#they're in there because I think I was originally thinking like 'what about gnomes playing chicken at the beach'
animentality · 8 months
Sorry people are being a bunch of weenies. I do not have the same interpolations of Whoretash however I do very much like yours and I think your incorrect quotes are immaculate
But I do think that if people are being rude then you don't need to feed them, so I don't blame you for putting BG3 in the corner.
You know what really annoys me, anon?
For MONTHS. these people have been reblogging my posts. chattering to me about Gortash and Durgetash.
And all this time... I have CAREFULLY. gone out of my way. painstakingly. meticulously.
referred to the dark urge as they/them. why???
because I never wanted people with female Durges to feel like my dark urge head canons didn't include them. I didn't want people with male Durges to feel like I wasn't including them.
I wanted enby and trans and g/n durges to be included in my silly ramblings.
and I might've joked about Gortash being gay or bi or whatever, but mostly I have been the most pro, whatever your Durge is, he is into that specifically. he could even be ace and he's still into Durge.
that's the beauty of the queer label. I never said he had to fuck men to be queer. he could be with a female Durge and still be queer.
and even though my durges are trans male or nonbinary, and gay as hell, I still liked anyone who liked Durge as an origin, AND who saw the beauty of durgetash.
but NOW.
these same people are bitching at me because... I said Gortash is bisexual. they're insisting I AM PROJECTING my sexuality on him and acting like I'm the non-inclusive one.
and it makes me really feel like...
your brain couldn't power a potato clock.
Gortash being bisexual is literally the MORE inclusive option. it's NOT saying he's gay, he's not into women, or he's straight, he's not into men.
it's saying no matter what your Durge is, he'd be into them. no matter who your tav is, he's into them.
and the fact that I'm bi- it's such a fucking joke that they're using that against me.
I say I'm bi because I don't care to explain that I'm asexual, but biromantic.
I hate extra labels, and bisexual is way easier for most people to understand.
so these people accusing me of forcing my sexuality on a character are baffling because if I was doing that, I would NOT be talking about the dark urge and gortash fucking nasty every night. I'd be talking about how they sit at home reading books together. I'd be talking about how they hug at night and don't let go, and don't even play grab ass once.
It's also further obnoxious because these fucking people.
They have... every single... video game, movie, TV show, goddamn cereal ad... dedicated to straight people.
Baldur's Gate... is like the most bisexual game in all of existence.
the tavs can be trans, they can be cis, they can be gay, bi, straight, ace. whatever you want.
there are gay gnomes and lesbian aasimars and all the companions are bisexual.
it's the most queer friendly game of this century.
but they can't let this one character go. they get confirmation that this one character "might be straight" and now they're using that same fucking language of "ew why does everyone have to be gay with you people?"
and it's a joke.
Anyway, though. Thanks for sticking around.
I'm glad someone's enjoying my nonsense.
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blujayonthewing · 9 months
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OKAY hi hello I'm making a pinned post finally! I'm Jay (she/ her) and I've been on tumblr since the dawn of time. I reblog a bunch of seemingly unrelated stuff for my friends and I talk a lot about my OCs so watch out
Art Blog: blujaydoodles Nude Art Blog: blujaynoodles
me - depictions of me. in theory, selfies; in practice, mostly, like, pictures of beetles about me - posts that are about me, sometimes even literally my art - exactly what it says on the tin tagged for me - posts that made my friends think of me :3 husband - tumblbuddies - irl frens - my FRIENDS!!! 💖💕 spider, spiders - to block if you hate spiders, to peruse if you love them (you're welcome)
OCs and other tags under the cut!
One of these days I'll put together a nice orderly About page for each of my little guys. For now, here's a bunch of tags (insp tags are mostly reblogs; name tags are mostly art, asks, or other original posts). These are not all of my blorbos, just the most usually mentioned
my OCs - catchall tag Elyss - elyss insp - water genasi ranger Idri - idri insp - gnome arcane trickster rogue Juniper - juniper insp - human druid cartographer Aubree - aubree insp - halfling cavalier fighter Nyssa - nyssa insp - satyr warlock Melliwyk - melliwyk insp - gnome wizard/ artificer Felix - felix insp - gnome inquisitive rogue elyss and june - fengling and june - felix and mel - ship tags 😌
What's With The Gnomes
I just think they're neat!! This is primarily about the dungeons and dragons race, specifically in 5e which is the edition I'm playing and am familiar with. I love them a lot and I have a lot of Thoughts™ and I make it everybody's problem. But also, honorable mention to fairytale garden type gnomes, because I do vibe with being six inches tall and having tea with field mice
gnome stuff - worldbuilding thoughts for DnD gnomes gnomeposting - posts about the jolly little guys with the pointy hats look at my gnomes boy - a semi-joke tag for art of my gnome OCs worldbuilding - thoughts and reblogged resources for worldbuilding, gnome specific and otherwise
[jazz hands]
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themaskstayson · 6 months
Thinking about all my Dark Urges in a party together cause it can be a somewhat balanced party, in the sense of survivability but also so funny to write about.
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Rynnil, the lolth-sworn drow oathbreaker.
Cyrus, the tiefling bard college of spirits.
Moondrop, the deep gnome shadow monk.
Varra, white dragonborn wild magic Sorcerer.
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Varra is default durge but with body 1 cause I wanted him to be smaller lol He's the master mind of the group and Bhaal's special chosen baby. He's more incline to go with the flow and if that means follow the urges pretty hard-core with no regards of them being attacked... Oh well. He wouldn't help the goblins, though. Mostly because it would be a waste of a perfectly good blacksmith. He wants to fight Orin and take his power back but throughout the journey becomes conflicted with duty to Bhaal, his "family", and now his new found "family". He is the leader of Dark Urge group and co-leader when the combine groups with Wyll as the leader for origin characters.
(I played for about 20iah hours and I stopped because idk kissing as a dragonborn was kind of meh... I do love the white and red dragonborn design so much and I would bring Varra back for a multi-player game instead. He never left act one but he did get it in with Astarion.)
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Rynnil is very resist the urge. He remembers a life before the cult and wants to break free and go back to it, or at least break free to have his freedom, now that he got a taste. He's very hands off with the group, letting them be gremlins until they cross a line like unaliving people in broad daylight for no good reason. They can't just do things like get the Grove closed off, how else would they sell the loot they're hoarding? He's still duty bound but by his own rules of wanting to keep his "family" safe. Socially he is not the greatest and relies on others for anything talking related. Also, while Rynnil is very resist the urge, by the time he gets to Baldur's Gate and realizes a few things he does go a bit back to the dark side and does things without care for his own well being.
(Rynnil was in a coop game and an honour mode one. In coop he romance Wyll and it was so cute. He was very duty bound and I broke his oath by accident in act 3 lol He was very much the silent type but easily won over by Wyll's romantic ways. Him and Astarion were besties.
In the honour mode, Rynnil was romancing Astarion but, by accident, they broke up and Rynnil got upset and started doing unhinged things like get the hammer and lie a lot about what he was doing. I got stressed and stopped the run, but I should continue for the dice at least..... He's also romancing Halsin, which is meh. Rynnil works best with Wyll imo just for the support and not having the need to "fix" someone else and get support to be a better person.)
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Cyrus is the same as Varra and goes with the flow but WAAAAY more interested in the need to please daddy Bhaal and blood baths because it keeps the skin moisturized. He also would clock Astarion's flirting unlike Varra and Rynnil and he would find it cringe. He'll still sleep with him, though. Not cause he likes Astarion but he wants to see how cringe-y he gets with his lines. Cyrus would actually sleep with everyone, like a true bard. He's also the group's voice but Rynnil does keep him in line from doing anything too bad. Until later on where Rynnil doesn't seem the care about anything and Cyrus can make his own decisions without care.
(Plan for Cyrus was to use the polymod and romance everyone. I just... Never got around to it lol Cyrus wouldn't be so interested in Astarion but more so Lae'zel cause she's strong or Gale cause he's a wizard and powerful. Gale being depressed would be a turn off. Cyrus wants to cause chaos, or at least be unhinged enough.)
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Moondrop is also resist the urges and trying to find inner peace. He's also one of the sassier members of the group and always judging everyone. The amount of time people go to him for advice is concerning to him. He also demands they have tea with their lunch and relax. He's very meh with the group. He doesn't see the others as his siblings at all, especially Varra and Cyrus for embracing the urges at times. Rynnil he is okay with but mostly cause the drow doesn't do much of anything and is a reliable fighter. Moondrop finds the origin characters to be very concerning about but would prefer if Wyll just lead the group alone since Varra cannot be trusted really.
(Moondrop I am trying to keep no mods with Script Extender to see if I can get Wyll to not be buggy and get one of the romance greetings and I really wanna see his kisses. I also wanna romance Adtarion cause the boy is racist against Gnomes and it would be funny. I can't play vanilla cause how the hell am I supposed to be a femboy with no cute faces?)
Regardless of barely playing with mods, the game somehow got corrupt.
In theory I can run a game with all 4 of them and have them romance someone but running the game twice was concerning... I don't know if I can run it 4 times to get them all lol
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mightymizora · 8 months
hey there! first, thank you for sharing your writing with the world, it's so so good! second, i know you've already said what would happen with glim if she were a companion for manva's current path. what it look like if she were a companion to a dark urge that chose to resist bhaal?
So! The thing with Glimmergris, which I have mentioned before, is that she's built in a very similar way to the other companions so steps quite well into this supportive role, because she also has the push and pull that most of the origin companions have:
Do I stay on the path that has been designed for me, or do I pull away towards a freedom that may come at a cost?
So I think she would be very, very supportive of a Durge on a resist path! If she was told about their memory loss and craving for violence, I think she would be concerned, but would say that violence can be rewritten into passion, if needed.
She'd definitely sus out that they had killed the first victim, but would not say anything too incriminating in front of the others, but would try and speak to them later about what happened. She'd ask if it was an accident, if Alfira wasn't quite what they thought, and joke about making sure she's not at risk of playing an offending song. After that, she'd support them on their resist path as normal.
If they're romancing her and they get the scene, she would think they're waking her to sneak away from camp and be understandably horrified. I don't think enough of the love interests are actually terrified, but she would be. She's only small and could be very, very easily overpowered (Scel's line is "she's so small, so easy to break in two. Hardly a test at all!") but she pulls herself together to tie Durge up. But she remains scared, telling a story about a hero who shook off a possession not to calm Durge, but to calm herself.
She'd be sorry the next day for being a coward, but would say that their determination and will was an inspiration for her, and she will try and show the same bravery.
She would be so impressed with a Durge who resisted Bhaal, and would take inspiration to carve out her own life instead of joining the Ironhand Gnomes.
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guardian-rocket · 1 year
Who are your top 10 favorite muns to write with and why? If a mun is a multimuse also tell which are your favorite characters to write with and why?
(The order in which you list the people doesn't matter unless you want to assign them specific places.)
Question Master
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Top 10, here we go... @antvnger Puppy-Mun is the first I am putting on this list first because of all the threads and ideas I've ever had on here the thread I've been doing with them (Space Heist) is the largest single run I've had so far. We actually had an entire 4 part mission and went to Knowhere. I feel like Rocket and Scott made some real progress in becoming friends and I love that. Every post they make is gold. They're nice to their anons and I generally enjoy interacting with them OOC and hijacking their random posts. They're also genuinely funny, which I feel is very important for someone portraying Scott. I already loved Ant-Man but Puppy-Mun makes me adore him even more! They also often tag me and I love that 💕
@byondtheveil Rei-Mun (Birb-Queen) is #1 OC in Rocket's world and my Rocket muse simply adores her. I always look forward to reading her replies and she's a great person to talk to and shoot the breeze OOC. We both love thrifting IRL so it's fun to just spam her DMs about my latest finds. Her character Rei is literally one of the most endearing original characters I've ever come across. She's well thought out and has connected with Rocket in a way most muses can't do. With her I have been able to explore Rocket's comfortability just popping on and off Earth and get some much deserved down time. @papetoonfox Papetoonfox was a RP partner I had many years ago. We haven't interacted much on tumblr but we got a RP going on Discord that I am fully engrossed in. Our conversations OOC often puts me in stitches and we have so much common interest it's so easy to just get lost in our own little nostalgic world of Y2K aesthetics and retrowave vibes. They're also very encouraging with me about my art and they produce some of the coolest music I've heard from anyone I know. I love their portrayal of Fox and so does my muse.
@stripesofbrooklyn They were one of the first to interact with me OOC when I started getting more active again and I feel we check in on eachother both ways pretty regularly I am confident to call them a friend. Our muses have great chemistry together and Rocket always loves hearing from them no matter what strange shenanigan they might be getting into. Rocket fully admires and trusts their Steve and is someone Rocket would go out of his way for.
@spidermanxnoir / @jeff-the-gnome-king First they get super points just for playing my favorite version of Spider-Man (Noir) and our thread which started off without any plotting has turned into one of the most epic adventures my Rocket has ever had. I think Rocket's gotten pretty attached to him as they've gone along and genuinely think he's cool. Looking forward to them retaining an ongoing friendship. Being able to tie or franchises together has been a ton of fun and I think we write beautifully together. Also they're super chill OOC and I love bugging them with my latest ideas. @the-mjolnir-owner This Thor is one of my best friends on Tumblr. They are often sending me posts in my DMs to see about Rocket and Thor and I just love their characterization. We also have a lot of fun discussions about Thor and the Guardians and I feel they capture Thor very well in their writing. Just in general they're an absolute joy.
@butwithmoreme I know our thread is fairly new/short but I literally hear Tony's voice in their writing, it's so damn good. As Rocket's mun I will hold a special place in my heart for anyone who doesn't just write him off for being a little shit. The fact they're being science bros together makes me so happy. @spideymn A big stand-out as a great writer. Sounding repetitive here, but I hear Tom Holland in their dialog and they feel very in character. A shining standout, and my muse likes him because he's a helpful kiddo. Happy to see them interacting together. @beatfreesmysoul They're my #1 music buddy right now, and I enjoy dropping into their DMs to be annoying lol. It's so great to have someone here to talk tunes with because I genuinely am a big music nerd. I love that they send me memes/tag me for that stuff too. As a Rocket RPer I often feel a bit sidelined so they make me feel included on things which I super appreciate. Our thread taking place earlier in the storyline is great too, kinda fun to undo all my muse's character development and let him have 'issues' he needs to work through and I love that we can explore or character's developing friendship.
@gctbusydying I am pretty sure they're my first Kitty Pryde and honestly, worth the wait. Interacting with them feels like we're jumping right out of the comics. I think that Kitty is canonly one of Rocket's favorite ladies and their friendship is important to me. I know I MOSTLY adhere to MCU canon but I've read the comics too (albeit a long time ago) but when it comes to Kitty I'm like -slams fist on desk- FRIENDS. I know we haven't had a TON of interaction but I hope it keeps going.
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impishdullahan · 3 months
What is your FAVORITE ever dnd campaign (I would love to hear about the setting and worldbuilding the most!! :3)
Oh boi! You best buckle up!
I've run 5 campaigns to date, the last of which is still ongoing, but I think the 4th is my favourite, and that's mostly because the setting is actually fleshed out and not based on any source material. I arrived at the setting by polling my players for what kind of game they'd like, and the result is something we'd've never come up with on our own! The first poll was for genre, and we landed on historical fiction / folklore. Rather than just do the Euro history and folklore I and most of players are familiar with, though, I then polled them for what other region in the world they'd like to play in because I thought it'd be fun to learn about other histories and cultures. Western North America and East Asia were tied first, so I developed a setting based on the cultures around the North Pacific.
I settled on an ice age setting and adapted a map of the Bering land bridge into a fantasy map that stretched from Hokkaido to the Yukon and populated it all with different D&D races, ascribing them different real life cultures. The world as a whole I called Nuna, which means 'land' in the Inuit languages. I'll describe each region, it's real world geographical analogue, and the races that inhabit it, and why I ascribed them which cultures.
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Going clockwise around the Pacific Rim, the first region is Noshima. Noshima is equivalent to modern day Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and the Kurils. The largest culture present is the Yamono, which are represented by beastfolk, a race I adapted from FAGE, the system I was running the campaign prior. The beastfolk were flavoured as the mortal counterparts to Japanese kami, which as I understand, are regional nature spirits. Noshima also had populations of the Toki, Men, and Elun: avens, humans, and aarakocra respectively. I'll describe the former two shortly, but the aarakocra are specifically flavoured as Steller's sea eagles. I can't remember what culture they leaned towards: they were pretty inconsequential in the campaign narrative and I just liked having Steller's sea eagles.
The next region is Yushen, roughly equivalent to modern day Manchuria and the Amur river basin, and is mostly represented by cultures inspired by the Sino-sphere. I'll discuss the Amur, Long, Heixuan, and Toki first. These were the original inhabitants of Yushen, and they're inspired by the 4 symbols or holy creatures of China: the Amur are felid shifters aligned with the White Tiger, the Long are dragonborn aligned with the Azure Dragon, the Heixuan are tortles aligned with the Black Tortoise, and the Toki are scarlet ibis avens aligned with the Vermillion Bird. (The Heixuan also leaned Vietnamese because I had a player want to lean into some Vietnamese folklore playing a tortle.) These 4 races/cultures were pushed to the peripheries of Yushen by the invading Men, or humans, who were in turn pushed to the peripheries by the invading Chi Sou, or orcs. These were inspired by some Chinese folklore regarding invading barbarians from the South-West, and I engaged in a little bit of stereotype. Yushen is also home to the Deva, or aasimars, in what would be the Sikhote-Alin mountains; the Deva were ascribed a broadly Indic culture, and they arrived together with the Chi Sou from far to the South-West.
Next is Jangso, which is broadly Korea: I did basically plop the Korean peninsula into the Sea of Okhotsk for the map. The major culture in Jangso is the Doke, or goblins. This is purely because at the time a friend had me watching the K-drama Goblin. Next there's the mixed Gokebi culture of verdans, a product of when a population of humans fleeing the invading Chi Sou settled in Jangso. There's also the Kebi in Jangso, the gnomes, who historically warred with the Doke.
To the North-West is the arid region of Khamda, broadly inspired by Mongolia. Khamda is populated by the Khernet, Sayatchi, Morinet, and Yamanet: yak-headed minotaurs, golden eagle avens, centaurs, and satyrs respectively. Khamda never played a role in the campaign narrative so it's not terribly well fleshed out, but the idea is that each is a population descended from a tribe of Men so spiritually connected with their animals in their nomadic lifestyles that they affected their physiology: falconers became avens, and herders became the rest.
The next region back on the Pacific Rim is Mokotan. Although Mokotan is geographically based on Kamchatka and Eastern Siberia, culturally I based it on Hokkaido since I based Noshima on the rest of Japan. The two cultures here besides the aforementioned Elun are the Jomon dwarves, based on the Jomon culture, and the Ainu-flavoured Pokkur halflings, based on the korpokkur.
Where the Bering land bridge is is the region of Emeq, populated by tritons. I ascribed them a Russian culture, but they were probably among the least fleshed out.
What corresponds to Alaska is the region of Nanaurat. In some ways it's the rest of the map west of Emeq in miniature: there's the Nanuk ursine shifters, Umiaq dwarves, Haarak halflings, and Kuutchik bald eagle aarakocra who are all related to their Western cousins. Nanaurat is broadly based on Inuit cultures, and I specifically wanted to lean into the connections between the East Siberian Yupik with the rest of the Inuit, as well as some of the more dubious connections between the Siberian Yeniseians and the North American Denes. Also in Naunaurat are the Yuktuk kor, guardians of the glacial pass to the rest of North America. Finally, theres the Kinichuk goliaths as well, and their western cousins were native to the pass betweem Jangso and Khamda, but they died before the glaciers came when the Doke and Kebi were still warring.
To the east of the map, beyond the glaciers and in what would be Canada, there's also firbolgs and elves, of which there are a few vagrants in Nuna.
I also have a bunch of lore to go with this all, at least the parts relevant to the campaign narrative, but this should do for an overview. A common throughline, though, is that each culture has its own explanation for what caused the ice age: Emeq was once a sea and it was only in the last 300-400 years that it rose of the sea when the glaciers developed around the rest of the land.
Feel free to ask for particulars about anything! The campaign was primarily set in Noshima, Yushen, and Mokotan, but I had 3 PCs from Nanaurat.
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melissagt · 9 months
The Trials and Tribulations of Playing a Gnome in Baldur's Gate 3...
A.K.A. The Adventures of Raven and Skye
I decided to try my hand at playing solo multiplayer. That is...creating two custom characters to play together. And so far...let me say...it is an absolute blast! With occasional hilarity!
Day 1 -
Raven wakes up with no memory (I was fresh out of originality when it comes to names. Don't judge me...)
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Raven meets Skye...who is much taller than she is (I'll repeat the stipulation that thou shalt not judge regarding the lack of name originality.)
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Skye is judgy. I mean, that squirrel came right at her! How could they not have seen that!
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That's ok. If they want to be Judgy McJudgerson...well, two can play at that game...
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Anyways...it's been so fun to play these two together! I can't wait to keep going. I had thought I would miss out on ambient banter, which I am as I only have two of the actual companions out at any given time...but my two characters have been chattering away! That was completely unexpected! One will react to the other's dialogue choices...or one will make a passing exploration comment and the other will also have something to say. I love it!
They also have a wonderful sibling vibe going on. Raven (she/her) is a Durge Assassin who hasn't quite figured out how she feels about the world. One minute she might be nice...and in another, not so much. Skye (he/they) is a Cleric of Talos who is very JUDGY (according to Raven). In all honestly, they're just a bit full of themselves.
Raven will definitely be romancing Astarion (BECAUSE GNOME). The man doesn't waste any time. Third long rest and he's already trying to bite her! (It really was very early early in the game...they hadn't even gotten to any of the random drained boars yet and he was only at like 10 approval).
Skye I think will be romancing Gale. I had originally intended for them to hit it off with Karlach, but there are definitely some sparks with Gale. I dunno. We'll see what happens when we pick up Karlach. Skye has always been about putting Number 1 first...and power...and BEING JUDGY (again, according to Raven)...so Gale might be a great fit. We'll see!
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aspiringsophrosyne · 1 year
Episode 10: The Kill Box
You ready for a fight? We got ringside seats, soda and popcorn. Just make sure you've got your splash guard ready to go.
The Good.
When the illusion over Whitestone is disturbed and ripples...that's a beautiful visual effect. This show's at its peak when it portrays magic so well it inspires wonder. Exandria is a gorgeous world; it's so gratifying when it's done justice.
Earlier, I said it was a good move to split the party because it serves the intervening episodes well. But that choice gives us something fun here, too. In the original, everyone was waiting in the wings to see if Grog would win or need to call for backup. Because the rest of the group needs to get to Restruun to help, and because the gnomes are spotted and threatened, the stakes get raised considerably. Half of Vox Machina is in dire straights and the calvary isn't guaranteed to arrive in time.
Note: in the game, Matt described the spike as going through Grog's shoulder. That's till bad, mind you. Much worse in real life than tv and movies would suggest, but I can't stand seeing it go through the gut. You could conceivably miss organs in the shoulder at least. Here? Not so much.
It always a pleasure to see Pike be bad ass. According to the episode commentary they actually slowed down her face bashing because otherwise it would've been a little much. Even then it's still sufficiently brutal.
Always good to hear Ike. And Liam was right. Grog's absolutely gut-wrenching (no pun intended) vulnerability sells this scene. Grog's usually a sillier character, but Travis is just as capable of making a character hilarious as he is playing them so that they break your heart.
And of course, the iconic as always call to rage. Even more hype here than usual.
I will never complain about this show's fight scenes. You can feel the difference between Grog fighting Kevdak before he rages and after. Likewise, the difference between fighting Kevdak before he swells up with the magic of the Knuckles and after. The hits' power and the weight of the impacts as Grog is slammed around the arena makes you flinch like it was you getting hammered to the stones so hard they crack.
The choice to have the rest of the crew come in, with no fan fair, in a corner of the screen where you could easily miss them...mwah! Beautiful. It feels organic, and it makes you feel excited for noticing it.
But once the fanfair starts....their silhouettes on the roof, the closeups, Grog's call to arms.....AH! I knew we were getting something special for this episode. The fight is sufficiently gruesome on both sides, and everyone gets to show off.
The episode would not have been complete without the Willingham Poke Ball drop. It was a particularly clever move by Laura in the game and seeing it play out was just magic. The rise and payoff of the music, that shot of bisected Kevdak when the smoke clears....there's no word but epic to describe it.
Keyleth is adorable, and the Raven Queen is a cockblock.
That last isn't the good thing. But it does make for a nice set up for what comes next.
The Bad. (Or at least, not so great.)
The only thing I could've possibly wanted out of the fight that I didn't get was a bigger sense of danger. The stream version felt incredibly tense throughout, as it was essentially a timed mission. The goal was to kill Kevdak (no mean feat) before the rest of the Herd killed them.
I get that this was basically a chance for everyone to get to be badass and go buck wild. And I support that. But getting just a little bit closer to that stream level of tension would've been nice.
This is why I think Percy's "This isn't going well!" falls flat, as from what we could see it was going pretty damn well up to that point. And even after it just wasn't a curb stomp in Vox Machina's favor. A better line might've been "The tide's starting to turn!" Or, if they really wanted to be cheeky: "They're getting a Second Wind!"
I'm also a little sad we didn't get a variation on Scanlan's Hold Person from the stream. Even though I appreciated the little nod to it via Vex's bramble shot, that move lacked the accidental ironic significance of the original. Grog got kicked out of the herd by his uncle for protecting a gnome. Only for a gnome to be instrumental in said uncle's defeat. It was so good!
What was Kaylie doing there at the start of the fight? Afterwards she just disappears. If you wanted to show that she was keeping an eye on Scanlan, it would've made more sense to have a shot of her watching from a distance. That way it isn't weird that she isn't in the fight after she said she wasn't letting Scanlan out of her sight.
After the fight in the tavern with Vex and Keyleth catching up: DUDE!! Talk. To. Each. Other. Give me my banter and character relationship development!
There isn't a full version of "When the Bald Man Cries" on the soundtrack. Release the full version, you cowards!!
Kaylie's speech to Scanlan could've been rearranged a bit so it served as a smoother transition into her revelation.
Instead of this:
Kaylie: I'm actually not too different from yourself. I grew up in Kymal, but I moved around a lot. Scanlan: Ooh. Kaylie: My mum gave up all her savings for my education. Scanlan: Uh, oh, oh, yeah? Moms are the best. Kaylie: Mine certainly was. You know, Dr. Dranzel spun many a tale about you, Scanlan Shorhalt. Scanlan: Yeah, I mean, that's not surprising. That guy seemed like a bit of a fanboy. Kaylie: But most of his stories I'd already heard... from my mother.
We could do this:
Kaylie: I'm actually not too different from yourself. I grew up in Kymal, but I moved around a lot. Scanlan: Ooh. Kaylie: Even more so when I joined up with Dr. Dranzel's troupe. You know, he spun many a tale about you, Scanlan Shorthalt. Scanlan: Yeah, I mean, that's not surprising. That guy seemed like a bit of a fanboy. Kaylie: But most of his stories I'd already heard... from my mother. My mum, who gave up all her savings for my education. So that I could play and travel the way I do. Scanlan: Uh, oh, oh, yeah? Moms are the best. Kaylie: Mine certainly was.
Not perfect, but I think it flows better.
Down to the last two, folks. Then the fun really begins.
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autochroma · 11 months
Hey, was wondering about your Tav? Any headcanons, who did they romance etc?
aww thanks for asking!! the only one i've posted on here is rat (she chose her name herself) from my coop with my gf, so i'll show off my gremlin:
Tumblr media
she's a spore druid (and lv 1 cleric dip) forest gnome who was raised in an enclave of mielikki followers after being lost in the forest, but she left bc she hated how secluded it was. in her wanderings she found she really liked getting her grubby hands on other people's shiny stuff, plus she could take advantage of her druid shapeshifting to steal… eventually she met blu (who is my gf's rogue/fighter tiefling) and they became thieving partners-in-crime, altho blu is now reformed. ummm some rando notes- rat wants to live freely; she is a bit selfish, kinda mean and judgmental—but also a coward so she wouldn't say her rude thoughts to someone's face (but also not exactly a nice sweet talker, she just gets by) and tries to avoid fights; more of a backline fighter who likes to hide behind her summons; soft spot for animals ofc (will also talk shit with them); resourceful with strong survival instincts.
her romance was with lae'zel, which was unintentional and really funny since i went in with no plans for her and also not yet aboard the lae'zel train. so in the beginning our party was rat, blu, shadowheart (blu's romance) and lae'zel (originally ~temporary while i figured out who i wanted to replace her with), BUT then we got to zorru- i had rat indulge lae'zel's interrogation tech bc rat is lowkey mean, and then suddenly she gets "lae'zel approves" plus the "i love ur smell" proposition. i was laughing bc lae'zel says like… "you've proven your dominance and courage", and rat is Not at all like that (or doesn't think she is). she's… more of a coward looking out for her own survival. but i was like fk it we roll with it though bc 1. the idea of lae'zel misjudging rat so badly is funny and 2. rat was def scared of lae'zel so fear + the ego boost + impulsive adrenaline (+ promise of a good time tbh) would totally make her go for it and play along and try to pretend to be the person lae'zel thinks she is.
but i think it actually turns out sweet and works out because in my head, with lae'zel, rat learned to be more brave and more honest. like doesn't quite change completely but more so understanding bravery is what u do in spite of fear yadda yadda u kno. and she knows how to look out for herself and how to be a lil selfish so she encourages lae'zel to do the same, after a lifetime of Serving. somewhere along the way they both drop the fronts they're putting up.
fun bit: rat actually succeeded her intimidation check in the first lae'zel romance scene when you tell her submit to you instead, but my hc is she blurted it out as a snarky impulsive reaction and when she actually tried to follow through it was kinda embarrassing.
ANYWAYS. thanks for asking and letting me ramble and probably give more info than you were asking for!
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third-thoughts · 1 year
Headcanon - Tessa Bailey Protagonists Play D&D
For the purposes of this headcanon, it's Piper and Hannah Bellinger, Brendan Taggart, Fox Thornton, Taylor Bassey, Myles Sumner, Hallie Welch, and Julian and Natalie Vos. Somehow they're all playing together. I hope some people who like both D&D and Tessa Bailey read this and understand what the hell I'm talking about...
Piper chooses an aasimar after reading about their heavenly beauty, and the sorcerer class so she can have a high charisma. It's basically her, but with magical powers. Her play style is the definition of "highjinks" and Brendan loves her for it.
(While thinking this up, I thought "Rose Gold Dragon" and found it way too funny.)
Brendan would absolutely, 100% be the guy who just plays a human fighter. He chooses all the boring but sensible options - I can see him picking the Battlemadter archetype. I can imagine the adventure stalling because of him being so methodical and cautious when he plays. He physically cannot speak in any voice other than his own, despite everyone urging him to imitate their voices as practice. It's painful to behold.
Before I read too much of Hook, Line and Sinker, I thought it would be too obvious to make Hannah a bard. I stand corrected. Hannah IS a bard. She would have a specially curated playlist for using her class abilities. After deliberating over what race to pick, she goes with Piper's idea of playing an aasimar too so they can be sisters in-game too.
I had trouble thinking of what character Fox would play. I don't think he'd be a straight up fighter/wizard/rogue/cleric. I considered bard, paladin and ranger, but after watching the Critical Role Campaign 2 opening credits I could see him getting enthusiastic about Beau's fighting style, so I'm going with monk. He plays a halfling for the dexterity bonus (and maybe Tolkien homgae?). I think he'd be a good role-player, and be the one who thinks of interesting uses for his abilities - like out of the box problem solving.
Hannah and Fox would definitely be the ones with the well thought out backstories who get properly into the setting, whereas Piper would be the one to keep an eye on and a bit of a DM's nightmare. Brendan would just be interested in achieving the goals of the adventure. He certainly wouldn't be a a Munchkin power gamer (he'd hate people like that) but he would totally be just focused on optimising his character.
Taylor decides to go all out and picks the barbarian class. Ignoring Myles' suggestion that halflings were made for her, she plays a goliath. She goes out of her way to talk to NPCs, and rages with utter glee.
Myles plays a Life domain cleric and is constantly loaded up with healing spells - because even at the gaming table, he can't help but do everything to protect his girlfriend. He plays a hill dwarf for the Wisdom bonus, which after his halfling comment, Taylor finds hilarious. She makes sure to mention how she towers over him at every opportunity. If anyone's seen Lord of the Rings and the "dwarf tossing" moment gets mentioned, every possible joke ensues.
At Julian's urging, Hallie agrees to play, partly because she wants a ringside seat to his utter nerdiness. I originally thought "druid" would be an obvious parallel to her profession, but now I think she would play a rogue. Her gnome charms everyone at the table, before unleashing an absolutely lethal mischievous streak as she settles in to the game.
Julian might make a good Dungeon Master, if the planning didn't stress him out. Otherwise I feel like he'd be the kind of guy who creates a really powerful character build AND thinks of role-playing reasons to justify it. Maybe a wizard? I also feel like he'd be looking over Hallie's shoulder, trying to help her out and tearing his hair out if she made a "non-optimal" choice. Also, one word - "lore".
I haven't read Unfortunately Yours yet, but I feel like Natalie would just embrace a certain side of herself as a tiefling warlock. She and Piper wreak havoc together and have earned a "duo nickname" by the third session.
Sadly I don't know enough about August yet either. We could assume he's the DM, since no one else is. From the little I know about him and Natalie, that could prove... interesting.
If anyone else has any thoughts on this... I need to hear them.
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mayspicer · 2 years
Hell yeah you're answering some of those (if you want to), it's fun! 2, 11, 28, 44, 51 for the pink bean
Aww yiss. If anyone is interested, this is about Cayden, who can be found in my posts tagged as his name or more generally pathfinder.
This is gonna be long because I'm unable to write short answers. Also I have no idea how to add a read more on mobile, so uhhh, have fun xD
2. What was your original concept for this character? How did playing them change that concept?
The whole creation story is full of randomness tbh. I wanted to try playing a face and had a rogue half prepared for that, but the GM told me to maybe not play a rogue again, so I changed my mind to a sorcerer. A friend was creating his first character ever then, and he wanted to be a typical wizard, so I looked for less combat focused options for my sorcerer and we lacked a healer, so I found that there is a unicorn sorcerer bloodline that knows healing spells and has some nice healing powers. This was my first sorcerer, so I looked for guides and turns out that gnomes are super recommended. I decided on looks and even gender when having fun in heroforge. Thought it will be super funny if a gnome that's gonna be unicorn themed will also be pink and a man. It's a little freaky how he became a serious character that took over my entire brain for more than a year now, considering how he came to existence. Gnomes, man, it must be something to them, this shouldn't've worked. I'm so glad it did tho. Even his name was super randomly chosen, as back then the party was supposed to be 3 people with others joining later, and we thought it would be hilarious if we make some kind of acronym from character names. The word "CYC" (tit would be the same in English ig) appeared, so I looked for male names beginning with C. Found Caden, thought it sounded nice, so I told the GM it's gonna be it. And he went ooooh if you spell that differently, he could be named after a god of beer in Pathfinder. I liked the spelling better, I liked the connotations, boom xD
As for his character, I remember that he was supposed to be more crazy (whatever that means, my first sketches are more mischievous looking), but after writing his backstory and actually starting playing, I think he just stayed pretty much the same. Also the rest of the party put the bar pretty high for the craziness/unchainedness level, so I automatically assumed a more mature approach to compensate lol
I wish I was better at roleplay tho, because it's really hard to try to come across as someone who is by design comfortable in most situations, talks smoothly and is confident and flirty when I'm not and I don't even know how people like this are supposed to act, so I can't even try to pretend hhhh
I just hope that the rest of my group knows how I want him to be, cos we don't really talk much about character stuff outside the game (I wish we did, but it appears that I'm the only one who's been raised in the whole OC culture and I don't even feel very comfortable around some of the people outside of the game hhhh)
11. if they have a pet or animal companion, how do they spend time with them? if they don’t have one, what sort of animal would they be interested in raising, if any?
In one of the first sessions we saved a young black cat, so Cayden had a pet for a few weeks. Named the cat Rybiarz xd (Fisher?) because he said he liked fish (speak with animals hehe). Cayden left the cat in the inn we were staying in, because the inn keeper became our friend and the cat liked it here, so Cayden decided he's not gonna drag the poor cat along with him on the two month journey and who knows what next. If he could have a pet, I see two ways. Either some magical beast, lika a faerie dragon (not really a pet tho, cos they're sentient, but I mean the vibe), something that would be comfortable being on the move, possibly something matching his own energy, or even helping him seem even more attractive to others. The other option is some kind of animal that can swim (and climb?), because the boy Can't Swim. The last session ended in the middle of combat, where Cayden spent 3/4 of it under water, as the fight was with a water elemental which raised the water level and submerged everyone. And this was not the first time something like this happened xD And with him being so smol, he starts having problems when there is like 0.5m of water and if the water covers him, it boils down to waiting for someone to fish him out. A trained animal could solve this problem xD
As for spending time with the pet, it would probably be just playing with it and chilling together. Maybe if it was some special creature, he would be taking it with him to some social situations and play harmless tricks on others, or try to impress others with it, depending on the situation and mood.
28. do they collect anything?
He currently finally got his hands on a Mnemonic Vestment he's been saving gold for, so now he's focused on collecting as many magic scrolls (and possibly spellbooks, generally written magic) as possible, because the Vestment lets him cast one spell per day from such a source using his own spell slot AND not using up the scroll itself. This is super good, because Cayden as a sorcerer has a lot of spell slots, but a very short list of spells known. A new era just begun for him hahah
44. what lies do they tell others?
This is a hard one. I'm not great at creating characters that have many aspects to them. Cayden is pretty honest anyway, and talkative, so every one of his friends probably knows almost everything about his past and about him generally. He had to tell a pretty serious lie in the past and he only confessed to maybe two people (all just in backstory). It was about how the father of his first girlfriend died. He was killed by a unicorn, when he tried to kill it for its horn. The father was hunting magical creatures in secret, so his family didn't know anything, but he wanted Cayden to help him with the "business", as the relationship with his daughter was becoming serious. Why he thought it was a good idea is a mystery, as Cayden's family's past involving a friendship with a unicorn was pretty well known. Cayden helped the unicorn escape, but not before the other gnome shot at it with a crossbow. The unicorn charged and impaled the man with its horn before teleporting away. After spending the night crying his eyes out and trying to make sense of this whole situation, Cayden brought back the father's body back to the family and lied that the man was killed by someone with a spear who tried to mug them, before he managed to scare the attackers away using magic tricks.
I think, more generally, hypothetically, Cayden would lie about his own well being, for example if it meant others wouldn't waste time on him and would be able to save themselves in a critical situation. He would lie to make others feel better if he knew there was no way to help them and if he knew that showing confidence and being optimistic would raise morale of everyone else.
As for non serious lies (I'm not even sure it counts for the question), sometimes his gnome nature comes through, and he's tempted to just mess with someone by telling obvious nonsense information when an opportunity arises, or creating illusions. He doesn't have a heart to leave someone confused for too long though, so most of the time he clears thing up pretty fast.
And of course he tells lies in typical adventurer stuff situations. False names, motivations, all that. "I'm so sorry for shooting color spray in your face I panicked, I just didn't want you to cuff me, I'm on your side I swear, I want to help deal with those people demolishing your holy stairs, I won't be able to do that while magically handcuffed!" *Insane bluff check* *promptly escapes the moment he sees an opportunity*
Currently we're trying to infiltrate some kind of a drug cartel criminal underground, so there is a lot of bluffing involved xD
51. what element of their backstory are you proudest of?
The elements my GM basically wrote for me xD
I'm not the strongest writer, not even moderately acceptable writer, so I needed a little help. We all generated backstory events when creating characters and wrote based on what we got. I couldn't think of a conflict that involved telling a lie motivated by love. This is the one above, about the unicorn. The other backstory element is to rationalize how Cayden got out of his country that was surrounded by enemy nations currently at war I think and travelled through almost half the continent to the Pathfinder lodge in Absalom. I decided he's going to go by water, sailing near appropriately named Isle of Terror. Sure the name is not nice and there are some terrible stories surrounding the place, but near the shore there are real people actively looking for vessels trying to cross the lake. Turns out Isle of Terror is no joke and during a terrible negative energy storm everyone from the crew died, if not by the storm, then finished off by a shadowy creature, and Cayden barely survived this only thanks to hiding in a barrel, and plot armor I guess (it's a backstory after all, and a random event due to my decisions to go this route).
Other than that, I kinda like the part about Cayden even having the bloodline powers he has. One of his ancestors/parents had to have some kind of closer contact with a unicorn and I decided it's gonna be his mother. Before he was born, his country was at war with basically every neighbour and Cayden's mother was helping refugees by hiding them in a dense forest near the border. She impressed a unicorn living there with her determination and pure heart and they formed a strong bond with the unicorn protecting it's forest against unwanted invaders, but allowing shelter for the needing. During those efforts Cayden's mother met his father and after the war, Cayden was born. Later, when he grew up, it turned out that some of that unicorns magic/blessing passed onto his mother and became apparent in him.
I know it's cheesy, but that's about the peak of my writing/storytelling skills xD
For someone that is 52 years old, my boy has a surprisingly uneventful backstory, with 40 years of living peacefully in his village with both parents, having a traumatic experience, and then going out to see the world, hearing about Pathfinder Society on his first big stop and making it his dream to join them. I described his journey basically by coming up with partners he had romantic relationships with along the way and elaborating a little what happened during these stops/stages of the journey. Now I face the joy of meeting this characters as NPC's one day, oof, I didnt think this through. We even met that first girlfriend already. (it was ok, but super stressful, but also super sweet at the end)
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tenetikles · 5 months
Let's see, it's mostly me not really being good at the role-playing. Not sure where it will lead and how to keep the other entertained.
The setting where Freya gets jumped by a bunch of spells, I think would be in an area of the city that's not really patrolled or many people visit.
She was forced to take a vacation because of the amount of nonsense she has been going through. Unwilling she agreed and chose the location to train.
The two individuals were originally one entity in concept, but I decided to have a male tiefling that aggressive and sarcastic but decent at what he can do. Just don't ask him to be precise. The other is a female drow. She has most of the spells used in Freya and she's the more precise of the two. They're more of siblings in a sense as the gnome raised them and shared his knowledge.
They are watching over the area, because the gnome purchased the land and uses it when he wants peace and quiet. There is a workshop he allows them use and practice in when he's not there. (Honestly I might just name the gnome whittle. Real name William but someone from his old crew combined it with little to poke fun.)
The male tiefling, bored that nothing has happened, complains wishing for something to happen while the drow points off in the distance to get him to be quiet. They notice someone off in the distance, Freya sprinting around. They observe her for a bit, the tiefling gets bored and decides he's going to have some fun. Asking the drow she agreed to the idea as it could serve as some training.
We cut to Freya's perspective as she had just finished her cardio. Pride builds up in her, but slowly falters as she is reminded of her reason for vacation. She decides to return to her training, but hears a random noise. Something crashing into something. Grabbing her sword she preps herself taking another look at her surroundings. As she's about to call out to warn whoever is out there, her voice gets cut off.
Her brow curls as she placed her hand on her neck, and repeats what she attempted. No sound. Her heart rate starts to pick up as she is in a bad situation. Noticing a tree she slowly heads towards it, placing her back to it. It position allows her to cover her back as her front and sides is the only other place to come from. As she attempts to steady her breath, her vision begins to cloud.
Her eyes winding, realizing what's happening she tries to locate the caster quickly, but it's dark. A placing her left hand in the tree trunk and she readjusts her stance.
“Calm down, calm down. Two spells were used, they have to be close. Orcs are strong and have a good sense of smell. I can do this, I can do this.”
Sweat trickles down the side of her face as she tries to calm herself down. Her heart is caught in her throat as she feels the pounding in her chest.
Suddenly she feels something tug at her left wrist, acting fast, she swings her sword in the direction of panic. The feeling of the blade striking the tree runs along her arm. Confused and still feeling the force at her arm, she tries again missing as panic increases. In her confusion the tug gets stronger with a second feeling on her bicep on the same arm. They feel like large hands, but she felt no large figure standing next to her or smells anything of note.
The strength is noticeable, as she digs her feet into the ground pulling back. She decides to drop her sword in favor of grabbing at the hands. She is able to touch them and the length of the fingers are enough to encase most of her arm. She's confused at what's going on but she knows she need to deal with this quick. As she tries to pry them off a third hand takes hold of her waist on the opposite side. The sudden touch isn't helping at keeping her calm. This one feels smaller than the other to. She tries to think of what to do only to lose her footing as the smaller hand begins to squeeze at an attempt to hold her. Her mind is immediately over taken with fear of what may happen.
Her right leg buckles under the feeling as she switches focus to grasp at the smaller hand. The sudden change on form allows the other hand to pull her with more ease as she stumbles. Her lack of focus allows her left arm to become lax as another hand now begins to stroke the now exposed underarm.
Her balance now toppled from the sensations force her to her knees as her arm is now being held above her. Mouth wide open with a large smile, she is unable to decide what to do. Her free hand tried to swat at both. As she makes an attempt at one, the aggression of the other picks up. Nearly falling to her back her other arm, now in a similar situation. She can feel herself being dragged, as she kicks and stomps in defiance. She tries to dig her heels into the ground as her mind floods with the memories of her past humiliations.
As she's brought back up to the tree, her arms are held above her head. Lifting her just enough for the balls of her feet to be touching the ground. The silence spell is removed, as has the sensations. Taking deep breaths and trying to compose herself she hears multiple foot steps and portions of a conversation.
“You know, I thought an orc would have been harder to take, but you really do make this look easy.” A male voice, disappointment in his voice.
“She may be an orc, but she's not full. Her features are a bit off. Look soft facial features, smaller frame. The eyes are wrong too. Maybe part elf?” Female, curious tone and soft voice.
“Wh - why? What did I do?” Freya tries to get an answer as she is composing herself.
Suddenly the sensations start up again, focusing at both underarms. Two sets of fingers, the upper and lower portions of her exposed pits. She grits her teeth, and scrunched her face. The sensations are slow, long nails, the sweat she worked up allowing near efforts traces. She brings her thighs to her core as she's being held.
“Sensitive one isn't? How long till she cracks?” The male offers a question as he approaches her lightly tapping at her nose in jest.
“Hard to say, Orcs, even half breeds, have good stamina. Though that's not the only thing at play. Will, fortitude, aggression. If she has enough of it, she could topple that tree and run at us, but given her state, unlikely.”
The male tiefling approaches her ear lightly blowing into it, causing a squeal to escape from her mouth.
As he is about to attempt again to tease her her voice echoed in his and the drows head, “STOP! PUT ME DOWN!”
“Huh, so she's a telepath. Don't really see many orcs with that ability.” The drow approaches her.looking at her brother she tries to assist them in composing himself.
“What the hell?!” Rubbing his temples as he is aided.
“She’s sharing her mind, well to a degree. Well at least that means we know she has some mental strength.”
*What are you on about?”
“She's able to use that ability while in a stressful situation, and attempting to suppress her laughter. Commendable.” The drow looks at Freya's face squirm as she praises her.
Freya attempts another conversation requesting again to be let down and freed. Only to be met with a teasing tone from both refusing.
Her pleads are on repeat, echoing in their heads, as the tiefling grows in annoyance he grabs her sides to silence her. It wasn't for very long until her legs shot out, nearly hitting his head.
“We still haven't restrained her legs, be careful.”
The tiefling growls a bit looking at his sister. Glaring at her, he gets up staring at the orc as she continues to squirm.
The tiefling looks at his sister in confusion looking for an answer.
“Telepaths after sharing their minds or invading in this case are able to see the same things we are. Seeing herself might be embarrassing for her.”
“So, she has a first person view of herself while experiencing them herself?” as he finished his sentence, a large toothy grin could be seen.
“No NO NO NO NO”, Repeats over and over as she fears what's to happen next.
“Oh relax I'm not going to do anything, we are.” He walks up to her, “Listen, I know this could be tough for you so let's make a bet. We try to get you to laugh and I mean a serious laugh, belly and all. If we fail you can go off to wherever, but if we win, this continues deal?”
The idea intrigues the drow, but Freya immediately shuts it down. This time in a demanding voice telling them to release her.
“Hey, I'm offering you a way out here. They way you are right now you could take a while and I've got a short attention span. I could just go all out here and now with no issues. My sister is really adept at magic and we only did this cause we're bored. Think about it. 50/50 chance you get off in a better state than what could happen.”
The tiefling gestures to his sister, still looking king at Freya, she sees more hands surround her from all over, triggering a memory. Restrained and hung from the ground, something removes boots as she squirms in defiance at the tentacles wrapping around her.
“What was that?”
“She let a memory slip. Telepaths can share memories and information with this ability but normally they're more guarded. Given her state she unconsciously shared it from the fear of what could await her. And before you ask, I can't do anything about it. I can guard our memories but I can't dig into hers.”
“Well that's weird. This magic stuff is just too weird, well aside from yours.”
“Regardless of how weird it is, we should be careful. But it has given us more information on her. She’s weak from head to toe.”
The hands slowly began to approach as Freya wiggled and tried to shift out of their reach,
“Okay, I'll play. I'll play!”
“Good, here's the rules.1.) where not allowed to force your mouth open. 2.) This will be slow., 3.) This will take up to 90 minutes. Once the bike is up you go free, give in and you lose. 4.) tools are not allowed. Magic and appendages are fair game. Ready?”
He approaches right up to her face with an enthusiastic tone. As he waits for an answer, Freya opens her legs and wraps them around him squeezing him. Startled, he yells in pain as her legs press against him.
“I can still fight like this! Let me go or your brother breaks! “
The drow brings the hands to Freya's sides as the grip and start to dig, causing her to shake and increase her grip.
“What are you doing? Don't you care for you brother?” her face takes on a more stress appearance, redness taking hold as more sweat accumulates.
“The game started, the moment agreed. You agreed before the rules were listed.”
More hands started to pick targets, her ears and neck began receiving attention as she tossed her head back and forth to get away. Small breaths could be heard escaping.
Her brother's screams could be heard and Freya continued to squeeze as her torment continued.
“Your brother, don't you care for him?”
Thrashing about the tiefling clawed at Freya's thighs, squeezing and kneading desperately.
“He's fine, he has said how he wished he could die in the thighs of a cute woman.”
A squeal could be heard as Freya fought off the multiple send sensations. The drow approaches looking at Freya, her face in with a desperate smile, hair becoming a mess as she's teased.
“Flattery seems to work well on you doesn't it?” She taps her brother telling him to stop pretending and focus on the bet.
“Well you're no fun. She thought she really got me.” He has a disappointed look on his face as he leans forward, “Thought you had me, huh? May it look it, but I can take a bit of punishment. Now's your turn.” His hands lightly trace on the outer edges of her thighs. Freya legs tremble at the teasing as he advances his reach. She attempts to drop him only to be met with the more hands locking her in place.
“Aw what's the matter orc can't take it?” The tiefling begins to tease Freya verbally. “Look at that face, so cute. Can you give me a higher grin?” His hands move south to where her thighs and buttocks meat. She shrieks as his exploration yields more fruit. Oh that was a cute one. Do it again, do it again.” His nails dig into the crease of her flesh, each scratch carving out more of her will.
“SHUT UP!” Her thoughts leak out again trying to bite back.
“Aw, why should I? Look at that face, so cute. Not suited for an orc. The folds and creases of your face put on display like that coochie coo. Whose a ticklish little play thing? Keeping his eyes on her as he continues to tease her.
The hands at her upper body begin to pick up pace causing her to push out her chest in an attempt to get awhile. Her underarms are treated to swirl like motions in continuous loops, the hands at her neck trace over different spots exposed as she thrashes. Her ears to nails tracing the spot where they meet her head. Her sides are dug into. Aggressive, searching for a breaking point. Thumbs digging into her muscles, trying to break through her defense. Fingers scribbling over her skin, reddening the areas they pass. She lifts her head, facing upwards trying her best. Her jade frame, now covered in sweat. Shining in the light, her exposed bits turning red from overindulging. Her body now being tenderized as her body begins to crumble. Her jaw opens a few times, as if something will break. Something wanting to escape, pressure building in the back of her throat as drool seeps from her mouth. Tears that were being held back start to trail down her cheeks as tries to resist.
“She seems to be holding out rather well.” she looks towards Freya's frame, giving it a once over. Trembling and twitching as she holds on.
Her voice echoed at the drow to look away please. The sight of herself in this state is humiliating.
“This sight is humiliating? I guess it is. From what I've read, orcs are known as a proud race. Their strength and capacity for battle are well known, even among half orcs. But the state you're in would say otherwise. Not only once but multiple. A proud and strong warrior, strong will, strong mind, being brought down to a sight like this. Either the gods hate you or you enjoy this.”
Freya shouted back at her to keep quiet.
“Hmm, did I strike a nerve? Well with how you look that would be easy. Was it about the gods hating you… your lineage being ashamed of you …or that you might take satisfaction at your dismantling?”
The drow turns, moving to Freya's thighs tracing the outer edge.
“You're body is well built, even if you're half orc, you've trained it well. Building muscle, training your stamina, training anything you could, but in the end it isn't enough. Even your telepathy betrays you. Showing us glimpses into past situations, but there was something of interest. After everyone you have such a…guilty feeling. Why was that? You were shamed but from your memories it was something else. Each situation you were broken and hid something away. From your comrades, from those who held you. You enjoy this don't you?”
Freya's voice fell silent at first but quickly dismissed the claims. Her voice full of fear, guilt and anger.
“Truly? Briefly from the leaks you left, I thought I felt something happen to you when you gave in. When you couldn't hold out anymore. Shall we put that to the test?”
Freya dismissed her claims once again, but worried at what she was doing.
The drow moved over to Freya footwear, slowly removing the lacing, her thoughts immediately being flooded as Freya watched in horror. Her ankles twisted and turned her feet wiggling as she pleased.
“Why are you surprised, we never gave limits to where we could focus. Did you think only the exposed portion of yourself would be interacted with?”
As she removed the laces, each loop that was undone sunk Freya in a deeper state of fear, her jaw once again weakening. The sound of her boots echoed in her head louder than the teasing. The drow placed her fingers as the arch of her feet. Lightly tracing up and returning back to the start. Slowly repeating as Freya feet froze in shock each stroke chipped deeper at her than the anything else. Her eyes wide open as giggles began to bubble. Gaps between each as she tried to force some back.
The drow applied more fingers approaching the ball of the feet as magic feathers began to form.
“If your memory is correct, feathers seem appropriate.”
The blades slide against the outer edges of her feet, grazed the insteps and teased the toes. The quills, poked at the sole showing seeds of her doom. She curled her feet to the best of her ability, but there was only so much she could do.
Her breathing was reaching her limit as her entire body was now completely under attack. The voices of the two continued to poke at her will, the tiefling teasing her state and wishing her to crumble, the drow claiming she enjoys this and picking at her pride
The words hold out repeated over and over, the two looking towards the orc, her visage of a trembling giant being brought down so easily. Their thoughts and words pulled Freya lower and lower.
The drow smiled and thought that this should be done with, Freya afraid of what was next. Not knowing what could make this worse. Her mental space felt like it would crumble any second. In her mind she felt small, like she couldn't do anything. Curled up into a ball.
“Well I believe you've lasted enough. It's always best when they've reached a low point.”
Freya's head turned towards the drow, looking at herself. The face she was making, grinning, about to be defeated. Did she enjoy this? No she couldn't, she wouldn't.
Suddenly, the urge to laugh exploded in her. Beyond her ability to contain, she let out a hearty laugh. Her voice booming outward. The two grinned in victory and Freya cried in defeat. Her body gave out giving into the sensations. The strength drained from her. The stress escaped from her throat as cried and laughed with nothing holding her back.
“Well, it looks like we got a new test subject.” The tiefling joyful exclaimed.
His sister smiled at his words, continuing their assault on Freya's body.
The tension she maintained had broken, and the hands now free to explore dug as deep as they could. Each one contributed to different fits of laughter almost like playing an instrument.
Well that's more or less what I got. Let me know what needs to be corrected.
Stopping you right there to let you know that I’m very entertained AND that I’m not always expecting a long masterpiece :3 We can call it quits anytime as well! I’m a very casual rper and would love to tighten up my writing. BUT OH MY GODDD correct you?? Anon you literally write better than I do 😭 your descriptions have been knocking me out and at this point I’m checking my tumblr every hour to see if you’ve written something new
You can honestly turn these into little ficlets the way you’re giving me literature- and I’m devouring it 😭 I’m eating this up
These belong in a museum????
But I loved watching Freya’s descent! Her knowing that she’s screwed and her being utterly ashamed. They’re hitting things right on the nose!
Freya is a half orc and her father is a half elf half Dragonborn :3 I like the attention to detail when it came to discussing her origins. They could ask her…. but she seemed to be too occupied withholding her laughter >:3
Her relationship with her dad started rocky but after the time skip it’s gotten a lot better
Hehe but the way fear rose in her when her boots started coming undone. Her big ol dumb orc feet are such a big spot on her- she’s on them all they, they aren’t too pampered because who has time for a mani-pedi out here??? She wonders why they’re so sensitive but when they’re tickled she very quickly loses her stream of thinking and curiosity.
Pride does make her fight back! Freya is actually very sweet and overly careful if anything, being raised around smaller folks, elves, humans etc
But that does not mean she won’t throw down if someone initiates first. I like the use of her thighs to try to crush the brother because yes she would use whatever untied part of her there was!
She’s also a very calm level headed person- the investigator of a group- but the tickling and being restrained activates that dog in her because how dare someone put their hands on her!!
Oooh and being teased that she likes it… she would never admit that. But I’m sure that after that first hour she’ll be singing any kind of tune they want from her 😈
Also I’m still laughing at the way you came back last time with “I already have new ideas” that shit sent me outta orbit and I greatly appreciated that and your new ideas. You’re spoiling me 😭
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blujaydoodles · 2 years
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Now all we need is a REALLY big trenchcoat
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
so i had this idea about the gnomes, because calling them slaves doesn’t feel quite right, they’re treated too well
they see themselves as the caretakers of nature/forests making sure there is always a balance, but when they lost their homeland they had lost all hope. the dying elders asked the counselors to protect their people and if they did they the Gnomes would serve help them in return and they would tell them this as long as they never told thier people what killed them and the counselors agreed
after that matter was settled the last speech the Elders made was along the lines of “the elves have offered to protect us but they need our help in return they are our forest now…blah..blah…blah”. so the gnomes feel obligated to “help” for the elves because it was their Elders last request. since the Gnomes decisions are so heavily effected by that time in their history (can’t blame them) and it has been so long that it’s all a lot of Gnomes know. that they returned to the lost cities because they where made too feel it was their responsibility to care for the Elves.
i’m not saying that the Elves didn’t completely take advantage of the situation. (if they actually wanted to help they would have helped the Gnomes find a new homeland) i just think the Gnomes are too innocent, power corrupts everyone and that should include Gnomes, and basically turning your people into servants (even if it’s for their “protection” is really messed up) it would also explain why they where so willing to go to the ogre work camp, they’ve been to conditioned to think that it’s their job to serve Forest or other species they don’t live for themselves.
Oh that's interesting! On top of them also being treated too well, there's also their introduction in book one where Alden emphasizes that they're there because they want to be and that they'd never be forced to work (though Sophie was talking about servants at the time)
This is kinda an unrelated tangent but within canon suppose that the deal in itself is a test of the elves hospitality, because in the agreement there was no benefit to the elves. They are providing something to another species and ended up with benefits, but it wasn't part of the deal. It would make sense from a more political standpoint for the gnomes to have promised something in return to reaffirm the care the gnomes would receive in the event that the elves generosity ran out. But I'm getting distracted from your point.
I do think the Elders' final speech would make a lot of sense in terms of setting everything in motion. This way it's not a demand of the elves but instead the gnomes feel it is something they are providing of their own free will as part of the Elders' last wishes instead of some fulfillment of a deal they didn't have any part in. I can't help but relate things to canon, so my one thought is that I wonder if a speech would be the best/most effective form for this message to be spread in. Because gnomes can live so far apart from each other (all the neutral territories) and the Elders' (according to Bronte) didn't want the people to know what killed them because they didn't want them to live in fear of an incurable gnomish plague. Gnomes do a lot with nature songs and communicating with nature, so perhaps they could spread the message that way and then no one can see that the Elders' are physically sick and then it also could sound like it was in part coming from nature itself, which they heavily respect.
I'm also curious how the gnomes memories play into this, because if the fall of Serenvale was about 5000 years (if I'm remembering correctly) and gnomes have such long lifespans, I'm sure there are gnomes around who remember a time before they worked with the elves. So how well do they remember that? how well do they remember and follow the original message? Are the gnomes born after the original message was spread following because the Elders' said to help the elves or because that's just all they've ever known and they're told to do so by those who were alive.
I do agree that there are at least some gnomes who feel a responsibility towards the elves, it seems like just a natural consequence after taking on so much for so long. It's also possible that it would be a lot more work to start over and build cities in the neutral territories or something, and that because of that uncertainty it's safer for them to stay in the Lost Cities. Yes, they're working there and it's not their land, but it's got a level of security that other places may not be able to provide. After all it was the people in the neutral territories who fell ill first.
I like the "power corrupts everyone and that should include the gnomes" idea you've got. The whole gnomish species seems so kind and even docile, I think it would be interesting to turn that on it's head a little and play more with it. Because while they might not be organized the way the other species are or interested in what the other species are, they do live within that world and as such are forced to acclimate to it and represent/defend themselves. It could be a cool study of their nature vs who they need to be to survive.
The comparison between serving the elves and the ogres is astute! After so long living in others' lands and doing work for others, it may not have seemed like as much of a severe situation to the gnomes when the work camp idea was proposed. All the elves were horrified by the idea and the thought that they'd agree, but that's because they're thinking of how they would react and how that would affect them, but for the gnomes it's not as severe. Especially when you're ensuring that your people and family won't die. It's seems like the obvious choice, which is why they made it.
My conclusion from all of this is that it makes a lot of sense that the council was offered something in return for protecting the gnomes. They're supposedly a much better species than humans and would gladly help however they could, but it adds a lot to the situation to consider possible ulterior motives or benefits. Really characterizes them, so thanks for sharing it with me!
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