#think someone's shopping in the wrong section
wineauntie · 1 month
I’m in the hospital for a little bit and I’ve just been binging your Hughes!sister imagines! Any way you can do one of her in the hospital and they just don’t know what’s going on? I swear I’ve been poked and prodded for the last couple days wayyyy too much for someone that doesn’t like needles. If not no worries, just wanted you to know I love your writing
WE’VE GOT YOU — hughes brothers x sister!reader
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summary: where one trip to the grocery store ends with you in a hospital bed and three worried brothers
note: once again, I lowkey deviated from this ask, but I low-key live for angsty-fluff <3 I’m so sorry to hear you were/are in hospital and I hope you’re alright lovely!
warnings: use of y/n & y/n/n, medical stuff like insertion of needles, blood, IV’s and hospitals in general, fem!reader, fainting. (I think that’s all really)
word count: 2.6k
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Summer at the lake house was one of your favourite times of the year. It was one of the few times you could spend your days doing nothing besides spending time with your brothers. Your parents were busy for the next three weeks, leaving you completely in the care of your brothers as the four of you flocked to the lake house for some "rest and relaxation".
The four of you were two days into being there when Quinn decided that today was the perfect day to do the weekly, well-needed grocery shop, and he generously volunteered you to help him out.
With nothing better to do, you went willingly.
You'd been feeling off all morning, a sharp pain in your stomach had wracked around your body but in true tested fashion, you popped an Advil and tried to carry on with your day.
"Alright," Quinn huffed, knocking you out of your stupor as the two of you began walking down the grocery store's first aisle. You hummed and pushed the cart forward all whilst he pulled out a list of food to get. "Divide and conquer?"
"I can grab the cereals and snacks, you get the veg and meat?" You suggested, tilting your head to look at your brother who nodded with pursed lips.
"Deal," he confirmed, shaking your outstretched hand. Your warm hand met his cool one as he grimaced and pulled away. "Ugh...Your hand is all clammy."
"Shut up," you rolled your eyes and withdrew your hand. You felt a pang of pain bounce through you as you tightened your existing grip on the shopping cart. "I'll meet you at the registers."
Quinn nodded and the two of you separated, your head tilted to the side as you scanned the shelves for everything you needed. You'd given the shopping list to Quinn, having memorised everything you needed to pick up. As you reached to grab a box of cereal you let out a hiss, the box dropping as your hand shot to clutch your side.
Stars spattered across your vision as you stumbled to grip the cart. The pain in your side was now vicious, biting at your every nerve as your heart sped up. Glancing around, you searched for any sign of your older brother. Your face was fixed in a grimace as you slowly pushed the cart towards where you'd last seen Quinn run off to.
The pain, like daggers, cut through you, aiming for debilitation, you reckoned. The agony grew as you shuffled towards the fruit and veg section, spotting Quinn's blue backward hat from above the wooden shelving. 
"Quinn!" Your desperate call was more of a croak than a yell but, despite the distance and quietness of your voice, he somehow heard you.
His head whipped around, his eyes meeting yours as his eyebrows scrunched together. By this stage, you were leaving heavily against the cart with your face scrunched in pain as black spots danced their way along the borders of your vision. Quinn placed down what he was holding instantly, his eyes steady on your form as you began to tremble.
He knew something was wrong— call it that big brother instinct (or just having proper eyes...but nevertheless).
His eyes remained glued onto your form as you struggled to keep yourself upright. When he finally reached your side, you felt your knees buckle, his arms slipping under yours to keep you upright.
"Fuck," Quinn swore, steadying you as much as he could. His worried eyes spanned across your weak form as you let hot tears roll down the cushioning of your cheeks. "y/n/n, what's happening? What's wrong?"
"Hurts, Q," you let out, your voice shaky and small. If Quinn closed his eyes it was almost as if you were a child again with bruised and cut-up knees looking for him to put a bandaid on it. You put a hand against your side as the pain pulsed and thrummed like a hoard of drummers.
"Okay," Quinn took a deep breath in whilst he shifted in his place. Now wasn't the time for floundering, he needed to take charge. He needed to know what to do–even if he had no idea whatsoever. "I'm going to take you to the hospital, alright? You're going to be okay."
You nodded as he helped guide you out of the shop, ignoring any questioning glances you received as you abandoned the shopping cart and store. He helped you into the passenger seat of the car, reclining it for you before he buckled you in. You drew your legs slowly up onto the chair, curling into yourself as more tears spilt over.
"Just hold tight," Quinn muttered, brushing his hand over your hair before he closed your door and hurried towards his side to start up the car. He gulped as he scanned your small form once more before he drove out of the car park.
The drive felt like a blur, your tears flowing as you tried to focus on anything but the rattling pain. Quinn's voice spoke clearly to you, constantly reassuring you. His familiar voice was one you clung to for any semblance of comfort.
"Hey, Luke, is Jack with you?" Quinn's stern voice spoke and it was only then that you realised he'd called your other brothers, letting it connect to the car's speakers. "Put the phone on loudspeaker..." Quinn looked towards you briefly before readjusting his grip on the steering wheel.
"Y/N isn't doing so well," he continued, "She collapsed on me in the store, so I'm taking her to the hospital."
"Wait, what?"
"What do you mean hospital?"
"Quinn, what's wrong with her?"
Jack and Luke's voices overlapped in a flurry of questions as Quinn sighed and tried to pick through them.
"I think it's her side, she was holding it tightly but I'm not taking any risks," he firmly stated. "We're five minutes out from A&E, I'll keep you posted."
"Keep us posted?!" Jack scoffed, "We'll be there in thirty minutes, maybe twenty-five if I speed a little."
"No speeding!" You groaned, your voice cracking as you pried your eyes open. "Please be careful."
"Alright, y/n/n," Luke piped up, "I'll make sure he's safe...well as safe as he can be, you know how bad he can be at driving."
"I'm not bad," you could imagine Jack scowling as a soft thump resounded. If you knew anything about your brothers you knew Jack had just whacked Luke straight across the head. "We'll see you soon!"
Quinn hummed and hung up as he pulled off of the main road, into the lead up to the hospital. He still looked at you every few seconds, his eyebrows permanently furrowed deep as you carefully squirmed in the leather seats of his car.
"Just hold tight, y/n/n," he muttered, changing gears, "it's going to be alright."
That's the last thing you comprehended before your vision completely darkened.
The incessant beeping coming from what you presumed to be a machine was the first thing you heard when you'd woken up. You moved your head groggily, your eyesight blurred as you blinked heavily.
The room was washed in pure you,wokelights above blinding as you lifted your hand to rub at your eyes. You felt a sharp scratch and upon glancing towards the feeling, you eventually noticed the IV jutting out of your paled skin.
You were suddenly wide awake.
You heard the beeping of the machine speed up as you attempted to sit up in the uncomfortable bed you seemed to be lying in. Patting your hands down your body, you discovered a thin hospital gown and a section of bandages across the middle of your stomach.
The door to your left swung open as a woman in scrubs and a white jacket entered with her clipboard in hand. She had a warm smile across her face when she noticed you were awake.
"Hello, I'm Sara, your doctor," the woman's soothing voice explained, as you looked at her in pure bewilderment. "You may feel disoriented for a while, but you’re in one of our recovery rooms at the moment."
"Recovery from what?" Your voice felt chalky if that was even possible. Sara rushed to grab you a glass of water waiting on a table beside you, handing it over to you for you to sip.
"You were brought in around..." Sara paused and checked your chart before looking back at you. "Eight hours ago with severe abdominal pain. You were unconscious, your brother carried you. We ran some tests and discovered that your appendix ruptured."
"My appendix?" You breathed out, your head was swirling as your shaky hands placed the plastic cup of water down on the table.
"Mhm," Sara hummed, stepping closer to the bed with her clipboard. "We took you in for surgery to remove it and now I'm here just to make sure you're awake and alright, before we bring you up to your room!"
"Oh...where is my brother?" You asked quietly, your hands folding cautiously in ront of you.
"The one who brought you in is waiting upstairs, and two other young gentlemen joined him shortly after you arrived."
"Also brothers," you supplied, a small smile weaving its way across your face. You winced as you shuffled beneath the thin sheets of the bed. "When can I see them?"
"As soon as I check you over and grab some bloods!" Sara beamed, waving her clipboard and pen. You leaned back against the pillows and allowed the woman to assess you as you stared at the ceiling.
She pulled out a needle and vial, along with a blue rubber strap. You watched apprehensively as Sara expertly prepared the equipment, her movements precise and practised. Despite your best efforts to remain calm, the sight of the needle made your stomach churn with unease.
"Alright, just a little pinch," Sara reassured you, flashing a reassuring smile as she tied the rubber strap around your arm. With steady hands, she swabbed the crook of your elbow with alcohol before gently inserting the needle into your vein.
You braced yourself for the anticipated sting, but to your surprise, it was only a brief discomfort before the sensation faded. You let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the ordeal was over before you knew it.
Sara expertly filled the vial with your blood, her movements smooth and efficient. Once she had collected an adequate sample, she removed the needle and applied a cotton ball to the small puncture wound.
"All done," she announced cheerfully, placing the vial of blood into a small tray and labelling it with your information. "You did great."
"Thanks...You make it look so easy." You offered her a weak smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over you now that the ordeal was over.
"It comes with the territory." She chuckled softly, gathering up her supplies and tucking them back into her bag. "Now, I'll get these bloods to the lab and then we can get you settled into your room."
With a final wave, Sara left the room, leaving you alone once again. You let out a long exhale, feeling a sense of exhaustion wash over you now that the adrenaline had faded.
You took a deep breath in as Sara pressed a button to open the doors to your supposed room. As it opened, you spotted all three of your brothers jump to their feet, their eyes fixed on your incoming bed.
Your eyes met Quinn's, as he seemed to let out a breath and let his shoulders drop. The tension in the room eased as his gaze softened, relief washing over his features like a gentle wave. You could sense the worry etched in his eyes, the weight of concern lifting as he saw you safe and awake.
"Look who finally decided to join the land of the living!" Jack exclaimed with a grin, nudging Luke who was standing next to him.
"Yeah, we were starting to think you'd taken up permanent residence in the land of the appendix-less," Luke chimed in, trying to lighten the mood despite the worry etched on his face in the form of little lines between his brows.
Quinn, ever the one to keep his emotions close to the chest, simply nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Glad to see you're okay," he said softly, his eyes reflecting relief as he ruffled your hair. You couldn't help but chuckle weakly at their attempts at humour, grateful for their presence despite the circumstances.
"Thanks...and Quinn, I guess I owe you one for bringing me here," you quipped, wincing slightly as you shifted in the bed.
"His biceps needed a workout anyways" Luke teased, earning a slight glare from Quinn.
Sara stepped back to give you some space with your brothers, her smile warm and reassuring. "I'll leave you all to catch up. Just remember to take it easy. You're still recovering," she admonished gently before slipping out of the room, leaving the four of you alone.
As you settled back against the pillows, surrounded by the familiar faces of your brothers, you couldn't help but feel a wave of gratitude wash over you. Despite the pain and uncertainty, you knew you were going to be alright as long as you had them by your side.
Luke leaned in, his eyes scanning you with concern. "Seriously though, how are you feeling? You look like you've been through a wrestling match with a grizzly bear." He winced, glancing down at your IV.
"I've been better, I'm just glad it's all over now." You managed a weak smile, appreciating his attempt at levity.
"You scared the hell out of us, you know?" Jack plopped down in the chair next to your bed, his grin faltering slightly as he studied your face. "Typical youngest child behaviour, always the dramatic one."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes as Jack gently laced his fingers through your non-IV hand and squeezed ever so carefully.
"Yeah, I almost had to call in the cavalry to drag your stubborn, passed out self into the ER," Quinn added, a hint of teasing in his voice, though his eyes betrayed his worry.
You chuckled softly, feeling a swell of affection for your brothers. "Well, thanks for not leaving me to suffer." You lolled your head against your pillow as the boys shifted in their stances. The three boys stayed silent as they watched you move with a few groans.
There was a beat of silence before you spoke again.
"So...do you think I can use this whole appendix thing as an excuse to get out of doing chores for, like, the next year?" You asked with a mischievous yet lazy grin, earning a collective groan from the boys.
"You wish, y/n/n," Quinn retorted, rolling his eyes with a chuckle. "But nice try."
As laughter filled the room, you couldn't help but feel a surge of relief wash over you. Despite the pain and uncertainty, having your brothers by your side made everything feel a little bit brighter.
You listened intently as the three explained what had happened exactly from the moment you'd passed out to the very second you'd been brought into the room. Jack and Luke had apparently run over various traffic cones out in the parking lot whilst Quinn had apparently drunk his body weight in caffeine.
As you listened to them, a sudden thought dawned over you.
"Hey...so do Mom and Dad know?"
"Oh, fuck..." Jack grimaced, slapping a hand to his forehead as Quinn swore low under his breath. "We are dead."
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oceantornadoo · 1 month
Please I just want to say I LOVE YOU AND YOUR WORK HUHBBDEUBYUVTYVTUOVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you could come up with anything more on the Simon Riley Cut-bulk-the-bird-said-she-liked-me-big-thing I will be your servant forever.
tw: body talk (i headcanon simon as someone who shops in the big & tall section so i think his clothes would fit the body type of every reader. if you shop in that same section, imagine him being MORE bigger and taller than you. mans is 6'4 fr)
(a few months later)
simon almost ripped the shirt off his body in frustration. another piece of clothing he had outgrown. he added it to the pile of clothes that he couldn't fit anymore. sleeves too tight, stomach pushing out the fabric. sure he was still in shape, could pass the military physical easily, but he was no longer the lean 22-year-old he once was, muscles now hidden under layers of fat. and he hated it.
there was a knock at the door. still a little pissed off, he opened it with more force than necessary, grunting out "what." before even looking down at who knocked. just his luck, it was you, the one person he tried to be nice to.
"what's got you so grumpy?" you smiled up at him, all sugar and spice. you loved simon's growls, the social anxiety and introvertedness he hid under irritation. it just made it more valuable whenever he laughed at one of your god-awful puns or let you lay on his shoulder. you were never second-guessing if he liked you, mostly because he hated everyone else.
"sorry, didn't see it was you. was jus' doing some spring cleaning." you laughed, a tinkling sound that transitioned into a snort. he loved your insane laughter, a real sound of joy. you peered around his large torso and spotted the pile of clothes on his bed. "doing a big donation, simon?" it was always a punch to the gut to hear his name come out of your mouth, laced with sarcasm and cheek. ever since he told you you could say it in private with him a month ago, you never stopped using it. "somethin' like that. clothes piss me off." you huffed, pushing past him easily as he let you into his room. he closed the door behind you, trying to calm his heart rate as he saw you, here, in his space. like you were his too.
"what did the poor fabric do to you?" you sorted through the clothes, seeing nothing wrong with most. they were all practical clothes, but none had noticeable holes or wear. he mumbled something, too low for you to catch it. "say that again?" he scratched his head and looked away, almost meek. "said they don't fit." ah, there was the problem. "that's okay. just means your muscles are too big." you tried to give a compliment, anything to get rid of the storms in his eyes. "nah. 've gotten fat." you put the shirt you were holding down with force, stomping over to where he had now taken a seat at his spare chair. you stepped between his legs, which opened easily for you. you gripped his chin and turned it towards you, forcing eye contact. "so what? just means you've been eating well, simon. nothing wrong with that."
he looked down, almost reminding you of a kicked puppy. "you don't care?" you weren't dating, yet, but you two had some sort of a romantic understanding. some acknowledgement of there being more, an exclusive connection between you two. "no. i like my men big. like when you can throw me around." he barked out a laugh, surprised at your admission. you smiled back, satisfied. getting a laugh out of him was 80% of the battle. "and these clothes are still good for something." his eyes were on you again, questioning.
you walked back to the bed, full of confidence now. turning to face him, you slowly grabbed the hem of your shirt, untucking it from your tactical pants. he wasn't wearing his mask, so you could see his mouth physically drop at the action. ever so slowly, you raised your arms, bringing your shirt with you. you tossed the shirt aside, standing in front of him with only your bra and pants on. his eyes were dark with desire and he made a move to stand up, but you commanded him with a sharp "sit." like a loyal guard dog, he lowered himself back into his chair, complete captivated.
turning back to the bed, you grabbed one of his outgrown sweatshirts and put it on. it smelled like him, that masculine scent tinged with the cologne he sometimes wore. "see?" you gestured to the sweatshirt, too big on you. "you just gave me a bunch of free clothes." he grunted, still fixated on the sweatshirt. his lack of response made you nervous. "what?" you asked. "give us a spin." you spun slowly, trying not to smile too much. god, the things this man does to you.
"'like seeing my last name on you."
now whose jaw was dropping?
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feelingf1 · 8 months
pretty isn’t pretty - daniel ricciardo
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x female!reader
summary: you’ve started comparing yourself to the other wags, and now you’re starting to wonder, does daniel deserve someone better than you?
authors note: i am obsessed with this song. it’s not okay. this is also kinda short, sorry😭
You collapsed onto your bed after an enjoyable but exhausting day. You had spent your day accompanying Daniel in the paddock on the last race of the season.
Because you were still mainly located in yours and Daniel’s home town, you didn’t often get the opportunity to travel so far to go and see him race, but you were glad you could.
You threw your outfit on the bench, putting on your comfy pajamas before making a call for room service and scrolling through your phone.
You opened up Instagram and saw that Carmen, George’s partner, had posted a picture of you, Lily, Isa and Charlotte.
You liked it, reposting it to your story, before checking the comment to see what people were saying.
That was your big mistake.
You opened a comment section to people slagging you off, for every reason they could.
“Y/N looks like she pulled that outfit out of her cousin’s closest”
“Jesus she could try and make some effort with her hair and makeup.”
“What?” You said to yourself. It hadn’t come to your attention before that people online didn’t really like you.
“She’s such a slag, sucking off Daniel for his money”
-> “Pity she wouldn’t use Daniel’s money to dress herself up a bit.”
“Daniel deserves way better than her.”
That last comment stuck with you. Your friends had always told you not to believe what the comments said. But surely if they’re all saying the same thing, they must be right?
You scrolled through the other photos the paparazzi had captured of all the other wags. Looking through them, you came to understand how you believed you were a lower standard compared to them.
They had the newest handbags, shoes, clothes, makeup. They had people dressing them up for this and every event they attended. They didn’t even had to think twice before flashing their card in a designer shop.
You, on the other hand, had to go to a thrift shop to buy the dress you wore so you could still afford your rent and bills at the end of the month. You used the drugstore makeup you had been using for years, as getting it done by somebody would cost too much, and you’d have to cut back on buying groceries.
How could you ever expect yourself to compare to these angels who had everything they could ever want? Of course, if you had asked Daniel, he would have bought you a brand new Louis Vuitton dress with a Gucci clutch bag just for today, but you prided yourself on not having to rely on your boyfriend for money. Maybe you prided yourself a little too much.
Tears started to fall from your eyes and down your cheeks. You couldn’t help but think you were and embarrassment to Daniel. That he only kept with you because he felt bad for you and your sad little life.
You headed to the bathroom to take off your makeup, so you could cry without looking like a panda. You stared in the mirror for a little too long, starting to point out imperfections that nobody else saw but you.
You started to cry again.
You crawled into the hotel bed, pulling the covers up over your head, and wept. You wept and wept until you felt empty. And then you came to a realization.
You had to break up with Daniel. You had to let him find someone better than you. Someone prettier, someone richer, someone who wouldn’t put shame on his name.
You were too busy crying to hear the sound of your hotel room door opening and closing. The second Daniel saw you upset, he rushed to your side.
“My love. What’s wrong?”
He pulled the covers down from your face gently, revealing your reddened cheeks and puffy eyes. A look of worry washed over his face.
“What’s happened?” He asked, softly.
You wiped your eyes in your hoodie sleeves and started at the ceiling, not even having it in you to look at his big, brown, beautiful eyes right now.
“We- we need to break up.” You croaked out.
Daniel’s face dropped. “What? Y/N, what the hell are you talking about.”
You brought your hands up to your eyes and started to cry tears you thought you didn’t have left. Daniel softly stroked your cheek in an attempt to calm you down.
“There’s- there’s just comments I saw online and they say how bad I look compared to the other girls.” You rambled out, still not able to look at him.
“Oh, doll.” He whispered.
“And one comment said that you deserve someone way better than me, which you do. I’m too ugly and poor to be with someone as good as you.”
Your breathing started to increase a little as you started to panic. Daniel pulled you into his arms, cradling you, as he rubbed soft circles on your back.
“Oh Y/N. You can’t listen to those silly little comments. I’m the one that’s lucky to have you.” He said, into your ear.
“But-” You went to argue but Daniel cut you off.
“No, listen. Y/N, I’m the luckiest person in the world to have somebody like you. Somebody so kind, so pretty, so smart, so sweet, so dedicated. You’re the prettiest girl in the whole entire world. Nobody compared to you, my love.”
He softly took ahold of your hands, removing them from your face.
“Let me see my beautiful lady.”
You smiled up at him. You were so lucky to have somebody like him. He really was one of a kind.
“Y/N, I love you.” He said.
Your face lit up, he said them. He really said those three beautiful words for the first time. Just when you thought you couldn’t love him more, he proved you wrong.
“I love you too, Daniel.”
He pulled you into a proper hugs and you stayed there for what felt like forever. You didn’t care, as long as you had Daniel, you could stay with him forever.
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
hello!! ⭐, I saw that your order section was open and yesterday I read your story of buggy with the Roger effect and Jessica Rabit and I loved it, and I would like to know if you could do a one shot or something shorter if you prefer showing how they met and they decided to get married I love your stories and I think that, like your buggy, he is my favorite character. If you don't like this request or you think it's not good to do it, you can just ignore it, it won't be a bad thing 😸 thank you and have a good day!! 💗✨ (pd. English is not my first language so sorry if something is not written well😔)
Deal! I love this little idea
Buggy x FemReader
Small angst + Fluff
Heart on my Sleeve
Prequel Of Roger and Jessica Rabbit Effect
Wanna Buy me a Ko-Fi ☕️
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• Your village was one of the poorest villages in the East Blue, the taxes from the World Goverment crippling your home to be a starving wasteland.
• Mainly to the wealthy Governor who lived above your town.
• You owned a fabric shop but the fabrics you owned were old and starting to rot from the lack of buissness. The moths having more use put of your fabrics then you did-
• The newest pirate on the scene Buggy the Clown shows up to your village ready to pillage it, in his early 20s with a fresh faced crew. However they did not expect the village to look worse then before they arrived.
• "I thought you said this place had money?" Buggy asked as he looked at the place. Lowering his blades as it looked like this place- it was in shambles. Like it had been pillaged to time then a pirate
• You had walked out of your shop, seeing if maybe the baker had just enough flour so you could feed yourself. Turning to see the group of pirates that seemed better off then you and your people.
• Buggy stared hard at you and matched forward, seeing that you were quite pretty in his eyes as he stood before you.
• "You! Tell me what the hell is wrong with this place! We heard it was rich here!" He said angrily, clearly upset at not getting to a small village that at least had a few Berries.
• You looked up at the pirate, noting the far too big of clothes for his frame and his painted face- Not liking he was putting such an unflattering green around his watercolor eyes. His face twisting up in anger as he caught you staring at his face.
• "What are you staring at!? You looking at my nose!" He yelled angrily, his fingers going to the inner part of your coat where you assumed some weapon would be.
• "No your shirts too big for your frame and that shade of green doesn't compliment your eyes well" You said truthfully, At this point a knife or bullet being a kinder death then starving anyway-
•"U-Uh- What?" He said confused, Unsure how to answer. You reaching forward and putting your arms around his frame to pull back the shirt. Taking a pin from your pocket and pinning the shirt back so it fit properly.
• "See- Your shirt is too big. It looks better fitted like that" You pointed out, His faze looking down at the pinned back shirt. His face red at how close you got to him, or that you'd touched him at all.
• "As for money we have non. The governor has the taxes so hide no one here can even feed themselves" You said truthfully, The young clown blinking at you in surprise.
• "Er- Y-Youre making fun of me somehow right? Like my Nose" He tried to yell again grabbing the front of your dirty shirt- clearly not used to someone trying to give him kind useful advice without some sort of motive.
• "I would never make fun of your nose, it looks fine to me anyways" You snap back and slap his hand away calmly. He blinked at you surprised and released your hand- His eyes going up the hill of the village and seeing the grand governors house hidden in some trees.
• He huffed and shoved you hard, you falling into the mud as him and his crew marched past up to the Governors home.
• However what did surprise you was the next Morning the Captian and his Crew stood in the village square and announced he now owned the village. Saying he was Buggy the Clown- and that he was now in charge.
• Before starting to hand out some stolen treasure??? Giving some supplies he had 'liberated' from the Governors house.
• You also noticed how his eyes lingered on you as he did this.
• It had been a few months like this, he would stop by randomly pay for the village. He wasn't taking taxes but instead paying things- it was improving greatly, the cracks of the pavements on the streets getting repaired, new paint on the building and new businesses flourishing-
• But you noticed how he would pay extra attention to your shop- Getting all his things from you. How you got extra rolls of fabric delivered to your door or how he would pay for all these extra accessories to his costumes.
• "You seamstress I want another coat!" He yelled as he invaded your shop.
• Buggy was there again, asking for another ridiculous costume. You couldn't help but notice how often he was coming by- claiming he wanted new costumes by you and wanting to be measured everytime he came in.
• How he would blush when you measured around his chest. "You know, I noticed you always come through here and stop specifically at my shop for new outfits when you wear the same coat" You tease, watching him blush at you pointing this out.
• "So what!" He yelled out, his face as red as a cherry. You look at him and raise a brow at him, Not even having to say a word as Buggy deflated.
• "...I uh wanted to take you on a date" He grumbled, finally admitting what his plans were. You smiled at this, Setting the tape aside.
• "Now please do tell me, Why should I accept your offer for someone who not only yelled in my face but pushed me in mud-" You point out, even though you knew he most likely made up for it by him saving your village.
• "..I am sorry about that.." He forced out, you could tell he wasn't used to apologizing and was trying his hardest.
• "I forgive you, But that doesn't mean I'll forget" You say calmly. Smiling softly as you saw him looking ready to flip put at the rejection but you held a hand to him-
• "I know- So why don't we make a deal. Since I can tell you're really sorry why don't we agree to dinner and go from there? Its not a date per say but its a start" You said with a smile, his eyes lit up at hearing this at the prospect of getting to win you over.
• "Really!?" He says excitedly, Jumping up and down like a school boy as he blushed and giggled into his gloved hands like a kid. You couldn't help but find it adorable-
• For the next year Buggy would send gifts, love letters, help rebuild the village. Do everything to get in your good graces and ask for a official date every time he visited.
• Buggy would essentially own the Village at the point, 30% of his money went to the village to get it on its feet and keep it a small strip of paradise the very limited taxes he implimented later affer the village was florishing acted as a small form of secondary income. Mainly making sure people knew the place was protected by him as his reputation grew through time.
• Him even showing his unique Devil fruit abilties- Which you often abused for him to float up and grab the more expensive rolls of fabric or hang up finished cloths.
• The village also being a popular tourist destination for the friendly locals and nice scenery. So for Buggy it was worth the investment since originally put in.
• After that 'probation' year you would finally agree to officially date him and he was over the damn moon.
• While he would be secretive about you, his love language was strong. He is both physically and verbally affectionate- While he still throws his fits you know how to handle him well. Loving him both for his strengths and flaws.
• It would be 1 years of dating before Buggy would start planning how to pop the question.
- You were closing up shop for the day, humming along to a made up tune when you heard the back door of your shop being unlocked. You didn't have to look to know who it was, only one other person had the key to it.
"Hey Buggy Boo" You call out, smiling as you heard Buggy grumble and peel off his boots to leave them by the front door.
"That is still such a bad nickname" He grumbled before walking behind you and kissing your cheek and wrapping his arms around you. He smelled like the sea, clearly having just gotten off his shop to visit you. He had been taking more time out to see, wanting to get his bounty higher. Currently proud of his 5,000,000 berry bounty which for a early 20s pirate was fairly good he claimed.
"Ah you love it" You giggle which earned a adorable chuckle from the man.
"You know (Y/N)- I uh really like you and Want to spend my.."
"So I wanted us to have dinner tonight- I know you like that place down the street and want us to go there" He said, his voice very soft- Much softer then normal.
Smiling you turn around and kiss him on the lips.
"I'd love to" You say cheerfully, earning a crooked smile from him as he held you close.
As promised, that night Buggy took you to your favorite restaurant. Having gotten a private table in the back, you two spending hours just talking and sharing a meal together.
Buggy even pulling out a box of your favorite candies he had gotten out from his last adventure.
After dinner he lead you away to the more scenic parts of your Village a small meadow pass that had the most beautiful blue and white flowers, under the moonlight it looked so magical. You saw Buggy reach in his pockets and turn to face you, nervousness painted on his face as he shuffled his feet. Clearly prepared to get on one knee-
"You stole my Thunder!!" He cried in faux anger, you laughing hard as he ranted about how you knew so quickly, happy tears running down your cheeks as you smiled and his face turned deep red.
"Yes I will!" You said with a wide smile, your excitement getting the best of you as you slapped your hands over your own mouth. His jaw dropping in shock.
"I've been planning this for 4 months!!" He whined, face so red his nose was glowing as he stared at you.
"Im so sorry Baby, You just- You talk in your sleep my Love." You reveal with a smile, His face twisting up as he realized you'd known the whole time and let him try to have his moment anyway. You had just got too excited and answering too quickly-
As this sunk in he smiled widely and started to laugh, he couldn't help it! You were just too perfect for him! Despite everything you still let him have the spotlight. He kissed your lips eagerly and held you close, rocking the two of you side to side in pure joy.
"I.. I love you (Y/N)..So much- I cant wait for you to be my wife.." He said as he pressed his face into your neck- You could feel the warmth of tears hitting your skin exposed. Your arms wrapped tightly around him as you hug him close and cried against him in joy.
Pulling the both of you to the ground with a loud laugh as you two laid in the flowers- Laughs leaving you both as tears stilled from both of your eyes.
"I love you too Buggy Boo"
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 months
Market Mayhem ~ BC
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GENRE: cute, fluffy, reader getting stressed about her pump, chan being the very kind and doting boyfriend he is and fixing it for her, first i love you, established relationship
PAIRING: Chan x FemReader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - February 2024
A/N: I hope I got the details right and this is okay, if anything is wrong please feel free to let me know so I can rectify it <3 
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The day started out so great, you'd woken up with Chan deciding to have a nice lazy morning in bed before going to the mall. It was a cool, yet sunny afternoon which meant the two of you had fun exploring the outdoor shops that Australia had to offer. The two of you had flown out to surprise his family and you were hoping tonight you could cook them something after they had cooked all week long for you. When you first came to visit you were terrified they were going to dislike you but they all seemed to get along with you well, and Hannah even helped you tease Chan.
"I was thinking we could grab some steaks on the way back and we could cook for your family." You told Chan as you looked through the market stall, not noticing the beeping that was coming from your insulin pump. Maybe you did and maybe you were choosing to ignore it but you'd been stressed out with it more and more lately, something that wasn't good since you needed to keep on top of it. 
It could have been the heat adding to your stress levels since you had gotten more annoyed with changing it since arriving but Chan could see it was getting to you a little. His ears picked up when he heard the faint sound of the beeps, something he'd grown accustomed to over the last three months of you dating and he smiled to himself since you'd clearly not heard it.
"Baby," Chan whispered, his hand coming to rest on your lower back as his thumb gently rubbed in small circles. People hadn't noticed the beeping but he'd trained himself to hear it, even in his sleep if he heard it going off he'd wake up to let you know.
"Hmm?" You glanced up at him, your mind coming out of the daze you were in about food and Chan smiled at you, his hand gently running up and down your back.
"You're beeping," As soon as the words left his throat your smile dropped and you sighed lifting up your shirt just a little to expose the device that was no doubt, beeping loudly at you. Usually, you were on top of it, you were the first to change it, or even notice it but right now all you wanted to do was cry. It was going to ruin the lovely day you were having with Chan because you had to move out of the way and take care of it.
"F-Fuck sake." You grumbled angrily, the annoyance of it taking over as you placed down the vegetables and stormed off in the direction of a private spot and Chan was quick on your tail. 
The constant need to have to change it whenever you were doing something you enjoyed was getting under your skin and you didn't want this to ruin your time out with Chan but it already had.
"Babe," Chan called when he saw just how annoyed you were at it but you just scoffed and began frantically searching through your bag with curses falling from your lips. He knew what you were doing.
"Is everything okay?" His voice was laced with concern as he knelt down in front of you, just now noticing the tears that were starting to fall down your cheeks. Instantly his heart felt as though it was breaking, the idea of you crying tore him up inside and he'd burn the whole world down if it meant making you smile again.
"I'm sick of this," You mumbled, quickly swatting the tears away not wanting to cry in front of him. You went back to looking through your bag as you sniffled a little,
"It's ruining our day, I just wanted a nice day with you." You admitted before Chan took your bag away, going into the middle section and retrieving everything you needed to change your pump, including the customised stickers he'd gotten someone at JYP to make for him. It was a sticker cover with the SKZOO characters, and you had a few with just each of the SKZOO characters alone too in case you wanted to change things up.
"Don't worry, We can take care of this...and it's not ruining our day," He told you sternly before he gently lifted your shirt and started to clean the sticker with a wipe. The last thing Chan wanted you to think was that you were ruining his day with something that had to be done.
Chan had watched you change your pump so many times it was like clockwork to him as his hands gently took out the old pump and he began prepping the new one. Your eyes never left him as he carefully put the new insulin into another pump and waited for your Omnipod controller to tell him it was okay for him to go.
"Where did you learn all this?" You sniffled a little as he smirked at you, when the two of you first started dating a few months back he'd made sure to do some research in case he ever needed to help you out and it was finally coming in handy.
"I watched my girlfriend bravely do it all the time." He was proud of you, even if it was something you'd grown used to over the years of having it and no longer saw that you were brave for doing it he did. 
"Brave?" You scoffed a little carefully standing up as Chan stood in front of you, smiling brightly at you. He wasn't, for one second, going to let you talk badly about yourself in any shape or form.
"You are, even if you won't admit it to yourself. Inserting this into yourself whenever it's needed is a brave thing." You looked down at the pump in his hand, your mind already starting to beat you up as you thought more about it.
Chan thought you so brave but you'd been so stressed out you started crying over having to do something you needed to do in order to function properly,
"So brave I broke down in stress because I didn't want to do it myself." Chan tilted your head up slowly so that you were looking into his eyes and he shook his head at you.
"So? All I see is someone who is tired and I don't mind looking after her," He reassured you, placing a gentle kiss on your lip before he shrugged his shoulders at you.
"Besides, everyone gets stressed and fed up every now and again. You're allowed to do that," He reassured you before looking at your stomach, as much as he wanted to do this for you he wasn't sure where he was supposed to place it.
"I'll do it...Thank you, Channie." You whispered as you carefully took the piece of equipment from him and he stood behind you, holding you from behind for comfort as you carefully placed the pump where it needed to be.
With a small countdown, you did it and squeezed your eyes shut at the sudden discomfort, it was something you'd never get used to but the pain had dulled little by little each time you had used it. Once it was on Chan gently pressed the sticker over it and smiled at his handy work,
"Perfect!" He called out before raising up from the floor and holding you at the side,
"How about we go and get a nice warm drink together while we relax? Okay? And then we'll go back to food shopping," Chan suggested as he placed small kisses on your shoulder, your body heating up as you nodded at him.
"That sounds excellent," You breathed out, relaxing back into your boyfriend as he smiled brightly to himself.
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The two of you had gone to a small cafe nearby where Chan ordered your favourite drink and a snack, sitting next to you with his arm wrapped around your shoulder. All you could think about was how incredible Chan had been to do all of this for you and you couldn't fight the smile that was on your face.
"Watch," Chan whispered as he pointed out of the window at the surfers that were on the beach but you weren't watching the surfers you were watching Chan. You couldn't believe how great Chan was and you were so grateful for his constant understanding and support of you when it came to your health. Not only that but just how incredible he was in the first place, you were sure you were never going to find someone else you were more in love with than him.
"I love you." You breathed out before leaning across and kissing him on the cheek, his ears and face burning a bright red as he heard you whisper the words he'd been dying to hear.
"I love you too." He turned to look at you, kissing you softly as the world faded into the background, your arms moving to hook around the back of his neck as you drew your body closer to his.
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@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @toplinehyunjin @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @choisoorin @straykids5star @midnightfrog625 @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @halesandy @junhannies @gothic4under4lord @lixie-phoria @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lensfilm @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @kpopsstuffs @chaeyoungs @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @niktwazny303 @moonlight-the-writer @armystay89 @hadassahchan @yxngbxkkie @myyouthdonut @extrhotjne @ca11me3mily @elissasimp @xakx @sleepb @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @kpopmenace143 @minhosify @loveforred @b1nn1e-1s-cut3 @parkjennykim
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444rockstargf · 23 days
ive never made a request before im a bit nervy omg
but could u maybe do smth about like a sweet innocent little y/n meeting euro (or maybe even kappa) and he just wants to ruin her innocence and make her a total whore for him (maybe slight undertones of cnc IF youre comfortable with that)
don't be nervous, anon! thank you so much for reaching out & sharing your ideas!
"said i was flawless, true perfection." | euronymous
ridin'. - lana del rey
✮⋆˙ [tags] @faesucksass @lustkillers @mayathepsychic1999 @josibunn @si1nful-symph0ny @vanlisbon @livingdead-reilly @oliviah-25 @lankysimp@auggiethecreator @livingdead-materialgirl @monkeyfart@imoonkiss @nom-nommmm1 @xxbl00d-cl0txx @k1ll3rh0rr0r @wildathevrt @mommymilkers0526 @greenxgloss @wild-rose-35
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female!reader x r!euronymous
word count: 1.7k
contents: blowjob, public sex, masturbation
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who the hell thought it would be a good idea to sell lana del rey vinyls in a black metal record store?
business at the shop had been slow. euronymous sat behind the cashier, lighting himself a cigarette as the clock neared noon. he sighed deeply, putting his feet on the desk as he took the tv remote, flipping through channels mindlessly. he’d figured to take his break a little early. it didn’t seem like anyone was planning on showing up anyway.
the sun outside shone just a little too bright. euronymous groaned, standing up and making his way to the window to close the blinds. he peeked outside through the glass, the streets nearly empty with the exception of the occasion person strolling by. he grumbled, closing the shutters and rubbing a stressed hand over his face. he needed to make a sale, even if it was only one. all he needed was an angel from heaven to stroll by…
the bell above the door chimed, snapping euronymous out of his train of thoughts. “we’re off for break, man. come back in an hour.” he muttered. you froze in your tracks, raising an eyebrow. you cleared your throat and he glanced over at you. “i said get los-” he finally locked eyes with you, seeing a woman instead of his usual audience.
his eyes were wide with shock as they travelled down your body. you were just about the furthest thing from death metal he’d ever seen walk into the shop. it’s not like you were adorned in pastel rainbows, but he’d never expect someone like you to show up at a store like this.
he cleared his throat, walking back behind the desk as you began to stroll through the shop. “i don’t think we have the type of music you listen to, lady?” already at the section for the artist you were looking for, you looked at him. “you sure? cuz i think i see what i need right here.” you rolled your eyes, starting to flip through different albums as euronymous glared at you.
this new sale was already attracting all the wrong types of people. you looked like a doll, one meant to be used and destroyed by a ruthless owner. not wandering through a black metal store like it was your second home. silence filled the environment, much to your comfort but it made euronymous very uncomfortable. he’d been used to cracking conversations with whoever walked through the door, but he didn’t know how to go about that with you.
after taking a deep breath, he spoke. “everything going okay over there?” his words were forced, but you looked back at him with a smile. “going just fine, thanks.” your sweet words had a bite to them, like you were mocking him for something. he found himself getting intrigued about a person he had met less than a minute ago.
after what felt like an eternity, you picked 5 vinyls and took them to the cashier. you set them down in front of him, you two now less than a foot apart. he glanced at you as he rang up your items. “you come to places like this often, doll?” you swallowed hard, shaking your head. he added up the total before reading it out to you. “your total will be $401.59.” your eyes widened to the size of saucers. “400 dollars?! i don’t have that kind of money on me!” you bent over to read the total off his screen, your tight dress slipping down your chest slowly and revealing your cleavage to him.
your breasts waved right in front of his eyes and his breath grew shallow. your arousing scent filled his nostrils. he squirmed slightly in his seat, heart hammering in his chest. you were almost completely revealing your tits to him compeltely by accident. he had only know you for a few minutes and was already getting a taste of how naive you were.
his gaze bored into your chest until you stood upright again, picking at your fingernails. “i-i had no idea that these would be so expensive…” euronymous clasped his hands over his lap, a boner already sprouting underneath. “well you’ve gotta pay for them one way or another, lady.” he paused, a sinister idea brewing in his mind. “i’d hate to get the cops involved in our business.”
your heart stopped for a second as you frantically shook your hea.d “n-no, of course not…” you sighed deeply, trying to think of a way to get out of this situation. you looked right into his cold eyes, speaking so softly that he could barely hear you. “p-please, find it in your heart to help me out. i’ll… i’ll do anything…” that line alone was the perfect telltale of how much porn you watched, but maybe euronymous was the clueless one for not picking up on your obvious hints.
you fiddled with the thin chain aorund your neck, pouting slightly as his pupils dilated. he stood up from his seat with a small grin, extending his hand to you. “let’s step into my office, sweetheart. then we can talk business.” you nodded, taking his cold, pasty hand in yours as he walked you into the small room behind him, locking the door.
he looked at you right in your cartoon eyes, your face resembling one of a make-believe character that was too good to be true. he leaned against his personal desk, beckoning you to come closer to him. ou stood right infront of him, his arm slowly slithering around your waist. he spoke in a whisper, eyes locked on your nipples that barely poked out through your dress.
“you want those records real bad, don’t you?” you nodded, chest rising and falling slowly as you took deep reaths. his smile turned slightly sadistic as he pulled you into him, his breath hitting the cave of your ear. “then i’m going to make you work for it, whore…” you almost choked as euronymous grabbed the neck of your dress, tugging it down and making your tits pop out.
your gasped, your pierced nipples painfully erect. he kneaded your bugs between his fingers, making your knees go weak, much to his pleasure. the boner he had been fighting all this while was roaring to be let out, a mess of precum already spilling in his black jeans. “get on your knees, bitch.” you went down without protest, your face an inch away from his bulge. he grabbed the back of your head, bringing your lips to it and making you kiss him through the fabric, a low groan escaping his lips.
his dick throbbed and tiwtched through the denim, his body instantly reacting to your indirect touch. “tell me you want this cock, doll… say it.” you swallowed hard, gazing up at him trough your eyelashes as you spoke hoarsely. “i-i want your cock, sir…” you didn’t know what to address him as, so you went with the best choice. he smiled, his hand moving to unbuckled the weapon of a belt that was around his thin waist.
the metal clanged to the ground. he unbuttoned his jeans, biting his lip as his cock sprung out and slapping the base of his stomach, nearly hitting you in the face. you flinched, mouth gaping open. “i-it’s so big…” you whispered, making him chuckle. “and you’re gonna take every inch of it, you hear me?” you nodded, feeling a soaking sensation spreading in your panties.
he gave himself a few lazy pumps, connecting the tip with your lips. you opened you mouth slightly, not enough for him to fit himself in. he grabbed your jaw, forcing it open all the way before shoving himself all the way in. you gagged eyes welling with tears as he grabbed the side of your head.
he put on a fake pout. “aw, too big for you, angel?” his arrogance was unlike anything you’d ever seen before, but you let him have it. a deal was a deal. one you adjusted to his size, you slowly began to bob your head up and down his shaft, gazing up at him with shiny eyes. his core heated up as he listened to your lewd gagging and gurgling.
“you’re a natural, you nasty bitch…” his eyes shaded like a lust-filled haze, as if you were the only thing in the world right now. your hands felt completely useless in this whole ordeal, so you reach one underneath your dress, starting to touch yourself through your panties. you moaned softly, the vibrations feeling like pure bliss to him.
his hair feel into his face as profanities slurred out from him. he slammed his cock into your throat, not even lettinig you get a breath of air. but the pleasure outweighed the discomfort for you, your fingers coating in your liquids as you slipped your panties to the side. he noticed this in an instant, his voice growing shaky. “y-yeah… touch yourself for me, you slut…”
you used your other hand to fondle his balls as they slapped against your chin. his tip repeatedly rammed into your uvula, the slaty taste of his precum making your throat convulse around him. he used his thumbs to gently wipe the tears rolling down your cheeks. he forcefully fucked your face as you fingered yourself even quicker. his cock abosrbed your moans like a sponge, the feeling being better than anything he’d ever felt.
his moans becamemore intense and more frequent as the warmth of your throat took him in like a blanket. time began to go elastic as euronymous felt the pleasure getting to his head. the sound of your gurgling was intoxicating. you swirled your tongue around his girth, finally pushing him to the edge. he bit his lip, drawing blod as he whipped himself out of your mouth and shot his cum onto your tits like he was frositng a cake.
you panted as he the string s his you, a smile growing on your face. “such a dirty girl…” you licked his tip, cleaning off the last bit of cum and finishing him off. his breath was heavy like he just ran a marathon. you stood back up, tucking your tits back into your dress and trying not to ruin it with his cum.
euronymous slowly tucked his cock back into his pants, fixing up his hair as the sound of customers reminded him of where he was. he cleared his throat, looking at you deeply. “it was a pleasure doing business with you ma’am. enjoy the records, completely free of charge.”
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author's note: back to shcool tomorrow :((
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saltofmercury · 1 year
Late Nights
Pairing: König x reader
A/N: Just been fantasizing about seeing him in public but he’s fictional and I can daydream right? Special thank you to @softpedropascal for reading and giving me courage to post :)
Summary: You see a mysterious man one night at the grocery store; a little meet cute gone wrong
"Late nights"
You could hear the constant downpour above you hitting the ceiling as you made your way through. Rain pouring down as you continued through the aisles of cereal, pasta, and different breads. The market was quiet, almost peaceful, at this time of night, a couple of workers walking around, people picking up a couple things, and two cashiers who greeted you upon arrival.
You’re about halfway done and needed to get a few fresh veggies for the week. As you make your way down to produce, you try to remember what vegetables wouldn’t go to waste throughout the week, and hopefully remembering that you could freeze the spinach bag you always get but never use. You cut the corner to the produce and you are stopped dead in your tracks.
You are stunned. You see him.
A colossal man dressed in all black. The word huge wouldn’t be the best to describe him because he wasn’t a huge person, he was a massive person. You had gasped quietly observing him from afar. He had on a black mask, a turtle neck going all the way up his chin, black sweatpants, a black trench coat, and rain boots that were about knee length. Although you couldn’t see his face clearly, he had a mop of hair on top of his head, going above his eyebrows, tangled, and wavy. The sides of his head were shaved, clean cut. His whole presence alone could’ve been announced just by the way he would stomp on the tile as he made his way down the stands of cucumbers, peppers, carrots, and herbs. You had forgotten where you were and just stared. You couldn’t believe someone as big as him was delicately holding his produce up to inspect and then gently placing it in the basket on his right arm. Holding a large apple alone in the palm of his hand made you wonder, if he wanted to, could he crush it inside his palm?
But as your thoughts start racing about how immensely tall and broad this mystery man is, it’s quickly broken through eye contact. He stared up at you with menacing eyes. His eyebrows furrow as makes eye contact with you. It spooks you a bit, him staring you down. It startles you. Did you do something wrong? One second he was just in his own world picking apples and now his eyes are piercing right through you. You open your mouth to try and say something but nothing comes out, you feel a heat rush towards your cheeks. The eye contact is broken as he quickly turns on his heel, shuffles away from you, and leaves you alone in front of the lemon baskets. You noticed the tip of his ears turning a deep red as he walked away.
You felt embarrassed. Of course he knew he was a big man and there you were, mouth hanging open like a fish and eyes popping out wide. But your thoughts wouldn’t leave you alone.
Who was this man? Have you ever seen him before? Was he new? Where did he stomp off to? All these thoughts came to mind as you finished up your shopping and paid.
Maybe he was someone famous you quietly decided inside your car. After seeing the size and height of that man he just couldn’t just be a regular nobody. After all, covering his face at almost 11 o’clock at night? That wasn’t weird at all.
It’s about 3 weeks later and you haven’t stopped thinking about him. Did this man disappear out into thin air? What was he hiding behind the turtleneck? It amazed you how fast he had left the produce section with 4 steps. What was even more quite embarrassing was hoping you would run into him at coffee shops as you picked up your coffee, walking down the street as you drove home, even at the gym (which you haven’t been to in a while) thinking maybe he’s on the second floor where you had a strong feeling you would see him but nothing. You had gone TWICE during the week to the supermarket during your lunch breaks with the would be there just to see him again. The little hope you have left gives out, maybe he was a dream?
A month passes and one night as you’re finishing up a work project, your stomach rumbles. When was the last time you ate? You haven’t eaten all day because of this stupid project. You walk towards the kitchen picturing the sandwich you’re about to make when you open the fridge and realize you haven’t been to the market in so long since your boss had begged you to double and triple check this project before handing it in. Sighing, you grab your wallet and coat and drive out.
You pull up at the market again when the giddy feelings hit you again. You think how foolish it was romanticizing some stranger. You can feel yourself blush as you grab a cart and begin to push through the entrance. Already checking off the mental list in your head, you make your way down several aisles. The grocery store is quiet at night, almost empty with a few people inside the store; tired moms with newborns in their carriers walking through aisles like zombies, dad’s pushing the cart behind them. A couple picking out frozen dinners because they already spent too much on take out this week, you smile to yourself and continue shopping realizing all you needed was fresh garlic and bell peppers for the recipe you were going to treat yourself to. You make your way back to produce and stop again…
He’s there again picking out bell peppers.
The inside of your chest is pounding, you tell yourself to remain calm, remembering how you scared him off last time. You think of a good way to maybe approach him this time without having him walk away. Maybe you should apologize for staring?
You press your cart at close proximity to him and begin picking out the bell peppers. He’s already moved onto something else. He doesn’t look your way, he’s far too invested with the parsley he’s holding. You clear your throat as you twist the peppers in a bag into a knot. He’s startled, but only side eyes before placing the parsley down and shifts his body toward another section of produce.
You push your cart a little further down, more casual now, pretending to focus your attention on garlic bulbs. You see he has his back towards you and now you can really eye him up and down without the eye contact. He shifts himself again, on the balls of his feet.
You begin to eye him from bottom up—black running shoes with dark gray sweatpants, a dark sweater stretched around him, a gray turtleneck underneath going past his nose and barely hiding his red ears. You start to think to yourself how could his ears always be red? Could he be running hot underneath those layers? You notice there’s some uncomfortable shifting with him, he begins to tap on the edge of the counter of the pears, almost compulsively, was he on edge?
The silence had become deafening but you can’t think of anything to approach him with. Finally he drops the pear and begins to walk away leaving you with your mouth open once again.
He’s far down the store now and there’s nothing even remotely possible you can say for him to turn back.
Two weeks pass by. You can’t think of anything more than how embarrassing it was to see the man you had been imagining running into only to not do anything. You even saw him fidget a bit, wondering if he knew you were staring him down from behind. Even the voice inside your head made you double think, maybe he knew you were checking him out and you once again made him uncomfortable.
Another week passes, and you can’t take it anymore. You will go to the store late at night again hoping he’s there and you will say a small hello and maybe even ask for his name. He couldn’t be that scary. He’s all height but no talk.
You’re back again, two nights later, and you’re prepared. The universe sent you small signs all week. The ugly bell pepper dress your neighbor wore as she greeted you. The gray turtleneck you thought you lost but magically found. All small subtle signs you were sure of. You made a note to come at night. You’ve arrived a little earlier than usual, taking your sweet time walking through the aisles, saving produce for last because the gut feeling inside you knows he’ll be here late at night. The universe has decided to side with you this time because once you make your way around the corner you spot him by the carrots, there’s no stopping you now.
Your mind races with a million thoughts, what were you going to say? Why were you so curious over someone who couldn’t even look at you properly let alone show his face in public? You can feel yourself sweat a bit and even get angry until it’s too late.
and suddenly it happens….
You accidentally shove your cart into his back, his shoulders slightly hunched up.
You are mortified. embarrassed. You wished you hadn’t come at all.
Immediately you start apologizing. He’s barely moved though, still standing with his legs hip width apart and as still as a statue. The carrots however, dropped in front of him as he bends over to gather them.
You cry out, “I… I am SO SORRY I wasn’t trying to run into you like that! Are you okay?”
“Fine” he responds. Calm, but serious.
“Are you sure? I promise I wasn’t trying to hurt you”
“Do not worry,” he calmly adds, “It was an accident.” His back turned to you still.
Silence again… your heart is racing, you cannot believe you managed to screw up this one chance that you see him. You still fumble with how to recover this interaction.
“Please, are you alright? I am sooo sorry I really wasn’t thinking—“
“I barely felt it.” he says.
You try to lighten the mood hopefully having him attempt to turn around just so you can see his eyes again.
“The carrots are so much smaller this year aren’t they? It’s no wonder they fell out of your hands” You manage to spit out.
You catch his curiosity — an eyebrow raise, and a quiet nod from him as he sets them down.
You feel the rush of blood come to your face and he can see how red you get.
Breathless, you decide to give up.
You let out an awkward chuckle “ha ha heh…..”
You push your cart towards the cashier and bag up your groceries. You can feel the heat of your cheeks still there. It stings. This was truly one of the most embarrassing, no, this was mortifying event you experienced in your entire life.
Not even when you peed your pants in 3rd grade would top this. Not when you fainted because of period cramps and landed in the mud during gym class and the boys behind you called out “poop pants.” This is so much worse.
You see him at the self checkout and quickly walk by him avoiding eye contact with him. So much for daydreaming about this guy. The only interaction and you’ve turned this into a complete nightmare.
You manage to get to your car and fumble with the keys to unlock the door until you hear a soft voice.
“You dropped your receipt back there.”
Your stomach drops as you turn slowly.
It’s him. Decked out in black but his hair shining with the light above him. He’s standing there holding your receipt in his hands.
You reach for it with shaky hands, with a quiet “thank you”, as you shove the receipt in your bag and turn back to opening the door. You could already hear his footsteps stomping away towards his car.
The drive home is a painfully quiet one. Replaying the absolute torture you just went through in your head. You approach your apartment, park your car, and head inside.
As you unpack your groceries, you start kicking yourself mentally on how you could possibly run into someone just for the sake of their height! Ugh!
You finish packing and see the bottom of the bag, your receipt had been crumbled and tossed into your pocket. This one was flipped over.
You eye it carefully and bring it closer to your face. What was on it? Was something…? There’s something was scribbled on this one, You flatten it out beneath your fingers and realize there’s a phone number, with the words
“text me some time” - K
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ushys · 9 months
⸻ spider-verse characters reacting to your jealousy
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characters: miles, earth-42 miles, miguel, hobie
a/n: i was thinking of making it a story but i thought you making it into little sections with different characters would be better.
cw: fluff, cussing, jealousy, a small mention of killing, gn! reader, that’s it :p
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MILES MORALES: he’s kind of oblivious to that kind of thing, which makes it even worse for you. so, when you see him talking to someone who is obviously into him, you’re mad. you’re mad because they’re trying to hit on him and he laughs it off, not knowing their true intentions. it made your blood boil. they would touch his shoulder, laugh a little too hard at his jokes, all that. you walked away and miles noticed this. he said his goodbyes to the other person and chased after you.
“is everything okay babe?” he questioned, brows furrowed as he was confused. “everything’s fine, go talk to your other bae.” you said rolling your eyes and speeding up. “wha? babe what are you talking about- oh. are you jealous?” you stopped and turned to look at him. then you quickly turned around again and said “no.” yup, you were jealous.
“my love, there’s no need to be jealous. they’re just a friend and i would never leave you for them. i don’t even see them like that! i’m sorry for for making you feel this way, i just don’t know what’s wrong and right and i didn’t think they were doing anything weird.” now you felt guilty. “i’m sorry, you didn’t know and i just overreacted.” you later took him to your room and started talking about different ways people hit on others. he made sure to take notes to not upset you ever again.
EARTH 42 MILES: you were on a date with your boyfriend, walking around and looking at different displays that different shops were showing when suddenly, a stranger goes up to him and compliments him. “wow! your jacket is so cute. where did you get it from?” she giggled as she started touching his arm. miles was obviously uncomfortable and shot you a quick glance, watching as your expression went from a content smile to a rude glare towards the girl.
“my bae got it for me.” he replied as he puts his arm around you, holding you close. they quickly change expressions, now having a hurt look on their face. “oh..! haha, i didnt see her there. they’re your s/o..?” they said as he replied instantly. “yeah that’s what i said. why? do you have a problem with that?” “no. whatever. the jacket was ugly anyway.” they said walking past you, purposely bumping into you.
you were about to turn around and confront them but miles stopped you from doing so. “baby, they’re not worth it” he said planting a kiss on your head. “you were jealous weren’t you though?” he smirked as your eyes widen. “nuh uh” “yuh huh” “nuh uh” “it’s okay baby, you’re the only one for me.” he said, making your face warm. “i could never be jealous of them, they’re the one who was jealous. i hate how good looking you are, having to keep going through that” you pouted. “you’re good looking too, you’re ethereal, you get hit on too.” he said, sarcastically rolling his eyes. “but there’s a difference, i talk bad about them, you plan on killing them.” he laughs and shrugs. “oops?”
MIGUEL O’HARA: he would take good care of you, occasionally. his work has been a huge problem between your relationship, you guys could barely hang out a lot. so, to get closer, you decided to join the spider-verse team with him. as his assistant. you were happy he let you be his assistant, even though you practically had to beg him to let you because according to him, “it’s too dangerous” “”you could get hurt” “too much stress”. it’s a good thing that he wanted you to be safe but shouldn’t he let you do what you wanted?
well anyway, as his assistant, your job was to make sure everyone knows what they’re supposed to be doing and helping new members who are joining the spider group feel more comfortable in this new area. so when a new spider-woman joined the team, you knew what you had to do.
“and this is where miguel usually is at! miguel! come down and greet our new member!” you yelled out calling for him. “it’s best if you don’t bother him when you see him doing work, he can get a little.. harsh.” you say as he makes his way towards you. you look at the spider-woman who seems to be biting her lip and smirking. ‘is she okay?’ you thought to yourself as you looked at her and miguel. “welcome, y/n make sure she’s gotten a full tour of the entire building and understands what her job here is.” “oh, but is it okay if you were to help me instead? she’s not that good at explaining things” the woman lied, obviously just trying to get miguel’s attention.
miguel can sense your jealousy as he knew that the woman was trying to hard. he grabbed the woman’s hand, guiding her to another part of the building while he left you there, standing alone, in shock. ‘what?’
after a while, he came back and saw you sitting in your chair next to where he would usually do work at. he walked up to you and questioned you. “is everything all right mi amor?” you ignored him. “amor?” nothing. “silent treatment huh. why is that?” nothing again. “are you okay?” “yeah i’m fine go talk to your other bitch though. ask her if she’s doing fine.” you said, not looking at him and continuing whatever work you were doing. “you were jealous weren’t you.” “no.” “it’s okay mi amor, you don’t have to worry about a thing.” “and why is that” you questioned. “i sent her back to her dimension. she’s never coming back any time soon.”
HOBIE: “babe?” you called out wondering where hobie was. you’ve asked multiple spider-people wondering where he was but they had no idea. until gwen came up to you. “oh hey gwen what’s up? have you seen hobie?” you asked. “oh yeah, i have. that’s what i wanted to tell you. i know where he’s at.” “you do?! oh thank god, i thought he might’ve gone on a mission somewhere and could’ve gotten hurt. so, where is he” you asked, raising an eyebrow. “don’t get mad, because i don’t know much about it, but i’ve seen him walking with someone and i have no clue who they are. i think they’re new. i’ve seen them go into the lunchroom right now. they’re probably still there” someone new huh? that’s weird.
“thank you gwen, i appreciate it.” you hug her as you start walking away. you head to the lunchroom and suddenly you caught eye of hobie with the other person. “who is that?” you whispered. you then saw them getting real touchy with hobie. ‘what the hell are they doing?’ you furrowed your eyebrows, a disgusted look planted on your face. you can see hobie slightly trying to dodge their touches. you let out a small smirk. so, they don’t get the hint that he doesn’t want them.
you started walking up to him and you suddenly appeared next to him. “hello my love.” you planted a small kiss on his cheek, making sure the girl noticed. “hey baby. where have you been?” hobie asked, turning to look at you and putting his arm around your waist. “that’s what i should be asking you, who is this?” you say pointing at the new person, who was clearly furious. they closed her eyes and smiled. “oh! i’m alex! and you are?” they asked, a vein appearing on their forehead. “they’re my s/o.” hobie replied for you. alex slowly opened their eyes and gave you both a blank stare. “oh is that so? sorry to bother you, i’ll be on my way.” they said walking away, not wanting to face the both of you.
“jealous huh?” he said as he smirked at you. “no.” you lied, not wanting to admit it. you were embarrassed. “yeah you were. thank you for saving me. they were making me uncomfortable” he said in a sarcastic tone, even thought what he said was true. “i don’t want anyone taking away what’s mine” you said looking away. “don’t worry, that’s never happening.” he said giving you a kiss on top of your head.
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girls next fr 🙈
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googlyexes · 1 year
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character: Nagi x fem!reader
synopsis: Nagi tries to ignore y/n for 24 hours
A/N: wattpad @claiqres
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y/n tried to get Nagi's attention, sitting on his lap, giving him cheek kisses, playing with hair, but Nagi continues to ignore her out of jealousy.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to call Cyno the finest boy." y/n pouts before hugging him from behind.
"come on Nagi... I'll help you build Ganyu later." Nagi still ignored y/n. Y/n sighed and let go of Nagi.
"Well I hope you forgive me soon, I need to go grocery shopping, I'll be back soon."
Nagi side eye at his girlfriend walking out the apartment before sighing. "Phew, I don't know if I can keep up with this..."
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y/n walks in the H-Mart store with a cart picked out outside with the other dirty carts with random stuff on them....
y/n looked at the snacks and the food courts, it's been a long time since y/n went out to go shopping since Nagi insist to do it.
y/n picked out some vegetables and fruits before going to the meat section where they have Kobi beef that y/n loves a lot.
"Ooh! this one looks good!" Y/n eyes sparkled looking at a snack box near the cashier register.
Also, y/n makes sure to look at the k-pop albums after buying her groceries. They have a lot of albums and the k-pop light sticks brand. Recently y/n been obsessed listening to NewJeans, let's just say she's a bunnie.
y/n looked at the albums, picking up some albums, looking at the prices, some of them aren't that bad. y/n looked at the NewJeans album before getting the Haerin version of the OMG album.
"Thank you, have a great day!" The lady who works at the kpop shop smiled at y/n who smiled back and waved.
y/n legs felt tired and had to go home, y/' sent him many texts but never responded. Y/n frown while looking at her phone. She feels like she did something wrong that might of actually hurt him.
It can't actually be him being jealous because y/n called cyno the finest person on genshin...
But she didn't mean it like that, seriously. "Let's just go home, I have to make food..."
y/n drives for about 10 minutes to her home, y/n looked through the windows to see Nagi still playing on his computer.
Y/n grab all the plastic bags with all the groceries in them and close down the trunk. She walked up the stair porch before unlocking the door.
"Nagi! I'm home!" Y/n called out, he didn't respond back. "Nagi, I'll cook dinner, be ready!" Y/n yelled out again.
y/n put the bags in the kitchen counter before grabbing the food out of the bags and placed them on the kitchen counter.
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Y/n took off her apron before smelling the steam, which made y/n super hungry that she wants to eat it by herself.
"Nagi! Food is ready!" Y/n called out, in a few seconds, Nagi came out of the room as Y/n smiled at him but before y/n could talk to him. Nagi took his plate and walked off.
"Huh?" Y/n was stun, did someone actually piss his pants?
Y/n frown and decide to eat by herself alone in the kitchen while on her phone reading webtoon.
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Y/n fell asleep on the couch that night because she didn't want or face Nagi knowing that he might be mad at her.
Y/n had no blanket and had to force herself to sleep with the breeze of coldness air. Nagi walked out of their room to place his dish in the sink when he saw y/n sleeping on the couch.
Nagi frown at this and went over to y/n brushing her hair off her face. "I'm sorry my love." He whispered in a sweet tone.
Nagi slowly pick you up in a bridal style and took the sleeping y/n to their comfy bed. Nagi also feel pretty tired so he made his computer sleep and close it before going to bed with his girlfriend.
Nagi played with y/n's hair think how ignoring for 24 hours is really hard.
"I'll make it up to you I promise..." Nagi kissed y/n's hand and her forehead before wrapping his arm around y/n's waist.
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imnotavamp1r3 · 1 month
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♡ Tips for being emo/scene!!! ♡
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🎀 Become familiar with the music
I don't think that if you're emo or scene that you have to listen to every single band and genre under those labels, but I would recommend at least being familiar with as many bands as you can as those subcultures are music based. While fashion is still important, it won't matter how good your outfit looks if you don't engage in what is the most important part of the scene.
🎀 Check the kids' sections of thrift stores
If you're on the shorter or thinner side, then you should definitely check the kids sections in thrift stores because you can find things like cartoon merch that you wouldn't find in the adults section. This is especially helpful for if you're scene since most stores aren't going to carry super colourful clothes in the adults section.
🎀 Don't worry too much about not looking emo or scene enough
I'm fairly active on r/scene, and one of the most frequent kinds of posts I see are people asking 'Am I scene enough?' or 'Is this scene?' I think those posts really highlight an issue in many alternative communities, which is that people will focus more on looking like they belong in their subculture rather than dressing how they want. This is an issue because focusing solely on fitting into a style won't help you find your personal style, but rather discourage your individuality. The point of being alternative is to express who you are and be unique, not to look like everyone else, so when you put together an outfit you should always focus on how much you like it, not how emo it looks.
🎀 You don't have to be pale, skinny, white, ect. to be alternative
I see a lot of people ask if they're allowed to be emo or scene while being coloured or plus sized, and the answer is that anyone can be part of any subculture. Just because the most popular emo and scene influencers like Eugenia or Johnnie were pale and thin doesn't mean everyone has to look like them. During the Myspace era, there were also plenty of people with the style who were Asian, black, plus-sized, and more. Plus I'm half Asian and I'm obviously emo. Additionally, black emos do not have to straighten their hair. There is nothing wrong with embracing your natural hair and if someone calls you a poser for that, their opinion doesn't matter.
🎀 You don't have to spend a lot of money
Obviously if you have the money and you want to wear Demonia and Tripp, you can do that. But I've seen a lot of people say that they don't have enough money to dress alternative, and while that definitely does limit your options a lot, you can still get cute clothes by thrifting or shopping on second hand apps. Stores like Romwe, while not the most ethical way to buy your clothes, also have cute stuff that's on the cheaper side.
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That's it, byeeee!!! ˚。⋆୨୧˚♡
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Spike x reader - our routine
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Wondering down the street, you took a turn around the corner near the shop and you screamed when something jumped out at you and yelled.
Without thinking you punched your supposed attacked and he yelped jumping back to hold his nose.
“Spike? What are you doing?” You asked.
“Well I.. I���m robbing you clearly! Give me your money!”
You blinked, and you rose a brow at him.
“The fact you’re holding your nose and I know you can’t hurt me isn’t that scary to be honest with you.”
“Well you punched me!”
“You jumped out at me! Are you okay?”
He pulled his hand away and you looked at him, putting your hands in your pocket as you looked around.
“What do you want money for anyway?”
“Blood, bear and smokes, what else?”
“Right, just the usual then.”
He grinned a little.
“Exactly, so give me money.”
You walked past him, and he trailed behind you.
“Don’t walk away from me!”
You turned around to look at the currently harmless vampire and gestured to the shop down the street.
“I’m going to the shop I need food, are you coming?”
“Lead the way.”
You carried on wondering you got inside the shop.
Picking up a basket, you handed it over to Spike who took it with a little confusion.
“If I’m buying you things you can at least help.”
“Fine, but only because I’m getting something out of it otherwise I wouldn’t do it.”
You grinned a little at him and walked to the snack section, looking at something that seemed appealing to you.
“If this is your idea of food then someone should be worried for your well-being.”
You looked at him.
“What’s wrong with snacks?”
“Nothing, I like a good snack just as the next person, I just think blood is a better one.”
“That’s gross.”
“It’s true.”
Spike crouched next to you, picking up a packet of biscuits and went to put it in his pocket.
Reaching out, you grabbed them and put them in the basket.
“Come on, no one would know. Don’t be boring now.”
“I would know, if you want something just put it in the basket.”
You put some chips and chocolate in there before you made your way to the actual food so you could browse.
Spike followed you uninterested, he walked over to the alcohol and put some cans in the basket.
“So, what does the slayers follower do when she isn’t plotting my demise?” He asked.
“I work, unlike you spike some of us actually have things to do.”
“Wow, ouch, okay. I didn’t know you could be so rude.”
You smiled a little and you stood up, heading your way over to him to set a few more things into the basket.
“All sorted.”
“Perfect because I don’t want anybody seeing me walking around with the slayers lapdog.”
“Keep pushing it pale boy, remember who’s buying your what you want.”
You put the basket on the counter, and Spike leant against the counter as he looked at you.
“You wouldn’t really take it back.” He said.
You said nothing and he looked at you.
“Come on, you can’t buy them for me and then take them away that’s just cruel.”
“I won’t, don’t worry. Though I do have one more favour to ask.”
He sighed heavily, putting the cigarettes into his own bag along with his beer and picked it up while you picked up yours and your change.
You made your way out of the shop and looked around a little uncomfortable.
“There’s just some… weird guys hanging near my apartment…” you mumbled.
“So, the big bad monster hunter is scared of a few guys?” He mocked.
You looked at him.
“I’ll buy you shopping every week in return? All I ask is you walk me home after..”
Spike thought for a moment before agreeing, because to him he was getting the better side of the deal.
It meant he could keep getting what he wanted and it all came as easily as just walking one human home once a week.
So, he walked you to your apartment, and you awkwardly shuffled closer to him, finding it safer to be near the once deadly vampire than you did being around the very drunk guys hanging around the street.
“No touching.” He said quietly.
You glanced at him but said nothing, just rushing inside the complex and you led him up the stairs.
“Wait here a second.”
Heading inside, you left the door open and spike looked around at what he could see.
You set your bag on the couch and grabbed your bag, pulling out some cash and you walked back over, handing it to him.
“A deal is a deal.” You smiled.
“Same time next week pet, don’t be late.”
With that he left with a little grin.
The following week, just as you were leaving your apartment Spike was there.
He followed in line with you as you started to walk.
“I don’t see why you don’t just go in the day.” He shrugged.
“Between Buffy and all that, and work, then school, I just don’t have time during the day, this is the only time I can, but it just so happens the guys across the street like to party.”
“Could go in the morning.”
“Same issue, plus if I did then who’s gonna buy your shopping? You’re clearly not scaring anybody.”
Spike stood in front of you and glared a little.
“I’ll have you know I’m terrifying!”
You grinned up at him.
“So terrifying, you’ve got a butterfly in your shoulder.”
He went to swat it away and yelled in pain as he clutched his head.
“Point proven.”
You held your hand out, and he backed away.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Getting the butterfly, stay still.”
Spike stayed in his spot, and you held your hand out again, carefully you picked the butterfly up and you placed it on the wall behind him.
“See, all gone.”
“Tell nobody.” He grumbled.
You smiled at him.
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me Spike.”
You began heading to the shop, and you made your way inside, following the same routine as last weeks you got your shopping and his, and he walked you home and you paid him.
It was a good little system, that even a man like Spike who hated humans couldn’t find a flaw with, he got money out of it and he needed that.
If you accoutred each other around Buffy or anybody else you pretended to hate one another.
Even after months of doing the same time, on the same day at the same time, it was still a good system for you both.
Today was no different, you made your way downstairs, and you grinned at the vampire who was stood there waiting for you.
“You’re late.”
“Sorry, sorry, small injury at work.”
You hoped down the steps, and you grinned a little bit at him.
“What did you do, fall over a rat?”
You scoffed a little, limping down the street.
“No, someone tripped me up.”
“Like on purpose?”
“Yes Spike, on purpose. Not everybody looked up to waitresses.”
Spike hummed a little bit, and he grabbed your arm as you nearly tripped over and he let go once you were steady.
“I don’t get paid enough to deal with you tripping over.”
“Come on, I know you secretly like me.” You teased.
“You give me money, that’s enough for me.”
You walked into the shop, and Spike gestured to the bench out front.
“Spike I’ve got to shop.”
He pushed you over to the bench.
“I said sit.”
You sat down and he held out his hand, and you rose a brow at him.
You handed him the money in your pocket.
“You better not runaway.”
“Oh please, you wouldn’t be able to catch up if you even tried.”
With that he walked away and not long later he came back out and handed you your bag once your stood up.
The following day at work, you were standing behind the counter doing some cleaning, when a familiar face appeared in front of you.
“Two visits in one week? Do you miss me Spike?”
“You shouldn’t be working.”
“I have bills to pay for and a very obnoxious but nice vampire to feed.”
He rolled his eyes, sitting down at the counter, and he looked around.
He didn’t do much but sit there while you worked, watching you wonder, clean tables, tend to customers.
He saw someone throw paper at you and you just seemed to ignore it.
But he noticed it going on over time, they would throw more and swear at you and you just took it.
So, when you next came over he grabbed your arm to make you stop.
“Why not beat the crap out of them?”
“I can’t, I need my job.”
He glanced over at them.
“How often do they do this?”
“Every night, it’s a daily thing.”
You smiled at him, setting a can of beer in front of him.
“It’s fine, I need to go back to work. Hang out if you want.”
You left and when you returned you noticed Spike wasn’t at the counter anymore.
Through all the people you couldn’t see him in the building, so, you had assumed he had left, and you went back to working.
When you shift ended, you noticed the night had been quieter than normal, and Spike was standing outside, leaning on the building.
“Hey, what’s up?” You asked.
“Let’s go.”
You furrowed your brows as you began to follow him.
“Go where?”
“I’m taking you home obviously.”
Spike said nothing and you glanced at him, but didn’t say anything either.
“What did you do to them?”
“Relax, I didn’t hurt them, I’m a tame puppy, remember?”
You walked in front of him, forcing him to stop.
He raised his hands.
“We had words, that’s all. Just harmless words, which may or may not have included some very colourful threats, and the stealing of wallets.”
“Spike!” You hissed.
“Relax pet, they won’t know that I know you.”
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a bunch of cash.
“Oh, they wanted you to have this for your troubles.”
You laughed and you pushed his hand back towards him.
“You deserve it, thank you.”
You carried on walking and spike trailed along with you.
“Plus hey, doesn’t that mean you won’t have to come to the shop with me? You’ll be alright for a few weeks with that.”
“Wait, wait!”
He jogged in front of you, walking backwards.
“Let’s not be too rash, I mean I could earn twice as much here.”
“You don’t like walking me home, you’ve made it clear.”
“Who said that? I never said that.”
“So you do?”
“I never said that either..”
You laughed a little, shaking your head at him and you stood, crossing your arms to look at him.
“Let’s go, it’s getting late.”
“I’m not moving.”
“Fine, I’ll make you.”
Spike grabbed your hand and he began to drag you behind him, and you laughed, jogging a few steps to catch up and he carried on walking.
You wrapped your hand around his and you stopped which made him stop.
“What now?”
“Uh… you remember those commando soldiers after you?”
You looked at him.
You pulled him out of the way for a shot to just miss him, and you began to run down the street.
“You need to go home!” You yelled at him.
“Fat lot of good that does, they know where I live!”
“Mine then!”
You dragged him down the streets, and neither of you stopped running until you got there, and you threw the door open.
“Come in!”
You pulled him inside and slammed the door shut, locking it and you gasped for breath.
You saw spike wince a little and you looked up at him.
Turning on the light, you watched him take his jacket off and look at his upper arm.
“Come on, is nothing scared with these people?!” He hissed.
“I can fix it, come on, sit down.”
You grabbed a few boxes and sat on the couch next to him, opening the first one and he looked at you.
“What’re you doing?”
“Stitching your wound, then I’ll fix your shirt so you’re not such a baby about it.”
He took his shirt off and handed it to you and you set it aside and slowly began to clean and stitch his arm.
He watched you as you carefully worked, and a few moments later you finished, put everything away and picked up the next box.
Grabbing his shirt, you did the same thing and you looked at how dirty it was.
“Spike this shirt is gross, don’t you wash your clothes?”
“I’m sorry, remember me to push a washing machine in my tomb.”
You shook your head and stood up.
“I’ll wash it, I’ve got a spare shirt somewhere hold on.”
You vanished, and returned with a sweater for him and he looked at it.
Spike took it and put it on, and he trailed behind you as you went to the kitchen.
“Why are you so nice to me?”
You shrugged a little.
“You were nice enough to agree to walk me home each week, even if it was for payment. Plus I just don’t think it’s fair.”
You turned around, leaning on the counter as you looked at him.
“That you can’t fight back, I think it’s only fair someone else could fight back. I mean don’t get wrong it’s good you cant.. you know, kill people or hurt them, but it’s still not fair, you aren’t a threat to them now.”
“You’re serious?” He asked.
“Well, yeah. They already made you harmless, I don’t get why they can’t leave it at that.”
Within a few seconds spike was across the kitchen and had you in a tight hug, and you laughed, hugging him back.
He pulled away, and you smiled at him, and he grinned a little.
“I think you’re safely my new favourite human now.”
“Awesome! Does this mean if you go all big bad vampire I’m safe?”
Spike planted his hands on your shoulders and he leant down, kissing your head.
“Absolutely pet.”
You grinned and wondered away, and he watched you go.
He never thought anybody would stick up for him, but you did, and you looked after him even though you didn’t have to.
You couldn’t left him there for the soldiers, you would’ve let him go without money, could’ve staked him through the heart if you wanted.
He saw you as somebody he had to protect now, he had to keep you safe, because he liked you
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justwritingscenarios · 7 months
I am SO SORRY for the two months delay but I really had issues writing this request. I started it over about 7 times... But I am FINALLY content with it. SO here we go !
Scenario 1 : continuously denying others who think they are together
Izo x GN!Reader // Words : 2.3K // Warnings : few swearing (no beta reader).
« Are you two dating?”
The first time someone asked you this question, it was Thatch, during a lunch.
“Why. No?” You were as confused as Izo was. Nothing was going on between you. You were just friends. Thatch didn’t insist. You had no idea what made him think like this…
“You’re dating?”
The second time, it was Ace. Izo chocked when the water went down the wrong way. You patted this back as he coughed.
“What the fuck Ace?”
“You’re sharing your bottle with him! You’re never sharing it with me!”
“Because his is empty.”
Ace, short on arguments, shout-talked: “Ok but that’s an indirect kiss!”
Between two coughs, Izo murmured a dumbass to the younger boy. You sighed. An indirect kiss…
“Ginjo or daiginjo?” Marco murmured.
“Hm?” You were on food shopping with Thatch. Marco went along you in an alcohol store.
“Izo’s birthday is coming soon. I wanted to offer him sake, but I can’t remember his favourite.”
“Ginjo.” You pointed at the right one on the shelf. “The fruitiest.”
“You know his taste so well.” The first commander gave you a side-eyed glare and smirked. “No wonder you’re his boy/girlfriend.”
“I am not.” You emphasized the not strongly. You just knew his taste because you were the cook’s assistant… You turned back to the wine section. What was the one Thatch used for his boeuf bourguignon again?
It went on like this. At least twice or thrice a week, Izo and you had to deny any romance going on between you. You wondered if there was a crewmate that hadn’t ask you yet. Yet, you never changed your words: it was just a friendship.
Izo had not such effect on you.
Sure, you thought he was an interesting man, experienced and talented in plenty of ways. He knew how to talk, how to take care of himself was it for his hair, his make-up, or his clothes. His eyes were captivating, and his voice was charming, of course. But he had no effect on you.
“(NAME)!” You turned your head to Thatch. “The food will burn. Turn it.”
You quickly answered his command and turned down the fire a bit. You sighed. You never got lost on your thoughts while on cooking duty. The cook knew it as well.
“What’s happening? It’s the third time this week you almost burned a meal. You should ask Marco to check you if you feel unwell.”
“I’m well. I’m not sick.”
From the counter you were working on, you saw Izo and another commander passing by a window. He sent you a smile and a quick hand sign, to which you responded, before going further.
“Not sick but lovesick, hm.”
You gave a snap on Thatch’s hand with your spatula.
“Ow! You shouldn’t hit a commander. Even more, your own division commander.” He said in a teasing tone.
“I am hitting a friend. My division commander friend. I fear no consequences.”
“You should! I feel jealous because you wouldn’t do this to your friend Izo.” You raised the spatula to snap him once more, yet he dodged it this time. You didn’t answer and got back to your task. But Thatch wasn’t having it. He observed your moves, seriousness in his expression for once.
“Stop watching me like this. You have work to do, Commander. Diner time is in an hour.”
“I know you like him.”
“I already told you we are not dating.”
“That’s not what I said. I said you like him.”
“I don’t.”
“What would you do if he kissed you?”
“What?” You stopped what you were doing and turned to him, eyebrows frowned. “What are you talking about now?”
“What would you do if he kissed you? Suddenly. Out of nowhere.”
“I don’t know… Your question is so strange.”
“Ok, then what would you do if I kissed you?”
This time you answered with hesitation. “I’d punch you in the face. Don’t you dare.” Thatch laughed and waved a hand between the two of you, indicating he had no intention to.
“See, that’s my point. You’re doing everything differently whenever it comes to him. I know I won’t convince you about it right now. Just think about it. Next time someone ask you if you’re dating, ask yourself why.”
You didn’t plan to pay attention to Thatch’s words.
“You’re so cute like this. You look like lovebirds in their nest- HAHA MISSED!”
Izo sent one of his geta to Ace’s face that went through him. OUCH. The second one got him on the back of his head. It was nighttime. You were sitting on the deck with Izo, his head on yours resting on his shoulder.  You were reading, waiting for the sleep to come. It wasn’t something unusual for you.
While Izo got back to his reading, your eyes kept reading the same sentence again and again… You were sat with Izo, resting against him, in your little own world until Ace’s arrival. It was intimate… even more when you think about the other times you would read in the same hammock or alone in the nest. Yet nothing never happened because you were just friends.
“(Name), you’re ok? You haven’t turned your page in a moment.” Izo’s breath on your ear awaken you.
“Y-yeah… I’m falling asleep on my book. I should probably go to sleep right now.”
“Sure. Have a good night, (Name).” You felt your inside warm. Since when Izo’s words made you feel warm?
“It’s been months. Can’t you just stop pretend and make it official? Everyone knows already.”
“You know Vista, I never thought about hurting any of you in about 20 years. But right now, I’m contemplating the idea of knocking you out.”
“Try me.”
Occasionally, when Thatch would finish tidying the kitchen early, he would invite a few fellow commanders to have a drink and play cards in the scullery. This time, there were Izo, Vista, Marco, and a sleeping Ace. Izo had won the previous games, and it wasn’t to Vista’s taste. He knew your relation was a good subject to distract the 16th division commander.
“Why don’t you want to tell us about it?”
“Because there is nothing to say beside it’s friendship.”
“Friendship. I’m friend with all of you but I would never read while resting my head on your shoulder.” Vista fluttered exaggeratedly his eyelashes Izo’s way.
“Lucky us, you would crush our shoulder under your weight.” Marco said and Izo added sneakily: “Do you even know how to read?”
Everyone still heard him and laughed. It earned him a punch in the arm from Vista.
“We know they’re special for you. Just ask them out already. Everyone’s on your asses because it’s clear as water you’ve been made for each other.” Vista added to his point, this time seriously; yet never forgetting his intention to distract Izo.
“I can prove my point: they’re the only one you shared your reading with, they’re the only one you sleep with, the only one you shared your bottle with-Ace was right about it” At the call of his name, the young man woke up with a card glued on his cheek. “-Hell, they’re the only one that can touch your hair and keep their hand. You let them brush it for you, I saw it!”
“And so what? How does any of this prove I have romantic feelings for (Name)?” Izo sighed, looking at a mute Vista.
“What would you do if Marco tried to kiss you?”
Marco sent a side-eye to Thatch meaning why me. But he knew Thatch chose him because he was one of the longest friends Izo had and that he wasn’t annoyed with him at the moment, like he was with Vista.
“I would push him back or step backwards, something like this. But I don’t see your point.”
“What would you do if (Name) tried to kiss you?” Everyone’s gaze went from Izo to Thatch to Izo again. It was the first time the black-haired man was left speechless about that subject.
“You don’t know? Or you know but don’t want to say it?”
Izo gritted his teeth and looked down. He slammed his cards on the table, his game visible, and left the room without another word.
Izo had a winning game.
“So you wouldn’t kiss me. I’m disappointed.” A little smile showed on Izo’s red lips when he recognised Marco’s voice. The blond man came to his side and imitated his position, crossed arms resting on the railing.
“I’m sorry I left like this.”
“Don’t be. Vista was so preoccupied to confuse you that he got lost on his own and I won thanks to your desertion. And… They’ll get over it. They’re big boys.” Izo just hummed for an answer. “You know… Vista’s idea to ask them out isn’t that bad. I mean, you initially got closer to them because you were interested in them, right?” Marco watched Izo sighed and nodded. “Then what stopped you?”
“We’re friends. That’s what.”
“If by that you mean that you’re scared they don’t see you as more than a friend then let me tell you something: I haven’t been so captivated by a dawning romance since Oden and Toki.”
“It was 25 years ago.”
“That’s my point, Izo. For months I got to see the two of you sharing moments and looks. You know that most of our men don’t care about romance and yet you passionate them.” Izo shut his eyes and sighed once again. “To be honest I may be a bit guilty for everything. The first time Thatch asked you if you were dating it was because I give him the idea.” Izo looked at Marco with his eyebrows frowned. “You were there talking and whenever one of you was looking around, one had such a tender gaze for the other… It was physically hurting to witness your obliviousness. I thought it would give a little push… But you kept stated you were just friends and you stopped making moves their way. I’m sorry, Izo.”
Izo shook his head. “Don’t be.” He had drunk and processed Marco’s every words. He could have been mad, but he wasn’t at all. His friend wanted to help after all. And it gave him hope and strength he’d lost in the last months. He was about to go but Marco caught him.
“One last thing.”
Izo knew you were asleep when he left Marco. So, he waited until the early hours of the day when you would come in the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. You were always beginning the preparation by yourself.
When he entered, you had just started cutting bread.
“You knew it was Ginjo.”
You almost cut yourself and turned around to see Izo. He apologized for the scare.
“The Ginjo? Your favourite sake. What about it?”
“Marco told me you helped him choose it for my birthday gift.”
“Hm, right. He didn’t remember. I did. You know it’s my job as the cook assistant.”
“Yet, you couldn’t remember the usual wine Thatch was using for his beef recipe. That’s what Marco said.”
You frowned, wondering where the conversation was going. He had come closer to you during your small talk, and you could see his tired features. He hadn’t sleep much, if at all, but he mostly looked tensed, unsure, and decided. You left your duty aside to give him your full attention.
“Thatch asked me what I would do if Marco tried to kiss me. I told him I would push him away.” You were even more confused, and at the same time, you remembered Thatch asking you a similar question. “He also asked what I would do if you tried to kiss me.”
Since he didn’t continue, you asked “What did you answer?”
“Actually, I didn’t answer… But I had plenty of images in my mind I couldn’t describe.”
Considering his choice of words, Izo started apologising about it sounded perverted, unappropriated according to him. But you cut him short.
“He asked me too. He asked me what I would do if you ever tried to kiss me.” You read in Izo’s eyes his desire to know more. “I said I don’t know. But now I do.” You looked down, feeling your skin suddenly burning under Izo’s intense gaze. “I… I would let you do it. I would kiss you back.”
You felt his fingers brush under your chin and gently pull it up so you could watch the sweetness in his eyes. His pupils moved on your whole face, between your eyes to your lips, looking for permission and any sign of doubt or refusal on your part. But the fact you grabbed his cloth to pull him down and closer comforted him in his previous action. Your lips touched, smoothly, lightly the first time. More forcefully and strongly on the second as each of you grabbed the other by the neck. A thrill ran through your body when you sensed his warm tongue brushed your lips in the kiss.
Izo pecked you once more before he broke the kisses. He didn’t pull back thought. His hand on your neck fell to your hips to keep you close to him.
“Izo, I wanted to apologise for yesterday. And, I won’t tease you about your relationship with (Name) anymore.”
“Thanks, I appreciate. Even thought it won’t be necessary.” Vista frowned at Izo’s answer.
Izo and Vista were already almost done with their breakfast when you joined them and sat right next to Izo as per usual. You exchanged a look and smiled timidly. Ace that was passing by behind you stopped when he saw this.
“Ow, you’re definitely the cutest couple!”
“Thanks, Ace.” You answered him happily while Izo laughed at Ace and Vista’s lost faces. Things promised to be interesting.
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train-wrecc · 1 year
niklaus mikaelson x female!reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings!: none?
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Y/n, Klaus, and Hope had been shopping for some new clothes for Hope. Albeit Hope didn’t need that many clothes seeing as you’d often find her wearing numerous variations of her uniform for the Salvatore School. However, Klaus spoiled the young tribrid. Always insisting to Y/n, “She’s a growing girl, my love, she needs them.” 
“She needs 4 pairs of the same skirt in different colors, Nik?”
“She’s a Mikaelson love, it’s not about our needs, it’s about our wants. If she wants 5 Range Rovers in 5 different colors for each day of the school week, she’d surely get them.”
“Really?” Hope exclaimed turning to look at her dad.
“Why of course-”
“Not, sweetie your father’s just joking.” Y/n interrupted the hybrid, elbowing him in his side, to shut his mouth and not give the girl any ideas.
“Hope, honey, why don’t you go browse the shoes,”
“You’re so right mom, I’ve been dying to get a new pair of combat boots!” Her voice trailed off as she headed to the store's shoe section. 
“Klaus, I thought we talked about this, we need to stop spoiling her.”
“Love, you talked, I simply sat there and listened.”
“Well, clearly you didn’t listen hard enough.”
“Honestly love, I don’t see what’s so wrong with giving her the things she wants, you know it’s how I show my affection,” 
“I know Nik, but sometimes she needs to work for what she wants, we can’t just reward her for nothing.”
“How absurd of you to say that. We’re not rewarding her for nothing, we’re rewarding her for being my daughter-”
“Our daughter.” Y/n raised her brows while correcting him.
“Yes, our daughter, and for being a tribrid- I mean that can’t be easy, look at my past, and I’m only a hybrid…”
“Bub, I think that’s just you… and have you forgotten you’re not the only hybrid here?”
“No, but you’re a Heretic, sweetheart, don't you think there’s a wee bit of a difference there?
“Either way that’s not the point, Nik.” 
“Alright, darling, I will try to spoil Hope a little less. Happy?”
“Yes, now let’s go find our daughter,” Y/n said before placing a small kiss on the Hybrid’s full lips. 
After loading their expensive SUV with even more expensive bags of various clothing, jewelry, and shoes, the Mikaelson girls had become a little hangry.
“Nik, just stop at the grill, we’re starving.”
“Oh please, not that wretched place,”
“Niklaus, I swear if you don’t-”
“Alright, the Mystic Grill it is.”
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
At first, Niklaus refused to order anything from the grill, while Y/n and Hope ordered their favorites. Hope saw  Landon working out of the corner of her eye, he’d been working there for a while now, and she’d thought he was kinda cute.
Hope quietly talked to her parents about what she’d been learning in her History of the Supernaturals class. After, Y/n gave Hope a sneak peek at her lesson plan for the upcoming Monday in her very own Advanced Magic class. Which, Hope was in, of course. Her mother was not only a teacher at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted but also a very powerful witch. 
“Where’s our waiter? I’ve been wanting to order a Peanut Butter Blast, and Nik stop eating my fries when you said you didn’t want anything! I’m saving them for my shake.” Y/n said pulling her plate away from the thief she called her husband. 
Niklaus held his hands up in mock surrender, stealing another fry when his wife wasn’t looking. Hope giggled at her father's antics, she loved her parents and hoped one day she would find someone to love her, just as much as they loved each other. 
Y/n saw a waiter with curly hair passing by and stopped him, “Excuse me, could I get 2 Peanut Butter Blasts with whipped-“
“With whipped cream on the bottom?” The boy finished.
“Uh yeah, how’d you know?” Y/n questioned, a laugh escaping her lips.
The boy made a small gesture towards Hope with the pen in his hand. “It’s usually how Hope orders it, just assumed...and now I know where she got the idea from.” He answered with an awkward smile.
“Hey Landon,” Hope said returning the awkward smile. 
“And how do you two exactly know each other?” Klaus questioned the pair. 
“Well, I come here pretty often Dad, and Landon goes to Mystic Falls High, so yeah…”
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Landon,” Y/n spoke with a smile to try and ease the tension that Niklaus had created. 
“You as well, uh, I should go and get that order in,” He said before walking toward the kitchen.
“You’re not dating anyone until you’re 100, I hope you know that,” Klaus said to his tribrid daughter, who responded with a roll of her eyes.
Klaus received a nudge in his side from Y/n, as Hope spoke up, “I don’t even like him like that, he’s just a friend, Dad.” 
“Sure,” Niklaus said his words coated in sarcasm while Y/n snorted in amusement at her daughter, in an attempt to hold her laughter in.
“Just ike you’re mother and I were just friends, and look at where we are now… and no matter if you don’t like him, he clearly likes you Hopey,” 
“Yeah right,” Hope said with the same amount of sarcasm as her father.
The group of three finally decided to head out once they had received their shakes, Y/n taking her fries as well. The car was filled with the hum of a jazz song that reminded the Mikaelsons of their true home, New Orleans. Of course, the only reason the Mikaelsons had left was to give Hope a proper education and expand her knowledge of her species; how to control her powers, and her heightened emotions. If there was one thing that Y/n and Klaus wished for their daughter it was that she never used her abilities for bad, for her to not follow the same path that her father once had. Albeit they would love her no matter what, always and forever. 
Once they had made it to their expensive abode, Hope took her new wardrobe - with the help of her parents up to her room. She finished reorganizing her closet and went downstairs to be met by her father painting in their shared art room dedicated to their favorite shared craft. Hope joined Niklaus, placing her easel beside his, before beginning to besmirch the white canvas with various colors. The pair were focused on their own work, like usual, speaking a few sentences here and there. The pair preferred to bask in the comfort of the others presence. Hope truly loved her father, she knew he had made numerous mistakes in his extensive life, but she never held those against him, she knew of the abuse her father suffered in his childhood. It was that abuse that had shaped him combined with the heightened emotions of being a hybrid, made him prone to violence. Nevertheless, Klaus would never intentionally hurt his daughter in any shape or way, he had continuously made the effort to not jump to violence the second he felt upset or irate. Most of the time he would begin to feel anger or any emotions that would make him feel overwhelmed, he would often go somewhere to cool off and take a breather. He promised he would never raise his voice at his wife or daughter. 
Nik accidentally bumped into Hope when he had been adjusting his canvas, causing her to create a large streak of red paint across her canvas. “Dad!” Hope blurted at the man who had caused her to ruin her masterpiece. “Dove, I’m so sorry, I swear it was an accident.” He said sincerely, looking at her canvas; he didn’t know when she had become a better painter than him. 
“It’s alright,” She sighed.
“Here, go at it,” He turned his canvas toward her. 
She gazed up at him before looking at the canvas, which was a painting containing two people with a little girl inbetween them with their hands clasped together in a field of flowers taking up the foreground, in the background the Salvatore Estate. 
“Is that you, Mom, and me?” the girl questioned her father. 
“It is indeed,” He replied with a nod.
She took a separate paintbrush and dipped it into a gray-almost-black color, adding the shadows of the figures to the canvas. Before her father could process it she swiped the paintbrush across his nose where freckles used to lay.
“Oh, you’re going to regret that, Dove.” 
Klaus reached for one of his larger paintbrushes filled with a previous color of paint he’d used swiping it across Hope’s arm. Giggles, laughter, and shrieks filled the room and bounced off the walls. The sounds of happiness mixed with the clacking of feet running.
Y/n placed her book on the side table beside the oh-so-comfortable la-Z-boy chair she had begged Klaus for. She made her way to the large art room, practically the size of a large dining room, where she heard various noises. When she opened the door, she wasn’t sure what she was expecting, however, it was not paint strewn all over her handsome husband, beautiful daughter, and the floor that was thankfully protected by a clear, plastic tarp. A laugh escaped her lips at the sight of the two loves of her life flicking paint at each other. The sound made the two glance at the door, where Y/n stood slightly in front. The pair of artists quickly glanced at each other, silently conversing. They then ran toward Y/n, pulling her into a tight embrace and getting paint all over her, matching the other two. This caused her to squeal, the father-daughter duo pressing kisses to Y/n’s cheeks, resulting in various giggles escaping her lips. 
“Alright, alright, thank you for the kisses,” She said trying to speak through her laughter. Y/n pulled away from them, returning the kisses, placing a kiss on both of their cheeks. She was looking at her little family, eyes filled with pure adulation, heart beating with nothing but happiness. 
Suddenly a painting grabbed Y/n’s attention, two figures that resembled her and Nik and another stood in between them, which resembled a young Hope in a field of Y/n’s favorite flowers. Her old home, the Salvatore Estate in the background.
“Nik… you painted this…” She murmured, knowing the painting had his own artistic touch to it.
“Of course, my love.” 
“I love it, it’s beautiful…” She murmured, her scintillating eyes meeting his light blue eyes. She placed her hand against his cheek, gently caressing his face before pulling her husband into a short gentle kiss filled with fervor. The two lovers pulled away, due to their daughter being in the room, and not wanting to scar her.
“We should hang it in the foyer, both of them,” She smiled at her two artists. 
“Whatever you want, my love,” Nik replied, his arms gently caressing Y/n’s waist.
“Also, we need to clean ourselves up, today’s Sunday so we're going to your Uncle Stefan’s for dinner.”
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
The Mikaelsons arrived at the Salvatore’s house, and 2 other cars were already in the driveway. All of a sudden the front door swung open and Stefan and Caroline's son Cayden ran out to greet the family, as they unloaded from the SUV. 
“Auntie Y/n, Uncle Nik, Hope!” He excitedly exclaimed.
The young boy threw himself at his aunt, happily squeezing her in a hug.
“Hi, sweetheart, how are you?” She said, caressing the seven-year-olds back while returning his embrace. 
“I’m amazing! You know who isn’t? Sadie, she’s sad because her boyfriend broke up with her…” The young boy whispered the end of his sentence. “Oh my poor girl,” Y/n said. 
Cayden ended up letting go of his aunt to greet his uncle just as excitedly. They began walking into the house greeted by Stefan, Damon, and Elena sitting on the large couch. Hope immediately went toward her aunt, greeting her and pulling her in for a hug. Nik greeted the Salvatore brothers before sitting down with his nephew, who immediately began to go on, and on about various topics. 
“Stef, Damon!” Y/n exclaimed, pulling her younger and older brother into an embrace.
“Hey Y/n/n,” They greeted her in unison. 
Y/n talked with the pair for a little before, she and Hope made their way into the kitchen to greet Caroline along with Sadie. They were shocked to find Rebekah, Marcel, and Rowena, their 10-year-old daughter, seated on the stools by the island.
“Bekah!” Y/n shrieked, bursting with joy at getting to see her sister-in-law, that was more of an actual sister to her. She hugged the woman tightly. 
"Hi, love, how've you been?" Rebekah questioned the woman, who was still hugging her.
"Good, you'd know that if you visited more, I haven't seen you in months!" She exclaimed.
"I know I'm sorry I promise we'll visit more often." She responded, gently pulling away from the hug.
"You better, and why didn't you tell us you guys were coming!" She said lightly hitting the vampire on the shoulder, causing her to feign pain.
"We wanted to surprise you." She smiled at her sister.
"How's Nik, he giving you any trouble?"
"Oh always, you know how your brother is," Y/n laughed, “No, I’m kidding, he’s amazing but don’t tell him I said that, his ego’s already big as it is.” 
“Are you ladies speaking of me? I heard the word ego…” Niklaus popped into the kitchen, his hand immediately finding it’s place on his wife’s waist. 
“Speak of the devil,” Rebekah said. 
The family aided in making dinner, which took quite long considering all the catching up and shenanigans that had occurred just like every Sunday dinner. It didn’t matter what was going on, family dinner was a must every week. Always and forever.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
A/N - The ending’s really crappy because I just wanted this out of my drafts and I honestly forgot where I had been going with this… also I have so many drafts that stop at 3k because I can never make it past 3k I truly don't know why, and I literally can't write fics that are like simple an around 1k. I have to make the most complex's plots and then never finish writing them 😭
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months
Your muffled cries and squirming are ignored as the two monsters continue to talk about training services. One of them is your captor a greed demon and the other is the shop owner, a wraith. He doesn't have eyes but you feel he's looking at you more than he's letting on. “Sorry but no deal. Don't want to risk this cute little hole I just bought getting broken but I would like some accessories for her.”
Nebul is quiet for a moment, then chooses a different method of approaching the situation.
" Broken? " The undead muses, tone ever flat. He turns towards you more directly, leaning in a small amount too. His strare, if you can call it that, feels invasive, as if he's clinging to the sides of your skull and applying pressure. There's ringing in your ears.
" No, I don't think so. She lacks the fire of a fighter and the glint of deceit. Her mind quakes only with fear. I would not need a complex training regimen to make her more responsive. Of course, something as simple as that is less expensive than my usual work. "
Hundreds of humans have been deposited in his care, Nebul is rarely ever wrong. Yet still, he doesn't press on the subject, knowing that it's oftentimes much better to keep his clients guessing on what other surprising things he can offer them. This demon will come back, he knows as much.
And Nebul will get to spend more time with a specimen as gorgeous as you. Really, you have the ideal mindset for this, he could shape you into anything, it's tempting. And your beauty isn't exactly common, not to mention there's little physical damage dealt so far... Yes, he reckons this one must have paid a pretty penny for someone as high quality as you.
Now, he just needs to take advantage of those greedy impulses by immediately steering them to the gold-bathed section of shiny new toys. A compartment in the left wall slides open.
" We have just the thing... "
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