#they’re allowed to be close and cuddle without it being romance
worstloki · 3 months
Looking for platonic fics of canonically close rival best friends that keep them that way
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ladypeonies · 2 years
MileApo, anatomy of a relationship.
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A tale of friendship and love (2)
When looking at MileApo’s relationship what fascinates me is the level of understanding they have of one another and for one another which is rare in such a short relationship, how long has it been? A year and a half? I’m sure it wasn’t easy to build trust and understanding knowing as they stated themselves, they don’t always say what’s in their mind. They probably had to work through things left unsaid and hurt feelings.
 When they talk about their relationship, you can see they worked on it to achieve what they have. They needed to avoid any misunderstanding and build TRUST to work together so closely. They had help for that with workshops but also the time they spent together out of work. And how do you build understanding? Spending time together and COMMUNICATION. They spoke and learned about one another. About what they wanted to achieve, about their role, about their experience, happy and painful ones. They found out their boundaries, limits, etc.
 Therefore, there is no awkwardness between them, they know where they stand with each and in each other’s life. They’re aware and respect each other’s boundaries. You have seen them together. There isn’t a touch which isn’t welcomed or a gesture which went too far. They know each other’s body and mind. They know how far they can tease and provoke. That’s why those people who tried to say Apo was sexually harassing Mile over a joke are imbeciles. Apo has permission to joke all he wants, he’s allowed to touch, hug, whatever. Apo possesses privileges others don’t because of his close relationship with Mile and vice versa.  
I admire the fact that, they’re very protective of that relationship, Apo the most, but it comes from his experience in showbusiness. They’re often accused by some of doing fanservice. Well, they aren’t the best at it for sure. They barely show anything. In this interview (one of the best) they clearly explain that they have tons of couple photos that they keep for themselves. They have spent SO MUCH time together and yet what do the fans actually see of that time? One selfie here, a TikTok there. They’re aware their relationship will be scrutinised by those who love them and hate them. They indulge the fans from time to time, but they have a tight grip on what they share. I’m sure it’s not only for social media but the content BOC put out there. It seems the secrecy and protection is spread among their acquaintances and friends, who don’t post much about them or when they’re with them. If someone posts, it’ll be a day later. The French say, ‘pour vivre heureux, vivons cachés’ live happily, live hidden. And it seems to be their philosophy, a relationship you protect is a relationship which matters.
 But what kind of relationship do they have?  
 It always baffles me how people lack imagination when it comes to human beings and relationships, it’s either Friendship or Romance, really? What about a deep friendship, friends with benefits, friends with romantic feelings but they don’t want to act on them, friends who cuddle and kiss. What about a romantic relationship without any physicality because one is asexual? Hundreds of possibilities exist and yet we tend to ignore them because friendship and romance are our comfort zone and also like Mile said, here, people say they’re open-minded but they aren’t really. It’s difficult for us to view anything than what we’re accustomed to Thus we have a black and white vision of relationships ignoring all the nuances of grey. It could be love and friendship.
 Do I care about what kind of relationship they have? No, I can gush about the way they’re friendship goals in the morning and swoon over their intimacy in the evening. I’m here to enjoy two beautiful souls. I’m certain of something, they have the relationship they desire, which fits their wants and needs. And that’s beautiful for me to watch. They have tailored their relationship for them, therefore it’s unique, it’s MileApo made and certified and I don’t need to understand it, it’s theirs. They could call their relationship, Yellow or green. They could call it Lobster Jim sour cream, why not? They shaped it.
Perhaps relationship is a word too narrow and maybe bond is better, a strong feeling of friendship, love or shared beliefs and experience that unites them. I love how in the beginning they talked about their relationship in terms of friendship, they were buddies and now it’s we love each other, ‘I love you.’ Which makes me believe that friendship wasn’t enough to really represent that bond of theirs which grew for sure.
They went to battle together and came back victorious. A bond forged in hardship is difficult to break.
If you believe they’re in a romantic relationship, why not? But let’s not pretend it’s a fairy tale.
I know a tale of friendship and love is real, it’s messy, chaotic and extremely beautiful.
Part 1
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altschmerzes · 11 months
omg PLS write about it i’m begging u…
here we go:
so i think with dani and jamie, they don’t necessarily define their qpr it just sort of …… is
like. they hang out after training pretty much every day. hanging out after training turns into sleepovers. sleepovers turn into living together…
i think both of them would enjoy physical affection (hair stroking, cuddles, spooning at night etc) without the promise of sex, but i don’t think it’s necessarily COMPLETELY off the table? i think it’s probably quite rare and really just something that they do to feel closer. but i don’t see their relationship as being a particularly sexual one.
i think jamie is someone who needs verbal affirmation and physical touch in order to feel appreciated and safe, and dani is more than happy to give that to him. on the other hand, i think dani needs someone who will take him seriously and allow him to not be so “on” and happy all the time, which jamie would be more than happy to do as well. i think that dani needs someone who will allow him to be angry and sad, and i think jamie needs someone who will validate his emotions as well. i just think they would be soooo good for each other, obviously not perfect but incredibly healthy and loving and validating to each other.
i honestly think that they make each other feel extremely safe and have so much in common. like, an ideal dani and jamie day is playing football together all day, cooking for each other, and cuddling in front of a film before going to sleep. and they give each other space too, they know that they both need some time to decompress (but this is rare. they are pretty attached at the hip even in canon lmao)
jamie becomes very close with dani’s family to ME! i also think that they would possibly even think about raising kids together when they’re both retired …. hmmmmmmmm
i do have some more cohesive thoughts somewhere but i can’t find my notes on them, so this is all off the top of my head😭
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS……. I WANT TO FRAME IT AND HANG IT ON MY WALL IN A FRAME WITH STICKERS ON IT. this is delightful and i love it and i ABSOLUTELY think you’re spot on, this completely lines up for me and im thinking so hard about it. i want to write a whole thing about them now, i want to steal 100 sweeping romance story tropes and write an epic narrative of qp two aces…….
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narrators-journal · 2 years
Ryoji Mochizuki NSFW alphabet
Just something fun and easy I did to amuse myself between working on art and my Ryomina or Kanao fanfiction. I also have a Minato version, but it’s not finished, so for now just have some brainless Ryoji thoughts since him and persona have just, taken over my brain.
CW: Spicy content, obviously, Slight spoiler risk for persona 3
A= Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Ryoji enjoys cuddling after sex whenever he can, but especially with Minato. So, he's naturally also pretty attentive after a particularly rough round. So, he's pretty affectionate after the deed and very lovey.
B= Body part (favorite on themselves and their partners)
Ryoji's favorite body part on himself can be assumed to be his dick, but in reality it's a tie between his ass and his soft, pudgy belly. On Minato, he adores his ass. He finds it very cute and grabable.
After canon, Ryoji's favorite part of himself are his wings. He's very proud of them and he adores that Minato likes them as much as he does. Though, his upper body as a whole is a close second, because he enjoys how strong his arms are and, again, his pudgy belly.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Ryoji tends to prioritize his partner cumming before him. He just enjoys pleasing whoever he's sleeping with before himself. It's what makes him a very popular partner for one night stands.
D= Dirty secret (Their dirty secret)
Despite how soft he is in bed, Ryoji secretly enjoys some sketchier things. Like consensual stalking, Chikan, or maybe a little bit of dubious consent. Though, naturally, he'd never do any of these without permission.
After canon events, he gets off on the thrill of the power difference between him and Minato. It just makes him feel powerful to know and think about how easily he could overpower the wildcard.
E= Experience (How experienced are they?)
Ryoji is a fast learning, flirty, sexual deviant. Not only is he experienced, he's experienced in a few creative methods. He has a hell of a body count and will go down in history for getting around.
F= Favorite position (self explanatory)
He isn't very picky with positions. Though, he does have a soft spot for being face down when he bottoms. Better yet when Minato has his hand on the back of his neck to keep his face in the pillows. When he is the one doing the fucking, Ryoji once again doesn't have a favorite. Just about anything that allows his partner to feel good and for him to be buried as deep as possible is good by him.
G= Goofy (Are they more goofy or more serious in the moment?)
He tends to keep things somewhat light during sex. It helps nervous partners relax and amuses Minato. Though, he will usually tailor the level of goof to his partner. Particularly shy virgin? He'll be pretty silly and relaxed. With Minato? He tends to keep the goofiness to a low level.
H= Hair (How well groomed are they? Do the carpets match the drapes?)
He doesn't mind an average amount of hair down there, but he doesn't let it get too wild down there. He keeps it well maintained and cleaned. And yes, while his pubes are a litle darker than his hair, they do match, lol.
I= Intimacy (how are they in the moment? Romantically)
Ryoji fucking loves intimate, slow sex. He enjoys all the romance in it and loves setting the mood. Intimate sex lets him thoroughly love on Minato and take his time.
J= Jack off (masturbation habits)
Despite how flirty and sexual he tends to be, Ryoji's masturbation habits tend to fluctuate. Sometimes he flirts, but doesn't want sex. Other times he is damn near insatiable. So his frequency of jacking off tends to match that and how available Minato is.
K= Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Ryoji has a TON of kinks. Being choked, degraded, and treated like a toy. A little bit of exhibitionism or public sex kink. Not to mention a minimum of a curiosity for darker scenarios and fantasies.
L= Location (favorite place to do it)
Really anywhere Minato decided he wants to fuck is fine with him. Though, he does love when Minato lets him fuck him in his dormitory room. There's just something special about it.
M= Motivation (what gets them going and in the mood?)
There are a few ways to turn Ryoji on. Minato often achieves it by grabbing him by his scarf and pulling it tight around his neck, giving him a particularly forceful command, or generally flirting. What really gets him going though is when Minato mindlessly feels over his body oh so gently.
N= No (What are their turn offs)
When anyone but Minato tries to choke him, Ryoji is instantly turned off. That is a very trust-heavy kink and he only enjoys it when Minato does it for that reason. Outside of that, overly dramatic moaning, extremely dirty talk, and being called daddy also kill his mood.
O= Oral (preferences on giving/getting, skill, etc)
Ryoji more often prefers to give oral, but he'll never say no to a blowjob.
P= Pace (are they fast, rough, slow etc)
He tends to adjust to his partner's taste. Minato, for example likes a mix of rougher sex and fast paces. Ryoji, though, does lean towards slower pacing.
Q= Quickie (Their opinions on them, how often)
Quickies are an absolute thrill for Ryoji. He enjoys the rushed, needy pace, the risk of getting caught, and the desperation of it. He especially loves quickies when they're with Minato, because he loves when the blue-haired boy is so in need of him that he yanks him off to a private spot for some quick relief.
R= Risk (Are they game to experiment? Take risks?)
Ryoji loves to experiment. Minato wants to try something new? He's down to give it a try, even if it's not particularly his cup of tea. As for risk of things like getting hot or even hurt, he is very much into that.
After the canon events Ryoji falls even more to give Minato whatever he asks. And while things like breathplay, knifeplay, and whatnot are no longer an exact risk for him, he still very much enjoys partaking in them. Plus, after this point is where he is very much open to partaking in the sketchier interests.
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go?)
Ryoji can easily go multiple rounds before he tires, but, once again, he tends to adjust to his partners. Minato doesn't always have the highest stamina, so Ryoji tends to only go one or two rounds. Though, his max is four with minimal break times.
T= Toys (Do they have them? Do they use toys on themselves or partners?)
Of course he has toys that he uses on himself. Especially on the days where his sexual stamina is a lot higher than Minato's or he's horny but his boyfriend isn't.
U= Unfair (Do they like to tease?)
He doesn't quite tease, but he does like to take his time with his partner. Especially Minato. Which does include teasing. So, moderately teasing.
V= Volume (How loud are they? What noises do they make? Etc)
As a top, Ryoji's not too loud. You can probably hear him if you get close to the door, but generally he's not too noisy. Though, when he bottoms, he can get pretty loud. Especially when he's pent up.
W= Wild card (Just a random headcanon about the character)
Ryoji has slept around a fair amount, so his reputation at Goukkeken is very much that of a playboy who goes down in history as a 'king of the dorms' in the male dormitory.
X= X-Ray (What's going on underneath those clothes?)
Ryoji is a very healthy boy in the dick size department. About 7 inches in length, and of about average girth. He is very proud of that fact. He's also got a bit of pudge to him in the belly department. Enough to have what I call a 'marshmallow belly'.
Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive fluctuates, but it can sometimes fluctuate very quickly. From day to day it can go from very low, to very high, to about average, to absolutely insatiable.
Z= Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep after?)
Ryoji has insomnia, so it's hard for him to sleep in general. However, after sex, especially very intense sex or with Minato in general.
After the events of canon, Ryoji can easily fall asleep by just willing it, so he tends to follow Minato's lead on whether they sleep or not. Though, when they fuck before bed, yes, he often decides to sleep.
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Tenya Iida Headcanons
okay listen, this man is slept on and i will die on this grave as an iida simp
he's really inexperienced in life
especially in relationships
honestly the version of iida we get rn is the more laid back one
in middle school he was more of a stickler for rules
after stain he kinda can't say "stick to the rules" without being hypocritical
but he still takes his duty as his class rep seriously
after stain he really wanted to give up the position of class rep
aizawa told him that he couldn't because so many people depended on him
he didn't want to do the paperwork
anyway as a general partner he's really sweet
no one really touches on this but his family is loaded
so his love languages include acts of service and gift giving
i mean he wanted to avenge his brother how more "acts of service" can you get?
the fact that he's loaded allows him to properly give gifts
he loves helping you study
and he's the one getting high end snacks for some study dates
he loves receiving physical touch tho like please hug this man he is touch starved
like yeah his family would give him affection but it was super fucking in between
since his parents wouldn't always be there bc their hero work and just general agency stuff
sometimes they would leave tenya with tensei, that's why they're so close to one another
but tensei would only give him head pats or the occasional hug
he respects your boundaries tho so at the beginning he's always asking if he can hold your hand or hug you
once your relationship progresses he'll basically treat you like a teddy bear he's had since he was a child
he's private about it tho
so expect to be mildly yeeted onto his bed for cuddle time
he has it in his little planner too like he has to get his weekly cuddle time or else he gets cranky
one of the way he shows affection is play-wrestling with you (again, tensei's fault)
almost never arm chops around you because he's so comfortable around you
his arm chops are reserved for being flustered or in a classroom setting
his arm chops are actually tensei's fault too
one day when he was babysitting he was practicing arm signals
it just stuck with tenya since he was still impressionable
okay back to the planner point
he has two: one on his phone and one on an actual book
he likes to create his own planner spreads bc its a healthy way he can micromanage without being overbearing
actually really insecure about being overbearing towards his classmates, please let him know you appreciate him as a class rep
is a closet romantic
has read pride & prejudice multiple times because he loves the romance
tensei has a picture of 13 year old tenya dressed up as mr. darcy (will give it to you if you ask)
he still has bad days with tensei regardless of their "perfect sibling relationship" and comes to you to vent about it
sometimes vents to you about a lot of things actually bc he's never... really had someone to vent to
he only really focused on school so... he didn't really have "friends", acquaintances more like
it wasn't until UA where he got such a good group of friends
loves any and all nicknames you give him
you could legit call him sonic and he'll get all giggly bc he's YOUR sonic
mans can play the acoustic guitar (again, really romantic)
he's just a gentle giant please love him
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gangrenados · 3 years
omg the alphabet for Dick was so hot 🥵🥵 please do one for Jason?
It took my like a whole week to finish this but it's finally here!! 😭😭
I may warn that this long and of course nsfw 😌
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Everything starts below the cut!!
A = Aftercare
He isn't used to the other person staying around after the sex is done, so it's kind of awkward for him to see you lying there when there's nothing else to do.
Jason doesn't know what to say or do at first, but deep inside he admits that it's nice to have you there.
Jason is very sweet and caring during aftercare, part of this fueled by his eternal need to take care of you and show you how good he can be.
He will pepper kisses all over your face as he mumbles how good you have been to him, just to kiss your lips in such way that makes your knees weak.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Jason really likes your butt and he let you know this by either grabbing it or slapping it every chance he gets.
He also likes tights and boobs (big or small he doesn't care)...well to summarize he likes anything he can squeeze.
He hasn't think too much about what he likes about his body, it's always the thoughts about what he doesn't like that takes to most space in his brain. However, if had to choose then it would be his arms because they show how big and muscular he is and after years of being an slim kid, he's really happy with that achievement.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Usually prefers to cum inside of you, it just feels nice and is like a weird connection you both can have for a brief moment. However, he really likes to cum in your chest too.
Also there's something about cumming in your face that makes this guy happy. It's like something inside of him wakes up when he see your face covered in his cum...he's just in awe.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes lingerie, that might not sound really shocking or surprising.
Jason's jaw drops every time he see you wearing a pretty set of lingerie and he has to contain himself any time you dare to match that with one of his leather jackets.
What I'm trying to day here is that he kind of want to try one of those cute lingerie on him, just to see if someone as buff as him can look nice in one those cute lingerie.
Jason hasn't told you this because he's pretty embarrassed with this desire of him, and also he doesn't want you to think of him as less masculine just because he wants to dress up in pretty lingerie for one your hot moments together. Not all the time of course, just when he's feeling exceptional pretty.
It would take a lot of time and trust for Jason to build the confidence to finally confess this to you.
He'll be so blushed his face would look like a tomato and he would even be able to look you in the eye, he's afraid that might laugh.
However, if you do agree you'll signing up to see your boyfriend to look all nice, absolutely cute and of course handsome.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Jason may not be as experienced as Dick, but he has had his one night stands so you can tell he has some knowledge of what to do in sex.
Jason is a quick learner and takes notes on what generally pleases others. However, he feels more comfortable and relaxed exploring with a trusted partner.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Jason likes to see your face when he's fucking you, first of all because you're really beautiful and he's still amazed that someone as pretty as you is dating a guy like him. But the reason behind this is because he wants to know if you're enjoying this, and also it boosts his ego seeing you lose yourself in pleasure because of him.
•Cowgirl is one of his favorites since he's able to enjoy the show and hit deeper.
•It might sound boring, but he's into missionary too. You see, it's easier to set the pace and he gets to be closer with and therefore is amazing, especially for those intimate occasions.
•Speaking of romance? Jason likes having you sat on his lap with your arm around his neck as you ride him and he holds your buttocks. You're so close to each other, he thinks that's romantic.
•Okay but when you're lying on your back with yours knees bent and pressed to your chest or with your heels resting on his shoulders? That's a good one and Jason loves it cuz he gets to hit deeper and also because he gets see his cock going in and out of you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It deepens on his mood, usually he's more lighthearted and romantic about having sex with you. Jason see it as a way to have an intimate moment where you can enjoy each other and have a great time.
In the other hand if he just wants to take out some of his frustration then he’s gonna be rougher, not caring much about anything else than cumming. His thrust are firm and harsh as well as the way he holds you.
Aftercare will be his top priority after taking away all of that extra stamina from his body, Jason needs to let you know how good you have been to him.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He's pretty lazy when it comes to this kind of stuff, but he's well trimmed down there since it's uncomfortable to go around with a bush between his legs and also he wants to look presentable when the time to do the nasty comes.
He also have chest hair and a fine happy trail that goes from his belly button to his crotch. And yes, everything is as black as his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He doesn't take sex too seriously, yes he thinks this is a special moment for you two, but it's doesn't have to be too sickly cheesy, ya know?
Jason just likes to live in the moment when you finally have the time to fuck. He'll kiss you passionatly as he mumbles sweet yet dirty things about what he's gonna do to you.
Better belive he will laugh if sometime awkard happens before dismissing the inconvenience to get back into bussines.
Of course if it's an especial occasion Jason will do his best to make this more romantic.
Maybe setting the mood with a well done playlist filled with sexy songs,  a nice room with dim lights to set the mood and rose petals scattered across the bed with a box in it with a little gift like lingerie...it sounds nice, right?
If not then a bathtub filled with bubbles, a bottles of wine and some scent candles will do the trick.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Jason doesn't do it that much since he doesn't have the time for it, besides it's better to get the real thing rather than his hand.
However, when the time shows up is either because he's bored and wants to have some serotonin running on his body or because you two are apart.
Jason is rather quiet when he's getting off, just a few little groans and whimpers are the only thing that anyone can possibly hear since he's very cautious with not getting caught.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
•Sub/Dom: he likes to be the one in charge since it allows him to have control over the situation and show you how good he can be. Although he can be a pretty good sub when you get him to let you be the dom.
•Praise kink: Jason needs to know you're enjoying this and that he makes you feel good, his insecurities tends to strike up in vulnerable situations like sex and it helps him to forget them when you tell him how good he's making you feel.
He will do the same of you without thinking too much about it. Jason wants you to know how good you're being to him.
•Hair pulling: preferably on him when he's going down on you but Jay tends to grab your hair when you're giving him head or when he's hitting it from behind.
•Semi public sex
•Choking: It's a turn on seeing his big hands around your neck and how you trust him enough to do a thing like this.
•Size kink: Jason is a tall guy that's built like a truck, he can easily tower over people and he finds hot seeing how little and vulnerable you look beside him.
It also makes him feel in control.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Jason is not picky about this, as long as you get to do the nasty and you're both okay with it, he's more than fine.
He likes fucking you in semi public areas where he knows it's gonna be hard for you to get caught but there's still that chance left, his bike, your bed, kitchen counters, the shower, his bike, the couch, even you tried it on the stairs one time!
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
It doesn't take much to get Jason riled up, a good trick is wearing nothing but one of his shirts or wearing on sexy lingerie under one of leather jackets. Yeah it's a turn on for him when you wear his clothes.
He also finds really hot when you try to over power him or seeing you kicking some asses.
Also it's weird for him, but for some reason he finds arousing sometimes when you're being gently with him.
You could be cuddling, his head resting on your chest as you caress his scalp and then he pops a boner...maybe it's because he got too relaxed or maybe because he was so blushed that his blood couldn't help but go to his crotch? Jason doesn't know, but it's embarrassing.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Jason hates bondage or being tied up in general. He will refuse to do that kind of things, it makes him remember bad memories and he just feel vulnerable and nervous. Therefore BDSM and rape play is a no for him.
He also doesn't want to inflict you any kind of pain, you see, Jason is terrified of hurting and that you'll hate him because of that.
It would take a lot of coaxing from your part to get Jason to agree into doing something like the above.
Also fucking you in his suit is a no, why? Well his suit has been covered in blood so many times (both from him and unknown people who only God knows where they have been), sweat, dirt, unknown chemicals and sewer water.
Jason thinks is pretty unhygienic, but hey if you really wanna try it doesn't take much to coax him in that one!
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Jason loves to receive, especially after a long night of patrol or when needs to distress, but being honest any time if fine for him.
It's better to take it all with both hands and spit in it to avoid gagging. Also his hands tends to go to your hair and take a fistful of it as your trying to deep throat; he doesn't make you go further whatsoever, it just feels right for him to do it.
Also he have the tendency to brush away some strands of hair gently out of your face as your sucking him off.
One thing that drives him crazy is when you kitten lick his cock and give a kiss to the tip, another thing that he kinda likes having his balls played with.
Do you wanna know how he looks like?? Gotcha!
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Ahh that gif is gonna be the end of me 😳
He's a big fan of receiving too, Jason really like to give his partner pleasure and he does his best to make that happen.
He'd be pumping your insides with his fingers as he looks for other areas to pleasure.
if you a gave pussy you better belive that he's really good at eating you out. He'll be knuckle deep as he licks on the clit, sucking on it and even nibbling it to tease you a little bit.
Jason is gentle, he doesn't want to cause you any harm, but damn that doesn't mean he's isn't going to eat you out as if you were his last meal.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Jason tries to be gentle but even then he tends to be on the rough and fast side. His hold on you his firm as he thrust into you, Jason will mumble sweet and dirty things and also will ask you between plants if you're okay since he's worried he might hurt you or make you uncomfortable.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Your relationship is filled with quickies thanks to his busy schedule. So if you got some time to have sex even if it's just 5 minutes, you better belive Jason will take advantage of it.
Jason likes them because he has to and also because he gets to be a little bit rougher with you, but he prefers to have more time with you and enjoy each other with more calm.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Jason is down to experiment as long as it doesn't harm you or bring back bad memories... and if it doesn't gross him out of course. You just need to talk about it.
Jason's life involves risk and one thing he likes is fucking you in semi risky places like empty halls of a library or an empty parking lot when you're going out of a bar, maybe getting handy in a cinema, you get the idea.
The thrill of not knowing if he's gonna get caught send chills down his spine. Of course he's not going to pressure you into doing any of this, Jason doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Jason can last many rounds before getting tired or starting to run out of cum. Just let him drink some water or eat something between breaks and he's all yours again.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
The only toys he has is the big collection of guns and any kind of weapon he can put his hands on. Not that you can use that in the bedroom...the majority of the time.
Leaving the bad jokes aside. Jason has a pair of cuff he got to steal from a cop one time, outside of that he doesn't have any sexual toy lying around.
However, he is down to use some toys on you, and if you ask nicely maybe even on himself too.
(He also owns a fleshlight...it was silly gift for his birthday)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Jason can be a tease when he puts his mind into it and usually he is when he's giving you oral. But he's can get impatient really quickly although he likes the build up before having sex.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
 He's more of a grunter, and also he's low-key shy to moan out loud so he'll bite his lip to suppress them. However, the sound that comes out is a needy whine instead.
Speaking of, Jason's whimpers will make your knees buckle...they're glorious.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I can’t take away Jason dressed as a slutty maid out of my mind, sorry.
Jason swallowed thickly at the the feeling of your fingers brushing against his inner thighs, they were going up and down causing his heartbeat to speed up.
"Are you nervous, maid boy?" you purred before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. He shook his head, ready to deny your acusations when you grabbed his clothed member and started to rub it.
"I'm fine." he said breahtlessly, trying to hold back a whine that was stuck on his throat.
"You sure?" You scoffed as you grabbed his hardening dick. "Because it doesn't look like it." his mind was starting to fog and it didn't took much for him to hump your hand to feel more friction."You're acting like a needy slut, but I like it."
It was embarrasing the realived moan that left his lips once you pulled down his boxers and played with his cock. He could feel the coil in his stomach building, the white hotness taking over him as you pumped his dick, smearing the pre cum all over the tip with your thumb.
He was about to cum and was really looking foward it until everything stopped and the absence of your hand made him groan in annoyance.
"Don't be mad." You teased with a fake pout as you pecked his lips. "Get on the bed, baby boy."
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
The big dick energy he poses is real, this man little friend is not so little lol He's thicker than average and a little bit longer, let's say about 18 -19cm aprox.
It's a pretty decent looking cock with a few veins that goes from the base to the top and the head is more reddish than the rest. Also it's the same shade as his body, well in fact is a little bit darker but it's hard to tell the difference.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is pretty high as well as his stamina so he's down to fuck any time, but if you don't want to do it he will back off and move to other business.
Also there are moments when he's not in the mood not matter how much you want him. It usually happens when he's reading a really good book or when a case is consuming all of his time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
In regular basis it's hard for Jason to fall asleep and this doesn't make any difference. He just doesn't like the whole process of sleeping since it's like to being dead and that terrifies him.
So he will stay up even after you have fall asleep.
It's comfortable having you there where he can stroke your hair and feel how light his chest feels, if he's lucky enough he will fall asleep shortly after you.
Tag list @bathroom-sand @aterriblelangblr @simpery @jyarumu0619 @kellieriddle96 @adarksoul098 @rosethegothamhistorynerd @duckmylife18 @panic-attheplace @malfoys-demigod @darkraven1983 @magicisabluewish @hamdehlesmis @lucy-roo @lovelyartemisa @missmaskedwriter @c0-77 @ginevraxrogers @imagines-fluff-yandere-smut @shadygoateeprincess @nervousfandom @ghost-bitch @silverw19 @thegirlwholovesbooksblog @hecatemacbeth7 @unknowntoanyone @mistalli @screechingghostbananafarm @waroncheer @lady-stirling @ghostly-ginger @greeknerd007 @la-femme-lupita @jasonsballsack @violettessuniverse @wondergal23 @dreamxcollide @thirstiestpotato @magicalbeanie @dreamingforthosewholost @letlly
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bangbaby · 3 years
##SKZ-CODE ( EP.08 ) !
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FORMAT: dot point fic
PAIRING/S: lucy and the boys ( skz )
GENRE: idol, fluff, humour
WARNINGS: swearing, implied romance, lots o’ dialogue
NOTE: in context, italics are for speaking in korean and bold italics are for speaking in english.
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lucy is a horror fanatic and the boys are not.
— a summary
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edit by kiki !
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it’s important to preface that lucy enjoys getting frightened— she’s not someone who doesn’t at all blink at a jumpscare, rather that she actively likes the adrenaline she gets from it.
lucy is obsessed with historical horror and especially loves when it’s tied with humour because she likes shining light on dark situations (check out unsolved and watcher if you haven’t already)
that being said— she, han and minho were probably the only members that were excited at the prospect of a haunted house/school shoot.
lucy loves rainy nights but she should’ve suspected something was up when they were scheduled to film at such a weird/dark time.
on the way there, lucy shares a carpool with the hyung line. lucy and minho take an airpod each as they wholesomely sit side by side to listen to a spooky podcast.
they arrive at an old, creepy school that sends shivers down her spine; not because she’s bothered, but rather that it’s kinda cold (grrr, she’s been styled in a singlet) and there’s no heater. she should be fine once she starts moving though.
lucy gets handed a weird mess of skipping ropes, and the kids giggle because it might be a reference to her innate skipping rope talent. but she’s told it’s to decide teams and that whoever has has the special rope with the sticker (inside its handle) gets three members (which they realise is probably a bonus because lucy’s one of the least cowardly)!
cue lucy humming the squid game theme as the kids start picking the ropes and numbers they want. chan is definitely not trying to sneak a look at all of the ropes to see which one’s got the hidden sticker…
before the boys choose their numbers and confidently rip out their ropes (breaking them without fail), changbin and hyunjin ask whether they can refuse to choose or go alone (if they can’t go with lucy). to which the girl replies, i’ll just go alone then! and everyone ABSOLUTELY objects.
because all of the ropes were disconnected (except han and jeongin’s), they play rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets which member— felix is the first to win, but he picks minho because he knows he won’t hear the end of it from chan if he picks lucy.
changbin and chan lose the last round meaning they get lucy! hyunjin is a little angy he isn’t with his twin, but everyone knows getting stuck with seungmin and lucy would just be utter chaos (he might be the only other member who can handle them though).
they’re also not sure if it’d be any different to being in a group with chan and lucy. changbin knows this and very much expresses it on his face when the two adorably cuddle up to him. he’s happy about lucy, but he knows chan is a scaredy cat and is totally gonna use it for his personal gain.
sexy concept miroh dance! WHEN THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT BUTTS THEY MEAN CHANGBIN AND CHAN OKAY! lucy is laughing wholeheartedly at her lack in COMPARISON! chan is also not at all salty at changbin getting to piggyback lucy…
lucy hyping han and jeongin (the red lights duo) with her eyes half-closed: because they’re her children! but also that she can’t stop laughing at their silly interpretation.
and it’s all fun and games until THEY TRAP THE KIDS IN A ROOM AND TURN OFF THE LIGHTS.
immediate screeching: (in this universe, the kids are allowed to swear and get bleeped out in post so) they’re all cursing to high heaven. don’t you fucking do this! who turned the damn lights off? the hell is this?
for fuck’s sake, ever get trapped in a small room with eight grown men screaming at the top of their lungs? yeah, lucy knows it all too well (aha).
the creepy robot voice IS NOT LUCY! no matter how many times you ask, seungmin, the answer’s not going to change!
lucy falls off her chair when minho inevitably blinds her with his fucking apple watch— and gets stuck on the ground with chan who is straight up not having a good time and is clinging onto her for dear life.
she knows the boy has to exaggerate his actions to not seem sus, but she does smirk and roll her eyes at his dorky way of flirting.
when the lights come on, their compromised position is revealed and the kids absolutely shit themselves laughing at lucy’s face— she’s already completely done and nothing’s even happened yet.
kiki note: jeongin, hyunjin and seungmin protectively linking arms is one of the cutest things i’ve ever seen!
when the two finally return to their seats, lucy can’t hide how pumped she actually is. she agrees with han: i really didn’t think we were gonna do something scary!
not changbin wanting to take a cab home and han thinking the door’s actually locked when he’s pulling it the wrong way.
lucy, changbin and chan are to retrieve a puzzle from the science room upstairs: don’t stay alone and don’t look back!
*cue lucy and lee know turning to look behind them in perfect sync*
and as the three are told they have to be tied together, only then do they realise how fucked they are (lee know is cackling).
lucy: wait, i have to be tied to these two? i’m so screwed.
the other members happily witness the trio argue about who’s going where/in which order—
changbin: i’m not going in the middle, because i’ll be dragging you two behind me!
lucy: idiot, regardless of order— i’ll be dragging the both of you!
chan piping in with, i don’t wanna be at the front or the back!
lucy: okay, sorted! changbin, you’re leading!
lucy: BUT do you really wanna face whatever’s gonna be behind us?
changbin quickly processes her point and prods a finger into chan’s chest: you lucky son of a bitch.
their debate also ignites the remaining kids to converse—
felix to lee know: you’re gonna make fun of me!
lucy: if he does, i won’t pay for his food tonight!
lee know: as long as you don't yell in my face,
hyunjin: wait, are we seriously doing this?
jeongin: i don’t wanna do this!
changbin: this is gonna suck! he’s (chan) such a coward! i don’t wanna go with him!
han: hey, don’t complain! you have lucy-noona!
lee know: you assholes (directed at the staff/jumpscares) might have my phone but i have an apple watch! don’t fuck with me!
jeongin in agreement: yup, if you remotely scare me, i swear to god i’ll press the SOS button!
han: and while you do that i’ll be singing exo’s the eve— so there’s absolutely no way you’re gonna screw us over!
felix: god, i’m even more scared now. i wanted to go to the bathroom before but not anymore,
lucy: wait, what? don’t piss here!
felix: i’m not pissing here! i meant my bladder is blocked by FEAR now!
hyunjin: he means shit!
chan: oh my god, why are we going first?
lucy: you know they usually save the least fucked for first,
hyunjin: facts, whoever’s left in here is screwed!
finally, the group of three make their way out (but are immediately followed by the sound of their own screaming and the members running to the door to catch a glimpse of what’s happening). lucy’s also holding the selfie cam, so you know it’s just filled with footage of her getting startled by the boys and looking straight into the lens like she’s in the office.
lucy won’t lie, the long corridor is creepy as hell and she knows if she squinted hard enough— she’d probably see something or someone at the end of it.
changbin: the fuck? noona, what the hell is that?
chan and lucy: what? (chan is holding onto lucy’s hand in the dark whilst frozen in fear— she can tell he’s actually a little bothered and rubs his hand with her thumb to soothe him)
the fucking zombie guard roaming the corridor ahead: lucy almost wants to laugh, but she’s not gonna lie, he looks pretty good.
lucy: chan! come on, i’m stuck on the stairs!
as the guard approaches them and changbin is the most vulnerable, he begins screeching without any honorifics at his older siblings (99’, 98’ and 97’ respectively).
lucy: tell your hyung to move his fat ass! CHAN!
chan: nopenopenope, this isn’t right!
as the guard persistently moves toward the trio, chan is nudging lucy back down the stairs whilst dragging changbin’s poor ass behind him back to the brightly-lit classroom with the rest of the kids.
absolutely the fuck not! chan and changbin exclaim to the rest of the kids as lucy tries her best to keep in her laughter by exaggerating her breathing.
chan, endearingly: can we just stay here?
lee know: oh, just hurry it up!
chan: no, seriously— it’s bad— (lucy shaking her head behind him to comfort the other members who are getting scared)
*cue seungmin and hyunjin walking back in and absolutely scaring the shit out of the three from behind, except they’re also just as shocked* (LUCY IS 100% RAISING A FIST AT SEUNGMIN AND IS ABSOLUTELY READY TO THROW HANDS)
lee know, startled by their reactions: the hell is with you guys?
lucy: okay, we just need to bite the bullet and go!
chan whines, but the group head back up the stairs.
chan: wait, they said not to look back— why do you think they said that?
lucy: to scare us? i bet they won’t do anything—
but just to be sure, chan arranges their positions so he’s back to back with lucy and changbin is leading the two of them forward.
lucy: ah, this is lame!
chan: you mean genius!
changbin: move faster you two! let’s go!
lucy: i can’t move if you two don’t!
changbin: wait, where’s the science lab? this way?
honestly, lucy’s just really hoping the boy behind her doesn’t pass out— she can seriously feel how hard he’s breathing, as well as how tense his shoulders are getting.
chan: please go easy on me, i’m sorry—
changbin: agh, seriously! what are you so scared of? you worked out! why’d you work out if you knew you weren’t gonna clock these assholes?
lucy hissing at changbin to shut up before cooing at chan: hey, you’re okay, keep looking forward! just please don’t break my arms—
chan covering his ears and bursting out into song as soon as he sees more scary figures at the end of the corridor actually startles lucy, causing her to nudge him with her hip— christopher! i’m sorry! i love you!
not chan also apologising and confessing his love to the guard to eliminate the sus from his previous words (the man isn’t exhausted from fear but from almost exposing himself to the entire world).
note: the noodles felix take out of the cupboard is none another than food from lucy’s snack stash. she probably won’t make it with those two anyway!
and he’s right, because as soon as changbin triggers the blanks/firecrackers for the first time— lucy’s pretty much gone deaf.
changbin and lucy scream in response to the noise as chan continues talking nonsensically to himself to ignore them.
chan: nah, can’t hear it! can’t hear you!
changbin: what the fuck! i’m seriously gonna go ape shit on you guys (the staff), i’m not joking!
lucy: whoever put those there, fuck you!
lucy: ooh, is that hand sanitiser?
changbin: oh wait, let’s sanitise our hands,
chan: the security guard— oh yeah, sure.
lucy being unable to hold in her laughter as changbin asks whether the zombie guard has sanitised his hands (and the actor shaking their head no). that’s the scariest part of all!
before chan can actually step on any of the firecrackers, lucy makes an effort of batting them away with her foot or pulling him toward her because he knows his ears are super sensitive— hey, this is cruel (lucy directing her disapproval at the staff)!
despite the three of them having the shortest attention spans EVER, they scan the room successfully even whilst linked together.
chan: okay, science— science is very good!
lucy: is the puzzle in the gacha machine?
as lucy abandons her post for a second, the zombie guard gets a chance to scare them from behind— lucy raises a fist in retaliation but it never actually lands. she apologises profusely as changbin screeches at the guard not to scare his noona unless they want PAIN! but the guard drops them the hint that they need to look at the gacha machine.
changbin: but there’s chicken here!
lucy and chan: oh, really? can we eat it?
changbin is about to eat a piece when lucy stops him and points at the frozen body on the other table: wait, wait, it might be his chicken. sir, can we please have some of your chicken?
changbin: it’s a fake body, noona.
lucy: i don’t think it is—
chan at the zombie guard walking away: please don’t close the door! and… you’ve closed the door.
oh, dear. lucy begins bracing herself for when the body inevitably moves and they have nowhere to run.
whilst the boys attempt to figure out how to work the machine, lucy searches the area closest to them for more money.
lucy: 500 won for a bug? a little stingy, don’t you think?
changbin: wait, are we supposed to pay for every single one of these capsules?
MEANWHILE, the kids in the other room are telling scary stories: lee know explains how lucy’s recently gotten him into crime podcasts and helps translate those in english. the kids reenact classic campfire tales for felix who’s never heard them before. they don’t forget to debate about which between ghosts and zombies are scarier (lucy would pick ghosts because she doesn’t believe in them: kiki does though).
not chan complimenting the mummy actor lying on the table— your job must be very hard!
lucy: well, he gets paid to scare the shit out of us, so it can’t be that bad.
changbin: i’m telling you it’s fake,
and of course, as soon as he makes that comment, the body jolts up and incites a scream from all three of them. FUCK!
chan: i hope all of our members go through this, seriously—
lucy: except felix, the baby would faint.
the three quickly get frustrated at the machine, with chan asking whether or not it’s a red herring and the real puzzle is something to do with eating the chicken: it does smell delicious…
sooner or later, the guard comes back with the keys to unlock the machine: leave it on the table please! thank you! (the trio’s manners are just the cutest)
changbin: maybe the security guard is a nice guy! but you know, it reminds me of this movie. did you guys see—?
lucy: nope.
chan: never heard of it,
changbin: the security guard was the evil one in it, and kills everybody with an axe.
lucy: i see, so you’re saying our security guard’s gonna kill us with an axe—
changbin: no, but—
chan who’s diligently trying to figure out how to open the gacha machine: could you two stop talking?
lucy: oh, the keyhole’s at the top.
chan: could you have said that any earlier?
changbin: well, we were having a conversation about the security guard… anyway, why’d they give us the coins if we weren’t gonna get anything?
chan: there’s probably more, but since we’re doing so poorly—
lucy: the guard got frustrated and gave us the hint.
changbin: ah, okay,
chan: we're sorry (directed at the guard). thankfully, we’re not afraid of bugs.
changbin: i am,
chan (gesturing at lucy and himself): we aren’t.
changbin: but these are toys anyway.
chan: unless one of them’s real.
lucy: why would you say that?
changbin: that’s just cruel.
when they finally find the key and unlock the box that contains a puzzle piece, chan doesn’t forget to grab the chicken for the kids.
and by that he means handing the plate to changbin (because lucy’s still got the camera) so he can cover his ears.
changbin: hello and goodbye, mr. security guard! we succeeded thanks to you!
when they get back to the classroom, the trio look and act perfectly confident: though chan is a little pale in the lips.
lucy: guys, it wasn’t scary at all!
chan: it was nothing! and look, we brought chicken.
changbin: well, it was a little scary— but you guys should go upstairs and see for yourselves.
cut to the kids talking about whether ghosts are real or hallucinations: hyunjin retells his experience of the figure that entered his body whilst he was sick (the members visibly taking NONE OF HIS SHIT).
lucy may not believe in ghosts, but she despises sleep paralysis and has had her fair share of terrifying nightmares.
lucy can't even make fun of seungmin because the boy has his ears blocked (lucy wouldn't scare him further though, she'd just tease him about something completely different to calm him down and convince him it's not real).
it’s lee know and felix’s turn now: lucy and the rest of the kids spend the remainder of the episode trying to persuade the chick it’s not that bad (and bullying minho to take it easy on him)!
felix: i’m really bad with this stuff! can’t we all just go together?
seungmin: at least you’re not completely alone!
hyunjin: and if yongbok faints, lee know hyung can carry him!
as the duo head off, the trio are sent into another room where they can watch everything take place.
lucy: lix couldn’t even watch IT with me. (directed at staff) you can’t scare him too much!
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tommybaholland · 3 years
first date with their s/o
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featuring: kuroo, kenma, akaashi, bokuto, nishinoya, kageyama, sugawara, and yamaguchi
kinda basic ideas but i had fun writing these so hopefully you enjoy your first date with ur fav hq boy!
kuroo would take you stargazing, most likely organically, with laying down close to each other on a blanket. he helps guide you through the constellations that he can spot, telling you a little bit about each one. it’s impressive because you never thought the night sky could tell so many stories. it was like he was reading you a book. you ask him how he knows all of it and he responds by pulling you closer, telling you he’s ‘all-knowing.’ he laughs when you shake your head before confessing, “okay, okay. i may have read up a bit on constellations beforehand but..i just wanted to romance you a bit.” his voice is low before he kisses you sweetly under the starry void. “is it working?” you enjoy yourselves so much you end up falling asleep for a bit, but he makes sure a little bit of the blanket is wrapped snug around you so you don’t get cold.
kenma might take you to a park. it may seem very casual but he doesn’t get out much and prefers to sit inside and play his games with you there with him. to him, that’s the perfect date all on its own. but he knows you like to get out every once in a while, so he figures he could as well. it means a lot to you that he would take time to unplug for a bit and lay with you in a secluded area, watching clouds. he actually really gets into trying to name the shapes of odd-looking clouds. he finds a blob shaped one that didn’t have a shape until he said it looked like a fried egg. you laugh but his intuitiveness never ceases to amaze you. he offers to walk you through a hidden path by the park. you agree and go to get up before he catches your arm and asks, “can we lay here for a few more minutes?”
akaashi considers taking you somewhere that you can admire with him, like a museum or art gallery. he eventually lands on a butterfly garden and he does not regret this decision at all. he gets to see the genuine look of joy of your face as you look around and watch the fluttering bugs. he thinks you look so cute when you try to follow several at one time, your eyes moving around quickly, making you almost dizzy. there’s so much to look at and it’s even better when it’s with your favorite pretty boy. he watches as a few butterflies will occasionally land on you, gently stretching their wings. he notes that they seem to really like you and you affirm it modestly as he moves closer to you. they flutter away as he caresses your cheek. “they’re like me. i really like you, too.” then he kisses you softly and it couldn’t be more perfect.
bokuto would take you some place where he can show off for you, so he takes you bowling. it’s not the most romantic or private spot but he enjoys being a little competitive with you. he admits that he sucks at bowling and that you’d probably beat him but he’d still try his very best. he’s amazed as ever when you hit a strike on the very first frame. he makes sure you’re paying attention in case he gets a strike and when he does, he’s just, “didja see that, babe? i got a strike! and i’m coming for ya!” he’ll try to get a kiss as a prize but you give him head pats instead and bargain that he can get one if he wins. so now he’s level 100 super determined. you end up winning both games and he decides that he’s taken enough defeat. he gets kinda slumped about it and it’s easy to see, especially when he asks what you want for winning. you tell him that even though he didn’t win, he can still have a kiss. which, in his mind, means two or three or as many as he can get out of you.
nishinoya would, without a doubt, take you to an all-you-can-eat buffet for your first outing together. maybe it’s not that special because mans will take any chance to stuff his face, but he plans it carefully enough that it lands on one of your busier days when you don’t get too many chances to take a break. it’s a bit of a risk because you can get kinda grumpy when you’re hungry, but the look on your face when he tells you where you’re going was well worth it. he pays for your entry fee and the two of you go absolutely ham, not caring what anyone thinks. and if you’re a little more conservative about what you eat, he’ll encourage you. not in a demeaning way, either. “i like the way you are and wouldn’t change anything but if you do, i hope it’s change that you can be proud of!” and afterwards you tend to your food hangovers by laying in bed (usually with him on top of you).
kageyama takes you to a rival team’s volleyball game. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t at least a little disappointed, but you cherish the time you get to spend with him as much as you can. later on he realizes that was probably a stupid move, but the fact that you stuck by him and didn’t complain makes him fall faster and harder for you. he makes sure to explain it all as best he can as he hasn’t been the best about expressing his feelings because really, he has no clue what he is doing. he tries even though he thinks he’s lost his chance so he’s shocked when you say yes. he responds by fumbling over his words when he explains that he doesn’t have anything big planned but wants to take you to a cat cafe. long story short, he feels so lucky to be able to be with someone as kind and beautiful as you.
sugawara could honestly take you anywhere because he’s such a fun-loving sweetheart. he decides to take you to karaoke which, at first, makes you a bit nervous. it’s more of group thing because at least you can casually hide and get out of singing. he offers to sing the first song and even though he knows he’s not great, he still turns it into a lot of fun. and if you’re still shy singing by yourself, he offers to do a duet with you. he picks one of those silly duet love songs and it gets you smiling right away. he’ll dance a little when you’re singing your part which ends up being more laughing and less singing. even though there’s no one else with you, it’s certainly an entertaining sight. once you’re comfortable, you end up shocking the hell out of him by rapping a song so perfectly. he’s so in awe of your duality. you spend a good few hours there, in your own little singing world. you find that another great thing about being the only ones in the small room makes for perfect (even a little spicy) kissy kissy time.
yamaguchi would pick something simple and somewhere where you can’t see the constant blush on his cheeks when he looks at you, so you go to the movies with him. he lets you choose the movie because he knows he’s not going to be paying any attention. he’d rather watch you watch the movie and how the minimal light shines against your face and in your eyes. also your cute expressions and reactions truly make his entire life. he tenses up a bit as you lean against his shoulder but finds himself craving more, cursing the armrest from separating you. he doesn’t want to be blatantly obvious about wanting you closer but lets those thoughts vanish after a few moments. he lifts it up, allowing him to wrap his arm around you as go to cuddle into his side. but first, you press a chaste kiss to his freckled cheek, silently thanking him and making him go red all over again. he ends up resting his head atop yours as he looks at the screen. he’s still not paying attention, he mind completely blank from the nice scent of your hair.
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hellooooooo haikyuu night! anyone tryna request sum??
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quillquiver · 3 years
another chapter of this deancas wedding/honeymoon!fic. thank you @we-all-deserve-to-be-saved for the prompt! 
Castiel is not a morning person.
He likes lying in bed until he’s sore with it, stretching out on the memory foam like a king languishing among his pillows. He likes rolling over onto on a cool patch of sheet, and cuddling into the covers, and hooking his toes over the end of the mattress. Castiel likes holding Dean. Being held by him; tucked up against his chest or with a palm half-sunk into his boxer-briefs. Pressing kisses to neck and shoulders and the line of his hair.
Castiel likes the liminal space he occupies in the moments between sleep and wakefulness, where everything glows. It’s warm and wonderful and he draws it out for as long as possible, the minutes dragging along by way of tender touches. It reminds him of the peaceful parts of angelhood.
So, Castiel is not a morning person.
…But he can become one, for Dean.
Dean likes romantic gestures; not all of them—he isn’t the type of man who likes receiving flowers or chocolates or candlelit dinners. But picking up his favourite beer when Cas notices they’re running low, or staying up late to watch a movie despite being exhausted—kissing him, washing his hair, holding his hand, sitting with him while he works on the Impala… wearing women’s lingerie: these are all things Dean appreciates. Small things. Quiet things.
Cas knows that this is a gamble.
The alarm on his phone barely has the opportunity to buzz before he’s turning it off, carefully sliding out from between the covers. It’s dim, and Cas allows himself a moment to run his hand through the mess of his hair and dig his toes into the soft carpet. A breeze is coming off the water.
God, he hates early mornings.
“Where you goin’?”
Dean’s voice is slurred and muffled. He blindly reaches out and Cas meets him halfway, tempted into cuddling for just a moment longer. “Go back to sleep, Dean,” he murmurs, gently brushing over the pillow lines on his cheek.
“Mmm, w’sss hap’nin?”
“Bathroom,” Cas supplies, depositing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Dean’s reciprocation lags with exhaustion.
Dean frowns. Struggles to open his eyes. “Y’okay?”
“I’m fine,” Cas says. “Go back to sleep.”
“’Kay,” Dean mumbles. “C’m back.”
Cas melts like fallen ice cream on hot concrete.
He carefully extracts himself from their bed, padding into the other room and closing the bedroom door. The sun is beginning to paint the first impressions of light on the horizon; the water is calm—it’s going to be a beautiful day.
Castiel calls for room service.
He orders pancakes and waffles and eggs and sausages, lox bagels, a bowl of fresh fruit, mimosas. An espresso and a latte because Dean would never ask for it himself. “And would you mind putting a rush on this?” he murmurs into the receiver. “I know it’s early, but we’re newlyweds and I’m trying to surprise my husband.”
Cas has learned that the newlywed excuse goes a long way anywhere, but works especially well when paying outrageous amounts of money in a fancy hotel. He expects they’ll also leave the champagne bottle.
Despite the fact that Cas is pretty sure it’s considered impolite to do so, he moves the small table and chairs from the balcony and makes a nest on the marble floor out of spare blankets and colourful pillows from the couch. He tries to mitigate the potential mess by laying down some of their many extra towels. Room service knocks, Cas pulls on a robe, and then the smell of coffee and food starts rousing Dean from bed. Cas pushes the food cart—complete with opened champagne bottle—to the door of the balcony before entering the bedroom.
Dean has kicked off all the covers and is sleeping on his stomach.
There is no moment of thinking about what he wants to do—what he’s allowed; Cas moves without conscious thought, peppering kisses from Dean’s ass all the way to the nape of his neck and then lavishing his attention on his particularly freckled shoulders. “Mmm… smells good.”
“Breakfast,” Cas says.
“I want to take you on a date.”
Dean’s eyes flutter open. “Now?” he asks, caught between sleep and incredulity.
Cas leans over and presses a kiss to his mouth. “Mm.”
“Sweetheart…” He whines. Cas feels himself start to smile. Dean doesn’t use pet names often, and more recently he’s taken to doing so while complaining; as if the verbal confirmation of his affection will bend Cas to his will. It was laughable until it became endearing—because Cas is sweet on him, and there is no one else Dean feels comfortable whining to.
“Your life is one hardship after another,” he agrees solemnly. Cas slides back down Dean’s body and nips his left asscheck. “Come on. Up.”
“What, we’re not even gonna—”
“After breakfast, Dean. Just come. Please.”
Dean rolls his eyes and grumbles about a different kind of coming. “Man, s’not even light out yet.” As Cas moves to get Dean his robe, he’s caught around the waist and pulled between bowed legs. “C’mon,” Dean needles, nuzzling at him until the robe parts. “A little nookie, a couple more hours of sleep… we can go on a date later.”
“Or we can go on a date now.”
Dean pulls away and looks up at Cas, narrowing his eyes. Cas smiles down at him beatifically, running a hand through his hair and tracing the shell of his in the way he knows turns him to putty.
“…You’re lucky I love you.”
Dean continues to grumble to himself as he slides out of bed and towards his duffle, frowning when Cas catches his hand. “No need to get dressed.”
“But you said—”
Cas holds out his robe. “Follow me.”
Dean slips the thing on as they pad into the main room, his eyes immediately drawn to the food and coffee. He gives a low whistle. “Damn, Cas. We expecting company?”
And suddenly, the entire thing seems incredibly stupid. Cas dragged them both from the warmth and comfort of their marriage bed on their honeymoon to look at the sun rising, a thing that happens and has happened every single day since the Earth started turning. He did this knowing that neither of them get to sleep like this, or be alone like this, or touch like this—this much and this openly. He doesn’t even know if Dean likes sunrises; if this is one of those things that’s romantic in the wrong way.
“I know you like breakfast,” he says, instead of dragging Dean back to bed.
Dean eyes the set-up outside, turn around and… blushes. Is blushing, down his chest and all the way to the tips of his ears. “So this is, uh—you got up and did all this?”
Cas feels colour rise to his own cheeks. “I didn’t cook,” he says. “Obviously.”
“Obviously,” Dean echoes. He shoves his hands in his pockets. “So, uh, take me on a date, stud.” He looks nervous, Cas thinks, which is ridiculous and relatable all at once. Outside, the rising sun paints swathes of pink and orange across the horizon.
“…Right,” Cas says. “Yes. I will… do that.” He gestures to the balcony. “Please sit.”
They get settled with coffee, for the first time maintaining a respectful distance between them. It’s oddly hurtful, and the longer they remain apart the more awkward Cas feels. He’s practically shaking out of his own skin when he suggests they go back inside. “You’re tired,” he says. “We should just go back to sleep.”
“Wait, why?” Dean frowns. He has foam on his upper lip. Cas wants to kiss it away.
“You’re not having fun,” he continues. “And this was silly, anyway. We should just—”
“Who says I’m not having fun?”
“C’mon, man, you gotta—” Dean cuts himself off. Shakes his head. “I’m not cut out for this stuff: dates, romance… you gotta know that by now. And I haven’t been with anyone long enough to, y’know, even get to the part where we’re mushy and shit. But… it’s not because I don’t want to. I mean, flowers and chocolate? Not my thing, but you know me, Cas. A-And we’re in love, right?”
Cas swallows thickly. He nods. “I’m in love with you.”
Dean’s huff of laughter is steeped in nerves. “Well, good,” he says. “’Cause I’m kinda crazy about you, too. So—so, why shouldn’t we have a sunrise picnic on the balcony at the fuckin’ Ritz?”
“We should, if you’re enjoying myself.”
“Hell yeah, I’m enjoying myself. Are you?”
“Good. Drink your damn coffee.”
Cas stares at him for a moment before scooting closer. He wraps an arm around Dean and tugs, relaxing when over six feet of freckled hunter is suddenly plastered to his side. “Okay,” Cas breathes. “Good. This is good. I love you.”
“I love you, too, you loser.”
They come together more softly than usual, tentative in a way they haven’t been in a long time as they kiss. Eventually, Dean gets pulled onto Cas’s lap and shrugs out of the top of half of his robe. “Gonna need to work up an appetite to finish all that food,” he murmurs. He ducks down to suck and bite at the spot on Cas’s neck that makes him weak in the knees.
Cas snorts. “Very subtle.”
“So, uh…” Dean bounces his eyebrows like a lecherous old man.
Cas’s stomach growls. “Can we postpone the exhibitionism until after we eat?”
“There’s no one around!”
He’s smiley when Cas kisses him.
“What would you like for breakfast?” Dean opens his mouth and Cas rolls his eyes. “Besides me.”
“That’s mighty presumptuous of you, Castiel.”
Cas narrows his eyes. “I know you.”
It comes out much breathier than probably intended, and Cas can’t be expected not to kiss him. When they drift apart and Dean says, “Little bit of everything?” Cas gets up to make him a plate.
“Man,” Dean sighs, stretching out on the pillows. “This honeymoon thing is awesome.”
Cas hands him a plate piled high with bacon and eggs and pancakes and grins.
It really, truly is.
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vee-double-u · 4 years
having a bath with their s/o headcanons - haikyuu
❤ summary: little scenarios and headcanons for a random selection of haikyuu boys detailing how they would bathe with their s/os. some are nsfw, others are not
❤ includes: bokuto, kenma, tendou
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❤ B O K U T O ❤
❤ having a bath with bokuto is all giggles and romance
❤ he’s not the type to have one on his own but will spontaneously run a bath when the two of you are having a lazy day and he’s bored
❤ loves the fancy bath products you buy and even has favourites but doesn’t like going into the shop without you so is often dragging you along
❤ his favourite bath products are anything that makes lots of bubbles that he can mess around with and/or dump on your head
❤ sex is great but bokuto’s mostly in it for the shrieks of laughter he can draw from you as he throws water in your direction
❤ an actual menace but at least its not boring
you observe bokuto with amused eyes from your side of the bath as he carefully arranges the bubbles around his spiky hair. the image of him constructing his masterpiece is complete with the tip of his tongue occasionally poking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration. it made the butterflies in your stomach flutter in a way you hadnt felt since the two of you had started dating.
how am i looking? he asks after what you decide is too damn long making a bubble crown. he even poses for you as you take in the final image.
missing something i think, you say considering him seriously.
oh yeah?
like a flash, you scoop a healthy handful of bubbles and rub it against his jawline, smearing around his mouth
a beard~ you tease as he squawks in indignation and slaps your hands away
oh you are going to pay for that, he threatens. his eyes darkening in a familiar way as he moves closer to you.
❤ K E N M A ❤ (slight nsfw)
❤ loves baths with you cause he’s a lazy motherfucker and being able to just lie there as you lovingly massage and clean his body is his favourite way to de-stress after practise
❤ most nights will find you being the first one home for the day and running a bath for yourself at around the same time kenma is due home from volleyball. you keep the bath products to a minimum, putting in something subtle like a simple vanilla bath melt cause you know kenma hates the frivolous stuff 
❤ in bed kenma’s normally pretty dominant but there’s something about him coming home, exhausted from practise, barely able to mumble out responses to your questions, that always makes him switch into someone who’s softer and vulnerable. you just want to take him into your arms and rub soothing patterns onto his back while he cuddles into your chest and allows you to take control
❤ he’s normally a pretty quiet guy in general but when you’re lavishing him with your attention, he’s been known to reward you with tiny little whines as you run your fingers through his wet hair, gently detangling it. the rare, sometimes needy sighs of pleasure you can draw from him when he’s in your arms are like music to your ears.
❤ a switch!kenma’s soft side just works wonders for me okay
im never having a shower again, kenma quietly declares to you as his tired body eases into the hot water to join yours.
not when we can be doing this instead you agree.
you offer him a tiny smile and hold open your arms to your boyfriend, signalling him to come closer. and he does - maneuvering his body so that he can press his back against your chest, turning his head so he can nuzzle into your neck. both your bodies adjusting to get comfortable in an almost mechanical way, your bodies dancing their usual practised routines with each other
you move your fingers to the base of his head so that you can free his hair and begin gently rubbing his scalp, concentrating on the sensitive areas that normally make your boyfriend melt. everytime he lets out a happy sigh after you brush your fingers against one, you follow it up by placing a small kiss there.
continuing to work in silence, your fingers work quickly as they isolate tense knots in his body and you concentrate your attention there until you can draw more delicious noises from kenmas throat. Neither of you talk. But you don’t need to.
in the quiet tiled bathroom where every noise is amplified, kenmas mind can be pleasantly blank and he’s close to falling asleep to only the sound of two heartbeats and his own deep breathing.
❤ T E N D O U ❤ (nsfw, dom/sub themes)
❤ will often use baths as a form of aftercare. he just loves soaking in the bath with you after sex, could (and often does) spend all day cuddling up to you, smothering you in gentle kisses and loving praise as he massages your fucked-out body
❤ likes all bath products, mostly oils though because it makes bathtime with you more sensual but will always have a fun reaction to the more exciting ones you buy - whether they’re glitter explosions or fizzing colours
❤ very picky about the temperature of baths and loves making the baths as hot as you can bear. he says the heat and steam of the bathroom helps set the mood
❤ often can’t keep his hands to himself though when the two of you are naked together so if you’re not too over stimulated and you’re ready for another round, his intimate massages will often lead to more
❤ okay but imagine washing tendous hair in the bath. he comes home after a long session of volleyball training and you’ve run him a bath like his good little angel. you slowly massage your fingers into his scalp, rubbing shampoo through his long, red hair and you can just feel him melt against you as the tension leaves his body. might even let a few mewls of contentment escape his mouth as you make him feel good - payment for all the times he makes you feel good.
if I just wanted to relax kitten, I would have stayed in bed tendous breath is hot as he whispers into your ear. you can’t see him when your back is pressed up against him like this but you can feel him. and god can you feel him, his hard dick making itself known as it pokes against your back. his attention sends a white-hot shiver down your spine thats not helped by the heat of the water around you.
his spider-like fingers move under the water to dance up your thighs and your breath hitches as he draws closer to your core, teasing you. always teasing you. tendous fingers move in a way that is confident and practised, much like in everything else he does
you tilt your head back so that you can see your boyfriends face and place hungry kisses against any part of him you can reach. he uses his other hand to grip onto your wet hair and yank backwards, a little too hard.
patience pretty girl he mutters and hes looking down at you with that look he always gets when the two of you are intimate. its a look that always makes you feel like something inside of you could break. sex with tendou is always rough and demanding, leaves you deliciously broken in more ways than one. but the way he looks at you when youre together in the bath like this is entirely different to the rough way he often treats you - he looks at you like you're the most precious thing in the world and he’ll do whatever he can to protect you.
the thought makes you whimper and you feel his hard cock throb at the pathetic little noises he can draw out of you
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
goodiebag WARNINGS: yandere, dubcon/noncon, abuse, kidnapping, abduction, Stockholm syndrome, manipulation, mind control
Katsuki enjoys several other things apart from bedroom activities. All he needs is to feel needed. He loves cooking for his darling, watching movies and snuggling on the couch or in bed, he even wants to dance on some evenings, all in the confines of his home though. Because he just loves those extra intimate interactions with his darling: his house is equipped with pools, a jacuzzi, showers and a sauna. He just wants and needs her in all those semi-naked situations. Needs to satisfy his ownership of her. He will allow her access to every room of their house. He has installed every safety measure he deemed necessary for it to be possible for her to wander about. Having artificial staff to clean instead of actual, interactable, distracting human beings. He loves ensuring his darling that he’s the only thing she’ll ever need. And, because of this, Katsuki’s favorite thing to do in the bedroom is going down on his darling. Whether it be before, in between or after sex, preferably all. He’s a giver, but for selfish reasons obviously. He likes to feel her squirm and squeal beneath him, under his lips and tongue and teeth. He likes to prove how well he knows her body and taste what a mess he’s reduced her to afterwards.
Dabi is kinky. Not to an extreme extent, however more so than most. He rarely uses his quirks, but is not above doing so. He will brand his darling with his name and the occasional thumbprint hearts, but nothing more. He enjoys powerplay, as in collars and leashes and handcuffs, but rarely anything more than that, mostly because he isn’t that much of a patientperson. Dabi’s favorite bedroom service is a blowjob, of course. He loves seeing his darling down on her knees making him feel good, sucking him off as though her life depends on it. He loves every part of it, from her lips tightening around his shaft, to the walls of her mouth closing around him, hitting the wall in the back of her throat, even feeling her teeth slightly graze against him. But, nothing beats when she swallows so perfectly and gives him the outmost adorable little thank you afterwards, kissing his cock as if it were some gracious offering. He does enjoy other things apart from sex though. He loves the aftermath. Snuggling. Oh, how he loves snuggling. The soft drum of her heartbeat against him, the smell of her mingling with the smell of him. His darling’s soft skin pressed against the leathery texture of his purple marred flesh. He hopes she doesn’t scathe and annoy by it.
Tomura absolutely worships his darling, he doesn’t take anything she offers for granted. Even if he has to threaten her first. He enjoys playing videogames with her, though… he’s too easily distracted. He’ll want something else, something more, quickly. Whether it be kisses, hugs, or for her to brush her fingertips across his skin. Simply feeling her warmth up against him is enough for Tomura to shiver in ecstasy. However… it’s far from satisfactory. Once he gets a taste, he almost immediately needs more, and he’s not one to hold himself back. He will take if she does not offer, and he does not take lightly to her teasing. During sex: Tomura enjoys the cowgirl position above all else. Seeing his darling kneeling so perfectly in his lap, the both of them cradling one another, her hands wrapped around his neck, his hands being able to touch each and every part of her. Savoring the moment, as she displays in offering to him. He takes time enjoying himself, dragging out every moment until he’s contently satiated. He returns the favor, never leaving his darling unsatisfied, even though she probably would prefer it that way.
Hitoshi wants to talk. To talk to and observe, dissect, analyze his darling’s every word. He wants her thoughts, her emotions, her everything. Talking is part of why he fell in love with her. Because she seemed to want to talk as much as he did. She wasn’t scared either, the words seemed to pour out like poetry; unrestricted. A social butterfly incapable of staying quiet, incapable of leaving his questions unanswered. She was perfect for him. Even after he took her, she still couldn’t stop herself. He needn’t even use his quirk… most of the time. But… Hitoshi just loves taking advantage of his quirk in the bedroom, as so to have his darling focus on the pleasures he’s giving her instead of how wrong it feels. Hitoshi, quite like Dabi yet even to a more extreme, is a very kinky guy. He loves gifting his darling with trinkets. Loving to dress her up in all straps and lace and chains and stocking and collars and leashes, all branded with his name on them… perhaps even cat ears and a cage and making her call him master while he calls her kitty. He has a lot in store for his darling.
Keigo wants to find out what a relationship is. He doesn’t have a lot to go on, except for numerous romance movies and series. He isn’t shy though, he’ll get creative and experiment. Cuddling, wrapping his wings around his darling. It proves beneficial, both in being more comfortable for him and in keeping his darling in place. Showering together, shampooing one another’s hair. He’ll trap her mouth in his hand and make her breath in the water if she refuses to oblige his wishes. Cooking together. She’ll wish she just cut the vegetables like he asked. It’s a good thing she can never get a good hit in, despite however many times she tries. Keigo seems unbothered, never dwelling, never holding any grudges. There are too many other activities that needs his attention. Keigo prefers standing during sex. More control that way. With the freedom of his wings, something of which would be hard to maintain were they to be lying in a bed. He loves taking his darling up against the wall, whether she’s standing on her own two feet with her face mushed against the boards, or with him holding her up under her thighs with her legs cradling him. Keigo isn’t picky though, so any position where his wings are free is just fine with him.
Izuku just wants to be close, that’s really all he needs, they don’t even have to have any sex, they don’t even have to be that naked, or... at least not at first, not before she’s neatly settled in and come to terms with the fact that she is to love him until the end of times and won’t ever be leaving. Any position that allows him to reach and admire every part of his darling is perfect for him, yet he prefers to be able to see her face. He only allows her in the bed, anything else would be too rough for his little darling. The bed is the only safe place for her. So, that’s exactly where she’ll stay, out of harm’s way. He’ll bring her food and activities such as novels, notebooks, sketchbooks, anything she asks of him as long as she stays in the bed. He understands it when she gets restless. He too, would grow feral being suspended to a bed all day. But, he really can’t trust her with herself and risk her being free without his supervision. She’s bound to hurt herself, being as fragile as she is. He’ll insist on carrying her if she wants to go to the bathroom, pouring the right temperature into the bathtub and insisting on getting in with her. He’ll make it clear that he doesn’t mind, that he quite enjoys it. There will come a time where he enjoys it a bit too much, where he’ll insist that his needs and her needs are one of the same. By what time, he’ll have grown so demented, she’d count herself blessed if she’s ever given the time to sleep again.
Bubble-baths. His darling; surrounded by soap-bubbles. Her skin being smooth and slippery against his own; glowing. He wants her constantly, but if there’s a time where he feels his composure slip, it’s when they’re clean and perfect with only each-other and the soap surrounding them. But, despite being entitled, despite being impatient, despite wanting to have her in the outmost depraved ways… he’ll go about things rather professionally and respectfully, because Kai is, despite everything, a traditional guy. He believes in decorum and customs. So, his favorite position to have during intercourse is obviously missionary, the way it should be. That doesn’t, by any means, mean he is a mediocre guy. He just enjoys the contours and slopes and curves and dips of his darling’s face. How beautifully lit, bright and glossy her eyes get when he rams into her. How plump and juicy her lips are when they absorb the tears running down her cheeks. The soft crinkle between her brows and how her mouth hangs upon, shameful moans spilling past her lips. It’s all too much for him to ever want to face away from her whilst doing something so intimate. He allows himself to remove his gloves when they’re bathing. If only to feel the smooth, clean and warm feel of her throat under his fingers, as he fucks her into oblivion.
Shoto is quiet. And, it’s strange, because she used to think it was because he was a soft soul. He isn’t. Shoto’s favorite sexual endeavor is spanking, to see how far that spirit of hers actually reaches, he’s never disappointed. Whether she’s bended over his lap, the table, the sofa, any surfaces really, or chained to the ceiling, or on all fours presenting her ass so delectably for him. He loves seeing his handprint branded on her plump flesh. Enjoying what different colors he can bring to the surface by exchanging which quirk he uses. He finds it very efficient as well, given that his darling rarely disobeys him. She often wonders in fear what fresh hell his punishments could possibly be when his awards are already so brutal. He never skips on aftercare though, even though his cooing and affection is unwanted. Never understanding that his affection doesn't make up for the brutality. He’ll hold her tightly to his chest, cool down the swollen flesh, stroke her hair, kissing her forehead almost so softly she nearly forgets what he just did to her moments before. He’ll balance everything out to an obsessive degree. For every slap, she’ll also get a kiss. For every burn, he’ll also cool it down and vice versa. Every time they do something unpleasant, he’ll be sure to have something softer planned the next day. She isn’t sure which she dislikes the most, but… there’ll come a time where she won’t be sure which one she enjoys more.
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
(Sorry I accidentally deleted this ask but-)
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If there’s anything all Mutsuki enjoyers can agree on is that he DESERVES to get laid
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): he needs a minute to recover. He’d lay back and catch his breath, cuddle up with his partner if they feel like it, generally just give himself a bit before trying to get up because sex takes a lot out of him. That anemic fuck is probably dizzy, and If it was as rough as he wanted it to be then chances are he’s going to be pretty sore
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): theres a lot of stuff he doesn’t like because Oof Ouch Dysphoria, but he likes his waist. On a partner, it’s going to be their legs
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): He groans and curls in on himself. He does his best to keep his mouth closed and keep it to a whimper when getting off in the chateau, especially if the other quinx are home, but with a partner, they may be lucky enough to hear it, as well as see how he curls up as if leaning into the feeling
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): he humps his kagune sometimes. He only does it when he’s SURE no one is home and he’s SURE the door is locked anyway, but he absolutely does it. When it’s not hardened for battle it’s just soft and ridged. He’s too ashamed of the whole thing to even consider trying to put any part of it inside himself, but kneeling on it and rutting against it is on the table. Or should I say on the floor.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?): I love him but he’s clearly never fucked in his life. Is he sexy? Of course. Would he be good at it? Absolutely. But was he secure enough in his body through high school or close enough to anyone that he was absolutely sure they wouldn’t out him? Nope. Believe me he wants to, but just isn’t there yet with his anxiety. When he does it though it’s going to be with someone he can fully trust and feel comfortable around, honestly it’s probably not going to be with a cis person because, at least to start off with, he’d need to feel like he’s 100% understood to be that vulnerable
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying): doggy style. It doesn’t feel as open when he’s on the bottom, and he likes the dominance it allows when he’s on top
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.): maybe later when he’s more sure of himself, but for the most part he doesn’t joke during it, he’s too focused on the task at hand
H = Heat (what are heats like for them? How do they handle it?): his aren’t as bad symptom wise compared to full ghouls, but are still pretty shitty. For him it’s mostly just irritability, muscle weakness, and wooziness that lasts a few days. But heats mean no period which is fine by him. No monthly Cramps and Dysphoria parade? Yeah Fuck that, he’ll take a week twice a year of being horny and high instead
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect): he wants to feel close to whoever he’s with. It’s more about anxiety than romance though, he needs to be sure that whoever it is is going to respect him and wouldn’t trust someone who may think of him as just another lay
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon): doing it once a day is on the low end. Mutsuki is feeling the full force of the testosterone’s effects and that means HORNEE. He usually uses a toy he has hidden in his closet in addition to his hands since that extra stimulation gets him off quicker, and does his best not to make too much noise
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks): dom/sub. He can take either position, he makes a surprisingly hard dom and a beautifully submissive bottom when he wants. Whether issuing harsh commands and shoving his partner to the bed by their neck or being blindfolded and trembling under someone’s fingers, he’s in his element. Tooru seems like two completely different people depending on the mood
L = Location (favorite places to do the do): anywhere but the chateau, he can NOT risk his coworkers hearing him getting his back blown out
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): anything and everything. He’ll be looking too long at Urie’s pecs or he’ll happen to glance at Shirazu when he’s wearing sweatpants or he’ll just be minding his own business and the seam of his jeans decides now is a good time to rub up against his clit and now he has this to deal with. Mutsuki’s partner doesn’t need to wait long for him to be horny because there’s a 50/50 chance that just sitting down in anything tighter than pajama pants will do it for him
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): I’m sure this comes as now surprise, but any fetishization of his identity. He doesn’t want to Fuck someone who just has a thing for Trans dudes or, even worse, a straight guy thinks that this is straight. If he’s gonna fuck, he’s gonna fuck someone who isn’t going to make a whole thing about it, but also respect it enough to not disregard his discomfort with that level of vulnerability entirely
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.): he prefers receiving, and to be honest he’s pretty new at giving so he isn’t going to be great at first
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): pace depends on the mood, but he generally leans towards the fast and rough end
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): he likes them, the spontaneity is exciting
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.): depends on the risk. Anything that could interfere with his professional life or safety? No. But as long as there’s a safe word and respect he’s down to try most things at least once
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?): he gets off pretty quickly, but it doesn’t take him long to be horny again. Until he is, he’s happy to keep going, he can do wonders with his hands and likes the feeling of being penetrated after he’s already come. As long as his partner doesn’t touch his clit when it’s oversensitive he has no problem drawing it out until they’re both satisfied
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?): he has a strap. He bought it while off his ass on the post surgical meds and didn’t even remember ordering it until a VERY INDISCREET package arrived at the chateau, which he rushed to hide in his room. He uses the dildo that came with the harness on himself pretty often, may as well use what he has, but has yet to get an opportunity to use it as intended
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): he likes to be teased. Keep him right on the edge until he’s begging
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): he couldn’t be quiet if he tried. And he does. He tries. It doesn’t work. It ends up coming out as strained whimpers most of the time because that’s the quietest he can be, but a partner may be able to make him give up on trying to silence it
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character): he is really good with his fingers. Y’all saw him fight, you know how dexterous he is
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes): his bottom growth is a bit over 2 inches even when not turned in, man’s taunted by the fact that if he had a dick it would have been huge 😔
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): Wow starting T has done wonders for his self image and transition and also he is SO HORNY ALL THE TIME. It doesn’t end. Help him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): he falls asleep fast. Haha anemic little bitch
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levithestripper · 3 years
☀️✨ Javier & John cheering up a sad F! S/O ☀️✨
Anonymous said:
Your Javier & John hcs are so adorable !! 🥺 Could you do Javier & John hcs with a female s/o where they try their best to make their s/o laugh on a bad day?
Thank you!! I really enjoyed writing them, Javier and John are such babies!! Good lord I love them. I hope you enjoy these!! I kinda strayed away from the prompt a bit with Javier’s but I hope it still works for what you requested! 
✩ Requests are open!! Read the rules first! Gender neutral reader! ✩
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✩ Warnings: None! ✩
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Javier Escuella☀️✨
(here’s a translator for some of Javi’s Spanish words!! If I messed up on them please tell me so I can fix it.)
Javier is generally a bubbly, upbeat person, so when he saw that his s/o was sad, he didn’t like it one bit. It became his mission that day to make her smile and laugh like she usually does around camp.
He didn’t know what had given her such a heartbroken expression though, normally she would come to him if she had something getting her down. Javier walked around camp looking for her, planning on bringing her back to his tent and tell some stupid, corny jokes that always get her to laugh, but with no luck. 
‘Well, maybe she’s outside guarding!’ He thought as he walked the entire perimeter of Horseshoe Overlook. But he still couldn’t find her. At this point, Javier got worried. His s/o rarely left camp, and when she did she was with him in town getting supplies or with him on a date night. 
Knowing that she was close with Karen and Mary-Beth, Javier went over to the dominoes table to ask them if they knew where she had disappeared to.  
“Heyy, Señoritas. Have you seen y/n? She seemed sad the last time I saw her but now I can’t find her.” 
Mary-Beth and Karen look up from their game, at each other, then back at Javier. Mary-Beth was the one that spoke. “I saw her go into town with Kieran a couple-a hours ago. Didn’ hear why she was goin’ with him though, sorry.”
Javi wanted to flow a fuse. He rarely gets jealous, but when he does look out. He stormed out to the horses, mounted Boaz, and galloped off to Valentine once he was out of camp. He isn’t jealous because he think’s she’s cheating on him with an O’Driscoll, he knows that she’d never do such a terrible thing. He wanted to be the one to cheer her up, Kieran wasn’t allowed to do that! That’s not his job!
He got into Valentine fairly quickly, hitching Boaz right outside of the gunsmith. He walked inside and asked the shop keep if he had seen her. The shop keep told Javier that he had seen a girl of that description over by the stables with another guy. Javi thanked the man and ran back outside, marching on down to the stables. 
Relief rushed over him when he saw his s/o in the barn, brushing and the horses in the company of Kieran. The other man was across the barn, feeding some of the animals over there. Javier walked up behind the shorter woman, tapping her shoulder. “Where have you been, mi amor? I saw you so sad earlier so I went lookin’ for you, but you left camp without telling me!” Javier tried not to blow up at her, knowing how she didn’t like it when he yelled. He started to mumble angrily in Spanish, pouting a bit. “If you wanted to leave camp, why didn’ you ask me?” 
She jumped a bit before realizing that it was only Javier. “Don’t sneak up on me, Javi! You scared me, guapo. I... I didn’t want to bug you, ‘cause you seemed busy n all. S-So I asked Kieran if he’d take me to the stables, since he likes horses too...” 
He rolls his eyes, chuckling softly at her reasoning. He held onto his s/o’s hands gently, rubbing her knuckles with his thumbs. “Cariño... You know I’d take you anywhere if you’d just ask me. You know I live to make my futura esposa happy...” Javier leaned in close to her, pressing a gentle, chaste kiss to his s/o’s lips. “Next time, let me take care of you.” 
She giggled softly, grinning up at him sweetly. “Of course, guapo.”
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John Marston☀️✨
John is one of the most emotionally constipated men you could ever meet. 
He barely knows how to connect with Jack when he is sad and crying over something, he doesn’t even know how to approach his s/o when she’s sad. He barely even knew how to help Abigail when she had those hormone induced emotions while she was pregnant. This man is so fucking dense it’s incredible. 
John wants it to be different this time, so he prepares stuff that he thinks will help cheer his s/o up. He asked the girls around camp what makes them feel better when they’re down. 
The girls all giggle at the question, causing John to rub the back of his neck with his hand, embarrassed. Karen said that acts of romance makes her feel better, Mary-Beth replied with physical affection like cuddles or hugging, and Tilly and Sadie both agree that gift giving was the best way. 
So John took that advice and rode into town, buying two packs of blankets, a sewing kit with fabric and stuffing, and all the snacks that he could manage to fit in his satchel. When he got back to camp, he placed all the things he had bought into his trunk except for the sewing kit. John holed himself up in his tent for the rest of the day, stitching together a small toy. 
Soon the day eventually came where his s/o was feeling down, moping around camp and slugging through her chores. John set up his tent with everything that he had bought. Different colored blankets draped across his cot, snacks scattered about. He even managed to swipe a few candles from Pearson. He even excused her from the rest of her chores, making a deal with Miss.Grimshaw that he’d do them all instead. 
Walking up to his s/o, Marston fiddled with the toy he had made behind his back. “Hey... y/n, I noticed that you seemed pretty down, so I set up a surprise for you in my tent.” He smiled softly when he saw her face lighten up a bit. “A-And I made you this!” John shoved the toy into her hands, face flushed a bright red. He wasn’t used to being this embarrassed, he just wanted his s/o to be happy. 
She giggles softly, gently taking the poorly made toy out of his hands. She couldn’t exactly tell what it was supposed to be, but she loved it anyways. “Show me what you set up!” 
John showed her a rare grin, taking her hand and leading her to his tent. He opened the tent flap for her, smiling even wider when he saw how excited his lover had gotten. “I asked the women around camp what they liked to do when they’re sad or depressed, so I combined em...” He mumbled softly before walking around her and laying down on his cot, arms outstretched for her, holding the blanket open. 
On this day, John Marston became a little less emotionally constipated. With his lover resting on his chest, ear right over his heart. He felt complete with her at his side, right where he could protect her and keep her happy.  
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aimlesswalker · 3 years
Being autistic and having adhd really fucks with my sense of attraction. I’ve realized I don’t/rarely experience sexual attraction for uhh a decade now? I’ve realized I don’t experience romantic attraction for three years now. And I’m starting to realize I don’t experience platonic attraction either. I just... I don’t feel ~drawn~ to people. People approach me and if the vibes are right then maybe we’ll spend more time together. I don’t care enough to pursue anyone, to be the active pursuer. Ever. I don’t think of people when they’re not around. I only seem to make friends when someone chases after me or if they’re people I spend time doing things with regularly (like a club).
Part of my experience of being autistic is feeling disconnected from the rest of the world. People connect in ways I can’t seem to understand, there’s so many social rules I can’t seem to understand. Even with the people I get along with, even with the friends I make, I feel like an outsider. I feel hollow compared to everyone smiling and getting along so easily. I feel alien, like a glitch, like something that isn’t supposed to exist. I don’t really know how to make friends. (And this isn’t just a lack of social skills or whatever, it’s about the lack of platonic attraction and about neurodivergent brains being different) I don’t know what brings two people together. I don’t know what to do with other people if it’s not some pre-agreed upon activity. I don’t know how to be the pursuer because I think about that person in particular and all I can conjure up is a “meh?” feeling. There’s no real motivation to get to know them further unless they’ve already pursued me and I’ve formed some sort of attachment and found out that I enjoy their company. And even then... I can never point to any specific thing about a person other than “they were there?” or I enjoy doing X with them. Even then, if the person is pursuing me too strongly, if they’re more attached than I am, I feel put-off, repulsed.
And I know a lot of that repulsion is rooted in relationship trauma, in this codependent relationship I had where I felt trapped and confined. I overcompensated by being as independent as possible. I don’t want anyone to rely on me, to need me. That feels bad. I don’t want to be the linchpin that someone else’s emotional health rests upon. I also feel uncomfortable in a relationship where our feelings are mismatched because the other person usually places all these expectations on me that I find suffocating. This is especially the case for romantic relationships. They always expect so much, they expect me to feel and act a certain way and make me feel guilty for not being romantically attracted to them. It’s repulsive.
I don’t even experience familial bonds. I don’t know what that’s supposed to feel like. My blood family are just people in my life. I know them, I know I’m supposed to feel something for them, but the spot where I’m supposed to find that is just… hollow? (Does that make me a monster) Like I don’t hate my parents, I appreciate all that they do for me, I respect that they care for me and I set aside time to have dinner with them, but? I don’t even have a real concept of “found family”. They’re familial bonds to people who aren’t your blood relatives, but what does that feel like? It’s not platonic, it’s not romantic, it’s not alterous, it’s something else completely. But I struggle to word exactly how it’s different. I’m just… not sure I feel familial attachment in the way most other people seem to.
And yet? I still experience “love”. It’s not what people usually think of when they hear the word, but I bond deeply to a few rare people and I enjoy expressing my affection towards them via physical touch and/or sex. I don’t care if I’m “not allowed” to call it love bc it’s so different, bc it’s not based on attraction. I’m lovequeer so fuck you. 
So if it’s not based on attraction, then why do I form bonds with people? I still want friends. I want people to talk about things with! Whether that’s my day, something that’s bothering me, a morality/ethical question, current events, fandom, etc. I want interesting conversations with interesting people. I want people to do the activities I like with- like going to museums or playing board games or swing dancing. I want people to cuddle with and have sex with. Because all of those things are fun! Those things bring enjoyment to life. I also want people I can ask for help or advice from because I can’t do everything on my own. I like seeking outside perspectives to grow as a person. I like people who can challenge me and help me be better, who I can grow alongside of.
Which is a lot of why I don’t generally enjoy surface level relationships- because I don’t know how to act in them. I like a lot of emotional intimacy in my relationships! That’s the lifeblood of any connection I form. What’s the point if it’s not there? What’s driving me to seek out this person without it? I usually call the desire for emotional intimacy “alterous attraction”, but I don’t experience this often. While I like emotional intimacy with people as a general thing, I rarely experience the desire for it from a specific person.
Which often throws me to the outskirts of society, not being able to form those sorts of bonds with other people, like coworkers or peers or mentors or anything. I end up not having people to rely upon, which is a key part of humanity (being able to depend on others, we’re typically a social species) but also the way society is set up. Due to amatonormativity, society is not set up for someone to be alone; everything is set up for a set of partners or a nuclear family. There’s also no support systems for those who need it, like financial aid or disability aid or food stamps. They’re set up to be as difficult as possible to obtain. You’re expected to have other people in your life you can rely on. But I don’t.
It’s part that I struggle to bond with people, part not feeling platonic attraction, but also part I don’t mind being alone. I’ve always been alone. I have plenty of things to enrich my life. I don’t see the point in talking to people, in making friends if they’re not going to be people I can get close to. I’m struggling to put that into words. But I was always the quiet kid. And I used to be ashamed of that, because society shames people for being “weird” or being “outcasts” for not having friends. But that’s just part of who I am. I prefer listening to what’s going on around me, I don’t care to join in other than for the shame of being excluded. Or is that what I tell myself to make being alone and disconnected from the entire world feel more palatable?
Because, while I struggle to form bonds and am generally ok alone, I crave community, I crave emotionally intimate relationships. I don’t want romance because of the repulsion, so that ends up being a craving for friends (because society has a fucked up binary of friends or romantic partner). And I vibe with all those posts by aros talking about how deep and important friendship can be. I vibe with those posts talking about a (queer)platonic polycule. I like the sound of those things. In theory. But the only close bonds I seem to be able to form are alterous ones. Not queerplatonic, not deeper than is considered socially acceptable for platonic relationships, but alterous ones! Not platonic, alterous. But where else am I going to find aromantic and aplatonic people that aren’t nonamorous or non-partnering? Will I always have to sacrifice and subdue the parts of me that are repulsed by getting close to people?
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I feel lonely tonight, the pandemic makes you distance yourself a little from those you love. It would be nice to see the allies and the axis in a super cheesy situation when seeing each other after a long time due to the pandemic with their partner and realizing that the spark between them is not gone, and they make love after a long time.
*Breathes out pure fluff* Yes- YES ANON! GENIUS ANON IS! Genius anon has made hetalia Secretary happy! Happy for a thousand days! (I'm sorry, I may have... Overreacted...)
Trigger Warning: Romantically Sexual themes
My NSFW tag is 'handsypandsy' For those who are uncomfortable with sensual things.
Allies and Axis rekindle a flame with their S/O after quarantine
It was a very painful experience for Alfred. Regardless if they lived together or not, having to be somewhat distanced sucked. He wanted nothing more than to hug and kiss his S/O but due to his job, having to quarantine became a regular for a couple months. Every phone call he'd profusely apologize to his lover, already expecting them to get bored and leave. But when the time finally came he sprinted into his house, slightly spooking his S/O with the door being whipped open, and immediately showering them with kisses and cuddles. It was almost out of character, but the briny tears soaking his cheeks made his S/O realize just how anxious he was. What started out with panicked kisses soon formed into gentle caresses, and drawn out moans as each party seemed overly sensitive to the touch that they so desperately missed. Clothing staying out, and hardly moved as they had grinded like two stones against each other. The bed that night stayed empty as the two did their romancing on the floor in the living room. Bare skin finally making it's grand entrance, and turning red from the forgotten sensation of making love. A movie they had tried to watch together Beforehand illuminated their bodies as they moved in sync. Gripping, and grasping for anything to help them to keep the pace steady. Both their panting and lustrous sighs hidden by the sound of the credits as the movie ended. The hot and heavy haze in the room had caressed the lovers to sleep in each other's arms. Both satisfied and feeling the safety and familiarity of their skin. Morning had come and Alfred's Sleeping partner was out of sight, but the smell of breakfast eased his worry, and he waddled to his lover. He had sneakily turned the flames off and whisked his S/O back to their spot on the floor, promising to take them out after one more round. Except the second time around was more for the fun of it, and whatever worries they had vanished.
His S/O wasn't very far from him, so it took him all of his being to not see them. Phone calls weren't good enough, even with the suggestions of having intimate moments through the phone cables. It just didn't feel right. He began to worry it would never be the same, and this was what it felt like to drift away from someone. Once he was in the clear and could see his S/O again he bought flowers and take out in hopes that he could convince them to stay with him. To his surprise his S/O pulled him in, the flowers dropping outside on the doorstep, and they kissed him. He pulled back, his face shocked and flushing. But that soon turned into a playful grin as he convinced them their mealtime was slightly more important. As they ate Arthur and his S/O exchanged goofy noodle slurping faces, and stole from each other's plates, the atmosphere turning warm and comfortable. Yet it had a sense of urgency that was fully ignored by both lovers as they indulged in each other's presence. Clean up after the meal was going to wait as England decided to make the next move. With sincere words he held his lover in his arms and let every one of his worries slip past his lips. His concerns fading with every reassurance his S/O provided. Soon enough they had made their way to the bedroom, lips locked and hands loaded like springs. Trying so desperately to remember nights they had like this. Their clothes were pulled from their bodies as if they needed a desperate reminder of their soft skin and joints. He was smooth on his feet as he held his lover down to the blankets, and promised them more than just a good night. He wanted them to remember this moment for everyday after. He wanted them to feel loved, and wanted nothing more than to give them the love they desired. Putting his intrusive thoughts to the grave he gave them every inch of his emotions and attention, almost neglecting his own. No matter the sensation he made sure they were both well relieved, and confident the other would be there by morning.
This was the biggest challenge he's ever faced. He felt like he worked so hard to keep his S/O around, and this cursed pandemic was about to shatter it. But with every phone call, and every video chat he was given more and more hope they're his still. His goal when he found his way into their arm was to make sure they knew he was still theirs as well. He kissed them, held them, and soothed ever single nerve they had until it was as still and unwavering as a lake in the early morning. No more talk about sickness, no more paranoia of the air, or touching being infectious. They were both given the chance to feel again, even for just one night, and he was going to make sure they took it. He picked them up and brought them to the bed, playfully trapping them in the blankets. After shortly joining them under the covers he asked them about how the distance made them feel. Upon learning how needy it made them for his touch, it felt like a thousand roses had bloomed from his chest. He made every move and touch painfully slow. Looking into his sweet Darling's eyes for consent for every inch of movement. But when the final connection of limbs and loins happen, he let every ounce of his adoration for them flow. He grabbed and caressed at random sections of their bodies, allowing them to instruct his movements, via by their moan or their words. He worshipped them, and their affection. Even after the high of their passion simmered down, he held them close, smothering them with soft kisses and adoring talk about being in that position forever, where not even hunger will stop him from moving their relaxed figure.
He had the patience to wait it out, but that did not mean it was without it's agony. Truth be told he'd rather not hear the sweet voice of his S/O. It only made things harder, but he couldn't say no to the phone when it rang. It wasn't the time that went by that concerned him. It was the lost look on his S/O face when they realized they didn't love him anymore. It plagued him, and haunted his soul more than getting sick. He was a country so he'd survive, but he really only did this to protect his precious gem. But to his surprise he heard the knocking come from his door. Gladly accepting a distraction from his thoughts he opened it. He thought he was dreaming as his S/O stood there. He was so lost in thought he didn't realize their time to quarantine was up, and he was way past the time he promised to meet up with them. His heart ached and he assumed it was the final straw to the relationship, but that fear went away as his S/O embraced them, concern that he was mad or upset. The laughter that filled the room, as he explained how he managed to lose track of time with his own untrusting thoughts, gave them both relief. Soon enough they had found other ways to relieve their worries away. It started with china feeding them what they desired. He saw the chance to wipe away some leftover crumbs from their face, but chose to do so with his lips, than to do so with a napkin. The shock that came with the sensation pushed them both over the edge as they kissed and bite into soft flesh. Not tearing or bruising it, but simply testing the reality of the situation. They soon allowed themselves to become whole as the smell of warm food coated the room, but gave way to the lover's hunger for each other's affections, and bodies. It wasn't a completely soft reunion for too many hours were missed. But the sensation had them on cloud nine with every thrust or caress. Their inner flames peaking, and going out several times before they had exhausted their physical strength. Ending their love making session with tired smiles, and rumbling bellies. Though they felt weakened from their activities they had managed to carry themselves off to bed with a few plated of food to sedate earlier's, original, hunger.
Between the cold winds, and the familiar taste of loneliness, Russia was suffering greatly. He called his S/O time and time again, just to hear their voice. Just to hear their affections reach to him through the phone. He feared he'd retrieve some form of addiction to this form of communication if the quarantine lasted any longer. He thought day in, and day out about his S/O to try and quench the foreign desires that kept him up at night. Embarrassed by his fantasies that started out innocent, but ended in something more raw and carnal. His S/O would soon hear more apologies for something Ivan couldn't bring himself to admit to. But when the day arrived he could see them again, any other words told to him by his boss were cut short as he rushed out of his home and directly to his little bear. Covered in snow, and almost freezing to death, his S/O dragged him inside, their motherly concern giving Russia a familiar warmth that surpassed a hearth's. He quickly shed his coat and boots. Taking his scarf he tied tied his S/O to him, telling them they were not allowed to be apart like that again. Endearment ran through his fingertips as he gently touched their face, a guilty look as he cautiously admitted to his sensual fantasies. The shame he wore in his body language signaled his S/O to start to coax him out of his intrusive thoughts, and into bed with them. Filling the space in between with comforting words, and an 'I missed you just as badly'. That's all Ivan needed to hear before letting himself take charge of the situation. His actions were rushed, and desperate. His lips and teeth traveling from their lips, to their neck, and to the collar of their shirt. Large hands squeezed and carefully probed his sunflower's flesh as they both quickly shed their clothing, not caring where the items fell to. Russia came to a halt as one final look of remorse masked his face. Sensitive to his needs his S/O egged him on with soft kisses of their own. The following friction and suffocating adoration was the only feelings present in the shared hours to come. Russia had allowed himself a tear or two to shed as the salt mixed with saliva of their kisses. With each worry came waves of pleasure, melting it away. Even when morning had come, and both sweethearts were aching and sore, they lay tangled up under covers, refusing to let the world outside peek into their serenity.
Time had stopped for him. Everything did. He felt a bizarre emptiness, and knowing the cause made it worse. He's use to the laughter his S/O made when he was too serious, and started talking nonsense logic. He missed their gaze from across the room as they would attempt to sneak baked goods fresh off the cooling rack. He missed everything. But he stayed strong. He promised to himself to not let some illness take him over. He stayed his distance from more than his S/O, even to the concern of his closest friends. He was more agressive with his training, the slight burn that came with it giving him some respite from his longing. It was an endless cycle. One he was more than happy to break when the time finally came. Yet he froze at the sight. It seemed his S/O has fallen victim to the pandemics careless attitude towards haircuts and hygiene. In other words they were perfect, regardless. In fact seeing them as if they barely crawled out of bed made it seem like all the time waiting never happened. And he loved that about them. So much so he scooped them up, and carried them off to the bedroom. He wasted no time in asking them if they missed him, if they wanted him. And with each yes he made his way to hover over them. Though he wanted to just dive in and feel connected again, he made sure they could handle it. Softly gave them words of reassurance if any fears had aroused. He made a promise that whatever was happening outside the front door, would never reach them where they were. Inch by inch he layered kisses and sweet words and praise against his S/O's skin. Hands finding theirs as he leaned into them, their beings touching yet again. He had them pinned down, not wanting them to waste a single amount of effort as he gave them whatever they wanted. At the same time he gave his love in the form of attentiveness, and teasing. He was calculated in every move, every kiss and every word. He would not stop these sensations until his S/O asked, or simply couldn't take anymore of Ludwig's motions. The end had neared to quickly for them both, but neither complained. It wasn't about how long they lasted, all that mattered was they had made it through part of the storm, and they would see their way out back to beautiful clear skies, once again.
He was use to it so it didn't bug him. So long he was able to at least talk to his S/O he was satisfied. But he could sense the tone through the phone that his partner wasn't fairing as well. That's what got to him. The discomfort his S/O had, had soon transferred to him, and even with the distance he began to miss their playfully, hidden touches and affection. He slowly realized how long he made them wait, even for just holding hands. Guilt kicked in as he he came to the conclusion that his Darling had worked so hard for him to warm to their touch, and now it was being torn from them. From him as well. That's when the feeling of missing set in fully. He would shudder at the slightest breeze that came across his skin, and imagined it was their own hand, or just their breath. But that wanting soon came to over flow as he walked back into a shared living space with his S/O. He knew his face was redden, and noticeable so he informed his S/O of his feelings. Then slowly they both found a comfortable space to allow the feeling of intimacy to take over. Small hearts were drawn on each other's skin with their fingers, and they eased in to it. Not going to fast, or to slow. For Kiku's sake since he was still unsure of what these feelings were. That is until the first embrace. Then he melted to the sensation. Those ghostly drafts from his quarantine turning into the actual breath and skin of his precious blossom. Finally the tension in his body snapped and he moved against them, pillowy lips finding theirs. He never understood why others found it hard to kiss like this. There was plenty of air shared between the two of them, but as much as he enjoyed the sensation, he began wanting more. Greedily he laid down his S/O, enjoying their longing whimpers, and pleading eyes. Even with hands unfastening the cloth barriers, he never shied away, and took in his S/O's being for what it was worth. To him that was priceless gemstones, and silk. Every bit of his lover sprawled out in front of him, as he showed his true colors like he did the first night they intermingled like this. The pace increased further as his first release built. But not yet. He showered his S/O with every sensation they deserved to have. He was going to give him twice the amount of affection and touch as they gave him from the very start. Only then would he be truly happy, and satisfied. The lull of love making came and their after glows and blush cooled down against the wooden floors. He had just enough energy left to kiss their tired bodies, and rub away any sores, a physical lullaby that let them finally get a restful night.
He was almost depressed most of the time. He wanted so badly to hold his S/O, and just squeeze them until they gave that adorable giggle he loved so dearly. But alas, he had to wait. He had to be patient. So he used that to make paintings, and small trinkets for his beloved. And it almost worked. He could get so into his craft making he'd forget that his S/O wasn't there, and call out for their opinion. Only bringing on the sadness again he was trying to avoid. Calls were hard to make as well, and it frustrated him to no end. Then the end to the waiting had come, and he left as soon as he could, a small bag of gifts in hand. He knocked loudly, despite the morning hour, and said many things to his S/O as he embraced them. None of which came in his S/O's native tongue, or at the very least sounded like gibberish. After his S/O received so many little gifts they couldn't help but feel better. There was a small silence as Italy leaned over, pecking their lips. Unsure if they were still there, if they were real. Lingering kisses washed away to soft touches to the face, and arms. Soon clothes had been pushed aside as the two memorized the sensation of being in the same room. Then all at once they collapsed to the couch, hands fondling buttons and buckles. Hair being moved aside from ears to be nibbled, and lips struggling to find each other's rhythms. Once they did the rest came easy. Sighs were elicited as their bodies became almost glued to each other. Barely ever separating. Surprised gasps, and soft moans claimed the silence as sweat and tears mixed together, right until the end. Though neither of them disconnected from their combined warmth. Making every sore and slight bite mark worth the effort.
And holy cow the amount of times I had to change the word 'of' to 'if' and vise versa was painful! Anyway- I hope you all enjoyed this! Cause I certainly did *cough Russia my love cough* I feel slightly bad American's was slightly shorter than everyone else's, but it just felt like a good place for him. I don't know, let me know what y'all think.
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buntycake · 4 years
Hey I really liked your writing so I decided to send in a prompt. What do you think the brothers would only reveal about themselves to MC after a long time of dating? Maybe a different side of their personalities or an embarrassing interest? Thank you for the hard work 💕
I’m glad you like my writing! I hope you enjoy this headcanon.
What the Brothers Reveal to You After Dating You for a Long Time
Lucifer never seems to struggle. True, he has his fits of irritation as he tries to run Devildom while bringing Diavolo’s machinations to fruition. Even so, to an outsider he always seems to have a plan Z for everything.
The first time you saw him in a less than orderly state was when he called you to his office during one of his all-nighters. It was three in the morning and he had asked you to bring him a coffee spiked with poison. (This would have been alarming to you if you hadn't lived in Devildom for quite some time.)
Hunched over his desk and surrounded by paperwork, he looked exhausted. He didn’t even take the time to save his coffee like usual. It was gone in one gulp. When you asked what was keeping him up so late, he told you about Lord Diavolo's new idea. It had him ripping hair out he tried to figured out how to implement it.
Though he tried to shoo you away, you sat with him until 6 am, when he finally called it quits. This became a semiregular occurrence. (You talked him out of his all-nighters when you could.) Just your presence is enough to make the process of figuring out the impossible better.
When you're more settled in your relationship, he'll start asking for your advice and help. It's hard to believe that someone as persnickety as Lucifer would allow someone to do a job that he could do better, but he trusts you.
It's not always about work either. The conversations you two have about his relationship with his brothers are when Lucifer seems the most vulnerable. He wants to be close with them, but struggles. You are one of the few people he allows to know that.
Mammon being completely serious is still an uncommon occurrence in your relationship. He has his more reserved moments, sure, but not bouncing off the walls is not the same as having that solemn, focused look in his eyes.
There are really two occasions when this side of him comes out. One, when he's in DEEP trouble with the witches. You'll know that his debt with the witches has become serious when he's pacing the length of his room and muttering a string of numbers and calculations you can't follow.
Two, when he's trying to comfort someone, most often you. (After all, his brothers aren’t the type to admit when they’re feeling down.) There was once you had gotten to ruminating about the past. Those memories had whirl winded into something ugly. All your past regrets and embarrassments built up and weighed down on you until you began to cry.
Luckily or unluckily, Mammon came barging into your room at that time. He was ranting about some new opportunity for making money. In your melancholy daze, it was hard to remember. You must have looked awful because the switch was immediate.
Mammon gathered you in his arms and rubbed your back until you calmed down enough to talk. At first, he seemed agitated since he thought one of the brothers had done something to upset you. However, as you explained what happened he settled down. He was silent as you spoke and his eyes never left your face as if he was trying to gather up your every word and reaction.
Mammon is surprisingly insightful when he wants to be. What he said to you after your rant was thoughtful and wise – completely unlike his typical persona. You knew the typical fun-loving demon had returned when he said, "Anyway, forget about all that stuff. You have the Great Mammon looking out for you now."
Levi is extremely capable. Being an otaku shut-in, it's an aspect of him that isn't immediately apparent and that you've probably only seen glimpses of.
Levi's ability to keep up with all things otaku, while perhaps not impressive to anyone outside of the anime community, is a testament to his persistence. And no matter what normies think, Levi isn't without ambition.
It's actually a little while into your relationship that he brings up an old goal of his: creating an otaku podcast. He was timid as he began to explain his vision to you, but about an hour in it was clear that he knew EXACTLY what he wanted to do. He just needed a little nudge.
After many reassures, some words of affirmation, and a pretty drawn out planning session, he got to work. For the next couple of months, he was busy - completely hyper focused on this goal.
He reached out to some smaller creators in the otaku community to find others interested in making a podcast. The two of you went searching for a place and some equipment to rent out. There were many late nights with just the two of you drafting up some beginning podcast topics.
Levi was a nervous mess before the first recording. You sat in on the first one just to be a calming presence, but in the end, you don’t think he needed it. He had a BLAST.  Everyone seemed to play off each other so well.
When the podcast came out, it was a modest success. Those that liked it were begging for more. He was practically vibrating from excitement and overflowing with new ideas after that.
Levi undoubtedly did most of the leg work, but he'll insist to his last breath that it was all because of your support. To him, he can jump any hurdle with you by his side.
Satan is disgustingly romantic. For all the rage he can store in his body, honeyed words and sweet sentiments take their place there, too. Blame it on all the romance books he's read over the millenniums.
This aspect of him was probably the clearest during your dates, where he’ll take you to some unknown, but beautiful place. Even as you take in the environmental or astronomical wonders that Devildom offers, his eyes can’t seem to part from your form. It’s as if your existence is even more surreal.
This sentiment bleeds into your daily life the longer you're together. Most notably when you start finding small notes everywhere.
In the morning you found a note on your dresser, scrawled in his neat cursive. It read, “Your smile is as refreshing as the morning dew.” The smile in question appeared on your lips and you could almost see Satan’s amused smile in your mind.
Another note that said, “Your curiosity is something to be admired and feared,” had you giggling in the middle of RAD’s hallways. You got a few odd stares for that.
Surprise, surprise, there were more in your backpack, textbooks, around your room, everywhere. Each contained a small snapshot of his feelings about you.
At the end of the day, you found him tucked away in the library with a book like usual. When you asked him why he hid all those notes, he simply said, "So, that you would have at least one happy moment each day.”
Asmo takes pride in his appearance, but more than that, fashion and beauty are a defensive mechanism. If he looks less than perfect, then there might be merit in what people say about him. They might have good reason to hate or resent him.
When he's at his most beautiful, he can pass those reactions off as people being envious of his perfection. It may seem like a small thing, but it's a privilege to see him before all the primping and preening.
So, when you woke up after one of your rendezvouses and found him still in bed, you were surprised. Usually, he was already up and about, wrapped in one of his silk robes.
He always looked like he woke up fashionably messy. Hair that was perfectly mussed, robe that was draped lazily over his shoulders, and eyes that seemed dewy with sleep, but the smell of bathing oils and perfume always gave away his morning preparations.
Seeing him with bedhead, rubbing at his bleary eyes, and yawning out morning breath was surreal. You thought you were dreaming until he pulled you closer and nuzzled into your chest. His lack of pretense went unmentioned for cuddles and an extra thirty minutes of sleep.
Every time he does this, know that he's choosing to be vulnerable with you. And perhaps more importantly, that he's opening himself up to your criticisms. Ones that he can't/won't deflect and will take to heart.
Beel is rarely angry. As the peacemaker of the brothers, he's often the one pacifying the others. It doesn't leave him much room to express his own anger.
More than that, Beel doesn't like to hold grudges. It makes him feel guilty. There's already so much animosity among his brothers already; he doesn’t want to add to it.
You were really worried the first time he came to vent to you. He had entered your room a bit solemnly and gathered you into his arms. Then, he’d asked your permission to disclose something to you.
At first, you thought he was sad. Beel had commonly shared moments where he felt sad or upset, but this quiet simmering anger was new to you.
He started off quietly. It was lucky his mouth was right by your ear or else you'd have never heard what he was muttering. The whole rant started off with him confessing how frustrated he was with Lucifer for still withholding information and not leaning on the brothers for help.
As you nodded and encouraged him to go on, he got more confident. The conversation drifted away from Lucifer, to his qualms with the rest of the brothers. All of them for condescending his intelligence on a daily basis, Mammon for always going through everyone’s things, Asmo for constantly stealing his cake, and so on.
Beel had completely cooled off by the end of his rant and was a tad bit embarrassed. However, as he gets more comfortable venting, he'll let you know about small things that irritated him that day. It becomes like a daily confessional ritual between the two of you.
Belphie is notably cynical. However, this gets toned down by his aloof, sleepy persona. As adorable and soft as he is, he harbors numerous negative opinions of the world.
He doesn't trust easily and often expects the worst of people - demons, humans, angels, it doesn't matter. To his credit, when he isn’t blinded by his temper, he’s often right in his assessments. However, for Beel's sake, he typically suppresses this response.
With you, he feels he can air out his grievances. The first of these occurrences happened after a post-nap in the attic. The two of you were curled around each other and he began to let his woes slip out into the space between the two of you.
He talked about everything from his brothers to the exchange program to even his reservations about you. The dichotomy of Belphie cuddled into you, surrounded by a mountain of pillows while lamenting the woes of the world was frankly jarring. But when he finished, he seemed to sink deeper into your embrace like a weight had lifted off his shoulders.
As he continues to talk to you about all his less than optimistic views, they become a sort of philosophical debate between the two of you. There’s something satisfying about throwing each other’s ideals around and deconstructing them. More appealing to Belphie is that the two of you can have these conversations without judging each other (too much) or forcing your morals down the other’s throat.
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