#they're bad for your studies
anotherfanaccount · 8 months
When things are going wrong and future looks bleak I just remember the dialogues from OSO.
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Which is sort of dark that it has to be by the end that everything's fine. The end of life being death but happys endings.
A bittersweet hope of that grand finale. And just us being that cinema.
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evilminji · 1 year
Actually? You know what would be darkly hilarious?
If, when the GIW can't get ghosts declared both malicious AND non-sapient/sentient? They push for "dumb animals" instead.
Which is accepted. Ghosts are animals. Checks out, says scientists everywhere.
HOW "dumb"?
What? Says the GIW, mid-victory high fives. They did not expect a follow up question. They SHOULD have, as this is the SCIENTIFIC community and that is literally their job, but here we are.
How. "Dumb"? The scientists repeate slower. What methodology did you use? What is your sample size? Are their different sub-species? Is this dimension like ours? Is Ghost the equivalent to Mammal? It says here their are humanoid ones.
What IQ are we talking about here and HOW DID YOU TEST??
A goldfish, parrot, and dolphin are all animals. WILDLY different levels of intelligence. You can't treat them the same. Technically speaking, WE are animals.
The GIW does not like where this conversation is going. Tries to shut it down.
.......well NOW the scientists are both offended AND invested. How DARE you try to push faulty science and hide the Truth from them! They're gonna do their OWN studies! *picks up the phone and dials that one embarrassing spiritualist friend they had in college* Hey! You still think you can summon ghosts? I'll pay you to try it for Science!
And like? As a Ghost? It's degrading as hell. But ALSO these fuckos just Whoopsie'd you into having both protections under the law, since animal abuse IS illegal, AND just put the ENTIRE planets scientific community on their asses.... by accident.
So you take a deeeeeeep breath you don't even need. Remember you're doing this for the little ghost babies and fluffy ghost animals. And show up at a research facility like "yes, hello, I am Ghost. Here for you to poke and prod at. Please ask me to name the object on the flash card or whatever IQ tests do these days."
Should you HAVE to prove your own fucking sentience? No. But? You do it. You're even polite about it. Ask for a copy of the study they plan to publish so you can BEAT some mother fuckers with it. The scientists nod in understanding and use the BIG font for your copy so it'll hurt more.
They've been there.
And just? Shitty people getting what they wanted only to have it blow up in their faces?? I see all these angst "but what if they were declared ANIMALS" prompts and I just?? Are we talking PARROT or goldfish!? One has the average intelligence of about a human 4yr old and the other is a FISH! People get RIGHTFULLY furious when you treat INTELLIGENT animals badly.
And would, in fact, adapt pretty easy to discovering one of said animal has become HUMAN lvl intelligent. It's easy to grasp the idea of human intelligence lvl dolphin or monkeys. Maybe there was some mutated strain, maybe in uetro tampering. Who knows. But if I tried to sell you a human intelligent housefly? Gold fish? Lizard?
You wouldn't believe me. There is some kind of trick at play.
So if GHOSTS are seen as animals? Everyone nods and then later? Someone comes in TV and very excitedly informs you "we found INTELLIGENT LIFE amongst the ghosts!" You'd believe it. Probably be really excited by your conversation starter for the day. Get a taco and move on with your life.
But? Having to willing sit for a barrage of testing? Is going to suuuuuuck so bad. Poor Danny. SATs all over again. For HOURS. At multiple facilities, just to be CERTAIN it's not a one off. All because he not certain he can insure good behavior from other ghosts and This Is IMPORTANT. He ALSO can't be certain it's even SAFE.
Might be a trap.
But if he has to do it again and again and again? Mexico to Bavaria to China to the Maldives? If this is what it takes for the scientific community to bitchslap the GIW into ORBIT before the UN? Hand him that pencil.
He has no where more important to be.
@hdgnj @nerdpoe @mutable-manifestation @ailithnight @the-witchhunter
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rubberduckyrye · 11 days
I cannot stress to you how important it is to me as a viewer of DR stuff that an execution isn't just tied to the talent of a student, but more so to what causes them the most despair.
One Fan Execution that I really like (though it remains unfinished) is this Rantaro Execution called "12 Strikes to Midnight." The execution might not be as polished as, say, an execution like "Deep Fried Teruteru" but the fundamental aspect of personalized despair is what makes the unfinished, unpolished fan execution far more interesting to watch.
The Rantaro Fan Execution plays witht he aspect of Time and how Time is Running Out for Rantaro to find and save his sisters. Each minute, each hour, one of them dies a painful and horrible death, until Rantaro is finally killed after he witnesses all of his sisters die. His deepest regret involves his sisters going missing, which encouraged him to become an adventurer--and the aspect of the clock is used incredibly well here.
Compare that to Teruteru's execution now--he gets caked up in egg and flour and deep fried in a volcano. Sure, that's a horrible way to die, but... what does it say about Teruteru's deepest despair? Does he hate fried food for some reason? That doesn't seem like a very solid despair to use to bring about the worst kind of emotional agony in a blackened during their execution.
Despite Teruteru's execution being better animated and polished, I find myself far more interested in the fanmade Rantaro Execution, because all in all, if your Executions are at least a little bit of a character study, you're probably doing it wrong.
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hazyletter · 2 months
what you know (and all i think about) is us
Tobio had gotten used to the silence that surrounds their apartment, sometimes he's lucky at weekends where his sister would check up on him because of her worry about her little brother missing her which Tobio just blinks at before silently agreeing as Miwa envelops him into a tight hug, but most of the time, Tobio's alone.
He's got a routine out of it because of years being left and learning how to do things alone, from teaching himself about the random things he sees on the internet including the times where he gets curious enough that he roams around the neighborhood to sightsee in between his morning jogs when there's no school or practice.
All in all, Tobio doesn't mind the silence, after all it's been the norm of his life for so long already, so he accepted the truth way before that he should be getting used to this and handle it in some way. In some days, Tobio feels like wanting to do anything than just lay on their couch all day in front of the TV but the thought quickly drifts away when he knows there's no point because he'd be going back to the couch in the end.
So when the familiar buzz of the doorbell from outside rings on his ear, Tobio snaps his head up to the door with furrowed brows, already wondering who it was because it's two in the afternoon which is not the common time when Miwa visits him on saturdays and his parents are in separate work trips in other prefectures he didn't try to figure out as to which. But with a reluctant and slightly drifting mind, Tobio stands up to open the door.
The seconds in which he walked his way from his room to the genkan gave Tobio time to think of the possible person or people who'd randomly go to his home without notifying him but none of those options included a Tsukishima Kei whose head rose up from the sound of the door opening and his auburn eyes subtly filled with color when a dumbfounded Tobio comes into view.
"What...are you doing here?" Tobio tilts his head with obvious confusion plastered on his face, quickly noticing the white plastic bag on Tsukishima's hand that Tsukishima immediately fumbled with when he saw that Tobio saw it, the setter looking back up at him again with a raised brow after giving the item a silent glance.
Tsukishima blinks for a moment, his mouth slightly parting as if it's trying to figure out what to let out, and even if he's still dazed at the situation, Tobio silently waits for it. But Tsukishima's mouth closes and Tobio is left with even more of a furrowed brow.
"Um...?" Tobio tries to continue.
That seemed to blow away the fog off of Tsukishima's mind and he blinks before softly clearing his throat, "I... saw a friend of your sister's on the way up here and he told me to give this to you."
Friend? Tobio tilts his head to the side. He quickly figures it's possibly Shun since the older guy gives him visits from time to time as well, instructed by Miwa, just checking up on him and giving him snacks and drinks so someone knows he's still up and going, though Tobio always tried to convince all of them that he's fine on his own. It's not that they don't trust him, but Tobio guesses that's just their own way of caring because of not having the capability to stay with him on their own.
Still, curiosity starts to perk from Tobio's mind as he stares at Tsukishima's figure awkwardly standing in the genkan, the setter not being used to seeing someone taller than Shun being in front of him inside his home. He wonders what Tsukishima was doing in this certain apartment building, and he also wonders how Shun even knew that Tsukishima knew Tobioㅡthat last observation made Tobio feel suspicious.
His rambling thoughts were interrupted when he hears a sigh from the boy in front of him before he walked past Tobio, setting the plastic bag on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Tobio takes a moment to blink with a matching gaping mouth at the casual way Tsukishima just strolled inside until he's brought back from the sound of a snort.
"I have to say," Tsukishima starts, a hint of a curve on the sides of his lips, "You look different with casual clothes."
The familiar teasing tone of the blonde makes Tobio's nose scrunch up in annoyance, "We literally go out once in a while as a team and I wear casual clothes. What are you saying?"
Tsukishima hums, "Didn't know you were the type to wear pajamas outside but I don't really want to know you that well, so..."
Tobio scoffs, walking close to the kitchen counter where Tsukishima is leaning onto, grabbing a pitcher filled with water to pour Tsukishima some, but he doesn't forget to quickly punch Tsukishima first in the arm, meaning to hurt but not too much, and the wince from the latter at the impact makes Tobio huff triumphantly.
"Strong words for someone who just barged in here."
"I have a side quest named 'Annoying one Kageyama Tobio'." Tsukishima sarcastically says, accepting the glass of water and drinking it as he watched Tobio roll his eyes at his antics.
"Nerd." Tobio gives him a look before turning to the couch, making a hand gesture that lets Tsukishima know to follow him.
"Volleyball idiot." Tsukishima quickly bites back.
"Your Majesty."
"Ugh, fuck off."
"Too bad." Tsukishima deadpans as he sits down the couch while Tobio resumes what he was watching. "Side quest, remember?"
Tobio just pushes him with his foot on the leg and on reflex, Tsukishima doesn't hesitate to kick back.
Oddly enough, between the two of them, slowly but surely, they started having some sort of dynamic at the start of their second year, which was quickly noticed by the people around them, especially the Karasuno team who had to adjust themselves to get used to their insults now transforming into the usual bickering.
Even the two of them didn't know how it had started. One day, the other just started not being that much of an irritation inside the court, until it gradually included their time outside of practice and school as well. Perhaps it's the study sessions that Tsukishima always seemed to get pulled into and more-or-less, him and Tobio are the ones left alone, with Shoyo taking a long path home and Tobio having nothing else to do, and so he frequents in the Tsukishima household after those study sessions.
Yamaguchi lives close by but he always seemed to be doing something that has him not having the choice to stay with Tobio. One day, Tobio questions Tsukishima about it and all he had was a disgruntled emotion in his face that Tobio didn't get. In the end, Tsukishima slightly grimaced as he covered half of his face before simply tapping Tobio's head with his pen as a mere ploy for annoyance and it worked, leaving Tobio not dwelling on Yamaguchi's deal any longer.
Yachi always goes home early for dinner with her mother, but she's also the type to set a curfew for herself because her mother doesn't establish her worry out in the open frequently and so Tobio is left to deal with salt humanified beside him more than what he had imagined would be possible since their unpleasant first meeting.
Perhaps it's the quick ease they settle into when it comes to insulting each other because they now know that the other doesn't mean any harm unless it goes too far, but those are not as frequent as they were back in their first year. And, though Tobio will never admit it to Tsukishima's infuriating face, him and Tsukishima actually, kind of, works, one way or another. He doesn't deny that it's strange, but they know each other enough now to form an invisible pact to not go too far with each other anymore.
"Yeah, but Amaki's still way too much of an idiot for them to end up together at the end of this episode." Tobio snorts.
"Don't be stupid, King, this is not like one of those korean dramas where it's already 14 episodes in and they've only just held hands." Tsukishima gives him a judging glance before taking another sip of his pineapple ade. "Besides, Ryo is a stuck-up and he'd definitely want to confess first before Haru. Haru's still the main lead."
"Wasn't it already established that Amaki's gonna end up with Ryo first before Haru until the timeskip? It's like setting, you have to think of the speed of the toss first-"
"Oh my fucking god, don't even try and start another one of your volleyball tangents."
Tobio just huffs before looking away, ignoring the grimace in Tsukishima's face so he can fight the laugh bubbling in his throat.
For now, their usual arguments when it comes to japanese dramas have started for some reason, and Tsukishima always spites him when he tries to understand the plot with volleyball-related point of view's. At some point, Tobio now only does it just to spite him back.
Their back and forth is cut off when the doorbell rings after a long time and they look at each other for a moment, Tsukishima raising a brow and Tobio shrugging, clueless. He gets up from the couch, notices that it's already been a couple of hours since Tsukishima had stayed from the clock on the wall, and the next thing he realized is that technically, this is the first time Tsukishima had been in his house for the first time, excluding the time Yachi and the others surprised him in front of their doorstep in his birthday with a cake at exactly midnight sharp.
Tobio didn't have the chance to dwell on it much longer when he opens the door, and sees the familiar pink locks of Shun before the man himself.
"Hey, Tobio." Immediately from seeing him, Shun smiles before stepping in with ease as Tobio steps away for him. "Just here to take something that Miwa wants me to bring for her." The older male walks into the hallway, then he notices Tsukishima sitting on the couch who'd already been looking at him. "Ah, it's you." Shun gives the blonde his easy smile, "I see you've enjoyed the drinks I bought."
"Ah, Shun-san, thank you for the drinks." Tobio bows his head a little, always feeling that he should be polite to the older male whenever they meet.
Shun just chuckles and softly shakes his hand around the air. "It's fine, it's fine. Get used to it, because I'm never stopping."
Tobio gives him a look of gratitude from the side and Shun grins before ruffling his hair. "I'll be quick." He walks to the hallways leading to Miwa's small office at the center of it and Tobio watched his figure for a moment before turning back to Tsukishima who had been steadily watching the interaction and the raven raises a brow.
"What's that look for?"
"What look." Tsukishima deadpans, acting clueless.
Tobio gives him a look of his own as he sits back down to the chair. "You're acting weird."
"I see you're finally reading expressions easily nowadays."
His sarcastic tone sounds strange for Tobio, making him frown and his brows furrow trying to figure out as to what's wrong with it, but Tsukishima continues to face the TV and so Tobio is left muttering to himself before finally relaxing in his seat.
It's not long before Shun emerges from the hallway with a box held by his hands that has a print of a brand of hair products on it. Tobio stands up again to say goodbye. "Ah, Shun-san-"
"It's fine, it's not that heavy, surprisingly." Shun smiles at Tobio when the younger holds out his arms to help. Shun can hold it with one hand in ease as he gestures with the other, making Tobio reluctantly nod.
He follows Shun to the genkan and opens the door for him where Shun was about to retort, but the familiar politeness of the younger male makes him smile exasperatedly but adoringly as it always does. "Take care of yourself, will you? I know Miwa doesn't show it well, but she does care." Shun lightly sighs.
"I will, Shun-san." Tobio merely nods, which makes Shun shake his head with a soft look on his face once again before ruffling Tobio's hair with the ease of their height difference.
"Bye-bye." Shun waves at him with an easy smile one last time, and Tobio returns it with a small wave of his own before he closes the door.
Tobio turns from it only for him to be surprised to see Tsukishima behind the kitchen counter, unpacking a can of beer from the plastic bag which Tobio only now noticed. He questions to himself why Shun would willingly gift it to him when he knows Tobio doesn't drink but ah, now he's not the one drinking it so Tobio just shrugs it off anyway.
He notices the tension in Tsukishima's shoulders with the way he stands. He's just looking at the wooden counter with a faraway look in his eyes. Tobio frowns, now sitting in one of the chairs in front of the counter. "Seriously, what's wrong with you? Did Toma dying actually affect you that bad?"
For a while, Tobio doesn't receive a reply, deepening his frown. He couldn't quite restrain himself from finally flicking Tsukishima's exposed forehead with his fingers and it's left successful from not only snapping the blonde out of it, but also gaining a glare from him. "Fucking-"
Tobio only raises a brow at this. "What?" He says, daring Tsukishima to do something.
Tsukishima continues to give him an irritated look for a few moments before sighing, swiftly gliding his glasses back to the center of his nose with his middle finger. He looks away, fingertips slightly playing with the beer can it's wrapped around. "Nothing."
"Uh huh..." Tobio says, not convinced.
His tone makes Tsukishima look him up and down in judgement before releasing a breath. "You..." Tsukishima starts.
Tobio waits for the continuation, but only the murmur of the TV and the muted horn of a car passing by is what envelops the silence between them, making Tobio feel puzzled. "Me...?"
Tight-lipped, Tsukishima turns to him, giving Tobio another one of his weird expressions similar to the one he had last time, then the blonde turns away, looking at anything except him.
It slightly makes Tobio want to scoff, how weird the blonde was acting. But before he could speak again, his phone buzzes from his pocket and he opens it, seeing a new email from Shun. He quickly replies back with another form of gratitude which Shun only replies with the ease he always had.
Moriyama Shun-san
tobio has always been like a little brother to me as well, you know
one day, i'm sending you a whole box of all of those ade flavors
just tell me when you want them delivered ! ! ! !
Tobio's eyes slightly widens before quickly typing a refusal, not before he hears a scoff from in front of him, and he settles his attention to Tsukishima who had another strange look on his face.
"What?" Patience thinning, Tobio grunts.
"Nothing." Tsukishima's brow twitches before he looks away and drinks from his can.
Tobio rolls his eyes before continuing his message to Shun which the older male sends another batch of "w"'s and "it's okay"'s to that Tobio frowns at.
"You seem close."
Tobio looks up again, only to see Tsukishima turned away from him, his hand still resting on the counter to stable himself. Tobio doesn't quite get what Tsukishima was saying at first before he sent his last message to Shun and closed his phone, laying it on the wooden surface. "Shun-san?"
Tobio hums, actually considering it, looking up at the ceiling, and so he doesn't see how Tsukishima finally turns back to him, watching as he contemplates. "He's friends with nee-san. I wouldn't say we're close but..." His brows furrow, not knowing how to word it. "He's... kind to me. He asks me about volleyball once in a while and tries to understand even if he doesn't play. He's.." He finally looks up, locking eyes with Tsukishima who now has a solemn look in his eyes. "He's like.. Suga-san. He takes care of me." Tobio ends, simply and satisfied.
Tsukishima was silent for a moment, watching water drip down his beer can's surface before simply humming.
It makes Tobio feel strange again, not used to a Tsukishima that... that was this weird. He'd always know that it will always be difficult to fully figure out Tsukishima but the mood that the middle blocker had been having since Shun arrived scratched something inside Tobio, wanting to understand why the other was acting that way but not knowing where to start.
Another frown settles in Tobio's lips, "Hey, seriously, what's wrong with you?"
"Hah... what's wrong with me?" Tsukishima emptily chuckles. "Shit if I know."
It leaves Tobio feeling more confused and honestly, slightly.. frustrated. He doesn't know why he wants to know the reason why Tsukishima is acting weird in the first place. Last time Tobio checked, he would just brush it off with Tsukishima being the usual Tsukishima but this... Tobio couldn't quite shrug off the tight feeling in his chest at the thought of leaving Tsukishima alone just like that.
"Why are you being so difficult?"
"I'm not being difficult. I'm-" Tsukishima sighs, before pulling out a hand to mess his bangs out of the way, seeming frustrated. "Forget it."
"No. You're acting weird. Tell me."
"I said forget it."
"It's a different kind of weird, damn it."
The sudden rise of Tsukishima's voice leaves Tobio slightly wide-eyed, letting Tsukishima watch his stunned stance turn closed-off by the second.
Noticing, Tsukishima seems to grit his teeth, before massaging his forehead with his hand, closing his eyes followed by a wind-up sigh.
Watching Tsukishima unfold right in front of him, the weird feeling in Tobio's chest tightens even more and he opens his mouth around an awkward apology for pushing Tsukishima to his limits when he feels something rest on his head.
The weight stuns Tobio for a good while that he doesn't realize what it was at first, but as he slowly raised his eyes, he sees the white bracelet wrapped around Tsukishima which they all have from when they visited a temple together for the new years a few months ago. It doesn't quite reach Tobio's face for the strands in its edges to tickle his nose, but it leaves his skin with strange warmth, and Tobio doesn't know why it's strange in the first place.
Doesn't know why Tsukishima's hand is laid on top of his hair, why it starts to slowly play with it after the moments Tobio missed to say something. The movement makes Tobio feel choked up with something, and he inhales as his eyes ventures somewhere. Somewhere turned out to be Tsukishima covering half of his face as he stares at Tobio, looking pink at the edges.
And when they stare at each other far too long, Tobio holding his breath, and Tsukishima with his glasses turning crooked because of his knuckles on the way, Tsukishima is the first to look away, seeming redder than before.
All air seemed to get punched out of Tobio's lungs when Tsukishima's hand messily ruffles his locks that made Tobio duck his head from the weight, letting Tsukishima do what he was doing even if Tobio clearly couldn't understand whatㅡjust that Tsukishima is playing with his hair and it feels different compared to when Suga does it, or when Shun curls them with his fingertips with every chance he gets. It's definitely vastly different from Oikawa's way of handling his hair because it's not- it's not this soft, leaving his stomach in knots, and he sure wasn't the one drinking beer between him and Tsukishima.
At one point, Tobio makes a scrunched-up sound, not knowing when his eyes started to close themselves, then suddenly, Tsukishima's hand is pulling away and as with everything outside of anything, Tobio finds difficulty in things and he's easily confused by things that aren't familiar or strange to him, and the impulse of his hand that reached back for Tsukishima's palm is left as one of his strange impulses.
He watches the way Tsukishima finally lets go of his own face, lips parting in surprise because of him, but Tsukishima doesn't pull away from his hand, doesn't break away from the hazy stare Tobio sends his way, even if his hand twitches from its confinement, even if Tobio himself didn't know he was making some kind of look.
"King?" Tsukishima, seeming breathless as if he had ran a whole marathon.
There, he doesn't know it, just as he feels as if he'll never fully know Tsukishima, Tobio has another thing he doesn't understand, doesn't understand why Tsukishima is looking at him the same way he'd seen Haru look at Amaki at the final episode of "And So I Fall" when Amaki merely looked back at Haru with a grin. With the way Haru looked, it was as if Amaki hung the stars and it was all for Haru and for him only.
What Tobio does understand is the he has the urge to tighten his hold around Tsukishima's wrist, and so he does, continues watching Tsukishima as his breath hitched, lips quivering in an unfamiliar way. Another strange impulse of Tobio appears when his mind murmurs to him to lay his thumb on those lips' surface so it can go back to Tsukishima's familiar snicker instead of its wobbly form cracking around nervousness.
"Tobio, where are- oh my."
Everything seemed to shatter into pieces and Tobio jumps from where he was seated, dropping Tsukishima's hands as he faces the direction of the genkan only to see Shun with his own surprised expression.
Tobio stiffly stands and walks up to him. "Shun-san."
Shan's face is pulled into a sheepish but seemingly knowing glint. "Ah, did I.. interrupt something?" He looks between Tobio and Tsukishima with wonder.
Tobio still feels winded, strangely enough, but he turns into autopilot and says, "You- you didn't. Did you forget something, Shun-san?"
Shun hums, still considering the scene that he had seemingly interrupted before plastering an easy smile. "My work is actually finished already and I told Miwa-chan I'd be cooking dinner for you. She'll follow soon enough."
"Ah... I see." Tobio slowly nods. He's familiar with Miwa not having the time to join him for dinner these couple of months so the news leaves him settled, and he already sees the catching up that Miwa would be doing later that night.
"I'm leaving."
The sound of Tsukishima's voice makes Tobio freeze for a moment, forgetting he was there, but he didn't have time to react and fully turn to where Tsukishima was just a few moments ago before the blonde is already walking past him and swiftly tying the shoes he was wearing.
"Already?" Tobio hears himself say, before he catches himself.
But it was too late to take back when Tsukishima looks up at him, a complicated shadow clouding his face before he nodded. Done with his shoes, Tsukishima stands up in his full height and turns to Shun, much to the older male's additional surprise, "I'll be off. Thank you."
Brushing off his surprise, Shun smiles, "It's no bother."
Tsukishima gives him a small nod before turning to Tobio who suddenly had the urge to play with his fingers in frustration. Tsukishima gives him a small wave along the tilt of his head with a slight edge of mirth around it before turning away and exiting the apartment, not waiting for Tobio's response.
"Ah-" Tobio's hand reaches out in reflex but the soft closing of the door echoes in his ear and he is once again left in his place with a confusing frustration twisting his chest.
A whistle from beside him pulls him away for a little bit, sees Shun leaning on the edge of the genkan's wall connected to the one leading to the hallway with his arms crossed. His usual smile curves his lips but Tobio senses something different from them, and he's left sputtering at Shun's following words, "You know, I'm surprised. I didn't think you like those types of people but you're pretty surprising yourself, Tobio. Still, don't you think as your self-declared nii-san, you'd introduce me to your partner instead of pretending you're just friends?"
"Wha-wha... WHAT!? No, it's- you're absolutely wrong, Shun-san...! Tsukishima is-"
"So his name is Tsukishima?" Shun hums, nodding to himself as he ignores Tobio's yells of denial. "Ah, that'd make your name sound awkward one day. Though, Tsukishima Tobio kind of has a nice ring to it, right?"
"Tsukishima Tobio- I AM NOT MARRYING HIM!!!!!??? We're not d-d-dating..!!! Shun-san, you're completely mistaken...!" At that point, Tobio resembled a tomato more than a blueberry which he had been compared to by Shun from time to time. Forget the heat he felt when Tsukishima was still here, Shun's ridiculousness made him feel lightheaded.
Shun laughs wholeheartedly at his state. "Wow, this is amazing. Not once did I ever see you this red! It's genuine astonishment, even from me!"
Tobio was on the brink of exploding into smithereens.
Even as the night settles upon the apartment, Shun doesn't stop from his continuous teasing that left Tobio wearing earphones to finally mute out his voice out which only made Shun laugh even more until Miwa comes home to a silent Tobio faceplanting on the dining table, Shun chuckling at him in between his bites.
"What did you do to my baby brother, you idiot." Miwa raises a brow as she joins them.
"Nothing!" Shun plays innocent, still grinning.
And as the hours close to midnights comes closer and closer with every quickening thump of his heart, Tobio sits on his bed, resting his back to the wall beside it with only his lamp from his desk giving light to his room. Once again, his confusion from earlier still leaves him confused until nowㅡconfused at his reaction and confused by Tsukishima all over again.
Absentmindedly, Tobio's hand on top of his knees reaches up to his hair and he starts playing with it using his fingers, seeing another sight of Tsukishima with his scarlet of a face covered by his hand and the other on his locks as Tobio zones out staring at the empty corner of his room. When he realizes what he was doing, Tobio's lips thin out and he can't help but bite them in frustration as he now fully rests his head on his knees, covering his warming face from an audience of none.
"Damn it, Tsukishima..."
Tobio mutters to himself, before it turns into a full-on groan as he thumps his head back to the wall with eyes closed.
"King?" Tsukishima, seeming breathless as if he had ran a whole marathon.
Tobio covers his reddening face in the dark with the back of his hand, letting out a strangled sound which he doesn't know the meaning of.
All he knows is that that damn nickname that was once was a wretched insult thrown at him had never sounded so... so right until it was Tsukishima who had said it with that strange timbre of his voice.
Now is when Tobio wonders when did Tsukishima start calling him that with no hint of malice.
Because all he knows is that Tsukishima is one of those very few people who can still call him that, the same way he knows Tsukishima had always said it differently than everyone else.
All of it is all Tobio thinks about as he falls asleep with his hand close to his hair, searching for a different surface, one that is roughened up and trained by blocks and not sets.
if you'd like to support this fic on ao3 as well, here is the link to that ! <3
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bunnihearted · 3 months
regardless of the "learn how to be alone" dravel, being lonely actually is really bad for your mental health and can be very painful :p
#i've been doing so so bad#and i've had breakdowns frequently this past week#and i dont have friends or family or a partner or even a therapist lmao#so im alone and thus only feeling worse and worse#my mom has been in an unusual bad mood lately so i havent been able to talk to her at all#but today she asked me to go to her to the store bc she wanted me to buy smth#and on the way we watched the snails and she found them cute (she has never appreciated snails before)#and now i instantly feel a bit better and a bit more normal after only 15 min of hanging out with her#it's so easy for ppl who have family or friends or a partner to judge and criticize me#but like.... u have ppl close to u and u know nothing abt what it feels like to be in my position#it's so condescending and lacking of compassion#i dont understand your pov either but at least im not TELLING YOU directly how much i judge you#like ppl judge me so hard for feeling miserable in my loneliness... but it's easy for u to say those things#like u dont feel my despairing loneliness bc u have a fkn partner. u have fkn friends. or a fkn family. easy for u to judge me from up ther#anyway im much better at being alone than most ppl bc im still alive and im enduring the pain every day#other ppl have ppl around them 💀 only others who are all alone can understand how much it hurts#and it wont be fixed by loving yourself or loving to be alone or whatever other bs they use to criticize u ._.#being alone IS harmful to your health. there are studies on it and im not just making that shit up#i AM allowed to feel pain bc i dont have anyone#ugh esp ppl w partners who can receive physical and romantic attention.... when they judge me.....#stfu forever u have no idea how i feel 💀 and u could never know simply by having had a partner at all...#but yeah. it bothers me too bc i NEVER see someone on here and go#damn i hate this sm i gotta let them know by sending them anons or vague post abt them#like i dont get up in their faces and tell them all my judgemental or bitter or hateful thoughts abt them#even this post is only bc other ppl have taken the liberty to without my consent or having asked tell me directly how pathetic i am#how im not allowed to feel alone. how i have a victim mentality so on and so forth#i never tell other ppl things like that. even if i think them (which honestly i rarely do unless they're extremely toxic TO other ppl) i wo#say shit abt it to them.... ??? like why?#when i sometimes see like ppl have friends on here or talk abt their partners i can feel bitter and jealous#bc im surrounded by seeing things i so deeply crave but im not a humanbeing worth of those things
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callilemon · 1 year
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The art of ✨️Teasing✨️
Request for: @bookdragonwrites 💖
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
quick note - this blog is gonna be sparse again for at least this week. trying new medications and tbh initial side effects are not super pleasant + actual effects build up. as a result: currently as if unmedicated for mental health, with anxiety+ side effect, extra fatigue, dizziness, and fatigue. it's uh, sure something.
totally recognize that most of y'all know we're absent at times due to health things, just wanted to give a heads up that this one is at least anticipated.
#fun fact sometimes condensing meds just means poorer treatment of some conditions#this is a re-expansion + new thing#so that instead of poorly treating my mental health and using an unusually high dose SNRI for another (physical) condition#i will hopefully both be in less pain AND not depressed af AND also have an appetite again#i doubt i will be lucky and not have a fucked stomach due to meds but one can hope that an appetite will allow me to eat foods that upset#my stomach a lot less#my health is forever a massive balancing act#every time a medical thing is like 'so what meds do u take' i'm like here i wrote it down for u#and they're like 'oh. ooookay. let me just...' *five minutes of typing and clicking later*#'so! what did you come in for again? uhuh. you said you experience pain daily? with your chronic pain thing? hm. have you tried yoga?'#/gen#like. straight up every time i say 'i am in pain all the time due to fibromyalgia' they are like 'ooh studies say regular exercise helps'#and like. theoretically yes! but also. i would be lying if i said the fibromyalgia studies i've skimmed don't set off general 'bad science'#alarm bells in my brain#like... cool you performed a fibromyalgia study with... all male lab rats? mhmm? so are you aware fibromyalgia appears to occur#overwhelmingly in women? like. data seems to suggest between 70-85%?#(not that the data can't still indicate things but it certainly makes male rats a poor choice of model for tests on it)#also just... idk i've looked at some metaanalysis and been like 'okay cool theory and for all i know about human bio or bio in general that#sounds more or less correct BUT. you never discussed that one study on this subject that did NOT support your conclusion.#and that's 1) interesting when it was the most diverse group of subjects and the exceptions often teach just as much as the 'rule'#2) just shitty science. tell me how your theory is still credible when some evidence doesn't fit the model.#like... 'given that all other studies were primarily conducted on white american women in their 30s to 40s it is possible that this model#only explains (the early effects of fibro since that's a typical onset period) / (a possible genetic link primarily found in white women) /#(a possible sign of bias in diagnosis that demonstrates the possibility that there are different causes) / combinations of all of those#like... idk a paper that just throws out things that don't support it is a pretty big red flag#it doesn't mean the conclusion is entirely incorrect but it is often important to understand the context in which it applies#like... it's very easy to jump to an incorrect conclusion if you used something in the wrong context#ie: thumbs up is a good job / positive thing in a lot of western civilizations. teenage kee once went to china and discovered it to be#neutral to offensive in many areas outside of major tourist locations that were used to it#anyways i gotta sleep
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eugeniedanglars · 5 months
literally saying this as a hater of both veneers and plastic surgery but the reason you think those procedures "always look bad" is because when they're done well you can't tell they were done at all. survivorship bias or whatever
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korrasamibottles · 2 days
That different people can engage with the same piece of media and come out of it with wildly different interpretations is a testament to the evolutionary miracle that is the human brain. It is also very annoying.
#but i'm gonna mind my own business.#like the point of saw and luthen's characters TO ME isn't 'Both Sides Bad' it's 'revolution is ugly beyond belief and#if you make it out alive it won't be with clean hands EVEN IF your cause is just and the alternative (fascism) is unbearable.#i think the audience is meant to be disturbed by their accelerationist tactics we are meant to think about whether the ends really justify#the means we are meant to think about whether 'good' is something you believe or something you do or something in between.#we as the audience of a prequel series also have the benefit of near-omniscience bc WE know that while saw and luthen are poking the bear#and playing with human lives like they're chess pieces the empire is actively building a weapon capable of blowing up entire planets#and mass-murdering billions which they will later use without hesitation. saw and luthen DON'T know that which complicates things further.#collapsing all that nuance and reducing it to Both Sides Bad is. well. reductive. but like i said i'm gonna mind my own business (lying).#btw i say all of this as someone who studied real-life parallels of these kinds of things extensively in school and had to stop because#i was too much of a kumbaya pacifist and it quite literally drove me insane.#so if anybody came out of that show saying Both Sides Bad it should've been me. and yet. like idk man at the end of the day#there is a difference between a rebellion using violence to claw back an imperfect democracy and a brutally repressive empire.#sorry i promise i'll stop talking about this show someday but ummm that day is not today. apparently.
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wormmpile · 2 months
Sometimes I see someone say something about a piece of media as if it is revelatory mind blowing hot off the press news, and not the most basic obvious point of the work or the most basic obvious allusion, and it makes me roll my eyes a little because I'm like yeah yeah the time knife we've all seen it, and then I have to like physically step in and shake myself and be like actually Susan we have Not all seen the time knife, and anyway someone else is enjoying the wonders of media analysis as a hobby for maybe like. The first time in their life if they're young enough. Don't be a bozo just because you think you're smart. Nerd. Fuckass. If you were a high school english teacher you'd be pissing yourself in joy rn because someone connected the dots. That's so cool that they did that. And I go about my day because I'm normal
#i also do this with history stuff but somehow less... even though it's my actual academic field which i am trained in#i think bc i always felt out of my depth in my history program and the only reason i was ever any good at it#is because im innately just good at understanding media#like all my history work was secretly just an excuse for me to do literary and rhetorical analyses of very niche real world paraphernalia#if i got my grad degree in something completely fucking useless it would be either rhetoric or comparative literature#but sometimes people do say base historical facts that are just fundamentally incorrect and sometimes conspiratorial garbage#and it does make me want to die#anyway this is about someone in a youtube video arguing that flowers in the attic by vc andrews is a gothic horror novel#babe that's.... that is in fact the genre of that novel#0 note post#im aware it is an insanely cocky ridiculous thing to say that im innately good at understanding media but the thing is#im right#i dont have to study it the media just tells me things it whispers them in my ears sensually and i nod and take notes#i see the patterns constantly it's pretty scary#i told my friend recently about my secret plan to one day write a novel length thesis on why house of leaves and moby dick are the same#type novel and they were like saturn your brain is so big and well it is because tell me im wrong. you cant#the whale is literally a house#i think i could make it a whole thing about Haunting as a physical presence within the narrative and expand it beyond those 2 books if i was#ambitious enough. because good ghost stories and stories of the dead are all warped at their foundations#they were broken before they ever came to you by the weight of all the death inside them#this is my poetic justification for why moby dick is unnecessarily long btw. the chapter where ishmael lists white things actually was#necessary because well it's about grief. can't forgive the bad whale facts though#i mean for the time maybe but there is no justification for them they're just extremely funny
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shhh-secret-time · 6 months
To be honest, stardew valley has me in such a chokehold. It always has, even before the 1.6.
In such a way that my brain wants to smash my hyperfixation into it. So late at night I'll be awake thinking of this stardew/south park mashup.
Call that bad boy Star Park AU.
But no brain! Bad! We already have too much going on! You have a Secret Soulmate AU. Fantasy AU, A Cowboy AU story staring Kenny that's still in the outline phase, and these one shots!
(Look at the tags to watch me descent into madness)
#like C'mon#it would be so cute and wholesome#ya know#everything south park isn't#its not my fault I think about me and my friends ocs starting a little farm together#i got one friend I rp with#we smash everything into our stardew rp#it ain't even really stardew besides like the layout of the town#I could write something like that up#like Stan and his family are already “farmers”#the heart event where he tells you he fucking hates it#but next heart event he confesses he's starting to associate farming with you#and now...maybe its not so bad?#COME ON#Kenny taking Karen to see your animals and falling in love with the way you're so gentle with her#Kyle finding you passed out in the mines and scolding you for being careless#but he's patching you up while he does it!!!?#Cartman demanding you bring him crops from your farm because#“everyone elses crops taste like dirt and ball sweat! at least I can stomach yours.”#(its the sweetest thing hes ever said tbh)#tweek having his little coffee shop set up there#he gets away from his parents and moves out to the valley because its quiet!#Craig moves out there to study the stars because they're so clear he can almost see all of them without a telescope#Clyde is JUST Alex and you cant change my mind#after the death of his mother he goes to live with his grandparents#Bebe is like a mix of Haley and Emily!#her events would be you helping her get her outfit designs off the ground and using her photography skills to have you model them#Wendy's whole thing would her being the mayors assistant but over heart events you make her believe in herself#and she becomes mayor; fuck you lewis you old fuck#shhh its a secret
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mad-hunts · 4 months
barton employing his ' dad voice ' whenever someone comes in because that seems to be, by far, the best way to calm someone down whenever they come into his clinic in AGONIZING pain + with an injury that needs dire attention is... idk. i have many feelings about it okok but whenever i say ' dad voice, ' i mean this very specific tone that barton used to use and sometimes still uses whenever his kids are just completely inconsolable that sounds like the gentlest thing ever while he's telling them that ' everything's going to be alright. i'm not going to let anything happen to you. ' 😭
and yes, this would apply to other rogues as well, especially if they have something that requires them to be put under anesthesia. because if you go under anesthesia whenever you're frightened... it's likely that you're going to wake up that way, too, which is something that he doesn't want. but yeah just thinking about this makes my heart kind of sad but happy at the same time bc barton actually is a GOOD doctor (with his bedside manner being surprisingly positive whenever it comes down to it and stuff ) ,, if only he were good all around
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pix-writes · 4 months
The thing is Justified... I know a lot of peeps like it but its not really my jam, but holy hell does Walton steal every scene he's in! Timothy Olyphant is great too, but even if I didn't know how amazing Walton is already as an actor, he really does capture your attention from the off. So that's why I've started watching it anyways 😅
Its also so funny to me Boyd Crowder's supposed to be this big bad antagonist from the off, but so far (as I've watched) what he's done is appear very receptive to Raylan's presence and requests and bascially winds him up a lot! Every time Boyd's showed up in recent eps i've watched he's been like "Raylan, let me bring up your trauma for a second. Do you want to talk about your daddy issues?"
Whilst Raylan shuts him down quickly and Boyd is just like "hmm, do you think your repressing of your emotions is boiling up into a rage and that's why ur so trigger happy, babe? Maybe u should do something about that..." - it's great haha ^^
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themidnightcircusshow · 7 months
Every new thing I learn about James Somerton's process just drives home how he almost (but really doesn't) knows what he's doing. Yes, of course you use the sources you read as a jumping off point. Of course you copy and paste the important sections into your outline document so you can reread them. That's why you put them in quotation marks.
#James Somerton#honesty time: I totally believe he did this by accident#his entire problem is that he writes like a fandom account with bad takes#his anecdotal evidence that Todd in the Shadows spent a two hour video trying to find sources for?#they're all fandom drama taken out of their cultural context#(yes fandom counts as a subculture and therefore has specific context)#and all of it gets attributed to straight white women coz everyone knows shippers are all straight and cis women /s#he simultaneously treats his videos like bad fandom meta and Documentaries of Great Importance and those just do not mesh#it's part of why his videos were so unbearable if you actually knew what he was talking about#he learned how to make a youtube video essay. He did not learn how to write or study any of his chosen subject matter#I think that's also why he was not expecting to be called out the way he has because I suspect he probably thought everyone wrote this way#a lot of old video essayists especially the Chez Apocalypse bunch were very good at not broadcasting just how much went into their videos#so their style that has now become the norm feels incredibly off the cuff but is heavily researched#but also they are using that research to support their own hypotheses and ideas as you are supposed to#so I wonder if when he got called out he just brushed it off because surely he just writes the same way everyone writes#(and hey fandom posts are rarely cited because they assume everyone knows what they are talking about)#it almost makes me feel sorry for him but all I can think about is how catstrophically bad he is at this job#oh and for everyone wondering: I've found the best way to research is to put quotes in quotation marks#paraphrasing in either different punctuating or a different colour#and your own personal thoughts based on the source in something different again#all with the correct citations for your preferred style#this makes sure you have everything cited so when you put it all together you can do it easily without having to go back through it all#and prevents this from happening#(tbh I'm kinda sad I'm not still teaching. This would have been a perfect meme for how to do your damn citations week)
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lesenbyan · 2 months
Scientists: want so badly for adult children who are friends with and/or still dependant on parents for money or a roof to be Bad that they are intentionally looking for detriment in the study results
Study results: so overwhelmingly positive they can't actually find the data needed to twist the narrative
Scientists: >:|
#i read an article#the article was pro kid/parent friendship and dependance bc MANY studies have shown that's beneficial to both sides#but people want SO BADLY to believe the fiction of Independence and it's necessarity that they think parents who still#care about and frequently talk to their grown kids are causing codependency and setting them up for failure and like#not inherently#living with my mother was super beneficial and i still would be if he wasn't anti ever living in MO again and i anti livinf in TX until#it's again a state i can comfortably live in as a trans person#like if i lived with my dad and step mom there'd be reason to question bc while he's gotten better she's just as bad#and expects me to sit down and take emotional abuse and revisionist history from my father's memories of abusive days#whereas dad will thank me for calling him out once he gets over the understandable moment of hurt in realizing what he thoughr was helping#one of his kids was actually hugely painful and detrimental#but also me asking my father for money isn't a danger to my independence it's a sign of the failure of the system#it's not a ''failure to launch'' it's a 'the system and economy are so broken it is literally impossible to get on your feet on your own'#like come off it#look at other societies and multigenerational homes#are they suffering for it? no! then why would we be????#like if you raise a child and all but evict them from your life when they're 18 then like. do you actually love them? do you actually care?#or did you feel like children was an obligation and now it's over and they only matter for holidays and birthdays?#bc the latter is much more of an issue than adult kids '''''boomeranging''''''
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @jann-the-bean!!!!!
you know i had to draw this lil precious baby again because my GOSH-!!! too adorable<333 (i believe she is capable of murder with how full of rage she is tho- gremlin behavior<;3333)
there's only so many ways i can say how much i adore your art and writings before i become a broken record because SERIOUSLY!!!! you are my biggest inspiration when it comes to writing and i swear if i hear you saying ANYTHING otherwise i'm breaking into your house no matter how far away you are cause i'm not tolerating such lies!!!! you are an AMAZING bean and i would hug you to death if i could >:'Dc <333
mocha belongs to jann
mobster au is both by @help-im-a-gay-fish and jann
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