#this actually got me into jazz
zeldatemple · 1 year
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parallelpie · 5 months
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First off this absolutely cursed AU was inspired by Lemonomelette and a post they made -X Secondly I imagine it all being about bots and cons trying to one up each others factions and not actually helping in any serious way because their too busy with their own faction bs.
Think of two rival car dealerships across the street one upping each other to get business and instead of business with cars its interstellar robot fairys trying to woo sm children to let them grant their inconsequential wishes (which may or may not be worth it) instead of the other guy next door.
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peak-dumbass · 13 days
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*emerges from the fog* have you heard of my boy called sideswipe he suffers from little bitch syndrome and unresolved trauma he refuses to talk about
I also think he’s aroace—*gets shot*
#LOOK I KNOW HE ACTS LIKE THE STRAIGHTEST GUY EVER BUT HEAR ME OUT—#he never actually shows romantic interest in anyone in the show#‘but windblade—’ he acts towards her the same way he acted towards jazz when he showed up they just form an actual friendship out of it#‘but strongarm—’ besties have you ever hear of having friends#‘but blurr—’ BESTIES HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF HAVING FRIENDS#anyways I really wished we actually got a backstory for him like why tf did he hate autobots so much in the beginning??#why is he such a troubled kid???? they hint towards him having abandonment issues and then never bring it up again like HUH?!?!#and I wouldn’t be annoyed if it wasn’t for the fact that we have a canonical backstory FOR EVERY OTHER CHARACTER OF THE MAIN CAST#we have episodes about strongarm’s days in the academy#we have 1 episode about drift’s time as deadlock and how he found his kids#we figure out what happened to fixit and the rest of his kind at the end of season 2#the only other character like this is grimlock but even then we at least have an EXPLANATION of why he is the way he is—#—being an ex-decepticon that was never really evil but just liked fighting for fun#meanwhile we have NO EXPLANATION for why sideswipe is the way he is AT ALL#he might as well have just popped out of cybertron a hater at birth and he technically would be the same as he is in-show#BUT THEN WE HAVE THE HINTS TOWARDS HIS ISSUES AND I JUST💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥#anyways can you tell that i’m Normal about him#rid 15#rid 2015#rid15#rid2015#tf rid 2015#tf rid15#transformers rid2015#transformers robots in disguise#robots in disguise 2015#rid sideswipe#rid jetstorm
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puppyeared · 10 months
Get sillay
Xīn Yá (left) belongs to me, Little Sailor (right) belongs to @crow-cap
Song: piranha creeper creek from super mario 3D world
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kosmic-remnant · 2 years
It's a Family Thing. 
Crack fic! AU. 
All of the Fenton siblings (Danny, Ellie and Jazz,) are dating one of the bat's kids. (Nightwing, Red Robin and Red Hood respectively.) 
None of them know they've been dating into the same family until the first reunion they had at Wayne's Manor. 
They three decide to pretend they don't know each other until they're completely alone in a safe-house. 
-Alright, for the sake of mi own sanity let's pretend that we don't know each other. —Danny, though the mind link Jazz set after that one (1) awkward beat of a second when they saw each other with another Wayne. 
-Agreed. —Jazz, initially, who was the one who bumped into Danny and Dick at the entrance. 
-Bet. —Ellie, who just wants to see the world burn. And who is also very embarrassed to know they all have the awful same taste.
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marc--chilton · 2 months
(mgv) OAUUGHHH lawrence and adam rooming together out of the hospital because it's made VERY CLEAR that they need each other close and safe after the trap. like @lucradiss said, they had to be moved into the same room because even after the smell of blood and shit and fear were cleaned off of them, their distress scent -- raw and unfiltered "NEED, COME BACK, DON'T LEAVE, WHERE ARE YOU, NEED YOU" -- was palpable enough to send their respective floors into a state of unease. and adam's being evicted, and tensions are high between lawrence and alison right now, so....
their new place doesn't scream "doctor's salary" but it's not a shithole either. one floor, too. at first they're in separate rooms but..... lawrence hasn't slept alone in years, and not having adam as close as possible still gives him some unease (if he can't see him how can he be sure he ever came back for him, got him out of there, let him live). he doesn't even get a chance to wheel by adam's room before the man himself is slipping into his. "keep seein' shit in the shadows. think i gotta take the door off my closet."
lawrence grants him half his bed easily. he also learns fairly quickly that adam is a funny sleeper. he burrows and squirms relentlessly in his sleep until he's nearly sideways with his head on lawrence's ribs. one time he woke up to adam sprawled bonelessly across his middle, slightly crushing him but mostly just endearing himself to lawrence.
the point of no return for Feeling Something More for adam was when diana stayed for the weekend. they hit it off well in the hospital already, so he wasn't worried about that. no, it was simply how much adam worried about making her feel safe there, because it might be her dad's place, but her dad has a roommate now and they didn't meet under fantastic circumstances. he doesn't want her to see him like zep, like some stranger in a home that isn't his.
(it is his home, though.)
he's trying so hard for this eight year old who's been through some shit, he wants her to like him, to be okay with him being there, and it chokes lawrence up if he thinks about it too hard. it feels a lot like a binding point between his old life and his new one. he loves them. he loves him.
diana learns what a 'pup pile' is that night. she has no siblings to pile up with, so she never got to learn, which just Isn't Right in adam's eyes. so that night adam stuffs them into their bed with the pillows and blankets from his old room they'll convert to be diana's, says, "three's not much a pile, but we'll work with what we got, right?" and hustles them into something comfortable, twined and piled on each other.
and if lawrence cries a few happy tears that night, well, he's allowed some by now, isn't he?
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coulrology · 2 months
So what's the lore with Juniper n their relationship with Vitimir n Hettie?
WELL for both, their relationships go back to their school days! Although the difference being that Juniper and Hettie went to St. Epiderm together, while Vitimir went to a different school (Glandus at the time he met Juniper).
I’ve briefly touched on how Juniper and Vitimir met here, so that explains their first meeting. To reiterate, Vitimir was a shy kid that didn’t really have any friends growing up (aside from bugs/whatever little creatures they spent their time around) and was bullied frequently, so that single positive interaction with Juniper, though small, really stuck with him and he never forgot it. Juniper didn’t forget it either, but being the sociable type meeting and talking to lots of different people, that moment sorta blended in with the rest of their memories. So fast forward to them both working as Coven Heads at the same time, Vitimir immediately recognizes Juniper. Despite Juniper changing a lot since his child self, that one good memory left such a big impact on Vitimir as a kid that he still held that soft spot for them. So of course, when Juniper eventually approached him on their own time, Vitimir already had this layer of vulnerability. Even though they might not have recognized him, from Vitimir’s perspective, there was that sense of familiarity and comfort; Juniper might have changed, but that kind kid was still in him. Now that they have the chance, Vitimir wants to actually get to know this one person who had plagued so many of their thoughts as a kid. And the rest is history!!
As for Hettie! Again, she and Juniper attended St. Epiderm together. Hettie was just as terrifying as a kid as she is now. She was everything- a jock, a princess, a bully, a weird girl, whatever you can think of. Though she’s very open about who she is, everyone around her was always so intimidated by the fact that she was unpredictable (and the fact that she’s both the smartest AND strongest person you’d ever meet is terrifying enough on its own). Most everyone- except for Juniper. To Juniper, Hettie was always such a character. She’s always been so confident and unapologetic, able to command people’s attention without even saying a word. Her unpredictability made everything she did so interesting. Juniper so deeply admired this about Hettie. And the fact that she’s 100% his type only drew them closer to her. Hettie was Juniper’s first ever crush, and that love Juniper had for her never faded. Though as kids, they weren’t in the same social circles, they did cross paths a lot, whether it was through Sonia (Scooter Crane’s daughter and childhood best friend to Juniper, who was also in the Healing Track), or Juniper getting injured for whatever ridiculous reasons. At this age, Hettie didn’t reciprocate her feelings (yet), but she had a fondness for Juniper because he was so different from the other kids for the fact alone that they had a (very obvious) crush on her. And while their crush may have caused them to do embarrassing things, and foolishly being used as her own guinea pig from time to time to practice her magic on, Hettie had cared about Juniper. To her, he always made life more fun and interesting. Fast forward to them as Coven Heads- Hettie has grown a stronger affection for Juniper. He’s changed over the years, but he still makes life so much more fun and interesting. Perhaps now, Hettie admires Juniper for the same exact reasons they always have her. They’re still a bit pathetic around her, but Hettie finds it endearing. Not to mention, Juniper still makes for a good doll to experiment on, and she takes good care of her favorite dolls ;-)
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metamatronic · 1 year
oh thank goodness the d1 polycule is in tact. FALSE ALARM GANG
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heartorbit · 11 months
hi orbit. what is shiho's gender
Fender American Ultra Jazz Bass®️ V
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little-pondhead · 2 years
I pity the souls who actually tries to read this madness. I’m sorry in advance.
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inu-jiru · 5 months
You know, sometimes I wonder if my ideas and OCS for The Hunger Series are too serious and deviate too much from HH and HB but then I watch the episodes and realize, yeah, I'm probably okay, lol
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poguniversity · 6 months
Shout out to laufey for making me re-fall in love with my singing voice
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mabelsguidetolife · 9 months
it me birthday *little horn toot*
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anotherpapercut · 7 months
sometimes I question the way spotify organizes things into genres. their genre playlists often have things that don't fit at all and this year my wrapped said I only listened to like 19 genres and there's just no way that's true. I have about 10 different genre playlists just that I've made and listened to this year alone not counting all of the stuff I've listened to that I don't have a genre specific playlist for
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hairtusk · 8 months
i am so so very fucking worried about tomorrow i literally want to be sick
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can't believe that until a year ago i used to hate genderbending that's so embarrassing lol glad i grew out of that and have learned to appreciate it properly
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