#thinking about this sad wizard
whoopseydaisy · 6 months
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lupiinist · 3 months
i like the idea that lily is one of the smartest people in hogwarts but she's also just like
very clumsy. she drops things, she trips on air, and she's very unlucky too, gum sticks randomly on her hair (mary or marlene always cuts the tips of her hair every month or so because of that), and everytime something like that happens, she makes an odd sound as she snorts and laughs.
because yes, she's clumsy and unlucky, but she's surprisingly positive about it, she finds everything to be very funny, and mary and marlene are so used to it by now that they're always ready to hold her before she falls, take her out of the way of something that's being thrown, or just hold something she dropped before it breaks.
i like lily being a bit of a mess, let her be a bit of a failgirl as a treat, she's adorable, and she's a genius!!!!
(also, mary can't help but look so, so fond and in love with her whenever lily laughs when she trips on the hem of her robes, like she makes the entire day brighter just by smiling)
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hellishfig · 4 months
something i love about (at least a few of) lou wilson's dnd characters is that they always start out with a fun and interesting concept that would make a great character in its own right
and then lou says, "you know what would be hilarious?" and creates the most devastating, heartbreaking, stress-inducing, tragic backstory for said character
and i eat it up every time
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it's as done as im going to make it tbh. inconsistent, not perfect, but done :)
i'd say "sorry about this" but if i found a silly three minute wizards city fan animatic id lose my mind so im not sorry in the least
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soulbeastdragon · 15 days
Honestly, when Zhou Yao introduced themselves and said they were agender, I was kinda bewildered.
Never in my 30+ years have I ever heard a character announce in canon of being agender and use they/them pronouns.
I know it's been forever since EoD was released, but knowing there is an actual canon agender character in this mmo makes me happy. I dunno, I didn't think I'd care all that much about representation for my own identity in media. It's nice.
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demontouched · 8 months
i really like that fantasy high isn't six* people entering brennan's world. it's seven people working to build and establish a world, and brennan was just the start. he had an idea, he shared it with friends, and said "join me, let's make this something beautiful together."
(*for the people who saw this before the typo fix, i'm sorry 😭 i didn't even realize. i'm very bad at typing.)
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starsyearn · 1 month
thinking about wolfstar post-war and i’m actually crying (is that really a surprise to anyone at this point)
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deadpoetsargas · 9 months
Do you ever think about how james would've probably forgiven peter for betraying him IF it was only him that got hurt? Like if that night lily and harry were somewhere else and only james died he would've forgiven peter, he would understand that he was scared and such, put lily and harry? No. For the simly reason that that night both his wife and child died, he could never even look at peter again, he hated him.
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The light of the Jedi?
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Come on Star Wars give her a break that woman is very tired
Bonus fans under the cut:
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poorlittleyaoyao · 5 months
Resuming the rewatch after many weeks of sitting like a lump and the timeline surrounding Yi City is BANANAS. We are informed by LWJ that:
-XY showed up at Koi Tower 16 years ago. (LWJ refutes the assertion of the randos in the tavern that he was a Jin clan retainer.)
-Everyone wanted to punish him for being a serial killer but JGS personally refused due to lack of evidence. (We get a flashback of JGS yelling that he can protect who he wants.)
-Chang Ping recanted his testimony and was shortly thereafter blinded and killed via a thousand cuts dealt by Shuanghua, but neither XXC nor SL has been seen in years.
-XY was driven out and punished after JGS died and JGY took over as sect leader (according to LWJ) and hasn’t been seen since (according to the tavern randos).
Now, this does match JGY’s statement in the CQL version of Guanyin Temple that XY agreed to help him refine the Yin Tiger Tally as a means to resurrect XXC, but it throws a wrench in LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE because it means:
-XY didn’t officially work for the Jin? A lot of people thought he did, but he wasn’t considered an employee according to LWJ??? Did NMJ just believe the rumors or did he personally see him leaving JGY’s basement?
-It’s common knowledge that XY worked for the Wen, but either this didn’t come up in his trial, or everyone agreed that JGS protecting a known Wen collaborator just for funsies was fine or JGS’s power was so unrivaled that he didn’t even have to pretend to care about PR.
ETA: “Did anybody SEE him kill all those people?” is also one hell of a rebuttal given that in this canon, JGY, NHS, LWJ, and JC were all present at Chang Manor in the aftermath of the murders. JC and LWJ were even on the scene prior to Songxiao’s arrival! I guess technically they didn’t see XY kill all those people, but JC and LWJ sure do hear him confess to it freely and without remorse!
-JGS publicly stated that keeping XY alive was his personal prerogative, so NMJ getting on JGY’s case about it has some major “yelling at the store manager about the return policy dictated by corporate HQ” energy. Disappointed in u, CQL Da-ge. 🫤
-XY already had Shuanghua when he killed Chang Ping, whose time death is also given as “16 years ago,” so the entirety of Yi City unfolds prior to this. Leaving aside the issue of Sunshot only taking like 6-8 months and then less than 2 years elapsing between the war’s end and WWX’s death with the given timestamps (Yi City is supposed to be a solid 3 years, so this is pushing it even if XY shacked up with XXC immediately after Songxiao swapped eyeballs), I’m pretty sure they give us a little title card later insisting that Yi City was 10 years ago. WHEN IS THIS HAPPENING. WHAT IS MATH.
-oh my god were Dark Cottagecore Hours with Xuexiao happening while Sunshot was going on? because that’s incredible actually.
-Why was XY all beaten up when XXC found him if that wasn’t JGY??? XY is for sure in Jinlintai when NMJ and JGS die so?????????
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I know we as a fandom all love to shit on Duncan whenever we get the chance (see: me posting Duncan GruncanWuncan) especially since the like, two times we ever see him he's shitting on us for being ourselves then tries to kill us because of his own delusions of grandeur but I thought about it and I was like, "......man that's kinda Sad actually"
BECAUSE seeing this from Duncan's perspective; he's The Best, he always has been the best, but reality constantly shows him that isn't true (Malorn, The Wizard, anyone else)
Like imagine how painful that can be when you think something that you truly deserved and something that you've fought for, maybe for your entire life, is seemingly handed to others who aren't nearly as deserving as you
And yeah WE know that Duncan has neither worked (very hard, at least) for his perceived greatness NOR does he truly """deserve""" it (Duncan has been shown to be shirking his duties off to us and possibly others for his own gain), but DUNCAN doesn't know this. Like in his mind he truly, honestly, genuinely believes with his whole fragile heart that he is just above everyone else and puts more effort in trying to convince others of that rather than literally just trying to work towards that himself
And then there's the extra added insult that even in his own class he's pretty mediocre. Duncan INSISTS that he was Malistaire's best student and that he praised Duncan maybe once and that all other Death students only wish they could be like him, but... Malorn. And I bet deep down Duncan KNOWS that in fact Malorn was Malistaire's best and most talented. And Duncan can't even really twist that in his mind because it was made solid when Malorn took over Malistaire's duties instead of him. It was proven as a hard fact that Malorn was more suited to the job than Duncan was and is widely recognized as being The Best Death student (if the YW isn't a Necromancer)
Okay so fine. Whatever it's just Death right? At least Duncan can be the best at ANYTHING ELSE, maybe he's not the most talented Necromancer but there's 6 more types of magic to excel in!!!
But then another person ruins that. The Young Wizard poofs in from another world and suddenly, Duncan is overshadowed once more because a literal child prodigy and Local Hero arrives and literally saves their world and then, the universe. Multiple times in fact
Like bro I can imagine that could be at least a little bit painful for anyone, but imagine with Duncan's already low self-esteem and his fragile, large ego, he literally and genuinely took that personally and a hit to your pride is devastating for anyone, no matter who you are. That was like, Strike Three for Duncan and it was so very personal and important to him that it left him in a deep and vulnerable state
But I think the absolute saddest part of Duncan's downfall is that near the end, he was ultimately manipulated by an adult. A grown ass adult noticed and acknowledged his insecurities and purposely struck where it hurts the most, in his weakest state. Duncan already wasn't thinking clearly from the start but when everything went to shit for him and he was clinging, Gretta DarkKettle approached him and completely broke him down to make him into something else entirely for the Schism's benefit.
Of course Duncan was a piece of shit from the start but he truly didn't have any malicious intentions until Gretta messed with his mind. Like, he went from a pretty much harmless bully to an actual criminal of the state and a threat to the literal universe. Duncan was CORRUPTED and all of his worst fears and delusions were solidified the moment Gretta """validated""" those feelings Duncan had.
Is Duncan completely blameless? Fuck no he did some fucked up shit actually and I'm glad he was held accountable for it by the narrative and the fandom!!! But I think it's something to be said that at the end of the day, Duncan was still a child that was suffering from many type of issues before being recruited and manipulated by a powerful literal cult. Wizard101 does have a theme of malicious intending and less than responsible adults using children to get what they want (Malistaire, Morganthe's brother, GF Spider, GM Raven, coughcoughAmbrose) but unlike the Young Wizard who successfully stays true to themselves despite that, Duncan had a more Morganthe-like route and ultimately succumbed to it. Of course their situations are a lot different since the YW wasn't brought in by a cult, but you can't help but feel bad for someone so young being preyed on by older people who are supposed to look out for them and protect them from something just LIKE that.
I will always shit on Duncan because it's funny and hold him accountable for his actions because he should, but I also feel bad for him and I hope he had a better ending after he was defeated
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Anyway prohibitedwish dark medieval mystery drama au. The story is interjected every so often by prismo and scarab arguing over what should happen next
#random thoughts#adventure time#over time scarab learns to accept when things dont go his way (especially when prismo has a very good idea)#and prismo gets help working through his depression through the beauty of creating with another person (euphamism for gay sex lol)#hey prismo why do you want to collab with scarab hmm? to create life with another man? pretty gay it does seem#anyway in the beginning they argue because scarab wants stuff to go his way#and prismo keeps bringing up bad ideas and wanting to put jake-esque characters in everything#prismo is. not very creative#anyway their universe ends up following a sheriff and a self-declared wizard in the late-12th century (so around robin hood times)#as the sheriff hunts down a group of bandits#(prismo ends up really liking the bandits and thinking the sheriff sucks balls for hunting them down and scarab's like you just dont get it)#the self-declared wizard is very much a conman hawking snake oil (i do NOT sound like that is. very commonly interjected by prismo)#there is no magic. prismo keeps trying to put magic in there. scarab keeps shutting him down#scarab ends up trying to kill off the wizard for a dramatic moment and prismo gets upset about it#'it's a tragedy! it's supposed to be sad!' 'but WHAT IS THE POINT??? it's just tragedy for the sake of tragedy!'#'if your plan this whole time was to make me upset then congrats!!! you made everyone's friend prismo upset. im gonna do something else now'#prismo disappears and scarab feels. bad. it doesn't feel good.#eventually prismo comes back in to apologize for getting too into the story and leaving in a huff and shit and surprise!!!#the wizard is still alive! scarab LISTENED and he CONCEDED and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT BABEY!!!#now the ending of the story they were trying to tell is more bittersweet instead of a full-on 'everyone's dead or sad' thing#btw the sheriff and the wizard end up kissing and prismo and scarab are both VERY awkward about it#scarab still likes dark edgy stuff but he recognizes the universe he created with prismo is a SHARED project and he's been kind of a pill
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warlordfelwinter · 8 months
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my type is waterdhavians who have fucked deities
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more. i dont like making aus like this except i have to get to the end of it so itll all be rounded out. i drew a lot of these and they brought me joy
these all kinda flow into one another so they go in one post but they arent consistently colored or paneled. well who cares. i need to see them
its an alternate ending of this(x) and a continuation of this(x). i have too many comics falling around.
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cloudbattrolls · 2 months
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It’s kind of morbidly funny because they’re really the duality of responses: Crista is terrified by violence after what they went through and can barely bring themself to hurt anyone or anything shaped like a troll.
They couldn’t even bring themself to hate Auresh, they were just terrified of him.
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cecenyss · 11 months
Okay listen. Listen okay. Dumbledore’s moral failings are a result of poor writing.
Like jkr goes out of her way to describes Albus Dumbledore as this paragon of virtue who’s constantly trying to do the right thing and he’s practically omniscient and one of the only reasonable people in the entire wizarding world
And then she turns around and goes “but he didn’t check on the boy he left in the care of a Muggle he had been warned was going to mistreat him by someone he’s known for years” and he didn’t check for eleven years.
And then after that when Harry’s envelope literally said cupboard under the stairs nobody checked on that?? And hey hey McGonagall was the only one who’d see that letter actually she was the one who signed it so that’s poor writing on her character too
But this is about Dumbledore not her
And then nobody double checked on Sirius Black and whatnot including Dumbledore (and that’s not just Albus?? Like Remus didn’t, nobody else who knew Sirius didn’t) which is frankly ridiculous because he had friends and what can be assumed was an active social life given he was friends with James Potter who everybody falls over themselves to sing the praises of at every opportunity
This is, I think, an issue with writing an overpowered character in general. You describe them as virtually all-knowing, but then don’t come up with reasonable explanations for why they wouldn’t know certain things that need to be unknown for the plot to progress. You give them awesome powers, and then struggle thinking of ways for them to be thwarted.
When this isn’t done correctly, the only possible explanation for the fans is to make the op character in question an asshole. They didn’t care enough to check that a child was safe or they didn’t feel like vouching for the safety of someone else so they just didn’t or they allowed people to become collateral damage even though it would’ve been a perfectly viable solution to let things play out another way.
It’s so annoying to me that people do this but it’s also perfectly understandable because in reality the character is fundamentally contradictory; there’s no real way to reconcile the ideas that “Dumbledore is intelligent and wise” and “Dumbledore didn’t bother checking on an infant who actively had terrorists gunning for him for over a decade.” Those two things just can’t coexist without some serious bending over to make them make sense.
But they have to for the story to make internal sense, because it is a bad story. It’s just bad writing, there’s no way around it. And that’s a really difficult thing to swallow, even after coming to terms with jkr’s bigotry. Because even when she was just transphobic and racist and just kind of a bigot in general I could still say “well, the story was good, but it sucks she turned out so bad.” But I really can’t say that anymore. And that hurts so, so bad.
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