#they’ve both been pining for so damn long
runninriot · 21 days
missed wiggly wednesday again, so here's a Smutty Steddie Songfic September snippet instead 😇
“I’m telling you, Stevie! That guy had no shame whatsoever. Didn’t even hesitate to pull blank in front of me to show off that ridiculous tattoo right above his dick. It was horrendous! I even offered to cover it up for free but he declined, said the ladies dig it.”
Eddie snorts and shakes his head. The things you have to put up with sometimes in his field of work never ceases to amaze him.
   “But hey, can’t say I didn’t like the overall view. A feast for my imagination. I’ll definitely use it the next time I’m ‘feeling lonely’.”
He uses his fingers to sign quotation marks and wiggles his eyebrows, delighted at the blush creeping up Steve’s cheeks when he realises what Eddie means by that.
Steve’s always been a little shy when it comes to talking about these things but they’ve been friends long enough for him to have gotten used to Eddie’s big, unfiltered mouth.
Eddie loves to rile him up, just a little, never so much that it makes him truly uneasy but enough to get a little kick out of it himself.
Steve’s cute when he blushes.
He’s damn fucking pretty, always, is the thing.
So what if Eddie stares a little too obvious? It’s not his fault Steve is so-
He averts his gaze, takes a sip from his drink to cool off, giving Steve the chance to change the subject to something else.
  "Sometimes I fuck you in my head."
Eddie splutters his mouthful of beer half over himself, half over the table, can't believe he heard Steve right.
No. That must be a mistake because he can't possibly have said that.
   "I don't know why, it's just- sometimes when I touch myself, I think of you, you know?"
Eddie does, in fact, not know. Because what?
   "Steve, dude, look at me. Did you take something? Without me?"
He must've. There's no way he'd talk that much bullshit if he was sober. But they've only been here for ten minutes, fifteen max, both still on their first beer and there is no way in hell Steve is already that drunk.
So this must be something else.
Because it is absolutely impossible that his straight best friend would ever fantasize about anything other than boobies and soft lips and long lashes and, hell, maybe even a tight juicy ass – a woman’s ass – to get him going.
Steve Harrington does not think about guys when he touches himself. And most certainly not about Eddie.
He’s messing with him, that must be it. A little revenge for Eddie being insufferable.
   “Hah, that was good, Harrington. For a moment I really thought you’d lost your mind,” Eddie laughs half-heartedly in a weak attempt to cover up the slight tremble in his voice.
    For a second you got me thinking my pining ass died and went to heaven, is the thought he keeps to himself.
Another second goes by and Eddie is still waiting for Steve to laugh, to maybe swat his arm and tell him ‘Ha! Got’cha! You should see your stupid face.’ but that doesn’t happen. Instead, the air thickens and the tension between them makes Eddie nervous.
Then, finally, after what feels like an eternity, Steve opens his mouth.
But somehow, that only makes it worse.
   “Is- is that bad?”
(click here for more)
or here for the whole fic 😇
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sidekick-hero · 6 months
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(steddie | explicit | 11.7k | tags: pwp, friends to lovers, brief Steve/other, mutual pining, summary: Steve asks Eddie for help in fulfilling one of his fantasies. Eddie has no idea that he is the actual star of this fantasy | AO3)
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“I have no idea where you get your weed but damn, this shit hits so much harder than the stuff I usually manage to score," Steve says, face pinched as he blows out the smoke, the pungent smell of it filling the small room, before handing it back to Eddie. They're sitting side by side on the bed, both holding beers, bodies already going lax against the mattress.
"You know I don't kiss and tell."
Steve snorts a laugh. "Since when? Just last week you got lost on a ten minute spiel about that guy giving you head during your lunch break dude."
Eddie’s eyes cut a sideways glance at Steve, lips already curling in a shiteating grin. “Yeah but we didn’t kiss, so my point still stands,” Eddie retorts, wiggling his eyebrows at Steve and they both burst out into high laughter. Steve's body tilts sideways into Eddie's, and instead of pushing him away, Eddie just adjusts his own position so they're leaning against each other more comfortably.
When their laughter subsides neither of them moves away, bodies too heavy with the weed and booze in their system. They’ve been friends for years and have found themselves in much more compromising positions. Friendly cuddling while high doesn’t even make the top ten, Eddie thinks lazily.
“So, anyone interesting happening since Lunch Break Guy?”
“I’m pretty sure his name was Matt. Or Mark? Something like that. And nah, had to help Wayne clean out my old room last weekend, remember? I’m still recovering from hauling boxes all day.”
“Awww did you haul them with your dick? Poor delicate flower.” Steve giggles at his own joke, petting at Eddie with the hand not holding the beer, movements already sluggish and uncoordinated. Steve is such a lightweight and Eddie wonders why he finds that so endearing.
“Asshole,” Eddie chuckles, swatting Steve’s hand away. “At least I didn’t hook up with a guy dressed up as Frankenstein."
"It was Halloween, Eddie." He can’t see his face but Eddie hears the eyeroll in Steve’s voice.
"Did you compare your freaking monster dicks?"
"You know we didn’t, you were the one walking in on us to make that exact same joke,” Steve snorts and Eddie feels it against the skin of his neck.
Once again, Eddie wonders if it's weird that they're so close. He knows Steve doesn't tell Robin half the shit he does when he's getting his rocks off, and they're platonic soul mates. He didn't tell Chrissy about Matt's? Mark's? tongue piercing, or how he swallowed about half of Eddie's load before he started coughing and got the rest all over their clothes, so Eddie had to call Steve to get him a change of clothes because he couldn't work in cum-stained jeans. And he's pretty sure that normal friends don't make out with each other when they get drunk or high either. But, like, whatever. Who needs normal when you can have Steve leaning on you like that, smelling of his expensive shampoo and weed.
Taking another hit from the blunt, Eddie holds the smoke in for a long moment, and just as he's about to blow it out, he feels Steve's hand on his jaw, turning his head down toward his open mouth, as if he'd been waiting for this very moment. So Eddie slots their mouths together and gives Steve what he wants, as he always does. Because it's Steve, and Eddie doesn't know how not to.
After they have both exhaled the smoke, Eddie gives Steve the blunt to put in the ashtray. Steve does so, but not before taking one last hit. It's their second joint of the night and they both feel it.
“What about you, Mr. Charming? Any new adventures I haven’t heard about?”
"I went to the Babylon the other day."
"Oh," Eddie says, drawing out the syllable as he looks down at Steve in surprise. "That's the one with a darkroom that has, like, another room behind it for the really kinky stuff, right?"
Steve laughs awkwardly, avoiding Eddie's eyes. "Yeah, that one, although I think that's a hoax."
"And how do you know that?" Eddie asks, before gasping dramatically, his hand pressed to his chest in mock indignation. "Steven! Did you go in the dark room?"
Instead of a snarky comeback, all Eddie gets is an almost timid nod.
Steve almost never gets shy, didn't even blush when he walked in on Eddie eating out the bartender in their room when they went on vacation together last year. Simply told him to hurry up because he was tired before he went back outside.
Not in the least bothered by Steve's weird behavior, Eddie pokes Steve in his rips and asks excitedly, "How was it? Tell me everything."
He can feel Steve fidgeting where he's still pressed into Eddie’s body and he takes another sip of his beer before finally looking up at Eddie.
Steve's eyes are glassy from the weed, the white tinged with red and so dark they look bottomless, like Eddie could actually fall into them, lost forever. Fuck, Steve's right, the shit Rick sold him really hits hard.
"It was good. Like, really fucking good, y'know. Intense and, I dunno, a bit awkward at first, but then it was... yeah, just really good."
Eddie feels that Steve is not telling him something here. They may be high and buzzed, but that was a lot of good in Eddie's opinion. And Steve is still fidgeting.
"Sounds...good. You picked someone up at the club to fuck there?"
As it turns out, Steve went in there alone, but he wasn't alone for long. Eddie listens with bated breath as Steve goes into more and more detail about dancing and drinking at the bar, about seeing people disappear behind a thick velvet curtain only to emerge long minutes later looking disheveled and satisfied. He tells Eddie about strolling over there himself, just to check it out so he could tell Eddie about it later, and about being surrounded by strangers, too dark to make out anything but the sounds of skin slapping against skin, ragged breathing, moans and whimpers filling the thick and humid air.
Eddie feels himself getting more and more turned on the longer he listens to Steve's low voice talking about lingering hands and mouths touching him everywhere, strangers grinding against him before he inevitably moved on. Eddie's already half hard, and when he looks down into Steve's lap, he sees the thick, hard outline of his cock in his sweatpants.
It's not as embarrassing as it should be. Steve has always been hot, Eddie has two functioning eyes and an active libido. It wouldn't be the first time he jerked off thinking about Steve, not even the first time Steve was present if asleep, but they never went further than a few heated make out sessions, sloppy kisses and some grinding before remembering their friendship and breaking apart.
Not that Eddie wouldn't drop everything and be on him in seconds if Steve asked, but that’s neither here nor there.
"And then this guy just grabbed me, he was strong and I wasn't expecting it, and then my face was pressed against the wall and he was on my back, rubbing against me, his dick thrusting against my ass, and -" Steve takes a deep breath and Eddie, realizing that he has been holding his breath all along, follows suit.
"And?" Eddie asks when the silence stretches.
Another deep inhale before Steve goes on. "And it was really hot, like, I've never been so hard in my life. I wanted him to, y'know, use me, just, uh, pull my jeans down and fuck me without me being able to do anything. Just… Making me take it, getting off fucking me and then walking away like I’m just some, I dunno, toy with his cum dripping out of me."
Eddie was biting his lip so hard he was sure he'd taste blood any second, but it was the only way he could hold back the moan that was trying to crawl out of his mouth. His dick had gone from half hard to so hard it almost hurt, and he was seconds away from pushing down his own sweats and jerking off to the way Steve talked about being used.
"But then, I don't know, my brain, like, panicked, and I pushed him off, and ran out of the room before I even knew I was going to do it."
Steve is decidedly not looking at Eddie, which is good, because Eddie has no idea what his face must look like right now. Probably as destroyed as he feels. He's pretty sure Steve has seen the way his sweats are tenting by now, but considering how obscenely Steve's dick is stretching the fabric of his own pants, Eddie thinks Steve doesn't have a leg to stand on. Eddie also felt the way Steve's hips squirmed as he recounted the way those strangers in the darkroom had touched him.
The silence between them grows and grows, sitting heavy on his chest, so Eddie clears his throat and asks, "So - was it, I mean," he exhales loudly, "did you, uh, like it?" Steve looks up at him, surprised by the question, and Eddie clarifies, "I mean before you panicked and ran out. Everything before that."
Chewing on his lower lip, Steve considers his questions and the air between them is so thick that Eddie feels like he's drowning. He swallows and watches, transfixed, as Steve's Adam's apple also bobs, a bead of sweat sliding past it as it moves.
"I mean, yeah. I did. It was hot, man, like I said. Especially the... the way they were just touching me, taking what they wanted. I didn't even know that I, uh, wanted that?” It isn’t often that Steve sounds unsure, at least when it comes to sex and hookups. So when Eddie hears his voice waver like that, like Steve is embarrassed to want something, his instincts to comfort and help start screaming at him.
Before he can do anything about it, like pull Steve against him and tell him it’s okay, Steve keeps going. “But it was too much… Too, I dunno, surprising? Like, I really wanna do that again, but like, with some precaution. So it feels safe and I can, uh, let go or something. Not panic again because that sucked man.”
Steve finishes his beer and drops the empty bottle on the floor next to Eddie's bed. Usually he would bitch about it, just because it's what he always does, but tonight is not like most of their ‘boys’ nights’, as Robin calls them mockingly. Eddie is a little lost and a lot turned on right now and he thinks it would be best for him if their conversation ended here.
If only it was that easy when you have the impulse control of a toddler and can’t leave things very well alone.
"But you fucked strangers before. Like two weeks ago I watched you pick up some random guy to fuck in your car before coming back in for another beer. I helped you get out the cum stains the next day, too."
"I know, I know. It's not that. It's - you remember Clive?"
"Ugh, that asshole." Eddie says with feeling.
Steve chuckles against Eddie's neck and moves even closer, soothing Eddie's annoyance with the contact. God, but he hated that guy who had treated Steve like shit. He had been mean and condescending, and Steve had always looked subdued, almost small, in the days after their hookups.
"Yeah, that one. You hate him, he was a dick, I know. But he, well. He fucked me like this once, pinned me down on the bed, caged me in, ass up, face pressed into the pillow so I could barely breathe, and pounded me so hard I was covered in bruises the next day. Said some nasty shit too, man, and I felt so dirty but also so fucking turned on that I came without a hand on me.”
Steve squirms and fidgets next to him, his body moving against Eddie's in small increments, and Eddie thinks Steve doesn't even realize he's doing it, lost in his memories and the typical weed horniness. "I want this, but, y'know, like, with more."
Eddie actually chokes on his spit at that, stammering, "More?"
"Yeah," Steve says, pushing his face into Eddie's neck like that's the last straw, the thing that's too embarrassing to say out loud. "Like, when I think about it, I'm completely helpless. Hands tied, legs spread with a bar so I couldn't close them even if I wanted to.”
Eddie can't help it, he's got to do something or he'll actually die of Steve-induced sexual frustration. He shifts slightly on his right side, towards Steve, so that he can push his left leg over his right, pressing it down enough to relieve at least some of the pressure. Still, the sensation of any kind of friction against his aching dick makes him clench his hands into fists, his whole body tense.
His next words sound strained to his own ears. "So why not... do it with someone else? I mean, I've seen you at clubs and parties, Stevie, you'd have no problem finding someone willing to do, uh, that."
"True. But it doesn't feel safe. What if, y'know, the guy is, like, a serial killer or something? I've watched enough crime shows with you to know that happens!"
Eddie doesn't say anything, just takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Because seriously, Steve is right, it's super fucking risky and if he's honest, he doesn't want to think about Steve in that kind of danger. He'd go crazy worrying about him.
They're both silent and Eddie's thoughts are racing, the mellowness that usually comes with getting high gone. Replaced by more and more images of Steve flashing behind his eyelids.
Steve on a bed, Steve bent over a table, Steve on some faceless guy. Hands and mouths and teeth all over Steve’s body, his beautiful hazel eyes wide and wet, his face slack with pleasure. His gorgeous dick dripping with need.
Steve, Steve, Steve.
"Can you be there?"
His thoughts come to a screeching halt as his eyes widen in shock. What?
"Well, no one would try anything if someone was looking out for me. Also, I could let go knowing you're there. I know you'll keep me safe."
Which, yeah. Eddie would. He would always make sure Steve was safe. It's himself, his heart, that he doesn't trust to be safe when he's there.
"What are you saying here, Steve?"
"I dunno, just that when I think about it. Think about being naked and tied to a bed, all helpless and shit, and there is some guy fucking me however he wants. Use me however he wants… I just. I want that, been thinking about it so much since that night at the Babylon. And you're always..." Steve's hand clenches and unclenches against Eddie's arm. "I want you there. To watch out for me. Make sure I'm still safe, that he doesn't really hurt me. Like, y'know, a safety blanket."
Jesus fucking Christ. He'll never let Steve near his weed again. Not if it ends with Steve tucked into his side, that familiar heat spreading from all the places their bodies touch, both hard in their sweatpants, while Steve talks about Eddie being his goddamn safety blanket while he gets railed by a stranger.
Still, Steve so rarely asks for anything that Eddie wants to do this for him, as fucked up as it sounds. He’s always been a freak and it seems Steve’s right there with him.
Before Eddie can make up his mind, however, Steve lifts his head and chuckles in a way that sounds forced. "Sorry, never mind, it's the weed talking, just forget it."
With that, he untangles himself from Eddie and stands up, his hard dick very obviously tenting his sweats as he turns away from the bed and towards the door. "I'm gonna get another beer, you want one?"
Looking at Steve's back and the tense line of his shoulders, Eddie says, "Yeah, sure.”
Read the rest on AO3
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svtminji · 1 year
what were the members reaction to jeongmi’s relationship? were some members rooting for them since the beginning or was totally shocked by the news
omg! this was something i’ve been meaning to start writing, esp. for the jeongmi files, but didn’t really know how to expand from it. the ask really drove me to write this.. so thank u anon !! 🐈‍⬛🐈🤍
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pairing. jeonghan x oc — seventeen x oc
date set. late 2020 / november 2020
word count. 1.1k
warnings. foul language used, one mention of their engagement, mutual pining omg 😫
an. again.. thank u to my anon for asking this ^_^
anon asks related to this. mingyu reaction
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LEAST SURPRISED — “oh, okay. yeah we could tell you two liked each other for a long ass time already. i’m surprised you didn’t get together sooner.” ->
seungcheol/s.coups & joshua
ok this two men were like.. thankful that the pair finally had the balls to ask each other out after like 2 years of painful flirting omg. since the 95 line are usually closer to each other, the jeongmi couple had their designated person that they talked to about their love problems. sc&js definitely heard both sides of jeonghan and minji about their “undying love” for each other but didn’t know if it really was that for TWO YEARS STRAIGHT. #1 WINGMEN—“oh hey jeonghan, why don’t you go help out mizu with her tasks. i’m sure she won’t mind you” or “oh sorry about that mizu, but i’m sure jeonghan can help you with that task”— and they would SET THEM UP on dates omfg. the news wasn’t surprising to them at all. to them, they were already a couple with the way they acted towards each other tbh. — “god fucking FINALLY!! it’s about damn time!”
seungkwan & chan/dino
seungkwan. kwannie. chan. channie *violently sobs*. these men rooted for them like children of divorce who went through hell and back to get their parents back even though they never had a divorce but they were just not together or married. in satirical forms, they would ironically call them mom and dad and only to please their ideals, they would respond to it. literally pushed the jeongmi agenda—“ah minji-noona, when are you going to date jeonghan-hyung? what do you mean ‘no?’, he literally throws heart eyes to you whenever you have the chance to speak and you do it as well..”— and they did not fail! news wasn’t surprising, they literally raised seungkwan and chan.. — “see! i told you they were going to date. now give me those $50 bucks right now.” “hyung, are you serious right now..?”
SEMI SURPRISED — “oh, i mean i expected it but i didn’t think it would be so early.” ->
just because this man is quiet, DOES NOT mean he doesn’t enjoy the drama 🙄!! one of the first people to realize what was going on between jeongmi, excluding the fact they smashed before dating each other. actively had told minji to ask jeonghan out but wonwoo never saw it happen rip 💔. he was more worried about the articles that would come out once they were either: 1) exposed, or 2) came out themselves and said it. — “ah. see! i told you everything was going to be alright! i literally told you to ask him and boom.. he beat you to it.”
minghao & vernon
these two could see that jeonghan & minji would eventually get together some day but they didn’t know when. unlike sc, js & chan, they didn’t push much thought into it but supported the jeongmi agenda. they’ve seen the signs of a future relationship, given how minji would act with jeonghan. minji also brought a side out of jeonghan.. ❪ like being babied ❫, and to be honest, hao and vern were like .. “tf when did he get all mushy mushy with mizu..?”. they were surprised to say the least but it wasn’t the biggest news to them ❪ like jeongmi getting engaged ❫.
SURPRISED — “how long did you guys know.. and why didn’t you tell us beforehand!!!” ->
he would see the sneaky glances between them during any sort of dance practice. during dance practices, soonyoung is on HIGH ALERT all the time and frankly, he does not want anyone messing up, including his main dancers chan and minji. seeing minji distracted during practice was pretty rare and seeing her this distracted because of jeonghan was even WEIRD. did some investigation but later gave up because he forgot. didn’t help that he got frequent visits from jeonghan ❪ same dorm building in 2020 ❫ and jeonghan would as him some questions about minji. — “what do you mean they’ve been dating? oh, is that why you asked me if minji was talking to anyone?”
dk/seokmin & mingyu
these two were surprised. seokmin was shocked and mingyu fell to his knees ❪ not clickbait, see image at the end ❫. mingyu couldn’t believe he was flirting with a taken woman, still did afterward. they couldn’t believe their eyes and had to take breather. — “so you’re telling me that you two are together? okay. that’s reasonable considering you two were always together. right mingyu? mingyu..?” image at the end.
oh this man LIVES on his phone, spends most of his off days catching up on whatever he missed. sure he’s heard a thing or two about them, especially from minji, and shrugged it off. he always thought that it was weird that minji had a certain feeling for jeonghan but honestly, who wouldnt? so whatever was said about him from her, he honestly did not give a f.. until they announced it. he’s literally the shocked cat meme or wtv cat memes there are now 🙀🙀🙀 literally him. ngl.. he’s the type to forget their dating because he’ll pop in the room and see them pdaing and boom! “what the fuck is going on??” — “what do you mean they’ve been eyeing each other? HOW?”
this man LIVES in his workplace. what makes you think he’s going to understand the emotional love from these two..? though he did find it weird that minji was asking his opinion on love songs she wrote, but didn’t mention it. and why was jeonghan so keen on wanting to learn more japanese..? on the dates they were busy with either music shows or gose, he did notice that they were closer to eachother and found it extremely strange. #was the last one to find out — “so you’ve been telling me that you two have liked each other for how many years? TWO? oh my god.. you better be fucking with me”
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mom and dad were NOT surprised at all. the calls made from minji to her parents always ended on a strange note: “so when are you going to ask out jeonghan?” or “are you and jeonghan finally dating or what?”. minji had enough during the early months of 2020, and kept her secret when they finally started dating. — “mariana mizuki cortez doi. why did we have to hear it from the agency that you were finally dating jeonghan..? oh, you better pray that you are not home til the next year.” — though afterward, they were extremely supportive of the young couple.
just like minji’s parents, the yoon parents were NOT surprised. they always regarded minji as a sweet girl and had always told jeonghan to bring her home more often, without the rest of the members. they also pushed the jeongmi agenda onto jeonghan in hopes he would ask out minji sooner or later. after a month or so of dating, jeonghan would eventually tell his parents on what their newfound relationship was built on.
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some were short due to the diverse set of reactions!! but here’s jun’s reaction and mingyu’s reaction.
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svtminji est 2023
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ashisgreedy · 1 year
Garreth Weasley x F!MC
“I Don’t Want To Be Parted From You.” 
Tags: Smut 18+ | Mutual Masturbation | Oral, both giving and taking | Hook-up | First times | Confession | All Chars are aged up 18+|
WC: 6,266
A|N: This is the Female!MC Version
<M!MC ver.>
Minors DNI
Find the ----- red line to jump to where the spicy stuff starts.
MC tapped her finger on the desk in time with her foot bouncing. It wasn’t that the class was particularly boring, it’s just… well there were far more exciting things to do outside the walls of the castle, and Divination class was the last place she wanted to be right now. More interesting things like meeting one particular redhead in Hogsmeade that she’d been trying to hang out with for weeks. 
Was it a date? Was it a friendly hang-out? MC wasn’t entirely sure. If it wasn’t a date, she sure as hell would make it one, or die trying. Of course, any pushback from Garreth and she’d back off immediately. MC chalked it up to nerves making her think more aggressively inward than she’d ever actually act out publicly. She had spent months pining after Garreth Weasley, teasing him, joking with him, hell… tempting him in her own way. He’d never taken the bait. 
She had no idea if Garreth was even into her like that or not. Garreth was always so friendly to her, but he was also friendly to everyone else. If he was into MC, he sure knew how to keep his cool when MC was around. It was month two of her super-mega-secret/not-so-secret crush on Garreth and everyone, including herself, was begging her to just make a damn move already. 
She’d be lying if she said she was 100% okay with being the one to make the first move. She really wanted Garreth to make the first move. It would be just that much sweeter if he did. But, MC could pretend that Garreth asking her to hang out with him in Hogsmeade was the first move… She could be delusional, just for a moment. 
Once the class was dismissed, MC shot from her seat and rushed to the ladder before anyone else could get to it first. She trotted down the steps of the tower and rushed through the courtyard. She got to the outside of the castle and hopped on her broom, angling herself straight toward Hogsmeade, and the ginger that awaited her. 
She pushed her nervous jitters away when she spotted Garreth in the square. He was wearing just his white button-down shirt and charcoal grey slacks today. His sleeves were pushed up, exposing his forearms. Of course, his sleeves were rolled up… MC groaned internally. Garreth’s forearms were what wet dreams were made of. 
She landed smoothly beside the redhead and greeted him. 
“Hello, Garreth.” MC nodded in his direction, trying to sound as cool as a cucumber as if she hadn’t practically sprinted all the way here. 
Garreth smiled wide at MC. “Hello! Ah, I am so glad you’ve made it. You’re just in time.”
MC’s brows rose while Garreth grabbed her arm and began to drag her toward the watermill. Her heart skipped a beat at their sudden proximity. 
“What is it?” MC asked, allowing Garreth to guide them through the crowd. Hell, she’d let Garreth guide her anywhere.
“Take a look!” Garreth spoke with wonder in his voice. “They’ve been setting up a ton of fireworks! I heard they are going to set them off tonight. Pretty cool, isn’t it!”
MC nodded, “Yeah, it’s pretty cool. We should stick around to watch them.” 
Garreth smiled wide. “Definitely!” 
“Instead of staying in Hogsmeade, we could find a hill nearby where we can watch them comfortably,” MC suggested. She had a specific hilltop in mind, next to a partially eroded home that had long since been abandoned. 
“Aw, that would be perfect!” Garreth agreed. “Though, sundown is still an hour or so away.” 
“I guess we will have to enjoy each other's company until then.” MC gave him a soft smile,  watching Garreth’s expression carefully. 
“Alright then! Do you have anything you need to buy today? Or can we shop for pleasure?” Garreth began stepping away from the crowd and MC followed suit. 
“I am happy to follow you wherever you’d like to go. I just have a few things to sell, but I can do that pretty much anywhere.” MC spoke as they dodged people on the street.
Garreth bit the inside of his cheek and eyed the Three Broomsticks. “Okay, then let's make a choice. Butterbeers first OR Honeydukes for a sweets run.” 
MC looked between the two buildings, placing her hands on her hips. “How about, we stock up on sweets first, then we grab some butterbeers while we wait for the sun to set. How does that sound?” 
“Brilliant. I couldn’t agree more.” Garreth chimed. 
MC entered the sweets shop first, holding the door open for her crush. 
Garreth entered and immediately went to the “new” items section. MC hovered just behind him and watched as Garreth took a small bean-sized treat labeled “sample”. 
“Honey and milk chocolate crunch.” MC read the small sign. “That sounds delightful.” 
“It does,” Garreth said excitedly. He popped the sample into his mouth and his face lit up in delight. “It is!” He said after a couple of chews. 
MC smiled at him and popped a sample in her mouth as well. The texture was like biting into a honeycomb covered in chocolate. “Wow,” She said before swallowing the bite she was chewing. “I think I’ll buy a bar of those.” 
“Yes! Let’s buy two then. One for me and one for you. I’ll pay! My treat.” Garreth grabbed two of the bars and went to the next section. MC had been so pleasantly surprised that she forgot to thank him for paying before Garreth was off again. 
They stayed in the shop longer than MC had anticipated. There had been a lot of displays that the two interacted with. Some of them were new but others she hadn’t tried before. After a while, they both had their hands full of treats. They made their way to the counter and Garreth pulled out his galleons as promised. 
“Thank you, Garreth. For paying for my treats. I mean it.” 
“Of course! No big deal.” He answered.
They both watched as the clerk put all their candy into a bag. 
“Butterbeer next?” MC spoke up. 
“Yes, and possibly an appetizer. I just want something savory to snack on before we dig into our candy.” Garreth said as he took the full bag from the clerk. 
“M-maybe we could split the appetizer,” MC suggested, not bothering to even ask exactly what appetizer it would be. She just figured it was a romantic thing to do on a date, to share food. Even if it really wasn’t a date at all, it could still have elements of a date. 
Garreth nodded, leading them out of the shop. “Fine by me. I usually get the salted potato wedges and cheezy garlic dipping sauce.” 
“Mmm,” MC expressed. “That sounds divine. I didn’t even know they had anything like that. I think I always just forgo the menu and grab a butterbeer.” 
“Most do. Stick with me and I will be happy to show you even more cool stuff about Hogsmeade!” 
“I’ll stick with you then,” MC smiled over at Garreth as they made their way to the bar. 
“You won’t be disappointed.” Garreth beamed, smiling at MC. 
“No, I think not.” MC responded. 
They were greeted by Sirona the moment they walked in the door. She left the rag on the table she was cleaning and walked to the bar. “What can I get you two?” 
“Two butterbeers, please.” MC answered. “Oh and,” she pointed at Garreth to continue. 
“The potato wedges, please.” 
“Coming right up. Feel free to find a table to sit at, I’ll bring out your potatoes when they are ready.” She wiped her hands on her apron and jotted their order down on a notepad. 
“Where to,” MC asked him, not bothering to look around the place. Her gaze was fixed on Garreth. 
“Let's sit near the fireplace, shall we?” 
The bar was practically empty, only hosting around 4 other patrons. They pretty much had the whole place to themselves. 
“Perfect.” MC agreed. 
Garreth placed their bag of candy on the table and began to rifle through it. He pulled out a small deck-of-cards-sized box of candy. 
“Okay, let's see…” Garreth turned the box over to read the label. He focused his eyes on the large paragraph of text. 
“Are those the popping candies with a creamy center?” MC asked, leaning in a bit to see what Garreth was reading. 
Garreth tilted the box so they both could see the words easily. “It is. I remember the sign saying not to open when it’s raining. I was just looking to see if it said why.” 
The large paragraph on the back described the story of how the candy came about in excruciating detail. MC sat back in her seat halfway through, uninterested in the long-winded description. 
“Here you are.” Sirona sat two butterbeers down. “You’re food will be out shortly.” 
Garreth didn’t look up from the box but nodded his head and mumbled a ‘thank you.’ 
MC took a large sip of her drink and studied the man beside her. Garreth’s face was serious as he read the text. His serious face was… so handsome. MC licked her lips and then took another sip of her drink. 
“Ah!” Garreth exclaimed. “It’s because the humidity will ruin the rest of the popping candy you’re not eating.”
“A rainy day will?” 
“Yeah, it says that the popping part of the candy is very sensitive to moisture.” He tossed the box onto the table. “Well, that was anti-climactic. I thought it would be something cool like, ‘The candy will explode when exposed to rain water’ or something.” 
“Always seeking explosions, huh?” MC teased, drinking another sip of her mug. 
Garreth noticed how much MC had already drank compared to his untouched pint. 
“Sometimes they seek me,” Garreth responded, taking a big swig of butterbeer. 
“How unfortunate for you.” 
“Yes, well. Makes life more interesting, don’t you think?” Garreth grinned. 
MC nodded, sending Garreth a grin in return. 
Sirona sat the Potato wedges between the two, taking them out of the moment. 
“Thank you!” Garreth shouted as Sirona walked away. She nodded a ‘You’re welcome’ in his direction before going back to buss another table.
“Those smell incredible.” MC leaned in to take another deep inhale. 
“You can have the first bite!” Garreth nudged the basked of wedges toward MC. 
MC smiled, taking one of the larger wedges and popping it into her mouth. “Mmm…” she blinked rapidly to keep her eye-roll unapparent. 
“Told ya,” Garreth tossed one into his mouth. “Very delicious.” His words were muffled. 
MC finished chewing and stared at the basket of food. “You just can’t go wrong with potatoes, can you?”
“Nope! See, I knew you and I were alike.” Garreth teased.
They both grabbed their butterbeer at the same time and Garreth gestured for a cheers. MC clinked her half-empty mug against Garreth’s. “Cheers.”
“Cheers!” Garreth exclaimed. 
Two butterbeers later and an empty basket of potato wedges, and they were ready to head out. The sun was almost set and MC reckoned they had just enough time to get to their spot on the hill before the fireworks show would begin. 
“What do you think they’re celebrating?” MC inquired, pushing open a gate in one of the crop fields just outside of Hogsmeade. 
Garreth hummed, “I think they are celebrating the opening of a new shop.” 
“Oh?” MC slowed her steps to walk side by side with Garreth. “What shop do you think it is?” MC wondered if it would be anything useful for her adventures outside of the castle. 
“I don’t know. But, I hope, whatever it is, it actually lasts this time.” 
“Lasts? What happened to the previous owners?” MC wondered aloud.
“Skipped town, I think.” Garreth placed his hand under his chin as he thought. “Or was it something to do with them not paying their rent?” 
“Hm, well. Whatever it is, I’m glad they are celebrating with fireworks. I haven’t seen a fireworks show since I was small.” MC reminisced. 
“I saw one last year for Christmas. They had a really cool MASSIVE gingerbread man firework that burst into a thousand tiny red and green confetti pieces. It was awesome!” As he spoke, Garreth used his hands to express his words. 
“Sounds incredible.” MC agreed. “By the way, we're almost there. It’s just up this path.” She pointed down the road.
Garreth looked back from where they had just come. “Oh, MC. This is going to be a perfect view!” 
They both made their way down the road and up the small hill. MC sat against the eroded stone wall of the old house and Garreth joined her. He sat the bag of candy between them and rested his head back. 
“Perfect timing.” Garreth sighed. 
The fireworks hadn’t started yet despite the darkness that now shrouded the land. MC picked at one of her chipped fingernails. 
Garreth pulled out some sweets from the bag and handed one to MC. 
“Thank you.” MC took the chocolate bar and ripped off the wrapping. 
“Lumos,” Garreth pointed his wand up, looking through the bag again. “Ah! Yes, I wanted to try this one first.” He showed MC the honey and milk chocolate crunch bar.
MC took a bite of her bar and chewed it quickly. “Let me know how it is. I’m curious how the honey and chocolate tastes go together in bar form.”
Garreth nodded and put out the light on his wand. The light from the moon and stars was enough to give the area a nice glow. MC didn’t offer to make a fire since it would ruin the fireworks spectacle they were soon to see. She supposed that’s why Garreth hadn’t offered either. Garreth pushed his hair out of his face and took a large bite of candy. MC watched intently, staring at the crumb of chocolate that began to melt on Garreth’s bottom lip. 
MC jerked her eyes away from Garreth to watch the first firework glitter. 
“Awesome,” Garreth commented. 
Another two fireworks lit up the night sky, one shimmering cobalt blue and the other a cherry red. 
“It’s beautiful,” MC rewrapped her chocolate bar and sat it back into the bag. 
“Stunning really.” Garreth agreed. He chomped down on another bite of his bar and noticed MC’s stare. “Oh! Do you want a bite? You can give it a taste test.” 
MC nodded, taking the bar Garreth offered. She bit the untouched corner and hummed. She chewed but the chocolate and honey bar melted on her tongue rapidly. “Wow, that is quite nice.” 
Garreth took the bar back and smiled playfully. “We’ll have to meet up again to finish our bag of sweets.” 
“I’m already saying yes.” MC smiled. 
Several more fireworks lit up the sky. MC turned her gaze to Garreth and watched them pop in the reflection of his green eyes. If Garreth noticed, he didn’t say anything. 
MC bit her lip before she spoke. “It’s all very romantic, isn’t it?” She held her breath. MC decided she could play it off as a joke if Garreth wasn’t receptive to her advances. 
Garreth pressed his lips together into a tight line. “Yeah…” 
MC let the word hang in the air for a long moment. “Does that make you uncomfortable for me to say?” She needed more than just a one-word answer. She needed proof, concrete evidence that Garreth was either into her or not. 
“No,” Garreth answered carefully. “I just really want to know why you said that. Why did you bring up romance?” 
MC picked at her broken nail again absently. She took a deep breath, it was now or never. “I wasn’t trying to hide it…” 
Garreth sat quietly, listening to MC.
MC continued “...but I definitely want to be more than friends with you, Garreth.” She couldn’t even look over at the man she was confessing to. Her eyes were glued to the fireworks still bursting in the sky. Garreth didn’t respond for a long moment and MC added, “Just say the word, and I’ll never bring it up again.”
 “You like me? Like me like me? I mean, you have a romantic crush… on me?” Garreth looked deep in thought as if he were turning the concept over in his mind. 
MC slid her hand into her pocket and held her wand, preparing to disapparate at a moment's notice. Her heart hammered in her chest and she wanted so desperately to be invisible. 
“Yes, but…” MC began. “Please know that if you don’t want me to bring it up, I shall not. We can just be friends. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable around me.” 
“No! No.” He put up his hands in surrender. “I am just surprised is all.” 
MC wanted to shake it out of him, lovingly of course, and yell ‘And!? How do you feel? Do you feel the same?’ Her internal monologue wrestled with her composure. 
Garreth turned to look at MC. “You know… I’ve always felt different around you ever since you came to this school.” 
MC perked up. “Different? How so?” 
Their faces were lit intermittently with flashes of light from the celebration. 
Garreth bit the inside of his cheek “It’s like, I have… what I can only describe as nerves? I’m nervous around you.” 
“Nervous? In a bad way?” MC wondered if she was intimidating at all. She was shorter than him, smaller even. Could her personality be that intense? She held her tongue and waited for his reply. 
Garreth shook his head. “No. It's like there are butterflies in my stomach when I’m near you, or when I know you’re close by. I get this kind of jittery energy when I hear your voice or see you walk by in the halls. Sometimes I can’t eat or get a good night's rest when I know I’m about to see you…”
MC sighed, scooting a bit closer to him. “That’s exactly how I’ve felt around you, Garreth. It’s been that way for a while now.” 
Garreth laughed. “Well, if that's how it feels then…” he trailed off, resting his head in his hands. “I’m way past crushing on you.” 
MC’s heart stopped. The world around them disappeared in a flash. She smiled, she couldn’t help it, she smiled so wide she thought her cheeks would hurt. 
“I like you too, Garreth,” MC reassured, comforting Garreth with a squeeze to his knee. 
Garreth looked over at MC, a small smile tugging at his lips. MC took in a deep breath and dug around for courage. 
She cupped Garreth’s face and waited. When Garreth didn’t flinch away MC continued. “I’m going to kiss you now, Garreth Weasley.” 
Garreth nodded, eyes dropping to MC’s lips. 
MC suppressed the ‘Wah Hoo!’ in her mind and instead opted to pour her excitement into the kiss. Garreth tasted like honey, chocolate, and butterscotch. His lips were so so soft and everything MC had ever dreamt of. 
Their kiss concluded and they both pulled away. Garreth remained close to MC, face lighting up every few seconds with the flash of a new firework. “I’ve never kissed anyone before,” Garreth admitted. 
MC rubbed her finger along Garreth’s reddening cheek. God, he was adorable. “Well, it's very simple. You just-” and she pressed her lips to Garreth’s again. They both smiled into the kiss and Garreth let out a little laugh. 
It was easy to fall into a rhythm. It felt so damn good for MC to express her feelings finally. Their tongues touched and MC slotted her head to the right to kiss Garreth deeper. MC’s hands were in the redhead's hair, rubbing his scalp and tugging lightly at his waves.
Their kisses lasted so long, they hadn’t even noticed that the fireworks show already ended. 
Garreth was showing signs of getting just as worked up as MC felt. He groaned every time MC touched the back of his neck, panting a bit each time MC dared to part the kiss. They’d dive back in after a brief moment of looking at one another, kissing frantically in the dark. 
Garreth tugged at MC’s shirt, releasing the top button. MC froze realizing where they were, and how anyone could walk by and spot them. They needed someplace more private for that kind of fun. An idea erupted in her mind.
“T-to much?” Garreth asked, brows pinched. He released MC’s shirt and placed his hands on his lap. 
“Not at all,” MC reassured, touching his cheek lightly. “Not enough.” MC smiled getting Garreth to crack a smirk. “Let’s go somewhere more private.” 
He nodded. “Well, we can’t go to our dorms.” Garreth mulled the idea over. “Even if we could sneak in, we have roommates.”
“Don’t worry. I’ve got the perfect place. The room of requirement.” MC reassured, pulling out her wand and teleporting them together. 
The world around her disappeared and was replaced by the familiar sight of her personal room in the hidden chamber. The bag of candy appeared with them, spilling out onto the floor. 
Garreth’s mouth dropped. “THE room of requirement?! I’ve never gotten it to open for me!”
MC grabbed Garreth’s hand and tugged him to the middle of the room. “Yes, I have a special room no one is privy to. I used it in my 5th year for my additional studies, I come here every now and then even still.” 
Garreth looked around the mostly empty room. “It doesn’t look, uh… too cozy?” 
He was right. MC looked up at the dome and began to shout. “A bedroom! bed, mattress, couch!?” 
Garreth looked over at MC in confusion. “Uh… Are you alright?”
Just then the wall to the left opened up and a door appeared. Garreth stared at it with wide eyes. A few loud noises came from behind the door before everything was finalized. The door cracked open and MC grinned. 
“I am just dandy!” She took Garreth’s face into her hands and gave him a quick kiss. “Come on!” They locked hands and Garreth followed with a stunned expression on his face. 
“What… just happened?” 
MC shut the door behind them and looked over the large bedroom. The bed was massive with overly gaudy trimmings. The windows behind the bed were floor-to-ceiling showing an underwater scene similar to the one in the Slytherin common room. The ambiance was the same as the main room, moonlit and cozy feeling. All the decorations were a mix of deep forest green and black.
“The room changes to accommodate what I want.” MC kicked off her shoes at the door and Garreth did the same. 
MC laughed. “I have shouted your name before, but you never appeared.” She teased. “So maybe not anything.”
“Oh?” He took a step close to MC. “And why exactly were you shouting my name?” Garreth pulled MC into a heated kiss, smirking all the while. 
“Mmph!” MC gasped at the sudden kiss. She began angling and pulling Garreth toward the bed as their lips met in a frenzy. 
Garreth felt around for the mattress and was the first to sit down. MC followed suit, sitting right beside him. She pulled at Garreth’s shirt to reveal his pale freckled skin. Her hands immediately slid over his soft skin and moved to grip his hips. 
“Is it..” Garreth stopped and looked down at his open shirt. “Do I look okay?” 
The look on Garreth’s face was sincere and MC’s words rush out of her mouth. “What?! You-!” She eyed his chest and began pulling his shirt down over his shoulders. “You’re hot! Garreth…” MC dropped his shirt to the ground and cupped Garreth’s face. “You’re so incredibly handsome I can’t even express it.”
MC practically tackled the very smiley Garreth to the bed, laying them both down as her lips explored the man she’d been dying to taste. She kissed his adam's apple down to his clavicle, licking the dip along the way to his shoulder. 
Garreth let her kiss any place she liked while sliding his hands up and down MC’s sides. MC kissed down his chest, licking her way down to Garreth’s belly button.
“I’m nervous.” Garreth blurted out. 
MC popped her head up and nodded her understanding. “It’s alright. I didn’t mean to press you to do anything you aren’t ready to do.”
Garreth shook his head. “I’ve just never done this before… I want to keep going. I do.” 
MC rolled to Garreth’s side, staying close to him. Garreth turned to face her and they wrapped their arms around one another. 
“It’s alright.” MC took a few deep breaths to cool herself off. She didn’t want to pressure Garreth into anything. Hell, she was glad she got this far. “It’s no different than doing it by yourself… Well, it’s different, but the same concept.” 
Garreth nodded like he understood. 
MC continued. “We can… touch ourselves first before we touch one another. Get an idea of how each other likes to be touched. How does that sound?” Her heart pounded in her ears so loudly that she was worried she wasn’t going to be able to hear the redhead's answer. 
“Okay,” Garreth smiled. “Okay, I can do that.” 
MC wondered if she was having an out-of-body experience. She began undoing the buttons of her own shirt, and Garreth quickly helped her. MC’s shirt and bra were off in half the time and she allowed Garreth’s hands to roam her body. He cupped her breasts eagerly then moved his hands to her hips. 
“So,” MC began, already breathless. “Let’s sit against the headboard.” 
“Yeah, alright.” Garreth moved up the bed and sat on the right side. He adjusted the pillows so he was comfortable. 
MC crawled up after him and sat down, hands already shaking. 
“Are you ready?” MC asked, slowly undoing her belt. 
Garreth watched with wide eyes before rushing to undo his own belt. “I’m ready.” 
MC’s mouth went dry. She took a deep breath and pushed her trousers down a few inches. She rubbed her swollen clit for a moment before she finally sliding a finger inside. She pumped a couple of times before daring to look over at Garreth. 
Garreth was a few steps behind and MC’s stomach sank. She hoped she hadn’t just ruined things by suggesting this. Despite her worry, though, Garreth eventually followed suit. He pulled out his hard cock and started stroking it slowly. 
MC licked her lips. “Fuck… Garreth... You’re so perfect. I…” MC pressed a second finger inside her cunt.  
“MC…” Garreth damn near moaned her name and MC felt her walls throb. “You’re perfect too…” 
They both made eye contact for a moment. Garreth’s eyes dropped to her lips and MC leaned in. Their kiss was sloppy and full of breathless pants. MC didn’t stop fingering herself, opting to keep her ministrations slow and controlled. Otherwise, this would all be over way sooner than she wanted. 
Garreth spread his legs a bit, readjusting his seating. MC pushed her leg against his and used her free hand to slide to the back of Garreth’s head. She wove her fingers into Garreth’s tangle of strands and held him in place for a more heated kiss. 
MC kept a close watch on how Garreth was jerking himself off. She noted the way he often focused on just the tip, then would slide up and down his full length a couple of times before focusing on the tip again. 
Garreth broke the kiss and pressed his forehead into MC’s “Can I touch you?” Garreth asked. 
Fuck YES you can. “Of course, Garreth. I want you to touch me sooo fucking bad.” She bit her lip hard. 
Garreth released his cock and slid his hand up MC’s thigh. 
“Garreth…” MC’s breath hitched before Garreth had even touched her. “May I touch you as well?” 
“For a moment.” Garreth agreed, slowly sliding his hand between MC’s thighs and rubbing her gently. 
MC reached out and took Garreth’s cock in hand, their arms crisscrossing. “W-why only a moment.” She lost her breath every time Garreth’s soft fingertips slid over her sensitive clit.
MC stroked Garreth the way he showed him how he liked to be touched. 
“Because… Oh, fuck MC… That feels good…” Garreth moaned, pushing his hips up to fuck MC’s fist. “Because I want to use my mouth. Would that be okay?” 
She froze. MC’s mouth hung open, unable to speak. She managed a slight nod and watched a salacious smile wash over Garreth’s features.
Garreth pulled at MC’s hips to get her to lie down on the bed. He pulled down MC’s trousers and panties, removing them from her body. 
MC was in heaven, and she made it known. “Fuck, that feels so good. Oh… shit! Garreth!” He licked every inch of her pussy, eagerly lapping at every spot that made her moan. “Oh… yes, yes, yes. Like that…”
MC watched as Garreth brought his mouth to her core, kissing her heat lightly. He kissed down the slit and licked a long stripe back up to her clit. MC tossed her head back into the pillow and squeezed her eyes shut. The pleasure humming in her body was made even stronger by the fact that it was Garreth fucking Weasely’s mouth. 
MC’s hands dove into Garreth’s hair. She controlled the movements by holding Garreth down every time he made it to her clit. Her hips bucked up to meet his tongue. She didn’t want to get too aggressive for the first time, so she forced herself to let go and allow Garreth to set his own pace. 
“Ohh, oh, Garreth…” MC began to squirm beneath him. “I’m literally so fucking close right now…” 
She looked down and Garreth made eye contact with her. Garreth set a pattern of lapping at her clit, sucking it hard, and then diving his tongue to her opening. Garreth was working her into a frenzy the faster he went.
“Gar…” MC’s hips began to rock in time with his movements, desperately trying to use his face to seek her release. “I’m really really close…. Holy fuck…” 
Garreth didn’t let up. He used his tongue to swirl around her clit before sucking hard on the throbbing nub. His spit and her desire mixed and lubricated everything. The wetness dripped all the way down to her thighs, soaking the bed. Her head lolled back into the pillows. 
“I’m going to…. Garreth. I’m going to cum if you keep doing that…” MC warned him. She whimpered when he didn’t let up.
Garreth didn’t stop doing exactly what he was doing. Each time he sucked on her clit, his tongue would swirl making her body tremble. 
MC began to struggle beneath him, fisting the comforter while her back arched. “Fffffuck! I’m cuming! I’m-” 
Her cunt throbbed against Garreth’s mouth. Garreth kept his pace of sucking and licking while she climaxed. MC was beside herself with pleasure. 
Despite her orgasm coming to a close, Garreth kept licking and sucking her clit, making MC see stars. 
She took deep breaths, steadying herself. She reached down to Garreth and pushed a bit to indicate that she was feeling overstimulated. 
Garreth slid up MC’s limp body and kissed her with fervor. His lips were plump and red and MC sucked lightly on the bottom one. Their tongues melted together and MC tasted the evidence of what he’d just done. She hugged Garreth’s body to hers and felt his still very hard and very leaky cock press against her hip. 
“It’s only fair,” MC pushed Garreth to the side and changed their position. MC hovered overtop a very blushy Garreth and continued. “...that I return the favor.” 
“MC, I’m…” Garreth looked at her apologetically. “I’m not going to last very long.” He let out a breathless chuckle. 
MC sent him a brilliant smile. “Then I guess I’ll have to make the most of it.” 
Both of them helped with removing Garreth’s trousers. They were discarded like all their other clothes. They rest there for a moment, completely bare in one another's presence. 
“I love that every inch of your skin is absolutely covered in freckles.” MC ran her hands over Garreth’s stomach down to his thighs. MC parted Garreth’s legs so she could slot herself between them. 
“That’s good,” Garreth watched with heavily lidded eyes as MC touched him all over his waist and thighs. “Because I’ve tried to scrub them off and they don’t budge. I think they’re permanent.” 
MC cracked a smile. She began to leave precious kisses all along Garreth’s hipbone. “I could try licking them off?” MC teased, laving her tongue over the ginger's skin. 
“Oh!” Garreth’s hips rocked. “You could try that, yeah. It’s worth a shot.” He spoke breathlessly. 
MC’s lips finally met the base of Garreth’s cock. She licked and sucked lightly at the skin, making her way up slowly one side, lingering at the tip, before making her way down the other side. 
“Wow, I-” Garreth took in a sharp breath as MC’s lips wrapped around his head, taking him in only an inch. 
MC took her time licking Garreth’s cock, making sure every inch was wet with her saliva. She popped the head into her mouth and gave her tongue a spiral swirl. 
“Wow wow wow-” Garreth tossed his arm over his face, hiding his expression. 
MC remembered how he had been jerking off earlier and began doing a slow version of that. She focused her hand on the tip for a couple of pumps before sliding down to encompass the rest of the shaft. When her hand wasn’t on the tip, her mouth was, licking and sucking slowly. Based on Garreth’s growing moans, this was working him up nicely. 
“Please!” Garreth whimpered his plea. 
MC’s eyes darted up to see Garreth’s red face twisted in pleasure and desperation. 
“Please, what?” The words just slipped out of MC’s mouth, but she refused to take them back. He always begged in her daydreams, she wanted to hear just a bit of it in real life. 
Garreth groaned, sliding his hand slowly onto MC’s head. “More. Please, a bit more.” He whimpered as MC licked a long path up his hard cock.
MC obliged, taking Garreth’s cock into her mouth. There was no way MC could ever deny this man. She took him deep before sliding back up. “Like this?” 
Garreth’s answer came in the form of several nods. He fixed his hand on MC’s hair and pushed down. 
MC took him faster as he requested, fueled by the little moans that fell from Garreth’s lips. MC took him deeper down her throat and Garreth let out a loud whine. Again and again, MC took him deeper until her nose almost touched Garreths pubic bone. 
Garreth’s hands slid along the comforter trying to find purchase as MC’s throat swallowed around his length. Once she was used to the size, and when she needed air, she slid back up to the tip. 
“I can’t, I can’t-” Garreth moaned as MC took him throat-deep again. “I can’t last like this, shit…shit!” 
MC picked up the pace and allowed Garreth to buck his hips, fucking her face. Garreth’s heels dug into the bed as he thrust upwards. MC held onto his hips while his cock plunged deep into her mouth over and over again. 
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum… Can I cum in your mouth!?” He exclaimed, keeping his rhythm. 
MC mumbled an “Mmhmm” just moments before Garreth erupted in her mouth. 
“Oh shiiit, oh shit, oh shit-” 
MC felt Garreth throb in her mouth, tasting the ropes of cum that she tried to quickly swallow. When Garreth’s thrusting stopped, MC squeezed the base of his dick, sucking lightly to make sure he was completely spent. 
“O-okay okay…” Garreth groaned. “Wow, holy shit.” 
MC wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and slid over to lay beside Garreth. They both caught their breath and MC took Garreth into her arms. They both lay there quietly, trying to regulate their breathing. 
“That was so hot.” MC finally chirped up. “I could cum, untouched just from hearing your whimpering.”
Garreth smiled and shook his head. “I want to do that again.” He nuzzled into MC’s neck. 
MC held him close, sliding her hand up and down his back. “Give me a couple of minutes to recoup and we can most definitely do that again.” 
They both let out a laugh. MC pulled back and looked over Garreth’s features. He was so attractive, especially in his after-glow. 
“So handsome.” MC traced the edges of his face with a light fingertip. 
Garreth grinned and stole a kiss. MC faked a gasp and stole a kiss right back. It was easy to be playful with him. She cuddled close to Garreth’s warm body and let out a contented sigh. 
“Let’s just sleep here for the night.” MC offered. “I don’t want to be parted from you yet…” 
“I don’t want to be parted from you either.” Garreth slotted his leg between MC’s thighs. “Let’s stay like this until morning.” 
Thanks for reading!
I had fun with this fic so I made a female version of it too!
All my fics are tagged as "my writing"
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nirikeehan · 6 months
Gonna wambo combo you from the Sexual Tension Prompt list for Thalia/Blackwall for "[ BRUSH ] : Character A reaches forward to brush a strand of Character B’s hair from their eyes." and "[ WET ] : The characters find one another in a torrential downpour of rain, both soaking wet." >:]
For @dadrunkwriting
WC: 1525
Strap in, I also managed to shove in the following prompts:
sleeve rolling (thanks @theluckywizard)
public touching and pretending to be a couple (thanks @oxygenforthewicked)
pushing against a wall and kissing without warning (thanks @oxygenforthewicked AND @about2dance)
She sits beside him on the table he’s set up for woodworking. They talk late into the evening, the air in the stables going cold when the sun goes down. Thalia’s face stays warm, watching the way Blackwall works with his hands. He’s deft and sure in everything he does, each stroke and every nail. She watches his fingers, large and calloused as they are, and wonders. Her stomach flips, not unpleasantly. 
At one point, he rolls his sleeves to the elbow and catches her looking at the naked flesh. 
“Like what you see, my lady?” 
She thinks he might be smirking. She slides off the table, onto her feet. She tries to bring herself back to earth. 
“I’m terribly late for dinner.” She’s stuttering over her words, like a damned schoolgirl. 
She can feel his eyes on her back with every stride through the courtyard she takes. 
At a tavern in an unfriendly village, they need information. The commonfolk are hostile toward Grey Wardens, it seems; they feel abandoned by those who came through before, then left in the name of the False Calling. 
“Why do you ask?” says the barkeep, eyes narrowed across the counter. “You one of ‘em?” 
“Me? Never.” Blackwall laughs long and hard, terribly convincing. “It’s just that me and the missus are mighty curious about where they’ve gone. Her brother, you see, joined up a few years ago. She pines for him something fierce, don’t you, love?”
His gaze is upon her, expectant. Thalia hunches over in her barstool, hoping her blush isn’t visible in the dim torchlight. “That’s right,” she says softly. “If anything happened to him, I’d never forgive myself.” 
She can’t conceive of this world, where she would care enough to pursue a lost brother. But then, she can’t fathom being married to Blackwall, either. He reaches over and places a hand on the nape of her neck, laying it on thick for the barkeep, and her heart thumps and thumps. Grey Wardens have relationships sometimes, right? The Hero of Ferelden would have married Good King Alistair, if he hadn’t sacrificed himself ending the last Blight. It’s been known to happen.
She rests her hand on the wrist Blackwall uses to cup his stein of ale. Her fingers tingle. This is an act, of course. Isn’t it? 
The barkeep watches them long and hard. Then he breaks into a toothless smile, accompanied by a salty laugh. “This’s your wife? How’d you manage that, you old dog?” 
“Ah, well, you know. She keeps me young.” Blackwall winks. 
“I bet she does.” The barkeep’s gaze lingers on them a touch too long, and Thalia doesn’t know whether she’s mortified or pleased. Maybe a little of both.
Outside the tavern, after mulling over the leads they’ve been given, Thalia glances upward at Warden Blackwall’s face, so unreadable in the gathering dark. “Is it really so hard to believe?”
“What? You n’ me, my lady?” 
She feels his eyes upon her; it is not, strictly speaking, the look an honorable knight gives a lady. She knows this, and she likes it, to some degree. He is a bit older than her — so what? Girls her age — and below — married men of advanced age all the time. 
“I could—” She grasps for something clever and witty to say. “—Keep you young. Like you said.” 
Blackwall lets out a hearty laugh. “Begging your pardon, but you speak like you don’t know what that means.”
“I know what it means!” Thalia huffs. 
Blackwall stands over her, close enough to touch. “But you’ve never…?”
Now she’s mortified for sure. “That’s not an appropriate question to ask a lady.” She storms past him, toward their camp, before this gets out of hand. 
She thinks she hears him chuckling in the dark behind her. 
Thalia never knew it could rain so hard in the desert. The Western Approach’s sky, she thought, would forever be an endless, scorching blue. But the clouds roll in without warning, a dark purplish grey. The rain falls in torrents, turning the sands to mud and drenching her in seconds. She runs for shelter in the awning of an ancient fortress, tumbledown stones persisting for hundreds of years. 
She lets her hair down, pulling fingers through the long, tangled strands, wringing it out like a cloth. There is satisfaction to the lightness that ensues. The air, likewise, possesses a strange, clean scent, as if the landscape itself has been wiped clean by the downpour. 
She hears a throat clearing behind her. Thalia snaps her head up; Blackwall stands in the dark of the archway, similarly soaked. His grey eyes almost seem to glow as their gazes meet. 
Thalia gasps and turns away, her hair long and limp over her shoulders, hanging heavy to her waist. He saw! He isn’t supposed to see! She trembles, suddenly freezing as the wind picks up and hits her clammy skin. 
“F-forgive me, Warden Blackwall,” she says through chattering teeth. “In Ostwick, highborn girls are not to let men — unmarried men — see them with their hair down. It’s beyond scandalous.” 
She feels silly saying this out loud, but it’s true — despite knowing, intellectually, other women do this all the time, she feels as though he caught her with her trousers down and can’t bear to look at him. She scrambles for the rock wall, trying to get out of sight so she can plait her hair again and pin it back up and at last be able to face him. 
His hand grasps her shoulder. Thalia freezes, her heart pounding. Water drips off her nose and chin, and her breath stutters. 
“Strange customs they’ve got in Ostwick,” Blackwall mumbles low in her ear. His fingers trace their way to the nape of her neck. He draws the hair away from her skin, tantalizingly slow. A warm tingling shoots down Thalia’s spine to her toes. “I thought the cheese wheel chase was the height of it.” 
Thalia forces herself to face him. He’s so handsome, painfully so, with hair that shines black and the mighty beard and the distinguished lines of his face. She’s no doubt he’s known many women — she can sense this in his confidence, which comes out when she least expects it. Like now. She swallows hard and tentatively puts her hand on the damp sleeves of his gambeson. 
“I like the cheese wheel chase,” is all she can think to say, like an idiot. 
Blackwall lets out a laugh. “Never said I didn’t like it.” His hand cups her face, and Thalia thinks she might perish. Is she dreaming this? It wouldn’t be the first time. “Tell me, my lady — what happens when an unmarried man spies an Ostwick maid with her hair down?” 
“There’s, ah, varying stories.” 
“Of course there are.”
“In some of them, the girl and offending voyeur must get married on the spot.” 
Blackwall chuckles. “Shame there’s no Chantry mother in this forsaken desert. Makes it difficult to say vows.” 
“In others, the girl is branded a harlot and cast out from her household.” 
Blackwall’s eyebrows shoot upward. “Bit harsh, isn’t it?”
Thalia swallows hard. “I didn’t come up with these tales!” 
“What if there’s no one to see their transgression?” His hands have moved, one to the small of her back, the other to her collarbone, just above her left breast. “What if it’s just him and her, and they can do whatever they like, and no one will be the wiser?” 
Thalia’s heart races. “I— ah, it’s hard — to say—”
He pushes her against the stone wall and kisses her. He tastes of rainwater and smells, faintly, of the woodsmoke that wafted off that morning’s campfire. The weight of him against her through damp fabric feels both exciting and dangerous. She worries he can tell she’s never done this before, but with a groan he deepens the kiss, the hand squeezing her breast, and she realizes that perhaps he doesn’t care. She’s not sure she does either. 
She tangles her fingers in the wet hair at the nape of his neck and tests out leaning into him as they kiss. She feels him respond immediately, and knows with a thrill of trepidation they really could do anything they wanted — who would bear witness? The desolate sand? 
“—Bloody fuck.” Blackwall tears himself away with a violent wrench, leaving Thalia grasping for the wall behind her, dizzy.
“I’m sorry— did I— do something wrong?” She rakes the hair from her eyes, her desire curdling in her belly. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Blackwall growls. 
“That is, I think, what I was trying to say earlier.” Is this a joke? Thalia feels a strange desire to laugh. “But you were going on about cheese wheels…”
“You’ve no idea how enticing you are, do you?” His voice sounds, somehow, both reverent and repulsed. “How bloody enchanting?” 
Thalia does not know how to answer that. 
He cackles again, though the mirth is gone, and turns away, scrubbing the water from his face with his palm. Thalia reaches forward, taking his elbow, and tries to think of what to say that won’t wreck everything. 
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hadleymorganrp · 12 days
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[HADLEY MORGAN. 28. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [TWO YEARS] and are originally from [PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA]. They are a [VETERINARIAN] and in their downtime love [MUSIC] and [COZY GAMING]. They look a lot like [FlORENCE PUGH] and live in/on [PINE STREET]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [LIE TO GIRLS BY SABRINA CARPENTER]. (ooc: mandy, 37, she/her, pst)
Name: Hadley Grace Morgan
Age: 28, Birthday 1/3/1996
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pets: 2 year old Border Collie named Nixie. She got him shortly after moving to Asbury.
Occupation: Veterinarian
Came from a broken home, parents divorced when she was six, and her relationship with both was toxic and unhappy until she went no contact with them both at age 18
Was close with her mother's mother Geraldine, who lives in the house on Pine Street where Hadley now resides. She used to spend the summers with her Grandma in Asbury, but once she went to college they lost touch until Geraldine passed three years ago and left her the house.
Hadley grew up very motivated to do better than her mother and father; a waitress and mechanic respectively. Having a career that was fulfilling and also financially stable was important to her, keeping the financial security and organization of her life became her main focus through most of her twenties. She's ambitious, focused, definitely a bit of a workaholic, and she falls apart at the first sign of failure within herself.
She's loathe to admit that she was able to turn into a grownup who has her shit together in every aspect except romantic relationships. She carries a long list of bad exes and regrettable flings, people who she could look back and acknowledge were red flags from the very first interaction.
She met her most recent ex at 24 and thought she'd finally gotten it right. No red flags, great job, treated her with all the bare minimum respect anybody wants. Maybe they had a few too many drinks at the bar when they went out sometimes, maybe their need to have liquor in their hand the second they got home, but hey they were still in their twenties, and they always showed up on time, did great at work, charmed all her friends.
After the first year the decent from high functioning alcoholic began. Dates were missed, conversations became tense, income suddenly went down to just hers. Hadley told herself she wasn't being a welcome matt, but that struggling people deserved a chance or two to do better. All of her patience, all of her hope and empathy, went into helping her partner navigate sobriety, and for a few months she tricked herself into believing it was working, especially when her grandma died and her partner seemed to really show up for her in her time of grief.
The end for her was the day she found money missing from her wallet. Turning the car around from a planned outing with friends, she went back home to question her partner. Turns out she didn't need to ask any questions. The change from her money was on the foyer table, freshly bought liquor bottles on the coffee table and her partner naked with another person on the couch, both of them drunk and so invested in their activities that Hadley had a full two minutes to process the scene before she was noticed.
She'll never be proud of the scene she made in front of the neighbors, two naked bodies chased outside onto the front lawn while she screamed and threw liquor bottles onto the driveway. It hit her that her mother had once been in this same position. And god if there isn't no pain greater than realizing you dug yourself into the exact hole you swore you wouldn't.
She had originally planned to sell her grandmother's house and put the money towards sending her partner to a really nice rehab facility. Instead, she sold her Philly home, got a new phone, and hopscotched her way across the river to Jersey. A new place to take some deep breaths and recollect herself, try to make her feet walk a different path god damn it. Her grandma's old home feels like potential, like at least one blood related person in her life actually looking out for her.
Loves music and vibes with a wide range of genres, she will give you your own ringtone in her phone.
Isn't trying to make a career out of it but does have a little twitch stream for her cozy game time and has a minor following she's comfortable with.
Is a chip-a-holic and will take down an entire bag of white cheddar popcorn or doritos by herself.
She will only drink socially, never by herself, and she will never have more than two, the second she starts to feel tipsy and out of control she gets super uncomfortable and switches to water.
Can be a bit morally grey when it comes to people but if you're mean to an animal you hit her shit list faster than you can say PETA.
Childhood friends from when she used to visit her grandma in the summers.
Clients of the vet clinic.
That person that keeps trying to get her super drunk cause you want to know what kind of drunk she'd be
Friday night karaoke bestie
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Fiction Mirrors Reality: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, implied similarities to a man in a book Physical Sex: None mentioned Rating: G/Fluff Warnings: Matchmaker Mary-Beth, mutual pining, fluff, bookworms Summary: Mary-Beth gave you a book hoping you’d make some real world connections.
Finding time to read with Mary-Beth has been a priority ever since you joined the gang. She always has recommendations that make you want to avoid even the excitement of Dutch’s jobs. She also happens to be good company, quiet until something exciting happens and very willing to talk about the books you’re reading.
“What’s that face for?” She asks.
She gave you this book a few days ago. It’s good, but two characters you were hoping would get together have had another frustrating close call.
“They’re idiots.” You sigh, closing the book and tossing it on the ground in front of you where you sit. “They’ve almost kissed six times.”
Mary-Beth picks up your book and reads the title to remind herself. “Oh, those two.”
“It’s like they’re clueless, like they can’t feel it.”
“Wonder what that’s like.” Mary-Beth says in a tone that makes you look at her in confusion.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
She blushes, looking down at the fabric covering the dirt you both sit on. “Nothing, nothing at all.”
“You’re not getting away with the shy girl routine, Miss Gaskill.” You lean forward, interested now. “What’s so interesting.”
She looks up at you. “I… I may have given ya the book because they remind me of some people in camp.”
You knit your eyebrows in confusion. “Who?”
There’s no one in camp that comes to mind. Most of the feelings in camp are out in the air and have been long dealt with or avoided at all costs.
She waves her hand dismissively. “It’s nothin’ ya gotta worry about-”
“Yes it is.” You urge. “You gave me the book and put me through all of their annoying pining, so who in camp-”
“You and Sean!” She blurts, covering her mouth right after she says it.
You have to process for a minute before you laugh in disbelief. “Me and Sean?”
She nods, hand still covering her mouth.
“Are we talking about the same Sean?” You ask, raising a finger to point at her. “Words this time, Miss Gaskill.”
She sheepishly lowers her hand and places it with the other in her lap. “I’m sorry! I just read the book and they reminded me of how you to are always runnin’ around actin’ like ya don’t wanna fall in love-”
“Us?” You stifle a laugh. “I’ve always thought you were a funny girl, Mary-Beth, but that has to be the funniest thing you’ve ever said.”
“Ya don’t see it, just like Edward.” She sighs. “And Sean keeps playin’ around, pretendin’ it ain’t real, just like Elizabeth.”
You shake your head. “I think you’ve finally lost your mind.”
“I have not!” She tosses the book back to you. “You keep readin’, you’ll see.”
You scoff. “The day I see anything like that about Sean is the day you can put me out of my misery.”
“Just read, you!”
You open the book again and continue with the story. Now that Mary-Beth has brought it up, you can’t stop imagining yourself and Sean in place of the characters. Sean is just as annoying, loud-mouthed, and stubborn as the girl and you happen to fall very much in line with the man. All of it makes you think back and you do see it. All the times you’ve come shockingly close to kissing Sean, every stupid smile that you recall having a flutter reaction to that you wrote off as sickness, that annoying bounce Sean has in his step and the silky look of his hair.
“Damn it.” You mutter.
Mary-Beth is smirking when you look at her, hardly paying attention to her book. She can see Sean over by the fire as he occasionally glances up from his whittling to look at you. Straight out of her romance books.
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cookiesupplier · 7 months
A Friend Down In Hell - Part Thirteen (nsfw)
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pairing: Nick Folio x ofc (Ishtar)
warnings/tropes: slow burn, pining, idiot in love, language, drinking, mentions of violence, mentions of torture, mentions of religious mythology, fluff & SMUT
summary: Folio can't quite tell you how long he's been dead, but it doesn't matter when he has friends like his, and Ishtar. Ishtar, with whom he fell in love the moment he met her. The problem? She doesn't know it. How does he convince a demon, who is practically immortal, to date him when he's dead? How did Ellie do it so easily?
author’s note: Unbeta'd, this chapter includes some smut!
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To read from the beginning: A Friend Down In Hell Masterlist
And for those that missed Noah & Ellie's Story previously, all Hell-Verse stories will be included here: Combined Hell-Verse Masterlist
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tags: @spicywhenspeaking @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @lyschko666 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @sorrowsofsilence @collapsedglasshouses @vinyardmauro @dsireland86 @4rtificialfolio @emmmm127 @badomensls @agravemisstake @sunsshinesunny @blackveilomens
Tag lists are open, please let me know if you'd like to be added to this story, the Hell-Verse as a whole, or Everything
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By the time Noah and Ellie turned up, Folio had told Jolly and Nicholas had explained his problem, Nicholas had shaken his head at him with a fond smile, and Folio wasn’t sure what that was about.. But Jolly, Jolly thought he was being ridiculous.
“Man, you’ve been coming here, watching her deal with guys being assholes to her for years.. What’s it matter. You know they mean nothing to her.”
Folio sighed, Jolly, how could he not get it,
“Yea, but-”
Jolly just shook his head, though, his hands clamping down on Folio’s shoulders as he looked up at him slightly,
“No, either you think she can handle herself, or you think she can’t. You know Ishtar, you’ve told us time and time again how kick ass she is. Are you really going to back-track on that now? Or, are you going to treat her with the respect she deserves, and let her handle her business the way she wants to, unless she asks for help?”
Folio raised his hands to clasp his hands up back over Jolly’s shoulders,
“Dude, I don’t think you get it, I’ve always wanted to beat the crap out of these guys, I’ve never liked the way they’ve treated her, and I’m not saying I want to be some asshole running in like I think she needs a knight in shining armour. I know she doesn’t, she could kick their asses better than I could a million times over… I am well aware I am the human one here,”
“That is not what he meant, Folio.”
Nicholas said softly, this wasn’t about humans verses demons. Sure, it was true, Ishtar was always going to be stronger than him, and Folio was not intimidated by that. Folio was not a guy that had to show off how big and strong he was just because his girl could throw a punch better than he could, if she wanted to. Well, a girl, Folio couldn’t call her HIS girl yet, now could he… claiming her as his would make her as bad as the assholes treating her so rude inside.
“Oh I know, Ruff, I know, but Jolly,”
Looking from Nicholas and back to Jolly,
“I just need some help distracting me from it, because I know I might want to punch some guys lights out tonight.”
Folio smiled a little when Jolly nodded, both of them dropping their arms now, Folio grinning wryly,
“Besides, if I was going to choose to go asshole white knight on someone's ass, it wouldn’t be for any of these fucking dick heads. It’d be for Tony, with the way that fucker treats her every damn night. Someone is going to put a boot up his ass one of these days.”
He crossed his arms with a very uncharacteristic frown on his face, only to be met with a laugh from Ellie who was finally rocking up with Noah by her side,
“And I would be happy to help you if it’s going to be yours Folio. I certainly didn’t like how he shoved Ishtar around when he thought I was here to punish someone on behalf of Noah the other day.”
Smirking, however, four sets of eyes were on her instantly, shocked at the part about her being here to punish someone on behalf of Noah… Folio couldn’t help but smirk as Noah himself turned and raised an eyebrow and looked down at Ellie,
“Excuse me, but you were, what, BabyGirl?”
Chuckling a little as he watched the way she just tilted her chin up and matched inside,
“Never mind.”
“Oh, this conversation is not over.”
Noah walked in behind her with a smirk on his face, leaving Folio, Jolly and Nicholas laughing as they followed behind into the bar.
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Heading inside, the group goes over to one of the tables closer to the bar tonight, so they can hang out, and hopefully talk to Ishtar a bit.. The thought of sitting at the bar was there, but then they might get her in trouble. None of them wanted that, least of all Folio. He’d sit at the bar all night long and do nothing but talk to her, if he thought could get away with it. Instead, at least for part of the night he got hustled along into playing a game of pool, Folio hadn’t been that distracted at first, until Ellie had decided to challenge the winner and add stakes to the game.. Whoever won over all got to choose the next activity as a group.. They had to do anything the winner wanted them to..
“Even fishing?”
That had earning a chorus of groans from the lot of them, Folio flipping them all off, none of them appreciated fishing the way he did.
“Can I bring Ishtar?”
Ellie had just looked at him like he’d grown a second head then,
“Yes, but are you sure she is going to want to go fishing? You know she’s a vegetarian, if she doesn’t eat meat, why would she want to kill fish?”
Folio just rolled his eyes, scoffing,
“One, Ishtar loves the river, and everything nature, and two, just because you go finishing doesn’t mean you are always killing the fish. Ever heard of catch and release?”
Holding his cue stick beside him as he looked at the others as expectantly, 
“Wait, then what the hell is the point of fishing if you’re not actually catching anything to actually eat?”
Noah groaned at him, and Folio couldn’t help but laugh at his bellyaching. This was hilarious, because from the looks on Nicholas and Jolly’s faces, as sceptical as they were, even if they weren’t saying it, they pretty much seemed to agree with Noah. Ellie, however, seemed to be on board with not actually killing the fish if she was going to be involved.. If she was going to fish at all, he couldn’t tell with her involvement would be.. Just that she was watching this conversation with some sort of curiosity here.
“Okay, okay, let me get this right, Noah, tell me, we’re fishing, you catch a beauty of a fish, absolute beauty. Feed both you, and Ellie even, how are you going to cook it?”
Looking to the demon lord with raised eyebrows, waiting, quietened as Noah just stared at him for a moment. Smirking when Noah just shrugs,
“Fry it, why?”
Folio couldn’t help but smirk,
“Not going to prepare it then?”
He couldn’t help but grin as Noah glanced to Nicholas and Jolly, Ellie shrugging but smiling as she did. Whatever she knew, she wasn’t giving it up, and she knew something, Folio could tell, she was tricky, he loved her for that.
“I mean, after you remove the hook, you should really bonk it, and then bleed out all the blood, yeah,”
Folio wasn’t done yet, though,
“And then you’ve got to descale or skin it, depending on the fish, and how you’re choosing to prepare it and all.. And then, oh, now comes the fun part.. Then you have to get your knife right in there and slit it open all the way along the belly and-”
Maybe Folio was a bit too animated in the way he was miming the way he would go about gutting the fish, maybe. Nicholas picked that moment to set down his pool cue along the side of the table, walking his way to the bathroom…
“Settling, once and for all, why Nicholas chooses administration work over the torture and punishment realms.”
Jolly spoke after they were all quiet for a moment, trying not to smile, and failing. Ellie smacked his arm lightly with a tiny giggle as she admonished him.
Folio, however, couldn’t help but agree, that shit was hilarious. That was when he noticed that Ishtar had gotten back from serving some drinks somewhere near the middle of the interaction, and had been leaning on the bar watching him tease one of his friends. Giving her the most innocent look on his face that he could muster as she laughed,
“What? They were making fun of fishing, Princess, what was I supposed to do?”
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Usually, the table that Nick’s friends sat at tended to be a bit further way from the bar. Ishtar was glad that they chose a table that was closer this time, it gave her a chance to actually talk to them a little bit. That was the problem being stuck behind the bar, her space was limited, and technically she was working after all. Honestly, she really did miss having Nick around on a night like this, he made some of her nights working so much more bearable. He was so refreshing from the frustration with some of the assholes that came through the bar as they passed by. His antics made her night, especially watching him tease Noah over his lack of knowledge over what you do if you actually caught a fish.
Admittedly, the others were right about whether she would actually want to go fishing herself, but she would go, just to spend time with him. Not to mention, there was something about the simple joy that Nick had about his love of fishing that she enjoyed, it made her smile. She would admit, the thought of catching a living thing, squirming on a hook like that, it made her shudder. The joy in him, though, was something else entirely. Besides, it was the people that caught fish that they didn’t intend to eat, the people that caught fish for trophies, for the prize finish, just for the thrill.. Those were the people she couldn’t stand. Nick assured her, if he wasn’t going to eat the fish, he let them go, and that made her feel miles better. Everything that he caught and took home, got frozen, and cooked, everything, he loved frying up fish, and unlike Noah, he knew how to prepare fish with his own two hands.
It was almost a disappointment that she didn’t eat it, otherwise she’d ask to watch him make some.. But no, she didn’t think she could ever handle watching her Nicky cut into another living being like that even. No, Thank You. She’d probably end up running away like Nicholas earlier. No shame in that, none at all.
Now, though, her shift was over, and most of the others had left to head home earlier and Nick, had stayed later than he usually would for her. Ishtar had told him he didn’t have to, but he’d insisted. When he knew they were going to come tonight, suggested he give her a right home, and remembering her ride home from the rink, oh she’d gladly accepted. As she walked out of the bar, the parking lot was pretty empty after closing and clean up, everyone had cleared out, and she made her way over to where Nick was on his bike.. Smiling as she saw that he had her helmet all ready for her, the one she’d summoned, specially for her horns..
“Thank you, Sunshine.”
She didn’t even want to try and hide that she’d had a special name for him now, and the way he beamed at her, it showed just how apt her name for him was as she saw it. Pulling her helmet on, and Nick helped make sure it was fastened properly so that her horns were protected along with her head securely. Ishtar climbed on the motorbike behind him, her body pressed right up against his back, arms around his waist, and holding on tight as he pulled out from the lot and on the street to take her home.
Again, he walked her right up to the front door of her apartment. Only this time, when Nick kissed her, Ishtar didn’t want the kiss to end, especially considering she didn’t have to disappear inside to get ready for work. Sighing softly against his lips, her fingers grasping the front of his jacket as if to hold him there before he disappeared into the night.
“Come inside? Stay with me..”
She knew she had him when she nipped his lip slightly after a moment of hesitation. Her Nicky, trying to be a gentleman, she didn’t want him to be some perfect gentleman with her, not all the time. No, she wanted him to be just as he was.. Nicky. Besides, she had her own plan, if he was going to be a gentleman about this, she was going to show him how much of not a lady she could be.. Help her Sunshine, loosen him up a little..
Letting them into her apartment, almost as soon as she had the door closed and behind them. She had his back pressed back against his, her lips on his with a fierce kiss that told him everything of her intentions. Her fingers were already working on his belt, and he was groaning against her lips,
“Oh, god, Princess, I-”
“Shhh, just let me.”
Ishtar was sliding down on to her knees before him, with his jeans and boxers around his ankles very quickly, oh she knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted to drive this man, this absolutely gorgeous, sweetheart of a man out of his damn mind as she sucked his dick. Her hands were curved around his thighs, nails scratched over his skin, he was probably going to have marks by the time she was done, and she hoped he wouldn’t mind. From the sounds of the moan as she took him into her mouth with a hum, the swirling of her tongue down him as she went, she would say the answer to that was no. 
When his legs started to shake as her head bobbed, sucking, her teeth barely grazing the underside of his length, he let out a feral sound that she absolutely loved.
“Oh fuck, fuck.. god, Princess, I- fuck-”
Fingers were gripping, wrapped around one of her horns. While the other tangled into her hair as his hips jerked slightly, she could tell he was try to restrain himself, but he was just too far gone. It was then his cock was jumping, and he pulsed and came so hard down her throat, she gagged a bit more. Ishtar swallowed him down best she could, while the back of Nick’s head hit the wood of her door with a heavy thud, moaning out her name.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics (purple) & @cafekitsune (adult 18+)
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kueble · 2 years
Wild Mint
This is not what I planned on doing tonight, but @justhereforeskel deserves something soft.
Teen. Warnings: Chronic injury. 1,300 words.
The stairs never used to be this steep. Geralt is sure of it. Any other night he would have been fine, but Vesemir had pushed them all so much earlier. Hell, he skipped a warm dinner to haul his ass down to the hot springs, and even soaking alone for hours hasn’t dulled the pain in his knee.
With a grunt, he leans on the railing and pulls himself up the stairs, doing his best to ignore how fucking useless he feels. His body shouldn’t be fighting him like this. He was a finely-honed killing machine - according to every human he’s ever met - and he shouldn’t be hobbling up the gods-damned stairs like this. But it’s hard to win a battle against his own body, especially when it’s this angry at him.
Thankfully Eskel isn’t here to watch him suffer.
By the grace of some long-forgotten god, Geralt makes it to his room without running into anyone. Everyone is probably deep in their cups at this point, and as much as he’d love to be down in the main hall with them, the throbbing in his knee says what a horrible idea that is. He’s tried to drown the pain away many nights like this and yet the pain lingers come morning.
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself, throwing open the door to his room while he tries not to judge himself. No sense in being maudlin at this point. He’s an old bastard, and his body just finally caught up with his age.
“Language, Wolf,” Eskel calls out, and Geralt nearly trips over himself trying not to look shocked. How bad does his pain have to be for him to not notice the second heartbeat in their room. He runs a hand over his face and tries to think of an excuse to be alone, to not show his faults.
“Just tired is all,” he whispers, and one look at Eskel lets him know his lover isn’t buying it.
“Please, I know you,” Eskel scuffs. “Could tell how much damage that last tumble did the second you rolled on your bad knee. Let me take care of it.”
“No need,” Geralt says gruffly, because he’s not some spoiled maiden. He’s a fucking witcher, and that should matter. His body should listen to him, damnit.
“Let me rephrase that,” Eskel says softly, “let me take care of you. You’re allowed to have a bad day, especially with a knee like yours.”
“No, I’m not,” Geralt argues, his tone harsher than he likes. “Witchers don’t get bad days. Fuck, I shouldn’t even have a bad knee. Things like that get you killed. Probably should have died from this fucking injury in the first place. Wouldn’t be in so much pain if I had.”
“Shut your stupid mouth and listen to me,” Eskel growls at him, stomping over the room to stand in front of him. “You want me to be dead? Because it’s hard for any creature to live without its heart beating in its chest. And that’s you. You’re my heart, asshole, so let me take care of you and we’ll both feel better for it come morning.”
“You’ve gone soft,” Geralt whispers, but he’s smirking as Eskel takes him by the shoulders and guides him over to the bed.
“Not what you told me last night,” he says, chuckling as he starts to undo Geralt’s laces. “No funny business tonight, though. You’re going to let me massage your bad leg, coat it in that horrible mint salve that will have us both tingling for days, and then I’m going to make sure you don’t move for the rest of the night. You can fuck me once you can kneel on the bed without cringing,” he says, laughing as Geralt shakes his head and gives in.
He should have known there was no hiding this, not from Eskel. They’ve been living in each other’s pockets since they were kids, and there’s never been a secret between them. Well, not since that awkward first year on the path full of missed connections and ridiculous pining. No, they’re on even ground nowadays, and life’s better for it.
He wants to say something sappy, something his bard would put in a flowery song, something that would stick to his tongue and sound honey-sweet, but that’s not how they work. They don’t need pretty words to know how they feel. He can hear it in the slow beat of Eskel’s heart, in the warm heat of his gaze as they lock eyes. They both know how much love is there.
So instead, he lets Eskel strip him down and help him into a soft pair of nightclothes. He sits on the edge of the bed like a good boy while Eskel gets himself ready, slurping up the still-warm bowl of stew Eskel shoves at him with a pointed look. Got it. No more skipping meals. By the time his bowl is empty, Eskel is dressed and the fire has been properly stoked. He sets the bowl on their bedside table to become tomorrow’s problem and sprawls back against their pillows.
“Isn’t it much easier when you let me boss you around?” Eskel asks, grinning as he crawls onto the bed and sits by Geralt’s thighs. He uncaps the jar of salve and the stinging scent of wild mint fills the air.
“Don’t get your hopes up,” Geralt snorts, but he offers a wide smile and gestures down at his injured knee. “Do your worst.”
“How about I do my best instead?” Eskel whispers, and Geralt has to turn to look at the fire because his chest suddenly feels too tight. Emotions are always closer to the surface - just waiting to bubble up and flow out of him - when he hurts like this.
Eskel works in silence, but it’s a comfortable one. Eventually Geralt turns to watch him work, his body going limp under Eskel’s strong hands. His tanned skin looks so harsh against Geralt’s milky complexion, but they fit together so well. He loses himself in the warm movements, letting Eskel drain the pain from him. He knows it will never really go away, but he’s able to ignore it once Eskel finishes.
“Thank you,” he whispers, barely a sound at all, and Eskel just smiles at him. His scar pulls at his lip, his tooth poking out, and anyone else would find it offputting, but it just looks like home to him. Eskel nods before getting off the bed to put the salve away and wash up in the basin by the fire. Geralt feels so relaxed he could fall asleep any second, but he forces himself to stay awake until Eskel comes back.
“Too lazy to get under the covers?” Eskel teases him, rolling Geralt so he can tug the furs out from under him.
“What can I say? You’ve got good hands.”
“Good mouth, too,” Eskel tells him, and Geralt rolls his eyes in response.
But then he’s moving, leaning in to capture Eskel’s mouth in a gentle kiss. There’s no heat behind it, but his body lights up just the same. Even after all these years, every time they touch sparks something deep inside of him. Shoving that down, Geralt turns his face and presses a softer kiss to Eskel’s scarred cheek.
“Love you, too,” he mumbles before rolling over onto his side. As expected, Eskel follows him, curling up against his beck and throwing a heavy arm over his hips. The last thing he feels is Eskel’s breath against the back of his neck.
SFW Tags:  @halerune @mayastormborn @dani-dandelino @jaskierswolf @littoraly-art @tothedesert @dapandapod @theweirdlynx @tedrakitty @sharinalein @theamazingdevilgivesmehope @iamaqt314 @silvermintnightprincess @rockysstupidity @live-long-and-trek-on @hayleynzlive @holymotherwolf @thesynysterunknown @rebard-main @larawrmonster @gryffinqueen-blog @lovelyscot @fangirleaconmigo @mothmanismyuncle @fontegagrilledcheese @thestarkwinter @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @allthequeenshorses13 @221birl1823 @strippiluolamies @concussed-dragon @aurelia-which-means-sunrise @clarebear66 @feral-jaskier @j-u-s-tmyself​ @hayleynzlive @thisislisa @firefly-party @officerjennie @theshapeofcool @flawney @viking1919
If you’d like to be added/removed, let me know. Thank you!
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
superache event
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requests will only be accepted if they follow my normal request rules
only one character per request
you must choose your prompt(s), a genre, and a character
you may choose a song or song lyric, but you don’t have to. not everyone is familiar with conan’s music, so i’m more than happy to pick something that fits your request for you.
all requests will be written for a gender neutral reader
all songs and song lyrics come from songs on Conan Gray’s Superache album
pick a character
choose a prompt
choose a genre 
(optional) choose a song or song lyric from conan gray
(optional) provide extra details for request
submit request
characters available
all characters are available for platonic requests!
the following characters are not available for romantic requests:
qiqi, klee, sayu, diona, nahida, dori, yaoyao, barbara, bennet, razor, noelle, chongyun, collei, xingqiu, xiangling, fischl
childhood friends
enemies to lovers
fake dating
forbidden love
friends to lovers
lovers to enemies
mutual pining
rivals to lovers
strangers to lovers
unrequited love
one bed trope
accidental kiss
if you have other prompts, or variants of the “____ to ____” prompts, you may submit those too
comfort (reverse)
hurt/comfort (reverse)
hurt/no comfort (reverse)
people watching
best friend
family line
summer child
the exit
song lyrics
“i want a love like the movies” 
“all of our friends think of us jealously / we’re so sweet, so sweet”
“in my head, we’re dancing in the dark / in my head, we kiss under the stars”
“we’re holding hands, but it’s all just for show”
“and you say that it’s over, but why does she call you / at 3 a.m. and 4 a.m.? / that’s a funny way of staying friends”
people watching
“but i wanna feel all that love and emotion / be that attached to the person i’m holding”
“i’ve never really been in love, not seriously”
“‘cause the potential of us, it was keeping me up all night long”
“there’s so many factors / like, what if you freak out, and then we’re losing it all?”
“at the critical chapter where i say ‘i love you’ / and you don’t say it after”
“is it purely platonic to call me, like, every night?”
“but if i’m readin’ it wrong, man, it’d be better off if i died”
best friend
“that’s my fucking throw up in the bathroom, but still love them”
“that’s my fucking lifeline, that’s my ride or die, like”
“that’s my fucking hate you, but you know that that’s a damn lie”
“made a promise that i’m gonna marry you / if we’re both still single by, like, 32”
“a tale old as time, young love don’t last for life”
“we’ve traveled the seas, we’ve ridden the stars / we’ve seen everything from saturn to mars”
“as much as it seems like you own my heart / it’s astronomy, we’re two worlds apart”
“you said, ‘distance brings fondness,’ but guess not with us”
“stop trying to keep us alive / you can’t force the stars to align when they’ve already died”
“i’m somebody you touch, but never hold / and you’re somebody i’ll never really know”
“i know i’m not the one you really love / i guess that’s why i’ve never given up”
“all i wanted was that look in your eyes / like you already know that i’m the love of your life”
“the only thing that’s harder than sleepin’ alone / is sleepin’ with your ghost”
“i’ve changed every part of me / until the puzzle pieces aren’t me at all”
“you take every part of me / all of the things you need / then the rest you discard”
“all i did just to make you happy / still you don’t even fuckin’ love me”
“killin’ parts of myself to fit you / clear as shit i was not the issue”
family line
“i say they’re just the ones who gave me life / but i truly am my parents’ child”
“it’s hard to put it into words / how the holidays will always hurt”
“and wonder what i did to deserve this / how could you hurt a little kid?”
“i can’t forget, i can’t forgive you / ‘cause now i’m scared that everyone i love will leave me”
“might share a face and share a last name, but / we are not the same”
summer child
“but there’s darkness behind those eyes / even when you smile”
“aren’t you way too busy / taking care of everybody / to take care of yourself?”
“but why would i lie? It’s so clear i’m in love / with you”
“a tense conversation, you like someone else / i say, ‘if i wanted, could that maybe help?’”
“you ate at a restaurant, the host said we’re cute / they think we’re a couple, they bought us some booze”
“oh, and i’d be embarrassed if i weren’t so pleased / that everyone else sees what you never see”
“i open up that door, see your brown eyes at the entrance / you just wanna talk, and i can’t turn away a / wet dog”
“please, don’t make it harder than it already is / i’m trying to get over this”
“you’re all drunk in my kitchen, curled in the / fetal position”
“‘i wish that you would stay in my memories’”
the exit
“starin’ at a girl who’s not me / on your arm, a carbon copy”
“feels like we had matching wounds / but mine’s still black and bruised / and yours is perfectly fine now”
“do you even doubt it on your lips?”
“you already found someone to miss / while i’m still standin’ at the exit”
writer chooses
i’ll choose a song lyric or song that best suits your request
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runninriot · 18 days
Dirty Wishes On My Mind
written for @steddiesongfics and @steddiesmuttyseptember
inspired by the song FU In My Head by Cloudy June | SSS prompt: clothes on | rated: E | wc: 4.172 | tags: sexual content, indecent behaviour in public (but they don't get caught), dirty talk, dry humping, coming in pants, confessions, realisations, Eddie has a Crush on Steve, Steve has a Revelation, friends to lovers | complete fic on ao3
    “I’m telling you, Stevie! That guy had no shame whatsoever. Didn’t even hesitate to pull blank in front of me to show off that ridiculous tattoo right above his dick. It was horrendous! I even offered to cover it up for free but he declined, said the ladies dig it.”
Eddie snorts and shakes his head. The things you have to put up with sometimes in his field of work never ceases to amaze him.
   “But hey, can’t say I didn’t like the overall view. A feast for my imagination. I’ll definitely use it the next time I’m ‘feeling lonely’.”
He uses his fingers to sign quotation marks and wiggles his eyebrows, delighted at the blush creeping up Steve’s cheeks when he realises what Eddie means by that.
Steve’s always been a little shy when it comes to talking about these things but they’ve been friends long enough for him to have gotten used to Eddie’s big, unfiltered mouth.
Eddie loves to rile him up, just a little, never so much that it makes him truly uneasy but enough to get a little kick out of it himself.
Steve’s cute when he blushes.
He’s damn fucking pretty, always, is the thing.
So what if Eddie stares a little too obvious? It’s not his fault Steve is so-
He averts his gaze, takes a sip from his drink to cool off, giving Steve the chance to change the subject to something else.
  "Sometimes I fuck you in my head."
Eddie splutters his mouthful of beer half over himself, half over the table, can't believe he heard Steve right.
No. That must be a mistake because he can't possibly have said that.
   "I don't know why, it's just- sometimes when I touch myself, I think of you, you know?"
Eddie does, in fact, not know. Because what?
   "Steve, dude, look at me. Did you take something? Without me?"
He must've. There's no way he'd talk that much bullshit if he was sober. They've only been here for ten minutes, fifteen max, both still on their first beer and there is no way in hell Steve is already that drunk.
So this must be something else.
Because it is absolutely impossible that his straight best friend would ever fantasize about anything other than boobies and soft lips and long lashes and, hell, maybe even a tight juicy ass – a woman’s ass – to get him going. Steve Harrington does not think about guys when he touches himself. And most certainly not about Eddie.
He’s messing with him, that must be it. A little revenge for Eddie being insufferable.
   “Hah, yeah you got me there, Harrington. For a second, I really thought you’d lost your mind,” Eddie laughs half-heartedly in a weak attempt to cover up the slight tremble in his voice.
    For a second you got me thinking my pining ass died and went to heaven, is the thought he keeps to himself.
Another second goes by and Eddie is still waiting for Steve to laugh, to maybe swat his arm and tell him ‘Ha! Got’cha! You should see your stupid face.’ but that doesn’t happen. Instead, the air thickens and the tension between them makes Eddie nervous.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Steve opens his mouth.
But somehow, that only makes it worse.
   “Is- is that bad?”
Steve turns away, eyes now locked on his own hand where it’s wrapped tightly around his bottle. Something in his friend’s demeanour shifts; it’s like he’s slowly sinking into himself, like he’s trying to hide.
   “Stevie, hey.” Eddie brings his thumb and finger to Steve’s chin, using gentle force to make him look back up again.
He seems so small all of a sudden, sad somehow, but he huffs out an awkward laugh and rolls his eyes.
   “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I don’t even know why I said that.”
Heat spreads in every part of Eddie’s face, up to his ears and down to his chest and his heart skips a beat because-
Steve didn’t take it back. He didn’t confirm Eddie’s assumption of it being a joke, no. He apologised because he thinks he did something wrong.
   “It’s not bad, Steve. I’m just- a little confused.”
Eddie’s hand moves on its own account, wanders higher up, fingertips lightly dancing across his jaw line and over his cheek until they reach Steve’s hair line just above his ear  where he can’t help but dive deeper into his soft strands.
He doesn’t miss the moment Steve’s eyes flutter shut for a too long second, and how his lips slightly part when he lets out a sigh.
   “Why would you think of me when you’re- I thought you’re-“
    Straight, Eddie struggles to say, fears it would come out wrong, maybe sound like an insult which it is not.
Of course, not. Everyone’s free to love and like whatever and whoever they want. It’s just- it bothers Eddie more than he likes to admit because Steve being straight means that he’ll never have a chance.
That his stupid heart will forever be suffering because his best friend will never be more than that. Not his lover, not his partner, only his friend. And that’s okay, that’s fine, perfect even. It’s more than Eddie could hope for.
But that’s exactly what makes it so hard to wrap his head around Steve’s unexpected confession. That’s why it takes Eddie’s breath away when Steve leans into his touch, pupils blown wide in the cosy light of the bar.
   “I-“ Steve stops himself, digs his teeth into his bottom lip as if to prevent any more words from slipping out.
Eddie feels like he’s in trance, doesn’t even know what he’s doing until it’s too late, until his hand has already wandered back down, thumb touching soft flesh when he pulls it free from Steve’s bite, lingering there, tracing the seam – he can’t stop, can’t not push between parted lips where Steve welcomes him with just a hint of tongue, warm and wet.
And Eddie has to swallow a startled moan.
continue reading here
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yoursfallacy · 1 year
uh just stream of consciousness ranting abt jekyon ig
so this page! holy shit right like god DAMN they have been PINING. when you look up the dictionary definition of pining you find these dumbasses spending a decade and a half dancing around each other in some pseudo-mindgame fuckery trying to figure each other’s emotions out and never actually talking to each other. honestly not blaming them tho. talking is rough, especially when they’re queer and don’t have the language to talk about this stuff like we do now :(
but anyway. thinking about what comes After This. idk how many pages are left in the chapter or what the next plot point will be (hell do any of us know what’s going on in the grand plot at this point anymore, we’ve just been so caught up in this one interaction for so long!!) but it’s certain that this conversation has changed their relationship fundamentally. for good or bad who knows, but it’s definitely going to be Different after this.
i guess i don’t see them walking away from this conversation on BAD terms, since they’re definitely starting to understand that they’ve both fucked up big time and nothing is exclusively one or the other’s fault. but it’s gotta be Weird As Hell for them to just? get back together after all this time. or maybe not im arospec what do i know fjfjdh
i just!! i wanna KNOW what happens next!!!! lowkey i wanna see a jekyll and rachel conversation/therapy session about this because 1. i always need more rachel and 2. i think it would be good for jekyll to like? talk to someone new about it. idk if rachel knows he’s queer but it would be nice to have him come to terms with himself and his attraction more by talking it through with someone he trusts?? idk im just rambling
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incandescentlycursed · 9 months
Update: said Snowbaird How to Lose a Guy in 10 days AU exists and if anyone would be so kind as to drop a kudos or a comment (I much prefer the latter but both are beautiful) please do so <3, I need motivation for the following chapters
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/52041544"><strong>you bewitch me, every damn second that you’re with me.</strong></a> (6915 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/shirbertsholmesburys"><strong>shirbertsholmesburys</strong></a><br />Chapters: 4/?<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/The%20Ballad%20of%20Songbirds%20and%20Snakes%20-%20Suzanne%20Collins">The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Suzanne Collins</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Hunger%20Games%20Series%20-%20All%20Media%20Types">Hunger Games Series - All Media Types</a><br />Rating: Mature<br />Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Relationships: Lucy Gray Baird/Coriolanus Snow, Clemensia Dovecote/Lysistrata Vickers, Marcus/Sejanus Plinth, Arachne Crane/Felix Ravinstill, Crassus Snow/Coriolanus Snow’s Mother<br />Characters: Lucy Gray Baird, Coriolanus Snow, Coral (Hunger Games), Lucretius "Lucky" Flickerman, Sejanus Plinth, Volumnia Gaul, Sejanus Plinth's Mother, Strabo Plinth, Maude Ivory Baird, Tigris (Hunger Games), Coriolanus Snow's Grandma'am, Clemensia Dovecote, Arachne Crane, Festus Creed, Livia Cardew, Jessup Diggs, Lysistrata Vickers, Felix Ravinstill, Marcus (Hunger Games), The Covey (Hunger Games)<br />Additional Tags: Academic Rivals to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Pining, Alternate Universe - College/University, New York, Alternate Universe - How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days Fusion, laufey songs, Competition, Jealousy, They really love talking about movies. So many movies, literally laufey songs, non-toxic snow/lucy gray, Well maybe a little bit, Romantic Comedy, Alternate Universe - Romantic Comedy, bet trope, they are horny ass mfs, Eventual Smut, happy ending?? Be nice to me and maybe, Coriolanus Snow loves Lucy Gray, Snow is a big old softie, Covey band - Freeform, Bars and Pubs, no beta all mistakes are mine, consent!! is!! sexy!!, semi toxic but like, can you really blame them, they’ve been fighting each other for three years over grades<br />Summary: <p>Aspiring political journalist Coriolanus Snow and Grammy-nominated Lucy Gray Baird have been at odds with one another for the past three years at New York University. Ever since he laid eyes upon her rainbow leggings and red Converse, he’s been trying to take her down; whether it’s by one percentage point in a class or a particularly good point during a debate, he’s kept every win close to his chest. No doubt, she’s been doing the same — her maddening flirtatiousness, the sugary sweet conversations with subtle digs thrown in, all leading up to a triumphant, wicked grin as she shows him the most recent test results. Suddenly, they find themselves embroiled in bets neither of them can resist. If Coryo can fall in love and bring the girl to the Banquet, the biggest event of the year for all poli-sci majors, then he’ll score the summer internship with Senator Gaul that he’s been waiting for his entire life. And if Lucy Gray can find a guy to date and then break up with in the span of ten days, she can finish writing her long-awaited sophomore album and be on her way to a Grammy win — all is fair in love and war.</p><p>Or: Snow and Lucy Gray as academic rivals to lovers, as told by Laufey and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.</p>
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amandayetagain · 2 years
what are your favorite kotlc ships and characters? and what do you like abt them?
Keefitz is the epitome of childhood best friends to lovers. I usually hate this trope, since I could never see it with my childhood best friend, but it drew me in. So much angst. So much history. You know how some guys have guy friends they practice making out with? Well they were that for each other and they liked it. But they didn’t say anything, which is why there’s so much damn pining.
Fedex is peak enemies to lovers- however one-sided. The scene in Neverseen is very close to my heart. (You know the one) They also have the added unfortunate first impression to shake things up.
Sokeefe has something so pure about it. I don’t know how to explain it, but they’re middle c. They always come back to each other, even if they don’t know they’re doing it. They’re comfortable, reliable, with equal possibility for both dark and light. My favorite canon ship.
Kam brings the salt. They clash, and when they do, sparks fly. It’s not quite enemies to lovers, but rivals. Hesitant friends, even. They have an understanding they can’t have with anyone else. Mostly because of their similar experiences, and the ways they deal with them. They have the best banter.
Sophiana perseveres. They’ve been through a lot. Emotions have run high, even with only their friendship. Think the wenclair divorce scene for when Sophie finds out (from Stina) that Biana befriended her because Alden told her to. Think Sophie’s paragraph-long descriptions of how stunningly beautiful Biana is. I love them.
My favorite characters are Stina, Biana, and Keefe.
I relate to them a lot. Biana’s confidence, how she wears her makeup not just as armor, but because she likes it. Stina’s drive and low tolerance for bs. Keefe’s gifted kid burnout and weakness for brown eyes.
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Yes okay Syrryl took his comm and left but WHY? Maybe you've talked about this before but a;lsdkf from the little I know Syrryl and Bertie are close and I saw your one post about Aurene and sign language (which was completely adorable, btw) and so: what happened that made him want to leave XD.
I think I’ve might’ve mentioned this before but I love an excuse to lore dump about my favorite boys so thanks for the opportunity.
So Bertie and Syrryl have been together for a very long time, since the very beginning of the base game personal story. And Syrryl has known he’s loved Bertie since the middle of Path of Fire. Turns out watching the god of war kill someone in front of you makes you realize some stuff. And Bertie knows that he feels something for Syrryl but 1.) he struggles to identify emotions at the best of times, 2.) he’s been a bit busy being the Commander and 3.) Bertie is kinda convinced that no one could ever be interested in him romantically. So he’s just labeled the emotion as friendship and moved on with his life. Despite the fact that he knows he feels differently about Syrryl than the rest of his friends. These two boys are pining idiots and I love them.
Fast forward to the end of Living World Season 4. Everyone’s on the airship back to Lion’s Arch, people are relaxed, everyone’s the happiest they’ve been in ages and people are drinking to celebrate. Except for Syrryl, a recovering alcoholic. And he decides that right now is the best possible time to confess his feelings for Bertie. Who is more than a bit tipsy. Bertie basically goes “uuuuuh thanks?” and falls asleep in the middle of the conversation. Upon waking up the next morning, Bertie remembers that something happened involving Syrryl but can’t recall the specifics. So, not wanting to make the wrong assumption, he acts like nothing happened until he can figure out how best to bring it up to Syrryl. Meanwhile Syrryl sees Bertie acting like nothing happened and assumes that Bertie doesn’t reciprocate his feelings and is politely ignoring last night’s conversation in the name of their friendship. Syrryl truly and honestly believes that Bertie doesn’t love him back and that sticking around would be a.) painful for Syrryl to be close to the man he loves but unable to do anything about it and b.) a source of uncomfortable guilt for Bertie to know his best friend loves him and being unable to love him back. So when they dock in Lion’s Arch later that day, Syrryl jumps ship with his stuff and vanishes. Bertie assumes that Syrryl has gone to report in to the Order of Whispers and, by the time he realizes that he’s well and truly missing, Syrryl has such a head start it’s basically impossible to find him.
And Bertie loses it. He tears Lions Arch apart searching, he’s calling everyone he can think of on the communicator, he goes so far as to storm his way into the Chantry of Secrets to beg the Preceptors for information. It’s only when Riel reveals to him that they have no idea where Syrryl has gone either, that it sinks in. Syrryl is gone. Syrryl is gone after a night during which something happened, something Bertie can’t fully remember because he was drunk… Bertie is terrified that he did something to Syrryl and equally terrified that he didn’t. Because if he did do something then at least he can apologize and try to make it up to him. But if he didn’t then Syrryl left for no reason that he can come up with and that doesn’t make any sense. So Bertie just spends the time before Icebrood Saga trying desperately to understand what happened and to find Syrryl and Syrryl spends that time wandering around avoiding everyone and being an angsty dipshit until they run into each other again at Grothmar Valley. Basically it’s soap opera confusion at its finest and I love them.
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hangmans-darling · 2 years
Bright Eyes--Jake “Hangman” Seresin Oneshot
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a/n; Hi! So, this is my first time writing/posting for Top Gun. I’ve become obsessed with it and with Hangman. I have many more ideas for pieces and I’m so excited to share this one! It’s a long one and you’ll soon see writing short pieces isn’t exactly in my repertoire. 
word count: 12.4k
warnings: enemies to lovers, pining, loose based knowledge of flag football, mention of OC death but not a major character, an altercation, smut involving female receiving oral and protected sex and also very loosely edited.
I hope you enjoy! Reblogs mean the world and I’m so excited to contribute to the writing world of TopGun
“Have you heard we got a new one coming in tonight?” Payback asks while he racks up the balls on the billiard table. 
“Yeah? Who?” Hangman asks, rubbing his chalk on his cue stick. 
“Heard her name’s y/n y/l/n, call sign Bright Eyes,” Bob says. 
“I heard she’s had three combat kills,” Phoenix grins looking at Hangman, “that’s one more than you, Bagman.”
The door opened of the bar and the group all looked to see if it was the new pilot and sure enough in walked someone they’ve never seen before. The first thing he notices is how young she looks and how big her eyes are. She’s in her uniform like the rest of them and Hangman notices how crisp and clean her uniform is, not a hair out of place. 
“Anyone talked to her yet?” Hangman asks, leaning on his stick. He watches her side step between people until she meets someone at the bar, another pilot he doesn’t recognize.
“Nope, but I don’t think you should be the first one to,” Bob says, scooping bar pretzels into his hand. 
“I think I should be, Bobby,” Hangman smiles and hands his cue to Phoenix.
“Don’t be an asshole, Seresin,” Phoenix warns. “She’s here for a reason, just like us.”
“I want to find out the reason. I’ll be back lady and gents,” he salutes them all and feels a pretzel ricochet off his back that Bob tossed at him. 
When he approaches her at the bar he leans on it by his forearms and plucks up a toothpick that Penny keeps stocked and sticks it between his teeth. He stares at the girl trying to guess how old she is, what her secrets are that got her here and also waiting for her to notice him. She turns her body towards him and he likes how she lifts her eyebrows as if to question, Yes? Can I help you?
“Hey there,” he greets with his signature Seresin grin that has been known to get him anything he wants in the past.
“Hi,” her response is icy. 
“Name’s Jake Seresin, call sign is Hangman. What brings you to Top Gun?”
“Same as you; to learn from the best of the best.”
He waits for her to tell him her name but she doesn’t and that entices him. Is this all an act to look tough in front of the other pilots or is she really this icy?
“I’m already the best there is,” he touches his chest and twists his body so his back is leaning against the bar. “If you’re here, then you oughta be pretty damn good.”
“I do the best I can, but I don’t like to brag. There’s always room to grow and learn which I hear is something you need to work on.”
It’s his turn to raise his eyebrows.
“Bright Eyes has a bit of a bite, huh?”
“Your reputation precedes you as being hot headed,” her friend says and Hangman finally pays him attention. He’s the same height as Hangman with blond hair. 
“And you are?”
“JJ Pankow, call sign is Caveman.”
JJ and Hangman have a bit of a staredown, both of them sizing each other up. Hangman wonders if they’re an item and in the same thread of thought wonders why it matters to him so much if they are.
y/n sighs and peers her eyes at Hangman until he meets her gaze. “Did you need something or can I continue my free night before training tomorrow?”
“I just wanted to welcome you, that’s all,” he smiles. “And to wish you the best on flying with the big boys.”
It’s her turn to stare him down, he feels it’s a test so he makes sure not to blink. He stares right back encouraging the challenge, he lifts a brow to signify he can go as long as she wants to. She’s the first to turn but it’s directed at JJ.
“Do you want to sit somewhere else?”
“Yeah, it’s a bit crowded here with ego.”
y/n turns back to Hangman as she slips off the stool, he has to lower his head because she’s so short compared to him. 
“I don’t fly with boys, I fly with men. Do they have those in Top Gun?”
She stalks off and Hangman chuckles watching her go and he returns to his friends.
“Well, she didn’t throw her drink in your face,” Phoenix smirks and hands him back his cue. 
“Nah, she’s too innocent for that,” he shakes his head. As he lines up for his shot, he makes eye contact with y/n and he’s pleased to see she’s looking at him too. Her face is solemn and he takes the shot, eyes still on her, and the ball goes into the pocket. 
The next morning, Jake finds her in the hangar before they’re supposed to sit and hear what their training is going to be to help prepare for the mission. She’s checking out her jet, her fingers running over her name.
“It’s you and me today, Bright Eyes,” he says announcing his presence. She turns and eyes him up. “Let’s see what you can do, wanna head out right now?”
“And risk my career? No thanks.”
“Aw, come on,” he drawls. “Look at all the stunts Mav has done and he’s still got a job.”
She hops down from her wing and stands toe to toe with him.
“How about you go first and I’ll see if you’re still here tomorrow before I go up against protocol,” she smiles sweetly with her hands on her hips. 
“See, now that’s where I’m stuck on how you got a spot in Top Gun if you don’t take risks.”
“Why take risks when I have skill? See you in the air, Hangman,” she pats his shoulder and hops back onto her plane.
“Show me what you’ve got Bright Eyes,” Hangman says once they’re up in the air. He hears her sigh over the radio and at first he thinks it’s a sigh of annoyance but when he looks over, her eyes are closed. “How did you get the call sign ‘Bright Eyes’ if you fly with your eyes closed?”
“Shut up, Bagman,” Bob says and Phoenix laughs. 
y/n sighs again and opens her eyes directly at Hangman.
“Are you always this annoying?”
“Just until I get my questions answered. So tell me, how’d you get the name?”
“Why does it matter?”
“I’m a curious guy.”
“Mhmm,” y/n sighs.
“Ignore him, Bright Eyes. he likes to talk shit,” Phoenix says.
“I’ve noticed. Are you all talk and no action, Seresin?” She smiles at him again then accelerates her plane. He’s quick to follow.
“If you two are done flirting,” Rooster’s voice cuts through, “Can we finish this mock mission please?”
Hangman continues to badger her on her name as they fly the course.
“Was it what your mother calls you? But what I don’t get is why it’s Bright Eyes when your eyes are a darker shade of (your eye color).”
“Wow, that’s a nice observation. You like looking at my eyes, huh?”
“Maybe. Let’s see…I would say Shirley Temple would have been better, or Baby Face. Even ‘Baby.’ Is it a Swayze thing? Do you even know these movies I’m referencing?”
“I sure do and you’re wrong on all guesses.”
“Hmm…I bet it was an old flame you’re still not over.”
There’s silence except for the hum of their engines. 
“Is that it? Oh man! I knew I’d figure it out, how–woah, where’d she go?”
y/n fell back from their formation in a spiral and zoomed down, down, down before pulling back up abruptly straight towards him. 
“What the–”
She set her laser on him and he heard the signal that he’s dead from her shot just as she skidded by him which caused him to arc sideways to avoid a collision. 
“What was that shit? You can’t kill me, we’re flying as a team!” Hangman roars at her while the others laugh at the altercation. 
“Yeah well, you’re dead,” she says drily. “See you back at base.”
“All of you return back to base immediately,” Maverick orders loudly in their ears. 
Once back in the hangar, Maverick and Hondo are standing with their arms crossed not looking happy. Hangman is already berating y/n for killing him when that wasn’t the objective.
“You’re right, it wasn’t but quite honestly I would have done the same thing but a lot sooner,” Maverick says. “You were baiting and badgering your teammate, Seresin. You keep an eye on each other and you watch each other’s six, not worry about what their call sign means. You do not harass them when all of your lives are on the line, do you understand?”
“Yes sir,” Hangman nods and stands a little straighter. 
“And as for you Bright Eyes,” Hondo moves in front of her and she straightens her back. “That was superb flying and an incredible kill shot but save it for the enemy, not your wingman. Is that clear?”
“Yes sir, it will never happen again,” she says.
“You’re dismissed. And as punishment, you will both be relieved tomorrow,” Maverick says, “I recommend you two sort out your differences.”
“Sir?” y/n asks.
“I don’t care how you do it, but you need to be tolerable with each other, at least when you’re flying. On the ground, I don’t care. But up in the sky,” Maverick points, “you have your whole team to protect and make sure you get home.”
“Yes sir,” they both respond. 
Maverick and Hondo wave them off. As soon as they’re out of ear shot, Hangman rounds on her.
“I can’t believe you killed me!” he hisses.
“It was the only way to get you to shut up,” she snaps back. 
“All I wanted to know was how you got your call sign.”
“Why does it matter to you so much?”
He clenches his jaw, a vein in his forehead is throbbing and y/n sees a bead of sweat roll down his cheek. 
“I was just trying to be friendly.”
“Interrogating someone is not friendly.”
“Neither is killing them, that’s called friendly fire.”
She glares at him and he glares back.
“You really are a pain in the ass,” she grumbles.
“Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you.”
She lets out a grunt, turns on her heel and makes her way to the showers. He stalks to the showers as well but since they’re in the same direction, he’s following her. They glare at each other once more before disappearing into the shower rooms. 
His mind is trying to make sense of what the hell just happened. He’s not sure what he’s more pissed off about; the fact that she just killed him while also flying recklessly, how she won’t tell him the meaning of her call sign or that he got in trouble and is now out from training tomorrow.
Either way, he’s got her on his mind.
The next morning after he spends some time in the gym working off his frustrations from the day before, he goes to find y/n. He heads into the hangar and sure enough, she’s there with her jet wiping down the cockpit. That’s when he notices she’s only in jean shorts that fit her just perfectly and a white t-shirt with some holes in it. Through one of them he can see a peek of black lace. 
He clears his throat and averts his eyes (from her ass and her bra). She turns at the sound of his throat clearing. 
“Let’s get this over with.”
“Get what over with?” she turns her back on him again.
“You heard Mav, we need to ‘sort out our differences.’”
“I don’t think so,” she snorts. She’s wiping vigorously at her canopy glass and the motions cause her ass to wiggle. 
“Jesus–” Hangman curses under his breath trying desperately not to look, “would you mind facing me when we’re talking? It’s rude.”
It’s rude and distracting and it pisses him off. y/n sighs, drops the towel in her seat and steps down from the wing. Seeing her head on, he notices her hair isn’t up in a bun but is loose and frames her face with light curls. 
“All right. What do you suggest we do?”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah, I came here to learn and to do this mission I can’t be killing a member of my team. Even if it isn’t real.” 
“I’m touched,” he touches his chest to emphasize his mock sincerity and she rolls her eyes. “Let’s meet in two hours.”
“What’s wrong with right now?”
“I need to change.”
“Your personality? That will take longer than two hours.”
“I meant my clothes,” he rolls his eyes.
Her eyes travel over his black t-shirt and workout shorts.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Women like a man in uniform,” he grins. 
“I should tell them it’s false advertising.”
“You wear the same uniform, sweetheart,” he drawls cocking his head to the side. “Two hours and I’ll come by your room.”
When he walks away, much to her dismay, she notices how broad his shoulders and back are. When he walks she can see his muscles flexing underneath the cotton of his shirt. She shakes her head and climbs back on her jet. 
Why was she just checking him out?
At two hours precisely, there’s a knock on her door. y/n was actually thankful for the two hour delay because she got a little sweaty from cleaning her jet and had some grease on her hands and cheek. So she took a shower but couldn’t decide on what to wear or what she was getting into so she dressed casually in jean shorts and a flowy top and clipped her hair away from her face. When she opens the door, Hangman is dressed in his service khakis.
She rolls her eyes. 
“What?” he smirks.
“I hope you aren’t expecting me to be your wingman because they’re supposed to hype you up and I can’t do that.”
“Yeah, yeah. Are you ready?”
“Nope. Let’s go.”
They take his truck and drive past The Hard Deck, she can’t help her curiosity of where they’re going. After fifteen minutes of silent driving he parks at what looks like a block party in the middle of a shopping center. Live music is heard through the windows and there’s a bunch of people around.
“What’s this?”
“I found it on Facebook. It’s a beer and cider tap yard. I thought alcohol would be essential for this particular mission.”
“That’s something we can agree on. What’s wrong with the Hard Deck?”
“Change of scenery,” he shrugs. “Come on, toots.”
y/n follows him onto the wood chipped area and chuckles when almost all the women (and a few men) try to catch Hangman’s eye as they walk by. He buys the first round then head upstairs to the seating area.
“To settling our qualms,” he raises his plastic cup.
“God help us,” she bumps her cup to his in cheers. 
They sit in a bit of an awkward silence after that so she watches the crowd down below. While she’s watching them, Hangman is watching her wondering how someone can irritate him and intrigue him at the same time. Her pushback on him is also enticing, he hides a smirk as he takes a drink thinking how much he does like pushing her buttons. 
Halfway through their drink, a woman approaches them and hands a drink to Hangman.
“Thank you for your service,” she says with a suggestive look in her eye. 
“Thank you ma’am, much obliged,” he nods then turns his attention to y/n. y/n snorted and downs the rest of her drink and the woman who brought him a new drink walked away disappointed that Hangman didn’t ask cart her away or something.
“Now I see why you wanted to wear your uniform,” she pretends to pluck off a piece of lint from his shirt. “You like to be ogled at.”
“What? I do not.”
“No? You’re telling me  you didn’t like how everyone looked at you when we arrived? You said so yourself that women like men in a uniform.”
“Or I wanted to look my best for you m’dear,” he smirks. “And how do you know they weren’t looking at you when we walked in?”
“Please,” she rolls her eyes and rises from her seat. “I’m getting myself another drink.”
“What about me?”
“You got one already, flyboy,” she nods to the drink that was handed to him by that woman and descends the stairs to the bar. 
The line was a few people deep so by the time she got back up by their table, Hangman was speaking with an older gentleman who’s wearing a Naval Aviation hat.
“Oh, is this her?”
“Yup, that’s Bright Eyes,” Hangman smiles up at her.
“It’s a pleasure young lady,” the old man holds out his hand.
“Hello sir,” y/n smiles shaking his hand. 
“Your boyfriend here was telling me of all your accomplishments in naval aviation. Two kills…mighty impressive.”
“Thank you sir. I’m just doing my duty,” she nods but the word ‘boyfriend’ is ringing in her ears. 
They discover his name is Roger and he tells his own stories about the academy and Top Gun. He explains how he met his sweetheart while he got injured on a mission and she was a nurse that worked on his floor. Hangman noticed y/n drank more and was shifting in her seat as if she were nervous about something while Roger talked.
“You’ve got yourself a good one here, darlin,” Roger says then turns to Hangman, “and you make sure you watch her six, son. Good luck to you both.”
Hangman stands and shakes his hand one last time.
“Thank you for sharing your time with us, sir,” Hangman says.
When he’s safely on the ground and Hangman is still standing with his hands in his pockets, y/n rounds on him.
“You told him you were my boyfriend?”
“He just assumed and I didn’t want to correct him.”
“Why not?”
“Why didn’t you?” He turns to her and her response is to take the last large gulps of her cider. He smirks. “You want another one?”
After a couple more drinks, he brings out a deck of cards from his pocket.
“I’m not playing strip poker with you,” y/n shakes her head violently.
“As much as I–and everyone else here–would love that, that’s not what we’ll play.” He shuffles the cards expertly.
“Do you always carry a pack of cards with you?” She watches his hands as he breaks the deck in half and lets the cards collapse on top of each other. 
“Yeah,” he shrugs. “It’s a good conversation starter. What would you like to play, m’dear?” His green eyes glint at her.
“The only thing my brain can process right now from the alcohol is Go Fish or War.”
“War it is, Bright Eyes,” he laughs and starts dealing out the cards. His movements are quick but his eyes are on her.
They’re quick with the game and a few times when they throw down the same card and have to slap more down to see who won the set of cards their fingers fumble together. At some points the cards go flying off the table and she’s giggling trying to scramble and pick them up. 
Around 8:00 is when they quit playing because they’re both hungry. 
“Are you okay to drive?” she asks as she stumbles into him walking down the steps. 
“Yes, I’m not even buzzed,” he steadies her by resting his arm around her shoulders. 
“How? You drank as much as me,” she gives him a puzzled look and he thinks it’s adorable.
“I drank them slowly while you downed yours. Plus, you’re a lightweight,” he teases opening the door to his truck for her. He helps her get in and she grumbles something incoherently. “What was that?”
She responds by sticking her tongue out and he laughs all the way around the front of the truck until he’s seated and buckled. He drives to a diner not too far from the tap yard and she comments how they have the best grilled cheese and shakes. He orders a cheeseburger with a strawberry shake and she gets a grilled cheese with a chocolate shake, they share a basket of fries. 
She dunks her french fry in her shake and does a little happy dance when she eats it and he smiles at her mannerisms. 
“That is criminal.”
“What you just did, dipping your fry in your shake.”
“You’ve never dipped a fry in a shake? Are you even human?”
“I am and I eat food like other normal humans.”
“Try it, right now,” she points to a fry.
“I don’t think so.”
“I think so.” She grabs a fry and dunks it in her own shake then extends it out to him but he’s shaking his head in defiance. “You have to try it! It will change your life.”
He resists and some of her shake falls on top of his burger bun and he exclaims in shock while she’s doubled over and laughing.
“Aw come on! Now it’s ruined! You did that on purpose,” he laughs.
“I did not!” She gasps then her face changes and her eyes squint. “I think you got something in your teeth, open up.”
To both of their surprise, he does and that’s when she pops her chocolate shake covered french fry in his mouth. He groans in theatrics but eats the food she snuck in his mouth and she smiles proudly.
“That I did plan,” she states proudly. “So, what do you think?”
“Not bad,” he allows swallowing the food and his eyes shift to a point beyond her. “Is that Roger coming in?”
She turns around to look and it gives him enough time to dip his finger in his strawberry shake so when she turns back around to face him, he plops it on her nose and her eyes widen with her mouth agape. 
“That’s for getting shake on my burger,” he smiles in delight then slurps through his straw. 
“Well played, Seresin,” she laughs and wipes the strawberry pink liquid from her nose with a napkin. 
“So,” he asks a while later resting his arms on the back of the booth. Two steaming cups of coffee sit on the table between them. “How old are you exactly?”
“Twenty-seven. How old are you?”
“I’ll be thirty-four in October.”
“Are you a Halloween baby?”
“Not quite.”
“Darn. That would have made me like you a little more.”
“Yeah?” he laughs. “What got you into flying?”
“My grandpa,” she says cupping her mug with her hands. She takes a gentle sip. “He’d tell me stories and show me his uniform and pictures. I thought it was so cool.”
“Did he call you Bright Eyes?”
She stares at him for a long time then finishes her coffee without another word. Again to both of their surprise, he doesn’t question it further and she asks for more coffee. He watches her the whole time trying to figure her out.
“For the first three months of flight school I threw up every time I was in the air.”
“I’ve been badgering you so I’ll share some personal things.”
“You don’t–”
He holds up his hand to silence her and taps his finger on the rim of the porcelain mug. 
“I’ve been an asshole to you and my curiosity gets the best of me sometimes and I come on too strong.”
“Am I drunk hallucinating or are you actually being nice?”
“Not hallucinating. I was also terrified of planes growing up but when I was the one flying it, it all went away. I’m always trying to improve my skills in aviation and I’m my own worst enemy.”
“Wow, Hangman–”
“Call me Jake.”
“I’m so confused by this 180 from you Jake,” she enunciates his name with a smile. 
“How long has it been?”
“Has what been?”
“Since your grandpa died.”
“Um, he didn’t die. He’s very happy I’m at Top Gun.”
“Then why did you get quiet when I asked if he called you Bright Eyes?”
y/n sighs. “Because he does call me Bright Eyes but he’s not the reason for my call sign. Henry did.”
“Who’s Henry?”
“A ghost,” she whispers, then bites her lip and wipes at her eye. “I want to go back to base.”
Before he can say another word she slides out of the booth and rushes out the door. Jake slaps down some twenties to cover the bill and tip then runs after her. She’s leaning against the passenger door with her arms crossed. He unlocks the door and helps her in.
The drive back to base is silent except for the loudness of their own thoughts. Jake feels there’s much more depth to her grandpa, her call sign, and whoever Henry is. He glances at her at each stoplight, her eyes are wide and bright but also sad. He wonders what she’s thinking about.
y/n’s mind is racing like always but now that her buzz is almost gone her thoughts are weighing her down. She’s thinking of Henry and her grandpa and Hang–Jake. It’s giving her a headache and a heartache all at once. She cradles her forehead in her hands and closes her eyes hoping that will help soothe the racing thoughts.
“Are you all right?” Jake asks concerned. 
“Head hurts,” she mumbles.
“We’re almost back.”
He helps her out of the truck once they’re back at base and lets her lean on him as they walk inside, her arm held onto his waist. Her room is the sixth one from the main door and she silently hands him her key. When he unlocks the door he gets a warm and inviting smell as if she had a candle burning. The layout is the same as his so he knows where the light switch is and she groans at the sudden brightness.
“Sorry. Can I get you anything?”
“Water. I have a bottle in the fridge.”
She releases her hold on his waist and shuffles his way to her couch. He finds her bottle easily enough then crouches in front of her on the floor. 
“Anything else you need?”
Her eyes are surprisingly alert and focused on him while she drinks her water. The food and coffee must have really helped sober her up but the look she’s giving him is something he hasn’t seen before. 
“I think I want to kiss you Jake Seresin.”
“You do?” he leans back in surprise and clears his throat. 
“But I also still want to punch you in the face.”
“I’d prefer the kiss over the punch or kill, Bright Eyes. But when I kiss you,” he fixes a strand of hair that fell over her clip, his eyes flicker down to hers and she licks her lips. “I want you to really want it, not just think you do.”
They stare each other down and her perfume is invading all of his senses by being this close to her. He can see a freckle near the corner of her eye.
“You’re probably right,” she sighs heavily. “I should get to bed.”
“Me too,” he mutters then rises from the floor. His head feels a little clearer now that he’s not smelling her perfume. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Bright Eyes.”
He heads to her door but when he opens it, she calls out his name softly. When he turns around she’s standing in front of her bedroom door and he thinks she’s going to invite him to stay. 
“You can call me y/n, if you want.”
“Goodnight y/n,” he nods and shuts the door behind him before he can’t get himself to leave. Because if she would have asked him to stay, he would.
Before they’re all about to go fly more drills Jake has been trying to find y/n. She wasn’t in the common room or the kitchen so his next stop was the hangar. He’s noticed she likes to spend her time there but instead he finds JJ.
“Have you seen y/n?” Jake asks him. 
“She’s in the showers, why?” JJ narrows his eyes at him.
“Just wondering,” Jake shrugs, “Um…do you know anything about a guy named Henry?”
JJ’s eyes widen and he glances around their surroundings as if to make sure no one else is in earshot. 
“She told you about Henry?”
“Sort of.”
JJ’s expression changes and he steps closer to Jake, his voice low. “Listen, I’m not saying a word. That’s her business and if she told you all of it, you wouldn’t be asking me. Talk to y/n.”
JJ walks away and Jake curses under his breath. 
In the hangar, y/n doesn’t look at Jake which is surprising because he’s staring her down. Was last night just a glitch in the matrix and they aren’t on common ground? She’s the one who brought up kissing him, not him. Maverick and Hondo walk in and he forces himself to look at them. 
“Hangman, Bright Eyes,” Maverick calls their attention. “How’s reconciling your differences going?”
Jake looks at y/n but her expression is solemn and straight forward, she makes no move to respond. 
“Working on it, Sir,” Jake answers.
“Good. You two are up first.”
They’re communicating well enough but when Jake tries to tease with her, she doesn’t respond and it’s making him frustrated. It’s irritating how she gets under his skin and last night seems like an illusion. When they’re done with the drill and land they’re told they did a great job. y/n accepts it diplomatically while Jake soaks it all up. JJ and Phoenix are up next and Jake tries to speak with y/n again but she’s so invested in listening to how the others are doing he gives up.
When the exercise is over, Mav says y/n and Jake tied for first and they were all dismissed.
“A game of war and diner food was a real bonding experience, huh?” she smiles and Jake nearly gets whiplash from her turn of attitude. 
“You’re talking to me now?”
“The exercise is over,” she shrugs. “We need to concentrate. Want to go to the Hard Deck after dinner?”
“Uh, yeah sure.”
“Great, come by my room at seven.”
Later, when he shows up at her door he’s smiling but her eyes are icy. 
“You asked JJ about Henry? Why can’t you let things go and respect people’s privacy?”
“I’m only trying to understand!”
“Why?! Do you see anyone else bugging me about my past or my name? Is it because I’m younger than you that you think you can pick on me? Butt out!”
“I guess we’re not hanging out anymore tonight?”
“Not tonight or ever. Learn to respect people’s boundaries, Hangman.”
She slams her door in his face. He winced when she used his call sign name, how was he so close and yet still so far?
It’s been a week without them talking except for when they’re flying and y/n makes sure to keep a wide berth of Jake. It isn’t until Friday night that he attempts to talk to her again at the Hard Deck. He comes up to her with a bottle of her favorite cider and he pushes it in front of her so she angles her body. 
“Hi,” he says brightly. “My name’s Jake Seresin, call sign is Hangman.” He holds out his hand in front of her. 
“What are you doing?”
“Introducing myself the way I should have in the first place. What’s your name?”
“y/n y/l/n,” she smiles and takes his hand. “My call sign is Bright Eyes.”
“I can see why, you’ve got the brightest eyes I’ve ever seen,” his southern accent peeks out to add to his charming remark. 
“Oh no! That was so cheesy!” she laughs.
“I mean it,” he squeezes her hand. He makes no move to let go and neither does she.
“You’re not wearing your service khakis,” she observes his normal clothes of a dark blue t-shirt and dark washed jeans. 
“I only want one pair of eyes on me.”
“Back to back with the charm, huh?” She releases his hand and lifts up the bottle to press it to her lips as she takes a swallow. 
“I wanted to ease my way into an apology. I know I cross lines but my intention is never to harm but I did anyway. I’m sorry I pushed and I can’t make any promises about not doing it again but I know you’ll call me out on it.”
“I definitely will. Thank you for the apology.”
“How about a game of pool?”
“I’m not that good,” she grimaces.
“I’ll go easy on you,” he smiles. 
They’re playing pool but they’re not even hitting the proper balls, they’re basically doing practice shots. At one point, Jake even moves behind her with one hand on her waist and the other positioning her fingers just right on the tip of the cue stick. She could feel his body heat and smell his aftershave and it gave her butterflies in her stomach.
He helped her size up her shot. 
“Now you want to glide it nice and easy over your fingers,” his voice is husky in her ear, his lips brush against her cheek. 
As she moves the stick like a pendulum, his hand on her waist tightens the slightest amount. It causes her to hit the cue ball and it smacks into a green solid, they both fall into the pocket. 
“That was good, but lighten up on the release,” he compliments and removes himself from her. 
She stands up feeling the coolness from the absence of his body against hers, their eyes locked as he strutted around the table. His gaze was intense and her stomach flipped. While they play they find out more about each other with some very heavy flirting. 
He excuses himself to use the bathroom but when he comes back some guy is standing too close to y/n against the window and Jake can see the discomfort in her face.
“Hey man, how’s it going?” Jake asks with a dazzling smile. The guy looks at him with dark beady eyes, he’s clearly drunk off his ass. 
“Talkin’ to this chick. ‘Scuse me,” the guy slurs and turns back to y/n. “Whadday say baby? Wanna show me a good time?”
“No thanks,” y/n tries to back away but then he grabs her wrist.
“Aand you’re done,” Jake says. He pries the guys fingers from her wrist and shoves him away so hard that he knocks over the other cue sticks in the stand. It brings attention to the rest of the bar and Jake locks eyes with Penny, he gives her a nod and she rings the bell hard. 
Rooster and Coyote appear assessing the situation.
“What happened?” Rooster asks looking at y/n who’s staring wide eyed and unblinking at what she just witnessed. 
“He grabbed her,” Jake says, the muscle in his jaw ticking. 
Rooster purses his lips, nods to Coyote and the two of them lift the drunken asshole by his shoulders. The rest of the bar cheers as he’s carried out and tossed onto the sand. Jake turns to y/n and she’s absentmindedly rubbing at her wrist.
“Are you okay?” he asks, hovering his hands over hers. He doesn’t want to touch her unless she says it’s all right. 
“Yeah,” she sniffs, then looks down at her wrist. “I think I’m going to bruise, his grip was surprisingly tight for being as drunk as he is.”
“Do you want to get outta here?”
“No,” she shakes her head and finally looks into his eyes. “He’s gone now. Thanks for pulling him off me.”
“My pleasure.”
Later in the evening, he walks her back to her room and he asks how her wrist is once they’re at her door. She holds it up for him to inspect, he holds her wrist delicately and rubs his thumb over the already light shade of blue bruise forming. He leans in and kisses the mark, her skin smells like some type of flower he can’t think of.
With his face still close to her wrist, he meets her eyes with his thumb still caressing her skin. 
“Do you think you still want to kiss me?”
“It’s changing from ‘thinking’ to ‘knowing.’”
“How much? Scale of 1-10?”
She smiles and hums thinking it over. “Ummm…it went from a three to a seven.”
“Wow, four points. How’d I get that?” he cocks his head resulting in their faces becoming closer. He’s so close he can see that freckle near her eye. 
“By not asking about my call sign again, shoving that guy off me and the two points are for doing this,” she nods to him still stroking her wrist.
“Okay. Once you’re at ten will you let me know?”
“Sure. Where am I on your scale?”
“It’s always been a ten, y/n,” he gives her a crooked smile.
The sound of her name in context like that makes her heart flutter and when his eyes flicker down to her lips her breath catches. 
“Even when you hated me?”
“Even then.”
They stand there staring at each other, his hand still holding her wrist and it’s as if some magnetic pull or electric charge is pushing them together. He carefully brings his other hand up to cup her cheek, he rubs the apple of her cheek with his thumb. 
“You’re inching to an eight,” she whispers. 
His heart leaps and he shifts his face closer, tilting his head a slight bit more and he can feel her breath tickle his lips. 
He smiles then rubs his nose against hers.
“Nine and a half.”
“That only gets me a half a point?” he chuckles then brings the hand he’s using to rub her wrist to rest on his shoulder. Her palm flattens on his neck and she uses the slightest bit of pressure to bring his face closer to hers.
“It’s like G-LOC, you have to go slow before the impact.”
He’s about to ask her something else when the main entrance door opens and the incoming  laughter from Rooster and Coyote approaching forces them apart. The spell they were both under left them dizzy and flustered.
“Oh hey,” Rooster greets them. “Are you okay after what happened with that guy, Bright Eyes?”
“I’m good, thanks for tossing him out.”
“No one messes with our own,” Coyote responds. “See you guys tomorrow for the football game.” He turns into his room which is right next to y/n’s.
“C’mon Hangman, we need a good night’s sleep if we’re gonna be at the beach all day,” Rooster claps his hands on Jake’s shoulders pushing him down the hall.
“I wasn’t done saying good night–”
“Hangman says good night, Bright Eyes. You get some sleep too!” Rooster calls over his shoulder.
y/n laughs as the two men shove each other playfully down the hall. Jake looks back at y/n in disappointment and she waves him off with a shrug. When she goes into her apartment and closes the door, she leans against it and takes deep breaths. 
She and Jake almost kissed and now she’s going to have to endure seeing him shirtless and sweaty as they play football tomorrow. She’s not sure how long she can hold off.
y/n walks with Phoenix to the beach and she questions her about Hangman.
“We’re getting along,” y/n responds innocently with a shrug. 
“Oh please. I saw you two playing pool together last night. You were one step away from having sex.”
“What?!” y/n shrieks as they step onto the sand. “That is not true!”
“Rooster and Coyote thought so too. Even Bob.”
y/n raises her brows at that. Bob is the least involved in the drama that arises with everyone but he is more on the silent side so maybe he sees more than he lets on. 
“Caveman seems pretty pissed about it too,” Phoenix adds. 
“Yeah…that doesn’t surprise me. JJ’s protective because of…something else that happened.”
“Look, I’m glad you and Hangman are getting along. Deep down I think he could be decent. But we also call him Hangman for a reason. He’s improved on his flying by not leaving you high and dry but I don’t know about his ground level.”
“I know. Thanks for being concerned, Nat.”
Their conversation is cut short because they’ve joined the rest of their group. Maverick and Hondo are holding bags and the guys are just standing around talking. She finds Jake immediately and he gives a wink over Payback’s shoulder.
“y/n we should talk–” JJ starts suddenly next to her but then Hondo blows his whistle and he steps away. 
“All right, we’re gonna have some fun today so we’re playing flag football,” Maverick begins. “When I call your name, come and grab your blue flags. When Hondo calls you, you get a red flag.”
y/n and Jake are on opposite teams, she’s blue and he’s red. JJ is on Jake’s team and y/n notices him looking between Jake and y/n. Thankfully Jake still has his t-shirt on so she won’t be distracted.
“I won’t hold back on football,” Jake tells her as she’s putting on her flag belt. “I was quarterback in high school and a wide receiver at the Naval Academy.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” she asks airily. “I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve though, Seresin.”
“Oh really? Then this shall be mighty interesting,” he gives her a lopsided grin making his dimple appear. “I’ve got some tricks, too darlin’.”
Then he yanks off his t-shirt in one fluid motion and tosses it into the sand. She rolls her eyes when he stretches his arms across his chest then shakes them at his sides to loosen up. He looks at her expectantly and she knows he’s waiting for her eyes to slide over his well defined chest and happy trail that disappears beneath his basketball shorts but she resists. 
It’s taking all of her willpower to keep her eyes on his. 
“You’re back to an eight.”
“What? How?”
“For being cocky.”
“Oh come on!” He laughs and she turns to join her team that consists of Rooster, Phoenix and Fanboy. JJ gives her a look from across the way that she pointedly ignores.
The game is well and fun and soon they’re all sweating under the sun. It’s not long until y/n removes her own t-shirt while they take a water break. She’s very aware of Jake’s eyes on her as she adjusts the cups and strings of her swimsuit top.
He tries not to look, or at least make it so obvious, but when he catches a peek of the underside of her breast his mind goes wild. He notices a bird tattoo on the back of her left shoulder and that makes him even crazier. She smiles sweetly at him as they set up for the next play and he grins because he knows she’s checking him out now by the way her eyes rake over his sweat-and-sand covered torso.
Or when he and Coyote celebrated a touchdown by doing a little dance, he saw her looking his way and he smirked at her. 
It’s time for another play and they’re across from each other. Her eyes slide over his glistening muscles until landing on his eyes that are a lighter shade due to the bright blue sky and sun.
“You’re drooling, Bright Eyes,” he reaches over to try and wipe at her lip but she smacks his hand away.
“In your dreams, Seresin.”
“How’d you know I dream about you?” he smirks.
She rolls her eyes.
The ball is hiked and she runs past him to get the handoff of the ball from Phoenix. He whips around making a beeline for her. Everyone is shouting for her to keep running and his team is yelling for him to get her flags. He has longer legs than her so he catches up to her easily.
When he reaches for her flags and yanks, he doesn’t pay attention to their feet that somehow become entangled and they fall.
He twists his body and grips her hips so when they make impact, she lands on top of him and he gets the brunt of the fall. He grunts from the hardness of the sand and her knee that digs into his thigh. They’re both groaning and she lifts herself slightly off him, her hands are flat on his chest.
“This isn’t tackle,” she huffs, shifting to get off him completely. 
“Hold on,” he groans and she freezes.
“Are you hurt?” she asks in concern because his eyes are still closed.
“No,” he shakes his head then peeks at her through his eyes. “Wanna enjoy you on top of me for a bit longer.”
“Oh my God!”
“You’ve said that in my dreams, too,” he smirks and he rubs the skin of her back with his thumbs. 
“You’re unbelievable,” she shakes her head then scrambles off him. 
“You’ve said that, too,” he repeats, pushing himself up from the sand.
“Give me my flags back, Hangman.”
“Are you two done flirting yet?” Phoenix asks with her hand over her eyes to shield from the sun. 
“Yeah, let’s get back to it,” Rooster says, picking up the football.
Jake hands her back her flags and the game resumes play.
“I think saving you from that fall deserves two points,” he tells her when they’re situated across from each other again.
“That would put you at a ten, Sersin.”
“I know,” he wiggles his eyebrows. “I’m all for a victory kiss.”
Hondo blows the whistle and the ball is hiked once more. This time, Jake ends up with the ball with y/n following behind.
“Ow! Ow my ankle!” she screeches.
He turns around immediately, ready to carry her to the hospital if he has to.
“What happened?” He bends down to examine her ankle.
y/n snatches the ball from his hands then darts away from him shouting, “Gotcha!” and runs to the end zone resulting in her team winning. They all jump on her in their victory and Jake stares on with his hands on his hips in disbelief. She looks over at him with a shit eating grin and a twinkle in her eye. Then she does something unexpected and blows him a kiss.
He catches it then presses his fist with her kiss right over his heart as if it will heal the loss he’s experiencing. When she’s done celebrating with her team she skips over to him.
“That was some tactic,” he stares down at her.
“Told you I had some tricks.”
“You forgot one minor detail.”
“What’s that?”
“I always retaliate.”
Before she can ask what he means, he lifts her over his shoulders and runs into the water. She’s screaming and laughing behind his back and he drops her into the water. When she resurfaces she barrels into him and because he knows she wants to make him fall in the water, he lets himself get knocked down. 
Pretty soon, the rest of them come running in the water as well and a splash fight ensues. 
After the day at the beach and dinner at the Hard Deck with some piano singing done by Rooster, y/n and Phoenix head back to base to shower. 
“So,” Rooster sidles up to Jake by the dartboard. “What’s going on with you and Bright Eyes?”
“I don’t know,” Jake grins, spinning the dart between his fingers. “But it’s something.”
“Yeah we can all see that,” Rooster snorts. “Can barely stand being around you two.”
“Aw, you’ll find someone Rooster,” Jake pats his cheek affectionately. 
Payback, Fanboy and Bob join them with drinks and to watch them play darts and talk. From the corner of his eye, Jake notices JJ is glaring at him from across the bar.
When the night is over they all head back to base and Jake’s on a mission to find y/n. His first stop is in the common area and he finds her asleep on one of the couches. She’s tucked into herself with a pillow clutched against her chest, her lips are pursed and look so damn kissable it pains him.
He checks his watch, it’s only eleven o’clock and she’s already asleep? Was she waiting up for him or did she fall asleep watching a movie with Phoenix and  Phoenix just left her to sleep? He kneels down in front of her, hesitating before pressing his hand to her head and rubs at her hair. 
“y/n,” he murmurs gently and her nose scrunches in her sleep. “Jesus, how adorable are you? Hey, y/n…wake up.”
He speaks a little louder and strokes his thumb over her forehead and she’s gasping awake. Her eyes fly open and she shoots up from her perch against the couch.
“Jake? ‘At time izzit? Am I late for drills?” she rushes out.
“No, no, it’s still nighttime. You fell asleep in the common area.”
She blinks at him a few times then looks around him assessing her surroundings. She sinks back on the couch realizing she didn’t oversleep.
“Oh. So what time is it?”
“A little after eleven,” he cocks his head to the side in endearment. He’s still rubbing her hair and she makes no move to stop him.
“Want me to walk you to your apartment?”
“Mhm,” she nods tiredly, removing the pillow from her chest. 
He takes it from her tossing it to the other end of the couch and holds out his hands for her.
“Up you get Sleeping Beauty.”
“Shut up,” she grumbles but takes his hands anyway. 
“What made you so tired?”
“Being outside all day,” she yawns and shivers from her sleepiness.
“Good thing we have Sundays off. You should rest up tomorrow.” 
“That’s the plan. Big day on Monday, it’s the last exercise before Maverick chooses his team.”
“Are you nervous?”
“Yeah, but it’s also thrilling,” she smiles.
When they arrive at her door he leans against the door jamb watching her unlock and open it. 
“Thrilling is an excellent word,” he says but he thinks it pairs along with their relationship. 
Once she’s inside she keeps it open and moves to her couch. When she sits down she looks over at him expectantly. 
“You can come in,” she says.
“Really?” He stands up straight from the door jamb.
He looks up and down the hall waiting for someone to pop out and say ‘just kidding!’ but when no one does, he steps inside and shuts the door. y/n folds her legs underneath her.
“Are you going to stand there the whole time?” she snickers, grabbing the remote and turns on her tv. She places a blanket over her lap.
“I–what’s happening exactly?” he motions between them.
“You told me to rest up and I do that by watching movies and sleeping. I thought you could join me if you wanted.”
“Oh! Well, all right then. But um…I’m still sandy and sweaty from earlier. Can I go shower, change, and come back?”
She gives him a cute smile.
“Is Hangman nervous to spend a night with a girl?” she teases.
“You’re not just a girl, y/n,” he says seriously. “I don’t want the offer to go away if I leave.”
“Jake, when you come back you’ll be at a 9.5.”
“Really?” his face brightens. “How?”
“Come back and I’ll tell you,” she smiles.
“I’ll be right back.”
He runs as fast as he can to his apartment, rushes through a shower and changes into sweats and an old NAVY shirt. He usually sleeps in just his boxers but he knows better to push his luck right now. He makes sure he has his phone then grabs his pillow and a blanket. He tries to hide his heavy breathing from rushing when he’s back at her place. 
“Hi,” she smiles.
“Hi,” he glances at the tv. “The Goonies?”
“One of my favorites.”
“Mine too.”
She pats the space next to her and he settles on the couch adjusting his pillow and blanket.
“So,” he says once he’s situated, “how’d I go from an eight this afternoon to a 9.5?”
“Because I wanted to.”
They watched movies all night, commenting on the plot and actors. y/n falls asleep first at around three and Jake makes sure to turn the volume down so it doesn’t disturb her. 
When he woke up they somehow managed to be laying even closer together, she was draped over his chest with her left hand resting over his heart. Her face was so close that if he leaned in a couple inches he would have been able to kiss her forehead. 
He can’t believe they spent the night together and he also can’t believe how much he loves to watch her sleep. While he waits for her to wake up he selects some show to watch that he barely pays attention to. When she wakes up they make breakfast and watch more movies. 
The more time they’re alone, the more vulnerable he feels and it’s a very thrilling sensation. 
“How’s your wrist?” he asks while they’re lounging on the couch again. She’s laying across his chest again but twists her body so she’s facing him, her back to the tv.
She holds it up to his face. He touches the two small bruises with the pads of his fingers.
“Does it hurt?”
He runs his fingers over them once more then intertwines their fingers together so they’re holding hands. Their arms are twisted together and he rests their conjoined hands on his chest, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of her hand.
“I like this side of you.”
“What side?” He smiles leaning his head back on the couch. 
“This nice and soft side.”
“This is Jake. Hangman can’t be nice and soft.”
“I’ve seen it in both.”
“Guess you’re the only exception.”
He likes how she blushes at that.
Before they both know it, he’s got to head back to his apartment before anyone sees. They both need to take an early night because of the last drill tomorrow. 
“Thanks for having me over.”
“Thanks for the company. See you tomorrow,” she rises on her toes to give him a hug.
He’s a little delayed in hugging her back because he wasn’t expecting it. He holds her close and breathes her in.
“9.6 now,” she whispers and kisses his cheek.
He feels her kiss all night.
After the last drill they’re all standing in wait for Maverick to announce who’s joining him on this mission. y/n’s nerves are settling in, it’s a mixture of excitement to go and fear that she won’t. Thinking of Jake makes it even harder because her feelings are definitely growing. Maverick enters the room and they all stand to attention.
“You’ve all done exceptionally well. Your skills have become even more perfect but because of the dynamics of this mission, I had to pick those I thought would be daring and quick. It’s instinctual, intuitive. All of you are incredible pilots and I’m honored to fly with you.
“Flying with me will be Payback and Fanboy. The second team will be Bright Eyes and Hangman as team leader. We leave at 6:00 am for the carrier. Phoenix and Bob you will be on standby. Get some rest and we’ll see you in the morning.”
y/n’s stomach plummets. Has she actually earned this? She’s thrilled to go, she’s worked so hard but now with Jake flying too…will she be able to concentrate? Will she have flashbacks? She doesn’t have time to dwell on her thoughts for long because she’s being congratulated by everybody else. 
Except JJ who she watches stalk towards Jake and punches him in the face. 
There’s a rush of people breaking them apart as JJ tries to swing again and Jake tries to retaliate back but y/n is too stunned to speak or move. 
“What the hell?” Jake thunders still trying to get at JJ.
“I saw you leave y/n’s last night. You screwed her and you’re going to screw her over on this mission!”
“What are you talking about?” y/n snapped at him when she heard that. “Nothing happened, but it’s not your business anyway, Caveman.”
“You aren’t ready for this, y/n,” JJ approaches her and holds onto her shoulders. “I know you’re not. It’s too soon.”
“You’re out of line,” Jake says.
“y/n has earned this, her flying is impeccable,” Phoenix cuts in. “She’s tactical and anticipates everything.”
“JJ–” y/n starts.
“I already lost Henry, I can’t lose you, too,” JJ begs and y/n breathes in deeply. “And Hangman? Really y/n?”
“What exactly is your problem with me, Caveman?” Jake thunders.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Caveman,” y/n responds slowly and exits the room. She’s filled with all sorts of doubt now.
She’s not surprised when Jake is calling for her and he grabs onto her wrist turning her to face him. His cheek is red from where JJ hit him.
“Is there something going on between you and Caveman?” he heaves and she can see the hurt in his eyes even though he tries to hide it.
“No, of course not,” she shakes her head and he relaxes a little. “But he’s right. I’m not ready for this.”
“No, you are ready for this. You’ve been the best flier this whole time we’ve been training. You’re quick to react.”
“No, it’s too soon…I need to talk to Maverick–”
“Hey, hey,” he grabs her hand when she turns away. “Talk to me, what is this all about?”
Tears well in her eyes and that damn near breaks his heart.
“I can’t tell you here.”
“Then let’s go somewhere else.”
“No, I–I need to be alone for a while. I need to think. Come by my apartment in two hours, okay?”
She runs off before he can get another word in and he’s left in confusion. He touches the space below his eye and winces, Caveman packs a solid punch.
Two hours later Jake knocks on her door. She opens it then gasps when she sees the red swollen bruise on his face. 
“I’ve got quite the shiner,” he smirks but it’s strained because of the bruise. 
“Come in, have you put ice on it?” she asks moving to her fridge. She takes out an icepak.
“No, I’ve been worrying about you.”
Her motions still as she’s wrapping a towel around the pak. 
“Let’s sit down,” she motions to the couch. She places the ice pak on his eye once they are on the couch and he hisses at the impact. 
He replaces her hand with his to hold it to his face, his green eyes are full of questions. She takes a deep breath.
“JJ doesn’t think I’m ready because of Henry. Henry was his best friend since elementary school and they decided to join the Navy together. Then I met them at the Academy. His call sign was Condor. We became friends and then feelings formed. He’s the one who gave me the call sign of Bright Eyes because he said that when I looked at him, my eyes were always so bright.
“And I thought it was special because that’s what my Grandpa called me and he didn’t even know that. We were crazy about each other. Then we were doing an exercise that would result in one of us going on our very first mission. I ended up beating him but it was by pure luck. I didn’t feel ready but he kept telling me I deserved it.
“I didn’t feel right about it so I went to Captain Salvatore to set it straight. So, I told him what happened and that Henry should be the one to go, not me. He admired my honesty and complimented me on my flying and that I do deserve it. But I was adamant that I shouldn’t be on a mission I didn’t earn. Before Henry left, he told me he wanted to marry me. And then,” she takes in a deep breath, her eyes falling to her hands in her lap. 
“He went and I was on standby to help if needed. Things were going well and then three more enemies came out of nowhere. He tried to handle them all but couldn’t and the other team that was flying with him were all out of ammunition. His engines were hit and he still kept fighting. When he couldn’t eject, the levers wouldn’t pull. I think it was too much damage that the wires got burned. The last thing I heard was him saying my name and then…nothing.”
She covers her face as she cries and Jake hugs her to his chest, he drops the pak behind her on the couch. She cries on his shoulder and focuses on his breathing until she calms down. When she pulls back he wipes her tears.
“JJ and I were devastated. He tells me it’s not my fault but it is. It should have been me but I forced him to go and I told JJ I won’t date another pilot. I can’t go through that again and I can’t put someone else through that either.”
Jake cradles her face between his hands so she’s forced to look at him, his eyes are soft. 
“y/n, it is not your fault what happened to Henry. He was outnumbered and I bet he fought as hard as he could to get back to you.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’d fight my damndest to come back to you. And I will make damn sure you and I both come home tomorrow. You’ve earned this spot, y/n. I know it, Maverick knows it and Caveman knows it but he doesn’t want to lose you. He only wants you safe.”
“But Jake…I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happens to you.”
“Nothing will happen to me, sweetheart,” he smiles. “I’m a damn good pilot, remember?”
She lets out a watery laugh and wipes away more tears that have fallen. She stares at him then brings her hand to his bruised cheek. 
“I’m sorry JJ punched you.”
“I get why he did it now. I’d probably do the same if I was in his shoes.”
“Hm?” he hums closing his eyes and rests his cheek against her palm. 
“You’re at a ten.”
His eyes flash open and it takes him a second for what she said to sink in. When it does, he wastes no time in pressing his lips to hers. A jolt goes through the both of them, their kiss is desperate and full of wanting and longing. His fingers shift into her hair, his tongue traces her bottom lip before she opens her mouth. 
She moans when their tongues meet, her hands are rubbing at his neck and shoulders then rises on her knees so she can get more of him. He removes his hands from her hair, dropping them to the backs of her thighs so he can swing her onto his lap. She molds perfectly against him, her hips shifting over his.
He groans and breaks their kiss.
“My willpower is hanging by a very thin thread,” he pants sliding his hands to her ass. Her fingers are caressing all over his face and into his hair, being mindful of the cheek that is bruised. “But if you tell me you don’t want to go further…I’ll leave right now.”
“No, I don’t want you to leave,” she knocks her forehead on his.
“What do you want?” He tilts his head forward so he can peck her lips. 
“I want you,” her nails scratch at his unbruised cheek and she rolls her hips on him again.
“God, I want you too,” he huffs and kisses her again. 
They’re panting heavily in each other’s mouths, hands exploring and hips meeting hips before he rises from the couch. She squeals and squeezes his biceps so she doesn’t fall backwards.
“I got you baby,” he murmurs, moving them towards her bedroom.
The setting sun is glowing through the blinds so he can see where he’s going and doesn’t risk tripping. With their lips still connected, he sets her down on her bed gently. She scoots to the center of it pulling him with her by the collar of his shirt. He crawls over her, straddling her between his legs and her hands are frantic as she scurries to get his shirt off. 
Their lips smack apart so he can remove it, he tosses it somewhere behind him. When he goes in to kiss her again, he pauses because her bottom lip is caught between her teeth as her eyes–and hands–rake over his chest. Her touch is light on his muscles, her thumb circles around his belly button then dips below the waistband of his shorts. He sucks in a breath when her nails tickle his skin, she’s so close to touching him where he’s only dreamed about. 
“You’re so…” she shakes her head and groans when she drags her hands up his stomach again. Her eyes follow her motions until her fingers interlock behind his neck and she sees the hungry desperation in his eyes that she’s sure is mirroring hers.
“Perfect,” she whispers. 
And then he’s kissing her again, his arm pulling her to him by her back, his grip is hot and tight and she needs to be closer. She sits up a little forcing him back so she can remove her own shirt. He watches silently and her heart is hammering in her chest when his eyes rake over her naked chest. 
Jake cups her left breast in his hand, gives her a look and then attaches his lip to her nipple. She sighs at the feeling and falls back against her pillows. His tongue swirls and flicks in perfect precision but when his teeth nip at the bud, that’s when she whimpers. Her fingers fly into his hair and he shifts to the next breast, she opens her eyes to watch as his mouth suctions on her breast. She moans again and he groans at the sound. 
He moves his lips down her stomach, his tongue licking along the waistline of her cotton shorts and his eyes glance up at her. His fingers slip beneath the waistline and her hips lift off the bed so he can remove them and her underwear. He tosses those somewhere behind him as well and slides down the bed so he’s at her center. 
“You’ve no idea how long I’ve wanted a taste of you,” he exhales spreading her legs up and open so he’s in the middle of them. He looks up at her. “May I?”
“Mhm, yes,” she nods frantically and he smiles. 
His arms wrap around her thighs, his fingers holding a firm grip as he hovers his lips over the inside of her thighs in a teasing manner. His nose nudges at her pussy lips and he spreads her open with a wide swipe of his tongue. She sighs at the warm sensation and he smiles. He uses his nose again then attaches his whole mouth to her, his tongue skilled and precise as he licks through her folds. 
The sounds he’s making are sinful and pleasing to her ears and when he gets to a certain spot, her fingers fly to his hair to keep him there.
“Right there,” she whimpers. He removes one hand from her thigh so he can slip in a finger, he’s slow and tactical as he works his finger into his knuckle. “Shit!.” 
His mouth and finger work in tandem, gliding in and out so effortlessly. It’s when he hooks his finger deep inside her and rubs is when she loses it. She’s moaning and whimpering as he continues to work her over. He hums and the vibrations roll up her body and into her stomach where she feels her release approaching. His tongue and lips work furiously to get her to her peak.
“Come for me baby, I know you’re almost there,” he huffs. “C’mon.”
She’s breathing heavily, one hand fisting the sheet while the other holds onto his hair. She yanks and pulls as her body folds over and her sweet orgasm warms her whole body. She’s moaning his name and other incoherent words but she doesn’t care, she chases the feeling he’s giving her. 
When her stomach recoils and she falls back against her pillows, he slows his ministrations and slowly pulls his finger out. He gives her pussy one last lick then lifts his head. y/n looks at him through bleary eyes, his hair is mussed and his chin is glistening with her orgasm. His green eyes are dark as he holds her gaze and licks her off his finger. 
“How was that?” he asks.
“So good,” she pants, “so, so good.” 
He smiles and crawls his way back over her, she welcomes him on top with her legs around him and his tongue swiping inside her mouth. She can taste the tanginess of her in his mouth and it makes her hips buck. She works on pushing his shorts down and he kicks them off, his cock is warm and hard against her thigh. 
“Ohh,” she moans feeling him press against her. 
“Want me to fill you up, darlin’?” he peppers kisses along her jaw and below her ear and she holds him close.
“Please, yes, Jake,” she says and nips at his ear lobe. 
“D’you have a condom?” he gives a hard suck to her neck.
“Drawer. Bedside table.”
He stretches his body over to open the drawer. While he’s ruffling inside to find a box or a condom by itself, y/n is biting at his shoulder and strokes his cock in her hand. He flinches at the contact and finally finds the condom. He tears it open with his teeth then leans back so he can roll it on. 
They fall back to her pillows together, his arms caging her in. she touches his bruised cheek gently and he situates himself between her legs. Her hand slips between their bodies until she grabs his shaft and guides him in. When his tip nudges between her folds and adds the slightest pressure of pushing inside, she gasps. 
“Okay?” he asks stilling his hips.
“Mhm, just takes a minute, that’s all,” she smiles.
They work together until he’s fully sheathed inside, her pussy lips quiver and clench around him in adjustment and he begins to rock. Her hands find his hair, her breathing is ragged as he fucks in and out of her slowly. It builds the climax even more by going slow, their gazes never leaving each other because this could very well be their one and only time together before the mission. 
y/n places her hands on the lower part of his back.
“Faster,” she sighs. 
He shifts his body so the back of her thighs are on top of his, it gives him more leverage to thrust in a quicker pace. Her mouth opens at the new position and the quick snap of his hips against hers. He’s hitting in the right space, faster and faster until she’s clenching him again and she feels her body heat up. Her stomach coils and when she comes again, she drags his mouth over hers to hide the loud moan she exudes. Their bodies rock and knock together until he’s coming as well, he buries his face in her neck and she laughs lightly in his ear. 
“Wow,” she breathes, fingers playing in his hair and exploring the muscles in his back. 
They lay there for a while, letting their pulses slow to a regular beat again. Once they do, they curl up in each other’s arms and watch as the sun disappears on the wall. 
“Thanks for telling me about Henry,” he kisses her head. 
“Thanks for waiting.”
They're silent as they get ready in the morning to go on the carrier. To save time, they shower together and it’s intimate as they wash each other off. 
“I’ve got you up there, no matter what, all right?” he tells her before they leave her door. 
“I know. I do too,” she says. 
He bends down and gives her one final kiss before they have to act professional in front of everybody else. 
Once at the carrier, they’re debriefed on the mission once more, reiterating how dogfighting is going to be imminent upon takeoff. Maverick is good at letting them know where the next ones are coming in on, and y/n notices two are tailing Hangman. She flies near him and sets her missiles on them accordingly, one of them lets smoke in the air fly but she won’t give up.
Maverick circles back in assistance and they both shoot the enemy down. It’s a long and hard fight, with all of them rescuing each other at least twice. 
“Bright Eyes, there’s one coming right at you, I’m on my way,” Hangman says. 
y/n tries to find it but she’s blocked by the sun, then Hangman is next to her and motions her to pull back. She does and he zooms in front of her with Maverick on her left and they both shoot the Mig down. They’re all cheering over the radio and Cyclone orders them to fly back to the carrier. 
Once they’re all landed, Jake runs towards her jet and helps her down so he can remove her helmet and give her a long, hard kiss. There’s some whistles and catcalls from their team but they don’t care. 
“I almost thought I was a goner at one point,” he tells her.
“Me too,” she says. “I’ve always got your six, Hangman.”
“And I’ll be your wingman anytime, Bright Eyes,” he grins. “I’ll do anything to see those shining eyes.”
Taglist: @coolbabyjacket​
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