#thinking that she'll finally feel at home and safe the day she gets to wake up feeling rested and content despite her anxiety + insomnia
roodles03 · 9 months
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The First Kiss
Things have been rough for them for pretty much their whole lives, but especially recently.
For Willow, being trapped in the human realm separated from her fathers, not knowing if they're okay, having little to no hope of ever returning home, and knowing the Boiling Isles might be in ruin due to the Collector was a lot to deal with. Flapjack's death, Belos still being alive along with seeing the Isles in a apocalyptic state confirmed so many of her fears.
Boscha was the icing on the cake, sending her into a boderline panic attack/mental breakdown that nearly ended with her suffocating not only herself, but also her best friends.
Meanwhile, Hunter has lost his beloved palismen, Flapjack, after having his body controlled and getting possessed by his abuser, who he thought he was finally safe from. He had died after sacrificing himself to save his friends, and Flapjack is the only reason he's still alive to tell his story, but in order for Flapjack to save him, he had to give up his life essence to revive Hunter. Hunter now has to continue living on without Flapjack. He misses him every single day. He thinks about him all the time. He wishes he was still here every waking moment. But Flapjack is never coming back, and that is almost impossible to handle at times.
But what Willow and Hunter do have is each other. They love each other and want to get through things together. They can help each other heal and give each other comfort through their pain. And Willow wants to assure Hunter that no matter what, she'll be there.
Hunter feels the same way, and he assures he'll be there for her too. Half-a-witches like them always stick together.
The half-a-witch statement is what Willow needed to hear her whole life.
In that moment of love, without thinking, Willow cups Hunter's cheeks and pulls him in.
Hunter, meanwhile, has no idea what's about to happen until their lips meet. He's shocked at first before quickly embracing the kiss. His emotions overrun him almost instantly.
When Willow separates, she immediately realizes what she just did, and she freezes. Hunter feels like he has to say something, but his overwhelming emotions make that incredibly hard. He has no idea what to say. He's too shocked for anything comprehensable to leave his mouth, and even if he could formulate a sentence, just one word would make him burst into tears.
Willow can hardly scoundure up an sentence herself, but just saying one word causes Hunter to be overwhelmed with joy. He's never felt so loved before. It feels amazing. He starts happily sobbing as the two pull in for a hug.
(Wow, my inner fic writer came out, didn't it-)
Pretty much everything went right for this comic and I'm really happy with how it came out. It definitely took a very long time for me to finish this due to uni, but it was worth the time and effort.
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luveline · 7 months
OMG need to see more of Steve drawing reader in the zombie au!!!
steve zombie au —steve draws you all the time. fem
Sometimes, you collapse under the weight of it all. A lot of bad things have happened to you, and the world in this state is overwhelming. You used to wake in a soft, warm bed, spend days surrounded by loved ones, eating and drinking when you needed to, when you wanted to, with no worrying about where your next tube of toothpaste or toilet paper was going to come from. 
These days, you wake, and it's into a world where you've seen agony, and inhumanity, and it's hard. You're his sweetheart and he doesn't care, he'll take care of you for the rest of his life, but there's only so much he can do. 
“Sure you don't need anything else?” he whispers, pulling the linen blankets up to your chin. 
“M'sure. Thanks, Steve.” 
He feels bad touching you when you're squirming. “Yeah, no problem. I'm just gonna sit outside and read, okay? I'll be right there.” 
“Okay,” you mumble, pressing your face into your pillow. 
Steve grabs his rucksack and drags himself outside of the tent. From here, the sea of tents, he can see the fire in the centre of camp leaching smoke into the air, and he can hear the unmistakable hum of hundreds of people in one place. He figures it to be almost like an army base, and the small amount of military personnel only cements that. 
Robin's off somewhere. He misses her more and more lately, not sure where she is, but you've been sick this week. He has to stay close to home. She'll be back tonight for sure to see you both. And Eddie, your new (and, to Steve's reluctance, good) friend, popped by to see you both an hour ago. You weren't in the mood to talk and so he mostly talked to Steve about the next run for supplies. 
You're loved, but you're lonely. You lost everyone you knew. 
You need time to mourn now you're somewhere safe enough to do it. 
Steve rummages through his rucksack for his novel, but he doesn't want to read it without you. Between that and his sketchbook, he has very little to do. Still, you'd brought him those nice pencils and a new skinny sketchbook full of smooth paper, and there are pages yet to fill. 
It's all you. Every inch of space. Your unknowing smile as Eddie showed you how to make an origami crane, or your stomach in the dark as your t-shirt rode up in sleep. Your hands clasped around one of his, squeezing, and the figure of your crouched by the river watching tiny fish swim by. You're in lilac, and sepia, and green, green-green-green, the darkest green pencil he has in want of a black detailing your pupils and the seam of your lips over and over. 
He looks in through the tent door and sketches the curve of your hip under the blanket. He could likely draw you head to toe and inch by inch without reference, or he likes to think it, having seen it all a hundred times, maybe more. You sigh in your dozing and curl inwards, and he starts again. 
He notices when you start to cry because he's focused on your shoulders as they tremble. Steve folds the pen between leaves of paper and shoves it all back into his bag. To comfort you or let you cry? Sometimes people just want to be left alone. 
“Steve?” you ask through a little sniffle. 
“Yeah, honey, I'm here.” 
“Will you come in here?” 
He must be doing something right if you're calling him in when you need him. Finally, something right. Steve crawls into the tent and presses your shoulders against the tent flooring, shaking his head at you. “It's okay,” he says, enthusing his voice with a light amount of loving ridicule. “What are you crying for, huh? You're okay.” 
“Yeah, I'm okay,” you agree, snuffling as he touches your cheek. 
“You are. You're okay. You're beautiful.” He goes sticky like syrup, praising. “I'd write you love letters if I had a pen.” 
“Just talking about how pretty you are would take up ten pages. I keep trying to get it down, you know? So when I'm gone, they'll know someone as pretty as you was walking around loving on some loser,” —you laugh wetly and distract him— “right? So why are you crying?” 
“Just don't feel well.” 
“I don't blame you,” he says, nudging a tear off of your cheek with his thumb. 
“But,” you say, smiling at him weakly, “I have to keep my head up. Yes?” 
“Yeah, honey.” He swallows a funny lump. “God, you're fucking everything when you smile.”
It's not that he doesn't care, he wants to hear it, but you just don't know how to tell him. How do you verbalise a mountain of grief? So he rescues you instead, flirts and soothes the wound with a warm smile. You respond to it as he'd hoped and perk up with a couple of carefully pressed kisses. “Sorry,” he whispers. 
“Were you drawing me, before?” 
“How'd you guess that?” 
“You were really quiet. It's like you go somewhere else.” 
“Nah. Just with you.” He clears his throat. “Did you… wanna see?” 
Steve would write an itemised list of all his worst secrets if it meant you'd smile. A few pages of shoddy pencil sketches is nothing. 
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: as I was writing this, I proclaimed in the most southern accent, “now we’re cookin’ with peanut oil!” so do that with that
Summary: Joel goes home for a month. You stay in California to work. What could possibly go wrong? [3.8k]
Warnings: HEAVILY implied casting couch culture, brief allusion to creepy Hollywood producers, yearning, I can’t think of anything else!!
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Boarding my flight now.
Thanks for letting me know?
Well, I texted my mama to let her know, and she told me to text "that girlfriend of mine."
Doesn't sound like she's a huge fan.
She'll live.
You like the message and go to put your phone away when it buzzes again.
Is it weird that I kinda miss talking to you?
You smile and ignore your name being called over the intercom for another beat.
There are a lot of weird things about you, Joel Miller, but that one feels the most normal.
Text me when you land in Austin. Tell your mom I said hi.
You tuck your phone away, fighting the stupid smile on your face, and look up to see a pissed-off PA walking towards you. You apologize and half jog to the sound stage where Ryan is waiting. 
"The perfect punctual queen is late for once? Is the world going to shit?" He asks, and you slap his arm.
"People are allowed to be late."
"Does your lateness have anything to do with your boy toy?"
"Are you ever gonna call him by his name?" You ask. He senses that you're stalling his question and take a deep breath. "Joel is flying home to Texas today to visit family and get some work done. He'll be gone for a month."
"Oh, how will you ever survive?" He pouts, and you give him a look. The director calling for places stops you from responding, but you threaten him with the promise of picking up the conversation later. 
You don't ever get to tell him off for suggesting that you can't live without Joel being in the same state because of how late shooting goes. It might've been exhaustion, but you swore that you saw the sun starting to rise over the horizon by the time you finally got to leave. You knocked out a good chunk of the scenes you were still working on, which is great news, but you were mentally and physically drained. You slept most of the next day and missed Joel's messages from one whole time zone away. 
Jesus Christ, I forgot how hot it is here.
My mama told me to ask you if you go to church since she doesn't believe me.
Attached: Two photos
You laugh as you sleepily scroll through his texts when you wake up mid-afternoon, feeling a little bit better from your long night. One of the pictures he sent is of him sitting in the cab of an old truck with the caption, "This was my first car. I can't convince my dad to sell the damn thing." The second is a blurry photo of a blue-looking weed on the side of the road surrounded by what looks like thousands of other blue weeds. "Turns out the state flower will literally grow anywhere besides in a pot in my house."
A) I'm glad you made it in safely. B) Isn't Texas the armpit of the South? C) I don't go to church, and I never have, but please feel free to lie to her. D) I can imagine a young, emo Joel Miller driving it now.
He reads your messages almost as soon as they deliver, and your screen lights up with his initials as he calls you. You yawn as you pick up and hear chatter in the background of wherever he is.
"First of all," he starts in a determined tone. "Texas ain't the armpit of the South. That's South Carolina." He says. He hasn't even been in Texas for forty-eight hours, and his accent is already thick again.
"My mistake," you laugh. "Did you have another point, or was that it?"
"Second of all, why d'you sound so tired?"
"Obviously, I was out partying with strange men all night."
"Really?" He asks, and you scoff.
"No, Joel. Filming went really late yesterday. I don't think I got home until six this morning."
"Sounds intense." 
"Not as intense as being interrogated by your mother," you say, and he hums. You hear someone laughing in the background and relish in the joy that you're not there to witness. He doesn't say anything for a minute, and you wonder if the line dropped, but when you pull the phone away from your face, you see the call is still active. "You really miss me so much that you called me just to sit on the line?"
"Maybe I did." He says. You take a deep breath and glance at the clock on your bedside table. He's two hours ahead. The sun must be setting by now, casting gorgeous rays onto his skin and making his eyes look amber. You wonder what Texas air does to Joel's soul. Maybe it soothes him like only an old baby blanket can. Maybe it makes him jumpy, like he's waiting for a clap of thunder that never comes. Maybe it makes him wonder why he left in the first place. You wish you could be there to read his expression and try to decipher what he's thinking. Someone calls Joel's name in the background, and you hear him shuffle with the phone, probably covering the microphone with his hand because the voices become muffled. When the phone comes back to his ear, he takes a deep breath, and you do the same. "I gotta go. Can I call you tomorrow?" He asks. 
"I'm counting on it, Miller." You say, and he laughs before mumbling a good night and hanging up the phone. 
After that, it becomes a habit for Joel to call you every day from Texas. He'll tell you different stories about his parents, how Austin has changed since he left, and update you on how the newest album is coming. He listens to you rant about work, how tired you are, and how frustrated you always get toward the end of a project. Sometimes the conversations last ten minutes, and sometimes they last hours. One night, you fell asleep on the phone with him because he was trying to get your opinion on a new song, but you had spent the day filming the scene of your character giving birth, which was tiring in its own right. He doesn't chide you for it. He just sends you a goodnight text and promises to call you the following night.
You hate to admit it, but production speeds up with Joel out of town. You end up wrapping your scenes a week early while Ryan still has another couple of days of filming his scenes. You'll probably get called back in for reshoots in a few months, but you feel really good about the work you put out there, and you finally get the chance to rest before Melanie sends you more scripts to read over. You send Joel a photo of your open laptop and a glass of wine next to it as the California sun sets over your balcony. 
Wrap parties are looking different as I get older.
Don't worry. I'm sure you'll still be a drunk, no matter how old.
Lashing out is the first sign of a bigger problem. I think I should call Melanie.
You laugh and search for the middle finger emoji when he sends you another text.
Paul got me on the list for some charity event this Saturday. Want to come with me? He said it'd probably be better to get some more dates in sooner rather than later.
The reminder that this is all fake shifts your entire mood. Of course, it's always lingering in your mind, but the texting didn't feel fake. The late-night calls didn't feel fake. He didn't feel fake. In fact, this is the first time you feel like you have a sliver of an idea as to who Joel Miller actually is when he isn't selling out world tours and recording platinum albums. It's stupid for you to feel this way. You have no reason to. No right. You take a deep breath and type out a message.
On Friday, you drive to the airport to pick Joel up, creating an over-the-top scene of you running and jumping into his arms. His hat falls off his head and onto the ground as he catches you and kisses you sweetly. When he sets you back on the ground, he doesn't let you go right away. He lingers in your arms, and even though your feelings are still hurt and you're still trying to remind yourself that this is all fake, you let him. He smells like a detergent you don't recognize, but underneath that, you catch a whiff of the cologne he always wears. You rub his back as you hold him in the middle of the airport. 
"'S really good to see your face," he says into your neck, and you nod. 
"You too."
As you drive him home, he brings you up to speed on how the album is coming along and how different Texas was when he was there. You tell him about the last few days on set and an upcoming press junket in New York City. He lights up when you tell him the dates as you maneuver through LA traffic.
"I'm scheduled to go to New York to work with my sound mixer that same time. He's got his own studio out there now and knows more about it than I do," he says. "Maybe we can fly together? Make it look like a couple's trip?"
"Sure," you say. He furrows his eyebrows at your lack of excitement, and you scramble for something else to talk about. "How are your parents?" You ask. The rest of the ride to his house goes off without a hitch, and he kisses you again as he gets out of the car, both of you highly aware of the car full of paparazzi that's been tailing you since you left the airport. He promises to pick you up at five the following night, and you just nod. When you get home, you walk calmly into your house, lock the door, and scream.
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Joel's hand is in yours as you wait for your turn to walk the carpet. You're not sure why there's a red carpet at a charity event, but you're not about to throw a fit about it. Joel is wearing a sleek black suit, and you're matching with a long black dress. It's a low-cut backless dress, and a sparkly necklace your stylist picked out rests against your sternum. Joel taps your hand, and you look at him.
"You okay?" He asks. He looks worried as he steps between you and the wall of photographers waiting for you to stand and pose perfectly for their photos. "You've been quiet the past few days."
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. I think I'm still recovering from that last week of filming." 
"Are you sure you're not gettin' sick?" He asks, raising his other hand to your cheeks like he's checking your temperature. You smile half-heartedly and swat his hand away.
"I'm sure," you say. He tries to say more, but someone with a clipboard gets your attention and asks if you're ready. You nod and step onto the carpet, holding Joel's hand. The press erupts into a cloud of noise, startling you and making Joel laugh. You slap his chest and plaster on your rehearsed smile. You do your best to look where all the photographers are yelling at you to look and try different poses so they can get what they need. Everyone has to make a living, you suppose. You just wish their salary wasn't at the expense of your privacy. 
You get halfway down the carpet, taking pictures as a couple and some solo shots, before one of the photographers yells a new command. "Can we get a kiss?" He shouts. You pretend not to hear him and show off how the dress dips down your back, hugging you in all the right places. Still, the photographer is demanding a kiss, and now others have joined in too. It feels very "dance, monkey, dance," but you do your best to grit your teeth and smile. You catch Joel staring at you when you turn. It could be the flashing bulbs of cameras or how he's looking at you, but his eyes are sparkling, and the creases in the corners make you melt just a little. 
You hold out your hand for him to join you, which he happily obliges, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close enough for him to kiss your temple. "You alright?" He asks against your skin as you rest a hand on his chest and look up at him. You nod and glance between his eyes and his lips. The chorus of people practically begging for a picture of you two kissing is growing, and you raise your eyebrows at him. 
"You gonna keep them waiting, or are you gonna kiss me?" You ask, the playful lilt reserved for him returning to your voice. He gives you a look and smirks before leaning down a pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. Everyone ooh's and aw's at you two, but you only care about how fast his heartbeat is against your palm. You want to blame it on the anxiety of walking the carpet and having people scream at you to do whatever they want. No, you have to blame it on that. There's no other option.
When you finally get inside, Joel gets you a glass of wine and a mixed drink for himself. The event is sweet and goes by quickly as you listen to people talk about something they're so passionate about. You decide to donate some money under an anonymous name once you are all excused to the reception, where there's food, more alcohol, and dancing. Joel leaves your side to catch up with some musician buddies, kissing your cheek before disappearing into the crowd. 
You nurse your wine as people you've never met start conversations with you. They're all polite and ask about your newest project, how LA's been treating you, and what's up next for you. You can't reveal much due to the NDA you signed at the beginning of shooting, but you tell them how excited you are for them to be able to see it and admit you've got some auditions lined up in the coming weeks. You've probably given the same answers to a handful of different people when you realize you're out of wine and Joel is still missing. You scan the room for him, but you can't find him. That's fine, you think. It's not like he's obligated to stick to my side at all times. He can have his own life.
You sigh as you belly up to the bar and order another glass of wine. You almost make it a double when someone taps your arm, making you turn. "I don't mean to interrupt, but you look exquisite tonight. I just thought you should know," ultra-famous producer Richard Pike tells you. You blink at him, your brain struggling to catch up with the fact that one of the men who's made the most award-winning films in the past twenty years just noticed you. "I know everyone has probably told you that tonight, but-"
"Oh, no. Thank you. I'm sorry. I was just a little starstruck right then," you apologize before holding your hand out to introduce yourself. He takes your hand and kisses the top of it. It's very dramatic, but this is Hollywood we're talking about. Your glass of wine arrives, and he pays the bartender before you can even reach for your purse. 
"Women as gorgeous as you should never have to pay for a drink. Ever." He says, and you laugh.
"I mean, I won't argue with you on that," you say, taking your glass in your hand to clink it against his glass of scotch. "Thank you, Mr. Pike."
"Please, call me Richard," he insists. "You just finished another movie, didn't you? You're a very busy girl."
"Yes, sir. I'm already looking for new projects to audition for." 
"Oh, I remember when I had actors audition. See, that was before I started writing roles for specific actors. Some people call that crude or playing favorites, but it hasn't failed me yet." 
"No, sir, it hasn't."
"So formal! Yes, sir! No, sir! Are you like this with everyone?" He asks as he takes a big swig of his drink.
"Just people who can cast me," you say. You're partially joking, but it's enough for him. He laughs, and his hand lands perfectly on your exposed back as he cackles loudly. You force yourself to laugh along with him and suddenly get that sinking feeling in your chest. Everybody seems to strategically look away from you two at the bar, and you want to be anywhere but here. 
"You know, I've seen a few of your movies," he says, getting close to your face like he's telling you a secret. "I think you've got a lot of potential. With just a little coaching and one great role," his hand dips lower down your back, and you freeze. Ice water runs through your veins, and everything is screaming at you to run away, but your heels stay planted against the expensive hardwood. "We'll make an Oscar winner of you yet."
"Excuse me," a familiar drawl says behind you. You both turn and make eye contact with Joel. "May I steal my girlfriend for a dance? I promised her one on the way over." He asks, but he's already wrapping an arm around your waist, ready to pull you away. The hand on your back disappears and claps Joel on the shoulder.
"Of course! You take good care of this one!"
"Yes, sir," Joel says as he pulls you to the dance floor. Your heart is still beating in your throat, and you feel like you could cry, but Joel's looking at you with such kindness. You find safety in him as you wrap your arms around his neck and slowly sway with him, the soft material of his dress shirt calming you down. He waits until Pike is out of earshot to lean down to talk in your ear. "Now, I know you don't need me savin' you like that. Are you sure you're okay?" 
"He's one of the biggest producers in Hollywood. He could tank my career in a single email. You want to be the one to yell at him?" You ask. "If I said or did something, he would've doubled down, but he respects you more. He backed off because, in his mind, I belong to you."
"How do you know?"
"I've dealt with people like him before. They're all the same old men who think they can offer you a legacy on a silver platter if you fuck them. I've gotten enough advice from other actors to know how to handle them. Let them get touchy but find an out before it can go too far. Stroke their egos so they feel good about themselves. Basically, do whatever to keep you and your career safe."
"I thought stuff like that didn't happen anymore."
"You and everyone else in the world. Things don't just magically change because one guy goes to jail." You sigh. 
"I'm sorry," he says, and you shake your head. 
"It's fine."
"No, it's not. You shouldn't have to deal with that."
"It was one of the first things people told me when I started. They said it was something I might just have to… endure but that the weight would get easier to carry. One actress even told me that it was the price we have to pay because everyone wants to be us," you chuckle. He doesn't interrupt you; he just stares at you with apologetic eyes like he would take this burden from you if he could. You almost believe him. "I don't think that's true. I think most people would hand this lifestyle in the second it got too real."
"What would you do if you weren't an actor?" He asks, and you shrug.
"I always thought about being a teacher. Sure, the pay is shit, and the work is thankless, but kids are our future, you know? There's something really special about shaping young minds."
"Sounds nice."
"What about you? What would you do if you weren't doing this?"
"Probably something with my hands. I worked as a mechanic for a while, and I really liked that. I liked how it was a big puzzle that needed to get sorted out and fixed up."
"Why'd you stop?" You ask. 
"I needed to grow up. My dad owned a contracting company, so I worked with him until I saved up enough to record my first album. And that was that."
"It's crazy how we fought so hard to get to where we are, and now that we're here, it's..." You trail off, trying to figure out what you want to say.
"Terrifying?" He suggests, and you nod. "Yeah, I'm terrified every second of every day."
"You don't act like it." 
"I don't act like a lot of things that I should," he says. He stares at you so intently that the rest of the world fades away. You don't hear the song die down or the applause erupt around you as the band takes a bow. You can feel his heartbeat against your chest. You know how crazed it is. He wets his lips before stepping back and trailing his eyes down your dress and back up to your face like he's taking you in for the first time. "You really do look beautiful tonight." You swallow around the lump in your throat and smooth your hands down your dress, suddenly self-conscious. 
"Thank you." You mumble. 
Pictures of you two kissing on the carpet and dancing inside are circulating online before you even leave the event. You wake up to a huge batch of texts— one from your mom, two from Joel, six from Ryan, and one from Melanie about your trip to New York that you barely read. You would've stayed in bed wallowing in your own bad luck if there wasn't a sharp knock on your door. You groan the whole way down the stairs like it will help you greet whoever has decided to show up at your house at eight in the morning, but nobody's there when you open the door. 
Instead, a bouquet of flowers in a lovely vase sits on your mat with a note sticking out. You glance down your street and barely catch a delivery truck turning down the block. You carefully take the flowers into your kitchen before plucking the note between the petals. 
Pretty flowers for a pretty girl - JM 
(PS bought these of my own volition)
"Goddammit," you mutter under your breath as you think about his lips on yours, his soft shirt, and his stupid fucking, "I don't act like a lot of things I should."
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viviennevermillion · 9 months
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melting the ice
✧ notes: work 3 of my "autumn remedies" event, admittedly a day late. if you liked this fic, consider reblogging and commenting! interactions are what keeps writers motivated. decided to go with headcanons for this because it worked better.👋🏻 i also decided i might post them out of order and post two in one day etc. so it's more flexible for me. everything that's listed for a specific week in october will be posted that week though!
✧ contains: march supports a reader who is dissociating, could be platonic too
✧ now playing: safe and sound — taylor swift
✧ warnings: dissociation
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March doesn't really know about dissociation as it hasn't been that long since she was taken in by the Astral Express and freed from the six-phased ice and she has not encountered it noticeably during that time. So when it happens to you, she's at first at a loss of what to do. She doesn't really know how to describe what is happening to you, she just sees that you're spaced out and struggle to respond to her when she talks to you and don't really seem to realize everything that goes on around you
At first, she doesn't really do anything but try to reach you verbally multiple times and decide to give you your space when you dissociate.
She is worried about you and does use the opportunity to talk with you about it when you're doing better.
If you don't want to talk about it, she won't bother you about it.
But if you do decide to tell her what is happening to you, she listens attentively about how to support you.
It's Welt who gives her the most useful tips on how to support you.
She learns more about the topic from entries in the Astral Express Archives so that she can do her best to support you when you need it.
She even falls asleep over a book at Dan Heng's desk once and he has to shake her awake so he can go to bed.
The more she learns about it, the more she's reminded of how it felt to be within the six-phased ice. It felt like a long, endless dream and when the ice was finally melting, she snapped out of that dream to feel the warmth of the people she'd come to consider home within the coming months. She had felt safe and like she arrived where she was meant to be. March wants to give you that feeling as well.
So she talks to you about what is okay to do when you dissociate. Whether she can touch you or whether there's something she could get that might help you.
If you let her, she will sit down next to you and softly talk to you. "Hey...it's me, March", her tone will be a little awkward at first but there's so much care in it, "I'm here for you. I'm going to put my hand on your shoulder, okay?"
She tells you everything that she is going to do as to not frighten you. She'll wrap an arm around your shoulder and gently draws circles on your skin, telling you to focus on her touch.
She might cover her fingers with her ice abilities if the cold helps to ground you in reality.
March will talk to you, much slower and softer than you're used to from her usually so enthusiastic and energetic nature, even if you don't respond. Her presence and her voice calms you down and she doesn't mind being patient with you.
She'll gently wrap her arms around you and hugs you if she knows that's something you're okay with. She'll hold onto you for as long as you need her.
March remembers the feeling of waking up from the ice. Everything was cold and dark and the world outside seemed so different. And then the darkness faded more and more in the presence of her friends' voices. They were patient with her and so welcoming. March thinks she's only fair to give this same treatment back to the people she loves.
So even if you feel lost or distant from the world around you, March is ready to be your lighthouse, guiding you safely back to the shores where you feel at home. Even if you're scared and feel like you're losing your grip on your surroundings, her voice is the first thing you hear and you know in that moment that, even though you're afraid or feel numb, things are going to be okay.
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jenniferjareauwife · 3 months
Hi!! Could you write a jj x celeb reader, doesn’t have to be specific maybe something with jj getting insecure about readers fame? Love you posts btw💝💝
Out Of All People
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pairing: jennifer jareau x fem reader
category: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
word count: 615
summary: your girlfriend gets insecure thinking she's not enough for you since you're famous and she's not
I shut the door to JJ and I's shared home, finally getting back from three months of shooting my new movie. JJ was supposed to be home but I didn't see her anywhere. Usually she would attack me into a bear hug and give me hours of cuddles, saying we needed to catch up on our cuddle time. "Jayje?" I called out for her and I heard something from upstairs so I went to see if it was her.
"Hi." She said nonchalantly as if it was just another day, that stung a bit. I hadn't seen her in 3 months I thought she would at least be a little excited to see me.
"Are you mad at me?" I dropped my bags and took a careful step closer to her. She shook her head. "Can you look at me JJ, you're scaring me."
She looked up at me reluctantly and I could tell she was really upset. "Hey, what's wrong?" I sat down next to her and put my arm over her shoulders. Normally she would lean into me for more comfort but she didn't this time. "Talk to me hon, what's going on?" I kept my voice soft as I was genuinely concerned. Usually if she's feeling down she'll text me or call me but she hasn't done any of that.
"Why do you love me?"
"I love you for a million reasons hon, why are you asking that?" I kissed the top of her head and waited patiently for her to answer.
"Out of all people...you chose me. You could have anyone you want, someone with money who could get you in a bunch of more roles, someone who was famous who you could share that life with and instead you settled for me." My jaw dropped.
"Settled for you? You're the girl of my dreams, I never thought I could ever have you." I confessed. "I was in love with you for months before I ever told you." She looked away. "Honey what's going on? You've never been like this before, did something happen?"
"I don't know I just...I don't understand how you're still with me. Are you happy with me or do you want someone else?"
"Of course I want you. You're the last thing on my mind when I fall asleep and the first thing on my mind when I wake up." I told her softly, brushing her hair out of her face. "I love you so much. How could you ever doubt that? Is it something I did to make you feel like you're not loved?"
"No...no it's not you." She finally leaned into me. "Just seeing you in all the interviews...just makes me wonder if you want to come home to that too, you know?" I shook my head.
"It's so relieving to come home to you." I rested my head on hers. "You're my safe space, you know that? I mean not only are you an insanely hot and scary FBI Agent but I also know that I can talk to you about anything and that you're always here for me. I can never have that with anyone but you. That's how much you mean to me baby." I kissed the top of her head.
"Thanks for saying that...that helped." She kissed my jaw and my nose before pulling me into a tight hug. "I'm really glad you're back. I'm sorry for not welcoming you earlier."
"It's ok. I'm just glad you're feeling better." I rubbed her back and kissed her cheek.
"Now get down here, we have to catch up on 3 months of cuddling." She pulled me down on top of her.
"Yes ma'am."
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Purity of Mind: A Bluebeard Retelling
Dora looked so innocent, asleep on her bed. The fresh white bandages binding her crown looked more like a mark of holiness than disaster. The doctor claimed she'd fallen from a balcony and hit her head upon a stair rail. Adam thought it seemed too suspicious an accident. A disaster on the one day he'd left the house? His sure-footed little wife wouldn't have stumbled like that--not unless she were nearly out of her wits. Perhaps fleeing from some great terror.
"She'll wake soon," the doctor assured him. "Her body's healed enough, but with a head injury like that, there's no telling what state her brain will be in."
The state itself, Adam thought, would be telling enough.
As if roused by the doctor's words, Dora's eyelids fluttered. She sat up, pale and trembling. Her gaze landed upon Adam, and she started to scream.
"Who are you?" she shrieked, gathering the bedclothes to cover herself. "What are you doing in my room?"
Adam had steeled himself for the usual accusations, but this left him off-balance.
Finally, he managed to say, "Dora, it's just me. Adam. Your husband."
"I have no husband!"
"We wed six months ago."
"Liar!" she shrieked. "I'd never marry a man with such an awful beard!"
Adam stroked his blue-black whiskers, neatly trimmed for his homecoming. A deep chuckle rumbled in his throat; after months of her tiptoeing around him, her frankness was amusing. "I paid your parents richly for the privilege."
Dora paused at that. The mercenary child of mercenary parents--the tale would ring true, no matter her objections to his facial hair. Yet the bewilderment didn't fade from her face. "I've never seen this house before."
"You've been mistress here six months."
"I don't believe you."
"Whether you believe me or not, it's true. You fell from a staircase and hit your head."
Her eyes were fire. "I'll bet you pushed me!"
"I was away from home. I only just returned." He would never have opted for such an impersonal death. It was much more satisfying to feel the life draining away beneath his fingers.
The thought brought him back to reality. No need to wrestle with her delusions; only one truth mattered.
"Dora," Adam asked. "Where are the keys?"
"What keys?"
"I left the keys of the house in your keeping. I'll need them returned."
"I never had any keys!"
Adam looked to the doctor, who said, "We've found no keys on her person."
Missing? Impossible. Adam stormed from the room and set the servants searching for the keys. Nothing in her wardrobe. Nothing in the rooms. Nothing in the gardens.
The door on the third floor was locked, with no signs of entry.
Adam returned to the sickroom as the sun was setting. Dora sat quietly on her bed, having been calmly convinced of her new reality, completely unaware of the turmoil she'd thrown his life into.
He could have torn her limb from limb right there, but he had no proof yet she was deserving of it. For the moment, his strategy was gentleness.
He sat on the bed beside her. "Dora, my dove, think. Can you remember where the keys might be?"
"I can't even remember you."
Adam examined her in every detail--the tips of her fingers, the whites of her eyes, the curl of her lips. No signs of deception.
"You truly can't remember anything?"
Tears glittered in her eyes as she shook her head.
She looked as innocent as a newborn babe. The timid little fool he'd married couldn't fake such total ignorance. If she'd peered behind the door, she'd lost the memory of what she'd seen. If she'd disobeyed, he had no way of knowing.
A new twist to the game--a second chance.
Adam left the room in a state of contentment. He could get new keys made. His secret was safe--locked away either behind the door or in his wife's blank mind.
And if her memory returned? If she had memories of that bloody chamber?
He could always kill her later.
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feroluce · 9 months
Hello!! I came here because I was informed you had some Wriowinne headcanons and ramblings to share? Would it be alright for me to ask for some 👉👈 (or as much as you want to share please I'm desperate for food)
I feel you anon, I've been shipping them like...since the PV. So I've been stuck in utter absolute hell, getting nothing but father&daughter content from the fandom (shoutout to @hydrachea for being able to dual wield and letting me talk ship to her, light of my life fr weh). I'm hoping now that 4.1 has been out for a little bit, we'll get some more of them, though. I've dug through our dms, and found a hc that takes place after 4.1. So spoilers for that archon quest, but no leaks are involved!
Anyway, I love thinking about how close they cut it at the climax of 4.1, and the aftermath of it all.
Sigewinne somehow finding out what happened down there at the bottom of Meropide while she was evacuating the inmates, and like. She knows what the stakes were. The Primordial Seawater could not be allowed to rise. Clorinde made the right decision in shooting the gate lock. Even if it had killed Wriothesley, it still would have been the right decision.
That doesn't mean it's not a bitter pill to swallow.
Sigewinne can usually put it out of mind during the day, especially when she's busy treating patients, but it's harder when she's asleep. She dreams of the evacuation, and the alarm blaring, and waiting and waiting and waiting, and Clorinde walking past, alone, with her head down and her fists shaking, until Neuvilette finally approaches. Wriothesley isn't with him.
And Neuvilette's face doesn't really show much. It never does. But Sigewinne is close enough to the surface that she can hear the absolute downpour raging outside as Neuvilette tells her that he's sorry, he's so so sorry, and he gives her a gray and black and red coat, so soaked through with Primordial Seawater that he'd been afraid to let anyone else touch it, and the fur collar is matted and wet against Sigewinne's face when she clutches it close-
Sigewinne jolts awake, grasping at whatever is in her reach, which just happens to include Wriothesley's arm. His eyes almost immediately fly open, slurring out a mix of what's goin' on and what's wrong, and then a do we need to evacuate and poor Sigewinne, she feels awful. He hasn't been sleeping as well since the almost-flood, every little sound wakes him up now.
(There are nights where she'll wake up alone, and if she goes looking, she'll find Wriothesley, still in his sleep clothes and looking exhausted, down under their secret passage and staring at Neuvilette's seal over the sluice gate. Like he's keeping watch over it, or just daring it to try and do something.
Whenever she finds him like this, Sigewinne tells him to come on, come back to bed, and he'll keep his eye on it until the last possible second, but generally Wriothesley comes when called, and he'll let her lead him away. On his worse nights, he'll tell her to go back without him, he can't sleep anyway, he's going to stay down here for just a little while longer. He'll be back later. And she does occasionally go back to bed, but most of the time she stays, because she doesn't like the idea of him alone down there. Sigewinne will tuck herself into his side, or she'll get him to relax his guard just enough to lay with his head in her lap, and they'll stay there like that until Wriothesley finally decides he can bear to leave it alone and go back to bed with her.)
So with all that in mind, when she accidentally wakes him up, Sigewinne quickly gets her breathing back under control and pets his hair until he relaxes again. She tells him it's fine, everything is ok. Meropide is safe. Their home and everyone in it is safe. Go back to sleep. He needs his rest if he's going to go up to the overworld for supplies in the morning. She'll go sleep in the infirmary, she just had a nightmare, is all (the truth), it was nothing, she barely even remembers it anymore (a lie).
Sigewinne doesn't even make it out of bed, though, because when she tries to go, she finds her wrist suddenly caught. She turns back and Wriothesley is squinting up at her face, human night vision isn't nearly as good as a Mélusine's. They sit there like that for a moment, until she can see through the expression on his face that he's come to some sort of decision. Wriothesley pulls her back in and Sigewinne lets him, lets him rearrange them into something more comfortable. It's easy to give up when it's him, she didn't truly want to leave anyway. By the time he makes a satisfied little huff into her hair, Sigewinne is tucked under his chin, her face against his chest, one arm wrapped around her to keep her there. She pats his side and tells him ok, ok, she gets it. She won't go anywhere.
Wriothesley buries his face in her hair and sighs at that, something deeper and more content that hilariously reminds Sigewinne of a dog asleep on the floor. "Good." Wriothesley sounds like he's already half-asleep again. His arm still tightens around her waist though, just to make a point. "How could I sleep, when I know you're off somewhere crying alone?"
Sigewinne touches her cheek, and sure enough, it's wet? She has tear tracks. No wonder Wriothesley had been staring at her so hard. She hadn't even realized. And she opens her mouth to protest because she wasn't crying, some tears in her sleep doesn't count, but. Wriothesley is already asleep again, breathing slow and deep and even, and his arm is heavy and warm around her, and his sleep shirt is soft and comfortable against her face, not at all like the fur-collared coat in her dreams.
Sigewinne gives in again, curls into all that warmth and wraps herself up in it, until it lulls her back to sleep.
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meredith-harper81 · 9 months
Part Of Your World🫀
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Prepping for the Oscars 🏆
Chapter 2:
Pairing: Chris Evans x Elyse Harper
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1k
‼️More Chapters are uploaded on Wattpad.. link in my bio :)‼️ Elyse Pov
I woke up startled, by a loud ringing.
"Jesus Christ," I open my eyes and adjust to the light coming into the room. I curse myself and remind myself to close the curtains next time I sleep as the sun is coming in hot. I come to my senses and realize my phone is ringing.
As I go to answer, I see it is Dakota, face timing.
"Why are you awake right now?" I say groaning while jumping out of bed and shutting the curtains and running back to the warmth of my bed....
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you... I just didn't make the flight yesterday. I'm still in the East Coast time zone," she says and her voice sounds sick.
"Dakota, don't tell me you're sick," I say with a bit of sadness in my voice.
" I'm sorry babe, the flu hit last week on set and I tried to avoid it but look at me now," she says as she coughs.
Now that I am fully awake. I take a good look at her, and she doesn't look too good.
"That's okay. Take care of yourself. Sebastian is attending and will just have to replace you this weekend...Thanks for that, by the way, I wink at her... Rest. I'll speak to you soon then". I tell her.
"Enjoy and don't stress Elyse and try to have a good time... break a leg and tell Chris I said Hi," she says before she hangs up and I roll my eyes at her.
I decided to stay in bed a little longer since today is supposed to be a relaxing day.
Today's to-do list is a workout and go to the hotel booked for tomorrow.
I eventually ended up falling back asleep.
Soon I wake up on my own accord and check the time. Only to see it's now 12:30 in the afternoon.
I get out of bed, wash my face, brush my teeth and make my way downstairs, and make myself something to eat.
As I'm eating some toast, my stomach starts to cramp badly. I think nothing of it and I get a quick workout in.
After I've showered and changed for the day, I head back downstairs and Maria hands me my protein shake and tells me to have a good day.
I get a phone call from Haley, she tells me I'm needed sooner at the hotel. I get in the car, pop a Tylenol and drive myself to the hotel with a raging headache and sore back.
"Great start to this weekend," I mumble to myself.
Chris Pov
I grab my NASA cap and put it on as we are preparing for landing. I thank the flight attendant and the pilot as I'm waiting for my ride to pull into the airstrip.
The flight attendant asks for a picture. I happily take one with him. I tell him to have a good day as a car pulls in. I sit in the back and dial Scott. I let him know I had landed safely and to let Ma know.
" Chris, do not screw this, and all the best man," He says as I roll my eyes and hang up.
I stare out the window and look to see we were approaching traffic.
I check on Google Maps and notice it's going to be a long drive home with all this traffic. LA Traffic sucks, I mumble to myself, now feeling annoyed.
I was hoping I would be able to spend more time in Boston after filming, but I guess after this will have to do.
Finally, after a long two hours, I make my way inside my house.
I go take a quick shower and put on some shorts and a red T-shirt.
As I do so I notice some of Willow's things are still in the closet. I debate about throwing them out.
I end up calling Megan and tell her I've arrived. I also tell her the Willow situation and she tells me she'll handle it by tomorrow if I leave my house keys under the mat.
Megan informs me Ilaria, my stylist, is coming over to drop off my suit for tomorrow. I hang up and she tells me she will see me tomorrow afternoon.
In the meantime, I give Mackie a call since he will also be in attendance tomorrow, asking him to pop by and we can hang out have some dinner.
Ilaria comes and drops off the suit and tells me what to do with my hair. Plus, she gives me some shoe options.
Mackie agrees and is on his way over as Ilaria leaves. She tells me she is exhausted and had a long day and tomorrow is an even longer day with her newer clients.
She wishes me all the best tomorrow and to call her if there is any problem.
It's now late and Mackie is coming over soon, so start to make dinner. A classic kale salad with some chopped chicken and rice.
I grab two plates and a 6 pack and head to the living room just in time as the bell rings.
I go to greet Mackie, I bring him over to the living room and we turn on a football game and discuss Marvel things and just catch up, and have a few beers.
" So... I hear you are presenting with Elyse Harper tomorrow?" He says as he takes a sip.
"You heard right, my man," I say as I blush a little.
We get to talking and I tell him how at first I didn't know who she was.
"Are you living under a rock, Chris... I mean come on dude, she's gorgeous... how have you not heard or seen her?" He questions.
I shake my head and laugh. "I don't know man, I guess I've been too busy with work, and with my ex," I say with a bit of sadness laced in my voice.
Mackie pats my back, "Well, you're meeting her super soon man," He tells me.I nod and smile.
"Do you think she's dating someone Mackie?... I mean have you seen her...," I say, blushing like a 5-year-old.
"Chris man, I have never seen you blush so hard when talking about someone, but I hate to toot your horn... but... she's never dated anyone... As far as the media knows... She's super private," Mackie says.
I give him a shocked look. " I don't know man maybe, she has never been spotted on TMZ or Dailymail, I guess you will have to wait till tomorrow to find out, and maybe meet Mr. Mystery Man," He says patting my shoulder. I give a small smile.
We finished the 6-pack and our dinner. Mackie helps me clean up and I walk him out. I lock up the house and get ready for bed... As I lie in bed, I smile and am actually excited to attend an event for the first time in ages.
Elyse Pov
I was sitting on the edge of a white hotel bed, staring out into the busy city below me. I so didn't want to be here today, but again I don't have a say in my career and everything is discussed without me... at least we aren't doing a vogue get ready with me tomorrow. Thank god!! I hate doing those.
Suddenly, Haley's cold finger brought me out of my thoughts.
"What's wrong, Elyse?" She asks me.
"Nothing, I'm fine," I tell her.
She tells me the nail tech lady is here to do my nails for tomorrow. Haley also handed me my script for the next day. She tells me good night and she'll see me in the morning.
I smile and greet the nail tech and sit in the chair. I look over my script and see the category and when I'm presenting and the timeline of the show, and thankfully I don't have to sit in the crowd...I am just presenting the 2015 best picture film with Chris.
I'm a little nervous to meet Chris. I've heard so many stories of him being a playboy, or him cheating on his ex. he seems so cocky, and rude being all Mr. America...but nobody knows if that's true... do they.
I always read something about him going back to his old ex-Minka... I remember meeting her at a shoot one time, and I cringed she was so self-centered... I try not to think too much about that, as I will be meeting him tomorrow, and can really know and judge him for myself. I take a deep breath and look back at my lines.
I practice my lines while I get my nails done. I look down and smile as the nail tech paints on this pretty nude color. I thank her after she is done.
I take a hot shower, and as I'm finishing up, I notice my stomach cramps again. I hope I don't start my period, but I already got it this month and I remind myself to make an appointment with an ob-gyn soon ...I didn't even bring anything with me if I do start my period..... I groan and go to bed, hoping this all ends soon.
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krikeymate · 1 year
Got any angsty carpenter sisters hcs? Break my heart destroy me i need to feel things.
Damn son, the angst I already give you isn't enough? *Cracks knuckles* alrighty then.
It doesn't feel real, Sam finally leaving for good. Tara would sit in Sam's old room at every available moment, just waiting. She waited and waited for months. Then one day, 6 months later, she comes home to find Sam's room gutted and empty. Sam's remaining belongings were shoved into the numerous trash bags scattered across the front lawn. Her mother has a... friend, coming to stay for a while she says. She just had to clear out the trash so he would have space in his room, she said. Tara spent hours frantically trying to collect and organise Sam's belongings. She was out there late into the night, crying, as she tried to save them. Her mother didn't even look at her once.
This friend is a creep. He's always staring at her, hovering by her door. She keeps it locked now, all the time. She never used to do that, in case Sam wanted to come in. But Sam's gone now, and she's scared of who might come through the door.
Sometimes her mother is a good mother. The time some classmates cornered her at lunch and attacked her, she came down to the school to scream at the parents. She held Tara close and helped her wash the blood from her face. She even slept in her bed with her, held her. It felt a bit like having Sam back for a moment. Then she heard her mother call out for Sam in her sleep, and the illusion was shattered. In the morning her mother would wake up sober and realise where she was and who she was with, and everything would come crashing down once again.
Their parents would always forget Tara's birthday. Sam was always so careful to find some things of her own to wrap to give to Tara, to pretend were from their parents. She had a whole locked drawer full of toys that Tara's never seen, specially chosen to give as gifts.
Sam's doesn't realise how hard it is to sleep until she leaves, until she doesn't have Tara in her arms or in the room next door anymore. Her brain never rests, it just gives her endless scenarios where Tara needs her and she isn't there. Suddenly being drunk or high isn't enough, she needs to take more, she needs enough to pass out. When Sam gets sober, she takes sleep medication. After they move to New York, Sam will lie awake for hours, waiting. Waiting for her sister to come home. The twins promise they're with her, they promise they'll bring her home safe. She'll hold the pill bottle in her hand. Tara will be fine, Sam has to be up for work in 4 hours. She drops the bottle, Tara will be home soon, it'll be fine, she can wait up a little longer.
Sometimes Sam will look at Tara and wonder who she is. She doesn't know this girl. She doesn't know who her little girl is anymore. She wonders who she would have been if Sam stayed. She wonders if leaving made her a better person or a worse one. She wishes she didn't have these doubts. Sometimes Tara will look at her with so much love in her eyes, and others it will be so hard, so cold. She'll look so much like their mother. It makes her think they're destined to be just like their parents after all.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
Prompt: fairy-tale heroine of your choice wakes up with amnesia. (Maybe her husband has to explain how they got married?)
Purity of Mind
Dora looked so innocent, asleep on her bed. The fresh white bandages binding her crown looked more like a mark of holiness than disaster. The doctor claimed she'd fallen from a balcony and hit her head upon a stair rail. Adam thought it seemed too suspicious an accident. A disaster on the one day he'd left the house? His sure-footed little wife wouldn't have stumbled like that--not unless she were nearly out of her wits. Perhaps fleeing from some great terror.
"She'll wake soon," the doctor assured him. "Her body's healed enough, but with a head injury like that, there's no telling what state her brain will be in."
The state itself, Adam thought, would be telling enough.
As if roused by the doctor's words, Dora's eyelids fluttered. She sat up, pale and trembling. Her gaze landed upon Adam, and she started to scream.
"Who are you?" she shrieked, gathering the bedclothes to cover herself. "What are you doing in my room?"
Adam had steeled himself for the usual accusations, but this left him off-balance.
Finally, he managed to say, "Dora, it's just me. Adam. Your husband."
"I have no husband!"
"We wed six months ago."
"Liar!" she shrieked. "I'd never marry a man with such an awful beard!"
Adam stroked his blue-black whiskers, neatly trimmed for his homecoming. A deep chuckle rumbled in his throat; after months of her tiptoeing around him, her frankness was amusing. "I paid your parents richly for the privilege."
Dora paused at that. The mercenary child of mercenary parents--the tale would ring true, no matter her objections to his facial hair. Yet the bewilderment didn't fade from her face. "I've never seen this house before."
"You've been mistress here six months."
"I don't believe you."
"Whether you believe me or not, it's true. You fell from a staircase and hit your head."
Her eyes were fire. "I'll bet you pushed me!"
"I was away from home. I only just returned." He would never have opted for such an impersonal death. It was much more satisfying to feel the life draining away beneath his fingers.
The thought brought him back to reality. No need to wrestle with her delusions; only one truth mattered.
"Dora," Adam asked. "Where are the keys?"
"What keys?"
"I left the keys of the house in your keeping. I'll need them returned."
"I never had any keys!"
Adam looked to the doctor, who said, "We've found no keys on her person."
Missing? Impossible. Adam stormed from the room and set the servants searching for the keys. Nothing in her wardrobe. Nothing in the rooms. Nothing in the gardens.
The door on the third floor was locked, with no signs of entry.
Adam returned to the sickroom as the sun was setting. Dora sat quietly on her bed, having been calmly convinced of her new reality, completely unaware of the turmoil she'd thrown his life into.
He could have torn her limb from limb right there, but he had no proof yet she was deserving of it. For the moment, his strategy was gentleness.
He sat on the bed beside her. "Dora, my dove, think. Can you remember where the keys might be?"
"I can't even remember you."
Adam examined her in every detail--the tips of her fingers, the whites of her eyes, the curl of her lips. No signs of deception.
"You truly can't remember anything?"
Tears glittered in her eyes as she shook her head.
She looked as innocent as a newborn babe. The timid little fool he'd married couldn't fake such total ignorance. If she'd peered behind the door, she'd lost the memory of what she'd seen. If she'd disobeyed, he had no way of knowing.
A new twist to the game--a second chance.
Adam left the room in a state of contentment. He could get new keys made. His secret was safe--locked away either behind the door or in his wife's blank mind.
And if her memory returned? If she had memories of that bloody chamber?
He could always kill her later.
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dp-marvel94 · 9 months
(Not) Alone - Chapter 6
Summary: Consumed with worry and scared after watching Dani almost die, Danny begs her to come home with him and meet Jazz. He wants to see her safe and happy and taken care of more than anything. An important reveal also weighs heavy on him – Dani isn’t the only living clone… and the other is him. He needs to tell her the truth; maybe that will convince her to agree to the idea of telling his parents. And she'll stay in Amity Park with him, where he'll never have to worry if she's safe ever again.
Meanwhile, Dani has mixed feelings. Still reeling from the loss of her clone siblings, Danny’s unexpected worry and care make her uncomfortable. And her own guilt… she hurt him and helped get him kidnapped twice. How can he care about a mistake like her? But having clean clothes and a bed is wonderful. And things aren’t as simple as she thinks.
Will Dani accept the help she needs and let herself be loved? Or will she push Danny and Jazz away and run again?
Word Count: 3,706
First-> Previous -> Next
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Morning dawned, golden light wafting through the blinds. Slowly, Dani drifted to wakefulness. Warm covers, soft mattress, fluffy pillow… The girl rolled over, letting out a pleasantly sleepy groan. She blinked once, twice. Eyes finally opening to… 
An unfamiliar beige wall, a framed picture of a lake and trees
“Wha…” Dani’s brow furrowed.
Oh, Right. She was in the Fentons’ guestroom. She’d come back here with Danny after Vlad’s. 
Danny… Dami. The impossible reality hit her.
Damian, one of her clone brothers….. he was still alive. He was stable, a half ghost like her. She spent the entire day with him, at the mall, in public. She’d never even dreamed of that happening. An awed smile dawned on her face. They’d talked, eaten together, shopped. It had been incredible! Wonderful! Amazing! She’d been gifted with this impossible miracle.
But…. the familiarity with Jazz, Dami’s comment about the Phantom plushie (He ‘didn’t authorize’ it.... He was so different.) Jazz had gone to the mall with them too and she was pretty cool. (But her other brothers weren’t…. They still weren’t here…)
She pushed the sad thought away. No. It was okay. Great even! She had her brother and that was more than enough (even if he was different). Still, the question…. What would come next? (She’d almost died. She’d yelled at Dami. He’d asked her about meeting ‘their Mom and Dad.’)
But despite her dawning worries, Dani felt pretty good. She was stable, she was safe, she had her brother, and… she’d figure the rest out.
At breakfast, Jazz asked. “Do you want to stay a few days? Mom and Dad won’t be back from Aunt Alicia’s for another week.” 
“It’s summer break. We don’t have school to worry about.” Dami added. “We can go out and do whatever you want.” Both teen’s eyes were soft, with more than a hint of pleading. 
Dani frowned, hesitating. She had a suspicion what this was, a ploy to convince her to remain long enough to meet the Drs Fenton. And maybe even to stay more permanently. (Because they felt responsible for her; they had to take care of the poor, pathetic clone girl). 
The girl pushed the dark, ugly thought away with a scowl. No, that wasn’t true. The two older teens…. Dami at least… didn’t think that. (But… did Danny?)
Dani forced a smile, shrugging. “Sure. It could be fun.”
 A few more days couldn’t hurt, right? There were so many more things to see and do here. It would be loads of fun! Plus a few more days of delicious, free food (that she wouldn’t have to steal). And that super comfy bed to sleep in (instead of the ground.) And she’d have more time to bond with Dami (Danny, a small part of her reminded). And maybe with Jazz too? It would be so great!
(She wouldn’t have to be alone anymore.)
“Awesome!” Her brother smiled. “What do you want to do today?”
Dani’s brow furrowed, considering for a long moment. “I wanna ride a rollercoaster?” The girl finally asked.
Dami and Jazz look at each other. The boy gave the red-head a grin. “That sounds awesome. Jazz?”
The older teen smiled. “Oh. I think we can make that happen.”
Much like the previous day, Dani helped the older two teens with the dishes. Again, they piled into the red-head’s car and drove off. 
Arriving, Jazz parked and the three got out of the vehicle, walking towards the gates. 
“Three tickets please.” The red-head asked. 
They rode Dani’s coaster first.
“We have to ride the Ferris Wheel!” Jazz practically dragged the two half ghosts to the ride. The wheel turned, the three arriving to the top. “You can see everything from up here! Isn’t it beautiful?” 
The two half ghosts traded unimpressed looks. “We can both fly higher than this.” Dami muttered.
“You have to try fried oreos.” Dami implored, handing the younger girl the paper carton.
Dani took a bit through the crispy fried batter, teeth sinking into the center. The warm, sweet middle melted on her tongue. Her eyes popped wide. “Tis iss a’esoome.” She gushed through her full mouth. 
(She wished Muscles was here to try this too.)
“Bum-per-cars! Bum-per-cars! Bum-per-cars!” Dani cheered, running to the gate.
She laughed maniacally and slammed into the older teen.
Jazz’s eyes widened, face indignant as she backed up.
Dani cackled, spotting her brother. Another target! 
His eyes wide, he sped away…
“Take that, you little twirp!” Jazz slammed right into her.
The next few days were full of adventure.
Dami and Jazz took her to the Zoo….
“That tickles!” The girl giggled, holding a branch up to the giraffe. The long tongue brushed her fingers and she loved it! (Would Daniel have liked this too?)….
“Hey there, Deliah.” The ghost boy smiled at the purple-back gorilla. He sighed wistfully, watching the creature scratch her backside. “Did I tell you about the time she beat up Skulker?” A scowl. “No, I don’t mean Ghost X, Jazz.”.....
It started to drizzle as they moved to the chimpanzee enclosure. Still, Jazz grinned. “Oh, this is great! Maybe we’ll get to see the chimps rain dancing.”
Dani furrowed her brow. “Dancing… chimps? Really?”
“No! I’m serious!” Jazz insisted. “Chimpanzees have been observed to rhythmically sway in the rain, as if dancing. It’s a behavior not clearly linked to gathering food, finding a mate, or maintaining status in their trope. And it’s not just dancing! In 2015, researchers found four populations of wild chimps in West Africa where individuals habitually hit and throw rocks against trees or toss them into hollow tree cavities. This led to stone accumulation in the sites, reminiscent of human cairns.”
Dami side-eyed her. “What’s a cairn?”
“It’s a man-made pile of stones, created for some kind of purpose, often a ritual one like a burial mound.”
“So…  the chimps were making piles of rocks?” The youngest frowned skeptically. “So what?”
“There’s strong similarities to human ritual practices: the association of a particular location with a collection of artifacts over time, and ritualized behavior patterns. It could even be considered ‘quasi religious’ though I think that’s over-reaching. But still it’s so exciting! This could have implications for our understanding of the origin of human ritual sites!”
Dami and Dani traded looks. “Still not that exciting.” The boy crossed his arms.
“Well.” Jazz lifted her chin haughtily, turning. “You two just have no spirit of discovery.” She stomped away, intent on watching the chimpanzees dance in the rain.....
The three visited the Amity Park History Museum. Dami and his friends took her to the Nasty Burger. Jazz took her to the library. 
All the while, it did feel like she was being wooed. They were trying to butter her up, to show her how good things were here.  They were trying to show how much fun they would have together…
“Snowball fight!” In the Fenton’s back yard, Dami threw a ball of snow at the younger half ghost.
“No fair! I don’t have ice powers!” The girl argued, ducking behind the tool shed.
“Not yet!” Another snow ball… then his hand rested on his chin thoughtfully. “We should probably have Frostbite check on your core to make sure though.”
“Check this!” 
Making do, Dani threw a ball of dirt at him. 
The soil impacted with a thwump, Dami’s mouth falling open in mock offense. Within minutes, they were covered in mud and chunks of melting ice. Both laughing, they panted in the grass, staring up at the clouds. (Vlad’s garden, laying on the grass with Muscles, Bones, Tiny beside her. Her heart ached….)
Dami showed her his model rockets and they played with her plastic dinosaurs together. Jazz brought out her old Barbie dolls and they played marine biologist, therapist and patient, and a fancy tea party planning to assassinate the PTA chairwoman. 
Her older brother took her flying. He showed off his powers, taught her new ones. “Hold your hands like this…. Now pull from your core.”
“Like this?” Ectoenergy danced on her fingers.
“Exactly. Now… make it solid, like a wall. Nothing’s getting past you.”
Dani’s brow furrowed, picturing a shield in front of her. Earlier, he’d shown her his shield; she’d felt its shimmering solidity. The sensation…. It buzzed under her fingers. Steady, stable, familiar.
The green barrier popped into existence. “I did it!” 
“Good job!” The boy’s hand enthusiastically swung forward to high five her... “Umph.” Only to impact the shield. “Yep. It’s solid.” Dami grinned sheepishly.
This was everything she could have here by her brother’s side. Everything she could learn from him.
“Take that, tin can!” Dami lobbed a bolt of ice at Skulker. 
The metallic ghost dodged. “As if I’d fall for that again, welp.” A missile shot from his back, diving for the pavement.
“Ghost boy!” An excited teen girl yelled below.
“What are you doing?” Said ghost boy shouted. “Run!”
Eyes suddenly wide and alarmed, the teen obeyed. “Ah! My ankle.” She tripped over some debris.
“Shit.” Dami muttered. In a blink, he dove, reaching her just in time. His hand gripped her shoulder, turning them both intangible just as the missile exploded. 
“You saved me, Phantom!”
The ghost boy grabbed the teen under the arms, zooming away from Skulker. “For the last time, stay away from ghost fights!”
He dropped her off behind a car, returning to the fight.
Another ectoblast shot at the metal ghost. “Dani! Now.” The boy shouted.
“Don’t try to distract me with-”
The girl shot a blast from behind, distracting Skulker long enough for her brother to get him in the thermos.
Dami let her help out in ghost fights. He took her stargazing above the clouds.
“You see that really bright star there?”
“Yeah?” Dani’s finger pointed.
“That’s Polaris, the North Star. And if you look to the left a bit… yeah, there.…that’s the tail of Ursa Minor….”
Her brother taught her constellations and told her stories. He laughed, sharing snacks with her. Just them and the stars.
And Dani loved it. She loved learning, exploring, just spending time with her brother (and even Jazz). Maybe she didn’t mind so much, being wooed. The longer she stayed, the more comfortable she felt. 
And yet….
The bed was comfortable but it still felt strange, waking up in the same room everyday. Walking passed the door to the Master Bedroom. The closed lab. The family pictures in the Living Room. This wasn’t just Jazz and Danny’s home but… Jack and Maddie Fenton’s too.
Dani pretended she didn’t hear the conversation behind closed doors.
“Mom and Dad are going to be back on Monday.” Jazz’s hushed voice
“I know.” Dami, quiet, more than a hint of dread. “We need to talk to her, don’t we?”
“You need to talk to her.” Pointedly.
“Me!?” His voice cracked. “But you’re better at that stuff Jazz. You-” 
“It needs to be you. She trusts you more than me.” The crossed arms were audible. “And meeting Mom and Dad isn’t the only thing you two need to talk about.”
“What?” Almost sheepish.
“I’m not deaf, Danny. I heard what she said to you before you told her about the fusion. She’s putting on a brave face but-”
Dani walked away before she could hear more.
Those pictures… Jack and Maddie Fenton, tender eyes on each other in their colorful jumpsuits. Jazz and Danny as little kids, grinning at the camera in their dress and tiny suit. And the four together, the parents - faces bright with laughter- wrapped arms around their children, each's cheeks red with embarrassment and yet still…. Both smiled, not-so-secretly pleased.
Family Photos. These were family photos. (Photos Dani didn’t belong in. Couldn’t belong in). The thought of meeting the Fenton parents sent a knot of dread through her. But still… 
Dani had Dami and Jazz and they were both so good to her. They paid attention to her, spend time with her. She wasn’t alone. She was safe here, safe from Vlad. (Guilt snapped… No, none of what had happened, what he had convinced her to do, was her fault.) And she was happy. 
Everything was great….
“That is it.” Jazz crossed her arms. “We are going shopping today and we’re getting you your own clothes and shoes.”
“I have my own shoes.” Dani complained. The trusty tennis shoes she’d been wearing when she arrived in Amity Park, swiped from a thrift store after her first pair literally fell apart.
“They literally have a hole in the toe.” Dami crossed his arms too.
The clone girl scowled. “The hand-me-downs are fine!” She pouted, eyes staring down at said hand-me-downs, all the way to Jazz’s car…. “I don’t need new clothes.” During the car ride… “I’m fine. You don’t have to buy me stuff.” Into the mall… “I don’t want stupid new shoes.”  Down the long hall and into the shoe store. “You’re just gonna be wasting your money.”
The protests were ignored, the red-head single-mindedly leading her by the hand to a bench. Dani gritted her teeth. So she was being ignored, huh? She weakly pulled at the hand holding her, with half a mind to intangibly slip away. But… no. She wouldn’t do that. (Dami’s panicked face when he thought she’d run away again flashed in her mind.) No. She wouldn’t do that to him.
“Sit.” Jazz instructed, pointing down.
One last try… Dani fixed wide pleading eyes on her brother, looking for an ally. Someone to put a stop to this and insist they go out for ice cream instead.
No such luck. The boy pointed to the seat too, face just as serious as the older teens. 
“Traitor.” The clone girl muttered, sitting with a huff.
Fine. She’d just do what the other two want then. It was fine. (That everything being great didn’t last that long, huh?)
Jazz used the metal shoe-size measuring thing to figure out Dani’s size. Then, the older two teens offered various shoes to try on, much to Dani’s complaints. Sparkly Mary Janes? Really?
Dani hated (or at least pretended to hate) every option and yet, Jazz would not take no for an answer. “I refuse to let my little sister leave here without at least one new pair of shoes.”
The younger girl wrinkled her nose. Her? Jazz’s little sister? No way…. Part of her recoiled at the thought. Just like she thought before, letting Jazz and Dami buy her fun stuff was one thing but this was too much, too serious. They were trying to take care of her again. (Like she deserved that. This week… even… even getting to have fun and not be alone was too much, too good for a mistake like-)
No. Was this really such a bad thing, being taken care of, being helped? (Being loved?)
In the end, she didn’t say anything more.
Danielle accepted the shoes with minimal argument. And she barely complained when Jazz dragged her clothes shopping. It was… actually kinda fun, like playing dress up. But only kinda.
After picking out some basics - jeans, t-shirts, a new hoodie, underwear, socks, and something Jazz called a ‘training bra’- Jazz had offered a dress. It was pink and sleeveless, cinching at the waist and falling to her knees.
Dani frowned into the mirror, head turning side to side as she studied herself. The girl swiveled at the waist, watching the skirt flare. Gently, she took her hair down out of its ponytail. It fell to her shoulders, and she gave a full twirl this time (like she’d seen Barbie do in the movie). 
“Dani! Let us see!” Jazz cheered from outside the stall.
Swallowing nervously, the girl opened the door. “Ta-Da?” She spread her hands.
“You look so pretty.” The red-head clapped. “Danny, look!”
The boy looked up from his phone; he’d quickly gotten bored while Jazz picked out clothes for her to try out. And yet he still smiled, eyes lighting up as he saw her. “Looks great, sis.”
Dani swiveled nervously. “You think so?”
Both teens nodded, the affirmatives easing some of the tension in her chest. 
“Do you like it, Dani?” Jazz asked, tone earnest.
The younger clone turned to the mirror, staring at herself again. With her face clean of dirt, her hair brushed and clean, wearing this dress… she almost didn’t recognize herself in the mirror. She looked like a different person. And…. something in her relaxed, the corners of her lips turning up. She thought she liked the person she saw.
Dani turned back. “I think I do.” She finally smiled.
“We’ll buy it too then.” The oldest teen said. “Do you want to try out anything else? Or go anywhere else?”
The youngest girl’s brow furrowed, considering. “Can we go to that dark store with the loud music? The one with the skeleton in a suit in the window?” (Bones… her heart whispered sadly, imagining her clone brother in his favorite bedsheet.)
Both older siblings laughed, Dami rolling his eyes. “Yes, we can go to HotTopic. Sam’s going to love that when I tell her.”
“What? Why?” Dani’s brow furrowed.
“It’s her favorite.” The boy wiggled his fingers. “Since it’s so dark and moody.” At the continued confusion. “She’s goth.”
The girl nodded, still not quite understanding. What was a goth?
Still, she quickly took off the dress and put back on the hand-me-downs. The three gathered all the clothes and bought them at the register.
Walking through the doors of HotTopic- It was even better on the inside! Dani didn’t even know what half the things were but they were cool. There were dresses with spiderwebs and bats and galaxies. T-shirts with all things spooky and weird- including ghosts to her and Dami’s excitement and Jazz’s groan. And so much jewelry in different shapes and colors. Danny and her looked through the clearance rack and found matching black shirts with giant red spiders. 
“It’s Spiderman!” Dani cheered. (She knew who Spiderman was, at least!)
“We should get them.” The boy suggested, pulling out a third. “There’s another one. This’ll fit Jazz, right?” 
He shoved it at the red-head who eyed it suspiciously. She took the garment and held it in front of herself. “Yes. It would?” She frowned. “I don’t even like Spiderman though.”
“How do you not like Spiderman?!” Dami argued, offended. “Even Dani likes Spiderman.”
“Yeah!” The younger girl agreed. “Hey, wait…” That felt a bit like she’d been insulted.
“Okay. I’m ambivalent to Spiderman.” Jazz huffed.
“I don’t know what you being able to write with either hand has to do with this.” Dami countered smartly. “But I can’t tolerate this wishy-washy attitude towards the best superhero ever.”
“Good grief.” The older girl snatched up all three shirts. “I’m just going to buy them so you shut up.”
The boy followed, a victorious gleam in his eyes.
Dani hurried after, poking him in the arm. “Spiderman is really cool, but…” She remembered their first mall visit, the Amity Park store with all its Danny Phantom merch. Her brother holding the plushie… his tiny likeness, nose wrinkled suspiciously. Her voice lowered conspiratorially. “Danny Phantom’s definitely the best superhero ever.”
He stopped, looking down at her. His eyes crinkled, an authentic affection. “Have I told you you’re my favorite sister today?”
The younger girl smiled up at him, her heart warming. She took his hand and very softly…. “You’re my favorite brother…” A hesitation, which name to use? Part of her heart said Damian, as she’d said this whole week. But…. “Danny.” She finally said. Danny Phantom, the ghost boy she’d fought Skulker with, who just taught her how to make shields.
She still didn’t understand at all but he was both. Damian and Danny. And Danny wasn’t so bad.…
Her brother’s eyes rounded and softened. He squeezed her hand back, not commenting on the name. But still there was something… a gentle gratitude on his face. 
Then giving Danielle another smile, Danny looked forward…. “Hey Jazz, can we get ice cream?”
Back in the food court, the three finished the trip with ice cream.
Like earlier, doubts and questions, guilt and shame, still lingered in Dani’s core. So many thoughts and worries (things she probably needed to talk to Danny about)…. 
But finally giving into the older two teens' desire to buy her her own clothes and letting herself enjoy the experience. Finally calling her brother by his other (first? real?) name, Danny.... 
It was like, some of the weight was lifted from her shoulders, a new peace countering the pain in her heart.
Maybe, Danny had noticed that new lightness in her too. “Enjoying your ice cream?” He asked, a freer, more easy jovialness in his voice. (Like just seeing her happier made him happier)
The girl nodded enthusiastically. “Cotton Candy is the best!”
The boy laughed, eyes sparkling teasingly. “You haven’t even tried mint chip yet.” 
The two bantered for a bit about ice cream flavors, Dani squealing indignantly as Danny ruffled her hair with sticky fingers. He grinned smugly… then let out his own offended squawk at the youngers’ sticky fingered assault.
Luckily, Jazz intervened before any ice cream could be spilled. “Stop! You’ll get drips all over your clothes.”
The boy sobered slightly. Then, popping the end of the cone in his mouth… “Hey, do you want to go to the park with me tonight?” He asked Dani. 
“Sure.” The clone girl nodded. Then… “Why tonight?”
The boy shrugged. “There’s something extra fun about hanging out there after dark. Not having to share it with anyone.” He smiled down at her, excitement shining in his eyes. But then… “There’s just… something special when the park’s dark and quiet. The wind’s blowing through the trees, the fireflies are out. And the stars…” A quiet reverence, a strange wistfulness lingered in the words. And when he met her eyes… “I really want you to see it.” 
Dani couldn’t say no. Despite the odd seriousness and intensity… (There was more to this than just sitting on the swings and riding down the slide in the dark, wasn’t there?). The girl couldn’t help but smile, her heart filled with warmth. “I’d love to.” 
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harryconcepts · 1 year
part 78
angel staying at asters for the first time ☹️ yes i know technically it already happened in the story but I'm simply pretending that didn't happen 🫶🏻 so the first time she stays over she's so nervous and ofc she's been to his house a lot of times but sleeping over is a big deal for her and she's just nervous ☹️ she doesn't even bring her bunny bc she's worried it's embarrassing but then it's time for bed and she's staring to feel kind of anxious realizing she's away from home and she'll be in a new bed and she doesn't even have her bunny but she doesn't know how to tell harry without sounding lame so she just pretends she's fine ☹️then when he gets in bed with her she just kind of decides she won't be sleeping that night and she'll just be tired in the morning ☹️ but after an hour or so she starts to drift off, but almost right away she's having a scary dream and she wakes up gasping and ofc that wakes harry, right away he's all "what's the matter baby, what happened?" and she's shaking her head trying to act like it's fine but he says so gently "you can tell me, it's okay" and before she can even stop she's crying on him ☹️
clutching her hands in his shirt and she says "just had a really bad dream and I don't sleep well when I'm not home and- and I don't have my bunny so I can't even go back to sleep" through her sobs and he's so worried for her, rubbing her back and holding her close to let her know she's safe ☹️ once she calms down a little he murmurs "I'm sorry you had a scary dream" and kisses her head ☹️ she nods and sniffles a little and says "it's okay, I'm sorry for waking you up" and he's shaking his head letting her know she never ever has to be sorry for needing his comfort ☹️ he always wants to help her feel better ☹️ after a few more minutes he says "I'm going to go back to your place and get your bunny, do you want to come with me or stay here?" and her eyes go wide she says "oh you don't have to do that-" but he says "I do, my girl can't sleep and doesn't feel safe without it so I do" and he's so serious and concerned for her ☹️ she looks so unsure so he says "why don't you stay here, maybe make some tea or read one of my books, and I'll be back before you know it?" and he's getting up before she can change her mind ☹️ he comes back faster than she even thought was possibly and she's still in bed trying to read one of the books he has on his nightstand, he tucks the bunny in her arms before he goes to put his coat and shoes away ☹️ then he comes back and he's getting in bed again and pulling her close and she's just so ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ she can't even thank him enough but he shushes her so gently and says "don't worry about it, I'll do anything for my girl, always" ☹️ after that she falls asleep so quickly, and from then on anytime she's staying over he makes sure she has her bunny 🤕
asking harry to tie you up 😋 he's always so sweet and gentle with you and ofc you live it but also sometimes you just want him to be a little wilder 😋 so one day you bring it up and you're so hesitant but he makes it clear that he'll give you literally anything you want so you say "could you maybe... tie my hands to the headboard" and his eyes go wide but then he's grabbing your arm to drag you upstairs and he's basically giddy saying "I think I can make that happen😁"
when he's feeling mean he tells you to touch yourself and get wet for him and he refuses to help 😵‍💫 all "i don't think you need my help, i think you can do it all on your own" 😵‍💫 he makes you beg before he touches you and when he finally does he mocks you for being so wet you soaked through your panties before he even did anything 😵‍💫
shaking and throwing up thinking about harry taking you shopping 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 he tells you to get whatever you want and you're definitely being conservative not wanting to go crazy and he sees you pick up something you really like maybe a skincare thing you've been wanting forever but then you see the price and put it back, but as soon as you turn away he grabs it and puts it in the basket 😌 you don't notice until you're checking out and you say "oh wait no I wasn't going to get that-" but he's already handing over his card 😌 you're like "harry don't-" but he just shushes you and puts his arm around you giving you a kiss on your temple 😌
bestie harry being the first guy to ever make you cum 😋 you've had sex before but never with anyone good and when he finds out he's all "NOT okay 😤" and you say jokingly "don't talk shit if you're not offering to fix the problem" and he goes "I'll do it!" and you're like ???? but he says "I will, I could show you how you deserve to be treated 😋" and it's awkward but also not bc you've known each other forever and you care so much about each other 😔 right before you say "don't look at me that's so embarrassing" and he laughs saying "okay i won't look at you" but when you're feeling so good your eyes are closed he can't help but look at your pretty face and how good you look while he's working you other with his fingers 😋
don't even THINK about dripping wax on him... i just read a fic about this like sitting on his thighs and tying his hands above his head so he can't move, telling him to be a good boy and stay still for you 🤕 his pupils are huge bc he's so turned on and vulnerable and he's looking at you like you hung the moon basically begging with his eyes for you to give him something 🤕 finally you let the first few drops fall on his chest near his collar bones and he's breathing so fast so you saw in a gentle voice "slow down, just breathe, it's okay just breathe" and when he nods for you to keep going you move to his tummy, when he feels the wax he takes a sharp breath in and tenses all his muscles and you can see his pulse racing in his neck 🤕 you're watching carefully to make sure he's still okay before you do any more and when you can tell he's calmed down you move a little lower and drip some on his hip bones right near the ferns and he's gasping and letting out the most pathetic whimpers you've ever heard from him so you look up and say "doing okay? I can stop if it's too much" and he shakes his head so fast and says "i want more, please please don't stop" he's such a little whore for pain 🤕🤕🤕
I always save people in my phone as what i know them from (like I'll put emily chemistry) so I remember them better and I'm thinking about how bestierry would make fun of you from that 😭😭😭 you met him at a barbecue so you put his name as harry barbecue and even when you become besties you leave it that way bc it's funny and you don't usually change names but then one day he sees it and he thinks it's so funny and never stops teasing you 😭😭😭
harry knowing that you've had some really bad relationships in the past, he notices that you get jumpy when doors slam and you hate when people yell or raise their voice so he makes sure to always be gentle around you 😔 he's always so soft and sweet to make sure you feel safe with him 😔
oh no no no no no he's so desperate and grabby when he kisses 🤕🤕🤕🤕 pulling you closer and closer, wrapping his arms around you to keep you from pulling away 🤕 holding your face and biting at your lips, his tongue is overwhelming and he's just so obsessed with you
bestierry being your first everything 🤕 your first kiss when you're both drunk (and then a fr kiss the next morning when you bring it up that it was your first, he wants to make sure you know what it's like when you're sober) and your first date when the guy you've liked for a while gets a gf and you're sad and your first time staying over at a guy's house (in his bed ofc) and your first time having sex bc you love him and trust him and he just wants to give you anything you want 😁
okay but losing your virginity to Harry... on valentine's day 😵‍💫you've been taking things so slow and he's completely okay with that bc he knows you just need time to feel comfortable with him, but ofc he still plans a whole romantic date ☹️ maybe you had to work that day and he knows you probably won't want to go out aterwards so after you get home he has everything all set up for a nice meal ☹️ when you're done he tells you to go get comfy and he'll be up soon, and he comes in with a basket of massage oils and tells you he's going to rub your back ☹️ he wants to be intimate even though he still thinks you're not ready to go any farther ☹️ and he makes you feel so good and you're so relaxed and pliant by the time he's done, and you pull him down for a kiss ☹️ then it starts getting a little heated and he's pulling you closer and you let out a little moan against his lips, he pulls away blushing and says "we should stop" and you nod at first then say "or we could... we could keep going" and he's looking at you so intensely before he says "yeah?" and you nod 😵‍💫 he says "tell me what you want so i can give it to you" and you're kind of nervous but you say "I'm ready, i want to have sex with you" and he's soooo 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 but he's still annoying so he's all "on valentine's day even 😌 perfect isn't it 😌" but then he's getting up to light the candles he had set out and he's turning off the lamps so the lighting is dim and romantic and as he's coming back to bed he says "gonna make sure it's the best valentine's day you've ever had" 😌😌😌😌😌
so sorry for sending you a million bad dream asks but I have them like every single night very unslay and the only thing that gets me through is thinking about aster 🫡
I'm so sorry but i have not stopped thinking about this it's literally meanrry when you've been a brat all day and pissing him off on purpose and finally he drags you to the bedroom and you think he's about to take his frustration out on you so you're all 😌 thinking you're about to get what you want but instead he grabs the toy and tells you to hold it 😵‍💫 your face drops so fast and he's all "rethinking being such a brat earlier?" and you're apologizing but he shakes his head and says "it's too late for that, so I'm going to get myself off and you're just going to watch" 😵‍💫 and he's so close to you but he's not touching you and he's making such a show of moaning and throwing his head back while you're nearly crying from frustration 😵‍💫 after just a few minutes you're begging him to fuck you instead but he just stares down at you and says "why would I give you what you want after you were so mean to me all day?" 😵‍💫 and ofc after he cums he's going to go down on you and treat you so so so well bc he would never be truly mean to his girl but for a few minutes there he's just torturing you 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
harry is so obsessed with his chubby gf he love love loves touching and kissing all over your body and how soft you are and he loves squeezing your face to give him a kiss and he loves hugging you because you're so soft everywhere he's just obsessed with you and your body 🥹
harry thinks you look sooooo hot all the time like when you're going a little spa day together and you're dressed in his ratty t shirt with your hair up in a bun and a messy face mask on he's all 😏 this is really doing it for me 😏 and you're all 🙄 you're literally so annoying 🙄 but he says "no I'm serious 😏 let's have sex 😏"
when you get more confident around harry and you start walking around the house without a shirt on 😁 just a pair of his sweatpants when you go to grab some water or a snack and he glances up from his work then does the biggest fucking double take and he's jumping up to come stand by you and he's all "hello there 😁"
yeah so when she's a tiny bit more confident he always makes her ask for what she wants bc he gets off on hearing her say it and also because he gets off on her being a little embarrassed and blushy 😵‍💫 when they're kissing and she's getting so worked up and squirmy he'll just hold her hips tighter to keep her still until she whines at him, then he's pouting at her saying "what's the matter baby, what do you want?" and all she says is "please" and he's sooo smirky saying "please what?" and she just whines 😵‍💫 he's all "can't help you unless you tell me what you want" and finally she just grabs his hand and presses his palm against her clit 😵‍💫 she's already moaning from the little bit of pressure but he's so mean so he says "oh really? you just want me to stay like this?" and she's pouting saying "no i want your fingers" and he never makes it easy so he says "where?" and she's nearly in tears from how frustrated she is so she finally says "i just want you to make me cum" and he lets out a fake little gasp saying "such a naughty word, i thought you were my sweet girl?" and she can't even deal so she just pouts, he copies her face and says "that's okay, you're still my good girl even if you use naughty words sometimes" and he slips his fingers in her panties 😵‍💫🤕🤕🤕
don't think about being at an exclusive after-party with harry and you're sitting sideways on his lap, one of his arms is around you while the other holds his drink 🫦 every so often he whispers something in your ear and you smile into his chest but mostly you're just there so look pretty 🫦
condescending mockingrry is too much to think about 🤕 sitting on his lap kissing him for soooo long until you start to feel really good and start grinding on him 🤕 letting out pretty little noises into his mouth and he's trying so hard not to grin at how easy it is to get you worked up 🤕 finally after way too long he slips one of his hands into your shorts and brushes your clit over your panties 🤕 that has you tensing up and grabbing his shoulders bc even that gentle touch feels sooooo good 🤕 he smirks and pulls away saying "really baby? soaked through your panties and I haven't even touched you?" he's so mean 🤕 you pout a little bc you can feel that he's hard too so you whine "don't be like that, I know you're-" and you glance down at his lap bc you don't want to say the words, he grabs your jaw with his other hand to make you look in his eyes and he says "do you want to be a brat, or do you want to cum tonight?" and that gets you sooooo😵‍💫 you're apologizing right away saying "no no I'm sorry, I don't want to be a brat i want to be good for you, I want to be your good girl" and he smiles a little saying "that's what i like to hear" 🤕finally he moves his fingers inside your panties and again he's teasing you saying "so wet and swollen for me, hm? we've barely done anything, how come you're this wet?" and you know he's just trying to tease you so you just tuck your head in his neck and let him touch 🤕
you can both hear the wet sounds when he moves his fingers and it's a little embarrassing but you don't want to tell him that bc you know he'll only tease you more 🤕 finally he slips his fingers inside and his palm presses right on your clit and you can't help but let out a loud moan into his neck 🤕 he's all mean saying "oh yeah? that feels nice?" and you nod, moving your hips a little to get him to keep going 🤕 you're making pathetic little noises every time his fingers dig into your g spot and he just smiles bc he has you right where he wants you 🤕 when he can tell you're getting close his fingers slow down and he stops putting so much pressure on your clit and he says "I don't know if you get to cum, you weren't so nice to me earlier" and riiiight away you're lifting your head to look at him and begging saying "please, I didn't mean to be a brat i just want to be good for you, please let me cum I'm so close I need it" and he thinks you have such a pretty pouty face and begging eyes so he just pouts back at you to be a little mean and runs his thumb over your cheekbone and says "you have been good for me, haven't you? such a sweet girl when you want to be" and his fingers are still moving sooo slowly inside of you, keeping you right there but not letting you cum 🤕 you nod so fast and say "I am, i just want to be your good girl" and he pouts one more time saying "that's my girl" and his fingers start moving faster again 🤕 you tuck your face in his neck like before but he's all "uh uh, if you want to cum you're going to look in my eyes while you do" and you whine bc he never makes things easy for you but you lift your head to look at him 🤕 he sees the little tears in the corners of your eyes and he's all "poor baby, it's just so much isn't it☹️" but he doesn't let you answer bc he presses his finger so hard against your g spot and your jaw drops open 🤕 he's smirking knowing you're close and he says "cum all over my fingers pretty girl" and his palm presses harder on your clit to really get you 🤕 soon you're moaning and trying so hard to keep looking at him as you cum on his hand, and he keeps moving his fingers to work you through it 🤕 you manage to keep your eyes open the whole time but as soon as you're coming down you fall forward on his chest with your arms around his neck and you're shaking from how good it was 🤕 you whine when his palm touches your clit again bc it's too sensitive but he just shushes you and is a little more gentle taking his hand out 🤕 he gives you a few minutes to let your breathing calm down and when you lift your head to look at him he says "can you clean my fingers off for me?" and you grab his wrist to suck them clean 🤕 he's staring so intensely at you saying "my good fucking girl, always" 🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕
don't even think about plastered giggly making out with Harry you're both so drunk you can barely see and he's kissing all over your face so messy and he says "i really want to have sex with you but I'm so drunk I don't even know if i would be able to find the right hole" and then you're both laughing hysterically and he falls on top of you from how hard he's laughing and then once you calm down a little he's kissing you again but soon you're smiling into it and he pulls away just enough to look at you and when he sees how you're trying to hold back your laughter he just bursts out laughing again
I'm so horny thinking about harry at the box he's so sexy and daddy thinking about him being dressed in all black with all his rings and a drink in his hand with his other arm around you and any time anyone approaches you two he looks down at you to see what you think and he can tell from your face if you're down or not and then he'll politely tell them you're not up for that right now and at the end of the night he gets a private room for the two of you to decompress a little and share a few drinks (him holding the cup up to your lips ofc) and maybe smoke a little and make out for a while possibly get a little wilder or otherwise just use the time to talk about the day and how crazy it's been 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 and maybe if you're both feeling a little 🤪 you do ask someone to join you and you all get absolutely fucking filthy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
going with bestierry to the Brits and by the end of the night he's all over you kissing your cheeks and hugging you and whispering random things to make you laugh and at the end of the night you go back to his place and end up changing into his clothes bc your dress is so uncomfy and you're both still a little tipsy and he comes up behind you to give you a hug and he whispers in your ear "i love you so much, you know that?" and kisses your neck 😌
i think your first kid would be absolutely wonderful and so sweet all the time and you're like hm I guess she takes after me 😌then baby number 2 comes and she is the exact copy of harry and it's kind of a nightmare sometimes and he's all hm 😌 I guess this one takes after me!
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lifetimeshipper · 1 year
Cursed Bond
Chapter 19
After a couple of days passed, Arcee finally started waking up. She winced when she felt pain shooting through her aching body, "Ugh, blasted Starscream."
"You're lucky he missed your spark," Knockout spoke as he checked her over to make sure everything was functioning properly.
"Is Starscream still here?"
"No, he left the ship when Megatron brought you here."
"Figures, he's a sneaky bastard."
"Yeah. Hopefully, the next second in command will be better," Knockout smirked.
"Who's the next second in command?"
"Airachnid, sadly."
Arcee rolled her optics, "She's no better. The sooner I can get off the ship and back to my team the better. Airachnid will most likely use her new role to try even harder to kill me off."
"Not if you stay close to Megatron, besides I don't think she'll even try anything for a while," the red mech said as he looked at her.
"Yeah, Megatron got her too scared for the moment, but eventually the fear will wear off and she'll try again."
Arcee was right and she was lucky that Soundwave was by her side, but neither he nor Megatron could be with Arcee all the time. She would be safer with the Autobots.
"Airachnid is lucky Lord Megatron didn't give her another beating after the second attempt on your life, I think he forgot with everything that happened with Unicron and all," Breakdown stated.
"Or he figured she got a good enough beating from Soundwave. Either way, he won't let her go unpunished if she tries again."
"How long have I been out?" Arcee asked as she slowly sat up.
"A couple of days."
Venting out a sigh she wondered if she could try to get Optimus off the ship.
"Lay back down, you're still injured," Knockout told her as the door opens and Megatron comes in. Laying back down she looked at Megatron, she could tell something was bothering him.
"You're awake. How are you feeling?" Megatron inquired as he walked up to her.
"I'm alright, thank you. How's Orion?"
"He's doing good."
Arcee nodded and tried to think of a way to get Optimus back to the others.
"When can she come out of med-bay?" Megatron asked Knockout.
"I would like for her to stay for a few more days, just to be safe," Knockout replied, "An explosion like that is serious and she does have a bit of damage, though not life-threatening thankfully," he added.
"Next time I see Starscream I'm gonna tear him apart," Megatron said with a low growl.
"Make sure you save a piece of him for me," Arcee huffed but she had a small smile on her face.
"Will do."
Knockout smiled, glad that the two were starting to get along.
After a couple of days, the Autobots found a Space Bridge they could use to get to Cybertron, thanks to Starscream. They were getting Jack and Wheeljack ready to go, "Alright, we should be all set," Ratchet says as he begins opening up a Ground Bridge to the destination where the 'Cons' Space Bridge is.
"Man, I wish I was going," Miko pouted.
"I wish Jack wasn't going. I just hope he'll be ok," June stated, she was worried about her son going to another planet.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure he gets back home safely," Wheeljack promised, he understood the worry Mrs. Darby had. It was the same thing with Halogen and Arcee. June just nods as she watches her son leave with the 'Bots through the Ground Bridge.
The 'Bots get to the location and take down the drones that were there. Ratchet runs over to the computer and opens up the Space Bridge. Taking a deep breath Jack looked back before walking through the Space Bridge, Wheeljack close behind him.
"Alright, they're through. Let's keep a look out for any 'Cons that may call in or something, no doubt we'll get a call from them since they won't be hearing from the drones here," Ratchet says as he looks back at the dead drones.
"Got it," Bulkhead replied.
"Ratchet, did Jack and Wheeljack make it through?" Fowler asked over the comm.
"Yes, now all we have to do is wait and keep the Decepticons from coming here," Ratchet replied with a hint of worry.
Fowler looked over to June who had a worried look on her face, "Ok," he then said.
Jack looked around his new surroundings, he was in awe that he was on Cybertron, "This is incredible."
But Wheeljack looked a bit sad, "Yeah, but this isn't how the planet is supposed to look. It used to look a lot better."
"What was it like before?" Jack asked when he noticed the sad look.
"It was beautiful, buildings were upright, high into the sky. Everything looked nice and shiny, the streets were filled with Cybertronians going wherever they had to go. This planet was so beautiful and so full of life and now it's this, all due to the war."
Jack looked around again, hearing Wheeljack explain this made him remember when Bulkhead told them the story about him and Arcee, "Is there a way to get it back to normal?"
"So far we got no way to restore it, but we're still looking."
Jack nodded and looked around again, "So where is this key anyway?"
"Just below Kaon," Wheeljack replied before he transformed.
Getting in Jack sat in silence while Wheeljack drove, watching the dead planet zoom by. He wished Arcee was back with them. Wheeljack was feeling the same. Driving through Cybertron made him think back to when he spent time with Arcee, "We'll get her back, somehow," Jack spoke up after a while, "And Optimus."
"Yes, we will kid."
After a while, they made it to the location of the key and headed inside. But before they got in they were attacked by an Insecticon who were at the entrance. The Insecticon jumped on Wheeljack and he just rolled and flipped the Insecticon over before tossing him to the side. Jack ran for the nearest cover he could find and watched the fight, "Jack, get in there and get the Matrix!" Wheeljack shouted to him as he held back the Insecticon. With a nod Jack ran inside the building, he hoped that he wouldn't get lost.
"How are you doing?" Megatron asked Arcee when he entered the med-bay.
"I'm alright, other than being sore," she shrugged.
"That's good. I have been thinking over stuff and I had thought if it wasn't for your father inviting me to have Energon with you two as a way of trying to get me on the side of the High Council we wouldn't have met and I wouldn't have fallen in love with you."
Arcee let out a soft sigh, she missed her father every day, "I guess."
"Bet you miss him a lot."
"I do, every day."
I wonder if she knows. "Did you hear about how he died?"
She closed her optics, still able to remember every detail, "I didn't have to hear how he died!" She spoke with a venomous tone as she opens her optics and glared at the warlord, "I saw what you did to him!"
Megatron's optics went wide, "You saw?" She was in the house? How did I not know she was still in the house?
"Yes, I saw," she growled with narrow optics. I may be on the mend but as soon as I'm healed I will take your spark myself.
"Well, he shouldn't have gone back on his word. If he didn't go back on his word you wouldn't be in this situation now."
"Then you shouldn't have attacked the High Council," she countered.
"They were doing wrong on the planet and had the nerve to refuse me the title of Prime."
Arcee turned her helm away so she wouldn't have to look at him, "And look at what happened, Cybertron is gone."
"I'm also sad that we lost our home planet and I want it back just as much as you do, but what's done is done."
Arcee let out an angry sigh, unsure of who she should be mad at. All she really wanted was to be with Wheeljack. Just then a drone came running in, "My lord, the drones at the sight of the Space Bridge isn't reporting in like they're supposed to. We believe something is wrong."
Megatron looked to Arcee, who refused to look at him, before letting out a sigh, "I'll be right there," he told the drone.
Ratchet, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee was waiting for word from Wheeljack when a Ground Bridge opened up and Megatron walked through, "Just as I figured, the Autobots are trying to get their leader back. Well, no matter what you try you won't get him back."
"We need to keep Megatron busy until Jack gets back with the Matrix," Ratchet told the Autobots as he transformed his servo into his scalpel.
"The Matrix? I see. Judging that the Wrecker Wheeljack isn't with you I'd say he's with the kid."
The three remaining Autobots charged, praying they could buy Jack and Wheeljack some time.
Jack was getting the Matrix when the Insecticon came flying through the passageway. Jack got the idea to send the scraplets at it, which was chowing down on the Matrix loader. The scraplets disposed of the Insecticon and Jack got the Matrix when it was done, he then headed out to meet up with Wheeljack. Once they meet up the two head back, "Ok guys, we got the Matrix, we need a Ground Bridge," Wheeljack called Ratchet.
But there was no response as they all were taken down by Megatron.
Arcee got up off the berth in med-bay. This was her chance to help Optimus get back to the others and be the Prime again.
As she slowly made her way to the archives, Orion was ambushed by the two drones that were guarding him. Orion was blocking their attacks when suddenly his servos transformed into his guns and he fired at them, killing them both. Arcee walks in and Orion looks at her, "I have guns?"
"Yeah," she smiled as she helped him up.
"How are you feeling?" He asked as he got up.
"I'm alright, I'll be even better once we get you off this ship."
"Why do I have guns?" He asked as he followed her to the Ground Bridge control room.
"You had them installed when you became Optimus Prime, to help fight in the war," Arcee explained as she opened the door to the Ground Bridge control room.
"Oh, I see."
Arcee opened up a Ground Bridge to the location of the Space Bridge where everyone was and she and Orion walked through.
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
Nicnevin looked from the window to Rhysand as he came into the living room. Perhaps Silarial had finally calmed down enough to sleep. Mabry looked up from the jewelry she was making she frowned eyeing him.
"You should get back before she wakes or she'll think it's a dream."
Nicnevin just watched him setting her drink down.
"I know you'd do anything for her but I need you to know how this works. We gave up the lives we had to run, our parents, our stations didn't save us from the assassins or slavers so we dissapeared. If you put her in any kind of jeopardy I will take her and you'll never find her again."
She stepped toward him, the candles dancing around them.
"Your life, your purpose Rhysand from now till the day she dies is to make her happy. If you can devote yourself to that we will leave with you. If you want her as some pretty prop as you walk through on court leave now."
"I will return before she wakes, but I want to make sure that she has something to eat and drink to wake to." He knew the moment she was awake again that he wouldn't be able to leave, that she would forgo everything else to ensure what was before her was real.
Rhysand's hands slipped into his pockets as he watched Nicnevin, her every move was something he made sure to keep in check. Out of all of them, she was the one he was the most weary of. She would be the one who would do the most harm if needed.
Violet eyes darkened, his chin rose slightly as he stared down upon her. "I have no intention of putting her in harm's way, if I have it my way she will be safe at home. She would not have to fear what lurked in the lands, the assassins, and slavers. I have ensured my home is safe for all those I care about...especially her."
He laughed when she brought up the fact he wanted her as some pretty prop. "I am not some vein male who wants her just to look pretty. I want her by my side because I love her and I want to do everything in my power to ensure her happiness, her safety. I'm sorry I cannot walk away from my Court, but I will not use her as some puppet. She can do as she pleases, she can be any role she wants and go where she wants. I want her to be happy and free, while also feeling safe."
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khiita · 3 years
Jude + finally feeling home, safe
give me a character + a vibe/activity/feeling and i’ll give you a mini playlist 💕
thank u sm anna!!!! 🥺💓
1. a moor raleigh ritchie
maybe we could find a haven / get lost, go ape / we’ll be so amazing / we could do what we wanted to do / kick up a fuss and never trust what we knew
2. lazy mornings — mokina, eyelovebrandon
i could stay in bed all day if only they would let me / summon the storms and get the blankets so we're cozy / kicking it back and getting handsy with the ps3 / just you and me
3. coffee ​— beabadoobee
don't stay awake for too long / don't go to bed / i'll make a cup of coffee for your head / i'll get you up and going out of bed / and i promise that one day i'll feel fine / and i promise that one day i'll feel alright
4. wide awake — su lee
oh i hope that someday / we’ll open our eyes / and gaze eye to eye / wide awake
5. nowadays — boy pablo
i'm just happy that my mornings are getting brighter nowadays
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dnbup · 2 years
💞Genshin characters cuddling headcannons💞
Characters: Ganyu, Jean, Rosaria, Eula, Lisa, Beidou, Ei/Raiden, Amber, Yae Miko, Ningguang
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Loves cuddling you! She usually puts her face into your chest and wraps her legs around you waist. Shes just so sweet <33 If you kiss her while shes sleeping she'd get so red and smile a little in her sleep:))
She also likes spooning, perfers being little spoon, she likes being held by you, and hearing your heartbeat brings peace to her soul. But if she comes home from work late and you're all curled up in bed asleep, she'll be big spoon. Planting kisses to the top of your head while playing with your hair before drifting off to sleep alongside you. <3
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You usually don't get to cuddle her very often, if you do its usually in her office, you curled up beside her while shes doing paperwork actually helps her focus and reduces stress.
But the very few times you finally convince her to take a day off, she can't gey enough of it. She loves being close to you! She'll normally be big spoon but if shes having a stressful week she'll sleep with her face against your tummy and arms wrapped around your waist, shes so sweet!!
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Holds you. Holds you tight, like if she lets go youll disappear. She holds you close, your face between her boobies. You aren't complaining though. You're right where you want to be, in youe girlfriends arms. You feel safe and protected with her. You know she'd never let anything happen to you.
Though, if you come back late and shes already asleep, you'll find her cuddling your pillow! Its adorableee!!! She really missed you <33 plss be the big spoon if you find her like that <3
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She wants you to hold her!! No matter how much taller or shorter you are plsssss hold her:(
Her hair is so soft! You play with it while she had her face in the nape of your neck, planting kisses thereee!! When she falls asleep, she has a tight ass grip on you. You literally cant move until she wakes up.
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Suprisingly, you're the one that actually holds her. She curls up next to you and sleeps like a log. Shes just so comfortable around you <3
Loves being as close to you as possible, you're hee cute baby she must protect. Wraps her arms around you and holds your waist sooo tight!
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Cuddles you in your private quarters on the ship, she stumbles in drunk, you think its adorable.
Usually you have your head on her chest while laying ontop of her while she plays with your hair. But on nights where she had a bit too much to drink, she holds you and basically puts you in a headlock — albeit without choking you, and sleeps like that.
⚡⚡-- Ei/Raiden--⚡⚡
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When Raiden is activated, you get no cuddles at all. Shes a war-machine! Shes not built for cuddles!
Though, when Ei returns, you get soooo many cuddles! Shes just missed you so much! She generally lets you fall asleep on her while she reads a book. But other times, she falls asleep between your legs, back just barely against your stomach, and her head against your chest.
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GOD SHES ALL OVER YOU!! Sooooo many kissed and cuddles! She loves cuddling face-to-face, your legs interwined as she cracks funny jokes just to make you laugh! You often wake up with her hair covering your face <3
⚡⚡--Yae Miko--⚡⚡
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Usually she doesnt cuddle when you guys get in bed together. BUTTTTT,,, you will wake up with her curled up next to you in her fox form; cute <3
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Very very gentle! She loves to hold you close while being veryy gentle with you!! She holds you against her chest and kisses you, whispering sweet nothings every once in a while, her presence soothing you, sending you into a deep sleep.
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