#theyre opposites in all the funniest ways
crypt1dcorv1dae · 1 year
I love the idea that Raven speaks in this flowery, dramatic, Shakespearean dialect while Gar talks like he's from Brooklyn.
raven has this almost ARCHAIC dialect from growing up in... a magical pocket dimension
meanwhile gar is just like. *insert any City Boy dialect* brooklyn is a GREAT EXAMPLE LIKE. idk if we know exactly which city he lived in before joining the DP, but he definitely HAS THE ACCENT..
actually i feel like he would be someone who picks up accents REALLY EASILY, not necessarily in a bad way, it certainly helps when hes speaking other languages!
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kings-highway · 7 months
haikyuu ships but its things about their relationships or moments that I think would surprise their friends/teammates
starting off with my boys Daisuga: honestly definitely the rest of the team forgets that they haven't been together forever, and are never expecting when either of them are acting like, well, teenagers in a relationship. Specifically in regards to being shy in front of each other or wanting to impress each other, the rest of the team always is surprised by it because in their mind, like, why are you feeling insecure in this relationship I thought you've been dating for 2 years and Suga is just like "try 3 months BITCH now I need you to find out what his favourite kind of chocolate is I'll pay you real money if he doesnt realize why you're asking."
right along to Kagehina and honestly, literally even just realizing they have a normal relationship. I think everyone absolutely understands how they got together, but I imagine the first time ANYONE sees them out in public together they ALL have a moment thats like "oh shit they like... are actually dating" and every time Kagehina is just like... on a lunch date, or going shopping, walking a dog, just chatting. Like people are surprised that they genuinely spend time together outside of sports. The first time Kageyama goes with Hinata as his date to a family wedding the entire family is flabberghasted bc they definitely thought this was an on-court obsession only
Iwaoi is really simple, literally just people realizing that Iwaizumi has genuine romantic affection towards him is the funniest thing to me. There's a week where Iwaoi is worried bc Iwa had to go to school with a hickey on his neck but literally NOBODY bats an eye or even mentions it because "yeah Oikawa obviously-" but when theyre changing for practice and they see that Oikawa has a hickey on his neck the entire team goes feral and practically tackles Iwaizumi like "you committed to kissing him for that long?????? YOU?????" like they cannot comprehend Iwaizumi actively participating. (obviously this is also the only time they every see Iwazumi embarassed enough to visibly blush which only compounds things.)
Bokuaka's is so stupid but honestly - the first moment the team realizes that Akaashi is, like, attracted to Bokuto and isnt just his best friend that got carried away. Konoha catches Akaashi checking out Bokuto's ass as he's leaving the changing room and it legitimately ruins Konoha's day. What is he supposed to do with this information.
To be completely fair, Ushiten as a concept probably absolutely baffles the entire Shiratorizawa team for multiple reasons. I think though the obvious one is that the rest of the team cannot understand how little Ushijima is bothered by any of Tendou's antics, where Tendou is VRRY touchy and goofy and lots of PDA and affection and Ushijima is completely receptive and unbothered by it, if not going out of his way to intentionally make Tendou laugh to invite him to more. Like Tendou absolutely would sit on his lap during lunch and Reon would be sitting there losing his mind bc last time he sat too close to Ushijima he got a lecture on personal space. Oh, but now suddenly he's super chill and relaxed and nothing bothers him its tendou doing it.
Asanoya's is a little sad tbh but I think, specifically the second and first years, would be surprised by how serious Noya is about the relationship and how little he tolerates jokes about them being opposites/a surprising pair or any of that. Like theyre shocked to find out how seriously he's taking being a boyfriend and really trying to make sure Asahi is happy. The idea that it isnt superficial or just for fun for him is surprising to them.
Arankita - in a comedy of errors Atsumu accidentally finds out they they are ~no longer virgins~ and legitimately has to leave practice for 20 minutes. There's a piece of him, and the rest of the team, that had 100% believed Kita was a robot and they just.... the idea that this was something that happened organically and not for "procreation" doesnt fit in their worldview. Kita smacks the next person who brings it up and that ends the conversation.
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cambriancutie · 2 months
the cambriancutie splatoon oc post(2024)
mainly agents and those related. im always open to asks about them <3
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guava (he/him, 28)
captain of the new-new squidbeak splatoon. everyone loves him. probably the most 'normal' out of everyone. he's trying to keep his life as mundanely as possible but things just keep happening to him. sad! lives with leander (4) and humphrey (8)
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leander (he/him, 30)
leander is agent 4, nowadays he's pretty much retired as he's never given stuff to do. he suffered a pretty nasty injury during the events of splatoon 2, but now he's recovered and back in business!! really friendly to everyone he meets, to the point were it gets overbearing. lives with and married to guava (captain)
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humphrey (they/them + whatevers funniest, 18)
the youngest agent, and also agent 8. humphrey is a bit emotionally stunted after the events of octo expansioon, but they're trying their best. has gained an attachment to guava (captain) in a bit of an obsessive way. generally unfamiliar with the world around them, and faked amnesia so they didn't have to face their past. lives with guava (captain)
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lychee (they/she, 20)
newest member of the new-new squidbeak splatoon. extremely impressed by the captain and always following his orders (although he doesnt give out many). a little gullible as she's not used to people lying to her. gained human teeth after being exposed to the fuzzy ooze for far too long, but the other agents seem to be fine..? adoptive parent to smallfry and lives alone with him.
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dominique (he/him +occasional she/her, 24)
honorary agent 4. not an official agent, but helped a lot during the events of splatoon 2. a close friend of leander, but a bit of an enigma to everyone else. training at ammo knights and hopes to open his own weapons shop someday. the glasses arent prescription, but he wears them everywhere anyway. despite his unique appearance he's lived in inkopolis all his life
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russet (she/her, ??)
everyones favorite green octopus!! her origins are a bit dubious. she's lived down in kamabo for as long as she can remember, but has only really started 'living' recently. her body is slowly collapsing on itself but she doesn't seem to notice. her memory is extremely shoddy and she will forget simple things - but luckily she tends to keep everything documented. extremely close with humphrey (8), to the point you'd think they're related.
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kaori (she/her, mid 20s?)
a physical manifestation of russet's younger self, created in the memverse but also i just draw her hanging out for funsies. she and russet don't seem to realize theyre the same person. she's pretty much the opposite of russet, emotionally stable and with a clear head. she's not up to date with any modern pop culture. she's in the process of developing a technology that preserves the body while alive.
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kiara (she/her, ??)
octoling who joined grizz's forces for the sake of a style change. after grizz's defeat, she hangs around on the surface with lychee (neo 3) and humphrey (8). she's really into gyaru subculture, but tends to only pick pieces from things she likes - her squad back in alterna was about the same. she has been spliced with vague cat dna.
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bananaman-mp3 · 4 months
yo im aware that theres some absolutely wild nonsense going in the top/bottom narusasu discourse side of tumblr so im here to make my contribution considering the funniest case scenario i can think of:
theyre both bottoms. i dont have like. solid canonical proof of that (because no one does its all subjective) but... if i hd to make a serious case id say that theyre both kinda needy for the other.
on one hand youve got the obvious "i chased and pined for you till the end of the world" naruto.
on the other youve got "i can never be truly completely alone and detached from this world until i kill you" sasuke. in this case its kind of the opposite in a more "i dont show it but you make me care so much so deeply" rather than "i need you so bad"
but thats kinda stereotypical right. whatever. sasuke is very heroine coded i mean have you seen the fanservice-y way they draw him sometimes. tits out. again this is stereotypical but i find it compelling
naruto is good at swallowing things. remember the frog and the raven? yeah me too. i remember. i wonder if can fit thing things inside his a-
anyway canon evidence is not even the reason i made this post i did it because of the way i think they accidentally became bottoms.
i think after vote2 and all that pining was over and they seriously started contemplating their relationship as potentially romantic and sexual they both individually considered if it would be awkward to have sex as theyre both men.
im thinking sasuke was wholy okay with the idea of bottoming from the start because he thinks to himself that naruto is probably too much of a pussy to agree to do it, so hed be fine w it.
meanwhile naruto has several emotional crises of masculinity after considering that sasuke may want to be the top and instead of concluding that they can just switch, like a normal person, he overcomes gender stereotype stigma all by himself thinking that it doenst make him any less of a man and that he would really like it because its sasuke. he wouldn't disliked being topped if the top in question is sasuke.
this is all ends in them finally starting a relationship and hilariously waiting for the other to make a move for about an awkward minute. and then
"are you gonna-"
"you want to-"
and vaguely gesturing about the other coming to do the topping, followed by a split second horrifying realization that they both assumed they were going to be the bottom to make the other feel more comfortable and having a crisis over it.
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xjulixred45x · 1 month
Headcanons of ed,al and ling with a s/o that have a twin? And that twin is protective,like theyre total oppossites,reader is a meek,calm and shy person while their twin is more extrovert,grumpy and protective
Awwww this is cute! I have a Twin myself, so this is pretty much relatable for me
Edward Elric/Alphonse Elric/ Ling Yao x Reader with a Twin
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral
Warnings: none really, Reader is shy while their Twin is grumpy. Fluff
Edward Elric
The funniest reaction of the three
First of all, I think that Ed's relationship with the reader works precisely on the basis that they are polar opposites.
Ed is the hard-headed and temperamental one, Reader is the one who keeps the peace and has a hard time even correcting when they give them the wrong food.
They balance each other in many ways.
However, Reader is definitely what one would consider soft by nature, so Ed himself has developed certain protective tendencies towards them.
The typical thing is to react more than them when someone makes them feel bad/insults them, encouraging them to take repercussions, etc.
Ed has enough anger for both of them.
I imagine that although Ed already knew that the reader had a twin, he had not really seen then due to work issues/they being in another division in Amestris.
However, Reader and he exchanged several anecdotes about their families, including those of their sibilings.
and Ed is definitely happy to know that there is someone else in the reader's life who protects them when he is not there (especially if the reader is a civilian who doesn't know about alchemy).
However, when the mix-up incident occurs, it definitely catches Ed off guard.
I imagine that Ed and the reader were planning to meet at the Amestris barracks, but it just coincided with the arrival of the reader's twin for some work matters.
When Ed started looking for the reader and ran into their, he was MORE than confused.
Reader? What are they doing in an alchemist's uniform? Since when? Isn't it too early? Why are they looking at him like that?
When Ed goes to ask the "reader" directly, he ends up encountering a cold and powerful: "Do I know you?"
Ed would try to maintain his composure and try to ask questions but at the same time he NEVER saw the reader looking at him so coldly, he almost feels intimidated, like he was in trouble...
Fortunately for everyone, the real reader came to Ed's rescue.
and not only that, but also to greet their twin.
Ed saw with horror how the twin's face changed COMPLETELY when they was talking to the reader, a literal 180 degree turn.
Ed didn't seem to want to give him the time of day, and with the reader they were already catching up, laughing and chatting.
He definitely leave it like that🤯
I think Ed and Twin could get along well...in terms of work. If there is a mission that depends on them, then they will do everything possible to get along.
Outside of that... difficult.
On the one hand, they both can't stand each other (which is ironic considering they have very similar personalities) and constantly compete for the reader's attention.
It's like a game of tug of war. They are both super clingy and see the other as a sudden invader of their time with the reader.
Although Ed will definitely leave Twin and the reader alone when they are exclusively family days, it's like an unwritten rule (just like Twin doesn't get involved in dating).
They try to keep aggression at bay when the reader is present, because after all they don't want to make her angry or, God forbid, cry.
It's like a cold war.
Ed also continues to appreciate Twin's contributions to the reader's self-esteem. At least they have a good common topic to get along with.
Alphonse Elric
Bby boy baby
Al and reader are definitely like the opposite of Ed and his reader, mostly because they both fall more on the shy spectrum. It's just that Al is more social and less reserved.
Although that doesn't mean he has it easy, I can see him and the reader having problems in situations like when they bring them the wrong food and they both silently accept the order🤣 or at least try to help the other by removing what they don't like (this obviously after Al already has his body).
Al is the one who does most of the talking, he's used to it, apart from the fact that he wouldn't feel comfortable letting the reader talk knowing that they make themselves uncomfortable.
Since he can't sleep, get tired or eat while in the armor, I can definitely see him carrying the reader everywhere and being their personal shield:3 both from the danger and the world in general.
They also both LOVE animals and on more than one occasion he and the reader ALMOST get away with taking some kittens (thanks Ed..)
In general, Al is super sweet with the reader and has infinite patience with them.
He knows about the reader's family and especially their twin. Al tends to compare several of their misadventures with those of him and Ed (on a smaller scale) and he even finds it cute that the reader is so attached to their sibiling.
Continuing with the fact that the reader is not an alchemist, Alphonse is happy to know that there is someone in the reader's life who protects them both physically and emotionally.
He's probably more curious about this twin than Ed, and already knows in advance that Reader and their twin are practically identical, but Al is convinced that it can't be that bad.
That is, of course, until we get to the incident.
Probably in Alphonse's case, he ran into twin while they were a civilian, which made it even more difficult to tell them apart.
Al saw Twin in the distance and thought it was his partner, so, like the sweetheart he is, he went to greet them and give them a metallic hug!
When Twin started screaming and even going so far as to hit him, poor Al was SO confused.
Did he take them by surprise? Are they angry? Why the violence!?
Since he is not used to seeing the reader shouting so loudly, not even with a frown, that image will definitely stay in his head for life.
When Reader arrived, Alphonse was so happy to see that they were still as shy and friendly as ever, he probably even hid behind them (as ridiculous as it was considering the size of the armor) to escape Twin's wrath.
Al and Twin get along surprisingly well, mostly because while Al has an intimidating exterior, Twin realizes that he is a softie because of their twin, so they trusts him more than Ed.
but it doesn't mean that they have the same level of patience for him that they have for Reader, rather they don't have any tolerance EXCEPT for reader😅 poor Al..
There's also the issue of Al being, well, AN ARMOR for much of the series, so Twin is understandably worried about how this relationship might work (or how CERTAIN ASPECTS of it work...)
Although if we're talking about full-bodied Al, I can definitely see Twin being much more patient and understanding, hell, even helping him recover from going without food for so many years.
and by the time Al fully recovers, you could say that he and twin are friends. and which twin is more open to receiving it into the family.
All in all, he's doing better than Ed🤣.
Ling Yao
Tbh it's the less surprised about it, but not less funny to see.
For the sake of my sanity and the meaning of this scenario, let's say that Ling's partner is from Xing and probably stayed there when he left in search of immortality.
Ling may have met the reader through some clan, on his own, etc. but definitely from the beginning he naturally gravitated towards them because of their reserved and friendly personality.
They are like opposite poles in a more discreet way. Ling is super social and has no problem defending himself (or others) while Reader was much quieter and barely raised their voice.
Ling made it her personal goal to help the reader be more honest and so they began dating seriously.
Ling definitely falls into the category of clingy partner, especially physically.
especially with reader because he finds their shy reactions super adorable!
He also laughs a little at their exaggerated expressions when they are embarrassed, or when they turn very red.
Although he definitely does not make fun of them, he does everything in good faith and thus his partner gains more trust! He will definitely kick the ass of anyone who makes the reader cry.
Considering that the Xingense culture is based on the Chinese, I can imagine that Ling has already met the reader's family in the past, at least their parents to have permission to "court" their child.
and Ling is also very aware of the dislike that the reader's family may feel towards him. more than anything because of what would happen if he became emperor.
I can see the reader's twin believing that it is not a good idea to date Ling solely and exclusively because of the tradition of the children of each clan, they does not want their sibiling to be left with a broken heart because of something they cannot control.
So, when Twin formally meets Ling, it's not very pleasant.
Ling is the only one who doesn't technically confuse reader and twin, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't have something to say about it (to lighten the tense atmosphere).
-"Wow! (reader) told me that you guys look alike but it's like seeing you in a mirror!"
something like that, he is partly surprised to see them in person side by side, but definitely not as much as the others.
and the only thing he gains is a loud SCOFF before twin walks away from him and reader, shuffling their feet.
Ling knows he didn't do anything wrong, but this is probably the first time "diplomacy" has bothered/distress him.
Of the three, Ling is the one who has the hardest time earning, at the very least, the respect of a twin. not because I don't try! but because twin has the typical Xingense standards.
I mean, Twin not only dislikes the idea of what will happen to Reader once he becomes emperor, but he believes that he is committing themself to someone who is not worth it.
And Ling left in search of inmortality(in Twin eyes, an ABSURD quest), it's like giving green light to these thoughs.
Fortunately, when Ling returns, apart from becoming emperor, he also manages (partially) to close Twin's mouth!
first of all, abolishing the law of marriage (that of the children of each clan, let me be happy) and he appears genuinely more mature than before, to the surprise of twin.
Before, Twin simply saw him as a bum, a scoundrel who happened to captivate his brother and who was lucky enough to be royalty.
but now, seeing everything he had done for Xing, for a foreign country, and that he still always came back to reader...you could say that speaking the heart of a twin.
They don't get along at all. Ling and twin definitely shouldn't be left in a room alone for more than 5 minutes (unless you want them to tear each other's throats out), but Ling KNOWS that twin does everything out of love.
and boy does he understand it. So, for now, they are fine.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Theres a lot of cuss words in this one so be warned lol
Bro i just had this-- insane fucking idea when i saw your "flowery words" post and i just-- omg I just had to shareee
So reader right? Very blunt, straight to the point sentences that dont dance around the bushes for 6 hours trying to tell you "oh no your house is on fire" or something, yeah? Well-- what if it turns the OPPOSITE when they start to SWEAR--
Because like-- i know myself. Me and like, so many people i know speak like that (blunt and straight to the point) but like-- when i get even MILDLY inconvenienced, i will start swearing like i have a masters degree in cursing out you and your entire flippity flappity bloodline
So id imagine the contrast to be like--
Reader, chill: aether, we're supposed to be going that way, this is literally the wrong direction
(Yes this is the "i came out here to have a good time and im honestly feeling so attacked rn" post)
I can just imagjne the sHEER WHIPLASH-- like, this dude has been speaking in the "divine tongue" or whatever and then suddenly theyre immediately reverted to their "lowly mortal jargon" or something-- AHAHA
Or like-- if it just turns into a reeeeeally long string of curse words, everyone would probably be so scandalized or something lolllll
Anyway, with our sponsor's message out of the way,
Bless you for this 🙏 my pets are fed, my crops are watered, my skin is clear
✨️This is gorgeous, just a gorgeous idea ✨️
I LIVE for Teyvat being scandalized maidens from the Victorian era, gOD BLESS ITD BE WONDERFUL
Like our modern music?? Absolutely would give heart attacks, not even the most stoic of them would escape the blush
Esp with cussing pretty please i wish i could see the looks on their faces, they'd also probably blush at how creative it can get lmao
(daresay, maybe even impressed?)
oh the whiplash, its be so funny, every time. No one can keep up with you, you've got Teyvat linguists stumbling, the older beings cant understand you sometimes, the newer ones only understand you SOME of the time, and apparently most often? Only when you're cursing??
(I think various characters would find an ancient deity only deigning to speak their lang. when they gotta cuss smth out the funniest shit ever, like Venti, Itto, Cyno?, Diona, Hu Tao, Kaeya, maybe Kazuha, Lisa, Nahida probably would get a giggle, Rosaria, Heizou, Childe, Tighnari might like, be trying desperately to hold back a laugh but it's not working, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Xingqiu, Yae Miko would def commission a light novel for this, and Yelan - im so sorry i listed who exactly, this is so long ill stop, i just thought someone would like to see it 😭😭)
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zelenbug · 10 months
me and my friends came up with an incredible interpretation of raymesis and glombrox which makes them really good to put into situations LET ME RAMBLE ABOUT THEM AT LENGTH THEYRE LIKE THE FUNNIEST GUYS EVER
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raymesis is a Giant Petty Loser. for reasons unknown to everyone (even to himself) he HATES rayman SO BAD, he believes hes raymans greatest rival, and and he is obsessed with trying to soil his reputation or at least mess with him by pulling things on him
he never succeeds bc hes also the unluckiest person in the glade. he would try to sneak in and try and explode rayman with cartoon dynamite while hes not looking but ends up tripping over the wire and exploding himself. that type of stuff
one particular method he tries to mess with rayman is by pulling various bad things (kicking over a trash can! oh no!) and then trying to convince everyone he IS rayman. it Never Works. everyone can tell hes some other guy
oh yeah also what makes him even more mad is the fact that nobody really even knows who he is. every time he announces to rayman's face hes his greatest rival rayman just goes "wait really? i dont rememeber you" and continues to be nice to him and that makes him Livid
raymesis would actually do this pose and think that makes him super cool. he wears embarassing gamer shirts unironically. hes such a loser that literally god himself calls him ugly
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glombrox was never "a hero" or "possessed by darktoons" he is Just Like That. like a lot characters in my interpretations kept being bullied as a kid but glombrox is the one who Bullied others as a kid. he gets a kick out of messing with everyone, he views everyone basically the same (acceptable targets for kicking) which includes raymesis
he just nonchalantly decides to play basketball with a teensy instead of a ball, he would do the exact same things to lums that lividngstones do. he goes to the docks at sea of serendipity and does this to all red wizards
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he doesnt do any elaborate pranks he just shoves people or kicks them around or whatever. that said, you wouldnt be able to tell by looking at him or how he acts, but hes actually surprisingly clever/smart at times
glombrox also has the complete opposite issue from raymesis. being that he literally wont stop being mistaken for globox, having a basically identical shape and voice, and its not helped by the fact that globox and his kids also find it acceptable to slap people for fun (actually for fun with no mean intent)
nobody catches onto the fact that hes so mean and still keep mistaking him for someone whos the complete opposite of mean! they just thank who they THINK is globox but isnt!!! he has a personal vendetta against globox because of it, but not remotely to the same extent as raymesis' whole thing. hes just extra mean to globox when he comes across him but globox is like "hi me : )" and just takes it all as a fun thing which doesnt help matters
their dynamic is basically wario and waluigi in warios warehouse (raymesis is waluigi) except if they didnt live together and wario had no idea who mario and luigi were beyond getting mistaken for mario one billion times which makes him mad
raymesis mostly just drags glombrox along for his Evil Plans, taking advantage of what everyone keeps thinking he is, and glombrox just goes along mostly because he thinks itd be funny. theyre technically friends but in some messed up way and would gladly insult each other
glombrox himself takes advantage of the fact that raymesis fully believes that glombrox is his great trusty sidekick (which he isnt). also he just comes to raymesises dingy apartment and raids his fridge and occupies literally the entire couch to watch tv
Heres some incorrect quotes (from here) to describe all of these fools further (though rayman would Not swear in the first one he would just be like "huh what??")
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also this one but i actually put names in there
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murfy counterpart to raymesis and glombrox is the guy who wrote the manual. hes nicer than murfy is he just doesnt appreciate murfys comments about the manual. raymesis thought it was a Great Idea to drag him along with him and glombrox on occacion. but he doesnt actually want to get involved he wants to write for gods sake
teesny counterpart would just be ales honestly but ales doesnt like to associate with these other losers (despite being one himself and also being comically petty about being bullied as a kid) so he usually doesnt
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tulpafcker · 3 months
yo hi your shawn spencer having aspd take is awesome, been looking for a 'popular' character that displays aspd better than dexter. if you ever wanna give more elaboration / possibly infodumping i will be in the audience standing and clapping
u sly dog u got my monolouging.... AIGHT HERE GOES!!
so i forgottt if i said so in the og post but i think henry ALSO has aspd and thats where shawn got it from, but to elaborate: i think that's why henry became a cop
FIRST OFF: wrt cops, i am operating on TV SHOW LOGIC, not real life logic. tv show cops and irl cops are VASTLY different in the kinds of morals each set has. rl cops are deeply unethical but in the world henry spencer inhabits, this is largely not the case. since he's In There and not Out Here, i go with the show's portrayal of cops and their morals and values, instead of real life's. everything i say about cops from here on is about the show's cops, aight? aight lets go
SO the thing about having aspd and knowing on some level that you have it and somethings Different about you is that at some point you HAVE to learn How To Live In A Society Without Immidiatley Getting Ostracized. a common tactic for this is to somehow aquire a set of morals and then just Do That. it's what i personally did, and a lot of those morals came feom whatever community i was in. i liked being here, they had some set of morals, and i just adopted those and treated it as truth. over the years this process has become a lot more refined but generally my morals align with the community i find myself in- namely, queer leftists. so a LOT of my moral beliefs come with interacting with queer leftists at length (because, since i was queer, and thus interacted w a lot of leftists) and going "yeah, that makes sense, this is now a moral standard for me"
so tldnr you need to find a community with some moral tenants that you generally agree with and also like, which sounds like a no brainer but its like. a bit different yk? for me PERSONALLY there really isnt much of an internal set of checks and balances that make me agree w my morals under all costs and i can like. turn it off if i need to
but back to the spencers: being a cop is really good for this. the moral set is easy- you're a cop. you care a lot about The Law. ergo your morals are just... the laws are good and breaking tbem is bad. short and simple and to the point
additionally, being a cop means you get to engage in risk taking behavior and get PAID for it! people dont think youre a crazy reckless thrill seeker, they think you're a HERO! and who needs remorse when you're dealing with criminals? you dont NEED to feel bad about power tripping or intimidating them, its totally fine. its fine. its fine
also relationship issues- henry's divorced, that's not uncommon for pwaspd in relationships. sometimes its poorly managed and/or they wont change and even if theyre stable enough not to be dangerous or abusive, it could be an unpleasant experience for a lot of different reasons- arguments being a massive problem when they happen (the remorse thing- good luck actually getting an apology outta them), worry over the risky behavior being met with flippiance, general lack of emotional vunerability. stuff like that
all this btw is based off my real relationship struggles between me and my fiance who does NOT have aspd (we r like... total opposites its so funny. top 10 funniest matchups of all time)
back to shawn. he is a lot like his father in many ways but the main reason i thought he had aspd is just... he treats EVERYTHING with flippiance and sarcasm. even when hes locking in and being serious, there's still an underlying feeling that he's Just Having Fun With This, no matter the situation. which, this isnt like an official criterion or whatever, but like... i know a LOT of guys with aspd. most of them talk like this. there's always a sense of emotional detachment from most things, because there is one, because they have aspd. i jokingly call this the "sociopath lilt" because theres also that sort of, up-and-down inflection (that shawn has!) that comes with it. its so funny it just makes other pwaspd instantly clockable to me. get thin sliced loser
but once i started thinking about it, more things add up... he's CALLED OUT on his risk taking behavior and flippiance towards serious subject matter IN THE SHOW! he's had a ton of jobs and while i can't prove why he kept leaving them, aspd and having a job... don't mix well. i keep getting fired because i keep beefing w my manager, and i can see the same thing happening to shawn, or maybe he broke a rule one too many times, or got caught in a restricted area, or broke something thru carelessness
and it IS played for comedy but he very often tends to not respect the wishes and autonomy of the people he interacts with, ESPECIALLY gus. he cares naught for anything gus has going on with his job and wether or not he'll get in trouble if he leaves early or does whatever scheme shawn cooked up, and generally sort of treats him not very kindly a lot- which isnt to say their friendship is BAD, its just a pattern of behavior yk?
thats all i can think of off the top of my head rn, but yeah imo shawn is a very realistic take on a guy with aspd whos just like. a regular guy with a mental illness thats to some degree managed, some degree not. very "adhd kid went thru some shit and developed aspd" coded (theres a link; if you abuse a kid with adhd theres a HUGE chance theyll develop conduct disorder and later aspd) (also i guess "some shit" for shawn was the divorce and also being raised by a guy with aspd and being influenced by how he thought a lot)
he's not like, dangerous or abusive or anything, he just has his quirks that can cause problems for him or give the people close to him grief, but its kind of like... an affectionate sort of grief, yk?he just reminds me of myself in a lot of ways. and i like that even in a hc theres SOME character out there that isnt like, a serial killer. imagine having a mental illness and all the characters with it are evil. like yeah theyre cool characters but can i have SOMETHING else for once PLEASE
also lassie has npd send tweet
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vnl 2024 is officially over :(
italy beat japan in the gold medal match 3-1!!
happy for italy (especially de gennaro who made the game for me with her saves)
also happy for japan for winning their first meal on the international stage!! that match against brazil was one for the ages my god. im so proud of them!!!
ceremony commentary:
koga is the first member of the dream team! good for her because she is a great outside and people over look her cause they only look at japans defense but she shes good AND reliable
next up is sylla my girl. her flopping on the ground when she missed a dig was so funny and so real. funniest outside imo like i could watch her reactions to things forever
next is korneluk. one of the most intimidating blockers imo, especially with stysiak by her side i would nottttt ever test her block...
next is fahr! i thought it woul be danesi but good for fahr. the way her and sylla pretended the statues were phones was funny
KOJIMA LETS GOOO MY GIRL. im so surprised and happy shes playing in us this year im gonna try my best to go see her play!!
orro best setter. good choice! i was worried for her when fahr scratched her in the eye but she recovered quickly
egonu best opposite we been knew like one of if not the best out there rn. and she got mvp like what hasn't she won (i think the only mvp title shes missing is olympic so lets see if she collects them all)
Poland presented with BRONZE medal
poland getting bronze second year in a row! i was surprised they beat brazil tbh but they were really on it (also i really like the new young outside czyniańska, excited to see more of her in the future). stysiak is my gf and i love her and she did great as always (even tho she keeps fighting the ref like girlie youre gonna get yellowcarded one day and half the time you were WRONG, but shes just passionate <3)
lmaoooo not them having an iphone on the damn podium lolllll like there isn't already a thousand angles of this sdjkfjalkdfj the players are so funny
Japan presented with SILVER medal
ive been saying since the beginning, this team was capable of getting to finals if not a medal but everyone wanted to doubt me. this squad is so impressive, their persistance, their skill, their DEFENSE. like this is the strongest i think ive ever seen them play, call it recency bias or whatever but i have high hopes for them and it payed off
(also shoutout to japan for showing that height can put you at a disadvantage but it doesn't matter more than you're skill, and this team is amazing and deserves their medal they played 2 great matches against brazil and a great one against turkiye, AND the took a set from italy when usa and poland couldnt)
Italy presented with GOLD
I had a feeling they would make it to finals but to be honest i kinda underestimated them. after their vnl performance last year it felt like they had further to go. week 1 they did ok BUT the SECOND egonu came back it was over for the other teams. now italy definitely isn't a one player team, orro used the full squad in the offense when she could rely on egonu, the middles were on it (especially denesi), sylla and degradi being my girlies (tho they need to know how to stand up cause everytime the camera is on them theyre on the floor sjdkfdjls), antropova is also amazing it must be said, but DE GENNARO imo is one of the reasons they came so far like her, nyeme, kojima, and castillo are my fav liberos...
I had said earlier in the tournament i thought the medals would be brazil for gold, turkiye/poland for silver, and italy/usa for bronze.... (ofc also my dream of japan but i was scared to say it cause it seemed so unlikely) and look at what we got. proves that volleyball is a fun sport to watch
god its now hitting me that vnl 2024 is over :( i want it to go on foreverrrrr
like i know we have olympics next month but its not the same :(
there were so many great moments this year it was amazing to watch as always i cant wait until next time!!!
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hillarysss · 3 years
astro placements
educational edition 🪐
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Take all of these with a grain of salt and remember that you have power over yourself not your chart. Do not reword, plagiarize, copy anything on here meaning don’t post / copy paste this anywhere else. @hillarysss
uranus in 1st individuals attract throughout their whole lives people who try to change them or criticize them for how they are as a person they may have been labeled “weird” throughout their lives as well
since 7th house rules open enemies and who we are attracted to libra risings having aries in 7th really could fall in love with not so good people + could end up in complicated love situations
uranus in 1st tend to be addicted to the internet since young ages (uranus rules new tech) they also may have gotten new devices quite a lot:)
uranus in 3rd individuals may have been an outcast / outlier in early school years
sagittarius + pisces placements you guys are blessed with lucking out in the last minute.. if you hope and pray enough things will most likely go your way if you have good intentions
mercury retrograde culture (not natal) is making everyone want to throw their devices because of how much it makes our devices glitch
saturn - ascendant / saturn in 1st individuals portray themselves as much older than they really are because of their knowledge and wisdom with what they have gone through. they may not even like openly expressing their age because of this but do look at the whole chart:) (oppositions + conjunctions effected the most)
sagittarius in 3rd and chiron in 3rd individuals tend to have a hard time focusing from what i’ve seeen. it’s hard to catch their attention completely
in a chart leo + pisces placements will make the native have a golden spark in their eyes maybe just a simple spark, their eyes are so noticing and beautiful
moon in aries / venus in aries individuals so laid back theyre not always angry by the way trying to troll them is the funniest thing cause you’ll end up looking like an idiot cause they can be profesional trollers too
look at the sign of your 7th house in your venus persona chart it can give further insights on who you can attract + love. (you may date someone with the venus sign of the sign of your 7th house in venus persona chart)
also your venus sign can show you what admire from other people and in general 🪐
venus in fire houses (1st, 5th, 9th) you really admire when people are laid back passionate and loyal and humorous:)
venus in earth houses (2nd, 6th, 10th) you really admire when people are stable and more mature (you may like older people specifically looking at you venus in 10th) when people keep their words + promises when someone radiates trusting energy you’ll give your life to them
venus in air houses (3rd, 7th, 11th) you really admire when someone just knows what the hell they’re talking about.. you’re attracted to knowledge more so than looks, you’re attracted to people who are more logical than emotional. someone who will keep your attention span. you value friendships a lot.
venus in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th) someone who will love you to the moon and back and will treat you as if it’s just them and you and the moon (specifically looking at venus in 4th individuals for the moon part) someone who is not afraid of your messy and emotional side, someone who’ll stick with you throughout the roughest times.
lilith - ascendant / scorpio placements / pluto in 1st especially the women energies i have noticed a constant pattern of people sexualizing you guys. it’s unacceptable and i’m sorry if this placement manifested for you guys this way.
venus in 10th individuals are sucker for arts. since venus can show arts this is also an indicator of an artist and having this in your solar return may make you more confident in your beauty:) you’re gorgeous
moon in scorpios & moon in 8ths are very underrated people in my opinion. these people are so loving & the way they have amazing passion for people they love is truly an understatement yet this love is not for everybody, it’s reserved for a couple of people. also these people are very intuitive + may have special bonds with someone that have passed away / could have connections with the dead. also great tarot readers / divinators. you guys will find your soul tribe one day.
having the ruler of the 5th in 8th could indicate you hide your interests that you adore / passionate about. they could be more taboo as well and darker.
🪐 let’s talk about open enemies. look at the sign of your 7th and any planets if there is any and that will give you insight on open enemies and how they behave & portray themselves
>> earth in 7th - your open enemies try to portal themselves as stable and grounded and “good vibes only” and they try to make people trust them & calm vibes & hard working to a fault
>> water in 7th - your open enemies are most likely to be very manipulative and can easily fool people! they may distort your version of reality especially with pisces in 7th so if someone constantly makes you confused they’re most likely your open enemy
>> fire in 7th- your open enemies portray themselves as joyful and passionate people most likely love them and they may portray themselves as quite humorous and loving. they may be blunt & assertive
>> air in 7th - your open enemies are very objectively intelligent and they are probably looked up to a lot when it comes to information. They know how to stand on their ground and to not be caught with things and can easily turn things to go their way and they can charm you as well (especially libra in 7th) to think otherwise. they’re tricksters.
leo risings i can see through you, you guys hide a lot like quite a lot but you’ll never know this until you look deep.. like they put up this confident charisma facade but they tend to be really emotionally alone, i appreciate you for always giving out so much love.
mercury in aquarius is the ultimate “i do not give a fuck” placement these people say whatever and pull it off so well like they’ll say the weirdest shit and pull it off so well
your jupiter sign + where it’s placed + 9th house sign can show you more details on the sign you may marry + have longevity with! i will make a post on how to find your future spouse soon so stay tuned!:)
sagittarius midheavens tend to blow up when they post funny / laid back stuff! like these people tend to have memes or rants blow up quite a lot:)
sagittarius moons with a leo rising makes someone super nonjudgmental and really easy to have a chat with from what i’ve noticed
gemini suns with capricorn moons are one of the realest people you’ll meet and they’re quite mysterious too they can be sociable but they can also have those leave me alone moments quite a lot
air moon + water mercury makes someone that over thinks their thoughts and conversations quite a lot and may either block their feelings from conversations or they can speak with them pretty well and could be good at poetry
moon in 10th individuals are prone to getting people trying to get into their business + emotional life a lot but they can also overshare sometimes to the public
having moon in 7th means possibly having a mom who wants to know about your partnerships / connections / love life quite a lot haha:) these natives may have had a mother who wanted to approve who they were dating or at least very intrigued.. however at worse could have a nosy mother
venus - pluto individuals tend to have a connection / relationship that changed their view on how they see connections throughout the rest of their lives... you see it’s likely they have had at least one not so healthy connection and they learn and become more careful because of that, it’s also a common manifestation they have given a lot in a connection and were taken for granted + their love was not given back
venus - pluto individuals are very liked by the public but they can also received weirdos & stalkers and people who become obsess with their every move and also attract partners obsessed with their physical appearance
venus - pluto especially if there is even more scorpio influence in the chart makes someone hungry for power and they want all eyes on them and they often get those eyes but it also manifests as someone who just doesn’t wanna be noticed and wishes they didn’t attract so much attention (underdeveloped energies ofc)
libra and leo in a chart makes for someone who loves aesthetics and makes someone a great artist;)
moon - midheaven harshly aspected are the type of people who want to go far from their family and do their own thing but something makes them hold on
venus - pluto individuals attract copycats & jealous people so much people literally try to be them it’s concerning
jupiter in 10th / 11th individuals are the type to get fame out of nowhere or sudden fame like they’re the type to get sudden posts blow up
sun trine / conjuct chiron individuals tend to put a lot on energy on others and their well-being and often forget themselves in the process, easily misunderstood babies
mars - ascendant individuals don’t tolerate anyone’s bullshit and people are easily intimidated by them and are scared they could “blow” up on them or “put them in their place” these people hold a lot of power
chiron in capricorn is a generation of overachievers like these individuals don’t feel like their work is good enough so they’ll try their hardest to succeed but even then they feel empty, since a generation has this we have a lot of kids who are insecure of their work & grades stuff like that and tend to have authorities with unfair expectations on them
venus conjuct ascendant / venus in 1st individuals get away with so many things omg people easily “forgive” them they are seen as someone who could never mess up in a lot of peoples eyes and people easily love them no matter what like they have a cult of people who like them and will have their back no matter what
and with venus square ascendant they instead attract so many jealous people who wish they could mess up, but they still hold enough charm
moon in sagittarius individuals are very scattered individuals they are type to fall asleep out of nowhere and you’d assume they have been ignoring your texts for the past couple hours, they do however have really huge hearts and tend to be very accepting of others
saturn in 6th / saturn in virgo individuals never feel “good enough” they may feel like their routine and life is a burden at times, a reminder that it is not(:
sagittarius dominant individuals are very care- free and tend to attract people who try to make them more “serious”
jupiter in sagittarius individuals tend to have been raised in a place where this is a lot of beliefs / perhaps religious factors around
venus in 6th individuals are super underrated they’re very caring and when they have loved ones they put them in their schedule they’ll talk to you daily / communicate and also make plans often, they tend to learn a lot from relationships so if they have had a bad relationship in the past they’ll use it in order to learn from past mistakes
saturn in 2nd individuals are one of the most wisest & independent individuals out there they know how to deal with stuff & themselves they’ll never explode or burden somebody else they move in silence
libra suns have a lot more depth than given credit for I realized a lot of these individuals hate asking for help or sharing their problems so they don't come off as a burden to others since they have a great care for how other's feel they tend to deal with their problems alone in a very emotionally deprived way
virgo + scorpio in a chart makes someone who doesn't suck up to people or things easily, they have great eye for detail and can notice the fakeness and the depth of things easily
a lot of emotions in childhood to a moon in 12th individual is a blur they may try to recall their childhood or past memories but if they do they feel super heavy and burdened
moon in pisces individuals have this really weird power of making people trust them so easily and they make people feel so safe with them
venus shows young women & feminine energies. >> having venus conjuct / trine the ascendant / venus in 1st will make you age gracefully and in a loving way as well. you may keep a good spirit for a very long time and you give love just by being there to everyone around you
venus in 8th can be interested in sex work (8th house rules sex work) also the ruler of the 10th in 8th could be a sex worker
do not lie to a mercury in 8th / mercury in scorpio individual these people can see through so much even if they don’t want to secrets always reveal themselves they have strong guides!! also they may keep secrets to themselves and deny things about themselves yet the time will come when they have to face their fears again and communicate + write and do shadow work. they’re also very protective over their loved ones:)
saturn in 8th individuals may have a strain from sexual activities and such + they may also overwork themselves quite a lot they have trouble seeing how much work and dedication they put in stuff leaving them wanting to put more
taurus risings are so beautiful inside and out especially with how they put together outfits. they can be quite thrifty yet whatever they wear looks like million of bucks. also have you seen their eyes?
jupiter in 4th individuals did you guys grow up in a religious background? and was there an emphasis on education? and if uranus is in the 4th house they may break family traditions
pluto in 4th individuals is an indicator of growing up in a spiritual home + witch craft around
mercury in 4th if extremely afflicted could have grown up in a manipulative home. (mercury tricks with intellect)
zodiac combos are quite interesting in a chart. let’s look further.
air combinations
air + fire in a chart will make someone incredibly charming and intelligent and it is not afraid to use their charm and intellectual abilities for their best luck. (especially with sagittarius and libra placements)
air + water in a chart will make someone really good at understanding their emotions even though they may have the tendencies to run from their own emotions they understand them a lot themselves and may be good at writing them out. true dreamers and head up in the sky
air + earth in a chart will make someone really reserved in their ideas and will only express them in a mature way that will be seen as profesional by others. they think a lot but only say little but are listened to when they do
fire combinations
fire + water in a chart will make the native have contradicting emotions and they may not like their emotions it may make them feel as if they are “weak” and they would have the tendency to run from them. however they feel deeply and are very passionate
fire + earth in a chart will make the native super kind at heart and somewhat chaotic yet they are true mature souls and know when to get serious. they’re easily loved and respected
earth combinations
earth + water in a chart will make the native feel very deeply and most likely will hide their emotions because they dont like portraying themselves as too emotional especially if there is capricorn & aquarius & saturn influence
water combinations is done above
® Hillarysss 2021 all rights reserved (Divine Hillary / Hills)
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mqole · 2 years
fuck it. xb3 polyboros relationship dynamics under the cut. im normal (lie)
Tdlr: yes theyre gay and sometimes kiss or whatever but its Deeper than that its abt the “what is romance” its about the queerplatonic “i love yous” its not romantic as in “will you go out with me” its romantic as in “you are my family”
noah & mio- the queerest m/f couple ever. what do u do when you dont know what romance is and your alternate selves have been in love across lifetimes and you have all those memories but you havent fucking TALKED because you dont know what youre DOING and you dont want the other to die (again) and
noah & eunie- childhood besties for real!! eunie forces noah to come out of his shell a lot (by force). in turn noah also anchors eunie to some degree. if an unstoppable force and immovable object were in love
noah & taion: funniest fucking concept. noah (self esteem issues) wants to be helpful to taion (genius) and taion is so socially inept that he doesnt realise how flustered noah is around him. everyone is pointing and laughing at these 99 int 0 wis bitches
noah & lanz: bros till the end bitch!!!! after joran and everything you KNOW they love each other so much. Combination of only having each other to depend on for so long and admiration for the other’s abilities they lack. They have seen each other at their worst and now they have each others backs forever. Finally someone noah can banter with
noah & sena: the fact that even though sena is jealous of noah they have so much in common. Sena not knowing how to be honest with herself? Noahs identity issues? They are so complicated together its unreal. I imagine once they get past the “you deserve this more than i do” stage of self flagellation they end up being really good for each other. The two most supportive bitches in the group? Power couple fr <3
mio & eunie: i think eunie is just real with mio in a way nobody else really is. witches be bitches!! and it definitely draws out a snarkier side in mio that otherwise rarely comes out. Like a kinder version of how she was before miyabi. Someone who can be honest and blunt without being miserable <3
mio & taion: god. These two. The fact that MIO is a defender but taion wants to protect her. That mio hates being fussed over her deadline but taion Knowing she is only doing that because of miyabi. That the only reason taion keeps going at the start is because mio inspires him. They cannot be more tragic and beautiful
mio & lanz: i was abt to say ‘team mums’ but riku and manana exist so. no but these guys so defined by being ‘defenders’. The mutual unspoken understanding that They need to be the ones in the line of fire so their family wont get hurt. the desperation of not wanting to lose anyone the same way they lost someone before. between joran and miyabi? so much trauma here. they learn to lean on each other too, i think, like keystones. theyre stronger together <3
mio & sena: motherfucker okay where do i start. Senas jealousy? Mio noticing, but not knowing how to help or what it means? MIYABI?? No but. Sena spends so long convincing herself that mio doesnt actually like her and theyre only friends through obligation. And mio doesnt know how to help sena bc sena keeps acting like theres no problem!! and they love each other and they dont want to hurt each other by acknowledging this festering rift in their friendship, when they’ve known each other so long and things were Fine, but now everything has changed and something’s gotta give. And it does
eunie & taion: ultimate enemies > frenemies > teammates > partners > taion and eunie. Literally im the most insane about these guys. because they start by hating each other their whole relationship is built on this foundation of mutual needling, which. Win. But then when it DOES give way into subtle vulnerability and kindness (THE FUCKING. TEA SCENE. THE TEA SCENE I SWEAR TO GOD!!) it stops being “i hate your guts” and starts being “you’re my fourth best friend” because they GET each other. Theyre complete opposites in theory, but they Know what its like to be vulnerable and afraid and when their partner is too panicked to tease them? THATS when it cracks and they say what they mean instead of veiling it behind a personal cipher. God i just. Them, fr. They love each other so much
eunie & lanz: i have not stopped thinking abt the bathtub cutscene theyre everything to me. eunie “one of the boys” and lanz “one of the girls” for REAL theyre on Such a wavelength. I feel like having to deal with noah every day for 8 years put them in a blood bond or something. Theyre by far the rowdiest of the party because they will just start shit. Bitches who have no impulse control and love things so violently and joyously
eunie & sena: i think for a while there was that stiltedness there that comes with sena wanting to put on a front to be more likeable. I mean. “Eunie love”? unlike mio and sena tho i reckon eunie is able to help sena work through all of it much easier, because shes Eunie shes The most blunt person youll meet! And sena knows that a eunie compliment is fuckin rare. Conversely i think its also an opportunity for eunie to be more vulnerable in a way she isnt really with anyone else, bc she cant just needle sena the same way she does everyone else. They have this really supportive dynamic where Yes they will still banter and tease each other. But at the heart of it is a lot of communication and vocal kindness that is unique to these two in particular.
taion & lanz: everyone saying the bickering is a coverup for all the kisses theyre doing is on the money. Taion and lanz have a really similar dynamic to taion and eunie, but without a lot of the tenderness. So instead what you get is this bickering and poking at each other like one big game of gay chicken. YES they love each other, but they cant just say that because then they’ll lose. They are competing completely arbitrary. Taion says he’s not but he’s lying. Not being at odds with each other just somehow feels wrong!!
taion & sena: half the game these two are just clinging to each other because of their mutual desire to keep mio safe, and yeah it unites them but it also corrupts them a bit. neither of them are able to pull the other back from that threshold of worrying too much. After about lambda/maktha, i think they start to learn how to enjoy each other’s company without that mutual distance. Theyre almost like a balm for each other? Having spent so much time Focusing and Worrying together when they actually learn to relax i think they just become. Comfortable around each other. Like a mothers group
lanz & sena: you cant do this to me. Im not normal about them. “noah and mio were the first to be friends” yeah and a lot of that was the off-seeing and the ouroboros. Lanz and sena hit it off RIGHT away on day 1 even without having those connections. They are Literally partners and to be honest. I think they were almost ride or die from the beginning. Lanz being a defender? Sena desperately wanting to keep mio alive? It cumulates in this mutual understanding that their purpose in the team is to protect. And this definitely goes to unhealthy lengths because thats another reason they hit it off- theyre both so passionate. Lanz’s anger is unchecked, a constant tornado, but sena’s is like a powder keg on cooldown until someone lights it. And together theyre fuckin explosive, and thats not always a good thing, especially if they both think of themselves as expendable compared to the rest of their teammates. But fundamentally there is an understanding there that im so insane about. These bitches have so many issues and i love them so much.
They all kiss btw
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mejomonster · 2 years
I have been listening to Interview with the Vampire audiobook since hey the amc show is in October and I missed the vampire chronicles and
1 I forgot so much of the later half of book, my memory really means things are brand new after like 3 years ToT rip
Im very much appreciating that it was a big book to switch to telling a vampire story from vampires pov, which I realize now I do appreciate a lot and it's probably why now I enjoy when monster stories decide to go monster pov route
Hearing that it was sort of a historical fiction (from maven of the eventides lovely youtube videos) so much clicks into place. How Louis is a symbol for his generation of rebellion and feeling he doesn't fit, feeling so Much. How all the vampires personalities and traits to some degree serve as historical parallels or references to feelings of a time/place/attitude, how a lot of the settings and general plot showcases location and daily life. Yes it's vampires, but it's also just 2 dudes living in New Orleans, then 2 dudes having a daughter they spoil in New Orleans, then 1 dad and his kid traveling Europe and eventually settling in Paris. The kills of the vampire life are occasionally focused on but it's like... mostly everyday life scenes with a vampire twist and historical setting showcased. Armand and Louis conversation in the tower with Armand saying how Louis is attractive and desirable for BEING an embodiment of rebellion and feelings and change really hammered that home for me. It's an aspect I like a lot about the novel that I barely noticed let alone appreciated the first time I read.
The narrator pronounces Louis the English instead of French way, which I just can't get used to lol cause the movie imprinted on me ToT so that's the funniest thing to me in the audiobook
I have come to appreciate how much vampires get written as sort of creatures Separate to human. Yes Louis sometimes views becoming a vampire as a dark gift/curse, but overall there's vampire stories that treat vampires like dead versions of their alive selves with magic aspects. Then ivtw treats it more like: theyre alive so long as vampires, personality evolving with time as expected, that their vampire life is like a New Life as a New Creature. A creature who sees diffetent, eats different, feels differently, and wonders in its lonely life if there's other creatures and what their own meaning of existing is. It's like humans in the sentience, but a new species of animal wondering what their purpose is and their morals are or should be or what society is or should be and if there's god and if humans are equal to them in worthiness, or if a human to them is like a mouse or ant to a human, which is to say so much less in the consideration of sentience some humans don't much think about if they accidentally step on an ant or if their dog manages to eat a mouse at least not to the degree of thinking it's a huge crime. I have seen some vampire stories go more this route as it feeling a wholly new creature, and others swing opposite and make vampires feel very much like humans still but cursed/altered (like Shadowhunters, and my own writing usually).
Louis has awful taste in men lol. This is subject to change if future books make Lestat seem better (as I never finished future books lol), but like. My dude Louis gets hitched with who he thinks is a dull gold digger, for some reason doesn't break up though. Then when his lover "dies" he keeps mooning over him with longing like Louis! A little late to recognize u liked him a bit! Then u like Armand, who couldn't care less if ur dear Claudia dies. And u really say u love him! Wow Louis, worldliness really appeals to u huh. If Lestat talked about great thoughts and mused over it despite u know, knowing nothing like Armand doesn't truly know much either, u would think Lestat was charming way earlier dude! Louis is the example of that person who likes an emo guy singing in a band cause "he seems so deep mom" but then given a similar guy who doesn't sing is like ugh he's so uncreative and bland and material. When it's like Louis honey get to know both ur jumping to a lot of I Love You conclusions after so little time ToT.
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spnshameblog · 2 years
I'm interested to know what you stance on Misha is after all this. peope seem to be pretty divided about this. has your opinion of him changed?
ok, i think this is gonna be a bit wordy. ive been in this fandom on and off for about a decade. if you follow a show and its actors for that many years, you are going to see them act in ways you cant support. everyones boundaries are different and ive withdrawn my support for people over things that other might find laughable, so i would never say that he hasnt done anything so bad that people should "unstan" him. personally, i dont think he has done something so bad that i cant ever support him again. over the decade he has said and posted some really dumb and sometimes offensive shit and i cant give you an itemised list of all happenings, but iirc he almost always apologised and i dont remember him making the same mistake twice. so if he says he apologises and is learning, i want to believe him, i just have no idea what thats going to look like.
see, a lot of us arent upset about a "misfired joke", if anyone else had done that people would be like "haha embarassing, lets move on", but a lot of people genuinely assumed him to be queer even before he made that comment, which is proven by the thousands of comments going like "i thought he had been out this entire time". a huge amount of people drew the conclusion, based on his actions and his words, that he wasnt straight, even though he personally never said so. so the thing most people are upset about is that theyre now having to recontextualise years (in my case a decade) of stuff we consciously or subconsciously interpreted as evidence. YES you shouldnt assume someones identity, but its not like he dissuaded people from speculating. quite the opposite and that is another reason why people are upset.
they feel like misha has been deceiving them, using his ambiguity for attention and support from lgbt people and theyre not entirely wrong. a lot of stuff can, in hindsight, be explained by him noticing that his fans seem to really respond to him acting a certain why, so why not act that up a little. what i take issue with is the claim that most of his personality and his support for queer causes were to garner support from queer people. i dont know the guy and i cant make any definitive statements, but i believe he is really mostly like that lmao. he has talked about how people are surprised by how, for a lack of a better word, 'unmasculine' or emotionally open he is. if he was just 'acting up the gay' around fans, then why have his colleagues and friends also commented on this? and he definitely has had to experience homophobic microaggressions esp on the set of spn, which doesnt make sense if hes like, a normal macho dude when fans arent watching. again, yes, i totally believe he purposefully exaggerated some of it bc fans eat that shit up and if nothing else hes a people pleaser. and also sometimes straight guys just act a little gay, idk what to tell you.
so now theres the theory that it actually WAS an honest comment, but for some reason he decided he needed to go back into the closet. now, if someone states their own orientation THIS explicitly im bound to accept that, however i can see where this theory is coming from, given that there are some instances that simply cant be explained as jokes or him acting up the gay etc. at least from our perspective. so idk buddy, he might be, he might not be. however i dont agree with the sentiment that him going back in the closet is funny. like ive seen posts like "funniest outome would be him actually coming out in 5 years and nobody believes him" idc if im a little softie, but that idea isnt funny to me at all. IF he ever comes out, im fully prepared to believe him immediately, even if it makes me look like a clown again.
so i can empathise with people having all kinds of reactions to this from trying to make sense of it, to distancing themselves, from trying to forget about it, to dragging him for filth, imho all valid reactions. i dont agree with people saying that this situation is the fault of the fans, ive said multiple times that this specific situation and the fact that people were so ready to believe he's bi were misha's own doing. and i dont agree with people saying he is a master manipulator who has been tricking lgbt people out of their money for years by being a 24/7 gay for pay.
so tl;dr: idk lol? im waiting to see how his behaviour changes after these events, but aside from being really confused i cant say my opinion of him has changed that much?
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curioscurio · 4 years
Seriida headcannons because i have brainrot:
• One day Sero puts on roller skates and waits till Iida starts his warm up of running as fast as he can around the tract and right as he takes off Sero shoots his tape at Iida.
• Funniest 3 minutes of Seros life. that is until Iida realizes he has a stowaway and IMMEDIATELY stops but SERO KEEPS GOING
• Long story short Iida has to run Sero to the nurses office because he skated into a tree
• That video of a car driving by with crazy revved engines but someone was playing a trumpet in it to make car sounds thats sero and iida but sero is riding on his back
• Theyre both health nuts but like on opposite sides of the spectrum
• Iida eats 12 vitamin gummies and protien shakes and enhanced health juices and shit
• And sero is like "iida.... the chemicals.." and eats a handful of basil before going out the door to energize himself
• Iida snores and sometimes when he snores his engines will gently purr and tbh it drives Sero absolutely wild. He thinks its the cutest thing ever
• Yes iida will occasionally smoke with sero but only off of school property on a weekend where he can just tell everyone they were out on a date
• Which they usually are but you know
• Sero leans on Iida all the time. He's sleepy? Lean. Need a shoulder to put his head on? Lean. Looking over his shoulder? Hand on the small of his back and lean. Arm over the shoulder. Hanging off his neck. Mans a koala basically.
• Iida likes to fix Sero's hair or tie or uniform when it's messy or out of place. Sero laughs but if it's in front of his friends he blushes like a madman
• Sero is really good at origami and makes little flowers for Iida. Iida is not imune to origami flowers
• Sometimes Sero falls asleep on Iidas shoulder during movies or when he's high or during late night studying and Iida takes it upon himself to carry him to his room every single time...
• in like 5 more mins tho i mean the movie is almost over theres no reason to wake him up yet 👀👀
• Seriida fusion would be named Hanten and their quirk would be asphalt feet so like. Imagine the sole of their feet produces molten asphalt and on the ankle is a wheel that flatens it out as soon as they roll over it. Essentially heelies that pave roads if that helps.
• Sero loves hearing Iida ramble and just lets him speak about whatever's on his mind and Sero will listen intently
• Example It's very obvious when Iida has a bad day and he will try and hold back because he doesnt want to overhwelm Sero but the minuite Sero asks what's wrong Iida let's it all flow out
• On the other hand, getting Sero to talk about his deep feelings is like pulling teeth and sometimes it's hard for Iida because Sero will just Not Want To Talk About It and iida just wants to find a solution or fix the problem
• Also sorry kind of off topic but Iida is the "can i speak to the manager" and "excuse me he ask for no pickles" and sero eats the pickles so not to cause a scene
• Who's more reckless Iida or Sero? Well
• Iida is reckless in life or death situations and will always sacrifice himself for a civillians sake or to avenge something and Sero has to snap him out of it.
• "Oh my god! Some idiot hero just rushed into the burning bulding at incredible speeds-"
• Sero, swearing: "thATS MY IDIOT"
• Sero is casually reckless as in driving one handed, jumping into unknown situations, jumping off roofs but trusting that iida would catch him, approaching a wild animal, that kind of thing.
• Does things that he doesnt realize are reckless. Would drink cactus juice because plant=water of course
• Iida has to stop him from licking swingsets because Denki dared him to
• When sero forgets to eat and iida bring him a snack and/or a meal
• Sero taking on some of Iida's communal chores because Iida already does like 26363u3 things for their class
• Iida letting Sero cuddle close to him when its really cold outside and it feels like he's back in the ice at the sports festival and everyone is watching and pitying him but oh! Iida is there with an arm over his shoulder and now it's just the two of them and sero feels warm again and oh wow iida is a big man
• Sero noticing that it's Iida's turn to cook for the dorm that night and see's the way Iida's hands shake when it comes time to slice the vegatables and Sero gently takes the knife away from his trembling fingers. Gives iida a new task and takes over most of the cooking but sero really doesnt mind.
• When iida has nightmares about that dark alleyway and the smell of blood and wakes up thrashing but calms down because the smell of the insence in seros room is nothing like blood. The salt lamp in the corner keeps the darkness away and sero groggily asks if he's ok and grabs iida's hand and helps him breathe through it. sero gets up and makes iida a cup of tea and listens to iida talk about his dream and reassures him till iida can fall back asleep
• Middle of a battle and Iida gets cut up on his arm but Sero INSTANTLY drops by him to apply a tape bandage and make sure he's ok
• A villain is about to strike Iida from behind but suddenly his weapon stops mid swing and he's completely imobilized by tape and holy shit have you ever seen cellophane that pissed off before ??
• Sero fighting a villain up on a super high building but gets knocked out and thrown off and iida can only see a small silhouette plummeting from the sky from where he is. Iida books it as fast as he can and just barely manages to catch Sero before he hits the ground.
• When Sero wakes up he weakly snickers and Iida is holding him close, panicking, and asks "what's so funny??? Do you have a concussion" and seros like "i bet denki 20 buck i that the next time i got knocked the fuck out i would wake up in your arms. Im taking you out someplace bougie tonight babey"
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lindalofbroome · 4 years
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(tap for quality)
21 - Mistake
‘Be at peace now,’ [Lief] whispered to the dying woman.
The pulse beneath his fingers was light and fluttering. The agonised eyes held his, filled with urgent appeal. The lips moved again. ‘Beware... the Masked One...’ the woman breathed. ‘Beware...’
Shadowgate // Ch 7
i love Shadowgate. it’s very intense and i love the foreboding of the Masked One, seeing how well they were prepared. i love the whole Masked Ones arch with Bess and Bede and how their story is intertwined with Kirsten and Mariette of Shadowgate. and Lief working out that Bede is supposedly the Guardian is already interesting, i love the way that they seem to figure out what theyre up against and the tense atmosphere as they travel to the castle and finally come face to face with him. not to mention that the physical similarities between Lief and Bede creates an interesting dynamic of opposites and such. bUT we find out that Kirsten is behind it all. and i love that so much too. just the whole foreboding of ‘who is the Masked One?’ and when they thought they got it, they were wrong. they couldn’t be prepared for what they were up against.
Nothing was as it had seemed. [...]
Bede was the captive. Kirsten was the gaoler. The evil in the room was not his, but hers.
Shadowgate // Ch 18
also i can’t really explain it, but Lief cracking Bede’s code is one of the funniest ones to happen in DQ to me. like can you imagine youre so angry and indignant about the threat to your land and all you love, and you want the evil defeated and destroyed, and the guardian of part of that evil is sitting before you. you hear so much about him, how great he is at singing, how amazing his songwriting skills are, how he looks like you. the worst part is that he does look like you. and then when youre leaving you start roasting his songwriting because you heard such high praise for it and he just sung the literal worst song youve ever heard in your life and how it dOESNT EVEN RHYME?? and you go through the would-be rhyming words and you find a secret message?? i would lose my mind. well i am losing my mind. 
i also realise that my final product is far from my original idea, and i feel like it no longer represents ‘mistake’ in of itself (at least, if you look at it without context i guess).
i ended up with about eight different ideas that i played around with for the Guardian. im not going to share them all but i thought maybe it was worth showing the original idea, which was just Bede:
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i then played around with ideas that worked with the parallels between Kirsten and Bede and their Masked Personas, but in the end it was difficult juggling four different faces for what i had in mind. this one is one of my favourites:
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what i really wanted to do was play with optical illusions. i wanted to do something that was like two faces in one, to show Kirsten and Bede. but i think i was so caught up in incorporating their Masked Personas that it made the whole affair very complex and too much. but i did have fun with drawing impossible shapes and i just rolled with that.
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cosmicbash · 4 years
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Thinking about an AU where Kelly runs a podcast/radio show reviewing and discussing new music/artists in the hiphop/rap game.
He still writes and produces his own music and is a huge Eminem fan but their beef hasn't ever happened in this universe.
When he gets a call from Paul asking if he'd like to interview Em about his newest album he all but faints right there on the spot. It's like a dream come true and he actually has Rook pinch him after they've ended the call and scheduled a phone in spot on next Friday's program. Sure he's not getting to meet his idol face to face but just getting to talk to him one on one is already a huge win in Kelly's book so he's over the moon.
Paul didn't tell him to keep it a secret so of course that means the upcoming interview is all Kelly can talk about in the days leading up to it. Every episode he records has the topic somehow sidetracking over to Em by the end. It gets to the point where even his fans are rolling their eyes and calling him a fanboy but Kelly doesn't care. He's just too excited.
When Friday rolls around Kelly is all but dancing into the studio, a starbucks cup in hand and his face stuck on a permanent smile. Ready to start his early prep work and sort our his questions for the 50th time while he waits for Em's call. (It took an extreme amount of self control for him not to abuse the fact Paul gave him Em's cell number)
Em's album is bumping at max volume in the headphones on his ears when he shoulder bumps his way through the studio door. His lips wrapped tight around the straw of his drink when his eyes land on the brunette casually reclining in his chair. A few of the assorted knickknacks he leaves decorating his desk twirling between the man's hands.
Kelly actually chokes on his drink.
By the time he's done loudly coughing and gasping for air the poor host is left praying that he didn't somehow spit coffee straight across the room at Em. He's feeling humilated enough by the fact that the first time they meet he almost kills himself with an iced coffee. The last thing he needs is to ruin the guys shoes or outfit ontop of it all.
When Em laughs the blonde is honestly tore between wanting to run and hide or melt. Everyone who's even heard of Em is aware of how rare it is to catch the rapper smiling, but that's exactly what he's doing. Kelly's idol is full on snickering at him and swiveling back and forth in his chair like his poor attempt at suicide by starbucks is the funniest thing he's seen in a long time. It's so mesmerizing Kelly almost completely misses the casual "You okay there kid?"
But there's no way he could actually miss it. Not a direct question from Eminem. His clumsy introduction has somehow earned him the mans undivided attention and Kelly is sure as shit going to embrace that whole heartedly.
It takes a few too quick motions before his headphones are dropped back around his neck and his feet are stable enough to carry him closer. Mouth rambling a mile a minute as he reaches out to shake his guests hand and apologize. "What? Y-yeah. Great. Never been better. That uh, sorry about- you know, I- I don't choke like that usually. I'm pretty good at...n-not choking-"
Em's eyebrows are rising and Kelly honestly doesn't think his face can get any redder than it is but he continues nonetheless.
"You're really here though! Paul- uh, P-Paul said we'd be doing a phone interview? I didn't realize we'd switched it-"
"Yeah, I'm not really big on doing this kinda shit over the phone. Is this a problem? Cuz we can just call it all off if you-"
Just the mere suggestion they cancel it has Kelly near screaming in the rapper's face. His fingers clamping onto Em's hand like a vice. "What? No! No! This is perfect! So much better-"
Em's mouth is quirking up at the edges in another smile and Kelly can't help but feel even more flustered. He's definitely making a fool of himself.
"I think so too." Em's other hand claps down over his and Kelly swears he's hallucinating an affectionate brush of thumb over his knuckles. Just being this close to his idol and touching hands has every nerve in his body feeling overloaded as it is.
Another full minute must pass with them just staring at eachother before Kelly's brain finishes rebooting and he regains enough common sense to end the moment, his cheeks still feeling like theyre on fire while he stutters his way through the rest of an introduction and the rough time line of the episode. It's not until he's settling down into the chair opposite of the other man that he realizes they're going to have to switch positions. A request he's not exactly confident on making but luckily avoids all together because as soon as he's finished explaining Em brings it up himself.
"So are we both going to share the guest chair today, or do you wanna switch? I'm down to just let you climb up on my lap too if that works-"
It's borderline flirting and Kelly almost finds himself choking again on his nervous sip of coffee.
Kelly has no idea how he's going to survive a few hours alone in the studio with the rapper, let alone record a whole podcast without the audience comparing him to a tomato.
((And then Em flirts with Kelly so much throughout the first recording that they actually have to scrap the whole session and start over. No amount of editing able to cover up the blondes flustered responses or Em's downright lewd jokes and teasing. Paul is pissed and Kelly's fans are questioning why the episode is being post poned another day. But Em makes it up to him with a dinner invitation and the promise that Paul's going to have Denaun sit in on the next session tomorrow to keep him in line. Cuz Em's a horny bastard who took one look at Kelly's cute rambling on the leadup to their interview and couldn't resist showing up in person to try and seduce the poor guy))
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