#theyre in the same year though ;0
lzrdprsn · 1 year
It's really weird when you know someone in a context different from how everybody else knows them so you look at them and you still kind of see that person they used to be
#this post is about the boy i dated my senior year who was so incredibly sweet tbh wouldnt be the person i am today if i hadnt met him#but he was so fucked up he had so many issues it was really hard so it didnt work out but i loved him and i think he loved me too#but hes in a moderately successful band now which i just found out about do i looked them up and theyre good#but its so weird because its like i know that when you were 17 you wanted to be an underwater welder#i helped you clean your room at your grandmas house because you were so sad you couldnt do it yourself#i ditched 5th period AP English to sit on the steps behind the auditorium and listen to you talk about whatever#you pushed me on the swings and we took the bus to the movie theater and you liked cherry wraps and you played me my favorite songs#i havent REALLY thought about that guy in years and we were only together MAYBE 6 months but its so weird what you remember about people#and especially how you remember how they made you feel because he made me feel so good like i was in control#all my previous relationships was me trying to desperately please someone who wouldnt do the same for me#and honestly a lot of my relationships since have been the same especially in college and with the one girl who honestly if she called me#today i would drop everything and go be with her again no questions because i cant get her out of my head#but stuff witj him was never ever like that it was so easy it was like breathing even though it ended messy i have 0 regrets#and its nice to know that things are going well for him because honestly he changed my life a little bit#the way i dont give a fuck now is something i learned from him#ill probably delete this later but you know
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waitineedaname · 9 months
shoes in FMA rated on how comfortable they'd be to fight in
Edward Elric
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considering Ed's uhhh very distinct taste in aesthetics, these could be a lot worse. they look relatively comfortable and don't seem like they'd be difficult to move around in. they are platforms though, which I imagine makes things more difficult. I'll be generous and give these a 7/10
Most of the Amestrian military
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pretty much everyone in uniform wears the same shoes, so I'm lumping them all together. these are Roy's, if that matters. they look fine. I imagine that because it is part of a military uniform, it's designed to be moved around in and worn for hours on end, so ideally they're relatively comfortable. it doesn't look like there's much traction, but they're usually fighting on flat surfaces so whatever. 8/10
Fu and Lan Fan
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these shoes fucking rule. the picture I've included is Lan Fan's, but they wear p much the same shoes. I fucking love these things. they have spikes. Edward Elric fucking wishes. considering this seems to be part of the bodyguard uniform, I'd imagine they're as easy to run around in as the military shoes, if not better since they're expected to be doing martial arts in them. but most importantly, they have spikes. 10/10, no notes.
Ling and Mei
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on the topic of doing martial arts, both Ling and Mei wear these.... I'm not sure what they are. flats? slippers? it's unclear. (EDIT: they are apparently Kung Fu shoes!) they seem relatively easy to move around in I guess since they're not very cumbersome and both Ling and Mei rely on being very nimble. they look like they have absolutely no support in the soles though, which is gonna get painful after a certain point. also depending on what fabric they're made of, they could definitely start chafing. I've worn flats. I know that hell. 7/10 for the potential blisters, but at least they're designed specifically for martial arts
Greedling and Bradley
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it's hard to get a good shot in this scene because neither of them stop moving, but I swear to god, they're fighting in dress shoes. I cannot stand them. this CANNOT be comfortable. I know Greed prioritizes aesthetics over function so this was probably a compromise between his and Ling's tastes but ohhh my god. he was probably wasting so much of the philosopher's stone just passively healing the million blisters on his feet from running around in these things. there's a chance Bradley is wearing the military uniform shoes but I think he was in more formal dress when he got blown the fuck up, so I don't think so. no wonder he complains about being sore, quit running around in dress shoes you fucking moron. 4/10.
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THESE FUCKING THIIIIIIIINGS. WHY ARE THEY POINTY AT THE END. WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE SOMEONE HIT HIS FOOT WITH A MALLET AND FLATTENED THEM. he's so dumb. I love him. looking at these things tells me he would probably wear goth cowboy boots if he could, and tbh that would probably look better. 3/10 for Greed's overall silly as hell fashion sense
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okay. the heels make sense considering her whole vibe. however. these are part of her fucking BODY. when she gets incinerated, they grow back. can she even take them off???? I'm scared to ask. I guess if theyre part of her body, she doesn't have to worry about adjusting to balancing in them like you would normally with heels, but oh my god. she can never wear normal shoes. I would also be murderous if I had to wear heels all the time. 4/10.
Father and Izumi
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guys. these are sandals. it has been four hundred years and Father is still wearing the same outfit he was wearing in the damn desert. find a new outfit man. Izumi is apparently wearing bathroom slippers (hence the WC) so idk why she's even wearing those out of the house. Father gets 0/10 and Izumi gets 1/10 because she still manages to kick everyone's asses while wearing these, so respect
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omegaversereloaded · 1 month
What happened to internet music is that now the internet has gone hella mainstream and people are more worried about making marketable music that can be use in tiktoks than to make genuine, earnest and unapologetic music that is truly special to them
I guess i wasnt aware of this because i dont listen to a ton of new music these days :0 im also not on tiktok so idk what's popular on there though i have seen songs i love blow up on youtube recently only to find out it's because theyre a tiktok sound? but god i fucking miss unwashed high as fuck grimes and weird fucking music that lonely little girls like me enjoyed. I miss when popular music had instruments like old r&b piano and i miss cheesy ass black dudes who would sing about buying their girl flowers man i kinda hate trap these days.
Im extremely tired as i ate cake for dinner and passed out watching fallout speedruns on youtube and i have a LOT of misic feelings i dont have the energy to elaborate on rn but i miss old internet music more than anything. Like it's still out there, i know i have soundcloud but man it's not the same.... shit feels kinda barren rn especially since it's harder for creatives to put their shit out there because of the internet becoming a corpo wasteland
ALSO not to sound like a lib but when a real FREAK is out here making music these days i feel like a bunch of 20 year olds dig thru their twt trying to cancel them for old ass shit...... they wont let em cook anymore it's over. Imagine if DMX got popular nowadays instead of decades ago 😭
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nintendont2502 · 5 months
cant find the original post but a while ago i impulsively decided to add all 32 sburb players (betas, alphas, alternians *and* beforans) to a random name generator and then randomly mix them up - characters kept their original first name and class, and took on the last name and aspect of whatever character they took the role of. this was just meant to be a funny 1am experiment so i could laugh at the cursed results
...yeah it has lore now. i cant stop thinking about it. help.
Beta Kids:
Gamz Egbert (Gamzee) - Bard of Breath. One of the most chill guys ever. Constantly zoned the hell out. Loves clowns :0) him and his dad bond over it. Hangs out with Kari a lot over vc, where it's basically just Kari talking at him uninterrupted (the kid needs it sometimes)
Kari Strider (Kankri) - Seer of Time. Gifted kid and he won't let you forget it. Permanently lives in a sweater vest even though he literally lives in Texas. Constantly annoyed by how childish and immature his older brother is. Lectures him a lot. Lectures his friends a lot. Has 'visions of his past lives' (aka occasional memories from his post-scratch/alternate timeline counterparts). Lectures his friends about how theyre real and valid whenever they make give him shit for it (which happens a lot). Dedicated pacifist - for now, anyway.
John Lalonde - Heir of Light. Golden child. Has an over-bearing mother that constantly pushes him into learning instruments/lanugages/skills, participating in competitions and events, winning award after award. Sure, he's... kinda sick of doing things all day every day, and he doesn't really want to do any of this, but... shouldn't he do it anyway? Even if just for his Mom? Hell, he can't really complain about it, right? He has such a good life! He goes horseback riding every sunday! Sure, it sucks that he doesn't have any free time that isn't controlled by his mother, but he can deal with it. It's fine.
(Things get even worse during the three year trip when Wuh Oh! Gender crisis time! Except he can’t be a girl because he was always meant to be his mom’s perfect son, and he’s already let her down once by letting her die, right? He can just… live with this. Its fine. It's not that bad. It's for her, after all.)
Roxy Harley - Rogue of Space. Grew up living on a small island somewhere in the Pacific that her grandfather 'won in a poker game' (aka probably scammed someone out of, knowing him) - or so he says, anyway. He also used to say he got Roxy the same way every time she asked where she came from! Haha very funny Roxy definitely loved hearing that and not a real response every time she asked where she came from and why she didn’t have any parents. That was great. Her grandfather died when she was fairly young, leaving her alone on the island with nothing left of him but the small inventions he left around the place to make life easier for her. She grows up learning how to maintain them, and although she tries becoming a great inventor like her grandfather, she just... doesn't have the skill. Hacking, on the other hand - shes great at that shit! She finally cracks her final goal - cracking into her grandfathers servers - just before her friend Gamz's 13th birthday, finding mostly boring shit - expenses, customer complaints, legal threats, budgets, etc. What's mildly more interesting to her, however, is the insane amount of money (if they lived on the mainland, they'd be fucking LOADED), and a .exe file for a really cool looking game, with a note from her grandfather congratulating her on finally getting in. And hey, would you look at that? Its multiplayer! And all her friends are free - even John, who through sheer coincidence found himself with a free weekend after his tutors came down with various mysterious illnesses and injuries. It's like the universe wants them to play the game or some shit! Haha wild
Alpha Kids:
Raph Crocker (Rufioh) - Rogue of Life. The living embodiment of all those business major memes. Dude is *dedicated* to the Crockercorp brand - he's determined that one day, he'll climb the ranks and become head of the company, and hopefully lead it just as well as his great-grandfather did. He unironically wears a suit everywhere, and seems committed to sounding like a 50 year old boardroom exec trapped in the body of a 16 year old - although it isn't hard to get him to crack. As much as he pretends he has no patience for his online friends and their constant stories of 'living on a remote island' or 'living in the post-apocalyptic future' (seriously guys, he isn't that gullible), he does genuinely care about them. Besides, when you're stuck in the house all day, there isn't much else to do.
Tuna Strider (Mituna) - Heir of Heart. Trans king. Exudes pure 'disney channel older brother' energy. Shithead (affectionate). Looks up to his Bro, a famous pacifist who resisted the Batterwitch's rule with a global peaceful protest... only to be killed the moment he became too much of a threat. Yyeah. Tuna has... some thoughts about how that should have gone down - most of them involving swords. Or guns. Or both. Maybe if his Bro had a sweet katana, the world wouldn't have been flooded! Although it's too late for his Bro, Tuna has decided to take up the fight in his stead by creating his own 'sick as fuck gun-sword' with whatever scrap metal he can find in the apartment (his Bro, for some reason, didn't think to leave him any useable weapons. cringe). He's got the sword part down great, but the gun... not so much.
Vris Lalonde (Vriska) - Thief of Void. The second half of the 't4t post apocalypse chaos squad', as Tuna calls them. Girl doxxes people for fun - what are they gonna do? Doxx her back? lmao good luck with that losers - closest youre gonna get is still 400 years off. Constantly daring her friends to do stupid shit and quote, 'stop being so fucking boringggg'. it usually works on tuna. sometimes on dave. she still hasnt gotten raph yet, but *one day*...
Dave English - Knight of Hope. smooth talking mile a minute inventor who *loves* trying to 'pitch' his latest invention to his friends. its become almost a game to them, where theyll take turns bidding increasingly ridiculous amounts for an umbrella that shoots seeds ('for easy planting in the rain yknow') or a beat-boxing robot ('i dont even need to explain this one just look at it man. cool as shit'). hell, even raph gets involved sometimes, usually turning it into a shark tank style negotiation. dave swears hes keeping a tally of how much everyone 'owes' him, and claims that one day hes settling that bill. his inventions are genuinely pretty impressive, especially considering his limited resources - being stuck alone on a remote island makes sourcing parts pretty hard. he probably wouldnt even need to jokingly scam his friends in order to jokingly sell his inventions - they jokingly sell themselves. he just thinks scamming people is fun.
Alternia Rapid Fire Round lets goo
Cronus Megido - Bard of Time. relentlessly flirts with anyone of a higher caste than him in the hopes that, if he can get into a quadrant with them, he'll have more protection than he would as just a solo rustblood. this strategy ultimately fails when he flirts with a particular Serket one too many times and gets killed for it. damn. oh well.
Sollux Nitram - so so tired of everyones shit. the only person that actually vaguely got along with Cronus (because he was the only person that Cronus didn't flirt with). just wants to play his pokemon in peace man stop dragging him into drama
Damara Captor - Witch of Doom. 'curses' people. seems weirdly unsurprised when those curses actually work. after cronus' death, a rumour went around that she was the one who caused it, and she absolutely wasnt denying that shit - now no one wants to fuck with her, and those that do? well, she still has her psiionics.
Meulin Vantas - Mage of Blood. Basically the only fucking thing holding this friendship group together. Despite all the complicated as shit relationships - the friendships, the exes, the mortal enemies, the attempted (and successful) murders - Meulin somehow manages to navigate the web of relationships and keep everyone relatively stable
Jaydee Leijon (Jade) - Witch of Heart. catgirl :33. Wishes she lived closer to everyone so she could see them 33: especially her moirail!! at least she still has her lusus to playfight with
Karkat Maryam - Knight of Space. basically a tboy vampire. Used to live in the caverns, but after he realised he was a dude, he began to feel uncomfortable with how oppressive and 'feminine' the caverns were. ran away. struggles with his identity - the contrast between the typical female jadeblood standards of being caring and nurturing, and the typical alternian female standards of being violent and aggressive, leave him stuck in the middle, unsure of what to do or who hes 'allowed' to be. swings wildly between being aggressive and letting himself care about his friends. he eventually figures out that gender stereotypes are bullshit and he can care abt his friends and still be a dude. hes still an asshole though <3
Eridan Pyrope - Prince of Mind. Incredibly committed to a strict moral code - which... no one can figure out. it seems to vary wildly depending on what suits him best at the specific moment. Used to roam Alternia looking for 'criminals' to 'improve' or, if that failed, 'bring to justice' with one Serket, but after an incident involving the loss of three eyes and one arm... they arent exactly on speaking terms.
Dyrrhk Serket (Dirk) - Prince of Light. i dont know how else to say it this mfer makes saw traps. he claims its to 'improve' people - by putting them through some specific trap, it... fixes a percieved issue? even if its an issue only he can see. and if they die in the trap? well, they should have just tried harder right. they probably deserved it. he isnt even doing this out of a desire to hurt people hes *genuinely* convinced that what hes doing is helping, and thinks that this is the best way to go about it. puts eridan through one one day, resulting in the loss of his vision, and after he (finally) figured out that 'huh maybe that wasnt a good idea', he... apologises. lmao just kidding that would be too reasonable - instead he mind controls one of his friends into putting *dyrrhk* into a trap of his own design, resulting in the loss of an eye and an arm. he seems genuinely convinced that this should make them even. everythings fine now, right? he scares me just on a conceptual level
Tavros Zahhak - Page of Void. hes basically a himbo im ngl. hes tall hes ripped hes clumsy and he cant help but draw attention to himself wherever he goes - attention he *hates*. moirails with jaydee. theyre cute <>
Latula Makara - Knight of Rage. clown... despite the usual purpleblood stereotypes, she doesnt really get angry all that often - most of the time, shes just vibing. but when she *does* get angry? its always for a reason. theres always a specific goal shes fulfilling through that anger (even if its just intimidating someone into doing something). i have the least thoughts about her but shes interesting
Jaiikk Ampora (Jake) - Page of Hope. Just a funny lil guy that likes playing pirates :) all the lowbloods he roleplays with definitely want to be there and don't feel coerced by being 'asked' by a literal violetblood :)) if people die during his 'games' well that sucks but he cant exacly stop playing because of a few small accidents right? ..yyeah. hes incredibly ignorant of his position in society and how that effects other people, even if (especially if) those consequences are deadly for others. after a certain point its just easier to not know whats going on than to face all the damage youve caused right. claims he loves the ocean and dreams of living in the depths. never goes into the ocean. hes a weird guy
Equius Peixes - Heir of Life. Future heir to the Alternian throne. Determined to lead Alternia into a new era of strength, no matter the methods to get there. moirails with Jaiikk (which absolutely doesnt help the whole 'Jaiikk accidentally pressuring lowbloods into doing things for him' thing. bro has scary dog privileges with the future emperor looming behind him at all times)
Even faster Beforus speed round because you cant legally make me think about them for more than five seconds
Porrim Megido - Maid of Time
Feferi Nitram - Witch of Breath
Rose Captor - Seer of Doom
Nepeta Vantas - Rogue of Blood
Kurloz Leijon - Prince of Heart
Aradia Maryam - Mage of Space
Aranea Pyrope - Sylph of Mind
Kanaya Serket - Sylph of Light
Jane Zahhak - Maid of Void
Meenah Makara - Thief of Rage
Terezi Ampora - Seer of Hope
Horuss Peixes - Page of Life
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lappel-du-vide83 · 3 months
Also getting back to the manhwas train I finally read debut or die which was?? Not at all like I was expecting?? But anyways, here are just my reactions (often kinda random) but I hope you read through and can figure out what's going on while finding it funny!
Also don't ask me which chapter it starts at because brother in arms I don't know either
[VTIC Cheongryeo sunbae-nim: Call me if you feel like dying ^^]
didn’t know where this dogsh*t idea came from. Does his pituitary produce saliva instead of hormones? It was fortunate that he was the type to be impressed by trivial interpersonal relationships.
- woah what went straight for the jugular
I never thought that the situation where I cried for the first time in nearly 7 years would be live in front of a camera with 13,000 people.
“You didn’t have a trashy attitude back then, Moondae. You just worked hard even though you were sick. Chungwoo hyung was worried too.”
- Oml
[We have to lose!]
- Bless cha Eugene's heart
Hey, that’s scary. I’m scared.’
- Behold the intelligence of mcs
The company’s internal network structure is derived from T1.’
- Have you considered a career in
- Forensic?
He also gave very American advice.
I cheered as I reviewed the ten-day seclusion plan.
- FR
- secluded for 10 days sounds like the DREAM
‘I am so f*cking uncomfortable with it, you bastard.’
- Leave the poor man alone 😭
-- Is this..?
Why don’t you try to commit suicide?”
-- He is now the kidnapper
--- Kidnappee turn kidnapper
Because I beat the sh*t out of him.”
- Amen
It’s okay. I won.”
The fact that I was injured enough to go to the hospital was funnier.
Arent you drinking too much
- ONG was not expecting this to actually be a problem
You look tired these days!”
-- Woah so his actual one is 8 dec??
-- That's awfully close
Self criticism should be done during spare time not when it's a nuisance
- I respect this man so much
like a brainless idiot
- - -
Woah wait so they're aiming for a Moondae is the the same person as bae sejin feel??
--- I am INVESTED in the mv lore
It doesn't matter if it was worse this time
- NO
--- NO
--- STOP
--- Daydream??
( how desparate he is)
- NO
- NO
rapid prayers in spanish
- the angst here is killing me
-- 18 DAY COMA
--- He's actually so sweet
"do you think I'm some kind of sociopath"
So the system is actively trying to help him??
--- Lights out :0
--- The secret door is so ominous
--- Horror arc
--- OMG MOONDAE GOING wtf do I do??
---- OMG
---- OMG
---- OMG
---- OMG
- No more abnormalities???
Ah the need to be in control of every situation
- So valid
anyways hope you had a laugh
And I really hope this fandom gets so much bigger than it is now :)
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squidslugs · 1 month
3, 5, 20, 25? for winston. smiles
i answered this once and tumblr killed it when i attempted to save as draft i hate it hereeeee
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
absolutely 0 exploration of her disappearance itself. shes never mentioned outside her task besides witch hunter and the directors. idk, i feel like this is a problem with toon npcs in general because theres no real story to the toontown taskline. no toons really have significant personality. in fact the only ones who do *dont even appear ingame*. idk
i hope the taskline overhaul fixes this, id like there to be more about winstons kidnapping and imprisonment besides just "there was a weird cog so we did something about that " and then its the most horrifying solitary confinement done on this guy for years and years. now we will never speak of it again.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
i have a whole dedicated winston playlist but lucky you one of songs off it is stuck in my head today
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
probably alton. i know im biased because i hc the tasklines as old friends but those 2 get along really well since theyre both very excited by the prospect of doing their awesome jobs For Ever
i cant say much though because i dont have alton autism. i DO have will autism though and let me tell you those 2 have no idea how to communicate like normal people. i love it
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
my first impression was she was kinda freaky lookin, but i liked how silly she was.
i made a stupid joke abt her the same night we fought them first
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but i kept thinking abt him over the next few days
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and well. then i never stopped.
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unorcadox · 1 month
omg i hope ur hair redyeing goes well!!! i will try & think of some questions for u ^_^
what color are you getting your hair dyed?? is it the same color as before?? have you had multiple different hair colors... which one's your favorite look??
do you like video games... if you dont then disregard these next questions LOL but if you DO: what's your fave console?? what's your fave (number one, top three, top five, any number u want) game(s) of all time??
do you like pineapple? do you like pizza?? do you like them together (pineapple on pizza)???
what's your favorite kind of tree?? what's your favorite season??? is your birthday in that season?? :0 (do you have a lucky number & is it your birth date...)
what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?? do you like cats or dogs better (or both or neither)??? what's your favorite kind of bird? favorite kind of shark? fave kind of bug? (feel free to skip any of these if you dont like them / dont have a fave !!)
what's your favorite movie (or top 3 / 5 / ect!!) of all time?? do you prefer live action or animated movies (or maybe you're not big on movies at all)??
pancakes or waffles? what's your fave topping for whichever one you picked??
what's your fave chip flavor?? do you like potato chips or tortilla chips better??
have you lived in multiple countries, or just the same one your whole life??
do you like candles or soaps or scented things like that... if you do what are your fave scents !!!
if / when you go to the mall, what are your favorite stores to go to??
do you like cucumbers? do you like pickles?
do you like soup?? if fresh(?) soup isn't an option, do you like canned soups, powdered soups, both or neither?
what's the weirdest ask youve ever gotten on here (doesnt have to be from this blog if u have multiple !!)??
pusheen or hello kitty? what's your fave shade of pink (or purple, or both!)??
what's your favorite holiday (any kind; could be something very very minor like ''straw hat day''(?) or any big ones !!
do you speak any other languages?? if you do, which ones?? if you don't, are there any want to learn one day??
do you sleep with socks on?? do you even Care about sleeping with socks on??? some people make it a very big deal (all in good fun ofc) but i never know what side to pick because i go either way fairly frequently </3
do you like making websites (either with html / css / js or with a website maker)?? what's a cool / fun website you like??
what was your fave song of 2013?? what was your LEAST fave song of 2013??
who's your favorite music artist (or your top 3 or 5 u get it)?? who's your fave solo artist? who's your fave band / group of artists?? what genre(s) do you listen to?? what song do a lot of people hate but you like? what song do a lot of people like but you hate??
what's your go-to karaoke song... if you don't like doing karaoke then i would like to hear your fave karaoke song to watch someone ELSE do at karaoke !!
whats your fave decade of music?? who are some of your fave artists from that decade?? what do you like about it???
if you watch foreign movies / shows, do you watch them subbed or dubbed? (or maybe it depends?)
what's something you're looking forward to (whenever !! could be tomorrow could be in a few years)??
feel free 2 skip this one if you dont wanna answer i just thought id ask!!! but how old are you?? are you a student? are you working?? (what are you studying / where are you working??) what color are your eyes??
who was the worst teacher / instructor you ever had (doesn't have to be in school)??
what's your fave pride flag aesthetically (as in, regardless of whether or not you're a part of that group, just what colors / designs do you like)?? what's your least fave?? (again aesthetically im not trying to start discourse i just like talking about graphic design LOL)
do you use any really out-of-date stuff for nostalgia reasons?? (i.e. i use microsoft word 2010 & windows movie maker 6.0 even though theyre objectively not that good for this(
what's your favorite youtube channel (or multiple)?? has that one always been your favorite??
i thiiiink you mentioned your age at some point (its probably literally in your bio but if i exit the ask box my dumbass phone is probably gonna crash tumblr and ill lose this whole ask LOL) but i feel like i remember thinking you were a similar age to me (im 18yo / born 2005) so this is assuming you grew up at least partially in the age of a ridiculous amount of kids mmos being popular... which was your favorite (if you played any)?? is it still up & running today??
minecraft or roblox (or neither, but both is not an option u gotta pick one or neither !!!)??
i think i could keep going forever but this was really long enough as-is LOL i hope that's okay with you!!! and of course feel free to skip any questions you dont want to answer !!!!!! hope u have an AWESOME day. hope you see a cool plant or a creature of some kind <3
putting these under a cut bc this is long enough as-is LMFAO
1. redyed black w blonde! never done anything that isn't those or my natural color lol
2. the dreamcast sweep. also splatoon, the beginner's guide, another game on this list, pokemon legends arceus, and bomb rush cyberfunk/jet set radio future
3. pineapple and pizza are good individually but i haven't tried them together, they sound good tho.
4. palm trees! fav season is winter, bday's in late summer. no lucky number tbh.
5. cinnamon ice cream. cats. blue jays. no idea on sharks but great whites are so silly cute :) gummy sharks actually LOL. preying mantis or bees (if they aren't in the same area as me.)
6. not big on movies tbh, but everything everywhere all at once. i prefer animation tho.
7. pancakes, haven't experimented much bc i don't have them much LOL i like classic maple syrup! i wanna try strawberry stuff tho.
8. tortilla chips for utility, but potato chips for like. the longevity of being able to eat a lot without getting bored. i'm actually a plain ruffles fan out of all things.
9. never been outside the US 🥴
10. sensory issues make that stuff hard but lavender is my traditional go-to.
11. torrid for clothes :)
12. cucumbers are ok. pickles are good but i'm afraid of having them again for some reason. autism sweep
13. soup is generally a no-go.
14. weirdest is defs the person who was fixated on the idea of paying someone to eat something vile?!?!?! got multiple about that.
15. hello kitty if i have to choose for the dreamcasts LOL they're so pretty. i really like blue-leaning purples and red-leaning pinks
16. halloween and christmas bc they're both so so good vibeswise
17. i took spanish for 4 years and was doing well with it but then i fell off tbh. i'd like to learn french but we'll see.
18. i have no opinion, i don't personally but i don't care as long as the floor is clean Or i don't have to share a bed with you LOL
19. i just mess around w carrd tbh i need to step up. i really like my mutuals' neocities but i don't wanna link them on an account this big unprompted LMFAO
20. using the top 100 end list bc im lazy. paramore's still into you is my favorite, cruise by fgl & nelly is my least fav.
21. don't wanna go too in depth here but generally lucy dacus is my answer for any single favorite artist. i'm primarily a pop/folk listener but i listen to a lot.
22. never been to or done karaoke but i'd pay to see someone do love on top by beyonce with all the key changes.
23. a take that will get me attacked, buat the 2020s so far have been stunningly good for me personally at least in music. indie music is absolutely insane and there's a lot of freedom with it rn it's so good. :)
24. i don't, but i'd watch subbed. personally i don't mind either, though.
25. tomorrow. no elaboration but thanks for giving me the perfect place to hide it in the middle of this LOL
26. i'm 25, failed student, about to start working (loooong story don't ask lol), brown eyes!
27. physics teacher who used me as a TA bc i already took the class but would punish me for studying for other classes.
28. aroace is stunning but i have no overlap LOL. bi flag unevenness makes me mad, not a huuuge fan of the trans flag colors (boo pastels.)
29. i use old ios icons for my phone on a custom launcher! i handmade some for other things.
30. youtubers... ro ramdin, alpharad (especially gold, shoutout everyone who watched every episode), prochara are my top 3!
31. born 1998 LOL but like... legally i have to say it was toontown even if i never played during its main playtime (i do have an unwritten account tho.) my husband has it as his special interest so i do have some affinity for it even if it makes me very annoyed at times LOL.
32. minecraft, roblox means nothing to me.
whew! thank you for the most ever wow. hope this is comprehensive LMAOOO
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isa-ah · 4 months
Like adore Tulin but what I loved about BOTW was we had two groups of champions: the ones from the past Link has to remember, and the unofficial new ones you have to bond with in this new Hyrule to get the job done ( Teba, Sidon, Riju, and Yunobo) and it was a neat way to present 2 storylines in a single go while letting the player learn about Hyrule at the same time Link is. We're both discovering and rebuilding but TOTK plowed over everything, making some new older "champions" that remains literally FACELESS because the onus is supposed to be on the people you connected with previously (and though I adored the wind temple, I hate that Teba got pushed to the side in favor of Tulin. He was a counterpart to Revali and we don't get to explore that enough as it is...)
teba is one of the parts of botw that really bothered me LOL all of the other champions have in depth memories and plotlines and characterization and arcs and then you get to tabantha and teba just goes ugh. fine. lets go. and then leaves as soon as you get up there and thats it! thats his whole plotline. he has next to no lines, characterization, or relevance beyond helping you breech vah medoh. and even MORESO in totk where he just goes hey go find tulin. and thats IT LOL
the ancient sages having 0 personality or relevance, especially when it comes to their individual awakening cutscenes, is SO confusing to me. why are they all reading the same script? why are all of the cutscenes identical? is there no culture or perspective you can offer? you experienced the battle the exact same way across the board? why even show them? they dont interact with zelda beyond being asked to put their bodies on the line. they have no narrative weight. they show up and die and thats.. it. why were they even there
but i honestly feel that way about the entire past segment of the plot. idk how into zeldatube you were in the years after breath of the wild, but the zonai got picked up as a topic a few years after botw came out and went through a huge burst of content and theories that went on so long it became an in-joke to mention them- or their characteristic swirls and architecture- and back around to being an earnest exploration of their vague presence in botw... to. that.
they were characterized first and foremost as an exploration of how ruins of a "mysterious tribe" would have worshipped the triforce. secondarily, if we are to believe the barbarians armor was zonai in origin, theyre identified as a "warlike tribe". thats what we have. their architecture is HEAVILY influenced by birds / dragons / boars for the triforce iconography, and they fought their way across hyrule (leaving ruins all over the place).
but in tears of the kingdom, what thorough line do they have? at all? their architecture is COMPLETELY different. they never once mention the triforce. they were seemingly an a-religious tribe that deified their ruler more than any goddesses or golden power. theyre shown to be puritanical largely passive figures, "inherently good."
its at complete odds with everything we knew about them. and its not ever broached. they dont talk about their culture at ALL. the snippets we get are erroneous. the youth partook in tests of courage. the temple of time exists. all of the zonai are dead or left. they can draconify with their stones of power. and thats... it. really.
there are the labyrinths- iirc they were headed by the lord of boars, dragons and? owls? and thats really it. they utilize the same uruborus statues and constructs, but seem like a completely different (and much more familiar) flavor than rauru or mineru. but.. to what end? (and why.. are the labyrinth rewards... meta callback armor???)
why even use the facade of building upon the zonai if youre not using anything established or establishing anything new LOL bizarre use of resources honestly
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mqole · 2 years
fuck it. xb3 polyboros relationship dynamics under the cut. im normal (lie)
Tdlr: yes theyre gay and sometimes kiss or whatever but its Deeper than that its abt the “what is romance” its about the queerplatonic “i love yous” its not romantic as in “will you go out with me” its romantic as in “you are my family”
noah & mio- the queerest m/f couple ever. what do u do when you dont know what romance is and your alternate selves have been in love across lifetimes and you have all those memories but you havent fucking TALKED because you dont know what youre DOING and you dont want the other to die (again) and
noah & eunie- childhood besties for real!! eunie forces noah to come out of his shell a lot (by force). in turn noah also anchors eunie to some degree. if an unstoppable force and immovable object were in love
noah & taion: funniest fucking concept. noah (self esteem issues) wants to be helpful to taion (genius) and taion is so socially inept that he doesnt realise how flustered noah is around him. everyone is pointing and laughing at these 99 int 0 wis bitches
noah & lanz: bros till the end bitch!!!! after joran and everything you KNOW they love each other so much. Combination of only having each other to depend on for so long and admiration for the other’s abilities they lack. They have seen each other at their worst and now they have each others backs forever. Finally someone noah can banter with
noah & sena: the fact that even though sena is jealous of noah they have so much in common. Sena not knowing how to be honest with herself? Noahs identity issues? They are so complicated together its unreal. I imagine once they get past the “you deserve this more than i do” stage of self flagellation they end up being really good for each other. The two most supportive bitches in the group? Power couple fr <3
mio & eunie: i think eunie is just real with mio in a way nobody else really is. witches be bitches!! and it definitely draws out a snarkier side in mio that otherwise rarely comes out. Like a kinder version of how she was before miyabi. Someone who can be honest and blunt without being miserable <3
mio & taion: god. These two. The fact that MIO is a defender but taion wants to protect her. That mio hates being fussed over her deadline but taion Knowing she is only doing that because of miyabi. That the only reason taion keeps going at the start is because mio inspires him. They cannot be more tragic and beautiful
mio & lanz: i was abt to say ‘team mums’ but riku and manana exist so. no but these guys so defined by being ‘defenders’. The mutual unspoken understanding that They need to be the ones in the line of fire so their family wont get hurt. the desperation of not wanting to lose anyone the same way they lost someone before. between joran and miyabi? so much trauma here. they learn to lean on each other too, i think, like keystones. theyre stronger together <3
mio & sena: motherfucker okay where do i start. Senas jealousy? Mio noticing, but not knowing how to help or what it means? MIYABI?? No but. Sena spends so long convincing herself that mio doesnt actually like her and theyre only friends through obligation. And mio doesnt know how to help sena bc sena keeps acting like theres no problem!! and they love each other and they dont want to hurt each other by acknowledging this festering rift in their friendship, when they’ve known each other so long and things were Fine, but now everything has changed and something’s gotta give. And it does
eunie & taion: ultimate enemies > frenemies > teammates > partners > taion and eunie. Literally im the most insane about these guys. because they start by hating each other their whole relationship is built on this foundation of mutual needling, which. Win. But then when it DOES give way into subtle vulnerability and kindness (THE FUCKING. TEA SCENE. THE TEA SCENE I SWEAR TO GOD!!) it stops being “i hate your guts” and starts being “you’re my fourth best friend” because they GET each other. Theyre complete opposites in theory, but they Know what its like to be vulnerable and afraid and when their partner is too panicked to tease them? THATS when it cracks and they say what they mean instead of veiling it behind a personal cipher. God i just. Them, fr. They love each other so much
eunie & lanz: i have not stopped thinking abt the bathtub cutscene theyre everything to me. eunie “one of the boys” and lanz “one of the girls” for REAL theyre on Such a wavelength. I feel like having to deal with noah every day for 8 years put them in a blood bond or something. Theyre by far the rowdiest of the party because they will just start shit. Bitches who have no impulse control and love things so violently and joyously
eunie & sena: i think for a while there was that stiltedness there that comes with sena wanting to put on a front to be more likeable. I mean. “Eunie love”? unlike mio and sena tho i reckon eunie is able to help sena work through all of it much easier, because shes Eunie shes The most blunt person youll meet! And sena knows that a eunie compliment is fuckin rare. Conversely i think its also an opportunity for eunie to be more vulnerable in a way she isnt really with anyone else, bc she cant just needle sena the same way she does everyone else. They have this really supportive dynamic where Yes they will still banter and tease each other. But at the heart of it is a lot of communication and vocal kindness that is unique to these two in particular.
taion & lanz: everyone saying the bickering is a coverup for all the kisses theyre doing is on the money. Taion and lanz have a really similar dynamic to taion and eunie, but without a lot of the tenderness. So instead what you get is this bickering and poking at each other like one big game of gay chicken. YES they love each other, but they cant just say that because then they’ll lose. They are competing completely arbitrary. Taion says he’s not but he’s lying. Not being at odds with each other just somehow feels wrong!!
taion & sena: half the game these two are just clinging to each other because of their mutual desire to keep mio safe, and yeah it unites them but it also corrupts them a bit. neither of them are able to pull the other back from that threshold of worrying too much. After about lambda/maktha, i think they start to learn how to enjoy each other’s company without that mutual distance. Theyre almost like a balm for each other? Having spent so much time Focusing and Worrying together when they actually learn to relax i think they just become. Comfortable around each other. Like a mothers group
lanz & sena: you cant do this to me. Im not normal about them. “noah and mio were the first to be friends” yeah and a lot of that was the off-seeing and the ouroboros. Lanz and sena hit it off RIGHT away on day 1 even without having those connections. They are Literally partners and to be honest. I think they were almost ride or die from the beginning. Lanz being a defender? Sena desperately wanting to keep mio alive? It cumulates in this mutual understanding that their purpose in the team is to protect. And this definitely goes to unhealthy lengths because thats another reason they hit it off- theyre both so passionate. Lanz’s anger is unchecked, a constant tornado, but sena’s is like a powder keg on cooldown until someone lights it. And together theyre fuckin explosive, and thats not always a good thing, especially if they both think of themselves as expendable compared to the rest of their teammates. But fundamentally there is an understanding there that im so insane about. These bitches have so many issues and i love them so much.
They all kiss btw
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becauseplot · 9 months
ok so i couldn't watch ordem paranormal quarentena live yesterday but im rotating it in my head at supersonic speeds. here have the reactions and notes i was taking while watching the VODs. i figured i'd just make it all one post since i'm super late to the party and i didn't rly feel like "lag"-blogging. (i am. so tired rn lmao)
Quackity will find a way to play the “asshole” character in every universe.
Luis: “My name is Luis Miguel….Kennedy :))” Cellbit, breaking character, pinching the bridge of his nose: “…Did you put ‘Kennedy’ in your name and you didn’t tell me?” (Honestly one of my favorite parts of the whole session HIS FACE)
Lucie IMMEDIATELY starting beef with the ten year old (good for her)
Wait did that doctor try to do a Schrödinger's cat demonstration with the cardboard box and poisoned tuna??? Aw that would've been so cool. I mean not for the cat but for me, personally. I would've found it cool. Man :(
Jeffery pulling a second box of pizza out of the aether to put over the smoke grenade. Loony toons ass motherfuckers.
Jeffery panic throwing the keys at Luis (Honestly same dude)
Holy FUCK the reveal of the blood covered corridor?? THE WAY CELLBIT INTRODUCED THE MONSTER?? Genuinely had me tensing up hooooo it was so good!! (Cellbit: “You can’t explain why…but you don’t want to look at what’s coming around the corner.” Me, with a hand over the screen: “Oh bestie you have no idea 😀”)
THE CHASE SEQUENCE RASHASHSHSRAAHAHHH <-me shaking it around in my mouth like a chew toy
Also all the sounds Cellbit makes? The acting of showing how the infecteds' bodies move?? He's so into it AUGHH he's such a good storyteller I'm going nuts.
Luis: “OMA CULERO BOOOOM!” *fucking decks the monster* (THIS PART HAD ME ROLLING OH MY GOD ROIER)
Baghera’s playstyle!! She always tries to go for the non obvious answer or a third option instead of whatever Cellbit throws at them. (Checking the metal pannel with the wires, trying to put out the boiler fire, going to check Luis’ wounds.) I bet it has something to do with the fact that she’s played rpg before, and MAN I love it.
Cellbit: “You reach behind you and you realize you don’t have your backpack.” Diego: “No, no, mi vida!!… Ohhh we’re all gonna die 0(-(“
Cellbit: “So Jeffery what’re you doing?” Jeffery: “Houghhhggh I’m throwin up, man.”
Benito isn’t an actual doctor?? The fuck lmao???
Benito: *cuts off Michael’s arm* “Ohhhhh you fucking dumbass I’m gonna keep this as a memory.” BENITO???????
Jeffery constantly throwing things at the wall when he’s upset fhdjkdkd 
Ohhhhhhh the killing the animal who's suffering question. Luis with the gun. And the suffering doctor.. And he said he'd end the animal's suffering. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Update: Benito also has beef with the same ten year old
They are playing hot potato with an infected fetus. They threw it at the little girl. Loony toons ass motherfuckers. (Again.)
These dumbasses are SO awful with kids lmao
Lucie the MVP LETSGO she's so smart I love her (a fucking twenty NINE dude holy SHIT she is carrying she is the moment she has the only functioning braincell in this entire facility)
Character development ! Benito is willing to throw his phone :D (he doesn't though)
Luis I love you but I think you killed Lucie. A for effort though.
NEVERMIND Diego is the best he's helping Lucie I love him smmm
Wait what the fuck happened to Amy is she just like. Still sitting there. In the energy room. Crying. Oh my god they're so bad with kids.
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webginz · 3 months
trying to figure out headcanon "human" ages for aizen, kaname, and gin. but the 10(0) year time skip is fucking me up. my guess is that once they stop growing (so at about 18?) they start aging slower, so it mightve been 10 years for gin and maybe kaname, but aizen was aging slower than them?
because without that.... if aizen was 18 in the flashback (being generous bc i dont think he was that young) and 10(0) years passed he would be 28 when ichigo went to save rukia. that seems like a somewhat reasonable age but theres no way he was 18 in the flashback. he couldnt have been a teenager.
i think kaname was 17-19 though. aizen maybe 20-22??? gin was a kid... less than 15 (because look at how the main gang is drawn when theyre 15) so 12 or 13? which would put him at 22 or 23 in ss arc... which is perfect imo.
its just kaname and aizens ages throwing me for a loop. theres no way kaname would be 29. he seems 25ish. like still young enough to make "rookie" type mistakes but old enough to be regarded as not young anymore. with aizen thatd make him 32.... maybe that works???
but ages work weird in bleach anyways bc how old were renji, rukia, momo, and kira in school? or how is a shinigami child and a human child born at similar times around the same age?
i think the 150years old = 15years old was just a silly throwaway line im taking too seriously... and 100 years does not equal 10 years exactly... BUT WITH GIN IT WORKS!!! sigh....
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genlossneg · 11 months
ok. i didnt mind genloss, it was ranboos first massive project, theyre only 19 and a streamer, ok. but oh my god would it kill to take an improv class. the first 2 episodes felt like an snl skit. especially when it was branded as original and then was just some sort of frankenstein of different horror tropes from ranboos favourite horror media, that just reminded me of snl stealing joel havers skit lmao.
there were so much issues with it and i feel like i wouldnt mind as much if it was branded as a horror comedy a few months before the show, not 3 days before the show. a few months before and the weeks leading up to may 24th, it was branded as "you arent ready for this. this is groundbreaking, nothing will ever be the same after this show. this is serious." etc and then i think it was like 3 days before may 24th there was that fucking showfall media psa that just felt like ranboo saying "oh btw its a comedy" without warning it caught me so off gaurd lmao.
then he streamed after that sfm psa released and, if i remember right, people were asking about it being a horror comedy in chat and ranboo was like "well yeah obviously did u think id make a project 100% serious? no lol" (dont quote me on that though its been a while) now theyre saying gen 0 and gen 2 are going to be completely horror now, but i dont think thats true bc they also said gen 1 was mostly horror and none of it is
speaking of, the advertising was just lies lol. the whole "little to no filler :D" thing. it wasnt like ranboo didnt expect the improv to last that long bc the expected runtimes (from their tumblr post on may 23rd i think) were sometimes longer than the actual ones. 1st ep was meant to be 1-2 hours, it was 1 and a half, so that much filler and standing around going "what the hell man" was PLANNED. they just lied about no filler to make people excited. just be funny and i wont mind the filler. i like sneegs humour in his streams but here he was just bickering with ranboo. same with ranboo to charlie, charlie was the only one making actual jokes so when ranboo and sneeg were alone it was just "wait so why didnt you just-" "well idk i thought u woul-" "well why would i-" and when i tell you it drained my soul.
ive been a massive ranboo fan for about a year (im recovering dw), and after the game theory episode i got really hyperfixated on genloss (up until the sfm keynote thing i think). i was hyped for it back when T_1 was the only thing released for genloss, and followed it all the way up to the streams. i watched them live and my face was just like 😐 I WAS SO DISSAPPOINTED LMAOOO
the box being 18k pissed me off so much bc an experienced filmmaker/writer/director could make something so much better than genloss with just that 18k. i aspire to make my own live action thing one day, and like, hearing them go "oh yeah the box was 18k and jermas face prosthetics were 10k teehee🤪🤪" was just. AAAAA. and the thing is, like the prosthetics were funny, but spending TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS as a BIT from jerma going "what if i took off the mask and it just doesnt look like me lol" then framing urself as jesus christ and a victim. i am so mad.
idk how to feel about ranboo anymore, i used to watch like every 2nd stream for a while but then the whole "GUYS BUY MY MERCH also racism bad MERCH!!!!! BUY!!!!" thing made me rethink lol. the racist and misogynistic undertones in genloss made me so uncomfy, and while im not poc so i cant speak on that, i have enough sense to know that having the only poc in the entire show play evil rats is so tone deaf.
and niki!! i was worried when the teasers were coming out bc every single person shown in it was a white guy (and a white enby), so i was kind of happier when niki showed up, but then she died within the hour to "commentate on misogyny in media". ranboo thought that he was commentating on misogyny by contributing to it. did they think this through at all. i would have LOVED if they did something special with niki and something powerful, but all that happened was she showed up, cried, then died and now ranboo fans are going "ranboo was so real for this!!!". ik niki had control over her characters writing but im sure ranboo was the one who decided when certain characters died and stuff.
also i hate to say this but the mask flashing to signify if he was in control or not was EXACTLY like a thing in the undertale fanfic (sfw im not weird) i wrote when i was 12 💀💀the characters eyes would flash when they were under control bc edgy. it was so weird watching genloss with that in the back of my mind 💀💀💀💀
in conlusion, genloss had so many flaws and so much easy fixes that it just feels so sososososososo rushed. another year in the oven wouldve been ok i think.
woah this is long im so sorry i do not think only type oops
- the i feel like i should label what kind of anon i am lmao anon
sorry before i get to anything else the undertale bit caught me so off guard omg.
it wasnt like ranboo didnt expect the improv to last that long bc the expected runtimes (from their tumblr post on may 23rd i think) were sometimes longer than the actual ones. 1st ep was meant to be 1-2 hours, it was 1 and a half, so that much filler and standing around going "what the hell man" was PLANNED.
this!! the way the second stream just.. dragged was so rough.
the poc/women diversity discussion is something we had on the blog a bit ago as im sure you've seen so i don't have a ton to add but. yeah there were certainly choices that got made there.
very much enjoying all the essays getting dropped in here (even if i feel like my responses are weak sometimes lmao)
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gimblegamble · 5 months
Ty gim for being one of my favourite Mumbo shippers and Mumbo fans ever. So happy to found u way back when u first started posting storage wars and so happy to see u wlhenevrr u pop up :)
Ur so right literally frfr /pos
Particularly big fan of ur Grumbo n ZIMT takes Grumbo forever has my heart but I see sooo little content for any combination of Mumbo x ZIT that it’s so precious t me!!!!!! I also like ur other Mumbo ships too ofc they’re so!!!!!!!
Uh ig for an ask, do u think ZIT each caught feelings for Mumbo at a diff time or the same time, and how did they react lol?
Bonus points if Mumbo has 0 clue y theyr all being extra affectionate/ flirty/ flustered around him part 3 by the way- /lh
- 🌱 Anon
Oh wow, been a long while eh? Almost four years! I'm honestly surprised my obsession with the man lasted this long lmao, also surprised anyone still remembers storage wars which got us into this whole mess in the first place >.<
Thank you for indulging me in my Mumbo-centric ways, i swear that man deserves more but as far as I've seen he's always just relegated to a love interest or a side character 😔. Been trying to remedy that but I'm also the slowest writer to ever grace this earth so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Grumbo will always be number 1 in my heart, which might surprise some people lmao but ships like ZIMT and the rarepair ones are so fun to think about.
Oh answering the ZIMT prompt under the cut because it got pretty long
Now, regarding the ZIT crew they definitely fell at different times and at different speeds. We're going by the time each of them joined and we all know that Mumbo has had a hand in summoning both Tango and Impulse to the server which got Zed into it in the end.
Tango's summoning was a bit like summoning tech support. Quick and business-like, a little bit impersonal but hey, you don't really get a chance to build rapport with every technician you meet. But then Tango was invited back and it helps that they were already on the right foot.
Tango only started to fall around the civil war. They've been chatting and meeting every now and then, usually about the newest iron farm designs but they really got to talking when Mumbo came back from his short stint as a mole.
Impulse's summoning, however, was a lot more personal, and some would say that it all started since then. Freshly summoned but his eyes were already glued to that quiet, suit wearing redstoner whose name he didn't know despite having a tiny piece of the man's soul resting comfortably with his (and vice versa but that's the perils of the type of summoning they did, Tango and Xisuma's been affected as well)
He was pretty unperturbed about the whole thing though, because he's Impulse, the kind of guy with the patience to rebuild his whole base a block higher just because he didn't like the look of it. (Just... no sudden movements following grand discoveries though, that's enough to destabilize Impulse's finely crafted nonchalance)
And funnily enough, I've written the exact moment Mumbo caught Zedaph's eye. Four years ago as well ^^
Thank you thank you thank you for still waiting on Cinnamon challenge even after all these years, you have no idea how happy this makes me.
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im sorry i keep just jumping in here with songs and like 0 explanation for them at all but im on a bit of a self titled spiral rn and like
"still remember a year ago / the times we spent / i think that i'm happier now" bert mccracken has got to stop writing songs that just Work shrjdbdubdjxc
literally though it works too fukcing well bert i am fukcing ON TO YOU i know youre a closet killjoys fan its okay man i support you <3
ANYWAYS THIS FUCKING LINE TOO ALL THE SHIT LIKE "It's strange cause I feel the same way"- SELF EXPLANATORY TBH." I"TS STRANGE THAT I FEEL THIS WAY WITH YOU BECAUSE THE ONLY TIME IVE EVER FELT THIS AT HOME WAS WITH THE PERSON I LOST AND- OH." "its strange that i feel the same way because the only time ever ever felt this comfortable with someone- this at home- was with the person that i lost and- OH."
like its literally about them realizing how they make each other feel and WHY they make each other feel that way and reminiscing about all the time they spent together before and before and maybe the "makes me ill" part comes into play bc theyre both Stupid and they think the other kept leaving them on purpose or some shit BUT ITS LITERALLY ABOUT THEM HE WROTE THE SONG ABT THEM IM FUCKING ON TO YOU MCCRACKEN I SEE THROUGH YOUR SHIT
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izartn · 7 months
I ended the CFC extras this morning (finished the main plot yesterday at unholy hours of the night) and I started writing a post and like. I don't have any idea of wta to talk about first so I will post first my main impressions very quickly.
1. Confirmed; this is my less favorite by Meatbun. Still better than other danmei I've read, in terms of enjoyment and even writing, and honestly I have no problems with the pairing, but by the end I was having to draw my attention back, unlike Yuwu or Erha.
2. I didn't care about the plot despite having interesting and well thought elements; I was annoyed that they keep interrupting my HeXiw time, instead of suffering the angst of it gladly like when the plot is well written.
Related to the above-> 3. I would have loved a book about HeXie without an overarching plot, just about them dealing being a mess, their even messier relationship and their illness. Posts incoming about the development of their charas and then as a couple bc woah. I really like them.
4. CFC is the book of Meatbun where I cared less about the secondaries and the antagonists adding to me being meh about the arch plot. Unlike Erha or specially Yuwu where strangely for me (I usually only care on second or third reads if there's anything to care about), I read attentively and enjoyed the drama of the secondaries, here they felt very window dressing.
4.5 Given that Qingcheng had become basically an human robot by the start, someone impossible to truly connect with and He Yu only cares about XQC and other people incidentally as they relate to his gege.... Makes sense that secondary charas aren't as drawn bc these mains are so self absorbed; in fact the ones I connected best were XQC fam, bc he cares, and even then it was harder.
5. I can't take the sex too seriously, sorry not sorry those mad about it. I enjoyed how it was used as a vehicle to show the state of their relationship bc HeXie won't talk about their feelings or explain anything to each other unless theyre about to die. So like. It has a very clear function on the story and it's also too clearly fantastically porny. Meatbun is clearly enjoying herself so It is what it is. And HeXie are deranged about each other. Nothing new, that. I will comment mor eon those incoming posts.
6. The search of home, and that what keeps one living are the people who love you and the way the lack of this affects so so clearly the characterization of both HY and XQC??? Perfect, super sad and poignant. Typical Meatbun theme, but driven home even harder bc of the way the mental illness aspect, however fantastical, is presented making it a issue to deal with for the rest of HeXie lives. This stuff is why I wanted the story to be even more about them and not Duan Wen and DCZ.
7. XQC wants someone to fully dedicate himself to, bc he has 0 self (although he's learning by end of canon) (that's why he loves kids btw), and HY gives him that lifelong project bc HY will need him the rest of their lives. HY being on suicide watch those two years XQC was recovering and they were investigating HY cure left that very clear. That XQC was going to go the same way via willfully neglect of himself until his sister had his niece and even then was a husk of himself... Two way street. Codepent messes (affectionate and worried) that they both are.
8. He Yu whole everything could have leaned so much more into the Gothic, he had all the elements. Xie Qingcheng too. Meatbun!!!!!! The moment the narration took itself serious were chef kiss for that mood. But if the book were that way all the time I guess it'd be super depressing to read about these two, and anyways I laughed a lot so. /conflicted
9. Finally: Meatbun really wants magic to play with. I'm sorry but it was kinda funny how all the so called low scifi was at the same time trying to be low key and so fantastical in it's effects. The brain transplants, the seruns, the mind control... The Mandela island illusion cover was really well thought though. I really liked that one. And the holograms. She really could have just gone with a low key urban fantasy setting though, she was itching to go there for her plot points.
That's all for now. Expect incoming posts bc yeah, it's rotating in my brain.
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wegonbealright-09 · 7 months
https://x.com/fjimindata/status/1724548947698688502?s=46 see now im REALLY pissed off
first of all, it makes sense that they wouldn’t get certifications for the much older songs that they’re not interested in promoting, i get that part. but when you have it all laid out like this its just obvious that there’s no excuse and they didn’t have any interest in acknowledging him.
the 7 certification came just in time to push his album release and the grammy push and yet, that flopped.
jimin is the ONLY member to have literally every main solo song (Lie, Serendipity, Filter, and now Like Crazy) to qualify. It’s established that he sells in the US and each of his songs is great in both quality and overall appeal. so why not make more of an investment in him.
there’s at least three possible scenarios i can think of:
1- this is all part of the plan
sometimes, the cynic in me wonders if they forced him into an underdog role bc that’s the brand they felt would sell for him. the members themselves have spoken about the concepts they were given pre-debut. i remember jin talking about how he was meant to be a cold serious type of guy but eventually that just didn’t work for him and he became the handsome and confident but goofy one. we can assume it was the same way for others.
at first, jimin was the “ladykiller” type with the ab flashing antics and then he became the sweet, kind, charismatic but “self-conscious” guy most of us became extremely attached to. he already had the “hard-work genius” title (🥴) that has been pushed for ages so it would make sense for the underdog-that-thrives-against-all-odds narrative to be the next step.
bc jimin has always performed strongly in the us they knew he wouldn’t flop no matter what and fans would feel incentivized by the “mistreatment” narrative so they would work even harder for him.
much like with bts, there was always a social-justice-oriented motivator for how hard armys worked since BTS had been treated like shit by racist/xenophobic/homophobic/elitist people in both the domestic and Western industries. meanwhile, the only real competition bts ever had was a group of attractive but averagely talented individuals who got all their material, promotions, and mediaplay handed to them on a silver platter. this only motivated armys that much more to work hard for the ones that actually do the work and “deserve” it.
does that sound similar to a certain someone? do you see where i’m going with this?
i could write an entire essay on the parallels i see here but i’ll leave it there for now.
2- the company really only cares about jk
another scenario is the worst case scenario pjms have been talking about all year. the company has a one-track mind of who they’re trying to push and they know the other members will follow even if theyre mistreated by the company bc they simply won’t do that well elsewhere or by themselves.
3- for some reason, they see Jimin as a liability so = not worth investment
something we don’t often talk about (because we don’t know much about it) is the topic of sponsors. jimin must have some but we don’t really have a clue as to who they are. for th (and probably jk) it’s obvious that that paradise hotel group family sponsors him. i don’t doubt that’s one of the reasons why he made such a big deal over those dating rumors. dating the daughter of the people funding your career sounds a tad bit icky if you ask me. now we now it was also bc he was actually dating a friend of the daughter’s (who also appears to be sponsored by them 😶) but i digress.
***this next part is purely gossip based on my observations and is 0% grounded on any legitimate information. ***
i suspect that jimin had pretty big sponsors circa 2019 while jk didn’t and now it is the opposite. when the whole paris clubbing scandal dropped even though the videos were everywhere on stan twt barely any korean media picked up on it. on the other hand, when the jk scandal triad happened (tattoo girl, car accident, and mid-covid itaewon outing) that shit was everywhere and he got dogged on real bad by knetz. it’s possible that jimin just got lucky that it coincided with jk’s scandals and got off scot-free (outside of stan twitter). in contrast, when jimin had the whole insurance payment evasion/stolen mail debacle that got covered extensively in k-circles even if stan twt didn’t gaf about it. now we know after face era was jimin was struggling around that time which inspired his songs and then he decided to “get his head straight on”. since that time period, which was the first half of 2022, he’s almost become ultra conservative with his image. i suspect the company took the blame for the insurance thing even though it was on him and that that was his wake-up call that he wasn’t doing well mentally.
if jimin, like the rest of hyung line, doesn’t have sponsors that are that influential anymore then maybe more of the brunt of funding his solo debut relied on the company and they decided to be conservative about it in case it was a risk at any point.
Is a very different approach to the situation I've never heard anyone analysing the situation like that it is very different and baby armies and them stupid ass ot7s would eat that one up.
But I think we all agree it's two. I'm trying my best not to post about Hybe because the festive season is here and I don't want nothing and nobody to ruin my spirit.
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