#third palace ruler
p5x-theories · 1 month
For the third palace ruler, since their two known jobs are both pretty low on the “societal respect ladder”, and it’s probable the sin is still of Gluttony, what if their corruption is like how Kaneshiro believed he could do his “operations” when he finally had money and power?
Huh, maybe! It hadn't occurred to me, but I could see how, as dams kind of contain and regulate a resource, that resource could in reality be money, and the third Palace ruler is trying to hold onto it for some future goal/purpose.
In fact, that could even tie into the blackmail theory, maybe? The idea of having enough money/resources to break free of the blackmail entirely, or something.
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frauleinandry · 1 year
alright, finished my first time playthrough of the third semester... tbh I think there was a lot of really cool concepts introduced, both narrative and gameplay-wise, but it was too short to really utilise either of them to their maximum potential. 
this got fucking long, so I’m slamming it under a cut, and I’ll make a separate post about What I’d Do Differently later
first things first, I thought the choice between maruki’s reality/the real reality would be waaaay more of a moral dilemma than what it was. instead, the whole thing is clearly as creepy as all heck, and the fact that some times bad things can lead to good ones is immediately highlighted by every single one of the thieves. like, unless you’re a huuuuuge akechi fan, I cannot see why anyone would ever choose maruki’s reality. this could be a bit of fandom poisoning leaking through, but I really thought there’d be more conflict behind whether or not it’s moral to reject/accept his reality.
next up, I want to talk about the royal trio - they’re such a huge thing in the fandom, but you only get the akechi/joker/sumire trio for like... ten minutes of gameplay, and akechi/sumire barely interact. in fact, we get tragically little of both akechi and the real sumire in general. 
seeing akechi and the phantoms thieves’ working together civilly was great, but he really didn’t have enough screen time/plot relevance for me to feel particularly saddened with maruki’s revelation on 2/2, especially since I knew it was coming. like, if he’d actually begun to form genuine connections with the non-joker members of the team, it might have actually felt sad, but as-is, it was more of an ‘oh well, that’s a pity’ kinda deal. 
plus, I personally would have enjoyed more antagonist!sumire, as her temporarily siding with maruki was soooo juicy, and it didn’t really feel like her re-joining the phantom thieves made sense until you’d done most of her confidant, which... is entirely optional! 
to compound this, while sumire is a good unit and I used her for most of maruki’s palace, akechi... kind of isnt. his magic is mediocre, and none of his physical skills have crit, and nor does he have native access to charge. tbh while I wanted to use him and sumire for most of the third semester content, I found a joker/sumire/haru/makoto team far more useful for generic shadows, and joker/ann/ryuji/makoto for the bosses.
speaking of another gameplay thing that should have been cool in theory, but was a bit average in execution, were the third awakenings. honestly, I love the narratives behind them, especially with the persona 4 homage, and the busted skills you get are reeeeeally fun in theory, but... there just isn’t enough gameplay left to really utilise them!! like, you either toggle between unlocking them and sumire’s confidant, and hope you’ve done it in the right order so you can get all of them before clearing the new mementos level/maruki’s palace, oooooor you clear that stuff first, and then only have the final boss/challenge battles to use them in. ugh!
while there’s been a lot of crit so far, I will say that I thought maruki’s palace, and maruki in general were excellent. the palace managed to hit the nail between dystopic and utopic perfectly, for a delightfully unsettling effect. I thought the exam section and the twilight corridor were both fantastic - the former for what it said about maruki’s character (i mean... YIKES), and the latter for its visuals/music/vibe in general. also, the video tapes revealing maruki’s backstory were great - seriously, all this time, I thought the palaces needed something like it, and now that we’ve actually got it, it was just as good as I expected. 
speaking not of his palace but him in general, unlike sumire, I thought maruki was woven into the narrative in general really well. his introduction to the story felt natural, and I looooooove how it was joker’s fault he figured out how to usurp reality to begin with. not to mention, fist-fighting your therapist on the roof is just... such a peak final battle. I love it.
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theygotlost · 5 months
vetinari is such a fascinating character to me because you cannot simply call him evil. he has all the aesthetic trappings of the Evil Ruler: a self-proclaimed tyrant, serious black robes, a devilish goatee, the tendency to raise an eyebrow or steeple his fingers in a grim manner, the torture chambers and dungeons in his palace, his wretched little pet that he loves so much, everyone is deathly afraid to cross him for fear of the Consequences, so on and so forth...
but he's not "EVIL". he doesn't take delight in senseless violence or act cruel for cruelty's sake. he's not ambitious or hungry for power. he's never a true antagonist, and is often working on the same side as the protagonists (or it might be more accurate to describe his role as a secret third thing). he's really not an unreasonable man on the whole. if vetinari is one thing, he's a pragmatist.
he considers idealism a waste of time because he knows his subjects too well for that. he can easily understand a cruel and villainous attitude, which is not the same thing as agreeing with it: with every new development in technology or society he immediately asks, "how are people going to exploit this? how could it be used dangerously?" not because he plans on doing it himself, but because it pays to know how somebody else will. ankh-morporkians agree: love him or hate him, vetinari's system works because it meets people where they're at.
this started as a post just about vetinari but then it got me thinking.... vetinari's method is not the only successful form of leadership we see. carrot is a natural born (ahem) leader whose outlook is the polar opposite from vetinari's; he operates on the assumption that everyone has good intentions and are fundamentally good people. and because he believes it so strongly and earnestly, people can't help but believe that it must be true, hence a self-fullfilling prophecy. which is great! the world would benefit immensely from more carrots!
buuut..... you can't really run a government that way, can you? you can't just say "let's all pinky promise to be chill and act super niceys from now on ok? 🙂" as a legally binding contract for millions of people. you need something to fall back on when that contract is inevitably violated. carrot can't imagine that anyone would ever do that, but vetinari knows they will, and accounts for every possible contingency. I think what pratchett is telling us, in a nutshell, is to plan for the worst and hope for the best.
the relationship between vetinari and carrot is one I don't see discussed much (admittedly since it's not very substantial), but it's interesting to think about. in his interactions with carrot vetinari is usually bemused at best and impatient at worst, but we know he's plenty smart enough to recognize carrot's value and what he's capable of.
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rukia-writes · 8 months
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Dad! Hermes x human!Mom! (Fem) reader
Warnings: baby drool
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“all units of the Olympian troops are putting up a bold fight but the outcome doesn’t seem favorable.”
“I’ll say, I’m losing to my grand daughter!”
The gigantomachy.
The promordial goddess Gaia was unable to accept the outcome of Zeus becoming supreme ruler and thus raged war with the Olympian gods. Inside the Olympian palace Hermes had informed Zeus that the odds weren’t looking favorable as the supreme ruler was currently playing chess with his toddler grand daughter and losing at the game also.
The two were sitting across from each other while Hades and Ares, who was injured from the war, watched the two play chess. Poseidon stopped watching after Zeus third loss. Clapping her hands together at her fourth win Zeus decided to put his attention on the war, Hermes kindly held his daughter in his arms who was chewing on a chess piece.
Hermes tried taking it away from her as Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, and Ares talked about the war. Unfortunately, his daughter had a tight grip on the chess piece. Hermes thought to himself this wasn’t the perfect moment to have his child with him.
Hermes’ lover was a human princess making his daughter a demi-goddess. Hermes agreed to take his daughter in for a short while until he would return her back. Hermes, in truth loved his daughter as she was not only adorable but like him was intelligent. The two bonded regardless of the war that was going on currently.
Hermes still couldn’t get the chess piece out of his daughters mouth.
Ares began warning his father about Gaia and her soldiers which stressed Zeus out and once Adamas added in with his berating Zeus about what he was going to do it seemed like Zeus was backed into a corner.
Finally, Hermes managed to get the chess piece away from his daughter. Rather, getting a temper threw it, accidentally, at Adamas making the god yell in anguish as the slobbery chess piece knocked him off balance and fall out his chair , the slobber made him question life.
Hermes, muttered a small “oops” while Hades chuckled at the sight, Poseidon had a small, very small smile on his face as Ares was confused at what just happened. The angry babbles Hermes daughter gave echoed throughout the room, the angry babbles were for her father but instead Zeus took differently.
“Of course! My grand daughter is a genius! Let’s go pummel them!”
Excitedly Zeus grew bigger in size as he cheered how fighting was the answer to the war, Hermes didn’t say anything as he followed Zeus with his daughter in tow. Poseidon and Hades left as Adamas was wiping the slobber off his face. Ares would have helped but his injuries was too severe as the nurses helped him leave, leaving Adamas to himself.
After a long battle…
After a long battle, Ares was exhausted laying down on the battlefield. Bloodied and tired, the god of war hoped the war would end soon as he rested with his eyes closed. Which soon opened quickly as he felt something wet touch his face, screaming in terror as his wounds opened up Ares saw his niece smiling at him as Hermes carried her in his arms.
“You were right, he’s up.”
Hermes, kissed the top of his daughters head who was happy now and clapped her hands together. Ares was inconsolable as he felt how Adamas felt, hearing Ares yell brought forth a visitor.
“What’s going on here? What’s all the fuss?”
Ares felt his stomach drop as he recognized the voice belonging to Apollo, Hermes informed Apollo that he was just checking to see if Ares was alive. Looking at Ares who was wiping the drool off his face, Apollo was happy to see Ares was well.
“I believe she’s teething. That’s the reason for the drool.”
“Our princess is teething? They grow up so fast!”
Apollo pinched the toddler’s cheeks making her try to bite his hand at the moment, but Apollo was too fast for the girl and exchanged a soft chew toy instead. Making her smile, which made the handsome god smile too.
The war was over and the Olympian gods had won.
As stood over the giant proclaiming victory as his men cheered he held up his grand daughter in the air as she was confused.
“Everyone! My grand daughter gave me the vision that we would win this battle! Without her victory wouldn’t have been possible!”
The men cheered as Ares looked confused, Hermes simply played along. Of course, he knew that’s not what happened but he wasn’t about to fight his father especially since his daughter was being praised.
“I proclaim, my grand daughter, the goddess of victory!”
The crowd cheered Hermes daughter’s name even bowing to her, the moment almost made Hermes cry. It was a moment that was forever painted in the great hall of the Olympian gods.
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“You kept her for two weeks and now she’s a goddess?!”
In the human world, it was late in the night as a princess was happy to have her daughter back with her and to see her handsome lover again. The news about her daughter came as a total surprise but one that was welcome.
“Mhmm, she’s the goddess of victory now. I’ll be back tomorrow to take her back with me.”
“She has to have her portrait painted, that’s why.”
Hermes watched as his daughter played with her toy as he talked to his lover, (Name).
“Also, make sure she gets plenty of sleep and don’t forget to brush her hair.”
“I know how to take care of my daughter Hermes. You can stay if you want.”
Smiling, Hermes kissed (Name)’s forehead then hugging his daughter good bye and also placing a kiss on her forehead. Hermes, could be a detached, calculating, yet sometimes playful person and when was with his girls the messenger god had another side to him.
A caring father and a devoted, wonderful lover.
“Next time. After all, last time I stayed a full night with you we ended up with a goddess of victory.”
As quickly as the messenger god arrived he quickly left, disappearing in the night. Although, (Name) was certain the messenger god would return tomorrow like he said would.
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naomis-daydream · 7 months
on the throne // shuri udaku
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summary: just read tbh….ok fine i’ll explain😒. being queen comes with a load of royal responsibilities; from border patrol, to technological advancements, and everything in between. though wakanda’s ruler realizes there’s a special someone she’s been neglecting. shuri’s come up short, and her wife’s coming to collect what’s hers.
warnings: pregnant!wife!reader. descriptions of pregnancy (obvs), teeny weeny bit of oral (shuri receiving). barely proofread.
a/n: this is the product of baby fever and ovulation😜 also this is a draft from forever ago, it kinda sucks so im dropping it under the cloak of night🥷🏽.
there were many things shuri loved about your body.
your hands, for instance. they always offered her a soothing rub or relaxing touch whenever she became stressed or overwhelmed with the weight of the crown. or something soft to hold as you spent evenings watching the wakandan sunset from the palace garden.
then there were your arms. shuri found that she only slept peacefully when yours were wrapped tightly around her middle. and if the royal ever woke to realize you rolled away, she’d assure she wiggled her way back into your grasp.
and bast your thighs. if the queen could spend the rest of her days between them, the soft, plush cushions, there’d be absolutely no resistance from the panther.
now it was worse, and it was all your fault. it was one of the many nights the queen spent inside you. somewhere between when she slowly pushed into you and when she brought you nearing your third high of the night, you had joked about her getting you pregnant. something about her having the genius and the looks to make a great gene pool. “fill me up, my queen,” you uttered, “give it to me. i want all of you.” you we’re fucking tantalizing.
it didn’t help that she had the science to make what originated as a lustful thought a reality.
now, seven months later, everything she loved about you only grew as your body changed. your natural curves only hypnotized her more as your hips widened and breasts swelled.
shuri also couldn’t help but smile when you wobbled cutely around your shared home due to the swell of your ankles, and while you refused to be helped with an act as simple as walking, you would feign resistance to shuri’s pleads to ease your pain before caving to let her massage your aching joints.
but the absolute worst part was the hormones. the cravings that made shuri tip-toe into the kitchen for you well after midnight, the hot flashes that would cause you to walk practically bare around the palace, and your sex drive, yours nearly matched that of her’s when she took the herb. though, only two of those things seemed to be prevailing today, where the only thing separating you from her was the thinnest dresses. it wasn’t unusual for you to forgo a bra this late into your pregnancy, but it seemed you’d forgotten any undergarments at all today as you sat on the lap of the queen, grinding helplessly into her thigh.
“yiza, mntwana,” you purred. come on, baby. “let me touch you.”
your wife squirmed from her place on the throne, hands on your hips as she guided you. you trailed your lips down her jaw to land on her pulse point before sucking intently.
while you were preoccupied, the woman took the chance to glance at the clock in the room, hissing slightly when noticing the time and when you sunk your teeth into her flesh. you were going to ruin her, she knew that much. the sad part is, she was gonna let you.
“the elders,” she whined, finding words rather hard when you moaned against her. “our meeting, they’ll be here in minutes!”
you pause your movements to lean up to her ear, whispering, “fuck the meeting.”
shuri threw her head back, sinking further into the the chair and further into the trap you set in motion the minute you walked into the room.
you always started by entering with a sweet smile, followed by asking her how her day was or what project she was working on. then you’d begin rubbing her shoulders, kissing her neck while muttering sweet nothings and telling her she worked too hard. “let me take care of you,” you’d say, “you deserve to feel good, don’t you wanna feel good?” and soon shuri would end up on her back, eyes wide shut as her legs were thrown over your shoulders and your fingers snug between her walls.
this time was different though. it had to be. the council meeting was nearing by the minute, and you showed no signs of waving the white flag.
“entle,” she began, licking her lips as she spoke. “i-i really think we should wait.” you continued to kiss her, attaching your lips to whatever skin you could reach as shuri continues. “once it’s over we can do whatever you want, my love.” her hands run over the curve of your ass, squeezing gently.
you pulled away from her, hands still cupping her cheeks. “i wanna do whatever i want now.”
“i know. i promise i-i’ll make it up to you.” she says, tilting her head up to look at you before placing a soft kiss to your lips. it’s sweet, the taste of her, and as much as you wanted more, she pulls away. “you better,” you scolded, “you’re the one who did this to me anyway.” you nod your head down to your stomach, stretching against the fabric of your maxi dress. the hormones had been driving you insane. and it didn’t help that shuri spent so much time away with all her new duties. this left you to take care of your own needs more often than you’d like to admit. you needed her. to feel her. while it might seem like you were caving, her majesty should’ve known better than too assume her wife would back down so easily.
your words bring a smile to shuri’s lips, a laugh escaping her as you sigh while you rise off of her, giving her a full view of your bump as you do so.
“whatever you want, mama.”
you hum a lazy response as your queen visibly relaxes, no longer antsy with your aroused antics. though she wasn’t in the clear just yet, you came here for a reason, and wouldn’t leave unfulfilled.
a simple idea sprouts in your head, and soon, a mischievous smile dances across your features as you reach back to unclasp your necklace. shuri raises a brow in question, but remains silent as you both watch the dainty jewelry slide down your chest and onto the floor, right between her feet.
the royal shakes her head, already having a clue of where this was headed. but you’re already sinking to your knees, eyes never leaving hers.
you rub your palms along the fabric of her black dress, reaching just below her knees. you play with the hem, eyeing the fickle fabric before tracing your fingertips higher. and higher. and high-
“thandiwe.” she warned.
beloved. how wholesome a name in contrast to your actions upon her. you peered up at her, batting your lashes at her. “yes, my queen?”
“we have ten minutes before our meeting-”
“i’ve made you come in less,” you continue, hooking your fingers around her underwear.
shuri wanted to protest, she really did, and she tried to. she mutters tiny objections at first, and you almost believe them, but the way she lifted her hips to help you remove her underwear, the way she whined when you tugged her to the throne’s edge, and the way she threw her head back with the first stripe you licked up her center told you all you needed to know. let’s face it, she knew she was done for the minute you walked in the room.
you begin to place gentle kisses to her clit, giving her a little stimulation, but not quite enough for her liking. shuri shudders above you, legs shaking gently. she began to realize just how long it’d been since the two of you had sex.
“still want me to stop?” you asked, tongue twirling around her entrance, to which she moaned in response. a light chuckle escapes your lips. “i’ll take that as a no.”
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city-of-ladies · 5 days
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"During the reign of her husband the primary function of an Augusta was the orchestration of ceremonial at the imperial court, a highly stylised and intricate affair given the ceremonial nature of imperial life, which was based primarily around the Great Palace, a huge complex extending from the hippodrome to the sea walls, with its own gardens, sporting grounds, barracks, audience halls and private apartments; the Great Palace was the official residence of the emperor until 1204, though under Alexios Komnenos the imperial family usually occupied the Blachernai Palace in the north-west of the city, while there were other residential palaces in and outside of the capital. Empresses’ public life remained largely separate from that of their husbands, especially prior to the eleventh century, and involved a parallel court revolving around ceremonies involving the wives of court officials. For this reason an empress at court was considered to be essential: Michael II was encouraged to marry by his magnates because an emperor needed a wife and their wives an empress. 
The patriarch Nicholas permitted the third marriage of Leo VI because of the need for an empress in the palace: ‘since there must be a Lady in the Palace to manage ceremonies affecting the wives of your nobles, there is condonation of the third marriage…’ While the empress primarily presided over her own ceremonial sphere, with her own duties and functions, she could be also present at court banquets, audiences and the reception of envoys, as well as taking part in processions and in services in St Sophia and elsewhere in the city; one of her main duties was the reception of the wives of foreign rulers and heads of state. Nor were empresses restricted to the capital: both Martina and Irene Doukaina accompanied their husbands on campaign.
The empress was also in charge of the gynaikonitis, the women’s quarters in the palace, where she had her own staff, primarily though not entirely composed of eunuchs, under the supervision of her own chamberlain; when empresses like Irene, Theodora wife of Theophilos, and Zoe Karbounopsina came to power they often relied on this staff of eunuchs as their chief ministers and even their generals. Theodora the Macedonian was unusual in not appointing a eunuch as her chief minister, perhaps because her age made such gender considerations unnecessary. The ladies of the court were the wives of patricians and other dignitaries: a few ladies, the zostai, were especially appointed and held rank in their own right. The zoste patrikia was at the head of these ladies (she was usually a relative of the empress),and dined with the imperial family."
Byzantine Empresses: Women and Power in Byzantium AD 527-1204, Lynda Garland
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sh1-n0bu · 3 months
Dear Judal/Judar, (From Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic),
Hello! How are you doing these days? I've heard from a source that you've been busy with your duties lately. It's not easy being a Magi, from what a little boy with blue hair told me.
Do you still take time to care for yourself, such as doing your makeup and hair? I remember it being really pretty the last time I saw it, though, my memory might not be the best. Years of working yourself as a slave in the slave trade does that for you, I suppose.
Right, the reason I'm writing this letter. Today is actually my last day of being a slave. I wish I could say that I'm finally being freed from my shackles from all these years, but that isn't the case.
Unfortunately, I will be killed tomorrow for the death of my master.
I'm writing this letter from my cell while waiting for the executioners to take me away, to the person I value the most. I still can't think of a reason why you helped me that day when I was attacked by those bandits. Perhaps it was for your own benefit, or you simply did it out of boredom. That seems like something you would do.
Or the occasional nights where you visited my barren room to accompany me. Those visits might've been small to you, but to me, they were more precious than any gold or gems I've seen. You made life feel like it was worth living a little longer in.
I may have only met you sparingly, but you've given me advice and wisdom that helped push me forward, to keep striving for what I wanted. Even if it was selfish.
In the end, all I truly wanted was you.
Sincerely, a friend.
I hope this letter finds its way to you, even after I pass.
𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜! 𝙣𝙤𝙗𝙪’𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙚!
to: judar from magi
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being a magi was, in all honesty, fucking boring. at least, to someone like judar.
he hated the constant bows and kneeling, the constant titles, names that are bestowed upon him. the duties of a magi, of having to choose a king so that one day, his chosen king would actually become a successful one rather than some pathetic excuse of a ruler. don’t even get him started on the annoying meetings, rituals, magoi training, diplomatic reasonings and travelings. ugh. at least he can run away from those boring, long, arduous meeting to have some fun in the gardens.
by fun, the arrogant magi meant slacking off as he bites into another random peach he stole from the kitchen on the way there. or even by running away from the castle’s depressing walls to see what was different on the outside world since the last time he visited. he could also hear some of those pathetic elder magicians cry out as they chase after him in a measly attempt to bring him back to his "duties" as they call it. duties, his ass. all the magi saw were bunch of papers, scrolls and more boring meetings with diplomats. he wanted to have some fun, y'know?!
it was during one of those usual running away from duty moment when he saw something that barely managed to pique his interest. a slave, judging by the chains keeping their feet together to not let them run away, but somehow protecting a kid as they face off against a bunch of hooligans looking to make names for themselves. judging by the lack of magoi fluttering around the adult slave, they weren't a magician, a dungeon capturer, a household vessel user nor even a fanalis. the slave was just some random human who was acting as a hero to protect the kid covering behind them.
judar should have left when the first punch landed and yet something compelled him to stay. to watch how the common, unlucky folk suffer while he goes on about his day and night like nothing is out of place within the safety and comfort of the palace walls. watch as how even when threatened with the most vile and terrifying actions imaginable against them, the human persists to keep a random child safe.
to intervene when the third punch landed.
the dark magi doesn’t know what compelled him to act out or to protect this random slave and a homeless child. they meant nothing to him, just some random poor folk that he saw. yet something felt weird. seeing how the unlucky get treated simply for being born unlucky caused him to stay and to protect them when they could provide him absolutely nothing. not even a fickle of entertainment. magis are the ones who have stayed at the top of the food chain since the beginning of time and will continue to do so. the magois and rukh of the world and people are at their disposal, ready to carry out their command at any given moment.
yet here judar was, protecting some two strangers whose rukhs barely flickered enough to cause some color. such fickle beings, such unlucky creatures and yet here he was… here he was reaching a hand out to help them on their feet, accompanied with a “are you two alright?”. what has gotten into him all of a sudden? whatever it was, it didn’t go away after saving their lives. no, it stayed and lingered on forcing him to do the same.
since there was nothing else to give the twisted magi some sort of entertainment at the time, he decided to continue to stay with the pair. and he continued to do so even at the following days when he no longer needed to save them. just his presence hovering around the pair was enough to shoo away any other assholes that wanted to cause them harm. and in a way, judar felt happy that no one was hurting them, at being their protecter in a sense.
everyday, judar would find himself running away from his duties at the kou castle to pay a visit to the slave he helped. the child had disappeared one day he returned and all the explanation he got was that the child had escaped. how? no one knows. but the adult who was left behind had an odd sense around them. their rukh was starting to dim and become more slower. were they sick? they didn’t look like it. but just in case they were indeed getting sick, he whispered a few health spells on them alongside a protection one before leaving.
each day judar comes to spend some time with the slave — while also using it as an excuse to run away from his magi work — he started to look forward to these little moments in his life. a peach from the castle one day, a fruit on the market square he saw on another day, a beautiful yet a simple looking ring one of the merchants were selling. each time he brings a little gift, the slave always bashfully denies it at first, saying that they were a slave and not a worker. each time judar made them accept his gifts.
judar will never confirm it out loud but he loved the little meetings he had with them. they were… nice. kind to him. not the bootlicking type of kind that he runs into everyday but the kind that is genuinely coming from the bottom of the heart and he felt that. judar enjoyed the little laughs the slave would make whenever he tells a joke or a funny story from the castle. the little dimple in their cheeks and the bright smiles. judar liked the look of awe on their face whenever he showed them a small trick — a little show of rukhs swarming at the tip of his wand or the icy flower he creates at random before tucking it behind their ear.
the prideful magi would never say it, but… he loved this person. this kind person who just gotten unlucky.
“i’ll get you out of here, alright? wait for me. i’ll come back tomorrow to set you free”
yet where were you? the rooms that you usually clean were being cleaned by another servant. when the servant in the room saw him, they dropped their towel to the floor in shock. but judar didn’t care if the servant was about to drop to their knees to honor his title or anything. he had no time for it.
“you didn’t knew, high magi? their master was killed and so, all the master’s slaves must be killed as well” the poor shaken up servant explains, handing him a letter as well. taking the letter, the magi wasted no time in ripping open the letter to read its content. judar was seeing red. he always had a certain amount of hate towards those who worked in the slave trades. he may be egotistical at times but judar still had feelings and emotions.
and right now, he was enraged.
“where? where did the executioners took them?” he asked frantically, almost sounding like a madman as he forces the poor servant to answer him. if his past self had looked at himself now, he would have laughed at the look on his face. maybe even mock himself for even daring to become this soft. but he didn’t care for that or how soft he had grown since meeting them. right now, he was just focused on finding them. and this time, he will hold his promise and set them free.
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ladydostoevsky · 1 year
TW: J*n W*, abuse, spoilers to the 5th novel? and Jun Wu backstory, DARK CONTENT
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Jun Wu or now known, Bai Wuxiang, could see the rebellious fire in his eyes. Y/N or now known, Bai Wu, glared at him, his eyes full of betrayal, hurt, sadness and anger. "I trusted you. You were my third father after my real father and Mei Nianqing. I followed you, I wanted to be like you. Now I know that you were the one who tortured us and made me and Xie Lian suffer for years. You are worse than a monster."
Tears started to flow one by one from his eyes making his cheeks pink. Jun Wu tried to touch his face for which Y/N dotched away a little. With a shaking voice he said, "Don't you ever, try to touch me again." Jun Wu looked at him with a natural face like the situation didn't bother him at all. "I see myself in you. You are the perfect image of me, I wanted to make you even more perfect ruler." Y/N, through his tears, looked at him with disgust. He moved closer to Jun Wu to look him dead in the eye. "I'm not you. I will never be you. And I don't want to be you, Bai Wuxiang. Do you know what's the difference between us? My body may be in abyss, but my heart will always remain in paradise."
Jun Wu, with anger grabbed his wrist and yanked him against his front with force. "Do you know what happened to Xianle 800 years ago when he said that to me?" he said with a low voice. "I would rather suffer in the mortal realm with Xie Lian for 800 years, than be with you in Heaven." Y/N said with confident voice.
Next thing he knew was the aching pain on his left cheek. His wrist was painful and Red from the Emperor's iron crip and now he had slapped him. Jun Wu shook him with anger, "You dare to rebel against me? I am your ancestor. I have guided and helped you for hundreds of years. I wanted to make you the most powerful being in all three realms. This is what I get in return? I knew these two boys would be a bad influence on you." Jun Wu stopped shaking and let go. He reached for Y/N hair to rip out the beautiful glass butterfly clip, which Hua Cheng Gifted to him. Y/N looked in horror at how he threw the clip against a wall and shattered into pieces. More tears started to flow down his cheeks and he ran to the broken gift on the floor. "NO!" Jun Wu followed him behind.
"NO! no no no no no." He took the pieces and looked at them. It couldn’t be fixed. Hua Cheng had Gifted it to him when they were in the Ghost City with Xie Lian. It was his handy work. It could never be replaced. Y/N turned his head and looked up. Before he could do anything Jun Wu had him already in a tight grip again and lifted him up to drag him away. "Let me go! LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!" Jun Wu said nothing and only dragged the shaking and tossing Boy farther away into his palace.
They came to a stop in front of a beautiful tall double doors with many locks. 'What's this room for?' though Y/N. Jun Wu opened it and threw him inside, on the floor. The Boy looked at the man standing at the door. "What do you plan to do?" he asked with a scared and shaky voice. Jun Wu smirked darkly. "I'm gonna make sure that they will never see you again. You are gonna be my successor, I'm gonna make you one. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian will never even dream about touching you again."
After that, Jun Wu closed the door. Y/N could hear many locks which means he was now locked up in the Emperor's palace. He ran to the door and banged with all his might to get Jun Wu's attention to let him out, nothing. "Your majesty, please! Please let me out! Uncle! Uncle I beg you, don't do anything to them!" He cried all his frustration and stress out against the door. Thinking about what is gonna happen with his two lovers now? What in the heavens was he gonna do?
He was scared. He was afraid of Jun Wu, afraid of their future. Now he could only pray and hope that Xie Lian and Hua Cheng wouldn’t come to save him.
Oh how wrong he was...
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dangermousie · 13 days
Your JoL posts have been amazing. I've loved posting my thoughts on them at times.
What do you think are Qing di's intentions about Fan Xian? Does he intend to let him succeed him as the emperor?
Thank you!!! I am so obsessed with this drama - to find something that is super smart AND emotionally engrossing at the same time is super rare but this really hits the spot for me.
Re: the emperor. You know, it wouldn’t surprise me if the emperor despite his brains is like many otherwise brilliant absolute rulers and doesn’t truly believe there will be an end to his rule and that he’s bound by mortality (think of England’s Elizabeth I, an amazing ruler who refused to even contemplate appointing heirs properly because it would mean her reign would end sometimes. Or Louis XIV of France who fought half of Europe and built Versailles and ruled for over 70 years and supposedly said “apres moi le deluge.” Or even the founder of the Qin Dynasty who was the first to unite China and yet was so obsessed with immortality his hastened his death taking mercury elixirs.)
I honestly wonder if some of his obsession with finding the Divine Temple isn’t just to get whatever weapons and secrets it may have or even see if he can take down something he can’t control but to see if there is a way to prolong life. If my theory that he’s a grandmaster is correct and Grandmaster Ye said other grandmasters don’t view themselves as human any more then why not escape the human limitation of death too?
But even if that’s not the case, I do not think he’s grooming Fan Xian to take over. First logistics - he’d have to appoint him on his deathbed because there ain’t no way he’s making him a Crown Prince and it’s not because he’s not in the royal family formally (face it, if the emperor wanted to manipulate things so Fan Xian never formally becomes a Fan and is somehow taken into the imperial family, he’d figure it out) or because to remove an appointed crown prince and son of the empress at that is a big deal (because ditto.)
It’s because the Emperor will never allow his Crown Prince to be someone TOO talented, it’s too much of a threat. Crown Prince is bloody minded enough to be an emperor but he’s only the third smartest out of his five sons (and frankly, third Prince is so young the jury is out on how smart the kid is so maybe he’d be smarter too.) Emperor wants someone he can control without expending titanic effort on the matter. Not someone with too many of his own ideas and a way of getting them rammed through.
The emperor is fond of Fan Xian insofar as it’s possible for him to be fond of anyone (which ain’t much - you get the sense he had more of that capacity when young though even there nothing mattered as much as power; if he’s 100% not related to FX’s mom’s death in any capacity I will be shocked) but as his comment in that pitchpot scene after CPP left indicates, to him strong feelings are a nuisance and stupidity and burden. So he’s fond when it costs him nothing important and is even beneficial but the moment Fan Xian steps out of line enough to be an issue or, even worse, the moment he decides he can’t control Fan Xian, he would not hesitate to murder him, fondness or not (in a way, FX loving so many people so much is Fan Xian’s safety - look how many levers the Fans and Wan’er let alone his followers like WQN give the emperor.) Actually, Fan Xian doesn’t even have to do anything super wrong; if the emperor thought it would give him a big enough advantage, he’d probably murder all his kids on the walls of the palace on the “I can make more” principle a la the father of William Marshal.
Ok I blabbed a whole novel but short version: I’d be surprised if he’s grooming Fan Xian to be the next emperor which is just as well since FX would be miserable as one and I hope at the end he gets his wish to live a joyful life traveling the world with Wan’er and enjoying the peace with his family.
Ultimately, I think the emperor wants to use him like he uses everyone and everything to achieve his goals and make his reign stronger and his kingdom stronger and balance the other princes in a stalemate (if his children fight with each other they are too busy to fight him) and just use him use him use him to the utmost just how he does with everyone else.
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p5x-theories · 1 month
Third palace blackmail anon here! Yeah, I was talking about the portraits that look like her, but were labeled with a different name. could be a relative or her post-change of heart look - both make sense. i guess we'll have to find out.
(Response to this post.)
Yeah, definitely! Something to look forward to, hehe.
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gerbelx2000-blog · 2 months
i honestly really dislike the palace rulers being treated so drastically different from akechi in the fandom. even though there's still people who refuse to say anything positive about akechi because he's a terrible guy, the majority of the fandom still treats him like a character and read into his backstory, behaviour, and motivations.
but when it comes to the palace rulers, there's not a single ounce of that attitude for them. it's so strange because not even the story itself has such a crazy bias; the same amount of sympathy towards akechi is given towards the palace rulers too. madarame and okumura are my most obvious examples, with yusuke often expressing his conflicting feelings on the matter, and haru learning about her father's motivations through takakura during her confidant.
in that sense, joker and akechi's relationship parallels that of haru/yusuke and the respective father figure; the two mutually love and care for each other, but unfortunately, one cares more for themselves and it causes their bond to break.
the cut backstories for the palace rulers add a lot to their character, and maybe that's why i like them so much. it makes them feel as rounded out as akechi was (in vanilla, i know he's much more humanized in royal's third semester. that might add to the bias, actually) and it makes me feel kind of bad for those sick, twisted bastards.
but obviously, that content was cut, and it's not very widespread knowledge, unlike akechi's backstory which he explains in-game, right in your face, unavoidably.
there's also this thing i've noticed that i call "fandom activism" where any deep analysis into a good-written character that is a genuinely bad person is seen as condoning their actions because WE ALWAYS HAVE TO SHUN THE EVIL GUY!!! WE CAN'T TALK ABOUT THEM IN CASUAL CONVERSATION!!! WE NEED TO HOLD A FICTIONAL CHARACTER ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE NOT REAL AND...... the way we treat them makes no difference in the world? huh.
personally, i was informed that the way i talk about kamoshida makes people uncomfortable. it's not like i said anything creepy about him, all i do is read into him the same way one would with akechi. he's a genuinely good villain, the same way akechi is! and his mindset is really interesting to look into!!!!! i think they're all missing out!!!!!!!!
my last line of defense is that the palace rulers are unfortunately made way less conventionally attractive than akechi is. that's something i don't like about them, and the fact that everyone lets that sway their opinions of them even less. i know atlus pulls the "make the unsympathetic character ugly" shtick a lot and it's suuuuuuuuuuck.
yeah. i'm kind of peeved about this and i thought you were the best person to send this to. kaneshiro isn't a cute twink but i'm still going to love him with the little attention he gets........... :')
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Leona Fact Sheet
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(Voted 3rd-most-popular-character on the jpn server in a combination of seven different character-ranking surveys held throughout 2021)
Contrary to appearances, Leona is one of the top-performing students at NRC, but he has become extremely sarcastic after years of being constantly compared to his older brother, the crown prince of Sunset Savannah.
Leona grew up in a culture where women are highly respected and we learn in-game that he is unable to refuse requests made of him by his brother’s wife. Through Ruggie, we learn that over half of the royal guard employed at the palace—where Leona was born and raised—are female.
The people of Sunset Savannah are fearful of droughts, making their second prince’s unique magic, “King’s Roar” particularly horrifying. Leona is capable of drying up both places and people and turning them to sand, without even needing to touch them (ref: Halloween Event). Unique magics are often learned by magic-users after years of study, but we learn in Book 2 that Leona was born with his ability.
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Leona is an accomplished chess-player, having enjoyed the game since he was a small child when he would regularly beat even adult opponents.
His older brother’s son Cheka has only appeared once in-game (thus far), but seems very attached to his uncle, abandoning his attendants to hunt down Leona on his own in Book 2, climb bodily onto his stomach and talk about letters that have been sent but unanswered and when he might, too, be allowed to start learning how to play Spelldrive. In the Halloween event, Cheka spends the entirety of Halloween-day constantly calling Leona on his phone.
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Though struggling with how Cheka’s existence ruins his chance of fulfilling his one and only dream, Leona seems fond of his nephew in his own way. Cheka’s name for Leona—Oji-tan—has been adopted by twst fans and became a trending topic on Twitter on Leona’s birthday in 2021. ("Leona-san" is trending at #13 nationwide as of 7:57am on July 27th 2022)
Leona's demeanor is usually calm, and he treats those around him equally, without picking favorites. He is described as a “genius commander” with strong leadership abilities and prefers brains over brawn, to the point of using tactics that may be seen as underhanded or crafty.
When asked how he came by the scar on his left eye, Leona answers, “I forgot”.
Despite his decadent upbringing, Leona has no interest in wealth or material goods. On his birthday he dismisses the messages and piles of presents that have arrived from his family, even offering to give them to the player character. The only present he opens is that from Cheka, who calls him to ask how he liked it. Leona ignores him and is reprimanded by his sister-in-law.
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While we know that Leona’s father is ill, we have not been given much information about his mother. 
His brother Farena is older by a decade, and Leona is often criticizing him for his baseless optimism and not being politically involved enough in the running of their country. When Farena gifts him an extravagant rug to use in his dorm room, Leona responds, “Why are you giving this to me when you should be giving it to the ruler of a neighboring country as a symbol of your friendship?”
While he does his best to hide away from others he is very clearly both respected and adored within the school, often called to mediate arguments and for special training for the members of the spell drive club.
Leona became the Savanaclaw housewarden in his second year due to a variety of factors, including his displeasure in acting as a subordinate to someone he did not respect, how unpleasant he found it to share a room with his fellow dormmates (who were both younger and frightened of him) and because of how those around him cried for him to take up the role. He challenged the former housewarden to a duel and won.
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In a vignette we learn that he has been held back only one year at NRC, but he is two years older than his fellow third-year students because he enrolled a year late. While he received an invitation to NRC at the appropriate age he ignored it due to the low-level curriculum offered at the college, opting to remain at home and focus on working towards his singular goal of becoming king.
Despite his tireless efforts this ambition died with the birth of his nephew, which lead directly to Leona's belated enrollment in the school to get away. His constant skipping of classes that fail to challenge him intellectually led to his being held back a year.
Shunned for his frightening unique magic, compared unfavorably to his brother due to Farena’s cheerful personality and constantly criticized from the time he was a child, Leona’s track record of never being recognized or valued despite his hard work and accomplishments has likely also contributed to his attitude towards his classes.
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Savanaclaw does not have a vice-housewarden. We learn in his Dorm Uniform home screen dialogue that “A few guys took up the job but they all challenged me, lost, and quit”.
Leona is one of very few characters capable of speaking to Malleus as an equal, and even arguing with him. Floyd refers to him as “Todo-senpai” (sea-lion), while Rook calls him “Roi des Lions” for “King of Lions”. He is regularly praised for his physical appearance by Vil, albeit always accompanied by an insult about some other aspect of his character.
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Some great artists for Leona fan-art and more (SFW, no story spoilers) ・Different Leona Hairstyles ・A day in the life of Leona and Malleus ・Love this - artist’s take - on Leona (separated into Twitter posts because none of their pixiv albums are SFW) ・Mostly Ruggie but beautiful art-style
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Voice Leona is voiced by Umehara Yuuichirou (梅原 裕一郎), whose other work includes Soma Kureno in Fruits Basket, Weather Report in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean, Legory Peck in DGray Man HALLOW, Takajo Kyoji in The Idolmaster: SideM and more. Bonus: subtitled video of Umehara being a happy nerd on a TV show
Translation of an interview with Yuuichirou from the official fan book here
More seiyuu information available here.
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Citations・ciatr.jp・ yulilog.com・ dic.pixiv.net・Twisted Wonderland Fan Book・Magical Archives Game Guide・YouTube
Additional Fact Sheets ・Riddle Rosehearts ・Trey Clover・Cater Diamond ・Ace Trappola・Deuce Spade ・Leona Kingscholar ・Ruggie Bucchi ・Jack Howl ・Azul Ashengrotto・Floyd Leech・Jade Leech ・Kalim Al-Asim・Jamil Viper ・Vil Schoenheit・Rook Hunt ・Epel Felmier ・Idia Shroud・Ortho Shroud ・Malleus Draconia ・Silver・Sebek Zigvolt・Lilia Vanrouge ・Sam・Crewel・Trein・Vargas・Crowley
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saintwrld · 1 year
Lift me up
pairing: shuri x reader
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summary: in which you discover your powers and help the mighty black panther in the war against Wakanda and Talokan
themes: angst
warnings: major character death (twice, idk what’s wrong with me)
translations: mntanasekhaya - sibling, sthandwa sam- my love, sisi omdala - older sister, usishiyile - she has passed (also meaning she has left us)
taglist: @pinkwright @zayswriting @vixentheplanet @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @ventingfanfics @quintessencewrites @ziayamikaelson @blackgirlfariy @shuriszn @6-noir @ogbells16 @cuddl3s4shur1 @n7cje @awolfcsworld @zhanylai @hetr0ph0bic @heejayy @heartsforjojo @locoforshuri @iloveekeiarah @khaleesi56 @thevenusianleo @verachii @axailslink @mbakuetshurisprincess @shinsousliya @letitias-fav @dejaonline (if i didn’t tag you, lemme know!)
a/n: i felt real angsty today 🤭 hope you enjoy
Wakanda had fallen silent.
The nation had been struck down by the loss of its sovereign ruler, Queen Ramonda, due to the same beings who kidnapped the American scientist along with your best friend, Princess Shuri.
Oh, Shuri. How your heart poured out to her whilst dealing with the pain of losing a mother figure. You could not imagine what emotions have taken over her heart. It pained you to even think of that dreadful day. How you had been occupied with figuring out your new found powers and had declined giving the American scientist, Riri, the tour of the palace. Believing it would be best for the queen to handle instead of you.
How it pained you to realise that your last words to Queen Ramonda were that of giving goodbyes and hugging each other as if you knew she was leaving. How you were having conversations with the elders of Wakanda on your deity, Bast, without yet revealing your new identity to them and the blast of water floods entered your spiritual vision before your actual vision.
Feeling the pressure of water pushing you and many other people. Hearing screams from each direction you turned your head. Holding on to anyone in your path, not realising that you had parted the water, leading the people towards the fighter stations near Bashenga's hut.
Your heart pounding against your chest had been the only thing you heard as you ascended into the air. Your vision had again turned white however you felt your entire body move as if you were fighting. Energy surging through your skin as you lost contact with your body, seeing the familiar hues of blue and purple in the sky outside of your childhood home near the river.
in the ancestral realm
Opening your eyes, you heard a voice behind you as if it was coming from the tv.
"We've gotten reports from the third world country of Wakanda that their sovereign ruler, Que-"
"Y/n!" Another voice cheered happily, you noticed the shake in their voice as you felt their presence coming closer and closer to you.
Looking behind you, you saw your older sister, Wami, beaming at you with tears streaming down her face. She had grown taller since the last time you had seen her, granted it had been years.
"Wami?" You barely whispered as you started at her in shock. Your entire family had unfortunately left you all alone as they were blipped, leaving you to find refuge in your second home in the palace along with Queen Ramonda who had lost two of her own children in the blip.
When everyone had returned after 5 excruciatingly long years, you welcomed Shuri with your whole being, seeing how she grew taller. After being with T'Challa and Shuri and being tempted to tell them everything that happened in the past 5 years, you ran to find your family.
After searching through Wakanda for hours on end, you found Wami sitting with an elder, consoling her and telling her that she will find her family. The reunion was bittersweet, knowing that it was just you and your sister and that the rest of your family was not coming back.
Months after, on one peaceful morning, Wami didn't wake up. Frantically trying to revive her then ultimately deciding to take her to the hospital where it was announced that she was with the ancestors. The royal family had gotten the news and had buried her using royal traditions. They brought you into their home, making you feel as apart of them even though you spent majority of your time there.
Wami had tried visiting you through your dreams but you would always reject them, believing that none of it was real, eventually blaming Bast for everything.
"Hi, mntanasekhaya." She weakly smiled, rushing forward to give you a big hug. You immediately crumbled, sobbing into your older sister's arms. As your sobs became more quiet, you had grown confused. After Wami's death, you were quick to accept that she was gone. Even visits from her became frequent and you allowed her back into your life whilst thanking Bast and restoring your faith to Bast.
"Sisi omdala. Why are you crying? If anything, being at home should be your happy place." You looked up at her, seeing tears gloss over her eyes once again. She looked away from you to sniffle and look out the window.
"This always happens when we get new people. You know me, the family crybaby." She grabbed a tissue from the living room table and wiped her tears.
"New people? The ones attacked because of the water?" You questioned. She nodded. "Along with the q-" Wami's sentence was cut short as you heard a loud shriek from behind you.
Opening your eyes, you saw you were being lifted from underneath your arm, both your feet floating above the ground. You lifted your head and saw you were going towards the palace entrance with Nakia, Okoye and Shuri running ahead of you.
You gained your strength back and put your feet back on the ground and started running, following the three women. You felt the breeze hit you as you ran, feeling your dress stick on you and your braids slowly becoming loose from their ponytail.
With the throne room door already open from the impact of the water from inside, you all rushed in, the scene before you causing your heart to drop. The throne room had so much water and the floor to ceiling windows were cracked open with you seeing a man with winged ankles floating, holding a staff.
Queen Ramonda and Riri were laying on the glass floor, being revived by both Nakia and Okoye. You felt yourself being pulled back and held into the arms of a Dora. You saw Shuri being held back by Aneka and M'baku, crying her eyes out and screaming for her mother.
You too were crying, resisting the urge to let go of the screams surpressed within your chest. You noticed the man still floating and he pointed to Shuri, who could barely contain her cries, breaking your heart more and more.
"Bury your dead. Mourn your loss. You are Queen now." He shouted. He declared that either Wakanda becomes allies with his nation or that he will wash Wakanda off the face of the earth.
His words became reality as Riri had coughed up the large amount of water from her lungs but Queen Ramonda remained still. Seeing Nakia's tears stream down her face, "Usishiyile." She muttered.
You managed to get out of the Dora's hold and ran towards the windows to chase after the man. Nakia yelled after you but there you were, flying towards him, trying to land a punch but he caught your wrist. He held it tightly, most likely causing bruises to form.
"Treat your new Queen well. She will need it." He smirked, letting go of your wrist, expecting you to fall to your death but only to be surprised by you facing him.
"You will pay for everything you have caused. How dare you." Your voice had cracked as you said your second sentence, it finally sunk in that he killed Queen Ramonda.
You turned away from him and flew back into the palace, immediately going to be next to Shuri as she held you tightly, sobs violently coursing through her body as she could barely look over to her mother's body.
With power surging through your hands and into the open field, you sighed out, feeling exhausted. A'awante chuckled at your exhaustion, uncrossing her arms and clapped her hands painfully slow.
"Congratulations, you've burnt the scarecrow of its stick. It took you how many tries?" She mocked, looking over at you as she appeared next to you in a flash.
"A'awante, we've been out here for hours. I promised Shuri that I would be back before sunset." You sighed out, holding your hands to your hips as you tilted your head back to face the sky.
You wouldn't necessarily call A'awante Bast's avatar but that is essentially what she was. During one of your many visits to the Ancestral realm, Bast had wanted an avatar to help you understand and figure out your powers to which she introduced you to A'awante, who is essentially the voice of Bast towards you.
"I guess I have been working you a little too hard. I would like to believe that you're very much ready for anything that might come Wakanda's way. Until next time. Goodbye Bahati." She said, waving and disappearing right before your eyes.
Everything you had learnt these past few days would be beneficial to the war that Namor had wanted. Your powers are quite powerful and versatile in a sense. You could manipulate anything using your powers. Your ability to fly had been improved and your strength would only be enhanced whilst using your powers. Temperature control and mind control were two of your favourites however you knew you couldn't take advantage of these powers.
Oh and your suit. You could summon two different suits using a special ring that appeared on your finger during your first training session. It's uniqueness stood out with its charm that made it look like a simple gold band to others.
Using your teleportation power to transport yourself to Shuri's lab, you closed your eyes then opened them once again to see that you were in the lab with Shuri in front of a large dna molecule model, with it eventually turning green all over.
"Griot, what's the confidence rate?" Shuri asked with a shake to her voice. "98.7%,Princess. Would you like me to print it?" Griot responded, causing Shuri to look at the module with pride without really displaying it on her face.
"Molo sana. Shuri." Nakia's voice broke the silence in the lab and Shuri turned her head to look at Nakia then you, who was standing right behind her.
"I thought you would be back in Haiti by now," Shuri said to Nakia. "And Y/n, you're early. I thought you said sunset." She directed her response to you.
"What is Griot printing?" You asked, going down the steps to stand next to Shuri.
"Y/n, it may be the recreation of the heart shaped herb." Nakia answered as she walked to stand next to Shuri as well. "It would be the greatest..gift to Wakanda since Bashenga's discovery and now Y/n's new found identity." She said, sighing with relief and a big smile painting her face.
"Griot, print it." Shuri instructed and held her hand out to you. "Come." She simply said, walking towards the 4D printer. Nakia walked next to Shuri and held her other hand for support.
"How do you know if it will work?" Nakia asked, as the printer began to run. "If it glows." Shuri replied and seconds after, the herb glows, causing you and Nakia to celebrate while Shuri looked shocked.
"You did it!"
Shuri had called you to her room as she was getting ready to present herself to the elders. You left Riri in the lab as she was working on the last adjustments on her suit.
You found Shuri pacing up and down the room, her curls were braided back and her suit clung to her body as she clenched and unclenched her hands. Her mood shifted as she came out of the trance of being in the ancestral realm, not wanting to share anything about who she saw whilst she was there. Her anger clearly shown as she punched a mannequin into the lab wall, gaining a reaction from you, Nakia and Riri.
"Shuri?" You quietly said, closing the door behind you and standing by the door, watching her slow down and eventually face you.
"I want him dead." Shuri started, shocking you. This wasn't the Shuri you knew. This one had revenge written all over her, eyes filled with hurt and rage. Dead? That would never be Shuri's first thought.
"Shuri, I'm not so sure that-"
"And you're going to help me. I refuse to let the man who killed my mother to live." She said, returning back to her pacing. You hesitantly walked towards her, stopping in front of her.
"I am more than willing to help you, Shuri but please think of this before we go out there." You pleaded and she stopped to stare at you. Her eyes staring into yours so intensely.
"Y/n, do you remember how you reacted when I had been kidnapped?" She asked, in such a demanding tone. Seeing where this was going, you immediately responded. "Yes but listen-"
"Had you or had you not said that you would kill whoever were to kill me?" She asked once again. You looked away from her face to avoid answering.
"I did." You muttered. "Speak up." She commanded and you looked at your best friend with such shock. "I had said that but I need you to get of this headspace, Shuri." You warned.
You could physically see your best friend become dangerous. The anger had consumed her fully and you knew that getting your Shuri back would be long after this war.
"This headspace is what is going to keep Wakanda safe, Y/n. I've suffered too long and it's time for me to get my lick back." She smirked after saying the last four words that you taught her.
It was as if she was in your mind and convinced you to go along with her plan. "So will you help me bring Namor's head back, sthandwa sam?" She wickedly smiled at you and it sent shivers throughout your entire body.
Shaking yourself out of her words, you began. "Shuri, no. You know that this is not the answer. Stop-"
"What are you afraid of?" She asked, slightly bending her tall body to match your eye contact level.
Keeping the eye contact, you remained silent. "If you are going to stop me, y/n, it won't work." Shuri stated.
Holding your hand out for her to hold, she placed her covered hand in yours. "Let's go show the fish man who the Black Panther is." You said, making Shuri smirk and lean in to peck your lips.
"Lead the way, sthandwa."
Looking over your beautiful nation through the windows of the throne room, Shuri stood behind you, holding your waist tightly.
"Are you fine, sthandwa?" She asked you as she peppered soft kisses along your neckline.
"I'm okay, just thinking of my powers during the fight." You replied. Thinking back to it, you and Shuri were against Namor. Your powers nearly burnt the Demi god to a crisp whilst Shuri held his wings in her hand.
Quickly healing her stab wound, you flew her into the sky as the fighter jet blew up into flames. Signaling that you go back to the ship to help the others, you fly over and use your gravity manipulation power to lift up the Talokanil crawling onto the ship and blast them into the ocean, similar to what Riri did to Namora.
"Do you still have the wings?" You asked, turning around and pecking her lips once. She nodded while smiling. "They're framed and sitting on the lab tables in the Great Mound lab." She said and her Kimoyo beads began to vibrate against your skin as she still held onto your waist.
"Have to look over the city, my love. Will you join me?" She held out her hands to you and you graciously accepted them.
"Of course I will." You smiled and hugged her, thanking Bast for bringing Shuri into your life throughout all the hardships thrown to you.
not proof read! I just went off on this one lol
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do-it-for-radagon · 3 months
Oghma, the Scribe
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One of the Omens set free from the Subterranean Shunning Grounds by the Third Elden Lord. For this, he is eternally grateful to the current rulers of Leyndell. Coming from a noble house, he was taught to read and write. He tried to maintain these skills throughout his isolation by keeping an impromptu 'library' of scraps and snippets that ended up discarded in the sewers and reading them to his unfortunate kin.
Now that he has the entirety of the palace's library to himself, he's never been happier. Appointed by Radagon as his personal scribe, Oghma is living his best life.
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tessa-liam · 8 months
Turning the Page 
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I'm the Problem -4-
Choices, The Royal Romance AU
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Masterlist     
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks     
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who belong to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression.    
Rating: M🔞Warnings - crude language – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 2490     
Turning the Page 
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I’m the Problem – 4
Chapter Summary: Maxwell returns to Cordonia and sets out to find a solution for Riley while simultaneously keeping her secret. Madeleine announces her truth. Liam and Leo make plans to visit New York City.
Music & Title Inspiration: Anti-Hero, Taylor Swift 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found. 
A/N2: My submission for @choicesflashfics, Week #54, Prompt 3 - “Go on, say it...You were right.” 
A/N3: My submission for @choicesoctober2023, Seasonal: Autumn/leaves 
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 Cordonian Royal Palace, Capital
The cool autumn breeze rustled the leaves that adorned the grand courtyard of the Cordonian palace. It was a Friday afternoon, and the sun cast a warm, amber glow over the grounds. Queen Madeleine stood atop a raised stage, the center of attention. Flanked by Kiara and Penelope, she prepared to make an announcement that would send shockwaves throughout the Kingdom.  
Madeleine’s icy demeanor and calculated actions had earned her the monicker, ‘Ice Queen’ by the people of Cordonia. Her reputation was one of coolness and sometimes unkindness, a stark contrast to the warmth and compassion expected of a queen. She had proven herself a formidable figure, always ten steps ahead of those who dared to challenge her. 
As the whispers of the court swirled around her, the queen’s gaze never wavered. Her sharp, emerald eyes scanned the crowd, filled with anticipation. The reason for this gathering was a secret closely guarded until now, and even those closest to her were unaware of what was about to unfold; except for the queen mother, Regina, who stepped onto the stage in solidarity.  Her mother, delighted for her daughter, remained in Fydelia; to watch the press conference on-line. Her father, in disagreement with his daughter to come forward, remained defiant but was in attendance. 
The father of the child she was carrying was not King Liam, her husband and the ruler of Cordonia, but a royal from Morocco.  
Godfrey watched from the sidelines, with a mixture of anger and pride. He always had ambitions for his daughter since her birth, wanting her to wear the crown that had been promised to their family by King Constantine. When Crown prince Leo abdicated, it had opened the door for Madeleine to pursue the crown once more, this time with King Liam as her partner. 
But Liam harbored a deep loathing for Madeleine. Theirs was an arranged marriage, after he had been unhappily separated from his American suitor; a scandal orchestrated by none other than Godfrey himself. He had believed that by tearing his true love apart, he could pave the way for Madeleine to ascend the throne by using Liam’s sense of duty against him. 
Yet, despite his selfish intentions and machinations, Madeleine found herself pregnant with a child from a foreign Royal. A fate Godfrey did not foresee and did not prepare for. 
Olivia stood beside Liam, along with the members of the Royal council to stand in unity with their King. Watching the press conference from a third-floor balcony overlooking the Royal courtyard; the mood was somber, the future of the kingdom hung in the balance. 
 Olivia had presented the recently uncovered proof with the damning documents and letters to the Royal council. All of the materials originating from the Duchy of Karlington in England, at Godfrey’s behest. Along with proof, that Tariq had been paid handsomely by King Constantine for his part in the scandal. 
Liam’s heart swelled with a strange mix of emotions today– anger, betrayal, guilt, and relief that Madeleine's ambition was finally being exposed for all to see. The paparazzi, sensing a controversy of epic proportions, jostled for position at the front, their cameras flashing like lightning. Prepared to fire questions at their queen, and demanding answers; eager to capture every detail of this historic event. 
With a calm, but resolute voice, Madeleine announced, “Good afternoon and thank you all for your interest.” Looking out towards the crowd of attendees, her vision blurred with unshed tears, she took a deep, shuddered breath. 
“I am here today to formally announce that I am with child.” 
The court gasped, and the people of Cordonia exchanged glances filled with a mixture of shock, curiosity, and judgement. Madeleine’s carefully constructed façade had cracked, revealing vulnerability beneath a frosty exterior.  
“My future is uncertain at this point. The child I carry may not be the heir you all expected, but it is a future I am prepared to face, whatever it may hold.” 
The fallout from this revelation would shape the destiny of Cordonia in ways no one could predict. 
JFK International Airport, U.S.A.
The cool autumn air swept through the bustling JFK International Airport, carrying with it a sense of finality. Riley stood beside Maxwell, the noisy commotion of travelers around them seemed to fade into the background as they shared a moment of quiet understanding. 
“I can't thank you enough, Maxwell,” Riley said, her voice filled with gratitude. “For everything.” 
Maxwell smiled warmly; His eyes reflecting the sincerity in hers. “It's been my pleasure, ‘little blossom’. You've brought a light back to my world that I didn't even know I was missing.” 
Riley glanced down at the toy airplane in her hand, a small token of Maxwell’s affection for William. “I'll make sure Li gets this …  from his uncle Max. He's going to love it.” 
Maxwell nodded, a wistful look in his eyes. “He's lucky to have you in his life, just like I've been lucky to know you, Riley.” 
As the boarding call echoed through the terminal, they exchanged a final lingering hug. “Remember, this meeting stays between us. It's our secret,” Riley whispered, her voice barely above a breath. 
Maxwell nodded again, understanding the weight of their shared secret. The cruel clause that Madeleine added to the Cordonian arrangement. “You have my word. This is between us and no one else.” 
With a final smile. Maxwell turned to join the queue of passengers, disappearing into the crowd. Riley watched him go, her heart heavy with a mixture of sadness and hope. She knew that this moment marked another turning point. Not just for Maxwell and herself, but for William as well. 
As she turned to leave the airport lobby, she noticed a small display of souvenirs nearby. Her eyes fell on a Statue of Liberty keychain; a replica of the one that she had given to Liam on the night of his coronation. The memories flooded back, and she could not help but reach for it. 
The key chain felt cool in her hand, its familiar weight was comforting. She paid for the little statue, tucking it alongside the gift from Maxwell, carefully into her bag. They were more than just trinkets. They were symbols of the two worlds she straddled, the two hearts she held dear. 
 With one last glance back at the bustling airport Riley turned and made her way out into the brisk, autumn New York City morning. She knew that even though a chapter was closing, the story was far from over. As she hailed a cab, she felt a renewed sense of purpose.  
Cordonian Royal Palace, Capital
 Liam stared out of the window of his study, his thoughts a turbulent storm within him. The revelation of Madeleine's pregnancy had torn through the kingdom like wildfire. It had left him with mixed emotions; relief that his marriage was over, anger at the combined deceptions against him, and a reminder of his profound regret of losing Riley, the woman who still held his heart. The world had seen the cracks in his kingdom's facade, yesterday, and the weight of it all was taking its toll on him. 
As he contemplated his future and the steps to be taken to rebuild his kingdom's reputation, there came a familiar knock at the door. Liam turned his attention away from the view of the palace gardens and called out, "Enter." 
Bastien opened the door and announced, "Your Majesty, Prince Leo is here to see you." 
Leo stepped into the study, with a concerned expression on his face. He was aware of the turmoil that had engulfed his younger brother’s life. They had shared a close bond when they were younger, one forged by the trials and tribulations of their upbringing as princes. Although regrettably, after he abdicated, he wasn’t around for Liam. Without a word, Leo walked over and embraced his brother, offering a comforting presence. 
Liam sighed deeply, the weight of his responsibilities threatening to crush him. "Leo, you have no idea how glad I am to see you. Thank you for coming on such short notice." 
Leo’s eyes narrowed in on Liam, the concern deepening. 
“You have always been the strong one, Liam. But now, it's okay to lean on someone else. The whole kingdom has been in turmoil since that press conference broke. You are not alone in this. We'll get through it together." 
Liam nodded, appreciating the support. "I'm done with that sham of a marriage, Leo. I should have listened to you and trusted my instincts long ago. Go on, say it. You were right." 
Leo gave a reassuring pat on Liam's back. "It's never easy to see the truth when you're in the midst of it.”  
After placing two crystal tumblers and a bottle of Macallen’s on the desk, Leo took a seat across from Liam and poured scotch into each glass and slid one across the desktop. 
“What are your plans now, Li?” 
Liam’s jaw tightened, without hesitating. “First, I need to find Riley. I cannot let her slip away from my life, Leo. She means everything to me, and I’ve made a colossal mess of things. I must apologize and beg for her forgiveness. I hope that she will find it in her heart to understand.” 
Liam leaned back in his chair, considering more options. "And, I'll have to address the kingdom. We need to rebuild our family reputation and assure our people that we're still dedicated to their well-being." 
Leo nodded in agreement. "That's a good start. I am happy that you are not forgetting about yourself, Liam. You deserve happiness too. You should reach out to Riley, talk to her." 
Liam's expression softened at the mention of Riley's name. He knew Leo was right. "I am the problem, Leo. I need to make amends. But first, there's something I need to ask of you." 
Leo raised an eyebrow, curious. "What's that?" 
With a determined glint in his eye, Liam replied, "I need to attend the U.N. conference in New York City. It's time to strengthen our presence on the international stage and show the world that the Kingdom of Cordonia is still standing strong." 
Leo smiled and clapped his brother on the shoulder. "That's the spirit, Liam! But I have a better plan for you to consider.”  
Liam looked at his brother with interest. “How so?” 
“Let Olivia look after Cordonia and I will attend that party and put on a show they'll never forget.” 
Liam chuckled, shaking his head. “Leo, that includes speeches, meetings, dinners …” 
“Yeah, bro … not my first rodeo.” Leo grinned, mischievously. 
As the two brothers continued to discuss their plans for New York, the weight on Liam's shoulders seemed to lighten. 
Throne Room, Cordonian Palace 
The Cordonian throne room, adorned with opulent tapestries and bathed in the soft glow of crystal chandeliers was filled to capacity. Journalists and dignitaries from across the Kingdom had gathered, their expectant gazes fixed upon the ornate golden throne. 
King Liam stood before his throne, flanked by Leo and Olivia with a few trusted advisors. He took a deep breath, stealing himself for the task at hand. He could not allow the instability to persist in his absence, while in New York City. 
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Liam began, his voice projecting with regal authority, “I stand before you today to address the recent revelations concerning my Queen. I understand the concerns and questions that have arisen in the wake of the news presented by Madeleine, and I owe it to you, my people, to be forthright.” 
He paused, allowing the gravity of the moment to settle. Murmurs and camera flashes filled the room. 
“I have chosen to confront this issue with transparency and grace, as I believe it is my duty to lead with integrity. Madeleine 's past actions are her own, and she has taken responsibility for them. She has chosen to face the consequences, as we all must when we err.” 
The room was silent, captivated by his words. 
“I implore you to remember that as a Kingdom and society, we must learn to forgive and to grant the opportunity for redemption. Madeleine, like all of us, is capable of change and growth; albeit not in my Kingdom.” 
Liam's gaze swept the room, taking in the expressions of the gathered audience, some skeptical, some understanding, but all listening intently. 
“While I address this matter, I want to assure you that the governance of our Kingdom remains steadfast. My commitment to our people remains unwavering, and I will continue to lead with the same dedication and determination that you have come to expect from me.” 
He could sense the tension in the room began to ease, replaced by a quiet sense of hope and understanding. The support of his people was vital to maintain stability during this trying time. 
“I will now take leave to address the situation abroad,” Liam concluded. “I am heading to New York in pursuit of a personal matter. Rest assured, the affairs of our Kingdom are well attended to in my absence, and we will emerge from this challenge stronger, united and more resilient than ever. Thank you all for your attention.” 
With those words, Liam descended from the dais, surrounded by his Royal guard, chased by camera flashes and questions posed.
With the press statement concluded, Liam made his way back to his study where Bastien awaited him. 
“Your Majesty, the jet is ready and our contacts in America have been alerted,” Bastien reported. 
“Thank you, Bastien,” Liam responded. “Leo … let's not waste any more time.” 
 As the jet soared through the sky, bound for New York, Liam's thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainties. He knew that finding Riley was only the beginning. His challenge was to win her back. 
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Thanks for reading❤️
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graceofromanovs · 3 months
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Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich was born on 1 January 1891 in Saint Petersburg, Imperial Russia. He was the third son and fourth child of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich of Russia and his German-born wife Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mavrikievna. Konstantin was christened on 3 January at 2 in the afternoon at Marble Palace Church, St. Petersburg, by the Confessor of Their Majesties. His godparents were:
ALEXANDER III, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA - his father’s first cousin was named as one of his many godparents. He was highly reactionary in domestic affairs and reversed some of the liberal reforms of his father, Alexander II. He was most likely present at his young cousin’s christening.
GRAND DUKE KONSTANTIN NIKOLAEVICH OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandfather and namesake was one of his numerous godparents. He was the Viceroy of Poland from 1862 to 1863. His real influence on internal affairs after 1868 was insignificant. He was reportedly absent at his grandson's christening, due to his ill health.
CHARLES ALEXANDER, GRAND DUKE OF SAXE-WEIMAR-EISENACH - his parents' distant cousin (as a grandson of Emperor Paul I of Russia) was also named as the young Konstantin's godparent. He was absent at the prince's christening. He was the penultimate ruler of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, from 1853 until his death in 1901.
QUEEN MARIE OF HANOVER - his great-aunt, the last Queen consort of Hanover, was amongst his numerous godparents. She was absent at his christening.
ELISABETH, GRAND DUCHESS OF OLDENBURG - another of his great-aunt named as his godmother. Elisabeth, upon her marriage to the Grand Duke of Oldenburg used the funds given to her by her father to set up the Elisabeth Foundation, which still exists today. Like her sister Queen Marie, she was absent at her great-nephew's christening.
GRAND DUKE ALEXEI ALEXANDROVICH OF RUSSIA - his father's illustrious first cousin was named as the prince's godfather. Chosen for a naval career, Alexei started his military training at an early age. By the age of 20 he had been appointed lieutenant of the Imperial Russian Navy, eventually becoming general-admiral.
GRAND DUCHESS ALEXANDRA PETROVNA OF RUSSIA - his great-aunt,  the wife of Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich, was another of his godmothers.A plain, and serious woman, her marriage to Grand Duke Nicholas was an unhappy one. Nevertheless, she would enjoy and maintain a good relationship with a few of her nephews including Emperor Alexander III and Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich, who were sympathetic to her.
GRAND DUCHESS ALEXANDRA GEORGIEVNA OF RUSSIA - his paternal first cousin, the eldest daughter of King George I and Queen Olga, had been present and named as a godparent of Prince Konstantin, who was merely nineteen years her senior. In 1889, she married Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, the youngest brother of Emperor Alexander III.
GRAND DUKE MICHAEL NIKOLAEVICH OF RUSSIA - his great-uncle was also listed as his godparent, and had been present at the christening. A soldier for most of his adult life, he enjoyed a favourable relationship with the three last Emperors of Russia - his brother Alexander II; nephew Alexander III; and great-nephew Nicholas II.
GRAND DUKE PETER NIKOLAEVICH OF RUSSIA - his father's first cousin was another of his many godparents. He was the younger son of Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich and his wife grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna (also named as a godparent of Prince Konstantin, listed above).
PRINCESS AUGUSTA OF SAXE-MEININGEN - his maternal grandmother was also named as his godmother. In 1862, she married Prince Moritz of Saxe-Altenburg, and bore him five children.
PRINCESS LOUISE CHARLOTTE OF SAXE-ALTENBURG - his maternal aunt, the youngest sister of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mavrikievna was amongst his numerous godparents. Both Louise Charlotte and her mother Augusta were absent at Konstantin's christening.
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