#they're seriously just shoving it down our throats at this point
hecckyeah · 7 months
honestly at this point, the rookie is just bailan propaganda and i won't stand for it any longer
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royalarchivist · 9 months
Tubbo: I swear to God, Chat - I promise you, if it's the last thing I do, I am going to break up Fit and Pac.
Mike passed the crown of #1 Hideduo hater to Tubbo, and Tubbo took that title very seriously.
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[ Full Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: I have a date with Fit tomorrow! You know the news, Tubbo?
[ Tubbo's Homophobic Arc ]
Pac: I got a date with Fit tomorrow!
Tubbo: You're - no... You're kidding..
Pac: Yeah, for real! Look - Mike shaved my hair you know, and gave me a new outfit so I can be like, sharp for tomorrow. ...You guys like it? You like it, Sunny?
[Judgemental silence]
Tubbo: That's so cool man, what he hell. That's fckin' sick.
Pac: Yeah, thank you! I knew it, I knew you'd- Oh, thank you, Sunny! I knew you guys were gonna love it, you know? I knew it.
Tubbo: I swear to God- I swear to God- We need to add homophobia to the QSMP, I swear to God- I swear to God-
Tubbo: Guys, I have to do everything in my power to break them up. What do you mean "no"?! This is awful, Sunny! This is awful!
Sunny: But why Pa?
Tubbo: THEY WERE NEVER MEANT TO GET TOGETHER! The stars told me so! They were never meant to actually get together!
Sunny: WHY PA
Tubbo: It's just wrong, Sunny! It's just wrong! I dunno how to explain it to you. It's just wrong!
Sunny: But it's loveeeee
Tubbo: ...If that's what you want to call it.
Sunny: You're telling me you've never been in love Pa?
Tubbo: Listen, it's just not right.
Sunny: But I like bodyguard Fit and driver Pac :(
Tubbo: I like them too! They're my best friends! But they can't be together.
Sunny: I think you are projecting
Sunny: I will find you someone, Pa.
Tubbo: Sunny - They're gonna hurt each other, Sunny- they're gonna hurt each other! And how will there be enough space between them for me now?
Sunny: Why would they do that if they care for each other?
Tubbo: People that care about each other, Sunny, hurt each other all the time! ALL THE TIME!
Sunny: But I care about you, and I don't hurt you.
Tubbo: No, that's different! That's different! The love that we have for each other is unconditional. Ok?
Sunny: Pa, I think you're just scared.
Tubbo: I'm not scared, I'm logical. All flags look red when you're wearing rose-tinted glasses.
Tubbo: [In response to Sunny talking about Aypierre's agreement to build her a statue] You already have a statue! [Sunny hits him] Ow!
Tubbo: What about the one Fit and Ramon made you for your birthday? [Tubbo has an idea] See? Do you think Fit would have time to do stuff like that if he's too- if he's too preoccupied with his little shag buddy? I don't think so! I don't think so!
Sunny: Wait.
Tubbo: See? You see what I'm saying? You see what I'm saying!
Sunny: You have a good point now
Tubbo: See? You under- yes, exactly! We HAVE to break them up! They can still be friends! Fck it, friends with benefits! But they cannot be together. We cannot let them.
Sunny: OK I'M IN
Tubbo: [Claps] I KNEW I COULD COUNT ON YOU! I knew I could count on you!
[Looking at fanart of Pac, Fit, and himself]
Tubbo: We- we have to split them up. We have to fckin' split them up. Oh, but I'm in this one! Oh, that's so-[Realizes it's him crying as a third-wheel] SEE?! SEE?! THEY KNEW! THEY KNEW! THEY FCKIN' KNEW! THEY FCKIN' KNEW!
Tubbo: [In a thick "red-blooded American" accent] Wha- I just don't understand why they have 'ta keep shoving it down our throats! Goddamnit! I JUST WISH IT WASN'T MY SMP! [He hits his desk and laughs]
Dono: Streamer becomes homophobic 'cause he can't get any
Tubbo: Sunny, I'm just gonna need to brb for a moment.
Tubbo: [Stands up from his desk, walks away, and screams]
Tubbo: I swear to God, Chat - I promise you - if it's the last thing I do, I am going to break up Fit and Pac.
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ariminiria · 2 years
It's funny how Elijah Wood asked a simple question about why was the words "LotR" added to the title of RoP and Amazon decided to slander him for it. All he did was ask a question. That's all. And yet Amazon did THAT to him. Corporations truly are petty.
It's their entire strategy for handling criticism. He just gets a more volatile and public reaction because he is who he is and has so much sway and rapport in the LotR fandom. If he implies that it's bad or even slightly doesnt make sense, it carries ten times the weight as if you or I, randos on the internet, call it total dogshit.
But going back to my first point, that's what Amazon is doing in response to criticism period.
People point out that the casting choices are inaccurate to how characters are canonically described? You're racist
Point out that Galadriel is now a terrible, unlikable Mary Sue bitch? Wow you really hate women, she's SUCH a girlboss
Ask why the costumes look like they were bought from Spirit Halloween and Forever 21, and why the male elves have short hair and the female dwarves don't have beards? You just hate art and creative vision, shut up because they WILL have those things! No joke someone legitimately told me "akshully the female dwarfs WILL have beards idiot they said so!1!!!1"
Say the timeline and worldbuilding is completely off and some key characters are missing, changing Tolkien's major themes in irreparable ways? You're just a hater and you're taking this whole thing too seriously it hasn't even come out yet, how do you KNOW it's bad
(To which I say:)
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And now that it is out, that goes double. I don't need to watch something to know I won't like it, so Amazon shills stop telling me to "give it a chance", that was the job of the trailer.
This has been the strategy all along. Make wild ad hominem attacks against the critics in order to diminish the value of the critique in the eyes of the public. Create some nice fake outrage to generate publicity, and you get the added bonus of people going "you guys HAVE to watch this, save the poor megacorporation and don't let the incels and racists win!"
Elijah Wood is a major figure in the fandom. He can't "get away with" badmouthing anything Amazon has done when they're about to shove their shit show down our throats while claiming "it's totally LotR!!"
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knucklegagging · 2 years
When Of Herbs and Alter talks (or really anyone on YouTuber) all I can do is wonder why they're not embarassed that this is their job.
Like how do their friends and family not point out how shameful it is to talk about your fucked up shit? Or just your controversial opinions? Or just your opinions? Or breathe?
Do these ppl seriously have "supportive" friends and family even w all their issues AND all the spectacle of making video recorded content that is literally them jacking off to the sound of their own voices like it's gold? That's wild.
Everything I do has to be anonymous cuz of any of my ppl knew anything about me they'd either leave or never let me live it down.
How the FUCK do these YouTubers have so much arrogance in thinking they're important enough to GET PAID to just babble into a camera???
I could do that. But all the comments would be hate comments. Is it just cuz theyre hot? No lie I really think it is largely to do w the fact they're always hot or at the very least middling in attractiveness. You never see an unattractive person getting media fame on any type of platform no matter how smart or witty or incredible they are. Someone needs to name me one person on the internet who is legitimately making a living off being on the internet who ISNT abnormally attractive while also almost always being at best borderline at the edge of average and dumb as bricks. Wtf is up w that??
Like Dorian is hot but can any of us really say theyre saying anything new or unique or particularly insightful? A lot of times they say magnificently stupid shit about having sex with vampire ghosts and how they condone Tessa Holliday lying about being anorexic for clout because Dorian's a weirdass little people pleaser who always wants to be controversial so long as it caters to the left. Honestly, Dorian is a dumbass. And they put on this overly touchy tryhard vocalization when reading the stories they've written like a bad actress trying to perform for a buck of blow..
I'm not even trying to be mean, but are any of us really subscribed because of their brain? Or is it all just hot goth with a deep voice who gives us some level of nostalgia for our ED bullshit? Cuz I'm convinced it's the latter. If she was ugly and called herself a she instead of a they (for woke relevance) nobody would listen.
I don't get why pretty people never seem to undersytanf that they are rarely talented, and are actually just stroking themselves in front of a camera.
Don't get me wrong, genuinely no hate to them. I like Dorian just fine most of the time. Think irl we'd probably even be friendly. BUT why do hot ppl have such an unawareness for how cringe this stuff is? They're all untouchable and it's weird. It's like their ego is always the size of Mt Everest and I do not understand how no one has ever told them that maybe talking about shoving glowsticks down your throat at night clubs and resurrecting a ghoul and how much they regret it... Maybe those things should be better left hidden from the internet?
Hot ppl can literally say, do, or think anything. Film it. Put it online. And there's never a single fucking repercussion. Meanwhile, an ugly person could eloquently detail the importance of phosphorulase kinase and express specifically why it is a hexadecameric holoenzyme based on the qualities of it's subunit isoforms and how mRNA splicing helps us understand this blah blah blah BUT I swear to you all the comments would be about how they need a nose job and their voice is stupid and they're ugly and did they ever notice one of their eyebrows is higher than the other and it fucking never ends.
I hate everyone.
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 years
"Lmao okay, so there's a scene where the main character beats up a Nazi and it has nothing to do with the plot? It's just there because of the writers' political beliefs? What kind of liberal snowflake bullshit is this? Not everything has to be about politics, Jesus Christ."
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"And he's pansexual, too? I'm not homophobic, but we don't need queers popping up in every single show. The writers probably just felt like they have to pander to the online SJWs so they don't get canceled."
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"He's autistic? Seriously? Now they're just checking off boxes to make the show 'woke' and 'diverse.' If it's not relevant to the plot, why even mention it?"
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"Okay, wait, you're telling me that there's a reveal midway through the show that he's in love with his male best friend? And he never said this before? Yeah, the writers are definitely just pandering to the woke mob. Men aren't allowed to be straight anymore."
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"Lmao what, so there's just queers everywhere in this show? The main character isn't enough? 99% of the world's population is straight. There's no reason for heterosexual people to be under-represented on TV."
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"Haha wow, you're telling me the main character literally comes out of the closet at one point? Like I said, I'm not homophobic, but TV shows don't have to be in your face about it. There's such a thing as subtlety, which 90% of shows have forgotten."
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"The writers think that cops are racist, too, huh? Not everything is about race. If I wanted to watch woke liberal faux outrage, I'd turn on CNN (the Communist News Network.)"
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"So all of a sudden, the main character doesn't like capitalism? Capitalism breeds innovation, but anyway, the writers just threw that in there because it's a 'woke' talking point. A genius would not be a socialist. And again, why are we talking about politics?"
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"And after four seasons of him being a badass, a literal kid makes him feel guilty? And he starts saying 'wah wah I was abusive wah wah I need to change'? Did feminists take over this show? Oh my God, it's not toxic for men to be manly and not get in their feelings about shit."
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"Man, I've had enough of these liberal hippie woke mob shows that shove their politics down our throats and bend over backward to cater to gay commie feminists. Nobody makes entertainment for regular people anymore. We need more smart, anti-PC, science-based shows for straight white men like Rick and Morty."
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softboydrew · 3 years
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friends and arguments
The ocean front restaurant roared with countless tables of friends and families, waiters and waitresses zooming past tables with large amounts of food and drinks as the night buzzed around you.
Laughter and raised voices erupted through the air as y/n watched her boyfriend top off their friends' wine glasses, forgetting count, y/n took a sip of the red wine that stained her lips. The tartness of it washing down her throat caused her cheeks to flush while Maddie leaned in towards her and clink yet another glass against hers.
"This is the best wine I've ever had!" She squealed.
Y/n shook her head, pointing towards the rest of the wine bottles that littered the white table cloth, "You said that one, and the one before that were the best you've ever had!" y/n laughed causing Maddie to shrug and take another sip.
"Then its settled, they're all my favorite!" she announced to the table, friends looking towards the two of them with amused expressions.
"How many glasses did you have?" Chase questioned, his cheeks flushed from all the chatter and body heat.
"It's my birthday, you can't ask me that!" Maddie hiccuped, causing the table to erupt in chuckles and nodding heads.
Y/n watched as Chase took the last bite of his pasta and motion at your friends that it was time to head back to the hotel and take the drunk stragglers back to their hotel rooms.
Y/n looked around, noticing Rudy and Elaine slumped together, giggling at their forks and she couldn't help but burst out in laughter. It was definitely time to go back to the hotel. It's all fun and games until people wake up hungover and not able to get out of bed, especially on vacation. None of them wanted anyone to miss tomorrows early morning water spot activities.
Drew sighed loudly, wrapping his arms around Chase's shoulders, calling out to everyone that it was indeed time to head back to the hotel so the group could get enough time to recuperate before tomorrow. "Y/n aren't you glad that you landed such a teddy bear?" JD said, shoving Drew playfully.
"I know, I got pretty lucky for my first one, huh?" she wiggled her eyebrows over at the group of boys, they all laughed as she winked at her boyfriend who suddenly froze.
Drew unraveled his arms that sprawled across his friends chest and stood up, his expression showing total shock but y/n didn't notice. Y/n stood up, grabbing her clutch before pushing her chair back towards the table. Her friends sporadically following her lead as she said wrapped her arms around Drew's arm while they said their goodbye's and goodnight's.
The walk from the restaurant to the hotel wasn't a long one, but y/n realized quickly that it would be a very quiet one.
Drew wrapped his arm around her as they walked silently, their shoes scuffling against the pebbled walkway. Y/n giggled, playfully poking at his side making him scowl at her with furrowed eyebrows, y/n's eyes narrowed taken aback by her boyfriends action towards her playfulness.
Maybe he wasn't in in the mood? y/n hummed to push away her hurt feelings and snuggled her head against his chest causing him to stiffen under her touch- her heart dropped at yet another standoffish reaction. "What's wrong?" She questioned lightly.
Drew scoffed out a 'whatever' making her eyebrows furrow as she leaned her head back to glare at him, watching him roll his eyes into the night. "Okay, what the fuck?"
If y/n wasn't pissed then, y/n was definitely pissed now. She crossed her arms as Drew flew his hands up in the air and pointed at her like she knew exactly what he was apparently annoyed about. "Are you seriously asking me that?" he chuckled darkly. "Like really?"
"Obviously! God forbid I can't read your mind!" she watched him storm way from her, y/n's shorter legs hurried after him with clenched fists. "Drew!"
He couldn't help but let out an annoyed laugh, shaking his head before rubbing his palm against his cheeks. Sure, he was annoyed at her, but the added alcohol in his system didn't help his emotions and he couldn't think twice about how he reacted.
"What?!" He felt her hand clutch onto his shirt and he groaned, his legs slowing down because he knew he regularly walked too fast for her. "Think! Think about why I might be annoyed y/n, seriously?" he shouted with his arms flying up from his sides. He watched y/n put her hands on her hips in frustration as she looked at him with confusion.
"You do this every single time, why can't you just be an adult and tell me what you're so pissed off about?!"
"No I don't! Why am I always the bad guy and what? I can't be mad at you?" He yelled, his legs bringing him closer to y/n as she shooed him off with her hand, she rolled her eyes and huffed out as she looked towards the beach in the distance, wishing to be anywhere but here, fighting with her boyfriend on vacation.
"You're aloud to be mad at me! But its not fair when you won't tell me why! I mean what could have possibly happened in that restaurant to make you so-” y/n stopped mid sentence as she snapped her head towards him, his eyes wide as he caught on to why she paused.
He nodded, "yeah, yeah" he scoffed as he took off his hat and ran his hand over his newly buzzed haircut. "Now you know."
Y/n covered her mouth with her hand and closed her eyes tight, she never meant to not tell him, but she kept putting it off because she didn't want to scare him off early on in their relationship. He never asked. Eight months passed by and she never told him, now she wanted to find the right time and every time she thought that it would be the time, it would slip her mind. She cursed loudly causing Drew to bite the inside of his cheek, watching her shoulders fall. "I'm sorry... I never meant to not tell you-"
"Then why didn't you?"
"You're older than me and I thought it would have been awkward, or you wouldn't be as interested in me if I told you. We were new and you were so.. so you, and I was nervous and I didn't want you to think differently about me. Obviously, I- I don't know what I was thinking 'cause I know you'd never think that way or make me feel any type of way." y/n gushed.
Her eyes swelling with tears as she finally explained to her boyfriend that he was her first beau. "I'm sorry. I seriously didn't mean to keep it from you I- I promise I'd never keep anything from you intentionally... especially something important for our relationship."
Drew sucked in his breath as the salty air blew around the couple, his eyes glossing over as he watched y/n quietly break down right before him. Drew quickly stepped towards her, his arms hugging her body close into his, her body shaking against his as she cried silently. "You don't have to be sorry I- I shouldn't have been so angry." he cooed. "I just wish you told me."
"I know" y/n croaked out as she sniffled, her big eyes scanning up to his face. Drew sighed, his hands gripping her puffy cheeks to wipe her tears away. "And I feel stupid."
'Shhh" he hushed, "you're not stupid y/n." he chuckled lightly causing her to blush beneath his soft hands.
She smiled lightly, rolling onto her tip toes as she felt him lean down and sprawl his lips against hers. They simultaneously moaned into the kiss as Drew deepened the kiss, licking her bottom lip to ask for entrance. Y/n happily obliged and smiled causing their teeth to clash- his tongue finding hers, feeling like the first time they'd ever greeted one another.
Drew's hands slid down her shoulders to grip her sides and squeeze her curves causing y/n's head to fall sideways while he sponged his lips against her now burning skin. The taste of lingering wine made them both hum lowly before he brought his hand behind her back and yank her against his chest, laughter pooling around them as he rested his forehead against her forehead.
"I think this calls for a truce?"
Drew bit back a laugh and nodded, interwinding their fingers before pulling her towards the pathway back to the hotel. "You know, I'm nervous that I'm your first boyfriend." he said bringing y/n to snort out- squeezing his hand as they began walking, "Let's make me your only."
taglist: @pogueslandia @carolineworld
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izacore · 2 years
I think his team fucked it up with hs3. Bc honestly they should have waited until love on tour was over. Now it's just a big mess and harry running to catch up with everything + movies. And now more tour in 2023??
Also about hs3 it got so much attention by the gp that it didn't even needed promo (bc that's fucking harry styles) so if they waited more they could have made better promo (especially better interviews) and lnt wouldn't been flopping rn. Lastly fuck his team*kmkm..jeff* with all my heart :)
I seriously don't understand why they're in such a hurry, it's not like Harry is retiring anytime soon but they act like they're running out of time with him. His schedule looks more and more like 1D's one apart from the fact that now he is one person, at this point I wouldn't put it past them having him record another album this year.
I have a feeling hshq is living in a bubble tho, because fandom is at their limits when it comes to having patience with Harry, they're actively hating the stunt and the majority wants him to disappear. Which in hshq's mind somehow translates to shoving up more content down our throats. In my opinion, it will all blow up soon and I will have to see people being all pikachu meme again.
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Ivarello (Modern!Ivar x reader) Chapter 2
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Moodboard by @quantumlocked310
Ivarello's masterpost here
A/N: This is my entry for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 500 Followers Fairy Tale Challenge. It's a retelling of Cinderella. Congrats again, darling 💖
A huge thank you to @mrsalwayswrite , who's a great beta reader and an even greater cheerleader 😂
A massive thank you to @quantumlocked310 , @vikingstrash and @serasvictoria . Thank you for agreeing to collaborate and for sharing your talent with me. Your moodboards are beyond amazing 🤩
In this story, Sigurd is alive. Ragnar and Aslaug are dead, but Lagertha didn't kill her. I took a lot of liberties with the show, I hope you won't mind.
Unlike the tale, there will be no magic involved. Not everything will be realistic, however. It's a fayritale, after all!
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Orphaned five years ago, Ivar and his brothers have been living with Lagertha ever since. Now 16 years old, he wants to attend Harald's traditional Midsummer party, but obstacles stand in his way.
Warnings: description of car crash; orphaned kids; Sigurd being Sigurd; OOC characters.
Words: 2075
Additional note: In Norway, you are of age at 18.
Enjoy 🙂
"... don't start eating until your brother joins us."
As he pushes himself down the large hallway leading to the kitchen, Ivar can hear Lagertha's assertive voice. He knows exactly who she's talking to and his suspicions are confirmed as soon as he enters the room, as a very displeased and apparently famished Hvitserk looks at him with irritation before letting out a muffled, "it's 'bout time."
"Sorry, I must have dozed off." Shrugging, Ivar wheels up to the kitchen table, the smell of pizza tickling his nostrils. He must be hungrier than he thought.
"You look like Hel." Sigurd sneers in greeting.
Ivar, without bothering to look up, just tilts his head and hisses through clenched teeth, "coming from you, dear brother, I take that as a compliment."
He can feel Lagertha's gaze upon him and when he turns his head toward her, she is staring at him, the worry obvious in her eyes.
"I wouldn’t have put it exactly like that but Sigurd isn't wrong." She crosses the room and leans over, her brow furrowed. "You look exhausted, sweetie, what's going on?"
Ivar almost wants to laugh. He looks exhausted? No kidding? Yeah, guess what? That's what two sleepless nights in a row usually do to you. At least that's what they did to him. What you did to him, haunting his nights and even haunting his dreams, waking him up with a start, his heart pounding in his chest, the few times he managed to fall asleep. At least, he'd made up his mind early this morning. Hopefully, now that the decision has been made, he'll sleep better. Saturday night, he'll see you again. His heart is racing at the thought and he inhales deeply, trying to calm down.
Unsurprisingly persistent, Lagertha asks again as she places her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly, "Ivar, are you all right?"
He wishes he could just ignore his stepmom but knows she won't let it rest. Unwilling to admit that he owes his restless nights to a girl - to you - he decides to keep his answer vague. "So-so," he mumbles, slightly rocking his right hand.
"You're in pain? Do you need more meds? I could run to the drugstore really quick."
For once, he doesn't resent Ubbe for his well-meant yet patronizing kindness, nor for the pitying look he gives him. Actually, he silently thanks him for the good diversion. As long as his brothers and Lagertha believe that it's his legs that bother him, keeping him awake, his secret - you - will be safe.
Faking a small, sheepish smile, Ivar shakes his head. "Thanks bro, but that's okay, I have everything I need. Guess I should just double-up the tramadol tonight." He winces for good measure, knowing fully well he won't even need a single dose. The pain in his legs today is barely at four, nothing he can't handle.
Once the meal is almost over – which in plain English means that everyone but Hvitserk has finished eating, but thanks to Lagertha principle 'no one leaves the table until everyone has finished, boys', they're all stuck here – Ivar decides it's time to break the news.
"I'm gonna go to the party."
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, the kitchen falls quiet. Even Hvitserk stops chewing, putting his last slice of pizza back on his plate.
Not knowing what to do with the silence, and feeling a little awkward, Ivar explains further, a hand on his neck, "the midsummer party, I mean. Harald's party."
"We heard you just fine, sweetie." Lagertha is the first to pull herself together, even though the disbelief is clear in her voice. As Ivar looks up, his brothers are staring at him, slack-jawed, bewildered, probably wondering what's got into their baby brother.
"Let me get this straight." With widened eyes, Ubbe starts running both hands through his hair, "you are considering attending Harald's party, right? That's... That's what you said?"
"Yep." Ivar shrugs as if it was no big deal. Who is he kidding? Of course, it is! Attending the party is a fucking huge deal for him. There's no way in Hel he'll admit it, though. Not in front of his brothers. No fucking way!
"I'm not sure I understand..." Ubbe sounds cautious and it infuriates Ivar to no end.
"What part of 'I'm gonna go to the party' don't you get, brother? Huh? Too many big words for you?" He wants to keep going but when Lagertha clears her throat and gives him a stern look, he faintly raises an apologetic hand while muttering under his breath, "okay, okay, I'll stop."
Heaving a sigh, he shrugs once more. "Seriously, you don't all have to look so surprised. I just want to go to Harald's party. It's really not that big of a deal."
"But you never wanted to, sweetie. Why now?" Lagertha's eyes are wide open and there's a frown on her forehead as she crosses her arms.
"Why not?" Ivar can't help but raise his voice. "I'm sixteen, Lagertha! Thought I was entitled to a change of heart. Was I wrong?" Pointing a finger successively at each of his brothers, his free hand grabs his push rim, his knuckles white. "The three of you attend every year, why shouldn't I?" Looking directly at Lagetha once again, he asks in a clipped voice, "You're not going to tell me I can't go, are you?"
"Of course not, sweet–" She begins but Ubbe cuts her off.
"Listen Ivar, no one is saying you shouldn't go, not yet at least. As a matter of fact, no one would be more pleased than I if you were willing to go out more. Playing pool, going to the movies, or just having drinks, you know you're always welcome to come along with us. But..." Ubbe groans, rubbing his hands over his face and Ivar stiffens, grinding his teeth, "Harald's party, really? It's not going to work. You know it takes place on the beach, it's not exactly wheelchair-friendly."
Reluctantly taking his eyes off his slice of pizza, Hvitserk jumps in. "Ivar is our brother, if he wants to go, we find a way. That's it - I'll carry him."
Positively surprised, a small smile playing on his lips, Ivar thanks his brother with a nod, glad – and relieved too, because two are always better than one, right? – that Hvitserk, as so often, backs him up. Of all his brothers, he's the only one who sees him first as a sixteen-year-old and not as a cripple.
Ubbe is having none of it though. "Hvitserk, just stay out of this, okay?" He's practically shouting, chin up and chest out. "You don't have a say! I'm the oldest, not you! I don't think it's a good idea for Ivar to attend Harald's party, period."
Hvitserk furrows his brow and for a short moment, Ivar thinks his brother is going to fight back but eventually he lowers his gaze, defeated, before shoving the whole slice of pizza into his mouth. Ivar knows all too well that his brother, who's not the most tenacious of them, hates confrontation, especially with Ubbe.
Unlike him, Ivar is always ready to pick up a fight, even when it's not worth it, even when he is wrong. Today, though, it's definitely worth it.
His nostrils flaring, he smashes his fist down on the table, his face crumpled with anger. "Who do you think you are, Ubbe? You may be the oldest, but you're not my father, okay? So please, just do me a favor, brother, and read my lips." His voice dripping with sarcasm, his bottom lips quivering, Ivar is absolutely livid, "You. Don't. Have. A. Say. Period."
Ubbe is about to retort, his hands clenched into fists but Lagertha raises a hand, shutting him up. "Boys, boys, boys!" Glancing at Ubbe and then at Ivar, she shakes her head, not exactly thrilled with their outburst. "Now, calm down, both of you. Ubbe, Ivar is right. You may be his big brother, you may be an adult, but you're not his father. I know you mean well but as Ivar's guardian, I have the final say." Turning her head toward Ivar, she cracks him a reassuring smile. "We'll talk about this later, okay? Just the two of us."
Slamming the door shut, Ivar wheels up right next to his bed and, angling his chair just right, transfers over onto his bed before punching the wall, a roar escaping his lips. Big tears of frustration and anger run down his cheeks as Sigurd's words linger in his mind.
He had been surprised when his less-favorite brother had stayed out of the conversation.
He should have known better.
No sooner had Lagertha, Ubbe and Hvitserk left – she to make a phone call, they to join Margrethe – leaving them to tidy up the kitchen, than Sigurd had lashed out at him with harsh words and eyes full of spite.
"You messed up in the head, huh? It's a fucking beach, Ivar, you do realize your front wheels will get stuck in sand, right? Now tell me, little brother, do you really think we are going to carry your crippled ass around all night? Let me tell you, it's not going to happen! There will be so many better ways for us to spend the night. Girls, you know? Lots of them. Am I going to let you embarrass me and ruin my night? No! Not in a million years. And anyway, why do you even want to go? Get real, Ivar, you don't belong there, you just don't. You're a fucking cripple, a freak, an abnormality. No one wants you there. No one wants to see you. The sooner you accept it the better."
He knows Sigurd was intentionally trying to hurt him. And fuck, he did succeed. Ivar had felt so humiliated that it had brought bile to his throat.
At some point, while Sigurd was spitting his venom, Ivar had grabbed the large knife lying on the table and it took all his self-control not to stab his brother. No doubt his shrink would be proud of him.
Now though in his room, and even if he is boiling with anger, the nagging thought that Sigurd had a point, that he wasn't completely wrong, doesn't leave him. And he can see now that, in his own weird way, Ubbe was trying to protect him. By preventing him from going, his big brother wanted to spare him humiliation, pity, and mockery. Hvitserk, of course, had been willing to help, but let's face it, Sigurd once again was right. Piggy-back riding is not really an option anymore, he is too heavy. Plus, if he's being honest, even if it were still possible, it's the last thing he'd want. The mere thought of you seeing him on Ubbe's or Hvitserk's back makes him nauseous. Which puts him back to square one.
The beach is a problem and a huge one. Wheeling in sand is a no-go. It's just fucking impossible. If he doesn't come up with an idea soon, he's not going to be physically able to attend the party. And that's something he doesn't want to consider.
"I need a fucking genius idea!" He speaks out loud, cracking his knuckles, his eyes squeezed shut.
He just wants to see you. Y/N... Just you. And he won't be able to.
Fuck. Fucking sand! Fucking beach! Fucking legs! Fuck– Stop.
What... What did he say?
He needs an idea... A genius idea. Genius. That's it.
A slow smile spreads across his face.
Good thing he knows an authentic genius, right?
Grabbing his phone, he frantically slides his pointer finger on the screen, sighing with relief as he finds the contact he is looking for.
"Hello, Ivar," the man answers after two rings, and his voice brings an even bigger smile to Ivar's lips, "it's very sweet of you to call me."
"Hello to you too, you spindly legged, knock-kneed old fool. There might be something that you can do for me. I want to attend Harald's party. It'll take place on the beach. My brothers won't carry me and I can't really crawl about, can I? I wonder if you could help me, Floki?"
Ivar's godfather lets out a high-pitched chuckle before answering, "I'll figure something out, dear Ivar, I'll figure something out."
Ivar's taglist: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom
Ivarello's taglist: @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @hashimily @prepare4trouble @supernaturalvikingwhore @funmadnessandbadassvikings @heavenly1927
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Even though I was myself getting bored with ot7 agenda being shoved down our throats in every content, I’m always amazed to see how people these days take things literally without much distance or critical thinking…. I mean, the members saying they’ll marry eo or be together all their lives or whatever was obviously meant to be taken with humor, who really believed that? Unless you’re very young and/or very immature, those guys are individuals and if I do believe they have a special relationship/friendship, there’s just no way they wouldn’t have wanted to pursue their own path at some point. It was obvious that it was part of a marketing strategy. I might be too down to earth, idk. When I used to say to my best friends we will live together for ever, we all knew it was not realistic. It was a cute thing to say, some sort of way to tell them how much they meant to me. I mean no disrespect but I honestly think a lot of fans don’t have much life experience, I just can’t understand how anyone would seriously think the members are everything in eo’s lives. I think they’ll probably come back in a few years, they had a rare dynamic together imo and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them end up missing working as a group sooner than they thought (maybe not all of them tho, Tae in particular seemed a bit done but maybe I’m seeing things).
Partly, it's a bit immature on the fandom's side and we also have to keep in mind that a big number of them are adolescents and the idea of the seven of them being together for the rest of their life makes them unthreating men/children which can be used as wholesome fantasy. But this is indeed a marketing strategy and the company is also at fault.
And you know what's interesting and quite smart from a business perspective? BTS announced the hiatus and venturing into solo careers just in time for the In The Seom release. It may look as an innocent and funny game, but it's not just that. It's literally BTS stuck in a limbo, perpetually depending on just each other, isolated from the outside world because they are on an island. They don't need anyone but themselves and the Armys who play with the boys and bring their contribution to a perfect BTS only world. And the characters and the storyline are created using the BTS lore. It takes them further away from them as individuals. I think the game is used as a counter balance to the new, more individualistic path they're going to take.
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mr-voorhees-husband · 2 years
I am fucking crazy, but I am free.
Chef (TLKOE) x FtM!Human!Reader (technically June X Jack too, but they're only mentioned)
Yeah no, I have no idea why I wrote this, but I'm down bad for this chef monster 💀
Seriously though please if you aren't 18+, turn away, I don't wanna scar any kids
Warnings: Teratophilia, fucking a monster, slight breeding kink, slight daddy kink, possessive sex, size kink, belly kink (?), human x monster, non-human genitalia, love confessions, porn w/ a slight plot
“I have a question about you humans.”
Your eyes flickered up from the book you were reading, finding Chef, in all his monster-y glory. The two of you were friends, despite his distaste for other humans. You two only ever became friends because you helped save him when you two first met.
“Uh, yeah? What's up?” You lowered the book fully, marking your place with a bookmark and placing it to the side. He often came to you because you were the only human willing to answer his absurd questions.
“Why does Jack and June keep pressing their lips together?” He sounded genuinely confused, and you almost laughed. It didn't surprise you he didn't know what it was, to an alien it must have looked pretty odd.
“It’s kissing, uh, like a mating ritual.” You answered, turning to face him fully. “A way to show affection non-verbally? Along with love.”
“Oh.” Chef tilts his head with a grunt. “You flesh-bags are odd, why not just shove your tongue in their mouth?”
“What?” you laughed, purely at how odd that sounded. “I mean, I guess some humans do? Where’d you even get that idea?”
“It's a mating ritual of my species.” Chef hummed, tongue flickering out of his mouth. It was long, with a sheen of his blue saliva coating it. “The dominant one shows their dominance by shoving their tongue as deep as they can down the other’s throat.”
“That's…” You blinked, face reddening at the idea of Chef’s tongue down your throat, “something.”
“Wanna try it?” He grinned, showing off his sharp, razor like teeth. It took you a moment to completely register his words, and when you did, your face went beet red.
“I.. I guess?”
One large clawed hand grabbed your face, steadying it as Chef leaned it and your eyes shut. First, he pressed your lips together, akin to a kiss yet not one at the same time. Then, his tongue was prodding its way into your mouth, and you accepted it. The muscle was warm, warmer than your own mouth at least, and covered in his spit, the viscous liquid tasting sweet, yet the kind of sweetness you’d expect from a flower. He pushed it deeper, and instinctively, you relaxed your jaw and layed your tongue completely flat. Chef let out a purr, body rumbling as you felt the tip of his tongue press against the back of your throat. Squeezing your thumb, you forced your gag reflex away as the muscle slowly pushed past the entrance of your throat, and deeper. The hand on your face tightened ever so slightly, before loosening and slipping down your face to rest against your shoulder. His thumb rubbed your throat, scratching lightly as his tongue made it swell. The feeling of his tongue down your throat was odd, but it made your head spin, his saliva on your taste buds and his hands on you.
Then, it was over, and Chef was pulling backwards. you gasped when he finally pulled away, the air you didn't know you needed filling your lungs. He laughed, grinning like a shit head as he looked down at you, a mix of our saliva dripping down your chin.
“You didn't even fight!” His body shook with laughter, and you rolled your eyes.
“My tongue isn't long enough, even if I did fight you’d have won.” You pointed out, leaving out the fact that you didn't want to fight. you was more than a little willing to give Chef full control. He didn't reply at first, staring down at you with a look you couldn't determine, before he smiled once more.
“How about we try another ritual of my species?” His first pair of hands went around your waist, lifting you up and above him. “The dominant male takes care of the submissive one.”
“Takes care?” You muttered, and if you weren't already bright red, you must have been at that point.
“I can smell you, sunshine.” Chef lowered you onto his shoulders, so you were straddling his head. His top set of arms kept you upright, while the bottom set began to pull at your shorts. “You humans are all so sensitive, but I didn't expect you to get this attracted by some kissing.”
“Yeah, well, we humans don't consider shoving our tongues down each other's throats ‘kissing’.” You snapped back, with no real anger. Chef hummed, deep and low as he ran a claw on the inside of your thigh, making you gasp. You still had your clothes on, but you swore you could feel him breathing against me. “Fuck, either do it or don't you asshole.”
He smirked, lifting you back off his shoulders. For a moment, you were upset, heart dropping as you expected him to place you back on the ground. His lower hands grabbed the hem of your shorts, yanking them down with ease as your worries left your head as quick as they came. your shorts and underwear fell to a heap on the floor as he sat you back on his shoulders, this time right on top of his face.
“You're so impatient, sweetheart.” Before you could even muster another word to yell at him, Chef’s tongue was pushing its way inside me. you moaned, head kicking back as he held you up completely, both sets of arms pressing you upright. His eyes were sharp, and oh so daunting, watching you come undone as you felt the muscle go even deeper. His nose rubbed your dick, face buried against your crotch completely, tongue beginning its slow rhythm.
“Fuckfuckfuck.” you gasped, hands steadying against the two clawed hands on your thighs. Chef let out a deep rumble, a purr mixed with a groan. He looked up at me, all four pupils blown in lust, and smiled. The feeling of his teeth, the flat part pressing against the skin of your thigh, made you shudder. He could easily open his jaw wider, easily shred you with his teeth alone. Not to mention how strong he was physically, those arms weren't having any trouble holding you up. That lone fact, of how much danger you could be in, had your heart pumping in a feeling closer to lust and love then panic. His tongue was searching out that part in you, the spot that would make you scream.
When he found it, you didn't hide your moans, no matter how embarrassingly loud they were. Chef let out a grunt, eyes shutting as the muscle assaulted that spot, making you see stars.
“Chef-! Fuck- ah!” your legs tightened around his face as that coil in your stomach got tighter and tighter. Nails dug into your skin, and you felt blood dribble down your thighs, the added pain just adding to your pleasure. Then that coil snapped, and Chef moaned like he was the one being fucked. you rode out your orgasm on his face, unbothered by the way his spikes pricked at your skin.
you was a panting mess when Chef lifted you off of him, lowering you into his bottom set of arms. His face was covered in your fluids, a sheen of cum and sweat being slowly licked off with his tongue. Chef barely even blinked, either, as if he’d just gotten done eating a meal and was licking the scraps off his face.
“Delicious.” Chef finally uttered, leaning down just barely to lick a stripe on your neck. you shivered, and he chuckled. “Humans’ desserts may not be too good, but a human dessert isn't half bad.”
“What about a monster desert?” you mumbled, still trying to catch your breath. you were definitely curious on what Chef’s dick would look like, especially if it'd look like a human dick or not. Chef hummed, using his top set of arms to take off your shirt and toss it to the side.
“As I said, the one in charge takes care of his mate.” Chef replied as he pressed his lips to your shoulder in some kind of odd kiss. “Meaning you’re going to be a good little human and let you fuck your brains out."
“Yes sir.” It came out before you could stop it, and your face burned bright in embarrassment. Chef smirked at the title.
“Sir?” He echoed, his top set of arms reaching back to untie his apron. “Yeah, I could get used to that.”
The apron fell to a heep, his tail sweeping it away as he peered around your room. Finally, Chef decided on something, carrying you over to your small, twin sized mattress. He swept the weighted blanket off of it, leaving the thin sheets as he laid you down with uncharacteristic softness. The bed shifted as he adjusted, not quite getting on it, but using it for leverage so he could reach you easily. Clawed fingers reached down as Chef watched you squirm, rubbing the small slit under his belly.
“Can..” Chef glanced up, meeting your eyes and raising an eyebrow. “Can I help?”
“Sure, sunshine.” He removed his hand to take your wrist in it, pulling your right hand to the small slit that was now dripping with slick. “Give it your best shot.”
Swallowing your anxiety, you used careful fingers to push inside the small opening. He was warm, oh so warm, greedily trying to get your fingers deeper. A small amount of slick slipped down your fingers, and you fought the urge to leap forward and lick it up. Chef groaned, a hand running loosely through your hair in some sort of odd pet. you wasn't completely sure what exactly you was doing, but you knew enough about reptiles to understand how his anatomy might work. With two fingers, you searched for what you was looking for, all while Chef watched you with soft eyes and petted you with even softer hands.
Finally, you found it, gentle as you eased his cock out of his slit and into the open air. He was big, at least 8 inches, going from a dull point at the tip, to a wide, bulb-like base. It was littered in small barbs, which looked too soft to do any real damage. you swallowed your drool, running your thumb along the side, making Chef grunt.
“One more t’ go sweetcheeks.” He chuckled, making your eyes widen.
“You have two?” you muttered in a mix of amazement and worry. you definitely wouldn't be able to fit two, hell, you doubted you could fit the one.
“Yep, and the longer you stall, the more it’ll hurt.” He didn't have to tell you twice, using your left hand to slowly stroke the dick already out of his slit, while your right busied itself to get the other one. Chef purred, like a cat being pet in all the right places by its owner, making you flush. It didn't take you long to find the second one, easing it out just like the first. It was just as large, looking virtually identical. The one difference being the base, which was slightly thinner than the first. “There we go,” fingers ran through your hair, before trailing to go under your jaw, “now, on your back, cutie.”
“Wait- you aren't gonna try and put both in are you?” you worried, nonetheless leaning back and laying down, bracing your forearms behind you to stay up ever so slightly.
“Not unless you want me to.” Chef’s lower set of hands grabbed your thighs, pressing his slick covered dicks against your sex. you shuddered, biting your cheek to keep from moaning at just the bare touch. “How far are we going with this?”
“What’dya mean?” you snorted, giving him a look.
“My species mates for life, sweetheart.” He replied, leaning down to come face to face with me. “If we do this, you're stuck with me, like it or not.”
“You won't be able to get rid of me, no one else can have you, and if anyone even looks at you wrong, I’ll kill them.” Chef’s top right hand slammed against the wall above you as he completely loomed over you, as if trying to scare you out of choosing him. “Just me and you, for the rest of your fleeting, human life.”
“Only if you'll have me.” It was soft and scared, fear of being rejected despite how close he was to me. Chef’s eyes widened, growling deep in his throat as his bottom set of arms pushed your legs apart, and his top left hand pressed the tip of one of his dicks to your entrance.
“Yes or no, do you want this?”
“Yes. Fuck yes, please, Chef.”
you whined indignantly as the tip pushed in yoy, he was so incredibly warm, a mix of precum, his slick, and your wetness making the stretch barely noticeable. your hands found his shoulders, pressing against the soft muscle as Chef’s cock filled you to the brim. With a sharp exhale, and one final thrust, you were completely and utterly full of him.
Well, almost completely and utterly full of him. you noted to yourself how the bulb-like base made him stop, instead going to wrap his lower arms around you and pull you up just a bit. Chef purred, nuzzling against your neck, muttering softly in a language you couldn't understand. His right hand was still holding him up, but his left hand was now pressing against your cock, rubbing it in small circles with his thumb.
“Ah, fuck.” It was a breathless whisper, biting down on your lip as you clenched around Chef. He grunted, but didn't move, continuing to nuzzle against me. “Chef, c’mon, move please?
“Soon, sunshine.” He cooed, licking from your collarbone to your jaw. “Let me enjoy your warmth for just a moment, the feeling of my mate.”
The possessive term had you melting against his arms, eyes shutting as you let yourself go. It wasn't long before he started thrusting, a steady rhythm that had you gasping in pleasure. Chef groaned, keeping his pace as he jerked off your cock, so much kinder than you expected. Teeth grazed your shoulder, before suddenly the pain of your skin being split on rows if sharp teeth overpowered the pleasure he gave me.
“Ow-! Fuck!” you cried, trying to squirm away. Chef stopped you, using his weight to trap you to the bed, shushing you.
“It's okay, sweetcheeks, you can handle it.” He purred, licking away the blood. His thrusts, while they hadn't stopped, had slowed, and he was no longer stroking you. “It's part of the process, it's okay.”
“It hurt.” you hissed with a glare, still trying to shove his bulk off of you. “You didn't say you’d bite me.”
“You humans have wedding rings, us Chixemites have bites.” Chef replied, rubbing your side with one of his hands. He was everywhere, you finally registered. He was so much bigger than you, even without the added length of his tail and bottom half. Without his apron, his belly wasn't hidden, the bulk of muscle and fat crushing against you in a way that kept you still, but didn't hurt. you whimpered, clenching around him pathetically at the realization.
Chef could take anything from you, he could have pinned you down and had his way with you already. Yet he didn't. He was taking care of you. He was treating you like a god.
“Do you like this?” Chef mumbled, his thrusts picking up in speed. “How much bigger I am, you like that, don't you?” you nodded with a moan, head kicking back as he started to jerk you off in time with each thrust. “Oh, but even if I wasn't you’d still be a good boy, wouldn't you?”
your brain short circuited at the barest bit of praise, subconsciously grinding against him with a sob of pleasure. Chef stuttered, only for a second, before he was pounding into you with newfound fervor.
“Is that what gets you going?” He muttered, amazed. He muttered a curse, probably in his native language, grinning. “Wow, I really hit the jackpot with you. A good little human to breed and fuck, the perfect little mate.”
Keening pathetically at the words, your eyes rolled back when you felt his tip rub the spot in you that made fire explode along your body. Chef noticed immediately, a hand going underneath you to push you up, making sure each thrust hit that spot.
“Chef- fuck-!”
“Keep singing, sunshine, keep singing for daddy.” He growled, claws digging into your side. His other dick rubbing mine had your eyes rolling back, moaning at the way the barbs grinded against your cock perfectly. “That's it, good boy.”
“Daddy!” you cried out, the word coming out before you could think to stop it, and the way Chef groaned above you made you glad you did. “I’m close- chef!” you dug your nails into his shoulders, only slightly worried I’d harm him.
“C’mon sunshine, let go, I got you.”
For a moment, everything cut out, Chef was the only thing important. you felt him shudder above me, warmth painting your stomach and your insides, filling you in the most delicious way possible. The blissful feeling of afterglow kept you loose and compliant, the bed creaking under Chef as he climbed up and laid down. He placed you on his stomach, careful to push his genitalia back into his slit, and wrap you in your sheet. He was so warm, it almost made up for the feeling of cum dripping down your thighs.
“I gotta take a shower.” you sighed, trying to tug away. Chef grunted, dragging you back into his arms. “Chef-"
“Later, Sunshine,” He cut you off, pressing a kiss to your lips, “can't we lay here, just for a little while?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, snuggling against him. He really was soft, despite his tough skin. “Chef, now that we're mates.. is anything gonna change?” There's a moment of silence, and you glanced up. Chef was quietly staring at your roof, eyebrows furrowed and deep in thought. “Sorry.”
“Don't apologize.” Chef moved you slightly, wrapping all four arms around you in a comforting embrace. “I’ll stick around you more, and I suppose we’d be like Jack and June.”
“So, you’ll be more clingy, and we’ll kiss?” Pressing a kiss to his lips, beaming up at him like I’d won the lottery. “So we’re married now?”
“Technically? Yes, we are.”
“Huh.” you nuzzled against Chef, humming gently. “Hey Chef?”
“Yes, Sunshine?”
“I love you.”
There's a beat of silence, before he chuckles, body shaking you with each laugh.
“I love you as well.”
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Eda's Requiem" from The Owl House
Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
Take "Eda's Requiem," for example. It's yet another episode where I have NOTHING bad to say about it! That's two weeks in a row where that happened! HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?!
...But anyways, "Eda's Requiem." It's another fantastic episode, and I'm about to dive into explaining how and why. Just keep in mind, it's gonna require spoilers to do so, so be wary of that as you keep reading.
Now, let's review, shall we?
Eda’s Checklist and Grom Photo: Within the first second, "Eda's Requiem" perfectly sets up Eda's central conflict in the episode. Despite spending years being on her own and looking after herself, she now has two kids that she's constantly caring over. Eda can try all she wants to say that she doesn't care, and I bet she has in the past. But given the hard work she's putting into getting King and Luz what they need and having a grom photo of the three of them together pinned in her mirror, it's pretty clear that those two knuckleheads wormed their way into her heart and are never getting out.
Eda’s Worried About King and Luz Leaving: And thus, that's precisely why something like this bothers her so much. Eda inadvertently adopted two rambunctious rapscallions (Yeah, I know. I'll get to it), so the idea of them not being around her anymore is going to be terrifying. That is a situation most parents, especially mothers, can identify with. It’s called empty nest syndrome and it proves just how much Eda loves Luz and King that she can't stand the thought of her babies leaving the nest. It's yet another well-made, wholesome, found-family moment that this series continues to excel at each week, making me extra excited for more like it to come...while also readying myself for heartbreak when one of them eventually does leave Eda.
Eda and Raine’s Music: Ok, I don't know the exact instruments that were played during this episode, but I also don't care because it was all (for lack of a better term) music to my ears. Every time Eda and Raine played resulted in melodies that are so beautiful and filled with so much emotion and feeling that I'm honestly tempted to listen to them again, multiple times, on repeat. Shows rarely do that for me, as background music doesn't always draw me in as much as lyrical songs do. Usually, it takes something so extraordinarily composed to give me the desire to listen again, and that's the case here. So huge congrats to Brad Breek for doing so. Seriously, the man's been killing it this season.
Eda’s Bard Magic Causing Things to Turn to Ash: This was assuredly a surprise side-effect of the curse. The fact that Eda can sort of do magic at all was its own shock. To then reveal that a specific type can do dangerous things to people and environments is...Well, it definitely brings up its own fair share of questions. Like, how can she do this? Will she do it again, one day? And are there other types of spells that can be negatively affected by Eda's curse? We don't get answers for any of these questions, and odds are, we never will. But that's alright with me. Because if a show makes me consider these many possibilities after a brief amount of time, it is a show that has to be doing something right. Even if I don't get the answers I want, the fact that it caused such a reaction makes me less willing to care.
Raine Whispers: Hey, would you look at that. Another fun, interesting, and compelling character added to the list of this shows' other fun, interesting, and compelling characters...how is this series so good at this!?
Joking aside, Raine's pretty good. I like Raine. They could have been this super serious leader who lost all their fun after years apart from Eda, but I'm glad that they're not. There are moments when Raine takes their job as leader of the BATs seriously, as one would, but I still prefer the fact that they kept a jovial nature despite how grim their situation is. It's an admirable trait to have, and it avoids the trope of making leader characters boring just because they're the ones who have to take things seriously.
Oh, and also, Raine's Disney's first non-binary character who has a stake in the plot. This is a tremendous deal, as you don't usually see that many non-binary characters in children's animation, let alone ones that hold importance to the story. So it's pretty cool for the writers to feature Raine, as it helps several kids feel as though they're finally seen and respected. And the fact that Disney of all companies gave the thumbs up is even more impressive. I hear people say that Dana Terrace should have pitched The Owl House to more progressive networks to avoid pushback, and while I absolutely see your point, I'll have to respectfully disagree. Disney is the largest entertainment industry of all time, so if you want to make LGBTQA+ representation normalized, you gotta stop making splashes and start making waves. Because if the same company that made three racist cats in the span of a few years manages to say that being gay is a-ok, then you know there's something wrong with you. Yes, Disney ended up screwing over the show anyway. But for that one moment, when kids felt pride after seeing a character like Raine, then, in the end, it's kind of worth it.
Also, if you're still having issues with more representation like this popping up in kids' shows, then allow me to redirect you to the complaint department.
...I made that post earlier today for this bit. YOU HAVE BETTER APPRECIATED IT!
Day of Unity is meant to be a Secret: At least, that's what I got when Raine stumbled over their own words. So if it's true, then I wonder why? Why does Belos want to keep the most critical change in the Boiling Isles a secret? Does he want to make it a surprise for his grateful subjects, or does he not want to spread worry and fear amongst the wild witches? It has to be something big if he doesn't want his followers to even say the words "Day of Unity." Whatever reason he has, we most likely won't know until the future. A future that I grow more and more afraid of each week.
Hooty Eating Echo Mouse: My heart sank in that brief moment when I thought that Hooty intensely screwed Luz over in getting back home. But looking back...it is pretty funny.
Just the suddenness of Hooty eating the poor creature that Luz desperately tried to earn its trust is priceless in how shocking it was. And also, Luz's expression.
Tumblr media
That was the look of a young girl who immediately shoved her hand down an owl demon's throat the second the scene cut away. The Owl House may not always be a hit in the comedy department, but scenes like this prove that when it's funny, it is hilarious.
Luz and King Entering the Grand Prix: Not much to discuss here. It's just a cute subplot that adds frivolity to the intensity of what's going on through Eda and Raine's story. But I will say that I love how both stories occasionally interconnect with each other through the many moments of Eda being worried about King wanting to leave to find his father and avoiding any conversation about it. It helps both plotlines feel like they belong together, without being something like "Through the Looking Glass Ruins," whereas both stories could have been in their own episode. Which is neat.
How Bard Magic Works: I really love how this season is diving into how the other magic types work. More specifically, the ones that seem a little vague. I mean, stuff like healing, potions, and plants are easy to figure out, but what does it mean when a witch's talents are construction, beast keeping, and bard magic? We've been getting a lot of clearing up lately, with bard magic looking like a witch can control their environments and enemies through the power of music. Which is fair. Music is pretty powerful in the metaphorical sense, and I actually love that it's powerful in the literal sense when in the Boiling Isles.
The BATs: Not much to comment on these three either. The BATs have the potential to have an entertaining dynamic, but they do very little in this episode that I can't say much other than I hope they make a return in the future. But I will make this claim: Amber is my favorite. I'm sorry, but her screaming "You're not our mom!" to then go, "Bye, mommy Eda" is just too precious for me not to love.
I'm a simple man who falls for cute s**t. Leave me alone.
Raeda (RainexEda): Well, EdaxCamila, you were a fun crack ship while it lasted, but I'm afraid that this is now goodbye. The current canon has provided an incredibly adorable and believable relationship that I would be a monster not to support with my whole bi-heart. It's been real.
Ok, back in serious mode: I love these two together. Eda and Raine are grown-ups, and they still act all flustered near each other as if they were still Luz and Amity's age. It's definitive proof that you're never too old to get flustered near a crush, and seeing them interact adds a sense of wholesomeness when seeing them together as well as heartbreak when they're forced apart. Plus, we get confirmation that Eda's LGBTQA+! Whether she's bi, pan, or whatever, now that we know Eda can catch feelings for someone like Raine, it's yet another case that The Owl House is the most important series to the community. Because having the main character be queer is fantastic in its own right. But having the same apply to the motherly mentor figure? That's is an extra bit of normalization that anybody would be willing to appreciate.
Unique Guard Designs: Not many fans are going to appreciate this, primarily compared to everything else this episode does perfectly. For me, I actually like that you see a few Coven Guards looking differently from the others, as it helps make them less like clones and makes it seem like anybody of any body type could be a part of the coven.
Gus Looking Uninterested when Presenting Grand Prix with his Dad: I am positive that you didn't notice this (I didn't even notice it until someone else pointed it out), but there's something to dissect here. It hints that perhaps Gus isn't as interested in his father's field of work as one might think. If he did, he would look a lot less bored and much more excited to be helping Perry Porter present the race. It could just be the race itself, but judging from Gus' expression, it really seems like the kid would prefer to be anywhere but there. And why would he have that reaction to a race that his best friend is competing in? To me, this seems like an inkling of what Gus' relationship with Perry could be, which may not actually get time to shine, what with how little wiggle room the series has now (Thanks Disney). Regardless, it is interesting to notice, and it will certainly have fans thinking for a while.
Bump Being Smug of Luz Being in the Lead: That's it. Principal Bump looking smug as his human student is beating the students of his rivals is yet another moment that proves why Bump is easily the best cartoon principal.
Darius: First of all, this guy is f**king fabulous, and I love him. *Snaps*
Second, he is definitive proof that you do NOT want to f**k around with Coven Leaders. Lilith may have had her intimidating moments, but none of them compare to the guy who can turn himself into an abomination monster where only magic that hasn't existed before can take him down. It's genuinely scary to see Darius lose control, and I fear for the day when Luz inevitably ends up in his crosshairs.
With that said, Darius' still a ton of fun! He may be threatening, but he's just a flamboyant guy that hates the idea of getting his outfit the tiniest bit dirty. And I love that. I love that these Coven Heads have actual personalities instead of being generically evil. I consider it preferable to make villains entertaining rather than blatantly scary as I'll remember the personalities first and the villainous acts last.
Eberwolf: But this one's my favorite. I told you: I'm a simple man who gets easily swayed by cute s**t. And Eber? I mean, just look at her:
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She's just a cute widdle rascal! I just want to pinch her cheeks, give her a belly rub, and--
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...Eberwolf is not a cute widdle rascal. She is a strong, independent woman, and I will respect her as such from this moment forward...lest I feel her wrath.
That is all. Let's move on.
Eda and Raine Attempting a Final Performance: This was the best scene of the episode. It looked gorgeous, it shows the dedication Eda and Raine have for stopping Belos, and it says so much through so little. Go back and look at how Eda and Raine regard one another when performing Eda's requiem. Through their expressions and a few short words, you know they understand that if they complete the song/spell, they probably won't make it in the end. And yet, they don't care. They both know bad stuff will happen if Belos wins, so Eda and Raine put everything to the side, both their feelings for one another and the people they leave behind if it means putting an end to a tyrant. That level of dedication...Words can't fully describe how powerful that is.
Raine Sacrificing Themselves Instead: But in the end, Raine can't do it. Not when they know the life that Eda has and the people she'll be leaving behind. It's an extra bit of nobleness to the character seeing that Raine refuses to take away a woman from two kids who need her the most. A tad bit selfish, sure, knowing what Belos has planned. But when it comes to love, the romantic, familial, or platonic, the best decisions aren't always the logical ones.
Eda Crying: Luz crying tears me up, but seeing Eda cry is a whole different level of heartbreak. Like Lilith, Eda has her emotions locked up tight, with the closest she came to weeping were those two tears in "Young Blood, Old Souls." In "Eda's Requiem," she cries but almost quickly stops herself. As if she knows that doing so isn't going to save Raine. That is...even worse than seeing Luz break down after losing Eda. The fact that Eda refuses to give herself time to mourn losing someone she loved is tragic because crying is the most natural way of showing grief. Turning that off isn't healthy, and seeing her do it with little resistance is sad to me. It's sad to see a character I love can easily shut off all emotions despite how badly she may want to embrace them. It's one of those moments that, again, by doing so little, it shows so much.
“No one watches Crystal Balls anymore. It’s all about streaming.”: Oof. Even I felt that burn towards cable.
King’s Message: King's message was the pick-me-up I needed after the heart-wrenching sadness this episode put me through a few minutes ago. Seeing King say who he is and listing all the things he loves is nothing short of adorable. On top of that, I adore that Eda willingly recorded the whole thing. She may not want King to leave, but that doesn't mean she'll sabotage the one thing he wants. Especially not after Raine gave up everything so Eda could be with her kids. The opening scene may prove how much Eda cares about a rascal like King, but this heartwarmingly sweet moment reveals just how far she'll go to make him happy.
King’s Dad Reveal: ...ok, I'll be honest, I did not think we'd get that reveal this soon. Dumb of me to say, considering the number of times I've said that these writers don't waste time getting to the s**t, I know. But still, it's pretty cool knowing that King's dad is alive and well, added with the fact that we've got a fair idea of what he looks like. At this point, it's only a matter of time before we see him figure out where the Clawthorne residence is and witness the tear-jerking moments that will follow.
King Changing his Name to King Clawthorne: Not the official adoption I was expecting Eda to make...but DANG IT, is it still diabetes-inducing levels of sweetness!
Personally, I feel like the main reason why Eda breaks down this time is not only because she shouldn't be worried about King leaving her life, but also because Raine's sacrifice wasn't in vain. Her kids really do need Eda because no matter how far apart they'll be, she will always be a part of their life...dang it, I'm going to cry too!
What those Coven patches really do: Well...that was horrifying to see.
...Writers, if you kill off the best non-binary character in animation (it's a short list, I know), we are going to have PROBLEMS!
"Eda's Requiem" is--surprise surprise--another A+. The emotions hit hard, the representation hits harder, Raine is a fantastic addition to the cast, and it was all surprisingly cute at times. Season Two is currently on a hot streak, constantly winning with every episode that's come out so far. When a bad episode does eventually show up (IT'S GONNA HAPPEN!), I'll be sure to sing my requiem then. For now, I'm just gonna enjoy the ride.
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criminalmindswhore · 4 years
I Get It.
Completely inspired by @spencerreider
Get ready to have your heart broken. even though it sucks :)
"Can someone please write a fic about Emily Prentiss x fem reader where they are secretly dating for a while but Emily isn't comfortable with people knowing she's gay and they fight about it because the reader just wants to be able to show off her girl to the world and show how much she loves her and they end up breaking up. Then about a month later at a team outing at a bar Emily walks in holding hands with JJ and they announce they are dating."
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Emily Prentiss was never the type to be shy or not confident, but when it came to her sexuality, she became a brick wall. While you're the opposite, you don't care. So when you and Emily started dating arguments would come up often. They always ended with you apologizing for trying to pressure her and how it's her choice when to come out. You would get up the next morning together, cuddle until the last minute, shower together, but then you would wait in the car for 10 minutes after she went in. It was so much work hiding it from the team, they're profilers for heavens sake, but you did it for Emily. There was a lot of secret make out sessions in closets where you would time your exit from said closet. You just wanted to tell everyone how lucky you are and hold your girlfriends hand on the jet, or even just tell people that you're dating someone.
"Good morning Emily, Spencer and Morgan." You said as you entered the bull pen exactly ten minutes after Emily. Everyone shared their good mornings and chit chat before starting paperwork. After an hour or so Morgan got bored, "Hey Y/n," You looked up at him, "Are you dating anyone right now? Cause my sister's single and I would love to have you in the family." He gave you a cheeky grin and you laughed, "You know Morgan I might take you up on that, but right now I would love to finish my work before 7 o'clock." He nodded understandly and felt your phone buzz. 'might take you up on that? wtf' Emily was seriously mad at you for that? You were at your breaking point. You wrote back, 'Not like you're ever gonna claim me.' This started an argument bigger than words can describe.
"No Emily I don't get it! You're a grown woman who can date, fuck, love, whoever she wants!" Emily was standing at the kitchen counter with her head in her hands, exhausted from fighting for the past 2 hours. "Y/n, they're gonna see me differently! They're gonna treat me different, I just want to be Emily not Emily the lesbian!" You shook your head, "No, I'm done. I'm done hiding my girlfriend from who I call family. I'm done not being able to walk into work with you, or be able to hold your hand when I want. Emily we've gone on three fucking dates in our 6 month relationship because you're scared of being seen!" You were panting at this point, your voice was sore and your heart was breaking. "Y/n-" "No. You either tell them, or get out. I am done." Emily took a step towards you, "Don't touch me." You turned and went to bed without another word. Emily never joined you.
2 months later the team were on their way home from a case when Rossi spoke up, "Let's go get drinks tonight at that bar on 4th street, I'll pay?" Everyone agreed and went back to napping. That night you ran home to change into a nice dress and throw on some extra makeup. You were over Emily and were gonna get laid tonight. You took one last look at yourself in the mirror she bought for the doorway and you got cold chills. It happened everytime you thought about how you two shared the apartment. Secretly. The walk to the bar was short because you live a block away and the second you walked in and saw the team smiling, the thought of Emily and yours relationship left your mind. You were here to get drunk, get laid, and get Emily off your mind. "Morgan can you go get me a round please?" He nodded and left to the bar leaving you with Garcia, Hotch, Rossi and Reid. "Hey where's JJ?" Everyone shrugged. After a round or two of shots, you turned and saw what you thought was going to kill you right then and there. Emily and JJ were holding hands and gleaming. Your breaths were getting caught in your throat as they got closer. Emily made eye contact with you as she spoke, "We have news, we're together!" Everyone congratulated them as your hands started to shake, and the only thing you could hear was your heartbeat picking up speed. "I'm gonna go get some air." You booked it to the front door without another word. Shoving your way through the crowd, your vision starting to blurr with tears. The door flung open as you threw yourself out of it, the cool air hitting your tears. You stood in the middle of the sidewalk just sobbing until a hand hit your shoulder. A hand you would never forget the feeling of. "Get the fuck off me Emily!" You snapped around to face her. "Y/n hear me out-" "No Emily, I will not hear you out." She shrunk down as your voice rose. "You fucking bitch! I loved you, I still love you, and you left me. But 2 months later you're ready to come out?" She took a step towards you as you paced back and forth. "Y/n you don't understand the situation please listen to me." The sweat dripping off your forehead was all the indication Emily needed to know she fucked up. "Then make it make sense Em, cause I'm lost." She cleared her throat as she had tears of her own threatening to fall, "I came out to JJ that night in hopes of telling everyone else so I could get you back, and she listened to me, and she made it feel okay to be this way. She doesn't know about us though so you can't hold that on her. Just me." A scoff left your mouth, "How many time did I listen to you? How many times did I do everything in my power to make you feel like it's okay to be gay? How much did I sacrifice to help you feel acceptable and loved?" Emily was standing completely still except for picking at her nails. "Em I get it now it's not that you weren't ready to be out you just weren't ready to be out with me. If I'm that damn embarrassing just fucking tell me. It's fine. I get it." She let her tears fall as you went back inside, grabbed your purse and left again. The team un aware what just happened. JJ tried to ask you if you were okay but you just shoved past her.
Emily was in the same spot where you left here you came back outside. Standing beside her you whispered, "My resignation will be in Hotch's office tomorrow morning. I can't work with you and now her. Don't contact me." With that you walked into the night and out of Emily's life completely. The team never heard from you again other than Garcia occasionally checking in on you. Emily had hurt you worse than you could recover from if you had to see her everyday. At the end of the day, you got it, loud and clear.
TAGLIST: @spencerreider
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Eighty-Six
Words: 3K
Warning(s): explicit language, violence, drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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The only sound is the clock ticking on our lawyer's desk, and the soft pattering of rain coming down.
"Just sign and initial and we'll get these back to the judge for approval." Nikki's lawyer tells us and I rub my lips together. 
We both grab the pens he hands over to us, hesitantly, and Nikki clears his throat, his hand hovering over the first page of lines to be signed.
If he signs them, I'll sign them, I say to myself. 
His pen presses to the paper, and it's as if he's trying to force himself to sign them...nothing happens, though. 
The lawyer notices this. 
"They can't be registered for approval if they're not signed." He adds, looking at the both of us. 
Nikki just rolls his eyes and taps his foot, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask him softly, hoping to God he says, "no." 
"Yeah, Vivian. I'm sure." He states, still looking at the papers, pen still…
I get the "V" of my signature written and he looks down and scribbles across his paper, standing up. 
"Fuck this, c'mon." He hisses and I look at him, wide eyed as he grabs my hand and pulls me up. 
"W-What?" I ask. 
"I'm retracting." He tells his lawyer as he walks out, taking me with him. 
"Nikki, what the hell are you doing?" I ask him, confused as we walk down the stairs of the law firm. 
"I've broken every fuckin' vow except 'till death do us part' and I'll be fucked to hell if we stuck it out and stayed with each other after the worst bullshit just to fucking divorce." He tells me. 
One Month Earlier
I went to see him to try to understand where exactly we were in our relationship, if he even really wanted a divorce or if he was just wanted to start over, but, like always…
"I don't understand why you're being so stubborn, Viv--"
"--Because you want me to sign papers you filed less than 24 hours after you freaking died, Nikki!" I whisper yell. 
"I assure you, I'm well aware!" He replies in the same quiet tone. "Sign the fucking papers."
"None of my grandparents ever divorced, my parents aren't divorced, I am not getting divorced. I'm a Christian, we don't do divorce." 
"Well, you're not supposed to do sex before marriage or adultery, either, but that sure as shit didn't keep your panties on." He mumbles. 
"Do you really bring up who did what because I assure you, your list is a hell of a lot longer than mine." I reply. 
"Oh, is it?" 
"Oh, it so is and you know it is." 
He covers his ears and glare at him, flaring my nostrils. 
"Are you serious right now?" 
"I can't hear you." He tells me and I reach across the table and snatch his hands away from his ears, scowling. 
"You are acting like a child right now!" I scold him. 
"Now you know how I feel while trying to get you to just sign the damn papers!" He replies, crossing his arms. "But if you stay like this I might reconsider." He adds, his eyes on my chest where I'm leaning over. 
"You aren't even taking this seriously, Nikki." I shove at his shoulder before sitting back down and he chuckles. 
"I am, too," He argues. "You just look good." 
"You're changing the subject." 
"I can't compliment you?" 
"Not when it's just to change the subject." 
"I'm not changing the subject."
"Just like you to file for a divorce and then not want to discuss it with the woman who's put everything into the marriage you want wiped from existence." 
"Now, you're pissing me off." 
"You pissed me off when I got those damn papers with no warning."
"That's a lie, Vivian, the past year has been a fucking warning--especially with the amount of times you've thrown divorce in my face if I didn't straighten up. Remember that?"
"That's different. It was incentive to get you to act right."
"I didn't have any 'act right' left in me by that point." He states. "Unless it was for you." He smirks and I kick him under the table. 
"Quit being a pervert." 
"That's not perverted."
"This is a serious talk, Nikki, and you're trying to get out of it."
He opens his mouth to talk but I cut him off. 
"And I swear to God if you say, 'I'm trying to get you out of something,' I'm going to come across this table and make you wish you had died." 
"Is that a promise?" He raises a brow.
"I forgot how ridiculously immature sober Nikki is." I hiss. 
"No, no, baby, this isn't even 'sober' Nikki. This is 'I don't have even the slightest sprinkle of anything in me for the first time in ten fucking years and I'm slowly starting to lose my fucking mind just a little bit' Nikki. Now just imagine staying married to this." He explains to me and I cut my eyes. 
"Why the hell are you trying to convince me to want to divorce you?" 
"Because you told me to fucking divorce you, remember?" 
I furrow my brows. 
"The day I got home and we got into that argument and you told me to just divorce you. So I'm trying to." 
"You know that's not what I meant, Nikki." 
"What the fuck did you mean, Vivian, because you fucking said, 'just divorce me then'." 
"I didn't mean the next fucking day." 
"You're crazy." He tells me. 
"I'm crazy? I tried to throw myself off of a balcony when I thought you died and you thought it'd be a good idea to break up with me hours later?! Are you sure I'm the only crazy one?!" 
"You told me you wanted out--multiple times." 
"And you told me you loved me." 
"Oh, oh, oh, woah, woah, wait a damn minute, that was a fucking coke binge mixed with alcohol, talking."
"Wasn't much talking, just a lot of crying and begging." I point out and he shakes his head a little, rolling his jaw. "Just for you to come home and file for divorce." 
"Fuck you, Vivian."
"Fuck you, Nikki." 
We both puff up and pout, arms crossed, glaring at each other with "go to hell" looks. 
"...So?" Doc asks us when he comes back to check in on us. 
"She's still that bratty little spoiled prude that would argue with me for the hell of it that she was when I first fucking met her." He snaps. 
"And he's still Satan's evil Spawn." I bark. 
"I'm about to take you to the bathroom." He threatens me. 
"I'd rather have sex with Bret Michaels." I shoot back. 
"At the rate you're going, I believe it." 
"Do we need to talk about the threesome you had with Tansy and Vanity, now, or…?" 
"Wasn't Tansy." He states. 
"Really? Then who was it with?"
"Let's not do this here." Doc says quietly, apparently we're getting louder than we thought, other visitors and patients glancing at us uncomfortably. 
I wanna see them be married to Nikki Sixx and try to handle their shit quietly. 
"Sign the damn papers, Vivian." Nikki tells me as I stand up, grabbing my purse and scoffing. 
"You and your damn papers can go burn." I mumble to him.
"You know I'm right!" He calls after me, I just flick him off, turning my hand to him as I walk away.
When I get back to the house, I'm faced with the boxes I've got stacked and packed, groaning at the mess I've made trying to get our things sorted out--well, my things. 
"Viv?!" Sharise calls from our guest bedroom. 
"It's me!" I call back, hearing Whisky running from where she is to me. 
"Hey, baby boy." I greet him, patting his head. 
"I didn't know what to do with this," she carries down the big white box with my wedding dress in it. "And Sky's asleep, she's had a big afternoon with woof-woof." She states, using Skylar's nickname for Whisky. 
"Aww," I say and take the box from her and carry it to the dinner table. "I haven't opened this since we got married." 
"I wonder if you could still wear it." She adds and I raise my brows. 
"Hell, if I know." I mumble. "I'm not gonna need it anymore."
"Oh, don't say that." She tells me. 
"He's serious about the divorce, Sharise." I state. 
"He's gone through a lot of stuff, Viv. You both have. He's not thinking clearly." 
"Well, I am, and I don't want a freaking divorce." 
"Yeah, but that's you." She reminds me. "I'm sorry it's something you're having to go through but you don't need to be with someone that wants to leave the marriage." 
"I guess." 
"Or you two will work things out and it'll be fine." She says next, optimistic. 
"Work it out…"
I'm hunched over the toilet a week later at the house, puking my guts up, trying to take deep breaths as I think I finish, only to be met with another wave of vomit, my throat and nose burning as regurgitated stomach acid stings at it.
"Shit." I grumble to myself, taking deep breaths…
I glare at the positive pregnancy tests--the reason for my nausea, mainly. 
"Damnit, Vivian." I say to myself, tiredly, trying not to start crying.
Whisky's standing under me and I just sit on the bathroom floor and cry, hugging the dog when he gets closer to me to run his nose against my hand. 
What the hell am I going to do? What the hell am I going to tell Duff? What am I going to tell Nikki? I want him to stay with me but I'm pregnant with a baby that isn't even his. I know he knows about me and Duff, now, but a baby from it would be a constant reminder that, "hey, remember that time you and your wife fucking hated each other and she fucked Duff McKagan while you were overdosing?" 
I hit myself internally, wiping my eyes. 
I knew this was a risk, so I'm not surprised--just pissed at myself. 
I'm not on birth control, I don't like condoms, I'm lucky I don't have an STD but a fucking baby with Duff? 
What's my dad going to think? 
What's Duff's family going to think, especially if by some miracle Nikki and I do stay together...what will happen with his chance to find someone else. Most women in their 20s in L.A. don't want to play step-mom right now. 
The press will have a field day with this…
My mind shifts to Nikki's granddad.
Damn it. 
I glance at the clock that reads 1:34a.m. and let out a breath, exhausted, before opening the bathroom drawer and putting the pregnancy test in it, sniffling. 
I rummage through our cabinets for something to help me sleep, finding some NyQuil.
I decide to take it since the only reason I had a reaction to it last time was because I mixed it with my antidepressant, and I go lay down, looking at Whisky getting in beside me, laying on Nikki's side of the bed, my mind plucking at a familiar sight not too long ago.
"Where the hell is Nikki at?!" I hear Doc shout over the bustle backstage, and I furrow my brows, stopping my conversation with Tawny Kitaen--who's here with David Coverdale--as Doc looks at me. 
"You know where the fuck Sixx is?" He snaps at me. 
"No, I came with Sharise and Heather." I tell him. 
"Is Nikki even fucking here?!" He shouts next. 
"How the hell am I supposed to know, Doc?!" I yell back, getting pissed. 
"Maybe because you're his wife?" I hear someone cut in, sounding irritated, and I slowly turn around and see Bobby Dall leaned against an amp, his arms crossed. 
"Maybe lick my twat." I snap back, harshly. 
"I'm missing a fucking bassist that's supposed to go on in fifteen fucking minutes!" Doc yells over everybody, making me and Bobby shut up our bickering that's about to inevitably start. "Has anybody seen or heard anything from Nikki Sixx?!" 
We all glance at each other, not saying a word. 
"Fuck!" He outbursts, storming away to call the office back home. 
Bobby huffs out a breath and pushes past me and Tawny, while I just glare daggers into him. 
It was Day on the Green, a big music festival in Oakland, California, and on the second day, Whitesnake, Poison, and Mötley Crüe were set to perform. But once it was Mötley's turn, nobody could find Nikki. I had come with Sharise and Heather. Nikki had attempted to kick smack, again, so we all thought that's what delayed his arrival...come to find out…
"I've been up three fucking days freebasing, Tommy, alright?" He snaps to a pissed off Tommy and Vince after, "You're fucking shooting up again," leaves Tommy's lips. 
The guys are pissed off--the most pissed I've ever seen them at Nikki--and the fans, who've been waiting for nearly an unacceptable amount of time for Mötley Crüe, are bustling with impatience as Nikki steadily drinks from a bottle of Jack to bring himself down some.
He glances at me and snarls. 
"Get her outta here. I can't do shit with her looking at me like I'm dead." He snaps to Fred and I roll my jaw and leave him be.
By the time the show goes on, it's so obvious that Nikki's out of it, his eyes wide and wild, his brain fried…
Once the part of the show happens where Vince brings out bottles of Jack for Nikki and Tommy to chug on stage, I feel my eyes water, seeing Nikki scrambling to get up where he threw himself down the stage, to grab the fifth of Jack from Vince. 
He chugs half, Tommy chugs half, and when Nikki comes to grab some water to try to keep up and finish the show as strong as he can, he takes two big gulps of water and hisses a bit of it back up, coughing and hacking. 
I'm assuming he grabbed Micks straight vodka by accident. 
The show ends soon, and Nikki's slobbering drunk, looking tired and worn down. 
"I'm fuckin' going home." He tells Doc, pushing past him. "Vivian, baby, c'mon." He tells me, surprisingly gentle, slurring and taking heavy breaths. 
I think he's just that damn tired. 
"You don't want to stay and try to sober up some?" I ask him, calmly. 
"No, I just wanna go home." He repeats. 
I tell the girls and boys, 'bye,' right before Doc hammers us with when we need to be at the airport to leave for the next shows on the tour. 
I can see Nikki being bombarded with Doc, bitching him out for being late while simultaneously threatening him if he doesn't get his shit together before they do the next line of shows...his eyes growing more and more distant with each word. 
"You know how many fuckin' people you disappointed tonight, Nikki?" Doc asks him next. 
"Doc, he gets it, alright." I interrupt since Nikki's not saying anything to him. I take Nikki's hand and pull him to the door. 
"He obviously doesn't get it, Vivian." He bites at my heels, following after us. 
"I get it, you're pissed, but can we please do this another time?" I hiss, snapping around to him, glancing around at the different roadies backstage, some of the members of other bands and their girlfriends and wives looking uncomfortable with Nikki getting his metaphorical asshole torn into a million pieces by Doc. 
"You've both been saying that for the past year, Vivian, so no. We can't do this another time." Doc tells me, fed up. 
"Well, me and him are." I argue, turning back around and grabbing Nikki's arm to keep walking.  
Nikki's not even here mentally. It's like he's sedated. 
"Just go ahead and enable him, Vivian." Doc outbursts to me, still behind us with each step, and I turn and throw my fist to his face as hard and fast as I can, hearing a satisfying crack in his cheek. 
Eyes widen around us, Fred is rubbing his face as he steps to us, Tommy, Vince and Mick glaring at me...they can all think Nikki Sixx married a batshit bitch. 
I don't care anymore.
When we get on the plane Nikki flew in on, he sits down and stays quiet as I sit across from him. 
The only thing he tells me the entire hour and a half worth of flight is, "I've fucking done it again," I'm assuming in reference to messing things up. 
He locks himself in the closet when we get home, and I spend the night wide awake, staring at Whisky where he's laying on Nikki's side of the bed.
"You and me again." I say to him, reaching out and rubbing his head as he stretches.
I blink the memory back, still looking at Whisky. 
"You and me again."
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Roles Reversed
Pairing: Gally x Reader
Requested by: @youtemptressyousunshine
“hii! could you please do a piece where the reader was in gally’s place in the first movie, and they were the one who was stung + killed chuck + speared by minho, and gally’s on Thomas’ side like in tst and tdc. so like in tdc reader see’s Gally and everyone else outside the wall in the crowd, while reader is geared up and takes them back to Lawrence, and they have the whole reunion thing? thank youuu, you’re an amazing writer and i love your stuff”
Thank you for the wonderful request! I hope it’s what you were looking for! I did really enjoy writing it either way! (I couldn’t think of a better title for it lol)
Female Reader takes the place of Gally in the series while Gally sides with Thomas. Just a one shot! Enjoy!
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Outside the city walls was just as chaotic as usual. The massive crowd of WCKD's forgotten filled the streets. Jasper started shouting his new speech through the megaphone as the van we were all on slowly drove towards the blockade. Andy sat next to me on top the roof of the van. Both of us in our full riot gear. At this point in my stay here I'd gotten use to this attire and the usual speeches Jasper liked to give to hype up the inhabitants of this massive hovel. As we drove slowly down the sand covered road I spotted a familiar face in the crowd. My heart sped up as I looked straight at Thomas. The greenie from WCKD's maze. He was unknowingly staring right back at me. My full face mask kept my face hidden. As we drove past I saw Newt, Fry, and.. Gally.
"Holy shit" I whispered.
My heart thumped in my chest as my brain and thoughts were propelled back to the last time I had seen them. The last time I had seen Gally.
My heart shattered into a million pieces as I watched Gally turn his back on me. He followed Thomas and the others into the maze. Everything we had been. Everything we had told and promised each other was gone. It was like none of it meant a damn thing. Len patted my shoulder softly then started walking back to the homestead with the handful of boys that decided to stay. I continued to stand there staring into the maze. The group could no longer be seen. They turned the corner out of sight. Part of me hoped this was a bad dream or some horrid prank. Any second Gally would pop back around the corner looking at me with his big puppy dog eyes and his ridiculous eyebrows and say it was all just a bad joke. He'd say he loved me and he could never truly leave me.
As the minutes ticked by I knew I was kidding myself. He was gone and he wasn't coming back. He'd chosen his side. He'd chosen that idiot greenie over me. Over the person he'd spent the entire past three years with. A shudder ran down my spine as a griever shrieked from somewhere behind me.
"Shit" I gasped.
I turned back towards the homestead to see the boys looking around frantically.
"Get inside! Get in the homestead!" I shouted as I started to run towards them.
Each of the boys made it inside but as soon as I reached the door a pain like no other took over my body. I fell to the ground as my body convulsed. Every limb and nerve was set ablaze. Images flashed through my mind at lightening speed.
WCKD. Thomas. Teresa. Water. A test.
I screamed as I rolled onto my stomach. All the memories flooding my brain had me clawing at the grass to get back to my feet. I had to stop them. They'll never survive. I clenched my teeth together as I used all my might to stand.
"(Y/N)?" One of the boys questioned from behind me.
"She's been stung." Another boy said.
I growled from somewhere low in my throat as I took off running towards the maze. I have to stop them. I can't let them leave. They can't leave. He can't leave. I ran faster than I ever had before as the burning under my skin continued. I can't stop. I gotta keep going. Keep running. I don't know how I knew where to go but I made every turn without a second thought. I came to an area that seemed to be where the others had been. A single spear laid on the ground covered in blood. I stepped up to the concrete wall in front of me. There was no surprise in me when the wall lifted opening up a path. Two dead and squished grievers laid before me. I stepped over them without a thought. I could see the light of my exit. I knew I had to be close to them. I pushed open the door into a brightly lit hallway. I immediately turned to the right then started jogging.
I stopped in front of a door for only a moment. I knew this was it. I pushed it open. Only a few steps inside I found a few dead bodies. One of the ones closest to me had a small pistol in their hand. I picked it up then held it tightly in my hand at my side as my body started to shake. I slowly walked around the corner.
"Over here!" I heard Chuck's voice before I saw them.
A searing pain went up my neck. Stop them. I have to stop them.
"No!" I shouted as I stepped into view of them.
The whole group turned to face me. I kept my eyes trained on Thomas. This was his fault. All of this is his fault. He helped them put us here. He didn't deserve to be alive. He doesn't deserve to get out of here. I won't let him. Kill him. Kill Thomas. I shook my head trying to clear it. I can't kill him. I'm not a murderer. Kill him!
"We can't leave."  I choked out as I fought my own thoughts.
"We did, (Y/N), we're out. We're free." Thomas said as he raised his hands slowly.
I faintly heard Gally's voice say my name. I twitched as another burning sensation took over my chest.
"Free?" I choked out as I tried to stretch my neck.
The burning was increasing as it moved slowly up my neck. Kill him.
"You think we're free out there? No. No, there's no escape from this place." I told him as hot tears stung my eyes.
Kill him. I shook my head again. No! I won't! Shoot him! Shoot him!
"(Y/N), listen to me, you're not thinking straight. You're not. Now, we can help you." Thomas spoke as he kept his arms raised.
Kill him. I shook my head.
"Just put down the gun." Thomas begged.
Kill him.
"I belong to the maze." I cried as I raised the gun pointing it straight at Thomas.
Kill him.
"Put down the gun." Thomas repeated.
Kill him now!
"We all do." I pulled the trigger.
Only a second later I was suddenly gasping for breath. What happened? I stumbled backwards as I looked down. A spear. There's a-
I dropped to my knees as I tried again to get air into my lungs. It didn't hurt. Not like it should have. The burning took over my entire body as I fell limply to the floor. My vision started to blur but I could make out the outline of someone running towards me. They dropped to their knees in front of me. They seemed to get close to my face. I couldn't tell if they were speaking to me or not. Everything had went quiet. All I could hear was my heart struggling to beat but it was still beating. Large rough hands grabbed each side of my face slightly lifting my head off the ground. The next second I felt soft, wet, and warm lips pressing against mine.
I tried to will myself to speak. To kiss him back but I knew my body was no longer under my control. I was nothing but a disembarking passenger just waiting for the train to finally stop. I felt the hands leave my face in a quick jerk. The outline through my blurring vision looked like he was being dragged.
"Gal-" then everything went black.
I leaned over so I could whisper to Andy. He immediately leaned closer to me.
"New comers in town. They're immunes. I know them." I told him.
He pulled back most likely to look down at me through his mask. He nodded then hit his fist against the roof of the van. The vehicle stopped immediately. The both of us climbed down. Andy went to the driver to tell them what I had just said. When he came back to me he had two other men with him.
"Let's find them. Henry and the others will wait to grab them." Andy told me.
I nodded then started to walk with the slightly older man to find my old friends. It took a few minutes but I finally spotted Newt and Fry quickly followed by Gally. Jasper and Rick went around the mob of people to follow them. Andy and I kept our distance behind them the best we could. We had to keep shoving people out of our way which seemed to attract Newt's attention. I saw him nudge the others. Fry and Gally turned around. My heart skipped a beat when Gally looked right at me. He hasn't changed a bit.
We were only a few feet from them when they got to Thomas. The alarm sounded as warning for the guns. Andy and I stopped in our tracks.
"They're not seriously about to open fire." I said in disbelief.
A second later all hell broke loose. Bullets and explosives rained down as people ran in every direction. There was nothing we could do. Andy grabbed my shirt dragging me behind him. We ran as fast as we could back to the meeting spot for the vans. When we got there both vans were parked and waiting. To my surprise Thomas and the others ran straight into the small square. We didn't hesitate to start grabbing them. Andy grabbed Thomas throwing him into the van. I grabbed the back of Gally's shirt to guide him into the same van. Jasper tossed some girl in then all three of us climbed inside closing the door behind us.
The drive was quicker than usual back to base. It was unusual for us to pick people up like this but the others knew if they were inmunes we needed to save them. When we pulled into the run down building I jumped out first as Andy and Jasper ordered our three captives out of the van. I moved to stand a few feet away as I watched them find their feet. The other van pulled in then Alex was thrown from the back only to have some man jump on top of him. He punched Alex as he screamed for some girl. The girl we had taken ran over to him with her arms raised. The man was fine the next second.
"Everybody relax! We’re on the same side here!” I shouted.
The whole group turned to look at me. The look on Thomas’ face as he pulled himself from Andy’s grasp could only be described as completely annoyed and pissed off.
“What do you mean the same side? Who the hell are you?” He asked me harshly.
I sighed as I let my gun fall to my side. I took in a deep breath then pulled off my mask. I turned to look straight at Thomas.
“Hey greenie” I said softly.
All the boys looked completely shocked and even a little terrified. My eyes moved to Gally who was looking at me like I was a real ghost. In his eyes I might have been. To me all I saw was my happiness in a person. I had never been the same since he left me in the maze but now I understand why he chose to leave. I couldn’t blame him. I couldn’t resent him. I still loved him. I always had. It’s always been Gally or no one.
“(Y/N)?” Thomas questioned in disbelief.
My eyes stayed on Gally like there was no one else in the world. I wanted to run to him. Tell him how much I missed him. Tell him that I love him. Tell him how stupid and sorry I am. Instead of a loving moment with Gally I was suddenly being lifted by the front of my shirt. Thomas held me tight as he held one fist back ready to strike. The fire in his eyes was being held back. I could see the hesitation. He wanted to hit me.
“Stop! Stop!” Newt yelled coming to stand next to Thomas.
Thomas panted as he glared at me.
“She killed Chuck.” He said through clenched teeth.
“I know. I remember. I was there too. I also remember she was stung and half out of her mind.” Newt told him.
Thomas glared at me even harder as a tick started in his jaw.
“Just calm down.” Newt said softly.
Thomas huffed but let me go. He stepped back running his hands through his hair. I took a moment to take in each of their faces. Fry and Newt looked stunned. Thomas looked pissed. Gally mostly confused but also stunned.
“How? How is this possible? We watched you die.” Newt said in bewilderment.
A sudden rage washed over me at his words.
“No, you left me to die.” I corrected harshly.
Gally softly said my name sucking all the anger right out of me. I turned to face him again. He visibly gulped then took a step towards me. That was all I needed. I ran straight to him as the overwhelming need to feel his arms around me consumed me. My body hit his with a thud. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as his arms wrapped around my waist.
“Gally” I whispered into his neck.
“Holy shit (Y/N). I never thought I’d see you again.” He said softly as his arms tightened around me.
I pulled back so I could look him in the eyes. I grabbed his face with both my hands.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I should have went with you. I was so stupid.” I cried.
He smiled softly down at me. My heart lifted at the sight.
“It’s okay (Y/N). None of that matters now. We have a second chance. I mean if you want it.” He said hesitantly.
My mind, body, and soul soared higher than ever before. I crashed my lips into his making him chuckle. He kissed me back with the same force. His soft warm lips felt like a dream. A dream I’d had so many times but never thought would come true. Yet here we are.
“Of course I want that. I’ve never stopped loving you.” I told him as I pressed my forehead against his.
“I never stopped loving you (Y/N).” He whispered.
Requests are open!
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radiorenjun · 4 years
Lavender Antics
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→ Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
→ Summary: Shooting in a drama with him was your absolute nightmare. Working with your enemy and pretending that you were love interests has been the most frustrating experience of your life. Though, after saying your farewells, the scent of lavender never leaves.
→ Genre:enemies to lovers au, idol au, romance, angst, slowburn, comedy.
→ Chapter: 6, 7, 8
"Wait, back up. Back up, you did what?!" Kiyeon exclaimed, a look of complete disgust spread across her expression. "Let me get this straight," Jaehwa snickered, trying not to bawl out laughing in front of you to prevent you from sending an assassin to beat her up afterwards.
You hid your face against the soft fabric of your pillows, face red in embarrassment and shame as the distant sinister laughter of your group leader deafen your ears from the speakers of your phone, along with the soft chatters among your group members.
"Y/N L/N, main dancer and vocalist of the Mythical Refrain, our little Y/n who constantly looks away and shakes her head with disgust at our bullshit, was suppose to give Han Jisung an innocent peck on the lips-" Jaehwa snorted midway before your leader, Cheonsa, came into the screen over her shoulder.
"But ended out in a full blown heated make out session on camera, swapping spit in front of all the cast?! That's beyond priceless, I can't even-" Cheonsa bawled out laughing, wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes as Haneul just shook her head in disappointment in the background.
"Damn, y/n, was he good though? I knew maknae lines are never innocent at heart, I just knew it!" Cheonsa practically choked on her spit midway through laughing, and you internally hope that she chokes and die on the spot so you wouldn't have to endure the teasing even longer.
"Shut up, if anything you're the pervert here!" you shot back, heat striking your cheeks at her words. "It happened at the heat of the moment, I didn't mean for things to go that far!" you hissed angrily, venom lacing your tone. "You still made out with him, did you not?" Jaehwa smirked mischievously.
"Disappointed but not surprised," your maknae tsked softly with a shake of her head. "Shut up! This is coming from the same idiots who dressed up as if it was Halloween when taking their member to the airplane!" you grumbled with an angry frown, pointing an accusatory finger at your phone screen, making sure your members were able to see you.
"That was a fun experience, okay? Besides what happened afterwards?" Jaehwa shrugged, shoving Cheonsa's laughing figure away from the camera, moving the device so that Jaehwa and Kiyeon's face were clear on your screen. You gulped, internally screaming at yourself not to tell them. To say that you moved on with it without an ounce of shame in your veins. To say that you ran away to Hogwarts, never to be seen again.
You gulped, looking at your nails to avoid your friends' curious expressions basically glaring into your soul. "We were told to redo the whole scene tomorrow," you muttered under your breath, hoping that your members couldn't pick up your words from the low pitch of your voice through the mic.
But their unnecessarily loud laughter that peaked through your phone speakers practically make you deaf. You winced at the loud piercing noise, your hand coming up to lower the volume slightly as your members howled back laughing.
You heard their palms banging against the wooden floor of your dorm. "This day just keeps getting better and better!" howled Cheonsa, clapping aggressively in the background as she practically wheezed her lungs out of laughter.
If there was a delete yourself button, now would be a good time to press it.
"Why? Why do you-" Jaehwa wheezed, unable to blurt out the words in her throat since she was laughing like a deformed chicken. You grumbled, rolling your eyes as the recent memory of your manager walking into your trailer with a sympathetic smile and fearful eyes, ready to spill the news to you and be eaten alive by your incredulous expression.
"Our manager said that it was 'too heated' for a soft first kiss between our characters, plus everyone got off character when we started kissing because they didn't think we'd actually do it without arguing first," you grumbled, faceplanting on the pillow with a loud annoyed groan.
"How am I going to face Jisung tomorrow, for fucks sake!" you whined as your members snickered. "Rest in peace, sister." Kiyeon said sympathetically, finding your current situation disgusting with all the kissing deal. "Well there goes my plans of getting our seniors' autograph," your leader sighed.
You gave her an incredulous look through the screen, trying not to pull a horror movie stunt and choking her through the phone screen with your bare hands. "You can kiss those autographs goodbye, Cheonsa. I'm saying this with full admiration when I say, I’m never letting your creepy ass near them,," you shot back defensively.
"As much as I'm offended on how you called your leader a creep, I completely understand if you don't want me getting near your man." Cheonsa's face came up on the screen, giving you an annoying wink that had your blood boiling. "Shut up or I will book a flight back to Korea at this second and roast your laptop on a bonfire!" you threatened weakly.
Your cheeks grew red at her words, your man. You let out a soft scoff, rolling your eyes at the thought. Suddenly, a beautiful image of Han Jisung himself appeared in your line of vision. A slow motion version of his lips slowly spreading into a heart shaped smile, a small soft chuckle being elicited from his throat.
The small memory of the way his fluffy hair would swoosh to different directions from his movements in the morning during breakfast as he sneakily grabs the three slices of cheesecakes on the dessert trays subtly came into your mind.
5:41 AM
You were woken up on the crack of dawn for a small shoot shared between you and Jisung's character. You were on break when you decided to wander around the studio, waving and passing by busy staff members, make up artists and multiple directors.
You suddenly found yourself walking towards the food area, where you were free to munch and snack on whatever they served as long as you were on break and didn't sneak it on set in filming.
You let out a soft wide yawn, clutching your black coat against your body to gain more warmth in the cold breeze. You shuddered at the cold wind that smacked against your body as you walked over to the food area, passing by exhausted staff members on the way.
"I'm seriously not ready for a long distance relationship with my bed," you mumbled to yourself as you opened the door to the food area, poking your head into the room. To your surprise it was empty, though it appears a few staff members had snuck a treat or two but nonetheless you had the place to yourself.
Or so you thought.
As you grabbed yourself a plate and some utensils, you heard soft sounds of footsteps. You jolted in alarm, crouching down to your knees to hide in case your manager comes in to call you in for another scene to shoot. You're definitely not leaving without finding a perfectly good cookie if you were going to step outside in the cold weather.
You crawled across the floor, peaking through the table cloths to see who it was but the trays on the other tables blocked the face of whoever had entered. You assumed it was one of the directors considering they were wearing the same thick black coat they gave specifically for the directors and cast members.
You heard footsteps echoing the room, signifying that the person was walking towards the cake section of the room. You stood up slowly, careful as to not make a noise. You furrowed your brows when you saw the person scurrying around the table with the hood over their head.
Your curiosity got the better of you. You tiptoed slowly towards them, trying not to gain their attention but wanting to find out who it was. Step by step, you slowly came closer to said person eventually standing beside them and poking your head to see what they're doing.
You raised your head up and froze when you realised you were now face to face with none other than Han Jisung, himself, who's eyes widened at the sight of you as you both just froze in place, staring at each other in a good awkward silence.
How ironically cliché.
Jisung took a step back in shock, letting out a startled noise, almost dropping his plate in the process. "Talk about a late delay, Han." you snickered, rolling your eyes at the boy. Jisung scoffed, relaxing his tense muscles as he realised it was just you and not some creepy sasaeng fan.
"Oh, it's you." he stated with a not so amused tone, sighing in relief as he placed his plate on the table cloth beside the trays. "You sound pleased to see me," you teased, giving him a cheeky grin. "What gave you that idea?" he sent you a fake smile, showing his pearly white teeth.
"What are you doing here?" Jisung asked with a raised brow, his fake smile subsiding as he grabbed a fork beside you. "That's my line," you muttered, watching him grab some cookies from the jars. Jisung gave you an incredulous look, shoving a cookie in his mouth.
You giggled at his expression, shrugging simply at him. "Got bored, decided to snack." you smiled sheepishly, grabbing a cookie from his plate and shoving it into our own mouth causing Jisung to retort, trying to pull the cookie out of your mouth. "That's mine you thief!" he whined, causing you to stick your tongue out after you gulp the contents down.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, tilting your head at him as you grabbed a glass and filled it with some milk from the drink section. "I heard from a few staff that there were only three cheesecakes leftover. You know I won't survive a day without a cheesecake as an energy boost," Jisung shrugged, showing you the cheesecakes in his plate.
"Plus, we still have hours and hours of shooting after this. There's no way I could live on without having some creamy goodness in my mouth," Jisung hummed as he started to eat his cheesecakes, savoring it bit by bit. "You make it sound so wrong," you scrunched your face in disgust, your mind going places.
Jisung's eyes widened as they bore into yours. "Hey! That's on you. It's not my fault you have a dirty mind," he tutted, flicking your forehead in the process which elicited a small yelp from you. You pouted, rubbing the sore spot on your forehead as Jisung continued to stare disappointingly at you with chubby cheeks.
For a split second, you basked in his appearance. Taking a moment to look at how fluffy his hair is considering you both shot a scene where your character and his character went on a little morning stroll after waking up. You knew your make up artist didn't make you appear any less messy than Jisung, but you still couldn't comprehend why he looks so wholesome right now.
Fluffy brown hair with strands going in different directions, a simple makeup that gave him the perfect 'bedhead' look, puffy cheeks stuffed with the sugary dessert as he munched on the cookies. The pajamas they had you both wear for the shoot, making you feel as if you were in said kdrama yourself.
"Earth to Y/N!"
You snapped out of your trance at Jisung's concerned tone, blinking rapidly as you tried to comprehend what's going on around you. Jisung's fingers were snapping excessively in front of your face, brows furrowed in concerned as you divert your attention away from his face to his fingers.
"Sorry I spaced out," you grinned sheepishly, avoiding his eyes when you realized you were watching him eat his cheesecake the whole time like a weird pervert. "Dang girl, are you really that tired? You looked as if you were bout to eat me alive" Jisung said with a light laugh, grabbing his fork to shove a piece of his cheesecake into your mouth.
You let out a muffled noise of surprise when you felt the sugary dessert began to overwhelm your taste buds. "Here's a little energy boost," he grinned cheekily, pulling the fork out of your mouth before taking a bite of cheesecake for himself. You chewed as you had come into two realizations.
One. Jisung was using a fork for his cheesecake, this boy never fails to surprise you with how odd he is considering he sang bout Americanos five times when you visited the local cafe near your hotel, thus embarrassing you in public.
Two. He used the same fork that he had used to feed himself. Which lead you to thinking that you just had an indirect kiss with him. Your face becoming even more flustered by the second as you let the thought sink deeper and deeper into your mind.
"Here, have some more. You looked as if you've seen an alien, geez." Jisung poked his fork through the cheesecake and moved his hand closer to your mouth. You shook your head, cupping your mouth dramatically when you saw him coming closer. Taking a step back, you let out an awkward laugh. "No thanks, I'm good."
Jisung raised a brow at you, "really? You always nag how I always steal the last piece, you should be grateful I'm willing to share right now." he chuckled, taking a step forward to aim the fork at your mouth once again. "Say 'ah'!" he cooed, but you simply shook your head and gently pushed his hand away from you.
"I'm good, Jisung. It's not good to have some sugar this early, you know?" you rambled, silently cursing yourself for not accepting the cheesecake for the sake of your own pride and ego. Jisung wasn't buying it but he let's it go with a shrug. "Oh well, more for me then." he said before shoving the fork into his mouth.
"Y/N! Stop spacing out bout Jisung and talk to us, God dammit!"
You blinked, realising you were spacing out again when you realised your members had gathered together in front of the camera, waving at you in concern. "Sorry, what?" you muttered under your breath, your voice almost inaudible for the phone to pick up as you internally slapped yourself for thinking bout Jisung despite the awkward situation you're currently in.
"Stop spacing out bout Jisung, God dammit!" Jaehwa joked, causing you to involuntarily choke on your own spit at her words. "Jaehwa, no." you shook your head vigorously. "Don't make my situation any worse than it already is, for fucks sakes!" you groaned, burying your head into your pillow once again.
They snickered softly, enjoying your suffering for their own entertainment. Sometimes you wished you had debuted with people who don't make you want to roast yourself over the kitchen stove like marshmallow on a stick.
"It'll all be over when you know it. Don't worry, you're not that awkward of a person, so you should be fine." Haneul waved her hand off with a casual shrug. You rolled your eyes. "Shut it, you're still the maknae. You don't understand shit of what the grown ups are talking bout." you teased.
Haneul clicked her tongue in annoyance, sending you a sharp glare. "I'm only 15 months younger than you and you know it!" she hissed in retaliation, threateningly pointing her apple pen directly at you through the screen when you stuck your tongue out.
"Alright, we'll let you get some rest now before Haneul over here flies to Japan to shove her pen up your ass." Cheonsa chuckled nervously, pulling the younger member, who was glaring daggers at you, out of the camera by her shoulders.
"Okay then, I'll call you guys tomorrow, yeah?" you nodded, waving at them as your thumb hovered over the end call button. "Yeah, of course. Say hi to the manager for us, Jeongin, too!" Jaehwa waved back as you let out a giggle. "I will, see you guys later!" you rolled your eyes at them.
"By-" you pressed the end call button before they could finish their sentence, wanting to sleep the stress off of your body before you have to face Jisung the next day. You pulled the covers over your body, closing your eyes with an exhausted sigh.
Hopefully things would be better tomorrow.
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You tiptoed your way into the set, as if hundreds of staff members and prop makers weren’t passing by you and greeting you with questionable looks. Now, why were you tiptoeing like a really crappy secret agent in an overly crowded place, you may ask?
Mostly to avoid your co-workers from giving you smug expressions and teasing looks with the memory of the events that had happen the previous day. Your members had wished you luck on your journey to get through this awkward day, wishing that you could just erase the events that had happen so you could go back to stepping into set with pajamas without a care in the world.
As you made your way to the dressing room, to your surprise all of the cast had gotten into costume and are currently shooting their respective scenes, meaning you had less than two or three hours to gather your mentality and ignore the awkward tension in the atmosphere.
Was this what every actor who had to kiss their co-star had to go through?
Yikes, you couldn’t imagine how Lee Dongwook could bare being love interests with the same co-star for two whole dramas. Your eyes widened when you caught Yeoreum walking towards your way, reciting her lines with the her manager. You gulped, walking back slowly as to not catch her attention, not knowing who or what was behind you.
It appears that the universe isn’t on your side today, because apparently you walked too far backwards to bump into your co-star’s back. Jisung let out a grunt as your back bumped against his, causing you to let out a yelp. You turned to shush him, scolding him for almost blowing your cover when you realize who you were talking to.
You and Jisung jumped apart when your eyes met, making sure to at least stand a feet far apart. Jisung cleared his throat as you both tried to mask your shocked expressions. You both avoided making eye contact as you tried to think of something to say to fill in this awkward tension between you two.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Jisung coughed, eyes looking everywhere but yours.You gave him a pointed look. “I work here,” you deadpanned, rolling your eyes at him. “Give me some crap, I’m trying to make this less awkward, you’re not helping here, y/n.” he stuck his tongue out at you.
You huffed in response, adding another moment of awkward silence between you two. It was so awkward you could practically hear crows and crickets in the background, “Where are you going, anyways?” you mumbled, wondering why he wasn’t at his usual spot at the food area, munching away at the desserts and snacks before Youngheum could finish them.
“I was heading back to my trailer to get my script,” Jisung mumbled, running a hair through his messy hair. “Isn’t your trailer that way?” you raised your brow, pointing to the direction behind him. Jisung huffed, rolling his eyes. “I’m taking the long way round, got a problem with that?” he spoke hesitantly, eyes finally meeting yours before gulping.
“I’ll take your word for it,” you mumbled, looking down as you lowered your finger to tuck it into the pockets of your hoodie. “What bout you?” Jisung added on, eyes wandering to his dirty white converse. “Trying to get to the dressing room,” you answered with the same hesitantly awkward tone.
“Cool,” Jisung sighed out. You both stood there for another excruciating few seconds before making eye contact. It appears the tension had gotten a little too awkward for the both of you, therefore you both instantly looked away with a loud groan. You both turned back with a bold “fuck it!” coming out of your mouths in unison as you ran off in the other direction.
How were you gonna survive this?
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a/n: this was a short chapter. IM SORRY FOR KEEPING YALL WAITING FOR SO LONG. Omg look at that sexy title cover, yeah I'm gonna change that eventually. Anyways, thank you for waiting this long I completely forgot this fic existed.
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maroonmorons · 5 years
Eddie falls asleep on the couch while chilling with buck at Eddie's place he wakes to buck gently shaking him to go to bed. Buck went ahead and cleaned while letting him rest and Eddie's like wow. They're not even together yet but that's real sweet buck didn't have to do that. Idk maybe he like sleepily mumbles God I could kiss you while going to his room still out of it as buck's like what and thinks he didn't mean it only he did and he's not ashamed to admit it buck's the best thing to happen
haven’t felt this way in a while [buck/eddie, G, 1.5k]
Buck waves a hand in front of Eddie’s face halfheartedly.
“Eds,” he whispers.
There’s no response.
Or, there could be a response.
Buck can’t quite tell if Eddie is snoring very quietly or ifhe’s developing some sort of cold.
Hopefully it’s the former.
Buck half turns on the sofa, careful to distribute hisweight slowly.
“I think he’s out cold, Superman.”
Christopher giggles, quick to muffle the sound in his hands.
“Looks like it’s just you and me,” Buck continues in atheatrical whisper.
He rubs his hands together and grins at his favorite childin the world.
“Whatever shall we do with ourselves?”
Christopher takes the question very seriously, his eyebrowsinching closer together as he thinks it over.
“We could each eat an extra cookie!”
It’s Buck’s turn to smother his laughter at the suggestion.
Leave it to Christopher to suggest extra snacks while hisfather is asleep.
“I’ll make a deal with you,” Buck leans even closer towhisper. “If we clean up our dishes – I’ll split an extra cookie with you.”
“Okay,” Christopher agrees immediately, as if it’s anamazing offer.
Maybe to an amazing kid it is.
They make quick work of the dishes with Buck rinsing them inthe sink and Chris loading them into the washer. Then, they carefully split achocolate chip cookie.
Eddie sleeps through the entire ordeal.
“Okay, Little Man,” Buck says, bending over to get onChristopher’s level. “You go brush your teeth and pick out some pajamas. I’llbe in to help you in a minute, okay?”
Christopher nods.
“What about bed time?” he checks.
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna let your dad sleep on the couchall night. Lazy Bones can at least come say goodnight to you.”
Christopher giggles again, quickly checking to make sure hehadn’t woken up Eddie.
As Buck puts soap in the dishwasher and starts it up he listensto the careful way Christopher’s crutches tap down the hallway.
He can’t help but smile to himself. His chest issuspiciously close to bursting with affection.
More than anything – he wants this every single night.
He wants to help Chris ‘sneak’ around when Eddie dozes off.He wants to tell Chris stories and clean up more than one set of dishes.
He wants in ways that he can’t fully verbalize. Not even tohimself.
To keep the thoughts at bay, Buck grabs the dishrag and runssome warm water over it.
He wipes down all the counters and rinses out the rag,putting more hot water on it before tip toeing into the living room.
The coffee table gets the same treatment as the counters andthen he heads back to the kitchen. He rinses the rag again, rings it out andsprays the residue from the day down the drain.
Next, he empties the trash and ties the bag tight. He setsit by the door to take on his way out.
The light in the bathroom is out already as he makes his waydown the hall so he peeks into Christopher’s room, unsurprised to see the boyalready sitting on his bed.
He’s picked out tonight’s book and it sends a bittersweetpang through Buck to see it.
He’ll stay for story time but it still aches a bit, to be avisitor.
Again, he shoves the thoughts aside.
He helps Christopher into his pajamas and puts him in bed.Christopher’s dirty clothes go in his hamper shaped like a shark and his crutchesget leaned carefully between his bed and his nightstand so he can reach them inthe morning.
“Alright, I’m gonna go get your dad,” Buck tells him.
He can’t help bending down to press a kiss to the top ofChristopher’s head.
“Okay, Bucky.”
The urge to wake Eddie with a kiss to the top of his headclaws its way up Buck’s chest until it settles at the base of his throat with apowerful grip.
If only he wasn’t too terrified to try and take that leap.
Sure, he and Eddie had both been single for some time nowbut that didn’t mean anything.
You couldn’t just say to someone ‘hey you should date myfriend, he’s gay/bi/pan/whatever’ not without being an asshole at least.
The point is – just because people could work in theory didn’tmean it would work.
Buck knows more than most people how much of a tangled messlife can become.
So instead, Buck walks around the couch and tosses himselfdown on it hard enough to bounce.
Eddie snorts himself awake, jerking upright and blinkingrapidly.
“You fell asleep,” Buck informs him. “Christopher is alreadyin bed and waiting very patiently for story time.”
Eddie rubs at his right eye before looking to the coffee table.His eyebrows move up in obvious surprise.
“You cleaned up?”
“Of course. Chris and I did it together. The dishwasher isrunning and I’ll take the trash on my way out.”
“You didn’t have to do that, man.”
“Well, you were hardly going to do it while you slept,” Buckteases. “Come on, story time.”
He pushes off the couch, corralling his thoughts once again.
Buck plants himself in the chair that he can hardly fit into wait for Eddie. He shares another smile with Christopher as Eddie’sfootsteps pad down the hall.
“Who took my chair?” Eddie questions.
“You were too slow.”
Christopher giggles and Eddie rolls his eyes.
He crouches down next to the foot of the bed, picking up thebook Christopher had selected.
“Ready, mijo?”
“Mmhm,” Christopher murmurs before yawning.
Buck leans his elbow on the armrest of the chair that’scurrently cutting into his left hip. He cups his chin in his hand and sighs quietlyto himself.
As Eddie and Buck make their way out of Christopher’s room,it’s time to be quiet for another Diaz boy and Buck doesn’t mind in the least.
He doesn’t miss his huge empty loft. He doesn’t miss thefact that he can leave on whatever lights he wants, or play his music loudly,or leave dirty dishes wherever.
This is a home. Eddie and Chris are his home. Atleast, he wants them to be.
“Sorry for falling asleep on you,” Eddie says.
“Nah, you’re good.”
Buck wants to drag his feet. He wants to procrastinateputting on his shoes and gathering his keys.
“Why don’t you just crash here? We have the space.”
It’s enough to stall Buck for a second.
“No,” he decides out loud. “I should get going.”
Eddie doesn’t protest.
He obviously can’t hear Buck’s thoughts.
Ask me to stay – just one more time. Ask me like you meanit and I’ll stay. I’ll stay forever.
“Alright,” Eddie agrees. He sighs. “Thanks again forcleaning up. I could honestly kiss you.”
Buck snorts.
“Sounds like you need to get back to sleep.”
“I feel better than I did,” Eddie has to pause to yawn,which does a lot to dismantle his argument, “probably couldn’t make it throughanother movie though.”
“Well, you should get some rest. You must be pretty tired tothink about kissing me for doing some dishes.”
Buck should just leave it alone. But it’s like a scab – he can’thelp but pick at it.
“I don’t have to be tired to think about kissing you.”
“Um…is this some housewife joke I’m missing?”
Eddie scratches at his jaw.
“I guess it could be? Like – you make my life better. Thehouse feels fuller, brighter when you’re here. I think you’re actually thesecond best thing to ever happen to me. Does that make you a housewife?”
Buck feels like Eddie’s just presented him with a thirtyfive page dissertation on the difference between miosis and mitosis. He can’tthink of a single word to say.
Yup. His name is a good start.
“I…what?” Buck finally manages.
“Sorry,” Eddie says after a stilted beat of silence. “Doesthat sound like I’m coming onto you? I’m definitely not coming onto you. Unless…youwant me to?”
Buck blinks at him dumbly.
Has he been asleep on the couch this whole time? Is this hisdream?
Say something.
“Did I break you?” Eddie questions.
Dear God. Say something. Anything.
“You…like guys?” Buck asks.
Three whole words. And they make sense in context.Amazing.
Eddie lifts and drops a shoulder quickly.
“I like you.”
“Like… Like like me like me?”
He’s reasonably sure that still makes sense, but it also feelslike his brain is currently rolling down a hill.
But Eddie nods. His cheeks are stained pink.
Holy. Shit.
“How long?”
“Why?” Eddie questions, rubbing at the back of his neck andlooking away.
“Because I need to know how stupid we both are. For science.”
“Both of us?”
Eddie takes half a step forward then, his hand droppingaway.
His heart is firmly in his throat but Buck nods.
“Months. It’s been months,” Eddie admits in a rush.
Buck can’t stop himself – he takes two steps forward. There’sbarely anything left between them. Just a few inches of air that feels like it’sfull of static energy.
“We’re both idiots,” he announces happily.
Eddie takes Buck’s face in both hands and kisses himsoundly.
“Absolute idiots,” Buck breathes when they part.
“Shut up,” Eddie laughs.
He doesn’t give Buck a choice though. Instead, he kisses himagain.
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