#they're able to hit upon the idea to try‚‚‚ dating each other
razzle-zazzle · 2 years
Ramble about more Dion x Morris x Gisu plz
Okay okay so. In my other post I mentioned having a lot of thoughts on how they get together.
ahaha this got longer than i expected it to so under a cut it goes
So. We've got Dion and Gisu making googoo eyes at each other. They've kind of discussed what's going on between them, and they've kind of just mutually hooked up without really talking about it because they're both interested and soft romantics and dumb teenagers. Morris and Gisu are friends, and Morris is becoming friends with Raz and Queepie; this creates plenty of opportunities for Morris and Dion to interact.
It takes a while, for Dion and Morris' idiot rivalry to crystalize into a friendship. Takes a while for Dion's annoyance and Morris' dares to turn into camaraderie, for their challenges and arguments to become a way to let off steam and break away from their responsibilities. But once they do, they start hanging out in more casual settings, start interacting on more even ground.
It starts when Dion's going through a routine, and Morris decides to catcall him, knowing that it'll annoy Dion to no end. He's right. He's so right about how much it annoys Dion that he does it again the next day, whooping and hollering obnoxiously.
"Oh, you want a piece of this, Martinez? Not my fault if I'm making you swoon!"
...Dion responds in kind. It throws Morris off for a second—but only a second before he shoots back with a "Well why don't you come over here, and show me up close?"
Gisu finds the fake flirting hilarious. She's laughing. Dion and Morris are trying to one-up and fluster each other in the most obnoxious way possible and she's laughing. She lives for the chaos, lives for banter and bickering and fighting that isn't serious in the end. And it really isn't serious—it's two idiots reciting sappy poetry and posturing like peacocks in an effort to one-up each other. It's Gisu occasionally pitching in a comment of her own about something sweet Dion did for her just to needle Morris. It's amusing to everyone else to watch these two idiots be idiots.
But Morris and Dion are not good at deescalating. They're not good at really knowing how to stop, once they get going. Not yet. And this isn't the kind of contest with a conclusive ending.
The shenanigans continue, along with all of the other stupid dares that Dion and Morris get up to—they're not doing the fake flirting all the time, and are generally just spending more time together as friends. The fake flirting has got a definite "Oh you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" feel to it. But ironically. Completely ironically, they swear. The other junior agents get annoyed after a while, but similarly write it off as a dumb little challenge that'll peter out eventually,,,,, hopefully,,,,
And then it isn't ironic. It hits Morris suddenly, the realization that Dion's voice makes him want to throw and kiss the acrobat in the same breath. It hits him suddenly, in the middle of an unrelated conversation, his brain making the connection.
It takes Dion a little longer to realize. A little longer to have his "oh god I want to punch him in the mouth,,, with my mouth" moment. When he does, it hits him like a truck.
This is the part where things get awkward. Oh, sure, it's hilarious that Dion & Morris essentially bamboozled themselves into Having Feelings For Each Other, but let's not forget Gisu! Morris doesn't want to ruin his friendship with her, Dion still has feelings for her and doesn't want to just break it off with her just because he went and fell for someone else at the same time. He may be a dumbass, but even he can recognize that that's a jerk move.
So. We hit the awkward awful drama part. The part where Dion and Morris both hit upon the conclusion to just. ignore the fact that there is a mutual romantic attraction between them. Except now their interactions have become stilted, awkward, edging into bitter, their bickering sliding into genuine arguments because they're angry with each other and themselves over the whole situation. Because they're teens who aren't sure how to interact with each other now—they're making a bigger deal out of this then it really is, but it still is a substantial shift in their dynamic that they're not sure how to handle.
As for Gisu? Oh, it was hilarious in the beginning. She was living for the chaos. But now it's just... awkward. The guy she likes to hang out with and impress and kiss and her best friend can't talk to each other without getting in a genuine argument or shutting down. It's no longer fun for the three of them to hang out together, and Gisu can't stand it.
She pulls Dion aside because if there was ever a time for a serious talk, this is it. He affirms that he still likes her, and Gisu's still interested in him, but—
She wonders if maybe they should just try to settle into being friends. Maybe it'd be better if the three of them all shelved romance for now. After all, she's pretty sure that her and Dion being all sappy and trying to impress each other is just going to be a summer fling in the end, right? The Aquatos will leave to travel again, and Dion will run into some other pretty guy or girl and try to impress them.
But Gisu's a romantic idealist at heart, so she just kisses Dion and tells him she'll talk to Morris. And then he and Morris will talk, and work out whatever is going on between them. And everything will work out, because Gisu would much rather everything work out.
Gisu talks to Morris. He doesn't want "whatever I've tricked myself into having for Dion" to get between them. He just wants to get back to his radio station and put all of the drama behind them.
And it looks like it'll work! The three of them hang out—it starts out awkward, but then Gisu brings up how much she wants to try skating atop the Motherlobe, and suddenly Dion and Morris are encouraging her and helping her plot her way up there and Morris mentions he'll bring the camera and it's almost exactly like how the three of them interacted before all of this drama. It's great, and Gisu's having a good time—
She doesn't quite catch the exact moment it all fell apart. In hindsight, she'll remember that something Dion said must have rubbed Morris the wrong way, and Morris snapped back a sly little insult, and it must have devolved from there. But in the moment, it felt like Gisu was on top of the world one second, and then Dion and Morris were at each other's throats the next.
Gisu intervenes. It devolves into a three-way shouting match; Morris and Dion are shouting at each other, Gisu's shouting at them both for being immature, they're yelling at her to get out of it. Dion ends up going back to his family's camp angry and bitter. Morris' shoulders are hunched, his thoughts a low, jarring static to Gisu's senses. Gisu huffs and leaves to go skate her frustration off.
But Gisu's an idealist, like I said. She's stubborn, and she doesn't want to just give up just because things got a little heated. So she goes to Otto for advice. And then Milla. And she takes the time to think, and plan, and comes to a conclusion two days of Dion and Morris outright avoiding each other later.
"Right." Gisu drags them both out to a quiet little spot in the Questionable Area. "I'm not dealing with your awkward bullshit any longer. None of us are leaving this spot until we've worked," She gestures vaguely at all three of them, "this out. So. Start talking."
And that's where it starts. The conversation meanders, at first, with Morris and Dion dancing around the real issue until Dion caves and outright says that he likes both of them. A lot.
"And shit, I'm sorry for screaming at you." Dion adds, his eyes locked on the ground as he cringes. "I don't want to be fighting with you all the time. Not like that."
And Morris returns the sentiment. He's happy so long as he's got K.L.O.B. running, so long as he's still got his friends.
"But enough of this sappy junk." Morris waves a hand dismissively. "K.L.O.B.'s not going to run itself." He shrugs, affecting as casual an attitude as he can manage. "I'm fine with losing out to Gisu on the romance front anyway—that ship has clearly sailed."
"But what if romance didn't have to be a two-player game?"
Ah, yes, Gisu's sappy little heart and it's sappy little idealism.
Dion makes a soft noise somewhere between an inhale and a squeak, looking at Gisu with a look she can't parse. Morris blinks, equally caught off guard.
Gisu wonders if maybe she should backtrack.
She doesn't.
"I mean, I like Dion, you like Dion, and—and romance is just love and communication, right?" She shrugs. "So maybe we could..." She's not sure where she's going with this, but her mouth is moving faster than her brain can keep up. "Maybe it doesn't have to be a two-player game."
Dion makes a soft noise. “So we just all date each other? The three of us?”
“Maybe not all three of us.” Morris offers. “Maybe me and Gisu both date you? We could probably work out a timetable.”
And that's how it starts :]
Obviously they're not perfectly aligned right then and there—they spend some more time talking, trying to figure out what they want. Dion and Morris go on a date atop the waterrise ("first one to the top wins!" "oh, you're on."), and then Gisu drags Dion off for a "skatedate." Morris and Gisu request permission to go out to town and then go watch a movie together, trying to figure out if they're even interested in each other. The three of them hang out like they normally do, any awkwardness lingering in the air disappearing as they settle into a comfortable dynamic.
They don't tell anyone what's going on, not right away. They're all still trying to figure everything out themselves, sort-of sort-of-not dating while trying to get their bearings. Gisu and Dion do research on polyamory at the local library together. Morris subtly (read: very unsubtly) broaches the topic to Milla, asking her what she thinks of it. Milla correctly intuits what's going on and reminds Morris that "communication and consent are the basis of a healthy relationship."
So everyone (except Milla) initially assumes that Dion & Gisu are still dating, and whatever was going on with Dion & Morris has been worked out. Everything's back to normal, no need to worry about the rest of the junior agents being dragged into the drama.
Morris and Gisu and Dion slowly settle into a relationship. They have a few small fights, early on, a few disagreements as they slowly work out their new dynamic. Every time, they return to the same spot in the Questionable Area to hash it out. They're not perfect. But they're willing to work for it, all three of them.
They're still working out how to go about announcing it—Dion does want to tell his parents, he's still looking for the words—still working out how to explain it, when Norma, looking for Gisu to get her help with an assignment, finds Gisu and Morris having a picnic together, unambiguously making out.
It goes about as well as you'd expect.
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urlocallesbiab · 1 year
ok folks, inspired by This Post (thank you for inspiration and ideas, @agent-p-94/@generalized-incompetence!), i present to you:
brotzly fake dating couple's therapy au; in the form of tumblr messages/a campfire story/an unwitten fic rundown
me: the thing is, they'd PASS
within 10 minutes of knowing each other they'd get so PISSED OFF it'd fill up an entire therapy session
just "YOU NEVER SHUT UP" and "YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME" and "I'VE NEVER MET A DUMBER PERSON" and "I'M SICK TO DEATH OF YOU CRITIQUING MY MUSIC TASTE" and "YOUR DRIVING SKILLS ARE GOING TO GET US KILLED I SWEAR TO GOD" nonstop rapid-fire with therapist barely able to squeeze a "gentlemen, please!" inbetween
and then they'd stumble out of the building and LAUGH, laugh so hard they'd be clinging to each other near falling to the ground, todd croaking that this is the best stress-release activity he'd done in YEARS, dirk clutching his stomach and crying and highlighting the best of todd insults
both would admit this is the BEST first date ever and schedule the next therapy session
every time they'd spend like 10-30 minutes getting to know each other better, and then full 45 just kvetching, sometimes just YELLING at the top of their lungs to their hearts' delight at the therapist office
agent: The best of Todd insults!!! Omg
They just argue nonstop anyway it's just a space to do that
me: and one day dirk would bring in rings, just plain metal ones (but no one has to know), justify that well, if this is a marriage ruse we might as well up our game, right? but he'd be weirdly skittish and self-conscious about it, like he's overstepping an invisible boundary; but todd would be *down* for it — he would be down for most of dirk's stupid bullshit, it's been so long since he's done any proper good shenanigans, since his life was even half this fun!
and then he'd try on the ring and laugh again because it *doesn't fit*, and dirk would get half-jokingly defensive that he didn't know his size!!, and todd would let him take the measuremnts (bc for what purpose would he know his own ring finger size), and dirk's breath would catch holy and uncomfortably
next time, dirk would get him a good, fitting ring, and it'd make weird things shift in his stomach
agent: OR it would be the RIGHT size, holistically
And he's like well I have to wear it now
And maybe they actually stumble upon something real in the middle of it - Dirk is going full monologue about the dishwasher and he says something and todd stops yelling back and looks unusually affected and is like wait...really? And then they just stare at each other for a minute and Todd is like ...I never knew that. And then they stare some more. And then the therapist is like ummm our time is up? I'm just gonna... Go? And then they're really quiet on the drive home but the next morning they have a new understanding
it's silent the whole ride, but just before he drops dirk off (dirk had been BANNED from the wheel since their first date/session) he goes "so, this..... [dryly, as not to disturb, sums up dirk's thing] it's real?"
dirk, usually so talkative, just helplessly shrugs, then shakes his head at himself, then somberly nods a few times, confirming that yes.
todd puts a hand on his knee and goes "dude. this is messed up. i'm so sorry."
dirk just nods some more, tearing up, because even though the words are simple, he's never heard anyone say them, never dared to share, and it hits him so deeply and painfully to be finally validated
he stumbles home, and cries for the whole evening, and feels lighter than usual afterwards
agent: The tragicomedy of falling in love with your own husband...........
me: i think for WORST results they agree it's just a fun platonic thing for shits and giggles before they meet up for the first time
and like, in the therapist's office they're this TERRIBLE couple who HATES each other, and outside of it they're just two guys being dudes, and romance, even fake, exists only in glimpses and doorways, and when the pit of longing opens, there's utterly nothing to stuff in it but stolen glances.
farah is the same therapist's normal patient with actual mental health issues she's trying to work through, and when they meet her in the waiting lobby for the first time they UTTERLY FAIL to convince her that their shtick is real, so they resort to *begging* her not to sell them out, and even though she's really on the fence about the whole thing and is unsure if it's morally okay to do, she gives in to dirk's Professional Puppy Eyes
after a while she gets unashamedly invested and demands they fill her in on the newest lies
maybe in one of dirk's bluffs/"attempts to hone the backstory" he invites himself to todd's apartment to better learn his habits and where he lacks in his homesteading
("well, when do i get to learn what chores do *you* fuck up?" todd asks playfully
"oh, just all of them!" dirk answers nonchalantly
in truth, he just doesn't want todd to see his barely lived-in, depressinly dirty short-term rented apartment. in the time dirk's been here, this city hasn't started feeling any more like a home.
in truth, dirk posted that stupid craigslist ad on his first week here, drunk and lonely and in mood for hijinks and out of his mind desperate for human connection; todd was actually looking for some simple one-off jobs to earn some quick buck, but couldn't resist a Stupid Idea when it dangled itself in his face)
todd gives him a quick tour, dirk half-heartedly criticizes the 3 dirty dishes in the sink and the mildly overflowing laundry hamper, and then for most of the evening they drink beer and play card games with todd's trusty ratty 10 years old deck that misses a jocker and a two of hearts (they decide to forgo the twos altogether) but overall is fine, dirk teaches him a couple of weird local games he'd picked up over the years, then tries to do card tricks but gets half of them wrong, they laugh a lot, todd makes grilled cheese, dirk says that if they ever feel the need to add a dash of appreciation into their sessions — just for some contrast and zest — then he'll admit that he *adores* todd's cooking, todd smiles bashfully and says man that's just some grilled cheese it's not that big of a deal
they pass out on the couch together, and dirk wakes up with a sore neck, sour mouth, and entangled limbs, and feels so at peace and right, and doesn't move, wishes for todd to sleep for longer, just so they could stay like this
then they find out todd doesnt have a spare toothbrush, so dirk has to make do with some gum while todd apologizes profusely
todd's got a shift in the late morning, so they do an awkward half-hug with back-patting, and dirk leaves
when dirk's getting himself a late breakfast at the corner store, he almost buys himself a toothbrush to keep in todd's apartment; then discards the thought; then buys it anyway, but tells himself it's a spare one for his own home, for when he'll need to throw the old one out. he never brings up the toothbrush thing around todd.
also he thinks it's a shame he couldn't brush his teeth, because then he could've kissed todd without worrying about bad breath; he discards that thought even quicker and farther
during one of the sessions, todd accidentaly makes a comment that actually gets to dirk, that makes him feel self-conscious and inadequate and upset
after they've done for the day, dirk asks if this is how todd *really* feels about him?.. todd says no, of course not! all of this is in good fun, just a friendly yelling match. he'd never say *anything* with an actual intention to hurt dirk; now that dirk brought that comment up, todd's never going to repeat it
"you seem like a good guy, you know? i genuinely like you," todd says
dirk feels very very warm
and maybe they sometimes spend time after the sessions too, and sometimes even on free days, just hanging out, relaxed and having fun, enjoying the company
and maybe one day it goes a little too well, and dirk gets a little too brave, and admits to todd that he's started feeling some kind of romantic interest, and asks if he would maybe like an actual date some other time
todd snaps at him.
tells dirk that he's only seen glimpses of todd, that these joke-sessions and little hang-outs show almost nothing of the real him, that he's a *mess*, that dirk doesn't know what he's getting himself into and should back off, that todd's a horrible person who's not worth the trouble
dirk tries to get to him, but todd gets even more defensive, even more closed off, pushes him away, makes that awful painful comment he'd promised he wouldn't say.
they don't show up for the next session.
dirk mops by the building on the scheduled day anyway, because he dislikes his routines disrupted when it's not him doing that, and because he's got nowhere to go, and because he secretly hopes todd will come around anyway (he doesn't.)
he meets farah after her actual session: she's had a Bad one today and is distraught, and dirk suggests they get hammered together. farah thinks it's an unhealthy coping mechanism, but after all of 15 seconds of deliberating she agrees
then she cries into his shoulder about her family and expectations and failed police exams and that she's a *failure* and will never get better, and he shakes her by the shoulders and near-yells that she's AMAZING, and fuck her family, and all cops are bastards anyway! she gets affronted and mentions her brothers and father, then realizes those people Are fucking bastards, then laughs and agrees with dirk and cries some more
dirk spills his entire conundrum, start to finish, only 5 useless tangents for the length of the whole thing which is not too bad of a ratio by his own measures, and farah tells him that todd's bullshit is Bullshit, capital B! if therapy taught her *anything* is that any person is capable of change ("you don't need to change yourself though," dirk pipes up; "YEAH, IM FUCKING PERFECT!" farah answers triumphantly), that this is just stupid excuses for excuses! (yeah!) and if dirk thinks that *farah*, with All her failures and fuck-ups, is not a lost cause (of course not!), then neither is todd! (damn, you're making a point!)
they swap some more personal stories, farah almost has a lesbian crisis in front of him but decides to throw up instead, and they leave the bar mostly in good spirits
dirk sleeps all of it off, but the next morning, even though Severely Hangover, he is no less determined.
he stakes out todd's apartment building (he did drop him off the first time; and even though he doesn't remember the adress for shit after all this time, he Luckes Out [after stubbornly cruising the general area for two hours straight])
and confronts him. tells todd that their friendship has been meaningful for dirk, no matter how little todd might think of it. (todd winces. he doesn't say it, but all of this was close to his heart too; he never meant to come off like he did, save for coming clean as an asshole; he *does* care about dirk, rather unreasonably much.) that dirk doesn't ask todd to give *him* a chance, but give *himself* a chance. that no person is irredeemable.
todd is eerily quiet. he invites dirk in, makes him some tea. sits silently at the table for a few minutes. and then, it all spills out: what he'd done to his band, to his *sister*, to himself; what a true actual hopeless horrible Asshole he is. he gets almost angry halfway through, voice rising, — either at dirk or at himself, it's not clear. dirk sits it all out. tells todd that is isn't the worst it could've been. todd begins to snap at him, but bites his mouth, and just buries his head in his arms, hiding. his head is so very heavy. dirk gives him a small solemn lecture about how past perfomance is not a predictor of future results, how it's never late to just *stop* being an asshole. how he's dirk's friend, how he's been kind to him, and dirk trusts him to continue to be kind, to build his life forward. ("*kind* to you? after i'd said that [hurtful thing] — the second time, *deliberately?" todd is bitter and baffled. "i forgive you for it. that's what friends do." dirk says like it's obvious). dirk places his trust in todd. todd struggles to process all that, he just lies on the table neither crying nor breathing; dirk talks to fill up the space, and to make good use of his trust. he tells todd all about his childhood trauma, in great, visceral detail, like he's pulling his guts out; he starts crying halfway through. todd hugs him really, really hard, and doesn’t let go for a while.
todd promises he'll come clean to amanda. dirk promises he'll start looking into therapy for his cptsd. they promise to each other they're friends, best friends.
they come in for the last fake-session with that therapist, just to tie a pretty bow on this whole thing: to tell them they're finally getting divorced, and will not require their services anymore. poor person breaks with an actual heavy sigh of *relief*.
dirk starts seeing a new therapist — not this one, thankfully; farah recommends him an old one she used to work with. she couldn't quite find a good rhythm with him, but she thinks he might be a nice match for dirk. he ends up being exactly that.
todd isn't yet ready for therapy, and dirk is accepting of that. amanda's not talking to him anymore, and he's *not* taking it in stride, but he's holding up as best as he can, and dirk holds his hand through it.
they do have an Actual Date with Romantic Intenstions — it goes remarkably well, even though they bicker for half the duration of it. it's all in good fun <3
they don't wear the rings anymore, but keep them as a memento; both feel weirdly sentimental about them. dirk does finally buy a new toothbrush for himself to keep in todd's apartment.
farah does end up having a lesbian crisis in front of her therapist, the one that todd and dirk have been torturing. poor soul.
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lovinkiri · 3 years
If The Roles Were Reversed || One
UA!Dabi x Reader
UA!Shigaraki x Reader
UA!Toga x Reader
UA!Twice x Reader
UA!Compress x Reader
Author's Thoughts: Okay so I was just thinking, what if the LOV were seniors in UA, and emotionally stable enough to not be villains, and ekvekbd
Warning: Swearing, Scratching, etc.
Touya Todoroki (Dabi)
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People couldn't help but stare at the two of you. You knew it was because of your boyfriend though, who was used to the stares by now.
"What happened to him?"
"They really let guys like that in the hero course? Look at the scarred face."
"The whole course looks like a group of villians, I'm not surprised."
You went to speak out. I mean, it wasn't his fault his quirk was self destructive. Though he was taking courses in Quirk Control, the scars he'd gotten before enrolling in UA stuck.
But before you could utter a word, Dabi sighed and wrapped an arm around you, giving the gossips a look that could scare a pro.
"Don't worry about it, babe. It's alright. I just wish they'd say it to my ugly scarred face." He spoke loudly and sarcastically, raising his voice even more towards the end.
You huff and glare at the already scared freshmen. "I just wish they'd take a look in the mirror themselves."
And now they were scared and offended.
You look back to Dabi and sigh. "You know you're sexy, right Touya?" You raise an eyebrow, Dabi snickering at how serious the question was asked.
"Can't look that bad if I've got such a cute little thing on my arm." He smirked, watching as you immediately got flustered.
"Y-Yeah, c'mon." You pull him to class, Dabi chuckling.
Upon entering the classroom, he immediately looked to Shigaraki. "Hey, Crusty."
Shigaraki glared at the Dabi. "Morning, Crispy."
With Shigaraki, you let it slide. You knew this was their way of being friendly to each other. Then Toga came bounding over, hugging you from behind.
"Hi, Touya! Morning, Y/n!" She grinned. Dabi scoffed and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "It's Dabi."
"You let Y/n call you Touya!"
"Are you Y/n?"
"Okay then, Crazy."
You laugh and smile. It was never boring, being with Dabi.
Tomura Shigaraki
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He sighed and looked at you, drowning out the rest of the hero course. You walked over with your lunch and plopped down next to him, slapping his hand away from his neck. "You're scratching again. I know it's a bad habit but-"
Tomura rose an eyebrow, wondering what caused your silence. Then he followed your gaze to his hands.
Before he could speak, you broke out into a grin. "You got your new gloves! Now we can hold hands!"
Sighing once more, he shrugged. "I don't get why its such a big deal. You were more excited than I was."
He was lying. He was secretly just as excited. The thought of holding your hands, running his fingers through your hair, holding you without having to be careful of his fingers. He couldn't wait.
You kissed his cheek and laid your head against his shoulder. "Can we hold hands later?" You asked looking up at him with irresistible eyes.
"You don't have to ask, you know." He grumbled as he wrapped an arm around you. The rest of the hero course let out either genuine or sarcastic awww's.
"Its not fair. How did Shigaraki start dating before any of us?" Toga asked with a pout. Dabi snorted in laughter. "They like 'em crusty and flaky."
Tomura glared at him. "Better crusty than charred and burnt." He retaliated.
Dabi gave a lazy grin. "Oi, I'm not burnt. I'm crispy."
The entire table, not including Tomura, devolved into laughter. Tomura rolled his eyes, laying his cheek against the top of your head. "Idiots. They're all idiots."
You smiled. "Please. You love 'em."
"Tch. Whatever." He huffed.
Himiko Toga
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You waited by the school gates patiently for Himiko. You knew she was probably getting some new upgrades to her hero costume, so you didn't mind.
"Y/n, Y/n!"
You turned and Himiko jumped into your arms. Thankfully, you were able to wrap your arms around her and steady yourself. This wasn't the first time so you had practice.
Grinning, she wrapped her arms around your neck. "Hey, your reflexes are getting better!" She pointed out.
You smiled and chuckled in at the remark. "Thank to you. You seem more excited than usual."
"Oh yeah! I got this awesome new upgrade." She said proudly. Pulling away from the embrace and instead holding your hand, she started to pull you along.
"Yeah? What is it?" You asked, tilting your head. Himiko proceeded to go into a detailed ramble about her upgrade, her free hand making exaggerated motions.
You couldn't help but admire how her eyes seemed got so much brighter. It was obvious she was excited to test it out.
Others who weren't used to seeing you guys around stared, but minded their business as you glared at them. You weren't gonna let anyone bring her down. Knowing people already whispered about how odd she seemed in the school hallways, you'd decided she didn't need to hear that outside of school too.
"And so it'll be easier to shift between forms!" She finished, looking at you, looking for your approval.
Kissing her cheek, you chuckled. "That sounds amazing. And it was your idea?" You grinned as she enthusiastically nodded. "Yeah! Of course, you inspired me! Remember last week when you said it'd been cool if I could switch between forms more freely?"
Your expression morphed into confusion. "Huh? That was a month ago."
She shrugged. "A week, a month, a year! It's all the same!"
Laughing softly, you nodded. "Sure, Himiko."
Jin Bubaigawara (Twice)
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Jin smiled as you pulled his mask on, trying to nuzzle into your hands.
"Jin- I can't get it on when you do that." You chuckled, a smile tugging at your own lips. "I don't see why you couldn't put your own mask you."
"Because I like it when you're near me! Stop asking questions." He responded, pulling you closer by your lower back.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you quickly pecked his lips before fully getting the mask on. "You a sweetheart, you know that?"
He nodded. "I know!" Then quickly shook his head. "I have no idea what you mean."
"Right. Well, be careful at training today. I think they're gonna make you fight Dabi." You warned. You knew Jin was strong but Dabi was something else. Losing usually made him fight harder. And sometimes, he lost himself.
"Oh please, that's nothing. Nothing but a death wish! He's still pissed at me for spilling juice on him at lunch today!" Your boyfriend began pacing, holding his head dramatically.
His head whipped to you as you started laughing. "Why are you laughing? Last time we sparred, I had to sleep with an ice pack on my ass! For a week! And he was sleepy!" He pressed, mocking betrayal once your laughter continued.
"I-I'm sorry, Jin! I'm just remembering that pillow you had yo sit on in class. You know, as to know irritate the burns on your butt." You covered your mouth to stifle anymore sounds of amusement.
Jin whined at the memory, placing his hand on his ass. "It's not funny, babe!"
You grinned and cleared your throat, taking a breathe. "Alright, alright. But you were just distracted that day. And the voices are a lot easier to ignore when your mask comes off in combat now, aren't they?"
Walking over, you gently placed your hand on his cheek. He immediately leaned into your touch, almost cat like. "It's so much easier to focus now. But it can be kinda difficult with you lookin so damn good while watching me!"
Jin leaned down, attempting to kiss you from under his a mask. You laughed and tried pulling away, hands on his chest. "J-Jin!"
"Oi, are you done yet? It's our turn Jin!"
Gulping nervously, Jin lifted his mask a bit to give you an actual kiss. You returned it, humming softly then pulled away. He shrugged. "In case I die."
Then there was an burst of heat. "Get over here, Jin!"
Atsuhiro Sako (Mr. Compress)
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Atsuhiro smirked at the villian before him, twirling his cane ever so casually. "Tsk, tsk. You've got a flashy quirk, but there's no flare."
What was supposed to be a training retreat turned into a surprise attack. These villians never knew when to give up.
He quickly dodged another attack and gave a mocking hum, as if he were thinking. "Oh I know!" He hit his fist against his palm. "You're missing the element of surprise! You're completely predictable!"
Laughing as the villian the got angry, he shrugged. "Unlike me!" He dodged once more before shooting out a marble that you'd been compressed in for a while.
Once free, you launched an attack to the villiain. "Surprise!" You grinned as you foot connected into the villian's back, the impact sending him tumbling into a tree.
Atsuhiro caught you in his arms and you spread yours out. "I see, you haven't met my lovely assistant, have you?" Sitting youdown, the two of you prepared for another attack.
"Delaware Smash!" The villain cried out, running to the both of you, dodging Atsuhiro's efforts at compressing him.
You managed to dodge, but Atsuhiro wasn't so lucky, taking blow after blow before colliding into a tree.
"Hiro!" You yelled out, running towards him. It was when you held a hand out that you halted. "Now, now, Dear, worry not. It is not who's in trouble."
The villain's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. That's when you noticed a marble rolling from compresses hand. It would seem the villain noticed to but it was too late.
Before anyone could react, Spinner was there dishing out attacks. Atsuhiro stood, leaning against the tree. Running over, you helped him to balance himself.
"You had Spinner this whole time?" You asked in surprise, eyes wide. He chuckled softly and gave a small bow. "As I said, the element of surprise is very important."
"Boss! The heroes are here!"
The villain glared at us, dodging Spinner and jumping from place to place. "This isn't over." He mumbled before bounding off.
Spinner went to go after him, but Atsuhiro had his cane in front of him in a second. "Let them be."
Spinner opened his mouth to protest but sighed and nodded.
You guys soon grouped up with the rest of the class, only to see Toga on the verge of tears.
"Himiko, what's wrong?" Spinner asked, you guys rushing over. Holding back a sob, she looked up.
"They kidnapped Shigaraki!"
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imagineslashers · 4 years
Could I request headcanons of Patrick Bateman , Pamela Voorhees (platonically) and Bo Sinclair trying to get close to someone who has a really protective and big dog ( San Bernardo or husky) , they can't get near them cause the dog is really possessive and it can also smell that they're dangerous so it makes sure to keep them sway from you.
Since the dog is always with you , they're never able to get near you to try and talk . But when the dog finally warms up to them it's like they are also protected by it .
So basically obsessed dummies and dog that will be their future protector .
interesting idea, i hope this kind of hits on what you were wanting! x
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- Patrick has the least patience out of all of these three, so when he first comes to your place and your dog reacts badly, he reacts equally as badly
- you have to drag your dog away from Patrick because the second the two meet, your German hound is growling and salivating, showing his teeth as he tries to lunge at Patrick
- the dog senses there is something wrong, something dark, and he does not want you around this stranger
- Patrick makes smug expressions at the dog who has to be locked away whenever he comes over, it’s like a competition between the two
- however, you succumb to feeling bad for your pup and let him out, which means Patrick cannot touch you whatsoever with the growling dog between your legs
- every time he sees you, Patrick contemplates giving up or getting rid of the dog, but he can see the way you coddle the pooch and doesn’t want to be the reason you’re depressed
- he likes to touch you, but it’s impossible with the dog snapping at him and following you around wherever you go
- one time when you leave the room and the dog stays, you walk back in on Patrick having a serious lecturing moment with the dog, talking in angry whispers as the dog pins back his ears
- it’s almost funny, but you feel bad that your boyfriend can’t spend time with you and your dog is uncomfortable
- finally, after about two months, something changes
- you had been cleaning, wanting the house tidy for Patrick’s arrival, when you slipped on the wet floor and hit your head
- your dog was over you immediately, whining and licking your face
- Patrick enters with his key and is immediately suspicious that your dog hasn’t run to attack him
- when he finds you unconscious on the floor, the dog barely growls, just gives him side-eye as he lays by your side
- Patrick acts quickly, checking your pulse and carrying you to your bed, waiting anxiously until you wake
- when you finally do open your eyes and see two sets of worried faces staring back at you, it’s a little overwhelming
- now that the dog trusts Patrick for helping you, the two are almost friends
- Patrick loves that you have a guard dog when he’s gone, and the dog appreciates how happy you are around your boyfriend
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- you’ve had your Saint Bernard since he was a puppy, and you adore each other
- when you move to a wooded location and become almost neighbours with Pamela, she is immediately smitten by how sweet and friendly you are
- however, she doesn’t like the dog, who bares his teeth and sits on you whenever Pamela is around, keeping you two apart
- unlike Patrick, she is more patient, but is a bit afraid of the large dog
- she tries to ignore him whenever she visits, pretending that he isn’t drooling and growling in her direction, but it is very difficult
- Pamela doesn’t wish to see you without your dog because he obviously gives you a lot of comfort and confidence, so she thinks of a new strategy
- treats
- every time she comes to see you, she brings a little snack for your hound, who begrudgingly takes it from her and then continues to guard you
- after a while of this, the two start to warm up to one another
- when Pamela visits you and begins to get upset about Jason whilst talking about him, your dog trots over and rests his large head by her feet, a small gesture of comfort
- that was all it took before your dog became friends with Pamela, looking forward to her visiting with her treats and warm voice
- he protects the two of you, loving to go on walks as a threesome, barking at animals or people who may pass by
- Pamela finds a lot of comfort in having an animal companion when she visits you, and she loves how safe it makes her feel that you’re being sufficiently protected
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- when you got lost on a hiking trip and stumbled upon the quiet town of Ambrose, your husky was immediately hostile
- Bo was the one to greet you, welcoming you to the town and offering you his house to crash in
- your husky wouldn’t allow that, and you had to grip his collar to stop the dog from attacking the stranger
- instead, you stayed at the abandoned motel and made yourself comfortable whilst Bo continued to check in on you
- whenever he came by, your dog would snarl and nip, keeping you two a good distance apart
- Bo is completely impatient with your dog, and you catch him growling back or baring his teeth to mirror the dog on occasion
- however, he isn’t willing to give up on you, it just means he has to work harder
- when you start dating after a short while and finally go around to Bo’s house, the dog is very reluctant to enter, but will go with you wherever you go
- Bo is used to Vincent’s dog, but never one as big or as aggressive as your own
- you never hear him hissing “little shit” under his breath when he passes your dog, but he absolutely does
- Bo is touchy, so he wants to be physical with you, but your dog snaps at his hands whenever they come near you
- the tension is almost unbearable after a month, with you two having separate rooms and routines to avoid clashing
- however, when a stray youth finds the town and breaks into Bo’s house when he isn’t home, things shift entirely
- the intruder finds you first and tries to force you to leave, thinking you’ve been tricked or manipulated into staying in the freakish town
- your cries attract your dog who starts barking and biting the stranger
- Bo hears this when he’s headed back to the house and breaks into a sprint, kicking the door open and stumbling upon the scene with you fighting off a stranger whilst your dog has a hold on their leg
- Bo sees red and shoves the stranger off, then suddenly it’s a tag team, with Bo punching the guy and the dog holding his legs down
- when you’re safe, Bo and the dog just look at one another and realise that maybe they aren’t so bad
- Bo absolutely loves your dog after that, and you almost feel jealous at their relationship
- he has a few commands with the dog, less tricks and more defensive things for when people stumble upon the town, but he does enjoy getting your dog to do all the usual obedience things like sit and paw
- when you sleep together, it’s you and Bo tangled together with the husky draped across both of your legs
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Reid My Lips - Spencer Reid x fem! Reader
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A/N - on the twelth and FINAL day of shipmas fortheloveofcriminalminds gave to me…Spencer x Reader Fluff! Hope you guys enjoyed them, I had a lot of fun writing these! Find my Shipmas masterlist here. Find my full masterlist here.
My taglists are open for Spencer x Reader and all works so let me know if you want to be added. Requests are also open.
Requested: Yes l No l Kind of ?
Idea came from @andiebeaword as I was struggling to come up with something that wasn't either angsty or smutty! - "What about one where they're dating, but haven't kissed yet, and every time reader tries, for some bizarre reason, Spencer keeps dodging them. reader thinks he's trying a subtle way to say he doesn't want to kiss when in reality, he just doesn't want reader to think he's a bad kisser" - Set circa s15, some spoilers for the last 2 episodes.
CW: none that I can think of! Just lusting after Spencer's lips. Some talks of Spencer's insecurites and lack of experience.
Plot: In which all the reader wants in the world is to feel Spencer's lips on hers.
WC: 2.4K
Spencer Reid’s lips were the kind they would have written poetry about.
They were plump, sinfully so, the first time you’d met him several years ago when you joined the team it was the first thing you’d noticed about him. How it didn’t seem fair for him have had lips such as these bestowed upon him. He had the most kissable lips you’d ever seen in your life.
If you were a writer and not a profiler, you may well have tried to write a poem about them. But alas, a wordsmith you were not. So you had to make do with just staring at them every available opportunity you got.
When he’d finally plucked up the courage to ask you on a date after six years of working together you were thrilled to say the least. Finally, after all that time imaging what those lips would feel like, you might actually get to see for yourself.
For your first date Spencer took for you dinner at a fancy restaurant. Despite the fact you had known each other so long, the date was awkward.
Usually, you never struggled to find things to talk to Spencer about. Most of the time while the rest of the team were sleeping on the jet the two of you stayed up chatting aimlessly between you.
But somehow when the word date was used, it made everything uncomfortable between the two of you.
The night started as a long, drawn out silence but thankfully you both eased into it and by the time your main courses came you were able to chat a little more freely.
You’d had dinner together countless times over the years. But that was just as friends. Not as two people who were clearly attracted to one another even though deep down that’s what you’d always been.
Spencer walked you home after dinner. It was a mild night and you didn’t live too far from the restaurant so you thought the walk would be nice.
The first few blocks you fell back into that uncomfortable silence but thankfully you found your voices again.
Despite everything, you’d had a great time and you’d hoped Spencer had too.
As you stood awkwardly on the sidewalk outside your apartment you were desperate for him to kiss you. He wasn’t quite so shy and dorky as he had been when you first met so you’d thought he might make the first move.
He did not.
“Goodnight Y/N. I’ll see you Monday.” He offered you one of his shy waves.
No, this would not do. You’d been dreaming about those lips too long. It was time to do something about it.
You moved in close, your eyes closing as you neared his lips.
But what met your lips wasn’t his own. You felt prickly skin and your eyes shot open to see her had turned his head and your lips had landed on his stubble grazed face.
“Uhm…” you stepped back feeling incredibly uncomfortable. “Goodnight then I guess.”
You chalked it up to shyness. You guessed thirty plus years of insecurities couldn’t be washed away in a three month prison stint.
The next time an opportunity presented itself to steal a kiss from Spencer was a few weeks later.
You were out of town on a case and he’d invited you to his room to watch Doctor Who. You’d thought or maybe hoped it was just an excuse to get you alone in his room. You were surprised to say the least when he actually wanted to watch Doctor Who.
You sat side by side on his bed watching the small hotel TV. You dared to shuffle your hand closer until your fingers brushed and eventually you’d taken the plunge and entwined your fingers.
He didn’t seem to mind, he just gave your hand a firm squeeze as he held it.
About half way through the episode you decided to go for the kiss. You were desperate to feel those lips on yours and you hoped whatever awkwardness he felt on your date had since washed away.
You turned to face him, momentarily breathless at how beautiful he was.
“Spence,” you whispered prompting him to turn and face you.
He had a dopey half smile on those lips as he looked at you. You moved quickly, closing the space ready to feel those lips.
But once again you were met with his stubbly cheek.
You tried to tell yourself he was shy. That’s all it was. It’s not that he didn’t want to kiss you. It couldn’t be, right?
You’d started to think maybe Spencer had changed his mind about the two of you dating. It had been several weeks since your first date and although you’d been busy with back to back cases there had been time if he’d really wanted to take you out again.
It was nearly a month after your first date he finally asked you on a second. You’d jumped at the opportunity.
Spencer took you to the Smithsonian, you’d walked around hand in hand with Spencer telling you all kinds of facts and statistics the institution didn’t share.
You hung off his every word, mesmerised by the way his lips moved as he talked and wanting to feel them on yours with a white hot passion.
He took you for coffee after and you fell into comfortable conversation. But you couldn’t keep your eyes off those goddamn lips of his.
As you stepped out of the coffee shop hand in hand you made a quick move to place a chaste kiss on his lips as he was in the middle of telling you a story about his mom. You thought if you were fast enough he wouldn’t even see it coming and you could just get this awkward air out of the way.
You leant in fast, and as your lips were about to collide Spencer side stepped, turning to face the window of the coffee shop.
You stumbled, correcting yourself before you fell face first on the sidewalk.
“I didn’t know they had donuts! Now I want a donut.” He chuckled and suddenly he was heading back inside.
“Goddamnit Spencer.” You groaned under your breath.
By now you were starting to think he just didn’t like you. Why else would he keep dodging your attempts at kissing him?
You felt downtrodden. You felt insecure. Why on Earth had he asked you out if he didn’t want to kiss you?
Six dates in and all you’d done still was hold hands. You really didn’t get him. He kept asking you out but never seemed interested in doing anything other than hand holding.
You liked Spencer, a lot, but you were not willing to be in a relationship where there was no kind of intimacy.
But that was all pushed to the back of your mind when you and JJ found Spencer passed out in his apartment.
He’d been involved in an explosion thanks to the psychopath Everett Lynch. He was late for work the following day which was really unlike Spencer so you and JJ went to check on him. That’s when you’d found him.
While the rest of the team worked on finding Lynch, you stayed vigil at his bedside.
When he’d finally woken up tears streamed down your face and you’d be up like a shot.
“Oh my god Spence,” you sobbed. “I thought I was going to lose you.” You leant in to kiss his chapped lips.
He rolled his head to the side on the pillow, once again your lips meeting stubbly skin.
“I’m really thirsty.” He croaked, seemingly ignoring your actions.
You swallowed your pride with a sigh.
“I’ll get you some water Spence.” And with your tail between your legs you left the room in search of hydration.
After that you’d decided no more. You were fed up feeling a fool every time you tried to make a move on him only to be shot down.
So you decided you wouldn’t bother anymore.
Since he left hospital the two of you still hung out but it was less frequent as usual and the word date was never used again.
One night, it came to a head.
You were in Spencer’s apartment watching some foreign film which you were struggling to comprehend despite the subtitles.
Your mind was whirring, lost down a rabbit hole of thoughts of you and Spencer. You were so preoccupied in your own head you didn’t even notice when Spencer scooted closer to you or put his arm around your shoulders.
“Y/N?” He whispered your name, snapping you out of the abyss.
“Hmm?” You turned to face him.
His tongue glided over his bottom lip and his eyes were trained on your lips.
The next few seconds happened in slow motion. Spencer started edging closer to you, his eyes fluttering closed and his lips pursed.
And you turned your head to face the TV, allowing his lips to hit your cheek the way yours had to him so many times.
He made a strange noise that sounded halfway between a sigh and a groan. You tried to pretend you were focused on the TV. You felt his eyes on the side of your face and you tried to ignore it.
After a few minutes Spencer paused the film, the room falling silent. You swallowed a lump in your throat and slowly turned to face him.
“Why’d you stop the film?” you hoped your voice didn’t sound as shaky as you thought it did.
“I think we need to talk.” Spencer chewed his lip. “I think I need to explain why I’ve been so...weird.”
“Spencer, trust me when I say you being weird is not an unusual thing.” you tried to lighten the mood.
“Weirder than usual then.” he was fidgeting in his seat, wringing his hands together in his lap.
“I hadn’t noticed.” you lied.
“Yes you have.” he told you.
“Look Spence,” you sighed. “If you don’t want to kiss me I get it. But why would you ask me out if that’s not what you wanted?” the words spilled out of your mouth.
He nodded his understanding at your words, running one hand through his messy locks.
“I do want to kiss you Y/N.” his cheeks stained red with embarrassment. “I’ve always wanted to kiss you, since the first time I met you. Jeez, kissing is just the tip of the iceberg of things I want to do with you.” his blush deepened.
Your chest tightened at his words, a twinge passing between your legs.
“You uhm...you have a funny way of showing it.” your voice was breathy. You didn’t mean it to be.
“I know.” he nodded, gnawing his bottom lip. “I freaked myself out. I got in my head and I panicked and I didn’t know how to deal with that. So I dealt with it really, really badly and I’m sorry.”
“What were you freaking out about Spence?”
He sighed heavily, the blush still straining his cheeks.
“It took me six years to finally work up the courage to ask you out.” he laughed shyly. “But when I finally did, I was terrified I wouldn’t be good enough.”
Your face dropped, sadness in your eyes.
“Spencer,” you reached for him and took hold of his hand. It was sweating and shaking.
He shook his head sadly, telling you not to try and convince him otherwise.
“Y/N, I am not...not so great with women in case you’d never picked up on that.” he chuckled again, but again it was a shy sound. “I don’t ha-have...so much ex-experience.” he swallowed hard. “There have only been...a few...women. Not enough to make me an...ex-expert in any sense.” he swallowed again. “I just wanted to be...good...for you.”
“Oh Spencer,” you felt tears in your eyes. You had no idea he’d been going through this mental turmoil. “Spencer I don’t care. I’ve wanted you for six years. Trust me, there is no way in hell you will not be good enough. I am crazy about you Spence, and all I want in the whole right now is to kiss you. I have waited too long to know what those lips would-”
He cut you off when his lips suddenly crashed against yours.
You let out a small whimper as those plump lips of his finally kissed you. They felt better than your wildest imagination.
The whimper allowed Spencer to slide his tongue in your mouth. He held your face in his large hands, exploring your mouth with fervor.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you.
It was without a doubt the single most magical experience of your life. Nothing could have prepared you for how good his kiss would be.
It sent goosebumps flaring across your skin, making your chest tighten with lust.
It made you wet between your legs.
Maybe you should take a writing class because these lips, this kiss, definitely deserved poems written about them.
Your whole body felt as though it were on fire, every nerve ending in your body tingling with desire.
When the kiss ended you both gasped for air, trying to satiate your now empty lungs.
Spencer’s cheeks stained red again as he waited for your reaction shyly.
“I hope that was o-ok.” He stuttered a little.
You couldn’t help the large smile that broke out across your face.
“Spencer Reid, that was more than ok. It was perfect.”
His blush deepened and he looked away from you briefly before finding your eyes once more.
“Good.” He swallowed. “Because there’s a lot more I want to do with you Y/N.”
His words made you shudder.
“Now?” You swallowed, feeling oddly nervous.
“Right now.” He nodded before taking your face in his hands and kissing you again.
He was going to show exactly what his lips could do. And those poems practically wrote themselves between the sheets.
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jjaeong · 4 years
Airports, And Convenience Stores.
Series: KPOP Girl Group: 이달의 소녀 (LOONA).
Pairing: Kim Hyunjin & Idol Female Reader.
Summary: If you told Y/N that a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with her favorite idol at a convenience store from way back in her trainee days would be stuck on the idol's mind for years—she wouldn't believe you. Well, until the said idol bumps into her again at a public setting and asks for her number infront of every news outlet there is.
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"I'll be going now!"
"Don't forget my cider!"
"I won't!" shutting the door behind you, the familiar tune of the door signalling that it's locked played as you made your way down the hallway, adjusting the strap of your tote bag that you usually brought with you whenever you went out to do some grocery shopping. You pushed your hands into the pockets of your hoodie, making your way into the elevator and pressing the key to the ground floor before humming a song that had been going on repeat in your head ever since you first listened to it. Of course, the song was LOONA Kim Hyunjin's solo song "Around You" that had came out just a few months ago. You stumbled upon it just as when their four-member group had released their most recent song "Love&Live" which had you hooked in no time—making you get into the entire discography, and after playing everything on repeat, Kim Hyunjin just slipped her way into your heart. Maybe it was how her voice just sounds so soothing in her song, or how odd the plot of her music video was yet it reminded you of the feeling of home—you couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was about Kim Hyunjin that just spoke to you.
Well, it could also be that she's very pretty too.
You were never the one for such things, but you were drawn to the rookie idol who has yet proven herself to the audience. Somehow, this seemed to be even more attractive to you—a company that popped out of nowhere with the idea that releasing a new member every month, accompanied by a lore that keeps you reeled in every comeback..
There's so much to look forward to, and you've just been introduced to the first unit.
Your mind wanders about the lore as you walked out of the dorm's building, your feet leading you to the usual convenience store you know that was open around this time of the morning. Sometimes, you choose to stay in the store to converse with the staff that had always been kind to you, not minding at all that you were one of the most anticipated trainees to debut in your current lineup considering that articles had already spread about a monster rookie girl group to debut under SM Entertainment with your stage name highlighted on it. It was astonishing how your hard work had seemed to pay off, but with your already growing fanbase, it even further fueled the burning passion inside you to keep working harder to be able to become strong even after you debut.
Before entering the store, you stopped infront of the glass doors to pull your phone out to check if there had been any more requests from your members. This pattern with making sure to check your phone before entering the store had also been engraved in you once you came back with a bag full of snacks for your group, only to be caught by your manager and them to confiscate it all because you were on a diet—could've been avoided if only you checked the warning messages from your unnies that they sent you before you came back.
2:25AM, it read on the screen.
"Ah, Y/N. It's always nice when you drop by~"
"I can't stay for long unnie, I need to go back to the practice room after I buy these.." you motioned to the list on your phone, nose scrunched as you grabbed a basket while the pretty store clerk, Haejin, pouted at you.
"Busier and busier, huh.. Why—are you debuting tomorrow already??" you walked past her and made your way to the shelves, laughing at the eagerness in her tone as your eyes scanned the snacks for the specific ones your members had requested.
"I'm sure that if I had the date already, It'd be postponed before I even manage to tell my parents about it."
"They're so strict about that." Haejin groaned from the counter as you smiled to yourself, shrugging as if she could even see you.
"They're leading for a reason."
"I just hope you'll still be able to do these types of things once you debut, I'll barricade the doors from your saesangs if I have to."
"Unnie, how do I know you're not going to be one of my sasaengs?"
"Ah—this kid, really!" your laugh echoed through the empty convenience store yet again, the soft melody of whatever was on the radio playing in the background as you walked around the place. You pointed out numerous new items on the shelves that Haejin didn't hesitate to tell you about when they arrived, along with the reviews about them—you swear that this girl was the most enthusiastic convenience store employee you've ever encountered in your life but you guessed that it was because the girl liked your company's idols and they often drop by on her shift as well.
Haejin, as much as college seemed to have her in a chokehold—enjoyed beeing a store clerk for the reason of satiating her inner fangirl over her idols being friends with her because she worked there.
As you pulled open one of the fridge doors to look for a tub of your member's specified brand of ice cream, you heard the bells ring by the entrance, indicating a customer entering the store. You heard Haejin greet them, low voices conversing as you finally found the ice cream you were looking for and walked over to the beverage fridge, knowing exactly where the cider your unnie asked for was located.
"The bread is on that aisle." Haejin's polite voice told the customer whos footsteps you could hear was about a few shelves behind you. Managing to finish contemplating it over in your head if you wanted cider as well, you settled on grabbing strawberry milk instead and turned to make your way to the counter when you failed to feel the approaching presence from behind you. You gasped when you felt the collision of your heads against each other just before your body crashed into theirs, practically pushing the both of you to the shelves if it wasn't for you quickly stepping back and grabbing the stranger by both of their arms, dropping your basket to the ground.
"I'm so sorry, are you alright? I should've watched where I was going I—" the girl who had her head down, phone in hand against her head as she clutched a cream bun in her other looked disoriented just from how she stood as you kept a firm grip on her arms to keep her steady. You leaned over to look at her face to see if she really was alright but you could barely make out her features through her hair, brows furrowed and eyes closed.
"Ah.. I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry.." you kept trying to apologize when she quickly shook her head, rubbing her hand that held her phone on the spot where your head had hit hers.
"No, no.. I thought you weren't that close—it's my fault."
"You took it harder than I did, do you want to sit down for a while? Maybe I can—" your breath hitched when the girl finally lifted her face, brows furrowed and a frown set on her lips as her eyes stayed stuck scanning the ground. You could feel how almost instantly your heart started racing, the sound almost blocking your ears from the radio playing in the background, eyes scanning her features as she stood there in all of her glory looking as distraught as ever.
Yet very, very ethereal.
Oh my God it's Kim Hyunjin, holy sh—
"My cream bread.." her airy voice quickly snapped you back into the present, looking down at the crushed bread in her hand before eyeing the now less disoriented girl that stood infront of you. You didn't even notice how long you were just staring at her as she stared down at her bread, until she connected her eyes with you, blinking before tilting her head.
Her eyes are so pretty—
"You're that trainee in the articles." Kim Hyunjin mumbled, and only if you were paying any extra attention—you would've heard how much in awe she was, but you quickly panicked once you realized that she recognized you.
Kim Hyunjin knows who you are.
"I'm so sorry! I'll buy you two cream buns to compensate for my actions! I didn't mean to bump into you like this—I'm sorry for being a junior leaving such a bad impression! Please let me make it up to you, sunbaenim!" Hyunjin's face consorted into pure confusion when you quickly pulled your hands off her arms, taking a step back and doing a full 90° bow infront of her. She scanned you for a moment, eyeing your basket full of snacks and rocking back on the soles of her feet before leaning over to get on the same level as you, hands on her knees.
"Just.. Two cream buns?" she asked, making direct eye contact with you as you slightly turned your face to meet hers, instantly flushing at her expectant look.
"As many as you'd like, sunbaenim!" you rephrased in haste, Hyunjin's expectant look changed into amusement before a bashful smile made it's way on her lips. She reached over to pat your head gently, the action taking your breath away for a moment but she didn't seem to think that much about it, standing up straight before lightly rubbing on the spot where your heads met, looking as if she's contemplating something. You took this as a sign that she took offer, still it didn't stop you from anxiously getting back up on normal level as her eyes scanned the fridge behind you.
"I..I'll go get them for you quickly—"
"What's your name?" Hyunjin asked just as you made a move to retrieve the bread, you stopped on your tracks to look back at the older girl. Her eyes pierced through yours as if she was looking for something in them but at the moment, you could barely think about anything else other than appeasing the idol.
"Y/L/N Y/N, I'm just a trainee.." your eyes widened at your introduction, knowing damn well Hyunjin just said that she knew you were a trainee. You internally face palmed yourself but Hyunjin didn't seem to mind, if anything—the girl could almost feel your panic and as much as it pained her, she couldn't help but find your flustered state endearing.
And if you could only hear how many times Hyunjin's inner voice tried to convince her to ask for your number, or edge you more into keeping contact with her to make up for such a small mistake.. Hyunjin didn't want to be mean to you, but she's currently thinking of ways to keep you from leaving without giving her your number.
"Ah.. That rings a bell.." Hyunjin dragged her words slowly, nodding to herself as you stood there almost shaking in your spot. She looks down at her crushed bread in hand, thinking if you noticed her crushing it literally after you collided when she caught a glimpse of who exactly she bumped into.
Ofcourse she'd exaggerate her disorientation.
"Is everything okay here..?" Haejin walked over to you two, eyeing your flushed state before staring directly at Hyunjin. Haejin's brows shot up quickly, as if it was the first time she actually looked at the customer before she motioned to the girl.
"You're that Girl of the Month thing." you tensed next to the clerk to which Hyunjin's lips quickly pulled up into a big grin, finding it amusing how the clerk didn't even know which one she was but it was nice to know that their group was getting recognition. You however, something in Hyunjin just knew you knew her specifically.
"I'm the second girl, Kim Hyunjin."
"Ah! Kim Hyunjin.." Haejin furrows her brows as if she remembered the name before, hitting her fist in her palm at the sudden realization, "..the cat head girl? Around you? Y/N, you told me to play that song here all the time! Isn't this her?" Hyunjin's eyes moved to yours as you looked at Haejin in alarm, reaching over to hit her arm but stopping mid-way when you saw Hyunjin's soft eyes directed at you.
"I.. Yeah, of course. It was my favorite solo song, but I listen to Rain 51db more these days.." now you really had Hyunjin's attention, you basically outed yourself as a fan and now Hyunjin will not let you leave the store without your number in her phone.
"The 90's karaoke one?"
"Heejin-sunbaenim is really cool.."
Heejin? And you said Hyunjin's solo song was your favorite?
"I'll get sunbae's bread—" you were cut off when your phone started vibrating in the pocket of your hoodie, you pulled it out to find your manager's name on your screen calling you. Your eyes widened as the call could only mean one thing—reminding you of the practice room that was supposed to be your destination right after buying your snacks.
"Practice?" Hyunjin softly asked as you frowned at your phone before looking up at her, finding warm eyes locked on yours.
"I'll make it up to you. Next time we see each other—"
"I want your phone number." Haejin audibly choked next to you as you flustered as deeply as before.
"R-right now?" Hyunjin stared at you for a moment before shaking her head—deciding against her initial plan of making sure to not let you leave without giving her your number—reaching over to grab your basket on the ground to hand it to you. You quickly grabbed ahold of the handles as Hyunjin ran her fingers through her hair, looking around the convenience store with a shrug.
"No, the next time we meet." you stared at her, completely baffled beyond words to even form a reply and so you just nodded, staring at her and trying to memorize her features as much as you can, knowing that this is the moment you part ways.
"I'm sorry.. I hope we meet again someday, in a better manner, Hyunjin-sunbaenim.." you bowed yet again at Hyunjin who oddly felt her heart warm at her name rolling off your lips smoothly, as if you've always been saying her name—in which she didn't doubt that you did, you were a fan afterall. You gave her one last shy smile before turning to Haejin, motioning to the counter to which Haejin only grinned at, following after you but not before glancing at Hyunjin who's eyes seemed to only follow your retreating figure.
"I think she likes you~"
"Be quiet! She can still hear us!"
Hyunjin reatreated back to the bread aisle as you quickly paid for all of your snacks, she listened closely when the bells at the entrance signal that you've left, to which Hyunjin felt her mood dampen at. Practically pouting to herself the entire time she walked around to look for whatever she needed to buy, she finally walked over to pay over the counter, Haejin packing her items in a bag as Hyunjin reached over to hand the clerk her card when Haejin smirked at her.
"Y/N told me to just charge it to her account, whatever it is you bought." Hyunjin raised a brow the information, to which Haejin shrugged at but still kept the smirk on her face.
"If I were you, I'd grab a few more.. you know, to make her feel like she atleast made up for it." Haejin could only look at Hyunjin's ruined cream bun and strawberry milk that she only took because it reminded her of the contents in your basket. Hyunjin shook her head at Haejin's mischievious attempt behind your back, instead, smiling softly at the ruined bread as Haejin handed her the bag.
"It's alright, she'll make up for it next time. I'm sure."
"Hi! Hello! They're so cute!!" your member waves at your fans as you stand next to her, trying your best not to squint your eyes at the rapid flashes that went off as you aligned yourself with your group, smiling at how you were all being greeted with such heavy enthusiasm. Making your group introduction, you all bowed before your manager motioned that it was time to head over inside, in which you grabbed onto one of your unnies as you slid through the crowd with your bodyguards doing their best to keep anyone from being too close to your members. As you just passed the entrance however, the flashes seemed a bit stronger and the deafening clicking of shutters, followed by screaming fans became stronger.
Your ears perked up at the familiar names, to which your members that walked in front caught your attention when they started squealing. Your eyes settled on a few of your members being smothered by the familiar group that had just seemed to arrive, Chuu's bright smile as she hugged two of your members quickly, Choerry wildly waving at them as they bowed while Jinsoul and Yves seemed to tease them a bit.
Your groups seemed to be in the middle of paparazzis, fans, and curious gazes—in the middle of a very busy airport lobby. The crowd that circled around both groups was almost overbearing if it weren't for your bodyguards making as much space for your groups as possible. You tried to keep your distance, not wanting any sort of drama to build upon any group's name considering how heavy your own seemed to be even in your group, but then a familiar voice started to call your name.
"Y/N-unnie! Y/L/N Y/N-unnie!" your eyes instantly snapped over to find a small figure practically bouncing over to you, making you pull away from your member to insantly beam at the short girl whom you've bonded with at a variety show once. It was once but you can't seriously not love LOONA's maknae.
"Yeojin.." she instantly hugged you, giggling as you leaned over so that you can hug her back, patting her hair softly before she pulled away to smile up at you.
"What are you doing all the way here? Come on, Haseul-unnie wants to meet you!" she started tugging at your hand to which you only pursed your lips at.
"Yeojin, I'm kind of.. not good to be caught on camera with right now."
"Why not? You're practically as famous as us right now! I mean, even if you weren't it's still okay! We're friends!" Yeojin tried to reassure you but something just didn't sit right with the manager telling you a few days back that your name was at such a high place right now, and they wanted you to take care of it and make sure you didn't get into any sort of trouble or your group was going to plummet.
It was repulsive how they highlighted the idea that since you were on the first of all brand reputations since your groups debut, it was up to you to keep your group's name afloat. And if that type of toxicity rubs any other groups the wrong way..
"Oh.. we have to leave.." Yeojin mumbles, sounding disheartened as she looked up to find you giving her a sad smile. She shook her head, hugging you again before giving you a pointed look.
"I'll call you the moment we get back to the dorms, and then we'll plan another meetup. I promise—no paparazzis, we'll have lots of fun then, alright Y/N-unnie? I promise!" your heart dropped as Yeojin slowly made her way over to her group's retreating figures, she waved at you, still smiling brightly and just like that—your heart feels a little bit better at the girl's energy. Yeojin quickly bumped into Haseul, hugging her as Haseul's eyes moved to yours, you gave her a small smile and she reciprocated along with a wave.
Their group had always felt oddly comforting, but in a good way.
As your group slowly moved away from LOONA, you turned to face the direction of where you were supposed to be heading when your eyes seemed to have found themselves locking with stunningly familiar ones, eyes that would always seem to remind you of a cat's. You quickly turned away though, thinking that the woman who made your heart race about two years ago—now with striking dyed red hair—wouldn't even remember you at all. But your mind seemed to have stopped functioning completely when her usually soft, and airy voice boomed through the lobby and all of the commotion just to call your name.
"Hey! Y/L/N Y/N!" almost everyone around the both of you looked rattled out of their minds, watching silently as the two last members of each group stood only but a few feet apart, members standing behind them stopping on their tracks to understand what it was all about. Heejin whom was standing next to Hyunjin looked scared for a moment, only for her eyes to soften when they landed on your figure.
Jinsoul on the other hand had no filter, literally saying, "What is this? This is how you get a girl's attention, Kim Hyunjin?" before Kim Lip bursted into her iconic laughing face, grabbing Jinsoul's arm and shaking her. Chuu smiled widely at you, she always had but this time it's as if there was some meaning to it, with Cheorry turning from waving at a fan to grin at you—along with Yves smirking and Vivi giving Haseul a side eye.
Even Olivia Hye looked intrigued by the commotion, with Gowon drowsily clinging onto her but looking around as if she was confused.
"Y/L/N Y/N.." Hyunjin said softly this time, eyes only on you. You swallowed sharply, quickly bowing with the usual 90° degrees before eyeing all of the cameras that seemed to surround the both of you.
"Hyunjin, maybe another time.." Heejin tried to tell her bestfriend but she barely paid any attention to it. Instead, LOONA's Kim Hyunjin walked over to Y/L/N, in the middle of every single news outlet there is, every single fansite, every single curious gaze—she stood infront of you with a determined look on her face that had you shuddering slightly on your spot. She looked more mature up close, if you had a major change from losing some of your baby fat, Hyunjin looked almost nothing like the soft featured sunbaenim you met in that store two years before your debut. She looked like an actual sunbae now—if that made sense—as she stared right back at you, the soft gaze was still there but her aura emitted such strength, a newfound sense of maturity that wasn't exactly present when you bumped into her that morning.
"Hyunjin-sunbaenim." Hyunjin felt slightly taken aback by how your voice seemed so different from how it always used to echo in her head since that day, you no longer looked like kid and instead—if it was even possible, you looked way more beautiful than the first time she saw you in that damn article. And God, you've aged well since she last bumped into you, even though you look as if you could easily be knocked off on your feet from the pressure of all the eyes on you right now..
Hyunjin wanted to tell you that you'll be fine, that you're doing great.
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
But Hyunjin wasn't that good with words, she proved that to herself when countless of times she'd hear Yeojin talking about her day with you, how she always said you were bound for a great career ahead. Hyunjin could barely ask Yeojin for your number, she wanted to just have it so many times but that was your deal, she wanted to get it from you because she respected you—and it took her two years.
Two years to find the guts to stand infront of her favorite junior, practically the only junior that had caught her attention ever since.
"Here, type in your number." if your eyes could only bulge out of it's sockets right now, it would've. Collective gasps and camera flashes started going off as Hyunjin held out her phone infront of you, looking as laid back as ever while your mind goes into a complete shut down.
"What did she say?"
"Hyunjin just asked for Y/N's number? Here?!"
"Oh my God, this is—what??"
"Alright, alright—you're not seriously doing this here, aren't you, Kim Hyunjin-ssi?" Yves calls out from behind Hyunjin but the girl didn't even hint at acknowledging it, making Heejin sigh and turn to Yves with a knowing look, the challenging smile on Yves' lips dropping into a confused pout as Jinsoul let out yet another one of her amazed laugh.
"Wah! This is really happening!" Chuu and Kim Lip bursts into a fit of laughter, the sound bringing you back from your trance to scan your sunbaenim's now flushed face.
Kim Hyunjin is.. flustered?
"Hyunjin is fine." your eyes moved to the awestruck people around you, trying to find both of your managers only to find your members holding your own back—and LOONA's manager watching the interaction with an amused look.
"Are you going to make it up to me or not? I'm not the one with a flight to catch, Y/L/N Y/N." Hyunjin rolled her eyes but only in a teasing manner, tilting her head at you as she lightly waved her phone onto your confused face before it registered to you that she was talking about the convenience store incident. You instantly flushed, cursing internally at how you could forget your own words like that before nodding quickly, reaching over to grab her phone only for it to be pulled away by Hyunjin which confused you once again.
"I want your number, not your manager's, not your members', not the number you give for business transactions—I want the number on your actual phone," Hyunjin stated firmly, leaning her face to yours and staring at you intently. You nodded slowly as you reached over to grab her phone, but she pulled it away yet again, "I want to be your friend, Y/N." she finished, placing her phone in your hand before pulling away to lower her eyes at you as she crossed her arms on her chest.
And just like that, there goes all of your worries about everyone's prying eyes and your spot on the brand reputation rankings..
You swallowed thickly, trying to calm the sudden burning feeling in your entire body as you quickly typed in your number—cautiously eyeing her intimidating stance before grabbing your phone from your back pocket, pressing the call button on Hyunjin's phone for your own to start ringing. Once Hyunjin looked satisfied, you typed your group's name and then your name before handing Hyunjin her phone.
"Assa! Unnie~" Gowon cheered from behind Hyunjin, with Olivia Hye looking at the back of Hyunjin's head as if she's impressed.
That didn't stop Kim Lip from cackling loudly with Jinsoul, Chuu, Yeojin and Choerry though.
"Kim Hyunjin! Just like always!" Heejin cheered, grinning when Hyunjin turned to glare at them.
"Yeojin said she'd call me when you're all back to the dorms.."
"Not if I call you first." Hyunjin stated firmly with a knowing look, as if she already knew she was going to win.
To which you only softly smiled at.
"It's a thirteen hour flight to the US, you know that right?"
"Hyunjin! We need to go!"
"I know!" Hyunjin's eyes widened, waving her hands dismissively, "That's not directed to you, Y/N—I can't ever get mad at you." Hyunjin frowned to herself to which you only shortly laugh at, nodding before glancing at your own members making heart poses but the others also pointing to the gates. You faced Hyunjin who looked almost like an abandoned cat who didn't want you to leave.
"I should get going.."
"See you around, Hyunjin." you bowed yet again, but this time it was a quick one and with a smile—different from the ones that were shy, and apologetic—it was an actual smile, a smile that Hyunjin felt as if the butterflies in her stomach were going wild as you did the simple action.
"See you, Y/N." Hyunjin watched as you retreated back slowly to your members, hesitant yet making your way back to them. You were just about to disappear from her view when you heard her call you again, to which you almost automatically turn at, but you did anyways, stopping on your tracks yet again to find the image of a giddy looking red haired Kim Hyunjin smiling from ear to ear, eyes crinkled as she did.
"You're still going to make it up to me, right Y/N?" she asked sweetly, making you all flustered yet again as everyone around you seemed to find this interaction sweet.
"Ofcourse, I promised."
And with that, Kim Hyunjin practically skipped all the way to the van—staring at your contact name she changed on her phone.
My Favorite Hoobae.
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This acc is dedicated to writing loona ideas that I have, maybe some day I'll take requests who knows—but for now, I'm going to focus on writing alot of imagines for Kim Hyunjin because she's my bias and I.. Don't.. See.. Much.. Hyunjin.. Imagines..? So yeah, if y'all want to follow, by all means we're chill here~ but thanks for reading! I hope this was as entertaining to you as it was for me writing it!
Also, I make the gifs myself, but to give credit to the original source I will always put the link of the video and the channel name from where I got it from at the bottom of each author's note. If any of these sources do not want their work to be displayed like this, please inform me immediately and i will get rid of the gif and.. find another source that wouldn't mind. I just use specific visuals for the ideas so..
May Kim Hyunjin guide me to write even more..
Laters (for now),
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> ovc: NewsenTV (200120)
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of DC: Week of May 29th, 2019
Best of this Week: Doomsday Clock #10 - Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh
And yet another wrinkle is added to the DC Universe.
Or should I say, “Metaverse” now? Yes, after I think three months since the last issue, Doomsday Clock returns with yet another strong issue that expands upon the mythos of the DC Universe and just how Doctor Manhattan viewed and affected things at the many different positions of time that he has been able to inhabit.
The issue is framed around an actor by the name of Carver Colman, a very huge star in DCs 1954, who has been referenced or used in previous issues. This gives some kind of continuity in the context of the story as Johnny Thunder was seen watching his movie in the retirement home al the way back in issue two or three. Colman, unfortunately, has a secret that gets him killed soon after wrapping up the filming of his biggest hit, The Adjournment and as we make it through the issue and the back and forth of his life, we find the biggest change to Doctor Manhattan’s character and how he has to bend to the rules of this new universe.
Doctor Manhattan actually meets Colman in 1938 when he was a struggling actor who had just lost his job delivering mail to a movie studio after an unfortunate accident and things he saw. Manhattan takes Colman out for some food, attempting to use him as a rod to focus on to look towards the future as he can’t seem to do so on his own after arriving. He does so and is able to see a year into the future, then four and so on. His abilities work again, but then he hears something strange.
A radio report of a man lifting a car into the air. The first appearance of Superman on April 13th, 1938. Suddenly, it was gone, the crowds of people were gone as if they never existed. He follows the path where Superman existed in 1938 and finds the Justice Society, having formed and waiting for Superman to answer their summons. Jay Garrick “Flash”, “Green Lantern” Alan Scott, Hawkman, Doctor Fate and others, waiting for the Man of Steel to join their ranks and suddenly, they too have never heard of him.
Manhattan follows the many arrivals of Superman, from 1956, to 1986 and sees his arrival change again and again, noting the many deaths of Ma and Pa Kent and how this “Universe” seems to use Superman as a focal point, even going to a thousand years from now when Superman was briefly part of the Legion of Superheroes. So to test how things revolve around Superman, he changes the past by moving the Lantern away from Alan Scott, killing him, and drastically changes the future, creating the New 52 Timeline.
Everything is recontextualized as Manhattan sees that this action changes this universe and that it’s constant state of flux affects the wider multiverse. From the parallel worlds, to the anti-matter, to the Dark Multiverse, Earth Prime is a “Metaverse” in his words. The others change to match whatever is going on in the Prime World and once it realizes what he’s done, it begins to fight back. Manhattan sees Wally West trying to fight his way back to the Universe. This one action causes a chain reaction that will lead to his inevitable confrontation with Superman where Superman either kills him or he kills the Metaverse.
Cutting back to 1954, Manhattan is at Carver Colman’s home on the night that he’s murdered. He doesn’t do anything to stop it.
There’s a saying that “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” In the Watchmen Universe, Doctor Manhattan was allowed to do or not do as he pleased because that world was a little bit more grounded or at worst cynical. Though, one might say that because he refused or didn’t care to use his power at a larger scale, Ozymandias’ “evil” won. Though Ozymandias thought what he did was the right thing, this series proved it it be disastrous in the wake of Rorschach’s journal being published, but initially Veidt’s plan did succeed. Doctor Manhattan escaping to the DC Universe put him into direct conflict with the Metaverse and its Hope. Its innate desire to have the good triumph over evil won’t let Doctor Manhattan get away with inaction and in his words, “To this universe of hope… I have become the villain.”
Words can’t describe how hype I was for this. With each and every issue, a new layer is added and brings us closer and closer to the epic conclusion that only Geoff Johns and Gary Frank can realize. I also love how they’ve expanded on the importance of Earth Prime, seeing as how it has indeed gone through many changes. It’s good to finally have an explanation that implies that even through the many reboots and retcons that if DC wanted to, they could tap into those timelines as main universes at any time. Everyone’s favorite time period matters or will matter again soon.
"One last adventure together…"
Runner Up: Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1 - Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, FCO Plascencia and Tom Napolitano
Joker's words to describe his and Batman's last run together in the hell that is the world after some unexplained event killed numerous heroes, villains and just about anything else. It also describes what MAY be the last time we see Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo do a big Batman story together and I already feel like we're in for a BIG one.
After a curious case of large scale chalk drawings,  showing a dead Batman, leads the Dark Knight to the Crime Alley he inadvertently sets off a trap laid by an unknown assailant using the decomposing body of a ten year old child. He later wakes up in Arkham Asylum, apparently having been there since KILLING HIS FAMILY in Crime Alley all those years ago. Capullo does a great job of setting atmosphere and making things unsettling as even a small fly buzzing around and "Dr. Redd Hudd" looming over a straight jacketed Bruce Wayne looks creepy.
Arkham appears to be just a regular Asylum with Alfred showing up and trying to convince Bruce that Batman was all in his head, showing him a mock costume they made to keep him calm with a cowl stitched to a straight jacket. Bruce sees through it all and fights his way through Arkham until Alfred reveals the truth. He only wanted to keep his boy safe because half of Gotham was just gone. Years had passed and Batman has no idea what happened.
He later wakes up in a desert and coincidentally finds the head of The Joker. He wakes and immediately begins cracking jokes as Batman takes him and they begin to walk to Coast City. I don't know how much of this is real and that adds to the mystique of the story. We're never given an explanation as to how he got there from Arkham or how Joker is surviving.
They arrive at Coast City and the decayed corpse of Mogo looms over a giant crater and ruins. Joker says that all of the Lanterns fell and rings are just there for the taking. Suddenly the duo are attacked by projections of babies before being saved by Vixen and Poison Ivy. Ivy then knocks Bruce out just in case and he wakes up surrounded by the new Amazons; Vixen, Donna Troy, Poison Ivy, Supergirl and Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman explains that one day, Luthor just… convinced most that they should just take what they deserve. He told them that goodness was a lie and they just ate it up. It echoed the future that Luthor saw back in Justice League/Legion of Doom #5, but given that this is a Black Label book, one wouldn't be wrong if they didn't want to think of this as the explanation of that timeline because they're not in the same canon.
Wonder Woman also tells Batman that the one wielding the Anti-Life Equation may be one of the Boys and pleads with him to join the Amazons in Hades.
But Batman is Batman and he decides that he's going to put a stop to this.
Last Knight on Earth reads like an alternative ending for Scott Snyder's Justice League epic. Even though that story is far from over, not even close, there's this unsettling feeling that, if Scott didn't have to have the heroes win in the end, this should be the absolute endgame. A world, no UNIVERSE possibly, under siege by someone wielding the Anti-Life Equation, hope dead and dying and the ever creeping feeling of dread knowing that somehow life and death have lost enough meaning that Joker as a decapitated head still lives… this story is terrifying.
Honestly, this might be some of Capullos best art to date. With Glapion and Plascencia's help, this book feels so atmospheric and dark. Glapion accentuates Capullos lines and shading well with dark-dark inks, making Batman appear to be shrouded in it even in the sun. It's haunting, especially in the Arkham scenes where things are absolutely not as they seem and dark secrets hide behind and within the walls. Plascencia, on the other hand, can make even light and vibrant colors threatening. The red sand on Jokers jar is intense  and the Green Lantern babies are deadly. Hell, Coast City, Hall Jordan's crown jewel, looks unbelievably desolate, colored like a wasteland. Capullo pulls all of this together with as much detail as he possibly can and his work shows.
Faces are expressive, from Batmans fear, to Alfreds regret to Jokers madness. Body language is utilized greatly as Batman fights like a caged animal. He's taken aback by Jokers head, but still finds his resolve. Wonder Woman is still fierce, but even her edge has dulled with the sheer lack of hope that running away and going underground has given her.
This story is terrifying and I absolutely love it. From the creepy visuals of Capullos art, to the expression of thought because of the mature liberties Black Label books can take, it's all beautiful. This one is absolutely going to match my love for Batman: Damned and every one should go and read this. High recommend!
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Hey hey HEY! Could I please request a fluffy scenario with Bokuto, Hinata and Yamaguchi where they're helping they're s/o coach younger kids how to play volleyball. BUt more like they're interaction with the kids than teaching them and the s/o like looks over and is like wow they are a child and i am so in love with them how did i get so lucky? like O>O i feel like they'd be so cute about it! thank you. youre amazing
kicking off valentine’s day with some fluffy scenarios! everytime you guys give me fluff, it’s like super fluff and i die a happy deathevery time i write them :,)
i also wanted to include the idea that hinata gets a bighead from being called cute and instead of getting all flustered, he starts toget cocky about it
“Hey, look at that! You got past the block like I toldyou that you would.”
Bokuto holds his hands up—or well, down really so that thechild he’s praising can reach them—for a high-five. He’s a good nine or tenyears older than most of the neighborhood kids you’re coaching, but they don’tseem to mind at all. After their friend was able to land a spike thanks to hisinstructions, there was already a chorus of “Teach me too!” and “I wanna trythat!” as a few of them flocked to the ace.
His face practically lights up with their enthusiasm. Eventhough he’d been playing for a long time, it was only recently that he startedliking volleyball. Hearing that these kids are already eager to learn more ata young age, and partly thanks to him too, makes him swell with pride.
You grin as Bokuto leads the kids back on to the courtand proceeds to go over the technique again.
He’s just like them,but it’s so cute, you think. Itreally was a good idea to ask him to come help out today. All of them arehaving so much fun.
The sound inside the gymnasium muffles with your thoughtsand the heavy pounding of your heart in your chest. You don’t hear what one ofthe kids says to him while you’re lost in your thoughts, but he lets out alaugh and the sound finally returns. Bokuto’s golden eyes land on you andsomehow his smile manages to widen. Warmth floods to your face and throughoutyour whole body.
You’ve only been dating for a few months at this point,but the volleyball star manages to surprise you with his magnetism almost everyday. He can be silly at times, but he always finds a way to make you smile.
Bokuto Koutarou managed to charm you quicker than anyoneelse you’ve been attracted to.
“Oh,” you say to yourself, “I guess I’m really in lovewith him.”
While the children separate into smaller groups to giveit try themselves, Bokuto joins your side in observing them play. Yourboyfriend blinks in surprise upon finding your cheeks flushed before smilingslyly at you.
“Hey, you’re blushing like crazy,” he says. He leans in alittle closer to you and lowers his voice, “I didn’t think just watching mewould get you so worked up. I’m that good, huh?”
You let out a quiet laugh and nod. “Well, of course. I’m datingthe cutest of the top five spikers in the whole country after all. It’s prettyhard not to.”
While Bokuto enthusiastically stutters a response to yourcompliment, you giggle. The kids are distracted enough, so you turn to him andgive him a peck on the cheek. The action effectively silences him, and if thiswere a cartoon, he’d have melted into a pile of goo right then and there.
And I’m still tryingto figure how I got so lucky.
It’s almost astounding how easily these children seem tounderstand Hinata’s onomatopoeia-filled language, but they have no trouble withhis explanations. You toss a volleyball towards the kids lined up and ready topractice receiving. The first in line takes his stance and stiffens up themoment the ball makes contact with his forearms, and the volleyball goes flyingoff to the side.
“It’s a little more like whoosh,” Hinata explains to him.You lob another ball at you boyfriend for him to demonstrate, and cleanly receivesit.
“Oh! That makes perfect sense. Thanks, Sho-chan!”
He flashes his perpetually bright grin at the youngerboy. You toss another ball and this time, the kid is able to receive the ballwith much better form. Along with the neighborhood kids, Hinata’s eyes sparklein awe as the ball lands just before your feet. It felt like it was such ashort time ago when he could barely manage the volleyball basics himself, butyou know better than anyone how much effort he puts into every practice. Itprobably doesn’t hurt that your gentle tosses aren’t anywhere near as fast asthe serves and spikes he usually plays against.
After a few more drills, everyone breaks for a fewminutes.
“____! Sho-chan is your boyfriend, right?” one of thegirls asks. You give her a nod. “He doesn’t seem like the other big kids at all.”
You turn to look at Hinata, who’s talking energeticallywith some of the other kids. He pushes his hair down, and puts on a scowl: he’simpersonating Kageyama again. His small audience giggles at the impression andyou do too. You’ve been feeling a lot more upbeat since the two of you starteddating. His presence alone always cheered you up even before you starteddeveloping feelings for him, but that positive influence increased tenfoldsince your first date.
You’re not sure exactly what you’ve done to deserve hisaffection, but you’re more than grateful for it. When you pulled that lucky ticketfrom the shrine during New Years’ festivities, you hadn’t expected this would be the fortune you were blessed with.
“No, he’s definitely not,” you laugh. “But that’s why Ilike him so much. He’s a lot of fun to be around.”
The girl’s face lights up at your reaction. She may beyoung, but it would appear that she’s already a sucker for romance. “Do youthink he’d come again if you asked him to?”
“Of course!”
The group then takes to the court again to start theirusual afternoon scrimmage. You turn back to glance Hinata’s way to find that he’sapproaching you. You offer him a grin as he plops down next to you on theground.
“Man, where was this kind of group when I was a kid? Iwould have been so much better at volleyball sooner,” he whines. Despite that,he’s smiling widely. “At least this is a good group of kids.”
“I figured you’d have no trouble with them since you’reso good with Natsu,” you say.
He crosses his arm over his chest, expression suddenlyshifting to a slight pout. “They don’t give me attitude like Natsu does,though.”
“Well, at least she’s cute just like her big brother.”
His pout disappears almost instantly and is replaced witha smirk that’s a little crooked, but cocky nonetheless. Hinata arms remaincrossed while he straightens his posture. You’re sure that’s just a cover-upfor the fact that he’s shuffling a little closer to you. To make the taskeasier, you shift yourself closer to him too, and rest your head on his shoulder.His body tenses at this and you can’t see his face now, but you know for a factthat his smirk is quivering trying to contain the swell of delight in him.
And do you ever love that the kids tease him only momentslater for that silly face.
“Bye, bye, ____! Yamaguchi-nii!”
You wave as the last of the kids heads home for the day,clasping his mother’s hand on the way out. It’s the first time in a long timethat you didn’t have to stay much later after practice than usual. Normally,they would be able to walk home on their own, but since it got darker earliernow, you had to wait for your group’s parents or older siblings to come andpick them up.
Thankfully, this time you have your sweet boyfriend Yamaguchi—who’sbehind you gathering up stray volleyballs and placing them in the cart—to keepyou company while you clean up and walk home. “Sweet” feels like anunderstatement at this point, but you know that calling him that to his facecould make him short circuit. It’ll suffice for now.
He could have spent the day somany other ways, but he still decided to spend it coaching elementary schoolstudents with you. With the trip to Tokyo for Nationals right around thecorner, you hadn’t been seeing a whole lot of him as he put in more practicetime. Once he leaves for the tournament, you aren’t sure how long it will bebefore he comes home. Even though you told him that you’d both be relativelybusy instructing the kids rather than being around each other, he still agreed to help out.
You always knew him to be quite gentle—save for the timeswhere he and Tsukishima would pick on their teammates—so it came as no surpriseto you that the children were receptive to him straightaway. You’re starting towonder if it’s because Yamaguchi knew that he’d look so charming helping themout. If you hadn’t already been dating him, you would have started crushinghard on him today.
While his back is turned to you as he picks up a few moreballs, you clasp your hands behind your back and rock back on forth on yourfeet. As he rises, you feel your face heat up slightly. If you could feel youreyes sparkling, this would be one of those times. Yamaguchi turns to you and blinkswhile he dumps the volleyballs into the cart.
“What’s with that face?” he asks. There’s a small smiletugging at his lips. He likes to think that his freckles hide his blush, buteven if they did, they currently aren’t doing a good job muting the pink on hischeeks.
“As if you weren’t adorable enough, you’re really goodwith kids too,” you blurt out. Yamaguchi stands in stunned silence as youcircle round the cart to him. “I really hit the jackpot with you.”
With your hands on his shoulders for leverage, you standon your toes to give him a peck on the lips. Those freckles don’t stand achance against the red on his face now.
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