#they're so beautiful op wow
simptasia · 2 years
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mecachrome · 3 months
silverstone 2024 landoscar post-race stage > full transcript + gifs
watching recordings of this stage genuinely makes my ears hurt because of the crowd noise and i also find the 132843 videos and photos so hard to keep track of so i was like... fuckit, let me transcribe it once and for all so i can have access to a written recap for reference! figured i'd post here in case it's of any use to anyone else... i compiled different fan-posted material to provide visuals from multiple angles whenever possible since i wanted to piece together a somewhat comprehensive summary; sources are linked but if any ops run across this post lmk if you'd like something removed 🙏
(tbh i mostly made this because i wanted the Three (3) instances of them touching in one post. sorry)
Host: Lando and Oscar. What can I say? Wow! Lando: Hello! Beautiful, huh? It's beautiful to see so many people here. H: This is the most people we've had all weekend. They've all come back for you guys, who've come and seen us after the race. How are you both doing? Oscar: (pauses) A lot better now! L: Yeah, better now. We're—we're both... (strokes Oscar's shoulder) we're both a little bit unhappy with how the race ended, but uhhh. You made our day.
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"We're both… we're both a little unhappy..." (x)
O: Yes. You really have, so thank you! H: As you said, you were a little bit unhappy, but I have a feeling that every single one of you [fans] is absolutely ecstatic to have these guys up here. I mean, this is... potentially like one of the best crowds you guys have ever had, right? L: Oh no, this is, uh. I think this is even better than last year, so. O: Yeah. (crowd cheering) H: Oscar, what is it like getting all this love from the Brits? We love you! O: (slight pause) Weird, but I love it. So thank you everyone. I know there's a few Aussies here as well, so thanks everyone that's traveled far and wide, thanks everyone for putting up with the weather… Ummm. And yeah. Thanks for supporting us. H: We've got several Oscar signs. I just saw an Oscar sign here— (O: Thank you.) We've got "Let's go Oscar" here… (Crowd starts chanting Ohhh, Oscar Piastri) Lando. I've seen so many signs here saying that next year is your year, mate. "Champion next year." World champion next year for Lando Norris! (crowd cheering) O: (looks over and gently elbows Lando's arm)
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(x) / (x)
H: These guys are all behind you! L: Aww... shit. Nah, I'm uh… I'm good. I'm just—you know, there's one race every year where you want to do better than anywhere else, and that's here. This is the one race, and things were going so beautifully, I was leading the majority of the race, and… yeah. It hurts! It hurts coming away from it knowing I almost could've won in my home race, and that's been my dream since I was a kid. So. I'm sorry! But… I'll save it for next year.  H: Hold on a minute. I don't think you need to apologize for anything. I think these guys are still absolutely over-the-moon. I think I can speak on behalf of every single person here to say that they're immensely proud of you and your performance this year. And that goes for you too, Oscar! The team as a whole. This is your team's home race... L: (stares at Oscar intensely and quickly pats his arm) O: (giggles)
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(x) / (x)
H: And look at all the papaya! That's all I can say, look at it. O: Yeah. We have the best fans, so thank you very much. To steal that line from Lewis, we have the best fans.  H: What is it actually like being up here, though? Soaking this up. I mean, we never do this any other race; this is the only race we come back to after the race is done and see all of the fans. How special is it? L: It's, uh… it's quite easily the best race of the whole year. It's genuinely the most incredible feeling standing here, having so much support. It was a hard act to follow after Lewis was here, but we want to come back and we want to do better every single time. (gestures at teleprompter) You've only got two minutes left, but I could stay here all night. H: Okay! I just want to say, you do this to me often on stage. You always read my [teleprompter] and tell me when I need to wrap up.  L: (shrugs) H: (sarcastic) I've got it, thank you. Thank you very much. (notices crowd chanting for a shoey) Oh, they want a shoey! L: (softly, shaking head) No.  O: Not happening. H: I think that's a you thing, that's definitely an Aussie thing. O: Last year I got peer pressured. I'm not going to have it again. H: Can we peer pressure you again? O: (shakes head)
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H: Lando, can we peer pressure him again, d'you reckon? L & O: (exchange knowing glances) O: I did one last year, though. L: (teasing) You're going to let down sooo many people!  O: …Well, since you put it that way. 
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"You're going to let down sooo many people!" "...Well, since you put it that way." (x) / (x)
H: We've got the beer here! It's happening! (crowd cheering) L: (shakes can) H: Right. Get the shoe off, get the shoe off. (Oscar toes off his right shoe) Oh, the shoe is off! L: (chugs from can, then bends down to fill up Oscar's shoe) O: (pointing between them while Lando shakes his head) You're doing it too!!!  O: (drinks) H: Lando, I think you've got to!  O: (insistently hands Lando his shoe)
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(x) / (x) / (x)
H: Everyone, make some noise for Lando. Top it up, Lando. Don't hold back. L: Cheers. (drinks, dumps out the rest, shakes Oscar's shoe out and then tosses it into crowd) O: (bends over and giggles helplessly) [x2]
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H: Guys, absolutely sensational effort from you both. Fantastic. (to Oscar) I hope you've got a spare pair of shoes. O: (lilting) I don't even think that was the worst part of our day!
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"I don't even think that was the worst part of our day!" (x)
H: Of course that wasn't the worst part of your day. You're up here with the best fans in the world. I'm being told that I've got to wrap up.  L: Wrap it up. (takes out phone) O: (shuffles behind Lando to snap a crowd selfie)
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H: We have to let Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri go. (crowd booing; L: Boo!) But before we do, please make noise for the incredible, incredible McLaren drivers, and for their fantastic [inaudible] shoey! One last word before you go, for the fans. L: One last word? Uhh, I love you all, thanks so much for all the support. I can't wait for next year already. I'm excited, I want to come back. Um. (waves) O: (smiling) Yep. Thank you everyone. We've had a 2-4 and a 3-4 at Silverstone, I think next year is the year to make it a 1-2. L: Next year [inaudible]. O: Thanks for all your support. Thanks for putting up with the weather, uhhm. I know most of you choose to live in this country, but. Um. Anyway. Thank you very much, and we will see you next year, better! L & O: Thanks everyone. Thank you. (take official crowd photo) H: Fantastic. L: (hypes the crowd by waving his arms up and down) O: (takes signed cap to give to a fan before noticing and giggling at Lando's antics) O: (crawls to the edge of the stage and puts the cap on a young fan's head, signs her poster with Lando)
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L: (goes around collecting things thrown onto the stage; first picks up 2 friendship bracelets that say ♥OSCAR♥ and ♥LANDO♥ (can be seen on the underside of his wrist in this video), then picks up a fanmade Oscar doll that he shows Oscar, then picks up one last friendship bracelet and holds it in his left hand as he leaves the stage) O: (takes a few steps away before turning back and chucking his remaining left shoe)
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+ bonus: lando keeping the bracelets on
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😵‍💫 end scene.....
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nedseii · 9 months
hello omg I just wanted to thank you for the robb/margaery art even though I haven't been into asoiaf in ages bc it's absolutely beautiful 💕 they remind me of like. when you're a young high school student and this is the It couple like the undisputed prom king and queen, leadership in prominent school organizations, popular and well-known around everyone, headed to really really good schools, but the thing is they're so genuinely nice to everyone, esp underclassmen, you can't help but root for them and their success like they're the older siblings you always dreamed of.... and that art of them dancing!! I swear my heart fluttered 🥺 the way margaery looks unflappable as usual yet softer to the trained eye (robb) and the way robb looks at her like 'I know you like me as much as I do you anyways.' wow. wow
sorry for the rambling, anyways here are my fic recs!!
Playing Politics by BerryBagel
dreams of wolves and roses by twistedsky
There Are Wolves About by madeinessos [web archive]
softens by tinytendril
trapped by jaimelanniser
bet on it (bet on us) by anniebibanananie (modern au!!)
though the winter have begun by highgardensansa
castling the king by brokentombstone (this one has jonsa!)
The Queen Gambit by Nectere
hope you enjoy these as much as I do your art!! 💖💖💖
No need to thank me for the robbaery food op!! I'm so glad you like it! I love how you described them as prom king and queen 😭 They really do embody that vibe ejdozefoerzfo tysm for sharing your thoughts :')
Also here's a robbaery I never posted I hope u like it 👉👈
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What a bunch of bullshit.
"He makes no effort to get to know or understand her" they're literally traveling the whole world together - and their original reason for doing that was because he wanted to help her go to the North Pole to learn waterbending, something which means a lot to her. Just because the writers didn't think the audience was stupid and needed a scene of them sitting down and telling each other a list of their flaws, qualities and motivations, doesn't mean their relationship was shallow.
"We get the MALE GAZE from him" Wow, he thinks a pretty girl is pretty. What a crime.
"He doesn't try to find out what happened to her mom" he didn't have to, she fucking told him basically right away. Complaining about that is like complaining he never asked if Sokka was her brother, even though one of the first things Sokka ever said to Aang was "And this is Katara, my flying sister"
"He always gets surprised when she's mad about something" Aang, the naturally cheery person, is pretty much ALWAYS surprised whenever ANYONE is angry, because that's not an emotionl he usually experiences much. Doesn't mean he doesn't get her - and I say this as a very grumpy person.
And ya know who else gets surprised at Katara's anger all the time? Zuko. The guy that sent an assassin after her group because Katara had to bring Aang back to life after Azula killed him - which only happened because Zuko helped her when Aang and Katara had her cornered.
Funny how things are only bad when Aang does it, but totally okay when Zuko does them in VERY different contexts that obviously paint him in a negative light for good reason.
"He hates the food and culture that she loves so much" Disliking a culture's food is not the same as hating said culture. We only see him talk shit about the Water Tribe's hunting culture once: in the Bato episode, in his friends are accidentally shutting him out of the conversation because they're too excited about being reunited with someone that is basically family. A 12-year-old throwing a tantrum is not the same as him being openly racist. Ya know what IS racist though? Zuko supporting his nation's attempt to genocide the water tribes.
"He doesn't respect her boundaries and kisses her twice without her consent" ONE poorly timed kiss is not the same as him forcefully holding her in place and kissing her, or even asking first then going for it anyway after she said an explicit no. And Katara visibly enjoyed the kiss during the eclipse episode, and was basically cuddlying with him on Appa afterwards.
"He keeps trying to talk for her when she's angry" You mean literally the same thing Zuko did in Southern Raiders?
"He expects her to do the work for their relationship... but he also makes wild assumptions about them being an item already... but he also wanted to talk things out with her to make sure he got it right..." I don't even need to tear these apart, the OP did it for me by making their arguments contradict each other. How kind of them.
"Aang wants the beautiful image of Katara. He wants that pretty face, those big blue eyes, that body, those long legs, those hips, the chest, and the hair that is just so manageable" While Aang is attracted to her, he NEVER mentioned a single one of those things, ever. The hair thing was literally MENG being insecure about her own hair. If you wanna simp for Katara, go ahead and do it, there's nothing wrong with it, but don't act like Aang only sees her a piece of meat.
"He has no interest in the complex, strong, hurt, angry, and caring person that Katara actually is" Ah yes, that's why he doesn't cheer her on when she's fighting Pakku, or helps her with the Painted Lady thing because he admires her compassion, or tells her she gives him hope, or calls her sifu, or accepts that she won't kill Yon Rah but also won't forgive... oh wait, he did do all those things.
"I'm calling it like I see it" Too bad you need glasses and refuse to wear them.
"Aang doesn't actually like Katara; he's just really horny for her" Considering your random description of why she's so hot in a post that has nothing to do it, all while ignoring her agency that used to choose Aang, I'd say that's more likely to be an accurate description of YOU than of our protagonist. Sorry, just calling it like I see it.
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lovelyhan · 2 years
what are your svt fic recs??? like your holy grail??
took me a while to put this together BUT here it is!
disclaimer that i've been a carat for like . a month so it's a stretch to say i've read a lot of svt content. tho from what i've consumed so far, my favorites are listed under the cut :>
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i'll start with the ones i found on ao3 first hehe
push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by dontflailmenow × tags: s.coups x reader; camboy!cheol, enemies to lovers
the first EVER svt fic i've read, and it was just so WOW!!!! basically, reader recently broke up w her ex, which is seungcheol's best friend. cheol and mc aren't on the best of terms (always arguing etc.) so when she realizes that the camboy she's been lusting over to get over her ex turns out to be cheol, some...problems start to arise i'm pretty sure i saw this one around tumblr but i'm too lazy to find the op's blog i'm so sorry HEUUUHEU but i really loved it to pieces, and it ultimately flung me into svt fanfic tumblr altogether :D
The bore next door by HoneyAteez × tags: wonwoo x reader; blind dates, suffocation via cock LOL
another fic that i am fairly sure is cross-posted on tumblr too, but can't be assed to find -- your mother sets you up with good neighbor jeon wonwoo, and he turns out to be the worst sexual deviant on the face of the earth, fucking the soul out of your body right after the first date.
Walking in Traffic by versigny × tags: mingyu x reader; soulmate au, teens being teens
literally crying as i type this because it's one of the most beautiful coming of age stories i've ever read, and it was written back when i was still in mf HIGH SCHOOL 😭 reader and gyu find out they're soulmates way too early, and pretty much despise each other growing up, but they eventually come to terms with their soul bond along the line.
close proximity by chilligyu × tags: mingyu x reader; roommates, LOTS OF ANGST
there's no explicit smut in this one, but the plot twists and the narration itself threw me in for SUCH a goddamn loop that it would be a hate crime not to include this here. mingyu becomes reader's roommate upon bff!wonwoo's recommendation, and they and up falling for each other, and [gets dragged off stage because spoilers]
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now for the tumblr recs!
sapiosexual by @smileysuh × tags: s.coups x reader; sugar daddy au, psych daddy!cheol,,,,
it's a pretty straightforward sugar daddy au, but what makes it different is how it's written, y'know? cheol clearly lays all of the details for he and reader to agree on, making sure all the boundaries are clear and there aren't any blurred lines. seungkwan as your best friend is also a really enjoyable addition (he's the one who coined the term psych daddy LOL), AND i just love the author's humor in general.... quirofilia [bursts out laughing]
A Break by @smileysuh (again bc i'm obsessed w their work) × tags: mingyu x reader x wonwoo; svt as babysitters, budding poly
so op has an entire assortment of meanie poly fics, but this one is probably my most favorite bc it touches on a more endearing and responsible side to mingyu :') he and reader just can't sit down and fuck because he's busy worrying about their child every ten minutes LOL. enter jeon wonwoo, who is not only baby saebyeok's favorite uncle, but has been pining for the reader since time immemorial. of course, gyu has known all along, and asks them if they're both down to have a threesome (this is literally a terrible way to summarize the story, but i suggest you just read it <3) OH OH bonus: hoshi tries to sacrifice the baby to the tiger gods in a summoning circle made of tiger plushies. if that doesn't sell this fic for you, i don't know WHAT will
Love, Actually by @haet-sal × tags: jun x reader; cheating but not really? whipped single dad!jun
aka the fic that catalyzed my jun brain damage. reader works as jun's secretary but she isn't very...good at her job, but he keeps her around anyway bc 1.) his kid likes her, and 2.) HE likes her. problem is: she has a boyfriend-not-boyfriend, but Because that boyfriend-not-boyfriend is an asshole, she kind of uses jun as a constant rebound, poor guy (it has a happy ending tho i promise!!)
an untitled dk friends 2 lovers by @husbandhoshi × tags: dk x reader; idiots in love
this is actually preceded by 2 more drabbles from the op, but i'm linking this one specifically bc it made me physically long for big dick boyfriend lee seokmin. the thing i like most about smut written for dk is that he's ALWAYS so fun and endearing and lovable in bed, and what's more is that this one's a friend to lovers fic, so there's YEARS worth of pining and puppy love to spice up the sex hehehehehehe it really really deserves more recognition !!
right where you left me by @tonicandjins × tags: wonwoo x reader; exes getting back together, ANGST
i have a shitty memory so i can't go into the specifics on what this fic is about. it's one of the first ones i read on tumblr, but it's been a hot minute but i DO remember writhing in bed right after reading it, so it definitely earns a spot on the rec list! reader and wonwoo lived together in their hometown, but had to break up when wonwoo moves to seoul and he just couldn't make any compromises. bonus points for best friend hoshi on this one <;3
that's pretty much it for now! i'm so sorry if any of the authors mentioned didn't want to be tagged 🤒🤒 i just thought i'd share my thoughts abt ur work while sharing them w the rest of my followers UEUEUEUE
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nethhiri · 3 months
Siren Charms: Chapter 12
Zoro x Siren!Reader
Warnings: regular OP level violence
Get To Tha Choppah!
Tearing up the distance between yourself and the other fish riders only took seconds. You swiftly took out the second one, spending less time getting a drink. That one was at least left alive. After the bloodlust had calmed, you felt guilty for being overtly murderous. The last one, you tailed at a greater distance. You wanted to see where their base was so you could report back. 
Much to your surprise and curiosity, it seemed to be built on water. It wasn't on land at all. Since you were here, you might as well check it out on the inside, too. Then you could go back. You saw an open window in one of the taller buildings and decided to slip in. No one was paying attention to you. They were mostly on the dock, probably expecting the rest of your crew. Unfortunately, the window you chose to enter was attached to an occupied room. 
The man inside was startled. "Ah! W-what are you doing here?" 
"I got tired flying around. Taking a break." You looked around casually. "What's going on here?" The walls were covered with various weaponry. 
"I don't think I should-"
"These are all yours? Wow. You must be very important." You feigned interest. Flattery by a sinfully beautiful woman was the easiest way to get men to talk. 
The man coughed. "Actually yes they're all mine. I've been successful in catching mermaids." 
You took a step toward him. "That's incredible. You must be so smart."
The man puffed his chest out. "In fact, we're about to catch another one."
"Yeah?" You walked past him to something that truly caught your interest. "Have you ever caught a siren?"
He laughed. "No, cuz they don't exist." 
"Don't they?" You tested the weight of the giant mace you found, giving it a few test swings. "Can I have this?" 
"Wha-?" He stared wide-eyed as you effortless played with easily the heaviest thing in the armory. "No!"
"Oh." You swung it around some more. "Well, I'm taking it." 
The man was speechless but made no move to stop you, suddenly feeling all the hairs on his neck stand up like he was in the same room as a Sea King. 
You left the same way you came, becoming completely distracted by your new toy. You flitted to the roof of the building to perch and noticed a ship in the near distance. They found their own way after all. You kicked your feet off the edge of the roof and swung them, waiting for your crew to get here. You guessed these guys were after that little mermaid girl that found her way onto the Sunny. You didn't care at all to protect her, more in it just for the fight. 
For some reason, there seemed to be a lot of yelling between something by the dock and your captain. Then you watched the dumb mermaid girl jump ship and immediately get caught, making you snicker. You made no move to help, only getting up when you heard Luffy give the command. A moment before the fish riders came out of the sea, you could sense their presence. It was the perfect time to try your new toy.
You went after one of the quicker ones, for a challenge. It felt wrong to hit the fish so you aimed for the rider, swinging your mace to knock him off. The swing might have been a touch heavy. You held your hand over your eyes to block the sun as you watched him disappear over the buildings to the other side into the water. Oops. 
"Haha! Nice! Home run!" Luffy whizzed by on one of the fish. 
Yes, of course you made this man want to run home. They often do when confronted with your strength. You continued chasing after them, making a few whiffs through the air in your eagerness to knock another one into the sky. You connected with a few more before they were given the order to dive. The one you were currently chasing kept climbing, almost going vertical. You picked up a few shrieks from your crew, followed by what sounded like several people hitting the water. A quick glance down saw Brook and Chopper jumping in after Luffy. You continued giving chase, but another glance down saw only Luffy and Brook being pulled out, no Chopper. 
Scanning the surface, you saw the pink of his hat, quickly sinking. You shifted your weight, making a 180 degree turn, and barreled straight toward the water, tossing your mace into the nearest building and pulling your googles and mask over your face. You propelled yourself quickly downward, tucking your wings tightly against you at the last part of the drop. Any other person would have been dazed or knocked out with the force that you hit the water. You felt the wings on your back grow lighter as the feathers dissipated and your legs become restricted as scales glittered along them. Thanks to your goggles, you hadn't taken your eyes off Chopper, and made it to him in a few strokes of your tail. 
You placed your mask over his snout in the hopes that he might get some air. Still, you swam quickly to the surface, emerging on the opposite side of the boat. You held onto rope netting that clung to the side of the ship, using it to climb up while holding Chopper. Scales fell from your legs as you regained control of them individually, climbing more quickly as a result. You flung both of yourselves over the edge, placing Chopper on his back. He started to cough almost immediately, to everyone's relief. 
Everyone but Robin was so focused on their furry friend, that they missed the fins adorning your back and forearms, currently melting back in with your skin, though leaving silvery scars in their place.
Tag list: @bbnbhm
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congratulations on hitting 600 darling! 💕🥹💋
for the event, i’d like to recommend two fics so you can pick whichever one sparks interest:
want by erea on ao3 (nsfw, love confession)
quiet realisations pt 1 by dxckgrxsonx on tumblr (pre-relationship, full of feelings)
have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
xoxo sunnie (@fic-over-cannon)
Hi, sunnie!! Thank you so much! I adore you! 💛😍🥰
I read Quiet Realizations by @dxckgrxsonx (but I'm setting aside the ao3 fic for my TBR because anything Sunnie recommends is going to be a treat!)
How have I missed this fic!? Omg, I'm obsessed, actually going crazy other this series. The writing, the plot line, their Jason!! I feel like I ate a full meal and licked the plate. I wrote my favorite parts under the cut!
"You've been close friends for a while now, you know in the back of your head this is the next logical step forwards.
But god fucking help you, it feels like you're offering your soul on a plate."
The pining!! It's dripping through my screen. Literally such a fantastic showing of want and anxiety and what if this goes wrong?
"The latch on your window remains slightly ajar..."
"Something about letting him know that he's always welcome. That if you close it, it sends him a certain message"
Oooo!!! Ooo, this is such good insight into Jason's character, and the fact that reader understands him as a person. I love that they're able to read him and understand what he needs. Just little things like this throughout the fic is fantastic world building.
"...curled up under you blanket– in your home– is making you a little dizzy."
The imagery, just wow. To know he feels safe enough to sleep in your apartment, what a rush. I'm smiling so wide, he deserves to rest.
"His thumb strokes gently over the curved bones and part of you feel like you're going to turn to liquid..."
Im turning to liquid reading that!! Ahh!! The casual intimacy is delicious!!
"Without missing a beat Jason bites your thumb, teeth sinking in hard enough to leave a perfect indent behind."
My face is sooo warm right now. Butterflies aside, the fact they feels comfortable enough to play around with you? That he knows you won't run even if he bites? It's such great storytelling. There's so much to their relationship and you can feel how special it is for both of them.
"Grabbing his wrist, you press your fingers against his pulse point..."
"...you watch as he swallows before letting his hand drop away.
Silently, you mourn the loss of his warmth."
Yes, yes, everything about this. More casual intimacy, reaffirming touches, the desire for more. I'm at the edge of my seat!
"Jason does a funny thing then, he reacher for you, than yanks himself back."
The yearning!! The unrequited yearning that is secretly requited!!
"He takes the key from your fingers and folds it tight into his fist, like he never wants to let go."
Oh. OH. He's precious and I am in tears. He deserves the world!
It's not a big deal.
But it is.
!!! Running to part two!!!!
Oh gosh, where do I start? Jason waiting for them outside work? Literally all the lines about Gotham and him carrying weapons I devoured so fast I forgot to type out quotes. Wow! Just, wow, great storytelling.
"It's not beautiful.
But a home never really is."
I. Am. Screaming.
"... there's something beautifully warm flaring awake in your stomach when you recall the things Jason has done. The way he fiercely protects those kids..."
Just another testament to how well op understands and writes Jason Todd's character. Just, ahh, such a good paragraph.
"... you catch his fingers in your peripheral as they twitch in your direction, like he wants to reach out."
The yearning! But he's afraid to cross the boundary!
Everything about the key revel was a stab in the heart and a warm hug. Dropping to my knees.
"It was real, you want to cry, it was real, and you were just a child."
I stare at my screen for three entire minutes, trying to figure out what to type. Ow. Ouch. Oh.
"I'm always worried about you."
Yes, how could they not be? Admiting that is a big step because, of course, he's your best friend, and obviously, you're going to worry. But is that going to he too much for him to hear out loud?
"Leaning down you press a kiss to the crown of his head.
Jason sighs like you've spread balm over an aching wound."
I melted at this line! I'm in awe at the authors writing, seriously. There's so much to be said about how tender the reader and Jason are to each other. I really, really loved reading this one.
Thank you so much, sunnie, for recommending!!!
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t4tfitpac · 2 months
I was interested in knowing what you think the preferred binding method of the two are? Or was the preferred if you think they had too surgery. As a nonbinary individual I’ve reached the point in my art where I’m experimenting with drawing characters adapting their chests so I’m curious. Hope that’s not to weird thank you!
OMG FIRST OF ALL ! I AM SO SORRY I DID NOT SEE THIS AT ALL ! wow, this was asked when the QSMP was still in business (i am so normal i prommy)
Ok so second of all thank you so much for your ask ! I have so many thoughts on this :D (so many thoughts in fact that they're below the cut now whoops)
I do like reading and writing all different kinds of trans Fit & Pac - whether they're pre-op, post-op, don't want surgery, anything goes. But I do have a special affinity for a few details.
Regarding Fit: I definitely think he did not have the ability to get anything done surgery wise in 2b2t, and his hormones were DIY at best. By using what he has available, I think layers of clothing have been key to him hiding his chest for all those years, as well as bandages when he's had access to them. His reputation would also help him along in not being outed, as people will flee from him from far away, and the ones he does see up close are either too distracted by the explosions of combat, too afraid to accuse him of anything, or people that he's close enough with to the point of them respecting the secret (because they have secrets too and it's a mutually assured destruction type thing).
When Fit first gets to Quesadilla Island, I think he sticks with his tried and true method of binding, even though it's not the healthiest, because it's what he knows. But, eventually he reveals that part of his identity to a few people. Phil definitely knows, and he would possibly sew Fit a binder, or share with him a sewing pattern for one. When Pac finds out, of course Fit gets a Tazercraft branded binder. But honestly, I think that the more comfortable Fit gets on Quesadilla Island, the less he has to compensate for his gender identity being recognized. It's just a given to everyone there that he's a guy, so he lets them hang loose, or even wears a bikini on occasion when going to the beach. I don't know if Fit would get any kind of top surgery for quite a while.
Regarding Pac: Oh he got those chopped off as early as possible. In prison (Fuga), he would be binding using bandages he sweet-talked Felps into getting for him, and he would have back issues from binding them way too tightly. I even think it would be kinda beautiful if Cell were to adjust his bandages for him at some point during the refuge because while he's a crazed maniac cannibal, he at least knows how to not crack a rib while binding !
When Pac gets to Quesadilla Island, he's either had top surgery already or is gonna be getting it soon. I think at first he wears some regular tank tops w/o sideboob, maybe some more loose fitting ones later, but Mike would help him out with surgery asap and that would be that. I could definitely see Pac keeping the compression vest post surgery though, for the grounding pressure it provides. and he'd wanna have a little fat left, I think, just enough to be kinda big pecs but not enough to be full on boobs.
Thank you so much again for your ask and I'm so so sorry it took months to respond ! I hope the many words help :D
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merryro · 3 months
bottom ryan ross fic recs =D
this post is what it says on the tin! mostly ryden, i'll indicate if otherwise. fics w ☆ means they're my FAVES. will update as i find more, so check it every so often and there Might be a new fic listed heh ^_^
fics on livejournal! (most of these are written by the same writer?!)
☆ Rose Is a Four-Letter Word *sort of gsf (but mostly ryden), summary: Ryan's allergic to roses. Well, maybe "allergic" is the wrong word for it. my absolute FAVOURITE fic. ever.
☆ There's No 'I' In Ryan Ross *gsf, summary: Jon Walker attempts the impossible: to make the gayest band on the planet even gayer
hormones in key *panic! gsf + pete wentz on the phone
The Taste of Red *summary: It would seem absurdly ordinary, Ryan waking up next to another body like this, except for the fact that Brendon's not breathing. vampire brendon!
We Were Dreamers Not So Long Ago *rywalk, summary: Set about ten years in the future in a cabin in the woods, Jon and Ryan go to unwind before they start up again. Ryan's less than pleased, but that changes quickly.
We Were Heading For The Sea *summary: "Across the kitchen table, I fired several rounds, but you were still sitting there when the smoke cleared." – Ani Difranco post-split ANGST ANGST
☆ and set this cruise control for crash *rycer, summary: We had to, Ryan says, for the band. my notes for this fic was "CDSZZYYFUCKING FIC IM LOSING ITTTTT"
☆ Crush (With Eyeliner) *gsf, summary: Yeah, honestly, Jon Walker totally is that kind of guy. He just doesn't know it yet. anything written in jon's pov is automatically a 10/10 fic
Broken Glass and Rusty Nails *summary: When Ryan gets the tattoo, he bears it casually, sprawled out in the chair and smiling at Brendon's chatter as the needle traces over his skin. ryan has a freaky pain kink
Here Be Dragons * no summary but here's the main gist: time travel fic, ryan wants to be the one to take brendon's virginity underaged brendon but not by a lot
A Little Less Sixteen Candles A Little More Schoolboy Crush *rywentzden or whatever the shipname for ryan/brendon/pete is, double penetration, summary: What if Ryan can have them both?
The Pros and Cons of Group Sex With Your Bandmates *gsf + pete again! that man is always in patd's business
☆ That First Inconveivable Touch *summary: Ryan never gets what he wants like this. It's just not how his life works. dirty sex in a bathroom!
Like a Game *sequel to That First Inconceivable Touch summary: Boys are only after one thing, Ryan is. Ryan doesn't know what he's after, but he hopes to find that only one thing one of these days so he can stop looking.
This Is Screaming 'Photo Op' *summary: Brendon thinks Ryan is totally sexy. brendon finds pics of ryan naked
☆ laid bare for all to see, but mostly just for you *no summary but here's the gist: ryan is a slut and brendon fucks him against a window (its REALLY hot)
☆ NaNoRyRo *a compilation of ryden smutshots over 30 days. literally felt like i struck gold finding this
Bets Off * summary: "I know you guys are taking bets on me and Brendon," Ryan said, "and I want in." kinda sad since we’re actually in the future now and… they didn’t last forever
you’ll be platinum *summary: Brendon's sex tape gets mixed reviews. i honestly love the way this fic went from brendons sex tape is leaked to ryan has an existential crisis
after i have dreamed *summary: Brendon’s eyes are huge and brown and his lashes are approximately as thick as trees, and yeah, their noses are brushing because Brendon has just leaned in closer. He’s thumbing Ryan’s arm carefully, blinking, and Ryan swallows and squeezes his eyes shut, suppressing the urge to bite his lip. such a beautiful fic, chockfull of wonderful imagery
In The Sound *was deleted off lj but luckily someone saved this on the wayback machine! so that’s the link i put here, summary: How could you walk away from it? Why are you still walking away? this fic. wow. ok it doesn’t count as bottom ryan bc theres no explicit sex, but its just such a good story so i wanted to recommend it! its a ‘what if’ brendon left the band scenario n yeah its heartbreaking but its a happy ending!!!
Take Center Stage And Step Up To Save The Last Dance (He Was A Sk8er Boi) *ryden switch! ryan tops first then brendon, if udm!! summary: They come from two different worlds. a fic inspired by Sk8er Boi by avril lavigne! ryans a skater and brendon does dance
like you imagined *summary: Yeah, Ryan's thought about it. ryden’s first time! sooo hot
Spin Cycle *ryan has a dirty stinky tshirt kink, doesn’t technically bottom cs he just sucks brendon off but its really hot!
To A Man’s Heart *side couples jon/joe and spencer/patrick summary: Desperate to escape an arranged marriage, Charleston belle Ryan Ross heads to Denver and takes his chances as a mail-order bride. When he arrives, he discovers that handsome rancher Brendon Urie has absolutely no desire to marry--until Ryan charms him with his sweet nature and even sweeter kisses.
One Summer Last Fall *summary: Fall Out Boy never existed, so life is pretty tough for Ryan Ross. no actual fucking in this one but its such a hilarious read!
In Medias Res *summary: One minute they were watching tv and Brendon was groping Ryan good-naturedly, and the next...
The Ones You Can Count On *ryan/william beckett/mike carden no summary but basically ryan is sad bc he cant have brendon so bill and mike carden of tai… fuck him! really hot and really good
☆ Four Men And A Little Cabin *gsf, Unrelated, non-linear scenes from a recording cabin
The Hand That Feeds *summary: It's always easy enough for Ryan to come to him after the fact, after ignoring Brendon all night, after being with her; easy enough for Brendon to give in.
☆ That’s What He Said *gsf, idk how to tag this but everyone fucks everyone, its hot, summary: Truckstops and Statelines and boyfriends, etc.
Sweeter Than Candy, Better Than Cake *gsf, summary: It's really no big deal that their male guitarist smells fruity and has unnecessarily glossy lips.
The One Where Ryan Ross Gets Gangbanged *panic! gsf, but mainly ryden, summary: All Ryan wants on his birthday is to get fucked. A lot.
just a little longer, long enough *kind of rycer? and joncer.. and also ryden… summary: Spencer has plans, Spencer gets what he wants, Spencer is clueless. A spencer character study, really worth a read!!
☆ where the light bends at the cracks *ryon, with a super subtle tiny hint at ryden, no summary and idk how to describe it even, just read it!!!
Hum Along With The TV *not really explicit sex but im pretty sure ryan bottoms… summary: "Brendon." There's a smile as he sits down on the bottom step, knocking Ryan's knees slightly; a smile with straight, white teeth and an imperious mouth, one that gets imprinted into memory. He cups his hands around his lips and tilts his head. There's a brief orange glow and a lazy stream of smoke as Brendon asks, "So, what are you here for?"
"penises are for boys, vaginas are for girls, unless of course, something crazy happens. then anything's game." *fem ryan!
☆ Date Night *summary (ok not a summary, its an excerpt, live with it.): It’s almost like starting from scratch, even though they’ve been invading each other’s personal space on a fairly regular basis for a couple of years now. But there’s a big difference between friendship and relationship and up to this point, everything that’s been done has been for show. i really loved this one for some reason… so sweet!
Moulin Rouge AU *rycer, (toxic-ish) brencer and ryden, MAJOR character death(s), no summary but its basically what it says on the tin HAHA. i really wanted to love this but god that ending is just SICK. maybe one of you will be into the heartbreak as terrible as this one gave me
Retail jobs and cracks in the ceiling *they fuck in the second part! summary: Such a muddy line between the things you want and the things you have to do.
☆ Always Leaving, But *brendon bottoms in the 3rd part but the rest of it should be bottom ryan! has ryan/keltie and a little brendon/pete, summary: If there's a science to it, Brendon can't figure it out. This fic. THIS FIC. fucked me UP. read it!!!!
False Advertising *kind of rycer at the end, summary: AU. Ryan makes a mistake. Spencer helps him out.
☆ (sequel to False Advertising) Small Blessings *rycer/brencer and joncer too, summary: Spencer Smith puts up with a lot of shit. okay so this was a really strange whack fic, but in the BEST WAY possible. totally recommend it, just. read itttttt
fics on ao3!
not to shamelessly plug but my patd fics are all bottom ryan. it's not much but check it out if you wanna ^_^
☆ ash in your mouth *summary: Ryan just tilts his head, hands behind his back on the table, sweaty hair sticking to his forehead, make-up runny and smudgy, eyes alive, little pearl teeth biting his lips as if he’s holding something back. the end has a little kick to it.
Give Me Envy, Give Me Malice, Give Me Your Attention *summary: The aftermath of Brendon running into Ryan at the 2015 Halloween party.
A Fever You Can't Sweat Out *rycer (implied gsf), summary: Ryan has a strange affinity for sweat. And when I say affinity… sex pollen-esque
Hands Down *summary: Brendon is experimenting, but he doesn't know that Ryan is too.
Out of Tune *this fic is locked so you need an account to read it, summary: Brendon wakes up tone deaf. Ryan has no idea what to do. Maybe sex will fix it?
What We Have Is What We Will Be Given *summary: They finally have a hotel night, and Ryan's got everything planned, even if he's not the one in charge.
☆ No Object *wentzross, ryden switch, summary: The first blowjob Pete gets from Ryan is startlingly mediocre, considering that it's the kid's job.
Fucking like rabbits *summary: Ryan has been desperate for the whole show, Brendon is sweaty and in love, and their last song is a fucking love song. They really were reinventing love right on that stage. stage gay on another level
it's just flesh, it's just flesh *locked fic! summary: Ryan's mouth tastes sort of like the sour candy he got from the vending machine earlier, but mostly it's just hot and wet and warm. this one also has a lil kick! small kick
Drive Faster, Boy *summary: Ryan, Brendon, backseats, secrets.
☆ That Left a Mark *DUBCON (brendon is super drunk) summary: Alcohol initially serves as a stimulant, then induces feelings of relaxation and reduced anxiety. Consumption of two or three drinks in an hour can impair judgment, lower inhibitions, and induce mild euphoria.
An Unlikely Victorian Heroine *locked fic, summary: "You're like a Victorian heroine," Brendon says, rolling one bracelet over Ryan's hand to expose a little more skin, then another and another until he has a small pile on the bed. "Arms aren't supposed to get me so hot, Ross."
☆ How Did I Fall In Love With You? *summary: Bad things happen when Ryan reads fanfiction. i love meta fics like this
You Will Know The Difference When I Touch You *summary: It wasn’t a gay thing at first. Well, it was possible that Brendon had a tiny little crush on Ryan, but it was a buried thing in the back of his still-half-Mormon brain, emerging very slowly.
Two of Cups *the second part is gsf, summary: Spencer and Ryan are part of Pete's travelling circus. Jon and Brendon come for the show, but there's something about the place that keeps them coming back for more.
It must be an alien thing *idk if this counts but its ryan getting girl parts and brendon fucks him and if bden fucks him then yeah hes a bottom idc, summary: “His dick’s missing too,” adds Jon, and if Ryan had lasers in his eyes, Jon Walker would be history right then and there. “And he keeps telling this alien theory, but it can’t be fucking aliens, man. Aliens are too busy doing their shit to give you tits and a pussy.”
☆ Leaving Without Moving *mainly ryden but theres a hint of one-sided rycer from ryan, summary: "I'm not trying to embarrass you or anything here. But seriously, I'm just trying to make things clear - what you want is to be my own personal little toy, is that it? You want to be my pet in the... pet sense?" I HAVE NOOO IDEA HOW IVE NEVER COME ACROSS THIS FIC BEFORE ITS SO GOOD!!
☆ Hard to Believe in Sundays *rywalk, summary: Ryan shouldn't be making out with one of The Academy Is…'s techs in the dusky brown darkness behind his own tour bus where everyone, anyone, could see. Truckstops and Statelines-era. Just. wow the writing and the story are super amazeballs
Candyman *summary: It's a strange and beautiful thing to hate yourself so much you'd let someone else do this to you. Even stranger is trusting them enough to say these things and not mean it. Or mean it and love fuck you anyway. post-split, kinda poetic and angsty
☆ Give me more *read the tags! summary: They called this tough love. 2005, just starting out the band, brendon getting kicked out his house, just a really interesting and well-written fic. couldn't put it down once i started!
☆ Dog Ears, Frozen Lakes and the Resonance of Your Voice *gsf (mainly ryden), summary: The boys go on vacation to a secluded cabin in Switzerland for Christmas. a short sweet and hot fic! ryan just loves his whole band
Bossy *summary: In which Ryan is like, kind of a bitch to be honest, but in a good way. Subby top brendon and dom bottom ryan is the best flavour!
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
Ohhhh dark princess beanghost deliverer of all that good good Sanuso, deliver upon us your forbidden and darkest knowledge of transfem!Usopp!Sanuso. Is she in lesbians with transfem Sanji? Are they T4T transfemxtransmasc? Did cis, Bi guy Sanji manage to find the only woman in the OP universe who finds him charming (and it just happens to be the first one that he truly and honestly actually falls in love so deeply with in a way none of his crushes ever even compared to because of course Usopp is beautiful and sexy but she’s also silly and KIND and smart and his best friend and he cannot shut up about her? ) Please please tell us what you think I want some more transfem Usopp in my life
You ask, I deliver and share my knowledge. Don't use this fantastic and dark, magical information for the evil.
Okay, so I absolutely love all of these ideas for Transfem!Usopp and Sanuso. My favorite probably is them being lesbians and dating because if you can make a ship sapphic, do it. Always. It's the best thing you can do to a ship. Turn them into women. Makes it 100% better. Probably saying this because I am a lesbian myself and I love sapphic couples. But yes.
So, I actually love the whole Cis guy Sanji falling for Transfem!Usopp, but I'm gonna mix both ideas because I am a genius and I just had a revelation.
Usopp comes out as a trans girl to the crew when they find each other at Sabaody after two years. Everyone accepts her, of course, and Nami couldn't be happier to have her in the girls' room now (they're so best friends I love them). Sanji, after his time at Momoiro Island, takes it well. As well as he can take it, of course, having in mind that he still doesn't understand the whole concept of being trans yet (he feels such fury and hatred towards it... Why would that be, I wonder). He still feels weird around it, but when it's Usopp the one to say she's a girl... It's different, now. Sanji starts to understand everything better.
It's not like Usopp changes that much, after that. Her hair is longer and she still keeps it messy or in a low ponytail. Her clothes are basically the same, but now with a bit more of femininity to them. Sanji doesn't know how to put it, but the way she moves and speaks and dresses now is a bit different, yet completely the same. Perhaps it's just him. Perhaps seeing her as a woman has changed him, even if Usopp hasn't changed much. Whatever- Sanji has everything under control (or so he says) because, even if Usopp is a girl, she's still his best friend. They're best friends. They established that two years ago and it still remains a true fact.
Usopp does get the gentleman treatment from Sanji, of course. She might be his best friend but she's still a girl (a very, very beautiful girl with a wonderful brain and looks and voice and-) and the cook can't hold back from literally throwing up hearts and bleeding everywhere whenever he sees her. The sniper (who may or may not have the hugest crush on Sanji) appreciates this gesture, thinking at first that it's just Sanji's way of telling her that she accepts her. She thinks that he's faking all of this. At first, of course. Because then it becomes genuine and constant and she kind of understands how Nami feels, because damn the guy is annoying most of the time. But also, well- Usopp loves being loved by him, even if it's in the same way for every other girl he meets.
The things is... Sanji doesn't feel like he's the same with other girls. He acts like that with them because that's how a man should treat a woman (worshipping her completely), but he does all of this for Usopp because, well, that's his best friend. His sniper. And the way she makes him feel is something he has never actually experienced before. Sanji realizes, then, while their relationship keeps growing (holding hands, stargazing together, hidden smiles, obvious blushes, nervous laughter, all their moments alone...) that it's not only the fact that he's probably in love with Usopp (wow, surprising, right?) but... He kind of wants to be like her?
Sanji puts the thought aside, though. Love is more important. Love. Whatever he feels for Usopp. He has never, ever experienced this before, unlike what most people might think. And it's driving him crazy. Because what is he supposed to do when the love he feels is too much to not show it and too scary to make Usopp know? So burying his feelings deep down with the hope they'll disappear soon is the answer to everything! (Don't do this, Sanji is just stupid).
But of course, the feelings don't go away. He just falls even more and more and more for her. From the way she laughs to the way she talks excitedly about her new creations. And she's the same Usopp he used to know, just a bit different and, well, happier. More confident. Way sexier now that she acts more freely. Sanji can't handle this. Especially when it comes hand in hand with the poisonous sensation that he tries hard to keep at bay. The envy. The longing. The wanting to be free, like that. Sanji dreams a lot about the dress he used to wear back at Momoiro. It felt good on his skin. Something felt good on his skin for once.
Whatever. It doesn't have to mean antyhing. He's just in love with Usopp, that can accept it. And wanting to be like the girls he constantly cherishes isn't that weird. He had his moment in Punk Hazard with Nami's body, right? It isn't- It isn't weird.
Then Whole Cake Island happens, and everything starts crumbling down around him. First of all because he's gonna end up getting married to a girl he doesn't even know, leaving the real love of his life behind. And second, because he's starting to realize some stuff he didn't want to admit before- But being so close to men. To the men who hurt him. Thinking so much about the way he loved his mom... How much Reiju says he looks like her and how little bothered he is by that, in fact wanting to look more and more like her. Long hair. Long eyelashes. Beautiful, beautiful woman.
He thinks about Usopp a lot, there, when he feels trapped. About her smile and her eyes and her voice and her outfits that are not feminine at all and yet still feel meant to be worn by a woman. He thinks about the way he loves her, so deeply and unconditionally and both physically and emotionally. He thinks about wanting to share that experience of freedom with her, and thinks that- Well. Sometimes- Sometimes he thinks about dresses. And make up. And how being called a princess would still hurt but would hurt only because of the meaning behind of the word and not because of the word itself. And Reiju tells him about it. About their mom and that the way he acts isn't because of being weak, but human. And then she mentions that well, of course she has empathy, she's a girl. And Sanji wonders if it's, maybe and just maybe, the same for him.
Yeah. That feels good enough.
She realizes suddenly, everything she had been bottling up, making her heart explode into a million pieces. Then the pieces are all put together by Luffy, who's the first to know. Sanji tells him about wanting- About maybe being a woman. Luffy only smiles and says that he likes the way Sanji smiles when she pronounces the word. That those are great news, even, because Sanji would never hurt a woman, and all of this (running away and forcing Luffy to leave her alone) is hurting her. So she has to come back to the crew for a woman to be happy. It doesn't make any sense, but Sanji cries anyway.
So, stuff happens. Sanji has a lot of time to think. And then they get to Wano. It's not the best time to come out, honestly, but she has to do it or else they will probably end up burnt to death by a big ass dragon before she can actually be herself fully. She doesn't have the guts to tell Usopp privately, even if she wants her to be at least the second one to know, so she tells the whole crew (and Torao, for some reason, because he's always there). She doesn't stop looking at Usopp's eyes, though. For something like... Acceptance? Support? Understanding? Love? Sanji isn't sure, but it makes talking about this easier.
Once again, everyone accepts it, of course. Zoro makes a joke about her just wanting to be in the girls room, and she doesn't even have to kick her because Robin is the one to smack him in the head without her extra arm being noticed right away. It's not a huge change because they can't do much now, but Kinemon gives her a proper kimono for her. She feels... So pretty.
Usopp tells her she looks pretty, so happy and joyful and proud of Sanji it makes the cook melt under her gaze. She notices a bit of blush, too, on her best friend's face, so she takes her to a private place to talk things out. To actually talk things out.
Sanji confesses that her new self is basically thanks to Usopp, and so she thanks her with a shy smile and a laugh. And Usopp hugs her. Tight. It almost makes them both cry. And Sanji doesn't really know why it happens or how it happens or- Or even when, but Usopp kisses her. And she moves away as quickly as she leaned in, starting to mutter anxious words under her breath and apologizing for using this moment to confess, but she just couldn't go into such dangerous adventure without making Sanji know first.
The weight on Sanji's shoulders disappears, and the urge to kiss Usopp back becomes stronger than anything else.
Long story short, because it's nighttime and I work tomorrow morning: Sanji and Usopp move to the girls' room, which means work for Franky to make it wider. Sanji is more femme fatale while Usopp goes more for a nerdy, messy vibe. And they start dating, of course, and become the most annoying sapphic couple in this ship. Also, Sanji grows her hair long for her mom and Usopp loves to help her taking care of it. If they call Ivankov or not for a lil bit of help with her bodies, that's up to you, but I like the thought of Sanji wanting to change her whole body (except her killer thighs grrr) and Usopp like, wanting boobs but not too big and also still keeping the lower parts bc, and I quote: "Why would you want something that's harder to pee with?" and even Nami would agree.
They're the cheesiest and clingiest most beautiful couple ever. Live laugh love transfem Sanuso.
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woodsfae · 1 year
B5 s02e20 The Long, Twilight Struggle Table of Contents • previous episode
Wow, we're almost to the end of another season! It's been a really good one, despite my own rocky start with its beginning. It's been interesting how my perspective has shifted enough along the way that I had change of minds about my change of minds of some characters. In The Gathering I loved Garibaldi, then came to dislike him for his sexism, police brutality, abuse of position, stalking Talia, being a shit about his ex, and general cop-ness, but the writing really brought me around on him! Weirdly, I now believe he can and will be better.
Almost the same for Londo. I didn't really like him at all, came to like him a little, then was to be SO disappointed in him that now I'm just fascinated to see how far his moral depravity and Sunk Cost Fallacy-ing will go.
And on to the episode!
Their CGI planet is really lovely and colorful, and does look quite 3d! And it's Centauri Prime (presumably). Must be a Londo episode!
This guy is petting the throne. wtf Refa. Very blunt about the fetishization of power that's going on here.
Londo: "Lord Refa, I have come a long way, and I am tired. Is there a reason I have been summoned here, now?" Refa: "Indeed there is, I have good news. The war which began six months is about to end. Sooner than any of us could have hoped. And you, Londo Mollari, will be the architect of our victory."
ope, the Centauri are about to do some crazy war crimes, I see!
Finally, a sexy transparent glass silhouette showering scene! I've been waiting for this since the show started. Classy of them to make it be Sheridan.
Friendly Draal Planet!!! I hoped to see him again! How delightful! What a bad omen, though.
Delenn is becoming just…transcendently beautiful. The lighting and camera shots, her expressions and grace, are all just astonishing. I am glad she gets to see her friend again. Maybe some of the other serene characters will pop up for a reunion. I'd love to see the little telepath girl who went to Minbari, Janice the Healer, and Thomas Jinxo the Seeker of the Grail again, and I think they'd all get along well (or at least interestingly) together.
Draal, appearing before Sheridan fresh out of his shower: "I've been watching you for quite some time, Captain. And I thought it was time that I introduce myself. My name, is Draal. How do you do." *Minbari bow* Sheridan, damp and be-robed: "Uh, fine. I'm fine." Draal, who has no idea how to talk to humans: "Good. You don't have any idea who I am, do you?" Sheridan, who did his research on B5 tysvm: "Unless there's another Draal who can do what you just did, you're the Minbari who took custody of the planet we're orbiting." Draal: "Ah, Captain, you do not take custody of the planet, the planet takes custody of you!."
This made me laugh really hard. The planet really did take custody of Draal. Near-total isolation, but youth. idk if I'd go for that.
Details…details…lmao Draal.
The Narn…cannot catch a fucking break. Contact with an entire sector of colonies, lost. They're losing, although their official stance is that they're holding their own. I wish them and their counter attack well! One all-out strike with the majority of their forces is a hardcore strategy! They could lose everything.
G'Sten: "If we make them pay, for every inch of space, we can wear them down, prolonging the war beyond their capacity to fight it. Centauri want a quick victory: they don't have the stomach for prolonging the war."
He also says there will always be enough ships to defend their homeworld, but dang that still feels really risky. I am so excited to see a little of G'Kar's family. His uncle! And he's so kind, warm, and loving. The exact opposite of the way they were described by Delenn and the Centauri in season one. They both call the Narn cold, strange, impossible to empathize with. I hate to see anti Narn propaganda! They have risen highly in my estimation and I am rooting for them so hard.
The Centauri are going to bomb Narn from orbit with banned weapons and wipe out much of the entire population. To "save Centauri lives." War crimes, as I thought.
Everything depends on Londo. It's too late to back out. Bringing the pressure and the logical fallacies down on him! He bends, obviously, and is going to reach out to Morden for help carrying out the sick plan.
Londo: "All right. I will bring my assoociates into this, but this is that last time. We are Centauri. If we are to sieze our destiny, we must do it ourselves. After this, no more." What'shisface" "After this there will be no need! Thank you. Cheer up. By the time you return to Babylon 5 the war will be over, and the Narns will be at our feet. This time, we will keep them there."
Exactly. The Narns will not stop resisting, they will eventually gain their freedom again, and there will be another and another. You can't build an empire without horrifically violating sentients' rights, and those sentients are always going to resist.
Love Delenn's outfit today. I hope Draal won't be an ass about her hair.
Aw, so nice, Londo gets to go watch the Centauri genociding the Narns, live and in HD safe on a warship. How thoughtful. May he choke on the sight.
Dr Franklin is a real and good friend and a great anti-fascist comrade. Gathering deets from his Narn patients to give G'Kar as up-to-date as information as he can, as quick as he can.
Draal Planet light hearted B Plot, yay! And Delenn is now experimenting with swearing She used the f-word even! Frag me, she's so great.
Delenn: "Draal? We're here." Draal: "Did you think I hadn't noticed, my old friend? You've changed. I like it."
I'm glad he's not racist to her! That makes two Minbari who have on-screen supported her: Lennier, and now her old mentor. I'm so glad!
But onto the meat of the visit. Draal has been using the planet's resources to gather information, including Sheridan's history and all the plotting Sheridan's been doing. Convenient, and awesome! Powerful allies are badly needed right now. Draal has been studying the universe and the planet, and he's ready for action! And I"m ready to see that action!
"In the long, twilight struggle which lies ahead of us, there is a possibility of hope."
That's a great message, and good repetition of the same sentiment from earlier with G'Kar and G'Sten. I'm afraid G'Sten is going to die, but I hope he lives. The Narns have faced enough tragedy.
Shadow ships coming for G'Sten and his fleet, the evil shits! The CGI has definitely improved from last season to a degree, although it's extremely obvious with the shadow ships. but I love the effect! They are all cgi and thus fake-looking, which I think enhances how out of sync with the normal dimensional bounds they are. I'd be fucking unnerved if I saw something that fake looking in real life.
goodbye G'Sten. :/
There's people on the Draal Planet! Wow, they must be weird.
LOVE this for Delenn. She's needed friends really badly, too!
Zathras!! Is in league with Draal! Cool!! I didn't think we'd see the Space Werewolf again, but this should be fun! JMS's spreadsheets must have been wild.
Narn is in a BAD position. Centauri have Narn surrounded, there's massive destruction and death, and the Narn fleet has been neutralized. An impromptu re-enactment between Narn and Centauri on B5 is underway. Of course.
Narn looks mostly brown and orange from orbit. I wonder what it looked like before the Centauri ever arrived. Bombs underway, Londo watching on while looking sick. Hope he feels even sicker than he looks!
Ineffective response from Minbari and Earth, of course. An atrocity! They condemn it! Really hard! Finger wag! Don't do it again!
G'Kar. What a horrible horrible place to be. Narn plans to surrender. I hope they can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, but knowing this show, it will be even more grim for them and the universe by the end of the episode. Horrific.
G'Kar is reduced to asking Sheridan for political asylum. If they hand him over to the Centauri…! fuck! That's the kind of dystopian universe this is, too. I hope that won't happen, though.
Ugh. A speech by Londo. What an awful piece of propaganda.
Londo: "A little over five standard hours ago, the conflict which began with the Narn declaration of war, came to and end. The Narn regime has offered complete and unconditional surrender. The terms imposed by the Centauri Republic are as follows. One: the ruling body known as the Kha'ri will be disbanded, and its members subject will be subject to arrest and trial for the commission of war crimes against the Centauri." Sheridan: "Earth requests the right to send observers to these hearings." Londo: "That request is denied. Two: to prevent further acts of terror by the Narn against our people, the penalty for the murder of any Centauri by any Narn will be the execution of five hundred Narns. Including the Perpetrator's own family. Three: a provisional ruling council appointed by my government will take up the responsibility of re-building a more civilized Narn government, as a colony of the great Centauri Republic." Sheridan: "Is there anything else." Londo: "Yes. Just, one thing. Because the Narn homeworld is now a protectorate of the Centauri Republic, we reserve the right to determine who can speak for Narn. As a result, Ambassador G'Kar may no longer represent the Narn in any official capacity whatsoever. His appointment ambassador to Babylon 5 is hereby withdrawn. And as the only member of the Kha'ri still at large, Citizen G'Kar will return to Narn for trial."
"No," quoth Sheridan. Minbari supports Earth and Babylon 5 in this, although Delenn does call him Citizen G'Kar like Londo did. Fuck him, man. He's fully a bootlicker channeling his frustration at his guilt over all the war crimes against the non-Centauri. My least favorite fictional war criminal.
The framing and character work through this scene is WILD. G'Kar, sitting, slumped, not meeting anyone's eyes. Londo, speaking with clear enunciation, racist and imperialist language framed as the ethical, sensible decisions the Narn have forced them to make. G'Kar rising and speaking calmly before leaving when Londo loses his temper and demands, screaming, that G'Kar leave the council room.
G'Kar: "No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants and armies cannot stand. The Centauri learned this lesson once. We will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years…we will be free."
The Narn will not go quietly.
Centauri is celebrating, they are dancing in the streets on homeworld. Or so the propaganda news broadcast goes.
Sheridan has a very nice speech for G'Kar and offer of support of all his personal assets that can be put towards that aim.
G'Kar: "The last time I took someone's hand we were at war twenty-four hours later." *takes Sheridan's offered hand anyway*
Mad lad.
And now Sheridan's off to a super-secret meeting! Delenn presiding. She has gathered him allies to pledge to Sheridan. Ah, Sinclair's project! <3 Sinclair, good work, buddy. Kosh is there, too! Somehow I doubt he is there to swear TO Sheridan. Along with, benevolently, to help the ants win against the anteater, maybe.
This is an episode of speeches! G'Kar's was terrible and great. Sheridan's falls a little flat. His line has been drawn on the other side of a fascist empire re-enslaving an entire people.
Well. I can only hope for some great and wild successes on the other side of the season finale!
The balance of affection between G'Kar and G'Sten, and Delenn's joyful reunification with Draal and the hope that and Sinclair's rangers inspired were all a much-needed balance against the Narns' current plight, but this was still so heavy and dark. It went there, it did that! Man, the forces of the Light are just fucking crippled without the Narn and their previous resources. All destroyed, and mostly dead, to feed the appetite of the Centauri Empire.
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candychameleon · 8 months
post of all my thoughts on the Skybound Transformers comic, where i actually go into WHY i like it
NOT SPOILER-FREE I wanna ramble freely abt this!!
i mean tbh all i have so far is praise but i just wanna ramble about specifically WHY i like it ykno
ok so first off the brutality…I've seen ppl complain abt that but honestly i LOVE it. I like this story establishing the tone and stakes RIGHT away. I was like OH okay it's going to be THIS kind of comic (in a good way). the comics being darker is smth i've always liked.
what's more I feel like it establishes the gravity of the decepticons being there. like...I don't think, in ANY TF thing, I have ever really felt FEAR for the human characters. so...starscream squishing a guy into GOO on-panel was a big OH moment. the danger feels tangible
which brings me into my thoughts on the decepticons and like...listen, i am the FIRST in line for stories about sympathetic decepticons and morally grey autobots. but i am absolutely LOVING how delightfully sadistic starscream is. it's about time he was an actual threat again
as much as i enjoy the misunderstood/underdog decepticon stories…they are the villains. that has always been their purpose in TF as an entire concept (besides SG i guess). so letting them BE villains and be just WHOLLY awful people like ooh i can get into this 👌
they're awful in a realistic way too, at least to me. like i enjoy how cartoonishly ~evil~ the decepticons are in like, the og g1 cartoon, but i'd never describe g1 starscream as "sadistic". but HERE?? in this comic?? absolutely would describe him that way. and it's amazing
which like…I am also glad for a story that doesn't pull its punches and give "important" characters plot armor. like i was FULLY shocked at not only the characters that (supposedly) died, but how brutally they died as well. again, great way to establish stakes
energy/resources scarcity is also something i'm glad is touched upon by this story right out the gate, you can FEEL the desperation from BOTH sides. it's something that's baked into the concept since g1, but i feel like g1 doesn't FULLY explore that yknow
the amount of horror i felt watching soundwave and starscream rip skywarp apart out of sheer desperation? yeah that SHOOK me, and i LOVE when stories can do that. that was horrific and really went a long way in showing just how desperate cybertronians have become and what lines the cons are willing to cross. rip though god, was hoping skywarp was finally gonna get to do something LMAOO 💀💀
but also on the other hand…wow a continuity where CLIFFJUMPER gets to do something and doesn't die immediately?? revolutionary, good for him
and i have seen a lot of people praising this specifically and i have to agree that i LOVE how this optimus prime is written. he's so kind and gentle, with an absolute WONDER for the beauty of organic life and willingness to protect creatures he JUST met. i love that so much??
i've been so jaded abt OP for a while and only recently started liking him bc i have issues with how he's written in…a LOT of continuities lol. but this is such good OP characterization. not my FAVE, like honestly my fave OP is more like Tired Annoyed Dad, but this is SO good
uhh I think that's all my thoughts. tl;dr i am LOVING this comic so so much so far, the fact that i can ramble THIS much about it when there are only 4 issues out is a great thing imo, i am so excited to see where this story goes!
(and I'm hoping maybe someday I can work on them myself ahdlfsjh i am gonna try my hardest to make that happen)
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6okuto · 2 months
🍙 for @satorisoup from my fruits basket :3
Long Post. but i (Rlly) summarized the questions for viewing ease 🫡
1) life & school
i Am nervous about school hbdfhbg i’m a sociology major!! ^^ love soc but i switched to honours so i have to keep my gpa up, and most of my classes this year are really reading/writing/presentation heavy.. plus i'm trying a full course load for the first time so doing my thesis next yr will be easier, but i'm already easily stressed and burnt out.. lol.. ;; it's probably fine though
life’s getting busy.. and i’m not sure my cosplay will get here in time for my con but it’s ok tbh! the good outweighs the bad for those things. i wish i had money for the con outside my grants/loans but LOL that's life 
2) celebrating my birthday with keiji :3
tmi maybe. i haven’t had a great birthday since i was 15/16 to be honest FBHBDJ i'm so burnt out and depressed in dec that the past few years i haven’t done anything at all LOL but hearing this,, keiji makes it his mission to give me a good one ^^ ! 
he takes the day off and makes sure the day is just for us! practices making heart shaped pancakes and cooks breakfast.. i walk in on him in the kitchen super focused and accidentally scare him LOL he wanted it to be a surprise but it’s ok!! i watch and talk while i wait
it’s usually cold so i don't go anywhere ;; but we still have fun!! it’s nothing crazy,, we just talk, put on a show while we work on a puzzle or bake… play some co-op games.. order dinner.. yeagh
if it isn’t awful outside, we might make a little snowman or snow angels at the park nearby :]
he gets birthday gifts separate from his christmas ones.. since they're so close my birthday’s kinda overshadowed & i tell people to get one gift or none but keiji refuses!! he writes a long heartfelt letter, commissions art of us & our cat, and buys custom matching necklaces + little crochet accessories + ribbon 🙂‍↕️ (also macarons. i rock w macarons.)
3) favourite aki scene :3
his morning routine changed my life. they didn’t have to do that (not in the manga) but they did… my beautiful domestic soft morning dreams… it’s so Aki… and then i think about how he’d include u in his routine when ur together the way he does with denji and power… ouh..
4) art app + ur new stylus :0
looks down and kicks rocks. krita user over here. not that anything’s wrong with krita. i just feel lame when i see brushes i want because of course they’re never for krita. but it’s cool! how's ur new pen!! bro sometimes krita’s pressure sensitivity doesn’t work on start-up and i didn’t realize i could just restart the window settings . i kept reinstalling it. it’s fine but Wow i was miserable for so long (Months. like a stupid poopoo head)
5) Secret Art Opinions.
olivia wilde nodding gif. smoking duck gif. no one knows what i know no one’s seen what i’ve seen. BEAUTIFUL!! PERF!! i love his smile and jewelry (🤯) and hair and EVERYTHING!! your art style is SOO lovely cutieful lene!! and a 17 layer max seems nonsensical?! HELP.. how big is your canvas.. what app are you using bc isn't there ones made for what u want to try.. I believe in U!! no matter what i’m sure it will turn out awesome!!! he would be so flattered. his lips would wobble and he'd gasp/whine and hug and kiss u like WHAT!! FOR HIM..?..!!! yeah.
6) akaashi and i’s song :00
wanna say i will by mitski but that’s gonna be in every self-ship playlist of mine. maybe home by reese lansangan.. hesitate to say it’s Our Song but it’s a good one!!
My bones are safe / And my heart can rest / Knowing it belongs to you / My world is changed / And it's cradled by / The comfort that is you
7) monster lover post + ones i like
i wish i had good specific hear me out's but i don’t consume a lot of media with them so the ones i can think of are super basic and boring… i’d need a list in front of me so i could smash or pass. (if u have any in mind let me kneow.) but
the teacher from the girl from the other side. Like it’s my fault. doting adoptive self-sacrificial father figure DON’T TALK TO ME. also i must mention tokoyami. + shirou from BNA if he counts
tai lung from kung fu panda just once. the plague doctor (scp-049) obviously
probably some transformers. i like bumblebee 🩷 THE PACIFIC RIM JAEGERS . gipsy danger of course. striker eureka of course. gipsy avenger & november ajax & valor omega (Sorry.). azure defiant omgg PILIPPINS! 🇵🇭🇵🇭
i can usually get behind a “hear me out” if it isn’t like.. super slimey(?) or spikey. they could all hurt me but anything Very sharp/spikey i’m like nooo owwww ouchie nooo..
8) JJK since hell started on earth (+ lenoso!)
I Have been keeping up. unfortunate for my happiness. but Dear God. finding that out two hours after a comm and on FORTNITE is CRAZY? I’m so sorry. I get it. there’s like 3 vids and 6 pics of me crying. …did u at least win the fortnite match. i thank god every day my main thing is HQ because i just watch guys play volleyball. the manga.. a bit exciting.. hoping for an Ok outcome… maybe if gege has love and megan thee stallion in his heart
9) demon slayer opinions (+ genya specifically)
i watched the first season of kny but dropped it after hebfhsbjb nothing against it, just not rlly my cup of tea!! but i know quite a few deaths and the manga ending.. i don’t have a fave demon though.. i liked tanjiro + giyuu + sabito (predictable x3). also fond of rengoku (predictable) and mitsuri/obanai (predictable). Is akaza awesome and beautiful. i don't rlly know genya but i’ve seen him and his brother!! I will like him In Ur honour!!! ur friend reporting u for an edit is crazyehsbfjhb STAY STRONG… GENYA! i’m sure he’s fantastic!!
10) bnha + izuku thoughts!
Who’s calling izuku ugly. ☹️ i get u btw Like it’s my fault i’m always fond of the main characters and want the best for them. i don’t usually read stuff for him bUT i fr see the appeal, and he can be soo super interesting/fun to write and read about!! AND HE’S NOT UGLY!! ☹️ he’s very cutieful handsome. grown up deku… vivid and beautiful in my mind… 
11) favourite food, drink, etc. :3
rice . LOL i don’t think i have a favourite food but i love pinoy chicken dishes! my mom's adobo + caldereta + niligang manok. also been eating chorizo de cebu lately.. yummay..
sweet drinks.. frappes & taro boba… i need to expand my palette but y'know. and my fav soda is crush
i said this but i Love Macarons. you give me a plate of macarons i’m inhaling that shit like kirby. also sapin sapin and cheesecake! a great cake in general is so yummayyy
big hazelnut creme chocolate fan. I Love hazelnut chocolate. started when i was a child with kinder eggs and purdys chocolate hedgehogs and here i am
fav cereal is kellogg's krave. obvious chocolate fan here
SUSHI VIBES IS SO INTERESTING i’m pretty sure i’ve never had a piece. like ever. i do like fish… do u have any fave sushi.. i doubt i’ll be trying any soon but for future reference!!
12) anything and everything else ^_^ (mammon + mlp ment.)
Lene i have stuff to talk about at all times and will overshare every time
YAGH! mammon is the avatar of greed and 2nd eldest brother of 7 in Obey Me: One Master To Rule Them All. i actually didn’t like him at first (I’m sorry.) but he grew on me real bad. it’s serious. he's very tsundere which is Not my type but. something happened. He's a softie.. he cares about you and everyone So Much.. he's very empathetic and emotionally intelligent even if he struggles with being vulnerable.. he can generally control his emotions better /gets angry less than his brothers… he gets teased/mistreated a lot.. he loves money and hates working but he loves U even more So Of Course He’d do/give up Anything 4 U.. he's insecure and has called himself worthless on his own Which Devastated Me So Bad i love this guy so much Let’s All Just. oh man.
i Did like MLP. i stopped watching at some point but i want to go back and watch it all.. predictably obsessed with princess cadance and shining armor. I wanted to be her and I wanted him. Predictably. i cried over BBBFF when i was little btw /pos but hm.. my fav show was gravity falls maybe. so good.
we finally fixed what was wrong with the water in the one bathroom in the house that has a bath tub. exciting because i’ve never taken a bath… want to see what it’s like… perhaps use a bath bomb 🤔..
don’t think i’ve processed we’re going to have another person living with us. wow
been thinking about p5 akira a lot. my stupid beautiful loser sopping wet cat idiot handsome prince guy. Do u think 13 year old me would be surprised i still like him or that my bff likes goro or that i ship akeshu. i have 150 ss's from the p5 vn. and when i say he's written like my version of akaashi keiji.. hah......
might deactivate at some point tbh. saying this because i don't think people will read this far so it's like a little secret convo but i feel like i've overstayed my time / don't rlly fit anywhere bshdjsd i'll click delete account and just Stare for a while. like at some point u think about it so much it's like.. girl stop clinging on and just do it. but i don't want to lose my stuff so it won't happen until i put it all somewhere else. which won't be soon because i'm lazy as shit so. that's life i guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️ def won't until i finish my event.. will see if i can at least make it to my blog anni if not my birthday 🤔 would probably come back at some point anyway. also my users... can't lose 6okuto r u joking...
been rocking with pleasure delayer by between friends & rock-paper-scissors by katzenjammer lately.
broken 3 nails this week and may unfortunately break a 4th. my stupid baka life. might just cut the rest and restart... they were all Even. 1/2 cm long bro.. why does this happen to me...
excited to call and ask about my joke bear plate in a few days. i'm 100% sure i didn't do an even number of coats for everything and it'll look wonky in places, but i think that's part of the appeal. the nia 6okuto joke bear brand
thank u for joining and asking lene!! 🙆🏻‍♀️🩷🩷 i like 2 talk so do not worry. would u like some q's back.. a similar amount.. less.. more.. let me kneow. meow
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derelictlovefool · 2 years
Hello could you possibly do a faith seed x ftm reader who is hunting and runs into faith and he takes one look at her and becomes a stuttering mess
Fair and valid reaction to seeing Faith tbh <3 I went with pre-reaping for this because I had a cute idea for it, hope you enjoy!!
Warning(s): Buck hunting (nothing graphic)
Words:  2, 113
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Your rifle was heavy in your gloved hands, the mix of metal and polished wood glinting in the midday sun. You stared down the barrel through the sight, a buck grazing on the other end of it, completely unaware of the imminent danger to it. You take a deep breath, ready your finger over the trigger and clear your head. You'd been following the beautiful creature for a few miles and it was finally time to end the hunt.
And you would have, seconds away from pulling the trigger but stopping as the buck lifts its large head. Two dainty hands come into view and cradle the animals head and it's then you hear an angelic humming of a familiar tune. Some church song you'd heard coming from many of the local churches you passed by on occasion. You lower your rifle and quickly move your finger away from the trigger, you were not about to accidentally shoot anyone today.
And definitely not the woman you spot when you focus your eyes on her. Wow.
Hope County was full of attractive people, it was a simple fact, but none of the people you had the pleasure of speaking with were half as gorgeous as this woman. Her soft hair cascaded over her shoulders, a gentle gradient of brown to a honey blonde reminding you of syrup in a way. She was wearing a white lace dress that stopped at mid thigh and her legs were bare, her outfit matched with how she was handling the buck made her seem like some kind of disney princess.
The sun shining through the trees also happens to be bathing her in an angelic light, making the serene smile on her face all the more enchanting. As you get lost in admiring her you feel your rifle slip from your hands and you curse as it hits the forest floor with a loud thud. The buck startles and is quick to run, meanwhile the woman jumps and whips her head around in your direction. You freeze, arms frozen as they are stretched out, reaching for your traitorous weapon.
Her eyes lock with yours.
Damn, they're beautiful.
From this distance you can't tell if they're blue or green but they shimmer magically nonetheless, blinking at you owlishly as you stare back. You can feel a heat creeping up your neck and your heart begins thudding rebelliously in your chest. She smiles at the sight of you and you shut your mouth with a loud clack, only now realising it had been hanging open in awe. 
She waves a delicate hand in your direction and you shakily return a much clumsier wave, embarrassment over the sudden wave of shyness washing over you as you crouch down to pick up your rifle. A fleeting thought about going after the buck again crosses your mind but when you stand again you see the mystery woman now happily walking over to you. Or more so, skipping. 
You feel your entire body tense up, like you were a schoolboy being approached by your longtime crush. You could not remember a time a stranger had this effect on you, by doing literally nothing. You clear your throat in preparation for this oncoming social interaction, tossing your rifle over your shoulder at the last minute in attempts to be less threatening. As if you were all that threatening in the first place.
She didn't seem threatened or bothered at all by the fact you were very obviously about to shoot the buck she had been lovingly patting as if it were a house pet. If anything her smile just widens the closer she gets to you, like she was delighted to see you even though you were sure you'd never met. You would have remembered her.
"Happy hunting?" Her voice is as sweet as honey, the teasing tone dancing through it as she swings her arms behind her making you feel weak at the knees. It takes you a second to actually process what she said and you open your mouth, a string of uncertain noises escaping. The woman giggles and even though it is the cutest giggle you've ever heard you feel like flinging yourself into the Henbane.
"Y–yeah, it was, uhm, yes." Great job, nailed it. Suave as always.
"I hope I didn't ruin it." Her tone shifts into an apologetic one as she clasps her hands in front of her and steps closer. You catch the scent of a mix of flowers and chemicals, it's odd for a moment before it melts into something pleasant. Calming and familiar despite being unable to describe it. You shake your head, holding out one hand to shake the notion away.
"No, no, it's uh, fine—tons of–of uhm, other bucks around, anyway…" You clear your throat again, trying to straighten your posture and get your head working straight again. Although that became increasingly harder when she caught your lowering hand with both of hers.
Her hands are just smaller than yours, slender fingers wrapping around your palm and holding you with a gentle yet firm touch. You've had your fair share of touchy strangers but for some reason in this case you don't mind, you're only thankful for your gloves for the fact if you weren't wearing them you were sure your skin would be on fire right now. If her skin was as soft as it looked you would surely pass away on the spot from even a slight touch.
"I'm glad! My name is Faith by the way." You glance back up at her face as she leans closer. It's a beautiful name, it definitely fits the angelic aura she had surrounding her every move. You think about complimenting it out loud but the very thought has you choking on your tongue, only able to nod dumbly in response. Her smile turns playful as you don't say anything back, her head tilting down expectantly.
"Do you have a name? Or should I just call you the handsome hunter?"
Oh shit, right, your name. That was important. 
But also the way 'the handsome hunter' rolled off her tongue had butterflies swarming your stomach. You feel a bashful smile fight its way onto your face and you let out a nervous laugh as you glance down at your boots. You manage to mutter out your name, cursing the light stammer that was currently holding every word to ransom behind your teeth. You hadn't stuttered your way through a conversation like this in a long time, luckily Faith didn't seem to mind at all. If anything she seemed pleased by it.
"That's a lovely name, it suits you." She hums, unknowing of how her compliment made your head spin and heartbeat go even wilder. Normally you would have made a joke about how you picked it yourself but the genuine look in her eyes has successfully turned you to jelly.
"T–Thank y—Thanks." 
God you want to hide under a rock. At least long enough to get your tongue untied.
Faith giggles again, letting your hand fall from hers and moving to your side, her hand running down your rifle in a relaxed manner.
"Would you mind some company?" She pauses at the end of her question, circling behind you before tacking on your name to the end of her sentence, a gleeful smile directed up at you as she leans down and looks up at you. You had never met someone so carefree, she was like a fairy or a forest goddess or a— A questioning hum cuts off your train of thought and you find yourself nodding before you even put together a sentence.
"That would be, uhm, y–yeah you could–if you want—" 
"I would love to, thank you!" Faith saves you from your trailing catastrophe of an invitation and hooks her arm around your elbow. She tugs you forward and you nearly trip as you start walking, your nerves completely fried as you were now walking through the forest with the most beautiful woman you'd ever met. This was fine, you were fine. Your elbow was brushing against her ribs and her intoxicating body heat was soaking through your jacket and you were totally fine. 
"Do you hunt a lot?" Faith asks after a moment of walking in silence, her eyes trailing over the landscape ahead of you.
"Uhm, n–not really. It's kind of a, uh, once a—a year thing," You take your time to answer, trying to minimise the amount you stumbled over your words. Being so close to her wasn't helping, but you were doing your best here.
"Oh okay, so more like… A yearly tradition." Faith glances up at you with an excited sparkle in her eyes and you feel your heart stutter much like your words.
"S–something like that, yeah." You say, turning to look anywhere else, smiling gently as you try to get over how cute she was.
"It's good to have traditions, they make life more meaningful." She muses, making a wide motion with her free arm before letting it glide across a bush as you pass it.
"D–do you have any?" You ask, daring to look back at her as she looks up at the sky with a thoughtful hum.
"I used to… I suppose I should make some new ones, hm?" She smiles, voice going hushed as she leans in closer as if telling you a secret. You swallow thickly at the proximity and offer another nod, feeling yourself let out a breath as she leans away giggling happily.
"You're very cute, you know, I'm surprised we haven't met until now." Her words catch you off guard for a moment and you trip over a broken branch in your haze. Faith luckily catches you, palm flat on your sternum as she heaves you back up. She has a look of surprise on her face that quickly melts away into a blissful smile, gentle giggles erupting from her as you smile weakly.
"I—I uh, don't uhm. You know…" You sigh, frustrated by your lack of ability to explain yourself properly right now. You didn't want her to think you were an antisocial recluse, even if a part of that statement could have been true. You liked the peacefulness of the woods, the serenity of the mountains, the magic feeling of finding a new waterfall. You had friends but if you hung out it was at someone's house or somewhere in the woods, not the high populated areas of the County where you could have run into each other.
You were almost thankful you were meeting here, if your friends could see you right now you'd never hear the end of it.
"It's okay, it's a big County, it would be impossible to meet everyone—but i'm very glad we got to meet." Faith comes in to save you once again, hand patting the thick fabric of your jacket gently as she beams at you. You feel extremely lucky she doesn't mind filling in the gaps of your words, you only hope if there's a next time you can offer more of a conversation. You really would love to talk with her more, it had only been a few minutes but you were already intrigued by this shoeless woman acting out every little girl's snow white dreams in the woods.
"So am I." You smile gently and Faith traces her eyes over your face for a moment. You notice her bite her lip for a mere second before she glances over your shoulder and lifts her hand to point behind you.
"I think I found your next hunt." She whispers and you turn slowly to spot another buck a ways away in the trees. It's bigger than the one you were going after before and for a moment your nerves from being around this gorgeous woman vanish and are replaced with that familiar vigour you get when you spot a grand prize. 
"Holy shit." You whisper, turning and very carefully shrugging your rifle off of your shoulder.
"Hunts on?" Faith asks, an eagerness in her voice as she rests her hands on your shoulders. It was weird, how comfortable you felt having her touch you—like you had known each other for years and it was normal. You were used to hunting alone, less distraction. But something about Faith made you want her there and admittedly one part of your brain wanted to impress her. So you ready your rifle and give a firm, confident nod.
Maybe if you were lucky the act of hunting would give you the chance to put two words together without sounding like a broken radio.
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endless-sketching · 1 year
Wow I'm actually kinda mad this manga got axed
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Sozoshu Nano De Motto Yasashikute Kudasai! (Please be kinder, because I'm the creator) - Seto Ichiri
General premise is that it's an isekai with a game developer but set in a more down to earth realization. No fourthwall breaking, being able to pull up the command prompt kinda deal.
So you follow this gave developer that got isekaied as a kid, and to the dev's surprise the isekai world was a game they developed.
And I love that the dev knows a lot about the world's species and characters because they created them.
The story was setting up this really cool world, where it's a world the dev created but somethings seem to have changed in the past 10 years of that world. Like the strange preist the dev doesn't remember creating.
The preist is still to vague to talk about, so I'll briefly talk about the other characters. Mainly Risse.
She's a big ol' dork and an elf. And Toru, the dev (wow I took that long to mention the dev's name), delibarely criticized how elves are often depicted as that stereotypical beautiful type shtick and wanted to give the elves varied traits like face tattoos and different hairy ears.
When the story first introduced her, I thought she was going to be a tsundere from how she lost the game of straw to take Toru for a bath and how angry she was. And get this, no lewd bath scene. Austonishing I know, any manga or anime would've taken advantage of this and did 2 whole big panel fully body bath pages, but they just skipped it!
They were literally more focused about exploring the world than being lewd.
It's cheesy in the right aspects, but seeing how it's only 7 chapters could explain why.
The world's whole rune magic was so cool too, forbidden runes being OP because they're a miniboss reward. It's like really late as of when I'm writing this so I'm definitely doing a disservice for the really cool scene of Toru walking up to this guy that was wielding a dragon, only to recite the exact way to obtain a forbidden rune, actually taking it only for the guy to fell off the massive dragon and Toru catching him because they want to help the other species out. DID I EVEN MENTION HOW THE DEMI HUMANS HATE HUMANS BECAUSE OF A MASSIVE SPECIES WIPING WAR???
It all sounds really subpar for a fantasy isekai when I write them out all sloppily like this but you have to see this through the perspective of a person that made that world. A game dev visiting the world they created only to see it be changed in the times passing.
It is criminal that this manga only has 7 chapters. Thank you fan scanalators.
Dont think I'll ever do these kinds of blogs again tho. Just felt like writing about this manga I really like.
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Ohhh it's the bachelor party lol thaaat makes sense
Oh gosh o.o
Guys you look so bad xDD
Uhhh oh
She shouldn't have to be but xd
Anyway 🥰🥰
OPE call center o.o
LOL nope yeah not her xD
Go off guys <33
Also Hen looks so pretty
And MADDIEEE don't even get me started <333 beautiful :'))
Ohh goshh guys 😭 not okayyy :'))
"I have somewhere to be" SIRRR 😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh my gosh what the heck 😭😭 xd
And I thought no wedding (at least of what I watch or this universe) could be more dramatic than the Lone Star wedding xd
Though to be fair that's wedding week lol
Oh gosh xd
Wow lol
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode!! AAHHHHHH it was so good :'DDD.
OKAY HI it's me from the 2nd lol. The next episode is in two hours so I better hurry this up xD forgive me if I miss things lol.
Everybody was great this episode! I'm glad everything worked out in the end - or rather, the directly before end, because the end was kinda wild xD. Fun to have a preview at the end of the episode lol! Anyway, the calls were great this episode too :D. And the first one was so hilarious oh my gosh xD 💀. Poor guys lol.
Anyway! Onto the individual parts :).
Hen and Karen! I'm so happy they were able to get a kid :'D AAHHHH!!! I do feel awful for Mara though D:. Her whole story was super traumatic :((. I really appreciate Hen, Karen, and Denny being so supportive though <33. Even through midnight stalking and screaming, and getting hit in the head, they're all there for her. At the same time, I really appreciate that Hen and Karen remembered their duty to Denny. The reason they were genuinely considering asking for help/giving up Mara was Denny's safety, and I love that they were thinking about that <3. However, I'm still glad Maras sticking around :')). Also AAAHHHH Karen getting her to talk at the end :'D. I imagine it'll still be real slow going but it's a start <3. Also the video feed was such a sweet and understanding gesture :'). I love them all so much <33. Welcome to the family Mara :'D 🥰.
Bobby and Athena! We didn't see them much (iirc) but they were awesome :D. We love Bobby calling out Eddie too 👀. Needed to be said xD. Also him suggesting Eddie go to confession SLFJDKGS he is an icon <33. Anyway, I'm glad they're doing okay (and they looked beautiful at the end by the way, in the flash forward to the wedding), and they were amazing :D. Slaying as always. I love them <33.
Ravi! He is an icon as always <33. Sir has never known a thing going on ever and I love him for that :D. I also love him besides that lol. Anyway, loverly <33.
Maddie and Chimney!! Y'all I am so not ready for the next episode xdd. I live in fear lol. Still, they are of course adorable and they did of course slay <33. And Buck's coming out to Maddie :'DD!! I love that it was just a slip lol xD. Also, I'm glad we got to see the confusion and surprise because even though we love supportive reactions I need a little bit of that in my life too slfkdjhs lol. But, still, she was supportive :'D 🥰🥰. Also Maddie immediately asking for more information on the hot pilot :')) <3 she's so sweet, and iconic. I love her so much <33. And of course, I love Maddie and Chimney (and Chim individually lol) so much <333.
Eddie! My idiots <3 xD. Sir xD. He was really going through it this episode sdlfkdhjs, but just the "do I have to go home 👀?"s and such were so good xDD. Bro was going to GREAT LENGTHS to avoid his girlfriend lol. Anyway, the revelation that Marisol was a nun was wild o.o. It's not a bad thing, it was just definitely a surprise xD. I am glad it all worked out though :)). I understand where Eddie's coming from, but I'm glad he wants to keep their relationship going and just have some time with it :'). Also "was he not before?" "now it feels like he's got eyes on the ground" is still SO FUNNY SDLGKHDS XDD lol. Anyway, Marisol's emotions 🥺🥺. Again, I'm really glad Eddie reacted okay in the end, for her <33 she deserves it :). Also I'm glad they're moving back out (well she is, but yk moving in together moving out of living together slfjskd). They're not ready for that yet, and I'm glad they can admit it :). Anyway, I love them <3.
Buck and Tommy! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :'DDDD!!! Y'all they are so cute 😭😭😭❤️❤️🥺. I could talk about them for hours but I will limit myself xD. Okay, so first of all, I've barely watched that date scene (most of it) again because it gave me such bad second hand embarrassment xD. He's just a bit of an idiot your honor <33. Now, here's something I will say: I do think Tommy was telling the truth later when he said he didn't wanna pressure Buck. But I feel like that was part of the reason xD. It's perfectly okay if he was miffed! Or if he just didn't want to put himself back in the closet, or at least be pushed that far away by Buck's overreaction xD. He's allowed to have flaws (though that isn't even a flaw). Like I said, I think it was multiple things, but he's allowed to be annoyed lol. I do think he should've made it clear earlier, but hey xd. Once again, he ain't perfect. Poor Buck though :((. I understand why Tommy did it but Buck 😭💔❤️. Anyway, I'm so happy that Buck told Maddie first :'D. Even if it was an accident, which was hilarious xD. But he was pretty comfortable with it afterwards anyway, and I'm so happy for him :')).
Buck trying to help/listen to Eddie was wild xD. Mainly because the cause of Eddie going through it was wild, but eh lol. It was hilarious though XD. And then again at the end lol, Eddie's hiding at Buck's apartment. Buck seems even more carefree now, even while still being nervous about telling Eddie in that scene, and it's just so sweet :')). Anyway, the coming out scene. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH AUGAHH IT WAS JUST SO GOOD 😭😭😭🥺❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰!!! Once again, I LOVE that we got to see Eddie's shock but still his support :). And that most of his shock was about Tommy at first xD. Amazing lol. But seriously that "This doesn't change a thing between us" was everything Buck needed to hear :')). And AAAHHHHHHH "I can't stop thinking about him" STOPPP they're so cute 😭😭😭🥺🥰 :'D. And Eddie telling him to call Tommy :')). Plus we LOVE Buck turning that back on him lol. Friends helping friends with their relationship problems by needing the exact same advice 😌😌 xD. And. That HUG!!! YOUR HONOR THEY'RE SO ADORABLE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!!! It was perfect and I love them so much <33. And the last little "Call Tommy" :')).
And of course, we cannot forget the last scene (before the wedding preview). AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SIR YOU DON'T U N D E R S T A N D 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥺!!! HE INVITED HIM TO COFFEE AND HE TRIED TO GET HIS ORDER RIGHT AND TOLD HIM THAT HE'S NOT SURE BUT HE WANTS TO TRY WITH HIM AND AAAUAGHHHH-!! I love them so much <33. But seriously, Tommy is the sweetest and Buck is the most earnest person ever :')). This is just another example of him absolutely wearing his heart on his sleeve and putting it out there. Also Tommy's "Mmh, so not like that" was so funny oh my gosh xDDD. Anyway, I'm so glad Buck asked him to meet and he agreed :')). Buck saying he wasn't sure but that the something could be with Tommy is just the sweetest thing ever I 😭😭😭 my gosh <333. And then AAAHHHH INVITING HIM TO THE WEDDINGGGG :'DDD and Tommy's shock and Buck saying he'll already know half the people there lol xD. And then Tommy asking Buck if he's sure because he always checks with him and just auoagh :')). And the HAND HOLD!!!!!! Don't even talk to me <333. I love them so much <333.
Overall, I loved this episode so much!! It was SO good, and everyone did really great in general :'D. The ending was wild o.o but they also all look beautiful :'D. And even throughout all the drama (though let's be honest, I enjoy that too lol) I am SO excited for the next episode :DD!!! Anyway, the calls today were great, and really fit the episode (like with Hen's call with the dog). And the first one was just straight up hilarious xD. All the little details and expressions are amazing lol. Anyway, I'm glad everything worked out :)).
So yeah! I really enjoyed the episode, I thought it was amazing. So many cute moments! I'm so excited for the next episode! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 5: You Don't Know Me
It was so good!! I'm so excited for the next episode but also absolutely terrified. I'll be back next time with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 6: There Goes The Groom
See you then!
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