to have a foreign national graduate as the school’s valedictorian.” Jimin is listening just as intently as Kyungjo now with both boys focused on the TV screen. “Jeong Yeorum, also known as Summer Jeong by her colleagues, graduates with flying colors today from Seoul National University’s College of Medicine. Here is part of her valedictory speech this afternoon.” 
A girl appears on screen and she stands behind the podium with a bright and reassuring smile on her face. “As we embark on the journey of the rest of our lives, I implore you all, to do what you love, because I believe it’s what you’ll do best. There will be countless times of trial, but keep in mind that perseverance will always prevail. Always aim for the moon, because even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. Class of 2023, good luck. And remember, graduation is only the beginning.” 
“Wow!” Kyungjo claps his hands enthusiastically as he marvels at the girl. “The twenty-six year old, who along with her  family migrated to South Korea back in 2015 when her father was reassigned to an office here in Seoul. The valedictorian says she’s not entirely foreign to Korea as her paternal grandmother is actually a native of Jeju. Jeong Yeorum then attended a co-ed high school in Mapo District, where she likewise finished her secondary education with academic distinction.” 
The reporters, equally impressed with the girl’s achievements, couldn’t help but add their own comments to the news report, “Wow...I guess some people are simply born for greatness.” 
“I agree with you there, Dongho-ssi. We might be looking at the next Bae Jeonjoo, the only woman in the group of doctors who pioneered neurosurgery in South Korea. Ms. Jeong Yeorum, if you are seeing this, we’re rooting for your promising career. Fighting!” 
As soon as the news anchors proceed to report other news, Kyungko turns off the television and mentions the time. “Well, she was pretty cute, wasn’t she? Totally my type! Maybe when we get to Seoul to review, we’ll get the chance to meet her...and make her my girlfriend!” 
Jimin rolls his eyes at Kyungjo, placing a firm grip on the shoulder, “My friend...you are either drunk, hungry, or high. Either way, you should go home. Don’t worry about me, I’ll just close up here.” 
Kyungjo shrugs his shoulders. “You’ll still go, right? To Seoul?” 
“I will. Don’t worry.” Jimin gives the other boy a reassuring nod. 
“Still half half with the rent, a’ight? I’ll be counting on you, Jiminie...and don’t let me down. Also, tell me when you’re leaving for Seoul so I know when I’m not supposed to bring hot city girls home...they have the tendency to be...loud sometimes.” 
This boy was definitely high, and whatever substance he’s taking, Jimin wants none of it. 
“That’s your cue, Kyungjo. Go home and take a cab instead.” 
“I can drive! I’m not high or drunk!” Kyungjo puts his hands up in the air in defense. “Hey, look, I can even moonwalk!” He proceeds to dance wildly as he exits the office, leaving Jimin questioning how he even became acquainted with Kyunjo in the first place. 
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You barely hear the sound of your name being called on stage when the audio of Hoseok’s loud whooping completely dulls that of your professor’s. “Oppa! Nobody would be able to make out my name with your audio input!” Playfully shoving your cousin’s phone back into his hands, you continue to mumble your complaints about the poor video quality. 
Indignant with your words, Hoseok retorts, “Hey! I’m not a professional videographer, alright? What’s important is the actual moment happening and not how the moment was captured!” Hoseok hooks an arm over your neck, bringing your head to his chest as he gives you a noogie. “Oppa, my hair!!” 
Pulling yourself away from his grasp, you quickly pat your hair down but not delivering a solid smack on Hoseok’s back. As you’re fixing your hair, you weren’t able to put much thought into where you were walking, ultimately, and accidentally bumping into someone in a blue and black graduation robe similar to yours. 
Quickly, you look up, apologizing profusely at the person. “Oh! I’m so sorry- I…” “It’s okay,” the guy smiles a little, “_________, right?” You’re sure the surprise is evident in your face when he mentions your name when he barely even talked to you during the entirety of med school. “Yes! I mean...hello, Jungkook..” Clearing your throat, you quickly think of something to divert the impending awkward silence, “Well...um, congratulations to you for graduating as the batch valedictorian!” It now dawns on you that he really did graduate on top of the class, “Wow! You’re real smart!” comes your thoughts, unconsciously voicing them out. 
‘You’re real smart?’ Really? That’s the best you could’ve done? 
Jungkook chuckles, slightly taken-aback by your audible observation. “Oh yeah...um, thanks.” From behind you, you hear Hoseok clear his throat before speaking up. “Hello!” You hang your head low momentarily, already imagining Hoseok making fun of you later for this. 
“Right, Jungkook, this is my cousin, Jung Hoseok. Oppa, this is my classmate - Jeon Jungkook.” The two men shake their hands briefly before Jungkook speaks up, “Well, I’ve got to go now. Congratulations to you too Soomin. And Jung Hoseok-ssi.” 
As soon as Jungkook gets out of your sight, Hoseok nudges you with his elbow. “Please tell me that man was Jeon Jungmin’s son,” he says, shaking his head in disbelief. Nodding your head, you raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Got a crush on the dude?” Oh god. Here we go again. 
“No! Jeez.” 
“Why were you so awkward around him then?” 
“We barely talked in class. Hell, I don’t even think we were within at least fifty meters from each other.” 
“But he’s a handsome man?” 
“Maybe you’re the one that’s got a crush on him?” 
Hoseok glares at you. 
“Do you think maybe you’d know which hospital he might be interested in taking his PGI? Woocheon perhaps?” 
It’s your turn to glare at him. “I told you. This incident was only one of our very few interactions ever. I think the last time he talked to me was when he borrowed a pencil during a class and that’s it.” 
“Well...if you’d discover where, let me know. Because if he does apply for Woocheon, and we’d happen to get the girl from SNU too....” Hoseok nods his head slowly, stroking his chin “Woocheon will have the A-Team interns this year, you included.” 
You roll your eyes, resting your arm against the car door that Hoseok opens for you, “You really think that’s going to pay for you ruining my hair?” 
“No, but you’re going to thank me if Woocheon manages to snag the dream team!” 
© joontier 2021
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noirlevity · 3 years
Scent Chapter 4
Pairing: TadaAi
Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Synopsis: Ainosuke once loved Tadashi, but ever since he broke his heart, he decided to never have anything to do with him. But what happens if he meets him again after so many years and finds out a secret that will change both of their lives forever?
Chapter summary: Ainosuke reunites with the ghost in his past.
Tags: Omegaverse, forced bonding, forced marriage, sorta angst, slow burn
Read: AO3 || 1 2 3
The wail of the engine blares as the plane prepares to touch down. Droves of people line to exit the plane. Ainosuke jostles through the crowd as he makes his way to the bus. The vanilla sky and the cold morning air greeted him as he walked.
He’s finally back in Okinawa. 
Inside the building, there were only a few people. Ainosuke waits for his luggage on the revolving platform. When he finally sees it, he grabs it and leaves. He reaches the exit and sees three familiar middle-aged women. Looking at them, Ainosuke quietly rates how bland their styles were. Ainosuke wore his custom-made navy suit with his newly bought oxfords. He was probably overdressed, but he needed to look smart and presentable for this reunion.
Ainosuke takes off his gucci shades and smiles pleasantly at his Aunts. He gives his luggage to the chauffeur.
“I’m back, Aunties.”
“Welcome back Ainosuke.”
His Aunts kisses and hugs him. Ainosuke only smiles to drive the awkwardness away. He isn't particularly pleased with being with them again.
“We missed you very much. You resemble your father now.”
"So handsome and smart looking. Truly the embodiment of how a Shindo heir should be. We're so proud of you."
Ainosuke wants to curl his lips in disgust but he stops himself. 
“When was the last time you went home again? Ah, if I remember correctly it was Aiichiro’s funeral 2 years ago.”
“Yes, it was Auntie."
Ainosuke looks away as his Aunt Sayuri chatters. Memories of his Father’s funeral flash in his mind. He remembers a familiar face leading the ceremony with solemn, empty eyes. He sat quietly at a corner as guests paid their respects. Tadashi looked so worn out then, pale. His youthful glow was no longer there. The dark circles underneath his eyes made him look like a stranger. Staring at the distance as his Aunts conversed with visitors, Tadashi's thin face and hunched figure painted a pitiful man. He looked so different from how he looked years ago when he last saw him.
Even though they had their issue, Ainosuke wanted to go to him to greet him, but he couldn’t. He wasn’t able to bring himself to. The sweet smell that used to make him happy made him feel sad. Ainosuke believes that the feelings he once harbored for Tadashi have long thawed. Yet bitterness still remained. At that time, he realized that Tadashi’s betrayal was something he couldn’t forgive. Ever. Later when he asked his Aunt Kaguya about why Tadashi was leading the ceremony, he found out that Tadashi had been working for his Father. She said that Tadashi was hired a year after Ainosuke left for the states. At that time, he didn’t pay attention to such information because he told himself he was not going to think about him and make himself miserable. 
“Ah yes, Ainosuke. Remember Tadashi? Since he is your Dad’s secretary, and he’s capable and hardworking, we decided to make him your secretary. You don’t need to worry, he can be trusted and we can vouch for his competence."
“Are there any other options?” Ainosuke asks, adamant that he didn’t want Tadashi to be his secretary.
“Tadashi is really capable. He is almost like an alpha in that regard.”
“Ah, I understand. Tadashi it is “ Ainosuke smiles. He looks around to search for the man in question. Noticing that Ainosuke was searching for someone, his Aunt Sayuri spoke, “Tadashi is not here, he was finishing some preparations for the family so he could not accompany us today.”
“He insisted though, but we thought it would be better for us 4 to spend some quality time together. It’s been such a long time since we bonded. We couldn’t visit you in America all the time.”
Hearing his aunts talk makes him uncomfortable. Inside the car, Ainosuke is quiet. He only responds and smiles when he is asked a question. His thoughts linger on the thought that Tadashi is going to be his secretary. 
He didn’t like it. 
He didn’t want it to be him.
However, he couldn’t be stubborn about it. After all, he was voiceless in the Shindo household even though he was the heir. His aunts seem fond of Tadashi despite him being a beta. He assumed that was his gender considering he was hired. His family only hired either alphas or betas. For sure, he was a beta with how his Aunt Sayuri and Kaguya talked about him. 
While Ainosuke was in America, he didn’t hear any news about Tadashi. His Aunts never mentioned him as well. That was why when he learned he worked for his father he was irritated. He remembers the picture one of the maids mistakenly included in his luggage and how through the years he tried getting rid of it but he could never bring himself to. It was the only picture he had of both of them together since he burned the others. He might have to try getting rid of it once more.
His Aunt Chieko takes a call and announces that the restaurant they booked for Ainosuke’s return was ready.  As they ate, Ainosuke’s Aunts didn't hesitate to talk about marriage and for Ainosuke to meet people with that in mind. Ainosuke already had his fair share of relationships but it always ends abruptly. Well, except for one, but that too had to end. He was sure it would be the same this time as well. Maybe shallow relationships were what suited him. Knowing how persistent his Aunts were, he pretended he was interested in the thought of marriage. 
They drive home. As he stares outside of the car window, he notices that they were driving past the streets he traveled when he tried visiting Tadashi once. When they finally turned to the corner that leads straight to their mansion, Ainosuke felt overwhelmed. Earlier, it didn’t sink in that he was finally home but now it did. The mansion was unchanged.  Sure it looked grand and expensive, but that was all there was to it. 
Ainosuke sees Takahisa, the senior butler, and greets him. Takahisa, the old butler who took care of him, looked older. Despite his age, he still looked smart and handsome. A younger butler bows and takes care of his luggage. Ainosuke didn’t know him. As they enter the hallway entrance, another butler was instructing the maids and the other staff to line up for their introduction. The staff lined up face to face like they were in a military inspection. His eyes roam around. Beads of sweat glisten on his forehead as he continues to search. A single drop sluices down his chin so he takes out his handkerchief and wipes it off. Ainosuke taps his feet irritably. He presses his thumb against his index finger and inhales as his Aunts introduce the staff one by one.
Looking at the faces in front of him, he tries to search for faces he was familiar with. He notices that some of the maids were new. It seems that more staff were hired since he was last home. He mentally takes notes of the changes he noticed. 
It always starts with a faint, dull kind of aroma; a pinprick scent tickling his nose. A nanosecond was enough for Ainosuke to find himself back to square one as if 8 long years was still not enough for him to make a single step forward. The sweet scent becomes heavier and he feels like he is still 16. His throat feels like sandpaper; his hands colder than winter.
How funny it all was. 
The scent that always made him feel warm and happy now made him remember the hollowness of the word love. 
Ainosuke hasn’t forgotten anything. Even though he wanted to, the memories were still there in his heart and now like opening pandora's box, everything turned into chaos inside of him. His stomach feels like a whirlpool. Memories and the feelings that came with it that he didn’t want to remember harassed him: Tadashi’s smiling face that always made him feel soft inside; his bubbly laughter and the way he used to hold him in his arms. Ainosuke freezes. Sweat glistens on his high forehead. It’s really been a long time since they’ve seen each other. Eight years was too long a time for a reunion. Time manages to make some feelings go away, but it seems the feelings that he tried so hard to bury are not one of those feelings time can extinguish. 
Ainosuke anticipated this meeting. He even prepared himself before he left, but the real raw sensation Tadashi’s scent gave him was different from what he expected. He always thought that it had the same scent as roses, but it did not. It was similar but different at the same time. The dissatisfaction that always enveloped him recedes. As he basks in the sweet scent, he feels complete. He feels like he has truly come home. 
“Tadashi, you’re back. How were the preparations?”
“It’s almost complete madam.”
“Ainosuke?” His Aunt Kaguya tries to get his attention. 
Ainosuke stiffens. He forces himself to smile when he turns around. 
“Tadashi is here. He’s going to take it from here. Everything is going smoothly for your introduction to society next month.”
Tadashi bends to greet him. Ainosuke just stares, his heart beating gravely in his chest. The anger, pain, and longing he felt all those years twisted in his stomach so much he wants to vomit. 
“Welcome back Ainosuke-sama.”
“Well then, we’ll excuse ourselves.”
The Aunts left, leaving Ainosuke standing there as if he had just seen a ghost. He stares and stares as if embedding Tadashi's image in his mind. The real thing was right in front of him now. He takes a deep breath as his heart constricts and his lips feel dry. He takes a step forward. 
Don't. Stop. Don't you dare take another step. He reprimands himself. 
Tadashi looks up and gives him a faint smile. He finishes the introduction and guides Ainosuke to the garden. They walk side by side. Tadashi’s silence appears cold; distant. The apathy hurts Ainosuke more than he can admit to himself. After 8 long years, Tadashi still has nothing to say to him. To shrug off unnecessary feelings, Ainosuke clears his throat and rotates his shoulders.
The sweet smell is distracting. It was unbearable. Ainosuke used to crave it, but now, he is overwhelmed. It was not helping that Tadashi was close. Unable to withstand it any longer, he wrinkles his nose and stops walking.
Tadashi walks back and looks up at him. Ainosuke sniffs and furrows his brows. He takes a step back and looks away. 
“Pollen allergy?” Tadashi takes something out of his suit hands him a face mask.
“Change your perfume. It’s too strong.” Ainosuke complains, still looking away; his mouth in a pout.
Since Ainosuke didn’t take the face mask, Tadashi mumbles an “excuse me”. He hangs the face mask string on Ainosuke ears, and gently says “But I don’t wear any.”
The soft brush of skin against Ainosuke’s ear flusters him. Out of embarrassment, Ainosuke glares but finds himself cornered at how close Tadashi’s face was to him. He could feel the warmth of the older man’s breath. Truthfully it is giving him gooseflesh. When they ended up meeting eyes, Tadashi was the first to look away. Ainosuke’s mouth quivers. He swallows a lump in his throat and clenches his hand into a fist. 
“So you're still sensitive to smells.”
As the words left Tadashi’s mouth, Ainosuke feels like he is put on the spot. He was often told he was sensitive to smells, when the one saying it is Tadashi it feels as if he was being judged. He tried to grab him. By the time he reached out, Tadashi already wheeled around and walked to the garden. Ainosuke hates himself for being caught in the flow. 
Like what the maids and butlers did, the gardeners lined up and were introduced one by one. As they introduced themselves, Ainosuke realized that Tadashi’s Father was nowhere to be found. After the introductions, they walked back to the mansion. 
“Your father is no longer working here?”
“He got sick when you went to the states so the master replaced him.”
Ainosuke falls quiet. So his father got sick. It’s a pity. 
“What does he do now?”
Tadashi was hesitant. 
“The Master gifted him a botanical garden for his work over the years. He also helps my mom with the flower shop.”
The response makes Ainosuke raise an eyebrow. He finds it odd that his father gifted someone something as expensive as a botanical garden. He's never heard anything about his Father going out of his way for a friend. Did he like Tadashi’s father that much? Ainosuke wasn't sure. He was not knowledgeable when it came to his Father’s acquaintances outside of politics. This thought made Ainosuke realize how estranged he is both mentally and emotionally from his father. As he stares at Tadashi, he couldn’t help but feel at a loss. 
“My old man gifted him a garden? Wow.” Ainosuke scoffs. “How kind of him.”
Both of them enter his Father’s office. Tadashi explains that it is going to be Ainosuke’s office. Ainosuke is familiar with the room. Sometimes this was where his father punishes him. He looks around the room and walks towards the shelves. Ainosuke ran his fingers through the spine of the books. 
“Ainosuke-sama, the master, donated some books to libraries so some of these books are new.” Ainosuke found the book that he used to ask Tadashi to read to him when he was little. 
He read the title with his eyes, 
The little prince.
"Of course I’ll hurt you. Of course, you’ll hurt me. Of course we will hurt each other. But this is the very condition of existence. To become spring means accepting the risk of winter. To become presence means accepting the risk of absence.”
Tadashi turns to him. 
Ainosuke smiles. “I just remembered that from one of Exupery’s letters.” 
Tadashi didn't reply. 
“The important documents are stored inside this room. The master liked things organized so we tried our best. It isn’t large but important copies of agreement contracts and party documents are here.”
They enter. The room was half the size of a servant's room. It had a single window at the end. Lines of filing cabinets filled the space. Tadashi explains how the files were organized. While he explains the contents of the compartments, Ainosuke can’t stop staring at him. 
He is distracted. 
He couldn't concentrate much on what Tadashi was saying because he got too conscious of their closeness inside the stuffy room. The sweet scent that permeated the air only added to his problems. He thought that if he pushed him down here and now, no one would help Tadashi even if he tried to struggle. But Ainosuke was not that kind of man. Even if he hated Tadashi, he won’t be able to do something that could truly hurt him. He has accepted this fact.
A white fabric peaked out of Tadashi’s suit. Ainosuke reaches out to fix it. When Tadashi backed away and stared at him with a surprised look on his face, only then did he realize what he was about to do.  Ainosuke clears his throat. 
“Since you’re my assistant now, you better look smart and presentable. This won’t do.” Ainosuke fixes the collar. He feels Tadashi stiffen under his touch. He irons Tadashi’s shoulder with his hands
“I can’t believe you were hired. You weren’t even taking a secretarial course in university, weren’t you? Or maybe you did, I just didn’t know.”
After a pause, Tadashi responds, “You’re right sir. I didn’t take anything related to secretarial work in university. Unfortunately, I had to stop my studies. We were having financial difficulties at that time since Father got sick. I had to quit school.”
Ainosuke feels bad at the revelation. He always thought Tadashi had great potential so it was such a waste he wasn’t able to finish school. 
“The master was kind enough to reach out to my Mom and offer me a job. He helped us out a lot with my father’s hospitalization bills and medicines. I’m grateful to him.”
Tadashi’s eyes were solemn when he said that. There was also a hint of sadness when he said he was grateful. With how things turned out, shouldn't he be happy? His father got the help that he needed at a critical time. Furthermore, he was given a stable job.
Aichirou helped them a lot. His Father got his botanical garden. And now they own a flower shop. But why does Tadashi seem so sad? Was it because he missed Aichirou? Was he that important in his life? Ainosuke concludes that he must miss him. After all, he was his benefactor. He was the person who was there for their family when they needed it the most. 
“That’s good.” Ainosuke finally manages to say after he fell silent. While he was having the time of his life in the US, Tadashi was working his ass off. The two of them truly lived such different lives, that was probably why their relationship, albeit only friendship, didn’t work out. 
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ichigo-daifuku · 3 years
To Dye For
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Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Toya & Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Family Genre: Gen, Angst, Canon Compliant, Random Encounters, Character Study Word Count: 1.6k | AO3 Link
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Synopsis: Natsuo encounters a mysterious man in the hair care products aisle at the grocery store.
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Warning: The following contains mild spoilers for the Endeavor Agency Arc and the Paranormal Liberation War Arc.
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Natsuo stared at his reflection in the mirror and frowned.
As a college student, hustle and bustle filled his everyday life. He attended classes, studied diligently, moved from one deadline to another, and participated in extracurricular activities. It was a lot to get used to at first, but the newfound freedom he had was nothing short of amazing. He could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted to, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
When Natsuo had spare time, he would usually spend it going on dates with his girlfriend or visiting Rei at the hospital together with Fuyumi. As of late, however, he had little time to do either. School activities had caused his schedule to become more hectic. The upcoming final exams would signal the end of the academic year, and Natsuo had a lot of tasks to accomplish in preparation for them.
He had been so preoccupied with his responsibilities that before he knew it, the streaks at the sides of his hair had grown crimson.
Growing up, Natsuo detested the crimson strands on his head. He didn’t mind how they stood out against his predominantly white hair at first, but as his hatred for his father grew, the sentiment spread to the biological traits he inherited from him. He loathed how those crimson streaks were the same shade as his father’s. In time, Natsuo despised how their resemblance was uncanny. People had always pointed out how his face and frame looked like a younger version of Enji. It was one of his pet peeves.
Natsuo would never forget how, for a long while, he was prohibited from visiting his mother at the hospital because she couldn’t bear to see him. He reminded her too much of Enji, even though his father was as good as a stranger to him. Natsuo wasn’t like him at all, but even if that was the truth, his physical appearance alone was an undeniable indication that he was his son.
When he was in his early teens, he started bleaching and dyeing the six streaks of his hair white. He had a way to lessen his likeness to his father, and he took the opportunity to do so. Now, truth be told, Natsuo had come to the point where he was unused to seeing his crimson hair. It was an odd feeling, but he had learned to live with it.
In retrospect, he should’ve requested a touch-up last week when he went for a haircut at the barbershop, but he had been in a rush. He disliked freeloaders and didn’t want to be one, so he prioritized attending the group meeting he had instead. With a sigh, he shook his head but didn’t regret his choice. He considered dropping by the barbershop again but thought otherwise. He could do it by himself. It had been a while since he had done the bleaching process on his own, but it was simple enough. He could do it.
Natsuo slipped his navy blue coat on and went on his way to the grocery store near his dormitory. The winter chill felt soothing and nice against his skin. It eased his mind and relieved the stress he was under, and he felt glad he decided to go out today.
At the grocery store, he proceeded to the aisle of hair care products and grabbed his favorite brand of hair bleach kit. He hummed to the tune of the music playing through the speakers and looked around, wondering if the hair bleach kit would suffice since he had the other products he needed in the dormitory. Now that he thought about it, he could do some grocery shopping as well. He should get a shopping cart.
A fellow customer entered the area he was standing on. The lanky man wore a hooded jacket that covered the majority of his face. He had his hands inside his pockets as he browsed the shelves.
The man seemed to be someone around Natsuo’s age, more or less. Natsuo was taller than him but granted, he was taller and burlier than most of his peers. He wondered if he was also a college student like him and, if so, if he attended the same institution he did. Natsuo attempted to catch a glimpse of the man’s face but failed. The stranger wore sunglasses, obscuring his features even further, except for the ebony hair hanging across his forehead. Although uncertain, Natsuo considered the possibility of this stranger’s covered-up attire being connected to his Quirk.
With a gloved hand, the man picked up a box of black hair dye and read the description on the packaging.
Oh, no, Natsuo thought, Anything but that one.
“Hey, man,” Natsuo called, approaching the stranger in a friendly manner. “I wouldn’t recommend that brand. The quality isn’t very good.”
The man stiffened but, nevertheless, replied, “Is that so?”
“Yeah. I used that brand when I dyed my hair blond when I was younger, and it completely faded after a few washes.”
“Well, as I said, the quality is—”
“Not that,” the man interjected, not bothering to face Natsuo fully, “Why would you dye your hair blond?”
“Ah, well… to piss my old man off,” Natsuo admitted.
“He has this… rivalry with a certain blond man, so he hates him. I thought it would irritate him.”
Natsuo was oversharing, and he knew it. His hand came up to rub the nape of his neck as he chuckled in mild embarrassment. He had nothing to be embarrassed about when he was just answering the man’s question, right?
To his surprise, the man probed, curious about his story, “And? Did it do the trick?”
“Nah.” Natsuo shook his head. “He just glared at me for a bit and went back to pretending I don’t exist.”
The man let out a humorless chuckle. “Figures.”
Looking back, Natsuo realized how petty of a prank that was. Of course, the man would think so, too. “Yeah.”
There was a lull in the conversation. The man shifted his head to look at Natsuo.
Natsuo was unable to see the man’s face due to his sunglasses, but he could feel his eyes as they traveled from the hair bleach kit in his hand and then to his hair.
The stranger’s shoulders shook as he stifled a laugh. He turned away and placed the low-quality hair dye back on the shelf.
Natsuo scanned the items near him and pointed to a certain section. “If you’d like a really good hair dye, this is the brand I’d recommend.”
“There’s no need.” At a leisurely pace, the man turned around and made his way to the shelf across them, grabbing a medium-sized bottle.
Hair dye remover, Natsuo noted, which made no sense to him. Wasn’t he looking for hair dye?
The man inspected the item in his hand and put it inside his pocket.
Natsuo’s eyes widened at the scene in front of him. “Hey, what do you think you’re—”
Ignoring his question, the man stepped closer to Natsuo, and with amusement laced in his voice, spoke, “Make sure to watch the news, okay?”
Natsuo froze. Why did this person seem almost… familiar?
“See you around,” the man said and walked away, “Todoroki Natsuo.”
Alarm bells rang inside Natsuo’s head. This stranger called him by his full name. He had never introduced himself nor was he wearing anything that would give away his identity.
The second Natsuo was able to collect his thoughts and get over his initial panic, he ran after the man to question him, but he was nowhere to be found. The security alarms didn’t go off despite the man stealing something from the grocery store, his escape successful.
Natsuo reported the shoplifting incident to a staff member. Since the man’s physical appearance was too obscured, the authorities had very little clue to his identity. They recorded the theft but could do nothing much about it, ultimately deciding to watch out for similar incidents from now on. When they asked Natsuo if there was anything else he had to say, Natsuo contemplated it but chose not to inform the authorities of the fact that the man knew his identity and was, most likely, after him.
On his way back to the dormitory, Natsuo clutched the handle of the paper bag of hair products in his fist, wary of his surroundings. He couldn’t help it. Having been targeted and attacked by a villain in the past, he had to stay vigilant. Moreover, why did that person tell him to watch the news? The crime he committed was theft—a petty one at that—and would hardly be worth a headline.
Still, it worried Natsuo. He sent Fuyumi a message subtly informing her of his whereabouts in case something happens to him. Not wanting to cause her unnecessary panic, he decided to leave out the details of the encounter he had at the grocery store. He’d tell her later, but for now, he reminded her to take care of herself. Shoto was at U.A., at least, he would be fine there. Rei would be safe at the hospital while Endeavor could handle himself.
Natsuo boarded the train and sat down. He set his elbows on his knees and shut his eyes, the pads of the fingertips of his right hand gently touching their counterparts on his left as he leaned forward and bowed his head, lost in thought.
Who was that man?
The question plagued his mind for a long time but held no answer.
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Notes: This was supposed to be a humorous fic… but here we are.
When I was writing this story, I thought a lot about that panel in Chapter 302 where Rei said she “started seeing hints of [Enji] in the children’s faces,” and while Shoto’s left side was shown, Natsuo’s entire face was beside him.
I hope you’re all enjoying Season 5 so far. Thank you for reading! ♡
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BNHA Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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rons-hermiones · 3 years
Come Find Me
Come Find Me
by rons-hermiones
Summary: Unplanned, Hermione is forced to spend Christmas at the Burrow due to her grandmother falling very ill. After being ignored by Hermione for weeks, Ron is determined to show her how much she means to him. Just before he gets the chance to tell her, Bellatrix Lestrange shows up with other plans for Hermione. Can Ron get to her before it's too late? (Ron/Hermione Half-Blood Prince AU)
Rating: M for language & dark themes in later chapters.
Chapter Ten
Christmas came quicker then anyone had expected. 
Soon after his talk with Harry yesterday, his mother had walked in on Ron attempting to tackle Bill to the ground, but she soon stopped it and they all ate dinner. 
Hermione was absent for the meal. Ginny said she was pretty worried about the lack of response from her parents so she was going to write again. Thankfully, Molly didn’t push, understanding she needed her space. 
When breakfast came the next day, there was no pressure for them to eat as a whole, the same for lunch. The reason being, is that his mother forced a few of them to see great Aunt Muriel before dinner. 
Ron hadn’t been one the fortunate ones to get out of it. 
Harry and Hermione had no pressure to go for obvious reasons. Anyway, it was for the best knowing how Muriel was. Fred and George decided to open the shop just for the morning in hopes to get last minute buyers and Charlie somehow convinced his mother and the twins to go. 
So just after one o’clock, Ron, Ginny, Fleur, Bill, and his parents apparated back to the Burrow. 
“Merry Christmas dears! We had gone before you woke.” Mrs. Weasley quickly clambered into Harry, pulling him into a bear hug. 
“Merry Christmas.” He said back embracing her, “thanks for having me.” 
“Always dear, always.” She tells him with a kiss on the top of his dark hair. Then Molly whips around and grabs for Hermione, making her drop that book, “and you too Hermione, Merry Christmas.” 
“Happy Christmas Mrs. Weasley, thank you for putting up with me.” She whispered hoping Ron wouldn’t hear. 
She pulled away and kept her at arm's length, brushing some curls from her face, “nonsense Hermione, you’re family and we’re here for you.” 
Soon the brunette's eyes gloss over as Molly pulls away telling them she needs to start on dinner. 
With quick well wishes to Harry and Hermione everyone vacated the room, save for Ron. This being the first time the three of them have been alone together. 
“Happy Christmas Harry,” he turns to the witch wearing an uncertain expression, “Hermione.” He says softer.
Harry stands for a moment, a little unsure of what exactly is about to happen. 
“Happy Christmas Ron.” There’s a soothing quality to her voice, something he hasn’t heard in months. 
They just stare for a few moments before Harry feels the need to break it up, “um you too Ron. Hermione, did you still want Hedwig?” 
She shakes her head, breaking their gaze, “please.” The brunette admonishes lightly. 
“Why do you need Hedwig?” He blurts out before he can help himself. 
She answers nonetheless, “to write to my parents. I haven’t heard from them, but I wanted to wish them a Merry Christmas.” The bushy haired witch replied, lips in a thin line. 
“Oh I’m sorry.” He replied soundly. 
Briefly remembering her conversation with Fleur, she eyed him, trying to get a read. He did seem sincere. 
“It’s okay.” She tries to give him a smile but it falters. 
He notices the attempt and can’t help but beam in return, his chest feels like it’s on fire. 
Seeing this as a good sign, he pushes his luck, “hey I was hoping that-” Ron begins nervously. 
“Here she is!” Harry comes down with Hedwig on his arm, interrupting them. 
“Ronnie, come grab this for me! I can’t reach!” His Mum yells as soon as Harry enters. 
He looks to her apologetically, letting her know he wants to stay. 
And shockingly, she seems to understand, “it’s okay Ron, tell me later.” Hermione said voice both quiet and soft. 
At this he smiled again, liking the fact there was a promise for later. 
Dinner, though delicious, went by very fast. With eleven people scarfing down a lovely meal and the promise with gifts after, everyone ate rather quickly. 
Normally the Weasley’s opened presents in the morning, but because of the impromptu trip to Muriel’s they decided to follow up dinner with gifts. 
So far everything had gone off without a hitch. 
Everyone enjoyed the gifts from Hermione. Mr.Weasley had been marveling at the alarm clock for the past twenty minutes as the Muggleborn finished explaining batteries best she could. 
Same goes for Harry, who was able to finally give back the family, dousing them in some of the best Wizarding products. This earned a scolding, yet grateful look from Molly herself. 
Now it was time for Mrs.Weasley to pass out gifts. She always made sure everyone opened them one at a time, in order to revel in their smiles. 
“Here Fleur, this ones for you dear.” Molly says softly, pushing a wrapped present in her hand. 
“You shouldn’t have!” The blonde exclaims a bit breathless at the gesture. 
Mrs.Weasley tuts, “nonsense dear, you’re family now.” 
With watery eyes, she ripped open the paper to reveal a soft jumper. Unfolding it, she held it up to see what it was. At the sight she squealed. 
Fleur turned around the navy blue thing to reveal a large periwinkle ‘F’ sewn onto it. She knew what these meant to her fiancé’s family. 
“Wicked Fleur, we’re twins!” Fred announced holding up his own jumper, a dark green with an orange ‘F’. 
“Hey!” George exclaimed, feigning hurt. 
“Oui Fred! Des Jumeaux!” She said excitedly. 
“Oh that’s just so precious,” Molly gushes, “I have to get a picture.” She’s up and scrambling for her camera. 
“Mum!” Bill exclaims, embarrassed. 
Fleur however is ecstatic, standing up and pulling the thing over her head proudly. 
Hermione couldn’t help but beam at the sight. The first genuine smile she’s felt in a while. She’s so glad Fleur is finally feeling at home here. Since their talk that day she can’t help but appreciate the woman even more. 
“Hey,” a voice low in her ear breaks Hermione’s revere, “I got you something.” 
She turns to find Ron leaning over, blush on his cheeks. 
“Oh.” Is all she manages to say, pretty shocked. She clears her throat, “I uh, I got you something too.” 
“You did?” He asks, surprised. 
“Yeah,” she begins sheepishly, “well it was before...” 
“Right.” The ginger says stiffly, not allowing himself to indulge in such a thing for too long. 
“I do still want you to have it though.” The witch feels the quick need to assure him at the shift in his tone. It’s mad she’s so worried over the littlest things about him, while he’s got her a wreck. 
“Alright well how about we go to the garden, yeah? Away from everyone.” He suggested bravely. 
She contemplates this. Being alone with Ron feels a little dangerous as of late. “I don’t know...” Hermione says after a minute. 
“Please,” he pouts a little, “believe it or not Hermione, I want to do something nice for you.” He tells her with conviction. 
She sighs, unable to turn away those blue eyes, “okay.” The brunette agrees defeatedly. 
A grin works its way onto Ron’s face as he soon pulls a parcel from behind a nearby chair, like he planned it. 
“I reckon we should slip out while they’re distracted.” They peer over to find Fred and Fleur smiling for Molly as Bill looks thoroughly embarrassed. 
So caught up at the scene in front of her, she doesn’t respond, worrying Ron. “What I mean is that I just don’t want anyone to say anything to make you uncomfortable, or I guess that-” he rambles on. 
Easing him, Hermione cuts him off, “I understand Ron, I just need to get it from my trunk.” 
He nods in understanding. The pair stand up and part ways. Hermione to Ginny’s room and Ron to the garden. 
On his way out he runs into Lupin, who practically interrogates him as to where he’s going. His former professor has been nothing but paranoid as of late, thankfully, Tonks eases the man just in time for Ron to slip away. He just hopes Hermione doesn’t have a similar problem. 
And for once, luck appears to be on Ron’s side, as he watches her emerge from the kitchen door just a few minutes later, now donned in a baggy blue jumper to fight off the cold. 
“Hi.” The brunette announces, nervously picking at the ribbon tied snugly around his gift. 
“Hey.” He replies, incredibly soft. 
They just stare at each other for a few minutes, taking one another in. 
When the gaze becomes too heavy, the redhead clears his throat, “wanna go over there? I know how much you like it.” Ron points to an old bendy oak tree just meters away. 
Hermione blushes at this and is more than thankful Ron can’t see as much in the moonlight. Slowly and silently they work their way there. 
“You go first.” He says a bit flustered. 
Nodding, she pushes the present into his arms. As he takes it, he can’t help but note how heavy it is, curious, he eyes her. 
“Well go on.” She teases lightly, he’s missed this from her. 
Eager, he tears open the orange paper and sloppily unties the golden ribbon. 
The first thing that catches his eye is the engraving on top: ‘Property of Ron Weasley’, this beckons him on as he slides off the wooden top to reveal a shiny new wizarding chess set. And sitting on the board, is a small card. 
‘Something to call yours, Happy Christmas Ron. 
Love, Hermione.’ 
He’s not sure how many times he reads it. It must’ve been a while because Hermione eventually breaks him from the daze. 
Love, Hermione. 
“I just thought well, it’s silly, but once in fourth year you told me that you’d never had anything to call your own. You probably don't even remember it now but I-” she rambles, taking his silence as discomfort from the gift and note. 
Love, Hermione. 
“No, I remember,” Ron is soon to assure, “I remember it perfectly well, you uh, you’d told me that you were mine. Just mine.” His ears glow pink, he doesn’t know why he said it. 
And Hermione, she doesn’t know what to say back. Well, she knows what she wants to say, but not what Ron wants to hear. 
But for Ron, in all honesty, a call back to such a special moment for him coupled with the way she signed that card, well it awoke something in him. It wasn’t quiet confidence, more like courage. 
“Look Hermione, there are so many things I want to,” he pauses, “no that I need to tell you, that you deserve to know.” A shaky breath pushes past his lips as he runs a hand through his shaggy hair, “Merlin, I dunno where to start, I guess maybe with-” 
They jumped, Ron’s gift for her, that he had been holding, toppled onto the grass. 
“What was that?” Hermione asks suddenly startled, hand reaching into her waistband for her wand. 
Sensing her unease, he’s quick to calm her, despite his racing heart, “I’m sure it’s just Lupin and Tonks leaving, yeah?” He offers. 
Slowly, she nods, relaxing the grip on her wand. 
Taking another deep breath, he starts to go on again, “look, as I was saying, I just wanted to-” 
Suddenly the sound of sloshing water filled the cold air. 
“Ron, I really think we should go make sure everything’s alright.” Her voice was shaking. 
He nodded in understanding, lightly grasping her hand and pulling her back toward the house. Merlin, he was ready to curse whoever the hell interrupted him this time. 
As they approached they found the entirety of the Weasley’s, plus Lupin, Tonks, Fleur, and Harry, with their wands drawn. 
At the sight of Ron and Hermione, all wands were pointed to them. This made the ginger nudge Hermione behind him, her hand still in his. 
“It’s just us.” He announces. 
All wands are lowered. They seem to think the noise came from the pair. 
“But we heard it too. It sounded like apparition.” Hermione soon clears up, putting everyone on edge again. 
Then, as if a product of everyone’s nightmares a shrill cackle fills the air. 
“I killed Sirius Black!” The familiar voice of Bellatrix Lestrange sings from nearby. 
“It’s her.” Harry whispers gruffly. 
“Harry don’t.” Lupin warns fiercely, grabbing at the chosen one's hoodie. 
He seems to respond to this and stays rooted. After all, Sirius was Lupin’s friend too. 
Another set of heavy footsteps crunches atop dead leaves as a low growl permeates the already tense air. 
Ron’s grip on Hermione’s hand only strengthens, as they use their free ones to draw their wands. 
“What do we do?” Ginny stage whispers to the group. 
“Go inside.” Arthur tells his daughter. 
“Dad,” the younger girl goes to protest. 
Her words die in her throat as a shadow makes its way out of the tall grass into the open space around them. 
“Merry Christmas!” Bellatrix shouts in mock cheer and she stands in the open space. 
Hermione can’t help but shutter. She hasn’t seen this mad woman since the Department of Mysteries, since she killed Sirius. But she has dreamt about her. About how she beckoned Dolohov to curse her, the laugh that escaped her as he did. 
“Now let’s see what we have here,” she smiles sickeningly as Fenrir Greyback joins her side, “Greyback I do believe you’re already acquainted with some of these folk, but let me remind you.” 
Hermione swears she sees Lupin tense at the sight of the vicious werewolf. At his creator. Bill is wearing a similar expression. 
“Well if it isn’t my niece!” She says looking to Tonks, “there we have Sirius Black’s best friend, you know him, don’t you Greyback?” She pauses as the werewolf licks his lips, “oh and of course, Sirius Black’s godson! Hi there Potter.” The curly haired witch grins. 
Harry lifts his wand higher, ready to curse her. This does nothing but elicits a cackle from the mad woman. 
“Stupid boy, now where was I? Oh, well, anyone with red hair, now that’s a blood traitor. They go by the name ‘Weasley’ these days.” 
Molly tightens the grip on her wand. 
“What the hell do you want?” Tonks is the one who dares to ask, being most familiar with Bellatrix. 
She ignores her, “ah wait, I almost missed that one.” 
Her dark eyes land on Hermione’s terrified ones. 
“Surprised you’re still kicking around. Thought Dolohov got rid of such filth last spring. No matter, Greyback does filthy blood satisfy you?” She teases, making Hermione shiver. 
Ron’s grip on her, if possible, got tighter, as he raised his wand. Ready to use a more damaging spell then ‘eats slugs’. 
The larger man licked his lips, “Mudblood is usually sweeter.” He claims. 
And not even caring if they were two death eaters, Ron spoke up, “you leave her the hell alone.” He all but growled, tone rivaling Greyback himself. 
“Oh!” She squealed excitedly, “brave boy you got here Arthur! I remember this one well from the Ministry too. Not surprised he cares for such a thing. Look at the lot of you!” 
“Ron.” Hermione warned as he started to step forward. 
“Enough chit chat, incendio!” The witch exclaimed, expelling a ring of fire around the group. 
Then, she begins skipping away, “I killed Sirius Black. I killed Sirius Black.” Her ear splitting voice echoed through the air. 
“Don’t,” Hermione and Ron hear Lupin warn as he grasps at Harry, but it’s too late, he’s running through a small opening in the flames. 
“Harry no!” Hermione yells to the Boy-Who-Lived. 
Running on nothing but adrenaline, worry, and instinct, in one swift motion she pulls away from Ron and races after him. 
“Hermione!” He calls out moving to grasp at her again. She’s too quick, escaping into the tall grass. 
Frantically, he peers between his family and the small opening flickers to a close in the fire. Giving them one last look, he makes his decision. 
“Ronnie don’t.” Bill says weakly. 
“I’m sorry.” Is all Ron says before he’s trampling his way through the hot flames.
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blogsteveclark12 · 3 years
How To Dress Sustainably (And Stylishly)
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No offence to Eco-fashion warriors, but hemp overshirts and wicker onesies are not a good look. We don’t much like rummaging through dumpsters in the name of freeganism, either. On the other hand, we’re not overly keen on the irreversible destruction of the planet just so we can keep up with the latest trends in #menswear. 
According to waste advisory body WRAP, more than 350,000 tonnes of clothes were sent to landfills in the UK alone in 2016. Dying garments to the season’s trending shade is the second biggest polluter of water globally, dumping dyes, inks, bleaches and minute fibres into the water cycle. And, according to The World Wide Fund for Nature, it can take up to a staggering 20,000 litres of water to produce just one T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Sobering stuff for next time you casually add to basket.
“Each morning when we wake up and get dressed, we can effect change,” says Orsola de Castro, co-founder of the Fashion Revolution organisation. “Just thinking, becoming more conscious, is a step in the right direction.” Thankfully, there are ways to remap your sartorial habits without going on an extreme menswear diet. Here’s how to (figuratively) turn your wardrobe green. Please dress responsibly, but stylishly.
Stop Wearing Plastic
“Over half of the clothes binned in the UK are plastic-based,” says Ian Samuels, commercial director of historic menswear brand E Tautz. “Our consumption is off the charts, and it can’t continue.”
Before buying a garment, check its label for polyester, acrylic or nylon – all of which are just fancy names for plastic. Where possible, stick to pieces made from pure natural fibres such as cotton, linen and wool – remembering those that are made from just one fabric will be easier to recycle.
One of the biggest leaps in sustainable manufacturing is Lyocell (sometimes called Tencel) – a relatively new fabric made from wood pulp that has minimal environmental impact and is fully biodegradable. It’s similar to cotton in that it’s lightweight and breathable, making it ideal for tees and shirts
Choose Looks That Are Trend-Proof
No man is an island, and staple pieces on their own aren’t going to be a silver bullet for your inner sartorial spendthrift. What you need to look out for are tried-and-tested outfit combinations that look cool but won’t date.
“Choosing good quality staple combinations is the key to having a sustainable wardrobe,” says men’s style writer George Nicholson. “Invest in outfits like a leather jacket, a quality white T-shirt and a pair of selvedge jeans, and you won’t need to replace the foundations of your wardrobe every year.”
Yes, the high street may be able to quickly knock up handsome wares that give you change from a tenner, but for the planet, the cost is way higher with CO2 emissions from the fast-fashion cycle expected to reach 60 per cent by 2030.
As well as staple pieces, staple colors should also be a point of focus. Neutrals and versatile shades of navy, black and grey offer up the most styling combinations – maximizing on the magic cost-per-wear formula.
Buy Fabrics That Are Hard-Wearing
If you’re going to buy clothes (and you’re here, so we’ll assume that you are), the easiest way to reduce your great, hulking human footprint is to take an interest in what they’re made from.
Beyond avoiding difficult-to-recycle fabric blends, the other thing you can do is shop for pieces that are hard-wearing. For example, a real leather jacket will set you back further than an imitation number, but the former will be trucking long after the latter has peeled and cracked beyond recognition.
Consider also the natural properties of fabrics. Merino wool, for example is anti-bacterial, so requires fewer washes after wear, which will in turn extend its shelf (or rather, wardrobe) life.
Buy Second-Hand 
It’s often said that the most sustainable clothing is already in your wardrobe, but sometimes it’s hanging up in somebody else’s, waiting to be re-sold.
Use second-hand and resale sites such as Depop (great for sportswear and all things nineties), Grailed (full of cult brands and rare finds) and Vestiare Collective (for authentic high-end designer pieces) to shop without guilt.
Keep a flexible tape measure to hand at home to size up garments you already own, so that you can compare them to items for sale.
You can also check out the thrift stores in Lebanon, TN if you want to buy pre- loved clothes.
Repair Your Old Clothes
The saying ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ holds real water in menswear. But so too should ‘If it’s broke, fix it.’
“Most of us don’t think about mending a pair of jeans that have ripped at the crotch, or a jacket sleeve that’s been nibbled at by moths, but it is worth it,” says Lucinda O’Connor, founder of Clothes Doctor.
Make acquaintance with your local seamstress or dry cleaner, or use an online service such as the Clothes Doctor which will collect your damaged clothes and return them as good as new.
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laissezferre · 4 years
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New discoveries from HMS Erebus
EPAULETTES -- This pair of epaulettes was discovered in its box, within what is believed to be the 3rd Lieutenant’s Cabin, on the lower deck. The solid upper part of each epaulette, called the bonnet, is made of twisted gold plated silver wires over sheet metal. Fringe-like gold bullions are attached to the sides. Epaulettes were part of a British Royal Navy officer’s dress uniform, worn over the shoulders of a coat so that the fringe-like bullions dangle downwards. These epaulettes are specific to the rank of lieutenant. These epaulettes may have been those of 3rd Lieutenant James Walter Fairholme of HMS Erebus.
PENCIL CASE -- This pencil case was discovered in a drawer, in built-in furniture in what is believed to be the Captain’s Steward’s pantry (storage room), on the lower deck. The case is made of wood (cedar) with copper alloy hinges and closure. This pencil case would have originally contained an assortment of lead and slate pencils, several of which were found in the same drawer. This case and the pencils it contained may have been used by officers for scientific work and for teaching lessons aboard HMS Erebus.
LEAD STAMP -- This lead stamp was discovered inside built-in furniture in what is believed to be the Captain’s Steward’s pantry (storage room), on the lower deck. This stamp is made of 3 lead pieces pressed together with lettering “Ed. Hoar” and an image of an anchor on its stamping surface. Stamps like this were used to identify documents or clothing articles with ink. According to Erebus’ muster (passenger) list, Edmund Hoar was Sir John Franklin’s steward, or personal assistant. He was 23 years old when the ship sailed on the expedition and came from Portsea, England.
SEALING WAX -- It was discovered in what is believed to be the Captain’s Steward’s pantry (storage room), on the lower deck. This sealing wax is made of a mix of shellac and turpentine, with vermilion and chalk. Sealing wax was used to seal letters and envelopes. It would be melted, dripped on an envelope or letter, and stamped. This piece is marked “Extra Fine London” and by a horse and rider motif. The end of this piece bears a fingerprint of its last user. In 1859 the McClintock Expedition found a similar piece in a boat near the shore of Erebus Bay.
GLASS BOTTLE -- This glass bottle was discovered on the lower deck, in the officers’ mess area.The bottle and stopper are made of colourless glass. Given its location, this bottle was probably used for alcohol, such as brandy or port. This bottle was found intact, with its stopper in place. Analysis will be conducted to find out what is contained.
HAIR BRUSH -- This hairbrush was discovered on the lower deck, in one of the officers’ cabins. This object has a satinwood handle, with unidentified bristles. Given its high quality and where it was found, the hairbrush was likely used by one of the officers. A few human hairs were collected from the brush’s bristles. These could help to identify its owner or user(s) by DNA analysis.
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