#giving her a better chance to gather evidence and alert her family
fictionadventurer · 1 year
Prompt: fairy-tale heroine of your choice wakes up with amnesia. (Maybe her husband has to explain how they got married?)
Purity of Mind
Dora looked so innocent, asleep on her bed. The fresh white bandages binding her crown looked more like a mark of holiness than disaster. The doctor claimed she'd fallen from a balcony and hit her head upon a stair rail. Adam thought it seemed too suspicious an accident. A disaster on the one day he'd left the house? His sure-footed little wife wouldn't have stumbled like that--not unless she were nearly out of her wits. Perhaps fleeing from some great terror.
"She'll wake soon," the doctor assured him. "Her body's healed enough, but with a head injury like that, there's no telling what state her brain will be in."
The state itself, Adam thought, would be telling enough.
As if roused by the doctor's words, Dora's eyelids fluttered. She sat up, pale and trembling. Her gaze landed upon Adam, and she started to scream.
"Who are you?" she shrieked, gathering the bedclothes to cover herself. "What are you doing in my room?"
Adam had steeled himself for the usual accusations, but this left him off-balance.
Finally, he managed to say, "Dora, it's just me. Adam. Your husband."
"I have no husband!"
"We wed six months ago."
"Liar!" she shrieked. "I'd never marry a man with such an awful beard!"
Adam stroked his blue-black whiskers, neatly trimmed for his homecoming. A deep chuckle rumbled in his throat; after months of her tiptoeing around him, her frankness was amusing. "I paid your parents richly for the privilege."
Dora paused at that. The mercenary child of mercenary parents--the tale would ring true, no matter her objections to his facial hair. Yet the bewilderment didn't fade from her face. "I've never seen this house before."
"You've been mistress here six months."
"I don't believe you."
"Whether you believe me or not, it's true. You fell from a staircase and hit your head."
Her eyes were fire. "I'll bet you pushed me!"
"I was away from home. I only just returned." He would never have opted for such an impersonal death. It was much more satisfying to feel the life draining away beneath his fingers.
The thought brought him back to reality. No need to wrestle with her delusions; only one truth mattered.
"Dora," Adam asked. "Where are the keys?"
"What keys?"
"I left the keys of the house in your keeping. I'll need them returned."
"I never had any keys!"
Adam looked to the doctor, who said, "We've found no keys on her person."
Missing? Impossible. Adam stormed from the room and set the servants searching for the keys. Nothing in her wardrobe. Nothing in the rooms. Nothing in the gardens.
The door on the third floor was locked, with no signs of entry.
Adam returned to the sickroom as the sun was setting. Dora sat quietly on her bed, having been calmly convinced of her new reality, completely unaware of the turmoil she'd thrown his life into.
He could have torn her limb from limb right there, but he had no proof yet she was deserving of it. For the moment, his strategy was gentleness.
He sat on the bed beside her. "Dora, my dove, think. Can you remember where the keys might be?"
"I can't even remember you."
Adam examined her in every detail--the tips of her fingers, the whites of her eyes, the curl of her lips. No signs of deception.
"You truly can't remember anything?"
Tears glittered in her eyes as she shook her head.
She looked as innocent as a newborn babe. The timid little fool he'd married couldn't fake such total ignorance. If she'd peered behind the door, she'd lost the memory of what she'd seen. If she'd disobeyed, he had no way of knowing.
A new twist to the game--a second chance.
Adam left the room in a state of contentment. He could get new keys made. His secret was safe--locked away either behind the door or in his wife's blank mind.
And if her memory returned? If she had memories of that bloody chamber?
He could always kill her later.
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Six Eggs in the Nest
Bruce returns from his trip through time to discover that not only had his kids grown, but so had his family. An old face had reappeared in his absence.
Part of the Six for the Age of One AU
“How are you feeling?”
“Come on, Bruce,” Clark sighed. “As subtle as it might be, your heart rate still changes when you wake up.”
Bruce grunted, not opening his eyes.
“Good to know your trip through time didn’t affect your language skills.”
“What did I miss?”
“Nothing of note on the League’s front,” J’onn reported and Bruce finally opened his eyes to see the martian was looking over Bruce’s vitals.
“Just business as usual,” Diana agreed from the doorway.
Bruce turned to Clark, who was sitting in a chair next to Bruce’s hospital bed. “Gotham?”
Clark gave a soft smile and answered the unasked question, “The kids are fine. They’d be here, but I guess Ivy and Freeze got into a fight just as they were about to leave and Penguin tried to use the distraction of the fight to move cargo or something.”
“I checked in with them just before you woke,” Diana said before Bruce could get worked up. “In Oracle’s words, I threw Harley at Ivy and Nightwing, Signal, and Corvid smashed Freeze’s helmet so that fight’s basically won. Batwoman reported that her team had taken down Penguin and were supervising the cargo’s transport to the evidence locker before heading in.”
Bruce nodded, relaxing. “I’d assume Batwoman is Stephanie. Nightwing… Dick?”
“Yeah,” Clark said, looking smug. “And Corvid is Damian. Tim’s going by Ghost Bat now.”
“When you disappeared, they all stepped up to become heroes worthy of your legacy,” Diana said. “You would be proud of how strong they’ve been.”
“I am proud.” He simply wished he’d been there to see them through the transition. “How long was I gone?”
“A year,” J’onn said, apologetically and Bruce nodded.
That was longer than it had been for him, but not by too much. A year though…
He’d missed most of the kids’ final year of high school. He’d missed their graduation. He’d missed helping them sign up for college.
Was Duke enjoying his literature studies? Did Stephanie go through with her plans to start the pre-med track or make good on her jokes about taking a year off? Was Damian able to decide between a business or veterinary medicine major? Had Tim figured out what he wanted to do? Did Dick change his mind about not continuing school?
And little Carrie was still so young. Would she even remember Bruce?
“What’s the cover story for Bruce Wayne’s disappearance? And Batman’s?” Bruce asked, pushing the rest down. “I’ll need to figure out how to spread out my appearances so no one becomes suspicious.”
The three shared a look and Bruce’s eyes narrowed.
“It’s not that simple,” Diana said slowly.
“I’ve been standing in for Bruce Wayne with Timothy’s help,” J’onn said. “It was Duke’s idea. Richard had taken up your mantle, but he wasn’t able to convince those who really knew Batman so I was going to pretend to be you until enough time had passed that we could fake your death without it being connected to the change in Batman. Then Timothy and Damian found evidence that you were alive so we’ve kept up the ruse.”
Bruce nodded. It was a good idea, even if Bruce didn’t exactly feel comfortable knowing the martian had been impersonating him for so long. Something else caught his mind, though. “If Dick is Batman, why is he also going by Nightwing?”
“Dick was Batman for a while, but… someone else is Batman now,” Clark said, uncertainly.
“We don’t know. The children won’t tell us,” Diana said. “They’re as stubborn and secretive as their father.”
“About six months ago Batman just… changed,” Clark explained. “We didn’t notice at first since Richard was still the one showing up for Justice League stuff, then Nightwing appeared in the news. It was pretty obvious Nightwing was Dick. We thought that maybe he was setting up his own hero for when you came back, but Batman was seen working with Nightwing and all the rest of the boys. He’s also more…”
“Vicious?” J’onn offered. “And dramatic, but in a grim way. His fighting style is firmer as well, in a way Dick couldn’t manage no matter how much he held himself back. His Batman is more genuine than Dick’s. To the point that, from what we’ve gathered, those who realized he had replaced you already think you’re back.”
“We tried asking Dick the next time he came up for a meeting, but all he’d say was that he wasn’t ready to see us,” Diana added. “Clark went to Gotham -”
Bruce glared at the kryptonian.
“I know, I know. Your kids caught me within minutes and Stephanie gave me a lecture you’d be proud of. And don’t act like you’re not burning with curiosity. Do you even have an idea who it could be?”
“Did you find out anything?” Bruce redirected and Clark shook his head.
“I couldn’t see much because the cowl is as lead-lined as you always had it and he got out of there fast once Stephanie intercepted me. He was tall and broad like you and what skin I saw was fair, so he couldn’t be any of the boys.”
That… didn’t add up. Who would the boys have trusted with Batman? “I need to get home.”
All three looked like they wanted to argue, but J’onn unhooked him from the monitors.
The cave was empty when Bruce teleported in, though the still-warm cup of tea next to the Batcomputer’s keyboard and the lit-up screens showed that Alfred had recently been monitoring the comms before stepping out for a moment.
“- anything yet?” came Robin’s -- Nightwing’s -- voice when Bruce hit the button to unmute the main comm line.
“Wonder Woman said he was still unconscious when she checked in,” Oracle answered.
“Batman, Batwoman, and I will be at the cave in a minute. The two of us can head up immediately and report back,” Ghost Bat offered.
“Speak for yourself,” Batwoman huffed. “You can hang around Wonder Woman smelling like a sewer all you want, but I need a shower.”
“You will wait for us or I will give all your sweatshirts to Goliath as nesting materials, Ghost!” Corvid snapped.
“Nah, Goliath can do better than G’s hoodies. Besides, he’ll just go steal some from Metro. I’m pretty sure half the ones he’s got now are clone boy’s anyways,” laughed a voice Bruce didn’t recognize. Batman’s, he assumed. Something about it nagged at him, but he couldn’t place it. He was sure he knew the person though. Was he altering his voice for the suit like Bruce did? It didn’t have the growl, but maybe he was just making his voice deeper. If his voice was higher…
Bruce was torn out of his musings by a snarl. He turned to see a large groenendael stalking towards him. Behind the dog was a massive pillow with five other dogs atop it. A Great Dane was stretched out regally at one end, wagging his tail but otherwise not paying Bruce any attention. A lab and a pit bull were flopped over each other limply in the middle, fast asleep. A German shepherd was standing on the other end, just as alert as the groenendael without the aggression. A Chihuahua was similarly eyeing Bruce from her spot tucked under the Great Dane’s chin, kept quiet and still only by the larger dog’s presence.
Bruce wasn’t surprised the dogs had invaded the cave in his absence. He could only hope Goliath and Wiggles had continued to be cut off in their separate portions of the cave and Alfred the Cat hadn’t been allowed to torment the bats.
He knelt and held out his hand. “It’s alright, Jane. It’s just me.”
The groenendael quieted at his voice and continued approaching him. The closer she got, the more relaxed she became until she was close enough to cheerfully lick and nuzzle at his hand as an apology for growling.
“It’s okay, girl. You’re doing a good job protecting the cave while everyone’s out.”
Ace was at his side in an instant to sniff him over for injuries and nose his neck in a greeting Bruce easily returned. Titus yawned and turned away as things calmed down, which allowed Ami to leap to her feet. She gave two quick yaps at Bruce, then stomped over to curl up on a corner of the pillow. Haley and Hazel slept on.
A moment later the roar of an engine echoed through the cave, heralding the arrival of the Batmobile. Bruce’s spot was slightly hidden from the vehicle bay, so he had the chance to observe the three that climbed out.
Batwoman’s suit wasn’t too dissimilar to the one Barbara had donned during those two short years she’d held the mantle. All Stephanie had altered was swapping out the red on the bat, belt, cape lining, and wig for her signature eggplant.
Ghost Bat’s suit was black, sleeveless, and made from the same lightweight armor Tim and Dick always used. A grey bat was across the chest, the color matching his gauntlets. He wore a cape and cowl like Batwoman’s, though the cape lining and wig were grey. The wig was also cut short to match Tim’s chin-length locks instead of Stephanie’s chest-length curls.
Batman’s suit, at first glance, looked exactly like Bruce’s. On closer inspection, though, it appeared thinner, closer to the medium bulk armor Damian and Stephanie used. There were also knives hidden across the suit and the cape was shorter than Bruce kept it. His build appeared to be just as Clark described, but Bruce knew the suit enough to tell it was making him look broader in the shoulders and the boots’ soles were altered to make him look shorter. Bruce estimated him to be a few inches taller than himself and around Duke’s width. The visible portion of his face was a pale beige, distinctly different from Dick’s olive tone or the other boys’ darker skin colors.
“- soft and roomy!” Ghost was arguing. “It’s no different than you stealing Bruce’s!”
Batman shot him a perfect Bat-Glare, as the kids called it. “I don’t have any of his sweaters!”
“That’s because after you steal them, Alfred always washes them and puts them back in B’s closet,” Stephanie snorted, pulling down her cowl. She gave him a wink when he turned the glare on her. “Just because you only wear them to bed doesn’t mean we don’t notice. Also, Tim’s stolen horde isn’t just Kon’s. He also got some of mine, Cassie’s, Duke’s, Damian’s, and yours in there. Dick’s and Cissie’s aren’t baggy enough and Bart’s are scratchy. He’s also got one of Kori’s because he took it thinking it was Babs’ and now he’s too embarrassed to give it back.”
“STEPHANIE!” Ghost shouted as Batman snapped, “Is that where my green hoodie went?”
Stephanie snickered as she turned to head deeper into the cave. Her eyes caught Bruce’s and she froze.
“What’s wrong?” Batman asked and he and Ghost followed her gaze.
“Kids,” Bruce said after a moment of trying to figure out what to say.
Batman stiffened and Stephanie smiled. “Hey, B.”
Ghost shot forward, but stopped just before he reached Bruce, looking like he was barely holding back from throwing himself at Bruce.
Bruce took the decision away from him by pulling the boy into a hug. He pulled down the cowl to press a kiss to the top of Tim's head as the boy started to shake slightly with silent tears.
“So B’s here,” Stephanie said and he heard her voice echo through the comm in Tim’s ear.
“He’s supposed to be resting on the Watchtower.”
“Of course they couldn’t keep Father contained.”
“We’re on our way.”
“You’re here,” Tim whispered and Bruce pressed another kiss to his head.
“I am. I’m so sorry for being gone.”
“Tim’s the one who found you,” Stephanie said as she walked up. “Or, well, he’s the one who made it possible for the JL to find you.”
“I heard. I’m so proud.”
“Damian helped,” Tim muttered, burying his reddening face further into Bruce’s chest.
Bruce rubbed his back for a few seconds, then pulled away so Tim could pick up the Chihuahua nudging up against his ankle. He made sure Ami was helping Tim calm down before nodding at Stephanie. However, he soon found his gaze shifting back to the unknown factor.
Batman was still standing where he’d been the last time Bruce checked. He looked frozen in place, only his hand having shifted so that it could rest on Jane’s cheek. The groenendael was staring up at him as she licked and nuzzled at his wrist and hip in an effort to draw him back from wherever he was, though Bruce doubted he could feel it through the suit.
She must have realized it too as a moment later she stood up on her hind legs with her forepaws on Batman’s chest so she could lick at his chin instead, snapping him out of it enough that he looked away.
It was then that Stephanie glanced over her shoulder to see what Bruce was staring at. “Shoot.”
“What?” Tim asked, tucking Ami to his chest. He looked at Stephanie, then Batman, then his eyes shot to Bruce. “Oh. Crud. We really meant to do this slowly.”
“Are you two going to introduce me?” Bruce grunted.
His eyes were still on the stranger, but he could see both eighteen-year-olds open their mouths to respond. Before they could, Batman nudged Jane off and reached up to pull down his hood.
Bruce’s breath caught in his throat.
“Hey, Dad,” Jason said, running his fingers through his black and white hair.
Ace nudged Bruce’s side, just under his ribs.
He took a breath, then another.
“What part of do this slowly didn’t you get, Jay!”
“We all know he wasn’t going to rest until he figured out who I am. I’m just ripping off the band-aid.”
“This isn’t my Earth,” Bruce said.
The three shared a look and Tim pressed into Bruce’s other side. “It is.”
“My Jason is…”
“Dead?” Jason finished. “Yeah, it, uh, didn’t take. Sorry to disappoint.”
“Not the time, Jay!” Steph sighed. “Come on, Old Man. You look awful. We’ll explain once you’re sitting down.”
Bruce’s hands itched to grab Jason. To grab him and pull him close and never let him go again.
He kept his hands to himself as he followed the kids to the meeting table. They had just enough time to get settled when the elevator dinged and Alfred stepped out with a fussing Carrie in his arms.
The butler took in the group, then gave Bruce a pointed look. “You are meant to be resting.”
“I had to check on the kids.”
“Of course you did.” Alfred came forward to deposit Carrie into the arms of her honorary grandfather then set a hand on Bruce’s shoulder. “It’s good to have you back, Master Bruce. We’ve all missed you.”
Bruce nodded and looked down at the toddler.
She blinked up at him before smiling and poking his cheek. “Boosie back!”
“Yeah, Sweetheart, I’m back,” he said, voice hoarse.
Three motorcycles shot into the cave, the boys on them quickly jumping off. Bruce set Carrie on his knee as he took in his rapidly approaching sons.
Nightwing’s suit was similar to Ghost Bat’s, though his had sleeves and he had just a domino in place of the cape and cowl. The suit was black with a cobalt V across the chest that resembled a bird. The wings stretched all the way to the shoulders then ran down the sleeves to end at the tips of his middle and ring fingers. The blue color carried over to his domino mask and the trim of his boots. A pair of escrima sticks poked out from behind him and black pouches were connected to the waist of the suit like a built-in utility belt.
Corvid’s suit was black with a matching utility belt and carried the same moderate bulk Damian preferred. A long, hooded jacket sat over the suit, sleeveless and colored sapphire with white trim. It sat open, revealing the white outline of a bird stretched across his chest. The suit was finished off with a black domino mask with equally black lenses and tall emerald boots.
Signal’s suit looked the same as it had when Bruce was sent away, and Bruce took comfort in the fact that not everything had changed.
Stephanie ducked down for a quick hug, then removed her daughter from Bruce’s lap so she wasn’t crushed when Nightwing threw himself into it a second later.
“You’re so stupid for running off from the Watchtower, but I’m glad you’re back.”
“I’m fine,” Bruce said, holding the boy close with one arm as he reached out to grab his youngest’s hand.
Corvid squeezed back as he glanced over Bruce, then let go and left to take a seat.
After giving Bruce a quick hug around Nightwing, Signal went to grab his own seat as well. He pulled off his helmet and looked pointedly at Jason before turning back to Bruce. “Guess it’s storytime, huh?”
“You couldn’t even keep it a secret for five minutes?” Damian tisked after he’d removed his mask.
“He was ripping off the band-aid,” Tim mocked.
“We all know how obsessive B gets when someone puts a mystery in front of him,” Jason huffed, throwing his hands in the air.
“It is something you’ve all inherited from him,” Alfred hummed as he began to set cups of tea in front of everyone except Carrie, who got a sippy cup of warm milk.
Dick squirmed around so he could remove his mask and accept his cup of tea, then made himself comfortable in his father’s lap.
“You’re getting too old for this,” Bruce teased, wrapping his arms around the eighteen-year-old, and Dick shushed him.
“Where should we start?” Stephanie asked.
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thinking1bee · 4 years
Cheated Part 2
Requested By Anonymous
Pairings: Lena Luthor X Reader
Tags: ANGST, Violence, Blood, Humor, Some smut, Flashbacks, Fluff, Explicit Language 
Taglist: @owloftheshadows
*** Lena Luthor: 3 years later***
The last 3 years with Lena had been amazing. There were definitely ups and downs, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You knew Lena could love, but you didn’t know that she could love hard. The depths of her, the pieces that everyone else didn’t get to see, she usually kept buried. Even with you, it took several months for Lena to let her walls down around you. You knew her family history. You knew that she struggled to trust, so now that you had it, you would do everything in your power to protect it. Beneath the cold exterior that surrounded Lena like a second skin, was a hurt woman who wanted to love and be loved. She wanted to experience as much acceptance as anybody else in a family, and as the black sheep of the Luthor clan, that never happened. You wanted to give Lena all of that love, you wanted her to be happy, you wanted what she wanted.
Now, you were cuddled with her on the couch, watching the live action Grinch movie, while you were both in comfortable sweats, and a bowl of popcorn nestled between your legs for easy access. Lena didn’t understand this movie, and she understood your fascination with it even less, but she never passed a chance to make you happy.
You were quiet, and with your eyes glued to the tv when Lena gently kissed you. Her soft lips ghosted the skin below your ear that met your neck, and you shivered in her hold.
“What are you doing back there?” you asked while turning your head to look at her. Lena was the picture of perfect innocence. And mischievousness. Want darkened her emerald eyes and you could feel her pull you closer to her chest.
“Oh, nothing,” she whispered. That, in fact, meant that she wanted something. And from the way her hands were trailing closer and closer to the cotton of your sweatpants, you could take a guess at what it was she was after.
Smooth and lithe fingers slipped beneath your underwear to part the folds of your center. You already knew how wet you were. Lena had a sex drive unmatched to anyone else you’d ever been with, and she was so experienced. The first time you had sex with her, she had you coming in 30 seconds and you felt like a complete virgin. Lena had to reassure you frantically that it was normal for that to happen as you were seconds away from smothering yourself with the pillow in sheer embarrassment.
A single digit dipped into your core to gather your arousal and Lena began to rub your juices lightly on your clit, effectively snapping you out of the fond memory.
“You’re so wet for me baby girl,” she husked, her lips ghosting the shell of your ear before dipping down to place wet kisses on your neck.
You couldn’t even get a response out. With the first swipe of her finger, you were already a shuddering mess. The pleasure that coursed through your veins had your toes curling.
“What about the movie?” you barely whispered before a soft moan left your lips.
Lena chuckled before she gently nibbled your neck, her finger not once pausing in their movements against you.
“Trust me, darling. There will be plenty of more opportunities in the future.”
And she was right of course. As long as Lena would be a part of your future, there would be plenty of opportunities to make as many memories as you could.
You went to prison with little to nothing in your possession. All you had was a photo of you, Lena, and Alexa when she was just a couple of months old. What little you had was either seized by the DEO or given to Lena. Lena. Just the thought of her and Alexa, your daughter made your heart throb. You wanted to see them more than you needed your next breath, and it was the thought of them that kept you strong enough to survive this. You wanted to hold them both in your arms, you wanted to hug Alexa close enough for you to feel her heat, you wanted to tell Lena to be strong…but there was no way. Lena was too mad at you, and for something you know that you didn’t do. It was only a week inside and you felt stir crazy. The other women kept staring at you and it made you more on edge than you wanted to be. Your arm was feeling much better, but it was still in a sling, so if a fight were to occur, you would definitely get an ass whooping.
Your picture, too precious to be lying around, would stay on you at all times if it could be helped. You were lying in bed, your cell mate doing enough pushups on the floor to put a DEO operative to shame, when a guard approached the door to your cell.
“Luthor, you have a visitor.”
Immediately, your cell mate stopped to look at you.
“Luthor?” she asked in an almost hostile voice. You hate the way the hairs raised on your arms, but you weren’t goin to show your fear. You weren’t even going to answer her. Instead, you jumped from the top bunk of the bed and follow the guard to the visitor’s area.
Once there, you immediately see blonde hair and blue eyes that sent a wave of relief so strong through you that you thought you were going to pass out. You immediately take the seat across from Kara, and you didn’t realize that you were crying until she wiped the tears away using her thumbs.
“Sorry,” you mumbled while you immediately tried to get a grip.
“Don’t be sorry Y/n. How are you?” she asked with a soft, sympathetic smile.
“I’m in literal hell. I shouldn’t be here Kara and you know that.”
She nodded and was silent for a minute.
“I recruited James and Winn to help me,” she offered. “Winn may have found possible evidence that’s linked to you being set up, but it’s not enough to prove your innocence.”
She said the last sentence in a rush before your hopes could get too high. It was silent again and you almost dreaded asking your next question, but at the same time, you needed to know.
“And Lena…?”
Kara shook her head, and you closed your eyes as you tried to swallow your anger and disappointment.
“I’m sorry Y/n, but she won’t come.”
Against your willpower, the tears began to well behind closed eyelids and you almost bit your lip off in an effort to keep them back.
“She really thinks I did it, huh?” you said in a voice that sounded too broken even to your own ears, and in a millisecond, Kara was enveloping you in a warm gentle hug.
“No touching!” one of the guards barked and you flipped him off.
“I’ll try again,” Kara promised. “But you know how Lena is.”
And that made you laugh because you did know how she was.
“Stubborn as hell.”
“You know it,” Kara said with a smile.
“If Alexa gets that trait from her, I’m going to be so totally screwed.”
Kara laughed and you two sat back down and kept talking.
***Lena Luthor: Hurt***
You and Alex were assigned a major mission together and it required you to fly halfway across the world to the access point and jump out the plane from thousands of feet in the air to reach it. J’onn entrusted you two with the mission, with Kara as support in case anything major happened. The objective was clear, to find and eliminate a hostile alien. All attempts of reasoning and subduing them had been futile, with the alien breaking free and causing more damage to both people and property in consequence. Kara wanted to take care of the alien herself, but they had immediately surrounded themselves with enough Kryptonite to kill her if she got too close. A big team of agents would alert the alien to our presence and that was something we had to avoid. If it had to be done, it would need to be done right, and as you and Alex crept down the halls of an underground, concrete facility, you mentally rehearsed the plan in your mind. You were to flank the alien and whoever had a clear shot first, was to take it. Luckily, this particular alone had no notable active powers. According to their dossier, they had heightened intelligence when it came to strategizing and demolitions, making them still dangerous.
“Are you guys okay in there?” Kara asked you over the comms.
“Yeah, we’re alright,” Alex answered. “We’re headed into the main room. Do you have eyes on us?”
There was long pause, and you could practically feel Alex cock an eyebrow.
“Uh, yeah...the room you’re headed into is lined with lead. I can’t see inside. Please be careful.”
“Perfect,” you groaned. “At least this one is prepared.”
Alex chuckled lightly, your sarcasm not going unnoticed. You approach the door and look at her.
“You ready?”
Alex nodded and you kicked open the door, which was surprisingly easy. One of the hinges flew off of the door from the force of your kick and you eyed it warily. Standing back to back, you and Alex had pistols draw as you searched for the target. The room was bathed in a green glow. The abundant kryptonite cast an eerie light throughout the room, and though the room was illuminated, the radioactive crystals that embellished the room cast more shadows than the light could chase them away.
“Do you see anything?” Alex asked you quietly and you shook your head.
“Eyes open. Spread out.”
You were about 10 feet away from Alex when you saw the shiny glint of something small being pointed towards her, and it was too dark for you to get an accurate shot. You reacted, sprinting towards Alex faster than ever, and you reached her, your arms encircling her body and turning her around, when you heard several pops from behind you.
It happened too fast, and you could feel several points on impact on your back, along with Alex raising her gun to fire at your attacker. You landed on top of her harshly and rolled away from her before you could hurt her further. As you settled on your stomach, that’s when you felt it, fiery agony spreading through you, along with a warm wetness that was soaking through your suit. Alex ran to you, her hands steady as she gently lifted your head.
“I heard shots, is everyone okay?” came Kara’s voice through the comms.
“Y/n has been shot, and it’s bad Kara. One bullet barely missed her spine.”
“Okay I’m coming in,” Kara said.
“What about the kryptonite?”
“Alex, what about her? She’s worth it and we don’t have time to waste.”
You heard the full conversation, and you went to say something when a bone wrenching cough exploded from your mouth. Along with it came a mouthful of blood and it was like you couldn’t stop it. Mouthfuls of it kept coming up and it was getting harder and harder to breathe.
“Shit! One of the bullets pierced her lung. She’s drowning in her blood.”
Kara crashed through the ceiling some feet away and immediately gasped in pain. You lost the ability to keep you head up but through blurry vision, you could see her veins highlight green beneath her skin. They throbbed in time with her heartbeat and she took ragged breaths in an attempt to breathe through the agony. Kara barely had the energy to look you over properly like she wanted to.
“I’m sorry,” was all she said before she scooped you into her arms. Your scream of pain was muted by gurgles of blood and you felt bad when you coughed it all over her and her suit. Kara went back to the hole she made and stood under it.
“Will you be okay?” she asked Alex and then grimaced as the pain increased.
Alex nodded, knowing for sure that she shot the alien in the head.
“Yeah, just get out of here,” she said, rushing Kara out before she got incapacitated along with you.
The fly home was a blur, and the time spent in the medical bay was as equally faded into oblivion. All you remember is your back and how it ached and burned in the worst ways imaginable. You were tired, so when a nurse slipped a mask over your face and told you to sleep, you happily obliged.
You woke up to Lena, who was beside you with your hand in her grasp. She was tired, the exhaustion and frustration etched clearly into her face. You tried to blink and shake the grogginess from your brain, but it only served to agitate your wounds. You winced and hissed as tears came to your eyes.
“Don’t move,” Lena said softly, but the look on her face betrayed the sentiment in her voice.
“Are you mad?”
She was silent and green eyes studied you. As the seconds ticked on, they got softer and softer until she smiled at you.
“No, I’m not mad. I was worried. Alex told me that you got four gunshots to the back and one of them pierced your lung. The nurses had to stabilize you long enough for Kara to go back and get her. Alex was the only one you could do the surgery.”
You sighed and kissed the back of her hand sweetly, loving the fact that you’ve woken up to see her again.
“You couldn’t do it?” you asked her.
She shook her head. “You would have drowned in your own blood before I would get here.”
Everything was quiet for a minute as you held Lena’s hand tightly. You were about to say something when the shiny glint of something on your hand distracted you. You squinted as you brought your joined hands closer to your face. Maybe it was the medication or the fact that you’ve been out for some time, but it looked like a ring.
Lena laughed as realization dawned on you.
“Lena is this what I think it is?” you asked incredulously.
“At this rate, you’re going to get yourself killed. I at least want you to be my wife before that happens.”
She paused as she got on one knee beside the bed and looked into your eyes.
“Y/n L/n, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” she asked you.
Cue the record scratch that had you frozen in surprise on the bed. You weren’t too sure if this was real, and you went to pinch yourself, but your movement caused your back to flare painfully.
“Are you okay?” Lena asked, more confused than anything.
“This is real? Like, this is happening, yes?”  you asked.
Lena laughed and kissed you gently on the lips. That caused your heart rate to skyrocket and the heart monitor connected to you went crazy. It was only a few seconds when you heard the sounds of feet running towards your room and Alex rounded the corner, skidding to a stop in front of the bed. She looked at you, and then Lena, before she scoffed and crossed her arms.
“Guys, seriously?” she said, unimpressed.
You smiled and showed her your hand. Her eyes drifted to the ring that adorned your finger before her eyes got big and she squealed in excitement.
“Well???? What did you say?” she demanded excitedly.
“I’m saying yes of course.”
Part 3
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ivarthebadbitch · 3 years
Strange things can happen
Chapter 13 summary: Aldreda breaks the news to Ivar, and Ecbert gives Ivar “the talk.”
Canon divergent, everybody lives, arranged marriage AU after 4x14. Read this chapter on Ao3.
Previous chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
On Ao3: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
Pairings: Ivar x OC, Ivar vs. basically everyone
Warnings: Semi-explicit discussion about sex (blame @volvaaslaug for this one)
Word count: 2386
Tagged: @youbloodymadgenius @heavenly1927 @nukyster-blog @bae-roman @adhdnightmare @danisnotsosecret (let me know if you would like to be tagged)
CHAPTER 13: Misunderstandings and miscommunications
It was late in the afternoon by the time Aldreda was alerted to the return of her father and her husband. She had spent the better part of the day pacing around in her room after speaking with Judith and her grandfather, trying to figure out the best way to break the news to Ivar. It would hurt his feelings to some degree; of that she was certain. But in time, he would see the sense in her decision. And even if he didn’t...well, he would just have to get used to the idea.
She tried once again to gather up her courage as she waited for Ivar to arrive. There was really nothing to be nervous about, she told herself. She had Judith on her side, her father surely would understand too, and between them, they could convince her grandfather it was the right thing to do. Yet somehow her hands were cold and clammy, and her heart was thumping in her chest.
She jumped when she heard the knock on the door. To her surprise, when she got up to answer it, she found that it wasn’t just Ivar being held up by some guards as usual. Her father carried him in on his back, and they both looked tired but exuberant. 
Aethelwulf dropped Ivar on the bed with a groan and then pulled her into a tight hug. “All is well,” he murmured in her ear before turning to Ivar. “Show her?”
Ivar grinned and pulled her mother’s necklace out of his pocket with a flourish. It was stained reddish purple and smeared with dirt, but she was so happy to see it in his hands that she let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you,” she said, and meant it.
“Ivar was the one who found it,” her father said, beaming with pride. 
“With a little help from your father,” Ivar added, which felt like a major concession coming from him. He handed over the necklace with a slightly apologetic look on his face. “...it was in a puddle of wine. Sorry about that.”
That did not quite explain things, but she supposed there would be time for that later. Her mother’s necklace was sticky and stank of stale alcohol but it at least appeared to be intact. “And Father Wilfred?”
Ivar glanced at Aethelwulf. “The priest was already gone.”
“I see.”
An awkward silence settled over the room, with none of them entirely sure what to do next. At last, her father cleared his throat and held out his hand. “I will see to it that the necklace is cleaned properly,” he said, and she handed it back to him with a nod of thanks. “You should both rest. It has been a long day for us all.”
That was certainly true, and the day was about to become even longer. She let out a small sigh of relief as her father kissed her on the forehead and took his leave. Judith would break the news to him, but Ivar was her responsibility.
Once the door was closed, she turned to Ivar, still sitting on the bed with a broad grin on his face. “I have asked my grandfather for an annulment,” she said. No reason to dance around the subject, she had decided. Better to get this over with as quickly as possible.
She had expected him to be angry. She hadn’t forgotten their first night together, and the grip of his hand around her wrist. Or if he wasn’t angry, then she thought he would be sullen and resentful, like he had been in those first weeks of marriage when he had barely even acknowledged her existence. She was prepared for all of that.
She wasn’t prepared for him to look so hurt.
“What?” he asked, blinking in confusion. “Why?”
“You said you never wanted to marry me,” she explained. “I understand. I didn’t want to marry you, either. But we have a chance to fix this now, before it’s too late. You’ll be able to go home to your family.”
He stared at her, mouth hanging open. “You...you told them?” 
“I did.”
He looked utterly bewildered. “But I don’t want to go back to Kattegat. I want to stay here.”
She frowned. “You just tried to run away two nights ago!”
“I changed my mind. Today.”
Now it was her turn to be confused. She sat down on the bed beside him. “What are you talking about?”
“I like you,” he blurted out. “I want to stay married.”
“You...you decided this today?”
He nodded. After a moment of hesitation, he reached for her hand, but she moved away. His expression turned sour. “I don’t want this annulment. I won’t allow it. You shouldn’t have said anything. You had no right to do that.”
She crossed her arms. “Well, it’s not up to you to decide; it’s my grandfather’s choice. And it’s mine.”
Now he glared at her. “I got your necklace back for you!”
“And I said thank you!” She could feel her voice getting higher and the words spilling out of her faster and faster. “I asked you what you wanted before and if you wanted to stay married, and you didn’t know. But you never asked me what I wanted! It never even crossed your mind! So maybe I decided to make a choice for myself and do what I wanted for once. Maybe I’m tired of pretending. Did you ever think about that?”
“Shut up,” he snarled. Now that the initial shock had passed, his expression grew darker. “You told them.”
“I did,” she said coolly. She wasn’t about to back down. He could bully servant girls, but she was a princess of Wessex and the granddaughter of the king. If he put his hands on her, he would pay dearly for it.
However angry he was, he knew it too. He opened and closed his fists a couple times without taking his eyes off her. Then, all at once, he seemed to crumple. He buried his face in his hands and let out a low sob.
She suddenly felt like the worst person in the world. She hadn’t meant to make him cry; no more, she supposed, than he had meant to make her cry the night after he had tried to escape. But the damage was done and there was no going back for either of them. They just needed to get this whole ordeal over with, and the sooner, the better.
“My grandfather wishes to speak to you,” she said tiredly, after a few minutes of listening to him sob. “I suppose he will ask you some questions about our marriage so he can decide whether the annulment will proceed.”
Ivar wiped his nose. “I don’t want to speak to him. Or you. Or anybody else.”
“I understand,” she sighed.
He looked at her sharply. His eyes were red and swollen. “You don’t understand anything.” 
After that, he turned away and refused to talk to her. He stayed seated on the bed and sulked while she moved to her desk on the other side of the room and retrieved her embroidery. If he wanted to ignore her, that was fine: she was perfectly capable of doing the same. She threaded the needle and went to work putting the final touches on the cat she had started with Alfred. For a few minutes, the room was blissfully silent.
Of course, this was Ivar, so the silence didn’t last very long. “Oh, so you’re just going to ignore me now?” he demanded indignantly after several minutes, shifting himself around to face her direction.
She looked up from her embroidery. “I thought you didn’t want to talk to me anymore.”
“I don’t. I have nothing to say to you.”
“Well, you started this conversation, not me.”
He glared at her, but it wasn’t like he could argue with that. They lapsed once again into a tense silence, with Aldreda stabbing away furiously at her embroidery and Ivar glowering at her from across the room, until at last, there was a knock on the door and the guards came to take Ivar to speak to Ecbert.
Once he was gone and the door was shut behind him, Aldreda set aside her embroidery and took a deep breath. The thing she was quickly discovering about making her own choices—the thing she hadn’t realized would be so hard—was having to live with the consequences of those choices. Some part of her was filled with misgiving and dread. Already, she could feel events moving beyond her control at an alarming speed.
Had she made a terrible mistake?
Ecbert had taken a liking to Ivar from early on, and not just because he was Ragnar’s son. He found the boy to be clever and observant, albeit rather stubborn and impulsive at times, but those were not necessarily sins. And besides, Ivar had inadvertently given him considerable insight into the political dynamics and weaknesses of the Northmen—information that was sure to be useful at some point or another. 
So it had come as a considerable disappointment to him to learn that, after assuming no small amount of risk, the match between Ivar and Aldreda had evidently been unfruitful thus far. It was an untenable situation: calling off the marriage would be a massive embarrassment and a blow to the new alliance with Kattegat, but it was hardly reasonable for his granddaughter to continue a marriage that could not be consummated when there were other suitors who would be eager for her hand. Beyond that, it remained to be seen whether or not Ragnar had been aware of his son’s unfortunate issue, and whether it was something that could be fixed.
He summoned Ivar to his library late in the day, just as the sun was sinking below the horizon. The light filtered in gently through the windows, casting the entire room in a warm red glow. Ivar did not seem particularly appreciative of the aesthetic, however: after being given his seat at the table across from Ecbert, he gave him a sullen glare and then quickly looked away. 
Ecbert cleared his throat. “I heard that you and my son successfully retrieved Aldreda’s necklace, and for that I am most grateful,” he began. “It is unfortunate that Father Wilfred escaped justice, but it is not the most urgent matter at hand. I am sure that by now, Aldreda has told you that she has requested an annulment.”
He paused to give the boy a chance to respond. Ivar was staring at the table in front of him and picking intently at a splinter in the wood. 
“Between a man and a woman, there can be misunderstandings and miscommunications of all kinds,” Ecbert continued after a few seconds of silence. “Not because of any ill intent or desire to deceive, but because of language, or age and experience, or simply the nature of the situation. So before I make any decision on the matter of your marriage, I must clarify some things with you, even though they may cause discomfort on your part. Is that understood?”
The boy gave him a sulky look and then lowered his gaze once again. “I understand, King Ecbert.”
“Wonderful,” Ecbert said blandly. “First, Aldreda told me that the two of you have not had marital relations, nor has any attempt been made. Is that true?”
Ivar’s jaw twitched. “Yes.”
“I was further informed that you told her that you were incapable of having such relations. That the problem was not that you lacked knowledge or will, but the ability. Is that correct?”
There was a very long pause. When Ivar spoke, his voice was barely more than a whisper. “Yes.”
Ecbert regarded him for a moment. The boy’s face was filled with shame. “Was your father aware of this?”
Ivar quickly shook his head. “I didn’t tell him. I couldn’t—I couldn’t.”
When it was clear Ivar was not going to say anything more, Ecbert sighed. “I explained to Aldreda that the consequences of having this marriage undone were immense and likely unforeseeable,” he continued. “The impact goes well beyond just the two of you. Our trade agreement with Kattegat in no small part depends upon your marriage—and, to be blunt—on your ability to consummate it. However, I am hesitant to give permission for the annulment to proceed, unless and until some new arrangement can be reached with your father. So in the meantime, I must ask you to try.”
Ivar looked up at him in dismay. “But—”
“I am not insensitive to the challenges involved,” Ecbert interrupted, holding up a hand. “Many young and inexperienced men find themselves daunted by the prospect of pleasing a woman—well, I never was daunted myself, but I know that is sometimes the case. Perhaps you are self-conscious and fear judgment, and that has affected your performance. But I am prepared to coach you through this myself, starting today.”
Ivar’s eyes grew even wider and his cheeks turned bright red. “That—that won’t be necessary,” he sputtered.
“Oh, I disagree; if it was unnecessary, we would not be sitting here, would we?” Ecbert folded his hands in front of him and cleared his throat. “But we must begin with the basics, so there is no question in your mind as to how a man gives a woman a child.”
Ivar’s face turned even redder. “I know how,” he mumbled.
Ecbert ignored him. “In order for a man to give a woman a child, he must penetrate her first,” he began. “The usual method is for the man to lie on top of her, but there are many other ways this can be achieved. She may lie on him instead, for example. It is largely a matter of comfort and preference, but I must say that personally, I find that second way to be the most pleasurable. Regardless of the method, after successful penetration, the man must ejaculate—”
There was a sharp knock at the door. Ecbert looked up in irritation as a guard poked his head inside. “I am speaking to my grandson-in-law. I said I was not to be disturbed for any reason.”
“Apologies, my lord king,” the guard said breathlessly. “Ragnar Lothbrok and his son Ubbe have just arrived from Kattegat unannounced. They are waiting for you at the gate.”
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janeyseymour · 4 years
Few And Far Between
It's been a strange day for Jane and Jenna... First they work together, and then they meet two people they never thought they would.
WC: 2350
It had been quite a day for the queen and baker. For once, Jenna Hunterson, proud owner, baker, and waitress, had taken a day off. Nothing special was happening that day, the woman just decided she should take a much needed break, knowing her staff could easily manage without her. Still, she told Cal that if it got to be too much not to hesitate to call her in.
Jane Seymour had settled into the cafe Anne worked at. It was few and far between that she made visits there anymore (mostly she found herself at Lulu’s to visit her friend), but when she did Anne always made sure the corner spot she had first met Jenna in was open for her. Seeing that she didn’t have to worry about picking Lulu up from school, she figured she might as well keep her friend with space buns occupied.
“Mind if I join you?” A familiar voice teased. Jane couldn’t help but roll her eyes in good nature.
“Mmm,” she drew out. “I suppose.”
“Oh please,” the brunette took her seat across from Jane. “As if you have any other friends who would willingly join you here.”
“Excuse me, I have five other people who live in my house who would happily join me, and your daughter would join me too!” the blonde playfully bit back.
“Well, I guess you got me there.”
The two had been chatting for quite some time when the baker’s phone began to ring.
“Oh good god. It’s Cal. I gotta take this.” The brunette stood and stepped outside before returning a few moments later to gather her things.
“Get called into work?” Jane didn’t even have to look up from her book to know she was correct.
“Yeah. Apparently it’s busier than usual, and you know how some of the staff can get when they’re under pressure. You’re more than welcome to join me, although I don't know if I can promise you a seat.”
“I can come; just gotta let Annie know I’m leaving.” The third queen made her way over to her predecessor and informed her of her new plan.
“Just bring me home a slice of pie, yeah?” With a nod, the two made their way out of the cafe and into the streets.
When Cal had called and told Jenna the diner was busy, he wasn’t kidding. On a Wednesday afternoon, the place looked as though it was a Saturday morning. And of course, they were understaffed.
After spending a decent amount of time hanging around the diner, the silver queen had picked up on how to address customers. Seeing that no one was available to help the customers that had just walked in, Jane stepped up.
“Hi, welcome to Lulu’s pie diner. If you give me one second, I can bus a table for you and have you seated!” The blonde shot them a smile before grabbing the bussing bin and making her way over to the table that had just been deserted.
“Jenna, there’s a new duo at table 7,” Jane alerted the baker as she made her way back to her seat behind the counter.
“There can’t be? It’s not-”
“I cleaned and set it. I just figured you could use some help. Oh god, did I overstep?” A hand flew to cover her mouth in panic.
“No, no,” Jenna quickly rushed out. “Thank you so much, but you don’t have to work hun.”
“I don’t mind.” Jane let a small sigh of relief out after that brief moment of weakness.
“Well in that case-” the owner of the diner reached under the counter before holding out an apron for the blonde to put on. “-better get to work Miss Seymour. Don’t make me regret hiring you.” The brunette winked.
As it turns out, waitressing came easily to the third queen. It made sense in reality- having to clean up hurricane Anne’s messes made bussing and setting tables a breeze. If no one else was available, she was able to seat more customers and inform her friend of the turnovers. She was able to print checks and run them (with some help from Jenna at first). To say the owner of the diner was grateful was an understatement. She truly wasn’t sure how she would’ve made it through this day without an angry customer if it wasn’t for her friend with a heart of... silver? Then, a thought occurred to the waitress. She wasn’t available to pick Lulu up from school anymore, and it’s not like she could ask Jim to- he was on call.
“What’s got you ‘lookin like shit’, as Becky would say?” Jane whispered to her friend as they passed- Jane on her way back to the counter to run a card and Jenna with two slices of “In the Dark, Dark Chocolate” pie for table 8.
“I don’t know how I’m gonna get Lu home from-”
“I can grab her,” Jane offered, already taking off the apron she had been given earlier in the morning.
“As much as I appreciate that, I kind of need you here to help out.”
“I can see if one of the other queens can pick her up? I think Anne gets done a bit before her school lets out. If not, I think Cathy could pry herself away from her work for 20 minutes to pick her up and bring her here.”
“You and your family are a lifesaver sometimes.”
“Let me just shoot them a text.” The blonde pulled her phone out from her pocket and opened her messages.
[ the queens] Jane: Hi, is anyone free to do me (and Jenna) a HUGE favor?
       Catalina: What’s up?
       Anne: ?
       Cathy: Would love to help, but have to finish an editorial that’s due tomorrow
       Kat: drownin’ in classwork n then i gotta run to work, sry j
       Anna: What up Seymour
       Jane: The diner is crazy busy right now, so I’m helping out. Unfortunately, that leaves no one to pick up Lu (Jim is on call). Would one of you be able to run down to her school and pick her up?
“Tell them I’ll bake their favorite pie for them,” Jenna laughed.
       Jane: Jenna says pie is on the table as a reward.
       Anne: what time does her skool get out? might be able to grab her on my way home from work
       Jane: 3:15.
       Anne: might be a few minutes late, but I can grab her. Do I bring her to our place, the diner, Jenna’s?
       Jane: Thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver. Wherever is fine. Thank you so much.
“Annie said she can.”
“Thank god for that. I’ll call the school to let them know she’s picking Lu up. Think you can hold the fort down for a few minutes?”
“Annie?” Lulu looked puzzled as to why one of her girls was picking her up from school that day. Didn’t Mama have off today?
“Hey little Lu!” Anne held out her hand for the small child to take. “Mama got called into your diner today, and apparently it is so super busy, so Janey is helping her out too.”
“Oh, okay! Can we go to my diner?” The little girl asked as the two began walking the streets of New York.
“That sounds perfect.”
“Thank you so much Anne. You’re literally a godsend,” Jenna thanked the second queen profusely as she placed a hefty slice of pie in front of her.
“Not a problem really. You know I’m more than happy to help out,” the green queen got out before diving into her pie with an eagerness neither of the women had seen before.
“Did you not eat today Annie?” Jane asked while passing the table that held two of her favorite girls on her way to another table with more coffee.
“Didn’t have a chance to grab something before I left work. Had to be on time to pick up the little munchkin.”
“You know, if I’m ever this busy again, I might be callin’ you back in for a shift,” the baker laughed as she handed her friend a wad of cash. Now that the hustle and bustle of the diner was starting to slow down, the two could take a break to chat.
“What’s this?” Jane looked at the money that was shoved into her hand. “I don’t need this.”
“Your share of tips for the day.”
“I’m not taking your money Hunterson,” Jane refused, handing the money back.
“Come on. You worked almost a full shift without any notice. Just-”
“I did it to help a friend out.”
“You worked almost a full shift.”
“I volunteered.”
“Just take the damn money,” Jenna sighed as she stuffed the money into one of the pockets of the apron that Jane was still sporting.
“Use it for something that needs to be fixed in the diner.” Jane pulled the money out and did exactly what the owner of the diner had done to her.
“Jesus Christ Jane, just take it.” She threw the money at her in good nature.
“I’ll just put it in here.” Jane, ever the stubborn one, deposited the money in the tip jar.
“You know who the tips go to right?” The brunette bit back a laugh.
“Yes. The waitresses and the kitchen staff.”
“You were a waitress today,” the baker laughed as she pulled the money out of the tip jar and handed it back to the blonde. “You’re not winning this one Seymour, so just take it.”
“Alright fine. I’m going to run to the restroom real quick. Keep an eye on Anne for me, and do not give her another slice of pie. Last thing I need is for her to spoil dinner and be up half the night rambling about god knows what.”
A few minutes later, Jenna heard the bell ring. Counting the cash in the register, she didn’t look up immediately, but started on with her spiel for when it wasn’t too busy, “Hi, welcome to Lulu’s diner. Take a-” she looked up and saw the woman standing in front of her. “Jane, stop playing.”
“I’m sorry?” The blonde in front of her looked confused, the slightest crinkle of her nose evident.
“How did you? I thought you went to the bathroom?”
The baker refused to give in to her friend’s games. “How did you change and get outside so quick Jane?”
“Who is Jane?”
“Uh, Jenna?” Anne spoke up from the booth her and Lulu occupied.
“Anne, did you help her with this prank?”
“Mama, I don’t know who that is, but it’s not Janey.” Lulu had already eyed the customer up and down as soon as she entered through the front door.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know who Jane is,” the blonde sounded genuine. “My name is Abby.”
“What the fuck?” Jenna muttered under her breath. “I’m so sorry- you just look exactly like a friend of mine. Take a seat wherever there’s a booth open, and I’ll be around to take your order in a few.” The brunette, silently freaking out over meeting one of her best friend’s actual doppelgangers, mustered as genuine of a smile as she could.
“I’m supposed to be meeting my sister here, but she’s running a bit late. Is it alright if I hold off on ordering until she gets here?”
“That’s not a problem hun. Make yourself comfortable.”
“Jane?” Jenna pounded on the bathroom door where her friend was supposed to be . She still wasn’t quite convinced that this wasn’t some elaborate prank.
“Can’t a woman go to the bathroom in private?” the blonde joked as she opened the door.
“What the- no fucking way,” the baker whispered with eyes blown wide.
“What?” Jane asked.
“No fucking way. You’ve gotta be shitting me,” Jenna mumbled as she grabbed Jane’s hand and escorted her out to the front. “This woman, she looks exactly like you.” She pointed over to the table the blonde woman had settled into. “I thought you, Anne and Lu were pranking me.”
“There’s no way.” The blonde glanced over at the table before doing a double take. Had she not been the Jane Seymour, she would’ve thought it was her too.
“I literally told her to stop playing.”
“Well, I can go take her order so she understands why you said that. Maybe, if she sees me, she’ll realize it was a mistake.”
“She said she’s waiting for her sister to get here, but then yes. You take her order and explain the misunderstanding.”
Surely enough, a few minutes later, a brunette stepped into the diner. Jane had been at the counter while Jenna was busying herself organizing the spice rack.
“Hi, welcome to-” Jane looked the brunette up and down.
“Abby?” The woman looked at the queen curiously.
“I’m not-”
“Jessie!” the blonde from before walked over.
“What the-” the new woman, apparently named Jessie, gasped as she looked between the two. Abby too had begun to stare at Jane, completely dumbfounded at how much they resembled each other.
Jane was stunned. Had they found not just her doppelganger, but Jenna’s too? “Jenna! Get out here right now!” the queen yelled into the back.
A few seconds later, the baker emerged from the kitchen.
“What the hell are you yelling about? I almost dropped a bag of-” Jenna glanced at the two women in front of her. They were spitting images of herself and her queenly friend. “-What the-”
“So you must be Jane?” Abby bit back a laugh, remembering the odd encounter she had with the baker a few minutes earlier. “I understand now why your friend thought you were pulling a prank on her.”
They say there are seven people in the whole world who look like you, but it is highly unlikely you’ll never meet them. So maybe Jenna wasn’t one of the seven people that Jane Seymour looked like, but Abby Mueller definitely was. And perhaps Jane wasn’t one of the seven people that Jenna Hunterson looked like, but Jessie Mueller was for sure.
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simsadventures · 5 years
Wreak Havoc
Bucky Barnes x The Atomica (Reader), WInter Soldier x The Atomica
Summary: Bucky remembers you from his time as the Winter Soldier. And he can’t help but miss the times when you two would chase each other.
Warnings: swearing, violence, death (barely mentioned), implied smut, dirty talk
Word Count: 1892
A/N: This little something is for my friend Meg’s writing challenge @sebbbystaaan​ , with the prompt being the song Wreak Havoc…#sebbbystaaans500writingchallenge  I know, I’m so original with the title of this story. Anywho, congrats Megs, I love you loads, and I hope you and all of you who are reading it will enjoy this story. Please, leave feedback :) xx
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist __ Masterlist
When Bucky came into the room, he immediately knew what was going on. He could see Steve and Natasha, from the corner of his eye, looking around and observing what was left of his old Hydra base. Bucky could see them picking up debris, and he knew that they were talking, musing over what might have happened or who it was that caused so much damage, but Bucky didn’t listen to them too much.
His mind was clouded by old images of a person he thought he had long forgotten. The Atomica. He knew you from the times of his Winter Soldier years, from the time he wished he could have forgotten. But not you, never you.
Bucky could never really figure out what it was about you that made even the Winter Soldier snap, in his own way. You were a person that was extremely difficult to read for him. Your moral compass was fluid, and nobody could ever say if you were good or bad.
Lucky for Bucky, you never were his mission. He couldn’t muster why, but Hydra never set a price for your head, and Bucky was forever grateful for that.
Whenever the two of you met, it would always end up in one way. And Bucky missed it. He missed your firm but soft body writhing underneath him, trying to overpower him even in bed but eventually giving him the feeling he had the power over you. Bucky knew, in the back of his mind, that it wasn’t actually so, but he was happy you played the charade with him.
Bucky’s mouth turned into a smile, as he recalled all those meetings, fighting either together or against each other. He had to work for his money if he wanted to get you, he knew that much. But he also knew that you weren’t as rough as you wanted people to believe. Bucky didn’t necessarily know your soft side, or if you even had one, but he knew that you had feelings just like everybody else. You just kept them private well enough for all your enemies to think that you were actually a stone-cold bitch.
Steve called at Bucky, and he snapped out of his daydream. He knew it was you from the little things in the room. You never played with your victims, always hitting them so fast they didn’t even know they were attacked. That’s how you got your name. The Atomica. Just like an atomic bomb, you were lethal if launched, and slightly dangerous even if laid aside.
You always preferred to work alone, and you always honoured the people you fought. It was one of the most notable things on the scene, the four soldiers laid outside the base so that the bodies wouldn’t burn to ashes. Their eyes were covered by cloths, their hands crossed over their chests. You wanted the families to at least have bodies to bury. Natasha tried to get some prints off of specific evidence, but Bucky knew better. You never left anything behind you.
“Don’t even bother. She wouldn’t be so stupid to lead us right to her,” Bucky said with a grin. Steve and Natasha shared a quizzical look before they turned back to Bucky, confusion written all over their faces.
“She? What are you talking about, pal? You know who’s behind this? I mean, less work for us, but still,” Steve shrugged and waited for Bucky to begin explaining.
Bucky wasn’t too fond of sharing details of his time as the Soldat, but he knew it was pertinent. And he didn’t have to give them too many details. Just your MO and some general information Bucky could think of.
“Her name is Atomica, you might have heard about her,” Bucky began, and Natasha took in a deep breath.
“I mean, I’ve heard about her, but I thought it was all fables. Nobody is this crazy,” Natasha scoffed, and Bucky laughed at her.
“Oh, but she is. You never know with her, she might be on a mission to help her stop somebody or to kill you. I feel like it depends on her current mood, really. But she is meticulous at her job. She never makes mistakes, she is careful, and she knows what she’s doing.”
“Sounds like you have a crush on her, or something, bud,” Steve said with a smirk, and if he didn’t know any better, he could have sworn Bucky actually blushed a little. But, like a true gentleman, Steve didn’t comment on it. He would ask Bucky when they were alone.
Bucky wanted to tell them a little more about you, but then he heard rustling from somewhere behind him.
The trio tried to find the source of the noise, but couldn’t see anything. They wanted to disregard it as some kind of an animal, but then the rustling sounded again.
They were all in their fight modes, alert and restless. It was coming from the woods, they were sure of that. But even with their super-soldier sight, they couldn’t see anything. Until they saw everything.
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You were listening to the conversation unfolding in front of the base, and you had to smile to yourself. So he did remember you. That was a good sign.
When you heard that the Winter Soldier wasn’t the Soldier anymore, you were disappointed. You loved the little cat and mouse chase you two had going on for years. The both of you being enhanced, it gave you so much more time to actually chase each other, unbothered by the ticking clock. You knew the Winter Soldier was only doing his job and that, even the machine-like man needed to let off some steam from time to time.
And that used to be your job. No matter how brutal the fight, the Soldier obviously had a soft spot for you. Not that kind that would keep you alive was he to get a mission to blow your head off. You were fun of yourself, but even you knew that you wouldn’t stand a chance.
But then a piece of information got to you, that even though he wasn’t the Soldier anymore, the person was still alive and fighting. You had a lot of stuff to do, creating chaos was your favourite past time. But then you stumbled upon the Hydra base, and based on the information you gathered throughout the years, you knew that these assholes didn’t deserve to have a fucking base. So you simply destroyed it.
And then you waited. You hoped they would come. No, scratch that. You hoped he would come. And true to your intuition, here he was, in the flesh.
He looked different but good different. He looked much healthier like he was actually getting enough sleep compared to last time you saw him. Well, last time you saw him was almost 15 years ago, so it was no surprise that he looked a bit different. You didn’t know if he would remember you, but from the conversation, he had with his friends, and the little smirk on his kissable lips, you knew he remembered just alright.
You couldn’t wait anymore, and so you made your presence known. You rustled the leafs a few times just to give yourself a big enough entrée.
When you finally emerged from behind the trees, everybody’s eyes were on you. But you didn’t care about the big bulk of muscles next to the Soldier nor about the pretty redhead. Your sole attention was on James Buchanan Barnes. You didn’t have an agenda or a plan as to what you actually wanted to do with him, all you knew was that you missed him. In your own particular way.
You could see Bucky’s eyes going a little wide before realisation set in as to who you were. He looked as if though he couldn’t believe his own eyes that you stood right in front of him.
“Long time, no see, Soldier. Heard you’ve been keeping busy, new brain and stuff,” you smirked at him as you crossed your arms on your chest.
He scoffed at you, but before he could speak up, Steve did it for him.
“Who are you, lady? Are you the one who caused the chaos here in this building?”
You eyed him up and down but chose to ignore him. He wasn’t your type, and therefore you had no wish to engage in anything with him.
“I must say, I kinda missed you, Soldier. We used to have so much fun together,” you winked at him playfully, and he snorted a laugh.
“If that’s what you call fun, doll-“ Bucky started saying, but Steve interrupted him once again.
“We’re here on a mission not to flirt. So unless you wanna tell me what the hell is going on here-“
It was your time to interrupt him. He paid no respect to you, and you weren’t too big of a fan of that. He was too full of himself, so you decided to show him who he was talking to.
You took a swift step towards him, grabbing him by the collar of his gear, and before he could react, you threw him out of your way. He landed with a thud good 10 meters away from you, staring at you with confusion written all over his face.
You could see the little redhead attacking you from the right, and it was no problem at all to duck and catch her ankle, throwing her the same way you sent Captain America.
You ostentatiously wiped your hands and turned back to Bucky.
It was his turn to smirk.
“You didn’t change one bit, did you, Y/N? And to go back to our conversation, yeah, I missed you too, you little spitfire.”
“Who’s little, you old sack of bones, huh? Don’t try and rile me up, pretty boy, I’m riled up alright from the little warm-up the taking down the base was for me, and to be honest, your friends here pissed me as well. So if you wanna get lucky, I advise you not to taunt me,” you playfully nudged his shoulder.
“Nobody was able to satisfy you, were they, Atomica? No matter how many men you’ve been with, nobody makes you quiver the way I do, am I right?” Bucky breathed into your ear as he stepped closer to you, holding you flush against his chest.
You would never admit it out loud, but he was right. You tried getting Bucky out of your system, but nobody was able to make you feel things or reach places Bucky reached within the first few minutes of your very first encounter.
Fire burst in your veins suddenly, and if you weren’t aware that you had an audience, you would’ve jumped his bones then and there.
“Oh, but this is not about me, old man. I just wanted to give you the ride of your new life, as a welcome, if you will,” you seductively whispered to him, and his grip on your hips as suddenly iron-clad.
You both knew that what was coming would be the sex of your lives. And you both rushed inside the woods to find your plane to do the one thing you have both been thinking about for what felt like ages.
Forever Tag:
@eileenalone​ @sasbb23​ @p8tn0lish​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @waiting4inspiration​ @caswinchester2000​ @mogaruke​ @justthatfangirloverthere​ @mushyjellybeans​ @livsheph​ @sebbbystaaan​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @itsunclebucky​ @rinkashirikitateku​ @leosandbuckysgirl​ @miraclesoflove​ @keithseabrook27​ @official-and-unstable-satan​
Bucky Taglist
@this-kitten-is-smitten​ @paradisiacalsparks​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @owlyannah​ @lassini​ @s-trawberryv-eins​ @reniescarlett​ @bxrnsfeyson​ @the-soulofdevil​ @haru-ririchiyo​ @winterboobear11​
Marvel Taglist
@voltage-my2dlove​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @lumar014​ @ptrs-prkrs​
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
Assassin For Hire 6
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: not for this chapter, other than the angst that goes with this story
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Bucky strode across the crowded room, the small congregations of people moving out of his path. They just cleared out of his way, either consciously aware of who he was or unconsciously aware of his desire to kill someone. Steve frowned at his approach, but you couldn’t help the dark chuckle.  
“What?” Steve whispered just as Bucky stepped up to the two of you.  
“Just enjoying the way that Buck makes all the big bad SWAT members skitter out of his way.” You smirked.  
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. Bucky didn’t actually smile, but you could see fury in his eyes turn to amusement. “This is an awful lot of people for a covert operation, Steve.”
“It’s not a covert operation, Buck.”
“I said to keep it quiet.”
“Arresting most of a local gang, their middle men to their buyers and contacts into larger criminal organizations, and serving the full warrants for everything else,” Steve sighed. “It’s taking a small army.”  
“I could have kept it quiet.” He breathed quietly.  
“That would have been fun.” Natasha silently slid between Steve and Bucky. “We could have kept score.”
You smiled at her. Nat volunteered to lead the second team after Steve approached her. The two of them would lead the raiding teams while you and Bucky went after Sarah’s family. Steve insisted a coordinated effort was necessary to minimize the risk to everyone.
Bucky wanted to go beat in the heads of the bad guys behind all of this. The desire to inflict some pain made his hands clench. Still, the protective urge for the little girl cool enough to hire an assassin to save her family had him stepping out of the main event. He’d insisted on being the one at Sarah’s house.  
“I’ve got everything we’re going to need.” You showed Buck the thick file in your hand. “Although you may want to put a hankie in your pocket if you want to be a real gentleman. I think there may be tears.”
Nat laughed, thinking it absurd. However, Bucky pulled two neatly folded and pressed white cotton handkerchiefs from his pocket. Her mouth fell open. “Already figured on that, Doll.” He smiled at you. “Hope you don’t mind if I might give away the ones you got me for Christmas.”
You smiled, thumb running over the delicately embroidered double B’s. “Of course, I don’t mind.”
He tucked them back in his pocket. “I’m going to check on the surveillance team one more time. We leave in thirty.”  
“Handkerchiefs?” Nat’s eyebrow rose.
You smiled. “Every time I cried, he always reached for one out of habit but never had any. So, I made sure he had some.”
“Back in the day, he always had two.” Steve said absently. “A nice one to offer a girl, and older one for me in case I forgot mine.” Nat shot him a questioning look. “I was sick a lot, or bleeding after getting my ass beat.”
You slipped an arm around his waist. “Tough guy.”
Steve pressed his lips into your hair and continued to read over the plan, triple checking the details.  
“Thank you for this.” You whispered.
“It’s the right thing to do.”
“Getting us involved in a local Police matter, though, could be opening a can of worms.” Nat agreed.
“It’s still the right thing to do.” Steve insisted. “Let’s get moving. Time to pull the teams together.”
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You got out of the car and walked with Bucky towards the blocky mid-century apartment building. It’d seen better days. Even though suburban city had good schools and neighborhoods, there were still pockets of neglect. Sarah lived right in the middle of one.  
Bucky touched the com unit at his ear. “Report.”
“Unit One, no activity.”
“Unit Two, no activity.”
“Unit Three, all’s quiet here too.”
“Unit Four, they finished dinner and are settling in for,” a pause. “looks like The Simpsons.”
He’d set guards to keep an eye on the building and the family. “Good. I’m dropping off this channel. If you need to alert us, use Com 2.” You gave Bucky a sideways look. He explained, “This is going to get personal. No need for all of them to hear everything.”
“You’re such a softy.” You whispered.
“Shut up.” He whispered back, hiding his grin.
He punched in the four digit code for the crappy security door and held it open for you. The hall smelled of musty carpet and stale cigarette smoke. A collection of faded and well used kids bikes leaned against the wall by the stairs. You didn’t see an elevator.
“Come on.” Bucky led you to the second floor. He took a deep, cleansing breath before knocking on the door.  
The door opened. A small woman in sweats, with her hair pulled up in a messy ponytail started to smile, but as she stared at Bucky, eyes moving from his grim expression to black boots and back up to exposed metal arm, she took a step back.  
“Mrs. Jacobs,” Bucky tried to soften his voice. “May we come in? We need to talk.”
“You’re Barnes,” the lanky teenage stepped up behind his mother. “You’re the Winter Soldier.”
Mary Jacobs took deep breath, plastering a smile on her face that didn’t touch her eyes. “This must be about Sarah’s trip. Please come in. I’m sorry I’m not dressed. I must have missed your call. Um, can I offer you something?”
“No thank you, we’re fine.” You smiled back. The living room was tiny, just enough room for a sofa and small table and television. A cheap bookcase was overflowing with books in corner. They were well used, probably second hand, but were stacked neatly and taken care of. You noticed Sarah peeking out of doorway. “Hi, want to come join us?”
Sarah stepped out into the hall, hovering just on the edge of little living room. That calm, distant look sat firmly in place. You kept one on her as Bucky asked Mary Jacobs to join him at the little kitchen table pushed against the wall.  
“Mrs. Jacob,” Bucky looked far too large at the little table.  
“Mary, please.”
“Mary,” Bucky amended. “This isn’t about the Avenger Tower visit. This is in regards to something that Sarah brought...”
“No!” Sarah dashed forward, angry tears instantly filling her eyes. “You just said you’d fix it! You can’t tell, you can’t!”
“What did you do, squirt?” Josh put both his hands on his little sister’s shoulders, turning her around. “What?”
“It’s okay, Josh.” You tried to sooth, handing Bucky the large file. “None of you are in trouble.”
He opened it, sliding a photograph to Mary. “Two years ago in June you were working relief shifts in the ER at General. You treated this man for stab wound.”
“Sarah, go to your room.” Mary’s back went very stiff.
“She’s the one who led me to him.” Bucky said, sparing a glance for the brave little girl. “Had gathered intel like a pro.”
“What?” Her mother breathed
“She was looking for help.” You offered. “And she reached out to those who would best be able to help. She’s a smart kid.”
“When you treated him?” Bucky tapped Abruzzo’s picture. “What did do? Offer to pay you for extra pills?”
Mary looked away. Josh scowled.
“Your assignments were pretty regular up until this point, but after you because to take shorter and shorter relief assignments. Then there’s this.” Bucky slid another paper across.  
Mary’s jaws clenched. “Those weren’t my bills. My ex-husband did that.”
“We believe you.” You said.
“What did you do, Mary? We’re here to help, if you tell me everything. This can be fixed.” Bucky insisted.  
She shook her head, crossing her arms tightly over her chest.  
“He held enough over you that you couldn’t stop, couldn’t back out.” Bucky continued. “Then he wanted more, even more than you could give. He threatened your boy. Got him involved.”
Tears slipped from Mary’s eyes. Josh barked. “Stop it.”
Bucky pulled out warrants and pages with dozens of photos on them. “As we speak, teams are arresting everyone and completely dismantling their organization.” He gave Mary a chance to let that sink in. “Now tell me everything and let me help with the rest of it.”
“All of them?” She almost touched the photograph, but pulled her fingers away at the last moment.
“All of them.” You smiled.  
“Are you asking me to testify?” Mary looked up, frightened. “I won’t let my kids...”
“No,” Bucky shook his head. “Just a statement. We have enough evidence to keep you out of everything else. But, Mary, it’s necessary for us to get the complete story that led Sarah to ask for my help.”
Tears filled her eyes. Bucky took a handkerchief from his pocket and held it out for her. Mary took it with a watery laugh. Dabbing her eyes. “Thank you.” She took a deep breath. “They were going to garner my wages for the debit my ex ran up. I couldn’t afford an attorney and the amount they were going to take would mean choosing between rent and my student loans. I was already working as much as I could. If I defaulted on my loan, they would revoke my license and then I couldn’t work. I didn’t give him pills. At first it was a script pad.” Mary wept. “It was so much money. But then the threats started, he wanted more. The more I did, the more he wanted.”
“And the less you got.” Bucky offered.
She wept into his hanky. You watched the kids, hold on to one another. Josh looked anguished, embarrassed. Sarah just kept her face unreadable, though her body leaned into her brother. Mary told her story, confirming the information you’d uncovered and verifying the parts you’d speculated, including the threats against Josh and Sarah.
An hour and a half later, Bucky reached across the table and covered Mary’s hand with his own. “Thank you. I know that wasn’t easy.”
“Am I going to get into trouble for doing these things?” Her tears began again. “I know that I should, but I don’t want to lose my kids.”  
“No.” Bucky shook his head. “We’ve negotiated terms based on special circumstances and,” he gave Sarah a sly look. “Informant status. However, a few things will have to change.”
“That stolen car goes back.”
“Yes sir.” Josh readily agreed. “Hate it anyway.”
“You’re nursing status will be subject to probation and you’ll be required to undergo regular reviews for two years.” Bucky looked at Mary. “I’m afraid picking up relief work won’t be sufficient. However, we do know a facility that’s hiring. You’ll report to work next Monday.”
She looked over the paper. “This is,” she breathed. “This is the Avengers Compound.”
“You’d be surprised how often we all get banged up.” You smiled.
“This is,” Mary paused. “You’re going to pay me this much?”
“Stark.” You shrugged. “He pays well. You need to be competent and confidential. Your records are good. We already know you can keep your mouth shut.”  
“We’ve arranged to a zero-interest loan for you, enough for you to get out from under everything and replace your vehicles with something more reliable.” Bucky leaned back in his chair turning his face to Josh. “You have to do your part too. Lettering is all well and good, but I expect you to keep that GPA up.”  
“Yes, sir.”
“And help your Ma.” Bucky ordered. “You’re likely be moving into someplace bigger and she’ll need help taking care of everything.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And you,” Bucky motioned for Sarah to step closer. She came forward, head bowed, to stand in front of him. “No need for any more lying.” Bucky brushed her bangs out of her face. “Keep a sharp eye out, though. You’re a pretty sharp cookie. I don’t want you to worry anymore, though. If you need anything, get into any kind of trouble, you let me know. Promise?”
She nodded, the calm finally breaking and eyes filling with fat tears. Bucky pulled out his other handkerchief. Sarah took it and held it to her face before leaning into him. He wrapped his arms around her slight frame rubbing her back. He caught your eye, looking much calmer than he had for days.
“It’s okay, Sugar.” Bucky cooed. “Things are going to be okay now.”
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“How’d it go?” Steve walked out of the office as you and Bucky got home.  
“Best assignment ever!” You kissed his cheek before sitting down to take off your boots.  
“A woman cried her eyes out for more than an hour.” Bucky looked at you incredulously.  
“Purging herself of guilt and secrets.” You sat up straight. “And then you offered her safety, and a new job, and a way out of debt, and most importantly a good future with her kids. Best assignment ever.”
Bucky looked over a Steve, “The sweep got everyone?”  
You’d only gotten a short briefing in the car.
“Yes.” Steve nodded. “It’ll stick, too. Like you said, they’re stupid. The cops gathered enough evidence to take every down and then some. I’m still working on the paperwork.” He squeezed Bucky’s shoulder. “You better now?”
You watched the last of the tension slip away from Buck’s body. He got to go from being the assassin to the hero on this one. It was a foreign feeling, but one he would like to get used to. A sideway grin spread over his face. “Yeah, I am actually. Thanks for your help, punk.”
Steve pulled him into a tight hug. “Anytime, jerk.”
@rainbowkisses31​​​ / @dsakita​​​ / @geeksareunique​​​ / @lbouvet​​​ / @buckybarneshairpullingkink​​​ / @theneuropsychwriter​​​ / @vanillabunn21​​​ / @sammghgecko​​​ / @beautifullungs​​​ / @badassbaker​​​ / @the-omni-princess​​​ / @sebbysstangirl​​​ / @jesseswartzwelder​​​ / @unadulteratedwizardlove / @the-reading-octopus​​​ / @bangtan-serendipity​​​ / @kiki5283​​​​ / @mindtravelsx / @lexie-mo​​​ / @gifsbysimplysonia​​​ / @josie605​​​ / @wildmoonflower​​​ / @rynabarnesrogers​​​ / @notyourtypicalrose​​​ / @sllooney​​​ / @wwe-fanfiction-queen​​​ / @thorfanficwriter​​​ / @scarlettsoldier​​​ / @morganhoran1671 / @michelehansel​​​ / @sexyvixen7​​​ / @readermia​​​ /@ykcim24-7 / @buchanansebba​​​ / @imma-new-soul​​​ / @asiaaisa77​​​ / @rayofdawnworld / @nerdy-bookworm-1998​​​ / @a-really-bi-girl​​​  / @geekysimmerthings​
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Melt VI
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Teen Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Angst Characters: Kayo Kyrano, Virgil Tracy, John Tracy, Brains, Grandma Tracy, Scott Tracy
Part 6 of my entry for @gumnut-logic‘s SensorySunday: Smell. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
I give up.  This fic wants to do its own thing and I am simply the helpless scribe.
A soft hand on her arm alerted Kayo to the fact she was trembling.  Not from cold or fear, but anger.  She knew Brains, trusted his genius; their Pods were all well-tested and reliable. John said something was afoot, and she fully agreed.
If Grandma hadn’t put her foot down and firmly request she stay and keep her company, she would have been on the mountain by now.  John hadn’t been able to find any sign that anyone else had been there, but there was only so much a space station could do, even if that space station was Thunderbird Five.  Some detailed scans of the area using her own hand-held scanner, and they’d find something.  What that something would be, Kayo didn’t yet know, but it would be something and they’d have a trail.
Someone had tried to kill her brothers.  Of that, Kayo had no doubt at all.  The question was who, and how?
She rested her hand over Grandma’s, and waited.  They hadn’t been able to see Scott before he’d been taken in for surgery, despite John’s guidance through the corridors, but Grandma insisted that she wait for him to come back out before ‘haring off’ on her investigations.  Despite her fury that anyone would dare attempt anything like this, the little sister in her wanted to see him for herself, and she’d agreed.
From what she’d gathered from John, Virgil was in no hurry to rendezvous with her, anyway, and Thunderbird Shadow was both faster and closer.  She had plenty of time to sit with the elderly woman who had lost so much but refused to give up yet, and wait.
Hospitals were unpleasant places, full of the sick and dying.  It tore at her every time one of her brothers ended up in one – this was not the first time, and nor would it be the last.  The sterile stench of antiseptics couldn’t quite disguise the prevailing illness of the place.  It was almost certainly her imagination, but she could even pick up the congealing scent of burnt flesh, taunting her with the knowledge of what had happened to her brother.
Kayo wasn’t naïve. With her estranged half-uncle and many years investigating the underbelly of the world, she had seen many things that a woman of her age could barely imagine.  She’d seen men and women with horrific scarring, with stories of fire to go along with them.  If it was so bad that Scott needed surgery – and he did, was in there right now – all the money in the world wouldn’t stop this incident from adding another collection of scars to his skin.
A nurse approached them, informing them that Scott was out of surgery, and despite her clear intention of keeping them away from him for a while longer, there was no arguing with Doctor Sally Tracy.  Kayo slipped into the room on the heels of the diminutive yet formidable lady.  It was a private room; the boys might dislike using their money for privileges but this was something instilled in them by her father long ago.  It was easier to maintain security that way.
Scott was still asleep, too soon out of surgery to have shaken off the anaesthetic, but that made it easier.  If he was awake he’d be arguing, refusing to let her go back to the mountain and throwing an absolute fit over Virgil also going back.  In an induced sleep, there were no nightmares plaguing him, and the ever-present frown that seemed to be settling as his permanent expression these days was gone.
She ran her fingers through his hair, gel stubbornly clinging in there but losing its battle to keep his preferred hairstyle intact after the day it’d had.  If not for the bandages on both his fingers, she might have held his hand, but that wasn’t possible and besides, she had places to be. This visit was a quick one of simple reassurance for her; he was alive.  A more sentimental, emotional, visit could wait until she’d got to the bottom of what had happened.
“I’ll be back,” she promised.  She met Grandma’s eyes, got a nod, and left.
“Virgil’s fifteen minutes out,” John told her the moment she left the hospital, appearing above her wrist uninvited.  He didn’t ask redundant questions – how is he, how did the surgery go?  Like her, John had one priority – find out what happened, and make sure it wouldn’t happen again.  He probably already knew the answers to those questions, anyway. Kayo had long since accepted that the combination of Thunderbird Five and John Tracy was enough to terrorise anyone who knew the full extent of their reach, and that was before EOS entered the equation.
She didn’t know how much John saw, but she trusted that he saw enough, and that he ensured she knew everything she needed to.
Closer and faster, she got to the mountain first.
“Don’t land or leave Thunderbird Shadow until Virgil arrives,” John told her firmly.  Even if she didn’t know the Tracy’s personal history with avalanches, Kayo would have been wary.  As it was, she appreciated that their already fierce protectiveness was ramped up to the extreme in this environment and additional situation. She could handle this herself, but out of respect to a family that had never fully healed, she didn’t.
Instead, she had Thunderbird Shadow lazily circle the peak, keeping far enough away that her engines wouldn’t trigger another avalanche, and set the scanners going.  Immediately a signal jumped out at her, Thunderbird Shadow locating her buried sister.  That was where Scott and Gordon had been found; presumably, that was also where they and the HeliPod remains had landed.
She spiralled down lower, until she could see disturbed snow with her naked eye.  Tell-tale signs of something heavy on otherwise loose snow told her where Virgil had landed to retrieve them, with the hole he had melted leading down towards Thunderbird One’s signal.
Her brothers had been buried there.  She tightened her grip on the yoke.
“Thunderbird Shadow, I’m on final approach now,” Virgil said, his hologram appearing above her console. He looked tense, and she remembered John mentioning the family bear being unhappy with the return mission. That didn’t seem to have been an overstatement – in fact, from the look on his face it was almost certainly an understatement.
“F.A.B., Thunderbird Two,” she responded, turning her ship around to see the green craft appearing on the horizon.
“What’s our plan?” he asked her.  His voice was clipped; no, Virgil was not happy.
“I’ve already done a fly-by of the mountain.  No signs of anyone except our climbers,” she reported, scowling at the peak.  There had to be something.  There was no way Brains’ well-used invention would have exploded like that otherwise.  “I’ll keep looking, unless you need a hand with Thunderbird One?”
“Keep looking; I’ve got MAX with me for extra hands,” Virgil grunted.  “Brains also wants him to retrieve or at least scan the remains of the HeliPod once we’ve got Thunderbird One secure.”  Kayo rather suspected that Brains’ priority was less the Thunderbird and more the HeliPod, but said nothing.  There was a time and a place to poke an angry bear with a stick.  This was neither.  As long as they got all the information they needed, the order in which they gathered it probably wouldn’t matter.
“F.A.B., Virgil,” she said instead.  “I’ll leave Thunderbird Shadow hovering and-”
“No,” he interrupted. “Stay in that cockpit.”  The glare she got through the hologram told her that if she even tried to leave Thunderbird Shadow, she’d find herself plucked out of the air by a grappling cable.
She’d forgotten just how touchy Virgil could be when Scott was hospitalised.  Their brother’s hospitalisation, combined with their current location, had him entirely on edge.  If it was Scott, she’d have argued.  John could be dealt with via a ‘communications blackout’, while Gordon and Alan were straight-up ignorable as long as it wasn’t their speciality environments.
When Virgil was in this mood, it was best to just obey him no matter how much her instincts screamed that she’d get better information if she went EVA.
If push came to shove, she could always come back again later.
As it turned out, push did not come to shove.
Her circling remained fruitless all the while Virgil and MAX worked together to extract a battered Thunderbird One from the snow – it was a good thing Scott wasn’t there to see the damage the avalanche had inflicted on his precious ‘bird.  The side facing the downslope was near enough intact, but from the sky it was painfully obvious that the perfectly cylindrical shape of the main fuselage was no longer perfectly cylindrical.  The right wing was crooked and clearly wouldn’t be retracting into its sheath any time soon, and the side of the hull looked like it had been punched repeatedly by a giant.
There was a painful symmetry in how both the right side of Scott’s body and the right side of his bird were injured.  Kayo immediately decided not to dwell on that and watched from a hovering position higher up the mountain as the silver Thunderbird was hauled clear of the snow by her big green sister.
“MAX is scanning now,” Virgil told her after a moment.  “Is something wrong?  You’ve been hovering in the same place for a few minutes.”
“No, nothing’s wrong,” she assured him.  “Just-” An unwelcome thought struck her.  “Virgil, where were the climbers trapped?”
“You’re hovering right there,” he told her, and the unwelcome thought spread wings.
She was hovering here because it gave her a good view of the mountainside and the crash site.
Neither she nor John had found any evidence of anyone else anywhere near the mountain.
“Virgil, where did you drop off the climbers?”
“The hospital,” he shrugged. “Didn’t have a chance to check them over myself, and we were going there any- Kayo?”
She gunned the full throttle.
“Kayo?”  John had joined in again, and she caught a glimpse of Alan behind him.  When had John gone home?  “What’s going on?”
“Brains, once MAX is done scanning the HeliPod, have him scan the mountain immediately below where the climbers were rescued,” she ordered.
“W-What?  W-Why?”
“Think about it!  We’re not showing up evidence of anyone else, and the climbers could see everything in the valley from where they were,” she pointed out agitatedly.  “We were so busy looking for something else-”
“We forgot about the climbers,” Virgil finished, his face a dawning horror.
“Put me through to Grandma,” she told John.
“Already done,” he said, as the older woman appeared over her console.
“Dear, what’s going on?”
“Don’t leave Scott’s side, and don’t let anyone you don’t recognise in,” she said quickly, pushing her ‘bird to go faster.  Someone had tried to kill Scott and Gordon, and if she was right that same someone was in the hospital with a now unconscious Scott, whose only protection was his grandmother.  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“You think they’ll try to finish the job?” Alan asked her, his voice small.  She’d forgotten he was with John.
“I’m not taking chances,” she replied grimly.  No point sugar-coating things at this point.  “John, my ETA’s two minutes; what’s EOS got from the security cameras?”
“Nothing yet,” he said, equally grim.  “But we’ll keep looking.”
“Let me know what you get,” she replied.  “Brains, what’s MAX found?”
“MAX is still w-working on the scans of t-the HeliPod,” he said somewhat apologetically.
“I’ve got Thunderbird Two scanning,” Virgil interjected.  If she’d thought he was angry earlier, now he was downright thunderous, not that she could blame him.  “You’re right, Kayo.  There’s something here that doesn’t look like it should be.”
He didn’t share the scan results with her, but John and Brains simultaneously let out noises that could almost be hisses.
“That’d do it, alright,” John muttered darkly.  “This whole mission was a trap.”
The hospital loomed in front of Kayo and she grit her teeth.
You should never have left Scott and Grandma alone in an unsecure hospital.  That was a rookie mistake, Tanusha Kyrano.
She just hoped it wasn’t a mistake that would cost a life.
Part 7
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bonesaldente · 4 years
Caliginous I Darth Maul x Reader
Chapter 2: The Job
A/N: There will be more of Maul starting at chapter 3, I promise :)
(you can read this on ao3 here)
read the last chapter here
words: 2400+
Galenos Tallav is an absolute dirtbag. He is human scum, just like his father before him. As the leader of the Ravengarde, he makes his money off spice, mining, and slaves . Most of the women under him have to do unspeakable things for their survival if they don’t want to face his wrath. Some of them have been born into slavery, some of them are kidnapped from their home planet and brought here, to Kessel, where their families can’t find them anymore. It is a cruel fate, which you hope to change by ending the disgusting man’s poor excuse for a life. 
In a way, you’re thankful to have been given this opportunity.
What you have been able to gather over the course of one and a half days is that he has two personal guards that follow him almost everywhere. One of them looks like he could rip a boulder apart with his two hands and crush a man’s skull between his thumb and index finger; the other one is not quite as big, but seems to have a fair knowledge of martial arts and appears to be a little quicker on his feet. He is the one you are worried about. 
As for his house, they have upped security by quite a bit since you were there four years ago on your own vendetta. After the murder of his father Lycus, Galenos must have decided his own safety was worth investing in. Now, multiple heavily armed guards adorn the front door, droids patrol the inside, and holocams scan every move that goes on both inside and outside. It was hard to even look at the house without showing your face.
Evidently, the house is not the place to attack. Instead, you found he has a cantina he appears to visit often, judging by his knowledge of the bartender and the customers, who without fail all greeted him when he entered. The cantina is close to the house, so yesterday, he walked there with only his two guards by his side. 
If he does come there often, the way home is when you would attack: They will be intoxicated and relatively unprotected. You won’t get a better chance than this.
Now all you need to do is find out which days he usually goes and what time he leaves. To do just that, you are currently hoisted up on a crate in the backyard of the cantina, looking through the back window with a pair of thermal goggles.
The room is dark and devoid of any life forms, just as you had hoped.
Pushing the goggles up on your forehead, you take out your lockpicking tool and quickly hear the quiet click that tells you the viewport has been opened successfully. That, apart from the fact they had taken you in as a child, is the big advantage of being in a guild. The Concinnity provides you with all the tools and weapons anyone of your profession might dream of, as long as they get returned to the armory at your headquarters. 
You pull yourself up and through the small opening, your feet connecting with the ground with an almost inaudible thud. 
The room is some sort of office, which is what you hoped it’d be. You move towards the terminal on your right quickly, and it takes you only a few seconds to pull up the security tapes of the past few weeks. Their password is 1111. You scoff quietly.
They don’t seem to have a lot of trouble with criminals around here, which makes sense since this is one of the most expensive areas to live in in this city. It’s all mansions and slave quarters. 
The transfer to your data chip begins and you nervously look over your shoulder every few seconds. 
Ten seconds until transfer complete…
You hear steps approaching. Your heart rate quickens as you watch the numbers count down. The steps get louder.
transfer complete
You rip out the data chip and practically leap through the window, closing it behind you just in time, for you hear the door open just as you slide down the wall on the other side.
You allow a small grin to play on your lips. Almost done.
The data chip disappears in your jacket and you make your way back to the headquarters. They are closer than your apartment, and their equipment is much better than what you have. 
  As the iris scanner retracts and the heavy doors to what has been your home for the larger part of your life open, somebody calls out your name. 
You spin on your heel, only to be faced with Magnus. 
“Magnus.” You reply, still not thrilled about seeing his face again. The detonators that were busted because of him had been your own, not Concinnity property, and they had been expensive. 
“Do you have a plan for the mission yet? Making any progress?”
You look at him sourly while you head deeper inside. Normally, he is not breathing down your neck this much when you are preparing for a job.
“Of course,” You say pointedly, before adding, “What makes this so important to you?”
He takes you by the elbow and moves you to an even less crowded area of the place. 
“First of all, the total pay is 50,000 republic credits, and we got half in advance.”
50,000 credits… That means that’s 45,000 creds going straight to you. 
“Second of all,” he lowers his voice as if he is about to tell you a secret. “The man you met, and the man he works for, they’re… very influential. More so than you can imagine. They’re…” he nervously looks around, even though you are alone. “I believe they are force users. Have you ever heard of the Sith?”
Sith? Dimly, you recall hearing the name associated with users of what was called the dark side of the force, working against the Jedi Order, but you also remember hearing that they have been extinct for hundreds of years. Or have they?
When you remember the handle of the lightsaber in the cantina, you are suddenly not so sure anymore.
“But whatever they are, it is of the utmost importance that you don’t fail them. Do you understand?” 
You gulp, trying to keep the unease out of your face, but not wanting to imagine what will happen if you do happen to fail. It’s a ridiculous thought: in the four years that you’ve been a professional hitwoman, you have never failed even once—the result of fifteen years of rigorous training. 
“I will not fail,” you answer, staring into his eyes, and turn away from him to start heading to the technical center. 
The door slides open after both your fingerprint and your iris have been scanned, revealing a dark room with terminals sitting against the wall in rows, a notable distance between each one of them. Not that it would be necessary: their displays are tinted so that only the person sitting in front of them can see.
The room is deserted with the exception of one girl, no older than fourteen. You recognize her as one of the students and give her a curt nod as you move towards the other side of the room. You know your people can be trusted, but you still prefer to have as much privacy as possible.
You retrieve the material from the data chip and quickly speed up the footage from the security holocams, scanning them for Galenos. He appears often, about every other day, drinking, groping women, swinging punches occasionally. His guards, however, don’t drink with him, as you note with disappointment. They’ll have to die with him, then. It’s their job anyway, isn’t it?
Judging by the pattern you found, that would mean he is not going to be at the cantina tonight, but tomorrow, which is… perfect? 
You shudder. Missions that go too smoothly make you… suspicious. There has to be some kind of catch. 
Maybe it’s not the mission itself. Maybe it’s the client; Magnus said he is powerful and you believe him. Simply his aura when you met him was… intimidating. Was that just how force users were, or was it just him?
You push the doubt out of your mind. Do the job.
After erasing the data, you rush out of the room and head to your apartment that’s not too far from here. If you are going to strike tomorrow, you need to get as much rest as you can now.
  A blaster is secured in the holster around your right thigh. Your throwing knives are inside safely strapped to the utility belt that’s holding the detonators and stunning plates tight around your waist. Crossed over your back are your machete, a choice of weapon that’s always been frowned upon by other members of the Concinnity , and your sword, the only weapon you had worked on and modified yourself. It is… priceless and very useful against opponents in possession of stun batons and the like.
Darkness is looming over the city. Not many people are out in this quarter, the rich quarter; not at this hour. You’re perched on the roof of some kind of mini hangar, far enough up to not be seen by occasional passersby, low enough to not get hurt jumping down.
Galenos should pass this point soon. His previous visits to the cantina showed he tends to leave right around midnight, which just passed. 
Steps are approaching. Three sets of feet, if you are not mistaken, exactly what you have been listening for.
Adrenaline starts coursing through your body—this is the one shot you get. If you fail to kill him, you will never see him with his guard down again, his security will be too alert after one attempt on his life.
They get closer and you can hear him slurring his words. He is a drunk, just like his father used to be. You wonder how many slaves have fallen victim to that drunken violence. Was it more or less than his father? 
You grit your teeth and position yourself, ready to jump, hand at the handle of the machete. This is not going to be a duel or battle of any kind. It’s going to be an ambush.
They approach the point you are standing at, and you wait, and wait, and wait…
Until they just about pass it.
Pushing yourself off the hangar with as little noise as you can manage, you soar through the air and land right behind them.
The guard on his left spins around at the noise; the bigger one. Before he can even lift his enormous arms, the blade is buried deep inside his chest, leaving only two more people to finish off.
As expected the other guard immediately charges at you. You duck under his powerful swing and attempt an attack on his abdomen, but he is too fast and moves out of the way, causing you to miss your original target but instead get a deep cut in his thigh.
He involuntarily lowers his upper body as he clutches the injured leg, which is his fatal mistake because you use the opening to get a solid hit to his head and end his life by pushing the machete into his exposed back.
In a fair fight, he would have been a challenge.
Luckily for you, you play dirty.
Galenos is too drunk to understand that he should run away now, should have run away a long time ago. He is still stuck where he was standing when you dropped out of the sky, staring wide-eyed, the blood of his guards splattered across his chest. You extend your arm with the machete towards his neck, and it’s only then that he starts stumbling backward, the panic slowly manifesting on his features. His back hits the wall and his short escape is put to a pitiful stop.
You don’t kill him yet. Instead, you approach him slowly, until you are standing right in front of him and can look him in the eyes. They’re the same color as yours, just like you thought. 
You made the mistake of letting your emotions get the better of you when you noticed the same feature in his father years ago, and you paid the price for it. You won’t make that mistake again.
His eyes widen in surprise as he, too, sees your eyes, but before he can say anything, ask the one question that is up in the air, you slit his throat.
“Goodbye, brother.”
The gurgling sound drowns out the words he meant to say, and you’re thankful for that. 
Now it’s finally over.
  It’s almost dawn when you end up pressing the button your client gave you. Disposing of the bodies had taken up more time than planned because of their sheer size, and your muscles are aching from having to carry men more than twice your weight.
  The walk to the cantina doesn’t take long, and you can spot his hooded figure leaning against one of its outside walls. He doesn’t move his head towards you as you approach him, but you know he’s aware of your presence.
“Is it done?”
At once he lifts his gaze to bore his eyes into yours, no through yours, as if he were looking right past them into your mind. The strange golden color of his eyes seems to engulf you and you lose sense of your surroundings, the only thing that matters his eyes—
You avert your stare with a ruck when you finally recognize his Jedi mind trick, attempting to get him out of your head.
Judging by his quiet sound of frustration, you succeed.
His face falls back to complete indifference, as if he hasn’t just tried to invade your mind.
“You have completed this job to satisfaction. However, my master has decided you are a liability.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” you ask, glaring. You just want to get paid and be done—but if that man is a Jedi after all, that could prove to be a problem. And if he’s a Sith?
“You are given the rare grace of a choice .” 
You furrow your brows. 
“Either, you join us in our effort to rid the galaxy of its oppressors and create a better world. Or…” his voice trails off.
“Or what?” you ask provocatively.
“We kill you.”
You let out a humorless laugh. 
“So that is the thanks I get for completing your mission? You threaten me?”
The Sith lord—now you’re sure of it—doesn’t reply, but instead waits for your decision.
You answer, mustering up the courage and sealing your fate with a voice that doesn’t betray your inner panic, “What makes you think you can kill me?” 
Simultaneously you both change your postures; he widens his stance ever so slightly, while you step back a little and keep your arms ready at your sides.
His hand floats over the silver handle at his belt and as if pulled by an invisible string, the lightsaber flies into his glove.
For one second you stare at each other, the tension almost tangible in the air.
Then he ignites it.
next chapter
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frosty-talks · 4 years
Feast of the Winter Star
Hey y’all! I finally dusted off my laptop and got to writing again! Though this time it’s with a twist as I wrote my first proper fanfic in years. With Christmas and other holidays upon us I got into the mood to combine two favorite fandoms of mine: Stardew Valley and Miraculous Ladybug. Thank you @medic-eliza for editing this for me, it couldn’t have been done without your help!
Coat. Hat. Scarf. Gloves. Boots. Yup, everything needed to face the cold winter air. She tightened the scarf once more before glancing over at a wrapped box on her kitchen table — small, wrapped in festive paper, and topped off with a simple green bow. Her gift for the Feast of the Winter Star.
Every year in Pelican Town, the citizens got together to enjoy food and give presents to a randomly assigned person. This was Marinette’s first year in the Valley, her first year to participate. She sighed and plucked the box from its place, tucking it under her arm before opening the door with a shiver. The cold December air creeped in and cooled her warm cabin down.
The door was quickly closed on her exit and she looked out on her empty field. In the summer, it was filled with all sorts of crops: melons, blueberries, corn, and tomatoes. However, in winter, she had to get by without those precious crops and get by she did thanks to making enough money to last until spring’s harvest. Marinette walked through the barren field and trudged through the snow in front of her cabin, past the still broken down bus stop, and paused at the town’s entrance.
Once she arrived, she’d be in the middle of the festivities  and she most likely wouldn’t be able to get away until late at night. She felt nervous. She’d skipped the other festivals the town had held. This one she decided to go to as she didn’t want to disappoint whoever she's got for her secret gift-receiver. But at the same time, there was the slight chance that they wouldn’t like her present and the thought made her involuntarily step back…
‘Snap out of it, Marinette! You can do this!’
The mental kick was just what she needed, and she confidently entered the town’s center. She marveled at the giant tree in the middle of everything, its long branches decorated with ornaments, lights, and tinsel. Children ran around without a care with an occasional snowball being thrown. Despite everything being outside, she couldn’t help but feel warmth all around.
“Hey, girl!” A voice called out to Marinette’s left. “Come join us!”
It was Alya! One of the first people to welcome her to the Valley, she had become a best friend of sorts to the newcomer. “Oh, hey Alya! You don’t mind?”
“Why would I ask you to join if I did?” The brunette grabbed Marinette’s arm, tugging her to her family’s table. “Just get over here!”
Currently only Alya’s father was seated, his attention being entirely focused on Alya’s younger twin sisters, but Marinette could see her mother setting out food nearby. “We’re so happy you could make it. We were worried you’d stay home.” 
“Ah, well… I thought about it.” Her face turned red a bit as she held up her gift. “But I didn’t want to leave someone without a gift.”
She could see the faintest bit of disappointment in her friend’s face though it was quickly replaced with a smile. “Doesn’t matter, you’re here and that’s all I care about! So who did you get?”
Marinette sighed and revealed the tag. “Chloe.”
“Oh good luck with that.” 
Chloe. The mayor’s daughter and the spoiled brat of the town. Hard to please and easy to annoy, and of course she was Marinette’s secret gift-receiver for the year. Chloe was a high end shopper with all clothes being designer, ate only the best food, and never lifted a finger to help unless it benefited her. Marinette was dumbfounded when she got the letter, how was she supposed to give Chloe a present when she was a farmer? All her money went to making sure she’d survive the winter with almost none left over to spend on personal items, much less items of a more expensive taste.
“Well, hey, maybe she’ll be in a good mood?” Her friend offered.
“When was the last time Chloe was in a good mood?”
“I’m only trying to help.”
A huff and the present was set aside, quickly forgotten as the friends chattered on about how the day could go. Soon enough the call for everyone to grab their food went out. Everyone rushed over and clambered to get the best bites, despite being assured by the cooks that there was plenty for everyone. With the townsfolk settled, the mayor of the town himself, Mayor Bourgeois, stood up with his glass raised in a toast. 
“Another year is almost done and now we celebrate everything that has changed in our lovely community. The biggest one being that the farm down the road has finally been cleaned up and is now in use once again, thanks to our new farmer: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
The small claps from the gathered townsfolk caused a blush to creep up Marinette’s face, and the farmer to duck down to avoid all the attention.
“With that out of the way I declare that the Feast of the Winter Star may now begin!”
The food was delicious, unlike anything Marinette had tried before. From the honeyed ham to the sticky toffee pudding, the farmer couldn’t help but devour everything she could until she was full. A look around even proved others had the same thoughts on it, Nino shoveling more onto his plate, Ivan looking like he was going to pass out from eating too much. 
The mayor watched the trays of food slowly dwindle away until he was sure everyone had gotten their fill. Another success for the holiday. Now onto the best part. “With the feast itself out of the way, it is time to move onto the next part!” Mayor Bourgeois stood with a present held above him. “Secret gift givers, it is time to exchange!”
A whistle and everyone was awake and alert. People rushed to be the first to give their gift away while others waited until things had calmed down. Marinette instead went right up to the mayor’s table where Chloe waited, bundled up in a stylish but thick, yellow coat, white sunglasses still atop her head despite the cloudy weather.
“Ugh,” The compact mirror snapped shut, disdain evident in Chloe’s voice. “What do you want, Dupain-Cheng?”
She took in a breath before holding out her present. “I’m your secret gift giver! I hope you like it.” Fat chance she’d admit to liking it. 
The blonde considered the present for a moment before snatching it away. 
“Fine I guess I’ll see what you got me.” First the bow, and then the paper, finally leaving the box to open. With a flourish of her hand, the lid was off and a moment of silence surrounded the two girls. “Uh, what is this?”
“A scarf? It’s winter and I’ve never seen you wear one so I thou-”
“Well you thought wrong!’ The box was unceremoniously dropped on the table. “Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! I don’t need a scarf!”
Just what she thought. Marinette turned and trudged back to Alya’s table with a sigh. Even though she knew Chloe wouldn’t like the gift, she had hoped there would’ve been some appreciation for it But no, just ridicule. She plopped herself back in her seat with her head slamming down on the table.
“Didn’t go well?” Alya had come back, a new phone case replacing her old one.
“As well as you’d expect.”
“Well get back up because I have something that will bring that smile back!” Marinette gasped as Alya grabbed her arm, pulling her out of her seat and around the decorated tree. Her friend then skidded to a stop and covered the farmer’s eyes with her hands. “Okay, don’t peak.”
“Alya, what’s going on?!”
She stiffened at the new voice. No way. She had to be dreaming. Could her gift giver really be…?
She took Alya’s hands and lowered them down. In front of her stood none other than Adrien, a somewhat nervous smile on his face and a tiny box in hand. He took a step closer and coughed to hide his steadily reddening cheeks while handing over the box. “Surprise, I guess, I got your name in the mail. I had a hard time deciding what to get you so I… Well, it’d be better if you opened it.”
She took the box with a shaky hand. In all the time she’d wondered who got her she had briefly considered Adrien, but threw the notion out as it would be a miracle if he just so happened to get her. Yet, here she was facing that slim possibility. All she had to do was open it… 
There wasn’t much, the box itself had a festive pattern to it, the lid following the same pattern, and a tiny bow taped in the center. A slight tug pulled the lid off to reveal a small handmade bracelet inside.
“It’s a friendship bracelet.” The blond explained. “You’ve been mostly keeping to yourself So I thought maybe I could give you something to show we’re friends. Look-” 
Adrien rolled up his coat sleeve, another bracelet having been hidden from sight; this one’s colors being a slight variation on the one just gifted to her. “I have one too.”
She couldn’t think of any words to say. She had been distant from most everyone, wanting to focus on her work and not ruin another friendship like when she’d been in the city. Holding the bracelet in her hands, seeing Adrien and Alya’s hopeful expressions, maybe it was time to consider a different approach to her new home.
Marinette couldn’t help the small tears that creeped up as she pulled both of her friends into a hug. “Thank you. I love it. And I’ll do better to get away from the farm more.”
The other two joined in the hug while the Winter Star itself shone down on Pelican Town’s residents, another festival coming to a close.
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jenny-kirk · 4 years
Story Time with Jenny: Joining the Gang
The Rocky Mountain trail had seemingly gone on for days, shards and needles of the cold spiked at Jenny’s back, her only company; her father’s old work horse Bobbin.
A sigh filled the air to join the calling animals and whistling wind. A woollen shawl wrapped snuggly across her hunched shoulders.
The Western Grizzlies wasn’t a place Miss Kirk ever thought to visit, Ambrino seemed far too cold and dangerous, not like those far away countries of Europe she so dreamed to someday visit. But there wasn’t much choice in the matter.
After leaving home disgraced, kicked from her own doorstep by a heartbroken mother, Jenny was resolved to live her life on her own terms, stealing the family horse in spite. 
‘How had things turned so hopeless so quickly.’ She would find herself wondering only to shake the remark with remembrance of her new ability to live wild and free!
Survival wasn’t difficult, robbing folks blind, swindling drunkards in nearby towns was fun and funded Miss Kirk’s travels just about as she moved from the east, westwards in search of adventure.
Having never been good nor fond of hunting, food was purchased and stolen as often as possible. Repressing doubt and fear, (she couldn’t waste time on such thoughts if she wanted to survive). Fending for herself, it wasn't long before the law came to view Miss Kirk as an outlaw.
The brunette had been riding alone now for a few weeks. It was impressive how easily she managed to remove herself from danger. Sure she’d had to shoot a few fellers who informed the law of her misdoings, now having a small bounty on her head, but it was in Jenny’s mind all part of this new exciting game. This new life she found herself making the best of.
This new life wasn’t planned but it was one hell of a ride, one she was going to enjoy while it lasted, an outlaw, living free on her own terms! No one to stop her or tell her what to do with her life!
In tricking folks in passing saloons, Jenny was able to educate herself more on the local underground. Gangs, all across the states she planned to visit. It didn't deter her one bit, no quite the contrary, it was a challenge to become a better shot while living fast. For the world to remember her.
Jenny’s willing and hotheadedness left her heart in the right place for the job, she almost certainly looked the part. A revolver shoved into a thick brown belt (on account of not owning a gunbelt), a long pale blue skirt muddied and torn while her once white shirt had stained with dirt and age.
But Jenny couldn’t waste her hard earned money on such trifles, no, she needed it to travel! To live!
The heavy hooves stabbed into the frosted ground, a satisfying crisp sound with each step. God the horse was too tall. Beautiful but not good if one was aware of heights.
Slowing to a stop as the sun began to fall, a rock along the roadside providing a perfect, rather uncomfortable seat for a break. Jenny hadn’t quite mastered how to build a fire in such a climate and so, sat, her last tin of peaches quickly finished, a small pathetic cracker offered to the horse.
That persistent smile the small woman had managed to keep fixated dropped momentarily. Sure she was free, but at what cost? Hunted, and while she could fight, she had not the strength. The dark circles and a new sickly complexion was symbolic of this fact.
“I’m sorry boy.” Reaching into her saddlebag Jenny fished out a map of the land, a fragile finger running over it to locate themselves. “We’ll get you some real food in the next town...whereever that issss....”
Huh, a small resort town name of Strawberry was along the way down south, Valentine was the closest but already having a run in with the local law there didn’t make it a safe bet. Besides, going back on herself would only slow their venture down.
Having rested as darkness continued to fall, the cold became increasingly noticeable. It seemed the best course of action would be to continue moving.
Mounting up, using the rock as a step the girl continued. Humming to herself, complaining and reassuring under her hushed breath as to not feel so alone. Not frightened, yet unexcited by being stranded in such desolate land.
Glancing back to the map as Bobbin slowed they had almost reached the state line, good! The bad news? The trail seemed to shorten, covered by spiny overhanging branches, like something out of a fearsome story.
“Woah boy, woah easy! Shshh, c’mon boy,” the dusty horse getting the jitters. That feeling in the pit of ones stomach sensing a bad idea. Something dark and forbidding about the path ahead. But what choice was there? Go back to the mountains where wolves jumped at every corner?
Speeding up to get through the darkened area as quickly as possible, Jenny felt her heart rate quicken on the sound of twigs and branches snapping. The crunch of fallen dried leaves. Just from her horse right? Reaching for her revolver to feel more secure, her cold hand, near shaking, had hardly grasped it when she found her path blocked. Stopping in an instant with a tug of the reigns.
Bobbin was big, they could easily run the man down and was about to do so right as a gun was drawn to meet her own lightly freckled face. The sound of other guns cocking around her as men stepped out from the shadows. All part of a gang out to make a bit of cash, their green neckerchiefs a dead give away.
Jenny felt sick to her stomach. Hazel eyes widening. Running from lawmen, drankards and bounty hunters was one thing, but being held up on a roadside. Somehow this seemed much more difficult to escape.
“Look what we got here! Whoo a lost girly? Off the horse! Empty out those pockets.” 
One of the men began up to her, searching through the saddlebags. Dangerous, reckless anger festering inside the brunette. Everything she had was being taken before her very eyes.
“I ain’t looking’ for trouble-I just need food if you-” 
They weren’t having any of it. No reasoning, no bargaining. She found herself still reaching for her gun, that was the mistake. 
“Get your damn hands up woman! Off. The. Horse.” The voice startling Jenny more than the guns surrounding her with a small jump. 
Seeing little way out, Jenny followed through with the O’Driscoll’s wishes, slowly sliding off the large mount, her legs feeling uneasy under her weight, a gun to her temple as one of the men began searching through her pockets.
“She ain’t got nothing!” Throwing the map, remaining crackers to the ground. Jenny bit back the wish to turn smugly with a ‘told ya’.
“Whatever, she ain’t worth it” They mounted up around her, the cold barrel of a gun leaving its position. 
Had she just survived a robbery?! They’d taken everything but the clothes on her back but she was alive at least. Relief waved through Jenny as she began to ponder how she might avoid such prediciments in the future.
But that look on their faces, the same agreed glare between them. She was a hazard.
A loud shot soon answered her curiosities as the men rode off, shouts of laughter echoing. Bobbin falling to the ground, a ghastly sound ringing through her ears hardly gave her enough time to move before the creature came crashing down stop of her. Her right leg trapped, passing out on impact, the heavy beast laying dead.
A quiet hour or two passed until the conversing of two men hushed, as their alert mounts protested the path.
“Well, that is not ideal. H-Oh look, little scamp’s alive.”
“Dutch, we don’t need more mouths to feed- we’re already low on supplies, after that fire we can’t-.”
“And what kind of a chance does she have if we don't offer our sincere support Hosea? Look at her, come now, help me with this-”
Waking up disoriented, the soft crackling of a fire audible, its glowing light visible through her half lidded eyes. 
The first thing Jenny noticed was the pain in her leg and side, the thumping of her head, before realising she was no longer cold. In fact she had a blanket wrapped around her, a warm fire to one side.
“Oh! She lives!” A hot tin of coffee passed to her Jenny looked in confusion still gathering her bearings. Her dirtied and grubby gun laying by her side.
It was evident the girl was considering threatening her ‘rescuers’ and taking off, that twinge in her leg however convincing Jenny otherwise.
“Looks like you took quite the tumble.” The man crouching eye level to her as she lay propped up on her elbow, smudging dirt into her drained face before accepting the beverage.
“Dutch Van der Linde, and that,” the moustached man pointed to another, older appearing man tending to their horses, “well that is Hosea, pay him no heed.”
“I heard that”
“Jenny, Kirk, Jenny Kirk” She stammered still unsure of her surroundings, recollecting the evening’s events.
Warming by the fire the night was spent in calm conversation, not quite trusting her two rescuers but reluctantly appreciating their help.
Somewhere within the delirious conversation the decision came.
“Well Miss Kirk, we’ve a group of individuals much like yourself. Seeking freedom, purpose. Now, you’re more than welcome to stay with us until you’re back on your feet-”
It took a few days to reach the camp, it was unfortunately back in the wilderness of the Grizzlies however Jenny was quick to learn that the plan was to move on down to a place called Blackwater.
Her arrival was received with mixed feelings, some clearly irked by having another ‘helpless woman to wash the clothes’ as Mac Callander, the brawler snakily remarked, his brother appearing to be a little more tolerable.
Others welcomed her like family, Miss Mary-Beth and Mr Summers eagerly offering to help settler her in. Lame and bed bound her first few days.
As time drew on and Jenny began joining in jobs, embracing her new life as an outlaw, even acquiring a new horse, Lola. Her anticipation and excitement radiating each time, becoming comfortable enough to joke and flirt with most everyone in camp.
Months passed before the gang had packed up to move towards Blackwater, picking up yet another straggler. A curious and mean one. Micah Bell.
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Partners in Crime #1
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"Can I help you?"
"Yes, please! Where would I be able to find Mr. Allen?"
"Upstairs, take a left."
"Oh, great! Thank you very much!" 
(Y/N) hurried up the nearby staircase in search of the man just mentioned.
"Look Joe, I wasn't expecting Iris to find someone while I was in a coma for 9 months. And now, I can't do anything, or I'd be ruining her happiness. And I don't want to be that guy." Nearing the slightly opened door labeled, "Forensic Analyst: Barry Allen" she heard two distinct male voices coming from inside.
"All I'm saying is that if you don't tell her soon, you might just lose your chance forever." The other voice warned, sympathetically.
"I know, I know. I just don't think this is the right time, when they're planning to move in together." The first voice reasoned. 
Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) knocked on the door three times, to alert them of her presence. "Hello? I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She spoke peeking her head into the doorway.
Inside, she saw two men; one sitting down in a chair, with his face buried in his hands, and the other leaning against the table. They both turned to stare at the new voice in the room.
"Can I help you miss?" The older of the two asked. The other just stared blankly at the her.
"Actually, yes! I'm looking for Mr. Allen? I was supposed to meet him today at 11, but if I'm too early, I can always come back later. I just didn't want to be late for my first day at my new job and I really wanted to make a good impression. And I really didn't mean to intrude on your conversation, I am really sorry if I did…" (Y/N) could not stop her rambling, her anxiety and nervousness taking control. "I can just wait outside in the hallway if y’all aren’t done with your-"
"Woah, calm down and take a deep breath," the older man recommended, in amusement. She heaved a big breath in and out, before focusing back on the current situation.
"Sorry about that," she apologized. "I didn't mean to freak out like that, I'm just really nervous and really excited to start my new position here." She was practically bouncing in her spot. Anxiety and excitement was not a good combination, she noted.
"Don't worry about it." With a chuckle, the older man step forward and held out a hand. "I'm Joe West. I work as a detective here at the CCPD; my office is downstairs."
"Very nice to meet you, sir! I'm (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). I just moved here from Starling City." She replied, shaking his hand. 
"Starling, really?" Joe asked, the surprise evident on his face.
"Yeah, it's not such a bad city if you get past the bad guys and all that," she shrugged, making it seem like no big deal. "I'm mean sure it's not really safe to walk around at night, and the crime rate is really high. And everyone walks around with pepper spray. Or a taser if you really want to splurge.” Both the men’s eyes widened. “Oh, but it's a lot better now because of the Arrow and the other crime-fighting vigilantes/heroes.” She assured them.
"Well, it was nice meeting you Ms. (Y/L/N)."
"Oh please sir, call me (Y/N), or anything else. Ms. (Y/L/N) makes me sound so old."
"Then, in that case, call me Joe and you got a deal." The two nodded in agreement and Joe continued, "If you need anything you can find me downstairs." Nodding to the younger man, Joe left the room closing the door behind him.
The remaining two stared at the door, lost in their own world and thoughts. The man chose to break the silence first.
"I'm Barry, by the way. Nice to meet you (Y/N)." 
She shook his hand eagerly. "Oh, Mr. Allen! I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)! But you already knew that, of course. I'm so sorry to intrude into your room like this, I just was really excited to meet you. And, I normally don't ramble this much, or maybe I do, but I'll try to control it the best I can if it bothers you too much-"
"Breathe (Y/N). And don’t worry about it. I tend to ramble a lot too.” He smiled warmly. "And call me Barry. Mr. Allen makes me feel old too, and we seem like we're the same age."
"If you say so Mr. Al-,” Barry rose his brow. “I mean Barry," she corrected herself. "Well, it’s so nice to meet you! I know that you must be really busy, so let me know what you want me to do and I'll be out of your way!"
"Actually, it's been a slow day today since we don’t have any cases in investigation at the moment. How 'bout I give you a tour of the station instead?" he suggested, "I mean, if you haven’t seen all of it yet." 
(Y/N)’s eyes lit up at the suggestion, "That would be great! By the way, do you know a good coffee shop near here? I haven't been able to go searching for one with all the moving and chaos."
Barry shot her a smile, while gathering his things. "You know, I was just about to head out, myself, for a cup. I know just the place," 
"Could I get an Americano in the biggest size you have?" (Y/N) could see Barry's amused face from her peripheral, "What? I haven't had coffee in, literally, three days."
Barry raised his arms in surrender, "I didn't say anything."
"Yeah, but you thought it."
Barry laughed while she shifted through her purse for her wallet.
"I got this." He assured her, when he saw her take out her card.
"No, I'll buy it, you were the one to show me around."
"Nope. I already got it." He said, handing over his card to the worker.
She sighed in defeat. "Fine, you win this round. But expect an extra large cup of hazelnut mocha on your desk on Monday." (Y/N) forewarned him.
Both smiling, they moved to a nearby table waiting for their order. And before they knew it, their coffees were placed in front of them by a petite woman with a big smile on her face.
"Barry, who's this?"
"Iris! Umm, this is (Y/N), my new forensic analyst partner. (Y/N), this is Iris, my best friend and Joe’s daughter." Barry introduced the two. (Y/N) could see the Barry’s face light up at the woman in front of her.
"Nice to meet you (Y/N)! Are you new to the city? I haven't seen you around before, and I never forget a face."
"I just moved here from Starling a few days ago, actually. The boss has been showing me around the city before we came here." She threw Barry a smile.
"By the way, I'm sorry if I'm being nosy, but are you a model? You look really pretty, which makes me not want to stand next to you." She asked with a sincere look on her face.
"Me? Ha ha, I'm really flattered but sadly no, I'm not. I actually work at the Central City Times and am a part-timer here when free." Iris turned to Barry with a grin. "I like her!"
"Since your new to the city, do you want to hang out sometime, just us girls? I love Barry and all, but I am in dire need of a close girlfriend to talk with. I’ll show you around the best places.”
"Of course! You literally read my mind!" (Y/N) nodded enthusiastically. "I have a feeling this is the start of a wonderful friendship!"
During their conversation, she learned about Barry’s relationship with the West family and his recent wake from his 9-month coma. She had only heard of the effects of the particle accelerator explosion from the paper, since no one in Starling was directly affected. And Iris shared about her relationship with Eddie and more about her job at the paper. Eventually, she had to go back to work and gave (Y/N) a friendly hug before returning behind the counter.
"Let me guess. You like her and she doesn't know.And you can’t tell her because she’s already in love with this Eddie guy, and you don't want to ruin your friendship?" (Y/N)’s question snapped Barry out of his lingering stare at Iris working, and he looked at her, embarrassed.
"Is it that obvious?"
"Eh, kind of. I’m good at noticing things. And I kind of heard the last part of your conversation with Joe earlier when I was about to knock on your door." 
He sighed. “I've tried telling her multiple times but she always finds a way to change the conversation into one about being like brother and sister and how I should be comfortable with telling her about girls and my nonexistent love life." She could see the sadness in his eyes as he let out another sigh.
(Y/N) leaned over and patted his back in sympathy. "Well, I say it's never too late until she says "I do", so I think you still have time. But man, you were sibling-zoned by her. That's even worse than the friend-zone."
"Well, I think you're wrong." He shook his head in disagreement. "It is too late. I've tried every way to tell her, dropping hints and what not, but she doesn't even have a clue. And even if she did, she hasn't said anything about it. She doesn’t think of me anymore than a brother."
"Well, I wish I could help you, friend. But unfortunately, I’m not Cupid." She looked at him with pity in her eyes.
Suddenly, Barry turned to her, his eyes widening by the second. Seeing his reaction she thought of the worst. "Is it too soon? Should I have said acquaintance instead of friend? Sorry if I got a little ahead of myself."
Barry interrupted her with enthusiasm, "No, that's not it. Of course we're friends. I was reacting to the part about you wanting to help me."
"It's just a figure of speech, I don't really think I should get into the middle of your love life situ-"
"Please?" Barry pleaded. "You're a girl."
"Yes, Barry, I think we've already established that I am a girl. I'm kinda hurt you thought otherwise. I mean, sure I'm not as pretty as Iris, but I don't think I’m that unattractive to be mistaken for a guy." She continued her stream of consciousness, rambling on. "I mean, Iris is a pretty high standard to meet, but not everyone is pretty like her, Barry. And I'm glad you figured out my gender now before later in the future, or we could've had a pretty awkward situation. I thought having longer hair would be an good indicator of my-"
"(Y/N), stop. You really do really ramble a lot." He grinned. "What I meant was, that you have a mind of a girl, and so you could help me confess to Iris, or at least help her to figure out my feelings for her." He explained, trying to prevent her from rambling again.
"Oh, ha ha ha. I knew that."
"Okay I didn't, but fine. I'll help you with your unrequited love life since we are friends and because I've been in your shoes. But whatever happens, I refuse to take the blame for it and you better not be mad at me if things don't turn out the way you want."
"Of course." Barry smiled with relief, succeeding in persuading her to help him.
"Well, it was nice talking to you, but I should go home and finish unpacking my stuff. I'll see you Monday, with an extra large cup of hazelnut mocha in hand," she said, getting up from her seat.
"Yeah, sure. See you around partner."
"Bye, partner-in-crime. Ha, get it? Because we help solve crimes. Which is the opposite of what it normally means.” 
Barry just shook his head in amusement, as she walked away.
"(Y/N)." Barry called out as she reached for the door.
Turning back, she raised her brow at her new friend..
"By the way, you're pretty too. And whoever that guy was, was an idiot for not liking you back.”
A/N: I ramble a lot too. So I really connect with (Y/N) lol. Also, the timeline for this story isn’t going to follow the series exactly. Thanks for reading!
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tarralin · 6 years
a Clauses and Contracts story
Chapter Two
Thank you @tsundere-mitsuhide for beta and proof reading!!
TW: mentions of medical treatment
Duchess stared down the mahogany door as if her eyes alone could demand more time from the polished wood.
It had been decided between the three of them that Duchess be the primary contact for the medical staff after the last relapse. Even Shingen's seemingly infallible good spirit had plummeted with that hit and Yuki nearly blew up in the office when the news reached him. Neither Shingen's heart nor Yuki's temper could take another head-on attack like that.
Duchess could handle it. One good thing about growing up in the way she did was learning how to detach herself when needed and the doctors were confident this would be the last of their personal plague. There were good chances the call may never come…
What foolish thinking.
Most of the solitary drive to the coast after that dreadful call had been spent in silence as she refused to break down until she could sit at the water's edge. Only then did she allow her own emotions to flow freely under the moon when no one was around. Once the worst part was over and her shoulders finally stopped shuddering, she hopped back in the car and made her way to the condo that had been her home for the last of her high school years to break the news. Today was as good a day as any since everyone would be gathered together, no point in suffering further by delaying the inevitable.
Sunday was ‘family’ day and her attendance had been demanded for many years now. ‘Dad’ would not tolerate tardiness of any kind either. Even on days when his ailment got the better of him, her phone would fire up if she wasn't there by breakfast. She wasn't late today, but she wished she had prepared herself a little more for the looming conversation ahead. Finally steeling her nerves, Duchess turned her key into the lock.
Yuki manned the stove as usual while Sasuke chopped breakfast vegetables for the omelets. Kenshin would most likely be sitting with Shingen out on the balcony.
“Morning, Duch--” Yuki started as he flipped sausages in the pan before her expression caught his attention. “You look like you've seen a ghost. What happened?”
“Well, I drove all night from the coast for starters…”
“The coast?” Sasuke froze in his chopping and set the knife aside, addressing her with his full attention now. “You only go out that way when something troubles you. What is it?”
Great, no way out of this with both of them alert now.
“After breakfast?” She pleaded. “No one will want to eat if I say anything now.”
A muscle ticked in Yuki's jaw as he plated the cooked meal in front of him. “It was the latest test results wasn't it?”
It took everything within her to keep from breaking down on the kitchen floor but a merciful deity somewhere lent her the strength to keep standing. The silent tear that slipped from her eye was a different matter.
“After breakfast,” Yuki nodded stiffly.
She sighed a breath of relief. It could only be put off a few more hours, but they would have one last normal breakfast together…
Duchess tapped her heels into the floor impatiently, the carpet preventing any evidence of her frazzled nerves.
Of all possible days to be late… why today?
This idea of Shingen's had sounded ridiculous at the last family breakfast when she had played the part of harbinger. Even more baffling was the fact that Kenshin agreed to it. Then it was announced she would lead this laughable venture. She knew the value of a powerful connection but did it really have to be her facing her best friend’s husband? Especially after her own post-wedding breakdown several months ago?
She had just started pacing when a familiar flash of red bolted around the corner leading to her private office.
“You're late!” She hissed as Yuki stopped in front of her, only one arm properly suited by his blazer. “They're already in there!”
“Sorry, I can't control a funeral procession.”
She huffed as she helped straighten the disheveled jacket onto his shoulders. “You can leave earlier, you know, not five minutes before you're guaranteed tardy.”
“Whatever,” he threw his hands in the air before reaching for her door handle.
Duchess planted her hand on the edge of the door, preventing Yuki from opening it. “Before we go in there, beware I'm not holding any punches. I need to know you'll be able to handle that.”
“I'm good.” Yuki rolled his eyes.
“You sure? You swear on your St. Thomas beach house?”
“Ugh, what is it with you and that property?”
“It's St. Thomas! I honestly don't understand why you don't fly out every chance you get.”
Another eye roll and a sigh of resignation. “Fine! I swear on my St. Thomas beach house that I am good and I dare you to throw your hardest hits.”
“Double dog dare?” She grinned now, knowing her attempt to lighten the mood was working by the visible drop in his shoulders. The phrase from their childhood usually only appeared in these moments before a business battle, but still always worked as intended.
Without waiting for a verbal answer, Duchess swung the door open and allowed Yuki to enter before her. A decision she immediately regretted when that familiar honey-laced voice snapped out a ‘lap dog’ comment.
Great, back to damage control again...
“Now, now, gentleman,” Duchess chastised lightly as she graced the room and pulled the attention to her, squashing whatever rebuttal Yuki was about to snap out. “We're here to play nice and discuss business.”
Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Mitsuhide each claimed a spot on one of her two matching couches while Sasuke and Yukimura held place on the other. A company lawyer stood to the side while the three visitors finished signing confidentiality contracts.
“Business with such security that you couldn't inform us of it in your invite?” Nobunaga questioned.
“And forcing us into essential gag orders?” From Mitsuhide.
“Ah,” Duchess acknowledged as she took a place on the couch opposite Nobunaga. “Apologies for any inconvenience but I will not risk any leaks of information that could cause panic among our shareholders or the public. Aside from Kenshin, Shingen, and us three, everything we discuss here today will be the first it has been spoken to anyone and it has not been written anywhere within the company database. As far as any outside this room are concerned, I invited you to my office for a friendly luncheon--”
A knock sounded from the closed door.
“--And that would be our cover.”
Yuki answered the door and retrieved two large bags clearly marked with a restaurant’s logo from downtown.
Nobunaga's eyebrow arched in amusement as the fragrant mass was set upon the coffee table. “Mercutio’s?”
“Princess's recommendation.” A shrugged shoulder from Duchess while she pulled a covered box with her name on it. “I did say it was a luncheon. I'm not so evil as to lie about feeding someone. We'll discuss business second.”
Nobunaga ate quietly, typing away on his phone. Duchess was the same, barely completing three bites between buzzes. Yuki happily chewed away on his bite of steak while watching her fingers. Once she put the device down again, he snatched it away and dropped it into the seat cushion crevice.
“Excuse?!” She whispered vehemently as she got up to retrieve it. “Give that back!”
He slid to cover the crevice where her hand was reaching, forcing her to retreat. “You can have it back after you eat.”
“I am not Shingen, I don't need mothering.”
“Apparently you do!” The red-suited vice president snickered as he batted away her attempt to push him out of the way.
“Same for you,” Hideyoshi spoke for the first time since entering the office, mimicking Yuki’s actions and pulling Nobunaga's phone from his fingers.
“It's Princess, not work.”
“I don't care, she'll understand. Eat.”
Everyone finished their lunch in silence after that as the two heads of the room pouted through the rest of theirs. With the awkward meal out of the way, Duchess rose from her seat--after unceremoniously snatching her phone back from Yuki's clutches-- and leaned upon the edge of her desk, crossing a heeled ankle over the other.
“So, now for the real reason you're all here. Uesugi-Takeda Technologies would like to open discussions for a possible merge with Oda Tech.”
Hideyoshi had just started sipping his water when that piece of information almost choked him. He managed to catch the gulp and direct it down the correct pipe before verifying the absurdity she had just spoken. “A merger? With us?”
“Precisely,” she grinned triumphantly. “I'm sure you're all wondering ‘why on Earth is UTT interested in a merger?’ And ‘why in the hell would they ever consider Oda?’ Correct?”
A bark of laughter escaped Nobunaga. “My thoughts, exactly.”
The vice president in question passed identical grey portfolios-- all bearing the UTT logo-- to each of three men in front of him before returning back to Duchess's side. Hideyoshi immediately opened up and began poring over the information while Mitsuhide glanced over the second half of the reports. Nobunaga laid the folder over his crossed thigh without breaking Duchess’s gaze, that overly smug smirk never leaving his features.
Duchess suppressed an irritated sigh as she continued. “These progress reports cover the last three decades for all major rivals in our targeted market. Oda Tech is, of course, the most well-rounded corporation as well as the most successful. Joining forces would ensure both of our companies’ futures and finally lay this ongoing rivalry to rest.”
“That answers the second question,” Mitsuhide commented while his eyes remained trained on the documents in front of him. “What about the first? Why are you interested in a merger at all?”
Duchess paused at that, glancing to Yuki who gave her a stiff nod before crossing his arms over his chest like a shield from an inevitable blast. The silent communication seemed to reinforce her own resolve as well for she pushed from her perch at the edge of her desk and squared her shoulders.
“Takeda is dying.”
The room fell into a deafening silence as disbelief played openly upon two of the men's faces. The third simply sported a grimace as if her statement had confirmed what he already suspected.
Hideyoshi blinked several times as he recovered, glancing from her to the two vice presidents. “Is there… are there any treatments?”
Sasuke nodded. “Several procedures have already been performed, from removing the masses to radiation therapy. Remission is achieved each time but only for a short time until it returns just as violently as before.”
“Surely there must be other methods?” Mitsuhide questioned.
“Oh, I'm sure there are,” Yuki chuckled darkly. “Takeda refuses further treatment… and his decision is firm.”
Silence enveloped the room again as they continued to process this new information.
“Should we decline the merge,” Nobunaga was the first to direct back to business. “What does the future of UTT look like?”
Duchess’s smile turned back into the polite businesswoman. “Then we continue as we always have. Should Kenshin choose early retirement, Sasuke is more than prepared to take his place. The same as Yukimura is to take Shingen's. I, of course, would remain here as well.”
“Should I choose that…” Yuki grumbled in a low voice Duchess hoped the visiting executives didn't hear.
We are not hashing that out here.
“I know there are many variables for you to consider before coming to a decision. However, time is something I fear we don't have a lot of--” Yuki shoved from his place on the couch and marched from the room, ignoring the arched eyebrows and questioning glances. “Please, forgive him. This has been especially difficult for Sanada… May I ask for a solid answer in ninety days?”
“Should be sufficient enough,” Nobunaga agreed before the usual smugness found its way back to his lips. “I would, however, like to have an associate of mine here to evaluate and determine if our company values are a good fit for each other.”
“A reasonable request. Just give me a name and I'll get HR started on credentials.”
Nobunaga's grin grew into pure amusement. “Wonderful.”
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Prologue | One | Two |
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azure7539arts · 6 years
may I also request something mdzs related? that post about wwx going down lwj memory lane, may you write his reactions to lwj receiving his punishment, finding lsz, and maybe inquiry? your writing is really captivating! (and very angsty)
Thank you, anon! And, apparently, angsty is what I strive for in life lmao And yes, feel free to send in more asks. I’ll get around to them when I have the chance~
[Read part 1 (i guess?) here]
► Note:
• Bu Ye Tiancheng: Nightless City
• LuanZang Gang: Burial Mounds
• Yun Shen Buzhi Chu: Cloud Recesses in the English translation (or literally, land lost in the clouds, unable to be found)
Wei WuXian didn’t think he was breathing.
He didn’t think he was breathing because the air felt leaden in his lungs as it sat like an ominous weight right in the center of his chest, just waiting to burst forth straight out of his rib cage.
He’d been trying to think, trying to piece together some sort of coherent thought or explanation or just anything at all, but all that he could come up with was a broken loop of why, why, why, why.
He understood why, but that didn’t mean he had to comprehend or accept it. He understood that Lan Zhan was a stubborn, headstrong man with a will of iron forged in the most searing of flames in the high heavens. He understood that once Lan Zhan loved, there was nothing or no one who could sway him otherwise (because, deep down, the six-year-old boy who resolutely sat on those stone steps to wait for his mother to open the doors for him was still there, still patiently waiting even then after all this time—and this was already more than enough evidence should anyone ever want to know exactly just how unwavering and unfaltering Lan Zhan could be once he’d decided that he’d give someone hold over his heart.)
Wei WuXian understood it all, but as it was, he didn’t understand why Lan Zhan just had to go to this length for him.
He had been trying in vain for what seemed like hours to stop the discipline whip from striking and cutting any more slashes into Lan Zhan’s already bloodied, torn up back, the wounds so deep Wei WuXian could see the sickening sight of white bone peeking out in some places underneath the shredded flesh. He knew there was no use to it—whatever remaining rationality screaming at him that this was just a memory of the past flashing by—but he couldn’t help it.
He had to do something when there were people were hurting the one person he loved most in the world.
By the end of it, Lan Zhan was bedridden for three years.
By the end of it, Wei WuXian couldn’t remember what his past counterpart had been doing during those three years up on LuanZang Gang anymore. All he could hear and see, taste and smell, were the tears and sweat and blood that shedded for him.
“Don’t go so fast,” Wei WuXian said into this quiet void of talking to himself, itching eyes watching as Lan Zhan, in a frantic panic, dressed himself and proceeded to ignore every unbidden wince of pain that he was pulling out of his own lips thanks to that series of hasty movements that were disturbing those barely healed wounds. The slashes had still bled sluggishly sometimes, even after three years. “Worry about yourself first.”
Those were futile words.
Lan Zhan had disappeared from Yun Shen Buzhi Chu that day and had brought himself—no matter the pain it took—to LuanZang Gang. To the one person who had directly and indirectly caused him all the hurt, beyond the physical sense, that he had been bearing for years and years on end.
But long before he had managed to drag himself there, the Wei WuXian of this bleak past had already been long gone from the world.
(Wei WuXian didn’t think he would ever forget the sheer desperation that had been on Lan Zhan’s face as he had looked around in search for any traces, any remaining traces at all, of the person whom he given everything he could to protect.
There had been none.)
And Wei WuXian wondered, numbly, what had kept Lan Zhan searching. Stubbornness? Despair?… Hope? It was hard to say, and in the meantime, Wei WuXian was trying his utmost best not to look too closely at his surroundings anyway. The broken pots on the ground, the makeshift houses razed to the ground, the just growing crops burnt and mercilessly squashed… The Wens had all died in this place along with him.
It wasn’t until Lan Zhan pulled a too thin, unconscious and feverish boy out of the hollow of a tree littered with all sorts warding talismans, that he could feel the coiled tension in the pit of his stomach relax incrementally.
A-Yuan had subconsciously clung onto Lan Zhan like a lifeline, and either too far gone or thinking that there had been no one around to witness it anyway, Lan Zhan had allowed a grief-stricken look to shroud over his face, and Wei WuXian could only cast his eyes out into the dark expanse of the starless night sky above, overwhelmed and exhausted yet relieved at the same time despite himself. Despite already knowing that Lan Zhan would eventually find this poor boy who had once called him Xian-gege and had now become the sole survivor of an entire family.
“A-Yuan ah…” Wei WuXian whispered, hand motioning in an attempt to try and stroke a hand through the child’s sweat and dirt matted hair that he could still remember to be so soft and tender. “You’re safe now. He’ll take good care of you.” Better than I could’ve ever done myself.
Wei WuXian thought he remembered where his soul had gone, after that sweeping raid on LuanZang Gang, but he wasn’t thinking about it. Instead, the sound of the guqin lingered with him, as much as it had done with Lan Zhan, almost everywhere, constantly, the hauntingly desolate notes wrapping around him like binding threads of gossamer. Spinning and spinning and spinning.
Lan Zhan had played Inquiry everyday (like he he had kept waiting for his mother to open the door to receive him into her arms everyday even though he had no longer come by to sit on the steps of her private quarters anymore after his schedule had gotten too irregular to keep up the habit.) He had played Inquiry every day, had gone to buy Emperor’s Smile whenever he had missed the bright boy of the past and his rich laughter too much, and had gathered every piece of Wei WuXian that he had still kept from long ago together to form what almost seemed like one last final breath of a life before had died out in a shriek of agony.
He’d held onto all of that, tucked them away for safekeeping, and continued playing that one song of Inquiry day after day without fail.
Wei WuXian looked at his husband, his hands ghosting over the too silent strings that was the hallmark of an unanswering soul, and wondered what would have become of them, of Lan Zhan, if Mo XuanYu hadn’t given him another chance at life.
(The idea of Lan Zhan, cold and alone and unable to move on from this almost terrifyingly encompassing love, love for a person—for all he had known—who was never coming back, made Wei WuXian shudder as the despair bubbled up from deep inside his chest and spilled over like spider lilies falling into the darkness.)
His limbs were cold, and Lan Zhan, just like that, was clasping Wei WuXian’s hands with his own his steady, warm ones, all the while blowing hot breaths onto the icy palms and kneading the underlying muscles for better blood circulation.
Lan Zhan allowed him his silence for a few long moments before cracking his lips open and saying, “It’s not your fault.”
“You told me that already,” Wei WuXian replied sullenly, head heavy with a pulsing pressure wedged right behind his eyes.
“It’s true.”
Wei WuXian pursed his lips and said nothing. His fingers were still stiff with cold.
“I…” Lan Zhan began again, and for a man of not many words, he was trying hard to get this point across. Because it was important. “I do not want there to be any sense of gratitude or apology between us.”
“That’s not—” Wei WuXian was in the process of shaking his head in denial when Lan Zhan levelled him a pointed look, one eyebrow slightly arching upward, and Wei WuXian clicked his mouth shut at that.
Lan Zhan sighed, the circular motion of his massaging thumbs moving steadily along Wei WuXian’s hands until they settled over inner, sensitive skin of his wrists now. And he tried again, no interruption this time: “I do not what that because everything I did, I did because they were right. No more.”
Meaning, Don’t feel grateful towards me when I was only doing the right things.
Meaning, Don’t apologize when I have no regrets.
Meaning, You were—are—right to me.
Because unlike his father before him who had had to lock both himself and his own wife, the love of his life, away because he couldn’t reconcile the conflicts he had felt over loving her so much even though it had been wrong and had gone against every teaching he had received since young, Lan Zhan knew that this love, to him, was right.
Wei WuXian was right, to him. For him.
“You told Jiang WanYin it was better not to dredge up the already bygone past, and this is the same.” Lan Zhan leant down, pressing gentle kisses over the pulse in Wei WuXian’s wrists. “We’re here now.” As in, what’s done is done.
Let’s enjoy the present.
And Wei WuXian closed his eyes, throat tight with the piercing of a thousand needles, but at the same time, he understood this. He comprehended what his husband was saying, and he agreed. The past was the past, and beyond that, it was already another lifetime for him, and if he kept living in regrets, even now that they had gotten married and had only just begun spending their lives together for the rest of their days to come… Then what was the point in all that suffering that they had gone through to be with one another? What was the point in all the pain that Lan Zhan had endured?
Gratitudes and regrets poisoned a relationship, and Wei WuXian should know this better than anyone else.
So he surged up and settled himself into his husband’s embrace, arms wrapping around him and holding him close. Never leaving. Never again.
“I love you,” Wei WuXian said, a genuine smile on his lips despite the sadness that was finally ebbing in his eyes. He was happy. Happy that Lan Zhan had gone out of his way and tried so hard to explain his thoughts to Wei WuXian, laying his heart out in the open like that, just so there wouldn’t be any misunderstanding between them.
(It was an almost terrifyingly encompassing love, but at the same time, Wei WuXian didn’t mind. His love was possessive, too, with the weight of too many losses and the stigma of a madness that hadn’t quite faded away even after crossing over lifetimes. And that was just how they were… They helped balance each other out and made themselves all the more stronger for it.
In the end, this was all that they had ever wanted or needed.)
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ask-the-equestrians · 6 years
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Greetings Everyone whose near and faraway. I got a new Equestrian Remake for you today. We have an Equestrian that's unique from all there other. Here we focus on the Equestrian Zebra Zecora. Since I lack the skills of make these sill rhymes. I will quit writing this bid this time. Anyway... Today we or focusing on the rare Equestrian Zebra, Zecora. Zecora is a rather mysterious Equestrian who live deep in the Everfree forest. She is known by the towns folks as a skillful witch doctor who would help anyone/anypony who comes to see her, from curing a strange disease to regrowing hair. Zecora gained a reputation of being a miracle worker despite the first appearance that she had towards other Equestrians when she first appeared in Ponyville. While many Equestrians in her town know about Zecora and her "miracles," No one really knows about her past, nor where she originally came from... Until she came across a certain Equestrian who knows who Zecora really is. Zecora is a decedent to The Demon King of Forfedre "Axel Doi" and was the chosen Queen by her Clan as a last attempt to bringing Axel back to his former state or to bring an heir that can one day defeat Axel and become the new King. Zecora later on escape from Axel's castle and left Forfedre and took refuge in Equestria posing as a witch doctor. Discover Maya Doi at the Everfree Forest with Fluttershy with brought back memories of her past with Axel, in which Zecora can only see The Equestrian Maya as Lord Axel, and continue to spy now her until Maya learned about Zecora and decided to confront her at her hut. My that the Befing is done it's time to get in details about the Story of Zecora Doi Zecora Doi: The Neglected Queen of Forfedre Zecora was born and rise in the palace at Forfedre. She is one of the Rare Zebra Equestrians that's existing in Forfedre, however the family decided that it was best to not let Lord Axel learn about her Equestrian heritage and her Zebra in fear of any retaliation against Zecora do to the fact that one of Lady Keiko's Daughters is so fun of the Equestrians especially a rarity like a zebra. Throughout her life growing up, she's been educated by her care takers, learning everything about her nation's magic, history, and about Lord Axel's life before he turned into a demon. Zecora was also train in the Country's Martial Art called Capoeira in which she became the most skillful fighter in her family. Zecora's training and her Equestrian heritage made her the most beautiful and Strongest Female Warrior in the Doi Clan, and gave her family hope that she can one day change they're ruler's heart and eventually return him back into a human. Zecora was chosen by noblemen who represent Lord Axel to become is Queen, and was told that she was their last hope of bringing Axel's compassion back to him, but if she couldn't do that then at least give birth to an heir that can one day slay his father and take over as the new king. Zecora accepted her role as Queen, and the inauguration ceremony between Axel and Zecora has began. Early on her role as Queen, Zecora notice how distant Lord Axel is. While many people in Forfedre describe Axel as a vicious monster that has nothing but hatred in his eyes Zecora sees a sad lonely man who became hollow inside. Axel didn't pay much attention to Zecora, often leaving her alone in the castle while he started a war against other nations to expand his land and take the natives there as slaves. While he is back at the castle, Axel barely say anything to Zecora if anything at all, and often ignoring her to do other things. Zecora became depress, lonely, and stuck with a king that won't even acknowledge her existence, so she spends her time help other subjects by curing their illness with her potions and help rebuilding the tarnish reputation they of her family that Axel indirectly destroyed. Zecora became interested about Equestria, and seeing her there are other Equestrians like her that are genuinely happy and even have a loving Ruler that value her subjects and apparently have a foreign Deity who comes visit the country that love her subjects just as much. Zecora believes that she and her Zebra would be better off living with them and her Zebra can be free around around the forest and eventually interacted with the native ponies in Equestria. Zecora begins to make plans to escape Axel's castle and move to Equestria in a different I identity. Zecora over herd in Axel's War Room that they are planing to invade the Eastern Republic and wipe out Lady Keiko and her clan. With the help with several of her servants, Zecora took the chance to escape her country and take refuge in Equestria. Now on her own and in a new land. Zecora build a hut deep inside the Everfree Forest and change her looks to past herself as a witch doctor in her country. Zecora was able to survive on edible plants and fruit the grew in the forest, and eventually build a garden with the help of her Zebra counterpart. In fear that Lord Axel Doi would one day invade Equestria, Zecora prepared herself have many defensive magic potions, and powder to one day confront and defeat Axel, however that day would never come to past when she learn that Lord Axel was defeated by one of Lady Keiko's daughters, Lady Maya Matsui, and is now merge with her as a human. The message was bittersweet knowing that the tyrannical demon is defeated but sadden that he was not only her ancestor but her husband as well. The news was even worse when she learned that the surviving Doi Clan that still lived in Forfedre were facing  persecution on the behave of Axel's war crimes, and were to be executed in sight. Zecora is now the only known member of the clan that survive. Zecora dropped her surname and beginning living as a local witch doctor, "Zecora the Zebra." Zecora early experience in Equestria: The Evil Enchantress As a foreigner Equestrian, Zecora was well aware that she's going to give out a serious culture shock to the native because it's very likely that they never since an Equestrian and Zebra like her before. So Zecora often goes shopping in town to the local herb shop wearing a hooded cloak. One day she was spotted by one of the local Equestrians the town Pinkie Pie. She then on told her friends about the mysterious Equestrian and made up stories about Zecora being an evil enchantress that puts spells on Equestrians and Ponies to do her even bidding. Despite not having any evidence to the ridiculous claim nor even talk to Zecora at all, her friends actually believed her story and began spying on Zecora to see what she is up to. These girls eventually followed Zecora to her hut, and saw her brewing a pot which at first glance believe it was some kind of spell. Ever the Master of Stealth, Pinkie Pie burst through Zecora's door and accuse her for being an evil enchantress that's trying to put spells one other Equestrian and Ponies. In a Rhyme Zecora ask "I cant believe my eyes can see, what this mad woman is accusing me. I don't know how you come up with the lore, but you are going to have to pay for busting down my door." Twilight Sparkle came out from hiding and apologies to Zecora on Pinkies' behave and for all of them and explain that they believe that Zecora was brewing some magic potion something. Zecora clears up the misconception. While she is a Witch Doctor and practices her people ancient magic using herbs potions, neither her or her magic is never attended to do evil deeds, but to help other People, and she what cooking dinner for her and her Zebra. The girls was fascinated about Zecora seen she the first Zebra Equestrian they came across. The Mane Six spent the rest of the night getting to know their new friend, and from there, Zecora became close to the girls and is officially welcome to the town as a local citizen. Zecora open up a magical clinic  to help anyone or anypony that seeks her. After awhile Zecora gain a reputation of being a miracle worker do to her cure rare illness that most of the doctors doesn't have any knowledge of. Her life in Equestria was more than she ever hope to be, and she find true happiness for the friends she made there... Until her past eventually caught up with her in a form of a fellow Equestrian. The King Has Return as an Equestrian: Discovering Maya Doi Since Fluttershy lives in the Everfree Forest as well, she also make a frequent visit to Zecora's hut to either ask for help with one of her animals, or learning about new healing herbs and to spend time with her. One day Zecora was gathering herbs for her new potion for her clinic when she saw Fluttershy having a picnic with another Equestrian and it seems that she was pretty intimate with her. Her attention spiked dramatically when Fluttershy called the Equestrian "Lord Axel." Zecora spies in while Fluttershy is having a conversation with The Equestrian saw that she looks exactly like the Deity that defeated Axel. Right then and there Zecora know that Lord Axel Doi is now living in Equestria as Lady Maya Matsui. Zecora never mentioned to Fluttershy that she saw her with Axel in the forest in order to prevent Fluttershy alerting Axel about her existence. Zecora continues on monitoring Maya, to see if she is planing to do any evil deeds while she in Equestria and prepare herself against a possible combat between them. While spying on Maya, Zecora when online to learn more about the new Maya, and she found out that Maya been very active in the community from being a musician and touring with a popular DJ Vinyl Scratch, to becoming A Duchess to Princess Twilight. But What really surprises Zecora is that not only she in contact with The Blossoms, she made a partnership with them and Rarity's Boutique and set up a studio inside their spa as their musician. Zecora was angry at the fact that the Blossoms were the descendants of the very same people that Axel slaughter merciless, and not he's interaction with them is if they was his family. It was time to let Axel know that one of his true family members is still alive. A few days later, Lady Maya was walking around the town with Twilight, heading to the local bookstore. Zecora was there at the town a walked pass Maya and Twilight. Lady Maya felt a sharp pain in her chest and stop to turn around and saw Zecora has she turn back to look at her for a few seconds and continues to walk away. Twilight asked if this anything wrong because she looks like she saw a ghost. Maya told Twilight she is fine and told Twilight give her a rain check to hangout in another time so she can clear her mind and left Twilight behind as she hurries home. Rarity returns home and saw Lady Maya sitting on the living room with the T.V. off. Rarity ask if Maya was okay because she talked to Twilight about her suddenly left her. Twilight told Rarity that Lady looked distraught and scared about something before she excuse herself. Maya ask Rarity about the local Witch Doctor who lives here. Rarity asked "Do you mean Zecora? Oh yes dear!, she a magnificent Zebra Equestrian who lives at Everfree Forest. She's a real good friend of ours and her potions are a stuff of miracles she in give me some ideal with a new fashion style that I wish to experiment with..." Rarity look down at Maya who slouched down in looks of fear. "She is one of your relative isn't she?" Rarity asked "Yes." Maya answered "In Lord Axel Doi side of the family. Zecora is no Witch Doctor. She's Axel's descendant and was the chosen Queen of Forfedre until the battle of The Eastern Republic. In other words she was my wife when I was a Demon King. Her true name is Queen Zecora Doi" Rarity was shocked to learn about Zecora's history and she was once a Queen of Forfedre. "She must of taken refuge in Equestria while I invaded Keiko's country. After all these years, I thought that she died. I'm at Shit's Creek this time." Rarity asked "What happens between you and Zecora?" If you already had a Queen by your side, why didn't you change back to a human." Maya look up at Rarity and answers "Because there wasn't any room in my heart to love anybody else and myself. I was empty, full of rage and hatred for Centuries. I couldn't be the King that Zecora wanted. She's was trained her entire life both mental and psychically to become my Queen. Can you imagine spending you entire youth in order to give hope to someone who lost it for centuries, and that person never acknowledge your existence. How lonely that Queen must of felt all this time. The same loneliness I felt for years I indirectly bestow that same loneliness to someone who wanted to help me, who didn't even deserve such abuse." Rarity told Maya that she must go see Zecora to put end to this terrible history, but Maya was too terrified of seeing Zecora and ask if she ever seen how athletic she is. Rarity answered "Oh yes, she's very athletic. Sometimes I stop by her place and watch her dance. it almost looks like she was break dancing." Maya told Rarity "That's not a dance. That's the Native Forfedre Martial Art Capoeira. She is one of the most skillful warrior to use such a fighting style. Zecora will kick my ass if I go down there! Do you know how painful it is getting you ass kicked by a Nubian Warrior Queen!? Let me til ya!! It's no slap on the wrist!! Rarity hugged Maya and said to her. "I know you are afraid to see her my Lady, but not only you owe it to her, but to yourself as well. Zecora must of still wanted your attention after all these years, even with the anger she has, she still wants you to notice her. You're not the same demon that ignore his love ones anymore. You are "The Deity of Passion" who will doing anything to ensure everyone happiness. I know you have it in you to make Zecora happy and to find closer for what happened in her past." Maya hugs Rarity tightly and says "Your words always seem to persuade me somehow. Very well. I'll go see her first thing tomorrow and settle this score once and for all." Confronting History: Maya Doi confronts Zecora Doi The next day Lady Maya pays visit down Zecora's hut. Zecora was preparing a new potion when she herd a knock on the door. Her eyes filled with rage when she saw Maya at the door, but puts on a facade and welcomes Maya into her hut. "My my, it's nice to finally meet you Duchess of Diamonds. What business do you have with me for you to drop in?" Maya answered "I came all this way just to see you Witch Doctor. I like to spend some time to get to know the locals here." Zecora replayed "I heard you like to win a lot of girls over. You really must of been enjoying yourself stealing young girls hearts, Casanova." Maya speaks in Forfedrian Language "That's enough of the facade. I know you've been stalking me for a while now, Queen Zecora." Zecora's wall begins to break once she herd that name and her facial expression has changed to it's true feelings. "I'm guessing you go by 'Zecora the Zebra' now. I don't blame you. Our surname didn't do much good for you though out your life. I didn't even know that you were an Equestrian and a Zebra of that." Zecora responds in Forfedrian "There were a lot of things that you didn't know me, that I would love to share with you. Why do you come here Lord Axel?" Maya responded "Because I know we have unfinished business that need to be address, and since your Zebra seems to not have any quarrel against my Unicorn, it's safe to assume that you see only me as Axel. I have to come see you because if I don't the anger you have against me will eventually overwhelm you like it did me." "All of our family is dead." Zecora respond "We were deem as war criminals when you were defeated. A rebellion has taking over Forfedre which ended the the monarchy. I was the only survivor in our clan... That is until you shown you face here." Zecora continued "I wanted to save you. I wanted you to become the King that our Land deserves. I learn about your history Axel. You was such a brave warrior. You had a goal, an ambition to become a hero to people, to make a name out of yourself and our ancestors. But it was wasted over some Empress who could never love you back. That is why I came into existence to one day become the your Queen, so you can become the benevolent ruler you was meant to be, but you never open up to me! You were so cold to me, you won't even look at me sometimes!" "It wasn't your fault Zecora." Maya respond "I wasn't in the state of mind to open up to anybody. I was too far gone way before you were born. I didn't care about anything other then revenge. I should of never been a king to begin with. All of it I was doing for my own selfish gain. The responsibility of the king should always do what is best for his subjects. I never learn that lesson until it was too late. And even now I'm still paying the price for that mistake." Zecora Replied "All of this time, you were having your fun with other Equestrians here. You even worked with the very same people whose family you slaughter to get to their empress, and you expect me to believe your story? That you suddenly change you ways!? How could you possibly sleep at night when you first came here Axel!?" "I didn't!" Maya respond "I couldn't sleep at all Zecora! Every time I close my eyes all I seen was all the atrocities that I committed. For the first six months I was in this body, I was in a vegetated state only to scream in agony because I keep reliving that nightmare. It's gotten so bad that I left my apartment so I can end my life. I wouldn't even be here today if it wasn't for your neighbor Fluttershy. Her pony spent two years with me helping me to get my humanity back. Ever since then I wanted to give back that compassion her Pegasus gave to me. Fluttershy knew about my past and yet she wasn't afraid of me and still loves me to this day. It was something that I never experience in my life and something that I couldn't give anyone, not even you."Maya continues "I know you must of hated me Zecora. I never took the time to experience you. I never given you the opportunity for you to fall in love with or even come close to me. It wasn't fair for you to experience what's been done to me, which is why I became Twilight's Duchess. I genuinely want to bring that very same happiness Fluttershy gave me back then." Zecora responds "That still didn't explain why The Matsui descendants still excepted you to their facility." "Because they already forgave me and continue to see me as Maya." Maya respond. "They know I'm not the Same "Deity of Passion" They grew up with, and they know inside I'm Axel, however they know I'm not a threat to them and I consider them my family all the same. Which is why I made the merger with them so I can become that Deity that Maya Matsui was. And even my unicorn, who still have Lady Maya's spirit inside her, and has all the reason to despise me, not only she consider me her father, but actually in love with me as well." The Pony Maya transformed into an Anthro and wrap her arms around her counterparts right arms. "Far be it for me, I rather for her to give in her blood lust and try to kill me then giving in her other lust, but take that if you will." Zecora remind silent with her arm folded. "I don't expect you to forgive me, I know that's asking to much of you, but before deciding to dual against me, I want you to at least stop by at the Spa. Your Cousins are anxious to see you in person. Zecora asked in confusion in and an English "Forgive me, but I find what you say quite puzzling. Did you say The Spa Equestrians are my Cousins." Maya respond in English "Yes, I can't bring our family back from the dead, but since The Blossoms are Matsui's descendants, that means you both now have a common ancestor. Me." Maya left the hut and Zecora ponders about their conversation for a while. Uniting the New Found Family: Zecora Doi Visits the Spa Several days after thinking about her conversation with Maya, Zecora visits Maya's House and ask to take her to the spa and introduce her to the Blossoms. Lady Maya was surprise to see Zecora at her house, but was happy that she ask to come with her at the Spa. Maya had a short conversation while they were travailing. Maya told Zecora that she was happy that she took her time to see her cousins and Maya couldn't stop talking about her the other day. Zecora was skeptical about the visit and with Maya, but Zecora says "It sounds to good be true. Sorry, but it's no offense to you." Maya told her it's okay to be anxious in front of them. She was the same way but only more shy in front of them at first, but these girls are truly the sweetest Equestrian Masseuses she can ever meet. Once Maya and Zecora arrive at the Spa, Aloe, Lotus, and Vera welcomes Lady Maya to the spa, and Vera holds Maya's hand as usual. Maya introduce the girls to Zecora. The Blossoms turn around and looked at Zecora and Aloe begin to approach her. With a few seconds of looking at each other, Aloe extended her arms to give Zecora a big hug, and the both of them embraces the hug. Aloe whisper to Zecora's ear "Welcome to our Spa, Cousin." And Tears started to fall from Zecora's eyes and says "At first I was really scared, but it turns out I have nothing to fear. You hug is so tight and firm, but your skin feels so soft and warm. I thank you for forgiving my ancestor's sin, and accepting me as your cousin." Maya was in tears to see Aloe hugging Zecora and told Lotus and Vera. "I may not be able to change what happen to our country but this is big step in bring true piece to both nations. Please take good care for your new family member for me, she's been through a lot in her life." The girls nodded and walk over to Aloe and Zecora and give them a group hug. After that tearful reunion The Girls return to the Spa and Aloe tend to Zecora as her personal Masseuse. Later on at the Spa Lady Maya and Mako begin to preform several of their new music to the evening guesses in the main room. Zecora notice how Maya looked so happy and content while playing her music. Zecora thought to herself it was a smile that she could never give Axel, and wonders if this is the same Axel she was once married to. After the full day in the spa, Maya asked Zecora how was her first day as a V.I.P.? Zecora answers Maya. "The treatment here are simply the best. It's a wonderful place for me to relax and rest. The most interesting part of my visit is your performance. Your music seem to work best with sleep and romance. Were you always this talented with your instruments, or was this part of your Matsui's inheritances?" Maya respond "I don't know for sure. The Deity Maya usually plays more transitional music but I use more electronic recordings mix with some of my instruments. Perhaps I had this in me all the time. It's to bad I never got to know about it then." Zecora respond "Watching you perform you look like a different persons. Leagues away from the demon who was hurting. Because of that however, it makes me wonder, if I could ever make your heart flutter." Maya answered "You already knew that it was impossible to heal me back then. I wasn't myself when I was a demon. I didn't have to capacity to give any love to no one, but now I apparently I have so much love that I can give the whole town." Zecora asked "You may not have any interested to me back then, but does that feeling still stand?" Maya responded "While it's true that I didn't have any feelings for you while you was Queen, I can assure you that this isn't the case for me now. Ever since I became Maya I became very drawn to the Equestrians in this land, especially to the ones who had a previous relationship to Matsui and apparently with Axel as well. I have notice that you help a lot of Equestrians ever since you moved here. It must of been the same when you were a Queen. You did the best you can to help our subjects and try to fix our tarnish name. I'm doing the same thing now which is why I kept our surname "Doi". You are truly a beautiful soul Zecora, and I was such a fool that I never notice that until I became Maya. But if you want my advice, make sure you keep your doors lock for the next several months. As you can see, my unicorn would love to experiment with another Equine Species." Maya begins to leave the facility when Zecora shouted. "Thank you for all the sweet talk Lord Axel. But you and me still have a duel to settle." Maya told Zecora "I would love to dance the Capoeira with you. you knows where she live if you feel like kicking my ass!" A few nights later Maya wakes up in her room after her night at the bar and notice that she was naked and Zecora was sleeping naked beside her. "Ah Shit! It happen again! MAYA!! YOU DAMN LECHEROUS HORSE!!!" And once again another long story is complete. Zecora have 8 pics in her segment. Just as well since I' won't be doing any work while I posting these pics because I'll be transform may data and components to my new gaming computer which means ever more incredible stuff I can do. From here on in, I hope you enjoy this remake and I'll will return for some more Comics and Remake. Will I post more of Dennis Rufaro songs on this Remake? Yes, Yes I am: Tiramisu Piss Crowns Are Trebled The Lunar Eclipse in Tapastic The Lunar Eclipse Act II Hit me up on Twitter: @AxelDoi and Tumblr: Ask the Equestrians for updates or you want to chat. I'm trying to more active there you know. The Lunar Eclipse ACT I The Lunar Eclipse ACT II The Lunar Eclipse ACT III Software used: Daz Studio 4.10 Pro, Adobe Photoshop CC 2017, Iray  
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heroicisms · 6 years
( evidence 002 ) ha minji; pixelis
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          PIXELIS USUALLY REVELLED in the weightlessness of her body as she travelled through the wires, letting herself be carried to her destination, but she had to remain alert for this one. saturn was known for having top-notch security and she didn’t want to injure herself by bumping into a firewall, even if she’d removed as many of the precautions as she could before entering cyberspace.
          the principal’s computer was the furthest in the long line of saturn’s technological destinations, which she assumed was on purpose. of course he would have the most protection on his own device. he probably thought he was important or something. tragic, really, because he was the last person she was here for.
          she knew the computer was powered down when she landed in complete darkness, and she closed her eyes as she tapped into her power. turning the computer on was like flicking a light switch when one got the hang of it, and soon she was facing the principal’s desktop background -- a picture of him and his daughter.
          fang hadn’t been able to give her much information the last time she spoke to him. all he knew was how the student portals were set up, not the staff ones, and he wasn’t about to ask in case he raised suspicions. she could respect that. instead, she’d had him tell her what he knew and made assumptions based on that. a quick scan of the desktop shortcuts proved her right. close to the top of the screen, in the third column, was a notebook icon with saturn’s logo. it was labelled ❛ student files ❜.
          she jumped on the closest desktop icon ( seriously, who still used internet explorer in this day and age ?? or whatever the damn thing was called now ) and continued to do just that, moving higher and higher until she was standing on top of the notebook icon. she tapped the icon twice with her foot and bent her legs, bracing herself to land on the task-bar as the student files opened for her.
          squinting at the bright light, she found herself in the centre of a circle of doors, six of them, all with a different hero’s face printed on them. the homeroom teachers. one for each year.
          she knew she should probably start with the first years and make the climb to the sixth years, but if she was doing this, she was going to do this her way, and so she strode over to cecily alton’s class. as far as she was concerned, this was the most interesting group of students. this door brought her to a room similar to the one she’d just left, only there were far more doors.
          while she didn’t need fang’s profile, it was a good starting point. she could judge the amount of helpful information more effectively that way. it didn’t take long for her to find his, either, squished in between ridley vidraru ( she wasn’t touching his or his sister’s with a ten foot pole, not that she wanted to in the first place ) and that one kidnapped girl.
          walking through this door brought her to an interface in the middle of a white room, decorated only by photographs of fang throughout his time at saturn. the interface displayed his full name, his birthday, his ( fake ) family, all the basic things a school would need to know. clicking on the other tabs brought her to his academic progress and athletic progress respectively, mostly comments made by his teacher. while helpful, she felt that there was something missing.
          she closed her eyes. the computer’s coding thrummed through her veins, like it had a heartbeat and it was matching with hers. when she concentrated hard enough, it was part of her, and she could tell where all the hidden nooks and crannies were.
          and in this device ?? there were plenty.
          she reached out, palms facing forward, and she spread her arms outwards. when she opened her eyes, things had changed. the room was now dark with a single light shining on the interface, which now had a new tab simply labelled ❛ notes ❜. one look at these told her that these weren’t written by cecily alton or any of his other teachers.
          ❛ fang’s quirk is passive. it’s useless for combat as he has to close his eyes to use it, so he can’t use it when he’s trying to move. disappointing, but he has his uses. should anything happen, he can be called to my side and used as the radar he is to prevent enemies from harming me.
          ❛ as stated in his files, he keeps to himself and falls somewhere in the middle of the class, a more normal student compared to some of the others there. he’s unnoticed, but this doesn’t seem to bother him. where is his drive ?? he has the opportunity to come here under my tutelage and he’s wasting it on normal. ❜
          if she wasn’t scowling so hard, pixelis would have scoffed. this man’s sense of entitlement was like nothing she’d ever seen.
          ❛ liability level: low. his parents have never been seen, as they are always away on business and, according to staff, are rather flippant about their son’s progress. they can be easily subdued. ❜
          nothing was outright stated, but pixelis considered herself an expert in finding hidden things. was this man really ranking his students on whether their families would care if something happened to them ??
          copying the data to show fang later, she returned the folder to its original state, once again blinded by the white walls. after making sure she hadn’t left any trace of her involvement, she headed out the door.
          with the hefty amount of students, she didn’t have enough time to check everyone’s files before the ball ended, and even then, she just skimmed the principal’s notes to see if there was anything useful before sending it back to her own computer. she could have done this from the comfort of her own home, but there was a higher chance of her leaving traces of her hack, and she needed to be as stealthy as possible.
          there seemed to be patterns forming within the information, too. with one of her top priorities being the collection of intel on the children of professional heroes, she noticed that all of their liability levels were marked as ❛ very high ❜. choi jaesung, noh areum, kwon haneul, and anyone like them was automatically considered more important because of their parents’ fame, and while pixelis wanted to call the man out ( not because she cared, but because catching people in the middle of their bullshit was one of her favourite past times ), she knew it would be hypocritical. the league thought the same, didn’t they ??
          any of the students who had placed in the top three at any of their sport festivals were automatically ranked ❛ medium ❜ or higher, depending on their social status, parental involvement, and abilities. they had proven themselves enough for the principal to give a damn, at least.
          no matter who the student was, however, the principal always had some pretentious opinion of them. they were either too aggressive or too passive, too friendly or too distant, too reliant on natural talent or too focused on training their quirk. there was always something wrong with them, and it was always phrased in a way that made mister bang sound better than everyone around him.
          it wasn’t long before pixelis was desperate to leave, sick of being in the mind of this man who didn’t give a damn about the children in his care ( sure, she despised the heroes in training herself, but she wasn’t supposed to care about them -- that was the biggest difference ), and once she’d gathered the information on the last student, she leapt towards the ❛ x ❜ button.
          facing the desktop picture of bang and his daughter yet again, pixelis was tempted to spit in his face. that was impossible in her virus form, but it was fine.
          karma would come around for him soon enough.
          she selected ❛ shutdown ❜ from the start menu before disappearing into the maze of wires once more.
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